Cavan 2020 Session Vision

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Head-Organisers’ Vision From an organisational standpoint, our goals for the session are twofold. Having this session in our hometown of Cavan is incredible. We are so excited to bring the participants of Cavan 2020 here and show them why we love it so much. Cavan has so much to offer everyone, and we want to highlight that throughout the session. But this can be a mutually beneficial relationship. Not only can Cavan benefit from EYP but EYP can also benefit from Cavan. As clichÊ as it sounds, we aim to burst the bubble at Cavan 2020. This session will not take place inside its own internal echo chamber. The issues we discuss and conversations we have also affect the local people of Cavan as much as they do you and I. Together, we can make something more. We are better together. But we are especially better with you! We want your presence, your personality and your innovation at Cavan 2020! We want this to be an enriching experience. The organising team will endeavour to make that a reality. Cavan 2020 will pride itself upon wellbeing, ownership and innovation. We want you to remember what it is you love about EYP and build on it at Cavan 2020 while also completely new to the session. We know that you can help us achieve these goals and we are excited to see you there! Ben & Luke

Editor’s Vision We are heading 2020. Crazy, isn’t it? Many people might say that we live in the most interesting moment in the history of all times. Hearing about the new achievement of technological growth every day, it surely stimulates the way we imagine the present and future. Also including the context of EYP. My main aim for Cavan 2020 Media Team is to use the technological potential to its fullest to, in accordance with the session’s theme, make us realise about the possibilities of our times and prepare EYP for a bright tomorrow. EYP media surely has gone through a real evolution in recent years. From black and white session newspapers printed only for session’s participants, through compact digital cameras to reaching thousands of people via social media and using advanced media equipment. This gives us an abundance of opportunities in how we can spread our output out and promote the organisation. However, I think nowadays not enough is being done to achieve this. No matter if you attend Regional, National or even International Session as the Media Team Member, in most cases you are taught mostly bases of Photography and Videography, neglecting other branches of media and more advanced techniques. As a consequence, people are thinking about their media projects in a generic and simple way to ensure that what they want to create also fits what they already know. This leads to repetitive content that does not stand out anymore when we are scrolling through social media. Let’s not lose our potential! In Cavan, you will have a chance to learn more advanced media techniques, (including both theory and practice) such as graphic design, colour correction, sound editing, animation - everything that is far away from Photography 101. Therefore, first and foremost I am looking for enthusiasts who have already gotten basic media skills, but who are willing to learn and develop them further. You will be encouraged to not be afraid of challenging the status quo, play with concepts and be open to constructive feedback to expand your potential to the greatest extent. I desire Cavan 2020 to

be treated as an open space for your growth - that is why I aim at giving my Media Team Members as much creative freedom and ownership of their own work as possible. You will not have any obligatory projects do pursue during the session. When it comes to pre-session academic involvement, that still will not be in focus, it will take the form of flexible project adjusted to the committee topics, without imposing the specific branch of media to be used. To prevent disorientation and putting too much tension on my Team Members during the session, project development plans will be prepared beforehand. Having implemented it before, I consider it a successful way for Media Team Members to plan their schedule accordingly and work with their own pace, making sure that all their physical, social and mental needs are met. It seems that EYP Media is highly underestimated and because we do not get enough credits, we often don’t really think about how we can expand our actions. That is why I want to focus on the promotional aspect of the session. This means preparing separate posts on social media advertising the media projects, making a short video for Opening Ceremony presenting the Media Team and hanging printed ads with QR codes during the session itself: both inside and outside the session venue. This leads to my next point. When we think about the target audience of our projects, we think about the session participants, overlooking the world that is “out there”. Cavan as the hosting town of National Session of EYP Ireland creates the opportunity to establish mutual relationship between us and the life of the city itself: through MTMs’ projects that would show the city and its citizens onto the session, as well as through wider recognition of EYP and Media Projects in the local community. Although might seem worn off, I am confident that in this case “bursting the EYP bubble” is possible and definitely worth to think through. While participants usually recognise the role of Media Team Members, the function of Editorial Assistants may sound vague for lots of people what in the further perspective often results in underestimating them. This is something what I believe is crucial to focus on. In most cases, Editorial Assistants drive to become Editors one day; that is why I am looking for 2 Editorial Assistants, that have already gotten experience in media, but who

are eager to develop in this field as much as possible, take the initiative with co-creating the vision and be an active engine within the leadership. Editorial Assistants will not have given responsibility for a specific branch of media, e.g. photos or issues. I believe this will leave space for mutual knowledge sharing that can be used to further deliver to the Media Team Members. I think one of the skills every prospective Editor should practice is an ability to transfer knowledge in the most understandable way possible. So, one of EA’s tasks before the session would be to equalise the knowledge of MTMs conducting online modules, in case someone still would not feel comfortable with any basic technical matters. To make the most out of it, I have an idea to implement editorial Skype calls where we would give media trainings to each other. Firstly, it would be a great way for them to practice the skill of transferring knowledge. Secondly, it would increase the quality of trainings, which would contribute to the better experience of MTMs. Nevertheless, the most important aspect of Editorial Assistants’ job would be to provide constant help to the Media Team Members. Each of them will be assigned to the Editorial Team Member’s buddy groups, focused on emotional support, as well as academic groups, focused on developing the projects before and during the session. Everything would be done to build full approachability, trust and quality of the work of the Media Team. So, if you are looking for a safe space to develop your skills, have great fun, work closely with amazing leadership and shape an event that would leave a significant impact on the future of EYP Ireland, I would be more than happy to read your application. Yours truly, Ania

President’s Vision With the current political climate, the global crisis mode and at first glance not too positive of an immediate future I think it is ever as important seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Not in a naive “everything is gonna work out” kind of manner, but as the resourceful youth, we are preparing for what is to come. Tomorrow might not only be dark and gloomy, but it will be if we don’t even try. We must facilitate for our own future happiness and success, by preparing for the challenges to come and dealing with the ones we are presented with now. This is the idea that the session vision too is built around, with having dealt with crisis, thorough preparation be central aspects. Under the preliminary academic theme, I’d like to work with some subcategories I find to be both appropriate for the theme itself and the location of the session. Shortly explained following this paragraph. I would also like to emphasise this being just a suggestion with correction, modification and improvement not only welcomed but invited for. I would love to have the theme being a cooperation within the leadership if desired and value all further discussion on the matter. Tolerance - is not only an idea, but an action, and in many cases a conscious choice of making clear to the people around us, that we influence, what we not only hope for, but expect. Leading by example, not only on a big scale, but making our day to day, make the minute to minute interactions count, “demanding” that for us, for our project, the participants shall do the same. We are here to work together, putting differences aside and leaving borders behind, and Cavan 2020 will be built on these premises Togetherness - when times get rough and conflict is inevitable let us have each other to lean on. Let us take advantage of different points of views and educate each other when we can, fighting together as a community for what we believe is right

Planning and Preparation - it is impossible to predict the exact future, but what we can do is do everything in our power to fix the problems we see now, take advice from the experts and go into tomorrow with the best possible premises. Being ready for what we know likely are problems we’ll need to deal with and do our best when we get there. I would like to work with a basis of the topics being more in a strategic nature as well as ones clearly improving our society on a long-term basis. I am also wanting to have the topic reflection the location of the session and possible cooperation with the town if desired. Safety in structure- Uncertainty can be one of the most stressful and hard to deal with parts of a session. Not knowing what is coming or waiting for something that you know lies ahead is for many a stress factor, but luckily one we can influence. For Cavan 2020 we want a focus on structure and planning from the very beginning. In practice this means I would ideally have a set meeting schedule, giving us a platform to work from. the meetings do not need to be very long when not needed, but they would work as a facilitator for us, the leadership, to have a platform where issues and ideas can be brought up low threshold and as soon as possible. Working Calendar- Planning in our deadlines, giving an overview from an early stage. This would be adapted for chairs version as well, giving room for adjustments and long term planning in our busy schedules. knowing what lies ahead can here also serve as a preliminary tool for communication, so people have their tasks in mind and can communicate early if something will not work. We will use the strengths within the board to our benefit, dividing tasks with both capabilities and passions in mind. We would love to work with online modules and whiteboards (Eg. Zoom and MIRO) to facilitate this vision.

Active and Clear Communication- We are both responsible for ourselves and the people around us in this matter, doing our best both to speak our mind, share and participate as well as building a culture for this being natural for our teammates. We aim to take into consideration the disparities and traditions we bring with us, emphasising the vast differences, and how they oftentimes can be quite hard to manage, Here I believe bringing in active metacommunication from the beginning will be beneficial and an idea I would like to take further. - Sara

Head of Jury’s Vision A great learning platform like EYP offers a safe space for everyone to learn, try, fail, improve and grow. Whereas an opportunity to attend any session is a prize on its own, our regional-to-national-to-international structure inevitably calls for some form of selection to be in place. Therefore, a jury team has a very set role and goal, a very clear job description of observing, evaluating and selecting delegates. Primary focus The jury team of Cavan 2020 will primarily focus on ensuring that all delegates are thoroughly assessed and that selection is carried out in the most fair and just way possible. By clearly defining the criteria for selection, examining indicators and focus areas to look out for, as well as ensuring a global and rounded view of all delegates and committees, we will prioritise that our job is well executed, always in compliance with the guidelines of EYP Ireland. Efficiency versus thoroughness With very time- and energy- efficient procedures and processes, there is the risk of overlooking details significant for the outcome. However, overindulging in lengthy and detailed discussions, endless debates and elaborate analyses, poses the threat of missing out on the bigger picture, skipping session elements and failing at integration with other session teams. The jury team of Cavan 2020 will seek to find an ideal balance between the two, by collectively designing our working procedure in order to ensure our well-being, our social interactions with all officials and without de-prioritising the thoroughness of selection. Every viewpoint matters One of the key challenges in they jury team is maintaining an objective approach when it comes to applying the criteria to committee situations and behaviours of delegates. However, individuals differ and the filters they apply to reality often subconsciously distort the composition of objectivity. One of the basic elements of a fair and just jury team is trust among its

members, that every viewpoint matters, as long as it has valid argumentations. Therefore, all perspectives are equally brought to the table and individually assessed, to ensure that team members are felt respected and that delegates are globally assessed as well. So if you are passionate about evaluating and looking deeper into individuals in teams, about actively taking part in shaping our working procedures and ensuring that the future of EYP Ireland is in good hands, this is the right team for you to join! Looking forward to reading your application! Dionysis

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