EESTI ELU reedel, 12. märtsil 2021 — Friday, March 12, 2021
A revitalized role for the Estonian Central Council in Canada
community organizations from across Canada. EKN also reached out to the organizations to include them as official partners in the program.
lenges faced by Estonians abroad in maintaining language and culture, EKN launched an initiative for greater inclusion and representation of the dias pora in Estonian governmental affairs, at its general assembly in fall 2017. The following spring, EKN’s ambitious goals were adopted by the Estonian World Council at its annual meeting in Tallinn. EKN and its Swedish counterpart, Rootsi Eestlaste Liit (REL), led a col laborative effort towards meet ing these goals with Estonian Justice Minister Urmas Rein salu, and following Estonia’s elections in March 2019, the new Minister of Population, Riina Solman. In fall 2018, EKN and REL led an initiative to register Tallinn based not-for-profit NGO Global Estonians. Its pri mary goal is to develop broadbased cooperation and engage ment between the Estonian government and Estonians abroad. Membership consists of established diaspora central organizations, including the Estonian World Council. Its newest member is the Estonian Worldwide Youth Network. During Esto 2019, EKN and REL leadership were instru mental in organizing a National Congress in Tallinn under the auspices of the Estonian World Council. Presenters included
President Kersti Kaljulaid, Foreign Minister Urmas Rein salu, Population Minister Riina Solman, current Finance Minis ter Keit Pentus-Rosimannus and leadership from the State Chan cellery, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Highly diverse panels represent ed Estonians and friends of Estonia from around the world in discussion of topics that in cluded “Estonian identity from a global perspective”, “Global Estonians: Challenges and Opportunities”. The newfound collaboration between Estonia’s government and diaspora central organiza tions culminated in the estab lishment of the Global Estonian Advisory Committee, in fall 2019. This is a cabinet level advi sory group that includes repre sentatives from several minis tries and established diaspora central organizations. EKN had two representatives Marcus Kolga and Reet Marten Sehr, on the founding committee. Re cently, EKN president Kairi Taul Hemingway replaced Marcus Kolga. Chaired by minister Riina Solman, the advisory board together with various ministries and expert subcommittees developed the new Global Estonian program (Üleilmse eestluse programm), which is scheduled to be imple mented this coming fall. The program replaces the Com patriots Program (Rahvus kaas laste program) established in 2004, which has supported Estonians abroad in maintaining Estonian language and pre serving culture and identity. In fall 2020, EKN organized an online forum with Minister Solman to introduce the pro gram to leaders of Estonian
Especially for those, who shun public transportation unless absolutely necessary or do not have access to a car during business hours. A certain wretched scribe loves walking, thinks nothing of an hour and a half journey. Recently to North Toronto, for business purposes. Some things cannot be done virtually, un fortunately. The area is seeing gentrification; huge homes have replaced modest ones. Often with a luxury car in the drive way. And it was very often in front of such abodes that the snowfall had not been removed. At most a 5, maybe 10-minute task, ignored. Making for a slippery traverse. Walking on the road is not an option, due to piles of plowed snow and parked vehicles. And where are the bylaw officers? Certainly they were very ready last spring to issue solitary athletes in our parks for using exercise equip ment with no one in the vicinity. But not enforce safety. For that is what this issue is – ensuring a safe footing while walking. Just like the special TTC constables have disappeared from transit, leaving streetcars, subway cars and platforms to
the mumbling maskless unfortu nates that have no other shelter. Yet, to the distinct threat to the health of others, they are allowed to roam unchecked. Your correspondent remem bers a different era. Living near St. Peter’s Estonian Lutheran Church where many Estonians had chosen to reside, one young lad, with a Globe and Mail paper route, thought nothing of shoveling the sidewalks and front paths of elderly com patriots, the two lovely old ladies directly across the street and others on the block. After school, if time was an issue. Expecting no cash compensa tion, by the way. That was the Lembitu Boy Scout way, in grained even today. But a grow ing lad never turned down cake or sweets… These days a pensioner, senior, can contact the City and their workers will perform the task as part of the services that your tax dollars are meant to provide. One does not think that seniors occupied those recently built modern homes though. And if one has the income to buy a house just for the lot, erect a new one (or buy one such from a developer, builder)
then certainly hiring a snow removal service should not stretch the budget.
This is the first in a series of articles profiling the work and activities of the Estonian Central Council in Canada (Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Ka na das – EKN), and Estonian communities from across Canada. A proud history
gress of Estonia, an innovative grassroots parliament estab EKN is the nationally elected lished in Estonia as part of the central organization of Cana process of regaining indepen dian Estonians. Founded in dence. 1951, mostly by former mem Post restoration of indepen bers of Estonia’s parliament and dence, EKN shifted its focus to cabinet ministers in exile, it is providing political and financial mandated to further the interests support to Estonia. Through the and development of the 1990’s and 2000’s, as Estonia Estonian-Canadian community. successfully integrated into Prior to 1991, its primary goal i nternational bodies, such as the was to develop relationships UN, NATO, the European with Canada’s political parties, Union etc., EKN began to con and levels of government and sider new directions for its publicize the unlawful occupa f uture. With new leadership and tion of Estonia by the USSR. During these years, the prime fresh ideas following December activity of EKN was lobbying, 2015 elections, EKN has been as it was crucial to keep the fate focussing on developing stronger of the Baltic states on the politi relationships and communica cal agenda of Western govern tion networks with Estonia, and ments. The ‘non-recognition diaspora communities to meet de-jure’ of the Soviet an their changing needs. EKN currently has 22 repre nexation was a constant battle sentatives from communities fought in Ottawa, against relent across Canada and is a member less Soviet pressure for Canada of the Estonian World Council, to abandon it. NGO Global Estonians, Baltic Related to this was monitor Federation of Canada, and the ing of the Helsinki Accords, Central and Eastern European signed in 1975, which required EKN representatives to attend Council of Canada. EKN has numerous follow-up confer two members on the govern ences in European and North ment of Estonia’s Global American capitals to push for Estonian Advisory Committee. self-determination and com Increased collaboration and pliance with human rights, as communication stipulated in the Accords, to which the USSR was a signa It is estimated that nearly 1/5 tory. EKN worked actively with of the total population, approxi leaders of Estonia’s indepen mately 200,000 Estonians, now dence movement in the 1980’s, live outside Estonia. Recog and, in 1990–91, sent eight nizing the tremendous potential elected delegates to the Con for Estonia, as well as the chal
Be nice During the 1980’s the City of Toronto sponsored radio and television ads, asking citizens to obey the law and make it easier for pedestrians to get from A to B in winter. They chose as their spokesperson, their public voice, the brilliant Cockney Ben Wicks, known best for his achievements as a cartoonist (For which successes he was dubbed a Member of the Order of Canada that same decade). Wicks was also a writer and actor of note. The undersigned had the pleasure of meeting the truly charming fellow while both were being financially compensated by the CBC. Wicks later opened an eponymous pub in Cabbagetown, on Parliament Street. Good draft beer and British pub grub. Though that is a bit of an acquired taste. The TV ad of the time asked taxpayers to shovel the public areas – read sidewalks, which abutted their properties. Not just from the front door to the common path for pedestrians. (You can see one such
30-second ad on YouTube, just type in Ben Wicks and be nice.) It is a municipal bylaw. Re quiring the homeowner or renter to do so. Failure to do so within 12 hours of a snowfall can result in a $135 fine today. One of the surprising bene fits of physical distancing, when possible, is the awareness of most people of others. And often a polite greeting or word of thanks is said, when the ef fort of stepping onto a driveway to ensure the two metre man dated separation be made. That is due to the unpleasant reality of urban life. Toronto sidewalks were designed to have two pedestrians pass by in comfort, one in either direction. But not six feet apart. And then there are the bozos that insist in walking beside their partner. My conversation is more im portant than your safety. But how does one do it, when the sidewalks are not cleared? Snowbanks encroach ing from lawns and roads? This winter’s freeze, then thaw cycles have meant that many sidewalks have lengthy stretches that are icy. Walking is an essential means of movement, both for exercise and for reaching places.
Nr. 10
A priority goal for EKN has been the development of a com mon information sharing plat form for Estonians around the world. The Global Estonian website https://globalestonian. com/en developed by volunteers – EKN president emeritus Marcus Kolga and CanadianEstonian Tarmo Saks – has been gifted to and adopted by the Estonian government through the Estonian Integration Foundation as the official online platform for Global Estonians. The platform maps out all Estonian organizations, events and groups around the world, and produces a weekly Global Estonian report for the Estonian state broadcaster ERR. Towards a revitalized and inclusive future Estonia has a new govern ment, and the Global Estonian program will continue to de velop and grow in its new home in the Estonian Foreign Minis try. EKN continues to lead by initiating new projects and working collaboratively with the Estonian government, NGO Global Estonians, Estonian World Council and diaspora communities. EKN is a strong advocate for including our di verse younger generations and communities across Canada in this process and future en deavours, in order for more voices to be heard. The next article will focus on EKN in Canada. REET MARTEN SEHR EKN Vice President, Global Estonians
As our demographics note the increase in the elderly, more likely to fall and break bones due to a slip on ice, it is un fathomable that common sense is not followed nor the law obeyed. Forget about calling 311 and squealing on your fellow humans, too lazy to care. While the operators are nice, being on hold for quite a while is very common, and such calls should be made for more serious concerns. It would be far more effi cient, time-wise, to shovel one self. But where to start, and where to stop? This type of selfishness in our already chal lenged and entitled world cannot, it seems, be changed by en forcement. Only common sense. 10 minutes of exercise in the crisp winter health is beneficial to one’s health and certainly should not be avoided. In the interests of all, not just the elderly or almost so. TÕNU NAELAPEA