Everman High School Key Club April Newsletter

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Division 1 South

Everman High School

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

April 2016

Volume 2 Issue 1

Ronald McDonald House of Charities Kiwanis One Day

In This Issue 

Ronald McDonald House

Page 1

May Calendar

Page 2

Can I Brag?

Page 3

sylvania by Jim Murray and Fred Hill. The purpose of the

Dr. Wayne English

Page 4

Ronald McDonald House is to provide a temporary home

A Word From…

Page 5

for the families who have children being treated with a trau-

Contact Info

Page 6

The Ronald McDonald House was founded in 1974 in Penn-

matic illness. Division 1 North and South decided to take part in an event

What’s Coming Up? 5/4

Key Club Meeting

this past month where clubs from our various divisions could


Pinning Ceremony

go and prepare a meal for the families with sick children.


Regional Training Conference


Key Club Meeting


Teacher Appreciation Week

Our club selected to prepare a mid-day snack and baked cookies for them. Six of our members took part and made the kids some delicious chocolate chip cookies. Just by seeing the smiles the families had on their faces made our day. We all went home very happy knowing we had lived up to the Key Club Motto: Caring—Our Way of Life.



Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

May 2016 Sun












6 Pinning


Key Club Meeting

Ceremony 6pm - Davis Commons



Board Meeting




Mother’s Day



14 Regional Training

Board Meeting



Conference @Burleson HS



Board Meeting





Key Club Meeting






Board Meeting






Everman High School Graduation!



2nd - 6th

Hangin’ Out takes place every Tuesday & Thursday after school at the Everman United Methodist Church

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club



CanDivision I Brag? 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

Attention, attention! The Everman High School Key Club was ranked 10th out of 300+ clubs in the mighty Texas-Oklahoma District. However, the list continues: Recognized Club for 75% growth from the charter year, distinguished club website, outstanding vice president, outstanding Kiwanis Club Advisor, first place single service award, and first place club video award. However, do not be mistaken, I’m here to brag about the wonderful advisor of this amazing club. The wonderful and spectacular Juan M. Castaneda! Do not take me lightly when I say the Everman High School Key Club would not be in existence if

it were not for the efforts of Mr. Castaneda. Key Club had a long legacy at Everman High School when it was first chartered by Coach Mack in 1972. However, following the retirement of Coach Mack in 2010, another advisor could not be found. Therefore, Key Club ceased to exist for a period of five years until it was revived in 2015. In February of 2015, advisor Mr. Castaneda and twenty enthusiastic students submitted their charter for the Everman High School Key Club. So when I say, the existence of the Everman High School Key Club was in the hands of Mr. Castaneda, this phrase is meant to be taken literally. However, the story does not end here. Not only did Mr. Castaneda give life to our Key Club, but he has been the primary factor behind the success of this club. I’m not going to lie, our club has endured many trials and tribulations. Times were tough, and when I say tough, I mean tough. Our club entered this dark time when we lost members, officers, limited fundraising opportunities, and most of all when our school district required us to start paying for transportation. Despite these setbacks, Mr. Castaneda has been the most patient, caring, and loving advisor. In those tough times when our club grew frustrated and discouraged, Mr. Castaneda was there to help to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He helped us learn that just because it is raining does not mean the sun has stopped shining. In fact, at the end of the storm there a rainbow will shine and the sun will continue to glow in its glory. When we wanted to quit and just give up, he showed us how to overcome adversity. Above all, Mr. Castaneda was there through it all, every step of the way! ~ Kalkidan Alemu

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club



Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Kiwanis Club Sponsor of the Year

Most Key Clubs in the T-O Key Club District have an amazing Kiwanis Sponsor. In our Key Club, Everman High School Key Club, we have the best Kiwanis sponsor any club could have asked for. This wonderful man who we all know as Dr. English, has done so much for our club. Dr. English attends our events, helps out with our service projects, and even pulls pranks for April Fools Day on our very own board! Dr. English has a great personality, and he has shown our Key Club members what a fantastic person he is. At the same time, he has shown many other students and staff from our school and other schools what servant leadership looks like. His willingness to serve shows many people how caring and passionate he is for our own club and Kiwanis International. In addition to his great personality, Dr. English has done many things for us, such as attending our socials, service events, and also almost all of our club meetings that we have here at the school. He has assisted in many of our service projects and has gone far and above the call of duty just for us. This devotion for our Key Club encourages to always do our best and serve not only our school and community, but also the members in our club. Finally, our Kiwanis Sponsor has an outstanding sense of humor. On April 1st, 2016, Dr. English teamed up with our Key Club Advisor and decided to pull a little prank on the Board members. We were told that something serious was going to happen to our club and it would have a negative impact on the club and the members. Once we were brought to tears, they decided to pull out food and make up for pranking us. Now remember, that teenagers were pranked by two people who are older than 30 years. This had us laughing the entire time and it showed how humorous Dr. English really is.

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

In conclusion, with these amazing factors, great personality, devotion, and humor, it can really bring out the best of people and one of those persons is our very own Dr. English. If it were not for him, who knows what this club would be. We thank Dr. Wayne English so much for always being there for our club and always making us laugh and bringing a smile on our face. ~ Juan Saavedra

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club


A Word From our Seniors... Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Hi guys! When I first joined Key Club and knew that I loved everything Key Club stood for, I was scared to tell my friends. I thought they would make fun of me for wanting to help the world become a better place. Now, as I prepare to

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

Hey Guys! I just wanted to let you guys know that it has been an amazing year. My time in high school is about to come to an end, but my community service opportunities will never end.

graduate from high school, I can look back and

It has been about a week since we returned from

I know I made the right decision to stay in the

DCON, and I can say for sure that the mission was

club. I can proudly proclaim that I an in the best

a success. We all had a terrific time there, and we

club ever.

met many new people and took part in many fun

Key Club has helped me better myself as a per-

activities as well.

son. When I see the faces of the individuals we

My DCON experience was something I have nev-

are serving, I makes me very happy.

er felt before. Key club has had a profound im-

Do you want to know the secret of becoming a better person? Join Key Club and you' will find out what it takes to become a servant leader. As a High School Senior, my heart aches as I prepare to leave the people I' have grown to love. I will never forgot the times that we have shared as a club. This club has become a second family to me and I will never forget you guys!

Denise Clark

pact in my life, but this convention made me

want to continue my service even after I graduate. I had so many different emotions going during DCON that it made me realize that this club, and really all of you guys, are a family to me. Our club wouldn’t be here today if it was not for all of your hard work and you dedication to service. It has been my distinct honor serving as your

senior representative.

Alfredo Tenorio

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club


Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlyn Chavar-

Everman High School Key Club - #service Follow Us on Social Media @Everman HS Key Club


Did you know? hskeyclub2015.wix.com/everman-hs-key-club

Contact Information President: Merlyn Chavarria


V-President: Ivan Palacios


Secretary: Arely Alcalá


Treasurer: Kalkidan Alemu


Editor: Jocelyn Nava


LTG: Nithure Rema


Advisor: Juan Castañeda


Reg. Advisor: D. Newsham


Did you know that Key Club is one of the oldest and largest service program for high school students?

Did you know that Key Club is represented in 37 countries?

Did you know that the first Key Club was formed in 1995 in California?

District Contact Information T - O Gov: Dianna Cardenas


T - O Sec: Mackenzie Merbach


T - O Treasurer: Leia George


T - O Editor: TBD


T - O C. Liaison TBD




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