Estonian Air inflight magazine In Time (May/June 2012)

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Estonian ice hockey wonder in Finland

VENICE, NICE HAAPSALU Electric car marathon and Floriade


tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

Esimest korda nelja aasta järel kasvas tä- For the first time in four years, in March navu märtsis Estonian Airi reisijate arv kiiremini kui Tallinna lennujaama reisijate arv. Kõnekas fakt, mis räägib sellest, et Estonian Air on õigel teel, olles kasvumootoriks Tallinna lennujaama kujundamisel regionaalseks sõlmlennujaamaks. Samal ajal suurenes Estonian Airi lennukite täituvus ligi 16 protsendipunkti. Selline areng annab kindluse, et kliendid hindavad meie jõupingutusi lennuplaani parandamisel ja teenuste täiustamisel. Estonian Air tihendas lennugraafikut Euroopa tähtsamatesse linnadesse ja lisas uusi sihtkohti. Hinnastamisstruktuuri muutmine on teinud reisid taskukohasemaks. Estonian Air keskendub innovatsioonile, õige suurusega lennukite hankimisele ja lennuvõrgustiku parandamisele. Innovatsioon on väiksemale lennufirmale eluliselt tähtis, et paista silma ja erineda konkurentidest. Koostöö partneritega aitab meil toime tulla väljakutsetega, mis tulenevad väikesest koduturust. Näiteks alates septembrist hakkab Estonian Air lendama kuus korda nädalas Tallinna-Pariisi liinil, mida varem teenindati hooajalise liinina. Kasvu ja kasumlikkuse tasakaalustamine eeldab õige suurusega lennukite hankimist. Estonian Air sai aprillis kätte neljanda Embraeri. Sel suvel on meie lennukipargis seitse uue generatsiooni regionaallennukit, mis on kiired, mugavad, ökonoomsed ja koormavad vähem keskkonda. Meie edu aluseks on rahulolevad kliendid. Oleme siin, et olla teie teenistuses! Tere tulemast pardale ja meeldivat lendu!

May / June 2012


Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 6401 101 Tiraaž: 8000

2012 the number of Estonian Air passengers was growing faster than the one of Tallinn Airport. This means that Estonian Air is back on track taking the role of a growth engine and developing Tallinn Airport into a regional hub. At the same time Estonian Air improved the average load factor by almost 16 percentage points. These developments give confidence that our efforts in improving the flight schedule and services are appreciated. Estonian Air has added flights to Europe’s most important cities and opened also new routes. Revamping the pricing structure has made flying more affordable. We are focused on innovation, choosing the right size fleet and improving our network. Innovation is vital for smaller carriers in order to be visible on their home and destination markets. Networking with partners helps us overcome the challenges of a small home market. For instance, starting from September Estonian Air will serve the previously seasonal Tallinn-Paris route with 6 weekly flights. Balancing between growth and profitability also means continuing to acquire right-sized aircraft. Our fourth Embraer aircraft arrived in April. This summer our fleet will include seven regional new generation jets that are fast, comfortable, ecological and economical. The key to our success are satisfied customers. We are here at your service! Welcome on board and enjoy your flight!

Tootja: RKontor Reklaam: Nordicom Trükikoda: Reusner AS Reklaamikontakt:

Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air, Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Robert Rooba Fotograaf / Photographer: Priit Simson

in time May / June 2012

coming up

Courtyards in Old Town Open Up

Text: Marge Männistu Photos: Organisers

A novel event in this year’s XXXI Tallinn

Old Town Days is the day of courtyards. On May 31, everybody has the chance to visit Old Town’s courtyards that are normally closed, both in Toompea and downtown. Some of them remain open until the end of the summer. „25 to 30 yards open for public. There are actually many more exciting gardens worth visiting, but we cannot open them all, partly for security considerations in Toompea. There are courtyards that are hard to access and, unfortunately, some are at not nice to look at,” says Ruth Aarma, mem-

More events

XXXI Tallinn Old Town Days (May 26 – June 2, 2012) May 26: at 13 Põhjakonn, a joint theatrical performance of Tallinn Old Town Days n

and Tallinn Treff Festival on Town Hall Square; at 15-17 charitable zumba-party on Vabaduse Square. May 27: at 20 Dave Benton’s concert on Town Hall Square. n  May 28: at 12-20 Exhibition of historic vehicles on Vabaduse Square; at 17 and 19 n  Theatre of Science: Exploding and Foaming Chemistry on Town Hall Square; May 29: at 19 Kalev gymnastics show „Eternal Square“ on Vabaduse Square; at 21 n  Concert of the Police and Border Guard Orchestra and Lenna Kuurmaa on Town Hall Square. May 30: at 21 Old Town Film Music Gala on Town Hall Square. n  May 31: at 16 Guided tour into little-known courtyards by Jüri Kuuskemaa; at 19-20 n  Raul Sööt and Deeper Sound on Town Hall Square; at 20.30-21.30 Laura Junson, Erki Niit and Kristjan Mazurchak on Town Hall Square; at 21 Mari Kalkun in Old Town Music House; at 21 „Tenfold Town”, a performance of Tallinn Dance Theatre, at Kohtu 6. June 1: at 14-16 60th jubilee concert of University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy n  on Town hall Square; at 21 youth event June Night in Old Town. June 2: at 12 Middle Age tournamet an Town Hall Square; at 13 Culture show of n  Pärnu town, the nation’s "summer capital", on Town hall Square; at 17 operetta gala by Pärnu Town Orchestra and soloists; closing ceremony of Old Town Days; at 22 Indigolapsed at Kodulinna House. Info about many more events:


ber of the Tallinn Old Town Society. While many yards are open just for a look, about a third of them also offer exciting activities during the Old Town Days, such as home cafés, music and other entertainment provided by families and friends. Those interested in blacksmith work should check out the yard at Olevimägi 13 while Müürivahe 31 will host a cinema.

A popular figure,

the art historian Jüri Kuuskemaa, leads guided tours to Old Town courtyards, offering participants a glimpse into Old Town’s past. The tour starts on May 31 at 4 pm from the Master’s Yard at 6 Vene street, continues along the Vene street and visits the yards of the Dominican Monastery, Blacksmith’s Shop and Scottish Club, The Three Sisters, Ukrainian Church and St. Michael’s Monastery, i.e. Gustav Adolf Secondary School. „There are many beautiful and unique courtyards in the Tallinn Old Town. My favourite is the one of the Dominican Monastery with a very special ambient taking you away from the reality and inviting to meditate. As for courtyards, there is a lot to tell and see. I am sure that the two-hour-walk gives visitors a lot of new insights and impressions,” says Kuuskemaa. The historian adds that his intention is to focus on both ancient and modern faces of the Old Town. The visitors will be able to look at medieval gardening culture and listen to the birds sing in the Old Town. Naturally, the courtyards are also open to discover independently.

in time May / June 2012

Sophie Marceau

Suur-Karja 9 - Tallinn 10140 Estonia -

coming up

Electric Car Marathon Unites History and Modern Technology An edition of the Estonian newspaper Vaba Maa from 80 years ago writes: „25 January 1930 we’ll see 20 cars setting off from Tallinn to Monte Carlo. Only one of them is Estonian, the rest are from abroad.” Distance between Tallinn and Monte Carlo back then was 3500 km – and it is no longer or shorter today. Text: Kristel Peikel Photos: Artur Kalm (Eesti Filmiarhiiv), organisers


After races had taken place for several con-

secutive years, in February 1938, the same newspaper wrote: „Farewell, car paradise of the world!” The beautiful and exciting tradition sadly came to an end when Estonia was occupied by foreign forces and separated from the rest of the world by the Iron Curtain. In 2011, the Mayor of Tallinn reopened the Tallinn-Monte Carlo marathon, restoring an old tradition in a modern way – now it is a compe-

tition between electric cars. The start to the rally of 2011 was given by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the patron of the marathon, who was on an official visit to Tallinn at that time. On 1 June 2012, the 10-day Tallinn-Monte Carlo electric car marathon starts for the second time. This time it passes through 10 countries and 29 cities including the European Capital of Culture, Maribor. „The new format of a historical competition with electrical vehicles is the best way to show the consistency of the tradition and cooperation between regions in Europe, introducing modern technologies and opportunities for environmentally friendly solutions at the same time,“ says Jüri Tamm, director of the Electric Marathon 2012 and the Honorary Consul of Monaco in Estonia. „This is an ideal way to provide for the public something new and interesting that will be very practical in the near future.” Competitions like this increase the credibility of electric cars, accelerate the implementation

in time May / June 2012


Suur-Karja 9, Tallinn 10140, Estonia Tel: +372 641 9333 - -

coming up


June 1 09:00-10:00 Theatre Square 12:00-15:00 Rüütli Street 18:00:19:00 Ratslaukums June 2 09:00-10:00 Ratslaukums 11:00-12:00 Jelgava Palace 14.00-15:00 Laisves Square 18:00-22:00 Town Hall Square June 3 09:00-10:00 Town Hall Square Zygmunta Augusta 13:00-16:00 Market Square

Ostrów Mazowiecka


Ostrów Mazowiecka Warsaw Piotrkow Trybunalski


Town Hall Square


Centrum Koneser


Trybunalski Market Square



Tallinn Pärnu Riga Riga Jelgava Panevežys Kaunas Kaunas

Town Hall Square

June 4

Wrocław Wrocław Hradec Kralove Brno Bratislava Bratislava Vienna Wiener Neustadt Graz Maribor Maribor Klagenfurt Udine Mogliano Veneto

Town Hall and Market Square 23:00-00:00 Hala Stulecia June 5 09:00-09:30 Hala Stulecia 13:00-16:00 Main Square 18:00-20:00 Liberation Square Radisson Blue Carlton 22:00-23:00 Hotel June 6 09:00-09:30 Hviezdoslav Square 12:00-15:00 Minoritenplatz 16.00-17:00


20:00-22:00 Hauptplatz 23:00-00:00 Leon Štukelj Square June 7 09:00-10:00 Leon Štukelj Square 13:00-16:00 Neuer Platz 19:00-21:00 Piazza Libertà 23:00-00:00

Villa Foscarini

June 8 Canal Grande, Venice 10:00-14:00 Lido di Venezia Verona 18:00-20:00 Piazza Brà June 9 Brescia 09:00-10:00 Piazza della Loggia Milan 13:00-16:00 Piazza Castello Turin 19:00-00:00 Piazza Castello June 10 Turin 07.30-08:00 Piazza Castello Cuneo 09:30-11:00 Piazza Galimberti Monte Carlo 13:00-15:00 Palace Square Grand Finish / Award Ceremony


Start of the Star Race

of them in everyday life and help to expand the road network equipped with electric charging points. „During the marathon week, several presentations and ceremonies are held in the European cities where the racing cars stop for (interim) charging,” Tamm explains.


six cars cover the whole distance of the marathon, but more cars can participate on each separate stage of the race. These additional cars must come to the starting place with fully charged batteries and their participation in each following stage depends on their own skill and ability to find possibilities to charge. Their ranking is determined by the results of each separate stage. All participants are issued a

certificate confirming their participation in the Tallinn – Monte Carlo electric car marathon. The rally is held under ordinary traffic conditions, following traffic rules, with vehicles permitted for traffic on public roads. The purpose of the competition is to be at the finish exactly on time. Penalty points are given for arriving early or late. The team with least penalty points wins. Regulations of the rally were prepared in close cooperation with FIA Electric and New Energies Championships Commission headed by Burkhard Goeschel and Carlos Funes. Additional information: and electricmarathon

in time May / June 2012


coming up

Fly to Amsterdam: Facts & Figures

Tallinn-Amsterdam 14 weekly flights One-way price from 59.90 €

World Hortin

cultural Expo, once every 10 years Theme: „Be part of n  the theatre in nature, get closer to the quality of life” Five Theme Worlds: Relax n  & Heal, Green Engine, Education & Innovation, environment, World Show Stage Gardens and pavilions n  (buildings) with approx. 100 exhibitors Horticulture sectors, n  Dutch organisations and international participants The biggest gondola ride n  in the Netherlands: capacity 4000 people per hour Two permanent n  buildings: Innovatoren and Villa Flora Villa Flora: the biggest n  indoor flower exhibition in Europe Five restaurants and lots n  of food stalls Two million visitors n  Average length of stay: n  7 hours 1960: Rotterdam, 1972: n  Amsterdam, 1982: Amsterdam, 
992: Zoetermeer, 2002: Haarlemmermeer, 2012: Venlo Region Floriade 2012 April 5 October 7, just outside Venlo. Open daily 10pm-7pm. Adult day tickets € 25.


Garden Enthusiasts Are Welcome to Floriade

This year the focus of tourism in the Nether-

lands is on all things green as part of a series of events going under the umbrella title ‘Holland Naturally’. The biggest draw card is the Floriade horticultural and recreational fair, which is only held once every 10 years. This year it takes place in Venlo. With the help of Enterprise Estonia the Estonian Woodhouse Association will show Estonian craft in this fair, too. The site that Floriade is designed on was part forest, part agricultural land. Hundreds of thousands of bulbs and flowers have been planted in layers so there would always be something new coming up to guarantee blossoming flowers throughout the six months of Floriade. The buildings constructed for Floriade promise to be a landmark of sustainability. When the fair is over, the 66-hectare landscape will become known as Venlo Green Park, one of the greenest business parks on Earth. The most prominent is a tall arch hugging a glass tower, contribution of a famous Dutch modernist architect Jo Coenen.
 Creations of garden designers who won in national competitions have been realised for the fair. With one last-minute addition! The design

submitted by a 12-year-old Tosca Kettler appealed to judges so much that they gave her a special prize, and her garden – complete with wateringcan fountain, multicoloured parasols and a bright blue wall – stands together with the rest.

The organisers have got the edutainment

angle covered with tons of kid-friendly activities, innovation showcases and scores of environmental erudition. Everything from “transforming” yourself into a bee to workshops on making clothes out of weeds or flower arranging. Music, theatre and dance performances are also part of the programme. There’s a beach, and they’ve even installed giant screens on the festival grounds to watch, for example, the Olympics. And a cable car is installed to give visitors an aerial view of the fair. Floriade is a World Horticultural Exposition. The Floriade World Horticultural Exposition has been held in the Netherlands roughly every 10 years since 1960. The event has attracted participants from Thailand and Slovakia, Bolivia and Bhutan. It has already been listed by CNN in its top 10 world destinations for the year.

in time May / June 2012


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coming up A wide range of stalls offer food and drink, while concerts, theatre and cabaret performances transform the gardens into a vibrant late-night festival in the warm-up to the Fireworks Competition itself.

Copenhagen Marathon May 20 n

foto: Stock.XCHNG

Amsterdam Art Amsterdam May 30 – June 3, Amsterdam RAI n  Art Amsterdam celebrates its 25th anniversary by staging 120 solo shows. Leading national and international galleries exhibit paintings, photographs, sculptures and installations by exciting contemporary artists from around the world.

Brussels Culinaria May 31 – June 3, Tour & Taxis n  Sixteen Belgian restaurateurs, all of them Michelin starred, team up for Culinaria, one of Brussels' biggest foodie events. Exclusive menus, cooking demonstrations, workshops and a food market are included in the entrance fee.


During the Copenhagen Marathon you can kill two birds with one stone – get fit and see the sights of the city. Alternatively, join the noisy crowds and the jovial atmosphere and encourage the competitors along their way.

June 29 – July 8, Schützenplatz n  Most villages and towns in Germany hold a Schützenfest, a popular fair originally rooted in archery and shooting competitions but now encompassing rides, entertainment and spectacles of every description.

Helsinki Contemporary Circus Festival May 9 - 12 n  Helsinki celebrates the art of circus at the annual Contemporary Circus Festival. Venues across the Finnish city play host to different troupes from around Europe, featuring impressive stunts and feats of colourful gymnastics.

Kiev Kiev PhotoFair May 24-27, International Exhibition n  Centre (IEC) Consider yourself a budding David Bailey or Annie Leibovitz in the making? Then head to the International Exhibition Centre for the annual Kiev PhotoFair. Exhibitors, seminars and master classes teach keen photographers about the creative and technical sides to photography. Sony, Fujifilm, Canon and Nikon show off their latest photo equipment, from cameras to imageprocessing software and albums.

Moscow Dikaya Myata Folk Festival

Brussels Jazz Marathon

Jun 1-3, Park Troparevo n

May 25 – 27 n

Dikaya Myata, literally "wild mint", is a folk music festival set in the bucolic Park Troparevo in the south of the city. Escape Moscow's urban hubbub for a laid-back day of music and dancing, along with 7000 fellow revellers.

Jazz fans flock to Belgium's capital to enjoy modern and trad jazz, blues and Latin, performed both indoors and out during the Brussels Jazz Marathon. Local and international artists fill squares, including the majestic Grand Place, streets, bars and theatres.

Hannover Fireworks Competition

Naisten Kymppi

May 12 and June 9, Grosser Garten n

May 27 n

Five nations present feasts of pyrotechnical craziness on selected summer Saturdays at the Fireworks Competition in Hannover's baroque Grosser Garten.


Naisten Kymppi is Finland's biggest female sporting event. Around 18,000 runners, joggers, walkers and Nordic walkers of all ages take part.

in time May / June 2012

Marc Cain Store | V채ike-Karja 10 | Tallinn | Tel. 372 641 84 18 |

coming up May 4 – August 26, KUMU n

May 8 at 19 Hymn to Love, Mother's n

The collection was compiled by Jef Rademakers, a former television producer, with superb intuition, offering all genres and shades of the diverse romanticism of Netherlandish art.

Day concert – Mäetaguse Manson, Jõhvi May 10 at 15 Afternoon music: The n  Legend of Raimond Valgre – Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn May 10 at 20 Antarctic Concerto – n  Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn May 11 and May 12 Smilers and n  Supernova – Rock Cafe, Tallinn May 12 at 16 Hortus Musicus: n  Celtic sounds, melodies of Vikings – Cate Tower, Tallinn May 12 at 19 Music from Haydn to n  ABBA – Borislav Strulev and Tallinn Sinfonietta – Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn May 13 at 18 Sergei Rahmaninov n  „Vesprid“ op. 37 – Jaani church, Tallinn May 13 at 15 Mother's Day concert – n  Tuksam, Sibul, Nõgisto – Pärimusmuusika Ait, Viljandi May 16 at 19 Pink Martini Orchestra – n  Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn May 18 at 19 opera Tosca by Giacomo n  Puccini – Estonia Opera house, Tallinn May 20 at 18 Big academy of n  Baroque Purcell and his time – Kadrioru castle, Tallinn May 23 at 21 Mumiy Troll – The Best n  Of – Club Apollo, Tallinn May 29 at 19 Gala concert by Nordic n  Symphony Orchestra – Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn

Vienna Life Ball May 19 n

Paris Nuit des Musées May 19 n  On one spring night, museums across France open until 1am, offering a chance to see the Louvre, and hundreds more, for free. The Nuit des Musées opens up some 1000 or so museums throughout France and Europe to the public, to a background of debates, competitions, conferences and exhibitions, from dusk until 1am, all for no charge.

International VIPs strut their stuff for the Life Ball AIDS fundraiser at Vienna's Rathaus. A prominent figure usually opens the proceedings and models and celebrities arrive in outrageous fancy dress costumes. For those who can't get through on the ticket lines when tickets go on sale about one month before the Life Ball.

Stockholm Gärdesloppet June 3 n  Travel back in time as Stockholm hands over to classic cars for the annual Gärdesloppet. The day begins with a parade of cars made before 1956 through central Stockholm before they all gather at Biskopsudden/Djurgården. In 1922 a speed competition for cars was arranged in Sweden for the first time at Gärdet, Stockholm. Today's competition is a follow-up to the competitions of the 1920s.

Tallinn With the Eye of a Romantic 19th Century Dutch and Belgian Painting from the Rademakers Collection

Dragonboat Cup Jun 16, Vienna; Juni 23, Graz; July n  14, Zell am See Splishing and splashing around Austria's lakes, teams of rowers compete in the Dragonboat Cup, where fancy dress meets competitive water sports. It only takes a minute for the crews of 20 to finish the course so keep your eyes peeled! The first round takes place in Vienna's River Danube, the second in Schwarzl Lake, Graz, and the finals in Zell am See's lake.

Music in Estonia May May 4 at 19 Erso season finale – n

Basile de Loos. Village Fair. 1838. Jef Rademakers` collection.


Imperaator – Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn May 4 at 20 Poets Of The Fall – n  Rock Cafe, Tallinn May 5 – June 2 Children musical n  Kosmunaut Lotte – Teater Vanemuine, Tartu May 6 at 19 Boris Grebenshikov and n  Akvarium – Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn

June June 1 – September 15 – Nargen n  festival – different places June 2 at 19 Sacred Concert nr 2, Duke Ellington – Jaani church, Tallinn June 5 – 12 at 20 Beautiful concerts n  Ingmani Merelava, Käsmu June 8-9 Nero – Saku Arena, Tallinn n  June 8 at 17 Back To The 90s – n  Tallinn song festival grounds, Tallinn June 9 – 10 Sõru Jazz 2012 – n  Sõru Port, Hiiumaa June 9 at 12 Etnofest – Tallinn Song n  Festival Grounds, Tallinn June 10-16 Tallinn Guitar Festival – n  Tallinn June 15 – 16 Rabarock 2012 – n  Järvakandi June 15 – 16 Festival of White n  Nights – Viimsi June 17 at 14 Hortus Musicus and n  Tõnis Mägi – Suure-Jaani church, Suure-Jaani June 28 at 20:30 Megadeth – n  Rock Cafe, Tallinn June 29-30 Hard Rock Lager – n  Vana-Vigala

in time May / June 2012

Other exhibitions:

coming up to stage the finals confirms that Estonian youth football has established its position on the European football map.” 15 matches will be played during the tournament and nine of them will be broadcast live on Eurosport and also on the largest television channels of Asia, Africa, North and South America. Group stage matches will take place on 3, 6 and 9 July in Lilleküla Stadium, Kadriorg Stadium (both in Tallinn), Haapsalu and Rakvere, semi-finals will be staged on 12 July and the final on 15 July in Lilleküla Stadium.

Eight national teams (including Esto-

Best of U-19 Meet in Estonia

Po o


The top summer




sports event in Estonia, at the beginning of July is the UEFA U-19 European Football Championship Finals taking place in Tallinn, Haapsalu and Rakvere that brings together the best European players of this age. The first day of the championship is the 3 July and the final match will be staged at Lilleküla Stadium on 15 July. This is a historic event, because it is the first final tournament held in Estonia and also the first time for Estonian national football teams to play in the final stage of the European Championship. „Organising U-19 European Championship final tournament in 2012 is the first step of Estonian Football Association’s plan to bring more top football events to Estonia,” said Aivar Pohlak, the president of the Estonian Football Association. „There were 12 countries competing for the right to stage this tournament and our biggest competitors were Portugal and Greece. Preferring Estonia

nia) will take part in the final tournament, seven of them are qualifying through Elite Round games, which are played in various European countries at the end of May. The official group stage draw of the final tournament will be organised on 6 June in Tallinn. The ambassador of U-19 European Championship final tournament in Estonia is the local football legend Mart Poom. The 40-year-old former goalkeeper of Estonian national team and top English clubs (Derby County, Sunderland, Arsenal etc) will participate in various events in the coming months. He has a role to play in the official draw event as well as in the opening and closing ceremonies. U-19 team is the last stage for young players on the way to the men’s football. Three years ago, when Estonian U-19 team hosted the Elite Round in Tallinn, they had a chance to play against such promising young players – Lewis Holtby, Toni Kroos and Andre Schürrle from Germany and Thiago Alcantara and David De Gea from Spain.

in time May / June 2012

coming up

London Surprises with Cultural Olympiad Photos: London 2012 Organising Committee

Important dates Olympic Games n  July 27 – August 12

Paralympic Games n

August 29 – September 9

London 2012 Festival n  June 21 – September 9


The Olympic Games this summer in London attract tourists for sure. And no wonder, because how often do people get the opportunity to get blown away by watching water polo? This is the third time already when London is hosting Olympics. In 1908 the games were intended to be held in Rome, but owing to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1906 Italy had to pull out, and London stepped into the breach. Then, London was chosen to host the Olympics of 1944, which were postponed because of the Second World War and became the Olympics of 1948, notable for the fact that these were the first games to be broadcast on home television. At the end of March 2005 the International Olympic Committee concluded – London is ready to welcome the best athletes and sports fans to the next Olympic and Paralympic Games. And even if you are not a big fan of water polo or other sports, London still has a lot to offer this summer.

The London 2012 Cultural Olympiad is the

largest cultural celebration in the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic Movements. Since 2008, the Cultural Olympiad has featured programmes and projects inspired by London 2012, funded by their principal funders and sponsors. As part of the Cultural Olympiad: • More than 16 million people across the UK have taken part in or attended performances. • Over 169,000 people have attended more than 8,300 workshops. • More than 3.7 million people have taken part in nearly 3,700 Open Weekend events. The culmination of the Cultural Olympiad is the London 2012 Festival, providing over 10 million chances to see free world-class events throughout the UK.

London 2012 Festival is a huge cultural celebration coinciding with the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. Whether you love in time May / June 2012

coming up Tickets to sports events If you are a sports fan, n

then keep in mind that tickets to Olympic events can be purchased online and only Visa cards are accepted. Full price tickets start at just £20 for the Olympic Games and £10 for the Paralympic Games, with special prices available for young people aged 16 and under as well as for seniors aged 60 and over. Tickets are strictly nontransferable and must not be sold or advertised for sale on the internet, in newspapers or anywhere else other than via the official London 2012 ticket resale programme.

dance, music, theatre, fashion, food, art or film, you’ll find something you can get involved in. Leading artists from all over the world are joining in, including Plan B, Toni Morrison, Mike Leigh, Leona Lewis, Damon Albarn and Tracey Emin. The Festival opens on 21 June and runs to 9 September 2012, the last day of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

The influence of Picasso on British art and

artists has rarely been recognised – until now, thanks to Tate Britain's new exhibition, Picasso and Modern British Art. Picasso and Modern British Art explores the Spanish artist's critical (and public) reputation in Britain, as well as his political status, forged

May / June 2012 in time

through the tour of his Guernica painting in 193839 and his appearance at the 1950 Peace Congress in Sheffield. The Tate Britain exhibition also lookes at how Picasso's work affected British modernism and inspired British artists. Open until 15 July at Tate Britain.

A good overview

of everything London has to offer this summer is available at the official web page of the London Olympic Games: The official London guide in the internet also provides a lot of useful information about the games, accommodation and cultural events.

Fly to London: Tallinn-London 3 weekly flights, 4 weekly flights from June 6 to August 15 One-way price from 49.90 €


place to be

Kumu – After Only 100 Years Text: Neil Taylor Photos: kaido haagen

Johann Köler. Self-portrait. 1859, Art Museum of Estonia

The British and the French took 140 years to build a Channel Tunnel. The Estonians took only a lot less than 100 to plan the country’s first dedicated art gallery Kumu that was finally completed in 2006. Nowadays it is hard to imagine a world without either of them. The arguments against both were very similar – lack of funds, need and interest. And both have proved that daring, determined and powerful marketing can quickly turn a dream into a successful reality. In 2008 Kumu won the European Museum of the Year award. Kumu is now as much a part of Tallinn as Tall Hermann or Town Hall Square, a place which no tourist, or Estonian(!), can ignore. Its height, its position at the top of Kadriorg Park and its modernity all make it stand out against its Tsarist and Soviet neighbours. It houses largely art produced in Estonia over the last two hundred years. Most visitors probably leave Kumu not knowing the name of a single Estonian artist, but this perhaps does not matter. They are immediately aware of the diversity that has come out of this country whose population for most of the time covered did not exceed one million. One name to remember, though, would be Johann Köler (1826-1899). He is often called Estonia’s first artist. He paints peasants rather than Russian nobility and the countryside rather than elegant towns. Although being the court painter of the Russian Tsar, he is one of the most beloved heroes of Estonian art history. Much of the art here is ahead of its time, setting trends, causing upsets and drawing attention to itself both in the 19th century when St


Petersburg was the capital and then again in the second half of the 20th century when control from Moscow was equally ineffective. Difficult Choices is an apt name for the gallery displaying work from Soviet time. A clever Soviet artist would normally be dogmatic in public but radical in private. In Estonia more risks were taken. Only here could the group Soup 69 exhibit in public, using an American model, to recognise Andy Warhol’s work with Campbell’s soup tins in New York during the 1960s. Kumu offers its guests space and light, whether in the reception area, the galleries or even in the lifts. One of the lifts comfortably takes 122 people, which is the size of a choir! Kumu is a powerhouse of restoration and education, ensuring that future generations can be encouraged to enter the arts world and perhaps in due course have their work displayed here.

Andres Tolts. There, where begins the lotto. 1969, Art Museum of Estonia

in time May / June 2012

I G A JAG UA R O N PA L J U E N A M , KU I L IH HT SA LT AU T O. Jaguar. See on loodud, mitte lihtsalt toodetud. Võimas, väle ja vahetu. Koos temaga tunned end erilise ja tõeliselt elusana. Tunneta seda. Küsi endalt, kuivõrd elus sa tegelikult oled.


KUI ELUS S OL L ED D SIN N A? Jaguar XF 2.2 D. Kütusekulu: linnas 6,6 l/100 km, maanteel 4,8 l/100 km, keskmine 5.4 l/100 km; CO2 emissioon 149 g/km. Hind alates 44 580 €

Inchcape Motors Eesti OÜ Läike tee 38, Peetri küla, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa Tel 663 0600,,

place to be

Estonia, a Friendly and Beautiful Country! Text: Kristi Kelluke

Why prefer the Tallinn Card? Tallinn Card makes visiting n  Tallinn an easy, convenient and unforgettable experience. Tallinn Card saves time n  and money. Tallinn Card shows the n  quality and versatility of Tallinn and shows the best that Tallinn has to offer.


I’m meeting the Humphries from UK at Cafe NOP. It’s a family of four – mother Rachel, father Stephen and two children Will and Laurie, plus Rachel’s girlfriend Kristy and her daughter Grace. They have toured Tallinn inside out. „It’s a great place! Really – very nice and clean, and people are so friendly! We simply love it,” exclaims Rachel enthusiastically and mentions that Tallinn Card was a valuable tool for preparing a travel plan and lowering costs. „It was very helpful. If you are travelling with a limited budget and want to see a lot, but spend reasonably, it is a really good thing,” says Rachel, adding that they would even like to stay longer in Tallinn because there is so much to see. „Our days in Tallinn have been busy. We got up early and set out right away. We visited the Tallinn Zoo and saw a polar bear. Children were thrilled,” explains the mother. They took a trolleybus to the zoo, but missed the bus-stop and had to find their way back. „People in the trolleybus were very helpful, explaining and offering to help. We only showed them the map and they were already directing you to the right way,” says Rachel. The Rocca al Mare Open Air Museum stood out with its beautiful nature and ancient farmhouses.

„The seaside was beautiful! And the houses! We peeked into old farm buildings, and were advised to come back in the summer when everything is open and there are workshops everywhere,” said Rachel, adding that they also visited the local tavern to try local dishes and mulled wine. „Do you use a lot of cinnamon in Estonia?” asked Rachel, recalling that she found a cinnamon tube in the mulled wine that gave the drink a special taste. „In the open-air museum, children liked the horse drawing a carriage,” adds Stephen, laughing. „But most of all I liked snow," says Will. Grace nods. „We all did. Wintertime here is quite different from when it’s summer and warm. Our friends who visited Tallinn before we did will get a real surprise when we tell them that it was April and Tallinn was still covered with snow," explains Rachel. They think sunny and snowy weather is very beautiful and looks good in Tallinn, but that they would also like to see Estonia in summer.

One of their most favourite places was the doll museum. „It was so exciting and people were very kind. And the do-it-yourself,” recalls Rachel. They also suggest all visitors to Tallinn to see the Kalev marzipan museum. From NOP the Humpries continued their city tour to the Miiain time May / June 2012

Milla-Manda museum in Kadriorg that will surely keep the family’s youngest members busy. If one were to criticise, it could be that there are not enough signs and information boards that would make navigation easier. Rachel says that their holiday vacation falls to the category of a citybreak and that they would like to take the most out of it. „We would really like to come back here in the summer so we could see Tallinn and Estonia when it’s warm,” speaks Rachel. They would also like to travel outside the capital. „What is your countryside like?” asks Rachel. Before leaving Tallinn, the group plans to go shopping and buy not only souvenirs to take back to the UK, but also black bread and marzipan. „We don’t usually re-visit the same holiday destination, but this time we could make an exception,” adds Rachel.


Mai-Liis Mägi, project manager of Tallinn Card: Our objective is to n

attract more people to cultural events in Tallinn and to offer positive cultural experience to visitors and residents of the city. The Tallinn Card package n  includes about 100 free or discount offers. Card holders can visit most Tallinn museums and sights, go on a city tour, use public transport, etc. Customers of Tallinn Card are offered discounts by city guides, restaurants and cafes, stores selling handicrafts and design items, as well as entertainment establishments. Starting from May, Tallinn Card (48h) will also be on sale on board of Estonian Air.

ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities.

„Flexible economy, simple tax system; labour costs, which in European terms are low, together with good education and good labour market conditions are an argument, in addition to the euro, why one should invest to Estonia. I invite you to be a part of everything Estonia has to offer.” ANDRUS ANSIP Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

––– „Estonian companies are eager to widen their geography and recent very active company creation has shown emergence of many very dynamic and interesting new companies. Welcome to Estonia!” Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Background: Sale of Tallinn Cards began on 1 June 1998, i.e. it will celebrate its n  15th anniversary in 2013. The first package included 50 free or discount offers, with 444 Tallinn Card paper cards sold in 1998. On 1 April 2006, Tallinn Card went electronic by introducing a n  system of online registration of visits and replacing paper cards with magnetic strip cards that simplifies the registration of visits and the use of Tallinn Card. In 2011, the Tallinn Card package had 100 free or discount offers n  and a total of 13,400 cards were sold. The most popular were the 48-hour and 72-hour city cards. Starting from this year, Tallinn Card has a new look, with different design for adults’ and children’s cards.



About city cards:

City cards have been used in Europe and elsewhere in the world n  already for decades. There are more than 40 city cards in Europe and more than 100 worldwide. Tallinn Card (managed by Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convenn  tion Bureau) is in close partnership with other European city cards through European Cities Marketing projects. For more information on European city cards go to n


Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 • E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE

place to be Slothrop’s Lewis McGuffie, John W. Fail, and Scott Diel

Text: Vello Vikerkaar Photos: Jacques-Alain Finkeltroc

Tallinn’s Book Evangelists In the digital era, three Tallinn expatriates opened a brick and mortar bookstore. Are they crazy, or what? In 2011, the American bookstore Borders was liquidated. The doors of hundreds of stores were shuttered, thousands of employees fired, and losses totalled in hundreds of millions of dollars. All that in a market where readers number well over 100 million. So why would three foreigners in Tallinn think 26

they could make a go of a book shop in a town with fewer than half a million citizens, many of whom speak no English at all? „Well, for starters we like to read,” laughs John Fail, one of the partners in Slothrop’s English Language Bookshop on Tallinn’s Müürivahe Street. „A shop of this type exists in every other European capital city, including Riga. So why not Tallinn?” Slothrop’s „type” is a used bookstore, which traditionally acquires books for a euro or so, sells them for several times that amount to readers who eventually sell many of them back to the shop again, often for store credit.

Through such a model, no one ever gets rich, but book prices remain three to five times lower than new books in Tallinn’s bigger bookshops. In larger markets, used bookshops are often run by retirees, or at best, the shop may support a few employees. Instead of making money, used bookstores become vital community book excin time May / June 2012

place to be hanges and cultural centres frequented by serious readers. But John Fail also points out that one key reason bookstores fail – or one of the key reasons why Borders failed according to experts – is that big box bookstores often hire people who have no interest in books. „I won’t claim we’ve read everything on our shelves,” says Fail. „But much of it.” By „we,” Fail means he and his two partners – Briton Lewis McGuffie and American Scott Diel. The three had long been book lovers and found there was limited selection of English-language books available in Tallinn. So, they opened Slothrop’s. „Nothing against Tallinn’s big stores,” says Diel, who admits being a good customer of theirs. „But their selection is confined to what they can easily sell, which means they’re carrying the Hit Parade, known international authors with huge followings. At Slothrop’s our selection is more eclectic. We’re book evangelists of a fashion.” Slothrop’s carries several thousand titles, popular fiction, literature, and non-fiction, by Englishlanguage authors from England, Ireland, Scotland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. „We host readings for authors who pass through Tallinn,” says Lewis McGuffie. „But many of them don’t exist in Estonian translations, and therefore not too many people know about them yet. There are a growing number of Estonians who read in English, and we’re serving that market.”

But is that

market big enough? „We don’t have any illusions about becoming Powell’s Books,” says Diel, referencing the Portland, Oregon shop that claims to be the world’s largest independent

Slothrop’s bookshop. Open 12-18 hours, Tuesday through Saturday

new and used bookstore with 6,300 square meters of floor space – a full 1.6 hectares of books – which sells 3,000 used books per day. „We’ve got a modest Old Town space of about 20 square meters, and if we can sell a few hundred euros in books per week then that’s enough,” says Fail. „Ours is a cultural mandate.” Indeed, the shop does not employ a single employee, and each of the owners, all freelance creative professionals, use the shop as a workspace at the same time while selling books. „We could sell more if we were more aggressive about it,” says Fail. „But then what would be the fun in that?”

Slothrop’s Partners John W. Fail. American co-founder and impresario of Ptarmigan, an n  alternative cultural space in Tallinn. Fail has not been afraid to tell journalists that „’weird’ is our aesthetic.” Fail is the founder of Ptarmigan Finland, and came to Estonia in 2010.

Lewis McGuffie. An Englishman and an artist, Lewis first visited n

Estonia in 2010. He has lived between Tallinn and the UK ever since. As well as being an internationally exhibited artist, when he is not in Slothrop's, he co-runs Ptarmigan with Mr. Fail.

Scott Diel. An American who first came to Estonia in 1992 with the n

United States Peace Corps. This is his third time to live and work in Estonia. Diel’s day job is with the communications agency Fly Nordic, which specializes in helping Finnish companies enter the US market.

May / June 2012 in time



External Factors Drag Estonian Economy Down Text: Olavi GruĚˆnvald, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Although the economy is now better equipped to deal with a possible new wave of global/Eurozone crisis, it is not possible to avoid a slowdown of growth, given the negative external factors. When in the third quarter of 2011 the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) remained very strong with 8.5 perGrowth rates

cent, it started to calm down, influenced by external uncertainties and higher basis of the last year. While economists expected 4.0-6.5 percent growth for the last quarter, according to Statistics Estonia the actual figure was 4.5 percent, i.e rather on the lower end of expectations.

Labour productivity growth Unemployment ratio


Salaries nominal growth

40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10%

I kv III kv I kv III kv 2001 2002

I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv 2003 2004 2005 2006

Growth rates

I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv 2007 2008 2009 2010

I kv III kv 2011



Private consumption real growth GDP real growth

30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20%

I kv III kv I kv III kv 2001 2002


I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv 2003 2004 2005 2006

I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv I kv III kv 2007 2008 2009 2010

I kv III kv 2011

in time May / June 2012

GDP growth

was positively influenced by investments into fixed assets in 2011, which expanded at 26.8 percent on an annual basis. The 34 percent increase in the last quarter was primarily contributed by businesssector investments in machinery and equipment, and in buildings. However, the investments still compare poorly with the boom time peak and made up 61 percent of the level of 2007 in real terms. Although the stock of the assets is assumed to be high in the economy, as heritage of the boom time investment volumes, the increase has been a necessity given, for example, the high growth of manufacturing. investments into fixed assets in 2011, which expanded at 26.8 percent on an annual basis. The 34 percent increase in the last quarter was primarily contributed by businesssector investments in machinery and equipment, and in buildings. However, the investments still compare poorly with the boom time peak and made up 61 percent of the level of 2007 in real terms. Although the stock of the assets is assumed to be high in the economy, as heritage of the boom time investment volumes, the increase has been a necessity given, for example, the high growth of manufacturing. Manufacturing was the main driver of economy in the first

May / June 2012 in time

three quarters of 2011 and exceeds now the level of peak time in 2007. The annual growth was solid with 22 percent, despite a strong backdrop to 0.7 percent in the last quarter. The growth in manufacturing and other sectors contributed positively to the labour market as well. The unemployment ratio has dropped to 11 percent which is close to the EU average and exhibits considerable improvement from 19.8 percent at the beginning of 2010. Expected economic sluggishness in 2012 may make employers want to cut the number of their employees again, but the situation will become aggravated only if a longer-term recession occurs.

If you can dream it – we can build it c ust o m -m ad

Despite the deceleration at the end of the year, the GDP increased by 7.6 percent throughout 2011. This is the top figure within the EU, with other countries ranging from 5.9 percent growth in Latvia to 6.9 percent decrease in Greece. Although the economic confidence index remained stable over the last four months of 2011, the impending turmoil in the Eurozone is starting to suppress optimism. The economic outlook index, revealed by the Estonian Institute of Economic Research, shows a moderately pessimistic view for the next six months, mainly due to the deterioration of external markets.


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Exports grew

by 38 percent in nominal terms throughout the year, but in December the growth decelerated to a meagre 2 percent. Exports and imports were strongly influenced by inflation in 2011, by 10 and 11 percent respectively – which shows that exporters have successfully transferred the price increase of the imported sub-parts into output prices. It also indicates that inflation in Estonia, 5.0 percent measured with consumer prices, was in a large part imported. While Sweden had been the driver of export growth since the beginning of 2010, in the second half of 2011 Russia moved upwards, supported by mechanical equipment and beverages and spirits. Although throughout the whole of 2011 Sweden was the biggest export destination of Estonian goods, during the last quarter it was pushed to third place, behind Finland and Russia. Despite the fact that at the end of 2011 the outlook was relatively pessimistic, the current year has not started badly, with exports and retail trade growth both accelerating to 15 percent in January. However, it is too early to make longer term predictions – the economists still expect 1-2 percent growth for the whole year.

AS Matek Pärnu mnt 158, 11317 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 622 0077 Fax: +372 622 0078 E-mail:



Lenda Veneetsiasse: Tallinn-Veneetsia 9.06-1.09 kaks lendu nädalas Ühe suuna hind alates 108.40 €

Veneetsia suurim kanal ja linna tähtsaim veetee Suur Kanal (Canal Grande)


in time May / June 2012



viirastus vee peal

Üks korralik veneetslane elab igapäevaelu pooleldi vee peal ja vee kiuste, kannab sügiseti tõusuvee ajal kohusetundlikult kummikuid kaasas ega kujuta ette, et oleks võinud sündida kusagil mujal.


eneetsia kohta võib öelda sõna otseses mõttes - ebamaine.Tartus elav kunstnik Piret Veski on pärast esmakohtumist linnaga sinna ikka ja alati tagasi kippunud. „Veneetsiasse tuleks minna siis, kui midagi väga ilusat on elus lõppenud ning tahaks natuke paradiisitaolises kohas kurvastada. Ja samas pole kaua kurvastamine võimalik, sest liiga palju ilusat ja huvitavat on ümberringi,” ütleb ta, võrreldes Veneetsiat väga rikka ja väga vana daamiga, kes on kunagi olnud maailma kõige ihaldatum naine. Nagu Trooja Helena. Linna kuulsaimaid maamärke ja ajalooline keskus on püha Markuse väljak, piazza San Marco. Enne tuleb sinna muidugi tee leida, mis umbes 150 kanali, 400 silla ja salakavalate tupiktänavate rägastikus ei pruugi sugugi kerge olla. Võimalikult palju aega, võimalikult vähe lootmist loogikale – see on

May / June 2012 in time

kuldvõtmeke Veneetsia avastamisel. Kui ajaga pole priisata, tasub võtta lähim veebuss ehk vaporetto või pikk puust gondel ühes gondoljeeriga. Olgu öeldud, et viimane on 21. sajandil siiski eeskätt pillav turistilõbustus, kuigi 11. sajandist kuni massiturismi algusaegadeni kasutasid värvikirevaid paate igapäevatranspordina ka kohalikud. Kui püha Markuse väljak üles leitud, rabab külalist gooti stiilis Doodžide (vürstide) palee, kust valitseti keskaegse maailma üht võimsamat majanduskeskust, Veneetsia Vabariiki. „Siduda peen idamaine kivipits ümber euroopaliku ratsionaalse mõtte – see on Doodžide palee,” mõtiskleb Piret Veski. „Tassida Konstantinoopoli hipodroomilt minema neli hobust ja panna need kiriku katusele – see on 9. sajandist pärit Püha Markuse katedraal.” Veneetsias on pööraseid asju ikka tehtud sundimatu enesestmõistetavusega. Tuhanded tuvid ja tuhanded turistid on nende üleelusuuruste monumentide kõrval lihtsalt butafooria, lavatäide.

Tekst: Mari Kodres Fotod: Veneetsia turismiameti arhiiv, Raine de Giorgi erakogu


sihtkoht Kõige kuulsam veneetslane 1254. aastal rikka Veneetn  sia kaupmehe perekonnas sündinud Marco Polo on maailma ajaloo üks kuulsamaid maadeavastajaid, kelle rännukihku toitsid kaupmeheveri, elav fantaasia ja lopsakas suuvärk. Marco Polo alustas maan  ilmareise 17-aastaselt, kokku rändas ta Põhja-Jäämerest Jaavani ja Sansibarist Jaapanini veerandsada aastat. Marco Polo mälestused n  on meieni jõudnud tänu sellele, et Genovas vangis istudes jutustas ta oma rännakutest kaasvang Rustichello da Pisale, kes need üles tähendas. Kolme tütre isa Marco n  Polo suri Veneetsias 70 aasta vanuselt, olles seal ankrus olnud viimased paarkümmend aastat. Ajaloolased pole siiani selgeks vaielnud, kui palju on Marco Polo reisijuttudes tõsiseltvõetavat ajaloolist sisu ja kui palju veneetslase loova vaimu välgatusi. 2004. aastal ilmus ka n  eesti keeles Rustichello märkmete põhjal valminud raamat „Marco Polo reisid“.

See ei tähenda, et Veneetsias võib endale lubada labasust. „Klaasimeistrite linnas ärge kunagi jooge plasttopsikust, see on lihtsalt pühaduseteotus,” hoiatab Piret Veski. Veneetsia sadadest sildadest ainult neljal on väge Canal Grande ületamiseks, neist vanim ja kuulsaim Ponte di Rialto. Sugugi mitte romantiline ei ole Doodžide paleed vanglaga ühendav Ponte dei Sospiri ehk Ohete sild, mis andis vangidele enne hukkamist (ohates) võimaluse heita viimane pilk suursugusele Veneetsiale. Karnevalilinn Veneetsia vahetab maske endale omase vilumusega ja näitab kaasaegset nägu: kolme vanema silla kõrvale valmis hiljuti neljas, hispaania arhitekti Santiago Calatrava klaasist ja terasest sild.

Linnaehitusliku üleoleku kõrval on veneetslased ise sõbralikud, see on juba nende kultuurilises DNA-s kinnistunud. Ka võrreldes teiste Veneto regioonis elavate itaallastega peavad Veneetsia kodanikud end avatumateks ning linna multikultuurse mineviku tõttu on siin võrreldes mitmete teiste Itaalia piirkondadega näiteks vähem rassismi, teab öelda Veneto regioonis viimased kuus aastat elanud Raine De Giorgi. „Oludest tingitult on igasse veneetslasesse juurdunud teadmine, et kõik peab olema transporditav oma käte jõul. Sisseoste tehakse sageli jupikaupa, alternatiiviks on seljakott või käru, mida enda taga veeretada,” avab Raine veneetslase argipäeva praktilist poolt. Veneetslased on alati armastanud hästi elada, kuid aru saanud, et selleks tuleb kõvasti tööd teha. Et jõuda korralikult töötada, on vaja piisavalt und. Nii minnaksegi Veneetsias Vahemeremaadele ebatüüpiliselt vara magama, õhtusöögi aeg on tavaliselt juba kell 19. Paar korda nädalas käib veneetslane koos sõpradega õhtupoolikul kella viie-kuue paiku (mitte hiljem) baaris üht-kaht (mitte rohkem) klaasi aperitiivi joomas. Raine De Giorgi meelispaikadeks Veneetsias on San Marco väljakult algav ja mööda merekallast kulgev pikk promenaad Fondamenta delle Zattere, mis on eriti romantiline ja kaunis õhtuvalguses. Rahulikumaks istumiseks sobib hästi teisel pool Canal Grandet paiknev põneva valgustuse, kaarjate treppide ja väikese aiaga Campiello Barbaro plats. San Marco väljak


in time May / June 2012

Children clothing store

Kristiine Shopping Centre Endla 45, Tallinn, Estonia

sihtkoht Meeleolu loomiseks Thomas Mann „Surm Veneetsias” – Manni lühijutustus „Surm Veneetsias“ on end n  lisaks maailma kirjandusloole jäädvustanud ka filmikunsti tippu. Luchino Visconti 1971. aastal valminud mustvalge film suudab kinni püüda nii piinava ja kaduva ilu kui ka vaimu ning füüsise roiskumise. Tekstist ja filmilindilt õhkub Veneetsiat korraga oma kütkestavuses ja hävituslikkuses. Ühe kahest peategelasest, helilooja Gustav Aschenbachi kuju prototüübiks on osaliselt helilooja Gustav Mahler, osaliselt Thomas Mann ise.

William Shakespeare „Veneetsia kaupmees“ – Shakespeare’i näidendi tegevus n

toimub 16. sajandi Veneetsias, kus juudist liigkasuvõtja nõuab tagasi ühe naise südame võitmiseks välja antud laenu. Raha, armastuse ja riskialtite veneetslaste kujutamises ei pea pettuma. Kui lugemine vastukarva ja kostüümidraamad meeltmööda, võib vaadata 2004. aastal valminud samanimelist filmi, kus peaosades Al Pacino ja Jeremy Irons. Kuigi nad ei räägi 16. sajandi Veneetsia murrakus, sobib meeleolu edasi andma ka ehtne Shakespeare’i-aegne inglise keel.

Jeannette Winterson, „Kirg“ – maagilise realismi vaimus kirjutatud armastuslugu n  Napoleoni sõdade aegsest Euroopast, kus üheks peategelaseks on punapäine Veneetsia laevniku tütar Villanelle. Mis Veneetsia neiu erakordseks muudab ning kuidas inimesed Veneetsia karnevali keerises üksteiselt maske kergitavad, seda lugege jalgu kõlgutades laia vetevälja ääres – uskudes, et kõik on võimalik, ka vee peal kõndimine.

Ühes suhtes on Veneetsia veel kogu Itaaliast erinev, siin linnas paraku ei leidu häid restorane. „Veneetsia restoranide kvaliteet on kõvasti alla keskmise ning üks õige itaallane õhtusöögiks sügavkülmutatud toitu ei söö. Tavaliselt soovitavad veneetslased külalistel ööbida Veneetsias, kus on heal tasemel hotellid, ja süüa kohe teisel pool Vabaduse silda asuvas fantastiliste restoranide-pizzeria'tega Mestre linnakeses, millega on hea transpordiühendus,” edastab Raine De Giorgi vihjeid kohalikelt. Kui siiski otsustada Veneetsias süüa, võiks seda teha eemal suurest turismimöllust, näiteks Cannaregio linnaosas. Positiivse poole peale võib siiski kanda tõiga, et esmaklassilisi kohvikuid – espresso! topeltespresso! gelato! – on Veneetsias seevastu jalaga segada. Eesti köögi eestkõneleja, erinevates rahvusköökides maitserännakutel viibinud Dmitri Demjanov annab konkreetse soovituse sisse põigata Harry’s Bari, mis on omamoodi kultuuriline monument, sest siin on mõtteid mõlgutanud nii Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles, William Somerset Maugham kui ka paljud teised. „Siin kohtuvad Itaalia traditsioonid ja Hollywoodi glamuur, kokteiliklaasi võiks kultuuri suurkujude auks tõsta. Söögist on alati värske kala ja mereannid kindla peale minek, soovitan sardiine,” sõnab ta. Meelde tuleks jätta, et värsket kala pole päris kindlasti võimalik saada esmaspäeviti, kuna isegi Veneetsia tööfanaatikutest kalamehed puhkavad pühapäeva öösel vastu esmaspäeva. „Kohalikest roogadest on huvitav risi e bisi ehk hernekaunade puljongis keedetud riis, mida hiljem hernestega süüakse. Ka polenta ehk maisimannast tehtud puder on tüüpiline Veneto piirkonna toit,” lisab Demjanov. Kultuuriliste vaatamisväärsuste, inimeste ja gastronoomia kõrval määratlevad Veneetsiat ka mitu olulist suursündmust: iga aasta veebruaris toimuv maskipidu Veneetsia karneval, sügiseti aset leidev maailma vanim filmifestival ehk Veneetsia filmifestival ning Veneetsia biennaal. Viimane tähendab paaritutel aastanumbritel kunstinäitust ning paarisaastatel arhitektuuribiennaali. 2008. aastal Veneetsias Eestit gaasitoru-nimelise installatsiooniga esindanud Salto arhitektid soovitavad arhitektuurihuvilisel külastajal väljapanekuga tutvumiseks võtta vähemalt kolm päeva. „Suures plaanis võib näituse jaotada kolmeks:


in time May / June 2012

sihtkoht endine laevatehas Arsenale, kus võiks kindlasti külastada peakuraatori valikul tehtud suurejoonelist näitust. Teiseks Giardini pargiala, kus näitused on rahvuspaviljonides. Kolmandaks on kogu linnas laiali paisatud objektid ja näitused, millega tutvumine nõuab juba natuke eeltööd,” räägivad Ralf Lõoke ja Maarja Kask. Giardinis tasub nende nõuandel kindlasti külastada Itaalia paviljoni ning nende endi lemmikut Jaapani paviljoni. Veel soovitavad Salto arhitektid ära käia maailmakuulsa jaapani arhitekti Tadao Ando renoveeritud kaasaegses kunstikeskuses Punta della Doganas. „Veneetsia ei ole koht, kust otsida moodsat arhitektuuri. Kõige olulisem on, et linn mõjub alati innovatiivse ja intrigeerivana,” ütlevad nad kokkuvõtteks. Ebamaine.

Venetos puhka nagu veneetslased

Modernse välimusega klaasist ja terasest Calatrava sild.

Asiago kiltmaa


Raine de Giorgi reastas veneetslaste päevaretkede meelisrajad: Lido saar. Ainuke Veneetsia saar, kuhu pääseb n  autoga, kohalikud armastavad käia päevitamas ja ujumas. Dolomiitide mäeahelikus Cortina d’Ampezzo n  mäed või Asiago kiltmaa koos seitsme väikese linnakesega. Kuna Veneetsias on vähe rohelust ja avarust ning kuumadel suvepäevadel linnaõhk tohutult niiske, leiab veneetslane mägedest vabadust ja vaikust. Lähedalasuvad linnad Bassano del Grappa, n  Marostica, Padova, Verona, Vicenza.

Ponte di Rialto, Veneetsia üks vanemaid ja kuulsamaid sildu.

in time May / June 2012

Venice – Spirit on Water A decent Venetian lives his life halfway on water, wears wellingtons in autumn and has trouble imagining to be born anywhere else. Unworldly is the word what comes to mind when thinking of Venice. To get to the city centre with piazza San Marco and Doge’s Palace you need to find your way through a maze of 150 canals and 400 bridges. The palace will stun you with a rational European structure and oriental stone lace. Venice is famous for making mad things with effortless elegance – St. Mark’s Basilica with four horses from Constantinople is a proof of that –, but that does not mean you can be vulgar in Venice. And note that you should never drink out of a paper cup in a city of glass masters. Venetians are friendly – it is in their DNA. Their colourful history makes them even more tolerant and open than other Italians. Venice differs from the rest of Italy in that it may be more difficult to find good restaurants there. If you want to eat, locals suggest crossing the bridge to Mestre with great pizzerias, but spend the night in Venice that has good hotels. Venice also has many fantastic coffee shops serving espresso, double espresso and gelato. Another place to visit is Harry’s Bar where even celebrities like Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles, William Somerset Maugham and many others have been. In February Venice is the venue for a colourful carnival and in spring for the world’s oldest film festival. Let’s not forget the Venice Biennales of art and architecture, either. To vacation like Venetians, take a trip to Lido Island, Cortina d’Ampezzo in Dolomites or Asiago plateau. Popular weekend destinations are also Bassano del Grappa, Marostica, Padua, Verona, and Vicenza.

May / June 2012 in time

Tähelepanu! Tegemist on alkoholiga. Alkohol võib kahjustada Teie tervist.


Nice – hinnatud puhkepaik Prantsuse Rivieras Nice (varem on eesti keeles kasutatud linna itaaliapärast nimekuju Nizza) on Prantsusmaa Côte d’Azuriks ehk Lasuurrannikuks kutsutud 115-kilomeetrise rannajoonega Prantsuse Riviera keskus. Linna kuulsus ulatub 19. sajandisse, mil sellest piirkonnast sai kultuuritegelaste elupaik ning viktoriaanlike inglaste, vene aadli ja ameeriklaste meelispuhkepaik: varasemad unised kalurikülad arenesid ja ühinesid luksuslikeks kuurortlinnakesteks. Tõsi, nagu tänapäeval nähtub – sugugi mitte odavaks. Ent kes meist ei igatseks nautida ligi 300 päikeselist päeva aastas? 38

in time May / June 2012

sihtkoht Tekst: Andri Maimets Fotod: NICE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU

Lenda Nice'i: Tallinn-Nice 5.05-15.06 üks kord nädalas 16.06-1.09 kaks korda nädalas 2.09-29.09 üks kord nädalas Ühe suuna hind alates 115.40 €


ice’i üks pärleid on rikkaliku arhitektuuriga muinasjutuline vanalinn (Vieux Nice), mille kitsast tänavarägastikku ja väljakuid palistavad lugematud kohvikud, pasta- ja mereandide restoranid, saiapoed ning vanakraami, lillede ja värskete puuviljade turud. Tuntuim ja sestap rahvarohkeim neist, Cours Saleya ahvatleb lillede, küpsetiste ja vürtsidega, lisaks ohtralt vanavaralette. Siit jalutuskäiku alustades on hea kohe tutvust teha linna arhitektuuriajalooliste naudingutega, silmapaistvamad hooned on väljaku lähistel asuvad kaks barokiajastu pärli, Chapelle de la Miséricorde ja Chapelle de l’Annotation. Vanalinna kõrval on tuntud Nice’i Baie des Anges (Inglite laht) koos lääne suunas jooksva Inglise promenaadiga (Promenade des Anglais). Pehmet ja valget liivaranda ei maksa siit oodata, sel-

May / June 2012 in time

leks on märksa paremaid randu linnast Cannes’i pool. Kuid kiviselgi pinnal saab end mugavalt päevitama sättida. Kui päevitusmatti käepärast pole, võib laenutada rannatoole ja madratseid. Konservatiivsemad reisijad ärgu heitugu, kui kohtuvad rahvarohkel rannal topless-päevitajate või ülinapilt kaetud laenutajapiigadega. See on ju Riviera! Eestlastele võib harjumatuna näida, et riietuskabiine siit ei leia: pesuvahetus käib Inglise promenaadi pinkidel. Soolase merevee aitavad maha uhtuda rannale paigutatud dušid. Rannaala lõpeb ida pool Lossimäega (Colline du Chateau), mille 92 meetri kõrgusel asuvas pargis on hea piknikku pidada, sumedatel õhtutel veini rüübata ning Nice’i kihavale sadamale ja lasuursinisele Vahemerele ulatuvat vaadet nautida. Pargi lopsakas taimestik on ehtsalt vahemerelik: päikese eest pakuvad varju küpressid, süüria männid, piiniad ja eukalüptid. Siin on kahe iidse kiriku varemed, vaatemänguline kunstlik kosk ja vaatlustorn.

Tasub teada, et paarikümnesse linnamuuseumi ja galeriisse on prii sissepääs.


sihtkoht saunade ja eelkristlike sakraalhoonete varemeteni. Samas kvartalis asub fovismi rajaja Henri Matisse’i muuseum. 1917. aastal lahkus ta Pariisist ja leidis just siinses kliimas endale uue kodu. Turismiinfobüroodest saab põhjaliku Matisse’i teatmiku, et jalutada tema jälgedes ning külastada nii muuseumi kui ka kunstniku hauapaika Cimiezis. Lisaks kirevale ööelule, hulgale ööklubidele, kasiinodele ja kõrtsidele väärib kogemist Nice’i iga-aastane džässifestival (tänavu 8.–12. juulini linna peamisel, Masséna väljakul ja selle lähedal asuvais Albert I aedades). Maitsekate džässija bluusiõhtute kõrval vürtsitavad sel aastal programmi Morcheeba, Macy Gray, Seal ja Ahmad Jamal. Melomaanidel on soovitav külastada südasuviti toimuvaid Nice’i kammermuusikaöid.

Neile, kes parki pääsuks treppe kasutada ei soovi või ei jaksa, on lahe idanurka rajatud liftid.

Kui Nice’i all-linn

kubiseb endale kohta otsivaist rannaturistidest, siis poolteist kilomeetrit põhja poole jääb ajaloohuviliste meelispaik – Cimiezi linnaosa. Tasub teada, et paarikümnesse linnamuuseumi ja galeriisse on prii sissepääs. Soovitada võib Nice’i arheoloogiamuuseumi iidset väljapanekut, Cimiezis asuvaid Cemenelumi varemeid. Tegu on Antiik-Rooma koosseisu kuulunud kunagise Alpes Maritimae provintsi keskusega, linnaga, mis rajati keiser Augustuse valitsemisajal aastal 14 eKr. Paarikümne aasta eest avatud muuseumis saab tutvuda piirkonna rikkaliku ajalooga, sillutatud tänavad juhatavad amfiteatri, avalike


Varakevadistel Riviera-uudistajatel tasuks reis kavandada paastueelsele ajale, mil linn korraldab iga-aastast karnevali. 13. sajandisse ulatuva ajalooga maailmakuulus Carnaval de Nice toob tänavaile värvikireva ja lõbusalt lärmaka, imelistest lillevanikutes kaarikutest ning hiidnukkudest koosneva rongkäigu, mis pakub silmailu kõigile. Järgmisel aastal peetakse karnevali 15. veebruarist 6. märtsini ning sellel osaleb üle tuhande muusiku, näitleja ja tantsija. Nice’i kaubandustänav kannab nime Avenue Jean-Médecine (kohalikelt teed küsides piisab, kui pärite, kuidas pääseda Avenüüle), kulgeb raudteejaama (Gare de Nice Ville) idaküljest ranniku suunas, pakkudes lugematul hulgal tegevust šopahoolikutele. Pärast uute trammiteede rajamist neli aastat tagasi kuulub tänav vaid jalakäijatele ning märkamatult ringi suhisevatele trammidele.

in time May / June 2012

Estonia 2012

U-19 Euroopa meistriv천istluste finaalturniir 3. - 15. JUULI 2012 TALLINNAS, HAAPSALUS JA RAKVERES EUROOPA MEISTER SELGUB EESTIS!


Tunniajalise autosõidu kaugusel Nice'ist asub Mercantouri rahvuspark, kus on hea matkata.

Kuna Nice’is asub kogu Prantsuse Riviera suurim lennujaam, tasub sinnakanti jõudes kindlasti linnale tähelepanu ja aega kulutada, kuigi Nice’i hiilgeajad jäävad möödunud sajandi lõpukümnendeisse ning linn näebki kohati välja kui toonane filmitäht – pisut vana ja väsinud. Aga kasutage Lasuurrannikul viibides aega mõistlikult ning proovige võimalusel Nice’ist välja saada. Lasuurranniku linnade vahel saab hõlpsalt liigelda rendiauto, liinibussi ja rongiga. Raudtee lookleb piki rannikut Nice’ist Itaalia suunas Monacosse ja Ventimigliasse ning lääne suunas kuni St-Raphaelini, läbides väiksemaid, kindlasti mitte kehvemaid kuurortlinnu nagu Cagnes-sur-Mer (Nice’ist 12 kilomeetrit), Antibes (20 kilomeetrit) ja glamuurne Cannes (32 kilomeetrit).

ja kongresside paleest (Palais des Festivals et des Congrés) ida suunas kulgeval ning restoranide, baaride, välikohvikutega ja palmialleega palistatud La Croisette’i bulvaril leiab mereäärseid tasuta päevitamiskohti piisavalt. Keegi ei keela turistil end sarnaselt teiste sadade (eelkõige noorte) glamuurihuvilistega tunda ning maksta mõne eraranna sissepääsutasu. Ehkki luksuslikumad erarannad jäävad Nice’ist sajakonna kilomeetri kaugusele filmitähtede seas armastatud Saint-Tropezi, võiks õnne proovida Nice’ile märksa lähemal Cannes’is – Plage du Festival ja kahe tipphotelli, Carltoni ja Hiltoni erarannad on selleks sobivaimad (kohalikud soovitavad, et kuulsustele pilguheiduks tuleb pääseda pigem mõnele sadadest rannikuvees õõtsuvatest luksusjahtidest).

Enamik mereäärseid liivarandu kuulub Rivie-

Kes üksnes rannapuhkusest ei hooli, neil oleks Lasuurranniku linnu ja külasid mõistlik külastada rendiautoga. Avastamist on kuhjaga – alates Biot’ klaasist ning lavendli-, roosi-, jasmiini- ja kannikesepõldudest ümbritsetud Grasse’i kuulsatest parfüümidest, Chateu Grimaldist ja Pierre-Auguste Renoiri majamuuseumist Cagne-surMeris, Marc Chagalli hauast St-Paul de Vence’is kuni Lérins’ saarteni Cannes’i lahes. Neist suurimal, Saint Marguerite’i saarel hoiti 17. sajandil raudse maskiga meest – isikut, kellest tegelikult ei teata tänini midagi, ent kelle Alexandre Dumas’ romaaniga „Vikont de Bragelonne ehk kümme aastat hiljem” surematuks kirjutas. Nüüd asub kunagise saa-

ras uhkete eravillade ja rannikuhotellide juurde, mistõttu tuleb priide ja just teile sobivate päevitamispaikade leidmiseks pisut eeltööd teha. Rannikul Nice’ist Cannes’ini on neid liivalapikesi sadu, ent kuumal suvepäeval rannamõnusid nautida ihkajaid rohkem. Avalikud rannad Antibes’is (liivane) ja Mentonis (kruusane) on väga kitsad, kuid Antibes’i kaksiklinnas Juan-Le-Pins’is ning Cannes’is on olukord parem. Esimese kasuks räägib suhteliselt väike päevitajate hulk (enamik tahab seda suuremates ja kuulsamates linnades teha), teise plussiks on rannikuala pikkus. Suure maa-aluse autoparklaga legendaarsest festivalide


in time May / June 2012

sihtkoht rekindluse asemel meremuuseum. Turistidele avatud teine, Saint Honorat’ saar kuulub tsistertslaste ordu munkadele, kes harivad maad ja peavad mesilasi, müües omatoodetud veini, mett, taimelikööri ja lavendliõli. Ühtlasi kuulub neile õigus korraldada praamireise Cannes’i ja saare vahel. Nice’ist Monaco suunas sõites külastage kindlasti kümmekonna kilomeetri kaugusel asuvat Èze’i: kaljunukile rajatud kitsaste käikude ja väikeste tänavatega linna, mis kõrgub Vahemere kohal. Vaimustav on mäetreppidel jalutada õhtuti, mil kohalikud läidavad puude otsas tulukesed ja toovad välja muusikakastid, kust voogab õrnu prantsuse šanssoone. Linna kõrgeimal mäenõlval paikneb eksootiline botaanikaaed, kust ei leia Vahemerele omaseid lopsakaid palme ja õistaimi, vaid imelise kõrbeaia, täis tuhandeid kaktusi ja teisi, vähe vett nõudvaid taimi. Gurmaanid võivad keha kinnitada mäeküljel paiknevas Michelini tähega pärjatud Chateau Èza restorani. Tunniajalise autosõidu kaugusel Nice’ist põhja suunas leiab Alpidest Mercantouri rahvuspargi, kus on hea matkata aastaajast hoolimata. Sealsed Alpi matkarajad on eri pikkuse ja raskusega. Kindlasti tuleb meeles pidada, et üsna lühikesena tunduva neljakilomeetrise mägitee läbimiseks võib kuluda kuni seitse tundi. Kui olete viimaks kahe ja poole kilomeetri kõrgusele mäetippu jõudnud, avaneb tõepoolest lummav vaade kogu piirkonnale.

Monaco – kui tahate uhket õhtut, sampanjaklaas peos Reno Hekkonens, promootor ja suhtekorraldaja

Monaco linnriik oma toretsemisega on küll pisut vanamoodne, ent siin aimub 1950-1960-ndate sära ja glamuun

ri, mida tasub kordki elus kogeda. See pole pariisilikus mõttes ilus linn, sest funktsionalism ja kiirteed on Monaco välimust räsinud. Kuid siin on paiku, mis kuuluvad Cote d’Azuri parimate pärlite hulka. Nice’i ühendab Monaco ja selle meelelahutuskvartali Monte Carloga napilt paarikümnekilomeetrine meeleolukas rannikuäärne tee, täis kurve ja tunneleid. Päeva Monacos tasub alustada mäe otsas kõrguvast vürstipaleest, mille juurde viib jahisadama juurest looklev n  tee. Palee ümber on väike vanalinnake, klants ja kallis, ent ühe kohvi võiksite mõnes sealses välikohvikus endale lubada. Seejärel seadke sammud Monaco jahisadamasse, kus näeb hulgaliselt üle maailma kokku seilanud luksusjahn  te. Kevad ja suvi on õige aeg, sest väga paljud jahiomanikud tulevad just siis Riviera rannikule oma suuremaid ja väiksemaid aluseid tuulutama. Kui päevavalgus öösse kaob, astuge sisse alates 19. sajandist kuni tänapäevani tegutsevasse legendaarsesse n  Monte Carlo kasiinosse, mille üliluksuslik interjöör on üks uhkemaid kogu Vahemere rannikul. Kui te ei soovi maailma rikaste ja ilusate kombel ruleti- või kaardilaua taha asuda, siis stiilne inimene lubab endale kindlasti klaasi šampanjat. Tähelepanu – riietuge pidulikult! Kasiinoõhtu järel leidke kasiinoväljakult üles Hotel de Paris ning külastage selle dekadentlikku baari, kus õhtun  ti mängib väike livebänd. Teid tervitab meeldiv õhkkond. Muidugi võite minna ka mõnesse Monaco ööklubisse, aga vaevalt vaatepilt vaimustab: tavaliselt leiate eest iluoperatsioonidega noorendatud eakama publiku, kes on end liiga kallisse šampanjapudelisse unustanud. Igav. Kui tahate uhket õhtut, šampanjaklaas peos, minge! Kui tahate pitsat ja õlut, ärge minge!


in time May / June 2012

Nice – Prime Vacation Spot on Côte d’Azur Nice is a centre of French Riviera known as Côte d’Azur. The fame of the city dates back to 19th century when the place became a home for culture-loving people and a favourite holiday destination for Russian nobles and rich Americans. Old fisherman villages transformed to a fabulous resort. The pearl of Nice is its old town, where you can find countless coffee shops, pasta and seafood restaurants, bakeries, markets and so on. The best known market is Cours Saleya that charms you with flowers, baked goods and spices. Avenue Jean-Médecine is a Nice shopping street with many stores. Next to the old town you will find Baie des Anges, the Bay of Angels. There is no beach with white sand, but this doesn't

May / June 2012 in time

stop you from enjoying the sun. At the end of the beach you’ll find Colline du Chateau, the castle hill with a nice park for picnic and view to the Mediterranean. North of Nice, Cimiezi lures history fans with museums and galleries. Jazz fans are welcome to the annual jazz festival on July 8-12. In addition to good jazz music Morcheeba, Macy Gray, Seal and Ahmad Jamal will also perform. If you happen to be in Nice then it is a good idea to spend some time out of town. Great places to visit are Monaco, Ventimiglia, St-Raphael, Cagnes-surMer, Antibes and Cannes. Èze’ with its surprising desert garden is also worth visiting.


Estonian Air on jäähoki MM 2012 partner Estonian Air is the Partner of the 2012 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship

Eesti noormees

Robert Rooba

seisab Soome jäähoki tippliiga lävel Jäähokimängija Robert Rooba, Eesti poiss, oli 14-aastane, kui ta koos isa Jüri Roobaga Helsingi lähedale Espoosse kolis. Kohaliku klubi Blues poistevõistkonnas jääle uisutanud mängijahakatisest on nelja aastaga kasvanud hokimees, kellest Bluesi eliitmeeskond loodab juba lähiajal tõhusat abi. Tekst: Kristi Vahemaa, Eesti Päevaleht Fotod: Priit Simson Rauno Volmar, Eesti Päevaleht Tairo Lutter, Õhtuleht

Lenda Helsingisse: Tallinn-Helsingi 18 korda nädalas Ühe suuna hind alates 39.90 €



oomes on jäähoki hea mainega ja populaarne, eriti nüüd, mil mais Helsingis jäähoki MM-i otsustavad kohtumised peetakse. Soomes jäähokit mängival Robert Roobal on järgmisel hooajal ees kolm teeotsa. Esimene neist on nii treenida kui ka mängida edasi Bluesi meestega. „Teine ja ilmselt kõige efektiivsem on see, kui treenin meestega, kuid mängin veel A-klassi noortemeeskonnas. Mul on vaja ühte hooaega, kus saan täielikult särada, olla liider. Praegu tunnen, et midagi jäi veel hamba vahele, kogu tarkus ei ole läbi mälutud,” teravmeelitseb Robert. Kolmas võimalus on minna laenule mõnda Soome esiliiga ehk Mestise klubisse. Kuid sellel näeb Robert mõtet ainult siis, kui Estonian Airi juhi Tero Taskila unistus Eesti profimeeskonnast täitub. „Niisugune meeskond oleks ka minu unis-

tuse täitumine. Idee on lihtsalt suurepärane, loodan, et see tõepoolest täide läheb,” unistab hokimees. „Minu meelest on nii tore, et lõpuks on üks suur Eesti ettevõte hakanud jäähokit toetama. Siiras rõõm ja parim, mis saab Eesti hokis juhtuda,” naerab noormees, tunnistades, et taas peame olema tänulikud põhjanaabrite ettevõtlikkusele.

Edutee algus Roberti eduteed tõendab see, et varasügisel osales ta Soome meistriliiga (SM-liiga) paremate sekka kuuluva Bluesi meeste treeningmängus, 5. jaanuaril pidas ta aga esimese ametliku kohtumise põhisatsi särgis. „Mängisin vaid paar minutit – 1.51, kuid kogemus oli vägev. Emotsioon, mille sain suurte meestega treenides ja mängides, oli võimas. Edasiseks motivatsiooniks pole midagi paremat kui näha, et ma ei jäägi enam neist väga kaugele. Olin enda üle uhke,” tunnistab Robert. Ajalooraamatusse kanti

in time May / June 2012


May / June 2012 in time



Viis fakti Robert Rooba kohta n  Robert tunneb end mugavalt igasuguses rõivastuses, kuid enamasti kannab ta üpris soliidset ja pigem viisakat riietust: triiksärke, pintsakud, lipse. Dressid jäävad hokihalli. Roberti muusikamaitsel n

ei ole piire. Ta kuulab absoluutselt kõike, mis vähegi meeldib. Televiisorit vaatab suhteliselt vähe, kuid on siiski nii Soome kanalites kui ka ETV-s leidnud mõne hariva saate, mida korra nädalas vaadata.

Robert valdab eesti, n

soome, vene ja inglise keelt.

Lugeda tahaks Robert n

rohkem, kui reaalselt jõuab. Lugeri fänn ta veel ei ole, seni eelistab paberit. Ta on endale lubanud, et hakkab rohkem lugema, praegu on käsil raamat nimega „Saladus“.

Robertil on Facebookis n  778 sõpra.


Bluesi kohtumine Rauman Lukkoga, mille Espoo meeskond 2 : 3 kaotas. Robertist sai aga neljas eestlane, kes mänginud SM-liigas, mida peetakse Euroopas Venemaa KHL-i kõrval tugevuselt teiseks. Robert Rooba eelkäijateks olid Lauri Lahesalu, Toivo Suursoo ja Olle Sildre. Viimane aasta jääb Robertile meelde mitmel põhjusel: lisaks sellele, et ta sai mängida Espoo Bluesi tähtede meeskonnas, kasvas tema roll ka Eesti rahvuskoondises. Ta lõpetab Rocca al Mare kooli gümnaasiumi, mille edukaks läbimiseks on ta neli aastat näpistanud unetunde. Robert valis küpsuseksamiteks emakeele, ühiskonnaõpetuse, geograafia, uurimistöö jäähokist ja vene keele. Ei ole just kõige klassikalisem valik. Ega saagi olla, sest Robert tunnistab ausalt, et valiku aluseks oli see, mis nõuab kõige vähem aega. „Fakt on, et aega mul ei ole. Teiseks olen otsustanud, et otse ülikooli ma ei lähe, vaid keskendun hokile,” sõnab ta. Selle kinnituseks on ta palganud eratreeneri ning teeb koostööd Leonid Filimonoviga, kes on mänginud nii Soomes kui ka kõrgel tasemel endi-

ses NSV Liidus. „Leonidist on olnud tohutult abi: kui tulen Eestisse, läheme koos jääle, olen talle saatnud mängu DVD-sid, paar korda on ta mu esitusi vaatamas käinud,” räägib Robert.

Medali kaks külge Ent igal medalil on kaks külge. Nii tunnistab noormees, et lõppev hooaeg jäi hinge kriipima, päris rahul ta oma meeskonna, Espoo Bluesi A-klassi juunioride võistlustega jääda ei saa. „Olin ikka ebastabiilne, mäng kõikus liiga palju üles ja alla. Tõsi, tõusud ja langused olid märksa laugemad kui varasematel aastatel,” analüüsib ennast 18-aastane jäähokimängija. Võistkonnale, kes mullu võitis B-klassi juunioride seas kulla ja A-klassi juunioride hulgas hõbeda, mõjus veerandfinaalikaotus tõelise külma dušina. „Kaotus Hämeenlinna palliklubile (HPK) oli väga valus. Ühelt poolt mängis vastane hästi, me ei suutnudki nende kaitset lahti harutada, kuid teisalt pean ausalt tunnistama, et me ei olnud nii kõvaks vastuhakuks valmis. Pooled kutid oli eelmise aasta meistrid ja teised A-klassis hõbedal.

in time May / June 2012

persoon Mõtlesime, et mis see veerandfinaal ikka on, sealt läheme läbi ja siis juba vaatame edasi. Kindlasti oli see hea õppetund,” möönab noor mängija, kes nüüd omal nahal tunda sai, et mitte kunagi ei tohi vastast alahinnata. Kindlasti vajutasid pitseri hooajale suvised ja sügisesed haigused ning vigastused. Kui veel aasta tagasi tundis Robert end lausa raudmehena, siis mullu suvel nõrgendas noore hokimehe tervist põskkoopapõletik, millele järgnes tugev allergia. „Võtsin rohtusid, kui selgus, et olen allergiline. Lõpptulemusena veetsin jaanipäevajärgsed viis päeva haiglas,” meenutab ta. Nüüd on igasugused taimed ja tolmud talle vastunäidustatud. „Pean jälgima, kus käin, kuid sporditegemist see esialgu ei sega. Oht muidugi on, et võib tekkida astma, kuid õnneks olen teadlik ja oskan muutusi jälgida,” sõnab ta. Uus häda tabas eestlaste lootust juba sügiseses teises mängus, kui ta vigastas reietõstjalihast. „Neli-viis mängu jäid vahele. Tagantjärele mõeldes polnudki tagasitulek väga hull, kuigi jalad olid all kui makaronid. Aga ometi olin väga hea füüsilise vormi minetanud ja jälle tuli kõike otsast peale alustada,” räägib Robert, tunnistades, et esimestes mängudes ei tulnud kohe midagi välja. Mänguaega ta küll sai, kuid frustratsioon oli suur, sest oma suuri lootusi ta täita ei suutnud. „Ja mis seal salata, 18 on selline iga, kui peab suutma end kogu aeg kontrolli all hoida. Kõige tähtsam on positiivselt mõelda. Kuigi mingil hetkel käisid ka allaandmise mõtted peast läbi. Enesekindlus lõi kõikuma, pinge oli suur. Aga samas ju tean, et ma ei saa alt vedada toetajaid ja vanemaid, kes on nii palju panustanud,” analüüsib Robert täiskasvanulikult tekkinud olukorda. Detsembrikuus, vahetult enne omavanuste koondise mänge kimbutas teda seljahäda. „Kuid ühtegi kehva mängu ma vigastuste süüks küll ajada ei taha,” mõjub Roberti seisukoht kui sõõm värsket õhku. Tema ei taha viriseda ega kaevelda, sest nii tippsporti teha ei saa. Positiivne suhtumine on ka tulemuse toonud: viimasel poolaastal on tervis vastu pidanud. Kindlasti aitab motivatsiooni kõrgel hoida teadmine, et Bluesi meeskonnas teda hinnatakse. Mullu sõlmis Robert 2 + 1-aastase lepingu, mille järgi peaks ta hiljemalt hooajal 2013/2014 mängima Espoo Bluesi SM-liiga meeskonnas. Seega on ta profimängija, kes küll esimestel aastatel enda-

May / June 2012 in time

Olle Sildre, endine tipphokimängija Robert Rooba on väga noorelt läbi ja lõhki professionaal: pühendunud, väga tugev ja õige suhtumisega. Roberti plussiks on kahtlemata tema suur kasv. Tänapäeva hokis on see väga oluline ning see on loonudki eelduse tal nii kõrgele tasemele jõuda. Robert on liikuv ja tehniline mängija, kes suudab tegutseda trahviminutivabalt. Liidriomadused, mis tal samuti on olemas, aitavad loodetavasti jõuda väga kaugele. Lisaks headele mängijaomadustele on Robert ka väga hea suhtleja, kes suudab kohaneda igas olukorras. Roberti lepingu üksikasju ma ei tea, kuid kõige mõttekam oleks tal võimalikult palju mängida – ehk siis jätkata karjääri Soome esiliigas Mestises. Üleminek otse A-klassist meeste eliitseltskonda oleks liiga järsk. Olen Roberti arengut jälginud aastaid. Kui veel eelmisel aastal ta sahmerdas jääl palju, siis viimase hooaja stiil on rahulikum ja ratsionaalsem. Olen endale mantlipärija leidnud. Robert hakkas tõusma siis, kui mina lõpetasin. Ka meie sünniaastad on vastavalt 1993 ja 1973. Paralleel on olemas.

le Ferrarit ega jahti lubada ei või, kuid kõik kulud on kaetud ja ainuke, mille pärast hokimängija peab muretsema, on jääl silma paistmine. „Kulutused vähenevad iga aastaga, mis on igati normaalne, ja vanemad ei pea enam hoolt kandma, nemad on oma töö teinud,” tunnistab Robert, uhkus hääles.

Pere ja Eesti on tähtsad Viimastel aastatel on hokimees suurema osa ajast veetnud jäähallis, kodus koolitöid tehes või Tallinn-Helsingi laeval. Kõik vabad minutid, mida on tõesti väga vähe, soovib noormees veeta sõprade ja perega. „Kui nädalavahetusel aega tekib, on värskenduseks hea, kui saan laupäeval sõpradega välja minna ja pühapäeval perega olla. Soomes olles vaba aega ei ole, meie vaba aeg on mängudelt tagasisõit bussis,” muigab Robert. Pere ja Eesti on Robertile väga olulised. Vanemad on kalju kindlusega poja soovidele kaasa elanud. Ema Agi ootab meesperet Tallinnas, isa Jüri kolis Roberti karjääri nimel Espoosse, jättis töökoha ja hokitreeningud Tallinnas ning teenis raha võõras linnas taksot sõites. Hiljem leidis ta võimaluse sõita veoautoga Espoo-Vantaa-Helsingi liinil ning plaanida tööd nii, et saaks võimalikult palju aega jäähallis veeta: nimelt on Jüri Rooba Espoo Bluesis sama kaua abimehena töötanud, kui poeg seal treeninud. Ent suure tõenäosusega kolib Jüri varsti kodumaale tagasi, sest Robert saab ka üksi vanemate suunatud teel edasi liikuda. Roberti Eesti-meelsusest räägib veel mitu seika. Näiteks kannab ta lipuvärvides sinimustvalgeid hambakaitsmeid. „Läksin neid tegema ja näidiste seas olid ühed Prantsusmaa lipuvärvides. Mul

Ema Agi ootab meesperet Tallinnas, isa Jüri kolis Roberti karjääri nimel Espoosse, jättis töökoha ja hokitreeningud Tallinnas ning teenis raha võõras linnas taksot sõites.


persoon Josefine Vaher-Vahter,

Roberti tüdruksõber Hindan Roberti juures kõige rohkem tema ellusuhtumist ja pühendumust, tänu millele ta on suutnud üheaegselt nii kooli kui ka hokiga tegeleda. Samuti seda, kui suure austuse ja tänulikkusega räägib ta oma vanematest, ta oskab hinnata kõike, mida nad on tema heaks teinud. Enne Robertiga tutvumist teadsin hokist üsna vähe, kuid iga päevaga õpin seda spordiala rohkem tundma. Kui mul on vähegi võimalik, olen mängudel kohal teda toetamas ja pöialt hoidmas. Ka mina plaanin pärast gümnaasiumi lõpetamist Eestist ära kolida, kuid seda seoses oma modellikarjääriga. Enamik ajast on üks meist teises riigis, kuid oleme sellega leppinud, et näeme üksteist harva. See eest oskame hinnata vähest aega, mille saame koos veeta. Tulevikuplaanides on meil mõlemal hetkel karjäär, küll kunagi hiljem saab üksteise edu nautida.

oli sama mõte juba ammu peas, nüüd tegin teoks,” naerab Robert. Samuti tahab ta alati esindada Eesti koondist, kuigi mõne aasta eest pakuti võimalust ka Soome värvides suurvõistlustele jõuda. Detsembris peetud U20 MM-i koondises oli Robert kapten. Eesti kaotas avamängu Rumeeniale, kuid rohkem koduvõistkond end üllatada ei lubanud. „Koondisse oli kogunenud kõige meeldivam seltskond. Nädal, mille koos veetsime, oli tõesti lahe,” kiidab Robert, kes lõi viie mänguga 13 väravat. Kuid Soome hokikoondisele elab ta samuti kogu südamest kaasa. Mullu kevadel, kui põhjanaabrid maailmameistriks krooniti, tundis ta, nagu oleks temagi suurde triumfi omalt poolt killukese andnud. Tänavu maikuus peetakse jäähoki MM-i kõik otsustavad kohtumised Helsingis. „MM on juba pikalt olnud linnapildis nähtaval – reklaamid jooksevad, pidevalt spekuleeritakse, kes võiks Soome koondist esindada. Koduvõistlus on nii suur asi,” selgitab Robert. „Kohalikel meestel koduvõistkonna ja tiitlikaitsjana on lausa kahekordne pinge. Võtmeküsimus on, kuidas soomlased suudavad selle emotsiooni enda kasuks pöörata.” Robert plaanib kindlasti mõnda mängu vaatama minna. „Aga televiisorist on ka lahe jälgida.

Igal juhul pean emale rääkima, et ta meile Eesti koju Soome kanalid sisse laseks panna, mängu peab vaatama õige emotsiooniga ja pole midagi kihvtimat kui Soome kommentaatorid,” teab sportlane. Eesti jäähoki on ikka veel nii õhuke, et kui üks mängumees pead tõstab, tekib kohe rahvuslik elevus: millal ometi ta NHL-i jõuab? Aasta eest hullus eesti ajakirjandus sellest, et NHL-i esialgses nimekirjas oli ka Robert Rooba. Robert ise suhtus Põhja-Ameerika liigasse siirdumisse külma rahuga. „Lugude pealkirjad olid tõesti provotseerivad. Püüdsin selgitada nii, et inimesed valesti aru ei saaks. Võimalus NHL-i pääseda on väike, olen selles suhtes jätkuvalt realist. Kuid jutud NHL-ist olid kindlasti komplimendiks, tõestuseks, et liigun õiges suunas,” räägib ta. Ja üldse, Roberti silmad paneb rohkem särama hoopis KHL, sest talle meeldib väga Venemaa hoki. „Venemaa mängib kõige ilusamat hokit, nad loovad olukordi, hoiavad litrit, söödavad – seda on hea vaadata. Minu arvates on see palju ägedam meelelahutus kui vaid mingi pidev möll ja sissesõitmine.” Kuid esialgu on NHL ja KHL veel tuhandete töötundide kaugusel.

Jussi Ahokas,

Robert Rooba treener Espoo Bluesis Robert on väga hea uisutaja, tal on korralik vise ja ta on heas kehalises vormis. Peale selle on ta kõva töömees ja sõbralik, minu meelest meeldib ta kõigile meeskonnakaaslastele. Roberti viimane hooaeg oli hea, kuid ta suudab veelgi oma tehnikat parandada ning samuti rohkem väravaid lüüa. Roberti kaitsemäng paranes samas tunduvalt. Tulevikus harjutab ta meie meistriliiga võistkonnaga, kuid usun, et talle oleks kasulik veel üks hooaeg A-klassi juunioride seas mängida ning särada seal ühe parima mängijana liigas.


in time May / June 2012


Young Estonian on the Threshold of Finland’s Top Ice Hockey League 52

in time May / June 2012

Fly to Helsinki:


Tallinn-Helsinki 18 weekly flights One-way price from 39.90 €

Text: Kristi Vahemaa, Eesti Päevaleht Photos: Priit Simson, Rauno Volmar, Eesti Päevaleht, Tairo Lutter, Õhtuleht

Robert Rooba, an Estonian ice hockey player was only 14 when he and his father Jüri Rooba moved to Espoo near Helsinki. In four years since taking the ice for the local junior team for Blues, he has become a real hockey-player and is expected to shortly become a valuable addition for the elite team.


n Finland, ice hockey is a very popular sport, especially since Helsinki will be hosting the world championships in May. Playing ice hockey in Finland, Robert has three options for the future. The first is to continue to train and play for the Blues. “The second, and probably the best option, is to train with men, but keep playing for A-juniors. I need another good season where I can shine and be a leader. I feel that I still need to learn,” he says. The third option is to go on loan to some club in Mestis, Finland’s second-highest ice hockey league. But Robert says that this would make sense only if Tero Taskila’s (CEO of Estonian Air) dream about a professional ice hockey team in Estonia would become a reality. “This would also be a dream come true for me. The idea is great and I hope it will happen. I think it’s great that finally a large Estonian enterprise has decided to support the right sport. It’s the best thing that could happen to Estonian hockey,” says the young man and admits that again Estonians must be thankful to Finns.

Start of a road to success In early autumn Robert was already training with the men’s team of Blues that belongs to SMLeague, Finland’s champions’ league, while on January 5 he played his first official match for the main team.

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person Five facts about Robert Rooba Robert feels well in all n

sorts of clothes, but often wears a buttoned shirt with a jacket and a tie. Tracksuits belong to the hockey stadium. Robert’s musical taste n  knows no boundaries. He is listening to practically everything that he even remotely likes. He watches little TV, but has still managed to find some eye-opening programs both in Finland and Estonia that he watches a few times during the week. Robert speaks Estonian, n  Finnish, Russian and English. He would like to read n  more than he has time for. His not yet a fan of e-books and still prefers books on paper. Right now he is in the middle of a book titled „Secret”. Robert has 778 friends n  on his Facebook page.

„I played less than two minutes, but the experience was great. The emotion from training and playing with men was awesome. It was very motivating to see that I am not so far behind them anymore. I was proud of myself,” Robert admits. The historic match for him was a game between Blues and Rauman Lukko that the Espoo team lost 2:3. Robert is the fourth Estonian to play in the SMLeague that is considered second in Europe, after the Russian KHL. His predecessors have been Lauri Lahesalu, Toivo Suursoo and Olle Sildre. The current season was important for Robert for several reasons: in addition to the opportunity to play with the stars of Espoo Blues, he became a major player also in the Estonian national team. He is graduating from the Rocca al Mare secondary school and has been burning the midnight oil for four years to manage with studies. For graduation exams, Robert chose Estonian language, social studies, geography, a paper on ice hockey and Russian language. Robert admits that it is not a standard choice since he chose subjects that would take the least time. „ I don’t have time. I have also decided that I will not be going to university now, and will focus on ice hockey,” he notes. Robert has hired a private coach Leonid Filimonov who has played high level hockey both in Finland and in the former Soviet Union. „Leonid has been extremely valuable: when I’m

in Estonia, we go on ice together. I have been sending him DVDs of my games and he has seen me play a few times,” says Robert.

Two sides of a medal But every medal has a backside. The young man admits that this season left something to wish for and he is not entirely satisfied with his game for Espoo Blues A-juniors. „My game was unstable, too much up and down. Yet, not as turbulent as in earlier years,” says the 18-year-old athlete. The loss in the quarterfinals was a like a cold shower to the team that won a gold medal in B juniors and a silver in A juniors last year. „Losing to HPK hurt a lot. The opponent played well, and we were unable to dismantle their defence, but I must also honestly admit that we were not ready for such resistance. Half of our guys were last year’s champions and others had won a silver in A-class. We thought that quarterfinals would be a piece of cake, a walkover. It was definitely a good lesson,“ admits the player saying that you must never underestimate the other team. Robert’s performance in the season was affected also by several illnesses and injuries. A year ago he had been feeling like an ironman, but in the summer the young player suffered from inflamed sinuses and strong allergy.

„ I don’t have time. I have also decided that I will not be going to university now, and will focus on ice hockey,” Robert notes.


in time May / June 2012


Josefine Vaher-Vahter,

Robert's girl-friend I mostly admire Robert’s attitude to life and his commitment that has enabled him to simultaneously study and play ice hockey. He also shows deep respect and gratitude towards his parents for everything they have done for him. Before I met Robert, I knew little about ice hockey, but I have been learning to know and love this sport every day. I go to watch him play and root for him whenever possible. I, too, plan to leave Estonia after I graduate from secondary school, because of my modelling career. We are in different countries most of the time and we accept the fact that we can meet only occasionally. But we appreciate the scarce moments we spend together. We both have a career at the moment, but I think there will be a time in the future where we can enjoy each other’s success.


„I was taking medications when it turned out that I was allergic. As a result, I spent five days in a hospital,” he recalls. He is allergic to many plants and pollen. „I have to be careful because of my allergies. So far it has not affected my sports. I may develop asthma at any time, but fortunately I am aware of it and can monitor changes,” he says. In the second game of last autumn the Estonian hope injured a thigh muscle. “I had to skip 4-5 games. In hindsight, the return was not too bad, although my legs felt like jelly. I had lost my good physical form and had to start all over again,” recalls Robert, admitting that he felt lost in the first games. He was getting ice time, but frustration about having failed was big. „After all, 18 is the age where one should keep the control at all times. I must remain positive. There were moments when I had my doubts. My self-confidence was shaking and the pressure was enormous – I was not sure if I could manage. But I could not fail my fans and parents who had given me so much,” reasons Robert like a grown-up. In December, shortly before the games for the

U20 team, he came down with back pain. „But I am not blaming the injury for poor game,“ says Robert. He is not complaining since this is not the way to do professional sports. And his positive thinking has paid off: in the last six months he has been in good health. He remains highly motivated also because the Blues team sees him as a valuable player. Last year Robert signed a contract for 2+1 years which means he should be playing in the SMLeague team for Espoo Blues in the 2013/2014 season at the latest. Although it is a far cry from a Ferrari or a powerboat, this makes him a professional player whose costs are all covered and who only has to worry about how to excel on the ice. „Expenses for my parents have been decreasing year by year, they no longer have to take care of me - they have done their part,” says Robert proudly.

Family and Estonia are important In recent years, Robert has spent most of his time playing ice hockey, doing school homework or travelling on the Tallinn-Helsinki ferry.

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person He wants to spend all his few free moments with friends and family. „If the weekend is free, I like go out with friends on Saturday and spend time with family on Sunday. In Finland the only free time we have is when we are on a bus, travelling back from a game,” he smiles. Family and Estonia are very important for Robert. His parents are very supportive of him. Robert’s mother Agi lives in Tallinn. His father Jüri moved to Espoo. He quit his job and hockey trainings in Tallinn in order to support Robert’s career. At first he worked as a taxi-driver, later became a lorry driver on the Espoo-Vantaa-Helsinki route. He plans his time so that he could spend as much of it as possible in the hockey hall: Jüri Rooba has been working as an assistant in Espoo Blues as long as his son has been training there. It is very likely that Jüri will soon move back to Estonia because Robert is now able to follow the path laid down by his parents on his own. Robert’s patriotism is well visible. Even his mouthguard is designed in national colours. „I went to order my mouthguard and one of the samples was like the French tricolour. I had had the same thing in mind with the Estonian colours for a long time already and now it has become a reality,” he laughs. Whenever possible, he is ready to represent the Estonian team, although a few years ago he was also offered a chance to start playing for Finland. Robert captained Estonia’s U20 team in the world championships held in December. Although Estonia lost the opening game to Romania, it was the last match that Estonia lost. „Everybody in the team is very good and very nice. It was a really great week together,” says Robert who scored 13 goals in five games. But he is also rooting for the Finnish national ice hockey team. Last spring when Finns became world champions, he felt that he had also slightly contributed to the victory. In May, the finals of the world championships in ice hockey ice hockey are taking place in Helsinki. “There are already outdoor advertisements and people are speculating who should play for the Finnish team. Playing at home is a huge deal,” explains Robert. “As world champions, Finns are under double pressure. The question is how Finns can take this emotion and make it work.“ Robert definitely plans to go and watch some of

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Olle Sildre, former top-level hockey player Although he is young, Robert Rooba has the attitude of a real professional: he is very committed, very strong and has the right mindset. Robert’s undeniable advantage is his height. This is very important in modern ice hockey and has made it possible for him to go so far. Moreover, Robert is a dynamic and skilled player who can play without time penalties. He also has leadership qualities that hopefully help him go far. In addition to being a good player, Robert also has excellent communication skills and can adapt to all situations. I don’t know the details of Robert’s contract, but it would be sensible to play as much as possible, i.e. to continue his career in Mestis, Finland’s second-highest ice hockey league. Direct transition from junior level to the men’s elite level would perhaps be too sudden. I have been following Robert’s development for years. He used to shuffle a lot on the ice, but his style in the last season was much more calm and level-headed. I have found my apprentice. Robert’s star started to shine when I quit. Also, our birth-years are 1993 and 1973. So there’s a parallel.

Jussi Ahokas, Robert Rooba’s trainer in Espoo Blues Robert skates very well, he has a good shot and is physically strong. Moreover, he likes to work hard and is friendly. In my opinion all team members like him. Robert’s most recent season was good, but he can get better and score even more goals. His defence has really improved. He will continue to train with our top team, but I think that he could really benefit from another season in A-level juniors where he could shine as one of the best players in the league.

the games live. “But it’s also cool to watch it from TV. I need to tell my mother to install Finnish TV channels also at our home in Estonia. You need to watch a game with the right emotion and there is nothing better than Finnish sports commentators,” he says. Estonian ice hockey is still so fragile that whenever a player becomes visible, the fans start asking when he is going to join NHL. A year ago Estonian sports press went crazy when the initial list of NHL included Rooba’s name. Robert himself remains calm about the North American Hockey League. „The headlines were really provocative. I tried to explain the real situation. The prospect to join NHL is small and I have my feet on the ground. But the talk about NHL is a real compliment, proof that I am moving in the right direction,” he says. Actually, Robert is much keener on KHL because he loves Russian ice hockey. „Russia plays the most beautiful ice hockey: they create situations, hold and pass the puck. All this is great to watch. In my opinion, it is much more entertaining than constant rumble and extremely physical play.” But so far, both NHL and KHL are still thousands of work-hours away.

Robert’s patriotism is well visible. Even his mouthguard is designed in national colours.



Sea Mud – the Sleeping Princess of Haapsalu 58

in time May / June 2012


Haapsalu, a seaside resort town in Estonia, has two famous secrets – the elusive shadow of the White Lady, and therapeutic sea mud. The mud made Haapsalu famous already in 1825 and a new competence centre will start researching its curing effect at the end of this year.


he first to study mud was the town’s doctor Carl Hunnius who in 1820s noted that peasants were curing their feet in the sea mud warmed by sun. He opened the first mud treatment facility and this romantic town, its shallow bay and seaside promenades were soon discovered by the Czar’s family and the aristocracy of Saint Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire. Haapsalu was connected with the capital by train through the westernmost imperial railway line, and by ferry. In 1920s, 19,000 mud baths were taken during the summer and the train from Tallinn known as the Flying Westerner took two hours to arrive. Today, the Haapsalu railway station and once Europe’s longest covered railway platform is a relict, since train traffic has stopped. After Estonia was annexed by the Soviet Union, the curing facilities were nationalized and started to serve the working class. There were about a thousand patients already in 1946. During the Soviet era, spa treatment packages could be obtained from trade unions were rather cheap. After Estonia regained independence, foreigners replaced Estonians and Russians as the key customer group.

sians and Swedes is increasing,” says Väli. Normally, customers buy a seven-day pass to the spa from Sunday to Sunday. Not everybody is crazy about mud. Some customers, especially young people, are often put off by the thought of being covered in mud. Yet, the procedure has become notably cleaner and more modern in the last decade and gone are the days where you could find the mud spa by the specific smell of warm mud. In the summer, fresh mud is pumped up straight from the bay and loaded on a barge, while in the winter it is supplied from storage. It is heated up to 38 to 40 degrees Celsius, depending on the specific health problem, and pumped into the mud treatment room. „Handling of mud used to require considerable strength, but now it has become notably cleaner and easier,” says Irene Väli.

Text: piret tali Photos: Julia-Maria Linna, private archives

Finns, Swedes and Russians There are two health spas in Haapsalu that offer mud therapy. One of them is the Spa Hotel Laine that, according to hotel manager Irene Väli, mainly caters for foreigners. „70% of our customers are foreigners, mostly Finns, and the number of Rus-

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Mud treatment becoming more popular „As an alternative to medications, mud treatment is again becoming a popular form of natural healing,“ says the manager of the spa hotel. Until now, mud has mainly been used in treatment of chronic skin and muscosceletal problems, rheumatism and muscle stress. It is effective also for healing back pain, a common problem for office staff. Between 10 and 15 customers receive mud treatment every day in Laine. Senior customers are limited to one mud treatment every few days because it causes fatigue. „In the last ten months we have used 85 tons of mud, while a year earlier we only used 63 tons,” says the manager. The number of procedures undertaken in 2011 was 2,400 which is about 300 procedures more than in 2010. In earlier times, mud was actively used for treating gynaecological problems. And also now the spa receives letters from women who have become pregnant after mud therapy and given birth to healthy babies. „It’s wonderful,“ says Irene Väli. At the end of this year, the competence centre set up at the Tartu University’s Haapsalu College will start scientific research of mud therapy in its new laboratory. Scientists are working intensively to find ways to use mud for cosmetic procedures.

Like in mother’s womb Once the warm liquid mud fully surrounds the naked customer, he or she is covered with plastic and blankets like a baby and left for half an hour to enjoy the treatment. Mud can also be used for treating only parts of body. The mud bath is followed by a light shower, while the smell and act-


in time May / June 2012

Estonia ing agents will remain to have an effect. The customer who has just had a mud treatment will feel relaxed and well. Physician Marje Tamm who has worked in Haapsalu's mud treatment resorts for more than 8 years says that mud is a natural product and believes that people with health problems should seek a closer contact with nature. „Mud therapy is like returning to mother’s womb – a warm, safe and liquid environment,” she laughs. „Mud has the same amino acids as the human cell, but the effect on people is individual,” says doctor Tamm who recommends mud therapy to her customers whenever possible. „This is an ancient therapy treatment against rheumatism. Mud is very good also for skin, for instance in case of psoriasis.” During the Soviet time, Tallinn Pharmaceutical Company started to manufacture Humisol, a distillation product from the Haapsalu mud that was used in injections. In 1973, more than 10 million ampoules of Humisol were used all over the Soviet Union.

New research centre for therapeutic mud A competence centre for health promotion and rehabilitation will be completed and fully staffed by end of 2012. It will cost 3.75 million euros and is mainly funded by Enterprise Estonia, with a 15-percent co-financing from the Tallinn university, Haapsalu neurological rehabilitation centre and the town of Haapsalu. It may take a few years before research is developed into new products and services. The first step is to install a rehabilitation therapy laboratory in the medical rehabilitation hospital, as well as an R&D and design laboratory for mud products and services. As for staff, preliminary contracts have been made with 30 people from both Estonia and abroad, half of them with a PhD. The list of partners of the competence centre includes various research and development agencies and businesses. Of local enterprises, the project includes Fra Mare Spa and Laine Spa.

Seaside bar and restaurant right in the heart of Tallinn

Kuunari, 10111 Tallinna, Estonia / Reservation +372 5642004 Open from May to September

Estonia Creating Modern Usage for Curing Mud Mud was used

Viiu Tuulik, biomedics centre of Tallinn University of Technology.


for healing already by ancient Egyptians. At present this treatment is known also in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic and Russia. In addition to mud from salty water such as Haapsalu’s, mud from Estonian bogs and lakes is also suitable for treatment. Since 1824 when Carl Hunnius, the Haapsalu town doctor, started to use sea mud as natural therapy, it has been researched by scientists of Tartu University. The first to obtain a PhD on the subject was Karl Schlossmann who in 1939 defended his thesis in London. The second major study of Estonian therapeutic mud was published by Voldemar Vadi in 1947. In 1960’s, the therapeutic effect of mud on various cardiovascular, muscosceletal and nerve diseases was further studied by researchers Endel and Liidia Veinpalu. Their scientific work laid the foundation for using medical mud in health spas. For my own PhD in in 1974 I studied the effect of therapeutic mud on the muscles of adults and

children who had suffered from polio. I analysed data on more than 2,200 mud treatments on muscle function done in the Haapsalu Orthopedic and Neurology Hospital in 1963-1971. The effect of mud therapy needs additional study in the light of modern technology, though. It is also important to separately study biological agents in the therapeutic mud. Monika Übner in the laboratory of Tartu University’s Pärnu College is currently researching this. While whole-body mud baths have a stronger effect, local mud therapy procedures could well be used in outpatient clinics.

The effect of mud therapy depends on

the mud temperature, the interaction of biological agents with skin and their resorption into human body. In case of diseases in active phase, cooler bandages are recommended while warmer bandages are good for treating chronic diseases. Biological agents have a different effect on human body and depend on the person’s condition and the phase of the medical problem. The objective of our research is to modernize the usage of therapeutic mud. We are not forgetting the cosmetic effects of mud as it moisturises the skin and improves its functional condition. The main task of the competence centre is to analyse the composition of therapeutic mud extracted from different locations and find out how to best use it in health spas, medical clinics and hospitals. We are researching how to process, dry and disintegrate mud and how to use it in moisturising skin crèmes and bandages.

in time May / June 2012

Ainulaadne maapealne põlevkivi tarniv konveier asub Ida-Virumaal Viru Keemia Grupp AS (VKG) missiooniks on Eesti pruuni kulla - põlevkivi väärtustamine, mida nii kaevandatakse kui ka töödeldakse Ida-Virumaal. 2012. aastal avas VKG Eestis ainulaadse maapealse põlevkivi lintkonveieri – usskonveier. Uudne rajatis ühendab VKG jaoks kahte olulist punkti: Ojamaa kaevandus ja tööstusterritoorium. Innovaatiline transpordi trajektoor kahe olulise punkti vahel on pea 13 km pikk ja keskkonnasäästlikum kui maantee- või raudteetransport. Ussikujuline konveier jälgib maastiku reljeefi – kõrguste vahe konveieri erinevates punktides on 10 m. Ainulaadseks muudab selle konveieri just kurvide rohkus ja nende suhteliselt väike raadius, mis on konveierite puhul väga haruldane.

Usskonveier on samm lähemale VKG Ojamaa põlevkivikaevanduse avamisele, mis leiab aset juba 2012. aasta augustis. Konveieri tootlikkus on 700 tonni põlevkivi tunnis ja aastas kuni 3 200 000 tonni. See on võrreldav 100 pidevalt töötava veoautoga või 50 raudteevagunist koosneva koosseisuga. Maapealse kaetud konveieri projekti alustati 2009. aastal, montaažitööd algasid 2011. aastal ning käivitustööd 2012. aasta alguses. Koormatud konveieri kiirus on 4 m/s ja see läbib kuue valla ja linna territooriumit. Projekti kogumaksumus on ligi 14 miljonit eurot, tööiga üle 20 aasta. Toormaterjali transportimisel puudub tolm, heitgaasid, ei ole koormatud kohalikud teed ning praktiliselt puudub müra. Uut rajatist teenindab ja hooldab vaid 14 inimest.





health spas, but all the town’s sweet secrets are not easy to find. However, two are a must: the Valdmanni cake and the pastries of Nadja Kaarma who is known by many in Estonia. The summer café of Haapsalu Kuursaal, as the name says, is open only in summers and is located on the historic promenade in the former centre of the local resort life. Though the former buzz and boulevardiers in white sunshades are gone, the well-renovated Kuursaal with its high ceiling and bandstand are looking as posh as ever. Young waitresses in historic caps and aprons, a traditional menu with a twitch of Russian cuisine and a good choice of wines tempered with live music makes it an excellent place for a special dinner, surrounded by sunset and swans. There is also a children’s corner with an ample choice of toys. Wiigi Café that is also open only during summer offers seaside dinners on a white and airy ter-


Cafés in Haapsalu are as famous as its


Sweet Secrets of Haapsalu

race. The menu is rich (duck, pike perch, beef steak, soups, appetizers, salads and snacks). The view to the calm bay and the location in the town centre are too good to be true. Müüriääre Café in Haapsalu’s main street has no shortage of visitors any time of year. While its breakfasts, sandwiches, salads, pastry and snacks are extremely tasty and garnished, the café’s main attraction is its exquisite cakes. Most famous of them are the Napoleon cake, raspberry meringue, plum-and-nut cake and pear meringue. There is a summer terrace in the yard. Anni’s Café in Epp Maria Gallery is open only in summer, but its cakes and pastry created by Nadja Kaarma attract people from all over Estonia to travel to Haapsalu. While the Napoleon cake and Valdmanni pastry, named after the legendary Haapsalu confectioner, available in the Komeedi Café in Tallinn,

in time May / June 2012

Estonia are also excellent, they cannot compete with what Nadja Kaarma does in Haapsalu. “Nadja’s Pastry” has also become a bestselling book of recipes.

Epp Maria Gallery is a family gallery that displays works of three generations of artists: ceramics from Liisu Arro, paintings from Epp Maria Kokamägi, wood sculptures of Jaak Arro and paintings of Imbi Lind. Anni’s Café has been named after the daughter whose recipe books, cafés and recipes have become a legend. She has also written a book titled “Haapsalu’s Cafés

and Recipes.” There have been always cafés in the gallery building and before WWII it housed the Valdmanni Café, famous all over Haapsalu and elsewhere. Today, it is Anni’s Cafe that fills the premises with the sweet smells of cinnamon, sugar, cherry jelly, whipped crème, marzipan and other delicacies as well as the aroma of Anni Arro’s nonpastry dishes. Other outstanding places to dine: Restaurant Kongo, Restaurant of Baltic Hotel Promenade, Veskiviigi tavern, Hermannus House, Dominic Grand Holm Marina.

Springtime flocks of migrating birds and bird-watchers

The Matsalu nature protection area was set up in 1957 and is now a n

national park that serves to protect mainly birds and their habitat. A total of 282 species of birds have been counted and during the springtime migration that peaks between mid-April and end of May, it is the favourite place for birdwatchers. Matsalu that used to be a mandatory destination for school outings is now discovered by foreigners. „We have Finns who have a long tradition of birdwatching, Germans and Dutch, but also Estonians are re-discovering Matsalu,” says Jaan Veltman from the Matsalu nature centre. In the Haeska bird-watching tower in Matsalu, Finns have set records for the number of bird species seen during 24 hours. Depending on the season, birds on coastal meadow can also be watched from Suitsu and Keemu towers.

Where are the birds?

Most visitors in the nature centre of State Forest Management Company n

study bird migration, or are seeking information about maps, accommodation and catering. The centre sets up contacts with guides for trips on sea and Kasari meadows, displays exhibitions and shows films. „There are relatively many requests for boat trips from Suitsu river to the mouth of Kasari river and back,“ says the ranger. For transporting people, two former fishing boats have been rebuilt. The mouth of Kasari river is a stopover for geese, swans and thousands of ducks, scaups, coots, reed warblers and bitterns. Overgrown marshes can be viewed from the Penijõe tower. The meadow of Kasari river is one of Europe’s largest open meadows and a nesting area for corn crake, spotted crake and snipe. Matsalu meadows and semi-wild coastal meadows are particularly rich in species even in March when the bay itself is frozen. This is the time when grazing cattle can be seen next to flocks of thousands of geese or swans. Or a colony of herons nesting in the mansion park. There is also a multitude of barnacle geese near the end of May.

Paradise for water birds

„Matsalu interests mostly watchers of water birds,” says Veltmann. „We n

have long-tailed ducks, and, in the western parts of the protected area, towards the open sea, Eurasian Teal, geese and swans. On the coast there are waders. One of Matsalu’s rarest migratory birds is a lesser white-fronted goose whose migratory path is being tracked from start to finish. Matsalu has a lot to offer also in the autumn. For instance, there is a festival of nature films in Lihula during the autumn bird migration period where you can enjoy the work of talented directors with departing cranes on the background.

May / June 2012 in time



Place of Luxury and Pleasure Restoran Egoist Vene 33, Tallinn 10123, Tel +372 646 4052 On Board of Estonian Air in May

Bocuse d'Or platter

Dimitri Demjanov

and his restaurant Egoist are well known in Estonia and abroad, yet few have actually visited. Since its founding at the end of 1990s, it has held an image of high-class luxury and attention to detail fit for the most special occasions. Egoist has made it to the San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants and this makes it the first restaurant in the Baltic area ever mentioned in that list. The Egoist has grown to fill a lovely 14th century Baron Girard de Soucanton's house in the middle of Tallinn Old Town, just a short walk away from the bustling Town Hall Square. Thick walls isolate the outside noise and private dining rooms invite you to relax and enjoy. Time seems to move in a much slower pace once you step inside and look around. Once home for a famous explorer and merchant with love for everything French, the tradition is proudly being carried on by Demjanov and his team of top culinary talents. The menu focuses on classic French dishes with top quality Estonian ingredients honoured by traditional methods. Instead of modern minimalism, the interior reminds of famous Parisian bistros w i t h golden chande-

lier light bathing the old, solid furniture in warm glow. The chef Heidy Pinnak has achieved a lot in a short time. Her skilful combination of Nordic and French culinary traditions earned her in March a place in the 2013 finals of the famous Bocuse d'Or World Cooking Contest, an extremely important event in the world of professional cooking. Only a handful of female chefs have ever competed there and Heidy managed to beat the teams from Spain, Italy and Luxembourg among others, to become 11th in Europe.

Bocuse d'Or

is often called the Olympics of culinary art, taking even the best chefs away from their restaurants for a year to train and prepare. Governments get involved, crowds of fans wave their national flags in the audience and cheer as giant, fabulous, Louis XIV style competition dishes are presented to the jury. The Egoist team included even a professional graphic designer and a smith to create the decorations on the spot. „The competition was hard, even tougher than we had imagined,“ says Heidy Pinnak. „We succeeded thanks to our amazing team and we certainly hope to perform more miracles at the finals in Lyon, France.“ Meanwhile you're invited to Egoist for an experience built on decades of work and imagination, by a team passionate to deliver the very best. French style long dinners and relaxed hospitality in the fast and furious 21st century are truly unique. Enjoy! Text: Tanel Unt

Dimitri Demjanov


in time May / June 2012


Vihula – the Pearl of Lahemaa solutions – from using natural materials in the construction and design to energy-saving power solutions and 100% natural treatments in the ecospa. Every day throughout summer the local herb gardens and ecofarm provide the freshest supply of produce that turn into simple, elegant dishes with a help of the manor head chef Marti Kees. Quite a few recipes come from the estate’s historical cookbooks and the produce of local farmers is complimented by a fine selection of wines. Not only is the food unique, but Vihula Manor features one of the most remarkable and beautiful dining rooms in all of Estonia with its painstakingly restored original parquet floors and ceiling ornaments forming a seamless blend with the modern Scandinavian furniture. An old style village tavern and several summer terraces complement the fine dining restaurant in satisfying your every hunger. It is worth taking just a day to make a trip out there.

La Boheme Vihula Manor

Vihula, Lääne-Virumaa Tel: +372 326 4100 On Board of Estonian Air in June

The manor complex

Do places have a personality? I think so. Each place I've visited feels different in my memory. Most of the places are of the plain vanilla variety, but every once in a while when I feel something unexpected. It is about an hour’s drive from Tallinn, off the highway and through the woods. Find the sign that says Vihula Mõis. You wonder what could be so special about this place. A charming estate that dates back to the 16th century and its historical buildings have served many roles. Full restoration effort started in 2008 and turned Vihula Manor into a country club and spa – set on 50 hectares of parkland amidst the Lahemaa National Park rich in wildlife (Lahemaa means Land of Bays). Vihula Manor by Unique Hotels has been developed with a focus on green May / June 2012 in time

has grown big over the centuries. Luxurious rooms and service with great attention to detail complete the experience. You can even take a boat ride on the moonlit river before retiring to your room for a night of relaxing sleep. In the morning sun you can head out of the main gates you can discover Vihula on foot, by bike or on horseback. Nearby villages and restored manor houses preserve a rich cultural heritage and offer days of exploration. Wide variety of activities can be arranged in and around Vihula, from guided historical tours to hunting and from golf to a trip on a Viking longboat. Something so unique is not often chanced upon in this world, making Vihula worth visiting over and over again. Even if the visit is just a oneday escape from the city.

Text: Tanel Unt


mood Värske kevadsuvine ja sügistalvine kollektsioon on inspireeritud tänapäevasest naisest, kes oskab hoogsasse elurütmi põimida pühendumuse, paindlikkuse ja vastutustunde. Parim valik elegantsele ja laitmatu maitsega naisele, kes eelistab rutiinile loomingulisust ning soovib end tunda kaunina iga päev. „Kuldnõela” auhinnaga pärjatud Tiina Talumees võitis koostöös Profline'iga tunamullu Estonian Airi pardapersonali vormiriietuse konkursi. Ametirõivaste tootja Profline'i uue brändi kollektsioon „Profline by Tiina Talumees” on müügil Profline’i kaupluses Veerenni 29, Tallinn.

Lennukas mood Estonian Airi lennuki pardal esitleti moedisainer Tiina Talumehe uut brändi.


in time May / June 2012

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Photos: Priit Simson

Spirited Fashion Fashion designer Tiina Talumees presented her new brand on board of an Estonian Air plane. New spring/summer  and autumn/

winter lines are inspired by modern women, who combine devotion, flexibility and responsibility in their very busy lives. Tiina’s creation is the best choice for women who have elegant and impeccable taste, prefer creativeness to routine and wish to feel pretty every day. Tiina Talumees, winner of the Golden Needle fashion award has also designed the outfits of the Estonian Air crew in cooperation with Profline. The new brand „Profline by Tiina Talumees” is available at Profline store in Veerenni 29, Tallinn.


in time May / June 2012





Do you want beautiful lashes? Longer, thicker, fuller and darker eyelashes in just 4 weeks! Maxeylash Eyelash Conditioner is guaranteed to give you the results you seek. It is not mascara - it is clear, liquid nutrient system that feeds your lashes as you sleep.

Contact: Cayman Europe OĂœ Teaduspargi 3/1 12618 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +372 670 3737 e-mail: May / June 2012 in time

pood / boutique Maitsev marmelaad

Sõnumiga padjapüürid

Marmelaadisõpru rõõmustavad nüüd n  maitsvad lisaaineteta kompvekid Minna Sahvrilt. Kommid on valmistatud naturaalsest marja- või köögiviljapüreest ning tarretatud agar-agariga. Maitsed varieeruvad klassikalisest vaarikast-maasikast punase peedi ja spinatini. Minna Sahvri tooteid müüakse ökopoodides ja Tallinna Lennujaama kaupluses Hää Eesti Asi.

Kodutekstiili e-poest Uneingel leiab n

Tasty marmalade Fans of marmalade can now enjoy n  tasty candies made by Minna Sahver that contain no additives. The candies are made of natural berries or vegetable purée and agar-agar jelly. Tastes vary from classic raspberry and strawberry to beetroot and spinach. Products made by Minna Sahver are available in eco-stores and in Hää Eesti Asi store in Tallinn Airport.

Multifunktsionaalsed kingakaunistused Muhu mustreid armastavate käsitöön  liste ühendus Moemutter leidis mooduse, kuidas teha lihtsad mustad kingad tõeliseks pilgupüüdjaks. Käsitööna valminud tikandile lisab pidulikkust õhuline äärepits ning kingale kinnitub kaunistus klõpsuga. Seda aksessuaari võib kasutada ka kottide elavdamiseks või prossina. Kuue eri mustriga kaunistused on saadaval Eesti disaini- ja moebutiigis Les Petites ning Tallinna Lennujaama kaupluses Hää Eesti Asi.

Laadijate panipaik Kaubamärgi Online IT all tegutsev Märt n  Parker valmistas omalaadse laadimiskeskuse, kuhu saab peita kõik kodus leiduvad laadijad ja nende juhtmed. Vineerist rahvuslike mustritega kastike mõjub dekoratiivse sisutuselemendina. Laadimiskeskusesse saab paigaldada pikendusjuhtme, nii et kõik laadijad on kasutusvalmis. Suur laadimiskeskus maksab 59 eurot ning väike 19 eurot. Saadaval e-poes


e-store for home textiles, offers crotchet lace pillowcases made by skilled artisans and featuring personal texts such as a name. These beautiful and high-quality pillowcases can be ordered online at

brand of Online IT has designed a unique “charging centre” for collecting all your battery chargers and their cords into one. A box made of plywood and designed in Estonian national patterns can be used even for interior decoration. There is an extension cord for plugging in the box. The large charger box costs EUR 59 and the small one EUR 19. Available online at foto: Helen Vaher

Värske värviga vanast uus

Isikupärane klaasikunst

Ajale jalgu jäänud mööbliesemeid ei n

18) uksed klaasimeister Mari-Liis Makuse stuudio, kus tutvustatakse dikroidklaasist ehete ja klaaspärlite valmistamist ning korraldatakse nii individuaalkoolitusi kui ka grupiõppetubasid. Stuudiost saab osta ainulaadseid ehteid või kauneid klaaspärleid, millest endale sobiv ehe kokku panna. Stuudio võtab vastu tellimusi, pakub ehete parandamisteenust ja laenutuse võimalust.

No more throwing away n

who love ethnic Muhu patterns, has found a way how to turn simple black shoes into a real attraction. These clips, adorned with handmade embroidery and airy lace, can be used for decorating shoes or bags or as a brooch. They are available in six different patterns in Les Petites, a boutique selling Estonian design and fashion, and in Hää Eesti Asi store in Tallinn Airport.

Uneingel (Estonian for Sleep Angel), an n

Märt Parker who is operating under the n

Turning old into new

Moemutter, a society of handicraftsmen n

Pillowcases with messages

Battery charger box

tasu minema visata, sest neid saab kerge vaevaga unikaalseks ja kaasaegseks muuta. Kes oskab ja tahab, teeb ise, kel oskusi napib, võib ühendust võtta firmaga Belle Soffa, mis on spetsialiseerunud mööbli redisainile.

Multifunctional shoeclips

heegelpitsiga padjapüüre, mida valmistavad parimad käsitöömeistrid, kes kaunistavad püüri tellijale sobiva sõnumiga. Sisse saab heegeldada nii nime kui ka häid soove. Kauneid ja kvaliteetseid padjapüüre saab tellida e-poest

obsolete pieces of furniture – they can now be turned into unique and modern items. Those who have skills can do it themselves while those who don’t, should contact Belle Soffa that is specialised on re-designing furniture. www.bellesoffa. com

Märtsis avas Tallinnas (Faehlmanni n

Personified glass art Glass crafter Mari-Liis Makus opened n  her new studio in Tallinn, Faehlmanni 18 in March. The studio teaches how to make jewellery from glass beads and pearls as well as organises individual training courses and group workshops, offering unique materials and beautiful glass pearls for designing one’s own jewellery. The studio accepts orders, repairs and rents out jewellery. Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

in time May / June 2012

tehnika / gadgets

Maagiline pisikaamera Lytro miniatuurne kaamera on nii väike, n  et sobiks James Bondile spioonikaameraks. Aga eriliseks teeb Lytro erivärvilised kaamerad see, et nendega tehtud piltidel saab pärast ise valida teravussügavuse asukoha. Kaheksakordse suumiga F2 sensoriga kaamera taga asub tilluke 1,5-tolline puutetundlik LCD-ekraan, nii et neljakandilisest torust on võimalik virtuaalselt läbi vaadata. Lytro kaamera salvestab pildid erilisse formaati, millega saab hiljem spetsiaalse programmi abil pilti vastavalt enda soovile töödelda. 8 GB mahutav Lytro kaamera maksab umbes 400 eurot, 16 GB mudel 100 eurot rohkem.

Make it magic Lytro is a camera that is small enough n  to fit in the arsenal of James Bond. What makes Lytro so special is the fact that it allows the user to re-focus the picture after it has been taken. The miniature camera has an 8X optical zoom and F2 sensor. Behind the camera is a tiny 1.5-inch touchsensitive LCD display that enables to virtually see through the square camera. Lytro stores photos in a special format that enables the user to re-focus the photo with a help of special software. 8 GB Lytro costs about 400 euros while the 16 GB model is 100 euros more expensive.

Megapikslite võidujooks Nokia on teinud nutitelefoni, millel on n  42-megapiksline kaamera. PureView 808-l on 1/1.2“Carl Zeissi optikaga sensor, mille ava on f/2.4. See sensor on võrreldav asjalike kompaktkaamerate omaga. Ksenoonvälguga kaamera suudab muu hulgas filmida FullHD videot 30 kaadrit sekundis. Kui kaamera kõrvale jätta, siis kõik muu selle 450 eurot maksva telefoni juures enam nii ahvatlev ei ole. Operatsiooni süsteemiks on Nokia enda Symbiani viimane väljalase Belle, mis on viimasel ajal põhjusega Nokia Windows Phone 7 telefonide varju jäänud. Nutitelefoni kohta on PureView 808 „tänu“ kaamerale ka meeletult raske – 169 grammi. Nii palju kaalusid mobiiltelefonid vist aastal 1999.

May / June 2012 in time

The race of megapixels

Kõige parem Android

Nokia has produced a smartphone that n  has a 42-megapixel camera. PureView 808 has 1/1.2-inch Carl Zeiss optics with f/2.4 aperture, a sensor that is comparable to good-quality digital SLR cameras. It has Xenon flash and can, among others, record Full HD video at 30 frames per second. Leaving the camera aside, the rest of this 450-euro smartphone is not very attractive. It runs on Belle, the latest version of Nokia’s own Symbian that has deservedly been overshadowed by Nokia Windows Phone 7. Thanks to its camera, PureView 808 is also incredibly heavy for a smartphone, weighing 169 grams or as much as mobile phones weighed back in 1999.

Androidi operatsioonisüsteemiga nutin

iPad polegi kõige õhem? Kui kõneks on tahvelarvutid, siis tunn  dub, et iPad on igas mõttes teistest üle. Päris nii see ei ole, sest näiteks Toshiba tõi päev enne uue, 9,4 mm paksuse iPadi väljakuulutamist müüki oma Androidiga tahvelarvuti Excite 10 LE, mis on kõigest 7,6 mm paksune. 10,1-tolline LED-taustavalgustusega (1280 x 800 pikslit) ekraan pole ainus tõmbenumber, vaid erinevalt iPad-ist on sellel SD-kaardi pesa ja micro-HDMI port, millest on võimalik videot või fotosid kodus teleri ekraanile kuvada. Maailma kõige õhem Android 3.2-ga tahvelarvuti maksab u 525 eurot.

Thinner than the new iPad? As far as tablet PCs are concerned, n  there is no other like iPad. Well, not any more, since only a day before Apple announced its new 9.4-mm iPad, Toshiba launched its Android-running tablet PC called Excite 10 LE that is only 7.6 mm thick. The 10.1-inch backlit LED display (1280 x 800 pixels) is not its only attraction, since, unlike iPad, it has a micro-SD slot and micro-HDMI connectivity that enables to connect it to a TV for viewing videos and photos. The world’s thinnest tablet PC runs Android 3.2 and costs about 525 euros.

telefone on turul tohutult, kuid üks neist paistab teistest parem olevat. Sony Xperia S on äärmiselt stiilne ja jõuline Android, mille peamine trump on suurepärane 4,3-tolline ekraan, mis mahutab 1280 x 720 pikslit ehk samapalju kui keskmine HD-kvaliteediga LCD-teler. Seda 500 eurot maksvat telefoni hoiab töös võimas kahetuumaline 1,5 GHz protsessor, sisemälu on 32 GB ja kaamera on 12,1-megapiksline.

The No. 1 Android There is a large number of smartn  phones on the market that are running on Android, but there is one that seems to be above others. Sony Xperia S is an extremely stylish and powerful Android that stands out thanks to its 4.3-inch display and 1280 x 720 pixels, comparable to an average HDquality LCD TV set. The 500-euro smartphone runs on a powerful dual-core 1.5 GHz CPU. It has 32 GB of internal memory and a 12.1 MP camera.

USB-laadijapesa Berkerilt Saksa pistikupesade ja lülitussüsteen  mide tootja Berker tuli välja innovaatilise USB-laadijapesaga, mis sobib kõigi USBühendusega seadmete nagu telefonid, kaamerad, tahvelarvutid jne laadimiseks. USB-laadijapesa istub ühisesse raami Berkeri pistikupesade ja lülititega, on stiilne ja energiasäästlik.

USB charger socket from Berker Berker, the switches and systems manun  facturer, has created an innovative USB charger socket for supplying all devices with a USB connection, such as mobile phones, cameras, tablets etc. The new USB charger socket fits perfectly into existing electrical installations, is visually impressive and energy efficient. Tekst / Text: Martin Mets



Tulevik digitaalse kirjandusega 2012. aasta juunis korraldab Tartu Üli- Roboti kooli Raamatukogu (TÜR) Euroopa Teadusraamatukogude Ühenduse LIBER aastakonverentsi, kus põhiteemadeks on Open Access, digiteerimine, digitaalne säilitamine, pilveteenused (pilveprint) ja üha enam populaarsust võitvad mobiilsed lahendused. Kohale tuleb umbes 400 teadusraamatukogu spetsialisti ligi 40 riigist.

Tekst: Martin Mets Fotod: Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu

1802. aastal asutatud Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu on vanim ja suurim teadusraamatukogu Eestis. Kogud on ajaloolised ja unikaalsed, sisaldades nii käsikirju, rariteetseid trükiseid, kaarte, noote, ajalooliste isikute kirjavahetust, maale kui ka teaduslooliselt põnevaid raamatuid, ajakirju ja dissertatsioone kõigist teadusvaldkondadest. Teadusraamatukogu kasutajad saavad tänapäeval enamiku oma tööks vajalikust infost kätte elektroonilisel kujul – suur osa teabest on e-ajakirjades ja e-andmebaasides. Ka enamik teadusraamatukogu komplekteerimiseelarvest kulub juba elektroonilistele kogudele juurdepääsu hankimiseks. Kuna kogude vastu tuntakse huvi ka piiri taga, on väga oluline nende digiteerimine ja ülemaailmne kättesaadavus. TÜR hankis 2010. aastal esimesena Baltimaades robotskänneri ja alustas digiteerimist. Eelkõige digiteeritakse praegu vanemaid materjale, sest need on enamasti vabad autoriõiguskaitsest.

kunstlik sõrm suudab raamatulehte tõsta ja pöörata. Roboti kaks kaamerat teevad leheküljest pildi, mis läheb otse arvutisse. Umbes 300-leheküljelise raamatu digiteerimine võtab aega natuke rohkem kui pool tundi. Digiteeritud kogud tehakse kättesaadavaks Open Access’i ehk avatud juurdepääsu põhimõttel: kui autoriõigus lubab, on digiteeritud väljaanded veebis kõigile tasuta kasutada. Propageerimaks avatud juurdepääsu põhimõtteid, korraldab TÜR igal aastal avatud juurdepääsu nädala. Kogude digiteerimise kiirendamiseks osaletakse üleeuroopalises EOD-projektis, mis tegeleb raamatute nõudmisel digiteerimisega, mis tähendab, et igaüks saab teda huvitavale teosele tellida digiteerimisteenuse.

Tänu Euroopa

Digitaalraamatukogu ehk Europeana ( projektile saavad üleeuroopalises portaalis kokku peaaegu kõigi Euroopa riikide raamatukogude ajaloolised kogud, sealjuures ei piirduta üksnes raamatutega, vaid kättesaadavad on ka Euroopa olulisemad kunstiteosed alates Leonardo Da Vinci „Mona Lisast“. Europeana avati 2008. aastal ja praeguseks on seal oma kogudega esindatud üle kahe tuhande Euroopa raamatukogu ning muuseumi, sealhulgas Amsterdami Rijksmuseum, British Library ja Louvre. Eestist osalevad projektis Rahvusraamatukogu ja Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu.

Teisi huvitavaid lahendusi Eestis: Kolmes Eesti teadusraamatukogus on rakendatud pilveprindi teenust ID-pileti kaudu. n  Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu (TLÜAR) oli Eesti raamatukogudest n  esimene, kes võttis kasutusele RFID-tehnoloogia; 2012. aastal hangiti Eesti võimsaim skänner. Kasutajate tuvastamiseks on paljudes Eesti raamatukogudes kasutusel ID-kaart. n  Eesti suurimas e-kataloogis ESTER, mida arendavad 13 teadus- ja linnaraamatukogu, n  on kirjeldatud ligi kolme miljonit väljaannet ja nende kaheksat miljonit eksemplari. Digiteeritud kogud on lingitud ESTER-i kirjetega. Rahva- ja kooliraamatukogudes on kasutusel e-kataloogid RIKS ja URRAM: 353 kasun  tab RIKS-i ja 436 URRAM-it. Mobiiltelefonile loodud m-RIKS-i abil saab kasutada e-kataloogi, vaadata oma lugejakirjet, laenutusi ja vajadusel pikendada neid. M-RIKS toetab nii eesti, vene kui ka inglise keelt. Digitaalkollektsioonid on olemas peaaegu kõigil suurematel raamatukogudel: TÜR-il n  DSpace, Rahvusraamatukogul Digar, TLÜAR-il E-Ait jne. Töötatakse ühise portaali loomise nimel, et kasutaja saaks ühest kohast kätte info kõigi Eesti mäluasutuste digiteeritud kogude kohta ja jõuaks mugavalt digifailideni.


in time May / June 2012


Hind alates 39 990 € täisvarustusega Hind KredEx’i toetusega alates 21 990 € täisvarustusega

KredEx toetab selle auto soetamist kuni 18 000 € ulatuses ja kodulaadija soetamist kuni 1 000 € ulatuses Nissan LEAF on müügil ainult Fakto Auto esinduses. Loe lähemalt: Energiaklass [A] CO2 heitmed: 0 g/km Keskmine energiakulu 17,3 Kw/100 km

Voted World Car of the Year 2011


Future with Digital Literature Text: Martin Mets • Photos: University of Tartu Library

Solutions in Estonia: Three Estonian research n

libraries have implemented the cloud printing service via an ID ticket. Among Estonian libraries, n  the Academic Library of Tallinn University (ALTU) was the first to adopt RFID technology and in 2012 procured Estonia’s most powerful library scanner. Many Estonian libraries n  are using ID cards for identifying readers. Estonia’s largest online n  library catalogue ESTER that is being developed by 13 research and town libraries has described about three million publications in eight million copies. Digitised collections are linked to ESTER descriptions. Public and school libraries n  are using two types of online catalogues: 353 of them use RIKS (Libraries' information and catalogue system) and 436 uses URRAM. m-RIKS, a mobile application, allows to use the online catalogue, to look at one’s reader’s profile, lend materials and, if necessary, extend the deadline, available in the Estonian, Russian and English languages. Digital collections exist n  in almost all bigger libraries: DSPace in UTL, Digar in National Library, E-AIT in ALTU, etc. Work is ongoing for creating a joint portal in order to give the user access to single-point information on all digitized collections of Estonian memory establishments and to provide convenient access to digital files.


In June the University of Tartu Library (UTL) is hosting an annual conference of the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) that will focus on issues such as Open Access, digitization, digital storage, cloud services (cloud printing) and the ever-expanding mobile solutions. The event is expected to be attended by about 400 specialists from research libraries from 40 countries. University

of Tartu Library is founded in 1802 and is the oldest and largest research library in Estonia. The collections are historic and unique, containing manuscripts, rare books, maps, sheet music, correspondence of dignitaries, paintings and science-related books, magazines and dissertations from all research subjects. The majority of information available to users of the research library is in electronic form, with a large part of information in online magazines and online databases. Access to electronic collections already forms the biggest part of the library compilation budget. Since interest towards these collections is keen also abroad, it is very important to ensure that these materials are digitized and made public. UTL was the first research library in the Baltic countries that purchased a robot scanner and started digitization in 2010. At present the library is mainly digitizing older materials as they are mostly not protected by intellectual rights. The robot’s artificial finger is capable of lifting and turning book pages. Two cameras take a photo of the page and transmit it to the computer. Digitization of a 300-page book takes a little more than half an hour. Digitized collections are made available on the principle of open access which says that digitized publications that are not restricted by intellectual rights can be made publicly available online for free.

To promote the principles of open access, UTL organizes an annual open access week. In order to speed up digitization of collections, UTL is participating in the pan-European EOD (eBooks on Demand) project that specialises in ondemand digitization of books, i.e. anyone interested in a book can order a digitization service. The pan-European portal European Digital Library or Europeana ( combines the historic collections of almost all libraries of European countries, whereas they include not only books, but have access also to some of Europe’s most important art, starting from Leonardo Da Vinci’s „Mona Lisa”. Europeana was launched in 2008 and by now includes collections of more than two thousand European libraries and museums, including Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, British Library and Louvre. From Estonia, the project is attended by the National Library and University of Tartu Library.

in time May / June 2012

autod / cars

Autot rentides tuleb tähelepanelik olla Tekst / Text: Kristina Vaksmaa, Euroopa Liidu tarbijanõustamiskeskuse juhataja, tarbijakaitseamet / Director of the European Consumer Centre of Estonia

Autorendi hinda mõjutab: noore juhi lisatasu või n  lisajuhi kasutamine

kui autot ei tagastata n

samasse rendipunkti, kust see laenutati kui auto tagastatakse väln  jaspool tööaega kui soovitakse autosse n  lapse turvatooli või muid lisaseadmeid kui ületatakse riigi piir n  kui auto tagastatakse n  tühja paagiga, võib rendifirma nõuda kütuse eest suuremat hinda, kui oleks maksnud auto tankimine kui autole on teie valn  duses oleku ajal tehtud liiklus- või parkimistrahve ning tekitatud vigastusi läbitavate kilomeetrite n  arv võib olla piiratud ning kilometraaži ületamise puhul tuleb maksta lisatasu.

Mida teha õnnetuse korral tegutsege rendilepingus n  toodud juhiste kohaselt

teavitage õnnetusest viin  vitamatult rendifirmat

tõsiste õnnetuste puhul n

ärge tegutsege ega võtke arvesse kolmandate isikute soovitusi enne, kui kohale on jõudnud politsei ärge laske auto vigastusi n  parandada rendifirmaga kokku leppimata.


Bespokes pakub ekslusiivseid autosid nagu Morgan 8. Bespokes offers exclusive cars like Morgan 8.

Kuigi auto rentimine välismaal on liht-

ne ja mugav, tuleb tehingu vormistamisel tähelepanelik olla. Enne auto rentimist peate teadma, kas vastate rendifirma kehtestatud tingimustele. Osa rendifirmadest ei rendi autosid alla 25-aastastele isikutele või nõutakse vähemalt kaheaastast sõidustaaži. Kui broneerite rendiauto internetis, tuleb valmis olla selleks, et kokkulepitud hinda võidakse auto kättesaamisel ning lepingu vormistamisel tõsta. Ärge kirjutage alla võõrkeelsele lepingule, millest te täielikult aru ei saa. Pöörake tähelepanu tankimisega seotud punktidele lepingus. Kui tagastate auto tühja paagiga, võib sellega kaasneda trahv. Täis paagiga auto tagastamisel hoidke kindlasti alles tankimist tõendav dokument. Täpsustage auto tagastamisega seonduvat: teeninduspunktide lahtiolekuaeg ja ettevõtte esindaja kohalolek. Auto korrasolek tuleb fikseerida teie

juuresolekul. Tavaliselt nõuavad rendifirmad lepingu sõlmimisel krediitkaardi andmeid, et teie arvelt kinni pidada tagatisraha, kui autoga midagi juhtub. Selleks et jätta endale võimalus probleemide korral kaebus esitada, hoidke alles makset tõendav dokument ja lepingu koopia.

Väga oluline on veenduda autokindlustuse

olemasolus, kehtivuses ja summas. Tavaliselt kehtib autorendi puhul kõige üldisem kindlustus, mis ei pruugi katta eriolukordades tekkinud kahjusid. Kui plaanite rendiautoga välja sõita selle riigi territooriumilt, kus auto renditi, jälgige, kas leping lubab teil seda teha ja kas kindlustus sel juhul kehtib. Rendiauto kättesaamisel vaadake auto väga põhjalikult nii seest kui ka väljast üle. Tagastamisel tuleb vormistada üleandmisakt, kus kirjeldatakse auto seisukorda.

in time May / June 2012

Renting Car Requires Attention Although renting

a car has been made easy for the consumer, this transaction still requires great attention. Before you start booking a rental car, you should make sure you comply with the conditions of rental companies. Some of them require the driver to be at least 25 years old or have at least 2 years of driving experience. If you book a rental car on the Internet, be prepared that the price may increase when the contract is formalised and the car is handed over to you. Do not sign a contract you don't fully understand! Pay attention to the clauses related to filling. If you return the car with an empty tank, you might be charged for this. If you return it full, keep a document confirming it. Specify the circumstances related to returning the car – when are the service points open, when are their representatives present. The returned car must be checked for any problems when you are present.

Companies normally ask for your credit card data to withhold the deposit in case something happens to the car (up to 20% of the rental fee). Keep a copy of the contract and a document that proves your payment, so that you could file a complaint if you have problems later.

It is extremely important to pay

attention to the clauses related to the insurance and to make sure you have insurance, when it expires and what it covers. Normally the most general insurance is applicable and it may not cover the losses occurring in special situations. If you plan to drive outside the territory of the country where you rented the car, make sure the contract allows you to do so and that the insurance is valid also in this case. When receiving the car, check carefully if everything is all right. When returning the car, a document of delivery should be formalised where the condition of the car is described.

What influences the price of car rent? additional charge of young driver or use of additional driver; n  the car is not returned to the same place where it was rented from; n  the car is returned outside working hours; n  child car seat or other additional equipment is required; n  the border of the country is crossed; n  if the car is returned with an empty tank, rental company typically for a higher price than n  tanking would have cost;

traffic or parking fines have been given to the car while it was in your possession or n  damages have been caused to it;

mileage driven may be limited and in case it is exceeded, additional charge must n  be paid.

What to do in the case of accident? If an accident happens with a rental car, act according to the instructions given in the n  contract.

Inform the rent company immediately about the accident. n  In case of serious accidents do not act on or take into account recommendations of third n  parties before the police has arrived at the scene of event.

If damages have been caused to the car, do not have them repaired without an agreen  ment with the rental company.

May / June 2012 in time

teadus / science

Astronoomid leidsid Maalt elu Nii naljakalt kui see ka ei kõla, aga seln  leks, et avastada Maalt elu, läheb vaja väga võimsaid teleskoope. Ja vaadelda tuleb Kuud. Mida rohkem leitakse meie enda päikesesüsteemist väljaspool asuvaid planeete, seda enam tekitab huvi küsimus, kas elu neil planeetidel on võimalik. Astronoomid on nüüd välja töötanud meetodi, kuidas seda välja selgitada. “Soovisime tehnikavahendeid katsetada ainsas paigas kogu universumis, mille puhul saame olla kindlad, et seal on elu: meie koduplaneedil Maa,” selgitas uurimuse põhiautor, Euroopa Lõunaobservatooriumi teadlane Michael Sterzik. Praegu, kui teleskoobid avastavad mõne kauge tähe ümber tiirleva planeedi, on meil ainult kaudsed võimalused selle elukõlbulikkuse hindamiseks. Enamasti saab välja arvutada läbimõõdu ja massi, mille alusel näeb, kas planeet on Maaga sarnane või mitte. Kaugus kodutähest annab aimu, milline temperatuur seal valitseb. Harvadel juhtudel, kui kauge planeet läheb läbi täpselt oma kodutähe ja Maa vahelt, võib õnnestuda kinni püüda neid tähevalguse kiiri, mis läbivad planeedi atmosfääri. Kuna eri gaasid neelavad valgust eri moodi, saab analüüsides teha järeldusi atmosfääri koostise kohta. Need andmed annavad infot, kas planeet võiks olla eluks sobilik, mitte selle kohta, kas seal ikka on elu. Uus meetod lubab näiteks avastada, kas planeedil kasvab taimi. Teadlased kasutasid ära asjaolu, et milleltki peegeldudes valgus polariseerub ehk selle elektrilise ja magnetvälja omadused muutuvad. “Kaugelt eksoplaneedilt pärit valgus jääb kodutähe sära varju, seega on seda väga keeruline analüüsida – umbes nagu püüda uurida võimsa elektripirni kõrval olevat tolmutera,” selgitas uuringu kaasautor Stefano Bagnulo Põhja-Iirimaa Armagh’ observatooriumist. “Kuid planeedilt peegeldunud valgus on


polariseerunud, samal ajal kui tähelt otse tulev valgus ei ole. Seega aitab polarimeetria meil kiiskavast tähevalgusest välja noppida nõrga valguse, mis on peegeldunud eksoplaneedilt,” lisas ta. Idee katsetamiseks suunasid astronoomid Kuu suunas Tšiilis asuva ja maailma suurimate hulka kuuluva teleskoobi nimega Very Large Telescope. Sellelt osalt, mida Päike parajasti ei valgustanud, kogusid nad nõrka valgust (nn Maa-kuma). Enne kui valgus teleskoopi jõudis, oli see esmalt peegeldunud Maalt ja siis uuesti Kuult. Uurides valgust, tuvastasid teadlased pilvedele ning ookeanidele iseloomulikke signaale. Samuti oli hästi näha, et kohati oli valgus tagasi peegeldunud klorofüllilt ehk taimedelt. “Polarisatsioon sisaldab palju teavet, mida siiani pole eriti kasutatud,” märkis Sterzik. Ajakirjas Nature tutvustatud meetod on esimene, mis lubab koguda otseseid tõendeid maaväliste eluvormide kohta. Ent praegused teleskoobid pole siiski kaugetelt planeetidelt valguse püüdmiseks piisavalt võimsad. Kümne-kahekümne aasta pärast valmivad uued ja senistest mitu korda suuremad teleskoobid võivad tuua uudiseid elust teistel planeetidel.

Astronomers Found Life on Earth As funny as it may sound – you need n  the most powerful telescopes to discover life on Earth. And to do that, scientists actually looked at the Moon. As more and more planets are being found outside our own Solar System, the question about life on those planets becomes more relevant. Astronomers have now developed a method that allows to explore it. First, they demonstrated it on Earth itself. «We wanted to test this technique on the only place in the entire Universe where we are sure life exists: our home planet, Earth,» said one of the leaders of the

research, Michael Sterzik from the European Southern Observatory. Currently, when telescopes find a planet orbiting a distant star, scientists have only indirect means to evaluate its habitability. Usually they are able to calculate its diameter and mass to see whether it is similar to Earth. The distance from the star allows us to estimate the temperature on the planet. On rare occasions, when the planet transits right between its star and Earth, they might be able to catch some of the starlight passing through the planet’s atmosphere. Different gases absorb light differently and this allows us to analyse the composition of the atmosphere, which gives information about the planet's habitability, but not whether there actually is life. The new method, however, allows also to explore if there are plants growing on the planet. The research is based on the fact that when reflecting off of something, light becomes polarised, meaning the properties of its electric and magnetic fields change. «The light from a distant exoplanet is overwhelmed by the glare of the host star, so it’s very difficult to analyse it — a bit like trying to study a grain of dust next to a powerful light bulb,» said co-author of the study Stefano Bagnulo from Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland. «But the light reflecting off a planet is polarised, while the light from the host star is not. So polarimetric techniques help us to pick out the faint reflected light of an exoplanet from the dazzling starlight,» he added. To test their idea, the astronomers used the Very Large Telescope in Chile to look at the Moon. The telescope, one of the biggest and most powerful on Earth, collected some faint light (so-called Earthshine) from the part currently not lighted by the Sun. The light had reflected off the Earth and then off the Moon before it reached the telescope. Investigating this light the researchers found signals characteristic to clouds and oceans. They could also see that some of the light had reflected off chlorophyll, which means there were plants. «The state of polarisation contains a lot of information that hasn’t been used very often,» Sterzik says. This method, introduced in the journal Nature, is the first that allows to gather direct evidence about life forms on alien planets. Still, the current telescopes are not powerful enough to catch enough polarised light. New and more powerful telescopes that are able to tell us about life on distant planets are expected to be completed in the coming decades.

in time May / June 2012

Selle põlvkonna

Audi A3

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Tipptase nüüd lähemal kui iial varem.

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teadus / science foto: Stock.XCHNG

Hiired sõitsid viikingilaevadel maailma vallutama Atlandi ookeani põhjaosas, viikingite n  kunagiste avastus- ja vallutusretkede alal on võimalik hiirte geenide põhjal väga täpselt taastada inimeste ränded, leidsid teadlased. Varem on Inglismaal Yorki ülikoolis Eleanor Jonesi juhtimisel töötav uurimisrühm leidnud Norra hiirte geene Šotimaalt, Iirimaalt ja selle piirkonna saartelt, nüüd võtsid nad uurimise alla Islandi ja Gröönimaa hiired. Selgus, et hiired on Islandit asustanud niisama kaua kui inimesed ning nende esivanemad pärinevad viikingite põlistelt asualadelt. Gröönimaal jagasid hiired aga viikingite saatust, surres seal välja nendega samal ajal. Praegused Gröönimaa hiired on sinna jõudnud hiljem hoopis Taanist. Niisuguse tõdemuseni jõudsid teadlased tänu sellele, et ei uurinud mitte ainult tänapäeva hiirte geene, vaid said kasutada ka säilmetest leitud hiireluude DNA-d. Ameerika rannikult, kuhu viikingid ju ka jõudsid, hiirte säilmeid ei leitud, ning tänapäeval seal elavate hiirte geenides pole jälgi viikingihiirtest.

Mice Conquered the World on Viking Ships The genes of mice can accurately reconn

land as long as humans and their roots go back to the ancient Viking areas. In Greenland, however they share the fate of Vikings and have died out. The mice currently found in Greenland have arrived there later from Denmark. Ancient mice DNA, extracted from some buried bones has been used in the research. Though vikings also reached the American coast during their exploration, no mice fossils have been found there and the genes of modern mice do not show any signs of Viking mice.

Niidud võistlevad liigirikkuse poolest vihmametsaga Oleme harjunud taimede poolest maan  ilma kõigi liigirikkamateks aladeks pidama vihmametsi, kuid väiksematel aladel on liigirikkamad hoopis Euroopa niidud. “Ei ole võimalik öelda, milline on kõige liigirikkam ala,” rõhutas ajakirjas Journal of Vegetation Science ilmunud uurimuse kaasautor Jürgen Dengler Hamburgi ülikoolist, “sest tulemus sõltub alati sellest, kui suurt maa-ala vaatame.” Vihmametsad on tõesti liigirikkamad vähemalt 100 ruutmeetri suurusel alal, näiteks Ecuadori vihmametsast võib ühelt hektarilt leida 942 taimeliiki. Kuid väiksematel aladel hoiavad rekordeid enda käes teiste seas Saksamaa, Rootsi ja Eesti. Saksamaa liivastel rohumaadel võib ühelt ruutmillimeetrilt leida kolm taimeliiki, Rootsi lubjakivipinnaselt ühelt ruutsentimeetrilt 12 liiki ning Eesti puisniidult 20x20 sentimeetri suuruselt alalt 42 liiki. Poolkuivadel Tšehhi rohumaadel võib kümneruutmeetrisel alal kasvada pea sada liiki. Euroopa rohumaade liigirikkuse saladus võib olla pidev inimlik hooldamine, mis ei lase tugevamatel liikidel domineerida. “Kui vihmametsa elurikkust saab kaitsta inimpuutumatusega, siis Euroopa liigirikkad niidud vajavad kohe looduskaitse sekkumist põlise majandamise jätkamiseks ning taastamiseks,” märkis Tartu Ülikooli

professor Meelis Pärtel TÜ teadusportaalile Novaator.

European Meadows Compete with Rainforests in Diversity We are used to consider rainforests the n  most diverse areas on Earth, yet on smaller areas the records are held by European grasslands. «It is not possible to say what is the most plant species diverse area of the world,» says Jürgen Dengler from the University of Hamburg in Germany, a co-author of the study published in the Journal of Vegetation Science. «The result always depends on the size of the area we are looking at.» The rainforests dominate when we look at areas of at least hundreds of square meters. For example, the Ecuadorian rainforest holds 942 plant species on one hectare. On smaller areas, however, the records belong to countries such as Germany, Sweden and Estonia. One square millimetre of the sandy grasslands of Germany can hold three plant species, one square centimetre of Swedish limestone grasslands may accommodate twelve species and one 20x20 centimetre piece of Estonian woody meadow might fit 42 species. You can find almost a hundred plant species on a ten square meter area of the semi-dry grasslands in the Czech Republic. The species richness of European grasslands may be the result of human intervention which does not allow stronger species to dominate. «Whereas the richness of the rainforests can be protected by keeping people away, the species-rich European meadows need immediate intervention to sustain and restore the old-established cultivation practices,» saiys Meelis Pärtel, a professor at the University of Tartu, in a comment to the university’s news site called Novaator. Tekst / Text: Arko Olesk

foto: Stock.XCHNG

struct the migration of people in the North Atlantic – the area of Viking exploration and conquering. A group of researchers led by Eleanor Jones from the University of York in UK found genes of Norwegian mice in Scotland, Ireland and surrounding islands. Now they have turned their attention to the mice of Iceland and Greenland. They found that mice have inhabited Ice-


in time May / June 2012


Tere tulemast Embraeri pardale!

Selle aasta algul astus Brasiilia Eestile sammu lähemale, kui Estonian Air otsustas vahetada oma senise lennukipargi Brasiilia ühe mainekama ettevõtte, Embraeri, toodangu vastu. Fotod: Embraer



ei olnud uute lennukite valikul otsustav nende päritolumaa ja Brasiilia lennukid ei tähenda, nagu muutuks Estonian Air ise Brasiilia-pärasemaks. Estonian Airi suhtekorraldaja Ilona Eskelineni sõnul on Embraer E-Jet tüüpi lennukid reisijatele mugavamad: käsipagasiriiulid on suuremad, lennukikered on kõrgemad ja laiemad, mis tähendab, et salongis on rohkem ruumi. „Uued lennukid aitavad Estonian Airil ellu viia uut äristrateegiat, mille põhieesmärk on olla õhusild Eesti ja muu maailma vahel, pakkuda paremaid lennuühendusi Eestist ja Eestisse lendamisel ning suurendada seega Eesti rahvusvahelist konkurentsivõimet,“ sõnas Eskelinen. Väita, nagu oleks Embraeri lennukitel Brasiilia

hing, on poeetiline liialdus, sest tegemist on tõeliselt rahvusvahelise suurfirmaga, mille tootmisüksused asuvad maailma eri paikades ja millel on kliente enam kui 90 riigis. Põhja- ja Ida-Euroopas on Embraeri klientideks nüüd koos Estonian Airiga kümme lennufirmat, kes juba kasutavad või on esitanud tellimused Embraeri lennukitele: Bulgaria Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Finnair, Air Moldova, Montenegro Airlines, Belavia, Dniproavia, Aerosvit, Air Astana. Kuid Euroopa pole ainus turg, kus Embraer haaret laiendada soovib. Umbes samal ajal, kui Estonian Air allkirjastas Embraeriga lepingu, ostmaks neli uut Embraer E-Jet tüüpi lennukit, teatas suurettevõte, et nad on otsustanud palgata oma saadikuks ja reklaaminäoks võitluskunstistaari

in time May / June 2012

lennundus Jackie Chani, kes peaks tutvustama Embraeri eralennukite sarja mitte ainult kiiresti kasvaval Hiina turul, vaid üle maailma. Seetõttu tegi Embraer Chanile helde kingituse – 14-kohalise Embraer Legacy 650 lennuki, mille hind on kuuldavasti 30 miljonit USA dollarit. Chan otsustas Legacy 650 kasuks, kuna lennukil on suur kolmetsooniline salong, mistõttu on see vaikne ja luksuslik. Ilmselt oleks aus oletada, et Embraeri selline käik on vastuseks Kanadast pärit konkurendile Bombardierile, kes teatas eelmise aasta lõpus, et nende uueks saadikuks on John Travolta. Samas on Chani ja Travoltat kui brändi reklaaminägusid omavahel raske võrrelda, sest Chan ei saa ilma kõrvalise abita oma uue lennuki juhtimisega hakkama, Travoltal on aga piloodipaberid juba aastakümneid taskus.

Embraer asutati 1960. aastal, kõigest aasta pä-

rast seda, kui Brasiilias tuli võimule militaardiktatuur, mis valitses riiki enam kui 20 aastat. Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. ehk Embraeri loomise põhjused on mõistetavad. Militaarvalitsus tahtis võimalust toota lennukeid (nii tsiviil- kui ka militaarlennukeid), samas väitsid nad, et Brasiilia ei saa endale lubada sõltumist imporditud lennukitest ja nende varuosadest, ka polevat hea mõte usaldada strateegiliselt oluliste sõidukite tootmine ettevõttele, mida kontrollivad välisinvestorid. Seega loodi Embraer, mille aktsiatest 51% kuulus riigile, ülejäänu erainvestoritele. Embraeri esimene

lennuk oli 21-kohaline EMB-110 Bandeirante. Riik polnud üksnes Embraeri omanik, vaid manipuleeris koduturgu ettevõtte huvidele vastavalt ning toetas eksporti. 1970-ndatel loodi isegi spetsiaalne toetusprogramm, mis pidi aitama Embraeril eksportida relvi.

1980-ndaid tuntakse Brasiilias kui „kadu-

nud kümnendit”, mille jooksul raputasid riiki tõsised mured. 1984. aastal, vähem kui aasta enne seda, kui lõppes militaardiktatuur, tõusis inflatsioon riigis üle 200%. Inimesed tunglesid hommikuti toidupoodide uste taga, et ära kulutada kogu raha, sest õhtuks oli raha väärtusetu. See kõik mõjutas Embraeri. Sulgusid mitmed turud, kuhu ettevõte oli varem müünud sõjatehnikat. Nii oli Embraer 1990-ndateks sisuliselt pankrotis. 1994. aastal oli ettevõtte kahjum 310 miljonit USA dollarit, käive vaid 177 miljonit. Ettevõte, mis oli olnud üks Brasiilia peamisi eksportööre, kukkus eksportijate tabelis peaagu 40 kohta tahapoole. Valitsus otsustas ettevõtte erastada ja detsembris 1994 anti Embraer üle uutele omanikele (tõsi, Brasiilia riik jättis enda omandusse umbes 7% aktsiatest). Praeguseks on Embraer üks Brasiilia olulisemaid ettevõtteid ning eksportööre. Ettevõte pole üksnes Brasiilias juhtpositsioonil, tegemist on ühe maailma juhtiva lennukitootjaga, kes on maailma lennutanud enam kui 5000 lennukit, mis tegutsevad 92 riigis. Embraer on turuliider kuni 120-kohaliste kommertslennukite tootmises.

Oleme veendunud, et avaldame reisijatele muljet Nicolás Morell, Embraeri meediasuhete haldur Meile on tähtis iga tehing, n  sõltumata sellest, mitu lennukit klient tellib. Estonian Air on meie esimene Balti mere piirkonna klient, kes kohandub E-Jet tüüpi lennukite filosoofiaga. Ma olen veendunud, et reisijatele avaldab muljet, kui mugavad E-Jet tüüpi lennukid on ja nad pakuvad võrreldamatut lennuelamust. Oleme täitnud üle 60 n  ettevõtte rohkem kui 1000 tellimust. Meie lennukid on läbinud üle 7 miljoni lennutunni ja üle 330 miljoni inimese üle maailma on reisinud meie lennukites.

Pool Embraeri tuludest tuleb liinilennukite segmendist / Commercial aviaton makes more than half of Embraer's turnover Tulu 2011. aasta IV kvartalis / Revenue segment, 4Q 2011 segment

tulu % / % of revenue

Liinilennundus / Commercial aviaton


Eralennundus / Executive aviation


Kaitse ja turva / Defence and security


Klienditugi ja muu / Customer support and other


Pea pool tulust tuleb Ameerikast / Almost half of Embraer's revenue comes from the Americas Tulu 2011. aasta IV kvartalis / Revenue per region, 4Q 2011

Jackie Chani uus lennuk Legacy 650 / Jackie Chan's new plane Legacy 650

May / June 2012 in time

regioon / region Euroopa / Europe Aasia ja Vaikse ookeani regioon / Asian Pacific Põhja-Ameerika / North America Brasiilia / Brazil Ladina-Ameerika / Latin America

tulu % / % of revenue 25 23 20 17 11



Brazilian Spirit in Estonian Sky As of the beginning of 2012 Brazil is getting a step closer to Estonia: Estonian Air decided to add to its fleet aircraft made by one of the most respected manufacturers in Brazil. Welcome on board of an Embraer plane! Of course, Embraer's aircraft were not cho-


Photos: Embraer

sen because of their origin and using a Brazilian brand does not mean Estonian Air is becoming more Brazilian. According to the PR director of Estonian Air, Ilona Eskelinen the Embraer E-Jets are more comfortable for passengers as they are more spacious, their overhead compartments are larger and seats and aisles wider. „New planes help to achieve our main goal that is to be a bridge between Estonia and the rest of the world, offering the best connections when flying to and from Estonia to improve Estonia's position in international competition,“ said Eskelinen. Saying that Embraer's planes have Brazilian spirit is a bit of an overstatement as Embraer is a truly international company that has production lines in different places around the world and clients in more than 90 countries. Airlines already using Embraer planes in Northern and Eastern Europe include Bulgaria Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Finnair, Air Moldova, Montenegro Airlines, Belavia, Dniproavia, Aerosvit, and Air Astana. But Europe is not the only market where Embraer is hoping to grow and increase their impact. Approximately at the same time as Esto-

Hävitaja F-5 BR / Fighter F-5 BR


nian Air signed a contract to purchase four new Embraer E-Jets, Embraer announced they had hired Jackie Chan as their brand ambassador to assist the company in promoting its entire line of executive aircraft in China and the rest of the world. For that, they gave a very generous gift to the star – an Embraer Legacy 650 aircraft with 14 seats and rumoured to be worth around 30 million US dollars. Chan claimed in a press release that he chose the Legacy 650 because of its large three zone cabin, offering incredibly quiet performance and luxury. It is probably fair to say that this move was Embraer's answer to its Canadian competitor, Bombardier who announced at the end of 2011 that their new brand ambassador was John Travolta. It is difficult to compare Chan and Travolta as brand ambassadors, though, as Chan doesn't really know how to fly his new plane without assistance, whereas Travolta has been a licensed pilot for decades.

Embraer was founded in 1969, only a year after the military government seized power for the next 20 years in Brazil. The reason to create Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. – or

Lennuk nimega Sertanejo / Plane called Sertanejo

in time May / June 2012

aviation Embraer is convinced the passengers will be impressed Corporate Communications Embraer Every sale is important n

for us, no matter how many planes the client orders. For us Estonian Air is the first airline in the Baltic Sea region to adopt the philosophy of E-Jets. I am convinced the passengers will be very impressed with how comfortable are the E-Jets that provide an unparalleled flight experience.

We have already delivn

ered more than a thousand orders for 60 different companies in 40 countries. Our fleet has more than 7 million hours of flight time and 330 million people have all around the world travelled in our planes.

Embraer as it is known today – was quite obvious. The military government wanted capacity to manufacture aircraft, both civilian and military. At the same time they stated that Brazil could not afford relying on imported airplanes and spare parts, nor would it be a good idea to have such strategic equipment produced by any enterprise controlled by foreign investors. So, Embraer was government controlled – 51% belonged to the state, the rest to local private investors. The first Embraer plane was a 21-seater EMB-110 Bandeirante. The state didn't just own Embraer, it also manipulated the local market in Embraer's best interests and supported its exports. In the 1970's the state even created a special programme for Embraer to promote export of arms.

The 1980's are known as the “lost decade” in Brazil as the country was going through serious problems. In 1984 – less than a year before the military dictatorship ended – the inflation rate per year was more than 200%. People were queueing to get into the supermarkets in the morning

to spend all the money they had, as it would have been worthless by the evening. Needless to say, this situation had an effect on Embraer as well – many markets for Embraer’s military equipment closed. That – among other problems – led Embraer almost to bankruptcy by the beginning of 1990's. In 1994 Embraer earned a loss of 310 million US dollars with the revenue of only 177 million dollars. The company that had been one of Brazil's main exporters was down almost 40 places in the ranking. In an attempt to save the company, the government decided to privatise it, and Embraer was handed over to new owners in December 1994 (the Brazilian state kept about 7% of the shares, though). Embraer is now again among the most important Brazilian companies and exporters. The company is not only important in Brazil, but is one of the leading aircraft manufacturers in the world, having produced more than 5000 airplanes that operate in 92 countries. Also, Embraer is the market leader for commercial jets with up to 120 seats.

Embraer Embraeri lennukid Estonian Airi lennukipargis n

Estonian Air on juba rentinud neli E-Jet Embraer 170 (76 kohta) Finnairilt, neist viimane saabus Eestisse 2012. aasta aprilli algul. Tänavu veebruaris sõlmis Estonian Air Singapuris Embraeriga lepingu, mille kohaselt ostab lennufirma kolm lennukit Embraer 175 (88 kohta) ja ühe Embraer 190 (112 kohta). Lennukid peaksid Eestisse jõudma 2014. aasta teises pooles. Estonian Air rendib veel neli lennukit Embraer 190.

Embraer numbrites n

Esimene alkoholil lendav lennuk / First alcohol-powered airplane

Embraeris töötab rohkem kui 17 000 inimest. Eelmisel aastal oli nende müügitulu umbes 6 miljardit USA dollarit, kasum 112 miljonit dollarit. Eelmisel aastal andis Embraer klientidele üle 204 uut lennukit, neist 105 olid kommertslennukid.

Embraer in Estonian Air n

Estonian Air has already leased four 76-seater E-Jets Embraer 170 planes from Finnair. The last one arrived in the beginning of April 2012. In February 2012, Estonian Air signed a contract with Embraer at the Singapore Air Show to purchase three Embraer 175 planes (88 seats) and one Embraer 190 (112 seats). The order will be delivered in 2014. Estonian Air is planning to lease four more Embraer 190 planes from third parties.

Embraer in numbers n

Embraeri tütarettevõtte Neiva tehtud lennuk / Plane made by Neiva, Embraer subsidiary


Embraer has more than 17 000 employees. Net sales in 2011 was almost US$ 6 billion, net income US$ 112 million. Last year Embraer delivered 204 aircraft, 105 of them were commercial jets.

in time May / June 2012

reis / travelling

Viis linna, mida Brasiilias külastada Five Cities to Visit in Brazil võitnud brasiillaste südame kui romantilise nädalalõpu veetmise koht, mis on kuulus idüllilise koloniaalarhitektuuri, maitsvate mereandide, heade matkaradade, kaunite randade ja paadiretkede poolest. l  This colonial town is a few hours’ drive from Rio. It is mainly known for cachaça, its sugarcanederived spirit also known as caipirinha. With its idyllic colonial architecture, excellent seafood, trekking trails, beautiful beaches and boating trips, the area is now popular among Brazilians also as a location for a romantic weekend. Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro l  Rio de Janeiro karnevalist, Suhkrupeamäest ja Kristuse kujust on kuulnud ilmselt igaüks. Mägine Rio on üks ilusamaid linnu maailmas ning elulaadilt Brasiilias väga erandlik: sellist vabameelsust ja meeleolu mujal riigis ei kohta. l  Everybody has heard about the Rio de Janeiro Carnival, Sugarloaf Mountain and the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer. With its mountains, Rio is one of the most beautiful towns in the world and has a very special lifestyle: such liberalism and thirst for life is unique even in Brazil itself.

Brasília l Riigi pealinn kerkis tühermaale alles möödunud sajandil ning tegemist on administratiivkeskusega. Brasília on tuntud eelkõige moodsa arhitektuuri poolest. l  Brasília, the nation’s federal capital, was built from scratch only in the previous century as an administrative centre. The town is mainly known for its modern architecture.

Paraty l  Mõne sõidutunni kaugusel Riost asub koloniaallinnake Paraty, mille kaubamärgiks on suhkruroost valmistatud naps cachaça. Piirkond on

May / June 2012 in time

São Paulo l  São Paulo on tõeline metropol, kus elab suurim jaapanlaste kogukond väljaspool Jaapanit. Linnas on maailma tihedaim helikopteriliiklus, imelised restoranid, Brasiilia parimad muuseumid ja kõige suurem avalike geide kogukond LadinaAmeerikas. l São Paulo is a real metropolis and, among others, has the world’s largest Japanese community outside Japan. The town has the world’s densest helicopter traffic, wonderful restaurants, Brazil’s best museums and the largest open gay community in Latin America.



Salvador da Bahia l  Salvador on Brasiilia häll – just selle sadama kaudu saabus Aafrikast Brasiiliasse suur osa mustanahalistest orjadest. Tänaseni on vaid umbes veerand Bahia elanikest valged. l  Salvador is the cradle of Brazil as it was the entry-point for most African slaves who arrived to Brazil. Even today, only about a quarter of residents in the province are white.

São Paulo Salvador

Rohkem teavet selle kohta, mida Brasiilias teha, leiab raamatust “Brasiilia – kired ja kontrastid”. For more information on what to do in Brazil check out the book “Brazil: Passions and Contrasts”.


Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva








Government Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n

In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

year olds. Most of the 582 schools are state schools; 62 schools offer education in Russian. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.


National Holidays

80% of all believers are Protestant n

1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 67.9% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 25.6%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.


Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 70% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

in time May / June 2012


Welcome to Estonian Air Estonian Air news About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air news Record sales results abroad Estonian Air ticket sales at foreign markets has increased by n

Piletimüügirekord välisturgudel Estonian Airi piletimüük välisturgudel kasvas esimeses kvartalis n  30%. Esimest korda osteti välismaalt pileteid rohkem kui Eestist. Kõige rohkem on pileteid ostetud Venemaalt, Soomest ja Skandinaaviamaadest. Välisturgudelt on enim pileteid ostetud Moskvasse, Amsterdami, Peterburi ja Viini. „Transiitliiklus on selgelt kasvuteel, mis näitab, et meie uus ärimudel töötab,“ ütles Estonian Airi müügiosakonna juht Enn Lamp. Lennufirma paneb suurt rõhku välisturgudele. Märtsis lisandusid lennufirma kodulehele eesti, inglise ja vene keele kõrvale ka soome ja rootsi keel. Peagi lisatakse saksa keel.

Estonian Air kui Tallinna lennujaama kasvumootor Esmakordselt pärast nelja aastat suurenes Estonian Airi reisijate n  arv kiiremini kui Tallinna lennujaama teenindatud klientide arv. Märtsis kasvas Estonian Airi turuosa regulaarlendudel üheksa protsendipunkti võrra, ulatudes 38,3%-ni. Lennukite keskmine täituvus suurenes märtsis 15,9 protsendipunkti võrra, ulatudes 67,4%-ni. Kui Tallinna lennujaama reisijate arv suurenes käesoleva aasta märtsis 19,3%, siis Estonian Airi teenindatud reisijate arv kasvas mullusega võrreldes 22,3%, sealhulgas regulaarlendudel 30,4%. Tallinna lennujaam teenindas märtsis 163 732 ja Estonian Air 56 661 reisijat. Estonian Air juhatuse esimehe Tero Taskila sõnul peab Estonian Air kasvama kestlikult ja pragmaatiliselt. „Tõhusa panuse lennufirma arengusse on andnud Eesti kliendid. Suuri ja kalleid kampaaniad reisijate arvu suurendamiseks me ei ole teinud, küll aga tihendanud lennugraafikut, avanud uusi sihtkohti ja vaadanud üle piletite hinnastamise põhimõtted,“ sõnas Taskila.

Trondheimi liinil hakatakse koodi jagama SAS-iga Alates 2. maist lendab Estonian Air Trondheimi koodijagamise n  alusel koostöös lennufirmaga SAS. „Tänu koodijagamisele saavad inimesed meie lendudele pileteid osta ka SAS-i kodulehe kaudu,“ ütles Estonian Airi kommertsdirektor Rauno Parras. „Norralased kasutavad seda nii Tallinna tulemiseks kui ka Tallinna kaudu edasi lendamiseks meie teistesse sihtkohtadesse, näiteks Helsingisse, Moskvasse ja Hannoveri,“ lisas Parras.


30% within the first quarter. For the first time more tickets have been purchased from abroad than from Estonia. Most of the tickets are purchased from Russia, Finland and Scandinavian countries. Most popular destinations bought from abroad are Moscow, Amsterdam, St. Petersburg and Vienna. „Transit traffic shows strong growth trend which means that our new business strategy is working,“ said Enn Lamp, the Head of Sales Department at Estonian Air. Estonian Air puts considerable emphasis on the foreign markets. The airline added also Finnish and Swedish languages to its homepage next to Estonian, English and Russian. German is expected to be added next.

Estonian Air driving the growth in Tallinn Airport For the first time over the past four years, the number of Eston  nian Air passengers grew faster than the number of passengers served by Tallinn Airport. The market share of Estonian Air in regular flights increased by 9% in Tallinn Airport, reaching up to 28.3%. In March the average load factor rose by 15.9 percentage points up to 67.4%. The total number of Estonian Air passengers increased 22.3%, Tallinn Airport passenger number increased by 19.3%. The number of passengers on Estonian Air regular flights increased 30.4%. The overall number of passengers served by Tallinn Airport in March was 163 732 and by Estonian Air 56 661. According to Tero Taskila, the CEO of Estonian Air, the airline must grow in a sustainable and pragmatic manner. „Estonian customers have greatly contributed to the development of Estonian Air. We have not done big nor expensive campaigns to grow our passenger numbers, however we have increased the flight frequencies, opened new destinations and reviewed our pricing policy,“ said Taskila.

Code-sharing with SAS on Trondheim route From May 2, Estonian Air shares code in partnership with Scann  dinavian Airlines on Trondheim route. “Thanks to code-sharing people can now purchase our flight tickets through SAS website,“ said Rauno Parras, CCO of Estonian Air. “Possibility to buy flight tickets through SAS website will definitely increase interest in Tallinn and Estonia. Hopefully this will lead to many more Norwegians entering into Tallinn Airport,” said Katrin Luhaäär, SAS District Manager in Estonia and Latvia. “We see that Norwegians use both point-to-point flights as well as connecting flights via Tallinn, for example to Helsinki, Moscow and Hannover,“ said Parras.

Tallinna-Pariisi liin aastaringseks

Tallinn-Paris route will be served all year round

Estonian Air hakkab Tallinna-Pariisi liinil lendama aastaringselt, n

Estonian Air starts to fly from Tallinn to Paris all year round by n

kuus korda nädalas. Praegu lendab Estonian Air Tallinna-Pariisi liinil kolm korda nädalas teisipäeviti, neljapäeviti ja pühapäeviti. Alates 4. juunist teeb Estonian Air kuus lendu nädalas, lisades graafikusse esmaspäevased, kolmapäevased ja reedesed lennud.

serving the route six times a week. Estonian Air flies currently between Tallinn and Paris three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Starting from 4 June, Estonian Air makes six flights a week by adding Monday, Wednesday and Friday flights to the schedule.

in time May / June 2012

Routes Europe 2012 Euroopa lendab Tallinna

Europe flies to Tallinn

20.-22. maini kogunevad Euroopa lennufirmade ja –jaamade esindajad Tallinna, kus toimub Euroopa lennunduse aasta suursündmus, lennundusfoorum Routes Europe, mis toob Tallinna ligi 800 Euroopa lennundusäri tipptegijat. Routes Europe on Euroopa lennutranspordi arendajate iga-aastane kohtumine, kus arutatakse uute lennuliinide avamise võimalusi. Workshop-stiilis toimuvatel läbirääkimistel osalevad peaasjalikult lennufirmades/lennujaamades lennunduse- ning lennuvõrgustiku arendamisega tegelevad inimesed. “Seda võib võrrelda kiirkohtamisega, kus igal lennufirmal on oma laud ning lennujaamad käivad lauast lauda lennufirmadega vestlemas, kusjuures ühe kohtumise aeg on 20 minutit,” selgitas Tallinna Lennujaama AS juhatuse liige Erik Sakkov. “See on suurepärane ning väga efektiivne võimalus kontaktide ja ideede vahetamiseks, teades, et oled pääsenud õige inimese jutule,” lisas ta. Lennufirmad ei ava uusi liine mitte lennujaama, vaid sihtkoha pärast ja ligi saja lennufirma toomine meie pealinna on ainulaadne võimalus tutvustada Tallinna ja Eestit kui uut potentsiaalset sihtkohta nende lennuvõrgustikus. Foorum annab läbilõike Eesti mitmekihilisest kultuurist ning Eestist kui suurepärasest äri- ning puhkusekohast. Ürituse oodatuim õhtu on ehk esmaspäev, kui Lauluväljakul toimuval galal astub üles mitme tuhande lauljaga ühendkoor. Tallinna Lennujaam korraldab Routes Europe 2012 foorumit koostöös majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, EAS-i, Tallinna linna, Lennuliiklusteeninduse, Hansabussi, Saku, Liviko, Põltsamaa Felixi, Eesti Kooriühingu, Air Maintenance Estonia, Kalevi ja Estonian Airiga.

The representatives of European airlines and airports meet in Tallinn on May 20-22 at Routes Europe 2012. Main organiser of this event is UBM Aviation – Routes and 800 delegates are expected to participate. Routes Europe is the annual meeting of European air transport developers where the main talking point is opening new routes, but also workshops are held for route planners of air companies and airports. “You could compare the event with speed dating. Every airline has its table and airports go around them. Every meeting lasts about 20 minutes,” said Erik Sakkov, member of the board of Tallinn Airport. “It is an excellent and a very efficient way to exchange contacts and ideas knowing you are talking to the right person,” he added. Airlines do not open new routes because of airports but because of destinations. Uniting almost a hundred airlines to the Estonian capital is a unique opportunity to introduce Tallinn and Estonia as a potential destination on their flight map. The forum gives an overview of Estonian culture and shows Estonia as an excellent business and holiday spot. Surely, the most anticipated evening is networking evening evening, when several thousand singers will perform at evening at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. The forum will be hosted by Tallinn Airport together with their partners from the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Enterprise Estonia, Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau, Estonian Air Navigation Services, Hansabuss, Saku, Liviko, Põltsamaa Felix, Estonian Choral Association, Air Maintenance Estonia, Kalev and Estonian Air.

May / June 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi ja Vilniusse. Estonian Air avas 2012. aasta kevadest lennuliinid uutesse n  sihtkohtadesse: Helsingi, Riia, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Viin, Veneetsia, Joensuu, Kajaani ja Thbilisi. Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Kuressaarde ja Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJ-900 n  NextGen ja SAAB 340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalun  kaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, Kuressaare, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Trondheim and Vilnius. In spring 2012 Estonian Air opened new destinations to Helsinki, n  Riga, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Vienna, Venice, Joensuu, Kajaani and Tbilisi. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJn  900 NextGen and SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

in time May / June 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

must be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n  liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get n

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue n

information about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta sõltumata vanusest. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt: collecting-eurobonus-points/

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitan  da, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiarein  siks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! Broneeringut EuroBonuse punktide eest on võimalik teha SAS EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

May / June 2012 in time

EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online loyalty. Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. EuroBonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Collect points afterwards If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can n  still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any n  Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi) / Flights to and from Tallinn

Eco pilet (hinnaklassid Eco pilet (hinnaklassid L,K,U, Flex Eco pilet (hinnaklassid Y, S ja B) / Flexible W,Q,H,E ja M) / Economy A,G,T, V ja Z) / Discount economy class tickets class tickets (Fare classes fare tickets (Fare (Fare classes Y,S,B) L,K,U,W,Q,H,E,M) classes A,G,T, V, Z)

Kuressaare, Vilnius, St. Petersburg, Riga Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Trondheim, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Kajaani Amsterdam, Kiev, Brussels, Paris, London, Moscow, Hannover, Vienna

Business-pilet (hinnaklassid C, D ja J) / Business class tickets (Fare classes C,D,J)













Barcelona, Nice, Tbilisi, Venice










Lennud algusega Kuressaarest (ja vastupidi) / Flights to and from Kuressaare Tallinn











Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad n

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New n

kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile n  paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Flexible conditions Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the deparn  ture time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage n

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex n  Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne, tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv


allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Program Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport fees and services.

in time May / June 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n  look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n  flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet /Find the right ticket

Hinna komponendid

Flex ECO


Fare components

Pileti tagastamine


Pileti muutmine EuroBonuse punktid


75 EUR + hinnaklassi vahe 75 EUR + Fare difference

Hinnaklassi vahe Fare difference

Hinnaklassi vahe Fare difference





EuroBonus points

Istekoha ettetellimine

Advanced seat reservation

Äriklassi check-in

Business Class check in

Äriklassi ootesaal

Lounge access

Fast Track valitud lennujaamades

Fast Track security in selected airports


Cabin baggage

Äraantav pagas Pagasi lisaühik

40 EUR

1 ühik / 1 piece

2 ühikut / 2 pieces

2 ühikut / 2 pieces

Checked baggage

40 EUR

40 EUR

40 EUR

Additional baggage



Varasele ostjale mõeldud ECO piletihinnad algavad 39.90 eurost / ECO ticket prices for early buyers start from 39.90 € LIGHT-pileti hind algab 29.90 eurost / LIGHT ticket prices start from 29.90 €

May / June 2012 in time


enne lendu / before the flight Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

EEstonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time May / June 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt amet-likult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

May / June 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


lennu ajal / during the flight



On-board service

Tere tulemast meie lennule! Estonian Airi lendudel on kaks n

Welcome on board! Estonian Air has two on-board service classn

teenindusklassi – Premium ja Travel. Estonian Airi reisijaid toitlustab Airo Catering Services Eesti, mis kuulub LSG Sky Chefsi kontserni.

es, Premium and Travel. Catering for Estonian Air flights is provided by Airo Catering Services Estonia, which belongs to LSG Sky Chefs.


Premium Class

Premium-klassi salongis pakutakse kõigile reisijatele regulaarn

All passengers in the Premium Class cabin may enjoy breakfast, n

lendudel külma või sooja einet sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Eritoitu soovivad reisijad saavad selle tellida vähemalt 24 tundi enne väljalendu Estonian Airi klienditeeninduse või oma reisibüroo kaudu. Paindliku turistiklassipiletiga reisijatel on paindlikud pileti lennukuupäeva ja reisija nime vahetamise ning pileti tagastamise õigused, võimalus end lennule registreerida äriklassi check-in-lauas ja 23 kg asemel tasuta kaasa võtta 46 kg äraantavat pagasit.

lunch or dinner and beverages on all our scheduled flights. Menu types are planned according to the flight time and departure. A special meal can be ordered at least 24 h before scheduled departure via Estonian Air Customer Service or your travel agency. Flexible Economy passengers enjoy flexible conditions for change of name and flight date and ticket refund; they are entitled to use the Business Class check-in counters, and their free registered baggage allowance is 46 kg.


Travel Class

Travel-klassi salongis pakutakse väikest suupistet (välja arvatud n

Passengers in the Travel Class cabin will be served a small snack n

alla ühetunnistel lendudel) ja karastusjooke sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Samuti pakume võimalust osta lisaks suupisteid ja alkohoolseid jooke. Maksta saab sularahas ning krediitkaardiga (MasterCard, Visa).

(except on flights that last less than 1 h) and soft drinks according to the flight time and departure. Alcoholic beverages and additional snacks can be bought from the mini-bar. Payment is accepted in cash (EUR) or credit card (MasterCard, Visa).

Lenda soodsalt

Best prices

Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n

Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn

võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg) ning suupisteid ja jooke pardal.

chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros, complimentary on-board service is included.

in time May / June 2012

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Pardal suitsetada ei tohi

Smoking is not allowed

Kõik Estonian Airi lennud, kaasa arvatud tellimusreisid, on suitn

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted on n

suvabad. Keelatud on ka e-sigaretid ja lennuki tualettides suitsetamine.

any Estonian Air flight, including charter flights. Smoking is also forbidden in the lavatories of the aircraft.

Elektroonilised seadmed olgu välja lülitatud

Electronic equipment

Elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või -vasn

Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or ren

tuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi tööd ja sellepärast on nende kasutamine lennu ajal keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki õhkutõusul ja maandumisel. Mobiiltelefonid peavad olema välja lülitatud kogu lennukis viibimise aja jooksul. Palume järgida salongipersonali juhiseid.

ceiver may interfere with the aircraft’s navigation system and may therefore not be used during the flight. The use of other electronic equipment is restricted on takeoff and landing. Mobile phones must be turned off during the entire stay on board. If you are in doubt, please keep the devices switched off as they may interfere with the aircraft systems.


Additional services

Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe van

In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n

liku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.

May / June 2012 in time


lennujaamade info / airport information



Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.


Estonian Air flights depart from Hall A. n  To town: 20 minutes by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.


To town: 10 km, bus, train, taxi. n


To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n

JYVÄSKYLÄ AIRPORT To town: 20 km, bus, taxi. n


Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.


To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal F. To town: 35 km to the city centre, bus, taxi.

KURESSAARE AIRPORT To town: 3 km, bus, taxi. n


Estonian Air flights depart from South n  Terminal. To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station every 15 min, buses to city centre and airports, taxi.

MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. n  To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.


Estonian Air flights depart from the main n  terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 1. To town: 25 km, train, bus, taxi.

RIGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n

ST PETERSBURG PULKOVO Estonian Air flights depart from n

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

in time May / June 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tbilisi

St Petersburg








To town: 5 km, bus 90K, taxi. n

To town: 35 km, bus, train, taxi. n

To town: 11 km, bus, taxi. n

To town: 20 km, bus, taxi. n

To town: 20 km, train, bus nr 37. n


VIENNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, bus, train, taxi. n


To town: 6 km, bus, taxi. n

To town: 20 km, boat, bus, taxi. n

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

May / June 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time May / June 2012

sihtkohad / route map Nice – seasonal route: from May 5 until September 29 (2012) Venice – seasonal route: from June 9 until September 1 (2012)

May / June 2012 in time


kontakt / contact



Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter

Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail


In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 â‚Ź + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)


LOST & FOUND BAGGAGE Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


ESTONIAN AIR CORPORATE SERVICE Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

ESTONIAN AIR CARGO SERVICE The geographical position of Estonia favours transit between east and west. Through co-operation between Estonian Air and other international airlines we can offer our clients transport of goods all over the world. Online booking system allows airfreight agents to check aircraft capacity and to book space on our flights. Access to the system is for registered airfreight agents only. Phone +372 6401 205 Fax +372 6401 206 E-mail

Lennujaama tee 2, Tallinn Phone +372 6 401 233


in time May / June 2012

Big Bang Gold White Baguette. 18K red gold and white ceramic chronograph, adorned with 48 diamonds baguettes. White rubber strap.

Suur-Karja 9 • Tallinn • 10140 Estonia 641 9333 • •

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