In Time, December 2012

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inflight magazine December 2012

Green winter wonderland – Copenhagen Religious Christmas in Estonia

Kaupo Kikkas

Fashion glam Escape to glaciers of Argentina

finds people in cities and jungles your complimentary copy

Marine Chronometer Manufacture Manufacture chronometer movement with Silicium technology. Self-winding. Water-resistant to 200 m. 18 ct rose gold case. Available also on rubber strap or gold bracelet. Limited Edition to 350 pieces. W W W . U LY S S E - N A R D I N . C O M

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - 1 0 1 4 0 Ta l l i n n - E s t o n i a Te l . + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

Jan Palmér Estonian Airi tegevjuht CEO of Estonian Air

Muutuste aeg

A need to adapt

Euroopa lennundus elab üle keerulisi aegu: kütuse hind on kõrge, turg äärmiselt konkurentsitihe, finantskriis avaldab mõju. Lahendus on muutuses. Vaid kohanemisvõimelised lennuettevõtted jäävad turule püsima. Oleme Estonian Airis otsustanud jätkata Tallinnast algavate ja lõppevate liinide teenindamist ning kohandame äristrateegiat, pöördudes tagasi esialgse põhiliinisüsteemi juurde. Anname endast parima, et teenindada võimalikult palju liine, kuid sealjuures peab ettevõte kasumlik olema. Väikeriigile nagu Eesti on äärmiselt oluline, et oleks piisavalt ühendusi naabrite ja muu maailmaga. Ettevõtjad, turismitööstus ja puhkajad vajavad nii palju õhuühendusi kui võimalik. Eestil kui riigil ja Estonian Airil kui lennukompaniil on pikas perspektiivis ühised strateegilised huvid, et kindlustada tugev ja hea arenguperspektiiv tulevasteks aastateks. Head kliendid, te märkate mõningaid muutusi meie sihtkohtades ja pakutavas lennugraafikus. Teeme kõik, et need muutused võimalikult vähe mõjutaksid teie reisiplaane.

European aviation is going through challenging times – high oil price, financial crises and a very competitive market. The key words are change, change and change again. Only airlines with the ability to adapt will stay in the market. We at Estonian Air have decided to continue to serve the market from and to Tallinn and therefore we will adjust our business strategy and return to our core route system. We will do our best to serve as many destinations as we can, with the proviso that the company has to be profitable. For a small country like Estonia it is of utmost importance to have efficient connections with its neighbouring countries and the rest of the world. The business community, the tourist industry and leisure travelling in general need as many air link connections as possible. Estonia as a country and Estonian Air as an airline has a common interest in a long term strategy to create stability and confidence which will generate a strong and healthy development in the years to come. You, our customer, will notice some changes concerning destinations and the time tables we offer. We are doing our best to ensure that these changes have as little impact as possible on your travelling needs.

Tere tulemast pardale ja meeldivat ning turvalist lendu!

December 2012


Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 6401 101 Tootja: RKontor

I welcome you on board and wish you a safe and pleasant flight!

Trükikoda: AS Pajo Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air,

Reklaam: Nordicom Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Kaupo Kikkas Fotograaf / Photographer: Kaupo Kikkas

in time December 2012


Suur-Karja 9, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 641 9333 -

Priit Hõbemägi kolumnist

Kui lennates hakkab igav… Lendamine

on ideaalne olukord lõõgastumiseks, mõtisklemiseks, lugemiseks või tukkumiseks. Lugemine on neist üks eelistatumaid. Mõnes Euroopa lennujaamas on eriti head raamatukauplused, kus ümberistumise ajal meelt lahutada. Kunagi ostsin igalt lennureisilt kaasa mõne põneva raamatu, kuid pärast tahvelarvuteid on lihtsam raamatud (või filme, ajakirju, reisijuhte jms) juba kodus valmis osta ning arvutisse laadida. Kuna nutitelefon on pea igaühel ning tahvelarvuti igal teisel, siis pakun siin väikese valiku enda järeleproovitud rakendusi.

Omapärane on ühe suure lennufirma toodetud rakendus „The Timekiller”, mida saab mängida nii mobiiltelefonis kui tahvelarvutis. Rakenduses on neli mängu: „Hamstri keerutamise” käigus tuleb telefoni pidevalt 360 kraadi võrra keerata, et ekraanil olev hamster hakkaks jooksurõngas lippama. „Propelleri puhumine” seisneb selles, et telefoni alumisse otsa tuleb nii kõvasti puhuda, et ekraanil olev tiivik hakkaks pöörlema. Kannatusmängus tuleb sõrmeotsa võimalikult kaua hoida ekraanil oleval mõttepilvekesel. Sõrmedega saab proovida ka ekraanil liikuvates jalajälgedes käimist. Oht on muidugi selles, et kui hakata heast peast telefoni keerutama, selle sisse puhuma või ekraanil sõrmedega siblima, siis tuleb kannatada kaasreisijate kaastundlikke pilke… 8

Lihtne, kuid haarav mäng on klassikaline „Frisbee”, kus sõrmeotsaga lendu saadetud frisbitaldrik läbib sihtmärke ning mida saab telefoni kallutades juhtida.

Neile, kes lendavad mõnele rokk-kontserdile, on eriti sobiv rakendus „Virtual Zippo Lighter’it”. Mobiiliekraanil saab disainida oma unikaalse välgumihkli ja selle ekraanil sõrmenipsuga süüdata. Värelev leek reageerib telefoni kallutamisele. Kontserdil tuleb vaid välgumihkel ekraanil süüdata ja telefon pea kohale tõsta! Autosõpradest tahvelarvutite omanikele on loodud populaarse BBC telesaate „Top Gear’i” nimeline täiesti mitte-interaktiivne ajaveetmismäng, kus tuleb otsida tihedalt täisjoonistatud piltidelt peidetud kujundeid ja Top Gear’i saatejuhte. Kel seisab ees teekond Aasiasse, sel on vaja treenida näpuosavust. Filmi „The Karate Kid” põhjal tehtud mängus söögipulkadega täpsusharjutuste tegemine kestab tõenäoliselt kuni sihtpunkti jõudmiseni! Kui puhkusereis läheb Kanaaridele või Egiptusesse, siis võib juba tahvelarvuti ekraanil ennast sobivasse meeleollu viia, mängides mängu nimega „Waterslide Extreme”. Selles tasakaaluandurit kasutavas mängus sõidab mängija mööda hiiglaslikku vesiliugteed, kõrvus mängimas mahe muusika. Head lendamist! in time December 2012

If you get bored while flying… Priit Hõbemägi columnist

Flying is the perfect time to relax, think, read

or nap. I, for instance, prefer to read. Some European airports have excellent bookstores where you can spend time and money while waiting for your connecting flight. I used to buy books from airports, but in the era of tablet PCs it’s more convenient to buy books, films, magazines and travel guides already at home and download them into your device. Since today almost everybody has a smartphone and/or a tablet PC, I would like to share with you a choice of apps that I have found entertaining when flying.

One large airline

has created an interesting application – The Timekiller – that supports both smartphones and tablet PCs. It includes four mini-games. Spin the Hamster wants you to keep spinning your phone 360 degrees to make the hamster run in its wheel. In Blow the Propeller you must blow so hard in the bottom part of the phone that the rotor on the screen starts to turn. Hold that Thought invites you to keep your fingertip on the cloud as long as possible. In Follow the Footsteps you must use your fingers to follow the footsteps that appear on the screen. Of course, keep in mind that your co-passengers may find you a bit strange if you suddenly start spinning your phone, blowing into it or tiptoeing your fingers on its screen…


A simple, but exciting game is Frisbee – a classic where you can guide a frisbee launched from your fingers to the targets by tilting the phone. Those who are flying to a rock concert will love Virtual Zippo Lighter. This application let’s you design your unique lighter and light it on the display with a snap of a finger. A flickering flame reacts when you tilt the phone. Once at the concert you only need to bring the flame to the phone display and raise it high!

If you have time to burn and like cars, then download a totally non-interactive leisure game named after the world-famous BBC TV show Top Gear where your aim is to find hidden objects and show’s hosts. If you are flying to Asia, you might want to use the time on the plane for improving your chopstick holding skills. An app based on the Karate Kid movie challenges you to perform tasks by using chopsticks and is sure to keep you busy until you reach your destination. If your holiday is taking you to the Canary Islands or Egypt, you can use your tablet PC to get into the mood by playing Waterslide Extreme. In this racing game you must make your way down serious twists and turns of a massive waterslide by using a gyroscopic sensor. You may use your own music for background. We wish you a pleasant flight! in time December 2012


Whether it’s a transatlantic crossing on a sailboat with friends, or the birth of a child, there are precious, life-changing moments that deserve to be recorded forever. What will be yours? Let our engraving, enamelling and gemsetting artists immortalise your legend. A Reverso just for you. GRANDE REVERSO ULTRA THIN. Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 822. Patent 111/398.


Suur-Karja 9, 10140 Tallinn • + 372 6 419 333 •

coming up estonia Exhibition „Modern barn-dwelling. Revival of an Archaic Space" November 9–December 23, n  Tallinn, Ahtri 2 An exhibition about the restoration of the barn house and modern residential architecture inspired by the historical building type. The exhibition was put together in collaboration with the Estonian Open-Air Museum, the Union of Estonian Architects and the Museum of Estonian Architecture. It raises the important issue – how to adjust the transformed customs, traditions, life standards and styles to the centuries-old barn dwelling? Does a 21st century person understand a building with low and smoky ceilings, small windows and doors? The barn-dwelling, which holds an important place in the Estonian farm architecture, has been a symbol in its own right in the village landscape. The unique dwelling type, the result of specific living conditions of the area, as well as merging different functions under one roof, today serves less as a practical building and more as people’s homes or country houses.

„Legends of Times 1972–2012”

Exhibition „Econsciencia”

November 17, 2012–Aprill 27, 2013, n

Tallinn’s Design and Architecture Gallery November 21–December 12, Tallinn’s Design and Architecture Gallery The exhibition Econsciencia by Barcelonan artist Jordi Gispert Pi originates in Gispert’s desire to express through art his concern about the degradation of nature and the corruption of the planet. Econsciencia is a Spanish neologism which expresses the union of three concepts: ecology (ecología), science (ciencia) and conscience (conciencia). The artist’s ideal is what he calls „pure science”, which benefits mankind and does not contaminate. The exhibition can be taken as criticism

Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn Starlight Cabaret presents: LEGENDS OF TIMES Hotel Viru Grand 40th Anniversary Cabaret Show Tour 1972–2012. Come and relive the highlights of the colourful 40year history of the most legendary hotel of its time! The well-known legends of Viru are reanimated in a breathtaking three-part show of classical cabaret. Together, we go back to the days when Tallinn, the capital of the Soviet Republic of Estonia, got its first world-class hotel, which was directly under Moscow’s


control. The days when Georg Ots, the white ship of hope for Estonians, sailed the Baltic Sea and only Aeroflot planes landed at Tallinn Airport. The days when Tallinn hosted the Olympic regatta and our republic was visited not only by Misha the Olympic mascot but also the space celebrities Neil Armstrong and Valentina Tereshkova. We will recreate the full glamour of the exclusive atmosphere that characterised all the Hotel Viru hotspots under KGB’s watchful eye. We invite you to a lavish dinner with the last shah of Iran. We will taste spicy delicacies from the grill bar together with Alla Pugacheva, the million-rose Russian diva. We will visit the „locals forbidden” dream bar where guests could only pay with foreign currency and enjoy spectacular show numbers from the oncesofamous cabaret. A new era brought new habits into Estonian life and new unbelievable stories with striking characters. The extraordinary story of Hotel Viru continues...

November 21–December 12, n

against the misuse of science. The project began about twelve years ago with a sequence of paintings called „The longest landscape of the world” depicting a utopian world designed by an ideal society. Jordi Gispert Pi (Barcelona, 1957) studied at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Sant Jordi in Barcelona, and since 1980 has participated in numerous solo and collective exhibitions in Spain and abroad. In 1990 he received the Creativity Award from the Catalan Regional Government. In his work, Gispert explores the necessity of the human being to return to nature, follow the trail of symbols, and, upon this experience, build a harmonious society. The art of Jordi Gispert is a cry of protest against „the predatory economic hegemony that obliterates the soul and the world”.

6th Tallinn Applied Art Triennial November 23, 2012–March 3, 2013, n  Tallinn The goal of the Tallinn Applied Art Triennial is to offer a new, topical and unexpected focus, which will serve to help examine contemporary applied art and design practices on as broad a scale as possible. As an international art event, the Triennial enlivens and refreshes the local art scene as well. Every triennial uses a new format and has a new theme. In addition to the main exhibition, there is a multitude of other events created in the hopes of unraveling and illustrating the theme. The Tallinn Applied Art Triennial got its start in 1979, when the tradition of essential united Baltic Applied Art Triennials began in the closed society of the time. Since 1997 the triennial has been an international open forum for applied art and design.

in time December 2012

coming up Tallinn Christmas Market

Festival „Midwinter Night's Dream"

November 26, 2012–January 8, n  2013, Town Hall Square and The Rotermann Quarter Really, there's no better time to be in Tallinn than during the holiday season. Estonia's medieval capital is inherently festive, particularly under the quilt of snow that the city's latitude dumps each December. Though Tallinn's Christmas market only became a yearly tradition in 2001, it has already established itself as amongst the most well-loved and happily-visited Christmas markets in Europe. Certainly what it lacks in tradition it makes up for in atmosphere and ambience, dispelling December's darkness with colourful lights, music and activity. Surrounding an enormous Christmas tree hung with lights and decorations, artisans sell a variety of original products including felted wool hats and slippers, buckwheat pillows, wooden bowls, wickerwork, elaborate quilts, ceramic and glassware, little sea-grass animals, homemade candles, wreaths and other decorations.

Holiday shows are common on the cobbled square and traditional Estonian holiday food is also served: pork, sauerkraut and blood sausages, hot soups, stir-fries. Other traditional treats include gingerbread, marzipan, various local honeys, cookies, nuts and sweets. Hot mulled wine poured from large wooden barrels keeps the crowds warm (as well as the local drunks whose noses become so red this time of year they could lead Santa's team). As for the Big Guy himself, he makes his rounds, posing with children and chillin' in the designated Santa Claus Cabin, where, incidentally, you can mail postcards from Santa's own post office.,

Tartu Christmas City December 2-24, Tartu n  Christmas is a time of wonder – something exciting is always happening! Children,


December 17–21, Tallinn n

mothers, fathers, grandparents – everybody is waiting for Christmas. In Christmas City, the time passes quicker than you may think. You will find concerts, workshops, cosy evenings with tea, theatre shows and, of course, no Christmas City could do without a fair.

OMAtsirkus: "Ticket to Somewhere" December 13–24, Tallinn Pikk 20 n  The performance takes the spectator to a fun journey accompanied by adeptness and skills of young circus artists. There will be climbing, throwing and catching balls, lifting each other, hanging on a trapeze, twirling in fabric, jumping high, throwing a bridge and lifting off. To get somewhere you have to buy a ticket to somewhere. Have a nice trip! OMAtsirkus has been surprising their spectators with unique new circus performances before Christmas for a decade already. These perfomances combine different performing art forms – circus, dance, theatre, music etc. OMAtsirkus has performed in different places around Estonia, also Latvia, Germany, USA etc.
 NB! Don't leave your children home!

This year, the international theatre festival, organised by the Tallinn City Theatre, opens the door to the theatre scene of Peru, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia – „The Latin American Dream". The subtitle „Latin-American Dream" marks the unique chance to see theatre from a faraway continent that would remain only a dream to the Estonian audience. The fact that half of the participating plays tackle the issue of dreams and half a dream of a better world, is no less important. The continent may seem far away, but the themes dealt with in Latin American theatre are similar: political and social issues, (painful) recent history, questions about the society’s status, identity problems in terms of nationality and individuality. Off-programme presents Latin-American movies in cooperation with cinema "Sõprus", festival club nights of travel impressions to Latin-America and of LatinAmerican literature, as well as workshops by participating theatre troups for the true theatre aficionados. The festival director in 2012 is Raivo Põldmaa; executive director Elo-Liis Parmas.

Tallinn Boys' Choir. Christmas Concert December 26, St Nicholas Museum & n  Concert Hall, Tallinn Conductors Lydia Rahula, Tomi Rahula.

Hortus Musicus & Collegium Musicale. Christmas Music December 27, St John's Church, n  Tallinn December 29, St John's Church, Tartu Italian and French Christmas music from 16th – 17th century: Charpentier, Monteverdi, etc. Conductors Andres Mustonen and Endrik Üksvärav.

in time December 2012

coming up europe Amsterdam Concertgebouw Christmas Matinée December 25, n  Concertgebouwplein 2-6 The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra performs its famous Christmas Matinée concert in the famous hall in Amsterdam after which it is named. Former chief conductor Bernard Haitink returns in two romantic works by Richard Strauss with soprano Anja Harteros. While chief conductor of the orchestra, for nearly 30 years between 1961 and 1987, Haitink was in charge of the Christmas Matinée concerts and conducted most of Mahler's symphonies on Christmas Day afternoon. His successor, Riccardo Chailly, conducted lots of Stravinsky and current chief conductor Mariss Jansons has most recently done the honours. For 2011 Bernard Haitink returns, this time to conduct Richard Strauss' Four Last Songs, sung by Anja Harteros, and the symphonic narrative that is the epic Alpine Symphony.

enormous and varied programme features high-level show jumping and dressage competitions at the Amsterdam RAI. The jumping section features competitions spread over four days, with substantial prize money for the international event. The dressage event consists of three separate competitions, the winners of which then compete against one another. 

There's also a driving category, the Shetland Pony Grand National Team and a special children's morning with pony rides. The festival market offers equestrian equipment, art and lifestyle items.

Brussels during the Christmas festivities. The event takes place at the Grand-Place in Brussels and around the Bourse, the Place Sainte-Catherine and the Marché aux Poissons. Christmas market with 250 chalets, Ferris wheel, merry-go-rounds, an ice rink for skating, Winter Café, a Christmas tree and light show on the Grand-Place are few things to enjoy.

Brugge Concert by Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in Brugge December 22 n  Appearing: Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir. Conductor Daniel Reuss. Programme: Pärt, Schnittke, Grigorjeva.

We are Family: New Year's Eve at Supperclub

Copenhagen Copenhagen Masters – International Badminton Tournament December 27-28, 9 Falkoner Alle n  Between Christmas and New Year the Danes go even more badminton crazy than usual at the annual Yonex Copenhagen Masters, which sees international stars head to Copenhagen's Radisson SAS Falconer Hotel. There are three competitions: ladies' singles, men's singles and men's doubles.

December 31, 21 Jonge Roelensteeg n  Prepare for a glamorous New Year's Eve at the Supperclub in Amsterdam. Worldrenowned DJs spin tunes, hostesses make sure your champagne glass is never empty and dazzling performers keep you entertained well into the New Year.

Jumping Amsterdam January 17–20, 2013, 22 Europaplein n  Jumping Amsterdam is the city's annual international horse show and the highlight of the Dutch equestrian calendar. An


Daniel Reuss

Brussels Winter Wonders November 30, 2012-January 6, 2013 n  Winter Wonders animates the heart of

in time December 2012

Kes oleks osanud seda ennustada? Maailm on ettearvamatu koht. Rahvusvahelised turud muutuvad kiiresti, trendid tulevad ja lähevad. Uute võimaluste leidmine on ettevõtetele tähtsam kui kunagi varem. Samas tuleb olla piisavalt ettenägelik, et vältida võimalikke riske. Seetõttu loome meie uued standardid, mille järgi me aitame oma klientidel teha julgeid, riigipiire ületavaid ja pikaajalise mõjuga otsuseid. Kui Sa tahad teada, kuidas me saame Sinu rahvusvahelist äri optimeerida ja tugevdada, siis vaata

coming up The action takes place on just one court and the 1600 spectators are seated on three sides, just a couple of metres away from the action, so they're guaranteed a lively show. The middle day, with afternoon sessions, is always family day, but perhaps the most exciting day is the last, with all the finals.

Muscovites take advantage of the winter freeze with Vyugovey, a spectacular exhibition of ice sculptures. Admire intricately crafted works, illuminated by coloured lights and preserved in Moscow's sub-zero temperatures, during the two-month festival at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

Helsinki Christmas Market

Oslo The Nobel Peace Prize Awards in Oslo

December, 3B Mannerheimintie n  Over 160 stalls fill Helsinki's Old Student House (Vanha Ylioppilastalo) with loads of festive goodies, including handicrafts, candles, knitted goods, ceramics, cards and clothes. Catch a glimpse of Finland at its most traditional during the country's largest Christmas market.

December 10, Rådhusplassen n

Svyatki: Russian Christmastide January 7-19, 2013 n

Moscow Vyugovey Ice Sculpture Festival December–February, 111 Prospekt n  Mira


Oslo Town Hall.

Russian Christmastide, or Svyatki (also spelled Sviatki), is celebrated between Orthodox Christmas (January 7) and the Epiphany (January 19th). Like other traditional celebrations, Russian Christmastide fell out of favor with authorities during the 20th century, but Svyatki has returned. When you travel in Russia during this twoweek period, you may notice the practice of customs associated with Svyatki. For example, Russian Winter Festivals in Moscow may showcase Russian Christmastide and winter traditions. Old Slavic traditions included lighting fires, a practice which made sense in any case due to the fact that Sviatki occurs in the depth of winter. Svyatki fortune telling may still be done today (though mostly for fun). There were many ways Russians told fortunes in the old times. For example, melting wax then pouring it quickly into cold water or snow was believed to predict events surrounding the fortune teller or those close to her. January 19, the last day of Svyatki, marks Epiphany. On this day, brave or very devout people take a dip in the icy waters of rivers and lakes. Epiphany, marking the baptism of Jesus, is said to imbue water with special powers that will protect those who bathe in it on this day.

While the other Nobel awards are presented in Stockholm, the Norwegian Nobel Institute hands out the Nobel Peace Prize on the anniversary of Nobel's birth. Awarded annually to someone who has worked towards world peace, the ceremony takes place at Oslo Town Hall. In recent years recipients of the prize have included charity organisations and freedom fighters, as well as groups promoting such causes as reducing nuclear armaments and banning landmines. Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin famously shared the Prize in 1994, sparking long and bitter controversies.

paris New Year's Eve 2012 December 31, La Sainte Chapelle n  Hear the best of Mozart and Strauss in the most breathtaking venue in Paris. Historic Saint-Chapelle was first built in 1240, but was restored in the 1850s after being damaged during the French Revolution.

La Sainte Chapelle

in time December 2012

coming up New Year's Eve Gospel Concert

Ferien Messe Wien

December 31, Eglise des Billettes n

Ferien Messe Wien should definitely get the whole family in the holiday spirit. Come along for inspiration on all kinds of holiday from camping to cruises, Christmas to spa breaks. Check out the last-minute winter holidays on offer at Messe Wien.

January 10-13, 2013, 1 Messeplatz n

End the year listening to the amazing sounds of Gospel River, a 14-member vocal ensemble as they perform rousing traditional music from the African-American church.

Stockholm Ricky Gervais Live! December 16, Ericsson Globe n  Ricky Gervais is the world's most popular comedian today and this winter he performs live at Ericsson Globe for the very first time! Ricky Gervais

guests are greeted by the likenesses of Empress Sisi and Emperor Franz Josef. Ladies receive a small gift from footmen dressed in livery. The dancing, amidst thousands of flowers, takes place through the state rooms of the palace, and – at midnight – the ringing of the Pummerin heralds the „Imperial Couple", wishing one and all Happy New Year. This is followed by the Viennese Operetta Gala, which takes place in the Grand Festival Hall shortly after midnight and features singers and dancers from the Vienna State Opera and the Volksopera.

New Year's Day Concert January 1, 2013, n

The stroke of twelve at Skansen December 31 n  A traditional New Year's Eve show at the Skansen Open-Air Museum which is also broadcast on television and watched by millions of Swedes. At the stroke of twelve a famous Swedish actor reads the Tennyson poem „Ring out wild bells" while spectacular fireworks light up the sky.

Vienna Le Grand Ball December 31 , Kaisertor/Innerer n  Burghof, Michaelerkuppel The Vienna Balls are seen as the epitome of glamour and decadence and present a perfect opportunity to waltz yourself into the stunning winter atmosphere of the city. The traditional opener is Le Grand Ball (Imperial Ball) at the Hofburg palace. The ball season is heralded at the Grand Ball with the historic changing of the guard, performed by the Imperial Guard in the palace's entrance hall. Cocktails are served to the strains of the Hofball Orchestra and

December 2012 in time

12 Bösendorferstrasse Strauss' waltz melodies played by the Vienna Philharmonic ring in the new year in the Musikverein's fabulous Golden Hall. Balloted tickets are allocated a year in advance. If you miss out, try the rehearsal concerts on 30 & 31 December. While Johann Strauss the Younger did conduct the Vienna Philharmonic, the New Year's Concert tradition dates back only to 1939, when Clemens Krauss was conducting. He shared the podium with Josef Krips over the first 15 years, then Willi Boskovsky conducted every year until 1979, leaving a fantastic recorded legacy of this joyous occasion. Lorin Maazel, another maestro equally at home with a violin in hand, took over until 1986.

Herbert von Karajan conducted in 1987, since when the baton has changed hands annually between a small number of top maestros. Given the popularity of the event, the tickets for both the New Year's Eve and New Year's Day concerts are balloted. Tradition has it that applications open 364 days before the event, exclusively via the orchestra's website, so applications are accepted from noon on 2 January to midnight on 23 January. You have just as much chance of getting a ticket if you apply on the 23rd as if you apply on the 2nd, so there's no need to get up too early the day after New Year. Good luck!

Vilnius Goran Brekovic & Wedding and Funeral Orchestra December 30 n  Goran Bregovic describes himself simply as contemporary composer. Why then does his contemporary sound differ from music of other contemporary composers? Because Goran is from the Balkans. And in the Balkans contemporary is different. What does his orchestra for Weddings and Funerals composed of a gypsy brass band, traditional Bulgarian polyphonies, an electric guitar, traditional percussion, strings and Orthodox Church male singers, read on Bregovic’s score sheets? Echoes from Jewish and Gypsy weddings, chants from Orthodox and Catholic Church, Muslim invocations. His music comes from that terrible frontier where Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Muslims made war and lived together for centuries. Music that our soul recognises instinctively and the body greets with an irresistible urge to dance. Goran Bregovic


coming up

Hamasyan plays piano like a raga Ever since he won the Thelonious Monk International Competition of Pianists in 2006, pianist Tigran Hamasyan has been winning worldwide acclaim. His unusual mix of jazz and Armenian folk music has appealed to such high-profile fans as Chick Corea, Brad Mehldau and Herbie Hancock; his latest album A Fable (Universal France) is on top of jazz music charts in France. Text: anne erm Photo: Vahan Stepanyan


„There are many shining and skilled young jazz pianists in the world, but Hamasyan stands out because he has something important to say,� writes the musical critic of The Telegraph. He has gone on tours with the legendary Tunisian musician Dhafer Youssef, performed togeth-

er with the Moroccan singer Hindi Zahra, Korean guitar player Nguyen Le and several other wellknown musicians. When the New York Times asked Brad Mehldau, one of the top three pianists in the world, to name his favourite artists in 2011, he mentioned Tigran Hamasyan „for capturing me

in time December 2012

coming up in a very big way.” Indian tabla player Trilok Gurtu with whom Tigran has recently performed several concerts, adds: „He plays piano like a raga... he is the next Keith Jarret.” Tigran was born in Armenia’s Gyumri in 1987 into a musical family. Already as a child, he preferred a cassette recorder and a piano to regular toys. When he was three, he was playing pop songs by ear on a piano. His early affection for jazz was shaped by Miles Davis and his fusion jazz. He discovered classical jazz thanks to his teacher Vahag Hayrapetyan when he was 10 and his family had moved to Yerevan.

Having focused mainly on jazz and lear-

ning from American artists who visited Europe, Tigran started to win competitions, including the prestigious Thelonious Monk International Jazz Piano Competition in 2006. He and his family moved to Los Angeles where he became friends with such musicians as saxophonist Ben Wendel and drummer Nate Wood who continue to perform with him also today. But Tigran also maintained his contacts in Europe and recorded his first albums at Plus Loin in France. Before signing to Universal, Tigran released three albums: World Passion (2006), New Era (2008) and Red Hail (2009). Reviewers were so enthralled by the characteristic and flexible interpretation of the young pianist that they dubbed him the latest discovery of jazz. A Fable, the album released by Universal Jazz France, was inspired by traditional Armenian folk music and poetry. All music is arranged by Tigran, some being his own creations and some being Armenian melodies plus his mystic interpretation of a standard jazz piece Someday My Prince Will Come, but also the music inspired by poems of Hovhannes Tumanyan and Gegham Sayyan.

Tigran’s music fits well with his character and is fuelled by his passion. His colourful improvisations are mixed with the folk music of Armenia, producing fresh sounds, complex rhythm patterns, exciting dynamics, featuring a variety of acoustic and electronic means of expression, use of such exotic instruments as duduk, shvi and zurna and, in case of Red Hail album, involving one of the best Armenian folk singers whose enchanting vocals supplement the whole ensemble. December 2012 in time

„When I was 13, I started to understand the rich cultural heritage of Armenia,” says Tigran. „I believe that this was in my blood. I grew up with this magnificent music, without fully understanding its power. Soon I started to use more and more folk music. The more folk tunes I learned, the more opportunities I saw for mixing it with musical improvisations. This is how I started the most important road of my life.” This year Tigran has performed several times with Trilok Gurtu, ever since the first concert of A Fable in Paris. „We felt the connection already in the first rehearsal,” says Tigran. „For me it is a huge honor to play with one of the world’s best percussionists. It was extremely exciting since I love Indian classical music and Trilok leads the audience to it.” Tigran plans to release his next album in 2013. Speaking about his new album, he says: „Many who had seen me perform wanted me to release a solo album. Performing solo concerts with an acoustic piano has been the most natural, but also the most complex way to express myself in music because there are only you and your piano and noone else to rely to. But, at the same time, it is freedom that is deeply inspiring and that you only feel when performing solo.”

Christmas Jazz brings also big stars to Tallinn. This year Kurt Elling is performing in Nokia Concert Hall. The world’s leading jazz magazines Down Beat and JazzTimes named Kurt Elling the best male jazz singer already at the turn of the century. His vocal range is four octaves, he can also master more complex works, and has written lyrics to some very good solo pieces. It’s inevitable that he is always compared to such likes as Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole, although his vocal style is different, characterized by flexibility and instrumentalism. By using different elements, he has created a unique building of style. Some call him a jazz poet for putting poetry and modern dancing into music, while others see him as a spontaneous and innovative singer. He is equally good in performing ballads. The singer who has won a Grammy and numerous other prizes is performing with Estonia’s best jazz musicians from the Estonian Dream Big Band.

Christmas Jazz 2012 Nov 29 at 19 n

Youn Sun Nah Quartet, Nokia Concert Hall Nov 29 at 22 Pierrejean n  Gaucher & Melody Makers, NO99 Jazz Club Nov 30 at 20 n  Chappe(Den) & EMTA Big Band, Estonian Music Academy Nov 30 at 22 Raul n  Björkenheim Quartet, Theater NO99 Jazz Club Dec 1 at 16 Tanel Padar, n  Tõnu Raadik with Friends, Russian Cultural Center Dec 1 at 20 Slixs, Russian n  Cultural Center Dec 2 at 18 Lembit n  Saarsalu, Ain Agan, Andre Maaker, Niguliste Museum Dec 2 at 19 Francisco n  Liberona, Pärimusmuusika ait Dec 3 at 19 Francisco n  Liberona, Tallinn Town Hall Dec 4 at 19 Greip, Tallinn n  Town Hall Dec 5 at 19 3JK – Jacob n  Karlzon Trio, Kumu Auditorium Dec 6 at 19 Anders n  Jormin, Karin Nelson & Jonas Simonson, Tallinn Jaani Church Dec 8 at 17 Argo Vals & n  Friends, Von Krahl Theatre Dec 12 at 19 Argo Vals n  & Friends, Viljandi Cultural house Dec 9 at 16 Tõnis Mägi & n  Kärt Johanson, Radio Singing Children, cond Kadri Hunt & Band, Tallinn Jaani Church Dec 9 at 19 Tigran n  Hamasyan, Kumu Auditorium Dec 12 at 19 Kurt Elling n  & Estonian Dream Big Band, Nokia Concert Hall Kurt Elling


coming up

Enjoy Bach in Tallinn Text: Andres Uibo


The Tallinn Bach Music Festival has become a traditional and original, es Ui warm and beautiful New Year's bo greeting from Tallinn to all its inhabitants and visitors. It has grown out of the series of daily organ concerts held during the 1st week of January in Tallinn St. Nicholas Church. dr

„During Christmas

there are many concerts all over the world, but after that they remain relatively few, even though many people enjoy their vacation also during the New Year's period. The Bach Music Festival in Tallinn gives an


opportunity for these people to listen to the works of one of the greatest composer of all time, Johann Sebastian Bach, during the first week of January. The festival gives a fine overview of his oeuvre, performed by internationally renown musicians. An event not to miss,” says Peter van Dijk, organist from Holland. St. Nicholas Church, situated in the heart of the Old Town of Tallinn, is the main arena of the festival. However, one of the concerts will be held in one of the largest churches of Tallinn – St John's Church. The program includes different works of Johann Sebastian Bach: organ, instrumental, orchestral, choral and vocal works. During the II Tallinn New Year's Festival, 13 different concerts will be held. More than 20 soloists, among them Andres Uibo, Ulla Krigul, Ene Salumäe, Denis Kasparovitch, Andres Mustonen, Mari-Liis Uibo, Arvo Leibur, Kädy Plaas, Anto Õnnis, Ka Bo Chan, Tõnis Kaumann, Aarne Ots, Oksana Sinkova, Olev Ainomäe and others will perform on these concerts. The famous Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir under the direction of conductor Daniel Reuss (Holland) and foreign guest-organists Edouard Oganessian (France) and Peter Van Dijk (Holland) will take part in this Festival.

in time December 2012


Knowing Estonian tax treatment of franchise may mean big savings Over the past year the Estonian media has published several pieces on major multinational brands planning to start up in Estonia, like Starbucks and Subway for example. Often the preferred strategy for multinationals to enter new markets is to work with local partners via franchise agreements. This is, perharps, an appropriate time to take

Text: Iren Koplimets, PwC Leading Tax Adviser


a look at the Estonian tax implications of fees payable to foreign companies under a typical franchise agreement. Considering tax issues early can mean big savings. Most countries apply withholding tax to certain payments made to foreign recipients (non-residents). Quite commonly withholding tax applies to dividends, interest, royalties, rent and certain service fees paid to nonresidents. Withholding tax is always applied to the gross payment, meaning that the non-resident cannot deduct any related expenses. The Estonian tax system is more generous towards non-resident investors than most other countries since there is no withholding tax on dividends and interest. However, certain types of payments under a franchise contract can be subject to a withholding tax. According to the law, it is the Estonian company’s obligation to withhold, report and remit the withheld amount of tax to the tax authorities. It is not possible to delegate the payment of the applicable withholding tax to the non-resident franchisor under a contract, but the parties can freely decide who actually bears the tax cost. Basically, the fees payable under a franchise agreement can be agreed on a net or gross basis. From the franchisor's perspective it is more beneficial to agree on fees payable on a net basis. This makes sense since it can be difficult for a foreign company to keep abreast of the Estonian tax legislation and therefore evaluate tax costs. In practice, both types of contracts are concluded, often depending on which party is more knowledgeable of tax issues.

From the foreign company's perspective it is also worth noting that Estonian tax legislation differs from that of several other countries in one particular respect. Namely, the non-resident becomes liable to declare and pay tax on fees, which should have been subject to a withholding tax but where the tax was not withheld by the Estonian company. This may happen simply because the Estonian franchisee is not aware of its obligation to withhold tax. Consequently, the Estonian tax authorities may seek the payment of this tax directly from the foreign franchisor.

It is not overly surprising that Estonian companies can sometimes omit the obligation to withhold tax on payments made pursuant to the franchise agreement. This is due to the “mixed nature” of franchise agreements. Under the franchise agreement the franchisee receives a variety of rights, goods and services. Consequently, the fees payable as a consideration, vary by nature. Under a typical franchise agreement, some payments are classified as royalties, some as service fees for services performed in or outside of Estonia and some as consideration for goods received. For example, let’s assume that a foreign retailer is planning to open a few stores in Estonia, exclusively selling its brand “X”. Under the franchise, the Estonian franchisee is granted the exclusive right to market and distribute “X” brand products in the “X” store(s) under the trademark, initials, logotypes and artwork. The contract prescribes that the stores will have the exact same design and setup as the original stores. in time December 2012

economics For this, the franchisor receives various fees, for example an entrance fee for receiving the exclusive right to market and distribute the products, a shop fee per opening each store, design project fees and consideration for shop equipment and merchandise sold.

In this type of contract, where the

franchisor grants knowledge and experience to the franchisee and provides varied technical assistance which is backed up by supply of goods, the first step should be to break down the fees. The breakdown of fees should be based on the nature of various goods and services provided under contract. The second step should then be to apply the proper tax treatment to each item. Except if one part of what is provided constitutes by far the principal purpose of the contract and other parts are of only minor significance – in that case it should be possible to apply the tax treatment applicable to the principle part to the whole amount of consideration. For tax legislation purposes, payments for know-how and intellectual property elements such as trademarks and commercial equipment are generally deemed royalties and payments for technical assistance are categorized as service fees. In practice it can be difficult to distinguish between payments for know-how (royalty) and payments for the provision of services. The main rule is that the supply of know-how concerns information that already exists and the transfer of that information to the franchisee. In case of provision of services, the supplier undertakes to perform services, which may require the use of special knowledge, skill and expertise but not the transfer of such special knowledge, skill or expertise to that other party. Payments for exclusivity, which mean that franchisor agrees not to supply or grant anyone else that information or right, for example the use of trademark, should generally fall under the definition of royalties. Exclusive distribution rights, meaning payments that are solely made in return for obtaining the exclusive distribution rights of a product or service in a specific territory do not generally constitute royalties. Under the Estonian domestic tax regime, royalty payments to foreign companies are subject to a withholding tax at a reduced rate of 10%

December 2012 in time

and so are the fees paid for services which are performed in Estonia. Service fees paid for services performed outside Estonia as well as payments for goods are generally not subject to withholding tax.

In addition to domestic legislation, Estonian double tax treaties should be taken into account when making payments under a franchise agreement to a foreign company. Currently Estonia has some 50 effective double tax treaties and several more have been signed but have not yet entered into force. Whenever Estonia has an effective double tax treaty with the home country of the franchisor, it is always worth checking whether the double tax treaty provides a more beneficial tax treatment than the domestic legislation. For example, service fees that are paid to a foreign franchisor for the services provided in Estonia are exempted from withholding tax under treaties. Also, most of the double tax treaties provide a lower, 5% withholding tax rate (instead of the 10% domestic rate) in case of royalties paid for commercial equipment (shop equipment). A few treaties may even exempt such royalty payments.

Definition A franchise is a contract n 

under which one person (the franchisor) promises to grant another person (the franchisee) a set of certain rights and information, including trademark, designs, artwork and know-how. Based on this mix of tangible and intangible assets, the franchisee can then copy the business model of the franchisor and start trading. In return the franchisor receives monetary consideration.


certain royalty payments made to associated companies resident in a European Union member state or Switzerland can be exempt from withholding tax altogether. However, this requires that certain mandatory conditions regarding the group structure and holding period are met. The application of the correct tax treatment on fees payable under a franchise agreement is not always an easy task. It is certainly always easier to sort out tax issues before signing a contract than trying to do so later when problems come up. In order to make sure that no surplus withholding tax is applied, or on the contrary, that the applicable withholding tax really is withheld, it is always best to consult the rules or contact a tax adviser.


uudised / news Estonian Air carried 766 722 passengers in ten months n Over the first ten months of the present year, Estonian Air has carried altogether 766 722 passengers, out of which 765 162 on regular flights. In October, Estonian Air carried 79 193 passengers, out of which 78 954 on regular flights. The load factor of Estonian Air regular flights was 70.9%. Over the first ten months, Estonian Air has operated 16 751 flights, which is 70.3% more than during the same period last year. In October, the airline operated 1787 flights, which is 60.3% more than during the same period last year. Over the first ten months, the regularity of Estonian Air flights was 98.8% and the 15-minute punctuality was 84.1%. In October, the regularity and punctuality were 98% and 85.6% respectively.

Paremasse teenindusklassi Reisijad, kes ostavad Estonian Airi n  kodulehelt otselennupileti Travel-klassi (ECO, ECO Plus või Mini ECO pilet), võivad enne lendu tõsta teenindusklassi ja nautida lendu Premium-klassis. Reisija võib taotleda teenindusklassi tõstmist ja kui seda aktsepteeritakse, siis kehtivad reisijale järgmised soodustused: check-in äriklassi lauas, istekoht ja teenindus pardal Premium-klassis, Eco Flex pileti pagasitingimused, Eco Flex EuroBonuse punktid. Täpsemad reeglid ja tingimused leiate aadressilt: enne-reisi/teenused-enne-reisi/ teenindusklassi-tostmine/reeglid-jatingimused.

Upgrade your service class n Passengers who purchase a Travel service class ticket (ECO, ECO Plus or Mini ECO ticket) for Estonian Air operated direct flights via company’s website, have the possibility to upgrade their service class prior to the flight and enjoy the flight in Premium class. A passenger can submit a service class upgrade bid and if it is accepted he or she will be entitled to the following benefits:


check-in at Business Class counters, Premium Class seat and onboard service, ECO Flex baggage conditions, ECO Flex EuroBonus points. More detailed rules and conditions available at

Estonian Airi lennutas kümne kuuga 766 722 reisijat Käesoleva aasta kümne kuuga reisis n  Estonian Airiga kokku 766 722 reisijat, sh regulaarlendudel 765 162. Oktoobris lendas Estonian Airiga 79 193 reisijat, sh regulaarlendudel 78 954. Estonian Airi regulaarlendude täituvus oli oktoobris 70,9 protsenti. Esimese kümne kuu jooksul toimus 16 751 lendu, mis on 70,3 protsenti rohkem kui eelmise aasta samal perioodil. Oktoobris toimus 1787 lendu ehk eelmise aastaga võrreldes 60,3 protsenti rohkem. Käesoleva aasta kümnel kuul oli Estonian Airi lendude regulaarsus ehk toimumise protsent 98,8 ja lendude punktuaalsus ehk väljumise täpsus (15 minutit) 84,1 protsenti. Oktoobris olid vastavad numbrid 98 ja 85,6.

Estonian Airi nõukogu muudab ettevõtte tegevussuunda Estonian Airi nõukogu muudab etten  võtte senist tegevussuunda ja nimetas alates 1. novembrist uue tegevjuhina ametisse Jan Palméri. Ühtlasi esitavad kõik nõukogu liikmed tagasiastumispalve majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministrile. Estonian Airi nõukogu muudab ettevõtte senist tegevussuunda ja nimetas alates 1. novembrist uue tegevjuhina ametisse Jan Palméri. Ühtlasi esitavad kõik nõukogu liikmed tagasiastumispalve majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministrile. Eesti riik seadis 2010. aasta sügisel pärast AS-i Estonian Air aktsiate enamusosaluse omandamist ettevõttele eesmärgi suurendada Eesti lennuühendusi ja saavutada kasumlikkus. 2011. aasta sügisel tutvustas ettevõte eesmärgi saavutamiseks uut strateegiat, mis keskendus liinivõrgustiku laiendamisele. „Tänavuse aasta keskpaigaks oli selge, et valitud strateegia kätkes riske, mille tõttu halvenesid ettevõtte majandustulemused märgatavalt,” kommenteeris Estonian Airi nõukogu esimees Erkki Raasuke. 2012. aasta üheksa kuuga oli Estonian Airi müügitulu 70,4 miljonit eurot, sellest kolmandas kvartalis 26,6 miljonit. Ettevõtte üheksa kuu kahjum ulatus 20,2 miljoni

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uudised / news euroni, kolmandas kvartalis oli kahjum 5,3 miljonit. Eelmise aasta üheksa kuuga oli Estonian Airi käive 58,7 miljonit eurot, kahjum oli sel perioodil 11,2 miljonit. Üheksa kuuga lendas Estonian Airiga 688 000 inimest, kolmandas kvartalis oli reisijate arv 264 000. Lendude täituvus oli üheksa kuu arvestuses 71,5 protsenti, kolmandas kvartalis oli täituvus 74,8 protsenti. „Lähtuvalt senistest majandustulemustest ja tulevikuväljavaadetest otsustas nõukogu eelmisel aastal valitud tegevussuunda muuta ning nimetada uue tegevjuhina ametisse Jan Palméri,” ütles Raasuke. „Muudetud tegevussuuna aluseks on keskenduda nendele Eesti jaoks olulistele põhisihtkohtadele, kuhu on olemas kindel nõudlus.” 1. novembril 2012 Estonian Airi tegevjuhi ametisse astunud Jan Palméril on enam kui 20 aastat lennunduskogemust. Uue tegevjuhi esmaeesmärgid on tagada klientide igapäevane tõrgeteta teenindamine, kohandada liinivõrk reaalsele majanduslikule nõudlusele tuginedes ja vähendada ettevõtte kulusid vastavalt uutele tegevusmahtudele. „Rakendan varasemad mitmest regionaalsest lennufirmast saadud kogemused ettevõtte nõukogu otsuste elluviimiseks, et toetada Estonian Airi tegevussuuna muutmist,“ kinnitas Palmér.

The total revenue of Estonian Air in the first nine months of 2012 was 70.4 million euros, of which the third quarter comprised 26.6 million euros. Company’s nine month loss reached 20.2 million euros, third quarter's loss was 5.3 million euros. The total revenue of Estonian Air in the first nine months of 2011 was 58.7 million euros and loss 11.2 million euros. Over the first nine months, Estonian Air carried altogether 688 000 passengers, the number of passengers in the third quarter was 264 000. In the first nine months the load factor of Estonian Air flights was 71.5%, load factor in the third quarter was 74.8%. „Based on the financial results and future prospects, the Supervisory Council decided

to change the strategy approved last year and to name Jan Palmér as the new CEO of the company,“ said Raasuke. „Changed of direction concentrates on creating a core route network for Estonia to places where there is a solid fundamental demand.“ Jan Palmér has over 20 years of experience in aviation field. Palmér starts as the new CEO of Estonian Air from 1 November 2012. Palmér’s main goals are to ensure smooth service for the customers, to adjust the route network based on real economic demand, and to reduce company’s costs in proportion with the new business volumes. „I use my experience from several regional airlines to support the change of direction requested by the Supervisory Council,“ said Palmér.

The Supervisory Council of Estonian Air to change company’s direction n The Supervisory Council of Estonian Air will change company’s direction and will assign Jan Palmér as the new CEO of Estonian Air as of 1 November 2012. At the same time, all the members of the Supervisory Council will present their membership resignation request to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications. In autumn 2010, after acquiring the majority of company’s shares, Estonian State set Estonian Air a target to increase connections from Estonia, and to achieve profitability. In 2011, in order to reach that goal, the company introduced a new strategy which focused on expansion of the route network. „By the middle of this year, it was clear that the chosen strategy of Estonian Air worsened the company’s financial performance considerably,” said the Chairman of Estonian Air Supervisory Council. December 2012 in time



Pileteid SASi, KLMi, Air France'i, Aerofloti ja teiste lennufirmade lendudele saab broneerida Estonian Airi veebist. Rohkem infot

Põgenege kiirustavast maailmast Kui järele mõelda, on Argentina suhteliselt tühi maa. Rahvastikutihedus on vaid 14 inimest ruutkilomeetri kohta ja kolmandik inimestest elab Buenos Aireses või selle lähedal. Seega pakub Argentina ideaalset võimalust põgeneda kärarikka igapäevaelu eest täielikku eraldusse. Tekst ja fotod: Liis Kängsepp


Kujutlege end paariks päevaks kohta, mis

on ligipääsetav vaid pool aastat ja ka siis ainult paadiga. Sealjuures kulgeb paadireis mööda vaatemängulist marsruuti liustiku lähedal. Kui olete just sellest unistanud, peaks Estancia Cristina El Calafates Argentinas Patagoonias olema teie järgmine puhkusepaik. Enne kui Estancia Cristinast sai luksuslik Los

Glaciares’i rahvuspargi hotell, kuhu tühjuse keskele põgeneda, oli see rantšo, nagu viitab ka koha nimi (sõna estancia tähendab hispaania keeles rantšot). Selle rajas ligi sada aastat tagas inglane Joseph Percival Masters, kes jõudis Patagooniasse 20. sajandi alguses. Koos naise ja kahe lapsega kolisid nad Argentino järve kaldale ja elasid esimese aasta telkides. Oma

in time December 2012

koht pisitütre auks nimetasid nad kodu Estancia Cristinaks. Kahjuks polnud Cristina saatus õnnelik, sest ta suri noore tüdrukuna. Ta ei saanud haigestudes vajalikku arstiabi, sest sada aastat tagasi kulus Tšiilisse arsti juurde jõudmiseks nädalaid. Kuigi selle ajaga on liikumisvõimalused avardunud, pääseb Estancia Cristinasse endiselt vaid paadiga, mis teebki koha eriliseks. Hotell on avatud vaid suvel, mis Argentinas lõpeb aprilli keskel. Hotellis pakutakse igasugust meelelahutust: saab matkata, Uppsala liustikku vaatama minna, maasturitega sõita, lihtsalt puhata või isegi palvetada väikesest puust kabelis, mis on peahoonest lühikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel.

Kuigi Cristina lugu on kurb, pole ras-

ke mõista, miks Joseph tahtis kanda kinnitada just Argentino järve ääres Patagoonias. Vaade on hingematvalt kaunis ja paadireis rantšosse paneb mõtlema, kas selline näeb välja ka Antarktika, sest möödutakse tohututest sinakatest ja valgetest jäämägedest, mis säravad päikese käes. See on suurepärane koht mesinädalateks, sest ööseks lülitatakse elekter välja, luues tõeliselt romantilise õhkkonna.

Kui te ei soovi Estancia Cristinas ööbida, võite sinna minna vaid päevaks. Paat viib vaatama liustikku, rantšos pakutakse lõunasööki ja saab tutvuda kohaliku loodusega. Kindlasti sööge patagoonlaste rahvustaime calafate’t ehk pukspuulehise kukerpuu marju, mis seal kasvavad, sest see tähendab, et satute sinna ükskord tagasi.

Sel hooajal on Estancia Cristina avatud 15. aprillini 2013. n

Talvel on hotell suletud, sest sinna ei pääse. Kui olete juba El Calafates, külastage ka teist liustikku Perito n  Morenot ja salapäraste joonistustega Walichu koopaid, mis asuvad vaid paari kilomeetri kaugusel El Calafatest.

December 2012 in time


place to be

Escape from the busy world When you think about it, Argentina is a pretty empty country – the population density is only 14 people per square kilometre and about one third of their population lives in Buenos Aires or close by. This means Argentina provides perfect opportunities to escape into total seclusion from our noisy everyday world. Text and photos: liis kängsepp


Imagine spending a few days in a place that is inaccessible for half a year, can be reached only by boat during the other half and the boat trip takes you through a scenery of a wonderful glacier. If this is your dream, Estancia Cristina in El Calafate, in Argentine Patagonia could be your next holiday destination. Before becoming a fancy getaway hotel in the middle of nowhere in the Los Glaciares National

Park, Estancia Cristina was a farm, as the name also refers (the word estancia stands for farm in Spanish). It was founded almost a hundred years ago by the Englishman Joseph Percival Masters who made his way to Patagonia in the beginning of the 20th century. Together with his wife and two children they moved to the land at lake Argentino and lived in tents for the first year. In honour of his little daughter, he named their home Estancia Cristina. Cristina herself was not very fortunate in life, she died as a young girl because she was not able to get proper medical assistance when she fell ill – hundred years ago it took weeks to travel from the farm to Chile to see a proper doctor. Although technology and world has developed a lot since, Estancia Cristina remains accessible only by boat, which is kind of the best part about it. Opened only during the summer season, which in Argentina ends in the middle of April, the hotel

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place to be provides different entertainment, such as trekking, visiting the Uppsala glacier, driving around in 4x4 jeeps, just resting or even praying in a small wooden chapel, located a short walk away from the main building.

Even though Cristina's story is

sad, one can easily understand why Joseph would want to establish at lake Argentino in Patagonia. The scenery is just amazing and on the boat trip to the farm one can't help but wonder if this is what Antarctica would look like, passing all those white and blue icebergs that gleam in the sun as

the boat passes them. It is probably a good place for a honeymoon – the electricity is switched off for the nights, creating a perfectly romantic environment. If you are not up for an overnight stay at Estancia Cristina, you can always just take the one-day tour. A boat would take you to see the glacier, you could have lunch at the farm and explore the nature. Just remember to eat some of those calafate berries growing in the region as this means you would b Tickets e to SAS, KLM, Air France, Aeroflot and other airlines’ going back there one day. flights can also be booked via Estonian Air website. More info at

This season, Estancia Cristina is going to be opened until 15 april n  2013. Doors are closed during the winter as the farm is not accessible. Once you are in El Calafate, don't forget to visit the other glacier, n  Perito Moreno and the mysterious Walichu cave drawings, located just a few kilometres outside of El Calafate.

December 2012 in time



Kopenhaagen – muinasjutuliselt moodne linn


in time December 2012


Väike merineitsi, Hans Christian Anderseni muinasjutumaailm, tivoli, vahtkonnavahetus Amalienborgi ees, viikingid. Jalgrattasõit ja disain, võileivad, rohelus ja sõbralikud inimesed – need on vaid mõned märksõnad, millega võlub Taani pealinn Kopenhaagen. „Tahame maailmale näidata, kuidas rakendada linnas toimivaid rohelisi lahendusi,“ ütleb Kopenhaageni linnapea tehnika ja keskkonna alal Ayfer Baykal. Kopenhaageni nn rohelist mudelit on hinnatud kui linnaelanike elukvaliteeti tõstvat lahendust. Kunagi ammu oli linn umbes kaks ruutkilomeetrit suur ning koosnes lossisaarest, hõlmas Vester Voldgade, Nørre Voldgade, Øster Voldgade, kastelli ja Christianshavni. Hans Christian Andersen on muinasjutus „Vapper tinasõdur“ tollast olukorda kirjeldanud kui peadpööritavat. Linnas võis lihtsalt ära eksida ja inimesed olid lausa kokku surutud.

Taani on roheline Aastal 2014 on Kopenhaagen Euroopa roheline pealinn. Auväärsele tiitlile kandideeris 17 linna, sealhulgas Bristol ja Frankfurt. Linnu võrreldi 12 kategoorias, muu hulgas arvestati keskkonnakaitset ja linna rohelust. Kopenhaageni puhul kiideti ökoloogilist innovatsiooni ja järjepidevust. Hea näide on hotell Ibsen (, mis 2012. aasta septemberis tähistas oma 30. aastapäeva. Hotelli asupaik jalutuskäigu kaugusel kesklinnast otse pealinna kõige uuema, elegantsetesse hallidesse paigutatud taluturu lähedal annab võimaluse tutvuda nii heade söögikohtade kui ka väikeste vintage poekestega. Ibseni hommikusöögil pakutavad võileivad koosnevad 60 protsendi ulatuses mahetoodangust. Ibseni ketti kuulub veel neli hotelli ja kõigi puhul on keskkonnakaitse väga oluline. Ibsen on ka esimene CO2-neutraalne hotell maailmas. Hotell teeb koostööd firmaga NIKE, pakkudes klientidele võimalust laenata kohapeal spordirõivaid, mis aitavad vähendada pagasikaalu lennukis.

December 2012 in time

Raha läheb Aafrika koolidele ja veevarustusprojektidesse. Isegi kantud spordijalatseid ei visata ära, vaid saadetakse Aafrikasse. Ibseni töötajad tõendavad oma keskkonnateadlikkust sellega, et kasutavad konverentsidele ja kohtumistele sõites elektriautosid. Ibseni hotelli hommikusöögilauas istudes torkavad silma väikesed pildid seintel. Tegemist on omapärase projektiga. Nimelt arvas üks kunstnik, et raha pole ju midagi muud kui paber, millega tehakse kunsti, ja otsustas, et miks ei võiks teha kunsti, mis toimiks nagu raha. Nüüd saabki külastaja maksta oma toa eest osaliselt piltidega ning pärast jõulukuud on seinad tühjad, sest nn art money on muutunud populaarseks kingituseks. Kohe kõrval asuva ja samasse ketti kuuluva hotelli Kong Arthur juurde kuulub üks Taani kaunimatest spaadest, mis on sisustatud Tai-pärases stiilis.

Tekst: Thea Karin Fotod: Thea Karin, shutterstock

Jalgratas kui elustiil Rohelise mõtteviisi juurde kuulub liiklusvahendina jalgratas. Aga Taani pealinnas Kopenhaagenis pole üksnes palju jalgrattaid, neid on ka väga erisuguseid. Siin võib rahvavoolus pedaale väntamas näha ka ministreid, näiteks usuasjade ja võrdõiguslikkuse minister Manu Sareen sõidab ringi omanimelise disainjalgrattaga. Klassikaline jalgratas kujunes välja 19. sajandil ja jäi selliseks ligi 100 aasta vältel. 1893. aastast tuntakse Pederseni jalgratast, mille raam koosnes peenikestest


sihtkoht torudest ja kolmnurkadest, mis tekitasid stabiilse süsteemi ning sellel sai istuda mugavamalt ja sirgemalt. 1978. aastal elustas taani jalgrattaehitaja Jesper Sølling selle vahepeal unustuse hõlma vajunud mudeli ning jalgrattahuvilised üle maailma tunnevad seda hästi. Kõige tuntum on ehk Christiania jalgratas, mille edulugu algas aastal 1984, kui esimene taoline tänavale ilmus. Praeguseks on neid toodetud tuhandeid. Vastusena eelmise sajandi 1970. aastate energiakriisile valmistasid andekad vaba Christiania riigi elanikud kõigepealt endale haagisega jalgratta. Seda arendati pidevalt ja praegu tunneb selle ära juhtraua ees asuva kastikujulise käru järgi. Kopenhaagenit külastades võib näha, mida kõike selles kärus ei veeta – väikelastest noorte neidudeni ja söögikraamist kirjadeni. Näiteks Taani postiljonid kasutavad just seda jalgratast. Olemas on veel käsitsi valmistatud jalgrattad, mille kaitsekilbid võivad olla näiteks lamineeritud puidust ning kaetud laevalakiga. Neid valmistab Sögreni Cykler. BIOMEGA-nimelisi põnevaid ja ainulaadseid jalgrattaid kavandavad koostöös välismaiste disaineritega Jens Martin Skibsted ja Elias Grove Nielsen.

Maitsekas disain

Kuhu minna Kui teil on rohkem aega, tasub ette võtta sõit kunstimuuseumisse ARKEN. n

(Metroo või linnarongiga paigani Ishoj, sealt veel lühike sõit bussiga 128, mis küll eriti sageli ei sõida, nii et tagasisõiduks on mõistlik vaadata sõidugraafikut). Juba ainuüksi luidete vahel asuv laevanina meenutav hoone on huvitav. ARKEN-i suurtes ja kõrgetes ruumides on välja pandud nii Taani kui ka maailmas tuntud kunstnike looming. Kes otsustab linnas aega veeta, võib minna jalutama Assistensi kalmistule. n  Park on kaunis ja üles tasub otsida maailma tuntuima muinasjutuvestja Hans Christian Anderseni haud. Tivolisse on mõtet minna õhtu eel. Siis on võimalik näha muinasjutulist muun  tumist, kui laternad ja tuled põlema hakkavad. Tivolis on üle saja aasta vanune mägiraudtee, külastajatega sõidab alati kaasa töötaja, kes reguleerib kiirust vastavalt ilmaoludele. Taani Tivoli kasutab ainsana maailmas töötamiseks tuuleenergiat. Jõulude ajal muutub Tivoli ise muinasjutumaaks, kust loomulikult ei puudu Hans Christian Anderseni muinasjuttude tegelased.


Taanlaste heast maitsest saab ettekujutuse, kui käia Kopenhaageni disainikauplustes. Tuntumad brändid on Bang & Olufsen, LEGO, Ecco, Royal Copenhagen, Eva Trio, Stelton, Oticon ja paljud teised. Põneva uue kontseptsiooniga kaubamärgi MUUTO on loonud disaini õppivad noored, kes interpreteerivad Taani aastakümnetevanust klassikat ning loovad lihtsaid, elegantseid ja põnevaid skandinaavia disaini sulanduvaid esemeid, alates lampidest ja vaasidest kuni mööblini – kõike võib julgelt liigitada nimetaja alla New Nordic. MUUTO toodetega saab tutvuda juba Kopenhaageni lennujaama disainipoes. Läbi astuda tasub ka Louis Poulseni töötoast, kus vanade ajatute klassikute kõrval on heledas ruumis välja pandud kõige uuem looming. Kes aga soovib Taani lambidisaini nautida, siis selleks on parim paik Paludans Bookstore and Cafe ülikooli lähedal Fiolstraede ääres, kuhu üle 100 aasta on kogunenud kirjandushuvilised kohvi ja interjööri nautima. 2001. aastast saab seal lugeda raamatuid koos kohvi ja croissant’iga, imetledes samal ajal Louis Poulseni paremat loomingut, sh nn Suurt artišokki, ning Arne Jacobseni

in time December 2012

sihtkoht seinavalgustusi, mis tegelikult olid disainitud 1959. aastal SAS Royal hotelli jaoks, kuid praegu valgustavad galerii raamaturiiuleid.

Vahtkonnavahetust vaatama


Kopenhaageni üks vaatamisväärsusi on Kongelige Livgarde ehk kuninganna ihukaardivägi linna kõige kaunimal väljakul. Pilk ajalukku tuletab meelde, et see oli kuningas Frederik V, kes tahtis sajandi keskpaigas ehitada Kopenhaageni kesklinna esindusliku paraadväljaku. Kuna kuningal aga vajalik raha puudus, müüs ta kesklinna maa neljale rikkale aadlikule, lubades neile aastakümneteks maksusoodustusi tingimusel, et nad ehitavad sinna neli rokokoo stiilis paleed. Need paleed, mis tänaseni ümbritsevad väljakut, mille keskel on kuninga enda ratsamonument, läksid 1794. aastal üle kuningapere valdusesse. Kui loss Christiansborg, mis asus linnast väljas, maha põles ja kuningas Christian VII koos õukonnaga lageda taeva alla jäi, oli linnal pakkuda just need paleed ja nii sai neist kuni tänaseni kuningapere elukoht. Vahtkonnavahetus residentsi ees, mida kutsutakse ka Kuldseks puuriks, on eriline vaatemäng. Aset leiab see vaid siis, kui kuninganna linnas on ja Amalienborgi kohal lehvib kuninglik lipp. Kõrgete karunahast mütside ja mõõkadega varustatud vahtkond alustab marssimist Rosenborgi lossi juurest. Uudistajail tuleb hoida vahemaad, aga Taani vahtkonnaliikmed võivad naeratada ning isegi külastajatega mõne sõna vahetada.

kuks süüa võileiba, mis koosnes külmast lihaviilust, munast ja maitserohelisest, siis juba 19. sajandi lõpul pöörduti tagasi loodusliku söögi juurde, ütleb Aamannsi peakokk ja asutaja Adam Aamann. Praegu on leivakate selline nagu sada aastat tagasi, kuid nüüd hinnataksegi seda, et see ei sisalda konservante, kunstlikke värvaineid ega muud keemiat. Taani köök on säilitanud naturaalsuse ja smørrebrød ongi Taani panus rahvusvahelisse gurmeekööki. Siiani ei ole taani köök oma maa piiridest palju kaugemale jõudnud, sest lihtsad toidud ja tooraine on miski, millega tuleb üles kasvada ja harjuda. Oluliseks peab Aamann seda, et kõik oleks käsitsi tehtud, alates leivast. Toite on küll moderniseeritud, eriti maitset, sest kui 1950. aastatel oli väljas söömas käies oluline liha, siis praegu tähtsustatakse rohkem juur- ja köögivilju ning kvaliteeti. Smørrebrød’i köök on valmis maailma vallutama: septembris avas Aamann Manhattanil smørrebrød’i restorani, seal kannab see nime open-faced. Kui palju ja mitut sorti katet mahub ühe õhukese rukkileivaviilu peale, seda tasub Öster Farimagsgadele uurima minna. Kohale võiks minna veidi varem, kui uksed avatakse, sest siis jõuab jalutada läbi imekaunite kõrvaltänavate, kus kivimajade fassaadid on kaetud punaste, valgete ja roosade roniroosidega – Taani muinasjuttude romantilised illustratsioonid muutuvad mõistetavaks.





Tagasi loodusliku söögi juurde Kuidas Taanimaa maitseb, sellest saab ülevaatliku ettekujutuse kulinaarsel jalutuskäigul. A Taste of Denmark – see on neli kilomeetrit pikk jalutuskäik, mis viib uue turu juurest kesklinna kaheksa tuntud tootja juurde. Muuseas tutvustatakse kolmandat korda maailma parimaks nimetatud briti restorani NOMA ( Tippude hulka kuulub ka Aamanns ( ja seda nii oma võileiva-söögikohaga kui selle kõrval musta elegantse ukse taga asuva restoraniga. Esimeses saab lõuna ajal proovida ja kaasa osta smørrebrød’i – kuulsat taani võileiba. Võileiva kõrvale joob taanlane õlut. Kui veel 100 aastat tagasi peeti matsli-

December 2012 in time



Copenhagen – a modern city of fairy tales The Little Mermaid, the fairy tale world of Hans Christian Andersen, Tivoli, change of guard in front of Amalienborg, the Vikings, bicycles and design, sandwiches, greenery and friendly people – these are only some of the keywords that make Denmark’s capital Copenhagen so charming. Text: Thea Karin Photos: Thea Karin, Shutterstock



yfer Baykal, Mayor of Copenhagen for the Technical and Environmental data integration and management says: „We want to show the world how to implement green solutions that work.” The so-called green model of Copenhagen has been found to increase the qua-

lity of life of its residents. At first, the city was only about two square kilometres large, consisting of the castle island, Vester Voldgade, Nørre Voldgade, Øster Voldgade, Kastellet and Christianshavn. In his fairy tale The Brave Tin Soldier, Hans Christian Andersen described the city as head-spinning. Although the residential area was very small, it was easy to get lost.

in time December 2012

destination logical. Ibsen is also the first CO2-neutral hotel in the world. Thanks to partnership with NIKE, the hotel rents its customers sports clothes and footwear so they don’t have to bring them along. The profit goes to African schools and water supply projects. Also worn footwear is sent to Africa. Employees of Ibsen prove that they are environmental friendly also by driving electric cars. When sitting at the breakfast table at Ibsen, you cannot help noticing small paintings on the walls. This exciting project was launched by an artist who thought that money is nothing but paper that art is made with and decided to make art that would function as money. Now, visitors can pay for their room partly with paintings. After Christmas months, the walls are almost empty because the so-called art money has become also a popular gift item. Nearby is also the Hotel Kong Arthur that belongs to the same chain and has one of Denmark’s most beautiful Thai style spas.

Bicycle as lifestyle

Denmark is green In 2014 Copenhagen will be the Green Capital of Europe. 17 cities, including Bristol and Frankfurt competed for this coveted title. The cities were compared in 12 categories, including environmental protection and green areas. The scales went in favour of Copenhagen because of ecological innovation and consistency. An excellent example is Hotel Ibsen ( that celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. The hotel is only a walking distance from the capital’s newest farming market located inside elegant halls, inviting customers to visit good dining places and small vintage stores. Breakfast sandwiches offered at Ibsen are 60 percent organic. The Ibsen chain includes four hotels and all of them are very eco-

December 2012 in time

As a vehicle, a bicycle is a key part of green thinking. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has not only very many, but also very different bicycles. Among the crowd of cyclists you can spot even cabinet ministers, such as Manu Sareen, Minister for Religion and Equality, who pedals an individually designed bicycle. A classic bicycle was developed in the 19th century and remained unchanged for the next 100 years. Since 1893 we know the Pedersen bicycle whose frame consists of small tubes and triangles that created a stable system and enable to sit more comfortably and straight. In 1978, the Danish bicycle builder Jesper Sølling revived this forgotten model and bicycle fans all over the world know it well. The best-known of them is the Christiania bicycle whose success story started in 1984 when it made its first appearance on the streets. By now, thousands of them have been produced. As

As a vehicle, a bicycle is a key part of green thinking. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has not only very many, but also very different bicycles.



Places to see

If you have more time, visit n

the ARKEN Art Museum (take an underground or city train to Ishoj, then take a short ride with Bus No 128. It’s fairly rare so check out the timetable). The building located in the middle of sand tunes resembles a ship’s bow. ARKEN’s large and high halls exhibit the works of artists from Denmark and rest of the world. Those who wish to spend time n  in the city could visit the Assistens Cemetery. It’s a beautiful park and includes the grave of Hans Christian Andersen, the author of the world’s best-known fairy tales.


You should go to Tivoli just n

before dark to experience the magic moment when all its lanterns and lights come to life. It has a wooden roller coaster that is more than 100 years old and where an operator controls the ride by braking down the hills so it won’t gain too much speed. Danish Tivoli is the world’s only amusement park that is powered by wind energy. During Christmas, Tivoli itself turns into a winter wonderland where the characters of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales are always present.

a response to the energy crisis of 1970s, talented residents of the free Christiania country invented a bicycle with a luggage cart. It was constantly developed further and its characteristic feature is the box-like cart in front of the steering bars. Danes carry everything in this cart from children to food and letters. Even Danish postal workers are using this type of bicycle. There are also hand-made bicycles with fenders made of laminated wood and covered with marine varnish. These exciting and unique BIOMEGA bicycles are made by Sögreni Cyklar and designed in cooperation with foreign designers Jens Martin Skibsted and Elias Grove Nielsen.

Tasteful design To get an understanding of the Danish taste just visit the design stores in Copenhagen. The country’s best known brands are Bang & Olufsen, LEGO, Ecco, Royal Copenhagen, Eva Trio, Stelton, Oticon and many more. Inspired by and interpreting decades of classic Danish design, a group of young design students have created MUUTO, a design brand with an exciting concept. They are creating simple, elegant and interesting items based on Scandinavian design, starting from lamps and vases to furniture – all this is labelled as New Nordic. MUUTO products are available also in design stores at the Copenhagen Airport. We suggest that you also visit the Louis Poulsen workshop where old timeless classics are exhibited side by side with

in time December 2012

destination the latest creations. Those who want to enjoy the Danish lamp design in practice should go to Paludans Bookstore and Cafe at the university near Fiolstraede where literature fans have come to enjoy coffee and interior for more than 100 years. Since 2001 you can read books next to a coffee and a croissant, while marvelling the best works of Louis Poulsen, including the iconic Artichoke lamp, and wall lamps of Arne Jacobsen that were actually designed in 1959 for the SAS Royal Hotel and are now lighting up the gallery’s bookshelves.

Watching the change of guard One of the sights of Copenhagen is the Den Kongelige Livgarde or the Queen’s Royal Life Guards in the town’s most beautiful square. A view to the history reminds that it was King Frederik V who wanted to build a grand parade square in the middle of Copenhagen. To raise money for the project, he sold some land in the city centre to four rich noblemen, promising them major tax breaks if they build four palaces in rococo style. The buildings surrounding the square around the king’s equestrian statue became the property of the royal family in 1794. When the Christiansborg castle that was located outside the city burned down and King Christian VII and his royal court lost their residence, the city invited them to these palaces which have remained the place of residence for the royal family until today.

Paludans Bookstore and Cafe Manu Sareen

December 2012 in time



Tallinn - Kopenhaagen / n  Copenhagen Hind alates / Prices from 59.90 eur 19 x nädalas / 19 weekly flights


The change of guard in front of the residence that is also known as the Golden Cage, is a special show. It is held only when the Queen is in town and a royal flag has been hoisted. Wearing high bearskin hats and infantry sabres, the guards start their march from the Rosenborg castle. Visitors must keep at a distance, but Danish guard members are allowed to smile and even exchange some words with people.

Back to natural food One can get a sniff of how Denmark tastes by taking a culinary walk. A Taste of Denmark – it is a walk of four kilometres that takes you from the new market to eight centrally located and well-known producers. By the way, the list includes the British restaurant NOMA that has been named the world’s best three times already ( The tops also include Aamanns ( which has both a sandwich outlet and, next to it, behind an elegant black door, a restaurant. In the first one you can taste and take away smørrebrød – the famous Danish sandwich for lunch. Danes drink beer to their sandwich. While a hundred years ago it was considered very working-class to eat a sandwich with meats, egg and herbs, the thinking changed at the end of the 19th century when people re-discovered

organic food, says Adam Aamann, the chief and founder of Aamanns. The looks of the real Danish sandwich have not changed in a century, but today it is valued because it contains no preservatives, artificial colours or other chemical ingredients. The Danish kitchen has preserved its organic nature and smørrebrød is what Denmark has contributed to the international gourmet world. The Danish cuisine has not yet become an export product since simple foods and raw materials are something that one must grow up with and get used to. Aamanns considers it important that everything, including bread, is made by hand. Ingredients have been modernised, especially the taste, because while in the 1950s people went out to dine for meat, today the focus is more on vegetables, roots and quality. The Smørrebrød kitchen is prepared to conquer the world: in September Aamann opened a smørrebrød restaurant in Manhattan under the name of open-faced. If you are wondering how many toppings one thin slice of rye-bread can hold, check it out in Öster Farimagsgade. We advise you to arrive before doors open and walk in this beautiful area of stone houses with facades covered with red, white and pink climbing roses. Suddenly, you will understand the romantic illustrations of Danish fairy tales.

in time December 2012


Kaameraga mees (vihma)metsa ja suurlinna vahelt 42

in time December 2012


Fotograaf Kaupo Kikkas (29) on just tulnud Londonist, kus ta on pildistanud kuulsaid muusikuid ning jätnud looduskatastroofi tõttu ära tööreisi New Yorki. Tema rahvusvaheline haare ja konkursivõidud ei jäta Eesti fotohuvilisi külmaks – teda kas vihatakse või imetletakse. Kogu intervjuu jooksul ei saa ma lahti mõttest, et huvitav, milline on see Irving Penni ja Richard Avedoni stiilis autoportree, mille ta temast endast kirjutatud loo juurde kaanefotoks lubas teha? Võib-olla oleks enne intervjuud pidanud end Kikkase fotokursusele registreerima? Tekst: Piret tali • Fotod: kaupo kikkas


rinevalt pressifotograafidest, kes ühel ja samal päeval sama kampsuniga tulest, veest ja vasktorudest läbi käivad, õhkab Kaupost kohvikusse saabudes elegantsi. Ülespööratud kraega peen trench-coat ning kerge odöör. Lisaks emotsionaalne rääkimismaneer, mis ei saa kedagi külmaks jätta ja mis temast ilmselt hea pedagoogi teeb. Olgu siis auditooriumis fotohuvilised koduperenaised või profid. Mis muud kui jumalik suhtleja peab olema portreefotograaf, kes on pildistanud kõike Playboyst ja ministrite paraadpiltidest kuni Amazonase indiaanlaste, maailmabrändide visuaali ja tippmuusikuteni. Mees saabus alles eile lennukilt, kuid on tänase hommikupooliku juba veetnud „ühe fotovõistluse züriis”, nagu ta tagasihoidlikult mainib. „Ainult üks kümnest lõppvooru jõudnud pildist oli värviline,“ poetab ta tagasihoidlikult. Kõlab nagu väga eksklusiivne fotokonkurss. Kummaline, et ajal, kui Kõik Pildistavad, pole nõudlus kutseliste fotograafide ja väärt fotode järele sugugi vähenenud, pigem pidevalt kasvanud!

Mehed maa alt Eestis oldud ajast on ta osa veetnud maa all. Just sealsamas, kus asub Eesti üks väheseid maavarasid ehk pruuniks kullaks nimetatud põlevkivi Ida-

December 2012 in time


persoon Virumaal. Ta on seal pildistanud kaevureid oma uue näituse tarvis, mida Viru Keemia Grupp on lubanud Jõhvi kontserdimajas black box-tüüpi saalis 31. jaanuaril presenteerida. Kindlasti jõuab näitus ka Tallinna, aga pole kindel, kuhu. „Tallinnas istudes piirad end ja unustad, kus päriselt tööd tehakse, maa alla minek oli nagu sukeldumine teise maailma,” ütleb Kaupo, kes on isegi sukeldumisega tegelnud. „Kaevurid ja kalurid on sellised sümboolsed rudimendid, vana aja kangelased, kes teevad kätega tööd, kellele on oluline amet ja ametiau,” sõnab ta. „Nende silmis on mingi sügavus, mida see töö tekitab. Missioon nagu Rambol.” Fotograaf läks maa alla pildistama koos kolme assistendist koosneva nn inimstatiiviga, kes suutsid välkkiirelt õigetele kohtadele paigutuda. „Pil-

did tulid välja efektsed ja kõnekad, ent loomulikud – mehed on oma puuri, lõhkeaine või veepumba taga.” Kogu intervjuu jooksul mõtlen, millist pilti endast tahab ta ajakirja kaanefotoks? Kindel võib olla ainult selles, et pilt on peaaegu mustvalge ning sellel pole ühtki liigset detaili. Ja kui Kaupo on Täiusliku Pildini jõudnud, siis ülejäänud sada ta lihtsalt ei näita. Ajal, kus kõik teevad kõigega pilti, ei oska inimesed enam vaadata. Pigem tahetakse lõppematut pildijada – 500, 1000 pilti. Kaupo on nii suur kiusupunn, et ei anna niisugust tulemust. Vähemalt mitte enne, kui esimene pilt on Vaadatud. Tema eelmised autoportreed on: punastav maapoiss kitsega ja mustanahaliseks armistatud orjaks maskeeritud mees. Lisaks veel hulk geelsoenguga sileda korporatiivfotograafi pilte, ent ka kummikutes mees samblases Eesti metsas või tormise mere ääres hülgeid pildistamas. Nägusid on palju.

Hingelt muusik Enamiku elust on Kaupo harjutanud pilli. Ta õppis muusikakeskkoolis ja muusikaakadeemias klarnetit ning mängis ka oma lõbuks saksofoni. Pärast seda, kui muusikaakadeemia pooleli jäi ja fotograafia võimust võttis, on pillid küll alles, aga ta ei mängi. Kui iga päev harjutada ei saa, oleks tulemus kehvem kui varem. Ilmselt oleks ta auga oma leiva kusagil orkestris teise klarnetina välja teeninud. Kuid Kaupo ei usu, et temast midagi enamat oleks tulnud. „Ma pole loomult heliredelite nühkija,” ütleb ta. „Olen küll suur töötegija, kuid teen seda teisiti.” Muusikasse sisenemislävi on palju kõrgem, kui see, et ostad klaveri. „Fotograafiaga on näiliselt palju lihtsam,” ütleb ta. „Aga mida lihtsam valdkond,


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persoon seda raskem on olla silmapaistev.” Kõik algas sellest, et noormees otsis endale kooli kõrvale lisateenistust. Microlinkis töötav sõber pakkus talle siseveebi teha. Kaupo kirjutas uudisnuppe ning oli Microlink Online’i ehk tulevase Delfi toimetaja ja fotograaf. Ühel päeval sattus talle pihku algeline digikaamera, mis maksis tol ajal kosmilise summa. Megapiksleid oli sel tervelt 0,3. Mingil hetkel käis klõks ja muusikaõpingute asemel tuli fotograafia kogu täiuses – press, pulmad jne. Tema toonane kõrghetk oli ajakirja Xpress kaanefoto menubändist Brainstorm. Nüüd pole enam bändi ega ajakirja. „Õnneks alustasin digiga ja jõudsin kiiresti filmi juurde,” ütleb Kaupo. Ilmselt pildistaks ta praegugi filmile ja tal oleks kaamerates nii mustvalge kui ka värvifilm, kui see kõik lõputut ajakulu ei tähendaks. Kõige rohkem armastab fotograaf jäädvustada muusikuid. Paljudega neist on tal soe ja äge suhe. Mõned on sõbrad esimesest klassist, teised õpetajad, kolmandad maailmanimega interpreedid. „Olen hingelt muusik, kes küll iga päev ei tee muusikat, aga olen selles maailmas sees,” ütleb Kaupo. Nagu tema viimase aja nauding – imperssionistlik maalikunst, mille tegijad omal ajal koos muusikute ja kirjanikega moodustasid Pariisis ühtse mustri, kus olid visuaal, helid ja sõnad.

Ainult hea olemisest on vähe Tundub, nagu oleksid need mõne portfoolio jaoks tehtud, aga tegelikult pole Kaupo enne eelmist aastat üheski asutuses ennast mapiga pidanud tõestamas käima. Pariisis ta seda tegi. „Siiani uskusin, et kui oled nii hea kui võimalik, jõuvad kõik asjad sinuni,” sõnab ta. „Praegu tundub see vale olevat.” Kui ta 12-13 aastat tagasi alustas, võis veel nii olla. „Muusikutega suheldes näen kogu aeg, et kuulsad pole sugugi parimad, vaid hoopis need, kes on ka head, aga mitte nii head, kuid kellel on lisaks talendile ka hulk PR-mänedžere ja agente,” lausub ta. Ta ei usu, et oleks olemas fotograafi, kes tahaks üksinduses üllast kunsti luua. „Iga looja tahab publikule vajalik olla,” sõnab mees. „Egoistlik oleks valetada, et olen nii diip mees, kes ainult luua tahab. Selline introvertne looja on üks miljonist. Ausam on tunnistada, et mulle läheb tähelepanu korda.”

December 2012 in time

Arvo Pärt, Aadama itk Arvo Pärt, Adam's Lament


persoon Kaupo Kikkas,

auhinnatud portreefotograaf ja fotograafia õppejõud Sündinud: 14. veebruaril n  1983 Tallinnas

Õppinud: Tallinna Muusin

kakeskkoolis ja Eesti Muusikaakadeemias klarneti erialal, tegelenud saksofonimängu ja laulmisega (Horre Zeigeri bigbändis ja peale mõnd drink'i sõprade keskel). Fotograafiat õppinud Soomes Tamperes Institute of Visual Communication Master of Photography kursusel. Töö: Pildistab firmasid n  ja muusikuid üle maailma. Juhendab Eestifoto stuudios kursusi, olnud külalisõppejõud ka teistes fotokoolides ning kursustel, juhatab stuudio-, portree- ja loodusfoto teemalisi töötubasid. Osaleb fotovõistluste žüriides. Eestis pildistanud aastaid Eesti Vabariigi valitsusele, kaitseministeeriumile, RMK-le, Statoilile, Estonian Airile, Viru Keemia Grupile jne. Fine Art fotodega on kavandanud mitmeid interjööre nii eraisikutele kui ka ettevõtete büroodele. Avaldanud fotosid enamikus Eesti meediaväljaannetes, sh Eesti Ekspress, Muusika, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, Just jne. Kirjutanud fotograafia teemadel ja reisikirju Äripäevas, Kodus ja Aias, fotoajakirjas Cheese jne. Auhinnad: n  2010 – ajakiri Nikon Pro avaldas kaanefotona tema pildi. 2010 – esimene, teine ja kolmas koht 8x10 fotode rahvusvahelisel pulma- ja portreefotode konkursil (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) 2011 – hõbemedal samal võistlusel 16x20 fotode kategoorias (Wedding and Portraid Photographers International) 2011 – Eesti parim portreefoto WPPE Baltikumi portree- ja pulmafotovõistlusel Isikunäitused n  "Koola Veemaastikud", 2003 "London, London", 2004 "All that Jazz", 2005 “Kahtlased pinnad", 2007 "Backstage", 2009 “Sugartown”, 2010 “London, My dear”, 2011 “Statue”, 2012


Kaupo peab end õnnelikuks inimeseks, sest saab Eestis (ja maailmas) tegutsedes end fotograafina ära elatada. „Neid, kes alles pärast palgatööd aparaadi kätte võtavad, on küllaga,“ ütleb ta. Ehkki alles nüüd saab ta endale lubada tööd valida ning on palju hästi tasuvaid tööotsi ära öelnud, valides pigem huvitavaid, kus raha pole sedavõrd oluline. „Olen vahetanud rahatöid muude väärtuste vastu,“ sõnab ta. „Raha võib sinuni ka nii jõuda, aga kui sa raha järele jooksed, ei jõua muu kvaliteetne sinuni.“ Viimastel aastatel on ta keskendunud portreefotodele ja oma projektidele. „Mind huvitavad meeletult intelligentsed isiksused,“ möönab ta. Isegi kui enamik neist võib veel olla raha suhtes tagaajaja rollis. Teine fotograafi lummav teema on loodus. Õnneks või kahjuks on Eestis juba hulgaliselt tipploodusfotograafe, kes seda sugugi palgatööna ei

tee. Kaupo ütleb, et peab end nende kõrval „sahtliloodusfotograafiks“. Kuna tal endal neile fotodele väärikat väljundit pole, siis ta neid ei eksponeeri.

Kuidas jäädvustada kümmet aastat? Muidugi räägime sellepärast Estonian Airi ajakirja tarvis, et Kaupo on aastaid selle firma ilmet oma fotodega kujundanud. See pole tal sugugi ainus kümne aastani küündiv püsisuhe mõne asutusega. „See on nagu krooniku või ajalookirjutaja roll: sa lood hetke visuaalkultuuri, mis peegeldab seda aega,” ohkab mees rahulolevalt. „Müstiline ajatelg, mida reklaamiagentuure teenindavatel fotograafidel pole võimalik tunnetada.“ Mõneti tundub uskumatu, et Eesti kiiresti muutuvas ühiskonnas ja majanduslanguse ajal selline

Nicola Benedetti koos Bushy parki hirvedega Nicola Benedetti with deers in Bushy park

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persoon stabiilsus võimalik on. „Ühes ministeeriumis on selle ajaga vahetunud pool personalist ja neli-viis ministrit,” muigab Kaupo. Mõnel juhul liigub ta turundusjuhiga uude ettevõttesse, teisel juhul, kui nägemused klapivad ja ühine vereringe tekib, alustab koostööd uuega. „Hea, kui inimene on sama, hea, kui ettevõtte kvaliteet või väärtus edasi liigub,“ leiab fotograaf. Ta tunnistab, et tegelikult on ta ju täiuslike illusioonide looja ja pildile panija. Pikaajalisi kliente on tal palju, näiteks advokaadibürood, ministeeriumid, riigikantselei jne. Ta loodab, et temagi saab vana mehena pühkida pisara nagu need pulmafotograafid, kes inimese elukaare kuni lastelasteni jäädvustanud on. Tellijad võivad aga kindlad olla, et Kaupo ei kirjuta arvetesse õhku ning annab alati endast parima, et tulemus hea oleks. „Nad teavad, mida saavad, teen endast kõik, et see nii oleks,“ sõnab ta. „See on edu valem, peab austama kliente, isegi kui kehvad pildid tulevad, pead olema kindel, et tegid kõik endast oleneva, et tulemus parim oleks. Nii on endal lihtsam puhta südametunnistusega uinuda.“

Kontrollitud juhused ja lihtsustamise kunst Vaid viiendik Kaupo piltidest valmib stuudios. Kui just klient ise tungivalt stuudiot ei nõua. Ka ei armasta ta stuudio-aksessuaare või rekvisiite. Talle meeldib viia kokku keskkond ja inimene ning panna nad koos lugu jutustama. Näiteks pargis jooksvad hirved ja tippmuusik. „Õpetan koolis, et fotograafia on tasalülitamise, lihtsustamise kunst, kus kõik liigne tuleb välistada,“ ütleb mees. Ning kordab minimalistide lipukirja „Less is more“. „Vaataja tähelepanu on püsiv – mida rohkem detaile, seda vähem ta neid märkab.“ Täiuslikult selge ja puhta tulemuseni jõudmiseks on vaja palju kontrollitud juhuseid. Vahel on need juhused naljakad, vahel rõõmsad, mõnikord lihtsalt ilusad. Kaupo piltidel on vähe värve. „Värvid on sageli tapeet-müra, mis segab. Inimest pildistades hakkab tema pilk ja nägu mängima siis, kui näiteks näo värvilised ebakorrapärad on taandatud. Korraga hakkab mängima pilgu olemus ja vaate sügavus.“

December 2012 in time

Amazonase hõimudega vihmametsas Aprillis sõidab Kaupo koos antropoloogist sõbra Ivo Tšetõrkiniga taas Amazonase vihmametsa, kus neil on käsil antropoloogiline projekt. Nad uurivad Matsese ja Matisse’i indiaanihõime. Esimesed on tuntud kui Amazonase kassinimesed, kuna kannavad tootemlooma jaaguari austuseks näos pikki peenikesi "vurre". Seekord võtavad nad fotoreisile


persoon kaasa ka kümmekond fotohuvilist. Minnakse Yavari jõele Peruu ning Brasiilia piiril, kus elab üks väheseid tsivilisatsiooniga mittekokkupuutunud hõime. Nad ei tungi nende aladele, mis nende kultuurile ja tervisele mõjuks, aga paikadesse, mis just nende viimaste “metsikute” hõimudega piirnevad. Neid alasid kutsutakse seal domineeriva hõimu järgi Matsese aladeks ja sealse hõimu külad elavad meie mõistes suhtelises isolatsioonis. Ivo, kes aastaid töötas advokaadina, tavaliselt filmib ja Kaupo pildistab oma projekti „Minu esimene foto“ tarvis. Tema eesmärk on viia fotograafia inimesteni, kes teavad, mis on foto, aga keda ei ole kunagi pildistatud. „Teen neist pildid, prindin kohapeal välja ja kingin neile. „Meid huvitavad protsessid, inimesed ja nende käitumine, pildistamine on pigem nende protsesside avaldumine, mitte lõppeesmärk,” ütleb fotograaf. Kaupo ja Ivo on koos korduvalt Lõuna-Ameerikas Peruus ja Colombia Amazonasel seigelnud. Esimest korda käisid nad seal koos viis aastat tagasi. „Minu elutempo on kiire, on väga palju kohtumisi, reisimist, suurlinnu ning vähe aega sõprade jaoks,“ ütleb Kaupo, kes ei suudaks elada linnakära ega looduseta. „Mul on vaja inimesi-inimesi-inimesi ja siis vaikust ning loodust ja siis jälle inimesi.

Kaupo Kikkas oma reisidest Minu reisid on viimastel aastatel viinud mind korduvalt Amazonasesse ja n

see on paik, mida olen ehk kõige sügavamalt tunnetanud ja uurinud. Aga mind tõmbab ka väga Aafrika, näiteks n-ö Africa for beginners – Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik, mida julgen soovitada igale maitsele. Euroopast kindlasti London ja Pariis, kuna mu tööalased unistused on n  eelkõige nende linnadega seotud. London ja Pariis on vastuolulised linnad. Londonit vihkan ja armastan. Ta võtab su ja viskab nurka nagu märja kaltsu. Ta on kohutavalt indiviidivaenulik. Nagu see ülikonnas vend, kes jooksu pealt sööb suppi ja tõenäoliselt juhib suures klaasmajas meie pensionifonde. Armastan seda, et seal on kaheksa sümfooniaorkestrit ja võib lõputult kultuuri endasse ahmida. Võid olla korraga East Endi kolkas immigrantide keskel, kes ei mõtlegi midagi teha, ning nautida maailmakultuuri. Minna näiteks Veolia Wildlife Price’i fotonäitusele ja näha seal meie loodusfotograafi Remo Savisaare pilti. Või tunda kultuurikihti, mille paksus paneb silmad vett jooksma. Naudin inimesi, kes ei ole jõukad olnud viimased 20 aastat, vaid kuus inimpõlve, ning seda, mida nad oskavad selle jõukusega teha (peale väikeste sammukeste tarbimisharjumustes). Näiteks imetlen härrat, kes võtab muusikatunde ning tervitab iga süvamuusikakontserti särasilmi nagu väike poiss. Kindlasti ka Eesti, kus armastan pildistada loodust, ning aastatepikkune n  koostöö RMK-ga (Riigi Metsamajandamise Keskus) on mind viinud pea igale poole (ehk Kagu-Eesti välja arvata). Ka Lapimaa on imeline. Ma ei suudaks olla üksnes looduses või üksnes suurlinnas, ma vajan üht, et teisest puhata.


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A man with a camera between a (rain)forest and a city Photographer Kaupo Kikkas (29) has just arrived from London from a photo session with several famous musicians and he was also supposed to go on a business trip to New York, but Hurricane Sandy cancelled it. His international grasp and numerous prizes do not leave Estonian photography fans indifferent – they either hate him or love him. During the whole interview I kept thinking about the Irving Penn and Richard Avedon style self-portrait that he had promised to make for the issue’s cover. Should I have taken his photo class before going to interview him? Text: Piret tali Photos: kaupo kikkas



nlike press photographers who are prepared to go through fire, water and brass pipes for a good photo, Kaupo looks simply elegant when he steps into the cafeteria with a fancy trench coat and a mild scent accompanied by his emotional way of speech that does not go unnoticed and that makes him a good teacher, both for housewives and professional photographers. I guess a portrait photographer who has captured everything from Playboy to cabinet ministers and Amazon Indians, world-famous brand visuals and rock stars must have godlike communication skills.

The man just got off the plane, but has already spent his morning in the jury of a photo contest, as he modestly notes. „By the way, only one of ten photos that made it to the last ten was in colour,” he adds. Sounds like a very exclusive contest. And it’s interesting that although everybody is now making photos, the demand for professional photographers and good photos is actually growing.

Men from underground Part of his time in Estonia he has actually spent underground – in Northeast Estonia in the middle of oil-shale or brown gold, one of the few mineral resources in Estonia. He has been photographing miners for his new exhibition that oil-shale

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Kaupo Kikkas,


award-winning portrait photographer and lecturer of photography Born: 14 February 1983 n  in Tallinn Education: Tallinn n  Music School and Estonian Music Academy (clarinet). Plays saxophone and sings in Horre Zeiger Big Band or with friends, after some drinks Studied photography in the Institute of Visual Communication, Master of Photography in Tampere, Finland. Work: Photographs n  companies and musicians all over the world. Manages training in Eestifoto studio, has been a visiting lecturer also in other photo-schools and courses, manages workshops on studio, portrait and nature photography. Jury member in many photo contests. In Estonia, his customer list includes the government, Ministry of Defence, State Forest Management Centre, Statoil, Estonian Air, Viru Keemia Grupp etc. Produces fine art photos both for individuals and corporate offices. His photos have been published in most Estonian media channels including Eesti Ekspress, Muusika, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, Just. Has written articles on photography and travelling in Äripäev, Kodu ja Aed, photo magazine Cheese, etc.

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Kaupo järgmine näituseprojekt portreteerib kaevureid Ojamaa kaevanduses, siin tema meeskond näituse pildistamiselt. Kaupo's next showproject portraits miners from Ojamaa mind, this is his photo shoot crew.

n  Prizes: 2010 – Magazine Nikon Pro published his photo on their cover 2010 – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at a contest organised by Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (8x10 category) 2011 – Silver medal at the same competition in the 16x20 category 2011 – Estonia’s best portrait photo in the WPEE Baltic Wedding and Portrait Photo Contest n  Personal exhibitions (plus tens of group exhibitions): „Kola’s Water Landscapes”, 2003 „London, London”, 2004 „All that Jazz”, 2005 „Suspicious Surfaces”, 2007 „Backstage”, 2009 „Sugartown”, 2010 „London, My dear”, 2011 „Statue”, 2012


mining company Viru Keemia Grupp will present on January 31 in the black box of the local Võsu Concert Hall. Tallinn is on the cards for the exhibition, but the venue is still unknown. „When in Tallinn, you forget how real work looks like. Going to the mine was like diving into another world,“ says Kaupo who is actually a trained diver. „Miners and fishermen are symbolic relicts and heroes of the past who work with their hands and their profession and integrity are paramount for them,” he says. „They have such depth in their eyes. It comes from their work. On a mission like Rambo.“ He went underground with a „human-tripod” consisting of three assistants whose job was to ensure that everything was right from the start. „Photos came out powerful and deep, but natural – miners drilling, handling explosives or pumping water.“ „So, what kind of a cover photo will he make of himself?” I thought. I could only be sure that it was

going to be almost black and white and without any excessive details. Once Kaupo gets the Perfect Shot, the rest is not important any more. At a time when everybody is shooting photos with everything, people no longer know how to look. Instead, they prefer to have endless series of 500, 1000 or more photos. This is not Kaupo’s way – he does not show the rest of the photos, at least not before the first photo has been really looked at. His previous self-portraits have included a blushing country lad with a goat and a a black slave with scars. Plus many shots of a corporate photographer wearing a slick haircut, he in Wellingtons in the middle of an Estonian forest and with seals at a stormy sea. Many faces.

Musician by soul A camera is not the only instrument that Kaupo can play. He studied clarinet in a music school and the music academy, and played saxophone as a hobby. He says that he still has the musical instruments, but has rarely played them after dropping

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person ny’s website. That is how Kaupo became the editor and photographer of Microlink Online which is now known as Delfi. One day he came across a rudimental digital camera that at those times cost heavens and had 0.3 million pixels. At some point he heard a click and music studies were totally replaced by photography, press photos, wedding photos, etc. The peak of his early career was the cover photo of Latvian rock group Brainstorm in Xpress magazine. Both the group and the magazine no longer exist. „Fortunately I started with digital photography and moved quickly to film,” says Kaupo. If it were not so time-consuming, he would probably be still shooting on film, both in black-and-white and in colour. Above all, he likes to shoot musicians and many of them are his long-time friends. Some are his schoolmates, others are teachers or worldfamous composers or instrumentalists. „In my soul I am still a musician. I don’t not play an instrument on a daily basis, but I am still inside this world,” he explains. It’s like his latest discovery – impressionist artists who formed a common pattern with musicians and novelists in Paris at their time, combining visuals with sound and lyrics.

Being good is not enough

out of the music academy and plunging into the world of photography. He could have probably become a good second clarinet in some orchestra. But Kaupo does not believe that he had more than that in him. „I am not the type that keeps rehearsing music day and night,“ he says. „I work hard, but I do it my way.“ Becoming a musician requires a lot more than simply buying a piano. „It seems that the threshold for photography is much lower. But the simpler the business the more difficult it is to become noticed.” It all started with the need to find an additional income. A friend who was working in Microlink offered him to write and edit news for the compa-


It seems that these photos are made for some portfolio, but Kaupo has actually never had to present one. Until last year in Paris, that is. „I always thought that if you are as good as you can, things will happen by themselves,” he says. „I no longer think like this.“ Things were different 12-13 years ago when he started. „When I speak with musicians, I see that the famous ones are not necessarily the best ones. They are good and have talent, but they also have many publicists and PR agents to support them,” he says. He does not believe that anyone would want to create noble photo art in solitude. „Every creator wants to feel that the audience needs them,” he says. „It’s pointless to pretend that I am such a deep guy that I only want to create. Such introvert creators are one in a million. It is more honest to

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person admit that I like attention.” Kaupo considers him lucky because he can make a living in Estonia (and the world) by being a photographer. „There are many people who pick up the camera only after a day’s work,“ he says. But it’s been only recently that he has been able to choose what he does and turn down many lucrative offers for those that are interesting, but not so well paid. „I have exchanged lucrative jobs to other values,“ he says. „Money can reach you, but if you chase it, you will miss other important things.“ In the recent years he has been focusing on portrait photos and his projects. „I am deeply interested in intelligent personalities,” he admits. Even if they are chasing money. The second topic that he finds exciting is nature. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are many top-level nature photographers in Estonia who don’t do it for money. Kaupo says that compared to these guys, he is an amateur nature photographer. Since he has no respectful outlet for his nature photos, he prefers not to expose them.

law firms, government agencies, State Chancellery, etc. He hopes that as an old man he can one day wipe tears like these wedding photographers who have captured a man’s lifecycle from beginning to grandchildren. Customers can be confident that Kaupo does not charge them for something he has not done and that he always gives his best to deliver. „They know what they get. I will do everything possible to deliver it,“ he says. „This is the secret of success. You have to respect the customer. Even if the photos don’t come out good you must make sure that you do everything possible to get the best result. A clear conscience also helps to fall asleep at night.“

How to capture ten years? One of the reasons why we are interviewing Kaupo is the fact that he has been shaping the image of Estonian Air with his photos for years. This is not the only ten-year customer relationship that Kaupo has. „It’s like a role of a historian or chronicler: you create the visual culture which reflects a particular moment in time,” the man says with satisfaction. „It's a mystic time-axis that photographers who work for advertising agency never experience.” It seems incredible that such stability is possible in the rapidly changing Estonian society and during the recent economic turmoil. „In one government agency, half of the staff and four or five ministers have been replaced during that time,” says Kaupo, laughing. When marketing managers of his customers change jobs, Kaupo sometimes goes with them, while in other cases he stays with the customer if they share visions and values. „It’s good if you have the same person to work with and if the quality or value of the enterprise develops,” he adds and admits that he is simply creating and capturing perfect illusions. Kaupo has many loyal customers, including

December 2012 in time


person Kaupo Kikkas about his trips My trips in recent years n

have taken me mainly to Amazonas and this is the area that I have explored and sensed in greater detail. But I am also often drawn to Africa, namely Africa for beginners, i.e. the Republic of South Africa that I recommend to anyone. In Europe, London and n

Paris, of course, since my work-related dreams are mainly linked to these cities. London and Paris are such controversial places. I hate and love London. It takes you and throws you in a corner like a wet rag. London hates individuals. And so does the guy who eats instant soup while walking on the street and who probably manages your pension funds in his huge glass skyscraper.

I love that there are eight n

symphony orchestras and no end to culture. You can find yourself suddenly among immigrants in East End and enjoy world cultural heritage, without having to worry about your safety. Or you can go to the photo exhibition in Veolia Wildlife Price and watch nature photos of our own Remo Savisaar. Or feel the thickness of the cultural layer that brings tears to you eyes. I like people who have not been wealthy for the last 20 years, but for six generations already and know what they are expected do with all this wealth (apart from some daily consumption). I marvel the gentleman who takes music lessons and is happy over every classical music concert like a small boy.

Controlled coincidences and the art of simplification Only a fifth of Kaupo’s photos are shot in a studio, usually if it’s a specific request of the customer. He also dislikes studio accessories and props. He likes to bring the person and the surrounding together and let them tell their story. For instance, deer running in a park and a famous musician. „I tell my students that photography is the art of balance and simplification where all excess must be cut off,” he says. „Less is more“, he believes. „The viewers’ attention is definite – the more details the less they see them.“ To reach pure and clear result one needs many controlled coincidences that are sometimes funny, sometimes joyful and sometimes simply beautiful, says Kaupo. Kaupo’s photos have very few colours. „Colours are often wallpaper, disturbing noise. A photo of face starts to speak to you after you have discoloured it. Suddenly it brings out the essence and the depth of the glance.”

With Amazon tribes in a rainforest In April, Kaupo and his friend Ivo Tšetõrkin will return to the Amazon rainforest in connection with an anthropological project. They are studying the Indian tribes of Matses and Matisse. The first are known as the Amazon cat-people since they wear long thin „whiskers” as a tribute to their

sacred animal, the jaguar. This time, Kaupo and Ivo will be travelling with about ten other people. They will go to the Yavari river on the border of Peru and Brazil which resides one of the few remaining tribes that is untouched by the civilization. Since they don’t want to affect the culture and health of these people, they will be visiting only bordering areas of one of these last „wild” tribes. The area is named after its dominant Matses tribe and people in local villages are living practically in isolation. Ivo, a former lawyer, will be shooting a documentary while Kaupo takes photos for his project „My First Photo”. His objective is to introduce photography to people who know what a photo is, but have never been photographed. „I photograph them, print it out on the spot and give it to them as a present. I am interested in processes, people and their behaviour. Photographing is the expression of these processes, not the objective,” he says. Kaupo and Ivo have travelled many times to the Amazon area in Peru and Colombia in South America. The first time they visited the area was five years ago. „My life is very busy. I go to many meetings, trips, big cities, and I have very little time for friends,“ says Kaupo, adding that he needs both the city buzz and the nature to survive. „I need people, people, people and then I need nature’s peace and quiet. And then people again.“

Definitely also Estonia, n

where I like to photograph wildlife and where my longtime partnership with the State Forest Management Centre has taken me almost everywhere (except perhaps Southeast Estonia). Also Lapland is great. I could not live only in a city or only in the countryside – I need one to rest from the other.


in time December 2012

Traditional Estonian Industry

What is VKG? The world’s second largest oil shale production enterprise by volume. The largest in Estonia. >

Provides work for over 2,000 people, primarily in Ida-Viru County;


Produces fuel oils, heat, electricity, construction materials and chemicals, including ďŹ ne chemicals for the automobile, tyre, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries;


Starts in the nearest future production of diesel fuel to cover Estonia needs completely.

Estonian oil shale is our gold. VKG values the wealth of the nation.


Religion is not a widely discussed topic among Estonians who are rather known for being the most atheist country in the world as only less than 20% of the population admits to believing in god. The situation tends to shift a little during Christmas. Text: liis kängsepp • Photos: Julia-Maria Linna, shutterstock

Christmas with wild spirits and helping prayers 58

in time December 2012



stonians are not very keen on going to church, even if they believe in god, nor talking about their religious views, but despite the atheism many people still tend to see going to church at Christmas as the appropriate thing to do, even if they do not believe in god. For some it might be an old habit as during the Soviet times going to church for a Christmas service was an act of resistance to the system. But for some this is an important part of celebrating Christmas – even though Estonians are not religious, their Christmas traditions and culture is soaked by Christian culture and Lutheran values. So, for Estonians Christmas is a Christian holiday, a celebration of the birth of Jesus, but unlike some other cultures, the biggest celebrations in Estonia take place on Christmas Eve, on the 24th of December. Besides Lutheran values and customs, Estonian Christmas is also about our native religion, in Estonian maausk (word by word: earth religion). Even today when the majority of Estonians live in cities and not in the countryside, quite many of them still tend to associate themselves mostly with this pagan religion and highly value its traditions.

Clean the house and pay your debts As in most pagan religions, Christmas is one of the most important holidays for native Estonians as it symbolises the victory of light over darkness. It is

December 2012 in time

a mystical and a bit dangerous time when it is better to stay home and spend time with your family. But why should you stay indoors? The answer is quite simple, really – the time from the beginning of November until the end of Christmas is considered to be the time of spirits when those who have passed away, can come and visit the living. The problem is that not all of those spirits wandering around are good. Some of them are quite evil and may harm you, so during Christmas, when there might be more evil spirits around, it is safer to stay indoors where they cannot harm you. If you really have to go out at night, it could be safer to disguise yourself, so that the evil spirits would not realise you are a human, but see you as one of their kind. Christmas for Estonian pagans begins on the st 21 December, on winter solstice. According to the beliefs of native Estonians, the sun goes hiding for four days and those days are very short, with the darkest and longest nights of the year. During the first day of Christmas, you should slaughter a pig, clean up your house, cook, pay back all your debts, go to the sauna and for the next four days you should eat until you think your belly is about to explode. Then eat some more. „It is important to clean up your household before Christmas and December 21 is the last day to do that,” says Ott Heinapuu, a journalist and an active practitioner of maausk. The rags used for cleaning up your house should be gathered and put together to form a rag doll called TahmaToomas (Soot-Thomas). As it is very important to get all the dirt out of your house, you then have to go and secretly place the doll at your neighbour's door, making sure your house would stay clean during the next year. „You have to keep an eye on your door because if somebody brings a TahmaToomas to your doorstep, you have to get rid of it as soon as possible – pass it on to somebody else's door or take it to the forest,” says Ott's father, Andres Heinapuu. „Of course, originally polite people just took those dolls straight to the forest, but long years of slavery led Estonians to believe it is better to drop the dolls at their neighbours' houses.” Besides getting rid of all the dust and dirt, you should also


Estonia get rid of all the debts and loans. If you have somebody else's things at your house, return them by 21st December. But before cleaning up and paying back old debts, a pig should be slaughtered. Its meat has to provide food at least for the next four days as it is forbidden to cook, work or conduct business until the new year arrives on 25th December. Instead, you should stay at home and stuff yourself with food, playing board games and telling riddles at the same time.

Eat until you explode „Food has to be on the table the entire Christmas time. It is a completely normal part of our culture to stuff yourself with too much food during this holiday,” Ott explains. „Eating during Christmas is a significant


act to not have to see hunger during the upcoming year.” Another significant act is going to the sauna on the first and last day of Christmas. But be aware, it is better to get yourself cleaned up before it gets too late as during Christmas nights all kinds of spirits have the right to enter the sauna. This means you might get abducted by evil spirits if you stay in the sauna until late at night. After having sauna on the last day of Christmas (24 December) you should eat some more and try to stay up the whole night. Some pagans believe that if you sleep that night, you are going to be sleepy the whole year.

in time December 2012


December 2012 in time


Estonia Hidden church in Tallinn Although the majority of religious people in Estonia define themselves as Lutherans and celebrate Christmas at the end of December, this is by far not the only Christian religion practised in Estonia. Almost hidden, on a small street in the old town of Tallinn, is a Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, dedicated to the Virgin with Three Hands. She is the protector of all living beings who have been falsely accused or unjustly persecuted, of all who have suffered innocently, without cause. The spirit of this church is Anatoli Ljutjuk, originally from Ukraine. He arrived to Soviet Estonia decades ago to study at the Estonian Academy of Arts, but has for many years by now been the heart and soul of a church and culture centre that not even many Estonians know exists.


in time December 2012

The exhibition you can’t miss

Other exhibitions:




Power of praying „Of course we are interested in promoting our church, but at the same time we don't want to advertise it too much as it is not McDonalds,” Ljutjuk says, when standing in this small and very special church on Laboratooriumi street. To be quite frank, this place is not merely a church, but a culture centre where different workshops take place. For example, you can learn making paper and calligraphy. Ljutjuk makes mechanical toys and keeps coming up with ideas on how to involve more young people in the activities of their church. There is a service every day and on special occasions up to 200 people come and attend this very tiny church.


What also makes this church very special is their mailbox. Everybody can write a letter to the priest, explaining their problems and asking for help. Then the priest prays for those who have asked for help. „Sometimes we get letters thanking for the help provided as people confess their problems have been solved,” Ljutjuk explains, „Usually the priest prays for them, but sometimes I get letters specially dedicated to me. Then, of course, I pray for those people. Usually I include them in my prayers for a month.” Christmas is of course one of the most important religious holidays for Ukrainian Greek Catho-

in time December 2012


lics. In the Tallinn church, Christmas is celebrated in January – like in the Russian Orthodox church – with Mass, different concerts and also a meal of 12 courses. Ljutjuk has difficulties explaining the exact dishes as cooking is women's job and he does not know much about it. But what he does know is that these Christmas dishes cannot have any meat, eggs or dairy in them. And he also knows that this 12-course Christmas dinner begins with having Kutia. Kutia is a kind of porridge of cooked wheat, honey, poppy seeds and different nuts. When beginning the Christmas dinner, the first spoonful of Kutia is thrown to the ceiling to predict if the next year is going to be a successful one or not. After that it is time to eat and be merry.


December 2012 in time



Winter menu with a local twist Kaerajaan

Raekoja plats 17, n

Tallinn 10146
 Tel: +372 6155400 On Board of Estonian Air in December

Once again

winter arrives to Estonia and with it come the cold winds, rain and snow so familiar to anyone from Northern Europe. Forests shed their green coat with a sigh and fields wither while nature prepares itself for the coming darkness. Soon only the cranberries will remain bright red in the snow between the trees and only the fish will swim slowly through the gray waters of the Baltic sea, having fattened themselves up all summer in preparations for the cold and dark winter. In the very heart of Tallinn, at the Old Town Square you can enjoy the changing seasons in quiet luxury. Jaak Hiibus, the chef of Restaurant Kaerajaan has put together a wonderful winter-

inspired menu to showcase the best of modern Estonian cuisine and has included recipes of some of his favourite dishes which are surprisingly easy to make. Just don't forget to get some kama flour from Estonia, as a local specialty it can be hard to come by anywhere else in the world. For main course, the fillet of European plaice is paired with barley and dressed in vanilla sauce, with cranberry jam adding the final touch of tart sweetness to round up the dish. Afterwards, treat yourself to a Tiramisu with an Estonian twist, containing kama flour. Made from toasted, ground up grains and peas it gives an earthy, warm taste to the old classic. Text: Tanel Unt

Plaice fillet with dill flavoured barley grains and white wine vanilla sauce punane: C=0, M=85, Y=95, K=0 lilla: C=75, M=100, Y=0, K=25 kollane: C=5, M=5, Y=90, K=0


Sauce: · 30 g white wine · 30 g double cream · a little lemon juice · seeds from one vanilla pod · salt and sugar




· two plaice fillets · 40 g barley grain (pot barley or pearl barley) · 50 g fresh asparagus · 10 g fresh dill stems · 10 g butter · salt and pepper

· cranberry jam for serving


Soak the barley grains in cold water for 5 hours. Season the water for boiling barley with fresh dill and salt, boil the barley until cooked, pour away the water and mix remaining dill and butter with the grains. Season the fish fillets with salt and pepper, roll them up individually and secure with a toothpick. Bake in the oven at 185°C for 8 minutes. Blanch the asparagus in boiling water for approx. 2 min until done. For sauce, reduce the white wine by half and then add cream, lemon juice and vanilla seeds. Season with salt and sugar. Use cranberry jam together with sauce for serving the fish.


in time December 2012

food Tiramisu with kama-cream and fresh berries · 10 g kama flour · 20 g Mascarpone · 15 g double cream · 10 g sweet biscuits · 5 g sugar · 5 g chocolate · splash of brandy · strong coffee · fresh berries

Mix cream and mascarpone and whip it into foam. Add kama flour, sugar and brandy. Put some cream to the bottom of a Martini glass, add a layer of coffee-soaked biscuit, then a layer of fresh berries and another layer of cream. Top with chocolate powder, fresh strawberry slices and a peppermint leaf.

Lõunamaise temperamendiga toorsuitsuvorstid. Nüüd Eestis. Milano – Toledo – Rakvere

December 2012 in time

mood / fashion

Kummituslik Eesti mood Fotod / Photos : Tanel Veenre Stiil / Style: Aldo Järvsoo Soeng / Hair: Katrin Pilk Modell / Model: Nelery Rästas (E.M.A.) Interjöör ja tänud / Interior and thanks: Kõue mõis (

Valge heegeldatud kleit / n  White crochet dress 1500 euros (Kristina Viirpalu, Kaelaehe / Jewellery Tanel Veenre

Tekstidega siidkleit / Silk dress with text 590 euros n  (Aldo Järvsoo,, Valge vööga keep / White cape with a belt (Liina-Mai Püüa)

Mis juhtub Eesti mõisates siis kui päike on loojunud? 68

in time December 2012

mood / fashion Siidkleit / Silk dress n  650 euros (Aldo Järvsoo)

Haunted Estonian fashion What happens in Estonian manors when the sun goes down? December 2012 in time


mood / fashion

Kleit / Dress 280 euros n  Nahkkindad / Leather gloves 64 euros Vildist soni / Felt hat 95 euros (Piret Ilves,, Kingad ja portfell / Shoes 225 euros and briefcase 655 euros (Kadi Paasik,


in time December 2012

mood / fashion

Kleit / Dress 400 euros n  (Riina Põldroos, Villane keep / Woollen cape 75 euros (Aldo Järvsoo, Nakhkindad / Leather gloves 64 euros (Piret Ilves,

December 2012 in time


mood / fashion

Ruutudega kleit / Dress with squares n  240 euros (Liisi Eesmaa) Must kleit / Black dress 300 euros (Karolin Kuusik) Pärlitega krae stilisti erakogu / Collar with pearls from stylist's private collection


in time December 2012

mood / fashion

Kollane kleit / Yellow dress 600 euros n  (Karolin Kuusik), ridikßl / purse 99 euros (Kadi Paasik,

December 2012 in time


pood / boutique Väike heategu

lar byKink coats and dinner gowns. Until now, Kink Disain has been specialising in made-to-order work, but the company also offers ready-made products such as handembroidered items decorated with pearls. Accessory range includes belts and collars. An embroidered silk collar can be worn with a T-shirt, a cardigan or a dinner gown. A choice of collars and belts is available in Les Petites Disain and Namarie stores. E-mail your orders to evelykink@hotmail. com

Jõulud on aeg teha heategusid. Võin  malust teha heategu pakub Eesti disaini veebipood, kust saab osta Astangu Kutserehabilitatsiooni Keskuse puuetega inimeste valmistatud puidutooteid. Valikus on kuumaalus, lõikelaud ja võileivaalus, kõik valmistatud termotöödeldud puidust. Termotöötlemise käigus kuumutatakse puit kõrge temperatuurini, mis annab sellele kena tumeda tooni ning toob välja meeldiva puidulõhna. Ilusate ning praktiliste toodete hinnad on soodsad, kõigest kolm-neli eurot.

It’s goodwill time Christmas is the time of goodwill and n  one possibility to do good is to buy wooden items crafted by disabled people from the Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Centre that are available through the Estonian design web store The choice includes a hot plate, a cutting plate and a sandwich plate. Wood has been thermally heated to give it a nice dark hue and bring out the characteristic wooden smell. Prices of these beautiful and practical household items are very favourable, around 3 to 4 euros.

its focus on unique handicraft jewellery from precious metals and stones. These are original creations designed by Kaia Saarna and are certain to preserve their uniqueness and value for many years. Kaia Saarna’s jewellery is on sale at VanaPosti 7 in Tallinn and at www.kaiasaarna. com. Prices vary between EUR 50 and 250.

Lihtsat rõivast kaunistab tikitud krae Kink Disain on uus ettevõte, mis tegutn  seb kaubamärgi byKink all. Nende idee on teha ilusaid ja kvaliteetseid rõivaid. Eriti nõutud on byKink mantlid ja pidulikud kleidid. Seni on Kink Disain teinud põhiliselt tellimustöid, kuid pakutakse ka valmistooteid nagu käsitsi tikitud ja pärlkaunistusega aksessuaarideks sobivad vööd ja kraed. Tikitud siidkrae sobib kaunistama nii T-särki, kampsunit kui ka pidulikumat kleiti. Väike valik kraesid ja vöösid on müügil kauplustes Les Petites Disain ja Namarie. Tellimused

Silmapaistvad autoriehted

Uniquely designed jewellery There are many jewellers in Estonia, n  but one – OÜ Siidilaevad – stands out with


Kust hankida jõulupuu – see küsimus n  painab kõiki alati enne jõule. Puusõbrad mõtlevad korduvkasutatavate puude peale. Nutikad eestlased on välja mõelnud ja kaubamärgi Unika all turule toonud taaskasutatava papist kuusekese. Tugevast kümnemillimeetrise läbimõõduga papist kuusk on loodussõbralik alternatiiv metsast toodud puule. Neljast detailist koosnevat kuuske on lihtne kokku panna ning pärast pühi taas lahti võtta. Suurema kuuse kõrgus on 150 cm, laius 80 cm. Suur kuusk maksab 49 eurot ja väike 29 eurot.

Christmas tree for treehuggers

Paljude ehtemeistrite seast paistab n  silma OÜ Siidilaevad, mille põhitegevus on käsitsi valmistada ainulaadseid väärismetallist ja -kividest ehteid. Tegemist on originaalloominguga, mille autor on Kaia Saarna. Taolised ehted on kordumatud, nende väärtus ei kao aastatega. Kaia Saarna ehted on müügil Tallinnas Vana-Posti 7 ja kodulehel www.kaiasaarna. com. Autoriehted maksavad 50-250 eurot.

Ökoinimeste kuusepuu

Embroidered collars for simple garments Kink Disain is a very young enterprise n  that operates under the brand of byKink. The objective is to make beautiful and quality clothes such as its hugely popu-

One question on everybody's mind n  at this time of the year is where to get a Christmas tree. As ecofriends promote reusable trees, Estonians have now designed and launched a new brand called Unika that produces re-usable Christmas trees made of cardboard - a great ecological alternative to felling a real tree. The Unika tree is made of strong 10 mm cardboard, has four components and can be assembled and disassembled as necessary. The bigger tree is 150 cm high and 80 cm wide. Price: EUR 49 for a bigger tree and 29 for a small one. Contact:

in time December 2012

pood / boutique Kvaliteetsed kudumid

Quality knitting

Soe ei pea olema kare ja igav! Woolmint n

Warm does not have to be rough and n

on pühendunud kaunite kudmite tegemisele. Kõik Woolminti kindad on valmistatud parimast lõngast – kasutatud on meriinovilla ja alpakat, eksklusiivsemate toodete puhul ka kašmiiri ja siidi. Woolmindi valikust nõutumad, pitsilised kindad hoiavad käed ja südame soojas.

boring! Woolmint is dedicated to creating beautiful knitting. All its gloves are made from the best wool: merino wool and alpaca, also cashmere and silk for more exclusive products. The laced gloves of Woolmint – one of the best-selling products – keep your hands and heart warm.

Apollo raamatupoe soovitused / Recommendations from Apollo Bookstore „Minu Albaania“

Petrone Prindi „Minu“-sari paistab silma n  selle poolest, et reisisihtkohta kirjeldatakse rangelt subjektiivselt. „Minu Albaania“ on valus lugu kultuuride kokkupõrkest ja argisündmustest, mis oleksid võinud lõppeda väga traagiliselt. Pealtnäha lihtne raamat raputab korralikult läbi ning täidab oma eesmärgi – hoiatada eesti naisi. Albaanlasega kohtunud ja sinna kolinud eestlanna loo on kirja pannud Katrin Buchanan. Helmi Vela „Minu Albaania“, kirjastus Petrone Print 2012

My Albania The travel books of Petrone Print are n  special for describing foreign countries strictly from a subjective point of view. My Albania is a painful story about the collision of different cultures and events that could have ended very tragically. This seemingly simple but shocking book serves a warning for other Estonian women. The story of an Estonian woman who met an Albanian man and moved to Albania was written by Katrin Buchanan. Helmi Vela My Albania published by Petrone Print 2012

Paula McLain „Pariisi abikaasa“, kirjastus Varrak 2012

The Paris Wife The Paris Wife is fiction based on a n  true story that talks about the first wife of Ernest Hemingway and the difficult and arduous beginning of her stardom. It provides a woman’s perspective on meeting a handsome young writer, fighting with poverty and the Bohemian Paris. Those who also crave for a masculine aspect are recommended to read also Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises that portrays the same era. Paula McLain The Paris Wife published by Varrak 2012

„Itaalia kosjasobitaja“ Kergesti loetav romaan päikselisest n  maastikust, eneseleidmisest ja suhetest, kust ei puudu ka müstika. Tundub, et abieluõnn on võimalik alles teisel tõsisemal katsel, ning seega tuleks tegelastevaheliste suhete täielikuks mõistmiseks skeem

silme ette joonistada. Ka peategelane on äsja abielu lahutanud, lisaks sellele jätnud karjääri ning sõbrad. Itaaliasse puhkama sõites on tal soov teistest inimestest eemalduda, ent ometi satub ta suurde ja kirevasse seltskonda ning otsekui muuseas päästab enesetappu üritava naise elu, kes tema enda elule mõtte tagasi annab. Stella Montefiore „Itaalia kosjasobitaja“, kirjastus Varrak 2012

Italian Matchmaker An easily readable novel of sunny landn  scapes, soul-searching and relationships, with a fair share of mystery. It seems that marital happiness is possible only on the second serious attempt, and one needs a scheme to fully understand the relations between the book’s characters. The hero has just gone through a divorce, leaving behind his career and friends. He travels to Italy to get away from people, but finds himself socialising with many colourful characters and rescues a suicidal woman who gives back the meaning to his life. Stella Montefiore Italian Matchmaker published by Varrak 2012

„Pariisi abikaasa“ on tõsielul põhin  nev, kuid siiski ilukirjanduslik teos Ernest Hemingway esimesest abikaasast ning tema tähelennu raskest ja töörohkest algusest. Naise silmade läbi on kirjeldatud kohtumist võluva noore kirjanikuga, võitlust suhtelise vaesusega ja boheemlaslikku Pariisi. Kes soovib näha ka mehelikku vaatenurka, võib kõrvale lugeda sama ajastut portreteerivat Hemingway romaani „Pidu sinus eneses“.

December 2012 in time

Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

„Pariisi abikaasa“


tehnika / gadgets iPad tõmbus kokku Kui Apple kuulutas välja iPadi seitsmen

Jälle parim Android Iga nutitelefoni operatsioonisüsteemi n  Android uuendusega annab Google välja Nexus-seeria ehk oma nägemuse ideaalsest selle Androidiga telefonist. Erand pole ka värske Android 4.2. Esimest korda on Google'i koostööpartner LG, kellega koos valmis telefon nimega Nexus 4, mida tehnikaajakirjandus peab üksmeelselt uueks kõige paremaks Androidi telefoniks üldse. Pole põhjust imestada, sest sel on 4,7-tolline Gorilla Glass 2 IPS-ekraan, mille eraldusvõime on 1280 × 768 pikslit. Protsessoriks on praegune absoluutne tipp Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro, muutmälu 2 GB ja andmeid mahutab see vastavalt versioonile 8 või 16 GB. Kaamera on 8 MP tagantvalgustusega sensori ja LED-välguga, mis on võimeline filmima 1080p videot 30 kaadrit sekundis. Kirsiks tordil on hind, sest supertelefon (puudu on ainult 4G LTE) pole kunagi maksnud nii vähe nagu LG Nexus 4, mille kallima versiooni saab kätte umbes 350 euroga.

tollise versiooni Mini, oli kahtlejaid rohkem kui kunagi varem, ja väljenduti isegi nii, et küllap on see kokku pandud suure iPadi varuosadest. Oli ju Steve Jobs ise iPadi arendusest rääkides kõigile puust ja punasest selgeks teinud, miks tähendab õige tahvelarvuti formaat 10-tollist ekraani. Aga iPad Mini on järjekordne edulugu, selt väikse tahvelarvuti formaat muutub aina populaarsemaks. 1024 x 768 eraldusvõimega seitsmetolline ekraan on tegelikult teravam kui iPad 2-l ja muidugi on sellel uus Lightning ühenduspesa. Hinnad algavad WiFi 16 GB versiooni puhul 329 eurost, aga valikus on ka 3G ja 4G versioonid 32 ja 64 GB andmemahuga.

iPad shrinks When Apple announced the iPad Mini n  with its 7” display, some skeptics suspected that it was being assembled by spare parts of a real iPad. Moreover, when discussing iPad development, Steve Jobs had made absolutely clear why a real tablet PC needed an 10-inch display. Despite all that, iPad Mini has become another success story because the format of a small tablet PC is becoming more and more popular. The 7-inch 1024x768 display is actually sharper than that of iPad 2 and, naturally, has the brand-new Lightning port. Prices start from EUR 329 (WiFi 16 GB), but there are also 3G and 4G models with 32 and 64 GB memory space.

The best Android, again With every updated version of its n  Android operation system for smartphones, Google also launches the ideal Android telephone for the new version, i.e. the Nexus series. The new Android 4.2 is no exception. This time, Google has partnered with LG to develop Nexus 4 that tech magazines have all named the best new Android phone ever. It has a 4.7” Gorilla Glass 2 IPSd display with 1280×768 pixels. The phone is powered by the top-of the-line Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro that has 2GB RAM and 8 GB or 16 GB of memory. The camera has 8 MP backlit sensor and LED flash that is capable of recording 1080p video 30 fps. The best part is the price because a superphone (without 4G LTE) has never cost as little as LG Nexus 4 whose pricier version is available for around EUR 350.


miljonit omanikku. Nüüd otsustati teha selle Androidi tipptelefoni väike variant nimega Galaxy S3 Mini, mis pole oma neljatollise ekraanidiagonaaliga sugugi väike, pigem keskmisest nutitelefonist suuremgi. Pettumuseks on S3 Mini tehnilised andmed: madala eraldusvõimega 800 x 480 pikslit ekraan, 1 GHz kahetuumaline protsessor ja ainult 5 MP kaamera teevad sellest suure vennaga võrreldes tagasihoidliku Android 4.1 telefoni, mis hakkab ebaproportsionaalselt palju maksma.

Smartphone with an unknown name With almost 30 million owners, Samn  sung Galaxy S3 is the best-selling Android smartphone. Samsung has now launched its miniature version known as Galaxy S3 Mini that with its 4” screen is nothing but small, and is even bigger than an average smartphone. Also the specifications of S3 Mini are disappointing: low-resolution 800x480 pixel display, 1 GHz dual-core processor and only a 5 MP camera make it a very modest Android 4.1 phone in comparison with its big brother and it seems to be hugely overpriced.

Silmad salvestavad Arvestades äsjalinastunud Bondi-filmi n

Nime järgi telefoni ei tunne Samsungi Galaxy S3 on kõige paremini n  müünud Androidi telefon, sellel on juba 30

„Skyfall“, on hea idee tutvustada Pivotheadi Moab-prille, mida kandes saab filmida kõike, mida näete. Kusjuures filmimine ei tähenda madala kvaliteediga müra täis filmiriba, vaid prillid suudavad jäädvustada tänu Sony 8 MP CMOS sensorile Full HD 1080p videot 30 kaadrit sekundis ja HD-videot 60 kaadrit sekundis. Lisaks saab teha videot vaadates fotosid, olemas on makrorežiim ja ISO-tundlikkus on kuni 1600. Niisuguse algaja spiooni varustuse saab soetada umbes 300 euro eest.

in time December 2012

Audi Q7 10 erinevat autot eriliselt soodsate hindadega.

Audi Q7 3.0TDI q Aut (180 kW/245 hj); keskmine kütusekulu: 7,4 l/100 km; keskmine CO₂ emissioon: 195 g/km Audi Tallinn Paldiski mnt 100a Telefon: 611 2000 E-mail: Audi Kuressaare Tallinna tn 61a Telefon: 453 0100 E-mail: Audi Pärnu Tallinna mnt 87e Telefon: 444 7130 E-mail:

tehnika / gadgets Kui hästi need prillid hetkemoega kokku sobivad, on omaette küsimus.

nale langeb. Valges ja mustas värvitoonis kompaktne Nikon 1 V2 tuleb peagi müügile 800-eurose hinnaga.

Fast becomes faster

A videocam-in-eye In the light of the new Bond movie n  “Skyfall”, it is a good time to present Pivothead Moab glasses that film everything that you see. Film quality is top-notch thanks to Sony 8 MP CMOS sensor that can capture Full HD 1080p 30 fps and HD video 60 fps. In addition, you can make snapshots from videoclips, there is macromode and ISO goes as high as 1600. Such an entry-level spy equipment costs about EUR 300, but the question remains how fashionable they are.

In the last year or two, n  hybrid cameras have become so popular that amateurs no longer look towards digital SLRs. Nikon knows it well and has now updated its lightning-fast Nikon 1 camera system launched last year. The new Nikon 1 V2 with its 14.2 MP CX CMOS sensor (ISO 160-6400) is capable of shooting 15 frames per second with autofocus and record Full HD 1080p video 60 frames per second. However, the really exciting thing is its capacity to record 1200 frames per second in superslow mode and capture the beauty of a waterdrop hitting the ground. The black-and-white compact Nikon 1 V2 will be on sale shortly for about EUR 800.

Hübriidkaamerad on viiman

Klaviatuur kõigeks Tahvelarvutite põhihäda on, et vähegi n  pikemaks kirjatööks on neid ebamugav kasutada. Kuigi olemas on klaviatuuridokiga Androidi tahvelarvutid, pole see päev läbi töötamiseks parim võimalus. Logitech näeb lahendust ülistiilses ja kompaktses tagantvalgustusega klaviatuuris K810. Tegemist on täismõõdus klaviatuuriga, mis on üle Bluetoothi ühildatav nii iOS-seadmete, Androidi kui ka suvalise Windowsi sülearvutiga. Teisisõnu, kui teil on iPad ja Androidiga nutitelefon, siis saate üht ja sedasama stiilset juhtmeta klaviatuuri, mille hind on sada eurot, kasutada mõlema tarbeks.

A keyboard for everything The trouble with tablet PCs is that they n  are not suitable for longer writing. There are different Android tablet PCs with a keyboard dock, but this is not suitable if one has to use different devices through-


Nutikäekellade pioneer Telefonid on nutikaks muutunud, nüüd n

Kiire kiiremaks se paari aastaga saanud väga populaarseks ja amatöörid enam peegelkaamerate poole ei vaatagi. Seda teab ka Nikon, kes värskendas oma eelmisel aastal väljaantud ülikiiret Nikon 1 kaamerasüsteemi. Uus Nikon 1 V2 on 14,2 MP CX-formaadis CMOS-sensoriga (ISO-tundlikkus 160-6400) võimeline tegema autofookusega 15 fotot sekundis ja filmima Full HD 1080p videot 60 kaadri sekundis. Kuid palju põnevam on teada, et see suudab aegluubis salvestada 1200 kaadrit sekundis ehk tõesti filmida detailselt näiteks seda, kuidas veepiisk maapin-

out the day. For Logitech, the solution is K810 – its extremely stylish and backlit keyboard. This is a full-size keyboard that can be connected via Bluetooth with both iOS devices and laptops running on Android or Windows. So, if you have an iPad and an Android phone, they can both use the same cordless keyboard. Price: EUR 100.

on aeg käekellade käes. Kickstarteriga juba tükk aega tagasi rahastuse saanud Pebble teeb revolutsiooni, olles esimene tõeline nutikell. Pebble'i geniaalsus seisneb selles, et sellel on e-ink tehnoloogia ekraan ehk sama, mis e-raamatute lugejates. See on energiasäästlik ja erinevalt LCD-ekraanist silmale meeldiv vaadata, kuid samas saab sellele kuvada väga mitmekülgset infot. Koos kaasatuleva rakendusega saate endale disainida täpselt sellise kella, mida kanda tahaksite, ja ühendada selle Androidi või iPhone'iga ning kuvada kella ekraanile näiteks kalendri – kella vaadates saate teada aja ja sellegi info, millal on järgmine koosolek või kohtumine.

Pioneer of smartwatches Now that mobile phones are smart, it’s n  the time for the wristwatches. Pebble, that some time ago raised funding via Kickstarter, is making a revolution by being the first real smartwatch. The genius of Pebble is that it has an e-ink display, a technology that is also used in e-readers. This is energy–efficient and, unlike an LCD screen, is actually pleasant to read, and can display very versatile information. A special application lets you configure a tailor-made watch, connect it to an Android or iPhone and view, for instance, a calendar to check when is your next meeting. Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time December 2012

Tere tulemast A.Le Coq Arenale! Suurenda oma mängupäeva elamusi A. Le Coq Arenal suurepärase toidu ja veiniga, naudi emotsionaalset ja positiivset atmosfääri ning sõlmi uusi tutvusi! Ela Eesti koondisele mõnusalt kaasa!

Ela mõnusalt mängule kaasa!

VIP-TEENINDUS EESTI KOONDISE MÄNGUL Triobet Business Clubi pääsmega saad nautida järgmiseid eeliseid: Parimad istekohad küljetribüüni keskmises sektoris Tasuta joogid (veinid, õlu, karastus- ja kuumad joogid) kogu ürituse vältel Soe buffet õhtusöök (külmad eelroad, soojad põhiroad, magustoidu valik) Võimalus jälgida mängu ka TV-ekraanidelt Meeldiv õhkkond ja võimalus luua uusi kontakte Kiire sissepääs staadionile Tasuta mängukavad ja koosseisud enne mängu Riietus: mugav, aga viisakas (smart casual)

Tule tutvu Triobet Business Clubiga järgmistel MM2014-valikmängudel: 26.03.2013 19:00 Eesti - Andorra 06.09.2013 21:30 Eesti - Holland 11.10.2013 21:30 Eesti - Türgi Pääsme hind 95 EUR Hinnad kehtivad ühele inimesele ja sisaldavad käibemaksu. Tellimuse soovi korral ja info saamiseks palun külastage, kirjutage meile või helistage +372 627 9958 PEATOETAJA




autod / cars The prototype is expected to be brought into production sometime next year.

Ener-G-Force asendab G-klassi? Mercedes-Benz näitas Los Angelese n

Mootorratas hüüdnimega Elukas Austria mootorrattatootja KTM on äran

autonäitusel Ener-G-Force kontsepti. Aukartustäratavast seitsmekohalisest masinast peaks saama 1979. aastast tootmises olnud auto kauaoodatud G-klassi asendus. Autol on uus Mercedes-Benzi off-road süsteem Terra Scan, mis kaameratega jälgib maastikku ja kohandab vedrustust ning muid seadmeid vastavalt maastikule, et liikumine oleks optimaalne. Huvitav on katusekonstruktsioon, mis kogub vett, millest tehakse hiljem vesinikku auto kütuseelementidele.

tanud suurt tähelepanu oma uue mudelikontseptsiooniga, mille hüüdnimi on Elukas. KTM-i tippkontsept on 1290 Super Duke R prototüüp, mootorratta disain on üks viimaste aegade radikaalsemaid – julge joone ja pisut kühmus väljanägemisega. Uut raskekaallast Duke’i viib edasi 1290cc mootor, mille võimsus on umbes 180 hobujõudu. Rattal on uus raam ja uue disainiga juhtraud. Kasutusel on WP-vedrustus. KTM SuperDuke 1290 on elektrooniliselt juhitav, kirurgiliselt täpse kiirendusega, lisaks on sel ka trikirattad. Rattal on ABS ning juhtimiskontroll, kindlasti meeldib paljudele, et elektroonilisi abiseadmeid saab välja lülitada. 1290 Super Duke peaks tootmisse jõudma järgmisel aastal.

BMW eputab M6 Gran Coupé-ga BMW avaldas justkui õrritamiseks mõne n  pildi uuest M6 Gran Coupé’st, mida tutvustatakse alles järgmisel aastal Detroitis. Piltidelt on näha, et Gran Coupé disain on agressiivne nagu M6 coupél ja kabrioletil. Gran Coupé saab sama 552 hobujõudu 4,4-liitrise kahe turboga V8, mida kasutavad ka M5 ja M6 coupé.

BMW shows off with M6 Gran Coupé BMW has released teaser pictures of n

Bike nicknamed beast

its forthcoming M6 Gran Coupé planned to debut at next year’s Detroit motor show. The images show that the Gran Coupé will wear the same subtly aggressive body kit as the M6 coupé and convertible. And it will use the same 552bhp 4.4-litre twinturbo V8 found in the M5 and M6 coupé.

The Austrian bike manufacturer has n  certainly aroused a lot of curiosity with its new concept model, referred to as the ‘beast.’ The KTM naked high displacement concept is the 1290 Super Duke R Prototype and it is one of the most radical designs seen in recent times, particularly the bold new, ‘crouched’ look. The new heavyweight Duke is powered by a bored-out 1290cc engine, which is said to deliver around 180 BHP, placed in an all-new frame with a redesigned swingarm, running on top-drawer WP suspension. The KTM SuperDuke 1290 will also sport a ride-by-wire throttle for surgery-accurate acceleration and handling, and trick wheels. Anti-lock Braking System and traction control, along with the option of turning electronic aids off for some mad riding.


the spring, damper and traction-control parameters accordingly to provide optimal levels of traction, both on- and off-road. One interesting element of the concept is the roof rack that enables the vehicle to store water in tanks. Water will later be transferred to a converter creating hydrogen to power the fuel cells.

Ener-G-Force to replace G? Mercedes-Benz showed the Ener-Gn  Force concept vehicle at the Los Angeles Auto Show. This imposing seven-seater concept previews a long-awaited replacement for the G-class in production since 1979. Also included is an off-road application of Mercedes-Benz's new magic ride system called Terra Scan. It uses a camera to detect the surrounding terrain and alter

in time December 2012

tion engine. Small sports cars like the Porsche Boxster needs 8,1/11,7 litre/100 km city/highway. The less-expensive Mazda MX-5 Miata takes 8,4/11,2 litre/100km city/highway. Muscle cars are known for offering big power on a budget, but now have started offering improved fuel economy. The Ford Mustang is the most fuelefficient muscle car, taking 7,5 litre/100km on the highway in V6 models.

Kütusesäästlikud sportautod Sportautod on tuntud kütuseröövlid, n  sest nende võimsad mootorid vajavad palju bensiini. Kuid muutused on tulemas. Uued tehnoloogiad nagu sissepritse, gaasi- ja elektrihübriidid aitavad kütusekulu vähendada, kuid autod jäävad endiselt võimsaks. US News on koostanud nimekirja mõistlike kütusekuludega autodest. Lexus CT200h on sportlik hübriid, mille kütusekulu on 5,8 liitrit/100 km. Kui soovite tõelist sportautot, tuleb jääda sisepõlemismootorite juurde. Väikesed sportautod nagu Porsche Boxster vajavad vaid 8,1/11,7 liitrit/100 km linnas/maanteel. Odavam Mazda MX-5 Miata võtab 8,4/11,2 liitrit/100 km linnas/maanteel. Muskelautod on tuntud kui odavad, aga võimsad, nüüd on ka nende kütusekulu mõistlik. Kõige kütusesäästlikum muskelauto on Ford Mustang, mille V6 mootor tarbib kütust vaid 7,5 liitrit/100 km kohta maanteel.

Sports Cars with Good Fuel Economy Sports cars are known for their poor n  gas mileage, because their powerful engines need a lot of gas. But that’s starting to change. New technologies like direct injection and gas/electric hybrid powertrains are helping sports cars keep their performance strong and fuel consumption low. US News put together a list of sport cars with respectable fuel economy numbers. The Lexus CT200h is a sporty hybrid car and gets an EPA-estimated fuel economy rating of 5,8 litre/100 km. If you want a true sports car, you’ll have to stick with a traditional internal combus-

December 2012 in time

Elektriline Fiat 500 Fiat esitles 2014 Fiat 500 elektriautot n  Los Angelese näitusel. Võrreldes tavalise Fiat 500-ga on 500E välimus siledam, eeldatavasti ka aerodünaamilisem. Uus on värvilahendus, rehvid ja minimalistlik sisekujundus. Käigukasti asemel on salongis nupud. Ka näidikud on uued. Siiani on teada, et uut sõidukit hakatakse müüma vaid Californias.

Electric Fiat500 Fiat presents 2014 Fiat 500e batteryn  electric vehicle in Los Angeles Auto Show. Compared to the regular 500, the 500E gets a sleeker, presumably a more aerodynamic look. It also sports a bright new paint finish, custom wheels and a minimalist interior with buttons for the gear selection. If you look closely, the instrument cluster is also new. So far, the only market Fiat says the car will be sold in next year is California.

teadus / science

Salu-tikksaba tibud peavad toidu saamiseks parooli esitama Pisikesed salu-tikksabad õpivad oma n  ema sõna kuulama juba enne koorumist. Kui nad tahavad süüa saada, peab neil olema käepärast salasõna: üks ainulaadne noot, mis on neile ema poolt õpetatud läbi munakoore. See hämmastav näide sünnieelsest õppimisest aitab salu-tikksabadel vahet teha oma laste ja parasiteerivate kägude vahel, kes võivad olla nende pesasse tunginud. Emased linnud õpetavad parooli selgeks ka oma kaaslasele ja teistele abistajatele, lauldes neile erilist laulu pesast eemal. „Linnupoegi toidetakse ainult siis, kui nende toidunurumise laulus sisaldub õpitud parool,“ ütles Sonia Kleindorfer Flindersi Ülikoolist Austraalias. „Vastasel juhul jätavad vanemad lihtsalt pesa maha ja alustavad otsast peale.“ Kleindorfer märkas koos kolleegidega, kuidas salu-tikksaba emad laulavad oma veel koorumata munadele. Teadlased tuvastasid hiljem, et tibude ühe-noodiline näljahüüd erinevates pesades on erinev. Munade vahetamine pesade vahel näitas, et koorunud tibud laulsid kasuema, mitte bioloogilise ema laulu – tõendus sellest, et parool on tõesti õpitud.

Fairy-wren babies need password for food Baby fairy-wrens learn to listen to their n  mother even before they are hatched. If they want to be fed, they need to have a password: a single unique note taught to them by their mothers from outside the egg. This remarkable example of prenatal learning allows fairy-wren parents to


discriminate between their own babies and those of parasitic cuckoos who have invaded their nests. Females also teach their mate and any helpers the password by singing it to them in a "solicitation song" performed away from the nest. "The nestlings will only be fed if their begging calls contain the learned password," said Sonia Kleindorfer of Flinders University in Australia. Otherwise, the parents simply abandon the nest and start again. Kleindorfer and her colleagues noticed fairy-wren mothers calling to their unhatched eggs. The researchers later found that fairy-wren nestlings' one-note begging calls differed from one nest to another. Swapping eggs between nests showed that the nestlings produced begging calls matching their foster mothers, not their biological mothers, evidence that the passwords were indeed learned.

„See, kes satub parajasti väljatõmmatuks, peab tavaliselt leppima väikseima kestaga, millest tegelikult talle kaitseks ei piisa,“ ütles Laidre, kes tegeles oma uuringutega Costa Rica Vahemere rannikul, kus elab miljoneid Coenobita compressus liigi vähke. Ta sidus üksikuid vähke posti külge ning jälgis kirbuturgu, mis tavaliselt umbes 10-15 minuti pärast aset leidis. Pärast eksperimente, kus Laidre kiskus vähke nende kestadest välja ning pakkus kohe asemele uut, värskelt maha jäetud teokoda, sai selgeks justnimelt valmis uuristatud kodade tähtsus. Mitte ükski vähk ei jäänud ellu. „Tundub, et ainult kõige pisemad vähid kolivad päris uutesse kodadesse, kuna ainult nemad mahuvad sinna,“ ütles Laidre, „Isegi, kui vähk suudab ennast kotta suruda, peab ta ikka kulutama palju aega ja energiat, et see ruumikamaks muuta ja kui vähegi võimalik, siis seda väldiksid kõik vähid suurusest hoolimata.“

Hermit crabs socialize to evict their neighbors Social animals usually congregate for n

Erakvähid sotsialiseeruvad, et oma naabreid kodudest välja visata

protection or mating or to capture bigger preys, but some hermit crabs have a more

Sotsiaalsed loomad kogunevad tavalin  selt kaitseks, paaritumiseks või suurema saaklooma püüdmiseks, kuid mõnedel erakvähkidel on palju enesekesksem plaan: visata teine vähk tolle kestast välja ja kolida ise suuremasse koju. Kõik erakvähid asustavad mahajäetud teokarpe, kuid tosin vähiliiki näevad vaeva ning uuristavad teokarpe seest õõnsamaks, kohati suurendades kooriku sisemist mahtu kaks korda. Tulemuseks on palju rohkem ruumi ja oluliselt kergem maja, mida kaasas kanda. „Tühjad karbid on aga maa peal haruldus, ning seega on parim variant uut kodu saada, teine sealt välja visata,“ ütles Mark Laidre, UC Berkley doktorant, kes kirjutas selleteemalise artikli ajakirja Current Biology. Kui kolm või rohkem erakvähki kokku satuvad, meelitab see kiiresti ligi tosinaid teisi vähke, kõik agaralt valmis suuremasse majja kolima. Reeglina moodustatakse hanerida, väiksemast suuremani, kus kõik hoiavad kinni ees seisvast vähist. Kui üks õnnetu krabi on oma kodust jõuga välja tõmmatud, liiguvad kõik ülejäänud samaaegselt rivis edasi suuremasse kotta.

self-serving social agenda: to kick other crabs out of their shells and move into a larger home. All hermit crabs appropriate abandoned snail shells for their homes, but there are about a dozen species of hermit crabs that also hollow out and remodel snail shells, sometimes doubling their internal volume. This provides more space and a lighter home to lug around. „But empty snail shells are rare, so the best hope for moving to a new home is to kick others out of their remodeled shells,“ writes Mark Laidre, a UC Berkeley Miller Post-Doctoral Fellow in his article about this unusual behavior in the Current Biol-

in time December 2012

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How much caffeine would it take to kill you? Following a recent lawsuit against n

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energiajookide tootja vastu, küsiti kommentaari Journal of Caffine Research (kofeiini uuringute ajakiri) peatoimetajalt Jack Jamesilt, kes kinnitas, et surmavaks doosiks on vaja vähemalt 10 grammi puhast kofeiini. Keskmine täiskasvanu võib ohutult tarbida ligikaudu 200-300 mg kofeiini päevas, mis teeb umbes kaks kuni neli tassi kohvi. Rohkem kui 500 mg tarbimine võib aga põhjustada ebaregulaarset südame pekslemist,

December 2012 in time

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Tekst / Text: Nele Suurna

Järelkajana hiljutisele hagile Monster n

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manufacturers of Monster energy drinks, a comment was asked from the editor-inchief of the Journal of Caffeine Research, Jack James, who confirmed that it takes about 10 pure grams of caffeine to achieve lethal levels. An average adult can safely consume 200 to 300 mg of caffeine per day, the equivalent of about two to four cups of coffee. However, consuming more than 500 mg per day can trigger things like irregular heartbeats, insomnia and muscle tremors. A wrongful death suit was filed against Monster energy drinks, claiming that 14-year-old Anais Fournier drank two 24-ounce cans of Monster in the day before she unexpectedly died in 2011. "Caffeine toxicity of the kind experienced by Ms. Fournier (if, indeed, that is what she experienced) is not well understood," said James, "There is speculation in the literature regarding the possibility of some individuals having a peculiar sensitivity to caffeine, but there is no clear definition or understanding of what such sensitivity might be."

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Kui palju kofeiini on surmav?

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ogy journal. When three or more terrestrial hermit crabs congregate, they quickly attract dozens of others eager to trade up. They typically form a conga line, smallest to largest, each holding onto the crab in front of it, and, once one unfortunate crab is wrenched from its shell, simultaneously move into larger shells. "The one that gets yanked out of its shell is often left with the smallest shell, which can't really protect the crab," says Laidre, who conducted his studies on the Pacific shore of Costa Rica, where millions of Coenobita compressus hermit crabs can be found. He tethered individual crabs to a post and monitored the „flee market“ that typically appeared within 10-15 minutes. The importance of remodeled shells became evident after an experiment in which he pulled crabs out of their homes and offered them newly vacated snail shells instead. None survived. „Apparently,“ he says, „only the smallest hermit crabs take advantage of new shells, since only they can fit inside the unremodeled shells. Even if a crab can fit inside the shell, it still must spend time and energy to hollow it, and this is something hermit crabs of all sizes would prefer to avoid.“

You dream it we build it!

unetust ja lihaste värinat. Monster energiajookide tootja vastu esitati õigusvastane hagi väitega, et 14-aastane Anais Fournier jõi päev enne oma äkilist surma 2011. aastal ära kaks 800 ml purki Monsterit. „Kofeiini toksiline mõju sellisel määral, nagu seda koges Anais Founier (kui see tõesti üldse nii oli), ei ole väga selge,“ ütles James, „On küll spekuleeritud võimaluse üle, et mõned inimesed võivad olla kofeiini suhtes kummaliselt tundlikud, kuid seda ei ole seni täpsemalt defineeritud.“


Talv tuleb ehk kuidas lennuk lumest puhtaks saab Tekst: Mariliis Pinn Fotod: AS Tallinn Airport GH


Talvel lennukisse istudes võib aknast välja vaadates aeg-ajalt näha, kuidas lennuki tiibu pritsitakse mingi punase ja mõnikord ka roheka ainega. Nii puhastatakse lennukit jääst ja lumest, et õhkutõus oleks ohutu. in time December 2012

lennundus se märgitule ehk lennukil ei ripu jääpurikaid ega pole lumemütsi peas, selgitab AS Tallinn Airport GH perrooniteeninduse juht Valter Veedler. „Kui õhusõiduk on lume- või jääkihi all, siis mõjutab see aerodünaamikat ega vasta „puhta lennuki” kontseptsioonile,” lisab ta. Lennuki puhtuse eest vastutab kapten, kes tellib vastavalt vajadusele jäätõrje. Enne õhkutõusmist jalutab kapten tiiru ümber lennuki ja vaatab, kas see on jääs või mitte, vajadusel palub jäätõrjujatelt abi. Kui kapten leiab, et õhusõiduk on jäine ja lendamiseks sobimatu, lepitakse jäätõrjespetsialistiga kokku, kuidas lennuk puhtaks teha. „Jäätõrjujatel pole õigust kapteni eest otsustada, kas lennukit peaks puhastama või mitte. Võime küll märkuse teha, kuid kui kapten otsustab, et lennuk on piisavalt puhas, siis õhkutõusmist me takistada ei saa,” räägib Veedler. Euroopa Lennufirmade Assotsiatsioon on koostanud ligi 100-leheküljelise juhendi, kuidas lennukeid jääst puhastama peab. Enne jäätõrjet seadistab kapten lennuki, et vedelik ei satuks sinna, kus seda olla ei tohi. Igal lennukitüübil on oma nõuded, kuidas jäätõrjet teha.

Kas ainult puhastus või jäätumiskaitse

Hommikul autoga tööle sõites teavad jäätõrjujad juba, milline töö neid päeval ees ootab. Kui auto pole kargel talvehommikul jääs, on ka lennukid ilmselt puhtad ning tööd vähe. Kui aga öösel on jäidet sadanud, külmetanud või muud vesist ollust taevast tulnud ning pooletunnine auto puhtaks kraapimine teeb meele mõruks, siis vajavad öösel lennujaamas seisnud lennukid ilmselt põhjalikku puhastust.

Miks lennukeid puhastama peab? Kõik lennukid on testitud ja sertifitseeritud kui „puhtad lennukid” ning tohivad õhku tõusta vaid siis, kui nende kere- ja tiivakuju vastab paberites-

December 2012 in time

Kui lennuk on üle vaadatud, siis otsustatakse koos, kas piisab vaid jää eemaldamisest (inglise keeles de-icing) või on vaja lennukit enne õhkutõusmist kaitsta uue jää või lumega kattumise eest (inglise keeles anti-icing). „Tavaliselt piirdutakse de-icing’iga, kui ei saja ja lennuk on vaja lihtsalt puhtaks teha. Kui õhkutõusmise ajal sajab lund, lörtsi vm, siis tehakse ka anti-icing,” ütleb perrooniteeninduse juht. Teine kiht kaitseb lennukit piiratud aja jooksul uuesti saastumast. Ka selle, millised protseduurid tehakse, otsustab kapten, kuna tal on alati täpsem info. Veedler toob näiteks, et jäätõrjuja ei pruugi teada, et kolme kilomeetri kaugusel raja teises otsas sajab lund, kuigi terminali juures on ilm ilus. Lennuk kaetakse jääkaistekihiga ka siis, kui on sadu oodata. Vahel tehakse jäätõrjet isegi siis, kui ilm selleks põhjust ei anna. Lennuki tiivad võivad härma minna, kui saabutakse pikalt lennult külmade tiibadega või seal asuvatesse kütusepaakidesse tangitakse külma kütust. „Jäätõrje on mõeldud lennuki kaitsmiseks

Lennuk peab olema puhas! Tiibadel ei tohi olla jääd n

ega härmatist. Läbipaistva jää olemasolu testitakse, katsudes tiiba palja käega kohas, kus on selle esinemise tõenäosus kõige suurem. Lumise tiiva aerodünaamika muutub ja selle tõstejõud ei pruugi olla piisav. Tagamootoritega lennukitel võivad tiiva küljest jäätükid mootorisse lennata ja seda vigastada. Lennuki tiibade ja muud n  juhtimismehhanismid nagu kaldtüürid, stabilisaatorid jne ei tohi olla kinni külmunud, sest siis on lennuk õhus juhitamatu. Lennuki kere peab lumest n  ja jääst puhas olema, lubatud on kerge härmatis. Puhastamata kere võib kaasa tuua lisaturbulentsi. Lennuki mõlemad pooled n  peavad olema puhastatud ühtmoodi, et õhusõiduk kindlasti säilitaks sümmeetrilisuse. Lennuki mootorilabade n  küljes ei tohi olla jääd, sest see võib vigastada mootorit ja viia selle tasakaalust välja. Lennuki kerel olevad senn  sorid peavad olema puhtad, sest muidu võivad nad anda valesignaale või üldse mitte töötada.


lennundus õhkutõusul,” tõdeb Veedler. Seega tehakse seda vahetult enne starti. Selleks kulub tavaoludes umbes 10 minutit, raskete ilmastikuolude korral kauem.

Lennuki puhastamisvedelikud Külmale lennukile lastakse suure surve all tulise veega tehtud jäätõrjesegu, mistõttu tõuseb õhku aurupilv. Kuna segu on punane, siis arvatakse ekslikult, et see on mürgine. „Tegelikult valmistatakse vahendit glükooli baasil, mis ei klassifitseeru ohtlikuks aineks,” kinnitab lennundusspetsialist. Ta mainib, et kui tegu oleks mürgise kemikaaliga, siis näeksid põhjamaised lennujaamad suvel väga trööstitud välja. Segu on värviline vaid sellepärast, et valgel lennukil oleks lihtne aru saada, millised pinnad töödeldud on ja millised mitte ning et eri


tüüpi jäätõrjevedelikud oleksid kergesti eristatavad. Lennuki puhastamiseks on olemas neli vedelikutüüpi, millest Tallinnas kasutatakse kaht. „Tüüp I ja tüüp II,” täpsustab Veedler. Tüüp I on mõeldud pindade jää- ja lumesaastest või härmatisest puhastamiseks. Vastavalt saastele ja ilmale tehakse sellest ja kuumast veest jäätõrjeautos segu. Nõrgim segu koosneb umbes 25 protsendist jäätõrjevedelikust ja 75 protsendist veest. Kui kanget segu kasutama peab, sõltub peamiselt välisõhu temperatuurist. Püstolist pritsitakse minimaalselt 60-kraadist segu, vesi paagis on soojendatud 80 kraadini. „Mida kuumem segu, seda efektiivsem tulemus,” teab Veedler. Kui anti-icing’it ei tehta, piisab tüüp I seguga pritsimisest. Jäätõrjespetsialist ütleb, et kui kavas on kaheosaline jäätõrje, siis pritsitakse lennuk üle ka tüüp II vedelikuga, mis on viskoossem ja mida veega ei segata. Kaheosaline jäätõrje on keerukam. Puhas lennuk lastakse kohe üle ka tüüp II vedelikuga. „Kui esimene tilk vedelikku lennukile kukub, hakkab aeg jooksma, sest sellest hetkest alates peab lennuk kindlaksmääratud ajal õhku tõusma, muidu tuleb otsast alustada,” ütleb Veedler. Aeg sõltub taas ilmast ja on halvimal juhul väga napp, tavaliselt 20-30 minutit. „Kõige halvem on jäine vihm, mis teatud temperatuuril katab lennuki hetkega jäise kihiga,” lisab ta. Kui jäätõrje on lõppenud, kannab jäätõrjuja sellest kaptenile ette ja annab kinnituse, millal ja kuidas jäätõrjeprotseduur teostati. Jäätõrjumine on päris kallis teenus. Veedleri sõnul võib suurematele lennukitele kuluda mitu tonni vedelikku. Kui lennuk on kerge härmatise või lumekihi all, saab tavaliselt mõnesaja liitriga hakkama.

in time December 2012

ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities.

„Flexible economy, simple tax system; labour costs, which in European terms are low, together with good education and good labour market conditions are an argument, in addition to the euro, why one should invest to Estonia. I invite you to be a part of everything Estonia has to offer.” ANDRUS ANSIP Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

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WWW.ESTONIANEXPORT.EE Jäätõrjeauto Maailmas on erinevaid jäätõrjeautosid. Tallinna lennujaamal on n

neli jäätõrjeautot. Autol on kolm paaki, millest suurim on täidetud veega, mida auto üles kuumutab. Sinna mahub umbes kaks tonni vett. Väiksemates paakides on jäätõrjevedelikud. Tallinnas kasutatavatelt autodelt pritsitakse jäätõrjevedelikke nn käsipüstolitega, millega tehakse nii de-icing’it kui anti-icing’it. Eriliseks teeb auto veel see, et masinat on võimalik juhtida pritsimiskorvist, nii et ärge ehmatage, kui näete, et ümber lennuki liigub sõiduk, mille roolis keegi ei istu. Juht on hoopis üleval korvis.

December 2012 in time


Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 • E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE


Winter is here or how to clear a plane from snow 88

in time December 2012


All more and less frequent fliers know that in wintertime aircraft are often sprayed with some red stuff which is sometimes followed by some green stuff. That’s because aircraft must be cleaned of all snow and ice for it to take off as safely as possible. When the ice fighters set out to work in the morning, they can already tell what the day will be like. If the air is cold and clear and there is no ice on cars, then the aircraft is also clean and there will be little work. But when it freezes after a night of rain or snow and you have to spend half an hour scraping ice off your car, the airplanes that were outside during the night will also need a thorough snow and ice removal.

Why is it all necessary? „All airplanes are tested and certified before take off to see if the shape of their body and wings complies with the required standards of a clean aircraft, i.e. that they have no icicles or snowcaps on them,” explains Valter Veedler, head of the apron service of AS Tallinn Airport GH. „Snow and ice affect the aerodynamics of an aircraft and it can therefore

December 2012 in time

not be considered a clean one,” he adds. It is the captain who is responsible for removing the ice and the snow and who summons it. The captain inspects the aircraft, checks for ice and decides whether there is need for de-icing or not. If necessary, he will contact a de-icing specialist. The latter does not have the power to decide whether de-icing is necessary or not. „We can recommend it, but it’s the captain’s decision and he is ultimately responsible,” says Veedler. The Association of European Airlines has produced a manual on removing snow and ice from aircraft that is almost 100 pages long. Before the process begins, captain must ensure that all sensitive devices are protected from de-icing or antiicing substances. Different aircraft have different requirements for de-icing.

Text: mariliis pinn Photos: AS Tallinn Airport GH


aviation De-icing and anti-icing When the aircraft has been checked, a joint decision is made whether it needs only de-icing or also anti-icing in which case the aircraft is covered with another layer to prevent ice or snow building on aircraft body. „The rule of thumb is that if there is no precipitation and aircraft must simply be clean, use deicing. When it is snowing, sleeting, etc, also antiicing is recommended,” explains Veedler. Antiicer is a layer that protects the aircraft from ice and snow for some time. Again, it is the aircraft captain who decides on the necessary procedures because he has the most accurate information. Veedler highlights that de-icing operators may not know that three kilometres far from the airport it is snowing. Anti-icing is applied also when snowfall is expected. Sometimes de-icer is applied already before weather requires it because the wings may freeze just after landing from a long flight when wing surface is very cold or when cold fuel is filled into the tanks on the wings. „De-icing is meant to protect the aircraft during take off,” explains Veedler. It is usually done right before the takeoff and it normally takes about 10 minutes or more, if the weather conditions are more severe.

Different liquids for cleaning aircraft

Aircraft must be clean! n  Wings must be free of ice or frost. The existence of transparent ice is tested by touching the wing with a bare hand in a place where such ice is most likely to appear. Snow changes the aerodynamics of wings and their lifting force may not be sufficient. In case of rear-engine aircrafts, ice blocks could break off and fly to the engine, damaging it. n  Wing mechanisms and other control systems of aircraft, i.e. ailerons, stabilizers, etc, must be prevented from freezing because they could make the aircraft uncontrollable in the air. n  Aircraft body must be cleared of snow and ice, although light frost is permitted. Unclean body may create additional turbulence. n  Both sides of the aircraft must be cleaned of snow and ice in the same way to ensure that the aircraft is handled symmetrically when airborne. n  Engine blades must be cleared of ice because it could damage the engine and debalance it. n  Sensors on aircraft body must be cleaned of snow and ice to avoid transmitting false signals or failing altogether.


Since aircraft bodies that are pressure-sprayed with hot de-icing solutions are cold, a lot of steam is generated in the process. What is also important is that the de-icing solution is not toxic, although it is red. „It is actually a liquid made on the basis of sugar and glycol and is not classified as a hazardous substance,” says Veedler and adds that if it was toxic chemistry, airports in Scandinavia would look terrible in the summer. The only reason the solution is coloured is to separate de-icing liquid from antiicing liquid. Also, since planes are usually white, use of coloured liquid helps to see clearly which parts have already been processed and which not. There are four types of liquids used for cleaning aircrafts from snow and ice. In Tallinn, Type I and Type II are used. Type I is designed for cleaning aircraft of ice, snow or frost. First, the de-icer is mixed with hot water in the de-icing truck. The mildest mix con-

in time December 2012

aviation sists of about 25% of de-icing liquid and 75% of water. The strength of the solution depends on the outdoor temperature and the thickness of the layer of ice, snow or frost. Then the liquid is sprayed onto the aircraft from a hand gun at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. In the tank, the water is at 80 degrees Celsius. „The hotter the solution, the more efficient is the result,” adds Veedler. If no anti-icing is necessary, the aircraft body is sprayed only with Type I liquid. If two-phase icefighting is required, a denser, Type II liquid is also applied and it is not mixed with water. Two-phase ice removal is more complicated. In case the aircraft is clean, it is instantly covered with Type II liquid. „As soon as the first drop of anti-icer lands on the plane, countdown begins, because the effect of this liquid only lasts for a cer-

December 2012 in time

tain amount of time and the aircraft must take off within that time frame, otherwise the whole procedure must be repeated,” says Veedler. The time depends on the weather and at worst is very scarce, but generally it is 20 to 30 minutes. „Our worst enemy is icy rain that at some temperatures instantly covers the aircraft with a layer of ice,” he adds. When de-icing is completed, the operator reports and confirms to the captain which procedures were done and when. De-icing service is fairly expensive. „Bigger aircraft may require several tons of liquids. If the aircraft is lightly frosted or under a thin layer of snow, you may need a few hundred litres,” adds Veedler.

De-icing truck n  There are different deicing trucks in the world. Tallinn Airport has four such trucks. The truck has three tanks, the largest being filled with water that is heated up by the truck itself. It contains about 2 tons of water. Smaller tanks hold de-icing liquids. Trucks used in Tallinn spray deicing and anti-icing liquids from a hand gun. This vehicle is special also because it can be steered from the spraying tower, so don’t be afraid if you see a truck with no-one at the steering wheel moving around the aircraft.



Welcome to Estonian Air

About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Helsingisse, Joensuusse, Jyväskylässe, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi, Viini ja Vilniusesse. Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kiev, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Trondheim, Vienna and Vilnius. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Air France.

in time December 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen ja SAAB n  340 lennukeid. 2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalukaim n  kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, CRJ-900 NextGen and n  SAAB 340 aircraft. In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan

liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt:

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on võimalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis või EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

December 2012 in time

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n  EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn






Helsingi, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius




Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, Brüssel, Kiiev, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi, Viin




Amsterdam, Brussels, Kiev, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg, Vienna






Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Programme Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time December 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel

look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet Find the right ticket

* Kui pilet sisaldab mitut Estonian Airi lennusegmenti (nt Tartu-Tallinn-Brüssel), siis kehtivad üldised nime muutmise reeglid. * General name change rules apply for tickets with multiple Estonian Air flight legs (e.g. Tartu-Tallinn-Brussels).

December 2012 in time


enne lendu / before the flight

Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu on võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time December 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

December 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


enne lendu / before the flight Nautige mugavust ja privaatsust

Enjoy space and comfort

Estonian Air pakub tühja kõrvalistme tellimise võimalust. See n

Estonian Air is offering Empty Seat Option which is meant for n

on mõeldud reisijatele, kes soovivad lennata mugavamalt ning privaatsemalt. Tühja kõrvalistet saab tellida Estonian Airi kodulehelt Igale lennule eraldatakse limiteeritud arv tühje istekohti, sõltuvalt lennu täituvusest. Reisijale, kes on tellinud tühja kõrvalistme, saadetakse selle kohta kinnitus e-posti aadressile üks kuni kolm päeva enne väljalendu ja mitte hiljem kui neli tundi enne lennu plaanipärast väljumist. Kui tühja kõrvalistet ei ole võimalik eraldada, tagastatakse selle eest tasutud summa automaatselt pärast lennu väljumist viie tööpäeva jooksul. NB! Tühja kõrvalistme teenust saab internetikeskkonnas tellida inglise keeles.

travellers who like privacy and wish to be even more comfortable during their flight. In order to book an empty seat go to Estonian Air website Note that only a limited number of options are offered for each flight which is based on the availability of each flight. If you have assigned for an empty seat(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail normally 1-3 days before the date of departure but no later than 4 hours before departure. If you are not assigned to empty seat(s), the empty seat price for that flight will be automatically refunded to you within five business days after flight departure.

Telli toit ette Estonian Air pakub Travel-klassi reisijatele võimalust lennule n  toit ette tellida. Toiduvalikus on nii maitsvad kerged suupisted kui ka toekamad söögid: Caesari salat kanaga, sea sisefilee ürdivõiga, pannkoogid ja võileivad. Pakutakse ka joogist ja suupistetest koosnevaid komplekte. Ettetellimismenüüd on koostatud vastavalt lennu sihtkohale ja kestusele. Reisijad saavad toitu ette tellida hiljemalt 36 tundi enne lennu väljumist. On võimalik teha üllatus oma lähedastele, sõpradele või kolleegidele, tellides neile ette näiteks klaasi šampanjat või koogi.

Väikebussi teenus Tallinn Airport Shuttle’i väikebuss viib kliendi Tallinna Lennun  jaamast soovitud sihtkohta linnas. Kliendi pagasi eest hoolitseb bussijuht. Sõita püütakse soovitud sihtkohale nii lähedale, nagu liikluskorraldus võimaldab. Shuttle-bussidel pole kindlat väljumisgraafikut. Nad alustavad iga päev kell 12.00 ja on vastas igal Tallinna saabuval lennul. Lennujaamast sõidetakse klientidega välja siis, kui esimese reisija bussi tulekust on möödas veerand tundi või kui buss on reisijaid täis. Viimane Shuttle-buss väljub lennujaamast pärast seda, kui kõik reisijad õhtuselt Amsterdamist saabunud lennult on oma pagasi kätte saanud, s.o kella 23.30 paiku. Buss on käigus seitse päeva nädalas. Pileteid Shuttle-bussile saab osta saabuvate lendude saalist Airport Shuttle'i lipuga klienditeeninduse letist. Kliente teenindatakse nii eesti, inglise kui ka vene keeles ja maksta saab kaardi või sularahaga. Sõit Airport Shuttle’iga maksab viis eurot, sõltumata sihtkohast Tallinna piires. Klienditeenindaja on alati valmis andma nõu ja abi ka muudes Tallinna puudutavates küsimustes. Lisainformatsioon: Klienditeeninduse telefon: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Lenda soodsalt Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg).


Pre-order meals Estonian Air offers its Travel Class passengers the opportunity n  to pre-order meals. Customers can choose from light snacks to steaks. The menu includes, for example, Caesar salad with chicken, pork tenderloin with herb butter, pancakes and sandwiches, while different drink and snack combos are also available. The pre-order menu selection varies according to the flight destination and time. Passengers can pre-order delicious meals no later than 36 hours before the departure time. This opportunity can also be used to the surprise loved ones, a friend or a colleague by ordering a glass of champagne or a cake for him or her.

Airport Shuttle Tallinn Airport Shuttle bus takes customers from Tallinn Airport n  to their chosen destination in Tallinn. The bus driver takes care of the passengers’ luggage and will always try to get as close to the desired location as the traffic allows. The Shuttle buses don't have a particular departure timetable. They start their work at 12:00 and meet every plane arriving in Tallinn. The bus only leaves the airport 15 minutes after the first passenger has entered the bus or when the bus is filled with passengers. The last shuttle bus from the airport departs after all the passengers of the evening flight from Amsterdam have received their luggage, i.e. around 23:30. This is how it works 7 days a week. Tickets for the Shuttle bus can be bought either from the flight hall or the customer service counter that has an Airport Shuttle flag. Besides the Estonian language, customers are also served in English and Russian. You can pay either by card or in cash. The ticket for the Airport Shuttle is €5, no matter what the destination is within the city of Tallinn. The counter staff are also at hand to give you advice on other questions connected with Tallinn. Additional information: Customer Service: +372 5563 3735 e-mail:

Best prices Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn  chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros.

in time December 2012

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Suitsetamine ja elektroonika

Smoking & electronic devices regulations

Suitsetamine on keelatud kõigil Estonian Airi lendudel. n  Kaasaskantavad elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või vastuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi, mistõttu nende kasutamine lennu ajal on keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki tõusul ja maandumisel. Enne õhkutõusu võib mobiiltelefon olla sisse lülitatud hetkeni, mil kõik lennukiuksed on suletud. Pärast maandumist võib telefoni sisse lülitada kohe, kui reisijate uks on peale lennuki lõplikku peatumist avatud.

Lisateenused Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n  valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

December 2012 in time

Smoking is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including n  charter flights. Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft's navigation system and may not be used during the flight. Other electronic equipment may not be used during take-off and landing. Before departure, mobile phone is allowed to be switched on until all aircraft doors are closed. After landing, phone can be switched on right after the passenger door is – after the final stop of the aircraft – opened again.

Additional services In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n  most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.


lennujaamade info / airport information




Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.

Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.




Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

Terminal D. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.

Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from n

MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Hall A. To town: 20 min by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.

Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.



Estonian Air flights depart from n


Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.

Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.

To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n  5 min by taxi.



Estonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from n


To town: 20 km 35 min by bus, 30 min n  by taxi.


Estonian Air flights depart from the n  main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

To town: 10 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n



Terminal 2D. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

To town: 20 km, 30 min by bus, 20 min n  by taxi.



EEstonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

To town: 11 km, 20 min by bus, 10 min by taxi. n


To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.

VIENNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, 16 min by train, 20 min n  by bus, taxi.


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

in time December 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tere tulemast Tallinna Lennujaama! Tallinna Lennujaam on esimene lennujaam n  maailmas, kes pakub reisijatele tasuta WiFi-t. Lisaks on võimalik kasutada tasuta 14 internetikioskit ning Skype telefonikabiini. Kauplustest leiad laia valiku tooteid ja söögikohtadest maitsva kõhutäie või mõnusa kohvi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

Welcome to Tallinn Airport! Tallinn Airport is the first airport in the n  world that offers free Wi-Fi. You can also use free Internet booths and unique Skype booths. Airport boutiques offer wide range of merchandise and restaurants offer full meal or nice place for coffee.

December 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time December 2012

sihtkohad / route map

December 2012 in time


Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vähemalt kaks tundi enne piletil märgitud väljalennu aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise võimalust. Lähteväravas tuleb olla pardakaardile märgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  • pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) • pass või rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) • pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis välja antud juhiluba, üliõpilas- või õpilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel võib inimese kohta olla üks ühik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetõttu tuleb piletit ostes tähelepanelik olla. Kõigil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. Jätkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kõigepealt üles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad või esindajad, kellelt saab küsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate õiguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb üle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele süüa-juua ja sidevõimalust (näiteks kaks tasuta telefonikõnet). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal õigus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevõtja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nõus loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hüvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele võimalusele sihtkohta jõudmiseks või piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel õigus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tühistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hüvitamist või muid võimalusi lõppsihtkohta jõudmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), välja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel või kui tühistamisest on teavitatud vähemalt kaks nädalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb või kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme päeva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 päeva pärast. Lisainfo:; n või nõuandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  • Passport (international flights, outside the EU) • Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) • Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm


Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter


CUSTOMER SERVICE In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 € + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Service available Mo-Fri 9 am-6 pm Sa 9 am-3 pm Su 9 am-6 pm (EET, CET+1)


Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail


Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

Cargo service ConcordeAviation

63 rue de Passy, 75016 Paris – France Phone +33 (0) 140 50 77 87 Fax +33 (0) 140 50 04 17 E-mail

in time December 2012

Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva




Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n





In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

year olds. Most of the 540 schools are state schools. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.



The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 68,7% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 24,8%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Religion 80% of all believers are Protestant n  Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 77% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

in time December 2012











Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, Sissepääs isikut tõendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Big Bang Ferrari. UNICO column wheel chronograph movement, 72-hour power reserve. Entirely manufactured by Hublot. Titanium case and sapphire dial. Interchangeable strap. Limited edition of 1000 pieces.

Suur-Karja 9 • 10140 Tallinn • Estonia +372 641 9333 • •

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