V17 N2

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EXIT ZERO A sprightly sheet full of the sprays of the old ocean February 14, 2019

Vol. 17, No. 2 America’s Original Seaside Resort

Ice, Ice Baby... Having A Ball

Around 6pm At Nauti Spirits Distillery P24-32

Sunday Social Fund For Coast Guard At Fins P41-47

Last Saturday at Congress Hall marked the fifth annual Ice Ball, a very glam shindig. The evening — which featured cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, dancing and fancy ice sculptures — benefited The Fund for Cape May, a nonprofit which takes on community preservation and beautification projects. (We’re looking at you, Rotary Park.) This year, in partnership with the city, the goal is expanding the War Memorial at Columbia Avenue and Gurney Street into a public park that should be complete by 2020. Good on all the active (and gussied-up) citizens who participated! More photographs inside and in next week’s issue! Above: The Howard and Queen Street beach crew. Left: Congress Hall gang.

Around 2pm At The Cape May Winery P48-64

Make Joy Your New Bestie And Adopt Today! P67-69


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