Brand guidelines

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Logo The logo has been designed to reproduce at a minimum height of 10 mm. On the web the minimum size of the logo is 30 pixels deep. There is no maximum reproduction size of the logo.

The lcon can then be used on its own but only in the colours chosen, it can also be no smaller than 10mm.



Fire Safeguard Engineer



Fire Safeguard Engineer

Isolation area The logo identity should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space. The area of isolation ensures that headlines, text or other visual elements do not encroach on the logo.




Fire Safeguard Engineer

Logo Placement The logo should always be placed on the right side of different variations of sheets due to the allignment of the logo. They should also be at the bottom right of the sheet to allow for space for other imagery.

The spacing around the logo should be 2 1/2 cm from the bottom of the page and 1cm from the side of the page.



Fire Safeguard Engineer


Fire Safeguard Engineer


Fire Safeguard Engineer


Fire Safeguard Engineer

Using the logo on literature Below are the dimensions of some of the most common literature formats. All measurements are in millimetres. A3 Portrait A4 Portrait A4 Landscape Brochure 210 Squared A5 Portrait A5 Landscape 420 x 297 297 x 210 210 x 297 235 x 297 210 x 210 210 x 148 148 x 210

The logo should sit right aligned and sit at the bottom right of all the pages.


Fire Safeguard Engineer

A3 Portrait


Fire Safeguard Engineer




Fire Safeguard Engineer

A4 Portrait


Fire Safeguard Engineer

210 x 210

Fire Safeguard Engineer

A4 Landscape


Fire Safeguard Engineer

A5 Portrait


Fire Safeguard Engineer

A5 Landscape

Font Choices Raul is a simplicitic font that gives across a high end bussiness with a top quality finish. It also ties in really well with the logo. The typeface works well as a heading but also can be applied lowercase lettering for subheadings.

The Headings should be in uppercase at 40pt and the subheadings should be at 24pt.

HEADING Subheading



Raul Transport ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZĄÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÉÊËÓÍÔÕÖÙÚÜßàáâ ãäÇÉĆĘŃŹŻabcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyzåçéêëíóôõöùúüąćꣳńśźż€

Body Copy Helvetica Neue is a light, clean practical font and is ideal for body copy in brochures leaflets, letters and memos. It looks most effective when set in 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12pt type.

The type should never be smaller than 8pt and no bigger than 18pt.

Helvetica Neue Natendandi omnia velesse quodips untiis essum quatem errum volupta tempore, ut ipsam, comnis et maxim doluptassum ipis aspercium re duciatiant faciae velis endes que perro te litiatur, si ut mos aut aspicium faceat opta parchicatem esti arupti in ende velit quo iusci aces quame core porio. Itatum qui repudae nistiore si vel es audae moluptur, quaecti sandit acerrum ad endest, venimi, serro cus as quid evel id magnisquodis aut labori dolorro etur as esed quam, quis estore is sequia

Natendandi omnia velesse quodips untiis essum quatem errum volupta tempore, ut ipsam, comnis et maxim doluptassum ipis aspercium re duciatiant faciae velis endes que perro te litiatur, si ut mos aut aspicium faceat opta parchicatem esti arupti in ende velit quo iusci aces quame core porio. Itatum qui repudae nistiore si vel es audae moluptur, quaecti sandit acerrum ad endest, venimi, serro cus as quid evel id magnisquodis aut labori dolorro etur as esed quam, quis estore is sequia

Natendandi omnia velesse quodips untiis essum quatem errum volupta tempore, ut ipsam, comnis et maxim doluptassum ipis aspercium re duciatiant faciae velis endes que perro te litiatur, si ut mos aut aspicium faceat opta parchicatem esti arupti in ende velit quo iusci aces quame core porio. Itatum qui repudae nistiore si vel es audae moluptur, quaecti sandit acerrum ad endest, venimi, serro cus as quid evel id magnisquodis aut labori dolorro etur as esed quam, quis estore is sequia

Colour Scheme The colour scheme is simple and in keeping with the brand, the turquoise is to represent the water that is dispensed from the sprinkler and orange is the fire that gets put out. The turquoise square represents the safety that the company gives and the unity of the company.

C=59 M=0 Y=25 K=0

The logos must be used in these colours or in the other examples shown, the black and white logo is for printers that cant dispense colour.

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20

C=0 M=83 Y=87 K=0


Fire Safeguard Engineer


Fire Safeguard Engineer


Fire Safeguard Engineer

The RGB colour mode should always be what is shown when applied across the web.

R=89 G=209 B=209 1

R=230 G=255 B=255

R=247 G=68 B=33 1

Use of numbers All numbers that are used as headings should be as number form, 2, 3 and 4. All numbers that are used within body copy should be as words, one, two and three,

in general one to ten are to be written out: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Number 11 onwards should be written in figures

Numbers that are used on the headings should be done using the tpyeface Raul.

12345 67890

Tone of voice The company will be professional and formal when attending to a job but will also be friendly to all cuastomers and informative providing information on what is being installed, how to maintain the item and what to do if any problems occur. They will be very serious when installing the system so to maintain the safety of not just the equipment but also the people and environment surrounding it.

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