everything January
Tale of Two Nuthatches
New Year - New Kitchen
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Everything Elko! Each and every month don’t forget to grab the Everything Elko for your local calendar of events embellished with engaging and helpful articles. At Everything Elko we are locally minded and always welcoming new ideas, suggestions and talent! Please enjoy your magazine. Read it, share it, tear out coupons and recipes, it’s yours! You can also read it online or send to a friend at everythingelko.com! We are your community magazine and remember, “if you need to know, it will be in the Everything Elko.” God Bless! Marin Wendell, Editor of Everything Elko
Everything Elko is a local publication printed and distributed on a monthly basis in Elko, Nevada. The content is copyright of Everything Elko, LLC 2017 and is not to be reprinted or copied in any way without written consent of the publisher. ©2017 Everything Elko, LLC
Marin Wendell 775-340-1927 marin@everythingelko.com
Mandy Kelso 775-397-1986 mandy@everythingelko.com
Amber Eliades 775-340-7724 amber@everythingelko.com
Erin Radermacher Graphic Designer erin@everythingelko.com
January TA B L E O F
7 15 16
Calendar of Events Reflect West National Cowboy Gathering
54 57 65
Ruby Mountain Stamp Local Finds
20 22 24 29
New Year, New Kitchen?
3 Healthy Resolutions for the New Year
Why Propane?
78 82 86 88 90 92
Bread in a Bag
Wrestling Scholarship A Rancher's Update Recipes
38 40 46 48 50
A Tale of Two Nuthatches Hard Hitters Can't Find a Home Gadget Guy Puerto Vallarta Elko Area Snowmobiling
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Own It
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
Good Neighbor Cutest Kids BORAX Snowflake The Buddy System Classy-fieds
What's going on in Elko?
Calendar of Events New Year’s Day Sunday, January 1 Ruby Mountain Toastmasters - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 4 from 6:30pm-7:30pm Toastmasters meets every Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm at Great Basin College, in the EIT building on Chilton Circle Rd on the 2nd floor, room 201. This club and meetings are open to all interested parties. More info: http://4169.toastmastersclubs.org/ or 775-385-4920. Healthy Living Series - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 4th from 5:30pm-6:00pm Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital Nutrition Trends - A Look Back at 2016, Plus, What's Hot in 2017. Please join us each month to learn about a different nutrition topic. These classes are designed to provide practical, everyday steps that you can take to improve your health. The series is open to anyone in the community and, best of all, it’s FREE! For more information: 775-748-2094. NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Thursday, January 5 from 5:30-7pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com Celebrate Recovery - Elko, NV Thursday, January 5 from 6pm - 8:30pm This is a life changing recovery program that is Christcentered and ministers to the entire life spectrum as we walk through our hurts, habits and hangups. Please Email events to Marin at
join us in Celebrating God's healing power in our lives every Thursday night from 6 - 8:30 p.m. And for your children, 1st through 6th grade, as we also offer the age appropriate program, "Celebration Place". Calvary Baptist Church is located at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Street. For more info, call 738-6840 or check us out at www.calvaryelko.org Sunrise Toastmasters - Elko, NV Friday, January 6 from 6:30am - 7:30am Toastmasters meets every Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Stockmen’s Hotel in the Bull Pen. Elko Parkinson’s Support Group - Elko, NV Friday, January 6 at 1pm Teleconferences: We meet the first Friday of each month for information and support sessions with the Reno Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. We are affiliated with the American Parkinson’s Disease Association through the Reno Group. These very helpful and interesting teleconferences are held at 1pm at 701 Walnut St. Elko. (Griswold Hall, Room 31) Coffee Times: We try to meet once a month for coffee at 10am. We review teleconference information, discuss issues and share information/articles particularly relevant to PD, including family or social concerns, research trends and findings. Our goal is to provide mutual support, information and resources. - Dates and times vary so call for the next coffee time. Email and/or phone support: Just need to talk? Have new care issues? Personal stuff to share? Have questions about care issues? We’ll try to help or locate someone who can! Please call for more info: 775-753-7599 (Tish) or 775-738-7779 (Steve). Creative Ways to Use doTerra Oils - Elko, NV Monday, January 9 at 5:30pm Come and learn about how you can effectively use doTerra Essential Oils. Every Monday at 5:30pm at The Gypsy Cupboard at 452 Idaho St. Classes throughout the week as well. For More info: 778-9600.
marin@everythingelko.com W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Calendar Elko Democrats local monthly Meeting - Elko, NV Tuesday, January 10 at 6pm Local Democrats are hosting regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month at the VFW Hall at 731 VFW Drive in Elko. Meetings begin at 6 p.m. Those interested are invited to join us as we prioritize local issues to work on. Contact us at ElkoDems@gmail.com, like us on Facebook. Search: Elko County Democrats Central Committee. Call Ruth Collins at 340-6524 for more information. Northern Nevada Autism Network - Daytime Support Group - Elko, NV Tuesday, January 10 from 9:30am - 11am Our daytime meetings alternate between the Family Resource Center at 331 7th St in Elko and the Calvary Chapel at 559 Spring Valley Ct #1 in Spring Creek. These meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The goal of NNAN is to increase autism awareness and access to treatment. We believe Elko County’s communities and schools are healthier when children with autism have the benefit of early comprehensive treatment. At our monthly meetings parent and grandparents can meet and talk. More info: www.nnan.org. Ruby Mountain Toastmasters - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 11 from 6:30pm-7:30pm Toastmasters meets every Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm at Great Basin College, in the EIT building on Chilton Circle Rd on the 2nd floor, room 201. This club and meetings are open to all interested parties. More info: http://4169.toastmastersclubs.org/ or 775-385-4920. Jam On! - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 11 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm : FREE Musical jam session at the Western Folklife Center's Pioneer Saloon. The Pioneer Bar will be open, serving no-host Ruby Mountain beers and other refreshing beverages. Facilitated by Southwind, we'll be playing and singing a wide variety of tunes: bring your instruments, your friends, or just your ears for this free community event. Sponsored by the Western Folklife Center, this program has been funded, in part, by ArtPlace America, the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Live Rude Girls ltd. Monthly Meeting - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30pm This meeting is held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Round Table Pizza at 6:30pm. Any one interested in helping with fund raising, learning about what we do, or who are in search of cancer related care and assistance is welcome. Businesses or persons wishing to become a “Purple Provider” are also welcome. We are a registered Nevada Non-Profit. We also support our troops with our
Email events to Marin at
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“Operation Gratitude” More info: 775-777-3203 or email liverudegirlselko@gmail.com NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 11 from 12-1:30pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com. NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Thursday, January 12 from 5:30-7pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com. Let's Dance! - Elko, NV Thursday, January 12 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm – ONE NIGHT ONLY IN JANUARY! Join us at the Western Folklife Center's G Three Bar Theater for an evening of dancing and fun. Winner of Best Place to Dance award of the 2015 Reader's Choice Awards in the Elko Daily Free Press! Dance lesson is at 6pm, followed by open social dancing at 7pm. Admission only $5. Adults and teens welcome, no partner or experience necessary. For questions/information, contact ElkoLetsDance@gmail.com. Sponsored by the Western Folklife Center, this program has been funded in part by ArtPlace America, the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Celebrate Recovery - Elko, NV Thursday, January 12 from 6pm - 8:30pm This is a life changing recovery program that is Christcentered and ministers to the entire life spectrum as we walk through our hurts, habits and hangups. Please join
Calendar us in Celebrating God's healing power in our lives every Thursday night from 6 - 8:30 p.m. And for your children, 1st through 6th grade, as we also offer the age appropriate program, "Celebration Place". Calvary Baptist Church is located at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Street. For more info, call 738-6840 or check us out at www.calvaryelko.org. Sunrise Toastmasters - Elko, NV Friday, January 13 from 6:30am - 7:30am Toastmasters meets every Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Stockmen’s Hotel in the Bull Pen. Northeastern Nevada Museum 2nd Saturdays - Elko, NV Saturday, January 14 at 10am - 12pm Public of all ages are welcome. Young children must be accompanied by an adult. The museum is located at 1515 Idaho St. in Elko. For more info, times and cost contact the museum at 775-738-3418. Charlotte's Web - Elko, NV Saturday, January 14 at 2pm and 7pm Charlotte’s Web will be performed by the Elko high school drama team. Admission is free. Both performances at the Elko Convention Center. More info: 775-777-1222. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 16 Creative Ways to Use doTerra Oils - Elko, NV Monday, January 16 at 5:30pm Come and learn about how you can effectively use doTerra Essential Oils. Every Monday at 5:30pm at The Gypsy Cupboard at 452 Idaho St. Classes throughout the week as well. For More info: 778-9600. Ruby Mountain Toastmasters - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 18 from 6:30pm-7:30pm Toastmasters meets every Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm at Great Basin College, in the EIT building on Chilton Circle Rd on the 2nd floor, room 201. This club and meetings are open to all interested parties. More info: http://4169.toastmastersclubs.org/ or 775-385-4920. Southwind at the Pioneer Saloon Wednesday, January 18 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm : FREE Drop by the Western Folklife Center's Pioneer Saloon at 501 Railroad Street, and enjoy the lively music of Elko's own Southwind band from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The bar will be open for business and there's room to dance! Celebrate Recovery - Elko, NV Thursday, January 19 from 6pm - 8:30pm This is a life changing recovery program that is Christcentered and ministers to the entire life spectrum as we walk through our hurts, habits and hangups. Please join us in Celebrating God's healing power in our lives every
Email events to Marin at
Thursday night from 6 - 8:30 p.m. And for your children, 1st through 6th grade, as we also offer the age appropriate program, "Celebration Place". Calvary Baptist Church is located at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Street. For more info, call 738-6840 or check us out at www.calvaryelko.org. NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Thursday, January 19 from 5:30-7pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com. Sunrise Toastmasters - Elko, NV Friday, January 20 from 6:30am - 7:30am Toastmasters meets every Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Stockmen’s Hotel in the Bull Pen. Red, White & Baby / Bridal Fair - Elko, NV Saturday, January 21 Noon-6pm Elko Convention Center Fashion show, vendors, prizes, 5K, wine walk. For more info visit www.krjc.com Purple Polar 5K Fun/Run/Walk Saturday, January 21st Hosted by KRJC and Co-Host by LIVE RUDE GIRLS ltd. Proceeds benefit the Purple Provider program for cancer care assistance and the Operation Gratitude Elko Med Flight. Sign up at KRJC or LIVE RUDE GIRLS ltd. headquarters at 185 10th St. Elko or follow links online at www.liverudegirls.com or KRJC.com. Creative Ways to Use doTerra Oils - Elko, NV Monday, January 23 at 5:30pm Come and learn about how you can effectively use doTerra Essential Oils. Every Monday at 5:30pm at The Gypsy Cupboard at 452 Idaho St. Classes throughout the week as well. For More info: 778-9600. Ruby Mountain Toastmasters - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 25 from 6:30pm-7:30pm Toastmasters meets every Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm at Great Basin College, in the EIT building on Chilton Circle Rd on the 2nd floor, room 201. This club and meetings are open to all interested parties. More info: http://4169.toastmastersclubs.org/ or 775-385-4920.
marin@everythingelko.com W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Calendar NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Wednesday, January 25 from 12-1:30pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com. Celebrate Recovery - Elko, NV Thursday, January 26 from 6pm - 8:30pm This is a life changing recovery program that is Christcentered and ministers to the entire life spectrum as we walk through our hurts, habits and hangups. Please join us in Celebrating God's healing power in our lives every Thursday night from 6 - 8:30 p.m. And for your children, 1st through 6th grade, as we also offer the age appropriate program, "Celebration Place". Calvary Baptist Church is located at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Street. For more info, call 738-6840 or check us out at www.calvaryelko.org. NAMI Connection support groups - Elko, NV Thursday, January 26 from 5:30-7pm NAMI Connection is a confidential and safe support group for anyone 18 or older living with a mental health challenge, regardless of diagnosis. It is free and is led by trained local peers who are also recovering from mental health issues. No specific therapy or medication is endorsed. We have two meeting times for variable schedules: 1) Every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 at 1st Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr, Elko 2) Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from noon to 1:30 at the meeting room in Elko County Library, 720 Court St, Elko. For more information info call or text 775-388-8432 or email nlsdpt@gmail.com. Sunrise Toastmasters - Elko, NV Friday, January 27 from 6:30am - 7:30am Toastmasters meets every Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Stockmen’s Hotel in the Bull Pen.
Stories. Straight Up. at venues throughout Elko. Cowboy poetry and music, western gear, special discussions and panels on land use, western films and more! www.nationalpoetrygathering.org Creative Ways to Use doTerra Oils - Elko, NV Monday, January 30 at 5:30pm Come and learn about how you can effectively use doTerra Essential Oils. Every Monday at 5:30pm at The Gypsy Cupboard at 452 Idaho St. Classes throughout the week as well. For More info: 778-9600. POW*MIA Chili Feed - Elko, NV February 18, 2017 Doors open at 3:00pm Event begins at 4:00pm
To view this magazine online, scan this QR Code with your phone. Don’t have a reader? Download one for free by visiting the App Store on your smartphone.
For advertising opportunities contact Amber at amber@everythingelko.com or 775-340-7724 Mandy at mandy@everythingelko.com or 775-397-1986
All local events are welcome. Email events to Marin at marin@everythingelko.com.
33rd National Cowboy Poetry Gathering! - Elko, NV Workshops begin Sunday, January 29 From Monday (January 30) night’s performance dedicated to the memory of Jack & Irene through the Midnight Dance ending at 2:00am Sunday (February 5), experience Real
Email events to Marin at
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
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New Year
Friday, January 13, drink creatively while you combine cocktails with a slight artistic flair. A Toast to Art allows experienced and amateur painters to embrace their creative side during a two hour session of step-by-step painting with a local artist.
Better Service
Friday, January 20. Come and join in with great music, concessions and some fun skating competitions.
New Rewards Better Quality
Better Savings Under our #goldenballs
those who sign up in January will have a chance at $500 in prizes and more.
Register for the 2017 Snobowl Jr. Ski and Snowboard program. Preregistration required. Lessons begin January 7th - February 4th.
The City of Elko Recreation Department Provides a before and after school latchkey program and a full day summer program for kids k-6 grades. OPEN SPACES NOW AVAILABLE
185-10th St, Elko 775-777-8993
Noon - 6PM
Free Admission Elko Convention Center
Fashion Show | Vendors | Prizes 5K RACE WINE WALK Visit KRJC.com for 5K and Wine Walk Pricing and Event information. WWW. K R JC . C O M
Elko County Library - January Events Toddler Time:
January 7 @ 10:30, Designed for ages 0-2
Story Time:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 10:30, ages 3-5
Maker Monday:
Tweens & Teens January 16 Canceled Holiday Designed for ages 10-18
Wisdom Tooth Special
Tween Book & a Movie:
January 31 The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Ages 10-13
Lego Creations Contest January 9-21 Entry form @ library & elkocountylibrary.org
January 18 @ 3:30pm Preregistration required Ages 5-11
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The Northeastern Nevada Museum is located at 1515 Idaho Street in Elko. Regular public hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday, and 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Sunday. For more information, please call (775) 738-3418 or email director@museumelko.org.
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Reflect West Visual Storytelling
Reflect West, a collection of nine images by Jake Cloward, premiered on December 6, 2016, in the Halleck Bar Gallery at the Northeastern Nevada Museum in Elko. The special exhibit is set to show through March 6, 2017. Cloward, who is from Salt Lake City, Utah, has spent much of his life sharpening his craft as a visual storyteller. After a tour of duty in Iraq as a combat engineer, he returned home and dealt with residual issues from his time overseas. He started painting again in 2013, with therapeutic results. Jake found himself gravitating toward western art. He had always been keen on western movies and the history of the American West. The genre fascinates him. He feels there are many stories to be told about the rugged people who discovered and established the country. Jake finds himself drawn toward the ideals and the striking images created about the region in all art forms.
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Real stories. Straight up. We’ll be warming up the winter at the 33rd National Cowboy Poetry Gathering with an abundance of stories—first-hand accounts, narratives passed down and around, and undoubtedly a yarn or two. All around Elko you’ll experience today’s renaissance of storytelling through poetry, song, video, visual art, new media and more. You can look forward to tales rich with lessons learned, risk-taking, humor, heroes, neighbors and family. The Gathering culminates with an exciting evening of true stories as host of The Moth Mainstage. One of the leaders in the national resurgence of storytelling performance, The Moth live events and The Moth Radio Hour elevate the craft of personal storytelling. Kick back and listen or join in with your own stories. Interested in documenting stories from your life? Sign up for a digital storytelling or oral history workshop. Curious about new and old avenues of sharing experience? Attend a roundtable conversation with noted raconteurs, bloggers, radio and video producers, journalists and visual artists. From the keynote address to the last show of the Gathering, we’ll honor the tradition of storytelling in the rural West and beyond.
Every year, dozens of writers, photographers and filmmakers come to Elko to attend the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering and are usually blown away by what they find here. If you are interested in attending the Gathering, or would just like more information, please contact Darcy Minter, Communications Director, at dminter@westernfolklife.org.
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Home is where the heart is
20 22 24 29
New Year, New Kitchen? Wrestling Scholarship A Rancher's Update Recipes
“Nevada Cattlemen's Association Educational Programs”
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| pg 24
Although the weather was frightful, we want to Thank all of Elko for coming down to the Snowflake Festival, we appreciate all of your support and we are already planning for a bigger and better snowflake festival next year!!
Chr tmas
Thank you to our sponsors!
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Is Your New Year’s Resolution a New Look for Your
The start to any new year is a time for reflection on the year which has past. Thoughts about what the future will bring. 2017 will be different. In terms of your home, you may be thinking about all those big jobs you put off in 2016 and want to achieve in the new year. For many of us a new kitchen would be a top priority. A new year is a perfect excuse to do something different. Upgrading your kitchen, bathroom or even laundry room is a great not to repeat last year’s resolution.
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W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
With Santa and Christmas behind, you may think that your dreams of a new kitchen in 2017 are going to be put on a long waiting list. But you can achieve much more than you might expect with a little imagination, Ruby Mountain Woodworking and just a modest budget. The start of the new year means plenty of sales and cheap options, but you will be competing with thousands of shoppers all looking for the most expensive kitchen at the cheapest price. You will more than likely must wait for a tradesman to find the time to measure your kitchen and you will be waiting months before
your new year’s project is finished. If your one of the lucky ones, you might have it ready for the summer. Simply buying replacement doors and drawer faces from Ruby Mountain Woodworking will allow you to bypass the madness of the January sales. While, still getting great bargains at the same time. Buying and fitting new kitchen doors will transform your kitchen and not break your budget. You will have plenty left over to add new items to your kitchen to really make it feel brand new.
So How does it work? You give Ruby Mountain Woodworking a call, and let us do the rest. We have many years in the trade, know our products and can offer you an easy shopping experience.
We take the measurements of your current doors and drawer fronts and order replacements which can be the same or even a different design. We can even custom build a door or drawer size if required. You can also choose from a wide variety of materials, styles and colors. Replacing the hinges is also part of the list that we offer, we can upgrade you to soft closing hinges and drawer slides. Other items you might want to consider would be cutlery trays, baskets, new door handles and even a new worktop if required. If your trying to match a broken door we can help with that as well. Ruby Mountain Woodworking then comes out and installs all the new doors and drawer faces.
Normally we are only in your house for one to two days installing. When you call a major chain, you must deal with someone on the phone. With us we are local and here to help you every step of the way, from start to finish. You come to us as a stranger and leave as a friend. Buying your new kitchen at the start of the new year is the perfect start to 2017. You will beat the rush in the stores and kitchen showrooms. Shopping with Ruby Mountain Woodworking allows you to get your perfect kitchen without having to wait and you will be saving yourself time. It sounds like the perfect way to start a great new year.
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Karl J. Shafer Ruby Mountain Wrestling
The Karl J. Shafer/ Ruby Mountain Wrestling Scholarship was established in 2002 by Steven & Anna Shafer, Karl’s Parents, and Scott & Lisa Barrett, a former Head Coach of Ruby Mountain Wrestling Club. The scholarships are given to graduating seniors at Spring Creek and Elko High Schools that were previous wrestlers of Ruby Mountain Wrestling Club. This scholarship is funded through monies collected from our yearly raffle, and also private donations.
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The Karl J. Shafer/ Ruby Mountain Wrestling Scholarship is a scholarship in memory of Karl J. Shafer, who was a victim of a tragic drowning accident on July 5th, 2002 at the age of 10. Karl attended Sage Elementary School from Kindergarten through the end of his 5th grade year. Karl started wrestling for Ruby Mountain Wrestling Club when he was in 2nd grade and wrestled every year through 5th grade. He loved wrestling and medaled at almost every tournament. He has 2 state titles, one in Freestyle and one in Greco. Karl was also involved in the Spring Creek Junior Football League for 2 years. Karl was a very special person, capturing the love of all who came in his path, from all his school friends, family, teachers and coaches. Steven & Anna, Karl’s parents, Scott & Lisa Barrett and a committee from the Ruby Mountain Wrestling Club choose the recipients of the scholarship each year. Thank you in advance for keeping Karl’s memory alive! If you would like to make a donation to help support the Karl J. Shafer Wrestling Scholarship, it would be greatly appreciated! You may contact Holly Elegante at 775-738-8453 of holly.elegante@gmail.com. Thank You!!
A New Year… A New You
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Nevada Cattlemen’s Association
A Rancher's Update January 9-13
Educational programs to be held throughout the state, hosted by University of Nevada, Reno The Cattlemen’s Update will provide Nevada’s cattle producers and ranchers with the most current information on topics important for their businesses Jan. 9-13, 2017, at various locations across Nevada. The annual event is being presented by the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources and University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, with support from the Nevada Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency and other local sponsors. “This is a great opportunity for livestock producers in Nevada to interact with University faculty to learn about ongoing research and Extension education programs and to hear updates from the Nevada Department of Agriculture,“ said Dean Bill Payne from the UNR College of Agriculture Biotechnology and Natural Resources. The Cattlemen’s Update provides current research-based information about important management practices and issues that may affect the efficiency, productivity, profitability and sustainability of cattle production businesses. Each day, the program is held at a different location in the state, where experts discuss pertinent topics with participants. Sessions are approximately three to four hours, and the cost is $20 per ranch per location attended, which includes lunch or dinner and the “Red Book” recordkeeping guide for cattlemen. Experts from the University and Nevada, Reno; Nevada Department of Agriculture; and Nevada Cattlemen’s Association will discuss the following topics: • College Update • New Faculty Introduction in Livestock Production • 2017 Climate Update and Status of Drought Monitor • Rangeland Monitoring App Update • Flexible Grazing Management for Riparian Functions and Recovery • Current and Emerging Livestock Disease and New Feed Directives • Efficiency Relative to Cow Size • Update on Paternity Study and Cheatgrass Project • Update from Nevada Cattlemen’s Association • Veterinarian Update • Sponsor Updates
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2017 SCHEDULE Times given are the registration times, and the programs begin 30 minutes after registration. January 9, 10 a.m. Reno
January 11, 5:30 p.m. Ely
Lunch provided
Dinner provided
This session only will also be offered via interactive video at University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offices in Caliente, Logandale, Lovelock and Eureka.
January 9, 5:30 p.m. Sierra Valley, CA Dinner provided
January 12, 12:30 p.m., Elko Dinner provided GREAT BASIN COLLEGE SOLARIUM 1500 COLLEGE PARKWAY
January 13, 10 a.m., Winnemucca Lunch provided
92203 HIGHWAY 70
January 10, 10 a.m. Wellington
January 10, 5:30 p.m. Fallon Dinner provided FALLON CONVENTION CENTER 100 CAMPUS WAY
FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Mineral County Extension Educator Staci Emm at emms@unce.unr. edu or 775-475-4227. Persons in need of special accommodations or assistance should call or notify Emm at least three days prior to the scheduled event.
Editor’s Note: Members of the media are welcome to attend any of the sessions, gratis. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is the unit of the University of Nevada, Reno that is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. For more information on its programs, visit www.unce.unr.edu. Nevada’s land-grant university founded in 1874, the University of Nevada, Reno ranks in the top tier of best national universities by U.S. News and World Report and is steadily growing in enrollment, excellence and reputation. The University serves more than 21,000 students. Part of the Nevada System of Higher Education, the University is home to the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and Wolf Pack Athletics. Through a commitment to world-improving research, student success and outreach benefiting the communities and businesses of Nevada, the University has impact across the state and around the world. For more information, visit www.unr.edu.
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dental care
Our Office is Expanding! Welcome Dr. Joseph Johnson to Family Dental Care. NOW BOOKING APPOINTMENTS STARTING IN JANUARY.
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Vegan Roasted Carrot & Cauliflower Soup
Waldorf Chicken Salad in Lettuce Cups
Strawberry & Poppyseed Buttermilk Bread
Flourless Chocolate Chip Blondies w/ Sea Salt
Waldorf Chicken Salad in Lettuce Cups Photo and recipe courtesy of: www.flcourier.com
• ¼ cup Greek yogurt
• 1 rib of celery, diced
• 1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar
• ¼ apple, washed, peeled and diced
• ½ cup mayonnaise
• ½ teaspoon dry mustard • 1 teaspoon dried thyme • pinch of salt
• freshly ground black pepper
• 2 cups cooked, skinless chicken
• ¼ English cucumber, diced
• ½ cup toasted, chopped walnuts
•4 large Boston lettuce leaves, rinsed
and patted dry • 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
breast, coarsely chopped
In medium mixing bowl, whisk together yogurt, mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, thyme, salt and pepper. Fold in chicken, celery, cucumber, apple and walnuts. Place 2 lettuce leaves on each plate and spoon 1/4 of chicken salad into each cup. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and serve.
Vegan Roasted Carrot & Cauliflower Soup
Recipe and photo courtesy: www.willfrolicforfood.com
Ingredients: • 1 medium cauliflower,
core removed & florets halved • 2 lbs carrots, peeled & sliced into 1 inch rounds • olive oil • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika • 1 large sweet white onion, chopped roughly + 1 teaspoon olive oil
• 4 cups unsalted vegetable stock • 1 can full fat coconut milk • ½ cup dry white wine • 2 cups water
• 1 teaspoon turmeric
• 2 teaspoons smoked paprika • salt, to taste
• *optional garnish: basil
Preparation 1. Preheat the oven to 375F and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Add the sliced carrots to one baking sheet and the cauliflower florets to the other. Drizzle olive oil over the carrots and cauliflower. Add paprika to the carrots, and a sprinkling of salt to both (I used about ½ teaspoon for each). Toss the cauliflower and carrots to combine the veg with the olive oil / salt / spices. Roast for 35 minutes, until fork tender. 2. Remove and let cool 10 minutes, so that they reach a workable temp. While the roasted veg is cooling, caramelize the onion in your soup pot with 1 teaspoon of olive oil (this takes 10 mins or so). You want the onions to go beyond translucent, becoming slightly golden and beginning to brown. Add the carrots, cauliflower, vegetable stock, coconut milk, white wine, water, turmeric, and paprika. Stir to combine. 3. Cook 10-15 minutes on medium high heat, until the soup is boiling and the flavors begin to meld together. Using an electric hand blender, blend everything together until smooth. Alternately, you can add the soup to a high powered blender and pulse in batches (let it cool slightly so you can handle the temp in the blender). 4. Once the soup is creamy and well blended, add the salt, to taste. Serve topped with basil (or rosemary!). Enjoy!
Flourless Chocolate Chip Blondies w/ Sea Salt Photo and recipe courtesy of cheatsheet.com
• 1 can (15 ounces) chickpeas,
rinsed and drained • ½ cup all natural almond butter or peanut butter • 1 /3 cup pure maple syrup or agave nectar (or honey) • 2 teaspoons vanilla • ½ teaspoon salt
• ¼ teaspoon baking powder • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
/ cup vegan (or regular) chocolate chips plus 2 tablespoons • sea salt, for sprinkling • 1 3
Preparation Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and spray 8-by-8 inch pan with nonstick cooking spray. In a food processor, add all ingredients except chocolate chips and process until batter is smooth. Fold in 1/3 cup of chocolate chips. Spread batter evenly in prepared pan then sprinkle 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips on top. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean and edges are a tiny bit brown. Cool pan for 20 minutes on wire rack. Sprinkle with sea salt then cut into squares. Makes 16 blondies.
Strawberry & Poppyseed Buttermilk Bread
Photo and recipe courtesy of: www.vegetarianventures.com
Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups whole wheat flour • ½ cup all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon lemon zest • ½ teaspoon salt • 2 large eggs
• ½ cup brown sugar
• ¼ cup sunflower oil
(or grapeseed oil)
• ¼ cup buttermilk
• 1 cup pureed strawberries
(about 1 pint strawberries pureed in a blender) • ¼ cup poppy seeds + more to top the loaf with thin slices of strawberries to top the loaf
Preparation Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a loaf pan with parchment paper. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flours, baking soda, cinnamon, zest, and salt. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredient and pour in the strawberry puree, buttermilk, brown sugar, poppyseeds, and oil. Whisk together the wet ingredients and once incorporated, start incorporating the dry ingredients into the wet by making large whisking strokes until everything is incorporated.
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38 40 46 48 50
| pg 48
A Tale of Two Nuthatches Hard Hitters Can't Find a Home Gadget Guy Puerto Vallarta Elko Area Snowmobiling
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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
A Tale of Two Nuthatches The members of the nuthatch family have long, pointed bills. These are second in strength only to woodpeckers-with which nuthatches are sometimes confused but to which they aren't even closely related. Both groups can peck on wood, but nuthatch bills are not chiselshaped and their owners do not have the strong necks and shockproof craniums that protect woodpeckers from concussions. In addition, woodpeckers have stiff tails that are noticeably longer than short stubby ones on nuthatches. Woodpecker tails provide balance and support as they work their way UP a tree trunk; nuthatches almost always forage sideways or headdown. By working its way down the tree, the nuthatch is able to see food items in sky-facing crannies that may not be obvious to "up-foraging" birds such as Brown Creepers and woodpeckers. They get their common name from their habit of jamming large nuts and seeds into tree bark, then whacking them with their sharp bill to “hatch” out the seed from the inside. There are two species of nuthatches in our area. The White-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis is the largest of the nuthatches, but still a small bird (5.1 to 5.5 inches). It is a common feeder bird with a large head and almost no neck. It is gray-blue on the back, with a white face and underparts. The black cap and neck frame the face and make it look this bird is wearing a hood. White-breasted Nuthatches are active, agile little birds with an appetite for insects and large, meaty seeds. White-breasted Nuthatches may be small but their voices are loud, and often their insistent nasal yammering will lead you right to them. If you see a White-breasted Nuthatch making lots of quick trips to and from your feeder – too many for it to be eating them all – it may be storing the seeds for later in the winter, by wedging them into furrows in the bark of nearby trees. The Red-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta canadensis, is smaller (4.3 inches) than the White-breasted and, similarly, has mostly gray upper parts and a black cap, but is a warm orangey-salmon color underneath, and with a dark eyestripe separated from the cap by a white line. This bird is also very energetic darting in any direction looking for insects and seeds. Their excitable yank-yank calls sound like tiny tin horns being honked in the treetops. 38
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Contributed by Lois Ports for the Bristlecone Audubon Chapter
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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
The Hard Hitters
Can't Find
a home
Contributed by Adrian Bowles
This off-season we’ve already seen outfielders Ian Desmond, Dexter Fowler, Josh Reddick, and Yoenis Cespedes close contracts with teams. Cespedes is clearly the best hitter in that group of players completing a deal to return to the New York Mets, that is worth $110MM over the next four years. Each of the other players don’t stand out as much as Cespedes at the box, but can still supply a lot of defense for their new teams. Ian Desmond even finished a contract to go play first base for the Colorado Rockies proving that he has the ability to play all around the diamond; moving from shortstop with the Nationals, to going to play center field with the Rangers and now first base with the Rockies. But this list of players is missing something. Oh, more offense. Three of the hardest hitting players are still left on the market in Edwin Encarnacion, Jose Bautista, and Mark Trumbo. Encarnacion was ranked the second best free agent this off season closely behind Cespedes who has already signed a massive contract worth $27.5MM annually. Yet Cespedes’ offensive numbers don’t jump off of the pages as much as Encarnacion’s; Cespedes finished the 2016 season batting .280 with 31 homeruns, 86 RBI, and an on base percentage of .354, while Encarnacion finished the 2016 season with a batting average of
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.263 with 42 homeruns, 127 RBI, and an on base percentage of .357. But why is no one looking to grab on of the league’s best home run hitters? The Blue Jays have reportedly taken their 4 year, $80MM offer off of the table to Encarnacion, who is looking for a new deal where he will be making north of $20MM a year. The Blue Jays just signed Kendrys Morales to be designated hitter, as well as Steve Pierce to add more outfield depth, so it doesn’t seem as if the hard-hitting switch hitter will be returning to Toronto. With those two additions to their pay roll it would be hard to land Encarnacion with the contract that he is looking for. The Boston Red Sox also reached out to Encarnacion to replace David Ortiz in the DH position, but Encarnacion didn’t jump on that opportunity early in the offseason. The Red Sox signed former Texas Ranger’s first basemen, Mitch Moreland, on December 8, to play first base in order to let Hanley Ramirez DH. Things are looking slim for Encarnacion to go to Boston, especially if Pablo Sandoval can return and look anything like the former World Series MVP he once was. The Seattle Mariners are still in search for a corner outfielder or a first basemen depending on the price of the player while still remaining in contact
Three of the hardest hitting players are still left on the market.
Edwin Encarnacion, sportsonearth.com
with Encarnacion. Having Robinson Cano, Nelson Cruz, Kyle Seager, and Edwin Encarnacion would be a force to be reckoned with offensively. The Cleveland Indians have also shown interest in switch hitter with the loss of Mike Napoli at first and DH. Adding Encarnacion could help DH, Carlos Santana, in Cleveland as well. The Baltimore Orioles are looking for another DH this off-season with the loss of Mark Trumbo and might have the money for Encarnacion. Then lastly Oakland A’s have reached out to Encarnacion as of late, yet they wouldn’t be in any contention to make a run to the post season like the other teams he is pursuing. So it seems unlikely he would sign with Oakland just to be the best bat on the team. Former teammate of Encarnacion and fellow homerun hitter, Jose Bautista, is having a very difficult time this off-season after passing up the qualifying offer of $17.2MM for a one year deal to return to the Blue Jays. In the 2016 season Bautista batted .234 with 22 homeruns, 69 RBI, and an on base percentage of .366. Which for him, is under performing. But the passionate outfielder has led the league in home runs on multiple occasions and always seems to get the big hit in high stress situations. Bautista was in search of getting a contract with Boston to add depth to their outfield
Jose Bautista, cbssports.com
as well as play DH to help his lacking defensive ability. With the additions of Mitch Moreland and Chris Sale in Boston that dream seems very unlikely. After missing out on his opportunity to play for $17.2MM for one year, Bautista is now looking to sign a contract that looks similar to $48MM for 3 years, which is $16MM annually. Bautista is having a hard time finding a team that will agree on his worth. After the qualifying offer was declined it was clear that Baustista was looking for a contract that was above $18MM a year. But with a name as popular as his why wouldn’t teams be lining up to get an outfielder that averages 23 homeruns a season? Well Jose Bautista will be 36 going into the 2017 season and his numbers fell dramatically this past season; so an honest question is how much more does he have in the tank? The Baltimore Orioles, the Cleveland Indians, and the Texas Rangers are in the front running to acquire Bautista in what looks like could be a two or threeyear deal. Although fans and other players in Baltimore and Texas aren’t fond of Bautista, one can never rule out a player based on past issues. But wouldn’t we all love to see how things unravel between Roughned Odor and Bautista being in the same locker room?
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The Mariners still need a corner outfielder and potentially could sign Bautista for cheaper price than Encarnacion. The Chicago White Sox and the Philadelphia Phillies have shown interest in Bautista but are in no hurry to make a move based on the idea that no other team is. Acquiring Bautista wouldn’t help the White Sox or the Phillies reach a world series but he would definitely be one of the better batters on the team as well as adding a veteran. With the Orioles showing interest in both Bautista and Encarnacion, how are they going to approach keeping their American League homerun leader (47), Mark Trumbo? Trumbo has an average of 28 homeruns in his first 7 seasons. In 2016, Trumbo batted .256 with 47 homeruns, 108 RBI, and an on base percentage of .316. Trumbo’s homers took a jump this past season where he was hitting in Camden Yards; the second most homer friendly park next to Coors Field in Colorado. Trumbo strikes out often but has remained consistent striking out in around 25% of his at bats. But since 2011 Trumbo is hitting 5% more fly balls and last year he nearly hit 1 homerun in every 5 fly balls he hit. He was able to make minor adjustments in his swing to be able to maximize his productivity while he was in Baltimore.
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Trumbo is on the search for a contract that looks similar to 4 years worth around $80MM, which is $20MM annually. He has also showed that he would be willing to receive less if the right opportunity presented itself. He would be profiting after declining the qualifying offer that Baltimore offered to him, unlike Bautista where his market is only dwindling. Trumbo offers a great bat to be a DH but can also play one of the corner outfield positions or play first base, where he has logged the majority of his defensive innings. The Baltimore Orioles are still in talks with Trumbo to have him return to Camden Yards after a reportedly four year deal was presented to Trumbo, but he is still looking over options.
Mark Trumbo, baltimoresun.com
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Saturday 5-10pm only
Any Day of Week
2 for 1 Drinks
1/2 off kids entree with purchase of any adult entree.
Limit 2 Free Drinks J A N1/31/17 U A RY 2 0 1 7 44 Expires
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M 1/3
Lunch 11-2, Dinner 5-9 Expires 1/31/17
The Colorado Rockies have reached out to Trumbo this off-season despite already signing outfielder Ian Desmond to a 5 year $70MM contract to play first base. The Rockies have been in talks to trade outfielder Charlie Blackmon that could free space for Trumbo on their lineup. With the open spot in the outfield, the Rockies could put Ian Desmond in centerfield, which clears space for Trumbo to play first base. Even though Trumbo’s defensive numbers are lacking, this deal would put Trumbo in the most homer happy park in the league. After watching his offensive productivity skyrocket this past season in Baltimore, it’d be really fun to watch just how far his ball travels in Denver. The Rockies are on their way to becoming a contender in the National League West Division, by adding Trumbo to their lineup they would have a very offensive team with the help of Trevor Story and Nolan Arenado. But the Rockies are still lacking pitching, which is easily seen within that division.
Dawn Mitton
397 Court Street Elko, NV 89801 775-738-1344 • CHERYL SCHMIDTLEIN •
SPECTACULAR RUBY MTN VIEWS 49.23 acres with Water Rights!
Picturesque Views! Gourmet Kitchen! Mother-in-Law Quarters! Barn! Dressage Arena! Native Grass Pastures!
hitters continue to succeed for years to come.
Custom Stained Glass and Gifts
Hopefully we’ll remain to see each of these hard
Enjoy south facing views from the living room, or the shade of the summer evening on the deck of this 4 bed, 2½ bath home with oversized laundry room & mature landscaping. Many recent upgrades. 1158 Dotta Dr. — ELKO
6.82 acre Horse Property 2-story home with 3 bed, 2 bath, wrap around deck, patio area, horseshoe pit. Barn with power, tack room, workshop & four stalls. Fenced chicken coop, dog kennel, raised garden beds, fruit trees. 493 Lilac Dr. — SPRING CREEK
will fit on a team is the best part of the off-season.
Figuring out the player’s worth and where they
info@dawnmitton.com www.dawnmitton.com
Encarnacion and Trumbo are maintaining their worth so far this offseason so it’ll be interesting to see who cashes out to get either of those players. Bautista’s worth is only decreasing as he waits longer and longer so it’s time for him to make a move on a contract. But where will these power hitters end up? Will we see just how far Trumbo can hit in Denver? Will we see one of the bash bros from Toronto end up in Cleveland to try and make a run another to the World Series?
5 bed, 3½ bath, gourmet kitchen, wraparound deck & attached 3-car garage. Mother-in-law quarters has 2 bed, 1 bath & separate entrance. Includes a Barn with two stalls, tack room, & hay storage. Good water year the hay yield has been 40 ton and 15-20 ton in dry years.
3711 Sundance Dr., Elko
Black Ink Ceramic Travel Mug This would make for a fun project to do with the kids, just color and bake!
Custom Orders, Classes, Gifts, Supplies www.cherylsartglass.blogspot.com cherylsglass@frontiernet.net
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If you are the type to never let winter stop you, then just keeping running this winter with Yaktrax. With a combination of high strength natural rubber and 1.4 MM steel coils around surrounding your heel, traction control will take on a new meaning. The front of the tracks have six carbide steel spikes and each pair has an anatomic right and left design. There is even reflective heel tabs for those not only crazy enough to run in the snow, but at night as well.
/// YA K T RA X $40 Avai l able at www.y aktra x. c om
Nikon D500
In a day and age of technology advancing faster than you can afford it, it’s nice to see some things holding their ground. The mirrorless camera was supposed to be the new movement in camera technology first introduced by Sony, but nobody told Nikon as they took the best of the year with this camera. With 21 MP, built-in WiFi and Bluetooth, 4K video and the EXPEED 5 image processor, the D500 is seeing some big accolades for 2016. With near instant autofocus and 1240 shot battery life, you’ll be capturing life with ease.
/// N I K ON D500 $1797 (body only) Ava i l a bl e a t w w w. n ik o n u s a . c o m
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Pescado by Eric Pollard
Fan of deep snow? Then these are a must. Years in the making, Eric Pollard with LINE skis was willing to share his years of development. This swallowtail design allows for an extended edge without extreme rigidity. Paulownia wood inside the sandwich construction and supported by bamboo sidewalls. A directional, surfy ski the LINE Pescado fuses the best of surfing, art, and skiing with an innovative fish shape and swallow tail that’ll carve deeper and float faster.
/// P ES C A DO $1050 E x c lu s iv e ly a t y o u r lo c a l s k i s ho p
[4] [4]
The world has turned into Metrics. Numbers, numbers and more numbers. This base layer shirt with integrated sensors will give constant feedback to your smartphone, and Big Brother, as to your body metrics. Recording heart rate, breathing rate, steps, pace, calories and even sleep habits. Machine washable of course. Just slip it on and get to work. 14 hour battery life.
/// HE X OS K I N $ 3 9 9 Available at ww w. h e xoski n . c om
Click and Grow Wall Farm
Grow fresh herbs, fruits and leafy greens all year round with the Wall Farm by Click and Grow. Innovative technology lets plants grow faster and more nutritious. No pesticides, hormones or harmful substances to ruin your foods. Integrate this clever gadget into your home and grow 51 plants simultaneously on 3 trays. A connected app will allow quick re-ordering and a 35L tank keeps your garden perfectly hydrated with automated watering. Subscribe to the autoship for monthly refills as you need.
/// WA LL FA RM $799 Av a ila b le a t w w w. c lic k a n d g ro w. c o m
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Thinking about a Mexican vacation, but you are short on time and money? Then maybe a Puerto Vallarta getaway is right for you. The travel time is relatively quick and the options for exploring this beautiful area are endless.
• Outdoor activities here are abundant, with ATV beach tours being extremely popular. Explore the jungles and beaches on your own ATV, then enjoy lunch on the beach with the group. If hanging around is more your style, then maybe you should trip the Zip-lining and Repeling tour with Outdoor Adventures. You can snorkel here too, as well as scuba dive. There are many dive shops in the area who are ready to help you plan your dives safely and weather permitting I hear the dives are quite good. • FOOD, FOOD, FOOD!! Puerto Vallarta is known for its amazing food, so many tour companies are pairing with local restaurants to give you a unique touring opportunity. Vallarta food tours takes you on a walking tour downtown to experience the local cuisine. Or, if you want to take it one step further, sign up for a Cookin’ Vallarta tour. Start at a local market and shop for your ingredients, then head back to a local restaurant and cook your own meal. What a wonderful, unique and fun experience that would be. • If sailing is more your thing, then climb aboard. There are many local sailing companies that offer catamaran cruises, Hobie Cats, paddle boards and more. How about a Pirate cruise instead? Pirate Ship Vallarta is all about family fun, including a pirate show right on board the Jolly Roger. I hear you may even get to “walk the plank”. • Puerto Vallarta can also be Artistic. Puerto Vallarta is a paradise in terms of culture and art. It’s the home of artists and culture fans from around the world, who have been inspired by the mix of romance and the beauty of our town and people. The vibrant artistic scene is reflected in the large quantity of art galleries, public sculptures, and cultural festivals.
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• Puerto Vallarta is also one of the most exceptional places in Latin America due to its biodiversity. Explore its beautiful tropical vegetation which covers its mountains and shelters hundreds of species of birds, orchids, and wildlife such as the ocelot, the jaguar and the iguana. See how hunchback whales leap out of the water and dolphins playing around or travel out to sea to fish marlin, tuna and sea bass. As you can see Puerto Vallarta is an amazing place to visit. If you have more questions concerning this location or any others, please contact your local travel agent. We are here to help you plan the perfect vacation for you and your family.
Thrive Cosmically
Moon Dusts work synergistically at the deepest levels to enhance your beauty, brain, body, sexual energy, sleep and spirit. These transformative formulas are alchemized with the most potent organic and wild-crafted herbs, adaptogenic plants, and bioactive minerals available.
Each Moon Dust comes in a glass jar filled with 15.5 servings depending on taste and desired level of potency. Add one teaspoon to 8oz of any hot or cold liquid. Delicious with nut milk water or tea. Don’t be afraid to double dose! Moon Dusts love to travel with you and can be taken in your daily tote or on an airplane.
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ELKO AREA SNOWMOBILING Voted one of the “Top 10� snowmobiling destinations in the world by Super Trax Magazine.
/// Wild Horse Reservoir or Gold Creek and Merritt Mountain A snowmobiling adventure in this neck of Nevada promises miles and miles of open range snowmobiling with a wide variety of terrain that begs to be explored. /// Jack Creek and Independence Mountains Start your adventure from Jack Creek Lodge to discover this mountainous ranching country, with the Independence Range on the east and the Tuscaroras on the west. With a nearly 4,000 foot rise in elevation, the Independence offers a wide variety of terrain for all levels of experience. /// North Fork, Charleston and Jarbidge Up to 30 feet of snow can fall in this rugged winter wilderness, providing a variety of unique challenges for snowmobilers. Snowmobiling is prohibited in designated Wilderness areas. /// Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway Often referred to as the Alps of Nevada, Lamoille Canyon is one of Nevada's most spectacular landscapes. Snowmobiling enthuisiasts will be stunned at the gorgeous scenery in this rugged, glaciated canyon. Follow the 12-mile, paved road through the canyon to the unloading section at the snow line. Remember, snowmobiling is prohibited in designated wilderness area, but there are plenty of legal riding opportunities within the canyon itself.
/// exploreelko.com /// travelnevada.com
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Art & Gear Show
Stockmen’s Hotel & Casino Upstairs in the Ballroom February 2nd 12pm-8pm
February 3rd 9am-8pm
February 4th 9am-8pm
Thursday, 5pm - Cheese & Wine Tasting Friday, 5pm - hors d’oeuvres
Featuring: Award Winning Western Art and Dishware depicting Will James, Homemade Gourmet Vinegars, Clothing, Hat Maker, Unique Hand-made Jewelry featuring KH Designs, Saddle Maker, Cinches, Handcrafted Wooden Pens, Metal Art, Bronze Sculptures and Live Plants.
« « Charley J. Van Troba » » Pickers and Grinners WWelcome. W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Shop 'til You Drop
“Great finds, right here in Elko”
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| pg 57
54 57 65
Ruby Mountain Stamp Local Finds Own It
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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
Gift Shop at the
501 Railroad Street Elko, Nevada 775-738-7508
Elko, Nevada Merchandise, Cookbooks
Lotions, Pottery, Photos, Print
RubyMountainStamp.com 702-325-8628
Ruby Mountain Stamp is locally owned and is in business to help keep you in business. By offering a free
month of service AND free setup, what have you got to lose?
We carry Kirby Parts & Accessories and Service.
Sales and Service
New & Used Sewing Machines, Vacuums and Accessories Gift certificates available. Ask about our specials!
New Hours: 9-5 Tues-Sat!
775-778-6763 | 1250 Lamoille Hwy #940, Elko esewvac@frontiernet.net | www.elkosewvac.com
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BUILD YOUR Customer Loyalty & Relationships Ruby Mountain Stamp is a small business designed to increase brand loyalty in other businesses by creating phone applications (apps) for customers to utilize. The loyalty app helps increase customer awareness by providing a way for the business to offer special rewards and discounts. An example would be "Buy 5 large coffee's, get 1 free". Additionally, the business can offer coupons to their customers on their app. For example, "This week only, buy 1 large pizza get 1 order of breadsticks free!" The app also creates a data file for you to view analytics, so you can see how many customers have downloaded your app as well as if they have used it. There is no limit what the business can offer. Currently Ruby Mountain Stamp is offering the 1st month of service and setup of the app for free to new business customers. The regular price is $50/
month to maintain the app beginning the 2nd month. Another benefit of signing on with Ruby Mountain Stamp is 20% of the net profits are donated to Elko Pay it Forward whose goal is to feed less fortunate families throughout the year in Elko County. Not only will you be increasing your customer loyalty, you will be helping feed others in your own community. Essentially helping you and the community. Lastly, consumers should visit the website often to see what businesses are offering deals. Just select the link labeled "for consumers" and enjoy! There is already an app available called Polished by Michelle for those looking to receive a discount on getting their nails polished. As more businesses join, the benefits for the consumer will increase exponentially.
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Daily lunch, Dinner anD Drink SpecialS
Join us for Sunday brunch
- froM 11aM-3pM -
753-4935 1770 Mountain City Hwy Elko nV
623-2006 1985 w. winnEMuCCa BlVd winnEMuCCa nV
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK | 11:00AM-10:00PM
11:00am-9:30pm • 1430 Idaho Street • 777-8788
New Years Dental Resolution dental Start or complete restorative work such as Crowns, Fillings, res Extractions, Partials or Dentu
Schedule an appointment for a routine denta l checkup to m onitor my oral healt h and establi sh an appropriate Tr eatment plan .
Stop by Dr. Whites office to say Hi and put in for the monthly basket giveaway.
2017 in office l a n o i s s e e a prof Schedul th whitening ew tee f your N o e n o e ing t mak Why no solution improv e Year ’s r ental health? your d
Quit smoking to improve overall health.
Wishing you a Season of Smiles, Happy New Year’s D R. D AVID WH ITE & TEAM
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
2554 ID AH O ST, ELKO, N V 89801 D AVID WH ITED D S.C OM 775-738-1120
I love this fun toothbrush protector! It's only $8 and there are a few other styles too! Grab it at Indigo, downtown Elko! INDIGO 386 5TH STREET
There is nothing better than finding gorgeous home decor at seriously low prices!!! I'm shocked! Check out the constantly changing inventory at the Gypsy Cupboard downtown Elko.
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Can't get enough of these! For myself and as gifts!! At Indigo, Downtown Elko! INDIGO 386 5TH STREET
Super adorable winter clothing available at Real Deals! Everything in this boutique is adorable and affordable! REAL DEALS 2078 IDAHO STREET
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I have these all over my house for coins, screws, hair ties...pretty much all the little things you find! Oh I have some for my jewelry too! These are funny, cute and inspirational! Starting at only $10. At Indigo, downtown Elko! INDIGO 386 5TH STREET
BLACK INK CERAMIC TRAVEL MUG This would make for a fun project to do with the kids, just color and bake!
Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:00pm, Sat 10:00am-3:00pm springcreekflorist.com | bloomsandgrooms.com 461 Idaho St., Elko | 775-778-3151 W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
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• Spring 2017 •
The Elko
7 Spring 201
The Elko Explorer Elko’s Exploring al Recreation s itie Oppor tun
www.everythingelko.com www.elkocity.com
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W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
Laser Mechanism of Action Biochemical
Releases nitric oxide ATP production Fibroblast migration Macrophage activity Keratinocyte activity RNA/DNA synthesis Enzyme production SOD production
Nerve Conduction Capillary dilation
Acupuncture meridian
point stimulation
Electromotive action
acting on membrane bound ion channels Intracellular/extracellular ion gradient changes CLINICAL EFFECTS Reduced spasm | Pain relief | Increased circulation | Improved flexibility and function Improved healing | Reduced symptoms associated with osteoarthritis
(775)777-3033 | 123 2nd St., Elko www.rubymountainchiro.com
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Invest your Tax Return into a New Home
Candace Kelly, REALTOR
OFFICE: 775-753-6379
CELL: 775-340-9872 goldtownrealtor@gmail.com
“Your Gold Town Realtor” J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
enhance your life
< BEFORE Before side view X-Ray of the neck. Over 50% loss of the normal and healthy position. Neck pain, stiffness and numbness and tingling in both hands.
AFTER > After side view X-Ray of the neck and specific problem focused care of Chiropractic adjustments, specific exercises and unique traction 74% change was measured. Symptom free for over 10 months.
headaches | low back pain | neck pain | arm/leg pain auto injuries | sports injuries | performance chiropractic | natural remedies | rehabilitation massage therapy | ideal protein
| weight loss
Symptom vs. Problem
Initial Exam & X-Rays
Normal fees of $373. In network with most major insurance providers. Special cannot be combined with Insurance.
Are you tired of traditional healthcare services letting you down? Maybe to have a little relief from your pain only to have it return. Traditional means of healthcare can be very “SYMPTOM” focused but science has evolved and a “PROBLEM” focused care might be just what you need. Going to the root cause or problem behind your pain has been a solution for so many who frequent Ruby Mountain Chiropractic and now live a pain free life day after day, month after month and year after year with no worry of returning pain. If you are ready to see if this problem focused care is right for you, schedule today!
Offering problem focused care for Elko and surrounding areas since 1999. Chiropractic Biophysics™ is the most scientific approach in Chiropractic. Elevating healthcare to match the science. W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
Dr. Todd Wendell & Dr. Marin Wendell
M-F: 9:00am-6:00pm
123 2nd st, elko
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
KNOWS! remax.com
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
W WHOME W. E V E R Y T775-753-HOME HINGELKO.COM Call (4663)
905 Railroad St., Ste 202
By Carriann Johnson, interior designer and TV personality
Separating Wants From Needs
Jesse James Broker/Owner
It’s so downright exciting to shop for one of your largest investments – a home! But before you get carried away with your list of “dream features,” have you truly defined what you WANT versus what you NEED in your next home? Take a look at my list to help you find the right attitude when looking for your next home.
1) Make a list
Make a list with two columns - wants versus needs. Your needs should include things like location, school districts, neighborhood, your budget, number of bedrooms, features and amenities, plumbing and electrical that are updated, lot size, number of garage spaces, HOAs and Covenants. Wants may include nonessentials such as the specific style of the home, a newer furnace and hot water heater, remodeled kitchen or baths, deck, pool, hot tub, flooring material, fireplace or wood stove, newer windows and/or landscaping.
Tara Gonzalez REALTOR®
2) Consult with other family members
If you’re purchasing a home for more people than just yourself, consult with other family members to further define your wants versus needs. A larger kitchen may be important to your spouse, whereas your son or daughter may need extra closet space due to hobbies or interests. Consider how you want your family to live in your home. Believe it or not, studies have shown that square footage and the floor plan of your home can affect your relationships. Bouncing thoughts and ideas off one another can be very helpful in determining your wants and needs.
Tammy Shirley REALTOR®
3) Consider tomorrow
Consider how long you may plan to stay in your next home. That in itself can determine your wants and needs. If you are planning to stay short term in your home, its location, value and neighborhood will be important, as will current market activity. If you are planning to stay in your next home longer than five years, think about upcoming life changes. Are you planning to expand your family? Will you be needing an extra room to accommodate an aging parent? Will you need a generous lot for a future home addition? Is remodeling certain features in your budget?
Lyndsey James REALTOR®
4) Compromise and trade-offs
The home shopping and purchasing experience can be exhausting. However, being realistic will ease your mind and reduce your stress. We have been suffocated by the pressure to live a life that tells us we need certain things to be happy. Avoid the noise. Ask yourself: What makes you happy? If having a large kitchen brings you joy so you can cook for family and friends, make that a need. But be okay to let go of a large backyard if you live in a state where mosquitoes and rain dominate your summers. Spend time defining your lifestyle and what you could forgo in order to be happy in your home.
Keep these perspectives in mind when defining the wants versus needs of your home and you’ll be sure to find a home you love! W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
Sheri Eklund-Brown REALTOR®
Tracie Parker
REALTOR® J A N775.934.5515 U A RY 2 0 1 7
Healthy, Wealthy & Wise
“3 Healthy Resolutions”
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| pg 70
3 Healthy Resolutions for the New Year
Why Propane?
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Healthy Resolutions for the New Year | Contributed by Dr. Todd Wendell of Ruby Mountain Chiropractic |
As your partner in health, we hope youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll consider what you can do to make 2017 your best year yet. Here are a few goals you can set now to make the transition easier than ever.
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Add instead of subtracting. When it comes to resolutions, a lot of people start by promising to “give up” bad foods. Instead, try to focus on adding healthier options to your diet, including more glasses of water each day.
3 Schedule time to exercise. If you actually pencil in a time to visit the gym or go for a walk, you’re more likely to accomplish it and continue the pattern going forward.
Eat the rainbow. Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables of all varieties—you can even make a game out of it with your family by vowing not to leave the market until you’ve found food in 5 different hues.
Wondering what else you can do to better yourself for the New Year? Consider making an appointment with our practice. Weight loss a goal? We can help there too. Happy New Year!
La Fiesta
Touch of Heaven Spas Inc.
− Fine Mexican Restaurant −
2160 Idaho Street, Elko East End Mall
775.753.4553 | www.touchofheavenspas.com Hot Tubs
M o n d a y -T h u r s d a y 1 1 a m - 9 p m F r i d a y - S a t u r d a y 1 1 a m -1 0 p m Sunday 9am-9pm 7 8 0 C O M M E R C I A L S T. E L K O 7 7 5 -7 3 8 - 1 6 2 2
Swim Spas
Dramatically reduced pricing on all 2016 models! W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O -MFinancing J A N U A Available RY 2 0 1 7 71 As low as 4.9% O.A.C.
Cancer Treatments Close to where you live and work The burden of traveling out of town for cancer treatments can put an added strain on patients and their families. Our center in Elko features state-of-the-art technology in a comfortable setting close to where you live and work. Spend less time traveling to treatments, and more time living life.
For more information about our services, call us at 775.748.HOPE (4673) or visit
2003 Errecart Blvd. Elko, NV 89801
NortheasternRadiation.com. Local, Independent Cancer Care for Northeastern Nevada
You have a choice, choose Western States Propane! Choosing a reputable and reliable propane service provider can be a daunting task. It’s especially difficult when you’re looking for someone you can trust with something as important as your family’s safety, comfort and security.
at our dispenser and SAVE! 20 Cents per gallon discount with minimum purchase of 20 gallons or more. Must present coupon for discount. Offer valid from 1/1/17 - 1/31/17. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Management reserves all rights.
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm | 1207 Water St., Elko | 775-753-5950 | www.wspropane.com
Did you know that propane is used in over 48 million U.S. households for residential uses, including grilling? Millions of other Americans use propane for transportation (Auto Gas) commercial, industrial and agricultural applications. Propane operates similarly to natural gas and one of the best things is propane is AMERICAN MADE! Propane is unbeatably clean. If you are interested in lowering your carbon footprint, propane is a low-carbon alternative fuel that burns cleanly and produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than most other energy sources. In addition, propane is a non-poisonous, non-toxic fuel that wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t contaminate soil or groundwater which makes is safe to use anywhere. Propane saves money as propane appliances are extremely energy efficient and can save you hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars in annual energy costs. Propane itself is abundant and competitively priced compared with electricity, heating oil, and other fuels. Performance is the number one reason most people choose propane. It can efficiently and effectively meet nearly all of your homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major
energy needs, inside and out. Propane can be used for heating, water heating, clothes drying, cooking, refrigeration, lighting, motor fuel, and provide power during an outage. Propane delivers comfort and propane furnaces are the best choice for eliminating those cold pockets in your home during the winter season. Why? The difference is in the temperature of your heat. Propane furnaces provide the same warmth no matter how cold it is outside. A propane furnace is simply heating the indoor air with propane combustion, so it supplies a steady, consistent heating temperature of 115-125 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of the outdoor temperature. The heat mixes with the ambient air in the home to create comforting warmth. Not only is the heat from a propane furnace drier and cleaner, it also responds quickly to your thermostat. A propane furnace
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will get you to your desired temperature quicker and hold that temperature. Possibly the most comfortable way to heat a home comes in the form of radiant heat. Unlike forced air systems that use blowers and ductwork to bring warm air into a space, propane powered radiant systems take advantage of heating elements that, by definition, radiate heat into the room. The result is heat that penetrates the structure of the home, not just the air inside it. In addition to creating a cozy atmosphere by seeping into floors, walls, and furniture, homeowners will appreciate that radiant heat doesn’t blow dust and allergens into the room every time the heating system kicks on. Water heaters are often the second largest energy user in the home. New technologies are bringing remarkable improvements to the efficiency with which we make and move hot water in our home. These are important changes as homeowners look for ways to improve the energy efficiency their homes, reduce their carbon footprint, and lower their utility bills. Among the most popular innovations in water heating in recent years is the tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters do not require a bulky storage tank, never run out of hot water, hang on the wall, and improve energy efficiency and lower utility bills.
Most homeowners wait until their water heater fails before they replace it, which can result in hasty purchasing decisions made under pressure. Keep an eye out of these indicators that your water heater is at the end of its usable life. The water heater leaks, faucets deliver hot water erratically or not at all, you see rust in your water or hear your water heater rumbling (rumbling indicates sediment in the storage tank) or simply the unit is more than 10 years old. If your water heater meets any of the above criteria, start shopping around for a new model. That way you can replace it at your own pace. If you are upgrading from an old electric water heater, you’ll have plenty of time to pull the plug and switch to a propane model that performs better while saving space and energy. Everyone should experience the joys of cooking with gas, including you. The speed and efficiency of gas in cooking has inspired about 37% of homeowners to opt for gas cooking appliances. Here are a few of the reasons that home chef’s love and prefer gas burners: The flame is a visual indication that the cooking top is on, gas burners offer unlimited settings between a low simmer and high boil, gas flames heat directly to the pan you’re cooking in, pans and their contents respond faster to temperature changes with gas heat, gas cooking tops cool faster than electric cooktops.
As you see by the information provided, propane is a simple and smart choice for all
your energy needs. For more information regarding all the benefits of propane, contact your propane service provider or Western States Propane.
1207 Water Street, Elko | 775-753-5950 4205 W. Winnemucca Blvd, Winnemucca | 775-623-9555
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Propane powered dryers are gentler on your clothing, dry items faster, save money and produce fewer wrinkles. Many newer gas clothes dryers are outfitted with convenient steam features. This is a perfect accompaniment to propane, which already dies clothes with more moist heat than electric dryers. Thankfully, propaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highly efficient heat will help you earn back time and money. A permanent propane standby generator will keep your home running smoothly under any condition. The concept is simple. The generator connects to a transfer switch that is, in turn, connected to the homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electrical panel. When the transfer switch loses grid power, it presses the generator into service. Fueled by propane, the generator powers the electrical panel until the transfer switch identifies that grid power has been restored. When choosing a generator for your home, consider a few key items. Generators come in a variety of sizes, measured in kilowatts; smaller units can power essential circuits, such as a few lights, the sump pump, refrigerator and HVAC. A full size generation unit could handle more, letting your whole house operate as usual.
Get Back into Dance this year! Enroll in our Adult Ballet class Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm
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The Family Life
78 82 86 88 90 92
Bread in a Bag Good Neighbor Cutest Kids BORAX Snowflake The Buddy System Classy-fieds
“...use the buddy system – who better than your own pet?”
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| pg 90
Smile! COSMETIC DENTISTRY: • Tooth Whitening • One Visit Cerec Cad-Cam Porcelain Tooth Restorations • Porcelain Veneers OTHER SERVICES: • Root Canals • Dentures & Partial Dentures • Porcelain Crowns & Fillings • Most Insurances Accepted
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Bread in a
Bag www.yourhomebasedmom.com
Making Bread in a Bag is going to become a favorite activity! The kids LOVE it!
Ingredients • 3 C all purpose flour, divided • 3 Tbsp white sugar • 1 (.25) package rapid rise yeast (2¼ tsp) • 1 C warm water • 3 Tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil • 1½ tsp salt - Making bread was a great way to teach kids the right way to measure flour – I prefer the scoop and level method. The first step was to put a cup of flour into the bag. They then added the sugar, yeast and water. - We learned a little about yeast and what it does and how it is important for your water to be the right temperature. Then zip up the bags and smoosh it all together until the flour was all mixed it.
- We then let it rest for 10 minutes so the yeast could activate. - We then added some olive oil, salt and more flour into the bag. And then smooshed some more! - Then turn the dough out onto the table and knead it until smooth with a little bit extra flour. - Greased 2 mini loaf pans per recipe. - Let them rise. Because we used rapid rise yeast it didn’t take long – about 20-30 minutes. - The bread then bakes for about 25 minutes or so when making a mini loaf.
Then the next part is the best – ENJOY your bread! 78
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Cooking with
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WE’RE HERE WHEN YOU NEED US MOST. It’s 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, and he just fell off his skateboard with a nasty cut to his arm. Isn’t it good to know that Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital is here for all of life’s emergencies 24/7? From bike accidents to car accidents, broken fingers to failing hearts, our
highly skilled team of emergency physicians and nursing staff are ready to treat whatever life brings your way, anytime it happens. We’re dedicated to delivering the best in compassionate care, so you can return home safe and sound.
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Lose the Weight. Maintain it. Ready to get started?
January 2017 ONLY Initial Visit and Starter Bag $299
Initial visit consists of consultation with the doctor, body composition, weigh-in, one week of food and 1 month of vitamins and minerals.
123 2nd Street,J AElko N U A RY
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S H A B O N YA D U T T O N ’ S G O O D N E I G H B O R F O R J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7
Lidia Cortes L I D I A WA S N O M I N AT E D B Y A N T O N I A R O M A N .
Antonia said, “I would like to nominate Lidia Cortes for the Good Neighbor award because she continues to fight for victims of domestic violence in our community. Not everyone can experience a personal tragedy and focus their energy on others but she has. Lidia's daughter, Stephanie Gonzalez was tragically lost due to domestic violence but she has made it her life's mission to educate her community on how to help their loved ones escape this all too often repeated pattern. One of the most beautiful aspects of her advocacy is that Lidia never fails to mention the other women who were also victims of domestic violence and died in Elko County the same year as her daughter. She continues to advocate for changes in our community not only for victims but also family members and perpetrators of domestic violence as well. She connects and reaches out to everyone who participates in the yearly vigils, softball tournament and now fundraisers for her nonprofit named in honor of her daughter Stephanie. She truly wants our community to be a safer place for all. She and her husband, Cris work tirelessly doing various community events so that domestic violence is no longer a quiet subject that is not discussed. They want people to know the signs of a loved one who needs help in these situations. Because of their tireless work in the community our police officers are proactive on the way they work with families who may be experiencing domestic violence. Due to Lidia's endless work and outreach No one in our
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community will be able to say that they are unaware of domestic violence, Stephanie's memory will continue to live on.” Lidia is a born and raised Elko native, she married the love of her life and raised her three children Stephanie, Shania, Nick and now her three grand children D’srey, K’iawna and Andres in Elko. Lidia’s story is a compilation of heart wrenching tragedy and of complete strength and grace. As Antonia stated Lidia’s oldest daughter Stephanie was the victim of domestic violence and in her efforts to leave paid the ultimate price. In the wake of losing her daughter Lidia has made it her mission to be the voice for the many domestic violence victims that are all too often silenced. It has been five and a half years since the loss of Stephanie and Lidia has spent every single moment raising awareness and fighting to end the sad cycle of domestic violence. Lidia and her family have been a part of countless Domestic violence awareness events and continue to fight in not only Stephanie’s memory but of the many victims. Lidia stressed the importance of concentrating on the perpetrators and educating them in efforts to end learned behavior. One of Lidia’s newest endeavors is making her dream of “Stephanie’s Safe Haven” come true. The concept came about when Lidia and her husband Cris experienced first hand how difficult it can be to conduct supervised visits and realized their only option was to take their grand children to public places for visits with the childrens other grand
parents and family members. Lidia quickly dreamt up a place where kids can go and enjoy supervised visits with family members in a place that is designed to “feel like home” a secure place with a back yard to play in, a kitchen that can be cooked in, and a place to do homework because if only for a moment these normal every day encounters can be conducted in a safe supervised environment and make the world of a difference to the children affected by the stipulations and suffer for things they don’t understand. Lidia’s dream of Stephanie’s Safe Haven spoke bounds about her character…of all the things she could want to say or do she wants a SAFE place for children to interact with their family members because ultimately the children suffer. Lidia’s attitude towards daily life is truly an inspiration and she is phenomenal example to our community. In the midst of tragedy she saw a need for education and for change and has continued to make a difference and leave her mark. Lidia even created a scholarship in
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Stephanie’s name for recipients who will be attending GBC. Lidia is a firm believer in continuing education and at one point in her life recalls being a single young mother of one applying for grants, struggling to further her education and raise her daughter. “I wanted to return the favor and I always knew that I wanted to help others continue their education, just not under these circumstances.” You can make donations to Stephanie’s scholarship program and to Stephanie’s Safe Haven at Wells Fargo to the Justice for Stephanie account and Newmont employees can select the Justice for Stephanie account as it is listed as one of Newmont Legacy program recipients. Lidia is a very strong woman and when she speaks you feel her warmth and how gentle and kind she truly is. I learned about her wonderful family and how Stephanie has a beautiful corner dedicated to her at home where her kids leave her sweet notes and collect the feathers she sends to them, how her grandchildren never get to leave home without a hug and kiss and a quick reminder to “look both ways before crossing the street and to never run faster than their guardian angel can fly.”
Opening doors to a better life, one home at a time
A new subdivision is being built right now! Call us or stop by for more information.
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I asked Lidia if there was anything she wanted to share with our community and she responded with “Never give up on your loved ones.” She explained to me that no matter the situation we must never give up on the people we love because they need our support and it doesn’t matter how many times they falter, we just need to be there. Lidia also wanted to thank family, friends, law enforcement and our community. “It’s heart warming to know people still care.” Lidia is empowering and a walking testament to us all that sometimes life can deal us a rough hand but it is up to us how we choose to play it. Lidia continues to inspire all those around her and change the lives of those that are lucky enough to get the opportunity to meet her and experience her kindness. We are so grateful to have strong individuals like you be a part of our community Lidia, thank you for continuing to make great changes and for fighting for those who have lost their voice you are truly an inspiration and a phenomenal Good Neighbor.
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Skinny Coconut Oil is the only 100% RAW, ALKALINE coconut oil on the market today.
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t s e t Cu Kid s
Sibling Love
Little Beauties
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Kodi Ann
Teagan & Sahara
Adrien & Michael
CUTEST KIDS CONTEST You can now choose the cutest kids each month. Go online to submit a photo and vote for your favorites. Your cute kid could be next! www.everythingelko.com W W W. E V E R Y T H I N G E L K O . C O M
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Snowflake BORAX
MATERIALS: Pipe Cleaners Borax Laundry Soap Water Wire Cutters or Scissors Fishing Line and/or ribbon Large Glass Bowl Wooden spoon or similar large dowell
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A great snowflake craft for kids. You will need 4 blue glittery, pipe cleaners to create one snowflake. Cut two in half and use three of the four half pieces to make the six points. Wrap the centers together to secure. If you plan to frame the snowflake, make sure it will fit in the size frame you want. Add the points by cutting the half in half again and cutting one entire piece into fourths, giving you six pieces. These will be on the end of the points. Wrap the centers around the points about 1-2" from the end. Repeat to create another point on the end and then all six points.Use wire cutters to trim the lengths and even them up. When you are happy with your snowflake design, wrap two pieces of fishing line around it and slide it over a spoon. Place the spoon over the bowl making sure the snowflake does not touch any of the sides of the bowl. I have no idea why the water turned pink! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thinking maybe somehow some coloring came off of the pipe cleaners. It did not affect the process or the snowflake. Nothing at all looks pink. In a microwave safe bowl, add 2 cups water. Boil and then add 1/3 cup borax. Stir until dissolved. Pour into bowl with snowflake. Repeat until your snowflake is completely covered with the solution (I repeated 3 times to yield 6 cups). Set your bowl in a safe, level place for a few days until the borax attaches to the snowflake. Remove from the bowl and place on a flat surface (I used a plate) to dry. When dry, add fishing line to hang on your tree or, make a frame to display your snowflake all winter long.
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Morning Star Health Center
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Jessica Hughes The Mane Salon 775-316-1044 775-753-6263
Samantha Buckingham Instagram.com/ tattoosbysamantha 801-989-9326
Kiera Sanchez Styles By Kiera Facebook.com/ stylesbykiera/ 775-401-0560 775-753-6263
Randi Lynn Bluemel Instagram.com/ idyeforyoubyrandilynn 775-299-1221
Ona Ames Facebook.com/ OnaAmesCosmetology 775-388-7185 Michelle Green Facebook.com/ polishedbymichelle Instagram.com/ polishedbymichelle/ 775-340-1047 Casey Doble Facebook.com/ caseysnailcandy 775-753-6263
Rose Halsey Instagram.com/ rosehalsey0819 909-244-4225 Melanie Spears Bailey Facebook.com/ nailsbymel1973 775-397-5270 Erika Taylor Instagram/erika. scissorhands Facebook.com/ erikataylorcosmo 385-252-9893
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New Year’s Resolutions
The Buddy System Is your New Year’s Resolution to eat
healthier? Maybe loose some of those
extra pounds from holiday goodies? Best to use the buddy system – who better than your own pet? They won’t judge you
and they certainly won’t blab to the whole neighborhood about your stinky, sweaty gym shoes.
Over half of dogs and cats were overweight in the United States in 2015 – a trend that we see in their two-legged companions as well. In fact, the same obesity-linked diseases we see in humans – heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, kidney disease, etc. - are increasing at an extraordinarily high rate in our dogs and cats. Being overweight can decrease the life span of our pets by as much as two years. Keeping your pet at a healthy weight is also a key ingredient in managing arthritis in our cats and dogs. Healthy weights reduce the chances of injuries to bones, muscles, and joints. Dogs that are one pound overweight is like a human being five pounds overweight!
| Contributed by Christina Talley, DVM |
Here are some tips and tricks that you and your pet can do as a team to get healthier in 2017. Diet: One of the oldest tricks in the book – reduce your pets’ caloric intake simply by decreasing the amount of food you give them. Make sure you do not feed less than half of the recommended amount on the label to ensure proper nutrition.
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Pet food companies also make food especially make for weight loss. These are usually reducedcarbohydrate diets with increased fiber to keep your pet feeling fuller longer. Talk to your veterinarian to see if a diet food is an option for your pet. Never feed your pet table scraps – especially those high in fats or carbs. This kicks their internal organ function into overdrive and can make them VERY sick.
at Wh
Did you know that dogs can also eat green beans, carrots, broccoli, and celery? One for you, and one for me…. Cats also enjoy a small pinch of lean-cut chicken or turkey, tuna, or salmon! Use in moderation and cut out other cat treats. Exercise: Walking your dogs for 15-30 minutes daily is enough for them – and you – to start shedding those extra pounds. Be sure to leash your dogs when you are near busy roads or other dogs or if your dog does not obey voice commands consistently. Cats like to hunt and chase so and use cat-safe toys such as flashlight beams and feathers-on-a-stick. Weight your pet: Take your pet’s weight weekly to monitor their progress. If you pet won’t fit on the scale, you can hold your pet, then subtract your own body weight. Make sure to keep a log book to look back on. Visit with your vet: Your vet will be able to take measurements of your pet and tell you how much your pet should weigh based on the breed, age, and body measurements. Your vet will also be able to check for diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroid that may be the underlying cause for the weight gain. Together, you can formulate the best protocol to keep your furbabies looking lean and mean. Keeping your pet trim and in tip-top shape gives them the best chance for a longer, healthier, pain-free life! Come talk to one of our nutrition experts at Elko Veterinary Clinic to formulate the best strategy for keeping your pet healthy.
ELKO VETERINARY CLINIC Offering advanced specialty care for small, large, and exotic animals Dr. Alan Cuthbertson
Dr. Christina Talley
Dr. Mike Perchetti
Shana Sutton, LTV
Dr. Lorinda Fallini
Katrina Cumming, LVT
Dr. Tess Sustacha
Ann Jayo, LVT
1052 Colt Drive Elko, NV 89801 775-738-6116 elkovet@gmail.com
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Everything Elko
“Classy”-fieds TRAVEL
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Andria’s Photography Visit our website for
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Photo Booth
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maggie @ shippychic . com
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For advertising information contact Mandy Kelso at 775-397-1986 or mandy@everythingelko.com
INEXPENSIVE & EFFECTIVE! Do you have a product or service you want to sell? CONTACT ME TODAY Get your ad in the next Classy-fieds.
Dusty Shipp, Realtor®
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650 Greencrest Dr.
475 Lawndale Dr.
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“Classy”-fieds MARRIAGE
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Do you have a product or service you want to sell? Contact me to get your ad in the next Classy-fieds.
Mandy Kelso mandy@everythingelko.com
Happy New Year 2017! J A N U A RY 2 0 1 7
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208 Palmers Court, Elko This beautiful home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with an office. This home has an open floor plan with room for dining area. Kitchen features upgraded gas range, built in microwave, large pantry and ceramic tile. The master bedroom has a large en suite includes large walk in closet, spa bath tub with tiled shower stall. The home has views of the golf course and just a short walking distance to the green! Landscaping will be completed prior to move in!
$449,000 • • •
Single-Family Home 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms
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