Textbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk
Copyright © 2023 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved
1. utgåve 2023 / 1. opplag 2023
Denne digitale utgåva vart publisert mai 2023.
ISBN: 978-82-11-03881-4 (digital utgåve)
ISBN: 978-82-11-03879-1 (trykt utgåve)
Tilrettelagt for digital utgåve: John Grieg, Bergen
Layout og forsidedesign: Mari Oshaug
Forsideillustrasjon: Cecilie Ellefsen
Hovudillustratør: Cecilie Ellefsen
Innhaldet på s. 24–25, 35–37, 63–65, 92–95, 103–105, 149–151: Anders
Otterbech Jølbo Myrset
Illustrasjonar på s. 18–20, 120–123, 172–173: Akin Duzakin
Illustrasjonar på s. 63–65, 73, 146–147, 192, 194–195, 207:
Paulina Mingiacchi Illustrasjonar på s. 17, 35–36, 40, 126–129, 186–187, 204:
Elisabeth Moseng
Illustrasjonar på s. 30–31, 88–91: Øyvind Torseter Illustrasjonar på s. 46–47, 138–141, 191: Victoria Sandøy
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Vi lærer språk gjennom aktivitet. I link høyrer, les og snakkar elevane engelsk saman med dei fem gjennomgangsfigurane Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid byggjer dei opp omgrepsstrukturar og kognitive mønster frå begynnaropplæringa til mellomtrinnet. Med eit vell av munnlege og skriftlege aktivitetar samlar dei kunnskap og øver opp evna til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre.
Engelskfaget heng saman med dei andre faga i skulen, med lese- og skriveopplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekkjer fram samanhengar, byggjer på det som er kjent, og legg til rette for oversikt og grundig innlæring.
link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir meirverdi, og utnyttar til fulle den knappe tida som engelskfaget har til rådvelde.
I link er vi opptekne av interkulturell kompetanse og det å vere nyfiken på verda rundt oss. Vi øver evna til å ta ulike perspektiv. Det begynner med kvar enkelt, med det kjende og nære. I ei verd i endring legg vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knyter oss saman. Det engelske språket er eit nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståing og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgarskap..
Velkomne innanfor!
Helsing forfattarane
This is the last day of summer for these friends! Tomorrow they’ll begin their last year in primary school. They talk about their goals for this year.
I can participate in a conversation.
I can identify text type features in a text I have read.
I can give and receive feedback on texts.
I can reflect on and talk about my own identity.
Do not look at the name on your forehead. Ask questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no”.
Start by asking broad questions. Get more specific with your questions. Start guessing your identity.
James: Am I female?
Mercy: No.
James: Am I a real person?
Timo: No.
James: Am I alive?
Thea: You nearly died many times, but yes, you are alive.
Paul: Be careful, Thea. Don’t say too much.
Thea: Oh, I’m sorry.
James: Am I young?
Jonathan: Yes, you are quite young.
James: Am I younger than twenty years old?
Aryan: Hmm, that depends on when we are talking about. But no, I think you are older than twenty years old today.
Paul: Remember that you are only supposed to answer “yes” or “no”, Jonathan and Aryan.
James: Have I been in a movie?
Mercy: Yes, several. Oops, I’m sorry, Paul. I mean yes!
James: I know I am a fictional character, but do I live in the real world or in a fantasy world?
Paul: That is not a yes/no-question, James.
James: Okay; do I live in the real world?
Aryan: No.
James: Am I an animated character?
Thea: No.
James: Am I liked by people?
Timo: Hmm, how can I answer that with only yes or no? I would say yes, you are liked by people.
James: Am I Ash Ketchum?
Aryan: No, he’s an animated character, and we already said no to that.
James: Oh, that’s right. Am I Spiderman?
Jonathan: No.
James: What about Harry Potter?
Mercy, Timo, Thea, Jonathan , Aryan, and Paul: Yes!
Thea: Can I be the next one to guess?
• What do you think about the questions James asked?
• What other questions could James have asked?
• Do you think Harry Potter was easy or hard to guess? Why?
• Is it possible to make a list of good questions, that work for all people or characters?
• Make a list of names of possible characters. What should be the criteria for choosing the characters?
We all have our unique personalities and characteristics and we also have group identities, like a school pupil, a member of a sports team, or member of any other type of club.
Read and interact.
What type of text is this? What clues do you see in the text?
This is from an English children’s book. See how much you understand.
I am a nonstop ball of energy. Powerful and full of light.
I am a go-getter. A difference maker. A leader.
I am every good thing that makes the world go round. You know – like gravity, or the glow of moonbeams over a field of brand-new snow.
I am good to the core, like the center of a cinnamon roll. Yeah, that good.
I am skateboard tricks, scraped knees and elbows. But you know what?
I am right back on my feet again.
I am one eye open, one eye closed, peeking through a microscope, gazing through a telescope, checking out the spaces around me and plotting out those far-off places I have yet to go – but will.
I am a gentleman and a scholar.
I am kind and polite, like, “yes, ma’am” and “yes, sir,” helping my grandmother cross the street, and saying “bless you” when a stranger has to sneeze.
I’m a cooooool breeze. A perfect paper airplane that glides for blocks, for miles, forever.
I am a roaring flame of creativity.
I am a lightning round of questions, and a star-filled sky of solutions.
I am an explorer, planting a flag on every square foot of this planet where I belong.
I am a sponge, soaking up information, knowledge and wisdom.
I want it all, and I am allllll ears.
I am Saturday mornings in the summertime. I am two bounces and a front flip off the diving board.
I am hilarious. I am the life of the party.
I am that smile forming on your face right now.
I’m the BOOM-BAP-BOOM-BOOM-BAP when the bass line thumps and the kick drum jumps. I’m the perfect beat, the perfect rhyme, keeping everything on point and always on time – but you already knew that.
I am a grand slam, bases fully loaded.
I’m a nasty two-handed dunk, holding on to the rim, just to remind you that I’m still the man. Believe that.
I am the undisputed champion.
I am a highlight reel of magnificence. I am the celebration, the applause, and the standing ovation.
I am victory.
I am a brother, a son, a nephew, a favorite cousin, a grandson.
I am a friend.
I am real.
I am tight hugs, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on – if you have to.
I hope you never have to. I am here. Although I am something like a superhero, every now and then, I am afraid. I am not what they might call me, and I will not answer to any name that is not my own.
I am what I say I am.
I am that sound in the forest when the mighty tree falls. I am waves crashing gently on the shore.
I am a force of nature. A miracle. A blessing. I am brave. I am hope. I am my ancestors’ wildest dream. I am worthy of success, of respect, of safety, of kindness, of happiness. And without a shadow of a doubt, I am worthy to be loved. I am worthy to be loved.
• Read the poem to each other. Can you hear the rhythm in the text?
• Which lines did you enjoy the most? Why?
• Are there words or phrases that you feel could also describe you?
family community how to relate to others
how to treat others how we see ourselves
I describe myself as... With my friends, I’m...
• Which words in the poem are about Derrick’s personality and which are about the groups he belongs to?
• Derrick says he is brave, hilarious, a leader, a non-stop ball of energy. How would you describe yourself? Which characteristics describe your personality?
• Which words describe how you relate to others? How you speak? How you live? Who you spend time with? Your family? Your cultural background?
Have you ever noticed that you often like the same things as your friends or family? Maybe you dress the same way, share common interests, and have the same point of view on things. Or maybe you are completely different from them.
We can be quite similar to those around us in a lot of ways, but we can also differ greatly. We can express ourselves through many things like humour, words, art, clothes, and the opinions we have. A person is like a jigsaw puzzle. All of the pieces fit together in a certain way, and none of the jigsaw puzzles look the same. It is the whole puzzle that makes up a person’s identity.
What makes you “you”? What do you have in common with your learning partner? How are you different or unique?
Do you have a lot in common with the people you surround yourself with? Why or why not?
Role models are people you look up to (living or dead, real or fictional) that inspire you. Role models can be famous people who you admire because of something they did, made, or achieved. They can also be someone nearer to you, such as a good friend or a family member. Role models can inspire us to reach for, and achieve, our personal goals in life.
• What is a role model? What is an influencer?
• Can a role model be a bad role model? In what way?
• Who are your role models?
• Which role models do you think other people have and why?
Read to scan for text type features.
Features for a diary text
• informal language
• thoughts, feelings, opinions
• not intended for others to read
• personal pronouns (I, we)
• often in past tense
• often in chronological order
• can have a date or day of the week
• can have the greeting “Dear…”
• This is a diary. What do you notice about the writing in the text?
• Which diary features do you find? (Hint: See list on page 18.)
• Eleanor wonders who she is without her best friend. Why do you think that is?
• Do you think Eleanor is in love with someone? With whom?
• Have you been in love or really liked someone before? How did it feel?
• Which three words describe you the best, and why?
• Do you think other people see you that way? Why, or why not?
Read and interact. The main questions are purple. The follow up questions are blue.
Timo: Lucky me! I get to interview the one and only Thea! Are you ready, Thea?
Thea: (giggling) I think so.
Timo: Okay! Let’s roll! What is your favourite memory from this summer?
Thea: Oh, that must be when Jonathan and I went to the lake with our rubber boats. We had a competition to see who could stand in the boat the longest. We fell in the water several times and laughed our heads off!
Timo: Who won?
Thea: I don’t know. We had so much fun that we forgot to count.
Timo: What are you looking forward to this year?
Thea: I look forward to just being with you guys. I like summer holidays, but I always miss my friends after a while. And, of course, I look forward to camping in the forest next month. I love to cook outside and sleep in a tent. Hopefully, there will be no mosquitos.
Timo: Do you have any goals? Academic? Sports? Personal?
Thea: I don’t have any specific goals. I just want to do my best and not become frustrated if things don’t go my way. That’s a goal of mine.
Timo: Sure, why not? Who are –
Thea: (interrupting Timo). Wait, I have one goal in sports. It’s to win the Christmas tournament in football.
• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng.
• Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv.
• Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald.
• Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane.
• Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap.
• Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet.
• Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.
Komponentar på 7. trinn
Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok.
Les meir om verket på www.fagbokforlaget.no
ISBN 978-82-11-03879-1
link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.