Volume 17, Issue 32 - September 12, 2019

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EXIT ZERO A sprightly sheet full of the sprays of the old ocean September 12, 2019 Vol. 17, No. 32 America’s Original Seaside Resort

How Low Can You Blow?

Chatterband Plays At Harbor View P30-52

Woodstock At Harry's Ocean Bar & Grille P53-73

The Ugly Mug crew blowing everyone away at the 71st Annual Froth-Blowing Contest on Sunday to raise money for the Police Athletic League. More photographs inside. Aleksey Moryakov

Doggone Cute On The Promenade September is arguably the best month here for a number of reasons — cooler weather, less humidity, fewer crowds and an explosion of four-legged cuteness on the promenade. Last Saturday, the annual Mutt Strut featured the cutest parade of good boys and girls along Beach Avenue you've ever seen, plus a pet trick and costume contest. And the whole furry fete benefited the Beacon Animal Rescue nokill nonprofit rescue in Upper Township. The consensus? It was a doggone good time! No bones about… (had to do it.) Scott and Synda Willand with Kylo and Leia. More photos next week.

Make Itty Bitty Your New Bestie... Adopt Today! P81-83

Cape May Stage Producer Circle Fundraiser P84-88


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