link 6 Workbook NYN (9788211038739)

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link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

6 Workbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.


Komponentar på 6. trinn • link 6 Textbook • link 6 Workbook • link 6 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


ISBN 978-82-11-03873-9

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

6 Workbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

Copyright © 2022 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 1. utgåva / 1. opplaget 2022 ISBN: 978-82-11-03873-9 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen Layout og omslagsdesign: Mari Oshaug Omslagsillustrasjon: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjonar på s. 37, 56–57, 70, 72, 128, 130, 136, 138–139, 142, 152: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjonar på s. 4–5, 26, 66–67, 74, 94, 109, 114, 120, 143, 148: Paulina Mingiacchi Illustrasjonar på s. 41: Rune Markhus Illustrasjonar på s. 76: Akin Duzakin Illustrasjonar på s. 79: Elisabeth Moseng Oppgåver på s. 26–27, 44–45, 62–63, 90–91, 118–119 og 126–127 © Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset Forfattarane har mottatt støtte frå Det faglitterære fond. Spørsmål om denne boka kan rettast til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 e-post: Materialet er verna etter åndsverklova. Utan uttrykkjeleg samtykke er eksemplarframstilling berre tillate når det er heimla i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.

Engelsk knyter oss saman! Vi lærer språk gjennom aktivitet. I link høyrer, les og snakkar elevane engelsk saman med dei fem gjennomgangsfigurane Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid byggjer dei opp omgrepsstrukturar og kognitive mønster frå begynnaropplæringa til mellomtrinnet. Med eit vell av munnlege og skriftlege aktivitetar samlar dei kunnskap og øver opp evna til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre. Engelskfaget heng saman med dei andre faga i skulen, med lese- og skriveopplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekkjer fram samanhengar, byggjer på det som er kjent, og legg til rette for oversikt og grundig innlæring. link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir meirverdi, og utnyttar til fulle den knappe tida som engelskfaget har til rådvelde. I link er vi opptekne av interkulturell kompetanse og det å vere nyfiken på verda rundt oss. Vi øver evna til å ta ulike perspektiv. Det begynner med kvar enkelt, med det kjende og nære. I ei verd i endring legg vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knyter oss saman. Det engelske språket er eit nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståing og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgarskap. Velkomne innanfor! Helsing forfattarane


Contents 1 Music......................................................................................... 6 2 Amazing nature...................................................................... 20 3 How do you know?................................................................. 36 4 Language links....................................................................... 54 5 New Year................................................................................. 70 6 A changing world................................................................... 80 7 Our global village................................................................... 94 8 Spies and codes.................................................................... 104 9 Speak up, take part!............................................................. 122 Building Language..................................................................... 136

This is me!




1 1.1

Find someone who…

…has their birthday in April.

…has a sister.

…has brown eyes.

…sings in the shower.

…can whistle.






…has long hair.

…loves to swim.

…is the youngest in their family.

…has a brother.

…has the most letters in their name.






…ate a lot of ice cream this summer.

…walked barefoot this summer.

…has a cat.

…has blue eyes.

…speaks more than two languages.






…hasn’t had breakfast this morning.

…is wearing sandals today.

…loves pizza.

…loves to read.

…has short hair.






…slept in a tent this summer.

…has curly hair.

…is wearing something blue.

…has secret superpowers.

…can play an instrument.






_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________


_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ NB! Try to ask as many different people as possible.

NB = Nota Bene (Italian) = Please note (English). It means something is important.

Do you…?

Did you…?

Are you…?

Were you…?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

Vocabulary list


a very large animal with short legs and thick, dark-grey skin that lives near water in Africa




Text title: Used in a sentence

Choose words that are hard to spell, words you don’t know, or words you think are important.



Find a text. Choose six words from the text.


Singing is good for you!

Did you know that when you learn a new song and share it with others, you can also improve your reading and writing skills? Singing also helps you understand the meaning of specific words. Music helps improve communication skills by helping you pronounce new words and become more fluent when speaking. a) Mix the letters and write the correct word, in English, Norwegian, and a third language. You can find all the words in the text above. Use a dictionary. English


scium sword occammitonnui pruneonoc tuflen



b) Write a rhythm pattern for your learning partner using the symbols below. Have your learning partner perform for you.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ = clap once

= tap the table twice

= stomp once

= clap on your thigh

= say “Yeah!”


What do you think the boy is listening to? Do you think he likes what he hears? Why / why not?

What kind of music do you like?

What can you see in the picture? Tell your learning partner.

What kind of music do rabbits like? Hip hop.

It’s smart to gather your data in a list.


1.4 Pop

Create a survey. Collect data. Ask your classmates.


Folk rock

Hip hop and rap

All kinds

a) What kind of music do you like? Choose your own music genres. Music genres

Tally marks

b) When do you listen to music? Choose your own times.

in the morning

on my way to school

when doing chores When?

after dinner

when doing my homework

in the evening Tally marks


Make a chart on one of the surveys a) or b).


Publish your survey.

Which alternative is the most popular? What else can you say about the results? Do you think your results reflect reality? Why / why not?

Why might your survey be interesting to others? Where would you publish it? The classroom wall, the hallway, or online?


What do you think of this song?

* different * d d sp o ec * i it c



unk y * likeable *



* lo ud



co * disturbing *

nt * boring a s a * ple

rny m


ca l



j oy

able * good *

g r e a


n i c e


* funny * d c i d lo ram e m a

We use adjectives to describe nouns, but we also use them to compare how things are in relation to other nouns. The boy is singing more loudly than the girl.


Think of a song you have heard. Fill in the sentences using the adjectives listed on page 12, or find your own.

I think this song is

________________________ because _________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________. It is

________________________________________ and ________________________________________!

I find it


________________________________. It makes me feel ________________________________. Think of a song you like. How would you describe it using adjectives?

Song title:


________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1.9

Compare your adjectives in task 1.7 with the ones your classmate used. Make a list or a word cloud with words from both lists. Which adjectives are used most?

An intensifying adverb is a word that strengthens or weakens another word. Very, really, so, too, incredibly, extremely, fairly, barely and just are some of the most common.



See Textbook page 14. Find a word that…

___________________________________ …is this word unscrambled: COIN. ___________________________________ …is a city that starts with M. ___________________________________ …is a country that starts with I. ___________________________________ …has four syllables and starts with L. ___________________________________ …is the opposite of HATE. ___________________________________ …rhymes with HEAVEN.___________________________________ …is the longest word in the text. ___________________________________ …is a verb that starts with S. ___________________________________ …is an adjective that starts with C. ___________________________________ …is a noun that starts with M. ___________________________________ …has three syllables. ___________________________________ …is this word unscrambled: NEQUE. ___________________________________ …means almost the same as CLASSES. ___________________________________ …is this word spelled backwards: YROTSIH. ___________________________________ …has an E in the middle of it. ___________________________________ …you think is a cool word. ___________________________________ …has nine letters and ends with a D. ___________________________________

…you don’t know the meaning of.


Try not to use the same word twice.

Can you make tasks like this for your learning partner?

Fact versus opinion Choose a topic you are interested in. Find some facts 1.11

about it. Then write some opinions about the same topic.

What is a fact? What is an opinion?


In 1973, their debut album Queen was released. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Opinion:

The album Queen is the best debut album ever! ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Fact:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Opinion:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Fact:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Opinion:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Fact:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Opinion:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Facts can be proven and are true for everyone. For example: Apples are fruit. Opinions can’t be proven. Your opinion can be different from others. For example: Apples are delicious.


Write your own song or poem 1.12

Categorise the words. Feelings

ed v o l 16


father sad









r scared





he t o m

See Textbook pages 24–25 for inspiration and writing support.

1.13 a) What do you want to write a song or a poem about? For example: nature, friendship, handball, animals, or dreams. Make your own mind map on the next page. Write your chosen topic in the middle of the mind map. b) Find two or three subcategories for your topic. Add them to your mind map. c) Add words to the categories. d) Use your mind map to write your own song or poem. Good luck!


My favourite music

1.14 18

Listen to the audio file and circle the letter next to the correct answer to solve the code.

1 What are the names of the children who are talking? a) Lisa and Michael b) Ava and Timmy c) Lewis and Timmy 2 What is Ava’s favourite music genre? c) punk d) hard rock

e) classic rock

3 Who introduced Ava to rock music? a) her uncle b) her sister

c) her father

4 How does the music make Ava feel? r) sad s) angry

t) happy

5 What kind of music does Timmy listen to when he does homework? l) pop m) classical n) rock 6 How does the music make Timmy feel? c) happy d) angry

e) calm

7 What is Timmy’s favourite ballet? s) The Nutcracker t) Swan Lake

u) Joni Mitchell

Write the letters you collected. Which word did you get?


Where did this band come from? Use the Internet if you wish.


1 Can linkmusic? it? ____________________ What is you your favourite I can choose and use a strategy when speaking. Tell your learning partner what kind of music you like and which band / music artist you like. After: Which strategies did you use when speaking? Tick off. use body language

use synonyms

continue even if I make mistakes

speak clearly

ask for clarification


I can find keywords in a text. Choose one of the texts you have read in chapter 1. Write down at least six keywords from the text. Title of the text: _________________________________ ___________________________________








I can use a graphic organiser to structure my ideas. Make a mind map of the text about Freddy Mercury on pages 14–15, or another topic. Use your mind map to talk about it.

I can reflect on how I express my own identity and cultural background through words, visuals, and performances. Talk to your learning partner. What kind of music do you listen to? What kind of music did your grandparents listen to? Do they like your music or do you like theirs? Do you express yourself through music? In what way? In what other ways can you express yourself? (Hair, clothes, drawings, books, singing, dancing, etc.)



link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

6 Workbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.


Komponentar på 6. trinn • link 6 Textbook • link 6 Workbook • link 6 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


ISBN 978-82-11-03873-9

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

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