In Time, November 2012

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inflight magazine November 2012

Kiev – a city of myths and power Secrets of Estonian sauna Travel back in time in Rakvere Fashion that is not for ladies Become a pilot

toomas uibo

a pilot who sings and makes snowploughs 2012/13

your complimentary copy


Suur-Karja 9, Tallinn 10140, Estonia Tel: +372 641 9333 - -

tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

Leidke aega rõõmu jagamiseks Find a way to spread joy

November 2012


Aasta lõpp läheneb ja valmistumine pühadehooajaks kogub hoogu. Tarbijate ja tootjate initsiatiivil algab jõulupakkumiste ja -ostude hooaeg tunduvalt varem kui möödunud aastatel. Jõuludeks valmistumine on muutumas omaette ettevõtmiseks: jõuluturud ja turism jõuluostude tegemiseks pakuvad samavõrra põnevust kui hõõgveini nautimine või kinkide ostmine. Estonian Air ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus (EAS) ühendasid jõud, et tutvustada Eestit ja selle pealinna kui ideaalset kohta jõulupuhkuse veetmiseks, poodlemiseks ning hea toidu nautimiseks. Meie talvine lennugraafik muudab ligipääsu Tallinna ja Eestisse mugavamaks kui eales varem. Jõulude lähenedes on oluline meeles pidada abivajavaid inimesi. Üks moodus pühadetervituste edastamiseks ja abivajajate meelespidamiseks on kingile kuluva raha annetamine. Teine võimalus on annetada oma vaba aega, lüües kaasa vabatahtlikuna mõnes heategevusorganisatsioonis. Selle kuu numbris saate lugeda Eesti Toidupanga tegevusest ja kaaluda võimalikku liitumist meie ettevõtte meeskonnaga, kes toetavad seda organisatsiooni oma vabast ajast puuduse all kannatavatele inimestele toiduainete kogumise või toidupakkide komplekteerimisega.

With the end of the year approaching it is time to prepare for winter holiday season. As a result of consumer and brand initiatives, the season of Christmas sales starts sooner this year. The act of Christmas shopping is becoming an event in itself – Christmas markets and Christmas shopping tourism, for instance, are as much about enjoying the atmosphere and things like mulled wine as about buying gifts. Estonian Air and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) have teamed up to promote Tallinn and Estonia as a perfect place to spend your Christmas holiday, shop and enjoy good food. With our new winter schedule, Tallinn and Estonia are more accessible than ever. The coming season is also an important time to remember those in need. One way to do that spread holiday cheer could be donating the amount of money you would have spent on a gift to charity. Another thing you can donate is your time. In this issue you can read about The Estonian Food Bank and perhaps consider joining our team who are supporting the organisation as volunteers work hours either collecting food or assembling food packages for people living in poverty.

Soovin teile stressivaba ettevalmistust lähenevaks hooajaks ja loodan, et oskame ja tahame rõõmu valmistada nii endale kui ka teistele.

I wish you a stress-free preparation for the coming season and hope we can find ways of spreading joy as much receiving it ourselves.

Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 6401 101 Tootja: RKontor

Trükikoda: AS Pajo Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air,

Reklaam: Nordicom Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Toomas Uibo Fotograaf / Photographer: Priit Simson

in time November 2012

Marine Chronometer Manufacture Manufacture chronometer movement with Silicium technology. Self-winding. Water-resistant to 200 m. 18 ct rose gold case. Available also on rubber strap or gold bracelet. Limited Edition to 350 pieces. W W W . U LY S S E - N A R D I N . C O M

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - Ta l l i n n 1 0 1 4 0 - E s t o n i a Te l . + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

Priit Hõbemägi kolumnist

Kuidas leida õiget teed? Igapäevaelus oleme harjunud, et moodne tehnoloogia aitab meid igal hetkel hädast välja. Kui otsime õiget teed, siis aitavad meid nutitelefoni kaardirakendused, kompass ja GPS. Kuid üksinda metsikus looduses jääme hätta ega suuda ilma Päikeseta orienteeruda. Ka esimesed aeronaudid juhindusid visuaalsest vaatlusest ja lendasid maastikku jälgides. Aga kuidas oskavad linnud oma teekonda määrata ning lennata kogu aeg valitud suunas? On linde, kes lendavad lühemaid vahemaid ja sedagi päeval. Neile on Päike ning maapealsed märgid võimalikuks orientiiriks. Kuid on ka linde, kes lendavad nädalapäevad ilma peatuseta kümne tuhande kilomeetri kaugusele. Kirjatuvid on jälle tuntud võime poolest leida oma kodu üles sadade kilomeetrite tagant. Tõenäoliselt on välja arenenud mitu erinevat meetodit. Juba mõnda aega teatakse, et linnud suudavad kuidagi Maa magnetvälja järgi orienteeruda. Teadlased avastasid lindude silmas närvirakke, mis on magnetvälja suuna suhtes tundlikud. Rakud on omakorda seotud nägemisega. Teadlased arvavad, et magnetväli paistab lindudele mingi eristuva laiguna muu maastiku taustal. Aga äkki on neil ülihea nina? Tuvide ülemises nokaosas avastati raudoksiidi kristallid, mis paik8

nevad seal kolmemõõtmelise mustrina. See võib olla “linnukompass”, mis aitab magnetvälja tajumise kaudu asupaika määrata.

On teadlasi, kelle arvates suudavad linnud

ennast nii põhja-lõuna kui ka ida-lääne teljel paika panna. Ja on neid, kes usuvad, et saladuse võtmeks on hoopis haistmismeel. Tuvid kasvavad üles ju oma kodukoha lõhnade keskel. Katsed on näidanud, et kirjatuvid, kellelt oli võetud võime tunda lõhna, pöördusid väga harva oma kodukohta tagasi. Kuid ikkagi pole lindude orienteerimisvõime saladus veel lahendatud. Kliima- või keskkonnamuutused mõjutavad lindude rännet. Seda võib teha kliimasoojenemine, aga ka lindude rändeteele ehitatud tuulepargid. Kui ränded muutuvad või vähenevad, siis võib muutuda vaesemaks ka looduskeskkond. Näiteks Eestis on linnud väga olulised putukate ja kahjurite hävitajad.

Kuidas on lindude ränne seotud lennundu-

sega? Võib öelda, et sama tähtis kui rändetingimuste säilitamine lindudele, on ka sihtkohtade arv lennufirmale. Mida enam linnu, kuhu otse kodukohast lennata saame, seda mitmekesisem ja värvikam on meie elu, seda paremad on meie võimalused suhelda teiste maadega, seda rikkalikum on kultuurielu ja ärimaailm.

in time November 2012


How to find the right way? Priit Hõbemägi columnist

We are increasingly relying on modern

technology to help us out of trouble. When we get lost, we can use smartphone maps, navigation software, a compass or GPS. But in the wilderness this may not be enough. Even the first aviators navigated visually, by looking at the terrain. But how do birds choose their flight path and don’t get lost on their way to destination? Birds that fly shorter distances and only at daylight are apparently navigating visually by the sun. But there are birds that fly ten thousand kilometers for weeks without breaks. Carrier pigeons, for instance, can return home hundreds of kilometers away.

There are probably several answers to

that question. For instance, when studying bird navigation and the Earth’s magnetic field, researchers found that birds’ eyes contain nerve cells that are sensitive to the magnetic field. These cells are linked to vision. According to scientists, birds may actually see the magnetic field. Perhaps pigeons have a really good nose? The upper part of the doves’ beak actually contains iron oxide crystals that are located in 3D pattern. This could be kind of a compass that helps birds


navigate with the help of the magnetic field. There are also scientists who believe that birds can accurately position themselves on NS and EW axis. Others believe that the key is the birds’ sense of smell. Pigeons use familiar home smells to navigate and tests have shown that without a sense of smell, carrier pigeons almost never find their way home. Regardless of all these theories, the secret of how birds navigate remains a mystery. Bird migration is being affected by changes in the climate and the environment. In addition to global warming, another major risk are wind farms that intercept birds’ migratory paths. When birds are forced to change their migratory habits, it will have an impact on the wildlife. In Estonia, birds play a very important role in reducing the number of insects and pests.

How is bird migration linked to aviation? Well, one can say that for airlines their network of destinations is as important as migratory paths are for birds. The more there are direct routes to cities, the more diversified and colourful is our life, the better are possibilities to communicate across borders and the richer is our culture and business. in time November 2012

coming up estonia Valga 22nd Art Month November 1–30, Valga n  In the course of a month, numerous art exhibits, workshops, meetings with interesting people, concerts and performances will be held all over the town of Valga. As a traditional part of the Art Month, the artists' joint exhibition will be organized.

Tartu Jazz and Rhythm Music Festival "IDeeJazz" November 1–3, Tartu n  IDeeJazz features music with Estonian identity and originates from 100 year-old jazz tradition values. The IDeeJazz Festival brings together the best and the freshest of Estonian jazz and rhythm music. One of the aims of the festival is to provide young talented jazz musicians in Tartu the chance to present their music to a wider audience.

choreographers of Pärnu County.

12th Youth And Children Film Festival “Just Film” November n

The Drum Festival comprises the world music, classical and jazz music day. The World Day features different percussion cultures in the world and a joint improv session at the end of the concert.

15–25 The Youth and Children Film Festival is the only Estonian film festival aimed at children and young people. The children's film program includes children films from all over the world.

16th St Martin's Day Fair

Tiit Pääsuke. “Disquiet”

November 8–11, n

November 17–January 4, n

Tallinn, Saku Great Hall The St Martin's Day Fair is a song festival of Estonian handicraft, featuring best Estonian handcrafted products. Workshops and master classes will be held.

Jõgeva, Betti Alver Museum, Jaama 3B Exhibition of paintings by Tiit Pääsuke (born in 1941). Tiit Pääsuke was born in Põltsamaa, Estonia. From 1957 to 1962 he studied at Tartu Art School and from 1962–1963 and 1966– 1971 at the Estonian State Art Institute. Pääsuke taught drawing and painting at the Art Institute from 1971 and worked as professor at Rovaniemi Art School ROTKO and Lapland University from 1992–1994. Since 1992 Tiit Pääsuke has been a professor at the Estonian Art Academy. Ene Lamp: “In his earlier works, Pääsuke developed an idiosyncratic style based on hyperrealism, connecting the meticulous technical approach characteristic of classical style with the expressiveness of the colours and facture inherent in abstractionism.”

2 World Drum Festival "The World Drum" Tallinn nd

November 8–10, Tallinn n

16th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival November 12–28 n

November Dance Festival 2012 November 9–12, Pärnu, n  Endla Theatre, Keskväljak 1 The November Dance Festival will be held in Pärnu for the seventh year. Featuring the best productions of 2012. The festival will also focus on the young dancers and


Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival is a unique event combining a feature film festival with the sub-festivals of animated films, student films and children/youth films. The festival aims to present Estonian audiences a comprehensive selection of world cinema in all its diversity with the emphasis on European films, providing a friendly atmosphere for interaction between the audience, Estonian filmmakers and their colleagues from abroad.

6th Tallinn Applied Art Triennial November 23–March 3, Tallinn n  The goal of the Tallinn Applied Art Triennial is to offer a new, topical and unexpected focus, which will serve to help examine

in time November 2012

coming up contemporary applied art and design practices on as broad a scale as possible. As an international art event, the Triennial enlivens and refreshes the local art scene as well. Every triennial uses a new format and has a new theme. In addition to the main exhibition, there is a multitude of other events created in the hopes of unraveling and illustrating the theme. The Tallinn Applied Art Triennial started in 1979, when the tradition of essential united Baltic Applied Art Triennials began in the closed society of the time. Since 1997 the triennial has been an international open forum for applied art and design.

Daniel – meet up to perform songs born during Tätte's long sea voyage as well as old songs. The benefits from the charity concert go to support the school kids' development fund run by the Tartu Cultural Endowment. The aim of the fund is to support young people, aged 7 to 24, in their pursuit of knowledge, skills and moral values, and also help them to further their studies in Estonia and abroad. The grants have been given since 2006 to altogether 47 people.

Tallinn Black Night Industry Days

December 8, Rakvere, n

November 26–27, Tallinn, n  Nordic Forum Hotel & Spa Tallinn Black Night Industry Days returns with even more emphasized focus on Asian-European-US networking, featuring inspiring and real life based sessions and an international producer matching program.

Festival Darkland Fire III Rakvere Community Centre, Kreutzwaldi 2 Dear neofolk, dark folk and industrial music lovers! You are cordially invited to get excited by the music of selected artists at the Darkland Fire Festival. Appearing at this year’s festival: Parzival, H.E.R.R., Die Weisse Rose, Kentin.

12th International Street Dance Festival – Battle of Est / BOE 12 December 8, Tartu, n

Jaan Tätte Photo: Siim Vahur

Charity concert by Jaan Tätte and Udupasun December 7, Tartu St Peter's Church, n  Narva mnt 104 Jaan Tätte and the band Udupasun – Cätlin Jaago, Silver Sepp, Marti Tärn and Paul

November 2012 in time

Vanemuine Concert Hall, Vanemuise 6 Battle of EST / BOE 2012 is an international top event of hip-hop culture featuring break and hip-hop dance which will bring to Estonia dancers from more than 20 countries. In addition to crew battles, the show-competition boasts also popping and hip-hop new style categories and b-boy 1 vs 1 – the contestants come from the 12 VIP crews and from among Red Bull team members. BOE has become one of the biggest street dance festivals in all of Northern-Europe. After ten years BOE has grown to be a small festival with workshops and a two days event in Tallinn and Tartu.

Exhibition „Buying Fever: Consumer Culture in 1990s-2000s Estonia" February 17–December 31, n  Estonian National Museum – Exhibit House, Tartu Kuperjanovi 9 Why do we acquire, obtain and procure things? How have these things changed over 20 years? What do our ways of consuming things say about us? How does the media cover consumer spending? What becomes of things when we no longer need them? Consumer spending is such an everyday phenomenon that it sometimes seems hard to notice. And yet our consumer preferences have undergone a great change in just the last few decades, when Estonia went from a deficit-based economy to an age of abundance and shopping “rallies” that incite us to spend and spend. At the exhibition, you find objects procured, obtained, even – one might say – hoarded in the 1990s, showing what we were surrounded by in the last 10 years of the last millennium. Along with the exhibition, a laboratory also opens. The laboratory is an environment that is never finished: some of the elements in the hall do not work or change significantly during the exhibition. At times, a team of designers, curators or educators will be on hand in the hall. Visitors will thus also be able to take part in the process of designing the exhibition, which ordinarily takes place behind closed doors that are opened only when the exhibition is “finished”.

Exhibition "From Visa Queue to Common Currency. Single Market 20" October 7–December 31, n  Tallink, ferry Superstar The Estonian Representation of European Commission and the Estonian Museum of History have put together an exhibition, "From Visa Queue to Common Currency. Single Market 20" that is being displayed aboard the Superstar Ferry travelling between Estonia and Finland. The European single market reaches its 20th anniversary this year, and the exhibition aboard the Superstar Ferry focuses on the relations between Estonia and Finland – how much has changed in these countries in the two decades.


coming up europe

most luxurious products available, from hand-made shoes and jewellery to cars and swimming pools.

Amsterdam Amsterdam Sinterklaas Procession November 18 n  Every year, Holland's version of Santa Claus – Sinterklaas – arrives in Amsterdam on a steamer from his residence in Madrid. After a welcome reception, he parades through the city accompanied by festive floats, bands and hundreds of helpers. Sinterklaas arrives by boat on the Amstel via the Berlagebrug, the Nieuwe Herengracht and the Schippersgracht, and finishes his tour at the Scheepvaartmuseum around midday. The parade starts from there around half an hour later, heading to the Prins Hendrikkade, Damrak and on to the Vijzelstraat and the Weteringcircuit, finally arriving at the Leidseplein at about 2.30pm, where he addresses the children from the balcony of the Stadsschouwburg. Sinterklaas is a different character from his equivalents in England and the US. For a start, he lives in Spain; reasons for this are unclear, but it might have something to do with Spanish domination of the Low Countries in the past.

coffeeshops get an opportunity to show off their wares as they compete in categories such as best marijuana, hashish, seed store and best hemp products. Visitors can see new hemp fashions and sample food from hemp burgers to cheese. Smoking paraphernalia of all descriptions is on sale. There's hemp jewellery, hemp oils and cosmetics and hemp hats – you name it, they make it from hemp.

pAn Amsterdam November 18–25, 22 Europaplein n

The Cannabis Cup November 18-22 n  Amsterdam is famous for its canals, its red light district and its coffeeshops, where one can buy and smoke cannabis! During The Cannabis Cup, which takes place annually in the city, all things marijuana-related are celebrated. Holland's liberal attitude towards soft drugs attracts people from all over the world, who feel that this is a place where they have a more relaxed kind of life, even if it's just for a weekend. Thousands of visitors to this beautiful city make a beeline for one of its 400 coffeeshops in order to legally purchase and smoke marijuana.
In celebration of cannabis and all its related businesses, High Times magazine holds The Cannabis Cup. During the event the


The leading national art and antiques fair in the Low Countries, pAn Amsterdam proffers valuable art and antiques for inspection and purchase at the Amsterdam RAI. Dealers present an impressive variety of objects ranging from classical antiquity to modern art. From fine 17th-century furniture and exquisite Old Master paintings to vintage design by top 20th-century designers, contemporary installations, ceramics and jewellery, there is an incredible diversity of exhibits on offer. Strict vetting guarantees quality at all prices from substantial investments to modest purchases.

Brussels ArtisanArt November 9-11 n  Held at Brussels' Tour & Taxis, ArtisanArt showcases the work of male and female artisans. From chocolatiers to jewellery makers, the fair provides the opportunity to purchase well crafted one-offs, handmade objects or to learn more about these timeless professions.

Brussels Innova Fair November 15-17, 1 Place de Belgique n  Brussels Innova Fair appeals to the mad professor within us all. It brings together participants from around the world and showcases thousands of innovations and inventions. Renowned researchers, inventors and all kinds of experts attend each year.

Cocoon November 17-25, 1 Place de Belgique n

Millionaire Fair Amsterdam December 6-10, 22 Europaplein n  Join the wealthy and the successful at the Millionaire Fair Amsterdam held at the Amsterdam RAI. Sip champagne and enjoy exquisite nibbles as you browse the

in time November 2012

coming up Discover the latest trends in interior decoration and cutting-edge Belgian and international design at Brussels Expo's Cocoon fair. The venue is divided into various zones and displays everything from coffee machines to massaging armchairs, outsized American fridges and fabrics.

are concerts, pantomimes and ballet for the family, which in 2012 includes a new production of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker (22 November to 22 December). The numerous Yuletide events held should get any Scrooge into the festive spirit.

Copenhagen Flea Market

Helsinki Christmas Lights and Parade on Aleksanterinkatu

November 10–11, 5 Center Boulevard n

November 25 n

Copenhagen's Bella Centre attracts bargain hunters from all over the country for this annual flea market, the largest in Scandinavia. Visitors can browse through second-hand books, suits, designer vintage clothing, furniture, ceramics and much more.

Aleksanterinkatu, Helsinki's official Christmas street, is declared "open" in a ceremony at the Senate Square, illuminating the dark winter evenings with festive lights. The official opening ceremony is followed by a cheery parade that travels through the centre of town.

Ladies' Christmas Market December 5–9, n  3–5 Pikku Satamakatu This Christmas market at Helsinki's Wanha Satama (Old Port) sells new and unique Finnish products made by women. Indulge in hand-made jewellery, carpets, ceramics, leather and woodwork. Stock up on baked goods and Christmas treats, decorations and a whole lot more.

London London to Brighton Veteran Car Run November 4 n  The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run sets off from Hyde Park Corner. Spectators line the entire 64 miles of the road from London to Brighton to watch the glorious parade of elegant vehicles. The event commemorates a milestone in motoring history. The 1896 Emancipation Run allowed drivers to increase in speed from 6.4 km/h to 22.5 km/h, without a man preceding the car on foot holding a red flag.

In order to participate, there is a general rule that cars must be of four or three-wheel design and built before 1 January 1905. Spectators can admire the vehicles during a special International Concours in Regent Street on Saturday, before the run itself on Sunday.

Tivoli Christmas Season November 16–December 30, n  3 Vesterbrogade Copenhagen knows how to celebrate the Christmas season in style. Each year during the Tivoli Christmas Season, its most treasured attraction, Tivoli Gardens, is transformed into a winter wonderland with thousands of twinkling lights, and edible festive treats on sale. Try the delicious hot glögg (mulled wine spiced with raisins and almonds) on sale during Copenhagen's Tivoli Christmas Season. While some may want to be attentive to Santa and his helpers, others can brave ice-skating at Tivoli Lake under the stars, or take a stroll around the market, where traditional Danish Christmas produce is on sale. For an extra dollop of festive fun there

November 2012 in time

Lord Mayor's Fireworks Display November 10 n

Jyväskylä International Dog Show November 10–11, n  Jyväskylä Paviljonki, International Congress and Trade Fair Centre This is a huge dog weekend. Jyväskylä International Dog Show provides fun for the active sports enthusiast as well as to the public.

Brave men pile a large amount of explosives onto barges on the River Thames for the Lord Mayor's Fireworks Display. Held between Waterloo and Blackfriars Bridges, it's close to the Houses of Parliament, where Guy Fawkes attempted to change history... Head for the river early on and get yourself a good vantage point from the Embankment, Gabriels Wharf, Blackfriars or Waterloo Bridge.


coming up Wimbledon International Music Festival November 10–25, n  Spencer Hill, Wimbledon Masterminded by Anthony Wilkinson, Wimbledon Music Festival brings top international artists to south-west London around St Cecilia's Day (22nd). First held in 2009, it fills St John the Baptist Church, Wimbledon Synagogue and other venues and churches with great music.

International Exhibition Centre, the event includes useful master classes, professional presentations and plenty of wine varietals to taste.

December 1 n  In a classic example of English eccentricity, runners in fancy dress take part in the Great Christmas Pudding Race around Covent Garden's West Piazza. Teams negotiate a challenging obstacle course while carefully balancing a Christmas pudding on a tray.

Moscow Russian Wine Festival November 20–22, n  MKAD Ring Road, Crocus City Raise your glass to exceptional produce from around the world at the Russian Wine Festival. Held at Moscow's Crocus Expo


Since 1972, the Paris Autumn Festival or „Festival de l'Automne” has brought in the post-summer season with a bang by highlighting some of the most compelling works in contemporary visual art, music, cinema, theater, and other forms.

November 16–25 n  The annual Orchestres en Fête classical music festival is nationwide, but Paris is the real center for symphonic sound. Here's your chance to hear classics and lesser-known contemporary pieces performed by orchestras in venues across the city.

November 30–December 2, n

Great Christmas Pudding Race

September 13–December 31 n

Orchestres En Fête

Designer Warehouse Womenswear Sale Thane Works, Thane Villas Those with an eye for a real fashion bargain visit the Designer Warehouse Womenswear Sale at Islington Studios. Find catwalk samples, international designers and current collections at up to 80% off original prices. Major names include Prada, Armani and Missoni.

paris The Autumn Festival

Gorlitsa Festival November 20, 57/1 Vavilova Street n  Taking place on Russia's Mothers' Day, the Gorlitsa Festival is a day of musical events in aid of women's and children's charities. Acoustic performances from female musicians take place in the intimate surroundings of the State Darwin Museum, Moscow.

Oslo Oslo World Music Festival October 29–November 4 n  Oslo World Music Festival gives you the opportunity to hear fantastic voices from all corners of the world.

This is a world music festival in the right sense of the word, with artists from all over the world, many of whom are in Oslo for the first time in their lives. The festival is held every autumn. 

300 artists from all over the world performing from 13 stages.

Paris Photo November 15–18, Grand Palais n  Paris Photo was created in 1996 and is the most prestigious art fair dedicated to historical and contemporary photography. This fair takes place annually at the Grand Palais in Paris mid-November, and for the first time will be held at the Paramount Pictures Studios in Los Angeles at the end of April 2013. Both of these fairs take place in the most extraordinary locations these cities have to offer. Each event is unique and displays a diverse collection of photography from the participating galleries. A specific program will be built around cultural events involving all major professionals within the art world, international institutions, collectors, and contributors. Enriched by the unique cultural environment of these two cities, Paris Photo offers its visitors an unsurpassed experience which brings together all the different trends in photography.

in time November 2012

coming up

St. Petersburg The Russian Style. Style of life and art Until December 31, n  The Peter and Paul Fortress, The Engineers’ House What does it mean to be Russian? This is a question that plagued philosophers throughout the ages, but particularly during the 19th Century when the Russian Empire wished to foster a renewed sense of nationalism after the centuries of 'Europeanisation' started by Peter the Great. It is around this time that ideas of 'Russian style' began to be cemented. Folk art became popular art and clothing, furniture, crockery, posters and even food that looked distinctively traditional Russian became instantly fashionable. This exhibition explores the rise of those new fashions in the 19th and 20th Century and shows how designs which we may consider to be intrinsically ancient Russian were in fact created by the best artists of the time.

of Skansen by horse-drawn carriage and proceeds to sing to the assembled crowds. In the old calendar 13 December was the longest night, and even when the Gregorian calendar was adopted, Scandanavia stuck to 13 December to remember Lucia. Probably commemorated simply because her name is close to the name of the Pagan festival, Lussinata. Lucia Day is preceded by the coronation of that year's elected Lucia of Sweden. At Skansen, there are celebrations in the Brofästet Temperance Hall with performances by Skansen's own Lucia and attendants, before the elected Lucia of Sweden and retinue arrives in horsedrawn carriages and sings at the Solliden stage.

December 13, n  49-51 Djurgårdsslätten Stockholm's Skansen open-air museum offers its own charming festivities for traditional Lucia Day. Dressed in white, a girl representing Lucia enters the grounds

November 2012 in time

Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of literature over four days at Buch Wien International Book Fair. Guest speakers and readers attend, while different sectors of the market, like speaking books, are addressed at Messe Wien. The Lesefestwoche (Reading Fair) is held before the Book Fair incorporating book presentations, readings and other events held throughout the city.

Vienna Concert by Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in Vienna November 12, Wiener Konzerthaus, n  Lothringerstraße 20 Appearing: Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir. Conductor Daniel Reuss. Programme: Tobias, Reger, Brahms, Pärt, Schnittke, Grigorjeva.

Vilnius Exhibition of Antique Cars and the Glory of Technical Sports Until January 2, 2013, n

Buch Wien – International Book Fair and Reading Fair

Stockholm Skansen Lucia Day

November 22–25, 1 Messeplatz n

The Lithuanian Exhibition and Convention Centre "Litexpo“ In Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO the first museum of Antique Cars and the Glory of Technical Sports in Lithuania is being opened. The initiator of the museum is Stasys Brundza, a car racer who possesses the most titles in this sport in the country. The collection of Cadillac cars is displayed in the first hall. This unique collection is the only one in Lithuania and the biggest in Europe. The oldest Cadillac in this exposition is produced in 1904, while the youngest dates back to 1987. In the 2nd hall there is an exhibition of more than 30 Soviet Pobedas, Zaporozhets, Moskvichs and Volgas, which were considered as very aristocratic brands during those times. All the cars in the exhibition took part in racing competitions. The oldest exhibit in the museum is Moskvich, produced in 1955. Displayed in the museum are not only carst that took part in racing, but also motorcycles, sport awards and biographies of the most famous Lithuanian racers are demonstrated.


coming up

Here we are! The First Century of Estonian Film Hundred years, really? Yes, believe it or not, but the Estonian film turned 100 this year. The world’s first films were made only a few years earlier than that, in 1895. It’s been rough going from the birth of Estonian film in 1912 when young photographer Johannes Pääsuke, using a camera he built himself, recorded Sergei Utotshkin’s flight, to the present day. Photos: Estonian History Museum, Vahur Lõhmus


History has not been kind to the Estonian film

industry. It has taken decades of Estonian diehard persistence and tenacity to build up the cultural layer of the Estonian film story that consists of loved and forgotten films, unforgettable characters, popular soundtracks and melodies, memorable quotes, stories behind films and legends. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Estonian film, the Film Museum of the Estonian History Museum has put together an exhibition that shows the story of film through the production

process and offers a glimpse behind the secrets of this exciting and mysterious world. Topics covered at the exhibition include storyboards, directing, choosing locations, sound editing, premiers, castings and feature famous film directors, samples of popular film music and other familiar items, photos as well as costumes from different films.

The name of the exhibition is bor-

rowed from one of the most popular comedy films ever made in Estonia – Here we are! (Siin

in time November 2012

coming up me oleme), produced by Eesti Telefilm in 1978. Of course, it’s not the only film featured at the exhibition that includes many legendary films and their memorable quotes. But did you know when the cinema arrived in Estonia or when the first Estonian animated film was made? You will find the answers to this and other questions at the exhibition. The Estonian History Museum has many links to the local film industry. Two museum buildings – the Great Guild Hall and Maarjamäe Palace – have served as shooting locations for several films. What is truly symbolic is the fact that the medieval Great Guild Hall itself hosted the first cinema screening that was held at the evening of October 4, 1896. Tickets cost 50 kopecks and visitors were shown a 10-minute film programme that consisted of ten short films brought from Berlin. What was the first impression of the thousands who witnessed it? Simply amazing! Estonian film itself was born in 1912 when photographer Johannes Pääsuke (1892-1917) used his apparently self-built film camera to shoot a documentary Utotchkin’s Flight in Tartu. The film itself has not been found and may have been perished. Johannes Pääsuke is also the author of Estonia’s first motion picture. After shooting tens of short films capturing different places and events in Estonia and its peoples' lives, he made his famous satirical short film Bearhunt in Pärnumaa in 1914.

independence at the beginning of 1990 its role as a setting changed drastically: instead of the West, Estonia now portrayed the Wild East. For example, the Lukas Moodysson’s gloomy Lilja 4-Ever (2002) was shot in Paldiski. Film fans also have an emotional connection to soundtracks. Did you know that the world famous Estonian composer Arvo Pärt has been writing music for Estonian animated films already since 1962? Visitors can not only listen to the most popular film music, but can add different sounds to different shots to understand how music and motion picture are linked and how they supplement each other.

Playfully minded

Exhibition „Here we are! The First Century of Estonian Film" Oktoober 19, 2012– n

Detsember 29, 2014 Maarjamäe Palace of Estonian History Museum, Pirita tee 56, Tallinn Open Wed-Sun 10–17 Mon-Tue closed

visitors can, regardless of their age, choose a certain path for going through the exhibition. It’s only at the end of the tour that it becomes clear whether the visitor has been walking in the shoes of a writer, director, artist, producer, editor or even a movie star. The exhibition „Here we are! The First Century of Estonian Film” offers all this and much more. Look, learn, get acquainted or remember, laugh or cry, but don’t forget.

The exhibition

also covers different film genres and areas. Movie stars, locations, operators – the world of film is exciting. In the Soviet times, for instance, Estonia was often used as a location for depicting the Western world. Tallinn Old Town has been one of the most favourite locations of all times. Andrei Tarkovski shot his Stalker that has become a film classic in Harjumaa. The entry to the zone was on the territory of the former Tallinn Power Plant that today houses the Tallinn Creative Hub. Estonia was also chosen as a location for the hugely popular Soviet-made movie The Hound of the Baskervilles (1981). The streets of Tallinn Old Town were turned into the streets of London, the castles of Glehn and Maarjamäe became the Baskerville Hall and local moors became the hideouts for the Hound. When Estonia regained its

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coming up

Chick Corea – full originality and unmistakeable sound Photos: Jazzkaar, Helmi Arrak

CHICK COREA TRIO n  (USA) Chick Corea, Christian McBride & Brian Blade November 14 at 19 Nokia Concert Hall


On November 14th the legendary Amer-

ican pianist and composer Chick Corea begins his European tour in Tallinn. With 50 Grammy nominations and 18 Grammy awards he is the most awarded musician ever to visit Estonia. Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin have been friends for almost quarter of a century, this summer they toured together again. "Chick is wonderful," says Bobby. "With him, I feel like I can go anywhere. I can do anything I want. Chick is right there. He's so sensitive; he's astounding, a great accompanist for me. And he's just full of levity. He can play anything and we have a ball. He lets me sit next to him on his piano stool and play. What can I say? We've known each other a long, long time. Like good friends who know when to speak and when not to, and don't have to say anything. It's like that."

"Chick Corea was one of the main reasons why I chose jazz piano in the first place,“ says Estonian jazz pianist Kristjan Randalu. „When people speak of finding one’s own sound then Chick is one of the first that comes to mind. Full originality and unmistakeable sound. By now a living legend by far who has shaped one big part of the history of jazz music." The prolific pianist Chick Corea is one of the most prominent jazz musicians of the last 50 years. During his long career he has performed and recorded with such renowned musicians as Miles Davis, Bobby McFerrin, Gary Burton, John McLaughlin, Al DiMeola, Herbie Hancock. With symphonic orchestras he has also played and recorded both Mozart and his own piano concertos. Corea’s six solo albums with ECM in 1970 – 1972 played a significant role in the company’s wider recognition. The pianist has wonderful acoustic line-ups, but his Elektric Band is also much loved. The music magazines of USA, UK and Japan have repeatedly chosen Chick Corea to be the best pianist and composer. His most known pieces „Spain“, „La Fiesta“, „Crystal Silence“ and „Windows“ have attained a status of jazz classics already during the composer’s life-time and are played at the concerts all over the world. Corea’s music has also been frequently performed by Estonian musicians Tõnu Naissoo, Lembit Saarsalu, Heidi Tamme, Sofia Rubina etc.

Chick Corea’s newest trio features a stellar rhythm tandem: bassist Christian McBride (Sting, Pat Metheny, McCoy Tyner), one of the most outstanding talents and celebrated musicians of his generation, and drummer extraordinaire Brian Blade (Herbie Hancock, Bob Dylan, Jo n i M i tch el l ) a longstanding member of the Wayne Shorter Quartet.

in time November 2012

coming up

Ten endeavors with Veljo Tormis and Indrek Vau Veljo Tormis

Indrek Vau is a chamber musician, who actively n

participates in the Estonian concert scene. His programs consists mainly of contemporary music, where the Estonian composers hold a noteworthy part. He has ordered and premiered numerous new works and recorded most of Estonian composers' trumpet works. Vau has worked with many foreign orchestras and performed as a soloist in front of orchestras with well-known conductors such as Neeme Järvi, Eri Klas, Olari Elts, Andres Mustonen, Risto Joost and others.

the melody part and make it a bit more interesting for the musician as well as for the audience,” says Tormis. The piano accompaniment is a sort of annotation for the action (‘endeavors’) found in the melody. Indrek Vau, the trumpet player, was continuously included in the process of writing the piece in order to make the music playable on the instrument and to build a connection between the piece and the musician. “Time wise, I have been working on this piece since early spring this year, yet the final score will be done just nearly before the premiere, because in each repetition we find new things to add, change and improve,” Tormis adds. Text: Paula Toomel, Marili Jõgi, Association of Estonian Professional Musicians Photo: Kaupo Kikkas

Peep Lassmann is a welln

known pianist and teacher, whose concert tours have taken him to all the parts of the former Soviet Union as well as to Finland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Cuba, Canada and to the USA. He has performed together with the most important Estonian orchestras, also with the Moscow Philharmonic orchestra and many other orchestras in Russia, Moldavia and Latvia.


On the night

of 29th November the piece “Ten endeavors with the trumpet and the piano” of one of the best known Estonian contemporary composers Veljo Tormis will be performed for the very first time. Estonia’s best musicians, trumpet player Indrek Vau and pianist Peep Lassmann will step on stage in the renaissance House of Blackheads. Veljo Tormis is one of the most loved composers in Estonia, who often uses the Estonian folk songs – the regi-songs – as an inspiration, and the influence of Estonian folk music is easily recognizable in his creation. “Ten endeavors with the trumpet and the piano” is also based on a cycle of regisongs, which consist of narrative folk songs. “Since the words have a high importance in the narrative folk songs and the melody is rather monotonous, I decided to ring the changes in

The idea to write this piece came shortly after the Estonian wind instruments and percussion competition in March 2012, when a member of the jury – Indrek Vau – heard Tormis’ trombone piece “Killing the big Ox”. After a short while he turned to Veljo Tormis with the idea to re-write the piece for the trumpet, but as a result of their discussion Tormis ended up writing a whole cycle for the instrument. Veljo Tormis ended his creative career 12 years ago and the decision to rewrite his own earlier music gives a historical coloration to the piece “Ten endeavors with the trumpet and the piano”. Vau and Lassmann will also be performing music from other Estonian composers such as “Six short pieces for the trumpet and the piano” by Ester Mägi and “The songs from Thule II: Northen light” by Tõnu Kõrvits. in time November 2012

place to be

Travel back to the sixteenth century Text: Kaidu Tiirik Photos: SA Virumaa Muuseumid, Kaire Kullik

Rakvere castle is a mediaeval world which transports young and old back five hundred years to an era of brave knights, fair ladies and wicked lords. Visitors

are transformed into knights and warriors to clean the weaponry under the orders of a sergeant-at-arms or help the stable hand groom a horse. It's a great family experience that gets kids excited about history and teaches them all about life in the sixteenth century.

Visiting the castle Rakvere Castle is open seven n  days a week. From May 1 to September 30 it is open daily from 11–19. In winter it is open Wednesday to Sunday from 11–15 for booked groups. Rakvere Castle is situated on Vallimägi Hill. e-mail:


For the younger ones, there are many animals to meet, including the geese, goats and horses which would have trotted around a middle ages village. Even the food is a historical experience, with the Schenkenberg Tavern serving food made to mediaeval recipes. During the summer months, team-building days, anniversaries, student trips, weddings and other events are welcome to come and spend a day with our ancestors. Rakvere is a place to relax too. It has greenery and a romantic garden behind the workshops where you can stroll. The many historical buildings and vehicles such as ox carts will also interest the history buff. For those who like their history a bit more bloodthirsty, the collection of weaponry

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place to be and armour will be a highlight. There's always something exciting going on at the castle. In the summer season from June 1 to September 30 there is a a fixed daily programme with a mini-performance or a prize game every hour.

For our mediaeval ancestors, the three

greatest fears were torture, death and hell – and you just couldn't get away from thinking about them. Rakvere's torture chamber displays the castle's instruments of pain and in the middle of the room there is a copy of a rack which would have caused many a grown man to cry. The torture chamber can only be visited with a guide since you need someone who really knows what he is doing... You will also learn the executioner's status in the Middle Ages and the attitude of the Catholic Church to heretics and witches. To make the visit unforgettable, there is a coffin in the middle of the room which might just hold a scary surprise. For the people of the sixteenth century, Hell was a very real place. The torture chamber was constructed as a labyrinth and you can only get out of Hell by climbing the stairs to Heaven.

The longest period was the age of the Order, when Rakvere Castle was an important link in the defence system of the eastern border of the Teutonic Order. The bailiffs of Rakvere were usually bright young knights, for whom the castle was a good springboard to gaining a leading position in the Order. At the end of the Dark Ages, Rakvere Castle was an Estonian stronghold. In the middle of the thirteenth century the Danes built the first stone fortifications in the place of the ancient Estonian fort and by the middle of the fourteenth century there was a Danishbuilt curtain wall castle on Vallimägi Hill.

A Magic Castle

opens its gates in December, complete with a spruce forest. Torches and fires will burn and beautiful Christmas music will play. For children, wizards and elves are on hand to lead the fun. There will be workshops where you can help Mother Christmas decorate gingerbread biscuits. After that you can explore the elves' post office and decorate the Christmas tree. You can also can learn a few magic tricks from the wizards and visit the horrible haunted cave (if you're feeling brave). And if you're wondering what the new year will hold, the castle goat will tell you. Of course, you can enjoy lots of delicious Christmas food and fireworks. But the fun doesn't end in december, every January the castle is visited by hundreds of people during the first two weeks of the New Year. They come to celebrate with a powerful cannon shot and a small fair is held. Rakvere was built in the thirteenth century and since then has belonged to Danish kings, knightmonks of the Livonian Order and the Swedish and Polish states.

November 2012 in time

After the beginning of the St. George’s Night Uprising the vassals of Harju and Viru placed themselves under the protection of the Livonian Order and from May 16, 1343 Rakvere Castle belonged to the Livonian Order. In the age of the Order, Rakvere Castle was extensively rebuilt. The simple curtain wall castle was turned into a convent building that better served the needs of the Livonian Order as a religious order of knighthood. In 2012 Rakvere Castle was renovated as an EU project, with a grant from Enterprise Estonia.


place to be

Monorail tracks flow through the heart of Kuala Lumpur near Medan Tuanku

Kuala Lumpur is more than just an international airport Tickets to SAS, KLM, Air France, Aeroflot and other airlines’ flights can also be booked via Estonian Air website. More info at


Kuala Lumpur is a real melting pot of religions, cultures and cuisines. It's a place where the new Western customs meet old Eastern traditions and where really traditional communities of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and even ethnic Chinese coexist side by side. Text / photos: Laur Laanemaa

Some like to compare Kuala Lumpur to Sin-

gapore, but even after the first hour of visit, it is clear that this place looks more Asian with the mixed race population, interesting food and world class architecture.

People often find themselves rushing through some of the greatest cities in the world. Kuala Lumpur is no exception in that regard. Many travellers from Europe fly through Kuala Lumpur on their way to South East Asia or Oceania and

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place to be Australia, but only a few stop for a day or two to appreciate the cultural variety in the capital of Malaysia.

Besides the usual sightseeing in places like the busy Central Market, colorful Butterfly Park, detailed Jamek Mosque and mysterious Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur is also a strong player in the gastronomic field. The religious mixture of people has resulted in such suburbs like Little India, Little Korea and Chinatown. You can start your culinary journey with genuine Malay dishes like beef or chicken satay at the simple food stalls on Jalan Alor, running through Little India for a taste of hot veg curry and ending in some of the top fine dining places in the Golden Triangle for some delicate duck confit. Another great idea is to get your first monorail experience in Kuala Lumpur as it is a good way to navigate through the centre and also see the busy streets from above. The rail flows through the heart of the city from north to south forming a huge mirrored “C” on the map – it is almost 9 km long and has 11 stations to hop on and off. The south end of the line is conveniently connected to Kuala Lumpur Sentral – the central station for all the metro lines.

East meets West: young woman in the heart of Kuala Lumpur

The Petronas Twin Towers overlooking one of the many construction sites in central Kuala Lumpur

If you decide

to walk and explore the urban settings from the ground level, Kuala Lumpur has quite a compact city centre, so it is easily manageable on foot. Although the settlement at the spot of Kuala Lumpur is just a bit more than 150 years old, you can see old and new architecture side by side ranging from mosques to shopping malls. There are large scale developments in each part of the city, from suburbs close to the airport all the way to the very centre of the city, next to the world famous Petronas Twin Towers. The city of KL is still growing – physically and emotionally – and manages to impress every time you pay a visit longer than just an hour in the international flights terminal.

Kuala Lumpur highlights: brief but expressive introduction to Asian culture n  concentrated gourmet adventures n  impressive monorail rides n  natural wonders close to the city centre n

November 2012 in time

Local man sitting in front of a convenience store, Malaysia flag hanging in the background (Bukit Bintang)



Europe faces economic slowdown The key question facing economists for at least the next one or two years is how the economy is to withstand Eurozone turbulence. At the beginning of October the Parliament ratified an act related to the 700 billion euros lending capacity of European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). Parliament Text: Olavi Grünvald, PricewaterhouseCoopers Photo: Shutterstock


also approved the early settlement of the second payment into the ESM fund, which according to Minister of Finance Jürgen Ligi, was needed to convince the markets of Estonia’s reliability as a partner on the international stage. The total contribution of Estonia to ESM will amount to 148 million euros payable over a five year period. No one can tell if this seemingly huge 700 billion euros will stabilise the market. The size of Eurozone's economy is close to 10 000 billion euros and governments’ gross debts amount to over 8 000 billion euros. The run-up to the Greek elections this spring and the EU Summit demonstrated how quickly nearly unthinkable scenarios in the Eurozone crisis can come about. Political developments, economic news, and approaching debt redemption deadlines can

trigger fears of sovereign debt defaults or Eurozone exits that could materialize over the course of a weekend. Given the current pace of change and the level of volatility, many companies are focusing on preparing to navigate continuing uncertainty and changes in the global environment. PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey found that more than half of corporate leaders say their business had already been affected financially by the Eurozone debt situation and about 45% of CEOs say the crisis has triggered changes to strategy, risk management, or operational planning. According to Sarah O’Connor (Financial Times, May 18, 2012), close to 25% of the 1,500

in time November 2012

economics growth rates (same quarter of year before)

15% 10% 5% 0% 5% Unemployment ratio


Labour productivity growth Salaries nominal growth


global executives surveyed in May already had a contingency plan for a Eurozone break-up. Holding the Eurozone together – Europe’s leadership will still probably drive the European economic slowdown through 2013. But the limited success to date of action aimed at holding the Eurozone together has made at least a partial break-up a realistic possibility. PwC’s economists believe that such a break-up could cause major disruptions as well as a deep recession across the Eurozone that could persist for years.

How can the less than a 20 billion Euro

Estonian economy influence and help? Apparently, only with good will and good examples. Although the government budget will be in deficit again in 2012 with an expected 1.1 to 1.2 percent of GDP, it can be still taken as a showcase given the situation elsewhere in Europe. The expected deficit in 2013, based on the recently adopted budget, is 0.7 percent with a surplus expected in 2014. The budgeted growth in revenues is only 2.2 percent in 2013, which is low given the close to 4 percent real GDP growth and 3 percent inflation predictions. The growth of state revenues will be dampened by a decrease in the general tax burden by 0.6 percent to 32.6 percent. There are two main sources of this reduction. One of them is rather dubious as it relates to the re-establishing of the state payments to the second pension column which were stopped in the time of the crisis. The second relates to the reduction of payments to the

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unemployment fund. This is good news for both employers and employees, reduces labour costs and has a positive impact on the investment climate.

The ambitions of the government will be challenged by the salary requirements of the sectors which are mainly financed from the state budget. How the strikes by health care employees will be resolved was not clear at the time of writing this article but this will certainly not be the last strike and increasing pressure requires high level political skills from the government. As percentage of GDP 10.0




10.0 Government consolidated gross debt



Current account deficit/surplus Government deficit/surplus














uudised / news Üheksa kuuga kasvas reisijate arv 71 protsenti Käesoleva aasta esimesel üheksal n  kuul reisis Estonian Airiga kokku 687 427 reisijat, sealhulgas regulaarlendudel 686 106. Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga, suurenes reisijate arv Tallinnast algavatel regulaarlendudel 71 protsenti. Septembris lendas Estonian Airiga 83 784 reisijat, sealhulgas regulaarlendudel 83 631. Reisijate arv Tallinnast algavatel regulaarlendudel suurenes 41,3 protsenti, võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga. Estonian Airi regulaarlendude täituvus oli septembris 72,6 protsenti. Esimese üheksa kuu jooksul toimus 14 964 lendu, mida on 71,5 protsenti rohkem kui eelmise aasta samal perioodil. Septembris toimus 1828 lendu, mida on eelmise aastaga võrreldes 59,5 protsenti rohkem. „Reisijate ja lendude arv suurenes tänu transiitreisijatele, kes moodustavad rohkem kui 30 protsenti reisijate koguarvust. Suurima transiitreisijate osakaaluga on Soome, Leedu ja Venemaa lennuliinid,“ selgitas Estonian Airi kommertsjuht Rauno Parras. Üheksa kuu jooksul oli Estonian Airi lendude regulaarsus ehk toimumise protsent 98,9 ja lendude punktuaalsus ehk väljumise täpsus (15 minutit) 82,9 protsenti. Septembris olid vastavad numbrid 98,8 ja 84,9 protsenti.

Number of passengers grew 71% in nine months n In the first nine months Estonian Air carried altogether 687 427 passengers, out of which 686 106 on regular flights. The total number of passengers on regular flights in Tallinn increased 71% compared to the same period last year. In September, Estonian Air carried 83 784 passengers, out of which 83 631 on regular flights. The number of passengers on regular flights in Tallinn increased 41.3% compared to the same period last year. The load factor of Estonian Air regular flights was 72.6%. In the first nine months Estonian Air operated 14 964 flights, which is 71.5% more than during the same period last year. In September, the airline operated 1828 flights, which is 59.5% more than during the same period last year. „The increase in passenger and flight numbers was achieved thanks to the growth of transit passengers which accounts


more than 30% of the total amount of passengers. The biggest share of transit passengers come from Finnish, Lithuanian and Russian routes,” said Rauno Parras, the CCO of Estonian Air. In the first nine months the regularity of Estonian Air flights was 98.9% and the 15-minute punctuality was 82.9%. In September, the regularity and punctuality were 98.8% and 84.9% respectively.

Welcome To Estonia lennuk meelitab Eestisse Estonian Airi ja Ettevõtluse Arendan  mise Sihtasutuse (EAS) koostööna sai Estonian Airi lennuk Saab SF340 erilise kujunduse, kutsudes turiste Eestisse talvepuhkust veetma. See on jätk oktoobris Leedus, Venemaal, Soomes, Rootsis ja Norras toimunud kampaaniale, kus tutvustati Eestis talvepuhkuse veetmise võimalusi. Eridisainiga lennuk teenindab lennuliine selle aasta lõpuni. „EASi ja Estonian Airi eesmärgid on sarnased – olla maailmakaardil võimalikult nähtav, tuua Eestisse palju välisturiste ning teha seda silmatorkaval moel. Ilus lennukikujundus on hea näide riigisisesest koostööst,“ kommenteeris EAS-i turismiarenduskeskuse turundusdirektor Tarmo Mutso. „Uuringud näitavad, et kõige kõrgema meenutusastmega reklaamikanal on lennuk, kuna inimesed suudavad hiljem kirjeldada mitte ainult meediumi, vaid ka seda, mida reklaamiti,“ selgitas Estonian Airi turundus- ja arendusosakonna juhataja Gunnar Mägi. „Euroopa lennujaamades on väga kõrge inimeste kontsentratsioon ja usun, et meie küllakutse jõuab pärale,“ lisas Mägi. Veebilehelt saab lisainfot Eestis puhkuse veetmise ja ürituste kohta.

Lennupileteid saab aadressilt, Estonian Airi klienditeenindusest telefonil (+372) 640 1162 ja reisibüroodest.

„Welcome to Estonia” aircraft attracts to visit Estonia n In the framework of an ongoing cooperation between Estonian Air and EAS (Enterprise Estonia), one of the Saab SF340 aircraft in Estonian Air fleet was given a special look to attract tourists for winter holidays in Estonia. This is a continuation of the marketing campaign carried out in October in Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, promoting the possibilities of spending winter holidays in Estonia. „EAS and Estonian Air have common goals – to be visible on the map, bring a lot of foreign tourists to Estonia and do so in a special way. This beautiful aircraft design is a good example of co-operation between domestic organisations,” says Marketing Director of the Estonian Tourist Board at Enterprise Estonia, Tarmo Mutso. „Research shows that aircraft is the advertising channel with the highest level of message recall, i.e. people will recall not only the medium of the advertisement but also the message itself,“ explains Gunnar Mägi, head of marketing and development in Estonian Air. „Since European airports enjoy a very high concentration of people, I am confident that our invitation will not go unnoticed,“ he added. Further information about the possibilities of spending holidays in Estonia is available at the website Tickets at, from Estonian Air Customer Service on (+372) 640 1162, and travel agencies.

in time November 2012

charity / heategevus

Toidupank toidab näljaseid Toidupank feeds those in need When Estonia’s first food bank Ees-

Piet Boerefijn

Kui Eesti esimene toidupank 2010. aasta alguses loodi, plaanis idee algataja Piet Boerefijn arendada ettevõtmist tasa ja targu ning avada igal aastal ühe uue toidupanga. Praegu on Eestis kümme toidupanka. Esimene toidupank asutati Ameerikas 1960. aastatel. Phoenixi linna kiriku supiköögis vabatahtlikuna töötanud John Van Hengel tuli ideele koguda kauplustelt kokku defektidega või „parim enne“ kuupäevale lähenev toidukaup ning jagada see vaestele. Hengeli idee levis kiiresti ning nüüd on toidupanku üle kogu maailma. Igas ühiskonnas on vaeseid, ka kõige rikkamates. Iga viies Eesti laps elab praegu absoluutses vaesuses: neis peredes jääb sissetulek ühe inimese kohta alla 186 euro kuus. See tähendab ligi 45 000 last, kes peavad õhtul tühja kõhuga magama minema. Toidupank kogub tootmisest ja kaubandusest kokku ületoodetud ja hävitamisele mineva toidukauba ning jagab selle vaestele peredele. Toidukastid pakitakse vabatahtlike abiga ning jagatakse laiali sotsiaalosakondadest saadud nimekirjade alusel. Toidukaupa ei osteta. Koostöös ettevõtetega korraldatakse toidukogumispäevi jm aktsioone, et igaüks saaks abikäe ulatada. Toidupankade kulud on seotud logistika, laokulude ja transpordiga. Lõviosa tööst tehakse ära vabatahtlike abiga. Tänulik ollakse igasuguse abi eest. Eesti Toidupanka toetavad Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond Päikeselill, Swedbank ja Avatud Eesti Fond. November 2012 in time

ti Toidupank was set up at the start of 2010, its founding father Piet Boerefijn planned to develop the project slowly and open one new food bank every year. Two years later, there are ten food banks in Estonia. In history, the first food bank was set up in USA in 1960s. John Van Hengel who volunteered in a soup kitchen run by a church in the city of Phoenix came to the idea to collect food items that were deficient or about to expire from stores and share them with the poor. Hengel’s idea caught on and there are now food banks all over the world. There are poor people in all societies, also in the rich ones. One of five Estonian children lives in absolute poverty: in their families income per family member is less than 186 euro per month. There are about 45,000 children who go to sleep with an empty stomach. Surplus food products that would otherwise be destroyed are collected from production and stores and distributed to poor families by the Food Bank. Food crates are packed by volunteers and distributed to people on the list of social welfare departments. The bank does not buy food, but in cooperation with partners organises food collection days and other events so that everyone can offer a helping hand. The costs of food banks consist of logistics, warehousing and transport costs. The lion’s share of the work is done with the help of volunteers. We are grateful for any assistance. Estonian Food Bank supporters are Estonian-Netherlands Charity Foundation Päikeselill, Swedbank and Open Estonia Foundation.

Tekst ja fotod / Text and photos: Nele Hendrikson, Eesti Toidupank

Toeta toidupanka / Support the Food Bank n  Eesti-Hollandi Heategevusfond, Swedbank AS A/a 221049027713 IBAN: EE982200221049027713 SWIFT/BIC: HABAEE2X




in time November 2012


Võimas ja müstiline Kiiev, kuldsete kuplitega linn Kiiev, üks vanemaid Euroopa linnu ja kunagine Kiievi-Vene suurriigi keskus pakub erakordset arhitektuuri, õigeusu müstikat ja kaugete aegade hõngu. Tekst: Katri Soe-Surén Fotod: Erakogu, Shutterstock


erega kolm aastat Kiievis elanud ja töötanud eestlasest PricewaterhouseCoopers juht ja partner Urmas Kaarlep kinnitab, et Kiiev on võimas linn, mida tasub kindlasti külastada. Üks põhjusi Kiievisse sõita on linna rikas ja kirev ajalugu. Oli ju Kiiev praegusel Ukraina, Venemaa ja Valgevene alal asunud Kiievi-Vene riigi keskus 9.–13. sajandini, enne kui mongolid selle 13. sajandil vallutasid. Kiievi nüüdisaegne peatänav kannab ammuste sündmuste mälestuseks nime Hreštšatik. Just siin võttis suurvürst Vladimir aastal 998 vastu õigeusu, lastes oma poegadel, sõjaväel ja bojaaridel usu kinnituseks toona kahe nõlva vahel voolanud ojast läbi minna. „Tasub meenutada, et enne mongolite pealetungi 13. sajandi keskpaigas oli Kiiev

November 2012 in time


sihtkoht Ostukohad

Kesklinna kaks suuremat n  kaubanduskeskust asuvad maa all (Metrograd, mis asub Bessarabka turu juures ning Maidani all asuv kaubakeskus). Peatänaval Hreštšatikul ja sealt edasi piki Vasõlkõvska (Tšervonoarmeiska) tänavat asuvad firmakauplused. Uued moodsad kaubanduskeskused on kesklinnast väljas 5-10 kilomeetri kaugusel. Üks suuremaid on SkyMall (Moskva silla juures, sinna pääseb ainult oma auto või taksoga), suuruselt järgmised on DreamTown Oboloni linnaosas, kuhu pääseb ligi ka metrooga (peatuse nimi on Obolon) ja Bolševik, mis asub Peremogi Avenüül (lähim metroopeatus on Šuljavska).


50 000 elanikuga üks Euroopa suuremaid linnu, jättes kaugele seljataha näiteks Londoni, kus tollal oli vaid 20 000 elanikku. Kui poleks olnud saatuslikke sündmusi, oleks Kiiev võinud tänaseni olla Venemaa pealinn.” Aastal 1240 vallutas Kiievi Batu-khaan ja linna 50 000 elanikust jäi ellu vaid 2000. Linn rüüstati ja põletati maha ning sama elanike arvuni jõudis Kiiev taas alles 19. sajandil. Tänu värvikale ajaloole on siin palju vaadata. Kindlasti tuleb külastada Sofia katedraali, mis sai nurgakivi 1037. aastal Jaroslav Targa valitsusajal ja kuulub UNESCO maailmapärandi nimistusse. Või askeesi harrastavate munkade 1050. aastal rajatud Lavra koobaskloostrit, mis samuti UNESCO maailmapärandi nimistusse kuuludes on praegu kristliku maailma üks olulisemaid vaatamisväärsusi. Vaatamisväärsused ei piirdu ainult õigeusu ja Vana-Vene ajalooga. Kaarlep soovitab käia Kiievi riiklikus lennundusmuuseumis, kus on väljas

palju maailmas haruldasi lennukimudeleid, teiste seas külma sõja aegsed nõukogude ülehelikiirusel lendavad strateegilised kaugpommitajad, kopterid ja palju muud põnevat. Samuti tasub minna isamaasõja kompleksi juures asuvasse sõjatehnika muuseumi, mille leiab kesklinnas kergesti üles 68-meetrise kuju Rodina Mat järgi, mis on maailma üks kõrgemaid kujusid (New Yorgi Vabadussammas on 46,5 meetrit). Kui aega rohkem, võib sõita linnast viis kilomeetrit eemal asuvasse Pirogovi parki – tegemist on suure Ukraina vabaõhumuuseumiga, kus on väljas ajaloolised, eri piirkondadest kokku toodud talumajad, puukirikud ja tuulikud. Siin võib näha vanimat säilinud Ukraina talumaja aastast 1587, vanimat puukirikut, imetleda Ukraina käsitöömeistrite loomingut ning ilusa ilmaga koos kohalikega murul piknikku pidada. Kaarlepa soovitus, mida turismiteatmikest ei leia: 12. sajandi keskpaigas ehitatud Kirillovka kirik (aadress O. Teligi 12), kus on hästi säilinud freskod 12. sajandist ja kuulsa vene kunstniku Mihhail Vrubeli originaallooming. Külastust väärib ka Andrejevska tänav – Kiievi ja kogu Ida-Euroopa vanim tänav, mida on paljude muuseumide, kunsti- ja käsitööpoodide tõttu nimetatud ka Kiievi Montmartre’iks. Järsk ja looklev tänav ühendab omavahel ajaloolist vanalinna kommertsliku Podili linnaosaga. Sellel asub näiteks Kiievist pärit kuulsa kirjaniku Mihhail Bulgakovi majamuuseum. Teinegi Kiievi eestlane Ulvi Tsarski iseloomustab linna kui rohelist ja mägist, kus on palju parke, inimesed sõbralikud ja keskkond turvaline. „Tänu sel suvel Kiievis peetud jalgpalli EM-ile on kesklinnas suunaviidad, mis juhatavad tähtsamate vaatamisväärsuste juurde. Enne jalgpallivõistlusi tõsteti mitmete muuseumide sissepääsupiletite hinda, kuid Lavras (suurim kloostrikompleks ja vaatamisväärsus number üks) langetati piletihind 8. augustist 50 grivnalt vaid kolmele. Kogu Dnepri jõe paremkallas on atraktiivne, alates Volodõmõri mäest kuni Mat Rodinani.” Kõik linna kirikud on väga heas korras ja turistidele avatud. Tasuline on Sofia katedraal, teiste külastamine on tasuta. Väikeseks jalutuskäiguks Kiievi südalinnas pakub Ulvi välja isikliku lemmikringi: Sofia katedraali juurest alustades kõndida Mihhailovska väljakuni, sealt jalutada Peizažnaja allee-

in time November 2012

sihtkoht le (asub Andrejevska tänava alguse lähedal) ja siis mööda Andrejevska tänavat alla Podili (vana tööstuslinnaosa, kus on palju populaarseid söögikohti ja jõesadam) ning sealt sõita funikulööriga üles Volodõmõri mäe otsa, kus võib pargis jalutada ning kloostris käia.

Kiiev on kunstide linn Viiendat aastat Kiievis elav eestlanna Kaie Küüsvek peab aga Kiievit eelkõige kunstilinnaks. „Suurepäraseid klassikalise muusika kontserte korraldatakse Ukraina rahvuslikus filharmoonias (National Philharmonic Of Ukraine, Volodõmõri tänav 2), parimat popmuusikat saab kuulata Ukraina palees (Palace Ukraine). Peale selle võib elavat muusikat kuulata pea iga päev siinsetes rohketes pubides.” Hoiatuseks mittesuitsetajatele: Ukrainas võib suitsetada igal pool. Restoranid küll eraldavad nurgakese mittesuitsetajatele, kuid tavaliselt tähendab see vaid paari lauda kusagil kaugemas sopis. „Ka kõikvõimalikud muuseumid on Kiievis esindatud, kuid ahjuks pole ruumid, kus suurepäraseid maale, skulptuure või muud ajaloolist eksponeeritakse, juba aastaid (aastakümneid) remonti näinud.” „Kiiev on ilus linn ja seda näitab suursugune arhitektuur,” ütleb Küüsvek. „Tuleb vaid ajaloopärlid nõukogudeaegsete hoonete vahelt üles leida. Minu lemmikud, mida väga tihti ei mainita, on: Püha Nikolause roomakatolik katedraal Krasnoarmeiska tänaval ja Ukraina Keskpanga hoone Institutska tänaval. Esimese puhul meeldib rahulik suursugusus, teise puhul veidi toretsev, samas väärikas stiil.”

Roheline ja turvaline „Kiiev on väga turvaline linn. Ukrainlane on olemuselt rahumeelne, mitte agressiivne,” rahustab Kaarlep kuritegeliku mainega Ida-Euroopat pelgavaid turiste. Õhtul teatrist tulles võib pimedas kesklinnas julgelt jalutada läbi Ševtšenko pargi, kus rahvas ohtralt õlut tarbib, lapsele üks jäätis osta, ning siis rahulikult koju minna. „Kuritegevus on seotud pigem tellitud tööde ning ärikonfliktidega,” tõdeb Kaarlep. Ettevaatlik tasuks ikka olla, sest taskuvargaid liigub linna peal palju. Näiteks võib metroos kergelt ilma jääda käekotis olevast rahakotist. Kaarlep soovitab metroos mitte kõva häälega eesti keeles rääkida ehk siis mitte välja näidata, et ollakse

November 2012 in time

välismaalased. Sama reeglit võiks järgida ka turul ringi liikudes.

Takso hinnas leppige kokku Mis puudutab Kiievis ühistranspordi kasutamist, siis võib sõita nii takso kui ka metrooga. Mõlemad on suhteliselt odavad, kuid välismaalaselt nõuavad taksojuhid sageli 2-3-kordset tasu ning soovitav oleks enne hindu uurida ja tasus kokku leppida. Rusikareegel: lennujaamast 30 kilomeetri kaugusel asuvasse kesklinna sõiduks rohkem kui 250 grivnat maksta on palju, paras on 200, 180 on juba



Nõuandeid maksevahendite kasutamisel

Valuutavahetusel nõutakse passi ja tuntakse huvi, kas on soovi hiljem järelejäänud n  grivnad tagasi vahetada, selleks kirjutatakse välja vastav paber. Valuuta vahetamise võimalusi on linnas palju, lisaks pankadele ka valuutavahetuspunktid. Kurss neis võib olla veidi erinev. Maksta saab järjest enamates kohtades kaardiga. Lisaks PIN-koodile tuleb osades kohtades anda allkiri, mõnes kohas tõmmatakse kaart ka ilma PIN-i nõudmata läbi, tuleb valvel olla, et seda ei tehtaks. Populaarseim maksevahend on siiski sularaha.

väga soodne. Linnas ühest punktist teise liikudes ei tohiks minna üle 100 grivna, mõistlikud otsad jäävad 40-60 grivna piiresse.

Kiievlane armastab loodust Kiievlased ise armastavad nädalavahetustel väljas käia. Olgu see siis lõuna- või õhtusöök ühes rohketest Kiievi lähistel asuvatest vabaõhurestoranidest või lihtsalt piknik pere või sõpradega linnalähedases pargis. Kaks populaarsmat kohta on Truhhanovi saar keset Dnepri jõge ja Pirogovi park linna lõunaosas. Loodus on ilus, kuid kahjuks ei oska kiievlane seda hinnata, peab kohalike eluolu lähemalt tundev Küüsvek tõdema. „Prügi, mis piknikukorviga tuuakse, sinna põõsa all ka jääb. Eestlaste ettevõtmisel teist aastat toimuv aktsioon Teeme ära! ei ole siin laialdast kõlapinda leidnud.”

Maailma parim borš ja sõrnikud Kui linnas jalutades kõht tühjaks läheb, tasub sisse astuda kohalikku ukraina kööki pakkuvatesse toi-


dukohtadesse. Neid on Kiievis palju ja need võivad olla ka kallid, kuid maitsev kõhutäis on enamasti garanteeritud. Ulvi lemmik on Varenitšnaja nr.1 (asub spordihalli vastas). Pidulikumad ja kallimad on kvaliteetset ukraina rahvuskööki pakkuv Tsarskoje Selo isamaasõja memoriaali juures, Pervak kesklinnas ning Panas Ševtšenko pargis. Viimast ümbritseb eheduse säilitamiseks värvikas aed ja väike kanala. Selle pargi juures asub ka Eesti saatkond. Kohalikud eestlased on kord kuus kokku saanud peatänaval asuvas pubis Botška. Koduse õhustiku ja väga sõbraliku teenindusega on meelde jäänud itaalia toidu restoran Oliva, millel on neli filiaali. Podili linnosas asuvasse restorani tuleb kohad alati enne kinni panna. Kaarlepale jätsid erilisema mulje restoran Concorde (väga hea köök, sobiva ilmaga on mõnus istuda terrassil, hind pigem kallis), idamaade restoran Tjubeteika (parimad tšeburekid, normaalse hinnaga, mõnus emotsioon). Kaarlep soovitab: „Kui Andrejevska spuskil jalutada, võib minna restorani Za dvumja zaitsami, kus on väga hea Ukraina borš ja sõrnikud. Samanimeline film on Ukrainas tuntud kõigile. Spuski alguses on isegi sellele filmile pühendatud skulptuur.” Kel õhtul veel jaksu jätkub, võib suunduda elava muusikaga restoranidesse, kus ka tantsitakse. Ulvi Tsarski ütleb: „Üks tore koht on Dejavu, vahva Kuuba õhustik on Jaroslav Vali tänaval asuvas restoranis La Bodeguita Del Medio. Kahjuks on suitsetajad kõikides kohtades eelisseisuses, sest mittesuitsetajate ruumid pole nii atraktiivsed.” Ja veel üks detail: vaatamata suurepärasele Ukraina köögile võib Kiievis tekkida tunne, et rahvussöök on sushi ja rahvusjook mochito, sest neid pakutakse kõikides söögikohtades. Tänavatel on rohkesti kohviautosid, kus pakutakse masinakohve, mõnes ka kokteile. Maitsev on Hreštšatikul jäätisekioskites müüdav masinajäätis. Küüsvek paneb südamele: „Kiiev on ilus, roheline, väärikas ja huvitav linn. Ja pole vaja üldse süveneda teeninduse kvaliteeti, teede olukorda, hulkuvate koerte probleemi, lihtsate inimeste toimetuleku piiril elamisse, liikluses valitsevasse terrorisse, liikluspolitsei ülevõimu jne. Turistina tulles ei ole mõtet hakata maailma parandama, vaid võtta asju nii, nagu need on. Peamine on naeratada, ehk naeratab mõni kohalik siis vastu ka.”

in time November 2012


Kiev, a city of power, myths and golden cupolas Kiev, one of Europe’s oldest cities and former capital of the Kiev-Russian empire, offers exquisite architecture, Orthodox mystique and a distinct feeling of history. Text: Katri Soe-Surén Photos: Private archive, Shutterstock



rmas Kaarlep, partner and managing director of PricewaterhouseCoopers, has been living and working in Kiev with his family for three years. He says that Kiev is a great, impressive city that is definitely worth a visit. One of the reasons is the town’s rich and colourful history. After all, Kiev was the administra-

tive centre of the Kiev-Russian state that covered the current territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus from 9th to 13th century, before it was invaded by Mongols. Also Kiev’s main street Khreshchatyk has been named in honor of these great times. This is where grand duke Vladimir accepted Orthodox religion in 998, letting his sons, army and nobility walk through the local stream. Don’t forget that before the Mongol invaded Kiev in the middle of the 13th century, it had

in time November 2012

destination in 1050. It is also under UNESCO protection and is one of the most important landmarks of the Christian church. Tourist attractions, of course, are not limited to the history of the Orthodox Church and the Rus. Kaarlep recommends to visit the Kiev State Aviation Museum which features many rare aircraft models including Soviet strategic supersonic longrange bombers that were used during the Cold War, helicopters and much more. He also likes the museum of military technology located at the WWII complex that can be easily found thanks to the 68-metre Rodina Mat sculpture which is one of the world’s highest statues (New York’s Statue of Liberty is only 46.5 metres high). If you have more time, drive 5 km outside the city to the Pirogov Park which is a big openair museum with ancient farmhouses, wooden churches and windmills. The exhibition includes the country’s oldest farmhouse that dates back to 1587 and the oldest wooden church. You can check out local handicrafts and, if the weather is good, have a picnic. Although it’s not in the guidebooks, Kaarlep recommends to visit the Kirillovka church that dates back to the middle of the 12th century. It’s located at O. Teligi 12 and features excellent medieval frescoes and original works of the famous Russian artist Mihhail Vrubel. You should also visit Andrejevska street. It’s

50,000 residents and was one of Europe’s largest towns. For instance, London had a population of only 20,000 people at that time. Without these fatal events, Kiev could have been the capital of Russia until today. In 1240 Kiev was invaded by Batu Khan, and only 2,000 people survived. The city was plundered, burned down and totally destroyed. Its population reached 50,000 only in the 19th century. Thanks to its colourful history, there is a lot to see. You should definitely visit the St. Sophia Cathedral or Sofiyskiy Sobor whose first foundation was laid in 1037 during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or pay a visit to the Pechersk Lavra, the monastery of caves, that was founded by ascetic monks

November 2012 in time



the oldest street in Kiev and the whole Eastern Europe. Because of many museums, art galleries and handicraft stores is often called the Montmartre of Kiev. This steep and curvy street connects the historic old town with the more commercial Podil district. On the same street is also the museum of the famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov who was born in Kiev. Ulvi Tsarski, another Estonian who lives in Kiev, says that the city is green and hilly, has many parks, people are friendly and it’s safe. „Thanks to the European Football Championships held this summer in Kiev, there are now signs in the city centre that guide you to the most important landmarks. All are accessible by a double-decker tour bus. Before the football finals, several museums increased ticket prices, but Lavra, the biggest monastery centre and a main tourist attraction, cut it from 50 grivnas to just 3. The whole right shore of the Dniepr is attractive, starting from the Volodymyr hill up to Mat Rodina.” All churches in the city are in good condition and open to tourists. Entry to St Sophie’s Cathedral is paid, but others are free.


For a walk in central Kiev, Ulvi suggests her favourite route: start at the Sofia Cathedral towards Mikhailovska square, continue to Peizaznaja alleja (at the start of Andrejevska street) and then along Andrejevska to Podil (an old industrial district with many popular dining places and a river harbour) and take a cable railcar on top of Volodymyr hill where you can visit a nice park and a monastery.

Kiev is a city of arts Kaie Küüsvek who has been living in Kiev for five years says that Kiev is, first and foremost, a city of arts. „National Philharmonic of Ukraine at Volodymyr street hosts excellent classical music concerts. Palace Ukraine, an incredibly ugly Soviet-time building that you can find in all former Soviet republics, is famous for its rock and pop concerts. You can find live music in many pubs in the area.” A warning to non-smokers: in Ukraine smoking is allowed everywhere. Restaurants may have a separate smokers’ area, but it’s usually nothing else but a few tables in a corner. „You have so many museums, but unfortunately the premises where these excellent works of art

in time November 2012

destination are exhibited have not been repaired for years if not decades.” „Kiev is a beautiful town with grandiose architecture,” says Küüsvek. „All you need to do is to find hidden gems from among the Soviet-time architecture. My personal little-known favourites are the Roman Catholic St. Nicholas Cathedral at Krasnoarmeiska street and the building of the National Bank of Ukraine at Institutska. The first building is calmly aristocratic, while the other looks slightly vain, but is still respectable.”

Green and safe „Kiev is a very safe town. Ukrainians are peaceful and not aggressive,” is Kaarlep’s message to tourists who fear the criminality of Eastern Europe. You can come from a theatre late in the evening, walk through the Shevtchenko park in the city centre where many people are drinking beer, buy ice cream for your child and go home. „Main problem areas are organized crime and business disputes,” says Kaarlep. One should still look out for pickpockets, especially in the metro, says Kaarlep. She also suggests not to speak loudly in the metro because foreigners are a special target of pickpockets. The same principle applies in the open-air market.

Agree the taxi fare in advance As for public transportation, both taxi and metro are relatively cheap, but taxi drivers like to charge foreigners 2 to 3 times more the usual fee and it’s therefore a good idea to ask for and agree on fare in advance. The rule of thumb is that a normal fare for the 30-km ride from the airport to the city centre is about 200 grivnas (so 250 grivnas is daylight robbery). Some of the more determined taxi drivers seek to attract customers already at the airport exit. Taxi rides inside the city should cost between 40 to 60 grivnas, and no more than 100 grivnas.

Kievians love nature Locals like to spend weekends outdoors, either in the form of lunch or dinner in one of many open-air restaurants outside the capital or a simple picnic with family or friends in a park. Two very popular places are the Trukhanov island in the middle of the Dniepr and the Pirogov Park in the south side. The nature in and around Kiev is

November 2012 in time

Shopping places The two main shopping streets in the city centre are underground: Metn

rograd at the Bessarabka Market and a shopping centre under Maidan. The two joining streets of Khreshchatyk and Vasylkyvska (Tshervonoarmeiska) are lined with many up-market stores. New modern malls are some 5 to 10 km outside the city centre. One of the largest is SkyMall at the Moscow Bridge that is accessible only by car or taxi. DreamTown in the Obolon district can be accessed also by metro (get off at Obolon) and Bolshevik is situated at the Peremog Avenue (closest metro station is Shuljavska).

Recommendations for making payments: When exchanging currency to grivnas you are asked to show a passport n

and whether you plan to sell remaining grivnas back later. There are many places to exchange currency in Kiev, both in banks and bureaus de change. Exchange rates vary, of course. Debit and credit cards are increasingly common. Some places require a signature in addition to PIN code, but beware of places where they want to debit your card without asking you for your PIN code. Cash is still the most popular means of payment.




in time November 2012

destination beautiful, but, unfortunately, Kievians don’t value it, says Küüsvek. „Trash from the picnic is hidden under the nearby bushes. The Let’s Do It world cleanup campaign that Estonians are organizing for the second year has not yet reached Kiev.”

World’s best borsch and donuts When all this walking makes you hungry, step into one of the many diners that offer national food. They can be expensive, but a rich meal is usually guaranteed. Tsarski's favourite is Varenitšnaja No. 1 (opposite the sports complex). If you are looking for a more festive and expensive place, visit Tsarskoje Selo at the WWII memorial that offers national dishes, Pervak in city centre and Panas in the Shevchenko Park. The latter is surrounded by a colourful fence and a small henhouse. Near the park is the Estonian embassy. Local Estonians have a meeting once a month at Bochka pub on the main street. Italian restaurant Oliva has a very nice ambience and extremely good service. It has four locations, and the restaurant in the Podil district should always be visited first. Kaarlep says that he was particularly impressed by Restaurant Concorde (excellent food, with a nice terrace outside, but fairly expensive) and the

November 2012 in time

Oriental restaurant Tjubeteika (chebureks, normal prices and great ambience). Kaarlep’s tip: „If you walk down Andrejevska Spusk, drop into Za Dvumja Zaitsami that offers excellent borsch and local donuts. Everybody in Ukraine knows the movie by the same name. At the start of Spusk there is even a sculpture dedicated to the movie.” After a good meal head to restaurants that have live music and dancing. Ulvi Tsarski says: „One of the best places is Dejavu. La Bodequita del Medio at Jaroslav Val street has terrific Cuban atmosphere. Unfortunately, smoking is allowed everywhere.” One more thing: despite the excellent local cuisine, one may easily get the impression that Ukraine’s national food is sushi and national drink mojito – both are very common. There are also many coffee vans that sell machine coffee and sometimes cocktails. Ice cream sold in kiosks on the Khreshchatyk is definitely worth a try. Küüsvek, a resident of Kiev for five years, adds: „Kiev is a beautiful, green, respectable and interesting city. I suggest not to focus too much on service quality, roads, stray dogs, poverty, traffic jams, policing, etc. As a tourist, don’t start healing the world and take things as they are. The most important thing is to smile, and locals will smile back.”

Tallinn–Kiiev / Kiev n

Hind alates / Prices from 59.90 eur 7 x nädalas / 7 weekly flights

Jaanuaris ja veebruaris n  In January and February 6 x nädalas / 6 weekly flights




in time November 2012


Toomas Uibo:

lund võiks alati rohkem olla! Kui Ülemiste lennuväljal rassivad suured lumesahad, on Eesti kunagise Robertino Loretti Toomas Uibo süda rahul ja meel rõõmus.

Toomas oli viis aastat oma isaga oodatud esineja igas Eestimaa nurgas. For five years, Toomas and his father were very welcome artists in every corner of Estonia.

Tekst: Anu Jõesaar, Ajakirjade Kirjastus Fotod: Priit Simson, erakogu


alvel, mil Londoni Heatrow lennujaam lumesaju tõttu kuueks päevaks suleti, kergitasid eestlased imestunult kulme. Lumesadu, nii nagu ka ööpäev läbi töötavad lumesahad on Eestis talviti täiesti tavaline pilt. Küll aga on Eestiski paljudele üllatus, et Tallinna Ülemiste lennuväljal rassivaid lumesahku tootvat ettevõtet juhatab kunagi terves Nõukogude Liidus laulmisega kuulsust kogunud Toomas Uibo.

Lapsstaari tähelend Kolmkümmend aastat tagasi teadsid Toomas Uibo (41) nime Eestis kõik. Tema õrna sopranit, mille kõrgus küündis ülemise si-ni, võrreldi oma aja imelapse Robertino Lorettiga. 1981. aastal astus hõbehäälne poiss koos oma laulvast näitlejast isa

November 2012 in time



Tartu Poistekoori solistina esines Toomas kaugetes riikides üle terve N. Liidu. As a soloist of the Tartu Boys' Choir, Toomas performed in many countries across the Soviet Union.

Toomas Uibo (41) Lõpetas 1989. aastal n

Tartu 7. keskkooli (Karlova Gümnaasium) Elas 1989–1995 Rootsis, n  töötas puidutööstuses ja õppis turundust ning ärijuhtimist nii Rootsis kui ka Inglismaal. 1995–2009 töötas mitn  metes mööbliettevõtetes müügijuhina ja õppis samal ajal Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli täiendkursusel turundust. 2009. aastast töötab n  Meiren Engineering OÜ-s, algul oli müügijuht, praegu tegevjuht ja juhatuse liige. On vabal ajal MTÜ Aeron  nautikaklubi lennukooli mootorlennu instruktor ja Hansa Air OÜ lennutegevuse juht. Vabaabielus, kolm last n  (15, 10 ja 4)

Ülimenuka kontsertetendusega „Laulan sobraks öö ja päeva" tuuritati Eestimaal aastatel 1981-1985. / The popular show Singing to Befriend Night and Day toured around Estonia in 1981-1985.

Väino Uiboga üles Ugala teatri muusikaetenduses „Laulan sõbraks öö ja päeva”. Seda on põhjust meenutada, sest just tänavu, 31 aastat hiljem tuli välja CD-plaat selle etenduse lauludega. Kandev roll oli Toomasel ka Viljandi teatri lastelavastuses „Tee õnnelikku aeda”. Väikese solisti kuulsaim laul salvestati aga 1984. aastal lastefilmis „Kevad südames”. Spetsiaalselt temale kirjutatud rollis mängis 12-aastane Toomas nohiklikku maapoissi, kelle talent avastatakse muusikalaagris pooleldi juhuslikult. Filmi tipphetkeks sai „Laul Põhjamaale” Toomas Uibo ja lastekoori „Ellerhein” esituses – meie laulupidudelgi tihti kõlava teose on helilooja Ülo Vinter kirjutanud muusikali „Pipi Pikksukk” lõpulooks. Samas filmis laulis ka Toomase noorem vend ja praegune kolleeg Märt Uibo. Oma solistikarjääri tipphetkeks peab mees siiski sama aasta sooloesinemist Moskvas ametiühingute maja sammassaalis, maailmakuulsa Moskva Filharmoonia sümfooniaorkestriga, kus kanti ette klassikalise muusika superteosed nagu Schuberti „Ave Maria” või di Capua „O sole mio”.

30 aasta pikkune muusikapaus Täna meenutab Toomas Uibo oma lavakarjääri kui huvitavat eluetappi, mis jättis jälje kogu eluks. „Tänu laulmisele puutusin palju kokku teatri- ja kunstiinimestega. Nende maailmapilt oli hoopis teine. Meie Tartu köögis olid tihedateks külalisteks „Tartu vaimud” Hando Runnel, Ain Kaalep, Enn-Kaarel Hellat jpt. Nende jutuajamiste kõrval


ma üles kasvasin,” räägib Uibo. „Eks mingil hetkel hakkasid kontsertesinemised mu lapse-elu segama. Tüüpiliselt sattus esinemine ikka samale päevale, kui mõni sõber pidas sünnipäeva,” mäletab ta kuulsuse varjukülgi. Lavale jäämise plaani Toomasel ei olnud. Tema toonane lauljakarjäär lõppes koos häälemurdega. Muusikahariduse sai ta muusikakallakuga Tartu 7. keskkoolis, kus tunniplaani kuulusid ka pillimäng, solfedžo ja hääleseade. „Absoluutsest kuulmisest olen õnneks pääsenud. Tean inimesi, kellel see on – see üpriski segab tavalist muusikategemist. Sellisel inimesel on väga keeruline mängida näiteks sama lugu tooni võrra madalamalt – ta peab oma mõttes kogu muusika ringi transformeerima. Minul pole vahet, mis helistikus ma laulan.” Vahepeal ei tegelenud ta muusikaga üldse. Et aga muusika südamest nii kergesti ei kao, tuli ilmsiks tänavu, kui kevadiseks turunduskonverentsiks kutsuti üles looma „turundusbände”. „Üks sõber pani Facebooki kutse, et kes tahab bändi teha, tulge kokku, lähme konkursile. Kirjutasin naljaga pooleks vastu, et mina võin tulla küll, võin näiteks mäkra mängida ja kui vaja, siis kaasa ümiseda,” naljatleb Uibo. Kokku tulnud bänd sai nimeks MUSTus. Esimeses proovis selgus, et basskitarr jäi üle. Toomas võttis selle kätte – ja armus. „Mõtlesin: kui keeruline see ikka olla saab. Asi hakkas aga nii kangesti meeldima, et ostsin endale pilli ja nüüd harjutan praktiliselt iga päev. Basskitarr on lahedaim asi, mis ma olen viimasel ajal avastanud!”

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persoon Rootsis tisleriks Muusika on vaid üks Toomase kirgedest. Teine neist on puidutöö. „Mu vanaisa oli filigraanne puutöömees, kes õpetas mind lapsena puidust igasuguseid asju meisterdama. Tema pedantsus pisiasjades on mulle kaasa antud. Vanaisa tööriistad on maal alles. Nii, et kui ma kord pensionile lähen, hakkan uuesti mööblit tegema.” jutustab mees. Puidutööst sai juhuse tahtel ka tema esimene leivatöö – nimelt elas ta pärast Eestis kooli lõpetamist viis aastat Rootsis, kus alustas tisleri abilisena väikeses puidufirmas. Eesti väikeettevõtted olid neil aastatel paljuski veel suhkruvatti tootvate kooperatiivide nägu. Skandinaavias sai Toomas aga jälgida tänapäevase ettevõtte tegevust ja juhtimist. ”Ma olen näinud tööelu kõiki pooli ja see on mind ainult rikastanud. Ükskõik mida ma teen, püüan teha hingega. Ei ole võimalik olla hea juht, kui sa pole ise kõike kogenud,” arvab Toomas. Ta nägi, missugune on professionaalne müügitöö ja kuidas peaks toimima klienditeenindus, omandas inglise ja rootsi ärikeele. Muide, Estonian Airi lennukite ohutusinfo rootsikeelse teksti on sisse lugenud just Toomas Uibo.

Bestseller – lörtsisahk Rootsis õpitu andis Eestisse naastes hea baasi oma mööbliettevõtte rajamiseks. Mööblifirma omaniku ja ärijuhina ta pikka aega tegutseski, kuni kuus aastat tagasi otsustas proovida palgatööd. Täna on Toomas Eesti ühe edukaima eksportija Meiren Engineering ( tegevjuht ja juhatuse liige. Uhkemalt võib öelda, et ta juhib kogu Skandinaavia võitlust põhjamaise lumega. Nimelt on tööstusseadmeid projekteeriva ja ehitava Meireni üheks tooteks lumesahad. Need veoautode ja traktorite ette kinnitatavad sahad on algusest lõpuni Eesti inseneride mõttetöö vili ja Eestis valmistatud ning neid müüakse kõigis Põhjamaades, Balti riikides. Sellest kevadest alates sihitakse ka Saksamaa turgu. Rootsis on Meiren kasvanud isegi üheks suurimaks maanteesahkade müüjaks. „Meil on õnnestunud väga hea tootega väga head müüki teha,” ütleb Toomas Uibo. „Meie bestseller on maanteesahk, mida paljud kutsuvad ka lörtsisahaks – see sobib nii soolatatavatele kiirteedele kui metsavaheteedele.” Eesti inseneride disain ja innovatsioon annavad kokku sellise tulemuse, et Meireni sahk jätab väga puhta jälje. Tänu sellele on liiklus ohutum,

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Vahel on tore sõpradega näiteks Eestimaa väikesaari külastada It is nice to visit Estonian small islands with friends

teed on vaja vähem soolata ja keskkond kannatab vähem. „Karmis konkurentsis pole aga aega edu nautida. Tootearendusel peab olema täiskäik kogu aeg sees. Vastasel korral langed konkurentsist,” lausub Uibo. Kui Tallinna Lennujaamas talvel aknast välja vaadata, siis need on just Meireni sahad, mis hoiavad maandumisrajad puhtana.

Rikkis äratuskell Toomas Uibo mäletab lapsepõlvest eriliselt hästi ühte Elva vanaema vana äratuskella. See oli nimelt rikki läinud. 6-7-aastasel poisil tekkis kange isu see korda teha ning ta võttis kella pisikesteks jup-


pideks. Lugu äratuskellaga aga lõppes nii, nagu sellised lood tavaliselt lõpevad – jupid ei tahtnud enam tagasi kokku sobida. Aga Toomas mäletab siiamaani oma suurt tahtmist mehhanismi loogikast aru saada. See on tema kolmas kirg – tehnika. „Mind on kogu aeg huvitanud, mis on asjade sees ja kuidas nad toimivad,” lausub Uibo. Mees, kes müüb innovatiivset inseneritööd, peabki lapsena olema äratuskelli lahti võtnud. Töö sellises firmas nagu Meiren eeldab, et klientidelt kogutaks palju tehnilist infot – on vaja insenertehnilist taiplikkust, et kliendi soovid võimalikult selgelt inseneridele kommunikeerida. Nii suureneb võimalus kohe esimesel korral valmis saada täpselt kliendi vajadustele vastav toode - right first time.

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persoon Toomas Uibol on see taiplikkus olemas. Ta võiks näiteks lennuki mootorist jutustada tundide viisi. Samuti meeldib talle projekteerida ja joonestada – oma mööblifirmas kavandas ta palju mööblit ise. Masinate hulgas, mida ta algkoolis koos sõpradega kokku keevitas, leidus mitmeid algelisi lennumasinaid – ratastele kinnitati tiivad, et mäest alla sõites tranduletiga võimalikult kaugele hüpata, võimalust mööda isegi lendu tõusta. Tänu taevale, need projektid jäid pooleli. Kuid lendamise isu ei kadunud kuhugi ja sellest kujunes Toomas Uibo järgmine kirg.

Piloot ja ärijuht 2001. aastal viis mees oma unistuse täide ning omandas Eesti lennukoolis piloodi paberid. Paar aastat hiljem tegi ta Rootsis lisaks veel instruktorikursuse läbi ja nüüd õpetab teisi inimesi lendama. „Lennundus on valdkond, mis inimesele tänavalt tundub müstiline,” mõtiskleb ta. „Mul tuleb tihti selgitada lendamise saladust, miks on asjad just nii ja mitte naa.” Lennuki ja ettevõtte juhtimine on tema sõnul väga haakuvad teemad. „Sa pead hulga inimesi turvaliselt viima punktist A punkti B. Seejuures on sul lisaks plaanile A alati kuklas ka plaan B: kui peaks juhtuma see, siis ma teen seda ja seda…” See on väga sarnane ärijuhtimisele, see on nii piloodi kui ka ettevõtte juhi töö veealune osa. Piloodil peab olema tugev respekt ning enesedistsipliin – ise tuleb vastutada ning otsustada. Ettevõtte omanikke võiks võrrelda lennujuhtimiskeskusega, kellega peab olema pidev kontakt ning ühises keeles suhtlus. Sisuliselt antakse ka ettevõtte juhile omanike poolt lennundustermineid kasutades „loapiirid”. Nii nagu õhusõiduki kaptenil, nii ka ettevõtte juhil peab aga jääma õigus rikkuda loapiiri, juhul kui see säästab elusid või väldib kahjusid. Seega – päeva lõpus peab kapten otsustama ja vastutama. „Oluline on mõlemas rollis järgida kindlaid protseduure: teha õigeid asju õigel ajal, midagi vahele jätmata. Lennunduses tuleb aga lisaks säilitada respekti looduse vastu,” lisab Toomas. Tallinna Aeronautikaklubi lennukoolis loeb Toomas Uibo erapilootidele seadusi ja reegleid ning annab praktilisi lennutunde. Oma lennuk on tal olemas – kahe sõbraga kahasse ostetud neljainimeselennuk Socata TB 9. „Niisama lõbu pärast ma enam õhku ei tõu-

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se. Käin ikka asja pärast – Saaremaal elavale isale külla, äriasjus Rootsi, suvel Gotlandile, sõpradega koos Eesti väikesaartele puhkama… Lendamine on tohutult vabastav tegevus.” Lennuinstruktorina on tal tekkinud veel üks plaan. Olles elus kohtunud paljude inimestega, kellel hirm ei lase lendamist nautida, tahab ta korraldada lennuhirmu võitmise kursuse. „Teatud ärevust tunnevad enne lennureisi paljud inimesed, kuid mõnikord võib lennuhirm saada elus päris suureks takistuseks. On neidki, kes peavad töökohta vahetama, kui ametiga kaasneb palju lendamist. Hirmul võib olla mitut sorti põhjusi, aga ma keskendun inimestele, kelle hirmud tulenevad teadmatusest,” selgitab ta. Põhimõte on selles, et inimene kardab tundmatuid asju. Kui tundmatust saab tuttav, kaob ka hirm. Toomase kursusel pakutakse inimestele üldteadmisi lendamisest, lennuki kapten räägib, mis toimub lennu ajal kabiinis ja psühholoog õpetab, kuidas sundmõtetest ja ärevusest jagu saada. Ükskõik, kas sinu ees on mööblitükk, lennuk või lumesahk – täiuslikult toimiv tervik moodustub tuhandest pisidetailist. Neid detaile meeldib Neitsi tähtkujus sündinud Toomasele korrapäraselt kokku laduda. Praegu, talve tulekul ütleb ta aga vaid üht: „Lund võiks alati rohkem olla.”

Toomas Uibo reisisoovitused Stockholm – oli rohkem kui aastaks minu kodulinn ja sinna on alati tore tagasi minn

na. Oleks ülekohtune mõnda vaatamisväärsust teiste ees eelistada. Kui aga otsid linnast tõsist maitse-elamust, siis soovitan Vassa Eggen Stake House, mis asub aadressil Birger Jarlsgatan 29. Elamus on garanteeritud! London – 1990-date alguses olin vahetusõpilane Brightonis ja külastasin nädalalõpn  pudel tihti Londonit. Arvata võib, et toonased ülipopulaarsed under-ground ööklubid on oma nimesid aja jooksul vahetanud ja minu vihjed nende suunal oleksid lootusetult vananenud. 20 aastat hiljem soovitan aga seda metropoli sisse ahmida, sest võimas on nii linna ajalugu kui ka tänapäev. On vaid üks London. Thbilisi – minu mälestused sellest, Eestile nii sõbralikust riigist, ulatuvad 1980-date n  algusesse, kui Tartu Poistekooriga sai Thbilisit külastatud. See on koht, kuhu tahan kindlasti tagasi minna. Räägitakse, et eestlasena seal olles tunned end alati oodatud külalisena. Grusiinide ülevoolav emotsionaalsus annab meile põhjamaalastele kindlasti tugeva annuse energiat ja nii mõnigi kodumaine probleem võib pärast reisi marginaalseks muutuda. Oslo – Meireni lumesahad hoiavad selle linna ümbruse tuiksooni lumevabadena n  juba kolmandat talve. Kliendikülastusi tehes olen selle linnaga päris tihedas kontaktis. Norra ja lumi - need oleks justkui sünonüümid. Seetõttu on minu soovitus seotud lumega. Holmenkolleni suusamuuseumis olevat suusahüppesimulaatorit võiksid proovida nii noored kui vanad. Elamus on garanteeritud! Kopenhaagen – koht, mis jääb paljudele eestlastele tihti ainult ümberistumise n  jaamaks. Tegelikult tasub Kopenhaagen eraldi sihtkohaks võtta. Jõulude eel on raske nimetada mõnda lähiümbruses olevat pealinna, mis oleks säravam ja pulbitsevam kui Kopenhaagen. Detsembris elab linn jõulumelus, mida on võimatu kirjeldada. Luba endale vanalinna soojuskiirgurite all üks klaas hõõgveini ja sa saad selle linnaga üheks.



Toomas Uibo:

There is never enough snow! 50

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When heavy-duty snowploughs are working hard in Tallinn Airport, it’s music to Toomas Uibo's ears, Estonia’s own Robertino Loretti.


stonians could not believe the news when a snowstorm closed down the London Heathrow Airport for six days. Snow, like snowploughs that work day and night, are a natural part of the Estonian winter. What is surprising for many is that the company that manufactures the snowploughs operating in Ülemiste is run by Toomas Uibo who was once famous for his voice in the whole Soviet Union.

The child becomes a star Thirty years ago the name of Toomas Uibo (41) was known all over Estonia. His tender soprano that could hit upper H was compared with that of Robertino Loretti, an Italian wonderchild. In 1981 the silver-voiced boy and his father Väino Uibo, a singer and actor, performed together in the musical Singing to Befriend Night and Day in Ugala. A CD with the soundtrack of this musical has been released 31 years later. Toomas also starred in Viljandi threatre’s children’s performance Road to Happy Garden. The most famous song of the young artist was recorded in 1984 in the children’s film Spring in the Heart. In the role that was specially written for him, Toomas played a 12-year-old geeky rural boy whose talent is accidentally discovered in a musical camp. The film’s culmination was the Song of the Northern Land which Toomas Uibo performed with the children’s choir Ellerhein. Composer Ülo Vinter had written this song to be the

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final song of the musical of Pippi Longstocking. The same song has also been included in the program of our song festivals. The same film also featured Märt Uibo, Toomas’s younger brother and current colleague. Toomas says that the pinnacle of his career was a solo concert in one of Moscow’s grandest halls with the world-famous symphony orchestra of Moscow Philarmonics, performing such classical works like Schubert’s „Ave Maria” or di Capua’s „O sole mio”.

Text: Anu Jõesaar, Ajakirjade Kirjastus Photos: Priit Simson, Private archive

30 years of musical pause Thinking back, Toomas Uibo recalls his career on stage as an interesting phase that had an impact on his whole life. „Thanks to singing I met many theatrical and artistic people. They have an entirely different worldview. Frequent visitors in our Tartu kitchen were Hando Runnel, Ain Kaalep, EnnKaarel Hellat and many other people considered to be the soul of Tartu. I grew up hearing them talk,” says Uibo. „At some point my concerts started to interfere with my life as a child. Usually, whenever some of my friends had a birthday, I had a concert,” he adds, recalling the pitfalls of fame. Toomas never had any plans to stay on stage. His singing career ended when his voice broke. He got his musical education in Tartu Secondary School No. 7 that taught courses of musical instruments, writing and reading music and singing. „Fortunately, I did not have absolute hearing. I know people who have it and find it disturbing. For instance, it would be difficult for them to play the same tune a key lower because they need to

Toomas Uibo (41) Graduated from Tartu n

Secondary School No. 7 (Karlova Upper Secondary School) in 1989 1989 to 1995 lived in n  Sweden, worked in a furniture industry and learned marketing and business administration in Sweden and UK. 1995 to 2009 worked for n  several furniture manufacturers as a sales manager while studying marketing in Tallinn University of Technology. Since 2009 employed by n  Meiren Engineering, first as a sales manager and now as the CEO and board member. Outside work is a flight instructor at the aviation school of the Aeronautics Club, an NGO, and aviation manager of Hansa Air. Co-habiting, three chiln  dren (15, 10 and 4)



Toomas isaga / Toomas with his father

transform the whole music in their mind. I don’t mind in which key I sing.” There was a period when Toomas was not involved in music at all. But he always had music inside him, for example, this spring he joined an improvised band for competing at a marketing conference. „On Facebook, a friend suggested we put together an improvised band and attend a competition. I replied half-joking, that I could come and hum along if necessary,” Uibo says, laughing. The band was named MUSTus. The first rehearsal showed that they lacked a base-player. Toomas took the role and fell in love. „I thought, how hard could it be. I started to like it, so I bought the instrument and now I am practicing every day.


Base guitar is the coolest thing that I have recently discovered!”

A carpenter in Sweden Music is only one of the passions for Toomas. He has many and one of them is carpentry. „My grandfather was a master carpenter who taught me to carve out interesting items from wood when I was young. His pedantry in small details has been passed on to me. I still have my grandfather’s tools at the countryside. So, when I retire one day, I will start making furniture again,” he says. By accident, woodworking was also his first real job: namely, after graduating secondary school in Estonia he lived in Sweden for five years where he found a job as an assistant to a carpenter in a small woodworking firm. At that time Estonian small enterprises were still mainly producing cotton candy. Scandinavia gave Toomas a chance to

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person study how to manage a company. „I have seen all sides of working life and it has enriched me. I put my soul in everything I do. You cannot be a good managing director if you have not experienced it yourself,” believes Toomas. He saw professional salesmanship and customer service in action and learned also English and Swedish business language. By the way, Toomas Uibo has recorded the safety information in Swedish that you hear on Estonian Air aircraft before takeoff.

Slushplough – a real bestseller His studies in Sweden gave him a good foundation for setting up his own furniture company in Estonia. He was running a furniture company for some time, until six years ago he decided to become an employee. Today, Toomas is the managing director and board member of Meiren Engi-

neering, one of Estonia’s most successful exporters ( You could even say that he is leading the battle with snow of the whole Scandinavia. Because Meiren, a company that designs and manufactures industrial equipment produces snowploughs. The devices attached to trucks and tractors are designed and made in Estonia and sold everywhere in the Baltic countries and Scandinavia. Starting from this spring the company expanded sales also to Germany. In Sweden, Meiren has become one of the largest sellers of road ploughs. „We have managed to sell this great product very well,” says Toomas Uibo. „Our bestselling item is a road snowplough that many call a slushplough as it suits both highways and forest roads.” The design and innovation of Estonian engineers makes it possible for the Meiren plough to leave a very clean track. This helps making traf-

Toomase poeg Hansel (4a) teeb juba varakult tutvust lennumasinatega. / Toomas's son Hansel (4 years) is getting to know aircraft already at an early age.


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person fic safer, roads need less salt and the environment suffers less. „Competition is tough and there is no time to enjoy success. Product development must work at full speed, otherwise you fall behind in competition,” says Uibo. If you look outside the window at Tallinn Airport in the winter, you can see Meiren’s ploughs keeping runways clean.

A broken alarm clock From his childhood Toomas recalls an old broken alarm clock at his grandmother’s place in Elva. He was 6 or 7 when he decided to fix it and so he took it apart. But, as usual, the assembling failed. Toomas says that since his boyhood he has always wanted to understand the internal logic of mechanical devices. This is his third great passion: engineering. „I have always been interested in knowing what is inside things and how they work,” he explains. Most men who sell innovative engineering inventions have probably disassembled alarm clocks when young. Working in a company such as Meiren requires collecting a lot of technical information from customers and a lot of technical skills to communicate customer wishes to engineers. This way the possibility that the first solution is the right one is bigger. Toomas Uibo has this skill. He could talk about aircraft engines for hours. He also likes to design and draw. In his furniture company he used to design a lot himself. The machines that he welded together with his friends in the elementary school included several simple flying vehicles: they attached wings to wheels so they could ride downhill and jump as long as possible or even fly a little. Thank God that these projects were never completed. But his interest to fly did not disappear and it became his next big passion.

Pilot and business manager In 2001 the man realized his dream to fly and acquired a pilot’s license in an aviation school in Estonia. A few years later he also underwent an instructor’s course in Sweden and is now teaching other people to fly. „Aviation is a mystery for people. I often have to explain the secret of flying or why things are the way they are,” he adds.

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Travel recommendations by Toomas Uibo n  Stockholm was my home town for more than a year and it is always great to go back. It is really difficult to prefer some attraction to others. But if you are looking for a serious gourmet experience, I recommend Vassa Eggen Stake House located at Birger Jarlsgatan 29. It’s priceless!

n  London. At the beginning of 1990s I was an exchange student in Brighton and often visited London at weekends. I am sure that the underground nightclubs that were hugely popular back then have changed names by now so my tips are hopelessly outdated. But even 20 years later I still recommend to get to know this metropolis because it has a great history, but is also very modern. There is only one London.

n  Tbilisi. My memories of Georgia, this country that is so friendly to Estonia, date back to the start of 1980s when I visited Tbilisi with the Tartu Boys' Choir. It is a place I’d like to visit again. It is said that, as an Estonian, you always feel as a welcome visitor there. The overflowing emotionality of Georgians is certain to energize us, Scandinavians, and some domestic problem could become marginal after a visit to Georgia.

n  Oslo. Meiren’s snowploughs keep the traffic arteries of this city snow-free for the third winter. I travel to Oslo often to visit my customers. Norway and snow are like synonyms which is why my recommendation is to test the ski-jumping simulator in the Holmenkollen ski museum, no matter your age. This is an experience that you will not forget!

n  Copenhagen is the place that for many Estonians remains a transit hub, but it deserves a visit as a separate destination. This city is especially beautiful before Christmas and there are no capitals nearby that would be shinier and more pulsating than Copenhagen. In December, this city is living in an unbelievable Christmas buzz. Allow yourself a glass of mulled wine in the Old Town under the heat radiators and you will become one with this city.


person He says that managing a company and piloting an aircraft are similar in many ways. „As a pilot, you need to take a number of people safely from point A to point B. You also need to always have a plan B in case things don’t happen the way you


expect them to...” This is very similar to managing a business. A pilot must have strong respect and self-discipline, you have to be responsible and able to make your own decisions. Company owners are like the flight control centre that require constant contact and a common language. In aviation terms, the owner of the company gives CEO his operating limits. But similarly to the captain of an aircraft, the managing director must have the right to exceed the operating limits if it is necessary to save lives or avoid damages. In short – at the end of the day it is the captain that must decide and take responsibility. „In both roles, it is important to observe fixed procedures: do the right things at the right time and not omit anything. You need to maintain respect for nature,” adds Toomas. In the flight school of the Tallinn Aeronautics Club, Uibo lectures law and regulations to private pilots and gives practical flight lessons. He also has a private aircraft: a Socata TB 9 that he bought together with two friends and that seats four people. „I am no longer flying for fun anymore. There's usually a reason – to visit my father in Saaremaa, go to Sweden for business, to Gotland for summer, to Estonian small islands to meet with friends… Flying is such a release.” As a flight instructor, he has come up with another plan. Having met many people in his life who are afraid of flying, Toomas wants to organise a course for overcoming fear of flying. „Many people feel certain anxiety before the flight, but sometimes it can become a major obstacle in life. There are people who need to change jobs to avoid flying. Fear may have many reasons, but I am focusing on people whose fears are based on lack of knowledge,” he explains. Usually people are afraid of the unknown. If it becomes familiar to them, the fear disappears. In his course, he offers general knowledge of aviation, then a captain talks about what happens in the cockpit during the flight and a psychologist explains how to overcome compulsive thoughts and anxiety. It does not matter if we talk about furniture, aircraft or a snowplough – it is an integrated complex that consists of thousands of small details. Toomas who was born as a Virgo likes to assemble these details. But now, with the winter approaching, all he says is: „There is never enough snow.”

in time November 2012

Traditional Estonian industry

Tallinn Airport showcases traditional Estonian industry Estonian industry, its tradition and daily operations are being showcased at the VKG gate at Tallinn Airport. Estonia’s oil shale industry owes its existence to a natural catastrophe that led to the extinction of the most common Palaeozoic organisms – trilobites. There were more than 10,000 species of them at the time. Trilobites became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago, and this extraordinary process did not affect Estonia alone, but made its mark on the whole world. The spread of trilobites is also evidenced by the fact that if we calculated all oil shale reserves in barrels, they would exceed the world’s oil reserves by three to four times. At present, there are only four countries that are actively using their reserves: Estonia, Brazil, China and Israel. Estonian oil shale is like gold compared to the reserves of other countries. We already use it to produce raw materials for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and automotive industries. The curiosity of our engineers has helped them develop techniques that can be used to make fine chemicals from oil shale, which can be used for numerous things from UV filters to car tyres. The residue created in oil shale processing is ideal for cement and concrete production, and the latter is currently being tested in road construction.

At the end of the 19th century, the vodka distillery at Kukruse Manor, which belonged to Baron Robert von Tolli, started using oil shale as fuel. This fuel was very useful for the household and the Baron used the extra money he made from the distillery to support the polar expeditions of his famous brother, Eduard Gustav von Tolli. The engineers of the young Republic of Estonia learnt from the experience of the inventive baron and the first plant was set up as early as 1924. The town of Kohtla-Järve later developed around the plant. It seems that there is something special about our industry, because it has attracted many well-known engineers, including Märt Raud and Paul Kogerman, who became the leaders and patriots of the oil shale industry. There have been highs and lows in the history of the oil shale industry, but the highs certainly outnumber the lows. Local industry is now looking further than the production of fuel oil, not to mention electricity. As all Lexus cars already contain products made of Estonian oil shale chemicals, many local cars may be driving on our own oil shale diesel in a few years’ time. Our development plans suggest that this could well happen. Estonian oil shale is like gold!

Estonia No-one knows where an Estonian may be hiding his or her sauna. It could be in a fancy office of a skyscraper, in an apartment of a residential building, in the basement of an embassy or in a firetruck. What’s certain is that an Estonian is never without a sauna. And you can be sure that when you’re invited to a sauna, get naked and head to the steamroom, this friendship is forever.


in time November 2012



the hidden secret of Estonians


racking the historic development of sauna and sauna culture, Estonia can be divided into South, North, islands, and the saunaless Northwest. Saunas differ from building technology and everything else, sometimes being made into complete home spas. Ancient Estonians used saunas to give birth, to sweat, to cure, to bewitch and to die. In addition to electric sauna stoves, showers and boilers, many

November 2012 in time

summerhouses also have a ritual sauna that must be heated for several hours with real firewood and where the family or friends can spend the whole Saturday evening, sweating and washing. A proper sauna includes a viht which is a bundle of birch twigs with fresh leaves for gently slapping your skin to create further stimulation of the pores and cells. To cure rheumatism, you can use oak, junipers or even the stinging nettle. It is also said that you should get out of the sauna before darkness because this is when the spirits of the

Text: Piret Tali Photos: Saunamaailm, Ants Anup천ld, Tiit Koha, Kadri Giannakaina Laube, Tiia Haug, Tiina Rebane


Estonia dead come to wash. Some Estonians have been heating a sauna for their forefathers on the All Souls’ Day. There are people who prefer to stay in the sauna longer so they can talk to sauna spirits. In modern times, the sauna spirit is often a stone shaped like a man’s face and holds aromatic oils. A sauna cleanses both body and mind, but don’t go to sauna angry as the sauna spirit could smear the walls. The essential part of a sauna experience is the heat. Sauna heat has the power to purify a human soul and it is a sacred place for cleansing both the body and mind. While traditionally people have sauna before the holidays and on the weekends, in some areas people go to sauna also in Midsummer Day, Christmas Day, and in the New Year’s Eve. For some, sauna is more important than church. In Soviet times, all richer collective farms and organizations had big sauna cabins in the countryside. Saunas were often used to seal important deals with executives from Moscow. Saunas may have lost some of their importance in today’s business culture, but men who do not stand heat or alcohol usually do not qualify as a business partner. There are no clothes, ties or epaulets in the steamroom and talk is direct.

The mysterious smoke sauna Smoke saunas are mysterious even for Estonians themselves because you can find them mainly in Southern Estonia, Võru and Setomaa. Many old smoke saunas in the south have been bought, taken to pieces and re-assembled somewhere else. A smoke sauna is usually a small hut that is located away from other farm buildings at a water body. While great to jump in after sweating, water is important also because every smoke sauna is said to burn at least once. Smoke saunas and the legends that surround them are so rare that there were plans to include them in the UNESCO cultural heritage together with the Seto song, Kihnu ethnic community, song festivals and Tallinn Old Town. Smoke saunas are special because they have no chimney and flames are heating stove stones so that smoke enters the sauna room. This makes vapour soft and kind to your bones and muscles. Old smoke saunas with sooted logs and small windows have a special aroma.


in time November 2012


November 2012 in time



A smoke sauna is heated between 6 and 10 hours and remains hot for a long time. They can also be used for smoking meat. It takes lots of firewood to heat up a smoke sauna. The sauna is ready when the water in the stove kettle starts to boil. In some parts of the country, they let the logs saturate with heat and go to sauna only after several hours. To remove smoke from the sauna, a traditional first steam followed by a sauna spell must be performed. Heating the smoke sauna is an art that is passed from generation to generation and requires


total focus. The heat of a smoke sauna is softer than in the sizzling hot Finnish sauna, but thoroughly cleanses the body and the soul. Sometimes the air gets so hot that logs start to leak resin. Truly ancient smoke saunas also don’t have a water system that destroys old crossbeam buildings, so you often have to drag water with buckets or wash in some other place.

From Finnish to mysterious Saare sauna The most common type of sauna used in Estonia is the Finnish sauna known for its dry heat with

in time November 2012

temperatures in excess of 100 degrees Celsius. Usually saunas also have a cooler washing area and a relaxation room with a fireplace. Men usually compete as to who can stand the biggest heat. While heat-lovers would take higher seats, women and children stay on lower levels. Some protect their heads with woolen hats, while others use hats made of rabbit fur or linen. Water to be poured on stove stones must be hot and for aromatic purposes may include beer, aromatic oils or herbs. Regular summerhouse sauna stoves can also heat up a whole tank of water, but they remain hot only when burning. Closed stoves, special metal stoves for storing heat or sauna stoves that weigh several tons are relatively rare, but

November 2012 in time

Estonia Tourism farms you can enjoy real smoke sauna in Setomaa and Võrumaa Elmari farm n

Jõeveere farm n joeveere-talu

Hurda farm n

Hämsaare farm n

Karula National Park n

visitors centre

Mesikamäe guesthouse n

Mesipuu farm n

Metsavenna farm n

Mooska smoke sauna n

Männi farm guesthouse n

Pinnamäe guesthouse n

Piusa Ürgoru guesthouse n

Raja farm n

Sauna land n

Sepa farm n

Setomaa tourism farm n

Seto farm museum n

Suhka farm n

Suitsusauna farm n suitsusauna-talu

Tamme guesthouse n

Tikuta farm’s smoke sauna n

Tuhka farm n

Sorcerer's Kingdom in n

the Primeval Valley of Lake Uhtjärv

Vetevana farm n vetevana-turismitalu


remain hot for at least a day. During the Soviet times, Estonia’s largest island Saaremaa was a border zone, accessible only by permits. This has created many legends about its saunas. There is even a song that says people who have never been in Saaremaa nor seen the bare navel of a local lady, have seen nothing. In the western part of Saaremaa they even use the sauna stove to bake bread consisting of potatoes, Baltic herrings, smoked meat, onions and sometimes egg and flour. After losing a few kilograms in a sauna, it’s a treat.

Russian banya Although the history of Estonians and Russians goes back a long way, Russian sauna or banya is fairly uncommon in Estonia. The best banya in Tallinn is in the Sauna Village operated by Saunamaailm that has a stove which weighs eight tons. The temperature in a Russian sauna is between 55 and 70 degrees Celsius and heat is generated from vapor when water is thrown on the rocks inside the stove. The hotter the stones the smaller the steam particles and the hotter and drier the sauna.

Un l i ke in an Estonian sauna, stones in a banya are not on top, but inside the stove and the stove door is opened only for throwing water. The steam rises to the ceiling and is beaten down immediately with a towel or a sauna twig. Some Russian saunas have slanted boards on the ceiling that guide the vapor downward. In the Soviet Union, the cult comedy „Fate’s Irony, or Have a Nice Sauna” was an integral part of the New Year’s Eve TV schedule. It’s about the adventures of a man who gets drunk after a sauna on New Year's Eve and is put on a plane by his similarly inebriated pals. He ends up in the wrong city and falls in love with a woman who finds him, staggeringly drunk, in her apartment. Not surprisingly, there are still many men going to municipal saunas in New Year’s Eve, with sauna twigs in their briefcase. It’s a tradition, you see.

in time November 2012

Estonia when whole families went to a municipal sauna on Saturdays.

Hot tubs like a kettle from hell There’s a joke that when you go to hell, you can tell Estonians from others by the fact that they like it there as it’s hot and no-one’s trying to leave.

While there used to be public municipal saunas in every part of Tallinn, only a few remain. The nicest of these municipal baths is the Kalma sauna in Kalamaja district that was built in 1928. It has separate areas for men and women, includes massage parlous and hourly saunas with private pools. It’s not as famous as the Budapest thermal baths, but you get the idea. Especially as a reminder from 1980s and 1990s when not all apartments had baths, when hot water was scarce and

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Those who have watched the broadcasts of World Championships in Cross-Country Skiing in Otepää, Estonia’s winter capital, know that this wild nation has a habit of sitting naked in a round wooden tub filled with hot water in the middle of winter. Although it was the Japanese who started the hot tub culture, wooden hot tubs are now a familiar sight in many Estonian tourist farm-

houses and homes. There is nothing better than roam a day on flooded meadows and ride a canoe in icy waters, and then relax in a local smoke sauna and watch the stars in a hot tub made of pine, on top of a cosy fire. There may be snowflakes falling softly from the sky and a few ice blocks could be sailing past in the river. The moments when you can feel fire, air, water and earth all combined are rare.

A 6-hour sauna marathon in snowy Otepää Otepää, the winter capital of Estonia, has been n

hosting the European sauna marathon for three years. Usually held in February, in the coldest month, it is attended by 500 people and 137 teams, with the start at the Pühajärve Spa Hotel. Sirje Ginter from Otepää Culture Centre that organin  ses the event says that in recent years the sauna marathon has been held in freezing temperatures. „Some sauna owners had to cancel because their waterpipes had burst, roads were snowed in or ice holes they made were immediately frozen,” recalls Ginter. There are usually between 10 and 16 local saunas and n  spas that participate. Sauna owners have the obligation to keep saunas hot for six hours, from noon to 6 pm. Teams have four members, and until now the competition has been free. Teams are handed out sauna maps, they must find all required locations and must register their visit at the sauna owner. Attending at least one heating session in every sauna is compulsory and additional points are given for getting into hot tubs, ice holes and other attractions.


in time November 2012

„There are those who take it easy and visit only a few saunas. n

And then there are others who race against time,” says Ginter, adding that the competition is actually sauna orientation as all saunas in the list must be found. There are prizes in every category, ranging from the fastest n  competitors to the most stylish bathers and for best foreigners. „It’s an opportunity to obtain different, even extreme experiences from wood-burning, electric saunas, smoke saunas, infrared saunas and steam saunas, hot tubs, ice holes and spa saunas,” adds Ginter.

November 2012 in time


Kaerajaan combines local taste with world cuisine


Raekoja plats 17, Tallinn 10146
 Tel: +372 6155400 On Board of Estonian Air in November and December

An Estonian proverb

says an empty sack doesn’t stand up. At the restaurant Kaerajaan, this folk saying is kept in mind and it is seen to that the guests could enjoy the delicious food to the fullest. The modern Estonian kitchen is an exciting combination of Estonian and world tastes. The menu allows joy of recognition to every guest, as well as a moment of surprise. All dishes are based on well-known raw materials and recipes, but cooked and served in a modern key. Our own traditional food culture consists mostly of potatoes and preserved food from the forest or the sea – foods that have the potential to taste great but tend to become slightly monoto-

nous in the long run. Being able to impress and deliver the unexpected has become a big part of today’s restaurant dining experience. The chef of Kaerajaan Jaak Hiibus has put aside foreign influences, such as olive oil, foie gras and sun-dried tomatoes in favor of Estonian ingredients: mushrooms, berries, and wild boar from our forests; slow-growing fish from our cold waters; and milk from cows grazing in our pastures. The real feat of the New Estonian Cuisine, the thing that makes it “new”, is that it avoids the dullness mentioned earlier. In a way, the fact that the food is good, is a given. What makes a difference is the atmosphere and here the restaurant Kaerajaan displays many wonderful design elements and solutions inspired by national patterns. The warm cardigans and mittens surrounding the lamps and the centuriesold limestone walls make you feel cosy and safe while watching people mill about in the Old Town Square. The new Nordic cuisine movement is a food and design phenomenon, but it also says something about us Estonians as people. No longer are we looking outside of our borders to find new experiences; we have finally started to appreciate what we have at home and, what’s more, believe that it can be something worth showing to others as well. Delicious food lifts the spirits – this is the motto of restaurant Kaerajaan and they look forward to seeing you soon! Text: Tanel Unt

punane: C=0, M=85, Y=95, K=0 lilla: C=75, M=100, Y=0, K=25 kollane: C=5, M=5, Y=90, K=0


in time November 2012

Õnn peitub väikestes asjades magusas pannkoogilõhnas, päikesepaistes, ammu-unustatud muusikapalas... Pure happyness is in small things smell of pancakes, sunshine, long-forgotten melody... Tallinna vanalinna südames leiad just sellise õdusa paiga, kus meenutada lapsepõlvemälestusi ja nautida puhtaid maitseid. Nostalgilise hõnguga Kohvik Kompott pakub Eestis kasvatatud toiduainetest hõrgutisi igale maitsele. Oled oodatud! Kohvik Kompott – see on hea eesti köök parimast kodumaisest toorainest! Tallinn Old Town hides place like that – nostalgic Caffee Kompott allows you to go back to your childhood memories and enjoy the pure tastes. Caffee Kompott – it is delicious Estonian food made of best local products!

OOtame Sind külla juba täna! WecOme tO kOmpOtt! Pikk 30, Tallinn Vaata päevapakkumisi ka Facebookis! Find us in Facebook!

mood / fashion

Naistele keelatud!

Kolm Eesti disainerit jagavad meestele stiilitarkust Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre, Eesti Päevaleht • Fotod / Photos: Olga Makina, Kalle Veesaar, Baltman

Kalle Aasamäe: Salliga saab imet teha! Kalle Aasamäe loob meesterõivaid eelkõige mugavaks igapäevaseks kandmiseks. n  Kuid tema jaoks on kõige olulisem vormi ja sisu tasakaal: „Riietus on küll oluline osa inimese mainest, kuid ainuüksi sellest võib jääda väheks. Mulle on olulised ka sellised väärtused, mis esmapilgul varjatud. Mis kasu on stiilsest välimusest, kui seal taga on tühjus. Stiilne inimene on tasakaalus välimuse ja sisemusega nii, et ka teised seda näevad.“ Praeguses meestemoes rõõmustab Aasamäed 1970-1980-ndate aastate tagasitulek. „Pintsakud laiade revääridega, püksid laiema sääreosaga ning lõikeline lihtsus ilma liigse müra ja detailirohkuseta. Ära on kadunud liigne androgüünsus.“ Aasamäe lemmikdetail on sall. See lihtne ese annab hea võimaluse tervikut ümber mängida, sellega saab lisada värvi või lohakat elegantsi muidu liiga rangele välimusele. Disainer soovitab meestel pöörata enam tähelepanu ehetele mansetinööpidest prossideni – väike kirss tordil muudab välimuse palju isikupärasemaks.

Kalle Aasamäe: A scarf can work wonders! Kalle Aasamäe designs men’s clothing mainly for casual daily wear. For n  him, the most important thing is the balance between form and essence: „Clothes are an important part of a person’s image, but it’s not everything. One must also have inner values. What’s the use of stylish looks if there is nothing behind it? The worst is when a person opens his or her mouth and just blabs. A stylish person has a balance between their outside and inside, so that also others can see it.“ Aasamäe says that he is happy to see men’s fashion of 1970s and 1980s making a comeback. „Jackets with wide lapels, pants with wider legs and simplicity in lines without too much noise or details. No more excessive androgyny.“ Aasamäe’s favourite detail is scarf. This simple piece of clothing allows to shift the focus and add colour or casual elegance to formal wear. He suggests to turn more attention to accessories, from cuff links to brooches as even a small cherry on the cake can make looks much more unique.


in time November 2012

mood / fashion Antonio / Baltman: Stiil algab peast Eesti suurima meestemoe kaubamärgi disaineri Antonio käekirjas kohtub põhjan  maiselt karge minimalism itaalialiku ülevoolavusega. Analüüsides stiili, peab Antonio oluliseks, et riiete sees peab olema eelkõige nendega klappiv isiksus – mees peab kandma riideid, mitte vastupidi. Stiil on ainult peas, mitte kusagil mujal. Ja parafraseerib seepeale üht Eesti kirjanikku: mehe teeb stiilseks mees ise. Antonio toob selle sügistalve meestemoes välja kaks põhisuunda: dändilik ja värskendatud retro. Disainerid on tagasi pöördunud elegantse hästiistuva silueti juurde ning siin on Victoria ja Edwardi aegsest inglise aristokraatiast inspireeritud ülikond asendamatu. Meestemoodi mõjutavad ka inglise aadlike veidi igapäevasemad ning maisemad rõivad. Kui Antonio soovitaks mõnd eriti ägedat detaili, siis tasuks investeerida kootud lipsu ja viksitud ümara ninaga veinipunastesse kingadesse.

Antonio / Baltman: Style starts in your mind Designs by Antonio, Estonia’s largest men’s fashion brand, combine Scandinan  vian minimalism with Italian exuberance. According to Antonio, in terms of style, clothing must reflect the personality of the wearer: it’s the man who wears the clothes, not vice versa. Style only exists in people’s minds. Or, paraphrasing an Estonian novelist: only the man himself can make a man stylish. Antonio points out two main directions in this year's fall and winter trends for men: dandy style and refreshed retro. Designers have re-discovered elegant well-fitting silhouettes and this is where a Victorian men’s suit inspired by the British aristocracy is simply invaluable. Men’s fashion is also influenced by everyday casual clothing of the British nobility. When asked for some especially jazzy details, Antonio recommends to invest in a knitted tie and polished Bordeaux red rounded shoes.

November 2012 in time


mood / fashion Katrin Kuldma / Amanjeda: Diskreetne luksus Katrin Kuldma puhul teevad nii sisu kui ka vormi stiilseks enesekindlus, selgus ja n  huumorisoon. Kuldma käekiri toitub elu püsiväärtustest, teadlik konservatiivsus olgu vundament mängulisusele. Stiilse ülikonna valem on tema arvates väga kvaliteetne materjal, perfektne lõige ja istuvus ning julged kombinatsioonid värvitoonides ja mustrites. Kusjuures maksimalistina lisab ta, et mitte ükski komponent selles valemis ei tohi nõrgaks jääda – kui ei ole võimalik täispangale minna, siis tasub loobuda ülikonna kandmisest ja eelistada vabamat sportlikku joont. Olulised toonid hetkemoes on Kuldma sõnul murtud pruunid ja sinakad hallid, kangastest flanelli meenutavad ruudulised villakangad ja tviidid ning mustritest igiaktuaalsed triibud-ruudud. Kuldma ei pea oluliseks trendituultes laperdamist, täpne istuvus ja disain on märksa olulisemad. Värskendava detailina soovitab Kuldma šiki olemisega villa-siidi segu matte ja struktuursete mustritega lipse. Ning kui lips peaks ahistama, saab luua väga elegantse terviku särgikangast taskurätina pintsaku rinnataskus kandes.

Katrin Kuldma / Amanjeda: Discreet luxury Katrin Kuldma makes essence and form stylish by self-confidence, clarity n  and a sense of humour. Kuldma’s handwriting is rather minimalist, for her tradition is the foundation of playfulness. Her formula for a stylish men’s suit is high-quality fabric, a perfect cut and fit accompanied by daring colours and patterns. As a perfectionist, she says that all components of this formula must be equally strong – otherwise you can just hang the suit up and opt for more casual wear. The current trends are dominated by broken brown and bluish grey colours, tweed and checked woollen fabrics that resemble flannel and perennial stripes and checks as patterns. Kuldma doesn't approve always following the trends and says that a perfect fit and a good design are much more important. As a refreshing component, Kuldma recommends chic mixes of wool and silk and ties with structured patterns. If a tie is too constricting, she suggests creating an elegant impression by wearing a handkerchief made of the same fabric as the shirt in the breast pocket.

Stiiliikoonid, keda jälgida Kalle Aasamäe: disainer ja nüüd ka filmilavastaja Tom Ford Antonio: Raul Saaremets, Riho Sibul, David Bowie, Gianni Agnelli Katrin Kuldma: James Bond

Style icons to follow Kalle Aasamäe: designer and now also a film director Tom Ford Katrin Kuldma: James Bond Antonio: Raul Saaremets, Riho Sibul, David Bowie, Gianni Agnelli


in time November 2012

pood / boutique Mütse igale maitsele

fabrics, organically produced silk, hemp, cotton and wool. As a fashion brand, Must Mood is slow and sustainable. Creatively designed clothes can be worn for years and there are no two identical products. Instead of launching a new collection at least four times a year, MUST collections are numbered: 1, 2, 3, etc. All products have been created by Estonian tailors. Prices range from EUR 100 to 500. On photo: hem jacket made of organic tweed, EUR 350.

Murka mütsid ja muud aksessuaarid n  kasvasid välja armastusest käsitöö vastu. Praegu pakutakse mütse nii lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele, peamiselt tehakse tellimustööd – peakate valmistatakse täpselt kliendi soovi ja fantaasia järgi. Murka aksessuaare kasutatakse palju fotograafide stuudiotes. Valik tooteid on müügil Misu kaupluses (Kaarli pst 7), rohkem näeb Facebooki-lehel MurkaKasitoo.

will be on sale in the first week of November through e-store Price range: EUR 150–350

Soojad ja sõbralikud möirakarud Mörr! nime alla kuuluvad lambavillast n  nõelviltimise tehnikas valmistatud karud, prossid ja kõrvarõngad. Idee autor Grete Nilp alustas villast loomakeste valmistamist juba 2008. aastal. Aja jooksul on vorm muutunud ning praegu on tema lemmik stiliseeritud karukuju, mis leiab kasutust mitmeti. Mörr! karusid ja ehteid saab osta Tallinnast Les Petites disainipoest (Müürivahe 28), Misu käsitööpoest (Kaarli pst 7) ning otse kodulehelt MorrKaru. Hinnad jäävad vahemikku 8–13 eurot.

Hats for every head Murka hats and other accessories were n  born out of love for handmade items. There are hats for children and adults, most of them tailor-made to exactly match the customer’s demands and fantasies. Murka accessories are often used by art photographers. A choice of products is on sale in Misu (Kaarli pst 7), and more is available in Facebook at www.facebook. com/MurkaKasitoo.

Jalgade kallistajad Stuudio Nahk on disainjalanõusid ja n  aksessuaare tootev bränd, mille väärtuseks unikaalne disain ning jalga toetavad mudelid. Brändi kontseptsiooni võtmesõnad on põhjamaine askeetlik stiil, puhtad vormid, kvaliteet ja isikupära. Jalanõud ja aksessuaarid valmistatakse käsitööna kvaliteetsest nahast. Stuudio Nahk uus sügiskollektsioon jõuab müüki novembri esimesel nädalal koduleheküljel www.karinkallas. com asuvasse e-poodi. Hinnad on sõltuvalt tootest 150–350 eurot.

Feethuggers Studio Nahk is a brand of designer n  shoes and accessories that stand out for their unique design and foot-supporting models. The keywords of the concept are Scandinavian asceticism, pure lines, quality and personality. Everything is made of quality leather by hand. The new fall line


Warm and cuddly bears Mörr! is the name for bears, brooches n

Aeglaselt moekaks MUST on kaubamärk Must Mood, mille n  all valmivad üksnes mahekangast, orgaaniliselt toodetud siidist, kanepist, puuvillast ja villast rõivaesemed. Must Mood lähtub aeglase moe ideest ja kestlikkusest. Loodava disaini eeldus on, et rõivaid võib kanda aastaid ning kahte identset toodet neil ei leidu. Kaubamärk ei järgi tavapärast moekalendrit, kus uus kollektsioon antakse välja vähemalt neli korda aastas, vaid kollektsioonid tähistatakse üksnes järjekorranumbritega 1, 2, 3 jne. Kõik tooted on loonud kodumaised rätsepad. Hinnaskaala on 100–500 eurot. Pildil kanditud jakk orgaanilisest tviidist, hind 350 eurot.

and earrings made of sheep’s wool by needle felting. The author of the concept Grete Nilp made her first woolen animals already in 2008. Over time, the form has changed and her favourite is now a simple bear figure that fulfills many functions. Mörr! bears and jewellery can be bought in Tallinn from such design stores as Les Petites (Müürivahe 28), Misu (Kaarli pst 7) and directly from MorrKaru. Prices from EUR 8 to 13.

Slowfashion MUST is a brand of Must Mood that n  produces only clothes made of organic

in time November 2012

pood / boutique Kaunid nõud peolauale

Dishes for party tables

Kerttu-Kaisa Kiviselg valmistab oman

Kerttu-Kaisa Kiviselg is a designer of n

näolisi keraamikaesemeid. Valikus on nii tasse kui ka vaagnaid, nagisid ja viinapitse – igaüks käsitööna valminud ja meistri nägu. Tooteid võib leida Sadamaturult, Hiiumaa käsitööpoest. Hinnad 4–40 eurot. Võimalik ka eritellimus.

unique ceramics. The range includes cups and bowls, clothing racks and vodka shot glasses, all handmade by the master. On sale in Sadamaturg and Hiiumaa handicraft store. Prices EUR 4 to 40. Special orders possible.

Apollo raamatupoe soovitused / Recommendations from Apollo Bookstore Wallanger päästab Kuus päeva deemoneid Luuleline spordiajalugu maailma „Montreali „Tugitoolitšempionide eined“ on raan  n  deemoneid“ ootasid Justin Petrone andunud fännid juba jupp aega enne selle ilmumist ja nad ei pea pettuma. Petrone, kellele see on esimene ilukirjanduslik teos, võlub värvika sõnakasutuse ja julge ütlemisega kõikide südamed, kes sõna „seks“ kuuldes ei minesta. Adam Cruzi seiklusi rohtudeta võõras linnas võivad lugeda nii paadunud töönarkomaanid, põnevust otsivad koduperenaised kui ka loengus igavlevad tudengid. Romaanis kestab tegevus kuus päeva ja selle ajaga saab raamatu läbi loetud. Tuleb ainult jälgida, et ootamatute naerupahvakutega teiste rahulikku pereelu ei segaks. Justin Petrone „Montreali deemonid“, kirjastus Petrone Print, 2012.

Six days of demons Diehard fans of Justin Petrone were n  waiting for The Demons of Montreal for some time and they have been richly rewarded. As the first fiction for Petrone, the book charms with its straight text, capturing the hearts of those who do not faint when they hear the word „sex“. The adventures of Adam Cruz in a strange city without medications are targeted equally at workaholics, thrill-seeking housewives and bored university students. The novel covers six days which should be enough for reading the whole book. Just keep in mind that unexpected laughter could ruin the idyllic family life of others. Justin Petrone The Demons of Montreal Petrone Print, 2012.

November 2012 in time

mat spordist inimestele, kes tegelevad tugitoolispordiga ehk hoiavad end kursis järgmisel päeval pärast võistlusi uudiseid vaadates. Contra peatub põgusalt Eestile olulistel spordisündmustel ajavahemikus 2000–2012 ja lisaks tähtsündmustele on ta vürtsitanud raamatut oma luuletuste ja meenutustega, mis kindlasti igaühele tuttavad ette tulevad: tahaks, näe, sporti vaadata, aga lapsel on Teletupsud. Sobib kas pereisale õhtuseks lugemiseks, kinkeraamatuks või siis neile, kes soovivad end kiirelt ja valutult Eesti spordi ajalooga pisut kurssi viia. Contra „Tugitoolitšempionide eined“, kirjastus Tänapäev, 2012

Poetic history of sports Breakfasts of Couch Champions is a n  book of sports for people who are professional coach potatoes, i.e. who like to be informed of the world of sports by watching news the day after the competition. Contra provides a brief overview of Estonia’s most important sports events 2000-2012 and illustrates it with his poems and recollections that all of us can relate to: why is it that always when I want to watch sports, my kid needs to watch Teletubbies? Suitable for fathers as a bedtime reading, as a present or for those who wish to quickly learn about the history of Estonian sports with as little pain as possible. Contra Breakfasts of Couch Champions Tänapäev, 2012


sajaleheküljeline „Tulemüür“ sobib lugemiseks neilegi, kes muidu krimkasid ei armasta. Raamat peamurdmist suuremat ei paku, aga pinget kruvib küll. Mankellile iseloomulikult on sees ka sügavam mõte ning tõstatatud üldinimlikke küsimusi, mille üle arutleda. Komissar Kurt Wallangeri on tabanud inimsügis ja külmetushaigus ning ta tunneb, et ei suuda enam maailmas levivat kurjust peatada. Müsteeriumi lahendamine raputab komissari taas elule ning ka maailm saab päästetud. Selleks korraks. Henning Mankell „Tulemüür“, kirjastus Varrak, 2012

Wallanger saves the world The several hundred pages long Firen

wall is suitable for those who usually don’t read criminal stories. The book offers plenty of excitement without racking your brain. Typically for Mankell, the story includes a deeper meaning and raises issues for debate. Police commissar Kurt Wallanger is down with human relations and feels that the evil of the whole world starts to get the best of him. Solving the mystery, the commissar comes back to life and saves the world in the process. Until tomorrow, that is. Henning Mankell Firewall, Varrak, 2012 Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov


tehnika / gadgets Parim e-luger E-raamatute müük ületab kohati juba n

Tuttav rada Apple tõi turule kauaoodatud iPhone 5, n  mis ühest küljest ei üllata väga millegagi, kuid on samas loogiline ja selge edasiminek võrreldes vana iPhone 4S-iga. Uue, kohe müügirekordeid löönud kultustelefoni ekraan on suurem, ulatudes äärtest telefoni servadeni välja. 4-tollise ekraani eraldusvõime on 1136 x 640 pikslit, mis teeb külgede suhteks 16:9 ehk varasemast mugavam on sellega videot vaadata ning ekraanile mahub täpselt üks ikooniriba rohkem kui iPhone 4S-il. Uus A6 protsessor on iPhone 4S-i omast lausa kaks korda kiirem ja ka muutmälu on topelt, varasema 512 MB asemel 1 GB, lisaks on iPhone'il lõpuks ometi 4G tugi. Uus iOS 6.0 operatsioonisüsteem on saanud üksjagu kriitikat, eelkõige Apple'i enda kaardirakenduse Maps pärast. Iphone 5 on saadaval kahes värvitoonis – must ja valge – ning kolmes versioonis: 16, 32 ja 64 GB andmemahuga. Hinnad algavad 680 eurost.

paberraamatute oma ja selles pole midagi üllatavat, sest näiteks reisile saab mugavalt hulga raamatuid kaasa võtta, ilma et peaks reisikotis millegi muu arvelt ruumi tegema. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite on tõenäoliselt parim e-raamatute lugeja. Ilmus oktoobri alguses ja maksab kõigest 120 (WiFi-versioon) või 180 eurot (3G versioon). 6-tollise ekraaniga Paperwhite on õhem kui keskmine ajakiri ja sel on taustavalgustus, mis teeb lugemise mugavamaks. Jah, paljudele meeldib kindlasti paberlehtede lõhn ja krabin keeramisel, kuid kui sajand tagasi autod tulid, nurisesid inimesed ka selle üle, et mootoriga tõldade pärast pole enam tuttavat hobuste kabjaplaginat kuulda.

annab sellele hoogu juurde. Windows 8HP Envy X2 on voolujoonelise alumiiniumkorpuse ja magnethingedega süle- ja tahvelarvuti hübriid, mis üritab ära kasutada mõlema seadme eeliseid. 11,6-tollise (1366 x 768 pikslit) IPS-puuteekraaniga Envy X2 kaalub 1,4 kg (tahvelarvutina 0,71 kg) ja sellel on nii puutepliiatsi kui ka NFC (lähiväljaside) tugi. Müügile peaks HP Envy X2 saabuma enne jõule veel teadmata hinnaga.

The best e-reader The fact that e-books will be soon n  selling better than paper books is not surprising since e-reader takes much less space in luggage than normal books. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite is quite possibly the best e-reader so far. It was launched in October and costs only EUR 120 (with WiFi) or EUR 180 (3G). Paperwhite has a 6” screen, is thinner than an average magazine and is backlit that makes reading especially convenient. While many undoubtedly still like the feel of books, there were also complaints when automobiles started to replace horses on streets a century ago.

Familiar path

Future is here Two-in-one devices, i.e. combos of n  laptops and tablet PCs, are becoming ever more popular, fuelled by the arrival of Windows 8. Windows 8HP Envy X2 is a hybrid of a laptop and a tablet PC that has a streamlined aluminum casing and magnetic hinges, and tries to make the best use of both devices. It has a 11.6” (1366 x 768 pixels) IPS touchscreen, weighs 1.4 kg (0.71 kg as tablet PC) and supports both a touch pen and NFC. HP Envy X2 is expected to come on sale before Christmas, but the price is still unknown.

The iPhone 5 launched recently by n  Apple is an interesting device: while not revolutionary, it’s a logical and clear improvement from the previous model. The new model became an instant sales hit, of course. It has a full 4” screen with 1136x640 pixels and 16:9 ratio that makes watching a video much more convenient. The screen accommodates one more icon row than iPhone 4S. The new A6 processor is twice faster than iPhone 4S and RAM has been doubled from 512 MB to 1 GB, plus it supports 4G. The new iOS 6.0 operating system has been criticised, especially for Apple’s own map application Maps. iPhone 5 is available in black or white and comes with either 16, 32 or 64 GB. Prices start from EUR 680.


Windows Phone 8 ootuses HTC tegi ühed paremad Windows Phon

Tulevik on kohal Kaks-ühes seadmed ehk süle- ja tahn  velarvuti kombinatsioonid muutuvad üha populaarsemaks ning Windows 8 tulek

ne 7 telefonid Titan ja Radar ja seega pole ime, et nende telefonid on Nokia Lumiate kõrval oodatuimad, mis kasutavat värsket Windows Phone 8 operatsioonisüsteemi. Esimesteks HTC Windows Phone 8 telefonideks saavad 8X ja 8S, millest novembris ilmuv 8X on lipulaev. 130 grammi kaaluval 8X-il on üliterav ekraan: 4,3-tollise Super LCD 2 (1280 x 720) ekraani pikselitihedus on 342 pikslit tolli kohta. Kahetuumaline 1,5 GHz Qualcomm Krait protsessor,

in time November 2012

Audi Q7 10 erinevat autot eriliselt soodsate hindadega.

Audi Q7 3.0TDI q Aut (180 kW/245 hj); keskmine kütusekulu: 7,4 l/100 km; keskmine CO₂ emissioon: 195 g/km Audi Tallinn Paldiski mnt 100a Telefon: 611 2000 E-mail: Audi Kuressaare Tallinna tn 61a Telefon: 453 0100 E-mail: Audi Pärnu Tallinna mnt 87e Telefon: 444 7130 E-mail:

tehnika / gadgets 1 GB muutmälu, 8 MP kaamera, 4G-tugi ja 16 GB sisemälu teevad sellest kahtlemata ühe oodatuma Windows Phone 8 telefoni.

jagu muusikat ja videot ning sel on FM-raadio ja Bluetooth ühendus. Ühe laadimisega saab 31 grammi kaaluva iPodiga kuulata järjest 30 tundi muusikat ja vaadata 3,5 tundi videot.

Back to roots iPod has become a synonym for n

Expecting Windows Phone 8 HTC that produced Titan and Radar, n  one of the best Windows Phone 7 smartphones, is throwing a glove to Nokia Lumia with his new smartphones that run on the Windows Phone 8 operating system. HTC’s first Windows Phone 8 models will be 8X and 8S, with the flagship 8X available in November. 8X weighs 130g and has a supersharp screen: 4.3” Super LCD 2 (1280 x 720) has 342 pixels per inch. Double-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Krait processor, 1 GB RAM, 8 MP camera, 4G support and 16 GB internal memory make it definitely one of the most exciting Windows Phone 8 smartphones.

MP3 players and while smartphones have pushed MP3 players out of the market, iPods are still here. What’s more, Apple has just launched a new iPod Nano that again resembles the Nano that we have loved since 2005. The 7th generation Nano is the thinnest of the lot and costs 180 euros, has a 2.5” multitouch LCD screen, can store 16 GB of music and videos and has a FM radio and Bluetooth connection. Fully charged, the 31g iPod enables to listen to 30 hours of music and watch 3.5 hours of video.

Telefon 2000-kraadisest ahjust Suvel vahetas Vertu omanikke ja nüüd ei n  kuulu luksustelefonide tootja enam Nokiale, vaid EQT VI-le. Üleminek ei tähendanud mingit muutust eksklusiivsete telefonide tootmises ja juba ongi välja toodud uued telefonid, näiteks Vertu Signature Zirconium. Vertule omase nurkliku disainiga Signature Zirconium on, nagu nimigi ütleb, valmistatud tsirkooniumist ja osaliselt kaetud alligaatorinahaga. Tsirkooniumist korpus on valminud kahe nädala jooksul 2000-kraadises ahjus ja valminud täielikult käsitööna. Vertu telefonid odavad ei ole, Signature Zirconiumi hind on umbes 15 000 eurot.

A phone cooked at 2,000ºC In the summer the ownership of luxury n  phone maker Vertu was transferred from

Nokia to EQT VI. The deal has not affected the production of exclusive phones and new models, such as Vertu Signature Zirconium, are already out. The boxlike Signature Zirconium is, as its name implies, made of Zirconium and partly covered with alligator skin. Zirconium casing is made manually in two weeks in the 2000-degree oven. Vertu phones are not cheap: Signature Zirconium costs about EUR 15 000.

Tasa sõuad, kaugele jõuad Sony on tahvelarvutite maailmas teinud n  üksnes väga ettevaatlikke liigutusi, aga kui nad neid liigutusi teevad, on need olnud alati huvitavad. Selle aasta ainuke Sony tahvelarvuti kannab nime Xperia Tablet S ja sel on 9,4-tolline (1280 x 800 pikslit) IPSpuuteekraan. Jõudu ammutab see Tegra 3 protsessorist ning andmete jaoks on 16 GB ruumi, mida saab laiendada SD-mälukaardi abil. 600-grammisel tahvelarvutil jookseb Android 4.0 ja Sony on küllaltki palju kasutajaliidest oma äranägemise järgi muutnud, et teistest Androidi tahvelarvutitest eristuda. Umbes 450 eurot maksev tahvelarvuti on peagi müügil.

Easy does it Sony has so far been doing modest n

Tagasi juurte juurde iPodist on saanud MP3-mängija sünon  nüüm ja kui nutitelefonid on MP3-mängijad turult välja söönud, siis iPodid on endiselt alles. Ja mitte üksnes alles, vaid äsja tuli välja ka uus iPod Nano, mis pärast mitmeid keerdkäike on jälle sarnane selle Nanoga, mida me 2005. aastast peale armastanud oleme. Seitsmenda põlvkonna Nanol, mis on muidugi senistest kõige õhem ja maksab 180 eurot, on 2,5-tolline mitmikpuudet toetav LCD-ekraan. See mahutab 16 GB


steps in the world of tablet PCs, but all its models have been very exciting. This year’s only Sony tablet PC is Xperia Tablet S and has a 9.4” (1280 x 800) IPS touchscreen. It is powered by Tegra 3 processor and has 16 GB for data that can be expanded by an SD memory card. The 600g tablet PC runs on Android 4.0 and Sony has extensively modified the user’s interface to make it different from other Android tablet PCs. The device costs EUR 450 and will be on sale soon. Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time November 2012

Tere tulemast A.Le Coq Arenale! Suurenda oma mängupäeva elamusi A. Le Coq Arenal suurepärase toidu ja veiniga, naudi emotsionaalset ja positiivset atmosfääri ning sõlmi uusi tutvusi! Ela Eesti koondisele mõnusalt kaasa!

Ela mõnusalt mängule kaasa!

VIP-TEENINDUS EESTI KOONDISE MÄNGUL Triobet Business Clubi pääsmega saad nautida järgmiseid eeliseid: Parimad istekohad küljetribüüni keskmises sektoris Tasuta joogid (veinid, õlu, karastus- ja kuumad joogid) kogu ürituse vältel Soe buffet õhtusöök (külmad eelroad, soojad põhiroad, magustoidu valik) Võimalus jälgida mängu ka TV-ekraanidelt Meeldiv õhkkond ja võimalus luua uusi kontakte Kiire sissepääs staadionile Tasuta mängukavad ja koosseisud enne mängu Riietus: mugav, aga viisakas (smart casual)

Tule tutvu Triobet Business Clubiga järgmistel MM2014-valikmängudel: 26.03.2013 19:00 Eesti - Andorra 06.09.2013 21:30 Eesti - Holland 11.10.2013 21:30 Eesti - Türgi Pääsme hind 95 EUR Hinnad kehtivad ühele inimesele ja sisaldavad käibemaksu. Tellimuse soovi korral ja info saamiseks palun külastage, kirjutage meile või helistage +372 627 9958 PEATOETAJA




autod / cars Mõistlik Porsche Cayenne Turbo S Porsche on täiustanud oma uut lipulaen

India miniauto murrab Euroopasse Peagi saab ka USA-s ja Euroopas sõita n  ühe maailma väiksema ja odavama autoga. India autotootja Tata nõukogu juht Ratan Tata teatas Automotive News’i vahendusel, et plaanib 3000-dollarilise mikroautoga tulla nii USA kui ka Euroopa turule. Praegu veab Tata Nanot edasi 37-hobujõuline kahesilindriline mootor ja sel pole levinud turvavarustust nagu roolivõimendi, stabiilsuskontroll ja õhkpadjad. On tõenäoline, et uutele turgudele pääsemiseks auto pisut suureneb, saab nõutud turvavarustuse ja vähem saastava mootori, kuid seetõttu ka kallineb. „Smart ja Fiat 500 on palju kallimad, kuid inimesed ostavad neid, sest need on pisikesed,” ütles Tata. „Kõik teavad, kui palju raha kulub. Kuid loodame toota 10 000 dollarist odavamat autot.”

Indian pocket-sized car plans to take over Europe

va Cayenne Turbo S-i. Hoolimata võimsuse kasvust, ei suurene kütusekulu ega CO2 kogus. Võrreldes Cayenne Turboga saab uus mudel 50 hobujõudu juurde ning mootori väändemoment on jõulisem. Uuel 4,8-liitrisel V8 bi-turbomootoril on 542 hobujõudu. Uus Cayenne Turbo S on uudsete tehnoloogiatega linnamaastur. Auto pakub sportautoga sarnanevat sõiduelamust, kuid säilinud on Cayenne’ile iseloomulik maastikusuutlikkus, mugavus ja koorma vedamise võime.

Porsche Cayenne Turbo S with common sense


Pagani becomes a purse maker As if Pagani‘s vehicles weren’t expenn  sive and exotic enough, the Italian automaker looks to be dabbling with some lifestyle accessories to complement its vehicles. The maker of exotic supercars drew inspiration from the shapes, styles and materials used on the $1.4 million Huayra in the creation of the bag that combines high-end leather, aluminum and carbon fiber.

Porsche has somewhat injected a modin  cum of common sense into the new flagship model: the Cayenne Turbo S. Despite gains of power, Porsche claims the Turbo S suffers no drop in fuel efficiency or inferior CO2 output. In addition to an increase of 50 horsepower compared to the Cayenne Turbo, the Cayenne Turbo S also benefits from increased engine torque. Those engine gains take total power of the bi-turbo 4.8-litre V8 up to 542bhp. The new Cayenne Turbo S sport utility vehicle employs advanced active chassis technologies. These technologies allow it to surpass the driving performance of many sports cars, while preserving the offroad capability, ride comfort and towing ability typical of the Cayenne.

Driving one of world smallest and n  cheapest car could soon be a reality for American and European drivers. The chairman of Indian automaker Ratan Tata has announced that he plans to bring the $3,000 Nano micro car to the United States and Europe, according to Automotive News. The Nano is currently powered by a 37 hp two-cylinder engine and lacks common safety features such as power steering, traction control and airbags. It’s likely the car will get a larger, less polluting engine for export markets. Unfortunately, that means the price will increase. “The Smart and the Fiat 500 have high sticker prices, and people buy them because they are small cars,” Tata told Automotive News. “But everyone knows you put a lot of money into it. We hope that the sub-$10,000 car has appeal.”

Ka Rootsi eksootiliste autode tootja Koenigsegg teatas hiljuti aksessuaaride sarjaga väljatulemisest, kavas on pakkuda kaupa alates kaisukarudest kuni võtmehoidjate ja rõivasteni.

Pagani hakkab kotte tootma

Superluksuslikud SUV-id jäävad ootama paremaid aegu Bentley’i ja Lamborghini plaan tulla n  turule üliluksuslike SUV-idega jääbki esialgu plaaniks, sest tootjate omanik Volkswagen Group soovib raha säästa, informeeriti Reutersit. See on märk, et Euroopa majanduskriis on isegi Saksa autogigante mõjutama hakanud. Brittide Bentley ja Itaalia superautode tootjad näitasid ekstravagantseid linnamaastureid Genfi ja Pekingi autonäitustel sel aastal. Praegu oodatakse VW juhtkonna heakskiitu autode tootmiseks. Bentley EXP 9 F SUV- ja Lamborghini Uruse kontseptid olid mõeldud tootja rahavoogude parandamiseks.

Autotootja Pagani hakkab tootma n

Superluxury SUVs postponed

kvaliteetsest nahast, alumiiniumist ja süsinikkiust kotte. Aksessuaaride loomisel on inspiratsiooniallikaks 1,4 miljoni dollarilise Huayra vormid ning stiil.

launch superluxury SUVs may be put on hold to save cash for parent Volkswagen Group, company sources said to Reuters,

Bentley's and Lamborghini's plans to n

in time November 2012

in a sign that Europe's economic crisis is even beginning to cause pain to the German auto giant. UK-based Bentley and the Italian supercar maker rolled out extravagant SUV concepts at auto shows in Geneva and Beijing this year, with production awaiting approval by VW's management board. The concepts, dubbed the Bentley EXP 9 F SUV and the Lamborghini Urus, are aimed at significantly boosting profitability at the automakers.

Porsche naaseb F1 sarja? Porsche osaleb Le Mans’il 2014. aastal, n  lootes lisada veel ühe peatüki tootja ralliajalukku, mis hõlmab 16 võitu kuulsal 24 tunni sõidul. Kuluaarides sahistatakse, et Zuffenhausenis tegutsev autotootja võib naasta ka F1 sarja. Saksa autoajakirja „Auto, Motor und Sport” andmetel on Porsche liitumine Le Mans’iga vaid soojendus F1-le. Saksa autotootja on juba palganud F1 kogemusega inimesed ja reserveerinud tunde McLareni simulaatoris, mis on üks keerukamaid F1 simulaatoreid. Porsche juht Matthias Mueller ütles kaks aastat tagasi, et nad võivad F1 naasta, kuid praegu on ettevõte selle väite ümber lükanud.

Will Porsche return to F1? Porsche will return to Le Mans in 2014, n  where it will add another chapter to its racing history which includes sixteen overall victories at the famous 24-hour race. But there could be more in the pipeline as rumours are circulating that the Zuffenhausen-based carmaker might return to Formula 1. According to German automobile magazine Auto, Motor und Sport Porsche’s return to the Le Mans is merely a warm-up for F1. The German manufacturer has already hired people with Formula 1 racing experience. Porsche has also booked hours in the

November 2012 in time

McLaren simulator, one of the most sophisticated simulators in F1. Porsche’s chairman, Matthias Mueller, said two years ago that Porsche could return to Formula 1. Porsche has denied the claims that it will return to F1.

Esimene Nissan Juke-R Juke-R lugu algas 2012. jaanuaris Dubai n  autonäitusel kontseptina. GT-R modifitseeritud keretuuninguga muutus R millekski eriliseks. Siis algas töö – kontseptist teekõlbuliku auto ehitamine. Ehitajaks RML, nõu andmas Nissan Technical Centre Europe (NTC-E). Auto sai Nissan GT-R ajami ja vedrustuse koos FIA nõudmistele vastava turvapuuriga. Tänu NTC-E-le on tootmisse läinud versioon võimsam kui kontsept, võludes 545 hobujõudu 3,8-liitrisest V6 kahe turboga mootorist. Närvekõditav sõiduelamus on garanteeritud, sest auto arendab kiirust 0-100 km/h vaid 3,0 sekundiga ja maksimumkiirus on 270 km/h.

First production Nissan Juke-R The Juke-R story began when it was n  revealed for the first time as a one-off concept in January 2012 in Dubai. With the modified underpinnings of a GT-R under a Juke bodyshell, the R had become something special. Work then started to transform the concept into a road car. Built by RML with advice from Nissan Technical Centre Europe (NTC-E), the Juke-R uses the Nissan GT-R’s drivetrain and suspension along with an FIA-specification roll-cage. Thanks to NTC-E, the production version is more powerful than the concept, producing 545bhp from its 3.8 liter twin-turbo V6 engine. Thrilling performance is guaranteed, with 0-100km/h estimated to take only 3.0 seconds and a maximum speed of 270 km/h.

teadus / science Brain implant restored the decision-making process of monkeys Experiments on monkeys and rats give n

Ajuimplantaat taastas ahvide otsustusvõime Rottide ja ahvidega tehtud katsed annan  vad lootust, et ajusse siirdatud elektroodid võivad kunagi aidata ka kahjustatud ajuga inimpatsiente, vähemalt kindlate ülesannete sooritamisel. USA teadlaste rühm, kes eelmisel aastal parandas ajukiibi abil rottide mäletamisvõimet, sai samasuguse saavutusega hakkama reesusmakaakide puhul. Mälu asemel taastasid nad ahvidel otsustusvõime, tõestades, et ajuimplantaate on võimalik kasutada ka primaatidel ning keerukamate ajuprotsesside juures. Inimeste puhul on ajusse viidud elektroodidega varem edukalt katsetatud robotkäe liigutamist. Samuti on kümnetele tuhandetele Parkinsoni tõbe põdevatele inimestele ajusse viidud elektriline stimulaator, mis aitab vähendada raske haiguse sümptomeid. Põhja-Carolina osariigis asuva Wake Foresti ülikooli meditsiiniteaduskonna ajuteadlase Sam Deadwyleri ja tema kolleegide tööst võivad tulevikus abi saada need, kellel kas insult või Alzheimeri tõbi on kahjustanud mõnd ajufunktsiooni. Ahvidega tehtid katses näitasid teadlased neile arvutiekraanil üht kujundit ning seejärel pidid ahvid liigutama kursorit ja valima suuremast hulgast välja sama kujundi. See ei ole lihtne refleksiivne tegevus, selgitas Deadwyler, vaid nõuab ahvilt otsustamist, kuidas ülesande täitmiseks kätt juhtida. Samal ajal salvestasid teadlased elektroodide abil ahvi ajus toimuvaid protsesse, keskendudes prefrontaalkorteksile. See ajukoore osa on üks peamisi info säilitamise ja töötlemise keskusi ajus ning seotud otsuste langetamisega. Salvestatud ajuaktiivsuse põhjal koostasid teadlased mudeli, mis näitab, milline aju-


rakkude aktiivsus kaasneb liigutamisotsuse tegemisega. Ajuimplantaat programmeeriti nii, et see stimuleeriks just neidsamu neuroneid. Seadme katsetamiseks süstiti ahvidele kokaiini, mis on tuntud otsustusvõime pärssija. Tõepoolest ei suutnud kokaiiniuimas ahvid enam nõutud ülesannet täita. Kui aga nende ajju viidud seade sisse lülitati, said nad ülesandega hakkama niisama hästi või pareminigi kui varem, hoolimata uimasti mõju all olemisest. Deadwyer usub, et ka inimeste puhul on võimalik välja selgitada teatud toimingutega seotud ajumustrid. Ja kui kedagi peaks tabama ajuvigastus, mis mõnd funktsiooni kahjustab, saab terve aju põhjal loodud mudeli ja implantaadi abil selle taastada. „Kui suudad kätte saada laekuva informatsiooni ja selle põhjal tekkiva normaalse väljundimustri, on võimalik kahjustatud ühendusest mööda minna,“ ütles ta. Praegustest katsetustest inimestele kasutuskõlbliku implantaadini läheb asjatundjate hinnangul aega veel mitu aastat ning kasutusala on ilmselt piiratud, sest paljud ajuprotsessid, näiteks mäletamine ja otsustamine, on väga keerukad ja hõlmavad aju eri osi. Katsetatud implantaadid kopeerivad aga vaid üht kindlat närviühenduste võrgustikku ning suudavad seetõttu asendada ainult mõnd väga spetsiifilist funktsiooni. Esmase väljundina näevadki teadlased sellise koe kasutust ravimitööstuses, kus selle abil saab täpsemalt uurida ravimite mõju kudedele, mitte lihtsalt rakukultuuridele. Nad usuvad, et tulevikus võib elektroonikaga läbi põimitud elundeid siirata inimestesse, kus need jälgivad elundi tööd ja annavad teada, kui midagi läheb viltu. Või suudavad lausa ise probleemile reageerida ning ravimit doseerida.

hope that implanted electrodes may one day help to overcome brain damage in human patients, at least for certain cognitive tasks. The US team of researchers who last year used a chip to improve the memory of rats achieved a similar feat now with rhesus monkeys. But instead of memory monkeys' ability to make decisions was enhanced. This proves that brain implants can be used on primates and for more complex cognitive processes. For humans, previous attempts to use brain implants include successful tests in moving robotic arms with thoughts alone. Also, tens of thousands of people with Parkinson’s disease have been implanted an electric stimulator device that helps to alleviate symptoms. Now, the work of Sam Deadwyler, a brain scientist at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina might help people whose brain functions have been damaged by stroke or dementia. In the tests with monkeys, the animals were shown a shape on the computer screen. They had to move a cursor with their hand and choose the same shape from a larger group. This is not a simple reflexive movement, Deadwyler explained, but requires the monkey to make decisions on how to move its hands to complete the task. At the same time the monkey's brain processes were recorded with the help of electrodes, focusing on prefrontal cortex, the brain area that is one of the main centres for information storage and processing and is also involved in decision-making. Based on the recorded neural activity, the researchers extrapolated a model to see which cells are active when the decisions to move the hand are made. The brain implant was then programmed to stimulate those neurons. To test the device, the monkeys were injected cocaine – a substance known for impairing decision-making. As expected, the drugged monkeys failed to complete the task. But when the brain implant was switched on, they managed as good or even better than before, despite being under the influence of cocaine. Deadwyler believes that similar patterns for particular tasks could be generated in humans, so that an injured patient could receive an implant that restores the task with the help of the model based on a healthy brain. "As long as you can extract

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teadus / science the information and generate the normal output pattern for that input, you can bypass the damaged connection," he said. It will take several years before the current experiments lead to an implant usable for humans, the experts warn, and they are likely to be of limited use, because most cognitive functions like memory and decision-making are very complex processes and involve several parts of the brain. The tested implants copy a single neural network and can therefore only replace a specific function.

Tuuleenergia suudab katta kogu inimkonna energiavajaduse Maa ja mere peal puhub piisavalt n  tuult, et täita selle abil ambitsioonikad taastuvenergia eesmärgid. USA teadlaste arvutused näitavad, et poole inimkonna energiavajadusest saaks katta nelja miljoni tuuleturbiini abil. Varasemad uurimused on väitnud, et tuuleenergia kasutatavusel on piirid, kuna iga uus turbiin kahandab teiste jaoks saadavat tuuleenergiat ja võib kaasa tuua kahjulikke kliimamuutusi. Kasutades senisest kõige detailsemat ilmamudelit, näitasid Stanfordi ülikooli professor Mark Jacobson ja Delaware’i ülikooli teadlane Cristina Archer nende väidete ekslikkust. Olemasoleva tuulega on võimalik saavutada eesmärk, et tuuleenergia annaks aastaks 2030 poole inimkonna energiatarbimisest. Enamgi, sest võimalik on toota mitu korda rohkem, kui suudame tarbida, ilma et sellega kaasneks olulist negatiivset mõju kliimale. Kui kasutada ära kogu potentsiaal, võiksime toota kuni 250 teravatti, ainult maismaa ja rannaaladega arvestades siiski kuni 80 teravatti. „Me ei ütle, et pange turbiinid igale poole, kuid näitasime, et ei ole põhimõttelist

piirangut, miks ei võiks 2030. aastaks toota poolt kogu energiast või isegi mitu korda vajaminevast rohkem,“ väitis Jacobson. „Potentsiaal on olemas, kui suudame ehitada piisavalt turbiine.“

Wind power can cover all our energy need There is enough wind on land n  and on sea to fulfill ambitious alternative energy goals and even more. New calculations by US researchers show that 4 million turbines are enough to cover half of world’s power demand. Some earlier studies have claimed that there are limits to the usability of wind power because each turbine steals so much wind energy from other turbines that it may cause harmful climate consequences. Using the most detailed weather model, Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson and Delaware University associate professor Cristina Archer showed these claims to be wrong. The existing wind potential is enough to reach the goal of getting half of the world’s power from wind by 2030. And what is more: we can produce several times more power than we need without significant negative effects on the climate. If we use all the potential we could produce up to 250 terawatts of power. Using only land and coastal areas we could still produce up to 80 terawatts. "We're not saying, 'Put turbines everywhere,' but we have shown that there is no fundamental barrier to obtaining half or even several times the world's all-purpose power from wind by 2030,“ Jacobson says. „The potential is there, if we can build enough turbines," he believes.

Uus põhjala köök on hea ka keskkonnale Uueks põhjala dieediks nimetatud tern  vislik toitumisviis aitab säästa keskkonda, vähendades kasvuhoonegaaside emissioone kuni veerandi võrra. Kopenhaageni ülikooli dotsent Henrik Saxe võrdles uue põhjala dieediga kaasnevaid keskkonnamõjusid taanlaste tavalise toidulauaga. Ta leidis, et tervislikum toitumine kahandab kliimamuutusi põhjustavate gaaside tootmist vähemalt kuus, mõnel juhul isegi kuni 27 protsenti.

November 2012 in time

Uue põhjala dieedi keskmes on rohkem puu- ja juurvilju, täisteratooteid ning kohalikku päritolu toorainet. Kõige suuremat mõju keskkonnale avaldabki uuringu järgi toorainete päritolu, vähem see, kas tegu on mahetoodetega. „Kui soovime omaks võtta kliimasõbralikud toitumistavad, peab suur osa meist piirama lihatarbimist,“ lisas Saxe. „Keskkonnale on kasulik seegi, kui asendame osa veiselihast lamba-, kana- või sealihaga,“ teavitas ta. „Või saame rohkem valku köögiviljadest nagu oad ja teised kaunviljad.“

New Nordic Diet benefits the environment RA healthy way of eating called the n  New Nordic Diet also helps to save the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emission by up to a quarter. Henrik Saxe, an associate professor at Copenhagen University compared the environmental impact of the New Nordic Diet with the usual diet of Danes. He found that healthier eating reduces the emission of greenhouse gases by at least 6 but potentially up to 27 percent. The New Nordic Diet promotes eating more fruit and vegetables, more whole grain and more locally grown food. According to the study raw materials have the most significant effect on whether or not one’s eating habits are good for the environment. The choice between organic or conventional foods has a less certain impact. “If we are to adopt climate-friendly eating habits, most of us will need to cut down on our meat consumption,” Saxe said. “It also benefits the environment to replace some of the beef with lamb, chicken or pork – or to eat more vegetable protein foods, such as beans and other leguminous fruits.” Tekst / Text: Arko Olesk



Kuidas saadakse piloodiks Piloodiks võib saada igaüks, kuid piloodiamet sobib vaid vähestele, sest nõudmised nii vaimsele kui ka füüsilisele tervisele on karmid. Piloodi väljaõpe maksab ligi 75 000 eurot ja eksamitel tuleb vastata 20 000 küsimusele, lisaks sadu tunde lendamist. Tekst: Mariliis Pinn Fotod: Estonian Air, Scanpix, Cessna, Shutterstock


„Keeruline oli lennuakadeemiasse sisse saa-

da, aga lihtne seal õppida,” meenutab Estonian Airi piloot Klaus Kuuse oma teed taevasse. Piloodiks võivad saada ainult hea tervise, tugeva tahtejõuga ja pühendunud noored inimesed. „Inimene on evolutsiooni käigus õppinud hakkama saama just maa peal. Et olla edukas õhus, on vaja omandada palju spetsiaalseid teadmisi, piloodile vajalikke harjumusi ja oskusi,” selgitab Eesti Lennuakadeemia õhusõiduki juhtimise osakonna juhataja, endine hävituslendur Teo Krüüner. „Piloodikoolitus on üks kallimaid, võrreldes teiste elukutsete õppimisega. Eestis maksab kommertspiloodi väljaõpe ligi 75 000 eurot,” ütleb

Krüüner. Kommertspiloodiks koolitatakse Eesti Lennuakadeemias ja eralennukoolis Pakker Avio. Kes tahab professionaalseks piloodiks saada, peab läbima karmi lennukooli sisseastumise kadalipu, sest soovijaid on palju – peaaegu 20 inimest ühele kohale. „Isiksuse test, IQ-test, head tulemused riigieksamitel, arstlik läbivaatus,” loetleb Kuuse olulisi sisseastumisetappe. Psühholoogiline test määrab, kas inimene sobib piloodiks või mitte. Kuuse sõnul võib aimata, mida oodatakse vastuseks küsimusele: „Kas teid valdavad tihti enesetapumõtted?” Aga kuidas näiteks mõjutab testi tulemust vastus küsimusele: „Kas teile meeldivad lilled?” „Piloot peab ennast ümber kasvatama tööks õhus,” selgitab Krüüner. Oluline on iseloom: ausus, sealhulgas ka enda vastu, enesekriitilisus, teotahe, teadlik enesekindlus, sihipärasus, ohvrimeelsus. Praktika on näidanud, et eesmärkide hägusus, enesekriitika puudus ja madal vastutuslävi, liigne enesekindlus, lennunduses kehtivate käitumisreeglite eiramine jne võivad saada takistuseks heaks piloodiks saamisel.

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lennundus Kuuse meenutab, et raske oli sisseastumisel ligi viietunnine IQ-testide maraton. „Näiteks näidati meile alguses pilte ja alles mitme tunni pärast küsiti midagi nende piltide kohta,” räägib ta. Oluline on ruumiline mõtlemine, sest ülesanded nõudsid asjade liikumise kirjeldamist ümber kolme telje. Ülitähtis on tulevase lenduri füüsiline tervis, mida kontrollitakse edaspidi igal aastal. „Esimene kontroll on kõige põhjalikum,” tõdeb Kuuse. Kopsupildid, silmade ja kuulmise kontroll, EKG – need on vaid mõned elementaarsed asjad, mida kontrollitakse. On terve nimekiri seisundite ja haiguste kohta, mille puhul piloodiks ei saa, näiteks suhkruhaigus. Kuid näiteks prillid pole takistuseks. „Oluline on, et korrigeeritult oleks nägemine korras. Piloodil peab kabiinis kaks paari prille kaasas olema, ühed ees ja teised varuks,” ütleb ise prille kandev Kuuse. Piloodiks õppimine on rahvusvaheliste

standarditega paika pandud ja ühesugune kogu maailmas. Selleks kulub umbes poolteist aastat.

Lennuakadeemias saavad piloodid lisaks rakendusliku kõrghariduse, mis koos piloodiõppega kokku kestab neli aastat. „Loengud toimuvad Tartu ülikoolis ja õppejõud on samad, kes õpetavad ülikoolis. Palju on reaalaineid,” tutvustab Kuuse õppetööd. Akadeemilistest ainetest leiab sissejuhatuse füüsikasse, kõrgemasse matemaatikasse, mehaanikasse, elektrotehnikasse, aga ka majandusteooriasse ja filosoofiasse. Kui inseneriained läbitud, algab piloodiõpe. Kuuse sõnul tuleb kolme semestriga läbida 14 teooriaainet. Viimasel aastal lisandub lennupraktika ja lõputöö kirjutamine. Õpitakse lennundusseadusandlust, aerodünaamikat, õhusõidukite ehitust, inimfaktorit ja selle mõju, lennundusmeteoroloogiat, navigatsiooni, lennuvahendite käitamisprotseduure, lennunduse raadiosidet, lennuks ettevalmistuse protseduure ja arvestusi ning lennunduse inglise keelt.

Eesti Lennuakadeemia Estonian Aviation Academy

November 2012 in time



Erapiloot vs ametipiloot Ametipiloot teenib n

lennates Piloodiks saamiseks peab läbima: 750 tundi teooriat 140 tundi ühemootorilisel lennukil 40 tundi lennusimulaatoril 30 tundi kahemootorilisel lennukil

Erapilooot ei tohi tasu n  eest lennata Hobilenduriks saamisel on vajalik: 169 tundi teooriaõpet Miinimum 35 lennutundi 8-12 kuud pidevat õppimist


Kõigis 14 aines tuleb sooritada koolieksam ja seejärel tõestada oma teadmisi lennuametis. Eksamid on valikvastustega. Kui mõni arvab, et vastused võib pähe õppida, siis võtku ette baas, kus on kõik 20 000 küsimust. Kuuse meelest oli lihtsam teemad endale sisuliselt selgeks teha. Iseõppijaid eksamile ei lasta, kool peab ametipiloodiks pürgijatele kaasa andma dokumendi läbitud koolituste kohta.

Kolmanda õppeaasta lõpupoole lastakse noored piloodid lendama. „Kohe peab arvestama, et 3.-4. aasta vaheliseks suveks plaane teha pole mõtet. Suur osa ajast kulub lennuväljal ilusat ilma oodates, lendu ette valmistades ja muudekski koolitöödeks,” hoiatab Kuuse. Esimesed 140 tundi harjutatakse lendamist ühemootorilise lennukiga Cessna 172. „Alustatakse visuaallendudega ehk ilusa ilmaga lendamisest. Pilvedesse minna ei tohi ja instrumente ei kasutata,” selgitab Kuuse, kuidas tudengid lendavad ja paberkaardiga oma asukohta tuvastavad. Lisaks lendamisele peab täitma lennuplaani, kuhu märgitakse nii kiirused kui ka kõrgused, ning pidama raadiosidet. Põhirõhk on mitme asja korraga tegemisel, lennuki tundma õppimisel jne. Edasi õpitakse instrumentide juhatusel lendama ehk maa nägemine pole siis enam oluline. Kui väikese lennukiga lendamine on selge, tuleb läbida 30 lennutundi Piper 31-ga, mis on kahe

mootoriga lennuk. „See on palju kiirem ja mõnusam, Tartust Tallinna lendab umbes 30 minutiga. Kuid piloot peab kiiremini mõtlema ja tegutsema.” Kohustuslik on läbida 60 tundi simulaatoritreeningut. Lennuakadeemias on kasutusel FNPT II/ MCC. „Seal harjutatakse protseduure, meeskonnatööd ja hädaolukordi. Õhus ju ei pane lennuki mootorit põlema,” muigab Kuuse. „Õ p p e p r o g r a m m i ning vastava koolitustüübi läbimise järel on lennukipilootidel õigus töötada teise piloodina mitmemootorilisel kahe piloodiga lennukil või lennuki kaptenina ühe piloodiga lennukil ärilises lennunduses ja kõikidel lennukitüüpidel kaptenina mitteärilises lennunduses,” selgitab Krüüner.

Piloodiks õppimine ei saa kunagi otsa.

Kui lennuakadeemia on edukalt lõpetatud, ootab ees töö, mis algab uue koolitusega. „Iga lennukiga lendamiseks on vaja eraldi litsentsi. Kui Estonian Airi tulin, õppisin kaks kuud Boeinguga lendamist,” meenutab Kuuse. Litsentsi on vaja uuendada igal aastal. Kui pidevalt sama lennuki pilooditoolil istuda ja lennata, piisab koos pädeva instruktoriga kontroll-lennust. Kui aga mainitud lennuki juhtkangi pole viis aastat käes hoitud, tuleb koolitust uuesti nullist alustada. Litsentse kontrollitakse pidevalt ja piloodid lihvivad seetõttu oma oskusi ka simulaatoris. „Mis on kõige raskem piloodi töös? Arvatavasti mitte alati ajaliselt normeeritud tööpäevad, lennud võivad toimuda läbi mitme ajavööndi, mis mõjutab piloodi ööpäevast bioloogilist tsüklit, ja kindlasti suur psühholoogiline ja füüsiline koormus pikkade lendude ajal. Lennuvahendi kapten kannab täielikku vastutust meeskonna, reisijate, lennuvahendi ja pardal oleva lasti eest. Ainult lennuvahendi kaptenil on õigus otsustada lennu kulgemise üle, olgu selle pardal kas või vanajumal ise!” lisab Krüüner.

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Erapiloodiks saab lihtsamalt „Järjest populaarsemaks muutub ka Eestis hobikorras lendan

mine,” ütleb Tackmer Air AS juhatuse liige Priit Palumaa. „Selleks annavad väga hea võimaluse uue põlvkonna ülikerglennukid.” Nende käitamiskulud moodustavad umbes 40 protsenti Cessna-tüüpi mootorlennukite käitamiskuludest. Sellest tulenevalt on nii lennukoolitus kui ka lennukite rent odavam. „Harrastuslennunduse laiemat levikut Eestis on seni takistanud üksnes eelarvamused, lennukit peetakse luksuseks, lendamist kalliks ja riskantseks lõbuks,” lisab Palumaa. „Ega seal midagi keerulist ole, kui tervis korras, tuleb asi lihtsalt kätte võtta ja ära teha! Selleks, et litsentsi saada, on vaja läbida teooriaõpe ja praktiline õpe, aega võtab see olenevalt inimesest kolm kuud kuni kolm aastat. Sõltub peamiselt sellest, kui tihti inimene saab ja viitsib asjaga tegelda,” kinnitab erapiloot ja Aeronautikaklubi Lennukooli instruktor Toomas Uibo.

ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities.

Aeronautikaklubi Lennukool koolitab juba üle 10 aasta ülikergn

lennuki piloote. „Meil on koolituseks ja rentimiseks kaks kahekohalist UL-tüüpi lennukit Ikarus C-42 ja üks neljakohaline lennuk Cessna C-172 erapilootidele,” räägib lennuõpetaja Johan Pender. Penderi sõnul võivad erapiloodid käia teooriatundides või materjali endale iseseisvalt selgeks teha. Teooriaeksameid tuleb teha algul koolis ja hiljem lennuametis. Eksamid kehtivad poolteist aastat, seega esimesest eksamist lugedes peavad selle ajaga teised eksamid ja lennupraktika koos lennuoskustestiga tehtud olema.

Piloodiks saamiseks on vaja omandada teoreetilised teadmised n

lennuki ehitusest, käitamisest, navigatsioonist, meteoroloogiast, aerodünaamikast, seadustest ja reeglitest, inimfaktorist ning raadiosidest. Paralleelselt teooriaõppega saab võtta praktilisi lennutunde. Lennukoolist saab inimene rahvusvaheliselt kehtiva erapiloodi litsentsi PPL (Private Pilot Licence). Selline lennuluba võimaldab piloodil lennata alguses ühemootoriliste kolbmootoriga lennukitega. Sealt edasi on väike samm kahe-mootoriliste kolbmootoriga lennukiteni. PPL litsents ei luba lennata tasu või hüvitise eest. Seda võib teha ainult ametilenduri pädevuse ehk CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) litsentsiga. „Sobivaid lennuilmu on meil aastas saja päeva ringis. Koolituse hind sõltub lennutundide arvust. Nõutud minimaalse 35 tunniga saavad hakkama nooremad, kuid keskealistel tuleb tavaliselt rohkem tunde võtta. Summa, millega arvestama peaks, on ligi 7000 eurot,” ütleb Pender.

„Flexible economy, simple tax system; labour costs, which in European terms are low, together with good education and good labour market conditions are an argument, in addition to the euro, why one should invest to Estonia. I invite you to be a part of everything Estonia has to offer.” ANDRUS ANSIP Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

––– „Estonian companies are eager to widen their geography and recent very active company creation has shown emergence of many very dynamic and interesting new companies. Welcome to Estonia!” Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry





November 2012 in time

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 • E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE


How to become a pilot Anyone can become a pilot, but very few actually do because the requirements are extremely rigorous. Text: mariliis pinn Photos: Estonian Air, Scanpix, Cessna, shutterstock


The training costs about 75,000 euros, the

exams have a total of 20,000 questions and you have to spend hundreds of flight training hours. „It was difficult to get into the aviation academy, but the studies were actually not that hard,” says Klaus Kuuse, an Estonian Air pilot, talking

about his way to the skies. To become a pilot, a person must be young, determined, committed, and have excellent health. „People have evolved for life on the ground. To become a pilot, you need vast amounts of knowledge and skills,” explains Teo Krüüner, former fighter pilot and current head of the air piloting department of the Estonian Aviation Academy. „Pilot training is very expensive compared to most professions. In Estonia, it costs about 75,000 euros to train a commercial pilot,” explains Küü-

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aviation ner. Commercial pilots are trained by the Estonian Aviation Academy and by Pakker Avio, a private aviation school. Those who want to become a professional pilot must be ready for tough competition because they are competing with almost 20 applicants. „Personality test, IQ test, excellent results in state exams, medical checkup,” are the key acceptance criteria according to Kuuse. The results of the psychological test determine whether the person is suitable for the pilot's job or not. Kuuse says it may be easy to answer the question „Do you often have suicidal thoughts?”. But what reply is expected to „Do you like flowers?”

„The pilot must adapt for work in the air,” explains Krüüner. What's important in character: honesty, integrity, self-criticism, commitment, self-confidence, determination and dedication. Life has shown that obscurity of objectives, lack of self-criticism and low sense of responsibility, overconfidence and ignoring the code of conduct in aviation may become an obstacle in becoming a good pilot. Kuuse recalls that the acceptance exams included almost five hours of IQ tests. „For instance, they showed us pictures at the beginning of the test, but asked us questions about them only several hours later,” he says. Spatial thinking is important because the tasks require threedimensional description of movement of things. What is also extremely important is the physical health of the future pilot and it is checked once a year. „The first medical checkup is the most comprehensive one,” says Kuuse. It includes lung X-rays, electrocardiogram, vision and hearing tests, etc. Pilots must be free of a whole list of conditions and diseases such as diabetes. November 2012 in time

But glasses, for instance, are not a restriction. „What’s important is that the vision is OK when corrected. A pilot must have two pairs of glasses in the cockpit, one in use and another in reserve,” explains Kuuse who himself wears glasses.

Pilot training is conducted in compliance with strict international standards. It is similar everywhere in the world and takes about 18 months. After four years of study that includes also pilot training, the pilots obtain an applied higher education degree. „Lectures are held in the Tartu University and teachers are the same who teach in the university. There’s a lot of engineering sciences,” explains Kuuse. Of academic subjects, there is an introductory course of physics, also advanced math, mechanics, electronics, economic theory and philosophy. When engineering studies are over, pilot training beings. According to Kuuse, in three semesters, one must go through 14 theoretical courses. The final year includes flight practice and preparation of the graduation paper. Students will study aviation legislation, aerodynamics, technical systems of aerial vehicles, human factor and its impact, aviation meteorology, navigation, aircraft operating, aviation radio communication,


aviation flight-preparation procedures and calculations and English in aviation.

A school exam is made in all 14 subjects

followed by a test in ECAA. The exam questions are multiple-choice questions. Cheating is impossible since questions are selected out of a database of 20,000. Kuuse says that the best advice is to study hard. Autodidacts cannot attend exams because students must hold a school certificate about completion of training. At the end of the third year, young students

start to fly. „This means the summer between the 3rd and 4th year of studies is fully booked. You'll spend most of your time on airfields waiting for fair weather, preparing for a flight and other schoolwork,” warns Kuuse. The first 140 hours of flight training is with single-engine Cessna 172. „You start by visual flying in fair weather. It’s prohibited to enter the clouds and use instruments,” says Kuuse about flying and navigation by paper map. In addition to actual flying, students must record speeds and elevations and to maintain radio communication. The main focus is on mul-

Private pilot vs. commercial pilot n  Commercial pilot is paid to fly To become a pilot you need to pass 750 hours of theoretical studies, 140 hours on a single-engine aircraft, 40 hours on an aircraft simulator, 30 hours on a twin-engine aircraft. Private pilot cannot fly for a fee n  You need to pass 169 hours of theoretical studies, minimum of 35 flying hours and 8-12 months of constant studying to fly a plane.


in time November 2012

aviation Private pilots have it easier n  „Hobby flying is becoming more and more popular in Estonia,” says

Priit Palumaa who is a board member of Tackmer Air AS. „This has been made possible by superlight aircraft of the new generation. The operating costs of these planes are only about 40% of those of Cessna-type planes which makes both flight training and aircraft rent cheaper.” „There is nothing difficult. When your health is OK, it’s just about doing it. To obtain a license, you must undergo both theoretical and practical training. It may vary from three months to three years, depending on how much time and effort you're willing to dedicate,” adds Toomas Uibo, a private pilot and instructor of aeronautics club Lennukool. Lennukool has been training pilots for superlight aircraft for more than 10 years. „We have two two-seater UL-type aircraft Ikarus C-42 for training and rent and one four-seater Cessna C-172 for private pilots,” says flight instructor Johan Pender.

Pender says that private pilots may either attend theory lectures or n

study independently. Theoretical exams are held first in schools and later in the Estonian Civil Aviation Administration (ECAA). All exams, flight practice and flying skills test must be completed within 18 months. To become a pilot, knowledge of aircraft handling, operations, navigation, meteorology, aerodynamics, laws and regulations, human factors and radio communication is necessary. Parallel with theoretical studies students can take practical flying lessons. The aviation school issues graduates a private pilot license or PPL that is internationally recognized. PPL allows to start by flying aircraft with a single piston-engine. The next step is twin-engine aircraft. Holders of a PPL license cannot receive payment or compensation as pilots because this requires a CPL (Commercial Pilot License). „We have about a hundred days a year that are suitable for flying. The price of training depends on the number of flight hours. While 35 hours may be enough for younger people, middle-aged students usually take more lessons. All this costs about 7,000 euros,” adds Pender.

ti-tasking, getting to know the plane, etc. The next step is flying by instruments as opposed to visual flying. Students start with small aircraft and move on to a twin-engine Piper 31 that requires 30 flight hours. „This is much faster and more convenient. It flies from Tartu to Tallinn in about 30 minutes. But it means that pilots must also think and act faster.” In addition to that, there is a mandatory requirement of 60 hours of training simulation for which the aviation academy uses FNPT II/MCC. „It’s about procedures, teamwork and emergency situations. You cannot teach in the air how to fly with a burning engine,” says Kuuse, smiling. „After completing studies and specific type of training, aircraft pilots can start working as copilots in multi-engine aircraft that have two pilots or as aircraft captains in single-pilot aircraft in commercial aviation and as captains in all aircraft types in non-commercial aviation,” explains Krüüner. Pilots never stop to study. After graduating an aviation academy, they start actual work and this

November 2012 in time

means more training. „Flying different aircrafts requires different licenses. When I came to Estonian Air, I studied flying a Boeing for two months,” recalls Kuuse.

A license must be renewed once a year.

When piloting the same type of aircraft year after year, a test flight with a competent instructor is sufficient. But in case the pilot has not flown a type of aircraft for five years and needs to start flying it again, the whole training must be started from scratch. Licenses are checked continuously which is why pilots spend hours in flight simulators honing their skills. „If you ask what’s the hardest part about the job of a pilot, I should say it’s hectic working hours, flights covering several time zones (they are a real stress to the body) and high mental and physical tension during long-haul flights. The captain of the aerial vehicle is fully responsible for the crew, passengers, the aircraft itself and the on-board load. God himself may be on board, but the only person who makes decisions regarding the flight is the airplane's captain,” adds Krüüner.


Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva




Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n





In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

year olds. Most of the 540 schools are state schools. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.



The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 68,7% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 24,8%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Religion 80% of all believers are Protestant n  Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 77% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

in time November 2012


Welcome to Estonian Air

About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Helsingisse, Joensuusse, Jyväskylässe, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Thbilisisse, Trondheimi, Viini ja Vilniusesse. Estonian Air avab 2013. aastal lennuliini Göteborgi. n  Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kiev, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Tbilisi, Trondheim, Vienna and Vilnius. In 2013 Estonian Air will open new destination to Gothenburg. n  In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France.

in time November 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen ja SAAB n  340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalukaim n  kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen and n  SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan

liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt:

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on võimalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis või EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

November 2012 in time

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n  EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn






Helsingi, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius




Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, Brüssel, Kiiev, London, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi, Viin




Amsterdam, Brussels, Kiev, London, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg, Vienna

Nice, Thbilisi




Nice, Tbilisi

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Programme Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time November 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel

look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet Find the right ticket

* Kui pilet sisaldab mitut Estonian Airi lennusegmenti (nt Tartu-Tallinn-Brüssel), siis kehtivad üldised nime muutmise reeglid. * General name change rules apply for tickets with multiple Estonian Air flight legs (e.g. Tartu-Tallinn-Brussels).

November 2012 in time


enne lendu / before the flight

Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu on võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time November 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

November 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


enne lendu / before the flight Nautige mugavust ja privaatsust

Enjoy space and comfort

Estonian Air pakub tühja kõrvalistme tellimise võimalust. See n

Estonian Air is offering Empty Seat Option which is meant for n

on mõeldud reisijatele, kes soovivad lennata mugavamalt ning privaatsemalt. Tühja kõrvalistet saab tellida Estonian Airi kodulehelt Igale lennule eraldatakse limiteeritud arv tühje istekohti, sõltuvalt lennu täituvusest. Reisijale, kes on tellinud tühja kõrvalistme, saadetakse selle kohta kinnitus e-posti aadressile üks kuni kolm päeva enne väljalendu ja mitte hiljem kui neli tundi enne lennu plaanipärast väljumist. Kui tühja kõrvalistet ei ole võimalik eraldada, tagastatakse selle eest tasutud summa automaatselt pärast lennu väljumist viie tööpäeva jooksul. NB! Tühja kõrvalistme teenust saab internetikeskkonnas tellida inglise keeles.

travellers who like privacy and wish to be even more comfortable during their flight. In order to book an empty seat go to Estonian Air website Note that only a limited number of options are offered for each flight which is based on the availability of each flight. If you have assigned for an empty seat(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail normally 1-3 days before the date of departure but no later than 4 hours before departure. If you are not assigned to empty seat(s), the empty seat price for that flight will be automatically refunded to you within five business days after flight departure.

Telli toit ette Estonian Air pakub Travel-klassi reisijatele võimalust lennule n  toit ette tellida. Toiduvalikus on nii maitsvad kerged suupisted kui ka toekamad söögid: Caesari salat kanaga, sea sisefilee ürdivõiga, pannkoogid ja võileivad. Pakutakse ka joogist ja suupistetest koosnevaid komplekte. Ettetellimismenüüd on koostatud vastavalt lennu sihtkohale ja kestusele. Reisijad saavad toitu ette tellida hiljemalt 36 tundi enne lennu väljumist. On võimalik teha üllatus oma lähedastele, sõpradele või kolleegidele, tellides neile ette näiteks klaasi šampanjat või koogi.

Väikebussi teenus Tallinn Airport Shuttle’i väikebuss viib kliendi Tallinna Lennun  jaamast soovitud sihtkohta linnas. Kliendi pagasi eest hoolitseb bussijuht. Sõita püütakse soovitud sihtkohale nii lähedale, nagu liikluskorraldus võimaldab. Shuttle-bussidel pole kindlat väljumisgraafikut. Nad alustavad iga päev kell 12.00 ja on vastas igal Tallinna saabuval lennul. Lennujaamast sõidetakse klientidega välja siis, kui esimese reisija bussi tulekust on möödas veerand tundi või kui buss on reisijaid täis. Viimane Shuttle-buss väljub lennujaamast pärast seda, kui kõik reisijad õhtuselt Amsterdamist saabunud lennult on oma pagasi kätte saanud, s.o kella 23.30 paiku. Buss on käigus seitse päeva nädalas. Pileteid Shuttle-bussile saab osta saabuvate lendude saalist Airport Shuttle'i lipuga klienditeeninduse letist. Kliente teenindatakse nii eesti, inglise kui ka vene keeles ja maksta saab kaardi või sularahaga. Sõit Airport Shuttle’iga maksab viis eurot, sõltumata sihtkohast Tallinna piires. Klienditeenindaja on alati valmis andma nõu ja abi ka muudes Tallinna puudutavates küsimustes. Lisainformatsioon: Klienditeeninduse telefon: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Lenda soodsalt Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg).


Pre-order meals Estonian Air offers its Travel Class passengers the opportunity n  to pre-order meals. Customers can choose from light snacks to steaks. The menu includes, for example, Caesar salad with chicken, pork tenderloin with herb butter, pancakes and sandwiches, while different drink and snack combos are also available. The pre-order menu selection varies according to the flight destination and time. Passengers can pre-order delicious meals no later than 36 hours before the departure time. This opportunity can also be used to the surprise loved ones, a friend or a colleague by ordering a glass of champagne or a cake for him or her.

Airport Shuttle Tallinn Airport Shuttle bus takes customers from Tallinn Airport n  to their chosen destination in Tallinn. The bus driver takes care of the passengers’ luggage and will always try to get as close to the desired location as the traffic allows. The Shuttle buses don't have a particular departure timetable. They start their work at 12:00 and meet every plane arriving in Tallinn. The bus only leaves the airport 15 minutes after the first passenger has entered the bus or when the bus is filled with passengers. The last shuttle bus from the airport departs after all the passengers of the evening flight from Amsterdam have received their luggage, i.e. around 23:30. This is how it works 7 days a week. Tickets for the Shuttle bus can be bought either from the flight hall or the customer service counter that has an Airport Shuttle flag. Besides the Estonian language, customers are also served in English and Russian. You can pay either by card or in cash. The ticket for the Airport Shuttle is €5, no matter what the destination is within the city of Tallinn. The counter staff are also at hand to give you advice on other questions connected with Tallinn. Additional information: Customer Service: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Best prices Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn  chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros.

in time November 2012

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Suitsetamine ja elektroonika

Smoking & electronic devices regulations

Suitsetamine on keelatud kõigil Estonian Airi lendudel. n  Kaasaskantavad elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või vastuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi, mistõttu nende kasutamine lennu ajal on keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki tõusul ja maandumisel. Enne õhkutõusu võib mobiiltelefon olla sisse lülitatud hetkeni, mil kõik lennukiuksed on suletud. Pärast maandumist võib telefoni sisse lülitada kohe, kui reisijate uks on peale lennuki lõplikku peatumist avatud.

Lisateenused Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n  valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

November 2012 in time

Smoking is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including n  charter flights. Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft's navigation system and may not be used during the flight. Other electronic equipment may not be used during take-off and landing. Before departure, mobile phone is allowed to be switched on until all aircraft doors are closed. After landing, phone can be switched on right after the passenger door is – after the final stop of the aircraft – opened again.

Additional services In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n  most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.


lennujaamade info / airport information




Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.


Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.


LONDON City Airport


Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

March 1th. To town: 10 km. Buses to city centre and airports, taxi.

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.




Hall A. To town: 20 min by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.

Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.

Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

Estonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from n

Flights to City Airport starts from n

Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.




by taxi.

main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

To town: 20 km 35 min by bus, 30 min n


To town: 10 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n


To town: 20 km, 30 min by bus, 20 min n

Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.

Estonian Air flights depart from the n


Estonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from n

TALLINN LENNART MERI AIRPORT To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n  5 min by taxi.


To town: 11 km, 20 min by bus, 10 min by taxi. n


To town: 20 km, 20 min by train, 30 min by n  taxi, bus nr 37.


To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.

by taxi.

EEstonian Air flights depart from n



Terminal 2D. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

by bus, taxi.

Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal D. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.



To town: 20 km, 16 min by train, 20 min n


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

in time November 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tere tulemast Tallinna Lennujaama! Tallinna Lennujaam on esimene lennujaam n  maailmas, kes pakub reisijatele tasuta WiFi-t. Lisaks on võimalik kasutada tasuta 14 internetikioskit ning Skype telefonikabiini. Kauplustest leiad laia valiku tooteid ja söögikohtadest maitsva kõhutäie või mõnusa kohvi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

Welcome to Tallinn Airport! Tallinn Airport is the first airport in the n  world that offers free Wi-Fi. You can also use free Internet booths and unique Skype booths. Airport boutiques offer wide range of merchandise and restaurants offer full meal or nice place for coffee.

November 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time November 2012

sihtkohad / route map

November 2012 in time


Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vähemalt kaks tundi enne piletil märgitud väljalennu aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise võimalust. Lähteväravas tuleb olla pardakaardile märgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  • pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) • pass või rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) • pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis välja antud juhiluba, üliõpilas- või õpilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel võib inimese kohta olla üks ühik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetõttu tuleb piletit ostes tähelepanelik olla. Kõigil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. Jätkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kõigepealt üles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad või esindajad, kellelt saab küsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate õiguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb üle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele süüa-juua ja sidevõimalust (näiteks kaks tasuta telefonikõnet). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal õigus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevõtja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nõus loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hüvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele võimalusele sihtkohta jõudmiseks või piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel õigus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tühistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hüvitamist või muid võimalusi lõppsihtkohta jõudmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), välja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel või kui tühistamisest on teavitatud vähemalt kaks nädalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb või kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme päeva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 päeva pärast. Lisainfo:; n või nõuandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  • Passport (international flights, outside the EU) • Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) • Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm



Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter


CUSTOMER SERVICE In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 € + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)


Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail

Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

Cargo service ConcordeAviation

63 rue de Passy 75016 Paris – France Phone +33 (0) 140 50 77 87 Fax +33 (0) 140 50 04 17 E-mail info@concordeaviation. com

in time November 2012











Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, Sissepääs isikut tõendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Boa Bang Green. Chronograph in 18K red gold adorned with tsavorite, tourmaline and green sapphire baguette. Python-print dial set with 8 diamonds. Rubber and python strap.

Suur-Karja 9 • Tallinn 10140 • Estonia Tel. +372 6419333 • •

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