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Inmigración &

Servicios Legales

Suplemento especial publicitario de El Tiempo Latino

30 de marzo, 2012







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Helen E. Krieble, President

Vernon K. Krieble Foundation


THE RED CARD SOLUTION Ideas para la Crisis


2 30 de marzo de 2012



Servicios Legales&


Claudia Flower 703-518-4458

El año 2011 ha terminado y aunque el debate migratorio sigue, no hay ninguna reforma concreta. Ante esta situación, muchos lectores nos han expuesto sus comentarios y preguntas. Aquí siguen las más frecuentes.

Juez de Inmigración le emitió una orden de deportación en su ausencia. Ud. deberia someter al juez que le ordenó la deportación en el 1995 una moción para reabrir el caso de deportación. Sólo de esta manera podrá conseguir residencia en EE.UU. Pero no es fácil reabrir un viejo caso de deportación.

¿Existe un programa de residencia por tiempo?

-Vine a este país seis meses atrás porque unos mareros trataron de secuestrarme porque yo no le pagaba renta. ¿Califico por un asilo? -Se reconoce el derecho al asilo solo para quienes puedan comprobar que la persecución ocurrió o va a ocurrir debido a razón de raza, religión, nacionalidad, opinión política o por pertenecer a un grupo social definido. No hay un remedio migratorio general para víctimas de injusticia, violencia, o delincuencia. Sólo si se puede enmarcar la persecución pasada o futura dentro de una o más de las categorías ya mencionadas ud. califica para Asilo Político.

-Soy ecuatoriano, llevo 20 años viviendo en los Estados Unidos, pero no tengo ningún familiar aquí. Nadie nunca me pidió, nunca apliqué por algún programa migratorio. ¿Tiene solución mi caso? -Al momento actual no. No hay ningún programa migratorio general que otorgue la residencia o aun sólo un permiso de trabajo en virtud del tiempo vivido aquí sin estatus legal.

¿Existe todavía la ley NACARAs. 203? -Soy Salvadoreño, conseguí residencia por ley NACARA en 2004. Sin que lo supiera, mi hijo de 18 años vino ilegal el mismo año. No está casado. ¿Tiene solucion su caso? -Su hijo es elegible para aplicar para la residencia aquí en EE.UU. bajo la misma ley NACARAs. 203 con tanto que él lleve viviendo aquí 7 años, tenga buena conducta moral, y podemos comprobar que sería un sufrimiento extremo para él o sus familiares en EE.UU. si a él lo deportan a su país.

¿Es verdad que están cerrando todos los casos en la corte de inmigración? -Tengo 25 años, llegué ilegal el año pasado, me agarraron en la frontera y me pusieron en procedimiento de deportación con el juez de inmigracion. No tengo familia aquí. He escuchado que están parando muchos casos de deportación. ¿Podrían parar el mío y dejar que me quede? -Lo más seguro es que el caso de Ud. no lo cierren ya que la fiscalía de ICE considera que los que recién llegaron ilegalmente al país constituyen una categoría de alta prioridad de deportación.

¿Podría darme un TPS el Juez de Inmigración? -Soy salvadoreño, tuve TPS 2 años, después me lo denegaron diciendo que yo no les envié las pruebas necesarias de cómo estaba aquí ya en el 2001. Ahora tengo corte de inmigración. No tengo récord criminal. ¿Tiene solución mi caso? -Si Ud. tiene las pruebas de que vivía aquí en EE.UU. ya en Febrero 13, 2001, podría presentar estas pruebas al Juez de Inmigración, y el Juez podría decretar que su TPS fue denegado en error. El Juez podría ordenar también que a Ud. se le regrese el TPS.

¿Es verdad que después de 10 años ya se borra una orden de deportación? -Vine a los EE.UU. en 1994, apliqué por asilo, y en el 2000, mi esposa que era residente me pidió. En la entrevista en el año 2005 me dijeron que no me daban residencia porque tenía deportación desde el año 1995. Yo nunca recibí ninguna carta diciéndome que tenía que ir a la corte. De todas maneras, yo pensaba que después de 10 años la deportación se borra. -La deportación no se borra por si misma. Si Ud. no se presentó a la Corte de Inmigración, el

En mi país la situación es tremenda. ¿Califico yo para Asilo Político?

¿A qué edad un hijo ciudadano puede pedir a un padre? -Vine con visa muchos años atrás y me quedé. Mi hijo tiene 18 años. ¿Me puede pedir él? -No. Ud. tiene que esperar que él cumpla 21 años. El día después de cumplir 21 años, su hijo puede someter una petición I-130 para Ud. y Ud puede someter una aplicación de ajuste de estatus (I-485). La residencia le podría salir en unos meses.

¿Hay fianzas para los que están detenidos por ICE después que fueron arrestados solo por manejar sin licencia? -Arrestaron a mi hijo de 19 años por conducir sin licencia, y casi inmediatamente después lo trasladaron a una cárcel de inmigración. No tiene antecedentes penales, y él vino más de 10 años atrás. Yo soy residente por ley NACARA , y él tiene un niño de 2 meses. ¿Podrían darle fianza? -Su hijo puede solicitar que lo suelten bajo fianza, ya que él no es un criminal con agravantes. La fianza le podría ser otorgada por las autoridades de inmigracion (ICE) o por un Juez de Inmigración. La decisión de otorgar una fianza es una decisión completamente discrecional. Como mínimo, su hijo tiene que probar que él no constitutye un peligro para la comunidad, y que él no se esconderá de las autoridades. Debería probar también que él puede aplicar para un remedio a la deportación. En su caso, su hijo debería aplicar para la ley NACARA ya que lleva aquí más de 7 años, aparte del último arresto es persona de buen caracter moral, y si a él lo deportan, esto constituiría un sufrimiento extremo para Ud y el niño Americano.

¿Puedo hacerme ciudadano si no hablo ni escribo inglés? -Tengo 50 años cumplidos y soy residente en EE.UU. desde hace 21 años. Quiero hacerme ciudadanos pero no hablo ni escribo inglés. ¿Qué hago? -Con tal que Ud. haya cumplido 50 años de edad, y 20 años de residencia acá, Ud. podrá aplicar para la ciudadanía y hacer la entrevista y el examen de historia y gobierno en su idioma natal. Asegúrese de cumplir con los requisitos y lleve un intérprete al examen, ya que el oficial hará las preguntas en inglés y USCIS no provee intérpretes en estos casos. Esta excepción se aplica a los que han cumplido 50 años y llevan 20 años de residencia, o han cumplido 55 y llevan 15 de residencia.

NOTA: Estas respuestas no constituyen servicios o consejos legales. Cada caso es diferente y se deberían contratar los servicios de un profesional competente. Estas respuestas no reemplazan la ayuda legal.

Inmigración&Servicios Legales


30 de marzo de 2012


¿Qué hacer? Accidente en el trabajo • Informe inmediatamente a su empleador quien tiene la obligación de avisar a la compañía de seguro. • Escriba lo sucedido y entrégueselo a su empleador para que firme una copia. • Es importante que contacte a las personas que vieron lo sucedido. • Puede buscar a un abogado de accidentes laborales para que lo asesore sobre los pasos a seguir, en especial si su empleador no quiere aceptar responsabilidades.

Accidente de Auto • Llame al 911 • Si no habla ingles llame a alguien de confianza que le ayude a traducir. • Mueva su auto a un lado de la vía, a menos que no sea posible. Es ilegal dejarlo en medio de la carretera.

• Intercambie datos con el o los otros choferes involucrados en el accidente. • No admita que el choque fue su culpa y tampoco culpe al otro conductor. • Explique lo ocurrido con el patrullero que acuda y no discuta con los demás conductores. • Llame a su compañía de seguros. Comuníquese con el seguro del otro conductor.

Necesita un abogado si… • • • • • •

Personas resultaron gravemente heridas en el accidente. Una persona murió. El reporte policial lo culpa del accidente. Usted tiene poca cobertura en su seguro. El abogado de la aseguradora lo contacta. Su seguro alega que usted no ha pagado su cuota.

Oficinas Legales de

Paul A. Samakow Las Oficinas Legales de Paul A. Samakow sirven a la comunidad hispana desde 1980, especializándose en casos de daños personales: accidentes automovilísticos, compensación por accidentes de trabajo, mordeduras de perro, y reclamaciones por muerte. El abogado Samakow se ha afiliado con los mejores abogados de la región para ayudar a sus clientes en casos de inmigración, tráfico, casos criminales, bancarrotas, divorcios, modificación de préstamos e hipotecas y otro tipo de casos.

Por favor, llámeme a cualquier hora si me necesita


En Virginia: Tyson’s Corner, Manassas, Alexandria • En Maryland: Wheaton, Gaithersburg, Hyattsville

“Maneja con cuidado, tu familia te espera”

4 30 de marzo de 2012


Servicios Legales&



Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need foreign workers? The American economy depends on labor, and every laborer at the bottom of the wage scale supports three higher jobs in our economy. Many industries depend upon jobs that Americans don’t want to do. As the economy continues to grow, the need for laborers grows with it, and thus the demand for workers.

Why can’t we close the borders first, and worry about guest workers later?

Are private companies able to run an “out-sourced” guest worker program? Issuing “smart cards” has been second nature to many companies for years. Privately issued cards cannot be duplicated, and one swipe of the magnetic strip can instantly identify the holder, along with a wide array of information that can be encoded. For over a century employment companies across the nation have made their living putting employers and employees together. Numerous companies would invest in the new card system, and open offices in Mexico and elsewhere almost overnight, for one simple reason – there is money to be made in doing so. No incentive is more powerful than the profit motive, so the best answer to the efficiency problem is to let the free market work.

Quite simply, it won’t work. The one thing that can be counted on no matter what government does is the law of supply and demand. So long as there is a demand for workers, and people elsewhere willing to do these jobs for better money than they can make back home, they will supply the demand. Even if we What role would the government play? Who would run criminal background checks? build a wall, the supply will come over, under, or around it. Absolute border control is vital, yet it requires a solution to our badly broken Government would have a critical role in determining the rules for guest worker program, and most Americans know it. In a recent the issuance of temporary non-citizen worker permits by private poll, 78% of Americans said border control is not possible without companies. Government would license such companies and set a better system for handling guest workers. We need both. EŽŶͲ ŝƚŝnjĞŶ up rules for running criminal background checks on applicants, and would enforce those rules, just as government enforces those rules tŽƌŬĞƌ WĞƌŵŝƚ Why don’t these people come into the U.S. with gun dealers. Government would determine what information legally? should be included on the smart cards, and would regulate and control the database, although it could be housed on private Nearly all would certainly rather be legal. The fact is that our hŶŝƚĞĚ ^ƚĂƚĞƐ ŽĨ ŵĞƌŝĐĂ computers and paid for privately. The private card issuer would system forces most of these workers into an underground, ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ ,ŽŵĞůĂŶĚ ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJ run the criminal background checks, checking applicants against secret, cash world for two reasons. First, the bureaucratic government databases (FBI). Ideally, the criminal background federal system simply cannot process the numbers quickly DƵƐƚ ƌĞŵĂŝŶ ŝŶ ǁŽƌŬĞƌ͛Ɛ ƉŽƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ Ͳ WƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŽĨ h͘^͘ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ checks should consult both the American database, and that of and efficiently enough to supply the labor when it is needed. the applicant’s home country, since the U.S. doesn’t want people Second, Congress places artificial limits on the numbers allowed who have committed violent crimes anywhere. in each category – limits that have nothing to do with actual demand. So, most of these workers must either be here illegally h͘^͘ ŝƚŝnjĞŶƐŚŝƉ ĂŶĚ /ŵŵŝŐƌĂƚŝŽŶ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ or not at all. And the illegal underground generally means What about countries that won’t share their lower wages, lack of benefits, lack of health insurance, and criminal databases with us? vulnerability to crime and abuse. Without the artificial limits and The U.S. should not accept guest workers from countries that won’t dŚĞ ĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ ĐŚŝƉ ĞŵďĞĚĚĞĚ ŽŶ ƚŚŝƐ ĐĂƌĚ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶƐ ƚŚĞ ŚŽůĚĞƌ͛Ɛ ƉŚŽƚŽŐƌĂƉŚ͕ the bureaucratic system, most illegals would gladly leave the ĨŝŶŐĞƌƉƌŝŶƚƐ͕ ŝĚĞŶƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ͕ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞƌ͕ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ do so. Today most countries, including Mexico, maintain criminal U.S. and come back legally – if they could do so. ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͘ dŚŝƐ ƉĞƌŵŝƚ ŝƐ ĂĚŵŝŶŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ďLJ h^ /^͕ ĂŶĚ ŵĂLJ ŽŶůLJ ďĞ ŝƐƐƵĞĚ ďLJ ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐ ůŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ h͘^͘ ŐŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ͘ dŚĞ ďĞĂƌĞƌ ŚĂƐ ƵŶĚĞƌͲ databases. But even in countries where the databases are corrupt, ŐŽŶĞ Ă ĐƌŝŵŝŶĂů ďĂĐŬŐƌŽƵŶĚ ĐŚĞĐŬ͕ ďĞĞŶ ĐůĞĂƌĞĚ ĨŽƌ ǁŽƌŬ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ h͘^͕͘ ĂŶĚ ŝƐ ůŝŶŬĞĚ incomplete, or even non-existent this program would help solve the ƚŽ Ă ƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐ ũŽď ǁŝƚŚ Ă ƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞƌ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ h͘^͘ WĂŝĚ ĨŽƌ ďLJ ĨĞĞƐ ĨƌŽŵ ĞŵͲ Why can’t people who want to work in the ƉůŽLJĞƌƐ ĂŶĚ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐ͕ ŶŽƚ ďLJ h͘^͘ ƚĂdž ĚŽůůĂƌƐ͘ ĂƌĚ ŵƵƐƚ ďĞ ƐƵƌƌĞŶĚĞƌĞĚ ǁŚĞŶ problem. If the American guest worker program depended on such ĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚ ĞŶĚƐ͘ sĞƌŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŝŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐ͗ ;ϮϬϮͿ ϭϭϭͲϭϭϭϭ U.S. apply for jobs and then wait in line? cooperation, it would provide a powerful incentive for such nations Quite simply, there is no such line. The U.S. system is backwards to create or fix their criminal databases, lest they disadvantage their in this respect, because work visas are applied for by employers, own citizens, and their own economies (money sent home from the not employees. So if a worker in Mexico, for instance, wants to U.S. is said to be the third largest source of revenue in Mexico, so work in the U.S., there is literally no system for him to apply, or there is little question about the need for cooperation on its part). even a place to go to find out what jobs may be available. So he must either wait to be recruited by an employer with enough resources to send a recruiter (or a friend Wouldn’t profit-motivated companies have an incentive to give permits or relative who knows an employer), or pay a smuggler to help get him across the border then look for to workers and short-circuit the background checks? work. Either way, the current system provides no workable legal alternative, and actually contributes to Most certainly private companies would have a very strong incentive to issue the non-citizen worker the porous border problem. permits. It is the profit motive that encourages activity in the private sector. That’s why illegals would return home to apply. That same profit motive encourages speed, accuracy, and efficiency. It also How would the Red Card Solution work? discourages cheating, because the threat of losing one’s license to do business is a strong motive to It’s a simple solution. Private employment agencies would be allowed to open offices in foreign play by the rules. Very few gun shops sell firearms illegally (without the background checks), because countries, and authorized to issue temporary non-citizen worker permits. The permits would be they are not allowed to stay in business if they do so. Requiring all smart cards to include the name “smart cards” with a microchip that includes a photograph, fingerprint or other biometric identification of the issuing company would provide government the ability to enforce its licensing rules. data, and information needed so that border agents, police, and employers could swipe the card and know who the holder is, where he works, where he lives, who issued the permit, when it expires, How will this address the illegal population already in the U.S.? and any other required information. Employment agencies would be licensed by the government They’ll have the most powerful incentive to do so – the illegal labor market will dry up as soon as and would be required to run criminal background checks before issuing non-citizen worker permits, there are legal workers available. In addition, the two major disincentives (that keep them in the U.S. much like gun shops do today. Employers would simply post jobs with employment agencies like they illegally) would be removed: the bureaucracy that didn’t work for them the first time, and the artificial limits on their number. do today. Best of all, the program would be funded by user fees, not taxpayers.


Inmigración&Servicios Legales

30 de marzo de 2012




President & CEO

Fabiola Clausen Laura Ramirez Drain

Tito & Deborah Munoz


ara Tito y Deborah Munoz el apoyo para Red Card Solution no se centra en el impacto directo con su compañía: “Nuestra empresa trabaja con contratos federales que requieren que nuestros empleados sean ciudadanos y la Red Card Solution no nos beneficiaría directamente. Pero apoyamos esta iniciativa porque conocemos otras compañías en el sector de la construcción que tienen grandes dificultades para encontrar suficientes trabajadores calificados interesados en trabajar como mano de obra o como operadores de equipo en el área de Washington DC. Cuando la economía se recupere habrá nuevamente gran demanda de trabajadores y Red Card Solution proporciona un marco para trabajadores huéspedes que dependerá directamente de las necesidades del mercado y que se activaría sólo cuando los trabajadores estadounidenses no estuviesen disponibles. El programa le permitirá acceder a un puesto laboral a los trabajadores extranjeros y luego retornar a sus países. Controla quién está en nuestra nación y la razón de su estancia, así como el período de tiempo que necesitará permanecer aquí para llevar a cabo el trabajo por el que fue contratado”.

Random Words Marketing Group


aura Ramírez-Drain es una mujer de negocios y una activista comunitaria en favor de la comunidad hispana en Estados Unidos. En 1999, Laura inmigró a los Estados Unidos como empleada de la Hewlett-Packard Corporation. Con ella trajo sus raíces sociales, religiosas y su instinto de mujer emprendedora. Pronto formó la Asociación de Mujeres Profesionales Hispanas (HPWA,, una organización enfocada en proporcionar contactos y apoyo profesional a mujeres latinas en Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y Europa. En 2006, Laura decidió que no era suficiente con establecer una relación con las mujeres profesionales, sino que se hacía necesario acercarse a aquellas jóvenes que todavía estaban en la escuela para que sus metas no les parecieran lejanas. Así nació Alcanzando Metas Foundation ( En 2008 se convirtió en ciudadana de los Estados Unidos y poco después fue elegida delegada de la Convención Nacional Republicana por el estado de Virginia. En 2009, Laura inicia su nueva aventura empresarial: Random Words Marketing Group. “Red Card Solution es una alternativa sensata a la crisis migratoria. Pensada con respeto hacia el inmigrante”.


abiola Clausen es una empresaria de origen colombiano que dirige Rush Hour Printing & Graphics, Inc., en Washington, DC. Es licenciada en administración de empresas por la George Washington University y de la Georgetown University School of Law. Además posee un doctorado en Sicología Industrial por American University. Es Vicepresidenta de la Hispanic Professional Women’s Association, miembro fundador del Latino National Republican Coalition, Vicepresidenta de la Campaña Colombia Contra Minas y miembros de la Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, entre otras organizaciones. Como ciudadana estadounidense y dirigente de una pequeña empresa, Clausen asegura conocer de primera mano lo crucial que resulta que este país se enfoque en atraer mano de obra inmigrante a los Estados Unidos. Pero también entiende y se siente comprometida con la defensa de los derechos de los inmigrantes. Porque desea que termine la lacra de la ilegalidad y el abuso al trabajador indocumentado, Clausen apoya el esfuerzo y las ideas de Helen Krieble.

President & CEO

President and Vice President

DeBorn Construction, Inc.

Rush Hour Printing & Graphics, Inc.

6 30 de marzo de 2012


Servicios Legales&




Ideas para la crisis

ringing together the various competing interests to solve the illegal immigration problem requires a new approach, one that will both control borders and offer employers and workers a legal system of work permits (Red Cards). What has been missing from the debate is a program to resolve the bureaucratic problems that have caused all attempts to fail. Put bluntly, border control is the easy part of the equation; it requires money, technology and manpower, all of which are available if the political will can be found. Similarly, creating a legal non-citizen worker program requires fairly straightforward modification of existing programs, and there are several such plans being discussed, as well as various plans to merely expand the quota numbers for existing visa categories. But the more difficult component is the

actual logistic system to be used by the workers and employers themselves. Absent a major new approach, the current system simply provides no incentive for either. No other proposal from any organization on either side solves that problem. But it cannot simply be swept under the rug or ignored. It will not go away – it is the heart of the problem. This complex and controversial issue can be resolved only when competing interests come together on a plan to accommodate both sides – control of the borders, and a new legal noncitizen worker program. The unique approach called the Red Card Solution – utilizing the expertise of private employment agencies – would help accomplish both goals, while offering a practical solution to the current problems faced by workers wanting to come to the U.S., and by those already here illegally. The major components of the Red Card Solution are:

Separate citizenship from work permits This approach is based on separating the alien population into two different groups, on two different legal paths. One group that wants to become permanent residents or citizens would have to comply with those laws and procedures, including the vitally important process of assimilating into American culture, learning our history, our government, our language, and Armonizar los intereses diversos especially the responsibilities required of citizens. Citizenship is clearly a responsibility of the federal government. y divergentes que resuelvan The second group, non-citizen workers, would follow a different path, a simple way for workers and their families el problema de la inmigración to come to the U.S. for specific jobs and for specified periods of time. It would also require them leave the U.S. ilegal requiere nu nuevo at the end of that time, and would provide no special access to the citizenship path. Matching employers and planteamiento que combine el control de las fronteras y ofrezca employees is a function of the private sector, not the government. a empleadores y trabajadores un sistema legal de permisos The smart card de trabajo (Tarjetas Rojas). Lo que ha faltado en el debate es A new non-citizen worker program that is job-specific (no job, no card), based on work un programa que resuelva los permits (Red Cards) that specifically describe the location, employer and job for which problemas burocráticos que the card is issued, along with the duration and personal information about the worker, han llevado todos los intentos including biometric data. Such information would be encoded on the “smart card” anteriorers al fracaso. El control itself in a microchip, similar to cards used to access secure buildings around the fronterizo es la parte más world – a technology that makes forgery almost impossible. Such “smart sencilla de la ecuación: requiere cards” would eliminate the security concerns caused by the current dinero, tecnología y esfuerzo undocumented invisibility. humano, todo lo cual está disponible si existe la voluntad Controlling the border política. Asimismo, crear un programa legal para trabajadores no ciudadanos requiere una As soon as there is a legal system for employers and employees, the borders of the modificación clara de programas United States must be controlled absolutely, using the best technology and manpower que ya existen... Pero el available, to eliminate illegal border crossings. This is central to the workability of any componente de mayor dificultad worker program, but would also be enormously cheaper because it would eliminate the need es el sistema logístico que pueda for clandestine and dangerous border crossings by otherwise legitimate workers. Workers ser utilizado de manera efectiva would now enter through the gate, not climb the fence at night. That would allow border agents tanto por los trabajadores como to focus on criminals – without the need for additional employees or appropriations. Modern por los mismos empleadores. technology should be fully utilized, including cameras, drones, heat sensors, ground-penetrating radar, and other current systems.

Inmigración&Servicios Legales

30 de marzo de 2012



The private sector role Private employment agencies would do what they do best – match workers with jobs. Such companies would be allowed and encouraged to open offices in Mexico and other countries, and would be licensed by the U.S. government to issue the “smart cards” following a required background check, much like those used for domestic firearms sales, with the U.S. and native governments. This would all but eliminate the long and expensive waiting periods that are such a disincentive to workers, who would prefer the legal route to better jobs in the U.S. And the background checks would guard against the immigration of criminals into the U.S.

Helping employers and employees The first advantage of this system is information: workers will finally know what jobs are available, and employers will be able to find qualified workers. Employers would simply post jobs with the private employment agencies specifying location, duration, wages and other required information. The agencies would then find qualified and interested workers, make the match, run the background checks and issue the cards. Employers must demonstrate attempts to hire Americans, but under this program the economic incentive to do so would be strong because the employment agency system is based on user fees. Employers would then continue to pay taxes, and follow all laws that would otherwise relate to hiring local employees. There would be a defined process for renewing the card or changing jobs, for workers with no criminal records.

Separate citizenship rules The Red Card would in no way be a path to citizenship or to permanent resident status. Procedures for immigrants wanting naturalization or permanent status must be strengthened to ensure that new Americans truly understand the responsibilities of citizenship. Those are different than the responsibilities of people who only seek work, and that difference must be clear. The Red Card Solution is not an amnesty program – people who want to be citizens must follow different rules.

La primera ventaja de este sistema es la información: los trabajadores sbrán por fin qué trabajos están disponibles y los empleadores podrán encontrar trabajadores calificados. Los empleadores simplemente anunciarán los trabajos con las agencias privadas de empleo especificando el lugar, la duración, los salarios y otra información requerida... Los empleadores deberán demostrar intentos de contratación de estadounidenses, pero bajo este programa el incentivo económico de hacerlo es mayor ya que el sistema de agencia de empleo se basa en el pago del usuario... La Tarjeta Roja nunca sería un camino hacia la ciudadanía o hacia el estatus de residencia permanente... Los empleadores podrían verificar la identidad y el estatus legal de los solicitantes tan sólo pasando la “tarjeta inteligente”, como si se tratase de una tarjeta de crédito.

Tracking workers Employers would be able to check the identity and legal status of applicants with a simple swipe of the “smart card,” just as they swipe credit cards for payment. The same card could also be swiped and checked by border agents, law enforcement personnel, and others with a need to identify the holder. It would remain illegal to hire any worker not in the country legally.

Enforcement Strong enforcement on several levels would be required for the program to succeed. First, border control is essential to eliminate the availability of illegal “cash” workers. Second, sanctions against employers who hire illegals would be needed to ensure that workers whose cards were cancelled would return home because there would be no work. Such sanctions would be fair if the system for legally obtaining needed workers were in place (today there is no such system, so criminalizing employers before they have any legal option is wrong). Third, workers would be required to stay on the job for which the Red Card was issued, and employers would be required to report any worker who left. A process for workers to change jobs would be needed, of course, but the Red Card could immediately be cancelled for workers who disappear, or who commit crimes, making work impossible. Finally, workers already in the U.S. illegally would be required to leave the country, apply for and legally obtain the Red Card, after which they could return if they had employment. They would have a powerful incentive to do so if the other elements of this plan were implemented – better wages, insurance and other benefits, working conditions, and the protections of the legal system.

Costs and Benefits Part of the advantage of the Red Card Solution is that government itself would not bear most of its cost. The smart cards and background checks would be funded by the private sector. Employment agencies wanting to issue the cards would open foreign offices, arrange the system for job postings, acquire the cards from a private licensed manufacturer (almost all of the 700 million smart cards worldwide are made by just a handful of companies), and monitor compliance by the workers (who would become clients to these companies). The fees they charge to applicants would cover these costs and generate a profit, but would not be unreasonable, because competition from other companies would keep the fees within the bounds of what the market will bear. Similarly, the U.S. and foreign governments could finance their cost of background checks by charging the employment agencies a user fee, which would also be passed on to the employer, employee, or both. The benefit to national security of better border control addresses government’s first responsibility to its citizens. The availability of a dependable workforce is central to American businesses, especially small businesses where most new jobs and economic activity are generated, so the benefit of such a program to the economy is enormous. And for American citizens, the peace of mind that comes with knowing the borders are safe and the economy strong is priceless.

8 30 de marzo de 2012



Servicios Legales&


Boston Globe – November 24, 2011

In the Fox poll, 66 percent of the nearly 1,000 people surveyed nationally said there should be a path to citizenship if the person meets requirements such as paying back taxes and learning English… Nineteen percent of voters in the Fox poll thought all undocumented immigrants should be deported, and another 13 percent take the middle ground of a guest-worker program that would allow immigrants to remain in the United States for a limited time. Regardless of political party affiliation, most respondents supported a path to legalization. A majority of Republicans (57 percent), independents (68 percent) and Democrats (73 percent) said they supported giving undocumented immigrants a path to legalization.

The plan seeks to break the political deadlock over whether to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants by splitting them into two groups. Those seeking citizenship would be put on one track, while the “vast majority’’ who are seeking work only would be issued “red cards’’ that require them to return to their country of origin at the end of their employment. Representative Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican, Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks, and Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal are among those who have praised the red card idea as a workable solution to illegal immigration. “It’s not about citizenship or green cards or any of those things, which are clearly the federal government’s job. It gives anybody who is working in the US illegally and has never committed a crime an opportunity to leave the borders, go through the process, and come back legally…’’ said Helen Krieble, Founder and President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.

Stuart Anderson, Forbes – January 20, 2011 What if there was a policy proposal that could reduce illegal immigration and help save lives at the border? One would hope it could gain political support, particularly if it relied less on the government than on the private sector. There is such a policy proposal. It’s called providing work permits or temporary visas to less-skilled foreign workers to fill jobs in the United States. And one way offered on how to accomplish this is called the “red card solution…” the brainchild of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation… The idea is to create a new “non-citizen work program” using work permits in the form of “smart cards” to be carried by the foreign workers. The cards would be used to check work authorization both at the border and inside the country.

Fox News – December 9, 2011 Gingrich, after stating in a recent debate that he would allow some illegal immigrants to stay in the country, has not advocated for providing those families with green cards. Rather, he says some of those individuals could get a “red card” allowing them to be legal, but not giving them a path to citizenship. He has cited a plan from the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation as his model.

Pueblo Chieftain – December 11, 2011 An immigration strategy hatched by a Denver-based foundation that relies heavily on the private sector is gaining interest nationally… “We’re seeing signs that it’s picking up steam,” said Shari Williams, executive director of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation that generated and promotes The Red Card Solution. [Newt] Gingrich raised eyebrows among his conservative base when he publicly embraced The Red Card Solution. It strays from the deportation philosophy and welcomes foreigners, albeit temporarily. “The Krieble Foundation has a very good red card program that says you get to be legal, but you don’t get a pass to citizenship,” Gingrich said. “And so there’s a way to ultimately end up with a country where there’s no more illegality, but you haven’t automatically given amnesty to anyone.”

Tom Donelson, Texas GOP Vote – November 29, 2011 The Red Card solution has been supported by many conservatives including Mike Pence, who was considered a leading conservative presidential candidate before choosing not to run. Helen Krieble has attempted to separate her Red Card Solution from immigration as she noted once, it is about a guest worker program. Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles noted, “This is a creative, conservative, free-market proposal on immigration, and I think Speaker Gingrich is right in embracing it. I think that the debate sometimes is oversimplified — this is something Speaker Gingrich has said before as well. We’re kind of, as conservatives, forced to choose between ‘open borders’ and ‘deport everyone.’ Those two are unrealistic alternatives. As conservatives, we’re for the rule of the law, but we’re also for the free market.”

Washington Examiner – November 24, 2011 The test for Republican presidential contenders is whether they can assuage concerns of conservatives without going so far to the right that they alienate Hispanic voters in the race against President Obama. Obama’s campaign on Wednesday ripped Republican candidates, particularly Romney, for espousing programs that Democrats said would lead to the deportation of millions of immigrants. But Gingrich argues that it makes little sense to force out immigrants who have been in the U.S. for years, paid taxes and avoided legal problems. Gingrich, though, rejects claims that he supports amnesty, saying that his position is rooted in fairness and similar to that of former President Ronald Reagan and other party forbearers.

Inmigración&Servicios Legales RED CARD SOLUTION RED CARD SOLUTION Huffington Post – November 23, 2011 Gingrich quoted during the debate the “Red Card Solution” advocated by the Krieble Foundation, an institution that was founded by Helen Krieble, the daughter of one of the founders of the Heritage Foundation. She and other conservatives have been advocating a way of allowing needed workers to get in legally in an orderly way as the needs of the country grow or diminish as they do. It´s all explained in the video you can see if you visit this page. And you´ll see some prominent conservatives, including congressman Mike Pence, republican from Indiana, talking about the need to create legal avenues for workers or the US economy will suffer further and other jobs will be lost.

Tom Cohen, CNN – November 23, 2011 Another comment, tagged John Delasaux, responded that Gingrich’s plan was far short of amnesty. “Newt’s solution is typical of his deeper thought capabilities, and ‘regularizing’ the illegals by giving them a ‘Red Card’ which allows them to achieve a legal status, without a path to citizenship, is a very creative solution to an otherwise insoluble problem,” said the post by Delasaux. David Gergen, a CNN senior political analyst, noted Gingrich broke from conservative orthodoxy and took a more humane position than people would generally associate with him. “I think he’ll take a hit in the conservative community,” Gergen said but added that for moderate Republicans and independents, “seeing the humane side of Gingrich tonight might be a plus.”

CBS News – November 23, 2011 After the debate Gingrich stuck to his position on immigration, the broader shape of which is based on a “red card” program put forward by the Krieble Foundation. “Millions will go home,” he said after the debate, “but there will be millions who will be staying.” He said no one should kid themselves about the unworkability of deporting 11 million people. He also made his case on the grounds of simple human kindness. This, almost exactly, was Ronald Reagan’s position. In a 1984 debate with Walter Mondale, the Republican icon said: “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.”

Jessica Zuckerman, The Foundry – November 29, 2011 Not only is the Red Card Solution not amnesty, but it would also adhere to free market principles and help to meet the needs of employers across the United States. Government-certified private-sector entities would work with Mexico and other host nations to open offices abroad and help connect workers with employers so that nobody comes into the country as a guest worker without a job. The private-sector offices would also be responsible for running background checks to make sure criminal aliens would not be admitted into the U.S. The plan would also alleviate some of the strain on the already overburdened immigration system, and it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a cent, being funded entirely through user fees. Not to mention the fact that increasing legal avenues for temporary workers to enter the United States would help lower the number of individuals seeking to cross the border illegally. With the Red Card Solution, “the American people get secure borders, a strong economy, and a safer America.”


30 de marzo de 2012


Work Program, Border Security: Simple Solution The President and Congressional Leaders are again embroiled in the debate on illegal immigration, and as usual most pundits are skeptical of any solution. But the time for skeptics and pundits is past. It is time for solutions. The dangerous world we inhabit demands secure borders, and even in a sluggish economy some businesses still face labor shortages that threaten to prolong the recession. Yet the new debate in Washington is not about how best to secure the borders, or how to create a practical non-immigrant worker program. It is a debate between those who would do nothing at all, and those who would grant citizenship to millions of people whose only qualification is an illegal presence in the U.S. There is a much simpler answer, called the Red Card Solution. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the recession does not eliminate the need for new workers. Many small businesses continue to have trouble finding workers, and the recession has made it worse. More than 40% of America’s private workforce is employed by small businesses, and most new jobs are created by growing small businesses. That growth depends on the availability of new workers, and ironically, the recession has not created hordes of them. Congress even lowered the already-indefensible artificial limit on the number of temporary workers, making it impossible for most to be admitted legally, and clamped down the border just enough to turn most temporary workers into permanent immigrants. It is not the workers, or employers, but government policy that created this dilemma. Federal law offers no process for willing workers to come to the U.S. legally, or for most employers to find the legal workers they need, or for illegals already in the U.S. to get legal. Until Congress creates such a legal process, there will be no solution – for workers or businesses.

Helen Krieble is President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation, a non-partisan public policy think-tank that seeks solutions to modern problems, based on founding principles Amnesty and citizenship are not the answer, nor is any plan that focuses entirely on border security without addressing the labor problem. A simpler approach requires illegals to leave the U.S., pass background checks and re-enter legally. That is the Red Card Solution, a private sector initiative that separates non-immigrant workers from those seeking citizenship. It links specific workers to specific jobs – no job, no work permit. But the availability of a simple and workable permit system will dry up the market for illegal labor, and eliminate any need for workers to come to the U.S. illegally. Two elements make this approach simple and workable. First, the number of allowable workers must be set by the marketplace, not artificial quotas set in Washington. That number may be high during boom times, low during tough times, and the ability to respond quickly is the difference between the market and government. Second, an inefficient bureaucracy must be replaced by businesses that will get the job done. Private employment agencies would set up offices outside the U.S., run the required background checks and issue smart cards that can be easily tracked and verified by employers and by law enforcement. Businesses make their living performing these services every day, routinely putting jobs and workers together, running background checks, issuing smart cards, and transferring information instantly. They have the ultimate motivation for speed and accuracy – profit. That is why the free market system works. Employers and employees want to operate legally – this would give them the means to do so. That would route workers through the gate, not over the fence, making border control much easier. Best of all, this system would be financed by user fees, not taxpayer dollars. See more details on this plan at

10 30 de marzo de 2012



Servicios Legales&

¿Quiénes están autorizados

para ayudar a los inmigrantes con sus asuntos legales?

Sólo un abogado matriculado o un representante acreditado está autorizado y calificado para ayudarlo con su caso de inmigración o solicitud de tarjeta de residencia. A diferencia de los consultores, los abogados de inmigración han recibido una educación y formación amplia antes de ser autorizados para representar a sus clientes. Puede comunicarse con la Corte Suprema estatal o el Colegio de abogados de su estado para verificar si un abogado de inmigración tiene licencia válida .Además puede verificar si el abogado de inmigración ha sido suspendido o expulsado del ejercicio ante la Corte de Inmigración, la Junta de Apelaciones de Inmigración (BIA) o el Servicio de inmigración (USCIS). Los representantes acreditados deben trabajar para una organización reconocida y deben estar autorizados por BIA. Sólo aquellas organizaciones reconocidas que figuran en esta lista tienen autorización para colaborar en asuntos de inmigración. Estas organizaciones deben brindar sus servicios de manera gratuita, o bien, deben cobrar sólo un monto pequeño por sus servicios. Solicite una copia de la resolución de BIA que otorgue reconocimiento oficial a la organización. Además, verifique las listas de los profesionales sancionados actual o anteriormente para controlar si el representante acreditado ha sido expulsado o suspendido del ejercicio ante las cortes de inmigración o el servicio de inmigración. Es ílicito que los notarios públicos proporcionen asesoramiento sobre inmigración. Incluso el llenado de formularios o de solicitudes de tarjetas de residencia son tareas que sólo un abogado de inmigración matriculado o un representante acreditado debe hacer. Los abogados extranjeros sin licencia de los Estados Unidos no están autorizados por la ley para proporcionar servicios de inmigración. Algunas veces, un estudiante de derecho que participe en una clínica de derecho, en un programa de ayuda legal o en una organización sin fines de lucro pueden representar a una persona según lo describe la normativa.

¿Quiénes son los “notarios”? Los notarios no son abogados ni representantes acreditados válidos autorizados por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. A menudo utilizan el término “notario público” para publicitar sus servicios en la comunidad hispana, Este título no está reconocido en los Estados Unidos como lo está en los países de América Latina. Mientras que muchas organizaciones religiosas y comunitarias legítimas prestan servicios relacionados con la inmigración, las personas que no son abogados y que se publicitan como “consultores legales” o “notarios públicos” no están autorizadas ni calificadas para ayudar en asuntos relacionados con las leyes de inmigración. Estos notarios muchas veces se aprovechan de personas de su propia comunidad étnica. Algunos intentan brindar servicios legales, pero no son competentes. Aún así, otros tomarán su dinero sin siquiera intentar presentar sus documentos ni ayudarlo de alguna manera. ¡No permita que lo perjudiquen a usted ni a su familia!

¿Ha sido perjudicado por un notario? Al prometer demasiado, y saber muy poco , los notarios no autorizados a menudo destruyen los sueños de los inmigrantes. Prometen bajos costos y resultados rápidos para todo tipo de trámites, desde la obtención de la ciudadanía hasta la renovación de la tarjeta de residencia, pero generalmente no conocen las leyes de inmigración.

Aunque realmente hagan el trabajo que prometen, como presentar la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia, pueden hacerlo de forma incorrecta y causar daños permanentes. De hecho, muchos notarios son simplemente estafadores, toman la confianza de sus “clientes”, y su dinero, sin brindar ningún resultado.

Proteja los sueños de su familia Para evitar fraudes, use el sentido común. Muchas personas escuchan lo que quieren escuchar. ¡Sea inteligente! Si parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente así sea. • No confíe en una persona que le comenta acerca de una nueva ley secreta de inmigración o le asegura tener contactos o influencias en algún ente u organismo gubernamental. • No pague a una persona para que le recomiende un abogado de inmigración. • Aléjese de un abogado de inmigración que no tenga licencia para ejercer las leyes. • Nunca firme una solicitud que contenga información falsa, y trate de evitar firmar formularios en blanco. Si debe firmar un formulario en blanco, asegúrese de obtener una copia del formulario una vez completado y revíselo antes de que sea presentado. • Pida siempre comprobantes de que sus documentos fueron presentados, pida una copia del recibo de presentación emitido por el gobierno cuando se presente algún documento de su caso. • Exija un contrato por escrito que detalle todos los honorarios y gastos, y asegúrese de que se le entregue un recibo, especialmente si paga en efectivo. Si las condiciones cambian, solicite una explicación por escrito. • No permita que ninguna persona le “encuentre” un patrocinador o un cónyuge para obtener la residencia, esto es ilegal. FUENTE: (La Asociación de Abogados de Inmigración Americana, AILA)

¡Pare el Fraude Notarial!

Inmigraci贸n&Servicios Legales


30 de marzo de 2012


12 30 de marzo de 2012




John H.Dodds Abogado


Servicios Legales&




Teresa Rowe Abogado

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