EM Magazine Winter 2016

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Winter 2016

WANTED! new FACES for 2017

the uk’s first exclusive & independent publication for models. Est. 2007

check the website for details!




sound advice for the year ahead

new FACES new PLACES new YOU

Miss Great

tried and tested by EM Magazine!

Britain Exclusive interview!



the struggle is


Fay Hill on the reality of









contents Winter 2016

Front cover image Model Havana Hill Photography by Fay Hill Styling Fay Hill

6 -9 life coach

12-14 what lies beneath

6-9 editorial shots

20-21 day to night

maria says...let it go!

Photographers & image credits

michelle talks REAL stress

Alan Strutt, Fay L. Hill, Ruthie Deane, Chelley Wilson-Stimson, Ryan McGuire

Editorial & production

Editor: Ruth Deane Tel: 01572 737126 editor@everymodelgroup.com Beauty Editor: Deanna Bailey editor@everymodelgroup.com PR: info@everymodelgroup.com Tel: 01572 737126 Proof reader: David Alban Lingard info@everymodelgroup.com Columnists: Fay L Hill, Chelley Wilson Stimson, Hairtrade.com, Marie Ann Lynch. Design: Model Media Ltd info@everymodelgroup.com Advertising: Model Media Ltd info@everymodelgroup.com EM Online: Model Media Ltd Publishers: Model Media Ltd Tel:01572 737126 Email: info@everymodelgroup.com Š EM (Every Model) Magazine is published by Model Media Ltd. Copyright: EM Magazine, Model Media Ltd. Reproduction of any part is prohibited except by prior written permission of the publishers. The contents are considered accurate at the time of printing and we cannot accept liability for omissions, errors, or loss of materials. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily endorsed by EM Magazine including copy and artwork provided by advertisers. All competitions and free gifts are run in conjunction with independent suppliers and fulfilment of the prize rests with the prize donor with no alternative provided by the owners of EM Magazine or Model Media Ltd should the donor fail to honour the related prize.


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with Fay Hill

10-11 new face

model andrea moloto

beauty with dannielle

22-31 winter

gift and product guide



From EDITOR the



We would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years by reminding you of some of our favourite covers since our very first edition back in 2007


t’s that time of year again. The anticipation of the John Lewis ad is over, but we still have loads more to look forward to, right? Of course we do. If this year has taught us anything at all, it’s that there is always something wonderful on the horizon. If you work hard enough, play nicely, and be the best you can be. Good things DO come to those who wait. Unless you work in politics or live in America. And that’s all I have to say on THAT matter. Thanks to everyone who has been part of our world here at EM Mag and EMG during 2016. We appreciate it very much and look forward to an amazing 2017 with you!

Informative features, advice, guidance and inspirational interviews are just some of the regular editorial topics covered. The aim and philosophy of Every Model Magazine is to bring together professionals and those wishing to be part of the industry. Every Model Magazine acts as an independent tool to converge with other businesses at a professional and high level. The editorial content is designed to provide maximum benefit to our readers and a medium for businesses to gain knowledge to enhance their own organisations. Anyone wishing to learn about a model’s view and perspective will find it in Every Model Magazine. Models, actors, presenters, dancers, can learn about the goods and services offered by the industry. What makes a good agency? What do agencies look for in their models? What are the negatives within the industry from a model’s perspective? How can the industry accommodate them better? What can be learnt and subsequently developed in order to stand out from the rest? Read, learn and enjoy Every Model Magazine. Visit the website at www.everymodelgroup.com

Congratulations to all of our successfully placed and working models this year. So much happens behind the scenes at EMG that we can’t possibly share it all with you via social media. And let’s be honest... do we REALLY have to? Sometimes less is more and a little exclusivity never hurt anyone. In fact let’s bring a little more of that back into the new year. True class is surely when you have everything to flaunt but choose not to show it! Exciting and valuable stuff inside this edition as always. Read our motivational life coach Maria’s sound words of wisdom. Learn from the experts how editorial photography really works. Catch up with our regular columnists and industry gurus. Find and buy the best gifts and beauty products for the winter months. Meet some new faces and discover new places and inventions to make 2017 the best year ever.


I wish you a happy Christmas and a wonderful new year.

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L E T it

G O Out with the old... and in with the new! As we approach the final chapter of 2016 it really is a great time to take stock. So, what does that mean? Every successful business owner completes an inventory at the end of the year with the aim of rooting out those things they have allowed to remain that didn’t truly serve them. You see they don’t want to take those things into the new year because they want to make room for new fruitful and profitable ideas. In the same way taking stock also allows the business owner to EM 4

identify their assets and celebrate successes, so that they can do more of the same. They use a profit and loss statement to help them do this. So, if you’re not a business owner, or even if you are, what does a business owner’s end of year review have to do with our personal circumstances? What can you learn from this exercise? Would it not be a good idea to adapt the same process to our own personal lives? Now you may not have a ready made profit and loss statement but it is not that difficult to knock one up. Simply take a sheet of paper and divide into two columns with the headings Profit and Loss. On the left side, list all the good things about your life and on the right all the things that concern you.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life...


find your new

Consider your career, relationships, financial situation, social time, spiritual practice, health and any other areas that are important to you. This will bring your assets and concerns to the surface, into your awareness. Very often we are just on autopilot because of the busy world we live in. We miss out on opportunities and celebration because our truth is deeply buried due to the distractions of life. I wish I could tell you it’s just a case of destroying the right side of your statement but it is a great first step towards acknowledging where we are in our lives. We cannot let go of things until we get to know them and understand why we hold onto them. When we know where we are on the map we can then plan a

route to get to where we want to be. Letting go is simple but not easy. It is necessary to make room for more rewarding things, for prosperity, abundance and most importantly love. Isn’t it love we are all searching for? Holding onto things that are not good for us comes from a place of fear where there is no room for self- love. Later In the process, we will see how certain patterns of behaviour are harmful to ourselves and others and we can look at how we can let go of these habits and replace them with good habits. Let’s crawl a little first before we sit up, walk and run and get writing up that statement. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. EM 5

EM 6

Editorial by tures c i p s& word ill Fay H






In a world where a child is becoming more concerned by

their number of Instagram followers and how they look, rather than education, it’s come as no real surprise to me that FayAndrea’s editorial photo sessions have become our most popular photoshoots to date.

When I met my business partner Andrea, she already had a thriving business in newborn and family photography. It was something I was interested in but more from an editorial perspective. I told her I thought there was an opening in the market for cool styling and trendy photography for children. I knew it wouldn’t appeal to every parent, and many would still prefer the white studio, ‘say, “cheese”’ style pictures. But I also knew there was that other parent; the one who got a thrill from dressing their child in the latest trends, and considered how cool it would be if Romeo Beckham were their child’s predecessor as the face of Burberry- let’s not discount the child from this either. In my experience, children nowadays are growing up a lot faster than before with an attention to detail that would impress Karl Lagerfeld. I knew they would be excited to express a different side of themselves and portfolio-wise, it would help agents to secure those fashion/ editorials. To briefly define what editorial photography is; I believe it’s the style of photo you would associate with seeing in a magazine. The question is, what makes a picture magazine-worthy? Some Photographers will have you believe it’s their talent. I do not agree. With (pushing) twelve years of photographic experience, I have learned the ins-and-outs of a high-end editorial photoshoot. I have assisted top stylists, celebrities, make-up artists, photographers and retouchers, and the truth is, all of these people play a key role in creating a perfect editorial image.

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My passion for children’s editorial photography stems from the Ralph Lauren Kids campaigns. I have always been in awe of the beautiful models, the way the sets are styled, and of course, the clothes themselves. I was inspired to create something similar and when I met Rocco Evans of Kids London, I knew I had found the face to begin my transition in to the editorial World. Rocco’s Mum, Claudine had been recommended to FayAndrea by a mutual friend. Claudine and I discussed styling ideas pre-shoot and when she arrived with Rocco and his sister Dixie, I was blown away by their wardrobes. It was no surprise to me that Claudine- pre-Motherhoodwas a stylist. This not only meant she had selected fabulous pieces but also gave her a great awareness of ‘photoshoot etiquette’. Immediately she became chief reflector holder and told the kids to ‘man-up’ when it started to rain! I liked this woman. Quickly after photographing Rocco I said, he had something special. It materialised Rocco had been a successful baby model but Claudine had decided to stop until Rocco was old enough to decide whether modelling was for him. Literally after we finished shooting, Rocco said, he had the model bug and Claudine contacted his old agency. He was quickly signed and within days was cast as the new face of a leading children’s clothing brand. The pictures I shot of Rocco and Dixie got Andrea and I excited. By this point, many more photographers in our areas were photographing families and newborns, and competition was increasing. It was great to have this new avenue to pursue that you cannot just learn, but you really have to have an eye for. We started focusing on model circuits and shooting on location, which drew the attention of Bonnie Breen, Director of the fabulous children’s modelling agency, Bonnie and Betty. Bonnie asked us to shoot some model portfolio updates for her agency and before we knew it, we were oversubscribed with bookings. It is without doubt we owe so much to Bonnie for advertising our services and we are extremely grateful to her and the BOBE family for their continued support of our photography. It’s an honour to find ourselves fast becoming ‘go-to’ photographers for child model portfolios and we are appreciative for the beautiful faces who EM 8

act as silent advertisements for our work. But like anything, with this growing interest in our business have comes pressures and struggles. One of the biggest struggles of child editorial photography is trust. Ironically a parent will book you to photograph their child because they love your style but when it comes to trusting you to create the shot, they question your ideas. I have spent many hours perfecting moodboards for shoots and make it clear from the offset a fashionable wardrobe plays a key role in our style of photography. Most parents are very excited to go shopping and really experiment with their children’s wardrobes but others prefer to go along with what they believe to be best. The trouble is, what is usually deemed to be best, isn’t unique. It doesn’t allow the child to step out of their comfort zone, which is exactly what a model needs to be most comfortable with. Advice therefore is to support the photographer’s vision. The clothes may not be what your child would usually wear but versatility is a key factor in becoming a great model. Likewise, if a photographer tells your child to stand in between a bush, as long as we are not in the Australian outback with likeliness of disturbing a deadly snake, then simply allow the child to stand there. On set, there will not be the time to question the client on their photographer’s choice of location for their campaign.

As Photographers, Andrea and I prioritise the rapports we build with our clients. Our initial intention is to make each parent and child feel at home so as to really get the best out of our photoshoots, and we would never do anything to make a child feel rushed or uncomfortable. This said, as we shoot a lot outside we cannot allow the British weather to limit our work and so we ask for our model’s co-operation in braving the cold temperatures, and in certain times (like this Summer) the heat. In these situations, parents need to be like Claudine. When it started to rain she could have convinced her children they needed to go in, but she chose to keep morale up and told them they were fine. They listened, we got the shot, we went home. Next up is a universal photography struggleposing. I find particularly with young girls, with many aspiring to be like Kim Kardashian, they have adapted an immediate pout reaction to a click of the camera. Added to this is a classic flick of the hair and ‘skinny arm’ pose hanging on to the waist. This whole combination needs to be limited to selfies. It will not be taken seriously by potential clients or agents, and is unsuitable for an editorial portfolio. Please parents, allow only the photographer to give direction. It is really off-putting when you’re trying to shoot with a Mum or Dad hailing over the top, ‘do your pout!’ or worse, ‘jump up and down and say, “cheese”!’ If you would like to educate your child on the difference between editorial and commercial photography, place a Vogue magazine against a clothes catalogue, and ensure they pay particular attention to the difference in posing and facial expressions. Bare in mind, editorial photography can make your children look grown-up, which can be problematic for those who already look older than their ages. In these cases, discuss in advance with your photographer ways to make your child look their age and trust the photographer’s judgement moving forward. But please do not be surprised if somewhere midst shoot your ten year old discovers their inner Cara Delevingne and wants to walk outside in their aviators. Like every good model, I promise they will return back to normal quite quickly. Finally, there is the struggle of time. Working with children is so fulfilling but we also know they are young, and their moods can change any minute. For this reason we ask parents to act quickly in

between changes and not encourage the child to dilly dally. It keeps them in the moment. Likewise, if you know your child responds better without you onset then allow the photographer to photograph the child alone. It will speed things up and help the child to relax. Concluding all of this, when they say, ‘never work with children or animals’, ‘they’ are wrong. I have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and nothing compares to the joy children bring. I would like to thank EM for giving me the opportunity to photograph my own mini diva for the cover of this month’s issue. All of the above applied when photographing Havana in the freezing cold with just me to style, change clothes and nappies, shoot, carry, chase (a newly toddling bubba), play the clown and get a smile; in short there were moments when I considered ringing Ruth and saying, ‘Not going to happen’. But we did it baby girl, and I hope when you’re grown up and I’m grey (which won’t be long now by the amount I keep sprouting), you’ll look back on your 1st birthday cover and say, ‘My Mama shot this.’ I love you more than life my darling, you are my ultimate inspiration.

Happy 1st birthday, love Mummy xxx

The inspirational

Andrea Moloto

Representing the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Miss World competition is the beautiful Andrea Moloto, a 25 year old student in financial accounting. She saw the course of her life take another direction when she was crowned on Saturday the 10th of September 2016, Miss DRC 2016. Her new life offers her new opportunities. She is now able to participate at the most prestigious fashion show in the world, help disadvantaged children and fight against violence towards women. Andrea became a model at the age of 17. Beauty contests are not unknown to her as back in 2010 she was crowned Miss Damelin where she was a student in marketing and business management.In 2012 she was selected as the 1st runner up as the top model of the year organised by Figures Model Agency. Born in Kinshasa on the 4th of February 1991, Andrea Moloto is one of six children. She studied at ‘’les loupiots’’. As a teenager, she expressed her desire to one day be one day an ambassador for Congolese beauty, and be the ultimate combination of beauty and brains. And they certainly do! We at EMG think Andrea is utterly stunning with all the right credentials of a future model star. Standing at an elegant 184 cm and a dress size UK8, and that FACE, she is set for an worldwide success! EMG are now working with her to take her to the next level. Watch this space!

what lies



words by Chelley W-S

Stress is a word people use lightly. “Oh I’m so stressed at having to cook dinner tonight”, “my hair isn’t doing what I want to, it’s stressing me out”, “Oh this shopping has given me so much stress, the queues were so long,” “my daughter has just dropped her dinner everywhere...” But that isn’t REAL stress. It turns your usual world upside down, inside out and without you even realising it. Real stress isn’t that the queues were crazy… it is your brain and body in overdrive, not sleeping at night, losing your hair, itching all over, losing weight, gaining weight. You don’t know you are stressed until you are in the late stages of what it has done to your body. My example of what real stress does can do without you realising is so prevalent. I am a working mum of three beautiful children, two are now adults and one eleven year old. I work hard but I constantly feel I do not work hard enough. I am a mum, I run a financial business with a team of four staff, I co-run a photography business and photograph weddings most weekends. I spend hours after work editing weddings, I also squeeze in plus size modelling and journalism. But I have never ‘felt’ stressed. I have been this way since the age of nineteen so this to me is normal.

Photograph by Amanda Herbert

My life has been up and down since I was eleven years old when my mum left home and moved back to London. At fifteen I took it upon myself to move out and live with friends and by the time I reached nineteen I moved away from family and friends

in Hereford to Cheltenham. I was also by then a mum to a brand new little tiny baby girl. Life was good, busy and active, I went on to have a little boy, eighteen months later and moved my step son (aged 5) in with us. I was now a mum to three under six year olds at the age of only twenty one. Shortly after my bouncing baby boy was one, we moved back to where my family and friends were.

least slow down, I had to repair me and my poorly mind. I am only 40, yet my body feels like one of a 70 year old. I have literally no hair on the back of my head from ear to ear and down to my neck due to severe alopecia and I have small bald patches on the top of my head now too. Alopecia is not nice. My joints hurt, I’m constantly fatigued, my back is a total screwed up tense mess.

All this I took in my stride and just got on with my life. As the years went by I married the children’s dad, I divorced their dad, I remarried, gained another step child, moved to Peterborough where I had no family or friends, had another baby (at age 30), found out my husband was having an affair, met a new great guy and remarried again. So that’s three weddings, three babies and three moves. Seriously my best friend Natasha jokes about my 3s all the time.

When you fall into a depressed state through mental health issues, stresses etc it is very hard to be pulled back out.

me to stop! It was shortly after a friend felt the need to character assassinate me I started losing my hair. I also became anxious in large crowds, nervous and shy to talk to strangers in new places, fearful of what people were saying about me – did they like me? If not why not? What did I do to offend people, I always try to be nice and helpful what did I do wrong – what am I doing wrong? Am I a good mum, what if working has made me fail my children, will they suffer because of me and the way I have lived my life, why don’t my friends here visit me? My mind went into total chaotic melt down. My life as I knew it started to change and slowly I began to sink.

policy to reduce the stress of being off sick. I started yoga, reflexology and acupuncture.

But I decided to change, I quit eating gluten, reduced dairy and decided to remove all pesticides and preservatives from my food. I buy organic produce only. Reducing other toxins in my blood should surely help remove the bad toxins built up from the stress too.

You don’t know you I went to the doctors and poured my heart out – she promptly But with all that happening are stressed signed me off work for 3 months over the course of twenty told me to look at stress relief until you and years I still didn’t think I felt options. ‘stressed’ but then it happened are in the I am lucky enough to have thought – my body decided enough was about insuring my income so made enough and it was going to tell late stages a claim on my income protection

I started to wonder why was I feeling this way, why was my body in a stress related state? It took me a while to realise but my life to date had built up to this crazy melt down moment - I realised I needed to change otherwise I would become seriously ill or even put myself in an early grave. I had even suffered with a suspected heart attack earlier in the year, which, following results, was inconclusive. So I needed to stop or at

The acupuncture and holistic therapist made me realise even more how bad the damage had been to my body. He advised me to write about my daily stresses so I created a facebook blog called Juggling, Stressed, Working Mum. I put all the funny silly things that could cause me to feel angered or upset. People have started liking my page and telling my husband I am funny and how they loved seeing some real life posts. That has boosted my confidence to write more and helped massively to get out the daily home life stresses. It isn’t about gaining LIKES or followers, I just need a place to vent a little with support from my family and friend network. My income protection plan provides support via the RED ARC MIND mental health network. They provide a range of information and support services, including one to one and group support. I have a lovely lady call me once a week to talk and EM 13

work on options to get better. Her voice is calming, her support is paramount. It feels warming knowing someone has my back and does care for me other than my children, husband and immediate family. Following a referral from my great friend Ruth, I went along to see Lee at Inanch hairdressers in London. They are an amazing bunch specialising in hair extensions and making women feel amazing. My stylist Lee, was brilliant – sympathetic, calming and went over my options to hide the baldies! Unfortunately I did not have enough hair left for any extensions but Lee showed me a great hairpiece called “Flip In hair”. Its a hairpiece you can take out when you have had enough (for example bed time). The hair is on a fine fishing type wire, which sits concealed on top of your head whilst the luscious real hair locks, dangle down. It was perfect! I could put this in, hide my baldness and look like I have thick hair again. Lee showed me the colour charts and matched my hair up – there were loads to chose from. He booked me an appointment to come back and have my ordered hairpiece put in. I left the salon feeling happy someone actually wanted to help ME for a change! I had the hair piece fitted and trimmed to blend with my natural hair. It took a matter of minutes and I felt my confidence levels rise and left with a sense of achievement. I looked like me again.

Do you see more alopecia sufferers than previous years? Yes, we are seeing more alopecia sufferers as our business for hair enhancements grows. We are also seeing more clients that have suffered traction alopecia from having badly applied hair extensions in other inexperienced hair extension technicians. What can you offer to sufferers in the Salon? There are so many forms of hair enhancements which we go through with the client depending on what their underlying problem is to what we advise to be done. If it is something more severe then what we can help with, then we refer them to the Philip Kingsley Trichological clinic for hair & scalp treatments or to the Simone Thomas clinic for hair replacement. Do you offer any out of normal hours service to alopecia sufferers so they are not in the salon with other clients? When alopecia sufferers come in to the salon, they usually have a wig on. When we are discussing what they would like to achieve, we then decide to go in to a private area to have a look at the client’s head. As most of our clients are having hair extensions at our salon, alopecia clients do not feel intimidated during their visit.

One simple hairpiece helped restore some confidence and pride once more. I have two people to thank for that, Ruth at EM Magazine and Inanch’s Lee.

Whether hair loss, stress or depression has affected you, does so in the future or maybe someone you know, don’t suffer alone.

I asked the team at Inanch about Alopecia and if they had seen many clients suffering with the problem like me.

If you see friends or family suffering just take time to say hi, make sure they know you are there for them be it at distance or by visiting now and then. When you see them actually listen to them – don’t talk over them about you - it makes all the difference.

Do you see a lot of alopecia sufferers or do you feel woman and men suffering tend to stay away from the hairdressers? As we are mainly known for our hair extensions expertise, we do get a lot of consultations for women suffering from alopecia and as our salon is small and intimate we believe that clients do not feel intimidated as they have the privacy which they may not be able to get in other bigger salons.

I know I am a long way off being fully recovered, however I will continue with the wellbeing steps and hopefully make a full recovery, who knows I may even get my hair back! If you want to experience Inanch London, visit them at www.inanch.com.

model news



Bringing you the best news and views on all things model related with links to the press stories you may have missed! Keep up to date and know your craft!

SCAM ALERT! As reported by the BBC in November a fake model scout has targeted UK girls online. This is always a huge concern. Who is legitiate and who isn’t? We think this one is pretty clear. To read more see the full article at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-37876946

Becoming a successful model may well take you on a journey of opportunity inconceiveable to most. And it really can. Look at Mrs Trump we say! Now who saw THAT coming when she first graced a magazine cover. But seriously, the promise of fame is quite different to the reality. Don’t be fooled into believing anything that appears to good to be true. From model to US First Lady! She has appeared on numerous magazine covers including Harper’s Bazaar and Vanity Fair, and once posed naked on a white rug for British magazine GQ. So what’s in store for her now? To read the Sky News report visit http://news.sky.com/ story/melania-trump-from-modelto-us-first-lady-10649792 EM 15


ridget Jones

Our favourite female movie character returned to the big screen in September. Have you seen it yet? We’ve looked at the best hair and beauty rules we have all learnt from her.

From realising that ironing our hair is never a good idea to embracing the windswept look after a romantic jaunt, the character has provided us with both humorous but important wisdom over the years. If you haven’t see the new film check it out at your local cinema now. We couldn’t be more excited to see what Bridget’s been up to since the previous two instalments – which not only taught us the best lessons in love and life, but gave us a clue or two on what to do, and what not to do, with our hair and makeup. Also among the rules is keeping an eye out on hidden puddles when you’re dressed to impress and never doing your

make-up in the back of a taxi before a night out. Joanne Dodds from Hairtrade.com tells us: “The first two films were not only hilarious, but taught us some important rules to follow when doing our hair and make-up – especially when on a quest for love. “We’ve put together the best tips that we ever learnt from Bridget Jones – we’re excited to add to the list again with the release of the new film!”

Take a look at the five rules of hair and beauty we learnt from Bridget Jones...


Ironing your hair is never a good idea

Straighteners packed in and having a massive curly nightmare? Whatever you do, do NOT resort to the iron. Who could forget the scene with Bridget awkwardly bent over the ironing board in an attempt to calm the frizz – only to be informed by her best friend that women should never iron their hair. Cue the panic.


Embrace the windswept look

Possibly one of the most iconic Bridget Jones moments is of course our favourite lady looking effortless stylish cruising along in Daniel Cleaver’s softtop – before losing her headscarf in a gust of wind. But did our Bridge worry? Of course not – take a page out of her book and embrace the wind-blown look when caught in the elements.

Leave waxing to the salon


There are some things that should be left to the experts and waxing is definitely one of them – as proven by Bridget’s toe-curling screams standing in the bath in an attempt to get smooth.


Never do your make-up in the back of a taxi

We realise that time is of the essence but surely it’s not too hard to leave a spare 10 or 15 minutes for a bit of lippy application? If there’s one thing that Bridget proved in these stakes, it’s to never leave your makeup to the back of a taxi (although we did secretly like/laugh at her blusher overload).


Avoid puddles

Oh the devastation at when Bridget was ready to run in and conquer the world (or Mark Darcy) in a perfect floral dress – only to be completely soaked by a huge puddle. Take note – avoid puddles at all costs when dressed to declare your undying love. EM 17

All I want for Christmas is...

DAVID GANDY AND A PUG! In all seriousness, a pet is never JUST for Christmas. Ask the 3.1 million dogs and cats Battersea has rescued, reunited and rehomed!

Established in 1860, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home aims never to turn away a dog or cat in need of help, caring for them until their owners or loving new homes can be found, no matter how long it takes. They are champions for, and supporters of, vulnerable dogs and cats, determined to create lasting changes for animals in our society.

Since it was founded, Battersea has rescued, reunited and rehomed over 3.1 million dogs and cats. On average per day it cares for 300 dogs and 220 cats across its three centres at any one time. It receives no central government funding towards the care of its dogs and cats and relies on the generosity and support of the public to help care for lost and abandoned dogs & cats. On Thursday, 3rd November, 2016 Battersea wowed the world with the return of its star-studded Collars & Coats Gala Ball at the iconic Battersea Evolution in London. Celebrating its eighth successful year, the high-profile event is a highlight of the Autumn social calendar, and is consistently regarded as one of the most unique and eagerly anticipated charity events. This year saw a host of UK and international stars take to the red carpet to raise vital funds for the Home’s work in rescuing and re-homing abandoned dogs. This year’s star line-up, from the world EM 18

of TV, music, film, sport and fashion, included: Battersea Ambassadors Dame Jacqueline Wilson and David Gandy, and friends of the Home, Craig Revel Horwood, Dr Christian Jessen, Guy Henry, Danielle Bux, Hilary Alexander, Charles Worthington, Harry Hill and Leah Weller, and the iconic music group Sister Sledge. Guests and stars were welcomed by the popular ‘Battersea Doggie Guard Of Honour’ – a red-carpet parade of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s pooches. Speaking about the return of the gala, Claire Horton, Battersea’s Chief Executive said: “The Collars & Coats Gala Ball is a truly unique event, celebrating our animals and raising money to care for the 8,000 dogs and cats that come through our gates, abandoned and terrified each year. Once again, we’re thrilled that so many supporters and friends of Battersea gave so generously of their time to make the event so successful.’’ The Headline Sponsor of this year’s Collars & Coats Gala Ball was Vitabiotics SuperDog. SuperDog is committed to

maintaining health and vitality in dogs, and is from the pet division of pioneering British company Vitabiotics. The Gala’s Champagne Reception was exclusively sponsored by Medivet. With with almost 30 years’ experience Medivet is passionate about providing amazing client and patient care throughout their 141 practices. It costs Battersea over £10m to care for its dogs and cats every year, and with no government funding, the Collars & Coats Gala Ball is all about helping to increase awareness of the important work the charity does each and every day of the year to offer a second chance in life to thousands of animals. Last year over 8,000 dogs and cats needed Battersea’s care and attention to help find them the best possible new homes. For further information on Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and to pledge donations, please visit the website at www.battersea.org.uk or call 0207 627 7883. image features david gandy with a battersea pug photograph by david baird

EM 19

Going to a party straight from work? Here’s how with top tips from professional makeup-artist Da n n iel le Kava nagh...

take it from

day to

photography by ryan mcGuire


EM 20


eason’s Greetings to you all and welcome to my makeup column. Every year since I can remember the Christmas season to me means, glitter, sparkles and magic make-ups.

I personally believe it’s all about base prep and prime ladies. After your daily skincare regime add a makeup primer to help foundation to last and stay in place. This is particularly a must for oily skin types.

My first piece of advice is to always ensure that your skincare regime is the starting point for you each day. Always cleanse, tone, moisturise and be kind to the skin you live in. Your face is a blank canvas. How exciting! For the ultimate party look go for bold smoky eyes, add winged eye liner to lengthen and exaggerate, lashes can be added to give a fuller thicker longer look which can also create an illusion of wider or larger eye.

Choose a foundation that matches your skin tone by trying this on the jaw line. You are ultimately looking for a shade that blends into your skin matching up with the neck. Create the perfect complexion and ban blemishes, dark cycles, using colours and tricks.

Colours this party season for eyes consist of blacks, slate greys, hot chocolate browns. All sassy chic colours. A bold eye looks great with a nude lip which gives the illusion of a fuller pout. Add liner on the lip line to act as a barrier to stop leaking onto the skin. Preferably use the same or similar to the chosen lip colour. Gloss can also be placed on top to give a luscious glaze.

If your skin is high in colour deactivate by using green before foundation. For pale skin with dark cycles try adding a pink powder under the eyes before adding a concealer. For a dull complexion mix a little violet powder with your foundation. Darker skin tones can use oranges and yellow under eyes before a concealer. I would always suggest dusting foundation down with a setting powder for a long lasting base.

Don’t know how to create an evening look straight from work? Don’t have the time? Just add a darker lip colour and top up your blusher. Simples! This adds to the frosty glow of winter and updates your day straight to night makeup.

Blusher is blooming marvellous. You can be subtle by day and add to create a deeper shade by night. Soft apricots create warmth and depth to your face whereas pinks that pop the cheeks create a healthy glow. Try and simply see what suits you.

There are lots of lip colours to choose from rose to neutral, deepest reds to darkest shades. Think contrasts and opposites. Simply just try different looks by taking 10 minutes out of your day to experiment. You are your own expert and if you don’t like it - wipe it! Think Nude by day, Lady in Red by night alternating tricks by colour. Set your inner artist free! Be bold! Be brave!

To find your cheeks SMILE and they pop up like magic. Add the colour here sparingly and gradually add more. Add bronzer or shimmer directly under the blush with soft light sweeping movements, blending outwards and up wards. Always add shimmer just above the cheeks and a little on forehead with maybe some on the centre of lips. Always wear a smile as nothing lifts the face and the spirits quite like a bit of happiness!

“a nude lip gives the illusion of a fuller pout”

In a nutshell Christmas is the GLITTER season and it can be used EVERYWHERE. Glitter is very accessible and versatile and can come in pots, gels, eye shadows, lip gloss, lipsticks, blusher and powers. Be creative! I dare you!

All the very best from me, I wish you a very happy Christmas and may all your dreams come true.


All that glitters... is now available in

Rose Go

ld !

Rose Gold

The fragrance or the season from Monsoon. Priced at ÂŁ29 and available from all stores and online.


Be a u t y Gift

ideas !

EM 22

in m ial fro nt ine de s l l es on go us ble oseo e a rg ail is-r Go Av rub r / . ze sh ee fini com £32 Tw ld uty. at ld go ea ed Go ose etb Pric e r an . s Ro ate pl rg is tim ww. 030 b 1 l Ru e u ://w mc th tps zerht ee tw

Shea Moisture’s Curl is an enhancing Smoothie is a hair wonder shaving time off your usual styling routine and post gym shower. Section hair and apply product sparingly to damp or dry hair, no rinsing required! Available at most high street stores priced from £10.99 Fake Bake Passion fruit Body Polish which feels like you are indulging in a full body rejuvenation but from the comfort and no expense of your own shower! The oil free polish will leave your skin perfectly refreshed, silky smooth and glowing.

EM 23


A new January is almost upon us which means only one thing... choosing to make and publicise unrealistic and undesirable new years resolutions which ultimately never make it past February. Despite this we repeatedly persist upon the optimistic path to a new profound healthy and fit idea of living every January! If you are to join the quest for a better you in 2017 there are some luxury beauty items that can help you to sustain your new goals and aid you along the journey to a dream YOU. If running is your bag then LQ Liquid Health Joint Care daily shots are a MUST to add to your gym kit. These little 50ml shots of goodness will not only protect your joints from damage during excessive exercise they will also increase your mobility long term helping you sprint that extra mile! If you don’t fancy taking your bingo wings into 2017 swap weight training for Transformulas' ArmLift. Using patented technology, this new product firms, sculpts, hydrates and lifts the upper arms to make you look visibly younger. Available from www.transformulas.com

Nothing feels fresher, cleaner than a good old exfoliating scrub session! Try this amazing product and really get rid of the old and allow the new you to shine through. Available from www.janjira.co.uk, priced at ÂŁ26

The ESIMBI unisex T-shirt costs just ÂŁ20.00 All sales profits will be used towards the school fees of the girls from Malaika School in Kalebuka, Congo. Buy it now from www.tinalobondi.com/shop/esimbitshirt

The Power Of Giving Back

ESIMBI is a social enterprise which provides a platform to promote learning in the trades of the arts and education, in order to provide a sustainable way of life for young people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mentoring vulnerable children into employment is key to a better future. Please show your support.

Gifts & gadgets

everybody will LOVE

CouchCoaster is available for purchase at couchcoaster.com for ÂŁ19.99 in five fantastic colours. Such an easy way to keep drinks safe and secure while you take that well deserved time out on the sofa. EM Mag LOVES the CouchCoaster! Models Summer and Amy Photographed by Ruthie Deane for EM Magazine Products supplied by HAPE. The Hape All Seasons Play House RRP ÂŁ96, available from a variety of stores including Amazon

Online shopping problems?


Missed your delivery?



’ (even if you were YOU WEREN’T IN No more ‘SORRY install and parcel box is easy to messages. The brize VERY ANNOYING) it to receive it. It keeps il until you are ready ma d an s cel par ur houses yo ARS have struggled for YE If like our editor you ! ure sec d an dry , clean answer. il then THIS is your rounding receiving ma with ‘situations’ sur e. putting a parcel in her s-worth can’t resist Seriously... even a job e no idea! box... you really do hav THANK YOU Brize

EM 28

This is a product with a bonus gift of peace of mind. You can’t put a price on that! Who wouldn’t love one of these? There is nothing more irritating than knowing you are expecting a delivery at ‘some point during the next 24 hours’. No more putting your entire day, not to mention career at risk by having to stay at home and wait until your parcel has arrived, only to find out it’s been stuck on the M1 due to dense fog... or whatever! Brizebox has designed a parcel delivery box requiring minimum courier intervention that keeps parcels totally secure and continues to receive items until full. As well as being user friendly the Brizebox is also ‘kerb friendly’ and comes in a selection of sizes and colours. Brian Willcox, the brains behind this simple yet effective design said, “I am passionate about engineering as well as being a regular on-line shopper. My experience of parcels being idly left outside my home, awkward Post Office collection hours and grumpy neighbours got me thinking about the problems faced today by on-line consumers and couriers alike.” Editor of EM Magazine who has had an extensive period of problematic deliveries (to put it mildly!), now has a Brizebox installed and says, “This has changed everything for me. Not only do I actually receive deliveries now, but they are right outside my front door, clean, dry and in one piece. I am no longer held to ransom by timings of deliveries and I think even the grumpiest of delivery personnel find it brightens their day. No really! The outside, convenient, no dog in this letter box, don’t have to converse with people, proof of delivery, safe and undamaged mail option even suits those who play silly games and refuse to do their job. It’s a genuine miracle! I am not bitter. Well not anymore. In all seriousness, this is a godsend for me. And it looks fab as well. Win / win all round. I wouldn’t be without it. Thank you!”

No corners have been cut in the manufacturing of the Brizebox and it is made to a very high standard. All products are made of zinc-coated sheet metal and for strength and durability, lever mechanisms, locks and hinges are made of stainless steel. To prevent water ingress rubber seals are used on the drawer and door. Every Brizebox comes with shock absorbing foam in the base to help provide a soft landing for more delicate parcels. To take care of very fragile items, such as a case of wine, the innovative ‘SoftDrop’ floating base can be added. Ideal for apartments, the Brizebox modular design can be stacked and bolted together in communal areas or built into walls of new-builds. “With regards to looks, this was also quite challenging” Brian says, “But we’re pleased to have come up with a design that’s got visual appeal and something you’d want outside your house, not tucked around the corner. Additionally, whilst not claiming to be eco-friendly tree huggers, we think Brizebox has very green credentials. The CO2 footprint created by an undeliverable parcel going backwards and forwards between its final destination and the parcel depot, is incalculable. It is reassuring to know that by using a Brizebox your parcel is delivered first time, every time, and contributing to saving the planet.” Brizebox is a unique invention and has hit the ground running with products currently available in the UK, Europe, USA and Canada. Plans are also underway to expand to Australia and New Zealand.

For more information about Brizebox visit www.brizebox.com

This black rum has quite a kick. A real treat for a cold

Winter night. Try it in coffee or hot chocolate for a proper hot toddy! Available as a 50cl bottle at £28.00 from www.parlayrum.co.uk

Winter Warmers You can’t get more seasonable than with a

cranberry and blood orange liqueur. This is literally delicious. Try as an addition to a hot drink, with a mixer or on its own. Or a cute present for a loved one, Available from www.shop.drinkcranes.co.uk priced at £15

editors faves!

Treat your skin with Natura Siberica’s Rhodiola Rosea range. It’s formula is readily absorbed, leaving the surface soft and moisturised. Rhodiola Rosea, commonly known as Siberian Golden Root is famous for its fantastic adaptogenic properties. It effectively protects skin from environmental impacts making it supple and soft. Rhodiola rosea face serum for sensitive skin RRP £11.50 Rhodiola rosea night cream RRP £7.20 Rhodiola day cream RRP £7.20 available from www.naturasiberica.co.uk

Transformulas 23 carat hydration gold. RRP £41.95. This is a beauty balm, skin sheen and moisturiser all in one. Use over your usual makeup for a glamorous and silky glow. Perfect for the party season. Available from www.transformulas.com

Cashmere Suede Tan Tassel Wrap, £325, available from www.southwestten.com This wrap is loomed from exceptionally high quality pure cashmere, complimented with suede fringing. A stylish winter cover up and great gift idea. South West Ten is a brand popular with celebs including Millie Macintosh!

Another one for Natura Siberica. The rich siberian body butter is £4.70. An intensly moisturising body butter. Indulgent and smells amazing!

EM 31

The Lifehouse E X P ER I E N C E S

pa loving fellow EM Mag columnist Chelley and I headed off to the peaceful surroundings of English Heritage listed Thorpe Hall Gardens for a well needed spa break. Lifehouse is a contemporary award winning spa hotel just over an hour from London by train and close to the pretty Essex town of Frinton-on-Sea. An adult environment of over 16s only, this is the perfect place to take time out and relax. With a number of wellness retreats available which focus on a variety of issues including weight loss, detox and cleansing, digestive problems and more. They also have qualified therapists trained by the NHS Christie Trust to offer a relaxing break for those in post-cancer recovery or still undergoing treatment.

How wonderful! We at EM Mag were so excited to experience their hidden sanctuary (pictured below). This is a private spa area, where the journey begins with a full body exfoliation using DECLÉOR’s essential oils and fruit seeds. After which we were led through to our own private pool where warm water, a waterfall and soft music were waiting along with chamomile tea, fresh fruit and elderflower. Genuinely, sheer bliss! After this we were given a twin treatment room for a heavenly 55 minute DECLÉOR aromatherapy full body massage using a blend of essential oils. Then we were given our own personal sleep retreat complete to unwind for an hour. SO amazing!

Photographs by Chelley W-S Words by Ruthie Deane

Lifehouse have qualified therapists trained by the NHS Christie Trust to offer a relaxing break for those in postcancer recovery or still undergoing treatment. How wonderful!

Our evening meal in the well equipped restaurant was dreamy. However we were so relaxed we went to bed at 9pm. Sleeping through the night uninterrupted is something of a novelty for both of us, so this achievement is to the complete testament of Lifehouse Spa. A true miracle was achieved and for that we thank them immensely. A gentle wake up call for breakfast and a leisurely stroll down to the thermal spa facilities for a refreshing swim in the pool. Then a chill out session in the jacuzzi, steam room and sauna took us straight back to a feeling of calm and lovely sleepiness. A fun shower in the tropical , rain and spritzer mist cubicle rounded off our spa experience . Of all the Spa reviews we have done we have to say that Lifehouse has the most exceptional staff and customer service. This is so

understated by them and something they should really rave about. Every single member of staff, from reception to housekeeping, were polite, amenable and friendly. Everyone did their absolute best at all times. Our treatment therapists were particularly lovely. A big thank you to them both for their miracle massage skills. It was a real treat. The grounds at Lifehouse are also stunning. A tranquil lake, tree-lined pathways and ornate gardens are an all year round sanctuary. With a pleasing view from every window you can’t help but feel that you are contained within a retreat far away from everything you want to escape from. Whether that is for a few hours or days, there is a package to suit everyone. EM Magazine LOVES Lifehouse!


Great Britain

Ursula wears black bralet priced at ÂŁ15, available from NEXT

model ursula carlton photography ruthie deane hmu rhea willett


aking the ultimate title of Miss Great Britain 2016 is the rather beautiful Ursula Carton. Currently single, from Inverness in Scotland Ursula is 26 years old, a design assistant and children’s dance teacher. The judges at this year’s grand final included reigning title holder Deone Robertson, Jake Quickenden and Sally-Ann Fawcet. Ursula was described by them as having a warm personality, kind and in possession of a strong work ethic. As one of her winning prizes Ursula was given an editorial photo shoot with us at EM Magazine, shot by Ruthie Deane on location. She took to this style of shooting very quickly and gave us these amazing results! We were blessed with some wonderful Winter sunshine in incredible English countryside. A truly Great British event! We asked Miss Great Britain herself how she was feeling about her win. Hi Ursula. Congratulations! Tell us, have you entered a pageant before Miss Great Britain 2016? No, this was my first pageant, and it was one of the best experiences of my life! Are your friends and family supportive of your title? Yes, they think it’s amazing that I have come this far and my family support how determined I am to use it as a platform to inspire young girls to be confident in themselves. What are you hoping to achieve during the next year? I want to use my title to work in schools and share my experience to have a positive impact with young girls, to inspire them to feel confident and chase their dreams as I did. I also want to use my title to help promote and celebrate charities that share the ethos of myself and the Miss Great Britain brand.

model ursula carlton photography ruthie deane hmu rhea willett EM 38

What would you say to the beauty pageant critics about pageants? I completely understand that some people have a negative opinion about beauty pageants. It is the most empowering thing I have ever done, it boosted my confidence immensely, it exposed talents I never knew I had, for example public speaking, and it has allowed me to promote and celebrate entities and charities in my local community, to make me feel more of a part of my community. Not to mention I have made friends for life. The finalists, and myself included, are all talented, educated intellectual business women and students. Going out into our communities with only a positive message to share. And the pageant unites us like minded young women to celebrate all that we do that make us great - and that to me, is worth shouting about! If you could have any job in the future what would it be? Great question! There is so much I would love to do. Have my own interior design business, write a book, presenting and public speaking .. the list goes on! Left hand page, Ursula wears ivory cable knit jumper dress , priced at £32, gold chain knot necklace at £18, both available from NEXT What are your basic beauty must haves? I have always been very pale skinned and I don’t tan in the sun, so a must have is fake tan! Everything looks better with a little sun kissed glow! What do you want for Christmas? I’m looking forward to having a lovely Christmas at home with my family. As you get older, you realise that family is the best present you can have.

How did you find your shoot with us at EM Magazine? It was exciting! It was very different to what I’m used to and the location was absolutely stunning.. we were lucky enough to have two extra models on board - Minnie and Jeffrey (mini horse and sheep!) which made it all the more memorable. You can follow Ursula and her year as Miss Great Britain on social media ursulacalrton and missgb_official EM 39

EM 40

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First Model Management

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Girl Management Tel: 020 329 007 56 www.girlmanagementuk.com

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EM 41

Hughes Models Tel: 020 8672 8494 www.hughesmodels.co.uk


International Model Management www.immmodels.com




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Agents listed in the EM Directory are either fully accredited by the Every Model Board of Standards and

Next Model Management www.nextmanagement.com submissions@nextmodels.com

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OKAY Models Tel.: +49 - 40 - 37 85 000 fax.: +49 - 40 - 37 85 00 10 www.okaymodels.com email@okaymodels.com

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Select Model Management women: +44 (0) 20 7299 1300 men: +44 (0) 20 7299 1322 www.selectmodel.com



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UK Model Folios www.ukmodelfolios.co.uk

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Vivien’s Model Management 2028, NSW, Austrailia T +61 29326 2700 www.viviensmodels.com.au

Board of Standards and Ethics or have been selected as reputable and established agents by the board. Accredited agents display

Wilhelmina New York, NY 10010 T: 212.473.0700 wilhelmina.com

the EM approved logo on their website and corporate literature and are subject to an industry standards code of conduct protecting both their organisation and their models from malpractice along

To apply to be an agent listed in our directory please email us at info@everymodelmagazine.co.uk or visit the website for full details.

with recognition of ethical and moral responsibility.


EM 43

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