The Paper | Jun-Aug Issue 2 Vol 9

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VO LU M E 9 ISSUE 2 J U N - A U G 2 02 1

Table of Contents Letter from Pastor Bob


Faith Church Investing In Future Leaders


Mental Health, Rhythms & Reacclimation


Financial Update


I Believe 14 Chosen 16 Connections 18 Where Do I Fit?


Volunteer Spotlight


Beecher 24 Cedar Lake 26 Dyer 28 Highland 32 Munster 34

DEAR FAITH CHURCH FAMILY & FRIENDS, Do you feel awake? Not the kind that can be helped with an extra shot of espresso. I mean are you awakened to the presence of God in your life? Awakening. I’m hopeful you’ve heard this word multiple times already this year; it served as a series title in February/March 2021 and is the foundation of a revival I’m hopeful for, for Faith Church and our region. I want to hone in on part of its definition, “an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.” In reality we aren’t going to have a lightning bolt moment of awakening; rather, it’s going to come from a place of acknowledgement and acceptance that our relationship with God is our greatest priority and we need to be forgiven for anything or anyone else we give first place in our hearts. What are you fearful of? What are you afraid of losing? What sin is clouding your ability to fight for and go after your relationship with the King of Kings? God wants to hear from you - No. Matter. What. Wherever you are, whatever is going on, just start a conversation with Him. Pour out your heart. It will not affect His love for you. An awakening for Faith Church and our region starts in each one of us. My continued prayer is for God to come alive in each of you, so He can be glorified!

• Before getting out of bed each morning, say a prayer of gratitude to God for a new, unmarked day. • Select a book to read to guide you in your journey. Our Bookstore has a lot of great options, including one by Craig Groeschel, “Dangerous Prayers,” that leads you to pray bold, specific, passionate prayers. • Another opportunity is Faith Church’s first-ever Prayer-A-Thon Relay. On June 25 & 26 each of our five Campuses will come together as individuals, families, small groups and ministries to pray in half-hour increments with a main goal of praying for awakening, revival and renewal of the gospel within our region and south suburbs (refer to page 17). I’m very excited for what this unified prayer time will bring. No matter the practice(s) you choose this summer, keep confessing, keep praying, keep talking to God. He loves to hear from His children! Everything for His glory,

Sometimes, we just don’t know where to start, so let me give you some ideas:


Investing In Future Leaders By Rick Riddering Director of Leadership Development | Central

The most recent average age of pastors in the United States is a little shy of 52 according to DataUSA, a reputable firm focused on sharing a comprehensive visualization of U.S. public data. In fact, just 15 percent of senior pastors are 40 years old or younger. And adding to those startling statistics, nearly one in four U.S. pastors (23%) say “lack of leadership training and development” is a major concern facing their church today, as was reported by Barna Group, widely considered to be the leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture. Faith Church has two distinctive tools to identify and develop talented young people and prepare them for future ministry: college internships and pastoral residencies.


COLLEGE INTERNSHIPS College interns are hired for 12 weeks, typically in the summer, and are designed to help individuals determine how God is calling them into a career. Likewise, ministry leaders and department directors at Faith Church have an opportunity to personally observe each intern’s skills displayed through their work on projects throughout their internship. Faith Church has hired three interns this summer and one starting in the fall: Will Ryan (Moody Bible Institute) serving in Faith Students Zach Lee (Wheaton College) serving with the Communications Team Megan Kooyenga (Indiana University Northwest) serving in our Reflectors Ministry Kaylee Kuyper (Olivet Nazarene University) will serve in Faith Students at Highland & Munster in the fall

PASTORAL RESIDENCIES Faith Church Pastoral Residents are hired for a robust two-year experiential development program that focuses on each resident’s ministry calling. The Residency helps identify and prepare fully committed individuals for future pastoral opportunities. Please meet Faith Church’s five pastoral residents:

Colton Ebbens

Cameron Jones

Nick Dragomir

Kenan Koops

Caleb Chapman

Currently on our Faith Students staff, serving as director at our Cedar Lake campus. Colton is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University where he received a degree in communication. He works under the supervision of Pastor Dave Weemhoff.

Currently finishing his work toward a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies at Wheaton College and will be working under the supervision of Pastor Charlie Contreras at Faith Munster. Cameron feels called to plant a multicultural church in NW Indiana.

Served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS John S. McCain. Nick has studied computer programming, but realized his call is in the area of care ministry while serving as a representative to the Navy Chaplain. He’ll serve under the supervision of Pastors Andy Nearpass and Rich Bawinkel, and will be trained in all of Faith Church’s care ministries.

Hails from California and joining Faith to serve in our outreach ministries under the supervision of Pastor Dave Nearpass. Kenan will be spending the majority of his time rebuilding homes in Sauk Village, Illinois as part of Faith Church’s local missions; he will also be teaching inmates the skills of cabinet and furniture making with Chicagoland Prison Outreach.

Feeling called to minister to students with challenging situations in their homes, Caleb pursued a degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Leadership from The College of Biblical Studies. As part of his studies, he served as an intern in Faith Students at Faith Beecher this past school year. He will continue serving in this role as part of our residency program under the supervision of Pastor Brian Dennert




JUNE 6 TO AUGUST 29 Faith Kids will be offered for children ages infant-preschool at each campus. • Beecher – 9 AM • Cedar Lake – 9:30 AM • Dyer – 9 & 11 AM • Highland – 11 AM • Munster – 11 AM Children who have completed kindergarten through completed fifth grade will join their families in service.



















By: Vinnie Adams

Mental Health, Rhythms and Reacclimation

Right now, statistics are showing that most people can’t answer that question favorably.

On February 20, 2021, Faith Church began a weekend sermon series called Rhythms: The Way of Jesus. Do you remember that? Being a worship leader and having been on staff for almost nine years, I’ve seen many sermon series come and go; and (admittedly) there are only a handful of them that I can pull from the top of my memory when it comes to the title, taglines, themes, texts, etc. But Rhythms is one of them. I can’t remember a sermon series that has been quite as timely, useful, important and prophetic as Rhythms was - and, if you’re practicing what was preached, still is. You know, it is possible that our rhythms before the COVID-19 pandemic were already far from healthy or Jesus-informed. And in the midst of our worry and hurry to return to “normalcy,” the question to ask is, “how will now be different than then?” One thing that struck me during the Rhythms series was the inseparable connection between the rhythms of my life and my mental health. For example, my busy, task-oriented, performance-based, making-up-for-my-failures, people-pleasing thought patterns (whether conscious or subconscious) have pulled me away from abiding with Jesus (John 15), which is the very space I need as an antidote for all of my “stinking thinking.” In other words, my mental health and my rhythms (or lack thereof) feed off each other, and they need one another’s help to get better. And similar to our rhythms, it is possible that our mental health before the COVID-19 pandemic was already not in the healthiest place. So, again, the question to ask ourselves is, “how does now compare to then?”


See, all of the things that affect your mental health - your family of origin, your past, your physical or chemical disposition, the influence of culture/society - none of them have magically disappeared over this past year and a half. In fact, I’d argue that the culture/society influence has only gotten heavier and (potentially) more damaging. Then, add COVID-19 and the pandemic on top of all of that. For some of us, the pandemic changed everything. For others of us, nothing changed - but that didn’t mean things didn’t get harder. Even for those of us with an optimistic outlook: • Instead of ‘less’ expectations, the pandemic brought ‘different’ or ‘new’ expectations. • Instead of the quality time you thought we’d have with God, self and family, you experienced more isolation. • Instead of being a rockstar of the circumstances like your Instagram friends, you felt like your household and life was a complete mess. • Some of the places you used to be able to go to escape - the store, the bar, that friend’s house - you couldn’t go there anymore. • Add on top of that, being more addicted to technology than you’ve ever been in your life to a point where you know it’s a problem, you might even say you’re done with it but you’re still glancing at your phone every few minutes of the day. If you believe that none of this affects your mental, emotional and (even) spiritual health, then I want what you’re taking. But if it has, or perhaps it’s visibly affected someone you love and care about, I want to offer a few things to think about.

Being a visual thinker, let me use a Ven Diagram.




First of all, how are you? This isn’t the walking-past-each-other-in-the-hallway “how are you,” it’s the “look at that dark green section in the center of the diagram, take a minute to reflect, and give an honest evaluation of where your soul finds itself. Seriously. Take a second to (1) thoughtfully answer that question, and (2) tell someone who loves you and you can trust. Jesus is at the top of that list, by the way; and while He already knows what’s on your mind, He’d love to hear from you about it. Secondly, if you are concerned about the state of your mental health, don’t shrug it off. As we (God-willing) reacclimate into a post-COVID world, the time is now to address the things you’re experiencing (for the first time or in an increased manner) like self-medicating behaviors, the desire to sleep all day, the anxious thought cycles that seem inescapable, messed up sleep patterns, increased irritability and stress, and even suicidal ideations. There is no shame in reaching out for help; and if you’re feeling a nudge right now, take the step and reach out. I can’t encourage you enough, friend.

God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 2:6 You have a seat at God’s table. Sit in it. Rest in it. To understand and experience your position, He’s asking you to do nothing but sit in the work that is already done (by Him). I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called. - Ephesians 4:1 Out of your seated position with Christ (not out of your own power or striving), get up and walk, aligning your steps with Jesus. The world will relentlessly tug at your soul to follow a million different things, and Jesus won’t be found in that shouting match. He will faithfully be found, waiting for you, as He whispers, “Come. Follow me.” Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. - Ephesians 6:11 And finally, despite your feelings (no matter how strong they are!) and circumstances (no matter how bleak they are!), your position is not one of defeat. Your position is one of victory; not at all dependent on you, yet 100% given to you. Therefore, stand up in that victory! The enemy hates you and me the most because we’re God’s kids (he calls us ‘enemy,’ too). The devil and his army can and will fight, and we are no match for him on our own; but Jesus has already crushed him, the battle is already won. Therefore, do not back down. Stand in the victory that Jesus has already won, which He gives to you. Sit in Christ, walk in Christ, stand in Christ, repeat. Children of God, this rhythm is for you.


Third, try on the rhythms of Jesus.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

Come into spiritual recovery.

Soul Rest by Curtis Zackery

God wants to cultivate your inner life as much as he wants to see fruit from your outer life. In fact, His design for you is this order. To this end, let me close with Watchman Nee’s exhortation from the book of Ephesians, “Sit, Walk, Stand.”

Sit, Walk,Stand by Watchman Nee The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

11 GATHER Gather



Discover Faith is designed to help you learn more about Faith Church.


Wednesday, Sep 22, 6:30-8:30 PM

Cedar Lake

Tuesday, Jun 15, 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, Sep 12, 1:30 – 3:30 PM


Thursday, Sep 16, 6:30-9 PM


Wednesday, Jun 30, 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, Sep 26, 12:30-3 PM


Sunday, Jul 11, 3-5 PM | Sunday, Oct 3, 3-5 PM


Partner with Faith focuses on what it means to be a member and why you should consider that commitment.


Wednesday, Jun 9, 6:30-8:30 PM | Wednesday, Oct 6, 6:30-8:30 PM

Cedar Lake

Tuesday, Jun 29, 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, Sep 26, 1:30-3:30 PM


Thursday, Sep 30, 6:30-9 PM


Wednesday, July 14, 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, Oct 10, 12:30-3 PM


Sunday, Jul 25, 3-5 PM Sunday, Oct 17, 3-5 PM


Financial Update By John Clausing Executive Director of Operations | Central

As the summer months are upon us, Faith Church, and before you leave town for that much anticipated get away, we want to update you on the financial status of your church. As of April (the last available full reported numbers), our giving totals were $2,112,658 and our year-to-date budget was $2,378,533. Thus, we are at 89% of our budget. Last year our giving amount through April was $2,113,373. Thank you Faith Church for your continued faithfulness and your financial dedication to ministry. We also want to make you aware of another significant item regarding budgeting and the finances of the church. This year we are transitioning to an adjusted fiscal year. Faith Church has always operated on a fiscal year that started on January 1 and ended on December 31. Moving forward our fiscal year will now begin on July 1 and end on June 30 - beginning this year. This change is a result of much discussion and strategizing by the church deacons and approved by the Church Board (Governing Consistory). It is not uncommon for churches to switch to this model. Feel free to contact your campus deacons for more details on this process ( What does this change mean? For our staff and deacons this means that a new 2021 / 2022 budget needs to be created and initiated. This will follow our normal process of creation, review, adjustments and approval by the deacons and Governing Consistory. For you, our church family, nothing really changes. Your giving and the reporting of it still follows conventional calendar year guidelines; you will receive your giving report at the end of the calendar year for that year’s giving - the same as always. Our ask is for you to continue to seek out what God is asking of you in your “worship through giving” to your church. Faithful and regular giving throughout the year allows ministry to continue, needs to be met and lives changed! For more information, email


One of the most foundational summaries of the Christian faith is embodied in the Apostles’ Creed. Have you ever wondered where it came from? What are the truths that have endured the test of time? This summer we will take an eight-week journey to dig deeper into what we believe as followers of Christ. Pastor Brian Dennert (and resident theologian) authored a post on our Faith Church blog that gives an introduction to the Apostles’ Creed. Whether you read it before, during or after the sermon series, I Believe, in understanding the Creed we can live as better followers of Christ.

An excerpt from “Intro to the Apostles’ Creed” By Brian Dennert Campus Pastor | Beecher Origins of the Creed Some have said that the Apostles’ Creed was effectively written by the 12 apostles 10 days after the Ascension of Jesus (presumably after Matthias replaced Judas, see Acts 1:12-26), with each apostle contributing a line to the Creed. That is a great story, but there doesn’t seem to be much evidence to substantiate it. While it might not have been written by the apostles, its content traces itself back to their teaching, with forms of this Creed dating all the way back to the second century. Irenaeus and others (such as the


church leader Tertullian) pointed out that these truths come from the teaching of the Apostles — thus, the name Apostles’ Creed. In some ways, the exact origin of the Apostles’ Creed is mysterious, especially compared to other creeds and confessions. It does not seem to have been written by a particular person or a council. Rather than arising as a response to some false teaching spreading in churches, this Creed came about from the life and worship of the Western church. This use of the Creed in worship shows that it seems to have been a guide for what a Christian believed. Today’s Implications of the Apostles’ Creed The Creed has great value for us today. It features key beliefs about the Christian faith and even points

THE APOSTLES’ CREED I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, And born of the Virgin Mary, He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He suffered the agony of hell for me. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven And is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, 87The holy Christian Church, The communion of saints, The forgiveness of sins, The resurrection of the body,

out that Christianity is not a philosophical set of beliefs that one simply affirms, but at its root, is the story of what God has done in creating the world and sending His Son. The Creed goes from the beginning to the end of the world and God’s plan, with the ultimate hope in the resurrection of the body and eternal life. The Christian faith thus is not a set of truths to know or a set of practices to obey, but rather a story to enter into which causes us to believe certain things and live a certain way. In addition, when we recite the Apostles’ Creed, we pledge our allegiance to this truth by saying “I believe.” We exercise faith, believing in God’s faithfulness as shown through His activity on Earth; there is knowledge, but also trust. In confessing these truths, we point to both the simplicity and the complexity of the Christian faith. What I mean is that there are simple truths we can memorize, but these truths also invite us to think more deeply about what they mean. While creating boundaries that separate Christianity from other belief systems, the Apostles’ Creed should be viewed as having more of a unifying than dividing function. I say that because in reciting the Creed, we realize that we believe the same thing as countless men and women have believed throughout the past 2,000 years - we are not alone. Not only do we have unity across history, we also have unity across the world, as people across the world believe these same truths. We may speak different languages and have different ways of conducting our worship services, but we believe the same thing. For the full blog article, visit

And the life everlasting. Amen. If you’d like more information about the Creed, explore Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 23-58.


In May Faith Church hosted a new sponsorship event alongside World Vision called, “Chosen.” It flipped the concept of sponsorship around so that a child chose his/her own sponsor. During our ‘call to action’ for Faith Church individuals and families to be chosen to sponsor children in Simbi, Rwanda, 393 individuals and families responded, YES! Consequently, the first-ever Chosen party took place in Simbi, Rwanda on May 12 & 13. The photos you see on these pages are just a snapshot of the Holy Spirit moving and working in the lives of those of Faith Church and in Simbi It was a moving experience to say the least! You see, we flipped the script and told these children that ‘just because you have less, doesn’t mean you are less’. Now, we sponsor over 1,100 boys and girls in Simbi, Rwanda - way to go, Faith Church!



2 0 2 1 R E L AY

P R AY E R - A -T H O N

Fri, June 25, 2 PM - Sat, June 26, 4:12 PM

Sign up for a half hour time slot at




Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Cedar Lake | Community Center Contact Jim/Brenda jnbgreenacres@comcast. net Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | The Garage Contact Bill celebraterecovery@ Thursdays, 7-9 PM Faith Munster Contact Charles/Breanne


Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Grief Share

Celebration Place

Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM Faith Dyer | K5 Room Contact Beckie at Celebration Place is designed for kids Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing.

Fresh Hope

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Munster Contact This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members and close friends). For more information, visit Meets weekly

This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly

Our Hope

Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Tuesdays, 2 PM or Thursdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Rich at


Grief Share offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Meets weekly

This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays

Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts

CARE Celebrate Recovery

Tuesdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Amy at aboshears@WeAreFaith. org

Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts is a ministry for moms who are hurting because of the choices their adult child/children are making. Faith Dyer Contact Karyn at 10-week session Meets twice a year Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Lynea at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Mobile Food Pantry

Faith Beecher Jun 22 | Jul 27 | Aug 24 4:30-6 PM Contact Mandy at Open to any Illinois resident

NA-The Grace Street Recovery

Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029

Mondays, 7 PM Faith Dyer | Via Zoom Contact Andy at


Thursday, 6:30 PM Via Zoom, email the bookstore for the link. Contact Nancy at Meets the 4th Thursday of the month

Jun 24 - Miriam’s Song by

Jill Eileen Smith Jul 22 - The Water Keeper by Charles Martin Aug 26 - Present Danger by Elizabeth Goddard

Faith Singles

Sunday, 6:30 PM Faith Munster Contact Connie at ckubiak2010@yahoo or Sandy at Meets the 3rd Sunday of the month

Faith Stitchers

Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141 Contact Sharon at




We knit & crochet for those in need. Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month

Marriage Ministry Groups

Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage.

Preparing for Marriage

The Ravines is a safe place to find healing and restoration for your marriage.

Class is offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Next classes are from Sep 15 through Oct 27. Information on the class and mentoring options can be found at Please contact Gina with any questions. We look forward to preparing you for marriage!

The Journey

The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to vp3-pathway/the-journey/ Contact Marilyn at for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey!

12.1 Running Club

Saturdays, 7 AM Centennial Park in Munster on Calumet Avenue (by the band stand) Contact Yvonne at Meets weekly

Marriage Enrichment

Groups will resume beginning Sep 15 on Wednesday evenings. Look for more information for times, curriculum and special events at

“He makes springs pour water into the ravines.” Psalm 104:10

Marriage Repair

Individual marriage mentoring is available when you are in need of support and encouragement for your relationship on a more personal level. Please contact Gina at with questions about our marriage groups.


TheRavines (219) 864-5063

A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit for information on all our groups, meeting places and times. Contact Rebekah at


? g n o l e B I o D e r e Wh which sounds more like your preference? depends Do you feel most comfortable around people who share your interests?

Lear Sha connecting by doing

Do you like having scheduled Plans?

I’m Open to it

Motherhood Journey



Do you want to meet new people?

depends on what we are doing

mostly with people who share my interests

i do!

could you benefit from being encouraged through your...

Do you like Hanging Out in mixed groups (Singles, Couples, Men, women)?

That’s My preference


Sharing with while doing a

others in my season of life

How do you find you grow closer with god?

For sure who are you looking to spend time with?

i’d like to be in community

Have you tied the knot?


They put a ring on it.

My spouse

Wanna meet with other married couples:

particula my Faith

Fro our


Momsnation Whether a mom to little ones or not-so-little, consider MomsNation to find friendship and inspiration to be the best mom you can be. MomsNation is dedicated to encouraging, equipping and empowering you in motherhood.

rning by aring

Special Interest



th others an activity

Studying His word with others

lary who attend th Campus

om any one of r campuses

For some of us, participating in an activity with others is the best way we can share life. Consider one of our special interest groups - 12.1 Run; Book Club; Card Connection; Faith Stitchers; Hockey; Photography & Video.

Small groups Being part of a small group can help you find people who can share life with you and come alongside when you need a little help on the way. We want to help you find the right place, the right fit for you. Maybe that’s a men’s group, a women’s group or a mixed group.

Marriage key to We believe being proactive is the why is h whic e, riag mar r you in success ple peo h wit nect we offer ways to con rela r you in ive thr you help who can ng You our ut abo e tionship. Learn mor ent ichm Enr e riag Mar and Couples groups -

God created us for community. Life can be wonderful and life can be hard. The wonderful times are better and the hard times more bearable when we walk together. Our desire is to help people find a place outside of weekend services to be real and to build deeper relationships with one another. Faith Church offers three different types of groups - Life, Challenge and Support - which, in their own ways, allow us to grow deeper in our walk with Christ while finding a community of friends. Life Groups are a great way to find community. Consider where your “path” led you on the left. Prayerfully consider where God may be leading you this fall. New friends are waiting for you. Challenge Groups are available if God is calling you to grow deeper in your walk with Him. Is now the time for a deeper dive into God’s plan for you? Consider a D3 Group, Bible Study or Journey group. Support Groups are here for you! We all go through seasons, whether short or painfully long, when we need help to overcome challenges and difficulties. It is helpful to be in community with other Christians facing similar circumstances. Consider one of our support groups which help with recovery issues, grief, marriage, mental health and life-altering illnesses. More information on all of these groups is available at We wonder - What would Faith Church look like if we were all connected? If you have any questions about Life, Challenge and Support Groups, please reach out at


FAITHful Servants Meet MIKE & LYNN BRINEY from Faith Beecher What ministry do you serve in? We both serve on the Mobile Food Pantry team. Can you each share a highlight from serving? Lynn: A highlight for me is getting to know the people we are serving. Mike: I enjoy the recently added prayer request forms and the prayer circle after the Mobile Pantry is done. Knowing the needs of the people we serve makes praying for them more personal. The Mobile Pantry allows us to meet other members of Faith Church, with whom we might not interact and otherwise get to know.

Meet THE RICH FAMILY from Faith Munster What ministry do you serve in? Our family currently serves in the following ministries: Michael - Technical Arts and Frontline Greeter; Selena - Frontline Greeter and Common Ground Ministry; Madison - Technical Arts, Student Leadership Team & Technical Arts; David - Worship Team & Student Leadership Team; Olivia Worship Team & Faith Students; and Sammy - Technical Arts.` What is a highlight from serving? As parents it has been such a blessing to see all of our kids valued and encouraged by our church to serve. As a consequence, all of our kids are not only willing to serve but so excited to do so! On a Sunday, when we see the stage lit up by one child, the slides progressing by another and being led into worship by our other two kids, we simply feel so blessed to see God’s hand in their lives and in our church. Grateful is the only way to sum up that feeling!

Meet AMY BOGENRIEF from Faith Dyer What ministry do you serve in? I have served in The Coffee Shop at Faith Dyer since 2005. How did you get involved in serving? We were new members of Faith Church and I wanted to get involved. I liked the idea of serving in the newly opened coffee shop because I thought that having a coffee house in a church sounded awesome. Having a dedicated space in our church where people could meet, and enjoy a good cup of brew and conversation was something I found interesting and appealing. I knew that entering a church for the first time can sometimes feel daunting, but I believe having our coffee shop allows for a welcoming hearth for everyone: visitors, believers, questioners, friends and members. I realize that our team might be the first people that a new visitor might interact with and I want them to feel welcome and comfortable.


Meet THE LAST FAMILY from Faith Highland What ministry do you serve in? We serve in the following ministries: Jerry - Faith Kids and Prayer Team; Diana - Faith Kids; Caleb - Faith Students and Prayer Team; and Hannah - Shout Out, Faith Kids and Faith Students. How did you get interested in serving? Jerry: I started in Faith Kids when my children were small. I learned that it was set-up to be extremely easy for a non-teacher type person like me to get engaged; it was a fun program and the kids are amazing. I started on the prayer team in Cedar Lake when I first became an elder at Faith. The prayer team was struggling to get members from our campus to be part of the team, so I joined to help and found that there has not been a single serving opportunity that has grown me more. I remember learning so much from people like Jack Imer and Bob Eenigenburg. To witness prayer warriors like them just open up and talk to God was great. Hannah: Watching my parents has always been an inspiration for me as they served so faithfully. Once I started doing it, I couldn’t imagine not doing it. Can you share a highlight from serving? Diana: I love serving with my family, so that is of course a highlight. The most amazing thing about serving is the pure joy in the children when they are worshipping. Caleb: A highlight for me has been when my students have asked me questions about joining the church.

Meet KEVIN HARRIS from Faith Cedar Lake What ministry do you serve in? I serve in Faith Kids and the Reflectors Ministry. How did you get interested in serving? I started serving in Treasureland (Faith Kids) at Faith Valparaiso about 12 years ago. They needed volunteers; I prayed on it and began serving. A friend of mine and I were assigned to a very special young man; we were Reflectors before the Ministry started. I jumped at the chance to serve in Reflectors when it was formed. Thank you, Lord, for nudging me to be of service!


BEECHER PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church Beecher! My name is Brian Dennert and I serve as the pastor here - something I consider a great joy and privilege because of the wonderful people who make up the church community and the exciting things God is doing in and through us. Our Beecher campus opened in 2012 and has sought to reach people in Beecher and the surrounding communities through worship services with biblical teaching that connects to everyday life, groups in which people experience community and belonging, and initiatives to serve and bless the local community in which God has placed us. On this page you will find some ways you can get connected to the Beecher campus through groups and serving opportunities. We would love for you to take the next step, so please reach out to the church office or by emailing PastorBrian@ if you have any questions or want to get more information. Looking forward to connecting with you and to all that God will do at Faith Beecher. Pastor Brian Dennert

WORSHIP 201 E Church Road Beecher, IL 60401 (708) 946-2545 Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9 AM - 2 PM FaithChurchBeecher

Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM In-Person & Facebook Live

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Visit the Connections Center for valuable resources and information. Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs?


Need more information about Faith Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the online connect portion of the weekend program & submit to Pastor Brian or visit the Connections Center.

Faith Kids Summer Serve

Come and experience Jesus through the eyes of a child this summer and see what Faith Kids is all about! For questions contact Mandy Price at

Faith Kids Summer Worship June 13-August 29 (Infant-5 Yrs) 9 AM service K- completed 4th Grade are invited to Faith Kids Summer Edition. We will be joining our families for worship prior to coming to Faith Kids during the 9 AM service. Check in before service begins, please.

Family Worship Sundays No Faith Kids June 6 - Outdoor Service at 11 AM July 4 - Independence Day September 5 - Labor Day | Outdoor Service at 11 AM

CONNECT WOMEN Women’s Bible/Book Study Morning Group Contact Beth at Evening Group Contact Barb at 3 2 1 Groups If interested in joining a group Contact Sharon at

Card Connection Will not meet for the summer months Contact Mary at (708) 624-4066


A community for moms with children aged birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: These groups will resume in the fall. Moms of Littles Contact Heidi at Bi-monthly group meetings Moms in the Middle Contact Lisa at Bi-monthly group meetings MEN Men’s Bible/Book Study Evening Group Contact Marty at for a current schedule. Men’s Bible Study Morning Group Contact Dave at for a current schedule. 3 2 1 Groups If interested in joining a group Contact Dave at ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Small Groups If you are interested in joining a small group, contact Bob at for more details.

CARE Mobile Food Pantry Faith Beecher parking lot June 22 | July 27 | August 4 4:30-6 PM Contact Mandy at to volunteer or if you would like a flyer to invite family, friends or others in need of grocery assistance. Open to any Illinois resident. See page 18 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Outdoor Services Join us for one combined worship service on June 6 and September 5 at 11 AM. There will not be a service at 9 AM. Garage Sale We will be participating in Beecher’s Community Garage Sale Days, June 17-19. Faith Kids Family Events June 12, July 31 & August 14 Saturdays, 9-11 AM Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

SERVE There are many ways to get involved at Faith Beecher. Contact the following ministry leaders for more information about serving on one of these teams. Coffee Ministry Contact the Beecher Office at Faith Kids (Infant-5th grade) Contact Mandy at or Rebecca at Faith Students (6th-12th grade) Contact Scott at Frontline Team Contact Larry Black at Medical Team Contact Beth at Mobile Food Pantry Contact the Beecher Office at Moms Nation Contact Rebekah at

Discover Faith (Class 1) Wednesday, September 22 6:30-8:30 PM

Prayer Team Contact Sharon at

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Wednesday, June 9 or October 6 6:30-8:30 PM

Security Team Contact John at

Membership & Baptism Celebration August 29 & November 21

Worship - Are you an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving? Contact Scott at

Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 18

Register at or pick up a paper registration form from the Connections area.


Deep Dive Will resume in the fall.

Faith Beecher Students Middle & High School Contact Scott at for a summer schedule.

Getting Married? Contact to begin your wedding journey.

Tech - To serve with sound, lights, media, cameras or set design, Contact Nick at


CEDAR LAKE PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church! You are among friends who are on the journey of life together. We are ordinary, average people who know that we are far from perfect. In fact, our imperfection unites us together in our need for transformation. We seek to be changed by Jesus, trusting that His grace is sufficient for us. So, whatever your story is, wherever you’ve come from, whatever your current circumstances, we welcome you to be a part of this community. It is my hope that you will encounter the power of God, the truth of His Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are so many ways to get connected at Faith Church and we would love to assist you in the process. There are groups that serve together, study the Bible together and live life together. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help in getting plugged in! We believe that spiritual growth happens in powerful ways when we are connected to the community of the church. When my family and I helped launch Faith Church-Cedar Lake in the fall of 2007, we didn’t know what to expect. The adventure has been life-giving and the body of Christ has been a tremendous blessing to us. I believe that you will experience that same blessing. I look forward to meeting you in person someday soon! May God bless you! Pastor Dave Weemhoff

WORSHIP 6729 W 133rd Ave Cedar Lake, IN 46303 (219) 374-6309 Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8 AM-4 PM Fri: 8 AM-2 PM FaithChurchCedarLake Service Times: Sunday, 9:30 & 11 AM In-Person & Facebook Live *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Summer Worship (Infant-PreK) Sunday, 9:30 AM Faith Kids K-5th grade We invite you to worship with your family at this time.


Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sunday, 9:30 AM | Kids 11 AM | Adults

CONNECT WOMEN Moms Prayer Group Wednesdays, 9:30 AM Contact Denise at Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: These groups will resume in the fall. Moms of Littles Contact Rachel at

Moms in the Middle Contact Kelly at MEN Bible Study Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Rob at Meets weekly Bible Study Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Contact Matt at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Small Groups New Small Groups are forming both in-person and online. If you are interested in being part of a small group, please contact Kristen Fennema at CLsmallgroups@ Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 18.

STUDENTS Faith Cedar Lake Students Middle School | High School Regular meetings will resume in the fall. Contact Colton at Stay connected with us & our activities via: FaithstudentsCL StudentsCL CARE Celebrate Recovery Mondays, 6:30 PM Contact Jim/Brenda at celebraterecovery@ CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Faith CL Care Team Looking for someone to walk alongside you during a difficult time? Our Care

Team is here for you! If you battle depression, have lost a loved one, struggle with marital issues, illness or any other difficult life circumstance, you do not need to walk that path alone! We have both a men’s and women’s team. Contact the Cedar Lake Office or our Care Team at Faith Family Market Mondays, 10 AM-Noon (closed the 5th Monday) Contact Beckie at Additional Market Needs: paper towels, toilet paper, detergent, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac ‘n cheese, sloppy joe mix Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 9:30 AM | Kids 11 AM | Adults Contact Becky at This ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to participants and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. See page 18 for additional care groups.

Discover Faith (Class 1) Tuesday, June 15 6:30-8:30 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Tuesday, June 29 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class Tuesday, June 8 6:30-7:30 PM Contact Karen at or register at This class is for parents who wish to have their child/ children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Membership & Baptism Celebrations August 29 & November 21

Frontline Team (includes greeters, welcome center, coffee service) Karla at Meal Ministry Heidi at Photography Team Karen at Praying Moms Ministry Denise at Prayer Team Denise at Technical Arts Caleb at Worship Team Caleb at

Getting Married? Contact weddings@ WeAreFaith. org to begin your wedding journey.

SERVE Contact the following ministry leaders for more information or if you’d like to serve on one of these teams! Card Ministry Jeri at


Faith Family Market Becky at

Prayer & Worship NIght Wednesday | 7 PM Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Faith Kids (infant-5th grade) Ronda at

Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

Faith Students (Middle School, High School) Colton at


DYER PASTOR’S NOTE I want to welcome you to Faith Church. I have the privilege of serving at the Faith Dyer campus. As you read about all that’s going on at Faith Church, it’s my hope and prayer that this church becomes home. We work very hard so that you will feel welcomed, accepted and an important part of our church family. We hope Faith Dyer is a safe place for you to grow and become more like Christ. We believe God has given you unique gifts and talents. We hope to help you use those gifts to serve others, bless our region and honor God. What’s so exciting about Faith are all the places people can serve and care for others while also growing to be more like Christ. Let us know how we can help you get more connected. Pastor Dave Nearpass



100 W 81st Avenue Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 864-0300


Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM-4 PM FaithChurchDyer Service Times: Saturday, 5 PM | Sunday, 9 & 11 AM In-Person & Facebook Live *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Summer Worship (Infant-PreK) Sunday, 9 & 11 AM Follow Faith Kids on FaithKidsWorship Faithkids_dyer Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sunday, 11 AM The Bookstore & Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.


Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 PM (Sep-May) Room 140 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family. Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Room 140/141 Contact Sharon at Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month to knit & crochet for those in need. Quilters Mondays, 8:30-3 PM | Rooms 142/143 Contact Barb at A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Bring your own UFO’s to work on along with your own machine and supplies. Meets the 2nd & 4th Mondays Prayer Group Mondays, 11 AM | Room 144 Contact Julie at Meets weekly

MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: These groups will resume in the fall. Moms of Littles (Morning Group) Contact Kristi or Sherry Moms of Littles (Afternoon Group) Contact Rebekah Moms of Littles (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Rebekah at Moms in the Middle (Morning Group) Thursdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Christina or Sita Moms in the Middle (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Cherilyn at

MEN Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Group & Fellowship Wednesdays, 8 AM | Room 146 Contact Philip at A Bible study to pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family and to have fellowship together. Meets weekly Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30 AM | The Garage (lower level) Contact Dante at Meets 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays

the Marriage Ministry Facebook page @faithmarriageministry. STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | The Garage Contact Ronnie at Meets weekly High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | Atrium Contact Justin at Meets weekly Stay connected with us & our activities via:

ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Small Groups If you would like information about small groups or D3 groups, please contact Linda at GroupsDyer@ Marriage Ministry Group Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage. Preparing for Marriage Class is offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Next classes are from Sep 15 through Oct 27. Information on the class and mentoring options can be found at We look forward to preparing you for marriage! Marriage Enrichment Groups will resume beginning Sep 15 on Wednesday evenings. Look for more information for times, curriculum and special events at Marriage Repair Individual marriage mentoring is available when you are in need of support and encouragement for your relationship on a more personal level. Visit For more information and resources, visit and

faithstudentsdyer CARE Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | The Garage Contact Bill at A place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Childcare for Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Ages infant-5 yrs Celebration Place Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Designed for kids Kindergarten-age 13 whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness & healing. Meets weekly Faith Family Market Sundays, 8:45 AM-12 PM | Room 128 Contact Ann at Provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. Please shop & receive care before the 11 AM service; you may stop in and pick up your groceries after the service. Open 2nd & 4th Sundays

Overcomers Mondays, 7 PM Contact Andy at For patients with life-altering illness & their caregivers. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Reflectors (Disability Ministry) Sundays, 11 AM-12 PM | Rooms 140-147 Contact Pam at There are multiple classrooms that function similar to special education classrooms but also promote inclusive activities. Volunteers are trained and have had background checks. Typical elements include modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, singing and other interactive activities. Children: ages 3-12 Gold Room | Room 140/141 Orange Room | Reflectors Room Lower Level Teen Rooms: ages 13-19 Green Room | Room 142/143 Adult Rooms: ages 20 and up Blue Room | Room 144/145 Red Room | Room 146/147 See page 18 for additional care groups HEALTH & WELLNESS 12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 7 AM Centennial Park in Munster on Calumet Avenue (by the band stand) (May-Nov) Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec-Mar) Contact Yvonne at Meets weekly


CLASSES & EVENTS Book Club Thursday, 6:30 PM Via Zoom, email the bookstore for the link. Contact Nancy at Meets the 4th Thursday of the month Jun 24 - Miriam’s Song by Jill Eileen Smith Jul 22 - The Water Keeper by Charles Martin Aug 26 - Present Danger by Elizabeth Goddard Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Thursday, Sep 16 | 6:30-9 PM

us to do and when we love others the way God loves us, we get closer to being who God intended us to be. Get connected serving at Building & Grounds Looking for willing volunteers to serve building and grounds needs throughout the year. Needs such as set up and take down of tables and chairs, light cleaning, electrical, plumbing and HVAC, etc. Contact Bryan at Landscape Maintenance Help is needed to keep the grounds at our Dyer campus looking beautiful. If you are willing to serve in this way Contact Bryan at

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Thursday, Sep 30 | 6:30-9 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class Sunday, June 6 & Oct 24 | 9 AM Room 147 This class is for parents who wish to have their child/children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Contact Pam at or register at Membership & Baptism Celebrations August 28/29 | November 20/21 Getting Married? Contact to begin your wedding journey.

SERVE God has created each one of us with unique gifts and talents. When we use those gifts to serve others, we become Participants in God’s plan to transform the world. Lives are changed-not just the lives of those we help but also our own. When we do what God designed



$5 off $25

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HIGHLAND PASTOR’S NOTE Thank you for checking out “The Paper” and all the Faith Highland information. We would be honored to have you join us for one of our services, to sign up for one of our special events, to find out more about a specific ministry, or to join a group to meet new people. We desire to be a church that loves God and loves all the people in our community! If there are other ways in which we can be of service to you, or if you have questions about Faith Highland, please let us know! Pastor Tim Huizenga



8910 Grace Street Highland, IN 46322 (219) 838-6231

STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) High School (9th-12th grade) Contact Abdiel at for our Summer Event Schedule.

Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 9 AM-2 PM FaithChurchHighland Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM In-Person & Facebook Live * Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Summer Worship (Infant-PreK) Sunday, 11 AM Contact Shawnna at Reflectors Worship service for people with special needs. Sunday, 11 AM Contact Amy at


*Any incoming 6th graders are welcome to participate in our summer events. FaithStudentsMH SMALL GROUPS At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we will develop deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. Below is a list of the kinds of groups we offer:

• 20-30’s Women • 20-30’s Men • Couples • Families • Grief Share • Journey-22 week intensive study

Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Lynea at MOMSNATION A community for moms with children aged birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: These groups will resume in the fall. Moms of Littles (Infant-Kindergarten) Tuesday Mornings Contact Amy or Jessica at Moms of Littles (Infant-Kindergarten) Tuesday Evenings Contact Shawnna or Deanne at Moms in the Middle Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Shannon at

For more information contact Pastor



Promise Keepers Fridays, 6 AM Round the Clock-Highland Contact Fred at fswalek@att.netMeets every other Friday

O’Quinn Small Group Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Marian at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Men’s Small Group Thursdays, 7 PM Contact Josh at Meets weekly MIXED SMALL GROUPS Highland Small Group Sundays, 5 PM | Room 104 Contact Rich at Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday Roots Sundays, 6 PM Sunday message discussion group Contact Ryan at Meets weekly CARE

OA-Overeaters Anonymous Fridays, 10-11 AM | Room 101 Contact Barb Russo at (219) 742-3397 Steps and Traditions study style Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Gary at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. See page 18 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

Celebrate Recovery Meets at Faith Munster (8411 Columbia Avenue) Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Jim at CR is based on the original 12 Steps of recovery and the Beatitudes and is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing.

Discover Faith (Class 1) Wednesday, Jun 30 | 6:30 PM

Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact Amy at Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. Meets Oct-May

Getting Married? Contact to begin your wedding journey.

Grief Share (14-week support group) Tuesdays, 2 PM or Thursdays, 7 PM Contact Rich at Help and encouragement after the death of a family member or friend. Meets weekly

Habitat for Humanity Local building opportunities Contact Kim at

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029 An open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Wednesday, Jul 14 | 6:30 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations August 29 & November 21 Register online at or contact our Highland office for more information.

SERVE AT FAITH HIGHLAND Reflectors Worship Service for people with special needs Contact Amy at aboshears@WeAreFaith. org Faith Kids Contact Shawnna at Faith Students Contact Abdiel at Hospitality Contact Tim at Medical Contact Sherri at Security Contact Roger at Tech Arts Contact Trent at Worship Team Contact Andy at


Kids Hope Southridge Elementary School Contact Kim at Grace Beyond Borders Contact Kim at NWI Food Bank Contact The Women’s Center of NWI Contact Heather at


MUNSTER PASTOR’S NOTE My name is Charlie Contreras and I am the campus pastor at Faith Munster. My wife, Anne, and I have been at Faith Church for over 15 years. We have two children, Gabriel (16) and Gracie (14). Anne works for Faith Church as the Faith Kids 3-5 year old Director and Munster Faith Kids Director. It is a joy to be a part of a church where we see God transforming lives with the love of Jesus. We are excited to see people growing in their faith and reaching out to serve in the church and their community. We love that God empowers us to go out and love people in our diverse world, to share the love of Christ with them and help them connect in His church. We are looking forward to an awesome year of growth, both spiritually and with new people coming alive in Christ! Pastor Charlie Contreras



8411 Columbia Ave Munster, IN 46321 (219) 838-3929

God never intended for us to do life on our own. At Faith Munster, we have a number of ministries to get involved in. For more information on connecting at Faith Munster, please email Linda Kruszynski at

Office Hours: Tue-Thu: 9 AM-12 PM, 1-4 PM Fri: 9 AM-1 PM FaithChurchMunster Service Time: Sundays 9 & 11 AM In-Person & Facebook Live *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Summer Worship (Infant-PreK) June 6 - August 29 Nursery (Birth) - Preschool (5 years) @ 11 AM May 30 - September 5 K- 5th Grade will join us for worship in big church Family Worship Sundays No Faith Kids Independence Day - July 4 Labor Day - Sep 5


WOMEN Ladies DIY Classes No Classes offered this summer. For class information, contact Jill at MEN Men’s Group Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Bob at Meets weekly ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Small Groups If you would like information about D3 groups or small groups, please contact Charles at GroupsMunster@ Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 18

STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Mondays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland Follow our Social Media accounts to keep up to date with everything we are doing for Faith Students, including fun events, any change of meeting times and holiday breaks. FaithStudentsMH Contact: Abdiel at CARE Celebrate Recovery Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Charles & Breanne at Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes, the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to adults, 18 yrs and older as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hangups and habits. Meets weekly. No chilcare provided.

Fresh Hope Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit Meets weekly Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Bob at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. See page 18 for additional care groups or contact Pastor Rich at

Faith Kids Summer Serve Opportunity Who? Anyone ages 6th grade and beyond When? You pick the Summer Weekend Service Where? Faith Kids Nursery (infant) Preschool Classrooms (5 years) How? Sign Up to serve is located in the Lobby or email Anne at Technical Arts Team Do you like serving behind the scenes? Maybe you’d be interested in serving on our Technical Arts Team? For more information, contact Melissa Bultema at Worship Team & Choir We would love to add to our worship team and choir. Contact Jen at

CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, July 11 & Oct 3 | 3-5 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, July 25 & Oct 17 | 3-5 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations August 29 & November 21 Contact Bonnie at or register at Getting Married? Contact to begin your wedding journey.

SERVE God has given to each one our own unique set of strengths, talents, and passions. There are many different ways to serve and contribute to the building of Christ’s kingdom. We would love to help you find your place to serve, see opportunities below. For more information on sering at Faith Munster, please contact Linda at FCmunstervolunteer@WeAreFaith. org.



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