Fabbri 1905 - Sustainability Report 2023

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Alessandra Giovannoni | Street with Fabbri Villa TechniqueOil on canvas, 100 × 200 cm | 2015


Fascinated by landscapes, Alessandra Giovannoni has again chosen to depict a street scene, this one showing the Fabbri offices. The color palette is typical of the artist: the ochres with which she usually depicts her hometown of Rome and the blues characteristic of her seascapes. The large amarena vase sets the tone for the composition. Giovannoni's painting does not focus on details, and in this case too, the image is created - especially in the background - through blocks of color dominated by light.


The Purpose of Fabbri

Bringing the flavours of Italian tradition, in unexpected ways, to the homes and businesses of the entire world - with all the passion and authenticity of a family business. Because the good health and happiness that comes from sharing the pleasures of a unique product made with love, at any moment of the day, has been the key to our process for over a century.

6/ People and the territory

6.1/ Employee wellness and protection

6.2/ Skills development and human capital

6.3/ Diversity, inclusion and human rights

6.4/ Impact on the community

7/ The environment

7.1/ Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

7.2/ The circular economy

8/ Methodological note

9/ GRI Content Index

Letter to Stakeholders

Innovation, passion and sustainable growth have always been the keys to our activity and our purpose on the world market.

Today, as over a century ago, the values and flavours of Italian tradition are at the heart of our work, which we nurture day by day.

The arrival of the fifth generation of the family at the helm of the company in the 2000s is a sign of the continuity of thought and action that Fabbri 1905 has maintained in affirming recognized leadership and unwavering consistency.

At the same time, the inclusion of new team members in diverse areas of the company, chosen for their value and talent without regard to age, gender or origin, has been a vital part of the evolution of our company culture in a world increasingly sensitive to ethics, the environment, and civil society.

Our quality comes from the hard work of many people, the perfect synthesis of their many skills, and the expression of goodness elevated to excellence.

About Us: Italian Tradition since 1905 1/

Building on a strong foundation in the traditions of Italian cuisine, Fabbri 1905 S.p.A. (henceforth Fabbri 1905 or Fabbri) offers products, "premium" ingredients and innovative solutions with high added value to consumers and professionals, allowing them to express their personal creativity at home and outside the home through food and beverage specialties. Fabbri's great attention to quality, both in terms of the product and the production processes, have made the company an outstanding example of the "Made in Italy" tradition at home and abroad.

Fabbri 1905, a leading food producer in Italy, operates in four main markets:

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4 consumer packaged goods food service (AFH) artisanal gelato and pastry semiprocessed products for the food industry

The company, made up of over 160 employees, produces approximately 1,300 products distributed in over 100 countries, with 17 product lines and 23 packaging lines.


100 1300 1723 employees countries around the world distributed in over items product linespackaging lines

In the retail channel, Fabbri 1905 operates through LOD and digital channels, from independent online stores to the biggest national and international marketplaces. Among the main consumer products, in addition to the original Amarena Fabbri and other specialties in syrup such as Strawberry and Ginger, there are Toppings, Syrups, Fruits in liqueur, and Cream spreads; in the praline market, the Bombon Cuor di Amarena Fabbri is worth a mention. 2023 marked Fabbri 1905's entrance into a new market, that of baked goods, with the launch of a line of Panettone and Colomba pastries in various sizes and packages, all under the brand umbrella of Cuor di Amarena Fabbri.

For the "outside the home" market, Fabbri 1905 offers a range of products for the beverage world, day and night, in coffee shops and restaurants. This vast range of syrups and fruit pulps supports modern cocktail mixology as well as the creation of artisanal soft drinks and fruit granitas. Regarding this product line: in 2023 Fabbri, already a leader in the sector, took an innovative step by choosing ultraclean technology for its Mixybar line. This high-tech modern solution preserves the highest quality ingredients and fruits picked at the peak of their maturity, both in terms of their nutritional value and their flavor, aroma and sensory qualities. The company's flagship is the “Premiata Distilleria G. Fabbri” line of liquors, made up of Dry Gin Fabbri and Marendry Bitter, beverages that stand out for their unique and unmistakable note of Amarena Fabbri. Along with the Special "Cherries", these premium liquors are rooted in Fabbri's long tradition in the liquor sector and the expertise they have in the field.

In the pastry and artisanal gelato market, the company offers all the necessary ingredients for an excellent artisanal gelato in the Italian tradition. Powder bases, anhydrous or sugar-based flavouring pastes, fillings, coverings and toppings are just some of the many products offered by Fabbri. The artisanal pastry field is served by the numerous products designed to offer a master pastry chef's touch to cakes, semifreddi, single-serve desserts, and classic baked or frozen sweets.

In addition to selling its products to consumers and various categories of professionals, Fabbri 1905 is also involved in training new talent: the Fabbri Master Class school, founded in 1998, is now more than ever a proving ground for early-career professionals as well as those wishing to refine their skills and discover new trends. Courses are offered, including on-site at the clients' places of business, in the fields of mixed drinks, coffee, artisanal gelato, and pastry. Fabbri 1905 also collaborates with renowned master gelato makers, pastry chefs and mixologists including Davide Malizia, Francesco Elmi, Bruno Vanzan, Gianni Cocco and Mattia Pastori, allowing the company to get a first look at new market trends, developing products, recipes and new ideas to bring to the public while recognizing the increasingly demanding needs of the professional sector, thus adapting its products on offer to meet these new demands.

Finally, we should mention Fabbri 1905's collaborations with other Italian and foreign companies, through which it creates new comarketing opportunities with particular focus on its most iconic product: the Amarena Fabbri cherry. Notable examples include Sammontana, with the famous Barattolino Sammontana ice cream (in single portions or family-size) with Amarena Fabbri,Herbamelle honey drop candies with Fabbri Mint, and Coop supermarkets with the Tortino cookies with a sweet Amarena Fabbri sauce.

Our story 2/


In the town of Portomaggiore (Ferrara) Gennaro Fabbri, then 45 years old, opened a chemist's shop with a small attached distillery, which became the “Premiata Distilleria G. Fabbri”. He found immediate success with his first liquors, and in 1914 the distillery moved to a larger space in Borgo Panigale (Bologna), where the company still has its headquarters today.


Along with liquors, production begins on syrups that go with the Amarena, whose success is constantly growing. Gennaro's sons Romeo and Aldo play an active role in the company's development, assisting their father in the creation of a marketing plan that was revolutionary for its time. Gennaro, for example, called his debut liquors "Primo Maggio" (the First of May) and "Amaro Carducci." The first was a wink at socialist activists and sympathizers, the second a celebration of the poet who sang the praises of Italian unification and won the Nobel Prize in 1906. To expand distribution of his products he sent his sons Aldo and Romeo to publicize the Fabbri brand all over Italy in two legendary automobiles: the Isotta Fraschini, the car of the stars, and the Itala, the vehicle used in the famous 1907 Peking to Paris motor race. This earned them immediate fame and admiration.


Rachele Fabbri, Gennaro's wife, invents the legendary “Amarena Fabbri” based on a peasant recipe called "Marena con frutto." Originally sold in demijohns, it owes its success in part to the iconic blue and white ceramic jar it came to be packaged in. This was a stroke of genius by the company's founder, who commisioned the ceramicist Gatti from Faenza to design it. Soon after, it began appearing on bar counters all up and down the peninsula. With its unmistakable ceramic jar, today Amarena Fabbri is an iconic symbol of Italian taste around the world.


Production continues to grow with cherries in liqueur, another product that quickly earns the public's favour, and fruit jams and preserves.

The company passes entirely into the hands of Gennaro's sons, Aldo and Romeo, and changes its name to “Ditta G. Fabbri di Aldo e Romeo Fabbri”. This second generation brings a new spark of innovation, expanding production of the Syrups line which will become famous as the "Inventabibite", or "invent-a-drink" line.

From the postwar period to a new beginning: Fabbri gets big. During the post-war years and the economic recovery, the company was transformed into the joint-stock company “G. Fabbri SpA”. In 1947, on the initiative of the founder's grandsons, Fabio and Giorgio, production of liqueurs and traditional products such as Amarena Fabbri and fruit syrups is emphasized.

Trucks outfitted as mobile training workshops drive around Italy, teaching gelato makers how to use Fabbri products to prepare the finest gelato: another innovative idea through which the company grows its own reputation and that of the profession of artisanal gelato maker.

Gennaro purchases the Bar Centrale in Bologna which, uniquely for its time, was open 24 hours a day. The Bar Centrale becomes a sort of "living room" for Bolognese citizens due to its central location in the city, across from the Sala Borsa business center. Gennaro's sons transform it into an elegant establishment where one can enjoy, among many specialties, artisanal ice cream prepared by a renowned gelato maker of the time. They use the first ingredients specifically tailored for this market, which Fabbri developed in their own facility.


Fabbri makes its debut in the gelato world. The idea is destined to conquer the international market: Fabio and Giorgio take the ingredients developed for the artisanal gelato of the Bar Centrale and industrialize them, creating the "Cremolati" line: complete pastes made with cream or fruit that, once mixed with water or milk, whipped and frozen, transform into gelato. Designed for the artisans who are just beginning to use the first electric gelato-making machines, these semiprocessed products are a smashing success and open a whole new market: Made in Italy artisanal gelato can now be sold all around the world.

With the advent of television and the Carosello variety show, the Fabbri brand enters the homes of millions of Italians. The spot featuring the famous character "Salomone the clumsy pirate" is still recognized as a milestone in the history of television advertising. And we can't forget the series "A Painter a Week" featuring great painters, who were then unknown, such as Guttuso, Capogrossi, Gentilini, Cagli, Salvatore, or the commercials with Buscaglione, Pisu, Adolfo Celi, Tino Buazzelli.

1957 1980s

This decade is marked by the establishment of the brand on the international market, while the range of products intended for use outside the home continues to expand.

1960s and 70s

In 1961, Romeo is decorated with the Order of Merit for Labour, the "Cavaliere del Lavoro". The third generation of the Fabbri family takes over management of the company with the brothers Giorgio and Fabio and their cousin Stefano. Production is moved to the new facility in Anzola Emilia, where it continues to this day. The historic plant in Borgo Panigale is converted to offices, where the company is still headquartered today. The Fabbri brand begins to spread across Europe.


The company is now home to the fourth generation of the family, represented by the founder's great-grandsons: Andrea, Nicola, Paolo and Umberto.

1995 1999

Production diversifies with products designed for the bar and café: Mixybar and MixyFruit for mixed drinks, and a line of products for flavouring coffee, hot chocolate, cappuccino and tea.


It is the year of the Centennial: a commemorative "limited edition" jar, the "Cento Anni Fabbri" monograph, participation in the Venice Festival, the Fabbri Art Prize, events, and much more mark a milestone birthday celebrated by Italians who see the brand as the standard-bearer of Italian confectionery excellence in the world.


In the special registry of Historic Italian Brands (instituted by decree of the Ministry of Economic Development on 10 January 2020), four of the brands listed belong to Fabbri 1905, a nearly unique case that speaks to the company's deep connection to the history of the nation, its culture and society, and its manufacturing industry. The historic trademarks are the corporate brand "Fabbri," the product brand "Amarena Fabbri," the distinctive Faenza-style ceramic decorations in blue on white recognized as a distinctive identifying feature of the company's output, and the unmistakable design of the bottles of Fabbri Syrups, the famous "Inventabibite".


Born as a small distillery, Fabbri 1905 has definitively established itself as a family company active in Gelato, Pastry, Consumer Packaged Goods, Beverages and Coffee. A multinational company dedicated to promoting Made in Italy confectionery in all its forms around the world. At the helm is the fourth generation with Nicola, Paolo and Umberto, increasingly joined by the new generation with Carlotta, Fabio, Federico, Giovanni, Pietro, Stefania, and the recently-appointed General Manager Michele Magli. 119 years later, the concepts of artisanality, ethics and the constant search for innovation are still the bedrock of the company and the family.

The company transforms into “Fabbri 1905 S.p.A.”, and later, in 2002, following another company reorganization, “Fabbri G. Holding Industriale S.p.A.” is born, which holds 100% of“Fabbri 1905 S.p.A.”.

2010 2015

The first members of the fifth generation begin to enter the company.

Fabbri's icon, the Amarena cherry, turns 100: in honor of its creator Rachele Fabbri, the Fabbri Art Prize "turns pink" for an all-female edition. The Amarena Stories project collects people's thoughts and fond recollections about the Amarena.


The University of Sannio awards Fabbri its Corporate Heritage Award, now in its 3rd edition, dedicated to companies that stand out for their ability to draw on their past in an original and impactful way. The key topic in 2023 was the use of art in all its forms as a storytelling tool to describe a company's history and identity. Fabbri 1905 was recognized as an example of best practices for its constant commitment in this regard. The Fabbri Art Prize, the “A Painter a Week” project, and the various artworks inspired by the famous Fabbri jar are perfect examples of this expertise. The company has also entered the 2023 ADI Design Index with the packaging of the new Gin Fabbri, for the next edition of the prestigious Compasso d’Oro (Golden Compass Prize)

Fabbri and Sustainability 3/

For a company constantly dedicated to showcasing the precious fruits of the Earth, a strong relationship with the environment is a fact of nature.

Fabbri endeavours to embrace developments in scientific research and best environmental practices in our projects, processes, and methods, in order to preserve balance in the world around us, prevent pollution and protect the landscape and the environment.

Nonetheless, it takes more than superior products and processes to make a company great. First and foremost, the key lies in its people. Fabbri 1905 wishes to embody this quality and the extraordinary passion with which its people carry out that mission through the constant innovation in its products and its technologies used.

Starting in 2022, Fabbri decided to undertake a formalized path to integrate and systematize sustainability into its operations, drafting its first Sustainability Report based on the most robust and widely adopted European reporting standards, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The drafting of the new 2023 Sustainability Report has involved the whole company front line, who undertook a training and awareness course on several sustainability-specific topics.

[GRI 3-1]

[GRI 3-2]

Fabbri 1905, aware of the modern world's sustainability challenges, has decided to undertake a path towards the integration of sustainability into its business. Last year Fabbri drafted its first Sustainability Report to analyze and report on its environmental and social impact, and to begin preparing for future reporting obligations. This Sustainability Report is a valuable tool with which the company can continue to dedicate itself to innovation and communication, responding to the needs and complexities of its stakeholders.

In this context, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 provides a crucial framework for companies that intend to actively contribute to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Agenda consists of an action plan to promote sustainable development globally, setting 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) covering a wide range of environmental, economic, and social issues. These goals represent a reference framework for building a systematic and strategic approach to sustainability.

With that in mind, Fabbri 1905 has identified the following eight Goals it can and wishes to contribute to:

Guaranteeing a healthy life and promoting the wellbeing of all people of all ages

Achieving gender equality and emancipating all women and girls

Incentivizing stable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with full productive employment and dignified work for all.

Promoting the implementation of the UN's ten-year program for a sustainable model of consumption and production.

Ensuring high quality, inclusive and equitable education and promoting opportunities for continuous learning to all

Ensuring that all have access to economical, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems

Constructing a resilient infrastructure and promoting equitable, responsible and sustainable innovation and industrialization

Promoting actions on all fronts to combat climate change

Fabbri's sustainability strategy also considers SDG 9 "Innovation and infrastructure" and SDG 13 "Climate action" as enabling and cross-cutting factors for all its future activities.

Materiality analysis involves identifying sustainability issues that are particularly relevant to the company, defined as "material topics," and conducting a relevance analysis on them. This analysis prioritizes topics from both the company's perspective (internal relevance) and stakeholders' perspective (external relevance), aiming to position them within a matrix known as the "Materiality Matrix." This process is carried out to identify the strategic sustainability guidelines on which the company can focus in the medium term.

In the preparation of this Sustainability Report, Fabbri 1905 has reaffirmed the materiality analysis conducted last year, which identified the following key sustainability topics essential for developing the sustainability strategy:

• Efficacy of governance and communication model managing business operations sustainably, considering environmental and social sustainability factors across governance activities, ensuring transparency in communications, and structuring governance to systematize sustainability in regular business operations. Defining a clear corporate identity and establishing an institutional communication method aimed at all stakeholders, with particular attention paid to the accuracy and truthfulness of all information.

• Ethics and responsibility in business conducting business and commercial relationships in a responsible, transparent, credible and consistent manner. Adopting organizational models aimed at enforcing regulations on anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and antitrust matters.

• Innovation Oversight innovating both in terms of products and potential business activities through research and development to implement best practices in production. This includes considering possible solutions to reduce the environmental impact of operations while maintaining product quality standards.

• Sustainable management of procurement using socio-environmental criteria to assess the supply chain concerning the social and environmental impacts of procurement activities, including policies applied to suppliers to uphold human rights of workers and the right to health and safety. Safeguarding the procurement chain by evaluating actions to combat climate change among core suppliers.

• Protection and well-being of employees ensuring the health and safety of employees and collaborators by promoting good conduct within company premises and ensuring well-being.

• Human capital and skills development planning and implementing professional and skills development pathways for employees to ensure opportunities for their professional and personal growth.

• Diversity, inclusion and human rights creating an inclusive workplace that supports equal opportunity in the workforce and makes diversity a strength, including through programs and activities promoted by the company. Extending, wherever possible, diversity and inclusion best practices to the entire value chain.

• Impact on communities considering the impact that business activities can have on the communities in which it operates, acting to maximize positive impacts and reduce negative ones.

• Consumer health and safety promoting activities and initiatives aimed at guaranteeing consumer health and safety through high quality products.

• Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management assessing the environmental impacts directly associated with production and managing them responsibly, while also overseeing office activities to minimize waste and inefficiencies.

• The circular economy assessing processes/methods for revaluing waste from the production phase, other waste from office activities, or packaging circularity.

As previously mentioned, for the 2023 Sustainability Report, the materiality analysis conducted last year has been reaffirmed. This analysis involved the construction of a matrix through the evaluation of issues by the company's managers alone. They engaged in dedicated workshops, assuming the roles of key identified stakeholder categories (customers, consumers, employees, suppliers, sales networks, associations, institutions, media, and communities).

Fabbri 1905 plans to strengthen the methodology used in defining the materiality matrix, including a more detailed mapping of stakeholders and their direct involvement in future reporting.


Aware of the complexity of the challenges facing the world and determined to create a positive impact, in 2023 Fabbri 1905 undertook a structured process to draft and implement its Sustainability Plan. The process took place in two phases:



Identification of strategic guidelines: To start the necessary reflections, the process began with an analysis of the company's operational context and industry best practices. It continued with the study of ongoing activities and projects within the company, culminating in the identification of the most relevant themes for Fabbri and its strategic guidelines for the future.

Definition of initiatives: Specific workshops were conducted on ESG areas that involved the company's front line to define various actions to be taken for each previously identified strategic guideline.

This approach allowed the company to structure its activities first analytically and then practically, thereby fully exploring all aspects of sustainability to be included in the Plan.

The Fabbri 1905 Sustainability Plan rests on three pillars:

• People: the company is dedicated to promoting the well-being and growth of its people, ensuring a safe and stimulating workplace.

• The environment: In all its actions, Fabbri takes into consideration its environmental impact and possible solutions for its reduction.

• The value chain: the company aims to select the best raw materials available and oversee its supply chain in order to offer consumers the highest possible quality products.

To coordinate the initiatives outlined in the Plan and oversee reporting activities, Fabbri has formally established its Sustainability Committee and defined the role of the CSR Manager, structuring a sustainability governance system.

Through its Sustainability Plan, Fabbri 1905 demonstrates a concrete commitment to contributing to a future in which people and their business activities can coexist with the environment in a respectful, mutually beneficial relationship.

The Governance of Fabbri

4.1/ Efficacy of governance and communication model

Fabbri knows that an effective governance model is crucial for success and for achieving long-term goals. Therefore, the company is dedicated to maintaining an effective and sustainable governance model, with the goal of ensuring that decisions taken regarding various corporate matters are taken in a responsible and transparent manner.

Fabbri 1905 is governed by a Board of Directors composed of five people, four men and one woman, all members of the Fabbri family. All members of the Board of Directors have equal powers and are all involved in the decision-making processes and in managing impacts on the economy, the environment, and people. Therefore, it is the Board of Directors' responsibility to review and approve information relating to sustainability, including material topics. This process mainly takes place through informal meetings, followed by formalization through the Board of Directors and/or Assemblies when necessary.

[GRI 2-9]

[GRI 2-14]

[GRI 2-17]

[GRI 2-27]

[GRI 205-2]

[GRI 417-1]

[GRI 417-2]

[GRI 417-3]


In order to improve corporate knowledge of sustainability, the members of the Board of Directors and the top management participated in a training course in 2022 and early 2023. This course, lasting a total of 24 hours, led to the definition of the materiality matrix and the establishment of KPIs for the reporting of this document, among other things.

Furthermore, it should be noted that all members of the Board of Directors are informed of the organization's anti-corruption policies and procedures. As in the previous year, in 2023 there were no instances recorded of non-compliance with laws and regulations.


Consumer and customer health and safety are among Fabbri's primary goals. For this reason, the company is committed not only to strictly complying with regulations regarding labeling and marketing communications, but also certifies its products to make them accessible to those adhering to certain religious and dietary choices: currently, Fabbri offers more than 500 Kosher products and more than 300 Halal products. As in the previous year, in 2023 there were no instances recorded of non-conformity regarding marketing communications.

The company also demonstrates its commitment to quality production through careful selection of raw materials and the execution of rigorous quality controls. Fabbri additionally holds the most-accredited international certifications, guaranteeing that its products are obtained according to well-defined quality standards and in compliance with verifiable requirements. Among the key certifications are:

• UNI EN ISO 14001

• ISO 9001



Finally, Fabbri also protects consumers by paying careful attention to regulations regarding labeling and customer information. In 2023 there were no incidents of non-conformity regarding impacts on health and safety involving the company's products. Fabbri 1905 complies with all legal requirements regarding information and labeling of products and services, from sourcing to the content of substances that may have environmental impacts, to disposal. The only non-conformities detected in this regard concern internal self-regulation codes within the company.



The cases of non-conformity recorded were managed and resolved through a specific internal procedure regarding the management of corporate traceability.

4.2/ Ethics and responsibility in business

In order to clearly and transparently define the values and principles the company is inspired by, as well as the standards of conduct aimed at regulating its activity, since 2012 Fabbri 1905 has adopted the Model of Organization and Management laid out in Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 and its related Code of Ethics, observance of which is required of everyone who takes part in the company's business activities. All employees have undergone a training course in the Model, and when defining contracts with third parties, the Model is included in the regulations governing the contract for the purpose of understanding and accepting the rules stated therein.

The Model states that it is prohibited to engage in, collaborate with, or cause behaviors that, individually or collectively, directly or indirectly, constitute the offenses of private sector corruption and incitement to private sector corruption, as defined respectively by Article 2635, paragraph 3, and Article 2635-bis, paragraph 1 of the Italian Civil Code, as referenced by Article 25-ter of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.

In particular, in the management of relationships with interlocutors of companies or private entities, it is prohibited to:

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offer, promise, or make undue payments of money or undue acknowledgments of other benefits;

distribute gifts or complimentary items outside the normal practices of business or courtesy. Permitted gifts are always characterised by their limited value;

incur unjustified representation expenses that serve purposes other than the basic promotion of the company's image, or that are not in line with specific company procedures;

make promises of employment or hiring that favour individuals recommended by private interlocutors/references.

These prohibitions also extend to third parties (for example, agents or distributors) who act in the interests of the Company.

From a financial perspective, every incoming and outgoing cash flow, whether related to ordinary operations (receipts and payments), financial needs (liquidity, short-term, medium-term, and long-term financing, risk hedging, etc.), or extraordinary operations (e.g., liquidations, investments, or asset sales), must be legitimate and carried out in compliance with regulations. Each transaction should be traceable, reconstructible ex post, adequately justified, authorized, and aligned with the actual business needs.

The Model therefore requires that the company behaves in a correct, transparent, and collaborative manner, in compliance with legal norms and internal com-

[GRI 205-2]

[GRI 205-3]

[GRI 207-1]

[GRI 207-2]

[GRI 207-3]

pany procedures, in all its activities. It also mandates respectful adherence to rules established concerning fair competition and ethical competition with other enterprises.

In the event of doubts regarding the correct implementation of ethical and behavioral principles during the course of business activities, the concerned individual is required to consult their Supervisor (if an employee of the Company) or internal contact (if a third-party) and formally request an opinion from the Oversight Body.



150 Employees


The proportion of business partners (i.e., suppliers) who have been informed about anti-corruption policies and procedures has decreased compared to 2022, because the number of active suppliers during the reporting period of this document has also decreased for commercial reasons. In the near future, Fabbri plans to expand communication and education on anti-corruption matters to its customers as well. As in the previous year, in 2023 there were no instances of corruption recorded.

Fiscal governance is conducted internally through the preparation of declarations for submission. These declarations are verified by both the Group CFO and the Board of Statutory Auditors, including auditors, and finally by the Board of Directors. The approach to fiscal risks, including the methods of risk identification, management and monitoring, is described in the Management Document referred to in Italian Legislative Decree 231/01. The internal system for reporting violations of European Union law has been activated in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 24/2023 (Whistleblowing), via a link on the company's website to an ad hoc external website. Regarding compliance with the governance model and risk management, the Whistleblowing procedure is active within the framework of Model 231. This procedure allows for the anonymous reporting of any violations through a specific email address managed by the External Oversight Body, separate from the company's internal organization. Biannually, the External Oversight Body conducts a compliance check in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/01. It is also stipulated that fiscal defense, in response to any sanction reports, will be conducted through external consultants (tax advisors and accountants) together with the Group CFO.

The Chain of Values

5.1/ Sustainable management of procurement

The procurement policy for goods and services necessary for the core activities of the Group has both real and potential impacts on the environment, the economy, and people, which the company identifies and constantly monitors in order to mitigate negative effects and reinforce positive ones.

Fabbri 1905 is aware of the importance of maintaining a responsible approach throughout the entire supply chain, and the meticulous procurement of controlled, high-quality ingredients is essential for ensuring product quality, food safety, and stakeholder satisfaction.

The company's strategy for responsible supply chain management is based on creating and maintaining solid and trustworthy relationships, choosing to cooperate with reliable suppliers with whom Fabbri has established direct and longterm contact. These relationships are maintained through constant communication and production controls aimed at verifying adherence to ethical, quality and food safety regulations.

The establishment of solid supply contracts with direct producers and carefully selected importers, along with the continuous preparation of alternative sourcing plans, allows the company to minimize supply risks for the most relevant product categories. These risks are linked to frequent geopolitical and climatic factors that can negatively affect the supply chain, causing transport delays or raw material shortages.

The purchasing strategies adopted by the Group are characterized by a flexibility that allows them to respond to the continuous fluctuation of prices and changes in product availability, phenomena that have been significantly exacerbated during this prolonged phase of widespread geopolitical tensions.

The processes of raw material and packaging procurement are based on the company's ability to constantly analyze market evolution trends (including through collaborations with leading agro-intelligence institutes that allow for analysis of evolving data in the main purchasing categories) and to adapt orders to production needs.

The most economically significant supplier category is that of direct material

suppliers (raw materials, packaging materials, semiprocessed and finished products, promotional items, etc.), represented by approximately 230 suppliers.

There are also approximately 450 principal suppliers of indirect services (facility services, logistics and transportation services, fleet management, utilities services, quality analysis services and external laboratories, marketing and advertising services, etc.)

The Group's direct suppliers are located primarily in Italy and Europe. Their collaborations are long-term ones, based on shared principles of corporate ethics.




This is made possible thanks to the complexity and reliability of the approval and certification activities established by international standards (IFS, BRC, ISO), which allow the company to achieve high levels of confidence in the technical and sustainability performance of selected suppliers. The company is actively engaging its supply chain on this latter theme through the administration of self-assessment questionnaires.

The management of sourcing raw materials compliant with the standards of major religious certifications (Kosher, Halal) is particularly significant for respecting the diversity of our consumers worldwide. The key raw materials associated with the company's production (e.g., amarena cherries, hazelnuts, pistachios) are selected through very stringent quality specifications with parameters exceeding typical market standards.

Periodically, the company conducts targeted scouting activities to evaluate the

Source: Turnover from direct materials suppliers 2023 (Purchase Analysis)

inclusion of new suppliers that are highly competitive and consistent with its predefined high quality standards, aiming to mitigate risks associated with supply activities and ensure continuity in line with sustainability strategies.

Fabbri 1905 has been committed for years to using and promoting more sustainable packaging materials, in accordance with regulations and customer demand. The company seeks solutions that are recyclable (e.g., syrup bottles), recycled (e.g., cardboard and secondary packaging, new recently validated R-PET bottle preforms), and/or reusable (e.g., opal glass jars), while ensuring product preservation. Additionally, the company endeavours on a daily basis to ensure rigorous standards of traceability, quality and food safety thanks to the numerous checks it carries out at every stage of the supply chain.

No incidents of corruption or real or potential environmental harms have taken place in the Fabbri 1905 supply chain.

5.2/ Innovation Oversight

Innovation plays a key part in what we do. We cater to the increasingly sophisticated needs of consumers and the trade by providing exceptional products, with the aim of fusing tradition, innovation and quality.

In 2023 various research and development projects were carried out, both on products and on processes, in response to changed market conditions. Fabbri brought new items to market in all three of its defining Business Units:


In the Retail segment in 2023, the classics of Italian Christmas sweets met the Amarena Fabbri. An exquisite line of panettone featuring an unmistakable flavour was born.


In the professional sector, along with the expansion of the Mixybar Plus line representing true innovation in the field of mixology, the sugar range was expanded with three major new arrivals capable of meeting the varied needs of bartenders.


In the world of gelato and pastry, alongside numerous range expansions, a new product extension of the Amarena Fabbri brand has been launched: an anhydrous cream with the unique and unmistakable taste of Amarena Fabbri, featuring cherry pieces and crunchy bits for a rich and complex texture.

Process innovation remains one of the areas where Fabbri has heavily invested, particularly throughout 2023. Starting from the production departments, new technologies have been introduced that significantly reduce waste in the production process of semi-candied fruit. Thanks to these new technologies, the process saw an 83% reduction in product waste created by this process.

are drafted to ensure high quality standards.

During the production process, checkpoints ensure a reduction in the risk of foreign bodies by using X-rays, metal detectors, and infrared sorters, as well as in-process chemical analysis to guide production in line with mandatory parameters.

In the design phase, the trend towards "clean label" products, meaning with few and healthful ingredients, is becoming increasingly strong. Corporate policy has for some time been aimed toward a substantial reduction in the use of artificial ingredients such as colourings and flavourings. The "Phase&Gate" design process review has provided research and development personnel with the information they need to develop new references that meet consumer demands.

Lastly, Fabbri protects customers and consumers not only from a food safety perspective but also by paying particular attention to the protection of their personal data. In 2023, there were no verified reports of breaches, thefts, or losses of customer data.

Verification of the supply chain


document checks and audits in their factories chemical and microbiological analysis and sensory inspections

1 4 2 3 5 6


use of X-rays, metal detectors, infrared sorters and in-process chemical analysis


reduction in the use of artificial ingredients protection of customers and consumers develop new references to meet customer demand

People and the territory

6.1/ Protection and well-being of employees

The protection of health and safety is considered a top priority, crucial to the planning and execution of every work activity at Fabbri 1905. For over 10 years, in line with the commitments outlined in the Code of Ethics, Fabbri has followed the "Personnel" policy with the objective of contributing to the creation of a positive, safe, inclusive work environment based on respect and the involvement of its employees. The company aims to offer them a high-quality experience and a path toward growth and continuous development.quality As of December 31, 2023, Fabbri 1905 employs 167 people, an increase of about ten compared to the pre-Covid average, with over 46% being women. Since job stability is Fabbri's prerogative, over 94.6% of employees have indefinite contracts.

Since June 2021, as a concrete tool to promote work-life balance, remote work (enhanced through the company's digital transformation process) has become a regular practice every Friday. This includes the option for employees to request different work arrangements to facilitate alignment between the company's flexibility offerings and individual needs. In this regard, the main initiatives to meet employees' needs for work flexibility are defined through collective agreements, including the Company Supplementary Agreement and National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL): 5 4 3 2 1 part-time contract; flexibility in working hours; types of care leave apart from parental leave; paid leave for studying, medical visits, therapeutic treatments, union assemblies, and family bereavements;

initiatives to support parents and caregivers through paid and unpaid leave, time banking, and company benefits.

[GRI 2-30]


[GRI 403-1]

[GRI 403-2]

[GRI 403-5]

[GRI 403-9]

Over the years, an opportunity system has been developed which includes:


3 2

Additional insurance coverage for workplace and non-work accidents beyond the mandatory coverage is provided for certain categories of workers.

For "Quadro" employees and certain categories of office staff, there is additional healthcare coverage that reimburses expenses incurred for medical and hospital services provided by both public and private facilities.

Complementary pension funds for employees, largely funded through the company's contributions.

Company benefits are available to all employees. The bonuses provided by the second-level contract are also intended for agency workers upon reaching their targets, provided they have not prematurely terminated their employment contract. Life insurance (VITA from the National Collective Bargaining Agreement) is only provided for permanent employees, whereas health assistance (FASA from the National Collective Bargaining Agreement) is available to all employees, whether permanent or with a fixed-term contract of more than 9 months, whether full-time or part-time.

Regarding the health and safety of employees, Fabbri 1905's policy outlines the key principles to be adhered to. It aims to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and voluntarily subscribed non-binding requirements, commit to continuous improvement of its performance, and foster a "Safety Culture" among individuals working at or for Fabbri.

Among the measures identified to uphold these principles are continuous risk monitoring, assessment of environmental aspects and hazards during the design of new activities, processes, products, and facilities, training and empowerment of personnel, raising awareness among suppliers and collaborators, and seeking the best available technologies for prevention and protection. Fabbri operates a safety management system that ensures risk assessment in the workplace through a systematic process of analyzing activities and tasks (e.g. weekly EHS audits). The EHS office personnel, comprised of both employees and external consultants, possess specific expertise gained through years of experience in the field and formal qualifications, including regular and comprehensive training updates for roles such as Health and Safety Coordinator (RSPP).

The company's employees receive training in workplace health and safety based on the State-Regions Agreement. They also undergo specific training and

instruction on topics such as the use of PPE, handling hazardous substances, and fire emergency plans. Additionally, employees can report any hazardous situations either to the Workers' Safety Representative or directly to the EHS function. There is an anonymous tip box, as well as the possibility of communicating by email directly with the supervisory body. For 2023, there were no reported cases of occupational diseases, and the percentage of workplace injuries was 0.15%. The Injury Frequency (IF) index was calculated at 20.91, which is derived from the ratio of the total number of injuries to the total hours worked, multiplied by a factor of 1,000,000.


*Excluding deaths and severe injuries. As in the previous year, in 2023, the number of these incidents reported was zero.

Finally, Fabbri 1905 ensures that all workers have the right to freely express their thoughts, join associations, and engage in union activities. All employees are classified either under the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Food Industry, or as Industrial Executives. The exercise of union activities can count on meeting spaces, and workers can use dedicated permits as outlined by current regulations and the applicable collective bargaining agreement. All workers can refer to the Unified Union Representatives (RSU) for issues in their interest, with these representatives being periodically renewed through elections.


Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining contracts



6.2/ Human capital and skills development

People are Fabbri's greatest resource. Education and training, besides being a tool aimed at enriching employment opportunities for individuals, also serves as leverage to support organizational integration processes and change management. Therefore, the company invests in the development and consolidation of the professional and managerial skills system through:

• training courses and dedicated development programs, including on-the-job training;

• job rotation programs;

• internship opportunities coordinated with the Universities, aimed at stabilizing resources;

• the Sales Academy for internal sales personnel and company partners;

• ongoing digital training courses for employees and Training Schools for improvement of internal skill sets in the technical, managerial and commercial areas through a set of specific courses;

• identification of key figures among the company's resources who will become references for colleagues in the development and implementation of software programs.

These activities are based on an ongoing partnership with various internal functions to facilitate the design and continuous improvement of training programs, thereby enhancing their effectiveness in alignment with individual needs and company objectives.

Compared to 2022, average training hours increased overall for all job classifications in 2023. Particularly noteworthy is the increase observed for executives.


6.3/ Diversity, inclusion and human rights

In line with its Code of Ethics, Fabbri 1905 respects the dignity of each individual and provides equal opportunities in all aspects of the employment relationship, including hiring, training, compensation, and promotions. The company avoids any form of discrimination based on gender, age, health status, nationality, political or religious beliefs. No instances of discrimination within the company were recorded in 2023.

Regarding the adoption of measures to promote gender equality and equal opportunities within the entire company organization, initiatives to foster inclusion have been implemented for years. Among the activities carried out by Fabbri to integrate the principle of equal treatment in all stages of professional life and human resources development, the following practices are noted, defined by specific internal operational rules:

• transparent and non-discriminatory management of hiring and the overall selection process (Anonymous Graph Analysis);

• training made equally accessible to all staff.

Since gender diversity is a priority for Fabbri, we aim to offer talented women opportunities to maximize their potential. Our goal is to engage women in middle management roles and support them in further exploring managerial careers. In 2023 the proportion of women in Fabbri 1905 significantly increased, and now stands at 46% of all company personnel. There was also a 25% increase in number of female employees on permanent contracts and full-time contracts (+23%).

[GRI 2-7]

[GRI 2-8]

[GRI 401-1]

[GRI 405-1]

[GRI 406-1]

The reported data refers to employees as of December 31, 2023, and was obtained from the employee management report. Nonemployee workers are of temporary agency workers assigned to production tasks.


Of which men

Of which women

Of which under 30

Of which between 30-50 of which over 50


Of which men

Of which women

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which women

which under 30

which between 30-50 of which over 50

6.4/ Impact on communities

One of the secrets to Fabbri’s success can be found in the strong connections it cultivates with its community. Everything revolves around people and quality of life. Therefore, Fabbri 1905 engages in social initiatives on various fronts, from inclusive labour markets for disadvantaged groups to supporting scientific research, without forgetting the importance of inclusive labour markets for women. There’s a common goal behind all of them: promoting people and their talent, the true heritage of the Italian tradition.

Women have always been at the heart of Fabbri's activities, ever since Rachele Fabbri, wife of founder Gennaro, invented the company's iconic Amarena Fabbri. A focus on the female element has been there from the beginning, and has strengthened over the years thanks to two initiatives supporting entrepreneurship and employment:

• Lady Amarena, since 2015 the only international competition exclusively for women bartenders from all over the world;

• the professional course in artisanal gelato making for incarcerated mothers, as part of the "Si sostiene" project by Soroptimist International.

Fabbri supports scientific research, not only financially but also through active engagement in inventing new formulas and languages to raise awareness and engage younger audiences.

Fabbri has partnered with AIL (the nonprofit Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma) since 2015, the year that saw the launch of Cockt-AIL: the first traveling charity competition for bartenders. The company has also financially contributed to the success of "Il gusto amaro della leucemia" ("The bitterness of leukemia"), an Italian research initiative that has opened up significant new horizons in treating a disease that predominantly affects young people. Fabbri 1905 also supports AIL's Christmas and Easter campaigns with Panettone and Colomba cakes featuring Amarena Fabbri. This donation transforms every single euro raised into over 3 euros of Social Value, and places the company among the Major Donors of AIL Bologna.

Fabbri has also long been a close supporter of the Fondazione ANT Italia Onlus: Italy's largest nonprofit for free specialty in-home care for cancer patients.

In 2023, Fabbri supported the Ronald McDonald Foundation in the opening of the first Ronald McDonald House in Bologna: a welcoming space inside the Policlinico Sant'Orsola hospital dedicated to the families of ill children and to mothers with high-risk pregnancies. The new Ronald McDonald House represents the second major accommodation project carried out by the Ronald McDonald Children's Charities Italy ETS Foundation within the same hospital complex.

In June 2023, Fabbri 1905 also contributed to the fundraising efforts organized by the Municipality of Faenza, in collaboration with the Ceramics Authority of Faenza and the MIC - International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza. Fabbri's contribution to benefit the city's ceramic industry aided in the revival and reconstruction of workshops, entire collections, and warehouses that were lost or damaged due to the mud from the devastating flood that hit the Emilia-Romagna region in May 2023.

Image provided by Ceramica Gatti the day after the flood that struck Emilia-Romagna in May 2023.

The environment

7.1/ Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

In general, food production has a significant impact on the environment as it requires major consumption of resources like energy and water. The environmental impacts generated by Fabbri 1905's activities are mainly attributable to the use of fuels and electricity required for production activities, as well as transportation and distribution along the value chain. This consumption is linked to the generation of greenhouse emissions, responsible for climate change. As part of energy saving efforts, Fabbri 1905 has undertaken a restructuring aimed at reducing thermal losses and has adopted low-energy lighting.

Fabbri 1905's activities produce other direct impacts on the environment, linked in particular to water usage and waste production. Specifically, operations conducted within the production sites require the extraction of water from private wells. This water is made potable through a biological treatment plant. Fabbri 1905's production activity generates wastewater that must be purified before being returned to the public water grid. The wastewater discharged into the public sewer by Fabbri 1905 does not contain hazardous, toxic, harmful, or carcinogenic substances, while total suspended solids are less than 90% of the limit defined by law.

The waste generated from production activities is either recycled or disposed of externally (refer to the "Circular Economy" chapter for more information).

In order to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts generated by production activity, the company acts in the following ways:

• complies with environmental legal requirements;

• evaluates, controls and seeks to minimize where possible the environmental impact of processes and products;

• manages its activities through efficient use of energy, water, and materials, aiming to reduce environmental impact, waste, and inefficiencies.

[GRI 302-1]

[GRI 303-2]

[GRI 303-3]

[GRI 305-1]

[GRI 305-2]

In particular, the company is actively committed to:

• reducing the impact of packaging, privileging the introduction of more sustainable packaging material, and pursuing a reduction in materials consumption;

• improving energy efficiency and water saving:

• energy and water usage in the facilities are carefully monitored, and the company has adopted an energy efficiency plan by applying insulation to the facilities to eliminate dispersion and thereby reduce energy consumption;

• improving production processes to save water and reduce wastewater production;

• promote proper waste management through recycling policies and efficient disposal methods;

• using an Environmental Management System and maintaining UNI EN ISO 14001 certification;

• implement plant interventions aimed at energy savings and renewable energy production.

In 2023, the energy consumption of Fabbri 1905 decreased overall compared to the previous year, particularly due to a decrease in gasoline (-6%) and diesel (-36%) usage. As a result, direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) from fuel usage decreased, while overall emissions slightly increased (+1.2%) due to an increase in natural gas consumption for heating purposes. There was also a slight increase in indirect emissions (Scope 2) due to higher volumes of purchased electricity used during the reporting period (+7.6% compared to 2022).

energy consumption of which natural gas for heating of which purchased electrical energy of which consumption for fleet of cars (gasoline) of which consumption for fleet of cars (diesel)

Fabbri believes that the circular economy is a deeply important tool for guaranteeing the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the company over the long term. Given this belief, over time, numerous initiatives have been launched to make use of production waste, reduce waste, and generally decrease consumption through practices aimed at increasing the circularity of the company and its products.

Normally, in addition to the waste generated by normal business operations, Fabbri generates organic and non-organic waste related to the production of its products, including packaging.

In line with market trends, Fabbri 1905 is currently paying particular attention to packaging, which is crucial for protecting and preserving food products during transportation, distribution, and storage, but which can also generate significant amounts of waste. Over time, glass syrup bottles have been replaced by PET bottles, which represent fully recyclable packaging, disposed of in plastic waste collection bins along with the cap and label. Currently, other initiatives are being evaluated for the use of PET waste, with the technical office and procurement office supporting trials for purchasing bottles made from recycled material.

For certain types of plastic packaging, further sub-categorization is carried out to enhance their recovery and reuse.

For example, for plastic packaging classified under CER 0150102, which includes all types of plastic packaging (HDPE, LDPE, PET, etc.), containers/drums made of HDPE are kept separated and sent directly for recovery operations. This avoids further sorting that often leads to more waste and residues. From packaging waste such as paper, cardboard, wood, glass, and metal, new packaging is created or other items are made.

In order to prevent food waste, Fabbri 1905 donates products that are still edible but no longer marketable to various associations dedicated to food recovery. In 2023, goods worth approximately 44.2 thousand euros were recovered. Finally, Fabbri directs part of its edible production waste to a third-party company for compost production. Lastly, solutions are being studied for reusing waste materials as by-products for energy production by external entities.

Generally, waste that cannot be reused is managed and sent for recovery processes by authorized external operators.

[GRI 301-1]

[GRI 306-1]

[GRI 306-2]

[GRI 306-3]


Total energy consumption of which paper and cardboard of which toner of which tin-plated strip of which glass of which plastic (primary packaging) of which plastic (secondary packaging) Other*

*"Other" includes ceramics, multi-composites and displays.


Sources: loading and unloading registers,Waste Identification Form, Waste Management Document; Ecos management software.

Methodological note

The present document represents the second Sustainability Report of Fabbri 1905, drafted with the objective of and commitment to continued reporting on the company's efforts towards increasingly transparent communication about its operations, sustainability strategy, and its positive and negative impacts on economic, social, and environmental aspects.

The Report has been prepared following the guidelines and indicators defined by the "GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards," as updated in 2021 and effective from January 1, 2023, adopting the "with reference" approach. The Sustainability Report covers the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. The reporting scope includes data and information from the administrative headquarters in Bologna and the production facility in Anzola dell'Emilia, which together represent "Fabbri 1905."

At the conclusion of the document, the GRI Content Index is provided, which schematically outlines the selected GRI indicators covering the relevant topics identified during the materiality analysis (please refer to Chapter 3, "Fabbri and Sustainability," for further information).

As this document is voluntarily prepared, it should be noted that no third-party assurance analysis has been conducted.

[GRI 2-2]
[GRI 2-3]

GRI content Index

Declaration of use

Fabbri 1905 S.p.A. has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards the information listed in this GRI Content Index for the period January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

GRI 1: Fundamental Principles 2021: GRI 1 use


GRI 2: General information (2021)


2-1 Organizational details

2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting

2-3 Period of reporting, frequency and point of contact

2-4 Revision of information

2-5 External assurance

2-6 Activities, value chain, and other business relationships

2-7 Employees

2-8 Non-employee workers

2-9 Structure and composition of governance

2-14 Role of the highest governance body in reporting on sustainability

2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

2-22 Declaration on the sustainable


8. Methodological note

8. Methodological note

8. Methodological note

The present document does not contain any revision of the material reported in the previous year.

The present document has not been subject to a process of external assurance.

1. About Us: Italian Tradition since 1905

6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights

6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights

4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

2-9 Structure and composition of governance 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

2-14 Role of the highest governance body in reporting on sustainability 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

2-22 Declaration on the sustainable development strategy Letter to Stakeholders

2-27 compliance with laws and regulations 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model 2-28 Membership in associations6.4 Impact on communities

2-30 Collective bargaining contracts6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-1 Process of determining material topics 3. Fabbri and Sustainability

3-2 List of material topics 3. Fabbri and Sustainability


GRI 3: Material topics (2021)

GRI 205: Anti-corruption (2016 version)

GRI 417: Marketing and labeling (2016 version)

3-3 Management of material topics4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

205-2 communication and training in anti-corruption policies and procedures 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

417-1 Requirements for information and labeling of products and services 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

417-2 Episodes of non-conformity regarding information and labeling of products and services 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model

417-3 Instances of non-conformity regarding marketing communications. 4.1 Efficacy of governance and communication model


GRI 3: Material topics (2021)

GRI 205: Anti-corruption (2016 version)

GRI 207: Taxes (2019 version)

3-3 Management of material topics4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business

205-2 communication and training in anti-corruption policies and procedures 4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business

205-3 Episodes of corruption ascertained and corrective actions taken 4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business

207-1 Fiscal approach 4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business

207-2 Fiscal governance, control, and risk management 4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business

207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of taxation concerns 4.2 Ethics and responsibility in business


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics5.1 Sustainable management of procurement

GRI 204: Procurement practices (2016 version)

GRI 308: Environmental evaluation of suppliers (2016 version)

204-1: Proportion of expenditure towards local suppliers 5.1 Sustainable management of procurement

308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and measures taken 5.1 Sustainable management of procurement


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics5.3 Consumer health and safety

GRI 416: Consumer health and safety (2016 version)

GRI 418: Customer privacy (2016 version)

416-1 Assessment of health and safety impacts by category of product and service 5.3 Consumer health and safety

415-2 Incidents of non-conformity regarding impacts on health and safety involving services and products. 5.3 Consumer health and safety

418-1 Verified complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and loss of customer data 5.3 Consumer health and safety


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

GRI 416: Consumer health and safety (2016 version)

GRI 403: Workplace health and safety (2018 version)

401-2 Benefits offered to full-time employees, but not to part-time employees or employees on fixed-term contracts 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

403-1 Workplace health and safety management system 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

403-2 Identification of hazards, evaluation of risks, and investigation into accidents 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

403-5 Worker training on workplace health and safety 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

403-9 Workplace injuries 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees

403-10 Occupational diseases 6.1 Protection and well-being of employees


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics6.2 Protection and well-being of employees

GRI 404: Training and education (2016 version)

404-1 Average annual hours of training per employee 6.2 Protection and well-being of employees


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights

GRI 401: Employment (2016 version)

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity (2016 version)

GRI 406: Non-discrimination (2016 version)

4401-1 New hires and turnover 6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights

405-1 Diversity in governing bodies and employees 6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights

406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective measures taken 6.3 Diversity, inclusion and human rights


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics6.4 Impact on communities

GRI 201: Economic performance (2016 version)

201-1 Economic value directly generated and distributed 6.4 Impact on communities


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

GRI 302: Energy (2016 version)

GRI 303: Water and wastewater (2018 Version)

GRI 305: Emissions (2016 version)

302-1 Energy consumption within the company 7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

303-2 Management of wastewaterrelated impacts 7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

303-3 Water usage 7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

305-1 Direct emissions of greenhouse gases (Scope 1) 7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management

305-2 Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases (Scope 2) 7.1 Direct environmental impacts of the production and corporate management


GRI 3: Material topics (2021) 3-3 Management of material topics7.2 The circular economy

GRI 301: Materials (2016 version)

GGRI 306: Waste and wastewater (2016 version)

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 7.2 The circular economy

306-1 Production of waste and significant impacts linked to waste 7.2 The circular economy

306-2 Management of significant impacts linked to waste 7.2 The circular economy

306-3 Waste production 7.2 The circular economy

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