Estonian Air inflight magazine In Time (July/August 2012)

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inflight magazine July / August 2012

ingrid lukas Sings like an angel

Birgitta Festival

HELSINKI VIENNA Beer country Estonia Football Championship Hidden treasures, AHHAA and fresh summer cocktails

your complimentary copy

Maxi Marine Chronometer Self-winding chronometer certified movement. Water-resistant to 200 m. 18 ct rose gold case. Available on gold bracelet or leather strap. W W W . U LY S S E - N A R D I N . C O M

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - Ta l l i n n 1 0 1 4 0 - E s t o n i a - T. + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

July / August 2012


Estonian Air aitab hõlpsasti reisi kavandada

Easy Travel Planning with Estonian Air

Puhkuste kõrghooaeg paneb paljud reisiplaane tegema ja mõtlema, kuidas sõprade ja lähedaste seltsis mõnusalt aega veeta. Estonian Air arendab teenuseid põhimõttel, et puhkusereis ei alga lennujaamast, vaid juba kodust või kontorist, kui olete info saamiseks või piletite tellimiseks otsustanud meiega ühendust võtta. Hiljuti Estonian Airi kodulehele lisatud hinnakalender ja lennukaart aitavad vaadata lennuplaani, saada infot Estonian Airi otsesihtkohtade kohta, leida madalaimat saadaolevat hinda ja osta piletit. Lisaks pakume kodulehe vahendusel üle 100 000 erineva hinnaklassi ja teenindustasemega hotelli kogu maailmas ning soodsate hindadega takso- ja autorenditeenuseid. Juunist alates pakume Estonian Airi kodulehel uuenduslikku teenust nimega Let Me Think (Mõtlen veel), mis võimaldab valitud hinnatasemega piletid 48 tunniks ootele panna, et arutada reisiplaane ja mõtteid kolleegide, sõprade või pereliikmetega ning teha lõplik otsus, kas minna reisile või mitte. Juulist alates saavad turistiklassi pileti ostnud reisijad taas pikematele lendudele meie kodulehelt sooja toitu ette tellida.

The peak holiday season makes us planning trips in order to spend enjoyable time with our family and friends. Our approach to developing services is based on the insight that your trip does not begin at the airport. It starts at home or in the office when you decide to contact us for getting information and booking your trip. The Fare Calendar and Route Map at Estonian Air’s home page were worked out a while ago to help you to explore the flight schedule, get information on Estonian Air’s direct flight destinations, find the lowest available fares and buy tickets. In addition, Estonian Air is offering a possibility to choose between thousands of accommodation facilities all over the world, as well as taxi or car rental options for a favorable price. In June we launched a new and innovative service on Estonian Air’s home page.The “Let Me Think” option provides an easy way to ‘lock in’ a selected fare for up to 48 hours. This gives sufficient time to share the itinerary and travel plans with your friends and family and decide upon booking the flight. From July we again offer Economy Class passengers a possibility to pre-order a hot meal on longer flights, which can be done on our home page.

Soovin teile meeldivat lendu Estonian Airiga – ja jääge meiega!

Have a good flight with Estonian Air – and stay with us.

Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 6401 101 Tiraaž: 8000

Tootja: RKontor Reklaam: Nordicom Trükikoda: Reusner AS Reklaamikontakt:

Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air, Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Ingrid Lukas Fotograaf / Photographer: Sarah Maurer

in time July / August 2012

THERE ARE STORIES THAT DESERVE TO BE CAPTURED FOREVER. A special encounter, a marriage proposal, these are precious, life-changing moments that deserve to be recorded forever. What will yours be? Let our engraving, enamelling and gemsetting artists immortalise your legend on the caseback of the iconic watch. A Reverso just for you. GRANDE REVERSO LADY ULTRA THIN. Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 846/1.


Priit Hõbemägi kolumnist

Lennukis tulevad paremad mõtted Iga kord, kui sõitsin reisile, panin tähele oma-

pärast nähtust. Veel enne kui lennuk õhku tõusis, veel enne turvavöö kinnitamist, hakkasid mu peas keerlevad küsimused üksteise järel nagu iseenesest lahenema. Mõtlesin töö- ja muudele asjadele tavaliselt terve lennu aja, tegin märkmeid ja enne sihtpunkti jõudmist olin lahendanud hulga küsimusi, mis muidu pikemat pusimist tõotasid. Ma ei osanud fenomeni seletada, ja leppisin selle kui sündinud tõsiasjaga. Kuni kord sattusin juhuslikult artiklile, mis rääkis ühest teaduslikust uuringust.

Teadlased olid uurinud seda, miks me

tihti ei suuda koduses või töises keskkonnas oma probleeme lahendada, kuid leiame neile kiiresti lahenduse siis, kui oleme tavapärasest keskkonnast kusagil kaugel eemal. Selgus, et meie aju jälgib hoolikalt, kus kohas me oma mõtetega tegeleme ja käitub vastavalt sellele eri moel. Kui istume töölaua taga ja mõtleme mingile ülesandele, siis tuletab aju meile pidevalt meelde, miks me seda või teist lahendust kasutada ei saa – näiteks pole piisavalt raha, inimesi, aega või muid ressursse.


Kui aga püüame sama teemat lahendada paarisaja kilomeetri kaugusel oma büroost, siis oleksid justkui need takistavad asjaolud kadunud – või kui soovite – lennukist maha jäänud. Näeme asjaolusid selgemalt ja justnagu kõrgemalt. Saame keskenduda, ilma et süveneksime liigselt pisidetailidesse. Suudame välja mõelda innovaatilisi lahendusi.

Niimoodi juhtus ka minuga – lennukisse

istudes olin vaimus juba töökeskkonnast väljunud ja mu mõistus häälestus ümber. Olin justkui asjadest üle ja vaatlesin suurt pilti linnulennult, nägin paremini seoseid erinevate lülide vahel ja suutsin neid omavahel ühendada. Mõtelda oli mõnus. Nii et lennureisi ajal on lausa soovitav igasuguseid asju selgeks mõelda. Hiljuti aga kuulsin raadiost soovitust osta lennureisile kaasa varuaku, et mitmetunnise lennu ajal tühjaks mängitud nutitelefoni akut juba enne maandumist uuesti laadida saaks! Tõepoolest, lendamisel on palju võlusid – mängi, maga, unista või mõtle! Ja nagu teadlased on välja uurinud, õnnestub mõtlemine lennukis isegi paremini kui maa peal.

in time July / August 2012

coming up estonia

the Babylonian heroic epic „Gilgamesh“, the mother and father of all hero myths. Performance has English subtitles.

Tallinn Grand Fragility June 9 – July 22, Tallinn Art Hall n  Estonian professional glass art presents a large scale installative exhibition to celebrate its 75th anniversary. One focus of the exhibition is the World of Glass collection of more than 30 musical instruments made of glass as part of the European Capital of Culture programme.

Photo: Kaupo Kikkas

pärnu 19th International Exhibition of Nude Art Man and WoMan June 3 – September 3, n

Museum of New Art This summer, in the most popular art show of Estonia, artists from the countries of the Baltic Sea are presenting their newest images. The XXVI Pärnu International Film Festival takes place in the same museum. More than a hundred dramatic documentaries on remote ethnic cultures are screened from 2 July 2nd through 22 July 22nd. Documentaries on the survival of indigenous people are presented besides Pärnu in Viljandi, Haapsalu, Otepää as well as on the islands of Kihnu, Manija and Vormsi

Gilgamesh or the Button of Eternity August 16-29, Krahli Theater n  When else but during the eve of the apocalypse and the golden age of the radical reform in values could the dreams of noble spirits meet in the secret battlefields and empathetic barricades of the inner cosmos. The biggest acts of heroism occur in the unseen depths of the heart. The most foolhardy heroes celebrate or disintegrate in the silence of the universe. Billions leave this planet without ever hearing of them. In order to stand against this intolerable injustice and to see the eternal return of heroism, the Von Krahl Theatre has pierced the fog of history with its clear and fearless eyes to see the most ancient wisdom that the quill has ever etched on paper and that the millennia have chiseled in living hearts. Right to the very beginning – to

Vilmantas Marcenkevicius (Lithuania) NEW GAME, oil on canvas

Leigo Leigo Lake Music Festival August 3-4, Leigo n

Photo: Kris Moor


15 years of festival history has witnessed many jazz, rock, electronic and classical artists such as Emiliana Torrini, Coco Mbassi, Bird, Nils Petter Molvaer, Rinneradio, Jimi Tenor as well as the most interesting and beloved Estonian artists. The 15th edition of Leigo will brings together powerful women – Estonian artists Siiri Sisask and the talented young singer Iiris Vesik (EMI), as well as. Sami singer Mari Boine will close the day with her magical

voice. The two-day festival is also very proud to host Maestro Neeme Järvi, as it has been a tradition over the past five years. Maestro celebrates his 75th birthday this year, and what could be a better reason to listen to great openings of worldfamous symphonies.

Otepää auto24 Rally Estonia 2012 July 20-21, Otepää and South Estonia n  Auto 24 Rally Estonia is Fia Historic Sporting Rally Championships, 3rd round of Estonian Championships, 5th round of Latvian Championships, Baltic Rally Championships, North European Zone Championships.

europe Amsterdam Amsterdam Canal Parade August 4, The City's Canals n  The spectacular Canal Parade is the highlight of the Amsterdam Pride celebrations. Up to 100 boats carrying costumed party people are watched by around 350,000 people as they pass down the city's main canals each year. Since its inception in 1995, the event has become ever more popular. With gaily decorated flat-bottomed boats and barges ferrying dancers and partygoers along Amsterdam's waterways, it's also hard to miss.

in time July / August 2012

Sophie Marceau

Suur-Karja 9 - Tallinn 10140 Estonia -

coming up other goodies in the world-renowned prim and proper emporium.

Afisha Picnic

Wimbledon Championships

July 21, Kolomenskoe n

June 25 - July 8, The All England n

Brussels Brussels Flower Carpet August 14–19, Grand'Place n  Every two years, Brussel's Grand Place swaps its cobbles for a spectacular carpet of multi-coloured flowers. The intricate designs often include scenes from Belgian folklore and myth.

Each night at 10pm, 10.30pm and 11pm a sound-and-light show provides music and a nocturnal rainbow of colour.

Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Widely considered the world's greatest tennis tournament, top-seed players, traditional strawberries and cream and the infamous rain delays set Wimbledon apart from other Grand Slams.

BLOC Weekend July 6–7, London Pleasure Gardens n  Base Logic's BLOC Weekend party is set to take to London's new Pleasure Gardens with two days of cutting-edge dance music. With DJs and live acts playing 24 hours a day, even hardcore music fans may find it hard to keep up.

Since 2004, Afisha Picnic music festival has taken over the Tsar's former estate of Kolomenskoe for a day in July, promoting international and local bands for 50,000 visitors over the 1000-acre site. It is, not surprisingly, Moscow's largest outdoor festival.

nice European Petanque Competition July 21–23, Promenade des Anglais n  The best club teams on the continent battle it out for supremacy – the action also unfolds at the Place Masséna and Quai des Etats-Unis.

Occitan FestiVous Festival August 17–19, Francis Gag Theatre n  Southern France is proud of Occitan – the medieval Romance language traditionally spoken in the region. Each autumn Nice celebrates this linguistic heritage with the Occitan FestiVous Festival of music and plays.

Hannover Maschsee Festival August 1–19 2012, Maschsee Lake n  The Maschsee Festival in Hannover is one of the largest summer festivals in northern Germany, attracting millions to enjoy a vast number of concerts and performing arts shows. The festivities open and close with impressive firework displays at Maschsee Lake. Stages are set up in the northern area around the Löwenbastion, presenting a variety of music catering to all tastes, and boats cruise Maschsee Lake, enabling visitors to stage-hop with ease.

London Harrods Summer Sale June 16 – July 8, Harrods n  Harrods Summer Sale draws thousands of bargain hunters to the Knightsbridge store every year. Shoppers sniff out cut-price designer clothes, kitchen appliances and

moscow Summer Ballet Festival

Oslo Oslo Jazzfestival

June 13 – July 28, Natalia Sats n

August 13–18 n

Theatre Preserving Russia's cultural legacy, the Summer Ballet Festival presents a twomonth classical repertoire enhanced by modern choreography. The Russian National Ballet, Russian State Ballet Theatre and the State Classic Ballet Theatre share the programme of ballet classics, from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker, Adam's Giselle and Delibes' Coppelia to 20th-century ballets, such as Prokofiev's Cinderella, Kachesov's Rasputin and Barbieri's Last Tango in Paris.

The streets and a multitude of venues fill with the sound of jazz in all its guises during the annual Oslo Jazzfestival, first held in 1986. The programme features 70 concerts.

Ibsen Stage Festival August 23 – September 9, n  National Theatre Oslo's National Theatre hosts the biennial Ibsen Stage Festival, in honour of the beloved playwright Henrik Ibsen. Watch productions of his plays, take part in guided tours or listen to seminars, concerts and readings.

Qui Vive: Moscow International Biennale for Young Art July 10 – August 12 n  First held in 2008, Moscow's Qui Vive? International Biennale for Young Art takes place every other July across the capital's art galleries. Encouraging young artists by asking qui vive? ("who goes there?") it discovers new voices in Russia's art world.


in time July / August 2012

Pure adrenalin

Grand Prix de Monaco Historique Cooper T71/73, 1963

Suur-Karja 9, Tallinn 10140, Estonia Tel: +372 641 9333 - -

coming up paris Tour de France: Final Stage July 22, Champs Elysées n  Hundreds of cyclists race along the Champs-Elysées as part of the last stage of the Tour de France. The arrival of the world's most famous cycle race along this famous avenue is a sight not to be missed.

Paris Quartier d'Eté Festival July 14 – August 11 n  As locals head off on holiday, life goes on in Paris, as the Quartier d'Été demonstrates. Choose from some 200 concerts many free – in parks across town, including the panoramic Parc de Belleville perched high over the city.

Fête de Ganesh September 2, Sri Manicka Vinayakar n  Alayam Temple Paris has Indian parade - the Fête de Ganesh. The Little India district comes alive for this colourful procession, leaving from the Sri Manicka Vinayakar Alayam Temple. Traditionally, coconuts are cracked open as the flower- and fruit-decked float of the god Ganesh is carried through the throng.

Before the procession, a religious ceremony is held at the temple.

festivals. Held in some of the city's most grandiose venues, including the magnificent Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky Prospekt.

display in the world. Stretching for 13 km along the beachfront, the technologically advanced explosions are carefully synchronised, lighting up the entire sky above the floating city.

Stockholm Midnight Race Stockholm

Venice International Film Festival

August 18 n

August 29 – September 8, Lido di n

Stockholm's trendy Södermalm district is the place to be any night of the year, but especially this one. More than 20,000 runners participate in the annual 10K Midnight Race (Midnattsloppet), with samba and festivities spilling out onto the streets.

Venezia The Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica, better known internationally as the Venice International Film Festival, is by far the oldest film festival still in existence today. Screenings take place at various cinemas, but the centre of the action is the Lido area.

Ung08 Youth Festival August 14–18 n  Ung08 may not make much sense to English speakers, but to Stockholm's teenagers it means it's time to party! For the final week of the summer holidays, the city centre is a teenage playground, with energetic concerts, artist performances and raging.

Stockholm Triathlon August 25–26 n

Vienna Gürtel Nightwalk August 27, Main Library n  Once the centre of Vienna's red light district, the Gürtel strip is now host to local, upcoming indie and rock bands. The Gürtel Nightwalk brings live music performances to the bars and clubs in the area.

Anybody who's been to Stockholm will know that many of the locals are in spectacularly good shape – maybe it's the city's annual triathlon that's responsible?

Venice Venezia Jazz Festival July 27 – August 4, Teatro La Fenice n

Riga The International Sacred Music Festival August 28 – September 8 n  The International Sacred Music Festival, arranged by the Latvija State Choir, takes place in churches throughout Riga.

St. Peterburg Singing World: International Festival of Choral Art August 3–8 n  Singing World (Poyushy Mir) is one of St Petersburg's most prestigious choir


The Venezia Jazz Festival presents a series of concerts by upcoming and established international artists at Teatro La Fenice and Piazza San Marco in Venice. DJ sets, art exhibitions, readings and jazz dinners support the main event.

Beach on Fire! August 27 n  Beach on Fire! is Venice's spectacular fireworks, billed as the longest pyrotechnic

Rallye di Vienna September 8–9 n  Over 200 vintage cars roll into Vienna for the Rallye di Vienna. Line Ringstrasse to see them make their way from the Schloss Wilhelminenberg palace to the festival on Heldenplatz or head for Vienna's Prater park for the evening celebrations.

Vilnius Baltic Triennial of International Art August 24 – September 9, n  Contemporary Art Centre The Baltic Triennial Of International Art returns to Vilnius.

in time July / August 2012

BLRT Grupp is the leading industrial company in Estonia and one of the largest holdings in the Baltic States. Its predecessor was the Russo-Baltic Shipbuilding Yard the establishment of which was decided on June 12, 1912. Nowadays the holding incorporates 77 companies that work in 8 European countries in the field of shipbuilding as well as in ship repair, production of metal constructions, machine building, sales of metal and industrial gases, scrap processing, transport and port services. Strongly and sharply

coming up

Birgitta Festival More International Than Ever Birgitta Festival combines the dusky charm of a medieval convent with contemporary musical theatre in all its richness. The festival’s Artistic Director Eri Klas says that this year the festival is more international than in earlier years. Text: Heili Vaus-Tamm Photos: Harri Rospu, TF archive


„It is common that our guest theaters are

connected with my person: I have conducted in Moscow in the Bolshoi Theatre and I was the chief conductor in Novaya Opera. Now we look more to the west and are co-operating with the reputable Garsington festival. They are sending us „Don Giovanni”, an opera by Mozart,” explained Klas, who will be conducting the masterpiece. Daniel Slater’s direction looks at don Giovanni’s theme from a new angle – as a love triangle. The stage design is a labyrinth, from which there is no escape. At the same time the festival brings home talents. „Last year, the first bass of Vienna Opera, Estonian Ain Anger sang in the „Lohengrin” of

Novaya Opera. This year our choir and three leading singers – first baritone of Hamburg Opera, Lauri Vasar, first bass of Vienna Opera, Ain Anger and Aile Asszonyi – will be part of England's production,” he added. There will also be interesting guests from Siberia. „Ballet company from Mari Eli Republic will perform in two oratorios by Carl Orff, „Carmina Burana” and „Trionfo di Afrodite“, the latter for the first time on the festival stage. The production will be from Mai Murdmaa, the grand lady of Estonian ballet,” says Klas. Whereas „Carmina” is a hymn to spring and the joys of life, „Aphrodite” conveys a story of a groom and a bride. Based on the GrecoRoman poet Catullus’ „Wedding-poetry”, the work exhibits complicated psychological relations that find their solution at the very end.

Last year's festival guests demanded that the Israeli vocal group „Voca People” would perform again. „Their music has had great success in East and West. Their kind of musical humor in time July / August 2012

August 11 at 20 n

Carmina Burana, Trionfo di Afrodite August 12 at 20 n  Esmeralda August 13 at 20 n  The Nose August 14 at 20 n  Il Tabarro, Gianni Schicchi August 17 at 20 n  Don Giovanni August 18 at 20 n  Don Giovanni1 August 19 at 20 n  Voca People August 20 at 20 n  Voca People

is characteristic to our festival,” says Klas, amused. The Israeli ensemble „Voca People” produces a show of musical humor, where the aliens from of a faraway planet run out of fuel in their spaceship. They are forced to land on Earth and start communicating with the locals. Since their ship can only run on musical energy, they begin to play all kinds of music created on the planet Earth. Both Bach and Genesis will do for fuel. The convent walls are turned into the Notre Dame Cathedral with the ballet „Esmeralda”, based on Victor Hugo’s novel. The stage is a set also for great emotions and Puccini's short operas. „The Cloak” features a wild love triangle on a Paris river barge and „Gianni Schicchis” is a comic story based on the 30th song of Dante’s „Divine Comedy”. Whereas Puccini’s flowing music is perfectly suited to display desperate emotions, the second work is a situational comedy about remaking the will of a wealthy deceased. The festival venue offers a real thrill – the audience arrives through a medieval cemetary, watches the performance between convent walls, has dinner on the Nuns’ Terrace, descends into the wine cellar and explores the medieval passages. A roof cover and ascending stands guarantee a comfortable experience. Eri Klas

OLED TÖÖANDJA JA OTSID ANDEKAT TÖÖTAJAT? Pakume sulle võimalust võtta otse ühendust üle 700 Eesti inimesega, kellel ette näidata rahvusvaheline töökogemus või hariduskäik. Kasutades uuendatud otsingusüsteemi on sobiva talendi leidmine vaid paari kliki kaugusel.

OLED VÄLISMAA KOGEMUSEGA TALENT JA TUNNED HUVI TÖÖ VÕI PRAKTIKA VASTU? Liitudes keskkonnaga oled nähtav üle 200-le Eesti edukale ettevõttele ning annad neile võimaluse Sinuga ühendust võtta.


July / August 2012 in time

coming up

Sunken Treasure in Tallinn Harbour Text: Krista Sarv, archaeologist and researcher of Estonian History Museum Photos: Estonian History Museum

The Great Guild Hall, the most important building of Tallinn merchants in the Middle Ages, now houses the Estonian History Museum.

Silver coins from the Middle Ages, weigh-

ing scales, tin and bronze masses used for trading with Russia or Scandinavia, exquisitely illustrated knife holsters – this was the treasure hidden in a travel chest at the bottom of the sea. While most treasures are found in the ground, there are also plenty of them in the sea. Last summer a hobby diver accidentally stumbled upon a unique mediaeval travel chest that was lying at the bottom of the sea in Tallinn harbour. In September 2011 the chest arrived to the Estonian History Museum. It had been laying six metres deep and its contents indicated that it was about 700 years old. This invaluable discovery is believed to be the first such mediaeval travel chest found in the Central and Northern Europe. In June, the treasure chest were displayed to the public at the exhibition „Watertight Sources” in the Great Guild Hall of the Estonian History Museum.

The sunken chest

also contained 218 silver coins originating mainly from Visby, Tallinn and Riga. The coins showed that the chest had sunk somewhere between 1280 and 1290. By that time Tallinn was already developing into a town. It had been granted Lübeck law in 1248, but only had a couple of thousand residents and looked very different from the Old Town that we know today. There was no town hall and the building of the town wall had only begun. It had very few stone buildings and was more an agrarian than a trading town. Tallinn’s most spectacular buildings at that time were four stone churches and two monasteries located at its outskirts. The most important gateway of the then Tallinn was its port. The town residents’ demand for fancy clothes, good food and

In the 13th century, purchases were paid by a certain weight of silver

luxury items as well as the growing living standard kept merchants and the knife trader who owned the travel chest busy. The end of the 13th century had brought along a major change in trade between towns. Such trading towns as Lübeck, Visby and Riga had formed the Hanseatic League that started to control most of the trade in Northern Europe. While earlier merchants had mainly been travelling in groups, they now started to travel also individually. One of such travelling merchants was also the owner of the travel chest found in Tallinn harbour. He had brought his leather knife holsters from England and was visiting Estonia either to sell these exquisitely designed luxurious knife holsters or to buy knife-blades made by a local blacksmith. He was probably on his way to the town of Visby on the island of Gotland, a major trade centre, but obviously something happened to one of his shipments at the Tallinn harbour. Of course, the diverse contents of the travel chest leave room also for other interpretations and everyone can create their own version. Exhibition „Watertight sources. A Mediaeval n  Find from Tallinn Bay” June 19, 2012 – February 24, 2013 Great Guild Hall, Pikk street 17, Tallinn

in time July / August 2012

Va na Ta llinn Her iTage ediTion Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition is exclusively created to celebrate the glorious history of Liviko’s liqueur masters. The rich taste of Vana Tallinn is further enhanced by a hint of oak, creating an exceptional harmony.

Attention! The abuse of alcoholic beverages can damage your health.

Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition

coming up

Estonia’s Golden Opportunity Arno Pijpers

Once in a lifetime chance Arno Pijpers: True! Hosting U-19 European championship is a great achievement for Estonia and Estonian football, in terms of both sports and society. It is a great opportunity to showcase our football because it’s difficult to imagine a stage with more talent on it. Only maybe if Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay would also take part. Mart Poom: It is a great chance for our boys to play in their own country, in their hometown! This tournament will present future stars and many scouts will be there. International broadcasting will reach the whole world. Our goal is to be in the first six in order to take part in the U-20 World Cup final tournament.

Estonia is hosting future stars of European football this summer, as the European champion in U-19 age group will be determined during 3-15 July at the European Championship final tournament. Text: Lennart Komp Photos: Lembit Peegel


Host country Estonia belongs to group A together with Portugal, Greece and Spain. Group B consists of Serbia, France, England and Croatia. U-19 European Championship, taking place in Tallinn, Haapsalu and Rakvere during 3-15 July, is historic in many ways – Estonian national team will participate in the European Championship finals for the first time and it’s the first time that European champion in football will determined in Estonia. To give you an insight, we asked Estonian U-19 head-coach Arno Pijpers and Estonian football legend Mart Poom, who is also the ambassador of the tournament, to give their opinion on several controversial statements.

The only way for the Estonian team to be successful is to defend AP: Estonian football has developed to a point where we have our own style. You can see it on the national team, clubs and youth teams. Several coaches have agreed with me on this and players are already recognizing the style. We want to keep our play compact and organized, being solid in the defence and while controlling the ball, linking defenders and strikers with midfielders, not only kicking long balls. We have guys who are creative and make chances happen. MP: I do not believe that either Estonian adult or youth team could play without discipline. Defence must be strong and cooperation between all lines has to function well. If we play as a team, we can surprise our opponents for sure. Home crowd can be very helpful, but also cause more pressure AP: We tell our players that this tournament is our challenge and we have to do everything to be worthy of that challenge, but not to be nervous about it. We want the result, that’s true, but at the same time we want to show good quality football. MP: Our players should understand their roles, whether they play in the A national team or in the youth team. Teamwork is the keyword here.

in time July / August 2012

coming up Estonian players can use the tournament as a spring board to foreign clubs AP: When the tournament starts, every scout in Europe will be in Estonia to look for new talents. It’s a great opportunity as well as a great challenge. I can assure you that we have players who can catch scouts’ eyes but I’m not giving you any names (laughs)! Couple of guys have potential, but they have to develop. MP: I couldn’t agree more. In this tournament everything is in their hands. Spain is the main favourite to lift the trophy AP: Yes! But everyone should keep their eye on France as well. Spain and Portugal have done consistent and top-quality youth work for many decades in order to make all their teams play the same style from the youngest to the A national team. They have a clear idea and vision while other teams depend more on the choice of players and their head coach. MP: I think France can cause Spain a lot of headache. They demolished Netherlands in the Elite round tournament. Some may think that Greece is an underdog but they have been impressive as well. Teams who are here are really at the top of their game because we need to remember that Europe’s football giants like Italy, Russia, Netherlands and Germany aren’t here. One victory would most probably take Estonia to the World Cup AP: I know that (laughs)! But we treat this as a challenge. If we make a good tournament, play good quality football and this is enough then yes, we can reach the world cup. We know our opportunities but our focus is on playing good football. MP: We have to consider 6th place at the tournament our main goal. It would take us to the world cup and this is really a once in a lifetime opportunity.

can achieve good results with, but also think about their future. MP: Players in A national team are professionals and the coach knows what his players can do, what are their capabilities. With young players you have to get to know them and their psyche.

Youth football is more interesting to watch than adults’ football AP: It can be true. Matches can be more exciting and attractive because you can see individual talents. Players are younger and I think it’s fair to say that more naïve. They aren’t as professional, so they make more mistakes that games can benefit from. MP: Good quality football is always enjoyable to watch no matter the age. But what distinguishes men’s football from youth football is that young players tend to be bolder, they are more naïve, taking risks and attacking more often.

What to watch: set-pieces. In the beginning of the 2000s when Arno Pijpers took over Estonian national team we scored many goals from set-pieces i.e. corner-kicks, free-kicks etc. Now U-19 national team is reported to be practicing them also! Who to watch: Karol Mets, Karl-Eerik Lui-

gend, Hannes Anier.

Tournament schedule July 3 n

17.30 Greece – Spain Haapsalu stadium 17.30 England – Croatia Kadriorg stadium 18.45 Serbia – France Rakvere stadium 20.45 Estonia – Portugal Lilleküla stadium

July 6 n

16.30 France – Croatia Haapsalu stadium 17.00 Estonia – Greece Kadriorg stadium 17.30 Serbia – England Rakvere stadium 20.00 Portugal – Spain Lilleküla stadium

July 9 n

17.00 Portugal – Greece Haapsalu stadium 17.00 Spain – Estonia Lilleküla stadium 20.00 France – England Kadriorg stadium 20.00 Croatia – Serbia Rakvere stadium

July 12 n

Semifinals 16.45 & 20.00 Lilleküla stadium

July 15 n

Final 21.30 Lilleküla stadium

Mart Poom

It’s easier to coach young players than adults AP: I cannot agree with you. Adults are already on a certain level and as a coach you can choose players from age 19 to 36. With a certain age group your choice is limited. Also, young boys are still developing. You have to pick players whom you

July / August 2012 in time


place to be

London Aquatics Centre – Beyond Olympics Text: Laur Laanemaa Photos: Hufton + Crow

This summer, London hosts the Olympic Games. The city is full of events and besides sports there is a lot to see. The Olympic village is a landmark for years with some of its buildings being real architectural masterpieces. Among them is the London Aquatic Centre.

Zaha Hadid Architects explain that the

Tallinn – London n

Prices from 49.90 EUR 4 weekly flights (from August 3 weekly flights)

Helsinki – London n

Prices from 67.81 EUR

St Petersburg – London n  Prices from 74.82 EUR / 3072 RUB

Riga – London n

Prices from 71.63 EUR 3 weekly flights (from August 2 weekly flights)


main inspiration for London Aquatic Centre was to develop a strong design celebrating all the aquatic sports at the Olympics, but also to create an outstanding legacy for everyone in London, for many generations to come. The wave-formed roof design is very appropriate for aquatic sports and combined with its large size and high quality of construction, creates an elegant and simple expression of the celebration of water. “The new digital design tools combined with the ability of structural engineers to calculate complex geometries and mixed structural systems allow us to integrate highly complex forms into a fluid and seamless whole. We like to work a lot with curve-linearity because we believe it visually simplifies the configuration, and you can then cope with more complexity without crowding or cluttering the visual scene,” say Zaha Hadid Architects. Many aspects of the building are unique. In the

Olympic mode, i.e while in use during the London 2012 Olympic Games, the competition pools have temporary spectator terraces rising above the height of the roof over the swimming pools. So the spectators on one side of the pool cannot see the spectators on the other side of it. Instead their view is focused very much on swimmers. Combined with the strong lighting illuminating the pool water, it is a very intense and vibrant experience for the spectator. The wave-formed roof over the main swimming pool accommodates sculptural diving platforms reaching up to 10 metres of height. The idea behind their majestic form is to celebrate each of them as an individual structure, but also to demonstrate the ascent of the diver to the board. Usually the access stairs are hidden to the back of the boards. In the Aquatics Centre, the staircase is an important element of the design and the diver’s ascent up the platforms is considered a part of the spectacle.

“The main challenge was to design and construct a huge 17,500 seat venue for the Olympics which can be reduced to only 2500 seats afterwards. The building must have very different access and usage from one mode (Olympic) to the other mode (Legacy),” explain the architects. One of the largest challenges to the design was to maintain its simplicity whilst incorporating a lot of technical requirements of performance and construction. The central idea across all the new London 2012 Olympic venues was to design and construct them for the long-term Legacy use by Londoners for many generations after the Olympic Games. The projects were then adapted for use during the Olympics. in time July / August 2012

place to be

Ahhaa – Discover the Fun Side of Science Text: Liis Kängsepp Photos: Silver Gutmann

Lightning in a jar, chicks hatching in front of your eyes, explosions in laboratory and dissection of eyes – sounds like a scenario of a horror film? Guess again – all these activities and many more are part of the everyday life at AHHAA Science Centre in Tartu. Although some of this might sound scary, AHHAA centre is all but frightening. Being the biggest science centre in the Baltic States and Estonian Best Tourism Establishment in 2011, AHHAA offers fun and educational activities for all age groups. “Last summer everybody came to AHHAA Location AHHAA is located only about 100 metres from n


Tartu's bus terminal. Opened daily 10.00–19.00, Fridays and Saturdays 10.00–20.00. AHHAA in Tallinn is located in the Freedom Square in the city centre. Opened daily 12.00– 20.00, Saturdays and Sundays 10.00–20.00. 4D Adventure Cinema in Tartu Lõunakeskus shopping centre is opened daily 11.30–20.00.


– it was simply too hot to be outside,” says Liina Pulges, AHHAA Science Centre's communication manager. “You won't get a tan, but instead you might get smarter in a very joyful way.” All the exhibits in AHHAA are meant for touching and exploring, nothing is sealed away behind glass. Well, except the hatching chicks, the anthill and the aquarium fish. As of last year AHHAA has better opportunities to offer edutainment as their new building hosts almost 3000 square metres of exhibition space. In addition to the building in the centre of Tartu, AHHAA has a branch in Tallinn and a 4D cinema in Lõunakeskus shopping centre in Tartu.

Exhibitions this summer Besides their permanent exhibition in Tartu, AHHAA hosts different temporary shows. The hall in Tartu hosts an exhibition about the wonders of light, called “Aha, Sparkling and Sizzling!”. It gives an interesting overview of the different aspects of light, allowing visitors to draw UV-graffiti, create

in time July / August 2012

place to be electricity and race artificial bugs that have solar panels on their backs. The exhibition was created and built by AHHAA's very own inventors. The branch in Tallinn holds an exciting music exhibition “Aha, Sound of Physics!”. Visitors can produce sound and music using different instruments and techniques, learn about the physical properties of sound and study the effects of music on their bodies.

Science Theatre Among everyday activities at AHHAA centre in Tartu is the Science Theatre, led by a 22-year old chemist Laura Vigel who can get everybody excited about natural sciences. At their shows you will find yourself in the midst of the rustle and bustle of experiments and explosions. Also, you will get a simple explanation to the principles behind the laws of nature. Laura is responsible for coming up with most of the experiments shown at the theatre – she keeps testing new ways to make mini-explosions using different gases and other components. She once demonstrated some of her standard tricks to her colleagues abroad and swept them off their feet. “People were quite impressed that such a young girl would be brave enough to show these explosions to the public,” says Laura. “Even men had to hand it to me as they confessed they are not brave enough to show such tricks in front of people.” Science theatre has shows daily, each show can seat up to 70 people. There are various shows dedicated to different topics.

4D cinema This summer AHHAA offers a new treat to those interested in 4D cinema: in June a new film premiers at AHHAA 4D Adventure Cinema. The film is called “Let's fly to Lotte”, featuring the dog girl Lotte, a big hero for Estonian children. Lotte is a cartoon dog girl famous for her adventurous mind and kind spirit. This new film shows a ladybird's adventures on her pine cone plane on the way to Lotte's house to have breakfast with pancakes. Hopefully people will be able to smell the pancakes, too. Usually 4D films are made only with computers, but “Let's fly to Lotte’s” characters were first drawn on paper and then processed to 3D image.

July / August 2012 in time

Science Theatre with Laura Vigel

Although the film has standard 4D cinema effects, it rather focuses on Estonian nature. 4D cinema has shows daily at Lõunakeskus shopping centre and at AHHAA's Tallinn branch.

Planetarium AHHAA is also a great place to get more insight about the wonders of the universe – there is a planetarium where visitors can see up to 5 million stars and travel to the fringe of our universe. The planetarium uses MEGASTAR-IIB projector that holds the Guinness World Record for being the world's most advanced planetarium projector that can simultaneously project ten million stars onto a planetarium dome. AHHAA Centre's projector was the first MEGASTAR-IIB projector in Europe. Shows are held daily, 11.00-18.00. To see them you need to buy an extra ticket.


Tallinn – Tartu n

Prices from 27.60 EUR

Riga – Tartu n

Prices from 69.90 EUR

Helsinki – Tartu n

Prices from 69.90 EUR

Moscow – Tartu n

Prices from 88.91 EUR / 3655 RUB

St. Petersburg – Tartu n

Prices from 81.72 EUR / 3358 RUB 4 weekly flights (from September 6 weekly flights)

AHHAA has different workshops every day for different age groups. You can dissect an eye, find out the secrets of the DNA code or just test different senses. AHHAA also offers an opportunity to celebrate birthdays in the centre. So why not gather your friends and dissect an eye together. If this is too much, you can always just learn how to make chocolate or marzipan.


place to be

Triplog – Kakheti Out of the thousands of passengers flying on board of Estonian Air this summer, allow me to say a warm welcome to a special group of children from the resettlers camp of Mokhisi, Georgia. Text: Gunnar Mägi, Director of Development and Marketing • Photos: Gunnar Kotiesen

Many adults and, more importantly,

Tallinn – Tbilisi n

Prices from 89.90 EUR

Riga – Tbilisi n

Prices from 82.63 EUR

Helsinki – Tbilisi n

Prices from 82.81 EUR

Moscow – Tbilisi n

Prices from 88.01 EUR / 3614 RUB

St. Petersburg – Tbilisi n  Prices from 92.82 EUR / 3812 RUB 4 weekly flights

children have had a very rough time after the Georgian war in 2008, so a number of Estonian families decided to organize a vacation for them in Estonia. But before that, a small group of people went to see the resettlers camp. The photos are just a small glimpse into the fun the team had visiting the historical Kakheti province in Eastern Georgia this May. The blend of breathtaking nature, sincere hospitality to the point of guests' embarrassment and uninhibited spice for life mark just some of the memories made. At times it felt like time travel is possible: there were identifiable marks of the past still alive and strong in the area. Kakheti is predominantly agricultural region and traditionally not the first choice for a tourist to visit. But for a backpacker the 3rd century monasteries, small town family run hinkali diners and warm puri bakeries plus lush moun-

tain trails become a near perfect get-away. And since it seems like half of the middle aged men used to do their service duty in Estonia or at least in the Baltics you'll be making friends every step of the way. Georgia is safer than ever and even more so in the rural areas.

For our team,

it was a privilege to follow along with Gogita Gogita Chiboshvili run puppet theater and to observe the youth work a former sambo master Aneri Giunashvili is doing in the refugee villages. It's people like them that allow youth to refocus from war trauma and loss of home to finding new motivation for life and working hard at school. On behalf of Estonian Air, we hope that this trip will be the beginning of many lifelong friendships. Rest, learn and have fun visiting the homes of Estonian families.

Reenacting "A she-prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures", 1967 Mosfilm comedy in 2012 Dagestan village

Kids at the puppet theater


in time July / August 2012

EMT Reisikindlustus

Parim kindlustus suvisteks reisideks! 1,85 €/päev Ainult EMT klientidele

Kui oled EMT klient, saabub Sulle sihtriiki jõudes SMS reisikindlustuse pakkumisega. Kui Sul reisikindlustust veel sõlmitud ei ole, saad sellele sõnumile vastates sõlmida kindlustuskaitse endale ja reisikaaslastele. EMT Reisikindlustus kehtib kogu maailmas. Teenuse pakkuja on If P&C Insurance AS. Tutvu kindlustustingimustega või küsi infot telefonil 733 0700.


Evolution in Estonian Labour Market Although Estonian real gross domestic

Text: Olavi Grünvald, PricewaterhouseCoopers

product (GDP) growth dropped to 3.9 percent in the first quarter of 2012, this was not a disappointment. Having witnessed a sharp decrease in the growth rate from 8.5 percent to 4.5 percent in the last quarter of 2011, and against a background of global uncertainty, one could have expected even worse. For 2012 the analysts have consolidated their growth expectations around 1.5-2.0 percent. The optimists have decreased their views e.g. the Ministry of Finance came down to 1.8 percent from the 3.0 percent of their previous forecast, and the pessimistic views have been corrected upwards e.g. the International Monetary Fund jumped from 1.2 percent to 1.6. The eyes of analysts are now turned towards Greece. Assessments of the potential losses for the countries vary from zero to 100% of the outstanding loans and guarantees. The first figure stems from the Estonian Minister of Finance, Jürgen Ligi, who brought this message back from the EU finance ministers’ meeting, and the last one from Willem Buiter, the Citybank chief economist. According to some estimates, the maximum expo-

15% 10% 5% 0% -5% Inflation


GDP real growth
























Private consumption real growth 01:I



growth rates (same quarter of year before)


sure of the Estonian government to the Greek debt is currently approximately 300 million Euros, but the bills will come in over a longer period. It seems a long way from 3.9 percent growth in the first quarter to 1.5 percent as an annual average but the latest external trade statistics show that this is realistic. With more than double-digit growth rates, the export growth remained solid in the first two months of the year, but the decrease in March – minus one percent in nominal terms – indicates that exports may not support the economy in the same way they have over the last few years.

After “heavy fights” in March, peace

has returned to the labour market. The threeday peaceful strike with approximately 7000 participants would be a dream for Greece and other European governments. The affair's major achievement was not the main event itself, but the media campaign conducted before the strike. Although seemingly nothing has been achieved, increased public awareness is a sufficient reward for the unions, provided that the seeds of the action survive. The actual outcome is that teachers' salaries will increase according to the previously determined pattern, not frozen for another year as the government had warned. Hope for bigger salary increases in the future will depend heavily on the success of the planned educational reform. Notwithstanding this “revolutionary” event, developments in the labour market have been evolutionary. Even though the unemployment ratio jumped from 11.4 percent to 11.5 percent in 2012: this is not bad given the usual seasonal pattern. Labour contractions in construction and manufacturing were compensated by an increase in the service sector. The major changes in labour market regulation are related to unemployment compensation. First-

in time July / August 2012

tion had been planned to be introduced from the beginning of 2013 but it has now been cancelled. Given Estonia's current liberal labour market regulation, it is hard to demand any further liberalisation. For example, in its recent reforms Spain reduced redundancy payments to 33 days salary per year worked, with the maximum compensation capped at 24 months' salary. However, this is still very generous compared to Estonia, where an employee who has worked 5-10 years can expect only one month’s salary from the employer, and two months’ salary when the number of years worked exceeds 10 years.

The second change relates to those employees who leave work voluntarily. They are not entitled to unemployment compensation. This regulation remains unchanged – compensa-

If you can dream it – we can build it c ust o m -m ad

ly, the unemployment insurance contribution rate, which was the subject of a strong dispute between employers and labour unions on the one side and the government on the other, will decrease from the current 4.2 percent of gross salary to 3.0 percent starting from 01.01.2013. This benefits both employers and employees, as the latter are paying the larger share – two thirds of the total contribution.


efa pr

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20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Unemployment ratio Labour productivity growth


30 000

Registered unemployment

Unemployment compensation


100 000 90 000

25 000

80 000 70 000

20 000

60 000 50 000

15 000

40 000 10 000

30 000

number of people

thousand Euros





















Salaries nominal growth S



growth rates (same quarter of year before)


20 000


10 000

July / August 2012 in time






















AS Matek Pärnu mnt 158, 11317 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 622 0077 Fax: +372 622 0078 E-mail:



Uus ja moodne disain Helsingis Linnap천llundus / Urban farming


in time July / August 2012


Sagedased Helsingi külastajad teavad, et linnast on saanud moodne eluruum, mille elanike igapäeva ilmestab disain. Pole ime, sest 2012. aasta maailma disainipealinna tiitlit kannab just Helsingi. Tekst: Kristi Kelluke • Fotod: Päivi Raivio / Dodo ry, Kitchen & Co, Minna Parikka, Finavia Oyj, Arkkitehti K2S, Janne Salovaara / WDC, Katri Paakkanen


elsingit disainipealinnana reklaamitakse kui maailma suurimat disainiväljapanekut, kus kavas üle 300 projekti. Pooled neist on näitused, üritused, etendused jmt, mis tõendavad disaini mitmekesisust. Teine pool projektidest kujutavad endast arendusi, kus disainile lähenetakse väga loominguliselt. Keset Helsingi disainikvartalit on ajutine ehitis nimega Paviljonki. Paviljonki on avatud puitpaviljon Soome arhitektuuri- ja disainimuuseumi vahel. Kõik üritused seal on tasuta. Näha ja kogeda võib palju: töötoad, disainiturud, filmiõhtud ja isegi regulaarne joogatund. Kes pole programmist huvitatud, võib lihtsalt nautida ajutist puitarhitektuuri, kus vanad euroalused on leidnud uue elu mööblina. Hoone kohvikus pakutakse lisaks kohvile kohalikku toitu vastavalt hooajale, Paviljonki tagahoovi on rajatud köögiviljaaed. Ullanlinnankatu 2-4 asuva Paviljonki programm:

Kultuurisaun Ehitame siia sauna! Mitte tavalise pooltsiviliseeritud vana Soome sauna pila, vaid kultuurisauna, rahvusliku monumendi, esimese omalaadse tärkavas Soome kultuuris, tegi 1925. aastal ettepaneku Alvar Aalto. Aalto unistus sauna ja kultuuri integreerimisest on viimaks tõeks saamas, sest maailma disainipealinna raames ehitatakse uus avalik saun Hakaniemenranta parki. Kulttuurisauna projekti algatajad, projekteerijad, rahastajad ja ehitajad on arhitekt Tuomas Toivonen ja disainer Nene Tsuboi. Kulttuurisauna tegutseb iseseisva kultuurikes-

July / August 2012 in time

kusena, kus saun ühitatakse kultuurisündmustega. Kulttuurisauna avatakse augustis 2012 ja sauna ehitust näeb:

Vaikusekabel Võrreldes suurlinnadega nagu London või Rio de Janeiro, tundub Helsingi pigem vaikne, kuid sealgi võib väsida linnakärast ja inimhordidest tänavatel. Lahendus: leia 10 minutit aega ja mediteeri vaikusekabelis. Puidust kabel ehitati spetsiaalselt disainipealinna tarvis ja avati juunis. Tegemist on näitega innovaatilisest puitarhitektuurist ja kohalike puuseppade meisterlikust käsitööst. Igal kabeli osal on oma ID-number. Teistsuguse elamuse saab Font Walkilt (fonttikävely – soome k), jalutuskäigult, mille saab läbi teha kaardi abil, mis näitab siltidena kohti, mis tavaliselt märkamata jäävad. Saab teada, miks on Helsingi metroo sildid sellised nagu nad on, mis lood peituvad majasiltide taga ning kogeda hoopis teistsugust lähenemist linna arhitektuurile. fontwalk

Tallinn – Helsingi n

Hind alates 49.90 EUR

St. Petersburg – Helsingi n  Hind alates 56.82 EUR / 2337 RUB 17 x nädalas

Riia – Helsingi n

Hind alates 55.63 EUR 6 x nädalas

Moskva – Helsingi n

Hind alates 63.01 EUR / 2589 RUB 12 x nädalas

Vaikusekabel / Chapel of Silence


sihtkoht Õitsev geriljaaiandus ja toidukultuur Viimastel aastatel näitab Helsingi uut maalimatrendi – geriljaaiandust. Initsiaator n

kogukonna põlluharimisel on MTÜ nimega Dodo. Disainipealinna raames rajasid nad Turn Table’iks kutsutud linnaaia. See on aiandus- ja tegevusoaas Helsingi keskel raudteemiljöös vanades veduriangaarides. Kõik algas aastal 2009, kui noored tahtsid lihtsalt proovida, kuidas kasvatada toitu linnakeskkonnas. Nüüd on Helsingi linnapõllunduse esirinnas. Pisikesi aedu on rajatud üle terve linna, inimesed kasvatavad ürte ja juurikaid kortermajade hoovides ja terrassidel. Turn Table’i üks aktiviste Päivi Raivio osutab mitmele linnapõllunduse eelisele: toit on kohalikku päritolu ja seda ei pea kaugele vedama, ühine aed naabritega aitab kogukonnas paremaid suhteid luua. Kuid kas tõesti võib linnasaastes kasvanud toit tervislik olla? Raivio ütleb, et jah. “Teeme aeg-ajalt teste ja need on puhtad,” kinnitab ta. “Soovitame mulla osta ja vaadata, et see ei puutuks maapinnaga kokku.” Viis aastat tagasi ei peetud Helsingit paigaks, kus saab hästi süüa. Nüüd on olukord n  muutunud. Hea näide on Kitchen&Co disainikvartalis. Kitchen&Co on leidnud kodu vanas koolimajas ja loonud trendika restorani, kuhu mahub umbes 80 inimest. Restorani tagahoovi terrassile kogunevad soomlased kohe, kui päike kevadel juba pisut sooja annab. “Arvan, et soomlased on hakanud rohkem reisima ja restoranides sööma,” ütleb üks restorani juhte Tiina Hettula. Veel üks asi on muutumas – kohvikukultuur. Öeldakse, et soomlased on maailma n  suuremaid kohvijoojaid, tarbides 12 kilogrammi kohvi aastas inimese kohta. Seda arvestades on paljud turistid kohvi tellides olnud üllatunud, aga mitte heas mõttes. Aga olukord läheb paremaks ja kohvi tellimine pole enam õnnemäng., ja Suvanto

Kingi ostmas Paljudele tähendab Soome disain eelkõige arhitektuuri, mööblit ja sisekujundust, aga vähem moodi ning rõivastust. Tõusev täht jalatsidisainis Minna Parikka kinnitab, et Soomes tõesti pole palju kingadisainereid. Enamik Soome jalanõubrände on praktilise suunitlusega ja neis puudub naiselik või mehelik joon. Parikka naistekingad on rohkem kui 100% naiselikud ja peibutavad iga naist. Parikka loodab luua universumi, mille keskpunktiks on tema kingad. Juba on müügil ka kindad, käe- ja rahakotid. “Olen naine, tahan kanda kõrgeid kontsi,” ütleb Parikka, “ja need peavad olema mugavad.”

Uus tööruum lennujaamas Need, kes läbivad Helsingi vaid selleks, et jõuda järgmisele lennukile, saavad osa disainipealinnast tänu uuele arusaamale lounge’ist. Kohalik rahvusvaheline lennujaam avas mais uue kontseptsiooniga lounge’i Suvanto. Kõik, kes veetnud tunde lennujaamas jätkulendu oodates, teavad, kui tüütu see on. Ooteajal võiks tööd teha, kuid selleks puudub sobiv koht. Suvanto pakubki lahendust: lounge’is on mugavad toolid ja lauad, saab laadida elektroonikaseadmeid ja eralduda lennujaama saginast. “Meie eesmärk oli luua reisijatele uus teenus, mis oleks kättesaadav kõigile ja aitaks muuta reisimiskultuuri,” ütleb lennujaamade operaatorfirma Finavia juht Marko Tikkanen. Finavia on Suvanto projekti partner. Lugu aitasid kirjutada Soome saatkond ja Helsingi turismiamet.


in time July / August 2012

Gant stores: tallinn, P채rnu mnt 10 +372 628 2211 tartu, tasku keskus, turu 2 +372 731 2103

destination Minna Parikka

New and Modern Design in Helsinki Those who visit Helsinki on a regular basis already know – the city has become a trendy living space where design is part of its inhabitants' everyday life. So it is no coincidence that World Design Capital 2012 is Helsinki. Text: Kristi Kelluke Photos: Päivi Raivio / Dodo ry Kitchen & Co Minna Parikka Finavia Oyj Arkkitehti K2S Janne Salovaara / WDC Katri Paakkanen



DC Helsinki is advertised as one of the world's largest ever expeditions into design and its programme contains more than 300 projects. Half of them are exhibitions, events and encounters showcasing design and its many forms. But the other half are developments projects in which different approaches to design are used to a broad extent.

Paviljonki is a temporary building

in the middle of Helsinki's Design District. Paviljonki is a wooden pavilion, an open-to-all space between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. All programme at Pavilionki is free of charge, open to everybody. And there is lots to see. Workshops, design markets, film nights and even regular yoga classes. Or if you are not that interested in the programme, you can just enjoy the temporary wooden architecture, where old EUR-pallets have found new life as furniture, and have a coffee at the pavilion's café. The café

in time July / August 2012

destination only serves seasonal local food and has their own little kitchen garden at the backyard of Paviljonki. Paviljonki is located at Ullanlinnankatu 2-4, near Design Museum and Architecture Museum and programme is available at

Culture in sauna So let's build a sauna there! Not the usual semicivilised travesty of the old Finnish sauna, but a cultural sauna, a national monument, the first of its kind in the budding Finnish civilisation.
– Alvar Aalto 1925 Aalto's dream of integrating sauna with culture is about to come true at last as part in the framework of Helsinki WDC a new public sauna is being built in Hakaniemenranta Park. Kulttuurisauna (Culture Sauna in Finnish) is a self-initiated project designed, constructed, financed and run by architect-designer couple Tuomas Toivonen and Nene Tsuboi. It will operate as an independet cultural centre where sauna is combined with cultural events. Kulttuurisauna is scheduled to open in August 2012. You can keep up with the process of building the sauna at their website kulttuurisauna.

Chapel of Silence Although compared to big hubs such as London or Rio de Janeiro, Helsinki seems rather quiet, one might still get tired from the city noise and all those people in the streets. The solution is to take 10 minutes off and meditate in the Chapel of Silence. This wooden chapel was built especially for the HDC year and opened this June. The chapel is a fine example of innovative timber architecture built of handmade pieces of wood – made by local carpenters and each one of them has a special IDnumber. To have a different city tour, check out Font Walk, a map that shows some visual stories of Helsinki that are usually go unnoticed. It gives an insight why Helsinki metro sign looks the way it does, what are the stories behind different signs on the houses and gives an alternative insight to understanding some of Helsinki's architecture. Map: docs/fontwalk July / August 2012 in time

Font Walk

Tallinn – Helsinki. Prices from 49.90 EUR n  St. Petersburg – Helsinki. Prices from 56.82 EUR / 2337 RUB n  17 weekly flights Riga – Helsinki. Prices from 55.63 EUR, 6 weekly flights n  Moscow – Helsinki. Prices from 63.01 EUR / 2589 RUB, 12 weekly flights n


destination Shopping for shoes For many, Finnish design means more architecture, furniture and interior design, and less fashion and accessories. Minna Parikka, Finnish up and coming shoe designer, confirms – that there are not many FinnPaviljonki

Booming guerilla farming and food culture During recent years Helsinki has witnessed a new global trend – guerilla farming. n  A lot of the initiative to enthuse community gardening is done by an NGO called Dodo. As a part of the WDC programme they initiated Turn Table – The Urban Garden. It is a gardening and activity oasis in the middle of Helsinki, in the railway milieu of the old engine bays. It all started in 2009 when young people just wanted to try if it worked to grow food in a city environment. Now Helsinki is in the forefront of urban farming. This means small gardens are started all around Helsinki – people are growing herbs and vegetables together in the yards of blocked houses and on their terraces. Päivi Raivio, one of the people behind Turn Table, points out some of the advantages of city farming: your food is locally grown, which means it does not have to travel long distances. Also having a common garden with your neighbours helps to build stronger communities. But would food grown in the city pollution actually be healthy? Raivio says yes. “We run tests every once in a while, they have all come back clean,” Raivio adds. “We suggest you buy the soil and make sure it does not come in contact with the ground." Five years ago Helsinki was not considered the a place to have good meals. n  Things have changed a lot during the last years. A good example is Kitchen&Co in Design District. Almost hidden for ignorant by-passers, Kitchen&Co has found its home in a former school and developed the space into a trendy restaurant that seats about 80 people, in addition to that the restaurant has a back-yard terrace that Finns are eager to use as soon as the sun gets warmer in spring. “I think Finns have started to travel and eat out more,” said Tiina Hettula, one of the restaurant's managers. Another thing that is changing, is the café culture. Finns are said to be among n  the biggest coffee drinkers in the world, consuming more than 12 kg of coffee per capita every year. Considering that, for many tourists the experience of having coffee in Finland has been surprising, and not in a good way. Luckily things have changed and having a coffee is not such a gamble anymore., and


ish shoe designers around. Most of Finnish shoe brands are of practical value, but do not carry real feminine or masculine aspect in them. Parikka's shoes for women are more than 100% feminine and call out to every woman. She hopes to develop a whole universe around her shoes. She is already selling matching gloves, purses and wallets. “As I am a woman, I want to wear high heels,” Parikka says, “and they should be comfortable.”

New working spaces at the airport Those who visit Helsinki only because they have a connecting flight, can also enjoy part of WDC events as in May a new lounge concept Suvanto was introduced at the local international airport. Everybody who has spent hours at any airport, waiting for a connecting flight, knows how annoying it can be. Especially when you could use this time to get some work done, but have no proper space for it. Suvanto offers a solution – the lounge has comfortable chairs and tables where you can charge your electronic devices and separate yourself a bit from the airport hassle. “Our goal was to create a new kind of passenger service that would be available for everyone and met the challenges of the changing passenger culture,” said Marko Tikanen, director at Finavia, a service company that provides all the requirements for air traffic. Finavia was a partner in the Suvanto project. in time July / August 2012

Lenda Kajaanisse ja võida tasuta öö hotellis Holiday Club Katinkulta! Kõigi vahel, kes ostavad Estonian Airi kodulehelt lennupileti Kajaani, loosime iga kahe nädala järel välja üheks ööks tasuta peretoa hotellis Holiday Club Katinkulta (asub Vuokattis). Loosimised toimuvad järgmistel kuupäevadel: 18.06, 02.07, 16.07, 30.07, 13.08 ja 27.08. Täpsem info hotelli kohta asub siin:

Fly to Kajaani and win a free night at Holiday Club Katinkulta! Will draw a free night at family room at Holiday Club Katinkulta, Vuokatti every two weeks between all visitors booking a flight to Kajaani on The draw dates will be 18.06, 02.07, 16.07, 30.07, 13.08 and 27.08. Find more info about hotel

July / August 2012 in time



Nautida Viini – nautida elu Suurlinn Viin on palju rahulikuma elutempoga kui enamik teisi Euroopa pealinnu. Viin on mitu aastat olnud rahvusvahelise elukvaliteedi indeksi järgi maailma pealinnade seas esimesel kohal. Viin lummab ajaloo ja kunstiga, kinnitavad kolm eestlannat, kes elavad seal. Tekst: Katri Soe-Surén Fotod: Vienna Tourist Board



aks aastat Viinis suursaadikuna Eestit esindanud Eve-Külli Kala tõdeb: "Viin on nagu muuseum, kust hoovab aukartustäratavat ajalugu ja imelist kunsti. Suursugune ja uhke, vahel veidi kõrkki, kuid tänu eelmiste sajandite meistrite tööle ikka veel ütlemata glamuurne. Linn sõna otseses mõttes särab ja sillerdab päikese käes ning võlub mind müstilise arhitektuuriga. Kuid nagu muuseum pärast külastusaega, võib Viingi vahel tunduda nüüdisajast mahajäänuna ning hingele külm. Samas, muuseumis vaevalt keegi elada

tahaks, küll aga Viinis. " Ka viimased kuus aastat Austria pealinnas elanud Kadri Kallaste, kes tegeleb ajalooliste tapeetide uurimise ja säilitamisega, soovitab linna lihtsalt nautida, mitte joosta ühe vaatamisväärsuse juurest teise juurde. "Viin on tunduvalt rahulikuma elutempoga kui mitmed teised Kesk-Euroopa pealinnad. Nautlemine on siin osake elustiilist." Viinis Euroopa Liidu Põhiõiguste Ametis programmijuhina töötava Ene Palmiste sõnul pole juhus, et Viini peetakse elukvaliteedilt parimaks pealinnaks maailmas. Elukvaliteet ei tähenda ainult puhast õhku, kauneid parke ja ilusaid maju. "Linna poliitika järgib põhimõtet, et siin peab ole-

in time July / August 2012

sihtkoht Schönbrunni loss suvel Schönbrunn Palace in summer

mõjutavad päris tugevasti linnaelanike meeleolu. Suursaadik kiidab Viini Riigiooperi head programmi ja üle maailma kokku lendavaid tippsoliste ning -dirigente. Ooperi vaheajal võib lipata üle tee asuvasse Sacheri kohvikusse ning nautida kuulsaid Sacheri vorstikesi. "Tore on vaadata, kuidas uhked teemantidega ehitud prouad ja nende saatjad kohvi kõrvale kahte vorstikest hammustavad," märgib Eve-Külli Kala. Muusikaühingu e Musikvereini majas toimuvad võrratud kontserdid. Ja muidugi tuleks Viinis käia vähemalt korra ühel ballil. Aastas toimub üle 100 erineva balli, õhustiku poolest erilisemad on filharmoonikute ja kohvimeistrite ball. NB! meestel tuleb selga panna frakk, daamidel pikk õhtukleit.

Elu keeb kultuuri ümber

ma võimalikult paljudel võimalikult hea elada. Inimesed tunnevad, et neil on sõnaõigus, eluheidikuid ega getosid ei kohta. Siin ei pea pingutama, et end hästi tunda. Inimesed on väga sõbralikud. Elu on meeldivalt stressivaba, Eestist tulles oli see väga suur kontrast." Eve-Külli Kala meelispaiku on Muuseumikvartal sealse Leopoldi muuseumiga, kus on välja pandud parim valik tema ühe lemmikkunstniku Egon Schiele töödest. Jalutama soovitab suursaadik suunduda linna 7. rajooni, mis võlub boheemlasliku atmosfääri, arvukate väikeste butiikide, kunstigaleriide ning õdusate kohvikutega. Põnev on aga ka südalinna 1. rajoon, näiteks Burgtheateri ümbrus. Suursaadik elab otse Schönbrunni lossi aia kõrval ja talle meeldib seal jooksmas käia ning aegajalt Gloriette kohvikus jalga puhata. Ümbritsevast pisut kõrgemal paikneva Gloriette juures on näha, mis värvi on taevas linna kohal ning ja sellest järeldada, mis ilm tulekul. Viin on suursaadiku sõnul tujukas linn, siin valitsevad keerdtuuled, Aafrikast puhuv kuum kõrbetuul föön ja palavus

July / August 2012 in time

Klassikalise muusika austajatel tuleks külastada Riigiooperit (Staatsoper) ja/või Muusikaühingut (Musikverein). Riigiooperis võib esinemas näha Eestist pärit Ain Angerit ooperites “Boriss Godunov”, “Simon Boccanegra” ja “Nürnbergi meisterlauljad”. Kunstisõpradel on sel aastal seoses Gustav Klimti 150. sünniaastapäevaga võimalus eri paigus näha Klimti loomingu ülevaatenäitusi. Vabaõhukinode programm Kino unter Sternen näitab tasuta Karlsplatzil asuvas Resselparkis klassikalisi , kontsert- ja muusikafilme. Muusikasõpradele võiks meeldida Donaukanali ääre asuv muusikaklubi Flex.

Kus on parimad Wiener Schnitzel’id? Tuntuimad road on Tafelspitz ehk hautatud loomaliha, kuulus Wiener Schnitzel, mitut sorti pannkoogid (Palatschinken), struudlid (Strudel) ja klimbid (Knödel). Parimat Tafelspitzi saab Plachutta restoranidest. Traditsioonilist Viini kööki pakub restoran Griechenbeisl. Aastal 1529 asutatud toidukoha puhul on tegemist ühe vanema Viini restoraniga. Autogrammiruumi seinad on kaetud seal viimase viiesaja aasta jooksul einestanud kuulsuste autogrammidega. Linna suurimad Wiener Schnitzel’id leiab restoranist Figlmüller. Kuna see on enamasti turistidest pungil, tasub ette võtta pisut pikem sõit Schloss Concordiasse. Kohalike seas väikeseks ooperiks kutsutud puithoone köidab ebahariliku asuko-

Viinile tuleks pühendada pikem nädalalõpp Secession ehk Viini üks n

kuulsamaid art nouveau stiilis kaasaegse kunsti muuseume. Siin võib näha kuulsat Gustav Klimti Beethovenile pühendatud pildiseeriat “Beethovenfries”. 2 tundi Schönbrunni loss – endin

ne Habsburgide suveresidents, kus saab kauneid aedu nautida ja hiljem Gloriette kohvikus kohvi-kooki süüa. 4-5 tundi

Stephansdom – toomn

kirik südalinnas. Torni saab sõita liftiga, et näha kuulsat Pummerini ehk Austria suurimat ning Euroopa suuruselt kolmandat töötavat kirikukella. 1 tund

Holokausti memoriaal – n

inglise kunstniku Rachel Whitereadi loodud mõtlemapanev skulptuur südalinnas Judenplatzil. 30 minutit

Hundertwasseri maja – n

erksavärviline hipilik majadeblokk, mille autor on Austria nüüdiskunstnik Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Samas stiilis on kujundatud lähedal asuv Kunsthaus Wien, kus asub Hundertwasseri püsinäitus ning suurepärane restoran. 3 tundi

Donauturm – teletorn, n

mille tipus asuvad restoran ja kohvik pakuvad küll keskmise kvaliteediga toitu, kuid kust avaneb suurepärane vaade Viinile. 2-3 tundi

Kahlenberg – kui ilm ilus, n

võiks bussiga kesklinnast välja sõita Kahlenbergi mäe tippu. Sealt avaneb imeilus vaade üle terve linna. Augustis-septembris tasub mäest alla jalutada, et maitsta sealsetes Heurigerides kohalikku veini. Kuna väiksematel veinikeldritel on oma toodangu pakkumiseks lubatud vaid lühikest aega avatud olla, tuleb programmist ( järele vaadata, millised keldrid Viini külastuse ajal avatud on. 2-3 tundi


sihtkoht Ringi tramm ehk südan

linna ümber Ringstrassel tiirutav spetsiaalselt turistidele mõeldud kollane Vienna Ring Tram, mille aknast saab näha Hofburgi lossi, ooperimaja, parlamenti, raekoda, lossiteatri ja ülikooli peahooneid. 30 minutit

Hietzing ja Penzing n

– kaks kõrvuti asuvat linnaosa, mis uhkustavad kuulsate arhitektide loodud hoonetega, sealhulgas mitme Adolf Loosi hoone, Otto Wagneri Villa I ja Villa II ning sama suurmeistri kauni juugendkiriku Kirche am Steinhof’iga. Linnalegendi järgi lendab igal õhtul enne päikeseloojangut Steinhofi juurde ööbima suur vareseparv. Viinis üleskasvanud räägivad, et lapsed pidid sel ajal koju minema, sest kohe läks pimedaks. 1 päev,,

ha, sumeda küünlavalguse ning hea toiduvalikuga. Concordia külastuse võib siduda jalutuskäiguga Euroopa ühes suuremas surnuaias Zentralfriedhofis, kuhu on maetud nii Brahms, Beethoven kui ka austerlaste poppiidol Falco. Kesklinnast pisut kaugemal, rahulikus 8. linnaosas asub prantsusepärane restoran Der Provinz, mis on väga hinnatud õdusa interjööri, värskete vahvlite ja rikkaliku rootsi laua poolest. Kiire ja tervisliku kerge lõunasöögi saab kesklinnas asuvast Fresh Soup and Salat’ist, kus pakutakse värsket karrit ja suppe ka taimetoitlastele. Demeli kohvik pakub võrratut piima-koore struudlit. Veinisõbrad võiksid üles otsida Wein&Co keti poed, kus on fantastiline valik Austria veine ning kus saab neid tasuta degusteerida. Naschmarktilt ehk toiduturult võib leida hea valiku eri rahvuste kööke, laupäeviti on seal ka kirbuturg. Deli ja Neni on seal ruumikad ning hea toiduvalikuga söögikohad, kus õhtuti kõlab muusika. Laupäeviti võiks Nenisse jõuda vähemalt kella 11.30-ks, et saaks tellida kuulsat munarooga

Shakshukat, sest pärast kella 12 seda enam tellida ei saa. Naschmarktil asuvad ka Viini parimad kalarestoranid, samuti kuulus Aasia söögikoht Kim Koch.

Poodlemine ja sport Viini üks peamisi ostutänavaid on Mariahilfer Strasse, kus asuvad suurimate moekettide filiaalid, sh Zara, Mango ja H&M, aga ka väiksemad butiigid nagu Be A Good Girl või ka kaks toredat disainipoodi Useabrand ja Rosenrot. Escada, Armani, Gucci või Burberry leiab südalinna ostutänavatelt Kärtnerstrasse, Kohlmarkt või Graben. Meie Suurest Munamäest pisut kõrgem küngas Hohe Wand Wiese, mida kasutatakse talvel suusanõlvana, muutub kevadel ja suvel 512 meetri pikkuseks kelgurajaks. Tuntud spordi- ja seltskonnaüritus on Vienna Night Run (Viini ööjooks), kus tuleb läbida viis kilomeetrit, joostes või kõndides, aga eelkõige oma tegevust nautides. Viini võib nautida ka jalgrattaga sõites.

Café Gloriette

Keelpillid Gläserneri saalis Musikvereinis String Players at the Gläserner Saal at the Musikverein


in time July / August 2012


Enjoy Vienna, Enjoy Life

St. Stephen's Cathedral


in time July / August 2012


Life in Vienna is much calmer than in most other large capitals of Europe. For several years, Vienna has been ranked No. 1 among world capitals by the international quality of life index. Vienna captures its visitors with history and art, say three Estonian women who all live in Vienna.


ve-Külli Kala who has been the Ambassador of Estonia in Vienna for two years notes: “Vienna is like a museum that is full of venerable history and great art. It’s fancy and fabulous, and sometimes snobbish, but thanks to the masters of the last century, still incredibly glamorous. The city practically sparkles and shines in the sun and enchants with its mystic architecture. Sometimes Vienna seems like a museum that has been closed for the night, cold and without a soul. Yet, no-one would like to live in a museum, but people certainly want to live in Vienna.” Kadri Kallaste who has been living in the capital of Austria for the last six years and specialises in the research and preservation of historic wallpapers recommends simply to enjoy the city and not to run from one sight to another. “Compared to several other Central European capitals, the pace of life in Vienna is notably slower. Enjoyment is part of the local lifestyle.” Ene Palmiste who works as a programme manager at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights says that it is not a coincidence that Vienna is ranked as the best capital in the world for quality of life. “The city’s policy is based on the principle that as many people as possible must have a good life. People feel that their opinion matters, there are no homeless nor ghettos. You don’t have to make an extra effort to feel well. People are very friendly. Life is pleasantly stress-free. When you come from

July / August 2012 in time

Estonia, there is a huge contrast.” The preferences of Eve-Külli Kala include the Complex of Museums with its Leopold Museum that displays the best of Egon Schiele, one of her favourite artists. As for a walking route, the ambassador recommends 7th district that is a charming area with its Bohemian atmosphere, multiple small boutiques, art galleries and cosy cafés. Another area worth visiting is the 1st district in the city centre around Burgtheater. Eva-Külli’s residence is located next to the gardens of Schönbrunn and she likes to go jogging in the garden and rest in Café Gloriette. As the café is located somewhat above the rest of its surroundings, you can see the colour of the sky above the city and prepare for specific weather. The ambassador says Vienna is a moody city where whirlwinds, hot air blowing from African deserts and heat affect the mood of the townspeople. Eva-Külli praises the programme of the Vienna National Opera and the top soloists and conductors from all over the world who perform in the city. During intervals one can run across the street to the Sacher Café and enjoy the famous Sacher sausages. “It’s fun to see how fancy ladies covered in diamonds and their companions have coffee and sausages.” The house of the music society Musikverein hosts excellent concerts. One should definitely visit at least one ballroom dance event when in Vienna. During the year more than 100 different balls are held, most exquisite of them being those of the philharmonics and coffee masters. Note that men must wear a tail coat and ladies need to have a long evening gown.

Text: Katri Soe-Surén Photos: Vienna Tourist Board

Tallinn – Viin / Vienna n

Hind alates 59.90 EUR Prices from 59.90 EUR 7 x nädalas / 7 weekly flights

Riia / Riga – Viin / Vienna n  Hind alates 66.63 EUR Prices from 66.63 EUR 2 x nädalas / 2 weekly flights

Helsingi / Helsinki – n

Viin / Vienna Hind alates 67.81 EUR Prices from 67.81 EUR 6 x nädalas / 6 weekly flights

Moskva / Moscow – n

Viin / Vienna Hind alates 66.01 EUR / 2714 RUB Prices from 66.01 EUR / 2714 RUB 2 x nädalas / 2 weekly flights

St. Petersburg – n

Viin / Vienna Hind alates 89.82 EUR / 3687 RUB Prices from 89.82 EUR / 3687 RUB 3 x nädalas / 3 weekly flights


destination Vienna deserves an extended weekend Secession. One of the most famous contemporary art museums built in art nouveau n  style in Vienna. Exhibition includes “Beethovenfries”, the famous set of paintings that Gustav Klimt dedicated to Beethoven. 2 hours

Schönbrunn Palace. The former summer residence of Habsburgs with its beautiful n  gardens followed by coffee and pastry in Café Gloriette. 4-5 hours

Stephansdom. The tower of this centrally located dome church is accessible by n

elevator and houses the famous Pummerin which is Austria’s largest and Europe’s third largest swinging bell. 1 hour

Holocaust Memorial. An emotional sculpture created by British artist Rachel Whiten  read in city centre at Judenplatz. 30 minutes

Hundertwasser House is a colourful expressionist block of houses designed by n

modern Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Kunsthaus Wien nearby shares the same style and houses a permanent exhibition of Hundertwasser and an excellent restaurant. 3 hours

Vienna Ringa Tram is a special yellow tourist tram that makes a circle on Ringstrasn  se around the city centre passing the Hofburg Palace, Opera House, Parliament, Town Hall, City Theatre and University. 30 minutes

Donauturm TV tower. The restaurant and café on top of the tower offer mediocre n  food, but a breathtaking view on Vienna. 2-3 hours

Kahlenberg. If the weather is good, take a bus out of the city centre to the top of n

Kahlenberg hill. The view over the town is breathtaking. In August and September walk down the hill to taste local wine. Since smaller wine cellars are allowed to open for sale only for limited time, check out the programme at to see which cellars are open. 2-3 hours

Hietzing and Penzing are two neighbouring urban districts with many buildings by n

famous architects including Adolf Loos, as well as Otto Wagner’s Villa I and II and the beautiful Art Nouveau church Kirche am Steinhof by the same master. According to the urban legend, every night before sunset a large flock of crows flies to Steinhof to spend the night. Viennese say it’s the time for children to go to sleep. 1 day,,

Ooperiball / Opera Ball


Life swirls around culture Fans of classical music should visit the National Opera (Staatsoper) and/or Music Society (Musikverein). Estonian-born Ain Anger performs in Boriss Godunov, Simon Boccanegra and die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. As Gustav Klimt’s 150th anniversary is celebrated this year, there are various exhibitions of the works of Klimt. Kino unter Sternen, an open-air cinema programme of concert and music films. Music fans should visit the music club Flex at Donaukanal.

Best Wiener Schnitzels As for dishes, try Tafelspitz or boiled beef, the famous Wiener Schnitzel, pancakes (Palatschinken), strudel and dumplings (Knödel). The best Tafelspitz is available in Plachutta restaurants. For the traditional Vienna cuisine, visit Griechenbeisl that was founded in 1529 and is one of the oldest restaurants in Vienna. The walls of its autograph room are covered with autographs of celebrities who have dined there in the last 500 years. The town’s largest Wiener Schnitzels can be found at Figlmüller. Since it is usually filled to the brim with tourists, check out Schloss Concordia instead. The wooden building that the locals call Small Opera features an unusual location, cosy candlelight and an excellent menu. A visit to Concordia could be linked with a walk in Zentralfriedhof, one of the largest cemeteries in Europe, with graves of Brahms, Beethoven and the local pop idol Falco. In the 8th district, somewhat further from the city centre, is a French restaurant Der Provinz that is very popular for its elegant ambience, fresh waffles and rich buffet. A fast and healthy way to have a lunch in the city centre is Fresh Soup and Salad that offers fresh curry and soups also for vegans. Café Demel offers great milk-crème strudel. Wine aficionados should seek Wein&Co chain stores that stock a great selection of Austrian wines and offer free tasting. Naschmarkt is a food market that offers a good choice of foods of different nations. On Saturdays, flea market is held at the same place. Deli and Neni are two spacious restaurants and evening music. On Saturdays you should go to Neni at least by

in time July / August 2012


Holokausti memoriaal / Memorial at Judenplatz

11.30 am to enjoy the famous egg dish Shakshuka because it is only available until noon. Naschmarkt has also Vienna’s best fish and seafood restaurants, as well as the famous Asian restaurant Kim Koch.

Shopping and sport Mariahilfer Strasse, one of the Vienna’s main shopping streets, offers branded stores of such large fashion chains as Zara, Mango and H&M, but also smaller boutiques including Be A Good Girl and two wonderful design stores Useabrand and Rosenrot. Escada, Armani, Gucci and Burberry are located in central shopping streets Kärtnerstrasse, Kohlmarkt or Graben. Hohe Wand Wiese, a slightly higher hill than the Estonian's Suur Munamägi, offers a ski slope in winter and in summer becomes a 512-metre toboggan run. Vienna Night Run is a prominent sports-andfun event that has a 5-kilometre track for runners and walkers and is meant for enjoyment from start to finish. Vienna can be enjoyed also on a bicycle. July / August 2012 in time

Viini veinid: Heurigeri tavern Viennese Wine: tavern Heuriger



Foto / Photo: Anja Fonseka


in time July / August 2012


Ingrid Lukas

laulab Londoni olümpial Samal ajal kui teised tüdrukud ihaldasid Barbie-nukke, unistas Tallinna tüdruk Ingrid Lukas sellest, kuidas ta ühel päeval võidab olümpiamängudel Eestile mitu medalit ujumises. Nüüd, aastaid hiljem osalebki Ingrid Lukas (27) Londoni olümpiamängudel. Muusikuna ja Eesti kultuuri tutvustajana. Tema kontsert kuulub olümpia kultuuriprogrammi ja enamik lugusid pärineb viimaselt sooloplaadilt „Silver Secrets“.


ngrid Lukas Band esineb 10. augustil Londonis Šveitsi Majas. „Esineda Londonis, kui kogu maailma pilgud on tänu olümpiale just sinna suunatud! Olla koos maailma tipp-sportlastega samal maapinnal! Kunagi oli mul eesmärk jõuda olümpiale ujujana. Mõnikord ei juhtu asjad sel moel ja ajal, kui soovid, vaid juhtuvad kuidagi teisiti, õigel ajal,“ mõtiskleb muusik. Muusikakriitikud on nimetanud Ingrid Lukast Eesti kõige paremini hoitud riigisaladuseks. Tema loomingut on kirjeldatud kui muusikat, mis tuleb Eesti mullast, lendab läbi Norra virmaliste ja maandub Šveitsi mägiaasadel. Ta kirjutab muusikat, mängib eri pille ja laulab. Tema muusikale paralleele otsides mainitakse Tori Amost, Björki, Regina Spektorit või Joanna Newsomi, ent Ingrid Lukase helilooja-käekiri eristub selgelt nagu tema variatsiooniküllane sügav hääletämbergi. Tema salvestusi tasub otsida plaadipoes jazzi, popi ja igaks juhuks ka folgi sektsioo-

July / August 2012 in time

nist. Lauljatari isikupära paneb särama nii hubase kiriku kui ka hiigelsaali tuhandete teadlike kuulajatega. Paar kuud tagasi esines ta ühel mainekamal Norra jazzifestivalil Vossa Jazz väljamüüdud saalile, kus vaimustushüüded ja lisalugude soov ei tahtnud raugeda.

Tekst: Madli-Liis Parts Fotod: Anja Fonseka Cécile Korner Sarah Maurer Jevgeni Kulikov

Tagasi Eestisse muusikuna Veel mõne aasta eest ei teatud Eestiski noorest andekast muusikust Ingrid Lukasest kuigi palju. Mõistetav, sest Ingrid oli vaid 10-aastane, kui jättis klaveriõpingud Tallinna Muusikakeskkoolis ja kolis emaga Šveitsi. Andekast ja tahtejõulisest tüdrukust pidi saama maailmaklassi ujuja. 2000. aastal võttis neiu vastu elu kõige olulisema otsuse – pühenduda muusikale. 2007. aastal lõpetas ta Zürichi muusikaakadeemia jazzi- ja popmuusika eriala laulja ja muusikaõpetajana. Zürichis kohtus ta pianisti ja helilooja Nik Bärtschiga, kelle tõekspidamised ja muusika innustasid lauljatari leidma uusi võimalusi nii muusikas kui ka elus. Jazzimaailmas väga tuntud ja hinnatud Bärtsch, kelle muu-


persoon Ingrid Lukas Sündinud: 1984 Tallinnas n  Õppinud: kolm aastat Tallinna Muusikakeskkoolis klaverit n

2007. aastal lõpetas Zürichi muusikaakadeemia (HMT – Hochschule für Musik und Theater) jazzi- ja popmuusika erialal laulja ja muusikaõpetajana. Diplomitöö teema: „Kuidas leida omaenda stiili?“ Töötanud: alates 2002. aastast lauluõpetaja ja koorijuhina n  Praegu töötab laulja, pianisti ja komponistina, alates 2007 juhib oma ansamblit. 2011. aastast kuuluvad ansamblisse Céline-Giulia Voser (tšello), Michel Gsell (laul, viiul, bass) ja Patrik Zosso (trummid). Plaadid ja esinemised: n  • 2009. aastal ilmus esimene sooloalbum „We need to repeat“ (Ronin Rhythm Records) Külalislauljana osalenud Zürichi linnateatris Schauspielhaus lasteetendustes „Peter Paan“ (2005) ja „Tuhkatriinu“ (2007) ning Nik Bärtschi grupi Ronini esmaspäevastes kontserdiseeriates Zürichis klubis Exil • 2011. aastal ilmus teine sooloalbum „Silver Secrets“ (Universal Music Austria) • 2012. aastal võitis teise koha Eesti Muusikaauhindade konkursil kategoorias Parim naisartist • 2009 – 2012 plaadiesitlustuurid Norras, Šveitsis, Austrias, Saksamaal, Itaalias, Eestis, Lätis Foto / Photo: Cécile Korner

sikat annab välja mainekas ECM-i plaadifirma, on olnud Ingridile hea nõuandja. Muusikuna naasis Ingrid Lukas Eestisse 2009. aastal tänu Anne Ermile, Baltimaade suurima jazzifestivali Jazzkaar korraldajale. Erm kohtas Willisau jazzifestivalil vabatahtlikuna töötavat eesti neiut juhuslikult ja alles hiljem tutvustas Ingrid talle oma muusikat. Järgnes kutse esineda Jazzkaarel. Praegu on lauljataril Eestiga väga tihe muusikaline side. Kontserdid on alati välja müüdud nii Tallinnas kui ka väiksemates kohtades. Ka esimese kontserdi-DVD salvestas ta Tallinnas Niguliste kirikus. 13. sajandil ehitatud pühakoda tuntakse muusikaringkondades üle Euroopa kui suurepärase akustikaga kontserdipaika, kus on salvestatud muu hulgas palju Arvo Pärdi loomingut. „Mul on kaks kodu – Šveitsis ja Eestis,“ tunnistab lauljatar, kelle kõige armsamad omaette olemise kohad on Eesti saartel, metsades ja mere ääres.

Eneseleidmise rännud Ingrid on rändaja. Ta teab, et ei oskaks nautida all inclusive paketireisi hüvesid. „Mulle meeldib vabadus. Tavaelus on mul tihe ajagraafik, kohustused. Reisi õnnestumine ei ole seotud nähtud vaatamisväärsuste hulgaga. Minu jaoks on vabadus see, et lihtsalt kõnnin kuhugi. Viimati käisin niimoodi Viinis. Ootan väga septembrit ja sõitu New Yorki, mis on üks inspireerivamaid linnu minu jaoks. Meeldib Islandil, Reykjavikis. Amsterdamis, Pariisis. Berliin on fantastiline eriti suvel,“ räägib muusik viimase aja reisielamustest. Kuigi ta on esinenud Riias koguni 7500 inimesele, laulnud looduslikult maagilistes paikades ja tehnilise supervarustusega kontserdisaalides, peab ta seni kõige meeldejäävamaks ülesastumist Võru kultuurimajas Kannel. „Nutsin vist 3-4 laulu alguses. Mis juhtus, ei teagi. Mingid ürgsed jõud, meenus lapsepõlv, tekkis eriline armastus- ja tänutunne, mis pidi välja saama,“ ei häbene lauljatar tundeid kirjeldada. Kommentaar:

Tiia Teder,Klassikaraadio peatoimetaja Ma ei tunne Ingrid Lukast, aga tema muusika kaudu oleksime nagu ammused sõbrad. Tema lauludes on nii palju ilusaid algeid, mida olen muusikas oodanud ja kuulanud. Mulle meeldib, kuidas ta kasutab eesti rahvalaule, ühelt poolt nagu unelev haldjas ja kullaketraja, teisalt šamaan, kes kasvatab väikesest runolaulust võimsa loo.


in time July / August 2012

persoon Suurem osa Ingrid Lukase loomingust on eestikeelne, kuigi enamik tema muusika kuulajaist seda keelt ei mõista. „Inimestele meeldib, kui laulan eesti keeles. Küsitakse tekstide tõlkeid, öeldakse, et eesti keel on väga eksootiline ja ilus laulukeel. Kui laulaksin vaid inglise keeles, suruksin endas midagi väga olulist alla.“ Üha rohkem kohtab tema lauludes regilaulu elemente. Ingrid Lukas võib pikalt rääkida inspireerivast kohtumisest helilooja Veljo Tormisega, soovitustest, mida Tormis koos salvestiste, konspektide ja nootidega talle kaasa andis. Samavõrd innustub ta vanadest nootidest, mida on leidnud arhiividest. „Mulle meeldib regilaulu lihtsus, viisi kordumine.

Regilaulus on vana hing sees. Kui laulan, tunnetan eredalt Eesti juuri. Regilaul on osa minust ning püüan seda sulatada oma muusikasse.“ Oluliseks peab lauljatar koorikultuuri tutvustamist Šveitsis, kus tal on koguni kaks koori – Ingrid Lukas koor ja popjazzkoor. Esimese koori repertuaaris on nõudlikes seadetes tema enda muusika, teine on olemuselt vabam kollektiiv, kuhu soovitavad repertuaari ka teised lauljad. „Mida rohkem hingesid koos laulab ja musitseerib ning energiat ühte kohta suunab, seda võimsam on tulemus. Mõelge kas või Eesti laulupidudele, seletamatule tundele, mida kogevad nii lauljad kui ka publik. Energia ei tähenda ainult muusikat, vaid ka mõtteid,“ räägib Ingrid Lukas ja tunnistab, et kooriga tegelemine annab talle võimaluse olla mõtetes Eestiga tihedamalt seotud. Kindlasti on maailmas inimesi, kes ütlevad, et iPod on nende jaoks üks olulisemaid kingitusi. Seda ütleb ka loo kangelanna. Küll on aga usutav, et tema iPodi sisu erineb oluliselt teistest. Ingrid Lukase üheks läbi aegade lemmikplaadiks on Bugge Wesseltofti ja Sidsel Endreseni „Out Here, In There“. Praegu on tema lemmik hiphopi bänd The Roots. „Nende energia jõuab minuni isegi plaadilt. Kui selline energia tuleb sisse, paneb see su loominguliselt põlema.“ Sisemise põlemise ja pühendumisega teeb naine kõike, mis tundub põnev. Talle meeldib õppida kannelt, mängida trumme ja kalimba-laadseid pille. Ta võib hasardiga osaleda internetioksjonil, et hankida vana suur basstrumm. Või seigelda vanakraamipoodides, et leida põnevaid, ent hüljatud pille, need parandada ja kontsertidel kasutada.

Muusikaäri peab õppima Foto / Photo: Anja Fonseka


Ingrid Lukase teise sooloplaadi „Silver Secrets“ andis välja Uni-

in time July / August 2012

persoon versal Musicu Austria haru. Plaati ettevalmistanud meeskonda kuulusid üks mõjukamaid suunanäitajaid Euroopa jazzis pianist Bugge Wesseltoft Norrast ning Islandi muusik ja produtsent Valgeir Sigurdsson. Viimast teatakse eelkõige koostööst Björkiga. Lukasel on uus bänd ning ta kuulub Viinis baseeruva maineka Jazzbrain Music Managementi artistide hulka. Kui paljud noored muusikud ainult unistavad, mis kõik võiks juhtuda ja kellega võiks koos töötada, siis Ingrid Lukas haaras ise härjal sarvist ja tegi ettepanekuid. „Teadsin, kuidas soovin edasi liikuda. Bugge puhul inspireerib mind tema muusika, atmosfäär, mida ta kontserdil suudab tekitada. Saan sellest positiivset energiat. Valgeir oskab luua imelisi helikõlasid. Tema kui toonmeister on ka kunstnik, kes maalib oma vahenditega ja paneb muusikale, mis on justkui paljas keha, helikõladest kleidi peale,“ kiidab Ingrid Lukas lähemaid muusikalisi nõuandjaid. Kuidas nii võimsas masinavärgis nagu Universal Music vastu pidada? „Universal on muidugi suur, aga mitte hirmutav,“ kinnitab laulja. Süsteem on keerukas ja protsessid aeglased. Muusik annab endale aru, et on sel alal algaja, peab jälgima ja õppima. „Äris tuleb emotsioonid koju jätta. Kindlasti peab olema plaadifirmaga suheldes ise aktiivne ja leidma hea strateegia, kuidas oleks mõlemale poolele kasulik. Olen väga õnnelik, et mu kõrval on usaldusväärsed partnerid nagu ka mänedžer Ellen Schörner.“ Ingrid Lukase sõnul on tema mänedžer loomult tugev naine, otsekohene ja kui vaja, ka kriitik. „Ellen teab asjadest, millest mina ei tea. Tänu talle saan põhjalikuma ülevaate muusikaärist ja iseendast. Kui soovin, et mu muusika jõuaks võimalikult paljude inimesteni, pean aru saama, mille sees olen, mis on muusikaäris reaalne. Väär oleks arvata, et mina teen vaid muusikat ja nemad teevad

Ingrid Lukase iPodi sisu: Chopin, Camille, Chaka Khan, Coco Rosie, Bach, n  Regina Spektor, Pärt, Wildbirds and Peacedrums, Björk, Radiohead, Coldplay, Evelinn Trouble, Sigur Ros, Kings of Leon, Debussy, Nik Bärtsch, Erykah Badu, Feist, Sidsel Endresen, Jamie Lidell, Jeff Buckley, Jill Scott, Arve Henriksen, Beatles, Chet Baker, Bon Iver, Ewert and the Two Dragons, Susanna and the Magical Orchestra, Michael Jackson, Nine Inch Nails, Bugge Wesseltoft, The Roots, Billie Holiday.

July / August 2012 in time

Ingrid Lukase reisisoovitused Island, Reykjavik n

Skólavörðustíg 15 asub muusikaplaadipood 12 Tónar, kus võib veeta tunde ja Islandi muusikat avastada. Viie minuti jalutuskäigu kaugusel, Skólavörðustíg 21a, on restoran Noodle station, mida esimest korda külastades istusin juhuslikult ansambli Sigur Ros laulja Jonsi kõrvallauda.,

Austria, Viin n

Silbergasse 7 hubane „Mongi’s Greisslerei“ kauplus-restoran, kust saab Viini parimat itaalia toorsinki. Restorani omanik monsieur Mongi ise teenindab ja pakub maitsvat juustuvalikut, trühvlisalaamit, oliiviõlisid, häid veine ja hõrke eelroogi.

Grenada, St. Georges n

Kariibi mere saarele, kus ookean läbipaistev ning banaane ja apelsine saab puu otsast korjata, pääseb ainult kahte moodi: lennukiga või üle Atlandi ookeani purjetades. Laevaga soovitan sõita otse Le Phare Bleu sadamasse, seal ööbida ja süüa. Avastasin selle väikse paradiisi aastavahetusel 2009/2010, kui mind sinna kontserti andma kutsuti.

Eesti, Saaremaa, Vahase ja Abruka saared n

Kui vajad vaikust, merd ja ürgset loodust, soovitan Abruka ja Vahase saart külastada. Sinna laevad regulaarselt ei sõida, aga kapten Hillar Lipp viib teid kohale. Öö võib veeta Nasva külas Västriku puhkemajas. Merereis ja sarmika kapteni seiklusjutud inspireerivad.

Šveits, Stein n

Soovitan 5,5-tunnist Alpi-panoraammatka (14 km pikk, tõus 925 m). Rada algab Steinis ja lõpeb Amdenis. Ülevalt saab imetleda Mattstocki, Glärnischi, Mürtenstocki tippe.

New York, Williamsburg n

88 N 11th St (Berry & White Avenue vahel) asub üks suuremaid ja lahedamaid kasutatud riiete poode. Olen sealt nii mõnegi esinemiskleidiga koju läinud.

Šveits, Luzern n

Tänavu 20. - 28. juulini toimub seal festival Blue Balls. Olen seal kuulanud Antony and The Johnsons’i ja Jamie Lidelli. Tänavu soovitan Regina Spektori kontserti. Külastage Luzerni linna, sööge restoranis Parterre, Mythenstrasse 7.,,

ülejäänu,“ lükkab neiu ümber lihtsustatud käsitluse edukaks muusikuks saamisest. Ka uue bändita poleks ta jõudnud taolise eduni. Kokku on saanud viis sõpra ja mõttekaaslast. „Õige bändi leidmine on sama nagu muusikalise keele leidmine. Ma ei jõudnud selleni kergelt. Meil on nn working band, mis tähendab palju proove, palju suhtlemist. Peame tähtsaks leida oma helikõla, mis tuleb alles aastatega. Esinemiste, tuuritamise, koos lõbutsemisega – vaid nii jõuame oma kõlani.“ Ingrid Lukas tunnistab, et olümpial võivad talle meeleliigutuspisarad silma tulla, kui ta kedagi võitmas näeb. „Tunnetan pingutust. Tunnetan võiduhetke kui inimese tipphetke. Kuna olen tõsiselt sporti teinud, siis tean, et ühe hetke nimel tuleb mitu aastat vaeva näha. Kõik peab olema ajastatud, vorm ja jõud, ja selle peab suutma suunata paari minuti sisse. Seesama energia, mida tunnetan laval muusikuna.“



Ingrid Lukas Singing at London Olympics

Foto / Photo: Sarah Maurer


in time July / August 2012


While other girls were dreaming about Barbie dolls, Ingrid Lukas from Tallinn was imagining how she would win several Olympic medals for Estonia in swimming. And now the 27-year-old Ingrid really will soon be attending London Olympics. But as a musician and envoy of Estonian culture. Her concert is part of the Olympic culture programme and most songs are from her latest solo album „Silver Secrets.”


n August 10, the Ingrid Lukas Band will be performing in the Swiss House in London. „To perform in London at the Olympics when the whole world is watching! To be in the same place with the world’s best athletes! I used to dream about becoming an Olympic swimmer, but looks like sometimes things don’t happen the way you expect them to or at the time you expect them to,” says the musician. Music critics have said that Ingrid Lukas is Estonia’s best-kept secret. It has been said that her music takes off from the Estonian soil, flies through Norway’s polar lights and lands on Swiss highland pastures. She writes music, plays different instruments and sings. It is said that her music resembles that of Tori Amos, Björk, Regina Spektor or Joanna Newsom, but her deep voice and her compositions are distinct. In music stores her recordings may be found under jazz, pop or even folk. Her unique music brightens up small churches and huge concert halls filled with thousands of music fans. A few months ago she performed in Vossa Jazz, one of Norway’s most famous jazz festivals, where a sold-out audience simply did not want to let her leave.

Back to Estonia as a musician Ingrid Lukas was relatively unknown in Estonia until only a few years ago. This is understandable

July / August 2012 in time

since she was only 10 when she left her piano studies in Tallinn Music School and moved to Switzerland with her mother. A talented and determined girl was to become a world-class swimmer. But in 2000 the young girl made a life-changing decision to dedicate herself to music. In 2007 she graduated from the Zurich Music Academy as a jazz and pop singer and music teacher. In Zurich she met Nik Bärtsch, a pianist and a composer, whose approach and works inspired Ingrid to find new opportunities in both music and life. Bärtsch, who is very well known in the world of jazz and whose music is released by the famous ECM has been a great inspiration for Ingrid.

Text: Madli-Liis Parts Photos: Anja Fonseka Cécile Korner Sarah Maurer Jevgeni Kulikov

Ingrid Lukas Born: in Tallinn n  Studies: three years of piano studies in Tallinn Music School n

In 2007 she graduated from the Zurich Music Academy HMT (Hochschule für Musik und Theater) as a jazz and pop singer and music teacher. Topic of her graduation thesis: „How to find your own style?“ Work: singing teacher and choir conductor since 2002 n  At present works as a singer, piano player and composer. Since 2007 started her own band. Since 2011 the band members are Céline-Giulia Voser (cello), Michel Gsell (vocals, violin, base) and Patrik Zosso (drums). Albums and performances: Ingrid’s first solo album „We need to repeat” was relen  ased in 2009 (Ronin Rhythm Records) As a guest singer, performed in children’s plays Peter Pan (2005) and Cinderella (2007) in Schauspielhaus, the Zurich city theatre. Also participated in the Monday concerts of Ronin, the Nik Bärtsch Group, in the local Exil club. Her second solo album „Silver Secrets“ was released in 2011 (Universal Music Austria) In the second half of 2012, won the second prize at the Estonian Music Awards in the category of Best Female Artist. Album concert tours in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Estonia and Latvia in 2009-2012.


person Travel recommendations by Ingrid Lukas Iceland, Reykjavík. Skólavörðustíg 15 is the address for music store 12 Tónar where n  one can spend hours listening and discovering Icelandic music. A five-minute walk away, at Skólavörðustíg 21a, is the restaurant Noodle Station. When I visited it for the first time, my table was accidentally next to Jons, the singer of Sigur Ros.,

Austria, Vienna. At Silbergasse 7, „Mongi’s Greisslerei“ cosy deli and restaurant n

offers the best Italian ham in Vienna. Customers are served by the owner monsieur Mongi himself, who is offering cheese selection, truffle salami, olive oils, good wines and delicious antipasti.

Grenada, St. Georges. There are two ways to get to this Caribbean island with its n

transparent waters and trees full of bananas and oranges: by plane or by boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Take a boat to the Le Phare Bleu port, and dine and spend a night there. I discovered this small paradise on New Year’s Eve 2009/2010 when they asked me to give a concert.

Estonia, islands of Saaremaa, Vahase and Abruka. If you are searching for a comn  bination of silence, sea and primeval wildlife, visit the islands of Abruka and Vahase. No regular ferry connection, but captain Hillar Lipp will take you there. You can spend the night at Västriku guesthouse in Nasva village. The trip and stories of the charming captain are inspiring.

Switzerland, Stein. I recommend a 5.5-hour walking tour of the Alps (14 km in n

length, elevation of 925 m). The path starts in Stein and ends in Amden. From above, you can marvel the peaks of Mattstock, Glärnisch and Mürtenstock.

New York, Williamsburg. 88 N 11th St (between Berry & White Avenue) is one of the n  largest and coolest second-hand clothing stores. I have bought a few of my performance dresses from there.

Switzerland, Luzern. Host of the Blue Balls festival on July 20-28, 2012. I have lisn

tened to Antony and The Johnsons and Jamie Lidell there. My recommendation for this year is a concert by Regina Spektor. Visit the town of Luzern and dine at Restaurant Parterre at Mythenstrasse 7.,,

As a musician, Ingrid Lukas returned to Estonia in 2009 thanks to Anne Erm who organizes Jazzkaar, the biggest jazz festival in the Baltics. Erm by accident met Ingrid who was working as a volunteer in the Willisau Jazz Festival and heard her music only later. The invitation to perform at Jazz-


kaar followed shortly. The singer has very close musical connection to Estonia. Her concerts in Tallinn or anywhere else are always sold out. Her first concert CD was recorded in Tallinn, in the St. Nicholas Church. Musicians all over Europe know that this 13th century church has excellent acoustics. Arvo Pärt likes to record his works in this church. „I have two homes, in Switzerland and in Estonia,“ says the singer who loves to retreat to the Estonian islands, to the forest and the sea.

Soul-searching Ingrid is a traveller. She knows that she could not enjoy the benefits of an all-inclusive package tour. “I like freedom. In my regular life I have a tight schedule and many obligations. A good trip does not depend on how many sights I see. For me freedom is to walk around. The last time I did it was in Vienna. I very much look forward to September and my trip to New York that for me is one of the world’s most inspiring cities. I like it in Iceland in Reykjavík, but also in Amsterdam and Paris. Berlin in the summer is fantastic,“ says the musician listing her latest travel experiences. Despite having performed to as many as 7,500 people in Riga, in nature’s own stages and in concert halls equipped with state-of-the-art technology, she says that her most memorable performance was in the local community hall of Võru. “I cried at the start of 3 or 4 songs. I don’t know what happened. Some deep forces, childhood memories, a special feeling of love and gratitude that had to be released, I guess,” says the singer who is not ashamed to show feelings. Most of her works are in Estonian, although most of the audience does not understand it. “People like it when I sing in Estonian. They ask me for the lyrics and say that the Estonian language is very exotic and beautiful to sing. If I sang only in English, I would have to suppress something very important inside me.” Musical folk poems are playing an increasing role in her songs. Ingrid Lukas can talk for hours about her inspiring meetings with composer Veljo Tormis and the recommendations he has given her together with recordings, texts and sheet music. She is equally interested in old music that she has found from archives. “I like the simplicity of runic songs and their repeat-

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person ing melody. They have an old spirit. When I sing these songs, I can clearly feel my Estonian roots. Runic songs are a part of me and I try to embed it into my music.” The singer considers it important to promote choir singing in Switzerland where she is conducting two choirs – the Ingrid Lukas choir and the pop-jazz choir. The demanding repertoire of the former consists of Ingrid’s own works, while the other is creatively freer with other singers also recommending music. „The more people are singing, making music and channelling energy together the more powerful the outcome is. Think of the Estonian song festivals and of this indescribable feeling that the singers and audience both feel. Energy is not only music, but also thoughts,” says Ingrid and admits that working with the choir enables her to be closely linked to Estonia. Many people say that their iPod is who they are. Ingrid agrees. But the contents of her iPod is definitely very unique. For Ingrid, one of her most favourite albums of all time is „Out Here, In There“ by Bugge Wesseltoft and Sidsel Endresen. Right now she is a fan of the hip-hop band The Roots. „I am charged by the energy of their album. It makes me burn with creativity.” Everything that she finds exciting she does with passion and dedication. She likes to study Estonian zither, play drums and kalimba-like instruments. She can bid aggressively at a web auction for an old large base drum or go shopping in antique stores in search of exciting venerable instruments so that they could be repaired and used in concerts.

Music business needs study Ingrid’s second solo album “Silver Secrets” was released by the Austrian affiliate of Universal Music. The team that prepared the album included the piano player Bugge Wesseltoft from Norway who is one of the biggest names in the European jazz and Icelandic music and the producer Valgeir Sigurdsson. The latter has become famous for his cooperation with Björk. Lukas has a new band and she is one of the prominent artists of Jazzbrain Music Management based in Vienna. While many young musicians only dream about what could happen and who they could work with, Ingrid Lukas grabbed the initiative and

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approached the right people herself. “I knew what I wanted my next step to be. As for Bugge, I am inspired by his music and the ambience that he creates at his concerts. It gives me positive energy. Valgeir produces marvellous sound combinations. He is a tone-master who is also an artist painting with his tools and covering the naked body of music with clothes of sound,” says Ingrid about her closest music advisers. How can one survive in such a huge corporation like Universal Music? “Sure, Universal is big, but not scary,” says the singer. The system is complicated and processes are slow. The musician understands that she is only a beginner and has a lot to look and learn. “In business you need to put your emotions aside. You need to be active when you communicate with the record company and find a strategy that is beneficial for both partners. I am very happy that I have trusted partners by my side and my manager Ellen Schörner.” Ingrid says that her manager is a woman with a will of steel who can be direct and, if necessary, critical. “Ellen knows about things that I don’t. Thanks to her I can get a more in-depth overview of the music business and myself. If I want my music to reach as many people as possible, I need to understand my situation and see what is realistic. It would be wrong to imagine that I only make music and they do the rest”, says the young woman about the common misconception on how to become a successful musician. Also her new band has played an important role in getting her where she wanted to go. It’s a group of five friends who think alike. “Finding the right band is like finding a musical language. It was not simple. We have a so-called working band which means many rehearsals and a lot of communication. For us it is important to find the right sound and it may take years. Concerts, tours and having fun – this is the way to our own sound.” Ingrid Lukas admits that she could become very emotional when she sees someone win at the Olympics. „I can feel the effort. For me, the moment of victory is a human pinnacle. I have been involved in big sports and know how many years one works for just this moment. Everything – form and power - must be well timed, and has to be released in a matter of minutes. This is the energy that I feel on stage as a musician.“


Tiia Teder,

Editor-in-chief of Klassikaraadio I don’t know Ingrid Lukas personally, but we are like old friends through her music. Her songs have so many beautiful things that I have searched for and found in music. I like the way she uses Estonian folk songs as if she was a dreaming fairy, but also as a shaman who turns a small folk song into a powerful story.



Estonian Beer and Its Many Tastes

Before 1991, beer was in scarce supply in Estonia and available in kiosks known as Green Frogs. Then, foreign businessmen acquired local breweries and started to produce Western beer that was available only for hard currency. Text: piret tali Photos: Raigo Pajula, PM / Scanpix Baltics Lauri Laan, Eesti Õlleajaloo Selts K. Grepp Leisis shutterstock


When capitalism arrived to Estonia, breweries started to launch one special brew after another. The era of live beer causing digestion problems to foreign tourists had come to an end. Since then brewing has skyrocketed and the market is dominated by two large producers: Saku (Carlsberg) and A. Le Coq (Olvi-Finland), one based near Tallinn and the other in Tartu. The remaining ten percent of the market is divided

between Viru Õlu from H.F. Puls owned by Denmark’s Harboe, Sillamäe Brewery that has a staff of 8, and Karksi that is now half-owned by A. Le Coq. Also local breweries have become much more active. Now that two out of three Estonian women are baking their own bread, domestic brewing is also picking up. „Traditional Estonian beer is a myth, it has never existed. There are two beer traditions: the Cen-

in time July / August 2012

Welcome to the Beer Star country!


There are three things you need to know about Estonia: 1. Girls are pretty. 2. Cheers is “terviseks!”. 3. And the best pubs are marked with this sign. Only a few chosen pubs, bars and restaurants are awarded with the A. Le Coq Beer Star certificate for their excellence in serving beer. Just ask for A. Le Coq Premium and you’ll see what we mean. Good taste is guaranteed.





Estonia Beer carriers of A. Le Coq

From Zhiguli to Moscow Although beer has been brewed in Estonia for hundreds of years, it was made mainly for weddings plus four times a year for Christmas, Whitsun, Midsummer and Michaelmas Day. Farmers knew how to brew their own beer as late as in 1940s, but kolkhoz movement killed not only their farms, but also the business of harvesting hop, beer barley and rye as well as personal beer kitchens. During the Soviet deficit era, it was normal for people to brew their own beer from maltose that was sold in stores. People used 50 or 100-litre kegs and drank it during weddings, birthdays, Midsummer Eve or kolkhoz parties. “Of course, beer that was of better quality

tral European, ie German-Czech beer tradition, and the Finnish-Scandinavian light beer that contains almost no hops. The former is now taking over the latter,� says Andres Sepp from the Estonian Society of Beer History. Although traditional British beers such as ale and stout beers are similar to our domestic beer, they have not caught up in Estonia yet.

Basement workers of A. Le Coq


in time July / August 2012

than modern lager was brewed also in the Soviet Union. The question was where was it available,” says Sepp. “High-quality brands that had to comply with Soviet or local standard were, for instance Tartu, Saku, Moscow, Porter, Leningrad, etc. that were mainly created at the start of 1960s. At that time quantity and meeting production plan ruled over quality and the most typical beer was called “Zhiguli”. It’s produced as a nostalgic brand also today. Alcohol at parties was banned in 1985 with Mikhail Gorbachev’s sobriety campaign.

Brewing revolution In Estonian breweries all beer brands were brewed separately, but in mid-1990s they switched to the so-called high-gravity brewing technology that was introduced by foreign investors. “For the sake of energy saving and reasonable use of storage capacity, breweries started to brew strong concentrates that were later diluted into beer brands,” explains Sepp. In the rest of the world this had happened when alcohol-resistant yeast cells were developed. Breweries soon started to produce also alcohol-free products such as juices and lemonades. The brewing revolution caused the arrival of beer brands with up to 12.5% of alcohol content because it had become technically possible. Over the time, taste of most beverages also became fairly similar. Now the alcohol content is again falling and bottles and glasses are getting smaller. Home brewing has always been linked to the production price of beer, i.e. the national taxation issue. No country has every managed to ban home brewing because a compromise is always the better solution. “Brewing home beer from maltose was popular already in 1930s,” says Sepp. “National alcohol policy was to tax factory beer with alcohol content of up to 4% very highly which reduced its annual consumption to less than five litres per person. But Estonians always find a way and the history will probably repeat itself.” Sepp says that today people are more interested in taste than in saving which is why home brewing is becoming more important. “Me and many of my friends have been brewing our own beer for years,” he says. “Many beer brands sold in Estonia have only two local components: water and employees.”

Estonian Society of Beer History An NGO founded in 1999 n  Not owned by any beverage n

maker, unites independent people from Tartu and Tallinn. The society records the n  history of beer industry and provides advice, without preferring any specific brewer or product. The organization also n  assists people in Estonia and abroad collecting to collect information and cooperates with museums, researchers, etc.


Sommelier Kristjan Peäske: Beer Can Be Enjoyed As Much As Wine to local pubs and restaurants. We hope that after these training events the bar staff have the right attitude towards beer and can serve it properly. We serve beer with different foods so that one can get a sense of harmony of tastes. We try to break the myth that beer only goes with certain foods. When you try a new taste you get the experience and knowledge of matching tastes.

Kristjan Peäske

Is froth the secret to the art of serving beer? It’s a crime to serve beer at wrong temperature and without froth. Froth makes beer fresh. First of all, frothy beer looks good and secondly – froth has taste, so it is not only about serving. Normally, we let customers taste two beers that are poured simultaneously: one with froth and the other without.

Kristjan Peäske, Estonia’s first internationally recognised beer sommelier and recent Estonia’s No. 1 sommelier made an interesting test in his restaurant Leib, Resto ja Aed. He offered guests wine and beer to go with a three-course meal and asked them to assess which was better. Beer won. Peäske, who will shortly travel to Tokyo to represent Estonia in an international competition of sommeliers, says people are realising that price is not the only factor. What did the wine and beer competition look like? We organised a dinner in a way that the menu was the same, but one had to choose either beer or wine to go with the meal and then assess which one was better. What was surprising was that beer was said to offer a similar emotion as wine. This was surprising since few expect beer to complement the food as strongly as wine. You have trained more than 600 people in Estonia to match beer with food. We organised beer tastings together with A. Le Coq and provided serving and food training


Which tastes have you suited to beer? The so-called pilsner beers are very good with sushi, since sushi is dipped into sour soy sauce. BBQ goes well with light lager or the dark Tõmmu Hiid by A. Le Coq that creates a very special taste experiences. Light beer offers a fresh experience, and dark beer gives a stronger caramel taste. Exciting beers are raspberry beers from Belgium that are brewed with wild yeast and are excellent with chocolate cake, as are chocolate or regular porters. Are Western methods making all Estonian beer taste similar? In 1990s, Estonian beer had sediment and you could not drink it after three days. Today, the quality of beers made in Estonia is guaranteed by modern filtering technology. This is not always good, but it gives beer a stable quality. People like tasteless beers, but this is why they need to be trained with different tastes. There was a time when the less the drink had taste the better it was considered. It should be vice versa for beers. Estonians like weak tasting beer. Our producers cannot fight the trend. But there are more and more people who prefer beer with more taste and

in time July / August 2012

character. Every restaurant is offering niche beers. Beer Star tries to promote new thinking. I am sure we will see more exciting beers on the Estonian market soon. It seems that beer glasses are getting smaller and beer is becoming lighter? If you just want to drink then it’s OK to have large glasses of light beer. But if you want to enjoy specific beer taste, it cannot be light. If a glass is small, you’ll pour several times and get froth several times. We use a lot of glasses in different shapes. We use a beer glass only for offering classic light beer. All dark beers are served from Burgundy wine glasses that allow the full taste of beer to come out. Will the domestic, original and smooth beer become fashionable? I think that beer is already being talked about as much as wine. We have loyal customers who always order Tõmmu Hiid. Tastes and preferences differ, but people are open to innovation and new tastes. While before people used to simply order draft, they now want to test new products. There will be no Õlletoober or domestic beer festival in Saaremaa this year. What is your opinion of domestic beer? Domestic brewing is a great tradition. I hope that this trend will catch on. There are not many people left who themselves prepare malt, roast it, grow hops and brew their own beer. Not many want to go through the trouble. As a hobby, brewing is very acceptable.

July / August 2012 in time


Arvet Väli – the Only Seller of Estonian Farmhouse Beer The strength of Saaremaa beer is legendary and makes many men weak in their knees. Some of them cannot even finish one glass „No-one can withstand two mugs of beer in short succession,“ says Arvet Väli who has been brewing beer in Pihtla in Saaremaa for 21 years. The strength and taste of beer are always interconnected and Arvet’s beer’s alcohol content is more than seven percent. „This beer cannot be consumed when thirsty. You need to taste it, to have a mug or two for the Arvet Väli

evening, but not more,” he says. Traditionally in Estonia, a wooden carved beermug was being handed around and everybody took a sip. Väli says that his beer is so strong due to expensive and pure grain and he doesn’t use sugar, which explains the relatively high price. But there is a big difference with stronger factory beers that are sold in 1.5-litre plastic bottles in technology, taste and quality. Although there are about 100 locals in Saaremaa who brew their own beer, Väli is the only one to market it. Also the only official brewer in the neighbouring island of Hiiumaa has folded up. Fortunately, Väli had the guts to wait until the changes in the alcohol excise duty law enter into force and secured an exemption from the tax and customs authority. Hopefully this will open the market also for other unique beers.

Farmhouse beer is live yeast beer „I don’t think that men like me would become a problem for large producers,” says Väli, adding that small production means more expensive unit price. „Twenty producers like me who make up to 40 tons of beer a year is about 0.3 percent of the Estonian beer market,” he says. Starting from this year, this brewer from Saaremaa needs not pay the high fee for laboratory services (and there is no-one to offer it on the island!) or pay a deposit for stocked alcohol on similar terms with large scale producers. He could not afford it with his 12,000 litres a year. Pihtla beer is transported to the mainland in kegs and is available in fairs where people can also taste typical Saaremaa sweet bread. „I ship about 100 litres of beer to beer enthusiasts every week,” says Väli. In Saaremaa, Pihtla beer is available in beer restaurant Veski, Grand Rose SPA, Panga cliff, Angla and Kaali. Unfortunately, sales are good only in summertime when demand is bigger than supply, and there is a quiet period for at least six months. Now, two bars in Tallinn Old Town are also stocking Väli’s beer: Põrgu (Hell) near St.


in time July / August 2012

European Museum of the Year Award 2008

C H . K A N N E M A N S . S H I P W R E C K . D E TA I L . 1 8 4 9 . J E F R A D E M A K E R S C O L L E C T I O N . P H O T O : B R U N O VA N D E R M E U L E N

The exhibition you can’t miss

UNTIL 26.08.2012

The collection was compiled by Jef Rademakers, a former television producer, with superb intuition, offering all genres and shades of the diverse romanticism of Netherlandish art.

Other exhibitions: Undiscovered Masterpieces. Russian Art from the Collections of the Baltic Countries

Speed of Darkness and Other Stories

UNTIL 12.08.2012

The concept of the exhibition is based on the conflict between fantasy and rationality, and the effective power of expression that light possesses in highlighting significant things. Artists from Estonia, Finland and Latvia are participating in the exhibition.

The exhibition presents an overview of singular paintings of the second half of the 19 th century, focusing on the work of the Peredvizhniki artists (Perov, Repin, Shishkin, Kramskoy, Kassatkin, Levitan and others).

UNTIL 30.09.2012


Tõnis Vint and His Aesthetic Universe

Jüri Kaarma. The Black Horse and Other Drawings

UNTIL 09.09.2012

UNTIL 21.10.2012

The exhibition summarises some tendencies in the work of Tõnis Vint (b. 1942), a key figure in Soviet Estonian art. It is characterised by aesthetic universalism and aspirations to create a harmonious visual environment.

The one-room exhibition introduces the early work of the Estonian graphic designer Jüri Kaarma (1950–2011). J. KAARMA. FROM SERIES DEATHS AND ENTRANCES. 1979 PRIVATE COLLECTION


KUMU ART MUSEUM Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn, Estonia Tel +372 602 6000,,

Open: May–Sept Tue 11am–6pm, Wed 11am–8pm, Thu–Sun 11am–6pm Oct–Apr Wed 11am–8pm, Thu–Sun 11am–6pm


Weddings with home brew in Hiiumaa, 1936

Nicholas Church and Vaimu street bar that opens in evenings only. „I had no plans to take my beer to the mainland,” says Väli. „I don’t want to have my beer on sale in every railway station, but otherwise I would have had to hibernate during winters.“ He says that there is interest towards his beer also elsewhere, but the question is storage. „Normally you put a keg in the corner and it stands there for a month. Farmhouse beer is live yeast-based beer and contains good bacteria. You cannot preserve it for more than a week or two at room temperature,“ says the brewer. „Although it preserves longer in cool conditions“.

Sweet and soft, with the colour of orange juice „I would not call it domestic beer, but farmhouse beer,” says Väli who has won several prizes in traditional local festivals of domestic beers. Anyone can brew at home from maltose, but his brewing technology dates back to his forefathers and is much more complicated. „Saaremaa beer has the colour of light orange juice,” he says. „I don’t use caramel malt. They say that my beer tastes soft, sweet, banana-like. I


don’t use a lot of hop so my beer is not bitter and is clear,“ says Väli. The registered alcohol content of his beer is 7.6%. „It seems strong at first, but it is nothing compared to wine,” laughs Väli, adding that the beer is strong enough to keep the party going. Väli started to brew by chance. He graduated from the Tallinn University of Technology in engineering, then worked in the local building company and finally became the CEO of Varma brewery before it was closed. Looking for new opportunities, he started to test brewing. Now he is the only one who cooks his beer. In the wintertime he brews once a month, but in the summer it’s a weekly operation. He produces 800 litres in one go and stores it in two tanks. He has four 500-litre tanks in his cellar. For years a traditional beer festival Õlletoober was held in Saaremaa, but its organizer went bankrupt last year because of bad weather. Väli was a traditional vendor in this event and did well in various competitions. “Let’s see if Saaremaa Sangad, the local beer club, will organise anything this summer,” says Väli. In earlier years he has also been a beer competition jury because very few have a 21-year experience in brewing.

in time July / August 2012

Eesti oma suurtööstus Estonian own heavy industry

Discover Virumaa! Viru Keemia Grupp AS (VKG) operates in East and WestViru Counties or Virumaa, which is the most unique and controversial region in Estonia. The characteristic industrial landscape, Soviet architecture, varied shoreline, including the coastal cliffs that are under UNESCO protection (World Heritage), and a part of the biggest lake in Europe – all these make up our beautiful Virumaa. Estonians have started to discover this interesting region only lately. But foreign tourists come here still only in isolated instances and individually, not in groups. Virumaa is an unexpected place but rich as regards the nature and people. It is ideal for those who want to look around in places with no established tourism infrastructure. At the same time, it is ideal for creative people who are looking for inspiration to paint, take pictures or make films. VKG with its local partners is constantly contributing to the development and prosperity of Virumaa by inviting talented creative persons here – artists, photographers, filmmakers, etc. These initiatives have resulted in excellent cooperation with Evelin Ilves, wife of Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia, Tiina Lokk, founder and manager of the PÖFF film festival, Kaupo Kikkas, a photographer and photography teacher, and many others. The ‘Ilus oled, Virumaa!’ [You are beautiful, Virumaa!] photography competition is taking place for the second time. As a result, it provides an opportunity to visit Virumaa through the photo gallery that is made of pictures taken by locals and visitors. For more information see

The third Kaljo Kiisk grant for a young filmmaker will be awarded this autumn. For more information see Virumaa is interesting with its unexpected scenery and rich wildlife. The best views of the region, accompanied by unforgettable Dagö, can be enjoyed here: Discover Virumaa! ‘Virumaa is like a constructed world where nothing refers to a specific time or place. It is so varied in its form and style that, within a 100-kilometre radius, you can find factory architecture, old city forms, a resort, traditional Estonian farms and an onion village of Russian Old Believers. It has a sea on one side, a lake on the other and a river crosses it as well. Nowhere else in Estonia is there such a luxury.’ Katrin Kissa, Kaljo Kiisk young filmmaker’s special prizewinner 2010


Little Italy Near Tabasalu Text: Tanel Unt

Ah, summer – the time for family vacation! It’s awfully fun to cruise the countryside with kids and grandmother in tow until you come to the question of where to eat lunch. White linen and quiet atmosphere of city restaurants seems unsuitable and they're so far from the beach. Yet you'd prefer some good food and delicate wines over French fries and grilled sausage. Meet Lucca, a restaurant where Italian family

lunch is understood better than anywhere. Just outside Tallinn, on the way to the beautiful Baltic Sea beach, its large dining room and beautiful outdoors terrace welcome you every day of the week, but what it’s perfect for is family lunch. Children have their own play area and special healthy menu while parents can enjoy the traditional Italian cuisine.

Chef Tarmo Mölder knows how to make local ingredients taste like fresh out of Tuscany and wine selection is made by the owners themselves, showing their love towards Italy and memories from the many trips they've made there. You have to try their version of Vitello Tonnato from veal tongue, a delightful combination of taste and texture. Light eaters can pick from several fish and vegetarian dishes while meat lovers’ choices are topped by a massive T-bone steak a la Firenze, cut and delivered especially for Lucca by a local butcher. Connoisseurs of exotic tastes can try the duck breast cooked Old Roman style and, of course, there are freshly made pastas and pizza on the menu. For dessert you have to go for the classic Cantuccini e Vin Santo – almond cookies that you soak in sweet "holy wine". Whether you're looking for place to have a Sunday family lunch, private dinner or want to celebrate a birthday, come over and enjoy the warm spirit of Italian hospitality. Bring friends and family because that’s what summer is all about – spending time in good company over good food and wine. Lucca

Keskpäeva street 1, 76901 Tiskre, tel: +372 655 5923, On Board of Estonian Air in July


in time July / August 2012


A Hidden Pearl Near the Airport

The restaurant scene in Tallinn has

really exploded this year with many new places opening and old favorites trying hard to prove they still got it. During summer months the Old Town is filled with explorers and tourists from all over the world and restaurants follow with equally diverse offerings. All this is great but sometimes makes you wonder where are the locals. They must have their own favorites hidden in the quieter corners of the town. Restaurant Fahle is one of them. A family business with a humble beginning has now expanded into a full scale restaurant with a mission to offer an easy, elegant and beautiful dining experience for locals and tourists alike. Chef de Cuisine Marelle Lehter and her team have developed a unique approach to European kitchen, marrying local delicacies and Nordic influenced cuisine

July / August 2012 in time

with artful, stylish presentations. Make sure you bring a healthy appetite and a camera for some nice blog pictures. Wonders won't stop there though. Take a bite and you'll find that beauty also tastes good. Fahle has a lot to offer but you need to try their homemade smoked salmon which has been a favorite since the beginning, the tender perch fillet and smoked pork. Every dessert is literally a piece of art. Don’t forget to try the truffles that are made also on spot. Their seasonal menu changes often and always features some of the best tastes from Estonia and abroad.


Tartu mnt. 84A 10112 Tallinn Tel: +372 603 0588 On Board of Estonian Air in August

Fahle is built to occupy the ground floor of

a century-old factory building with plenty of space which means some niceties that the Old Town restaurants find hard to match. For cigar lovers there's a special cigar room – something you don't see often since Estonia introduced indoors smoking ban in bars and restaurants. Wine library room offers great opportunities to hold meetings or private parties in secluded atmosphere. The best part of it all is how easy it is to visit. Situated between the airport and city centre, it is perfect to have a good dinner before catching a flight back home or a perfect first experience when arriving. No need to be wary of tourist hordes or book long in advance. Give it a try. No hard decisions needed, no careful planning required, Fahle is waiting for you.


mood / fashion

Kokteil + kleit =? Cocktail + Dress =? Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre, Eesti Päevaleht Fotod / Photos: disainerid / designers


Kokteilikleit on koketne liitsõna, milles Cocktail dress is a coquettish compound

mood kohtub elunautimisega. Traditsiooniliselt on sellega tähistatud riidekoodi poolformaalseteks juhtudeks: suvisteks vastuvõttudeks, esitlusteks ja avamisteks. Kokteilikleidiga saab kaasa annuse vabadust – kui õhtukleit sunnib rühi sirgeks ja kõnepruugi aupaklikuks, siis kokteilidega on lubatud palju enam, uljamad tantsusammud või põiked põõsastikku on rohkem kui lubatud. Kokteilikleitide hiilgeaeg jääb möödunud sajandi keskele, kui üha domineerivamaks sai pintsakus ärimeeste klass. Pärast tööd toimuvatel vabavormilisematel kohtumistel sobiski nende parimaks saatjaks kokteilikleidis daam. Algselt nimetati seda stiili ka hilise pärastlõuna kleidiks ja termini „kokteilikleit“ võttis esmakordselt kasutusele Christian Dior hilistel 1940-ndatel.

word where fashion meets joy of life. Its traditional meaning is a woman’s dress worn in semi-formal or black-tie occasions such as summer receptions, presentations and ribbon-cutting events. Unlike a formal evening gown which imposes a straight posture and proper speaking manners, a cocktail gown gives the wearer a sense of freedom, allowing daring moves on the dance floor or digressions into nearby bushes. The heyday of cocktail dresses was in the middle of the 20th century when business jackets started to mingle with cocktail dresses in evening functions. Initially, these dresses were known as “late afternoon dresses” and the first to coin the term cocktail gown was Christian Dior in late 1940s.

Teine kokteilikleidi määratlus oli tantsukostüüm – kui seni oli ballidel end kramplikult mööda põrandaid sahistatud, siis 1950-ndad tõid tantsupõrandale kerged svingivad noodid. Algselt oli väga rangelt paika pandud sellise kleidi pikkus (Christian Dior armastas seda isegi joonlauaga demonstreerida), aga 1980-ndatel sai vormist olulisemaks stiil, mis pidi olema luksuslik ja pidulik. See oli ka aeg, kui kokteilid muutusid kangemaks, näiteks rallis klubijookide tipus Long Island Ice Tea, mis tähendab ju lihtsalt kõigi kangete valgete alkoholide segu. Pole siis ime, et sellele järgnes 1990-ndatel tugev pohmell ja kokteilikleidid pagendati kapinurka kui piinliku priiskamiskümnendi igand. Praegune kõikelubatavus võimaldab disaineritel mõtestada kokteilikleite värske nurga alt – möllata värvide ja mustritega, miksida siidi lateksiga. Siin on valik Eesti tippdisainerite kokteilikleite 2012. aasta kevadsuvisest kollektsioonist koos kergete kokteilidega.

The second definition of a cocktail dress is a dancing costume. Until then dancing had been mainly limited to balls and other white tie affairs, featuring ball gowns, but then the 1950s brought swing to the dance floors. At first such gowns had very strict length (famous couturier Christian Dior even had a ruler for this), but the 1980s showed that luxurious and festive style had become more important than form. At the same time, cocktails became stronger as a club drink, as manifested by Long Island Ice Tea that essentially is a mix of all strong white alcohols. No wonder then that it was followed by a strong hangover in the 1990s and cocktail gowns were hidden in closets as reminders of an embarrassing decade of lavishness. The new era allows designers to approach cocktail gowns under a different angle, going crazy with colours and patterns, and mixing silk with latex. Below is a selection of cocktail gowns from the 2012 spring and summer collections of top Estonian designers, with some light cocktail recipes. in time July / August 2012





Aldo Järvsoo


• 400 g maitsestamata jogurtit • 0,5 l rammusat koorejäätist • 200 g mustikaid Suvel on alati midagi küpsemas – olgu siis kodupeenral või metsas – ning oleks patt jätta seda vaid tigudele ja karudele nosimiseks. Kuna looduses veedetud tervisest pakatavad korilustunnid ei sobi kuidagi kokku alkoholiga, siis ongi minu suvine lemmikkokteil täiesti alkoholivaba. Kokteilikleidid, mida selleks suveks olen valmistanud, on samasugused kerged, õhulised ja lendlevad nagu see jahutav kokteilgi. Ja nii nagu mulle meeldib kokteili teha vaid päris asjadest, eelistan kvaliteetseid pärismaterjale ka moeloomingus – siidšifoon ja satiin hellitavad nahka nagu õhtuse päikese kiired.

Aldo Järvsoo


• 400 g unflavoured yoghurt • 0.5 l cream ice cream • 200 g blueberries There is always something ripening in the summer, either in the garden or the forest, and it would be a pity to leave it all for snails or bears. Since picking berries in the nature and alcohol do not mix, my favourite summertime cocktail is entirely alcohol-free. Cocktail dresses that I have prepared for this summer are as airy, light and “volatile” as this cooling drink. I make my cocktails from natural ingredients and when I design dresses I use real materials including silk chiffon and satin that are as smooth as the setting sun.

July / August 2012 in time

Do you want beautiful lashes? Longer, thicker, fuller and darker eyelashes in just 4 weeks! Maxeylash Eyelash Conditioner is guaranteed to give you the results you seek. It is not mascara - it is clear, liquid nutrient system that feeds your lashes as you sleep.

Contact: Cayman Europe OÜ Teaduspargi 3/1 12618 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +372 670 3737 e-mail:

mood / fashion Oksana Tandit

LIHTSALT MARJAD DŽINNIS • Peotäis jõhvikaid • Suts head džinni • Veidi laimimahla • Jääd Vala lihtsalt džinn ja mahl jääkuubikutele ja marjadele ning naudi! Need jõhvikad on nagu mummud minu viimases kollektsioonis „Polka dots“. Koosluses on värskust, temperamenti, värvi ja positiivsust. Mina kutsun seda jooki hea tuju pommiks – nagu oma viimast kollektsioonigi. Suvel on mul nagu ikka plaanides reisida koos perega – Šveitsi Alpidesse, kust sõidame edasi Horvaatiasse ja Istra poolsaarele. Mägedes on tohutu vabadustunne, mere ääres aga rahu. Kui tagasi koju jõuan, naudin suvelõpu päikeseloojanguid Vääna-Jõesuu rannal.

Oksana Tandit

GIN-AND-BERRY • Handful of cranberries • Shot of good gin • Some lime • Ice Simply pour gin and juice on the ice and berries, and enjoy! These cranberries are like from my recent collection “Polka dots.” The outcome is fresh, lively, colourful and positive. And, like my latest collection, I call this drink a good mood bomb. In the summer, I plan to travel with my family, as always. We will be going to the Swiss Alps, then visit Croatia and the Istra peninsula. Mountains make me feel free and sea peaceful. Once I get back home I will have enough time to enjoy sunsets on the beach of Vääna-Jõesuu.

Tiina Talumees Passion-fruit mojito • Tumedat rummi • Pruuni suhkrut • Mündilehti • Gaseeritud vett • Purustatud jääd • Rohkelt passionvilja Sega ained nagu tavalise mojito puhul ja lisa lõpus ohtralt passionvilja! See ongi minu kõige päikseselisem kokteilimälestus ja nüüd juba kestev armastus. Nautimiseks kulub hulk kirge, suvekirju maksikleit ja flirtiv punahuul. Lihtsa siluetiga õiemustriline kleit on romantiline valik kokteili nautimiseks suvises päikesesäras.

Tiina Talumees Passion-fruit mojito • Dark rum • Brown sugar • Mint leaves • Club soda • Crushed ice • Lots of passion-fruit Mix ingredients as for a classic mojito and add plenty of passion-fruit! This is my best cocktail experience and now an eternal love. I enjoy it with passion, wearing a colorful dress and a sensual red lipstick. A simple dress with a floral design adds romance to the ritual of enjoying this cocktail in summer sunshine.


in time July / August 2012

Globally recognised brands in the heart of Tallinn! Kaubamaja – the most legendary store and the most loved department store in Estonia. FASHION and BEAUTY


The region’s biggest and most modern beauty department, where the star is the perfume room with its exclusive product selection.The recently renovated women’s department offers a carefully created selection of premium fashion brands. There is a separate department for those who love shoes – a whole floor full of beautiful shoes and accessories. The large men’s department covers two floors.

The new and exciting children’s department is full of clothes, footwear and toys for children of all ages. Our homeware department is inspiring, and represents the newest trends and highly esteemed quality brands. The food store with the best selection of goods in the City Centre.

Open every day from 9 am to 9 pm. Gonsiori St. 2, Tallinn

mood / fashion Eve Hanson

Ivo Nikkolo peadisainer,


• 1 osa šampanjat, vahuveini või proseccot • 1 osa apelsinimahla See on peentes hotellides peatuvate peente inimeste hommikune turgutaja. Eriti hinnas, kui eelmisel õhtul on veidi pikemalt läinud. Sel juhul kindlasti värskelt pressitud mahlaga! šampanjaklaasist pakutav päikeseline neste on värskendav suutäis iga kell ja igal juhul. Mina kujutan naudingut ette hommikuses, veel kastemärjas päikeselises aias. Linnulaul, suvised magusad lõhnad, ees ootamas vaba ja kaunis päev… Kui päris aus olla, siis tegelikult veedan poole suvisest vabast ajast peenarde kallal nokitsedes, mis on samuti suur nauding. Aga küll kokteilidekski aega jääb! Kleidisoovituseks Ivo Nikkolo kollektsioonist üks šampanja värvi uhkelt küütlev kleit. Nii nagu Mimosa sobib suurepäraselt pulmade tervitusjoogiks, nii sobib see kleitki ideaalselt suvisele pulmapeole.

Eve Hanson

Chief designer in Ivo Nikkolo,


• 1 part champagne, sparkling wine or prosecco • 1 part orange juice This is a morning pick-me-up consumed by fine people who stay in fancy hotels. Whenever your night extended into the morning, make sure you have freshly squeezed juice! It’s like liquid sunshine served in champagne glasses that never fails to refresh you. Imagine enjoying it in a garden glistening in the morning sun with the grass still dewy. Birds singing, warm summer smells, and a beautiful day of leisure ahead… Actually, half of my summer vacation is always spent working on my flowerbeds, a different kind of pleasure. But there is time for cocktails as well! As for a dress, I suggest a fancy glistening champagne-coloured dress from the Ivo Nikkolo collection. Mimosa is an excellent welcome drink at weddings, and this dress would be perfect for a summer wedding party.

Riina Põldroos MAASIKAPUNŠ • Peotäis maasikaid • Tükk ananassi • Veidi ananassi- ja laimimahla • Veidi valget rummi • Ohtralt jääd • Vajadusel mett Püreesta kõik blenderis ning saad kokteili, mis ei joovasta mitte alkoholisisalduse, vaid viljade värskusega. Ja nõnda nagu suvised kokteilid peaksid olema kerged, õhulised ja jahutavad, olgu ka kleidid. Pole paremat materjali kui õhuline siidšifoon ning mustrite asemel soovitaksin küll pigem puhtaid ja vitamiinidest pakatavaid värvitoone!

Riina Põldroos

STRAWBERRY PUNCH • Strawberries • Pineapple • Pineapple and lime juice • White rum • Plenty of ice • Honey (if necessary) Crush everything in a blender and you get a cocktail that intoxicates you not with its alcohol content, but with its freshness. As summer cocktails, dresses as well should be light, airy and cooling. There is no better material than silk chiffon and instead of patterns go for pure vitamin-filled colours!


in time May / June 2012

pood / boutique Warm plaid for summer evenings

Vanapaberist kellad RoosterJam pakub vintage-hõngulisi n  taaskasutatud vanapaberist kellasid. Igal kellal on kordumatu disain. Kellad häält ei tee, seetõttu sobivad seinakaunistuseks neilegi, keda tiksumine häirib. Väikefirma RoosterJam asutati eesmärgiga pakkuda alternatiivi Hiinas tehtud plastmassist massikaupadele. Iga toode on ainulaadne ja 100% Eesti käsitöö. Osta saab neid e-poest Ühe kella hind on 25 eurot ning tehakse ka tellimustööd. Kõik kellad saadetakse kohale kaunis pakis, seega sobivad kingituseks.

EstInd, a brand combining Estonian n

Unique leather goods Leather designer Merle Visak is a n  specialist in so-called leather moulding, a technique that is used mainly in the bookbinding industry. The range includes everything that can be leather-made, from watch-straps and wallets to laptop cases and backbags. Smaller products are available in Tali, Nu Nordik and Les Petites stores. For a full range and special requests please go to MerleVisakDesign. Prices vary from EUR 30 to 500, depending on work volume.

Wall clocks made of paper RoosterJam offers vintage wall clocks n  made of reclaimed paper. Every clock has a unique timeless design. Clockworks are silent and therefore suitable also for people who dislike a ticking sound. RoosterJam was founded as an alternative to massproduced plastic goods made in China. Every product is unique and 100% Estonian-made handicraft. Clocks are available online at and cost 25 euros a piece. Made also in customer-specific designs. Wrapped in special gift package.

Kordumatud nahkesemed Nahadisainer Merle Visak valmistab n  omapäraseid nahktooteid. Ta voolib nahka – tehnika, mida tänapäeval kohtab ainult raamatute köitmisel. Valikus on kõik, mida nahast teha annab, alates kellarihmadest ja rahakottidest kuni sülearvuti kottide ja seljakottideni. Väiksemad tooted on saadaval poodides Tali, Nu Nordik ning Les Petites. Täieliku ülevaate saamiseks toodetest ning erisoovide edastamiseks külastage kodulehte Facebookis: https://www.facebook. com/MerleVisakDesign. Hinnad sõltuvalt töömahust 30 - 500 eurot.


patterns and colours with those of India, was born when testing new fabric printing methods. The plaid is mainly recycled material with an embossed design. Complying with all EstInd values, the plaids are made of natural, recycled, eco-friendly and multifunctional materials. All products are in bright colours and exotic patterns, but adapted to the Scandinavian eye. The plaid can be folded into a pillow and is suitable for open-air events, hiking and camping. Available for EUR 17.50 and 22.50, EstInd plaids are on sale in the Design House webstore and on the EstInd website at

Soe pleed suveõhtuks Eesti ja India mustreid ning värve ühenn  dava kaubamärgi Estindi soe pleed sündis uusi trükiviise katsetades. Fliisist pleedid on valminud peamiselt taaskasutatud materjalist, mille sisse pressitud reljeefne kujutis. Pleed kannab EstIndi toodete ideed: naturaalsed, taaskasutatud materjalid, keskkonnasõbralikkus, multifunktsionaalsus. Kõik EstIndi tooted on erksates värvides ning eksootiliste mustritega, kuid mugandatud põhjamaa inimesele. EstIndi pleedi saab kokkupanduna kasutada padjana, sobib väga hästi kaasa võtta suvistele vabaõhuüritustele ja matkadele. Tooted hinnaga 17.50 ja 22.50 eurot on müügil nii Disainimaja veebipoes kui ka EstIndi kodulehel

Loomiseks loodud puu Loopuu on puidust konstruktor, mille n  kõik 50 kasepuidust osa on keemiliselt töötlemata ning keskkonnasõbralikud. Loopuu mõtlesid välja Eesti isad, et laste loovust arendada. Konstruktor sobib lastele alates kolmandast eluaastast. Loopuu konstruktorit saab osta Loov Eesti e-poest ( või Disainimajast ( ning selle hind on 28 eurot.

Wood made for creating Loopuu is a 50-piece wooden set that n  is ecological and has not been chemically treated. It was designed by Estonian fathers who wanted to develop their children’s creativity. Not suitable for children younger than three years of age. Available online either in Creative Estonia ( or Design House ( Price: 28 euros. Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

in time July / August 2012

Jacadi a dit... Jacadi Paris is a contemporary, prestigious, elegant and refined brand that respects family values and places emphasis on staying attuned to the sweet and refreshing moments of childhood.

Children´s Collection 0 to12 Years Mademoiselle Jacadi for teenage girls Shoes Collection Nursery & Furniture Väike-Karja 12, Tallinn (Old Town) Telephone: +372 6010231

Mon-Fri 10-19 Sat 11-17 Sun 11-16

tehnika / gadgets built 32 GB memory that should be more than enough. Galaxy S3 that runs Android 4.0 and TouchWiz user interface is on sale from June at a price of around 600 euros.

Samsung tegi seda jälle!

Revolutsioon arvutiga suhtlemises

Kui Galaxy S2 valitses pikka aega Andn

Tundub täiesti silmapaistmatu karbike n

roidi supertelefone, siis pole vist ime, et selle uus versioon Samsung Galaxy S3 on uus Androidi maailma valitseja. Ülisuur ja terav 4,8-tolline ekraan ning 720 x 1280 pikslise eraldusvõimega Super AMOLEDekraan on näitajad, millele suudavad vääriliselt vastata väga vähesed. HD-eraldusvõime tähendab põhimõtteliselt seda, et pisikesele ekraanile mahub niisama palju sisu kui teie kodus olevale suurele HD-telerile. Et sellist ekraani sujuvalt liigutada, on telefonis ülivõimas neljatuumaline 1,4 GHz protsessor, 1 GB muutmälu ja 2100 mAh aku, mis peab tagama, et energianäljas ekraan ja protsessor telefoni liiga kiiresti tühjaks ei imeks. Lisaks 64 GB mälukaarditoele on telefoni sisse ehitatud 32 GB mälu, mis peaks olema enam kui piisav. Android 4.0 ja TouchWiz kasutajaliidesega Samsung Galaxy S3 on müügil alates juunist, hind 600 euro ringis.

olevat? Tegelikult võib just see pisike ja odav, kõigest 70 eurot maksev karp muuta seda, kuidas me arvutitega järgmistel aastatel suhtlema hakkame. Nimelt suudab arvuti ette paigutatud Leap Motioni andur jälgida ülitäpselt kõike, mis arvuti ees toimub. Suutes jälgida iga sõrmeotsa, tähendab, et võite kümne sõrmega korraga arvutit juhtida ja kõik toimub kolmemõõtmeliselt. Lihtsa käeviipega saab programme juhtida, neid avada ja sulgeda või hoopiski kahe sõrmega suumida ehk teha kõike, milleks varem olete hiirt, klaviatuuri või puutetundlikku ekraani kasutanud.

Samsung Did It Again! n Since Galaxy S2 was a long-time king of Android superphones, it is perhaps not a miracle that its new version Samsung Galaxy S3 is a new king of the Android world. Extremely big and bright 4.8-inch display and a Super AMOLED screen at 720x1280 pixel resolution are benchmarks that very few can compete with. HD quality means that a small screen can display as much as the large HD TV screen that you have at home. To ensure smooth running, the phone has an extremely powerful fourinch 1.4 GHz processor, 1 GB of flash memory and 2100 mAh battery to feed the power-hungry display and processor. In addition to 64 GB memory card, the phone has in-


Revolution in Computer Communication This nondescript box that costs only n  70 euros could become the next big thing in how we communicate with computers in the future. It’s the Leap Motion sensor located in front of the computer that accurately tracks all motions in its viewing range. It is capable of tracking individual fingertips so that you can control the computer with ten fingers and everything is in 3D. To open or close applications, simply wave your hand, and you can zoom by using two fingers. In short, it does everything that you have been doing until now with a mouse, keyboard or touch-sensitive display.

Retrokõrvaklapid Ticoli Audio on tuntud eelkõige retron  hõnguliste raadiote poolest, kuid nüüd on firma valmistanud kõrvaklapid, mis lisaks silmapaistvale välimusele pakuvad kõrvadele sooja ja head heli. Tivoli Radio Silenz on müra summutavad ja ka juhtmevabalt toimivad AAA-patareidega kõrvaklapid, mis peavad laadimata vastu kuni 50 tundi. Ligi 200 eurot maksvatel klappidel on võimalik mürasummutust ühe nupuvajutusega välja lülitada, mis on kasuks siis, kui keegi tahab teiega vestelda ja te ei viitsi klappe peast ära võtta.

Vintage Earphones Ticoli Audio, known until now mainly for n  its vintage radio sets, has now produced earphones that not only look exciting, but also offer excellent sound. Tivoli Radio Silenz are noise-suppressing earphones that are thanks to AAA batteries also wireless and can last up to 50 hours without charging. The earphones cost about 200 euros and have a mute button so that you don’t have to remove them even when somebody wants to talk to you.

Tahvelarvuti olümpiamängudeks Suveolümpiamängud pole kaugel ja n  mitte üksnes tippsportlased ei ajasta vormi, vaid ka tehnikamaailm valmistub selleks hoolega. Acer on välja toonud Androidiga tahvelarvuti Iconia Tab A510, mille alumiiniumist hõbedasel tagaküljel ilutsevad olümpiarõngad. Tänu Tegra 3 protsessorile on Aceri tahvelarvuti väga kiire, võimalik isegi, et kõige kiirem Androidiga tahvelarvuti üldse. Juba saadaolev ja ligi 450 eurot maksev tahvelarvuti kaalub konkurentidest üle saja grammi rohkem – 680 grammi.

in time July / August 2012

Uus Audi A6 allroad quattro on kohal.

Audi A6 allroad 3.0TDI q Aut (180 kW/245 hj); keskmine kütusekulu 6,3 l/100 km; keskmine CO₂ emissioon: 165 g/km.

Audi Tallinn Paldiski mnt 100a Telefon: 611 2000 E-mail: Audi Kuressaare Tallinna tn 61a Telefon: 453 0100 E-mail: Audi Pärnu Tallinna mnt 87e Telefon: 444 7130 E-mail:

tehnika / gadgets Carbonfibre Lenovo Laptop computers are getting thinner n  and lighter. A case in point is Lenovo X1 Carbon, an ultrabook with a 14-inch display and 1600x900 resolution. It weighs only 1.3 kg. Thin does not mean a compromise in performance: inside the X1 Carbon is Ivy Bridge which is the latest and fastest chipset. 3G Internet access is standard and the backlit keyboard is spill-resistant. With the rapid-charge, its battery reaches 80% after only half an hour of charging. X1 Carbon goes on sale in the summer and is believed to cost 1000 euros.

Tablet PC for the Olympics Summer Olympics are around the corn  ner and, in addition to top athletes, also the world of technology is getting ready for this major event. Acer has launched Iconia Tab A510, an Android tablet PC that adorns Olympic rings on its aluminium back cover. Thanks to Tegra 3 processor, the Acer tablet PC is very fast, perhaps the fastest among all Android tablet PCs. The device costs 450 euros and weighs 680 grams, about a hundred grams more than its competitors.

Samsung lööb hinnaga Kui Nokia valitseb nüüd oma Lumia sarn  ja nutitelefoniga Windows Phone 7 platvormi, ei tähenda see, et konkurendid oleksid uinunud. Samsung teeb hoolega edasi WP7 telefone ja proovib Nokiat lüüa hinnaga, sest nende uus Omnia M peaks maksma natuke üle 200 euro. See tähendab, et on tulnud teha järeleandmisi, 1 GHz protsessoriga 4-tollise Super AMOLED ekraaniga telefonil on kõigest 384 MB muutmälu, mis võib valusalt kätte maksta, sest ei pruugi näiteks Skype’i või „Angry Birdsi“ sujuvaks jooksutamiseks piisav olla.

Süsinikiust Lenovo Sülearvutid muutuvad aina õhemaks ja n  kergemaks – Lenovo X1 Carbon on 14-tollise ekraani ja 1600 x 900 eraldusvõimega ultrabook, mis kaalub kõigest 1,3 kg. Õhuke ei tähenda järeleandmist jõudluses, X1 Carboni sees on Ivy Bridge ehk kõige uuem ja kiirem kiibistik ja vastav protsessor ning 3G-võrguühendus on püsivarustuses, lisaks on taustavalgustusega klaviatuur pritsmekindel. Teistest ultrabookidest eristab seda kiirlaadimissüsteem, aku saab 80% täis laadida kõigest poole tunniga. Müügile jõuab X1 Carbon suvel ja ennustatav hind on 1000 eurot.

Nutitelefon on tänapäeval juba peaaen  gu niisama võimas kui mõne aasta tagune arvuti. Asus on seda mõistnud ja teinudki nutitelefonist midagi enamat kui lihtsalt telefoni. Asus Padfone on nutitelefon, mille saab ühendada 10-tollise tahvelarvutiga, mille külge saab omakorda ühendada klaviatuuri. See võiks olla ideaalne tööriist reisivatele inimestele, kes on tüdinenud vaatamast nutitelefoni pisikest ekraani ja sooviksid teksti sisestada mugavalt ning kiiresti korraliku klaviatuuriga. Android 4.0ga komplekt kaalub 724 grammi, aku peab vastu ööpäeva ja maksab 700 eurot.

All In One Samsung Cuts Prices Although Nokia and its Lumia smartn  phones are now dominating the Windows Phone 7 platform, competitors are not dormant. Samsung continues to make new WP7 phones and this challenges Nokia into a price war because its new Omnia M will cost a little over 200 euros. Naturally, Samsung has had to compromise and its phone that has a 1 GHz processor and a 4-inch Super AMOLED display comes only with 384 MB of flash memory that is probably insufficient for smooth running of Skype or Angry Birds.


Kõik ühes

Modern smartphones are as powerful n  as computers were a few years ago. Asus has now made a smartphone that is much more than just a phone. Asus Padfone is a smartphone that can be connected to a 10-inch tablet PC and a keyboard. This is an ideal companion for frequent travellers who are tired of reading the small display of a smartphone and wish to type more conveniently with the help of a normal keyboard. The device runs on Android 4.0, weighs 724 grams, offers extended talk time and costs 700 euros. Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time July / August 2012

autod / cars the world's foremost automotive designers. Callum began his career with Ford. He revived Aston Martin's famous DB series, designing the DB7, as well as creating the Vanquish, which was famously driven by Pierce Brosnan in the Bond movie, Die Another Day. Callum moved to Jaguar where he has brought a dynamic and modern feel.

It would allow drivers to access maps service, call people, play music, hear and dictate text messages, ask for directions, find calendar information and more. It's likely to hit the first production models in the next 12 months.

Apple hakkab Sirit autodesse paigaldama Ülemaailmsel arendajate konverentsil n

James Bondi auto disainer sai audoktoriks James Bondile autosid disaininud Ian n  Callum sai Glasgow’ kunstikooli audoktori kraadi. “Callum kuulub maailma paremate autodisainerite hulka ning tegeleb aktiivselt disainiarendusega. Ta on lõpetanud meie kooli tööstusdisaini eriala ning seega suur eeskuju siinsetele tudengitele,” ütleb Glasgow kunstikooli juhataja professor Seona Reid. Callum peab Glasgow’ kunstikoolis veedetud aastaid õnnelikeks ja produktiivseteks. Callum RDI on autodisainimaailmas üks tunnustatumaid asutusi. Callumi karjäär algas Fordis. Ta on Aston Martini DB seeria uusversiooni autor, DB7 disainer ja Vanqushi looja. Viimast roolis Pierce Brosnan Bondi filmis “Surra veel üks päev”. Callum töötab praegu Jaguaris, kuhu ta on toonud dünaamikat ja modernsust.

teatas Apple, et nende sihikul on autod. BMW, General Motors, Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar, Audi, Toyota, Chrysler ja Honda on autotootjad, kes Apple iOS’i asepresidendi Scott Forstalli sõnul paigaldavad oma autodesse Siri, populaarse hääljuhtimisega abitarkvara. See annab ligipääsu kaardiserverile, võimaldab helistada, muusikat mängida, kuulata ja dikteerida tekstisõnumeid, küsida teed, uurida kalendrit jpm. Tõenäoliselt jõuavad uued tooted turule 12 kuu jooksul.

esimese iStore’i. Väljapanekus näitab BMW elektri- ja hübriidautode seeriat, kuhu kuuluvad i3, i8 ja sedaan. BMW teatab, et kontseptautode loomisel kasutatud tehnoloogiat ei rakendata maailmas ühegi auto tootmisel. Lisaks näeb näitusel BMW iPedeleci – elektrijalgratta kontsepti.

German automaker BMW launched the n  world's first iStore in the heart of the city of London. Showroom by BMW features the line of electric and hybrid vehicles which includes the BMW i3 and i8, sedan. BMW makes it clear that the technology being used in the i concept cars is not available in any of the cars manufactured anywhere in the world. The event also showcased the debut of the BMW iPedelec, an electric bicycle concept.

RIan Callum, the man who designed n


Saksa autotootja BMW avas Londonis n

BMW Shows off i3 Cars in London

James Bond Car Designer Honored all the James Bond cars, has received an honorary doctorate from the Glasgow School of Art. “Ian Callum is at the top of the game in automotive design and a great champion of design education. As a graduate in industrial design, he is a great inspiration to our students,” says Professor Seona Reid, Director of The Glasgow School of Art. Ian Callum says, "The years I spent at The Glasgow School of Art were amongst the happiest and possibly the most creative times I can recall." Ian Callum RDI is acknowledged as one of

BMW näitab Londonis i3 autosid

Apple to Begin Installing Siri in Cars Apple is looking into new market: cars. n  The company announced the move at its Worldwide Developer Conference. BMW, General Motors, Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar, Audi, Toyota, Chrysler, and Honda were the car manufacturers that Scott Forstall, Apple's Vice President of iOS said would install Siri, its popular voiceenabled personal assistant software.

in time July / August 2012

Soodsamad ärikõned välismaal

Elisa Vagabond Roaming-pakett, millega saad soodsamad kõned, SMS-id ja mobiilse andmeside Euroopa Liidus, Venemaal ja USA-s: Väljuvad kõned

0,24 €

Saadetavad sõnumid

0,08 €

Mobiilne andmeside

0,45 €


Võta ühendust Elisa ärikliendi infotelefonil 660 0620 või vormista Vagabond iseteenindusbüroos.


Hinnad ei sisalda käibemaksu.

teadus / science

See ainurakne organism on ilmselt inimesest geneetiliselt kõige erinevam eukarüootne e rakutuumaga elusolend. This single-celled organism is probably the eukaryote that genetically differs the most from human. Foto: Oslo ülikool / Photo: University of Oslo.

Ookeane asustavad erandlikud elusolendid Skandinaavia teadlased leidsid maailn  mameredest erandlikke eluvorme: baktereid, kes toitusid viimati miljonite aastate eest, organismi, kes on inimese kõige kaugem sugulane, ning lihasööjaid vetikaid. Taani Aarhusi ülikooli teadlased Hans Røy juhtimisel võtsid proove Vaikse ookeani põhjaosast ning leidsid baktereid, kelle ainevahetus on üliaeglane. Teadlaste hinnangul ei ole bakterite toidulauale lisandunud midagi uut viimase 86 miljoni aasta jooksul ning nad toituvad siiani sellest, mille said kaasa ookeani põhja vajudes. 86 miljoni aasta eest kõndisid maakeral ringi veel dinosaurused. “See on justkui poolitaks koogitükki, mida murtakse ikka ja jälle pooleks, kuid keegi ei söö iial ära viimast raasukest,” iseloomustas Røy bakterite kokkuhoidlikku toitumisstiili. Piirkond Vaikses ookeanis, mida teadlased uurisid, on tuntud toitainevaesuse ja tugevate hoovuste poolest. Nii jõuab ookeani põhja väga vähe setteid, millest põhjaorganismid toituda saaks. “Kui põhja vajub üks setteterake, siis kulub tuhat aastat, enne kui tema peale langeb järgmine terake,” rääkis Røy USA avalik-õiguslikule ringhäälingule NPR. Kuna ookeanipõhja settekiht pakseneb seal väga aeglaselt, saab seda uurides aimu miljonite aastate tagustest oludest. Røy juhitud ekspeditsioon mõõtis sondiga hapniku tarbimist eri settekihtides ning üllatuseks avastasid nad väga nõrga tarbimise isegi 30 meetri sügavusel põhjamudas. Sealne bakterikoloonia elab teadlaste hinnangul eluspüsimise absoluutsel miinimumil. Røy kinnitusel ei oska nad täpselt öelda,


kui vanad need bakterid on. Võimalik, et nad paljunevad väga aeglaselt, kulutades pooldumiseks vähemalt tuhat aastat. Või on isendid ise miljonite aastate vanused ja suudavad vananemisele hästi vastu panna. Ürgvana on ka organism, keda uurisid Norra teadlased, kuid hoopis evolutsioonilises mõttes. Ainurakne, kelle teadlased püüdsid ühest Oslost lõuna poole jäävast järvest, osutus geneetiliselt väga erinevaks kõigist teistest teadaolevatest organismidest. Teadlased oletavad, et tegu võib olla ühe iidsema eluvormiga, keda Maal võimalik leida. Ta ei ole seen, vetikas, taim ega loom – ei kuulu ühtegi suurde rühma, millesse rakutuumaga organismid on jagatud. “Seni ei tea me ühtegi teist organismide rühma, kes põlvneks nii elu puu juurte lähedalt kui see liik,” tõdes uurimistöös osalenud Oslo ülikooli teadlane Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi. “See mikroorganism kuulub kõige vanemate teada olevate eukarüootsete ehk rakutuumaga organismide hulka,” märkis Shalchian-Tabrizi. “Ta arenes välja umbes miljardi aasta eest, mõnisada miljonit aastat siia-sinna. Ta annab meile aimu, milline nägi välja elu varasel Maal.” Collodictyon’i nime kandva organismi (pildil) läbimõõt on vaid 30-50 mikromeetrit ehk ligikaudu niisama palju kui inimese juuksekarval. Ta elutseb põhjamudas ning toitub vetikatest. Õigupoolest avastati organism juba ligi 150 aasta eest, kuid temast teatakse endiselt väga vähe, sest laboris on teda väga keeruline kasvatada. Tema evolutsioonilise erilisuse tõi välja alles geenide analüüs. Teadlaste sõnul tuleb organismi jaoks elu puule joonistada täiesti uus haru. Kolmas huvitav avastus on vetikad, kes suudavad tappa ja süüa endast suuremaid organisme. Kuigi vetikat võib kohata ka Läänemeres, pole suplejatel paanikaks põhjust. Imetillukese vetika Karlodinium armiger’i toidulauale satub enamasti vaevu millimeetrine vähiline nimega tulnuk-tömbik. Kopenhaageni ülikooli teadlased tõestasid, et kui tavaliselt sööb vähk vetikaid, siis vetikate vohamise puhul osad vahetuvad. Vetikad kinnituvad vähilise kehale, tapavad ta mürgiga ja hakkavad lagundama.

Oceans Inhabited by Extreme Life Forms Scandinavian researchers have found n  record-breaking life forms from world seas: bacteria that last ate millions of years ago, the most distant relative of humans, and flesh-eating algae.

While taking samples in the Northern Pacific, Danish researchers from the University of Aarhus, led by Hans Røy, found bacteria with an extremely slow metabolism. The scientists estimate that the bacteria have not had anything new on their dining table since 86 million years ago. They have been dining from one lunch box ever since they reached the bottom of the ocean, at a time when dinosaurs where still roaming the Earth. "It's like they're splitting the same pie over and over again and nobody ever eats the last crumble," said Røy. The area in Pacific is known for strong currents and lack of nutrients. Very few sediments reach the bottom of the ocean. It may take a thousand years for one grain of sediment to fall on top of another and since the sediment layer grows so slowly it is a great place to study conditions of millions of years ago. The expedition led by Røy was measuring the oxygen consumption in sediments when they surprisingly found some very weak consumption 30 meters deep. This bacterial colony lives on the absolute minimum conditions required to sustain life. Røy says that he cannot tell how old the individual bacteria are. They may have been reproducing extremely slow, taking at least a thousand years to reproduce, or they could be millions of years old and very resistant to aging. Ancient – but in the evolutionary sense – is also the organism studied by Norwegian researchers. The single-celled creature captured from a lake south of Oslo turned out to be genetically very different from all other known organisms. The scientists suggest it might be one of the most ancient life forms on Earth. It cannot be classified neither as an animal, plant, fungi, algae nor any of the major groups that eukaryotes (i.e. organisms with a cell nucleus) have been divided into. "So far we know of no other group of organisms that descend from closer to the roots of the tree of life than this species," said Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi from the University of Oslo. "The microorganism is among the oldest currently living eukaryotes we know of. It evolved around one billion (plus or minus a few hundred millions) years ago. It gives us a better understanding of what early life on Earth looked like," Shalchian-Tabrizi said. The organism called Collodictyon is about 30 to 50 micrometres long which is about the width of human hair, lives in the bottom sediments and eats algae. It was actually discovered about 150 years ago, but so far very little is known about it since that

in time July / August 2012

teadus / science kind of organisms are difficult to grow in a lab. Only the genetic analysis revealed its special evolutionary place. Scientists say it needs a whole new branch on the tree of life. The third interesting discovery was algae capable of attacking and eating much larger organisms. Although these algae can also be found in the Baltic Sea, local swimmers need not to worry. The tiny algae Karlodinium armiger likes to feast on the small, only a millimetre long crustacean Acartia tonsa. Researchers from the Copenhagen University demonstrated that while normally it is the crustacean that eats the algae, the tables are turned when the number of algae gets sufficiently high. In that case, the latter attach to the body of the crustacean, kill it with poison and start to consume its body.

Füüsika paneb kohvi üle tassiääre loksuma Kõndides kohvitassi käes hoides on n  väga raske vältida seda, et kohv üle ääre ei loksuks. Põhjuseks on füüsikaseadused, tõendasid California ülikooli teadlased. Mõte probleemile valemitega läheneda tekkis Ruslan Kretšetnikovil ühel konverentsil, kus ta vaatles kolleegide katsumusi kohvitassiga liikumisel hädas olevaid kolleege. Naasnud laborisse, hakkas ta korraldama eksperimente: palus inimestel kõndida eri kiirusel, täis kohvikruus käes. Ülesvõtteid analüüsides tuvastas ta, et kohvikruuside kuju võimendab tavalisel kõndimisel tekkivaid võnkeid. Ja kui kõndimise rütmi häirib komistus või kiirem käeliigutus, lendabki vedelik väga kergesti üle kruusiääre. Kuidas seda vältida? Ilmselt teavad kõik oma kogemusest: kõndida tuleb aeglasemalt või mitte täita kruusi ääreni. Sentimeetri jagu vaba ruumi kruusi ääreni peaks teadlaste sõnul olema piisav. Kolleegid tunnustavad Kretšetnikovi uuringut kui elegantset ning ennustavad sellele IG Nobeli ehk nn pila-Nobeli auhinda. Siiski

Foto / Photo: Stock.XCHNG

July / August 2012 in time

heidavad nad teadlasele ette, et ta vaatles vaid silindrikujulisi kruuse ega uurinud, kuidas käitub kohv koonilisemates anumates, näiteks plasttopsides.

Physics Force Coffee to Spill Turns out that the reason why it is so n  difficult not to spill coffee while walking lies in physics, say scientists from California University. The idea to approach the problems with formulae occurred to Rouslan Krechetnikov during a conference when seeing colleagues struggle walking with coffee. Returning to the lab he started experimenting, asking people to move at different speeds, holding a full coffee mug. When analysing the video recording he found that a regular coffee mug naturally amplifies the frequencies produced while normal walking. And small irregularities, like a stumble or a faster hand movement, make the fluid spill very easily. How to avoid that? We have probably learned the tricks from our own experience. You should move slower or not fill the mug to the edge. A gap of about a centimetre should do, the scientists said. Colleagues recognised Krechetnikov’s study as elegant and a potential winner of the IG Nobel prize, the American parody of the award. But they also criticised him for focusing on cylindrical mugs only and leaving out the conical ones, such as plastic cups.

Liigi- ja keelerikkus käivad käsikäes Piirkondades, mille loodus on kõige n  liigirohkem ja ohustatum, kehtib sama ka kohalike keelte kohta, avastas rahvusvaheline uurimisrühm. “Vaatasime elurikkuse säilitamise mõttes olulisi piirkondi ja mõõtsime nende keelelist mitmekesisust,” selgitas rühma liige Larry Gorenflo, Pennsylvania osariigi ülikooli maastikuarhitektuuri dotsent. Keelte rohkuse ja bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vahel ilmnes selge seos. Looduskaitsjad on määratlenud nn elurikkuse tulipunktid, mis katavad vaid 2,3 protsenti maakera pinnast, aga kus leidub rohkem kui pool kõigist Maa soontaimede liikidest ja 43 protsenti maismaa selgroogsete liikidest. Samades piirkondades kõneldakse kokku 3200 keelt, mis on ligi pool kõigist maa-

Foto / Photo: Stock.XCHNG

keral kõneldavatest keeltest. Kui vaatluspiirkonda laiendati ka kõrge elurikkusega aladele, lisandus veel 1600 keelt. Paljud neist keeltest on samasuguses olukorras nagu piirkonna taime- ja loomaliigidki – neid leidub ainult ühes piirkonnas ning nad on väljasuremisohus. “Kasutusele tuleks võtta koordineeritud meetmed, mis püüavad säilitada nii bioloogilist kui ka kultuurilist rikkust,” märkis Gorenflo.

Biodiversity and Linguistic Diversity Come Hand in Hand An international research group has n  found that the areas with most diverse and endangered nature show similar traits about the local languages. "We looked at regions important for biodiversity conservation and measured their linguistic diversity," says Larry J. Gorenflo, associate professor of Landscape Architecture in Pennsylvania State University. The study showed a clear connection between the diversity of nature and languages. Conservationists have defined biodiversity hotspots which cover only 2.3 percent of Earth, but contain more than half the world’s vascular plants and 43 percent of terrestrial vertebrate species. In the same areas more than 3200 languages are spoken, i.e. almost 50% of all world languages. When the study extended to areas defined as having high biodiversity, another 1600 languages were added. Many of these languages share the situation with the area’s plant and animal species - they are only found in one location and face extinction. "It requires concerted integrated conservation efforts to try to maintain cultural and biological diversity," says Gorenflo. Tekst / Text: Arko Olesk



Lennukis laulavad linnud


Tekst: Mariliis Pinn Fotod: Mati Kose



Kevadel said Estonian Airi uued lennukid endale linnunimed ja linnulaul jõuab ka lennukitesse. Estonian Airi hooldusinsener Harri Treial selgitab, et lennukisse linnulaulu või mõne muu heli mängima panek pole sugugi nii lihtne, nagu võiks arvata. Põhiliseks takistuseks on lennukite helisüsteem, mis on tavaliselt kümme või rohkem aastat vana, kuna loodud siis, kui lennukit disainima hakati. “Lennuki disainimine on väga pikk protsess, mis võtab aastaid,” selgitab ta. Lennukitootjad ei tegele mugavussüsteemidega ning suurtes lennukites nähtav-kuuldav on sageli eritellimusel tehtu. Lennukisalongis istmete kohal asub reisija teenindamiseks mõeldud paneel (passenger service unit), mis sisaldab lampi, hapnikumaski, ventilatsiooniseadet ja kõlarit. Kõlarist tulebki lennukis heli. Kindlasti edastatakse selle kaudu ohutusteateid ja kapteni infot. Uuemates lennukites ka muusikat. Lennukis peab olema inimestele harjumuspärane rõhk, ventilatsioon aga tekitab müra. “Hõredas õhus oleksime nagu kalad kuival,” kirjeldab Treial 10 000 meeri kõrgusel valitsevat atmosfääri. Müra tõttu ei tasu lennukis vaikseid helisid mängida,



sest need lihtsalt sumbuvad tausta. Kuigi lennuki pardal olev CD-mängija võib välja näha nagu odavaim kodutehnika, on tegu kalli seadmega, mille õhku lubamiseks on insenerid teinud palju katseid ja valmistanud näidiseid, et aparaat taluks õhuauke ja karme maandumisi ning et keegi ei saaks näiteks CD-le pandud pahavaraga lennuki juhtimissüsteemidesse tungida. Lennuki helisüsteemi väljavahetamine on aeganõudev töö, sest uued seadmed nõuavad spetsiaalseid sertifikaate. Eestis sellega ei tegelda, maailmas on paar ettevõtet, kes niisugust teenust pakuvad. Suurtes lennukompaniides töötavad vastava väljaõppega insenerid. Ühe lennuki helisüsteemi ümberehitamine maksab ligi 24 000 eurot.

Linnud taevas Mai alguses valiti rahvahääletusel Estonian Airi Embraeri lennukitele nimed Tuuletallaja, Sinirind, Suitsupääsuke ja Jäälind. Mis lindudega on tegu, valgustab ornitoloog Mati Kose: Tuuletallaja – vanarahvas andis sellele pistrikulisele nime tema iseloomuliku lennustiili tõttu. Jahtides hiiri ja teisi väikseid närilisi, rapleb see liik kiiresti tiibu lehvitades õhus (tallab tuult). Sealt

in time July / August 2012

lennundus ülevalt, põldude või niitude kohal lenneldes loeb tuuletallaja otsekui saakloomade tegevuskaarti: ultraviolettvalguse sagedusalas nägemisvõime on abiks näriliste tegevusjälgede leidmisel. Sinirind – see ööbiku sugulane on samuti osav laulja, ent jätab kevadööde kontsertmeistri kaugele maha oma sulestiku kauniduselt. Pudipõlle meenutav erksinine kurgualune laik ehib seda lindu nagu rukkilill isamaalise kodaniku nööpaugus. Osavalt taimestikku peituvat sinirinda pole lihtne näha. Seda meeldivam on aga üllatus, kui nõrgavõitu, ent erakordselt meloodiline ja vaheldusrikas laul annab märku nende põhjala kalliskivide läbirändest. Suitsupääsuke – no kes ei teaks pääsukest, meie rahva lemmikut! Väsimatu lendaja ja osav õhuakrobaat. Väsimatu rändaja, kes igal aastal pesitsusaladelt talvekorteritesse ja tagasi läbib vähemalt poole maakera ümbermõõdu pikkuse teekonna, ent alati pöördub oma armsaks saanud pesakohta tagasi. Lind, kelle vilgas lend ja lustakas „midli-madli“ laul lihtsalt teebki inimese õnnelikuks!

Muusika lennukites Embraer 170 – uusim lennuk Estonian Airi lennukipargis, mille helisüsteemis on n

juba CD mängimise võimalus. Sinna pannakse plaat linnulauluga ja põhimõtteliselt võib edastada igasugust muusikat. Kuna lennuki kaptenil on õigus abielu sõlmida, siis teoreetiliselt on võimalik kõrgustes seda teha lemmiklaulu saatel. Boeing 737-500 – heli saab mängida kassetilt, kuid vana aparatuur ei taga kvalin  teetset heli. CRJ900 NextGen – helisüsteem on kümme aastat vana. Heli salvestatakse 256MB n  PCMIA mälukaardile. Estonian Airi andmeil saab kaardile heli salvestada vaid kaks firmat, millest üks asub USA-s ja teine Norras. Salvestus maksab umbes 1600 eurot. Kaardi väikse mahu tõttu kuuleb lennukis vaid ohutusteateid, linnulaulu mitte. Kaardi vahetamiseks peab helisüsteemi avama ja seda tohib teha vaid tehnik. Saab 340 – heli saab mängida kassetilt, kuid vana aparatuur ei taga kvaliteeti. Ka n  on propelleritega lennukis pidevalt palju müra, mistõttu heli on raskesti kuuldav.

Jäälind – see eresiniste ja kaneelpunaste sulepartiidega lind mõjub meie veekogudel sama eksootiliselt, justkui oleks krokodilliga kohtunud. Kui lind oma veekogu kaldaserva vahipostilt äkitselt lendu sööstab, tundub, nagu oleks keegi peotäie kalliskive vette loopinud. Pärast äkilist värvivälgatust sööstab ta vette, sukeldudes väikseid kalu haarama. Selged ja madalaveelised ojad on jäälinnule saagijahi lemmikpaigad. Eriti hea on, kui nende kaldal leidub ka liivakivipanku, kuhu ligi meetripikkuse tunneliga pesakamber uuristada.

Seaside bar and restaurant right in the heart of Tallinn

Kuunari, 10111 Tallinna, Estonia / Reservation +372 5642004 Open from May to September


Bird Song in the Sky Text: mariliis pinn Photos: mati kose


After naming its new airplanes after birds

this spring, Estonian Air now also offers bird song inside the cabins. Harri Treial, maintenance engineer of Estonian Air, explains that playing back bird song or other sounds over the aircraft’s audio system is actually quite complicated. The main problem is that aircraft and their audio systems have usually designed at least ten years ago. “Designing an aircraft can take a really long time,” he adds. Since aircraft manufacturers do not produce comfort systems, those available on larger planes are often tailor-made. Inside the cabin above the seats is a passenger service unit that includes a reading lamp, an oxygen mask, a ventilation device and a loudspeaker. The loudspeakers deliver the crew’s safety messages and captain’s information. In newer aircraft, also music is played over the loudspeakers. The air pressure inside the aircraft must be kept regular, but ventilation causes noise. “In thin air we would be like fish out of water,” says Treial, describing the air at an altitude of 10,000 metres. Because of the surrounding noise, the audio played in aircrafts must be relatively loud. Although the plane’s inbuilt CD player may

look like a cheap household appliance, it is actually an expensive device that has taken engineers a lot of designing and testing to ensure that it survives both turbulence and hard landings and that no-one could access the aircraft’s control systems with malware on CD. Replacing an aircraft audio system is complicated because all new equipment must be specially certified. Only a few companies in the world provide such a service, and none in Estonia. Large aircraft companies have engineers who are specially trained for this. Rebuilding the audio system of one aircraft costs about 25,000 euros.

Birds in the sky In a public vote held at the beginning of May, Estonian Air’s new Embraer airplanes were named Tuuletallaja (Kestrel), Sinirind (Bluethroat), Suitsupääsuke (Barn Swallow) and Jäälind (Kingfisher). We asked ornithologist Mati Kose to describe these birds: Kestrel. Ancient Estonians named this falcon after the bird’s unique style of flying.: chasing mice and other small vermin, this species flies by rapidly flapping its wings Hence the name– tuuletallaja – which literally means “wind fighter”. Flying

in time July / August 2012

above the fields or meadows, krestel easily picks out its catch because it can see in UV frequency and detect the tracks of vermin. Blue Throat. This relative of nightingale is also a skilled singer, but leaves the spring-night concert master far behind by the beauty of its feathers. Its bright blue patch under the throat resembles a bib and looks as festive as a cornflower in the buttonhole of a true Estonian. It’s not easy to spot this bird that skilfully hides in vegetation, but these migrating Nordic jewels can be detected by their weak, yet extremely melodic and varied song. Barn Swallow. Everybody knows swallows, Estonian’s favourite birds! A restless flier and a skilled aerial acrobat. A frequent traveller who flies every year from the nesting area to the wintering area and back, covering a distance equal to at least half of the earth’s circumference, and always returning to its beloved nesting place. To see and listen to her is enough to make people happy. Kingfisher. This bird with bright blue and cinnamon-red feathers is an exotic sight in our water bodies. When a kingfisher departs from its guarding post near the shore, it’s like someone had thrown a handful of diamonds into the water.

July / August 2012 in time

After a sharp burst of colour, it plunges into water, diving for smaller fish. The favourite hunting grounds of this species are clear and shallow streams. Ideally, there are sandstone cliffs nearby where kingfishers can groove their nesting hole that is a metre-long tunnel.

Music in the aircraft Embraer 170. The modest modern n

aircraft in the Estonian Air fleet that has an audio system with CD support. You simply insert a CD with pre-recorded bird song or any other music and start the playback. Since the aircraft captain has the right to register marriages, this can be done to the couple's favourite music. Boeing 737-500. Audio system n  plays back tapes, but sound quality is rather poor. CRJ900 NextGen. The audio sysn  tem was designed ten years ago. Sound is recorded on 256MB PCMIA memory card. According to Estonian Air, only two companies can record such audio, one in US and another in Norway. One recording costs about 1600 euros. Because of the limited card capacity, only safety messages can be recorded, not bird songs. To replace the memory card, the audio system must be opened and this requires an authorized engineer. Saab 340. Audio system plays tapes, n  but is outdated and sound quality is poor. Since turboprops are noisy, audio is hard to hear.

reis / travelling

TripMe aitab leida reisikaaslasi TripMe Finds Travel Companions Eelmise aasta

Miks TripMe? Plaanid minna reisile, kuid n  pole kaaslast, kellega koos samal suunal pikka sõitu ette võtta, tunde lennujaamas veeta või lihtsalt toredaid elamusi saada. Leidsid suurepärase hinn  naga grupipakkumise, kuid 1-2 inimest jääb seltskonnast puudu. Soovid leida uusi sarnasn  te huvidega sõpru/tuttavaid.

Why TripMe? You plan to go travelling n

but do not have a companion to share your experience with. You find a good offer for n  a group, but you are missing 1-2 people. You wish to find new n  friends with similar interests.


lõpus avati portaal TripMe, mis aitab leida sobivaid reisikaaslasi. Uues portaalis on otsingumootor, kuhu saab täpselt kirja panna otsitava kaaslase soo ja vanuse ning reisi sihtkoha. Registreerimisel võib teha eraldi konto või kasutada olemasolevat Facebooki kontot. Portaali TripMe looja ja arendaja Liina Rukki loodab kõik reisikaaslaste otsingud ühte kohta koguda. “Foorumites otsimine võtab aega, sageli ei saa aru, kas kuulutus kehtib või mitte, sihtkohad ja muud tingimused ei pruugi sobida,” selgitab ta. Mõte portaali loomiseks tuli Rukkil oma vanemate elu jälgides. “Isa ja ema käisid tihti koos reisimas, aga kui isa kolm aastat tagasi suri, polnud emal enam kellegagi koos reisida,” meenutab ta. Ka statistika näitab, et üksikuid inimesi on järjest rohkem.

Huvilistele portaal meeldib ja on

nende meelest vajalik. On kahtlejaid, kes arvavad, et suhtlemises tagasihoidlikud eestlased ei riski internetist reisikaaslast otsida, kartes sattuda kummaliste inimeste peale. Lisaks seltskonna leidmisele aitab portaal ka kulusid optimeerida. “Kui soovite neljakesi sõpradega Prantsusmaal nädalaks villa üürida, kuid sinna mahub kuus inimest, on mõistlikum kaks reisikaaslast juurde otsida,” toob portaali looja näite. Portaali juures olevast reisiblogist leiab häid näpunäiteid ja huvitavaid reisilugusid. Liina sõnul otsivad nad põnevamaid marsruute ja kohti, mida Eestis ei tunta. Peagi on plaanis portaal ka ingliskeelseks teha.

Portal TripMe

opened at the end of last year and helps people find companions for travelling. The new portal has a search engine where you insert sex and age, and add the destination where you would like to go to and then look for people to go with. You can make a new account to register or use your existing Facebook account. Liina Rukki, the creator and developer of TripMe portal, hopes to collect all ads looking for travel companions in one place. “Looking for travel companions in forums is time consuming and often it is hard to understand whether the ad is up to date or very old. Besides, after contacting the person, it might turn out you have different expectations towards your trip,” says Liina. Inspiration for creating the portal came to her when she was looking at her parents’ life. “My mom and dad travelled often, but after my dad passed away, my mom had no-one to travel with,” says Liina. Statistics show that there are more and more people living alone.

People are welcoming the portal and say it is necessary. Of course there are some who doubt that the somewhat unsocial Estonians would go travelling with a stranger that might turn out to be a bit odd. Besides finding a travel companion, the portal also helps to manage costs. “If you and three of your friends want to rent a villa in France for a week, but the villa accommodates six, you can look for two extra people to keep costs low,” explains the creator of portal. The portal also has a travel blog that offers good tips for travelling and interesting stories from around the world. Liina says that they look for interesting routes and places that are unknown to Estonians. The creator is planning to soon release the webpage in English as well. in time July / August 2012

Estonia 2012


w w

Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva








Government Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n

In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

year olds. Most of the 582 schools are state schools; 62 schools offer education in Russian. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.


National Holidays

80% of all believers are Protestant n

1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 67.9% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 25.6%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.


Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 70% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

in time July / August 2012


Welcome to Estonian Air Estonian Air news About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air news

Valitud piletid saab ootele panna Estonian Airi koduleht pakub uut teenust, mis võimaldab valitud n  hinnatasemega piletid teatud ajaks ootele panna ja aitab sotsiaalmeedias sõpradega reisiplaane arutada. Estonian Air ja lennufirmade teenuste arendaja Airsavings töötasid välja Facebookiga seotud teenuse Let Me Think (Mõtlen veel), mis ühendab sotsiaalmeedia interaktiivsuse ja võimaluse osta lennupileteid interneti vahendusel. Lennufirma veebilehel asuv rakendus Let Me Think võimaldab reisijatel sisestada vajalikke andmeid lennureisi valimisel ja tellimisel ning aitab teha reisi puudutavaid otsuseid. Reisijad saavad valitud hinnatasemega piletid teenustasu eest 48 tunniks ootele panna. Seejärel on neil piisavalt aega, et arutada reisiplaane Facebookis kolleegide, sõprade või pereliikmetega ning teha lõplik otsus, kas minna reisile või mitte. Estonian Air on lennunduses sotsiaalmeedia teerajaja. Sõltumatu uuringuagentuur valis Estonian Airi lojaalsusprogrammi AirScore käivitamise eest kõige innovaatilisemaks lennufirmaks Euroopas. 2011. aastal oli Estonian Air esikohal SimpliFlyingu koostatud pingereas, mis järjestas lennufirmad turunduse ja sotsiaalmeedia innovatsiooni järgi. 30. novembril 2011 kuulutati USA-s Miamis välja Mega Awardi auhinnad, kus AirScore tunnistati parimaks kategoorias Parim kampaania sotsiaalmeedias.

Suvel saab otse Veneetsiasse 9. juunil avas Estonian Air hooajalise lennuliini Tallinna ja n  Veneetsia vahel. Estonian Airi lennud Veneetsiasse toimuvad kaks korda nädalas teisipäeviti ja laupäeviti. Liin jääb avatuks 1. septembrini 2012. „Veneetsia on atraktiivne sihtkoht ja geograafiliselt asub linn mugavas kohas, kust on hea ligipääs paljudesse Aadria mere ranniku linnadesse Itaalias ja Horvaatias,” ütles Estonian Airi kommertsjuht Rauno Parras. „Kindlasti on Veneetsia üks eestlaste unistuste puhkusekohtadest, aga uus otselennuliin on väga tervitatav ka Itaalia turistide Eestisse toomisel. Eesti on Itaalia turistide hulgas veel vähe tuntud, peamiselt teatakse Tallinna. Samas on Eestil itaallastele pakkuda palju meeldivaid üllatusi. Euroopalik elulaad, omapärane ja põnev kultuuripärand, head toidud meeldivates restoranides ja puutumatu loodus, kus saab rahu ja vaikust nautides end laadida,” kommenteeris EAS-i turismiarenduskeskuse Itaalia sihtturu juht Tiina Kärsna.

Tähelepanu Stockholmi Arlanda lennujaamas


‘lock-in’ – a Selected Fare For a Limited Time Estonian Air launched an innovative service, that helps to ‘lockn  in’ a selected fare for a limited time and share travel plans with friends through social media. Estonian Air and Airsavings, a service developer for airline companies, worked out a new feature called “Let Me Think” that unites the interactivity of social media with the growing trend of onlinebooking and ticket price comparison. “Let Me Think” provides an easy way for the passengers to select and reserve flights and also encourages their decision making process. Travellers can ‘lock-in’ a fare for 48 hours and then share their itinerary and travel plans with colleagues, friends or family in Facebook. Estonian Air has been recognized for excellence in social media and for its innovational marketing. The, an independent industry and consumer trends research agency ranked Estonian Air as the most innovative company in Europe for its loyalty programme called AirScore. In the end of 2011, Estonian Air was the first in SimpliFlying’s list of innovative marketing solutions in 2011 (of all airlines). On 30 November 2011 in Miami, USA, AirScore won a Mega Award in the category of Best Social Media Campaign.

Seasonal Route Between Venice and Tallinn Opened Starting from 9 June 2012, Estonian Air has a new seasonal n  flight between Venice and Tallinn. The flights operate twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays until 1 September 2012. “Venice is an attractive holiday destination, but it is also situated comfortably near the Adriatic sea, so access to other Italian or Croatian cities around that sea, is very easy,” said Rauno Parras, the CCO of Estonian Air. Estonia is a country yet to be discovered by most Italians. It is a positively surprising mix of modern European lifestyle in the cities and magically peaceful sceneries in the countryside. „Tallinn has a charming UNESCO World Heritage Old Town, a vibrant nightlife and many top quality restaurants serving both contemporary and traditional Estonian cuisine. Just an hour outside Tallinn you can experience untouched nature, island life totally different from any Italian island and take a break from your routine in total silence,“ added Parras.

1. juulist 2012 muutus Stockholmi Arlanda lennujaamas Estonian n

Stockholm Check-in Desk Change

Airi check-in laua asukoht ja koostööpartner. Reisijatel palume olla tähelepanelikud ning jälgida Arlanda 5. terminali infotabloosid, mis annavad teada, kuhu check-in’iks pöörduda.

Arlanda airport has changed. We ask travellers to pay attention to screens in the 5th terminal for check-in info.

From July 1, 2012 the Estonian Air check-in desk in Stockholm n

in time July / August 2012

Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vähemalt kaks tundi enne piletil märgitud väljalennu aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise võimalust. Lähteväravas tuleb olla pardakaardile märgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  • pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) • pass või rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) • pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis välja antud juhiluba, üliõpilas- või õpilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel võib inimese kohta olla üks ühik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetõttu tuleb piletit ostes tähelepanelik olla. Kõigil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. Jätkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kõigepealt üles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad või esindajad, kellelt saab küsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate õiguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb üle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele süüa-juua ja sidevõimalust (näiteks kaks tasuta telefonikõnet). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal õigus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevõtja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nõus loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hüvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele võimalusele sihtkohta jõudmiseks või piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel õigus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tühistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hüvitamist või muid võimalusi lõppsihtkohta jõudmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), välja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel või kui tühistamisest on teavitatud vähemalt kaks nädalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb või kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme päeva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 päeva pärast. Lisainfo:; n või nõuandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  • Passport (international flights, outside the EU) • Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) • Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm

July / August 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi ja Vilniusse. Estonian Air avas 2012. aasta kevadel lennuliinid uutesse n  sihtkohtadesse: Helsingi, Riia, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Viin, Veneetsia, Joensuu, Kajaani ja Thbilisi. Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJ-900 n  NextGen ja SAAB 340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalun  kaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Trondheim and Vilnius. In spring 2012 Estonian Air opened new destinations to Helsinki, n  Riga, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Vienna, Venice, Joensuu, Kajaani and Tbilisi. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJn  900 NextGen and SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

in time July / August 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan

liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt:

Alates 1. juunist kehtivad Estonian Airi lendudel uuenenud SAS EuroBonuse reeglid Reisijatele tähendab see lihtsustunud punktiarvestust, kus kogutavaid punkte arvestatakse nüüdsest mitte enam lähtuvalt pileti hinnaklassist, vaid vastavalt sellele, mis reisiklassi on pilet ostetud. Uue punktisüsteemi järgi kogub turistiklassi piletiga reisija minimaalselt 500 punkti (varasema 75 asemel), paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisija 750 punkti (varasema 450 asemel) ning äriklassi piletiga reisija teenib minimaalselt 1000 punkti (varasema 600 asemel). Samuti on ühtlustatud erinevates riikides tegutsevate lennufirmade punktitasemed preemiareiside tellimiseks, mis teevad arvestamise reisija jaoks lihtsamaks ja loogilisemaks. Endiselt on võimalik preemiareise tellida nii edasi-tagasi kui ka ühel suunal ning lastele vanuses 2-11 kehtib 50% soodustus.

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on võimalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis või EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

July / August 2012 in time

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n  EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Renewed SAS EuroBonus conditions are effective on Estonian Air flights from 1 June 2012 For our customers this means easier points’ accounting where points are counted no longer based on the fare class on the ticket but on the on board service class the ticket holder is entitled to. According to the new points’ system, passengers holding Eco ticket earn minimum of 500 points (instead of earlier 75), passengers holding Flex Eco ticket earn minimum of 750 points (earlier 450) and passengers holding Business ticket earn minimum of 1000 points (earlier 600). EuroBomus levels of different carriers operating in different countries have also been standardized for booking award trips, making counting easier and more logical for the passenger. Award trips can be ordered for return and one-way flights, and 50% discount applies for children between 2 and 11 years of age.

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn






Helsingi, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Riia, Trondheim, Vilnius




Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Riga, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, Brüssel, Hannover, Kiiev, London, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi, Viin




Amsterdam, Brussels, Hanover, Kiiev, London, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg, Vienna

Nizza, Tbilisi, Veneetsia




Nice, Venice, Tbilisi

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Program Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time July / August 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel

look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet /Find the right ticket

Hinna komponendid

Flex ECO


Pileti tagastamine


Pileti muutmine EuroBonuse punktid

Fare components


75 EUR + hinnaklassi vahe 75 EUR + Fare difference

Hinnaklassi vahe Fare difference

Hinnaklassi vahe Fare difference





EuroBonus points

Istekoha ettetellimine

Advanced seat reservation

Äriklassi check-in

Business Class check in

Äriklassi ootesaal

Lounge access

Fast Track valitud lennujaamades

Fast Track security in selected airports


Cabin baggage

Äraantav pagas Pagasi lisaühik Pardatoitlustus

July / August 2012 in time

40 EUR

1 ühik / 1 piece

2 ühikut / 2 pieces

2 ühikut / 2 pieces

Checked baggage

40 EUR

40 EUR

40 EUR

Additional baggage Catering


enne lendu / before the flight Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu on võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time July / August 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

July / August 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


lennu ajal / during the flight



On-board service

Tere tulemast meie lennule! Estonian Airi lendudel on kaks n

Welcome on board! Estonian Air has two on-board service classn

teenindusklassi – Premium ja Travel. Estonian Airi reisijaid toitlustab Airo Catering Services Eesti, mis kuulub LSG Sky Chefsi kontserni.

es, Premium and Travel. Catering for Estonian Air flights is provided by Airo Catering Services Estonia, which belongs to LSG Sky Chefs.


Premium Class

Premium-klassi salongis pakutakse kõigile reisijatele regulaarn

All passengers in the Premium Class cabin may enjoy breakfast, n

lendudel külma või sooja einet sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Eritoitu soovivad reisijad saavad selle tellida vähemalt 24 tundi enne väljalendu Estonian Airi klienditeeninduse või oma reisibüroo kaudu. Paindliku turistiklassipiletiga reisijatel on paindlikud pileti lennukuupäeva ja reisija nime vahetamise ning pileti tagastamise õigused, võimalus end lennule registreerida äriklassi check-in-lauas ja 23 kg asemel tasuta kaasa võtta 46 kg äraantavat pagasit.

lunch or dinner and beverages on all our scheduled flights. Menu types are planned according to the flight time and departure. A special meal can be ordered at least 24 h before scheduled departure via Estonian Air Customer Service or your travel agency. Flexible Economy passengers enjoy flexible conditions for change of name and flight date and ticket refund; they are entitled to use the Business Class check-in counters, and their free registered baggage allowance is 46 kg.


Travel Class

Travel-klassi salongis pakutakse väikest suupistet (välja arvatud n

Passengers in the Travel Class cabin will be served a small snack n

alla ühetunnistel lendudel) ja karastusjooke sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Samuti pakume võimalust osta lisaks suupisteid ja alkohoolseid jooke. Maksta saab sularahas ning krediitkaardiga (MasterCard, Visa).

(except on flights that last less than 1 h) and soft drinks according to the flight time and departure. Alcoholic beverages and additional snacks can be bought from the mini-bar. Payment is accepted in cash (EUR) or credit card (MasterCard, Visa).

Lenda soodsalt

Best prices

Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n

Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn

võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg) ning suupisteid ja jooke pardal.

chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros, complimentary on-board service is included.

in time July / August 2012

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Pardal suitsetada ei tohi

Smoking is not allowed

Kõik Estonian Airi lennud, kaasa arvatud tellimusreisid, on suitn

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted on n

suvabad. Keelatud on ka e-sigaretid ja lennuki tualettides suitsetamine.

any Estonian Air flight, including charter flights. Smoking is also forbidden in the lavatories of the aircraft.

Elektroonilised seadmed olgu välja lülitatud

Electronic equipment

Elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või -vasn

Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or ren

tuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi tööd ja sellepärast on nende kasutamine lennu ajal keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki õhkutõusul ja maandumisel. Mobiiltelefonid peavad olema välja lülitatud kogu lennukis viibimise aja jooksul. Palume järgida salongipersonali juhiseid.

ceiver may interfere with the aircraft’s navigation system and may therefore not be used during the flight. The use of other electronic equipment is restricted on takeoff and landing. Mobile phones must be turned off during the entire stay on board. If you are in doubt, please keep the devices switched off as they may interfere with the aircraft systems.


Additional services

Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe van

In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n

liku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.

July / August 2012 in time


lennujaamade info / airport information



Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.

Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.




Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

minutes by taxi.

terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from Hall A. n  To town: 20 minutes by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.


Estonian Air flights depart from n

To town: 20 km, 30 minutes by bus, 20 n


To town: 10 km, 30 minutes by bus, n  20 minutes by taxi.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal F. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.


Terminal 3. Estonian Air flights depart from South n  To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Terminal. Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2. every 15 min, buses to city centre and airports, taxi.


To Town: 10 km, 18 min by train from ter- MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 n  minal to main station, 20 min by taxi. Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n  Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train To town: 20 km 35 min by bus, 30 min by to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus n  and metro via metro station Rechnoy. taxi.



To town: 10 km, 15 minutes by bus, taxi. n


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. n

Estonian Air flights depart from the main n

PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE Estonian Air flights depart from n

Terminal 1. Terminal 2D from July 16. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

RIGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 10 km, 30 min by bus, 15 min by n  taxi.

ST PETERSBURG PULKOVO Estonian Air flights depart from n

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.


in time July / August 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tbilisi

St Petersburg




To town: 20 km, 20 min by train, 30 min by n

To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n

taxi, bus nr 37.

5 min by taxi.



To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.

To town: 11 km, 20 min by bus, 10 min by n  taxi.



To town: 20 km, 16 min by train, 20 min n  by bus, taxi.


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

VENICE MARCO POLO AIRPORT To town: 20 km, boat, 60 min by bus, n  40 min by taxi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

July / August 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time July / August 2012

sihtkohad / route map Nice – seasonal route: from May 5 until September 29 (2012) Venice – seasonal route: from June 9 until September 1 (2012)

July / August 2012 in time


kontakt / contact

ESTONIAN AIR AS Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter



In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 â‚Ź + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)

GROUP BOOKINGS Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail

LOST & FOUND BAGGAGE Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313

ESTONIAN AIR CORPORATE SERVICE Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

in time July / August 2012













Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, Sissepääs isikut tõendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Suur-Karja 9 • Tallinn • 10140 Estonia 641 9333

Big Bang All Carbon. Real structured carbon fibre chronograph. Black rubber strap. • •

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