FAIS Annual Report on Philanthropy 2019-20

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ANNUAL FUND DONORS The Annual Fund is the School’s most critical fundraising effort. While tuition covers the cost of education, the Annual Fund ensures that our school has the resources necessary to advance our mission by providing rigorous, multilingual academic programs in an environment that promotes appreciation of diverse cultures and experiences. Each gift goes to support the greatest need of the School, ensuring that we can continue to provide dynamic opportunities and experiences to all our students. Thank you to all of our 2019-20 Annual Fund donors! * Indicates 1979 Society Members Anonymous Trish Brown & Cleveland Abbe Jeff Albelo Cecilia Reinig & Clinton Ambrose* Cyreena Boston Ashby Bonnie Stewart & Norm Auzins* Yamina & Nabil Badereddine Fred & Amy Bailey* Megan & Robert Barnett Merrin & Andy Bartley Claudia C. Batz Sally Batz* Alicia Kuna & David Beauvais Adrianne Ellis & Joseph Bellows Céline Sonrel-Berruyer & Davy Berruyer Sidal & Selim Bilgin* Camille Rueff & David Billeaud Mireille Jeukens & John Birchall Carol & Jason Booth* Tessa & Jean-Luc Boucherot Barbara & Christ Bouneff* Debbie Marr & Jim Brayton* Maya & Rich Broadfoot Alice Nodelman & Zachary Brown Bruce Brundage* Megen & Todd Brundage Anne Prouty & Myron Burr Deidre Burton Brigitte & Chad Byars

Daniela & Andrew Caine* Gemma Comellas & Ramon Calderer Vanessa Calvert Jocelyn & Armando Camara* Wendy Kotila & Anthony Canton Ashley & Bradley Carpenter Nicole & Seth Chamberlin Jill Price & Dave Chen Erin Chapman-Cho & David Cho Rebecca & Justin Christiansen Beth & Dave Clifton Catherine & Stéphane Cohen Katherine Cole Denisse Reyes & Matt Conine Michele & Rick Cooper Diana Domnitei & Frank Cruz Monika & Reewen D'Souza Ashley & Daryl DeLong Grayson & Jack Dempsey Gloria & Jonathan Detwiler* Michelle Detwiler Erin & Daniel Dhruva* Becky Voorheis & Diego Diaz Lisa Keenan & Timothy Dickey Jing & Albert DiPiero Charles Jenkins & James Dixon Hind Rahmouni & Karim Djekidel Natalia & Tim Doherty Julie & Gary Duffield

Hebatallah Aly & Ibrahim Elmoghazy Nurcan & Mesut Ali Tezcan Ergin Suzanne Hilton-Esaki & Eugene Esaki Pramela Reddi & Jordan Daniel Fein* Melissa Fireside Katie & Justin Flack* Michela Torresan & Franco Fogliato Leslie & Dante Fornari Yoann Foucher & Laurence Juthy Georgia Modoran & Aaron Frankel Amy Duryea & Dan Friedman* Diana & Will Fundak* Käthlin & John Gabaldon Ben Gallagher Alexandra & Zanley Galton Guy Gatien Vanessa Teboul & Oliver Gibbons Kirsten Kyllingstad & Jason Glick Lindsay & Tyler Gluckman Leslie & Scott Gong Kursteen Price & Scott Grady* Barbara Gravlin* Manuela Smolarek & Brett Greene Natalie & David Grunkemeier* Michael Halle Barbara McCoy & David Hansen* Barbara Hardister Emily & Scott Hardister Janine & Matt Harris

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