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Índex 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DIDACTIC PLAN 2.1.- BASIC INFORMATION  2.1.a.- Title  2.1.- b School and context  2.1..- c Students  2.1.-d Timing  2.1.-e Syllabus  2.1.-f Connection of activities with the Curriculum 2.2.- OBJETIVES  

2.2.a General objectives 2.2.b Specific objectives

2.3 CONTENTS      

2.3 a Grammar 2.3.b Functions 2.3.c Vocabulary 2.3.d Skills 2.3.e Competences 2.4.f Attitudes


2.4.a Methodical Principles 2.4.b Procedures and Techniques 2.5.c Material Resources


2.5 a Classroom tasks and activities 2.5 b Attention to diversity 2.5 c Measures to attend diversity 2.5 d Measures for students with specific Needs

2.6 EVALUATION AND ASSESMENT  2.6 a Students´ assessment  2.6 b Teachers´ assessment  2.6.c Specific assessment criteria and basic competences Eva Rubio Félix

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1- INTRODUCTION In this didactic unit of the course, it will be addressing the topic: The Plant kingdom. It has been designed with the purpose of introducing the pupils to the plant world. They will have to discover how important plants are for human beings and all other characteristics of plants. This unit consists of six sessions in which we will develop all the aims, contents and evaluation necessary for the development of the corresponding capacities in our pupils. The unit treats to favor a meaningful learning from the previous knowledge of the learner about plants, to try the interaction of the group and the cooperative work with experiments, to favor learning to learn and finally to promote functional learning through association of knowledge of plants with photographs and real plants.

2- DIDACTIC PLAN 2-1 BASIC INFORMATION 2-1 a. Title: The Plant Kingdom This topic is relevant for our pupils as they are learning about all living beings that we have on our planet. This topic has been proposed by the text book entitled ‘Essential Natural Science 1 published by Richmond Santillana Edition.

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2-2 b. School and context This didactic unit has been designed for the first year of ESO of Greenwich School in Alcobendas (Madrid). This unit is included at the beginning of the second term. The Secondary High School “Greenwich school” is located in C/ Felicidad , 9 Alcobendas (Madrid). It is situated in the outskirts of the town; the families belong to a medium-high economic level. In the High School, there are only three groups as this year is the first academic course in secondary education. There are two groups in first year of ESO and one group in second year of ESO. It is a bilingual school and only Mathematic and Spanish language are taught in Spanish. All the classrooms have a digital board to use new technology, Internet, videos and so on.

2-1 c. Students This didactic unit is for the first year of Secondary Education. Pupils, at this age (12- 13 year old), according to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, are in ‘the formal operational stage’ in which they can transcend the concrete situation and think about the future. This group is made of 28 learners; all of them are born in Spain. In English they have more or less the same level, they express themselves without any special problem and they can follow the class in English communication. The majority of them were in a bilingual school in Primary Education. Although some of them were not in this kind of school, they have a very good level of English.

2.1.d. Timing This Didactic Unit will be boarded at the end of the second term and it will consist of 6 sessions. Each session is divided in stages: Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM -review, new items -Content assimilation -Practice time

2.1. e. Syllabus To design this Syllabus we have to take into account: The Organic Act 2/2006 of 3rd May on Education (LOE). And more specifically, the Official Core Curricula –or Curriculum Minimum Content), which the Central Government establishes for the whole of Spain: - RD 1631/2006 of 29th December currently regulates the Curriculum Minimum Content (55-65%) for Compulsory Secondary Education .This RD builds on the Organic Act 8/1985 of 3rd of July, Regulating the Right to Education and Organic Act 2/2006 of 3rd May on Education (LOE). The aim of the Curriculum Minimum Content, set in RD 1631/2006 is to ensure a common basic education for all students within the Spanish Education System and to guarantee the validity of the certificates issued by the Autonomous Regions. As regulated in the above legislation and based on it, each Autonomous Region then draws up its own official curriculum. Consequently, this syllabus design has taken into account the official curriculum or syllabus framework for the Autonomous Region of Madrid: Decree 23/2007 of 10th May (BOCM) for ESO, regulating the organization of the different subjects for Madrid. Building on the above legislation, and in compliance with it, this syllabus design has taken into account The School Educational Project and the Annual School Curriculum Design for ESO.

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM The teaching program of the Natural Sciences subject is seen as a route to achieve the overall objectives of the stage. The didactic program contributes to the integral formation of the students, providing personal autonomy and relationship with society and access to knowledge and culture.

2.1.f. Connection of activities with the curriculum Didactic unit is defined as the third level of development of the curriculum that determines the didactic objectives; evaluation criteria; contents; resources and teaching-learning activities for a course year. Our unit’s frame of reference is the teaching program developed for the academic year 2012/2013, for the first year of Compulsory secondary Education and Social Science subject but taught totally in English. At the same time, this program is based on the main following legislation: -Royal Decree 1631/2006, December the 29th, which establishes the minimum requirements for CSE -Decree 23/2007, March 10th which establishes the minimum requirements for CSE in this autonomous Region of Madrid

2. 2OBJECTIVES 2.2.a General Objectives The objectives are the goals we intend to reach within the teachinglearning process, expressed in terms of capacities that the students must have acquired at the end of this process. They are developed taking as reference such the aims of the stage as the aims of the subject, both of them recorded in our teaching programme and, of course, included within the framework of the different legislation At the end of this unit children should develop the following capacities:

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM 1-Listen and understand messages in different oral interactions, using the transmitted information to do tasks in relation to their experiences. (Basic Competence number 1) 2. Express themselves and interact orally in habitual and simple situations, which have a known content and development, using verbal and non-verbal processes and adopting an attitude of respect and cooperation. (Basic Competence number 2) 3. Learn to use the means around them with progressive autonomy, including new technologies so as to get information and express themselves in a foreign language. ( Competences number 4 and 7) 4. Show a receptive, interested and confident attitude in their own learning capacity and use a foreign language. ( Basic Competences number 7 )

2.2.b Specific Objectives 1-.Know the characteristics of the Plant Kingdom and classification. 2-. Recognize the different organs of a plant as well as its form and function. 3-. Know the process of nutrition and reproduction in plants

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM 4-. Know plant characteristics, and its main groups. (Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Bryophytes, Pterydophyta) 5-. Learn the steps required to perform a classification. 6-. Analyze and interpret the illustrations and drawings showing cycles or sequences in nutrition, plant respiration. 7-. Develop a positive attitude towards biodiversity conservation. 8-. Environmental Education: Interest and curiosity for nature and the environment. Learn to be free citizens, but with consciousness to know and appreciate the importance of the diversity of the species that exist, and knowing also that some species are in danger today. 9. Highlight the importance of biological and genetic diversity of plants in agriculture. Throughout history, humans have used about ten thousand plant species for food. 10. Learn vocabulary about plants. (Part of a plant, flower, science vocabulary of types of plants, etc.) 11. Understand oral and written texts about plants, and use the Information, both global and specific, which these texts transmit. 12. Read simple texts to obtain specific information about characteristics of plants, different kinds of plants, nutrition process, reproduction and respiration in plants 13. Produce written texts and talk about the plant kingdom. 14. Show an attitude of acceptance and respect towards other countries and its people. 15. Read some text about taking care of plants, the intonation and rhythm. 16. Establish relations among meaning, pronunciation and graphics. Eva Rubio FĂŠlix

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2.3. CONTENTS Contents are the element of the curriculum that constitutes the direct object of learning for the students, the indispensable means to get the development of capacities. Contents of this unit are divided in different sections.

2.3. a. Grammar - They will be able to use the present simple: interrogative and negative form. - They will be able to use the demonstrative pronouns. - They will be able to express likes and dislikes. - They will be able to give descriptions about how plants are, how the nutrition process takes place and the reproduction process. - They will be able to use the verb to have, to be. - They will be able to ask and give information about plants

2.3. b. Functions As we have situated this didactic unit at the beginning of the second term, the pupils have received the previous acquired knowledge as follows: Regarding the communicative functions, we have dealt with characteristics of living beings, exchanging personal information and talking about how living matter is organized, their vital function, the five kingdoms and the composition of living matter. Related to grammatical aspects, we can mention the verb ‘to be’, to have, question words, imperative, verb ‘have got’, possessive adjectives, present simple in the affirmative form and adverbs. Finally, it has focused on the environment. Eva Rubio Félix

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2.3. c. Vocabulary The language used in this unit is simple but with some special vocabulary about parts of a plant. The students will have to learn some scientific words when they study the plant classification (Gymnosperms, angiosperms) the nutrition in plant (raw and elaborated sap...), and the reproduction process (pollination, fertilization, germination..)

2.3. d. Skills In this didactic unit entitled ‘The Plant Kingdom,’ In listening comprehension, the students will have to listen to a video about plants and also a song about photosynthesis and identify characteristics and the nutrition process in plants. In oral expression/speaking, our pupils will be able to ask and give information about plants; they will be able to give a description and ask questions about characteristics, reproduction and the nutrition process of plants. They will have two oral tests for the evaluation. In reading comprehension, the students will have to read several texts of the lesson and then they will have to do some activities choosing the correct answer, matching the sentences and finally answering several questions.

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM In the activity the students have to fill the gabs with some words.

In written expression, the pupils will have to write an activity about what is a plant, they have to look a plant outside and try to figure out what and where it comes from, Is a unusual tree? Or one of many bushes. The students have to fill in the worksheet enclosed. Eva Rubio FĂŠlix

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The grammatical aspects that we are going to concentrate in this unit will be: - Description - Present simple - Use of adjectives and adverb: (Soft, hard, woody...) - Link in sentences in nutrition and reproduction process: Nevertheless, although, because of, in spite of... Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM - Singular and plural: Leaf- leaves, Grass Grasses, stem- stems - This is … / these are … - That is … / those are … In phonetic, the students have a CD with the book test and they will have to listen and check how the words are pronounced. The pronunciation aspect that we are going to deal with is sentence stress. The lexical items are related to plants: stem, root, leaf chlorophyll, grasses, bushes, vascular, non-vascular, pine cones, seed, fleshy, soil, photosynthesis, stamen, stigma, corolla, pollen, petals, calyx.. English expressions: How do plants reproduce? Do you remember? Find an explanation, what do all plants have in common?

2.3. e Competences. Following the European Union recommendations, Key Competences are now introduced in the CSE official curriculum. Competences are defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to a particular situation. In this unit we will develop the following competences: 

Linguistic competence: learning to communicate in a certain language.

We will promote the necessary steps in order to develop activities that stimulate the interest and habit of reading and the capacity to express themselves in public. To achieve these targets, we will carry out a great deal of activity types in order to attend to our students’ diversity and individuality: activities of introduction and motivation, of evaluation of their previous knowledge, activities to develop the contents, to consolidate, to recuperate, to widen their knowledge or to evaluate.

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Data processing and digital competence: visiting websites and doing exercises and games.

Nowadays, ICTs belong to the real world of our students and are a needed for their future as far as education and future incorporation to active life is concerned. We only have to think that most of the information they have comes from channels on the Internet. Moreover, resources are part of the learning process, which must be functional and meaningful. Thus, its use is an element to create interest in our student and help them to take more active participation in the learning-teaching process 

Interpersonal, social and civic competence: conversation and interaction with their classmates in English using the present form. Autonomy and personal initiative: realization of a self-evaluation to level their improvement in this unit. Be conscientious about how important is nature.

2.3.f Attitudes - Interest and curiosity about plants. Understand how plants grow, how they reproduce and how the nutrition process operates in plants. -They will be able to appreciate the importance of communicating in the English language. -They will be able to show interest for participating creatively in the classroom activities.

2.4 DIDACTID RESOURCES 2.4.a Methodological Principles ( Organized and sequenced task) The methodology that we are going to use in this didactic unit is an eclectic one, as we have used different methods during the development of this didactic unit such as the inductive method, in Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM which our pupils infer the structure from the examples given or the deductive method, in which our pupils obtain the rule and then, they have to provide different examples according to the rule. We can also speak about the oral approach, in which the students infer the meaning from context inductively; also grammatical structures are learnt with oral procedures: drills and the oral language come first, then the written language. The most important method is the communicative approach, in which language is considered a means of communication and interaction between members of a community. The goal is to develop the student’s communicative competence. The learning must be significant (based on the previous knowledge and useful in everyday life), constructive, cooperative with the students, integrating, globalizing but at the same time specialized. The interaction is also a very relevant factor in learning as it makes the development of socializing easier and it has also positive effects in the intellectual development, as well as in the motivation of the students. Depending on the activity, they will work individually, in small or in large groups.

2.4.b Procedures and techniques Each session is going to be developed explaining what I´m going to do with the pupils step by step: Three weeks before the students will have to do some experiments with plants. To develop plant experiments, students form groups of 4 and choose a type of experiment that will be given by the teacher. Experiments are: -Grow a plant from a stem: The purpose of this project is to observe how a plant grows from a cut stem of another plant. Eva Rubio Félix

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- See how water circulates in the plant: The purpose of this experiment is to show how water diffuses and loses water through the leaves.

-We will put a few pieces of carrots, in the holes in an egg carton (it must be waterproof, not cardboard), and every day we put a little water. We placed them near a window to receive the sun.

In about 2 or 3 days we will see the first leaves grow.

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The purpose of doing different experiments is that each group is involved in their experiment and explains to the rest of the class the effects of their experiment opposed to the other experiments. We will put a plant in a place where it will not light, to see its effects.

� 1ST SESSION: Before starting with the didactic unit, we are going to write the title of the unit on the blackboard and we are going to ask our pupils what they think the unit will be about, all their suggestions will be included in a brainstorming chart on the blackboard. Then, I´m going to open the book, ask our pupils some questions I have written in a prezi presentation and what they think .They have 5 minutes to answer the questions and they are going to listen the answers of the classmates.

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In the 2nd step the teacher explains a part of the lesson through a prezi presentation. Then, they are going to listen to and ask any questions they might have. Afterwards, they are going to listen a video about plants. Then they will ask any questions they may have. They will have to write down in their notebooks the extra information given. You can see the presentation / explanation of the topic at the following links http://prezi.com/f-_w2fggoc-r/plant-kingdom/ http://pear.ly/bXo01

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM Some of the slides for the explanation with prezi are:

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM As homework, the pupils are going to do an activity about: what is a Plant? They should complete a worksheet and be prepared with it next session. See the part 2.3 d Skill Activity about “ fill in the worksheet enclosed” What is a plant?” SKILL DEVELOPED: LISTENING, VOCABULARY, SPEAKING AND SHORT WRITING

� 2ND SESSION We will begin this lesson by asking if there are any questions for the previous. Then, the students should do some activities from the textbook relating to the unit, and they can ask to the teacher if they have any doubts. The activities ask the pupils to complete a table about characteristics and examples of plants and classify the plants. Our pupils will have to read and answer the questions, writing the names of different plants. In this session we will listen to a video about plants: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/kids/green-kids/plants-kids/


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� 3RD SESSION At the beginning of this session, we will correct the activities of the previous session. The pupils will correct the exercise in pairs, using oral interaction while the teacher monitors just to check they are speaking English or if they have any kind of doubt. I this session some students will have an oral test about all the things we have learnt up to that moment about plants. The teacher will show them a picture on the digital board of a kind of plant and the students have to name what characteristics it has and classify which group it belongs to. Example: It is an angyosperms, it has flowers and fruit. Some questions to ask the students are: ASSESSMENT 1-What do living beings have in common?. They are made up by cells. They can be unicellular or pluricelular.

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM 2-What do plants have in common? They are living beings which have eucaryotic cells organized into tissues. 3-What function does tissues have in plants?. The tissues are a group of cells which have the function of growth production. Groups of tissues form organs. 4-Organization of the plants: Cell: Basic unit of structure Tissues: Cell that are similar in structure Organs: Groups of tissues that work together to perform a specific function. Organ system: Groups of two or more tissues .Vascular system in plants Organisms: Things that carry out all basic life process. 5-Example of some organs in plants: Flowers, seeds, roots, stems, leaves. 6-What is the most important element in the composition of living matter’: Carbon 7-The vital functions of living being: Nutrition; Interaction and reproduction. 8- What do plants need to survive? Water, light, nutrients and air 9-How many kingdoms of living beings do we have: Monera: ( unicellular without tissue; cell Prokaryotic.Auto/heterotrop Example bacteria Prototicst Kngdom: Unicelular/ pluricelular, eukaryotic;Auto/heterotroph. Example Algae




Fungi Kingdom: Uni/plurice; without tissues, cell eukaryotic: Heteretrop; example: Yeast; Mold, Mushrooms Plant Kingdom : Unicelular/ pluricelular, with tissues , cell Eucaryotic; Autotroph. Examples : Fern; moss; plants with flowers. Animal kingdom: Pluricel, with tissues, cell Eucaryotic; heterotroh.

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM 9-b: Examples of each kingdom of living being Bacteria; Algae; Mushrooms and Mosses 10- What does heterotroph mean? : Plants produce their own food 11- Why do you think neither algae nor fungi are not considered part of the plant kingdom? They don´ t have tissues ; fungis are heterothophs. SKILL DEVELOPED: SPEAKING AND GRAMMAR

� 4TH SESSION The teacher will explain the second part of the unit with a presentation in prezi. http://prezi.com/7ff5xpuxwwbc/nutrition-respiration-and-reprductionin-plants/

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM In this session the pupils will listen to two videos: one about photosynthesis (a very nice song about photosynthesis) and other about the reproductions in plants: http://youtu.be/lDwUVpOEoE4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsBQQDg5GIw They are going to listen to the videos once and the second time they will have to take notes. For homework they have to bring a plant for next session. It is a project work; they will have to develop it individually by means of using the previous knowledge, and they will have to write about the plant they will chose. I will be guiding all the process although we are going to show the pupils a model for imitation so that they will have an idea how to carry it out. SKILL DEVELOPED: READING, LISTENING, VOCABULARY, SPEAKING AND WRITING ( Homework)

� 5TH SESSION First of all, we are going to talk about the plants that the students bring to class. The student will do a short presentation about their plant. Then, if we have time, the students are going to do some activities from the book and they can ask me any questions that they may have. Before the session finishes I will inform the students of their oral text question and I will explain to them that they will have to explain with the help of a real things. Homework: reading comprehension. (See text enclosed in part: 2.3. d Skills)

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� 6TH SESSION We are going to use this last session as a self-assessment session, in which our pupils are going to be asked individually to see their progress. The activity will be related to the acquisition and reinforcement of vocabulary and knowledge about plants. The students will show and explain to their partners some of the things I will bring to the class. At the beginning of the session I will give them some interesting information about plants, I will also give them information about 10 Interesting Chocolate Facts. This information they will keep in the classroom for a few days and they will read it during break time. Next session we will start asking about: How many of these facts did you already know and which one surprised you the most? Next session I will tell the students which people have to do a written text. This will be the people who didn´t pass the oral test or didn´t complete any activity. Eva Rubio Félix

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 Some interesting and curious information about plants:

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-10 Interesting Chocolate Facts You May Not Know. Theobroma cacao (Cacao Tree) is the tree from which the Cacao bean comes. Cacao beans are found inside the "fruit" of the tree, pods about the size of a football..Raw cacao is comprised of over 300 compounds including: Carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium and sulfur.

2. The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word, “Xocolatl”, which ironically means “bitter water”. 3. The biggest bar of chocolate ever made was created in 2000 and weighed 5,000 pounds. Turin is the city in Italy that can be proud of this accomplishment. 4. Americans eat an average of 22 pounds of candy each year, or approximately 2.8 billion pounds annually which is split almost equally between chocolate and candy. Most Europeans consume far less than this. 5. While the US produces the most chocolate and consume the most pounds every year, the Swiss consume the most per capita, followed closely by the English. 6. Besides the obvious cheese and ice cream industries, American chocolate manufacturers use about 1.5 billion pounds of milk and consume approximately 3.5 million pounds of whole milk yearly.

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM 7. Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40% of the world’s almonds and 20% of the world’s peanuts. 9. Every Russian and American space voyage has included chocolate bars. 10. On the fourth visit of Christopher Columbus to the Americas, he presented cocoa beans to the Spanish Court. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle were not impressed and dismissed the chocolate as bizarre tribal concoctions.

2.4.c Material Resources During the development of this didactic unit we are going to use Prezi Presentation and the blackboard to explain and spell some vocabulary, the Internet to watch some videos for listening activities and the student’s books to carry out the different exercises. -European program: http://www.mec.es/programaseuropeos/jsp/plantilla.jsp?id=pel_docs -Class text book: Oxford CLIL Natural Sciences -Presentations: Prezi y Pearltree -Great Plant Escape -150 Educations Web -Video:http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/kids/greenkids/plants -Experiment:http://www.kalipedia.com/cienciasvida/tema/experimentos -Activities: Text book: Greant Plant Escape -Curiosities Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM http://flowerandplants.wordpress.com/2009/10/01/flowers-and-plants-

curiosities. .

2.5 TEACHING- LEARNING ACTIVITIES 2.5.a Classroom tasks and activities -We will take into account: They have to be adapted the students. The activities must help to wake up their interests and improve their understanding They will improve their relationships between the learning and the reality: functional learning. -We will carry out activities such as: Motivation activities: Experiments Previous learning activities: Explanation by some of the students of what they know about plants Development activities: filling a Diagram, relation exercises, observation of a plant. Consolidation activities: Those activities carried out in classroom as a means of consolidation and motivation. Evaluation activities: Self-evaluation sheet Written and speaking activity: presentation about plants.

2.5.b Attention to diversity Following Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory, the same learning task may be not appropriate for all of our students. That’s why we will Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM offer the most possible variety of materials, contents and learning techniques. We will carry out a great deal of activity types in order to attend our students’ diversity and individuality: activities of introduction and motivation, of evaluation of the previous knowledge, activities to develop the contents, to consolidate, to recuperate, to widen their knowledge or to evaluate. Attention to diversity is regulated in the Organic Act of Education 2/2006 of May 3rd, (LOE), in its Title II “Equity in Education”, and its subtitle “Pupils with specific necessities of educative support”. It distinguishes three groups: a) Students with special educational needs: Students with special educational needs refers to those who require certain support and specific educational attention due to disability or serious behavioral disorders, either for a period or throughout the whole of their schooling. b) High ability students: the characteristics of these students require a specific educative answer. c) Late entries into the education system: immigrant students, who have recently incorporated into our educative system. Considering these groups, it is important to talk about two different groupings of caring for diversity: measures for the whole classroom, and measures for students with specific profiles.

2.5.c Measures to attend diversity In this group the level of the student is very similar, so it is not necessary in general; nevertheless we will do different activities to care for the diversity of the students. Teaching a class as a whole group, getting students to get on their own, or having them perform tasks in pairs or groups all have their advantages and disadvantages; each is more or less appropriate for different activities. Timing is different depending on the level and also on the students’ learning rhythm; we will have extra sheets with activities for fastEva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM learners so that they do not feel bored while waiting for their classmates to finish.

2.5.d Measures for students with specific Needs All these resources are flexible and varied, so they can be adapted to the level of the student with special necessities. It helps us to develop the contents established by law, serve as a guide in the educative action and allow a motivating and plural kind of learning. Some Measures will be: -follow-up activities and remedial work as measures to cater for diversity. In that way, students who are above and below the level of the group will be given an answer for their specific needs. Thus, it can be designing, reviewing and reinforcement activities that contribute to increase the confidence of the slowest students, and help more advanced students to deepen in the acquired skills. The curricular material also considers that some students, not having as great of a capacity as language learners, can nevertheless be good in other fields, or have some interesting hobby that the teacher can take advantage of in class. That will increase the motivation of these students and will demonstrate to all the value given to diverse skills or abilities, apart from the linguistic one. - creating motivating activities: another way of catering for diversity is appealing to each individual’s interests and skills. -grouping students together, so that they can help each other and - individualized attention of the teacher when problems are detected.


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ASSESMENT CRITERIA 2.6. a. Students´assesment In the article number 4 of the R.D. 1513/06 it is said that every teaching-learning process must be evaluated in a continuous, formative and objective way. I will establish three basic moments: at the beginning that will be an initial evaluation to see their previous knowledge. Throughout the unit: a continuous evaluation resorting to different activities. And, finally, at the end of the unit: a final evaluation. WHAT I am going to evaluate is if the students have acquired all the objectives and contents:  Distinguish and use correctly the vocabulary of plants.  Use the grammar structures properly.  Know what a plant is, when reproduction takes place and the nutrition and respiration process.  Recognize the importance of being responsible with the plants and how important are they in the environment. (Education in values), I will evaluate: by means of observation, daily work, interview and oral and written tests.

2.6. b Teachers´assessment I will also evaluate the methodology I have put into practice, whether the activities proposed have been useful or not, and if the attention to the diversity has been appropriate or not. In the case it has not been appropriate we will have to look for reinforcement techniques so as to help students with lower levels. For instance, as we must be flexible I should prepare extra activities in order to facilitate their learning. Students with difficulties in our subject may be given more worksheets Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM than advanced students so as to help them to create words in an easy way. Both types of students would be mixed in groups. At the end of the unit I will give the students an evaluation sheet to evaluate what they have learnt; if the teacher has explained properly; if the student are satisfied with the teacher job in this unit; what is the most and less that the student like or dislike and I will ask the students what they liked to watch or learn about plants and what we didn´t do or watch. I will do in Spanish because I think for this level of CSE, it will be easier to the students, and I would get more information.

2.6. c Specific assessment criteria and basic competences. I am going to evaluate what our pupils are doing during the whole class, The evaluation will be done: -20 % of the total marks, if they participate in class, or if they use English as the main vehicle of communication. Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM - 10 % of the marks will be devoted to the presentations of the pupils - 10 % of the mark will be devoted to the self-assessment activities that our pupils have done in class. -Finally, 60 % of the final mark will be taken into account with the oral exam or written test for those who didn´t pass the oral test. Finally, I am going to provide more information by using The Portfolio for Secondary Education dealing with the assessment of the integration of the skills in this unit: -Oral and Written skill, is understood as essential since it has an important role as transmitter and receptor of the socio-educative information. . The oral expression will be evaluated thanks to the interventions of the students in class when being encouraged to carry out the recommended different activities. The written texts I will be evaluating both the grammar and vocabulary of the unit, as well as the written expression and the reading comprehension. I will take as essential aspects of the evaluation process the participation level in the activities, the interest, the responsibility and the attitude shown towards the work a team. I will analyse the class activities, valuing the grade of creativity and adaptation to the proposed objective, the activities of each group, valuing the participation level and its quality. I will evaluate the time dedicated to the daily work, homework, and notebook. With the assessment we will evaluate the areas of the “learning to learn” competence: -Attitude towards learning and willingness to learn -Setting objectives and planning activities -Organized and targeted learning activities’ -Reflection on learning activities and outcomes, and self-assessment. Eva Rubio Félix

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DIDACTIC UNIT PLANT KINGDOM The autonomy, personal initiative and the interpersonal, social and civic competence will be evaluated according the interaction of the students with their classmates and their awareness about the nature. This rubric will help to evaluate the linguistic competence.

Following a structured working methodology, we can build didactic units.

Eva Rubio FĂŠlix

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