ESSENTIAL MACAU. April / May 2019

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2019年 4-5月第 49期 No. 49 April - May 2019

万国表 IWC 飞行员系列腕表 Pilote’s watches

老佛爷卡尔 ·拉格斐 Karl Lagerfeld 时装大帝的璀璨人生 The fashion genious life


母亲节 Mother’s day

Macau MOP 50 Hong Kong HKD 50 Mainland China RMB 50

奢华庆典 Luxury celebration

If he is a business leader

If he seeks information in Chinese

If he wants to go global

If he want to know all news before they’re printed

If he prefers to watch it on tv

If he wants the daily headlines in brief

If he is a fashion enthusiast

If he has a vision to share

If he needs creative marketing

All about communication

刘家扬 主编

EDWINA LIU Editor-in-chiEf



春天总是伴随着雨水的形象。中国名诗《清明》 也有写到“清明时节雨纷纷。”在每年四月这个悼 念逝去亲友的节日前后,天气都是如此应景,泪 水由于思念,绵绵不绝。在这个多愁善感的季 节,本期《精华》亦为早日在巴黎逝世的著名 设计师卡尔·拉格斐献上最真诚的悼念,并带大 家回顾这位巨匠一生的创作和贡献。 在阴雨绵绵的季节,室内活动才是最佳的选 择。作为亚洲最佳购物天堂之一的澳门,这里 有大大小小的商场和品牌适合各种客人。法国 奢 华 品 牌 Pinel et Pinel最 近 开 幕 了 首 家 澳 门 专 卖 店,《精华》对话其创始人兼设计师皮涅尔先 生,一起探索这些令绅士和女士们都钟情其中 的现代高级皮具背后的灵感故事。 本月到访的车迷们也有福了,亚洲首个法拉 利:跃马激情展览正于澳门新濠天地展出。车 迷 们 可 以 近 距 离 欣 赏 法 拉 利 史 上 10余 款 经 典 车 型 和 超 过 100款 原 创 手 工 制 品 , 其 中 许 多 都 来 自私人藏家,是首次在亚洲公开展出,还有大 量品牌历史档案所收录的手绘草图以及最初的 木制引擎、变速箱和其他法拉利开创性的工程 技术和设计模型。 在路氹 城另一边,哈利波特粉丝们千万别错 过 在 美 狮 美 高 梅 上 演 的 哈 利 波 特 ™电 影 交 响 音 乐会系列。音乐会系列为哈迷带来重新体验 J·K·罗琳魔法世界的全新机会。 如果您更希望趁着这个天气,在酒店内享受静谧 休闲的时光,《精华》杂志现已登陆进驻澳门银 河酒店、悦榕庄、丽思卡尔顿等各大奢华酒店客 房及餐厅,我们的精彩内容将带您走遍全球探索 高品质趣味生活。 值得让人高兴的是,我们知道雨水终将会停 止。祝你有个愉快的澳门之旅!

Spring has always seemed symbolised by or linked to rain. There is an old saying in China: “A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Qingming Festival”. Qingming is a traditional Chinese festival in April for people to mourn the departed people. In this sentimental season, we pay tribute to the legendary Germany fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who died on February 19 in Paris. Follow us as we look back on the life of this great creator. In damp climates, there is nothing better than enjoying fun indoor activities. As the best shopping paradise in Asia, Macau provides countless options for all guests. Luxury French brand Pinel et Pinel recently opened its first store in Macau, and Essential spoke to its founder and designer, Mr Fred Pinel, to learn more about these contemporary trunks, high-end leather goods for men and women and decoration accessories. For car enthusiasts, the first ‘Ferrari: Under the Skin’ exhibition in Asia is now on display at Macau’s City of Dreams. Visitors can enjoy 10 milestone cars and some 100 original artefacts from the legendary Italian icon’s rich history, many of which are from private collections and are on display in public for the first time in Asia. Right across the street, Harry Potter fans have a chance to see the first four films from The Harry Potter Film Concert Series at MGM Cotai’s MGM Theater. If you prefer to stay in the hotel for a quiet rest, Essential Macau is available in rooms of Galaxy Macau Hotel, Banyan Tree Macau, Ritz Carlton Macau and more luxury hotels and restaurants. We have prepared an array of interesting stories for you to read. The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. We hope you enjoy your trip in Macau.

专题特写 FEATURES 24


名表 Watch IWC万国表全新飞行员系列再添新款



名车 Auto 新款吉普牧马人的荣耀变身



设计师 Designer 时尚大帝卡尔·拉格斐的传奇璀璨人生



采访 Interview 独家专访法国行李箱品牌Pinel & Pinel掌舵人弗雷德·皮涅尔



潮流 Trends 2019春夏高定系列充满激情和乐趣





酒店 Hotel


瑰丽奢华的伦敦海德公园文华东方酒店经历两次大 火后,再次涅槃重生





装潢 Interiors Oitoemponto设计室妙手打造,令葡萄牙波尔图 全新的名胜宫殿酒店再现该市黄金时代的辉煌




设计 Design Bulthaup执行总裁马克·埃克特展望的未来厨房



庆典 Celebration 感恩母爱,以精彩节目庆贺母亲节



名厨 Chef 主厨Michele Tenzone悉心打理的珠海湾仔LaBrezza 意大利美食餐厅





巧克力 Chocolate 《可可家园》——巧克力爱好者的必读书






电影 Film






展览 Exhibition 澳门将于五月至十月举办精彩纷呈的国际艺术文化盛事




娱乐 Entertainment 预览新濠影汇飞车特技表演——「狂电派」




精品店 Boutique DFS旗下澳门T广场四季名店内的卡地亚精品店重新开幕




展览 Exhibition





时尚坊 Bazaar 梦寐以求的爱物




时尚 Fashion 流行色酷毙版



美妆品 Beauty 精华奢侈美妆品



新闻速递 News 酒店业新闻集锦


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创办人 Founding partners Bruce hawker - Paulo A. Azevedo - 总监及出版人 Director and publisher Paulo A. Azevedo - 国际编辑 International editor fernando caetano - 编辑助理 Editorial Coordinator cátia Matos - 編輯 Editor Edwina Liu -

连衣裙 Dress: 斯特拉·麦卡特尼 Stella McCartney


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特约撰稿人 Contributing writers Álvaro tavares ramos, carlos torres, catarina Vasques rito, césar Brigante, cláudia Baptista, Edwina Liu, Guilherme Marques 特约摄影师 Contributing photographers Pedro ferreira 中文翻译及校对 Chinese language translator/proofreader ProMPt Editorial Services 翻译:韩珺,吴炜声 校译:黎庄琳,徐彩燕 澳门发行 Distribution in Macau Michael rimando -

《澳门精华》由Global Asia Media Ltd出版, Global Asia Media Ltd为 Essential Macau is published by Global Asia Media Ltd, a company owned by:

+853 2833 1258 合资企业

欢 迎莅 临 魔法世界 Welcome to wizarding world 美狮 美高梅呈献哈 利 波特电 影 交响音 乐 会 系 列 The Harry Potter Film Concert Series is now at MGM Cotai 文/by EDWINA LIU 摄影/photos WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT, INC. 12 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Essential FILM


11 岁的男孩哈利·波特(Harry Potter)收 到了霍格沃茨魔法学校的入学通知书,自此, 他开始了打败伏地魔的征程。伏地魔是黑巫 师的首领,他最大的愿望是得到永生,推翻 巫师界政府——魔法部,征服并统治所有的 巫师和麻瓜(不会魔法的普通人)。 这正是英国作家 J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling) 创作的魔幻文学系列小说。自从第一部小说 《哈 利 波 特 与 魔 法 石 》面 世 以 来 ,哈 利 ·波 特系列便打通了现实世界到魔法世界的通 道,人气冲天,备受瞩目。 哈利波特小说系列由华纳兄弟影业公司 改编成了八部电影,系列电影不出所料一鸣 惊人、备 ཽ 受好评,在全球各地都取得了极大的 商业成功。系列电影的最后一部——《哈利波 特与死亡圣器(下)》是全球票房排名第三的 电影系列,全球总票房高达 77 亿美元。


2016 年 , 著 名 现 场 音 乐 演 奏 制 作 公 司 CineConcerts 和华纳兄弟消费制品宣布将举行 哈 利 波 特 ™电 影 交 响 音 乐 会 系 列 全 球 巡 演 , 用音乐颂扬哈利·波特™电影系列。音乐会 系列为哈迷带来重新体验 J·K·罗琳魔法世 界 的 全 新 机 会 。表 演 团 队 已 经 在 超 过 48 个 国家,进行了 900 余场演出。 今 年 四 月 ,澳 门 观 众 终 于 也 能 走 进 这 个 魔法世界了!哈利波特电影交响音乐会系列 由华人演艺国际制作有限公司主办,意大利

ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME CULTURAL PHENOMENON An 11 year-old boy, Harry Potter, receives an admission notice from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and so begins his story to defeat Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic, and subjugate all wizards and muggles (non-magical people). This is the series of novels written by British author J.K. Rowling. Since the release of the first novel, The Philosopher’s Stone, the series opened the gates between reality and the wizard world and found immense popularity. This fantastic story was adapted into an eight-part film series by Warner Bros. Pictures, and, as expected, the films became blockbuster and won critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide. The last film of the series – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 – is the third highest-grossing film series with $7.7 billion in worldwide receipts.

A NEW WAY FOR HARRY POTTER FANS TO EXPERIENCE THE FILMS In 2016, leading producers of live music experiences CineConcerts and Warner Bros. Consumer Products announced the Harry 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 13

Essential FILM

Potter™ Film Concert Series, a global concert tour celebrating the Harry Potter™ films. This concert series creates a brand new experience for fans to relive the magical experience from J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world, having travelled to over 48 countries for over 900 performances. This April, audiences in Macau can finally walk through the gates of this magical world. Organised by Chinese Performing Arts Production International (CPAP), the Orchestra Italiana del Cinema (OIC) will perform the first four films from The Harry Potter Film Concert Series, over eighteen shows, in the world’s first residency of this series at MGM Cotai’s MGM Theater. For the first time ever, audiences in Macau can experience each film from one of the most beloved series in history, projected in HD on the world’s largest indoor LED screen, while a full symphony performs the unforgettable score live to the picture. OIC is the first Italian symphonic ensemble dedicated to the interpretation and performance of film music, while promoting the heritage of original soundtracks. Dazzling audiences with multimedia concerts that effortlessly combine the footage of famous movies with their most memorable film scores, the OIC always performs live at world-class levels. With a wealth of experience in classical symphonic literatures, film scores and operas, Chinese conductor and violinist from Taiwan, Shih-Hung Young will lead all musicians on the stage to showcase an auditory feast for audiences. Pick up your wand and let’s return the wizarding world. Tickets are currently on sale via MGM’s official ticketing website. 쐽

电影交响乐团担纲演奏系列中首四部电影的 配乐,作为该音乐会系列特许的全球首个驻 场演出,在美狮美高梅「美高梅剧院」举办 十八场表演。澳门观众将有史以来首次以全 新方式重温这一史上最受欢迎的电影系列。 声势浩大的交响乐团演奏哈利波特电影令人 难忘的悦耳配乐时,现场的全球最大室内超 高清 LED 屏幕同时播放整部电影,为观众缔 造非凡试听体验。 意大利电影交响乐团致力于演绎和演 奏 电影音乐,同时推广传承原创音乐。乐团 一直都在呈现世界级的表演,透过多媒体音 乐会,举 重 若 轻 地 以 让 人 难 忘 的 电 影 配 乐 演 奏 ,烘 托带出著名电影的故事情节,乐景 交融,迷倒无数观众。拥有丰富的古典交响 乐 、电 影 配 乐 、歌 剧 指 挥 经 验 的 台 湾 著 名 指 挥 家 和 小 提 琴 演 奏 家 杨 士 弘 博 士 ,将 带 领意大利电影交响乐团全体音乐家为观众 奉上一场听觉盛宴。 快 拿 起 魔 杖 ,让 我 们 一 起 重 临 魔 法 世 界 吧 。 音 乐 会 门 票 已 公 开 发 售 ,购 票 请 登 录 美 高 梅票务官网。 쐽 14 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


艺术 文 化 荟萃 澳门 Artistic Macau 五月至 十月期间到访澳门 , 见证独 一 无 二 的 国 际 艺 文 盛 事 , 共度 一 个丰盛 美 好的 艺 术 长 夏 Visit Macau between May and October to witness a one-of-a-kind international artistic and cultural extravaganza

个 夏 天 ,澳 门 游 客 可 在 各 大 博 物 馆 及度假村欣赏并参与丰富多彩的 展览及活动。澳门特区政府及多家度假 村 和 酒 店 企 业 合 作 , 推 出 “艺 文 荟 澳 ” (Art Macao)大 型 国 际综 合性文 化艺 术盛 会 , 为 公众 带 来 一连 串精 彩 纷呈 的 节目 活 动。 “庆 祝 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 成 立 七 十 周 年 暨 澳门回归祖国二十周年 美在新时代──中 国美术馆典藏大 师 作 品展”将 为 活动预热。 展览将从中国美术馆馆藏作品中精选出 近 现 代 名 家 大 师 作 品 近 九 十 件 ,展 出 齐 白 石、张大千、徐悲鸿、刘海粟、林风眠、傅 抱 石 、李 可 染 等 大 师 作 品 。 展 期 从 2019 年 5 月 4 日 持 续 到 7 月 28 日 ,地 点 为 澳 门 艺 术 博物馆,免费入场,不容错过。 “艺 文 荟 澳 ”亦 为 艺 术 爱 好 者 提 供 另 一 场 视 觉 盛 宴 ,让 市 民 和 游 客 有 机 会 在 本 澳 欣 赏 到 大 英 博 物 馆 馆 藏 杰 作 。“大 英 博 物 馆 馆 藏 意 大 利 文 艺 复 兴 素 描 展 ”展 出 包 括 曼 特 尼 亚 、 柯 勒 乔 、 达 文 西 、米 开 朗 基 罗 、 提 香 、 拉 斐 尔 、 罗 素 . 菲 伦 蒂 诺 等 42 位 意 大 利 文 艺 复 兴 大 师 共 52 幅 素 描 真 迹 , 从 中 可 见 1470 年 至 1580 年 期 间 素 描 艺 术 对 于 艺 术 家 工 作 和 思 考 方 式 的 重 要 作 用 。展 期 为 4 月 12 日 至 6 月 30 日 , 于 澳 门 艺 术 博 物 馆 展 出 。今 年 适 逢 达 文 西 逝 世 500 周 年 ; 展 览 设于 4 月开 幕,亦正 好 呼应 达 文西 的 诞 辰 ( 1452 年 4 月 15 日 ),别具 意 义。是次 展览 亦 将 首 次 在 澳 门 以 3D 打 印 及 相 关 技 术 为 视 障 人 士 提 供 触 觉 体 验 , 推行 文化无 障碍 。 此 外 ,观 众 还 可 以 尽 情 参 与 澳 门 国 际 青年音乐节、国际青年舞蹈节等各种艺术、 创 意 盛 事 。举 办 “艺 文 荟 澳 ”,旨 在 改 变 人 们对澳门的审美观感以及提升澳门的文 化形象,同时促进澳门发展成为世界旅 游休 闲中 心 。 쐽 16 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


his summer, Macau visitors can enjoy wonderful exhibitions and events in museums and resorts. In co-operation with hotels and integrated resorts, Macao SAR Government presents ART MACAO, bringing an array of exciting events to this city. Kicking off the extravaganza is the Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland Beauty in the New Era – Masterpieces from the Collection of the National Art Museum of China. The exhibition displays nearly 90 pieces of land-

scape art works the National Art Museum of China, showcasing masterpieces by Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Liu Haisu, Lin Fengmian, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, among others. The display takes places at Macao Museum of Art from May 4 until July 28 and admission is free. Art Macao also provides a chance for art fans to enjoy another visual feast with masterpieces from the British Museum. The exhibition “Italian Renaissance Drawings from the British Museum”, to be held from 12 April to 30 June at Macao Museum of Art, features a total of 52 drawings by 42 Italian Renaissance masters, such as Mantegna, Correggio, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian, Raphael and Rosso Fiorentino, probing into the important role of sketches in the work and thinking of the artists during the period between 1470 and 1580. This year marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. The exhibition is inaugurated in April, which coincides with the birth of Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452), marking significance to the pre-event. In the exhibition, 3D printing and relevant technology will be introduced for the first time in Macao to provide a tactile experience for people with visual impairments, thereby promoting cultural experience without boundaries. Moreover, visitors can have fun with multiple arts and creative activities such as the Macao International Youth Music Festival and the International Youth Dance Festival,etc. This initiative not only elevates the aesthetic perceptions and cultural image of Macau, but it also facilitates the evolution of the city as a world centre for tourism and leisure. 쐽

鲁迅故乡\绍兴河滨, 吴冠中

Hometown of Lu Xun / A brook in Shaoxing, Wu Guanzhong

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 17

致敬经典 Vertikal (Photo credit: Laurent Philippe)

A tribute to the classics 今年 5 月举行的第三十届澳门艺术节,将呈献丰富多元的节目及延伸活动, 与民众共品经典佳作 This May, the 30th Macao Arts Festival (MAF) presents a rich variety of performances and outreach activities, and is inviting the public to appreciate the classics together

年五月,来自全球各地的艺术家齐聚 澳门为观众奉上精彩纷呈的表演节 目 。今 年 已 是 澳 门 第 三 十 周 年 举 办 这 个 集 艺术、音乐及戏剧于一身的文化盛事。 本 届 艺 术 节 以 ”致 敬 经 典 ”为 主 题 , 呈 现一系列伟大的经典佳作。艺术节以惊艳的 《 垂 舞 之 巅 》(Vertikal)拉 开 序 幕 。《 垂 舞 之 巅 》 由 当 红 法 国 编 舞 家 Mourad Merzouki 与世界最佳嘻哈舞团之一的格飞舞团联 手 打 造 。舞 者 将 在 垂 吊 钢 索 辅 助 下 凌 空 飞 越 ,克 服 地 心 引 力 来 呈 现 轻 盈 而 优 美 的 垂 直舞蹈动作,展示非一般的当代嘻哈舞,令 人叹为观止。 舞迷万勿错过比利时编舞家安娜.泰瑞 莎.姬尔美可(Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker)携 其罗莎舞团呈献的舞蹈作品《雨》 (Rain)。节 目中,观众将透过“雨帘”观赏表演,舞者接 续呈现一连串高超舞技,辅以感情丰富的细 腻演绎,摄人心魄,让观众沉醉不已。 18 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


The Soul of Macao

very May, Macau city invites artists from all over the world to present extraordinary performances for audiences. This year marks the 30th time Macau has been hosting this festival of art, music and theatre. Themed “a tribute to classics”, this year, an array of great classic masterpieces can be seen at MAF, kicking off with the stunning Vertikal performance. Produced by renowned French choreographer Mourad Merzouki and worldleading hip-hop troupe CCN Créteil et Valde-Marne / Cie Käfig, audiences will be wowed by the unique, contemporary hip-hop sequences. Dancers will dash in the air with the support of ropes, breaking free from the limits of gravity to generate choreographic movements. Dance lovers cannot miss the dance show Rain, produced by famous Belgian choreo-

Essential FESTIVAL

Rain (Photo credit: Anne Van Aerschot)


作为中国与葡萄牙文化交流的桥梁,澳门 是见证中西社会交流碰撞的最佳城市。本届 澳门艺术节特别呈献改编自老舍同名小说的 著名话剧《二马》,该剧糅合京味风趣与英式 幽默,属上乘佳作,机会难得,不可错过!另 一 部 葡 萄 牙 经 典 戏 剧 《卡 尔 的 荒 诞 酒 馆 》 (Karl Valentin Kabarett),由 葡 萄 牙 电 击 剧 团 (Teatro do Elétrico)制 作 ,是 一 场 集 现 场 音 乐、舞蹈和戏剧的戏剧汇演。 为庆祝粤剧成功入选“人类非物质文化遗 产 代 表 作 名 录 ”十 周 年 ,艺 术 节 特 别 呈 献 闭 幕粤剧巨献《镜海魂》。这个由国家一级编剧 李新华改编自澳门作家原创的剧目,由澳门 和 佛 山 粤 剧 院 演 员 联 手 联 手 演 绎 ,重 现 一 段惊天动地的历史故事。这部制作充分体现 粤港澳大湾区内的深度文化合作。 쐽

grapher Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and her dance company Rosas. During the show, the audience will be immersed in the story and feel the emotions of the performers through a curtain of fine strings, displaying an impressive succession of virtuoso dance phrases.

CULTURE BLENDING As the bridge of Chinese and Portuguese culture, Macau is the best place to witness the exchange and collision between Chinese and Western societies. MAF offers a rare opportunity for audiences to see famed play Mr Ma and Son, adapted from Chinese master writer Lao She’s classic novel. This play will be presented with the combination of Beijingstyle wit and English humour. Another classic

Mr. Ma and Son (Photo provided by BJAMC Drama)

Portugal play, Karl Valentin Kabarett by Teatro do Elétrico, will be brought to Macau as a theatrical performance featuring music, dance and drama. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the induction of Cantonese opera into the “Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”, MAF also presents the closing performance The Soul of Macau, adapted by national first-class playwright Li Xinhua from an original play written by a Macau writer. The show is jointly presented by actors from Macau and the Foshan Cantonese Opera Troupe, bringing the history of Macau to life and reflecting the in-depth cultural collaboration in the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area. 쐽

Karl Valentin Kabarett (Photo credit: Alípio Padilha)

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 19

最 疯狂 刺 激的周年 庆 An electrifying anniversary celebration 近 距离体 验澳 门新 濠影 汇最 疯狂 飞车 特 技 表 演 — — 「 狂 电 派 」 A look into Studio City’s new stunt show, ELĒKRŎN

日,当我要找地方庆祝结婚纪念日的 时候,澳门首先跳进了我的脑海。澳 门被誉为亚洲的拉斯维加斯,汇集了数不清 的娱乐项目,比如在周边地区最闻名遐迩的 「水舞间」。 今年初,澳门新濠影汇隆重推出全新室內 飞车特技表演节目——ELĒKRŎN「狂电派」。 「狂 电 派 」是 全 球 首 个 集 动 作 、全 电 动 汽 车 特 技 表 演 于 一 体 的 室 内 表 演 节 目 ,对 于 像 我先生这样的疯狂车迷来说,简直是无与伦 比的结婚纪念日礼物。 新濠影汇推出的优惠套票仿佛是为我们 特 别 定 制 的 。仅 888 元 澳 门 元 ,我 们 就 能 获 得 2 张 B 区 标 准 成 人 票 ,原 价 可 是 每 张 580 元 澳 门 币 ,我 当 然 不 能 错 过 这 个 难 得 的 机 会,于是立即预定套票。 终 于 等 到 了 演 出 的 日 子 。因 为 格 外 期 待 这个节目,我们提前来到新濠影汇,先去新 濠影汇「澳门食街游」搜罗品尝了一些本地 美食和小食。 等到演出开始时,场内已经座无虚席,75 分钟的表演就像一场电影板般梦幻刺激。我 们 随 着 演 员 们 飞 向 了 设 定 在 2088 年 的 后 世 20 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

界末日,在那个世界里,矿物燃料已被消耗 殆尽,人们为了生存不得不分成几个大部群。 我们非常喜欢这个有趣的故事和戏剧性十 足、极为危险和大胆的特技表演。我先生最 爱的是让人血脉贲张的飞车场景,动力强大 的电动车——包括跑车、定制四驱车、四轮

摩托车,越野摩托车、FMX 越野摩托车—— 一一几乎是紧贴观众零距离地进行着一连 串 与 死 神 擦 肩 而 过 的 飞 驰 。如 果 你 是 电 影 《速度与激情》(Fast&Furious)的影迷,我保 证 ,亲 眼 看 到 现 场 飞 驰 表 演 一 定 会 让 你 更 加兴奋和震撼。 对 我 来 说 ,最 令 人 难 忘 的 一 幕 要 数 让 人 屏息的“火焰战士 – 电光火石火焰表演”,掌 控元素力量的火焰战士诱发火爆能量,召唤 强烈电子风暴,以飞舞的火舌、震撼的爆破 照亮大地,对抗黑暗势力。另一幕让人震撼 的场景是“色彩重临 – 燃亮沙漠的庆典”,战 神伏特与天际舞士的首领天姬仙娜,找到了 新家园——ELĒKRŎN,一块充满希望、象征 着全新开始的土地,部群勇士和 Noodle Beats 舞 车 和 其 他 战 友 一 起 跑 跃 飞 跳 ,忘 形 施 展 特技,庆祝这辉煌时刻。 虽然演出长达一个多小时,不间歇的壮观、 震撼动作场面,让我们自始至终都屏息而待。 欣 赏 完 了 这 场 独 一 无 二 的 表 演 之 后 ,我 们 又 在 新 濠 影 汇 米 其 林 一 星 餐 厅 玥 龙 轩 享 受 了 极 致 典 雅 的 粤 式 美 馔 。多 么 难 忘 的 结 婚纪念日! 쐽



ecently, when I was looking for special events for my wedding anniversary celebration, Macau was the first place that jumped to mind. Hailed as the Las Vegas of Asia, there are countless entertainment options in this city, such as The House of Dancing Water, the best show in nearby cities. Earlier this year, Studio City announced a brand new indoor theatrical stunt show – ELĒKRŎN. It is the world’s first indoors theatrical, action-packed, all-electric car stunt show, which was perfect for my husband – a crazy car lover. Studio City also suggested a special offer that is tailor-made for us. For only MOP 888, we could have two standard adult B Reserve tickets, which are originally MOP 580 each. So I had no reason to reject this enticing deal. Finally, it was the day of the show. We were very eager to see the performance so we arrived a bit ahead of time. We enjoyed food hunting at Studio City’s Macau Gourmet Walk and ate some local treats and quick bites. When the time finally came, the seats were fantastic and the 75-minute show was almost like a movie. We followed as the performers flew to a post-apocalyptic world set in around 2088, where the world has run out of fossil fuels and people have divided into large tribes to find ways to survive. We really enjoyed the interesting story and dramatic, dangerous and daredevil circus skills. My husband loved the thrilling stunt-driving scenes that the powerful electric vehicles – including sports cars, customised buggies, quads, trials bikes and FMX bikes– all engaged in a succession of fearless feats that take place incredibly close to the audience. If you are a Fast and Furious fan, I guarantee that you would be even more amazed if you saw the cars perform live.

For me, the most memorable scene must be the breath-taking fire performance, when the Sparks conjure up a powerful electrical storm channelling the heat and light from the land to counter the darkness. Another amazing scene was the party in the desert, when Volt and Zener, the leader of the Arc Angels, found a new home – ELĒKRŎN, a land of hope and new beginnings. The Tribe members and Noodle Beats dance truck came together and celebrated the shining glory with an array of crazy parkour acrobatics. Although the show was over one hour, the spectacular, non-stop action-packed spectacle kept us on the edge of our seats from start to finish. After seeing this one-of-a-kind performance, we also had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed a refined taste of China at one-Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant Pearl Dragon in Studio City. Such an unforgettable anniversary! 쐽

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 21

Essential BOUTIQUE

卡 地 亚澳 门精品店新装 开幕 cartier unveils newly renovated boutique in Macau 位 于 DFS 旗下 澳门 T 广场 四季 名店 的 卡 地 亚 (Cartier)精 品 店 , 新装 后以 焕然 一新 面 貌 开 张 迎 客 Cartier opened the doors of its new boutique to revel a complete transformation at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, Shoppes at Four Seasons 文/by EDWINA LIU

门是亚洲最顶级的购物天堂之一。 新年伊始,法国奢侈品牌卡地亚 (Cartier)为其重新装修的澳门精品店盛大揭 幕。卡地亚精品店位于 DFS 旗下澳门 T 广场 四季名店,占地面积 333 平方米,由巴黎著名 艺术家兼装潢设计师 Bruno Moinard 倾情打造。 22 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Bruno Moinard 运 用 其 建 筑 理 念 ,打 造 出 这家糅合传统与现代风格的卡地亚精品店。 柔和的光线、长方形的空间和采用透视设计 的门面,为店铺营造出热情而优雅的氛围。 店内设计着重采用卡地亚品牌鲜明的标 志性经典元素,例如猎豹和其他具有历史意


t the beginning of the New Year, French luxury brand Cartier unveiled their newly renovated boutique in Macau – one of the best shopping paradises in Asia. Located at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, Shoppes at Four Seasons, this 333sqm boutique was designed by

Essential BOUTIQUE

义的图像,加上柔和的香槟色调及和谐的装 饰细节点缀,散发现代时尚的优雅魅力。店 铺位于澳门最具商业活力的路氹金光大道 上,还特别开设了男士专区,以服务独具品 味的赌客。 为了庆祝精品店的盛大翻新,卡地亚特别 推出了全新手袋系列-Guirlande de Cartier,系 列包包共有三种尺寸。系列灵感源自卡地亚 经典的红色珠宝盒。系列手袋以丰盈柔软的 小牛皮制成,包含线条利落的八个琢面,并 缀以金色饰带,别具匠心尽展个性。 쐽

Parisian artist and interior designer Bruno Moinard. The designer perfectly merges tradition and modernity through his architectural concept. Featuring light, rectangular shapes and see-through contrasts on the façade, the boutique gives a bold yet elegant first impression. The interior emphasises the strong codes and emblems of the maison, such as the panther and other historical iconography, set with décor displaying subtle shades of champagne and organic details that exude contemporary chic

and elegance. Specific to this boutique within one of Macau’s most vibrant venues, a dedicated masculine area is designed to cater to a discerning gaming clientele. To celebrate the grand refurbishment, Cartier brings to this boutique a new bag collection – Guirlande de Cartier, available in three sizes. Inspired by the maison’s iconic red case, the bag is shaped in the form of eight clean-cut facets carved from luxuriant calfskin stamped with a gold frieze. 쐽

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 23

Essential WATCHES

壮 志 凌云 翱 翔天 际 flying high 每年 一月份在举行的日内瓦 国 际高级 钟 表 展 上 ,IWC 万 国 表 都 会 推 出 品牌 最 新力作,今年也不例 外 。《精 华 》 杂 志 记 者 前 往 瑞 士 日 内 瓦 探 索 , 与您同赏航空主 题 的万国 表 之 巧 夺 天 工 之 作 Just like every year, IWC presented its latest timepieces on the occasion of the SIHH, which took place in Geneva during the month of January. Essential went to see the new models for 2019, whose common theme is aviation 文/by CÉSAR BRIGANTE

Essential WATCHES


WC万国表(International Watch Company) 与 航 空 之 间 的 关 系 可 以 追 溯 到 1930年 代 ,当时导航仪器还处在发展萌芽期,万国 表 可 谓 此 领 域 的 先 驱 。 沙 夫 豪 森 (Schaffhausen)万国表第一款量产导航腕表 是 Mark II马 克 二 世 , 该 表 是 品 牌 于 1948年 受英国皇家空军委托研发制造,不仅成为了 腕表经典还奠定了品牌在航空腕表领域的 坚实基础:航空腕表比其他表款更强调功 能为首,造型居次。 瑞 士 品 牌 IWC 万 国 表 由 美 国 人 佛 罗 伦 汀 ·阿里奥斯托·琼斯(Florentine Ariosto Jones) 于 1868 年 创 立 。 万 国 表 2019 年 全 新 作 品

于 今 年 初 在 日 内 瓦 国 际 高 级 钟 表 展 (Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie,SIHH)上亮 相 ,航 空 主 题 新 作 展 现 了 品 牌 在 该 领 域 丰 富精湛的制表工艺成就。 IWC 万 国 表 除 了 在 展 会 上 发 布 了 Spitfire 喷 火 战 机 系 列 、Top Gun 海 军 空 战 部 队 系 列 和向法国作家和飞行员安东尼·圣艾修佰里 ( Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) 致 敬 的 “Le Petit Prince 小王子”特别版系列;同时还宣布了一 个激动人心的项目,该项目定会加强万国表 同 皇 家 空 军 的 传 奇 战 斗 机 Spitfire 喷 火 战 机 的联系。且品牌的全新系列中有一个系列就 是以该战机命名。


he link between IWC (International Watch Company) and aeronautics dates back to the 1930s, pioneering times when navigation instruments were still very rudimentary. The first navigation watch produced systematically by the Schaffhausen manufacturer was Mark II, the result of a commission by the British Royal Air Force in 1948, a piece that became iconic and was defining in the journey that IWC would pave in this particular field of watchmaking in which, more than any other, form follows function.

Essential WATCHES

Steve Brooks


作 为 今 年 飞 行 主 题 的 一 部 分 ,同 时 为 了 突显品牌致力打造航空腕表的决心,IWC 万 国表与古德伍德机场(Goodwood Aerodrome) 展开合作。古德伍德机场坐落在英格兰南部 西萨塞克斯郡、知名的古德伍德庄园内,每 年 有 超 过 18,000 次 航 班 在 此 起 飞 。此 外 ,古 德伍德庄园还以包括赛车节在内的大量年 度活动闻名遐迩。 著 名 的 堡 特 比 飞 行 学 院 (Boultbee Flight Academy)也位于古德伍德庄园。作为世界第 一家喷火战斗机专业培训机构,堡特比飞行 学院将与 IWC 万国表合作,计划于明年夏天 驾驶二战期间的传奇战斗机银翼喷火战斗机 进 行 “Silver Spitfire – The Longest Flight 银 翼 喷火战斗机—最长飞行”远征。 堡 特 比 飞 行 学 院 创 始 人 史 蒂 夫 ·博 尔 特 比 ·布 鲁 克 斯 (Steve Boultbee Brooks)和 马特·琼斯(Matt Jones)接受了这一挑战。两 位经验丰富的飞行员将在为期数月的远征 中 飞 越 超 过 4.3 万 公 里 航 程 ,航 迹 遍 布 26 个 国家。这次远征史无前例,远非易事。 由雷金纳德·约瑟夫·米切尔(Reginald J. Mitchell)设 计 的 Spitfire 喷 火 战 斗 机 超 级 敏 捷、易操纵,能够成功执行短距离任务,速 度 可 以 相 对 降 低 到 750 公 里 。这 样 低 的 速 度 也 意 味 着 此 次 总 超 过 4.3 万 公 里 的 总 行 程 将 分成 100 个航段完成。 执行此次飞行远征的战斗机来自一家 博 物 馆 。该 战 机 1943 年 建 造 于 布 罗 米 奇 堡 (Castle Bromwich),服役期间共飞行了 500 次。 Spitfire 喷火战斗机的行程极为遥远,并将遭 遇各种极端状况,受到各种考验,因此为了 完成本次艰巨的任务,飞机需要全部拆解并 重 新 精 心 组 装 。 即 便 有 14 位 专 家 耗 费 2 年 时间对它进行了精心修复,依旧需要每飞行 25 小时后就进行检查。 26 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Matt Jones

The brand’s new pieces for 2019 were presented earlier this year at the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) in Geneva and are centred on this kind of timepiece. They celebrate this rich heritage so dear to the Swiss brand, found by the American Florentine Ariosto Jones in 1868. On display were the Spitfire and Top Gun lines, as well as the collection dedicated to the work Le Petit Prince, by the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, accompanied by an exciting initiative that promises to strengthen IWC’s link to the RAF’s legendary Spitfire that now gives its name to one of the house’s collections.

AROUND THE WORLD Part of this year’s theme, and to emphasise IWC’s commitment to aeronautics, a partnership was made with Goodwood Aviation, of the famous Goodwood Estate located in Chichester in the south of England, where it maintains the aircrafts and is responsible for the more than 18,000 flights that take place annually at the aerodrome on the estate, recognised among other things for the racing events that take place there. The same estate is also home to the Boultbee Flight Academy, the first official Spitfire flight school, which joined IWC to undertake the project “Silver Spitfire – The Longest Flight” next summer, which proposes to circumnavigate the world in the legendary World War II plane. The challenge was embraced by the pilots Steve Boultbee Brooks and Matt Jones, founders of the academy. The journey, in which the two experienced pilots will cover more than

43,000km and 26 countries, has never been attempted before and is far from being an easy feat. The Spitfire, designed by Reginald Mitchell, was conceived to be a highly agile and easily manoeuvrable combat weapon, able to execute short missions successfully, with a relatively reduced speed of around 750km. This low autonomy means that this journey around the world, a total of more than 43,000km, will be split into 100 segments. The plane selected to complete this pioneering challenge was uncovered in a museum. Built in 1943 in Castle Bromwich, it completed over 500 flights during its service. To fulfil this difficult mission, where it will go to faraway places and be exposed to extremely adverse conditions that will put it to the test radically, it was completely disassembled and meticulously restored. Even so, although the task involved around 14 experts for two years, the aircraft still needs to be checked every 25 hours of flight. To mark the exceptional character of this project but without removing the patina of a lifetime, the sheet that coats the body, as well as other visible components, were intensively polished to achieve a chrome effect. As well as enhancing the striking aerodynamic lines of this military aviation icon, it also makes it a symbolic “reflection of time”.

SPITFIRE - FORM AND FUNCTION The Spitfire line that was inspired by the iconic Mark11 aims to emulate the qualities of this incredible flying machine as closely as possible. According to IWC, it translates into a

Essential WATCHES

为 了 凸 显 这 次 飞 行 远 征 的 特 殊 意 义 ,机 身和其他许多零件进行了抛光,以呈现闪亮 光泽,从而赋予飞机炫目的银色外观,但保 留 了 飞 机 过 往 服 役 遗 留 下 来 的 锈 迹 。这 样 , 除了使得这架军用机美丽的线条更惊艳炫 目外,同时使飞机本身成为“历史的印证”。

喷火战机——融合美艳外形与卓 越功能

Spitfire 喷 火 战 机 飞 行 员 腕 表 系 列 设 计 灵 感源自经典的马克十一(Mark11)导航腕表, 旨在神形兼备地模仿喷火战机,最终,万国 表成功打造出一款完美融合美艳外形与卓 越功能的腕表。 所有喷火战机飞行员腕表系列均搭载 IWC 万国表自制机芯。但最值得一提的要数 为上文提到的远征飞行项目特别打造的 Pilot’s Watch Timezoner Spitfire Edition “The Longest Flight”喷 火 战 机 飞 行 员 世 界 时 区 腕 表 “最长的飞行”限量版。它专为两位飞行员史 蒂夫·博尔特比·布鲁克斯和马特·琼斯研 发,助力二人驾驶喷火战机完成环球飞行之 旅 。限 量 版 腕 表 仅 限 量 发 行 250 枚 ,搭 载 品 牌 最 近 推 出 的 自 制 82760 型 机 芯 。同 时 ,腕 表 还 首 次 配 备 82760 型 自 动 上 链 机 芯 的 专 利时区功能。

诸 多 超 卓 功 能 中 ,只 需 旋 转 表 圈 即 可 将 腕表设置到其他时区,而且时针、24 小时显 示 和 日 期 将 会 一 同 自 动 调 整 。腕 表 机 芯 搭 载比勒顿(Pellaton)自动上链系统,可提供 60 小时动力储备。 除了 Pilot’s Watch Timezoner Spitfire Edition “The Longest Flight”喷火战机飞行员世界时区 腕表“最长的飞行”限量版外,喷火战机飞行 员 系 列 还 推 出 了 其 他 四 款 腕 表 。 Big Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Spitfire 喷火战机大型 飞行员万年历腕表,表如其名,万年历表搭 配日期、星期、月份及四位数数字年份显示 的南北半球万年历月相盈亏显示,限量发行 250 枚 。 有 史 以 来 第 一 次 , IWC 万 国 表 将 拥 有 世 界 时 间 功 能 的 机 芯 用 在 了 Pilot’s Watch UTC Spitfire edition 喷 火 战 机 飞 行 员 UTC 世 界 标 准 时 间 腕 表 中 , 该 款 腕 表 只 限 量 发 行 271 枚 。最 后 ,系 列 中 只 有 两 款 腕 表 不 是 限 量 版 :Pilot Watch Chronograph Spitfire 喷 火 战 机 飞 行 员 计 时 腕 表 和 Pilot’s Watch Automatic Spitfire 喷 火 战 机 飞 行 员 自 动 腕 表 。 前 者 是 品 牌 首 个 搭 载 69000 型 机 芯 系 列 机 芯 , 具 小 时 、分 钟 和 秒 钟 计 时 功 能 的 腕 表 ; 后 者 是 首 个 搭 载 属 于 全 新 32000 型 机 芯 系 列之一的腕表,表盘直径 39 毫米,是整个系 列中直径最小的。

watch that is the perfect synthesis between form and function. In this collection, all the models are equipped with calibres from the Schaffhausen manufacturer. However, the highlight, naturally, is the machine that accompanies the project mentioned above: the Pilot’s Watch Timezoner Spitfire Edition “The Longest Flight”. This piece was conceived especially for Steve Boultbee Brooks and Matt Jones, equipped with the recently created calibre 82760 from the Swiss house. This limited edition of just 250 pieces presents the patented Timezoner mechanism with automatic movement for the first time. Among its particularities is the possibility to adjust it to a different time zone by simply turning the bezel. The hour hand, the 24-hour dial and the date turn simultaneously. The calibre that equips this piece presents a ceramic Pellaton automatic winding system and a power reserve of 60 hours. Besides this one, there are four other models in the Spitfire line. The Big Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Spitfire, as the name indicates, is a perpetual calendar with date, day, month and year indicator in four digits and a perpetual 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 27

Essential WATCHES

前卫的 Top Gun 海军空战 部队系列

Top Gun 海 军 空 战 部 队 腕 表 由 IWC 万 国 表 于 2007 年 推 出 ,名 字 源 自 美 国 海 军 的 “攻 击 战 斗 机 战 术 教 练 计 划 ”。该 计 划 为 精 英 海 军飞行员提供飞行和战术培训。 Pilot’s Watches 飞 行 员 系 列 腕 表 体 现 出 飞 行设备的前卫特色和王牌飞行员坚韧不拔的 个 性 。系 列 腕 表 都 是 根 据 飞 行 员 的 日 常 计 划和极端严苛的飞行状况所设计,采用了陶 瓷 及 钛 金 等 高 端 耐 用 材 料 。 IWC 万 国 表 于 2019 年 推 出 的 瓷 化 钛 金 属 (Ceratanium),是 由品牌研发、兼具钛金属和陶瓷两种材质优 点的革命性材料,并已用其打造出包含按钮 和表扣在内的全黑腕表,且不用进行任何涂 层 。该 系 列 还 有 一 款 腕 表 是 首 款 沙 色 陶 瓷 海 军 空 战 部 队 腕 表 ,颜 色 与 海 军 飞 行 员 的 飞行服和谐配衬。 Top Gun 海 军 空 战 部 队 系 列 已 经 推 出 了 四 款 腕 表 。Pilot’s Watch Double Chronograph TOP GUN Ceratanium 海军空战部队瓷化钛金 属 双 秒 追 针 计 时 腕 表 是 IWC 万 国 表 首 款 采 用 了 瓷 化 钛 金 属 材 料 的 腕 表 。它 搭 载 79420 型 自 动 上 链 机 芯 ,配 备 集 成 式 追 针 计 时 功 能,可以使腕表同时进行两个独立的计时任 务 ,并 提 供 44 小 时 动 力 储 备 。Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition "Mojave Desert” 海 军 空 战 部 队 计 时 腕 表 “莫 哈 维 沙 漠 ”特 别 28 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

moon phase for the north and south hemispheres, in a limited edition of 250 units. For the first time, IWC included the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) function in their calibres in the Pilot’s Watch UTC Spitfire edition, another limited edition of 271 pieces. Finally, the only two models in this collection whose production is not limited: Pilot Watch Chronograph Spitfire, for the first time with a calibre of the 69000 family and a chronograph for hours, minutes and seconds; and the Pilot’s Watch Automatic Spitfire, also for the first time with a

calibre belonging to the new 32000 family and a 39mm diameter, the smallest in the family.

AVANT GARDE TOP GUN The Top Gun collection, which earned its name from the Navy Fighter Weapons School, where elite navy pilots train in the US, was launched for the first time in 2007. The Pilot’s Watches share the avant garde character of the aircrafts and the resistance of the aces that fly them. These pieces were designed according to the pilot’s routine and the

Essential WATCHES 版是市场上首款沙色陶瓷表壳腕表,仅限量 发 行 500 枚 , 腕 表 搭 载 了 IWC 万 国 表 自 制 69380 型机芯,提供 46 小时动力储备。Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN 海军空战部队计 时腕表,象征着品牌首次将 69000 型自制机芯 用 于 飞 行 员 系 列 。而 Pilot's Watch Automatic TOP GUN 海军空战部队自动腕表则搭载全 新 32000 型机芯之一,提供 72 小时动力储存。


IWC 万 国 表 全 新 飞 行 员 系 列 中 最 让 人 难 忘 的 也 许 是 两 款 “Le Petit Prince 小 王 子 ”特 别 版腕表了,它们集合了品牌最超卓的制表技 巧。或者说,如果其他飞行员腕表是为飞行 员设计的,那么这两款腕表就是专门为航空 公司老板设计的,即使只看售价就能明白。 Big Pilot’s Watch Constant-Force Tourbillon Edition Le Petit Prince 大 型 飞 行 员 恒 定 动 力 陀 飞轮腕表“小王子”特别版是 IWC 万国表飞行 员系列首款含有这般复杂功能的腕表。该腕 表也是品牌首款采用硬金表壳的腕表——硬 金是一种特殊的红金,比传统红金更为坚固 耐磨。该腕表还有铂金表壳版,均采用独具 特色的蓝色表盘,各自限量发行 10 枚。 最 后 , Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Edition Le Petit Prince 飞行员万年 历计时腕表“小王子”特别版是品牌的又一卓 越里程碑式表款,因为这是沙夫豪森万国表 首次将万年历和计时功能结合在同一款腕表 上。该款腕表仅有玫瑰金色,为表明其非凡 特色,仅限量发行 250 枚。 쐽


extreme situations in which they work, incorporating highly resistant materials such as ceramic and titanium. Ceratanium was introduced in 2019, a revolutionary material designed by IWC that combines the characteristics of the aforementioned titanium and ceramic, and allows the creation of the entirely black watches, without any coating, buttons or buckles included. Also part of this collection is the first Top Gun model in sand-coloured ceramic, which perfectly matches the uniforms worn by the US navy pilots. The Top Guns that now arrive on the market are fourfold. The Pilot’s Watch Double Chronograph TOP GUN Ceratanium is the first Pilot’s Watch from IWC made from this innovative material. It is what we could call a monochrome watch. Equipped with the calibre 79420, this double chronograph holds a split-second hand mechanism to measure two short periods simultaneously and features a power reserve of 44 hours. Then, there is the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition "Mojave Desert”, the first watch with a sand-coloured ceramic case that arrives on the market in a limited edition of 500 pieces. This self-winding chronograph is based on the 69380 manufactured by IWC and has a power reserve of 46 hours. Wrapping up the collection is the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN, the chronograph that holds the calibre from the 69000 family in the Pilot’s

Watches for the first time, and the Pilot's Watch Automatic TOP GUN, fitted with a movement manufactured by IWC from the new family of calibres 32000, with a power reserve of 72 hours.

THE GREAT LITTLE PRINCE The two “Le Petit Prince” models are the most impressive, and perhaps most innovative, pieces of this new Pilot’s Watches collection, where the house’s watchmaking savoir faire most shines. Let’s say that, if the others are for the pilots, then these are for the owner of the airline company, even if only for the price tag alone. The Big Pilot’s Watch Constant-Force Tourbillon Edition Le Petit Prince is IWC’s first Pilot’s Watch with this complication. It is also the first time that an IWC has a solid gold case – a significantly more robust and more resistant version than the rose gold. With the characteristic blue dial, the model is also available in platinum in an extremely limited edition of 10 pieces in each one of the materials. Finally, the Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Edition Le Petit Prince represents another milestone, as it is the first time that the Schaffhausen manufacturer combines a perpetual calendar with a chronograph function. This model is only available in rose gold and, attesting to its exceptional character, only 25 pieces have been produced. 쐽

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跃 马激 情 A glance at the spirited horses 亚洲 首个 “法 拉 利:跃 马 激情” 展览 The first ‘Ferrari: Under the Skin’ exhibition in Asia 文/by EDWINA LIU

说 所 有 男 人 都 梦 想 拥 有 法 拉 利 ,一 点都不为过,因世上再没有一辆汽车 能比法拉利更具吸引力。意大利奢华跑车品 牌 法 拉 利 由 恩 佐 ·法 拉 利 (Enzo Ferrari)于 1939 年创立,如今已是全球最具实力的汽车 制造品牌,同时也拥有史上售价最高的汽车。 恩 佐 ·法 拉 利 拥 有 丰 富 的 赛 车 经 验 ,他 打 造 的 汽 车 都 是 为 比 赛 而 设 计 的 。如 同 品 牌标志——一匹跳跃、精神矍铄的烈马,法 拉 利 在 赛 道 上 的 表 现 无 与 伦 比 。法 拉 利 是


F1 一 级 方 程 式 历 史 上 最 老 牌 、最 成 功 的 公 司 ,缔 造 了 最 多 的 车 队 总 冠 军 和 最 多 的 车 手总冠军。每辆法拉利都是独一无二的,为 了 确 保 每 辆 车 的 最 高 品 质 ,法 拉 利 每 年 只 销售 8000 辆左右。 对车迷而言,有个让人振奋人心的消息: 首个“法拉利:跃马激情”展览正于澳门新濠 天地隆重举行。展览由世界著名的设计博物 馆——英国伦敦设计博物馆(Design Museum) 及法拉利博物馆(Museo Ferrari)——携手主


here is no car more alluring than the Ferrari all men dream of owning. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939, this Italian luxury sports car manufacturer is now the world’s most powerful brand and selling the most expensive cars in history. Enzo Ferrari had rich experience in motor sports, and his creations are designed to race. Just like the logo, a standing spirited horse, Ferrari cars are high-performance on the track.


办。展览期间,新濠天地化身为一家独特的博 物馆,展示法拉利的崛起过程:从成立初期 在二战摧残过的意大利默默无闻,到成为如 今众所周知的辉煌、荣耀无上的品牌。 “跃 马 激 情 ”展 览 展 出 了 法 拉 利 史 上 10 余 款 经 典 车 型 和 超 过 100 款 原 创 手 工 制 品 ,其 中 许 多 都 来 自 私 人 藏 家 ,是 首 次 在 亚 洲 公 开 展 出 。此 次 展 览 对 观 众 而 言 也 是 极 为 罕 见 的 机 会 ,能 够 近 距 离 看 到 品 牌 历 史 档 案 所收录的手绘草图以及最初的木制引擎、变 速箱和其他法拉利开创性的工程技术和设 计模型。此外,访客还可以亲眼见到 1947 年 打 造 的 首 款 法 拉 利 车 型 ,传 奇 车 手 迈 克 尔 ·舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)在 2000 年 F1 锦 标 赛 中 摘 得 桂 冠 的 赛 车 座 驾 ,以 及 一 系 列在法拉利荣耀发展史上留下浓墨重彩印 记的经典跑车。 쐽

The company is the oldest and most successful racing team in Formula 1, holding the most Constructors’ Championships and having produced the highest number of Drivers' Championship wins. Each Ferrari car is a unique creation, and the company only sells around 8,000 units a year to ensure the finest quality for each one. For car lovers, the first ‘Ferrari: Under the Skin’ exhibition in Asia is now on display at Macau’s City of Dreams, curated by the world’s leading design museum – Design Museum in London – and the Museo Ferrari in Maranello. During the exhibition, City of Dreams transforms into a unique museum showcasing the rise of Ferrari from its underdog beginnings in an Italy ravaged by World War II to the

glamour and glory of the brand we know today. The exhibition features over 10 cars of significance and some 100 original artefacts from the legendary Italian icon’s rich history, many of which are from private collections and are on display in public for the first time in Asia. It is a rare opportunity to see up-close the original hand-drawn sketches and early wooden master models of engines, gearboxes and other parts that illustrate Ferrari’s ground-breaking engineering techniques and design. Moreover, visitor can also witness the first Ferrari ever made in 1947, the 2000 Formula 1 championship-winning car driven by Michael Schumacher, as well as a selection of vintage racing cars that hold a special place in Ferrari’s incredible story. 쐽

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 33

Essential AUTO

创 造 于美 国 Born in the USA


Essential AUTO

已 经演进 到第 四代 的全 新吉 普牧 马人 , 将 于 今 年 上 市 。 牧 马 人 受 人 顶礼 膜 拜的 原因 何在 ,且 听 我 们 慢 慢 道 来 The new Jeep Wrangler has again reinvented itself in the fourth generation which was launched onto the market this year. But what is the origin of this model’s cult status? 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES

史书中充满了各种有关二战的图片, 但其中一幅始终如一地聚焦:威利斯 (Willys)MB 和 福 特 (Ford)GPW。它 们 是 史 上 头 两 辆 吉 普 车 ,而 吉 普 (Jeep)冒 起 为 著 名品牌在当时还是个遥不可及的海市蜃楼。 吉 普 是 美 国 陆 军 定 制 的 ,是 历 史 上 第 一 批在装配线上大规模生产的四驱汽车车型 之 一 。二 战 期 间 ,美 国 生 产 了 65 万 辆 吉 普 , 占当时美国汽车总产量的 25%。 1940 年,美国启动一系列旨在进一步加强 其军事实力的项目。其中之一是生产一款综 合型四驱轻型车辆,其要求是车辆批量生产 成 本 相 对 较 低 ,能 够 运 载 4 人 和 /或 担 架 以 及载货。事实上,美国军队已经意识到不能 再继续依赖马车和摩托车作为出行工具。 美国政府向 135 家公司招标,提出了这项 挑 战 计 划 ,但 只 有 两 家 公 司 投 标 :威 利 斯 (Willys Overland)和 总 部 位 于 宾 夕 法 尼 亚 州 巴特((Butler)的小公司美国班塔姆汽车公司 (American Bantam Car Company)。 由 于 班 塔 姆 汽 车 公 司 规 模 太 小 ,没 有 足 够的产能生产政府需求的车辆数量,政府将 班塔姆 BRC 计划交给了威利斯。 当时政府还做出了一个重要的决定,即将 车 辆 最 大 重 量 从 578 公 斤 增 加 到 1100 公 斤 。


n the various descriptive pictures of the Second World War that fill the pages of history books there is one that consistently features: the Willy’s MB and the Ford GPW. These were the two first Jeeps in history and the Jeep as a famous brand was still a distant mirage. Built by the order of the US army, it became one of the first mass-produced assembly line four-wheel drive vehicles in history. During the war years almost 650,000 units were produced, representing 25% of US car production at the time. Although not directly involved in the war until 1941, and not being responsible for the events that led to its outbreak or having anything directly to do with what was going on in the European theatre, the United States did realise that this was a conflict that would probably fan out from the borders of the old continent and impact the other side of the Atlantic. In 1940, the USA began a series of projects aimed to further strengthen its military power. One of them was the production of a light vehicle with integrated four-wheel drive which would be relatively cheap to mass produce and

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Essential AUTO

因 此 ,威 利 斯 设 计 了 一 款 动 力 强 大 的 发 动 机,并赢得了最初的合同。奇怪的是,本该采 用威利斯商标的汽车前保险杠却按照军方要 求采用了福特的设计。很快人们发现威利斯 显然生产不了足够的车辆,于是福特与军方 签订合同,按照威利斯的规格生产这款车型。 最终该车确定了两款车型:威利斯 MB 和 福 特 GPW。吉 普 (Jeep)这 个 词 也 就 应 运 而 生 ,尽 管 没 人 确 切 知 道 为 什 么 和 怎 样 选 用 了 吉 普 这 个 词 ,最 常 见 的 解 释 是 吉 普 的 名 字 来 源 于 GP (Gee Pee),这 是 万 能 (General Purpose)(车辆)的缩写。 尽 管 福 特 公 司 在 许 多 车 型 上 都 加 了 “F”的 字母,竭力把“吉普”这名号据为己有,但威 利 斯 还 是 在 1943 年 2 月 注 册 了 “ 吉 普 ”(Jeep) 商标。1945 年,威利斯推出了第一款以 CJ 命 名的民用吉普,CJ 是“民用吉普”(Civilian Jeep) 的首字母缩写。为了专注于吉普车的生产, 36 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

capable of carrying 4 men and/or stretchers and load. Indeed, the US army knew that it could no longer continue relying on horses and motorcycles as a means of getting around. The US government contacted 135 companies to come up with plans for the challenge put to them, but only two applied: Willys Overland and the American Bantam Car Company, a small firm based in Butler, Pennsylvania that had managed to secure a licence to produce copies of the small British Austins. Given a short period of just 49 days to present a prototype, a task almost impossible to achieve, Willys simply couldn’t meet the deadline. Bantam ACC, which also didn’t have the greatest resources, commissioned a freelancer called Karl Probst to see if he could rise to the challenge. Probst refused at first,

but was later convinced by the army itself which impressed on him the importance of creating such a vehicle. In 5 days Probst came up with a proposal complete with estimated cost and assembly plans for that he termed the Bantam Reconnaissance Car. Between 17 July and 22 September the prototype was completed and driven on the day after to Camp Holabird in the state of Maryland for testing by the military. The Probst prototype was approved in all aspects except in the engine torque which was considered too low for specific situations that could arise in war situations. From then on, the US army couldn’t have been more pragmatic. Considering the Bantam CC too small as a company to produce the necessary number of units required, it handed

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威利斯放弃生产所有其他车型,其产品目录 上都是按最初的吉普车概念派生出来的车 型,但无论是吉普 Station Wagon 旅行车,还 是 吉 普 Truck 皮 卡 又 或 吉 普 少 年 Jeepster 都 没 有 取 得 太 大 的 成 功 ,于 是 威 利 斯 被 迫 于 1953 年 以 6000 万 美 元 的 价 格 将 品 牌 卖 给 了 凯瑟汽车(Kaiser Motors)。 1969 年,美国汽车公司(American Motors Corporation)以 7000 万 美 元 收 购 了 凯 瑟 汽 车公司。 吉 普 最 大 的 变 化 发 生 在 1976 年 ,民 用 吉 普车型停产。45 年来,虽然以不同的车型出 现——从皮卡到旅行车——民用吉普车已 经没入美国汽车工业史的烟尘里。 尽 管 美 国 汽 车 公 司 决 定 不 再 使 用 CJ 民 用 吉 普 这 个 称 谓 ,但 该 公 司 确 信 ,这 个 有 着 40 年历史、拥有大量拥趸的民用吉普概念应 该 被 保 留 下 来 。随 着 “牧 马 人 ( ” Wrangler)取 代 了 CJ-7 这 个 名 字 , 也 预 示 着 “ 吉 普 ( ” Jeep) 品牌进入了全新时代。 第 一 辆 牧 马 人 在 1986 年 的 芝 加 哥 车 展 上首次亮相。当时,美国汽车公司已被法国 汽 车 品 牌 雷 诺 (Renault)收 购 ,这 意 味 着 雷 诺为牧马人的问世做出了决定性的贡献,虽 然是间接的贡献。与此同时,法美合作关系 在 融 合 方 面 一 直 存 在 着 巨 大 的 问 题 。于 是 克 莱 斯 勒 (Chrysler)在 1987 年 收 购 了 美 国 汽 车 公 司 , 其 最 终 目 标 是 确 保 拥 有 “吉 普 ” 品牌的所有权。 克 莱 斯 勒 接 手 吉 普 后 ,牧 马 人 (公 司 代 码为 YJ)的发动机、变速器、四驱系统和内 饰等就展现出了切诺基(Cherokee)特色。这

the Bantam BRC plans over to Willys and Ford with the latter not even bothering to reply to the brief. The resulting prototypes were three models which were very similar: Bantam BRC40, Willys MA and Ford GP. Each one had an initial production run of 1500 units delivered to the army for trials and intensive tests.

An important decision was to increase the maximum weight from 578 kg to 1100 kg. Willys therefore designed a more powerful engine and this won it the initial contract. Curiously enough, the front grill which would become the trademark image for Willys was a Ford design which was included in the vehicle

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是让牧马人融入克莱斯勒车族的最简单的方 法,同时也让品牌意识到吉普车势必不断发 展和扩张的潜力。 1996 年 TJ 取 代 了 YJ, 但 没 有 重 大 的 变 化。仅仅 10 年后,克莱斯勒就凭借 JK,从零 开始设计了一款牧马人。也正是由于这款车 型,吉普在海外获得了更多认可。牧马人 JK 是民用吉普自问世以来第一台面对来自繁荣 的 SUV 市场竞争的吉普,同时也面对着对四 驱车型需求大增的市场。市场渴望的是有四 驱车外形,却主要针对公路驾驶或跨路况或 城镇驾驶的车型。 事 实 上 ,令 人 惊 喜 的 是 ,牧 马 人 成 功 地 保持了自己在市场上的重要意义和地位。当 然,如果不是看到吉普品牌本身的巨大经济 潜力,目前的东家——菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车 公司(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)也不会继续生 产牧马人。为了证明这一点,这家意大利美 国 合 资 公 司 在 2018 年 斥 巨 资 推 出 了 第 四 代 牧 马 人 (代 码 JL)。这 将 是 著 名 的 吉 普 车 问 世几十年来最大的飞跃。 全新牧马人的致胜之道在于,既保留了前 身车型的卓越优势,又深谙如何融入完全改 变了的市场,深知当今市场日益重视生态问 题,在这种种之间取得完美平衡。尽管吉普 38 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

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on the orders of the army. It quickly became apparent that Willys could not produce that many units and Ford was then contracted to produce the model according to the specifications laid down its competitor. As to Bantam ACC, after the 1500 initial examples produced, it turned out a further 800 and then focused solely on making pick-ups and tows that complemented the project. Production finally settled on two models: Willys MB and the Ford GPW. The word Jeep appeared at this time and despite there not being an absolute certainty over the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’, the explanation most often given is that the name Jeep was derived from GP (Gee Pee), the abbreviations of General Purpose (Vehicle). After World War II, Jeeps were used in the Korean War and other lesser armed conflicts. The final production numbers are impressive: 359,489 Willys MBs and 277,896 Ford GPWs produced. Despite Ford’s efforts to do all that it could to retain the name Jeep for itself by stamping many models with the letter F, in February 1943 Willys registered the name Jeepand in 1945 pre-

sented the first civilian model denominated CJ, the initials for Civilian Jeep. Focusing on Jeep production only, the company abandoned all of its other models and created a catalogue where all subsequent Jeeps were a derivation of the original concept, but neither the Jeep Station Wagon, nor the Jeep Truck or the Jeepster had much success and Willys was forced to sell the brand to Kaiser Motors in 1953 for $60 million. A year later the first phase of changes to the model began, with mechanical alterations that aimed to improve reliability, delivery and fuel efficiency and some tweaks to the chassis design that would make it more modern. In 1955 the now-called Kaiser-Jeep decided to focus solely on producing that model and stopped making the other vehicles in their catalogue. But the more that the name Jeep became famous; the more that Kaiser was beset with difficulties. In 1969 the American Motors Corporation purchased Kaiser Motors for $70 million. With an operation on a totally different scale, AMC began a process of sharing components from its models which made the trademark even more profitable.

The major change would come in 1976 with the end of the line for the CJ as a model. For 45 years, through its various incarnations - from pick-ups to station wagons - the Civilian Jeep has gone down in the annals of the American automobile industry. Over 1.5 million units were produced by all the manufacturers which, at one time or other, owned the trade mark. Despite the decision to stop using the term CJ, AMC was absolutely certain that the concept within a model that had a 40-year pedigree and a considerable legion of fans, should be retained. Wrangler was the name chosen to replace the CJ-7, a name that heralded a new era for the brand. The first Wrangler was unveiled to the public at the Chicago Car Show in 1986. AMC did not market itself as a replacement for the CJ-7 but rather as something completely new that would take the brand to the next decade. Obviously, this was more a slogan from the Department of Marketing than anything else: Wrangler was clearly the inheritor of the Willys pedigree and it is known that the Jeep, as it is today, emphasised this message strongly at the time. At 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 39

牧马人的基本概念已经基本过时,但它与保 时 捷 的 911 有 着 相 似 的 强 大 力 量 , 承 载 着 整 个 品 牌 的 精 神 。牧 马 人 在 市 场 上 多 生 存 一 天 ,它 作 为 汽 车 业 殿 堂 级 车 型 的 地 位 也 就愈发重要。 全新牧马人超越所有前任车型,拥有保持 其魅力所需的一切。牧马人依然故我,个性 超著,其底盘继续采用前几代车型的固体轴、 独立车身、车架和前内部挡泥板,为确保出众 的越野性能,还提供 Command-Trac 变速箱、 Trac-Lok 限 滑 差 速 器 后 桥 悬 挂 以 及 横 向 稳 定 杆等自选配置。在欧洲,牧马人有三门车型 和 五 门 车 型 ; 后 者 被 称 为 牧 马 人 Unlimited。 牧 马 人 Sport 车 型 和 牧 马 人 Sahara 车 型 更 忠 于吉普车最初的概念,而牧马人 Rubicon—— 以 及 牧 马 人 Overland— — 是 最 豪 华 车 型 ,采 用 了 18 英 寸 轮 毂 ,LED 前 大 灯 灯 、前 保 险 杠和匹配底盘的翼板,以及真皮车厢。 随着路虎(Land Rover)卫士(Defender)在 2016 年 1 月 停 产 , 如 今 的 牧 马 人 与 铃 木 (Suzuki)吉姆尼(Jimny)争霸天下,但二者截 然不同。牧马人肩负重任,既要向铺天盖地 兴起的 SUV 车型展示自己无与伦比的越野性 40 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

the end of the day, Willys was and will always continue to be the main template model for the Jeep name, the brand’s trade mark and its greatest reference. By 1986 AMC was, strange as it might seem, owned by Renault, which means that the French brand made a decisive contribution, albeit an indirect one, for the launch of the Wrangler. Meanwhile, the Franco-American partnership always had great difficulties in terms of convergence and in 1987 Chrysler bought the company with the ultimate goal of securing the ownership of the Jeep brand. It is important to note that of all the brands that Chrysler has acquired over the years to date, AMC was the only one that has been retained after being purchased by the Detroit car giant. From the moment it began to be produced by Chrysler, the Wrangler, with its company code of YJ, now featured the engines, transmission, 4x4 system and interior of the Cherokee. It was the easiest way of integrating the Wrangler within the Chrysler family while

allowing the brand to realise its potential in the Jeep catalogue which surely could only grow and expand. The YJ was replaced by the TJ in 1996 but without making significant changes. Just 10 years later, with the JK, Chrysler had designed a Wrangler from scratch. It was with this model too that the Jeep gained more overseas recognition. The Wrangler JK was also the first from the entire model range since the first CJ to face the competition from the boom in the SUV segment and the market demand for vehicles having a 4x4 look that were mainly meant for road driving or, in the case of crossovers, town driving. It is in fact impressive that the Wrangler has succeeded in maintaining its importance and place in the market. Certainly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, which is the current owner of the brand, would not even have been able to keep the model in production if it were not financially viable. And to actually prove this, the ItalianAmerican firm has launched the fourth generation of Wrangler, code JL, in 2018, making a

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能 ,也 要 向 那 些 无 法 呈 现 豪 华 外 观 的 车 型 展 示 如 何 打 造 奢 华 四 驱 车 。牧 马 人 是 一 款 纯粹的越野车, 无论是设计还是汽车工程 方 面 都 专 注 于 挑 战 最 艰 难 的 任 务 ,以 成 为 同类中的佼佼者。 75 年 来 ,牧 马 人 、CJ 和 威 利 斯 一 直 书 写 着 汽 车 史 上 的 美 丽 故 事 。他 们 把 吉 普 变 成 了一个人人梦寐以求却只有少数人能够达 成的愿望:受人膜拜的汽车品牌。 쐽

strong investment in what would be the biggest leap yet in the history of the famous Jeep in generations. The secret of the new Wrangler lies in maintaining a perfect balance between preserving the legacy of its predecessors, while at the same time knowing how to integrate into a market that is in fully change, and where the question of ecology is increasingly more important. The Wrangler for the Jeep packs a similar punch as the 911 does for Porsche in as far as it carries on its shoulders the spirit of the entire brand despite the fact that the intrinsic concept of the model is fundamentally out of date. With each day that the Wrangler survives in the market, its status as a car industry icon is even greater. The new model is better than ever, and has everything that it needs to keep its mystique alive. And as you wouldn’t expect it to be any other way, the chassis of the Wrangler continues to be marked by the solid axles and separate body and frame and flared fenders as the preceding generation, for a supreme off-road handling, with Command-Trac gearbox and Trac-Lok differential rear axle suspension and anti-roll bars as optional. In Europe it will be

available in three and five doors; the latter called the Wrangler Unlimited. The Sport and Sahara versions are more faithful to the original concept, while the Wrangler Rubicon - together with the Overland package - is the most luxurious in the range with 18-inch wheel rims, LED headlights, front grill and wheel arches that match the chassis and a passenger compartment upholstered in leather. With the end of production for the Land Rover Defender in January 2016, the Wrangler today joins the Jimny from Suzuki, but on a totally different scale. The Wrangler name carries the responsibility for showing the SUV invasion of off-road drives and for cars that cannot give the appearance of luxury - but actually have to be luxurious. Wrangler is a pure off-roader, a vehicle whose design and engineering is focused on the hardest of tasks and with the aim of being the best in its class. For 75 years Wrangler, CJ and Willys have been behind some of the most interesting stories in the history of the automobile. And with it they have turned the Jeep into something that everyone wants but few have managed to achieve: a cult brand. 쐽

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“老佛 爷 ”卡尔· 拉格 斐的 灿 烂 人生 Biography of Karl Lagerfeld


Essential DESIGNER

先锋 时尚 设 计师卡 尔 ·拉格 斐 于 2019 年 2 月 19 日 去 世 ,享年 8 5 岁 Pioneering fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld died on February 19 2019, at the age of 85 文/by EDWINA LIU 图/image CHANEL

到本世纪时尚界最响当当的人物,有 时尚界“老佛爷”美誉的卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld)是当仁不让的头号人物。卡尔 ·拉格斐是香奈儿(Chanel)高定、成衣及配 饰艺术总监,同时也是芬迪(Fendi)和自己 同名品牌的艺术总监,黑色西装、利落的白 发马尾辫是他的标配。这位传奇时装设计师 分 别 与 时 尚 巨 擎 芬 迪 和 香 奈 儿 合 作 了 54 年 和 36 年。他为世界贡献了数不清的永恒经典 设计,如香奈儿最经典的 Classic Flap Bag、Le Boy、Gabrielle、芬迪经久不衰的 Peekaboo 包包 等等。今年二月份,卡尔·拉格斐在巴黎逝 世,享年 85 岁。全球时尚界都为之哀悼。


卡 尔 ·拉 格 斐 本 名 卡 尔 ·奥 托 ·拉 格 斐 特 ( Karl Otto Lagerfeldt), 出 生 在 德 国 汉 堡 一 个 富 裕 的 家 庭 。为 了 让 名 字 听 起 来 “更商业化”,他在进入时尚界初期就去掉了 姓氏中的最后一个字特(t)。 童 年 时 期 ,他 就 常 从 时 尚 杂 志 上 剪 下 感 兴趣的图片,还常对学校里其他同学的穿着 评头论足。14 岁时,拉格斐决定前往巴黎求 学进入时尚界。1954 年,他在国际羊毛秘书 处 主 办 的 “国 际 羊 毛 标 志 大 奖 ( ” International Woolmark Prize)获 得 桂 冠 。 另 一 位 参 赛 的 选手则是日后同为时尚界传奇的圣罗兰 (Yves Saint Laurent), 两 人 在 大 奖 赛 后 成 为 了亲密好友。 当 时 的 时 尚 界 顶 尖 设 计 师 ,法 国 设 计 师 皮 埃 尔 ·巴 尔 曼 (Pierre Balmain)相 中 了 拉 格斐的设计,聘他为自己的助理。


hen it comes to the biggest fashion icons of the century, Karl Lagerfeld must be the first name on the list. The artistic director for Chanel’s Haute Couture, ready to wear and accessories, and creative director of Fendi and his own brand, was renowned for his uniform of dark shades and a slick white ponytail. This legendary fashion designer worked with Fendi for 54 years and 36 years for Chanel. He created many timeless designs for the world, such as the Chanel Classic Flap Bag, Chanel Le Boy, Chanel Gabrielle, Fendi Peekaboo and more. This extraordinary creative individual passed away in Paris, in February at 85 years old. The whole fashion industry is in grief.

EARLY LIFE Karl Otto Lagerfeldt was born in Hamburg, Germany, in a wealthy family. He removed the "t" at the end of his last name early in his career in order to make it sound "more commercial". During his childhood, he would often cut out pictures from fashion magazines, and was also known to be critical of what others wore to school. When Lagerfeld was 14 years old, he decided to move to Paris and start his career in Fashion industry. In 1954, he won first place in the International Wool Secretariat’s International Woolmark Prize. Another legendary designer, Yves Saint Laurent, was another winner in this competition, and they became close friend afterwards. 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 43


为皮埃尔·巴尔曼工作了三年后,拉格斐 得到了自己的第一个艺术总监的职位——让 ·巴度(Jean Patou)的艺术总监。他的优秀 作品层出不穷,1963 至 1983 年间,他为蔻依 (Chloé)设计成衣和配饰,他和芬迪的缘分开 始于 1965 年。 1982 年 , 香 奈 儿 主 席 阿 兰 ·维 德 摩 尔 (Alain Wertheimer)聘请拉格斐为香奈儿艺术 总监。当时,香奈儿创始人可可·香奈儿女 士已去世 12 年,在此期间,公司凭借服装品 牌 授 權 和 No. 5 五 号 香 水 的 销 售 收 入 ,勉 强 维持度日。拉格斐曾在接受《纽约时报》采 访时说,“‘每个人都跟我说”别碰香奈儿,它 已 经 死 了 , 不 会 再 复 苏 了 。’但 那 个 时 候 我 觉着,这恰是个挑战。” 接 手 香 奈 儿 后 ,拉 格 斐 迅 速 为 品 牌 标 志 产 品 增 加 了 性 感 元 素 ,包 括 香 奈 儿 外 套 和 套装、小黑裙、粗花呢上衣、双色鞋子、绗 缝手袋、珍珠和服装首饰。80 年代早期,拉 格斐把香奈儿的 CC(Coco Chanel 的缩写)互 锁式标志重新整合,并采用其为品牌的风格 化标志推向市场。 1984 年 ,拉 格 斐 创 立 了 自 己 的 同 名 品 牌 Karl Lagerfeld,后来于 2005 年,卖给了 Tommy Hilfiger 集团。但他一直都担任品牌的首席创 意总监,并直接参与设计过程。


拉 格 斐 生 前 是 个 不 折 不 扣 的 工 作 狂 。他 每 年 管 理 着 多 达 8 个 香 奈 儿 系 列 :春 季 系 列、秋季系列、滑雪服系列、高定系列等等。 作为时尚界最多产的时装设计师之一,他还 为芬迪和自己的品牌设计服装。 44 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

French designer Pierre Balmain executed Lagerfeld’s design and invited the young designer to become his assistant.

CAREER JOURNEY After three years working with the top designer of that time, Lagerfeld got his first artistic director title at Jean Patou. Good work soon followed, between 1963-1983, he designed ready-to-wear and accessories for Chloé, and he started his story with Fendi in 1965. In 1982, the chairman of Chanel, Alain Wertheimer, asked Lagerfeld to design for the house. At that time, founder Coco Chanel had died 12 years prior, and in the interim the company had muddled through, propped up by apparel licenses and sales of its No. 5 perfume. Lagerfeld told The New York Times, “Everybody said, ‘Don’t touch it, it’s dead, it will never come back.’ But by then I thought it was a challenge.” At Chanel, Lagerfeld quickly sexed up the brand’s codes created by Gabrielle Chanel: the Chanel jacket and suit, the little black dress, the precious tweeds, the two-tone shoes, the quilted handbags, the pearls and costume jewellery. In the early ‘80s, Lagerfeld interlocked “CC” (a monograph for Coco Chanel) and introduced it as a style pattern for the House of Chanel. In 984, the designer founded his own line, Karl Lagerfeld, and sold it to the Tommy Hilfiger group in 2005. He remained its chief creative and was directly involved in the design process.

AN ENERGETIC WORKAHOLIC Lagerfeld was every inch a workaholic. He oversaw as many as eight Chanel collections a year: spring, fall, skiwear, haute couture, and more. One of fashion’s most prolific couturiers, he also produced outfits for Italy’s Fendi and his own label. He was also famously sharp-tongued, having once said, “My thing is to work more than the others to show them how useless they are.” In addition to fashion design, Karl Lagerfeld was also passionate about drawing, illustration and photography. He shot and creatively directed all of Chanel’s advertising and many fashion shooting for the industry. In 2012, he launched a photography project entitle La Petite Veste Noire, Un Classique de Chanel revisité (The Little Black Jacket: Chanel’s Classic Revisited). He also illustrated several books, including The Emperor’s New Clothes by H.C Anderson, and an edition of Paul Morand’s book devoted to Gabrielle Chanel.

DEATH Karl Lagerfeld sparked concerns when he didn’t appear at the end of his Chanel shows in Paris in early 2019, a development the house attributed to his being "tired." It was the firs time in recent years he had not come out to receive applause at the end of one of his shows. Days later, on February 19, it was announced that the legendary designer had passed away.

Essential DESIGNER 他 还 以 言 辞 犀 利 、毒 舌 闻 名 ,他 曾 说 过 : “我 就 是 比 别 人 更 努 力 ,好 让 他 们 知 道 自 己 多么没用。” 除了时尚设计外,拉格斐还热爱绘画、插 画和摄影。他为香奈儿所有广告和众多时装 大片掌镜。2012 年,他发起了摄影集项目 La Petite Veste Noire, Un Classique de Chanel revisité (小黑外套:香奈儿经典重现) 他 还 为 几 本 作 品 创 作 过 插 画 ,包 括 H.C Anderson 的《皇帝的新衣》 (The Emperor’s New Clothes)及 Paul Morand 致 敬 加 布 里 埃 尔 · 香奈儿(Gabrielle Chanel)的一部作品。


由 于 卡 尔 ·拉 格 斐 没 有 在 2019 年 初 的 香 奈儿大秀上现身,猜测之声四起,香奈儿解 释说是因为他有些“劳累”。这是他近年来首 次没在大秀结束时现身接受观众们的掌声。 数日后,2 月 19 日,这位传奇设计大师逝 世的消息发出。 业界纷纷向这位深受爱戴的设计师致以 敬意与哀悼。许多业内人士,包括拉格斐最 亲密的好友与合作伙伴也在拉格斐去世当

天 这 个 时 尚 界 的 哀 伤 日 子 ,纷 纷 表 达 他 们 的悼念和不舍。 香 奈 儿 首 席 执 行 总 裁 阿 兰 ·维 德 摩 尔 表 示:“卡尔·拉格斐的创造力、慷慨和非凡的 直觉使他走在了时代的前面,为香奈儿在全 球的成功做出了卓越贡献。我在上世纪 80 年 代初全权委托他来重塑香奈儿。今天,不仅 我失去了一位朋友,我们都失去了一位有非 凡创意的天才。” 芬 迪 董 事 会 主 席 兼 执 行 总 裁 Serge Brunschwig 也感同身受:“他给我们留下了无 尽的遗产,是撷之不尽的灵感源泉。我本人 和所有的芬迪员工都十分怀念卡尔,”他说。 “卡尔不仅是最伟大、最多产的设计师— —他的设计才华让人叹为观止,能成为他的 ” Vogue》杂 志 美 国 版 朋 友 是 件 非 常 棒 的 事 ,《 主编安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)。“卡尔是 个聪明、调皮、有趣的人,他也非常慷慨、善 良,我会非常想念他。” 我们希望这位设计天才能在另一个星球 上安息。毕竟,正如他自己所言:“我一直都 非常脚踏实地,只不过不是地球的’地’”(I’m very much down to Earth, just not this Earth)。 쐽

The industry has since honoured this beloved designer. Many in the trade, including some of Lagerfeld’s closest friends and collaborators, shared their thoughts and feelings in an outpouring of sentiment on an emotional day for fashion. Alain Wertheimer, CEO of Chanel said: “Thanks to his creative genius, generosity and exceptional intuition, Karl Lagerfeld was ahead of his time, which widely contributed to the House of Chanel's success throughout the world. Today, not only have I lost a friend, but we have all lost an extraordinary creative mind to whom I gave carte blanche in the early 1980s to reinvent the brand.” Serge Brunschwig, chairman and CEO of Fendi, echoed his sentiments: “He leaves us an enormous heritage, an inexhaustible source of inspiration to continue. Karl will be immensely missed by myself and all the Fendi people," he said. “Karl was so much more than our greatest and most prolific designer — his creative genius was breathtaking and to be his friend was an exceptional gift,” said Anna Wintour, editor-inchief at Vogue America. “Karl was brilliant, he was wicked, he was funny, he was generous beyond measure, and he was deeply kind. I will miss him so very much.” We hope this genius can rest in peace in another planet. After all, just like he said: “I’m very much down to Earth, just not this Earth.” 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 45


旅游精 神 全新演绎 the nomadic Spirit reinvented 《精华 》 杂志独家采访法国行李 箱品 牌 Pinel & Pinel 掌 舵 人 弗 雷 德 ·皮 涅 尔 Exclusive interview with Fred Pinel, the brain behind Pinel & Pinel 文/by EDWINA LIU

国 奢 侈 品 牌 Pinel & Pinel 在 过 去 二 十 多年来一直致力于以非凡的创意打造 华美、有趣、功能卓越的旅行箱,并推出了 一系列经典的豪华手工产品。 Pinel & Pinel 的 兴 起 要 归 功 于 一 个 人 的 非 凡 创 意 和 杰 出 才 华 :弗 雷 德 ·皮 涅 尔 (Fred Pinel)。弗雷德·皮涅尔是一位从小就对艺术 和手工艺着迷的法国设计师。他算不上是一 位典型的时尚设计师,因为从未接受过任何 设计方面的专业培训。“打破常规”是他的口 头禅。在创立 Pinel & Pinel 之前,他是一名法 律系学生,还是一家广告公司的创始人。 然而,对设计的热爱、出众的才华,让他 自 然 开 始 进 军 奢 侈 品 世 界 ,他 决 定 创 立 第 一个当代奢侈箱包品牌,于是 Pinel & Pinel 诞 生了。如今,Pinel & Pinel 已成为高级皮箱的 46 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

代名词。每件皮箱都在巴黎按客人定制要求 手工制作,耗时三到六个月。它们体现了皮 涅 尔 对 奢 侈 品 的 定 义 :“绝 非 必 需 品 ,但 必 定是人梦寐以求的。” 澳门作为世界上最具魅力的城市之一,吸 引了诸多顶级奢侈品牌。最近,Pinel & Pinel 的第一间专卖店正式进驻澳门银河。 “澳门是座不可思议、不设限的自由、开放 城市。澳门人善于接纳特殊的人、环境、建 筑和产品。我相信,我们是为数不多的几个 创 意 天 马 行 空 的 不 设 限 品 牌 之 一 ,”皮 涅 尔 表 示 。“此 外 ,澳 门 和 香 港 是 连 接 东 西 方 的 纽带,是进入中国市场的门户。澳门绝对是 中国的窗口,我们还计划继续在中国发展。 我 在 澳 门 开 店 的 最 终 愿 望 ,是 为 消 费 者 带 来惊喜,让他们深深迷上我们的产品。”


or more than two decades, French luxury brand Pinel & Pinel has been devoted to creating beautiful, fun and functional trunks with the brand’s own impressive IQ, built to be an iconic range of luxury handcrafts. Pinel & Pinel emerged from the creativity and savoir faire of a single person: Fred Pinel, a French designer who was always fascinated by art and handicraft from a young age. Pinel is not a typical fashion designer, he never studied design at a professional school. “Breaking the norms” is his mantra. He was a law student and founder of an advertising agency before he set up Pinel et Pinel. However, his passion and talent led him to the world of luxury goods and he decided to

皮涅尔在澳门银河WF Fashion发售 Pinel & Pinel is avalible in WF Fashion, Galaxy Macau

请继续阅读,了解更多关于品牌详情。 EM=《精华》杂志;FP=弗雷德·皮涅尔 EM: 你是从什么时候开始喜欢上艺术的? FP: 我两岁的时候就开始创作漫画了。 由 于 不 会 写 字 ,我 让 父 母 帮 我 在 漫 画 对 话 框里写对话。 等 我 7、8 岁 的 时 候 ,父 母 会 带 我 去 巴 黎 看展览。 EM: 你是在学校学的设计吗? FP: 没有,完全没有!但我很幸运,从 小就会设计,而且设计得很好!当我进行高 中毕业 BAC 业士文凭考试时,20 分满分我考 了 18 分!其实,当年绘画的青葱岁月里,我 的设计总含有各种抽象符号,数字 8 的无穷 尽是我最大的灵感源泉。多年后,当我创作 Pinel & Pinel 字母组合时,早年创作过的绘画 给了我灵感。 EM: 你 学 的 是 法 律 ,然 后 退 学 后 出 国 。是 什么让你做出这样的决定? FP: 我明白法律并不适合我。在法国国 内居住时,我意识到自己要讲一门外语。我 就 选了英语,然后去伦敦学英语。现在,我 在学习普通话! EM: 离 开 法 国 后 ,你 去 了 哪 里 ,又 从 其 他 国家学到了什么? FP: 除了法国外,我只在英国生活过, 虽然我游历过许多国家。生活在海外,我学 48 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

create the first contemporary brand of luxury trunks, and so Pinel & Pinel was born. Today, the maison is synonymous with premium leather trunks. Each one is handcrafted to order in Paris, and can take three to six months to make. They embody Pinel’s definition of luxury: “Absolutely not necessary but essential for dreaming.” As one of the most glamourous cities in the world, Macau is a tempting place for brands. Recently, Pinel & Pinel opened its first store in the city at Galaxy Macau. “Macau is an incredible city, a city of no limits. And people here are very receptive to exceptional environments, building, products and people. I believe that we are one of the few brands that have no limits,” said Mr Pinel. “In addition, Macau and Hong Kong are a link between the East and West, a gateway to the Chinese market. Macau is definitely a window to China, where we also plan to continue developing. My ultimate desire with a store in Macau would be to surprise and enchant the consumer.” Keep reading to learn more about the brand. EM: When did you start to care for art? FP: When I was 2 years old, I was already creating comics. I asked my parents to write in

the speech bubbles of the comic strips, as I could not write at the time. By the time I was 7-8 years old, my parents would take me to art exhibitions in Paris. EM: Did you learn design at school? FP: No way, not at all! However, I did have the luck of being able to design from a very young age and really quite well! When I did my high-school BAC diploma, I received the mark of 18 out of 20! In fact, during those youthful drawing days, my designs were often composed of abstract symbols, the infinity of the number eight being my most inspirational. Years later, when I created the Pinel & Pinel monogram, my drawings done years earlier were an inspiration. EM: You studied law in school, then you dropped out and left the country. What made you take this decision? FP: I understood that law was not for me. In France, I knew that I needed to speak a foreign language. My choice was English, and I went to London to learn it. Now, I am learning Mandarin! EM: After leaving France, where did you go and what did you learn from other countries? FP: Other than France, I have only lived in the UK, even though I have travelled exten-


sively worldwide. Living abroad, I learned the importance of humility. I was not in my homeland, France, and found that as a foreigner, one is quite quickly judged. Therefore, I understood the importance of reaching out, to communicate with others. I always liked speaking with people, but this experience gave me more desire to speak and exchange with others. EM: Once you returned home, what was the first thing you did and why? FP: When I returned to France, I thought of a marketing method and activity that did not

exist! Therefore, I created my business plan around it. I discussed it with the major consumer groups in France and indeed in Europe, such as Carrefour or Virgin and others. I legally registered the procedure, validated by the French Minister of Commerce, allowing companies to use my method. EM: What’s the most important experience you learned while running the advertising agency? FP: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today! I won many contracts, as I was able to conceive my ideas and deliver them without losing time. I live up to this principle still today. EM: When and why did you set up Pinel & Pinel? FP: Perhaps the real question is, “why did I stop the advertising agency”! The answer is because I was no longer enjoying it. When and why Pinel & Pinel? Because at Pinel & Pinel, I did not have the impression that I was actually working! In fact, years earlier, I found an incredibly suitcase in my grandparent’s attic. This find was a revelation. EM: What kind of product does Pinel & Pinel sell? FP: I love suitcases, trunks and the idea of packaging things. There is also their association with travel, new experiences and discoveries. As for leather, I have always had a very particular connection with this material. As a child, I lived very close to a leather atelier.

到了谦卑的重要性。我是在自己的祖国法国 以外,发现作为一个外国人是会马上被标签、 排斥的。因此,我明白要与当地人沟通并打 成一片。我一向喜欢和人聊天,但在海外的 生活经验让我更渴望和人沟通交流。 EM: 回到法国后,你做的第一件事是什么? 为什么? FP: 回到法国后,我想到了一种前所未 有的营销策略和行为!因此,我开始围绕这 个策略来规划自己的生意,也与法国乃至欧 洲著名的消费品集团如家乐福、维珍等讨论 过。在法国商务部长批准之下,我合法注册 了这个程序,让各企业使用我的方法。 EM: 在经营广告公司期间你学到的最重要 的经验是什么? FP: 今 日 事 今 日 毕 ! 我 拿 到 了 很 多 合 同,因为我能够想出好主意,并且迅速付诸 行动。直到现在,我仍然坚持这一原则。 EM: 你什么时候开始创立 Pinel & Pinel 的? 为什么? FP: 也许真正的问题是,“我为什么关掉 广告公司”!答案就是我不再享受那份工作了。 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 49


什 么 时 候 创 立 Pinel & Pinel,为 什 么 ? 因 为 在 Pinel & Pinel, 我 并 不 觉 得 自 己 是 在 工 作!事实上,几年前,我在祖父母的阁楼上 发 现 了 一 个 让 人 着 迷 的 手 提 箱 。这 个 发 现 简直是一个重大的启示。 EM: Pinel & Pinel 的产品是怎样的? FP: 我热爱手提箱、箱柜,以及把东西 打包存放的意念,还有就是它们与旅游、新 经历和新发现的联系。 说 到 皮 革 ,我 一 直 对 皮 革 有 种 特 殊 的 感 情。小时候,我住的地方离一个皮革坊很近。 放学回家后,我会收集那些不用的皮料,打 扮我的大吉姆娃娃。当然,我热爱设计和制 作箱包和配饰,但我还隐藏着童年时对服装 的热爱。也许在将来吧! EM: Pinel & Pinel 的品牌理念是什么? FP: Pinel & Pinel 并 没 有 什 么 品 牌 理 念!我只是想活出自己的激情,享受自己的 构思,打造独特、美丽、为其他人带来情感 的东西。我不想做什么市场营销,因为市场 50 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

营 销 已 经 有 了 ,我 在 努 力 寻 找 目 前 没 有 的 新创意和新产品。 EM: 作为设计师,你的灵感从哪里来? FP: 我 的 灵 感 都 是 在 我 洗 澡 的 时 候 跳 出 来 的 ! 我 和 水 有 一 种 特 别 的 关 系 。对 我 而言,我在洗澡的时候沉思、反省。 然 而 ,我 的 创 作 灵 感 种 子 则 来 自 四 面 八 方!本质上来说,我充满好奇心,会从不同 的观点、角度和光线去观察每一样东西。这 种 情 况 可 以 发 生 在 任 何 地 方 ,比 如 说 在 香 港,当我在街上给消防栓或排水板拍照时, 灵 感 的 种 子 就 种 下 了 。每 样 东 西 都 让 我 感 兴趣、好奇,我的目光也为之吸引。 EM: Pinel & Pinel 产品包含什么技术和特性? FP: 当你欣赏一些知名箱包制造商的图 片时,比如路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、高雅德 (Goyard)、爱马仕(Hermes)或现代箱包品牌 摩纳(Moynat)等,你会发现到我们与它们很 不一样。这些杰出的品牌可以追溯到旅行箱 刚刚兴起的时代。Pinel & Pinel 对于旅行箱的

Going home from school, I would collect the leather pieces not used and dress my Big Jim doll. So of course, I have a passion for designing and crafting trunks, cases, bags and accessories but I also have a hidden childhood love of clothing. Perhaps in the future! EM: What’s the concept or philosophy of the brand? FP: There is no concept or philosophy of Pinel & Pinel! I just want to live my passion, enjoying what I am conceiving, and creating unique, beautiful things that provide emotions for others. I do not want to market things that already exist but strive to find new ideas and products that are inexistent. EM: As a designer, where does your inspiration come from? FP: I get my inspiration in the shower! I have a special relationship with water. For me, the shower is the moment when I can reflect.


However, the seeds of inspiration that allow me to create come from everywhere! By nature, I am very curious and looking at everything from different viewpoints, angles and lighting. It can happen in Hong Kong when I take photos in the streets of a fire hydrant or water drainage plate. Everything interests and intrigues me, and my view is drawn towards it.

诠释和演绎与其他品牌大相径庭。品牌 DNA 只有 20 年的历史,所以我可以让它每天都进 步和发展。这赋予我完全的创作自由,而且 我 也 不 怕 构 思 出 让 人 意 想 不 到 旅 行 箱 ,如 Motorcycle Trunk 摩托车旅行箱或 Bonsai Trunk 盆景旅行箱。我采用完全现代的手法。Pinel & Pinel 旅行箱也带有轮子,可以移动。 EM: 你怎么看品牌的工匠背景呢? FP: Pinel & Pinel 的工匠都热爱自己所做 的事,这是最重要的的一点。他们都有在路 易威登、爱马仕和香奈儿等大品牌工作过的 背景。实际上,在 Pinel & Pinel,他们并不是 在流水线上制作产品,或者说,只生产旅行 箱或手袋的某个部分,而是接受挑战从头到 尾精心打造无与伦比的产品。由于很多产品 都是前所未有的,他们需要不断挑战和提升 自己的知识和极限。 EM: Pinel & Pinel 提供定制服务,让你最难 忘的经历是什么,顾客是谁? FP: 我 想 我 可 以 告 诉 你 两 次 最 难 忘 的 经历。 第一个是迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan), 他要求我在一个月内为他设计制作一款运动 鞋行李箱,通常情况下,从构思到生产,需 要三个月的时间。他看到箱子时,格外震惊 地说:“Fucking good job(真他妈太棒了)”。让 人难以置信。 另一次是为开云集团(Kering Group)老板 François-Henri Pinault 打造旅行箱。他是位钟 表 迷 ,委 托 我 制 作 一 个 Watch Winder Trunk 腕表上发条旅行箱。收到旅行箱后,他对我 再 三 感 谢 。 然 后 , 我 又 向 他 和 妻 子 Salma Hayek 展 示 了 我 为 他 们 的 女 儿 Valentina Paloma 打造的 Baby Trunk 婴儿旅行箱。毋庸 置疑,他们深受感动。 最 不 可 思 议 的 是 ,那 些 可 以 买 得 起 任 何 东 西 、 完 全 不 须 考 虑 价 格 的 人 会 来 Pinel & Pinel, 且 相 信 我 们 能 够 为 他 们 打 造 出 举 世 无双的孤品。 쐽

EM: Tell us more about the technique and special characteristics of Pinel & Pinel’s products. FP: It is important to note when you see photos of the major trunk-makers, such Louis Vuitton, Goyard, Hermes or now Moynat, that they are very different from mine. These wonderful houses have their roots linked to the period when trunks were produced for travel. Pinel & Pinel has an opposite approach to trunks that is completely different from the others. The DNA of the brand is only 20 years old, so I can make it evolve and develop every day. This gives me complete liberty to create and I am not afraid to conceive unexpected trunks, such as a Motorcycle Trunk or a Bonsai Trunk. My approach is completely contemporary. Pinel & Pinel trunks also have wheels, allowing them to move around in a space, an environment. EM: Tell us more about the background of the craftsmen. FP: The craftsmen that work here are passionate about what they do, this is essential. They all come from the big institutional houses like Vuitton, Hermes and Chanel. In fact, here at Pinel & Pinel they are not producing “on the assembly line”, that is, only producing one part of a trunk or hand bag, but take the challenge of elaborating and crafting unique products from A to Z. As most products have never been

created before, they need to push their knowledge and boundaries to new limits. EM: Pinel & Pinel provides bespoke service, what’s your most memorable experience and client? FP: I think that I would need to provide you with two extremely memorable experiences. The first was for Michael Jordan, who requested a sneaker trunk in one month, when normally, from conception to production, it takes up to three months. Upon presenting it to him, he was so in awe impressed, stating “Fucking good gob”. That was incredible. Another memorable one was for FrançoisHenri Pinault, the owner of the Kering Group. As he is a watch aficionado, he commissioned a Watch Winder Trunk. I presented it to him and he thanked me profusely. I then presented him and his wife, Salma Hayek, with a Baby Trunk for their daughter, Valentina Paloma. Needless to say, they were extremely touched. What is extraordinary is that people who can purchase anything, with no limits in price, come to Pinel & Pinel and have the confidence in us to create incredibly unique objects for them. 쐽

图/Photo:Ludovic Parisot

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 51

Essential TRENDS

肆 意的 宣 言 Extravagance or Statement 2019 春夏 高 定系列 充 满激情 和 乐 趣, 而且 ,在 这 个民 众 纷纷对 与 自己息 息 相关 的 国 际 事 件 发 声表 态的 年 代,各 大 牌的高 定 系 列也 肆意 挑 衅政治 和 社会规 范 !! ! The Haut Couture SS 19 collections are a call to an exuberance of mood and fun, without forgetting political and social provocation at a time when making a stand against global events cannot be ignored by those to whom this matters the most: people!!! 文/by CATARINA VASQUES RITO

Christian Dior


维克多·霍斯汀(Viktor Horsting)和罗 尔夫·斯努伦(Rolf Snoeren)组成的荷 兰双人设计品牌 Viktor&Rolf,把自己的 2019 春 夏 高 定 系 列 命 名 为 “时 尚 宣 言 ( ” Fashion Statements),因为他们认为,“我们可以透过服 装来表明自己的立场。”品牌高定系列的十八 件作品针对不同主题提出口号:环境问题上, “要在乎”(Give a damn);时尚而言,“少即是 多”(Less is more);或者对体育(美国橄榄球) 超级碗说“不”(No)。品牌的高定系列体现了 反讽的态度;以时装作为抗议的工具,尊重 创意历史和传统以及波普文化的取态。极度 注重细节和精致,且将两者和谐融合。 奥利维耶·忽斯汀(Olivier Rousteing)担任 巴尔曼(Balmain)创意总监已有九年之久,他 才华出众,尽管设计风格有时显得夸张,但 他是会追溯品牌历史及时装历史的专业设计 师之一。珍珠依旧流行,忽斯汀就将珍珠融 合在洋溢着霸气优雅的系列中。 “品 牌 的 过 去 全 都 和 优 雅 、 成 熟 和 性 感 有关。我要把这一切找回来,因为巴尔曼体 现 了 一 种 经 典 的 法 式 生 活 方 式 。我 想 在 这 个系列和未来系列中重现巴尔曼先生的非 凡设计精髓。” 珍珠启发了巴尔曼,而马戏团则启发了克 里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)的创意总监玛 莉亚·嘉西亚·基乌里(Maria Grazia Chiuri)。 以马戏团为主题的设计在时装界层出不穷, 基 乌 里 此 次 从 让 · 谷 克 多 (Jean Cocteau)、 毕 加 索 (Pablo Picasso)、辛 蒂 ·雪 曼 (Cindy


iktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren, the Dutch duo of Viktor&Rolf, have called their collection Haut Couture SS 19, Fashion Statements because for these designers, “we can take a stand through clothes.” Eighteen pieces with slogans aimed at different themes: the environment “Give a damn”, fashion “Less is more”; or sport (American football) Super Bowl “No”. The designers’ Haute Couture collection encapsulates an attitude of irony; using fashion as a vehicle of protest, respecting the historic creative line and attitude taken by Pop. The obsession for detail and sophistication blend in unison. It is nine years since Olivier Rousteing took over the creative direction at Balmain and he hardly needs to prove his talent, and even if the style sometimes appears exaggerated, this designer is one of the professionals that will go down in the brand’s history and in the history of fashion. Pearls continue to be in fashion and Rousteing hammers home that message by integrating them in the collection which exudes irreverent elegance. “The brand’s past was all about elegance, sophistication and sensuality. I am getting all this back, because Balmain reflects a very French lifestyle. I want to revisit Monsieur Balmain’s talent in this and future collections”, explained Olivier Rousteing after his January fashion show.

Maison Margiela 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 53

Essential TRENDS

Viktor & Rolf

Sherman)、理查德·艾维顿(Richard Avedon) 等艺术家的作品以及最近身故的杰拉德·维 凯尔(Gerard Vicaire, 1927-2018)设计的马戏团 戏服中汲取灵感。“维凯尔的刺绣巧夺天工, 堪比纯粹的高级定制!”玛莉亚·基乌里说。 迪奥高定系列充满了细节和象征元素,目 的是在不抹杀女性权利的情况下,展现女性 温柔气质:“强大而柔美”,玛莉亚·基乌里表 示。迪奥的 DNA 已经根深蒂固、不可动摇。 “航海”和“海洋”是高缇耶(Jean-Paul Gaultier) 54 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

为那些崇拜高缇耶海洋世界的粉丝奉献的 主 题 。海 洋 是 高 缇 耶 作 品 中 反 复 出 现 的 主 题,这在品牌 19 春夏高定系列中可见一斑。 以渔船和水手为灵感的横纹衬衫经过重新演 绎 再 次 出 现 ,“鲨 鱼 鳍 ” 肩 线 经 过 重 新 设 计 , 在外套、连衣裙、衬衫等各种款式中都 有 出 现 。Maison Margiela 发 布 的 夏 季 新 品 诠 释了文学、电影、艺术及生活中的“颓废”!系 列运用了杂乱无章的迷幻结构和色调,几乎 让人引起幻觉。

Pearls inspired Balmain like the circus inspired Maria Grazia Chiuri at Christian Dior. It is a recurrent theme in the fashion world since the designer took inspiration from representations made by Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Cindy Sherman, Richard Avedon and in the circus costumes designed by the late Gérard Vicaire (1927-2018). “The embroideries done by Vicaire were extraordinary, pure haute couture!” says Maria Chiuri.

Essential TRENDS 品 牌 Maison Margiela 和 其 创 意 总 监 约 翰 ·加利亚诺(John Galliano)的春夏高定大秀 既不叛逆也不乏味。正如约翰·加利亚诺所 说,生活需要“色彩、乐趣和勇气来消除人们 的 沉 闷 和 惰 性 ! ”事 实 上 ,正 因 为 品 牌 在 拥 有一个不同寻常的非商业化设计理念,以及 一个针对小众市场的美学概念——这个客 户群体承认自己喜欢透过艺术表达显得与 众不同,才会取得如此的成功。” 诗 意 、柔 和 和 优 雅 是 设 计 师 亚 历 山 大 ·福提(Alexandre Vauthier)想要在他的 19 春 夏系列中传达的主题。“透过选择特别的色彩 进行混合搭配,达至优雅,达到理想的和谐 效果”,亚历山大·福提解释道。他担任许多 国际名人的服装顾问,包括音乐界大咖席琳 ·迪翁和碧昂丝,他很清楚,无论表演者是 何种风格,她们都想展示自己柔美的一面! 时尚让我们尽情大玩创意和享受其中的 乐趣,同时又能传递出严肃的信息……重要 的 是 敢 于 肆 意 放 任 ,敢 于 作 出 自 己 的 政 治 和社会宣言。 쐽

Alexandre Vauthier

Jean-Paul Gaulthier


The Dior collection is made up of details and analogies that aim to give voice to femininity without being an assault on women’s rights: “Strong and feminine” the designer has said. Dior’s DNA is firmly rooted and upheld. Both “marceau” and “marinière” are back for the self-confessed admirer of the maritime world of Jean-Paul Gaultier. The sea is a recurrent theme in this designer’s work and proof of this can be seen in the collection Haute Couture SS 19 collection. The common boat inspired shirts with horizontal stripes are back but redesigned, as are the shark shoulders in pieces as varied as coats, dresses and blouses. The designs from Maison Margiela for the summer season this year explore excesses in literature and cinema, in art... and in life! A collection that is almost hallucinogenic in its psychedelic construction and colour palette. Maison Margiela and John Galliano are neither consensual nor tedious. Life, as the


designer states, needs “colour, fun and boldness to take away people’s inertia!” And that is in fact what happens when this brand has a concept which is unusual and not commercial while at the same time having an aesthetic concept aimed at a niche market which admits that it likes being different artistically. Poetry, softness and elegance are what the designer Alexandre Vauthier wants to transmit in his collections, as can be seen in SS19. “Elegance is in the choice of specific colours which are blended in such a way as to achieve the desired harmony”, explains Alexander Vauthier, used to dressing international celebrities from the music world such as Celine Dion or Beyoncé, and knows that regardless of the performers’ style, they want to be feminine! Fashion allows us to play, have fun and send out serious messages... The important thing is to not be afraid of being extravagant or state political and social convictions. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 55

Essential BAZAAR


拉夫劳伦新品 美国时尚品牌拉夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)最近推出了 RL50 手袋,希 望其成为最新的标志性款式。 于二月开始发售的 RL50 手袋依旧 散发浓浓的品牌气息,强调实用功 能和都市风格。RL50 手袋有四种 尺寸(迷你、中号、大号和超大号) 可选,并采用了不同的材质,如小 牛皮、鳄鱼皮、蛇皮和鸵鸟皮。


水土交融 天气日渐温暖,COS 推出了最新 系列,色彩灵感来自阿曼东北部 的哈贾尔山脉,深蓝和深棕色与 纯白色及中性色相互碰撞。饰有 腰带的宽松连衣裙衬托出修长、 优雅的体态美,同时延续了品牌 在同类市场上最为最独树一帜的 趣味设计特色。

黑白色流行的日子一去不复返 ——彩色缤纷的时代已经到来。 瑞士著名钟表品牌伯爵(Piaget) 最具标志性的高级女表系列 Possesion 又迎来了一位靓丽的新 成员。新表盘和表链都采用了 温馨优雅的樱桃红色。对于与众 不同的独立女性而言,这枚腕表 会让您更加耀眼夺目。

Where land meets water

New icon Ralph Lauren recently presented the RL50 handbag, which the brand hopes will become its latest icon. Released in February, it has a practical and cosmopolitan spirit, featuring the American house’s signature codes. This RL50 is available in four sizes (mini, medium, large and oversized) and in different materials, such as calfskin, alligator, ayers snakeskin and ostrich.


With the coming warmer days in mind, COS has released its new collection, featuring a colour palette inspired in the mountains of the Oman northeast, which inspired the deep-blue and dark-brown shades that contrast with the pure whites and neutral colours. The belted, airy dresses provide a long silhouette and timeless beauty, while keeping the design finishes that make COS one of the most interesting brands of its segment.

Possession Gone are the days of black and white — colour has arrived. Now it’s Piaget’s turn to take one of its most iconic female watches and introduce it — face and bracelet — in an elegant and warm shade of cherry. For unique and independent women, according to the Swiss brand, this piece will dazzle everyone.

珠宝设计师塔玛拉·科莫利 (Tamara Comolli)出生于德国, 但童年大部分时间却是在西班牙 度过的,因此她的设计以明丽缤纷 的色彩和休闲随意的风格而著称, 而且经常采用民族风设计元素是 她走红的主要原因。从其 2019 年 全新珠宝系列——Made to Dream, 我们为您甄选了 Mikado 系列的耳 环。耳环无比轻盈,烟晶吊坠与 主耳环巧妙地连结,摇曳生姿, 更显别致。

Mikado Flamenco Designer Tamara Comolli, who was born in Germany but spent much of her childhood in Spain, is known for her colourful and somewhat informal aesthetic where ethnic references are a staple that have made her famous. From her 2019 collection, Made to Dream, we have selected these elegant earrings from the Mikado Collection. Incredibly light, the way the smoked-quartz pendent connects to the superior element gives it a swing that enhances its elegance.

Essential BAZAAR


高保真音响耳机 世界领先的高品质家庭娱乐产品 日本制造商天龙(Denon)推出 的 AH-D9200 头戴式耳机专为最为挑 剔的音响发烧友而设。AH-D9200 驱动单元采用专利纳米纤维制成 的高灵敏度振膜,并选取日本著 名的毛竹制造耳罩,打造温暖动 人的音质。 AH-D9200 的耳垫使用了高等级 的日本产皮革和 3D 记忆棉,确 保聆听者的双耳得到正确、舒 适的贴合。此外,它的轻质铝 制头梁轻盈柔韧,可以始终保 持耳机在最佳的发声位置。

洋溢着意式风情的瑞士品牌麦卡 尼克·费洛奇(Meccaniche Veloci) 成立于 2006 年,以其特立独行的 赛车码表造型而闻名遐迩。在 2019 年的巴塞尔钟表展上,品牌 推出了 Icon 系列全新表款—— Podium 腕表。腕表依旧采用了品 牌经典的碳纤维材质及分布四个 独立小表盘的设计,49 毫米的钛 金表壳,但新款腕表大表盘下方 的两个小表盘采用了镂空结构, 让四个独立时区的 MV8802 机芯 露出庐山真面目,大放异彩。

法国奢华品牌珑骧(Longchamp) 的 2019 春夏系列透过全新演绎品 牌的两款经典作品,邀您踏上同享 科技与自由的探险之旅。 两款作品散发着未来主义的太空科 技气息。Moonshot 271 让人联想到 品牌位于巴黎圣奥诺雷街 271 号 (271 rue Saint-Honré in Paris)的专 卖店。橙色和蓝色潜水面料,搭 配灰色的撞色设计,休闲放松, 洋溢着雅致迷人高科技风情。 Moonshot 271 系列包括背包、 手提包和旅行包三个款式。


High fidelity The Denon AH-D9200 headphones were especially designed for the most demanding audiophiles. With proprietary drivers with a nanofibre diaphragm, they feature a Japanese bamboo housing that highlights music’s warmer notes. The leather earpads are also Japanese and encase 3D memory foam, perfect for long use. Holding the headphones is a diecast-aluminium headband with great flexibility and quality construction.

自由 & 科技

Meccaniche Veloci Icon The Swiss brand with an Italian soul, founded in Milan in 2006, is known for its peculiar look associated with car mechanics. At Basewolrd 2019, Meccaniche Veloci presented the new Podium, the latest model of its Icon collection. Featuring the typical four faces in carbon fibre inside the titanium 49mm case, the new model’s two lower faces are now skeletonised, allowing the MV8802 calibre to shine through in four different time zones.

继 Eau de Toilette 淡香水之后, 意大利男装品牌杰尼亚 (Ermenegildo Zegna)最重要的 高级香水系列又推出全新的 Eau de Parfum 香水系列。该系列 包含五款香水,都采用了杰尼亚家 族果园里的佛手柑。杰尼亚家族果 园位于意大利卡拉布里亚大区,盛 产柑橘类水果。香水还融入了其他 卓越品质原料:佛罗伦萨鸢尾花、 印尼乌木、地中海橙花油和绿色小 豆蔻,共同打造出该系列弥漫成 熟阳刚之气的男士香水。

Italian Essence After the Eau de Toilette, Ermenegildo Zegna’s most significant perfume collection now comes to the market as Eau de Parfum. The high-quality collection has five fragrances, which have in common the bergamot orange from the Zegna family’s orchard, located in the Calabria region, where this citrus fruits grows abundantly. This is then paired with other high-quality ingredients: Florentine iris, Indonesian oud, Mediterranean neroli oil and green cardamom, combined to form a collection of fragrances as masculine as they sophisticated.

Freedom & technology For the 2019 spring/summer season, Longchamp invites you to enjoy adventures marked by technology and freedom through two new interpretations of classic pieces from the Paris maison. The result is two new futuristic and technical lines that transport you to space. Moonshot 271 — a reference to the Longchamp’s Paris boutique, located at 271 Rue Saint-Honoré — features orange and blue neoprene with grey contrasts, and is characterised for its relaxed and hi-tech elegance. Available as a backpack, handbag and travel bag.

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 57


雨衣 Raincoat: Twinset 连衣裙 Dress: 斯特拉·麦卡特尼 Stella McCartney 耳环 Earrings: Machado Joalheiro 手袋 Purse: 马克·雅可布 Marc Jacobs

T恤、连衣裙 T-shirt and dress: 菲拉格慕 Salvatore Ferragamo 耳环 Earrings: Machado Joalheiro 斜挎包 Crossbody bag: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana

外套 Jacket: 德赖斯·范诺顿 Dries Van Noten 短裙 Skirt: 赛琳 Céline 宽松衬衫 Chemise: Cos 鞋 Shoes: Elisabetta Franchi 短裙 Skirt: MSGM 戒指、耳环 Rings and earrings: Machado Joalheiro 鞋 Sapatos: Jimmy Choo

连衣裙 Dress: Attico 短裙 Skirt: 古琦 Gucci

上衣 Top: 普瓦烈 Poiret 长裤 Trousers: 爱丽丝+ 奥利维亚 Alice + Olivia 凉拖 Slides: 斯特拉·麦卡特尼 Stella McCartney

连衣裙 Dress: 古琦 Gucci 腰带 Belt: 德赖斯·范诺顿 Dries van Noten 帽子 Hat: 格仕 Guess

上衣 Top: 纪梵希 Givenchy 长裤 Trousers: 华伦天奴 Valentino 太阳镜 Sunglasses: 麦丝玛拉 Max Mara

夏季外套 Summer coat: Metamorfosi 连体衣 Bodysuit: Martu 太阳镜 Sunglasses: 迪奥 Dior

Essential BEAUTY

妙曼春容 以色彩缤纷的安娜苏(Anna Sui)2019 年春季美妆品来拥抱明 媚春天! 打造完美妆容的关键是完美的粉底。安娜苏全新 2019 年春季美妆 系列推出了一款 Loose Powder 迷你蔷薇魔法蜜粉,包装采用美丽 的蝴蝶粉盒。蜜粉有哑光和亮光两种效果。用粉扑取适量散粉, 涂满手背,接着均匀涂满整个脸部。然后,就可以轻松造就持 久妆容和无瑕效果。 系列中的另一款明星产品是 Eyelash Serum 华丽复古睫毛精华液。 睫毛精华液采用了新技术 PLGA 纳米胶囊(释放胶囊),长期使 用,可以轻松使睫毛更浓密、更迷人。睫毛膏采用美丽的孔雀蓝 包装,精华液能够让睫毛拥有如孔雀的美丽翅膀般的迷人灵动。

Paint a picture Celebrate the spring with the colourful Anna Sui 2019 Spring collection. A perfect foundation is the key of a flawless makeup, and the new collection introduces a mini Loose Powder packed in a beautiful butterfly case, and available with two finishes, matte and radiant. Take an suitable amount with the special puff and adjust it on the back of your hand, then apply evenly over your entire face. A flawless finish and long-lasting base is now within easy reach. Another key product of the collection is the Eyelash Serum. With the new innovative formula PLGA Micro Capsule “Loosen Capsule”, the serum can easily make your eyelashes thicker in the long-run and stunning. This serum comes with a beautiful Peacock packaging, symbolising the serum that enhances resilient lashes, just like beautiful wings of a peacock.

臻白奢悦 迪奥(Dior)发布了一个臻白产品系列——花秘瑰萃光皙系列,保护并 修护肌肤。遵循独特的迪奥光皙美肤仪式,可以为您焕活年轻肌肤, 让肌肤散发持久光芒。迪奥光皙美肤仪式的第一步,是用迪奥 Prestige Light-in-lotion 花秘瑰萃光皙洗面奶温和去除面部老废角质。接着,利用 精萃液强大的亮白功能,温柔呵护肌肤,同时卓效亮白。然后,Prestige Light-In-White La Crème Lumière 花秘瑰萃光皙乳霜会舒悦呵宠肌肤,令肌 肤呈现奢润光皙剔透。最后一步是使用 Prestige Light-in-White New UV Protectors 花秘瑰萃光皙防护乳为肌肤提供多一层保护。修护乳包含 100%的矿物粒子,甚至适于大部分敏感肌肤使用,恰是迪奥尽心呵护肌 肤需求的特点。修护乳完全没有厚重的感觉,却抵御了各类外界侵害: UVA 和 UVB 紫外线、污染、微小颗粒及人造光源,令肌肤焕亮透润, 肌肤尽绽耀目光采。

Light in white Dior reveals a high-whitening formula that treats, cares for and helps repairs the skin. Follow the unique steps of the Light-In-White skinwhitening beauty protocol, and your skin will be stronger and more radiant than ever, infused with permanent light. First, peel away dead skin cells with Dior Prestige Light-in-lotion to gently exfoliate the skin. Next, treat the skin to a powerful brightening action with the first Dior serum. Its highwhitening action is incredibly gentle yet extremely effective. Then, comfort and polish the skin with Dior Prestige Light-In-White La Crème Lumière for a dazzling sheen. Finally, apply the Light-In-White UV Protection. Featuring 100% mineral pigments, Dior Prestige Light-in-White New UV Protectors suit even the most sensitised skin, caring for its needs with a texture rich in Dior’s sensorial traits. A flawless coverage with no masking effect yet high protection from aggressions – UVA and UVB rays, pollution, fine particles, artificial light – for a luminous, glowing beauty.


Essential BEAUTY

花飞舞蝶 法国品牌拉杜丽(LADURÉE)向来是甜蜜和浪漫的象征。因此品牌推 出甜美浪漫的护肤产品系列最自然不过,灵感源自在花团锦簇、彩蝶 飞舞的平静花园里徜徉的美好感觉。系列包括 Heliotrope Body Was 沐 浴乳、Heliotrope Body Lotion 润肤乳、Heliotrope Hand Treatment 手霜和 Heliotrope Mist 喷雾,散发着天芥菜的花香。天芥菜在 18 世纪的法国 格外流行,花语表示”永恒的爱“、”迷恋“和”甜蜜的诱惑“。天芥菜 糅合了花香和茴香的气息,香甜、精致、高贵和优雅,有着无与 伦比的吸引力。 此外,系列产品包装采用了天芥菜的紫色,来歌颂女性的柔美。 沐浴乳和润肤乳的优雅包装饰有卡梅奥(Cameo)浮雕,一种深受 Merveilleuses 时尚女士欢迎的珠宝。手霜则采用了天芥菜和蝴 蝶主题包装。

Flowers and butterflies French brand LADURÉE is always a symbol of sweetness and romance. Just as expected, the brand launched a sweet collection that draws inspiration from leisurely strolls in peaceful gardens full of flowers and butterflies. Comprising Heliotrope Body Wash, Heliotrope Body Lotion, Heliotrope Hand Treatment and Heliotrope Mist, this collection uses the graceful fragrance composed of heliotrope, which was fashionable in 18th-century France, and, in the language of flowers means ‘eternal love’, ‘fascination’ and ‘sweet temptation’. With floral and anise-y scents, the sweet, delicate, noble and elegant fragrance has universal appeal. Additionally, the packages are coloured in heliotrope-purple, which celebrates femininity. The elegant packages of the body wash and body lotion feature a Cameo, a type of jewellery loved by the Merveilleuses. Heliotrope and butterfly motifs can be seen on the packages of the hand treatment.

春花盛放 为了歌颂鲜花盛放的春日,Jimmy Choo 推出了一款洋溢着花香、果香和木香的香水,完美激起春季的 盎然朝气和活力。从乍泄春光中汲取灵感,Jimmy Choo Blossom 香水的前调散发着多汁的香梨气息, 糅合了柑橘酸中带甜的芬芳和香柠檬的酸爽味。中调则洋溢着浓郁的山谷百合、芙蓉花和水仙花等春 日花朵的香气。后调含有层次丰富的白麝香并夹杂着丝滑柔软的檀香及强烈的琥珀气息。 玫瑰红色的香水瓶采用了钻石形状,香水瓶盖宛如一颗宝石,装在一个金光闪闪的粉色礼盒里。

Jimmy Choo Blossom Flowers explode into bloom in the springtime. Reflecting this, Jimmy Choo introduces a floral, fruity, woody scent that perfectly evokes the optimism and vivacity of the season. Inspired by the sparkling and luminous light of springtime, the Jimmy Choo Blossom opens with fruity notes of juicy pear that mingle with the sweet-tinged acidity of mandarin and a fizzy hint of bergamot. At its core, the fragrance makes way for a seasonal bouquet of fresh lily of the valley, hibiscus flower and pink freesia. Base notes of multilayered white musk mingle with the smoothness of sandalwood and the intensity of Ambroxan. This feminine fragrance is packed in a diamond-like, rosetinted bottle and topped with a jewel-like cap, and snuggled inside a fresh pink box that sparkles with glitter.

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 71

海 德公 园 文华东方 酒 店 涅磐 重 生 the quintessential English experience is reborn 在经历了两 场毁 灭性 的大 火之 后, 瑰 丽 奢 华 的 伦 敦 海 德 公 园 文 华东方酒 店在耗 资 2.15 亿 欧元 重新 修 缮 后 , 如 凤 凰 涅 磐般 重 生 , 重现 英国 爱德 华时 代 的 辉 煌 After two devastating fires, London’s glamorous Oriental Hyde Park hotel has risen like a phoenix from the ashes after a €215 million revamp in which it has been lovingly restored to its Edwardian splendour 文/by CÉSAR BRIGANTE 72 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Essential HOTEL

敦的地标建筑海德公园文华东方酒店 (Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel)将 于 4 月 15 日全面重新启幕。去年,酒店发生 了毁灭性的火灾。 这 场 大 火 之 所 以 登 上 国 际 头 条 新 闻 ,一 方面是因为它刚刚完成了重大的修缮工程, 另 一 方 面 是 因 为 英 国 流 行 歌 手 罗 比 ·威 廉 姆 斯 (Robbie Williams)是 酒 店 在 火 灾 中 疏 散的知名客人之一。

如今,拥有 116 年历史的海德公园酒店已 借体文华东方酒店如凤凰涅槃重生。整个翻 修工程耗资 1.85 亿英镑(约合 2.15 亿欧元), 由 著 名 设 计 师 乔 伊 斯 ·王 (Joyce Wang)担 任 整 体 规 划 设 计 ,其 灵 感 源 自 酒 店 的 皇 室 遗风和和二十世纪早期旅游黄金时代的迷 人风范。 翻 新 工 程 的 第 一 阶 段 去 年 完 成 ,大 堂 等 公共区域已于十二月重新开放。


ondon’s iconic Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel will fully reopen on 15 April after a devastating fire that gutted the luxury hotel last year. The fire made international headlines, not just because it occurred after the completion of a major refurbishment project, but also because the British pop star Robbie Williams was one of the illustrious guests who had to be evacuated.

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Essential HOTEL

现 在 ,酒 店 已 经 完 成 了 全 部 新 客 房 和 套 房的翻新工作,包括两间新建的空间硕大的 顶层套房,可以俯瞰绿树成荫的海德公园和 伦敦迷人的天际线景致。 五星酒店文华东方酒店隶属于文华东方 酒店集团(Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group),酒 店建筑建造于 1889 年,是维多利亚时代晚期 的佛朗哥—佛兰德(Franco-Flemish)风格,当 时是为富绅打造的公寓。1902 年,它成为海德 公园酒店(Hyde Park Hotel)向公众开放,同 年,爱德华七世(King Edward VII)加冕登基。 去年的大火并非是酒店第一次遭此浩劫。 1889 年,大厦突发大火,骑士桥翼的顶层三 楼损毁严重,并烧坏了屋顶,包括中央铁架 和玻璃角楼。 翻新后的海德公园酒店成为伦敦最新最 宏伟的酒店:大理石地板、高高的屋顶、路易 十五和路易十六时代的壁炉,以及十八世纪 谢拉顿(Sheraton)和赫波怀特(Hepplewhite) 式的家具。 酒 店 举 办 过 许 多 著 名 的 盛 事 ,一 度 冠 盖 云 集 , 如 1948 年 桃 乐 丝 ·维 斯 曼 夫 人 (Lady Doris Vyner)的银婚派对、巴拉克拉瓦 舞 会 (Balaclava Ball,以 纪 念 巴 拉 克 拉 瓦 战 役 一 百 周 年 )以 及 英 国 女 王 和 爱 丁 堡 公 爵 共同出席的撒切尔夫人的 80 大寿宴会。 入住酒店的名流数不胜数,包括美国演员 摩根·弗里曼、赛马小说家吉莉·库珀(Jilly Cooper)、英国演员连姆·尼森(Liam Neeson) 74 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Now the 116-year-old Mandarin Oriental has risen like a phoenix from the ashes in a £185 million (€215 million) restoration overseen by designer Joyce Wang who sought inspiration in the hotel’s royal heritage and the Golden Age of travel at the turn of the XX century. The first phase of the rennovation were completed last year and the public lounges and areas were reopened in December. Now the hotel has completed work on the new guest rooms and suites, including two newly created spacious penthouse suites offering exceptional rooms over leafy Hyde Park and London’s striking skyline.

A QUINTESSENTIAL ENGLISH HOTEL The five-star Mandarin Oriental, owned by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, was built in the late Victorian Franco-Flemish style in 1889 as apartments for affluent gentlemen, but opened its doors to the public as the Hyde Park Hotel in 1902, the same year that King Edward VII was crowned. Last year’s fire was not the first time the building was gutted. In1889 a fire struck the property, damaging the top three floors of the Knightsbridge wing, destroying part of the roof, including the central iron and glass turret.

After the rennovation, the Hyde Park Hotel was London’s newest and grandest hotel with marble floors, high ceilings, Louis XV and Louis XVI fireplaces and XVIII century inspired Sheraton and Hepplewhite furniture. The hotel has hosted many famous events such as Lady Doris Vyner’s silver wedding party in 1948, the Balaclava Ball as well as the 80th birthday party of Margaret Thatcher attended by both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Among the famous stars who have stayed at the hotel are US actor Morgan Freeman, horse racing novelist Jilly Cooper, British actors Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush, ballet dancer Darcey Bussell, spy author Frederick Forsyth and Joan Collins. Francois Xavier, a long-term concierge said that: “when people come and stay with us, they get the quintessential British experience.”

CUSTOM DESIGNED SUITES All 181 guest rooms and suites have been redesigned to offer more luxury and comfort than ever, with Art Deco inspired features including carefully curated artworks and custom designed furniture. Each of the hotel’s 40 suites range in size from the smallest at 47 square metres, located within the turrets of the hotel, to the largest, at

Essential HOTEL 和 杰 弗 里 ·拉 什 (Geoffrey Rush)、芭 蕾 舞 演 员 达 西 ·布 塞 尔 (Darcey Bussell)、间 谍 小 说 作家弗·福赛斯(Frederick Forsyth)和琼·柯 林斯夫人(Joan Collins)。 长 期 担 任 礼 宾 管 家 的 弗 朗 索 瓦 ·泽 维 尔 (Francois Xavier)表 示 :“当 客 人 来 到 酒 店 并 入住这里时,他们会体验到地道的英式 生活精髓。” 经 过 重 新 设 计 的 181 间 客 房 和 套 房 为 宾 客 提 供 前 所 未 有 的 奢 华 和 舒 适 ,精 心 选 配 的艺术品和定制家具呈现装饰艺术风韵。 酒 店 共 有 40 间 套 房 , 面 积 自 位 于 塔 楼 的最小的 47 平方米至最大的 444 平方米,即 带有私人露台的全新三卧室的文华东方 阁楼套房。 这间最大的套房由两间相互连通的宽 敞套房文华阁楼和东方阁楼组成,是伦敦最 大的套房之一,其中包含三间卧室、三间浴 室、一间私人餐厅、两间厨房,以及可饱览 海德公园与伦敦城市天际线的绝美景致。 文华东方酒店水疗中心由纽约知名设计 师亚当·D·蒂哈尼(Adam D. Tihany)设计。 全 新 水 疗 中 心 共 设 有 13 间 单 人 水 疗 室 和 Rasul 水 御 堂 的 东 方 水 疗 套 房 ,水 疗 中 心 为 宾客提供丰富的护理项目,全都是由一些颇 受欢迎的健康和理疗专家设计、开发。 酒店内饰交错使用压克力等当代材料和 传统的金色樱木,而水晶吊灯光彩夺目,更 加 增 强 了 酒 店 入 口 处 的 恢 宏 气 势 。酒 店 的 宴会厅和 Loggia 厅现已精心修缮,包括对许 多原有陈设进行 24K 镀金装饰。 酒 店 拥 有 大 量 的 艺 术 藏 品 ,各 楼 层 走 廊 陈 列 着 著 名 摄 影 师 Mary McCartney 的 迷 人 作 品 ,以 及 以 海 德 公 园 和 1851 年 伦 敦 世 博 会-万国工业博览会展品为灵感的作品。

酒 店 餐 厅 和 酒 吧 也 重 新 进 行 了 整 修 ,更 为 高 雅 迷 人 ,被 称 为 1920 年 代 的 Bennett 茶 室 的 Roseberry 酒 廊 将 为 宾 客 奉 上 一 款 上 世 纪 20 年代风格的特色下午茶。 “伦敦海德公园文华东方酒店对于能够传 承这家历史悠久的酒店倍感自豪。这次重大 翻新涉及的范围之广和细节设计之精巧,都 旨在确保这家标志性的伦敦酒店能够被公认 为世界上顶尖的酒店之一。我们非常期待用 亲切且周到的服务来迎接我们的宾客,让他 们感受到具有英式风格且又能反映东方传 统 的 传 奇 服 务 。”酒 店 总 经 理 兼 地 区 运 营 副 总裁 Amanda Hyndman 表示。 쐽

444 square metres, which comprises the new three-bedroom Mandarin Oriental Penthouse with private terraces. Consisting of two penthouse suites, the Mandarin Penthouse and Oriental Penthouse can be interconnected to create one of London’s largest suites with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a private dining room, two kitchens and views overlooking Hyde Park.

THE SPA The Spa designed by New York designer Adam D. Tihany, boasts 13 individual treatment rooms and a Rasul water temple and an extensive spa menu designed by some of the most sought-after health and wellness experts in the world.

PUBLIC AREAS Contemporary materials including acrylic have been juxtaposed with blond burl wood while crystal chandeliers enhance the dramatic entrance. The hotel’s Ballroom and Loggia have also been carefully restored to include 24-carat gilding of many original features. The hotel also features an extensive art collection while landings have striking images by photographer Mary McCartney as well as pieces inspired by Hyde Park and the Great 1851 Exhibition. The restaurant and bar has also been tastefully refurbished with the Roseberry, known as the Bennet Tearoom in the 1920s will offer a special 1920s-inspired English afternoon tea. “Mandarin Oriental is enormously proud of the heritage of this historic hotel. The scope and intricate detail of this momentous renovation is designed to ensure that this iconic London establishment is recognised as one of the finest hotels in the world” said Amanda Hyndman, General Manager and Area Vice President of Operations. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 75


辉煌 重现 Small grandeur 葡萄 牙 国宝设计组合阿尔 图尔· 米 兰 达 和 雅 克 · 贝 克 创 立 的 Oitoemponto 设计 室将负责波尔图全 新 落成的 五 星 酒 店 — — 名 胜 宫 殿 酒 店 的 内 部 装潢。富丽堂皇的酒 店 让人恍 如 回 到 了 波 尔 图 的 黄 金 时 代 The duo Oitoemponto founded by designers Artur Miranda and Jacques Bec are responsible for the interiors of the new Monumental Palace Hotel, the latest 5-star unit in Porto which conjures the city’s golden age 文/by ERNESTO CORVAJA 摄影/photos FRANCISCO DE ALMEIDA DIAS

尔 图 的 旅 游 业 正 在 蓬 勃 发 展 ,而 且 丝 毫 没 有 减 缓 的 迹 象 ,因 此 市 内 有 大 量 在 建 中 翻 新 项 目 工 程 。翻 新 项 目 大 多 涉 及 波 尔 图 的 经 典 地 标 建 筑 ,它 们 是 已 被 弃 用 或 严 重 荒 废 的 建 筑 ,翻 新 工 程 将 赋 予 它们全新生机。 这些项目中就包括由意大利建筑师 Michelangelo Soà 设 计 、 1923 年 完 工 的 历 史 建 筑 “Almeida e Cunha”。该 建 筑 位 于 著 名 的 同 盟 大 道 (Avenida dos Aliados)上 ,离 波 尔 图市政厅不远。 “Almeida e Cunha”大 厦 正 面 采 用 了 让 人 叹 为观止的布杂艺术(Beaux Arts)风格,这种 风格在十九世纪末和二十世纪初非常流行, “Almeida e Cunha”最初是一座附设商店的办公 楼 。1930 年 1 月 ,一 家 气 派 的 咖 啡 厅 进 占 大


orto is experiencing a boom in tourism. This phenomenon, which shows no sign of slowing, has contributed to a vast amount of renovation which is bringing back to life some of the city’s most iconic buildings which until recently were abandoned or seriously dilapidated. One example is the historic “Almeida e Cunha” designed by the Italian architect Michelangelo Soà and completed in 1923 on the prestigious Avenida dos Aliados, a short distance from City Hall. With an impressive façade in the Beaux Arts style, which was very in vogue at the end of the XIX and start of the XX centuries, “Almeida e Cunha” was designed to be an office building with shops. In January 1930, the ground floor was occupied by an establishment with a substantially 76 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


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厦 一 层 ,当 时 的 报 纸 对 这 家 咖 啡 馆 赞 叹 不 已 :“咖 啡 馆 恢 宏 豪 华 、无 比 舒 适 ,远 远 超 出了人们的想象。它盖世无双、无与伦比!它 是不朽的杰作!” 全 新 的 Monumental 咖 啡 厅 很 快 成 为 波 尔 图人的社交场所,吸引了许多上流社会的的 精英。大厦一层有一间餐厅、下沉层酒吧和 游戏厅;地面层有一间咖啡馆,咖啡馆内专 门 设 置 了 舞 台 ,供 当 年 风 靡 一 时 的 爵 士 乐 和古典乐乐团表演之用 。 Monumental 咖 啡 馆 的 大 名 在 公 众 脑 海 中根深蒂固,且成了本地人对大厦代称。尽 管声名远扬,咖啡馆还是在几年后倒闭了。 在 二 战 后 经 济 萧 条 时 期 ,这 里 成 为 一 家 一 流的寄宿公寓,公寓继续使用咖啡馆的 大名 Monumental。 继 Pensão Monumental 公 寓 之 后 ,该 大 厦 空间被分隔并作为办公室对外出租。可是尽 管声明卓著,地理位置优越,大厦还是日渐 颓势,几近荒废。2013 年,致力于旅游业的 葡 萄 牙 北 部 著 名 企 业 家 马 里 奥 ·费 雷 拉 (Mario Ferreira)买下了大厦,其目标是把它改 造成一家五星级酒店,重现昔日辉煌与威望。 最近,由于多种原因,该大楼最终被法国 巴黎酒店(Paris Inn)集团收购,并决定挂名 安 珀 (Mason Albar)品 牌 打 造 酒 店 。安 珀 是 一个小型豪华精品酒店连锁品牌,于 2014 年

different vocation, an imposing café whose opening was heralded in a newspaper of the time with the phrase “the café surpasses in luxury and comfort all the very best and grandest that one can imagine. It is unique and wonderful. It is monumental”. The new Monumental quickly became an inevitable social meeting point in Porto, with a restaurant and downstairs bar, a gaming room on the first floor and, at street level, a café with a stage for jazz and classical music orchestras which being all the rage at the time, sparkled and attracted a scintillating high-society clientèle. The cafe’s name became fixed in the public’s mind and became a reference in the city for Cunha e Sá. Despite its fame, the establishment closed a few years later. In the post World War II period, in leaner times, a first-rate boarding house was set up which used and traded on the famous name of the café. After the Pensão Monumental, the building was divided up and rented out as offices. Gradually, despite its noble bearing and prized location, the building began to get run down until it reached a state of near ruin. In 2013 it was acquired by Mário Ferreira, a well-known entrepreneur in the north of Portugal with business interests in tourism, with the aim of turning the building into a five-star hotel capable of restoring it to its former glory and prestige of times past. More recently, for various reasons, the project ended up by being sold to the French 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 79


由 Jean-Bernard 和 Céline Falco 携 手 创 立 ,目 前在法国拥有四间酒店,名胜宫殿酒店是品 牌在法国以外的首间酒店。 由阿尔图尔·米兰达(Artur Miranda)和雅 克·贝克(Jacques Bec)两位著名建筑师经营 的 波 尔 图 室 内 装 潢 事 务 所 Oitoemponto 负 责 将 古 老 的 “Almeida e Cunha”大 厦 改 造 成 葡 萄 牙北部首都波尔图的地标酒店。 对 Oitoemponto 事务所的粉丝来说,由事 务所操刀翻新大厦再自然不过,因为它绝对

hotel group Paris Inn for a hotel bearing the Mason Albar brand - a small chain of luxury boutique hotels created in 2014 by Jean-Bernard and Céline Falco which currently have just four hotels of which this is the first outside of France. Contracted for the delicate task of transforming the old “Almeida e Cunha” into a landmark hotel for the capital of Northern Portugal were the renown and respected interior Portuguese architects Oitoemponto

run by Artur Miranda and Jacques Bec, also based in Porto. The choice, for those who have followed the careers of this French-Portuguese duo, was a natural one with a guarantee to return the Monumental back to Avenida dos Aliados in all of its initial splendour. Founded in 1993, the atelier Oitoemponto is characterised by a work that is a reflection of its time, but where stylish influences of the 70s

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能 保 证 让 Monumental 重 现 当 年 在 同 盟 大 道 上的辉煌。 Oitoemponto 事 务 所 成 立 于 1993 年 ,其 作 品体现出建筑物的时代风格,并融入 70 年代 的风格和二十世纪初的建筑形式美学,从而 打造独特的建筑设计风格,自成一派。 事务所打造的“梦幻之家”遍布欧洲、非洲 和巴西,他们透过丰富的细节来彰显奢华气 派,无论是在材料品质和施工做工上都一丝 不苟。遵循这样严苛的准则,毋庸置疑,在 过去 25 年里,事务所的项目主要致力于为私 人客户设计公寓和独立式住宅。 但 事 务 所 近 期 的 项 目 进 行 了 调 整 :先 是 巴 黎 的 Maison du Caviar 餐 厅 , 现 在 又 是 Monumental Palace Hotel 名胜宫殿酒店。名胜 宫殿酒店是他们设计的首间酒店,也表明私 人寓所与公共空间的差距可能正在缩小。 安 珀 名 胜 宫 殿 酒 店 设 有 63 个 房 间 、13 间 套 房 ,每 个 房 间 的 结 构 和 室 内 高 度 都 不 尽 相同,空间和浴室都各有各的风格。 色 彩 运 用 也 遵 循 了 一 个 有 趣 的 理 念 :高 楼层的房间运用了深色和大量的装潢,而接 82 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


近 地 面 、光 线 较 暗 的 楼 层 则 运 用 了 浅 色 调 。 许多细节隐藏于这些微小的互动反差中,在 氛围舒适的酒店中随处可见。 深谙混搭之道的两位设计师肆意将色彩、 图案和材料混搭,仿佛在进行一种美学风格 试验,他们从自己钟爱的某个时期汲取美学 灵感,并将之融入当代。 公共区域、前台、餐饮区(美食餐厅、咖 啡 馆 、法 式 餐 厅 )、电 视 休 息 室 和 图 书 馆 大 量的细节、配置和做工都无与伦比,室内设 计师透过镜子、铁艺、马赛克及随处可见的 石 头 (Oitoemponto 事 务 所 最 为 看 重 的 材 料 之 一 )等 材 料 的 运 用 在 这 间 不 算 大 的 显 赫 酒店中演绎出富丽堂皇。 为了让这间酒店浴火重生,阿尔图尔·米 兰达和雅克·贝克倾尽所能,除了两样东西 外——André Arbus 设计的华丽枝形吊灯复制 品 和 酒 店 入 口 处 Josef Hoffmann 设 计 的 Haus Koller 沙 发 — — ,酒 店 内 所 有 的 家 具 、家 居 用品,包括知名的地毯系列、装饰水疗中心 的瓷砖画及其他配饰全由他们二人亲自设 计。这也是他们的不二手法。 쐽

and the formal beauty of the start of the XXth century, Translating into its very own style and school of architecture. Their portfolio contains many “dream houses” spread over Europe, Africa and Brazil whereby the duo communicate their luxury style which is rich in details, where no shortcuts are made in the quality of the materials and precision of execution. Taking into account this level of discipline, it is hardly surprising that over the two decades and a half that they have been in business, the atelier’s projects have focused primarily on apartments and detached houses for private clients. However, more recently this trend has been changing: the Maison du Caviar in Paris and now the Monumental Palace Hotel, the first hotel project that bears their signature, go to show that the gap in proportions between public spaces and private ones could be closing. The Maison Albar Hotels’ Le Monumental Palace has 63 rooms, 13 suites, all with different configurations and ceiling heights, ample areas and bathrooms that match in terms of the rooms. The colour palette follows an interesting concept which applies darker colours and a heavier decoration on the upper floors which lift to lighter tones as you approach the more sombre ground floor. These small interplays

and references that hide many of the details are a constant in environments that exude comfort. With reckless abandon but with the mastery that they are know for, the designers mix and match colours, patterns and materials as if in an exercise in style, fetching ideas from a period whose aesthetic particularly pleases them and bringing them to our time. The public areas, the reception, the various spaces dedicated to gastronomy - a gourmet restaurant, a café and brasserie -, a TV lounge and the library impress by their profusion of details, fixtures and finishes where mirrors, brass, mosaics and the ever-present stone - one of the materials prized by Oitoemponto - compete for the grandeur that the interior designers want to impart to this small grande hotel. As is only right and proper for the duo, all the pieces that furnish the hotel, the notable collection of carpets, the azulejo tiles that decorate the walls of the spa and other accessories were all designed by them with the exception of two pieces: a copy of the superb cascade chandelier by André Arbus and the Haus Koller sofas by Josef Hoffmann in the entrance, which all make an unmistakable statement of the monumental approach which Artur Miranda and Jacques Bec have dedicated to the renaissance of this Porto phoenix. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 83

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Bulthaup 开放 式厨 房 the Bulthaup open kitchen 马 克 ·埃克特是声名卓著的 德国 厨房 品 牌 Bulthaup 创 始 人 的 外 孙 , 也 是 该 品 牌 现 任执行总裁。他在巴塞 罗那 接受 了 《 精 华 》 杂 志 的 采 访 , 向 我 们 详 细 介绍了品牌的全新系 列 b Solitaire 系 列 , 并 对 未 来 厨 房 作 出 展 望 Marc Eckert is the grandson of Bulthaup founder and the current CEO of the prestigious German kitchen brand. Essential met him in Barcelona, where he told us about the new b Solitaire line and his vision for the future of kitchens 文/by CÉSAR BRIGANTE


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西班牙首都巴塞罗那举行的推广 Bulthaup 最新系列——b Solitaire 系列 的活动上,我们见到了马克·埃克特(Marc Eckert)。他 就 是 人 们 常 说 的 非 传 统 商 人 。 48 岁的他身材瘦削,几乎总是一袭黑衣,看 上去更像是一位设计师而不是一位接手了祖 父创立的著名公司已达近 9 年之久的执行总 裁。他的专业是法律,并且在法律界工作过 一 段 时 日 ; 但 当 他 加 入 家 族 企 业 Bulthaup 时,却完全没有任何经验,可他从来没有为 此 担 心 过 :“我 一 直 认 为 没 有 经 验 恰 恰 是 我 的优势。我是个局外人。我认为正是因为这 个 原 因 使 我 更 仔 细 地 去 倾 听 ,倾 听 比 说 话 更重要,因为这样你才能学到东西。” 但马克最感人至深的是他在说到公司产 品 时 的 满 腔 热 情 。Bulthaup 一 直 是 业 界 最 具 前瞻思维的品牌,并同德国许多最著名的设 计师保持着紧密合作关系。马克始终抱持这 样的立场:他不只是一名商人,他还密切关 注着社会动态及趋势对他的生意和人们日 常生活的影响。就像他祖父一样,他很清楚 地知道公司的发展方向。 作 为 世 界 顶 级 德 国 制 造 品 牌 Bulthaup 的 创始人,马丁·布尔索普(Martin Bulthaup)初 入 业 界 时 在 德 国 北 莱 茵 -威 斯 利 亚 州 (North Rhine-Westphalia)的 一 家 厨 房 制 造 商 那 里 担 任商务总监。二战结束四年后,正值德国在 废 墟 中 崛 起 之 际 ,马 丁 前 往 巴 伐 利 亚 州 买 下 了 一 间 锯 木 厂 ,希 望 制 造 市 场 上 最 优 质 的 厨 房 家 具 。得 益 于 战 后 德 国 经 济 如 奇 迹 般呈现欣欣向荣之势,公司也迅速发展 — — 1960 年 代 , Bulthaup 已 经 位 列 市 场 上 前五名个大品牌行列。


e met Marc Eckert in the Catalan capital during an event for b Solitaire, Bulthaup’s latest line. He is what one might call an unconventional businessman. At 48 years old, with a lean figure and almost always dressed in black, he looks more like a designer than the CEO of the company his grandfather founded and which he has led for close to nine years. He studied Law and even worked in the field for some time, but had no experience in the family business when he came into the company — although that never worried him: “I always considered that to be an advantage. I was an outsider. I believe that’s what made me listen more carefully, and listening is more important than speaking, since that is how you learn.” But what is most impressive about Marc is the passionate way he speaks about the company’s products. Bulthaup has always maintained a forward-thinking posture in its sector, and the brand’s close relationship with design and some of Germany’s most important designers is well documented. Marc upholds this position: more than a simple businessman, he keeps a close eye on social dynamics and their implications, both for his business and people’s everyday life. Thus, much like his grandfather, he has a very clear idea of the path the company should follow. Martin Bulthaup, founder of what is today one of the world’s leading brands in luxury made-in-Germany, began his career as commercial director at a kitchen manufacturer in North 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 85

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目前,总部位于巴伐利亚 Bodenkirchen 小 镇的 Bulthaup,拥有大约 530 名员工,年收入 超 过 1.3 亿 欧 元 ,对 于 一 家 属 于 奢 侈 品 界 的 家族企业来说,这是着实让人艳羡的成就。 马克·埃克特认为这是一种特权:“我们不像 会计那样思考。因为我们是独立的家族企业, 我们可以考虑长远的未来,可以考虑品牌存 在的理由和目的。我们言行一致,思言合一, 我们够真。一个家族企业最重要的资产之一 就是可以保持真我本色,并有敢于采取某种 立场的勇气。当然,我们必须采取负责任的 行动,但我们也可以拥有自己的企业信念,可 以宣称‘这是我的信条’。我只有在自己对某事 有信心时才能说服我的团队,只有我说服了 他们,他们才能去说服我们的合作伙伴,而我 们的合作伙伴才能让我们的顾客也信服。” b Solitaire 系 列 就 是 马 克 试 图 大 胆 预 测 未 来 几 年 业 界 发 展 势 头 的 强 大 例 证 。他 认 为 , 自从“法兰克福厨房”(Frankfurt kitchen)问世 以来,厨房几乎没有什么发展与演变。 “法 兰 克 福 厨 房 ”是 由 设 计 师 Ersnt May 及 Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky 在上世纪 20 年代融 合了泰勒主义和理性设计而打造的综合厨 房,旨在满足现代生活的需要。厨房体积小、 结构紧凑,所有用具都触手可及,还配置了更 实用的全新餐具。它的设计从功能的角度出 发,主要目的是优化家务、杂务,从而节省时 间。该厨房模式非常成功,以至于到现在除了 家电领域的进步外,模式本身没什么变化。

马克认为,这一模式虽然取代了以炉灶为 房子中心、一家老幼围炉而坐享受天伦之乐 的前工业化社会的厨房模式,但也必须要根 据现代社会进行重新诠释:“对我们而言,未 来不是将厨房‘从室内移到户外’,而是恰恰相 反。未来的关键因素在于我们是否能够理解 社会正在发生变化,是否能意识到人们生活 在一个受科技、品质、速度高度影响的世界 里,”马克表示。“它与厨房配置无关——厨房 的四个核心元素(火、水、备餐和收纳)将永 远存在。我们需要了解的是,1926 年现代厨房 的发明是因为女性当时的角色与现在完全不 同。更重要的是,现代烹饪已经变成了一种交 流行为,人们享受烹饪,例如,食物和健康的 关系在烹饪中扮演着重要角色。传统意义上 的厨房会继续存在,但它可以远不止于这些。” 马克激情昂扬地介绍的这个理念在 b Solitaire 系 列 中 体 现 得 淋 漓 尽 致 。他 提 倡 的 “流 动 厨 房 ”新 理 念 有 助 于 实 现 卓 越 的 目 标 ——一间非凡的厨房能让你实现自己三星级 厨师的梦想。这样的厨房没有界限,你可以 随心所欲让它成为你想要的样子。同时,它 标志着回归简单,回归基本情感、享受、友谊 及 分 享 共 处 时 刻 。它 也 是 对 匆 忙 的 日 程 生 活的抗议,这款厨房里并没有手机和平板电 脑的容身之处。 透过高度灵活的布局,餐桌重新成为厨房 的中心——一切都围绕餐桌发生。这种脱离 功 能 性 厨 房 的 模 式 始 于 Bulthaup 的 制 作 手

Rhine-Westphalia. Four years after the end of World War II, at a time when the country was rising from the ashes, Martin moved to Bavaria, where he acquired a sawmill in hopes of producing the finest kitchen furniture on the market. Benefiting from the post-war dynamic economy, a German economic miracle, the company developed quickly — in the 1960s, Bulthaup was already one of the market’s top five performers. Currently, the company based in Bodenkirchen has around 530 employees and makes more than €130 million per year, an enviable position for a family business in the luxury segment and which Marc Eckert describes as a privilege: “We don’t think as accountants. Because we are independent, we can afford to think about the long run, about our raison d’être. We do what we say and we say what we think, we are authentic. One of the most valuable assets for a family business is the ability to be authentic and having the courage to assume a certain stance. Of course we must still act responsibly, but we can also have an entrepreneurial conviction and say ‘I believe in this’. I can only convince my team when I believe in something, and when I convince them, they can then persuade our partners, who can then convince our clients.” 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 87

Essential DESIGN

法。“b Solitaire 系列总结了我们的整个理念。 如 今 ,一 切 都 追 求 数 量 ,一 切 都 是 机 器 制 造,”马克解释道。“我们采取的手法不同。我 们使用纯手工工艺制造产品。人类的双手和 眼睛赋予产品灵魂与原真品质。当人们去触 摸一件产品时,会真切地感受到这一点,它 是一件真正的作品,是由人创作、为人使用 的产品。这样做并不过时落伍,而是一种宣 言。在数量统治一切的时代,人们反而需要 不多,却更看重质量。” 那 些 习 惯 看 到 Bulthaup 经 典 的 几 何 造 型 和 无 瑕 嵌 板 工 艺 的 人 可 能 会 对 b Solitaire 系 列感到惊讶,该系列采用了厚重的天然橡木 原木,嵌于轻盈的雾黑色铸铁架中。但令品 牌闻名遐迩的核心元素一样不少——高品质 材料、卓绝造工、典雅风格及非凡功能。 该系列由五件产品组成:配长凳的餐桌、 三个不同形状的储物柜和一个高高的储物 架。若说该系列只剩下最基本的元素,结构 简单得令人诧异,甚至把它形容为修道院般 极 度 朴 素 也 一 点 都 不 为 过 。功 能 灵 活 多 用 是该系列的主要目的,精心的设计和精细的 做 工 令 其 经 久 耐 用 ,且 可 以 按 照 不 同 的 生 活 方 式 及 空 间 布 局 进 行 调 节 。它 们 是 厨 房 的 延 伸 ,但 也 可 以 根 据 你 的 想 象 和 需 求 轻 松地调整变身。 真正将该系列与法兰克福厨房及乌尔姆 (Ulm)极简抽象主义区别开来的是其通透性 ——隔板或抽屉无遮无挡,一切一目了然。 马克解释了背后的原因:“b Solitaire 系列要呈 88 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

The b Solitaire collection is a strong example of this daring attitude with which Marc attempts to predict what will happen in his sector within the next few years. In his opinion, kitchens have evolved very little since the “Frankfurt kitchen”. Created by Ersnt May and Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky in the ‘20s in a mix of Taylorism and rational design, this integrated kitchen, aimed to answer the demands of modern days. Small, compact, with everything on hand and new, more practical utensils, it was designed from a functional perspective where the main goal was optimising house chores and consequently save time. It was so successful that, aside for technological advances in appliances, the model has seen little change. According to Marc, this standard, which replaced the kitchens of pre-industrial society, when the stove was the centrepiece of the house and the extended family would religiously gather around to eat and talk, must be revised in the light of modern society: “For us, the future is not in a vision of moving the ‘indoors to the outdoors’ but rather the opposite. The key to the future is in our ability to understand the changes that are happening in society and realising that people live in a world highly influenced by technologies, quantity and speed,” says the CEO. “It’s not so much about equipment — a

kitchen’s four core elements (fire, water, prepping are and storage) will always be there. We need to understand that, in 1926, the kitchen as we know it today was invented because women’s roles were completely different than they are today. More and more, cooking has become an act of communication, to be enjoyed and where, for example, the relationship between food and health has a major role. The kitchen, in the traditional sense, will continue to exist but it can be so much more than that.” This concept that Marc so excitedly presents is embodied by the b Solitaire collection. The new idea of a fluid kitchen he advocates couldn’t be further from usual high-performance goals — the wish to become a three-star chef thanks to a phenomenal kitchen. This is a space free of barriers, which can be whatever you want. At the same time, it marks a return to simplicity, to elementary emotions, enjoyment, friendship and sharing moments. It is also a reaction to the breakneck speed of everyday life, where there is no place for phones and tablets. With this highly flexible layout, the table has regained its role as the centrepiece — everything revolves around it. This shift away from the functional kitchen model starts in the way Bultahup approaches the production. “The b Solitaire line sums up our entire philosophy. Nowadays, everything is developed in terms of

Essential DESIGN 现开阔的视野,没有障碍。人们不仅可以从 各个角度看到这些产品,还可以看到任何你 想要的物件。为什么?因为它们对你有特殊 意义,承载着你的故事——例如,一张孩子 们的照片——值得你从各个方向看到它。这 样,这些东西就不再只是一个抽象的设计理 念,而是成了你的客厅、你的空间、你的灵 魂中的一部分。这就是我们把该系列命名为 b Solitaire 的原因。” “复原”和“减速”是马克·埃克特在采访中 用得较多的两个词。在他看来,人类是有恢复 力的,我们需要松弛、休息,即使是只短暂地 放下我们手上的各种玩意(例如手机)和每天 接触的全天候无间断信息,回归人类最初的 状态——在其中,最宝贵的东西是感情。最奢 侈的莫过于与所爱的人在一起度过的时间。 “未来的关键在于理解这种对复原的需求。 也许 20 年前更多是对产品和空间的需求,但 现在我们有了第三个维度——时间。享受我 们的时间,和我们的挚爱共度时光才是最重 要的事,”他认为。“说到底,我们谈论的不是 产品,我们关注我们作为人类以及作为我们 日常生活的平台的事情。作为一家打造厨房 的公司,我们希望为人们提供答案,为他们提 供有益于其生活和生活空间的解决方案。” 쐽

quantity, and it is all made by machine,” Marc explains. “We speak a different language here. We use pure craftsmanship to produce something using human hands. These human hands and eyes make products with soul and authenticity. That is what people feel when they touch a piece, which is a real creation, made by people for people. This isn’t an anachronism, it’s a statement. At a time when quantity reigns, people need less but with more quality.” Those used to seeing Bultahup’s typical geometric blocs and flawless panels may be surprised by these pieces, which feature thick, raw wooden plates of natural oak standing on light, black wrought-iron frames. However, the core elements that made the brand famous are all there — from high-quality materials and faultless finishes to their deliberate style and functionality. There are five pieces in total: a table with long benches, three small storage units in different shapes, and a tall shelf unit. Stripped down to the bare essentials, with a bafflingly simple structure, describing them as monastic would not be an exaggeration. Versatility is the

main purpose of these pieces, which were meticulously constructed to last and to be adaptable to different lifestyles and spaces. They are an extension of the kitchen, but can easily take on new life, according to your imagination and needs. What truly sets this collection apart from the Frankfurt kitchen and the Ulm minimalism so dear to Bulthaup, is transparency — nothing is hidden by panels or drawers. And Marc explains the reason behind this: “The b Solitaire line has open horizons, without barriers. The pieces were designed not only to be seen from every angle but are also an invitation to showcase any item you would like. Why? Because they mean something to you, they tell your story — a photo of your children, for example — and therefore deserve to be seen from every direction This way, they are no longer an abstract design concept, but become part of your living room, your space, along with your soul. This is why we created b Solitaire,” he explains. “Resilience” and “deceleration” are the words Marc Eckert used more often during our conversation. In his opinion, mankind is resilient in the sense that we need to step back, even for a short time, from gadgets and the nonstop information we see every day, to return to our human condition — wherein our most precious commodity is emotion. Our greatest luxury is the time we spend with those we love. “The key to the future lies in understanding this need for resilience. Perhaps 20 years ago it was more about product and space, but now we have a third dimension aside from this — time. Enjoying our time, spending it with those we love is what matters,” he believes. “At the end of the day, we aren’t talking about products but about us as human beings and platforms for our everyday life. As a company that makes kitchen, we want to offer answers to those people, solutions that can contribute to their lives and spaces where they can feel like themselves.” 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 89


融 化妈 妈 的心 Make mums melt 庆祝 母亲节的最佳方 式有哪 些 ? Looking for best way to celebrate Mother's Day this year? 文/by EDWINA LIU

亲节临近,是时候向打点一切、无私 奉献的伟大母亲致敬,策划一家团圆 为她庆节, 《精华》杂志专门搜罗了母亲节期 间澳门的一些窝心庆节活动,供您参考。


母亲节给妈妈最好的礼物之一就是把 她 从 厨 房 里 解 放 出 来 休 息 一 下 。没 有 什 么 比献给妈妈一顿美味佳肴更能向母亲表达 爱意,因此真要宠爱她,就来看看以下的美 味选择吧。 屡获大奖的「澳門銀河」Terrazza 庭园意大 利餐厅环境温馨,气氛热闹畅旺,餐厅将于 5 月 12 日推出特别菜单。餐厅甄选来自世界 各地时鲜食材,打造意式经典美食,菜品卖 相美轮美奂,味道无与伦比。庭园意大利餐 厅总厨技艺高超,而且服务人员热情周到, 是一家大小享受家庭聚餐的完美场所。

Terraza Italian Restaurant at Galaxy Macau



ith Mother's Day just around the corner, here are a few ideas to get the family together and honour the most important woman in your life. To help celebrate all the things these wonderful women do, Essential has compiled some Mother's Day activities in Macau.

FABULOUS FEASTS One of the top gifts to give your mum for Mother’s Day just might be a break from the kitchen. Nothing says “love you mum” like bringing her a delicious meal, so to really spoil her have a look at these tasty options. The cosy, bustling Terrazza Italian Restaurant at Galaxy Macau has a special menu on May 12. This award-winning restaurant selects the freshest ingredients from around the world,


Terraza Italian Restaurant at Galaxy Macau 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 91


Praha Restaurant

母亲节六道菜晚宴每人 548 元澳门币,前 菜是鲜甜的北海道带子塔塔,一份绿芦笋奶 油汤和烤鸡肉卷面。专为母亲而设的主菜则 提供海鲷鱼鱼柳或和牛排牛肉任选。晚餐当 然要有甜品锦上添花:美味的草莓慕斯和庭 院小点心,为晚餐划上完美的句点。 如果想以丰盛大餐慰劳妈妈,自助餐就是 最完美的选择。珀克餐厅(Praha Restaurant)将 于 5 月 12 日 为 宾 客 提 供 令 人 垂 涎 的 自 助 晚 餐。餐厅设计优雅,洋溢着浓厚的东欧文化 气息,会让您的母亲感觉像一位东欧女王。自

助餐种类繁多,从新鲜的冷盘到亚洲风味再 到国际美食应有尽有。甜品选择也是琳琅满 目——各种蛋糕、马卡龙甚至巧克力喷泉都 在等着你品尝。自助晚餐每人 438 元澳门币。 老人和 12 岁以下的儿童还可以享受特价。


除 了 丰 盛 的 节 日 大 餐 ,您 还 可 以 在 母 亲 节 向 妈 妈 表 达 深 深 的 感 谢 。能 帮 助 她 彻 底 放松身心的水疗护理享受绝对是最好的 礼物之一。

ESPA X Carol Joy London, One Year Anniversary at Ritz Carlton Macau


and time-honoured recipes are served with beautiful presentation and great flavour. With the chef ’s supreme cooking skills and the staff ’s warm hospitality, Terrazza is the perfect place to enjoy an intimate family dinner. Priced at MOP 548 per person, the menu starts with a fresh Hokkaido sea scallop tartar, a warm cream of green asparagus soup and roasted chicken cannelloni. Your beautiful mother can choose one main dish from fillet of sea bream or Wagyu beef skirt steak. A sweet dinner can’t be completed without desserts – the chef prepares a delicious strawberry mousse and petit fours as the ending to the perfect night. For those looking for a big dinner for your mother, there is nothing bigger than a buffet. Praha Restaurant offers a mouth-watering dinner buffet on May 12. The elegant design of the restaurant will let your mother feel like an Eastern European queen. Get lost in the wide buffet selection of everything from fresh cold cuts to an array of Asian dishes and international culinary. The dessert table is outstanding – plenty of cakes, macaroons and even a chocolate fountain are waiting for you to try. This special dinner is priced at MOP 438 per person. Elderly and children under 12 years old can enjoy a special price for the buffet.

HEAD-TO-TOE RELAXATION In addition to a hearty feast, Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to receive some muchdeserved appreciation. You can never go wrong with a pampering spa day. For a truly one-of-a-kind experience, ESPA x Carol Joy are celebrating their first anniversary


Altira Spa launched its new signature treatment “Prodige Des Océans Face Body Ritual”

Altira Spa 想给她一次独一无二的水疗体验吗?恰 逢 ESPA x Carol Joy 水 疗 推 出 一 周 年 之 际 , LED 光 学 脸 部 美 容 护 理 疗 程 是 首 屈 一 指 的 美容疗程。在熙熙攘攘的金光大道上,最近 获得《福布斯旅游指南》五星褒奖的澳门丽 思卡尔顿酒店怡世宝水疗中心宛如一个 世外桃源。80 分钟的疗程专为修复、焕发和 平 衡 面 部 皮 肤 而 设 。护 理 前 ,理 疗 师 会 根 据 令 堂 皮 肤 的 实 际 需 求 而 挑 选 合 适 的 LED 光疗,自然刺激皮肤。接着会进行深层的面 部 舒 缓 补 湿 护 理 ,并 以 LED 光 学 技 术 活 化 皮 肤 细 胞 和 恢 复 皮 肤 水 分 平 衡 。继 而 再 进 行 结 合 LED 的 光 学 焕 肤 疗 程 ,让 皮 肤 重 拾 活 力 与 光 泽 。最 后 还 会 以 LED 技 术 为 皮 肤 进 行 抗 炎 修 复 护 理 ,温 和 地 减 轻 发 炎 情 况 并激发细胞再生。 获得《福布斯旅游指南》五星大奖的澳门 新濠锋「澄」水疗深知一事难称百人意,于是 推 出 了 特 别 定 制 的 Prodige des Océans 海 洋 奇 迹面部和身体护理疗程,让母亲尽情舒缓放 松。150 分钟的 Thalgo Prodige des Océans 海洋 奇 迹 护 理 采 用 独 特 配 方 ,结 合 肌 肤 纹 理 和 7 种按摩技巧帮助肌肤呈现最佳状态。按摩灵 感来自日本历史悠久的古美道(Kobido)古法

and the LED facial is second to none. Above the pulsating streets of Cotai, a therapeutic haven awaits. ESPA, at Ritz Carlton Macau, was recently recognised by the Forbes Travel Guide with the highest rating of five stars. Designed to heal, repair and restore balance, this 80-minute LED Skin Retreat facial begins with a LEDlight therapy session tailored to mum’s skin needs, wherein the targeted light will stimulate natural responses. Next, a deep and calming hydrating facial begins, featuring LED to revitalize the skin cells and restore hydration levels to the skin. The hydrating facial is followed by a light-resurfacing treatment combined with LED to enhance the skin’s vitality and radiance. To complete the facial, an anti-inflammatory recovery treatment with targeted LED is gently applied to the skin, reducing inflammation and encouraging cellular healing. Altira Spa knows one size does not fit all. This award-wining spa introduces a truly tailormade Prodige des Océans face and body ritual for your queens to revel in absolute relaxation. The 150-minute treatment Thalgo Prodige des 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 93


The Spa at Grand Lapa

The Spa at Grand Lapa 按摩技巧。这种特殊的按摩技巧可以刺激肌 肤能量流动,消除毒素,调理面部肌肉。 专 业 的 按 摩 师 使 用 含 有 63 种 重 要 的 海 洋 营养物质的专利精华,激活 64 种焕发年轻胶 原蛋白,让妈妈的肌肤重现紧致,抚平皱纹。 疗程以舒适的蓝色鹅卵石按摩池浸浴开始。 随后,按摩师会让妈妈躺卧在温暖的水床上 享受按摩。整个按摩包括三个步骤:温柔轻 拍按摩肌肤以达致放松;以独特按摩手法刺 激细胞新陈代谢,促进皮下组织氧合;最后 以排毒手法结束疗程。 澳门金丽华酒店香薰疗理中心设于美丽 的热带花园内,远离城市喧嚣。水疗中心于 整个五月期间推出了母亲节特别护理疗程 “你的节日你做主”(“Your day, your way”)。 只需 980 元澳门币,妈妈就可以在四项按 摩疗程中选择一项:全身肌肉减压按摩—— 以混合式按摩手法和效果显著的深层按压技 巧,专门针对身体的软组织,有助减轻肌肉 疲劳,协助受损组织回复健康;传统泰式按 摩——这里的特色按摩疗程之一,按摩师运 用伸展和按压技巧,增加身体灵活性并回复 和谐之感;还有舒缓压力、复原身体能量的 瑞典按摩或中式穴位按摩供选择。 94 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


St. Regis Macau’s Iridium Spa - Couple Suit

每项护理疗程都包括面部护理和眼部 光彩润泽护理,让母亲容光焕发,回复神采, 享受爱的奢宠。 澳门瑞吉酒店的铱瑞水疗中心推出最 豪华的水疗服务,让妈妈们放松身心、恢复 活力和尽情享受高贵纵宠。 母亲节护理套装包括铱瑞水疗中心特色 按摩,二人豪华客房住宿配双早或酒店雅舍 餐厅的双人午餐。铱瑞水疗的特色按摩灵感 来自宝石学。护理开始前,理疗师会邀请您 的妈妈完成一份数字“宝石问卷”,为她选出 专属的宝石进行接下来的按摩。60 分钟的经 典宝石按摩疗程中,理疗师会采用妈妈的专 属宝石、配以按摩精油和独特按摩手法,让 妈妈全然投入忘忧舒怀的水疗旅程。 쐽

St. Regis Macau’s Iridium Spa - Treatment

Océans uses unique formulas to combine evolving textures and seven massage techniques to optimum the effectiveness. The massage is inspired by an ancient way of beauty in Japan-Kobido. This special technique can stimulate energy flow, eliminates toxins and tones facial muscles. The professional massage therapists use the patented elixir of 63 essential marine nutrients, reactivating 64 key youth proteins to restore firmness and smooth wrinkles on mum’s skin. The treatment starts with a blue pebble Jacuzzi bath. After that, therapist will lead mum to sleep on a warm water bag and place on bed to experience the massage. The full massage treatment

comprises three steps: relaxation, a subtle combination of effleurage and smoothing stroke; stimulation, boosting cellular metabolism and oxygenating tissues with the unique massage technique; and drainage, to conclude the journey with drainage movements. The spa at Grand Lapa offers a Mother’s Day special, “Your day, your way”, available all month. Set in tropical gardens, the spa is a nice getaway in the city. Priced at MOP 980, you get a choice of four body massages – Sports, which helps reduce muscle fatigue and aids in the recovery of damaged tissue; the Traditional Thai massage, which is one of signature treatment here and combines stretching and pressing techniques to increase flexibility and harmonize the body; and the Swedish and Chinese acupressure treatments, also great for mums to let the stress out. The package also includes a facial and eyecare rejuvenating treatment to improve radiance and restore a glowing complexion. Because mum deserves nothing but the best, the St. Regis Macau’s Iridium Spa offers a luxurious Spa Indulgence package that will leave mama feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and spoiled. The package includes an Iridium Spa signature massage, accommodation for two in a Deluxe Room and daily breakfast or lunch for two at the hotel’s signature restaurant, The Manor. The signature massage is inspired by Gemmology. Before starting the treatment, specialists will invite your mum to complete a digital “Gemstone Questionnaire” and select the suitable gemstone for the upcoming massage. The treatment comprises a 60-minute signature massage incorporating the personalised gemstone, massage oil and a unique technique applied by therapists. 쐽

St. Regis Macau’s Iridium Spa - Iridium Room

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 95

Essential CHEF

海 的 味道 Breeze blowing from the sea 美丽 的 海滨城市珠海享有“ 中国的 里 维 埃 拉 ”美 誉 。 珠 海 瑞 吉酒 店座 落在 珠海 湾 仔的滨水区,从这里可 以 饱览 广 阔 无 垠 的 大 湾 区 海 湾风 光和 珠海 及 澳门 的 城市景观。由 Michele Tenzone 主 理 的 意 大 利 美 食 餐厅 LaBrezza 餐厅位于 酒 店顶层 , 供 应 正 宗 南 意 美 食 Located on the waterfront of Wanzai, Zhuhai, a beautiful coastal city known as “Chinese Riviera”, St. Regis Zhuhai enjoys a breathtaking view of the vast Greater Bay area and landscape of Zhuhai and Macau. On the top floor of the tower, LaBrezza is an Italian fine-dining restaurant offering south-Italian cuisine by Michele Tenzone 文/by EDWINA LIU

厅主厨 Michele 生于意大利巴里(Bari) ——座落在亚得里亚海边的一座美丽 的港口城市。小时候,他经常在放学后帮母 亲做饭。“美食和烹饪在意大利非常重要。我 来自一个大家庭,常在圣诞节或其他节日帮 母亲为家人做饭,”他表示。 从必须入厨帮忙逐渐发展为对烹饪的热 爱,年幼的 Michele 立志要成为一名厨师。像 所有成功人士一样,他同样经历了各种艰难 96 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

困苦。刚开始进入烹饪学校学习时,他只能 做 餐 厅 服 务 员 这 样 的 工 作 。“当 我 为 宾 客 端 上美味佳肴时,我突然发现,这份工作并不 适 合 我 ,我 应 该 在 厨 房 里 工 作 ,” 他 回 忆 道 。 “所 以 我 向 厨 师 们 提 出 要 求 把 我 调 到 厨 房 工 作 , 幸 运 的 是 他 们 同 意 并 接 纳 了 我 。”在 烹 饪 学 校 学 习 的 五 年 中 , Michele 还 坚 持 在 周 末时间到餐厅打工,做服务生或实习厨师。 “我的服务生工作会干到凌晨四、五点,然后


orn in Bari, Italy, a beautiful port city on the Adriatic Sea, chef Michele used to help his mother cook after school from a young age. “In Italy, food and cooking are really important. We have a big family and I usually help my mum cook for them on Christmas or other festivities,” said the chef. This necessity became a passion and young Michele made up his mind to become a chef.

Essential CHEF


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回家洗个澡,休息一下,就去餐厅厨房继续工 作到深夜。尽管周末工作几乎 48 个小时,我 还是会在周一回到学校继续上课。但我非常 开心,因为那是我踏进厨房的第一步,”他说。 他打工的餐厅的两位厨师 Bufi 和 Cangelli 对 他 影 响 很 大 。“餐 厅 虽 然 不 是 米 其 林 星 级 餐厅,但这两位厨师对我倾囊相授。他们让 我明白,厨房中最重要的东西就是分享,没 有 嫉 妒 的 无 私 分 享 。因 为 独 自 一 人 是 没 办 法烹饪的。” 年 仅 33 岁 的 Michele 已 在 烹 饪 界 打 拼 了 13 年,并且在意大利、西班牙、卢森堡等国 共七间米其林餐厅工作过,包括三星米其林 餐 厅 Piazza Duomo 和 El Celler de Can Roca, 二 星 米 其 林 餐 厅 Madonnina del Pescatore 和 Mosconi 等 等 。 “荣 获 米 其 林 星 级 荣 誉 非 常 困难。专注是唯一的途径——不要妥协,专 注于自己所做的事情。”


2018 年 ,Michele 主 厨 加 入 了 LaBrezza 餐 厅 ,这 也 是 他 第 一 次 来 到 中 国 。“来 中 国 之 前 ,我 在 卢 森 堡 工 作 。在 那 里 呆 了 六 年 之 后,我觉得是时候换个地方了。” 餐厅的菜单设计灵感来自他的家乡巴里, 透 过 以 海 鲜 为 主 的 招 牌 菜 式 ,慢 慢 引 领 宾 客 展 开 一 场 南 意 美 食 之 旅 。“巴 里 和 珠 海 都 是 沿 海 城 市 ,因 此 海 鲜 是 这 两 座 城 市 的 纽 带,”他解释说。

Like all successful people, he went through hardships and tribulations. When he first began studying at a culinary school, he could only work as a waiter in restaurants. “When I was serving the amazing food to guests, I suddenly found that this was not the job for me, I should be in the kitchen,” he recalls. “So I asked the chefs if I could move to the kitchen, and luckily they accepted me.” During the five years studying in school, Michele kept working in restaurants on the weekends as both waiter and apprentice chef. “I finished waitering around 4-5am and went to the kitchen after a shower and break at home, then I worked until late at night. On Monday, I went back to school, even if I worked almost 48 hours during the weekend. But I was happy and it was my first step into the kitchen,” Michele says. The restaurant’s chefs, Bufi and Cangelli, influenced Michele a lot. “It wasn’t a Michelin restaurant, but these two chefs taught me everything. And they let me know the most important thing in the kitchen is sharing, and sharing without jealousy. Because I cannot cook if I am alone in the kitchen,” Michele explained. This 33-year-old gentleman has been in culinary industry for almost 13 years and has worked in seven Michelin-starred restaurants in Italy, Spain and Luxembourg, including

restaurants Piazza Duomo and El Celler de Can Roca (three stars), and Madonnina del Pescatore and Mosconi (two stars), among others. “Getting stars is very difficult. Focus is the only way — don’t compromise and focus on what you do.”

NEW CHAPTER IN ZHUHAI Chef Michele joined LaBrezza in 2018, and this is his first time in China. “Before coming here, I worked in Luxembourg. After six years there I thought it was time to move,” Michele said. Drawing inspiration from his hometown, Bari, the menu is designed to gently guide the guest on a gastronomic journey through signature dishes, with a high focus on seafood. “Bari and Zhuhai are both located near the sea, so seafood is the connection between these two cities,” explains the chef. “Italian cuisine is famous for pasta, we have many types of pasta.” Respecting the essence of the products is the cooking philosophy of chef Michele. “Without a good product, you can’t make a good dish.” In an effort to embody his spirit, he tries his best to deliver the original flavour of each ingredient with as little cooking steps and seasoning as possible. “The base of south-Italian cuisine is 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 99

“意 大 利 美 食 因 其 琳 琅 满 目 的美味意大利面而闻名遐迩,我 们有各种各样的意大利面。” Michele 主 厨 的 烹 饪 理 念 是 尊 重 食 材的精髓。“没有好食材,就做不出美 味 佳 肴 。”为 了 体 现 这 一 理 念 ,他 尽 量 简 化烹饪步骤,少用佐料,从而得以呈现每 种 食 材 的 原 汁 原 味 。“南 意 菜 肴 的 灵 魂 是 橄 榄油、柠檬和海鲜。在这里,烹饪鱼类 时,我只用橄榄油、胡椒和盐,非常简单。” Michele 主 厨 还 会 针 对 本 地 食 客 口 味 对 菜 式 做 些 细 微 的 调 整 :“我 们 尝 试 让 客 人 了 解 地道的意大利美食。但有时候,如果客人需 要,我们会把意粉煮得软一点(一般意大利人 更喜欢有嚼劲)。这是我们必须要做的。” 为了适应中国客人的饮食习惯,LaBreezza 餐厅特别推出了品鉴菜单。Michele 改动了开 胃菜的摆盘方式,调整为大份量,客人们可 以彼此分享品尝。开胃菜包括意大利小吃拼 盘——普利亚风情呈现、烟熏墨鱼沙拉、生 蚝伴鱼子酱及柠檬“鱼子酱”及香煎带子伴洋 蓟及黑松露。食客可以看出主厨为保持海鲜 的鲜甜味道所做的努力,他尽力保留海鲜原 味,不会有多余复杂的处理。另一道菜是意 大利饺配烤茄子、柠檬、布拉塔芝士及风干番 茄。主菜任由宾客二选一:烤鳕鱼伴蛤蜊及意 青瓜或烤羊柳伴水瓜柳、甜菜叶及凤尾鱼。 意式晚餐总是以提拉米苏作结,而 LaBreezza 餐厅的提拉米苏让人叫绝。Michele 主厨用咖啡冰淇淋搭配意大利杏仁甜酒果 冻,再淋上巧克力脆皮。客人要压碎巧克力 脆皮,与冰淇淋、果冻一起放入口中品味,不 同质感食材在口中碰撞,有趣而让人无穷。 餐厅的另一道必尝菜式是自选菜单上的 风干猪面颊肉卡布纳拉意大利细面伴蛤蜊。 卡布纳拉意大利面是道非常传统的意粉菜 式,一般做法是用意式培根、佩科里诺奶酪 和 蛋 黄 烹 调 。 Michele 主 厨 则 创 出 自 己 的 风 格,加入海鲜例如蛤蜊去制作,并佐以意大 利青瓜奶油。 “我 们 餐 厅 潜 力 无 穷 。 我 希 望 它 成 为 中 国 最 优 秀 的 意 大 利 美 食 餐 厅 ,”Michele 主 厨 信心满满地说。 쐽 100 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

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olive oil, lemon and seafood. I only use olive oil, pepper and salt to cook fish here, very simple.” Michele also makes small adjustments for local guests: “We try to let the guests understand authentic Italian cuisine. Sometimes we cook the pasta a bit over the al dente point if guests want. That’s what we have to do.” In order to adapt to Chinese guests’ habits, LaBreezza introduced a tasting menu. The chef changed the presentation of the appetisers, which are larger, allowing guests to share. These include a platter of Italian snacks – Warmest Welcome from Puglia, and smoked cuttlefish salad, oyster, caviar, pan-seared scallop, artichoke and black truffle. Guests can see the effort the chef put into preserving the freshness of the seafood with as little transformation as he can. Classic tortelli, roasted eggplant, lemon, burrata cream, sundried tomato can also be found on this menu. There are two main dishes for guests to choose from – one with black codfish, shellfish and zucchini; and another with lamb fillet, capers, red beet and anchovies. And because no Italian dinner can be complete without Tiramisu, the restaurant’s version is outstanding. The chef uses coffee ice cream paired with Amaretto jelly and chocolate tuille on top to finish. Guests need to crush the tuille and eat all the layers together, which creates a very interesting clash of textures. Another must-try dish is the spaghetti carbonara "Mare & Terra", which can be found in the à la carte menu. Carbonara is a very traditional pasta dish in Italy, typically cooked with pancetta, pecorino and egg yolk. Chef Michele puts his own twist to it with seafood, such as clams, and accompanied by zucchini cream. “The potential of our restaurant is crazy. I hope it will be the best Italian restaurant in China,” chef Michele said. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 101


书写甜蜜 A sweet book 美 食评论 家伊 格纳 西奥 ·梅 迪纳(Ignacio Medina)携 手 乔 迪 · 罗 卡 —— 西 班 牙 罗 纳著名 家庭 餐厅 罗卡 之家 创始 人三 兄 弟 之 一 , 推 出 了 《 可 可 家 园— — 回 归 巧 克力 本 源之 旅》。在 接受 《精 华 》 杂 志 采 访 时 , 两 位 作 者 表 示 该 书 不 仅 是 巧克 力拥 趸的 参考 书, 还 是 个 值 得 赞 扬 的 社 会 责 任 项 目 The food critic Ignacio Medina teamed up with Jordi Roca, one of the three brothers behind the famous El Celler de Can Roca in Girona, to launch Casa Cacao – The return trip to the origin of chocolate. More than a reference for chocolate-lovers, the book is a commendable social responsibility project, as the authors told Essential 文/by ANDRÉ DE QUIROGA

自秘鲁的伊格纳西奥·梅迪纳(Ignacio Medina)是西班牙日报《国家报》(El Pais)的美食专栏作家。2007 年以来,伊格纳 西奥一直关注着秘鲁、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔 等南美国家生产本地特产的社群、部落。作 为 1987 年和 2009 年西班牙国家美食奖得主, 他定期与秘鲁媒体合作录制餐厅美食节目。 他 还 参 与 普 查 卡 特 莫 萨 斯 学 校 (Escuela de Mozos de Pachacútec)的社会项目,该项目旨 在聚集全球最杰出的厨师,由他们培训来自 利马最贫困 地区的年轻人,帮助他们获得一 技之长并在欧美顶级餐厅开启自己的事业。 西班牙罗纳(Girona)著名的三星米其林餐 厅罗卡之家餐厅(El Celler de Can Roca)多次


Ignacio Medina and Jordi Roca 102 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

gnacio Medina is a food columnist for the Spanish daily newspaper El País. Since 2007, Ignacio has had contact with communities that produce native specialities in various South American countries, such as Peru, Colombia and Equador. Winner of the National Gastronomy Award in Spain in 1987 and 2009, the critic regularly collaborates in the Peruvian press about restaurants and is connected to the Escuela de Mozos de Pachacútec social project, where some of the world’s best chefs teach youths in the poorest areas of Lima, giving them training that enables them to develop a career in leading restaurants in America and Europe. Jordi Roca is responsible for the sweet side of operations and one of the three brothers


被评为全球最佳餐厅。餐厅由罗卡三兄弟共 同 运 营 ,其 中 乔 迪 ·罗 卡 (Jordi Roca)负 责 餐厅甜品。无论是在罗卡之家,还是他开设 的其他甜品店,乔迪对甜点的深入研究,令 他享誉业界。他的甜品店,如 Rocambolesc 冰 淇淋店以及新开设却已在巧克力界闻名遐 迩 的 Casa Cacao 巧 克 力 甜 品 店 ( 和 英 国 著 名 甜 点 大 师 Damian Allsop 合 营 ) 的 全 新 产 品深受宾客赞赏。 《可 可 家 园 — — 回 归 巧 克 力 本 源 之 旅 》 (Casa Cacao – The return trip to the origin of chocolate)一 书 ,源 于 两 位 专 家 对 巧 克 力 的 共 同 热 爱 ,以 及 他 们 对 巧 克 力 起 源 和 可 持 续 性 的 关 注 。基 于 此 原 因 ,他 们 前 往 亚 马 逊,并进一步加强与当地农业部落(土著人、 原住民)的联系。原住民保护土著物种,其 耕作方式尊重自然生态系统。这种在当地人 那里学到的巧克力初期的知识,包括可可耕 作人及他们对可可的培育和加工(通常在甜 品界中,很少有人关注这个阶段),也使喜欢 巧克力的人对这本书更为着迷。 “和 许 多 每 天 都 做 巧 克 力 甜 品 的 甜 点 师 一样,我从没见过可可树,而这次亚马逊之 行永远改变了我对巧克力的看法。” 104 | APRIL - MAY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

除了可可树种植与土壤的密切关系外,书 中还介绍了以可可为主的 86 种美食,包括罗 卡 之 家 主 厨 胡 安 ·罗 卡 (Joan Roca)独 家 打 造的六道美味主菜,食材包括帝王蟹、鹌鹑、 鹅肝、挪威龙虾、野兔和鸡肉。约瑟夫·罗卡 (Josep Roca)担 任 罗 卡 之 家 的 侍 酒 师 ,管 理 超过 3000 种佳酿,他也为此书撰文阐释可可 和葡萄酒、烈酒世界之间的紧密关系。正是 甜品与美酒为三星米其林餐厅罗卡之家的 美味锦上添花。 巧克力是具有强大象征意义的文化产品, 对其本源的探寻是这本书诞生的原因,但探 索不会就此止步:伊格纳西奥·梅迪纳热情 洋溢地告诉我们,很快会有许多来自亚马逊 的可可产品在市场上推出,可可的潜力无比 巨大。“亚马逊的可可仍有待发掘。首要的任 务是列出那里所有的可可树品种。尽管每天 都和可可树打交道,但列入研究范围的只是 其中的一小部分。了解可可树的品种对于选 择哪个品种最适合生产高质量巧克力并鼓励 种植这些品种至关重要。(对可可树的探索) 具有近乎无限的可能性。如今我们还处于对 可可树探索的先锋阶段,而未来的巧克力将 是我们努力成果的体现。”

behind the famous El Celler de Can Roca in Girona, the 3-Michelin-starred restaurant named the best in the world several times. Jordi has distinguished himself inside and outside the restaurant for the research he does and which has led him to create new products that can be appreciated by an ever-broader audience in venues he has opened, such as Rocambolesc, specialising in ice creams, and the new chocolaterie Casa Cacao, which he opened in Girona with Damian Allsop, another big name in the world of chocolate. And so, Casa Cacao – The return trip to the origin of chocolate was born from the interest that both these experts share for chocolate and their concern with its origin and sustainability. This fact led them to visit the Amazon and strengthen ties with the farming communities – natives – who preserve the indigenous species and cultivate in a way that respects the ecosystems. This knowledge of the initial stages of the process acquired in loco, of both the people involved and the cultivation and growth of the produce (stages that are usually given little attention in this type of work), make it particularly appealing for those interested in chocolate. “Like many other pastry chefs who work with chocolate daily, I had never seen a cocoa tree, and the fact that I was there has changed the way I see this product forever,” explains Jordi. As well as this primary cycle more related to the soil, the book presents 86 recipes in which cocoa is king, including six savoury dishes by Joan Roca, with elements such as king crab, quail, foie gras, langoustine, hare and chicken. Josep Roca, the sommelier responsible for the wine service at El Celler de Can Roca and for managing a list featuring more than 3,000 references, contributed with a piece that explains the affinities between the world of cocoa and the wines, distillates and spirits that complement the meals in a restaurant with 3 Michelin stars. This return to the origins of a cultural product with such strong symbolic value, which resulted in this book, doesn’t end here: a range of cocoa-related products from the Amazon will be launched soon and has huge potential, as Ignacio Medina tells us enthusiastically. “Cacao from the Amazon is still to be discovered. The first task to undertake is to list all the various varieties of cocoa trees that exist there. Despite working with them every day, only a small part has been studied. Understanding this is crucial to select the most suitable plants to produce quality chocolate and boost their plantation. The possibilities are almost infinite. The cocoa


《可可家园——回归巧克力本源之旅》共 288 页 ,精 心 运 用 图 示 演 绎 内 容 。该 书 由 西 班 牙 出 版 商 Planeta Gastro 发 行 , 并 得 到 BBVA 基金会的支持,肩负重要的社会责任。 正如伊格纳西奥·梅迪纳所说:“本书的销售 利 润 将 用 于 开 发 Temashnum、Uut、Sukutin、 Kunchín 和 Nuevo Salem 等 地 的 Awajun 土 著 部落项目。” Casa Cacao 巧克力甜品店已经开始从这些 社区购买可可了,然后加工成巧克力,包装 上印有原住民部落的形象和名称。餐厅的目 标是帮助社区提升可可的种植、培育力度, 从而提高可可质量和部落的收入。 乔迪说,这个项目特别及时,因为“可可 豆和巧克力世界正在经历一场大变革,随着 ‘bean to bar’的 流 行 ,消 费 者 对 这 个 行 业 的 看 法 也 逐 渐 改 观 。”对 于 可 可 农 来 说 , 这 个 时 刻非常有趣,因为他们才是巧克力真正的主 人 公 。( ” ‘bean to bar’是 生 产 商 直 接 从 原 产 地 采购晒干的可可豆,由烘焙、研磨、调温以 至倒模一手包办。) 已 于 2018 年 下 半 年 出 版 发 行 的 《可 可 家 园 — — 回 归 巧 克 力 本 源 之 旅 》,势 必 会 朝 着 巧克力的光明未来迈出更大一步。 쐽

tree is in a pioneer phase here, and the chocolate of the future will be a consequence of what is done.” This coffee table book, with 288 pages and careful graphic representation, was launched by the Spanish publisher Planeta Gastro, with the support of the BBVA Foundation, and has an important social responsibility side, as Ignacio Medina explains: “The profits resulting from the sales will go towards development projects in the Awajún communities of Temashnum, Uut, Sukutin, Kunchín and Nuevo Salem, among others. Casa Cacao already buys their cacao, which it then transforms into chocolates packaged with the image and name of the ethnicity. The goal is to help improve the cultivation and treatment of the cacao, so as to improve both the quality of the product and the income itself. This project is particularly timely as, according to Jordi, “there is a big evolution in the world of cacao and chocolate, with the emergence of the ‘bean to bar’ trend that is changing consumers’ perception of the industry. This is a very interesting moment for cocoa farmers, who are the true protagonists of chocolate”. The book presented in late 2018 promises to be another step in that direction, which the authors assure is the future of chocolate. 쐽

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Melco wins the 12th International Gaming Awards

新 濠 获第十二届国际博彩业 大奖 殊荣 新 濠 博 亚 娱 乐 有 限 公 司 (新 濠 )在 第 十 二 届 国 际 博 彩 业 大 奖 上 荣 获 最 具 社 会 责 任 营运商殊荣。 新濠博亚娱乐执行副总裁兼人力资源暨企业社会责任总监高桥明子女士代表新濠 于英国伦敦举行的颁奖典礼上接受了奖项。 新濠博亚娱乐主席兼行政总裁何猷龙先生表示:“推广负责任博彩文化一直是新濠的 工作核心和首要任务。新濠有幸荣获这项国际博彩业大奖,充分肯定了我们在企业社会 责 任 这 重 点 范 畴 内 所 作 出 的 不 懈 努 力 和 贡 献 ,同 时 也 要 藉 此 机 会 感 谢 主 办 机 构 以 及 成 就新濠骄人成绩的全体员工。

Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Melco) is named Socially Responsible Operator of the Year (Land Based) at the 12th International Gaming Awards (IGA). Ms. Akiko Takahashi, Executive Vice President, Chief Officer of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility of Melco Resorts & Entertainment, received the award on behalf of Melco at the award ceremony held in London, United Kingdom. Mr. Lawrence Ho, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Melco Resorts & Entertainment, said, “Responsible gaming has been and continues to be a top priority for Melco. We are thrilled to receive this award from IGA as a testament to the efforts we dedicate to this highly significant focus area as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers and our employees who made this achievement possible.”

The Ritz-Carlton, Macau Shines in Forbes Travel Guide Star Awards

澳 门丽 思 卡尔顿酒店荣获《福布 斯旅 游 指 南 》 嘉 许 澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店和旗下「怡世宝水疗」以其超卓的服务和设施连续第三年荣获《福布 斯 旅 游 指 南 》五 星 评 级 。《福 布 斯 旅 游 指 南 》是 最 值 得 信 赖 的 国 际 豪 华 旅 游 和 住 宿 评 级 权 威 之一。澳门最正宗的中餐厅——位于丽思卡尔顿酒店的「丽轩」也以四星级的评级骄傲上榜。 澳门 JW 万豪酒店及澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店营运副总裁马立祺先生表示:“澳门丽思卡尔顿酒 店致力于为宾客提供无与伦比的世界级服务和超卓设施,确保每次入住都是一次难忘的体验。 我们的付出能够再次获得备受推崇的《福布斯旅游指南》的认可令我们深感自豪。我们诚挚 邀请 世界 各 地 的 尊贵宾 客 莅临 澳 门丽 思 卡 尔 顿 酒 店 ,从 贴 心服 务 到至 臻美 味 再到 宠溺 水 疗, 我们将继续为宾客提供非凡难忘的入住体验。”


The Ritz-Carlton, Macau and ESPA at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau have achieved five stars for service and facilities for the third consecutive year from Forbes Travel Guide, one of the world’s most trusted and established voices in luxury travel and accommodation. Lai Heen, The Ritz-Carlton, Macau’s authentic Chinese restaurant, also made the prestigious list with a four-star rating. Mr. Rauf Malik, Vice President of Operations at JW Marriott Hotel Macau and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau said, “Guests at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau have come to expect impeccable, world-class service with each visit, as well as facilities and amenities that make their stay with us truly memorable. We are delighted that our efforts to deliver such experiences have been recognized once again by a leading authority like the Forbes Travel Guide, and we invite guests from around the world to experience an extraordinary and unforgettable stay at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau – from our attentive service, to our delectable cuisine, to our indulgent.

Essential NEWS

永 利澳 门 再获八项《福布斯旅 游 指南 》 五星大奖

Wynn Macau Wins 8 Forbes Five-Star Awards

在 最 新 公 布 之 2019 年 度 《福 布 斯 旅 游 指 南 》星 级 名 单 中 ,永 利澳门连续第三年荣获八项《福布斯旅游指南》五星大奖。永利 皇宫今年共夺得六项五星荣誉,旗下酒店、水疗中心及特色餐厅 都夺得殊荣。 “我 们 为 获 得 《福 布 斯 旅 游 指 南 》颁 授 的 荣 誉 深 感 自 豪 。永 利 渡假村二万五千名团队成员每天致力为来自世界各地的宾客缔 造无数难忘体验。我们致 力保持卓越品质和服务, 以 及 了 解 宾 客 需 要 ,成 就只有永利才能提供的 五 星 级 超 凡 体 验 。”永 利澳门有限公司行政总 裁马德承先生表示。

Wynn Macau wins eight Five-Star awards on the 2019 Forbes Travel Guide (FTG) Star Rating list for the third consecutive year. Wynn Palace receives a total of six Five-Star awards this year for its hotel, spa, and specialty restaurants. “We are deeply honored to receive this recognition from Forbes Travel Guide,” said Matt Maddox, CEO of Wynn Resorts. “Every day, 25,000 dedicated employees of Wynn Resorts create thousands of unforgettable memories for our guests around the world. Their commitment to excellence and ability to anticipate every need is what creates the singular five-star experience that only Wynn provides.”

澳 门 美高梅荣获《福布斯旅 游指 南》 五 星 酒店评级 澳门美高梅连续四年获《福布斯旅游指南》五星评级,而位于澳门美高梅及美狮美 高梅的两间禅潺水疗则荣膺四星殊荣。能够通过《福布斯旅游指南》严苛的标准检验 和认可,进一步彰显美高梅要为顾客提供至臻完美的服务、设施及多元体验的承诺。 美高梅中国控股有限公司首席执行官及执行董事简博贤表示:“衷心感谢每一位团 队 成 员 , 透 过 卓 越 的 服 务 倾 力 为 宾 客 成 就 璀 璨 时 刻 ,同 时 也 为 公 司 赢 得 国 际 认 可 。 美高梅非常荣幸能再度获得《福布斯旅游指南》的嘉许,成为全球顶级旅游目的地 之一。我们将继续精益求精,提供高质素的酒店服务和体验,协助澳门建设成为世 界旅游休闲中心。”

MGM MACAU Named ‘Five-Star Hotel’ by Forbes Travel Guide MGM MACAU is named as a Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Hotel for the fourth year in a row. This year, Tria Spa at both MGM MACAU and MGM COTAI have also joined the prestigious Four-Star roster. The stringent standards of Forbes Travel Guide in the hospitality industry reaffirms MGM’s excellence in providing the finest service and resort amenities, as well as diversified offerings to guests. Mr. Grant Bowie, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited, said, “I’d like to thank all of our team members for their dedication and passion, consistently creating great moments for not only our guests, but also for the Company with the earning of these prestigious accolades. We are honored to once again be recognized as a top luxury travel destination in the world, and will continue to strive for the best in all that we do, with the vision of strengthening Macau’s position as a World Center of Tourism and Leisure.”

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 107


奢华精髓 Essential luxuries “精华”指南,澳门顶级购物商场奢靡品牌一网打尽 The Essential guide to luxury brands at Macau’s leading shopping malls

威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Estrada da Baía de n. Senhora da Esperanca, S/n, taipa, Macau

永利澳门名店街 Wynn Esplanade rua cidade de Sintra, nAPE, Macau

四季‧名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons the cotai Strip, Estrada da Baía de n. Senhora da Esperanca, S/n, taipa, Macau

Abiste Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Alfred Dunhill 艾尔弗 雷德·登喜路 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 Agnes b. 阿尼亚斯贝 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Aquascutum 雅格狮丹 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Armani Collezioni 阿玛尼黑标 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Audemars Piguet 爱彼表 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店


永利澳门万利酒店 Esplanade at Encore rua cidade de Sintra, nAPE, Macau

四季酒店DFS环球免税店 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons

新濠天地 The City of Dreams

the cotai Strip, Estrada da Baia de n. Senhora da Esperanca, S/n, taipa, Macau

Estrada do istmo, cotai, Macau

金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel

澳门银河 Galaxy Macau cotai, Macau

金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central Estrada da Baia de n. Senhora da Esperanca, S/n, taipa, Macau

Bally 巴利 the city of dreams 新濠天地 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 one central 一号广场 Bang & Olufsen 奢 华视听品牌 B&O one central 一号广场 Bottega Veneta 宝缇 嘉 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心

956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau

一号广场 One Central Avenida de Sagres and Avenida do dr. Sun Yat Sen, Lot B of Block B of Zone B nape, Macau

Breguet 宝 玑 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Brooks Brothers 布 克兄弟 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Burberry 巴宝莉 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地

Brioni 布莱奥尼 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Bulgari 宝格丽 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Boucheron 宝诗龙 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Canali 康纳利 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Essential RETAIL

Carl F. Bucherer 宝齐莱 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Cartier 卡地亚 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店

Damiani 达米阿尼 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 David Yurman 大卫 ·雅曼 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Céline 赛琳 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场

De Beers 戴比尔 斯 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店

Cerruti 1881 切瑞蒂 1881 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Diamond SA 南非钻石 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Chanel 香奈儿 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Diane Von Furstenberg 黛安·冯芙丝汀宝 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Chaumet 尚美 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Chloe 蔻依 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Christian Dior 克里斯汀·迪奥 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Chopard 萧邦 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Cigar Emporium 雪茄专门 店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心 CK Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱 恩 one central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Coach 蔻驰 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Cole Haan 歌涵 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

DKNY 唐娜·凯伦 纽约 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心 Dolce&Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 one central 一号广场 Emporio Armani 安普里奥 ·阿玛尼 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Ermenegildo Zegna 杰尼亚 one central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Europe Watch Company 欧洲坊 one central 一号广场

Franck Muller 法蘭穆勒 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Gieves & Hawkes 君 皇仕 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Giorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Giuseppe Zanotti 朱塞佩· 萨诺第 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Givenchy 纪梵希 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Glashütte Original 格拉苏蒂 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 GoldVish S.A. Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Gucci 古琦 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心 Hermès 爱马仕 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 one central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Hublot 宇舶表 the city of dreams 新濠天地

Fabio Caviglia 法比奥 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场

Hugo Boss 胡戈· 波士 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Fendi 芬迪 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场

IWC 万国 表 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河

Ferrari 法拉利 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Jaeger-LeCoultre 积家 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Francesco Biasia Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

澳门精华 | 2019年 4月- 5月 | 109

Essential JEWELLERY Shanghai Tang 上海滩 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Samsonite Black Label 新秀丽黑标 one central 一号广场 Shiatzy Chen 夏姿·陈 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 S.T. Dupont 法国都彭 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 St. John 圣约翰 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Smalto by Paris Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Jaquet Droz 雅克 ·德罗 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Miu Miu 缪缪 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Juicy Couture 橘滋 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

Montblanc 万 宝龙 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场

Kate Spade 凯特· 丝蓓 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Kenzo 高田 贤三 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Lancel 兰姿 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 La Perla Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Leonard 李奥 纳德 one central 一号广场 Links of London Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Loro Piana 罗洛·皮雅纳 one central 一号广场 Louis Vuitton 路易·威登 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 one central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Loewe 罗 威 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 Luk Fook 六福珠宝 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心 Marc by Marc Jacobs 马克·雅 可布之马克 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Marni 玛尼 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Max Mara 麦丝玛拉 one central 一号广场 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Maubossin 梦宝星 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Mikimoto 御木本珠宝 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Missoni 米索尼 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心


Officine Panerai 沛纳海 one central 一号广场 Omega 欧米茄 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands cotai central 金沙城中心 Macau Landmark 澳门置地广场酒店 Macau Square 澳门广场 Pal Zileri 伯爵莱利 one central 一号广场 Piaget 伯爵 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河

Stefano Ricci 史蒂 芬劳·尼治 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Swarovski 施华洛世奇 水晶 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Tag Heuer 豪雅 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Thomas Sabo 汤武士世宝 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Tod’s 托 德斯 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 Tonino Lamborghini 兰博基尼 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Prada 普拉达 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Tourneau 唐龙 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Rado 雷 达 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 the city of dreams 新濠天地

Tudor 帝舵表 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Ralph Lauren 拉夫·劳伦 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地

Vacheron Constatin 江诗丹顿 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店

Rich Jade 富御珠宝 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Richard Mille 瑞驰·迈 迪 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Rimowa 日 墨瓦 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Roberto Cavalli Class and Cesare Paciotti Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Roger Dubuis 罗杰杜 彼 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Rolex 劳力士 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Salvatore Ferragamo 萨尔瓦托 勒·菲拉格慕 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地

Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝 dfS Galleria, the four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Versace 范思 哲 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Versace Collection 范思哲高级成衣 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 Vertu 沃尔 图 Grand canal Shoppes, the Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 one central 一号广场 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Vivienne Westwood 薇 薇恩·韦斯特伍德 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫圣罗兰 the city of dreams 新濠天地 Valentino 华伦天奴 Grand Lapa hotel 金丽华酒店 Shoppes at four Seasons 四季‧名店

We are truly thankful to the community at large for recognizing the effort and resolution that we undertake to create value in the work that we do - it is the trust and satisfaction of our clients that moves us to do better every day. There is talent in our region and are grateful for the

José Álvares ᢚ㦚ᆑ

Business Awards of Macau in

Founding Partner, CA Lawyers ‫׼‬ୣ܎΅̿䢬཭ᢚྫྷຨ⻋ NEW TALENT GOLD AWARD ҡ֨́ᇀ㕹Ợ 2018Business Awards of Macau 2018ᰎ㟑ࠇ‫ؿ‬૭Ỡ


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