Eesti Elu / Estonian Life No. 47 | Nov 22, 2019

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Nr. 47

EESTI ELU reedel, 22. novembril 2019 — Friday, November 22, 2019


Canada met Estonia and the result was magic:

Latitude44 builds connections to get innovators plugged in and turned on Karin Ivand They came, and they blew us away. Creative sparks flew as two of the world’s most progressive societies – Canada and Estonia – came together to connect on innovations in technology that help people thrive in the digital era. Latitude 44, a conference that shone the spotlight on key players in the technology world from Estonia and Canada, took place at the WE Global Learning Centre in downtown Toronto on November 14 and 15. From robot snowplows to e-prescription services, online voting systems and cyber ­security – the innovative minds ­behind a progression of digital solutions to everyday issues shared how they got inspired and made it happen. The conference was com­ bined with Estonian Music Week in Toronto this year. Delegates as well as members of the Estonian community and general public turned out in strong numbers for a series of concerts by Estonian music ­innovators. Who was there and what did they say?

scratch after the breakup of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. We didn’t even know what the word ‘start-up’ meant! Now we are #1 in the world in entrepreneurial activity and #3 in startups per capita in Europe. In 2006 we had 3 deals worth $3.5 EUR – in 2019 we will have 50 deals worth $300 EUR.” • Asko Seeba, co-founder Mooncascade, Estonia Toronto welcomes tech entrepreneurs “Toronto is a very welcoming place. There are vast cultural opportunities and diversity here. We have the number one uni­ versity-related business incu­ bator in the world, where entre­ preneurs don’t give up any equity. You would not see this in Silicon Valley or New York City.” • Michelle Caers, CEO of Crowdmark, entrepreneur in residence at DMZ, Ryerson University, Toronto Building trust one citizen at a time

“Veriff keeps people safe online by using secure camera techno­ logy. There are many cyber thieves out there, and you need to create trust. We have built A true digital society that in Estonia – everyone has “Estonia’s digital transforma­ an ID card for all government tion continues as it persists to services. I see a future where be a free and open digital so­ ­ Veriff would issue passports, ciety. Estonia seeks to be a not government.” • Kaarel Kotkas, founder and champion of the free movement CEO, Veriff, Estonia of data and a supporter of the use of technology in a way that Estonia is open for business does not require significant restrictions on our rights.” • “We are welcoming virtual • Toomas Lukk, Estonian or bricks-and-mortar businesses Ambassador to Canada to Estonia with our start-up visa program through Start-Up The future is brisk and bright Estonia. We offer e-residency so “We are in a period of incre­ that entrepreneurs can do busi­ dible growth. I have been in the ness remotely using Estonian business for 30 years and I’ve e-services and we now have 65,000 new e-residents and never seen it like this.” • Bruce Croxon, partner at 7,000 companies.” • Maarika Truu, Round13 Capital and TV Host, Start-Up Estonia The Disruptors, Toronto Estonia’s huge growth in start-ups “Estonia had to start from

Estonian e-residency: it works! “I’ve been in business 25 years and decided to apply for Esto­

nian e-residency so I could ­connect with EU countries. It’s an easy process to be become of this borderless community of businesses.” • Karen Bennett, Canadian business owner Banks need to step up to fintech “Open banking is the next big wave in retail banking. Banks need to team up with fintechs in order to survive.” • Mati Otsmaa, tech business expert, Silicon Valley, U.S. Banking should be more customer-focused “Fintechs are coming in and doing what banks can’t. Cus­ tomers don’t want ‘banking’ – they want easy and convenient access to their money.” • Kia Puhm, founder and CEO, DesiredPath, Toronto Let’s call it consumer-directed banking “I don’t like the term ‘open banking’ – it implies open access and this makes people nervous. Consumer-directed banking is better, but the overall concept is still not well known in Canada. We need to support and encourage our fintech entre­ preneurs, or they may leave the country and we could just become a labour pool.” • Roy Kao, former managing director, MaRS Fintech, Toronto Changing how we shop

Breaking down the silos in government Photo: Elis Jaansoo

between federal, provincial and municipal governments. This creates a huge burden on citi­ zens. We need to engage with people who are accessing government services. People ­ write legislation – we can rewrite it!” • Teresa D’Andrea, Canadian CIO Office Lifelong digital management “The life cycle management starts when a child is born in Estonia – they get registered and the parent gets a call about the services that are available to them. As an Estonian citizen, I can see online every single inquiry that has been made about me. This transparency is the underlying principle of Estonia’s digital society.” • Kadri Sirg, Helmes, Estonia Cyber security must be top of mind “Cyber security is a moving target, The overall picture is ­ getting worse, and we are pre­ paring for the unknown. We are working with other like-minded countries, and also sharing our expertise with others who don’t have such knowledge, or plans in place.” • Siim Alatalu, Head of EU CyberNet project, Estonian Information System Authority

“We develop clicks and bricks technology for retailers to make the last mile of parcel delivery as seamless as possible, and to handle mundane tasks in the retail environment through the use of robots. This helps change the customer experience so that staff become ‘expert consul­ Canada and Estonia join tants’ helping people make buy­ ­forces on cyber security ing decisions.” • Indrek Oolup, founding “As Canadians we need to up member, Cleveron, Estonia our game and we are pleased to Improving education through be working with Estonia on the critical issue of cyber security. a virtual marketplace “Teachers in Brazil only make We are in this soup together.” • The Hon. John McKay, about $200 per month. They are M.P., Scarborough-Guildwood, not valued as professionals. I Chair of the Standing started TutorID to provide teachers with a way to make a Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Government good living and help improve of Canada the student learning ex­ ­ perience.” Estonia’s electronic • Karen Roosileht, TutorID, health record system keeps Brazil im­­proving Food and tech: a perfect “In Estonia, each person owns recipe their medical data and services “We want people to have access to healthy food and understand the connection to nature. They can grow their own vegetables at home, and restauranteurs can install our system right on the wall in their kitchens.” • Gregory Lu, founder and CEO, Natufia Labs, France

Amber Kanwar & Viljar Lubi.

Juku Gold, John McKay, Siim Alatalu.

“There is a big disconnect

are linked through the electronic health record. We also work on e-ambulance, e-health certifi­ cate, e-death certificate and pregnancy tracking. My dream is a mobile app that provides access quickly and easily for the services people need.” • Andrus Altrov, co-founder and CEO, Industry 62, Estonia Cast your ballot for e-voting “Estonian citizens can vote

Photo: Elis Jaansoo

online from anywhere in the world. Internet voting keeps people engaged, and it’s safer. We keep getting asked if we have had any problems. The answer is – not really!” • Arne Koitmäe, Deputy Head of the State Electoral Office, Estonia Data ownership is the cornerstone of digital trust “In order to trust the system, you have to understand it. Medical personnel are not allowed to touch your data unless they are authorized to do so. If any fraudulent activity were to occur, anyone attempt­ ing to do so would immediately lose their right to practice.” • Raul Kaidro, RaulWater, Estonia “Trust is everything. If trust fails, we fail.” “A personal approach and con­ venience are also incredibly important – people need to gain from what you are offering them. We don’t live in an iso­ lated world, we to need to sit down and figure things out together.” • Viljar Lubi, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Government of Estonia WE makes doing good, doable “We provide social and emo­ tional learning to 5.5 million students in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. It’s important to understand and use digitization. We don’t just stream our events, we make them interactive.” • Dalal Al-Waheidi, Executive Director, WE Charity, Toronto It’s a wrap! Building bridges between Canada and Estonia “During the conference we also set up several key industry meetings with government, as well as government to govern­ ment officials from Estonia and Ontario. Both sides were pleased with the contacts and progress made and possible future benefits. This bridge­building was one of our key goals and we look forward to continuing these very beneficial connections.” • Eric Morrison, former vice-president of CTV News and past president of Canadian Press, co-founder and director, Latitude 44 (Continued on page 15)

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Articles inside

Donor Profile: Anne-Mai Kaunismaa

page 16

Latitude44 builds connections to get innovators plugged in and turned on

pages 13, 15

EMW 2019: A truly new groove

pages 12, 16

Rõuge jõgi siin ja seal

page 9

Andres Kõpper: ,,NOËP on täitsa iseseisev nimi.“

page 6

Kanada eestlased annetasid 15 000 dollarit Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumile kõnniroboti soetamiseks

page 4

Kanada uus vähemusvalitsus kinnitati ametisse

pages 1, 3

Erakorraline liikmete koosolek – Toronto Eesti Ühispank

pages 3, 19

The Estonian Central Council: Renewal, Global Leadership and Action

page 14

EMW 2019 – täiesti uus ,,groove“

pages 1, 10

Vaimsest tervisest – Mida psühholoog teeb?

page 8

Karla Kalendrisaba – Tegelased ja tegijad

pages 7, 19

Kommentaar – Sultaniriik Omaan

pages 5, 19

Bullying at the White House and in the schoolyard

page 12

Eestimaa, meie muremaa

page 2
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