InTime April/May 2013

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inflight magazine April / May 2013

Riin Tamm makes genetics sound easy

Go sailing Quality time in Amsterdam

Back to childhood Travel like a local Rio for shopaholics your complimentary copy

Executive Dual Time Self-winding. Patented time zone quick setting. Black ceramic bezel and 18 ct rose gold case. Water-resistant to 100 m. Rubber band.

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - 1 0 1 4 0 Ta l l i n n - E s t o n i a Te l . + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

Jan Palmér Estonian Airi tegevjuht CEO of Estonian Air

JĂ€tkusuutlik lennukompanii

Sustainable airline

Euroopa ÀÀrealal asuva vĂ€ikese Eesti areng sĂ”ltub paljuski heast transpordiĂŒhendusest. Möödunud aasta lĂ”pus alustas Estonian Air ettevĂ”tte restruktureerimist, et muutuda efektiivseks niĆĄilennuettevĂ”tteks, mis keskendub kĂ”ige olulisematele sihtkohtadele Euroopas ja Idas. KĂ€esoleval hooajal on Estonian Airi lennuvĂ”rgustikus kĂŒmme pĂ”hi- ja kaks hooajalist sihtkohta, mida teenindatakse viie lennukiga. Restruktureerimise ĂŒhe osana töötab Estonian Air uue teeninduskontseptsiooni kallal, et vĂ”tta kasutusele kuluefektiivne ja jĂ€tkusuutlik mudel, tagades nii meie klientide rahulolu. KĂ€imasolev restruktureerimine esitab mitmeid vĂ€ljakutseid. Meie eesmĂ€rgiks on luua jĂ€tkusuutlik lennuettevĂ”te, mis suudab rahuldada Eesti lennutranspordi vajaduse ning tegutseda reisijate ja Eesti majanduse huvides. Estonian Airi meeskond on teinud Ă€ra vĂ€ga suure töö ning saavutanud vĂ€ljapaistvaid tulemusi lennuteenuste kvaliteedis. KĂ€esoleva aasta veebruaris oli Estonian Airi lendude regulaarsus ehk toimumise protsent 100 ning lendude punktuaalsus ehk vĂ€ljumise tĂ€psus (15 minutit) 87,7%. See on talveperioodi silmas pidades vĂ€ga hea tulemus ning kĂ”rgem möödunud aastal saavutatust. Selliste tulemustega on Estonian Air Euroopa lennuettevĂ”tete tĂ€psemate lendajate hulgas.

Estonia, a small but emerging country on the fringe of Europe, depends on efficient air transport for its future development. At the end of last year, Estonian Air began a restructuring work to develop the airline into an efficient, niche player focused on the most important destinations in Europe and also east. During the current flight season we are operating a network of ten core and two seasonal destinations with the fleet of five jet aircraft. As a part of the restructuring Estonian Air will change our current service concept to become more cost effective and easier to handle, but still satisfactory to our customers. Naturally, it poses several challenges. Our goal is to create a sustainable airline that best serves the air transport needs of all Estonia — its people, businesses and economy as a whole. The Estonian Air team has been working hard to achieve outstanding quality in our operations. In February the regularity of Estonian Air flights was 100%, and the 15-minute punctuality was 87.7%, a very good result during the winter period and an increase compared to February last year. With this result we are among the most punctual airlines in Europe. Welcome on board and stay with us!

Tere tulemast pardale ja jÀÀge meiega!

April / May 2013


Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 640 1101 Tootja: RKontor

TrĂŒkikoda: AS Pajo Vastutav vĂ€ljaandja: AS Estonian Air,

Reklaam: Nordicom Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Riin Tamm Fotograaf / Photographer: Kaupo Kikkas

in time April / May 2013

Ilusaimad hetked Ôhus Priit HÔbemÀgi kolumnist


Mulle meeldib lennata. Esimene Ă”hureis oli Alles sellises pisikeses, ĂŒhekordsete seinteĂŒhemootorilise lennuki An-2 pardal. Esimene An-2 tĂ”usis Ă”hku juba 1947. aastal. Topelttiiva tĂ”ttu hĂŒĂŒti neid kunagi „moosiriiuliteks”. Istusin seal nahkrihmaga kĂ”va istme kĂŒlge köidetuna ning taldrikusuurusest ĂŒmmargusest aknast vĂ€lja ei nĂ€inud. Kui sain tĂ€iskasvanuks, lendasin hiigellennukitega ĂŒle ookeani Ameerika Ühendriikidesse ja Jaapanisse. Need on vĂ€ga muljetavaldavad, kuid ometi on sel vanal lennukimudelil minu mĂ€lestustes eriline koht. Olin nimelt alati tahtnud langevarjuga hĂŒpata. VĂ€ga tahtsin, aga natuke kartsin ka. Ja teadsin, et minust endast pole selles asjas eestvedajat. MĂ”tlesin siis, et kui avaneb vĂ”imalus, panen end vabatahtlikult olukorda, kus hĂŒppest loobuda pole vĂ”imalik. MĂ”nevĂ”rra absurdne plaan, kuid ometi lĂ€ks see tĂ€ide. Esinesin ĂŒhes telesaates, mille kĂ€igus tĂ€ideti iga osaleja ĂŒks suur soov. Ja kui jĂ€rjekord minuni jĂ”udis, siis ĂŒtlesin kohe: „Mina unistan langevarjuhĂŒppest!” MĂ”ne aja pĂ€rast kutsuti instrueerimisele. Õppeklassis tutvustati langevarju ehitust ja pĂ”hitĂ”desid – kuidas lennukist vĂ€ljuda, kuidas troppe (langevarjunööre) kĂ€sitleda, kuidas varulangevarju avada ja Ă”igesti maanduda. LennuvĂ€ljal oli asi tĂ”sisem. Kord tuul puhus, siis ei puhunud. Liiga tugeva tuulega hĂŒppeid ei tehta. Oli kohe nĂ€ha, et mĂ”nigi inimene meie rĂŒhmast soovis kogu hingest, et tuul aina tugevneks. Kuid siis kĂ”las kutse: „Lennukisse!” Meid ootas samasugune ĂŒhemootoriline An-2, millisega ma oma esimese Ă”hulennu tegin. Langevari seljas, ronisin treppredelit mööda lennukisse.

ga lennukis on vĂ”imalik fĂŒĂŒsiliselt tunda, kui palju jĂ”udu nĂ”uab lennukilt Ă”hkutĂ”usmine ja kĂ”rguse kogumine. Mootor mĂŒrises kĂ”rvulukustavalt, kui lennuk tiire tehes lennuvĂ€lja kohal aeglaselt kĂ”rgust kogus. Aknast vĂ€lja vaadates maapind aina kaugenes, kuni lĂ”puks paistsid majad tikutopsist vĂ€iksematena. Olime jĂ”udnud ĂŒhe kilomeetri kĂ”rgusele maapinnast. See on vaid kĂŒmnendik sellest kĂ”rgusest, kus reisilennukid tavaliselt lendavad, kuid peadpööritavalt kĂ”rge, kui pead lennukist vĂ€lja hĂŒppama! PĂ€rast avatud uksest vĂ€ljahĂŒppamist, uperpalle ja langevarju stabiliseerimist istusin mugavalt rihmadest istmes ja hoidsin troppidest kinni. See, mida ma nĂ€gin, oli hingematvalt ilus. PĂ€ike paistis, valitses tĂ€ielik vaikus, ma istusin ĂŒksinda Ă”hus ja vaatasin maad, mis oli tĂ”esti ĂŒmmargune! Paremat kĂ€tt paistis Tallinn, vasakul Haapsalu, mets, meri, laevad ja saared – kĂ”ik oli nagu peopesal, looduse imelises ilus, absoluutses rahus ja vaikuses. Tundsin, et oleksin vĂ”inud seal istuda terve igaviku. Kuid langevarjuhĂŒpe kestis vaid kolm minutit. Peagi tuli hakata valmistuma maandumiseks. PĂ€rast maapinnaga taaskohtumist ja tuult alla vĂ”tva langevarju maharahustamist oli kĂ”ik justnagu enne. Kuid siiski mitte.

Iga kord, kui lennukis Ôhku tÔusen, vaatan ak-

nast vĂ€lja ja pĂŒĂŒan hinnata, millal umbes kilomeetri kĂ”rgusele tĂ”useme. Ning siis meenuvad need imelised minutid, mil ma lendasin ĂŒksinda taevas, ilma lennukita.

in time April / May 2013


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Suur-Karja 9, 10140 Tallinn ‱ + 372 6 419 333 ‱

Photo: Shutterstock

I soon got an invitation to a skydiving course. The training covered the components of the parachute and an instruction on how to jump out of the aircraft, how to handle cords, how to open the backup parachute and how to land safely. Everything got more real on the airfield. We had to wait for the right wind – if it is too strong, skydiving is not possible. I could see that some people in our group were hoping the wind would get stronger. To their disappointment, we soon heard the call: „All aboard!” It was the same An-2 that I had made my first flight in. I climbed to the aircraft with a parachute on my back.

The most beautiful moments in the air Priit HÔbemÀgi columnist


I have always liked to fly. My first flight was on board of a single-engine An-2 aircraft that made its maiden flight already in 1947. Because of its bi-plane wing, its nickname in Estonia is moosiriiul (a shelf of jam jars). I remember sitting in the An-2, strapped to the hard seat by a leather belt and seeing nothing out of the round window. As a grown-up, I’ve managed to fly with large airliners across the ocean to USA and to Japan. These planes have been very impressive, but for some reason the An-2 has always occupied a special place in my memories. I have also always wanted to go skydiving, but the whole idea seemed scary to me. So one day I thought that the only way I would ever do it, is when I put myself in a situation where I could not back out. The approach was somewhat absurd, but it worked. I decided to participate in a TV show that made people’s dreams come true. When it was my turn, I told them, point-blank: „My dream is to go skydiving.”

Sitting in this small aircraft, I suddenly sensed how much power the aircraft requires to lift off and ascend. I could hear the engine roaring as the plane was slowly climbing upwards above the airfield. Looking out of the window, the ground got further and further away, while houses looked like matchboxes. We were at a height of one kilometre which is only one-tenth of the cruising altitude of passenger aircraft, but terribly high for jumping out of an airplane. After the leap, some somersaults and stabilising the parachute I found myself sitting in a comfortable harness, grasping the suspension lines. What I saw was breath-taking. The sun was shining, everything was calm, I was up there on my own, looking down on the earth that had never seemed so round before. Tallinn was on the right, Haapsalu on the left
 The woods, the sea, the vessels and the islands – it was all on my palm, the wilderness in its beauty, absolute peace and tranquillity. I felt that I could have sat up there forever. However, the three minutes were up and it was time to prepare for landing. After I had touched down and deflated my parachute, everything returned to normal. But something was different. Since then, every time my aircraft takes off,

I try to catch the moment when we are at an altitude of about one kilometre and recall these wonderful moments when I was flying all alone in the sky, without any aircraft.

in time April / May 2013

The ar t of things chosen well rather than of ten.

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tulemas / coming up

233 artisti vallutavad Tallinna 233 artists take over Tallinn JĂ€tkub festivali Linnalavade programm, mis toob festivalimelu Tallinna raamatu- ja plaadipoodidesse, galeriidesse, kohvikutesse ja teistesse ootamatutesse ja ĂŒllatavatesse paikadesse pealelĂ”unaste tasuta kontsertidega.

Tallinn’s clubs, theatres, concert halls, bars

Tallinn Music Week 4.–6. aprillil / April 4-6 n

Piletid ja festivalipassid/ Festival passes and tickets: Festivalipassi soodustused ISIC ja Tallinn Card omanikele ning EMT Topeltpluss kliendile/ Festival pass discounts for ISIC and Tallinn Card owners and EMT Topeltpluss clients Restoranifestival/ Restaurant festival programme


Tallinna muusikaklubid, teatri- ja kontserdisaalid, baarid ning kohvikud muutuvad taas muusikasĂ”pradest ja artistidest kihavaks festivalitandriks. Juba viiendat korda pealinna vallutaval talendifestivalil Tallinn Music Week astub ĂŒles 233 artisti 20 riigist, pakkudes muusikalisi elamusi klassikast pungini, folgist metal'ini ja jazzist dubstep'i ning hip-hop'ini. Rahvusvaheliselt tuntud nimedest astuvad festivalil ĂŒles meloodilise indie punt Me and My Drummer Berliinist, tantsulise elektroonika piire nihutav Euroopa festivalide lemmik Rangleklods Taanist ja suurtele rahvusvahelistele lavadele lennutatud plikade elektro-punk duo LCMDF Soomest. Saab nĂ€ha ka graffiti-kunstnikest dubstep'i staare 3421 Iisraelist, kunstrokk-folk triot FolkMashina Valgevenest ning trompetivirtuoosi Adan Delgado Illadat Hispaaniast. Gruusiast saabub tosinapealine meeskoor Iberi Choir ning Burjaatia Vabariigist Mongoolia ja Burjaatia traditsioonilise muusika kollektiiv Namgar. Et muuta festival veelgi erilisemaks ja mitmekĂŒlgsemaks, avab Tallinn Music Week muusikaprogrammile lisaks restoranifestivali „TMW Maitsed”. Restoraniprogrammi on valitud 16 restorani, mis pakuvad soodustusi festivalipassi omanikele.

and cafĂ©s will once again be filled with musicians and music lovers. The talent festival Tallinn Music Week celebrates its 5th birthday this year and hosts 233 artists from 20 countries offering musical experiences from classical music to punk, from folk to metal and from jazz to dupstep and hiphop. International highlights include the dream pop sensation Me and My Drummer from Berlin, playful electronic visionaries Rangleklods from Denmark and the all-girl electro punk attack LCMDF from Finland. The artist line-up is also proud of the Iberi choir from Georgia, graffiti artists and dub step stars 3421 from Israel, Belarus’ art rock trio Folkmashina and the Spanish trumpeter Adan Delgado Illada. And last but not least, Namgar will bring over the mysteries of Mongolian and Buryatian traditional music. As a new surprise the „TMW Tastes” restaurant festival will offer festival goers the best culinary achievements Tallinn has to offer! A selection of 16 restaurants in Tallinn will offer special afternoon tasting menus and discounts to festival pass holders. In addition, the two-day festival City Stage programme will take new music to unexpected locations in the city – book shops, galleries, restaurants, cafĂ©s, museums, etc, that will host free of charge daytime concerts.

in time April / May 2013

tulemas / coming up

Mere- ja kevadehÔnguline Jazzkaar Jazzkaar, a festival of seas and spring Zara McFarlane

l Ni s



Jazzkaar 19.-28. aprillil n

Tallinnas ja ĂŒle Eesti

April 19-28 n

in Tallinn and elsewhere in Estonia


Kevad ja Jazz festival Jazzkaar and spring go Jazzkaar on together like Fred and Ginger. As a tradition, the fes-

lahutamatud. KahekĂŒmne neljas Jazzkaare kodu on ka sel aastal spetsiaalselt festivaliks pĂŒstitatud unikaalses Merepaviljonis. „Merepaviljon, kus on avarust ja Ă”hku, hubased tingimused nii kĂŒlastajatele kui muusikutele, pĂ€lvis lĂ€inud aastal publikult ja esinejatelt vĂ€ga positiivse tagasiside,” kinnitab festivali kunstiline juht Anne Erm. Traditsiooniliselt toimub Jazzkaar ka teistes linnades – Viljandis ja Tartus on kontsertide kontsentratsioon lausa festivalimÔÔtu. Jazzkaare peaesinejad on soul-jazz talent Zara McFarlane Inglismaalt, Jaapani sarmikas klaverivirtuoos Hiromi, Ameerika uue pĂ”lvkonna staarvokalist Gregory Porter ja legendaarse helilooja-saksofonisti Charles Lloydi The New Quartet feat. Jason Moran, Reuben Rogers, Gregory Hutchinson. Kontsert on osa maestro 75. sĂŒnnipĂ€eva turneest. Selleks tĂ€htpĂ€evaks valmis ka dokumentaalfilm jazziajaloo ĂŒhest olulisemast ja vĂ€rvikamast muusikust. Eesti muusikud toovad kuulajate ette uued kavad. Hedvig Hanson esitleb vĂ€rsket plaati „Esmahetked”. PĂŒhapĂ€eval jĂ€tkab Jazzkaar traditsiooni, kus koostöös Eesti Autorite Ühinguga toimuvad tasuta kontserdid. JĂ€rg on jĂ”udnud Tallinna vanalinna hoovide, pööningute ja katuste avastamiseni, neis pĂ”nevates paikades esinevad Eesti muusikud koos luuletajatega. Jazzitudengid annavad Teater NO99 Jazziklubis lĂ”unakontserte.

tival that this year celebrates its 24th anniversary will be held in the unique purpose-built Sea Pavilion. „The spacious and open Sea Pavilion creates ideal conditions for visitors and musicians and last year was very well received by both the audience and the artists,” says the festival’s art director Anne Erm. As always, Jazzkaar concerts are also held in other Estonian towns including Viljandi and Tartu that almost have a festival of their own. Jazzkaar’s main performers are the soul-jazz talent Zara McFarlane from UK, charming Japanese piano virtuoso Hiromi, America’s new-generation star singer Gregory Porter and The New Quartet of legendary composer and sax player Charles Lloyd, featuring Jason Moran, Reuben Rogers and Gregory Hutchinson. The concert is a part of the 75th anniversary tour of one of the most significant and colorful musicians of jazz history, Charles Lloyd, whose life and music have also been made into a documentary. Estonian musicians will be performing their new concerts. Hedvig Hanson will present her latest CD First Moments. On Sunday, Jazzkaar will continue its tradition of giving free concerts in cooperation with the Estonian Association of Authors. Estonian musicians and poets will be performing in yards, attics, rooftops and other exciting places in the Tallinn Old Town. Jazz students will give lunch concerts in the jazz club of Theatre NO99.

in time April / May 2013

tulemas / coming up eesti / estonia NĂ€itus „Veelinnurahvas. Lennart Meri filmirĂ€nnakud 1969-1988” 15. mĂ€rts–9. juuni, n  Eesti Ajaloomuuseumi Suurgildi hoones Pikk 17, Tallinn Seni rahvusvahelisel areenil eksponeeritud nĂ€itus „Veelinnurahvas. Lennart Meri filmirĂ€nnakud 1969-1988” jĂ”udis nĂŒĂŒd ka Eestisse ja toob publikuni legendaarsete soome-ugri rahvaid tutvustavate dokumentaalfilmide sĂŒnniloo.

Lennart Meri, armastatud riigipea 1992– 2001, oli ka kirjanik ja filmilooja, kelle missiooniks oli jutustada eesti ja ta hĂ”imurahvaste iidset lugu, otsides vastust eeskĂ€tt just vĂ€ikerahvaste igavestele kĂŒsimustele – kes me oleme, kust tuleme, kuhu lĂ€heme. Rohkem kui 30 aasta vĂ€ltel rĂ€ndas Lennart Meri ĂŒksi vĂ”i enda korraldatud ekspeditsioonidega tollase NĂ”ukogude Liidu kĂ”ige raskemini ligipÀÀsetavates piirkondades. Eriliselt paelusid teda vĂ€ikerahvaste kogemused hoida oma kultuuri elus vÔÔrkeelse koloniseerija kiuste.‹‹FilmirĂ€nnakutest sĂŒndisid linateosed hĂ”imurahvastest: „Veelinnurahvas” (1970), „Linnutee tuuled” (1977), „Kaleva hÀÀled” (1985), „Toorumi pojad” (1989) ja „Ơamaan” (1977/1997) – kĂŒllap esimesed rahvusvaheliselt kaalukad dokumentaalfilmid soome-ugri rahvastest, mis annavad ĂŒlevaate iidsetest tavadest, rituaalidest, rahvaluulest, etnograafiast ning pĂŒstitavad pĂ”nevaid hĂŒpoteese.‹‹

The exhibition „The Waterfowl People. Lennart Meri’s film travels in 1969-1988” March 15–June 9, n  Estonian History Museum – Great Guild Hall, Pikk 17, Tallinn


The exhibition „The Waterfowl People. Lennart Meri’s film travels in 1969-1988” that has so far only been exhibited abroad, now arrived to Estonia bringing the birth story of legendary documentaries of Finno-Ugric people to the public. Lennart Meri, the beloved head of state between 1992–2001, was also a writer and a filmmaker, whose mission was to tell the ancient stories of Estonia and other tribal nations, mainly seeking answers to the eternal questions of every small nation, such as – who are we, where do we come from, where are we going. For more than 30 years, Meri either went alone or organised expeditions to the most remote regions of the Soviet Union. He was particularly fascinated with small nations who kept their culture alive despite the foreign colonizer. These journeys were the grounds for films like: „The Waterfowl People” (1970), „The Winds of the Milky Way” (1977), „The Voices of Kaleva” (1985), „The Sons of Torum” (1989) and „The Shaman” (1977/1997) – probably the first internationally influential documentaries about Finno-Ugric nations that provide an overview of their ancient traditions, rituals, folklore, ethnography and pose interesting hypotheses.

Dokumentaalfilm „Viru. Vabaduse saatkond” Alates 4. aprillist, kinodes ĂŒle Eesti n  „Viru. Vabaduse saatkond” on dokumentaalfilm ĂŒhe erakordse ehitise ajaloost. Viru hotell on midagi enamat kui maja – see on monument ja ikoon. Hoone sisemus peidab endas legendaarseid lugusid nendest, kes seda maja ehitasid ja nendest, kes on seal viibinud. Film vaatleb Viru hotelli fenomeni, poliitilist tĂ€htsust ja mĂ€rgilist tĂ€hendust. SĂ”na saavad Sofi Oksanen, Maimu Berg, Eva Lille, Kuno Plaan jt tuntud inimesed, juttu tuleb paljudest Viru legendiga seotud tahkudest, muuhulgas ka poliitikast, prostitutsioonist, KGB-st, Ă€rikatest ja varieteest. Filmis nĂ€eb ohtralt pĂ”nevaid arhiivikaadreid, mis mĂ”juvad kohati nostalgiliselt, kohati vĂ€gagi koomiliselt. Dokumentaalfilmi „Viru. Vabaduse saatkond” autor on Margit Kilumets.

it, and people who have been there. The film looks at the phenomenon of the Viru Hotel, its political importance and its meaning as a sign. Sofi Oksanen, Maimu Berg, Eva Lill, Kuno Plaan and other celebrities will talk about the many facets of the legend of Viru. Among other things, politics, prostitution, KGB, business men and variety theatre. The film also provides a lot of fascinating archival footage, which is sometimes nostalgic, sometimes quite comic. Documentary „Viru. Embassy of Freedom” by Margit Kilumets.

Pianist Kadri-Ann Sumera kontsert 11. aprillil kell 19 Mustpeade majas n  Kaunil kammerkontserdil astub ĂŒles tĂ”eliselt andekas pianist Kadri-Ann Sumera. Kui viimasel ajal kĂ”lab varasem klassitsism ja barokk klaveriĂ”htutel ĂŒsna harva, siis just sel Ă”htul avaneb Mustpeade maja erilises atmosfÀÀris suurepĂ€rane vĂ”imalus sellest osa saada. Esitlusele tulevad virtuoossed, vĂ€rvirikkad ning kujunditerohked teosed.

The documentary „Viru. Embassy of Freedom” From April 4, in Estonian cinemas n  „Viru. Embassy of Freedom” is a documentary about the history of an extraordinary building. Viru Hotel is more than just a building – it is a monument and an icon. It hides legendary stories of people who built

in time April / May 2013

tulemas / coming up Pianist Kadri-Ann Sumera’s concert April 11, at 19 in the House of the n  Blackheads Kadri-Ann Sumera is a truly gifted pianist. Lately, the sounds of early classicism and baroque have become quite rare in piano evenings, so this concert is a very good opportunity to enjoy such music in the special atmosphere of the House of the Blackheads. Kadri-Ann will play pieces of rich colours and images.

originaalkunstiteostega. HĂ€mmastavad kaasaegsed skulptuurid kĂ”ikjalt maailmast pannakse ĂŒles Berlage’i kujundatud avenĂŒĂŒde ÀÀrde, Zuidasi Ă€ripiirkonda ja imekaunisse Churchill-laani. Jalgsimarsruut on kaardistatud, aga alati vĂ”ib ka niisama tĂ€navatel jalutada ja end ĂŒllatada lasta.

Watteau Until May 12 n

HeadRead 29. mai–2. juuni n  Kirjandusfestival HeadRead on iga-aastane ĂŒritus, mis toimub tĂ€navu eri paigus Tallinna kesklinnas. Festival toob kokku silmapaistvad vĂ€liskirjanikud (Sofi Oksanen, Tom Stoppard, Jennifer Johnston, John Burnside), Eesti autorid ja pĂ”nevad ĂŒritused.

Artzuid May 24–September 22 n  ARTZUID, the popular international sculpture route, returns to the district of Zuid for its third edition, bringing the streets to life with original artworks during the Amsterdam 2013 celebrations. Amazing contemporary sculptures from all over the world will be installed in the neighbourhood’s beautiful Berlage-designed avenues, as well as throughout the Zuidas business district and the magnificent Churchill-laan. A walking route is published on map or simply wander the streets and uncover their surprises.

In the early eighteenth century Paris, shortly before the emergence of Rococo, Watteau caused a sensation in the salons of Paris with his sensual paintings. His work is all the more exceptional given that the painter lived a short yet full life. In collaboration with the Palais des Beaux-Arts Lille the Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels pays homage to this artist with an exhibition bringing together works from all over the world. One of the key themes of this exhibition is music. The renowned conductor and musician William Christie is the guest curator of this exhibition and will also perform in eight concerts featuring music by Watteau's contemporaries. The outcome is an integrated arts experience and a parallel program of educational activities, lectures and an encounter with the author, Pierre Michon.

HeadRead May 29–June 2 n  Literary festival HeadRead is an annual event held this year in various venues in central Tallinn. The festival offers a delicious mix of international (this year Sofi Oksanen, Tom Stoppard, Jennifer Johnston and John Burnside among others) and Estonian authors and events.

euroopa / europe Amsterdam Artzuid 24. mai–22. september n  Amsterdam 2013 pidustuste raames paneb populaarne rahvusvaheline skulptuurimarsruut ARTZUID juba kolmandat korda Zuidi linnaosa elama, tĂ€ites sealsed tĂ€navad


BrĂŒssel / Brussels Kuni 12. maini n

kopenhaagen / Copenhagen SĂžren Kierkegaard 2013

XVIII sajandil Pariisis, veidi enne rokokoo tekkimist, pĂ”hjustas Watteau Pariisi salongides oma sensuaalsete maalidega sensatsiooni. Tema tööd on seda erakordsemad, et kunstnik elas lĂŒhikese, kuid vĂ€rvika elu. NĂ€itus on valminud koostöös Palais des Beaux-Arts Lille kaunite kunstide keskusega ja hĂ”lmab kunstniku töid kĂ”ikjalt maailmast. Üks olulisemaid teemasid sel nĂ€itusel on muusika. NĂ€ituse kĂŒlaliskuraator on tunnustatud dirigent ja muusik William Christie, kes annab ka kaheksa kontserti, kus kĂ”lab Watteau kaasaegsete muusika. Lisaks integreeritud kunstikogemusele toimub paralleelselt ka haridusprogramm, mille raames saab kohtuda nĂ€ituse autori Pierre Michoniga ja toimuvad loengud.

5. mail 2013 möödub Taani maailmakuulusa filosoof SĂžren Kierkegaardi sĂŒnnist 200 aastat. SĂžren Kierkegaardi sĂŒnnipĂ€eva tĂ€histatakse Kopenhaagenis laiahaardelise kunsti-, nĂ€ituste, tele-, linnaekskursioonide ja Ă”ppeprogrammiga. Taani rahvusgalerii austab SĂžren Kierkegaardi 200. sĂŒnniaastapĂ€eva nĂ€itusega lastele. Kopenhaageni muuseumis on vĂ€ljas SĂžren Kierkegaardi mitmed vĂ€ga isiklikud ja sĂŒmboolsed objektid. Athelas, Taani parim uue muusika sinfonietta, tĂ€histab SĂžren Kierkegaardi sĂŒndi kontserdiga, mille teemaks on muusika olemasolu. Programm hĂ”lmab nelja maailma esmaesitlust maailma parimate uue muusika heliloojate sulest.


5. mai–11. november n

in time April / May 2013

ESTONIAN Universe of Beauty & Health April 11–14, Kiev International n

Sþren Kierkegaard 2013 May 5–November 11 n  5 May 2013, Denmark's world-famous philosopher Sþren Kierkegaard would have turned 200 years. Sþren Kierkegaard's birthday is marked with a broad programme in Copenhagen through art, exhibitions, TV, city tours and teaching. The National Gallery of Denmark pays tribute to Sþren Kierkegaard's 200 years birthday with an exhibition for children. In Copenhagen Museum's collections, a number of highly personal and symbolic objects from Sþren Kierkegaard's life are exhibited. Athelas, Denmark's best sinfonietta for new music, contributes to the celebration of Sþren Kierkegaard with a concert about the existence of music. The programme includes four world premieres of some of the world's foremost composers of new music.

Exhibition Centre (IEC) Universe of Beauty & Health has established an international reputation as one of the world's most important and fastest growing exhibitions of the beauty industry. The exhibition gives an opportunity for the health care and pharma industry to showcase the total solutions, facilities, infrastructures available in the health and beauty industry under one roof.

Moskva / Moscow Synthetic Sound Festival / First Open air 6.–7. juuni n  Üks suurimaid vabaĂ”hupidusid Venemaal, mida eelmisel aastal kĂŒlastas rohkem kui 5000 inimest. Neli lava, Full-on psytrance, Progressive, Dark psytrance jne.

Estonia The crossroad of Europe

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities. In English, German and French.

Stable economy, low public debt, openness to innovation and various liberties give an idea of the success Estonia has managed to achieve. Welcome to Estonia! ANDRUS ANSIP

Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

––– Take advantage of our corporate income tax regime that facilitates investments and allows earning and re-investing profits without taxation. This has helped our companies to grow stronger and I see no reason why it should not have the same effect on your future investment in Estonia. Come and learn about the possibilities! We welcome you to do business in Estonia!

Kiiev / Kiev Ilu ja Tervise Universium 11.–14. aprill, Kiev International n  Exhibition Centre (IEC) Ilu ja Tervise Universium on saavutanud ĂŒhe maailma kĂ”ige olulisema ja kĂ”ige kiiremini kasvava rahvusvahelise ilutööstuse messi maine. NĂ€itus annab ravimi- ja tervishoiutööstusele vĂ”imaluse demonstreerida inimestele uusi lahendusi, meetode ja tehnoloogiaid, mida ilu- ja tervisemaailm pakub.



Synthetic Sound Festival / First Open air June 6–7 n  One of the biggest open air parties in Russia that last year was visited by more than 5000 people. Four arenas, Fullon psytrance, Progressive, Dark psytrance etc.

Director General Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



Oslo FĂŠrder regatt 7. juuni n  Iga-aastane regatt Oslost Horteni. Nautige sadade purjede vaatemĂ€ngu Oslo fjordis! FĂŠder regatt on ĂŒks maailma suurimaid ööregatte. Alates selle algusest aastal 1947,

April / May 2013 in time

WWW.ESTONIANEXPORT.EE ASK THE CATALOGUE: Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE

tulemas / coming up mil mÔÔtu vĂ”ttis seitse paati, on regatt mĂ€rgatavalt kasvanud ja nĂŒĂŒd stardib juba rohkem kui 1000 alust ja umbes 40005000 meremeest. Üle 1000 paadi suhteliselt piiratud ruumis vĂ€ljasaatmine kujutab endast logistilist Ă”udusunenĂ€gu, kuid on ka vĂ€ga suurejooneline vaatepilt, mis vÀÀrib jalavaeva. Regati korraldaja on Kuninglik Norra Jahtklubi.

tud Romanovite dĂŒnastia 400. aastapĂ€evale. Vene Föderatsiooni presidendi dekreedi kohaselt kuulutati 2013. aasta ka keskkonnakaitse aastaks.

A Taste of Stockholm June 5–9 n  A Taste of Stockholm is a big outdoor food festival in the KungstrĂ€dgĂ„rden square. It attracts thousands of people enjoying great food and new taste sensations. There are also concerts and shows.

The Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

Férder regatta June 7 n  Annual regatta from Oslo to Horten. Enjoy the spectacular sight of hundreds of sailboats on the Oslo Fjord!‹The Féder Regatta is one of the world's biggest overnight regattas. From its inception in 1947, with seven boats competing, the regatta has grown considerably and now more than 1000 boats and 4000-5000 sailors participate.‹Sending off more than 1000 boats from what is a relatively confined space represents a logistical nightmare, but also a very spectacular sight that is well worth the trip.‹The regatta is organised by the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club.

suurepÀrast toitu ja uusi maitseelamusi. On kontserte ja etendusi.

vilnius Login 2013

June 7–16 n

18.–19. aprill n

In 2008, The State Russian Museum organized the first international festival of park and gardening art „Imperial Gardens of Russia”. Since then, the Festival has become an annual festive event both for locals and tourists. The 2013 Festival is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Romanov Dynasty. According to the decree of the President of Russian Federation, the year 2013 is also proclaimed the year of environmental protection.

Login tuleb taas – 7. konverentsi teema on „The Game Changers”, kus inimesed arutavad mĂ€ngu muutuvaid ideid, kontseptsioone, tooteid ja teenuseid. LOGIN on Baltimaade suurim tehnikakogukonna kogunemine ja toob Vilniusesse rohkem kui 70 esinejat ja 3000 kĂŒlastajat igal aastal. Seminaride ja vĂ”istlustega arutatakse suurimaid trende algaval aastal. LOGIN 2013 peaesineja on Apple’i kaasasutaja Steve Wozniak. LOGINI lĂ”petab Leedu Internetiauhindade ĂŒleandmine.

Stockholm Stockholmi Maitse 5.–9. juuni n  Stockholmi Maitse on suur suvine toidufestival KungstrĂ€dgĂ„rdeni vĂ€ljakul, mis meelitab tuhandeid inimesi nautima

Login 2013 April 18–19 n

Peterburg / St. Petersburg Imperial Gardens festival 7.–16. juuni n  2008. aastal korraldas Riiklik Vene Muuseum esimese Imperial Gardens rahvusvahelise pargi- ja aianduskunsti festivali. NĂŒĂŒdseks on festivalist saanud iga-aastane pidulik sĂŒndmus kohalikele elanikele ja turistidele. 2013. aasta festival on pĂŒhenda-


LOGIN comes back with its 7th edition „The Game Changers„ where people will discuss the changing ideas, concepts, products and services of games. LOGIN is the biggest tech community gathering in the Baltic States and it attracts more than 70 speakers and 3000 visitors annually. Through workshops and competitions they address mega trends for the upcoming year. The main speaker of LOGIN 2013 is Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple. Lithuanian Internet Awards will complete LOGIN.

in time April / May 2013


Eesti tippjuhid Euroopa ametivendadest optimistlikumad Davosi Maailma Majandusfoorumil avaldati jĂ€rjekorras juba 16. PwC maailma tippjuhtide iga-aastane uuring (PwC Global CEO Survey), mille kĂ€igus kĂŒsitleti 1330 tippjuhti enam kui 60 riigist. Sama uuring viidi tĂ€navu esmakordselt eraldi lĂ€bi Eesti tippjuhtide seas.

Tekst: Teet Tender, PwC Advisors juht Fotod: pwc, shutterstock

Traditsiooniliselt on uuringu ĂŒks kĂ”ige olulisem kĂŒsimus, kui tĂ”enĂ€oliseks peetakse oma ettevĂ”tte kĂ€ibe kasvu eeloleval aastal. Kasvus veendunud tippjuhtide protsenti loetakse omamoodi „optimismiindeksiks” ning kahjuks on see indeks olnud viimastel aastatel langustrendis. Kui

2011. aastal uskus oma ettevĂ”tte kasvu 48% ning mullu 40%, siis tĂ€navu usub oma ettevĂ”tte kasvu vaid 36% juhtidest. Seejuures on optimism keskmisest oluliselt madalam just LÀÀne-Euroopas ja USA-s, nĂ€iteks Eesti jaoks olulisimal turul Skandinaavias, vaid 22%. Eesti tippjuhtide optimism on seevastu ĂŒsna „maailmatasemel”: 35% uuringus osalenuist on veendunud oma ettevĂ”tte mĂŒĂŒgikĂ€ibe suurenemises sel aastal ning teist samapalju on neid, kes peavad kĂ€ibe kasvu ĂŒsna tĂ”enĂ€oliseks. Vaid 7% ei usu oma ettevĂ”tte kĂ€ibe kasvu ning 23% on selles pigem kahtlevad. Arvestades Eesti juhtide konservatiivset loomu, on nende mÔÔdukas optimism loodetavasti pĂ”hjendatud ja nĂ€itab, et Euroopa vĂ”lakriisi kestvas ĂŒldises ebakindluses tunneb Eesti ettevĂ”tjate paremik end suhteliselt kindlalt ning see kajastub ka vĂ€rbamisplaanides. Ehkki ka juba lĂ€inud aastal suurendasid töötajate hulka enam kui pooled (55%) juhtivatest ettevĂ”tetest, nĂ€evad ka tĂ€navu ligi pooled vastanuist ette töötajate arvu suurenemist ning vaid viiendik arvab, et nende ettevĂ”tte töötajate arv kahaneb.

Eesti juhtide suurim mure oli ĂŒllatuslikult vajalike oskustega tööjĂ”u ebapiisav kĂ€ttesaadavus, mis ĂŒletas Ă€ririskina isegi energia- ja toormehindade tĂ”usu. Hooli22

in time April / May 2013

majandus mata sellest, et tööpuudus on Eestis endiselt 10% kandis, on ettevĂ”tjatel raske leida sobivaid töötajaid. See vĂ”ib olla ka ĂŒheks pĂ”hjuseks, miks ĂŒkski vastanud tippjuhtidest ei kavatsenud alanud aastal palku langetada, kuid tervelt 70% plaanisid neid tĂ”sta. Eesti juhtide kindlustunne oma ettevĂ”tte tuleviku osas ei seondu aga hinnanguga majanduskeskkonnale laiemalt: vaid alla viiendiku vastanuist (18%) arvab, et maailmamajandus tĂ€navu kasvab. Ligi kaks kolmandikku (63%) hindab, et see jÀÀb mullusele tasemele ja 16%, et hoopiski kahaneb.

Retseptid segasteks aegadeks Ebakindlate aegadega toimetulekuks joonistub globaalsete tippjuhtide nĂ€gemuses vĂ€lja kolm olulist strateegiat. Esiteks, kasvuvĂ”imaluste hoolikas valimine. Enamik tippjuhte panustab lĂ€hiaastatel ettevĂ”tte orgaanilisele kasvule olemasolevatel turgudel ning vaid kuuendik mĂ”tleb teiste ettevĂ”tete ĂŒlevĂ”tmisele.

April / May 2013 in time

Teiseks, kui edukad ettevĂ”tjad on klienti alati kuningaks pidanud, siis keerulistel aegadel on klient muutumas jumalaks. Tippjuhid peavad ĂŒlioluliseks masu ajal muutunud tarbijakĂ€itumise paremat mĂ”istmist ning paljud on sellel eesmĂ€rgil kaasanud kliendid oma tootearendusse. Lisaks nĂ€hakse suurt potentsiaali digitaalsete turundusplatvormide (nĂ€iteks kliendikaartide abil tarbijate kĂ€itumismustri kohta kogutud informatsiooni) paremas Ă€rakasutamises. Kolmandaks jĂ€tkub protsesside ja efektiivsuse lihvimine kohandumaks uue normaalsusega. Tervelt 70% tippjuhte kavatseb ka sel aastal kulusid kĂ€rpida, kuid erinevalt paari aasta tagusest ei toimu see enam mitte tööjĂ”ukulude, vaid protsesside tĂ”hustamise arvelt. Globaalsetest riskistsenaariumitest peavad tippjuhid kĂ”ige tĂ”sisemaks ja tĂ”enĂ€olisemaks Hiina majanduskasvu vĂ”imalikku langust alla 7,5% ning USA majandussurutist. Veel hiljuti suurimaks riskiks peetud eurotsooni lagunemist peab aga tĂ”enĂ€oliseks ainult iga kuues tippjuht. Hea uudis seegi.


Estonian managers more optimistic than their European colleagues The 16th PwC Global CEO Survey was presented at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos. 1,330 top managers from over 60 countries were interviewed for the survey. This was the first time the survey was separately carried out among top managers in Estonia. Text: Teet Tender, Head of PwC Advisors Estonia Photos: shutterstock


As usual,

one of the most important questions asked in the survey concerned the probability of their company's sales increasing in the coming year. The percentage of managers who are convinced that sales will grow is regarded as a kind of an 'optimism index', which unfortunately has been going down in recent years. The share of managers who believed that their companies would grow was 48% in 2011 and 40% in 2012. This year, however, only 36% of managers believe that growth is possible. Such optimism is considerably below the average in Western Europe and the US. In Scandinavia, which is the most important market for Estonia, it is only 22%.

However, the optimism of Estonian managers is relatively high: 35% of the managers who took part in the survey were convinced that the sales turnover of their companies would increase this year and equally many consider such an increase likely. Only 7% believe that the sales revenues of their companies will definitely not grow and 23% doubt that it will happen. As Estonian managers tend to be rather conservative, we hope that their moderate optimism is justified and indicates that the top businessmen in Estonia are feeling relatively secure in the midst of the general turmoil created by the European debt crisis and that this is also reflected in their recruitment plans. Although more than a half (55%) of leading

in time April / May 2013

companies already increased their staff numbers last year, approximately one-half of those interviewed expect to also hire new employees in 2013, and just one-fifth believe that the number of their employees will decrease.

Surprisingly, the biggest concern for Estonian man-

agers is the availability of workforce with necessary skills, which was regarded as an even bigger business risk than the increase in energy and raw material prices. Although unemployment in Estonia is still around 10%, it is difficult for businessmen to find suitable employees. This may be one of the reasons why none of the respondents plan to reduce salaries in 2013 and as many as 70% of them plan to increase instead. However, the confidence Estonian managers have in the future of their companies differs from their opinion of the overall economic environment: only 18% of respondents believe that global economy will grow this year. Approximately two-thirds (63%) are of the opinion that it will remain at last year's level whilst 16% believe that the economy will shrink.

Recipes for complicated times.

In the global perspective, top managers appear to rely on three important strategies to help them cope with uncertain times. Firstly, careful selection of growth opportunities. Most managers will focus on the organic growth of their companies on existing markets and just one-sixth are thinking about taking over other companies. Secondly, whilst successful businessmen have always treated their clients as kings, the status of customers is turning into that of a god in complicated times. Understanding customer behaviour, which changed during the recession, is extremely important in the eyes of managers and many of them have therefore involved their clients in product development. Taking advantage of digital marketing platforms (e.g. information collected about consumer behaviour based on loyal customer card usage) is also seen as something with great potential. Thirdly, polishing processes and efficiency in order to adapt to the 'new normal' is continuing. As many as 70% of senior managers plan to cut their costs again this year, but they will no longer do it on account of labour costs as they did a couple of years ago, but by improving the efficiency of processes. The global risk scenarios seen as most serious and likely to occur by managers are China's economic growth dropping below 7.5% and recession in the US. Only every sixth manager believes that the disintegration of the eurozone, which was seen as the biggest risk not so long ago, is still probable. Some good news at least.

April / May 2013 in time

uudised / news nominal empty seat price (from EUR 4) (fully refunded if empty seat(s) are not assigned). If you are assigned an empty seat(s), you will receive a confirmation email usually 1-3 days before departure but no later than 4 hours before departure. Please note that since only a limited number of options are offered for each flight based on availability of rows of empty seats and other factors, an empty seat can’t be guaranteed. In that case, the empty seat price for that flight will be automatically refunded to you within five business days after flight departure.

Teenindusklassi tĂ”stmine Reisijad, kes ostavad Estonian Airi n  kodulehe kaudu Estonian Airi otselennule pileti, millega kaasneb Travel klassi teenindus pardal, vĂ”ivad enne lendu tĂ”sta oma teenindusklassi. Seda vĂ”imalust saavad kasutada kliendid, kes ostavad ECO, ECO Plus vĂ”i Mini ECO pileti, kuid soovivad Travel klassi asemel nautida lendu Premium klassis.

Naudi ruumi ja mugavust Estonian Air koostöös Optiontowniga n  pakub tĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme tellimise vĂ”imalust reisijatele, kes soovivad lennata mugavamalt ning privaatsemalt. TĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme tellimine on lihtne ja selleks on vaja: ‱ Minna Optiontowni kodulehele, sisestada riik ja valida jĂ€rgmisel lehel ĂŒlareast tootevalikust Empty Seat Option (ESo). ‱ Sisestada Estonian Airi tellimuse kood. ‱ Valida lennud, kus soovite tĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistet. ‱ Tasuda ESo tellimise (ĂŒks euro) ning tĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme eest (alates neljast eurost). TĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme eest tasutud summa tagastatakse, kui lennul vaba kĂ”rvalistet ei vĂ”imaldata. Reisijale, kes on tellinud tĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme, saadetakse selle kohta kinnitus e-posti aadressile ĂŒks kuni kolm pĂ€eva enne vĂ€ljalendu ja mitte hiljem kui neli tundi enne lennu plaanipĂ€rast vĂ€ljumist.


Kuna igale lennule eraldatakse piiratud arv tĂŒhje istekohti olenevalt lennu tĂ€ituvusest, siis ei saa tĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistet garanteerida. Sel puhul tagastatakse selle eest tasutud summa automaatselt pĂ€rast lennu vĂ€ljumist viie tööpĂ€eva jooksul. TĂŒhja kĂ”rvalistme teenust saab tellida ingliskeelses internetikeskkonnas.

Enjoy your flight in a „private zone“ Estonian Air in cooperation with n  Optiontown is enabling you to order an empty seat(s) next to your seat to elevate your travel comfort. Ordering an empty seat(s) is simple. You need to: ‱ Visit, choose 'Empty Seat Option' from the horizontal product tab. ‱ Retrieve your Estonian Air booking. ‱ Select the flights where you want an empty seat(s). ‱ Pay a sign-up price (EUR 1) and a

Reisija vÔib teha pakkumise teenindusklassi tÔstmiseks ja kui see aktsepteeritakse, siis kehtivad reisijale jÀrgmised soodustused: a) Check-in Àriklassi lauas b) Istekoht ja teenindus pardal Premium klassis c) Eco Flex pileti pagasitingimused d) Eco Flex EuroBonuse punktid TÀpsemad reeglid ja tingimused

Service class upgrade Passengers who purchase a Travel class n  ticket for Estonian Air operated direct flights via Estonian Air website, have the possibility to upgrade their service class prior to the flight. This option is available to customers who have purchased an ECO, ECO Plus or Mini ECO ticket but would like to enjoy the flight in Premium class instead. A passenger can submit a service class upgrade bid and if it is accepted, the passenger will be entitled to the following benefits: a) Check-in at Business Class counters b) Premium Class seat and onboard service c) ECO Flex baggage conditions d) ECO Flex EuroBonus points. More detailed rules and conditions

in time April / May 2013


Uita Rio de Janeiro turgudel Tekst ja fotod: Liis KĂ€ngsepp

Rio de Janeiros vÔib vedeleda rannas vÔi

vaadata linna SuhkrupeamĂ€e kĂ”rgustest, aga vĂ”ib ka uurida, millal on peatuspaiga lĂ€hedal turupĂ€ev ja minna uudistama pĂ”nevaid aiasaadusi. Rios on tavaline, et igal naabruskonnal on oma turupĂ€ev, mil kord nĂ€dalas seatakse kindlasse kohta tĂ€naval ĂŒles letid, kuhu laotatakse erinevaid puu- ja juurvilju, aga ka kala ja maitseaineid. Peaaegu et igal kohalikul on seal „oma” mĂŒĂŒjad, kelle kĂ€est nad nĂ”utavad nĂ€dalaks vajalikku toidukraami ja muidugi lobisevad sinna juurde maastilmast. Turistidele mĂ”eldud nĂ€nni pole neilt turgudelt mĂ”tet otsida, seda sealt ei leia. Rios on olemas ka oma „Kadaka turg” – kesklinnas asuv Saara piirkond, kus mĂŒĂŒakse praktiliselt kĂ”ike: Ă”mblustarbeid, kodumasinaid, riideid, ehteid, kodutekstiile, jalanĂ”usid... Just sealt kĂ€ivad paljud, kes randades turistikola mĂŒĂŒvad, oma kraami ostmas. Kes tahab Rios aga teravamat turuelamust, vĂ”ib vĂ”tta ette tee Kirdeturule ehk SĂŁo CristĂłvĂŁol piirkonnas asuvale turule, mis on keskendunud Kirde-Brasiilia kultuuri tutvustamisele ja sealse kauba mĂŒĂŒgile. Sealt leiab sĂŒĂŒa-juua, toidukraami kodus kokkamiseks ja suveniire koju kaasa viimiseks.


in time April / May 2013

place to be

Roaming the markets of Rio Text and photos: Liis KĂ€ngsepp

When in Rio de Janeiro, the two best

things to do are sunbathing on the beach and touring the city and the Sugarloaf Mountain. I recommend also to find out when there is a market day in the area and check out all the exciting gardening produce. It is usual in Rio that every neighbourhood has a weekly market day when the locals set up stalls and stands of fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and spices. Almost all locals have their „own” seller on the market who supplies them with weekly food stuffs, as well as with fresh gossip. Don’t look for souvenirs or other tourist stuff from these markets. Naturally, as every town, there is also a flea market in Rio. It is the Saara area in the city centre that offers practically everything including clothing, household appliances, jewellery, home textiles, footwear, etc. This is also the place that supplies people who sell trinkets to tourists in beaches. Those who crave for more authentic experiences should head out to the Northeast Market that is located in the area of São Cristóvãol and specialises in offering culture and goods from Northeast Brazil, including food, beverages and souvenirs.

Pileteid SAS-i, KLM-i, Air France'i, Aerofloti ja teiste lennufirmade lendudele saab broneerida Estonian Airi veebist. Tickets to SAS, KLM, Air France, Aeroflot and other airlines’ flights can also be booked via Estonian Air website.

April / May 2013 in time





in time April / May 2013


Nohiku nĂ€dalavahetus Amsterdamis Kui teid ei eruta pĂ”rmugi veidrad faktid, ganja, seksimuuseumid vĂ”i pĂ€ris seks ning isegi Ă”llejoomine ei köida (hollandlased on maailma suurimad Ă”lleeksportijad ja -eksperdid), siis olete end ootamatult leidnud tĂ€pselt Ă”igest linnast – Amsterdamist.


eadmisjanuline turist teab kindlasti, et juba Schipholi lennujaama saabudes on vÔÔrustajamaa Holland suutnud loodusseadusi oma Ă€ranĂ€gemise jĂ€rgi painutada – maandutakse ju neli meetrit allpool tegelikku merepinda. Ja kes on öelnud, et hedonistlik nĂ€dalavahetus ei vĂ”iks tĂ€hendada kirglikku tutvumist Hollandi 17. sajandi maalikunstiga vĂ”i peitusemĂ€ngu Euroopa suurimas, pealegi vaimustava interjööriga avalikus raamatukogus? Viimase autor on Hollandi endine riigiarhitekt (Rijksbouwmeester) Jo Coenen. See ametipost tasub meelde jĂ€tta, sest lĂ€bimĂ”eldud ning loovat linnaruumi kohtab Amsterdamis igal sammul, olgu siis algselt 17. ja 18. sajandil kanalisatsioonisĂŒsteemina loodud kanalitelabĂŒrint vĂ”i moodsamad hooned. KĂ”ige targem oleks sammud kohe seada ARCAM-i ehk Amsterdami arhitektuurikeskuse

April / May 2013 in time

Tekst: Mari kodres Fotod: I





EYE muuseum

Van Goghi muuseum / Museum of Van Gogh


suunas. MĂ€rtsi alguses tĂ€histati linnas esmakordselt avatud tornide pĂ€eva (ega ainult Tallinn pole tornide linn!), mis peaks tulevikus muutuma traditsiooniks. Nimelt avasid oma trepid ja liftid kĂ”rgeimatele korrustele Amsterdami 17 kuulsat hoonet, nende seas suured kirikud nagu Zuiderkerk ja Oude Kerk, kuningapalee ning vana börsihoone De Beurs van Barlage, kuid ka jĂ”ele vaatav kaasaegsem Mövenpick Hotel vĂ”i silinderkaabu ja Hollandi juustu meenutav Fletcher Hotel. HingetĂ”mbepaigaks sobib hĂ€sti Vondelpark, kus saab end edukalt harida. 19. sajandi pargipaviljonis nĂ€idatakse iga pĂ€ev filmiprogrammi – tummfilmidest kuni vĂ€rskete linateosteni vĂ€lja. Enne asus siin Hollandi filmimuuseum, mis nĂŒĂŒdseks on kolinud Idadokkide piirkonnas avatud uude (ja rangelt kohustuslikku!) EYE Muuseumisse. Vondelpark on hea koht, kus uneleda ja lasta silme eest mööda need tuhanded kunstiĆĄedöövrid, mille kontsentratsioon ruutmeetri kohta ĂŒletab peaaegu inimtaluvuse piirid – mĂ”ne minuti kaugusel asub Museumsplein, kus kĂ”rvuti paiknevad Van Goghi muuseum, Hollandi Riigimuuseum ehk Rijiksmuseum ning moodsale kunstile keskenduv Stedelijk Museum. Kui silmadel kĂŒllalt saab, siis tasakaaluks vĂ”ib lasta oma kuulmismeeli paitada Museumspleinil asuvas Concertgebow’s, mille akustikat on vĂ”rreldud Viini kontserdihalliga. Kellel on soov kiigata tĂ”eliselt jĂ”uka 19. sajandi Hollandi perekonna igapĂ€evaellu, vĂ”iks ette vĂ”tta kĂ€igu van Looni perekonna kodumajja laia Keizersgrachti (Keisrikanali) ÀÀres. Tegu on Hollandi ĂŒhe mĂ”jukama perekonnaga: nende eelkĂ€ija Willem van Loon oli ĂŒks Ida-India kompanii asutajatest ning perest on vĂ”rsunud mitu Amsterdami linnapead. Arhitektuuri- ja kinohuvilistel on pĂ”hjust rÔÔmustada vĂ€rskelt renoveeritud PathĂ© Tuschinski kinoteatri ĂŒle, kus toimuvad peenemad filmiesitlused ja interjöör pakub pileti otse art deco kuldaega. Moodne Amsterdam avab end ĂŒhe pĂ”nevama nurga alt Eastern Docklands (Idadokkide) piirkonnas, mis on kujundatud elamukvartaliks vanast hiiglaslikust sadamaalast. Sadamaala ise jĂ”udis eksisteerida kĂ”igest sadakond aastat ning möödunud sajandi lĂ”pus leiti, et kesklinna kĂŒlje all asuv maalahmakas vajab elu ja inimesi. Lisaks on viimaste aastate jooksul siia loodud arvukalt kultuuri- ja meelelahutuskeskusi.

in time April / May 2013

sihtkoht Muud lĂ”bud Ajakirjanik Mari Kodres ja Amsterdami fĂ€nn Tanel Unt soovitavad. Amsterdami tasub minna siis, kui ilm on ilus. Amsterdamis peab jalutama ja tark on vĂ”tta kaasa selleks sobivad riided. Linnas on palju jalgrattaid, kuid kĂ”ndida on kergem, sest tohutu hulk jalgrattaid ja jalakĂ€ijaid tĂ€navatel nĂ”uab pingsat tĂ€helepanu isegi kogenud jalgratturilt ja te ei saa nautida ĂŒmbrust. Rentige jalgratas paariks tunniks, kui soovite kĂŒlastada kaugemaid paiku, kuid Ă€rge kulutage kogu pĂ€eva jalgratta seljas. Kui teil on nooruslik vaim ja seljakotirĂ€ndurid ĂŒle kogu maailma teid ei hĂ€iri, siis peatuge Flying Pig Downtown hostelis, kus valitseb maailmakuulus pingevaba Amsterdami Ă”hkkond. Hostelid on alati tĂ€is huvitavaid inimesi ja Pigi baarid on parim koht linnas ĂŒhe joogi tegemiseks vĂ”i unustamatu peo pidamiseks. Joogid on (suhteliselt) odavad, hosteli töötajad on fantastilised ja oskavad vastata kĂ”igile kĂŒsimustele Amsterdami pĂ€eva- ja ööelu kohta. End hostelis sisse seadnud, tasub kohe minna Dave's Coffee Connectioni, vĂ€ikesesse kohvikusse Dami vĂ€ljaku lĂ€hedal. Nende kohv on alati suurepĂ€rane, nad avavad vara ja Dave on suurepĂ€rane vÔÔrustaja. Kui kĂ”ht tĂŒhi, sööge singipaninit. VĂ”i maiustage kookide ja muude kondiitritoodetega. Tehke vĂ€ike tiir paadiga kanalil, see on hea vĂ”imalus linna nĂ€ha. Kui soovite poodelda, minge ĂŒhele paljudest turgudest (Bloemenmarkt – lilleturg, Boerenmarkt – ökoloogilist toitu pakkuv taluturg, Noordermarkt). Need on meeldivad kohad, kus lihtsalt jalutada, vaadata ja maitsta kohalikke toite. Et massisöömingud vĂ”ivad olla ka tĂ”eliselt maitsvad, tĂ”estab hĂ€sti lĂ”unasöök De Kas’i (ehk Kasvuhoone-nimelises) restoranis Frankendaeli pargis. Peaaegu kĂ”ik, mis taldrikul, on siitsamast mullast vĂ”etud. Kui tuleb tahtmine Hollandi parimaid palasid ka kodustele tutvustada, siis vĂ”ib ette vĂ”tta vĂ€ikese jalutuskĂ€igu Marqt turule. Kaasa tasub osta siirupiseid Stroopwafel’eid. Kesklinna ĂŒmbruses on palju fantastilisi baare ja kohvikuid. SĂ”bralik kohvipood on Homegrown Fantasy Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, kus kĂ€ib ka vĂ€hem turiste. Lihasööjad ei tohiks jĂ€tta kĂŒlastamata Burger Baar restorane. 100-protsendilisest Black Angus’i vĂ”i Wagyu veiselihast pihv,

April / May 2013 in time

suur hunnik friikartuleid ja mĂ”istlik hind on ĂŒks parimaid söögikordi linnas. Ärge minge umbmÀÀrastesse LĂ”una-Ameerika restoranidesse tĂ€navate ÀÀres, need on ĂŒlehinnatud turistilĂ”ksud. Taskukohased ja suurepĂ€rased India, Hiina ja Vietnami restoranid jÀÀvad turismimarsruutidest pisut eemale. Õhtune meelelahutus sĂ”ltub igaĂŒhe isiklikest eelistustest. Amsterdamis saab kĂ”ike: alates ooperist kuni punaste laternateni, ultramoodsatest ööklubidest klassikalise dĆŸĂ€ssi kontsertideni.

Tallinn Amsterdam Hind alates 89.90 eurost 2 x pÀevas

Oude Kerk



A geek’s weekend in Amsterdam If you are not into unusual facts, ganja, sex museums, real sex or even beer-drinking (Dutch are the world’s biggest beer exporters and beer experts), Amsterdam is surprisingly just the right place for you. Text: Mari kodres ‱ Photos: I

EYE Museum


in time April / May 2013



he curious tourist probably knows that already the Schiphol Airport is a good example of how the Netherlands is bending laws of nature by its will: the airport runway is four metres below

sea level. Who has said that a hedonistic weekend cannot include a passionate meeting with the 17th century Dutch art or a game of hide-and-seek in Europe’s largest public library? The architect of this library with an exciting interior design is Jo Coenen, a former state architect or Rijksbouwmeester. Remember this title, as you will see creative and well-planned urban space everywhere in Amsterdam, whether it is a labyrinth of channels designed as a canalisation system in the 17th and 18th century or a more modern structure. The smartest thing to do would be to go straight to ARCAM, the Amsterdam centre of

April / May 2013 in time

architecture. At the start of March, the city celebrated its first-ever day of towers where 17 famous buildings opened their doors and elevators to their top floors. The buildings included massive churchis Zuiderkerk and Oude Kerk, the royal palace and the old bourse building De Beurs van Barlage, but also more modern buildings such as the riverfront Mövenpick Hotel and the Fletcher Hotel that reminds a top silk hat and Dutch cheese. To relax, go to Vondelpark which is also an educational experience: the 19th century park pavilion runs a daily film program from silent to contemporary films. It used to house the Dutch Film Museum which has now moved to EYE, a new must-see film museum located in Eastern Docklands. The concentration of art treasures here almost exceeds the human limits of tolerance and Vondelpark is a great place to see them all – just a few minutes walk away is Museumsplein that includes the Van Gogh Museum, the Dutch State Museum (Rijiksmuseum) and modern art museum Stedelijk.


destination To rest your eyes, go to Concertgebow in Museumsplein where the acoustics is comparable to that of the Vienna Concert Hall. Those who wish to peek into the daily life of a truly wealthy 19th century Dutch family should visit the mansion of the van Loon family at Keizersgracht (Emperor’s Channel). It is one of the most influential families in the Netherlands: in 1600s the patriarch Willem van Loon was one of the founders of the Dutch East India Company, and several members of the family have been Mayors of Amsterdam. Architecture and cinema fans can rejoice over the freshly refurbished PathĂ© Tuschinski cinema that hosts the finest movie premiers and the interior is a ticket straight to the golden era of art deco. One of the best examples of modern Amsterdam is Eastern Docklands, a massive former port area that has been converted into a residential district. It functioned as a port only about a hundred years, until the end of the 20th century when the Dutch decided that this vast area next to the city centre needs life and people. In recent years, many culture and entertainment centres have been opened here.

Other joys

Pathé Tuschinski cinema



Journalist Mari Kodres and Amsterdam fan Tanel Unt recommend. Go when the weather is nice. Amsterdam is a city for walking, so I suggest you to wear suitable clothes. There are many bike rentals but I would recommend walking, because the traffic on bike lanes demands extreme attention even from an experienced biker, so you wouldn’t be able to properly enjoy the scenery. Rent a bike for a few hours if you want to visit some place further away but don't plan to spend a whole day on a bicycle. If you have a young soul and you don't mind backpackers then stay at the Flying Pig Downtown Hostel, world famous for the relaxed atmosphere in real Amsterdam style. The hostels are always full of interesting people and the Pig bars are the best place in town to have a drink or an unforgettable party. Drinks are (relatively) cheap, the hostel staff is awesome and they can answer any question you might have about Amsterdam’s day- or nightlife.

in time April / May 2013


Tallinn Ăą€“ Amsterdam Prices from 89.90 eur 2 daily flights


in time April / May 2013

destination Once settled at the hostel, my next stop is always at Dave's Coffee Connection, a small coffee shop near the Dam Square. Their coffee is consistently excellent, they open early and Dave is a wonderful host. Eat the ham panini if you're hungry or enjoy their cakes and pastries. Afterwards, take a boat ride on the canal; it’s a good way to see the city. If you want to do some shopping, go to one of the many markets (Bloemenmarkt - the flower market, Boerenmarkt (on Noordermarkt) – organic food market). They're fun also just to walk around and look at things or sample local foods. Lunch in De Kas (Dutch for „greenhouse”), a restaurant located in the Frankendael Park, proves that mass dining can be delicious. Almost all that is put on the plate comes from the local soil. If you wish to take some Dutch cuisine home, take a stroll to the Marqt marketplace and ask for Stroopwafels dripping with syrup. Around downtown there are many fantastic bars and cafĂ©s. Homegrown Fantasy at Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal is a friendly place, less touristy

than most. Meat lovers shouldn’t skip the Burger Bar restaurants. Freshly ground 100% Black Angus or Wagyu beef cooked just as you wish and a big pile of fries for a reasonable price make it one of my favourite places to eat in Amsterdam downtown. Don't go to any of the vaguely South-American restaurants that line the streets, they're overpriced tourist traps. Affordable and excellent Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants can be found a bit off the main tourist routes. For your evening entertainment, all depends on your personal preferences. You can find anything from grand opera to the red light districts, ultramodern night clubs to classical jazz concerts.

Exciting avours & unexpected tastes Welcome to the restaurant Nero! Mon-Sun 12:00 - 23:00

Restaurant Nero ‱ Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel Sadama 11a, Tallinn ‱ Ph.: +372 630 1000 ‱


Tartus Riia t채navas hiljuti avatud Eesti Geeni- ja Biotehnoloogia keskuse uue maja keldris on vedelas l채mmastikus hoiul rohkem kui 51 500 eestlase geenid. Eesti Geenivaramu 31-aastane teadur, (veel) doktorant Riin Tamm on ìČŽks neist, kes seal peituvat infot lahti muugib.


in time April / May 2013


Riin Tamm,

kes ei tee geneetikast tuumafĂŒĂŒsikat


iin Tamm pole kindlasti tĂŒĂŒpiline teadlane, kes, hullunud pilk silmis, vaid laboris möllab ja inimesi pelgab. Ta on naisteadlane, kes vajab enda ĂŒmber inimesi ning on valmis mis tahes auditooriumile geenitehnoloogiast rÀÀkima. Olgu siis tegu gĂŒmnasistide vĂ”i Cosmopolitani lugejatega. Laborilaua tagant vĂ€lja murdmine ja esinemisoskus tulid koos teadusaasta saadiku tiitli ja visa tööga. Riin Tamm ei tee teaduse populariseerimises nii suuri jĂ€releandmisi, et see pĂ€ris teadustsirkuseks muutuks. Mitte nagu poppides teadussaadetes vĂ”i AHHAA keskuse teadusteatris, kus alailma midagi muliseb, plahvatab vĂ”i sĂ€hvatab. „Noorele, kes lĂ€heb ĂŒlikooli geenitehnoloogiat Ă”ppima, vĂ”ib olla suur pettumus, et laboris tegelikult midagi sellist ei toimu,” ĂŒtleb noorteadlane, kes on kĂŒll ka ise neis ĂŒritustes kaasa löönud. Teadlase kohta keskmisest parema suhtlemisoskusega naisteadur ei pelga kanda vĂ€rvikat vĂ”i noorte moekunst-

April / May 2013 in time

nike (nĂ€iteks Triinu Pungitsa) loomingut ja tunnistada, et ta armastab reggae-muusikat. Samuti vĂ”ib ta unustuseni tantsida mĂ”nel kontserdil vĂ”i festivalil. „Mul on lihtne noortele tĂ”estada, et teadust ei pea tegema ainult kortsus ĂŒlikonnaga laborirott,” muigab naine, kes nimetab end noorteadlane Riin T-ks.

Tekst: piret tali Fotod: Kaupo Kikkas, Gabriela LiivamÀgi, Lauri Kulpsoo, Tarmo Annok



Eakatest ja lasteni „Ma ei suudaks ainult teadust teha, mul on vahel vaja laua tagant pĂŒsti tĂ”usta ja inimestega kohtuda,” ĂŒtleb Riin Tamm. Ehkki ta ei vĂ€lista, et vĂ”iks jĂ€reldoktorantuuri mĂ”nes vĂ€lisriigis ette vĂ”tta, peab ta ikkagi Tartut ideaalseks teaduse tegemise ja elamise kohaks. Ta on kĂ€inud Tartu Ülikooli VÀÀrikate ĂŒlikoolis vananemise teemalisel seminaril eakatele rÀÀkimas sellest, kuidas inimese eluiga ja geenid on omavahel seotud. Lisaks farmakogeneetikateemalisele doktoritööle on see tema teine suur uurimisteema. „Oi, see on tĂ”esti vĂ€ga keeruline,” oli ĂŒks daam auditooriumis ohanud. Riin Tamm teeb kĂ”ik, et need asjad pisutki mĂ”istetavamad oleksid. Ta kĂ€ib ka Tallinnas esinemas ning on nĂ”ustanud Tervishoiumuuseumi, kuidas koostada pĂŒsiekspositsiooni jaoks inimgenoomiteemalist stendi. Tallinnas möödub aga mĂ”nigi Ă”htu reggae-DJ ja kunstniku Tarvi Laamanni sĂ”bralikus peres. Kas doktoritöö, mille tarvis uurimine on kestnud aastaid ja mida ta kaks kuud Barcelonas kavandas ning lihvis, saab kaitstud sĂŒgisel vĂ”i uue aasta alguses, pole veel selge. Sest suvel sĂŒnnib teaduri ja tema elukaaslase Tarmo esiklaps. Ma


ei kĂŒsi kĂ”iki neid kĂŒsimusi, mida vĂ”iks last ootavalt geneetikult kĂŒsida. Vahel mĂ”tlen, et minugi annetatud geenid on seal Eesti Geenivaramu hoidlates vĂ€ikestes tuubides varjul ning jĂ€rjest uuemate tehnoloogiate, robotite, analĂŒĂŒside jms kaudu saab neist teab mida kĂ”ike avastada. KĂŒllalt pĂ”hjalik on juba 300 kĂŒsimusega kĂŒsimustik geenidoonoriks saades, igast kĂŒsimusest vĂ”iks uurimustöö kirjutada. NĂ€iteks: millised geenid vastutavad silmavĂ€rvi ja erinevate haiguste kujunemise eest ning miks ma söön rohkem saia kui leiba. Millal aga jĂ”uab tervist puudutav info perearstini? Töö selles suunas kĂ€ib, aga see peab olema vĂ€ga hĂ€sti lĂ€bi mĂ”eldud. TĂ€napĂ€eval tehakse imelisi geeniteste, millega saab mÀÀrata sportlikkuse mÀÀra, korrigeerida toitumist, uurida oma vĂ”imalikku paksuks minemist jne. „VĂ€ga ennatlik on praegu nendesse testidesse tĂ”simeelselt suhtuda,” ohkab teadlane.

in time Aprill / May 2013

persoon PĂ”hjalikult on inimgenoomist uuritud ainult 2 protsenti Oleks vaid rohkem teadlasi, kes geene uuriksid ja rohkem arste, kes neid uurimustulemusi rakendada suudaksid. Areneb ju geenitehnoloogia peaaegu sama kiiresti kui infotehnoloogia, 2 protsenti inimgenoomist on lĂ€bi uuritud, kuid ka ĂŒlejÀÀnus, seni nn rĂ€mps-DNA-ks peetus esineb seaduspĂ€rasusi ja infot, mida veel hĂ€sti ei tunta. Riin Tamm on ĂŒlimalt rahul uute tööruumidega vastses hoones. Tal on eraldi kabinet oma seitsme juhendatava tudengiga töötamiseks ja iseiseivasse töösse sĂŒvenemiseks, tal on vĂ”imalik kasutada palju uut aparatuuri ja roboteid. Suurt rÔÔmu teeb talle see, kui tal on Ă”nnestunud mĂ”ne ebakindla ĂŒliĂ”pilasega motiveeriv vestlus pidada ja eriala vĂ”lusid selgitada. „VĂ”i on Ă”nnestunud mĂ”ni uurimisteema atraktiivseks muuta,” ĂŒtleb ta. Riin Tamm eelistab iga kell laboritööd ehk mĂ€rga katset analĂŒĂŒsile arvutis. Kuid peale vĂ€ljaĂ”ppinud laborantide polegi teistel eriti vĂ”imalik laboritööd teha. ÜliĂ”pilased on vahel lausa pettunud, et nad vaid tulemusi analĂŒĂŒsida saavad. SeetĂ”ttu pĂŒĂŒab juhendaja leida kas vĂ”i fragmendi mĂ”nest projektist, et tudengite lĂ”putööd sisaldaksid ka katselist osa. Ühtpidi on Riin Tamm olnud teadusaasta saadik (ĂŒks neljast naisest 26 teadlase hulgas), kes on geneetikat ja meditsiini populariseerinud. Teisalt on ta veendunud, et genoomist tulenevate seaduspĂ€rasuste vĂ€ljaĂŒtlemisega inimesele peab olema ettevaatlik. Mida hakata peale teadmisega, et sinu risk haigestuda mĂ”nda tĂ”ppe on 0,1 protsendi asemel 1 protsent? Ning see vĂ”ib uute uurimustulemuste selgudes muutuda. Oma isiklikke geene pole teadlane tahtnud kunagi uurida, aga kĂŒllap on need kaasatud mĂ”nda uuringusse, arvab ta.

Geen ĂŒtleb, kui palju ravimit vaja on Riin Tamme igapĂ€evane uurimisteema on ravimite lagundamise kiirus ja seega inimorganimide vastuvĂ”tlikkus ravimitele. Ravimi sobivuse mÀÀrab just see, kui kiiresti ensĂŒĂŒm teda organismis lagundada aitab. EnsĂŒĂŒm, mille aktiivsust ta tahab geenidega seostada, on punastes vererakkudes ja seda saab mÔÔta veeniverest, kasutamata maksakudet. Kui inimesel on geenides mutatsioonid, siis tekitab ravim kĂ”rvaltoimeid vĂ”i ei mĂ”ju. NĂ€iteks

April / May 2013 in time


persoon uurib ta tiopuriin-metĂŒĂŒltransferaasi ehk TPMTgeeni. Umbes kĂŒmnel protsendil Eesti elanikest leidub seal mutatsioone. See tĂ€hendab, et vĂ€hemalt ĂŒhele inimesele kĂŒmnest tekitavad need ravimid raskeid kĂ”rvaltoimeid. „Mutatsioon on nagu katkine raudteerööbas, kust rong edasi ei lĂ€he,” vĂ”rdleb teadlane. Riin Tamme bakalaureuse- ja magistritööst on vĂ€lja kasvanud farmakoloogiline test, mis on arvatud Eestis leukeemia ehk verevĂ€hihaigete laste raviplaani. Keha vastuvĂ”tuvĂ”imest lĂ€htuvalt on vĂ”imalik leida Ă”ige ravimidoos ja tĂ€pne ravim. „Ma olen farmakogeneetilisi uuringuid teinud bakalaureuseĂ”ppest peale ja mingil ajal said ideed otsa. Ei teadnud, mida teemaga edasi teha ning see jĂ€igi paariks aastaks seisma,” sĂ”nab ta. Kuid tĂ€nu suurema rahvusvahelise uurimisgrupiga liitumisele sai ta doktoritöö jĂ€tkamiseks hoo taas sisse. „Arvan, et leidsime uue markeri, mis vĂ”iks anda lisainfot, miks eri inimeste puhul selle ensĂŒĂŒmi aktiivsus erinev on,” selgitab uurija, tunnistades, et info peab kinnitust leidma. Muidugi on erinevaid markereid ja ravimidoosi vahelisi seoseid palju


uuritud, aga kĂŒsimus on selles, kuivĂ”rd neid tulemusi suudetakse meditsiinilises praktikas rakendada. „Olen kĂ€inud TÜ sise-, sĂŒdame- ja nĂ€rvikliinikus ning geneetikakeskuses tutvustamas nii enda kui ka teaduskirjanduses leiduvaid uurimusi selle kohta, mis vĂ”imalusi need uuringud annavad, aga arstid on praegu veel skeptilised,” ĂŒtleb teadlane. „Esiteks on kĂŒsimus, kes kalli geenitesti eest tasub, ning teiseks, mis selle infoga peale hakata.” Mitmete testide kohta ei ole konkreetseid vastuseid, kas peaks ravimidoosi suurendama, vĂ€hendama vĂ”i ravimit vahetama. Arstid tahavad konkreetsemaid soovitusi. Igal juhul pole loota vĂ”i karta, et farmakogeneetilised testid niipea vĂ€ga massiliseks muutuksid.

Kas eluiga on geenides kinni? „Ühel pĂ€eval visati laboris nalja, et mis sa siin pikaealisuse uuringutega mĂ€ssad, teleris ĂŒks ekspert ĂŒtles, et eluiga pole geenidega seotud,” meenutab Riin Tamm. Labor kuulus siis 18 teadusasutuse hulka ĂŒle Euroopa, kes kĂ”ik uurisid vananemist. Riin Tamme mentor ja juhendaja professor

in time Aprill / May 2013

persoon Andres Metspalu oli ta selle teema juurde suunanud. „Eakad polnud meie jaoks mitte vanuses 60 ja enam aastat (nemad olid meie jaoks liiga noored), vaid ĂŒle 80-aastased,” rÀÀgib naine. Kahjuks oli Eestis nende geenidoonorite hulgas vĂ€he mehi, aga ka neid oleks huvitav uurida, sest kui juba mehed nii vanaks elavad, on nad tunduvalt tervemad kui sama vanad naised. Teadlane on veendunud, et see, kui vanaks inimene elab, ja see, kas ta veedab oma viimased aastad haigevoodis vĂ”i mitte, on geenides kinni. Ta vĂ”ttis end kokku ja kirjutas ETV-sse „Terevisioonile”, et pĂ€ris nii, nagu nende ekspert ĂŒtles, asjad ikka ei ole ja tuleks kutsuda esinema keegi, kes vĂ”iks teemat veel kajastada. ETV kutsus esinema hoopis Riinu enda ja ta on seal kĂ€inud juba mitu korda. RÀÀkimata esinemistest raadios ja trĂŒkimeedias. Esimene kord pĂ”lved kĂŒll vĂ€risesid, aga nĂŒĂŒdseks on ta pidanud teaduskonverentsil ettekande meediaga suhtlemisest. Kindlasti oli suur vahe tema esimesel loengul, mida ta ĂŒhes gĂŒmnaasiumis pidas, ja viimasel, mille ta on ette kandnud ligi poolesajas koolis. „Need on nagu öö ja pĂ€ev, eks ma olen arenenud, leidnud sobivaid vĂ”rdlusi, vaadanud mentoriga koos ettekande ĂŒle,” ĂŒtleb Riin Tamm, kes leiab, et kĂ”ike on vĂ”imalik nĂ€idete varal lihtsalt seletada. Kord pĂ€rast esinemist Tallinnas Tartu Ülikooli nĂ€dala raames oli ta rÔÔmsalt ĂŒllatunud, kui tudengisatelliidi programmi Estcube-1 eestvedaja fĂŒĂŒsik Mart Noorma teatas, et naisteaduri ettekanne oli pannud tema poja teaduse ja teadlaste elu vastu huvi tundma.

Eliitkool ei tee professorit Riin Tamm on sĂŒndinud kĂŒll Tartus, kuid ĂŒles kasvanud PĂ”lvamaal Peril, kuhu tema veterinaarist isa ja lastearstist ema tööle suunati, kui Riin oli poolteiseaastane ning vanem Ă”de Piret lasteaialaps. „Seitsme kilomeetri kaugusel PĂ”lvast asuv Peri oli imeline koht ĂŒles kasvamiseks,” ĂŒtleb naine. Ta on nĂ”us sotsioloog Marju Lauristiniga, kes on öelnud, et eliitkool ei tee veel kellestki teadlast ega ministrit. Kui tĂŒdruk kooli lĂ€ks, mindi PĂ”lvasse elama, kus ta hakkas teises klassis ka muusikakoolis kĂ€ima. „Mul polnud aega niisama logeleda,” ĂŒtleb ta. NĂŒĂŒd ta enam kĂŒll maale elama ei kipu, sest tahab

April / May 2013 in time

keset Tartut elades toast vĂ€lja astuda ja inimestega suhelda, aga lapsepĂ”lve peab ta kauniks. Keskkooli lĂ”petas ta Tartus ja Ă”ppis vanema Ă”e eeskujul Miina HĂ€rma nimelises gĂŒmnaasiumis, aga elukutsevaliku suhtes oli nĂ”utu. Ta teadis, et arstiks Ă”ppimiseks ei jĂ€tku tal tahet ning astus pĂ€rast keskkooli hoopis isa eeskujul ja rÔÔmuks veterinaarmeditsiini Ă”ppima. Pidas seal vastu kaks kuud ja sai aru, et pole ĂŒldse see tĂŒĂŒp ning eriala teda ei huvita. „Vaatasin ringi ja tegin suvalist tööd,” meenutab ta. NĂŒĂŒd arvab, et oli keskkoolis Ă”ppimisest vĂ€sinud ja vajas vaheldust. Isa meelehĂ€rmiks, kes arvas, et tĂŒtar on igaveseks Ă”pingutele kĂ€ega löönud, alustas ta tööd ettekandjana. „Sellest piisas, et aru saada – seda tööd ma ei taha enam kunagi teha,” muigab naine. PĂ€rast aastast pausi astus ta sĂŒgisel hoopis geenitehnoloogiat Ă”ppima, mida oli selleks ajaks vaid mĂ”ned aastad eraldi erialana Tartus Ă”petatud. Ülikooli minnes polnud tal Ă”rna aimugi, mis elukutse Ă”pitud eriala jĂ€rgi valida. „Mulle nĂ€is, et see on ĂŒsna lĂ€hedane meditsiinile, aga geenitehnoloogia rakendusvĂ”imalused olid tume maa,” meenutab ta. MagistriĂ”ppesse minek tundus nelja-aastase bakalaureuse jĂ€rel asjade loomuliku kĂ€iguna nagu ka hilisem doktorantuur. „Minu toonased eeskujud olid suured ja targad, tahtsin ka selliseks saada,” meenutab ta. „Laborisse jĂ”udsin ma suhteliselt hilja, kolmanda kursuse lĂ”pus,” ĂŒtleb noorteadlane, kes juba tudengina laboritööd tahtis teha. Ta otsis telefoniraamatust ĂŒles Tartus tegutsevad biotehnoloogiafirmad ning pÀÀseski ĂŒhte neist molekulaardiagnostilisi teste tegema. Riin Tamm tegi viie aastaga lĂ€bi karjÀÀri laborandist teaduri ja laborispetsialistini. „Olen vĂ€ga rahul, et sinna lĂ€ksin ja pipeteerimisega tegelema hakkasin, pĂ€rast viit aastat sain biotehnoloogiafirma tööst maitse suhu, siis oli minu jaoks lagi kĂ€es ning otsustasin teaduslabori kasuks,” ĂŒtleb ta. „Kindlasti polnud mul ĂŒliĂ”pilasena eesmĂ€rki teadlaseks hakata, kĂŒllap polnud ma ka eriti sĂ€rav tudeng, aga ometi teen nĂŒĂŒd teadust.” „Ei, ma ei saa ju doktoritööd pooleli jĂ€tta,” ohkab ta ning vaatab rahuolevalt oma „elu teeb omad korrektiivid” kĂ”hukest. Juunikuuni ja lapse sĂŒnnini on veel aega. Aga ega ka doktoriloeng enam mĂ€gede taga pole.

Riin Tamm SĂŒndinud: n

12. augustil 1981 Tartus

Õppinud: n

1997–2000 Miina HĂ€rma GĂŒmnaasium 2001–2005 bakalaureus (B.Sc.) molekulaardiagnostika erialal Tartu Ülikoolis 2005–2007 teadusmagister (M.Sc.) molekulaardiagnostika erialal Tartu Ülikoolis 2007– ... doktorantuur (Ph.D.) Loodus-ja Tehnoloogiateaduskond, Tartu Ülikool

Töötanud: n

2003 – praktikant, Tervisekaitseinspektsiooni Mikrobioloogia Kesklabor 2005–2006 – geenitehnoloog, geneetika labor, Veterinaarmeditsiini ja Loomakasvatuse Instituut 2004–2007 – laborant, Quattromed-HTI Laborid OÜ 2007 – teadur, Quattromed AS 2007–2009 – laborispetsialist, SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum, Ühendlabor, Geneetikakeskus, molekulaardiagnostika osakond 2008 – laborispetsialist, Quattromed-HTI Laborid OÜ 2008–2009 – spetsialist, Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, biotehnoloogia Ă”ppetool 2010–... teadur, Tartu Ülikooli Eesti Geenivaramu

Avaldanud artikleid ja n

esinenud teles ning raadios. Esinenud seminaridel, konverentsidel ja loonud teaduseksponaate. Juhendab bakalaureuse- ja magistritöid.

Teadusaasta raames tean  duse populariseerimise eesmĂ€rgil esinenud gĂŒmnaasiumides ĂŒle Eesti ettekandega „Minu elu noorteadlasena”.




in time April / May 2013


Riin Tamm:

explaining genetics in layman’s terms The basement of the recently opened new building of the Estonian Genome and Biotechnology Centre in Riga Street in Tartu stores, in liquid nitrogen, genes of more than 51,500 Estonians. Riin Tamm, the 31-year-old researcher of the Estonian Genome Centre and holder of a doctoral degree, is one of the specialists unlocking the information held in them. Text: piret tali ‱ Photos: kaupo kikkas, Gabriela LiivamĂ€gi, Lauri Kulpsoo, Tarmo Annok


learly, Riin Tamm is not your (stereotypical) mad researcher who lives in a laboratory and doesn’t know how to talk to people. She is a female researcher who needs people around her and who is ready to talk to any audience about gene technology, including high school graduates and readers of Cosmopolitan. She says her presentation skills came with hard work and with the title of the ambassador of the Year of Science. In raising awareness on science, Riin Tamm avoids turning science into a circus. It’s not like in popular TV science shows or in the science theatre of AHHAA Centre where all you see are bubbles, explosions and flashes. „It could be a disappointment for young people who enrol in a university to study gene technology and then find out

January April / May 2013 2013 in time in time


person that a real laboratory is nothing like that,“ says the young researcher who has often participated in such events. Among scientists, she has above-average communication skills, she is not afraid to wear bright clothes (creations of young fashion designers such as Triinu Pungits) or to admit that she likes reggae music. Above all, she likes dancing. „It is easy for me to prove young people that science is not only done by lab rats in wrinkled suites,” she says, presenting herself as a young researcher Riin T.

Of old and young „I could not only do science. I sometimes need to get up and meet people,” says Riin Tamm. Although she does not rule out taking a post-doctoral study abroad, she says that Tartu is the perfect place for being a scientist and for living as well. She has given speeches in the College of Senior Citizens of the University of Tartu to elderly people about ageing and how people’s longevity


and genes are linked. In addition to her doctoral thesis on farmacogenetics, this is her second most important research topic. „It's really complicated,” said a member of the audience after her presentation. Riin Tamm is doing everything to make these complex things understandable to everyone. She goes to speak also in Tallinn and has given advice to the Health Care Museum on how to present the issue of human genome. When in Tallinn, she often visits the family of her friend, Tarrvi Laamann, a reggae DJ and an artist. Her doctoral thesis has taken years of research and she spent two months refining it in Barcelona, but she does not yet know if she will defend it this autumn or next year, because this summer she is going to give birth to her first baby with his partner Tarmo. I won’t ask all the questions you could ask from a gene researcher who is expecting a baby. I sometimes find myself thinking about the genes I donated to the Estonian Gene Centre storaged in small tubes helping to discover new things as technologies, robots, analytics, etc develop.

in time April / May 2013

person The questionnaire of a gene donor itself has 300 questions and could be a basis of a research paper finding answers to questions like which genes determine the eye colour and specific diseases or why do I eat more white bread than brown bread. And when will family doctors have access to this information? The work is underway, but it must be very well prepared. There is now a craze of gene testing on issues like athleticism, nutrition, obesity, etc. “It’s far too early to take any of these tests seriously,” she sighs.

Only 2% of human genome has been studied in detail If only there were more researchers to study genes and more doctors to implement the findings. Gene technology is now developing as quickly as information technology. By now, only 2% of human genome has been researched in depth, but there is also regularity and hidden information in the rest of it that is sometimes labelled as trash DNA. Riin Tamm is very happy with the new work place. She has a separate office for guiding her seven students and for working in isolation. There is also a lot of new equipment and robots. She always tries to motivate hesitating students and introduce the charms of science and if she succeeds, it makes her really happy. „Also if I have managed to make some research field attractive,” she adds. Riin Tamm prefers actual laboratory work or so-called wet test to computer analysis. But laboratory work is limited to trained laboratory staff. Students are sometimes disappointed that all they can do is analyse lab results. As a supervisor, she always attempts to find a suitable project so that graduation papers would also include actual testing. As the ambassador of Year of Science (and one of four women among the 26 researchers) who is promoting genetics and medicine, she is convinced she must be careful when telling generelated regularities to people. What to do with the knowledge that your risk to contract a disease is not 0.1%, but 1%? Besides, this info may change when new research methods are evolved. She says that she has never wanted to study her own genes, but is confident that they are part of some test.

April / May 2013 in time


person Genes say how much medicine a person needs Her daily research subject is the speed of decomposition of medicines and the sensitivity of human body to medicines. After all, the effect of medicines depends on how quickly enzymes help to decompose it in the body. Active enzymes that she wants to link with genes are found in red blood cells and can be measured from the vein blood, without using liver tissue. If genes have mutations, the medicine can create side-effects or have no effect at all. Among oth-

ers, she is studying the TPMT gene which has a mutation in about 10% of Estonian population. This means that at least on one in every ten people these medicines cause several side-effects. „Mutation is like a broken rail that can stop the train,” she says. The bachelor’s and master’s theses of Riin Tamme have been the basis of a pharmacological test that in Estonia is included in the treatment plan of children suffering from leukaemia. Depending on the body’s capacity it is possible to determine the right medication dosage and the necessary medication. „I have been in pharmacogenetic studies since my bachelor’s studies and at some point I just ran out of ideas. I had no idea what to do next and so I put the issue on the shelf for a few years,” she says. Soon, when she joined a large international study group she re-started the subject for her doctoral thesis. „I think that we’ve found a new marker that could give us additional information why enzymes have different activity levels in different people,” she adds, admitting that it needs proof. Markers and links between dosages have been studied in depth, but the question is how to implement these findings in practical medicine. „I have been presenting these studies in various clinics and in the Genetics Centre of the University of Tartu, but the doctors are still very sceptical,” she explains. „First, it’s a question of who pays for the gene test and, secondly, what to do with the information.” There have been many tests with no answer to whether we should increase the dosage, reduce it or change medication. Doctors want clearer recommendations. So, pharmacogenetic tests will probably not become massive in the near future.

Does ageing depend on genes? „One day we were joking in the lab that we should stop researching longevity because one expert had said on TV that age was not linked to genes,” recalls Riin Tamm. At that time the laboratory was one of the 18 research establishments in Europe that were researching ageing. It was her mentor Professor Andres Metspalu who guided Riin Tamm to this subject.


in time April / May 2013


„For us, elderly people were not those in their 60s (they were too young for us), but those over 80 years old,” she says. Unfortunately, there are very few men among gene donors in Estonia, although it would be interesting because at that age, men are much healthier than women. The researcher is convinced that the longevity of people and whether they spend their final years in hospital beds or enjoying life depends on genes. She then wrote to the breakfast TV programme Terevisioon and explained that the expert had not been right and told them they should ask someone else to talk about it on TV. ETV then asked her to come on the show and she has done so several times, plus she has also given a number of radio and printing press interviews. She admits that she was somewhat nervous before her first public appearance. Now, she has even given a presentation at a scientific conference about media communication. Naturally, the first lesson that she ever gave in a high school and the lecture that she has now given already in fifty different schools are two completely different things. „They are like night and day. I have become better, found suitable comparisons and had my presentation checked by my mentor,” she says, adding that everything can be explained in simple terms. Once, after a presentation in Tallinn during the Tartu



VÔrratud maitsed maailma kÔige eksootilisematest paikadest, segatuna siidiselt pehme koorega - tulemuseks on lummav Vana Tallinn Cream.

Wonderful flavours from the world’s most exotic places blended with silky soft cream the result is the enchanting Vana Tallinn Cream.

ERAKORDNE. EXCEPTIONAL April / May 2013 in time

TÀhelepanu! Tegemist on alkoholiga. Alkohol vÔib kahjustada Teie tervist.


person University Week, she was pleasantly surprised when physician Mart Noorma, initiator of the student space satellite programme Estcube-1, told her that her presentation had made his son take an interest in science and the life of scientists.

Not all graduates of elite schools become professors Riin Tamm was born in Tartu, but grew up in PĂ”lva County in Peri where his father and mother started to work as a veterinarian and a paediatrician, respectively, when Riin was 18 months old and her older sister Piret was in kindergarten. „Peri, located seven kilometres from PĂ”lva, was a great place to grow up,” she says. She agrees with sociologist Marju Lauristin who says that elite schools don’t make anyone a scientist or a cabinet minister. When she went to school, her family moved to PĂ”lva. During the second year of school, she enrolled in a music school. „I didn’t have time to just hang around,” she says. Now, she is not anxious to return to the countryside and prefers to live in the middle of Tartu and mingle with people, but she considers her childhood a beautiful time. She graduated from high school in Tartu and, as her older sister, stud-

Riin Tamm Born: 12 August 1981 in Tartu n  Education: n

1997-2000 Miina HĂ€rma Gymnasium 2001-2005 B.Sc. in Molecular Diagnostics in University of Tartu 2005-2007 M.Sc. in Molecular Diagnostics in University of Tartu 2007- ... Ph.D., Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tartu

Employment: n

2003 – trainee, Central Laboratory of Microbiology, Health Protection Inspectorate 2005-2006 – Gene technologist, Laboratory of Genetics, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences 2004-2007 – Laboratory staff, Quattromed-HTI Laborid OÜ 2007 – Researcher, Quattromed AS 2007-2009 – Lab specialist, Clinic of University of Tartu, Consolidated Laboratory, Genetics Centre, Department of Molecular Diagnostics 2008 – Lab specialist, Quattromed-HTI Laborid OÜ 2008-2009 – Specialist, University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Chair of Biotechnology 2010-... Researcher, Estonian Genome Centre, University of Tartu

Published articles and appeared in TV and radio programmes, held presentations n

in seminars and conferences, has created scientific exhibits. Supervises bachelor’s and master’s theses.

Author of the presentation titled „My life as a young researcher” in gymnasiums all n  over Estonia within the science promotion campaign of the Year of Science.


ied in the Miina HĂ€rma Gymnasium, but had no idea what to study next. She knew that she did not have what it takes to become a doctor and, following the footsteps of his father, she enrolled in veterinary medicine. After two months, she understood that the specialty was not exciting enough and decided it was not for her. „I was looking around and working casual jobs,” she recalls. She now believes that she was simply tired of studying and needed a break. She started work as a waitress, much to the dismay of her father who thought that this was the end of her university studies. „It was enough to understand that this is one job that I never want to do again,” she smiles. After a one-year pause she continued her studies in the autumn in gene technology that by that time had only been taught for a few years in Tartu as a special subject. She enrolled without having any idea of whether this profession would suit her. „It seemed that it was close enough to medicine, although I knew nothing about the fields of application of gene technology,” she recalls. Enrolling in master’s studies seemed like a natural follow-up to four years of bachelor’s studies, as did the doctoral studies. „My role models at that time were great and smart, and I wanted to become one,” she recalls. „I arrived to the laboratory relatively late, at the end of the third year,” says the young researcher who had been attracted by lab work already as a student. She looked up biotech firms in Tartu from a phone book and one of them hired her to do molecular biology tests. In five years, she went from a lab staff member to a researcher and lab specialist. „I am very happy that I went there and got involved in pipetting. In five years I knew the work of a biotech firm inside out. That was all I needed and I decided in favour of a science laboratory,” she says. „As a student, it was clearly not my objective to become a researcher, and I probably was not an excellent student either, but I am doing science now.” „I cannot stop my doctoral studies,” she says, looking at her belly with a look of „life is making its own adjustments.” There is still time until June when the baby is due. But the doctoral lectures are not too far away either.

in time April / May 2013


April / May 2013 in time


Eesti Eestimaa on suvel purjetamiseks parim koht – öösel vaat et ei lĂ€hegi pimedaks, meil on 3800 km rannajoont ja rohkem kui 1500 saart ja laidu, rÀÀkimata vĂ”imalusest imetleda merelt Tallinna siluetti.


in time April / May 2013


3800 km

rannajoont purjetamiseks


estlased on end alati pidanud mererahvaks ja pĂ”hjusega – suurem osa Eesti territooriumist on ju ĂŒmbritsetud veega: Eesti piirideks on LÀÀnemeri ja Peipsi jĂ€rv. RÀÀgitakse legende, kuidas Eesti viikingid kord seilasid Rootsi vaid selleks, et pĂ”letada maha kuningriigi kunagine pealinn Sigtuna. Legendid pajatavad, kuidas KĂ€smu mehed said rikkaks, smugeldades piiritust Soome, kus vahetult pĂ€rast iseseisvumist kehtestati kuiv seadus. VĂ€gevast ajaloost hoolimata ei ole purjetamine Eestis kĂ”ige populaarsem hobi. Osaliselt on see ilmselt seotud sellega, et NĂ”ukogude ajal oli merele vĂ”rdlemisi keeruline pÀÀseda. Okupatsiooni lĂ”ppedes polnud suuremal osal eestlastest raha, mida purjetamisele kulutada – oldi rohkem mures toiduraha leidmise pĂ€rast. NĂŒĂŒd tundub, et asjad on hakanud muutuma.

nautima vĂ”i soovitakse ka rooli keerata ja purjeid heisata. Sailingu lĂŒhemad merereisid kestavad vaid mĂ”ne tunni, pikemaid vĂ”ib mÔÔta aga isegi nĂ€dalates. „Rendime jahte vĂ€lja ka ilma kaptenita, see puhkuse veetmise viis on levinud rohkem vĂ€lismaalaste seas,” ĂŒtleb Reede. „Vahemeri on juba avastatud, nĂŒĂŒd liiguvad nad siia, rendivad aluse, seilavad nĂ€dal-kaks ringi ja lendavad tagasi.” Enamasti lepitakse jahtide rentimine sellisel moel kokku juba talvel, aga alati vĂ”ib Sailingu kontorisse helistada, sest mĂ”nikord vĂ”ib nĂ€kata ja mĂ”ni jaht vĂ”ib olla vaba, et seilata iseseisvalt Eesti

Tekst: Liis KĂ€ngsepp Fotod: KĂŒllike RoovĂ€li, Leida Lepik, Mariliis Pinn

VĂ€lismaalaste huvi „Vahepeal on meil olnud 50 aastat merevaba elu,” ĂŒtleb Merike Reede, ettevĂ”tte Sailing ( perenaine. Nagu nimigi viitab, tegeleb Sailing inimeste merele viimisega. Sailingul on oma purjetamiskool, samuti renditakse vĂ€lja purjekaid koos meeskonnaga vĂ”i ilma. Nii saavad kliendid ise otsustada, kas soovitakse minna merele vaid jahisĂ”itu

April / May 2013 in time


Eesti Paar aastat tagasi Ônnesn

tus Eesti Jahtklubide Liidul saada toetust eraettevĂ”ttelt Vopak E.O.S. ja tuua Eestisse RS Feva klassi laevastik, et meelitada rohkem lapsi purjetamise juurde. See andis eesti lastele ja noortele esimest korda vĂ”imaluse tegeleda meeskondliku purjetamisega kahepaadis. Eelmisel aastal aitas sama ettevĂ”te tuua Eestisse teisegi noorte kahepaadiklassi 29er laevastiku. Tegemist on kiiremate ja vĂ”istluslikemate noorte kahepaatidega. JĂ€rgmine samm oleks arendada vĂ€lja olĂŒmpiaklassi 49er laevastik. „See kahepaat laiendab oluliselt noorte purjetamisvĂ”imalusi. Paljudele sobib nii isiksusetĂŒĂŒbist kui fĂŒĂŒsilistest eeldustest lĂ€htuvalt individuaalse ĂŒhepaadi asemel paremini meeskondlik kahepaat. Paljude jaoks tundub mitmekesi purjetamine ka pĂ”nevam. Erilist heameelt teebki see, et nĂŒĂŒd saavad noored kasvĂ”i oma esimeses trennis kohe kahepaadis sĂ”itma hakata, selle asemel et oodata, kuni nad olümpiaklassi 470 vĂ”i 49er kasvavad,” rÀÀkis Kallas.

Purjetamisriik Eesti Meil on ĂŒle 1500 saare ja n

laiu, mis moodustavad peaaegu 10% Eestimaa pinnast. Vaid kĂŒmnekonnal neist on pĂŒsielanikud, ĂŒlejÀÀnud on lindude pĂ€ralt ning pesitsusajal liikumispiirangutega. Suurimatele saartele – Saaremaale, Hiiumaale ja Vormsile – pÀÀseb aasta lĂ€bi praamiga, talvel ka ĂŒle jÀÀtee. Just Tallinnas peeti 1980. aastal Moskva olĂŒmpiamĂ€ngude purjeregatt. Eestlased on purjetamises koju toonud ka medaleid, kui 1992. aastal vĂ”itsid kaksikvennad TĂ”nu ja Toomas TĂ”niste pronksmedali Barcelonas ja neli aastat varem sĂ”itsid nad hĂ”bedale Soulis. Parim aeg purjetamiseks on suvi, mil pĂ€evavalgust jagub isegi peaaegu 20 tunniks. EmajĂ”el purjetamiseks on parim aeg august-september.


vetesse avastusretkele. Ja mitte ainult Eesti vetesse, Reede juhib tĂ€helepanu sellele, et kĂ”igest 40 meremiili kaugusel Tallinnast, Soome rannikul on ĂŒks tore saarestik, kus looduslik keskkond on hoopis teistsugune. „Meri ja purjetamine on ideaalne viis aeg maha vĂ”tta,” kinnitab Reede, tunnistades, et Eestis on viimastel aastatel kasvanud matkapurjetajate arv, kelle jaoks purjekas on justkui mobiilne suvila. „Purjekaga saab liikuda ĂŒhest kohast teise. Kui muidu lĂ€heks nĂ€dalaks hotelli, siis jahiga on see hea asi, et kui kusagil ei meeldi, purjetad mööda merd edasi jĂ€rgmisse kohta.”

Purjetamise populaarsus kasvab „Mina tunnetan kĂŒll, et purjetamine on muutunud populaarsemaks,” tunnistab Leida Lepik, kes on kirglik purjetaja ja pĂŒĂŒab Mariellet, LYS klassi purjekat, mille meeskonda ta kuulub, sadamast vĂ€lja viia nii tihti kui vĂ€hegi vĂ”imalik. „Purjetajate aasta tĂ€htsĂŒndmusel, Muhu VĂ€ina Regatil, on igal aastal rohkem osalejaid. Eriti kiiresti kasvab matkapurjetajate klassi LYS arvukus.” Lepikul on Ă”igus, mullu juulis osales 55. Muhu VĂ€ina Regatil ĂŒle 100 jahi, kokku oli jahtide pardail 700 inimest. Osales ka rekordarv folkboot klassi jahte, 12. See tĂ€hendab, et nende jaoks tehti regatil eraldi klass ja esimest korda said nad omavahel mÔÔtu vĂ”tta. Purjekale, mille prototĂŒĂŒp tĂ€histas

mullu 70. sĂŒnnipĂ€eva, oli see kena kingitus. Lepik tunnistab, et purjetajate juurdekasv teeb teda rÔÔmsaks – rohkem purjetajaid tĂ€hendab rohkem purjekaid, see omakorda vajadust suuremate sadamate jĂ€rele, mis omakorda tĂ€hendab, et omanikud peavad sadamaid rohkem korda tegema, et nĂ”udlust rahuldada. Ja loomulikult tĂ€hendab rohkem purjetajaid, et sadamates on rohkem rÔÔmsaid ja toredaid inimesi. Lepiku enda alus Marielle on leidnud kodu Lennusadamas, peaaegu Tallinna kesklinnas, otse uue muuseumi kĂ”rval. Hetkel ootab Marielle kannatamatult vette tagasipÀÀsemist – hooaeg lĂ”ppes Marielle jaoks seekord alles 2013. aasta jaanuaris ja juba aprilli lĂ”pus lastakse purjekas uuesti vette. See, et Marielle hooaeg lĂ”ppes jaanuaris, on Eesti mĂ”istes ĂŒsna ebatavaline. Enamasti pannakse Eestis purjetamishooajale punkt septembris-oktoobris, kui ilmad lĂ€hevad kĂŒlmemaks. „Aga meri oli lahti, nii et me mĂ”tlesime – miks mitte,” naerab Lepik ja kinnitab, et Marielle kĂ€is jaanuarini merel peaaegu igal nĂ€dalal. „Kui on soojad riided ja normaalne tuul, et ei ole kĂ”rget lainet, siis on talvel purjetada vĂ€ga mĂ”nus.” Marielle hooajalĂ”pu meresĂ”it oli erakordne veel teiselgi pĂ”hjusel. Nimelt kĂ€isid koos eestlastega purjetamas kĂŒlalised Namiibiast ja Saksamaalt, kelle jaoks see oli ĂŒldse esimene purjekareis elus. Lepik kinnitab, et hoolimata talve kargest hingusest jĂ€id vĂ€lismaalased oma esimese purjetamiskogemusega rahule.


in time April / May 2013

Uus teenus! New!

TÔstke oma teenindusklassi

You are eligble for an upgrade

Estonian Airi kodulehelt pileti ostnud klientidele pakume vÔimalust tÔsta oma teenindusklassi ja saada osa sellega kaasnevatest soodustustest:*

We offer customers who purchase their tickets via Estonian Air website the possibility to upgrade their service class and enjoy the benefits associated with the upgrade:*

‱ Check-in Ă€riklassi lauas ‱ Istekoht ja teenindus pardal Premium klassis ‱ Eco Flex pileti pagasitingimused ‱ Eco Flex EuroBonus punktid * Teenindusklassi saab tĂ”sta kuni 7 pĂ€eva enne lennu plaanipĂ€rast vĂ€jumist.

Uuri infot meie kodulehelt.

‱ Check-in at Business Class counter ‱ Premium class seat and onboard service ‱ ECO Flex baggage conditions ‱ ECO Flex EuroBonus points * Service class upgrade bid can be submitted up to 7 days before departure.

More info from our webpage.

Eesti Sadamad

KĂ”rvuti sadamatega, mis vastavad Euroopa harrastusmeresĂ”idu sadamate standarditele, on kirjeldatud ka pooleldi mahajĂ€etud ja praktiliselt teenusteta vĂ€ikseid sadamaid, mis vĂ”iksid olla mĂ”nusaks ja omal kombel eksootilisekski peatuspaigaks. Millisesse sadamasse seilata - valiku tegemine jÀÀgu iga purjetaja enda otsustada. Möödunud aastal kĂŒlastas Eesti vĂ€ikesadamaid ĂŒle 7000 aluse ja peaaegu 23 000 inimest, 2011. aastal peatus Eesti sadamates ligi 10 000 alust ning ligi 30 000 kĂŒlalist. KĂ”ige sagedamini kĂŒlastavad Eesti vĂ€ikesadamaid soomlased, kelle lemmikuteks on Dirhami, ESS Kalevi ja Kuressaare jahisadam. Aga vĂ€hemalt korra on Eesti sadamasse – Ringsu - purjetanud ka ĂŒks Jamaika alus. Keskmiselt jÀÀdakse ĂŒhte sadamasse peatuma pĂ€evaks-paariks, pikemaid peatusi teevad alused Tallinna Jahtklubi sadamas ja Heltermaa sadamas.


LeppneemeLeppneeme Naissaar Naissaar Tallinn - Pirita Tallinn - Pirita OtemarinaOtemarina Jahtklubi Jahtklubi Tallinn - Tallinn Vanasadama Vanasadama Lohusalu Lohusalu JahisadamJahisadam VĂ€ike-PakriVĂ€ike-Pakri ESS Kalev ESS Jahtklubi Kalev Jahtklubi


Together with the harbours that meet European guest harbour standards, NĂ”va NĂ”va we have also described harbours that are half abandoned and offer practically Dirhami Dirhami no services, but which could be cosy or even exotic stopping places. 2012 Sailors will have to choose suitable harbours themselves. SADAM / Aluseid Inimesi Last year Estonian marinas were visited by more than 7 000 yachts and HARBOUR Ships People by almost 23 000 people. In 2011, the figures were approximately 10 000 yachts Abruka 136 641 and 30 000 people, respectively. Dirhami Most frequent visitors of Estonian Haapsalu Lehtma Lehtma marinas are Finns who especially Suur-Holmi 407 1107 like the marinas of Dirham, Heltermaa 491 1023 ESS Kalev and Kuressaare. Kelnase 312 971 KĂ”rgessaare KĂ”rgessaare SuursadamSuursadam Kuivastu KuivastuRoograhu But there was Kihnu 360 1541 Jaht- Jahtalso one yacht Roograhu Kuivastu 444 1130 Sviby Sviby Ristna Ristna klubi klubi from Jamaica Kuressaare 417 1393 RohukĂŒla RohukĂŒla Dago Dago Haapsalu Kalana Kalana that visited Lehtma 161 477 HeltermaaHeltermaa Haapsalu Ringsu marina. Jahtklubi Lohusalu 550 1675 In average, yachts stay LĂ”unaranna 198 700 Jahtklubi in marinas a day or two. KĂ”iguste KĂ”iguste Orissaare In the marina of the Tallinn Orjaku 112 437 Orjaku Orjaku Yachting Club and Heltermaa, Puise PuiseRingsu 470 1935 yachts stay for a longer period. RohukĂŒla 180 594 Saastna Saastna Roomassaare 159 532 SĂ”ru SĂ”ru Salmistu 62 100 Sviby 39 115 SĂ”ru Tallinn Kalevi Triigi Triigi Jahtklubi 322 882 Virtsu Virtsu Pirita 711 1800 Orissaare Orissaare SaaremaaSaaremaa Vanasadama Jahisadam 1508 5128 Veere Veere Triigi 41 128 Virtsu 98 337 KOKKU/TOTAL 7278 22814

Tallinna Jahtklubi Tallinna Jahtklubi 2011 Aluseid Inimesi Ships People 198 1168 857 2674 683 404 501 412 2 520 188 578 279 52 61 554 92 415

1244 1617 1607 13 1863 700 1773 900 160 189 2435 376 2045

123 88

317 200

293 1040

884 2650

1485 41 393 9858

4910 114 1442 29445

PĂ€rnu PĂ€rnu PĂ€rnu Jahtklubi PĂ€rnu Jahtklub

Seanina Seanina


KuressaareKuressaare VĂ€tta/KĂ€rsa VĂ€tta/KĂ€rsa Nasva Roomassaare Roomassaare SaaremaaSaaremaa MerispordiMerispordi Selts Selts Abruka Abruka


Munalaid Munalaid Manilaid Manilaid Kihnu Kihnu LÔunaranna LÔunaranna

Treimani Treimani


Ruhnu (Ringsu) Ruhnu (Ringsu) Ruhnu Jahtklubi Ruhnu Jahtklubi


in time April / May 2013


Estonia Prangli Prangli

Turbuneeme Turbuneeme Vergi Vergi Tapurla Tapurla KĂ€smu KĂ€smu Loksa Loksa Kunda

Kaberneeme Kaberneeme Finn Klassi maailmameistrivĂ”istlused / Finn Gold Cup 23.–31. aug, Tallinn

Mahu Kunda

Mahu Purtse Purtse

Narva-JÔesuu Narva-JÔesuu Toila




Toila Sadama ToilaJahtklubi Sadama Jahtklubi

Saaremaa Merispordi Seltsi regatt / Saaremaa Merispordi Selts regatta 31. mai-2. jun Roomassaare Optimist, Zoom8, Laser 4.7, Techno 293, RS:X PĂ€rnu purjetamisnĂ€dal / PĂ€rnu Sailing Week 14.-16. jun, PĂ€rnu RS Feva, 29er, F-18 Kalevi Jahtklubi meistrivĂ”istlused / Kalev Yacht Club Championship 28.-30. jun, Tallinn, Laser Radial, Laser, Finn, RS Feva, 29er, 470, F-18 Tallinna Jahtklubi karikavĂ”istlused / Tallinn Yacht Club Championship 16.-18. aug, Lohusalu Optimist, Zoom8, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, Laser, 29er, 470, Techno 293, RS:X PĂ€rnu sĂŒgisregatt / PĂ€rnu Autumn regatta 13.-15. sept PĂ€rnu Optimist, Zoom8, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial Tallinna NĂ€dala regatt / Tallinn Week regatta 20.-22. sept, Tallinn Laser, Finn, RS Feva, 29er, 470, F-18, Techno 293, RS:X Kessu regatt / Kessu regatta 6.-7. jul, Haapsalu

Tartu Kalevi Tartu Kalevi Jahtklubi Jahtklubi

Watergate regatt / Watergate regatta Jahtklubi Jahtklubi 11.-13. jul, PĂ€rnu


Muhu VÀina regatt / Muhu VÀina regatta 14.-20. jul, Haapsalu-HeltermaaKuivastu-PÀrnu-Roomassaare Ruhnu regatt / Ruhu regatta 10. aug, Ruhnu, Tallinna meistrivÔistlused / Tallinn championchip 7.-8. sept, Tallinn

April / May 2013 in time


Estonia Estonian summer is perfect for sailing as it pretty much doesn't get dark at night, the country has almost 3800 km of coastline and more than 1500 islands and islets to visit, not to mention the possibility to admire Tallinn's fabulous silhouette from the sea.



in time April / May 2013


3800 km

of coastline for sailing Text: liis kĂ€ngsepp ‱ Photos: KĂŒllike RoovĂ€li, Leida Lepik, Mariliis Pinn


stonians have always considered themselves to be a maritime nation, and no wonder – most of this small Baltic country's territory is surrounded by water, either the Baltic Sea or Lake Peipus. Legends of Estonian Vikings describe how they once sailed to Sweden only to burn down the kingdom's former capital, Sigtuna. Another story tells that the people from the small village of KĂ€smu on the northern coast of Estonia, made a fortune smuggling vodka to Finland when Estonia's northern neighbour introduced the dry law right after becoming independent. Despite the glorious history, sailing is not an extremely popular hobby in Estonia. Probably it is partly because going to the sea during the Soviet era was complicated and partly because when the occupation ended, most Estonians didn't have enough money to spend it on sailing as they were more concerned with making ends meet. Now, the situation is changing. „Indeed, we had 50 years of sea-free life,” says Merike Reede, head of a company called Sailing ( in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. As the name indicates, Sailing deals with taking people out to the sea. They teach people sailing and rent out yachts, both with and without the crew – so customer can decide whether they just want to enjoy being at sea or get into serious sailing. Their shortest trips take just a few hours, longer ones last up to weeks.

April / May 2013 in time

Estonia – great place for sailing Estonia has over 1500 islands and islets, n

that means nearly 10% of the country's land. Only about ten islands are permanently settled: the rest are kingdoms of birds and during the hatching season, access can be limited. The largest islands – Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Vormsi – can be visited year-round by ferry; in winter, ice roads are opened as well. It was Tallinn that hosted the Olympic regatta during the Moscow Olympics in 1980. Estonians have won a few medals in Olympic regattas. Twin brothers TĂ”nu and Toomas TĂ”niste won the third place in Barcelona in 1992, in the 470 category. Four years earlier in Soul, they were second. The best time for sailing is summer when there is up to 20 hours of daylight. AugustSeptember is the best time to go sailing on EmajĂ”gi.


Estonia „Renting a yacht without a captain is more common among foreigners as for them it is a way to spend their holiday,” Reede says. „They are usually people that have already explored the Mediterranean and are now turning their eyes towards Estonia. They rent a yacht, spend a week or two exploring Estonia and fly back.” Although most such peer to peer boat rental deals have been made already during the winter, it is always worth to give Sailing a call to see if they have a spare yacht to go discovering Estonian waters on your own. And not only Estonian, Reede points out that an interesting archipelago on the coast of Finland is just 40 nautical miles from Tallinn. „Sailing gives you the opportunity for a total time out. Plus a way to move from one place to another,” Reede says, admitting that the number of Estonians who see their yachts as a summer cottage, has grown during the last years. She believes it gives a significant advantage to the holiday. „Otherwise you go to a hotel and spend the whole week in one spot. But with a yacht, you can always just change the location whenever you feel like it.” „I feel that sailing is becoming more popular,” says Leida Lepik, a passionate sailor who tries to take her boat, LYS class Marielle to the sea as often as she can. „Every year more and more people participate in the Moonsund Regatta – the highlight of the sailing season. The LYS yacht class has grown especially fast.” Lepik is right. Last year more than 100 yachts and 700 people participated in the 55th Moonsund

Regatta. The number of Nordic Folkboat yachts was also higher than ever – 12. This meant they could compete in a separate category for the first time. In 2012, the prototype of Nordic Folkboat celebrated its 70th birthday, so this was a great present. Lepik admits this development makes her happy as more sailors mean more boats, which means bigger demand for ports, which means port owners have to renovate their ports in order to sustain the demand. And of course, more sailors means more jolly people in the ports. Lepik's Marielle has found a home at Lennusadam, Sea Plane Harbour, located almost in the centre of Tallinn, right next to the museum. At the moment Marielle is anxiously waiting to get back into the water – her season ended in the beginning of January 2013, and will start again at the end of April. To end a season in January is pretty extraordinary for Estonia, usually sailing season so far up north ends in September-October when the weather gets colder. „But the sea was not frozen, so we thought why not,” Lepik laughs and says that Marielle was sailing almost every week until January. „If you are dressed warm and the wind is not too strong, so the waves are not too bad, it's really nice to sail during winter.” Another extraordinary thing about Marielle's season’s final trip was the two foreign guests, one from Namibia and another from Germany. It was the first time ever to go sailing for them and Lepik assures they were very happy with the experience, despite the winter breeze.

A few years ago Estonian Yachting n

Union (EYU) managed to get support from a private enterprise, Vopak E.O.S., and import a fleet of RS Feva boats that gave an opportunity for kids to test out sailing in teams of two. The Secretary General of the Estonian Yachting Union then said that creating a RS Feva fleet is one of the most influential accomplishments for Estonian sailing. „This boat widens the opportunities to sail for kids. Many of them prefer sailing in pairs because of their personality or physique and also just because it’s more fun. It makes me really happy that Estonian kids can now start sailing in groups of two already at their first training session. They don't have to wait anymore, until they grow into the Olympic 470 or 49er categories”.


in time April / May 2013

Traditional Estonian Industry

Estonian Oil Shale Oil shale is an Estonian national mineral resource. The industrial usage of oil shale commenced in the previous century. Oil shale was initially used as a solid fuel, but at the beginning of the 1920s, oil processing became primary. The Estonian First Oil Shale Industry, founded in 1918, the predecessor of the current Viru Keemia Grupp, is now the oldest operating oil shale company in the world. Before World War II, the reputation of the oil shale industry in Estonia was very high. Estonia achieved energy independence thanks to oil shale and became an exporter of oil and oil products. In the ïŹrst nine months of 1939, 8% of the export income of the state was received from processed oil shale. Oil shale came to be 400-450 million years ago, during the Ordovician period. Kukersite, the major mineral of Estonian oil shale, received its name from the Kukruse Manor of the Estonian Province, at which it was discovered and mined in the 19th century. An oil shale deposit is three metres thick and located horizontally at a depth of 10-60 meters. Mining is therefore simple and not particularly expensive. The mineable reserves are currently 1 billion tons, which amount to approximately 1 billion barrels when converted to oil.

There have been 20 mining enterprises in total in Estonia. Currently, the open casts of Eesti Energia, KiviĂ”li Keemiatööstus and Kunda Nordic Tsement are in operation. There are also three underground mines – two for Eesti Energia, and the newest, the Ojamaa underground mine, opened in 2013, is operated by VKG. The annual volume of mining amounts to approximately 17 million tons. The Estonia underground mine, which commenced operation in 1972, is one of the biggest in Europe in terms of run-of-mine (10 million tons per year). Kukersite is one of the best in the world. Unlike most oil shale, kukersite does not contain radioactive compounds, heavy metals, or other harmful impurities. The organic matter content of kukersite is 20-55%, the caloriïŹc value is 7-19 MJ/kg and the Fischer assay is 13-36%. The industrial oil yield is 13-16%. Upon burning, the lime contained in oil shale binds the sulphur and limits the emission of sulphur compounds to the environment. Enno Reinsalu Authorised Mining Engineer, Professor Emeritus


Tagasi lapsepÔlve Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre, Eesti PÀevaleht Fotod / Photos: Janne Luigla, Katrina Tang

Lastega töötamine on lĂ”bus, vahetu ja siiras. Nad on imekspandavalt teadlikud ja nĂ”udlikud. Suur rÔÔm on nĂ€ha nende sĂ€ravaid, pisut hĂ€belikke silmi end peeglist takseerimas, kui midagi pĂ”nevat ja tavapĂ€rasest erinevat on selga pandud. ÜkskĂ”ik kui Ă€ge lĂ”ige ka ei ole, peab see last kaunistama ja liikudes mugav olema. SamavĂ”rd oluline on kangas – laste puhul tuleb kasutada mĂ”nusaid pehmed ja elastseid kangaid. Eelistan kĂŒll naturaalseid materjale sĂŒnteetilistele, kuid mĂ”nikord toetab kunstkiud naturaalse kiu omadusi. MĂ€letan lapsepĂ”lvest valget jĂ€nesenahkset kasukat, millel oli rahvuslik vöö ning millega sai uisutamas kĂ€idud. Samuti bordoopunaseid villaseid karupĂŒkse, mis uisutamast tulles vanni kohal radiaatoril kuivades vanni tilkudes pĂ”nevaid punaseid mustreid joonistasid. Veel on meeles ĂŒks vĂ€ike karvane pruunikirju vestike, millel olid toredad kulunud ilmega puidust seenekujulised nööbid. Praegugi eelistan kannaga nööpe aukudega nööpidele. Ei tea, kas töö tĂ”ttu vĂ”i miks, aga mĂ”ne sĂŒgavast lapsepĂ”lvest pĂ€rit riideeseme puhul on meeles isegi selle lĂ”hn. KĂ€sitöö on meie peres mitmeid pĂ”lvi au sees olnud. Üks vanaema oli kĂ”va Ă”mbleja, tema kappides olid alati kĂ”ige moodsamad sitsiriided virnas ja ajakirja Siluett vĂ€rskemad numbrid riiulil. Teine vanaema jĂ€lle oli suurepĂ€rane tikkija, kuduja ja heegeldaja. Mulle meeldis kaunistada nukkude pĂ€id. Meikisin nende silmi ja suud kĂŒĂŒnelakiga ja lĂ”ikasin juukseid jĂ€rjest lĂŒhemaks, kuni polnud enam midagi lĂ”igata ning kurvastusega pidin tĂ”dema, et juurde neid ei kasvanud. Joonistasin pabernukke ja siiani tuletavad koolikaaslased meelde mu vihikute sisekaante rikkalikku dekoori.

Merle LĂ”hmus, kaubamĂ€rgile Opaaa Lapsevanemana tean, kui tĂ€htis on, et lapse rĂ”ivad oleksid mugavad. Seda silmas pidades pĂŒĂŒan luua huvitava vormi, mida kaunistan nutikate detailidega. Mulle meeldivad heas mĂ”ttes nn vĂ€ikesed vanainimesed – mind inspireerib lasteriiete disainimisel tĂ€iskasvanute rĂ”ivaste peen ja vĂ€ljapeetud stiil.


in time April / May 2013


Back to childhood Merle LĂ”hmus on the Opaaa brand As a parent, I know how important it is for children’s clothes to be comfortable. My objective is to create an interesting design and decorate it with smart details. I like the so-called little old people, in a good meaning of the word: when designing child wear I am inspired by the refined style of adults’ clothes. Working with children is fun, because they are direct and sincere, but also incredibly smart and demanding. I love seeing their bright and slightly shy eyes look at themselves in the mirror when they have put on something exciting and unusual. No matter how fancy the design, it must look good on a child and be pleasant to wear. Fabric is equally important – you need to use comfortable, soft and elastic fabrics. I myself prefer natural materials to synthetic fabrics, but sometimes artificial fibres support the qualities of natural fibres. One of the clothes I remember well from my childhood is a white rabbit skin coat with an ethnic belt that I always wore when I went skat-

April / May 2013 in time

ing. And also the Bordeaux-red warm woollen underwear that created exciting red patterns on the bathtub when it was dripping on a heater after skating. I also remember one small furry brownish vest that had wonderful wooden buttons and looked like a mushroom. I still prefer button hooks to buttonholes. I don’t know why, but I even remember the smell of some of my favourite childhood clothes. Handicraft has been relished in our family for several generations. One of my grandmothers was an excellent seamstress. Her closets always included the most modern cotton clothes and the latest issues of the “Siluett” fashion magazine. My other grandmother was a master of embroidery, knitting and crocheting. When I was a child I liked to decorate doll heads. I used to put nail polish on their eyes and lips and cut all their hair. I was also always drawing paper dolls and my schoolmates still recall the rich decorations of the inside covers of my exercise books.


mood / fashion

Triin Tomingas, kaubamĂ€rgile Emma and Theo Olen suur mantlikandja ja mulle meeldib ka oma lapsi viisakalt riietada. KĂ”ik saigi alguse villasest mantlist, mis eristub tugevalt meie tĂ€navapildis valitsevatest suusajopedest ja kilekombedest. LasterĂ”ivaid disainides lĂ€htume tĂ€iskasvanute smart casual moest. Paraku ei saa lastele disainides arvestada ainult rĂ”ivaste kandja soovide ja arvamusega. Siin on ikkagi kaks poolt: lapsevanem ja laps. Neile mĂ”lemale peab asi meeldima. JĂ€lgime, et materjalid oleksid vĂ”imalikult mugavad ja tooted pikka aega kantavad. Üks hea nĂ€ide on ĂŒleskeeratavad varrukad. Lapsed kasvavad kiiresti ja selline lahendus vĂ”imaldab mantlit vĂ”i pintsakut kanda mitu hooaega. LĂ”igete vĂ€ljatöötamine on ehk kĂ”ige keerulisem. Riided peavad hĂ€sti istuma ja lastel peab olema piisavalt liikumisruumi. Lapsed ei pruugi oma rĂ”ivastest nii palju hoolida kui tĂ€iskasvanud, seega peavad lasterĂ”ivad olema kulumiskindlad ja kerge vaevaga puhastatavad. Lapsena meeldis mulle panna jalga ema kontsakingi ja keerutada end peegli ees mĂ”nes tema kleidis. VĂ”i pugeda tema musta-valge kirju mĂ”nusa villase mantli sisse ning kujutleda, et kunagi saan ka mina selliseid riideid kanda. Kui vaatan lapsepĂ”lvepilte, siis taipan, et mantlid ja pintsakud olid vĂ€ga moes. Tundub, et see mood on tagasi tulemas. Olen ĂŒks neist Ă”nnelikest inimestest, kes saab öelda, et minu töö on minu hobi. Nukkude asemel teen nĂŒĂŒd ilusaid ja kvaliteetseid riideid lastele.

Triin Tomingas, Emma and Theo brand I myself am a big fan of coats and I want to see my children wear decent clothes as well. The Emma and Theo brand started from a woollen coat for children, which is not a very common sight on the Estonian streets that are mostly conquered by winter jackets and tracksuits. Our children’s wear designs are based on the smart casual fashion of adults. However, when designing for children you cannot only consider what the children want because also parents have to like it. We make sure that the designs are as comfortable and durable as possible. For example, the folded sleeves: children grow fast and these sleeves allow them to wear a coat or a jacket for several years. Perhaps the most complicated part of the process is cutting, because the clothes must fit well, but be enough loose as well, so children could move. Since children don’t take such good care of their clothes as adults, child wear must be resistant to wear and easy to clean. As a child, I liked to put on my mother’s heels and spin in front of a mirror wearing one of her dresses, or to wiggle into one of her comfy black-and-white woollen coats and imagine how I myself would wear these clothes some day. When I look at my childhood photos, I realize how popular coats and jackets were at that time. It seems that this fashion trend is not back yet. I am one of those very happy people who can say that my job is also my hobby. Instead of designing for dolls I am now making beautiful quality clothes for children.


in time April / May 2013

mood / fashion Mari Martin, kaubamĂ€rgile Tallinn Dolls Laste asju disainides lĂ€htume pĂ€ris palju laste enda soovidest. Disain ei pea olema ĂŒleliia tĂ”sine, vaid tegema vĂ€ikesed preilid Ă”nnelikuks. Ja disainerile annab see ilusa reisi tagasi lapsepĂ”lve. Oleme lasterĂ”ivastes kasutanud naturaalseid kangaid, mustreid ning kelmikaid tĂ€ppe. LĂ”igete puhul peab arvestama, et oleks alati pisut ruumi ka kasvamiseks. MĂ€letan algklassidest hĂ€sti lillat rĂŒĂŒĆŸidega seelikut, mille ema Ă”mbles minu soovi jĂ€rgi. See on jÀÀnud paljudele klassipiltidele ning kandsin seda pĂ”hikoolini vĂ€lja. Minu peres ja kogu suguvĂ”sas on olnud kĂ€sitöö suur osa elust. Ema Ă”mbles meile kĂ”ik rĂ”ivad, vanaema on kogu elu teinud kĂ€sitööd ning vanatĂ€di oli konstrueerija. Tegime nukkudele riideid ning kooli ajal juba ka iseendale.

Mari Martin, Tallinn Dolls brand

When we design child wear, we take into account the wishes of children. Designs can’t be too serious, they must make little girls happy. It’s a nice trip for the designer back to his or her own childhood. We have used natural fabrics, patterns and playful dots in our children’s wear. With children wear it is very important to allow room for growth. One of the brightest memories of my childhood clothes is a purple blushed dress that my mother made me according to my wishes when I was in middle school. It appears on very many class photos and I wore it until secondary school. Manual labour has always been popular in our family. Our mother tailored all our clothes, my grandmother has done handicraft her entire life and our great aunt was a constructor. I dressed all my dolls myself and, at school, also made my own clothes.


in time April / May 2013

mood / fashion

Xenia Joost

Xenia Joost

Mind inspireerivad lastekollektsiooni looma tĂŒtred. PĂ€rast esimese tĂŒtre sĂŒndi hakkasin naistekollektsioonist jĂ€rele jÀÀnud kangastest tĂŒtrele rĂ”ivaid Ă”mblema. Tasapisi hakkasin saama tellimusi oma tĂŒtre seljas nĂ€htud kleitidele ja mantlikestele. Nii kasvaski vĂ€lja lasteseeria. Lasteriiete disainimisel tuleb alati lĂ€htuda mugavusest. TĂ€iskasvanud vĂ”ivad ilu nimel kannatada, kuid laste puhul ei tule see kĂ”ne allagi. Kangad peavad olema nahasĂ”bralikud ja naturaalsed. Samuti on hea, kui lasteriideid on kerge hooldada. Minu ema on alati olnud tubli kuduja. Kui olin viieaastane, kudus ema mulle vĂ€ga armsa kleidi, millel oli kĂŒbara ja korvikesega tĂŒdruku pilt. Meie peres on rĂ€tsepatöö alati au sees olnud. Mu ema ise ei Ă”mmelnud, aga lasi endale, mulle ja Ă”ele rĂ€tsepal riideid Ă”mmelda. Valik oli poodides kasin, kuid emal oli lennukas fantaasia ja peen maitse. Eristusime Ă”ega alati rĂ”ivaste poolest teistest lastest, iga asi, mida kandsime, oli just meile disainitud ja Ă”mmelda lastud. Eks see pisik jĂ€i mullegi kĂŒlge. Õmblesime Ă”ega kĂ”ikidele oma nukkudele ise riideid ja garderoobid olid neil suured nind kirevad.

It’s my daughters who inspire me to create children’s collections. When my first daughter was born, I took the left over fabrics from my women’s collections and made her some clothes. Soon afterwards, I started to receive orders for the dresses and coats my daughter was wearing and this developed into a whole children’s collection. In designing child wear comfort is the key. Adults may be willing to suffer for beauty, but children not. Fabrics must be soft on the skin and natural. Also, children’s wear should be easy to maintain. My mother has always been good at knitting. When I was five, she made me a lovely knitted dress with an image of a girl wearing a hat and carrying a basket. Tailoring has always been popular in our family – my mother did not sew, but she had a tailor to make clothes for herself, me and my sister. The choice in the stores was limited at that time, but she had a good fantasy and a refined taste. My sister and I always looked different from other children because everything that we wore was designed and tailor-made for us. This has obviously been passed on to me. Already as a child, my sister and I tailored rich and imaginative clothes for our dolls.

April / May 2013 in time


pood / boutique KĂ€sitöökomm viib keele alla MaailmarĂ€nduritest eesti-prantsuse n  paari koostööna loodud vĂ€ikefirma Johni Apelsinike on pĂŒhendunud ĂŒhele unustusehĂ”lma vajuvale maiusele – sukaadile. Tootevalikus on nii ĆĄokolaadiga kui ka ĆĄokolaadita sukaade. Need sobivad nii lastele asendamaks kummikomme kui ka tĂ€iskasvanutest gurmaanidele kohvi, tee vĂ”i veini kĂ”rvale. Gurmeesukaade on keedetud koos kaneelikoorte ja Madagaskari vaniljekaunadega, mis annavad neile eriti luksusliku maitsenĂŒansi. Johni Apelsinikese leiab Viru keskuse toidumaailmast.

disainipoodidest Nunordik, Oma Asi ja Tali Tallinnas. Poehind 8 eurot.

Innovative recycling: brooches made of vinyl records

Brooches from the Wild_vinyl collection n  designed by Maria Sopina are made of old vinyl records and have been inspired by the silhouettes of Estonian wild animals. The designer is currently working on new collections labelled Geometric_vinyl, Ocean_ vinyl and Tropic_vinyl. Unique accessories are available in Tallinn-based design stores Nunordik, Oma Asi and Tali. Retail price: EUR 8.

able in organic food stores and cost about EUR 4. * Kama – a mixture of roasted barley, rye, oat and pea flour; a very important part of Estonian traditional kitchen

Õhetavana kevadesse Kaitsmaks oma kauneid huuli muutlike n  kevadmĂ”jude eest, vĂ”ib proovida Nurme Seebi vĂ€ljatöötatud 100% looduslikku Ă”hetavat huulevĂ”iet rohemĂŒndi eeterliku Ă”liga. Vitamiinirikas huulevĂ”ie on valmistatud avokaadovĂ”i ja -Ă”li baasil. Tekitab mĂ”nusa Ă”hetava efekti. Sobib igapĂ€evaseks kasutamiseks iseseisvalt vĂ”i ka lĂ€ikena huulevĂ€rvi peale.

Handmade candy for a sweet tooth

Blushing into spring

Johni Apelsinike (Estonian for John’s n

moody spring weather, we recommend a 100% organic tinted lip balm with green mint essential oil from Nurme Seep. The avocado-based lip balm is very rich in vitamins. It creates a great blushing sensation and is suitable for daily use either separately or on top of a lipstick.

Little Orange) is a company founded by a couple of Estonian-French world-travellers who are dedicated to making one wellforgotten treat – succade, or candied fruit. Children can eat succade instead of gummy bear candies also known as jelly babies, while adult gourmets can enjoy them with coffee, tea or wine. Gourmet succades are cooked with cinnamon bark and Madagascar vanilla beans that give it a special luxury taste and then covered with chocolate or sour sugar. The company has a store in the food section of Viru Keskus shopping centre.

Taaskasutuse uus tase – vinĂŒĂŒlplaatidest prossid Disainer Maria Sopina „Wild_vinyl” sarja n  prossid on tehtud vanadest vinĂŒĂŒlplaatidest ning inspireeritud Eestimaa metsloomade siluettidest. Lisaks neile on tulemas seeriad „Geometric_vinyl”, „Ocean_ vinyl” ja „Tropic_vinyl”. Unikaalseid ehteid leiab


To protect your tender lips from the n

Maius mahe-kamast Kalevi kamatahvli fĂ€nnidel on pĂ”hjust n  oma sammud ökopoodidesse seada, sest mahemaiustuste tootja Linda ja Kalevi maiustused on nĂŒĂŒd turule tulnud oma variandiga kunagisest hitt-tootest. MahepĂ”llumajanduslikust toorainest kamatahvel krĂ”mpsub hamba all ning nii mĂ”nelegi eestlasele toob see meelde lapsepĂ”lve. Tahvlikest saab osta mahepoodidest, hind jÀÀb 4 euro kanti.

Organic kama-bars now available Fans of kama*-chocolate bars by Kalev n  have now a reason to visit the nearest organic food store because Linda, producer of organic sweets, and Kalev have launched the organic version of this hugely popular sweet. The crunchy kama-bars are made of organic ingredients and will definitely create childhood flashbacks for many Estonians. The products are avail-

Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

in time April / May 2013

tehnika / gadgets Martin Koppel, Rain Rannu, Gerri Kodres Foto / Photo: Jassu Hertsmann

Fortumo vallutab maailma Heade mĂ”tete linnas Tartus asub Forn  tumo peakorter. Tegu on maailma ĂŒhe kiiremini kasvava mobiilseid makselahendusi pakkuva firmaga, millel on harukontorid ka San Franciscos ja Pekingis. 2007. aastal asutatud firma tabas Ă€ra, et mobiilimaksed ja nutitelefonide rakendustesisesed maksed on tulevik ning nad on loonud platvormi, mis on rakenduste ja teenuste arendajatelt ning kasutajatelt saanud vĂ€ga hea vastuvĂ”tu. Ent Ă€rimaailmas loevad siiski rahavood ja investeeringud. Alates veebruarist kuulub ettevĂ”tte omanikeringi maailma tehnoloogiagigant Intel koos riskikapitalifirmaga Greycroft Partners. Tehing lĂ€ks maksma ligi 10 miljonit eurot. Selle investeeringuga tugevdatakse Furtumo positsiooni arenevatel turgudel. Kui LÀÀne-Euroopas ja USA-s on juba mobiiltelefoninumbreid rohkem kui elanikke, siis arenevatelt turgudelt on viie aasta jooksul oodata miljardit mobiilikasutajat, kes omakorda on kĂ”ik mobiilsete maksete


potentsiaalsed kliendid. Fortumo teeb tihedat koostööd Microsoftiga, et juurutada Windows 8 rakendustesiseseid makseid. Eestist kui idufirmade paradiisist on rÀÀgitud palju ja Fortumo on ĂŒks nĂ€ide, kuidas targalt Ă€ri ajada ning et selleks ei pea asuma mĂ”nes maailma suurlinnas ega isegi mitte Tallinnas. Maailma mĂ”jutavaid IT-lahendusi saab vĂ€lja mĂ”elda ja juhtida ka idĂŒllilises ning vaikses Tartus.

Fortumo conquers the world Fortumo, one of the world’s fastestn  growing providers of mobile payment solu-

tions, has its head office in Tartu, the city of good ideas, and offices in San Francisco and Bejing. Founded in 2007, this Estonian startup soon understood that the future belongs to mobile payments and payment apps for smartphones and created a platform that has been very well received from application and service developers as well as end users. But things that matter in the business world are cash flows and investments. Since February, the company is now co-owned by one of the world’s largest tech firms Intel and venture capital firm Greycroft Partners in a transaction worth some EUR 10m. The funds raised from new shareholders will be used to strengthen Fortumo’s position in the growth markets. While in Western Europe and USA there are now more mobile phone numbers than residents, the number of mobile phone users in developing markets is expected to grow by a billion people who are all potential customers of mobile payments. Fortumo is also closely cooperating with Microsoft in implementing payments within Windows 8 applications. Estonia has become known as the paradise of seed companies and Fortumo is an excellent example of how one does not need to be in some world city or even in Tallinn to establish success. Seems like IT solutions that influence the world can be created and managed even in such idyllic and quiet places as Tartu.

Uus mĂ€ngupĂ”lvkond Pole saladus, et jĂ”uludeks on oodata n  uusi mĂ€ngukonsoole nii Sonylt kui ka Microsoftilt, aga esimesena avalikustas oma konsooli Sony. PlayStation 4 ennast kĂŒll veel ei nĂ€idatud ning tĂ€pset mĂŒĂŒgikuupĂ€eva ega isegi hinda ei öeldud, kĂŒll aga esitleti uut DualShock 4 pulti ning demonstreeriti uusi vĂ”imalusi, mida konsooliga saab teha. NĂŒĂŒd on vĂ”imalik suvalist hetke viimasest 15 mĂ€nguminutist ĂŒhe nupuvajutusega videona jagada ja mĂ€ngude demosid veebist otse voogedastada. Muidugi kuulutati vĂ€lja palju mĂ€nge, mis uut konsooli saatma hakkavad.

A new generation of gamers In the race against its arch-rival gamn  ing consol developer Microsoft, Sony presented the new DualShock4 remote and displayed the possibilities of the would-be

in time April / May 2013

You dream it we build it!


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The last straw? HTC has not been doing great recently n



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April / May 2013 in time

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and their smartphone series One that they launched last year has been struggling. Now the company has put all its bets on one card launching its new flagship model known simply as One that has excellent assembly quality. The phone’s 4.7” FullHD Super LCD 3 screen, a quad-core 1.7 GHz processor on a superfast Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 chipset, 2 GB variable memory and 32/64 GB memory space make it an excellent Android smartphone that in spite of its hefty 600-euro price tag may well put the company back on track.



mini kĂ€inud ja nende eelmisel aastal vĂ€lja tulnud One nutitelefonisarja pole mĂŒĂŒgiedu saatnud. NĂŒĂŒd pani HTC kĂ”ik munad

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HTC kÀsi pole viimasel ajal kÔige paren


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ĂŒhte korvi: vĂ€ljas on suurepĂ€rase koostekvaliteediga uus lipulaev nimega lihtsalt One. 4,7-tolline FullHD eraldusvĂ”imega Super LCD 3 ekraan, neljatuumaline 1,7 Ghz protsessor ĂŒlikiirel Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 kiibistikul, 2 GB muutmĂ€lu ja 32/64 GB mĂ€lumahtu teevad sellest vĂ€ga heade nĂ€itejatega Androidi tippnutitelefoni, mis hoolimata ligi 600-eurosest hinnast vĂ”ib saada HTC pÀÀsteingliks.

eo us

PlayStation 4 console. Although it did not actually show Playstation 4 nor said anything about a sales date or price, the company announced that it will enable to share any moment from the last 15 minutes of gaming as a video and stream game demos directly from the web. Naturally, it also published a list of new games that will be released on the new Playstation 4.

tehnika / gadgets ekraanid ja ka telefonid ise muutuvad aina suuremaks, siis on neid juba tĂŒlikas taskust vĂ”i kĂ€ekotist vĂ€lja vĂ”tta. Just selle peale I'm Watch loodabki, sest see on Bluetoothi abil telefoniga ĂŒhenduses ja sellega saab vaadata e-kirju, sĂ”numeid, vastata kĂ”nedele ja teha muid lihtsamaid toiminguid. Kui sellise kella hind iseenesest pole ĂŒle mĂ”istuse kallis, jÀÀdes 250 euro kanti, siis - kas olete valmis oma kĂ€ekella iga 24-48 tunni tagant laadima? Just nii tuleb I'm Watchi puhul teha.

Kaks ĂŒhes Asuse Padfone'id ehk nutitelefoni ja n  tahvelarvuti komplektid on saanud ĂŒllatavalt populaarseks ja pole ime, et see tootesari saab tĂ€iendust Padfone Infinity nĂ€ol. See sisaldab 5-tollist FullHD ekraani ja vĂ€lkkiire Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 kiibistikuga suurepĂ€rast telefoni, mis kinnitub tahvelarvuti tahakĂŒljele, kus see on kasutatav juba tahvelarvutina. Ühe hetkega saab Android 4.2 telefoni 5-tollisest ekraanist tahvelarvuti 10,1-tolline (1920 x 1200) ekraan. Kuna tegemist on tehnika viimase sĂ”naga, on komplekt kĂŒllaltki kulukas: aprillis mĂŒĂŒki jĂ”udev Padfone Infinity hinnad algavad 999 eurost.

nende Windows Phone operatsioonisĂŒsteemiga Lumia sarja turuosa kasvama. Selleks on vaja lisaks tippmudelitele Lumia 820 ja 920 vaja taskukohasemaid telefone ning selleks saab verivĂ€rske Lumia 720. Umbes 300eurose telefon nĂ€eb vĂ€lja kallim kui see tegelikult on ja ka nĂ€itajad on kiidevÀÀrt: 4,3-tolline (480 x 800) ekraan, kahetuumaline 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 protsessor ja 7 Mpix Carl Zeissi optikaga kaamera teevad sellest telefoni, millega on vĂ”imalik rahvamasse enda poole vĂ”ita kĂŒll.

An Android watch It’s time for watches to switch to n  Android, at least this is what the creators of I'm Watch, a watch with a 1.5” touch screen, believe. As smartphone screens and phones themselves have been getting bigger, taking them out from the pocket or purse is now increasingly inconvenient. This is the idea of I'm Watch: it is linked to the smartphone by Bluetooth and allows reading e-mails and text messages, receiving calls and doing other simpler operations. By the way, the watch costs around EUR 250. Just don’t forget to charge your watch once in every 24 to 48 hours.

Two-in-one Asus Padfones that include a smartn  phone and a tablet PC have become surprisingly popular. No wonder then that this product series has now been supplemented by Padfone Infinity. This excellent smartphone that has a 5” FullHD screen and a lightningfast Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 chipset is attached to the back cover of the tablet. In a snap, you can convert this Android 4.2-based smartphone into a tablet PC with a 10.1” (1920 x 1200) screen. As expected, such technology does not come cheap: prices of Padfone Infinity that comes on sale in April will start at EUR 999.

Androidiga kell Ka kĂ€ekelladel on aeg hakata Androidi n  operatsioonisĂŒsteemil jooksma, vĂ€hemalt nii arvavad I'm Watch 1,5-tollise puuteekraaniga kella loojad. Kuna nutitelefonide


Windows Phone for the masses

Windows Phone massidesse

There is no doubt that Nokia knows n  how to make good phones and the growing market share of their Lumia phones only proves that. But in addition to the top-of-the-line Lumia 820 and 920 models, it is also a good idea to have a more affordable model in the product range – enter the brand new Lumia 720. The phone that will cost about EUR 300 looks more expensive than it is, but has impressive specs: a 4.3” (480 x 800) screen, a dual-core 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor and a 7 Mpix Carl Zeiss camera make it a smartphone that the masses will love.

Nokia oskab hĂ€id telefone teha, selles n  pole kahtlust, ning tasapisi hakkab ka

Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time April / May 2013

Vorsprung durch Technik

Audi A6 Avant 3.0TDI quattro S tronic (180 kW / 245 hj) Kiirendus 0-100 km/h: 6,3 sek; keskmine kĂŒtusekulu: 5,9 l/100 km; Keskmine CO2 emissioon: 156 g/km.

quattroÂź. Eesti teede valitseja. Legendaarse quattro nelikveoga on varustatud enam kui 140 erinevat Audi mudelit.

Audi Tallinn Paldiski mnt 100a Telefon: 611 2000 E-mail: Audi Kuressaare Tallinna tn 61a Telefon: 453 0100 E-mail: Audi PĂ€rnu Tallinna mnt 87e Telefon: 444 7130 E-mail:

autod / cars gizing performance of a sports car with benchmark efficiency. The BMW i8 Concept is the next step in the evolution of the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics. Its innovative plug-in hybrid concept combines the modified electric drive system from the BMW i3 Concept – fitted over its front axle – with a highperformance three-cylinder combustion engine producing 164 kW at rear. Working in tandem, they allow the two drive systems to display their respective talents to the full, delivering the performance of a sports car but the fuel consumption of a small car.

BMW kontseptide paraad Baieri superauto piiratud mudelivalik n  paneb autobrĂ€ndi fĂ€nnide fantaasia tööle. MĂ”ned neist panustavad oma mĂ”tete ja ideedega lausa sĂ”ltumatusse BMW arendamisse ja disaini. Üks sellise tegevuse konkreetne tulemus on M9-nimeline BMW ideeauto, mille autoriks Radion Design. BMW M9 on sportlik langetatud ninaga kaheistmeline auto. Selle esituled asetsevad kitsas pilus, mis ulatub ĂŒle kogu esiotsa laiuse ja iluvĂ”re. Khalfi Oussama uus X9 maasturkupee aga viib kummaliste BMWde mĂ”iste tĂ€iesti uuele tasemele. 18-aastase disaineri X9 looming ĂŒhendab sportlikud kupee kerejooned maasturi veeremiga. Aga ka BMW insenerid ei maga ning on tulnud vĂ€lja progressiivseima sportautoga. BMW i8 on progressi ikoon, nagu nad ise ĂŒtlevad. See ĂŒhendab sportauto energilise sĂ”idu eeskujuliku tĂ”hususega. BMW i8 Concept on samm edasi BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsi arengus. Uuenduslik plug-in hĂŒbriid ĂŒhendab modifitseeritud BMW i3 kontsepti elektrilist ajamit, mis on paigaldatud esisillale ja taha paigutatud suure jĂ”udlusega kolmesilindrilist sisepĂ”lemismootorit vĂ”imsusega 164 kW.


Tandemina töötavad mootorid vĂ”imaldavad kummagi ajamisĂŒsteemi parimate omaduste nautimist, pakkudes sportauto sĂ”iduelamust vĂ€ikeauto kĂŒtusekuluga.

BMW concept parade The lack of range in the n  Bavarian supercar manufacturers continues to stimulate the imagination of fans of this brand. Some of them go further than this and invest their thoughts and ideas into an independent design study of BMW cars. One such study, the concept labeled M9, is presented by Radion Design. BMW M9 is designed as a sporty two-seater, with a lowered nose, with headlights placed in a narrow slit that extends the entire width of the front end and grille covers. Khalfi Oussama's new X9 off-roader concept coupe takes oddball Beemers to a whole new level. The 18-year-old designer’s X9 Concept blends the sporty bodylines of a coupe with the rolling stock of an offroader. But BMW engineers are not sleeping, they have come up with the most progressive sports car. The BMW i8 is an icon of progress as they say. It combines the ener-

in time April / May 2013

as possible and for this, the new X-Class will be heavily influenced by Renault and Nissan models, but it will still offer the minimum of luxury offered by the Mercedes models. Under the hood, the upcoming X-Class will get a new 1-liter three-cylinder and a 1.5-liter four-cylinder. 2023 X-Class concept grows even bolder as you can see in the picture.

Mercedes X-klass saabub 2018. aastal

Citroën Technospace

Tulekul on uus Mercedese A-klassi n

Picasso ja C3 Picassoga on CitroĂ«n saavutanud ĂŒsna kĂ”ikumatu mahtuniversaalide turuliidri koha. NĂŒĂŒd tahab CitroĂ«n viia mahtuniversaalide disaini tĂ€iesti uuele tasemele, esitledes uut kompaktset CitroĂ«n Technospace, mis peaks turule jĂ”udma 2013. aasta teises pooles. Uus kontseptsioon viib uude ajastusse rekordmadala CO2-heitmete tasemega – 98 g/km ja kĂ”rgtehnoloogiatega nagu nĂ€iteks tĂ€ielikult puutetundlik juhtimisliides 12-tollisel kĂ”rglahutusega ekraanil.

mudel, mida kuuldavasti hakatakse mĂŒĂŒma X-klassi nime all. X-klass tuleb vĂ€lja 2018. aastal ja ehitatakse jĂ€rgmise pĂ”lvkonna Renault Clio platvormile. Et X-klassi hinda vĂ”imalikult madalal hoida, on Mercedes hoolega Renault’ ja Nissani mudelite poole vaadanud, kuid pĂŒĂŒdnud siiski sĂ€ilitada Mercedesele omast luksust. Kapoti alla pannakse kas uus 1-liitrine 3-silindriline mootor vĂ”i 1,5-liitrine 4-silindriline mootor. Nagu pildilt nĂ€ha, on 2023 X-klass muutunud veelgi julgemaks.

Mercedes X-Class will arrive in 2018 Mercedes will soon release a new modn  el placed under the current A-Class that is rumored to soon be called the X-Class. The new X-Class will be launched in 2018 and built on the next-generation Renault Clio platform. Mercedes will try to keep the price as low

April / May 2013 in time

Xsara Picasso, C4 Picasso, Grand C4 n

CitroĂ«n Technospace Concept With the Xsara Picasso, C4 Picasso, n  Grand C4 Picasso and C3 Picasso, CitroĂ«n has built a real success story by asserting itself as one of the leaders in the compact MPV segment. Now CitroĂ«n is entering a new phase in the sector by revealing the CitroĂ«n Technospace Concept, which points to the brands future compact MPV that will be released from the second half of 2013. The new concept ushers in a new era with a record CO2 emissions level of 98 g/km and technologies such as a full-touch driving interface with a high-definition 12” panoramic screen.

teadus / science molekulaarse ja meditsiinilise farmakoloogia abiprofessor. Teadlased usuvad, et vistrikulise naha leevendamiseks vĂ”ib abi olla sĂ”braliku P. Acnes bakteritĂŒve hulga suurendamisest kehas nĂ€iteks kreemi vĂ”i ihupiimaga, pakkudes nii akne kĂ€es vaevlejatele uut lootust.

Why some people get zits? The bacteria that cause n

Miks mĂ”nda inimest vaevavad vistrikud? Bakter, mis tekitab aknet, elab meie n  kĂ”igi nahal. Siiski on ĂŒhel inimesel viiest piisavalt Ă”nne, et leida endalt vaid mĂ”ni ĂŒksik vistrik terve elu jooksul. Mis on nende saladus? Teismeliste rÔÔmuks tuvastas ajakirjas Journal of Investigative Dermatology avaldatud uuring, et on olemas „halvad“ aknebakteri tĂŒved, mis tekitavad vistrikke ning „head“ bakteritĂŒved, mis vĂ”ivad nahka suisa kaitsta. Kasutades pooripuhastusplaastreid, vĂ”tsid Washingtoni Ülikooli ja Los Angelese Biomeditsiiniliste Uuringute Instituudi teadlased 49 vistrikulise ja 52 sileda nahaga vabatahtliku ninalt Propionibacterium acnes-e nĂ€idiseid, eraldasid neist bakteriaalse DNA ning seejĂ€rel tuvastasid jĂ€rjestusanalĂŒĂŒsi teel bakteritĂŒvede geneetilised markerid ning mĂ€rkisid ĂŒles, kas tĂŒve omanikul oli akne vĂ”i mitte. „Tervelt ja haigestunud nahalt leitud bakteritĂŒved olid vĂ€ga erinevad,“ ĂŒtles artikli kaasautor dr. Noah Craft, dermatoloog ja LA BioMedi Immuunoteraapia uuringute keskuse direktor. „Ilmnesid kaks unikaalset P. Acnes tĂŒve ĂŒhel viiest aknega vabatahtlikust, mida terve nahaga inimestel leidus harva.“ „Olime vĂ€ga pĂ”nevil, kui avastasime kolmanda bakteritĂŒve, mis on terve naha juures tavaline, kuid akne puhul harvaesinev. See P. Acnes tĂŒvi vĂ”ib nahka kaitsta, sarnaselt jogurtis elavatele bakteritele, mis kaitsevad soolestikku kahjulike bakterite eest,“ ĂŒtles artikli autor Huiying Li, UCLA David Geffeni Meditsiinikooli


acne live on everyone's skin, yet only one in five people is lucky enough to develop just an occasional pimple over a lifetime. What's their secret? In a boon for teenagers everywhere, a study pubished in Journal of Investigative Dermatology discovered that acne bacteria contain „bad“ strains associated with pimples and „good“ strains that may protect the skin. Using pore-cleansing strips, the researchers at Washington University and the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute lifted the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria from the noses of 49 pimply and 52 clearskinned volunteers, extracted the microbial DNA from the strips and, using sequencing, tracked a genetic marker of the bacteria to identify the strains in each volunteer's pores and recorded whether the person suffered from acne. „We learned that the bacterial strains looked very different when taken from diseased skin, compared to healthy skin,“ said co-author Dr. Noah Craft, a dermatologist and director of the Center for Immunotherapeutics Research at LA BioMed. „Two unique strains of P. acnes appeared in one out of five volunteers with acne but rarely occurred in clear-skinned people.“ „We were extremely excited to uncover a third strain of P. acnes that's common in

healthy skin, yet rarely found when acne is present. This P. acnes strain may protect the skin, much like yogurt's live bacteria help defend the gut from harmful bugs,“ said the lead author Huiying Li, an assistant professor of molecular and medical pharmacology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The researchers believe that increasing the body's friendly strain of P. acnes through the use of a simple cream or lotion may help calm spotty complexions, offering new hope to acne sufferers.

Miks meie sĂ”rmed ja varbad lĂ€hevad vees kortsuliseks? Teadlased on avastanud, et vees ligun  nemisest tulenevad kortsukesed sĂ”rmedel parandavad haardevĂ”imet mĂ€rgade vĂ”i veealuste esemete kĂ€sitsemisel. Kui kĂ€ed ja jalad on pikemat aega vees, lĂ€hevad sĂ”rmed ja varbad kortsuliseks. Varem arvati, et seda pĂ”hjustab vesi, mis tungib naha vĂ€liskihti ja ajab selle paiste, kuid selgub, et kortsukeste tekkimine on aktiivne protsess. Iseloomulikud kortsukesed tekivad nahaaluste veresoonte kokkutĂ”mbumisel. Protsessi reguleerib autonoomne nĂ€rvisĂŒsteem, mis kontrollib ka nĂ€iteks hingamist, sĂŒdame tööd ja higistamist. Efekti tekkimise pĂ”hjuste vĂ€ljaselgitamiseks uurisid Newcastle’i Ülikooli teadlased, kuidas inimesed kortsuliste ja seejĂ€rel siledate sĂ”rmedega esemeid veest vĂ€lja vĂ”tavad. Ajakirjas Biology Letters kirjutab dr Tom Smulders: „Kortsulised sĂ”rmed annavad mĂ€rgades oludes parema haarde – analoogselt auto rehvimustrile, mis suurendab teega kontaktis olevat pinda ning seega tĂ”hustab haaret. SĂ”rmede kortsuliseks muutumine vĂ”is olla abiks toidu kogumisel mĂ€rgadelt taimedelt vĂ”i mĂ€rgades tingimustes. Sama efekt varvastel vĂ”is anda meie esivanematele vihma korral parema toetuspinna.“ Uuringu kĂ€igus pidid katsealused korjama erinevas suuruses marmorkuulikesi kuivade kĂ€tega ning 30 minutit vees leotatud kortsuliste sĂ”rmedega. MĂ€rgade kuulikeste kĂ€sitsemisel oldi kortsuliste sĂ”rmedega 12% kiiremad. Kuivade kuulide liigutamisel ei tĂ€heldatud mingeid erinevusi. See annab pĂ”hjust oletada, et meie sĂ”rmedel ja varvastel olevad kortsukesed on kasulikud mĂ€rgades oludes vĂ”i mĂ€rgade esemete kĂ€sitsemiseks.

in time April / May 2013

Tere tulemast A.Le Coq Arenale! Suurenda oma mÀngupÀeva elamusi A. Le Coq Arenal suurepÀrase toidu ja veiniga, naudi emotsionaalset ja positiivset atmosfÀÀri ning sÔlmi uusi tutvusi! Ela Eesti koondisele mÔnusalt kaasa!

Ela mÔnusalt mÀngule kaasa!

VIP-TEENINDUS EESTI KOONDISE MÄNGUL Triobet Business Clubi pÀÀsmega saad nautida jĂ€rgmiseid eeliseid: Parimad istekohad kĂŒljetribĂŒĂŒni keskmises sektoris Tasuta joogid (veinid, Ă”lu, karastus- ja kuumad joogid) kogu ĂŒrituse vĂ€ltel Soe buffet Ă”htusöök (kĂŒlmad eelroad, soojad pĂ”hiroad, magustoidu valik) VĂ”imalus jĂ€lgida mĂ€ngu ka TV-ekraanidelt Meeldiv Ă”hkkond ja vĂ”imalus luua uusi kontakte Kiire sissepÀÀs staadionile Tasuta mĂ€ngukavad ja koosseisud enne mĂ€ngu Riietus: mugav, aga viisakas (smart casual)

Tule tutvu Triobet Business Clubiga jĂ€rgmistel EESTI KOONDISE kodumĂ€ngudel: 03.06.2013 Eesti - Valgevene 11.06.2013 Eesti - TĂŒrkmenistan 14.08.2013 Eesti - LĂ€ti 06.09.2013 Eesti - Holland 11.10.2013 Eesti - TĂŒrgi PÀÀsme hind 95 EUR Hinnad kehtivad ĂŒhele inimesele ja sisaldavad kĂ€ibemaksu. Tellimuse soovi korral ja info saamiseks palun kĂŒlastage, kirjutage meile vĂ”i helistage +372 627 9958 PEATOETAJA




teadus / science Liblikad tuvastavad lÔhnaga inbriide Isaste inbriiditud liblikate paaritumise n

Why we get wrinkly fingers and toes Wrinkly fingers caused by n  soaking them in water, such as in the bath or doing the washing up, have been shown to improve our grip on wet objects or objects under water. When hands or feet are in water for a long time, we get wrinkles. Once it was believed that this was the result of water passing into the outer layer of the skin making it swell up, but now it’s known that the formation of these wrinkles is an active process. The distinctive wrinkling is caused by blood vessels constricting below the skin controlled by the autonomic nervous system which controls bodily processes such as breathing, heart rate and perspiration. Scientists at Newcastle University studied people taking objects out of water with wrinkled or normal, smooth fingers to explain why the effect occurs. Dr Tom Smulders, author of the paper published in Biology Letters writes: „We have shown that wrinkled fingers give a better grip in wet conditions – it can be compared to treads on car tyres which allow more of the tyre to be in contact with the road and therefore give a better grip. This wrinkling of our fingers in wet conditions could have helped us to gather food from wet vegetation or streams. The same effect on our toes might have helped our ancestors to get a better footing in the rain.” In the study, people picked up marbles of different sizes with normal hands or with wrinkled fingers, after having soaked their hands in warm water for 30 minutes. They were 12% faster with the wet marbles if their fingers were wrinkled. Wrinkled fingers made no difference for moving dry objects. This suggests that the wrinkles on fingers and toes serve the function of improving our grip on objects under water or wet objects in general.


edukus on tihti madal. Kuid kuidas teavad emased liblikad, milliseid isaseid vĂ€ltida? Uued uuringud paljastavad, et inbriiditud isased liblikad toodavad mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrselt vĂ€hem suguferomoone, mis teeb nad emastele vĂ€hem atraktiivseks. Kuna inbriiditud isased on tihti nĂ”rgemad ja nĂ€iteks vĂ€hem vĂ”imekad pesa kaitsma vĂ”i oma jĂ€rglastele toitu hankima, eeldatakse, et emased vĂ€ldivad inbriiditud isastega paaritumist. Bicyclus anynana liblikate puhul on emasliblikale kriitiliselt oluline mitte paarituda inbriiditud isastega, kuna 50 protsenti neist on tĂ€ielikult steriilsed. Ajakirjas Proceedings of the Royal Society B avaldatud uuringu kohaselt on inbriiditud isaste ĂŒldine seisund palju halvem ning lisaks toodavad nad palju vĂ€hem suguferomoone. Uuringus lasti suures puuris kokku inbriiditud ja normaalsed isased liblikad emaste liblikatega, kellest osade katsesarved olid

kĂŒĂŒnelakiga ĂŒle vĂ€rvitud, et takistada neil isaste toodetud suguferomoonide tuvastamist. Kaetud katsesarvedega emased, kes seetĂ”ttu ei tundnud mingit lĂ”hna, ei teinud inbriiditud ja normaalsetel isastel mingit vahet ning paaritusid nendega vĂ”rdselt.

Butterflies can smell inbred The mating success of male butterflies n  is often lower if they are inbred. But how do female butterflies know which males to avoid? New research reveals that inbred male butterflies produce significantly less sex pheromones, making them less attractive to females. As inbred males are often weaker and, for instance, less able to defend the nest or provide food for their youngsters, females are expected to avoid mating with a weak inbred male. For the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, it is critical that the female avoids breeding with an inbred male as some 50 per cent of them are completely sterile. It was found in a study pubilshed in Proceedings of the Royal Society B that the general condition of the inbred males was worse, and that they also produced less sex pheromones than normal outbred males. In the study the scientists released both inbred and outbred males together with females in a large cage, painting the antennae of some of the females over with nail polish to prevent them from detecting the amount of sex pheromone produced by males. Females with the treated antennae and therefore no sense of smell had no preference and mated with inbred and normal outbred males equally.

Paarituvad teod torkavad ĂŒksteist „armunooltega“ Teod kasutavad paaritumise ajal n  meeleolu loomiseks ĆĄokolaadi ja rooside asemel „armunooli“ – teravaid ogasid, mis kasvavad tigude kehades just paaritumise eesmĂ€rgil. Umbes kolmandik kĂ”igist teoliikidest kasvatab kĂ”nealuseid ogasid, mis on kas lubjastunud (koosnevad kaltsiumkarbonaadist ehk pĂ”himĂ”tteliselt kriidist) vĂ”i kitiinist (putukate eksoskeleti materjal) ja mis paaritumisprotsessi kĂ€igus sĂ”na otseses mĂ”ttes oma partneri kehasse torgatakse. MĂ”ned uuringud on leidnud, et ogad aita-

in time April / May 2013

vad tigude spermal partneri kehas pikemalt elus pĂŒsida, toimetades torkamisel partneri kehasse tubli koguse lima ja hormoone. NĂŒĂŒd on teadlased avastanud, et miski nendes ogades omab ka teist funktsiooni: vĂ€hendab Euhadra Quaesita tigude paaritumissagedust. Tohoku Ülikooli ökoloogia ja evolutsiooni teaduskonna teadlane Kazuki Kimura uuris koos kolleegidega 50 E. Quaesita tigu. Teadlased panid teod paaridesse ning andsid neile vĂ”imaluse fĂŒĂŒsiliseks kokkupuuteks iga kahe pĂ€eva tagant. Tulemused olid selged. „Kui teod olid ĂŒksteist armunooltega torganud, siis paaritusid nad uuesti 15 pĂ€eva pĂ€rast,“ ĂŒtles Kimura. „Kui torkamist ei esinenud, siis oli intervall umbes 7 pĂ€eva.“ Kuna teod on hermafrodiidid, torkavad 2-2,5-tunnise paaritumise jooksul teist tigu mĂ”lemad partnerid. Testimaks, kas teod saavad ehk paaritumise kĂ€igus hoopis fĂŒĂŒsiliselt viga, sĂŒstisid Kimura ja tema kolleegid tigusid limaga. Teod paaritusid seejĂ€rel harvemini ka ainult hormoonide mĂ”jul, millest vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et paaritumise edasises aeglustumises ei saa torkamise fakti sĂŒĂŒdistada. „Teod jĂ€tkasid normaalset munemist, olenemata sellest, kas neid torgati vĂ”i sĂŒstiti,“ ĂŒtles Kimura. „Me arvame, et sellise mehhanismiga vĂ”ivad sperma loovutajad eeldada head viljastamise Ă”nnestumist, sest lima hoiab sperma saajat kauem uuesti paaritumast ja seda tĂ”enĂ€olisem on, et sperma doonor saab olema tigubeebide isa ning tema geenid kantakse edasi“.

Mating Snails Stab With „Love Darts“ Instead of giving each other chocon  lates or roses to get in the mood, during snail foreplay, one partner stabs the other with a so-called „love dart“- a sharp dart produced by the snail's body to aid copulation. About a third of all snail species grow these darts that are either calcareous (made of calcium carbonate, essentially

April / May 2013 in time

chalk) or chitinous (made of chitin, the substance of insect exoskeletons).The snails literally stab these darts into their partners some time during the (often) long, drawn-out mating process. Some studies have found that these darts, which deliver a healthy dose of mucus and hormones, help snail's sperm to survive longer inside its partner. Now, new research has found that something in the love dart has a second function: it makes Euhadra quaesita snails slower to re-mate. Kazuki Kimura, a researcher in the department of ecology and evolution at Tohoku University, and his colleagues studied 50 E. quaesita snails. The researchers paired snails up and gave them the opportunity to get physical every two days. The results were clear: „When snails were stabbed with the love-dart, they re-mated after 15 days,“ said Kimura. „When snails were not stabbed, the intervals were about 7 days.“ As snails are hermaphrodites, both partners stab the other during their 2-to-2.5hour mating sessions. To test whether the snails were physically harmed during mating, Kimura and colleagues injected the molluscs with snail mucus. Simply having the hormones in their bodies made the snails much less likely to mate, concluding that the physical effects of stabbing weren't to blame. The snails — whether stabbed or injected — continued to lay eggs as normal, Kimura said. „So we think that sperm donors are expected to attain high fertilization success, because the mucus keeps the sperm recipient from re-mating, making the sperm donor more likely to father baby snails and have its genes passed on.” Tekst / Text: Nele Suurna


Hooldus tagab ohutuse Iga asi, mis liigub, kulub. Lennukid koosnevad vĂ€ga paljudest liikuvatest osadest – rattad, mootorid, tiiva- ja sabaosad. Need kĂ”ik peavad olema eeskujulikus töökorras, sest vastasel juhul vĂ”ib juhtuda Ă”nnetus.

Tekst: Mariliis Pinn Fotod: scanpix, mariliis pinn


IgapĂ€evane liinihooldus Lennukit hooldatakse peaaegu iga lennu vahel. Reisijad on ehk mĂ€rganud, et enne Ă”hkutĂ”usmist kĂ€ib piloot ĂŒmber lennuki ja vaatab, kas kĂ”ik on korras. Kui midagi kahtlast mĂ€rgatakse, kutsutakse tehnikud, et viga parandada. Lennuki vĂ€ljalend vĂ”ib hilineda, kui tehnikud ei jĂ”ua viga piisavalt kiiresti likvideerida. Lennunduses on esmatĂ€htis ohutus ja isegi, kui kĂ”rvaltvaatajale vĂ”ib kĂ”rvaldamist vajav pisiviga tĂ€htsusetu tunduda, ei jĂ€eta midagi juhuse hooleks. Samuti kontrollivad tehnikud hommikul esi-

mesele lennule vĂ€ljuva lennuki ĂŒle. Kontrollitakse keredetaile, mÔÔdetakse rehvirĂ”hku jne. Estonian Airi kĂ”igile lennukitele teeb liinihoolidust Air Maintenance Estonia.

Baashooldus on pĂ”hjalikum Kui lennuk on sĂ”ltuvalt tĂŒĂŒbist ja hooldusplaanist lennanud tĂ€is ettenĂ€htud tundide arvu, lĂ€bib see baashoolduse. Kuna lennuki seisutund on kallis ja selle omanik tahab, et lennuk taas kiiresti Ă”hku tĂ”useks, töötavad Air Maintenance Estonia insenerid ja tehnikud 24 tundi ööpĂ€evas. PĂ”hjalik hooldus vĂ”ib kesta nĂ€dalast kuni kuuni. Iga hoolduse kĂ€igus vĂ”etakse lahti konkreet-

in time April / May 2013

lennundus Ennetamine ennekĂ”ike Ennetamine on kĂ”ige vĂ”ti. Autoomanikud teavad, et mootoriĂ”li tuleb vahetada lĂ€bisĂ”idu jĂ€rgi vĂ”i vĂ€hemalt kord aastas, samuti muid kiiremini kuluvaid detaile. Sageli lĂŒkatakse autohooldust edasi ning kulunud detailid asendatakse uutega siis, kui need juba katki on. Lennunduses on selline asi mĂ”eldamatu. Kui Fordi autoteenindus vĂ”ib probleemideta vahetada Ă”li ka Opeli mootoris, siis Bombardiere ei saa hooldada ettevĂ”te, millel on luba hooldada vaid Airbuse. Air Maintenance Estonia korraldab baashooldust Airbus 319, 320 ja 321 ning Boeing 737 Classic ja Next Generation’i tĂŒĂŒpi lennukitele. Estonian Airi muud marki lennukid kĂ€ivad baashoolduses teiste riikide hooldusettevĂ”tetes. Liinihooldust korraldatakse lennukitĂŒĂŒpidele SAAB 340, Embraer 170, Bombardier CRJ900, Boeing 737CL/NG ja Airbus 320 perekonda kuuluvatele lennukitele. Et hakata uut tĂŒĂŒpi lennukit hooldama, tuleb ehitada sobilik hoone, soetada spetsiaalsed tööriistad ja luua tehnilised tingimused lennuki hooldamiseks. Tuleb vĂ€lja Ă”petada tehnikud ning taotleda kohalikust lennuametist luba vastava lennukitĂŒĂŒbi hooldamiseks. Iga töö tegemiseks on spetsiaalne ruum ja koht. Angaaris on vĂ€rvi-, metalli-, rehvi-, naha-, Ă”mblus-, komposiiditöökoda ja palju muid eriruume. Komposiidi- ja vĂ€rvitöökojas on eraldi ruumid

sed lennukiosad ja vahetatakse vĂ€lja detailid, mille on ette nĂ€inud lennuki tootja. Samuti vahetatakse vĂ€lja need detailid ja struktuuriosad, mille nĂ”uetele mittevastavus on hoolduses avastatud. Lennunduses ei oodata detailide purunemist, vaid kĂ€ib pidev ennetustegevus. Lennuki disaininud insenerid on vĂ€lja arvutanud tĂ€pselt iga detaili kestvuse ja nende nĂ”rgad kohad ning pannud paika tĂ€psed hoolduse intervallid ning remondi protseduurid. Kui tehnikud leiavad vea, mille kohta hooldusmanuaalis info puudub, vĂ”etakse ĂŒhendust tootjaga. Omalooming lennuki „lappimisel” on keelatud. Tehasest saabuvad tĂ€psed instruktsioonid, kuidas vigu parandada.

April / May 2013 in time



Check-plan A Check n

A check tehakse umbes iga 500-800 lennutunni vĂ”i 200-400 lennutsĂŒkli jĂ€rel. See nĂ”uab 20-100 tundi tööd.

B Check n

Tehakse umbes iga 4-6 kuu jÀrel. See nÔuab umbes 150 töötundi ja kestab 1-3 pÀeva.

C Check n

Tehakse 15-21 kuu jĂ€rel vĂ”i kui on lĂ€bitud tootja poolt ette antud lennutunnid. See on palju suurem hooldus kui A Check ja ĂŒle vaadatakse kogu lennuk. See vĂ”tab aega 1-2 nĂ€dalat ja umbes 6000 töötundi.

n D Check

See on lennuki kĂ”ige pĂ”hjalikum hooldus. Seda tehakse umbes iga 12 aasta jĂ€rel. Selle kĂ€igus vĂ”etakse lennuk lahti ja tehakse tĂ€ielik ĂŒlevaatus. MĂ”nel juhul nĂ”utakse isegi vĂ€rvi eemaldamist ja kere metalli seisukorra kontrollimist. Hooldus kestab kuni kaks kuud, selleks kulub 24 000 töötundi.


lihvimiseks ja muudeks töödeks. VĂ”imas ventilatsioon tagab, et peenemgi tolm ruumist vĂ€lja imetakse. KĂ”ik on puhas, maas ei vedele rĂ€mpsu ja iga tööriist on omal kohal. Kui lennuk hooldusesse saabub, eemaldavad tehnikud hooldust vajavad osad ja viivad need vastavasse töökotta. Töötlust ootavaid detaile hoitakse spetsiaalses vahelaos. Tööriistaruum on iga tehniku unistus, riiulid on tĂ€idetud vĂ”imsate masinatega. RFID-sĂŒsteem aitab jĂ€rge pidada, millise lennuki juures ja kes milliseid tööriistu kasutab. Kui vahetuse lĂ”puks tehnik tööriistu ei tagasta, hakatakse neid otsima. Selleks on spetsiaalne metallidetektor.

EttevĂ”tte juht Lennukite hooldamist Air Maintenance Estonias korraldab David Williams. Ta on britt, kellel on 38 aastat lennunduskogemust, kuid ta on 25 aastat vĂ€lismaal töötanud. David on korraldanud lennukite hooldust SAS-is Stockholmis, Emirates Dubais, Abu Dhabis ja nĂŒĂŒd on ta Eestis. „Mul on olnud ainulaadne vĂ”imalus viimase kuue aasta jooksul avada kolm hooldusangaari,” rÀÀgib mees, kelle meeskond korraldas maailma suurima reisilennuki Airbus A380 baashoolduse. SeetĂ”ttu pakuti talle vĂ”imalust juhtida Air Maintenance Estonia laienemist. EttevĂ”tte uus angaar avati mullu septembris, see kasvatas ettevĂ”tte vĂ”imsust kolm korda. Seni hooldati lennukeid ĂŒhes angaaris. „Kaasaegsed hooned, professionaalsed tehnikud ja finantstoetus,” loetleb David, mida on vaja eduka lennukihooldustöökoja kĂ€imalĂŒkkamiseks. Plaanis on avada Eestis lennukite vĂ€rvimise angaar, mille jaoks on eriti karmid keskkonnanĂ”uded nii ventilatsioonile, kanalisatsioonile kui ka

kĂŒttele. Uued ja suuremad lennukid teda ei ahvatle. „KĂ”ik lennukid on pĂ”hiolemuselt sarnased – kere, tiivad, mootor, kokpit,” teab David. Eestis hooldatakse palju Euroopa ja Venemaa lennukeid. Eestil on hea asukoht ja moodsad hooned. Samal ajal on ka tehnikud väga kõrge kvalifikatsiooniga. See on meelitanud uusi kliente just Eestisse lennukeid hooldama.

Ohutus on kĂ”ige olulisem David Williams rĂ”hutab, et lennuohutus on nende töös number ĂŒks. „Kui lennuk hooldusest vĂ€ljub, siis tavapĂ€raselt lennuteste ei tehta. Lennuk vĂ”tab inimesed pardale ja lendab,” selgitab ta. Töö peab olema laitmatu. „KĂ”ige olulisemad tööd kontrollitakse ĂŒle kaks korda. Kui tehnik hooldustööd lĂ”petab, kontrollib kĂ”ik ĂŒle insener (kes ise töötegemise juures polnud), et otsus oleks sĂ”ltumatu ning et midagi poleks jÀÀnud kahe silma vahele.” Lennuki hooldus kĂ€ib rangelt ettekirjutuste jĂ€rgi. Enne tööle asumist prindib tehnik vĂ€lja dokumendi, milles on kĂ”ik tĂ€pselt kirjas, mida teha. Iga tehtud töö kinnitab ta allkirjaga. „See on dokument, mida peab lennuki omanik sĂ€ilitama kindlaksmÀÀratud perioodi,” selgitab David. Kui lennukiga midagi juhtub, tuvastatakse vea allikas ja uurijad vaatavad lennuki hooldusajaloost tĂ€pselt jĂ€rgi, kes ja mida antud detaili juures viimati tegi. Lennunduses on kontroll A ja O. Enne kui uus lennukompanii lennuki Tallinna hooldusesse saadab, kĂ€iakse Air Maintenance Estoniat auditeerimas. „Angaar peab olema puhas, iga asi omal kohal. Keegi ei taha saata oma lennukeid hoolduspaika, kus valitseb segadus,” rÀÀgib David. Auditid toimuvad tihti: „Kui kĂ”ik on korras, pole raske tĂ”estada, et teeme head tööd.”

in time April / May 2013


Maintenance as a guarantee for safety All moving parts are subject to wear and tear. Airplanes have very many movable parts in wheels, engines, wings and tail. All this must be in excellent technical condition to prevent accidents. Daily line maintenance Airplanes are maintained almost between all flights. Passengers may have noticed pilots who check the aircraft externally before takeoff and make sure that everything is in order. As soon as they detect something suspicious, they call technicians. If the technicians cannot fix it fast enough, the flight can be delayed. In aviation,

April / May 2013 in time

safety is everything and nothing is overlooked, no matter how marginal it might seem. Technicians also check the aircraft in the morning, before it makes its first flight. They check body parts, measure the pressure in the tyres, etc. Air Maintenance Estonia carries out line maintenance to all aircraft of Estonian Air.

Text: mariliis pinn Photos: scanpix, mariliis pinn


aviation Check-plan A Check n

Performed approximately after every 500–800 hours of flight or 200–400 cycles of flight. Needs about 20–100 man-hours.

B Check n

Performed approximately every 4–6 months. It needs about 150 man-hours and is usually performed within 1–3 days.

C Check n

Performed approximately every 15–21 months or a specific amount of actual flight hours as defined by the manufacturer. This maintenance check is much more extensive than a B Check, as the whole aircraft is inspected. The time needed to complete such a check is generally 1–2 weeks and the effort involved can require up to 6000 man-hours.

D Check n

This is by far the most comprehensive and demanding check for an airplane. Performed approximately every 12 years. It is a check that, more or less, takes the entire airplane apart for inspection and overhaul. Also, if required, the paint may need to be completely removed for further inspection on the fuselage metal skin. Such a check will usually demand around 24,000 man-hours and it can generally take up to 2 months to complete.


Base maintenance is more comprehensive Once an aircraft has operated a certain number of hours, depending on the type of aircraft and maintenance plan, it will go into base maintenance. Since the aircraft idle time is expensive and owners want their aircraft to start flying as soon as possible, engineers and technicians of Air Maintenance Estonia work round the clock. Comprehensive maintenance may take from a week up to a month. In every maintenance, technicians disassemble certain aircraft parts and replace the components required by the aircraft manufacturer. If they discover additional components and structural parts that do not comply with the requirements, they will also be replaced. In aviation, the key is to prevent breakdown. The engineers who design aircraft, calculate the durability of all components, their weaknesses and, depending on this information, determine the maintenance intervals and repair procedures. If technicians find an error that is not listed in the maintenance manual, they contact the manufacturer. All unauthorized solutions are prohibited. Aircraft makers deliver accurate instructions on how to repair faults.

It starts with prevention Prevention is the key. Car owners know that they need to change engine oil based on mileage or once a year at the latest. So should be done to the wearing parts. They often postpone car maintenance and replace worn components once they are broken. In aviation, this kind of behaviour is out of question.

While a Ford car service can change oil also in an Opel, an aircraft maintenance company that is licensed to maintain only Airbus aircraft cannot work on Bombardier. Air Maintenance Estonia provides base maintenance for Airbus 319, 320 and 321, Boeing 737 Classic and Next Generation type aircraft. Other types of aircraft used by Estonian Air are serviced in other countries. Line maintenance is provided for aircraft in the SAAB 340, Embraer 170, Bombardier CRJ900, Boeing 737CL/NG and Airbus 320 family. For maintaining a new type of aircraft, a suitable building, special tools and technical conditions for aircraft maintenance are necessary, as well as trained technicians and maintenance permit from the local civil aviation authority. A proper maintenance hangar has special premises and locations for each operation – for painting, for metalwork, for tyres, leather, sewing and composite operations. The composite and painting workshop has a special space for sanding and other jobs. Powerful air ventilation guarantees that even the finest dust is sucked out. Everything is clean and every tool has its place. When the aircraft arrives to maintenance, technicians remove parts that must be maintained and take them to a specified workshop. Components that are waiting for maintenance are kept in special interim storage rooms. The tool room is a dream for every technician: shelves filled with powerful tools and an RFID system tracking which tools are being used at which aircraft. If a technician doesn’t return his tool at the end of the shift, a special metal detector is used to find them.

in time April / May 2013

aviation Managing director In Air Maintenance Estonia, aircraft maintenance is managed by David Williams. He is British with 38 years of aviation experience, but has worked abroad for the past 25 years. David has been managing aircraft maintenance for SAS in Stockholm, for Emirates in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and is now working in Estonia. „I have had the unique opportunity to open three maintenance hangars in the last six years,” says the man whose team organized base maintenance for the world’s largest passenger aircraft Airbus A380. This was also why he was offered to manage the expansion of Air Maintenance Estonia. The company’s new hangar was opened last September and tripled the company’s capacity. Until then, aircraft maintenance was done in one hangar. „Modern buildings, professional technicians and financial support,” says David, listing the essential components of successful aircraft maintenance. The company plans to open an aircraft painting hangar in Estonia that needs to meet extremely tough environmental requirements for air ventilation, sewerage and heating. David is not attracted to maintaining new and bigger aircraft. „Essentially, all aircraft are similar – aircraft body, wings, engine and cockpit,” he says. Estonia is a popular location for maintenance for European and Russian aircraft. It is well situated and a modern facility. At the same time, the technicians are very highly qualified. This has attracted many new customers to maintain their aircraft in Estonia.

Safety is priority David Williams emphasizes that in his work flight safety comes first. „Aircraft that comes out of maintenance is not usually flight tested. It will take passengers on board and start flying,” he explains. This means that work must be impeccable. „The most important jobs are double-checked. When a technician completes maintenance, it is checked by an engineer who did not participate in the process, so the decision would be independent and nothing overlooked.” Aircraft maintenance must comply with strict requirements. Before starting work, a technician prints out a document that lists all maintenance operations that must be done. Every completed job is signed. „The aircraft owner must pre-

April / May 2013 in time

serve this document for a certain period,” explains David. Then, if something happens to the aircraft, it is possible to identify the source of the problem and find out who exactly did what and when. Inspection in aviation is everything. Before a new airline sends its aircraft to maintenance in Tallinn, they audit Air Maintenance Estonia. „The hangar must be clean and everything in its place. No-one wants to maintain their aircraft in a place that’s a mess,” says David. Audits are conducted frequently. „If everything is in order, it’s not hard to prove that we work well.”



Like A Local teeb mobiilist kohaliku sÔbra

Fotod: Like A Local

Like A Local on valmis saanud iPhone’i rakenduse, mis aitab turistil vÔÔras linnas ĂŒles leida kohalike lemmikkohti.

Like A Local rakendus Hetkel on App Store’is kĂ€ttesaadav iOS n

versioon, mis töötab Open Street Mapi baasil ilma internetiĂŒhenduseta. Peagi valmivad ka Androidi ja Windows Phone rakendused. Rakendusest on olemas piiratud kasutusajaga tasuta versioon ja tasuline versioon. LigipÀÀsu rakenduse tasuta kasutamiseks vĂ”ib teenida ka sisusse panustades. Like A Locali abil on vĂ”imalik avastada n  Tallinnat, Tartut, PĂ€rnut, Riiat, Vilniust, Helsingit ja Stockholmi. Plaanis on katta kĂ”ik suuremad linnad Euroopas ja peagi ka maailmas. Mobiilirakendusega saab tellida ekskursioone ja nĂ€ha parimaid pakkumisi. Paberkaardid on Tallinna, Riia, Helsingi, Vilniuse, Tartu ja PĂ€rnu kohta. Sel aasn  tal tulevad uued kaardid Stockholmi ja Berliini kohta. Kaarte saab turismiinfokeskustest, hotellidest ja hostelitest.


Nutikas infovoog

nĂ€itab iPhone'i kasutajale tema ĂŒmber paiknevaid hetkel avatud söögikohti ning töötab internetiĂŒhenduseta. Tegemist on esimese Eestis tehtud reisirakendusega, mis on kasvamas ĂŒlemaailmseks ning pakub globaalset platvormi, et kohalikud saaksid nö ametlikule turismile alternatiivse linnajuhi luua ĂŒkskĂ”ik kus maailma paigas. Like A Locali asutaja Ülane Vilumetsa sĂ”nul sai Like A Locali idee alguse sellest, et hakati vĂ€lja andma paberkaarte, kus on peal pĂ”nevad kohad, kuid kuhu turist ei pruugi sattuda. Mobiilirakenduse idee autor on Kalev KĂŒlaase, kes kĂ€is ĂŒmbermaailmareisil ja veendus, et idee peaks suuremaks ja rahvusvahelisemaks kasvatama. Nii sĂŒndiski mobiilne rakendus. Ülane Vilumets meenutab oma esimest reisi Pariisi, mil kĂŒlastas Eiffeli torni ja muid tuntud turismiatrakstioone. „JĂ€rgmisel Pariisi reisil viisid kohalikud meid immigrantide linnossa ja oma lemmikrestoranidesse, kus nad ise söövad. See oli hoopis eksootilisem maailm,” meenutab Vilumets. Rakenduse sisu loovad kohalikud, kes linna tunnevad, mitte linna ĂŒks kord kĂŒlastanud reisiajakirjanikud vĂ”i turistid. Ülane selgitab, et kaastööliseks saamisel on karmid nĂ”uded ja info kontrollitakse ĂŒle. Info on ajas pidevalt muutuv, kuna kohalikel tekivad uued lemmikpaigad ning mĂ”ni koht vĂ”ib tegevuse lĂ”petada. „Iga pĂ€ev tuleb uusi kaastöö pakkumisi,” lisab ta. Paljud kasutavad Like A Locali paberkaarte Tallinna avastamisel ja leiavad seetĂ”ttu mobiilirakenduse ning soovivad ka oma kodulinna kohta info sisestada. „Sooviavaldusi tuleb nii Rumeeniast, Islandilt, kui isegi LĂ”una-Ameerikast.” Kui tahad linna nautida nagu kohalik, soovitab Ülane vĂ€ltida söögikohti, millel ripub suur ingliskeelne silt, mis teatab, et just siin pakutakse kohalikku traditsioonilist toitu. „Ka lendlehtede jagajad ja sissekutsujad on mĂ€rk turistile suunatud kohast,” lisab ta.

in time April / May 2013


Like A Local, a local friend in your mobile Photos: Like A Local

Smart information flow shows the user interesting establishments in the area that are open and works without Internet access. This is the first travel application developed in Estonia that is now going global and offers a worldwide platform for creating an alternative city guide to official tourist guides in any town of the world. Ülane Vilumets, founder of Like A Local says that the initial idea was to publish paper maps of interesting local establishments that are not included in official tourist guides. The mobile app was created by Kalev KĂŒlaase who went on a round-the-world trip and became convinced that the concept should be expanded and internationalized. This is how the mobile application was born. Ülane Vilumets recalls her first trip to Paris and how she visited the Eiffel Tower and other popular tourism attractions. „The next time, locals took us to the immigrant districts and to their favourite restaurants – this was much more exotic,” recalls Vilumets.

The content of the application is created by locals who know the city inside out, instead of travel journalists or tourists who are visiting the town. Ülane explains that there are rigorous requirements for becoming a content contributor and all information is checked. Information is constantly updated as locals develop new favourite locations and some locations may go out of business. „We get offers to add content every day,” she says. Many contributors are tourists who have been using paper maps of Like A Local for Tallinn sightseeing, and then wish to include information about their home town. „We have received requests from Romania, Iceland and even South America.” To enjoy a city like a local, avoid dining places advertising local national dishes on large signs in English. „Also people handing out fliers and inviting you to enter are signs of a tourist location,” adds Ülane.

Like A Local has developed an iPhone application that helps tourists to find local favourite places in towns.

Like A Local app At present the App Store offers an iOS n

version that is based on Open Street Map without Internet connection. Soon apps for Android and Windows Phone will become available. Customers can choose between a free version with limited time of use and a paid service. Access to free application can also be earned by contributing to the content. Like A Local enables to discover n  Tallinn, Tartu, PĂ€rnu, Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki and Stockholm. There are plans to expand the service to cover all the larger towns in Europe and the world. Mobile app enables to book excursions and see the best sights. There are paper maps of Tallinn, Riga, n  Helsinki, Vilnius, Tartu and PĂ€rnu. This year new maps will become available for Stockholm and Berlin. Maps are also available in tourist information centres, hotels and hostels.

April / May 2013 in time


Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-JĂ”esuu SillamĂ€e JÄRVE JĂ”hvi RAKVERE NARVA PĂŒssi KiviĂ”li Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia MĂ”isakĂŒla TĂ”rva



History Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.


Elva OtepÀÀ




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  PĂ€rnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 68,7% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 24,8%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  MunamĂ€gi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7° C in n  January and +22° C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.





Government Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n  Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n  members, is elected every 4 years. The Estonian State Portal n  is a secure Internet environment through which Estonian residents can easily access the state’s e-services and information.

Currency As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n  of the euro-zone.


their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet. In 2000 the Government changed n  Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at

Education Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n  year olds. Most of the 540 schools are state schools. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.

The official language is Estonian. Engn  lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

Religion 80% of all believers are Protestant n  Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 77% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 29 March – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

in time April / May 2013


Welcome to Estonian Air

About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


pĂŒsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub Àrireisijatele n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

ja turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, BrĂŒsselisse, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi ja Vilniusesse. Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, Brussels n  Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen ja SAAB n  340 tĂŒĂŒpi lennukeid.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Trondheim and Vilnius. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, n  Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France.

in time April / May 2013

pĂŒsikliendile / for the loyal customer 2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tĂŒtarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lĂŒhemaid lende Eesti lĂ€hinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tĂ€napĂ€eva lennunduse kaalukaim n  kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kĂ”rgemate lennuohutusnĂ”uetega.

Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepĂ€rast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kĂ”rval vastutustundliku ettevĂ”tluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada lĂ€bipaistvus ja eetilisus, vĂ€hendada ökoloogilist jalajĂ€lge, suhtuda vÀÀrikalt klientidesse ja Ă€ripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusvÀÀrne partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n  liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmĂ€rkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen and n  SAAB 340 aircraft. In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

Corporate Social responsibility Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n  be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Air newsletter Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan  tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm

EuroBonus programme

Estonian Airi ametlik pĂŒsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n

Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n

mis on Skandinaavia ĂŒks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud pĂŒsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud ĂŒle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, WiderĂže, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi pĂ”himĂ”te on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse Eurobonuse programmi liiget emailiga. Lisainfot: collecting-eurobonus-points/

EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerþe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/collecting-eurobonus-points/

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on vĂ”imalik kasutada preemiareisiks kĂ”ikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti vĂ”ib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sĂ”pradele vĂ”i tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on vĂ”imalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis vĂ”i EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile vĂ”i helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspĂ€evast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

April / May 2013 in time

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


pĂŒsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn

Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius




Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, BrĂŒssel, Kiiev, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi




Amsterdam, Brussels, Kiev, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg






Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjÀrele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pÀrast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi Àrikliendiprogramm pakub ettevÔtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvÔimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi Àriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pĂ€rast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vĂ€ltel vĂ”imalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame jĂ€rgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevĂ”tte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ĂŒletab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis vĂ”i paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi jĂ€rele kaob, on teil vĂ”imalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hĂŒvitatakse (vĂ€lja arvatud teenustasu).

LisavÀÀrtus Hea kohtade saadavus, Ă€riklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg Ă€raantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja vĂ€ljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb vĂ”imalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt Ă€riklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv Ă€rikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpĂ€ev lĂ€bi. Rohkem infot:

SME Ă€rikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME Ă€rikliendiprogramm on mĂ”eldud vĂ€ikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevĂ”tetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Programme Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time April / May 2013

pĂŒsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tĂ€htajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute vÀÀrtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ĂŒhe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida jĂ€rgmiste ostudega Ă€rikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pĂ€rast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel pĂ€eval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevĂ”tte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpĂ€ev lĂ€bi ning lennupiletite eest on vĂ”imalik tasuda krediitkaardi vĂ”i pangaĂŒlekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jĂ€tkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupĂ€ev ja tasuge.

April / May 2013 in time

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.


enne lendu / before the flight



Estonian Airi koostööpartner pakub ĂŒle saja tuhann

Estonian Air co-operation partner gives you the n

de erineva hinnaklassi ja tasemega hotelli kogu maailmas. Paljude vÀlismaiste hotellide kohta on olemas ka eestikeelsed kirjeldused. keskkonnast leiate kindlasti sobiva hinna ja tasemega hotelli. Soovime mugavat ja rahulikku ööbimist reisil.

possibility to choose between thousands of accommodation facilities all over the world. We are pretty sure that you will find a suitable accommodation for fair price. Have a peaceful and enjoyable stay!


Car rental

Reisil on sageli soov autoga ringi liikuda, et oleks mugavust n

Renting a car gives you freedom to move as you wish and n

ja vabadust. Estonian Airi koostööpartner CarTrawler vahendab paljusid autorendifirmasid ĂŒle kogu maailma. Saate ise reastada erinevaid pakkumisi, kas parima hinna vĂ”i lemmik autorendifirma jĂ€rgi. HĂ€id elamusi ja ohutut liiklemist.

makes your trip more convenient. Estonian Air co-operation partner CarTrawler offers car rental companies from all over the world. Pick yourself a car based on attractive fare or choose your favourite company. Travel safe and enjoy your trip!


Web check-in

E-registreerimine vĂ”imaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trĂŒkkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast vĂ€ljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipĂ€rast vĂ€ljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii kĂ€sikui ka Ă€raantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas vĂ”ib kĂ€sipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi Ă€raandmislauas vĂ€ljalennu pĂ€eval. Pagasi Ă€raandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne vĂ€ljalendu.

Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on vĂ”imalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupĂ€evale eelneval pĂ€eval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne vĂ€ljalendu. Nii saab vĂ€ltida eelkĂ”ige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise jĂ€rjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel pĂ€eval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi Ă€ra andnud, on


Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time April / May 2013

enne lendu / before the flight soovitatav olla lennujaamas vÀhemalt 45 minutit enne vÀljalendu, et jÔuaks lÀbida turvakontrolli.

Business Class lounge Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

Äriklassi ootesaal Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n  mugavat Ă€riklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, vĂ”imaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta Ă€riklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sĂ”ltumata reisiklassist).

Pardale lubatav kĂ€sipagas Lennuki salongi vĂ”ib reisija kaasa vĂ”tta kĂ€sipagasi, mille n  mÔÔtmed ei ĂŒleta 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. KĂ€sipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse vĂ”i eesoleva istme alla. KĂ€sipagasi mÔÔtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevĂ”imet ei tohi ĂŒletada ega vahekĂ€igus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet vĂ€ikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% tĂ€iskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sĂŒnnipĂ€evani) kehtib allahindlus 33% tĂ€iskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vĂ€hemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vĂ€ltel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja vĂ”i nende poolt ametlikult mÀÀratud isik). Ka ĂŒksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vĂ€hemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ĂŒhe suuna kohta ĂŒhe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed vĂ”ivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on vĂ”imalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada vĂ”ib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sĂŒgavus ei ĂŒleta 65 cm ja kĂ”rgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise pĂ”nevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kĂ”nekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist vĂ€ljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (vĂ€lja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse vĂ”ib lennuki salongi vĂ”tta vaid jĂ€rgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ĂŒletada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa vĂ”tta vaid ĂŒhe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et Ă”hku satuks vĂ”imalikult vĂ€he allergeene – kaasreisijate seas vĂ”ib olla allergikuid.

April / May 2013 in time

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


enne lendu / before the flight Nautige mugavust ja privaatsust

Enjoy space and comfort

Estonian Air pakub tühja kõrvalistme tellimise võimalust. See n

Estonian Air is offering Empty Seat Option which is meant for n

on mõeldud reisijatele, kes soovivad lennata mugavamalt ning privaatsemalt. Tühja kõrvalistet saab tellida Estonian Airi kodulehelt Igale lennule eraldatakse limiteeritud arv tühje istekohti, sõltuvalt lennu täituvusest. Reisijale, kes on tellinud tühja kõrvalistme, saadetakse selle kohta kinnitus e-posti aadressile üks kuni kolm päeva enne väljalendu ja mitte hiljem kui neli tundi enne lennu plaanipärast väljumist. Kui tühja kõrvalistet ei ole võimalik eraldada, tagastatakse selle eest tasutud summa automaatselt pärast lennu väljumist viie tööpäeva jooksul. NB! Tühja kõrvalistme teenust saab internetikeskkonnas tellida inglise keeles.

travellers who like privacy and wish to be even more comfortable during their flight. In order to book an empty seat go to Estonian Air website Note that only a limited number of options are offered for each flight which is based on the availability of each flight. If you have assigned for an empty seat(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail normally 1-3 days before the date of departure but no later than 4 hours before departure. If you are not assigned to empty seat(s), the empty seat price for that flight will be automatically refunded to you within five business days after flight departure.

Telli toit ette Estonian Air pakub Travel-klassi reisijatele võimalust lennule n  toit ette tellida. Toiduvalikus on nii maitsvad kerged suupisted kui ka toekamad söögid: Caesari salat kanaga, sea sisefilee ürdivõiga, pannkoogid ja võileivad. Pakutakse ka joogist ja suupistetest koosnevaid komplekte. Ettetellimismenüüd on koostatud vastavalt lennu sihtkohale ja kestusele. Reisijad saavad toitu ette tellida hiljemalt 36 tundi enne lennu väljumist. On võimalik teha üllatus oma lähedastele, sõpradele või kolleegidele, tellides neile ette näiteks klaasi šampanjat või koogi.

VĂ€ikebussi teenus Tallinn Airport Shuttle’i vĂ€ikebuss viib kliendi Tallinna Lennun  jaamast soovitud sihtkohta linnas. Kliendi pagasi eest hoolitseb bussijuht. SĂ”ita pĂŒĂŒtakse soovitud sihtkohale nii lĂ€hedale, nagu liikluskorraldus vĂ”imaldab. Shuttle-bussidel pole kindlat vĂ€ljumisgraafikut. Nad alustavad iga pĂ€ev kell 12.00 ja on vastas igal Tallinna saabuval lennul. Lennujaamast sĂ”idetakse klientidega vĂ€lja siis, kui esimese reisija bussi tulekust on möödas veerand tundi vĂ”i kui buss on reisijaid tĂ€is. Viimane Shuttle-buss vĂ€ljub lennujaamast pĂ€rast seda, kui kĂ”ik reisijad Ă”htuselt Amsterdamist saabunud lennult on oma pagasi kĂ€tte saanud, s.o kella 23.30 paiku. Buss on kĂ€igus seitse pĂ€eva nĂ€dalas. Pileteid Shuttle-bussile saab osta saabuvate lendude saalist Airport Shuttle'i lipuga klienditeeninduse letist. Kliente teenindatakse nii eesti, inglise kui ka vene keeles ja maksta saab kaardi vĂ”i sularahaga. SĂ”it Airport Shuttle’iga maksab viis eurot, sĂ”ltumata sihtkohast Tallinna piires. Klienditeenindaja on alati valmis andma nĂ”u ja abi ka muudes Tallinna puudutavates kĂŒsimustes. Lisainformatsioon: Klienditeeninduse telefon: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Lenda soodsalt Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  vĂ”imaluse lennata vĂ€ga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kĂ”iki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes vĂ”tavad kaasa vaid kĂ€sipagasi, pakub Estonian Air vĂ”imalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk Ă€raantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavĂ”etavat kĂ€sipagasit (kuni 8 kg).


Pre-order meals Estonian Air offers its Travel Class passengers the opportunity n  to pre-order meals. Customers can choose from light snacks to steaks. The menu includes, for example, Caesar salad with chicken, pork tenderloin with herb butter, pancakes and sandwiches, while different drink and snack combos are also available. The pre-order menu selection varies according to the flight destination and time. Passengers can pre-order delicious meals no later than 36 hours before the departure time. This opportunity can also be used to the surprise loved ones, a friend or a colleague by ordering a glass of champagne or a cake for him or her.

Airport Shuttle Tallinn Airport Shuttle bus takes customers from Tallinn Airport n  to their chosen destination in Tallinn. The bus driver takes care of the passengers’ luggage and will always try to get as close to the desired location as the traffic allows. The Shuttle buses don't have a particular departure timetable. They start their work at 12:00 and meet every plane arriving in Tallinn. The bus only leaves the airport 15 minutes after the first passenger has entered the bus or when the bus is filled with passengers. The last shuttle bus from the airport departs after all the passengers of the evening flight from Amsterdam have received their luggage, i.e. around 23:30. This is how it works 7 days a week. Tickets for the Shuttle bus can be bought either from the flight hall or the customer service counter that has an Airport Shuttle flag. Besides the Estonian language, customers are also served in English and Russian. You can pay either by card or in cash. The ticket for the Airport Shuttle is €5, no matter what the destination is within the city of Tallinn. The counter staff are also at hand to give you advice on other questions connected with Tallinn. Additional information: Customer Service: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Best prices Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn  chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros.

in time April / May 2013

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

KaasavÔetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada vĂ”ib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol vĂ”idakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas ĂŒle ametivĂ”imudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Suitsetamine ja elektroonika

Smoking & electronic devices regulations

Suitsetamine on keelatud kĂ”igil Estonian Airi lendudel. n  Kaasaskantavad elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat vĂ”i vastuvĂ”tjat, vĂ”ivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisĂŒsteemi, mistĂ”ttu nende kasutamine lennu ajal on keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei vĂ”i kasutada lennuki tĂ”usul ja maandumisel. Enne Ă”hkutĂ”usu vĂ”ib mobiiltelefon olla sisse lĂŒlitatud hetkeni, mil kĂ”ik lennukiuksed on suletud. PĂ€rast maandumist vĂ”ib telefoni sisse lĂŒlitada kohe, kui reisijate uks on peale lennuki lĂ”plikku peatumist avatud.

Lisateenused Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n  valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. MĂ”ned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

April / May 2013 in time

Smoking is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including n  charter flights. Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft's navigation system and may not be used during the flight. Other electronic equipment may not be used during take-off and landing. Before departure, mobile phone is allowed to be switched on until all aircraft doors are closed. After landing, phone can be switched on right after the passenger door is – after the final stop of the aircraft – opened again.

Additional services In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n  most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.


lennujaamade info / airport information




Soovitame tulla lennujaama vĂ€hemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jÀÀks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli lĂ€bimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki vĂ€ljumist.

Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.




Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Hall A. To town: 20 min by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.

Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.


Estonian Air flights depart from the n

Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal D. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.




main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE EEstonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 2D. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

TALLINN LENNART MERI AIRPORT To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n  5 min by taxi.


To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

in time April / May 2013

lennujaamade info / airport information Tere tulemast Tallinna Lennujaama! Tallinna Lennujaam on esimene lennujaam n  maailmas, kes pakub reisijatele tasuta WiFi-t. Lisaks on vĂ”imalik kasutada tasuta 14 internetikioskit ning Skype telefonikabiini. Kauplustest leiad laia valiku tooteid ja söögikohtadest maitsva kĂ”hutĂ€ie vĂ”i mĂ”nusa kohvi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

Welcome to Tallinn Airport! Tallinn Airport is the first airport in the n  world that offers free Wi-Fi. You can also use free Internet booths and unique Skype booths. Airport boutiques offer wide range of merchandise and restaurants offer full meal or nice place for coffee.

April / May 2013 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Embraer 170






850 km/h


Flight distance

2200 km

Maksimaalne lennukÔrgus

Maximum flying altitude

12 300 m




Ridadevaheline kaugus

Seat pitch

79 cm

Lennuki pikkus

Aircraft length

29,9 m

Tiibade ulatus


26 m

Lennuki kÔrgus

Aircraft height

9,8 m

Maksimaalne stardikaal

Maximum take-off weight

35 990 kg








882 km/h


Flight distance

2200 km

Maksimaalne lennukÔrgus

Maximum flying altitude

12 500 m




Ridadevaheline kaugus

Seat pitch

79 cm

Lennuki pikkus

Aircraft length

36,20 m

Tiibade ulatus


24,85 m

Lennuki kÔrgus

Aircraft height

7,51 m

Maksimaalne stardikaal

Maximum take-off weight

36 514 kg

SAAB 340

Saab 340




GE CT7-5A2



460 km/h


Flight distance

750 km

Maksimaalne lennukÔrgus

Maximum flying altitude

7620 m




Ridadevaheline kaugus

Seat pitch

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Lennuki pikkus

Aircraft length

19,73 m

Tiibade ulatus


21,44 m

Lennuki kÔrgus

Aircraft height

6,97 m

Maksimaalne stardikaal

Maximum take-off weight

12 700 kg

in time April / May 2013

sihtkohad / route map

April / May 2013 in time


Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vĂ€hemalt kaks tundi enne piletil mĂ€rgitud vĂ€ljalennu aega, vĂ€lja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise vĂ”imalust. LĂ€htevĂ€ravas tuleb olla pardakaardile mĂ€rgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  ‱ pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) ‱ pass vĂ”i rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) ‱ pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis vĂ€lja antud juhiluba, ĂŒliĂ”pilas- vĂ”i Ă”pilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel vĂ”ib inimese kohta olla ĂŒks ĂŒhik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetĂ”ttu tuleb piletit ostes tĂ€helepanelik olla. KĂ”igil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. JĂ€tkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kĂ”igepealt ĂŒles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad vĂ”i esindajad, kellelt saab kĂŒsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate Ă”iguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb ĂŒle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele sĂŒĂŒa-juua ja sidevĂ”imalust (nĂ€iteks kaks tasuta telefonikĂ”net). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal Ă”igus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevĂ”tja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nĂ”us loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hĂŒvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel Ă”igus hĂŒvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele vĂ”imalusele sihtkohta jĂ”udmiseks vĂ”i piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel Ă”igus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tĂŒhistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hĂŒvitamist vĂ”i muid vĂ”imalusi lĂ”ppsihtkohta jĂ”udmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel Ă”igus hĂŒvitisele (125-600 eurot), vĂ€lja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel vĂ”i kui tĂŒhistamisest on teavitatud vĂ€hemalt kaks nĂ€dalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb vĂ”i kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme pĂ€eva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 pĂ€eva pĂ€rast. Lisainfo:; n vĂ”i nĂ”uandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  ‱ Passport (international flights, outside the EU) ‱ Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) ‱ Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm


Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter


CUSTOMER SERVICE In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 € + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Service available Mo-Fri 9 am-5.30 pm (EET, CET+1)


Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail


Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


Phone 16 101 Mo-Fri 9 am-5.30 pm E-mail

Cargo service ConcordeAviation

63 rue de Passy, 75016 Paris – France Phone +33 (0) 140 50 77 87 Fax +33 (0) 140 50 04 17 E-mail

in time April / May 2013











Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, SissepÀÀs isikut tÔendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Big Bang Ferrari. UNICO column wheel chronograph movement, 72-hour power reserve. Entirely manufactured by Hublot. Titanium case and sapphire dial. Interchangeable strap. Limited edition of 1000 pieces.

Suur-Karja 9 ‱ 10140 Tallinn ‱ Estonia +372 641 9333 ‱ ‱

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