Estonian Air inflight magazine In Time (March/April 2012)

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inflight magazine march / april 2012

Hannover Finland Soomaa Coming up! Jazzkaar SEB Marathon

Teet Kask

with love from Georgia • fashion • gadgets • cars • science your complimentary copy

tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

Estonian Air on lennufirma, mis on 20 aasta jooksul edendanud lähilende, kuid Tallinna asukoha eelised on ikka veel kasutamata. Tallinn on naaberpiirkondade Skandinaavia ja Põhjamaade jaoks olulise asukohaga. Näiteks Soomest Jyväskyläst või Norrast Trondheimist reisijad peavad ümber istuma oma riigi pealinna lennujaamas, kuigi Tallinn pakub palju mugavamat alternatiivi elava liiklusega sõlmlennujaamadele nagu Oslo, Stockholm või Helsingi. Estonian Air on aktiivselt tegelnud lennufirma ümberkorraldusega ning astunud esimesi samme, et laiendada lennuliine ja tihendada lennugraafikut. Estonian Air on üks kiiremini arenevaid lennufirmasid Euroopas. Väikese lennufirmana peame teistest eristuma, et meid märgataks kui mugavat, leidlikku, usaldusväärset ja positiivselt üllatavat koostööpartnerit. Paljude uuenduste seas oleme kasutusele võtnud rahakotisõbraliku hinnakujunduse, loonud sotsiaalmeedial põhineva

For the past 20 years, Estonian Air has been an airline serving only local traffic and has not taken much advantage of Tallinn's quite convenient location. Tallinn is in a central location for neighbouring regions like Scandinavia. For instance, passengers from Jyväskylä in Finland or Trondheim in Norway would usually have to connect at regional hub at their capital. Here, Tallinn Airport is more relaxing alternative to busy hubs like Oslo, Stockholm or Helsinki for these passengers. Estonian Air has been busy with the restructuring of the airline and is increasing the number of routes and the frequencies of its flights. Estonian Air is one of the fastest growing airlines in Europe. As a small airline, we always have to do something different to be noticed as a convenient, inventive, trustworthy and positively surprising airline. Among other things, we have introduced new price products which are easier on the wallet, developed a new social media programme, AirScore,

march / april 2012


Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn telefon: +372 6401 101 Tiraaž: 8000 Tootja: RKontor

lojaalsusprogrammi Airscore ja tutvustanud lennurestorani projekti kaudu Premium-klassi reisijatele Eesti restoranide kõrget taset. Oleme isegi muutnud oma peamist töövahendit – lennukit, et pakkuda kõige mugavamat, keskkonnasõbralikumat ja säästlikumat reisimisviisi. Estonian Air on seadnud eesmärgiks saada juhtivaks piirkondlikuks lennufirmaks ning luua tugev, Balti riike, Põhjamaid ja Venemaad ühendav lennuvõrgustik. 2012. aastal avame uued lennuliinid Helsingisse, Riiasse, Jyväskylässe, Hannoveri, Viini, Veneetsiasse, Joensuusse, Kajaanisse ja Thbilisisse ning tihendame olemasolevaid liine Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Moskvasse, Vilniusse, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Kiievisse ja Trondheimi. Mõistame, et edu tagavad pühendunud töötajad, kes on meie klientide jaoks alati olemas. Oleme siin, et olla teie teenistuses. Tere tulemast pardale ja meeldivat lendu!

and promoted the best Estonian restaurants through the Sky Restaurant project to Premium class passengers. We even changed our core tool, the aircraft, to provide the most convenient, ecological and economical way to travel. Estonian Air is concentrating on becoming a leading regional airline and establishing a strong network to connect the Baltics, Nordics and Russia. We have added new destinations for 2012 in our network, such as Helsinki, Riga, Jyväskylä, Hanover, Vienna, Venice, Joensuu, Kajaani and Tbilisi, and added flight frequencies into existing ones, like Amsterdam, Brussels, Moscow, Vilnius, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Kiev and Trondheim. We do understand, that the key to success is committed staff, who are always there for our customers. We are here for you and willing to listen. Welcome on board and enjoy your flight!

Reklaam: Nordicom Trükikoda: Reusner AS Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air, Reklaamikontakt:

Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: fotograafid / photographers: Dima Chikvaidze, Irakli Bluishvili – Lime Studio; stilist / stylist: Nino Chubinishvili – Chubika; jumestus / make-up: Salome Zakaraia – Georgian Film Commission

in time march / april 2012

Two brains for a waTch accuraTe To wiThin 1/6Th of a second.

duomèTre à QuanTième Lunaire. Jaeger-Lecoultre calibre 381. The dual-wing concept is a genuine horological revolution featuring two distinct mechanisms synchronised by a single regulating organ. The patented jumping stop seconds function enables time-setting to the nearest 1/6th of a second.

haVe You eVer worn a reaL waTch?

coming up

Ballet Festival Mariinsky brings intrigue to dance

come a platform for international premieres that hosts performances by the top choreographers and soloists of the world. "We stage both contemporary works and classics - those that we are most proud of and which have been recognized worldwide," director of the Mariinsky Theater’s ballet troupe Yuri Fateyev said.

A modern work can easily become an example to follow as shown by the festivals first premiere, which generated the first intrigue as well. That was Mozart’s Le Parc. Created by French choreographer Angelin Preljocaj for the Paris ballet troupe 17 years ago, the performance has gotten a new life by the Mariinsky theatre artists. Preljocaj created three different options for the performance, to suit each of the star-duos. This “triplicity” does as much for intrigue in the play as the longest onstage kiss in the history of dance. "Your partner is spinning you and both of you are about to lose your sense of direction and balance, but all of this is necessary for the final condition where you are seduced and blown away by the kiss," prima ballerina Diana Vishneva explained. Stars on stage Peter Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake" n  23 March at 19

Ludwig Minkus "La Bayadere" n  24 March at 19

Herman von Lovenskjold "La Sylphide" n  25 March at 19

Diana Vishneva, prima ballerina, and leading dancer Konstantin Zverev performing a piece from the ballet Le Parc. Photo: Reuters / Scanpix

One of the most important ballet events of the year, the XII International Ballet Festival Mariinsky in St Petersburg brings you all of the stars from the Mariinsky Ballet, magnificent guest soloists, premieres and a grandiose gala concert. The annual ballet festival, established at the Mariinsky Theatre in 2001, was intended to be-


Le Parc 26 March at 19 n  An evening of choreography n

by Maurice Bejart 27 and 28 March at 19 An evening with Gennady Selyutsky n  "In the Night. Divertissement" 29 March at 19 Diana Vishneva: Dialogues 30 March at 19 n  Anna Karenina 31 March at 19 n  The pranks of Fata Morgana Scenes and n  arias from Sergei Prokofiev's The Love for Three Oranges 1 April at 12 Closing of the XII Ballet Festival Mariinsky n  International Ballet Stars Gala 1 April at 19

in time march / april 2012


coming up

Jazzkaar brings the spring Text: Liis kängsepp · Photos: jazzkaar

Lizz Wright

For more than 20 years already, the annual jazz festival Jazzkaar has been the one to announce that spring is here. This year the festival is about to surprise with a pavilion at the seaside, right in the centre of Tallinn, built especially for Jazzkaar. "Port of Tallinn's area for passenger terminals is really attractive place, but it has not been used much for cultural events," says Anne Erm, the head and heart of Jazzkaar who has organised the festival since its birth. The pavilion will be located 15 minutes walking distance from the old town. Jazzkaar has hold open air concerts in the same area before, but building a pavilion is a whole different thing. 
"By building this special pavilion we can offer local and international music lovers a new concert venue with a very unique atmosphere – a view both to the seaside and the old town," Erm points out. So this venue should be attractive for both locals and tourists. Tallinn’s port is not the only connection with the sea that Jazzkaar has this year – they also provide the visitors with a unique opportunity to explore a neighbourhood called Kalamaja.


in time march / april 2012

coming up Djanzz

April full of jazz Jazzkaar takes place from April 20th–29th at different venues all around Tallinn and other towns all around Estonia. More information about the concert and venues can be found on their website Tickets can be purchased over the internet via If there are questions about the tickets, send an e-mail to

Programme Festival opening! Amadou & Mariam n

Now the trendiest region in Tallinn, it was once the living quarters of fishermen. Kalamaja literally means fish-house.
Jazzkaar is offering a day full of free concerts in Kalamaja on the 22nd of April. The most exclusive venue of that day is probably a local piano factory, but free concerts can be enjoyed in the parks, cafés and churches all around the neighbourhood.
Among very good international artists, Jazzkaar always tries to provide the listeners with a good overview of Estonian music. Sixty-two year old Tõnis Mägi, a symbol of freedom for most Estonians, will perform with a big orchestra to share blues songs from his reper-toire. Ten of the best Estonian jazz vocalists will perform together at the Estonian Vocal Gala and the Estonian band Aces of Basses will give a joint concert with Christian McBirdie who just recently was awarded his second Grammy. “It is really difficult to recommend anything special from our list of concerts, because I would always like to praise all the musicians,” says Anne Erm. “I would definitely recommend the concert of the Ruderesh Mahanthappa band, as well as the Christian McBirdie Trio and the Tingvall Trio, who were just nominated in Germany for the highest prize in jazz.” The main artists this year are the Jan Garbarek Group & Trilok Gurtu, Lizz Wright, a young singer from the U.S. and a legendary club music band from the UK, Brand New Heavis. Also blind musicians from Mali, Amadou & Mariam.

20 April at 20, Sea Pavilion

Vigleik Storaas Trio + n

Duo Tafenau-Vind 20 April at 22, NO99 Jazz club

Djanzz + Piip & Tuut n

21 April at 12, Sea Pavilion

Tõnis Mägi Muus-Bluus n  21 April at 17, Sea Pavilion

Festival "12 Points" presents: n  21 April at 21, Sea Pavilion

Estonian Folk Orchestra n  22 April at 17, Sea Pavilion

Das Kapital + n

Erdmann-Sooäär Dessert Time 23 April at 19, Kumu Auditorium

The Flow + Oleg Pissarenko n  24 April at 19, Kumu Auditorium

Christian McBride Trio + n  Aces of Basses 25 April at 18, Sea Pavilion

Rudresh Mahanthappa – n

Samdhi + Joel-Rasmus Remmel 26 April at 18, Sea Pavilion

Ergo Jazz Session vol 12: Tingvall Trio n  26 April at 22, Sea Pavilion

Lizz Wright n

27 April at 19, Nokia Concert Hall

The Brand New Heavies n  27 April at 22, Sea Pavilion

Estonian Jazz Vocal Gala n  28 April at 16, Sea Pavilion

Jan Garbarek Group & Trilok Gurtu n  28 April at 20, Nokia Concert Hall

Festival closing party: Jo Stance n  28 April at 22, Sea Pavilion

UMA & harpsichord duo n  29 April at 13, Sea Pavilion

Villu Veski Baltic Project feat. Eivor n  29 April at 18

Joel-Rasmus Remmel

march / april 2012 in time


coming up 29 March Rock Cafe – IIRIS, Rubik n  Tapper – X-Panda, SyrCity n

30 March Rock Cafe – HU?, Instrumenti, n

Kosmofon, Liis Lemsalu, Mimicry, Malcolm Lincoln Von Krahl – Elephants from n  Neptune, Bedwetters, Husky Rescue, Jaakko&Jay NO99 – Estonian Voices, n  Abraham’s Cafe, Ajavares, Argo Vals Band, Taavo Remmel Studio – Neuronphase, Rulers n  of the Deep, Merimell, Kyka, Spin Science Kino Sõprus – The New Tigers, n  ÖÄK, Väljasõit rohelisse, Napoleon Iird Tapper – Goresoerd, Zorg n  Woodstock/Rockstar’s – n  Shotgun Club, Boogie Company, Stockers! Korter – Gorõ Lana, Reket, n  Põhjamaade hirm Hoov – Sibyl Vane, Zebra and n  Snake, Barthol lo Mejor Kultuurikatel – OYT, Espirit, n  Bendagram, DZA, Raadz, Deyal

31 March Rock Cafe – Princes, The Blinn

king Lights, Dahling, Dramamama Von Krahl – Talamak, Mona De n  Bo, Vaiko Eplik & Eliit, Zebra Island NO99 – Paabel, Svjata n  Vatra, Viljandi Guitar Trio, Dikanda Kino Sõprus – Alina Orlova, n  Mari Kalkun, Diver, Tiit Kikas Tapper – Tapper, Ceremonial n  Perfection, Herald Woodstock/Rockstar’s – n  Motorama, Fonovel, Andres Lõo Korter – Wecan, Centron, n  MHKL & K-Sein Kodu bar – Ans.Andur, Rime, n  Animal Drama Mustpeade maja – n  Mirjam Tally/Una Corda, Tatjana Kozolova/Ansambel U:, Estonia Consert Hall – Rein n  Rannap, SaxEst, Sigrid Kuulmann ja Marko Martin

Tallinn Music Week brings 185 bands and artists on live stages! Tallinn Music Week

is an Estonian talent festival that has the ambition of showing the world what an incredible pool of talent this tiny country has to offer. The fourth edition of the festival will present a line-up of 185 bands and artists and will take you on a journey through indie-rock and electronica to metal, folk, jazz and classical music, presented in the best live clubs and loveliest venues all over Tallinn. This year we’ll surprise you with some real gems like afternoon shows at Skype offices, art galleries, cool record stores and book


shops and an extravagantly exclusive live programme at Nordic Hotel Forum’s suite!

On the opening night

on Thursday, the 29 of March the talented and quirky singersongwriter Iiris presents her debut album at Rock Café sharing stage with the world renown artrockers Rubik from Finland as her special guests. The festival weekend will give you a chance to visit all of the coolest clubs, theatres, bars, venues and off-venues to get an overwhelming overview of fresh new Estonian music. Some real treasures will be thrown in also from neighboring countries like Husky Rescue from Sweden, Alina Orlova and Instrumenti from Latvia, Zebra and Snake from Finland, Einar Stray Norway and many more.

Rein Rannap


Mari Kalkun

Check out the programme and artists: Festival passes and tickets:


in time march / april 2012

coming up

Badass Yuki Black Apple Trip

Ewert & The Two Dragons Good Man Down

Badass Yuki is the creative engine of Mart Avi and Paul Sild, two young men who became friends in Luxembourg. By 2008, various attempts at creating noise resulted in an eclectic musical style that flirts with more contemporary sounds. Their music may at times seem somewhat neurotic and psychedelic, but it is still very much organized noise. In February 2011, the boys of Badass Yuki who usually wear tight jeans released their debut album Black Apple Trip that various critics described through neon lights, flying cars, homeless, deprived people and pitch-black apples. Tracks like „Changeling“, „Camel“, „Fiji“, „Rollercoaster Town“ and others that will put a spring in your step. Some of their trademarks are sometimes hysterical sounding guitar riffs and songs that one cannot sing properly from beginning to end. The songs of Yuki-boys follow a certain structure that at some point collapses since the band has so much to say and every idea needs to be tested. That music has a lot of energy and is guaranteed to charge your batteries. When Mart Avi who does vocals and electronic sounds in the band was asked which song he hated most, he said: “Duffy “Well, Well, Well”. I have nothing against the young woman herself, but the sound of her voice in the opening seconds is like torture to me. I am quite convinced that if I put the track's beginning to a loop, turn up at the volume and chain myself to a chair, it would be only a matter of a few minutes until you would see the first medical side-effects, ranging from rising blood pressure to a nose-bleed.”

Good Man Down, the second album of Ewert And The Two Dragons, shot to the top of album charts in Estonia from the very start. And their success story is continuing abroad as the album has won acclaim in Latvia as well, the home of the record company I Love You Records. On the Estonian rock music scene, the band rose to stardom with their debut album The Hills Behind The Hills that came out in 2009. Good Man Down is an uncompromising and sometimes even soft, tender and folksy indie-pop. All members of the band are educated musicians and household names in Estonia. It may seem that their live performances are too perfect to be authentic, but actually it is a group of friends who simply love music and making music together. In the Estonian Music Award Gala, the band walked away with five awards.

(Mortimer Snerd)

march / april 2012 in time

(I Love You Records)

What's up? Francis Goya Women’s Day concert "Woman in Love" n  8 March at 19 Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn

Leningrad's new album release concert n

10 March at 23, Club Von Überblingen, Tallinn

Estonian Cancer Society and Voces Musicales benefit performance n  11 March at 16, Jaani kirik, Tallinn

The Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra "Johann Strauss Gala" n  12 March at 19, Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn

Michael Bublé n

21 April, Saku Arena, Tallinn

Killer Queen n

23 April at 20, Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn


coming up

Tallinn Marathon – run through old and new Many great cities

Upcoming events SEB Kõrvemaa n

complex event – Triathlon takes place the 14 April on Kõrvemaa

SEB Kõrvemaa n

complex event – Spring Run takes place the 28 April on Kõrvemaa

Women's race – n

SEB Maijooks
takes place the 19 May on
The Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

More info: n


in the world introduce their sights through the marathon distance, such as Berlin, London or New York. While Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is tiny compared to these cities, it is still very rich and unique in sights – the city wall with its towers, the Freedom Square, the green parks and seaside. The Old Town, belonging in the UNESCO heritage list, gives even more value to the run. Tallinn is a historical and a modern city between the East and the West. It is exactly this combination of "old" and “new” that the course of the marathon will introduce. The beauty of these sights is not easily described - it has to be experienced, which is why marathon tourists from all over the world come to Tallinn to look around and feel it under their feet. In 2011, nearly 18 000 runners total enjoyed freedom of movement. This is quite a number compared with barely 1,3 million inhabitants of Estonia. In addition to the Estonians, runners from 39 countries were participating. In 2012 the Tallinn Marathon will take place during the second weekend of September – September 9th. The main distance is 42.2 km, but the program includes a half-marathon and a 10 km

The dates of Tallinn marathon: 9 September 2012 8 September 2013 14 September 2014

distance as well. All distances will start at downtown and end on the Freedom Square. The racecourse runs around Old Town and along the edge of the sea, offering a simple profile and beautiful views of the sea and the city. Weather conditions during this time of year are comfortable for running – usually it is not raining and temperature is 15-18°C, but sometimes it might be windy. The race takes place in close cooperation with the city government – the marathon day has been declared a car-free day.

Want to see it? Join the run! Look for more info on our website – There you find all necessary information about Tallinn marathon the arrangements and registration (in Estonian, English, German, Russian and Finnish). For more information about Estonia go to – in time march / april 2012

coming up

Ice Hockey World Championships promise a new thrill Finland and Sweden

are preparing to co-host the Ice Hockey World Championships two years in a row – in 2012 and 2013. Co-hosting events is nothing new in sports but this is the first time in modern ice hockey that such a concept is introduced. Since the 1930 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships matches have always been held in one country. “Luckily we both have excellent venues, experienced organizations and a long history in hosting IIHF WM,” says Kalervo Kummola, the 2012 OC Chairman. The main venue and the arena for semi-finals, the bronze medal game, and the final of the 2012

Chase for new records: Finland has hosted the event: 1965, 1974, 1982, 1991, 1997, 2003, n  and Sweden: 2002, 1995, 1989, 1981, 1970, 1969, 1963, 1954, 1949

64 games, 16 teams n  2 Preliminary round groups, 8 teams in each n  Group Helsinki: FIN, CAN, USA, SUI, SVK, BLR, FRA, KAZ n  Group Stockholm: RUS, SWE, CZE, GER, NOR, LAT, DEN, ITA n  7 games per team = each team will play against each other n  The top four teams in each preliminary round group will advance to the n

quarterfinal. The teams who finish last in each group will be relegated to Division I. Teams placed 5-7 will have no more games. Target is to make a new world record in attendance: 650.000 spectators n  (Helsinki 350.000 & Stockholm 300.000) In television (figures from the 2009 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship n  in Switzerland) 2500h of TV broadcasting n  Signal received by 120 countries n  200 TV stations world wide n  645 million spectators n

Consumption by the teams: 17 000 pieces of fruit n  120 000 cups of coffee n  300 litres of sports drink per day n  1 500 towels per day n  4 000 sticks n  2 000 pucks n


Fly to Finland:

Tallinn-Helsinki – 17 weekly flights price from 39.90 €

Estonian Air presents – ice hockey event of the year 2012 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship 4-20 May, Helsinki Finland and Stockholm Sweden

World Championship is the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, as Finland was initially voted to host the 2012 event. The Swedish venue, and the home of Tre Kronor, is Ericsson Globe Arena in Stockholm, also the main arena for the 2013 tournament.

In the new system, all of the 16 teams will play a round robin in two qualification groups with the four best in each group advancing to the quarterfinals. The quarterfinal games will be played within each group. The teams that meet in the quarterfinal will have already played one game against each other, which adds a layer of suspense to the already important game. “This is a good change, both for traveling fans and teams. In the previous system there was no way of knowing where, when and against whom each team will play after the initial three games in the preliminary round. Now this will change as the seven preliminary round games will be played against foreknown opposition,” says Christer Englund, Chairman of the Swedish OC.

in time march / april 2012

Horses – The Festival

13–16 March, Cheltenham n  Racecourse, England The Festival at Cheltenham is the biggest event of the season. The 26 races offer one of the racing world's most generous prize funds and attract the finest horses from all over Britain, Ireland and France.

Extreme – Winter X-Games Europe 14–16 March, Tignes, French n

The French resort of Tignes hosts one of Europe's biggest alternative and extreme sports events. The world's top sportsmen and women compete against each other on two wheels, in the air, on skis and on snowboards. Tigne claims to be the birthplace of freestyle skiing and is always up to date with new snow sports trends, boasting a brand new expert halfpipe right in the centre of the resort.

Rowing – Head of the River Race

17 March, River Thames, England n  The processional Head of the River Race involves a staggering 420 eights, making it the largest continuous rowing event in the world. The journey from Mortlake to Putney Bridge is certainly no mean feat.

Sailing – Race of the Classics

ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to present a practical business guide on Estonian exporters and a selection of investment opportunities.

„Flexible economy, simple tax system; labour costs, which in European terms are low, together with good education and good labour market conditions are an argument, in addition to the euro, why one should invest to Estonia. I invite you to be a part of everything Estonia has to offer.”

Andrus Ansip Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

• • • „Estonian companies are eager to widen their geography and recent very active company creation has shown emergence of many very dynamic and interesting new companies. Welcome to Estonia!“ Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

2–8 April, Rotterdam, Netherlands n

The Race of the Classics sailing challenge starts in Rotterdam, sails via Ostend to Ipswich or Lowestoft before re-crossing the North Sea to finish in Amsterdam. The post-Easter race attracts over 20 teams annually.

Run – Paris Marathon 15 April, Champs Elysées, French n

The Paris Marathon takes you past famous landmarks, including the Champs-Elysées and Place de la Bastille. A 1.5km breakfast run (La Course du P’tit Déj) for 5-10 year-olds is always held the day before the marathon too.



Extreme – Simple Session 29–30 March, Tallinn, Estonia n

Simple Session is the world’s premier BMX and skateboarding contest happening annually in Tallinn, Estonia, and in Finland. Simple Session’s roots date back to the year 2000, when the founders built a new skatepark for themselves and their fellow riders and skaters. The event is a celebration of everything that is amazing about BMX and skateboarding.

march / april 2012 in time


Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Phone: +372 604 0060 • E-mail: WWW.KODA.EE

coming up

Enjoy a brasserie restaurant at a height of 170 metres Fully renovated TV Tower:

Tower height: n  314 m

Height of the n

viewing platform: 170 m Lift to top of n  tower takes 49 seconds Total weight: n  20 000 tons, concrete part weighs 17 500 tonnes The architect of n  the tower is David Basiladze, and the engineer was Juri Sinis Construction n  began on 1975 and grand opening was on 11 July 1980


and due to be opened on fifth of April in 2012 Tallinn's TV Tower will feature a brand new brasserie run by a leading Estonian chef Priit Toomits. “Crowning the new and improved features of the tower will be a brasserie, overseen by Priit Toomits, who is one of the best chefs in the country,” said Riina Roosipuu, the director of the Tallinna Teletorn foundation. “The rapid service that a brasserie-style restaurant allows during the day will cap off any visit to the tower, and in the evening diners will be able to choose from lighter snacks and a full á la carte menu. We’re aiming to provide visitors with a culinary experience that’s as memorable as the views they enjoy.” Priit Toomits says that the dishes offered at the brasserie will be a fusion of world cuisine, blending ingredients from Estonia with the classic cooking and tastes of France, the healthy meals and freshness of Japan and the spicy kick of Thailand and other Asian countries. “And of course it is topped off by first-class service!” he said. “Great

food matched with perfect wines, enjoyed with stunning views – that’s what the brasserie will be all about. Something new and contemporary, 170 metres above the ground!” Toomits has managed kitchens in culinary institutions around Estonia, including Atlantis in Tartu, Ammende Villa in Pärnu aswell as Karl Friedrich and Novell in Tallinn. He was only the third chef in the country to receive the Cordon Bleu prize and was named Estonian Chef of the Year in 1998.

Tallinn TV Tower

( was built to broadcast national television programmes. The tower is the tallest structure in the country, rising to a height of 314 metres. When Estonia was still behind the Iron Curtain, for many Estonians it was a window to the free world – at night one could even catch a glimpse of the lights of Helsinki. In 1980 Moscow hosted the Summer Olympics and the sailing events were held in Tallinn. The TV Tower was one of the Olympic sites.

in time march / april 2012

Gourmet Tour of Town Hall Square 21 February – 18 March n  The Flavours of Estonia programme is organizing a gourmet tour to introduce the cuisine of nine restaurants located at Town Hall Square. The nine establishments are Kaerajaan, Rae Wine Libary, Glad Estlander, II Draakon, Liisu juures, Vana Toomas, Turg and Maikrahv. As part of the event, the restaurants will have special offers which include both food and drink.

Dinner with Barone de Riscol 22 March n  Restaurant Dominic will host a dinner dedicated to the Tuscany wine and Chianti Classico. The main guest of the dinner will be Barone de Ricasol, a wine house that created the Barone de Ricasol recipe. Ricasol will be represented by their export manager Olalla Lopez-Corona. The delicious five-course dinner will be created by Allar Oeselg, Chef de Cuisine of Dominic.

Hugel Gala 30 March n  Restaurant Gloria will host a prestigious Hugel & Fils Gala. Dedicated to the Alsace wine, the dinner will feature Gloria 75, the jubilee menu by cuisiner Dimitri Demjanov. The guest of honor will be Etienne Hugel, the owner of the Hugel & Fils wine estate.

march / april 2012 in time

Legendary Estonian Vodka

since 1898


coming up Amsterdam World Press Photo 20 April – 17 June, Oude Kerk The best professional news photogran  phers enter the World Press Photo competition each year. Photographs taken by the winners and runners-up form a large exhibition that tours internationally after opening here, at Amsterdam's Oude Kerk. The images on display are also published in the World Press Photo Yearbook, which marks out the leading international photographers as well as providing a fascinating and often poignant record of world events over the past 12 months. The competition is Dutch-based and organized, with the award ceremonies taking place at the Oude Kerk, attended by representatives of the major international press organizations.




Eurantica: Fine Art & Antiques Fair

In the Shadow of the Pyramids

23 March – 4 April, Brussels Expo The Eurantica fine art and antiques fair n  at Brussels Expo offers bargain hunting on a continental scale, with dealers from all over Europe. Browsers and buyers can sample items from more than 150 leading European antiques dealers and art galleries.

11 November 2011 – 25 March 2012 Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek British Egyptologist Flinders Petrie's n  pioneering efforts to unearth the treasures of the Pyramids saw him christened 'The Father of Archaeology'. This exhibi-


tion at Copenhagen's Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek displays scores of the mysterious finds he discovered on his fateful journeys south. One of the greatest sponsors of Petrie's efforts 100-odd years ago was the Ny Carlsberg Foundation that handed over the finds to the Glyptotek. Because of this the museum now possesses more than 200 of Petrie's finest discoveries and many of these form the basis of this exhibition.

in time march / april 2012

coming up

Copenhagen Ink Festival 4–6 May Copenhagen's Ink Festival at Tap1 pron  vides the best of the tattoo world. With 150 of the world's finest tattoo artists showcasing their talent, get entertained by flame-painted hot rod cars and motorbikes or try your luck in different competitions. Denmark, and especially Copenhagen, has both a long history and strong tradition for the art of tattooing. After many years, Carlsberg's brewery hall now opens its gates for the largest Scandinavian tattoo festival ever. Such was the success in 2011, the Copenhagen Ink Festival is now a firm annual fixture, attracting an international roster of tattoo artists and aficionados.



London Drinker Beer & Cider Festival

14th Poets' Springtime in Nice

7–9 March, The Camden Centre Sample international beers, ciders n  and perries at the London Drinker Beer & Cider Festival in the Camden Centre. Curious UK beer names include Pressed Rat & Warthog and Steaming Billy's Last Bark – the latter honouring a deceased pet.

5–18 March Nice goes poetry mad for two weeks, n  with events taking place on the streets, in cafes, schools and theatres around the city. This years theme is „Childhood”.

The Affordable Art Fair 15–18 March The art market has long been recn  ognized for peddling its wares at overinflated prices. The Affordable Art Fair (AAF) in Battersea Park provides an antidote, offering a relaxed, unstuffy environment for visitors to browse, buy and learn about art. The fair is about accessible art in unintimidating surroundings. You can still spot the odd famous name on the walls – though it's more likely to be an etching than a five-foot painting. If you're willing to go for someone less well-known, you can pick up everything from ceramics to holograms. Galleries from the UK and abroad exhibit a wide range of contemporary art including sculpture, paintings and photography with prices ranging from £30 to £3000. There are also free workshops and art classes, as well as events for children and families.


Nice International Fair 14–22 April Nice's Palais des Expositions is the n  setting for the vast Foire de Nice (Nice International Fair). The event is a chance to browse countless stalls showing off the latest in house.

Golden Mask Festival 27 March – 15 April Only the finest Russian theatre pron  ductions are presented at the prestigious Golden Mask Festival. Held at venues throughout Moscow, the event is a yearly opportunity to catch the country's best drama, opera, ballet, musical theatre and puppetry in one city.

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coming up Oslo Inferno Metal Festival

Triptykon. Photo: Peter Beste

4–7 April, Rockefeller Music Hall/John Dee Norwegian metal bands are often the n  main attractions at continental festivals, yet seldom get the chance to perform on their native soil. The Inferno Metal Festival has changed that, bringing together a sizeable line-up at Oslo's Rockefeller Music Hall. Since the first two-day festival in 2001 Inferno Metal Festival has grown to four days with 45 bands on the bill. In 2012, artists performing this year include a typical roster of bands with greatsounding names: Nekromantheon, Dunderbeist, Gate to Khaos, Execration, Throne of Katarsis, Decapitated, Undying Inc., Church of Misery, Necronomicon, The Monolith Deathcult and One Tail, One Head. Borknagar is back on the Thursday too.



Baltic Boat, Motorbike and Sport & Recreation Show

Venice International Boat Show

30 March – 1 April, Kipsala International Exhibition Centre For all-round activities head to Riga's n  Kipsala International Exhibition Centre where three great exhibitions merge. Joining the Baltic Boat Show (first held in 1997) are the Motorcycle Show (first held in 2001) and the Sport and Recreation Show.

Stockholm Wilderness Fair 8–11 March, Stockholmsmässan The Wilderness Fair at n  Stockholmsmässan is the Nordic fair for all things to do with outdoor leisure. It offers everything any outdoors fanatic could possibly want, and coincides with the Stockholm International Boat Show, so you can do land and water adventure in one go!


13–22 April, Fri, Sat, and Sun only, Parco San Giuliano Hundreds of boats and exhibitors, n  exciting sporting displays, meetings and conventions welcome visitors to the Venice International Boat Show at Parco San Giuliano. It aims to restore the city to its historic role as the symbol of maritime commerce. The show is made up of various sections, including Charter, an exclusive area recently introduced, Top Yachts, for boats measuring more than 18 metres, Easy Boats, which showcases the best vessels on the market, and Sailing Space, dedicated to sailing boats. Additional events are held at nearby venues.

in time march / april 2012

coming up

like decorated eggs or join Easter egg hunts and flower-arranging courses.

Venice International Boat Show

Osterklang Festival

Su e Zo per i Ponti

Mare Maggio

15 April Su e Zo per i Ponti (meaning up and n  down the bridges) is an unusual noncompetitive walk up and down the bridges and through different areas of Venice. The event is an old tradition that welcomes everyone to join in. Following a mass in Piazza San Marco, participants gather for the beginning of the Su e Zo per i Ponti walk. The groups are divided into those who do the full 10.2 km, involving 45 bridges, and the rest, who come for the fun and the atmosphere and walk for just over 5.4 km up and down 32 of Venice's many bridges. Remember this is not a competition, but rather a march, so children are more than welcome to join. For entry details, maps and full programme details, please visit

13–15 May, Arsenale Historic re-enactments, interactive n  stands, conventions, exhibitions and other sea-related activities are organised at the Arsenale for the Mare Maggio. Inspired by Venice's maritime past, the initiative offers a glimpse into the future of the nautical world.

Rosebud Festival 25 April Coinciding with Liberation Day and St n  Mark's Day, the Festa del Bòcolo (Rosebud Festival) sees Venetian men give their loved ones roses. Lovers, wives, mistresses, mothers and daughters all receive beautiful flowers. A good occasion to pop the question!

Venice in Music 29 April – 3 May Venice in Music is an international n  choir competition characterised by a broad range of categories for different standards, types of choirs and music genres. Running concurrently with the main competition in Jesolo is a series of concerts throughout the city.

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Vienna Easter Market 24 March – 9 April, Schönbrunn Palace The beautiful Baroque palace and n  gardens of Vienna's Schönbrunn Palace host a colourful Easter Market. Stalls are laden with chocolate, marzipan, fondant and praline creations. Pick up souvenirs

31 March – 8 April The Osterklang Festival is Vienna's n  Easter concert series, welcoming some of classical music's biggest names to venues across the city. The world-class Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra usually performs, and the concerts tend to reflect the story of the Passion of Christ.

Sound: frame Festival 12–22 April DJs from around the world are drawn n  to Vienna's clubs and cultural spaces for something a little different than just spinning tunes. The Sound: frame Festival is dedicated to audio-visual art forms, explored through live performances, symposia, workshops and exhibitions. The title for 2012 is 'substructions'.

Modepalast Vienna 4–6 May Young Austrian and international fashin  on designers present fashion, jewellery and accessories at Vienna's Museum of Applied Arts. Described as the biggest boutique in the city, around 4000 fashionistas rummage for the latest trends. Fashion shows, awards and parties complete the look.

Vilnius New Baltic Dance 1–10 May The New Baltic Dance festival, one n  of the region's largest festivals, showcases contemporary dance performances across Vilnius, and features performers from across Europe. Venues include the Lithuanian National Drama Theatre and the Arts Printing Theatre.


coming up

Minni Havas illustration

„New Nordic Fashion Illustration” exhibition 16 March – 8 April, Helsinki The exhibition is a part of the World n  Design Capital Helsinki 2012 programme. „Design museum project Design Gallery 12

choses 12 shows from 100 applicants. „One of the chosen ones were Estonian „New Nordic Fashion Illustration” exhibition,” said Helen Saluveer, the curator of the show. The newest work of Anu Samarüütel-Long, Marju Tammik, Kätlin Kaljuvee and Leana Salvet from Estonia, Minni Havas and Laura Laine from Finland and Cecilia Carlstedt and Lovisa Burfitt from Sweden will be shown in Helsinki.

Info: Cecilia Carlstedt

Toomas Volkmann, creative director of the exhibition, explained that the last decade has seen the fierce return of fashion illustration to fashion publications, respected exhibition galleries and even broader interests of art historians. Despite its 500 year history, fashion illustration has not always received the attention it currently enjoys. Its brightest period was the time between the two World Wars. If a fashion photo, due to its technical Prowess, describes the facets and shapes of fashion design in precise detail then fashion illustration is able to grasp more – the generalization of time, longing and poetry and with this is able to express our time most precisely.

„United States of Europe” A travelling exhibition about European identity and today’s Europe 20 April – 20 May, Vilnius Do you feel European? Does Mr n  O’Keeffe in Ireland feel more or less European than Mrs Stylianou in Cyprus? And if so, why? What is the idea behind Europe and do Europeans feel included? Do Europeans trust their leaders? Maybe there are as many different answers to these questions as there are citizens in Europe. Tanja Muravskaja from Estonia will be showing her work. Info: vilnius.html


in time march / april 2012


Estonia: exotic, high quality and unique

Text: Kaisa Tahlfeld · Photos: Estonian Convention Bureau

In addition to regular tourists, Estonia is attracting an increasing number of conference tourists who find Estonia an exotic and beautiful place that offers both advanced technology and pristine nature. To find out more, we asked Kadri Karu, CEO of Estonian Convention Bureau What is attracting conference tourists to Estonia? Estonia is a new exotic destination that waits to be discovered. First-time visitors are surprised to find Estonian towns to be both historic and offering modern highly advanced technological solutions. Novel destinations tend to increase the number of conference visitors. Estonia has a large number of accessible and well-equipped conference facilities. In addition, in Estonia one can host conferences, receptions and dinners in unique historic locations that would not be accessible in other countries so easily. In Estonia, free WiFi is a human right. While elsewhere you usually have to pay for Internet access, you have free WiFi networks almost everywhere in Estonia. Wildlife is only a 15 minute drive from the city centre and one can walk for kilometers in the forest without meeting anyone. Tallinn’s Old Town is one of the best-preserved medieval town centres in Europe and is included in the UNESCO world heritage list. Estonian islands, manor houses and moors of Lahemaa, the spirit of Tartu and the Pärnu beach area, the Museum of Oil Shale and villages of

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conference Key conferences to be hosted in 2012: ETAPS 2012 – 15th n

European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software. Estimation: 600 attendees Congress of the n  Nordic Orthopaedic Association. Estimation: 1000 attendees 22nd European n  Congress of Obstetrics and Gyneacology. Estimation: 2000 attendees Routes Europe n  2012. Estimation: 750 attendees Congress of the n  International Federation for European Law – FIDE. Estimation: 600 attendees International n  Association of Science and Technology Parks World Conference. Estimation: 800 attendees Conference calendar:

Old Believers at Lake Peipsi are only some of the places that are attracting visitors. Estonia is a member of the EU, NATO and the Schengen visa area making travelling that much easier. The euro makes budgeting for an international event really convenient. Estonia is within easy reach and accessible in two hours by plane from most major European cities. Does Estonia have a sufficient number of adequate conference facilities? There are many high-level conference hotels in Estonia that offer internationally competitive rates and quality service for events with up to 500 participants. Our largest hall – Nokia Concert Hall – accommodates up to 2,000 visitors. In addition, international events are being hosted on university premises, in concert and theatre halls and in historic buildings such as the House of Blackheads, Tartu City Museum, mansion houses in Lahemaa and elsewhere. Do conferences have an impact on the Estonian economy? Conference tourists tend to spend more than holiday tourists. International conferences are supporting export by bringing in money from outside that is then returned to the society in the form of public sector services. Destination was ranked 46th among 150 countries by the International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA). Among 1,478 towns, Tallinn was ranked 56th and Tartu was 120th as a conference location. Which are so-called flagship conferences for Estonia? When choosing a location for a scientific conference, the key issue is the local scientific contacts in the destination and modern program structure. Estonia has many internationally recognised active professionals and scientists who invite their colleagues to conferences in Estonia.


There are several medical conferences that attract many attendants and Estonia also hosts several events in the field of IT, R&D and technology. In 2012, Tallinn is the European Capital of Law, and will host a FIDE conference for 600 law professionals. In 2013, the European Organisation for Quality will have its conference in Tallinn. In 2014, Tallinn will host the European Sleep Research Society Congress with more than 2,000 participants. Last year, Estonia hosted an international conference on cyber-security and the Congress of the European Association for Japanese Studies that attracted almost 800 researchers of Japan from all over the world. Is Estonia's small size having an impact on conference hosting? Usually, small size is an advantage since it enables to save on two valuable resources: time and money. Lack of bureaucracy means that it is easy to organize conferences. Estonia is too small to host the European congress of cardiologists that is attended by tens of thousands of people or other meetings of a similar size. Therefore, it is important for us to focus mainly on exercising our existing potential to attract medium-sized and smaller conferences into Estonia and developing our infrastructure for bigger ones.

Tallinn hosts Routes Europe: Asko Kivinuk, head of terminal services’ department, Tallinn Airport: The aviation conference Routes Europe 2012 will be held in May in Tallinn and there are about 800 participants expected, mainly representatives from airports and airlines. For our airport, Routes Europe 2012 is special because it is an annual international aviation forum that this year is hosted by Tallinn Airport and its partners. Tallinn Airport has a special role in hosting the conference delegates and events will take place both in the airport and in the city.

in time march / april 2012



Let’s clean up the world! lean Let’s ce world th er! togeth

Text: Tiina Urm Communications & PR World Cleanup 2012


Start by reusing this flyer pass it on to a friend!

There’s around 100 million tons of illegal garbage lying around on our continents on this blue planet. We are used to looking at waste as something that is part of our everyday life – something we put away in a bin or drop on the ground and rarely give a second thought to it. But it is a subject connected to very different issues all over the world. Waste has become a part of our global ecosystem, affecting every participant in it, including us.

There’s a growing network of civic leaders and communities who are joining their efforts across the globe, to raise people’s awareness and start solving the crisis bottom-up. They are calling themselves Let’s Do It! movement. It all started 5 years ago, in a place, where nobody would expect something like this to start - one small scarcely populated and cold country – Estonia. It had regained it’s independence from Soviet Union less than two decades ago and was now tackling the illegal dumping issue – in the pristine green forests, covering half of the country, the roadsides and walking tracks were increasingly covered with piles of trash. At the end of summer in 2007, a group of concerned citizens decided to do something about it, before it’s too late. They realized that the garbage was nothing else but a lack of care and ownership about their home country. They decided to do something

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event outrageous – map all the illegally dumped waste across the country and then invite everyone to clean it all up, together, in just one day! One of those people was a man who had been the main architect of Skype, Ahti Heinla. He designed a tool that allowed everyone to map illegal dumping places with their mobile phones. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, the ugliest map of the country ever started to take form – a map filled with garbage. This gave the team a first real picture about the size and exact location of the problem. Then they started to talk about their dream to their friends and to the journalists, to everyone who cared. They asked for the help of media, of different organizations who could help in the waste logistics, they asked for the help of well-know people to say their own message and everyone came. The result was a widest media campaign in the history of Estonia, for free.

On the morning

of May 3rd 2008, more than 50 000 Estonians came out of their homes to clean up more than 10 000 tons of waste all over the country, in just 5 hours everything was cleaned. It was not a day of hard work, it was more like a big party – many saying it remin-


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ded them of the joyful connectedness of the singing revolution – people reclaiming their home country once again. The idea soon spread to the whole Europe and beyond. By now more than 2.7 million people have participated in Let’s Do It! cleanup actions in 16 countries – Estonia, India, Slovenia, Serbia, Finland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary and Brazil. The movement is now consisting of a network of civic leaders from different countries, who wish to initiate and support new cleanup actions globally and share the experience and tools that have grown out from the previous cleanup actions. This year they are undertaking the first truly global action – World Cleanup 2012: a series of local, national and regional cleanup events, starting from 24th of March and lasting until 25th of September. 85 countries are already on board and new countries are still very welcome, the organizers say. Have a look at the homepage if your country is already on board and how you can jump in.

Homepage: Facebook: letsdoitworld

Cote d'Ivoire




in time march / april 2012




Kus on sündinud ansamblid Scorpions ja Scooter? Kus on ühe Euroopa parima jalgpalliklubi kodu? Ja kus räägitakse kõige korrektsemat saksa keelt? Õige vastus: Hannoveris.

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häuser Gärten), ja kohe avaneb hoopis teistsugune pilt. Suviti peetakse Herrenhausi aedades suuri rahvapidusid, kuulus on sealne ilutulestikuvõistlus. Herrenhausi Suur aed (Grosser Garten) on üks Euroopa olulisemaid veel säilinud barokkstiilis aedasid. „Hannoveris on tore see, et ükskõik mis suunas sõita, kümne minuti pärast oled roheluses,” kiidab Liisi. Lõuna poolt piirab linna üks Euroopa suuremaid linnametsasid Eilenriede (650 ha), mis on kaks korda suurem New Yorgi Central Parkist ja kus Liisi soovitab kindlasti käia. Seal on rajad matkamiseks, rattasõiduks ja ratsutamiseks. Üle tasuks vaadata Neues Rathausis ehk uues raekojas asuvad linnamaketid, mis näitavad linna kujunemist läbi aegade. „Hannover on väga rahulik ja mugav linn,” kinnitab eestlasest sisearhitekt, „ning tundub, et inimestel on siin palju aega.” Lii-

Tekst: Katri Soe-Surén Fotod: erakogu ja Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH

iS a lu ma a


aksamaa südames asuv vana kuningate ja hertsogite kants Hannover on kuulus messide, äri-, spordi- ja kultuurilinn. Hannoveri tasub sõita ostutuurile, aga ka väga heade teatrite, kohvikute ja loomaaia pärast. Põnevad on Hannoveri rahvapeod. „Sakslased räägivad sageli, et Hannover on Saksamaa kõige koledam linn,” ütleb Otepäält pärit sisearhitekt ja disainer Liisi Salumaa (27), kes on viimased kuus aastat elanud Hannoveris. Tema arvates ei maksa lasta end sellest kriitikast eksitada. „Teises maailmasõjas pommitati puruks 90% südalinnast ning kiiresti üles ehitatud kesklinn võib tõesti mõjuda rusuva ja hallina,” tunnistab Liisi. Aga ta soovitab Hannoveri külastajal istuda trammi number 4 või 5, mis viivad muinasjutulistesse Herrenhausi aedadesse (Herren-

is Li



Hannoveri kuurvürstinna Sophie von der Pfalz’i loodud Suur aed (Grosser Garten) on üks väheseid omaaegseid parke, mis on säilinud selle algsel kujul.

si kodulinnaosas Linden Nordis elab palju noori peresid, tudengeid ja punkareid ning seal on rohkesti armsaid väikseid kohvikuid. Liisi lemmik on Limmerstrassel asuv Lieblings-bar (www. – väike disainikohvik, kus saab mõnusalt hommikust süüa ja kus seltskonnad pika laua taga kenasti segunevad. Õhtuid võib nautida pika veinikaardiga lokaalis Frau Weiss Wein und Lachbar (, mis tõlkes kõlab: Proua Weissi (ehk Valge) Veinija Naerubaar. Baari majandav proua Weiss pakub peale tippklassi veinide ka süüa ja korraldab veinikoolitusi.

Teatrit ja kunsti küllaga Hannoveris on kokku ligi 60 suuremat ja väiksemat teatrit ja mängupaika. Staatsoper esindab klassikalist ooperit, moodsat klassikat pakub Schauspielhaus, külastada võib laste- ja noorteteatreid, improvisatsiooniteatrit, kabareed või varieteed, komöödia- ja tantsuteatrit. Hannoveri Schauspielhausis on muide võimalik näha ka


Saksa versiooni maailmakuulsast Sofi Oksaneni „Puhastusest”. Hannoveris elav Liisi Salumaa pidi algul laulude jaoks näitlejatele eesti keele hääldust õpetama, aga lavastajale meeldis Viljandi kultuurikolledži taustaga Liisi laulmine sedavõrd, et nüüd saab teda ennast laval näha. Tuntud Saksa teatrikunstnik Maria-Alice Bahra (44) on teinud lavakujunduse neljale praegu Hannoveri teatri mängukavas olevale näidendile. Värskeimaks ja põnevaimaks peab ta ise Rootsi režissööri Lukas Moodyssoni filmi järgi tehtud etendust „Üheskoos!” („Zusammen!”), mis kujutab Stockholmis 1970. aastatel tegutsenud vabameelse perekommuuni elu. „Maja, kus elavad kõrvuti vabameelsed hipid ja konservatiivsed väikekodanlased, paneb mõtlema, mis laadi ühiskonnas me elame,” ütleb Maria. „Praegu levinud kahekuni neljaliikmelised pered on eksisteerinud alles viimased 150 aastat, varem elati ikka suurperedes, mitu põlvkonda koos.” Vaataja jaoks teeb loo huvitavaks võimalus olla ise osa lavastusest: külastajad on paigutatud lavale näitlejate keskele ja vahele, lavastaja seisab ise laval köögis ja teeb süüa.

in time march / april 2012

sihtkoht Hannoveris... ... räägitakse kõige n

puhtamat ja korrektsemat saksa keelt (das beste Hochdeutsch). Berliinis, Hamburgis, Münchenis ja teistes Saksamaa piirkondades kõneldaval saksa keelel on kohalike murrete varjund. ... asuvas Volksn

wageni tehases valmistatakse keresid Porsche Panamerale. Peamiselt tarbesõidukeid tootev VW on ühtlasi piirkonna suurim tööandja.

... on peakorter n

tuntud firmadel, nagu Bahlsen (küpsised), Continental AG (autotarvikud, sh autorehvid), Komatsu Hanomag (ehitustehnika), Pelikan AG (kirjatarbed), TUI (reisikorraldaja), E.ON (energeetika). Siin on selliste suurte pankade ja kindlustusfirmade peakorterid, nagu NORD/LB, INGDiBa, LBS.

... on kuus kõrgkooli. n  ... tegutseb Euroopa n

Hannover on avatud ja sõbralik linn, kust leiab imeilusaid nurgakesi, kiidab Maria. Ka tema lemmikpaigad on Lindeni linnaosas asuv Limmerstrasse ja selle ümbrus. „Seal leidub toredaid ökokauplusi ning öko- ja perekohvikuid, kuhu on hea lastega minna. Vanalinnas on samuti hubaseid paiku,” teab Maria. Tema lemmikrestoran on 11A, mis asub aadressil Am Küchengarten 11A ja pakub mõistlike hindadega võrratuid gurmeeroogi ning kus suvel saab mõnusalt aias istuda. „Kindlasti tasuks käia 20. sajandi kunstile keskenduvas Sprengeli kunstimuuseumis ja kohe Schauspielhausi ja ooperimaja taga asuvas kunstihoones Haus der Kunst,” soovitab ta. Kunsti, muide, näeb Hannoveris mujalgi kui muuseumis. Linnas ringi liikudes tasuks tähele panna erilisi bussija trammipeatusi, mis valmisid 1990. aastatel tänu projektile BUSSTOPS ja mille kujundasid üheksa rahvusvaheliselt tuntud disainerit, sealhulgas Frank O. Gehry. Niki de Saint Phalle’i kunsti austajad võiksid aga seada sammud skulptuurikilomeetrile Leibnitzuferil, kus kõrguvad tema kuulsad naisekujud Nanad.

Pidutseda saab kogu aeg Hannoverist pärit ning Berliinis CDU peakorteri logistika- ja üritustejuhina tegutsev Steffen Preugschat (26) seab koju jõudes kõigepealt sammud ooperimaja lähedal Rathenaustrassel asuvasse kohvikusse Coffee Time ( Steffen kinnitab, et seal pakutakse linna parimat kohvi, mida täiendab suurepäraselt šokolaadi-pähklikreem Nutella. Õhtul välja minnes käib Steffen meelsasti uue raekoja saalis (Neues Rathaus, Gartensaal, Trammplatz 2) Garden Lounge’i šikkidel pidudel. „Seal on ilusad inimesed ja hea muusika,” kiidab Steffen ärieliidi kohtumispaika. „Kindlasti tuleb aga jalga panna korralikud kingad, spordijalatsitega sinna sisse ei lasta,” annab ta kasuliku vihje. Sõpradega kohtuda tavatseb ta restoranis HeimW (mugandus sõnast Heimweh – „koduigatsus”, www.heim-w. de). Vanalinnas on hulganisti toredaid kõrtse, kus õlut juua, näiteks Brauhaus Ernst August. Öösel pidutsema minnes eelistab Steffen Steintori linnaosa, mis on tulvil klubisid ja baare. „Im Steintor on midagi Hamburgi punaste laternate

Niki de Saint Phalle'i 1974. aastal loodud skulptuurid – Nanad, rõõmsad ja armastatud kujud.

üks paremaid jalgpalliklubisid Hannover 96.

Siit on pärit tuntud n

ansamblid Scorpions ja Scooter, aga ka Eurovisionil ilma teinud Lena Meyer-Landrut.

Hannover on Sakn

samaa džässipealinn. Tuntud on Lindener Bergil asuv Jazz Club Hannover. Igal kevadel toimuval džässifestivalil Swinging Hannover kohtuvad parimad tegijad üle maailma, väiksemaid festivale toimub aasta ringi. Hannoveris on elanud ja tegutsenud tuntud muusikud Lionel Hampton ja Jack Dupree.


in time march / april 2012

1865. aastal asutatud Hannoveri loomaaed laiub 22 hektaril. Seal elab rohkem kui 3000 asukat 200 liigist.

tänava Reeperbahni sarnast, väidetavalt on see Hells Angelsi kontrolli all ja politsei ehk sinna minna lausa ei soovitaks, kuid mina käin seal juba aastaid ega ole kordagi isegi löömingut näinud.” Suvel soovitab Steffen sättida Hannoveri-reisi rahvapidude ajale. Neid peetakse Hannoveris mitu, millest tuntumad on laskurite pidu ehk Schützenfest ja suve lõpus Maschsee järve ümber toimuv Maschseefest. Käimata ei tohiks jätta Hannoveri loomaaias, mis on Steffeni sõnutsi Saksamaa kõige ilusam ja moodsam ning kus on huvitavad teemapargid, näiteks Sambesi, Džunglipalee, Gorillamägi, Yukon Bay, mis jäljendavad savanni, mägede jms elu. 2000. aasta Expo jaoks ehitatud 22 hektaril tegutsevat loomaaeda käib aastas vaatamas 1,6 miljonit inimest.

march / april 2012 in time

Sündmuste kalender 2012: 17. mai – Enercity Swinging Hannover n  21. juuni – Fête de la Musique n  21. juuni – 8. juuli Schützenfest n  Hannover 4.–15. juuli – MASALA Festival n  1.–19. august – Maschseefest n  25.–26. august Murutraktorite ralli n

Messid 2012: 6.–10. märts – CeBIT n

(maailma suurim IT-mess)

23.–27. aprill – HANNOVER MESSE n  20.–27. september – n  IAA NUTZFAHRZEUGE

23.–27. oktoober – EuroBLECH n

Messid 2013: 12.–15. jaanuar – DOMOTEX n  HANNOVER

5.–9. märts – CeBIT n  8.–12. aprill – HANNOVER MESSE n  5.–10. mai – LIGNA Hannover n  16.–21. september – EMO Hannover n  12.–16. november – AGRITECHNICA n

sihtkoht Miks Hannover?

Teadmised messidelt ja kongressidelt

„Hannover asub keset Saksamaad, sealt pääseb mugavalt Berliini, Hamburgi, Düsseldorfi, Bremenisse ja mujale. Seal asub Deutsche Bahni suurim keskus, mis pakub Hannoverist edasi sõitmiseks väga head rongiühendust Saksamaa teistesse linnadesse ja ümberkaudsetesse riikidesse. Estonian Airi otsuse taga lennata Hannoveri on tõsiasi, et siit Kesk-Saksamaale pole seni olnud eriti mugav sõita. Hannoveri ei lähe otseliini Riiast, Helsingist ega Stockholmist. Lisaks transiidikeskusele on tegu atraktiivse linnaga ja Euroopa suurima messikeskusega. Kindlasti tasub külastada Herrenhausi aedu, kus on tohutu suured pargikompleksid ja purskkaevud. Kohalik raekoda on uhke hoone, mille diagonaalis liikuvast liftist avaneb hunnitu vaade. Ei maksa unustada kohalikku vanalinna ja sporti. Populaarne on jalgpall, kohalik staadion mahutab 49 000 pealtvaatajat.”

Saksamaa on üle maailma tuntud messiriik ja suurim messikeskus asub just Hannoveris. Deutsche Messe Hannoveri kogupindala on miljon ruutmeetrit (umbes 130 jalgpalliväljakut) ja väljapanekuala pindala 466 756 ruutmeetrit, mis jätab kaugele seljataha Frankfurdi, Kölni, Düsseldorfi, Müncheni ja Berliini messipaigad. Tuntuimad messid on IT-mess CeBIT ja tööstusmess Hannover Messe, aga korraldatakse ka vaiba- ja põrandakatete messi Domotex, puidumessi Ligna+, põllumajandustehnika messi Agritechnica jt. Kusagil mujal ei saa väidetavasti näha nii palju uusi lahendusi ja tutvuda tulevikutrendidega. Aastal 2011 osales ainuüksi suurimal tehnikamessil Hannover Messe üle 6500 ettevõtte 65 riigist, sealhulgas Eesti firmad ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus. Tänu soodsale asukohale üleriigiliste kaubateede ristumispaigas ja elavale ärielule peetakse Hannoveri jaekaubanduse keskuseks.

Sven Kukemelk, Estonian Airi ärianalüütik

Lisainfot Hannoveri kohta saab linna eestikeelselt kodulehelt

Tasuta messile

Lisaboonusena saavad Estonian Airi Tallinnast Hannoveri lendavad kliendid kogu 2012. aasta vältel HannoverCardi ja tasuta pääsme Hannoveris toimuvatele messidele. HannoverCard on reisikaart, mis võimaldab sõita kõigi Greater Hannoveri (GVH) transpordivõrku kuuluvate busside ning S-Bahni rongide ja trammidega. Messiinfo:

HANNOVER Lennud algavad / flights starts from 2.04.2012 6 korda nädalas / 6 weekly flights


Hind alates / price from 59.90 € Riga-Hannover (via Tallinn) from 92.77 € Moscow-Hannover (via Tallinn) from 67.29 € Helsinki-Hannover (via Tallinn) from 82.77 € Petersburg-Hannover (via Tallinn) from 100.80 €


in time march / april 2012


Tuhande järve maa NORRA

Tutvustame Estonian Airi sihtkohti ning anname vihjeid, kuhu minna ja mida teha. Kuidas veeta aega, kui peatute sihtkohalinnas vaid mõni tund, pool päeva või nädalavahetuse. Ilusaid elamusi!



Kajaani Sai linnaõigused 1651. a Elanikke 38 137 Pindala 2 264,01 km2 Linnas on 428,94 km2 järvi


Joensuu Sai linnaõigused 1848. a Elanikke 73 373 Pindala 2 751,07 km2 Linnas on 369,31 km2 järvi

Luleå Oulu



Sai linnaõigused 1837. a Elanikke 131 997 Pindala 1 466,34 km2 Linnas on 295,35 km2 järvi






Jyvaskylä Savonlinna Pori Rauma

Tampere Lahti

Turu Maarianhamina


Mikkeli Viiburi Kotka


Fotod: Soome turismikeskused

kajaani Soojalgpall. Kui inglased valdavad jalaga pallimängimise kunsti vaid ideaalselt siledal murul, siis soomlased on mängule uue mõõtme andnud: jalgpalli saab mängida mudas ja lumes. 15.–16. juulil toimuvad Kajaanis mudajalgpalli maailmameistrivõistlused. Registreerunud on üle 300 meeskonna 5000 mängijaga ja peetakse rohkem kui 1000 mudajalgpallilahingut. Info: Mehed, kes külma ei karda, mängivad jalgpalli lumes nagu Eesti koondis. Syväjärvi jääl peetakse 2013. aasta veebruaris lumejalgpalli meistrivõistlused.


in time march / april 2012




Sumedatel suveõhtutel võib minna Naapurinvaarasse tantsima. Peaaegu iga päev korraldatakse seal tantsuõhtuid, kus saab end välja elada fokstrotirütmis, näidata elegantseid tangosamme või liuelda valsitaktis.


Valluta 13 mäge – 15. septembril toimub Soome vanim matk Vuokatin Vaellus. Sportlikele inimestele sobib karm rada metsade vahel ja seiklused soos. Võistlusel on ka lihtsamaid radu, kus jääb aega nautida kauneid vaateid järvedele.



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Proovige tõrvakomme. Meenutamaks aegu, mil Kainuu piirkond varustas tõrvaga kogu Euroopat, valmistatakse Kajaanis tõrvakompvekke. Leidke üles Pekka Heikkineni pagariäri, võtke süda rindu ja proovige tõrvakomme!



Karudega kohtuma.

Kuhmo-Suomussalmi Wild Taiga matkakorraldajad lubavad, et võite metsas kohata 50-pealist karukarja. Lisaks karudele elab metsades ja soodes teisigi metsloomi, näiteks hundid ja ahmid, kes on väga haruldased. Saab sõita kanuuga, korjata metsaande ja vaadata Värikallio koopa kiviaegseid joonistusi.

march / april 2012 in time

AS Matek Pärnu mnt 158, 11317 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 622 0077 Fax: +372 622 0078 E-mail:





Joensuu Võidu seeni korjama. Augustis kogunevad seenehuvilised Karjalasse karnevalile. Muu hulgas toimuvad siis puravikukorjamise maailmameistrivõistlused. Kes kõige rohkem seeni korjab, ongi võitja.


Pielineni järvel saab talvel koerarakendiga üle jää kihutada ja Ruunaa metsades seigelda. Safari algab koerte rakendamisega, seejärel õpetatakse, kuidas koerarakendit juhtida. 35-kilomeetrine safari kestab 3–4 tundi. Lõunaks pakutakse sooja suppi.

2-3 päeva 4-6 päeva



Suusatama. Märtsis on õige aeg ette võtta suusatuur Joensuus. Päevas läbitakse keskmiselt 6–8 tunniga 15–30 km. Matkamajas on saun. Pakutakse traditsioonilisi Soome delikatesse. Võidu aerutama. 27 aastat on Karjalas peetud Soome pikimat aerutamisvõistlust. Nii üksikvõistlejad kui ka meeskonnad saavad valida 200 või 145 km pikkuse raja vahel. Tegemist on pigem mitmepäevase ajaveetmise kui karmi võistlusega. Raja ääres pakuvad kohalikud klubid ja ettevõtted head ja paremat, õhtuti on tants ja saun.

Loodusesse. Pikku-




Kili looduskeskus asub Salonkyläs mäe tipus. Keskuses elab üle 200 koduja metslooma, muu hulgas alpakad, minisead, põhjapõdrad, eeslid, muulad, metssead jpt. 22 meetri kõrgusest vaatetornist avaneb imeline vaade ümbrusele. Lapi onnis saab süüa, lastele on mänguväljak, ujumiskoht ja ratsutamise võimalus. Kohapeal saab ööbida vanas palkmajas.

in time march / april 2012

sihtkoht Jyväskylä Rallile.



Alates 1951. aastast peetakse Jyväskyläs maailmakuulsast Soome Neste Oili rallit, mille on kord võitnud ka Markko Märtin. Eesti rallisõpradel on viimane aeg augusti alguseks osta lennupiletid Tuhande Järve rallilaagrisse, et elada kaasa omadele – Ott Tänaku ja Kuldar Siku sõidule.


Kihveli Soikoon – muusikafestival Hankasalmis 13.–15. juulini on maailmas unikaalne. Festivalil võlutakse helisid vanaema vanast pesulauast ja kohvrist, veekanistritest saab trompet ja rütmi lüüakse puukastil. Vaja on vaid fantaasiat.

2-3 tundi




Tupaswillas asub maailma suurim suitsusaun, kuhu mahub korraga 150 inimest. Lisaks saunavõludele pakutakse turbaprotseduure ja massaaže.

Jyväskylä, soomluse kants Seitse aastat Jyväskyläs elanud Tallinna ülikooli kommunikatsiooniinstituudi direktor Kaja Tampere ütleb, et on sellesse väiksesse Soome linna lausa armunud. Jyväskyläs on palju vahvaid ja kiiksuga asju.


peab Kaja nii täiskasvanutele kui ka lastele huvitavaimaks loodusmuuseumi (, mis asub Harjumäki otsas veetornis. Suvel (NB! Ainult suvel avatud) tasub uudistada saunamuuseumi, mis paikneb 10 kilomeetrit linna keskusest Muurame (Tampere) suunas.

march / april 2012 in time

Arhitektuurihuvilistel soovitab ta külastada Alvar Aalto muuseumi ( ja ülikoolilinnakut, mis on suures osas Aalto looming, samuti nagu unikaalsed Aalto disainitud elumajad Viitaniemi elurajoonis.




soodsaim on sealsamas Harjumäki tornis asuv restoran Vesilinna (, kus pakutakse hea hinnaga buffet’ lõunat ja kust päevasel ajal avaneb kena vaade ümbruskonnale. Eksklusiivsema (ja maitsvama) söögi poolest on tuntud restoranid Kissanviikset (e.k „Kassi Vurrud“, ja Figaro ( Väga head grillitud maksa saab Sokose hotelli alt Fransmanni restoranist, mis asub otse raudteejaama vastas.

linnale ja Lääne-Soomele. Jyväskylä ja selle ümbrust peetaksegi päris õigeks ja puhtaks Soomeks. Jyväskyläs asub vanim soomekeelne ülikool. Sealt 9. teed pidi ida poole Kuopio suunas algab teekond Järvede maale (Järvi-Suomi). 9. tee Jyväskyläst Kuopiosse (Ysitie) on üks looduslikult kaunimaid Soomes. Jyväskyläst põhja suunas leiab Sinise tee märgistusega ajaloolisi teelõike tsaar Peeter I ajast. Kui huvi on, tasub rentida auto ja minna nendele Peetri-aegsetele teedele seiklema, seal on üht-teist avastada: eramuuseum keset metsa ja muidki uskumatuid kohti. Sõitma peab ettevaatlikult, mõni põder teeveerel ikka peatub. Metsa väga julgelt sammuda pole mõtet – sealkandis on karusid nähtud.

Kindlasti tuleb üle vaadata Jyväskylä-Kuokkala silla alla pandud kiikuv mees – kombinatsioon soomlaste huumorist ja kunstimeelest. Sealsamas kõrval sadamas on vanad laevad ja kui aega jätkub, tasuks minna matkale ümber järve – rada kulgeb piki randa ning üks vaade on ilusam kui teine. Läbida võib terve ringi (umbes 7 km) või piirduda lühimatkaga. Järve kaldal silla läheduses on kena hämaras või pimedas, sest valgustusega on vaeva nähtud ja sellest võib lausa omaette elamuse saada – soomlased peavad pimedusega võitlemist väga tähtsaks. Soovitada võib veel laevasõitu, laevas pakutakse ka õhtusööki. Fotoaparaat kaasa, loodust tasub pildistada. Laajavuori suusakeskuses saab mäest alla kihutada.

Soomluse kantsiks peetavas Jyväskyläs on vähe Rootsi mõjusid, mis on tüüpilised pea-



minge Kauppakatul jalakäijate tänava alguses asuvasse käsitööpoodi, Marimekko kauplusse ja Torikeskusesse. Kui liigute autoga, siis sõitke seitse kilomeetrit Lahti suunas Vaajakoskisse, kus on vahva kohvik elektrijaama juures Naissaarel ja väga armas käsitööpood.

Hotellid on Soomes kallid, aga Omena hotell Jyväskylä kesklinnas (vastuvõtuletita, internetist broneeritav) ja hotell Milton on mõistliku hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega. Kõige õigem on reis ette võtta mais või juunis ja autoga ning sõita öösel – hullult ilus, sest pimedaks peaaegu ei lähe ja valgus on imeline.

in time march / april 2012


Vuokattis on juulikuus lumi maas Suusatunnel

on imeline väljamõeldis, kuigi suvel suusatamine mulle ikka õige ei tundu. Talvel soojast toast kargesse külma lumele kihutada on harjumuspärane, aga +25-kraadise leitsakuga end suusatamiseks riietada pisut naljakas. Riietusruumis on küll pisut jahedam, kuid rõivastudes kipun sellegipoolest higistama. Võtan osa riideid lihtsalt kaasa, sest neid läheb vaja kohe, kui tunnelisse astun. Kontrast välisõhuga on suur. Miinuskraadid, niiske ja võrreldes õues valitseva ereda päiksepaistega ka hämar. Kindad kätte, müts pähe, suusad alla – sõit võib alata.


on alguses seda meelt, et ega suvel suusatamine ikka õige asi pole. Suvel peaks jooksma, rattaga sõitma, ujuma, rullidega sõitma… Suusad on kuidagi pikad, tasakaalu ei ole, koordinatsioon jätab soovida. Algul hakkab külm, kuid peagi see tunne kaob. Suusatada on äge! Laskumised on täiesti piisavad, et tunda tuult kõrvus vihisemas. Veidi kohanemist, ja sõita saab täiega. Ilmadest hoolimata pikendatakse juba varasügisel tunneli suusarada välise ringiga, lumi päri-

neb eelmisest aastast või tunnelist. Sellisel pooleldi sees, pooleldi väljas ringil sõitmine võib olla huvitav, kui õues on suur sula, sest sees on stabiilselt 5–10 miinuskraadi. Nagu võtaks vaheldumisi kuuma ja külma õhuvanni.

Mina olen

suusatunnelis ainult suusatanud, kuid seal on muidki atraktsioone: talvel curling'urada ja Soome kelgud, suvel jääbaar, jääskulptuure olen küll näinud. Kindlasti on omaette vaatamisväärsuseks treenivad sportlased. Õigel, s.t treeninglaagrite ajal võib seal sõitmas näha murdmaa- ja laskesuusatamise tippe. Eriti populaarne on Vuokatti idanaabrite, aga ka hiinlaste ja sakslaste seas, soomlasi liigub seal igal aastaajal. Tunneli eeliseks on, et keegi ei saa vaateväljast pikaks ajaks kaduda, nii et tippude suusatehnika jälgimiseks-jäljendamiseks on võimalusi piisavalt. Info: Vuokatti 1,3 kilomeetri pikkuses lumetunnelis saab suusatada aasta läbi.

SOOME Tallinn–Helsinki 17 korda nädalas / 17 weekly flights. Hind alates / price from 39.90 € Tallinn–Jyväskylä 7 korda nädalas / 7 weekly flights. Hind alates / price from 49.90 € Tallinn–Kajaani 4 korda nädalas / 4 weekly flights. Hind alates / price from 49.90 € Tallinn–Joensuu 4 korda nädalas / 4 weekly flights. Hind alates / price from 49.90 €

march / april 2012 in time



Elamis- ja loomisr천천m Gruusia moodi Antiikvaipade pood Erekle II t채naval Caucasian Carpets Gallery at Erekle II Street


in time march / april 2012


Tekst: andri maimets · Fotod: Lado Vachnadze

Lavastaja ja koreograaf Teet Kask (43) on armastust Gruusia vastu südames kandnud juba lapsepõlvest – tõenäoliselt sest ajast peale, kui ta kuueaastaselt püüdis kapi najale toetudes ja valu trotsides uhkelt järele aimata televiisorist nähtud unikaalset grusiinide varvastantsu. Nüüd, palju aastaid hiljem võib ta nimetada suure südamega Gruusiat oma uueks koduks: tänavu märtsis näeb Thbilisis Gruusia Riiklikus Ooperi- ja Balletiteatris rambivalgust tema uuslavastus „Tampopo“, mis sünnib maailma tantsuteatrilavade ühele hinnatumale baleriinile Nina Ananiašvilile.


hkki Teetu ei saa ka parema tahtmise juures liigitada iga hinna eest Eestist lahkuvate talentide hulka, sest tööd jaguks talle siingi, on ta alati olnud rahvusvahelise haardega tantsija. Ka sügav sõprus Nina Ananiašviliga pärineb piiri tagant – aastaist, mil tema ja toonane Moskva Suure Teatri baleriin koos Norra Rahvusooperis töötasid. „Meie vahel kujunes välja erakordne sõprus ja teineteisemõistmine,” meenutab Teet. „Jah, tema kohta öeldakse priimabaleriin, kuid ta ei käitu sugugi nii, nagu võiks oodata – primadonnatsevalt. Hoopis vastupidi. Ta ei ole artist, kes tahaks igavesti varvaskingadel „Luikede järve” tantsida, vaid tunnetab väga hästi, millal midagi lõpetada. Et siis uut avastada, teha midagi sellist, mis vastaks tema senisele elukogemusele ja kestvale väljendusvajadusele.” Juba tookord jõudsid nende vestlused sageli Gruusiani ja ühise lootuseni, et kord jõuab ka Teet Nina kodumaale. „Eks sisimas vist tundsime, et teeme ühel heal päeval koos midagi väga olulist.”

march / april 2012 in time

Toosti – Tamada – ütlejale pühendatud skulptuur Vana Linnas Shardeni tänava alguses Sculpture for makers of tamada at Old Town beginning of Sharden street


persoon Unistuste koostöö

Gabriadze nukuteateri ees Šavteli tänaval / Front of puppet theater in Šavtel street

„Tampopo“ Gruusia Riikliku Balleti tellitud lavastusega „Tampopo“ (jaapani keeles „võilill“) tähistatakse Moskva Suure Teatri ja New York City Ballet’ priimabaleriini ning riikliku balletiteatri kunstilise juhi Nina Ananiašvili lavategevuse alguse 30. aastapäeva. Lavastaja Teet Kase käe all valmib esinejakeskne väheste dekoratsioonidega lavastus, mille tantsukeel arvestab Ananiašvili elukogemust ja talle ainuomast liikumisdünaamikat. Esmapilgul abstraktsesse ja seisundeist koosnevasse lavastusse on põimitud huumorit ja äratuntavaid suhete keerdkäike. Peale baleriini on laval kaks meestantsijat ja tantsiv muusikutetrio Trio per Te. Lavastuses kõlavad Arvo Pärdi „Passacaglia“, „Scala cromatica“, „Fratres“ ja „Für Alina“. Muusika- ja teatriringkondades tekitas elevust seik, et lavastuse vastu tunneb huvi ka tipphelilooja ise. Kostüümikunstnik on gruusia moelooja, Pariisis koos Diori ja Pierre Cardiniga töötanud Nino Tšubinišvili ehk Tšubika. Pärast esietendusi 16. märtsil Rusthaveli teatris ja 18. märtsil Thbilisi kontserdimajas mängitakse lavastust Nina Ananiašvili Euroopa-, Ameerika- ja Aasiaturneedel.


Kui Teet Ninaga viimaks ta kodumaal kohtus – pärast seda, kui Gruusiat olid räsinud hiljutised sõjad –, lõi kunagi süttinud koostöösoov taas lõõmama. „Nina tegi ootamatu ettepaneku, et lavastaksin ta trupile midagi erilist, mis sobiks ühtlasi riikliku balletiteatri 160. hooaja avamiseks. See oli hindamatu austusavaldus. Muidugi olin nõus.” Esietenduse tihe prooviperiood algas 2011. aasta kuumal suvel pisut enam kui paarisaja kilomeetri kaugusel Thbilisist Musta mere äärses Šekvetili kuurortlinnakeses, kus riigis ringi tuuritav trupp parasjagu peatus. Teedu esialgne idee lähtus iga tantsija isikupärast, nende „emotsionaalsest maastikust”, nagu ta seda nimetab. „Inspiratsiooni oli küllaga: soe päike ja vesi, vees hullavad delfiinid, värviküllased päikeseloojangud, õhtused ritsikate ja konnade orkestri duellid, männimetsa kohin ja tähistaevas ning ravitoimega must liiv,” kirjeldab Teet. Šekvetili järel saabusid uued lummavad mereäärsed paigad Bathumi, Khobulethi, Phothi ning edasi sisemaale liikudes jõuti Khuthaisi ja kurikuulsa Gori kaudu Thbilisisse. Umbes samal ajal sattus Teet lugema gruusia menukirjaniku Otar Tšiladze poeemi „Valguse aasta”, mille filosoofiline sügavus, maailmatunnetus, vanakreeka mütoloogia ja gruusia kultuuriloo põimumine koreograafi vaimustas. „Siin kohtuvad kuldvillaku müüdid ja piiblilood, materjal oli hiilgav. Kujutad ette, täiesti teistsuguses kultuurikeskkonnas tuhandeid kilomeetreid eemal kirjutab keegi teose, mis sind sügavuti puudutab. Raamat oli kui giid, mis võimaldas mul käsitleda ajatuid väärtusi ruumis ka pimeduses.” Eelmisel sügisel Thbilisi Gribojedovi-nimelises draamateatris toimunud esietendus „Tiibadeta lend pimedusse”, kus viibis kohal Gruusia kultuurielu koorekiht, võeti vastu mühiseva aplausitormi ja lakkamatute braavohüüetega. Ananiašvili soov näidata, et tema juhitav trupp areneb pidevalt ja suudab omamaist kultuuri arvestades kõnetada nii kodust kui ka välismaa publikut, oli täide läinud.

in time march / april 2012

persoon Teet ja Nina A Wingless Flight Into the Darkness lavaproovis, esimene lavastus Gruusia Riiklikule Balletile / Teet and Nina at the rehearsal of show A Wingless Flight Into the Darkness, the first production for Georgia State Ballet

Nina Ananiašvili ihulavastaja Niisiis oli enam kui loogiline, et Teedule sai osaks uus väljakutse – olla Nina Ananiašvili ihulavastaja etenduses, millega priimabaleriin tähistab tänavu märtsis oma 30. lava-aastat. Kuna nimekas baleriin on ühtlasi Gruusia välisministri Grigol Vašadze abikaasa ja president Mihheil Saakašvili poja Nikolozi ristiema, ei saa jätta uudistamata, kuivõrd imbuvad need rollid proovisaali. Seepeale Teet vaid muigab. „Iga proov on minu jaoks väljakutse, seda kõige paremas loomingulises mõttes. Ninal on nii rikkalik kogemustepagas, et lavastajal on omaette kunst panna teda üha uutesse inspireerivatesse olukordadesse. Siin pole mingit tähtsust tema teistel tiitlitel, need proovisaali ei tule. Siin keskendub ta täielikult tantsija ja õpilase rollile, suhtudes minusse kui lavastajasse tohutu austusega. Ja tunne on vastastikune: temaga koos luua on puhas rõõm. Pealegi algas tema tähelend ammu ja nii oleks õigem öelda, et välisministril ja presidendil on au olla Ninaga seotud,” lausub ta lõbustatult. Ehkki töö on Teetu Gruusias hoidnud pelgalt pool aastat, tõdeb ta, et tunneb end ammu kui päris kodus. Enamgi veel: kui tema gruusia sõbrad pärivad, kuidas ta nende maal kohanenud on, ütleb ta kõhklematult – täiesti loomulikult. „Olen elanud paljudes kohtades, ent midagi sellist kogen esmakordselt. Minu sotsiaalne elu on siin hoopis teistsuguse väärtusega. Siinne spontaanne eluviis on vabastav, selles on oma sarm,” kinnitab ta. Teedule meeldib viibida sõprade-kolleegide seltskonnas ka väljaspool teatrit ning nautida tihti hiliste õhtutundideni head seltskonda, toitu ja jooki. Ta tuletab meelde, et Gruusias pole vein purjutamiseks, pigem on see osa suhtluskultuurist, sõprade väärtustamise kunstist. Nii kõlab iga veinisõõmu eel toost, mille ütleja – tamada – paneb sõnadesse kogu oma ande ja pühendumuse. „Et tamada võib õhtu jooksul vahetuda, siis algab spontaanne võistlus selle pärast, kes suudab öelda ilusama ja poeetilisema toosti.” Teet õpetab, et kui tee viib teid mõnda säärasesse rõõmsasse seltskonda, kuid te ei soovi siiski toost toosti

march / april 2012 in time

Teet Kask Teet Kask (1968) on tantsinud Estonia Rahvusooperi, Rootsi Kuningliku n

Ooperi ja Norra Rahvusooperi balletitruppides. 1996. aastast töötab Kask ka koreograafina. Hooajal 1998/1999 omistasid ajakirja "Ballet International" kriitikud talle n  väljapaistva meestantsija tiitli. 1999. aastal valiti Kase lavastus “Ursula X” finaali Pariisis toimuval kaasaegn  sete tantsulavastuste konkursil Concours International de Choregraphie Classic. Professionaalse koreograafi diplomi sai Kask mainekast Labani keskusest (Londoni Linna Ülikool). Kasest on saanud omanäoline klassikalist ja nüüdistantsu sünteesiv artist/koreograaf ning silmapaistev teoreetik, kes viimastel aastatel on tegev ka pedagoogina.

järel juua, oleks paslik märjukest vähemalt huultega puudutada – ka siis, kui joogiks pole mitte vein, vaid märksa kangem kohalik kraam tšatša. „Viinamarjadest sündinud märjukese joomisega kaasnev rituaal kätkeb endas väärikust, armastust, ajalugu, käsitööd ning pühitseb ühistele hetkedele, sõprusele ja elule jagatud aega.” Ka Gruusia pealinnale Thbilisile jagub lavastajal vaid kiidusõnu – isegi kui linna pidevaisse signaalihuikeisse mattuv ja reegleid eirav liiklusvoog esiti armutult kaootiline tundub. „Võtke siinset aega rahulikult ja alati huumoriga, sest seda siin osatakse ja austatakse.”


persoon Söögikohad: Tiflisi – traditsioon

niline Gruusia köök, sõbralik ja vaba õhustik ning hea teenindus. Kolmekäiguline lõuna ja vein maksab umbes 10 eurot. (Üle Kuiva silla (Suhhoi most) ja sealt teisele poole Saarbrückeni silda.)

Black Lion – koht n

on nime saanud kuulsa Pirosmani maali „Švai lomi“ („Must lõvi“) järgi. Traditsiooniline Gruusia köök lääneliku hõnguga, hubane ja kodune, art deco orginaalmööbel ja lauanõud, korralikult saab söönuks umbes 15 euroga (Amagleba tn 23, Sololake linnaosa).

Poekesed: Caucasian Carn

pets Gallery – parim antiikvaibakeste pood eestlastele taskukohaste hindadega. Kuna iga vaip on kunstiteos, mil rääkida oma lugu, siis tasub poodi minna ka siis, kui otseselt ostusoovi pole.

Kuiva silla n

(Suhhoi most) turg – vanakraamiturg kesklinnas, leide igale maitsele. Kaubelge – sest nii lihtsalt peab!

Samoseli Priveli n

– suurepärased tänapäeva rahvarõivad (Šardeni tn 1).

Inspireeriv linn Balletiteatrilt peatuspaigaks saadud südalinnakorteri akendest näeb Teet imelist vaadet Mtatsminda mäele, mille tipus kõrguv teletorn valgustab öösiti kogu mäenõlva. Majaesisel endisaegsel Kolhoosi väljakul on lilleturg, mis on avatud 24 tundi, kust saab osta meetrise varrega roose ja samas lähedal on Aleksandrovi park, kus on mõnus uidata ja mõtiskleda. Nälja peletuseks kubisevad kitsukesed tänavad väikestest pagariäridest, kus müüakse ahjusooje saiu ja ülimaitsvaid hatšapurisid – juustu-, oa-, kartuli- või lihatäidisega pirukaid. „Mulle meeldib Thbilisi vanalinnas kas või niisama sihitult jalutada, sest siinsed tänavad on täis kirjeldamatut eksootikat. Kui füüsilist inspiratsiooni tahan, siis valin välja mõne mäenõlval asuva kiriku või kloostri ja sean sammud sinna. See on hea nii vereringele, söögiisule kui ka hingele, sest teel kohatud inimtüübid ja linna arhitektuuriline virvarr moodustab tervikuna tõelise eluteatri.” Üks Teedu meelissöögipaiku on näiteks südalinnas Kuiva silla lähistel asuv Gruusia köögi pärle pakkuv Tiflisi. See on ka paik, mis on viinud teda kokku suurepäraste kohalike džässimuusikute, näitlejate, tele- ja raadioajakirjanike ning paljude teiste loojatega. Kuna grusiinid on ääretult külalislahke rahvas – ja see pole sugugi suusoojaks öeldud! –, siis algab jutt pikema sissejuhatuseta. „Võlusõnaks on, et oled Eestist. Kohe satud ninapidi kokku kellegagi, kel on rääkida lõbusaid seiku oma mesinädalatest Tallinnas Viru või Olümpia hotellis või kes meenutab Eestit kui kau-

get välismaad. Uskumatu, aga kahe maa rahval on mingi seletamatu vastastikune tõmbejõud.” Teet naerab, et meenutusradadelt alanud tutvumised lõpevad tihtilugu ohtra veini ja söömaajaga ning häbi sulle, kui kõhutäie eest ise maksta üritad. „Tõsi, pikemalt siin elades tuleks sääraste pidusöömaaegadega tervise nimel piiri pidada!” Eestisse tagasitulekust Teet veel ei mõtle, kuid usub, et küll kunagi tuleb aeg, mil ta taas sünnimaal täisvõimsusega loob. „Mu loomingut on märgatud väljaspool Eestit ning õnneks pole see piirdunud pelgalt huviga, vaid mulle on võimaldatud kõik tingimused, milles segamatult luua. Pean oluliseks viibida alati seal, kus minu looming inimesi enim kõnetab ja kus mind vajatakse, sest see teeb õnnelikuks. See ongi elu elamise rõõm!”

Soovitusi Legendi järgi on Thbilisi oma nime saanud ravin  toimeliste kuumaveeallikate järgi (thbili, ee „soe“), mille pärast linn just sinna rajati. Tugeva väävlilõhnaga allikatele iidsetel aegadel ehitatud saunad tegutsevad tänapäevalgi. Kui odöör teid jalust ei niida, siis suurepäraselt lõõgastavad saunad asuvad Abano ja Grišašvili tänava nurgal. Sameba katedraal Elijahi mäel linna poolitava Mtkvari ehk Kura jõe vasakul kaldal on Gruusia suurim omataoline. Katedraalist avaneb hea vaade linnale ja jõekaldale.

Mtatsmindale ehk Pühale mäele on hea jalutan

da mööda vanade majakestega palistatud kitsukesi mägitänavaid. Jalutage kuni Mama Dviti kirikuni, rüübake kosutuseks jahedat allikavett ning jätkake teekonda Mtatsminda parki, kohalikku Disneylandi. Igav seal ei hakka, kitšihõngu on kõikjal ja Thbilisile avaneb harukordne vaade.

Öise Thbilisi teevad ahvatlevaks ja muinasjutun

liseks lugematu hulk valgustatud kirikuid ja sildu, Mtatsminda mäe otsas asuv teletorn ja presidendipalee. Nauditav panoraamvaade öisele linnale avaneb spaabaarist Radisson Blue hotelli 18. korrusel. Kes soovib, saab vaadet nautida basseinis lõõgastudes ja veini rüübates. Hinnad on kõrgemad kui maa peal, ent asukoht on seda väärt.

Gruusia Riikliku Ooperi- ja Balletiteatri etenn

duste nägemiseks tuleks enne käia teatri kodulehel, sest teatrimaja remondi tõttu esinemispaigad vahetuvad ja sageli ollakse ringreisil.

Gabriadze nukuteater – maailmakuulus marion  netiteater, mis asub fantaasiarikkalt renoveeritud vanalinnamajakeses Šavteli tänaval.

Teed nautimas Tiflisi söögikohas Saarbrücken'i silla lähistel Having tea in Tiflisi near Saarbrücken bridge


in time march / april 2012

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The Georgian Way of Enjoying Life and Creation Text: andri maimets 路 Photos: Lado Vachnadze

Teet Kask (43), a stage director and a choreographer, has been carrying a torch for Georgia since his childhood. Most probably it all began from the age of six when he first saw the unique Georgian toe dance on TV and tried to imitate it on his own, leaning against a cupboard and fighting the pain. Now, many years later, he can call the big-hearted Georgia his new home: in March this year, his latest direction Tampopo will be staged at the Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State Theatre. The piece is devoted to Nina Ananiashvili, one of the most respected ballerinas in the world.


in time march / april 2012

person na. On the contrary! She is not an artist looking to stay on her ballet slippers and dance the Swan Lake forever, but one with a good sense of knowing when to move on and explore new paths, do something that would accommodate both her experience and her everlasting need for expression.” Already when they had just met, their conversations took them to Georgia and they shared a hope that one day Teet would be able to go to Nina’s homeland. “Perhaps deep inside we sensed that one day we would accomplish something significant together.”

The Dream Team

Rahu sillal, taustaks Mtkvari ehk Kura jõe vasak kallas Metekhi linnaosas At the The Bridge of Peace that crosses the Mtkvar river, in the background Mettekhi district

Although Teet cannot be pigeonholed among the talents leaving Estonia at any cost, as he would have plenty of work also there, here as well he has always been a dancer of international scope. His friendship with Nina Ananiashvili also started abroad when he and Nina, who then was a ballerina at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow worked together at the Norwegian Opera and Ballet. “We developed an exceptional friendship and understanding,” Teet recalls. “Yes, she is a Prima Ballerina, yet she never behaves in a way one might associate with this title – as a prima don-

march / april 2012 in time

When Teet arrived to war-ravished Georgia, their desire to do something together was lit up again. “Nina made me an unexpected proposal to stage something exceptional for the opening act of her company's 160th season at the national ballet. This was a priceless token of respect – of course I had to agree!” And in the hot summer of 2011, a busy period of rehearsals began at a resort town located on the coast of Black Sea, a bit over two hundred kilometres from Tbilisi, called Shekvetili, where Nina's touring company was staying at that moment. Teet’s initial idea was Teet Kask based on the dancers’ perTeet Kask (1968) has worked with the n  sonal stories, their “emotionEstonian National Opera and Ballet Comal landscapes” as he calls it. pany, The Royal Swedish Ballet and The “There was plenty of inspiNorwegian National Ballet. Since 1996, Kask is also active as a choreographer. ration – warm sunshine and Critics Survey of Ballet International/ n  water, dolphins playing in the Tanz Aktuell International awarded him sea, vibrant sunsets, competthe title of “outstanding dancer” for his creative work in the season of 1998/1999. ing orchestras of locusts and In 1999, the choreographical work of frogs, the soughing wind in Kask,“Ursula X”, reached the finals of Concours International de Choregraphie pine forests, the starry sky, and Classic in Paris. the black sand with medicinal Kask has a MA in choreography from n  properties,” Teet describes. the London City University/Trinity Laban. In his choreographic works Kask uses both After Shektekvili, they travthe aesthetics of classical dance as well as elled to other enchanting seamodern expression and likes to flirt with a certain amount of experimentation. He has side locations like Batumi, become a unique artist/choreographer/tutor Kobuleti, Poti, passing Kutaisi synthesizing classical and contemporary and notorious Gori. dance.



Nina ja Teet ning tantsija Otar Khelašvili lavastuse Tampopo proovis / Nina, Teet and dancer Otar Khelashvili in Tampopo rehersal

Tampopo Tampopo (Japanese for a dandelion) is a ballet commissioned by the Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State Theatre to celebrate Nina Ananiashvili's anniversary of 30 years on stage. She is the artistic director of the theatre and a prima ballerina of the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and New York City Ballet. Teet Kask has created a performer-centred ballet with minimal of stage decorations, using choreographic language based on Ananiashvili's experiences of life and unique movement. The seemingly abstract performance is interwoven with humour and recognisable relationship patterns. The prima ballerina will be performing with two male dancers and a dance group called Trio per Te. The soundtrack of the ballet includes ‘Passacaglia’, ‘Scala cromatica’, ‘Fratres’ and ‘Für Alina’ by Arvo Pärt. The music and theatre scene was excited to hear that the prominent composer himself has taken an interest in this project. The costume artist is Nino Chubinishvili aka Chubika, a Georgian fashion designer who has worked with Dior and Pierre Cardin in Paris. After the premières, on 16th of March at the Rustaveli Theatre and on 18th of March at the Tbilisi Concert Hall, the ballet will be performed on Nina Ananiashvili's tours in Europe, America and Asia.

It was also during the rehearsal period that Teet happened to read “The year of light”, a poem by a popular Georgian author Otar Chiladze. Its philosophic profundity and world cognition, the intertwining of ancient Greek mythology and Georgian cultural history enraptured the choreographer. “The myths of Golden Fleece and biblical stories meet in this poem. It is a brilliant material. Imagine that in a totally different cultural environment, thousands of kilometres away from you, someone happens to write something that reaches your soul! It was like a guide that helped me see the timeless values even in darkness.” The première of ‘A wingless flight into dark-


ness’ at the Russian Drama Theatre of Griboedov past autumn, attracted the crème de la crème of Georgia’s cultural scene and was received with a thundering applause and endless cries of ‘Bravo!’. Ananiashvili’s aspiration to show that her company is constantly improving, and can speak to both domestic and foreign audiences through Georgian culture had been successful.

A Personal Stage Director to Nina Ananiashvili Therefore it was quite expected that Teet was given a new challenge: to become the director of a play Nina Ananiashvili had chosen for celebrating the anniversary of her 30 years on stage this March. As the famous ballerina is also the wife of Georgia’s foreign minister Grigol Vashadze and the godmother of President Mikhail Saakashvili’s son Nikoloz, one can’t help but to wonder whether such roles come through also to the rehearsal halls. Teet just smirks at this question. “Each rehearsal is a challenge for me, and I mean that in the best creative sense. Nina has so much experience that it is a quite an art indeed to place her in new, inspiring situations. Her other titles bear no meaning in the rehearsal room. There she is completely focused on her roles as a dancer and a student. She treats me with utmost respect. And the feeling is mutual – it is a sheer

in time march / april 2012

person pleasure to be involved in the creation process with her. Besides, her stardom took off a long time ago and therefore it would be more correct to say that it is a great honour for the foreign minister and the president to be associated with Nina,” he elaborates, amused. Although the projects have kept Teet in Georgia for just a half a year, he has to admit he feels quite at home there. Moreover, when his Georgian friends ask him how well has he adjusted in their homeland, he never hesitates to say that he feels like a local. “I have lived in many places, but this is a new sensation for me. My social life has a totally different meaning here. The spontaneous lifestyle of the country is liberating, it has its own charm,” he says.

Friendship and life Teet enjoys the company of his friends and colleagues also outside the theatre, and often spends time with them until late hours, taking pleasure in good company, food and drinks. He points out that wine in Georgia is not for getting drunk, but rather a part of the social interaction, the art of valuing your friends. So, each sip of wine is preceded by a toast, and the one uttering the toast - a tamada - has to put all their talent and devotion into it. “As the tamadas take turns during the evening, it generates a spontaneous competition of who creates the most beautiful and poetic toast.” Teet suggests that if you ever happen to end up in such company, but do not feel like drinking that much, then you should at least touch the beverage with your lips, which is also a successful approach in case the drink is not wine, but a way stronger local spirit called chacha. “The ritual of drinking grape-based spirits is full of dignity, love, history and craftsmanship, celebrating the shared moments dedicated to friendship and life." The director also has only good words to say about the capital of Georgia, though constant traffic jams, horn honking and disobedience of any traffic regulations might appear terribly cha-

march / april 2012 in time

Gruusia rahvarõivast chokha't proovimas Samoseli Priveli tänapäeva rahvarõivaste poes Šardeni tn 1 / Trying on chokha at Samoseli Priveli modern national costumes store at Šarden street 1


person Recommendation According to the legend, the name of Tbilisi derives from the hot water n

springs with medicinal properties (Old Georgian word tpili means ‘warm’ in English) that probably attracted people who founded the city. The baths built above these springs with strong sulphur smell in the ancient days are still active and operating. If their scent fails to impress, you may find amazingly relaxing baths at the corners of Abano and Grishashvili streets. Sameba cathedral on Mount Elijah, on the left bank of the Mtkvari River n

that divides the city into two, is the largest of its kind in Georgia. The Cathedral has excellent views to the city and to the Presidential Palace located on the river bank.

Mount Mtatsminda, meaning the Holy Mountain can be reached by foot n

walking up the narrow mountain streets squeezed between old houses. Keep walking until the Mama Daviti Church, drink soothing cool spring water and then continue your trek to the Mtatsminda Park, a local version of Disneyland. You will definitely not be bored; it is so full of kitsch and has a spectacular view over Tbilisi.

At night Tbilisi looks like a fairytale with its countless illuminated churches n

and bridges, the TV-tower on top of Mount Mtatsmina, and the Presidential Palace. A pleasant panoramic view of the city at night is available from the spa bar located on the 18th floor of Radisson Blu Hotel. You can take in the view while relaxing and sipping wine. The prices are 'sky high'; however, the location is totally worth it.

To secure your tickets for the Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State n

Theatre, you should visit the home page of the theatre at – due to ongoing renovations, the venues vary and the company is often away on tours.

Gabriadze Marionette Theatre – a world famous marionette theatre, located n  at the creatively renovated old town house in Shavteli Street.

otic at first.” You just have to take it easy! This is what the locals do and what they will respect you for.”

A City of Inspiration Teet is staying in an apartment at the city centre that the ballet theatre has organised for him. From the window of his room he has a spectacular view over the Mount Mtatsminda and the lit up TV tower. In front of the house, at the former Kolkhoz square, one can buy blossoming sweet scented roses, with stems one metre long, for 24 hours a day. And very near to him is also the Alexandrov park, which is perfect for walking and thinking. The narrow streets around his house are full of small bakeries selling hot bread fresh from the oven and delicious khachapuri – bread filled with cheese, beans, potatoes or meat. “I love to wander around the old town of Tbilisi. The streets here are full of exotics. When I need physical inspiration I just pick one of the many churches or monasteries situated on the hillside and head over there. It is equally good for my circulation, appetite and spirit, as the people I encounter on my way and the architectural diversity of the city forms and interesting “theatre of life”.” One of Teet's favourite places to eat is Tifilisi near the Dry Bridge at the Tbilisi city centre, serving the best of Georgian cuisine. He has met many amazing local jazz musicians, actors, television or radio journalists and other creative personae there. As the Georgians are a boundlessly hospitable nation - and this is not just an empty phrase - you are drawn into a conversation at once. “”I'm from Estonia” seems to be a magic word here. You will surely find someone with entertaining stories about their honeymoon at Viru or Olympia hotels in Tallinn or someone remembering Estonia as a distant foreign country. It is unbelievable, but the nations of these two countries have some sort of inexplicable attraction towards each other.” Teet says that acquaintances starting with trips down the memory lane usually end


in time march / april 2012

person Places to eat: Tifilisi – traditional Georn

gian cuisine with a friendly and free atmosphere and good service. A three course meal with a wine is about 10 Euros. (Go across the Dry Bridge aka Sukhoi Most and then past the Saarbrüken Bridge).

Black Lion – named after n

a famous painting by Pirosmani, Shvai lomi (Black Lion). Traditional Georgian cuisine with a Western feel, cosy and comfortable, art deco original furniture and tableware, a proper meal costs around 15 Euros (at Amagleba 23, Sololak neighbourhood).

Shops: Caucasian Carpets Gallery n  – the best place to purchase antique carpets at prices affordable for Estonians. As each carpet is a piece of art with its own story, the gallery is worth visiting even when you do not wish to purchase.

The Dry Bridge (Sukhoi n  Most) Market – a flea market at the city centre that has something for everyone. Please do bargain as this is the local way! Samoseli Pirveli – superb n

quality modern national clothes (Sharden street 1).

Kuiva silla (Suhhoi most) turul / Market of Dry Bridge

with a rich meal and a lot of wine. Shame on you if you try to pay for it! “Though, if you are staying here for a longer period of time, it is better for your health to limit such feasts!” Teet is not yet thinking about returning to Estonia, but he believes that the time will come, when he will be creating at full power in his homeland. “My work has been noticed outside of Estonia and luckily it did not end with just taking an interest in me, but I was given a chance to create.It is very important for me to be where my work speaks to the people most and where I feel that I am needed, because this is what makes me happy. This is the joy of living!”

march / april 2012 in time

THbilisi Lennud algavad / flights starts from 8.04.2012 4 korda nädalas / 4 weekly flights


Hind alates / price from 89.90 € Riga-Tbilisi (via Tallinn) from 122.77 € Vilnius-Tbilisi (via Tallinn) from 82.30 € Moscow-Tbilisi (via Tallinn) from 99.29 € Helsinki-Tbilisi (via Tallinn) from 85.81 € St. Petersburg-Tbilisi (via Tallinn) from 107.06 €




in time march / april 2012



from house to house

march / april 2012 in time




he Soomaa National Park is an area of pristine nature that at present is home to 86 people. One of them is a freelance photographer Sandra Urvak who has been living permanently in Soomaa since 2008. She says that she no longer recalls what forced her to move to this swampy area, but she believes that it was love. “I came to Soomaa whenever I could. I was simply wandering around and taking photos. After some time I started to look for a place of my own,” she says. Soon, Sandra found a small farmhouse which she is still converting into a fully livable housing. Searching for home, she met her partner who was involved with nature and animals. “I love Soomaa for its silence, nature and primeval force. I feel the need to live in harmony with nature and see the seasons change, witness the weather. For me, Soomaa is the best place in the whole world. Everything is a little more real here,” she explains.

Soomaa is an oasis in the middle of Estonia with its springtime re-birth, hot summer weather, colourful autumn and quiet winter. It also has a fifth season, a traditional floodwater time when a canoe is necessary to get around.

Text: Signe Sillasoo Photos: Sandra Urvak, Ingmar Muusikus


Fifth season: good for businesses, bad for residents Sandra is not discouraged by the so-called fifth season of Soomaa – the time of floods that arrives in late winter or early spring. While this is the time when many families in the area are desperately trying to protect their homes and animals from water, Sandra says that her home has fortunately been fairly water-resistant until now. Actually, it is not the water but visitors who have caused most damage: last year Karuskose hiking hut's sauna window was broken by a careless canoeist and there are visitors who instead of enjoying the peace and quiet, roam around and sometimes destroy the property of locals.

in time march / april 2012

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Such whims of the nature have definitely spiced up the local life. “During floods, the last two years have looked like the song festival. Floods attract adventurers, hikers and curious people,” says Sandra. An additional benefit is that during this period you can reach places with a canoe that are otherwise hard to access. “The flood is exciting, it’s a major event, at least for my family and our

How the Italians got swamped In 2005 I was helping international students to enroll in the Tallinn Technical University and as part of the welcome programme showed them the beauty of Estonia. It was autumn and there was really only one choice where to take them: to the swamp. When our colourful group of students from Italy, France, Poland and elsewhere arrived to Soomaa, we were met by a very cool guide at the visitors’ centre who led us to the middle of the swamp along a hiking trail. She then asked us if we wished to step aside from the boardwalk. Naturally, we did.

 The Estonian were walking on the sods like Jesus on water, but the Italians immediately sank in until their knees. They had come to the nature with lacquered shoes and jeans wearing designer sunglasses, but with every step they took, they swamped. The same happened to the Germans and the French. Everybody had a lot of fun helping the foreigners out, but how were the Estonian able to do it... Still remains a mystery to them. But it was not a problem. Later we all ate nettle soup with meatballs and shocked Americans with our sauna habits. Mariliis Pinn


neighbours – I don’t think there are many children who can drive around in a canoe in their backyard,” she laughs. The natural phenomenon is also a boost for local guides, catering and accommodation providers because more people means more income.

Special people So what is it that attracts these people to an area that suffers from heavy floods in spring and millions of mosquitoes in summer? According to Sandra, the benefits of Soomaa outweigh all the hardship. “I think that people living here are tough. Those who do not miss the city buzz and constant communication. Living in harmony with nature is exciting,” she adds. Although local population has shrunk notably over times, as a result of deportations to Siberia during the Soviet regime and the area’s sometimes unfriendly nature, old and new residents maintain a close relationship. Sandra’s family communicates mostly with a family living in near to her farm house and community activists from the Tipu vil-

in time march / april 2012

Estonia lage. “We are all connected by our love towards Soomaa. Together we go hiking, study local folklore and discuss world affairs. We have organized photo exhibitions, plan to open a café and host cultural events,” says Sandra.

Soomaa National Park

Every village has its wiseman

national is a wetland protected under the Ramsar convention n  is a home to several rare bird species under strict natural protection: lagopus, n  golden eagle, black stork, pomarina and clanga spotted eagle, dunlin and great snipe is a home to moose, roe-deers, wild boars, wolves, lynxes, bears, foxes and n  raccoons the house museum of composer Mart Saar and artist Johann Köler is open n  for visitors hikes with canoe, kayaks, kick sledges, skis, snow- or bog shoes and in tepees, n  going berry or mushroom picking, bird watching, archery and GPS-games are the activities that different enterprises offer in Soomaa

Plans are made with the family of Algis Martsoo, a businessman, tour guide and builder of hiking trails. For such an active person as Algis, Soomaa has become a home, a place of work, a hobby and a source of income. The man smiles when he says that locals think of him as a fortuneteller or a witch. The reason is simple: he has always been interested in the waters in the area. He has been writing down information for years and studying at the Estonian Academy of Agriculture, he defended also his thesis on the importance of floods in Soomaa. “It is not rare that I get a call from a lifetime resident of Soomaa asking how high is the water. For some strange reason they have begun to regard me as a local wiseman who always knows how high the water is. It is funny as I have no special powers,” says Algis. Some even think that he is also responsible for the abundant snowfall in the last two years. Actually, Algis is a guide in Soomaa and takes local and foreign visitors canoeing, snowhiking, sledging or to other events held in different seasons. “Spring, especially May, is the best time to visit Soomaa. It is difficult for foreign tourists to pick the right time, since floods come and go quickly. But in the two last springs, floods have stayed twice the usual period – a whole month instead of a fortnight,” explains Algis.

march / april 2012 in time

was founded in 1993 n  is one of the five Estonian national parks: Lahemaa, Karula, Viljandi, Matsalu, n  Soomaa

is an important primeval nature area and a member of the PAN Park network n  is an important nature and bird area and belongs to the Natura 2000 network n  has been internationally approved as an important bird area by BirdLife Intern

Canoe trip, the best way to observe nature Algis says that the feelings about the miracle of Soomaa vary from culture to culture. Estonians are eager to see it with their own eyes, as Austral-


Land full of swamps 39 640 ha surface area n  70-80%: percentage of territory covered by swamps n  537 species of swamp plants, including 38 species of trees and brushes, n

29 species that are under nature conservation, 193 species of moss and 360 species of mushrooms. 185 bird species, of which 150 have been known to nest in the area n  43 species of mammals n  37 attractions: camping areas, hiking trails, parking areas, etc. n  10 hiking trials that are from 1 to 5 km long n  38 000 is the number of people who visited the Soomaa national park in 2011. n  They included visitors from Malaysia, South Korea, Germany, Holland, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, etc. 380 km is the length of the hiking trail "One with Nature" that State Forest n  Management Centre will complete in July. It starts from North Estonia and ends in Kabli in the southwest. The trail is designed for people travelling on foot or by bicycles and goes through Soomaa. 175 square kilometres: this has been the maximum flooded area n  7–8 kilometres: this has been the maximum width of water during floods n  5.5 metres above the conditional minimum: record water level in one part of n  Soomaa in 1931 0.8 - 1 metres: maximum water level in homes in spring 2011 and 2010 (it was n  1.8 metres on roads)

Vändra Narva



Rapla Haapsalu


Tori Sindi Kõpu




Kuressaare Põlva Valga



ians say that a natural disaster is not something to look at. “It was quite shocking for the Australians and also other Western nations from societies of security to take a boat and go looking at drowning houses,” says Algis. But to those who have the courage it is a very special experience and very different from a normal canoe or kayak trip. Hikes on water vehicles are the most popular in Soomaa and the best way to observe its nature. A hike in the swamp is the best way to understand the peculiarity of the area: its landscape and hiking trails. It is definitely a worthwhile experience to see the former places of residence and observe the level of floods marked on trees. Riho Männik, Soomaa's Visitor Manager also recommends hiking in a bog, seeing the Lemmjõe and Meiekose hiking trails and Mulgi meadow. Hiking on foot, you might come eye to eye with different creatures. Living here you must be prepared to see lynxes, moose, bears or wolf puppies wandering around. “If you're lucky, you might spot a hazel grouse or a capercaillie,” says Riho, who is also a member of the association called Friends of Soomaa (Soomaa Sõprade Selts) and the Eagle Club (Kotkaklubi). Observation towers are a good place to catch sight of golden eagle or pomarina spotted eagle with your binoculars or listen to the sounds of owls and wolves.

in time march / april 2012

restauraNt & caFe

Nr.1 busiNess class restauraNt iN estoNia

Home of the best smoked salmon, borsch soup and Pavlova dessert.

call us

Fahle is nearest restaurant to Tallinn airport. Crab a taxi and see you in 5 minutes. Tartu mnt 84a, Tallinn, Estonia Open 9.00 - 23.00 Reservations: +372 603 0588



Muhu rain boots and Audru umbrellas Text: Kristina Traks · Photos: Julia-Maria Linna


Helen with Muhu wellingtons and umbrella.


does a national song festival have in common with rain boots and umbrellas? The answer is that it was the song festival that inspired Lemme and Helen Urb, a mother and daughter team, to design rain boots and umbrellas in Estonian national patterns. Estonian song festivals and rain go together like a horse and carriage. When it starts raining, people wearing fabulous national costumes put on ugly plastic raincoats and open unimaginative black umbrellas. „Why cannot umbrellas look ethnic?” Lemme and Helen asked themselves one late summer evening of 2009, just before the last song festival ÜhesHingamine. The idea seemed so good that they instantly started choosing patterns and searching for manufacturers. The range of ethnic umbrellas was soon expanded to include similarly styled rain boots. Helen Urb says that national patterns are close and dear to her because her grandmother used to create ethnic patterns in her home village and left her children and grandchildren lovely clothes and fabrics in national patterns. For their first patterns, Lemme and Helen chose the yellow-based Muhu and the red-and-black Mulgi pattern. There are also children rain boots available.

Helen says that she would love to order rain boots and umbrellas from Estonian manufacturers, but since there aren't any, they have to be ordered from China.

„Our aim is to bring modern and practical items designed in beautiful Estonian national patterns to the streets both here in Estonia and elsewhere,” explains Helen. She adds that she is happy that ethnic products have gotten such a warm reception among Estonians and foreign visitors. „People are surprised that national patterns can be used in such a cool way and foreigners say that they have never seen such solutions anywhere in the world,” says Helen. „People keep asking us when we are launching new products.” Business

has grown so quickly that developing the GetCreative brand already takes up most of their time. Helen says that thousands of items have already been sold without having to hire additional workers. Products created by Helen and Lemme Urb are available in all major department stores, shoestores and stores selling ethnic designs in Estonia.

Patterns Muhu, Mulgi, Audru, Kihnu, Kadrina, Rõngu and North Estonian

in time march / april 2012

Va na Ta llinn Her iTage ediTion Eksklusiivne Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition on loodud tähistamaks Liviko liköörimeistrite kuulsusrikast ajalugu. Vana Tallinna rikkalikku maitset täiendab kerge tammenüanss, luues nii erakordse kooskõla.

Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition is exclusively created to celebrate the glorious history of Liviko’s liqueur masters. The rich taste of Vana Tallinn is further enhanced by a hint of oak, creating an exceptional harmony.

eesTi parim estonian Best spirit 2011

Tähelepanu! Tegemist on alkoholiga. Alkohol võib kahjustada Teie tervist.

Attention! The abuse of alcoholic beverages can damage your health.

Va n a Ta l l i n n Heritage Edition


Restaurant Senso –

where good food takes your cares away! Restaurant Senso

is located in the centre of Tallinn, on the second floor of Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia. Despite being a hotel restaurant, Senso has become popular also among locals as a perfect place to have a business lunch, celebrate anniversaries or enjoy dinner with friends.

Restoran Senso

Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia Liivalaia 33, Tallinn Tel 6315 870 olumpiahotel-tallinn On Board of Estonian Air in March


The menu of Restaurant Senso is inspired by the Mediterranean cuisine. Chef de Cuisine Andres Rahula refreshes the menu twice a year to benefit from seasonal access to local ingredients. Chef ’s monthly recommendations add versatility, either as green salads in the summer or more filling meals in the winter. In this season, Andres has drawn inspiration from colourful ingredients, spices and aromas, and added Asian taste to the menu. Cauliflower soup is flavoured with curry, while spring rolls filled with lamb are seasoned with chilli and coriander. „We are a restaurant with a Mediterranean feel. Let me mention our buffalo mozzarella bruschetta with semi-dried tomatoes, olives and melonmint salsa; beef carpaccio with mustard aioli, vegetable salsa, quail eggs and parmesan shavings as well as chicken fillet a la Saltimbocca with par-

ma ham and tarragon, lemon risotto and parsley sauce,“ says Rahula. „To complement the taste, we also offer some Asian cuisine. My favourites are warm fish tempura, stir-fry beef with oyster sauce and banana spring rolls,” he adds. Meals made of local produce and vegetarian dishes are highlighted in the menu. There is a sommelier to help you with your choice of wine. Special menu is available for children.

Restaurant Senso

has something for everybody. One can start the day with a rich Super Breakfast and return for a busy lunch buffet that is available on workdays. Senso's á la carte menu offers real gourmet surprises. The restaurant area includes two banquet halls that are suitable for hosting a reception or a gala dinner for up to 150 guests. Restaurant Senso accepts Club Carlson, the loyalty program of hotels of the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group.

in time march / april 2012


Volga –

a gourmet restaurant with history Restaurant Volga in Tartu is known for its long and exciting history where you can enjoy affordable gourmet food. Great food

has been served since 1923 in a house that was built in 1783. Volga is following in the dignified footsteps of its predecessors. The locals have an endless supply of incredible stories about the legendary restaurant Volga. Volga can be considered almost as much as a symbol for Tartu as the university. Everyone who has studied at Tartu University has definitely learned something visiting Volga. The new menu offers dishes inspired by Russian cuisine. “Some of the main dishes are completely new, at the same time we have kept traditional Volga dishes like the famous potato salad, Pozharski Cutlet, hamburger steak and Borsh. Soon we will be adding exiting new appetizers and desserts to the menu, such as ice-cream in-house,” noted Chef de Cuisine Andres Markov. “The new menu will offer more food made from Estonian ingredients and unique dining experiences. Our goal for the future is to use produce from our local farmers. Estonian strawberries are sweet and our veal is juicy! Estonian restaurants should serve fresh and unique food grown in Estonia.”

The history

of Küütri 1 reaches back to 1775, when a major fire devastated the centre of Tartu and after which landowners started to buy up adjustment real-estate and building stone houses. The first owner of the property was Theodor

march / april 2012 in time

Oldekop, a pastor who built a house with two wings and auxiliary buildings. The house started to gather fame when Jaan Otter converted it to a cinema by the design of Tartus chief architect Anatoli Potchekajev. The cinema was completed in 1923 and it housed a cafe called Ateen that became the favorite meeting place for the high society. Of five cinema buildings in Tartu at that time, Athena was the only one to survive World War II. In 1944 the cinema was renamed Saluut and its café became Restaurant Volga. The restaurant was closed in 1994 and the cinema shut its doors later. The restaurant was re-opened in 2006 and got its current look in 2009. On the restaurants bottom floor one finds a dance floor with an expressionist, colorful, serrated and backlit ceiling and arched pillars that have been restored to their original 1930 look. Walls are adorned with mahogany panels. Carefully renovated paintings by Peet Aren and similarly styled contemporary works add decadent elegance to the dancing and dining hall on the ground floor.

Restaurant Volga

is located in the old town of Tartu at Küütri 1 Open 12.00-00.00 Fri-Sat 12.00-01.00 Live music (jazz) on weekends (advance bookings recommended) On Board of Estonian Air in April



Liisi Eesmaa mood kui puhas kunst – julgete vormimängude ja salapäraste mustrite summa Liisi Eesmaa’s pure art fashion – a sum of bold shapes and mystifying patterns

Kristel Kuslapuu volüümikad kudumid Voluminous knit wear of Kristel Kuslapuu

Kuldnõel: salapärased mustrid ja puhas geomeetria Parima moedisaineri auhind Kuldnõel antakse sel kevadel üle juba 14. Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre Fotod / Photos: Filippo Caroti, Jelena Rudi, erakogud / private collection


korda. Sel korral on Eesti olulisema moeauhinna tseremoonias oodata olulist kvaliteedihüpet – enam ei toimu gala Viru Keskuses, vaid hoopis näituse kujul Disaini- ja Arhitektuurigaleriis (hüüdnimega Laste Maailm) 2.–16. märtsini kevadise Tallinn Fashion Weeki tähtsündmusena. Nii on kõigil moesõpradel, mitte vaid kitsal kutsutute ringil, haruldane võimalus näha enam kui kahe nädala jooksul nominentide kollektsioone ka lähedalt. Lisaks saavad kõik TFW Facebooki lehe fännid ning näitusekülastajad hääletusel osaleda – esmakordselt Kuldnõela ajaloos valitakse rahva lemmik! Kõigi hääletajate vahel läheb loosi Vichy

kinkekaart 500 euro väärtuses, millega on võimalik soetada just rahva lemmikdisaineri loomingut. Nominatsioone jagati kahes kategoorias – Kuldnõel professionaalsele ning end juba aastatega tõestanud disainerile ja Väike Kuldnõel noortele moeloojatele.

Kuldnõela nominendid on Aivar Antonio Lätt (Baltman), Tiina Talumees, Liisi Eesmaa ja Karolin Kuusik (Tallinn Dolls). Väikese Kuldnõela nominendid on Piret Ilves, Britt Samoson ja Kristel Kuslapuu. Jälgi mängu:

in time march / april 2012


Golden Needle:

mysterious patterns and pure geometry

Britt Samoson on kindlasti üks originaalsemaid noori moeloojaid Eestis. Tema 2011 aasta Tallinn Fashion Weeki kollektsioon rabas värskete värvikombinatsioonide ja puhta geomeetriaga. Britt Samoson, definitely one of the most original young fashion designers in Estonia. Her collection at the 2011 Tallinn Fashion Week won acclaim for fresh color combinations and pure geometry.

Golden Needle Award is handed out to the best fashion designer for the 14th time. Estonia’s most important fashion award ceremony will be a special one this timebecause instead of holding a gala at Viru Keskus, there will be an exhibition in the Design and Architecture Gallery (a.k.a Laste Maailm, Pärnu mnt 6 Tallinn) from March 2-16 as a highlight of Tallinn Fashion Week, a springtime event. So within more than two weeks, all fashion aficionados will have a rare opportunity to study the collections of nominees close up. In addition, for the first time in the history of the Golden Needle, all fans of the Facebook page of TFW and exhibition visitors can

Antonio väljapeetult stiilne meestedisain Baltmanile. Antonio’s stylish men’s design for Baltman.

march / april 2012 in time


fashion choose the People’s Favourite Fashion Designer! All voters will participate in a raffle of a Vichy gift voucher worth 500 euros, to be spent on the creations of the winning designer.

As always, nominations are handed out in two categories: Golden Needle for professional, established designers and Small Golden Needle for young fashion designers. The nominees for the Golden Needle are Aivar "Antonio" Lätt (Baltman), Tiina Talumees, Liisi Eesmaa and Karolin Kuusik (Tallinn Dolls). The nominees for the Small Golden Needle are Piret Ilves, Britt Samoson and Kristel Kuslapuu. Keep track:

Karolin Kuusiku disainitud kelmikas printsess kaubamärgile Tallinn Dolls. A playful princess designed by Karolin Kuusik for Tallinn Dolls.

Piret Ilvese võime väheste vahenditega palju öelda on meistri tunnus. The skill of Piret Ilves to say a lot with limited means is a sign of a true master.


Tiina Talumees-Pärni teab, millist elegantsi naised ihaldavad. Tiina Talumees-Pärni knows the elegance that women are craving for.

in time march / april 2012

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pood / boutique Tekst: Liis Konovalov · Fotod: tootjad/kauplused

Pidulik helkur Kõik, kes on olnud hädas helkuri n  sobitamisega riietuse juurde, rõõmustavad kindlasti Margit Variku väljamõeldud ja patenteeritud helkurkätise üle. See üleriide varrukale kinnitatav kaunis helkur on ideaalne lisand just pidulikumale mantlile, aidates teistest eristuda ning olla samas seaduskuulekas. Kätised on toodetud sametist ja villasest riidest, lisandiks masintikand siidiniidiga ning helkurpael. 24 eurot maksvat kätist võib imetleda autori kodulehel margit-helkur.blogspot. com ning osta Disainimajast.

Moodne vana

Modern yet old

Lisaks tavapärastele second-handidele n

One interesting specimen among n

tegutseb Tallinna vanalinnas (Uus tänav 3) Nolita Vintage butiik, kus leidub palju huvitavat 1950-1970-ndatest aastastest nii naistele kui ka meestele. Kauplus näitab oma kaubavalikut 5. mail toimuval Vintage’i festivalil. Külastage kodulehte ja blogi aadressil

stores offering second-hand goods in Tallinn Old Town is Nolita Vintage, a boutique located at Uus 3 that offers a lot of exciting stuff from 1950s to 1970s for both men and women. The store will display its product range at the Vintage festival on May 5th. Visit the website and read the blog at

Reflector for festive occasions Uus disainipood vanalinnas

New designs in the Old Town

Märtsis avab Tallinna vanalinnas uksed n

A new design store TALI will open n

uus disainipood TALI. Aadressil Voorimehe 4 asuvat Eesti disainerite originaalloomingut pakkuvat poodi tasub külastada nii turistil kui ka kohalikul elanikul. TALI poes on müügil unikaalsed disainerehted, nahktooted, tarbekunst, käsitööna valminud mänguasjad ja looduskosmeetika. TALI koondab noori disainereid ning tuntumaid Eesti maalikunstnikke nagu Epp Maria Kokamägi ja Navitrolla.

doors in the Old Town in March. Catering for the needs of both local people and tourists, the store at Voorimehe 4 will be offering original creations of Estonian designers, including unique designer jewellery, leather goods, applied arts, handcrafted toys and natural cosmetics. TALI represents both newcomers and wellestablished Estonian painters including Epp Maria Kokamägi and Navitrolla.


Everybody who has had problems in n  finding a reflector that fits their clothing will definitely be happy about this latest innovation – reflective cuffs. Developed and patented by Margit Varik, this beautiful reflector is attached to a cuff as an ideal accessory to overcoats, giving them a special look and keeping you street legal in Estonia. Reflective cuffs are made of velvet and woolen fabric, embroidered with silk thread and reflective ribbon. Cuffs costing 24 euros can be viewed on the author’s homepage at margit-helkur. and are available for sale in Disainimaja (

in time march / april 2012

pood / boutique Päris puust riidepuu

Mahekaup koos retseptiga

Kaunid riided võib nüüd väärikalt n  riputada Haru riidepuudele. Haru autorid on noored disainerid Kairi Kuuskord ja Janno Nõu. Haru riidepuude tootmisel jääb vahele etapp, kus metsas kasvavast puust saab tööstuslik puit. Selle asemel vormitakse veel kasvava puu oksa nii, et tekiks riidepuu kuju. Riidepuid on saadaval nii looduslikena kui ka musta ja valgena – värvitud looduslike linaõlivärvidega. Haru riidepuuga saab kaasa töödeldud paberile trükitud sedeli, kus on kirjas puu kasvukoha geograafilised koordinaadid, et igaühel oleks võimalik minna vaatama, kust tema „puu“ pärit on. Rohkem infot Haru kodulehel

Nõmme linnaosas tegutseb alates eeln  mise aasta lõpust pisike talu- ja mahekaupu müüv toidukauplus H. Vihma Toidukaup. Poe omanik ja praegu ainuke müüja on tuntud toiduajakirjanik Heidi Vihma, kelle eesmärk on pakkuda puhast ja värsket omamaist kaupa, lisaks hõrgutisi. Meeldiva uuendusena annab omanik kaasa retseptilehti, et ostetud uut ja huvitavat toiduainet saaks kohe kasutada. Plusspunktid teenib pood sõbraliku õhkkonna ning meeldiva teenindamise eest!

Coat hangers made of real wood Nice clothes can now be hung onto n  Haru coat hangers. Authors of Haru are young designers Kairi Kuuskord and Janno Nõu. In producing Haru coat hangers, sawn wood is not turned to industrial wood. Instead, the branch of a growing tree is moulded so that it takes the shape of a coat hanger. The items are available in natural colours, black-and-white or covered with natural linen oil paints. Every coat hanger includes a certificate indicating exact geographical coordinates of the tree so that owners can go and check the tree of the coat hanger. For more information go to

Vaimukad loodustooted MOSHI toodab looduslikke ja orgaan  nilisi kehahooldustooteid ja seepe ning sojavahast küünlaid. Neile, kes soovivad ise kehahooldustooteid kokku segada, pakub MOSHI laia valikut baasõlisid ning eeterlikke õlisid. Lisaks puhtale koostisele ja meeldivale lõhnale tasub tähelepanu pöörata EKA tudengite disainitud põnevale minimalistlikule pakendile ning humoorikatele tunnuslausetele. Muu hulgas leiab valikust sääsetõrjevahendi Suvine nuhtlus ja huulepalsami Ökomüüt.

Clever natural products MOSHI is producing ecological and n  organic body care products, soaps and candles made of soy-wax. For those who wish to mix products themselves, MOSHI is offering a good selection of base and essential oils. In addition to natural ingredients and a pleasant smell, pay attention to the funny slogans on the minimalistic package designed by students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. Among others, the range includes a mosquito repellant called Suvine (in English: Summery), and lip balsam Ökomüüt (Eco myth).

march / april 2012 in time

Organic goods with recipe From the end of last year, a small n  grocery store H. Vihma Toidukaup has been selling local and organic products in the Nõmme district (Mai 2, Tallinn) The store’s owner and, at present the only salesperson is a well-known food critic Heidi Vihma, who says that her objective is to offer pure and fresh local goods and delicacies. As a pleasant innovation, the owner is rewarding the buyers by handing out recipes so that they can try out the new and exciting items they have bought at home. The store deserves credit for friendly and pleasant customer service!


tehnika / gadgets Tekst: Martin Mets · Fotod: tootjad

Lustlik reisikaaslane

Veebruari lõpus paiskas Sony kõigi n  mängumeelsete rõõmuks välja uue väikese mängukonsooli Playstation Vita, mis seljatab kõik senised turul olevad taskukonsoolid. PS Vita pakub kogemust, mida võib võrrelda suure Playstation 3 mängukonsooliga, kuid kogu lõbu saab taskus kaasas kanda. Suur viietolline OLED-ekraan on puutetundlik, seadmel on Bluetoohi, WiFi ja valikuna ka 3G-tugi. Erilist rõõmu peaksid pakkuma kaks analoogkangi, mis teevad mängukogemuse võrreldavaks suurte

mängukonsoolidega, samuti ei jää mängude graafika alla praeguse põlvkonna konsoolidele. Seadme aku peaks vastu pidama kuus-seitse tundi, mis tähendab, et tegu on ideaalse meelelahutajaga reisidel, sest peale mängimise saab sellega vaadata filme ja kuulata muusikat. PS Vita ühildub kõigi vanade mängudega, kuid mängude nimekiri, mille Sony on spetsiaalselt selle taskukonsooli tarvis välja lasknud, on esinduslik. Eriti tasuks

silma peal hoida seiklusmängul „Uncharted: Golden Abyss“. Vita WiFi versiooni hinnad algavad 250 eurost, 3G-versioon on natukene kallim.

A playful travel companion Cheering up all the gamers, Sony has n  launched a new tiny Playstation Vita game console at the end of February. The new Vita is expected to be more popular than any other handheld consoles currently on the market. PS Vita provides a gaming experience equaling the full size Playstation 3 game console, yet all the fun is portable and fits into a pocket. The device is equipped with an OLED


capacitive 5-inch touch screen, Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi, and optional 3G support. Two analogue sticks should enhance the gaming experience and make it comparable to large game consoles. In addition the graphics are akin to the last generation console. The battery life should be up to 6-7 hours, which means that the device would serv e as ideal entertainment while travelling somewhere since in addi-

tion to gaming, it also has options for film watching and listening to music. PS Vita is compatible with all the old games, and moreover, the game list Sony has issued specially for the pocket device is quite outstanding. Especially noteworthy is the "Uncharted: Golden Abyss" adventure game. Vita Wi-Fi version price range is upwards from about 250 Euros, the 3G version being a bit pricier.

in time march / april 2012

tehnika / gadgets

Klapid, mis tagavad vaikuse Bose on üks tunnustatumaid kvaliteetn  kõrvaklappide tootjaid, kelle toodetes seni pole pettuma pidanud. Bose QuietComfort 15 mürasummutavad kõrvaklapid on mõeldud neile, kes tahavad reisida rahulikult, sest need summutavad kõik väljast tulevad helid ning lubavad keskenduda põhilisele – kõrgekvaliteedilise ja kristallselgele muusikale. Mugavad ja sulgkerged, kõigest 200 grammi kaaluvad juhtmevabad klapid võimaldavad nautida helide maailma ilma laadimata lausa 35 tundi, kuid neid saab kasutada ka juhtmega ühendatult. Bose QuietComfort 15 töötab iPhone'i, iPadi ja iPodiga ning klapid maksavad u 300 eurot.

Head Phones Promising Silence

Prada teeb nüüd telefone

Nokia uus tulemine

Telefonide disain muutub ajaga aina n

Nokia on viimastel aastatel üle elanud n

olulisemaks ja seda on arvesse võtnud ka LG, kes on lasknud uusima Androidiga telefoni disainida Pradal. Tulemuseks on vapustavalt soliidne nutitelefon LG Prada 3.0. Disainitud pole üksnes telefoni üliõhukest, kõigest 8,5 mm paksust korpust, elegantse ja ainulaadse lahenduse on saanud ka telefoni kasutajaliides. Muus osas pole tegu seadmega, mis sisult ülemäära erineks kõikidest teistest Androidi tippmudelitest. 4,3-tolline ekraan, kahetuumaline 1 GHz protsessor, 8 GB sisemälu ja Android 2.3 on tänapäeval standardsed tehnilised näitajad, kuid vaevalt keegi seda telefoni üksnes nende pärast ostakski.

raskeid aegu, kuid paistab, et olukord paraneb tänu Nokia kokkuleppele Microsoftiga ja tolle aina enam populaarsust koguva Windows Phone 7.5 operatsioonisüsteemi kasutuselevõtule. Turule jõuavad nende kahe koostöö esimesed viljad Lumia sarjana. Uusim Lumia 710 pakub WP7 sujuvat ja voolavat ainulaadset kasutajaliidest koos Nokia kvaliteetse riistvaraga. Tegemist ei ole küll absoluutse tippmudeliga, kuid see sisaldab kõike, mida üks kasutaja võiks tänapäevaselt nutitelefonilt oodata, boonusena paljukiidetud Nokia kaardi- ja navigatsioonitarkvara.

Prada Is Manufacturing Smart Phones The design aspect of phones is becomn  ing increasingly critical and LG, considering this, has asked Prada to design their newest Android powered device. The result is the shockingly stylish smart phone LG Prada 3.0. Not just the super sleek 8.5 mm thin chassis has been fully designed, but also the solution of the user interface of the phone is elegant and unique. In other aspects, the device does not differ much from all the other Android top models. 4.3-inch display, 1 GHz processor, 8 GB internal memory and Android 2.3 are industry standards these days, and it is unlikely that anyone would make a purchase decision based on these technical specifications.

Bose is one of the noted manufactun

Nokia Returns

rers of quality head phones with production range that has not let anyone down so far. Bose QuietComfort 15 noise-cancelling head phones are designed for people, who want to travel in peace as they cancel out any external noises and allow the wearer to focus on the the highest priority – high definition crystal clear music. Comfortable and lightweight, the 200g cordless head phones allow the wearer to enjoy the world of sounds for 35 hours without recharging; however, they can be used with a cord as well. Bose QuietComfort 15 is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod, the price is set to about 300 Euros.

the past few years. Things seem to be picking up again, however, since Nokia has struck a deal with Microsoft and has began using the increasingly popular Windows Phone 7.5 operation system. The fruits of this cooperation will be marketed as the Lumia series. The newest Lumia 710 pairs the smooth and flowing unique user interface of WP7 with Nokia’s high quality hardware. Although it cannot be deemed an absolute top, it contains everything a user might expect from a state of the art smart phone with the added bonus of the praised map and navigation software by Nokia.

march / april 2012 in time

Nokia has been in somewhat of a rut n


tehnika / gadgets iPadi tujurikkuja

Õhuke kest, võimas sisu

Samsung on üks väheseid tootjaid, kes n  suudab oma tahvelarvutitega võistelda Apple'i kultusliku iPadiga. Tõsi, uue Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) rakenduste valik pole nii suurejooneline kui Apple'i seadmel, kuid see on väiksem, kergem ja käepärasem kui iPad 2. Tegu on Samsungi esimese tahvelarvutiga, mis tuleb kohe karbist välja Androidi värskeima versiooniga 4.0 ehk Ice Cream Sandwitch. Seitsmetollisel puutetundlikul ekraanil toimuvat liigutab kiire kahetuumaline 1 GHz protsessor ja see saabub müüki kahes erinevas versioonis: 16 ja 32 GB mudelina. Kui Apple'i piiratud maailm tundub ahistav, siis tasuks mõelda käepärasema ja odavama Androidi avatud maailmaga Galaxy Tabi tahvelarvuti soetamisele.

iPad Wowser Samsung is one of the rare manufacn  turers whose tablet computers are now able to compete against the iconic Apple iPad. Indeed, the range of applications available for the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) is not yet as grand as Apple provides for its device, however, the Galaxy Tab 2 is smaller, lighter and more convenient to use than the iPad2. It is also the first tablet computer by Samsung that comes equipped with the most recent Android version 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich. The movements at the 7-inch touchscreen are powered by a fast dual core 1 GHz processor, and it will be available in 16 and 32 GB versions. If the controlled world of Apple appears restricted, then the convenient and more favourably priced Galaxy Tab with the limitless world of Android is a valid option.


Selle aasta trend on, et sülearvutid n

See ei ole tavaline kaamera Neil, kelle jaoks tavalised kompaktn  kaamerad jäävad igavaks, tasub vaadata Canoni PowerShoti sarja uute kaamerate poole, mille lipulaev on ELPH 530 HS. Eriliseks teeb selle vastupidav ja robustne, eelkõige meestele suunatud disain, mis erineb tuntavalt värvilistest, säravatest ja libedatest kompaktkaameratest. Tehnilised näitajad ja võimalused peaksid kõigi fotohuviliste meeli erutama: üle WiFi saab automaatselt fotosid üles laadida, 20x optiline suum, 10-megapiksline sensor, 3,2-tolline puutetundlik ekraan ja FullHD video salvestamise võimalus. Müügile jõuab DIGIC 5 pildimootoriga Canon ELPH 530 HS aprillis. Hind u 350 eurot.

Not an Ordinary Camera The ones, who consider the ordinary n  compact cameras to be a bore, should take a look at the new cameras from the Canon PowerShot range with its flagship ELPH 530 HS. The special feature of this model is its endurable and robust male-targeted design that differs remarkably from the colourful, shiny, and sleek compact cameras. Technical specifications and options should excite anyone interested in photography: Wi-Fi connectivity for automatic photo upload, 20x optical zoom, 10 megapixel sensor, 3.2-inch touchscreen, and FullHD video recording capabilities. The DIGIC 5 image processor powered Canon ELPH 530 HS will be available at stores in April. The price will be about 350 Euros.

muutuvad aina õhemaks ja kergemaks, arvutusvõimsuses järele andmata. Selliste sülearvutite kategooria on saanud isegi oma nime – ultrabook'id – ja seda tutvustas maailmale Apple oma imeõhukese MacBook Airiga. Kõik teisedki vähegi arvestatavad tootjad liiguvad samas suunas. Dell tutvustas äsja oma arusaama ultrabook'ist nimega Dell XPS 13. Kõigest 1,35 kg kaaluvasse elegantsesse alumiiniumist ja süsinikkiust korpusesse on peidetud lauaarvutiga võrdne võimsus. 13-tolline Gorilla klaasist ekraan tagab vastupidavuse ja 128 või 256 GB SSD-ketas arvuti ülikiire käivitumise ning töö.

Super Slim Chassis, Powerful Content The trend of the year is that the n  laptops are becoming gradually thinner and lighter, not giving up the portion of computer power. This new category of laptops is known by a new name, ultra books, presented to the world by Apple with its ultra thin MacBook Air. All the other serious manufacturers are heading down the same path. Dell recently introduced its vision of the ultra book Dell XPS 13. The elegant aluminium and carbon fibre chassis that weights mere 1.35 kg contains a power equal to any desktop. 13-inch Gorilla glass display ensures endurance and 128 or 256 GB SSD ultra rapid power up and operation of the computer.

in time march / april 2012

Tuliuus Range Rover Evoque – kõige väiksem, kergem ja kütusesäästlikum Range Rover, mida maailm eales näinud. Stiilne, jõulise välimusega cross-coupé toob tipptasemel meisterlikkuse, luksuse, soorituse ning Land Roverile omase maastikuläbivuse esile senisest elegantsemal ja kompaktsemal kujul. Selle jätkusuutliku elustiili esindaja CO2 emissioon on vaid 130 g/km ning keskmine kütusekulu 4,9 l / 100 km kohta. Mudel on saadaval nii neli- kui esiveolise versioonina. Dünaamiline, kõigil maastikel ühtviisi vilgas ning kõigil pinnastel võimekas - Adaptive Dynamics ja MagneRideTM, Land Rover Terrain Response™ on Evoque’i ainulaadsed abimehed. TULE JA KOGE STIILSEMAT SÕIDUELAMUST Inchcape Motors Eesti OÜ Läike tee 38, Peetri alevik, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa tel 663 0600, e-post,,

autod / cars Tekst: mariliis pinn Fotod: tootjad

BMW M saab diiselmootori

BMW M goes diesel

Baieri autotootja on andnud uue ilme n

The Bavarian car manufacturer BMW n

BMW X6-le, mille mudelivalikusse toob erksust BMW X6 M50d ehk diisel-M-versioon. Võimsate diiselmootoritega versioonid saavad ka 5. seeria ja X5. Uuel X6-l on sama 3.0-liitrine rida 6 TwinPower-turbodiiselmootor, mis praegusel mudelil, kuid kolme turboga annab see 381 hj ja uskumatu väändemomendi 740 Nm. Auto on kiirem kui nii mõnigi Porsche – vaid 5,3 sekundit nullist sajani. BMW teatab, et uue auto kütusekulu on mõistlik – 6,3 liitrit/ 100 km ja CO2 emissioon vaid 204 g/km. Välimust on natuke muudetud: iluvõre on pisut laiem, udutuled värske olekuga. Uued õhuavad tagavad parema jahutuse ja esiosa stabiilsuse. Auto hind algab 85 800 eurost. Kellele X6 ei meeldi, siis on olemas ka pisut odavam sama mootoriga tuliuus X5 M50d, mis on samuti parema aerodünaamika ja juhitavuse huvides uue ilme saanud. Saksamaal saab auto kätte 82 300 euroga. 8.–18. märtsini toimuval Genfi autonäitusel näidatakse uut diiselmootoriga 5. seeria M550d xDrive’i, kus on ühendatud kõik, mida poisikesehingega pereisa tahta võiks. Auto, mille tulekust sahistati kuluaarides juba ammu, maksab ilmselt 80 800 eurot. Autol on sama kolme turboga mootor, mis uutel vingetel X5-l ja X6-l.

X6 has gotten a makeover, the model range has been spiced up with the new BMW X6 M50d (aka diesel M). Also BMW 5 series and X5 will get powerful diesel engine versions. The new X6 has the same 3.0-litre inline 6-cylinder TwinPower technology Turbo diesel engine as the current model does; however with its three turbos it will output 381 horsepower and unbelievable 740 Nm (Newton metre) of torque. The vehicle is faster than several Porsche models – accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in a mere 5.3 seconds. BMW states that the average fuel consumption will be reasonable: 6.3 litres per 100/km, the CO2 emissions being curbed to 204 g/km. The exterior has been altered slightly: the grille is a bit wider and the fog lights have a novel look. New air intake bars ensure better cooling and the front end has better stability. The prices range upwards from 85,800 Euros. For those not so keen on the X6 model, a brand new, slightly more affordable


X5 M50d is available, which has had a makeover as well to improve aerodynamics and steering. The vehicle is available for 82,300 Euros in Germany. The Geneva Motor Show will be held from the 8th to the 18th of March 2012 and will showcase the new 5 series M550 xDrive with a diesel engine, combining everything that a family man who’s a boy at heart could ever dream of. It has been rumored for a while that this motor vehicle will be in the works for 2012 and will likely set one back by 80,000 Euros. The vehicle is flaunting the same triple turbo engine that the new state of the art X5 and X6 have been equipped with.

in time march / april 2012

autod / cars Aston Martin DB5 sõitis uue Bondi filmi võtetel

Aston Martin DB5 spotted on the set of the new Bond movie

Šotimaal nähti uue James Bondi filmi n

An Aston Martin DB5 with license n

„Skyfall” võtetel ringi sõitvat üht Aston Martin DB5, mis kannab numbrimärk BMT 216A. Sama sõidukiga kimas Bond ringi 1964. aasta „Goldfingeris”, kus salaagenti mängis Sean Connery. Aston Martin Silver Birch’i peetakse maailma kuulsaimaks autoks, kuigi ta pole kunagi ühtki Oscarit saanud. Aston Martinit on kasutatud ka „Thunderballi”, „Goldeneye”, „Tommorrow Never Dies” ning „Casino Royali” võtetel. 1964. DB5 oli spiooni unistuste sõiduk: seal olid relvad, katapultiste, ogadega veljed ja pöörlevad numbrimärgid. Uues linateoses mängib peaosa Daniel Craig. „Skyfall” esilinastub 9. novembril 2012.

plates BMT 216A has been spotted driving around the set of the new James Bond movie, “Skyfall,” in Scotland. The same vehicle appeared in Goldfinger back in 1964, driven by the secret agent played by Sean Connery. Aston Martin Silver Birch is probably the most famous motor vehicle in the world, although the car itself has never received any Oscars. Aston Martin has been used on the sets of Thunderball, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and Casino Royale. The BD5 of 1964 was the dream vehicle of a spy: equipped with ma-

chine guns, an ejector seat, chariot-style slicing wheels and revolving license plates. In the new motion picture the lead is played by Daniel Craig. Skyfall will premiere on November 9, 2012.

Ferrari California powering up n Ferrari announced a more power-

Ferrari California kogub võimu Ferrari teatas, et ehitab California kabn  rioletist võimsama ja kergema versiooni, mida saab näha Genfi autonäitusel. Maranello imeinsenerid on auto mootorist 30 lisahobujõudu välja võlunud, mis


tähendab, et see annab välja 490 hj. Auto on 30 kg kergemaks tehtud ja kaalub nüüd vaid 1705 kg. See kõik on 0–100 km/h kiirendust parandanud sajandiksekundi võrra – 3,9 sekundist on saanud 3,8. Lisaks on uuel Ferraril uued värvivalikud.

ful and lighter version of its California convertible that will debut at the Geneva Motor Show. Maranello engineering miracle workers have conjured up 30 additional horsepower for the engine, giving it 490 horsepower in total. The new car is 30 kg lighter and weights a mere 1705 kg. All this has improved its acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h by one hundredth of a second: 3.9 seconds has been reduced to 3.8. In addition, the updated Ferrari California will be available with more colour options.

in time march / april 2012

teadus / science Tekst: Arko Olesk · Fotod: Wikipedia ja Stock.XCHNG

Kui suur on meie veejalajälg?

What Is The Size of Our Water Footprint?

Aastas kulutab keskmine maakera n

The research scientists from the n

elanik veekoguse, mis võrdub 8650 vannitäiega, arvutasid välja Hollandi Twente ülikooli teadlased. See pole üksnes kodus kraanist alla lastud kogus, kaasa on arvatud kõigi inimese tarbitavate toodete valmimiseks kulunud vesi – tulemus ongi inimese veejalajälg. Maakera keskmine on 1385 kuupmeetrit, suurimad veekulutajad elavad Ameerikas, kus ühe inimese heaks voolab aastas 2842 kuupmeetrit. Suur osa selles on ameeriklaste lihalembusel, sest loomaliha kasvatamine nõuab väga palju vett. Teadlased juhivad tähelepanu, et umbes viiendik inimese veejalajäljest tekib kusagil mujal kui tema kodumaal, enamasti arengumaades. Enamik veest kulub puuvilla, sojaubade ja teraviljade kasvatamiseks. Näiteks ühe kilo puuvilla kasvatamine nõuab 15 000 liitrit ehk 15 kuupmeetrit vett.

University of Twente, Netherlands, have calculated that average water consumption per individual consumer per year in the world is a volume equal to 8,650 full bath tubs of water. The total volume of water used does not refer only to the direct water use at home, but also to the indirect water use i.e. the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the person; the sum of the direct and indirect freshwater used by the consumer is the water footprint of a person. The global average water footprint is 1,385 cubic metres, and the highest consumers live in the United States, where the water footprint is 2,842 cubic metres. This is largely due to Americans’ preference for red meat as raising beef cattle requires large amounts of freshwater. The research scientists are emphasising that about one fifth of a person’s water footprint is generated outside of their home country, usually in third world countries. The majority of the water is consumed by growing cotton, soy bean, and grains. For example, cultivating one kilogram of cotton takes 15,000 litres of freshwater.

The Oldest Living Thing Spreading at the Bottom of the Mediterranean The seaweed field spreading around n

Vanim elusolend lokkab Vahemere põhjas Mererohuvaip Baleaaridesse kuuluva n  Formentera saare külje all on umbes 80 000 aastat vana. Mererohu vanus võib ulatuda lausa 200 000 aastani, tõdevad seda organismi uurinud teadlased. Liiki Posidonia oceanica kuuluv mererohi paljuneb kloonimise teel, seega on järeltulijad vanemaga alati geneetiliselt identsed. Vahemere põhjas 40 eri paigas mererohuvaipu uurinud teadlased leidsid suurima Baleaaride lähistelt. Teades rohu aastast juurdekasvu, oligi lihtne järeldada, et 15 kilomeetri pikkune vaip on kasvamiseks vajanud vähemalt 80 000 aastat. Hoolimata sellest, et mererohi on pika aja jooksul palju üle elanud, kardavad teadlased, et praegune kliima soojenemine võib taimvanuri jaoks olla liig. Vahemeri soojeneb kolm korda kiiremini kui teised mered.


the Balearic Formentera Island is about 80 thousand years old. The scientists researching the life form have revealed that the age of the sea organism could be 200 thousand years entirely. The plant Posidonia oceanica reproduces itself by cloning, therefore the progeny are always genetically identical to the parent. The research scientists exploring the seaweed meadows at the floor of the Mediterranean in 40 separate areas, found the largest prairie in the Balearics. Knowing the slow annual growth rate of the plant, it was easy to deduct that at least 15 km long prairie of Posidonia had taken at least 80,000 years to reach its current dimensions. Despite the remarkable endurance of the organism during its lengthy life, scientists fear that the ongoing climate change could bring about the decline of the ancient plant. The Mediterranean is warming about three times faster than the world average.

in time march / april 2012

teadus / science Miks on sebral triibud?

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

Bioloogid on kaua vaielnud selle üle, n

The biologists have long debated n

mis kasu on sebral triipudest. Rootsi teadlaste katse näitas üht võimalikku põhjust – triibud ei meeldi parmudele. Lundi ülikooli teadlased Susanne Åkessoni juhtimisel uurisid, keda vereimejad parmud eelistavad. Nad seadsid ühte parmudest kubisevasse Ungari hobusefarmi üles loomakujud, mida eristas üksteisest vaid värvus. Tumedamate ja heledamate kõrval valmistasid teadlased ka erineva triibumustriga kujusid. Kujud kaeti kleepainega, mistõttu oli hiljem hea üle lugeda, kui palju parme nende peale istuda üritas. Kõige ligitõmbavamad olid tumedakarvalised loomad. Selgus ka, et triibud hoidsid parme tõhusamalt eemale kui hele karvkate ning kõige parem oli täpselt selline muster, mis kaunistab sebrasid. Teadlased seletavad seda valguse tagasipeegeldumise viisiga. Tumedalt pinnalt peegelduv valgus on polariseeritud ning mida polariseeritum valgus, seda rohkem putukaid ligi meelitab. Kuna parmud levitavad haigusi, on triibulisel karvkattel selged evolutsioonilised eelised. „Seni oleme koduloomi aretanud lähtuvalt nende lihavõi piimatoodangust,“ arutles evolutsiooniökoloog Åkesson. „Me pole pööranud tähelepanu karva värvile ega mustrile. Aga ehk peaks seda tegema.“

over the utility of stripes for the zebra. An experiment performed by Swedish researchers indicated one likely reason: the gadflies do not like the stripes. A team of researchers from the Lund University, Sweden, lead by Susanne Åkesson, investigated the preferences of the blood sucking gadflies. They set up models of animals of different colours at a Hungarian horse farm swarming with gadflies. Besides darker and lighter ones, the researchers also prepared few models with various striped patterns. The models were covered with adhesive, and therefore it was easier to count afterwards the gadflies attempting to land on the models. The gadflies deemed the darker animals most attractive. In addition, it was revealed that the stripes deterred gadflies better than a fair coloured fur; and the most effective deterrent was the zebra print. The research scientists attribute this phenomenon to the ways the light is reflected back. The light reflecting off the darker surface is polarised, and the more polarised the light, the more insects it attracts. As the gadflies spread diseases, the striped fur is boasting clear evolutionary advantages. “So far we have bred domestic animals based on their yield of meat or milk," an evolutionary ecologist Susanne Åkesson argued. “We have neglected to pay attention to the hues and patterns of the fur. Perhaps we should do that after all.”

Venelased jõudsid jääaluse järveni Vähemalt 15 miljonit aastat väliskeskn  konnast eraldatud Vostoki järveni jõudsid inimesed esmakordselt veebruari alguses, kui venelaste puur seda katvast ligi nelja kilomeetri paksusest jääkilbist viimaks läbi murdis. Antarktika jää all peituvad mageveejärved on teadlasi paelunud just nende kaua kestnud isolatsiooni tõttu. Loodetakse, et järvevesi pakub võimaluse heita pilk iidsesse aega ja kohata elusorganisme, peamiselt küll baktereid ja viiruseid, kes on täiesti

march / april 2012 in time

ainulaadsed. Sel eesmärgil alustaski Venemaa 20 aasta eest Vostoki järve suunas puurimist. Avastusi tuleb veel oodata, sest talv peletas teadlased enne, kui oli võimalik veeproove võtta. Samalaadset puurimisprojekti kavandavad Antarktikas ka britid.

Russians Reaching a Sub-Glacial Lake Lake Vostok, untouched and isolated for n  at least 15 million years was reached for the first time in the beginning of February this year, when the Russian drilling machine finally broke through the four kilometre thick ice shield sealing the lake. The freshwater lakes hidden under the Antarctic ice have attracted research scientists because of their long term complete isolation. It is hoped that the lake water will offer a glimpse into prehistoric times and at unique life forms, essentially bacteria and viruses. For that end Russia started the drilling at the Vostok Station 20 years ago. The discoveries will have to wait for a while longer since the descending winter season chased the researchers from the site before they had a chance to collect any water samples. The Brits are planning a similar drilling project in Antarctica.



Singapuri lennundusmess 2012 Tekst: kalev vapper majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeerium Fotod: kalev vapper ja Singapore Airshow

Maailma üht suuremat

lennundus- ja kaitseteemalist näitust, 14.-19. veebruarini peetud Singapuri lennundusmessi (Singapore Airshow 2012) külastas tänavu 145 000 inimest. Singapuri mess oli tähtis ka Eesti lennundusele. Nimelt allkirjastas majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Juhan Parts koos Singapuri transpordiministri Lui Tuck Yew'ga seal Eesti ja Singapuri vahelise lennundusleppe, mille eesmärk on luua lennuühendus Eesti ja Singapuri vahel. Külastajaid vaimustasid Singapuri, Malaisia, Ameerika Ühendriikide ja Austraalia õhujõudude pilootide demonstratsioonesinemised. Näha oma silmaga ristuvate kurssidega, ca 100 m kõrgusel kihutavaid, püstloodis taevasse sööstvaid või surmasõlmi tegevaid hävitajaid on erakordne elamus. Lennumeisterlikkust näidanud Singapuri õhujõudude piloodid demonstreerisid rahvale, mida suudavad hävitajad F-15SG ja F-16C. Debüüdi tegi Malaisia kuninglike õhujõudude MiG-29N meeskond Smokey Bandits. Taevas trikitas ka legendaarne Austraalia piloot Tony Blair, kes lendas ühe propelleriga lennukil Rebel 300. Ilusa vaatemängu korraldasid Austraalia kuninglike õhujõudude Roulette’id. Maa peal paelusid külastajaid Boeing 787 Dreamliner ja Airbus Military mitmekülgne tanker A330 MRTT.

Põhitöö käis näituseboksides:

RAAF PC-9 Roulettes Photo: Commonwealth of Australia


maailma lennundusringkonnad sõlmisid kokkuleppeid ja ostu-müügi tehinguid. Suurimaks kõigist kokkulepetest oli Indoneesia lennufirma Lion Air sõlmitud tehing 201 Boeing 737MAX ja 29 Boeing 737-900 ostmiseks. Tänavune mess oli märk Aasia riikide turuosa kasvust maailma lennunduses ja kaitsetööstuses, eriti võrreldes Euroopa ja Ameerika Ühendriikide vaoshoitud eelarvetega. Lisaks suurostule sõlmis näiteks Lion Air ostulepingud äriklassi reaktiivlennukitele ning turbopropeller- ja laiakerelistele lennukitele. Suure osa võttis enda alla militaarekspositsioon, kuna Aasia otsib jõudude tasakaalu: Hiina

in time march / april 2012

sihtkoht kiire areng sunnib Indiat kulutama märkimisväärseid summasid õhujõududele, Lõuna-Korea tugevus paneb naaberriike ostma uusi hävitajad ja merepatrull-lennukeid. Oma õhujõudude varustatust parandavad kõik Aasia riigid. Ostude puhul on olulised märksõnad: suurem täpsus, paremad sensorid, ökonoomsus ja taskukohane hind. Samad märksõnad kehtivad ka tsiviillennunduses, kus tähtsal kohal on mõistagi reisijate mugavus.

Singapuri lennundusmess 2012 Kohal oli 60 ettevõtet 100 tähtsamast lennuettevõttest, 20 ala tippjuhti pidasid n  ettekande.

Spetsialistidele mõeldud nelja esimese päeva jooksul tutvus näitusega 45 000 asjan  tundjat 128 riigist.

Kaheks viimaseks näitusepäevaks, mis olid mõeldud tavakülastajatele, n  müüdi 100 000 piletit eeltellimustena.

Näituse pind suurenes sel aastal 50 000 ruutmeetrini. n  Näha sai üle 65 sõja-, reisi- ja eralennuki. n  Oma stendiga oli esindatud 22 riiki, esmakordselt tutvustasid n  end Jaapan ja Ukraina.

Teatati rekordsuurest tehingute mahust – 31 miljardist dollarist. Tulusaid n  tehinguid sõlmisid teiste seas Boeing, Airbus, Pratt & Whitney, CFM ja ATR. Tehingute maht kasvas 2010. aastaga võrreldes kolm korda. Järgmine Singapuri lennundusmess toimub 11.-16.02.2014 Changi Exhibition n  Centre’is.

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Juhan Parts ja Singapuri transpordiminister Lui Tuck Yew allkirjastamas Eesti ja Singapuri vahelist lennunduslepet.

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march / april 2012 in time


aviation RSAF F-16C (üleval) ja F-15SG (all) näitavad vertikaallööki. The RSAF F-16C (above) and F-15SG (below) displaying a Vertical Punch. Photo: MINDEF

Text: kalev vapper Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Photos: kalev vapper and Singapore Airshow

Singapore Air Show 2012 86

in time march / april 2012

aviation One of the largest aerospace and air force themed events, the Singapore Air Show 2012, was held from 14 to 19 February, and hosted 145,000 visitors. The Singapore show was important to Estonian aviation. Namely, Mr. Juhan Parts, the Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications and Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, the Singapore Minister of Transportation have signed an aviation agreement aiming to create a flight route between Estonia and Singapore. The visitors enjoyed watching the aerobatic feats of the air force pilots of Singapore, Malaysia, United States, and Australia. It is an extraordinary experience to see fighter planes crossing paths, tearing through the sky at 100 meters, charging directly upwards, and making loops. The pilots of Singapore Air Force demonstrated their flying skills and the capabilities of F-15SG and F-16C fighters. The Royal Malaysian Air Force made its debut with its MiG-29N team Smokey Bandits. Australia’s legendary Tony Blair in his single propeller Rebel 300 gave a stunt aerobatic performance. The Roulettes of the Royal Australian Air Force carried out a stunning display. Down on the ground, the visitors were drawn to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus Military A330 MRTT multi-role tanker.

balance of forces: Chinas rapid expansion of forces is forcing India to spend significant resources on its air force and the strength of South Korea compels the neighbours to purchase new fighters and maritime patrol aircrafts. All the Asian countries are upgrading their air forces. When it comes to major purchases, the main keywords are: improved accuracy, enhanced sensors, value for money, and affordability. Same keywords apply also in civil aviation, where one additional important consideration is passenger comfort.

Singapore Air Show 2012 60 of the top 100 aerospace companies were represented, 20 top executin  ves of the field delivered presentations.

During the four industry member days about 45,000 specialist from 128 n  countries visited the show.

For the two last days when the air show was open to the public, 100,000 n  pre-order tickets were sold. There were no tickets available at the venue.

The exhibition space was increased to 50,000 square metres. n  Over 65 of the state of the art military aircraft, passenger carriers, and n  business/private jets were on display.

22 national stands/pavilions; Japan and Ukraine for the first time n  Unprecedented deals – a total of 31 billion USD. Among others, Boeing, Airn

bus, Pratt &Whitney, CFM, and ATR were able to strike profitable deals. Compared to 2010, the volume of deals tripled. Next biennial Singapore Air Show will be held from 11 to 16 February 1014 at n  the Changi Exhibition Centre.

The real work got done at the exhibition stands: the global aviation circles were striking deals and signing purchase contracts. An historic deal was done by Indonesia's Lion Air; the company ordered 201 Boeing 737MAX twinjets and 29 Boeing 737-900s. The 2012 air show showed a growth of market share in Asia for the global aviation and defence industry, especially against the backdrop of the timid budgets of Europe and US. In addition to the massive purchase, Lion Air placed an order for a number of business and turbo propeller jets and wide body aircrafts. A large part of the show was dedicated to military expositions as Asia is trying to strike a

march / april 2012 in time


reis / travelling


kohta, mida Singapuris külastada places to visit at Singapore Tekst ja fotod / Text and photos: Tarmo Premet


Sky Park

Singapuri üks võimsamaid ja kuulsan  maid vaatamisväärsusi hotell Sands Sky Park koosneb kolmest väga kõrgest tornmajast, mille katuseks on lahtine paadikujuline spaakeskus koos maailma suurima 150-meetrise lahtise basseiniga. Mõnusalt lõõgastudes ja ujudes 200 meetri kõrgusel basseinis avaneb maaliline vaade kogu Singapurile. Seda saab kogeda vaid ühes kohas terves maailmas! A must-see attraction in Singapore is n  Sands Sky Park Hotel consisting of three skyscrapers covered by a boat-shaped spa centre with the worlds largest 150-metre outdoor pool. You can relax and swim there at 200 metres above ground while enjoying a picturesque view on Singapore.



Ligi 20 hektaril laiuv Jurongi linnupark n  on üks selle maailmajao suuremaid. Suur osa Jurongi 8000 linnust elab pargis vabalt. Nende elukeskkond on tehtud niivõrd mugavaks, et nad ei tahagi sealt lahkuda. Sama võib öelda ka külastajate kohta. Amfiteatrit meenutaval väljakul korraldatakse etendusi, kus suured kotkad ja muud linnud oma oskusi näitavad.

Bird Park In Singapore, a visit to the Jurong Bird n  Park is highly recommended. With its 20 hectares it is one of the largest in the world. The majority of about 8,000 birds in Jurong are not captives, but free. Thy find the surrounding environment so comfortable, that they simply don’t want to leave. The same applies to the Parks visitors. The programme includes shows where large eagles and other birds show their skills.


reis / travelling 3



Sentosa saar

Loomasõpradele kohustuslikul öön

Kuni 1967. aastani asus sellel saarel n

safaril on kaks rada, millest ühe saab läbida vaid rongis koos giidiga, teine on jalgsimatkajatele. Loomi on võimalik näha väga lähedalt. Öise jalutuskäigu teevad huvitavaks ümberringi kostvad loomade ja lindude häälitsused. Loomadel pole aedu ümber, ohtlikud on inimesest eraldatud sügavate kraavidega, mis esmapilgul silma ei hakka. Karu või mõnda muud kiskjat lähedalt nähes võib ehmuda, kui ei tea, et loomaaed on väga turvaliseks tehtud. 3000 asukaga Singapuri loomaaed on üks paremaid kogu Aasias.

brittide sõjabaas. 1970. aastal alustas valitsus puhke- ja lõõgastuskompleksi rajamist, et inimesed saaksid nautida kaunist loodust. Sellest ka nimi Sentosa, mis tähendab rahu ja vaikust. Praegu on saar ideaalne koht meelelahutuseks ning mõnusaks puhkuseks. Võimalik on tutvuda veealuse maailmaga ja mängida golfi.

Night Safari With some 3,000 wildlife animals, the n  Singapore Zoo is one of the best in Asia. The Night Safari has two routes, one of them by train and with a guide and another one on foot. Visitors will be able to see animals very closely. The main attractions of the night-time walk are the sounds made by the animals and birds nearby and the thrilling fact that there are no fences surrounding them. An unexpected and close encounter with a bear or some other predator may be a real shock if one forgets how conscious the Zoo is about security.



Igas endast lugupidavas suurlinnas n  peab olema vaateratas. Nii ka Singapuris. 16 euro eest saab lunastada pileti 30-minutilise sõidu nautimiseks. The Singapore Flyeri nime kandva vaateratta läbimõõt on 150 meetrit ja selle kõrgus ulatub 165 meetrini ehk 42-korruselise maja kõrguseni.

Singapore Flyer Every major city should have an obsern  vation wheel, and Singapore has one. For 16 euros you can enjoy a 30-minute ride on The Singapore Flyer that has a diameter of 150 metres and is 165 metres above land, the height of a 42-storey building.

Sentosa Until 1967, this island was a British milin  tary base. In 1970 the government decided to convert it into a holiday and leisure resort and a nature attraction for visitors. The island was renamed „Sentosa”, which in Malay means peace and tranquility. Today, Sentosa is a perfect place for entertainment and a fulfilling holiday. One can explore its underwater world, play golf or simply rest on the beach. It is ideal for family vacation or for spending leisure time.



Et kogeda tõelist rahvakultuuri ja linnan  melu, tuleb alati külastada kohalikke turge. Singapur on selleks hea koht, sest ühes linnas on mitme rahvuse turud suhteliselt lähestikku. Pidevalt tunglev rahvahulk annab aimu kohalike elustiilist. Kõige põnevamad on aga nendel turgudel kohalikud toidud, ka kõige kriitilisem gurmaan peaks rahule jääma.

Market In order to experience a city's local n  culture and buzz, one must visit the local market. Singapore is one of the best places for that, since it has several markets with different cultures relatively close by. These crowded places create the authentic feeling and offer a glimpse into the lifestyle of locals. If you are looking for exciting discoveries, try local food.


Estonia Loksa Paldiski




Maardu Kehra

Keila Saue



KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Kiviõli Püssi Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva




VILJANDI Elva Otepää



Government Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n

In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

year olds. Most of the 582 schools are state schools; 62 schools offer education in Russian. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.


National Holidays

80% of all believers are Protestant n

1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 67.9% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 25.6%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.


Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. Prior to the Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.


Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 70% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

in time march / april 2012

Welcome to Estonian Air Estonian Air news About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air news New livery of Estonian Air aircraft Estonian Air presented its new livery which will be covering the n  new Embraer 170 aircraft which joined the fleet in February. The new livery includes traditional Estonian Air colours and the Estonian national flower—the cornflower. Ornaments have been added as well as a new rising line to represent Estonian Air’s fresh brand concept which symbolizes being forward-looking and innovative.

Estonian Airi lennukitel on uus kujundus

Estonian Air's new fleet will be all Embraer E-Jets

Veebruaris Eestisse saabunud Estonian Airi uued Embraer 170 n

Estonian Air has selected Embraer’s family of E-Jets for their n

tüüpi lennukid said uue kujunduse. Uues kujunduses on kasutatud Estonian Airi värve, millele on lisatud Eesti rahvuslille – rukkilille – sümbol ja tõusujoon, mis läbib kogu Estonian Airi brändikontseptsiooni ning rõhutab tulevikku vaatamist ja edasipürgimist.

new fleet. The air carrier and Embraer signed a contract for the purchase of three E175’s and one E190. Estonian Air will also take four E170’s and four E190’s under a combination of lease agreements. The four E170’s leased from Finnair entered service in February, while the aircrafts on firm order will be delivered on the second half-year of 2014. “We see tremendous potential for European carriers, if they would only replace their older-generation aircrafts and embrace the concept of right-sizing,” said Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, President, Embraer Commercial Aviation. “We chose Embraer E-Jets to replace our current fleet because the One aircraft family concept offers the capacity flexibility we need to pursue our immediate expansion and fleet modernization,” said Tero Taskila, President of Estonian Air.

Estonian Airi lennukipark koosneb peagi vaid Embraeri E-Jetidest Estonian Air on valinud oma uuteks lennukiteks Embraeri n  E-Jetid. Lennufirma sõlmis Embraeriga lepingu kolme Embraer 175 ja ühe Embraer 190 ostmiseks. Peale nende võtab Estonian Air rendile veel kaheksa lennukit: neli Embraer 170-t ja neli Embraer 190-t. Esimesed neli Finnairilt liisitud lennukit E170 lendavad alates veebruarist. Tellitud lennukid jõuavad kohale 2014. aasta teises pooles. „Euroopa lennufirmadel on tohutult arenguvõimalusi, kui nad vahetavad välja oma vanema põlvkonna lennukid ja võtavad omaks põhimõtte kasutada õige suurusega lennukeid,” märkis Embraeri kommertslendude president Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva. „Valisime Embraer E-Jeti tüüpi lennukid oma praeguste asemele, sest üht tüüpi lennukite kasutamine võimaldab meil lende paindlikult planeerida ning just seda on vaja, et kiirelt tegevust laiendada ja lennukipark moderniseerida,” selgitas Estonian Airi president Tero Taskila.

Estonian Air viib Euroopa reisimängu mängijad lendama Euroopa reisimängu ja Estonian Airi kampaanias loositakse mai n  lõpus välja neli lennupiletit vabalt valitud sihtkohta. Karp tasub kindlasti alles hoida, sest seal on kirjas võitja kood. „Euroopa reis” on ühtaegu nii väga lihtne, lõbus ja haarav lauamäng kui ka sisukas, huvitav ja hariv väike entsüklopeedia. Info:

Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab taksot tellida Esimese lennufirmana avas Estonian Air koostöös Cabforce. n  com-iga oma klientidele juurdepääsu taksode, esindusautode ja väikebusside tellimise ja nende eest tasumise teenusele. Estonian Airi kliendid saavad uut teenust kasutada lennufirma kodulehel koos lennupiletite tellimisega. pakub kõiki makse ja tasusid sisaldavat fikseeritud hinda ning võimalust tasuda krediitkaardiga turvalises keskkonnas.


Estonian Air gives tickets to “Trip Around Europe” players Players of the board game “Trip n  Around Europe” will get four tickets from Estonian Air to the destination of their choice at the end of May. The code will be on the box which the game came in, so please keep it! “Trip Around Europe” is a very simple and entertaining board game that also offers comprehensive and educational knowledge! Info:

Estonian Air to team up with Estonian Air is the first airline to provide access to the services n  of on its website. This European online booking service includes taxis, executive cars and minibuses. Estonian Air passengers can now make bookings at the same time as their flight tickets. online booking system offers a car with a fixed price and customers pay on a secure site with a credit card.

in time march / april 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer

Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national carrier of Estonia, provides both busin

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi ja Vilniusse. Estonian Air avab 2012. aasta kevadest lennuliinud uutesse n  sihtkohtadesse: Helsingi, Riia, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Viin, Veneetsia, Joensuu, Kajaani ja Thbilisi. Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Kuressaarde ja Tartusse. Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, Boieng 737-500, CRJ-900 n  NextGen ja SAAB 340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian Air n  Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kahe 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalun  kaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

ness travellers and tourists direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, Kuressaare, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Trondheim and Vilnius. In spring 2012 Estonian Air will be opening new destinations n  to Helsinki, Riga, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Vienna, Venice, Joensuu, Kajaani and Tbilisi. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code-share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, n  AeroSvit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, Boieng 737-500, n  CRJ-900 NextGen and SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring of 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary comn  pany called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with two 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n  liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:


Estonian Air newsletter Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan  tion about Estonian Air offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, visit Estonian Air homepage. More information:

in time march / april 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer EuroBonuse programm

EuroBonus programme

Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n

Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n

mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta sõltumata vanusest. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt: collecting-eurobonus-points/

EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. EuroBonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: collecting-eurobonus-points/

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitan  da, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.


Points can also be collected afterwards If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still n  apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.

Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiarein  siks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! Broneeringut EuroBonuse punktide eest on võimalik teha SAS EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any n  Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Make an award trip booking via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits: More information about other airlines. EuroBonus benefits:

Punktitabel / point chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi) / Flights to and from Tallinn

Eco pilet (hinnaklassid Eco pilet (hinnaklassid L,K,U, Flex Eco pilet (hinnaklassid Y, S ja B) / Flexible W,Q,H,E ja M) / Economy A,G,T, V ja Z) / Discount economy class tickets class tickets (Fare classes fare tickets (Fare (Fare classes Y,S,B) L,K,U,W,Q,H,E,M) classes A,G,T, V, Z)

Business-pilet (hinnaklassid C, D ja J) / Business class tickets (Fare classes C,D,J)

Kuressaaare, Vilnius, St. Petersburg, Riga





Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Trondheim, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Kajaani





Amsterdam, Kiev, Brussels, Paris, London, Moscow, Hannover, Vienna





Barcelona, Nice, Tbilisi, Venice










Lennud algusega Kuressaarest (ja vastupidi) / Flights to and from Kuressaare Tallinn










march / april 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Ärikliendiprogramm Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n  tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad n  kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Paindlikud tingimused Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile n  paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, n  Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

Corporate Programme Estonian Air’s Corporate Programme offers more flexible condin  tions for companies and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Tickets with fixed prices Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subn  scribers purchase tickets for fixed prices for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, we extend the offer of fixed prices for the subsequent 12 months.

Flexible conditions Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the n  departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class checkin. With a Flex n  Eco ticket 2x23 kg pieces of baggage and with a Business class ticket 2x32kg of free baggage is allowed in addition to free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge prior to departure. Personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:


in time march / april 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer SME ärikliendiprogramm

SME Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja n

Estonian Air SME programme is designed for small and medium n

keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne, tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte.
 Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

enterprises. Joining the programme is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your online corporate client account. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social Responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which is operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

Flex ECO

Hinna komponendid

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

Fare calendar in Estonian Air webpage Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a look at n  our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.


Pileti tagastamine


Pileti muutmine EuroBonus punktid

Fare components


75 EUR + hinnaklassi vahe 75 EUR + Fare difference

Hhinnaklassi vahe Fare difference

Hhinnaklassi vahe Fare difference




Change EuroBonus points

Istekoha ettetellimine

Adv. seat reservation

Äriklassi check-in

Business Class check-in

Äriklassi ootesaal

Lounge access

Fast Track turvakontroll valitud lennujaamas

Fast Track security selected airports


Cabin paggage

Äraantav pagas Pagasi lisaühik

40 EUR


march / april 2012 in time

1 ühik / 1 piece

2 ühikut / 2 piece

2 ühikut / 2 piece

Checked baggage

40 EUR

40 EUR

40 EUR

Add. piece bef dep

Leia endale õige pilet / Find the right ticket Varasele ostjale mõeldud ECO piletihinnad algavad 27.60 eurost / ECO ticket prices starts from 27.60 € to early buyer LIGHT-pileti hind algab 29.90 eurost / LIGHT ticket price starts from 29.90

Compl. on-board service


enne lendu / before the flight Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

Rendiauto, takso ja majutus Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n  lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsi- kui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.

Äriklassi ootesaal Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n  mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

Flight tickets from the internet Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n  flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, flight date and pay for your e-ticket.

Accommodation and rental car, taxi You can book accommodation easily and quickly on Estonian n  Air web page Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on Estonian Air web. Today you can book in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. We are expanding our network continuously and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service aln  lows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport a fast baggage drop desk is available for your baggage. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air is offering its passengers the chance to check in n  at Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure time, to allow sufficient time for security check.

Business Class lounge Estonian Air passengers are welcome to the comfortable n  Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport. Here you can have a light snack and drinks or pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling on business class tickets, as well as SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than n

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.


8 kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

in time march / april 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Travelling with children Fare for the infant is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a pasn

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

senger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday) Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under 5 years of age must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: the child’s parents or guardian or a person assigned by these. For children aged 5-11 (incl) travelling without such companion, Estonian Air offers escort service. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking a ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR per sector. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum horizontal measure does not exceed 65 cm and the height 45 cm.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know more n  about Estonian Air’s destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof, with weight together with the pet not exceeding 8 kg. A passenger may carry only one container, and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.

march / april 2012 in time


lennu ajal / during the flight Pardateenindus

Onboard service

Tere tulemast meie lennule! Estonian Airi lendudel on kaks teen

Welcome on board! Estonian Air has two onboard service n

nindusklassi – Premium ja Travel. Estonian Airi reisijaid toitlustab Airo Catering Services Eesti, mis kuulub LSG Sky Chefsi kontserni.

classes, Premium and Travel. Catering for Estonian Air flights is provided by Airo Catering Services Estonia, which belongs to the LSG Sky Chefs concern.

Premium-klass Premium-klassi salongis pakutakse kõigile reisijatele regulaarn  lendudel külma või sooja einet sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Eritoitu soovivad reisijad saavad selle tellida vähemalt 24 tundi enne väljalendu Estonian Airi klienditeeninduse või oma reisibüroo kaudu. Paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisijatel on paindlikud pileti lennukuupäeva ja reisija nime vahetamise ning pileti tagastamise õigused, võimalus end lennule registreerida äriklassi check-in-lauas ja 23 kg asemel tasuta kaasa võtta 46 kg äraantavat pagasit.

Travel-klass Travel-klassi salongis pakutakse väikest suupistet (välja arvatud n  alla ühetunnistel lendudel) ja karastusjooke sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Samuti pakume võimalust osta lisaks suupisteid ja alkohoolseid jooke. Maksta saab sularahas ning krediitkaardiga (MasterCard, Visa).

Lenda soodsalt Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg) ning suupisteid ja jooke pardal.


Premium Class All passengers in the Premium Class cabin may enjoy breakfast, n  lunch or dinner and beverages on all our scheduled flights. Menu types are planned according to the flight time and departure. A special meal can be ordered at least 24 h before scheduled departure via Estonian Air Customer Service or your travel agency. Flexible Economy passengers enjoy flexible conditions for name and flight date change and ticket refund; they are entitled to use the Business Class check-in counters, and their free registered baggage allowance is 46 kg.

Travel Class Passengers in the Travel Class cabin will be served a small n  snack (except on flights that last less than 1 h) and soft drinks according to the flight time and departure. Alcoholic beverages and additional snacks can be bought from the mini-bar. Payment is accepted in cash (EUR) or credit card (MasterCard, Visa).

Best prices Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who n  purchase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes are included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros, complimentary on-board service is included.

in time march / april 2012

lennu ajal / during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew are permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Pardal suitsetada ei tohi

Smoking is not allowed

Kõik Estonian Airi lennud, kaasa arvatud tellimusreisid, on n

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted on n

suitsuvabad. Keelatud on ka e-sigaretid ja lennuki tualettides suitsetamine.

any Estonian Air flight, including charter flights. Smoking is also forbidden in the lavatories of the aircraft.

Elektroonilised seadmed olgu välja lülitatud

Electronic equipment must be switched off

Elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või -vasn

Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or ren

tuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi tööd ja sellepärast on nende kasutamine lennu ajal keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki õhkutõusul ja maandumisel. Mobiiltelefonid peavad olema välja lülitatud kogu lennukis viibimise aja jooksul. Palume järgida salongipersonali juhiseid.

ceiver may interfere with the aircraft’s navigation system and may therefore not be used during the flight. The use of other electronic equipment is restricted on take-off and landing. Mobile phones must be turned off during the entire stay on board. If you are in doubt, please keep the devices switched off for the duration of the flight, as it may interfere with the aircraft systems.


Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n

Additional services

valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

as well as established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.

In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of the most recent n


march / april 2012 in time


lennujaamade info / airport information



Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.


Estonian Air flights depart from Departure Hall 1. n  To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.


Estonian Air flights depart from Hall A. n  To town: 20 minutes by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 3. n  To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.


To town: 10 km, bus, train, taxi. n


To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n

JYVÄSKYLÄ AIRPORT To town: 20 km, bus, taxi. n


To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n


Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal F. n  To town: 35 km to the city centre, bus, taxi.

KURESSAARE AIRPORT To town: 3 km, bus, taxi. n


Estonian Air flights depart from South Terminal. n  To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station every 15 min, buses to city centre and airports, taxi.


Estonian Air flights depart from SVO Terminal E. n  To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. n  To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.


Estonian Air flights depart from the main terminal. n  To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal. To town: 11 km, bus, taxi.

in time march / april 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tbilisi

St Petersburg





Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. n  To town: 25 km, train, bus, taxi.

RIGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 10 km, bus, taxi. n


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 2. n  To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.


Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 5. n  To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.

TALLINN LENNART MERI AIRPORT To town: 5 km, bus 90K, taxi. n


To town: 11 km, bus, taxi. n

TBILISI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, train, bus nr 37. n


To town: 35 km, bus, train, taxi. n


To town: 20 km, bus, taxi. n

VENICE MARCO POLO AIRPORT To town: 20 km, boat, bus, taxi. n

VIENNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, bus, train, taxi. n


To town: 6 km, bus, taxi. n

march / april 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340

Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340




General Electric CR34-8C5 turbofan

GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

787 mm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg


Maximum take-off weight

in time march / april 2012

sihtkohad / route map Barents Sea

We will start direct flights to our new and seasonal destinations as follows: 16 March 2012 – Tallinn–Paris–Tallinn 25 March 2012 – Tallinn–Jyväskylä–Tallinn 25 MarchICELAND 2012 – Tallinn–Vienna–Tallinn Reykjavík 26 March 2012 – Tallinn–Helsinki–Tallinn 26 March 2012 – Tallinn–Joensuu– Tallinn 25 March 2012 – Tallinn–Riga–Tallinn 3 April 2012 – Tallinn–Kajaani–Tallinn 2 April 2012 – Tallinn–Hannover–Tallinn 8 April 2012 – Tallinn–Tbilisi–Tallinn From 5 May until 29 September 2012 – seasonal route Tallinn–Nice–Tallinn From 9 June until 1 September 2012 – seasonal route Tallinn–Venice–Tallinn


White Sea













Luxembourg Strasbourg

Rh ine

ni e Se


Hannover Cologne

e Loir


Stuttgart Munich



Milan Po


Bordeaux Toulouse



Andorra Madrid




be Danu






Sevilla Málaga


march / april 2012 in time



Mykolayiv Chisinau






SERBIA Pristina

Podgorica MONTENEGRO Tirana






Black Sea




KOSOVO Skopje MACEDONIA Thessaloníki






Mediterranean Sea

Dnie per

la stu VI

Brno SLOVAKIA Bratislava





San Marino



Ljubljana Zagreb SLOVENIA











Vilnius Kaliningrad


e Elb



Tbilisi (GEORGIA)





Moscow Smolensk






Baltic Sea






St. Petersburg


Liverpool Birmingham



North Sea





Lake Ladoga



Lake Onega

Volg a






Joensuu Jyväskylä

Glasgow Belfast

Dvvern ina a ya

Oulu Kajaani



Atlantic Ocean












kontakt / contact



Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter

Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail


In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 â‚Ź + operator fee) From abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)


LOST & FOUND BAGGAGE Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313


ESTONIAN AIR CORPORATE SERVICE Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

ESTONIAN AIR CARGO SERVICE The geographical position of Estonia favours transit between east and west. Through co-operation between Estonian Air and other international airlines we can offer our clients transport of goods all over the world. Online booking system allows airfreight agents to check aircraft capacity and enables to book space via Internet on our flights. Access to the system is for registered airfreight agents only. Phone +372 6401 205 Fax +372 6401 206 E-mail

2 Lennujaama tee, Tallinn Phone +372 6 401 233


in time march / april 2012

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