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Project about environment UAX MASTER Asignatura: Didáctica de la lengua extranjera I . Profesora Rosa María Fernández

Eva Rubio Felix

Project about environment



GRADE LEVEL: First Year Secondary


Topic: Nature and environment. Reading : 6 laminated cards related to the environment Vocabulary: The environment Listening: Quiz, listening for specific information Speaking: Discussing ways of improving the environment and individual commitments to get it. Writing: An email Grammar : About the future - expressions of certainty Phonetic: Understanding word stress helps learners' speaking and listening skills. Learned Values: Individual responsibility, healthy and sustainable life. Video

Eva Rubio Felix

Pรกgina 1

Project about environment

DEVELOPMENT OF ALL THE SKILLS: 1-Vocabulary: To help learners learn ways to record vocabulary I will ask them to check the meaning of the words in the diagram on worksheet and discuss why they might be recorded in different shapes like the worksheet. (Global Warming is the central topic, the terms in the squares are causes and those in the rhombus shapes are solutions).

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment

Reading: 路 On worksheet there are 6 laminated cards with more detail on the topics from worksheet vocabulary. Students will only read one or two cards and share the information with their group. 路 The class will be divided into 3 groups and give each group 2 of the cards (there will be enough cards for each learner to read at least one card at the same time). They have to read and summarize the main information from their text. They should make notes in the diagram on vocabulary worksheet to help them remember. An environment quiz will be done to help the student prepare the talk. (See environment quiz page 5) 路 The teacher will regroup the learners (so the new group has one member from each of the original groups). The students will be asked to explain their topics to each other and make notes on vocabulary worksheet.

After read the cards and before do the group it will be checked the vocabulary:


Drought and Floods: The weather was very bad this year we have drought and floods.


Wash away: the soil is washed away in the tropical rain


Grow on: many rain forests grow on poor soils.


Pump: pump large quantities of carbon dioxide


Lead: A lot of Petrol contain Lead


Unleaded Petrol: Most cars use unleaded petrol


Coal: Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas.


Last: but these will not last for ever


Harm: Harming the atmosphere


Windmills/ spin: we can also use wind-power by windmills that spin in the wind


Flow : sea water flowing in and out the tides

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment

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Project about environment The environment quiz: The quiz will test the learners' understanding of the texts and ensure they share information from their reading texts. The questions will be Cut up .One member of each group comes forward and takes one question; they return to their group and discuss the answer and write it down. 路 Once the group has written their answer a runner should take it back to the teacher 路 The teacher should check the answer and either accept the card and give another question or reject the answer and send the runner back to the group with the same question 路 The winning group is first to complete all questions correct.

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment


Understanding word stress helps learners' speaking and listening skills. The student will use the dictionary to find the stressed syllable for these words and complete the table with the stressed syllable in dark box

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment 3-Grammar: Talking about the future – expressions of certainty · Elicit where to put the underlined expressions. There are three sections 100 % certain, 50% certain and 100 % uncertain. As some expressions are very similar, the students can put them side by side. · The students will be asked to put the other expressions and check as a whole class. A scientist used the following sentences: 1234-

There’s no doubt at all that the earth is getting warmer. It’s fairly certain that Earth will have heated up by 4 degrees. There will be many other effects. The USA and Russia could suffer from drought.

Put the expressions in the correct section of the line below.

Add these expressions to the line. Some have the same meaning and can be side by side.

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment 4-Listening In this part we will focus on the pictures. We will see what problem is illustrated ( The pollution of the environment) . The student will be asked if they think it is a serious problem. Before listening the student review and learn what is - Ozone Layer - Ultra violet - Pesticides. Once the students have listened the recording, they will do the quiz individually. The recording will play again to check the answer.

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment 5 – Listening and Learned Values VIDEO: With the video the student will get inspiration from a young girl. http://youtu.be/Ngboj54GT8I Activity: Summarize learned values: individual responsibility, healthy and sustainable life. Things about the environment can get better through a lot of little habit changes: recycling, consuming less; carrying reusable stuff

6-Speaking -Students will discuss about how improve the environment in their village, town or country talking in future time and using the expression of certainty.

The student will be helped with an activity to provide them a model as a guide. With this activity the students will have time to think, organize their ideas and practice with vocabulary. The goal is, the pupils feel confident.

Activity individually A. Mark the actions you will do (100%) with a * and give reasons why. 100% sure do it B. Mark actions you will not do with an X and give reasons why. 100 % unsure do it C. Mark the action you don´t know sure with a ?? . 50 % sure do it.

After marking, tell all the class about it.

Mark with


; X or ??

1. I am going to carry around my own chopsticks. 2. I am going to take my own shopping bag to the stores. 3. I am going to stop using chemical cleansers and sprays at home. 4. I am going to start buying organic food. 5. I am going to cut down on my meat consumption. 6. I am going to stop going to fast-food hamburger restaurants. 7. I am going to ride my bicycle and walk more. 8. I am going to use a fan at home instead of an air conditioner. 9. I am going to use my heater or air con at lower temperatures and wear more clothes inside in the winter. 10. I am going to return my milk packs and styrofoam trays to the shop. Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment 11. I am going to use recycled, unbleached toilet paper, paper and tissues. 12. I am going to buy furniture and book cases made from Spanish wood. 13. I am going to use the stairs instead of elevators. 14. I am going to buy as few disposable products as possible. 15. I am going to buy cosmetics, shampoos and other products that have not been tested on animals. 16. I am going to buy drinks and other liquids in glass containers as much as possible. 17. I am going to use soap powder and soap instead of detergents for washing my clothes and dishes. 18. I am going to buy rechargeable batteries and a recharger. 19. I am going to turn off my lights, stereo and TV when I am not using them. 20. I am going to dry-clean my clothes only occasionally or not at all. 21. I am going to use the sent more often and re-use my bath water at home for doing my laundry. 22. I am going to separate and compost my kitchen waste. 23. I am going to make double-sided copies on the copy machine. 24. I am going to buy used products from recycle shops and flea markets. 25. I am going to use rags made from old clothes to clean around the house instead of paper towels. 26. I am going to bring my own bento or sandwiches to school instead of buying them from the convenience store. 27. I am going to plant a tree or flowers near my house. 28. I am going to go hiking and camping during my holidays. 29. I am going study more about nature, the environment, wildlife and environmental groups both overseas and here in Spain. 30. I am going to send a regular donation to an environmental group. 31. I am going to find out more about Fair Trade and start buying their products. 32. I am going to learn more about the products I buy and the manufacturers that are producing them and not buy things that are harmful to the environment or from companies that are destroying the earth or ignoring human rights (e.g., child labour, unsatisfactory working conditions). 33. I am going to write letters to newspaper editors, local politicians and company managers telling them about the dangers to our earth and what they and we can do. 34. I am going to travel by bicycle, walk, use public transportation, stay at Youth Hostels and campgrounds, eat at local restaurants and do some volunteer work with conservation or other NGO group when I go overseas on holiday in the future. 35. I am going to tell my friends and family about environmental issues and what we can do to help make a better future for our children and the earth. 36. We are all going to try and think of other actions we can take to help heal our earth and share them with each other during the coming years.

Eva Rubio Felix

Pรกgina 10

Project about environment

7-Writing Student will write an open e-mail to people telling them how to improve the environment. Dear friend, If you care about the environment, you will want to do everything you can to improve it………..

AIMS: Students will understand the following: •understand important causes of environmental problems and some solutions •extend their understanding of lexis connected to climate change and environmental issues •improve understanding of pronunciation given in a dictionary •take notes and retell information to others •use expressions of certainty when discussing events likely to happen in the future This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to climate change. Learners focus on dictionary skills and the pronunciation of strong and weak syllables in long words. Focusing on the lexis in detail will help them recognize and use these terms outside the classroom. The reflection task encourages good learning habits and group discussions allow learners to share their opinions on changes in the future.

DIDACTIC RESOURCES: For this lesson, it is needed: -Computer with Internet access -School Book and articles concerning the Environment. -Dictionary

TIMING: Three class period. First session: Vocabulary and Reading and Phonetic Second session: Grammar and Listening Third session: Speaking and Video Inspiration from the young (summarized learned values) Homework: Writing

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Project about environment

EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT: It will be used the general rubric for the evaluation which take in consideration all the developing skills, but also some specific point rubric to evaluate how the student explains the environment problems and their solutions. General rubric evaluation:

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Project about environment Specific rubric evaluation: The mark will be written, in the skill of the general evaluation: “Has the ability to express clear ideas”. In this Activity the student will be evaluated on their assignments using the following point rubric: - Seven points to ten: Clear and well-reasoned explanations of problems with the environment and their solutions. - Four points to six: Fairly clear explanations of problems with the environment and their solutions. - One point to three: Inadequate and some explanation of problems with the environment and their solutions.

SUGGESTED READINGS: WEB LINKS: Report: The young can´t wait. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1003126,00.html

http://www.greenstudentu.com/encyclopedia/recycling http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-20998147#ld Video: http://youtu.be/1pm7bad7K-A Video : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21873892

Real environmental change depends on us. We can't wait for our leaders. We have to focus on what our own responsibilities are and how we can make the change happen.

Eva Rubio Felix

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Project about environment The project presentation in classroom will be done through an internet teaching tool called c-map.

Eva Rubio Felix

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