Call for Head of Jury, Vice Presidents and Chairs, for the Regional Sessions of 2020

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Call for Head of Jurys, Vice Presidents & Chairs

Regional Sessions 2020

Table of Content Practical Information................................................3 Malmรถ 2020..............................................................4 Gothenburg 2020......................................................7 Eskilstuna 2020.........................................................10

Practical information Malmรถ 2020 WHAT: The 10th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Malmรถ, Sweden WHEN: 5th to the 8th of November for Officials WHO: Vice Presidents, Chairs & Head of Jury DEADLINE: 7th of July 23:59 CEST. Apply here:

Gothenburg 2020 WHAT: The 9th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Gothenburg, Sweden WHEN: 12th to the 15th of November for Officials WHO: Vice Presidents, Chairs & Head of Jury DEADLINE: 7th of July 23:59 CEST. Apply here:

Eskilstuna 2020 WHAT: The 10th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden WHERE: Eskilstuna, Sweden WHEN: 19th to the 22nd of November for Officials WHO: Vice-Presidents, Chairs & Head of Jury DEADLINE: 7th of July 23:59 CEST. Apply here:

Malmö 2020

10th Southern Regional Session of EYP Sweden


Session Theme

er nag




öm, Projec r t t s

”In times likes these when division is on the rise, it is easy to forget that many of humanity’s greatest achievement was achieved through collaboration, cooperation and unity. In Malmö 2020 we hope to remind its participants of the value of collaboration, cooperation and unity and how they can be used to tackle to challenges of today and tomorrow such as, the COVID-19 pandemic, international conflicts and climate change.”

Chris to

odina, P re

ent sid

rG e ph

Dear potential applicant, Thank you for your interest in Malmö 2020. I am looking for motivated individuals to join me for Malmö 2020 and help make it happen. I want achieve many things in Malmö 2020 and I hope that you can help me in achieving them. Firstly, I hope to create a safe environment for all session participants, including the members of the chairs’ team, where they feel appreciated and welcome. This safe environment will serve as a foundation for learning and the development of the participants, errors and shortcomings will not be judged negatively but will be viewed as learning opportunities and areas of improvement. Keeping in mind that there will be a many first time officials, there will be a focus on trainings in order to make sure that every member of my team will be able successfully partake in their role at the session. Ultimately, I want every member of my team to feel comfortable to go out of their comfort zone and try out something new and learn from that. Your personal development will be a top priority of mine. Furthermore, the wellbeing and welfare of the participants will serve as a core guiding principle in my work and the work of the chairsteam. With session theme in mind, I believe that we can all learn something from each other. Therefore, there will be a clear focus on cooperation and collaboration as means for learning during Malmö 2020. This will not only extend just within the chairsteam but also cooperation with other teams. I hope that through cooperation and collaboration, members of my team will learn skills and develop in ways that they normally would not in their respective role. I believe that Malmö 2020 will be great opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to come together and learn from each other. I hope to see you in November, Christopher


The session will take place in Malmö from the 5th to 8th of November 2020 for Officials.

The application

Please note that only applicants who are members of EYP Sweden, and resident in the country, will be considered by the Selection Panel. To become a member of EYP Sweden please register here: The application will be sent through members platform. Link to the event

Questions for applicants Chair

1. Without mentioning your nationality, age, or occupation, please introduce yourself to the selection panel.Max words 150 2. What do you hope to learn from the session? Max 300 words 3. What makes you suitable for the role of a chairperson, what are your strengths/weaknesses in this role? Max 400 words 4. Keeping in mind the session theme “Dawning with tomorrow - Through Thick and Thin”, please propose a suitable topic to discuss at the session? Max 300 words 5. What’s your favorite part of a session and why? Max 150 words

Vice President

1. Without mentioning your nationality, age, or occupation, please introduce yourself to the selection panel. Max 150 words 2. What do hope to learn from the session? Max 300 words 3. What makes you suitable for the role of a vice-president, what are your strength and weaknesses in the role? Max 400 words 4. Please describe how a session board should ideally work together. How would you work towards achieving that? Max 300 words 5. What’s your favorite part of a session and why? Max 150 words

Head of Jury

1. Describe yourself as a leader. 2. What ideas do you have for structuring a jury team and implementing EYP Sweden’s Selection Criteria in your work? 3. In your assessment of delegates, what do you believe is most important to look for? 4. How will you attempt to prevent that the delegates are intimidated by the jury team?

Gothenburg 2020

Session Theme

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Isak Horgo si G


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son , Projec s t nd

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Thea E rla

9th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden

�The theme of Gothenburg 2020, 9th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden, is economic sustainability and revolves around how the European Union and Europe can work together in ensuring a financially stable future - especially after seeing the negative impact of Covid-19 on the European and global economy. By enabling young people to come together and discuss issues related to this topic we hope to find solutions and answers that can create a united movement which might spread the message of Gothenburg 2020 all the way to Brussels. �


Ell i



yrén , Presi S t d

President Vision Gothenburg 2020, the 9th Western Regional Session of EYP Sweden is not excepted the effects of the ongoing pandemic. Adaptations to the traditional session format will have to be made in response to current events. These adoptiations will be challenging but they will also, and more importantly, provide opportunities to develop and improve practices and concepts. There have possibly never before been a time in which Swedish regional sessions are affected by what’s going on around us like they are today, making Gothenburg 2020 an ample opportunity to understand the interconnectivity between policy, society and everyday life. Furthermore, despite and because of potential alteration to the session structure, I hope Gothenburg 2020 will serve as a springboard for new and avid members to gain the experience and confidence needed to embark on their own ‘EYP journeys’. Hopefully, this session will contribute to an increase of active membership within EYP, and equip participants with both the ‘why’ and ‘how’ for continued engagement. With a combination of structural innovation, academic development and a focus on continuing improvement and adaptation of practices, I hope Gothenburg 2020 will be a memorable experience for everyone involved and I hope to welcome both new and old members to share this experience with me.


The session will take place in Gothenburg from the 12th to the 15th of November 2020 for Officials

The application

Please note that only applicants who are members of EYP Sweden, and resident in the country, will be considered by the Selection Panel. To become a member of EYP Sweden please register here: The application will be sent through members platform. Link to the event

Questions for applicants Questions for Chairs and Vice Presidents

1. Introduce yourself to the selection panel using no more than 280 characters (the maximum length of a tweet). 2. What non-EYP related experiences, skills and/or qualities do you have that would make you suitable as a chairperson/ vice-president? (no word limit) 3. How would you describe EYP to someone who has never heard of the organisation? (write around 150 to 300 words)

Questions for Chairs only

1. What do you think a chairperson’s role is within a committee? How does it differ from a delegate’s role? (write around 150 to 300 words)

Questions for Vice Presidents only

1. Rank the following aspects for a vice-president to prioritise according to importance where 1 is the most important aspect and 9 is the least important aspect. Quality of academic output, delegates’ personal development, chairpersons’ personal development, time management and keeping deadlines, inter-team cooperation and communication, group dynamics within the chairs’ team, skill & ompetence development for chairpersons, emotional support for chairpersons, evaluating chairpersons performance. 2. Motivate your ordering above, why did you order your list like you did? (no word limit)

Head of Jury

1. Describe yourself as a leader. 2. What ideas do you have for structuring a jury team and implementing EYP Sweden’s Selection Criteria in your work? 3. In your assessment of delegates, what do you believe is most important to look for? 4. How will you attempt to prevent that the delegates are intimidated by the jury team?

Eskilstuna 2020


Session Theme

er nag

Linn D an


son, Project s l ie





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10th Eastern Regional Session of EYP Sweden

“Eskilstuna 2020 sets out to channel the individual voices of the participants and making them believe that they can contribute to a future of strengthened justice. By encouraging these voices to speak up, they will become equipped to combat discrimination, promote fair and just institutions and foster a more democratic world.�



Ferdin a

yrhofer, P re


a M d

President Vision

With the many challenges the world is facing nowadays, the youth brings in a new perspective regarding these issues. And you, yes you, are already taking a small first step into this right direction. By being active and supporting others, your impact can be far more significant than what you can imagine now. Thus, the central vision for the academic team is to leave a mark and to have a positive impact. For the chairsteam, this means that we truly focus on the individual delegates. The session should encourage every one of them also to do more, to have an impact, and to make their voice heard. It should show them a broader perspective, outside of “only� Sweden. However, the topics and academics are only one part: the other one is, that the delegates should enjoy their time at the session and share stories about this fantastic experience. We must never forget that delegates are the main focus, as, without them, sessions would not exist. All of this above sounds probably quite tough for you. Yes, indeed, chairing is tough, but the board will be here for you. We will equip you with the tools before the session, help you planning, and will be there when you need (and don’t need) us. We are with you, as you learn and grow. Does that sound exciting to you? We are looking for 7-9 chairpersons chairing their committee at Eskilstuna. I am looking for two board members, who will not chair a committee and will contribute significantly to the making of the session. Therefore, the board will work in a cooperative working environment, where responsibilities and work are shared. Your initiative as board members is needed, that the session can become a fruitful experience for all participants. As a board, we also share responsibility for the academic team of the session and are the strong pillars for them. Sounds also tough? Yes, it also will be! However, we will be in this together, and we can fail, celebrate the failures together and learn from them. I promise you that Eskilstuna will be an adventurous and fun journey for us. I am looking forward to your application. Ferdinand Mayrhofer Note about the TOs: Topic Overviews will be written between mid-July and beginning of August. Please make sure that you have enough time to work on this critical task when applying for the session.


The session will take place in Eskilstuna from the 19th to the 22nd of November 2020 for Officials

The application

Please note that only applicants who are members of EYP Sweden, and resident in the country, will be considered by the Selection Panel. To become a member of EYP Sweden please register here: The application will be sent through members platform. Link to the event

Questions for applicants Chairs

1. As the session will be entirely for Swedish participants, how would you foster a European view among your committee? (max 200 words) 2. What do you want to learn or gain from chairing at Eskilstuna 2020? (max 150 words) 3. What is your personal vision on chairing? How do you envision yourself to facilitate the work of the delegates?

Vice Presidents

1. How do you envision working on the board of a regional session? (max 180 words) 2. Why are you the best fit for this role? (max 100 words) 3. As Vice President at the regional session in Eskilstuna, you are given the freedom to explore and guidance when needed. With this, your initiative will be an essential factor for the success of the academic team. Tell us about one story, where you went beyond what was expected from you. (max 150 words) 4. How do you plan to help make sure that the chairs feel fully equipped to lead their committees? What are some ways to help them reach their fullest potential?

Head of Jury

1. Describe yourself as a leader. 2. What ideas do you have for structuring a jury team and implementing EYP Sweden’s Selection Criteria in your work? 3. In your assessment of delegates, what do you believe is most important to look for? 4. How will you attempt to prevent that the delegates are intimidated by the jury team?

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