About the book
Follow Erik across the sea on his first Viking adventure and discover some interesting facts about the Vikings.
Before reading
Talk together
Read the title together. Ask: What do you know about the Vikings?
Topic words
These words may be challenging to read but they are important for the topic. Read them together and talk about what they mean.
Scandinavia – part of Northern Europe (p2, 3)
Vikings – people from Scandinavia who lived more than a thousand years ago (p3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15)
traders – people who buy and sell things (p3, 4)
oars – long poles used to row a boat through water (p6)
landmarks – things on land that you can see from far away (p11)
During reading
If your child has difficulty with a particular word while reading the book: •break it down into sections, help them to sound it out and blend the sounds together, e.g. s-l-ee-p-i-ng •tell them the whole word if necessary.
Some words that might be hard to understand are in bold. They are explained in the Glossary on p16.
Tricky words
These words are common but your child might find them difficult to read: their, people
Erik’s Viking Adventure
Hawys Morgan
= Scandinavia
Text © Hawys Morgan 2016
Illustrations © Shahab Shamshirsaz 2016
Erik’s Viking Adventure was originally published in English in 2016. This edition is published by arrangement with Oxford University Press.
Copyright norsk utgave © 2020 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS
All Rights Reserved
1. utgave / 1. opplag 2020
ISBN: 978-82-11-03616-2
Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen
Omslagsdesign: Oxford University Press
Omslagsfoto: forside (v): De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images; forside (h): Werner Forman/Werner Forman/Corbis; bakside: Asmus Koefoed/Shutterstock
Illustratør: Shahab Shamshirsaz
Foto og andre illustrasjoner: s. 1, 10: Asmus Koefoed/Shutterstock; s. 5: Junge Heiko /AFP/Getty Images; s. 7: Werner Forman/ Werner Forman/Corbis; s. 8: The Trustees of The British Museum; s. 9: De Agostini Picture Library/ Getty Images; s. 13 (v): The Trustees of the British Museum; s. 13 (h): CM Dixon/Print Collector/ Getty Images; s. 15: The British Museum Board
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The Harbour
Across the Sea
I’ve got silver coins, so I buy presents for my mum and sister .
Fagbokforlaget’s link Readers Mellomtrinnet is a series of non-fiction books created to improve comprehension skills and develop reading stamina. A broad choice of topics supports interdisciplinary learning, while varying difficulty levels, ranging from 1 to 8, ensure that each pupil will find the right book. Happy reading!