In Time, September 2012

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inflight magazine September 2012

Business hub Stockholm Autumn romance in Paris Tartu – place for professors ·The Seaplane Harbour Harbourm ·Designing an airport ·Arvo Pärt’s music in Mexico

Lilli jahilo joins Nordic design with Estonian craft

your complimentary copy

Maxi Marine Chronometer Self-winding chronometer certified movement. Water-resistant to 200 m. 18 ct rose gold case. Available on gold bracelet or rubber strap. WWW.ULYSSE-NARDIN.COM

S u u r - K a r j a 9 - Ta l l i n n 1 0 1 4 0 - E s t o n i a Te l . + 3 7 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3

tero taskila Estonian Airi president President & CEO of Estonian Air

September 2012


Uuel hooajal veelgi tihedam graafik

More frequent schedule in new season

Selle aasta suvi polnud ilma poolest just kõige parem, küll aga oli hea Estonian Airi suvine lennugraafik. Mul on hea meel tõdeda, et suutsime oma lennukite pardale meelitada rekordarvu reisijaid. Töötame pidevalt parema lennuühenduse nimel, pakkudes eeloleval talvehooajal tihedamat lennugraafikut Stockholmi, Vilniusesse, Oslosse, Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Moskvasse, Peterburi ja Kiievisse. Lisasime talvisesse lennugraafikusse Pariisi ja Viini ning veebruarist Göteborgi. Suvised muudatused ei puudutanud ainult sihtkohtade valikut ja suuremat lendude hulka. Meie lennugraafik on koostatud nii, et ühendada omavahel sihtkohad idas ja läänes ning põhjas ja lõunas. Lennud lähiregiooni väiksematest linnadest saabuvad Tallinna vahetult enne väljalende suurematesse Euroopa linnadesse ja vastupidi. Tallinnast on saamas oluline sõlmlennujaam paljudele Soomest, Rootsist, Norrast või Leedust lendu alustavatele reisijatele tänu kompaktsusele, mugavusele ja heale teenindusele. Eestist reisi alustavatele lennureisijatele saame pakkuda järjest paremaid lennuühendusi, arendades ja suurendades üheskoos meie lennuvõrgustikku.

Weather-wise this summer was not the best I can remember, but for Estonian Air’s network it was certainly a great one. I am happy to announce that we attracted a record number of passengers this summer. We keep on enhancing the network in coming winter season by offering a more frequent flight schedule to Stockholm, Vilnius, Oslo, Amsterdam, Brussels, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev. In addition, we added Paris and Vienna to our winter flight schedule and from February we start serving the route between Gothenburg and Tallinn. It was not just the destinations and frequencies we changed this summer. Our flight schedule is composed so that we connect West to East, North to South. The flights from smaller towns in the neighbouring region arrive just in time to connect to flights to major European cities depart and vice versa. Tallinn has been gradually growing into an important transfer airport for passengers starting their flight from Finland, Sweden, Norway or Lithuania thanks to its compactness, convenience and good service. Developing and increasing the flight schedules helps us to offer you a more comfortable travel experience.

Soovin teile meeldivat lendu Estonian Airiga – ja jääge meiega!

Have a good flight with Estonian Air – stay with us!

Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn Telefon: +372 6401 101 Tiraaž: 8000

Tootja: RKontor Reklaam: Nordicom Trükikoda: Reusner AS Reklaamikontakt:

Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air, Kaanefoto / Photo on cover: Lilli Jahilo Fotograaf / Photographer: Riina Varol / Cosmopolitan

in time September 2012


Suur-Karja 9, Tallinn 10140, Estonia Tel: +372 641 9333 - -

Priit Hõbemägi kolumnist

Kuidas lennundus aitab päästa miljoneid inimelusid See lugu algas nii: Austrias Klagenfurti linnas

kukkus kolmeaastane tüdruk jääkülma kalatiiki. Meeleheitel vanemad leidsid ta tiigi põhjast alles poole tunni pärast. Veest välja tõmmatud väike keha oli liikumatu, kopsud vett täis, pupillid laienenud. Vanemad alustasid haiglast telefoni teel saadud juhiste järgi elustamist. Kaheksa minuti pärast toimetati laps helikopteriga haiglasse, kirjutab kuulus Ameerika kirurg Atul Gawande. Arstid olid visad ja osavad. Kunstliku hingamise masin aitas hingata, torud ja juhtmed ühendasid tüdruku vajalike aparaatidega. Kahe tunni pärast hakkas väike süda uuesti lööma. Paari päeva pärast olid olulised kehafunktsioonid taastunud. Vaid aju ei näidanud aktiivsuse märke. Arstid hakkasid reguleerima rõhku ajus ja peagi reageerisid pupillid valgusele, iseseisev hingamine taastus ja ühel päeval avas väike tüdruk lihtsalt oma silmad. Kahe nädala pärast sai ta haiglast koju. Kuidas oli see imepärane pääsemine võimalik? Sest arstid tegid tuhandeid tema päästmiseks vajalikke toiminguid ja operatsioone kontroll-nimekirja alusel täpselt ettenähtud viisil ja õiges järjekorras, kordagi eksimata!

See tõhus lahendus keeruliste süsteemide ja olukordade juhtimiseks sündis just tänu lennundusele. 1935. aastal peeti Wrighti lennu8

väljal Daytonis, Ohio osariigis USAs väikese hulga kõrge auastmega sõjaväelaste ees katselende. Armee oli valimas järgmise põlvkonna lennukeid kauglendudeks. Favoriidiks oli Boeingu uus neljamootoriline mudel, mis leiti olevat palju parem kui Martini ja Douglase konkureerivad lennukid. Polnud kahtlust, et just see lennuk võidab konkursi. Läikiv alumiiniumkerega lennuk sõitis stardirajale, mootorid möirgasid. Kuid tulemus ei jätnud kindralitele positiivset muljet. Liiga keeruline lennuk, et üks mees seda juhtida võiks, oli hinnang.

Grupp piloote kogunes arutama, mida teha.

Nad said aru, et moodsa lennuki juhtimissüsteemid olid ühe lenduri mälu jaoks liiga keerulised. Nad koostasid kontrollnimekirja, kus olid sammsammu järel kirjas kõik vajalikud tegevused lennukiga õhkutõusmiseks, lendamiseks, maandumiseks ja ruleerimiseks. Nimekirja abil lendasid piloodid Boeing B-17 “lendava kindlusega” ilma ühegi õnnetuseta 1,8 miljonit miili ja tehaselt telliti ligi 13 000 lennukit. Inimesel polnud häda midagi, lihtsalt tehnoloogia arenes väga kiirelt edasi. Lendurid olid esimesed, kes seda taipasid ja lahenduse leidsid. Samasugused kontrollnimekirjad meditsiinis aitavad arstidel iga päev säästa miljonite inimeste elusid.

in time September 2012

How aviation helped to save millions of lives Priit Hõbemägi columnist

This story starts in a small Austrian town of Klagenfurt where a three-year-old girl fell into an icy fishpond. She was lost beneath the surface for thirty minutes before her parents found her on the pond bottom and pulled her up. Her little body was motionless, she had no pulse, her lungs were filled with water and her pupils were dilated. Following instructions from an emergency physician on the phone, they began cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A rescue team arrived eight minutes later and delivered the girl to a nearby hospital by helicopter, writes famed American surgeon Atul Gawande. Doctors were skilled and did not give up on her. She was put on a heart-lung bypass machine and was hooked up to other life-saving equipment. Two hours later, her heart began to beat. In a few days, vital body functions had been restored except her brain. With a probe, the team started to regulate cerebral pressure and soon her pupils started to react to light. Next, she began to breathe on her own. And, one day, she simply woke. Two weeks after her accident, she went home. How was it possible that this drowned

girl was saved at all? Because scores of doctors carried out thousands of steps correctly, following a detailed checklist and carrying out a complex series of coordinated actions and operations in strict order. This efficient solution for managing complex


systems and situations actually came to life thanks to aviation.

On October 30, 1935, at Wright Air Field in

Dayton, Ohio, the US Army Air Corps held a flight competition in front of a small crowd of Army brass for airplane manufacturers vying to build its next-generation long-range bomber. In early evaluations, the Boeing Corporation’s four-engine model had trounced the designs of Martin and Douglas. The flight “competition” was regarded as a mere formality. The gleaming aluminum-alloy plane taxied down the tarmac, with engines roaring. But the generals were not impressed. They found the aircraft was too complex for one pilot to handle. A group of test pilots got together and considered what to do. They understood that the control systems of a modern aircraft were too complicated for one pilot to remember. So they created a pilot’s checklist, with step-by-step checks for takeoff, flight, landing and taxiing. With the checklist at hand, pilots flew the “flying fortress” Boeing B-17 a total of 1.8 million miles without a single accident. The Army ultimately ordered almost thirteen thousand of the aircraft from Boeing. It was nothing to do with human beings, as technology had simply developed extremely rapidly. The pilots were the first to understand it and came up with a solution. Similar checklists in medicine help doctors save millions of lives every day.

in time September 2012

The State is the actuality of the ethical idea

Roosikrantsi 16, Tallinn 10119, Estonia Tel: +372 644 0385 -

coming up estonia Tallinn Tallinn Tuesdays

enhance the engaging atmosphere and many shows are in English.

September 11 n  Tallinn Tuesdays are evenings of special programs and extended exhibition viewing hours by various Tallinn galleries. Initiated by the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC) and taking place for the first time on September 11, 2012, Tallinn Tuesdays make gallery hopping in the capital of Estonia that much easier. Participating venues include Haus Gallery, 1 Gallery, Tam Gallery, Temnikova & Kasela Gallery and Vaal Gallery. A caravan bus operated by the Kau Academy will take the visitors on a most unusual ride, extending the borders of the galleries into the city. Program At 17 Haus Gallery – Opening of Vano Allsalu’s exhibition, Uus 17 At 18 1 Gallery – Opening of Carina Kraus and Kaarel Kurismaa’s exhibition, Rüütli 4 At 19 Tam Gallery – Opening of group exhibition 9/11, Lootsi 4 At 20 Temnikova & Kasela Gallery – Presentation of the new Art Library, Lastekodu 1 At 21 Vaal Gallery – Opening of Nadežda Tšernobai’s exhibition and discussion, Tartu mnt 80d

course, along with thousands of spectators, lending the race an extremely festive atmosphere. There's also a shorter run in Zaandam – the 4EM (English mile). The finish line for all races is on the Peperstraat, just across the Dam in the centre of Zaandam.

Brussels Diamond League Final – Belgacom Memorial Van Damme Festival 5 D September 15, tt Neveritaweg n  Curious sounds lure you to one corner and the smell of delicious food draws you to another, as Festival 5D tempts all five senses. Held annually at Amsterdam's NDSM shipyard, the multi-disciplinary festival brings together music, theatre, food and dance.

IBC September 6-11, 22 Europaplein n  The IBC electronic media conference and exhibition is one of the world's leading broadcast technology events, welcoming over 800 companies to demonstrate their products and services at the Amsterdam RAI. The annual exhibition covers technologies ranging from audio to webcasting. The conference also looks at all aspects of the electronic media world. Awards are presented in fields ranging from interactive TV to design.

September 7, Avenue de Marathon n  135/2 The world's best athletes visit Brussels' King Baudouin Stadium for the Belgacom Memorial Van Damme meeting - the final of the Diamond League series, which brings the world's leading athletes together to compete from other European countries, America and China. Results over the course of the 14 meetings in each of the 32 individual disciplines determine the winners of the 'Diamond Race'. The most consistent performers receive a prize money, a special trophy and oodles of renown.

PICNIC September 17-18 n

europe Amsterdam Amsterdam Fringe Festival August 30 – September 9, Leidsekade n  The Amsterdam Fringe Festival showcases creative and innovative Dutch theatre productions at the Theater Bellevue and 15 other venues across the city. Performances on streets, squares and at bus stops


From design to music and business, the brightest minds from diverse fields converge at Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek for three days worth of symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, lectures and more. The festival also focuses on creating and fostering new business.

Dam tot Damloop September 23, 4 Damstraat, n  The Dam tot Damloop (DTD) is the most popular running event in the Netherlands. Thirty-five thousand runners, including top athletes, follow a 16km course from Prins Hendrikkade to the centre of Zaandam, passing through the IJ-tunnel on route. Bands and small orchestras line the

Fiesta Latina September 24-26, Avenue Louise n  Fiesta Latina gets hips gyrating on and around Brussels' Avenue Louise, with parades, live concerts, dancing and the odd mojito or two... The programme also includes dance groups, DJ floors and a mercado latino with Spanish, Caribbean and Latin American specialities.

Brussels Women's Film Festival September 20-23, Rue Royale n  As the French saying goes, "See the world through a woman's eyes and broaden your horizon by 180 degrees". Do just that at Botanique's Elles tournent! – Brussels

in time September 2012

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coming up Women's Film Festival, featuring 40 films by women from around the world.

the War (i.e. the Second World War) with a look at the 50s. It's the first of a series of themes building up to the centenary of the First World War in 2014.

There are more than 190 exhibitors, so you may want to make a day of it.

Art Copenhagen: The Nordic Art Fair September 14–16, 1 Julius Thomsens n  Plads Contemporary Scandinavian and international art fills the Forum during Art Copenhagen. More than 80 galleries from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland show off a wide variety of work, alongside exhibitions from specially chosen artists.

Copenhagen India: art now August 18 2012 – January 13 2013, n  ARKEN Over the past decade India has made its mark as one of the most vital and innovative centres of contemporary art. In the autumn of 2012 ARKEN is devoting its whole special exhibition area to a comprehensive presentation of Indian contemporary art. The prominent artists and artist groups are Rina Banerjee, Hemali Bhuta, Atul Dodiya, Sheela Gowda, Shilpa Gupta, Subodh Gupta, Jitish Kallat, Reena Isaini Kallat, Rashmi Kaleka, Bharti Kher, Ravinder Reddy, Vivan Sundaram and Thukral & Tagra.

Designer Forum September 28–30, 1 Julius Thomsens n  Plads Designer Forum, held biannually at Copenhagen's Forum, presents a huge range of designer clothes and branded goods for keen fashionistas. Designers are there to show off their wares - some of which are so special that they don't even make the shops!

Helsinki Helsinki Comics Festival September 7–9 n  Comics and fanzines may be associated with kids and teenagers but Helsinki's annual Comics Festival welcomes all comers. The largest comic-related event in Europe, its three-day programme manages to cram its brightly coloured pages with exhibitions, talks and off-kilter workshops. First held in 1985, the festival appeals to everyone with an interest in comics, be they an occasional comicbook consumer or full-on fanzine fanatic. The Helsinki Comics Festival also features a comic fair around Lasipalatsi Square, with rare and intriguing comics available to purchase. Small Press Heaven is an alternative fair of zines, smaller publications and young artists at a separate spot nearby.

Habitare Healthy Lifestyle Show September 28–30, 11 Halmtorvet n  Denmark's largest health fair, the Healthy Lifestyle Show at Copenhagen's Øksnehallen, explores every aspect of health, beauty, wellbeing, diet, alternative treatments and ecologically friendly products.

Golden Days Festival September 7–23 n  Denmark's Golden Days Festival takes a historical look at Copenhagen. The whole city joins in and gives the Danes and visitors alike a chance to explore the chosen period or theme via exhibitions, concerts, seminars and special publications. Following 2011's theme of Faith and how it affects society, 2012 investigates After


September 12–16, 1 Messuaukio n  Habitare is Finland's annual showcase of design for the home, held at the Helsinki Fair Centre. Showcasing Finnish design and culture, it's the biggest of its kind and yet another reason Helsinki was awarded the mantle World Design Capital 2012.

Helsinki Baltic Herring Fair October 2-8, South Harbour n  Known locally as stromming, the annual Helsinki Baltic Herring Fair is held at the tail end of the fishing season in the Old Market Square. Boats laden with herring converge on Helsinki's port and Scandinavians scour for the best pick. Visitors can sample herring in a variety of interesting guises – with rowanberries or pink peppercorns, simply salted or pickled –

in time September 2012

Külma pea ja sooja südamega

Kristiina Uustal / DNB vanemkindlustuskonsultant

Mis tuuled finantsmaailmas ka ei puhuks – meie kliendina võid kindel olla, et Sinu rahaasjad on korras. Me ühendame oma töös Norra finantsturu liidri professionaalse kogemuse ja pühendunud suhtumise kohalikesse klientidesse. Meil on alati aega ja tahtmist süveneda Sinu ettevõtte vajadustesse ning leida võimalusi lennukate tulevikuplaanide teostamiseks. Anna meile selleks võimalus!

DNB ehk Den Norske Bank on Norra suurim finantsgrupp, mille aktsiatest 34% kuulub Norra riigile. Eestis tegutseb DNB alates 2006. aastast, pakkudes klientidele nii panga- kui liisingutooteid.

Norra pank

coming up through the centre of London along the River Thames to Richmond, just below Ham House, about 3/4 of a mile upriver from Richmond bridge.

all served with chunks of archipelago malt rye bread. Wrap up warm in the clothes made from archipelago sheep's wool for sale on nearby stalls and sit down for a fish lunch in one of the big tents.

moscow Moscow International Peace Marathon

Kiev Ukrainian Fashion Week October 10–15, 10-12 Lavrska Street n  Trend-setters and vogue followers head to the Ukrainian Fashion Week to see new collections from the country's established and new designers strut down the catwalk. The event is held twice a year (spring/summer and autumn/winter) at Kiev's Mystetskiy Arsenal museum.

your fill of dairy there's also meat, beers, ciders and more. The dairy farms nestled in the Dorset countryside surrounding the village of Sturminster Newton are indispensable to the making of Sturminster Farm Cheddar. It's this cheddar, along with a host of other Dorset and West Country craft cheeses, that has provided the impetus for the annual festival since 1999. The creamery's cheeses have won medals at all the major shows, from the British Cheese Awards to the London Cheese Competition.

September 9 n  Open to anyone over 18, the 42km Moscow International Peace Marathon starts in Red Square, passing the city's most iconic places and ending at the Kremlin. A 10km race caters for younger athletes.

The Mayor of London's Skyride September 9, Ipwosh and n  September 16, Bolton There's no need to be on the look-out for buses or cars during The Mayor of London's Skyride, a one-day cycling event with a 15km traffic-free route around central London. Thousands of bikers can explore the streets of London stress-free.

London Skin Two Rubber Ball September 1, New Craven Gate n  London's Skin Two Rubber Ball is one of the biggest fetish gatherings in the world. The festivities take place at Vox in Leeds. Naturally there is a strict dress code – think tight, tight and tighter.

Sturminster Newton Cheese Festival September 8–9 n  Sturminster Newton Cheese Festival attracts thousands, who come for the live music, craft stalls and tours of Sturminster Farm Creamery, as well as to witness the cheese-making process. When you've had


Yuri Beshmet International Music Festival September 23 – October 5 n  Established in 2006, the Yuri Beshmet International Music Festival brings together the best contemporary musicians from Belarus and abroad. Held in cultural venues across Minsk, including the Belarus State Philharmonic, the festival sees young talents perform alongside internationally renowned artists. The festival is named after Yuri Beshmet, a celebrated Russian composer, conductor, violist and founder of the Moscow Soloists Chamber Orchestra.

September 15 n

Oslo Ultima Contemporary Music Festival

Gigs, skiffs, Chinese dragon boats, Hawaiian war canoes, Viking longboats, Irish curraghs, shallops, wherries, whalers and more provide a wonderful spectacle on the Thames at the annual Great River Race. The race roots out the UK's Traditional Boat Champion. The race runs upstream from the Docklands Sailing Centre in a wide sweep

Oslo's Ultima Contemporary Music Festival presents new international music and modern art, organised by some of the city's leading music and art institutions. Highlights in 2012 include visits from Neue Vocalsolisten Stittgarts, Klangforum Wien, Britten Sinfonia and Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne with two Heiner Goebbels

The Great River Race

September 6–15 n

in time September 2012

coming up works, in association with the Ibsen Stage Festival:Eraritjaritjaka and Stifters Dinge. Diamanda Galás appears alongside the Norwegian Radio Orchestra and there's a newly formed group called the Oslo Complaints Choir, performing Swedish composer Georg Wadenius' work based on real-life Oslo residents' complaints.

Oslo Horse Show

La Fête des Jardins September n  La Fête des Jardins opens up Paris' green spaces for hundreds of free events - from guided tours to concerts and exhibitions. Particularly recommended are the Parc de la Villette, Jardins du Luxembourg, Jardins des Tuileries and Jardin des Plantes. The full programme is available from the Paris Tourist Office from September.

October 11-14, Widerøeveien 1, n  Fornebu The Telenor Arena, on Furnebo peninsula west of Oslo, hosts the annual Oslo Horse Show, part of the Western European League in Show Jumping. The first three days are for dressage; the last four for the para jumping and show jumping.

Stockholm Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival September 27 – October 6, n  6 Augustendalstorget, Nacka Strand As the Swedish beer industry grows, this festival at Stockholm's Factory Nacka Strand is fast becoming one of the most important events on the European beer circuit. Thousands of visitors enjoy potent beer tastings, tutorials and the beer awards over two weekends. Categories include best fresh beer, best blonde lager, best porter, best ale and best Swedish beer, among others.

riga Riga Food September 5–8, 8 Kipsalas iela n  Let your mouth water at all the produce on show at the annual Riga Food at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre. Along with competitions for bartenders, chefs and pastry cooks, some 40 countries are expected to exhibit.

vienna Vienna Fashion Week September 12–16, Museumsplatz n  The Austrian capital strikes a pose as fashion designers and fashionistas rush to the MuseumsQuartier for Vienna Fashion Week. Fashion shows, exhibitions and parties provide a chance for international designers to show their latest creations and mingle with Vienna's beautiful people.

paris Silhouette Festival September 1-9, Rue Botzaris n  Paris' Silhouette Festival in Buttes Chaumont Park showcases international and French short films after dark on a giant inflatable screen. The festival is free, al fresco and a different live act performs as the sun sets each night.

Wiener Wiesn September 27 – October 7 n

St. Petersburg Ethno-Mechanica

Vienna's Prater park is the setting for the annual Wiener Wiesn. Thousands of people, many in traditional Austrian dress, come to eat, drink, listen to live music and be merry. Cheers!

October 6, 93 Sredny Prospekt n  Ethno-Mechanica is an annual world music festival hosted by the Sergei Kuryokhin Modern Art Centre in St. Petersburg. Featuring anything from Sami throat singing to Jewish Klezmer, Balkan beat and African rhythms, the event celebrates diversity in culture and music.


in time September 2012

coming up

From Estonian soul to Mexican hearts From Japan to Mexico the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir is famous for performing the music of Arvo Pärt. “The choir A

rv o

and orche stra sound so beautiPä rt ful. People around the world come to listen,” says Tõnu Kaljuste, the renowned conductor and founder of the choir. “The EPCC is invited to sing in festivals all over the world, because the choir has a truly unique sound. It is the emotional style that really sets us apart. I plan to keep these precious values and to give concerts with the Estonian music abroad

September 2012 in time

introducing it in the very highest level,” say Daniel Reuss, the current chief conductor and artistic director of choir. The choir is excited about performing at the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico. Tõnu Kaljuste will conduct and the choir will sing Pärt’s Te Deum and Adam's Lament. The choir was personally invited by Mexico’s ambassador to Finland who heard Adam’s Lament performed in Turku. “Many find devout prayers, peace and balance in that music. It is a great fortune to be so close with Pärt’s work,” says Kaljuste. Before embark-

Photos: Kaupo Kikkas


coming up


Ka ljus te

ing on a world tour, the choir in September perform the same repertoire in the framework of Nargenfestival in Tallinn. “The EPCC has premiered most of the Arvo Pärt's choir music, so the choir is recognised as the finest interpreters of this composer's music – they have a very personal and direct link to Arvo Pärt and a deep understanding of his work. And the audience feels a special atmosphere in the concerts when the EPCC performs it,” says Reuss. Every year on Pärt’s birthday the choir gives a concert to honor the composer.


does not only perform for fans of high culture. From time to time the choir performs in Estonian schools. Beside singing the beautiful songs they explain what to listen for and how. The choristers love these performances


as much as singing at the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert Hall, at Mozartwoche in Salzburg or at opera festival in Aix-en-Provence. They love the applause from a musically educated concert-going audience, and feel a great sense of satisfaction when they see young people without much experience of classical music – and who had only really come along to escape a maths lesson – rising to their feet in joy at a form of music they had never really thought about. The EPCC has become the best-known Estonian classical music body and one of the best choirs in the world since it was founded in 1981 by Tõnu Kaljuste, who acted as artistic director and chief conductor for 20 years. It gives 60-70 concerts per season and tours regularly in Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan. Their repertoire ranges from Grego-

in time September 2012

rian chants to late baroque and 20th centur y music. Work s by Ar vo Pärt, Veljo Tormis and other contempoDa ni el rary composers, as well Re uss as Estonian choral music are at the heart of the choir’s programme. One of the choir’s trademarks is to add Estonian composers, such as Galina Grigorjeva, Tõnu Kõrvits and ErkiSven Tüür, to the repertoire.

The choir has recorded work for a number of broadcasting and recording companies, as ECM, Harmonia Mundi, Virgin Classics, Carus, Ondine. Conductor Paul Hillier and the EPCC’s recording of Arvo Pärt's Da Pacem (Har- monia Mundi) won the Grammy award for Best Choral Per- formance at the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in 2007 and the choir's work has been nominated for a Grammy no fewer than 15 times. Where you can hear them: Sept 7-9 at 19.30 Nargenfestival. Arvo Pärt's days: concertn  show PASSIO Noblessner foundry, Tallinn

Sept 11 at 20 Nargenfestival. Arvo Pärt's days: Arvo Pärt's n  birthday concert, St John's Church, Tallinn

Sept 27 at 18 Opening concert of the season, Haapsalu Dome n  Church

Sept 28 at 19 Opening concert of the season, Rakvere Church n  Sept 29 at 19 Opening concert of the season, St Nicholas n  Church

Oct 5 at 19.30 Grieg. Marc Minkowski. Philharmonie Essen, n  Germany

Oct 6 at 20 Grieg. Marc Minkowski. Kölner Philharmonie, n  Cologne, Germany

Oct 7 at 16 Grieg. Marc Minkowski. Konzerthaus Dortmund, n  Germany

Oct 18 Arvo Pärt's concert in León, Mexico n  Oct 19 at 21 Arvo Pärt. Festival Internacional Cervantino. n  Guanajuato, Mexico

Oct 20 Arvo Pärt's concert in Mexico, Palacio de Bellas Artes, n  Mexico City,

Nov 2 at 19 Skriabin – Prometheus, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn n  Nov 12 Vienna Konzerthaus, Austria, Vienna n  Nov 22 at 19 In the spirit of French, Culture House n  Kannel, Võru

Nov 23 at 18 In the spirit of French, Tartu University Hall n  Nov 24 at 19 In The Spirit Of French, Niguliste Church, Tallinn n  Dec 1 at 19 Golden Classics. Mozart – Krönungsmesse Estonia n  Concert Hall, Tallinn

Dec 2 at 19 Golden Classics. Mozart – Krönungsmesse, n  Vanemuise Concert Hall, Tartu

Dec 18 Haydn – Te Deum, Vanemuise Concert Hall n  Dec 19 Haydn – Te Deum, Pärnu Concert Hall n  Dec 20 Haydn – Te Deum, Estonia Concert Hall n  Dec 22 Brugge, Belgium n

September 2012 in time

place to be Seaplane hangars in side view

Unique building for special ships Photos: kaido haagen

The Seaplane Harbour Open n

• May-September Mon-Sun 10-19 • October-April Tue-Sun 11-19 • Public holidays 11-17

Ticket prices: 2-19 eur, n

entrance to children under 5 years old is free if accompanied by an adult. 17 Küti Street / 6 Vesilennuki Street, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia


The Seaplane Harbour is a treasure

trove of maritime history that reveals incredible stories from above and below the water. Estonian maritime history comes to life in and around these unique seaplane hangars in which the museum’s three levels offer many exciting discoveries. Among other things, you can see the lifesized copy of the seaplane Short184, the legendary submarine Lembit, and the historical icebreaker Suur Tõll (Toell the Great). In addition to this, anyone who is interested can take a trip on the Seaplane Harbour’s simulators. Fly above Tallinn, go on an around-the-world journey in the Yellow Submarine, or navigate on the Gulf of Tallinn.

Seaplane hangars are unique in the whole world and the Seaplane Harbour complex was initially constructed as part of the naval fortress of Peter the Great in 1916-1917. In November 1917, construction was halted due to the revolution in Russia and quite a lot of the initial design project was left incomplete. During the 1920s and 1930s, the Seaplane Harbour served as a base for the Estonian air force unit, providing an athletics hall as well as a tennis court under the hangars. In 1923, Estonia’s first sailplane was assembled in the

hangars. In 1933, the world-famous flyer, Charles Lindbergh, together with his wife, Ann Marlow, landed their seaplane, Lockheed Sirius, in front of the hangars. They had flown over from Russia. After the Second World War, the hangars were taken over by the Soviet Army and, among other things, they were used as warehouses and wood shops. Hangars are the world’s first reinforced concrete shell structure of such a great size, 109 x 36 m. The hangars were designed by a Danish engineering company Christiani & Nielsen. The progeny of this Danish construction company have designed famous buildings such as the Sydney Opera House and the Beijing Olympic Stadium. For the rest of the world, the creation of structures analogous to these seaplane hangars started in the 1930s and became particularly popular in the 1950s.

Hangars are home for legendary submarine “Lembit”. The order for the submarine was submitted in 1934 to the British shipbuilding company Vickers-Armstrongs. The vessel was completed and launched in England in 1936. After the Soviet Union had occupied Estoin time September 2012

nia in 1940, “Lembit” served in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet of the USSR. During the Second World War “Lembit” conducted three successful attacks: one ship was torpedoed, one ship sank and one was damaged after hitting mines laid by the submarine. After the war “Lembit” was used as a training vessel based in the town of Gorky on the Volga River. In 1979 the submarine returned to Tallinn. In 1992 the “Lembit” submarine was taken over by the Estonian Maritime Museum and became vessel No. 1 of the Estonian Navy. “Lembit” held the title of the oldest submarine in the world still in water, when it was hauled ashore on 21 May 2011. “Lembit” weighs approximately 600 tonnes.

You can also see a copy of the seaplane Short 184 in

the museum. This plane played an obvious role in the biggest naval battle of World War I. Eight aircraft were in active duty in Estonia during the years of 1919-1933. However, the Estonian aircraft did not participate in battle and was mainly used for training, sightseeing, postal and civil flights. Suur Tõll (Toell the Great) is the world’s oldest preserved steam-powered icebreaker, while other fascinating vessels at the Seaplane Harbour include the Maasilinn wreck, a yacht named Haili, and also the patrol launch, Grif, the border guard vessel, Torm, and the Kalev minesweeper. The Maasilinna ship originates from Saaremaa Island and was built by local ship builders in approximately 1550. It is the oldest preserved vessel of Estonian origin. The shipwreck was found in the Väike Väin Strait separating Saaremaa Island and Muhu Island in 1985. The site of discovery was the anchorage of the former medieval Soneburg (Maasilinn) Order Castle. The Vasa ship that is on show in Stockholm, Sweden is nearly a century younger.

Museum inside the seaplane hangars

September 2012 in time

Tähelepanu! Tegemist on alkoholiga. Alkohol võib kahjustada Teie tervist.


Estonian public administration needs more attention While the export

Text: Olavi GruĚˆnvald, PricewaterhouseCoopers

markets supported recovery in the first quarters after the downturn in 2009, greatly thanks to the booming economies in Sweden and Russia, the current internal market has taken over this role. The relatively solid growth of the gross domestic product in the second quarter of 2012 (2.0%) comes from sectors targeted towards the domestic market. The setback in the biggest sector, industrial production – due to sluggish export markets – is outweighed by the growth in retail trade, construction, hotels and restaurants, etc. The growth in real GDP dropped considerably from 3.9 percent in the first quarter of 2012 and is now within the range (1.5-2.0%) expected by many analysts for the whole year. However, the deepening global uncertainty could negatively influence the confidence of the companies and households, and thereby ruin the appetite for investment and consumption. This may result in a downturn in the second half of the year.

Both the government

and financial sectors are better equipped for the challenges of the external factors than a few years ago. Today, when the parliament is moving towards the rati-

fication of the European Stability Mechanism, it is important to have solid financial conditions at home. While the state finances were already well managed before the crisis, now the books of the banks are exposed less to the risks as well. First, the overall size of the loan portfolio has decreased since end of 2008 and second, the quality of the portfolio has been enhanced. So, the decreased size of the loan portfolio from 17.5 billion euros in the middle of 2008 to 14.5 billion euros in June of current year has allowed a considerable reduction in foreign obligations of the financial sector. The share of overdue loans has shrunk from 8 percent at its peak in August 2010 to 4.4 percent in June 2012.

Now, with the finances of the State under control again, more attention can be paid to the efficiency of Estonian public administration. The managing partner of PwC Estonia, Ago Vilu, compares the state to a holding company, with the central government as the mother and local authorities as daughters. However, in a country with less than 1.3 million inhabitants, a conglomerate with more than 200 daughters, unclear responsibilities and poor finances may be far from optimal and sustainable.

growth rates (same quarter of year before)

25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Unemployment ratio Labour productivity growth


Salaries nominal growth

























in time September 2012


Revenues in million Euros


Central goverment’s budget


Social insurance funds


Local goverment’s budget

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

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If you can dream it – we can build it



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September 2012 in time













than 200 local authorities have to manage a wide range of tasks – education, social security and road maintenance, etc – with a less than 22 percent (21.8 percent in 2011) share of the total state budget. The problem relates not only to poor financing but also to shortages of specialist knowledge. The key questions of tackling state management reforms are: which tasks are required to be fulfilled locally and on what level; and what advantages are there in managing certain functions locally. For example, some services, especially in social security, could be offered from service centres which are already established around the country. The possible benefits are expected to come from










Private consumption real growth 01:III



growth rates (same quarter of year before)


not only the financial savings but also from increasing the quality of services. Shared service centres of different authorities have already been established but deeper reform to the level of local government is also needed and requires, of course, more determination. According to Ago Vilu, after having achieved memberships of NATO, EU and the Eurozone, the optimisation and conceptualisation of state management could be the next ‘Big Goal’ of the country. More efficient state management could also help to manage the external financial risks, hopefully without having to spend the resulting savings on rescue actions of less efficient governments.

AS Matek Pärnu mnt 158, 11317 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 622 0077 Fax: +372 622 0078 E-mail:



Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air News Tähelepanu kaubaveol 

Alates 1. augustist 2012 osutab Estonian Airile kaubaveoteenust Prantsusmaa kaubaveofirma ConcordeAviation. Eesti hea geograafiline asend soodustab transiiti ida ja lääne vahel. Lennuki pagasiruumi maksimaalne kasutamine on Estonian Airile oluline lisatulu allikas ja lennufirma on valmis käitlema kaupu vastavalt nõudlusele. “Seoses uue töökorralduse ja efektiivsuse suurendamisega on meie lähiaja prioriteet kaubaveo osakonna funktsioonide sisseostmine. See võimaldab meil maksimaalselt ära kasutada kauba käitlemise potentsiaali,“ märkis Estonian Airi kommertsjuht Rauno Parras. ConcordeAviation, mis on spetsialiseerunud koostööle regionaallennukitega opereerivate väiksemate lennufirmadega, võimaldab Estonian Airil vastavalt lennukite suurusele kaupu paremini sobitada. “Tegemist on dünaamilise ja ambitsioonika ettevõttega, mis tegutseb paindlikult ja keskendub meie klientidele,” lisas Rauno Parras.

Focus on cargo sales  From 1 August 2012, Estonian Air cargo sales services are provided by a France based cargo company ConcordeAviation, which will greatly improve the airline’s potential of air freight. The geographical position of Estonia favours transit between East and West. Maximal use of aircraft’s cargo room is an important additional source of income for Estonian Air and the airline is ready to respond to the demands of cargo handling. “Due to restructuring and increase of efficiency, we are now outsourcing the functions of cargo department, because that helps us to take the maximum of our cargo handling potential,“ says Rauno Parras, CCO of Estonian Air. ConcordeAviation is a specialist in cooperation with smaller airlines that operate with regional aircraft and allows Estonian Air to better match goods with the right aircraft. ”It is a dynamic and ambitious company. Their size allows them to be flexible and focus on the needs of our clients,” says Rauno Parras.

Telli toit ette 

Alates 10. juulist 2012 pakub Estonian Air Travel-klassi reisijatele võimalust lennule toit ette tellida. Toiduvalikus


on nii maitsvad kerged suupisted kui ka toekamad söögid: Caesari salat kanaga, sea sisefilee ürdivõiga, pannkoogid ja võileivad. Pakutakse ka joogist ja suupistetest koosnevaid komplekte. Ettetellimismenüüd on koostatud vastavalt lennu sihtkohale ja kestusele. Reisijad saavad toitu ette tellida hiljemalt 36 tundi enne lennu väljumist. On võimalik teha üllatus oma lähedastele, sõpradele või kolleegidele, tellides neile ette näiteks klaasi šampanjat või koogi. “Kliendid otsivad võimalusi, kuidas pardateenindus enda jaoks personaalsemaks muuta. Kõigil ei ole ühesugune maitse ja seega on lennufirmade jaoks oluline pakkuda erinevaid toite,“ ütles Estonian Airi kommertsjuht Rauno Parras.

Pre-order meals 

From 10 July 2012, Estonian Air offers its Travel Class passengers the opportunity to pre-order meals. Customers can choose from light snacks to steaks. The menu includes, for example, Caesar salad with chicken, pork tenderloin with herb butter, pancakes and sandwiches, while different drink and snack combos are also available. The pre-order menu selection varies according to the flight destination and time. Passengers can pre-order delicious meals no later than 36 hours before the departure time. This opportunity can also be used to the surprise loved ones, a friend or a colleague by ordering a glass of champagne or a cake for him or her. “The overall trend is that customers are looking for ways to personalise the onboard service for themselves. Not all customers have the same taste and thus it is important for airlines to offer variety,” says Rauno Parras, CCO of Estonian Air.

Uus hinnaklass: ECO Plus 

Mõeldes neile, kes soovivad soodsa hinnaga piletit, kuid nautida suupisteid ja joogivalikut pardal, lõime uue hinnatüübi – Eco Plus. Eco Plus piletiga reisijatele kehtivad paljud Eco piletireeglid – kehtivus 12 kuud, tasuta nime muutmine (lubatud enne esimest väljalendu), tasuta äraantav pagas maksimaalse kaaluga kuni 23 kg, 8 kg käsipagasit ning istekoht pardal Travel klassis. Meeldivaks erandiks võrreldes teiste Travel klassi piletitüüpidega (Eco, Eco Mini ja Eco Light)

on see, et Eco Plus pileti hinnas sisalduvad tasuta suupisted ja karastusjoogid pardal. Teistel Travel klassi reisijatel on võimalik suupisteid ja jooke osta pardapoest. Lisaks on kõigil Travel klassi reisijatel võimalus pardatoitlustus ette tellida. Rohkem infot leiad lk 97 ja meie veebilehelt.

New fare class – ECO Plus  New fare type – Eco Plus – has been created for passengers who prefer travelling for lower fares but still want to enjoy free catering on board. Eco Plus fare conditions are almost the same as Eco conditions – validity 12 months, name change permitted before first departure, 23 kg of hold baggage and 8 kg of hand baggage free allowance, seating in Travel class. Pleasant exception compared to Eco, Eco Mini and Eco Light ticket is that Eco Plus ticket includes free snack and non-alcoholic beverages on board. For other Travel class passengers we offer a buy-on-board menu of snacks and beverages. In addition to that all Travel class passengers may pre-order their onboard meal. More info at page 97 and our website.

Uus kaasturundusprogramm 

Estonian Air käivitas koostöös Matomy Meedia Grupiga kaasturundusprogrammi. Iga ettevõte, kes on programmiga liitunud ning kes reklaamib oma kodulehel Estonian Airi ja lennufirma pakkumisi, teenib müügikäibe pealt teatud protsendi. “Matomy aitab tõsta Estonian Airi brändi tuntust ning laiendada rahvusvahelist müüki veebis. Usaldame nende kogemust kaasturundusprogrammi juhtimises ning hindame nende tegutsemisulatust kogu maailmas,” ütles Estonian Airi kommertsjuht Rauno Parras. “Meil on hea meel pakkuda kaasturundusprogrammi teenuseid Estonian Airile. Meie müügitiim ning maailmatasemel optimeerimis- ja raporteerimisvahendid aitavad tutvustada Estonian Airi brändi ja seeläbi suurendada lennufirma tulu,“ ütles Matomy kliendisuhete ala asepresident Gil Klein. Liitu Estonian Airi kaasturundusprogrammiga, et Estonian Airi ning tema sihtkohtade tutvustamise kaudu teenida oma ettevõttele tulu, ostes lennufirmale viitava reklaami

IN TIME September 2012

Estonian Airi uudised / Estonian Air News 5000

kaudu lennupileteid. Rohkem informatsiooni aadressilt http://www.matomymarket. com/BrandedPublisherRegistration/ estonianair/

Earn on bookings  Estonian Air’s affiliate program has been worked out in partnership with Matomy. By promoting Estonian Air with its international destinations, the affiliate earns a revenue percentage of every sold ticket that was bought from an ad referring to Estonian Air. "We chose Matomy Media Group as a partner to help us increase brand awareness and expand international sales online. We trust in their extensive experience in affiliate program management and its vast media reach around the world,” says Rauno Parras, the CCO Estonian Air. Gil Klein, VP of Client Relations at Matomy, says "We are happy to provide our affiliate marketing services to Estonian Air. To increase revenue for the airline, we provided Estonian Air with a dedicated account management team as well as with worldclass optimization and reporting tools to enable hundreds of affiliates to promote this great brand." Promote a great European airline with many international destinations and earn a revenue percentage of every ticket that is bought from an ad referring to Estonian Air. To join Estonian Air Affiliate Program and for further questions, please contact More information can be found at

Estonian Air säästab kütust 

Estonian Air on pidevalt tegelnud kütusekulu kärpimisega. 2007. aastal käivitati spetsiaalne programm kütuse säästmiseks. Ettevõte opereerib kolme tüüpi lennukitega – Boeing 737-500, CRJ900 ning Embraer170 – ja on võtnud kasutusele järgmised meetmed kütuse kokkuhoiuks. • Lennukiiruse optimeerimine nii õhku tõusul, lennul kui ka maandumisel. Lennukiirus sõltub liini pikkusest (arvestatud on ka sihtkohta jõudmise aega). • Lennuplaan on optimeeritud. Üle 1,5 tunni pikkusel reisil kasutatakse madalaima kütusekuluga lendu, arvestades nii temperatuuri kui ka tuultega. • Lennuplaneerimissüsteem arvestab len-

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60 6



5 55


5 50


4 45


2007 007






40 4

Fuel/Flt – Keskmine kütusekulu kilodes lennu kohta / Average fuel per flight in kg Fuel/Pax – Keskmine kütusekulu reisija kohta kilodes / Average fuel per passenger in kg

nujaamade erinevaid kütusehindu. • Tavapärane taxi-out ja taxi-in on optimeeritud, kasutatakse vaid ühte mootorit, säästes lisaks kütusele mootori töötunde. Estonian Air tegutseb koos lennuliiklusteenistusega, et õhuruumi struktuuri ja liinivõrku paremaks teha. Näiteks Stockholmi ja Oslo liine sirgemaks muutes võib Boeing ühe lennuga säästa 100 kg ja CRJ900 ning E170 60-70 kg kütust. SESARi alla kuuluva nn Uue Silla projektiga soovib Estonian Air koos Tallinna lennuliikluskontrolli, EUROCONTROL-i, Venemaa GosNIIAS-i ja teiste lennukompaniide ning -ühendustega muuta sujuvamaks lennuvood Moskvasse, Stockholmi, Kopenhaagenisse, Viini ja teistesse sihtkohtadesse. Estonian Airi lennuinsenerid jälgivad pidevalt kütusekulu. Ettevõte on kasutusele võtnud kütusekulu indeksi nii reisija kui ka tunni kohta, hindamaks, kui efektiivsed on eri tehnoloogiad ja meetodid selle säästmiseks. 2012. juulis vähenes Boeingu kütusekulu 3 protsenti, Bombardier CRJ900 4 protsenti ja Embraer E170 kütusekulu samuti 4 protsenti.

Estonian Air reduces fuel consumption 

Estonian Air has been continuously working to reduce fuel cost and has even launched a specific Fuel Savings program in the beginning of 2007. Currently operating with three types of aircraft – Boeing 737500, CRJ900 and Embraer170 – the airline has applied several activities to reduce fuel consumption: • Optimizing flight speed on all stages: climb, cruise and descent. On routes of

varying length, different airspeed is applied, bearing in mind the time of arrival to the destination. • Optimization of flight planning. On flights longer than 1.5 hour, the route with lowest fuel consumption is used while taking into consideration the outside temperature and wind aloft. • Flight planning system takes into account the difference of fuel price at various airports. • Traditional methods such as taxi-out and taxi-in using one engine, reducing the use of APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) and aircraft washing for drag reduction. Additionally, in cooperation with ATS (Air Traffic Services), Estonian Air works actively towards improving the airspace structure and route network. For example, “straightening” the route to Stockholm and Oslo enables the airline to cut fuel consumption approximately 100 kg on each Boeing flight and 60-70 kg on CRJ900 and E170. Within the “New Bridge” (part of SESAR) project, together with Tallinn ATC, EUROCONTROL, Russian GosNIIAS and several other airlines and organizations, Estonian Air is involved in improving the air transport flow on flights to Moscow, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Vienna and other destinations. Estonian Air Flight Operations Engineering Team continuously monitors the fuel consumption monitoring. The company applies “Fuel/Seat/Block hour” indicator for evaluating the efficiency of techniques/methods to reduce fuel consumption. In July 2012 the reduction in fuel consumption was 3% on Boeing, 4% on Bombardier CRJ900 and 6% on Embraer E170 aircraft.



Saarte linn Stockholm Seisan Skeppsbronil vanalinna ehk Gamla stan’i piiril, kohas, kus kõik alguse sai. Lahelt avanevad vaated Slussenile, Södermalmi, Blasieholmeni, Skeppsholmeni, Kastellholmeni ja Djurgårdeni – kõik on saartel asuva linna olulised paigad. Kuid kaubandustegevuseta Skeppsbronil poleks sündinud suurt Rootsi impeeriumi, mis laiutas kunagi ümber Läänemere.


in time September 2012



n varahommik, peagi muutub imeilus ajalooline linnakeskus tihedaks ja häälekaks autode, jalgrataste ja busside puntraks. Viimasel kümnendil on märgatavalt kasvanud igal võimalikul ja võimatul hetkel kella tilistavate stressis ratturite arv. Stockholm on üks maailma paremini organiseeritud linnu ja turistid kiidavad sageli, kui hõlbus on linna tajuda ning aru saada, kuidas kõik toimib. Sellest hoolimata on liiklus kui needus, aga saartel asuvas linnas ei saa seda paremini korraldada. Jalutan vanalinna. Nagu enamik Euroopa linnade vanemaid kvartaleid, on see kasvanud mudastest alleedest romantilisteks ja põnevateks munakivitänavate labürindiks, mille kaardistamatutel nurkadel ja lõpututes tupikutes võib tunde seigelda. Eesti turistile on Stockholmis pakkuda põnev mäng: kus on eesti kool? Kõik vaatavad pool minutit kaarti ja siis antakse start. Kool on peidus väikese väljaku ääres. Tegu on ainukese vanalinnas asuva kooliga ja seda peetakse üheks paremaks eesti kooliks väljaspool Eestit. Pärast vanalinnas vantsimist on paras aeg uudistada kuninglikku paleed. Ajaloohuvilised võivad veeta ülejäänud päeva seal. Kui aga huvitab, kuidas ajalugu tehakse, tulevik päästetakse (või hävitatakse), siis parlamendihoone asub Helgeandsholmenil Västerlånggatanil. Parlamendituur ei paku üksnes infot teadmishuvilistele, lisaks saab nautida suurepärast vaadet, sest hoone asub vanalinna ja city piiril.

Café Operas kohtun Tartu neiu Triin Saarniiduga, kes armus Stockholmi paar aastat tagasi ja töötab nüüd Café Opera ööklubis. “Siinsed inimesed on väga avarapilgulised ja nendega on kerge suhelda,” ütleb Saarniit. “Nad on väga mõistvad. Vahel tunnen, et nad on liiga lihtsalt kõigega nõus.”

Tekst: gustaf antell Fotod: Stockholmi turismibüroo

Sallivuse kants Möödun kuningapaleest ja lähen üle silla Kungsträdgårdeni. Siit algab üks Stockholmi nii majanduslikult kui ka kultuuriliselt mõjukamaid piirkondi. Minust vasakule jääb Kuninglik ooperimaja, mille ehitas kuningas Oscar III 1890. aastatel.

September 2012 in time


sihtkoht Café Opera on üks Stockholmi trendikamaid ja rahvusvahelisemaid ööklubisid. Tõenäoliselt soovitatakse ka hotellist just seda kohta, kui uurida linna ööelu kohta. “Nägude kontroll on nädalavahetustel päris karm, paluge hotellis, et teie nimi lisataks külaliste nimekirja,” soovitab Saarniit. “Muidu ei pruugi õhtul klubisse pääseda.”

Aafrika käsitöö Trendikas piirkond jätkub Stureplanist, kus keeb kuum ööelu, Östermalmini, kus on rikaste korterid. K au b a n d u s huvilistele teadmiseks, et Stockholmi populaarseim sisekujunduspood Afroart asub Östermalmil Nybrogatan 29. See on koht, kust trendikate Skandinaavia kodude omanikud leiavad Aafrika mustritega eredavärvilisi patju, korve ja kotte, millel on õiglase kaubanduse märk peal. Afroarti äriidee on, et Rootsi disainerid aitavad Aafrika käsitöölistel luua esemeid, mida eurooplased ostavad. Östermalmil on kohustuslik juua üks hea kohv traditsioonilises kohvikus. Mina eelistan tassikest Östermalmshallenis, kus röstitud ubade lõhna kõrval on tunda salati, kala ja muu turul müüdava värske kraami hõngu. Robert’s Coffee’s on WiFi. Stockholmi elanikele on puhkus luksus, mida saab nautida vaid nädalavahetusel, pikkade pühade või puhkuse ajal. Inimesed ei sega tööd lõbuga ja seetõttu on kohvikutes ja restoranides raske WiFi-t leida. Mõned kohad pakuvad klientidele parooli, mis kehtib tunni, kuid avalikud võrgud on haruldased.

Populaarne Södermalm Viimastel kümnenditel on Södermalm ehk Söder arenenud töölispiirkonnast alternatiivseks trendikate noorte, meediahuviliste ja kunstikalduvustega inimeste naabruskonnaks. Siin kasvas üles Greta Garbo ja piirkonna baare ning õllesaale kirjeldatakse juba 18. sajandi lauludes. Minu lemmikmarsruut on vanalinnast läbi Slusseni Götgatsbackeni. Sealt leiab baare, kohvikuid ja restorane, kuid mind tõmbab disainipood


in time September 2012

sihtkoht DesignTorget (Götgatan 31), kus müüakse väikseid majapidamisesemeid ja filigraanselt disainitud mänguasju. Samas hoones asuvas Wayne’s Coffee’s kohtun Kristina Borodinaga, kes on noor Cross Media produtsent ja Stockholmis elanud juba paar aastat. “Söder on Stureplani alternatiiv. Ma ei pea silmas alternatiivset selle sõna artistlikus tähenduses. See on lihtsam ja ausam keskklassi piirkond,” ütleb Borodina. Götgatani ja Medborgarplatseni ümbruses on palju baare. Borodina soovitab ööellu sukeldudes inimestega suhelda. “Inimesed on valmis vestlema, arendama intellektuaalset mõttevahetust, kuid isiklikuks ei maksa minna ega poliitikast rääkima hakata. Rootslastele meeldivad kerged ja lõbusad õhtud,” teab ta. Pöörates Wayne’s Coffee juurest paremale Svartensgatanile jõuab Mosebacke Torgile, kus asub Södra Teatern, mis on kuulus elava muusika, etenduste ja klubi poolest. Hea lõunasöögikoht paikneb Hermans Fjällgatan 23, kus pakutakse parimat orgaanilist taimetoitu Stockholmis. Ka on vaade Djurgårdenist imeline ja meenutab, kuidas nägi linn välja paar sajandit tagasi. Vaid saared ja künkad. Söder on ainuke koht, kus küngaste endised asukohad aimatavad.

tele, kuid rootslased on parimad eksperdid kliendi soovide vallas,” lausub Vahermägi. Paljud näited toetavad tema väidet. Kasvõi IKEA, H&M, üle ilma tuntud lauljad, näitlejad jne. Kui plaanite Stockholmis äri avada või osa ettevõttest Rootsi kolida, soovitab Vahermägi leida kohaliku parneri, et vältida võimalikke kultuurikonflikte. “Rootsi ärikultuur on väga mitteametlik ja hierarhiavaba, kuid see ei tähenda, et see oleks nõrk või ebaefektiivne. Suisa vastupidi,” teab Vahermägi. “Rootsi tööandjate ja töötajate suhe meenutab vähem bossi ja alluva suhtlust kui mujal maailmas,” räägib Patrik Lund oma kogemustest Rootsi informaatika-logistika ettevõttes Stråhlfors. Võiks arvata, et soomerootslast, kes on töötanud Soome Stråhlforsi kontoris, ei üllata Stockholmis miski. Kuid üllatas küll. “Rootsi ettevõttes on oluline konsensus, peetakse palju koosolekuid ja otsustamine on väga aeglane. Kõik võivad arvamust avaldada ja kõik peavad tundma ennast protsessi kaasatuna,” lisab Lund. “See on ilus kontsept ja hoiab meeskonna ühtsena.” Östermalmshallen

Kuidas Stockholmis edukas olla Rootsi on Skandinaavia suurim turg ja Stockholm on Rootsi ettevõtluse keskus. Riigis on 200 aastat valitsenud rahu – pikim periood maailmas. Seetõttu on Rootsi ettevõtlusel olnud aega areneda ja turul peaaegu pole täitmata nišše. Et karmis konkurentsis ellu jääda, on Rootsi ettevõtjad meisterlikud turundajad, klienditeenindajad ja suhtehoidjad. Taave Vahermägi on 1Office juht. Eesti ettevõte peab Stockholmis büroohotelli ja teenustekeskust. “Kui lähed oma ettevõttega Stockholmi, pead kindlasti püüdma vaid Rootsi turgu,” soovitab Vahermägi. Põhjamaade viies riigis on eraldi turud peaaegu igal alal. “Pead ise oma niši leidma ja hästu turgu tundma,” ütleb Vahermägi, tunnistades, et ka tema ettevõte ei saaks muul alal hakkama. Nimelt on nende spetsialiteet aidata Baltimaade ettevõtetel Rootsis kanda kinnitada ja vastupidi. “Stockholm on suurepärane koht IT-ettevõtja-

September 2012 in time

Lundi sõnul pole Stockholmis konkurents ettevõtte oma töötajate vahel nii terav kui Helsingis, kuid ettevõtluskliima on siiski pinev, keskendutakse tõelistele konkurentidele – teistele ettevõtetele.




the city on islands


in time September 2012


I’m standing on Skeppsbron, at the edge of Gamla stan, the place where it all started. The bay opens up in front of me with views to Slussen, Södermalm, Blasieholmen, Skeppsholmen, Kastellholmen and Djurgården – all important parts of this city of islands. But without the commerce on Skeppsbron the great Swedish empire around the Baltic Sea might never have existed.


t’s early, moments before the morning rush transforms this beautiful historic city centre into a loud mess of cars, buses and bikes. The number of stressed bikers, eager to ring their bike bells whenever somebody moves out of line, has risen sharply during the last decade. Stockholm is one of the best organised cities in the world and tourists often praise the city for how easy it is to learn to read the city and understand how everything works. But because of the islands the traffic remains an unsolved curse. I walk into the Old Town. Like most old parts of any European city, it has grown from one dirty alleyway to hundreds of exciting and romantic cobblestone paths where the labyrinths of almost unmappable turns and dead-ends offer visitors hours of adventure. A great game for first time (Estonian) visitors is "Where’s the Estonian school?". Everyone taking part gets a look at the map for half a minute, and then the race is on. The school is hidden very close to a little urban glade. It is the only school in the Old Town and considered one of the best Estonian schools outside Estonia. After strolling around the Old Town, it’s time to go to the Royal Palace. Museum and history lovers can spend the rest of their day there. If you’re more interested in how history is

September 2012 in time

Text: Gustaf Antell Photos: Stockholm Visitors Board


destination made and our future saved (or destroyed), the Parliament House is on Helgeandsholmen at the end of Västerlånggatan. Tours of the Parliament don’t only offer knowledge for the knowledgeable, but also a fantastic view as the Parliament Houses are built seemingly in the middle of the stream between the Old Town and the City area.

City of tolerance I walk past the Royal Palace and over the bridge to Kungsträdgården. This is the beginning of the more affluent parts of Stockholm, both economically and culturally. On my left is the Royal Opera House, built during the 1890s by king Oscar III. In Café Opera I meet Triin Saarniit, a young Estonian woman from Tartu who fell in love with Stockholm a few years ago and now works for the Café Opera nightclub. “People here are open-minded and very accessible,” says Saarniit. “And also very tolerant. I sometimes even feel that they agree a little too much!” Café Opera is one of the trendiest and definitely the most international nightclubs in Stockholm. It’s probably the one your hotel recommends if you ask about nightlife. “To get past the face control that is quite strict on weekends, ask your hotel to add your name to the guest list,” suggests Saarniit. “Otherwise you might not get in at all during a busy night.”

African craft The trendy area goes through Stureplan, where most of the hottest nightlife takes place, up to Östermalm, where the rich have their city apartments. For daytime shoppers, interior design is very popular now in Stockholm with Afroart, a shop in Östermalm, on Nybrogatan 29 being a real hot spot. This is where people with stylish Scandinavian homes will find all kinds of cushions, baskets and bags


in time September 2012

Kuningaloss / Kings castle

with big African patterns and bright colours, mostly with Fairtrade certificates to go. The business idea behind Afroart is that Swedish designers help African craftsmen to produce handicraft that Europeans would buy. Another must in Östermalm is to have a nice cup of well-roasted coffee in one of all the stylish or traditional cafés around. I prefer to enjoy my cup in Östermalmshallen, where the smell of roast beans competes with the fresh scents of salads, fish and whatever the marketeers drag in. Robert’s Coffee has WiFi. In Stockholm, you only have the luxury of a break during weekends, long holidays and after work. You don’t mix work and play, which explains why WiFi is hard to come by at cafés and restaurants. Some places offer a one-hour password for customers, but there are almost no open networks here.

Södermalm – the place to be During the last decades, Södermalm, or Söder, has developed from working class to alternative trendy, young, media

September 2012 in time

savvy, and artistic. Greta Garbo grew up here and its bars and mead halls are mentioned in songs from the 18th century. My favourite walk coming from the Old Town, is through Slussen to Götgatsbacken. Here you’ll find bars, cafés and restaurants, but I am drawn to an interior design shop selling small household items and meticulously designed toys – DesignTorget (Götgatan 31). In the same building, in Wayne’s Coffee, I meet Kristina Borodina, a young Russian Cross Media Producer who has lived in Stockholm for a couple of years. “Söder is the alternative Stureplan. I don’t mean alternative in the sense of underground or artsy. It’s just a little simpler and more honestly middleclass”, says Borodina. There are lots of bars situated on Götgatan and around Medborgarplatsen. As a nightlife tip Borodina suggests you talk with people because they are good at small-talk. “People are open to conversations, also to more intellectual ones, but don’t get too personal or political. Swedes want to keep their evenings light and fun.” Turn right from Wayne’s Coffee

destination Tallinn – Stockholm n  Hind alates 49.90 EUR Prices from 49.90 EUR 28 x nädalas / 28 weekly flights Tartu – Stockholm n

Hind alates 69.90 EUR Prices from 69.90 EUR

Vilnius – Stockholm n  Hind alates 55.30 EUR Prices from 55.30 EUR

Moskva / Moscow – n

Stockholm Hind alates 66.08 EUR Prices from 66.08 EUR

St Peterburg / n

St Petersburg – Stockholm Hind alates 61.89 EUR Prices from 61.89 EUR


and take Svartensgatan street eastward to get to Mosebacke Torg. There you’ll find Södra Teatern, famous for its live music, plays and clubs ( If you’re looking for lunch, Hermans on Fjällgatan 23 offers the best organic vegetarian buffet in Stockholm. The view over to Djurgården is magnificent and reminds you of how the city looked like a few centuries ago – all islands and hills. Now, Söder is the only relict of those hills and steep slopes.

How to make it in Stockholm Sweden has the biggest market in Scandinavia and Stockholm is the epicentre of Swedish business. The country has enjoyed peace for 200 years, longer than anywhere in the world, so Swedish business life has had time to develop to a full market with almost no empty niches. To make it in this harsh competition, Swedish companies are masters of marketing, customer service and client relations. Taave Vahermägi is the manager of 1Office, an

Estonian Office Hotel and Business Services company with a branch in Stockholm. “If you take your business to Stockholm, you should definitely do it only for the Swedish market,” advises Vahermägi. The Nordic countries are five separate markets in almost every field. “You need to find your niche and know how to market yourself,” says Vahermägi and admits that his own company wouldn’t be able to thrive if it tried to move too far from its niche, which is to help Baltic companies establish themselves on the Swedish market and vice versa. “Stockholm is a great city for IT-entrepreneurs, but what the Swedes really are best at is knowing what the customer wants,” adds Vahermägi. There are a number of examples that support his claim. Just think of IKEA, H&M and dozens of global stars of music, film and entertainment industries. If you’re planning to open a business in Stockholm, or just move a part of your business to Sweden, Vahermägi recommends you find a local partner first, because there are potential culture conflicts you want to avoid. “Swedish business culture is very non-formal and non-hierarchal, but this does not mean it’s weak or ineffective. Quite the opposite,” explains Vahermägi. “Swedish employers and employees have a relationship that is much less boss-worker than in any other country in the world,” says Patrik Lund based on his own experience at the Swedish Information Logistics company Stråhlfors. You’d think that a Finland Swede who has worked for the Finnish branch of Stråhlfors in Helsinki for a decade would not feel any culture surprise moving to Stockholm, but he did. “In Sweden, it’s all about consensus within the company, so there are lots of meetings and sometimes decision-making is very slow. Everybody is allowed to express their opinion and everybody has to feel involved in the process,” marks Lund. “Of course, that’s seldom what happens in reality, but it’s a nice concept. This keeps the team working together.” Lund thinks that in Stockholm the competition between employees of a company is not as tough as in Helsinki. The business climate is still competitive, but energy is more focused on beating the real competition – other companies.

in time September 2012


Kuidas avastada Par(ad)iisi? Olen vahel mõelnud, et reisil läheks hädasti vaja psühholoogilist eneseabiõpikut – ja seda mitte maailmakaardi ääreotstes seigeldes, vaid suurlinnades, millega esmatutvust tehes vasardavad sageli peas küsimused: kust alustada? Kas ta ikka on selline, nagu paistab? Kas läheme kohe tülli või armume ülepeakaela või saavad meist lihtsalt head sõbrad? Ja kuidas tal minuga mängimine ometi nii hästi välja tuleb?


in time September 2012



una Pariisi teejuhte on maailma raamatupoodide lettidel ilmselt samapalju kui koka- või sõnaraamatuid, tegin katse end lugupeetud linnaga taaskohtudes faktikülluse asemel hoopis muusika ja filmidega meeleollu viia. Maagilisse realismi sukeldumiseks vaatasin “Amélie“ filmi, värskendasin mälupilte ning kultuuriteadmisi Woody Alleni “Keskööga Pariisis“ ja vaatasin Eesti publiku seas värskelt täissaalidele jooksnud “1+1“. Kõrvaklappides üks mu vanu lemmikuid, mõni aasta tagasi taevastele nootidele lahkunud Malcolm McLareni legendaarne album “Paris“, astusin teistkordselt elus maha lennukilt maailma turismilinnas number üks. Paris, Paris – I feel love, laulab mahehäälne McLaren, aga kuidas see armastus metropolis enese jaoks üles leida? Ilmselgelt mitte Prantsuse kunagise presidendi Charles de Gaulle’i auks nimetatud lennujaamast, tuleb leida tee otse linnasüdamesse. Nagu ka inimsuhetes – igaühele oma.

Pariisi ajatu klassika Kui Pariis tundub alguses pelutav, peida ebakindlus elegantsete päikseprillide taha, istu lennukist RER-i ehk lähirongi peale, mis viib Pariisi põhjavaksalisse Gare du Nordi ja seikle sealt edasi südalinna. Viimane on Pariisi-suuruse 2,2 miljoni elanikuga linna puhul muidugi hajus mõiste. Kohalikud kasutavad Pariisist rääkides arrondisment’ide ehk piirkondade numbreid, mis hakkavad hargnema nr 1 ehk Louvre’i palee juurest ja kulgevad spiraalikujuliselt kuni nr 20 ehk

September 2012 in time

äärelinna Ménilmontant’ini. Muuseas, 2006. aasta filmis “Paris, je t’aime“ loovad 20 maailmas tuntud režissööri igaüks viieminutilise portree ühest Pariisi linnajaost. Tänapäevase Pariisi planeering, mille kunagisi kitsaid tänavaid lõhestavad laiad boulevard’id ja ilmestavad rohelised pargid, on suurel määral parun Haussmanni looming. Sellise näo sai Pariis Napoleon III ajal 19. sajandi teisel poolel. Neil, kelle tutvus Pariisiga on piirdunud postkaartide ikooniliste vaadetega, soovitaksin omal nahal kõige kogemiseks alustada Arc de Triomphe’ist ning liikuda alla mööda ChampsÉlysées’ laia puiesteed. Kindlasti kohtate mõnd tänavamuusikut, kes Joe Dassini ajatust laulukesest oma tõlgenduse esitab. Nime on see maailma üks tuntumaid tänavaid laenanud Kreeka mütoloogiast, kus kangelased suundusid viimsele puhkusele Elüüsiumi väljadele (kui nad teaksid, kui kallis siin tänapäeval kinnisvara ruutmeetri hind on, siis nad hauas kergendatult ei hingaks). Väljadel on pikkust peaaegu kaks kilomeetrit ja etteruttavalt võib öelda, et kontsakingad on kõikjal Pariisis mõeldud ainult tõelistele printsessidele ja sääremari võiks olla jalutamisega harjunud. Avenüül toimuvad Euroopa suurimad sõjaväeparaadid, ka Prantsuse vabariigi iseseisvuspäeva 14. juulil ehk Bastille’i kindluse vallutamise aastapäeva tähistatakse võimsa defileega. Riigipea saab seda jälgida otse oma lähinaabruses asuvast Élysée paleest. Avenüü Champs-Élysées’ lõpetab mitme jalgpalliplatsi mõõtu Concorde’i ehk Üksmeele väljak, Pariisi suurim. Siit, Seine’i jõe kaldalt – mis sarnaselt suure osa ülejäänud Pariisiga on samuti UNESCO maailmapärandi kaitse all – paistab juba täies hiilguses kätte Eiffeli torn.

Tekst: Mari Kodres Fotod: pariisi turismiamet


sihtkoht Jardin des Tuileries

Kui aga pärast maailma vanima pargi ehk Tuileries’i aedade läbimist selgub, et Louvre’i muuseumi ees on liiga pikad järjekorrad, ei tasu heituda – Pariisis on kümneid esmaklassilisi muuseume ja siinsamas lähedal, teisel pool Seine’i vanas beaux-art’i stiilis raudteejaamahoones asub võrdväärne Musée d'Orsay. 1900. aastaks Pariisi maailmanäituseks valminud hoone au ja uhkus on maailma esinduslikem impressionistide tööde väljapanek. Kui aga rahvamassidega koos kulgemine üldse ei huvita, võib valida mõne veel väiksema muuseumi – näiteks tehnoloogiamuuseumi Arts et Metiers, mis paikneb pooleldi vanas kirikus ja kus on vanade vidinate kõrval võimalik uudistada originaalset Foucault’ pendlit ning esimesi sõidumasinaid. Keskaegse Pariisi südame tuiksoon, kust saab alguse ka linna 0-kilomeeter, on Seine’i jõel asuv väikene saar Île de la Cité. Saart ja Seine’i kaldaid ühendavad mitu silda, kuid kuulsaim on Pariisi vanim sild, 17. sajandi alguses ehitatud Pont Neuf. (Filmisõber tardub mälestustes ja läheb puhastab tolmukorra alt “Pont Neufi armastajate“ DVD). Lisaks Notre Dame’i katedraalile asub siin ka Pariisi gootika uhkus Saint Chapelle’i kabel, mille vitraažaknad on puhas ilu. Veel kaks klassikut, milleta Pariisi külastus jääks poolikuks: vasakul jõekaldal Rive Gauche’is asuv


Ladina kvartal ning põhjaosas üle linna kõrguv Montmartre’i mägi. Ladina kvartalis on tarkuse kants, kus asuvad Sorbonne’i ülikooli hooned, samuti saab suures kuppelkirikus Panteonis tutvuda prantslastest maailmakultuuri suurkujudega. Siin paikneb ka Pariisi vanim kirik Saint-Germaindes-Prés, kus asus juba 6. sajandil benediktiini mungaklooster. Montmartre on aga 19. sajandist kunstnike ja kirjanike väike Meka suures Pariisis. Praegu on sel põhiliselt ajalooline väärtus, kuigi õhustikku on omajagu säilinud. Kui on soov võtta ette väike ajarännak koos sinna juurde kuuluva veini ja prantsuse lauluga, siis võib õhtu veeta kabarees Au Lapin Agile. Moulin Rouge’i peamine väärtus tänapäeval on selle välisilme, mitte sisu. Üle Pariisi linna vaatab bütsantsi, gooti ja romaani stiile ühendav Sacre Coeur’i kirik, mille juurde viivad 237 laia trepiastet. Pariis on parkide, jalutamise ja jäätise söömise linn. Romantiline Butte de Chaumont 19. linnajaos või kuulsad Luxembourgi aiad, “Pariisi kopsude“ nimetuse ära teeninud Vincennes’i mets, algselt botaanikaaiaks ehitatud Jardin des Plantes, pimedas paheliseks muutuv Bologne mets, vanale raudteele ehitatud Proménade Plantée – kõik pakuvad head vaheldust, et end Pariisi kesklinna kärast natukeseks välja kiskuda. Kui šopata, siis šikilt – isegi kui see tähendab vaid window shopping'ut. Lafayette’i galerii butiikide järjekorrad, rääkimata hinnasiltidest (numbrid näitavad tuhandeid eurosid), on maalähedasele eestlasele rabav elamus. Viimase saab täiesti tasuta ka siis, kui lihtsalt uudistada kohaliku gurmeeosakonna lette või imetleda hoone 20. sajandi alguse belle epoque’i art nouveau arhitektuuri. Tõelised toiduhuvilised võiksid leida tee ka La Grande Épicerie’le ehk prantsuse köögi palverändurite ühte meelispaika. Ainuüksi Pariisis on üle kolmveerandsaja Michelini tärni vääriliseks hinnatud restorani.

in time September 2012

sihtkoht Et kostüümidega ei jääks uhkeldamata, võiks õhtu lõppeda Pariisi ooperimajas Opéra Garnier, kus lisaks muusikale saab süveneda ka Marc Chagalli 14 maailmakuulsat heliloojat kujutavasse laemaali.

Uued tuuled ja Pariis Kui heita pilk Montmartre’ilt Sacre Coeur’i basiilika juurest üle linna, jääb silma kõrghoonete vähesus – välja arvatud ühes kohas. Pariisi kesklinnas ei konkureeri uhkes üksilduses Eiffeli torniga mitte miski ning juba 1960-ndatel alustati eraldi pilvelõhkujatega La Defense arendamist. Uue linnaku tuntuim maamärk on La Grande Arche de la Defense, Triumfikaare moodne – ja silmaga hinnates pigem nurklik kui kaarjas – vaste. Idee on siiski sama: mõlemad on monumendid inimlikkusele ja humanismile, mitte kummardus sõjalistele võitudele. Siin asub ka Pariisi kõrguselt teine hoone Eiffeli torni järel ehk 231 meetrit kõrge ärihoone Tour First. Selle tiitli napsas ta alles möödunud aastal Lõuna-Pariisis Montparnasse’il asuvalt 59-korruseliselt Tour Montparnasse’ilt, mille kõrgeim korrus on avatud turistidele. Muuseume leidub Pariisis ka moodsaimale maitsele. Põnev vormilt ja maailma parimaid sisult on Prantsuse ekspresidendi, Pariisi moderniseerida püüdnud Georges Pompidou auks nimetatud Centre Pompidou, kus veel näiteks eeloleval sügiselgi saab (lisaks muusemi üüratutele püsikollektsioonidele) näha kaasaegse maali grand old man’i Gerhard Richteri

panoraamnäitust ning erinäitusi Edward Munchi ja Henri Matisse’i loomingust. Pariisi püsielanikud kunst, kirjandus ja disain elavad siinsamas kõrval Marais’ linnajaos, mis on aastasadade jooksul olnud koduks nii aristokraatidele kui ka juutidele. Tänapäeval näitab loomemajandus end Marais’ kümnetes galeriides, kuhu pääsevad vaid säravaimad kunstnikud või väljapaistvamad tulevikutähed. Üks kuulsamaid hüppelaudu uute kunstimaailma Picassode ja Monet’de jaoks on Galerie Perrotin, mille kahte korrust soovitan kindlasti külastada. Kuigi oleks kiusatus tembeldada Marais’s elavaid hiinlasi viimase aja sisserännanuteks, see nii siiski pole – hiina kogukond asustas linnajao I maailmasõja päevil, mil oli vaja töökäsi sõtta kutsutud meeste asendamiseks. Moodsatest hoonetest vääriksid kindlasti tähelepanu kaks nn arhitektuuri Nobeli ehk Pritzker Prize’i laureaadi Jean Nouveli kätetööd: juba 1987. aastal valminud Araabiamaailma Instituut ning viis aastat tagasi valminud Musée du quai Branly. Esimene neist asub Seine’i vasakul kaldal, lähedal linna teisele looduslikule jõesaarele Île SaintLouis’le. Hoone edelakülje fassaadi katvad nelinurksed paneelid jätavad esmapilgul lihtsalt mulje araabia maailmale tüüpilistest mustritest, kuid tegelikult on sajad paneelid fotosensitiivsed – reguleerivad hoonesse pääseva valguse hulka. Moodne MQB aga võttis oma koha sisse teise arhitektuuriklassiku Eiffeli torni vahetus läheduses. Arvestades Prantsuse koloniaalminevikku ja

Ile de La Cité

September 2012 in time

Musée du Louvre, Pyramide du Louvre


sihtkoht Pariis lastega Vaatamata suurusele ja n

turistirohkusele, on Pariis lastesõbralik linn, kus leidub palju parke ja mänguväljakuid. Luxembourgi aedades ning Eiffeli torni ümbritsevas Champ de Mars’i pargis saab koos lastega kaasa naerda klassikalistele marionetietendustele, karussellid kuuluvad Pariisis samuti 21. sajandisse. Vanemad kui kaheaastased lapsed võib juba viia lastemuuseumisse Cité des enfants, mis asub Kirde-Pariisis Parc de la Villette’is.

Päevajagu tegevust võib n

lastele leida kahes teemapargis: esimene neist on Pariisist põhja suunas 35 kilomeetrit eemal asuv Parc Asterix, mis atraktsioonide poolest sobib pigem suurematele ja seiklushimulistematele lastele. Pargi keskseid tegelasi tunneb iga prantslane Asterixi koomiksitest ning lugudest, seega hea võimalus tutvuda kohalike iidolitega. Väiksemad lapsed võib mikide-minnidega tutvuma viia Eurodisneylandi, mis asub kesklinnast umbes 20 kilomeetrit idas. Mõlemasse teemaparki saab mugavalt kesklinnast kohale sõita Pariisi RER-lähirongidega.

kultuuriväärtuste rahastamist üldiselt, on MQB ilmselt parimaid kohti, kus tutvuda kogu maailma põlisrahvaste kultuuriga. Tänapäevane Pariis ei oleks päris Pariis, kui külastus piirduks ainult ajalooliste kesklinnakvartalitega. Mina soovitaksin küll soojalt minna ja seigelda ajaloolise töölisklassi elamurajooni Belleville’i kandis, kus juba aastakümneid elab üheskoos tõeline rahvaste paabel. Kuna elamine Belleville’is oli pikka aega väga odav, kolisid siiakanti paljud loomeinimesed, kes samuti piirkonna nägu kujundama asusid. Päritolult bellevilloise Edith Piaf rääkis uhkusega oma kohalikust aktsendist, mida on võrreldud ka inglise kokniga. Aasia, aafrika, kreeka, armeenia rahvusköögid pakuvad Belleville’is võrdväärseid maitseelamusi prantsuse köögile ning hinnad on mitte lihtsalt turisti-, vaid lausa tudengisõbralikud. Eriliselt mõnus koht ajaveetmiseks on Canal Saint Martin, mis on Bassin de la Villette’i ja Seine’i jõe ühenduslüli. Siin on hea pariislasi jälgida kas mõnest kaldaäärsest kohvikust või ise kanali ääres kaasa võetud baguette’i ja veinipudeliga jalgu kõlgutades. Keda huvitab sõna otseses mõttes underground, siis nüüd on võimalik külastada ka Pariisi katakombe – umbes 300 kilomeetrit teid paralleel-Pariisi, sissepääsuga Lõuna-Pariisis Montparnasse’il. Siin nagu igal pool mujalgi Parii-

Place du Tertre


sis tuleb meeles pidada, et tunglemine ja järjekorrad on sageli võrreldavad juubelilaulupeo kassajärjekorraga. Iseenesest on turistidele avatud pisike osa katakombidest, kuid subkultuurse liikumisena tegutsevad nn katafiilid omapäi, liikudes neile teadaolevaid radu pidi. Sisenetakse ventilatsiooni- ja kanalisatsiooniavade kaudu, peetakse nii piknikke, kinoõhtuid kui ka reive. Kui hauatagune elu huvitab maa peal, siis palju toredaid surnud inimesi leiab ka Père-Lachaise'i kalmistult, kuhu ainsa eestlasena on maetud Eduard Wiiralt. Neil aga, kelle hing ihkab rohelust erinevate aianduskultuuride ja tööstuselementide sümbioosis, tasuks sammud seada Javeli linnajakku Parc Andre Citroeni suunas. Aitab keerulistest võrdlustest. Igaüks saab aru, et Pariis on nagu kange iseloomuga vanaema, kes muudab tõrksalt oma tõekspidamisi, näeb vigu ainult endast vähemkogenutes, aga suudab seda esitada nii võluvalt, et ikkagi maitsevad just tema pannkoogid (pardon, crepe’id) kõige paremini. Ja nagu ikka, lisandub iga korraga aina uusi mälestusi ning avastamisväärsusi.

Päev Pariisist eemal – Versailles Et kunagi linnast eemal asunud, aga tänaseks peaaegu Pariisi eeslinnaks muutunud Versailles on omamoodi riik riigis, tasuks selle rahulikuks nautimiseks võtta terve päev. E-riigi kodanik võiks näidata eeskuju ning osta pileti eelnevalt netis, kuna muidu tuleb arvestada umbes tunniajaste järjekordadega. Prantsuse monarhia mania grandiosa on Versailles’is arendatud filigraansuseni. Tohutus kompleksis on mitu täiesti erinevat osa – palee, lossi taga pikalt laiuvad korrapärased pargid, purskkaevud, paadisõidule kutsuv tiik. Need moodustavad terava kontrasti Marie Antoinette’i maamõisaga, kus kuninganna tahtis taasluua Normandia pastoraalidülli. Pidi jääma mulje, et koht asub kaugel linnatsivilisatsioonist ja kuningapaleest. Iroonia seisnes selles, et väliselt Kääbikla, kus rabarberi ja sibulapeenarde kõrval patseerivad ringi kitsed ja kanad, olid hooned seest üdini luksuslikud. See kõik rüüstati Suure Prantsuse revolutsiooni käigus ning majade sisemust pole tänaseni taastatud. Kui külastus tehtud, vaatate Sophia Coppola “Marie Antoinette’i“ filmi kindlasti hoopis teise pilguga.

in time September 2012

Tere tulemast A.Le Coq Arenale! Suurenda oma mängupäeva elamusi A. Le Coq Arenal suurepärase toidu ja veiniga, naudi emotsionaalset ja positiivset atmosfääri ning sõlmi uusi tutvusi! Ela Eesti koondisele mõnusalt kaasa!

Ela mõnusalt mängule kaasa!

VIP-TEENINDUS EESTI KOONDISE MÄNGUL Triobet Business Clubi pääsmega saad nautida järgmiseid eeliseid: Parimad istekohad küljetribüüni keskmises sektoris Tasuta joogid (veinid, õlu, karastus- ja kuumad joogid) kogu ürituse vältel Soe buffet õhtusöök (külmad eelroad, soojad põhiroad, magustoidu valik) Võimalus jälgida mängu ka TV-ekraanidelt Meeldiv õhkkond ja võimalus luua uusi kontakte Kiire sissepääs staadionile Tasuta mängukavad ja koosseisud enne mängu Riietus: mugav, aga viisakas (smart casual)

Triobet Business Club pääsmete hinnad 2012. aastal toimuvatel MM-valikmängudel: 07.09.2012 Eesti – Rumeenia 95 EUR 12.10.2012 Eesti – Ungari 95 EUR Triobet Business Clubi liikmepakett terveks valiktsükliks (kokku 5mängu) 400 EUR Hinnad kehtivad ühele inimesele ja sisaldavad käibemaksu. Tellimuse soovi korral ja info saamiseks palun külastage, kirjutage meile või helistage +372 627 9958






When travelling, I have sometimes caught myself craving for a psychological selfhelp book. This has not happened in the outback, but when visiting a major city for the first time and facing questions like where to start, is this the way it looks, shall we fall out at once or fall madly in love or simply become good friends and how can (s)he play me so well? 44

in time September 2012


How to discover Par(ad)is(e)?


s the world’s bookstores have surely as many Paris guides as they have cookbooks or dictionaries, I attempted to get in the mood of a new encounter with this respectable city not through facts, but through music and films. To dive into the city’s magical realism, I watched “Amélie“, followed by Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris” and “1+1”, a recent box-office hit in Estonia. So for the second time in my life, I touched down in the world’s No. 1 tourism destination. My headphones were playing “Paris”, the legendary album of Malcolm McLaren, one of my favourites who left for the heavenly stages a few years ago. “Paris, Paris – I feel love”, say the lyrics of McLaren, but how can I find this love in the metropolis itself? Clearly not from the airport named after the former French president Charles de Gaulle. Like in human relationships, I must find a way straight to the city’s heart.

The timeless classics of Paris If you are at first intimidated by Paris, hide your insecurity behind fancy sunglasses, switch from the aircraft to RER, i.e. the rapid transit train that takes you to the Gare du Nord train terminal and head towards the city centre. For a city with 2.2 million inhabitants, a city centre is, of course, a fuzzy concept. To navigate, the locals use arrondissements, i.e. districts that start with the 1st District at the Louvre and spiral onwards

September 2012 in time

until the 20th District, the Ménilmontant suburb. By the way, in Paris, Je t’aime, a film made in 2006, twenty well-known film directors created a fiveminute portrait of each city district. The cityscape of Paris today is characterised by narrow streets, wide boulevards and green parks – Baron Haussmann is the mastermind behind it. This is Paris as it was in the second half of the 19th century, during the reign of Napoleon III. Those who have studied Paris only from iconic postcards should begin their tour from Arc de Triomphe and then take the wide avenue of ChampsÉlysée. You will surely meet some street musicians performing their version of the timeless classic of Joe Dassin. This, one of the world’s bestknown streets was named after fields of Elysium that in Greek mythology were the final resting place of fallen heroes (they would be turning in

Text: Mari Kodres Photos: Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau


destination In Paris with children n Despite of its size and popularity as a tourist attraction, Paris is a city that loves children. It has many parks and playgrounds and in the Luxembourg gardens and Champ de Mars, the park surrounding the Eiffel Tower, your children and you can enjoy classic puppet shows. Naturally, the 21st century Paris has its share of carousels. Older than two-year-olds can visit the children’s museum – Cité des enfants – that is located in Northeast Paris at Parc de la Villette. Then there are two then

me parks with attractions that can fill a whole day: Parc Asterix is located 35 km from Paris in North and is suitable for bigger and more adventurous children. Everyone who has ever read a comic book is familiar with Asterix. For younger children, there is Eurodisneyland with its Mickeys and Minnies located some 20 kilometres east of the city centre. Both theme parks are easily accessible from the city centre by the RER rapid transit system.


their graves if they knew how expensive is a square meter of property in the area now). The fields are almost two kilometres long, so unless you’re a princess, leave anything with heels at home and prepare for a lengthy walk. The avenue is host to Europe’s largest military parades, the grandest being the parade honouring the National Day of Independence on July 14th, the anniversary of the conquering of the Bastille. The head of state is watching the parade from the nearby Palace of Élysée. At the end of ChampsÉlysée is the Concorde square, the largest in town. Like most of Paris it is a world heritage site of UNESCO and offers a glimpse to the famous Eiffel tower. When you have walked through the world’s oldest park, Tuileries, and find that the queue in front of the Louvre is too long, don’t lose hope. There are tens of excellent museums in Paris and right here on the other side of the Seine is Musée d'Orsay in the old beaux-art railway station building. Completed in 1900 for the Paris World Expo, it now houses the world’s best collection of impressionist art. If you don’t like crowds, choose some smaller museum like the museum of technology, Arts et Metiers, that is partly located in an old church and displays not only modern technology, but also the original Foucault pendulum and the first vehicles.

Île de la Cité, a small island on the Seine, is the main artery of the medieval Paris and the town’s geographical centre. The island is linked with several bridges, the most famous of them being the oldest bridge in Paris – Pont Neuf – that was built in early 17th century. Time to go and wipe the dust off the DVD of “The Lovers on the Bridge”. In addition to the Cathedral of Notre Dame, this is also the location for the city’s Gothic jewel, the chapel of Sainte-Chappelle, with its amazingly beautiful tainted glass windows. Another two classics which are a must during a trip to Paris are the Latin quarter on the left bank of Rive Gauche and the Montmartre hill in the North towering above the town. The Latin quarter is a hotbed for knowledge with the University of Sorbonne and Panteon’s famous cupola. That is also where the oldest church in Paris is. SaintGermain-des-Prés was a monastery already in the 6th century. Since the 19th century, Montmartre has been a little Mecca in the big Paris for artists and writers. Today it has mainly historic value, though there is still plenty of ambience. If you wish to go on time-travel with a bottle of wine and a French song, spend a cabaret night in Au Lapin Agile. The main value of Moulin Rouge today is its look, not content. Overlooking Paris is the Church of Sacre Coeur, a mix of Byzantine, Gothic and Roman architecture with 237 wide steps leading to it.

in time September 2012

A day away from Paris: Versailles Since Versailles, this state in a state that once was away from n

the city has by now become practically a suburb of Paris, it is best to dedicate a whole day for exploring it. It is best to buy a ticket online because the alternative is to spend an hour queuing. In Versaille, you can enjoy the mania grandiosa of the French monarchy at its finest. This huge complex consists of several totally different parts: the Palace itself, huge carefully aligned parks behind the castle, the fountains, and the pond that looks great for boating. These form a sharp contrast with the estate of Marie Antoinette where the Queen wanted to recreate the pastoral and idyllic Normandy. Her plan was to create an illusion that the place is located far from the urban civilisation and the royal palace. The irony was that while the outdoors was rustic to the extreme, the buildings were extremely luxurious inside. All of it was plundered during the French Revolution and the indoor luxury was never restored. Once you have been there, you will have a whole different perspective when watching Sophia Coppola’s film „Marie Antoinette.”

Paris is a town of parks for walking and eating ice-cream. Choice for an alternative to the buzz of central Paris is wide, ranging from the romantic Butte de Chaumont in the 19th District or famous Luxembourg Gardens, the Vincennes forest that was once known as the lungs of Paris, Jardin de Plantes that has been designed as botanical gardens, the Bologne forest that turns mysterious in the dark and Proménade Plantée built on the old railway. If you are going to shop, do it in style, even when limiting yourself to window shopping. The lines of boutiques at the Lafayette Gallery, to say nothing of price tags (in thousands of euros!), are an astonishing sight even for a pragmatic Estonian tourist. Take a look at the local gourmet department or marvel the art nouveau architecture of the building that dates back to early 20th century. Food-lovers should visit La Grande Épicerie, a Mecca for the French cuisine. Paris alone has more than 75 restaurants with at least one Michelin star. To give costumes the credit they deserve, the night could end in Opéra Garnier, the Paris opera house where in addition to music you can delve into the ceiling painting of 14 world-famous composers by Marc Chagall.

New winds in Paris If you look out towards the city from the Sacre Coeur in Montmartre, you cannot help noticing the almost total lack of skyscrapers. Nothing in central Paris is allowed to overshadow the Eiffel Tower, so the development of La Defense, a modern high-rise area, started already in 1960s. The bestknown landmark of this district is La Grande Arche de la Defense, the modern and box-like version of the Arc de Triomphe. But the idea is the same: both are monuments to humanity and humanism, not to military victories. This is also the site of Tour First, the 231-metre-high office building that is second in height only to the Eiffel tower. For-

September 2012 in time

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Centre Georges Pompidou

Tallinn – Pariis / Paris n  Hind alates 59.90 EUR Prices from 59.90 EUR

6 x nädalas / 6 weekly flights Tartu – Pariis /Paris n  Hind alates 79.90 EUR Prices from 79.90 EUR

Vilnius – Pariis /Paris n  Hind alates 83.38 EUR Prices from 83.38 EUR

St Peterburg / n

St. Petersburg – Pariis / Paris Hind alates 74.90 EUR Prices from 74.90 EUR

Helsingi / Helsinki – n  Pariis / Paris Hind alates 77.81 EUR Prices from 77.81 EUR

Stockholm – Pariis / Paris n  Hind alates 828 SEK Prices from 828 SEK


merly, this title belonged to the 59-storey Tour Montparnasse in South Paris whose top floor is open to tourists. There are museums also for more modern taste. Centre Pompidou is a museum that looks exciting from the outside and is even better from the inside, named after the French ex-president Georges Pompidou that attempted to modernize Paris. In addition to permanent exhibitions, this autumn the museum will feature the exhibition of Gerhard Richter, the grand old man of art and special exhibitions from the works of Edward Munch and Henri Matisse. The three permanent residents of Paris – art, literature and design – live side by side in the district of Marais that for centuries has housed both aristocrats and Jews. Today, Marais has tens of galleries that accept only the best artists or most promising future stars. For future Picassos and Monets, one of the most famous springboards to the art world is Galerie Perrotin on two floors. Although it is tempting to label Chinese living in Marais as modern immigrants it is not the case because the Chinese community settled here during World War I when it was necessary to replace men who had been conscripted. Speaking of modern architecture we should mention two buildings designed by Jean Nouvel, winner of the “Nobel Prize” of architecture: they are the Institute of Arab World that dates back to 1987 and Musée du quai Branly that was completed five years ago. The first is located on the left bank of the Seine, near Île Saint-Louis, the city’s second natural river island. Quadrangular blocks on the building’s SW side look at first like a typical

Arabian pattern, but a closer look reveals that they are hundreds of photosensitive panels that regulate entry of the light into the building. Modern MQB took its place in the proximity of another architectural classic, the tower of Eiffel. Considering the colonial past of France and the financing of culture in general, MQB is perhaps the best place to study the culture of world natives. A trip to Paris would not be real if it were limited only to the town’s historic centre. I would recommend to go and walk around in Belleville, the historic housing area of the working classes and a residence for all walks of life. Since life in Belleville was very cheap, it attracted many artists who give the district its distinctive look. Edith Piaf who was born in Belleville spoke proudly of her local dialect that has been compared to London’s cockney. Asian, African, Greek and Armenian food competes here with the French cuisine and prices are friendly not only for tourists, but even for students. A great place to spend some time is Canal Saint Martin that connects Bassin de la Villette and River Seine. Sit in a waterfront cafe or have a baguette and a bottle of wine and watch Parisians in their daily life. Those literally interested in underground should check out the Paris Catacombs. There are about 300 kilometres of them, with an entry in Montparnasse in Southern Paris. Like everywhere else in Paris, keep in mind that queues can be as long as in the ticket offices of our Estonian festivals. Only a small area of the Catacombs is open for public while members of the subculture known as Cataphiles move in ways that only they know. They enter the system through air ducts and manholes to spend an underground picnic, watch a movie or attend a rave. Those interested in afterlife above ground should check out the cemetery of Père-Lachaise, the last resting place of the Estonian artist Eduard Wiiralt. People who crave greenery and gardening should head for the Javel district towards Parc Andre Citroen. But enough of complex comparisons. Everyone understands that Paris is like a tough granny who defends her principles like a rock and criticises those who are less experienced, but still makes sure that nothing tastes better than her crepes. And, like always, every visit creates new memories and new places to discover.

in time September 2012

Traditional Estonian Industry

VKG diesel –

the future of Estonian motor fuels Estonia is one of the few countries in Europe and in the world in general that may enjoy energy independence – both in the electricity and liquid fuel sectors. It will be possible based on local oil shale and on smart economical decisions. It is a well-known fact that production of electricity from oil shale has been covering all domestic needs in Estonia since the 1960-70s. But direct combustion of oil shale for power generation - especially when this is not accompanied by thermal energy production - is generally speaking a kind of waste of oil shale as a natural resource. The understanding of this has become widespread only recently but AS Viru Keemia Grupp has been cultivating this sensible approach for decades. A total of approximately 1 million tons of different liquid fuels are consumed in Estonia every year, with about 50% of that comprising imported diesel fuel. Currently Estonia imports about 90% of the total volume of all liquid fuels consumed. On the other hand - over 500,000 tons of shale oil is to be produced in Estonia during 2012, with more than half of that made by VKG. In accordance with the development plans of VKG and other oil producers the annual output of shale oil is to surpass 1 million tons within the next five years. Therefore, in 2016-2017 Estonia will be producing as high a volume of liquid fuels as is the volume of their consumption.

The shale oil currently being produced is suitable for use as low sulphur marine fuel in Emission Control Areas and in boiler houses, but unsuitable for modern car engines. VKG in cooperation with the world’s leading upgrading technology suppliers have developed a technology for processing of Estonian oil shale into a high-quality diesel fuel with an extremely low sulphur content and compliance with the EURO V requirements. Such diesel fuel from oil shale has the same properties as conventional diesel fuels made from crude oil and is thus suitable for use in all modern diesel engines. For the purpose of producing motor fuels, VKG will build the first shale oil refinery in the world in Kohtla-Järve from 2013-2016 with an throughput of 14,000 barrels per day. On a global scale this will be a small plant but it will cover two-thirds of the domestic need for liquid fuels in Estonia, including diesel fuel. A high-quality fuel made from a local raw material and consumed domestically is a environmentally-friendly and the most economically efficient solution for the country of Estonia. The only negative aspect is the coming motor fuel directive of the European Union that regulates the CO2 life-cycle. Its enforcement may force Estonia to export all domestically produced motor fuel and thus continue the importing of all fuel for consumption in Estonia. From environmental point of view it does not make sense at all in big picture – as lot of such regulations. Author of the article is Jaanus Purga, VKG board member and R&D Director



in time September 2012


Lilli Jahilo,

Skandinaavia kooliga Eesti moelooja Eesti noor moedisainer Lilli Jahilo (29) liidab oma loomingus põhjamaise praktilisuse, kodumaise naiselikkuse ja kvaliteetse käsitöö.


äike, sale, alati musta rõivastatud, elegantne ja kiire jutuga Lilli Jahilo askeldab oma väikeses stuudios kiiresti ja kindlalt. Teda nähes kerkib silme ette noor Coco Chanel: Lilligi kannab enda tehtud moe ka ise suurepäraselt välja. Võib-olla on see tal geenides. Tema ateljees on üks suur lilla sein kaunistatud fotodega vanavanatädi Lilly Silbergist. See naiselik daam, kes Lilli loomingut inspireerib ja kelle järgi talle nimigi pandi, valiti 1931. aastal Eesti missiks ja hiljem töötas ta Pariisis mannekeenina. Kauni eestlanna järeltulijast on tänaseks saanud üks Eesti tuntumaid noori moedisainereid, kelle looming on ka rahvusvaheliselt edukas. Fotodelt jälgib vanavanatädi pilk, kuidas valmivad Lilli Jahilo hooajakollektsioonid, tellitud õhtu-ja pruutkleidid, mantlid ja ülikonnad.

Norra põhjaga kunstiharidus Lilli lapsepõlves kolis tema pere diplomaadist isa töö tõttu mitu korda ühest riigist teise. Nii

September 2012 in time

elas Lilli teismelisena mõne aasta Londonis, tema gümnaasiumi lõpetamise ja kõrgkooli astumise aegu resideerus pere aga Norras. See oligi põhjuseks, miks eesti neiu astus moe- ja kostüümidisaini õppima Oslo kunstide akadeemiasse ja sai seal bakalaureusekraadi. Oslos põhines kunstiõpetus Norra traditsioonidel ja Lillile sobis see hästi. “Mulle on mitu korda öeldud, et Norra taust peegeldub ka mu loomingus,” nõustub Lilli. “Näiteks kasutan meelsasti trikotaaži ja villaseid kangaid, mida Norras õigusega au sees hoitakse. Samuti julgustati koolis olema iseseisvad ja kujundama oma kindel käekiri.” Teisalt paistis tema looming juba koolis silma julge koloriidiga. “Mulle meeldis näiteks kasutada fuksiaroosat ja türkiissinist, mida norrakad väga ei kasutanud. Sellega ma kindlasti eristusin teistest.” Oma klientide pealt teab ta, et kui soomlased püsivad meelsasti musta-valge skaalal, siis norrakad eelistavad looduslikke toone. “Ma ei mäleta, et norra naised oleks väga kandnud roosat, mis on eesti naiste üks lemmikvärve” toob ta näite. Lillile sobib skandinaavlannade praktiline meelelaad: “Õhtukleit peab olema elegantne ja ilus, aga seda peab olema ka mõnus kanda. Seetõttu ma ei

Tekst: Anu Jõesaar, Ajakirjade Kirjastus Fotod: Mark Raidpere Gabriela Liivamägi Marin Sild Iris Kivisalu Anne-Mai Pällo / Harrieti Stuudio Erakogu

Lilli Jahilo Sündinud: 1983 n  Õppinud: Oslo Riiklikus n

Kunstide Akadeemias ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemias, läbinud kõrgmoe tikandite koolituse Ecole Lesage’s Pariisis ja Ateenas praktika Nikos-Takis Haute Couture moemajas.

Töö: Enne Ateljee Tallinn n

OÜ peadisaineri ametit jõudis Lilli töötada disaineri assistendina Bastion ASis ja Nina Jarebrink of Sweden'i juures. Hiljem töötas ta Eesti Kunstiakadeemias projektijuhina ning on tänaseni EKA moedisaini osakonna õppejõud.


persoon tee näiteks korsettkleite, mis on küll väga naiselikud, aga ebamugavad,” jutustab ta. Ilmselt rajas Norra kunstiharidus disainerile tugeva põhja, sest hiljem lõpetas Lilli Jahilo edukalt Eesti Kunstiakadeemia magistrantuuri: tema lõpukollektsioon “Salut!” võitis Kunstiakadeemia moeshow'l grand prix. Käsitsi trükitud-tikitud kleidid said Eestis kohe nii kuulsaks, et neist võttiski tuule tiibadesse moebränd Lilli Jahilo. Brändi iseloomustatakse kui elegantset, naiselikku ja kvaliteetset disaini, mis ühendab endas minimalistliku põhjamaise esteetika, julge värvipaleti ja tipptasemel käsitöö.

Aina lennus

Lilli Jahilo kollektsioonid n  Sept 2012: "Miss Maple", esitlus Tallinna Lauluväljaku Klaassaalis

Aprill 2012: “Aura”, näitus Disaini- ja Arhitektuurigaleriis, Tallinn Jaan 2012: “Astrid”, esitlus Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin Sept 2011: “Astrid”, esitlus Tallinn Fashion Week’il Mai 2011: “Marguerite”, esitlus Haapsalu Kuursaalis Sept 2010: “Tatau”, esitlus Disainiöö moeprogrammis, Nisurukkiveski, Tallinn Sept 2010: "Tatau", esitlus Creative Metropoles projekti raames, Baltika kvartali Moelava, Tallinn Mai 2010: kevad/suvi 2010, esitlus ateljee avamisel Loomeinkubaatoris, Tallinn Veebr 2010: jaemüügiks Tallinna Stockmanni kaubamajale (väiketiraaž), esitlus moeshow raames November 2009: “Rustica Urbica” esitlus, restoran Gianni, Tallinn, Tallinn Fashion Week raames Juuni 2009: “Zenit” esitlus, esitlus Iida Galeriis, Tallinn Veebr 2009: Komplektid Eesti Moekunstnike Ühingu näitusele “Eestlane olla on…”, Hobusepea Galeriis Juuni 2008: Diplomitöö kollektsioon „Salut!“ näituse „TASE 08“ raames Disainija Arhitektuurigaleriis Mai 2007: Mudelite esitlus “Kui kõndis mannekeen…” näituse avamisel, ETDM Jaan 2007: “Rocaille”, ERKI Moeshow Juuni 2006: “Marina”, “SuperNoova” moekonkurss, 4. koht vanemas kategoorias Juuni 2005: Diplomikollektsiooni “Protect Me from What I Want” näitus , Oslo Kunstide Akadeemia Galerii 2004: Moeperformance “Teine Ring”, EKA Galerii 2004: “L.A.B”, ERKI Moeshow 2003: “Le farfalle di primavera”, Oslo Riiklik Kunstide Akadeemia, moeshow “Rim Frost” 2000: “Fleur de fleur”, SuperNoova moekonkurss, 2. koht nooremas kategoorias Auhinnad: n

2011: Swedish Business Awards aasta noorettevõtja 2008: ERKI moeshow grand prix kollektsiooni “Salut!” eest


Lilli on pidevalt lennus ja seda ka sõna otseses mõttes. Pilvede kohale tõuseb ta umbes korra kuus ja ikka tööga seoses. Tänavu jaanuaris oli temal ja ateljee juhatajal Tene Kippil eriti keeruline ülesanne – pakkida kogu oma sügistalvine kollektsioon kohvritesse, nii et kleidid kortsu ei läheks, ja transportida Berliini. Reisi põhjus oli aga uhke: Lillil oli esimese Eesti moedisainerina võimalus esitleda oma kollektsiooni kuulsa Berliini moenädala show'de põhiprogrammis. Tema nimi levis paari päevaga paljudesse Euroopa ja Aasia meediaväljaannetesse ning kollektsiooni naelaks saanud lendlev lilla kleit kaunistas Yahoo! “päeva fotot”. Kuid noore disaineri rahvusvahelise tuntuse taga ei ole üksnes tema moelooming. Lilli Jahilo on tähelepanu kogunud ka loovettevõtjana. Nimelt on moebrändi Lilli Jahilo taga disaineri loodud ettevõte Ateljee Tallinn OÜ, mis saab veebruaris kolm aastat vanaks. Oma pesa leidis ettevõte Tallinnas Baltika kvartalis, just sellistele alustavatele noortele loovettevõtjatele loodud Loomeinkubaatoris. Seal 4. korruse väikeses ateljees töötab koos Lilliga neli naist, kellele lisaks kaasatakse kiiretel hooaegadel õmblejaid ja praktikante. Lilli meenutab, et firma asutas ta siis, kui tundis, et tööd on nii palju, et magamistoas enam kleidiproove teha ei saa – vaja on ruume, abilisi ja arveldamise võimalust. Ettevõtte asutamine on Eestis ülimalt lihtne – internetis kulub selleks 15 minutit. Aga kuidas edasi? Värske ettevõtja kogus teadmisi Loomeinkubaatori ettevõtluse baaskoolitusel. Perfektsionistina nikerdas ta starditoetuse saamiseks vajalikku äriplaani ligi pool aastat, kuid nähtud vaev tegi talle selgeks mitmed moeäris tegutsemise saladused.

in time September 2012

persoon Lilli pingutusi alustava loovettevõtjana kroonis möödunud aasta lõpus tõsine tunnustus, Swedish Business Awards'i 2011. aasta parima noorettevõtja tiitel. Lisaks tunnustusele said kolm võitjat, igast Balti riigist üks, auhinnaks ka imelise reisi Rootsi Kiruna lähistel asuvasse jäähotelli. “See oli ääretult inspireeriv kogemus,” meenutab ta. “Lennuk maandus keset tundrat, istusime edasi saanidele, mida vedasid koerterakendid, sõime põdraliha. Lume ja jää keskel oli väga eriline olla. Ja see jäähotell on püsti vaid tänu ühe mehe mõttevälgatusele, kes kasutas geniaalselt ära kohalikke olusid.”

Loovettevõtja väljakutsed Pärast auhinna pälvimist on Lillist saanud oodatud esineja mitmesugustel ettevõtluskonverentsidel. Üks niisugusi oli juulis Portugalis Portos korraldatud festival Euroopa kunstikõrgkoolide ja ülikoolide looverialade lõpetajatele NEU/NOW LIVE, kus Lilli oli üks neljast ettekandjast kultuurialal tegutsevate noorte ettevõtjate sessioonil. “See oli silmiavav arutelu,” jutustab Lilli. “Teised ettevõtjad tegutsesid näiteks teatri ja muusikaproduktsiooni alal, aga kiiresti sai selgeks, et kuigi alad võivad olla erinevad, on kõigil loovettevõtjatel sarnased väljakutsed.” Kui tavalise äriettevõtte eesmärgiks on aina kasvada ja suuremat kasumit teenida, siis loovettevõtjat motiveerivad teistsugused asjad. “Siin on ettevõtlus pigem vahend, mitte eesmärk omaette. Eelkõige soovitakse pakkuda kvaliteeti ning väärtusi, mida maailm vajab. Tuleb nutikalt rakendada oma loominguline potentsiaal ja säilitada seejuures majanduslik jätkusuutlikkus. Tasakaalu hoidmine nende kahe osapoole vahel ongi vast kõige suurem väljakutse. Loovettevõtja ei tohi ettevõtlusega seotud asjaajamise käigus kaotada oma loomingulist indu, sest looming on lõpuks kogu selle tegevuse vundament ja tulevik.” Ettevõtte loomisaegadega seotud asjaajamine ja sahmerdamine on ühel pool – firma on käima tõmmatud ning toimib. “Nüüd tunnen suuremat vajadust täpsustada loomingulisi sihte ja ambitsioone, tegeleda loomingulise kvaliteedi arendamisega.” Ta mõtiskleb, kas mitte astuda doktoriõppesse ning seostada doktoritöös ettevõtlus, loovuse probleemid ning rõivatööstuse jätkusuutlikkus. See võiks saada uueks isiklikuks väljakutseks.

September 2012 in time


persoon Disaintooted netipoodi? Oma ateljee tulevikuväljavaadete üle arutledes leiab Lilli, et moemaailm on väga polariseerunud. Ühelt poolt võimsad kõrgmoeketid-konglomeraadid nagu Dior või Chanel, teiselt poolt odava massimoe pakkujad nagu H&M või Zara. “Mõlemal on võimu ja raha, et rentida suured poepinnad parimatel tänavatel. Tarbijana ongi sul kaks valikut, kas hästi odav või überkallis. Kui rändad Euroopas, siis kõigi linnade suurtel kaubandustänavatel on täpselt samad kaubamärgid. Et osta kohalikku disaini, selleks pead juba täpselt teadma, kuhu ostma minna. Kus positsioneerib end siin väike disainerbränd?” Üha enam tundub talle, et selleks pakub kõige parema võimaluse internet. Netimüügi tuleviku kohta räägitakse praegu ainult head. See on rõivamüügis üks väheseid tõusuteel kanaleid. Esimese katsetusena pani Ateljee Tallinn kevadel, naistepäeva puhul neli kleidimudelit müüki Eesti noorte tegijate uude veebipoodi Neist mudelitest kolm olid kesksuveks läbi müüdud. Oli näha, et esialgu uurisid kliendid toodet küll netis, aga enne ostu tulid ateljeesse selga proovima. Netikaubandusel on muidugi oma piirang, sest rätsepa- ja individuaaltööd, millega ateljee peamiselt tegeleb, virtuaalselt teha ei saa. Netipoe tarbeks tuleb disainida veidi universaalsemad mudelid ja neid väikeses koguses tiražeerida. Küll aga on veeb oluline turunduskanal inimesteni jõudmiseks. müük on praegu suunatud ainult Eesti turule, kuid juba leidub ka väljaspool Eestit ela-


in time September 2012


vaid kliente, kes vaatavad toote netis üle ja võtavad ateljeega otse ühendust. Lilli Jahilo tunnetab, et inimesed leiavad väikesed moebrändid järjest paremini üles netist. “Mul on vaikselt hakanud tekkima Skandinaavia klientuur. Ühtlasi on see ka hea võimalus norra keelt “soojas” hoida,” nendib ta rahulolevalt.

Sama heaks kui Volvo autod Sügis on moedisainerile alati ülikiire, sest siis peab valmis saama uus kollektsioon ja selle esitlus. Kevadel katsetas Lilli Jahilo tavapärase catwalk'iesitluse asemel näitusega. Uus väljund andis uudse tulemuse – näitust vaatas palju rohkem inimesi kui mahub moeshow'le. “Mulle meeldib katsetada uute formaatidega, mis võimaldavad tutvustada oma loomingut laiemale publikule ja inimestele, kes tavapäraselt sellistel glämmidel seltskonna- ja moeüritustel ei käi,” räägib ta. Septembrikuist sügis-talvekollektsiooni moeshow' d valmistab ta seevastu ette koostöös Volvo

September 2012 in time

uue mudeli esitlusega. “Tahan loota, et nii heaks, kui on Volvo autode maailmas, saab ka Lilli Jahilo bränd kleitide maailmas,” ütleb ta naeratades.

Lilli Jahilo reisisoovitused Jukkasjärvi, Lapimaa – Põhja Rootsis asuv Jäähotell on elamust väärt! Magada n  võib ka soojas majutuses, aga koerterakenditega sõidust ei tohiks küll ilma jääda.

Helsinki – 2012. a Disainipealinnast ei saa me üle ega ümber. Päev-paar põhjanaabn  rite juures pakub kiiret ja mõnusat vaheldust. Paar muuseumi- ja galeriikülastust ning lõuna legendaarses Fazeri kohvikus võiks olla miinimumprogramm igal ajal.

Oslo – Norra imeline loodus ja rahulikult pulbitsev Oslo – Holmenkolleni uue hüppen

mäe lähistel pohladest punetavad metsaalused + Frognerseteri vahukoorega õunakook ja kakao; Oslo uus ooperimaja ja Aker Brügge sadamaäärne ning väikelaevasõit Bygdøy muuseumidesse + paadist ostetud värsked krevetid; retro kohvikute, baaride ja poekestega boheemlaslik linnaosa Grünerløkka + cappuccino. Need kohad käiksin Oslosse minnes igal juhul läbi.

Kopenhaagen – siin toimub Skandinaavia suurim moenädal. Boheemlaslik ja avatud n  linn, mille stiilsed kodutarvete poed nakatavad sisustuspisikuga ka kõige vähem kodulembese inimese!

Pariis – otselend Tallinnast Pariisi on kohaliku lennuliikluse suurim aare! Mõelda n

vaid, kui kiiresti jõuab linna, mis on alati inspireeriv ja innustav ja kus leiduvad kõige ilusamad kangad! Ilma selle linnata oleks mul oma ametis palju keerulisem toime tulla, see on kindel.



Lilli Jahilo –

Estonian fashion designer with a Nordic touch Young Estonian fashion designer Lilli Jahilo (29) combines Nordic pragmatism with Estonian femininity and quality handwork. Text: Anu Jõesaar, Ajakirjade Kirjastus Photos: Mark Raidpere Gabriela Liivamägi Marin Sild Iris Kivisalu Anne-Mai Pällo / Harrieti Stuudio Private archives

Lilli Jahilo Born: 1983 n  Education: Oslo State n

Academy of Arts and Estonian Academy of Arts. Training of haute couture embroidery at Ecole Lesage in Paris and apprenticeship at the NikosTakis Haute Couture fashion house in Athens. Employment: before n

becoming chief designer at Ateljee Tallinn, Lilli was assistant of designer in Bastion AS and Nina Jarebrink of Sweden. Later she worked as a project manager in Estonian Academy of Arts and she is still a teacher in fashion design department there.



he is petite, slim and elegant, speaks fast, always wears black, and feels at home in her small fashion house. She resembles the young Coco Chanel: like Coco, Lilli is the best ambassador of her creations. Perhaps it’s in her genes. One purple wall in her studio is adorned with photos of her great-grandaunt Lilly Silberg. This extremely feminine lady who Lilli was named after is Lilli's true inspiration. She won the Miss Estonia beauty pageant in 1931 and later worked as a model in Paris. A successor of this Estonian beauty, Lilli has become one of Estonia's best-known fashion designers whose creations are also internationally successful. Her seasonal collections, tailor-made evening dresses and bridal gowns, coats and suits are made as her great-grandaunt watches on from the photos.

Norway's art education When Lilli was young, her family lived in different countries because her father worked as a diplomat. She lived a few years in London as a teen-

ager and then moved to Norway where she graduated from high school and enrolled to the Oslo Academy of Arts to study fashion and costume design. Lilli found it especially suitable that the art education was based on Norwegian traditions. „People have told me that the Norwegian background is visible in my creations,” she admits. „I often use knitted and woollen fabrics that are very popular in Norway. But the school also taught me to be independent and to develop my own unique handwriting.” The bold colours of her creations attracted attention already during her studies. „For instance, I liked to use magenta pink and turquoise blue that is fairly rare in Norway. This is what was setting me apart from others.” She knows from her customers that while Finns like to stay in the black-and-white scale, Norwegians prefer natural colours. „I don’t remember seeing Norwegian women wearing pink, one of the favourite colours of women in Estonia,” she provides an example. Lilli feels very much at home with the pragmatic thinking of Scandinavian women. „The evening gown must be elegant and beautiful, but it must also be comfortable to wear. Therefore, I don’t

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person ised as elegant, feminine and quality design that combines Nordic minimalism with bold colours and top-quality craftsmanship.

Always on the move Lilli is, literally, always on the move. She boards an airplane approximately once a month for a business trip. In January she and fashion house manager Tene Kipp took on a real challenge: packing the whole autumn and winter collection in suitcases without the clothes getting wrinkled and transporting them to Berlin. As the first Estonian fashion designer Lilli was given the opportunity to present her collection in the main show programme of the famous Berlin Fashion Week. In a couple of days, her name was picked up by many European and Asian media outlets and her flowing purple dress was picked out by Yahoo! as a shot of the day.

make any girdled dresses that may look very feminine, but are very uncomfortable,” she says. Norwegian art education also helped Lilli successfully complete her master’s studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her collection „Salut!”, by the way, won the grand prix at the Academy’s graduating fashion show. In Estonia, her hand printed and embroidered dresses became famous overnight and kicked off Lilli Jahilo as a fashion brand. The brand is character-


But the international fame of the young designer is not only based on her fashions. Lilli has become well-known also for business creativity. Her company Ateljee Tallinn Ltd that owns Lilli Jahilo fashion brand and was set up three years ago is housed in the Baltika building in the Creative Incubator that supports young and promising creative entrepreneurs. It has a small fashion house located on the 4th floor, employs four women and in peak times hires temporary seamstresses and production assistants. Lilli recalls that at one point she had so much work that it was no longer possible to fit dresses in her bedroom. So she realised it was time to set up a company, move to wider premises and hire more people. It is extremely easy to incorporate a company in Estonia as online registration takes only about 15 minutes. Since business development is key, Lilli underwent basic business training at the Creative Incubator. As a perfectionist, she spent about half a year in preparing the business plan required for applying for a start-up grant. It was not in vain because it taught her the many secrets of the fashion business. At the end of last year, Lilli’s efforts as a creative entrepreneur were well rewarded and she won the 2011 Best Young Entrepreneur Award of Swedish Business Awards. Each of the three winners from every Baltic country also won a trip to the Ice Hotel near Kiruna in Sweden. „It was an amazing inspiration,” she recalls. „The airplane touched down in the middle of tundra. We were put on sleighs drawn by dogs and ate elk meat. It was a very special feeling to be in the middle of snow and ice. And the whole ice hotel was developed thanks to the crazy idea of one man on how to benefit from local conditions.”

Challenges for a creative entrepreneur After she won her award, Lilli was invited to speak at several business conferences. One of such venues was NEU/NOW LIVE, a festival held in Porto, Portugal for graduates in creative sciences of European art colleges and universities. Lilli was one of the four speakers at the session of young entrepreneurs in the field of culture. „This was an eye-opening debate,” says Lilli. „Other entrepreneurs were theatre and music producers, but it soon became clear that despite the differences, all creative people face similar challenges.” While regular businesses aim to grow and earn a bigger profit, creative entrepreneurs are motivated by other goals. „For us, business is more a means than an end. We want to offer the world the quality and values that it needs. We need to be smart in harnessing our creative potential while remaining economically sustainable. Balancing the two is perhaps

September 2012 in time

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person the biggest challenge. Creators must make sure that they don’t lose their creative strive because, after all, creativity is the foundation and future of this activity.” Lilli says that the early shuffle with the launch of the company is now over. „I feel an urge to clarify creative targets and ambitions, and to focus on developing creative quality.” She is contemplating whether to start a doctoral study with a focus on entrepreneurship, problems with creativity and the sustainability of the fashion industry. This could be a new personal challenge.


Prizes 2011: Swedish Business Awards. Young Entrepreneur of the Year. n  2008: Grand prix of the Academy of Arts for collection “Salut!”. n


Sept 2012: "Miss Maple", presented at Tallinn Song Festilval ground Apr 2012: “Aura”, exhibition at the Design and Architecture Gallery, Tallinn Jan 2012: “Astrid”, presented at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin Sept 2011: “Astrid”, presented at Tallinn Fashion Week
 May 2011: “Marguerite”, presented at Haapsalu Kuursaal Sept 2010: “Tatau”, fashion show Design Night, Nisurukkiveski, Tallinn Sept 2010: "Tatau", Creative Metropoles project, Fashion State of Baltika Quarter, Tallinn May 2010: spring/summer 2010, opening of the fashion house at Creative Incubator, Tallinn Feb 2010: Limited edition for retail at the Stockmann Department Store in Tallinn and fashion show Nov 2009: “Rustica Urbica”, Gianni’s Restaurant, Tallinn Fashion Week Jun 2009: “Zenit”, Iida Gallery, Tallinn Feb 2009: Collections for the exhibition of the Estonian Association of Fashion Designers, Hobusepea Gallery Jun 2008: Graduation work: „Salut!“ at „TASE 08“ festival, exhibition in the Design and Architecture Gallery May 2007: Presentation at the opening of “Models at work” exhibition at ETDM (Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design) Jan 2007: “Rocaille”, ERKI Fashion Show Jun 2006: “Marina”, fashion competition SuperNoova, 4th place in senior category Jun 2005: Graduation collection for “Protect Me from What I Want” exhibition, Gallery of the Oslo Academy of Arts 2004: Fashion performance “Teine Ring” (Second Hand), EKA Gallery 2004: “L.A.B”, ERKI Fashion Show 2003: “Le farfalle di primavera”, Oslo State Academy of Arts, fashion show “Rim Frost” 2000: “Fleur de fleur”, fashion competition SuperNoova, II prize in junior category

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person Lilli Jahilo’s travel tips Jukkasjärvi, Lapland. The Ice Hotel in Northern Sweden is well worth the visit. n

You can sleep in heated accommodation, but definitely don’t miss the dog sleigh ride.

Helsinki. The Design Capital 2012 cannot simply be missed. A day or two at our n

Northern neighbours' is a rapid and pleasant change. A few visits to museums and galleries plus lunch in the legendary Fazer Café should be on the itinerary at any time.

Oslo. Norway’s amazing nature and peaceful yet busy Oslo, forests filled with n

berries near the new jumping hill of Holmenkollen + Frognerseter’s apple pie with whipped cream and cocoa; The new Oslo Opera House and Aker Brügge’s harbour, a boat ride to Bygdøy museums + fresh shrimps sold on boats; Bohemian district Grünerløkka with its cafés, bars and stores + cappuccino. These are the sites I would definitely visit on a trip to Oslo.

Copenhagen. The venue for Scandinavia’s largest fashion week. A Bohemian and n  open city whose stylish stores attract even those with no interest in home decoration.

Paris. A direct flight from Tallinn to Paris is the biggest treasure of Estonian Air's n  destinations. Just imagine how quickly you can reach a city that is always inspiring and supportive and has the best fabrics anywhere. Without Paris it would be much more difficult for me to be in business.

Designer products in online store? Speaking about the fashion world, Lilli says that it is extremely polarized. You have such powerful haute couture giants as Dior and Chanel on one side and giant retailers of cheap fashion such as H&M and Zara on the other. „Both have power and money for renting premium retail space in the best shopping streets. As a consumer, you can choose between very cheap or hugely expensive fashion. When you travel in Europe, you can find that there are exactly the same brands in most leading shopping streets. If you wish to buy local design, you need to know where to search for it. Where can a small designer brand position itself?” She says that the Internet seems to be an answer. Online commerce is showing good growth and is one of the expanding sales channels in the clothing sector. To test the market, Ateljee Tallinn auctioned four dress models right before the International Women’s Day at, an online store of young active Estonians. By mid-summer, three out of four models were sold out. Most customers first checked out the products online, and before final purchase visited the fashion house to try them on. Online commerce has its limitations, of course, because online you cannot tailor and fulfil individual orders, the bread and butter of any fashion studio. Also, you need to design more generic models for the online store and produce them in small

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quantities. Internet is also an important marketing channel. At present is focusing its sales only on Estonia. However, there are customers also outside Estonia who check out the garment online and then contact the fashion house directly. Lilli Jahilo believes that people who do not want to buy their clothes only from large stores are getting better in finding small fashion brands on the Internet. „My list of Scandinavian customers has been growing. This is also a great way to keep up my Norwegian language skills,” she laughs.

As good as Volvo cars Autumn is an extremely busy time for all fashion designers because this is when a new collection must be ready for presentation. This spring Lilli decided to take a risk and show her collection at an exhibition instead of a familiar catwalk. The risk paid off: the exhibition attracted much more people than any fashion show can accommodate. „I like to experiment with new formats that enable to show my creations to a wider public and to people that normally don’t visit such glamorous social and fashion events,” she says. The September fashion show for the autumn and winter line is being prepared in cooperation with Volvo that is also launching a new model. „I hope that Lilli Jahilo will become as successful in the world of dresses as Volvo is in the world of cars,” she says, smiling.



Unrestricted academic paradise called Tartu Every autumn the streets of Tartu become lively again as more than 20 000 students return to start a new academic year in pursuit of higher education. This would be impossible without good researchers and teachers: the faculty is indeed getting more international and exotic every year. Text: Liis Kängsepp Photos: jaak nilson


When Leila Pazouki finished her mas-

ter's degree in plant genetics five years ago, she was curious to find out more about this field and determined to apply for a Ph.D. Sitting at her home in Tehran, Iran she started looking for diffe-

rent options to continue her research and within a month she got offers from four different universities – one of them required moving to a small town she had never heard about. Leila has been in Tartu for more than four years now and is hoping

in time September 2012

Estonia Tallinn-Tartu n

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to conclude her Ph.D. dissertation within the next year. “I chose Tartu, because I found out that my supervisor, Ülo Niinemets, is really famous in our field,” says Pazouki, a Ph.D. student at Estonian University of Life Sciences, “and our researches were closely connected.”

Academic freedom Pazouki is convinced her leap of faith has paid off. Yes, she didn't know much about Estonia before moving here and the climate might not be the best, but she has far more autonomy in her

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research than her colleagues in better established universities. “In many other universities doctoral students don't have the opportunity to pursue their own ideas. Instead, they assist their supervisors who have their own agenda,” Pazouki explains. “I, on the other hand, had an opportunity to set up a molecular biology lab on my own as there was no such lab at our department when I arrived.” This is an experience nobody can ever take away, Pazouki is convinced. She explains that establishing a new lab and working in circumstances where you have to invent ways to do your



Photo: J. Talts

work is far more exciting and challenging than just being somebody else's research assistant. “I have a lot of friends in my field working in well established and highly valued institutes in Europe. Sometimes I ask them for help on how to build up some of my experiments and they have no clue as in their labs there is staff to take care of such issues and they don't even have to think about it,” says Pazouki passionately, “whereas I can build up my experiments from scratch. Sometimes I make mistakes, but this is good as I can learn from them and have the experience forever.” Another scholar promoting working and studying in Tartu is Honduran Marlon Dumas, professor of software engineering at the University of Tartu. Dumas is one of those 15 scholars working at the University of Tartu who are among the 1% of top quoted scientists in the world. According to Google Scholar his articles have been quoted more than 10 000 times. Dumas has supervised ten Ph.D. dissertations and is currently supervising four more.


Part of the reason why Dumas decided to move to Tartu some five years ago was personal – his wife is Estonian. But he was also drawn towards this town of only 100 000 habitants, because he saw that the University of Tartu could offer him more freedom than others. “In many countries, universities are already very established, everything is already in its rightful place and professors are expected to just play their part,” Dumas says. “Once the organisation is ready, it is very difficult to change its patterns, it takes a lot of effort. Tartu has a completely different mentality – here people want to improve the systems they have, they realise the organisation should change and they are ready to take action.” Besides that, Dumas finds it a big advantage that in Tartu the relationship between teachers and students is more personal and intimate. Students can just knock on professors' doors and ask for assistance or exchange ideas. “In many other universities students need to ask for a meeting in a more formal way, talk to secretaries even. I really like it that in Tartu we have a culture that professors do not hide inside ivory towers,” Dumas says.

in time September 2012

What about leisure time? Besides a vivid academic life, Tartu offers many opportunities outside the library and university walls with numerous bars, museums and different festivals or other events happening all year round. At the end of September 2012 Tartu hosts the annual Researchers' Night Science Festival, a week full of events promoting research and science, organised by AHHAA Science Centre. This year the event involves an international festival of science theatres at AHHAA Science Centre, where about ten groups from different countries present their science theatre shows. The week concludes with Researchers' Night, a whole night full of activities in different places in Estonia that will also be broadcast on ETV, Estonian National Television. A big part of the action will take place in AHHAA Science Centre that is open all night, and other museums and universities in Tartu. Besides Tartu, more than 10 towns in Estonia are involved in the project ( Those interested in museums should check out University

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September 2012 in time

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Tartu – a city of good higher education Tartu offers different opportunities for higher education, among others the Estonian n  Aviation Academy and Baltic Defence College are situated there. Two of the biggest and best known institutions are the University of Tartu and Estonian University of Life Sciences.

University of Tartu is the oldest Estonian university, established in 1632 by Swedish n

king Gustav II Adolf. It is the only Estonian university that is among top 3% of universities in the world. It belongs to the 1% of world's most-cited universities and research institutions in nine research fields (clinical medicine, chemistry, environment/ecology, plant and animal science, geosciences, social sciences (general), biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, engineering). The university has nine faculties and important contributions to research work are also carried out by its four regional colleges, The Estonian Genome Centre and the University of Tartu Library.

Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only university in Estonia whose priorin  ties in academic and research activities provide sustainable development of natural resources necessary for the existence of man as well as the preservation of heritage and habitat. Currently, teaching and research is carried out in five institutes.

If you are interested in studying or working at the universities in Tartu, more inforn  mation can be found on their websites. University of Tartu:; Estonian University of Life Sciences:


of Tartu History Museum that recently opened a new treasure chamber, exhibiting important artefacts from the university's history, such as the death mask of Alexander Pushkin or illustrations from Nikolai Pirogov's book about anatomy. “The idea is to encourage visitors to think about values and cherishing in a more general perspective, in order to guide them to see value in objects, acts and people surrounding us,” says Mariann Raisma, director of University of Tartu History Museum. The museum showcases history of science and university education in Tartu from the 17th century to present day. The University of Tartu History Museum is part of a larger university institution – Museums of the University of Tartu, which also

in time September 2012

Estonia Tartu is an ideal place for scientific conferences Kadri Karu, Managing Director of Estonian Convention Bureau I must admit, Tartu is an ideal place for holding scientific conferences – up to 400 conferences take place in Tartu annually, up to 100 of them are bigger international events. For a town of such a small size this is quite an impressive number. It is actually difficult to know the precise number of conferences held in Tartu, as many of them are very specific and targeted only to a very narrow group of scientists, so that non-specialists might even have difficulties pronouncing their title. Tartu is home for many scientists who participate in international networks and invite their colleagues from other countries to a conference in Tartu. Tartu has a very special aura and a scientific/academic atmosphere. It is a real conference town with a true campus feeling. There are so many students around, it has a good infrastructure of hotels and venues, everything is within a walking distance, plus there are many interesting sights, parks and a nice riverside scenery. We strongly encourage people to organise conferences in Tartu, more so as Enterprise Estonia has introduced a scheme to financially support the organisation of international conferences. This is a clear message that scientific conferences are important and encouraged in Estonia.

includes the university’s Art Museum and Natural History Museum. All three cooperate closely with one another ( Tartu offers many cosy bars, cafés and restaurants for different tastes. Big part of the action takes place in town hall square (Raekoja plats) and surrounding streets, as most of the popular bars and restaurants are located in that area. Those who like wine, should definitely visit Vein ja Vine; the best burgers in town can probably be found at Kolme Ahvi Pubi (Three Apes’ Pub) and in the early hours when all the other bars are closed, be sure to drop by Zavood, one of the most (in)famous bars in Estonia. More information about Tartu and ongoing events can be found at September 2012 in time



Bare Neikid Neikid

Wismari 3, Tallinn, Eesti 10136 Tel: +372 660 4581 On Board of Estonian Air in September and October

In every city there are restaurants that don't

push themselves upon the world. Off the beaten tourist path, they don't flaunt famous chefs or hundred years of history. Established by true enthusiasts who want to share their favourite dishes they take risks, experiment with new ideas and expand the boundaries of local food culture while providing a quiet, relaxed corner of the world for local diners.

There's such a place born out of love

for Mediterranean cuisine in Tallinn. After travelling and living in Spain for years, the owners Jakob Saks and Kadi Parel couldn't live without the food and culture they both loved so much and decided to bring a little bit of the magic back home. Friends and family came to help, restaurant space was found and decorated by young Estonian artists and Neikid was born. A playful name, it symbolizes a direct, immediate taste experience, comfortable and challenging at the same time. Dishes feature Mediterranean ideas married to local ingredients in a unique Estonian-Scandinavian way. Visually beautiful, they build layers upon layers of complementing tastes, familiar and surprising

elements combined eloquently. Complementing the food are many wines to choose from, but even more importantly a good selection of microbrew beers, something you can't see too often in a restaurant. If unsure, just ask your waiter for an advice about which beer or wine best goes with your food, they always find something you'll like. It's not all about the dining either. Daily lunch menu offers three courses for less than 10 euro, perfect for business lunch or a quick meeting. Everything is prepared fresh and there is a new menu every day, following seasons and availability of local produce. Bread is handmade with flour coming from the only operating Dutch style windmill in Estonia and baked on premises by Kadi's aunt Asta.

The best thing about Neikid though is how well everything fits together. Going there is how going to the restaurant should always feel like, a unique experience made possible by people who really love what they're doing. Come as you are, bring your family, kids and dog. Open your mind to new experiences and take some time off to relax, that's all you need. Text: Tanel Unt


in time September 2012

M Ä R T L A A R M A N . S E AT E D F I G U R E . A B O U T 1 9 2 5 . A R T M U S E U M O F E S T O N I A

mood / fashion

Vormitud mood Fashion in uniform Tekst / Text: Tanel Veenre, Eesti Päevaleht • Fotod / Photos: Külli Martin, Jelena Rudi, Ardo Kaljuvee, Viktor Koshkin, Jaan Heinmaa, Maiken Staak, Kalle Veesaar, Marek Metslaid SEB panga sügis-talvine vorm Profline by Tiina Talumees Autumn and winter uniforms of SEB Bank Profline by Tiina Talumees

Tiina Talumees Estonian Airi, Nordea Panga, Lennusadama ja SEB Baltikumi vormiriided, Profline’i ametirõivaste valmiskollektsioon Tiina Talumehe üks loomingulisemaid vormirõivaste projekte jääb aastate taha – koostöö restoraniga Maikrahv. Põnevad tellimused tähendavad enamasti ideaalse kesktee leidmist tellija soovide, ettekirjutuste ja iseenda ideede vahel. Tiina toob välja ka väga praktilise põhjuse vormirõiva kaitseks – tänu riietele oskame toidupoes õigelt inimeselt suhkru hinda pärida või restoranis just kelneri käest arvet küsida. Ning püüdke arste ette kujutada punastes või kollastes kitlites! Oma vormirõiva-elamustest mäletab Tiina kergetes lillelistes kleitides Singapore Airlines`i stjuardesse, malbelt naeratamas kui taevainglid. Koolivormi meenutades tuleb Tiinal silme ette oodatud vabadus, mil võis hommikul selga panna seda, mida ise heaks arvas. Kuid praegu on ta siiski koolivormi poolt, vähemalt nooremates klassides, uskudes, et see loob kõigile võrdsed tingimused.

Tiina Talumees Uniforms for Estonian Air, Nordea Bank, Seaplane Harbour and SEB Baltic by Profline Regarding professional clothing one of the most creative projects of Tiina Talumees was one several years ago when she designed costumes for the Maikrahv Restaurant in Tallinn. Exciting projects usually mean finding an ideal balance between the customer’s wishes, regulations and one’s creative ideas. Tiina says that she is a big fan of professional clothing because it helps us to find the right person if we want to ask something in a store or need a bill at a restaurant. Or can you imagine medical doctors wearing red or yellow coats? Speaking of her own experience with uniforms, Tiina recalls the Singapore Girl – the cabin crew of Singapore Airlines in their famous uniform, smiling like angels. Recalling her school years, Tiina still remembers the time when she was finally free to wear anything she wanted to school. Yet she is still a staunch supporter of school uniform, at least in younger ages, as it helps to create equal conditions for everyone.


in time September 2012

mood / fashion Jaana Varkki,

VARKKI disainer LHV Pank ja Shanghai EXPO Eesti vormirõivad, Montoniga koostöös Eesti Olümpiakoondise paraadrõivad Ateenas Jaana Varkki oskab nautida piiritletud mängu rõivadisainiga. Kõik algab kanga valikust, see peab olema kergesti hooldatav. Edasi tuleb veel terve rida piiranguid – kuid nutika disaineri jaoks tähendab see eelkõige läbimõeldud lahenduste pakkumist. Disainimöll jäägu siin kõrvale. Vaagides enda ja vormirõiva suhet, tunnistab Jaana, et ei olnud kõige eesrindlikum koolivormi kandja ja lisab vabandavalt, et peapõhjus oli tüdimus neist ühetoonilistest riietest.

Jaana Varkki rahvuslikus võtmes rõivad Shanghai Eesti paviljoni töötajatele Jaana Varkki’s „ethnic” clothing of the Estonian staff at Shanghai EXPO

Volüümika joone ja värviga LHV Panga rõivad Jaana Varkkilt / Flowing lines and colours of LHV Bank uniforms by Jaana Varkki

Jaana Varkki, designer at VARKKI Uniforms for LHV Bank and Estonian staff at Shanghai EXPO. In cooperation with Monton, parade uniforms for Team Estonia in the Athens Olympics Jaana Varkki knows how to enjoy the limited play with professional clothing. Everything starts from the choice of fabrics as it must be maintained easily. Then there is a whole number of other limitations which require smart solutions and leave no place for daring designs. Speaking of her attitude towards uniforms, Jaana admits that she was not a model student when wearing a school uniform, adding apologetically that the main reason was that she was tired of unimaginative clothing.

September 2012 in time


mood / fashion Mari Martin, Tallinn Dollsi loovjuht Absolut Vodka ja Vana Tallinna promorõivad, Teletorni ja LHV panga vormirõivad Lennates meeldib Marile jälgida teenindajate kostüüme – igavus on sundinud pähe õppima stjuardesside pintsakute pisimadki detailid. Kusjuures Mari jaoks töötab kostüüm kõige paremini siis, kui sel on väikesed kiiksud, mis jäävad kummitama ka pärast lennukist lahkumist. Mari tajub vormiriideid kui investeeringut, mis võib muuta nii kliendi ja teenindaja suhet kui ka teenindaja nõudlikkust iseenda suhtes. Kandes teatud rõivastust, vastutad sa korraga kogu firma, mitte vaid iseenda ees. Kuigi koolivormi kandmisest on Mari pääsenud, siis minevikust on tal tuua siiski üsna eriskummaline näide tööpõlvest teenindajana keskaja restoranis Olde Hansa: „Neid rüüsid selga pannes olin automaatselt kehastunud uude rolli.“

Mari Martin, creative director of Tallinn Dolls Promotional clothing of Absolut Vodka and Vana Tallinn, uniforms of TV Tower and LHV Bank When flying, Mari likes to study the uniforms of cabin crew. She has learned to memorize even the smallest details of professional clothing. For her, the costume is functional when some of its elements make you recall it also after touching the ground. Mari sees uniforms as a business investment that can change the relationship between the customer and the employee and also employee standards. When wearing certain clothes, you are responsible for the whole company and not only for yourself. Although Mari never had to wear a school uniform herself, she recalls the time when she was working as a waitress in the famous medieval restaurant Olde Hansa in Tallinn: „Once you donned these historic costumes you automatically had a new role.“

Särav komplekt Tallinn Dollsilt Absolutile Bold clothing for Absolut by Tallinn Dolls

Tallinn Dollsilt kelmikad vormiriided Tallinna Teletorni Playful uniforms of Tallinn Dolls for Tallinn TV Tower


in time September 2012





Britt Samoson Restorani Clazz vormirõivad Kontseptuaalselt lähenev disainer Britt Samoson jaotab rõivad ühtlustavateks ja eristavateks. See on väga oluline semiootiline ülesanne, mis aitab meil näiteks oma auto juures hiiliva murdvarga ning parkimiskontrolöri vahel vahet teha. Britt usub, et rõiva tegumood mõjutab kandjat: „On suur vahe, kas riietan end liibuvasse pükskostüümi või voogavasse tüllseelikusse. Ühes tunnen end tegusa ning asjalikuna, teises unistava ning naiselikuna.“ Koolivormi kogemusest on Britt peaaegu pääsenud: „Kandsin seda vaid teises või kolmandas klassis.“ Ka tema on praegu pigem koolivormi poolt. Aga mõistes, et tervet komplekti ei saa enamik perekondi endale lubada, tundub mõistliku lahendusena koolilogoga vesti või sviitri kandmine.

Britt Samosoni ägedad kostüümikavandid restoranile Clazz Daring uniforms sketched by Britt Samoson for Restaurant Clazz

Britt Samoson Uniforms for Restaurant Clazz Designer Britt Samoson takes a conceptual approach and divides clothing depending on whether it is distinctive or not. Clothing has an important semiotic task: it allows us to tell a car thief from a parking maid, for instance. Britt believes that our outfit influences us: „There’s a big difference if I put on a tight pant suit or a billowing tulle gown. The first makes me feel active and practical, while the other makes me dreamy and feminine.“ Britt almost escaped the school uniform dilemma. „I wore it only in the second or third grade.” She, too, supports the idea of having a school uniform, but since most families cannot buy to supply the whole uniform, a vest or sweater with a school logo may be enough.

September 2012 in time

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mood / fashion Kaire Kivari, Monton Eesti olümpiakoondise vormiriided Montoni ja Eesti olümpiatiimi koostöö ulatub kaheksa aasta taha – esimesed rõivad loodi 2004. aasta Ateena mängudeks. Disainer Kaire Kivari loodud Eesti delegatsiooni Londoni olümpiamängude paraadvorm on inspireeritud Kihnu rahvamustrist ja retrospordist. Kõige meeldejäävamast vormirõiva kogemusest meenuvad Kairele tänaseks lõpetanud USA lennufirma Hooters Air eriskummalised stjuardessid mikropükstes ja avaralõikelistes maikades. Kuigi õpilasena tervitas Kaire muudatust, kui õpilased vabastati koolivormist, on ta nüüd kindel koolivormi pooldaja: „Ei ole vaja riiklikku koolivormi, piisab, kui igal koolil on oma vormirõivas.“ Montoni kollektsioon Vancouveri olümpiamängudeks / Collection of Monton for the Vancouver Olympic Games

Kaire Kivari, Monton. Estonian Olympic team uniforms The cooperation between Monton and the Estonian Olympic team started eight years ago: the first uniforms were designed for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. The parade uniform that Kaire Kivari designed for the Estonian Olympic team in London 2012 was inspired by Kihnu national patterns and sports themes. Kaire’s most peculiar experience in the segment of uniforms dates back to the nowdefunct US airline Hooters Air in which the cabin crew wore microscopic pants and revealing T-shirts. Though as a schoolgirl, she welcomed the time when school uniforms were scrapped, she now strongly favours uniforms at school: „But there’s no need for a national school uniform. Every school should have its own.” 1. Anna Iljuštšenko Montoni olümpiarõivais ja Gerd Kanter Nike rõivais Anna Iljustsenko in Monton's Olympic uniform and Gerd Kanter wearing Nike 2. Kaia Kanepi lihtsates ja funktsionaalsetes Montoni riietes Kaia Kanepi in simple and functional clothing by Monton


in time September 2012

pood / boutique Kodune spa-puhkus

Foldable hot coasters

Kehasära OÜ SPA-RELAX tootesari on n  mõeldud neile, kelle igapäevaelu on tormiline ning töö kõrvalt pole aega puhkust võtta. Uute Kehasära toodetega on kodustes tingimustes võimalus valida endale hetk, et naudelda ja puhata justkui SPA-s! Tootesarjast leiad Microdermi näokoorija (11€), Mango näokreem (10€), Relax huulekoorija (3€), Relax kehakoorija (7€), kogu komplekt on võimalik soetada 26 euro eest. Kõik tooted on orgaanilised, toorained on pärit õiglast kaubandust toetavatest riikidest ja ka Eesti taludest. Tooted on valminud käsitööna ning ei sisalda naftakeemiat, parabeene, sünteetilisi värv- ja lõhnaaineid, ftalaate ega muid kahjulikke aineid. www.kehasä

The hot coasters designed by Triin n

Two-in-one magnetic jigsaw puzzles PIPIK magnets made of birch plywood n  fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. PIPIK is a name that author Riho Luuse has given to identical images that fit tightly together and form unlimited surfaces. Popular with children who use them as fridge magnets. A set costs 3 euros and has a 7 centimetre diameter.

Päiksevarjuga sügisesse Hiiumaal elav Jaanika Kuusk hakkas n  endale ja tuttavatele päiksevarjusid valmistama juba neli aastat tagasi. Jaanika päiksevarje saab tellida paiksevarjud/ Hind jääb vahemikku 25-35 eurot.

Spa at home The Spa-Relax products made by n  Kehasära are designed for busy people who wish to enjoy spa treatment at home. The series include Microderm face scrub (11 euros), facial cream Mango (10 euros), lip scrub Relax (3 euros) and body scrub (7 euros). The whole set costs 26 euros. All products are organic, raw materials are purchased from countries that support fair trade and from Estonian farmhouses. The products are made by hand and contain no petrochemical products, parabens, synthetic colorants or odorants, phthalates nor other hazardous substances. www.kehasä


Maripuu are simple and compact, consisting of two blocks that can be joined to form a cross. Used either separately under one smaller pot or together to support bigger dishes. Can be stored in the cutlery drawer or in a cup. Wooden coasters are made by Kalla Mööbel. Available in Tallinn in TALI store at Voorimehe 4 and in Organic store in Kuressaare. Price: 15 to 18 euros.

Lihtsuses peitub võlu Marilin Sikkal ehk MARI alustas aastal n  2009 lihtsa rätikleidi disainimisega ja leidis koheselt sooja vastuvõtu. MARI linast rätikleiti saab kanda lühikese või pikana; käed on tänu suurtele taskutele vabad; tänu looduslikele materjalidele on su keha kogu aeg kuiv ja ei karda päikese kuumust. MARI juurest leiab ka mõnusaid seelikuid, suviseid kombinesoone, komplekte meestele-poistele ja muudki. MARI tooted on saadaval Tallinna Lennujaama kaupluses Hää Eesti Asi, pildil oleva kleidi hind on 65 eurot.

Simple is beautiful Sunshades in the autumn It’s been four years since Jaanika n  Kuusk from Hiiumaa made the first sunshades for herself and her friends. Jaanika’s creations are available at Prices range from 25 to 35 euros.

Kaks-ühes magnetpusled

Kompaktne ja funktsionaalne kuumaalus

Kasevineerist PIPIK-magnetite eripära n

Triin Maripuu välja mõeldud kuuman

on puslena kokku sobitumine. Autor Riho Luuse nimetab kujundeid, mis teise omasugusega täpselt ja jäägitult haakudes moodustavad vahedeta lõppematu pinna, PIPIK-uteks ehk piiramatu pinna kujunditeks. Magnetid on eriti heaks kingituseks lastele, kes armastavad tihti viibida külmiku läheduses. Hind on ühel kujundil 3 eurot. Ühe komplekti läbimõõt 7 cm.

alus on lihtne ja kompaktne - see koosneb kahest klotsist, mis käivad kokku ristiks. Kasutada saab ristina väiksele potile või kahes eraldi tükis suuremale vaagnale ning mitte kasutades saab selle nugade-kahvlitega ühte sahtlisse või topsi panna. Puidust kuumaaluse valmistaja on Kalla Mööbel. Kuumaalused on müügil Tallinnas TALI kaupluses Voorimehe 4 ja Organic kaupluses Kuressaares. Hinnad 15 – 18 eurot.

In 2009 Marilin Sikkal a.k.a. MARI n  designed a simple scarf dress that quickly became popular. The linen dress can be worn either short or long, has large pockets, while natural fabrics keep the body cool and protect it from the sun. MARI also offers skirts, summer costumes, men’s and boys’ clothes and much more. Available at Hää Eesti Asi in Tallinn Airport. The dress on the photo costs 65 euros. Tekst / Text: Liis Konovalov

in time September 2012

tehnika / gadgets

Fantastiline ekraan Uus kolmanda põlvkonna iPad on fann  tastilise Retina ekraaniga ja võis loota, et peagi näeme väga hea kvaliteediga ekraane veelgi. Nüüd ongi Apple teinud uue MacBook Pro Retina ekraaniga ehk 16:10 kuvasuhtega 15,4-tollise laiekraani, mis mahutab lausa 2880x1800 pikslit. Kõik ekraanil toimuv näeb välja terav ja loomulik. Kuuldavasti keelduvad need, kes sellist ekraani kasutanud, vanade ekraanide juurde tagasi minemast. Võimas on uue MacBook Pro juures muugi: protsessorivalik algab 3. põlvkonna Intel Core i7 protsessorist, mälu on 8 GB ja graafikakaardiks on Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 1 GB graafikamäluga. Kiire SSDketas mahutab kuni 768 GB andmeid ning ühenduste valik on esinduslik: HDMI, Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, N-WiFi, lisaks FaceTime HD-kaamera. Kõik see on pakitud stiilsesse alumiinimist korpusesse, mille paksus on 1,8 cm ja kaal vaid 2 kilogrammi! Uue MacBook Pro hinnad algavad 2300 eurost.

Time HD camera. All this packed in a stylish aluminum casing that is 1.8 cm thick and weighs only 2 kg! Prices for the new MacBook Pro start from EUR 2300.

has a dual-core 1 GHz A9 processor, 3.5” (320x480) display, 5 MP LED-flash camera, 8 GB of internal memory. All this is available for about EUR 300.

Elegantne vastupidavus

Erilised tahvelarvutid

Vee-, kukkumis- ja tolmukindlaid Andn

Sügisel ilmub Microsofti uus opratsioon

roidiga nutitelefone on tehtud varemgi, kuid neil on üks viga - näevad välja robustsed, et mitte öelda lihtsalt koledad. Sony on seda märganud ja teinud uue ülivastupidava nutitelefoni Xperia Go, mis on lausa ilus. Sellel on kriimustuskindel ekraan, sellega võib minna ujuma või unustada see 10-kraadise külmaga õue. Muidu on tegemist standardse keskklassi Androidiga, millel on kahetuumaline 1 GHz A9 protsessor, 3,5-tolline (320x480) ekraan, 5 MP LED-välguga kaamera, 8 GB sisemälu ja juures umbes 300-eurone hinnalipik.

nisüsteem Windows 8, mis on mõeldud eelkõige tahvelarvutitele. Sel puhul toob Microsoft välja oma tahvelarvutisarja Surface, mis peaks olema ülikerge ja väga vastupidav, kuna on valmistatud Vapor MG metallist. Lahjem versioon tuleb sügisel Tegra 3 protsessori ja Windows 8 RT-ga, võimsam talvel Intel i5 protsessori ja Windows 8 Pro'ga. Eriliseks teevad Surface'i sarja pilkupüüdvad erivärvilised magnetsulguriga ekraanikatted, mis suletuna kaitsevad ekraani, avatuna aga toimivad kahes versioonis klaviatuurina, kas puutetundlike nuppudega (3 mm) või füüsiliste nuppudega (5 mm).

Attractive tablet PCs This autumn Microsoft will unveil its n  new operating system Windows 8 that is developed specifically for tablet PCs. To celebrate it, Microsoft will launch its tablet PC series Surface that thanks to VaporMg casing is extra light and durable. An entrylevel model to be launched in the autumn will have a Tegra 3 processor and Windows 8 RT, while the more powerful model due in winter will have an Intel i5 processor and Windows 8 Pro. Surface is unique thanks to its attractively coloured magnetic display covers that protect the screen when closed and double up as keyboard when opened, available either as 3 mm touch-sensitive keys or 5 mm mechanical keys.

Fantastic display n The new iPad 3 came with a fantastic Retina display and we all hoped to see more of these high-quality displays. Apple has now launched a new MacBook Pro with Retina display that comes with 15.4” 16:10 widescreen display with as much as 2880x1800 pixels. Everything on screen now looks sharp and natural. It is said that people who try the Retina refuse to go back to former displays. There are also other features that make MacBook Pro special: choice of processors starts with the 3rd generation Intel Core i7, with 8 GB of memory and Nvidia GeForce GT 650M graphics card with 1 GB memory. The fast SSD disk contains up to 768 GB of data and connectivity is simply impressive: HDMI, Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, N-WiFi, plus Face-


Elegant resistance Android smartphones that are resistn  ant to water, shocks or dust have been made before, but until now there was one problem: they looked robust and ugly, to say the least. Sony took note of it and has now produced a new extra-durable smartphone Xperia Go that looks simply beautiful. It has a non-scratchable display, you can go swimming with it or forget it outside at freezing temperatures. Otherwise, it’s a standard Android touch phone that

in time September 2012

tehnika / gadgets kõrvasiseste klappide komplekt. Võimalik, et ükski teine firma pole kunagi nii pisikestesse klappidesse nii head ja dünaamilist heli suutnud paigutada. Klapid koos pisikese hõbedase puldi ja nahkse kandekotiga näevad elegantsed välja. Kõigel on aga hind ja AKG K3003 hind on kõrge, umbes 1000 eurot.

Projektoriga reisile

Tough choice

Samsung Galaxy Beam ei ole tavaline n

It’s hard to find good headphones. The n

nutitelefon, vaid sellesse on sisse ehitatud projektor, mis suudab seinale kuvada kuni 1,3-meetrise läbimõõduga pildi 15-luumenilise valgusjõuga. 450 eurot maksev Beam saab kontoris hakkama PowerPointiga ja reisil filmiga. 156 grammi kaaluvast Android-telefonist leiab 800 MHz protsessori, 3,7- tollise (480x800) Super AMOLEDekraani ja 16 GB sisemälu.

latest addition in the range is AKG K3003, a set of in-ear earphones that boast excellent sound quality. They may quite possibly be the world’s only three-way headphones that pack such good and dynamic sound in such tiny devices. Together with stainless steel controls and a leather case, these earphones look simply elegant. It all comes at a price as AKG K3003 cost around a thousand euros.

Travelling projector phone

Peeglita Canon

Samsung Galaxy Beam is no ordinary n

Peegelkaamerate suurim probleem on n

smartphone, but has an in-built projector and with the help of 15 Lumen Digital Light Projector beams an image of 1.3 metres in diameter. At a price of EUR 450, the Beam projects PowerPoint files in office mode and movies when travelling. The Androidrunning phone weighs 156 grams, has an 800 MHz processor, 3.7” (480x800) Super AMOLED display and 16 GB internal memory.

Enam taskusse ei mahu Taskusse mahtuv mängukonsool on n  lihtsaim võimalus reis lõbusamaks muuta. Eriti hea on selline taskukonsool, mille aku peab vastu 7-8 tundi. Nintendo uus 3DS XL enam taskusse ei mahu, sest see on vanast 3DS-ist oluliselt suurem. Ülemine 3D-ekraan on nüüd 5-tollise (varem 3,5) diagonaaliga ja alumine tavaline ekraan 4,2-tolline (varem 3 tolli). Ekraani eraldusvõime on jäänud samaks, kuid uuel ekraanil tulevad mängude 3D-efektid paremini esile. Nintendo 3DS XL maksab 200 eurot. Ka uus Mario mäng on kohe väljas!


The new 3DS XL from Nintendo no longer fits the pocket as it’s notably bigger than the old 3DS. The top display is now a 3D 5” screen (before: 3.5”) and the bottom display is a regular 4.2” screen (3”). The display’s resolution has remained the same, but 3D effects of games are now even more impressive. Nintendo 3DS XL costs EUR 200. The new Mario game is also coming out soon!

nende suurus, rääkimata hulgast lisavarustusest, mis on vaja piltide püüdmiseks kaasa võtta. Enamik inimesi mõtleb kaks korda, enne kui peegelkaamera reisikotti poetab. Seetõttu pole ime, et hübriidkaamerad (peeglita, kuid vahetatavate objektiividega kompaktne kaamera) on aina populaarsemaks muutunud ja lõpuks on sellist tüüpi kaamera valmis teinud Canon. EOS M maksab umbes 800 eurot ja sellel on 18-megapiksline APS-C tüüpi CMOS- sensor, uued EF-M-objektiivid (kasutada saab ka vanemaid Canoni objektiive) ja 14-bitine DIGIC5 protsessor.

Mirrorless Canon The biggest problem with SLR cameras n

Raske valik

Forget pocket-size

Häid kõrvaklappe leida on raske, nüüd n

A pocket-size gaming console is pern

is their size, to say nothing of additional equipment that one needs to carry for shooting a decent photo. Most people think twice before they stick an SLR camera in their travel bag. Small wonder then that so-called hybrid compacts that are mirrorless, but have an interchangeable lens are becoming more and more popular. Also Canon has now produced its first such camera known as Canon EOS M. It costs about EUR 800 and has an 18 MP APS-C CMOS sensor, new EF-M lenses (supports also existing Canon lenses) and a 14-bit DIGIC5 processor.

on valikusse veel ühed lisandunud. AKG K3003 on suurepärase helikvaliteediga

haps the easiest way to make travel fun. Especially if its battery lasts 7 to 8 hours.

Tekst / Text: Martin Mets

in time September 2012

autod / cars

Kas raamat “50 halli tooni” tõstab Audi müüki?

Lotus ehitab Renault Alpine

Saksa luksusautotootja Audi on osav n

Alpine, ka on võimalik, et ettevõte asub tööle uue Infiniti Emerg-E-ga. Infiniti pole veel kinnitanud, et jätkatakse uue Lotus Evora 414E kontsepti põhjal loodud superauto arendamist. Ettevõtte disainijuht Shiro Nakamura on vihjanud, et tõenäoliselt jätkatakse koostööd brittidega, kuna nemad on kõige rohkem prototüübiga vaeva näinud. Samal ajal teatas Renault’ turundusjuht Steve Norman, et uus Alpine on keskmootoriga ja projekt vajab rohkem, kui RenaultNissan Alliance’il pakkuda on. Mõlemad mudelid on ehitatud Evora platformile. Mudelit Emerg-E arendatakse praegu kui toimivat prototüüpi ning Evora baasil ehitatud autos on kasutusel 414E ülekandesüsteem. Sama põhi ja süsteem peaksid sobima ka Alpine’ile, kui arvestada tagamootoriliste A 110 ja GTA mudelite ajalugu. Mõlemat autot toodetaks väikestes kogustes. Prantslased loodavad aastas toota paar tuhat autot. Kõrgtehnoloogiline Renault Alpine keskmootoriga roheline sportauto saab ilmselt valmis 2014. aasta Pariisi autonäituseks ja jõuab turule 2015. aastal

oma tooteid filmides näitama, unustamatud on uued kontseptautod filmides “I, Robot” (“Mina, Robot”) ja “Iron Man” (“Raudmees”). Väga populaarses raamatusarjas “50 Shades of Grey” (“50 halli tooni”) on mainitud mitut Audi mudelit: väike A3, R8 Spyder superauto ja suur Q7 linnamaastur. Advertising Age’i sõnul on raamatusse sattumine tõstnud Saksa tootja automüüki. Sakslased kinnitavad, et raamatus mainimise eest ei maksnud nad autorile midagi. Ka “50 Shades of Grey” kirjastaja Random House kinnitab, et mingeid tehinguid tehtud pole ja autor E. L. James pole Audi-huviline.

Is Audi starring in 50 Shades Of Grey books to boost sales? German luxury brand Audi is no n  stranger to the practice of product placement, with production models and concepts making memorable appearances in films like I, Robot and Iron Man. The hugely popular erotic book series 50 Shades of Grey sees starring print appearances of a handful of Audi models, with mentions of the small A3, the R8 Spyder supercar and the big Q7 SUV. According to Advertising Age, the appearance has convinced Audi that the books have contributed to its growing sales – but the carmaker says it didn't pay a single penny for the mention. A representative of Random House, publisher of 50 Shades of Grey, said that no deal was made, and author E. L. James does not have any special love for Audi cars.


Lotus ehitab Renault’le uue superauto n

Lotus will build Renault Alpine Lotus builds a production version of n  the Lotus Evora 414E-derived Emerg-E concept, which Renault also uses as a base for production. The new Renault Alpine and a production version of the widely acclaimed Infiniti Emerg-E supercar concept could be built for the two companies by Lotus. Infiniti has yet to confirm that it will go ahead with the supercar, which in proto-

type form is based on the Lotus Evora 414E concept, but design chief Shiro Nakamura has suggested that it “could be built in Britain”, adding it would make sense given that the concept has mostly been developed in the UK. Meanwhile, Renault marketing boss Steve Norman has confirmed that a new Alpine would be mid or rear-engined. He has previously said the project “probably needs more than the Renault-Nissan Alliance on its own”. Basing both models on the Evora platform would make sense. The Emerg-E is currently being developed as a running prototype using the Evora platform and Lotus’s experimental 414E range-extender drivetrain. The same layout would suit an Alpine Renault, given its history of rear-engined models such as the A110 and the GTA. Both cars would be relatively low volume. The French brand reckons an annual sale of just a few thousand. High-tech range-extender Renault Alpine mid-engined green sports car will be ready for reveal at the Paris Motor Show 2014 and for market launch in 2015.

Audi R8 saab digitaalse tahavaatepeegli Traditsioonilise klaaspeegli asemele n  saab uus Audi R8 e-tron superauto 7,7-tollise Samsungi AMOLED ekraani, mis näitab juhile auto taga toimuvat. Digitaalne peegel edastab väga selgeid pilte ja peaks Audi R8 e-troni varustuses väiketootmisesse jõudma aasta lõpuks. Mainitud mudelil nagu ka Le Mans’i viimasel võitjal pole tagaakent ja seetõttu ei saa sinna panna tavapärast tahavaatepeeglit. Kõrgtehnoloogiline digipeegel koosneb kaamera-monitori süsteemist. Vaid paarimillimeetrise diameetriga läätse vaateväli on laiem kui tavalisel peeglil, suurendades juhi nägemisvälja. 7,7-tolline monitor pakub muidki võimalusi. AMOLED tehnoloogia kasutab vähe elektrit, mis on elektriauto puhul äärmiselt olu-

in time September 2012

line. AMOLED tahavaatepeegel tumeneb hämaras automaatselt, et autojuhti vähem pimestada. Juht saab selle funktsiooni vajadusel välja lülitada. Audi töötab sellegi nimel, et tulevikus ekraanil rohkem infot näidata.

Audi's R8 will have digital rear-view mirror Instead of a conventional reflective n  version, the Audi R8 e-tron supercar will use a Samsung 7.7-inch AMOLED display, which will show the driver what is behind the vehicle. The digital rear-view mirror delivers brilliant images and is due to enter small-scale production in the Audi R8 e-tron at the end of this year. This model – like the current Le Mans winners – has no rear window and hence no conventional rear-view mirror. Its high-tech successor is the digital rear-view mirror – a camera/monitor system. The tiny lens, with a diameter of just a few millimetres, covers a wider field of vision than a conventional rear-view mirror, so increasing the viewpoint. Plus, the 7.7-inch screen has plenty more real estate to play with. AMOLED technology has been chosen because it runs on low amounts of poweressential for an electric car. The AMOLED rear-view mirror helps automatically reduce headlights glare during the hours of darkness, while also allowing drivers to dim or turn it off altogether. Audi said that it is looking into introducing more information to the display in the future.

Väike voldikelektriauto MIT maksab 12 500 eurot ÜMIT-i ja DENOKINN-i arendajad on n  loonud mugava ja keskkonnasõbraliku väikeauto, mis sobib linnas liikumiseks. Sõiduk nimega Hiriko Fold oskab end kokku pakkida, et mahtuda väga kitsale pinnale

September 2012 in time

parkima. Tootjad on kinnitanud, et elektriauto tuleb müügile 2013. aastal ja maksab umbes 12 500 eurot. Liisitava akupargiga kapslisarnane masin on kahekohaline ja neljarattaveoline. Auto suudab ühe laadimisega sõita umbes 100 kilomeetrit. Kuna sõiduki raam on kokkuvolditav, mahub tavapärasele parkimiskohale kolm sellist masinat. Juht ja reisija sisenevad autosse avast, mis tekib esiklaasi ülestõstmisel. Kõik sõiduki rattad pööravad, mis tähendab, et auto suudab ennast kohapeal ringi pöörata ja külgepidi liikuda. Seega on paralleelparkimine lihtsam. Paar Hiriko Foldi mudelit on juba Euroopa linnades testimisel. Usutakse, et auto saab populaarseks sellistes linnades nagu Berliin, San Francisco ja Barcelona.

MIT’s tiny foldable electric car will retail for 12 500 euros Researchers from MIT’s Changing n  Places group and DENOKINN have developed a convenient and eco-friendly car to commute around the city. The Hiriko Fold is an ultra-compact vehicle that can fold upright to fit into tight parking spaces. Now it’s been confirmed that the electric car is expected to go on sale in 2013 for around 12 500 euros. The pod-like electric vehicle, whose battery pack would be leased, is a two-seater with 4-wheel drive and a range in excess of 100 kilometres. Because its wheelbase can collapse, a single parking space can accommodate three vehicles. Driver and passenger enter through a windshield that swings upward. The vehicle would also be equipped with zero-turn radius wheels that allow it to move sideways, making parallel parking a less frustrating manoeuvre. Some of the Hiriko Fold models are on trial in European cities for testing, and the group believes that the compact car would be popular in cities like Berlin, San Francisco, and Barcelona.

teadus / science Foto / Photo: Scanpix

Kes jättis Hispaania koopasse käejäljed? Vanimad Hispaania koopamaalingud on n  tehtud kuni 40 000 aastat tagasi, kinnitavad uue uurimuse teinud teadlased. Samas on kerkinud küsimus, kas maalingute autorid olid tänapäevased inimesed või hoopis neandertallased. Briti teadlased analüüsisid uue meetodiga pooltsada maalingut üheteistkümnes Hispaania koopas ning väidavad, et need on tuhandeid aastaid vanemad, kui seni arvatud. Kõige vanem, lihtne punase värviga tehtud sõõr El Castillo koopas on vähemalt 40 800 aasta vanune, kirjutavad teadlased ajakirjas Science. Koopa seintel olevaid käejälgi peavad teadlased Euroopa vanimateks kunstiteosteks. “Tõenäoliselt tehti need nii, et käsi asetati koopa seinale ja puhuti selle peale pigmenti,” selgitavad uurijad, hinnates käejälgede vanuseks 37 000 aastat, mis lubab spekuleerida teemal, kelle käte jäljed need ikkagi on. “Tõendeid Põhja-Hispaania asustamisest tänapäevaste inimestega on kuni 41 500 aasta tagant. Enne neid olid siin neandertallased,” kinnitas uurimuse põhiautor Alistair Pike Bristoli ülikoolist. “Meie tulemused näitavad, et tänapäevased inimesed kas saabusid nii, et maalikunst oli osa nende kultuuripagasist, või tekkis see õige varsti pärast saabumist. Võib-olla on tegu hoopis neandertallaste kunstiga.” “Kui käejäljed kuuluvad neandertallastele, oleks see suurepärane avastus, kuid selgusele jõudmiseks peame määrama rohkemate proovide vanuse,” ütles Pike. Täpsemad andmed annavad ülevaate sellestki, kuidas joonistused aja jooksul arenesid. “Esimestel joonistustel veel loomi ei kujutata,” märkis uurimuse kaasautor Paul Pettitt Sheffieldi ülikoolist. Kõige vanemad


joonistused on lihtsad punase värviga tehtud käejäljed, täpid, sõõrid ja jooned. Keerukamad kujutised ja joonistamisviisid tekkisid hiljem. Seda on hästi näha kuulsas Altamira koopas, mille vanim joonistus on lihtne nuiakujutis, mis maaliti sinna umbes 35 600 aastat tagasi. Järgneva 20 000 aasta jooksul joonistati koopasse aina uusi ja keerukamaid figuure ning stseene. Seni peeti vanimaks Prantsusmaal Chauvet’ koobastes olevaid maalinguid, mis nüüd osutusid kõige vanematest Hispaania omadest viis kuni kümme tuhat aastat nooremaks. Joonistuste vanuse määramist on seni takistanud asjaolu, et tihti kasutati nende tegemiseks mitteorgaanilisi aineid, näiteks värvimuldasid. Orgaaniliste ainete nagu puusüsi puhul on võimalik radiosüsiniku ja teiste isotoopide määramis-meetodite abil vanust tuvastada, kuid mitteorgaanilise aine puhul ei anna aine enda vanus mingit aimu sellest, millal seda maalimiseks kasutati. Pike ja Pettitt uurisid seetõttu lubjasoolade sadestusi, tillukesi stalaktiite, mis aja jooksul joonistuste peale olid tekkinud. Neis sadestustes uraani ja tooriumi isotoopide vahekorda jälgides on võimalik kindlaks teha aine tekkimise aeg ja selle järgi hinnata, kui vanad koopamaalingud on.

Whose are the handprints in Spanish caves? The oldest Spanish cave paintings n  date back 40,000 years, a recent dating confirms. This raises a question – do they belong to modern humans or neandterthals? British scientists used a new method to analyse 50 paintings in 11 Spanish caves and found them to be thousands of years

older than previously thought. The oldest one, a simple red circle in the El Castillo cave, is at least 40,800 years old, the researchers write in Science. Handprints from the same cave are Europe’s oldest known works of art, the researchers claim. “They were probably made by laying the hand on the cave wall and blowing paint onto it,” the researchers say. Those prints are about 37,000 years old which allows speculations about who actually made them. “Evidence of modern humans in Northern Spain dates back to 41,500 years ago, before them were the Neanderthals,” says the main author of the study Alistair Pike from the University of Bristol. “Our results show that the modern humans either arrived with painting being already a part of their cultural activity or it developed very shortly after it, perhaps in response to competition with Neanderthals, or perhaps the art is Neanderthal art.” “It would be a fantastic find if the hand stencils on the walls of the caves were outlines of Neanderthal hands, but we need to date more examples to see if this is the case,” he adds. More exact datings allow to follow the development of cave art over time. “The earliest images do not represent animals,” says co-author Paul Pettitt from Sheffield University. The oldest paintings are simple handmarks, dots, circles and lines. More complex figures and drawing techniques evolved later. This can be observed in the famous Altamira cave where the oldest work of art, a simple club-shaped symbol was found to be at least 35,600 years old. The cave was then revisited and painted a number of times over a period spanning over 20,000 years. Until now, the paintings in the Chauvet' cave in France were considered to be the oldest. According to the new dating they are 5,000-10,000 years younger than the oldest Spanish paintings. The dating of cave art is complicated because often non-organic substances, such as coloured rock were used to make them. Radiocarbon and other similar methods can be used for dating only when organic matter, such as charcoal has been used, but in case of non-organic matter the age of the substance gives us little clue about when exactly it was used to make cave art. This is why Pike and Pettitt measured uranium isotopes in the thin calcite flowstone growths that have formed on the surfaces of the paintings. Dating of these tiny stalactites allows to assess the time when paintings underneath them were made.

in time September 2012

Uus Audi A3. Püüdmatult parim.

Audi A3 1.6TDI S tronic (77 kW/105 hj); keskmine kütusekulu: 3,9 l/100 km; keskmine CO₂ emissioon: 102 g/km

Audi Tallinn Paldiski mnt 100a Telefon: 611 2000 E-mail: Audi Kuressaare Tallinna tn 61a Telefon: 453 0100 E-mail: Audi Pärnu Tallinna mnt 87e Telefon: 444 7130 E-mail:

teadus / science

Rotist tehti meduus Meduusi pea täiuslik koopia, kokku n  pandud silikoonist ja roti südamerakkudest, näeb välja nagu meduus ja liigub nagu meduus. California tehnoloogiainstituudi teadlased ja insenerid valmistasid tehismeduusi selleks, et aru saada lihaspumpade töö põhimõttest. Meduus, kes liigub läbi vee lihaste kokkutõmmete jõul, sarnaneb üllatavalt inimsüdamega, mis pumpab verd kehas ringi. “Meduusid kujutavad endast ainulaadset võimalust katsetada funktsioneeriva koe tehislikku järeletegemist,” kirjutasid teadlased ajakirjas Nature Biotechnology. Tehismeduusi valmistamiseks uurisid teadlased esmalt, kuidas päris meduusi kehas lihased jaotuvad. Seejärel ehitasid nad läbipaistvatest silikoonlehtedest tehismeduusi keha, mis näeb välja nagu kaheksa kroonlehega õis. Selle peale ehitasid nad valkudest šablooni, mille peale panid kasvama roti südamerakud. Mõne päevaga kasvasid rakud soovitud kujusse. Kui tehismeduus akvaariumisse pandi ning lihastele elektriimpulsse anti, ujus ta hämmastavalt sarnaselt päris meduusiga. Lisaks tekitas tehismeduus täpselt samasugust vee liikumist, nagu pärismeduus kasutab toidu saamiseks. “Mind üllatas, kui nappide vahenditega suutsime järele teha bioloogiliste meduuside keerukaid ujumis- ja toitumisliigutusi,” rääkis uurimust juhendanud Caltechi professor John Dabiri.

Rat transformed into a jellyfish It looks like a jellyfish, it moves like a n  jellyfish, but it actually is an almost perfect copy of a jellyfish, made out of silicone and rat cells. Scientists and engineers from California


Institute of Technology created the artificial jellyfish in order to understand the way muscular pumps work. A jellyfish who moves through the water with the help of muscle contractions is remarkably similar to the human heart which pumps blood through our body. “Jellyfish present a unique test case for mimicking functional tissue,” the researchers write in Nature Biotechnology. To make the artificial jellyfish, researchers first mapped the muscles of a living jellyfish. They made the body of the artificial jellyfish from transparent silicone polymer and shaped it like a blossom with eight petals. Onto the silicone, they built a structure of proteins and placed rat heart cells on it. In a few days the muscle cells grew in the desired shape. When placed in a tank and shocked with electricity, it produced swimming movements remarkably similar to those of a real jellyfish. In addition, it created the same kind of water movement that a real jellyfish uses for eating. “I was surprised that we were able to reproduce a pretty complex swimming and feeding behaviour with relatively few components,” says Caltech Professor John Dabiri who supervised the study.

Kodumasinais peitub kullavaramu

lektroonikas olevat plastmassi, järeldati hiljuti peetud esimesel e-prahi teemalisel ülemaailmsel üritusel.

Electronic products hide a goldmine AIf you search for gold or silver, old n  electronic devices are much more profitable mining grounds than any mineral deposit. Yet the resource remains largely unused, experts say. The electronic industry annually consumes 320 tons of gold and 7200 tons of silver but only 10-15 per cent of that is later recovered by recycling. The same goes for other rare elements that the modern technology cannot do without. “More sustainable consumption patterns and material recycling are essential if consumers want to continue to enjoy high-tech devices that support everything from modern communications to smart transport, intelligent buildings and more,” says Luis Neves, chairman of Global e-Sustainability Initiative. Altogether some 85 per cent of gold gets lost in the dismantling process. According to experts, this could be significantly more efficient, helping us to save nature and millions of euros. Also much more plastic could be recycled, concludes the recent first ever global meeting about e-waste.

Vanadest elektroonikaseadmetest on n  kulda ja hõbedat kaevandada märksa tulusam kui maardlast. Ometi on ressurss asjatundjate sõnul praegu kasutamata. Elektroonikatööstus tarbib aastas 320 tonni kulda ja 7500 tonni hõbedat, kuid taaskasutuse abil jõuab sellest uuesti ringlusse vaid kümnendik, tõdevad eksperdid. Rääkimata teistest haruldastest metallidest, milleta tänapäeva elektroonikaseadmed enam hakkama ei saa. “Kestlikum tarbimine ja materjalide taaskasutus on olulised, kui tarbijad soovivad ka tulevikus nautida kõrgtehnoloogilisi seadmed, millel tugineb kõik, alates tänapäevasest kommunikatsioonist kuni nutikate transpordilahenduste ja tarkade majadeni,” ütles Luis Neves, kes on e-lahendusi ja jätkusuutlikkust ühendava globaalse initsiatiivi (Global e-Sustainability Initiative) juht. Ühtekokku läheb valede või iganenud lammutamis- ja taaskasutusvõtete tõttu kaduma kuni 85 protsenti seadmetes olevast kullast. Ekspertide sõnul saaks neid protsesse oluliselt parandada ning säästa loodust ja hoida kokku miljardeid eurosid. Palju rohkem võiks taaskasutada ka vanae-

41,7 kraadi Celsiuse järgi on uus öine n  kuumarekord. Selle mõõtsid ilmajaamad sel suvel koguni kahes eri paigas – 27. juunil Omaanis Khasabi lennujaamas ja 12. juulil USAs Surmaorus. 41.7 degrees centigrade is the new n  highest night-time temperature record. It was measured this summer in two different places – first on June 27 in Khasab Airport in Oman and two weeks later in USA, in Death Valley. Tekst / Text: Arko Olesk

in time September 2012


Berliini Brandenburgi lennujaam plaanitakse avada 17. märtsil 2013. aastal. Lennujaam saab nime endise Berliini linnapea, Saksamaa kantsleri ja Nobeli preemia laureaadi Willy Brandti järgi. Ehitamine läheb maksma kolm miljardit eurot. Uus lennujaam asendab kolme Berliini õhuväravat: Tempelhofi lennujaam suleti juba 2008, Tegel suletakse 2013 ja Schönefeldi lennujaam liitub uue Brandenburgi lennujaamaga. Berlin Brandenburg Airport is scheduled to open on 17 March 2013. The airport will be named after the former Berlin Mayor German Chancellor and Nobel Peace Laureate Willy Brandt. Construction costs are estimated at 3bn euros. The new airport will replace three airports: Tempelhof Airport closed in 2008, Tegel Airport scheduled to be closed in 2013, and Schönefeld Airport to be merged into the new Brandenburg Airport.

Kuidas ehitada lennujaama? Nagu iga ehitus, algab ka lennujaama ehitamine planeeringutest ega erine tavalise maja ehitusest, kinnitab Tallinna Lennujaama juhatuse liige Einari Bambus. Lennujaama rajamisel

tuleb kõigepealt valida sobiv maatükk. Kui inimesed hakkavad maja ehitama, soovivad nad tavaliselt, et see oleks metsa sees, mere ääres, suurlinna keskel ehk ideaalses kohas. “Ka lennujaama ehitami-

September 2012 in time

seks pole ju keeruline leida 500-600 hektarit sobilikku maad,” ütleb Bambus. Kuid tema sõnul ei sobi lennujaamaks suvaline maa keset soid ja põlde. Väga hea oleks tasane ja lage pind. “Kaubad ja kliendid peavad sinna lihtsalt ja loogiliselt pääse-


lennundus Uued terminalid on sageli justkui maale laskunud kosmoselaevad. Arhitektid püüavad luua hooneid, mis avaldaksid muljet ja oleksid oma ajastu monumentideks. “Parim on siiski lihtne neljakandiline ja kõiki funktsioone täitev maja. Puhas, õdus, mugav, lihtne ja loogiline hoone,” arvab lennundusekspert. “Mida lihtsam ja efektiivsem on lennujaam, seda odavamad on tasud ning seega ka lennukipilet. See omakorda toob rohkem kliente,” tõdeb Bambus. Uut rahvusvahelist Islamabadi lennujaama, mis on tuntud ka kui Gandhara lennujaam ehitatakse Pakistani Islamabadi lähistele. See peaks asendama Benazir Bhutto nimelist rahvusvahelist lennujaama ja valmima 2013. aastal. The New Islamabad International Airport, also known as Gandhara International Airport, is under construction near Islamabad, Pakistan. It will replace the Benazir Bhutto International Airport. It is expected to be complete by 2013.

ma, seal peavad olema kommunikatsioonid nagu vesi, elekter jm,” selgitab lennundusekspert. Tema väitel on asukoha puhul olulised nii geograafilised, geoloogilised kui ka meteoroloogilised iseärasused (näiteks see, kuidas tuuled puhuvad, et lennurajal saaks lennuk kiiresti tuule tiibadesse ja ohutult maanduda). Esmatähtis on määrata lennuliiklusest tulenevad nõutavad dimensioonid, s.t arvestada õhusõidukite tüüpe, liikluse tihedust, reisijate arvu, kaubamahtu. Seejärel tuleb maatükile paigutada lennurada, ruleerimirajad, perroonid ja navigatsiooniseadmed. Maapealsete teenuste osutamiseks on vaja kindlaks määrata garaažide, töökodade, angaaride, olme- ja puhkeruumide asukohad ning mõelda, kuhu rajada reisijate terminal.

Mis lennujaamas on? Lennurada või mitu (Tallinnas on üks), ruleerimisteed, perroonid n  Lennujuhtimiskeskus ja navigatsiooniseadmed n  Reisi- ja kaubaterminalid n  Maapealne teenindus n  Kütuseterminalid õhusõidukitele ja maapealsele tehnikale n  Keskkonda säästvad, ennetavad jne meetmed, näiteks reoveepuhastusjaam või n  müraseire seadmed

Kommunikatsioonid (vesi, kanalisatsion, küte, gaas, elekter, mis on kahe-kolmekordse n  tagavaralahendusega)

Päästeteenistus ja nende baas, veekogu ligidal ka paadid n  Raja- ja haljastushoolduse masinad ja nende baas, töökoda, laod n  Õhusõidukite maapealseks teenindamiseks vajalikud seadmed, masinad, ruumid, n  tehnoloogiad jne

IT- ja sidekommunikatsioon n  Lennuohutus ja julgestus n  Toll, piir, politsei n  Ärid, ühistransport, taksod, baarid, kohvikud, parklad n


Oluline on, et inimesed saaksid lennujaamas

lihtsalt, mugavalt ja ohutult liikuda, et pääseksid kiiresti ühest terminalist teise jne. 200-300 meetrit on suhteliselt mugav vahemaa jalutamiseks. Samuti peavad olema võimalused ostlemiseks, söömiseks, joomiseks või lihtsalt lõõgastumiseks. Lisaks uutele ehitatakse ümber olemasolevaid lennujaamu. Tallinna lennujaam on pidevas muutuses. Tänavu suvel avati uus angaar lennukite teenindamiseks. “Peab ette mõtlema, hilja on ehitama hakata siis, kui vajadus käes,” lisab Lennujaama juhatuse liige. Tallinna lennujaam planeerib tulevikus ehitada näiteks teise reisijate terminali. Kitsas on ka perroon, kus lennukid pargivad. Peagi ootab uut ülekatet 1995. aastal taastatud lennurada.

in time September 2012


Doha lennujaam 채gab reisijatevoo k채es, kuigi seda on korduvalt laiendatud. Praegu ei suudeta teenindada rohkem kui 12 miljonit reisijat aastas. 4600-meetrine lennurada on tsiviillennunduse pikim. 2013. aasta alguses avatakse uus rahvusvaheline Doha lennujaam. Doha International Airport suffers from overuse even though it has been expanded numerous times. The current capacity stands at 12 million passengers per year. Its 4.6 km runway is one of the longest for any civil airport. The existing airport will be replaced in early 2013 when the first phase of New Doha International Airport is expected to open.

How to build an airport? Like any building activity, construction of a new airport starts with planning and is actually quite similar to a normal building process, says Einari Bambus, board member of Tallinn Airport. September 2012 in time


aviation When building a new airport, one must first find a suitable piece of land. For a house, people usually seek an ideal location in the woods, by the sea or in the town centre. “It’s not so difficult to find a vacant plot between 500 and 600 hectares for an airport, but any land in the middle of marches or fields is not suitable,” says Bambus. “The best is a level and empty area. It must be easily and logistically accessible for goods and passengers and it needs infrastructure such as water and power supply, etc,” explains the aviation expert. He adds that the location must also be suitable in terms of geography, geology and weather, including wind patterns to give additional lift for departing airplanes and to ensure a safe landing for incoming aircraft. First, it is important to determine the requirements for air traffic including the type of aircraft, traffic frequencies, number of passengers and cargo handling volumes. Then one needs to find a place for runways, taxiways, aprons and navigation equipment and, for ground handling services, garages, workshops, hangars, accommodation and - last but not least - the passenger terminal. Modern airport terminals often look like spaceships that have just landed on earth. Arc-

hitects are competing to create buildings that impress and become monuments of their time. “However, the best option is always a simple quadrangular and functional building. In other words, a clean, cosy, comfortable, simple and sensible building. “The simpler and more efficient is the airport, the lower are the fees and also tickets. This attracts more passengers,” notes Bambus. What is important is that people are able to move easily, comfortably and safely around the building, can rapidly move between terminals etc. 200 - 300 m by foot is a normal distance. There must also be facilities for shopping, dining, drinking and leisure.

Like many existing airports, Tallinn Airport is constantly undergoing changes. This summer a new hangar for aircraft maintenance was opened at the airport. “You need to keep thinking ahead, because it’s too late to start building when the need arises.” Tallinn Airport, for instance, plans to build another passenger terminal in the future; and the current apron used by aircraft is too narrow. The airport will soon start modernising the runway that was resurfaced more than 15 years ago.

Rahvusvaheline Incheoni lennujaam LõunaKoreas, Soulis on üks suurimaid maailmas. Lõplikult peaks see valmis saama 2020. aastaks. Kavas on rajada kaks reisiterminali, neli ühenduskoridori, 128 väravat ja viis paralleelset lennurada. Kokku suudab uus õhusõlm aastas hallata 100 miljonit reisijat. Incheon International Airport serving Seoul, South Korea, is one is of the largest airports in the world. Estimated to be completed in 2020, the airport will have two passenger terminals, four satellite concourses, 128 gates, and five parallel runways. It will be able to handle 100 million passengers a year.


in time September 2012

Join the Swedish-Estonian International Business Network Company Visits Berliini Brandenburgi lennujaam Berlin Brandenburg Airport


What’s in an airport? One (as in Tallinn) or several runways, taxiways, apron n  Traffic control centre and navigation equipment n  Passenger and cargo terminals n  Ground handling services n  Depots for fuelling aircraft and ground handling vehicles n  Environmental protection systems such as a wastewater treatment plant or noise n

monitoring devices Infrastructure systems for water, wastewater, heating, gas, power supply, often with n  double or triple redundancy Rescue services and a rescue station, including boats if near water bodies n  Runway and green maintenance vehicles and garages, workshops and warehouses n  Aircraft maintenance equipment, machinery, premises, technologies, etc. n  IT and communication systems n  Aviation safety and security services n  Customs, border, police services n  Stores, car rentals, public transport, taxis, bars, cafes, car parks n

Study Tours

After Business Hours

Business Breakfasts Sports & Lunches Social Events

Conferences Beijing kavandab teise lennujaama rajamist. Air@Porti disainerid pakkusid välja idee vältida kalli maa kasutamist ja rajada lennuväli 450 meetri kõrgusele. Lennujaam asuks tosinate seenekujuliste tornide otsas, mis toetavad lennurada ja terminale. Beijing is currently planning the construction of a second airport. The designers of the Air@ Port propose avoiding using precious land for new airports by constructing one that is positioned 450m in the air. The airport will sit on dozens of thin towers that mushroom out at the top with wide platforms that all connect to support the runways and airport facilities on top.

September 2012 in time

Visit our website, give us a call or an e-mail to find out more about membership. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Estonia Tel: (+372) 501 9813

Estonia Loksa TALLINN



Keila Saue






KOHTLANarva-Jõesuu Sillamäe JÄRVE Jõhvi RAKVERE NARVA Püssi Kiviõli Ahtme













Abja-Paluoja Karksi-Nuia Mõisaküla Tõrva








Government Official name: Republic of Estonia n  Type: parliamentary democracy n  Head of State: President of the n

In 2000 the Government changed n

members, is elected every 4 years.

Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based system. There are 1134 WiFi covered areas; n  most of them are free of charge. More at



As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member n

Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 n

of the euro-zone.

lish, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

year olds. Most of the 582 schools are state schools; 62 schools offer education in Russian. The oldest of the universities, Tartu n  University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.


National Holidays

80% of all believers are Protestant n

1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 6 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day 26 December – Boxing Day

Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 n

Language The official language is Estonian. Engn




Estonia is located on the eastern coast of n  the Baltic Sea with a coastline of more than 3700 kilometers. It is a small country with an area of n  45 227 km2. There are two big islands off the west coast – Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million n  with 400 000 of them living in the capital city of Tallinn. Other large towns are – Tartu, Narva, n  Pärnu. Ethnic Estonians make up 67.9% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians – 25.6%. The highest point in Estonia is Suur n  Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) at 318 meters above sea level. The average temperature is –7 C in n  January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summer, the sun sets only for a few hours.



Estonia was settled around 8500 BC. n  Local people worshipped the spirits of nature until the Northern Crusades on 13th century. Since then, Estonia became a battleground where Denmark, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought wars over controlling the gateway between West and East. In 1918 the Estonian Declaration of n  Independence was issued. On the eve of Second World War, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. Estonia regained independence in 1991 four months before the collapse of the USSR and joined the European Union in 2004.


Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists.

Information society 70% of population are Internet users. n  Most of Estonian Internet users conduct n  their everyday banking and declare their taxes via Internet.

in time September 2012


Welcome to Estonian Air

About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

May / June 2012 in time


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer


Estonian Air

About Estonian Air

Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele ja n

Estonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, provides both n

turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdami, Brüsselisse, Kiievisse, Kopenhaagenisse, Londonisse, Moskvasse, Nice’i, Oslosse, Pariisi, Peterburi, Stockholmi, Trondheimi ja Vilniusse. Estonian Air avas 2012. aasta kevadel lennuliinid uutesse n  sihtkohtadesse: Helsingi, Riia, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Viin, Veneetsia, Joensuu, Kajaani ja Thbilisi. Eesti piires tehakse lende Tallinnast Tartusse. n  Peale regulaarlendude korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja n  kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, n  Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air kasutab Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJ-900 n  NextGen ja SAAB 340 lennukeid. Estonian Airis on üle 300 töötaja. n  2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian n  Air Regional, mis teeb Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kolme 33-kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter n  asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. n  2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalun  kaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus: IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgemate lennuohutusnõuetega.

business travellers and tourists a direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, London, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu, Trondheim and Vilnius. In spring 2012 Estonian Air opened new destinations to Helsinki, n  Riga, Jyväskylä, Hannover, Vienna, Venice, Joensuu, Kajaani and Tbilisi. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter n  flights, carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, Aeron  Svit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya. Estonian Air operates with Embraer 170, Boeing 737-500, CRJn  900 NextGen and SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. n  In spring 2007, Estonian Air established a subsidiary company n  called Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s short range flights to neighbouring regions with three 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on December 1, 1991, with their headn  quarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. n  In 2005 Estonian Air was recognized and awarded with the n  industry’s highly respected IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conforming to the highest air safety requirements.

in time September 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Estonian Air on vastutustundlik ettevõte

Corporate Social responsibility

Estonian Airis usume, et kasv ja tulu tuleb saavutada eetiliselt n  ja vastutustundlikult. Just seepärast keskendub Estonian Air oma osanikele kasumi teenimise kõrval vastutustundliku ettevõtluse standardi kehtestamisele. Usume, et tuleb tagada läbipaistvus ja eetilisus, vähendada ökoloogilist jalajälge, suhtuda väärikalt klientidesse ja äripartneritesse, luua parim töökoht oma töötajatele ning olla oma kogukonnale usaldusväärne partner.

be reached in an ethical and responsible way. That is why Estonian Air, besides providing profits to its shareholders, also focuses on setting the standards of Corporate Social Responsibility with the community in which it operates. We believe in reducing our ecological footprint, treating our customers and business partners with dignity, creating the best possible workplace for our employees, and in being a trusted community partner.

Estonian Airi uudiskiri

Estonian Air newsletter

Estonian Airi uudiskiri on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille n

Estonian Air’s newsletter enables its subscribers to get informan

liikmeid informeeritakse Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, neid ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. Uudiskirjaga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot:

tion about our offers and new services. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter or need more information, visit our homepage at:

EuroBonuse programm Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, n  mis on Skandinaavia üks edukamaid eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramme. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma: SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonuse programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel eurobonus. Esitage alati lennule registreerimisel oma EuroBonuse kaart. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonuse programmi liiget elektrooniliselt:

Alates 1. juunist kehtivad Estonian Airi lendudel uuenenud SAS EuroBonuse reeglid Reisijatele tähendab see lihtsustunud punktiarvestust, kus kogutavaid punkte arvestatakse nüüdsest mitte enam lähtuvalt pileti hinnaklassist, vaid vastavalt sellele, mis reisiklassi on pilet ostetud. Uue punktisüsteemi järgi kogub turistiklassi piletiga reisija minimaalselt 500 punkti (varasema 75 asemel), paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisija 750 punkti (varasema 450 asemel) ning äriklassi piletiga reisija teenib minimaalselt 1000 punkti (varasema 600 asemel). Samuti on ühtlustatud erinevates riikides tegutsevate lennufirmade punktitasemed preemiareiside tellimiseks, mis teevad arvestamise reisija jaoks lihtsamaks ja loogilisemaks. Endiselt on võimalik preemiareise tellida nii edasi-tagasi kui ka ühel suunal ning lastele vanuses 2-11 kehtib 50% soodustus.

Preemiareis Teenitud EuroBonuse punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! EuroBonuse preemiareise on võimalik broneerida kiirelt ja mugavalt veebis või EuroBonuse klienditeeninduse kaudu, saates e-kirja aadressile või helistades telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonuse soodustuste kohta:

September 2012 in time

Estonian Air believes that growth and earning revenue must n

EuroBonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS n  EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of the EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge. Now children and youth are also welcome to join EuroBonus. The same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online Present your EuroBonus card when checking in. Euro-Bonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail. More information: loyalty-programme/ collecting-eurobonus-points/

Renewed SAS EuroBonus conditions are effective on Estonian Air flights from 1 June 2012 For our customers this means easier points’ accounting where points are counted no longer based on the fare class on the ticket but on the on board service class the ticket holder is entitled to. According to the new points’ system, passengers holding Eco ticket earn minimum of 500 points (instead of earlier 75), passengers holding Flex Eco ticket earn minimum of 750 points (earlier 450) and passengers holding Business ticket earn minimum of 1000 points (earlier 600). EuroBomus levels of different carriers operating in different countries have also been standardized for booking award trips, making counting easier and more logical for the passenger. Award trips can be ordered for return and one-way flights, and 50% discount applies for children between 2 and 11 years of age.

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Book your award trip online or via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits in Estonian Air: More information about EuroBonus benefits in other airlines:


püsikliendile / for the loyal customer Punktitabel / Point Chart Lennud algusega Tallinnast (ja vastupidi)

Turistiklass / Economy Paindlik turistiklass A, G, O, T, E, H, K, L, Flexible Economy M, U, W, Q, V, Z B, S, Y

Flights to / from Tallinn






Helsingi, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Kopenhaagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius




Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, Vilnius

Amsterdam, Brüssel, Hannover, Kiiev, London, Moskva, Pariis, Peterburi, Viin




Amsterdam, Brussels, Hanover, Kiev, London, Moscow, Paris, St Petersburg, Vienna

Nizza, Tbilisi, Veneetsia




Nice, Venice, Tbilisi

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele

Collect points afterwards

Kui olete unustanud lennule registreerimisel oma kaardi esitada, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonuse klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonuse kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonuse programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.

If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.


Corporate Programme

Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike n

The Estonian Air Corporate Programme offers more flexible conn

tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostu puhul.

ditions for corporate customers and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Fixed fares

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Joining the Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers can purchase tickets for fixed fares for 12 months. If purchase volume during this period is at least 5,000 EUR, offer of fixed fares will be extended for the subsequent 12 months.

Paindlikud tingimused

Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).

Lisaväärtus Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, Flex Eco piletiga 2 x 23 kg ja Business-klassi piletiga 2 x 32 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäev läbi. Rohkem infot:

SME ärikliendiprogramm n Estonian Airi SME ärikliendiprogramm on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Programmiga liitumine on lihtne,


Äriklass Business C, D, J

Flexible conditions

Added value Good availability of seats, Business class check-in, free baggage allowance of 2 x 23 kg with Flex Eco ticket and Business class ticket, free catering on board. A Business class ticket allows you to use the services of the Business class lounge before departure and entitles you to personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information:

SME Corporate Programme Estonian Air SME program is designed for small and medium n  enterprises. Joining the program is simple and free of charge. Program membership is valid indefinitely and has no minimum flight frequency requirement. Just choose the flights most suitable for you. The more you fly the more points you earn. Every 50 € earns you one point which is equal to a 1% discount on an Estonian Air direct flight. The discount does not apply to airport

in time September 2012

püsikliendile / for the loyal customer tasuta, tähtajatu. Programmi lennumaht pole piiratud. Valige sobiv reisiklass ja iga ostuga kogute väärtuslikke punkte. Iga tehingu eest makstud 50 eurot annab teie kontole ühe punkti, mis annab Estonian Airi lennu hinnast 1% allahindlust. Allahindlus ei kehti lennujaamamaksudele ja teenustasule. Kogutud punktid liidetakse ja kajastatakse punktikontona, mida saab realiseerida järgmiste ostudega ärikliendi veebikeskkonnas. Maksimumallahindlus on olenevalt punktide kogusest kuni 50% netohinnast. Kasutamata punktid aeguvad aasta pärast liitumist liitumise kuu viimasel päeval. Ärikliendikeskkonnas kajastatakse teie ettevõtte kogu lennuinfot ja statistikat. Ärikliendikeskkond on teie tellimuste tegemiseks avatud ööpäev läbi ning lennupiletite eest on võimalik tasuda krediitkaardi või pangaülekandega internetipangas.

fees and services. You can use the points next time you book a flight. The points you have collected will be added to your account at the corporate customer online environment. You can access your company’s flight information and statistics on your corporate client account online. The maximum discount that the points can provide is 50% of the net price. Unused points will expire 12 months after they were transferred to the client’s account. The corporate clients’ online service is open for booking 24/7 and accepts credit card payments and bank transfers.

Fare calendar Are you looking for a ticket with the lowest fare? Take a n

Hinnakalender Estonian Airi kodulehel

look at our Fare calendar where you can see the best offers. Be quick, as these fares do not last long.

Otsite kõige soodsamat lennupiletit? Vaadake ringi meie hinnan  kalendris, kus on näha kõige paremad pakkumised. Tasub olla kiire, sest need pakkumised kaua ei püsi.

E-tickets Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 200 destinations. The n

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 200 n  sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to the Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to, choose a destination, pick a date and pay for your e-ticket.

Leia endale õige pilet Find the right ticket

September 2012 in time


enne lendu / before the flight

Rendiauto, takso ja majutus

Accommodation, car rental, taxi

Estonian Airi kodulehel on võimalik lisaks n

You can book accommodation easily and quickly on our web n

lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge pakkumistega meie kodulehel ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus! Meie kodulehe kaudu on võimalik ka taksot ette tellida. Pakutavate linnade nimistu on järgmine: Helsingi, Oulu, Stockholm, Brüssel, Amsterdam, München, St. Peterburg ja London. Me laiendame oma võrku pidevalt ja lisame võtmelinnadesse teenusepakkujaid. Hetkel tegeleme Tallinna, Pariisi, Kopenhaageni, Madridi ja Ühendkuningriigi teenuste laiendamisega. Loe lisaks:

page: Rent a car through our partners – seek for solutions on and make your choice! You can also pre-order a taxi on our website. We co-operate with taxis in Helsinki, Oulu, Stockholm, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, St. Petersburg and London. Our network is continuously expanding and will add service providers in key cities soon. We are currently working on Tallinn, Paris, Copenhagen, Madrid and extended UK coverage! Read more:

E-registreerimine E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-in’i interneti teel ning n  trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsikui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule ren  gistreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12–21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitatav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.


Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service n  allows you to check in on-line and print your boarding pass. At the airport you can leave your baggage at the quick bag drop desk. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air offers its passengers the chance to check in at n  Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure to allow sufficient time for security check.

in time September 2012

enne lendu / before the flight Äriklassi ootesaal

Business Class lounge

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada n

Estonian Air Business Class passengers are welcome to the n

mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Klientidele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta kasutada traadita internetti ja arvutit. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandioni ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist).

comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport where you can have a light snack, drink something and pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling with business class tickets, as well as for SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class.

Pardale lubatav käsipagas Lennuki salongi võib reisija kaasa võtta käsipagasi, mille n  mõõtmed ei ületa 56 x 45 x 25 cm ning kaal 8 kg. Käsipagas peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõtmed ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

Lapsega reisile Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2-aastane, n  maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. 2–11-aastastele lastele (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani) kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5-aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16-aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5–11-aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16-aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12–15-aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja mille sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.

Turbiinipoiss Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendan  mise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi kodulehel

Lemmikloomaga reisima Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Eston  nian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab tema turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid.

September 2012 in time

Cabin baggage Cabin baggage (max 56x45x25 cm), weighing not more than 8 n  kilos, is allowed on board. Cabin baggage must be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Travelling with children Fare for infants is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenn  ger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. For children in the age of 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday), Estonian Air offers 33% discount on all available fares. Child under the age of 5 years must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: a parent or guardian or a person assigned by these. Estonian Air offers escort for children aged 5-11 (incl) that are travelling without such companion. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking the ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR one way. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to the one offered to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum measure does not exceed 65 cm horizontally and 45 cm vertically.

Turbine Boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know Eston  nian Air destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information:

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via n  Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof and not weight more than 8 kg together with the pet. A passenger may carry only one container and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight.


lennu ajal / during the flight

Lenda soodsalt

Best prices

Toode ECO annab neile, kes tellivad oma lennupileti varakult, n  võimaluse lennata väga soodsalt. Piletihinnad algavad 49 eurost ja sisaldavad kõiki tasusid. Reisijatele, kes võtavad kaasa vaid käsipagasi, pakub Estonian Air võimalust osta LIGHT-toode ehk äraantava pagasita pilet, mille hind algab 39 eurost. Piletihind sisaldab salongi kaasavõetavat käsipagasit (kuni 8 kg).

Product ECO gives an extra advantage to customers who purn

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may n

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. n  Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

Suitsetamine ja elektroonika Suitsetamine on keelatud kõigil Estonian Airi lendudel. n


chase their tickets well in advance. Ticket prices start from 49 euros, all taxes included. Product LIGHT is meant for customers who are travelling with hand luggage only. Fares start from 39 euros.

Alcohol and flying do not fit together only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew is permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities at the destination airport.

Smoking & electronic devices regulations Smoking is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including n

Kaasaskantavad elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või vastuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemi, mistõttu nende kasutamine lennu ajal on keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki tõusul ja maandumisel. Enne õhkutõusu võib mobiiltelefon olla sisse lülitatud hetkeni, mil kõik lennukiuksed on suletud. Pärast maandumist võib telefoni sisse lülitada kohe, kui reisijate uks on peale lennuki lõplikku peatumist avatud.

charter flights. Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft's navigation system and may not be used during the flight. Other electronic equipment may not be used during take-off and landing. Before departure, mobile phone is allowed to be switched on until all aircraft doors are closed. After landing, phone can be switched on right after the passenger door is – after the final stop of the aircraft – opened again.


Additional services

Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe n

In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of novelties as well as n

valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis.

most established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air.

in time September 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information




Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-in’i tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennuki väljumist.


Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.




Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station.

Terminal F. To town: 35 km, 40-50 min to the centre, bus, taxi.



Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown.

To town: 20 min by Airport City Express train, four times an hour, taxi, bus to EU district 30 min.

Terminal. To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station every 15 min, buses to city centre and airports, taxi.

Estonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from Hall A. n


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal 3. To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2.


Estonian Air flights depart from n  Terminal A. To town: 10km, 18 min by train from terminal to main station, 20 min by taxi.


To town: 20 km 35 min by bus, 30 min n  by taxi.

Estonian Air flights depart from n

Estonian Air flights depart from South n

MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 Estonian Air flights depart from SVO n

To town: 10 km, 30 min by bus, 20 min n  by taxi.

Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station.



Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus.

taxi, bus nr 37.

Estonian Air flights depart from n


Estonian Air flights depart from the n



Estonian Air flights depart from n


by taxi.

To town: 20 km, 30 min by bus, 20 min n


To town: 5 km, 10 min by bus, n


To town: 10 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

Estonian Air flights depart from n

Terminal E. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Aeroexpress train to Belorussky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy.

main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.




Estonian Air flights depart from n

Terminal 1. Terminal 2D from July 16. To town: 25 km, 45-60 min by bus, taxi, 50 min by train.

5 min by taxi.


To town: 11 km, 20 min by bus, 10 min by taxi. n

To town: 20 km, 20 min by train, 30 min by n


To town: 35 km, 37 min by train. 40-50 min n  by taxi, bus.

VENICE MARCO POLO AIRPORT To town: 20 km, boat, 60 min by bus, n  40 min by taxi.

VIENNA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT To town: 20 km, 16 min by train, 20 min n  by bus, taxi.


To town: 6 km, 15 min by bus, taxi. n

in time September 2012

lennujaamade info / airport information Tere tulemast Tallinna Lennujaama! Tallinna Lennujaam on esimene lennujaam n  maailmas, kes pakub reisijatele tasuta WiFi-t. Lisaks on võimalik kasutada tasuta 14 internetikioskit ning Skype telefonikabiini. Kauplustest leiad laia valiku tooteid ja söögikohtadest maitsva kõhutäie või mõnusa kohvi.

Tallinna lennujaam. Mugavaim transiitlennujaam Tallinn Airport. Most convenient transit airport. Saabuv pagas/ Baggage claim Tualett/ Toilets Julgestuskontroll/ Security Passikontroll/ Passport check

Welcome to Tallinn Airport! Tallinn Airport is the first airport in the n  world that offers free Wi-Fi. You can also use free Internet booths and unique Skype booths. Airport boutiques offer wide range of merchandise and restaurants offer full meal or nice place for coffee.

Kohapeal valmistatud salatid, pitsad, erinevate täidistega paninid ja wrapid. Uudisena valikus ka kohapeal valmistatud woki- ja pastaroad. Salads, pizzas, paninis and wraps with different fillings made on the spot. Wok and pasta dishes made on the spot now offered!

The number one reason to arrive early at our airport is to enjoy at Legend pub – modern and comfortable pub next to gate 6. Don’t miss our special offer in September – genuine Czech larger Budweiser 2=3! Legend – best place in airport!

September 2012 in time


lennukid / fleet Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


Saab 340


Embraer 170

Boeing 737-500


SAAB 340





GE CT7-5A2



850 km/h

780 km/h

882 km/h

460 km/h



2200 km

3150 km

2200 km

750 km

Flight distance

Maksimaalne lennuk천rgus

12 300 m

11 270 m

12 500 m

7620 m

Maximum flying altitude







Ridadevaheline kaugus

79 cm

(row 1-4) 84 cm (row 5-20) 79 cm

79 cm

(row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm

Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus

29,9 m

31 m

36,20 m

19,73 m

Aircraft length

Tiibade ulatus

26 m

28,9 m

24,85 m

21,44 m


Lennuki k천rgus

9,8 m

11,1 m

7,51 m

6,97 m

Aircraft height

Maksimaalne stardikaal

35 990 kg

52 389 kg

36 514 kg

12 700 kg

Maximum take-off weight

in time September 2012

sihtkohad / route map

September 2012 in time


Reisija meelespea / Passenger’s checklist Reisija meelespea

Passenger’s checklist

Õigeaegseks lennule registreerimiseks tuleb lennujaama tulla n

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least two n

vähemalt kaks tundi enne piletil märgitud väljalennu aega, välja arvatud juhul, kui kasutate interneti teel varasema registreerimise võimalust. Lähteväravas tuleb olla pardakaardile märgitud pardale mineku ajal. Kaasas peab olema reisidokument, milleks on: n  • pass (rahvusvahelistel lendudel) • pass või rahvuslik ID-kaart (Euroopa Liidu piires) • pass, rahvuslik ID-kaart, Eestis välja antud juhiluba, üliõpilas- või õpilaspilet (Tallinna-Tartu-Tallinna siselendudel) Estonian Airi lendudel võib inimese kohta olla üks ühik registreen  ritavat pagasit kaaluga kuni 23 kg. Pagasireeglid on lennufirmadel erinevad, seetõttu tuleb piletit ostes tähelepanelik olla. Kõigil lennufirmadel ei pruugi pagasi hind olla lennupileti hinna sees. Jätkulendudel kehtivad esimese vedaja pagasireeglid. Kui lennujaamas tekib probleeme, tuleb kõigepealt üles otsida n  lennufirma töötajad või esindajad, kellelt saab küsida abi ja infot. Neil on kohustus jagada teavet lennureisijate õiguste kohta. Kui lend hilineb üle kahe ja poole tunni, on lennufirma kohustan  tud pakkuma reisijatele süüa-juua ja sidevõimalust (näiteks kaks tasuta telefonikõnet). Alates viietunnisest hilinemisest on reisijal õigus lennust loobumise korral lennupileti eest makstud raha tagasi saada. Ülebroneeringu korral peab lennuettevõtja otsima vabatahtn  likke, kes on nõus loobuma oma kohast kokkulepitud hüvitise eest. Vabatahtlike puudumisel on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), teisele võimalusele sihtkohta jõudmiseks või piletihinna tagastusele. Veel on lennureisile mitte lubamise korral reisijatel õigus abistamisele ning vajadusel ka majutusele (sealhulgas transport majutuskoha-lennujaama vahel). Lennu tühistamisel peab lennufirma pakkuma kas piletihinna n  hüvitamist või muid võimalusi lõppsihtkohta jõudmiseks. Samuti peab lennufirma pakkuma reisijatele abi ja vajadusel majutust. Lisaks on reisijatel õigus hüvitisele (125-600 eurot), välja arvatud erakorralistel asjaoludel või kui tühistamisest on teavitatud vähemalt kaks nädalat enne reisi . Kui pagas on rikutud, hilineb või kadunud, tuleb kohe pöörduda n  vastavasse teenindusletti ning vormistada raport. Rikutud pagasi korral tuleb lennufirmale kaebus esitada hiljemalt seitsme päeva, kadunud ning hilinenud pagasi korral hiljemalt 21 päeva pärast. Lisainfo:; n või nõuandetelefoni numbritel 1330 ja +372 620 1707

hours before the departure time marked on your ticket, except if you have checked in beforehand. Please go to the departure gate at the boarding time marked on the boarding pass. Bring a valid travel document, i.e.: n  • Passport (international flights, outside the EU) • Passport or national ID card (flights within the EU) • Passport, national ID card, driver’s license, student or pupil’s card issued in Estonia (Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn domestic flights) On Estonian Air flights, a passenger is allowed to check in one n  unit of baggage that weighs up to 23 kilos. Since different air carriers have different baggage rules, be aware of them when buying a ticket. All air carriers may not include baggage fee within the airfare. On connecting flights, the baggage rules of the first carrier apply. If you encounter a problem at the airport, contact the air n  carrier’s staff or representatives for assistance and information. It is their duty to inform passengers about their rights. When a flight is delayed for more than two and a half hours, the n  air carrier shall offer passengers food and beverages and a communication possibility (e.g. two free phone calls). If the delay is longer than five hours, passengers who cancel their flight are entitled to a refund. In case of overbooking, the air carrier shall first call for volunn  teers to surrender their reservation in exchange for compensation. If no such volunteer comes forward, the passenger left behind is entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), alternative transport to the destination or refund. If the air carrier denies the passenger boarding, the air carrier must assist the passenger and, if necessary, provide accommodation (including transport between the place of accommodation and the airport). In case of cancellation, the air carrier must offer passengers n  compensation of airfare or another transport option to reach the destination. The air carrier must also offer passengers assistance and, if needed, accommodation. In addition, passengers are entitled to compensation (125 to 600 euros), except in extraordinary circumstances or if the cancellation has been notified at least two weeks before the flight. In case of damaged baggage, contact immediately baggage sern  vice staff and fill in a damage report. The application on damaged baggage must be filed to the air carrier in 7 days at the latest, and on lost or delayed baggage in 21 days at the latest. Info:  rights/air/index_en.htm

ESTONIAN AIR AS Lennujaama tee 13 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail Facebook Twitter



In Estonia 16 101 (Fee 1.50 € + operator fee) Abroad +372 6401 162 Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm (EET, CET+1)

GROUP BOOKINGS Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail

LOST & FOUND BAGGAGE Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313

ESTONIAN AIR CORPORATE SERVICE Phone 16 101 Mo-Su 8 am-7 pm E-mail

in time September 2012













Reval Park Hotel & Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24h +372 630 5537, Sissepääs isikut tõendava dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.

Suur-Karja 9 • Tallinn 10140 • Estonia Tel. +372 6419333 • •

Boa Bang Green. Chronograph in 18K red gold adorned with tsavorite, tourmaline and green sapphire baguette. Python-print dial set with 8 diamonds. Rubber and python strap.

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