D1 Everman September Newsletter

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A Day in EHS History!

Everman High School

On September 8th, several Key Club members were witnesses

September 2016

to a momentous event at the high school. This marked the day

In This Issue

Volume 2 Issue 6

of the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the finished renovations of our campus. Several prominent figures spoke at the ceremony, such as the namesake of our school itself, Dr. Joe C. Bean.

I was there as a member of the band to commemorate the occasion with music and I was not able to participate in the actual cutting of the ribbon, but I could see several clubbers take part in the process. It was amazing to see how they played an active part of a historic event of Everman High School. Even more extraordinary was the fact that we had over 100% attendance, as Dr. Bedford only asked a five clubbers as volunteers, but twice that amount came out to help. In my opinion, that truly captures the spirit of Key Club. When called to action, members do not simply achieve the bare minimum, we exceed expectations to the best of our abilities. Events like this are what makes me love Key Club! It allows high school students to be a part of the community itself, instead of simply being a passive bystander that only watches things as they happen. I hope to take part in more events like this in the near future as a member of Key Club!

~ Ysela Rodriguez ~

A Day In EHS History! Page 1 October Calendar Page 2 Cowtown Classic Page 3 First Meeting Page 4 Words of Wisdom Page 5 Turtle Thursday Collage Page 6 EHS Contact Information Page 6 TX-OK Contact Information Page 7 Social Media Info Page 8

What’s Coming Up 10/6 & 10/20 Turtle Thursday’s 10/11 Chick-fil-A Fundraiser 10/13 Club Meeting 10/14 End of Cookie Sale 10/27 Club Meeting

October 2016 1













14 End of Cookie


Board Meeting

No School

Turtle Thursday’s

Club Meeting


Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser

















Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Turtle Thursday’s

Club Meeting

PB&J -Hangin’Out is every Tuesday & Thursday afterschool @Everman Methodist Church 3:30-5:30 Which of the following is a Key Club core value? A. Service B. Character Building C. Honesty D. Togetherness Answer: B

Fort Worth Cowtown Classic Bike Race Every September the Fort Worth Kiwanis Club sponsors the Cowtown Classic Bike Race. Clubbers for around greater Fort Worth volunteer to assist the Fort Worth Kiwanis as a show of teamwork and cooperation. This year the Everman High School Key Club joined the Burleson High School Key Club and the Burleson Kiwanis Club at one of the final rest stops in the bike race. Gabriel and Detayvain both made their way to the boonies out in the middle of nowhere. The rest stop is considered part of route in Cleburne/Joshua/Burleson. This year the race took place on September 10 and along with several members from the Burleson High Key Club, our clubbers helped distribute snacks, Gatorade, and water to the bikers. Gabriel and Detayvain offered encouragement to the bikers and cheered them on to finish the race. It was the perfect opportunity to let the bikers know that we were there for them. As Gabriel so aptly put it, "It was an awesome experience.� ~Ysela Rodriguez~

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Finally – We Have a Meeting! The Everman High School Key Club survived the summer that was 2016! There were times that we were not sure if we would make it through the long summer months. Summer is a very difficult time for most clubs as they struggle to keep their members active while there are no classes. When you are part of a campus like Everman High School, summer means trips to Mexico for the entire summer! Right on cue, school started and our members began asking for service projects to participate in. September 1st marked the first Key Club Meeting of the 2017-18 school year! The turnout was amazing, as we had nearly 50 prospective new members in attendance. The library almost could not contain all of us! We had a great time beginning with an icebreaker that consisted of a Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament. The winner received a Starbucks gift card, courtesy of our sponsor, Mr. Castañeda. When the formal portion of the meeting began, the prospective members rose to the occasion. There were more volunteers that we ever imagined for every event we introduced. Even more amazing was the fact that approximately 30 students decided to sign up immediately after the meeting was adjourned. We were ecstatic! Suffice to say, the first Everman High School Key Club meeting was an absolute success. Here’s to all future meetings being just as great! ~Ysela Rodriguez~

Which of the following celebrities was not in Key Club? A. Brad Pitt B. Bill Clinton C. Nick Cannon D. Tom Cruise Answer: C

Words of Wisdom from the Editor When I entered my junior year, I only had a vague idea of what Key Club was. I knew it had something to do with helping people, but that was the extent of my knowledge. So, I decided to go to the first meeting to see what all the fuss was about.

When I heard Mr. C explain what Key Club’s mission was, I got really excited, because I genuinely like helping people, and I knew that this was a great place from which to do that. They announced that they needed an club editor and my hand was the first to shoot into the air. I love writing. I was the Editor-in-Chief of the Baxter JHS Newspaper, so I knew it would be the perfect position for me. As soon as the meeting was adjourned, I went straight to the computer lab to fill out my member application. I was officially a member of the club! Now, this is my first year in Key Club, and I am already in love with it. I fell in love with the family vibe that the club exerts, and how I now have an outlet from which I can help the community that helped raise me. Key Club offers so many opportunities to experience things that you may never had known existed. I didn't even know there was a creek behind the Dollar General until Turtle Thursday’s brought it to my attention! All in all, I am so happy I made the decision to join, as I think it's made my life more meaningful. I urge you to try and encourage others to join, so they can experience the wonders of Key Club, just as I have . ~Ysela Rodriguez~

Turtle Thursday’s

EHS Contact Information President: Merlyn Chavarria ehskeyclubpresident@gmail.com V-President: IvanPalacios ehskeyclubvp@gmail.com Secretary: Arely Alcalá ehskeyclubsecretary1@gmail.com Treasurer: Kalkidan Alemu ehskeyclubtreasurer1@gmail.com Editor: Ysela Rodriguez ehskeyclubeditor@gmail.com LTG: Nithure Rema ltg1s@tokeyclub.com Advisor: Juan Castañeda ehskeyclubadvisor@gmail.com Kiwanis Advisor: Dr. Wayne English wre54@risebroadband.net

Reg. Advisor: D. Newsham reg7adv@gmail.com


District Contact

Information T - O Gov: Dianna Cardenas governor@tokeyclub.com T - O Sec: Mackenzie Merbach secretary@tokeyclub.com T - O Treasurer: Leia George treasurer@tokeyclub.com T - O Editor: Sophia Tran editor@tokeyclub.com T - O C. Liaison : Chris Do cl@tokeyclub.com

Key Club does not have an official account on which of the following social media sites? A. MySpace B. Vine C. Instagram D. Twitter Answer: B

Follow Everman High School Key Club on Social Media @Everman HS Key Club


http://hskeyclub2015.wix.com/ everman-hs-key-club

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