ESTIEM Magazine | Autumn 2020 | Innovation in a Crisis: Adapting and Advancing

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WHEN CHANGES ARE NECESSARY “ may end up working in a completely different field..:”

“You will work in the field of your studies”. I hear

knowledge, among others. ESTIEM is, obviously, a

this quite often even though the reality is that

big help in this matter. Every single student from

studies are actually just a source. This whole

the same university finishes their studies with the

pandemic situation created a situation where

same certificate, but if you take advantage of the

loads of engineers all around Europe had to

possibilities that this association gives you, you

change and get used to working in a new way,

will make a big difference. If you want to focus

place or field. So did I.

your career in some way or another, differentiate yourself from the rest and redirect your learning

Back in February, I was working in an aerospace

path. In my example, Data Science and Lean

company in England. Everything was going

Six Sigma helped me to find new opportunities

smoothly until I came back to Spain due to the

and will help me to find my next job, since the

virus outbreak, and they asked me to work from

recruiters are asking for skills like those, increasing

home. Big changes require big moves, so they

exponentially year by year.

Raúl Sotillo Guzmán Local Group Seville

required me to work in a completely different project. During the quarantine time, I got to know

Engineering, in the end, is a whole. It is the science

Data Science. Catalogued as “the sexiest job in the

of problem-solving. Problems can be seen from

21st century”, it seems to be a good example of

infinite different perspectives, and that is why we

a nowadays very useful engineering supplement,

need all the different names. Remember though,

as many others can be. It was a really useful step

that in your entire academic studies they are just

since I was dealing with data analysis for a large

teaching you how to solve a problem. You may

part of my work. It really helped me, in addition to

end up working in a completely different field,

the Lean Six Sigma course I took with ESTIEM (even

something you did not choose or somewhere

applying these concepts in Python programming

you did not expect to be working on. Always

language), to understand precisely the information

premeditate the right choices, but never overthink

I was working with.

them because they will never end up exactly where you wanted. Who said that unexpectedness is not

Depending on the focus of your engineering

a key part of the whole adventure after all?

degree, there are plenty of different extras, such as design, language programs or Lean Six Sigma

ESTIEM Magazine | 59th issue - Innovation in a Crisis: Adapting and Advancing 11

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