link er et læreverk i engelsk for hele barnetrinnet. Verket er et friskt pust i engelskundervisningen og vektlegger felles, flerfaglige aktiviteter og dybdelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følger fem gjennomgangsfigurer, fra 1. til 7. klasse. link bygger på oppdaterte læreplaner og tar elevene på alvor i en ny hverdag.
5 Workbook
Engelsk for barnetrinnet Bokmål
• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse setter engelskfaget i en global sammenheng. • Engelskspråklige tekster gir bakteppe for nye perspektiver. • Lese- og skrivestrategier lar elevene jobbe aktivt med innhold. • Oppgaver med vekt på utforsking utvikler elevenes evne til refleksjon. • Elevene jobber med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og dybdelæring gir sammenheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir et godt grunnlag for videre arbeid med faget.
Komponenter på 5. trinn • link 5 Textbook • link 5 Workbook • link 5 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressurser for elev og lærer. Alle bøker er tilgjengelige i digital utgave, som d-bok. Les mer om verket på www.fagbokforlaget.no
ISBN 978-82-11-03862-3
Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay
Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay
5 Workbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet Bokmål
Copyright © 2021 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 1. utgave / 1. opplag 2021 ISBN: 978-82-11-03862-3 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen Layout og omslagsdesign: Mari Oshaug Omslagsillustrasjon og illustrasjoner på s. 15–16, 29, 31–32, 35, 36 (øverst), 48–50, 52–53, 56, 86, 88, 98, 101 (nederst), 126–128, 130–134, 136, 138–140, 144, 146: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjoner på s. 6, 20, 25–27, 33, 44–45, 57, 72, 77, 89, 94, 101 (øverst), 127 (sukker og mel): Paulina Mingiacchi Illustrasjoner på s. 10, 74, 97: Victoria Sandøy Illustrasjoner på s. 12–13, 145: Jolanta Stachowiak Illustrasjoner på s. 34, 102: Rune Markhus Illustrasjoner på s. 80–81, 100: Akin Duzakin Forfatterne har mottatt støtte fra Det faglitterære fond. Spørsmål om denne boken kan rettes til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 e-post: fagbokforlaget@fagbokforlaget.no www.fagbokforlaget.no Materialet er vernet etter åndsverkloven. Uten uttrykkelig samtykke er eksemplarfremstilling bare tillatt når det er hjemlet i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.
Engelsk knytter oss sammen! Språk læres gjennom aktivitet. I link hører, leser og snakker elevene engelsk sammen med de fem gjennomgangsfigurene Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid bygger de opp begrepsstrukturer og kognitive mønstre fra begynneropplæringen til mellomtrinnet. Med et vell av muntlige og skriftlige aktiviteter samler de kunnskap og øver opp evnen til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre. Engelskfaget henger sammen med de andre fagene i skolen, med lese- og skriveopplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekker fram sammenhenger, bygger på det som er kjent, og legger til rette for oversikt og dybdelæring. link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir merverdi, og utnytter til fulle den knappe tiden som engelskfaget har til rådighet. I link er vi opptatt av interkulturell kompetanse og det å være nysgjerrig på verden rundt oss. Vi øver evnen til å ta ulike perspektiver. Det starter med hver enkelt, med det kjente og nære. I en verden i endring legger vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knytter oss sammen. Det engelske språket er et nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståelse og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgerskap. Velkommen innenfor! Hilsen forfatterne
Innhold 1 On the go!.................................................................................. 4 2 Sports........................................................................................ 16 3 Health and resilience................................................................ 32 4 Harvesting................................................................................. 44 5 Maps and directions................................................................. 56 6 Behind the monsters................................................................. 72 7 International food..................................................................... 88 8 Bugs and insects..................................................................... 100 9 Art........................................................................................... 112 Building Language....................................................................... 126
On the go!
1 1.1
Write the words in the correct box.
Land transport
Sea transport
Air transport
subway) · boat · airship/blimp hang glider · underground ( train · hot-air balloon · raft · glider · sailboat · tram · ferry · bicycle airplane) · car · helicopter · ship aeroplane (
What are some differences between air transport, land transport, and sea transport?
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1.3
Which of these types of transport have you tried?
I________________________________________________________________________________ have tried
________________________________________________________________________________ 1.4
Which of these types of transport is best for the environment? Explain why.
I________________________________________________________________________________ think is best for the environment, because
1.5 Which of the types of transport on page 4 would you like to try? Explain why. I________________________________________________________________________________ would like to try
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1.6 See Textbook page 13. Find a word that…
Try not to use the same word twice.
__________________________________ …is the tenth word in the text. __________________________________ …has seven letters and starts with a C. __________________________________ …is the last word in the text. __________________________________ …you don’t know the meaning of. __________________________________ …is a verb. __________________________________ …is an adjective. __________________________________ …is a noun. __________________________________ Can you make tasks like this …has three syllables. __________________________________ for your learning partner? …has four syllables. __________________________________ …is the longest word in the text. __________________________________ …rhymes with MAZE. __________________________________ …is this word scrambled: HULEDESC. __________________________________ …is the opposite of DIFFICULT. __________________________________ …means almost the same as SPEAK. __________________________________ …you think is a cool word. __________________________________ …is this word spelled backwards: TEMLEH.
Poems There was a young boy from Voss Whose hair was covered in moss. He tried to get it out But it was stuck no doubt Then his mum got very cross.
1.7 Circle the words that rhyme. Use different colors. 1.8 Find more words that rhyme with ‘Voss’ and ‘out’ and fill in the table. Voss
1.9 The poem is a limerick. How can you tell?
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ A haiku is a Japanese poem, often about nature. A haiku has 17 syllables and does not rhyme.
Beautiful sunrise
The first line has 5 syllables.
On a warm summer morning.
The second line has 7 syllables.
I wait for day’s start.
The third line has 5 syllables.
1.10 Do you prefer poems that rhyme, like limericks, or poems that don’t rhyme, like haikus? Explain why.
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1.11 Follow the pattern for a haiku and write one.
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Better late than never? – code quiz Question
Who are going to the cinema together? A: Mercy and Thea B: Jonathan and Aryan C: James and Charlie
When does the film start? A: 16:30 B: 17:00 C: 17:30
What is Thea doing instead of getting ready? D: Eating popcorn E: Watching TV F: Tidying her room
What time is it when Mercy is ready to go? F: Five o’clock G: A quarter past five H: A quarter to five
What did Thea forget so she had to go back? J: Her telephone K: Her card L: Her keys
What does Mercy want to buy? chips) O: A big bucket of popcorn and a N: Chocolate and crisps ( huge cup of brown fizzy drink P: A small bucket of popcorn and a huge cup of orange fizzy drink ( soda)
Why couldn’t Thea send a message to Mercy? R: She forgot her phone. S: Her phone was stolen. T: Her phone ran out of battery.
What mood was Mercy in when Thea arrived? V: Mercy was happy. W: Mercy was almost crying. X: Mercy was angry.
What did Thea say to Mercy when Mercy started to cry? D: Oh, Mercy. I’m really sorry! E: Get over it! F: Oh, Mercy. I’m not sorry!
What does “to hurry up” mean in Norwegian? E: Å si hurra F: Å skynde seg opp G: Å skynde seg
What candy never arrives on time? – 2
What dog always knows the time?
How do you get to school? Write an email telling someone how you get to school.
Who are you writing to? What kinds of words do we use when writing an email? Hello How are you? What about you? To get to school, I… I need to… to get to school. I live… minutes away from school
How I get to school
Read the sentences aloud and put stress on the underlined word. Does the meaning change? How do you get to school? How do you get to school? How do you get to school? Are you going to eat that? Are you going to eat that? Are you going to eat that? Are you going to eat that? Thea didn’t eat your popcorn. Thea didn’t eat your popcorn. Thea didn’t eat your popcorn.
Write some sentences. Put stress on different words when you read them. Does the meaning change?
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Languages in my school and community
My languages I speak
. I know some words in
I like learning English because
. In the future I would like to learn
Other people’s languages Interview some people and find out about their experiences of other places and languages. People
Which languages did you learn at school?
Which other languages have you used on holiday?
Which language would you most like to learn? Why?
11 Head teacher principal Someone who works in a shop store Parents
Jump from rock to rock.
This puzzle shows a river. You need to cross it by jumping from rock to rock. You can jump to the rock if the word has stress on the first syllable.
purple, honey, sister You can move across, down or diagonally. Try saying the words aloud with stress on the first syllable, then with the second syllable. Which one sounds right?
1.18 Word stress maze Find the path from the start of the maze to the exit. You can only go to spaces with words that have stress on the second syllable. begin, perform, remind You can move across or down, but not diagonally. Try saying the words aloud with stress on the first syllable, then with the second syllable. Which one sounds right?
start agree
baby 13
Transport with a deck of cards
Words you might need for the Clubs-column: always · usually · every day · often · sometimes · rarely · hardly ever · never · once a year/month/week
A-1 Ace
How do you get to school (work)? Describe it to me.
How often do you travel on a cruise ship?
What do you think is the safest kind of transport? Why?
Do 10 push-ups.
2 Two
How long does it take you to get here? (e.g. five minutes, half an hour…)
How often do you travel on a ferry or a boat?
Do you always wear a seat belt? How about on a bus?
Do 15 sit-ups.
3 Three
How far do you live from here? (e.g. 200 metres, three kilometres…)
How often do you travel in a helicopter?
What do you usually do when riding a train or a bus?
Do 20 jumps.
4 Four
How many types of transport have you used? Which one is your favourite?
How often do you travel in an aeroplane?
Which types of public transport do you know? Make a list together.
Spin around to the right 10 rounds.
5 Five
What’s your favourite kind of transport? Why?
How often do you fly in a hot-air balloon?
How often do you use public transport?
Spin around to the left 10 rounds.
6 Six
Describe the car of your dreams.
How often do you fly in an airship/blimp?
What does it cost to use public transport?
Hop on your right foot 10 times.
7 Seven
Describe the aeroplane of your dreams.
How often do you travel by train?
Do you know how much petrol costs?
Hop on your left foot 10 times.
8 Eight
Describe the train of your dreams.
How often do you take a tram?
How can we use less petrol?
Do 10 frog jumps.
9 Nine
Describe the bike of your dreams.
How often do you take the underground?
Driving causes pollution. How can we prevent this?
Do 15 star jumps.
10 Ten
Describe the boat or ship of your dreams.
How often do you take a taxi?
Do you have a bicycle? If yes, describe it.
Do 20 high knee lifts.
J-11 Jack
Describe the hot-air balloon of your dreams.
How often do you ride a bicycle?
Do you (or your parents) have a car? If yes, describe it.
Do 30 seconds of air cycling.
Q-12 Queen
Have you ever ridden a horse, a camel, or an elephant?
How often do you use a skateboard?
Do you want to get a driving licence? Why / why not?
Do side plank on the right side for 45 seconds.
K-13 King
Imagine living in a fantasy world. What kind of transport would be your favourite?
How often do you ride on a tractor?
Which types of transport do you know? Make a list. (fire engine, space rocket…)
Do side plank on the left side for 45 seconds.
driving licence
driver’s license
Can you link it? 1 I can make myself understood in familiar situations. Tell your learning partner how you get to school, to your grandparent’s house, to the grocery store, to the cinema, or somewhere else. Use the keywords and create a role-play where you pretend one of you is a pupil from another school. by bike on foot
by bus by train
by electric car by ferry/boat
by aeroplane
I can read and understand different types of texts. Choose two texts you have read in chapter 1. a) The names of the texts _________________________ _________________________ b) Types of text _________________________ _________________________ cartoon factual text
song/poem dialogue
timetable email
c) Choose one of the texts you have read in chapter 1. Retell the content to your learning partner. I can use graphic organisers to structure ideas from a text. Choose two of the ways of travelling on page 13. Make a Venn diagram.
I can identify how people travel from one place to another in my own and other cultures. Talk to your learning partner. How do you get from one place to another? How did your grandparents get from one place to another when they were young? What about your great-grandparents? How do you think other children your age get from one place to another?
link er et læreverk i engelsk for hele barnetrinnet. Verket er et friskt pust i engelskundervisningen og vektlegger felles, flerfaglige aktiviteter og dybdelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følger fem gjennomgangsfigurer, fra 1. til 7. klasse. link bygger på oppdaterte læreplaner og tar elevene på alvor i en ny hverdag.
5 Workbook
Engelsk for barnetrinnet Bokmål
• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse setter engelskfaget i en global sammenheng. • Engelskspråklige tekster gir bakteppe for nye perspektiver. • Lese- og skrivestrategier lar elevene jobbe aktivt med innhold. • Oppgaver med vekt på utforsking utvikler elevenes evne til refleksjon. • Elevene jobber med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og dybdelæring gir sammenheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir et godt grunnlag for videre arbeid med faget.
Komponenter på 5. trinn • link 5 Textbook • link 5 Workbook • link 5 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressurser for elev og lærer. Alle bøker er tilgjengelige i digital utgave, som d-bok. Les mer om verket på www.fagbokforlaget.no
ISBN 978-82-11-03862-3
Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay