link 4 Workbook NYN (9788211032584)

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link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

4 Workbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.

• link 4 Textbook • link 4 Workbook


Komponentar på 4. trinn

• link 4 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

4 Workbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk



Copyright © 2020 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 1. utgåva / 1. opplaget 2020 ISBN: 978-82-11-03258-4 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen Layout og omslagsdesign: Mari Oshaug Omslagsillustrasjon: Cecilie Ellefsen Hovudillustratør: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjonar på s. 6, 8–10, 12 (til venstre), 22–24, 31 (terning), 32, 40, 48, 50, 55, 57, 63, 68, 80, 87: Paulina Mingiacchi Bilete: s. 35 (ø) © Oleg Golovnev / EyeEm via Getty Images; s. 35 (nv) © Darrell Gulin / Getty Images; s. 35 (nh) © Andyworks / Getty Images; s. 76 (myntar) TokenPhoto / Getty Images; s. 76 (setel) Ulrich Baumgarten / Contributor / Getty Images; s. 78 (v) Ljupco / Getty Images; s. 78 (h) Mike Harrington / Getty Images Spørsmål om denne boka kan rettast til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 e-post: Materialet er verna etter åndsverklova. Utan uttrykkjeleg samtykke er eksemplarframstilling berre tillate når det er heimla i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.

Engelsk knyter oss saman! Vi lærer språk gjennom aktivitet. I link høyrer, les og snakkar elevane engelsk saman med dei fem gjennomgangsfigurane Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid byggjer dei opp omgrepsstrukturar og kognitive mønster frå begynnaropplæringa til mellomtrinnet. Med eit vell av munnlege og skriftlege aktivitetar samlar dei kunnskap og øver opp evna til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre. Engelskfaget heng saman med dei andre faga i skulen, med lese- og skrive­ opplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekkjer fram samanhengar, byggjer på det som er kjent, og legg til rette for oversikt og grundig innlæring.

link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir meirverdi, og utnyttar til fulle den knappe tida som engelskfaget har til rådvelde. I link er vi opptekne av interkulturell kompetanse og det å vere nyfiken på verda rundt oss. Vi øver evna til å ta ulike perspektiv. Det begynner med kvar enkelt, med det kjende og nære. I ei verd i endring legg vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knyter oss saman. Det engelske språket er eit nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståing og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgarskap. Velkomne innanfor! Helsing forfattarane


Innhald 1 The British Isles........................................................................... 4 2 Vikings....................................................................................... 14 3 All Hallows’ Eve........................................................................ 22 4 Free time!................................................................................... 34 5 The environment....................................................................... 44 6 When I grow up........................................................................ 58 7 Feelings...................................................................................... 64 8 Earn, save, spend...................................................................... 72

1 The British Isles 1.1 What do you know about the countries and areas in the British Isles? Write sentences. England Wales Scotland Hebrides Orkney Islands Shetland Islands Isle of Man Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland 4 I know that… I know that…

1.2 Write questions using the question word “where” Have your partner answer the questions. Where is… Where is…

1.3 Currency

£ GBP = pound sterling. The pound is a currency used in

countries in the United Kingdom and a few other countries.

€ Euro (EUR). The Euro is a currency used in many European countries. Find the answers. Use the Internet if necessary. a) What is the name of the currency £? b) Name at least two countries that use this currency.

c) What is the name of the currency €? d) Name a country that uses this currency. e) Which currency do you use at home? 5 f) Which other currencies do you know of?

1.4 Odd one out Circle the word that does not fit in on each line. Be prepared to explain why you chose that word. Wales Norway Scotland Pound Euro country Viking blue yellow Sweden Ireland England juice water turtle Denmark Orkney Shetland four



Tooth Fairy

Santa Claus


1.5 Make scones Make a line from the list to the pictures.



vanilla extract


baking powder


sugar egg


You need these ingredients: 350 grams flour ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 85 grams butter cut into cubes 3 tbsp sugar 1.75 dl milk 1 tsp vanilla extract squeezed lemon juice 1 beaten egg (to glaze) jam, butter, or clotted cream (to serve) milk


Music, dance and sports

Choose some of the activities on pages 8–11 in the Textbook and write about them. I think

is interesting


I also think

is interesting


7 The most interesting activity is because

I would like to try because

1.7 Tongue Twisters Listen to the tongue twisters and practise saying them. How fast can you say them?

Draw a line between the tongue twister and the illustration. Eleven elves licked eleven little liquorice lollipops. I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch. 8

Eleven leprechauns laughed a lot. Twelve wild Vikings want vanilla. We surely shall see the sun shine soon. Four fine fresh fish for you.

1.8 Nessie, a leprechaun, or Finn McCool? Answer the questions and find the code word.

Who was the biggest giant in all of Ireland? J) Nessie

K) a leprechaun

L) Finn McCool

Which creature is 60–90 centimetres tall? D) Nessie

E) a leprechaun

F) Finn McCool

Who built the Giant’s Causeway? E) Nessie

F) a leprechaun

G) Finn McCool 9

What is the name of the sea monster from Scotland? E) Nessie

F) a leprechaun

G) Finn McCool

Who is a shoe maker? M) Nessie

N) a leprechaun

O) Finn McCool

What is the nickname of the Loch Ness Monster? D) Nessie

E) a leprechaun

F) Finn McCool

Who has a wife called Oonagh? Q) Nessie

R) a leprechaun

Code word: L

S) Finn McCool

1.9 The little leprechaun Write a story about a leprechaun. Use the pictures, words and phrases for inspiration.


I must hide! Deep inside the Irish forest... happy Help! He heard something! afraid

1.10 Where? When? Who? Answer the questions in full sentences. 1 Where is the Giant’s Causeway?

2 When was football, as we know it today, played for the first time?

3 Who was married to Oonagh?

4 Where does the Shetland pony come from?

5 When was rugby first played?

6 Who is Nessie?

1.11 Write new questions for your learning partner Use the words where, when, who.


1.12 Languages and fl ags in the British Isles Connect the boy, the girl and the dragon to the flags.




1.13 A different language I met a little girl Who came from another land. I couldn’t speak her language but I took her by the hand. We danced together, Had such fun. Dancing is a language You can speak with everyone. How can dancing be a language? Explain.

Northern Ireland

1.14 Crossword



You can find the answers in the texts, the pictures or on the Internet.












13 14



Across 1 A Scottish musical instrument 4 In which country can you find Nessie? 5 What currency is £? 8 British baked goods 9 A popular ball game in the British Isles 12 Who wrote the song “Auld Lang Syne”? 13 Nickname for the Loch Ness Monster 14 An Irish dance show 16 What is Wales in Welsh?

Down 2 In which country is Big Ben? 3 What is the Isle of Man TT race? 6 Which country is referred to as “the land of song”? 7 A small and clever creature from Ireland 8 Where do Shetland ponies come from? 10 What is Finn McCool? 11 In which country can you find a leprechaun? 15 What currency is €?



2.1 What can you see in the picture? necklace ring bracelet coin knife spoon bowl cup helmet sword axe


2.2 Keywords Read the six texts on page 22 in the Textbook and write down keywords from each one on the numbered lines.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2.3 Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences a) You can use page 22 if you need help, but try without first.

1 In Turkey the

“Halfdan” has been found carved of an old

into a


Vikings were traders.


was first a Viking

3 The city of Dublin in 4 When a woman got

, she was responsible for the .

family’s 5 The


had their own

, Norse mythology.

b) Finish the sentences. Use a source to find out what the words “settlers” and “traders” mean. You can explain it in your own words or you can copy what you find in the source you use. Provide your source. 1 The Vikings were settlers. “Settlers” means that...

Source: 2 The Vikings were traders. “Traders” means that...



2.4 The Fight

Read the text on page 23. Mercy hurt Jonathan. It was an accident, but he is still in pain. What do you think she could say to him?

16 How does Jonathan respond to Mercy?

Colour the illustration and use adjectives to describe what you see. Mercy is wearing...

Jonathan is holding...

2.5 Facts about a country On page 24 there is a text about Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Choose a country, and find the following information about the country: the capital, the currency they use (our currency is norske kroner), population of the country, and one landmark (for example a famous building or mountain). Use full sentences.


I chose

The capital of Capital: is called

Currency: 17 Population:


Find the flag of the country you chose. Draw it.

Use adjectives to describe the flag.

2.6 The Rattlin’ Bog The song “The Rattlin’ Bog” is a fun song, isn’t it? Did you know that it is full of nouns? Find the nouns and draw a circle around them. Hint: look for the words “a”, “an” and “the”. They will help you find most of them. Now on that feather there was a flea, a rare flea, a rattlin’ flea With the flea on the feather, And the feather on the bird, And the bird on the egg, And the egg in the nest, And the nest on the twig, And the twig on the branch, And the branch on the limb, And the limb on the tree, And the tree in the bog, And the bog down in the valley-o. 18

Did you find all the nouns? They are all singular (one). Write them underneath in plural (more than one).





The text on pages 26–27 is about the Viking language, and how it is still present in English. Can you think of any words we use in English and Norwegian that are from other languages? Write the words on the shields. What about in a third language you know?

2.7 The Viking Language


2.8 Thor catches the giant serpent Look at pages 28–31 and find the answer to the questions.

1 What did the Vikings believe was wrapped around the world?

The Vikings believed that there was a

2 Who did Thor go fishing with?

3 What did Thor throw into the sea as bait? 20

4 Thor slammed his hand on the railing of the boat. He was furious. What did he say?

5 Hymir jumped forward and cut something with his knife. What did he cut?

6 What happened to the serpent after the line was cut?

2.9 What happened next? On their way back from their fishing trip, what do you think Hymir and Thor said to each other? Do you think one of them was angry and one of them apologised? Continue the story, or write what you think happened, or write what you think they said to each other. You can continue the story by starting with “On their way back from their trip…”. You can write what you think happened by starting with “I think that…”. Or you can write what you think they said to each other by starting the dialogue with “Thor:”



link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

4 Workbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.

• link 4 Textbook • link 4 Workbook


Komponentar på 4. trinn

• link 4 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


Kitty Mezzetti, Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

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