2019年 6-7月第 50期 No. 50 June - July 2019
天伦之乐 Family fun 大湾区最佳出游地
沛纳海 Panerai 意式风格典范 Italian style
The best attractions in Greater Bay
高音质 High fidelity
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全球顶级音响 The best speakers in the world
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刘家扬 主编
有了孩子以后,生活自然变得更复杂了,家庭假 期是孩子成长过程中的重要部分,不该因为复 杂或麻烦就置之不理。澳门作为亚洲顶级休闲 娱乐之都,是全家夏日出行的好去处。 和家人出游时,美食总是最受关注,澳门则提供 数不清的美食选择,从地道街头小吃到特色茶 餐厅再到琳琅满目的自助餐。若要食物品质有 保证的话,可以选择各大酒店餐厅则更为稳 妥可靠。 米其林星级粤菜餐厅「丽轩」刚刚推出了由新 大 厨 何 汉 昇 设 计 的 全 新 菜 单 。 何 师 傅 拥 有 40多 年的高级粤菜烹饪经验,曾在泰国为王室服务 10余 年 。 在 本 期 内 容 中 , 他 将 与 大 家 分 享 他 在 泰国的难忘经历,并介绍他在澳门的新菜品。 美食过后就可以去享受些有趣的活动了。现在港 珠澳大桥开通了,游客可以轻松游览大湾区的 各个城市。本期《精华》杂志精选了三个大湾 区城市中的五个顶级家庭娱乐场所。此外,我们 亦为艺术爱好者特别精选了在澳门及大湾区各 城市举行的一些最好的展览。 暑假不仅是孩子们最爱的时光,对成年人也一 样,因为假日期间,许多购物中心会进行各种 不同的促销活动。血拼之前,请先阅读我们的 文章,我们会为您提供许多促销活动和时尚小 贴士,给您更多的购物灵感!
While life is slightly more complicated with kids, family holidays are an essential part of growing up and should not be set aside in the too-hard basket. As one of the best entertainment capitals in Asia, Macau is a great choice to spend your summer holidays. Food is always one of the main concerns when travelling with family, and, in this small town, you will find countless choices from street food and Cha Chaan Teng (Cantonese cafés) to buffet. To ensure the quality of the food, restaurants in hotels are more safe and reliable. Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant Lai Heen has a new menu created by its new chef, Jackie Ho. With over 40 years of experience in Cantonese fine dining he spent more than a decade in Thailand, where he used to serve the royal family. In this issue, he shares his memorable stories in Thailand and introduces his new creations in Macau. After enjoying the delicacies, it is time for some fun activities. Thanks to the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, tourists can now visit the cities of the Greater Bay easily. In this issue, Essential selects five top family-fun places in the three linked towns. More over, we also highlight the best exhibitions in Macau and cities in the Greater Bay for art lovers. And because summer holidays are not only the best of times for kids but adults as well, shopping centres always have different promotions and events during to enjoy during your stay. Before going shopping, make sure to read our articles to find more inspiration for activities and fashion tips!
We hope you enjoy theyour holiday in Macau!
专题特写 FEATURES 12
节日 Festival 澳门举办盛大国际文化艺术盛事“艺文荟澳”
展览 Exhibition 深圳华润大厦艺术中心美术馆迎来深首个梵高作品展
品牌 Brand 沛纳海,意大利奢华腕表的代表
珠宝 Jewellery 萧邦全新珠宝系列Magical Setting
汽车 Auto 宝马发布全新X7
艺术 Art 大湾区最新艺术双年展“极限混合:2019空港双年展”开展
设计 Design 原质东隅,源自文化生活的澳门原创设计品牌
娱乐 Entertainment 大湾区家庭出行五大最佳活动
音响 Audio 威尔逊音响发布全球最佳音响WAMM Master Chronosonic
名厨 Chef 《精华》杂志采访「丽轩」新上任高级粤菜大厨何汉昇
购物 Shopping 迪奥“粉色之城”快闪店于澳门银河揭幕
名表 Watches 劳力士全新蚝式恒动格林尼治型II腕表
展览 Exhibition 香港瑞斯帝中国艺术呈献群展“观·看”及“慢艺术”
时尚 Fashion
美妆品 Beauty
潮流 Trends 色彩大爆炸
时尚坊 Bazaar 梦寐以求的爱物
106 新闻速递 News 酒店业新闻集锦
30 60 92 86 8 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
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创办人 Founding partners Bruce Hawker - bruce.h@essentialmacau.com Paulo A. Azevedo - pazevedo@essentialmacau.com 总监及出版人 Director and publisher Paulo A. Azevedo - pazevedo@essentialmacau.com 国际编辑 International editor Fernando Caetano - fcaetano@essentialmacau.com 编辑助理 Editorial Coordinator Cátia Matos - catia.matos@open-media.net 編輯 Editor Edwina Liu - edwina.liu@projectasiacorp.com 连衣裙 Dress: Gonçalo Peixoto 戒指、耳环 Ring and earrings: Machado Joalheiro 凉鞋 DSandals: 思琳 Celine
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特约撰稿人 Contributing writers Catarina Vasques Rito, Cátia Matos, César Brigante, Edwina Liu, Guilherme Marques 特约摄影师 Contributing photographers Pedro Ferreira 中文翻译及校对 Chinese language translator/proofreader PROMPT Editorial Services 翻译:韩珺,吴炜声 校译:黎庄琳,徐彩燕 澳门发行 Distribution in Macau Michael Rimando - mrimando@essentialmacau.com
《澳门精华》由Global Asia Media Ltd出版, Global Asia Media Ltd为 Essential Macau is published by Global Asia Media Ltd, a company owned by:
+853 2833 1258 合资企业
“GRACE KELLY: From Hollywood to Monaco – Artists' Tributes” exhibition
体 验难 忘 的艺术之 夏 An Unforgettable Artistic Summer 从 6 月至 10 月,澳门四处将 洋 溢着 艺 术 活 力 和 创 意 气 息 , 大街 小巷 处处 都 有惊 喜 。来澳门享受一个 难 忘的 艺 术 之 夏 , 感 受 美 好 的 艺术 体验 ! From June to October this year, Macau will be imbued with artistic energy and creativity, promising surprises on every corner. Enjoy an unforgettable artistic summer full of emotions!
术爱好者千万不要错过今年 6 月至 10 月 在 澳 门 举 办 的 大 型 国 际 综 合 性 文 化 艺 术 盛 会 ——“ 艺 文 荟 澳 ”(Art Macao)。 为 期 五 个 月 的 文 化 艺 术 盛 事 ,包 括 多 个 大 型展览、演出、国际青年艺术节及澳门高等 院 校 视 觉 艺 术 展 示 。这 个 规 模 空 前 的 艺 术 节 ,将 为 本 澳 居 民 和 游 客 带 来 全 新 的 艺 术 和文化体验。
rt fans cannot miss the grand cultural and artistic festival Art Macao this summer from June to October. This five-month international arts and culture mega-event features a number of large-scale exhibitions, performances, International Youth Festivals and visual arts exhibitions from Macau’s highereducation institutes. This is an arts festival of unprecedented scale and offers a new artistic and cultural experience to residents and tourists.
除 了 博 物 馆 和 画 廊 的 展 览 ,浓 郁 的 艺 术 气氛弥漫澳门的大街小巷。作为“艺文荟澳” 的重要组成部分,“Art Macao:国际艺术大展” 汇聚多个度假村及酒店企业的精选展品,多 元化地展示当代视觉艺术的迷人魅力。 5 月 16 日 至 8 月 28 日 ,游 客 可 在 「澳 門 銀河™」欣赏以传奇影星嘉丽丝姬莉(Grace Kelly)为主题灵感创作的艺术作品。 《影后王 妃:嘉丽丝姬莉的艺术形象》追溯了这位影 12 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
梵克雅宝珠宝 / Van Cleef & Arpels parure
In addition to the exhibitions in museums and galleries, the artistic atmosphere can be found on every corner of the city. As an important part of Art Macao, the "Art Macau: International Art Exhibition" features artworks selected by hotels and integrated resorts.
图 Photo 1 姬莉王妃佩戴卡地亚三层钻石 项链及红宝石钻石皇冠
The royal portrait of Princess Grace wearing Cartier's three-strand diamond necklace, and ruby and diamond diadem 图 Photo credit: Georges Lukomski/ Archives of the Prince's Palace of Monaco
图 Photo 2 姬丽王妃身穿Helen Rose(1904-1985) 设计的婚礼礼服,1956年4月19日
Princess Grace in her religious wedding gown created by Helen Rose(1904-1985), 19 April 1956 图 Photo credit: Fernand
Detaille/Archives of the Prince's Palace of Monaco
图 Photo 3 嘉丽丝姬莉凭电影《乡下姑娘》 (1954)获得奥斯卡最佳女主角
Grace Kelly at the Oscar Ceremony receiving her Best Actress Award for the film The Country Girl (1954) 图 Photo credit: Bettmann/Getty Images
图 Photo 1 图 Photo 2
图 Photo 3
200 LITOFAIRHOUR, Charles Pétillon
星一生的故事,展示了她不同时期的照片和 动人画面、其奥斯卡奖座、华丽婚纱、以她 命名的爱马仕 Kelly 手袋、设计师珠宝以及波 普艺术大师安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)设计 的一幅珍稀的肖像版画。本展览由银娱基金 会和摩纳哥格里马尔迪会议中心联合主办。 新濠天地收藏了众多当代名家作品。参观 者 可 以 在 摩 珀 斯 酒 店 23 层 的 当 代 视 觉 艺 术 艺 廊 欣 赏 这 些 杰 作 。 法 国 艺 术 大 师 Charles Pétillon 设计的《200 LITOFAIRHOUR》 ( 意指每 小 时 200 立 方 米 ,是 装 置 艺 术 品 所 需 之 空 气 量),以六米高的织物泡泡形成一朵朵巨型浮 云,漂浮在充满活力和激情的地面层之上。 日本艺术大师大卷伸嗣(Shinji Ohmaki)的 作品《Echoes Infinity》,由色彩鲜艳的花艺板图 组成了一条长廊,花艺板图中糅合了各种元 素,如水晶、玻璃、矿物质及非常细微的沙 状颗粒。还有一件巨型雕塑《Good Intentions》 ( 好 意 ), 出 自 著 名 涂 鸦 艺 术 家 KAWS 之手, 展现了他作品中两个著名的父子人物。 从 6 月 6 日起,永利将举办为期四个月的 艺术展,以《永利艺赏—人间乐园》为主题,
Echos Infinity, Shinji Ohmaki 14 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Good Intentions,KAWS
展出一系列精选的现代至当代艺术瑰宝。展 览同时在永利澳门和永利皇宫举行,带领本 澳居民和游客进行一场当代艺术之旅,领略 艺术大师们丰富多元的文化风采。 《永利艺赏—人间乐园》展览灵感源自荷 兰 画 家 Hieronymus Bosch 于 文 艺 复 兴 时 期 所 创 作 的 惊 世 杰 作 《 尘 世 乐 园 》(Garden of Earthly Delights),参 展 作 品 包 括 许 多 国 际 知 名艺术家的现代、当代艺术非凡之作,作品 更 是 首 度 于 澳 门 展 出 。这 些 艺 术 家 包 括 艾 杜 雅 多 ·特 雷 索 迪 (Edoardo Tresoldi)、Herb Alpert、珍妮弗·施丹琴(Jennifer Steinkamp)、 拉 菲 克 ·安 纳 度 ( Refik Anadol)、 Robert Indiana、Sam Francis、MAD Architects 等等。通 过绘画、装置及数码艺术作品,展览将为观 众开启一个充满创新、创意之美的世界,展 现大师的风采。 此 外 ,澳 门 美 高 梅 将 为 观 众 呈 献 现 一 场 代艺术水墨体验——《华源》,金沙中国将举 办以《流金岁月当代陶瓷艺术展》为主题的 国 际 展 览 ,澳 博 还 将 每 月 在 各 大 酒 店 推 出 七场主题各异、风格独特的展览。
Taking place from May 16 to August 28, visitors can enjoy art pieces inspired by legendary movie star Grace Kelly at Galaxy Macau. The GRACE KELLY: From Hollywood to Monaco – Artists’ Tributes exhibition traces the story of the iconic movie star and displays photographs and moving images of Grace Kelly, her Academy Award, wedding gown, the eponymous Kelly bag by Hèrmes, designer jewellery, and a rare portrait print by Andy Warhol. The exhibition is co-organised by the Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation and Grimaldi Forum of Monaco. City of Dreams has an impressive art collection of contemporary masters. Visitors can view these masterpieces at on the 23rd floor of Morpheus, a contemporary visual arts gallery. Leading the way is 200 LITOFAIRHOUR (meaning 200 cubic metres of air per hour, the volume of air required to put up the installation) by French artist Charles Pétillon, in which six-metre high fabric bubbles create a floating cloud above the energy and excitement of the ground below. Another masterpiece is Echoes-Infinity by Japan’s Shinji Ohmaki, which comprises a corridor of exquisite floral panels featuring hundreds of fragments like crystals, glass minerals and very fine particles of sand. Also on display is the large-scale sculpture Good Intentions made by famous graffiti artist KAWS, showing two of his famous character designs as a parent and child. Starting on June 6, Wynn will host a fourmonth art exhibition under the theme Wynn – Garden of Earthly Delights, featuring an extraordinary selection of modern and contemporary art pieces. The exhibition takes place at both Wynn Macau and Wynn Palace, showcasing some of the world’s most remarkable masterpieces and offering both Macau residents
《赛伦斯•杜古德》 / Silence Dogood, Jennifer Steinkamp
音 乐 是 艺 术 不 可 缺 少 的 部 分 。 在 “艺 文 荟 澳 ”期 间 , 澳 门 中 乐 团 和 澳 门 乐 团 将 合 作举行一系列演出,包括《乐漫博物馆》和 《南来的大雁北去的风》,澳门中乐团将呈献 敲击乐专场《鼓动天下》和《锦绣中华》,而 澳门乐团则会献演《布拉姆斯双协奏曲》,及 与 著 名 钢 琴 家 基 里 尔 ·格 斯 坦 联 手 为 乐 迷 献上一场音乐会。
“艺文荟澳”期间,澳门会有许多户外装置 可供欣赏。 “Art Macau:国 际 艺 术 大 展 ”特 意 选 址 澳 门最具吸引力的地标场地展出精选装置,包 括 欧 华 利 前 地 休 憩 区 的 “开 心 大 头 ”、 澳 门 文化中心艺术广场的“念悠悠”及南湾·雅文 湖畔的“银鬃马五号”。 쐽
and tourists an artistic journey through contemporary art. Inspired by Hieronymus Bosch’s stunning masterpiece The Garden of Earthly Delights, which he painted during the Renaissance, the exhibition showcases an extraordinary selection of modern and contemporary art pieces for their first appearance in Macau, from artists such as Edoardo Tresoldi, Herb Alpert, Jennifer Steinkamp, Refik Anadol, Robert Indiana, Sam Francis, MAD Architects and many more, as the group aims to take audiences into a world of innovation and creativity through various media forms such as paintings, installations and digital art pieces. Moreover, MGM Macau presents a modern artistic ink experience, Huayuan, while Sands China will showcase an international exhibition
《融化的记忆》 / Melting-Memories, Refik-Anadol
themed All That’s Gold Does Glitter and SJM will also introduce seven exceptional and multidimensional exhibitions in various hotels every month.
MUSICAL FEAST Music is an indispensable part of art. During Art Macao, the Macao Chinese Orchestra and Macao Orchestra will present a range of performances, including Concerts in Museums and Wild Goose from South and Wind to the North, the percussion concert Drumming the World and Splendid China by the Macao Chinese Orchestra; as well as Brahms’ Double Concerto by Macao Orchestra along with a concerto with renowned pianist Kirill Gerstein.
OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS During the festival, there are many outdoor installations can be found in the city. The Art Macau: International Art Exhibition also displays some selected installations at Macau iconic venues, including Happy Heads at lesiure area in Praça de Jarge ÁLVARES, Contemplations of Lovingkindness at Macao Cultural Center’s Art Plaza and Silver Manned Horse No.5 at Arte Nam Van. 쐽
《圣礼》 / Sacral © Fabiano Caputo,
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 15
追光者 A Light Chaser 由澳 门 设计中心主办的精 彩大展 — — 「 追 光 者 - 天 才 梵 高 筑 梦 大 展」 将于今 夏 在 深 圳 拉 开 序 幕 Organised by Macau Design Centre, Shenzhen’s first Marvellous Exhibition of Vincent van Gogh opens this summer 文/by EDWINA LIU
管你的艺术鉴赏水平高低,你肯定知 道 文 森 特 · 梵 高 (Vincent van Gogh) 的 大 名 。这 位 旷 世 奇 才 短 暂 的 一 生 历 尽 磨 难,穷困潦倒,直到死后,他的作品才备受 全世界的推崇。关于对梵高的评论,大都认 为 他 本 人 消 极 沮 丧 ,他 的 作 品 却 总 是 鲜 艳 明亮,充满了生命活力。 为了发掘梵高的更多情感,「追光者-天 才 梵 高 筑 梦 大 展 」深 入 研 究 梵 高 在 其 200 余
件作品中描绘过的南法小城阿尔勒(Arles)。 展 览 占 地 2,500 平 方 米 , 分 为 11 个 主 题 空 间 , 展 出 21 幅 精 心 甄 选 的 梵 高 作 品 。 每 个空间都以梵高的油画作品为主题装饰,如 《星 空 》、《向 日 葵 》、《自 画 像 》、《阿 尔 勒 的 卧室》等。 “展览按时序呈现梵高的一生。我们希望 观众可以透过这种策展方式,发现并体会到 大 师 创 作 背 后 的 灵 感 和 情 感 ,”澳 门 设 计 中
egardless of your art expertise, you will surely know the name of artist Vincent van Gogh. The life of the short-lived painter was full of twists and turns as well as suffering. It wasn’t until after his death that his artworks began gaining worldwide recognition. Most comments about Van Gogh describe him as negative and depressed, however his works are always bright and full of life. 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 17
心执行总裁冯文伟表示。“对我们而言,最大 的挑战是确保我们在世界其他同类展览中脱 颖而出。梵高名气太大了,我们希望为观众 呈献一种前所未有的观展体验。” 为了带给观众无可比拟的“沉浸式体验, 展览采用了多种多媒体技术如 AI、AR、光雕 投影及艺术装置、音乐、气味等多感官交互 体验设计。观众可扫描二维码,登录微信官 方 小 程 序 在 每 个 展 区 进 行 互 动 。“我 们 同 澳 门 动 画 工 作 室 Cliffs Studio 合 作 处 理 动 画 环 节。我们邀请了聚象科技(澳门)帮我们打 造 AR 和互动效果,”冯文伟表示。
To explore more of this artist’s emotions, A Light Chaser – Marvellous Exhibition of Vincent van Gogh delves into Arles, the place the artist depicted in more than 200 artworks. The 2,500-square-metre exhibition comprised 11 areas displaying 21 selected works. Each room is decorated by the theme of the canvas, such as Starry Night, Sunflowers, Self Portrait, Bedroom in Arles and more. “The tour is follows Van Gogh’s life’s journey chronologically. We want the audience to discover the inspirations and emotions behind the
works through our arrangement,” said Dirco Fong, CEO of Macau Design Centre. “The biggest challenge for us was to ensure we stand out from other exhibitions in the world. Van Gogh is too famous. We want to create something that people haven’t seen and experienced before,” Fong explained. In order to provide a unique immersive experience, the exhibition uses different multimedia technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and projection mapping as well as art installations,
澳门出品 该展览由澳门设计中心主办,澳门灯光设计 师负责完成大部分设计和创作。 为了确保梵高粉丝们不虚此行,澳门设计 中心与澳门本地设计公司合作设计了一系列 产品:与同点设计(Todot Design)携手推出一 系列手袋;联手原质东隅(Hylé Design)推出 了两款限量版 DIY 数码相机及一系列胶带和 马克杯。“相机是为本次展览特别设计的,配 有两个特别滤镜,即蓝色和黄色,这两种色 调恰是梵高作品中的重要元素,”冯文伟说道。 此外,本次展览是深圳首次梵高展,亦是 获得八间国际知名美术馆联合授权的梵高展, 包括纽约现代艺术博物馆、美国大都会艺术 博物馆、芝加哥艺术博物馆、以色列博物馆、 法国奥赛博物馆、英国考陶尔德美术馆、荷兰 科伦米勒博物馆、德国慕尼黑新绘画陈列馆。 “除了希望取得票房上的成功,我们还想 打 造 杰 出 的 声 誉 ,希 望 观 展 观 众 深 感 不 虚 此行,而且离开时还能满载而归,或带走纪 念品,或拍照留念。” 展览于 5 月底至 9 月 28 日在深圳华润大厦艺 术中心美术馆举行。 쐽
music and scents. Visitors can use the official WeChat mini-programme of to interact in each area by scanning a QR code and checking-in. “We worked with Cliffs Studio, the animation specialists in town, to handle all animation. For the AR and interactive features, we invited Juxiang (Macau) to help us,” Fong said.
MACAU PRODUCTION This exhibition is curated by Macau Design Centre and local talents did most of the production and design. For Van Gogh fans, Macau Design Centre teamed up with local Macau design companies: Todot Design created an array of bags, while Hylé Design launched two limited version of their DIY digital camera as well as an array of tapes and mugs. “The limited camera was designed exclusively for this event. It has two special filters which are blue and
yellow, important elements of Van Gogh’s artworks,” Fong revealed. Moreover, it is the first Van Gogh exhibition in Shenzhen and authorised by eight international museums and galleries, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, The Israel Museum, Musée d'Orsay (France), the Courtauld Gallery (England), the Kröller-Müller Museum (Netherlands) and the Neue Pinakothek museum (Germany). “In addition to box-office success, we want to garner good reputation. We want the audience to feel this exhibition is worth visiting and that they can leave with something, be it a souvenir or photos,” said Dirco Fong. The exhibition opened in late May and will be on display until September 28 at the CR Rower Art Centre Museum in Shenzhen. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 19
Essential BRAND
探索 粉色 梦 幻之 城 Explore the Dior Pink City 迪奥在 澳门为您 带 来一个 引 人入胜 的 全 新 热 点 , 足以让您 在 Instagram 上 炫 耀 一 番 Dior brings a new ‘Instagrammable’ hot spot to Macau 文/by EDWINA LIU
Essential BRAND
为全球最优雅迷人的奢侈品牌之一, 迪奥(Dior)及其经典的粉色是每个女 人都难以抵挡的诱惑。迪奥近日在「澳門銀 河」时尚汇揭幕了品牌全球首间「Pink City 粉 色之城」快闪店,带您多感官沉浸式体验迪 奥的经典产品和文化传统。 「粉 色 之 城 」快 闪 店 以 甜 蜜 可 爱 的 粉 色 城市为主题,宾客可以在此享受无与伦比的 浪 漫 购 物 体 验 。旅 程 从 迪 奥 小 姐 的 鲜 花 店 开 始 ,宾 客 可 在 别 致 的 沉 浸 式 环 境 中 探 索 品 牌 的 各 种 香 水 产 品 ,在 专 业 香 水 顾 问 的 帮助下,发掘独属自己的迪奥香水和鲜花。 知识无穷尽,女人对口红的痴迷也是如此。 当踏入「Pink Library 粉红图书馆」时,就尽情 随心所欲吧!粉色图书馆里摆满了迪奥口红 畅销品——迪奥 Addict Stellar Shine 魅惑星耀 系列唇膏。您可以惬意地躺在独家设计的迷 人口红沙发上考虑自己钟意的口红色调。 要用一个词来全面概括女性的特点,是不 可能的:温柔、独立、性感等等都嫌不够。摇 滚 女 郎 ,「Music Hall 粉 色 音 乐 厅 」播 放 着 由 宇宙超模卡拉·迪瓦伊(Cara Delevingne)代 言的全新迪奥 Addict Stellar Shine 魅惑星耀系 列大片。设置了现场拍照和卡拉OK环节的 音乐厅,让每个人都能摇身变成超模。 血 拼 之 后 ,到 咖 啡 馆 来 杯 饮 品 放 松 一 下 再 好 不 过 了 。「粉 色 咖 啡 馆 」采 用 迪 奥 香 水 和 口 红 装 饰 ,供 应 怡 人 的 玫 瑰 花 茶 和 美 味 精致的小点心。 快 闪 店 还 提 供 定 制 服 务 。宾 客 可 以 将 自 己的名字刻在以迪奥独家礼盒和丝带包装的 产品上。每个星期,迪奥「粉色之城」都会 邀请许多国际艺术家为顾客提供独家艺术 体验服务和娱乐,包括化妆师、花卉艺术家、 都市艺术家等等。 “该项目让我印象深刻的是,其对所有参 与者都有很大的影响:消费者将会全身心沉 浸在发现迪奥的迷人体验中;快闪店采用了 全球绝无仅有的先进构造;DFS 集团和迪奥 的合作再次表明,顶尖品牌和顶尖零售商强 强联手为国际游客打造出了激动人心的购物 体验,”迪奥香水部香港、澳门、韩国及东南 亚旅游零售总监 Leonardo Ferracina 表示。 去快闪店前一定要把手机和相机充满 电 哦 ! 迪 奥 「Pink City 粉 色 之 城 」快 闪 店 将 于 4 月 28 日至 6 月 30 日闪耀现身。 쐽
o women can resist the temptation of Dior, one of the most elegant and luxury brands in the world, or its iconic pink colour. The French house unveiled its first worldwide Pink City pop-up in Macau, at Galaxy Macau, a multi-sensorial immersive journey around Dior’s beauty icons and heritage. Themed as a lovely pink city, guests can enjoy a one-of-a-kind romantic shopping experience at the pop-up. The journey begins with Miss Dior’s flower shop, where guests can experience the maison’s fragrances in a uniquely immersive environment and discover their very own Dior scent and its designated
fresh flowers with the help of a professional fragrance consultant. Knowledge is boundless, and so is women’s love for lipstick. Try not to keep your head when stepping into the next area, the Pink Library, filled with the new Dior Addict Stellar Shine lipstick, the brand’s bestseller. Consider all of the beautiful shades of lipstick available while lounging on the exclusively designed and eye-catching lipstick sofa. No one word can define a woman: they can be gentle, independent, sensitive and so much more. For those rock ladies, the Music Hall displays the new Addict Stellar Shine collection, starring super model Cara Delevingne. Everyone can be a supermodel with live photocall and karaoke sessions in this area. After shopping, there is nothing better than relaxing and enjoying a drink at the café. This fancy room is decorated with Dior’s fragrances and lipsticks, serving warm rose tea and tasty, bite-sized treats. The pop-up also provides bespoke service. Guests can have their name engraved on the products packaged in Dior’s exclusive gift boxes and ribbons. Every week, the Dior Pink City invites international artists and experts to provide exclusive services and entertainment, from make-up and flower artists, to urban artists and much more. “I’m personally impressed by the impact that this project is going to have for everyone involved: the consumer, who will be submerged in a truly engaging Dior discovery experience; the pop-up, which has a state-ofthe-art structure for worldwide exclusivity; and the DFS Group and Dior, whose partnerships showcases, once again, the powerful the synergy between a leading brand and a leading retailer in the creation of an exciting experience for international travellers,” said Leonardo Ferracina, Director of Travel Retail for Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, and Southeast Asia for Parfums Christian Dior. The Dior Pink City pop-up runs from April 28 to June 30. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 21
意 式时 光 Italian time 多 年来, 其独 树一 帜的 风格 和简 约设 计 吸 引 了 众 多 崇 拜 者 和 收 藏 家 , 而 品牌一 些稀 有的 作品 更是 在拍 卖 会 上 以 惊 天 高 价 引 起 了 轰 动 在 奢侈腕 表界 ,出 类拔 萃的 杰出 品牌 基 本 都 来 自 瑞 士 、 法 国 或 德 国 , 而 沛纳 海则 为意 大 利 代 言 Its distinctive style and apparent simplicity has for many years attracted an enviable number of admirers and collectors while the rarer pieces attract considerable interest at auctions where they fetch dizzying prices. In the world of luxury timepieces, where the brands that stand out are of Swiss, French or German origin, Panerai is an ambassador for Italy 文/by CÉSAR BRIGANTE 22 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Essential WATCHES
凡尼·沛纳海(Giovanni Panerai)生于 意大利,他创立了名震天下的意大利 奢侈制表品牌沛纳海(Panerai)。在德国、法 国、英国和瑞士学习制表工艺数年后,乔凡 尼·沛纳海怀揣着自己的创业梦回到了佛罗 伦 萨 ,一 个 在 文 艺 复 兴 时 期 曾 享 科 学 辉 煌 的城市。1860 年,乔凡尼·沛纳海在佛罗伦 萨感恩桥(Ponte alle Grazie)开设小作坊。 随 后 数 年 , 他 的 儿 子 里 昂 ·弗 朗 思 科 (Leon Francesco)及长孙古朵·沛纳海(Guido Panerai)也相继加入了作坊,品牌也逐渐声名 鹊起。品牌最初只致力于把不同供应商的零 件 组 装 成 腕 表 ,这 在 当 时 是 相 当 普 遍 的 业 务 。其 产 品 涵 盖 高 端 昂 贵 和 价 格 实 惠 的 腕 表,既零售也批发给意大利国内其他商企。
Orologeria G. Panerai & C.(品 牌 创 立 之 初 的名称)创立后的前几十年间,搬迁过几次。 1920 年 ,最 终 落 户 于 圣 乔 瓦 尼 广 场 (Piazza San Giovanni),且至今仍是沛纳海佛罗伦萨总 部所在地。这次乔迁让沛纳海家族公司成了 佛罗伦萨名声最大的品牌之一,深受那些本 来只购买劳力士、江诗丹顿、雅典表、积家、 百达翡丽等瑞士奢华品牌的富人们的欢迎。 公 司 随 后 又 更 名 为 引 人 瞩 目 的 “Orologeria Svizzera”( 瑞士钟表店)。 有趣的是,在品牌店铺开业之前,沛纳海 的 未 来 就 已 经 铸 就 。 大 约 在 1915 年 , 古 朵 ·沛纳海与意大利皇家海军签订协议为海军 供应精密仪器,主要目的是提升黑暗处的仪 器能见度。为此,品牌研发了一款革新物质
talian-born Giovanni Panerai was the man behind what is today one of the most resounding names in watchmaking. After spending years learning the craft in Germany, France, England and Switzerland, he returned to Florence hoping to open his own business. And so, in the city where science flourished during the Renaissance, the watchmaker opened his small studio in 1860, on Ponte alle Grazie. In the following years, with his son Leon Francesco already involved in the business and, later, his firstborn grandson Guido, the atelier gained considerable recognition. The maison, which had specialised in assembling watch parts from different suppliers, as was common 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 23
Essential WATCHES
——Radiomir,一 种 以 放 射 溴 为 基 础 的 夜 光 物质,在黑暗处可以清楚看清指针。与皇家 海军的合作,促使沛纳海成立了另一家公司 Officina Meccanica di Precisione G. Panerai,并 申请了几项专利,生产了大量精密仪器,如 深度测量仪、指南针、鱼雷发射计时器、甚至 水下照明装置等。 与海军的合作对品牌未来发展贡献最大 的当数 Radiomir 腕表。该腕表是皇家海军委 托沛纳海为潜水突击队的蛙人特别打造的装
practice then, had a vast catalogue with both high-end and more affordable pieces, sold separately or in bulk to other establishments across Italy. During its first decades, Orologeria G. Panerai & C., as it was named at the time, had several addresses. Eventually, in 1920, the brand settled in its iconic shop on Piazza San Giovanni, which still stands today. The move made the Panerai family company one of
Florence’s most prestigious shops, popular among the wealthier who would purchase pieces from the most renowned names in Swiss watchmaking, such as Rolex, Vacheron Constantin, Ulysse Nardin, Jaeger-LeCoultre and even Patek Philippe, among many others. This strategy led the company to adopt a more suggestive name, Orologeria Svizzera. Interestingly, the maison owes its future to a relationship that predated the shop’s opening,
Essential WATCHES
备 ,在 极 端 恶 劣 环 境 下 仍 能 保 持 精 确 和 易 读 性 能 。 第 一 款 Radiomir 原 型 表 于 1936 年 推 出 。 两 年 后 推 出 的 第 二 代 Radiomir 腕 表 , 是 与 我 们 熟 知 的 Radiomir 腕 表 最 接 近 的 表 款。该表经过了多次改良,其性能也经过不 断完善。1943 年,沛纳海发布了专为海军文 职军官设计的 Mare Nostrum 计时腕表,但仅 生产了几枚。 1949 年,沛纳海推出了专利名为“Luminor” 的 全 新 物 质 ,Luminor 与 Radiomir 不 同 ,不 用发光涂料,可自行发光。50 年代末,腕表
又 增 加 了 同 为 专 利 发 明 的 Luminor 表 冠 护 桥装置,其变身正式完成,并成为沛纳海的 第 二 款 旗 舰 表 款 , 搭 载 Angelus 240 机 芯 或 劳力士 618 机芯。 二战结束后,意大利经济萎靡直接导致海 军订单直线下降——据估计,1960 至 1990 年 间,沛纳海只为意大利皇家海军生产了不到 300 枚 腕 表 ,正 因 为 稀 有 ,也 导 致 这 些 腕 表 在拍卖会上拍出了天价。 1972 年,古朵·沛纳海去世,品牌工程师 迪诺·哲(Dino Zei)接手品牌。迪诺·哲是
when, around 1915, Guido Panerai signed a deal with the Italian Royal Navy to supply several precision instruments whose main purpose was to improve visibility in the dark. For this, the brand developed a highly innovative substance named Radiomir — a luminous paste made from radium bromide that allowed users to read the dials in the dark. This partnership led to the opening of a separate company named Officina Meccanica di Precisione G. Panerai, which registered several patents and produced 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 25
Essential WATCHES
a vast number of devices, such as depth gauges, wrist-compasses, torpedo timers and even underwater lanterns. The most significant contribution to the brand’s future from this collaboration was the Radiomir watch. Commissioned to equip frogmen of commando submarines, this piece could withstand the most adverse conditions, maintain precision and was also easy to read. The first prototype was presented in 1936 and, two years later, a second version was developed, a closer model to the Radiomir we know today and which has since been subjected to many changes to improve its performance. In 1943, the Italian icon also released the Mare Nostrum for navy deck officers, of which very few watches were ever produced. In 1949, Panerai unveiled a new substance, patented under the name Luminor, which was bright and did not use radiation (unlike Radiomir). With an added crown-guard system in the late 1950s, which was also patented, the Luminor’s transformation was complete, and it became the manufacturer’s second flagship model, equipped with Angelus 240 or Rolex 618 calibres. The end of the war and the new economic reality led to a decline in navy commissions — it is estimated that, between 1960 and 1990, less than 300 watches were produced, making these timepieces extremely rare and, consequently, leading to exorbitant prices at auctions. Following the death of Guido Panerai in 1972, Dino Zei took the helm at the company. This industrial engineer and navy officer had worked with Guido for some time and was familiar with the inner workings of the business while the family controlled Orologeria Svizzera. Under his command, the company name changed once again, this time to Officine Panerai S.r.L. It was only in 1993, the begging
工业工程师,曾任海军军官,与古朵合作过 一段时间,非常熟悉沛纳海家族在运营 Orologeria Svizzera 期 间 的 内 部 生 意 事 务 。接 手后,迪诺·哲将公司更名为 Officine Panerai S.r.l。直到 1993 年,品牌进入其自称的前凡登 时 期 (pre-Vendôme era,即 被 凡 登 集 团 收 购 前的时期),推出了一系列限量版表款,包括 Luminor、Luminor Marina 和 Mare Nostrum 腕表 系列,取得了巨大的商业成功。 1990 年 代 中 期 ,沛 纳 海 的 名 声 依 旧 不 算 响 亮 ,毕 竟 品 牌 与 意 大 利 海 军 的 合 作 是 保 密 的 。但 当 西 尔 维 斯 特 ·史 泰 龙 (Sylvester Stallone)买了一枚沛纳海腕表且成为品牌拥 趸后,沛纳海也开始备受瞩目。在拍摄电影 《 十万火急》 (Daylight)之前,史泰龙想要 一款在拍摄期间佩戴的腕表,电影中有大量 的水下场景。沛纳海首次在大银幕上亮相后 名噪一时,但由于经济状况不佳再加上一些 错误的决定,导致品牌财务陷入了困境,不 得不寻求新的合作伙伴或买家。 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 27
Essential WATCHES
一方面由于沛纳海在当时已经拥有了崇 高 地 位 ,且 其 悠 久 的 历 史 也 意 味 着 潜 力 无 限,沛纳海引起了奢侈品集团凡登 Vendôme (如 今 的 历 峰 集 团 )的 兴 趣 ,并 于 1997 年 将 其收入麾下。强大的投资、高度专业的管理 和运转良好的营销机器很快将沛纳海推向 全新高度。沛纳海迎来了重生,大受欢迎,且
of the pre-Vendôme era, as the brand describes it, that a new collection was released — a limited edition comprising Luminor, Luminor Marina and Mare Nostrum models, which was a resounding commercial success. In the mid-1990s, Panerai, which was still fairly unknown — after all, the contracts with the Italian navy were secret — came into the spotlight when actor Sylvester Stallone bought a watch and became a fan of the brand. Before he started shooting for Daylight, the actor requested a watch he could
Essential WATCHES
use during filming, which had many underwater scenes. After debuting on the silver screen, Panerai became unexpectedly famous, however, financial struggles — courtesy of a weak economic capability and a few wrong decisions — forced the company to seek out new partners or eventual buyers. Thanks in part to the cult status the brand already benefited from at the time and the potential it carried from its long history, luxury group Vendôme (which would later become the current Richmond Group) took an interest in the Italian icon and bought it in 1997. A strong investment, highly professional management and a well-oiled marketing machine soon took Panerai to new heights. Ushering in the rebirth of horlogerie, the brand benefitted from an incredible surge in popularity and released new models for the Luminor and Mare Nostrum. From a virtually unknown brand, Panerai ascended to the global market, leading to what some refer to as “Paneraimania”. At the same time, Orologeria Svizzera was also acquired from the family and, in 2002 the brand inaugurated the Neuchâtel manufacture, in Switzerland, and
its first Asian boutique, in Hong Kong. Three years later, the company’s first move in the Swiss town was made — the P.2002, a hand-wound calibre with power reserve for eight days and GMT function. Since then, seven new calibres were released and a new manufacture opened in 2014. Simultaneously, the brand developed an intense sponsorship policy which helped it connect with explorers working in hostile conditions, putting its watches to the test. However, the sea is still Panerai’s favourite muse. Angelo Bonati, the company’s charismatic CEO for many years and a sailing enthusiast, supported the restoration of the Eilean yacht, a Bermudian ketch built in 1936, which the brand uses in several classic regattas and its own race, the Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge. It is safe to say that Panerai is enjoying a golden age that its founder could never have predicted 150 years ago. While many aspects have contributed to the company’s long life and great success, there are a few which stand out: loyalty to the brand’s DNA, the Italian style it embodies and the connection to Florence, which it has always fostered. 쐽
很 快 为 经 典 系 列 Luminor 和 Mare Nostrum 推 出了全新表款。 沛纳海从一个默默无闻的品牌瞬间席 卷 全 球 市 场 , 一 度 被 人 称 为 “沛 纳 海 狂 热 ” 现 象 。 同 时 ,Orologeria Svizzera 也 被 收 购 。 2002 年,沛纳海在瑞士诺沙泰尔(Neuchâtel) 的表厂建立,并在香港开设了亚洲第一间精 品店。三年后,沛纳海在瑞士研发生产了品 牌 首 款 自 制 机 芯 P.2002。该 机 芯 为 手 动 上 链 机芯,拥有 8 天 动 力 储 存 和 两 地 时 间 功 能 。 自此,沛纳海相继推出了七款全新机芯,并 于 2014 年又开设了一家全新制表厂。 同时,品牌制定了一项强大的赞助政策, 与深入恶劣环境探险的探险家合作,让品牌 腕表接受考验。然而,海洋却依然是沛纳海 最大的灵感来源。担任品牌 CEO 多年、魅力 非凡的安吉洛·博纳迪(Angelo Bonati)也是 位航海发烧友,他支持修复了造于 1936 年的 “海 上 淑 女 ” Eilean 号 双 桅 古 典 百 慕 达 帆 船 (Bermudian Ketch), 并 派 其 参 加 了 几 个 经 典 帆 船 大 赛 及 品 牌 赛 事 “沛 纳 海 古 典 帆 船 挑战赛”(Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge)。 毫无疑问,沛纳海正处在其创始人 150 年 前绝对无法想象的黄金时代。虽然有很多元 素造就了品牌的悠久历史和巨大成功,但有 些 因 素 格 外 突 出 ,那 就 是 :始 终 忠 于 品 牌 DNA——即品牌所体现的意大利风格,及其 一直保持的与佛罗伦萨的密切关系。 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 29
Essential WATCHES
精 准 时计 Precision Instrument 1955 年它 一经 问世 就立 即成 为劳 力 士 最 经 典 的 标 志 腕 表 之 一 。 如 今 , 最 新的 Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II 蚝 式 恒 动 格 林 尼 治型 II 腕 表 搭载 新一 代机 芯, 与 63 年 前 一 样 魅 力 十 足 It was first launched in 1955 and immediately became one of the most iconic Rolex timepieces. Today, the latest Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II boasts a new-generation movement and is just as charismatic as it was 63 years ago 文/by CÁTIA MATOS
955年,正值第一批洲际航班让人雀跃 振奋的时期,劳力士(Rolex)推出了 首 款 Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master蚝 式 恒 动 格 林尼治型腕表。腕表的设计初衷是满足国际 航空公司飞行员的需要,他们可谓一款可以 显示不同时区的腕表。后来,该腕表成为多 家知名航空公司的官方指定腕表,其中最著 名的是成为美国世界航空公司——泛美航空 公司的指定腕表。 60 多 年 后 ,因 神 秘 的 红 蓝 色 表 圈 被 称 为 “百 事 圈 ( ” Pepsi Rolex)的 此 款 腕 表 如 今 又 重 回 聚 光 灯 下 。 全 新 Oyster Perpetual GMTMaster II 蚝 式 恒 动 格 林 尼 治 型 II 蚝 式 钢 腕 表 配 有 一 个 双 向 旋 转 24 小 时 Cerachrom 陶 质 刻度表圈和重新设计的五格链节金属表链。 除了这款与第一代原型表最类似的腕 表 外 ,系 列 还 有 两 个 款 式 ,并 首 次 采 用 了 18K 永 恒 玫 瑰 金 材 质 。第 一 款 完 全 用 18K 永 恒 玫 瑰 金 材 质 打 造 ;第 二 款 采 用 永 恒 玫 瑰 金 和 蚝 式 钢 打 造 。 两 款 腕 表 都 配 有 24 小 时渐进刻度双向旋转外圈及双色(棕、黑) Cerachrom 陶质字圈。 系 列 三 款 腕 表 都 搭 载 3285 型 机 芯 。该 机 芯是款通过恒定摆陀双向自动上链机械机 芯,由劳力士独家研发并获颁专利。3285 型 机 芯 共 获 得 10 项 专 利 ,在 精 准 度 、动 力 储 存、抗撞击、抗磁场、方便、可靠等性能方 面均有很大提高。 值 得 注 意 的 是 ,同 样 获 得 劳 力 士 专 利 的 Chronergy 擒纵机构,能效更优化,安全性更 高 ,摆 轮 使 用 了 升 级 版 的 蓝 色 Parachrom 游 丝,比传统游丝要精确 10 倍。由于腕表的酒 桶形结构和机芯的超凡效率,3285 型机芯的 动力存储延长至大约 70 小时。系列腕表的的 防水功能可达 100 米。 系列所有款式都采用时针、分钟、秒针显 示,24 小时位置采用三角形指针。所有款式 都同时显示两个不同时区的时间:当地时间 和参考时间(比如居住地时间),日期视窗设 在 3 点钟的位置,与当地时区同步。 쐽 30 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
he first Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master, introduced by Rolex in 1955, was designed during the thrilling era of the first intercontinental flights. It was created to meet the needs of the international airline pilots who were avid for an instrument capable of displaying different time zones. Subsequently, the model became the official watch of various airline companies, most notably Pan American World Airways, also known as Pan Am. More than six decades later, the mythical red and blue bezel timepiece, christened by many as the Pepsi Rolex, returns once again to the
limelight. The new Oyster Perpetual GMTMaster II in Oystersteel is equipped with a bi-directional rotatable bezel with a 24-hour graduated Cerachrom insert, and a re-designed five-piece link Jubilee bracelet. In addition to this version, which is very similar to the original model produced by the Swiss manufacturer, there are two other models that introduce for the first time in this collection, 18 ct Everose gold. The first model is produced entirely in this material, whereas the second model combines 18 ct Everose gold with Oystersteel. Both models offer a bezel with a 24-hour graduated two-colour Cerachrom insert in brown and black ceramic. The three models boast a caliber 3285 that is equipped with a bidirectional self-winding mechanical movement via a Perpetual rotor, entirely developed and patented by Rolex. This new-generation caliber technology holds ten patents and offers improvements in precision, power reserves, shock and magnetic field resistance, convenience and reliability. It is worth noting that the Chronergy escapement, also patented by Rolex, conjugates optimized energy efficiency with improved security, as well as an enhanced version of the blue Parachrom spiral in the oscillator, which is ten times more precise than a traditional spiral. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of calibre 3285 extends to approximately 70 hours. These models are also waterproof up to 100 meters. Displaying hours, minutes and seconds and with a triangle-tipped 24-hour hand, all of the models show the time in two different time zones simultaneously: the local time and the reference time, the date synchronizing with the local time zone at 3 o'clock. 쐽
Essential WATCHES
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 31
流光 溢彩 Shining bright
萧邦 在 2019 年 巴黎高定 时 装周上 推 出 了 Magical Setting 系列,将珍稀宝石 带 至华美 新 境 界 Presented at the beginning of this year, around the time of Haute Couture Week in Paris, Chopard's Magical Setting collection elevates precious stones to a whole new level of beauty 文/by CÁTIA MATOS
士奢侈珠宝腕表品牌萧邦(Chopard) 全新系列—— Magical Setting,以其令 人叹为观止的耀眼光芒备受瞩目。品牌专注 于将先进技术同精湛工艺结合创新,其全新 系列能产生戏剧性的光影效果,让珍稀宝石 绽放光彩,让每件珠宝洋溢个性。“我们的工 艺大师开发了一种创新的镶嵌技巧,让宝石 如 被 施 魔 法 般 “漂 浮 ”在 珠 宝 上 ,”萧 邦 联 合 总裁兼创意总监舍费尔(Caroline Scheufele)今 年 三 月 于 2019 年 巴 塞 尔 世 界 钟 表 珠 宝 博 览 会上透露。 除 了 钻 石 外 ,Magical Setting 系 列 还 搭 配 了 斯 里 兰 卡 蓝 色 蓝 宝 石 、莫 桑 比 克 红 宝 石
hopard's new Magical Setting collection stands out for its incredible shine and sparkle. Focusing on an innovative technique that combines advanced technologies with master craftsmanship, the Swiss company presents a set of creations that produce a dramatic show of light, thereby highlighting the precious stones and unique personality of each piece of jewellery. "Our master craftsmen developed an innovative fastening technique that makes the precious stones appear as if they are defying gravity and floating in thin air, as if by magic, thus creating a fascinating interplay of
及哥伦比亚祖母绿,打造出令人目眩神 迷 的 精 致 珠 宝 。每 颗 宝 石 都 是 主 石 ,被 其 他相同尺寸的宝石环绕辉映。系列采用 由萧邦的工匠大师悉心研发的镶嵌工艺, 每丛锦簇的中央宝石以隐匿无形的镶爪 镶嵌,周围环饰宝石以萧邦开发的创新 隐 秘 性 新 结 构 支 撑 ,从 任 何 角 度 均 见 不 到 金 属 镶 座 的 任 何 痕 迹 :镶 座 消 失 无 形 而 宝 石尽致绽放魅惑光芒。如此魔幻光色魅象, 归 功 于 卡 罗 琳 ·舍 费 尔 长 久 以 来 怀 抱 的 珠 宝 梦 想 。“我 一 直 梦 想 着 能 够 打 造 一 个 珠 宝 34 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
light", reveals Caroline Scheufele, co-president and creative director at Chopard, at Baselworld 2019 this past March. In addition to diamonds, the Magical Setting collection also offers magnificent creations with sapphires from Sri Lanka, rubies from Mozambique or Madagascar and emeralds from Colombia or Zambia. Each gemstone is arranged as the main centrepiece and encircled by other equally sized gemstones, thus creating a most astonishing aesthetic. The main gemstone appears in the
centre of each piece by means of a pin and the gemstones surrounding it are supported by a new structure developed by Chopard. It is this innovative and imperceptible edifice that bestows the magical effect, as absolutely no support elements are visible to the naked eye. This incredible dramatic effect was made possible due to a dream the creative director nurtured for a very long time. "I always dreamt of creating a collection of jewellery in which the gold and titanium would be completely invisible", she confesses.
系 列 , 完 全 把 黄 金 、 钛 金 镶 座 隐 藏 起 来 ,” 她表示。 多 年 来 ,卡 罗 琳 ·舍 费 尔 一 直 渴 望 实 现 这 个 梦 想 — — 让 宝 石 尽 致 绽 放 光 芒 。要 达 成 这 一 壮 举 ,就 必 须 有 一 个 隐 藏 的 支 撑 结 构 。虽 然 这 个 想 法 颇 受 质 疑 ,(工 匠 大 师 们
认为挑战太大,直言无法实现),卡罗琳依然 坚韧不拔,从未放弃过梦想,如今她终于欣 见 设 想 化 为 现 实 。 Magical Setting 系 列 使 她 的 创 意 愿 景 化 作 现 实 。光 影 恣 意 流 转 宝 石 之 间 ,金 质 镶 座 增 强 了 珠 宝 的 炫 目 光 色 效 果,使其展现前所未有的光彩。 系 列 由 耳 环 、戒 指 和 吊 坠 组 成 ,设 计 优 雅,色彩雍容华贵。系列所有作品都采用了 经 典 的 花 卉 主 题 ,以 独 特 的 现 代 美 学 精 髓 重新演绎花的千姿百态。 쐽
For many years, Caroline Scheufele was obsessed with the idea of having the gemstones shine entirely on their own. This feat would only be possible with a hidden supporting structure. Despite the persistent scepticism that her ideas generated, (the artisans considered it too difficult and virtually impossible to execute), Caroline never gave up on her dream, and in the end, has had the pleasure of seeing it come to fruition. With this new collection, her creative
vision gains a new shape and form. The light flows freely in between the precious stones and the gold of the underlying structure intensifies the shine and sparkle of the jewellery. Featuring an elegant composition of colours and design, this collection is comprised of earrings, rings and pendants. A classic floral design motif is shared by all the pieces, but recreated and updated with a unique contemporary aesthetic. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 35
Essential CAR
Essential CAR
孤 注一 掷 所 向无 敌 Go big or go home 宝 马推 出全 新 X7, 以满足 市 场对 SUV 车 型 越 来越 高 的要求 。 既然它 已 经是 劳 斯 莱 斯 的东 家 ,那么 … … The new X7 is BMW's response to a market that is becoming increasingly demanding of its SUVS. And since it already owns Rolls-Royce... 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES
场 上 对 超 豪 华 SUV 的 呼 声 越 来 越 高 , 宝 马 (BMW)X7 就 是 品 牌 对 市 场 的 回应。兰博基尼(Lamborghini)有 Urus,宾利 (Bentley)有 Bentayga, 阿 斯 顿 马 丁 (Aston Martin))很快也将推出 DBX,甚至连法拉利 (Ferrari)也正计划着推出一款四门 SUV。业 界潮流显而易见,但宝马手握一张王牌,那 就是劳斯莱斯。已经易主德国人的这个英国 品 牌 ,也 推 出 了 Cullinan 随 SUV 浪 潮 起 航 。 这 意 味 着 宝 马 要 进 入 竞 争 激 烈 的 SUV 市 场 所需的所有必要的工程技术已经全部到位。 宝马只需要将工程技术融入品牌独特的 DNA 中就足以。
he BMW X7 is the German brand's answer to a market that is demanding more and more ultra-luxurious SUVs. Lamborghini has the Urus, Bentley has the Bentayga, Aston Martin will soon launch the DBX, and even Ferrari is planning to launch a four-door SUV with an elevated driver's seat. The trend is clear and BMW has a trump card with its ownership of Rolls-Royce. The Germans own the British brand, which is also riding the SUV wave with the Cullinan. This means that all the necessary engineering that BMW required to enter this competitive market, was already in 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 37
Essential CAR
正因如此,从人们知道 X7 将会面世的那 一刻起,无论人们喜欢这事实与否,无论人 们 喜 欢 成 品 车 型 与 否 ,无 可 否 认 它 都 将 是 一款最出类拔萃的汽车。 全 新 宝 马 SUV 拥 有 高 贵 的 比 例 和 惊 人 的 尺寸,是品牌豪华汽车领域的第三个象征,前 两个象征分别是翻新的 7 系和运动型 8 系。 X7 也 是 宝 马 有 史 以 来 生 产 的 第 二 大 体 积 的 汽 车 。X7 车 身 长 5.15 米 ,宽 2m,仅 比 加 长 版 7 系 略 小 一 点 点 。让 人 惊 讶 的 是 车 身 高 1.85 米 ,轴 距 为 3.1 米 。同 样 令 人 印 象 深 刻 的 还 有 后 备 箱 的 326 升 容 量 、7 座 位 结 构 (740 升容量)以及传统的后两排座位。在第 二排,乘客可因应需求,选择设置两个单独 座位或可以容纳三名乘客的长座。 38 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
place. All that was needed was to adapt the engineering to the brand's unique DNA. This is why, from the moment that it was known that the X7 would indeed be a reality, whether one fancied the idea or not, whether one now likes the finished product or not, it is undeniably an automobile of the highest excellence. With regal proportions and striking dimensions, the new BMW SUV comprises the third embodiment of the brand's luxury segment which includes the refurbished 7 Series and the sporty 8 Series. The X7 is also the second largest automobile ever built by BMW. With 5,15m in length and
Essential CAR
为了传承宝马的传统设计元素,要在这种 庞大的车型上达到完美的对称美学并不容易。 然而,X7 是对 X5 天衣无缝的升级演绎。 X7 内 饰 在 各 方 面 都 出 类 拔 萃 。7 系 典 型 的 Vernasca 皮革、5 独立温区气候控制系统、 功 率 达 1500 瓦 的 Bowers & Wilkins 3D 音 响 系 统以及精彩绝伦的 Live Cockpit Professional 智 能互联驾驶座舱系统(包括前部两个 12.5 英 寸 显 示 屏 、第 三 代 司 机 平 视 显 示 屏 和 为 后 排乘客而设显示屏)。 X7 的 面 世 ,将 宝 马 推 向 全 新 高 度 。它 是 工程技术的集大成者,表现出宝马在竞 争极为激烈的超豪华汽车市场上对自身能 力格外自信。 쐽
2m in width, it is only slightly smaller than the long version of the 7 Series. The 1,85m height and the 3,1m between axes are also very impressive figures as is the 326 litre capacity of the trunk and the configuration of seven seats with a 740 litre capacity and the more traditional two rows of benches. In the second row, one can opt for two individual seats or a long bench that can accommodate three passengers. In order to obtain an aesthetic symmetry that would safeguard the traditional elements of the BMW design in an automobile of these dimensions was not an easy task. However, the X7 offers a natural evolution of the X5.
The interior stands outs in various ways. Namely the Vernasca leather typical of this series, the 5-zone climate control, the Bowers & Wilkins 3D sound system with 1500 watts, the fabulous Live Cockpit Professional infotainment that includes two 12,5 inch screens in the front, the new third-generation head-up display for the driver, and even screens for the rear benches. Built to take the German brand to new heights, the X7 is a triumph of engineering that demonstrates that BMW is exceptionally confident in its capacity to compete with the biggest players in this demanding ultraluxurious market. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 39
Essential CAR
历久 弥 新 保时 捷 经典 The Quintessential Sports Car 保 时捷发布 最新 一代 车型 ,完 美诠 释 这 个 德 国跑 车品 牌近 60 年的 卓越 成 就 Porsche unveiled its latest generation of the model that has defined the brand for almost 60 years 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES
、二、三、四、五、六、七、八。历经 八代车型,保时捷(Porsche)911 依旧 是汽车行业最重要的经典标志车型之一,品 牌每次的新款车型发布都成为车迷们翘首 以待的盛事。 首 先 ,那 些 对 喜 欢 保 时 捷 品 牌 以 及 只 对 911 情 有 独 钟 的 车 迷 都 迫 不 及 待 地 要 看 看 保 时捷是否要改进其经典跑车,以确保品牌永 远 走 在 时 代 前 沿 。新 款 车 型 保 留 了 保 时 捷 911 之所以成为全球车迷最爱的所有特性。 这是保时捷史上首次在车身重大部分采 用铝材,全新 992(新一代保时捷在品牌内部 的代号)较前辈车型更霸气,构造更迷人,车 形 状 更 前 卫 ,在 保 留 了 911 车 型 传 统 外 形 的 同时,新车因在前脸和尾部的改造,在一众 前辈车型中很是突出。保时捷 911 外形独特、 经典,自 1963 年面世以来一直保持不变。 911 Carrera 卡 雷 拉 的 前 、 后 轮 尺 寸 不 同 (分 别 为 20 英 寸 和 21 英 寸 ),这 也 是 911 诞 生 以 来 首 次 采 用 此 尺 寸 ,前 轮 的 宽 度 增 加 了 45 毫 米 , 消 除 了 可 能 存 在 的 任 何 转 向 不足的问题。 由于全新一代保时捷推出之际恰逢汽车 行 业 发 展 到 进 行 深 刻 巨 变 的 时 期 ,992 的 设 计目的是为了可以容纳混合推进单元,此车 型应该会于 2021 年到 2022 年之间推出。因为 40 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
ne, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight generations on, the 911 is still one of the most important icons of the car industry and the launch of a new model is always a special occasion. First, for those that love the brand in general and, in the case of the 911 in particular, because they can't wait to see if the Porsche has managed to evolve its sports car, keeping it ahead of its time, but without taking away the basic characteristics that make it the most loved car on the planet. For the first time made mostly from aluminium, the body of the new 992 - as the new generation of Porsche is known internally is more aggressive and sculptured than before, with bolder shapes and a front and back that easily stand out from the previous 991 while at the same time maintaining the traditional look of the 911 intact. That silhouette is unique, iconic and has remained unaltered since 1963. For the first time the wheel sizes are different in the front and back on the 911 Carrera 20 an 21 inches respectively - and the front wheels have increased 45mm in width to eradicate any trace of understeer that might exist.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 41
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要在变速器和发动机之间加入一系列包括 电池在内的令人难以置信的系统,意味着车 尾高度必须要大幅度提升。 如果说全新保时捷的外观有了长足进步, 那么内饰就可谓是进行了一场小型革命。引 人 瞩 目 的 线 条 让 人 不 禁 想 到 1970 年 代 的 911;向 历 史 致 敬 是 车 厢 内 饰 彰 显 的 细 节 之 一,其中采用的创新技术也脱颖而出:保时 捷 911 车型首次采用数字仪表盘,10.9 英寸的 中控台屏幕更是雄霸仪表盘,十分瞩目。 车内的按钮现在被整合到保时捷通讯管 理 系 统 (Porsche Communication Management) 中,这是市场上最出众和最直观的系统之一, 秉承品牌在 Panamera 帕纳美拉和 Cayenne 卡 宴车型的工程理念,车内氛围更加优雅高贵。 主动安全系统会检测与附近移动物体碰 撞的风险,并在必要时启动紧急制动。巡航 控制系统现在也包含启动和停车功能、主动 保护乘客功能和先进的设定距离内自动紧急 停车模式控制功能。 采 用 的 Carrera 卡 雷 拉 2S 和 4S 车 型 3 升 涡轮增压发动机(目前仅提供此两款发 动 机 ) 将 功 率 从 420 马 力 提 高 到 450 马 力 , 而保时 捷双离合器变速箱(PDK)在 7 档和 42 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Because this is a generation that has arisen at a time of profound changes in the car industry, the 992 was designed to accommodate a module of hybrid propulsion, whose model should be launched between 2021 and 2022. This has meant that the back of the car has had to be raised significantly, since between the gears and engine an incredible range of systems, including batteries have had to be incorporated. If the exterior has evolved more, then the interior is a small revolution. With a markedly horizontal line that harks back to the 911 of the 1970s this nod to the past is a detail in a cab which stands out for its technological innovation where for the first time the instrument panel is digital and the 10.9 inch central console screen completely dominates the dashboard. The buttons are now functions incorporated into the Porsche Communication Management system which is one of the best and most intuitive in the market and which makes the interior environment even more classy, following the guidelines used by the brand in the Panamera and Cayenne.
The active safety system detects the risk of collision with moving objects, activating the emergency brakes if necessary. The cruise control now includes the stop and start function, active passenger protection and an advanced emergency stop mode within the automatic distance control function. The 3 litre turbo engine in the Carrera 2S and 4S versions - the only ones currently available - has increased power from 420 horse power to 450 horse power, while the PDK gear box in the 7th and 8th gear speeds offer reduced fuel consumption and greater energy efficiency. But don’t think that the 911 is less sporty: 100km/h is reached in just 3.6 seconds in the four-wheel drive version, while the thoroughbred Carrera 2 S requires just one-tenth of a second more. As to top speed, this is 308kn/h, a number never seen in a Carrera and more typical of a Porsche Motorsport product. On the track, the 992 needs just a half circuit to demonstrate why it is the most famous sports car in the world. With a momentum that’s more accurate than ever, the new
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911 responds to each input from the driver with surgical precision, offering in return moments of pure driving pleasure. The large front has enabled engineers to find a new balance in the chassis and the high-speed brake is so controlled that the reduce speed time almost puts the earlier model to shame. Fast, agile, responsive and always highly competent. Driving modes optimised for
comfort means there is no reason why this car can’t be the daily drive - more than ever, the 911 is ready to be the best in each role it performs. After a whole day at the wheel of this new German brand icon, the verdict is entirely predictable: for 56 years the 911 is still the best sports car in the world and will continue to be so. 쐽
8 档 档 位 速 度 时 燃 油 消 耗 更 低 ,节 能 效 率 更 高 。 但 请 别 以 为 全 新 911 的 运 动 气 息 减 弱 了 : 四 驱 版 只 需 3.6 秒 就 能 达 到 启 动 加 速 到 100 公 里 /小 时 , 而 纯 粹 的 Carrera 2S 只需要 0.1 秒多点。至于最高时速——308 公 里 /小 时 , 这 可 是 保 时 捷 Carrera 卡 雷 拉 车 型 前 所 未 达 ,但 却 是 保 时 捷 车 队 赛 车 最 常 见不过的速度。 在 赛 道 上 , 992 只 需 要 半 圈 就 能 证 明 它 为什么会是世界上最著名的跑车。由于新款 911 的 动 量 数 据 比 以 往 任 何 时 候 都 更 为 准 确,它能精确响应驾驶员的每一个指令,回 馈 给 你 最 纯 粹 的 驾 驶 乐 趣 。巨 大 的 前 部 让 工 程 师 们 可 以 在 底 盘 上 找 到 全 新 平 衡 ,高 速制动方面的卓越表现大大减少了刹车时 间,令其前辈车型不禁汗颜。 快 速 ,敏 捷 ,反 应 灵 敏 ,性 能 卓 越 ! 为 舒适而优化的驾驶模式意味着,全新保时捷 911 也毫不含糊可以成为日用车型——911 比 以往任何时候都更能胜任它的每个角色。 在驾驶这款全新的保时捷经典车型一整 天后,我们的试驾结论果然不出所料:56 年 来 ,911 历 久 弥 新 ,仍 然 是 世 界 上 最 杰 出 的 跑车,而且将继续如此。 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 43
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雷 克萨 斯 独 一无 二 The Lexus way 豪 华一 直都 是 个概念 , 这就 意 味 着 并 不 是每 个 人都会 喜 欢全新 的 雷克 萨 斯 LS, 因 为这 是一 辆 为懂车 的 名仕打 造 的汽 车 Luxury is always a mostly subjective concept, which means that not everyone will like the new LS. Perfect, because this is a car for connoisseurs 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES
田旗下豪华旗舰品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus) 的 LS 车 型 不 能 与 品 牌 其 他 车 型 同 日 而 语 。LS 就 是 Lexus 的 缩 写 ,是 对 品 牌 的 诠 释 。该 车 型 象 征 着 这 个 日 本 品 牌 自 1980 年 代晚期起演变至今的对奢华概念的完整理 解和演绎。 当 第 一 辆 LS 轿 车 于 1989 年 登 陆 市 场 时 , 全球都在流传说雷克萨斯的德国对手——宝 马、梅赛德斯和奥迪——已经购买了该车型 样品,并将其彻底拆开,想尽方法了解它是 如何以与德国同行相同的价格打造出质量 如此卓越的汽车的。 1989 年 版 的 LS 由 1400 名 工 程 师 历 时 6 年 倾情研发,是汽车史上最重要的车型之一。 没有它,没有雷克萨斯给工程师们定下的目 标——树立批量生产汽车市场上前所未有的 品质标杆,豪华汽车市场就不会是如今这般 盛景。雷克萨斯促使每个同行都开始自我审 视,并承认自己要做得更多、更好。 LS 的 第 一 个 壮 举 是 立 即 在 美 国 市 场 ,也 是全球最大、最重要的市场上,实现了丰田 集团的豪华品牌战略。眨眼之间,汽车业出 现了全新的品质和客户服务标准,而这个标 准恰恰是由雷克萨斯的全新车型在毫无争议 的情况下树立的,绝对是一个实实在在的惊 喜。自 1989 年 LS 问世以来,丰田在美国,就 开始与德国同行势均力敌,的确是个非凡壮 举。在欧洲,雷克萨斯整整花了二十多年时
he LS isn’t a Lexus like the others. LS is Lexus. The model embodies an entire concept of luxury that the Japanese brand has been developing since the late 1980s. When the first LS landed on the market in 1989, the news spread globally that the German rivals – BMW, Mercedes and Audi – had bought samples of the Japanese saloon and took it apart piece by piece, to try to understand how it was possible to have so much quality for the same price as the German products. Developed by 1,400 engineers dedicated exclusively to the project for a period of six years, the 1989 LS is one of the most important cars in automobile history. Without it, and without the objectives that Lexus presented to its engineers to reach a standard never before achieved in a mass-produced car, the luxury car market wouldn’t be what it is today. Lexus made everyone take a critical look inward and admit that they needed to do more and better. The first practical feat of the LS was instantly implementing the luxury brand of the Toyota world in the American market, the largest and most important globally. In the blink of an eye, the industry had a new benchmark of quality and customer service, a complete surprise achieved by the inaugural model of a 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 45
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间才能取得在美国的成就,而且每一次新车 型推出,一切又要重头来过,如果要汽车业 同行和消费者说出排在第四位的高端品牌, 那肯定就是雷克萨斯无疑。 LS 的 生 产 方 式 与 品 牌 其 他 车 型 不 同 ,每 辆 LS 都由高级工匠制作,他们必须通过一系
列 测 试 以 证 明 自 己 足 以 达 到 制 作 LS 车 型 所 要求的标准。Takumi,即匠人,人如其名,必 须 要 用 他 们 最 不 占 优 势 的 一 只 手 在 90 秒 内 用纸折出一只猫。除了分配给该项目的工程 师 外 ,这 些 匠 人 还 负 责 为 LS 赋 予 日 本 豪 华 旗舰品牌必不可少的四大支柱:勇于冒险的
brand new emblem. Since the 1989 LS, in the US, the brand has been on par with the Germans, an impressive feat indeed. In the Old Continent, that victory took more than two decades, and needs to be renewed with each new model, but if players and consumers of the car market were to consider a fourth premium brand, it would certainly be Lexus. The LS is produced in a different way to the rest of the brand’s products, by highly specialised artisans who have to go through a series of tests to prove that they meet the standards required by the model. The Takumi, as they are called, must for example create an origami cat in 90 seconds, using their least dominant hand. Alongside the engineers allocated to the project, these artisans are responsible for endowing the LS with the four pillars that must define the Japanese flagship: adventurous design, markedly Japanese craftsmanship in every detail, imaginative and innovative technology, and thrilling performance. More than continuing the evolution of its most iconic model, Lexus wants the new LS to redefine what luxury is today. From a more measurable, more quantitative experience, explained through objective metrics in the early ‘90s, the market now lives in a sphere where
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设计、突显在每个细节中的显著的日本匠人 工艺、富有想象力和创新的技术、以及振奋 人心的卓越性能。 雷克萨斯不仅要继续发展这一最具标志 性的车型,还希望全新 LS 能够再次定义今天 的豪华汽车。与 90 年代早期通过较可量化和 量化的客观指标来阐释豪华汽车的概念相 比,如今的汽车市场完全是另一番景象:对 产品的主观感受和感官体验日益重要。客户 要求越来越高,而雷克萨斯也深知这一点。 正是出于这个原因,品牌倾注了巨大的努 力使产品表里如一,内外一致。从独特车身 设计的改进到车厢配置的顶级舒适品质,LS 为顶级汽车市场树立了新标准。Omotenashi. (盛情款待)是日本古老的待客原则,被完美 运 用 到 新 车 型 中 ,配 备 了 23 个 扬 声 器 的 3D 环 绕 式 Mark Levinson 音 响 系 统 把 LS 变 成 了 一个移动的音乐殿堂。最重要的是,LS 并没 打算抄袭德国同行,而是以独有的方式为客 户提供品牌所认同的豪华享受,这也是品牌 最大的成就:LS 与其他车型不同;它独一无 二又具原创气质。 按 照 型 号 和 版 本 的 不 同 ,每 款 车 的 技 术 规 格 也 有 很 大 差 异 。《 精 华 》 杂 志 试 驾 了 LS500h,该 车 配 备 了 革 新 性 的 Multi-Stage 多 级 混 合 动 力 系 统 , 它 为 3.5 升 的 DUAL VVT-I V6 发动机增加了两个电动机,动力高 达 354 马力。除了百公里加速时间仅用 5.4 秒 外 ,雷 克 萨 斯 的 专 利 技 术 令 LS 在 内 燃 机 关 掉 的 情 况 下 ,行 驶 速 度 达 到 140 公 里 /小 时 , 更卓越的环保性能是雷克萨斯的重要卖点 之一,品牌早就弃用柴油技术了。 雷克萨斯 LS 第 五 代 专 为 特 别 客 户 打 造 。 它并不是为了那些能买得起它的人而生,而 是 为 那 些 真 正 想 要 雷 克 萨 斯 LS 的 人 而 存 在 ;这 类 客 户 对 奔 驰 S 级 或 宝 马 7 系 甚 至 连 看 都 不 愿 意 看 一 眼 。想 拥 有 LS 的 车 主 能 知 人 所 不 知 :雷 克 萨 斯 以 不 同 的 方 式 演 绎 豪华的概念以及将之实现于一款因独特而 尤显特别的车上。 쐽
subjectivity and the sensorial experience of a product is increasingly important. The client is ever-more demanding, and Lexus knows it. For that reason exactly, a huge effort was made for the product to be completely coherent. From the improved and unique design of the body to the supreme quality and comfort of the cabin, the LS showcases a new attitude in the highest segment of the market. The ancient principles of Japanese hospitality, called
Omotenashi, are applied in the way that the vehicle receives the occupants, while the 3D Surround Mark Levinson sound system with 23 speakers makes the LS a moving concert hall. Above all, the LS doesn’t try to copy the Germans, but rather defines a very distinct way of providing clients with what the brand considers luxury, and that is its biggest accomplishment: the LS is a car that’s different to the others; it’s unique and original. Depending on the models and the versions, the technical specifications vary greatly. Essential Lisboa tested the LS500h, equipped with the innovative Multi-Stage hybrid system, which adds two electric engines to the DUAL VVT-I V6 engine with 3,500cc, for a total of 354 horsepower. Besides enabling the car to go from 0 to 100km in 5.4 seconds, the technology patented by the Japanese brand also has the ability to allow the LS to cruise at speeds of 140km/h with the combustion engine turned off, offering a much lesser ecological footprint for passengers, which is one of the trademarks of the brand that has long abandoned diesel technology. The fifth generation of the Lexus LS is a car for a special kind of client. It isn’t for those who can buy it, but rather for those who want a Lexus LS; a client who won’t even look at a Mercedes S-Class or a BMW 7 Series. The client who wants an LS is one who knows what the others don’t: that there is a different way of approaching the concept of luxury and of materialising it in a car that, by being unique, is truly special. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 47
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观·看 The Experience of Looking 香港 瑞斯帝中国艺术呈献群 展 「观· 看 」, 来 自 中 国 和 欧 洲 的 6 位 艺术家探讨对中国文 人 传统共 同 的 旨 趣 和 审 美 追 求 Rasti Chinese Art presents a group exhibition of six contemporary artists from China and Europe to explore their shared interest and aesthetic sensibility in the Chinese literati tradition 文/by EDWINA LIU
当 下 快 节 奏 文 化 的 冲 击 下 ,观 众 几 乎 没 有 时 间 去 欣 赏 艺 术 和 文 化 。有 鉴于此,香港著名画廊瑞斯帝中国艺术 ( Rasti Chinese Art) 将 举 办 一 场 全 新 展 览 — — 「观 ·看 」。瑞 斯 帝 中 国 艺 术 是 一 家 在 业界颇具声誉的世界级亚洲艺术品经销商, 致 力 于 利 用 当 今 市 场 上 最 杰 出 的 中 国 、日 本 和 伊 斯 兰 古 代 艺 术 品 来 启 迪 观 众 。是 次 展 览 旨 在 提 出 “慢 艺 术 ”的 观 念 , 鼓 励 参 观 者 放 慢 脚 步 欣 赏 艺 术 ,并 逐 步 最 终 培 养 独 到的鉴赏力。 48 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
展 览 的 标 题 ”观 ·看 ( ” The Experience of Looking) 来 自 美 国 着 名 学 者 和 作 家 阿登·里德(Arden Reed)的 著 作《 慢 艺 术 : 观 看 经 验 , 从 圣 画 像 到 詹 姆 斯 ·特 瑞 尔 》 ( Slow Art: The Experience of Looking, Sacred Images to James Turrell,2017 年 )。该 书 讨 论 了 过 去 二 十 多 年 来 在 各 领 域 发 生 的 “慢 ” 运动,并提出持续、缓慢观赏艺术的倡 议 。是 次 展 览 抱 有 同 样 的 愿 景 ,希 望 鼓 励 观众改变以往匆匆观看的节奏,或能在 作品前流连,或花更多时间细心赏看,
ith the current fast-paced culture of rushing, audiences are hardly able to spend time appreciating art and culture. With this in mind, Rasti Chinese Art, a leading gallery in Hong Kong and respected world-class Asian art dealership, dedicated to inspiring audiences with the best antique Chinese, Japanese and Islamic artworks available on the market today, is opening a new exhibition – The Experience of Looking. The showcase aims to bring forward the concept of ‘slow art’ and to encourage
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享 受 “在 场 ”的 艺 术 和 哲 学 , 更 从 现 代 生 活的纷乱干扰和日益急促的紧张节奏中 解放心灵。 是 次 展 览 的 60 余 件 精 选 作 品 出 自 6 位 当 代 艺 术 家 , 包 括 丹 尼 尔 ·埃 斯 肯 纳 茨 (Daniel Eskenazi)、 郝 世 明 、 水 松 石 山 房 主 人、邵文欢、王满晟和赵梦。展品涵盖多种 创 作 媒 介 ,从 水 墨 画 、雕 塑 ,到 当 代 摄 影 和混合媒体等,他们的创作均以中国文 人 传 统 为 基 础 ,同 时 透 过 革 新 方 法 和 创 意 理念进一步推动其艺术实践。 展览将于 6 月 2 日至 10 日在香港艺术中心举 行,免费入场。 쐽
visitors to enjoy art slowly and with time, to cultivate connoisseurship. The title of the exhibition refers to the book Slow Art: The Experience of Looking, Sacred Images to James Turrell (2017) by famous American scholar and author Arden Reed, who discusses the ‘slow’ movement that has occurred in various areas in the past two decadesand champions sustained ways of looking at art. Sharing the same vision, the exhibition encourages the audience to linger, change tempo and spend time when viewing, to enjoy the art of being present, and to free themselves from the distractions and increasing intensity of modern life.
Visitors can witness over 60 fabulous artworks by artists including Daniel Eskenazi; Hao Shiming; The Master of the Water, Pine and Stone Retreat; Shao Wenhuan; Wang Mansheng; and Zhao Meng. Working across different media, from ink painting and sculpture to contemporary photography and mixed media, the artists are all grounded in the Chinese literati tradition while furthering the practice through revolutionary approaches and creative concepts. The exhibition will be on display from June 2 to 10 at Hong Kong Arts Centre, and admission is free. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 49
挑战极限 Pushing the limits “ 极限混合 :2 0 19 空 港双 年展 ”将于 6 月 1 日 至 8 月 31 日 期 间 在广 州翼 ·空 港文 旅 小 镇 举 行 “Extreme Mix” – The 2019 Airport Biennale is open at Guangzhou International Airport Cultural Town between June 1 and August 31 文/by EDWINA LIU
限混合:2019 空港双年展”由中国知名 策展人鲁明军和江宁共同策划,是大 湾区最新推出的艺术双年展和最受期待的展 览之一。展览将展出包括奥拉威尔·埃利亚 松(Olafur Eliasson) 、草间弥生、徐震、周春 芽等逾 70 位著名艺术家的约 100 件作品。
作 为 空 中 交 通 枢 纽 的 基 地 ,航 空 港 是 位 于 不 同 地 区 、 国 家 之 间 的 一 个 “ 交 界 地 带 ”。
鲁明军 Lu Mingjun
这里混合着不同文化、国籍、民族、性别等, 因此它也是一个自由交往互动的临时场所。 本 次 展 览 举 办 地 — — 广 州 翼 ·空 港 文 旅 小镇,紧邻白云国际机场,前身是著名的有 着百年历史的凤和村。1911 年,冯氏家族在 凤和村定居。改革开放以后,由于村民大量 外出务工,房屋空置,凤和村成了名副其实 的“空心村”。随着亚洲最大机场——广州白 云机场在村落几公里外建成投入使用、机场 地铁线通车后,凤和村也焕发新生。
urated by famous Chinese curator Lu Mingjun and Jiang Ning, “Extreme Mix” – The 2019 Airport Biennale is the latest art biennale in Greater Bay and it is one of the most anticipated exhibitions in the area. The show features around 100 works by more than 70 artists, such as Olafur Eliasson, Yayoi Kusama, Xu Zhen, Zhou Chunya and more.
EXTREME VENUE As the base hub for air traffic, airports are situated on the “edge” of various regions and nations. Here, people from different cultures, nationalities, ethnicities and genders come together, turning it into a temporary site for free interaction. The venue for the exhibition – Guangzhou Airport’s Cultural Town – is located next to the Baiyun International Airport and is formerly known as the centennial village of Fenghe, where the Feng family clan settled in 1911. However, after the economic reforms, the village became “ghost town” due to mass exodus. When the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, the largest airport in Asia, went under construction and began operating just a few kilometres away from the village, along with new the airport subway lines, Fenghe was reborn. With the concept “reviving the countryside with arts and culture”, the Guangzhou Airport Cultural Town has become a unique village based on airport culture and leisure in China. The 2019 Airport Biennale is the largest event added to the village’s calendar to help revive it through contemporary art on the occasion of its own upgrade.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 51
范勃 Fan Bo
广 州 翼 ·空 港 文 旅 小 镇 始 终 践 行 “以 文 化 艺 术 焕 新 乡 村 ”的 理 念 ,逐 渐 发 展 成 为 国 内依托空港发展文化休闲业的独特文旅主 题 村 落 。 “2019 空 港 双 年 展 ”是 小 镇 举 办 的 最 大 规 模 的 活 动 ,旨 在 通 过 当 代 艺 术 进 行 升级,谋求振兴。
“极限混合:2019 空港双年展”由知名策展 人和艺术评论家鲁明军和江宁策划。《精华》 杂志对话鲁明军,了解更多展览详情。 “极限混合”背后有什么意义? 最近很多国家都在设立边界,所以我认为 举办一个没有国界的展览是很有意义的,混 合 或 “融 合 ”的 概 念 , 是 个 全 球 性 的 文 化 逻 辑,也一直都是当代艺术的一个共同特征。 机场是来自不同地方的人们聚集的场所, 广州是一座历史悠久的城市,是第一个也是 为数不多的中国国际港口城市之一。此次展 览展现了令广州神秘和神奇的独特混合性。 我们可以看到不同类型的艺术和文化之间的
徐震 Xu Zhen
EXPERIENCED CURATORS The Biennale is curated by renowned curator and art critic Lu Mingjun and artist Jiang Ning. Essential Macau spoke with Mr Lu for more details about the exhibition. What is the meaning behind the theme “Extreme Mix”? Recently many countries are setting up borders, so I think it’s meaningful to have an exhibition that has no frontiers and the concept of mixing, of “hybridity”, is a cultural logic of globalization that has been a common feature in contemporary art. The airport is a place where people from different places meet, and Guangzhou is a historic city and the first of only a few international port cities in China. This exhibition showcases the unique hybridity that make this town enigmatic and chimeric. We can see the clash between different types of art and culture as well as the blend of old and new
江宁 Jiang Ning
architecture styles in the town. I don’t know of any other exhibition that has the same layers of cultural hybridity as our show. What were the criteria for selecting the artists? Unlike other exhibitions, we selected artists after careful investigation. We decided to invite around 20 artists at the beginning, after our research, but it was far from enough. The village is huge so we thought to invite suitable artists for each venue. We will exhibit the artworks in the square, lawns, derelict houses, roughhouses, pools and even in the woods. For example, we invited a sound artist for the woods and sculptors for the streets. What kind of artworks will be on display during the exhibition? More than two-thirds of the artworks will be new. We asked artists to create new works
Will there be any airport-themed artworks in the exhibition? Yes, we have many airport-related artworks, such as Zheng Yuan’s “A Brief History of China Northwest Airlines”. Aside from the artists, why did you also invite many museums and galleries? An airport is also an entrepôt, so we wanted to showcase the depositories of art. We invited The China Art Museum, Shanghart Gallery, Lisson Gallery and more. How long have you been preparing this exhibition? We got the invitation to curate the exhibition last October.
碰撞,以及新旧建筑风格的融合。我不知道 还有哪个展览能像我们的展览一样,具有如 此多层次的文化混杂性。 选择参展艺术家有什么标准吗? 与其他展览不同的是,我们是经过仔细调 查后才决定邀请哪些艺术家参展。经过调研 后,我们一开始决定邀请 20 位左右的艺术家 参展,但这远远不够。空港文旅小镇占地很 大,所以我们希望在每个场地都能邀请到合 适的艺术家展出作品。我们将在广场、草坪、 弃屋、毛坯房、水塘甚至树林中展出作品。例 如,我们邀请了一位声音艺术家在树林中展 出作品,还有几位雕塑家在街上展出作品。
especially for their venue. It’s a big challenge but the results are very interesting. There are derelict houses in the village and some artists chose not to clean them up, but rather to create something from the rubbish they found there.
What is the biggest challenge of this exhibition? Gathering so many artists and artworks is difficult, and the venue itself is already an extreme challenge. But I think during an exhibition, security is the biggest problem. We have so many different venues as I said, such as roughhouses, pools and woods, we have to ensure they are all secured. 쐽
展览期间将展出哪类艺术品? 超过三分之二的艺术品都是新作品。我们 请艺术家为每个展场特别创作全新作品。虽 然挑战很大,但成果满满而有趣。有些场地是 村里废弃的旧屋,部分艺术家决定不清理房 屋,而是用他们在那里发现的垃圾进行创作。 展览上会有以机场为主题的作品吗? 当然,我们有很多与机场相关的艺术品, 比如郑源的作品《中国西北航空简史》。 除了艺术家外,为什么还要邀请很多美术馆 和画廊参与展览? 机 场 是 个 空 港 和 货 物 集 散 地 ,所 以 我 们 希望借此展示各地的艺术宝库。我们邀请了 中国美术馆、上海美术馆、里森画廊等许多 艺术机构参与。 为这次展览你们准备了多久了? 我们从去年十月收到策展邀请开始筹备。 本次展览最大的挑战是什么? 要汇聚这么多的艺术家和艺术品非常困 难,场地本身就是一个极大的挑战。但我认 为展览期间,安全才是最大的问题。我说过 我们有很多不同的场地,比如毛坯房、水塘 和树林,我们必须确保它们都是安全的。 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 53
Essential DESIGN
天生 我柴 必 有用 Everything has a purpose 澳门 本地 设 计师为 废 木赋予 新 生 Local Macau designer gives a new lease of life to wasted wood 文/by EDWINA LIU
推动澳门成为一个年轻、充满活力的 全球艺术之都,澳门政府继续稳步支 持 文 化 艺 术 的 发 展 。澳 门 本 土 设 计 产 业 因 为 一 群 有 抱 负 的 设 计 人 才 ,而 吸 引 了 国 际 平 台 的 瞩 目 ,原 质 东 隅 设 计 正 是 颇 受 国 际 关注的本土先锋设计品牌之一。 原质东隅设计(Hylé Design)由萧启东创 立,是一家以文化生活为灵感,追求事物纯 粹 本 质 的 设 计 公 司 。 “我 们 相 信 ‘天 生 我 柴 必 有 用 ’,即 使 它 是 被 废 弃 的 物 品 。秉 承 这 一营商理念,在制作产品过程中,我们会把 环保作为优先考虑因素。” 木 材 ,或 者 说 废 木 ,是 原 质 东 隅 产 品 的 主 要 原 料 。“我 叔 叔 在 大 陆 有 个 家 具 厂 。我
从 台 湾 毕 业 后 ,去 他 的 工 厂 做 了 三 个 月 的 帮 工 ,”萧 启 东 说 ,“我 发 现 每 间 家 具 厂 在 生 产 家 具 过 程 中 都 会 产 生 数 吨 的 废 木 料 。我 问 叔 叔 他 们 如 何 处 理 这 些 废 木 ,回 答 是 会 直 接 扔 掉 。因 此 我 开 始 思 考 是 否 可 以 对 废 木进行回收利用。” 萧 启 东 在 台 湾 学 习 的 是 产 品 设 计 ,并 且 在 台 湾 顶 尖 设 计 公 司 实 习 过 。“2013 年 我 回 到 澳 门 时 ,澳 门 还 没 有 专 业 的 产 品 设 计 公 司。没有竞争者,意味着我也许会有更多的 机 会 。这 也 是 在 叔 叔 的 工 厂 帮 工 三 个 月 后 我想成立自己公司的另一个原因。” Hylé 一 词 源 自 希 腊 语 , 意 为 “ 原 材 料 ” , 此处是指木头。公司的中文名原质东隅
o help Macau in becoming the world’s young and dynamic art capital, the government continues to steadily support the development of cultural arts. Thanks to a group of ambitious talents, Macau local design has caught the eye of international platforms, and Hylé Design is one of the pioneers of this growing interest. Founded by Calvin Sio, Hylé Design is a company inspired by cultural life in pursuit of the pure essence of things. “We always believe everything has a use, and each thing has the specific value of its existence, even it’s disuse. By adhering to this business
Essential DESIGN
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 55
Essential DESIGN
——“东 隅 ”为 日 出 之 地 之 意 , 寓 意 着 品 牌 的 目 标 之 一 : “我 希 望 品 牌 能 够 激 发 澳 门 设计产业的活力,”萧启东解释说。 原质东隅设计的第一件产品是一个定 制 的 情 人 节 纪 念 册 ,纪 念 册 采 用 了 木 质 封 面 。他 说 :“纪 念 册 我 没 有 花 太 多 时 间 做 ,因 为 我 是 公 司 唯 一 的 人 手 ,完 成 一 本 纪 念 册 要 花 很 长 时 间 。”不 久 后 , 原 质 东 隅 就 开 始 了规模生产,打造了一系列文具产品。一年 后,公司又推出了配饰系列。 56 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
philosophy, we prioritise environmental protection in manufacturing.” Wood, namely wasted wood, is the main component in Hylé’s products. “My uncle has a furniture factory in Mainland China. When I graduated from Taiwan, I went to his factory to help him for three months,” said Sio. “I found every factory created tonnes of wasted wood from furniture production. I asked my uncle how they handled the waste and he told me
they would throw it away. This made me to wonder if it was possible to recycle this wood.” Sio studied Product Design in Taiwan and used to be an intern for the top design company there. “When I returned to Macau in 2013, there were no professional product design companies. There were no competitors, which meant may be I could have more opportunities. That’s another reason why I wanted to set up my own company after I visited my uncle’s factory.”
Essential DESIGN
等文具。对我来说,澳门曾是一个简单、节奏 缓慢、安静祥和的城市。我希望使用我们的 文具产品的人能够放慢节奏,用心来书写。”
2016 年,原质东隅设计推出了 DIY 数码相 机 CROZ(crossover“跨 界 ” 一 词 的 缩 写 )。 CROZ 系 列 与 台 湾 数 码 相 机 品 牌 纸 可 拍 (Paper Shoot)合作,展示了创意、简约和环 保 的 理 念 。在 专 注 创 意 和 营 销 的 全 球 众 筹 平 台 Kickstarter 的 帮 助 下 ,公 司 获 得 了 港 币 232,238 元的资金用于制作 CROZ 相机。产品 一经推出,就立即受到了全球媒体的关注。
The name, Hylé, comes from the Greek word for “raw material”, which in this case is wood. The Chinese name of the company is Yuan Zhi Dong Yu – “Dong Yu” means “the place of sunrise”, which sums up one of the brand’s goals: “I hope our company can boost the energy of the industry in Macau,” Sio explained. The first product of Hylé Design was a customised Valentine’s Day autograph album, for which the cover of was made of wood. “I didn’t do this for too long, because I was the only manpower of the company and it took so long to finish a single album,” he
作 为 一 个 澳 门 品 牌 ,萧 启 东 也 在 产 品 中 注 入 澳 门 独 有 的 特 色 。 “我 们 并 不 会 在 设 计 中 运 用 澳 门 特 区 标 志 或 莲 花 ,或 任 何 类 似的明显的元素。如果这样做,我们的产品 就 成 了 旅 游 纪 念 品 ,”萧 启 东 表 示 。“要 想 打 造 深 受 全 球 欢 迎 和 认 可 的 产 品 ,在 制 作 过 程中采用如此具体鲜明的元素是不可能被 人们接受的。” 那么原质东隅如何表达澳门的情怀 呢 ? “如 今 ,没 有 多 少 人 还 用 直 尺 和 笔 记 本 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 57
Essential DESIGN
“与其他数码相机不同的是,我们的相机 没有用来查看照片的数码屏幕。没有了繁杂 的 功 能 ,CROZ 简 单 的 操 作 系 统 可 以 让 你 专 注 于 创 意 和 捕 捉 瞬 间 。” 萧 启 东 说 。“ 如 今 , 方便好用的产品太多了。对我来说,摄影的 乐趣是看到照片时的兴奋和激动。有了智能 手机,我就没再体会过那种乐趣了,因为我 们可以立刻透过屏幕看到照片,甚至在拍照 后马上修改照片。我心目中的好相机是可以 让人们找到拍摄的乐趣的相机。” 为 了 提 升 客 户 的 快 乐 水 平 ,并 让 这 种 感 觉 得 以 持 久 ,CROZ 数 码 相 机 被 设 计 成 一 个 DIY 项目,只要四到六个简单步骤即可完成 组 装 。CROZ 套 装 包 括 相 机 板 ,豪 华 黄 铜 外 框和木制相机壳,透明相机壳,原质木配皮 革相机带,SD 卡(8GB 容量,可容纳 4000 多 58 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
said. Soon after, the design company went into mass production and created an array of stationery. One year later, the accessories collection came out. As a Macau brand, the designer also infuses the unique sprit of the region in the products. “We do not use regional emblems or the lotus flower, or any of this kind of explicit elements in our design. If we did, our products would become souvenirs,” Sio states. “In order to create products that received worldwide recognition, it’s impossible to make things with such concrete elements and have people accept it.” So how does Hylé express the feeling of the city? “Nowadays, there are few people
still using stationery such as rulers and notebooks. For me, Macau was a simple, slow and tranquil city. I want people who use our stationery to slow down and write something with their hearts.”
RISE TO FAME In 2016, Hylé Design launched a DIY digital camera, CROZ (which stands for crossover). Collaborating with Taiwanese digital camera company Paper Shoot, CROZ showcases creativity, simplicity and is environmentally friendly. Thanks to the help of Kickstarter, a global crowd-funding platform focused on creativity and merchandising, the company received HK$ 232,238 to produce the product.
Essential DESIGN 张照片),微型 USB 传输线,黄铜组件,鱼眼 镜头和广角特效镜头。 除了简约的设计,CROZ 配备内置滤镜, 为照片添加炫酷的创意效果。照片效果包括 彩色、黑白、暖色和冷色。 CROZ 相机可以在澳门、香港、台湾、东 京、美国现代艺术博物馆和法国老佛爷百货 公司买到。“我们去年开始进驻中国大陆,这 依旧是我们 2019 年 的 目 标 。 中 国 市 场 巨 大 , 稳 固 市 场 需 要 时 间 和 预 算 ,” 萧 启 东 透 露 说 。 “我 们 的 理 念 与 日 本 品 牌 Muji 无 印 良 品 相 似 ——简洁质朴。但品牌深度目标侧是中国的 小米品牌,让我们的产品遍布客户家中。”
为了促进澳门的产品设计产业的发展,原 质东隅设计还开设了一系列学习工作坊,方 便本地居民学习传统手工艺。公司每年都会 与不同的慈善机构合作,利用设计和产品来 提升人们对社会问题的认知度。 他 说 :“我 认 为 , 若 要 推 动 设 计 产 业 , 澳 门政府能做的最重要的事情就是改进教 育系统。” “一 个 生 机 勃 勃 的 行 业 需 要 不 断 注 入 新 鲜血液,但目前(澳门)还没有太多可行的 政 策 。由 于 澳 门 没 有 多 少 与 设 计 相 关 的 职 位,从设计的角度来看,大部分学设计学生 都 去 其 他 城 市 发 展 ,能 留 在 这 里 支 持 本 地 产业的人很少。” 쐽
Once it came out, it quickly caught the attention of media from all over the world. “Unlike other digital cameras, ours doesn’t have a digital screen for you to check the pictures. Instead of the buzzing functions, CROZ's simple operation system allows you to simply focus on being creative and capturing the moment,” said Calvin Sio. “Nowadays, there are too many convenient products. For me, the joy of photographing is the excitement when I see the pictures. With the smart phone, I can’t find that joy anymore, because we can see the picture through the screen and even retouch the pictures afterwards. Allowing people to find the joy of shooting is my idea of a good camera.” To enhance the happiness level of clients and give them a long-lasting feeling, the CROZ digital camera is designed as a DIY project that can be completed with just four to six simple steps. The set includes a camera board, a luxury brass frame and wooden case, a transparent case, a wooden leather strap, an SD card (8GB for over 4,000 shots), a Micro-USB cable, brass fastens, and fisheye and wide-angle lenses. In addition to its simplistic design, the CROZ offers cool creative effects with its integral photo filters. These effects include Normal, Black & White, Sepia and Blue.
The CROZ camera can be found in Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tokyo, at the Museum of Modern Art in the USA, and the Galeries Lafayette in France. “We went to Mainland China last year and it is still our target of 2019. China is too huge, it takes time and budget to secure the market,” Sio revealed. “Our philosophy is similar to Japanese brand Muji – clean and simple. But our goal is Chinese brand Xiaomi, so that our products can be used everywhere in clients’ homes,” said he added.
GIVING BACK TO SOCIETY In order to help Macau’s product design industry, Hylé Design also set up an array of workshop for local people to learn traditional handicrafts. Every year, the company collaborates with different charities, using their designs and products to help raise awareness for social issues. “I think the most important thing that the Macau government can do to help the industry is improve the education system,” said Sio. “A vibrant industry always needs new blood, but at the moment there is not a lot to be seen. Because there are not many relevant subjects in Macau, from a design standpoint, most students are moving to other cities. There are few who can stay here to support the local industry.” 쐽
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 59
连衣裙 Dress: Elisabetta Franchi 耳环、戒指 Earrings and ring: Machado Joalheiro
连衣裙 Dress: Gonçalo Peixoto 耳环 Earrings: Rosantica 鞋 Shoes: 路易斯·奥诺弗雷 Luís Onofre
连衣裙 Dress: Let Me Be 上衣 Top: Dino Alves 耳环 Earrings: Machado Joalheiro 凉鞋 Sandals: 吉安维托·罗西 Gianvito Rossi
外套 Jacket: 德赖斯·范诺顿 Dries Van Noten 短裙 Skirt: 赛琳 Céline 鞋 Shoes: Elisabetta Franchi 戒指、耳环 Rings and earrings: Machado Joalheiro
上衣 Top: Dino Alves 耳环 Earrings: Du Chic à Vendre 手镯 Bracelets: David Rosas 凉鞋 Sandals: 罗杰·维维亚 Roger Vivier
塑身衣、短裤、凉鞋 Bodysuit, shorts and sandals: Elisabetta Franchi 戒指 Ring: Machado Joalheiro
连衣裙 Dress: Dino Alves
连衣裙 Dress: Dino Alves
连衣裙 Dress: Gonçalo Peixoto 戒指、耳环 Ring and earrings: Machado Joalheiro 凉鞋 Sandals: 思琳 Celine
连衣裙 Dress: 坦波丽伦敦 Temperley London
Essential BEAUTY
睡美人的秘密 有时候忙碌一天的您已是身心俱疲,实在没有精力做足全套的护肤工作,但不用担心——我们找到了一条护肤捷径,保证不会让皮肤受 一点委屈。 馥蕾诗(Fresh)Rose Deep Hydration Sleeping Mask 玫瑰深层保湿睡眠面膜只要两步就能立即为肌肤补充水分。首先,将琥珀色的清凉面膜啫 喱涂在肌肤上,啫喱中的玫瑰水成分有助于舒缓肌肤;大马士革玫瑰精油为肌肤补水并提升肌肤光滑度,加强肌肤的保护屏障;透明质酸 则提升肌肤滋润度。然后,只要将面膜轻轻涂匀,安心去睡美容觉就好啦! 品牌联合创始人 Lev Glazman 表示:“在睡眠时对肌肤进行高效密集的保湿护理 是对肌肤最大的爱护,因为随着体温的升高,会造成肌肤水分流失”。
The secret to beauty sleep Sometimes we are just too tired to do our full-blown skin-care routine after work, but do not fret — there is a shortcut you can take that won’t shortchange your skin. Fresh’s Rose Deep Hydration Sleeping Mask instantly recovers any lost moisture to your skin in two steps. First, apply the amber-coloured cooling gel essence to literally drench your skin with calming rosewater. It is also enriched with Damask rose extract to hydrate, smooth, and strengthen your skin’s barrier and hyaluronic acid to enhance suppleness with a plumping effect. Next, simply apply the silky water-cream mask and leave it overnight. “A high level of hydration is one of the best things you can offer your skin while you sleep, because your temperature rises which leads to moisture loss,” explains Fresch co-founder Lev Glazman.
完美防晒霜 寒冬过后,又迎来了享受户外阳光的时节。下次旅行时, 可别忘了在行李中带上夏天最重要的法宝之一:防晒霜。 防晒霜不仅能保护肌肤免受晒伤,还可以预防面部色斑、 皮肤色变和皮肤癌。奥尔滨(Albion)推出了一款全新的 Super UV Cut Intensive Day Cream 超完美防晒霜,强力阻挡 紫外线、近红外光,同时通过保护成纤维细胞和黑素细胞 而切断紫外线的作用而赋予肌肤紧致、纯净效果。流汗或 长时间呆在户外需要补擦防晒霜,以延长防晒保护效果。
Super UV Cut Intensive Day Cream After a frigid winter, it is time to get out and enjoy some fun in the sun. When packing for your next trip, do not forget to grab one of the most important items for summer: sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen can protect you from more than just sunburns. It prevents facial brown spots, skin discolorations and skin cancer. Albion presents a new Super UV Cut Intensive Day Cream, which is designed to powerfully block ultraviolet and near-infrared radiations, while keeping your skin firm and clear by approaching fibroblast cells and melanocytes while cutting UV. Reapply as needed after perspiring or staying outdoors for an extended period.
Essential BEAUTY
鸟语花香 谈到夏季美妆品,亮丽的色彩当然必不可少。彩妆 品牌 Les Merveilleuses Laduree 全新推出的夏季系列 歌颂大自然的多姿多彩。系列灵感源自一场异域 风情之旅:热带气候、蔚蓝的大海、苍翠的雨林、 色彩斑斓的雀鸟。系列的重头产品是 Mixed Cheek Colour 炫彩腮红彩盘,鲜艳的色彩为您打造出阳 光下的完美妆效,呈现健康活泼的娇艳面容, 尽展华丽“内在美”。 系列还包括一款防水彩色眼线笔,轻轻一抹就 为双眼增加神采。
Plants and Birds When it comes to summer beauty products, bright colours are a must. Inspired by a virtual trip to exotic lands, discovering tropical climates, turquoisblue seas, lush nature, and birds adorned with iridescent feathers, Les Merveilleuses Ladurée summer collection celebrates the rich diversity and rippling colours found in nature. The collection’s standout product is the Mixed Cheek Colour that is offered in a combination of vivid hues that would look perfect under the tropical sun, formulated to impart a vibrantly healthy glow and glamorously highlight your “beauty-in-expression.” The complete line also includes waterproof Colour Eyeliner, for arresting eyes atwith a single stroke.
夕色天香 香水界传奇品牌莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)推出了 L’Air du Ciel 香水,淡淡的幽香, 歌颂珍贵的优雅时刻:当夕阳用其非凡的画笔微微染红蔚蓝的天际 时,粉色或橘黄色的余晖射入蓝天,融入柔软的白云,如诗 如画。L’Aire du Ciel 中性香水有两 款包装,分别是 50 毫升和 100 毫 升。著名的 L’Air du Temps 比翼 双飞鸽子香水瓶天然的呈现 出惊艳的夕阳暮色。
L'Air du Ciel One of the best fragrances for the summer, perfumery legend Nina Ricci introduces L’Air du Ciel, a delicately tender fragrance, celebrating a unique moment of grace: when the setting sun tinges the azure sky with its unrivalled pastels, with the pink- or orangetainted rays mingling in the blue sky and with the soft whiteness of the clouds. L’Aire du Ciel is available in two sizes, 50ml and 100ml, and the famous L’Air du Temps bottle has naturally taken on the colours of the sunset.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 77
享 天伦之 乐尽在大湾区 Family fun 大 湾区 五 佳游玩 地 一览 Our top-five choices in Greater Bay 文/by EDWINA LIU
「澳門銀河™」综合渡假 城天浪淘园
若 您 是 喜 欢 陪 着 孩 子 在 沙 滩 上 放 松 、堆 沙堡,却又抽不出时间出国旅行的父母,全 球最大的空中水上乐园——澳门银河天浪 淘 园 ,拥 有 150 米 长 的 白 沙 沙 滩 ,让 您 和 孩 子的海滨梦想成真。 天浪淘园面积广达 75,000 平方米,是澳门 最大的水上乐园。踏上台阶的那一刻,热带 植 物 就 跃 入 眼 帘 ,让 您 一 家 仿 佛 置 身 于 东
南 亚 的 海 岛 上 。您 还 可 以 前 往 怡 人 的 亚 洲 主题空中花园,悠然放松身心,享受非凡的 安详静谧。天浪淘园还拥有全球最长的空中 激 流 ,全 长 575 米 ,您 可 以 和 孩 子 一 起 在 一 个透明的玻璃滑水道中懒洋洋地随波逐流, 追逐恬静的浪花。 您 可 与 家 人 一 起 尽 情 享 受 这 里 8000 平 方 米 的 游 泳 池 和 1.5 米 高 的 波 浪 ,当 然 还 有 让 人兴奋刺激的各种水上景点,包括澳门第一 个也是唯一一个滑水天梯及冲浪池和瀑布。
GRAND RESORT DECK AT GALAXY MACAU For those who like to lounge on the beach and make sandcastles with kids but are too busy to fly out, the world’s largest Skytop Wave Pool at the Grand Resort Deck at Galaxy Macau can make any seaside dreams come true, with its pristine 50-metre white-sand beach. Occupying an expansive 75,000 square metres, the Grand Resort Deck is the biggest waterpark in Macau. While stepping onto the steps, tropical plants jump to the eye, transporting guests to a small island in Southeast Asia. Guests can also escape to the unique Asianthemed Skytop Gardens to experience extraordinary tranquillity. The Grand Resort Deck also boasts the world’s longest Skytop Aquatic Adventure River Ride at 575 metres, where you can bring your little ones to relax in a transparent glass tube or drift lazily into its idyllic sprays. Enjoy the 8,000sqm pool and its daily 1.5mhigh wave surges. The adrenaline rush continues with a vast assortment of water attractions that include the first and only Slide Mountain in Macau, geysers and waterfalls. 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 79
澳门金沙城中心 Planet J 冒险王国
穿 上 巫 师 袍 ,扬 起 手 臂 ,来 探 索 澳 门 金 沙 城 中 心 的 Planet J 冒 险 王 国 吧 ! 占 地 达 9,290 平 方 米 的 Planet J 冒 险 王 国 是 个 实 况 角色扮演真人互动主题乐园,分为 8 个主题 区 ,设 有 超 过 200 款 精 彩 游 戏 设 施 ,任 何 年 龄段的宾客都能各得其所。入园前,挑战者 将在接待处收到一个魔法卷轴——卷轴设 有不同的难度和语言。在旅程中,宾客必须 要遵守卷轴上的指引,去冒险王国探险,与 其他冒险使者及王国中的角色进行互动和 竞赛,以完成终极任务。 为了带给宾客更为精彩刺激的多重感 官 体 验 ,Planet J 冒 险 王 国 最 近 推 出 了 专 为 成 人 和 儿 童 设 计 的 增 强 现 实 AR 和 虚 拟 现 实 VR 游戏。
PLANET J AT SANDS COTAI CENTRAL Put on your wizard costume and take up arms to explore the exciting world of Planet J at Sands Cotai Central. Within a massive 9,290sqm area, this live-action role-playing theme park is exquisitely designed to house eight distinct gaming zones with more than 200 whimsical games suitable for different ages. Before entering the park, challengers will receive at the reception a magic scroll – a device set to a suitable difficulty level and language. During the tour, guests must follow the guide on the scroll to explore the magical kingdom, physically acting out the actions of fantasy characters, while pursuing goals and interacting with other adventurers within a virtual setting. To improve the multi-sensory experience of the park, Planet J has recently introduced Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) games designed for both adults and kids. 80 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Zero Latency 虚拟实境游戏竞技场
如 果 您 的 孩 子 是 青 少 年 ,大 湾 区 的 最 佳 游 玩 目 的 地 是 澳 门 首 个 漫 游 式 多 人 VR 虚 拟 实 境 游 戏 竞 技 平 台 — — 澳 门 百 老 汇 Zero Latency。Zero Latency 于 2014 年在澳大利亚开 启,是全球设施最先进的 VR 游戏平台之一。 每轮比赛最多可容纳八名选手。 澳 门 Zero Latency 目 前 提 供 三 款 游 戏 :在 美 国 很 受 欢 迎 的 惊 悚 僵 尸 射 杀 游 戏 Zombie Survival;以打败机器人为目标的 Terminator; 适合全家齐上阵、在奇幻国家完成挑战的趣 味解谜游戏 Engineerium。 每场游戏时长 45 分钟,其中 15 分钟是游 戏简介。在简介过程中,教练将对比赛进行 介绍,并指导玩家使用武器。然后,玩家佩 戴上装备,装备包括一个背包和一台高性能 电 脑 ,一 个 具 有 2千 倍 分 辨 率 的 VR 头 戴 式
耳 机 和 一 个 控 制 器 。对 女 生 来 说 这 些 装 备 可能有点重,但对男生来说刚刚好。 有了这个装备,玩家可以沉浸在精彩的虚 拟现实世界中。Zero Latency 能完美呈现出置 身太空的感觉,包括反地心引力!最受欢迎 的游戏是 Zombie Survival,它会把你带到一个 被无数僵尸包围的地区,你可以使用不同的 武器对付僵尸。这个游戏绝对是释放压力的 好方法,比赛结束后,外面的大屏幕上会显 示分数,玩家可以在那查看自己的世界排名。 近日 Zero Latency 刚发布的全新对战游戏 「Sol Raiders」, 这 是 一 款 玩 家 与 玩 家 之 间 竞 争激烈的游戏,玩家将被分为 2 队,每个团 队最多可有 4 名成员并在不同的未来背景 版图上进行 3 回合相互对抗。在对战时,两 队玩家的通讯系统将会被分开,方便同队的 玩家讨论对战策略。
For families with teenagers, Macau’s first free-roaming multi-player VR gaming arena, Zero Latency, in Broadway Macau is the best option for the whole family to have some fun. Opened in 2014 in Australia, Zero Latency is one of the best VR gaming arenas around with the most advanced equipment. Each round of games can cater to a maximum of eight players. Three games are now available in Macau – Zombie Survival, very popular in US; Terminator, where the goal is to defeat robots; and Engineerium, a family-friendly game set in a fantasy country. Each session is 45 minutes long, 15 minutes of which are for briefing. During briefing, the coach will introduce each game and instruct you on how to use the weapon. Then, it is time to put on the gear, which includes a backpack and a high-performance computer, a VR headset featuring 2k resolution plus headphones and a controller. It may be a bit heavy for girls, but just right for men. With this gear, players can immerse themselves in an amazing VR world. It can perfectly present the full sense of Space, including centrifugal force! The most popular game is Zombie Survival, which will take you to an area surrounded by countless zombies, where you can use different weapons to shoot them down. A great way to reduce stress, after the game, scores will be shown on the monitor outside, where players can check their world ranking. Recently, Zaro Latency newly launched a competitive virtual reality game that pits two teams of up to 4 players against each other across 3 diverse and futuristic maps, complete with different objectives and heart-pounding engagements.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 81
横琴位于澳门西部,虽然隔珠江相望, 但现在两地间的多个边境口岸使通行方 便许多。 珠 海 横 琴 港 和 澳 门 路 氹 口 岸 (俗 称 澳 门 莲花大桥)已经正式实行 24 小时通关服务。 随 着 港 珠 澳 大 桥 的 开 通 ,香 港 游 客 前 往 横琴也方便了不少。 位于横琴的星乐度·露营小镇,是一个豪 华的露营主题度假村。度假村占地 26 万平方 米,提供一系列新颖主题住宿选择,如高端房 车、集装箱别墅、特色木屋和野奢帐篷。专为 家庭游客设计的 1,340 平方米的儿童游乐场, 拥有 30 多个不同的活动和工作坊,让您一家 老幼可以尽情享受假期天伦之乐。 餐饮美食同样是度假村的重要项目。宾客 在露营小镇可以享受户外烧烤——您可以自 带食物并用度假村提供的电烧烤架体验高品 质的露营生活。如果你不想自己烹饪的话,度 假村有个海盗主题的酒吧和餐厅,提供种类 繁多的美味佳肴。 今年夏天,星乐度·露营小镇二期也将正 式开园,提供超过 10 个全新娱乐项目,包括 迷宫、海滩、游泳池等等。 82 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
SUMLODOL HENGQIN CAMPING PARK Hengqin is located to the west of Macau and separated by Pearl River but border crossings between the two areas is now much more convenient. Hengqin Port in Zhuhai and Cotai Port in Macau (commonly known as the Macau Lotus Bridge) formally implemented a 24-hour Immigration service. After the opening of the Hong Kong-ZhuhaiMacau Bridge, tourists from Hong Kong can visit Hengqin more easily as well. Situated in Hengqin, Sumlodol Camping Park is a luxury camping theme resort. Set within a 260,000sqm area, the resort boasts an array of themed accommodation choices, such as caravans, containers, cabins and tents. Spe-
cially designed for families, there is a 1,340sqm children’s playground, featuring more than 30 different activities and workshops to enjoy your holiday. Dining is also an important part of the vacation. At the park, guests can enjoy an outdoor barbeque – bring your food and use the electric BBQ grill prepared by the resort to enjoy highend camping experience. If you would prefer to avoid cooking, there is a pirate-themed bar and a reception restaurant serving a wide-ranging menu. This summer, the second phase of the camping town will open, offering more than 10 new sections, including a maze, beach, swimming pool and more.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 83
没 有 孩 子 会 讨 厌 迪 士 尼 ,大 人 也 不 例 外 。香 港 迪 士 尼 乐 园 是 全 球 五 大 迪 士 尼 乐 园之一,也是大湾区的必游景点。作为香港 最大的主题乐园也是全球最小的迪士尼乐 园 , 香 港 迪 士 尼 乐 园 于 2005 年 开 业 。 乐 园 以全新的独特方式秉承迪士尼的传统,多个 沉 浸 式 景 点 , 包 括 迷 离 庄 园 (在 此 您 可 探 索奇幻的博物馆,亲眼见证来自世界各地的 珍 奇 展 品 在 眼 前 活 起 来 ! ),以 及 主 题 区 例 如 幻 想 世 界 和 反 斗 奇 兵 大 本 营 ,为 游 客 提 供世界上其他迪士尼乐园所没有的无与伦 比的探险体验。 84 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
想要近距离接触迪士尼影片中的人物,宾 客可以去梦想花园。花园中树木成荫,还设有 许多长椅让人落座。迪士尼人物现身于分布 在花园各处的城堡中。园中有专业摄影师为 您进行付费拍照,但他们也可以用您的相机 为您拍照。 迪士尼乐园并不只适合女孩游玩。2019 年 ,漫威粉丝可以在香港迪士尼体验世界上第 一个以蚁侠和黄蜂女为主角的景点。宾客可 以乘坐神盾局的最新“突击”野战车,利用战 车上配备的电磁脉冲枪,英勇迎击左拉和其 机械虫大军。当游客和电影中的英雄们一起
缩小到蚂蚁大小时,原本普通的东西就变得 格外不可思议。 另一位漫威英雄钢铁奇侠也在香港现身。 史塔克粉丝除了看到史塔克工业最新推出的 产品,还可以亲眼见到他——他甚至会在香 港的天际线上与你并肩作战,一起保护这座 城市。 「星球大战™:入侵明日世界」也是迪士尼 乐园的必游之地。在专为香港迪士尼乐园而设 的“绝地圣殿武士特训”中,志向非凡的小武士 将穿上经典的武士长袍,在隐蔽圣殿接受绝地 武士亲身传授光剑招式,参透原力奥秘! 쐽
HONG KONG DISNEYLAND No kid or even adult will hate Disneyland. One of five Disney parks in the world, Hong Kong Disneyland is a must-visit place in Greater Bay. Opened in 2005, this is the city’s largest theme park, but the smallest Disney park in the world. The Chinese branch continues the Disney tradition in new and unique ways, through immersive attractions like Mystic Manor – where exotic museum artefacts spring to life before your eyes – and themed areas like Fantasyland and Toy Story Land, providing a world of experiences unlike anything else in the world. For character greetings go to the Fantasy Gardens. It is relatively shaded, and there are nice benches to sit on. Characters appear in pagodas that are spread out through the garden. A photographer is on site to take professional photos for purchase, although they will also take photos using your camera. Disneyland is not a park suitable only for girls. In 2019, Marvel fans can try the world’s first attraction featuring Ant-Man and The Wasp in Hong Kong. Ride on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s newest combat vehicle and use an EMP Blaster to join the heroic battle against Zola and his Swarmbots. The seemingly ordinary becomes incredible as guests shrink down to the size of an ant alongside the movie’s heroes. Another Marvel hero, Iron Man, also appears in Hong Kong. Fans can see Stark Industries’ latest offerings and meet the man in person – he will even fight alongside you on the Hong Kong skyline to protect this city. Star Wars™: Tomorrowland Takeover is also a must-see place in the park. At Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple, adapted exclusively for Hong Kong Disneyland, aspiring younglings will be recruited to don Jedi robes and join a secret training session with Jedi masters. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 85
Essential TRENDS
夏 日 霓裳 Summer colours or just colours! 世 界再 次绽 放 着缤纷 的 色彩。 几 十年 来不 被认 可 的 色彩 / 风格混 搭 如今也 呈 现眼前 。 往 昔 的 时 光 浮 现在 当 今设计 中 ,大胆 前 卫又 个 性 十 足 , 令 全 球各 地的 大 街小巷 都 洋溢着 欢 快 的气 息。 从目 前 发 布的 各大 设 计师作 品 可以看 出 ,追 求创 意以 及 彰 显女 性美 是 当今的 着 装趋势 , 无 惧年 龄… … The world is once again overflowing with the most eclectic colours. We are seeing combinations that for decades were deemed impossible to combine. The past surfaces in the creativity of the present, offering a cheerful mood and a sense of joy that fills the streets around the world with boldness and personality. The message that emerges from the majority of the current designer collections is the quest for originality and the desire to accentuate feminine beauty regardless of age... 文/by CATARINA VASQUES RITO
Carolina Herrera
尚界深入发掘往昔时光汲取灵感,继 续寻求看似创新的点子。像阿尔伯塔 ·菲尔蒂(Alberta Ferretti)这样的设计师更是 以心思奇巧的面料和剪裁让我们惊讶不已, 不禁想到这位有“意式风格女王”之称的设计 师直到现在才开始在系列中大胆运用牛仔夹 克或斜纹棉布裤。她自己也着实被这些经典 的造型所诱惑。毕竟菲尔蒂已经证明,为以 优雅精致著称的品牌融入休闲风也是可行 之举。品牌新品洋溢着都市边缘气息,又保 留了女性钟意的精致风格,设计更为舒适、 实 用 , 深 受 品 牌 御 用 超 模 吉 吉 ·哈 迪 德
he world of fashion continues to seek seemingly innovative ideas, dipping into the past for inspiration. Designers such as Alberta Ferretti astonish us with her choice of fabrics and tailoring, reminding us that this designer, considered to be the queen of Italian style, up until now, would never have dared to employ jean jackets or chinos in her collections. But she too, was seduced by these timeless looks. After all, Ferretti has proven that it is possible to associate more casual pieces with a brand that is essentially known for its
Alberta Ferretti
Dolce & Gabbana
Dries Van Noten
Dolce & Gabbana
Essential TRENDS
Carolina Herrera
(Gigi Hadid)、肯达尔·詹娜(Kendall Jenner) 的喜爱。像菲尔蒂这样的设计师有可能设计 出这样的作品吗?当然!事实上,度过 35 年 设 计 生 涯 的 阿 尔 伯 塔 ·菲 尔 蒂 已 经 有 权 任 性,做任何自己想做的事,因为她从来不会 唐突地偏离自己品牌的设计本质和原创精髓。 在 品 牌 卡 罗 琳 娜 ·海 莱 娜 ( Carolina Herrera) 上 次 秀 场 后 台 , 品 牌 总 监 韦 斯 ·戈登(Wes Gordon)宣布:“快乐的人做快 乐 的 服 装 。”在 品 牌 同 名 创 始 人 卡 罗 琳 娜 ·海莱娜的密切关注下(二人自一年半前开 始 合 作 ),品 牌 2019 春 夏 系 列 采 用 了 绚 烂 的 色彩和缤纷的图案,洋溢着活力和欢乐且创 意尽显。系列所有作品都有完美的结构,秉
承品牌的美学特点。有趣的是,戈登更引人 注意的是:他所心目中的女性不受任何着装 规 则 所 支 配 ,善 于 打 破 任 何 日 装 和 晚 礼 服 之 间 的 界 线 。正 是 这 一 点 启 发 他 创 作 了 该 系 列 :系 列 探 索 服 装 的 灵 动 变 移 性 ,打 破 着装规范却能“穿着得体”。 另 一 方 面 ,意 大 利 设 计 二 人 组 杜 嘉 班 纳(Dolce & Gabbana)走得则是离经叛道之路 , 坚 持 不 懈 地 要 让 人 们 “喜 欢 自 己 穿 的 衣服”。杜梅尼科·多尔奇(Domenico Dolce) 表示“每个人都是自己生命中的王者”,也就 是说每个人都独一无二,应该透过每日的着 装来展示自己的独特。他们的系列真心歌颂 成 熟 女 性 之 美 。品 牌 春 夏 系 列 共 有 150 件 作
sophistication. By employing a style that is more comfortable and practical and that is favoured by young models such as Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, who walked the runway for the brand, these pieces were imbued with an urban edge while preserving the sophistication that can be adapted by all women. Is it possible for a designer such as Ferretti to do such a thing? Of course it is possible! The truth is that Alberta Ferretti's career spans 35 years and she has earned the right to do whatever she damn well pleases because she has never swerved too far from her creative identity and the original DNA of her brand. 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 89
Essential TRENDS 品 ,本 季 新 系 列 中 唯 一 超 过 他 们 的 是 推 出 了 170 件作品的安普里奥·阿玛尼(Emporio Armani)系 列 。为 杜 嘉 班 纳 走 秀 的 一 众 超 模 及名流包括意大利国宝级女神莫妮卡·贝鲁 奇、前法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼、丹麦传 奇 名 模 Helena Chistensen、 老 牌 超 模 Eva Herzigova、大码名模 Ashley Graham、集美貌 智慧于一身的伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼(Isabella Rossellini,她 与 女 儿 Elettra 齐 走 T 台 )及 荷 兰超模 Marpessa Hennick。 莫斯奇诺(Moschino)设计师杰瑞米·斯科 特(Jeremy Scott)似乎想要打破所有的框架, 这在他为莫斯奇诺设计的最新系列中可见一 斑。其实,启发该系列的素描画并没有如此的 异端和不敬。其实不久以前法国设计师让· 夏 尔 ·德 卡 斯 泰 尔 巴 雅 克 (Jean-Charles de Castelbajac)2008 年的秋冬系列也是受到漫画 启发创作的。但莫斯奇诺 2019 春夏系列透过 色彩和细节的巧妙结合,从某种程度上向保 守的设计师致敬,因此同本季其他品牌系列 的风格截然不同。 华伦天奴(Valentino)的本季用色灵感来自 马蒂斯(Matisse)和高更(Gauguin)等著名画 家的作品。“创作这个系列时,这些艺术家和 田园诗般的古老殖民地给了我启发。如今的 人们只谈论避世。但我不同意。我认为,我们 该因应我们城市的风格或我们居住地的特色 而 活 ,” 品 牌 设 计 师 Pierpaolo Piccoli 解释道。 在该系列中,红色依旧在连衣裙和长裤套装 中占据重要地位。黑色也普遍用于系列中,超 模 克 莉 丝 汀 ·麦 玫 娜 蜜 (Kristen McMenamy) 身穿一件超大号的黑色连衣裙,与她一头银 白的金色短发形成亮丽鲜明的对比。 쐽
Moschino 90 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Louis Vuitton
Essential TRENDS
Carolina Herrera
Backstage at the last runway show for Carolina Herrera, Wes Gordon, the Creative Director of the brand, declared: "Happy people make happy clothing." Under the watchful eye of the founder of the brand, with whom Gordon has been collaborating for the past year and a half, the SS19 collection offers an uncharacteristic exuberance and originality with an explosion of colours and patterns. However, all the pieces are impeccably structured and faithful to the aesthetic that Carolina Herrera has always offered her clients. Interestingly, Gordon draws our attention to the fact that the women that he knows do not follow any rules regarding a distinction between daywear and evening attire. This inspired him to create a collection that explores this fluidity and lack of a dress code for what it means to be "well-dressed". On the other hand, the Italian duo at Dolce & Gabbana diverges from everything and everyone by their relentless need to make people "feel good about the garments they wear."
Domenico Dolce states that "every single one of us is the king and queen of our lives", which means that every single person is unique and should express this uniqueness every day with the clothing that they choose to wear. Their collection was a veritable ode to the beauty and style of a more mature woman. Comprised of 150 coordinating pieces, it was only surpassed by the Emporio Armani collection, which included 170 pieces and featured Monica Belluci, Carla Bruni, Helena Chistensen, Eva Herzigova, Ashley Graham, Isabella Rossellini (who walked the runway with her daughter Elettra), and Marpessa Hennick. Then we have Jeremy Scott, a designer who seems to want to break all the rules, as seen in his most recent collection for Moschino. But the truth is that the sketches that inspired the SS19 collection are not that unorthodox or irreverent. In reality, without retreating too far into the past, we need only recall that JeanCharles de Castelbajac's FW2008 collection
was also inspired by a comic strip. However, Moschino's collection conjugates colour and details in a manner that pays tribute to the old guard Couturiers and is therefore quite different from the rest of the SS19 collections. The colour palette at Valentino was inspired by the pictorial universe depicted in the paintings of artists such as Matisse and Gauguin. "I was inspired by artists and the idyllic old colonies when I created this collection. Nowadays, people only talk about escaping. But I don't believe in that. I believe that we should all live in accordance with our urban identity or the identity of the place where we reside", explains Pierpaolo Piccoli, the designer at Valentino. In this collection, the colour red maintains its primacy in pieces such as dresses and pantsuits. The colour black is also quite prevalent and was featured on model Kristen McMenamy who wore an over-size black dress that contrasted with her short whitish blond hair. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 91
Essential BAZAAR
B Blossom 系列 路易威登(Louis Vuitton)为经典 的 B Blossom 系列注入全新活力。 在最新珠宝系列中,路易威登重 新演绎 1896 年乔治·路易威登 (George Louis Vuitton)设计的经典 星形 Monogram,变为由钻石辉映 的时尚球形结构设计。为了隆重 庆祝新系列的推出,品牌发布全 新广告特辑,由钟楚曦、Indya Moore、科洛·格蕾斯·莫瑞兹 (Chloë Grace Moretz)、索菲·特纳 (Sophie Turner)和 Signe Veiteberg 等五位演员/模特倾情诠释,独立 自信的她们令系列珠宝绽放出惊 艳之美。Blossom 珠宝系列有黄色 和玫瑰金两种材质,包括戒指、 手链、耳环和项链。
B Blossom Louis Vuitton has breathed new life into its iconic B Blossom collection. In the latest edition of the jewellery line, the French maison revisited the monogram created by George Louis Vuitton in 1896, turning it into a spherical stamp illuminated by diamonds. To mark the launch of the new line, the brand devised a campaign starring six talented actors and models — Zhong Chu Xi, Indya Moore, Chloë Grace Moretz, Sophie Turner and Signe Veiteberg — reflecting the independent and feminine spirit of this collection. Available in yellow and rose gold, the new line features rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. www.louisvuitton.com
真皮镜框 菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo) 最新眼镜系列采用了让人瞠目惊 艳的皮革镜框。镜框罕见地采用了 醋酸纤维、小牛皮或蛇皮等材料, 采用精巧工艺打造。镜框从保守 的冷色调到前卫色彩有多种色彩 可选。新系列镜框洋溢着永恒的 典雅和大胆时尚的风格。
All about leather The eye-popping leather frame is the highlight of Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest eyewear models. Featuring a combination of unusual materials, such as acetate and calfskin or Kurang snakeskin, this structure is the result of a sophisticated craftsmanship process. Available in an array of colours, from a more sober palette to bolder choices, the new glasses conjure a timeless and bold style. www.ferragamo.com
珑骧(Lonchamp)最新系列 LGP 推出了全新字母组合印花, 突破所有传统和规则。两个附属 系列(Le Pliage LGP 和 Le Pliage Cuir LG)包括钱包、旅行包、配 饰及男女通用服装。在 Le Pliage LGP 系列中,红色、黑色和白色 的字母组合随意印在产品上,体 现包豪斯(Bauhaus)艺术运动主 格调。Le Pliage Cuir LG 系列产品 的字母组合排列有序而时尚,并 新推一款竖版长带托特包,字母 颜色则以黑色、柠檬绿、白色 和红色交错。
Fine & Candy 的最新系列产品专注 于书写艺术,推出了一系列印有 特别语句信息的信封和卡片。 The Handwritten Letter Collection 手 写信件系列包括由优质纸张制成的 信封,共有六种颜色可选:白色、 米黄色、浅灰色、蓝色、粉彩和绿 色。系列还包括印有适用于各种场 合的信息的烫金卡片,如晚宴邀请 卡或道谢卡,这些卡片既可以单独 购买,也可以一套六张购买。
The magic of writing The latest line from Fine & Candy focuses on the art of writing and presents a series of envelopes and cards with special messages. Titled The Handwritten Letter Collection, it includes envelopes made with high-quality paper, available in six colours: white, beige, light grey, blue, pastel pink and green. Complemented by gold printed cards with messages to suit every occasion, such as a dinner invitation or a thank you note, they can be purchased individually or in packs of six. www.fineandcandy.com
Modern collection Lonchamp’s latest collection, LGP, has a new monogram that breaks every rule. The two lines — Le Pliage LGP and Le Pliage Cuir LGP — include wallets, travel bags, accessories and unisex clothing. On the first, the monogram is printed haphazardly on the pieces, reminiscent of the Bauhaus movement, and different colours: red, black and white. On the latter, the monogram is used in a more orderly fashion, and introduces a new version of the vertical tote model with long straps and on which the colours of the lettering vary between black, lime-green, white and red. www.longchamp.com
Essential BAZAAR
保护大自然 为了保护濒危物种,鳄鱼 (Lacoste)设计了 10 款限量版马 球衫,马球衫上的品牌标志鳄 鱼换成了 10 种濒危动物。每款马 球衫的生产数量正是该动物在野 外幸存的数量。2018 年,鳄鱼与 世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature) 签署为期三年的合作协议,希望 借推出这些产品让人们意识到日 益严峻的物种濒危问题。
表车合一 宝马最新腕表系列强调汽车设 计风格。受其经典汽车符号的启 发,品牌呈现一系列醒目色彩和 多功能设计。最新推出的两个 系列——BMW 宝马系列和宝马 M Motorsport 赛车风格系列,从流 线型表壳到带有螺旋桨标志的表 盘,彰显数不清的设计细节。宝 马系列腕表配有不锈钢表链或高 级真皮表带,表盘色彩灵感源自 品牌汽车系列。宝马赛车系列以 其浓郁的运动气息设计和优质 的用材而引人注目,可选配不 锈钢表链或带有轮胎胎面设计 细节的硅胶带。
小王子 万宝龙(Montblanc)Meisterstück Le Petit Prince 大班系列小王子特别版 书写工具第二版再次从安东尼·德 ·圣.埃克苏佩里(Antoine Saint-Exupéry)的《小王子》(The Little Price )中汲取灵感,向这位飞行员作家 笔下的主角致意。书中经典的手绘 画如绵羊、沙丘和飞机都以精巧别 致的设计出现在书写工具上,棕 色笔盒也是创意重现飞行员头盔 之作。系列包括圆珠笔和钢笔, 各自盛装在精美的插画礼盒中。
Le Petit Prince
Design feeling The motto for the latest watch collection from BMW is automotive design. Inspired by its classic symbols, the brand presents a selection of striking colours and a versatile design. With two lines available — the BMW collection and the BMW M Motorsport collection — each model features countless details, from the cases playing with aerodynamic shapes to the dial with the propeller logo. The first collection is available with stainless-steel bracelets or premium leather straps and the dials come in different colours, inspired by the brand’s car ranges. The second line stands out for its sporting design and premium materials, and comes with stainless-steel bracelets or silicone straps with tread detailing. www.bmw.pt
The second edition of Montblanc’s Meisterstück Le Petit Prince collection draws inspiration once again from The Little Price, by Antoine Saint-Exupéry, with writing tools evoking the aviator’s character. Drawings of the iconic sheep, etchings of the desert dunes and airplane, or the brown leather case replicating an aviator’s helmet are some of the details inspired by the French author’s famous work. Available as a rollerball, ballpoint and fountain pen, this collection also features a small leather notebook with golden relief drawings and refills for the ballpoint and rollerball pens in illustrated boxes. www.montblanc.com
天作之合 Tommy x Mercedes-Benz 男士胶囊系 列是汤米·希尔费格(Tommy Hilfiger)与梅赛德斯-奔驰 (Mercedes-Benz)多年来长期合作 的成果,融合了汤米·希尔费格一 贯的美式经典传统和德国汽车巨头 的卓越技艺。系列主推一些永不过 时的经典款式包括,卡其布男裤、 收腰短夹克和牛仔裤(色彩方面以 灰暗调为主,包括白色、灰色和黑 色;同时融入了功能元素,如温度 适应面料、抗皱纱线等)。
Perfect match The TommyxMercedes-Benz men’s capsule collection is the result of the longstanding relationship between Tommy Hilfiger and Mercedes-Benz. It combines the heritage of the American brand with the technological know-how of the German automobile giant. Timeless styles such as chinos, bomber jackets and jeans, a sombre colour palette varying from white, gray and black, along with functional elements like climate control finishes or crease-resistant thread, are just some of the highlights of this collection. www.tommy.com www.mercedes-benz.com
In favour of nature Committed to its fight for the conservation of endangered species, Lacoste has created 10 limited-edition polo designs, wherein the crocodile is replaced with 10 endangered animals. The number of polo shirts produced for each model matches the number of animals from each species that remain in the wild. In 2018, the brand signed a three-year partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, hoping to bring awareness to this increasingly alarming subject. www.lacoste.com
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 93
Essential HI-FI
极品 音响 Magnum Opus 威信音 响向欧洲 媒 体发布 全 宇宙最 佳 音 响 Wilson Audio unveil the best speakers in the world to the European press 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES
些邀请必须要再三确认才敢相信 是真的。毫无疑问,收到威信(Wilson Audio)WAMM Master Chronosonic 在 欧 洲 揭 幕 的 邀 请 函 就 是 如 此 。幸 好 这 不 是 我 因 加 班太多造成的幻像。 戴 夫 ·威 尔 逊 ( Dave Wilson) 打 造 的 Magnum Opus(极品音响),被公认为是世界 上最好的音响扬声器,在为期五天的发布会 上引起轰动,国内外媒体、威信粉丝及特邀 嘉宾尽致发掘这举世无双的天王级音响新 品 。品 牌 计 划 该 款 产 品 每 年 生 产 70 组 ,售 价 不 菲 ,在 100 万 美 元 左 右 ,当 然 最 终 价 格 还取决于各个国家的进口税。 94 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
高 保 真 音 响 界 声 名 鼎 沸 的 大 咖 Peter McGrath 负 责 威 信 新 品 的 演 示 试 听 。 作 为 品 牌 的 商 务 总 监 , 他 透 过 让 人 惊 艳 的 Dan D'Agostino Relentless 旗舰级功放(每个功放重 258 公 斤 ,功 率 高 达 1500 瓦 )为 来 自 各 个 国 家 和 地 区 的 100 余 位 宾 客 展 示 了 WAMM 的 卓越潜能。 但 是 WAMM Master Chronosonic 是 从 哪 里 冒出来的呢? 1944 年 9 月 8 日,大卫·威尔逊二世(又 称戴夫·威尔逊)出生于南卡罗来纳州英格 尔伍德(Inglewood)。大卫从小就对音乐和设 备很感兴趣,尤其是音响。1964 年,他从美国
here are invitations that have to be read twice in order to believe them. An invitation for the European launch of WAMM Master Chronosonic is, without a shadow of a doubt, just such a case. Fortunately, it was not just my imagination working overtime. The Magnum Opus from Dave Wilson, generally considered to be the best sound speakers in the world, were the star attraction in a five-day programme in which the national and international press, the general public and special invited guests by Wilson Audio had the opportunity to discover a product which has no
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河流专科学院(American River Junior College) 转学到杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University), 并在那里获得了动物学和化学学士学位。也 许更重要当数 他在杨百翰大学结识了谢 丽 尔 ·李 ·贾 米 森 (Sheryl Lee Jamison)。凑 巧的是,二人通过谢丽尔正在做的一个与录 音相关的项目走到了一起。戴夫先是对这个 项 目 产 生 了 兴 趣 ,然 后 又 喜 欢 上 了 谢 丽 尔 ·李 。两 人 于 1966 年 9 月 6 日 结 婚 ,后 迁 往 加利福尼亚的格伦代尔(Glendale)生活。 戴 夫 ·威 尔 逊 的 第 一 份 工 作 任 职 于 制 药 业 巨 头 辉 瑞 制 药 公 司 (Pfizer),但 服 务 辉 瑞 多年并没有让他放弃自己的真爱:音乐。在 恪尽职守完成专业任务的同时,戴夫继续钻 研自己的兴趣爱好:如何打造完美的音响? 1974 年 ,戴 夫 和 谢 丽 尔 ·李 在 位 于 加 利 福 尼 亚 州 马 林 郡 诺 瓦 托 (Novato)的 家 中 创 办了 Wilson Audio Specialities Inc.(威信专业音 响 公 司 )。同 许 多 其 他 公 司 一 样 ,威 信 从 创 始人的车库起步。这个车库孵化出了一系列 新颖创意,如今品牌出厂的每对扬声器都是 这些意念的结晶。 在 20 世纪 80 年代初,戴夫推出了他的第 一款威信模块式的监听(Wilson Audio Modular Monitor,简称 WAMM)音响。WAMM 是模块 化的箱体设计,并有单元的排列中十分注重 单元的时间相位。其实,这正是戴维将其高 保真重现音乐理论化为现实的方式。给原创 WAMM 打上进步的标签,是在淡化该产品在 高端高保真音响界的重要意义。显然,威信 能成为当今业界最闻名品牌是内有奥妙的。 从 加 州 的 一 个 车 库 开 始 ,威 信 的 店 址 几 经 变 迁 , 规 模 也 越 来 越 大 , 直 到 1990 年 代 中期,他们在犹他州普罗沃(Provo)的旗舰 店设立,品牌才算彻底安顿下来。说来奇怪, 威尔逊夫妇在杨百翰大学上学时互相结识 的地方就是这里。 戴维和谢丽尔创业至今一直谨遵的初衷 是:不同凡响,且与业界最杰出的品牌竞争。 威信也一直都以原创和卓越为原则,并且逐
equals. The 70 pairs that Wilson Audio will produce will have the hefty price tag of around US$1 million depending, of course, on the taxes in each country. The listening experience was the responsibility of Peter McGrath, one of the biggest names in high-fidelity in the world. Wilson Audio’s commercial director leads over 100 invited guests from various countries through various sessions, demonstrating all the potential of WAMM through impressive Dan D’Agostino Relentless amplifiers, each with 258 Kg and 1500W of power. But where actually do the WAMM Master Chronosonic come from? David A. Wilson II was born on 8 September 1944 in Inglewood, South Carolina. From childhood Dave was interested in music and equipment, particularly sound speakers. In 1964 he transferred from American River Junior College to Brigham Young University where he
completed a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology and Chemistry. Perhaps even more important than that, it was at BYU that Dave met Sheryl Lee Jamison. As it happens, the two got together through a project that Sheryl was working on to do with audio recording. Dave got interested in the project and then got interested in Sheryl Lee. The two got married on 6 September 1966 and went to live in Glendale, California. Dave Wilson’s first job was working for the pharmaceutical company Pfizer but his years working for the drug giant did not tear him away from his true passion: music. While meeting his professional obligations, this zoologist by training continued to research around his hobby: how to create the perfect sound speakers? In 1974, Dave and Sheryl Lee founded Wilson Audio Specialities Inc. in his own house in Novato, Marin Country, California. Like so many other companies which today are giants in their market, Wilson started off in its founder’s 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 97
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渐吸引了音响史上最优秀工程师团队加入。 威信也成为了一个高度专业的技术中心,工 程师们运用的实际工具和研发速度已抛离年 轻、雄心勃勃、身为动物学家的创始人戴维 ·威尔逊为初始款 WAMM 设下的目标。 威信音响尤其以其使用特殊材料而闻名。 品牌完全不使用木材衍生物,而是专注于环 氧树脂和复合材料以及酚醛树脂,在高保真 音响市场上没有其他品牌使用相同的材料, 可谓傲视同侪。这是与汽车和航空航天行业 比 肩 发 展 。研 究 这 些 材 料 以 切 实 提 升 音 乐 品 质 ,一 直 都 是 威 信 不 断 努 力 提 高 性 能 的 关键。品牌采用太空级前卫工具,让工程师 们 得 以 观 察 壳 体 振 动 并 在 纳 米 级 (十 亿 分 之一米)标准下精确进行音色修正。 经 过 长 期 的 抗 癌 斗 争 后 ,戴 夫 ·威 尔 逊 于 2017 年 5 月 26 日逝世于普罗沃的家中,他 的妻子谢丽尔·李、他们的四个儿子及 15 的 孙子、孙女在他身边陪他走完了最后一刻。 他 去 世 前 , 他 最 伟 大 的 作 品 Wilson Audio Modular Monitor(WAMM) Master Chronosonic 已经面世,这个令戴夫倾注一生的项目,恰 恰是他从加州的一间小车库白手起家将所 有的创意和可能变成现实的写照,他当之无 愧是公认的史上最杰出的音响打造者。 Master Chronosonic 背 后 的 想 法 相 对 简 单 : 如 果 以 最 新 技 术 对 首 款 WAMM 的 模 块 进 行 修改和调整,会有怎样的结果呢? 这 个 想 法 的 由 来 已 经 超 过 15 年 之 久 ,从 戴夫·威尔逊决定开展该项目的那一刻起, WAMM Master Chronosonic 耗 时 5 年 才 问 世 , 它 举 世 无 双 。每 个 单 元 重 408 公 斤 ,一 对 音 响 连 包 装 重 1188 公 斤 ,空 运 的 话 连 木 箱 意 味着毛重达近 2 吨!安装整个音响系统需 要 40 个 小 时 ,而 且 掌 握 这 项 技 能 的 人 全 球 仅有 8 位。 从 收 到 订 单 的 那 一 刻 起 ,威 信 要 用 时 花 两 个 月 打 造 一 对 音 响 ,当 然 可 能 还 有 数 不 清 的 定 制 化 细 节 ,最 终 一 组 音 响 的 成 本 可 能会超过 100 万美元。 98 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
garage which served as an incubator for a whole host of ideas which today have materialised in each pair of speakers that leave the factory. At the start of the 1980s, Dave unveiled his first Wilson Audio Modular Monitor speakers. The WAMM were modular speakers which were physically adjustable in relation to others in the time domain, which, in fact, was nothing more than the physical manifestation of Dave’s theories regarding a realistic musical recreation.
To slap the label of progress on the original WAMM is to downplay the significance that this product has had on the high-end hi-fi universe. Obviously, it is for some reason that Wilson Audio is today the most famous name in its segment. From a garage in California, the Wilson couple moved on up to larger and larger commercial premises until in the mid-1990s they settled in a flagship premises in Provo, Utah - strangely enough the same small town where the two met while attending Brigham Young University. The desire to be different and rival the greatest and best brands at that time did not distract Dave and Sheryl from the essential and Wilson Audio has always been based on the principles of authenticity and excellence which, in time, attracted one of the most talented, if not the most talented team of engineers in the history of audio. Wilson Audio became a highly specialised technology centre where the reality of the tools available to the team and the speed of their discoveries had nothing to do with the heights that the original WAMM were catapulted to by a young and ambitious zoologist. Particularly well known for its use of exotic materials, completely ruling out the use of wood derivatives, Wilson focused on epoxy laminates and composites and phenolic resins, achieving a peak of development and use of the same that has no parallel in the hi-fi market. For that, one has to look to the automotive and aerospace
Essential HI-FI
花 两 个 小 时 聆 听 耗 资 150 万 欧 元 的 音 响 系统的音乐,是一种全新、独特、亦或绝无 仅有的体验。这种体验让人明白,世界属于 那些能够突破界限、去实现那些别人看来遥 不可及的梦想的人。 戴 夫 和 谢 丽 尔 ·李 打 造 的 品 牌 如 今 已 经 传承给了四个儿子中的大儿子达里尔·威尔 逊(Daryl Wilson),他自 2016 年起担任威信音 响的首席执行官。落在达里尔肩上的责任巨 大,他要保持威信音响继续名扬天下。威信 扬声器面向大众的平均价格是 7 万美元,过 去 45 年间,威信已经把制作音响这种科学性 程序转变为艺术,透过品牌产品将人类的聪 明才智发挥到极致。简而言之,威信音响的 所有产品款式都是业界典范,而同行推出的 任何全新产品都无疑会被用这句话来衡量: 它们比威信好吗?但答案往往是否定的。 쐽
industries. Research into these materials in relation to factors which actually improved the sound of music have been a key point in the continued efforts by Wilson to raise the benchmark of its performance. The US brand is equipped with space-grade tools that enable its engineers an observation and correct procedure in terms of casing vibrations and at the level of nanometres (a billionth of a metre). Dave Wilson died on 26 May 2017 in his house at Provo after a long battle with cancer, surrounded by Sheryl Lee and his 4 sons and 15 grandchildren, but not before revealing to the world his greatest work, the Wilson Audio Modular Monitor Master Chronosonic, his life project which is also a reflection of all the ideas and possibilities ever dreamed up from a small
garage in California belonging to who is universally considered the most brilliant creator of audio speakers of all time. The idea behind the Master Chronosonic is relatively simple: and what if the modular concept of the original WAMM was revised and adapted using the very latest technology? An idea of over 15 years which took five years to develop from the moment that Dave Wilson decided to move forward with the project, the WAMM Master Chronosonic is a product without equal. Each unit weighs 408kg, the packaging for the pair weighs 1188kg and air transport implies a crate of almost 2 tonnes. It takes 40 hours to set the sound system up and only 8 people in the world have the skills necessary to do so. From the moment the order is received, Wilson takes two months to build a pair and with countless possibilities for customisation the final cost of the pair can be over US$1 million. The two hours spent hearing a sound system costing €1,500,000 was a new, unique and probably unrepeatable experience in which one understands that the world belongs to those who can break existing frontiers and make to what others seems to be only possible in the realm of dreams. The legacy of Dave and Sheryl Lee is today bequeathed to Daryl Wilson, CEO of Wilson Audio since 2016 who is the eldest of the couple’s four sons. The responsibility that has fallen to Daryl is huge and involves maintaining the name Wilson Audio alive, a company whose average price tag for speakers sold to the public is US$70,000 and which over the past 45 years has transformed the scientific process into an art form, materialised in products that have spread the ingenuity of Man in its maximum exponent. In general, all the Wilson models are a reference in their segment and any new model from a competitor is inevitably measured by the maxim: Are they better than Wilson? The reply tends to be no. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 99
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粤 菜 大使 An ambassador for Cantonese cuisine 你 是否好奇 泰国 皇室 最爱 的粤 菜是 哪 道 ? 《 精 华 》 杂 志 采访 「 丽 轩 」 高级 粤菜 大厨 何汉 昇, 向 您 把 秘 密 道 来 … … Are you curious to know the favourite Cantonese dish of Thailand’s royal family? Essential spoke to the new chef of Cantonese fine-dining restaurant Lai Heen, Jackie Ho 文/by EDWINA LIU
汉昇出生在香港,12 岁起开始与餐饮 业结下不解之缘。当时,餐馆职位很 受欢迎,年幼的何汉昇在上水一家传统的广 东 茶 楼 找 到 了 一 份 卖 点 心 的 工 作 。当 时 他 就特别羡慕厨房里的厨师:“我很佩服他们, 所以求厨师教我煮菜,然后我就成了那家茶 楼的学徒,”他回忆道。经过几年的培训,何 100 | JUNE - JULY 2019 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
汉 昇 离 开 了 茶 楼 ,开 启 了 自 己 的 烹 饪 之 旅 , 先后就职于香港、广州、北京、英国、泰国 等 多 间 知 名 餐 厅 ,如 今 在 澳 门 在 米 其 林 星 级餐厅「丽轩」掌舵。 积 累 了 超 过 40 年 的 高 级 粤 菜 烹 饪 经 验 的 何 汉 昇 大 厨 ,与 来 自 世 界 各 地 的 宾 客 分 享 粤 菜 美 馔 ,几 乎 可 算 高 级 粤 菜 的 代 言 人 。
orn in Hong Kong, Jackie Ho Hongsing’s relationship with cooking began when he was just 12 years old. At that time, working in restaurants was a popular job and young Jackie found a position in a traditional Cantonese teahouse in Sheung Shui, selling dim sum. While working there, Jackie really
Essential CHEF
“在欧洲工作时,除了烹饪粤菜,我们还必须 要 会 做 欧 洲 人 喜 欢 的 北 京 烤 鸭 和 酸 辣 汤 ,” 何师傅表示。 尽管何大厨游历过全球各地很多不同的 城市,但他依然对亚洲情有独钟。他在泰国 待了十多年,这段经历至今仍透过他的菜肴 体现出来。“非典(SARS)爆发期间,在香港很 难找到工作。当时,曼谷文华东方酒店正在 招聘厨师,所以我就去了泰国。” 何 大 厨 精 通 烹 调 各 类 海 鲜 ,亦 擅 于 把 东 南亚风味融入中式菜餚中,赋予经典菜式令 人赞叹的味道和炫目吸睛的摆盘,带给宾客 无 与 伦 比 的 美 馔 体 验 。“在 泰 国 时 ,我 依 旧 用传统的粤菜烹饪技巧煮菜,但利用当地食 材 和 调 料 对 食 谱 进 行 了 调 整 ,”他 说 。“我 认 为 与 时 俱 进 非 常 重 要 ,这 也 是 我 学 习 用 现 代方式摆盘的原因。” 俗话说,酒香客自来。何大厨在泰国工作 时,泰国皇室就是他的忠实食客。“我们有时 会去皇宫为皇室烹饪,他们有时也会来餐厅 就餐,”他透露说。他的招牌菜酥脆蒜香银鳕 鱼是泰国皇室最爱的菜肴之一。“他们爱吃海 鲜 ,”他 说 。“我 先 把 鳕 鱼 裹 上 薄 薄 的 一 层 面 浆用油炸,让鱼肉外面酥脆,里面鲜嫩多汁。
admired the chefs in the kitchen: “I thought they were very impressive so I asked the chef to teach me and I became the apprentice at that restaurant,” he recalls. After a few years’ training, Jackie left the teahouse and started his journey from the Hong Kong city centre to Guangzhou, Beijing, England, Thailand and now Macau, at the Michelin-starred restaurant Lai Heen. With over 40 years of experience in Cantonese fine dining, chef Jackie works almost as an ambassador of this cuisine, sharing the delicious taste of Canton with guests from all over the world. “Working in Europe, in addition to Cantonese cuisine, we also had to cook Beijing duck and hot and sour soup – the kind of dishes European prefer,” said Jackie. Although the chef has travelled across many different cities, he still has great affection for Asia. He spent over a decade in Thailand and this experience still shines through his dishes today. “During the outbreak of SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome], it was hard to find a job in Hong Kong. At that time, Mandarin Oriental Bangkok was looking for a chef, so I moved to Thailand.” Chef Jackie is highly proficient in the preparation of seafood and bringing Southeast Asian touches to classic Chinese dishes with a modern twist, infusing them with exciting flavours and stunning presentations that promise to elevate the dining experience. “In Thailand, I still cooked using traditional Cantonese techniques, but I adjusted the recipes with some local ingredient and seasonings,” he said. “I think it’s important to keep up with the times, which is why I also learned how to present the dishes in a modern way.” 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 103
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调味料,比如脆蒜,会为鱼肉增添丝丝开胃 的辛辣味。他们每次都是大快朵颐。”
何汉昇今年回到中国,主理澳门丽思卡尔 顿酒店米其林星级粤菜食府「丽轩」,为热爱 粤菜的宾客带来全新美食享受,并为高级粤 菜重新定义。何师傅还精心设计了一系列新 菜餚,包括他曾招待泰国皇室的招牌菜,把 「丽轩」极致华丽的餐饮体验提升至更高水平。 何师傅的烹饪理念是不断创新并着眼 于当地文化,他为「丽轩」打造了一系列全 新 菜 式 :砵 酒 焗 虾 球 煲 是 菜 单 上 的 另 一 必 试的海鲜菜式。何师傅再次在传统菜式上加 添创新元素,以越南大虾取代生蚝,并以砵 酒(甜波特酒)入馔,更添澳葡风情。“在澳 门你能看到葡萄牙和中国文化的和谐交融。 我觉得这里是个工作的好地方。” 何 师 傅 也 精 进 了 他 的 招 牌 炸 鱼 ,酥 脆 蒜 香银鳕鱼是展现何师傅创意和烹调海鲜功架 的 杰 作 。这 道 菜 的 灵 感 来 自 港 式 避 风 塘 炒 蟹 ,但 他 改 用 澳 门 和 葡 萄 牙 美 食 文 化 中 的 重要食材——鳕鱼来做主角,并严选产自法 国、肉质鲜嫩、味道鲜美的银鳕鱼。 菜 单 上 还 有 燕 窝 、鲍 鱼 、龙 虾 等 顶 级 食 材。“我会以当季美食更新菜单。比如,我打 算增加一道冬瓜牛肝菌汤,这个汤非常适合 夏天饮用。” 何汉昇师傅的加盟,标志着「丽轩」的宾 客将可尽尝独一无二的新式粤菜,体验经典 的烹饪精髓与创新风格完美融合的成果。 쐽
And because good wine needs no bush, during his time in Thailand, even the royal family was the loyal guest of chef Jackie. “We used to cook for them in the palace and they also came to our restaurant,” he revealed. The chef ’s signature deep-fried fish fillet with crispy garlic was one of the royal family’s favourite dishes. “They loved seafood,” he says. “I cooked the fish with a very thin batter, to ensure the outside was very crispy, while still keeping the fish inside very moist and tender. The seasonings, such as the crispy garlic, added a savoury and spicy touch. They enjoyed it very much.”
THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON Jackie Ho returned to China this year and became the new chef at the Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant Lai Heen, at Ritz Carlton Macau. The chef brings decades of expertise to the table for patrons seeking an exceptional service that redefines the boundaries of Cantonese dining. Lai Heen has also launched a new menu featuring some of his signature dishes to satisfy the most sophisticated palates – even those of Thai royalty – and take a sumptuous dining experience to a superior level. Chef Jackie’s philosophy is continuous innovation – looking at the local culture, he created an array of new dishes for Lai Heen: a
casserole of stewed prawns with Port wine sauce is a highlight of the menu. Whereas this dish traditionally features oysters, the chef has given it a fresh new twist by substituting them with Vietnam prawns and adding a dash of sweet Portuguese wine in honour of Macau. “You can see the Portuguese and Chinese cultures coming together in Macau. I think it’s a very interesting place to work.” Jacki Ho has also refined his signature deep-fried fish dish, which undoubtedly reflects his innovation as well as his expertise with fresh seafood. The inspiration behind this dish is Hong Kong-style crab fried with crispy garlic, but instead the chef prepares it with cod fish – an essential ingredient in both Macanese and Portuguese gastronomy – sourcing French cod in particular for an even smoother texture and richer flavour. Top-quality ingredients such as Bird’s Nest, abalone and lobster can be also found in the menu. “I will update the menu with some seasonal food. For example, I plan on cooking a white gourd and boletus soup, which is very suitable for guests to drink in the summer.” Chef Jackie Ho’s arrival at Lai Heen signals an extraordinary opportunity for food lovers to enjoy a distinctive new approach to Cantonese cuisine, one that combines the best of classic cooking with creative new methods and influences. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 105
Essential NEWS
Melco launches sustainability strategy “Above & Beyond”
新 濠 公布可持续发展策略「 超越 界限 」 新 濠 博 亚 娱 乐 有 限 公 司 (新 濠 )最 新 发 布 了 其 2018 年 可 持 续 发 展 报 告 ,进 一 步加强新濠旗下全球度假村推动可持续发展的承诺。对所有宾客、同事和股东负 责一直是新濠经营理念的核心。透过整合公司在社区及环保方面的成就和目标, 新濠推行全新可持续发展策略——「Above & Beyond 超越界限」。此报告列出新 濠 在 环 境 、社 会 及 管 治 (ESG)方 面 的 宏 大 抱 负 及 可 行 目 标 ,并 进 一 步 加 强 披 露 与业务相关的环境、社会及管治议题。 在 环 境 可 持 续 发 展 领 域 ,新 濠 致 力 于 在 2030 年 之 前 实 现 碳 中 和 目 标 ,在 旗 下 度 假 村 实 现 零 废 弃 ,并 为 主 要 采 购 类 别 采 取 可 持 续 採 购 政 策 。此 外 ,新 濠 亦 透 过先进科技、全面的培训计划及在社区进行宣传活动,推广及提高公众对负责任 博彩的认知。
Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Melco) releases latest Sustainability Report for 2018 to further elevate Melco’s commitment as a force for good across all its resorts globally. Being responsible and accountable to all its guests, colleagues and stakeholders has always been central to Melco’s business philosophy. Melco is bringing together its social and environmental achievements and ambitions in a new strategy “Above & Beyond”. The report outlines ambitious goals, actionable targets and further enhances its disclosure around key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that are critical to Melco’s business. In the area of environmental sustainability, Melco is committed to carbon neutrality by 2030, a zero-waste approach adopted across its resorts, and sustainable sourcing for key procurement categories. In addition, Melco is taking a proactive approach towards responsible gaming through deploying cutting edge technology, comprehensive training programs and awareness raising programs for the wider community.
MGM Donates to Holy House of Mercy’s Welfare Shop
美 高梅 向 仁慈堂社服店捐款 美 高 梅 金 狮 义 工 队 向 澳 门 仁 慈 堂 社 服 店 捐 赠 澳 门 币 三 十 万 元 ,资 助 其 向 本 地 360 多 户 弱 势 家 庭 派 发 食 物 篮 。过 去 7年 间 ,美 高 梅 持 续 支 持 这 项 颇 具 意 义 的 社 区 活 动 ,至 今 捐 款 总 额 达 澳 门 币 200 万元,受惠人士近 7,500 人。 近 40 位热心金狮义工齐心合力包装及派送食物篮,将米、面、罐头、麦片、食油等和日用品装 进美高梅设计的金狮便携式环保购物车,分发给由澳门工会联合总会、澳门街坊会联合总会、澳 门弱智人士家庭协进会与仁慈堂转介的弱势家庭。
MGM’s Golden Lion Volunteer Team visited the Welfare Shop and donated MOP300,000 to the Macau Holy House of Mercy’s Welfare Shop project, financing the distribution of food hampers to over 360 local disadvantaged households. Over the past seven years in supporting this meaningful project, MGM has contributed a total of MOP2 million benefiting 7,500 people. Nearly 40 warm-hearted Golden Lion volunteers took part in packing the daily necessities that included rice, noodles, canned food, oatmeal and cooking oil, into MGM’s tailor-made eco-friendly handcarts. These hampers were distributed to the disadvantaged households referred by theMacao Federation of Trade Unions, General Union of Neighborhood Associations of Macau, Holy House of Mercy, and the Associação dos Familiares Encarregados dos Deficientes Mentais de Macau.
Essential NEWS
UA银 河影院升级4K激光映 画 系 统 打造震撼观影体验 UA 银 河 影 院 全 面 升 级 先 进 的 4K 激光映画, 打造全新观影体验。4K 激光映画系统以生动的色 彩 和 细 节 展 现 卓 绝 画 面 品 质 。HDR 高 动 态 范 围 技术令画面突破影像界限,对比度高达 10,000:1, 再 细 微 的 部 分 亦 栩 栩 如 生 。UA 银 河 影 院 率 先 以 全 球 最 高 解 像 度 的 4K 激 光 映 画 及 顶 级 的 3D 技 术 打 造 无 可 比 拟 的 影 像 效 果 ,让 观 众 感 受 看 得见的极致,引领亚洲观影新风潮,为影院业写 下划时代的一页。 “作为澳门银河旗下影院项目,意味着我们将 不 断 挑 战 卓 越 的 极 限 。UA 银 河 影 院 在 多 个 方 面 体 现 了 澳 门 银 河 「傲 视 世 界 情 系 亚 洲 」的 服 务 理 念 。「 ” 澳 门 银 河 」资 产 组 合 管 理 助 理 高 级 副 总 裁黄振雄先生表示。
UA Galaxy Cinemas upgrades all theatres with 4K laser projectors UA Galaxy Cinemas redefines movie experience with 4K laser technology upgrade. Feel the difference as the groundbreaking 4K laser projection system brings stunning quality to every scene with vivid colours and great details, delivering life-like HDR images with a contrast ratio of 10,000:1. With the highest on-screen picture resolution and highly efficient 3D projection capability, UA Galaxy Cinemas ushers in a new era of entertainment in Asia. “Being part of Galaxy Macau means we are constantly called upon to push the boundaries of excellence. You could say that UA Galaxy Cinemas epitomizes ‘World-Class, Asian Heart’ philosophy of Galaxy Macau in more ways than one.” said Vitus Wong, Assistant Senior Vice President, Portfolio Management of Galaxy Macau.
永 利 举办全国人大政协精神 分享 会 永利澳门在永利皇宫举办“全国人大政协精神分享会——本澳女性自强不息迎接大湾区机遇”。分享会由三名全国人大代表或全国政 协委员担任主讲嘉宾,向逾二百五十名永利团队成员介绍“两会”盛况。永利特邀三位亲身参与“两会”的澳门女性杰出领袖,以“全国人 大政协精神分享会——本澳女性自强不息迎接大湾区机遇”为主题,分享她们担任代表和委员职务的见闻和体会。作为澳门女性杰出 领袖,她们不仅是国家重视社会平等和思维开放的楷模,亦鼓励更多女性发挥才能,为国家和粤港澳大湾区未来发展作出贡献。
Wynn hosts sharing session on the spirit of NPC and CPPCC Wynn held “Sharing the Spirit of National People’s Congress —— Women in Macau Gearing Up for Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area” at Wynn Palace. The event was hosted by three guest speakers, who are members of the National People's Congress (NPC) or committee members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). They gave an overview of both the Congress and the Conference to more than 250 team members from Wynn. In particular, Wynn invited three outstanding female leaders in Macau to share their extensive experience and duties as a member of the NPC or CPPCC under the theme of “Sharing the Spirit of National People’s Congress —— Women in Macau Gearing Up for Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area”. Being outstanding leaders, they are not only role models for the country's emphasis on social equality and out-of-box thinking, but can also encourage women to unleash their talents and contribute to the future development of the country and the Greater Bay Area.
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 107
奢华精髓 Essential luxuries “精华”指南,澳门顶级购物商场奢靡品牌一网打尽 The Essential guide to luxury brands at Macau’s leading shopping malls
威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
永利澳门名店街 Wynn Esplanade Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
四季‧名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Abiste Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Alfred Dunhill 艾尔弗 雷德·登喜路 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Agnes b. 阿尼亚斯贝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Aquascutum 雅格狮丹 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Armani Collezioni 阿玛尼黑标 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Audemars Piguet 爱彼表 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
永利澳门万利酒店 Esplanade at Encore Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
四季酒店DFS环球免税店 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons
新濠天地 The City of Dreams
The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau
金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel
澳门银河 Galaxy Macau Cotai, Macau
金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Bally 巴利 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Bang & Olufsen 奢 华视听品牌 B&O One Central 一号广场 Bottega Veneta 宝缇 嘉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau
一号广场 One Central Avenida de Sagres and Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Lot B of Block B of Zone B Nape, Macau
Breguet 宝 玑 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Brooks Brothers 布 克兄弟 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Burberry 巴宝莉 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Brioni 布莱奥尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Bulgari 宝格丽 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Boucheron 宝诗龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Canali 康纳利 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Essential RETAIL
Carl F. Bucherer 宝齐莱 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Cartier 卡地亚 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店
Damiani 达米阿尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 David Yurman 大卫 ·雅曼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Céline 赛琳 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场
De Beers 戴比尔 斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店
Cerruti 1881 切瑞蒂 1881 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Diamond SA 南非钻石 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Chanel 香奈儿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Diane Von Furstenberg 黛安·冯芙丝汀宝 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Chaumet 尚美 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Chloe 蔻依 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Christian Dior 克里斯汀·迪奥 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Chopard 萧邦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cigar Emporium 雪茄专门 店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 CK Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱 恩 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Coach 蔻驰 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cole Haan 歌涵 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
DKNY 唐娜·凯伦 纽约 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Dolce&Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 One Central 一号广场 Emporio Armani 安普里奥 ·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Ermenegildo Zegna 杰尼亚 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Europe Watch Company 欧洲坊 One Central 一号广场
Franck Muller 法蘭穆勒 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Gieves & Hawkes 君 皇仕 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Giorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Giuseppe Zanotti 朱塞佩· 萨诺第 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Givenchy 纪梵希 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Glashütte Original 格拉苏蒂 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 GoldVish S.A. Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Gucci 古琦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Hermès 爱马仕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Hublot 宇舶表 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地
Fabio Caviglia 法比奥 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场
Hugo Boss 胡戈· 波士 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Fendi 芬迪 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场
IWC 万国 表 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河
Ferrari 法拉利 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Jaeger-LeCoultre 积家 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Francesco Biasia Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
澳门精华 | 2019年 6月- 7月 | 109
Essential JEWELLERY Shanghai Tang 上海滩 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Samsonite Black Label 新秀丽黑标 One Central 一号广场 Shiatzy Chen 夏姿·陈 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 S.T. Dupont 法国都彭 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 St. John 圣约翰 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Smalto by Paris Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Jaquet Droz 雅克 ·德罗 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Miu Miu 缪缪 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Juicy Couture 橘滋 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Montblanc 万 宝龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场
Kate Spade 凯特· 丝蓓 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Kenzo 高田 贤三 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Lancel 兰姿 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 La Perla Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Leonard 李奥 纳德 One Central 一号广场 Links of London Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Loro Piana 罗洛·皮雅纳 One Central 一号广场 Louis Vuitton 路易·威登 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Loewe 罗 威 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Luk Fook 六福珠宝 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Marc by Marc Jacobs 马克·雅 可布之马克 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Marni 玛尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Max Mara 麦丝玛拉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Maubossin 梦宝星 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Mikimoto 御木本珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Missoni 米索尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Officine Panerai 沛纳海 One Central 一号广场 Omega 欧米茄 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Macau Landmark 澳门置地广场酒店 Macau Square 澳门广场 Pal Zileri 伯爵莱利 One Central 一号广场 Piaget 伯爵 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河
Stefano Ricci 史蒂 芬劳·尼治 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Swarovski 施华洛世奇 水晶 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Tag Heuer 豪雅 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Thomas Sabo 汤武士世宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Tod’s 托 德斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Tonino Lamborghini 兰博基尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Prada 普拉达 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Tourneau 唐龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Rado 雷 达 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Tudor 帝舵表 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Ralph Lauren 拉夫·劳伦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Vacheron Constatin 江诗丹顿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店
Rich Jade 富御珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Richard Mille 瑞驰·迈 迪 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Rimowa 日 墨瓦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Roberto Cavalli Class and Cesare Paciotti Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Roger Dubuis 罗杰杜 彼 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Rolex 劳力士 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Salvatore Ferragamo 萨尔瓦托 勒·菲拉格慕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Versace 范思 哲 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Versace Collection 范思哲高级成衣 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Vertu 沃尔 图 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Vivienne Westwood 薇 薇恩·韦斯特伍德 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫圣罗兰 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Valentino 华伦天奴 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
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