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S al o ns Saudi arabia
المملكة العربية السعودية
A pearl لــــؤلـــؤة in the على Red Sea البحر األحمر
t shimmers like a pearl. The Jean Louis David salon in Jeddah is dominated by creamy shades that give it a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. This two-floor location in King’s Road Tower offers hairdressing and beauty services in specifically-tailored areas. Opportunities for both socialising and privacy are guaranteed – the round table workstations encourage clients to chat to each other, whilst the washbasins and beauty corner are set apart. Opaque surfaces are complemented by occasional steel details, highlighted by the lights dotted around the walls and ceiling. The furnishing arrives from Maletti Design, with some designer pieces by Matta&Varaschin, Didier Gomez and Maletti Creative Team in the hairdressing area, and from the Glamour Collection by Christophe Pillet for Nilo in the beauty area.
كلؤلؤة يومض؛ هذا الصالون من جان لويس دافيد في جدة بمزيج من ألوان الكريم هذا الموقع المكون م����ن دورين في برج.تمن����ح الصال����ون جوًا من الراحة و اإلس����ترخاء تتوافر الخصوصية.طري����ق الملك يق����دم خدمات تصفيف الش����عر و التجميل لزبائن����ه و التواص����ل م����ع اآلخري����ن في الصالون م����ن خالل أماكن العم����ل الدائري����ة و التي تحفز التواص����ل بي����ن الزبائ����ن في وقت تنفصل فيه مغاس����ل الش����عر و غ����رف التجميل عن .بعضها البعض األس����طح القاتم����ة تزينه����ا بع����ض التفاصي����ل المعدنية الت����ي تنعكس عليه����ا األنوار األثاث في منطقة تصفيف الش����عر مزود من ماليتي.الموزعة في الحوائط و األس����قف بتصامي����م خاص����ة من مات����ا و فاراسش����ن و ديديه غومي����ز و فريق ماليت����ي للتصميم .وكذلك تم تأثيث منطقة التجميل من مجموعة كريستوف بيليه من نيلو
Soft lighting and gentle colours in this two-floor Jean Louis David salon in Jeddah, a city that looks out over the Red Sea. إنــارة بســيطة و ألــوان ناعمة في صالون جــان لويس دافيد ... المكون مــن دورين في جدة مدينة تطل على البحر األحمر
S al o ns
Beyond مــــا وراء Beauty الـجـمــال ITALY
بصمة آلدو كوبوال تطـبــع الـصــالون الجديد في ميالنو
The styling imprint of Aldo Coppola permeates the new Milanese salon
pulence, Aldo Coppola-style. The famous hairstylist (who sadly passed away recently) is commemorated in his latest salon in corso Europa, one of Milan’s busiest streets. Thanks to a collaborative project with Gamma & Bross, this two-storey salon is truly a temple of beauty and design. Everything here is gleaming and brilliant. Reflective white furnishing is complemented by the marble flooring and countless lights all over the place. The cool colour contrasts are warmed up by some really strong features, typical Aldo Coppola-style. The colour red, part of the brand’s logo, is dotted around the salon – from the reception area’s sofa to the padded walls, to the washbasins and roller chairs. Pink, one of the stylist’s favourite colours on stage, is here used in an entire corner area. Female beauty, the hairstylist’s abiding passion and mission, is celebrated in the huge portraits around the salon. Welcome to Aldo Coppola’s world.
الب���ذخ هو أس���لوب آلدو كوبوال الذي تم تكريم���ه بعد وفاته من خالل أح���دث صالوناته في ش���ارع كورس���و أوروب���ا بالتعاون مع ش���ركة غاما وب���روس ليصبح ه���ذا الصال���ون المكون م���ن دورين معب���دًا حقيقي ُا كل شيء هنا مضيء و براق؛ األثاث باللون.للجمال و التصميم األنيق األبيض العاكس تم تنس���يقه مع األرضية الرخام و الكثير من األضواء .الموزعة في جميع أرجاء المكان ت���م التخفي���ف من حدة تناقض األل���وان بمميزات قوية تماثل أس���لوب الل���ون األحمر و الذي هو جزء من عالمة الصالون التجارية.آل���دو كوبوال إبت���داء من مكتب اإلس���تقبال إل���ى بعض الج���دران إلى ت���م تنقيط���ه ً و إس���تخدم الل���ون الزه���ري المفضل.المغاس���ل و بع���ض الكراس���ي و تم تزيين الصالون.ل���دى المصففي���ن في زاوية كاملة من الصال���ون بص���ور تمثل اإللتزام بش���غف مهن���ة التصفيف ؛ أه ًال بك���م في عالم .آلدو كوبوال Icy white and shimmering steel in the new Aldo Coppola salon ( L’Oréal Professionnel partner), with furnishing from the Marcel Wanders collection for Gamma & Bross. األبيــض الثلجــي مــع المعــدن مــع مفروشات من تصميم مارسيل واندر مــن مجموعــة غامــا و بــروس تميــز صالــون آلدو كوبوال الجديد (شــريك )لوريال بروفيشونال
S al o ns
وحي Magritte Inspiration ماغريت اليابان
eci n’est pas une pipe. So goes a famous quote from a Magritte painting. And the unusual surreal atmospheres loved by the painter are out in full force in Katsuto Akimichi’s salon, Diptych – Hair Change Museum, a location that offers a totally new vision. Seventy metres in size, this salon seems to be suspended in time, thanks to the tiny lights hanging from the ceiling, the workstation mirrors and the chandeliers. The effect comes from the neutral walls and floors which give the salon an unexpected sense of lightness despite its solidity. Helping to catch the attention of passers-by outside is a fun optical illusion that superimposes hairdressing-based pictures on clients’ legs as they sit and enjoy the services.
و هذه. هكذا يقول ماغري����ت عن لوحاته.. إنها ليس����ت عبارة ع����ن أنابيب اللوحات الس����وريالية التي تنبض بقوة في صالون كاتسوتو أكيميتشي بمس����احة.– ه����ذا المتح����ف تق����دم رؤي����ا جدي����دة كلي����ا لتصفيف الش����عر س����بعين مترًا يبدو هذا الصالون و كأنه معلقًا في الزمن مع هذه اإلنارة التأثير.المتدلي����ة من الس����قف و مرايا وحدات العم����ل و الثريات الجميل����ة األق����وى ينعكس من الجدران و األرضي����ات ذات اللون المحايد و التي تمنح و لجذب إنتب����اه المارة خارج.الصال����ون إحساس����ًا بالرقة برغم جم����اد لونها الصال����ون كان هذا الخداع البصري ال����ذي يظهر فقط أقدام الزبائن و هم .جالسون على كراسي القص يتمتعون بالعناية الالزمة لشعرهم
The Shiga salon in Kusatsu City is furnished with designer pieces by Takara Belmont, whose cleancut lines and elegance go perfectly with the surreal vivid mood of the location. ه��ذا الصال��ون ف��ي مدين��ة كوس��اتو ت��م تأثيث��ه بقط��ع م��ن تصمي��م ت��اكارا بلمون��ت ال��ذي تتمت��ع تصاميم��ه بأناقة س��وريالية تمنح المكان حيوية .فريدة
Atmosphere evoking a painting by Magritte and relaxation suspended in time
ج��و يس��تحضر لوح��ة من ل��وح���ات ماغري��ت وراح��ة اليحدها الزمن
editorial The world of hairdressing never slows down! There is always a recent or forthcoming event, a new development, some innovative products, fashion show runways, dynamic people making a difference… we could go on forever! This is where Estetica fits in – as your communications consultant – making sure you keep up with everything you need to know to be the best salon professional you can be. Whenever you are online or just have a few precious minutes, you can check out the latest updates by EsteticaNetwork, with its wide variety of websites, Facebook fan pages, and Twitter accounts all over the globe and in several
But when you are winding down after a busy day or perhaps during your lunchtime, Estetica magazine is the perfect companion. languages.
And this issue has plenty of inspirational articles
on the hottest fashion trends around the world. We capture all the best of catwalks and event stages in spectacular imagery for you to enjoy. This time around our special feature is on styling, highlighting variations on a theme of the classic bob. Once you've savoured our inspirational section, maybe you're ready to start taking care of business in our professional section, starting off with Estetica's exclusive interviews with some of the most dynamic individuals in the industry. Or perhaps you're looking to upgrade some of the tools in your salon or making plans for the events you'd like to take in over the next few months. And be sure to check out our dossier on how digital media is revolutionizing the industry, keeping hairdressers connected in an enormous network of product manufacturers, educators, experts and – most of all – with each other – through Estetica! The Estetica Team
Look to Estetica for news, updates, and inspiration on line and off
Estetica n. 1/2014
contents Publisher and Director Roberto Pissimiglia EsteticaNetwork Editorial Director Carla De Meo c.demeo@estetica.it EsteticaNetwork Editor-in-Chief Laura Castelli l.castelli@estetica.it International Editorial Coordinator Fatima Pilone f.pilone@estetica.it Editorial Staff Ludovica Cavalli l.cavalli@estetica.it Erika Marchese e.marchese@estetica.it Carola Piazza c.piazza@estetica.it Art direction Barbara Belletti Layout Manuela Artosi m.artosi@estetica.it Paola Baratta p.baratta@estetica.it Davide Cardente d.cardente@estetica.it Production Supervisor Carlo Tiani c.tiani@estetica.it EU Sales Manager Emilio De Martino e.demartino@estetica.it Tél. : +39336206271
Olympic Magic
She's all Shook Up
Flirty and Fabulous!
Girls on Fire
NAHA Celebrates
Stefan Sudhoff
Angus Mitchell
Coiffure Couples
Digital Doings
Must-Have Gadgets
California Dreamin’
Spring into spring with the latest trends.
España Sergi Bancells, Bel M. Dolla, Cristina Hernández Deutsche Ausgabe Judith Lorenzon, Petra Weinzierl France Stéphanie Argentin, Marie Coccoluto UK Gary Kelly, Maria Weijers Italia Adriana Abbena, Sabrina Bellezza, Daniela Giambrone, Lucia Preziosi, Wilma Sommariva World/Asia Victoria Clifford MexicoLatinoamérica Paz Escobar, Sergi Bancells, Héctor RamÍrez USA Sergi Bancells, Katia Canete, Marie Scarano, Victoria Thomas
international trends Sweet Spring
Underground Art
Fashion Tips
80 Interviews, tools, events, and more.
Moments of glory deserve the best
During the Olympic Games, the Wella Salon at the P&G Family Home opened its doors to bring more beauty to Sochi. Who more than the athletes at The Olympic Winter Games at Sochi deserve to look and feel their absolute best while reveling in their moments of glory? Once again Wella believed it was their families, and especially their moms, who helped them achieve such success. So Wella Stylists from around the world travelled to Sochi to provide hair colour, cuts, care, and styling to the Olympians and their families at The Wella Salon in the P&G Family Home. These talented professionals demonstrated that, just like moms, hairdressers have an important role to play in The Olympic Winter Games, making anyone who comes through the salon doors look and feel fantastic,
celebrating glorious moments with them. The Wella Stylist Team in Sochi showed that style can be one of those small acts that can really make a big difference by boosting selfesteem and confidence – representative of how hairdressers all over the world make a difference in people’s lives every day. Global President, Wella, The Salon Division of Procter & Gamble, Adil Mehboob-Khan commented; “Our stylists often had tears in their eyes listening to athletes’ moms telling them deeply emotional and touching stories. After so many years of them caring for their children, finally somebody took care of them. I would like to thank all the stylists that have worked with us to make this magic happen.”
“Incredible to be right here in Sochi with people from all different countries coming together and be pampered in the salon.�
“It was amazing to work with top athletes and moms, meet medal winners and actually hold a medal.�
“Being part of the Olympic program was definitely one of the best experiences of my hairdressing career.”
We would like to thank all the stylists: Julia Apanovich, Salon Chain Aida, Moscow (Russia) Olga Geevskaya, Salon Art, Irkutsk (Russia) Diana Simonyan, Salon of Marina Amirbegova, Moscow (Russia) Tatiana Shuvalova, Salon of Irina Baranova, Moscow (Russia) Daniel Lozada, Beyond Salon ( Puerto Rico, USA) Fay Linksman, P & H Salon and Spa (Canada) Salvatore Binetti, Parrucchiere Salvo di Binetti Salvatore (Italy) Roberto Spano, Immagine Hair Studio di Roberto Spano (Italy) Angelo Rosa Uliana, Toni&Guy Milano via Vincenzo Monti (Italy) Katrine Helland, Salon Hair & There, Stavanger (Norway) Morten Eiknes, Salon Hair & There, Haugesund (Norway) Tuula Jääskeläinen, Salon a.k.a Luova (Finland) Pilvi Backman, Salon Pääasia (Finland)
88 countries
Excitement Explosive enthusiasm! Some leap onto the podium other shout, still others kiss the snow. And how about those family hugs!
Olympic Magic Color superstar at the XXII Winter Olympics. From the inaugural ceremony to the athletes' looks, fashion and design stand out against the white snow at Sochi.
1,610 male athletes
Hairstyles Even under the helmets and hats, the Oympic athletes know it's important to look their best for photo opps!
Skeleton Competition on the track, of course. But on the podium it's like a “Wildest Helmet� contest!
990 female athletes
Hair, helmets, and apparel. In Sochi the Olympic athletes focus on their events, but also rock their on-trend looks.
15 events
LPassion, exultation, sacrifice, disappointment, angst, fatigue, ... all this and more can be seen on the athletes' faces at the theatre of the Olympic Games.
Photo: Getty Images
98 gold medals
T link
his season was inspired by the images of women on the big screen and little screen as well as relent lessly reinvented and globally tweeted recording artists. It’s always safe to say anything goes pretty much anywhere nowadays. But two notions for the new season are specifically irresistible: color outside the
She’s all shook up
New Year's resolutions are long forgotten, but a real opportunity for change arrives when we decide to do our hair.
Sherri Jessee for Pravana - Photo: Julia Kunmenko
Victoria Thomas
16 special
lines, and show some neck. By color, we don’t mean business as usual. Sure, red is ever-hot, blonde is a standard life-phase, and brunette is timeless. But sugary puff-pinks and dove-blush tones are the new baseline. The new palette comes to us from the bake shop confections and the penny candy jar. The most delicious salon interpretation of the season’s sugar-buzz is the gingery pastel called rose-gold. “Rose-gold is the new blonde phenomenon sweeping the red carpets and salons worldwide! It provides soft rose glow to any blonde canvas with a neutral warmth, leaving hair a rare, peach-beige color,” says John Simpson, Lead Artistic Director for Goldwell
and Global Master Team. And here’s where the fun really starts. Regardless of your overall color, sweet licks of confectionary color can be a DIY project that’s as easy as whipping up a batch of cupcakes, using a rainbow of hair-chalks which shampoo right out. Michael Bui, Artistic Director for Hair Salon Educators of Newport Beach, CA, comments, “Hair-chalking is one of the most exciting and easiest ways to add temporary color to your hair. With no commitment, you can feel free to rock any color of the rainbow.” Hair-chalking first emerged (using actual art-supplies in the hair) with face-painting and other forms of trippy self-decor at mass tribal outdoor music festivals like Coachella, where the party wails on for days amidst glow-sticks, millionmarshmallow volleys, balloons, neon, billows of dry-ice smoke and waves of soap-bubbles. Today, it’s a mainstream medium for showing team pride at sporting events. Go, Gators! And, when worn strategically with a classic, well-cut jacket - the plainer and blacker the better - its perfectly pastel for most workaday settings.
Beauty stores offer hairchalking sticks in literally hundreds of colors. Not surprisingly, these trippy flicks of pinks, peaches, baby blues, downy chickster yellows—or lightning bolts of strong color like cobalt and magenta—have a feel of the surreal. Not to
Douglas McCoy
The newest palette comes from the bake shop and penny candy jar
Sarah Suttun Hair: Micheal Bui - Photo: Donato DiNatale
Hair: Eden Boudreau
k l a Ch up! it
mention decadent. A chignon tinted teal, or a bob that’s been angel-dusted with a petitsfours frosting of lilac and coral call to mind the powdered wigs of that greatest cake-eater of them all, Marie Antoinette, not to mention the twisted chic of the Hunger Games “faministas”. Right now, this irreverent approach to color allows cool, grown-up ladies something which probably hasn’t been an option for a long time: a bit of goofiness or innocence. When was the last time you felt comfortable wearing pink or lavender? Maybe when you were dressed in a glazed bob-bon of a taffeta bridesmaid’s gown which you promptly donated to the local thrifter the moment you got home to Cincinnati.
To optimize chalking, prep dark hair with strong hairspray (mist, rub in spray, then chalk!).
Sherri Jessee for Pravana - Photo: Julia Kuzmenko
, p o Ch op! ch
18 special
Sherri Jessee for Pravana - Photo: Julia Kuzmenko
Nicoletta Gauci
Long or short, angled, faux, or tousled, bobs require a precision cut
But even if you’re all about the noired-out Donna Karan Urban Zen these days, or the newly-new (it was never really old) DVF wrap-dress as resurrected by “American Hustle”—stone-cold sex appeal—a little whisper of giddy-pink pastel in your hair lets the world know that you don’t take it or yourself oh-so seriously.
The other giant wake-up call from the likes of Taylor and Miley and Rihanna, is that short hair can be sexier and way wilder than the longest, heaviest, swampiest set of extensions. Sure, the huge mane of waves and the jumbo beach-braid will always have a womanly allure. But when the mercury climbs to 100 and the
A bob is frisky, peppy and blunt. It zings and swings with liberation. These days, we generally credit the divine Vidal Sassoon with putting the bob on the map. He was, after all, the one who transitioned all of those sweet Brit grannies out from under the helmetdryer and out of the bi-weekly wash and set. Joi Rooks, KMS California Brand Artist Team Member and Owner of Fresche Hair Salon & Boutique, comments, “If you’re looking for a way to make a big splash to change your look, go for the
Want to leave it longer? A rolled or faux-bob may be a sultry solution. For shoulder length hair, try one of the velour-covered wrappers available in beauty stores. These are basically a pair of plush, padded flexible wires
used to clasp and roll the ends of your hair under. The effect is a bit more languid than an actual chop. If your hair is longer than shoulder-length, no worries. Begin by prepping hair with a texturizing spray for a bit of grab. Then, section off the top third of your hair into a banana-clip on top of your head. Smooth and braid the lower remaining hair, using a coated elastic at the ends. Try coiling the braid into a fat bun if your hair is really long, and then bringing the top layer down and over it. Piece by piece, section and pull the loose hair down over and under the braided bun, and secure with bobby pins. Finish with a sugared scribble of hair-chalk and a spray of gloss, and you’re on your way. Let us know when you get there.
Hair: Sean Foley for Aveda
let freedom ring
Sarah Sutton
humidity’s right behind it, really: don’t you just want to crank up the AC, grab the office scissors and chop it all off? Not recommended! But this season, the bob has never been bigger. Showing a graceful neck, like a glimpse of well-turned ankle, may seem like a bit of retro delight. In recent decades, we’ve become desensitized by super-revealing fashions, often worn in unflattering ways by all the wrong people. Just two words: jeggings, Walmart. But editorial photographers, stylists and fashion designers agree: showcasing this area with a wide bateau neckline or portrait collar, then styling hair to draw attention to the collarbones are elegant ways to show some skin this season without flaunting too much. Let’s remember that the most alluring women on earth —the classical Geisha—kept the world in thrall by revealing the area of the feminine body known to hold the most magic: the exposed nape.
timeless, classic bob. This strong shape will give you the power to say ‘I’m in charge’, but if cut right, will have the duality to still be feminine and sexy.” Long before Sassoon started yanking the hairpins out of those varnished-hard-as-rock updos and putting Mum under the hose post-war, silent screen siren Louise Brooks had mesmerized the Lost Generation with her clipped ebony bob on camera. Ditto for the sublime Josephine Baker. The cutting of a bob in the 1920s was heralded as a daring, dangerous and politically feminist act. It happened in history’s same glorious, bead-swinging moment that women rouge-d their knees, rolled their stockings down, and discovered jazz and bathtub gin. Charleston! Women unhitched their whalebone corsets, stepped out of their ponderous ankle-length dresses, bustles and leg-omutton sleeves, took down their great poufs of hair and cut it all off. And, if we’re talking queens, kohl-rimmed eyes and hairdo history, let’s not forget Cleopatra, whose ebony blunt-cut bangs and classic A-line bob literally brought civilization to its knees. If you’re intimidated by the rectilinear severity of a fringe and squared corners, loosen up the cut with an off-center part and a tousled, matte texture – try KMS California Hairplay “messing” crème for the softer side of the bob.
Try KMS California Silksheen styling creme to blow out the smoothest, sleekest, Cleopatra - style bob.
CND for Norman Ambrose
Flirty and Fabulous! Amp up your style this Spring! Make heads turn with the hottest nail trends: bold accent nails, flashes of metallics, and fresh vibrant colors! Katia Canete
Accent nails, flashes of metallics,and bright colors-are all major trends right now
China Glaze
as well; chunky thick stripes make a nail look bold and daring, while a thin stripe easily re-creates a minimalist classy look. An easy way to be bold without being too overthe-top is the dual polish manicure, with two-toned designs that are simple but can go a long way! Forget pink and white and classic lines. Try a twist on the classic French manicure by using contrasting shades that flatter your skin tone! It's a modern chic look that has been popular among celebrities and on the runways.
Sexy metallics and fresh sheer nudes are hotter than the weather this season! These shades are from Casual Cool Spring 2014 collection by Morgan Taylor.
s the weather gets hotter, so do the colors! This season, nails have moved into the spotlight with bold colors, over the top designs, and accents nails that have been trending all over social media. Bold nail art is not just exclusive to celebrities everyone has the bug to stand out this season and these trends are flirty, fabulous, and demand attention. OPI is known for their long lasting gel colors and beautiful shades. One of our favorite colors from OPI for this season is actually from the Gwen Stefani collection: 'Hey Baby', is a bright rosy creamy pink perfect for the Spring. With CND'S alluring Paradise Collection, as full of tropical hot colors as a fresh fruit salad, a little something is needed to give spring nails a tougher feel. So look for flashes of metallics and sparkles to make a great accent nail. Nails this Spring are all about expression, and what better way to stand out with pops of color and glitters galore! All-over glitter can easily read holidays, which is why it's essential for more low-key sparkles. China Glaze has come out with the limited edition: Surprise Collection. The chunky glitters bring together large matte and shiny particles in feminine and flirty color combinations. The slightly holographic effect draws just the right amount of attention to be a head turner this season! These polishes are perfect for an accent nail or for a strategic sparkle. Contrasting stripes have been a favorite for the season
Hairdressers confirm that red is the number-one color clients want to explore when stepping out of their comfort-zone for the first time. Victoria Thomas
edheads get noticed more than any other color,” says OYA’s Laura Mazzarino. As the longer, brighter spring days expose strands to more UV rays, Mazzarino explains that OYA color products shield tresses with Green Tea, offering 20 times more protection than Vitamin E against color fading. True, you could always wear a sensible hat-- but most redheads would rather defy the elements than play it safe. Red signals heat, energy and on-fire excitement. Part of the reason is the rarity of natural red hair: there are fewer natural redheads than there are blondes or brunettes. Milky skin and freckles often accompany ginger-snap tresses,
Girls on Fire
along with a reputation for a jalapeño-hot temper. “From bright coppers to vivid reds, or deep, rich plums to soft auburns, your shade of red should reflect who you are. If you are accustomed to bold looks, a bright red red-violet may be just right. If you are looking for something softer, a warm mahogany is the perfect way to add warmth and richness,” says colorist Ryann DiBenedetto of Salon Halo in Spring Hill, FL – a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon. Aveda Global Artistic Director Ian Black customizes his reds with blocks of violet tone for added intensity. “This creates the illusion of shadows through the hair to make it look thicker and more interesting,” he says. There seems to come a tipping-point in every woman’s life when she dares to cross the line and go red. But beware of carrot-tops: the volatility of these shades requires a professional consultation to select the most flattering range of red tones, unless you really do believe that orange is the new black.
26 trends
Mirza Batanovic, Eufora
Sam Villa & Geneva Cowen
New to red? Try a slow-burn red, with cherrywood chocolate tones.
Michael Haase @ Salon Platinum Black Wella Professionals
Ian Michael Black, Aveda Global Artistic Director
For double fire-power, consider a daring crop with a flick of flame-red.
Kirsten McIntosh
Auburn hair is a sultry contrast with UVprotected milky skin.
Redheads always seem to spark fire-works
Amanda Iqbal and the La Relance salon staff, Aveda
Back in Lucille Ball’s day, women with red hair were told that they couldn’t wear a garment of firecracker-red or its color-wheel opposite emerald-green, and certainly no shades of coral, peach or orange. They were also told to cover their freckles. But redheads have always loved to defy the rule-book. Depending upon where your skin tone falls in the Fitzpatrick Scale, and whether your choice of hair-color is warm, cool, coppery or deep bronze, there’s really nothing redheads can’t do. It may take a little courage to get out of neutral, but once you’ve experienced the rush of red, it may be impossible to go back.
NAHA celebrates It began in 1989 and never ceased to evolve, becoming an iconic photographic beauty competition that still has so much to look forward to. Marie Scarano
ay back in 1989, the North American Hairstyling Awards were founded by Modern Salon Media and Redken Laboratories, debuting in Chicago with just five categories. I wasn't there, but it was apparently a reserved black-tie optional affair, with champagne and a gourmet dinner. Today, instead, it is perhaps one of the most coveted photographic hairdressing awards in the world, having grown from five to 14 categories, and attracting the most artistic and skilled member of the professional salon industry throughout all of North America. Although NAHA is merely one part of PBA Beauty Week, one of North America's leading beauty events, offering endless networking, education, and professional growth opportunities to all sectors of the beauty industry, it is most certainly the most glamorous. Having settled in its now traditional and suitably dazzling venue of the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year the anticipation mounts as announcements are made about what popular celebrity will be hosting the event and winning the PBA Beautiful Humanitarian Award. Once again this year there will be the Red Carpet Reception, the Awards Ceremony, and the NAHA After Party. But what we
all really look forward to are the stunning artistic presentations, the hottest trends on the runway and, of course, the hair! In retrospect, perhaps my favorite phase is the nomination of the five finalists in each category, each of whom developed a concept, put together a team of beauty professionals and a photographer, and envisioned cuts, colors, textures, and styles so stunning that “such stuff as dreams are made of � comes to mind. I open the photos one by one, sometimes dreamily and sometimes greedily, as if there weren't enough beauty and fantasy to go around. I recognize many of the artists' names and share vicariously in their victory. After all, they all deserve to win! We can't help but wonder if it's more exciting to anticipate the celebration of 25 incredible years of extraordinary talent, or to look forward to so many more amazing years to come!
Trendsetters, innovators, visionaries. NAHA celebrates 25 years of glory
Photos: courtesy of PBA
The awards draw in the crowds, but while waiting there are always spectacular runways shows and lots of red-carpet glam and glitz with popular celebrities and industry stars.
It’s almost here. And this year it will be more colourful than ever. Hair fashion this spring pays homage to the most romantic variety of femininity, painted in pastels that seem to compete with blonds. Pre-Raphaelite luminosity, contemporary dreams. Sta arrivando. E quest'anno sarà colorata come non mai. La modacapelli di questa primavera è un omaggio alla femminilità più romantica, dipinta da toni pastello che fanno a gara con i biondi. Luminosità preraffaellita, sogni contemporanei. Er kommt und dieses Jahr wird er bunt wie nie zuvor. Die Haar-Mode in diesem Frühjahr ist eine Hommage an die Weiblichkeit romantischer, in Pastelltönen gehalten, im Wettbewerb mit Blond stehend. Zeitgenössische Träume. Il arrive. Et, cette année, il n’aura jamais été aussi coloré. La mode coiffure de ce printemps rend hommage à la féminité la plus romantique qui existe, faite de tons pastels voulant rivaliser avec les blonds. Luminosité pré-Raphaël, rêves contemporains. Ya llega. Y este año llena de color como nunca antes. La modacabello de esta primavera es un homenaje a la feminidad más romántica, pintada con tonos pastel que compiten con los rubios. Luminosidad prerrafaelista, sueños contemporáneos.
Hair: Eugene Souleiman and Josh Wood for Wella Professionals Photo: Tom Allen Make-up: Miranda Joyce
Artistic Direction: Antoinette Beenders for Aveda Hair: Allen Ruiz, Ian Michael Black, Ricardo Dinis Photo: Jenny Hands
The delicacy of a face with Renaissance features.The naiveté of a fleeting glance. Details narrate the ethereal nature of a dreamy femininity. Plaits take on a rosy hue. Crowned with a bow.
Hair: Véronique Dumazet/Photo: Camilla Armbrust/Make-up: Yacine Diallo/Products: L’Oréal Professionnel
Hair: Eric Zemmour Photo: GĂŠrard Taride Make-up: Justine Lancelle Products: L'OrĂŠal Professionnel
Zac Posen - IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo.
Blossoms and bows enhance vaporous volumes as if they were bundles of clouds. The spring air swells the destructured up-dos, delicately caressing the strands that break free. Everything is moving and styling becomes pure chic. For young debutantes.
Hair: Stefano Milani Equipe Vittorio for Mitù Photo: Mario Gomez Make-Up: Carlo Di Donato, Marcella Laboccetta Products: Wella Professionals, System Professional, Professional Sebastian, Nioxin
Fiori e fiocchi impreziosiscono volumi vaporosi come se fossero prati. L'aria di primavera gonfia i raccolti destrutturati, accarezza delicatamente le ciocche in libertà. Tutto è movimento e lo styling si fa candido-chic. Per fanciulle in fiore. Blumen und Schleifen schmücken großes Volumen, als wären es bunte Felder. Die Frühlingsluft bläst in die unstrukturierten Haarmähnen und umspielt sanft die losen Strähnen. Alles bewegt sich und das Styling ist Candido-Chic. Für Blumenmädchen. Les fleurs et rubans viennent orner de vaporeux volumes comme si c’était des prés. L’air printanier gonfle les cheveux attachés et déstructurés, caresse doucement des mèches libres comme le vent. Tout est mouvement et le coiffage se veut candidechic. Pour des jeunes femmes en fleur. Flores y lazos adornan volúmenes vaporosos como si fueran prados. El aire de primavera hincha los recogidos desestructurados, acariciando delicadamente los mechones en libertad. Todo es movimiento y el estilismo se vuelve cándido-chic. Para chicas en flor.
Hair: Eric Zemmour Photo: Gérard Taride Make-up: Justine Lancelle Products: L'Oréal Professionnel
Hair: Vania Laporte for L'Oréal Professionnel Photo: Gabriel Guibert Make-up: Pauline Bord
Hair: Stefano Milani Equipe Vittorio for Mit첫 Photo: Mario Gomez Make-Up: Carlo Di Donato, Marcella Laboccetta Products: Wella Professionals, System Professional, Professional Sebastian, Nioxin
Long locks shake off wintertime monotony. Reflections of the first sun illuminate brunettes,while blonds abandon themselves to the temptation of violet strands. Brushstrokes worthy of Botticelli.
Hair: Jacques Fourcade/Make-up: Kakie/Photo: Robert Jaso
Hair: Agnieszka Stenka Photo: Bibi & Jacob Make-up: Eevi Makeup Studio
IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo.
John Galliano
Zac Posen
You might happen upon them in the undergrowth or amidst the fruits and flowers.They are the nymphs - visible only to those who know where to look. Just open your eyes! You are not alone. Hair: Angelo Seminara/Photo: Andrew O'Toole/Make-up: Laura Dominique, Emma Kotch
Hair: Przemysaw Kania Photo: Bibi & Jacob Make-up: Patrycja Pindelak Products: Wella Professionals
The perfect couple. The blond fell in love with pink and is loath to leave her. They embrace, closer on short cuts, running handin-hand for longer lengths. Two halves complete each other in the wafting perfume of orchids.
Hair: Global Color Zoom '14 Creative Team Photo: Stephan Ziehen Make-up: Loni Baur Products: Goldwell
La coppia perfetta. Il biondo si è innamorato del rosa e non lo abbandona più. Si abbracciano, stringendosi forte sui tagli corti, corrono tenendosi per mano su tutte le lunghezze. Due metà complementari che insieme emanano il profumo delle orchidee.
Hair: Vania Laporte for L'Oréal Professionnel Photo: Gabriel Guibert Make-up: Pauline Bord
Hair: Global Color Zoom '14 Creative Team Photo: Stephan Ziehen Make-up: Loni Baur Products: Goldwell
Das perfekte Paar. Blond verliebt sich in Rosa und verlässt es nie wieder. Sie umarmen und umklammern sich stark bei Kurzhaarschnitten, halten Händchen bis in die Spitzen. Zwei sich ergänzende Hälften, die zusammen den Duft der Orchideen versprühen. Le couple parfait. Le blond s’est épris du rose et ne le lâche plus. Ils s’enlacent, se serrent forts l’un contre l’autre sur les coupes courtes, courent sur les longueurs en se tenant la main. Deux moitiés complémentaires qui, ensemble, sentent bon le parfum des orchidées. La pareja perfecta. El rubio se ha enamorado del rosa y ya no lo abandonará. Se abrazan, estrechándose fuerte en los cortes cortos, corren cogidos de la mano en todas las longitudes. Dos mitades complementarias que juntas desprenden la fragancia de las orquídeas.
Hair: Eugene Souleiman and Josh Wood for Wella Professionals Photo: Tom Allen Make-up: Miranda Joyce
Hair: Christophe Gaillet Photo: Maciej Bernas Make-up: Agnieszka Wilk Products: L'OrĂŠal Professionnel
Braids like the texture of tree bark define the rhythm of this coif. The pink details are a surprising revelation. Bio-coiffure.
Hair Design: Salvo Filetti for Compagnia della Bellezza/Photo: Antonio Di Maria/Styling: Marco Strano
IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo. Emporio Armani
Antonio Marras
L'Wren Scott
Anna Sui
Hair: Jacques Thill
The warm and glowing tones of sunset make their way on a bob in the middle of the night.While short hair opts for the terse luminosity of spring’s first dawns. Inspiration in nature.
Hair: Angelo Seminara/Photo: Andrew O'Toole/Make-up: Laura Dominique, Emma Kotch
Hair: Craig Smith and Leesa Smith for Alter Ego Italy Photo: Andrew O'Toole Make-up: Kylie O'Toole Products: Alter Ego Italy
Hair: Anthony Turner Photo: Greg Kadel Make-up: Stéphanie Kunz Products: L’Oréal Professionnel
From the first bright rays of morning to the sultry heat of the afternoon, to the intense pink of sunset. All the shades of a sunny day captured in the tresses, brushed onto that perfect canvas that is platinum blonde. Dal raggio più luminoso del mattino ai riflessi più caldi del pomeriggio, fino ai rosa intensi del tramonto. Tutte le sfumature di una giornata di sole catturate fra le ciocche, stese su quella tela perfetta che è il biondo platino. Vom hellsten Strahl am Morgen zu den heißesten nachmittags Reflexionen bis zum intensiv Rosa des Sonnenuntergangs. Alle Nuancen eines sonnigen Tages gefangen zwischen den Strähnen, ausgestreckt auf der perfekten Leinwand des Platinum Blonds.
Hair: Christine Margossian for L’Oréal Professionnel Photo: Eric Ouaknine Make-up: Stéphane Dussart
Du rayon le plus lumineux du matin aux reflets les plus chauds de l’après-midi, pour arriver aux roses les plus intenses du coucher de soleil. Toutes les nuances d’une journée ensoleillée capturées sur les mèches, couchées sur cette toile si parfaite qu’est le blond platine. Desde el rayo más luminoso de la mañana hasta los reflejos más cálidos de la tarde, hasta los rosas intensos de un atardecer. Todas las tonalidades de un día soleado atrapadas entre mechones, extendidas en el lienzo perfecto del rubio platino.
Hair: Dmitry Vinokurov & Alexey Ladnov for Wella Professionals Photo: Tom Allen Make-up: Miranda Joyce
Artistic Direction: Antoinette Beenders for Aveda Hair: Allen Ruiz, Ian Michael Black, Ricardo Dinis Photo: Jenny Hands
Hair: Xavi Garcia
Arte underground in clandestinità. Il progetto #SecretMasterClass di X-Presion ha riunito a Madrid i talenti creativi di é Salon (Australia), Saco Hair (UK), Xavi Garcia e X-Presion (Spagna) insieme al leggendario Robert Lobetta (USA), fotografo d’eccezione per tutti i lavori. Versteckte UndergroundKunst. Das Projekt #SecretMasterClass von X-Presion brachte die kreativen Talente des é Salon (Australien), Saco Hair (UK), Xavi Garcia und X-Presion (Spanien) in Madrid zusammen. fotografiert vom legendären Robert Lobetta (USA), ein außergewöhnlicher Fotograf für alle Jobs. Art alternatif en toute clandestinité. Le projet #SecretMasterClass de X-Presion a réuni, à Madrid, les talents créatifs de é Salon (Australie), Saco Hair (GB), Xavi Garcia et X-Presion (Espagne), et le légendaire Robert Lobetta (USA), le photographe d’exception de tous ces travaux.
Arte underground en clandestinidad. El proyecto #SecretMasterClass de X-Presion ha reunido en Madrid a los talentos creativos de é Salon (Australia), Saco Hair (Reino Unido), Xavi Garcia y X-Presion (España), junto con el legendario Robert Lobetta (EE.UU.), un fotógrafo excepcional en todos los trabajos.
The X-Presion #SecretMasterClass project has reunited the creative talents of é Salon (Australia), Saco Hair (UK), Xavi Garcia and X-Presion (Spain) together with the legendary Robert Lobetta (USA), an extraordinary photographer for all their works.
video Hair: Saco Hair
Left and right. Hair: X-Presion
Left and right. Hair: X-Presion Dove? Presso il centro d’arte Neomudejar di Madrid. L’idea? Realizzare un progetto educativo capace di coinvolgere i partecipanti in un’emozionante jam session. Vivere un’esperienza creativa indimenticabile con maestri di fama internazionale, all’insegna di una formazione d’élite. Wo? Im Neomudejar Art Centre von Madrid. Die Idee? Ein Elite-Bildungsprojekt kreieren, dass in der Lage ist, alle Teilnehmer an einer spannenden Jam-Sessions zu beteiligen. Ein kreativunvergessliches Erlebnis mit international renommierten Ausbildern, der Ausbildung einer Elite gewidmet. Où ? Auprès du centre artistique Neomudejar de Madrid. L’idée ? Réaliser un projet éducatif capable d’impliquer les participants dans une étonnante jam session. Vivre une expérience créative inoubliable aux côtés de maîtres de renommée internationale et à l’enseigne d’une formation élitaire. ¿Dónde? En el centro de arte Neomudéjar en Madrid. ¿La idea? Realizar un proyecto educativo capaz de involucrar a los participantes en una emocionante jam session. Vivir una experiencia creativa inolvidable con maestros de fama internacional, en nombre de una formación de élite.
Where? At the Madrid Neomudejar Art Centre. The Idea? Involve emerging talents in a thrilling jam session with hairdressers of international fame.The result? An unforgettable experience for a new generation of elite.
Hair: é Salon Concept: X-Presion Producciones Photo: Robert Lobetta Hairstyles: é Salon, Saco Hair, Xavi Garcia, X-Presion Fashion Stylist: Carol Gamarra Make up: Lewis Amarante for Max Factor Post-production: Kay Lobetta
Hair: Saco Hair
Fa shi on tips 2014
Laura Castelli
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n, Londo , s i r a alks. ,P w n t a a l i C ir& of M erage 14.Ha v 0 o 2 c e S / v S lusi n. trends n.Exc p o o i t happe s e i y v h e n T h . t o s i y as ca fash runwa trends y t e i h C t Esteti e k nc ew Yor xperie e o and N T . e at .To cre To see
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Estetica fashionvision. I Parigi, L n esclus iva - dal ondra e le passe New Yor Per cono relle di M k - i top-tr scere. Pe ilano, end P/E r creare 2014.H . Per vive air&Cat re le ten walks. denze su l nascer e.
g n i t n i Pa
Estetica Modevision. Exklusiv - von den Laufstegen in Mailand, Paris, London und New York - die Toptrends für die Saison F/S 2014. Hair&Catwalks. Zum Kennenlernen. Zum Nachmachen.
s g n i l fee
e Milan, Paris, d s m iu d o p s e vité d fure et défilés. ode. En exclusi if o -m C n . o 4 si 1 0 vi 2 ca /É ti Este s top P t. , les tendance rk o -Y w dès leur débu e s N t ce e n s a d n te s Londre r vivre le our créer. Pou P . re ît a n n co Pour
Estetica fashio n-vision. En ex clusiva - desde París,Londres las pasarelas d y Nueva York - lo e Milán, s top-trend P/V Para conocer. P 2 0 14.Hair&Catw ara crear. Para alks. vivir las tenden cias apenas na cen.
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y t r o c i h c p S
d e nes an i l y f opren m e o n c , h s t i cle hair w obsta d y n a a d s y er he es. d clot ing ev n p a m ealiti m r u j e g d n h i n n ig me to win ed to h n s tic wo i e U l . m s h l e t A th detai aunch l e active r u ext hno-t c e t d an
Donne-avventura, le amazzoni contemporanee aprono il loro cuore a palestra e dintorni. Paladine del wellness e gym addicted, anche per abiti e capelli chiedono linee comfy e dettagli active. Abituate ai salti ad ostacoli quotidiani, cercano in neoprene e techno-texture il trampolino di lancio per realtà vincenti. Athletic wear di lusso. Abenteurerinnen, die modernen Amazonen öffnen ihr Herz für Spa und Sport. Sie lieben Fitness und Wellness, auch zu sehen an der Kleidung und den Haaren: komfortabel mit sportlichen Details. Sie sind gewöhnt, über die alltäglichen Hürden zu springen. Neopren und High-tech Texturen geben den richtigen Schwung. Luxuriöse Sportkeidung. Femmes-aventure, les amazones contemporaines ouvrent leur cœur aux salles de gym et autres similaires. Ambassadrices du bien-être et sport-addicted, même dans les vêtements et les coiffures elles redemandent lignes confortables et détails actifs. Habituées aux sauts et obstacles du quotidien, le néoprène et les textures techno leur servent de tremplin pour se lancer vers des réalités gagnantes. Habillement athlétique de luxe.
Mujeres-aventura, las amazonas contemporáneas abren sus corazones al gimnasio y demás. Paladinas del wellness y adictas al gym, hasta en la ropa y cabellos buscan líneas cómodas y detalles active. Acostumbradas a la carrera de obstáculos cotidiana, buscan en texturas neopreno y tecno el trampolín de salto para realidades triunfales. Athletic wear de lujo.
Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
1 Hair: Marco PM Ph.: M. Muruzabal 2 Hair: Essential Looks by Schwarzkopf Professional 3 Hair: Richard Ashforth & Saco Ph.: R. Ashforth 4 Hair: K.P. Ochs, S. Schwer, F. de Palma Ph.: C. Lagel 5 Hair: Karine Jackson Ph.: J. Eames 6 Hair: Michelle Trow @ Andrew Collinge Ph.: A. Barron-Hough 7 Hair: Gooseberry Ph.: R. Miles
) n o i l ( l e b e R Jean Paul Gaultier
d lywoo l o H d ish an u g s o v mane pere y n h i s n ' t o side. fi le i k r r o a f n d o s e n ssi s to th iratio nsgre d p s a a r n e t i h o s! t -up rock Make s and Say ye . s n f o i i o t c a ult cit t Goth C a . b m m a o gl and c
Comme Des Garçons
Mark Fast
3 6
Trasgressione sì, se iper-voguish e hollywoodiana. Per le indomabili, creste leonine e décoiffé da barricata. Citazioni cult, ispirazioni rock. Mood gotico e styling combat. Anche il make-up si vota al lato oscuro della forza sottolineando con vigore eyebrow teatrali. Concessi, ametista e scarlatto.
Oui à la transgression, si hyper en vogue et hollywoodienne. Pour les indomptables, crêtes à la lionne et décoiffés barricades. Citations culte, inspirations rock. Style gothique et coiffurecombat. Le maquillage affiche son côté noir avec des sourcils très marqués. Exceptions : améthyste et rouge écarlate.
Transgresión sí, si es hiper-voguish y hollywoodiana. Para las indomables, crines leoninas y décoiffé de barricada. Citaciones cult, inspiraciones rock. Mood gótico y styling combact. Incluso el maquillaje pasa al lado oscuro de la fuerza subrayando con énfasis cejas teatrales. Se admiten, amatista y escarlata. 1 Hair: Gary Taylor @ Edward & Co. Ph.: J. Rawson 2-5 Hair: Tina Farey for Rush Ph.: R. Shergill 3 Hair: Dan Spiller Ph.: R. Miles 4 Hair: Ryan Harris Ph.: J. Eames 6 Hair: Peter Prosser Ph.: A. O'Toole 7 Hair: Bruno Marc Giamattei Ph.: R. Miles Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
Grenzen überschreiten, im Stile ultra-vogue und Hollywood like. Eingeschlossen alle unbezähmbaren und wilden Mähnen, sowie zerzausten Rebellen. Kult-Style, Rock-Inspirationen. Dunkle Stimmung und KampfLooks. Auch das Make-up tendiert zur dunklen Seite der Macht, mit betont theatralischen Augenbrauen. Erlaubt, Amethyst und Scharlachrot.
c i l l a t e M
Tom Ford
ing parkl s A . s e essori c c a n , lde re, go allure u c t i l x l e t a t s. nt mask for me rillia s d b e e , l r ĂŠ l i s e m w de y la nites and je g s Slink i t e 4 1 m l 20 he rrior mmer a u w S , / s g ic Sprin g fabr n i w o fl
A. McQueen
1 4
Lamé superseduttivi, texture brilliant, accessori golden. Una primavera/estate 2014 scintillante, che illumina di desiderio le fashion victim più accanite. Allure metallurgico, couturier-fabbro. Tessuti liquidi, accessori warrior: dai fashion helmet alle maschere-gioiello. Da rubare. Super-scharfe Klingen, brillante Texturen und goldene Accessoires. Ein Frühjahr/Sommer 2014 Trend der glitzert und die Wünsche der Fashion-Victims erfüllt. Metallische Allure, handgeschmiedete Couture. Fließende Stoffe und Krieger-Accessoires: Vom Modehelm zur juwelenbesetzen Maske. Zum Stehlen gut. V. Westwood
Lamés super séducteurs, textures brillantes, accessoires dorés. Un printemps/ été 2014 scintillant qui saura illuminer de désirs même les fashion-victim les plus extrêmes. Allure métallurgique, couturier-forgeron. Tissus liquides, accessoires guerriers : des coiffes fashion aux masques-bijoux. À voler.
Lamés superseductivos, texturas brillantes, accesorios golden. Una primavera/ verano 2014 brillante, que ilumina de deseo a las fashion victim más combativas. Allure metalúrgico, modisto-forjador. Tejidos líquidos, accesorios warrior: desde los fashion helmet hasta las máscaras-joya. Para copiar. 1 Hair : A. Chapman & P. Mairoudhiou @ Trevor Sorbie Ph.: J. Eames 2-6 Hair: Sharon Dow @ Kevin Kahan Ph.: A. O'Toole 3 Hair: Angels Ph.: J. Eames 4 Hair: Luis Payne Ph.: A. Sanchez 5 Hair: L. Wood @ The Hair Advice Ph.: J. Rawson
Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
g n i t n i a P Giles
k a blan s e m co ion be h s a F ns. . eathe f Koo r f b e e J guage r r n u o a t , l u o co new cass rtistic urful ol, Pi a o f h l r o o c a s a se Like W speak ed. Mu t d n n i a a p ty derni s to be o a v m n l a a c in visu
V. Westwood
Like Warhol. O Picasso. O Jeff Koons. Vestiti come tele da dipingere, avanguardia comunicativa. Si affacciano linguaggi nuovi, couture d'artista. Donne-musa, anticonformismo da indossare. Respiri estetici di modernità visiva. Pop(ular) feeling, geneticamente modificato. Tra i capelli, il contagio virale del colore.
Wie Warhol, Picasso oder Jeff Koons. Die Kleidung dient als Leinwand der Malerei, avantgardistisch und kommunikativ. Neue Sprachen kommen zum Vorschein, künstlerische Couture. Frauen als Musen, Nonkonformismus zum Anziehen. Ästhetische Züge eines modernen Bildes. Pop (ulares) Gefühl, genetisch verändert. Im Haar, die virale Ansteckung der Farbe. Comme Warhol. Ou Picasso. Ou Jeff Koons. Des vêtements comme des toiles à peindre, de l’avant-garde communicative. Tendance aux néo-langages et coutures d’artiste. Femmes-muses, anticonformisme à porter. Inspirations esthétiques de modernité visuelle. Feeling Pop(ulaire), génétiquement modifié. Côté coiffure, l’infection virale de la couleur.
Like Warhol. O Picasso. O Jeff Koons. Vestidos como lienzos para pintar, vanguardia comunicativa. Nuevos lenguajes, couture de artista. Mujeres-musa, inconformismo que se viste. Respiraciones estéticas de modernidad visual. Pop(ular) feeling, modificado genéticamente. Entre el cabello, la infección viral del color. 1 Hair: Desancho Ph.: D. Arnal 2 Hair: Matt Swinney, 2013 NAHA finalist/Avant Garde Ph.: D. Byun 3-4 Hair: X-Presion for Ozdare @ Revlon Prof. Australia Ph.: B. Gueit 5 Hair: Tracey Devine Smith Ph.: J. Eames 6 Hair: V. Beaupré & A. Binet-Jolicoeur @ Local B Ph.: P. Rochon 7 Hair: Bruno Marc Giamattei Ph.: R. Miles Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
e r u t u s g Ffeelin G. Pugh
G. Pugh
tures, x e t l a it le. Dig y t s y t vi y with or Gra e. f r s a e n i d lt blu rd co a o s b s e o e c h r t nd ld up estria Amp n ice a . i r e r r c i e t n a hh ona Extra Hi-tec ar res . n s u e l i , t li shine op rea h s pixel o t Pho
M. Valvo
Dress code extraterrestre per le eroine in stile Gravity. Texture digitali, luccichii da pixel, risonanze lunari. Digital modish, device wearable. Quotidiano amplificato, realtà da Photoshop. Hairlook hi-tech: riflessi di ghiaccio e cobalto. Il must? L'azzardo temporale. Onde e trecce rétro, versione next age. Extraterrestrischer Dress-Code für Heldinnen mit Schwerkraft-Stil. Digitale Texturen schimmern durch Pixel und lunare Resonanzen. Digital modische und tragbar. Der Alltag wird verstärkt mit einer Realität von Photoshop. High-Tech Hairlook: Eis und Kobalt Reflexe. Das Muss? Retro-Wellen und Zöpfe in der Version nächstes Jahrtausend. Dress code extra-terrestre pour des héroïnes style Gravity. Textures numériques, brillances pixels, résonnances lunaires. Une mode digitale, un dispositif prêt-à-porter. Quotidien amplifié, réalités dignes de Photoshop. La coiffure est Hi-Tech avec des reflets glacés et cobalt. Le must ? L’aléa temporel. Des ondulations et tresses rétro, version futuriste.
The Blonds
Dress code extraterreste para heroínas en estilo Gravity. Texturas digitales, destellos píxel, resonancias lunares. Digital modish, device wearable. El cotidiano amplificado, realidad de Photoshop. Hairlook hi-tech: reflejos de hielo y cobalto. ¿El must? El riesgo temporal. Ondas y trenzas retro, versión next age. 1 Hair: Jamie Stevens Ph.: J. Wilkholm 2 Hair: Janine Jarman Ph.: A. Sanchez 3 Hair: Karine Jackson Ph.: J. Eames 4-8 Hair: Ken Picton Ph.: A. O'Toole 5 Hair and Ph.: Damien Carney 6 Hair: Stefano Milani for Mitù Ph.: M. Gomez 7-9 Hair: Sophia Hilton for Brooks+Brooks Ph.: J. Hands Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
n e d r a G Hermès
l s idea i n e e . Gr pring m s o t n i abloo g s n i i r g i sia... a in o r H r . p b y S r . m t oe n-a mes ashio ower p ic rhy t F p . n r s a l e w ta Rom ate pe ul. Flo c o i s l e d d e d nt nts an o-orie e c e m i e t h for t ew sen with n
Zac Posen
Anna Sui
Respiro romantico. Sensibilità ecologica, leggerezza primaverile. Omaggio green alle donne che verranno, di anima delicata ed eco-oriented. Flower-power poetico, dolcezza di fondo. Tra i capelli sbocciano nuovi sentimenti e petali gentili. Fascino botanico, fashion-ambrosia... Romantischer Hauch. Ökologische Sensibilität, frühjahrshafte Leichtigkeit. Grüne Hommage an die Frauen, mit ihrer sanften Seele und Naturverbundenheit. Poetische Flower-power und süße Bodenständigkeit. In ihrem Haar blühen neue Gefühle und sanfte Blütenblätter. Botanischer Charme, Mode-Ambrosia... Inspiration romantique. Sensibilité écologique, légèreté printanière. Un hommage vert aux femmes de demain, à l’âme délicate et orientées nature. Le pouvoir des fleurs poétique, une douceur profonde. Au milieu des cheveux, voici fleurir de nouveaux sentiments et de doux pétales. Charme botanique, mode-ambroisie... 5
Soplo romántico. Sensibilidad ecológica, ligereza primaveral. Homenaje green a las mujeres que vendrán, de alma gentil y orientación ecológica. Flower-power poético, dulzura de fondo. Entre el cabello florecen nuevos sentimientos y pétalos gentiles. Encanto botánico, moda-ambrosía... 1 Hair: Sharon Dow @ Kevin Kahan Ph.: A. O'Toole 2 Hair: EROS Ph.: N. Chang, H. Hsiang Jen 3-4-5 Hair: K.P. Ochs, S. Schwer, F. de Palma Ph.: C. Lagel 6 Hair: Philip Bell @ Ishoka Ph.: A. Vincent Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo Roccobarocco
e g a t g n n i w s i V S. Rykiel
S. Rykiel
. 2014 e g a t . in is is V sories h s e T . c c k l a si d stle of nes an i u l r y e r h ra dt s. tempo ins an n u o q c dream e h e s t , x i e u w l n o de 0s moph Decothe '3 . f r o i a s A gra e h r Echo ism fo t e n g a etro-m Soft r
Un grammofono di sottofondo. Note di paillettes e fruscio di sete. è il vintage 2014, moderno q.b. Gli echi Thirties sono evidenti, il contemporaneo si rivela tra linee e accessori. Morbidezza e magnetismo rétro per i capelli. Raccolti d'antan dai fermagli gioiello. Effetto déco-deluxe, scintille dreaming.
Anna Sui
Ein Grammophon im Hinteregrund. Noten von Pailletten und das Rascheln von Seide. Es ist die Vintage Mode 2014. Die Echos der dreißiger Jahren sind offensichtlich, die Zeitgenössischkeit zeigt sich durch Linien und Zubehör. Weichheit und Retro-Haar-Magnetismus. Kollektion d'Antan von Juwelklammern. Deko-deluxe-Effekt, funkelnde Träume. Un gramophone en musique de fond. Des notes pailletées et bruissements de soies. Tel est le vintage 2014, moderne juste ce qu’il faut. Les échos années 30 sont évidents, le contemporain transparaît entre les lignes et les accessoires. Souplesse et magnétisme rétro pour la coiffure. Des cheveux attachés comme avant, avec des accessoires-bijoux. Effet déco de luxe, scintillements de rêve. Un gramófono de fondo. Notas de lentejuelas y murmullos de seda. Es el vintage 2014, moderno sin excesos. Los ecos de los años treinta son evidentes, lo contemporáneo se revela entre líneas y accesorios. Suavidad y magnetismo retro para el cabello. Recogidos de antaño con pasadores joya. Efecto déco-deluxe, brillos dreaming. 1 Hair: Ben Price @ Robert John Ph.: J. Rawson 2 Hair: Intercosmo Italia Team Ph.: M. Gramegna 3 Hair: Peter Prosser Ph.: A. O'Toole 4 Hair: Misha Cadkova 5 Hair: Antoinette Beenders, Aveda Global Creative Director Ph.: J. Hands 6 Hair: Alexander Kiryliuk for SK Style Barcelona Ph.: L. Felina
Bora Aksu
Catwalk Photo: IMAXtree.com/Vincenzo Grillo
Emporio Armani
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Selected Grand Collections from international publications An exceptional commemorative collection of the best of international hairdressing, gathering together the creative ideas of the AIPP Awards 2013-2014 finalists. Forty hairstyling collections, rich in creativity, talent, beauty and new inspiration as well as ten videos of the finalists’ work, complete with QR codes so you can see them on your smartphone.
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Stefan Sudhoff
Stefan Sudhoff has worked for nearly thirty years in the same industry and in the same company. Yet he continues to be a steadfast leader, with enthusiasm that has never waned and a vision that is clearer than ever. Petra Weinzierl
98 interview
orporate Senior Vice President Schwarzkopf Professional, peopleoriented Stefan Sudhoff has long been one of the driving forces in building the Schwarzkopf name worldwide. In this exclusive interview, Estetica unveils more about what makes him tick. Petra Weinzierl: Mr. Sudhoff, after nearly 30 years in this business, is there anything that can still surprise you? Stefan Sudhoff: Every day! Fast-moving consumer goods is the most innovative and dynamic industry in the world. I always give the same advice to young marketeers: if you really want to learn something about how consumers are behaving, how innovations are doing, how to develop insights – go to the beauty industry. There is no other FMCG market this dynamic. The beauty business is tremendously inspiring and versatile. W.: What is so special about this industry? S.: Working in the industry for many years, it is the passion and dedication that impresses me the most. It’s about the speed of innovations, trends, fashion – and about the people working in this business. Creatives, professionals, entrepreneurs shape the image of the industry. That is especially the case in the hairdressing industry. In the end, it is all about the people who are making the difference. This is what I find extremely exciting. W.: Although two different divisions, do Schwarzkopf Professional and Schwarzkopf retail share the same philosphy? S.: It is all Schwarzkopf! And as a global brand, we have one credo about how we manage our activities: Wherever we go, we aim for excellence. Wherever we go, we aim for quality. We provide inspirational innovations and technologies. In the world of hairdressing, we continuously develop trend and fashion-oriented image tools and relevant service offers. Excellence is how we serve the hairdresser, their staff and their clients. W.: What are your upcoming launches and projects in 2014? S.: Schwarzkopf Professional has a full innovation pipeline. We continue to focus
Shaping the future
Having joined the company right after university, Stefan Sudhoff soon worked his way up the ranks to the helm of Henkel in both Germany and abroad, making Schwarzkopf Professional the world leader they are today. His advice to youngsters? To be successful, you have to be creative and fast at finding the right concepts and insights. Success is also about being really close to people.
strongly on colour, Igora Royal is always one of our priorities. With the relaunch last year, we set yet another new benchmark in colour. We are globally rolling out this successful relaunch, introducing for the first time a high definition colour technology. Customer feedback is extremely positive. In parallel, new BlondMe enters the stage – Schwarzkopf Professional’s care and colour brand for blond experts. Our team has reworked the product portfolio, has developed modern services, making BlondMe even more attractive. It definitely brings blonde expertise to salons worldwide – with the right touch of sophistication and innovation. W.: Is there some other big scoop that we can expect from Schwarzkopf Professional? S.: 2014 is the year of hair perfection as we bring a new dimension into professional hair care. With the relaunch of our hero care brand BC Hairtherapy, Schwarzkopf Professional introduces a completely new, exciting set-up. New BC Hairtherapy will introduce a revolutionary breakthrough technology, exclusively developed for Schwarzkopf Professional, reaching natural hair perfection. This includes new products, new applications, new services and innovative education modules. This is what we call a genuine 360° approach. New BC is designed to bring salons success. We go for new ways of communicating with the customers and giving them advice – up to and including digital. The base of the brand is positioning hairdressers as what they are: Real Experts for beautiful hair. W: Are you going to have new services for BC? S.: Yes! But we don’t stop with the services. We introduce a holistic, new hair care culture, including great in-salon services and a distinguished consultation approach. BC will reach a new level of performance in hair perfection – the product quality is extremely evident. With this relaunch, we bring BC Hairtherapy even closer to the customer, while increasing the hairdresser’s competence. Our goal is to make our customers true experts for haircare, via new BC. That's what we are striving for.
The Schwarzkopf Academy in Hamburg: making hairdressers the best they can be.
Roberto Pissimiglia and Stefan Sudhoff pose for a portrait together following the interview.
There is one credo: wherever we go, we aim for excellence
W.: Are there going to be new concepts in building business or creative input for new trends? S.: We will concentrate our efforts where we already excel: in our in-house education offer to the customer. Furthermore, we will build up a much stronger program with many more profiles for the education network with our partners. Digital also plays a major role. Last year, we were the first to introduce the House of Color application, an outstanding digital tool. And we have no intention of resting on our laurels. We are planning to expand into further categories, showcasing similar, high-end digital and value-adding concepts. Our main focus, when it comes to creative and business concepts, is our dedication to salon success. For BlondMe, for instance, we developed a completely new holistic approach on how to bring services to customers and how to boost the blond business in the salons. We aim to develop the whole, relevant package and in 2014, we will definitely achieve that with all our activities. W.: Schwarzkopf Professional launches Essential Looks twice a year – what distinguishes Essential Looks from other trend collections? S.: Essential Looks is unique. It delivers the latest trends from the international catwalks and translates them into hair fashion trends. It is an outstanding source of inspiration for our customers. In parallel, it provides concrete step-by-step education as well as new techniques and applications. Our clients around the world wait for the launch of every Essential Looks collection with excitement. When we present it, hairdressers immediately become
inspired. We trigger great reactions, such as “Hey, how did they get this look?” Essential Looks for sure motivates and inspires hairdressers to get even better. And inspiration is key in the hairdressing industry. W.: Hairdresser of the Year is another image builder. Are you going to present a different concept for Hairdresser of the Year? S.: The Essential Looks World Tour is a great event, and Hairdresser of the Year is a great award – the most prestigious and reputable one. At the end of the day, whatever we do, with our staff and with the customer, is building salon business and improving the image of the whole industry. This is essential to me! Activities like the World Tour or Hairdressing Awards act like beacons. In my opinion, the Hairdresser of the Year is the one and only. It is open to everyone. It recognizes and celebrates the best of the best. Meanwhile, it is a global award. Last year in Shanghai, we hosted 5000 customers to celebrate the Hairdresser of the Year in China. We introduced the award in Russia, in Western Europe, in Canada. Wherever we believe it provides added value to the hairdressing community, we go for it. This is in line with our passion for excellence. Roberto Pissimiglia: What about a global Hairdresser of the Year where the winners of individual countries face off? Maybe digitally... S.: The concept of Hairdressing Awards is internationally renowned. We focus on local and regional awards, because we believe that there is a strong sense of “Me in my country”. But we make it digitally accessible via our social media platforms, leveraging the global character of the award.
100 interview
L-R: Estetica's Petra Weinzierl, Roberto Pissimiglia, and Stefan Sudhoff, Corporate Senior Vice President Schwarzkopf Professional.
P.: E-commerce will play a big role, because it's the way to get what you need in 24 hours…. S.: Digital is definitely crucial, so is E-commerce. Nevertheless, the day-to-day contact between clients and our sales force will remain relevant. And just as a reminder: today, within the existing set-up and in various regions, we already deliver to our clients in a time frame of 24 hours. In terms of communication and inspiration, digital becomes more and more important. With the relaunch of our website, or via our social media touchpoints, we continuously inspire our clients, while creating platforms for vivid conversations and communities. This is what we call the digital home of hairdressing. W.: Shaping Futures is a worldwide Charity project – could you share some news about that? S.: Shaping Futures is a significant initiative for us and we are very proud about how it evolves. It is more about 'how' and never about 'how much'. It is getting people to motivate themselves, opening up new Shaping Futures locations in collaboration with SOS Kinderdörfer. Our charity initiative is sustainable, since we are following up with participants by bringing them into a job that offers them a livelihood. It's the greatest thing you can do on earth. Shaping Futures is not about money, it is about investing your passion and free time, about involving
Whatever we do, it has to make the salon more successful... hairdressers to become part of this initiative. And Shaping Futures grows every year. The response from our customers is overwhelming: We have more requests to join than we can logistically provide for. We are very proud that, together with our customers, we can change lives through hairdressing. W.: What is your vision of the global salon business for the near future? S.: Ultimately, beauty is eternal. Enjoying the personal contact when getting my hair done will remain, no matter what happens. The creative, fashion-oriented and professional expertise of hairdressers will develop even more. If there is one thing that I am absolutely convinced will be even stronger in the future: it's hairdressing.
Angus Mitchell
Estetica caught up with our friend Angus Mitchell, co-owner of Paul Mitchell, for an exclusive interview about his career, inspiration & the future of the brand! Sergi Bancells
102 interview
n 1980 two friends were inspired to create a company that would support the success of hairdressers and provide luxury hair care at an affordable price. Paul Mitchell and John Paul DeJoria founded Paul Mitchell... and - well, the rest is history! 34 years later we sat down in L.A. with Angus Mitchell, son of Paul and now co-owner, for an exclusive interview about his career, inspiration, and the exciting new ventures for the brand! What's in store for Paul Mitchell this year? We have a new commercial we are working on for late fall 2015. We have a new shampoo for our Mitch line called 'Heavy Hitter' coming out in May - it smells fantastic... like refreshing cedar and agave scent - and leaves hair smelling great. It's magical and we are very excited about it. We had huge success with Neuro last year and we still have so much more to look forward to in our work on the electronic side with new tools! How do Neuro and Pro Tools differ? Paul Mitchell Pro Tools Express Ion Collection features exclusive Express Ion Complex - the most advanced ionic technology available. This collection of lightweight dryers, irons and brushes offers great retail opportunities to dramatically increase Take Home revenues. Neuro Tools are precision instruments for professional stylists. Key features include an ultra-sensitive SmartSence microchip that monitors iron temperature as you style and premium IsoTherm titanium barrels and plates for superior, even heat; the ultra-smooth plates glide through hair in one effortless pass. Neuro Tools are meticulously crafted in a technologically advanced facility to meet the highest standards in the industry. Moreover, we are coming out with new innovative tools - like Neuro Cell. The technology in the Neuro Cell is like nothing you've seen before. There's a microheater built inside every roller- the rollers stay heated while they're in the hair, so the curls last. It takes as little as 8 seconds to get hot, and it stays hot for fifteen minutes. Plus, it's a much sexier appearance than the traditional granny roller set we all know!
Meet Angus, the Mitch Man Paul Mitchell's Mitch line offers a wide array of high performance hair products, designed just for men. When the line debuted, John Paul DeJoria approached Angus to be the face of the line – his reasoning? Who could better represent the line than a true Mitch Man!
Everyone is always anticipating new colors from Paul Mitchell! Any news there? The new colors are all about visual color celebration. We are strongly committed as a company to growing our color business because our main objective is to increase service revenue. We're helping create volume in numbers for salons. Our color commitment is undying, and every show we do is always focused on it. We always try to exaggerate color in our shows and then the focus goes to the haircuts and structure and inspiration. We have the Pearl Natural Series coming out this May, which features five cool, smoky tones that are ideal for neutralizing warmth. We just launched Shines XG. It's been in Europe for about one year now. How did you become so big in the business? I started beauty school in 1992. I decided to become a beach boy and I worked in a hair salon back in Hawaii right by the beach. I would have three clients a day and then just go to the beach! I started to get sidetracked of course, and realized if I really wanted to get serious about this career I had to make a change. So I flew back to LA and then I went to work for Vidal Sassoon. I worked at Vidal Sassoon for three years, between the salon and the school, and then I got a call from Richard Dalton, who was Princess Diana's hairstylist. He said to me, "Angus what is your last name?" I said, "Mitchell" and he said, "That's right-you get yourself back to your company." 1997 was when I got involved heavily and it has been a truly amazing career. Can you recall the turning point in your career? I can't really pinpoint when my role changed within the company. I just take it day by day, and I feel very very blessed and very lucky. I don't take anything for granted. I don't think of myself as an owner. I think of myself as a team player. That's what makes our company so unique. Everyone is a team player. We are always collaborating together. How does is feel to work with and be surrounded by such talented people? It makes us push ourselves. It's important to be around someone who is better than you, because it makes you want to be better, too. I think that's what is really magical. One thing that's unique about us is that we don't just come together for a shoot… we're together a lot! The whole team works together all the time. We have so many conversations about our collections and our ideas. I'm very present in the company. We are very lucky that we are able to spend a lot of time together. Our team is connected and our job is our passion, we are entirely consumed by it! We're a relationship company. There's nobody who's above another person and our guru will always be Paul Mitchell.
What's your process for finding your inspiration for a certain collection? We are influenced by what's going on outside, seeing what is working, inspiring success. One collection I just did was creases & shadows, I was inspired by creases in paper, metal, etc. and the shadows on the creases. Something just as simple as that can be inspiring. What's the company's goal for education? We want to open 200 schools; we now have 111. We teach in a very positive light. We don't call them students, we call them future professionals. Our instructors are not teachers, but learning leaders. To me, our schools are the Harvard of beauty schools, because we really focus on styling, cutting, and coloring hair – as well as how to become successful in business! Our kids are leaving our schools driven. Of course we want to keep expanding our schools! It just so happens that our Slovenian partners, who have great education and are fantastic hairstylists themselves, were the first to take that international lead. Taiwan is probably next. We're slowly but surely getting to our 200 mark!
“I don’t take anything for granted... I’m a team player” How about a sneak peek of the next Gathering? We put a lot of work into our Gathering – we don't ever want them to be touristy. We always put something great together, that at times seems dangerous and crazy. One year I had to train for months to do a Cirque-du-Soleil style entrance – because we want them to be fun! After that they told me, next year we are going to launch you out of a cannon! So last year they launched me out of the floor! I never say no to anything, I trust everyone in our company. Our gatherings are remarkable for me; even though Paul Mitchell the man is not here with us anymore, he is still here in his vision – and his vision lives because of all the people who believed in him and continue to believe in him, and all of us.
Co-owners Angus Mitchell and John Paul DeJoria posing for a picture together – two awesome guys!
Cou ples T Like in other walks of life, the hairdressing industry has its own share of dynamic duos. Estetica talked to four of your favorite couples. Marie Scarano
The Doves
Since their divorce thirteen years ago, Chris and Sonya now have downtime on their own terms, but when it comes to their profession, they thrive on their differences. “We do find that we spend more time together than any married couple! And when we receive awards, we always share them.”
104 profiles
here have always been famous twosomes in the world - for better or for worse - since the days of Adam and Eve. Who hasn't heard of Bonnie and Clyde, George and Gracie, Fred and Ginger, Brad and Angelina? Today more than ever, relationships are difficult. Even Facebook gives us an “It's complicated” option. And as if this weren't stressful enough, the couples we feature here also share a career. Estetica asked them a bit about how their partnerships began, about their careers, what makes it work on and off the job.
For more than twenty years, Christopher and Sonya have been traveling around the globe, inspiring stylists with modern and innovative styling and winning a series of coveted awards, including the Hair Color USA's “Hair Colorists of the Year” award and NAHA's “Master Hairstylist of the Year”. Their winning of the 2012 Wella Ambassador's award and their extensive resumés led to their current role as Wella ® Creative Directors and even more educational gigs. They are also media
spokespeople and platform artist for Hairdreams ® hair extensions. Funnily enough, these two Brits met through their brothers while they were youngsters, before they had any inkling of what the future held for them. Christopher however had a sort of epiphany while waiting in a salon for hours to correct self-inflicted color on his own head. “While I was waiting, I saw art being created on people's heads and I realized that this would be a great outlet for my creativity.” When Sonya's original career plans to work as a nutritionist were thwarted, she was still determined to find a job that would allow her to help people. So when Chris' mother suggested joining her son at hair school, she did. “Now,” she says, “I can't The Smiths
“We decided at the beginning of our journey that we wanted to work together and that our relationship would come first. Although we don't agree on everything, we have been married for 27 years and still feel the same way.”
imagine ever doing anything else.” Both admit, however, to having different, complementary styles that they have been able to blend into the perfect balance. Christopher says, “My motto is 'more is more'. I'm drawn to a more avant-garde style.” Sonya instead says, “My motto is 'less is more'. I am more analytical and structured. I like simple, clean lines.” So how do they make such magic on-stage? “We have such different personalities,” they respond, “that together we almost make up a third person. Our individual styles make us each successful, but the balance is what makes us stronger.” Indeed, having two different personalities on stage tends to engage more of the audience as they are attracted to either one or the other artist. Christopher gravitates towards the extremely creative who like to push their boundaries, while Sonya gravitates towards the more insecure who need nurturing and patience, as she has a more analytical style of teaching. “We challenge each others views, which in turn gives us a different perspective than our own. Two heads are better then one.”
What’s the secret to a successful working relationship? Mutual respect
Brian and Sandra Smith have been committed to educating salon professionals worldwide, channeling their passion and dedication to the industry into the sole goal of helping make each hairdresser or salon owner success. They stand out for their 'holistic' approach to hair design, incorporating cutting, coloring, texture and finishing into a simple and logical presentation. The winning combination of Brian's charming Scottish burr and Sandra's warm southern accent enchants audiences. They also have an impressive collection of NAHA trophies and have won competitions in Canada and even Europe. In this couple, it was Sandra who always dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, while Brian – she claims – got into the business as an apprentice to meet women! Little did he know he would meet
we have to remind ourselves that life is about priorities.” Few people in the industry, however, are so truly dedicated to education. When they take the stage, the demonstrate an overwhelming love for what they do and sharing what they do with others. They have invested their lives in their belief that education is a never-ending journey and are totally committed to their profession. “We want to be remembered for touching people's lives, making hairdressers better, and making the beauty industry stronger.”
this Southern Belle at a hair show in Chattanooga, Tennessee while both were assisting the legendary Nicholas French. However, instead of being an international whirlwind romance, it was a solid professional friendship that gradually grew into something more. “Because we came from two different countries and cultures, it was sometimes easy and sometimes very difficult,” they remember, “but we believe it made our marriage stronger.” Yet even here there is no rivalry on the job. “As a couple we have very similar goals and aspirations, but we realized a long time ago that the sum of the whole is better than the individual parts. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. That's why we love being a team.” In addition to their grueling calendar of professional engagements, the Smiths also have three children (from previous spouses) and a total of five adorable grandchildren. Now taking a break from their successful stint with Matrix, they admit, “We do have a tendency to work a lot, so
The Bewleys
“You need to have the utmost love and respect and trust for one another. We've never tried to mold each other into something we are not. As individuals, we have been able to find a way to grow personally without losing who we are as a couple.”
“It takes us both being on the same team to make things happen” 106 profiles
Don, a successful hairdresser and salon owner, and wife Beth Bewley founded Eufora International over 10 years ago with the intention of serving independent salons. Today Eufora is one of the fastest-growing professional companies, having built is success on providing people- and planet-friendly hair care products. While Don handles the hair sector, Beth brought a background in entertainment to the family business by producing educational road shows and national platform presentations. Don and Beth have different perspectives on how they met, but the both agree they had been introduced to each other at several television industry events. Don was working as a hairdresser for ABS and Beth was a producer for the local CBS station. Don eventually broke the ice when Beth showed up at a hair show he was doing at a local club. Beth, who was sporting big hair – as women were wont to do during the '80s – claims she was somewhat peeved when the suave performer began running his hands through her hair during a demonstration. But shortly after, he officially asked her out and she accepted. They had already married and started a family when Don was offered a job on the west coast with an Aveda distributor, spurring Beth to make a full-time commitment to the world of hairdressing. They also report being opposite personalities, but it's more of a fit than a conflict. Beth says, “We grew together as business partners and as parents, so we didn't have to really adapt. We respect each other's differences and just do what we have to do. We're a great team.”
As owners of their own company, the hardest part is to balance business and family. But they found that their children actually helped them keep an even keel, and now that they are older, the family is closer than ever. And because they relative job specs are so diverse, they hardly see each other at the office. They make it sound so easy when they sum it up by saying, “The great part of working together is that you're never alone. When tough decisions arise, and they always do, you have someone you can trust completely to help make the right choices. Not only will you triumph over them, but you'll be stronger for them.”
DeAnnalyn Teal comes from a long line of hairdressers and shared with Estetica that during the punk rock movement of the '80s, she was compensating for all the pro products now available by experimenting with India Ink and Clorox to get the wild hair colors that were in vogue at the time. If you ask them how they met, don't expect a straight answer. DeAnnalyn absolutely denies being smitten at first sight and apparently refused to answer Ryan's incessant calls. But the important thing is that fate brought these two award-winning artists together as a sort of dream team of hairdressing. And they do agree that they are as close to being perfectly complementary as is possible. DeAnnalyn easily admits that “Ryan is really good
The Teals
Ryan: About 7 years ago I decided to start telling DeAnnalyn that I love her every time I think about her. Just so she'll know I'm thinking about her. I also started opening the door for her. It makes me feel like a better man. DeAnnalyn: We just like being nice to each other.
at what he does. He is the talker. He has gotten us many opportunities and is the entertainer on stage. I tend not to talk as much and just do my work.” He instead even gushes, “I am really lucky that DeAnnalyn is is a way much better hairdresser than me and is a fantastic colorist. All I do is cut hair, but she colors it.” And almost as if to balance things out, their daughter has now joined the family business. DeAnnalyn envisions this as an enormous advantage, “Now we have the energy of three people working together to make the Teals a successful hairdressing family.” That's a pretty big advantage. And with all this energy the family has leased a photo studio and agreed to shoot every Sunday they are in town. “None of us actually wants to get up early on Sunday to shoot, but we do - because we don't want to let the other two down.” Even when expressing her indignation with a system that rewards individualism, she confirms her belief in family unity. “People want to separate us for awards,” she fumes, “so when I was nominated for NAHA Hair Colorist of the Year, Ryan was as much a part of that shoot as I was, yet we couldn't enter as The Teals. Does that make sense?” Ryan and DeAnnalyn really are that dedicated to their jobs and devoted to their family and each other. In fact, they are so dedicated to their jobs that, in addition to working behind the chair in their hip salon in Portland, Oregon, they travelled about 25 weekends last year to meet and teach hairdressers. Ryan confesses, “To be honest, that is our down time. We get such a charge out of it that we forget to take days off.”
Digital Doings
The digital dimension in the hairdressing industry touches all levels, from professional product manufacturers to individual stylists. Why you should get connected... Marie Scarano
ack in 1984, Madonna sang about living in a material world...and although it may be true that her lyrics had a different connotation, in retrospect it is ironic that at about the same time, the Internet existed, but was still limited to scientific communities. Little did we know that not even a decade later, our world was to become much less “material” and much more “virtual”, “digital”, and even a dangerous-sounding “viral”. Whether you consider it a boon or a bane, it is a fact that most of us are “connected”. In spite of the risks, this may entail to your security, privacy, and time manage ment, more often than not, if you are an entre preneur, you risk more by not being in the loop.
Let's start with what we know best...Estetica: a prestigious trade journal based in Italy with a long-standing tradition of excellence in publishing hair fashion photography and news. Italians in general have art and a heightened sense of esthetics and fashion their blood, and few trade publications could ever compete with the outstanding quality paper and the graphic layouts of the latest trends you found inside.
Just some of EsteticaNetwork's many websites and apps on hair fashion and beauty.
Yet the magazine seemed to exist in another dimension and not in “real time”. Already an international affair with 27 editions worldwide, eighteen year ago, Estetica Network decided to step outside an “Old World” mentality and venture into this “Brave New World”. Today Estetica offers websites in seven different languages and has just recently launched its new Estetica.it portal, bringing all the latest local, national, and international industry news and imagery daily, even hourly. And it's optimized for tablets and mobile. Sign up for a weekly newsletter for the top stories, or log on and like one or more of our Facebook Fan Pages. Patrick McIvor and his 'hub', brimming with information, education, and ideas...that work” plus links to more pages.
“To be successful, salon professional need platforms to play with, from devices for digital photos/video to places to put them in the spotlight, like active Facebook pages, YouTube channels, Pinterest boards, and Twitter accounts,” says Patrick McIvor, Artistic & TechniCulture Director for Goldwell/KMS California and one of the most highly respected digital gurus in the business today. He considers Facebook as the modern-day town square, Twitter is today's news, Instagram is the box of family pictures. Instead, blogs and forums are places where hairdressers can find comfort in the company of kindred souls. Probably most hairdressers or salon owners already have a Facebook page and are most likely in touch with clients and posting their work there or on Instagram and Pinterest. But when you are exploiting these means to show how good your work is, McIvor also warns about indiscriminate posts. He cautions, “We have to make sure, as hairdressers, that every one of our digital images speaks to our brand, ...also by making sure the wrong images don't reach the digital world.” For more “information, education, and ideas that work”, visit patrickmcivor.com, where there is wealth of information on haircolor, HI:) Media Solutions, social networking, professional coaching, and more.
With social media, savvy hairdressers can get advertising for free Randy Taylor
Matrix offers 'family members' a professional site with plenty of perks for salon owners and MyMatrixFamily.
stylists will get the unique first person perspective of Celebrity Stylist George Papanikolas and our Artistic team as they cut, style, and color.” Matrix also relies on Facebook to engage daily with their community, which now numbers over 800,000! Twitter is used to tweet about red carpet trends. Nemeth says they love tweeting at Matrix for the big buzz it gets going in real time. Instagram instead is used to offer a glimpse into the backstage life of the brand with a view to fostering a sense of community. Blogs also tend to feature Matrix Artistic Directors like Ammon Carver, Chrystofer Benson, and Papanikolas, forging even stronger 'family links'. In fact, Nemeth says, “Matrix provides a family-like
Matrix Director of Digital Marketing Kevin Nemeth eagerly boasts, “We have a robust education offering within our MyMatrixFamily. com site and our MyMatrixFamily mobile app, which contains an interaction color formulation tool and a “Little Black Technique Book” where stylists can save their own cut, color and styling notes as well as photos of their finished work. But Nemeth shared another big scoop with us, “We are launching our Class for Glass series soon, where
The app's “Little Black Technique Book” allows stylists to save their cut, color, and styling techiques for future reference.
Moroccanoil's e-commerce site guarantees clients get authentic products and salons get rewards.
atmosphere and our audience embodies that 100%.” Fun contests and giveaways across all channels reward the community and keep people engaged. Of course, the Salon Locator helps channel new clients to salons. “All it takes is for clients to share their new looks on their social media channels to redirect new clients,” advises Nemeth, “Digital word of mouth is such a critical piece of business development!”
Still somewhat of a new frontier in the professional haircare industry, the online selling of professional products online is carving out a niche of its own, albeit with different approaches, results, and benefits. Whereas most manufacturers have a B2B site that their partners can access for inside information on products, education, news, and more, actual retail sales were generally limited exclusively to the salons themselves. Today, instead, companies are more and more frequently
Companies are using e-commerce to boost salon referrals
TIGI piqued our curiosity about website innovations, but as we go to print, everythng is still shrouded in mystery!
using savvily designed e-commerce websites to sell their professional products directly to consumers, while bringing added benefits to salon owners and the business in general. Last year, Moroccanoil launched an official e-commerce site (www.moroccanoil.com) with a view to reaffirming the company's commitment to the stylist/client relationship. Indeed, this website was designed to attract sales away from unauthorized websites, boost salon profits, and channel clients to nearby salons. In fact, when a customer makes a purchase on this site, they are asked to select a Moroccanoil salon that will receive a percentage of the total sale, thereby sharing profits with the entire distribution channel. If the e-client opts not to select a salon, the one nearest the shopper's address is credited automatically, while a list of the five Moroccanoil salons in the vicinity of the client's home is sent with their purchase. Gerardo Ludert, Moroccanoil Chief of Operations, affirms, “Our new e-commerce site provides our customers with easy access to authentic Moroccanoil products in a trusted online environment while sharing profits and making referrals to our trusted partners.” A triple whammy! Aveda has seven e-commerce sites around the world, with the USA site being the first to open. Aveda Executive Director of Consumer Engagement, Rachel Ostrom, confirms that the system is similar, offering salons commissions for guests who shop on Aveda.com. Ostrom shares,
Aveda has a pro section of the website plus two handy apps.
“Each year through emails and the website, our e-commerce site generates over 30 million referrals to our Aveda Concept Salons.” When the Sam Villa brand launched, there was already an e-commerce site in place. Like with Moroccanoil and others, Dan Polhamus, VP of Interactive at Sam Villa confirms, “E-commerce has not changed the relationship with our partners because we have implemented programs that provide profit-sharing plans for orders placed through our website. Sharing is caring!”
Once a client walks into an Aveda salon, they can rest assured that the hairdressers have had special training and are always seeking new sources of inspiration. This good news gets better, as Aveda Purefessionals needn't look far and wide to get inspired – as the Aveda professional website offers key learning and educational tools just for pros. Ostrom says, “We also have recently developed a new Aveda Business College course on social media to help Salon Owners build their social media efforts to drive business.” Instead, two apps – MyAvedaStyle and MyAvedaMakeover are geared more toward inspiration. The former is an iPhone app that allows guests and stylists to create an online look book of their favorite looks to share with clients, while the latter is an iPad app that enables colorists to upload guest photos and virtually change their haircolor for a preview before taking the big step. OYA also shares a website at OYAbeauty,com and a phone app called OYA Colorist, containing downloadable material. OYA strives to give hairdressers the 24/7 in-depth online training they need and crave to succeed in their business. Sam Villa is another go-to brand for online
Hairbrained: the ultimate forum-community by hairdressers for hairdressers. Hairbrained founder Gerard Scarpaci's photos manifest his belief that "The craft comes first".
education, both at the website (www.samvilla. com) and their YouTube channel (www. Youtube. com.samvillahair). Dan Polhamus, VP of Interactive at Sam Villa, says, “The Sam Villa brand launched as a digital company offering education through DVDs and online videos, producing education for salon professionals, cosmetolody students, and salon owners. The lessons focus on salon usable techniques and addressing common problems that hairdressers face on a daily basis, often with the use of Sam Villa Professional styling tools.” Although all three focus strongly on the educational potential of the Internet, all readily admit to engaging their client partners with all kinds of content. To expand on this, Shelley Simmons, Aveda VP Global communications, shares with us that Aveda has also recently launched the Living Aveda Blog, where everyone can enjoy anecdotes and stories about the Aveda tradition. Although Sam Villa admits to having shunned Twitter in the past, this will most likely change in 2014, as will Instagram! Even TIGI is launching a new B2B site as well as a new InCrowd site for a salon loyalty program. This is the scoop, but no details have been released as of yet. So let's wait and see.
We got Randy Taylor and Gerard Scarpaci of www.hairbrained.me to talk about the beginnings. This small group of educators was disappointed with the limitations of MySpace and so, in 2008, decided to venture out on their own to meet the needs of hairdressers. All the content is curated and hair and hairdressers are the absolute protagonists. It's the ultimate wall for any intrepid hairdresser's coloring, cutting, and styling manifesto. And The Sunday News newsletter features the best content of each week and any other important community announcements. Always keeping a finger on the pulse and working as active hairdressers themselves, they fully realized the difficulties involved in getting quality tools. So in January of last year, they launched wwww.hairbrained.pro as an e-commerce service where stylists can purchase tools whenever they want with fast delivery and low shipping costs. “Hairdressers love it,” says Randy, “Sales are climbing steeply month by month. We fully expect them to double over the next 12 months. And to accomplish this goal, we will continue to focus on the needs of our community.” Isn't that what it's all about?
Y Lucie Doughty
ou could settle for less, but chances that could be negative karma talking. Instead, what you need to do is invest in yourself and your art. And that means investing in the best tools available to stimulate your creativity and guarantee results. Here are just a few ideas to get you started. For example, back to basics and time management. Remember that the time and effort you spend organizing could be used more effectively on your more creative efforts. And no one understands this fact better than session stylist and Editorial Director for Paul Mitchell, Lucie Doughty. It was for this very reason that she came up with the idea of Straight Pin Studio. “I wanted to provide tools to help stylists in their everyday work...but I've selected only the best available and with extra tips on how to make them multi-task for any kind of look on-set,” Lucie shares. For example, the Essentials Kit has 14 spiffy compartments in a stylishly black case. The details make the difference, as you will find out when you discover the lightweight magnetic strip on the inside lid to make access to pins easier and keep your work area tidy. Plus! - there are synthetic hair padding and quality hairnets in both blond and brunette colors to give your
Most professionals are well-aware of how important quality tools can be. So just take a look at these latest ideas for your salon… irresistible! Marie Scarano
112 tools
creativity free rein on the spot. And remember not to skimp on hairbrushes, as once again quality can make all the difference in your final results. Look no further, because now, after more than two years of development, Moroccanoil has launched its first ever Boar Bristle Brush Collection. Moroccanoil Artistic Director Antonio Corral Calero admits, “We set the bar high...these brushes have been performance tested backstage at Fashion Weeks around the globe...”. Old fashion Boar Bristle promotes healthy shiny hair by delicately stimulating and massaging the scalp to distribute natural oils down the shaft. Available in round, classic and teasing versions, they also have a heat-resistant wooden handle and advanced vented ceramic barrel to speed up drying time.
Paul Mitchell Pro Tools
fhi heat
Rely on these tools to help you become the best pro you can be
farouk systems
Once you have your basics, you should consider your battery of high-tech styling tools and new breakthroughs to help simplify your life and boost your creativity. A Parlux 365 Power Light hairdryer might be a good place to start, with 2150 Watts of power controlled with 4 temperature settings and 2 speeds. There is even an instant cold shot button for perfect setting. Plus it's extremely lightweight and stylish, making this necessity a spiffy accessory in your salon. Looking for styling tools? Ryann DiBenedetto of Salon Halo in Spring Hill, Florida swears by the Mitchell Pro Tools Neuro line. “These tools make it quick and easy to achieve the looks I want and make them last,” she claims, “Thanks to the SmartSense microchip, the wands heat up in seconds and recalculates heat 50 times a second to distribute heat evenly though the IsoTherm Titanium barrel.” What sets the Glamour Ceramic Round Textured Curling Cone by FHI Heat apart is the diamond-shaped pattern that prevents sliding, allowing hair to grip the barrel. Obviously it has FHI Heat's Nano-FuzeionTM technology to prevent damage as well. Once you've got your creative juices flowing freely, you might even have time to take care of retail business. Making your life easier in this department is Farouk Systems, who have developed an interactive tool bar to eliminate barriers between customers and products by allowing them to 'test drive' DURA CHI blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons, and brushes. “Salons have an advantage when retailing,” explains Basim Shami, Farouk Systems CEO, “because consumers trust their stylists and rely on them for expert advice.” The tool bar even comes pre-assembled – leaving you more time to create new styles with your other tools!
Get your checklist ready and pack your bags for one of these exciting destinations
Mar 9-11
IBS New York
New York City (USA) www.ibsnewyork.com
Top Hair International
Düsseldorf (Germany) www.top-hair-international.com
America’s Beauty Show
Chicago (USA) www.americasbeautyshow.com
4th - 7th April COSMOPROF WORLDWIDE BOLOGNA Bologna - www.cosmoprof.com
Record-breaking figures in 2013. But Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is not resting on its laurels. One of its most popular initiatives is Cosmoprof on the Road, a travelling roadshow that explores potential and emerging markets whilst spreading the word about the fair to even more buyers and new exhibitors for this year’s event (April 4th-7th). The roadtrip kicked off in Latin America (Lima, Bogota, Saõ Paolo, Bahia and Santiago) before making an appearance in Singapore. More destinations are planned in preparation for the 2014 trade fair and will be announced soon. At the fair itself, the packaging expo Cosmopack will be back again, as will the International Buyer Program for profitable networking opportunities. Also, a new entry – the Powder Factory, a cosmetics event dedicated to that classic product, face powder.
Salon Melbourne
Melbourne (Australia) www.salonmelbourne.com.au
Ponce Intl. Beauty Show
Ponce (Puerto Rico) www.sanjuanbeautyshow.com/ponce/
The South Florida Beauty Show
Fort Lauderdale (USA) www.ibeautyshow.com
Apr 4-7 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna Bologna (Italy) www.cosmoprof.com
Intercoiffure Spring Symposium
Boca Raton, FL (USA) www.intercoiffure.us
next 3rd - 5th May
Frankfurt - www.hair-beauty.messefrankfurt.com From 3rd to 5th May, the Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH centre in Frankfurt am Main will play host to the annual Hair&Beauty trade fair again and top brand names such as L’Oréal Professionnel and Paul Mitchell have already confirmed their attendance. A huge draw for visitors is the OMC Hairdressing World Cup event which takes place in concurrence with Hair&Beauty. The novelty this year is Green Salon, an initiative focusing on eco-sustainability within the hair and cosmetics industries. This dedicated show will educate professional visitors on how to present ecofriendly products and services to their clients.
Hair Brasil
São Paulo (Brazil) www.hairbrasil.com
InterCharm Professional
Moscow (Russia) www.intercharmpro.ru
Sebastian What’s Next Awards Los Angeles (USA) www.sebastianwhatsnexttour.com
May 3-5
Frankfurt (Germany) www.hair-beauty.messefrankfurt.com
OMC Hairworld
Frankfurt (Germany) www.omchairworld.com
Beauty Forum Hungary Budapest (Hungary) www.beauty-fairs.de
Luxe Pack New York
New York City (USA) www.luxepacknewyork.com
Beautyworld Middle East
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) www.beautyworldme.com
31May-2 June Premiere Orlando
Orlando (USA) www.premiereorlandoshow.biz
Jun 1-2
31st May - 2nd June PREMIERE ORLANDO
Orlando - www.premiereorlandoshow.biz
Sun and Show from 31st May to 2nd June this year in Orlando, Florida. The Premiere International Beauty Event will bring together businesses and professionals operating in the hair and beauty sectors, at the Orlando/ Orange County Convention Centre. The event has come a long way since its early days when a single exhibitor played host to just 300 visitors in a hotel lobby. The fair now occupies a quarter of a million square feet of exhibition space and last year attracted over 54,000 visitors keen to see the latest innovation, products and technologies, a figure expected to be equalled or even surpassed this year. Top educational classes and workshops will once again be offered throughout the full three days, while June 1st-2nd is dedicated also to the show floor. For more info, www.premiereorlandoshow.biz
Pick a continent, find an event, and get ready for entertainment and education
Guadalajara (Mexico) www.ebio.mx
Hair Expo Australia
Sydney (Australia) www.hairexpoaustralia.com
HBA Global Exposition & Conference New York City (USA) www.hbaexpo.com
IBS Las Vegas
Lisbon - www.stylemasters.com - www.americancrew.com/ allstarchallenge April heralds the Revlon Professional Style Masters Show. The event will include, as usual, the final of the Style Masters photographic competition, complete with three new categories for entries of three different looks created using Style Masters products – Best Technique Award, Creativity Award and Young Talent Award – in addition to Global Winner. Also, during this event, the American Crew All-Star Challenge will reach its climax as fifteen national finalists fly to Portugal to recreate their looks for men in a professional photoshoot, from which the overall winners will then be chosen. Prizes include a front cover and feature articles in Estetica and American Crew Style Selector, a trophy, participation in one of the biggest European American Crew shows, and a place on the jury for the 2015 event.
Las Vegas (USA) www.ibslasvegas.com
ISSE 2014 continues to be the West Coast's largest and most influential total beauty show-full of international beauty leaders and indie trendsetters!
Below, five of the industry’s most creative talents gathered on stage to unveil Aveda's Culture Clash Collection.
116 events
n event full of inspiration, collaboration, and energy – where industry professionals can come together and invigorate one another in their passion: the Professional Beauty Association's (PBA) International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach 2014 (ISSE Long Beach)! Estetica had an amazing time there this year, thrilled to go behind the scenes and catch up with the over 350 top international brands that were in attendance! A vibrant crowd of nearly 40,000 beauty professionals from around the world attended the show. ISSE is known for its diverse exhibitor base and as the launch pad for new beauty products and services, and 2014 was no exception. Exhibiting brands included: Clairol Professional, Conair, Scruples, Moroccanoil, OPI Products Inc., Vidal Sassoon, Wella Professionals, Cailyn Cosmetics, and Zotos International. ISSE was also excited to welcome Aveda to the show floor for the first time this year, marking the return of the company to any expo floor over several years! The event featured more than 150 education sessions, spanning all three days of the show! Educators included Allen Ruiz, Charlie Price, Berry Bachen and DJ Riggs, Enzo Milano, and OPI – just to give you an idea of how amazing these sessions were. ISSE Long Beach also brought back its spectacular Hairstyling Competitions in 2014. The hair competitions allowed students and licensed professionals to show off their skill and win cash and career prestige. The NailPro Nail Competitions featured an array of new and seasoned entrants. In addition to the returning Hairstyling Competitions, PBA and ISSE were proud to host for the first time Major League Barber's Barber Brawl competitions. The North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) Stage featured past winners and multicategory finalists in an intimate setting where attendees learned up-close from some of the industry's biggest stars on how to produce a winning NAHA collection. Presenters included Faatemah Ampey, Steve Elias and Maryl Velbeck.
Awesome live stage performances exploding with vibrant creativity and passion
New CEO for Macadamia
Beauty industry veteran Vincent Davis has been named CEO of Macadamia Natural Oil. Davis comes to Macadamia with over 20 years of experience, including stints at Kenra Laboratories, Matrix and TIGI. “Macadamia has a fantastic product portfolio to support salons and stylists and I am looking forward to working with the entire Macadamia team to build upon the incredible success the brand has had in only a few short years”, Davis stated. “We are excited and delighted to have Vince join the Macadamia team to help drive the future growth of the brand”, stated John Fasan, founder of Macadamia Natural Oil.
Joico’s New Hires
Diana Mason and Amy Hart have been nominated Territory Managers at Joico. Both women will report directly to Lindsay Rumpel, Director, Business Development. Diana comes to Zotos with a strong background in hair color, education, and business planning. She has also worked for various distributors and manufacturers in our industry. As Territory Manager, she will be responsible for the full service Cosmoprof stores and the advisor team for the Florida, Alabama and Georgia markets. Amy comes to Zotos with a strong background in hair color and education. She has worked for Aveda and most recently, was a salon owner. Amy will be responsible for managing the full service Cosmoprof stores and advisor team for the Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets.
Vincent Davis, new Chief Executive Officer of Macadamia Natural Oil.
Joico's new Territory Managers: Diana Mason and Amy Hart. Two women in the know.
Eufora promotes Phillips to VP of Sales
Fred Phillips has been promoted to Executive Vice President of Sales. Fred joined Eufora in February 2011 as Business Development Manager and rose quickly to his new position. A seasoned specialist in developing and strengthening salon businesses and brands, Phillips expanded his experience in the professional beauty industry by initiating and executing successful sales, loyalty, distribution and e-commerce programs for several leading brands prior to joining Eufora. Phillips has also proven his international savvy by serving as President of the Macadamia Natural Oil, which has seen success at home and abroad due to his leadership and promotional strategies.
Hairdressing loses a legend
Horst Rechelbacher, the legendary founder of Aveda Corp. and owner of Intelligent Nutrients organic salon products, passed away after losing his battle with pancreatic cancer. A true genius and hairdressing legend, Horst’s life was a rags-to-riches story. Born in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 1941, Rechelbacher learned about the plant world from his mother during his childhood in Austria. After opening his first salon in Minneapolis in 1965, he launched Aveda Corp. in 1978 and built it into an eco-friendly brand. He eventually sold the company to Estee Lauder and later opened Intelligent Nutrients in 1995. The world of hairdressing celebrates his life and mourns his death.
118 news
Fred Phillips, new Executive Vice President of Sales at Eufora.
Horst Rechelbacher will be sadly missed.
L'Oréal USA hires Kristina Schake
After many years of impressive accomplishments, Kristina Schake's work in bringing about social change through policy, legislative, social marketing and media initiatives, caught the eye of the federal government, ultimately landing her a job as Communications Director for First Lady Michelle Obama. Two year's later, Mrs. Obama's loss is L'Oréal's gain as Schake has recently been hired as L'Oréal USA Chief Communications Officer, with a view to raising the profile of L'Oréal in the United States. “I’m really looking forward to learning more about the amazing hairdressers who serve clients each and every day, the salon business and the professional products that help women look beautiful all year long,” she asserts.
Kristina Schake brings her Washington experience to L’Oréal’s Professional Products Division.
Parlux worldwide
Parlux’s international trade show program for 2014 promises to be a frenzy of activity as they will be present in person or through their local distributors at a series of exhibitions, ranging from Cosmoprof Bologna and Asia to other important gatherings in Europe, USA, South America and Middle East. If you have the opportunity, drop by the Parlux stand to check out these quality professional hair tools, produced with cutting-edge technology and an eco-friendly philosophy, capable of meeting all your hairdressing needs. Info: www.parlux.it.
Wella “Supports Your Cause” Challenge
As part of its Hairdressers at Heart program, Wella, the salon professional division of P&G, kicked off its “Supports Your Cause” Charity Challenge. This video competition will award a total of $43,000 in grants to hairdressers and salon owners who demonstrate their dedication to community outreach programs. The award money is intended to finance fundraisers, cut-a-thons, and benefit local charities. Submit your entry today at www.hairdressersatheart.com. The deadline is April 1, 2014. A combination of web-based public voting and a judging by a panel of industry experts will take place from April 15th to May 15th, before announcing the winners in June 2014.
Parlux will be globetrotting in 2014. Catch up with what's going on at Parlux at an event near you!
OYA takes two for the team!
Two new Regional Artistic Managers will be joining the OYA 2014 Artistic Team – Kim Meadows and Joseph Bogart. Kim Meadows grew up surrounded by family members in the beauty industry and boasts 25 years in hairdressing, 18 of which she was a salon owner. However, she soon decided to make education her focus, with stints at Joico, ISO and Minardi before signing on with OYA. Joseph Bogart, previous owner of Eleveight Salon in Seattle, has been in the hair industry for 27 years and has also worked as a freelance make-up artist and session stylist. His passion for education led him to work with Tressa, Keune, Redken, Artec, and Pravana before joining OYA. Best of luck and congrats to all! Kim Meadows and Joseph Bogart are valuable additions to the OYA team.
Âť 1 DANCOLY Let's face it. Sometimes we get carried away with in-salon color, smo-
othing, and curling services. When compounded with heat from hair dryers and irons, not to mention styling products, hair can become dry and damaged. This is why Dancoly developed Morocco Color Protect Silky Oil, enriched with morocco oil, orange flower oil, water soluble protein, rosemary and other micro-molecule plant essential oils. This lush concoction supplements refining protein to hair and deeply repairs dry or damaged hair caused by coloring and chemical treatment. Hair is once again vibrant and elastic.
2 SHAAN HONQ The good people at Shaan Honq understand today's stressful
lifestyle and that time is often short for a trip to your salon or a shower at home. In these cases, dry shampoo is an ideal solution, and Shaan Honq Dry Shampoo SH-76 was formulated to resolve hair and scalp problems quickly and hassle-free, thanks to special ingredients like Pancil, derived from persimmons, rice amino acids, cress extract and others. Greasiness is eliminated, dandruff reduced, bad odor dissolved and hair follicles refreshed, with this convenient fresher-upper.
Where would you be without them? The latest products for you to try Now there is another option for salon professionals and clients who don't want to weigh down their hair with everyday conditioner. Tibolli's Bubble-Free Shampoo is a foam-free cleanser which leaves your hair moisturized, nourished and silky smooth. This formulation, made with natural plant extracts like Olive Fruit Oil, Macroloba Seed Oil & Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, soothes and cleanses the scalp while delivering gentle natural hydration. Hair is coated with a light conditioning effect, making it possible, depending on the hair type, to have an all-in-one hair care system and added shine.
When hair is dry, dull and generally coarse feeling from seasonal excesses and harsh weather, GKhair now has a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner that also offer the added value of color protection. Developed specifically for at-home hair care, Color Protection Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner by GKhair are fortified with Juvexin, a unique formulation of keratin proteins that enhance the texture and condition of all hair types. Natural Seed Oils, Natural Plant Extracts, and Natural Grain also do their part to moisturize strands and soothe the scalp.
4 GK Hair
5 MATRIX The new Matrix ColorInsider High Intensity Red collection pro-
duces gorgeous, pure, cool red shades with visible intensity and incomparable longevity to round out the beautiful existing copper- and violet-toned reds in the ammonia-free ColorInsider palette. Thanks to ODS2 technology, color actives are propelled directly to the hair’s core for high resolution impact and color that is true, sharp and saturated. The result is shiny, healthy hair with no unpleasant odor and truer red color for longer - everything color professionals and their clients could ever want.
America’s Beauty Show… And All That Jazz! Inspiring salon professionals and stimulating hairdressers with spectacular creativity.
T Hair: Aquage Photo: Luis Alvarez of Aquage Make-up: Wanda Alvarez Nails: Angi Wingle of CND Fashion Stylist: Patric Chauvez
he 2014 America's Beauty Show marketing campaign marks the 5th time Cosmetologists Chicago has worked with Luis Alvarez and the Aquage Team, on exclusive images reflecting the personality of its hometown, and America's Beauty Show's dedication to the creativity of hairdressers. President Joseph Cartagena notes, “We believe in inspiring salon professionals with our show, our year-round education, and photo shoots. A visual message is what resonates with our audience and we work hard to make our visuals exciting and stimulating.” For the past five years the annual marketing photo shoot has set America’s Beauty Show apart in the minds and hearts of salon professionals, from coast to coast. The 2014 America's Beauty Show campaign focuses on Chicago and music. From jazz to classical, blues to gospel, Chicago is a music-filled town that will also be filled with 50,000 + salon professionals attending America's Beauty Show, March 22-24, 2014. “We are proud to have collaborated with America's Beauty Show for a 5th time,” notes Luis Alvarez, VP of Creative and co-founder of Aquage.“Our team's series of dramatic images express our love of creative dress work, while ‘playing up’ Chicago's rich, musical history.” According to Kristen Erickson, Creative Director for America's Beauty Show says, “Ann Bray and her team of expert stylists
Inspired by the multi-faceted musical heritage of Cosmetologists Chicago's home town.
work for months on the hairpieces and designs that we shoot in a second… and then move on to the next. “This year's America's Beauty Show campaign,” added Erickson, “also involved a lot of props– from microphones to instruments – and they all had to work to show off the models' hair.” For inspiration, education and a fabulous weekend with your peers, America's Beauty Show, at McCormick Place in downtown Chicago is the event to attend. Plan now for the 2015 America's Beauty Show, March 21-23. Visit AmericasBeautyShow.com for details.
Our team's dramatic images express our love of creative dress work,while ‘playing up’ Chicago's rich musical history
Excitement levels skyhigh for Hairworld / Hair and Beauty 2014, with some great news on sustainable products.
Once again, this year's industry appointment at Hairworld / Hair and Beauty 2014 holds some incredible surprises in store.
reen Salon is the title of a special new show to be held as part of Hairworld / Hair and Beauty in Frankfurt am Main from 3rd to 5th May, 2014. Located in an eye-catching area of Hall 3.0, the show will be dedicated to the latest trend of sustainability in the hairdressing and cosmetics industry. Thinking and acting sustainably is ‘in’. Whether it be sustainable in an ecological, socially responsible or economic sense, the trend pervades all branches of industry and all segments of the economy. It is a trend that has long been established in the hairdressing trade and beauty industry. The market for ecological, fairly manufactured goods and services that conserve resources – in a word, ‘green’ – has been growing for many years. It is not only a question of our being mindful of our common future. Health aspects also have a particular part to play in the hair and beauty industry. The number of customers suffering from skin irritations, allergies or even more serious disorders is on the increase. These customers deliberately
choose natural and ecologicallybased products and services. The new ‘Green Salon’ special show provides stimulating ideas for presenting products and approaching customers in the field of sustainable hairdressing and cosmetic supplies. With a small café, lectures and a visitor poll of the Green Salon’s most popular product, the area promotes the exchange of specialist know-how between crafts, trade and industry. A carefull selection has been made, and only products that conform to established ecological criteria will be on display. 2014 is the year of the hairdressing world championships, the OMC Hairworld World Cup, in Frankfurt am Main. OMC Hairworld will be held concurrently with Hair and Beauty, the trade fair for the hair-cosmetic industry and the hairdressing and beautician trades, from 3rd to 5th May, 2014. With an online ticket for Hairworld / Hair and Beauty 2014, you can be sure of gaining
quick and easy admission to the fair, without having to waste time in tedious queues to register and buy a ticket at the box offices. Moreover, the online ticket also serves as a local public-transport ticket which, when presented alongside an identity card or passport, entitles you to free use of local train, bus and tram services operated by the RMV transport authority in Frankfurt and the surrounding area. Further information at: www.hair-beauty.messefrankfurt.com
Eco-friendly and sustainable issues are currently en vogue – the “Green Salon” show will be overflowing with ideas and tips on the topic
Estetica n. 1/2014
ad index AMERICA'S BEAUTY SHOW www.americasbeautyshow.com
BOSLEY Hair: Maria Dowling for L'Oréal Professionnel Photo: Adam Browning-Hill Make-up: Denni Passon
DANCOLY COSMETIQUE www.dancoly.com
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