Voyager Vol.08 Mar-2014昇恆昌機場誌第8期

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Mar 2014





2014鐘錶品牌 全新力作


MADE IN TAIWAN 陳錦芳 · 用藝術改變世界 城兆緯 · 台灣新派設計領航家 吳耿禎 · 剪出自己的一片天

Mar 2014

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Voyager issued by


March 2014 No. 08

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ART.MADE IN TAIWAN 吳耿禎.剪出自己的一片天 城兆緯.台灣新派設計領航家 陳錦芳.用藝術改變世界

藝術可以增加ㄧ個人的涵養、可以改變他 / 她的視野,也可以改變世 界。三位藝術家,以不同的創作方式,改變我們對藝術的看法,也提 升台灣製造藝術的價值與地位。




色彩是設計師永遠玩不膩的把戲,也是妳表達時尚態度最直接的方 式,紅色是熱情,粉色是溫柔,中性是無暇的水藍色,告別深沉的暗 色,今年春夏,讓色彩上身。


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女孩們,放自己長期被高跟鞋虐待的雙腳一個長假吧,因 為低跟鞋正式宣佈回歸時尚舞台!


2014 BEAUTY KIT.新妝登場

如何創造出完美時髦的妝容?我們為妳列下各品牌必備單 品,讓妳輕鬆掌握美妝動態與新品訊息。


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March 2014 No. 08

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REVIEW OF SIHH. 2014鐘錶品牌全新力作

今年SIHH萬眾矚目,什麼牌子出了什麼新玩意,成了參展人 潮口中惟一的通關秘語,今年又有什麼好貨端上桌?

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2013年紅透半邊天的app《Candy Crush Saga》可說是智慧 型手機常勝軍,好像不玩Candy Crush就落伍了。事實上,也 因為 Candy Crush的風潮,腕錶市場也掀起了一股”糖果熱 潮”。你或許破不了最後一關,但你絕對可以買個Candy感腕 錶來過過乾癮。



厭倦了星級飯店的規矩與無趣,這一次我們決定走入鄉間造訪 多個位處台灣不同角落的民宿。雖然少了觀光局的背書,雖然 沒有華麗的大廳與餐廳,但我們眼見的景緻與體驗的服務絕對 可送些星星給各位用心的主人。



056 054 出版發行:昇恆昌股份有限公司

Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation







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發行人:江松樺 Publisher:Simon Chiang 策劃監督:吳錫顯、江建廷、常春媚 Supervisory Manager :Jack Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chiong 地址:11494 台北市內湖區新湖二路289號 Address:No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road,

Nei-Hu District, Taipei 11494, Taiwan, R.O.C. 客戶服務電話:0800098668 Service Line:0800098668 網址 本刊編輯內容之版權為本刊所有,非經本刊同意與授權不得作任何形式之複製或轉載。

Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.

2014/3/21 下午 11:35


2014台北紙貓熊展 除了風靡全球的黃色小鴨,這個來自中國 的特有吉祥萌動物貓熊,也不遑多讓;由 法國藝術家PAULO GRANGEON所發起 的「紙貓熊展」,已經在法國巴黎、里 昂、波爾多,還有德國的柏林、漢堡與法 蘭克福等地可愛登場,為數1,600只的胖 嘟嘟紙貓熊,每每都吸引大批人潮前往觀 賞;而這「紙貓熊展」也即將在台北市政 府廣場上演,還不快來和一堆貓熊湊熱 鬧! 時間:即日起至4月30日 地點:台北市政府

2014 Panda World Tour Taipei 1,600 chubby paper pandas have attracted huge crowds of spectators every city they have been to. The “Panda World Tour” has now arrived at the square in front of Taipei City Hall, hurry up and join the fun with all the cute pandas! Period: until April 30 Location: Taipei City Hall


AGENDA 03-06 2014

Text Kc Photo 各單位提供

DESIGNBURG工藝設計大展 全 球 第 一 個 以 鈦 金 屬 為 主 材 質 的 設 計 師 品 牌 ─ DESIGNBURG 。 近 年 來 在 國 際 間 漸 露 頭 角 。 DESIGNBURG 以其豐富的文化故事,充滿機巧的時尚樂趣以及精緻完美的高科技工藝,打造出具時代識 別的珠寶首飾與生活精品。設計師城兆緯擅長運用「當代貴金屬 ─ 鈦」,呈現出簡約、內斂的設計輪廓; 每件作品背後讓人會心一笑的設計概念,以及追求極致的藝術工藝手法,是為當代留下識別的最佳見證。 時間:即日起至5月28日 地點:高雄國際機場文化藝廊

DESIGNBURG DESIGNBURG has recently attracted much notice globally. Designer Chen Chau-Wei is known for his use of “titanium—contemporary precious metal”, through which he displays a simple and subtle design style. Chen’s pursuit of extraordinary craftsmanship serves as the most ideal witness to the contemporary identity. Period: until May 28 Location: Kaohsiung International Airport Art Gallery

宅金門-徐偉軒創作個展 金門藝術家徐偉軒,以商周青銅器紋飾作為貫穿整體 的主軸。透過穿梭於不同時空的對話與感官衝擊,看 似衝突與荒謬,企圖引發觀者對傳統與當代之間的關 係做更深層的思辨。 時間:即日起至4月30日 地點:金門水頭商港文化藝廊

Zhai Kinmen—Hsu Wei-Hsuan Solo Exhibition Artist Hsu Wei-Hsuan, a native of Kinmen, uses the decorative patterns on bronze ware from Shang and Zhou dynasties as the main theme. Although the designs seem conflicting and absurd, Hsu attempts to inspire viewers to conduct in depth dialectical analysis on the relationship between traditional and contemporary through dialogues and sensational impacts that transcend different time and space. Period: until April 30 Location: Kinmen Shuito Harbor Art Gallery


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春日部大冒險《蠟筆小新特展》 最近有許多動漫人物的互動展覽,都超受歡迎,而非常受到大人小孩們喜 愛的GY小孩蠟筆小新也要來了!世界首次大規模的「蠟筆小新」多媒體玩 樂場景,讓你身歷其境「春日部大冒險」故事情境! 時間:即日起至4月6日 地點:台北松山文創園區第3、5倉庫

Crayon Shin-chan Special Exhibition The first ever large-scale “Crayon Shin-Chan” exhibition in the world with multimedia installations and scenes will bring the visitors physically into the story of “Big Adventures in Kasukabe City”. Period: until April 6 Location: Warehouse 3 and 5, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

躍然眼前-陳漢元攝影記事個展 對於攝影的態度,就是我的生活」攝影師如是分享。生活中有許多美 麗的景緻與帶有文化傳承意涵的景象與生活,正一點一滴的隨著大自 然的時間的更替或人為破壞的影響而在流失中,然而這些曾經存在的 景象,卻都是臺灣成長的人們的記憶。 本次的《躍然眼前-陳漢元攝影記事個展》,陳漢元老師透過相機, 將生活中所見的美麗城市、山間景緻、歷史古蹟、臺灣特有的民俗文 化慶典、臺灣原住民的特色節慶、代表著歡愉氣氛的節慶煙火...等, 一一入鏡,並經由藝術家獨特的取景及創作技巧,將美景躍然我們的 眼前。 時間:即日起至4月10日 地點:高雄國際機場文化藝廊

LINE FRIENDS互動樂園展 全球首場「HERE WE ARE IN TAIPEI-LINE FRIENDS互動樂園」大型展 覽,由LINE設計團隊親自打造,將經典貼圖實體化,並從韓國原裝進口超可 愛貼圖公仔,搭配立體實景,喜愛LINE明星的絕不能錯過! 時間:即日起至4月27日 地點:台北市士林科學教育館

LINE FRIENDS Interactive Amusement Park Exhibition “HERE WE ARE IN TAIPEI-LINE FRIENDS Interactive Amusement Park Exhibition” is the first of a series of large exhibitions around the globe. Classic stickers are turned into actual figurines. It is a “can’t miss” show if you are a big fan of LINE characters! Period: until April 27 Location: National Taiwan Science Education Center

Appear in Sight—Chen Han-Yuan Photography Exhibition In “Appear in Sight—Chen Han Yuan Photography Exhibition”, Photographer Chen Han-Yuan captures through his camera lens the beautiful cities, mountain sceneries, historical sites, unique Taiwanese folk festivals, tribal celebrations of indigenous people, and joyous festive fireworks he sees in life, making all the beautiful scenes appear in front of our eyes. Period: until April 10 Location: Kaohsiung International Airport Central Gallery

AGENDA 03-06 2014

台北奇幻之旅:奇幻夢想館 行動夢想館首創全台沉浸式行動智慧體驗,以夢想為主題,運用手 機導覽裝置結合創意互動,現場有60吋LCD電視打造的震撼觀影空 間、還有臺灣風景的4D環幕單車劇場,全館共有夢想之島、志向廣 場、合作殿堂、勇氣能量站、行動航站、夢想音樂盒等六個展區,等 你來做夢! 時間:即日起至8月31日 地點:台北花博公園

A Dream Journey in Taipei A Dream Journey in Taipei introduces the innovative emergence experience of mobile intelligence. Using dream as the main theme, the exhibition features six exhibition areas, welcoming all to come and pursue dreams! Period: until August 31 Location: Taipei Expo Park

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「繪本阿公圖畫王國—鄭明進80創作展」 資深兒童插畫家與兒童文學作家鄭明進舉行的個人展覽,以兒童文學及繪本為主題。 時間:即日起至9月30日 地點:桃園國際機場第二航廈 C5飛閱候機室-台灣文學館 “Grandpa Illustrator in Picture Book Kingdom—The Art Exhibition by Cheng Ming-Chin 80 Years-Old Senior picture book illustrator and children’s book writer Cheng Ming-Chin holds a solo exhibition that focuses on children’s literature and picture books.

Period: until September 30 Location: Taiwan Literature Pavilion, Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 2, Gate C5-e-Library Waiting Lounge

錯覺藝術大師: 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展 荷蘭平面藝術大師艾雪(MAURITS CORNELIS ESCHER,1898-1972)被視為20世紀藝術的奇 才,這次將展出耶路撒冷以色列博物館珍藏的152 件作品,以自然與科學探索、人物描繪、精湛的版 畫技巧、傳說與宗教─聖經故事、旅行南歐的風景 畫、心理遊戲般的視覺幻象六個主題,帶你一窺艾 雪的奇幻世界。 時間:即日起至6月2日 地點:國立故宮博物院 The Enigma of M.C. Escher—Prints from the

Israel Museum, Jerusalem Dutch artist Maurits Cornelis Escher (18981972) is regarded as the artistic genius of the 20th Century; this exhibition will display 152 prints from the collection of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, showcasing the magical world of Escher. Period: until June 2 Location: National Palace Museum

《文創起飛》霹靂布袋戲文化藝術展 為展現及推廣台灣的文化藝術及文化創意,本次展覽與霹靂布袋戲合作,結合掌中文化演變,傳統與科技的交 織、創造台灣文化創意產業的價值,讓大家知道布袋戲不只是戲,更是文化傳承、方言藝術、劇本與奇幻異想 等藝術精粹之集結。本展展出華麗戲偶、精緻兵器以及文創商品等一源多用之實踐,將顛覆大眾對「布袋戲文 化」的既有想像! 時間:即日起至4月14日 地點:桃園國際機場第二航廈近C2登機門文化藝廊

Pili Puppet Theatre Exhibition To showcase and promote Taiwan’s cultural arts and cultural creativity, Ever Rich joins forces with Pili Puppet Theatre to show the evolution of puppetry; by weaving traditions and technology together, Pili has generated new values for Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry, overthrowing the old imaginations people have about “puppet shows”! Period: until April 14 Location: Art Gallery near Gate C2, Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 2


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SEDUCTIVE CUT-OUT 若隱若現的簍空設計,將皮革工藝發揮到極致。


DESIRE 今年春夏的時尚採買,由慾望清單為你一一唱名。 執行 FELIX PHOTO SIMON TEAH



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CAT EYE LADY 貓眼女郎 性感的貓眼造型以及前衛的鏡框材質, 復古中又帶有摩登的特殊況味。


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SIZE MATTERS “大”有來頭 中性俐落的包款設計,CHLOÉ 現代女性帶來的全新熱門包款。


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摩登復古 MODERN RETRO 復古的波卡圓點,聚焦注目眼光。


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2014 春夏,Tod’s 的女裝系列由義大利 時裝設計師 Alessandra Facchinetti 操 刀,秉承 Tod’s 的優越工藝,打造了一 系列優雅的包款以及別具風格的鞋履與 配件。全新的 Tod’s D-Cube Bag 推出 了不同大小的尺寸,以方正的矩形揉合 拼接色塊,並配以不同物料如稀珍皮革, 驚嘆登場。 The Tod’s Women’s Collection for

spring/summer 2014 sees the arrival of the first season’s designs by Alessandra Facchinetti, who created a range of elegant and distinctive shoes, bags and accessories that perfectly represent the hallmark of Tod’s. The new Tod’s D-Cube Bag has more structured shape, which comes in different sizes, with contrasting coloured panels and in a range of leathers, including exotic skins.


讓許多時尚人士愛不釋手的 Le Pliage Cuir,以全新亮眼色調再度登上春 夏舞台,符合現代人講究自由自在無拘無束的生活態度,穿上檸檬黃、鮮 橙、粉紅及朱紅新色的春夏系列。

Le Pliage Cuir, which has captivated the hearts of many fashion fans, is now on the S/S stage in bright new colors. In line with modern people’s free-spirited attitude towards life, the S/S collection comes in lemon yellow, orange, pink, and bright red.

今季,施華洛世奇以充滿想像力的手法,將簡 樸與精緻的素材、原始藝術、民族工藝及時尚 特色融為一體,系列靈感來自部落文化和傳統 工藝,並揉合了現代氣息,從而打造出自成一 格、華麗耀眼的 Tribal Glam 魅力。

This season, Swarovski adopts imaginative technique to fuse simple and delicate materials, primitive art, enthnic handicrafts, and fashion traits into one. Inspired by tribal culture and traditional crafts, the collection also incorporates modern styles to create a unique, radiant Tribal Glam charm.


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由台裔設計師吳季剛(Jason Wu)首 度主導的 Boss 2014 春夏女裝系列, 於上個月紐約時裝周首度亮相。位於 德國的品牌總部是本次創作的靈感來 源:現代主義風格的大樓圍繞於大片 綠樹之中,建築與自然構成一片和諧 景致。在 Jason Wu 的帶領之下,蟄 伏已久的 Boss 正前往下一個世代。

Boss Women S/S 2014, the first collection under Taiwanese designer Jason Wu, was first introduced to the world at New York Fashion Week last month. The brand ’ s headquarters in Germany serves as the inspiration for the collection: the modernist building surrounded by a large forest, and the architecture and nature fuse into a harmonic landscape. Under Jason Wu, Boss is coming out of hibernation and heading towards a new era.


英國正統西裝代表品牌 Alfred Dunhill 2014 年春夏男裝,以 輕鬆、解構、無拘束為關鍵字, 加入全新 Fitzrovia Fit 版型, 以更頂尖的材質,讓每一件服裝 都禁的起時間考驗。

As the iconic brand of traditional British suits, Alfred Dunhill Men S/S 2014 can be described by three words — relaxed, destructured, and unbounded. Combined with the new Fitzrovia Fit, Dunhill uses premium materials so that all the pieces withstand the test of time.


隨著季節更替,古馳最受歡迎包款之一 Bamboo Shopper,於今年春夏也換上了 新的外衣,不僅深得時尚人士喜愛,包括碧昂絲、珍妮佛羅佩茲、凱特布蘭琪,至 韓國天后李英愛等國際巨星,都紛紛加入 Bamboo Shopper 時尚版圖。

As seasons change, Bamboo Shopper, one of the most popular Gucci purses, is taking on a brand new look this spring and summer. Not only is it wildly popular within the fashion circles, international celebrities, such as Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Cate Blanchett, and even Korean actress Lee Young-Ae, have all been conquered by the fashionable Bamboo Shopper.

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NEWS PAPER 14/3/25 下午6:01


2014 年春夏系列廣告由西班牙金像獎女星潘妮洛普•克 魯茲繼續擔綱演出,而攝影部分則仍然請來超重量級二 人組 Mert Alas & Marcus Piggot 負責操刀。藉著鏡 頭中潘妮洛普非常簡單、個人、摩登,似乎正預告著品 牌的未來走向與新定位。 The S/S 2014 campaign continues to feature Academy Award winning actress Penélope Cruz; the famous duo photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot, remain behind the camera. Through the lenses, Penélope Cruz is very simplistic, individualistic, and modern, and it seems to indicate the brand ’ s future direction and new positioning.


Saint Laurent

自 Saint Laurent Sac de Jour 上市以來,一直深受 眾多女性的喜愛。在俐落簡潔的造型之外,而最近更 登上銀幕,於風靡全亞洲的韓國偶像劇「來自星星的 你」戲中女主角全智賢最常用的就是 Saint Laurent Sac de Jour,要有明星般的年輕與魅力,妳的採購 動作可能要加快了。

Ever since Saint Laurent Sac de Jour was launched, it has always earned the love of women around the world. In addition to clean and simple designs, it has recently conquered the small screen, as popular Korean drama “My Love from the Star” takes the entire Asian by storm. The favorite looks of the female lead Jun Ji-Hyun are by Saint Laurent Sac de Jour. Want to own the youth and charm like a star? You need to hurry up with your shopping plan.

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Exhibition Deco


MADE IN TAIWAN Art can cultivate a person's taste, change his/her vision, and even transform the world. Three artists, through different creative methods, have changed the way we see art, and raised the value and status of art made-in-Taiwan. 藝術可以增加ㄧ個人的涵養、可以改變他/她的視野,也可以改變世界。 三位藝術家,以不同的創作方式,改變我們對藝術的看法, 也提升台灣製造藝術的價值與地位。 TEXT STONEY PHOTO 各單位


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吳耿禎——— 剪出ㄧ片天

Jam Wu

A Universe in Scissors 看著眼前一張張吳耿禎的創作照片,很難相 信他並非來自藝術的背景,訪談中喜歡邊講 邊笑的他,對於剪紙藝術卻是異常的堅定與 固執。曾經一度沒有門路進入藝術領域的 他,不僅用雙手剪出個人的另一片天空,帶 著強大爆發力的美學創作連難搞的法國人也 為之臣服。 Looking at the pictures of Jam Wu's paper cutting, it is hard to believe that he does not come from an art related background. Wu laughed and talked at the same time during the interview, yet showed extraordinary dedication and determination to paper-cutting art. Wu almost could not find his way into the art industry, but now he is discovering a whole new universe through his hands and scissors; his powerful and explosive aesthetics have even won over the hearts of the French audience.

只要給吳耿禎ㄧ張紙、一把剪刀,他就會安靜的栽進創作 的世界中。 曾經對藝術很無助的他,不僅用雙手剪出個人的另一片天 空,經過活化的傳統技藝更是走入桃園機場公共空間之中, 帶著強大爆發力的美學創作連難搞的法國人也為之臣服。

Artist Jam Wu has never received any training in art; a shy person, he simply wants to continue creating. Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University, Jam Wu is an artist, poet, and a photographer. Wu doesn't want to be controlled by the market or be labeled as a papercutting artist; simply give him a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, and he’ll quietly indulge in his own creative world. Once helpless in art, he has now created a personal universe through his hands and scissors, and his revitalized traditional craft has also entered the public spaces in Taoyuan International Airport, winning over the hearts of even the most critical French audience.

E :當初為何會想以「剪紙」作為你後來的藝術創作形 式?

W :當初並無設想一開始就要用剪紙來作為我的創作方 式,只是不知道為什麼,從大學到現在,就很自然地一路 自小到大從沒受過藝術訓練的藝術家吳耿禎,個性靦腆的



E: Why did you choose “paper cutting” as your creative mode? W: I didn't set my mind on paper cutting as my

畢業于實踐大學建築系,是藝術創作者、詩人、也是攝影 師, 不想被市場左右,更不想被單純定位為剪紙藝術家,

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Deco E:而那些畫面上的剪紙形狀又代表著什麼意義呢? W:六年前吧,當我去了一趟中國後,我見識到許多形狀 的象徵及背後意義,於是我開始嚐試具象的剪紙表現。

creative mode at first; but without a reason, I just naturally created through paper cutting since my college days until now.

E:作品《Love Taipei》,你想表達的是? W:對我來說,台北是個相當迷人且能不斷挖掘當中樂趣 的城市,我想用屬於台北這作城市的“Love”,賦予這間 人來人往的候機室充滿溫情感,朋友、家人甚至情侶可以

E: How about these paper-cutting shapes in the picture, what meanings do they have? W: About six years ago, after my trip to Mainland China, I learned the symbolic meanings and significances of many shapes, so I started trying figurative paper-cutting expressions.

E:創作的靈感? W:一切都來自於我自己的生活! E:How do you find creative inspiration? W: Everything comes from my life!

與我的作品留影,那不也是一種增加彼此間的共有回憶的 方式嗎?

E: What are you trying to convey through “Love Taipei”? W: To me, Taipei is a charming city, where people can constantly explore new fun. I want to use “ Love ” that belongs only to the city to give warmth to this terminal where people come and go. Friends, families, or even lovers can take pictures with my work; isn’t it a way to create a new piece of shared memory? E:你如何在有限的機場空間中讓這件作品發揮最大價值? W:畢竟機場公共建設空間及硬體設施早已固定在那,當 然,我不可能去改變格局,我能做的就是運用我所擅長的 剪紙來有效傳遞台北現在與未來生活的想像,讓旅客留下 一個小小的視覺溫暖暫留。

E: How do you maximize the value of this work within limited space in the airport? W: After all, the public spaces and hardware are already there and cannot be moved, so of course I cannot change the layout of the spaces. I can only make use of my skills in paper cutting to effectively convey current and future imaginations of Taipei, allowing a tiny bit of visual warmth to be left behind in the travellers’ hearts.

E:你認為一位藝術家最需要具備的特質? W:包括我在內,其實有很多藝術家本身的個性與他們作 的作品調性是完全迴然不同的。

E:What is the most important quality to be an artist? W: Including myself, many artists’ personalities and the characteristics of their works are actually totally different. E:近期計畫? W:我這個月在準備即將送去巴黎半島酒店裡的一項公共 藝術作品:漢法字典,關於這件作品的詮釋,我以金屬為 主,並從中雕空出字典裡的文字。

E:What is your short-term plan? W: This month, I am working on a public artwork called “Chinese-French Dictionary”, which will be delivered to the Peninsula in Paris. For this work, I mainly use metal materials and cut out the words in the dictionary. 關於吳耿禎 1979年,出生於台灣台南。 畢業於實踐大學建築設計系,以剪紙作為藝術的 創作媒介,集詩人、攝影師、劇場設計、 與藝術創作者等多重身分。

Jam Wu was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1979. Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University, Wu uses paper cutting as creative medium, and is also a poet, photographer, theatre designer, and artist.

E:你是如何將光影變化引入你的作品當中? W:剪紙就是鏤空。我當初就意識到這創作原理,有別於 一般平面,我的作品可以任意旋轉、移動,再透過光線的 配置與折射,就像是一場夢幻的洗禮。

E: How do you introduce the changing lights and shades into your works? W: Paper cutting is openwork. I realized this when I first started. Unlike ordinary two-dimensional artworks, my works can randomly rotate and move, and through light deployment and reflection, they create dream-like sensations.

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城兆緯——— 台灣設計領航家

Chen Chau-Wei

Pioneer of Design in Taiwan 留著ㄧ頭長髮、穿著風格很難界定的設計師 城兆緯,對設計有非常多的堅持。他不喜歡 被定位,喜歡挑戰傳統,在台灣辛苦的創作 環境中,他的成功啟發了許多後起之輩。 Designer Chen Chau-Wei, who wears long hair and has a fashion style hard to categorize, insists on many things when it comes to design. He dislikes being labeled, and likes to challenge traditions. In the harsh creative environment in Taiwan, Chen has successfully inspired many younger designers. 成立於2000年的DESIGNBURG品牌更是開始擴大設計

National Music Hall, and vacuum tube stereos, allowing this young designer who does not want to be labeled to continue expanding his influence. Chen Chau-Wei believes that quality, taste, and character are three pillars to a good thing. That is why he focuses on good craftsmanship, and his designs are not mass-produced. He also does not adopt a low-price strategy. Using Designed + Made in Taiwan as his principle, Chen strives to produce things no one else in the world can.

的領域,從珠寶、傢俱、生活精品、國家音樂廳指揮台、 到真空管音響等等,這個不想被定位的年輕人影響力持續 的擴大。

E:當初是如何想到將鈦金屬是運用到產品的設計上? C :我想做的東西是比較當代的設計,當然我有想過K 金



守作工,不大量生產,也不用價格取勝。以台灣設計 + 製



不太容易製作,因此市場上也不太常見 。


E:How did you come up with the idea of using titanium in your design? C: I wanted to design things that were more contemporary. Of course I thought about karat

Established in 2000, DESIGNBURG is a brand that spans over a wide range of areas, including jewelry, furniture, daily supplies, conductor’s stage at the

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Deco Another issue was that, we needed to drill holes for jewelry designs, but titanium often broke the drilling machine. In the end, I had to find better machines for delicate procedures like this, and this way also ensured the quality of the products.

E:你有設計團隊協助你? C :,我不希望我的東西像是ㄧ個工業產品,A 做完丟給 B,B生產完丟給C。基本上還是我自己設計,然後從頭盯 到尾,從過程中可以瞭解每個部分的問題或是細節。

E:Do you have a design team to assist you? C: I don ’ t want my designs to be industrial products, where A finishes and passes onto B, and B finishes and passes to C. Basically I design the products myself, then I monitor the entire production, through the process I get to learn the issues and details in every step. E:你與昇恆昌是否有討論過推出特別的產品線? C:我們有ㄧ個機器人的系列賣得非常好,我們雙方正思 考要推出限量版的電影系列,就是以美國知名電影角色為 靈感的機器人。

gold and silver, but the hardness of these metals were not suitable for contemporary designs. Also, titanium was rarely used, for it was hard to obtain and hard to work with, therefore it was also uncommon on the market.

E:鈦金屬是如何取得的? C:鈦金屬很常出現於高級的工業金屬或是航太工業中,

E : H ave yo u t a l ke d w i t h E ve r R i ch a b o u t launching a special line of products? C: We have a robot series that is quite successful, and now we are thinking about launching a limited edition movie series, where the robots are inspired by famous American movie characters.


E:你的創作靈感如何而來? C:比較多的是生活上的體驗,當然還有工作上的需求,



E:How do you get titanium? C: Titanium is often used in high-end metals or aerospace industry; but to use it in my designs, it needs to go through another set of precise calculation and processing.

E:Where do you find creative inspiration? C: Mostly from my experience in life. Of course, for work's sake, any event in daily life might provide creative stimulation and inspiration.

E:創作的過程中所碰到的最大困難? C:有!我手上的大多數還是使用於重工業的鈦金屬,尺 寸或是規模對我來說是不準確而且是不能用的,所以我得 透過某種方式去再處理它門。 另外ㄧ個問題是,珠寶的設計為了要鑽孔、鈦金屬常常會

關於城兆緯 1973 年生,台灣台北人。 大學念的是森林系,卻愛上珠寶設計,2000年成 立DESIGNBURG品牌,從事多重領域的創意與設計。

Born in 1973, Chen Chau-Wei is a native of Taipei, Taiwan. He studied Forestry in college, but fell in love with jewelry design. In 2000, he founded DESIGNBURG, a design brand that engages in various areas.

把機器弄壞,最後的結果就是我得找更好的機器來處理這 種細膩的工序,品質也才能更穩定。

E:What was your greatest obstacle in the creative process? C: Yes, what I had in hand was mostly titanium used for heavy industries. To me, the sizes and scales of these materials were not precise enough to be used in my designs, so I needed some other ways to process them.

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陳錦芳——— 用藝術改變世界

Dr. Chen Tsing-Fang Changing the World with Art

books, and held countless exhibitions all around the world. Dr. Chen believes that both the practical and theoretical aspects of art are equally important, and he hopes that, through different art forms, a more tolerating and peaceful culture can be built.

出生於台南的陳錦芳博士,是台灣當代重要 畫家。曾留學法國的他,深受梵谷影響,擁

今年 79 歲的陳錦芳博士,是個畫家,也是個思想家。在 巴黎藝術學院深造7年,並于1969年在巴黎發表「五次元







理論並兼,他更希望透過各種形式的藝術, 建立更寬容與和平之文化。 Born in Taiwan, Dr. Chen Tsing-Fang is an important Taiwanese contemporary painter. Having studied abroad in France, he is deeply influenced by Vincent van Gogh. With a Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Paris, Dr. Chen has published numerous professional critiques and

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At 79 years old, Dr. Chen is a painter and a philosopher. He studied at the University of Paris for seven years, and in 1969, he published “FiveDimensional Universal Culture” in Paris, and his works began to garner global attention. Travelling between cities to create artworks, hold exhibitions, and give speeches, Dr. Chen has never forgotten that Taiwan is the root of his art regardless of where he is.

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Deco E:當時為何決然走上藝術創作之路? C:我認為藝術家是天生的,如果天生沒有藝術家的 DNA ,雖努力學習也可成為藝術家,但無法像天生的藝

「人類需要一次新的文藝復興,而其搖籃是台灣!」 60 年代被認為文化沙漠的台灣有這種可能嗎?我努力尋求答 案,並與我的藝術追求息息相關。而其答案是 Yes !且是



可大成。我從小就喜歡塗鴨 , 14歲時借到西洋現代美術的




黎當畫家, 所以, 開始在「南美會」學石膏像素描。我台南



( Neo-Iconography)並一直追尋到現在,幾乎變成了












1990年「後梵谷」百幅系列,2008年「北京奧運」(66 幅)系列及2010年「上海世博」百幅系列等。 E: How did you begin your creative journey at first? C: I believe artists are born rather than made. People without the DNA of an artist may learn to become one, but things do not come naturally or easily for them like those gifted ones. I liked painting since I was a boy. When I was 14, I borrowed some albums of Western contemporary art, and I spent all my time reading them. I was eventually inspired by Vincent van Gogh, and dreamed to become an artist in Paris.

是才能之所在。 1963 年是我追夢的轉捩點。台灣在 1950 ∼1960年代是反共抗俄的戒嚴時期,出國很難也很貴,一 張從松山機場到巴黎機場的單程飛機票要中學老師半年的 薪水。剛好1963年法國政府給台灣兩名的獎學金,近600 人去考,我考上了,才能到巴黎留學。1964年我到藝術家 之精神故鄉,意大利的翡冷翠參觀,那是西洋文化史上非 常重要的文藝復興的搖籃。約兩個禮拜的參觀,研究,思 考,並在晨間祈禱時常常得到一種聲音,像是一種啟示:

E:您用一生的時間奉獻及推動台灣在文藝(產業)的深 耕,為何如此堅持?想過放棄嗎?

C:我從小喜愛繪畫及文學,尤其在1963-75巴黎留學時, 我孜孜不倦,分秒必爭。我一直不停地以學術研究報告寫 藝評讓台灣在此方面努力的人如在巴黎留學,當時雄獅、 中國時報等都長期刊載我寫的文章。我是法國名著「小王 子」中文首譯者,現在「小王子」中文版有 500 多萬本。 有文章稱我是台灣藝術的園丁。我1975年從巴黎搬到紐約

, 1984年回台灣開畫展,自1984-2003我做了數次19個縣 市巡迴展 , 藝術下鄉,推動台灣文化建設。 2001-2003 做 了「玉山系列」巡迴展來凝聚台灣的生命共同體,希望大 家能團結向上。自 1980 年∼至 2003 年在美國以「美哉台 灣」的畫展來推動台灣的觀光。 我雖在巴黎 . 紐約,但我藝術的根在台灣。我的個性樸實 認真,喜歡默默做事 , 為理想奮鬥。我不願意為利益去與 人計較或成群結黨,所以我像是個獨行俠。我很幸運能勤 讀東西方數千本名著並擁有最高最完整的藝術教育。做為 藝術家 , 在我有生之年 , 能看到自己的思想及作品在 30 多 個國家 300 多本教科書及雜誌被轉載介紹,尤其能看到自 己所創立的畫派進入美國大專世界藝術史教科書感到很安 慰。我很慶幸有我的內人侯幸君能以她在歐亞美近40年藝 術經紀、出版、文創、展覽經驗來運營我的藝術事業,使 我能自由創作堅持走學術路線。目前我們成立「財團法人 陳錦芳文化藝術基金會」 希望將來成立陳錦芳美術館, 並 希望有更多的資源做文化藝術活動,尤其是栽培後進及東 西文化交流。今年我會開始邀請有志一同畫家來畫台灣慶

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Deco C: 藝術的感受是直接的又是直覺的,印象派,尤其後期印 象派,特別梵谷的作品令我很感動,所以深受影響。但從 另一個角度來思考,它與東西文化交流有關,我們就生活 在東西文化交流的過程中而覺得特別親切。 因為從文化史來看,日本的浮世繪影響了西洋的印象派, 那是東方藝術對西洋繪畫的第一波影響,第二波影響是中 國的書法(及日本的書道)對二次大戰後西方抽象畫之抒 情抽象作品之影響,我在巴黎大學的博士論文就是以此為 研究對象,題目是「中國書法與當代繪畫」。在巴黎我學 習到自我獨立思考並以人類文化史的角度來思考問題。 我覺得西洋藝術自文藝復興奠定「古典」到拿破侖時代的 「新古典主義」歷經約 350年(約自1470年到1820年)雖 然有許多風格之變異,但本質不變,一直到1860年左右, 印象派興起後,本質大變並迎來藝術創作表現的另一高潮 而進入到「現代」,那是工業革命之後市民階級的湧現, 神話及宮殿貴族退潮迎來自由與民主的生活方式及時代精 典… .. ,同時我的團隊會用我的數千張作品來做文創。目

















卻只賣出一幅畫,其內心世界透過給他弟弟的600 多封信








E : Why are your works heavily influenced by Impressionism, especially by Vincent van Gogh? C: Post Impressionist works, especially those by Vincent van Gogh, inspired me the most. Looking at it from another angle, it is about the cultural exchange between West and East, and we live within this process of West-East cultural exchange. To me, van Gogh is the Sage of Painting. He truthfully gave one hundred percent of his life to art; he completed about 2000 paintings in ten years, but only sold one in his life. He experienced and expressed the greatness and mystery of the creation of universe through art, and it was a pursuit that led him near “God”.

代,除了「硬體」、「軟體」之外大家要培育及深耕「靈 體」( Soulware ),也就是人類集體進入「五次元進 化」之以「愛」為宗的「全球新文藝復興」的時代,所以 我要落葉歸根,回台灣,與大家共同建設台灣成為這新文 藝復興的搖籃。

E: You ’ ve contributed your lifetime promoting and cultivating Taiwanese culture and art, what’s the reason for you dedication? Have you ever considered giving up? C: I ’ ve always loved painting and literature; especially when I was in Paris between 1963 and 1975, I studied tirelessly and spent all my time on the two passions of mine. At the time, even though I was in Paris and New York, but the root of my art remained in Taiwan. I am very grateful that in my lifetime, I get to see my philosophy and works introduced by more than 300 textbooks and magazines in over 30 countries, I am especially thankful to see the school I founded included in the world art history textbook used in American colleges.


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E:除梵谷之外,還有任何您喜愛的藝術家嗎? C: 我喜愛的藝術家多著呢?馬蒂斯、魯奧、畢卡索、波蒂 澈麗、高更、夏嘉兒等,凡是在藝術上有特別表現而其風 格獨特而具美感者我都喜歡。藝術因不同藝術家的不同才 華而多元豐富,萬紫千紅,永垂不朽。

E:Other than van Gogh, are there any other artists you like? C: Lots of them! Henri Matisse, Georges Rouault, Pablo Picasso, Sandro Botticelli, Paul Gauguin,

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Deco Marc Chagall…as long as they have unique artistic expressions and their styles showcase special aesthetics, I like them.

1969年人類登陸月球時我得到啟示 :人類的文化生態已從 藝術」之個人化的極致。我認為物極必反,新時代該是時空



C: 我的「新意象派」是基於1969年我在巴黎建立的「五 次元世界文化觀」的藝術表現,它可概略為5點: 1.選取古今中外東、西方具象徵意義的「文化形象」(即 「意象」 icon )為視覺語彙。 2. 基於「時空合一」「境 況假設」之取態,做有機整合,轉化,創新,表現。3.技



被圖文並茂收編入美國大專用書的世界美術史"Arts and


Ideas"(W. Fleming著)裡,也被聯合國重視,頒獎並啟

「觀」「念」藝術。 5.回歸「人文主義」,倡導全球新文


「分」入「合」而抽象畫是「分」之文化生態下「為藝術而 合一,整合創新古今中外不同文化而關懷全人類的「為人類

在本質上與抽象畫相反而對立,成了全球化,地球村,電腦 普及的時代,人類一體,天下一家之「合」的文化生態之產 物,也將是 21世紀最重要及普及的藝術表現形式,具象而 引經據典,且關懷全人類。因此1993年我的「新意象派」








C: 創作讓我體會到生命的可貴。我們極其渺小,宇宙有幾












E:Every work of yours has a meaning behind it that seems to probe through life. What kind of realization has creative process brought you?

覆自己,勉強而造作,不能自由而即興地隨靈感起舞,並覺 得那已經是別人開墾了半世紀的園地,我該找自己的路。

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Deco C: Creating an artwork allows me to realize the value of life. We are very small; there are billions of planets in the universe, and Earth is just one of them, yet it fosters people with individual consciousness that are capable to create, experience “ the Creator ’ s ” creation, and include this experience into civilization. We should be thankful for this. Works by artists are the practice and process of self-manifestation and self-fulfillment, giving meaning to a short life. Tolstoy said, “life is short, art is eternal.” This is to encourage us to use the limited in pursuit of the unlimited.

E:您希望外人從您的作品得到什麼啟發? C: 除了美感之外該是文化觀之共鳴與傳播。藝術家的創作 透過經紀人的運作將其作品讓人觀賞、收藏,豐富其人文 生活並成為傳家寶。我的「五次元世界文化觀」也可以說 是一種文明進化論。我認為人類目前正邁入第五次元的進 化歷程,但很少人有此發覺跟看法。人類第一次元的進化 是發明及使用工具與文字符號而與動物分開,第二次元是 農耕文明的進化,第三次元是工業文明的進化,而從重工 業到高科技是第四次元的進化,而1969年邁入第五次元的 進化,即五洲四海的所有人邁入地球村,全球化之「天下 一家、人類和諧、世界和平」之進化。

E:「為什麼1969年?」 C: 因為人類自古以來有兩個共同的夢,第一個是遨遊太 空,「嫦娥奔月」的神話見諸於各系文化;第二個夢是桃 花源之天下太平,沒有戰爭之地上樂園的夢,而1969年人 類實現了第一個夢,現在該是手牽手打造第二個共同之夢 的時候,而台灣最適合來倡導這種進化論。

E:我瞭解了,這也就是您想落葉歸根,回來促成台灣成 為全人類以「愛」為宗之新文藝復興的搖籃之緣由!

C: 我認同貴刊這次專訪的題目:「用藝術改變世界」,並 願在此登出我2001年在紐約聯合國大廈裡受頒「全球寬容 獎」時向觀禮的350 位世界政要人士發表的部份答謝詞如 下: 【藝術能夠被用來改造世界,團結人類。聯合國已主動利

鼓勵的一種現象。這種意識在個人身上的甦醒確然的鋪向 一種基於友愛、和平與寬容的世界文化之拓殖。這樣一來 每位自覺的個人都可成為「聯合國之友」的潛在成員而可 參與聯合國改造世界,造福人類的偉大工作。 因此,本人深深感銘於有機會能奉獻自己,我的藝術以及 我的團隊(即陳錦芳文化館具經驗的團隊)為這崇高的目 標而效勞。我願意向Dr.Brown和「聯合國之友」的董事 會表示謝意,並向我滿佈世界各地的朋友之鼓勵和協助表 示感激。最後願向我的內人侯幸君,兒子德立和女兒玉立 表達我對他們的愛,熱烈支持以及犧牲的謝意。」】

E:This is also the reason why you are returning to your roots, coming back to build Taiwan into the new cradle of Renaissance that focused on “love” for all people! C: I agree with the theme of this interview — “changing the world with art”. I've been influenced by Asian, European, and American cultures, and I am very aware that a consciousness of a “ world citizen ” is growing within me. I also realize that it is a phenomenon that is gradually becoming common in our “Global Village” and should be encouraged. I am very thankful for this opportunity to contribute myself, my art, and my team. I would like to pay Dr. Brown and the “Friends of the United Nations ” my greatest gratitude. I also like to thank my friends from around the world for their encouragement and assistance. Last but not least, I’d like to express my love for my wife Lucia, my son Teh-Li, and daughter Yu-Ting, and thank them for their supports and sacrifices.

關於陳錦芳博士 台灣台南人,今年79歲,留法旅美慶典畫家,有「梵谷的傳人」之稱,2001 年獲頒聯合國之「全球寬容獎」,並榮任聯合國「寬容及和平文化大使」。 A native of Tainan, Taiwan, the 79 year-old world-renowned “EventCelebration” artist has studied in France and currently resides in the U.S.. Known as “Heir of Van Gogh”, Dr. Chen was awarded the “Global Tolerance Award” by the Friends of the United Nations, and was designated as “Cultural Ambassador of Tolerance and Peace” by

the UN in 2001.

用藝術、文化、宗教及精神領域來共同創造世界和平與和 諧。人類這種深具價值的領域能夠成為強有力的力量而與 政治、經濟、及軍事共同發揮效果。因為在今日高科技的 時代,除了「硬體」、「軟體」之外我們更應該培育「靈 體」( Soulware ),即愛與全球主義的新精神。我深深 相信德日進神父的前瞻預景,他說「愛是地球真正的靈 魂,而在原子的世紀之後,我們正進入一個愛的世紀」。 我慶幸我的「新意象派」,一種「為人類而藝術」的藝 術,能夠被用來面對這深具意義的挑戰。 我在台灣出生並受教育,之後在巴黎研究了12年。1975年 離開法國而於1983年成為美國公民。集亞、歐、美三洲之 影響於一身,我深覺一種「世界公民」的意識在我內心裡 滋長,而我發現它是我們這個「地球村」逐漸普遍並值得

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彩色國度 色彩是設計師永遠玩不膩的把戲, 也是妳表達時尚態度最直接的方式, 紅色是熱情,粉色是溫柔,中性是無暇的水藍色, 告別深沉的暗色,今年春夏,讓色彩上身。 執行 CARRIE B;PHOTO MAX WANG





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女孩們,放自己長期被高跟鞋虐待的 雙腳一個長假吧,因為低跟鞋 正式宣佈回歸時尚舞台! 執行 CARRIE B;PHOTO MAX WANG




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如何創造出完美時髦的妝容?我們為妳列下各品牌必備單品, 讓妳輕鬆掌握美妝動態與新品訊息。 Text 75015 Photography 各品牌提供


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人說準備工作總是 最重要的一環, 打造完美妝容也是, 要如何雕琢出無暇的臉蛋, 底妝產品可得留心選好。 1.Guerlain 幻彩流星蜜粉球 2.Dior 雪晶靈超防護乳


唇彩 都得感謝韓系妝容與全球




這幾季唇彩在美妝市場 的比重上有著不降反升的趨勢, 唇蜜與唇膏的質地上也作了 大幅的調整,不再厚重與黏膩, 不論妳心水哪一種,總能 找到最適合妳的唇上風光。 3.Bobbi Brown 漾彩唇膏筆 4.Shiseido 時尚色繪尚質瓷釉蜜唇彩 5.Jill Stuart 花舞戀唇膏 6.Lancôme 愛戀亮色翹唇蜜

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戀愛般的花瓣氣色、運動後 容光煥發的臉龐,也或許妳 只需要一盒頰彩陪伴; 假裝,是最高明的妝容。 Givenchy 九宮格唇頰彩盤 Clinique 花漾胭脂 Benefit 翹唇菲菲唇頰露


眼彩 都說了眼睛是最能傳遞情感 與訊息的部位,最愛琢磨眼妝的 亞洲女孩怎能錯過這 一抹一撇間的樂趣與成就感。 YSL 限量繽紛花語五色眼影盤


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GET REFRESHED 徐徐微風的春天,讓人心曠神怡,但美麗的表面下卻隱藏了危害肌膚的各種可能。 要呈現完美的妝容,保養要從一年之初開始。Text

NINA Photography 各品牌提供

SHISEIDO White Lucent Total Brightening Serum 美透白奇蹟淡斑精華 亮白精華結合資生堂的先進亮白科技,打造極致的亮白美肌。Shiseido 的獨家全新複合成分ProBright 4MRTM,以五個肌膚層狀況的最新研 究作為基礎,展現使肌膚整體亮白、無瑕與完美有光澤的綜合功效。 A brightening serum that combines Shiseido's advanced brightening technologies to achieve ultimately bright skin. Shiseido's exclusive new complex, ProBright 4MRTM, has been developed based on the latest research fo r the condition of the skin’s five layers, for a superior combined effect of overall brightening, flawless, and perfectly radiant skin.

CHRISTIAN DIOR Capture Totale Dreamskin 迪奧夢幻美肌萃迪 奧美妍中心根據肌膚光學作用原理,開發出獨特的「引光美肌複合 物」,能立即隱形毛孔、修飾暗沉及泛紅,煥發迷人光采,肌膚如同 以美肌程式修圖般立即細膩、膚色瞬間均勻明亮,純淨完美;來自迪 奧花園的「喚妍草複合物」與「山柚花精萃」能深入肌膚底層,深度 修護、緊緻肌膚並勻稱膚色。 A brightening serum that combines

Shiseido's advanced brightening technologies to achieve ultimately bright skin. Shiseido's exclusive new complex, ProBright 4MRTM, has been developed based on the latest research for the condition of the skin’s five layers, for a superior combined effect of overall brightening, flawless, and perfectly radiant skin.

LA MER THE LIFTING CONTOUR SERUM 塑顏緊 緻精萃 全新推出的塑顏緊緻精 萃,卓效提升輪廓,顯著煥變臉 部明晰曲線。品牌靈魂成分、蘊 含傳奇修護再生能量的濃縮精華 協同全新海洋提升酵素,有效促 進肌膚天然膠原蛋白生成,塑 造青春緊緻的明晰輪廓。 This

ARDEN Eight Hour Cream Nighttime Miracle Moisturizer 八小 時奇跡晚安潤澤 霜 輕盈的獨特 膠狀配方快速吸 收,讓肌膚長達 八小時深層補水 鎖水,呵護您的 乾燥肌。淡淡的 薰衣草芳香更讓 您精神舒緩,一 夜好眠。 早上

sculpting serum visibly elevates contours and transforms facial definition. The new seaborne Lifting Ferment helps to promote skin’s natural collagen production, creating the illusion of a slimmer, toned jaw line. Precious, cellrenewing Miracle Broth™ helps to visibly firm. A more refined silhouette emerges as more lifted features come into new focus.

醒來, 皮膚變得水嫩嫩又容光煥發。Let your dry, parched skin “drink in” the protective benefits of the legendary

skin protectant in a deeply moisturizing dream cream. The whisper-light formula is instantly absorbed, replenishing and sealing in moisture for up to 8 hours. Lavender essence gently lulls your senses. Awaken to supple, radiant and revitalized skin.


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LA MER THE LIFTING & FIRMING MASK 緊緻塑顏乳 霜面膜 媲美面霜的奢華質地, 賦予肌膚精華般的塑顏緊緻能 量,顯著提拉緊實輪廓、微塑 提升面部與頸部,讓全臉緊 緻年輕、有彈性,再現青春 光采。 This luxurious serum-

in-mask is a breakthrough in visible skin lifting and firming. Designed to tone and tighten the look of the face and neck as if from within, gibingwithin, giving a more resilient and smooth appearance.

ESTÉE LAUDER Micro Essence Skin Activating Treatment Lotion 微分子肌底原生露 保養權威雅詩蘭黛,推出革命性新改變-微分子肌 底原生露,專為亞洲女性特別研發出「微分子精準高滲透科技」,每 滴原生露都經過精密科學計算,高效滲透直達肌底,充分吻合亞洲膚 質的吸收力,層層喚醒肌膚原生力量,第一次使用就看得到不同!

Now activate the foundation of your most youthful-looking skin: Softer and smoother. Alive with incredible clarity and translucency. This next-generation essence lotion penetrates rapidly to renew, rehydrate and balance the look of your skin. Our exclusively formulated bio-ferment— a concentrated extraction infused with rich, vital micronutrients— helps skin activate its natural resistance to visible signs of aging. Skin looks younger and healthier, now and in the future.

CLARINS White Plus Total Luminescent Brightening Hydrating Emulsion 肌鏡光 美白清透隔離乳液SPF 20 內含突破性配方「透亮複合因子」的美白精華液,質感 細緻柔滑,帶給肌膚全天候的柔潤光澤。有效保濕、亮白肌膚,並全面抗防紫外 線及有害分子的侵襲。 A fine and hydrating milky emulsion powered by Trans-

Luminescent Complex® to promote fair and dewy skin, as well as radiance and well-being all day long. It moisturizes, brightens and protects the skin against harmful UV rays and free radicals

SKII SK-II Cellumination AURA Essence 超進化光感煥白精華 液 新科學發現, 增加細胞中的

""感光體""、""斷黑微粒"",便能 創造皮膚內在光蘊。SK-II獨家"" 光體能量複方"",新添加日本杏 精粹,配合PiteraTM,超越美 白界線,只要7天,肌膚就能層 層透出鑽白光蘊,由內而外散 發自然光澤。 Unveiling a New

Standard in Beauty: 7 days, New Aura soft radiance like a veil of light.New Aura Bright Cocktail contains Pitera and Extract of Ume Fruit to Increase Soft Radiance Factor and Aura Booster

CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE Brightening Serum Supreme 激光鑽白菁萃 後天的完美車 工只是基本,唯有肌膚之輪, 方能打造從原石就散發耀眼 光芒的鑽石美肌。創新運用 先進美白科技,深入研究肌膚 從表皮、基底膜、真皮與循 環,層層影響膚色的關鍵因素 給予對應,幫助揮別既有斑點 暗沉,讓肌膚細胞從誕生起 就綻現光采、透出紅潤好氣 色。 Driven by cutting edge

science, this revolutionary serum targets dark spots and dullness to deliver diamondlike clarity, even skin tone, and overflowing radiance that comes from within. Irrepressible beauty is born anew.

LANCÔME BLANC EXPERT SPOT ERASER MELANOLYSER 2014年,蘭蔻以全新『5X鐳 射光淨斑科技』,深入黑色素的生成根源,不僅有細胞生物機制-M.E.L.科技**刺激肌底細胞的 黑色素溶解,更有專利酵母萃取啟動24小時內高達2.5倍的溶解效能。全新的攔黑紅藻萃取, 攔截黑色素傳遞至角質細胞,同時加速溶解黑色素機制,阻斷黑色素的生成、減少未來斑點形 成的可能。另外,肌膚表面過多黑色素的角化細胞,也獲得有效代謝、膚質顯得更加細緻淨 白,新添加的白葵籽萃取,更促進了新生膠原蛋白,讓肌膚透亮不黯沉。

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性感不只是視覺上的刺激,用妳的味道觸動他靜止的心。 Text Ms.Boy Photography 各品牌提供


The scent of some perfumes is sweet, clear and soft while others are sophisticated and refined. Perfumes accentuate the femininity of women and represent the personalities and language of each person.


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1.CK RED HIM EDT 100ml 紅版男香淡香水 "ck one red edition for him is an aromatic, tonic woody that is vibrant, stimulating and undeniably sexy. Opening with succulent red pear, the freshness of the heart comes alive as black pepper and ginger blend together with the irresistible sexiness of wet suede. A sexy dry down wraps the fragrance in carnal sensuality as vetiver, tonka bean and musks collide. Fresh masculinity with an addictive edge. "ck one 紅版男香是一款活力木質香調,活力奔放、振奮人心,並散發無法抵擋的性 感氣息。以芬芳多汁的紅西洋梨香氣為前調,黑胡椒、生薑與讓人無法抗拒的性感 濕麂皮氣味融合成清新的中調,令人精神為之一振。香根草、零陵香豆及麝香的氣 息迸發出性感的餘韻,讓您沉浸於感官欲望的氛圍之中。 清新的陽剛氣息,引人上癮的韻味。 2.Guerlain LA PETITE ROBE NOIRE EAU DE VOYAGE SPRAY 小黑裙旅行版淡香水 (免稅獨家)75ml Chic and very seductive, Guerlain's best-selling fragrance La

Petite Robe Noire is now available in a Travel Retail Exclusive limited edition! This signature scent enhances and romances your body like a fresh and swirling floral lace, embroidered with sparkling fruity notes. Now distilled into an easy-tocarry spray that can accompany you on your travels. 嬌蘭最暢銷的小黑裙推出獨家旅行限量版。集合了所有嬌蘭的精華,似一股熠熠生 輝的微風,提煉成一個易於攜帶的噴霧,可以陪伴您旅行。 3.Givenchy "Reve D'escapade EDT 50ml 姿彩逍遙淡香水. 50ml "2014 Travel retail

exclusive fragrance, inspired by the artistic and feminine decoration from Haute Couture. A fruity top note from white peach, and followed by a floral and radiant heart note from Osmanthus. A delicate trail brings out by Musks to extend the notes. It brings her a feeling of freedom and escapade. 一款全新香氛,2014年免稅店獨家專賣,靈感源自高級訂製時裝、富藝術性與女性 美的裝飾。香氛的開端是充滿果香的白蜜桃,接著是來自桂花的明亮花卉中調,最 後是麝香作為細緻的基調。帶給她自由、逍遙的感覺。 4.GUCCI Gucci Guilty stud limited edition 90ml 罪愛限量版男性淡香水90ml "Gucci

has always loved rock and roll, just as rock and rock and roll has always loved Gucci. The brand takes its fragrant phenomenon, Gucci Guilty, and revels in

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its rock-star attitude. We know its leather-clad hero and heroine as reckless, audacious thrill-seekers - trailblazers who indulge in each and every passion. The ICONIC fragrance now appears in a striking, studded guise, its limitededition flacon adorned with 400 gun-metal studs per bottle; a must-have collector’s item for iconoclasts everywhere. The SCENT is the same fresh and contemporary scent of Gucci Guilty Pour Homme. It is built around the herbal freshness of Lavender, masculine sensuality of Orange Flower and the provocative note of Patchouli - the hallmark of all Gucci fragrances. The effect is both remarkable and uncompromisingly alluring. "Gucci 對全球音樂界及搖滾樂的影響,早源於品牌為多個國際巨星所創作的時尚 服飾,及其富華麗感的設計精神中感受到。時至今日,這強大的聯繫亦憑藉熱愛音 樂,同時收藏逾八千張黑膠唱片的Gucci 創作總監Frida Giannini 努力支持而得以 延續。Gucci 罪愛限量版男士香水則散發著誘惑及濃郁的馥奇香氣。熱情的粉紅胡 椒香氣為兩款香氛展開其動人樂章,最後以標誌性的廣藿香作其結尾的暗示。品牌 創作總監Frida Giannini 表示:「我熱愛著搖滾藝術,它亦是我恆久的創作靈感。 Gucci 罪愛Stud限量版淡香水系列就猶如搖滾樂精神的化身。 5.Bvlgari AQVA AMARA 海韵男性淡香氛100ml “A new precious gem from the sea” AQVA AMARA is a rich, Mediterranean, luminous and aquatic fragrance,

based on the nobility of water. A new AQVA signature enriched with noble essences and warmed with the solar aura of citrus.The luminosity of AQVA AMARA comes from the abundance and exceptional quality of its natural ingredients. This distinct water, tinged with a true naturalness and density, is a very original, bold creation, a fragrant imprint on skin, dedicated to men but appealing as well to women. 海韵男性淡香氛是一款明亮、豐裕的海洋香氛,靈感源自充滿礦物質銅的珍貴水 源。淡香氛充滿極致珍貴香料,同時散發出清爽橘香。海韵男性淡香氛充滿明亮氣 息,品質優越,含有來自地中海的天然成份。淡香氛帶有大自然氣息,獨特、前衛 的香調,給予舒適感,在肌膚上留下獨特的香味印記。清爽而明亮的香調除了深受 男士歡迎外,亦吸引很多女士喜愛。

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6.Repetto EDT Valentine's Day Limited Edition 麗派朵女士淡香水情人節限量 版 50ml "Enter the dance for Valentine's day with a romantic Limited Edition.

The bottle puts on a new stage costume under a rain of stars and glitter.Act I: The ballerina appears on stage with a sparkling burst of Pear and Cherry Blossom. "隨著一款浪漫的限量版香水進入情人節的舞蹈世界,香水瓶化身芭蕾舞者,穿上 新的舞台服裝,在灑滿閃光和雨點之中翩翩起舞。

7.Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh Delight 甜美版清新小雛菊淡香水 75ml "A lush and fruity floral, daisy eau so fresh delight edition puts a twist on the original with an enticing rush of blood orange flourished with exotic Tiare Tahiti, mingles with the sweetness of raspberry. Velvety apricot leaves a lingering impression. Delightful and charming. Vibrant and spirited. "甜美版清新小雛菊香水是一款甜美的花果香調,煥發迷人的血橙果香,接著由充 滿異國情調的大溪地提亞蕾花顛倒眾生,並與甜美的覆盆子相互交纏。最後,馥 郁的杏桃餘香持久縈繞不散。 8.Nina Ricci La Tentation de Nina 蘋果咬一口女性淡香水50ml La Tentation de

Nina is a fresh, floral, fruity Eau de Toilette, which is utterly addictive. This highly sought-after limited edition, is a macaron-like fragrance; or a perfumelike macaron. It opens a new chapter in the Nina fairy tale, Nina finally succumbs to temptation." 蘋果咬一口女性淡香水充滿了新鮮的果香、芬芳的花香令人無法自拔。Nina Ricci 搭上法式甜點馬卡龍的熱潮,推出香氛界限量版的馬卡龍香水-蘋果咬一口女性淡 香水,正誘惑著Nina咬下一口蘋果,童話故事的另一個篇章即將重新開啟。

9.Banana Republic Wildbloom Rouge 盛放時芬嫣花女性淡香精 100ml "Inspired by the romance of a painted sky while the sun sets on the ocean's horizon, Wildbloom Rouge embodies a youthful spirit with a sensual spark for the stylish woman. Composed of sensual flowers, lush fruits and warming amber, Wildbloom Rouge is a composition of alluring sophistication that plays in the heat of the night." 此款香水靈感取自於日落時夕陽陽光灑落,天空和海平面連成一線,充滿浪漫粉 紅色和橘色的天空,展現出女人充滿感性和瀟灑自我的風情!香味由濃郁的水果 香,調合完美的花香,並運用充滿溫暖的琥珀展現女人的魅力,打造出女人完美 獨一無二的特質,像是夜晚閃耀炙熱的火花。 10.Ferragamo Signorina Eleganza 50ml 菲拉格慕典雅伊人女性香精 Teasing

juicy grapefruit and pear infused with elegant osmanthus with an addictive delicate sweetness of almond powder. A rich and velvety olfactory creation that celebrates the most refined and gracefully seducing facet of femininity. The cheekiness of Signorina, the glamour of Ferragamo. 菲拉格慕典雅伊人女性香精注入了柚子和梨子混和的香調,再加入清香的桂花及 甜蜜的杏仁粉末,散發出優雅脫俗的氣質。這支由豐富香調和超脫品味組成的香 精,展現了現代女性最迷人和最性感的女人味。菲拉格慕典雅伊人女性香精,象 徵了菲拉格慕獨有的魅力及女性的自信美。

11.Burberry Brit Rhythm Women EDT 90ml "The connection of sound and scent.. An irreverent attitude thanks to a truly feminine interpretation of a British lavender. 體現狂放不羈的自由靈魂,Brit Rhythm 女用香水完美結合女性風情與搖滾精神。


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墾丁系列 Kenting Collection

遠處是藍幽幽的天,頂級藍玉髓鑲嵌著海天一色,中間閃動著一片海洋,藍寶石、鑽石交織,流 洩燦燦水光,像個美麗的銀夢,充滿盎然詩意。

Blue sky in the far backdrop, premium blue chalcedony paints a picture of sky becoming one with ocean; in the middle, the ocean woven by sapphires and diamonds glitters with beautiful light, just like a silver dream that is full of poetic beauty.


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油桐花系列 Tung Flower Collection

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油桐花以鏤空線條勾勒造型,鑲嵌亮鑽的花瓣閃耀晶瑩光芒,以優美的飄落之姿,灑落覆蓋 在圓轉生輝的紅珊瑚珠上,為春天留下美麗記憶。

Tung flowers are outlined through openwork, with glittering diamonds embedded to give the petals radiance. Elegantly, the petals fall on top of the red coral bead, leaving behind a piece of charming memory of spring.

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蘭花系列 Orchid Collection

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蝴蝶蘭,孕生謬思的花朵,啟發出美好的創意靈感,花瓣宛如蝶翼輕盈多姿。紅珊瑚鑲嵌鑽石, 採擷絢爛的光芒,生動展現蘭花優雅表情。

Moth orchid, the flower that inspires, ignites wonderful and creative ideas. The petals of moth orchid are light and thin like the wings of butterfly. Red coral inlayed with diamonds, the glittering light fully showcases the elegance of orchids.

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台灣藍鵲系列 Formosa Blue Magpie Collection

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白K曲線抽象勾勒藍鵲造型,紅嘴藍羽化為紅寶與藍寶鑲飾,翡翠盈綠,盎然呈現青山的嫵 媚,台灣藍鵲凌空降下山林,光彩流轉,令人驚豔。

White gold abstractly outlines the Formosa Blue Magpie; the red beak and blue feathers are represented by the embedded ruby and sapphires; jade illustrates the beauty of green mountain. Depicting a blue magpie landing on the green mountain, the piece shines and mesmerizes.

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SIHH 2014 品牌全新力作



This year’s SIHH has once again attracted all the spotlights; who launches what has become the only buzz in the crowd. So what exactly can we find at SIHH this year? Just read on. 今年SIHH萬眾矚目,什麼牌子出了 什麼新玩意,成了參展人潮口中惟一的 通關秘語,今年又有什麼好貨端上桌? 請看下列報導。 TEXT



卡地亞年年都精彩,處處有新意,今年卡地亞帶來的Rotonde de Cartier Astrocalendaire天體運轉式萬年曆腕錶是品牌重頭戲之一;過去萬年 曆腕錶因為換日,大多不建議在午夜跳日前後進行調校,Astrocalendaire則解決了這項問題,同時也一併解決了萬年曆調校日期只能往前不能往 後的規定,可雙向調校前後日期,加上解決過往上鏈發條斷裂的風險。而Astrocalendaire腕錶的驚人之處還不僅於此,過往的萬年曆視窗大多採 用分散式設計,卡地亞將其日期資訊悉數整合於6點鐘的圓盤形視窗,中央則為一浮動式陀飛輪。圓盤由外而內分別為日期、月份與星期,年份 則以錶背的閏年指示顯示。

Cartier brings excitement and innovation every year. This year, Cartier presents Rotonde de Cartier Astrocalendaire. The perpetual astro calendar wristwatch is one of the brand’s main features this year. In the past, setting perpetual calendar watches are not recommended to be done right before or after the day change; however, Astrocalendaire solves this problem, and at the same time allows the perpetual calendar to be set in both directions, which reduces the risk of chain breakage. There are more amazing things about Astrocalendaire; in the past, perpetual calendar indicators were often separated, but Cartier has put them all together in one circular display at the six o’clock position. There is a tourbillon volant at the center. The rings, from the innermost to the outermost, displays day of week, month, and day respectively, and the leap year indicator is on the back of the watch.


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Audemars Piguet

愛彼皇家橡樹系列一直是鐘錶界的經典傳奇。辨識度極高的八角形錶圈、外露的 六角形螺絲設計,無一不是時代經典。而今年的愛彼則推出了全新皇家橡樹概念 GMT陀飛輪腕錶,外觀依舊沿襲了過往著名的八角形錶圈,但錶殼線條略為圓 滑,錶殼採用鈦金屬製成,並改成全白色系設計。中央橋板、錶圈、錶冠與按鈕都 使用白色陶瓷材質,鏤空錶盤同時顯示本地時間、第二地時間、陀飛輪裝置,3點 鐘的第二地時間下方則以黑白兩色轉盤辨別日夜顯示時間。4點鐘按鈕為調校第二 地時間使用,可進行快速調校時間;6點鐘方向則為錶冠操控模式選擇顯示。 Audemars Piguet’s Royal Oak has been a legend in the world of Horologe. Classic octagonal bezel, exposing screws…every aspect of it is a true

testament to its time. This year, Audemars Piguet launches the new Royal Oak Concept GMT Tourbillon, which preserves the octagonal design from the past, but features smoother lines. The case is made of Titanium, and the watch design color is changed to white. The upper bridge, bezel, crown, and push buttons are made of white ceramic. The openwork dial displays dual time and tourbillon; at the 3 o’clock position, under dual time display, black and white discs are used to distinguish day and night. The pushbutton at 4 o’clock position is for speedy setting of the time for second time-zone indicator, simply push the button to set time; at 6 o’clock display shows the function selector of crown.


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海洋絕對是今年IWC的重頭戲。腕錶師承上一代的海洋時計Aquatimer,造形演化更為出色,操作性變的更加簡潔。腕錶與過往前代 最大的不同在於它改量了深度顯示計與旋轉外圈機制。深度顯示裝置是以紅藍兩根指針分別顯示最大下潛深度(最深50米)與當前潛 水深度;而旋轉錶圈則改良為內外旋轉錶圈,透過旋轉錶冠帶動內圈單向旋轉,同時設計一組進水孔方便佩戴者上岸後沖洗掉錶冠內 的雜質,腕錶同時具有雙色夜光顯示,潛水時間相關為綠色,小時顯示則為藍色。 Ocean is definitely IWC’s theme this year. Following the footsteps of the previous Aquatimer, the new evolved design is even

more impressive, and the operation becomes simpler. Compared to the previous generation, the biggest differences of the new wristwatch are the depth scale and external rotating bezel. The depth scale features red and blue markers to indicate maximum depth of a dive (50 meters) and the blue indicates the current depth. The rotating bezel is turned into external and internal bezels; by rotating the crown, the internal bezel is rotated in single direction. Also, a set of holes are designed for water to drain and wash off impurities in the crown when wearer reaches the shore. The watch also comes with dual-tone luminescent hands, where green indicates time related to dive and blue shows time.

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尼克拉斯.凱世(Nicolas Rieussec)是計時領域裡第一位發明計時技術的製錶工匠,他以固定的指針與兩個不等速的圓盤 (秒及分鐘盤)分別紀錄馬匹的賽事時程,就是這個裝置促成了製錶工藝裡最早的計時器概念發明。萬寶龍以此為本發明的 Nicolas Rieussec系列計時腕錶就可以看到這款歷史裝置的靈魂。而今年新改款的作品在某些地方也做了更動,例如12點的 偏心錶盤顯示家鄉地與目的地的時間,而錶盤上看似只有分鐘刻度,其實移至無光處,便可見夜光時標閃耀於錶盤上,9點 鐘方向為第二地日夜顯示,3點鐘則為日期視窗。

Nicolas Rieussec was the first watchmaker to invent chronographs; using stationary hands and two rotating discs of different speeds (second and minute), he kept times for horseraces. This device was what inspired the invention of chronographs in watchmaking history. The Nicolas Rieussec series by Montblanc marks the occasion and showcases the spirit and soul of this historic invention. The new generation launched this year sees some adjustments at places, such as the off-center dial at 12 o’clock position that shows dual times; the dial seems to show only the minute scale, but when moved away from light, the luminescent hour scale glitters on the dial. The day/ night indicator for the second location is at 9 o’clock position, and the date display at 3 o’clock.

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「薄,還要更薄」,這句話應該 是Piaget今年的座右銘,伯爵今 年將重點心力都放在全新推出的 超薄腕錶Altiplano 900P,腕錶 顛覆過往製作超薄機芯的概念, 直接將後底蓋與機芯結合,創造 出纖薄無比的手上鏈機械腕錶。 而這款錶最吸引人的地方,則在 於它獨特的設計美感。因為要規 避掉機芯底部的設計(已經與錶 殼合而為一),所以所有元件的 排列都於過往不同;而為了更為 節省空間,製錶大師將機芯輪系 往下挪,並將面盤置於 10 點鐘 位置,並以內嵌式設計面盤,為 Altiplano 900P製作出更薄的身 形。 “Thin, and thinner,” this is


the motto Piaget lives with this year. The focus of Piaget this year is on the newly launched ultra-thin Altiplano 900P. The watch overthrows the concepts of making ultra-thin movement in the past, and simply combines the case back with the movement, creating an ultra-thin handwound mechanical watch. The most attractive part of the watch is the unique beauty of its design. Since the bottom of the movement has become one with the case, the design needs to be changed. The arrangement of all the components are different than before. In order to save more room, master watchmaker has moved the gear train down to the 10 o ’ clock position of the dial. The dial features an embedded design to make Altiplano 900P even thinner.

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Baume & Mercier

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汲取過往歷史靈感,名士錶今年推出不少讓人喜愛的作品,今年 的 Clifton Chronograph 計時腕錶算是實用度與話題性很均衡 的作品。腕錶設計靈感來自於品牌 1940-50 年代所生產的計時碼 錶,但全新的計時面盤捨棄掉過去的複雜度,以更簡潔的面盤取 代,9 點鐘方向為小秒盤,12 點鐘方向為計分盤,6 點鐘方向則 為計時盤。 The first chronograph in the Clifton collection features a beautiful, well proportioned dial including day and date windows, all in a 43mm case with a combination of satin and polished surfaces. The dial features a satin finish and either blued steel or gold-colored hands, with matching Arabic numerals and indices which have a very elegant shape to them. Baume & Mercier designers instead found a much more elegant approach eliminating the “12 and “6 numerals and the 3 and 9 indices, giving the dial clean look despite it being a chronograph.

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Watch 而向來充滿年輕活力的Fossil, 今年的 Giorgia 系列也推出不 少相當具有年輕活力的腕錶, 今年新推的新色是粉嫩綠與 橘紅為強打主色,強調塑造 個人特色,十分受到市場關 注。 Fossil is always full of

youthful energy. This year, the Giorgia series also launches a number of young and robust wristwatches . The year's new featured colors are spring green and citrus red, which emphasize the building of personal style, have already caught the attention of the industry.


MARC BY MARC JACBOS 有時候,設計師的個人特色會反映在這個品牌的作品裡,Marc by Marc Jacobs 的腕錶作品就有這種強烈特色。腕錶大膽反映出設計師本人強烈的童玩之心,不管 你是時尚跟風者還是鐘錶玩家,今年春夏都應該入手一只。Designer's personal

traits are sometimes reflected in the products of the brand; this strong characteristic can be seen in the wristwatches by Marc by Marc Jacobs. The watch boldly reflects the designer's playful heart, and regardless of who you are, a trend follower or a true collector of timepieces, this is the item that everyone should have for this spring and summer.

CANDY WATCHE 彩色腕表新主張 068

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知名服裝品牌Michael Kors今年的腕錶作品,也可以見 到服裝秀上的強烈設計風格。湖水藍與大地棕等色系是 今年highlight的主色調,用來搭配腕錶不僅時髦,更能挑 起大眾的購物慾望。Renowned clothing brand Michael

向來強調自我主義的Baby-G系列,這次又有讓人驚喜的新作 啦!全新的Baby-G以螢光色系最為賣點主打,黑色與粉紅色 都有螢光設計,而最炫的黑色除了背動式螢光指示外,還多加 了螢光照明功能,可說是街頭潮女們必備的特色錶款之一。An

Kors' strong style on the runway can also be seen in the brand’s watches this year. Spring stream and earthy brown shades are the highlights of the year, and when used in wristwatches, the colors further trigger consumers’ urge to buy.

advocate of being yourself, Baby-G launches yet another eye-opening new watch! The brand new Baby-G features neon colors, and the black and pink models both come with fluorescent light. The amazing black version is equipped with fluorescent light in addition to luminous hands and index, making it the “it” item for all the trendy girls.



SWATCH 對 Swatch 來說,甜點的回憶最叫人難忘,於是今 年他們把人們對甜點的回憶置入腕錶上,以各式糖 果與糕點喚醒大家的童年回憶;而色彩繽紛的糖果 色調,也是十分好搭配的配件風格。For Swatch,

memories of desserts are something people can never forget. Therefore, this year Swatch injects people's memory of desserts into wristwatches, recalling our childhood memory of sweets through all kinds of candies and pastries. The bright and colorful candy colors give the timepiece a great style that goes with everything.

2013年紅透半邊天的app《Candy Crush Saga》可說是智慧型手機常勝軍, 好像不玩Candy Crush就落伍了。事實上,也因為Candy Crush的風潮,腕錶市場也掀起了 一股”糖果熱潮”。你或許破不了最後一關,但你絕對可以買個Candy感腕錶來過過乾癮。

“Candy Crush Saga”, the most talked-about gaming app of 2013 has been wildly popular on all smartphone platforms; it seems that you are outdated if you do not play Candy Crush. Actually, because of the wild popularity of Candy Crush, the wristwatch market is also seeing a surging “Candy Trend”.You may not be able to clear the last level, but you can definitely find comfort in buying a Candy wristwatch. Text Edward Images Courtesy of 各品牌

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環宇商務中心 盡享尊貴服務 在新加坡、大陸或是歐美大城市行之有年的禮遇通關服務,現在 也出現於台灣桃園國際機場。提供總統等級的出入境禮遇通關服 務,環宇商務中心希望提供所有來往旅客一次完美的經驗。

Speedy customs clearance, which is already a common service in Singapore, Mainland China, and major cities around the world, is now available at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport too. Combined with five-star private spaces and premium services, Huan Yu VIP Terminal hopes to bring all arriving and departing passengers a perfect experience.

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成立至今已兩年以上的環宇商務中心,坐落於桃園機 場。董事長王華宇憑著在航空業界將近40年的資歷,對 於旅行、對於顧客服務,他有著深厚的經驗與見解。當 初催生的央行總裁彭淮南,因為某次到訪斯里蘭卡看到 當地機場的禮賓服務印象深刻,回國後,他與當時任職 交通部長的毛治國討論之後,找上了王華宇所領導的團 隊,在多年的縝密規劃與不斷修改,台灣第一座、具國 際化規格與思維的商務中心終於成立。

Established just over two years ago, Huan Yu VIP Terminal is located in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. With over forty years of experience in the airline industry, President Harris H.Y. Wang has vast knowledge and insights when it comes to traveling and customer services. Governor Perng Fai-Nan of the Central Bank of the Republic of China was the one that prompted the establishment of Huan Yu VIP Terminal, as he was impressed by the premium VIP services at a Sri Lankan airport; upon his return, Governor Perng discussed with Mao Chi-Kuo, the then Minister of Transportation and Communications, about the subject and approached the professional team led by President Wang. After years of careful planning and repeated modifications, Taiwan’s very first airport business center that provides international-standard facilities and services was finally founded.

尊貴貼心服務 相對於國外的貴賓室,環宇商務中心走的是精緻、隱 私、尊榮的路線,雖然有越來越多的航空公司貴賓 室,大幅翻新硬體或是提供更多樣的餐飲服務,但對 於注重隱私的尊客來說,這都只是必備的服務之一。 環宇商務中心訴求貼身服務,採事先預約的空間,確

spaces and started providing wider selections of foods and drinks, but for those VIPs that value prestige and privacy, these are just mere basics. Huan Yu VIP Terminal offers one-onone services, and is available for reservation only. At Huan Yu, we strive to ensure the quality of our services and guarantee the VIPs private space and personal time. The very moment they step into Huan Yu VIP Terminal, they begin to enjoy our “ customers first” services.

細節至上 環宇商務中心內有數間VIP包廂、多功能會議室、健 身房與淋浴間,另外,精緻的Lounge Bar更有高規 格的媲美五星級廚師團隊幫你現做、可依個人口味調 整的中西鮮美熱食,結合台灣在地特色美食、獨家調 酒也會不定期地更新,希望給客人意料之外的驚喜, 而這些服務,都是免費的。除此之外,商務中心也提 供轎車接送、按摩、郵寄等額外付費的服務, 讓工 作繁忙的你無需操勞。

It's All about Detail Huan Yu VIP Terminal features a number of VIP rooms of different sizes, multifunctional convention hall, fitness and entertainment center, shower and bathroom, and lounge bar, offering a wide range of services. Also, a team of five-star chefs is available to serve a wide selection of foods made upon order that suit to every customer's personal taste. Moreover, the business center offers additional paid services including pick-up to/from the airport, SPA, mailing, and maymore, ensuring a carefree time for busy business travellers.

保服務品質,也讓貴賓擁有各自的獨立休憩空間,盡 力滿足每位賓客的需求,貼心提供客製化服務,「以 客為尊」從抵達環宇商務中心之後才算真正的開始。 而這種細緻的服務,也讓環宇成為第五十屆金馬獎指 定合作單位,負責接待上百位來自世界各地的巨星與 導演,提供這些國際貴客賓至如歸的服務,讓包括李 安、郭富城、梁朝偉等知名電影人都給予環宇相當正 面的肯定。

The Most Prestigious Service Unlike VIP lounges in other cities around the world, Huan Yu VIP Terminal provides exquisite and personalized services. More and more airline VIP lounges have renovated the

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享受真正的尊榮 準備出行的旅客,可以在環宇商務中心盡情的享受, 因為從這兒到登機口只要一會功夫。貴賓抵達環宇商 務中心管制區之後,將協助辦理登機報到、一關四檢 (海關、移民署、證照查驗及安全、防疫檢查)手 續,除了專屬VIP包廂,更有專車接送至登機口,一 路上貴賓享有專屬的禮賓秘書隨行接待, 享受猶如 總統般的待遇。如果是距離登機口短距離,你可以搭 乘電動車,若距離較遠,別擔心,禮賓車已經為你備 妥,再經由機坪,你便可快速完成登機。至於返國的 貴賓同樣可以享受到環宇商務中心的尊貴服務,例如 特別趕時間的旅客,環宇商務中心一接收到你的預 約,會事先做好必要的協調與安排,從通關到環宇中 心管制區可能只要花你六分鐘。就某個層面來看,環 宇中心跳脫了傳統機場貴賓室的框架,提供頂級的客 製化服務,但另一方面,它更象徵了台灣與國際的無 縫接軌。當全球各大城市、特別是亞洲新興城市,紛 紛砸錢整建或興建更大的機場,同時朝航空城與航 運中心的方向前進,新近陸續完工的桃園機場整建工 程和環宇商務中心的出現,不僅讓國門的門面更好 看了,也讓更多國人對這個寶島有了更大的期待與希 望。

Enjoy the True Prestige Travelling VIPs can enjoy the services at Huan Yu VIP Terminal until the very last moment, for it only takes a short time to board the flight from the center. An executive secretary will accompany and expedite the VIPs once they arrive at the restricted area of the business center via limousine, assist them through check-in and CIQS (customs, immigration, quarantine, security), and lead them to the VIP room and boarding gate, making sure that everything is perfect for their departure. If the gate is a short distance away, the VIP passengers will board an electric cart; if the gate is further away from the center, no worries, a sedan will be ready to take the passengers to the gate through aprons for

quick boarding. As for arriving VIPs, they will also enjoy the same prestigious services by Huan Yu. For example, when a customer is running a tight schedule, Huan Yu will notify the Aviation Police in advance upon learning his or her needs for special arrangements, and it will only take the customer as little as six minutes to clear the customs and arrive at the business center’s restricted area. In a way, Huan Yu VIP Terminal has broken the existing framework of a traditional airport VIP lounge, providing top tier customized services; on the other hand, the business center shows that Taiwan is on par with other world-class cities. When major cities around the world, especially the emerging ones in Asia, are all spending big moneys to renovate and expand airports, and simultaneously developing air cities or transportation hubs, the recently convened renovation at Taoyuan International Airport and the founding of Huan Yu VIP Terminal not only beautify the gateway of our country, but also give our people greater expectations and hopes for this treasure island! 頂級出境通關 EXPRESS PROCESS UPON DEPARTURE ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽

迎接貴賓 Warm Greeting 航空公司報到 Check-in Service 一關四檢一次完成 All Travel Formalities Completed In One Go 海關、移民署、證照查驗及安全、防疫檢查 客製化尊榮服務 Customized Premium Services 專人專車恭送登機 Send Guests Off


機門迎賓 Greeting at the Landing Gate 行李領取 Baggage Claim 貼心精緻服務 Exclusive VIP Services 海關、檢疫、移民署流程一次完成

Customs, Quarantine, Immigration All Taken Care at Once ▽ 恭送貴賓並代為安排各項服務 See off and Arrange Various Services

Tel: 0800-268-999 / (886)3-393-2525#200 Fax: (886)3-393-1211

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Tired of all the rules and dullness of star-rated hotels, we decided to go to the rural parts and visit some hostels located in different corners of Taiwan. Although they are not accredited by the Tourism Bureau, nor do they have glamorous halls and restaurants, but the sceneries we saw and the services we received would definitely win the hospitable hosts many stars. 厭倦了星級飯店的規矩與無趣,這一次我們決定走入鄉間造訪多個位處台灣 不同角落的民宿。雖然少了觀光局的背書,雖然沒有華麗的大廳與餐廳, 但我們眼見的景緻與體驗的服務絕對可送些星星給各位用心的主人。 TEXT KENNETH WONG PHOTO 各單位提供


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阿德南斯行館 擁有海洋公園、鯉魚潭、立川漁場等多個迷人景觀的 花蓮壽豐鄉,自然也有一定數量的民宿,而其中最吸 引我們的是位處壽豐山腳下的「阿德南斯行館」。 主人 Peter 從「葛莉絲莊園」民宿的成功取得經驗, 移植到這一間定位與定價都更高的渡假空間。以水岸 景觀為概念,入住旅客除了可以享用一泊四食之外, 還可以享受天然香草蒸氣三溫暖或是在超大的山泉景 觀浴池中盡情地泡澡,除此之外,眼睛所見到的「綠 色」才是這趟旅程最大的價值所在。大面積的澳洲茶 樹、落羽松和尤加利樹,與遠方中央山脈層層交疊, 綠意盎然的草地旁有著寧靜的湖面,水上的蓮花風搖 曳,Peter 精心營造的寧靜優雅氛圍讓人有置身世外 桃源的感覺,如果到不了峇里島 「阿德南斯行館」 是ㄧ個不錯的選擇。

Ardennes Villa

Shoufeng Township in Hualien County has many beautiful scenic sites, such as the Farglory Ocean Park, Carp Lake, and Lichuan Fish

Farm, and of course, there are quite a number of hostels. The one that impressed us the most is Ardennes Villa at the foot of Shoufeng Mountain. Host Peter has transplanted his successful experience from “Grace Garden” hostel to the more high-end space here at Ardennes Villa. Using waterfront landscape as the main concept, guests here not only get to stay one night and enjoy four meals, they can also pamper themselves with herbal sauna and spa services, or bath in the super-sized hot spring pool surrounded by wonderful landscape. On top of these, the most valuable reward of this trip is the “greeneries” in front of our eyes. Large areas of Australian tea tree, bald cypress, and eucalyptus are interwoven with the Central Mountain Range far in the backdrop, and the green lawn is right beside the tranquil lake, where lotus flowers dance on the surface. Peter aims to create a calm and elegant ambience so that guests feel as if they are in paradise. If you can’t make it to Bali, Ardennes Villa is one heck of an alternative. 地址:花蓮壽豐鄉豐山村魚塘路 40 號 電話:09333-121-662

Address: No. 40, Yutang Rd., Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County Contact Number: 0933-121-662

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自然捲 有著幾何線條外觀的「自然捲」 僅有五個房間, 腹地不小的它,走的是溫暖的北歐風格。男主人 大捲與女主人小捲在台北工作多年之後,思考着 是否要轉換人生跑道,恰巧大捲宜蘭的家正好有 塊閒置的農地,經過慎重考慮與評估之後,這對 夫妻決定返鄉開起民宿。整個空間交由李育奇設 計師負責,五個房間剛好以北歐五國命名,以不 同顏色為基調,在簡約的線條之下做出符合旅客 使用需求的設計,ㄧ個小巧、精緻、溫暖的民宿 就此誕生。想暫時脫離繁忙台北都會的人,「自 然捲」是ㄧ個便捷的出口。

Nature House

Featuring geometric lines on the façade, Nature House is a hostel with five guest rooms. The hostel covers a relatively large piece of land, and has a warm Scandinavian style. After working in Taipei for many years, host Large Curl and wife Small Curl thought about changing career path; at the time, Large Curl ’ s family in Yilan happened to have an unused farmland, so after careful considerations and assessment, the couple decided to return home to open a hostel. Architect Lee Yu-Chi designed the space, and the five rooms are named after the five Scandinavian countries. Using different colors as themes, the design features simple lines and meets all the needs of guests, creating a compact, delicate, and warm hostel. For urban dwellers that want to escape the busy life in Taipei, “Nature House” is one convenient exit. 地址:宜蘭縣冬山鄉水井ㄧ路 250 巷 12 號 電話:0956-169-558

Address: No. 12, Alley 250, Shuijing 1st Rd., Dongshan Township, Yilan County Contact Number: 0956-169-558


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爵士小管 「爵士」這個名字清楚的告訴我們主人與音樂之間的關 係。主人 Albert 自國中時代便開始接觸黑膠唱片,一路 下來所收藏的唱片數量早已足夠開幾間唱片行,而其中的 8000 張黑膠,現在都收藏於這間位於台東鹿野鄉的「爵 士小管」。 喜歡音樂的人,通常也喜歡將音樂推薦給其他朋友。從走 入大廳,一大片的牆面擺滿了經典的爵士唱片封套,而 房 間 更 是 以 John Coltrane、Ella Fitzgerald、Louis Armstrong、Billie Holiday 等已故爵士巨星命名。寬 敞的空間中,設備應有盡有,真空管與喇叭更是經過 Albert 特別挑選,看得出主人非常想要與人分享好音樂的 心情。除了悅耳的 Jazz 音符,民宿正對面的一萬五千坪 草原是另一大享受,一樓偌大的落地窗很慷慨的引進戶外 光線,窗外的迷人景緻與室內的光影變化形成一種很奇特 的對比。喝上ㄧ杯咖啡,放上最愛的 Ella Fitzgerald 歌 曲,人生這樣就滿足了。

Vinyl Jazz

The word “Jazz” clearly tells us the bond between our host and music. Albert, the owner of the place, first started collecting vinyl records in junior high school. Over the years, he has collected enough records for him to open a few record stores. The 8,000 vinyl records in his collection are now all stored here at “Vinyl Jazz” in Luye Township, Taitung. People who are fond of music usually love to recommend the music to friends. The moment we stepped into the room, we saw a large wall full of covers of jazz records; the rooms of the hostel are named after deceased jazz superstars, including John Coltrane, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, and Billie Holiday. The spacious hostel is fully equipped with sound system; the vacuum tubes and speakers are specially picked by Albert, which shows the host’s intention to share great music. In addition to wonderful jazz music, the 50,000 square-meter lawn in front of the hostel is another great treat for the guests. The

large French windows on the first floor generously let in light from the outside, and the beautiful views outside the windows and the changes of shadows within create a unique contrast. Have a cup of coffee and play one of your favorite songs by Ella Fitzgerald; there is nothing more in life you can ask for. 地址:台東縣鹿野鄉龍田村龍六路 150 號 電話:089-550949

Address: No. 150, Longliu Rd., Longtian Village, Luye Township, Taitung. Contact Number: 089-550949


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What gift to give for the coming holidays?Ever Rich introduces two creative gift boxes that are the best choices for holiday gifts! 接二連三的佳節應該送什麼好?昇恆昌兩大創意禮盒,是您年節送禮的上上之選! Arrange & Text

Stoney Photography



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THE EATABLE ART 藝術可以欣賞,也可以擁有,甚至還可以「吃」進你的胃裡。 在昇恆昌團隊與台灣藝術家楊莉莉的精心設計與研發下,高 貴的藝術品變得越來越容易「消化」了。 享譽國際的青花瓷藝術大師楊莉莉,擅長以民間剪紙藝術為 藍圖,風格流暢而獨特,她不僅曾受邀設計總統府國宴餐 具,多項作品更踏入台北鶯歌陶瓷博物館之殿堂。 由昇恆昌與與楊莉莉共同設計開發的「綵球獅旺福禮盒」, 以一尊可愛的胖娃娃與綵球獅為主視覺,再以喜氣、貴氣交 織的紅色和金色加以包裝,呈現熱鬧歡喜的年節氛圍。打開 禮盒,您會看見精緻的綵球獅茶罐、鳳芒酥和烏龍茶葉組置 於在其中,充滿強烈的視覺感! 「綵球獅茶罐」以簡約純淨的白瓷製成,不僅能當作茶罐, 也可作為茶杯使用,完美呈現茶湯的自然色澤;「鳳芒酥」 外酥內軟、風味濃郁不甜膩,是一種幸福的滋味;台灣茗茶 代表「凍頂烏龍茶」採獨特布巾揉製烘焙,因此茶湯橙黃、 內斂沉穩;而產自高海拔 1600 公尺的「阿里山高山烏龍 茶」,則是清新味美、喉韻甘潤,堪稱世界第一! 細細品味昇恆昌「綵球獅旺福禮盒」,讓您在視覺、味覺都 能經歷最難忘的饗宴!

Art can be admired; it can also be possessed, and even “consumed”. Specially designed and developed by Ever Rich and Taiwanese artist Lili Yang, precious artworks can now be “digested” easier than ever. World-renowned blue and white porcelain artist Lili Yang is best known for using folk paper cutting patterns as blueprints for her design to showcase a fluid and unique style. Not only has she been invited to design the cutleries for Presidential Banquet, many of her works have been chosen to the collection of Yingge Ceramics Museum in New Taipei City. “Ribbon Ball Lion Lucky Gift Box” is jointly designed and developed by Ever Rich and Lili Yang, featuring a cute chubby doll and ribbon ball lion as main visuals. Wrapped in lucky and luxurious colors of red and gold, the gift box highlights the vibrant and joyous festive ambience. When you open the gift box, you will be struck by the wonderful sight of an intricate ribbon ball lion tea caddy, pineapple mango cakes, and Oolong tealeaves! “Ribbon Ball Lion Tea Caddy” is made by simple and pure white porcelain. Not only can it be used as a tea caddy, it is also a teacup that can fully accentuate the natural color of tea. “Pineapple Mango Cake” features crispy pastry on the outside and soft filling within; full of flavors yet not overpower-

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ing sweet, it is the taste of happiness. “Dongding Oolong” is the most representative Taiwanese tea; the tealeaves were kneaded while wrapped in a specially made fabric, and were roasted to give the tea its subtle orange color and full-bodied flavor. “Alishan High Mountain Oolong” cultivated at an elevation of 1,600 meters is refreshingly delicious and its aroma will linger on your palettes. It is one of the best teas in the world! Savor the “Ribbon Ball Lion Lucky Gift Box” by Ever rich, the most unforgettable feast to your eyes and palettes!


SEEING TAIWAN 停不了的佳節,桌上看到的禮盒不是餅乾、蜜餞、要不就是 肉乾。考慮到你的健康與胃口,昇恆昌推出了低糖、無油、 無多餘人工添加的「Like Taiwan 來台灣:台灣綜合水果 乾禮盒」! 昇恆昌「Like Taiwan 來台灣:台灣綜合水果乾禮盒」裡 頭每一片果乾,都是取自品質最佳的台灣天然水果,先以手 工切片後,再以適當的糖、鹽調味,不添加多餘的人工調味, 才能烘焙成香甜爽口、柔韌又帶咬勁的果乾──當您細細品 嚐,不僅吃到水果最原始的風味,也能感受到專屬於台灣水 果的馥郁芬芳。此外,昇恆昌不計成本成本,選用精緻鐵盒, 金色、白色的搭配不僅簡單高雅,盒蓋上更將台灣由知名景 點融入其中,讓您在品嚐果乾前,就先隨著美不勝收的風景 走了一趟環島之旅,從景色宜人的日月潭、曾入選全球十大 的圓山大飯店、肅穆莊嚴的中正紀念堂、空氣清新的高山茶 園、一路登高的阿里山小火車到台灣特有的梅花鹿,讓您一 覽無遺。每次旅行總是來往匆忙,無法去上述所有的知名景 點,擁有「Like Taiwan 來台灣:台灣綜合水果乾禮盒」 彷彿身歷其境,無論自用或送禮,都極具意義!

Over the holiday season, all the gift boxes are simply crackers, preserved fruits, or pork jerky. With your health and appetite in mind, Ever Rich introduces the “Like Taiwan: Preserved Local Taiwan Fruits Gift Box” that is low sugar, oil free, and without artificial additives. Every piece of dried fruit in Ever Rich’s “Like Taiwan: Preserved Local Taiwanese Fruits Gift Box” is made from Taiwan’s local natural fruits of the

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最新鮮的台灣拌手禮, 讓 Go Rich 直送到您府上。

台灣伴手禮都在 Go Rich Go Rich,給您最新鮮的台灣伴手禮。 我們堅持使用台灣在地的天然食材,除了提供您最新鮮的 產品,也將這份承載著本土文化的美味,傳遞給每位客人。 優良品質、無添加、現點現做,我們堅持讓您品嚐到最好 的。Go Rich 的每項商品,都是經過嚴格的把關與精心 挑選,在最佳的賞味期限內提供,給您最幸福的好滋味。

吃得安心 best quality. The fruits are first sliced by hand, and seasoned by sugar and salt; no artificial additives are added in the process in order to make the refreshingly sweet and chewy preserved fruits. As you taste them, not only can you enjoy the original flavors of the fruits, you will also be emerged in the dense aromas that only belong to Taiwanese fruits. Also, without considering cost, Ever Rich opts for exquisite medal box over cheap paper box. The elegant design features gold and white colors, and the lid displays Taiwan’s famous tourist attractions, so that before you even taste the preserved fruits, you have already been taken on a tour around the island by the beautiful sceneries. From fascinating landscape of Sun Moon Lake, the Grand Hotel at Yuanshan that has once been the world’s top ten, the solemn architecture of Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, highland tea garden with refreshing air, light rail train that climbs up Alishan Mountain, to Formosan sika deer that can only be found in Taiwan, every thing is presented in front of your eyes. It is impossible to visit all the aforementioned sites in one trip, but “Like Taiwan: Preserved Local Taiwanese Fruits Gift Box” takes you onto a virtual tour; for yourself or for your friends, this is a gift of great significance!

Go Rich 嚴格把關每項產品製造過程及衛生,對食品安全 極為重視,提供所有食材及成品的安全檢驗報告,這是我 們對每位喜愛 Go Rich 商品客人的保證,確保您能吃得 開心,「食」在安心。 ◆每項商品皆附 SGS 檢驗 ◆投保商品責任險 ◆提供 QR CODE 查詢檢驗報告

購物送好禮 即日起購物滿3,500即贈送Go Rich環保 購物袋乙個(數量有限,送完為止) 更多精彩好禮,請上網站: 綵球獅旺福禮盒組 售價:1380元 內容物:鳳芒酥6入、烏龍茶葉40g2入、陶瓷茶罐 效期:60天 商品簡介:讓送禮不是送禮,更是藝術饗宴。就讓昇恆昌×楊 莉莉共同開發的「綵球獅旺福禮盒」陪伴您!

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台灣景點鐵盒-綜合水果乾 售價:480元 內容物:哈密瓜乾、芒果乾、鳳梨乾、楊桃乾 效期:90天 商品簡介:還在苦惱佳節該送什麼給親朋好友?昇恆昌「 Like Taiwan來台灣:台灣綜合水果乾禮盒」,是您送禮的上上之選!

Purchasing Bonus: Effective immediately; for all purchases NT$ 3,500 and over, receive a free Go Rich shopping bag (while quantity lasts)! For more exciting gifts, visit Go Rich at:

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昇恆昌×CAMUS 頂級VIP年度品酒盛會

A Splendid Evening of Cognac Tasting— Ever Rich X CAMUS Annual VIP Gala

As the night fell,Vice President Kevin Chiang of Ever Rich and Brand Ambassador JC of CAMUS jointly lifted the curtain for the unique cognac tasting gala. 夜晚時分,在昇恆昌總經理KEVIN與CAMUS干邑品牌大使Jean-Christophe RASSE (JC RASSE)的引領之下,正式揭開這場別開生面的品酩夜宴。 TEXT

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卡慕璀璨之夜 微暗氣氛的燈光,點燃了璀璨會場,受邀前來的昇恆昌VIP賓客們 陸續進場,如同許久未見的老友般,有說有笑的聊著近況。此令 人驚豔的夜宴 , 為「 CAMUS 」(卡慕)長久合作夥伴-「昇恆 昌」,為了慶祝奢侈酒品「CAMUS」(卡慕)創立滿150週年紀 念所舉辦。與會邀請了數十位來自商界的菁英與名流等 VIP貴賓 前來共襄盛舉,在美食與音樂的陪伴下,一同品酩時為五大干邑 品牌之一、亦是唯一一家仍由獨立家族掌管的五代干邑世家之頂 級酒藏,其現任總裁為Cyril CAMUS。 主辦單位於會場兩側整齊併放著CAMUS推出的數支具有獨特風 味的珍貴干邑系列。優雅,是CAMUS干邑的決定性特徵,品牌 相當注重蒸餾酒的質量以及勾兌的布特妮的份額,並透過在低單 寧橡木桶中的陳釀來保留更多酒液原始的芳香,以確保香氣和陳


釀的潛力。而為了讓VIP們能完整感受其CAMUS干邑的酒香魅 力,「昇恆昌」也特別邀請了品牌大使JC.參與其中,由他來親自 示範如何藉以食材之屬性搭配酌飲,從而帶出酒調的細緻層次, 以及感受釋放於味蕾上的香氣口感。 在主廚精心設計的餐點中 , 巧妙運用充滿海洋氣息的雷島干邑搭 配海味前菜 ; 以及布特妮 XO 更是襯出主菜牛腩及鱈魚搭配的美 味 , 其完美的酒與餐點結合 , 立即擄獲全場貴賓的讚嘆。最終的甜 點”巧克力榛果派”搭配 Camus Extra卡慕經典特醇 ,如此耐人 尋味的契合驚豔會場 , 現場貴賓們可更深入了解干邑也可和甜點 成為完美組合。

Camus Bright Night With dim lights setting the mood for the venue, VIPs invited by Ever Rich arrived at the gala, greeting and chatting with each other like old friends. Ever Rich specially held the annual gala to celebrate the 150th anniversary of luxurious cognac brand CAMUS, and to strengthen the relationship between the old partners. Dozens of elite entrepreneurs and celebrities were invited as VIPs of the gala. With delicious food and elegant music, all guests tasted the premium cognacs by CAMUS—premium cognac maker for five generations, one of world’s top five cognac producers, and the only one that is still owned by an independent family. 1.卡慕EXTRA ELEGANCE是一款不同凡響的干邑,其精心的調配造就了 一款豐富且復雜的高端干邑,苛刻的品鑒記錄家和愛好者將流連忘返於此。 2. 全球限量出售,布特妮 XO 給您一個不同凡響的品嘗體驗。口感格外醇 和,圓潤中不乏酒力。糕點的香甜中仿佛又嗅到桂皮味,干果味以及紫羅 蘭的幽香。3.由帥氣的CAMUS品牌大使JT.聯合女主持人共同開始這場品 酒盛會。4.當晚推出的CAMUS頂級限量干邑-「5.150」,一支要價NT$ 162,960。由法國著名藝術大師SERGE MANSAU設計瓶身,並由頂級水 晶BACCARART量身打造而成,極為珍稀、收藏價值。

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The organizer displayed on two sides of the venue the premium cognacs with unique flavors produced by CAMUS over the years. Elegance is the unmistakable characteristic of CAMUS Cognac, as the brand emphasizes the quality of distilled spirit and the amount of Borderies cognac in the blend; the brand also ensures the aroma and the potential characters of vintage by reserving more of the brandy’s original fragrance through aging in oak barrels with low tannins. In order for the VIPs to fully appreciate the aromatic charm of CAMUS cognacs, Ever Rich specially invited Brand Ambassador JC to the gala, where he demonstrated how to pair brandy and food based on ingredients, elevating the taste of cognac to a level of delicacy, and to sense the aroma exploding on the palettes.

卡慕XO ELEGANCE 干邑是由精心甄選過 的生命之水勾兌而 成,經過在濕潤的酒 窖中漫長的陳釀, 生 命之水已經達到完美 平衡的狀態。

150年的精華 晚會最高潮莫屬由專屬人員緩緩推車進場的CAMUS 150週年頂 級限量干邑-「Cuvee 5.150」,全球只售1492瓶。這支限量酒 款系列是為了慶祝品牌創立滿150年,家族第五代傳人-CYRIL CAMUS (西裡爾 • 卡慕)為世家傳奇系列所特釀而出的稀世珍 藏,並巧妙地選用了“ 5 ”這一標誌性的數字以紀念這一歷史時 刻,藉此向CAMUS家族五代的傳奇人物獻上最高敬意。該酒款 瓶身聘請法國著名藝術大師SERGE MANSAU親自設計,包括 與多個著名品牌及香水品牌合作,並由舉世聞名、幾乎可算是頂 級水晶的代名詞-BACCARAT(巴卡拉水晶)鑄造而成的傳奇 酒樽,融合了五代人的性格特徵,續寫著CAMUS頂級干邑的傳 奇故事。

Cognac out on a cart. This limited edition is to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the house, and the fifth generation owner, Cyril Camus, specifically produced this premium brandy for the CAMUS Cognac Family Legacy series, and cleverly chose the number “ 5 ” to commemorate the historic moment and to pay tribute to the house’s legendary figures over five generations. The bottle is designed by renowned French maestro Serge Mansau (known for designing bottles for classic fragrances by famous brands including DIOR, HERMÈS, GUERLAIN, and KENZO), and is made by world-renowned premium crystal maker BACCARART, which is almost unanimous to top quality crystal. The bottle embodies the unique characteristics of the family’s five generations, and will live on to continue the legend of CAMUS Cognac.

The Essence of 150 Years The climax of the evening took place when Ever Rich staff pushed slowly the CAMUS Cuvee 5.150 Anniversary

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Gourmet Lollypops 8.4oz/238g 這款風靡大人小孩的美食家棒棒糖比一般巧克 力口感豐富有趣;每一口濃郁香醇、獨特方正 的造型,並提供奶油焦糖、巧克力、天然香 草、哥倫比雅咖啡拿鐵等四種口味。 This is gourmet candy-on-a-stick for kids and adults, that’s fun to eat, lasts longer than regular chocolates and is every bit as rich and tasty. Candy fanciers of all ages love these unique square lollypops made from heavy cream, butter, and genuine flavors of real vanilla, café latte of colombian coffee, smooth chocolate and rich butterscotch.


Salted Nuts 12oz/340g See’s CANDIES綜合鹹味堅果一律採 用澳洲和巴西最頂級的堅果,再經由高 規格的人工挑選及烘烤,因此罐子裡的 每顆堅果,皆是碩大飽滿的形狀,淡淡 鹹味,完全真空包裝,絕對新鮮。 Hand-sorted and roasted to perfection, only the tastiest and highest grade cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, macadamias and Brazils find their way into See’s gift canisters. Lightly salted and vacuum packed for freshness.


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Almond Clusters 8oz/227g 時思杏仁巧克力外型簡單卻十分美味, 除了選用加州上等杏仁,滑順濃密的牛 奶巧克力包覆整顆飽滿杏仁;兩者的搭 配創造出甜美風味,滿足您挑剔的味蕾 永遠無法抵抗。 See’s Almond Clusters look simple but taste so delicious. The handpicked and high quality California almonds are covered by smooth and rich milk chocolate. The mixture creates the sweet flavor to give your taste buds a real treat that you will never be able to resist.

From Los Angeles, See’s Candies founded by Charles See and his wife Florence in 1921 has always been the favorite dessert of many. Now, you do not have to travel afar to North America to get a taste of this classic chocolate that has conquered even Warren Buffet. Enjoy it at home here in Taipei! 來自洛杉磯,由Charles See與太太Florence於1921 年成立的See's CANDIES,一直以來都是許多人最愛 的甜點。現在你不用大老遠飛到北美,在台北你也可以 享用這個連股神芭菲特都大為讚賞的巧克力經典品牌。 Text Felix


Gourmet Little Pops 4oz/113g 此款迷你糖是由See’s CANDIES最暢銷的棒 棒糖改良而成的迷你糖,讓所有大人小孩都可 以輕鬆入口,提供奶油焦糖、巧克力、天然香 草、哥倫比雅咖啡拿鐵等四種口味。 It’s the little things that count. Our beloved gourmet lollypops - perfectly bite-sized. Made with the same cream, butter and rich flavors of Butterscotch, Chocolate, Vanilla and Café Latté. Approximately 30 individually wrapped pieces per box.

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Book Store

Book Store

Book Store

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