Fastener + Fixing Magazine #55

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General Metal Finishing

Corrosion Protection The Perfect Coating for any kind of Fastener

As a technology partner Atotech provides the perfect corrosion protection coating for any kind of fastener


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Atotech Headquarters P.O. Box 21 07 80 · 10507 Berlin · Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 30-349 85-0 · Fax +49 (0) 30-349 85-777

CONTENTS NEWS Europe and World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-22 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-28 Russia & CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-32 EVENTS CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


BAU Report Chemical Anchors


COVER STORY A new year of innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 EXHIBITIONS Fastener Fair Stuttgart Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Ferroforma Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 FASTTEC Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 BLECH Russia Preview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 STAFDA Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 BAU Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 London DIY Show Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-108 INSIGHT Star shines bright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 “The best of two worlds” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51 PROFILING INDIA Profiling India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Right Tight Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Lakshmi Precision Screws Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Deepak Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Micron Precision Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Mohindra Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Ashish International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Kundan Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 IFTC-Indofix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 GDPA Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Kapurthala industrial Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS Resin bonded anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66 Chemical Anchors Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-72 Resin delivery systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-76 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-82 MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-86 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Investment in the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-94 New Atotech European TechCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-100


FOCUS ON Decking, wood & collated screws . . . . . . . . . 102-104 TOOLS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-114

Profiling India

CATALOGUE RACK Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-118 PRODUCTS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-138 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISERS INDEX . . . . . . . . . . 138


A new year of innovation


Light at the end of one tunnel?

Fastener & Fixing Magazine 18 Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 OJJ, UK

Firstly, may I wish you a healthy, happy and hopefully, in spite of the economic climate, still prosperous 2009. It is hard not to feel one is Tel: 0044 (0) 1727 739 150 swimming against an unrelenting torrent of Fax: 0044 (0) 1727 831 033 bad news right now. No one in the world of By Phil Matten fasteners, it seems, will be immune from Publisher apparent stupidity of the world banking Jeremy Ramsdale industry. I recently received a mailer from one of the UK banking groups that now appears to have plunged further into the depths of imprudence and poor stewardship, advising on how to manage my finances in the Editor current economic climate. Talk about it being wiser for the pot to desist Phil Matten from calling the kettle black. So, far too early to talk about light at the end of the economic tunnel, although - and maybe the banking fraternity ought to have remembered this in Assistant Editor the ebullience of the ‘good times’ – the cycle will surely turn again. Nor is an Will Lowry economic downturn bereft of opportunities for those with vision, skill and not a little courage, of which a little more later. The light at the end of the tunnel I had in mind was the definitive decision on Advertising Director an anti-dumping case that feels like it has been lumbering along its regulation Jamie Mitchell defined tracks for an eternity. In fact, from the date the investigation was announced it is approaching fifteen months – and more than two years since we first had an inkling that a complaint would be lodged. It is the eternal frustration Senior Advertising of all journalists that events do not occur conveniently to a deadline. As you Executive read this, the EU’s final decision will almost certainly have been made, too late, Harry Whyte though, for us to cover it in this issue. Whether the light is red or green depends on your position on the issue. Whatever the outcome there will be both deep disappointment and equally Advertising Executive strong satisfaction. Most important, surely, will be that a decision is finally made Claire Lake – and our industry will know were it stands and can start making business decisions with, at least, a little more certainty. For our part we will continue to update the News section at Production Manager, so if you do not yet know the outcome or want more Gemma Edwards detail I would recommend visiting our website. Returning to opportunities, one event on which we were able to report in this Fastener & Fixing Magazine issue was the London ‘Totally’ DIY, Tools and Security shows, which we visited is a dedicated, trade-only yesterday. According to one paper I read on the train, Monday 19th January publication which is 2009 was the most depressing day in history. As well as being an assertion I circulated freely throughout would strongly challenge in the wider sense it was good to see that it was not the European trade. true of the exhibitors at the London event. Yes, the total number of companies Disclaimer was significantly down on last year – Will Lowry’s detailed report later in the The Publisher cannot be held magazine will tell you more. However, it was evident that organisers Brintex responsible or, in any way, liable for errors had thrown impressive levels of resource and energy into achieving a good or omissions, during input or printing of any material supplied or contained herein experience for their visitors and those exhibitors that, probably with heart somewhat in mouth, committed to one of the first trade events in this allegedly although the utmost care is taken to ensure that information contained is doom-laden year. accurate and up to date. The Publisher Did it work? Certainly the exhibitors to whom I spoke were generally more also cannot be held liable for any claims upbeat about this year’s show than the 2008 edition and a number expressed made by advertisers or in contributions from individuals or companies submitted real satisfaction with their results by the second day. Maybe, that reflected for inclusion within this publication. lower expectations and some relief that visitors, whose numbers were up on The opinions expressed are not 2008 for the opening Sunday, had brought opportunities and new prospects. necessarily those of the Actually, I would like to think that fortune continues to favour the brave - if not Editor or Fastener Fairs Limited. the reckless, thinking about our banking friends again. It is certainly how we Copyright believe it should be. We remain undeterred from getting out there and Entire contents copyright exploring different markets around the world, as you will see in this issue. © Fastener Fairs Limited I hope Brintex will have felt, at the end of the show, that it was right to throw No part of this publication may so much behind this year’s event and demonstrate commitment to the be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form longer-term development of their brands – and that the exhibitors and visitors or by any means without the prior that supported the event are rewarded. permission of the publisher. I also hope your business will demonstrate its strengths as 2009 progresses and come through this period stronger and more resilient. It is, surely, only in Annual subscription (6 issues) to non-trade and outside EU is battle that one really tests the temper of the sword. £80/€120/$160


Anti-dumping proposal published On 6 January the European Commission Directorate for Trade Defence published its ‘Proposal for a Council Regulation’ imposing a definitive anti-dumping on imports of certain iron and steel fasteners originating in the People’s Republic of China. Ministerial consideration of the proposal was scheduled for 26 January so the probability is that, by the time you read this, a final decision in the AD525 fastener case will have been published so we recommend checking at News for the latest information. Whatever the outcome of the case the proposal document is worth studying. It is similar to the proposal on which trade representatives of the members states voted on 3 December, with an 15 to 12 majority in favour of the Commission’s recommendation. The document provides a detailed insight into the investigation, the counterarguments and the Commission’s analysis and decisions. Products covered Tariffs are proposed across all ten of the CN codes cited in the original complaint accepted for investigation in November 2007. The codes and typical product types included are shown in Table 1(below). Table one CN Codes and general description for fasteners of iron or steel other than stainless steel included in the proposal for definitive antidumping duties CN Code 7318 12 90 7318 14 91 7318 14 99 7318 15 59 7318 15 69 7318 15 81 7318 15 89 7318 15 90 7318 21 00 7318 22 00

Description Woodscrews other than coachscrews Spaced thread screws Self tapping screws Slot and cross recessed screws (with or without nuts or washers) Hexagon socket head screws Hexagon screws and bolts <800MPa Hexagon screws and bolts = or > 800MPa Screws and bolts with heads other than hexagonal Spring and lock washers Other washers Important: These descriptions are not exhaustive and must not be considered as definitive. It is essential to check under which CN code products have previously been imported. If necessary advice should be taken from Customs

Proposed anti-dumping duty levels The anti-dumping duty proposed for companies that did not cooperate with the investigation or were accorded individual treatment, is 87.3%. Imports from approximately 100 Chinese factories, which did cooperate, have a 78% duty proposed. Specific duty levels are also proposed for nine companies accorded ‘individual treatment’. These include subsidiaries of two European producers for which a 0% tariff is proposed. One Hong Kong registered company has a proposed 26.5% tariff. For the remaining Chinese factories accorded IT duties range between 63.1% and 81.5%. Key issues The proposal reveals the complexity of the investigation and the depths to which Commission investigators delved to arrive at the recommendations. Some pivotal decisions are highlighted here. No differentiation between fastener types The proposal clearly notes: “Based on their basic physical and technical characteristics and end uses, all fasteners are considered to constitute a single product for the purpose of the proceeding.” This ruling is significant. Opponents argued that products destined for the DIY market should be excluded on the grounds they were not substitutable from European manufacturing sources. Arguments were also presented that there were different physical and technical characteristics for fasteners imported from China that meant they were destined for lower end applications and not appropriate for high end use. The Commission proposal dedicates seventeen paragraphs to refuting these and related counterarguments concluding: “the fasteners produced and sold by the Community industry in the Community, fasteners produced and sold on the domestic market in the PRC and those produced and sold on the domestic market in India, which served as an analogue country, and fasteners produced in the PRC and sold to the Community are alike within the meaning of Article 1(4) of the basic Regulation.” Cost of steel wire rod The difference in the cost of wire rod between China and the rest of the world was identified as a major factor. After consideration of market economy applications the Commission says: “it is undisputable that prices of steel wire rod on the Chinese domestic market are significantly below prices on other markets” adding, “it is



!!! considered that there is no justification for the abnormally low prices of steel wire rod, which do not substantially reflect market values. This conclusion applies equally to the sector as a whole as well as individually to all of the investigated sampled companies”. Choice of comparative country Since China is not recognised as a market economy EU regulations require that export prices are compared with a ‘normal value’, derived from domestic sales prices in an ‘analogue’ market economy, in order to determine the level of dumping. This is a critical aspect of the calculation leading to the proposed anti-dumping duty levels. The complainants proposed India, a choice against which there was robust objection from European distributor associations. In recognition of these concerns the Commission affirms that it “actively sought the cooperation from known producers of fasteners worldwide, including in Taiwan”. However, it says, none were prepared to do so. Only two Indian companies volunteered to cooperate, and only one provided sufficient information to be used for the calculations. Reliance on data from a single Indian company has generated considerable criticism of the anti-dumping procedure, understood to also have been voiced strongly when trade ministry officials met to vote on the Commission’s proposal. Standing of complainants Last year there was considerable speculation that the output of the complainants might not total the 25% of community production required by the anti-dumping regulation, something that could have resulted in the termination of the investigation. The Commission is explicit that the “production of Community producers that supported the complaint and fully cooperated in the investigation represents 27% of the production of the product concerned in the Community.” The document also confirms that some EU manufacturers imported fasteners from China. The Commission found these were ‘significantly lower levels’ than alleged and determined that “the centre of interest of these companies was undoubtedly in the Community, and that despite their imports from the PRC they should all be considered as part of the Community production.” Market share and injury Concluding its report on injury, the document affirms: “Between 2003 and the IP (the Investigation Period 01.10.2006-30.09.2007) the volume of dumped imports from the PRC increased by almost 180% reaching a 26% market share.” It continues, “The sales prices of the Community industry were substantially undercut by those of the dumped imports of the product concerned. On a weighted average price undercutting was over 40%.” The document concludes that Community producers lost over 6.8 percentage points of market share in the period from 2004 to end September 2007 and that this coincided with a “significant increase in the volume of dumped imports.” It also notes that PRC prices remained “relatively stable and low” whereas Community producer prices followed the upward trend of raw material costs. EU producers were constrained from passing on price increases by the levels of dumped product. The net effect, the Commission says was “a lack of sufficient levels of profitability, and low return on investment and cash flow”. In response to claims that insufficient EU capacity exists to take up demand following the application of duties, the Commission says, “Community producers are currently using about one-half of their production capacity, and are technically capable of producing all kinds of fasteners if justified by market conditions.” For the distribution associations this assertion remains highly contentious, even in today’s depressed market. The Commission also appears to have taken into account the potential for future serious injury, were anti-dumping measures not to be applied. It notes: “The Community industry has already lost most of its market share to imports in some market segments, but it could also lose the market in its current strong products, if the present trends continue.” Effect on different market segments The potential for future injury is reiterated, when the document addresses the interest of the community industry and also states “The imposition of measures is expected to prevent further distortions and restore fair competition on the market.” Improvement in the financial situation of the Community industry is expected “to allow it to continue investments in technology and modernise its production facilities, thus guaranteeing the Community industry’s survival.” The Commission argues that importers buy only a proportion of their fasteners from China, sourcing also from the Community industry and producers elsewhere in the world. It says, “Therefore, eventual measures which would only be applied to a limited portion of the product range would have an even more limited impact since the provision of logistic services is generating new costs and revenues. Hence, should measures be imposed, Community importers could still offer the same level of services to their customers given the significant and diversified production capacities available in the Community with no significant impact on the Community importers' profitability.” In relation to the interests of users and consumers the Commission argues that “in most of the cases, fasteners only constitute a small part of the total production cost and the anti-dumping duties would not have a major impact on the costs and the competitive situation of those industries”. Commenting on “competition and trade distorting effects” the Commission believes that “competition will most likely remain strong after the imposition of anti-dumping measures” and it considers that “exporting producers in the PRC will be able to continue to sell the product concerned, albeit at non-injurious prices, as they have a strong market position in the Community.”


China announces AD investigation against EU fasteners On 29 December the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced it had initiated an anti-dumping investigation relating to fasteners from the European Union. The decision is in response to a petition lodged by the Chinese Fastener Industry Association (CFIA) on 1 December 2008. The announcement says that the Ministry “examined and approved evidences listed in the petition such as dumping, injury, and causal link between the two”. It goes on to say that preliminary evidence indicates the complaint fulfils other requirements of the Chinese anti-dumping regulation. The dumping investigation will cover the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. Investigation of injury will be from 1 January 2005 to 30 September 2008. The range of products included in the investigation is extensive, falling within tariff codes 73181200, 73181400, 73181500, 73182100 and 73182200 – which means most types of carbon steel threaded fasteners, except nuts, but including washers. The investigation is scheduled to end before 29 December 2009 but may be prolonged to 29 June 2010. According to the CFIA imports from the EU were around 140 million euros in 2007.

The new location of Technox Technox reached 16 years of succesful growth in 2008 and to celebrate it opened new headquarters and operating site. The company relocated to Słupno, about 10km's from Warsaw, Poland. Total capacity is more than 5,300sqm with available capacity more than 4,900sqm and manufacturing capabilities 3,800sqm. The new location allows Technox to bring together its manufacturing and packaging lines and to make production more efficient. “We have also doubled the warehouse space, as well as new offices. The new headquarters will definitely help us to coordinate our departments better and to meet the expectations of our customers. Everyone in Technox believes that the brand new building will give an opportunity to expand and increase production volumes.” “We are very happy and pleased that we have finally made our move and relocated the company and we look forward to the future.”

EFDA announces conference speaker The European Fastener Distributors Association holds its third international conference 14-15 May, in Stresa, Italy. The two-day event, which takes as its theme “Market activities under rapidly changing parameters”, is open to members of the national associations that comprise EFDA: the FDS in Germany, PRISME in France, BAFD in UK, ADISFI in Spain and UDIB in Italy. Presentations from industry associations in Asia and the US are planned in addition to Europe-focused business. EFDA has announced that one of its keynote speakers will be Dr Bärbel Schambach, head of the technical group at Din e.V. responsible for fastener standards. Her doctorate is in engineering and Dr Schambach is author of a number of technical publications relating to fastening technologies. EFDA secretary, Bernd Stapf, says that the conference will also be looking to provide members with an authoritative insight to the economic climate facing the fastener industry in the coming year.

Jergens acquires Bock Workholding Jergens, Inc., a manufacturer of standard tooling components, vices, and other workholding equipment, has announced that it has acquired Bock Workholding Inc. Bock, with US headquarters in Ford City, Pa., and sales partners in Europe, Asia, and Australia, is a manufacturer and distributor of work holding solutions designed to improve the productivity of vertical and horizontal machining centres and flexible manufacturing cells. “Bock’s and Jergens’ combined product lines are a perfect fit,” says Sean Stapulionis, Jergens’ general manager, tooling and components division. “Adding the Bock people and products demonstrates Jergens’ commitment to innovative work holding solutions—it is a wonderful opportunity to broaden our offerings in vices and quick-change fixings. Our customers will still have access to the Bock team and to the reliable products they know.”

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Chemique acquires Protak Chemique Adhesives and Sealants Limited has announced that it has purchased, outright, Protak (GB) Limited - suppliers of adhesives into the furniture and woodworking industry. Protak will be incorporated into Chemique as an additional product division which will sit alongside its other brands: Solfre, Polyped, Aquabond and Axil. The acquisition will give scope to Chemique to offer a full industrial adhesive package into both its existing and new market sectors. “This is a very positive time for us, the Protak purchase will expand our product portfolio to now include hot melt and membrane press adhesives. We are extremely focused on giving our customers the full industrial adhesive package”, commented, Mick McMullen, managing director.

William Hughes announces takeover William Hughes Ltd, a manufacturer of springs and bent wire components, has announced the takeover of spring and wireform business, Baumann Springs and Pressings (UK) Ltd. The machinery and production of the Baumann range has been transferred to William Hughes’ manufacturing facilities in Stalbridge, Dorset, UK and Bulgaria. Baumann is based nearby Sherborne, Dorset and its product range is very similar to that manufactured by William Hughes which comprises a broad range of compression, tension and torsion springs, wire forming – including simple and complex 2D and 3D wire forms, printed circuit test points and terminals, and specialist wire sales. “We are delighted to announce this significant expansion to our manufacturing facilities and scope of supply,” said Emma Burgon, head of engineering at William Hughes. “The acquisition provides many benefits for existing customers of William Hughes,” explained managing director, Max Hughes, “this includes a sizeable increase in our spring making capacity and range. We will also be able to offer a number of new processes and finishes including shot peening, and the Delta® Tone and Delta® Seal coating processes. We can also offer an electrophoretic paint process which provides a black, gloss finish which is popular in the automotive industry.”

MIDEST attracts more visitors The 38th MIDEST show, which happened on 4th – 7th November 2008, saw an increase of 20% in visitor numbers when compared to 2007. 37,640 professionals paid a visit to the 2008 show which is 6,000 more then in 2007. However, it is still below the 45,000 visitors that visited the show in 2006. For the third year in a row the percentage of foreign visitors remained at 14%, with the foreign visitors coming from 54 countries.

RotaBolt in Malaysia RotaBolt has opened a registered office in Malaysia. The company already has clients in oil, gas and in crane manufacture in Malaysia, and it says the new office will drive forward the existing business as well as providing full technical support in the region. “It will help us to raise awareness of the benefits of tension control technology across other sectors in South East Asia.” RotaBolt began supplying its tension control fasteners to a leading oil and gas multi-national in Malaysia over seven years ago. RotaBolt’s “man on the ground” in Malaysia is mechanical engineer Tak Joon Chong. Tak had worked previously for a company supplying speciality power transmission equipment and as RotaBolt’s technical representative; he will liaise with Teknologam based in Kedah, who have been appointed as distributors of RotaBolt® fasteners. “Business in Malaysia has been steadily building over the last seven years,” commented Rod Corbett from RotaBolt, “there is a growing awareness of our expertise in being able to assure bolted joint integrity and we are now well positioned to take advantage of our successes there. We see Malaysia as a real springboard for us in South East Asia, and our Malay office is a sound strategic move for us.”

New owner for Electra After 32 years, owner and managing director of Electra Engineering Services Ltd, Peter Shelton, is retiring and has sold his 100% shareholding in the UK West Midlands fastener distribution company. ''I shall very much miss the day to day trading and all of the contacts I have made over the years,” said Peter. “The staff at Electra have been outstanding and their support invaluable'.' The new managing director and owner, Steve Price, formerly managing director of Bralo (UK) said, “The strong and diverse customer base and 'niche' product range of both Electra and associate company Security Fasteners and Fixings (UK), together with the high product knowledge, will stand the company in good stead to face the challenges of the future.'

New ownership for Lindapter Lindapter managing director Sabine Reimann has confirmed that the Bradford, UK, headquartered connections systems manufacturer is now under new ownership. Effective 19 December the ownership changed from the Tyco Group to a private equity investor. Sabine Reimann said, “We all welcome these latest developments” and went on to confirm that “we will continue our business without any change except in the name of the legal entity.” This is now Lidget LLP trading as Lindapter International.


Philidas invests Since the acquisition of Philidas Ltd in August 2008, managing director Steve McHugh has announced details of continued investment in the company. “We have employed three new employees on full apprenticeship programs to develop new talent in the company. They will be trained in all departments of the business before choosing their preferred career path at the end of their apprenticeship.” He continued, “This is exciting news for the company and shows that even in difficult times British Manufacturing companies can still invest in new engineering and manufacturing talent.” Philidas has also placed an order worth in excess of £100,000 for a new crack detection machine to further enhance its quality control standards and capabilities. “We intend to show to our customers that the company can and will invest to maintain and improve on our high and exacting standards” said Steve. “Since acquiring the business we have focused on improving our manufacturing efficiency and capabilities,” adds Steve. “This was after listening to the needs of our customers and the changing economic climate.” The company has also announced the appointment of Clark Hodges as sales director of the company. “Clark has many years experience in our market sector,” commented Steve, “and we are pleased to welcome him to the senior management team.”

Hampton Plating enters administration One of the UK’s best known fastener electroplaters entered administration on 27 November. Hampton Plating was incorporated in 1949 although its history as a non-limited business stretched back to 1927. Over the last ten years the company had invested in automation and tripled sales to over £3million. The company is understood to have sought assistance from financial advisers during the summer of 2008. It lost several major customers and the downturn in the automotive sector, on which the company was reliant, resulted in a dramatic fall in revenue. Hampton is understood to have sought but not been able to agree further financial support, at which stage administrator SFP was called in by Close Invoice Finance. SFP decided continued trading was not an option and by mid December indicated to creditors that the sale of Hampton Plating as a business was unlikely.

MEP visits metal formers to discuss credit crunch Confederation of British Metalforming hosted a roundtable discussion, which included delegates from the UK manufacturing group EAMA and the West Midlands MEP, Malcolm Harbour, at the National Metalforming centre in West Bromwich, UK. The MEP’s extensive automotive background meant he could empathise with his audience and their current dilemma of shrinking order books and increasing costs. The speed of the collapse in confidence and consequent slashing of production schedules by the automakers had stunned everyone involved in the sector. The reduction in credit limits on General Motors by HSBC, after several health warnings in the press, had caused particular concern throughout the supply chain with many GM suppliers needing to ‘re-bank’ to secure future finance. Several initiatives to stimulate the economy were discussed including removing the older commercial vehicles from the roads by tighter restrictions and forcing hauliers to purchase the later models. Not all sectors were suffering however, aerospace and oil and gas industries were still reported to be on stream. “Malcolm Harbour agreed to report all our concerns and suggestions back to not only his European colleagues, but also the Shadow Cabinet in London, on leaving he commented that he had enjoyed meeting the group and looked forward to a joining us again in 2009.”

CAF offers 'British Made' standard bolts The UK’s largest fastener maker, Caparo Atlas Fastenings, has announced it is re-entering the standard fasteners market by manufacturing a range of DIN 931 and DIN 933 products from M6 to M20 diameter. Sales director Andrew Nuttall explains, “We are currently taking orders for bulk quantities in a variety of finishes on a lead time of six weeks.” Minimum manufacturing batches apply for each size – ranging from 100,000 pieces for M6 diameters to 10,000 pieces for M20 diameters. “However we are prepared to agree scheduled supply over a three month period,” adds Andrew Nuttall.

Heinz Storch golf day 2009 Following the outstanding success of last year’s inaugural charity golf day in memory of Heinz Storch, Fastbolt has confirmed the 2009 event will take place on Heinz’ birthday – Friday 5 June. As before the venue will be the delightful Mentmore Golf & Country Club, in Bedfordshire. Fastbolt UK managing director, Graham Joyce tells us that the entry fee will be £75, with £30 going direct to Willen Hospice. Last year the event raised over £6,000, from player’s fees, sponsorship, a raffle and auction of gifts, for the Milton Keynes charity supported by Heinz and Fastbolt staff for many years. Fastbolt is sending out invitations in January. “Unfortunately we will have to limit the numbers,” says Graham, “simply because of space availability at Mentmore and getting all the players back in time for the evening dinner.” Graham can be contacted on +44 1908 650105 or email

classic • system • automotive

The well-tried concept of the “Big Bolts” and the “Long Thins”. A stock programme of screws with hexagon socket and hexagon insert according to DIN/ISO for special niches and ranges.

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Jim Fleming appointed to chairman of PFA Strong support pledge from new PFA Chairman Jim Fleming, managing director of Poppers Senco UK Ltd, was appointed as chairman of the Power Fastenings Association (PFA) at its recent annual general meeting. The PFA represents the leading UK suppliers of pneumatically powered nailing and stapling equipment; collated fasteners and the fastening systems used widely in the woodworking and

construction industries. Mr Fleming was quick to assure PFA members of the Association’s determination to ensure that the proposed new prEN 14592 fastener standard, at present being drafted by mainly European based organisations, would provide a fair and workable standard for UK suppliers and customers. To this end, the PFA has already submitted objective proposals to the CEN Technical Standards Committee. Similarly, the PFA is closely

Reversing the trend Brighton Best has added three new employees to its telesales team as well as appointing a new senior manager to its warehouse. Sam Gillard, Steve Hill and Matt Carre have been added to the telesales team and all have experience of working in the fastener industry. Sam Gallard has 14 years fastener experience, having worked for Black Country Fasteners and is looking forward to continuing to work within the industry. Steve Hill was the first of the new appointments and has been working on the sales desk for the last few months. Matt Carre joined Brighton best in 2006 as a trainee. He started in the warehouse before moving into a leading role in the logistics department. He has finally made the transition to sales and is said to be looking forward to the challenge. As well as the additions to telesales, Brighton Best has also appointed Steve Frost as a new warehouse manager. Steve has been in warehouse management for 15 years and is a fully qualified warehouse professional with a wealth of experience. “Since February last year we have doubled the warehouse work force and have added a second warehouse, doubling our square footage. Steve has been bought in for his expertise and to help handle the expansion.”

monitoring proposed revisions to EN 792-13 and other Health & Safety related issues for the benefit of its members, together with the industries and markets they serve. For further information on the role and activities of the PFA, visit: Mr Fleming took over from retiring chairman, David Black, managing director of Young Black Industrial Stapling Ltd. Kevin Stephen of Spotnails Ltd was appointed vice chairman.

Arnold Laver opens new £4m Sheffield site Arnold Laver Timber World has officially opened a brand new depot in Sheffield, UK, following a £4million redevelopment. Arnold Laver has relocated just around the corner from its Chesterfield Road site in the city to bigger and better premises on Little London Road. Arnold Laver chairman David Laver unveiled a plaque at the new site to mark the opening, continuing the company’s improvements to its Sheffield facilities. A £2,500 cheque presentation to Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity was also made at the opening, with senior fundraiser Simon Athey and Theo the Bear collecting the cheque on behalf of the charity. Barry Boulby, general manager at Arnold Laver’s Little London Road site, said: “The official opening marks the start of an exciting time for the company and follows a major redevelopment by the organisation, highlighting its commitment to industry in South Yorkshire. The site has undergone a £4million transformation, changing it from an old warehouse into a modern site, which includes an extensive kitchen and bathroom showroom. It will enable Arnold Laver to offer more products to both members of the public and trade, while providing opportunities for further growth.” Last year Arnold Laver opened a brand new headquarters on Bramall Lane following a multi-million redevelopment and in 2002 launched a 16-acre flagship national distribution facility in Mosborough.

Prelok looks to experience Prelok has announced the addition of Phil Haines to the company as European applications manager. Phil started working in the coating industry almost 40 years ago as a process chemist with GKN Ionic plating. Following a period as works chemist for Thomas Gameson & sons he joined the Electrolytic Plating Company as works manager in 1982. In 1986 he was elected a member of the institute of metal finishing. For the past 20 years he has been with Inlex Locking and Anochrome Technologies as technical sales engineer. Phil joined Prelok in November and is specialising in applications and product development of fastener thread locking and sealing systems for automotive, electronics, aerospace and related industries.

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By John Wolz

North American fasteners stocks fall 42%

Fastener problems delay 787 again

Amid an abysmal year, the FIN Fastener Stock Index lost 42% in value during 2008 as most North American public companies with fastener holdings saw their stock values plunge. The FINdex decline occurred amid a 37% slump in value for a composite index of related industrial stocks for the year, including a nearly 800 point drop in the Dow on September 29, 2008. 2008 shaped up to be the "worst (year) since the Great Depression, wiping out US$6.9 trillion in stock market wealth," the Associated Press reports. On average, publicly traded fastener companies lost more than 40% of their share value during 2008, including an average 25% drop in stock prices during the final quarter. One in three fastener companies tracked by saw their stock prices decline by more than 50% in 2008. B/E Aerospace recorded the largest percentage decline during the year, with its stock dropping 85% to US$7.69. Other public fasteners companies weren't far off that mark, as Park Ohio shares fell 75%, Carpenter Technologies stock slipped 72% and Alcoa shares plunged 69%. Simpson Manufacturing was the only public fastener company whose shares grew in value during the year, gaining 4% on its stock price. The year included a tumultuous fourth quarter, during which the FINdex dropped 23%, compared to a 21% decline by a composite index of related industrial stocks. Half of the companies tracked by FIN lost 25% or more in share value during Q4. Park-Ohio recorded the largest percentage of decline during the period, dropping 65% to US$6.17 at the close of the final day of trading for 2008. Other companies with Q4 losses approaching 40% or more included B/E Aerospace (51%), Alcoa (50%), Anixter (49%), Chicago Rivet (39%) and Paulin (36%). Only three public fastener companies saw stock price gains during Q4: steelmaker Nucor's shares grew 17%, while Dorman Products gained 5% and Simpson Manufacturing added 2%. Both the FINdex and a composite index of related industrial stocks dropped an identical 9.9% during Q3. The American market was far from the worst hit in 2008, according to AP. Stocks have fallen 55% to 72% in Brazil, Russia, India and China, while stocks in developed European and Asian markets also fell sharply and commodities like oil and copper crashed.

Boeing confirmed the widely-anticipated six-month delay to its 787 Dreamliner, brought on by improper fastener installation, along with an eight-week production halt related to the machinists' strike. The latest fastener problem has been traced to an engineering error made at the company’s facility in Everett, WA. The bolts in question were used inside the fuselage to fasten titanium structure to carbon-fiberreinforced plastic composite. Boeing’s instructions for fastening titanium to composite bewildered mechanics, prompting them to cut too shallowly the tops of the holes they were drilling. The first Dreamliner is now scheduled to fly sometime during the second quarter of 2009. Boeing said it will stick to its aggressive nine-month flight test schedule to achieve delivery by 2010. The fourth major 787 delay was greeted sceptically by investors and customers alike. "Boeing's biggest problem at this point is credibility," said air transportation expert Michael E. Levine of New York University. Since the location of all the fasteners is not certain, mechanics have to re-inspect the airplane from nose to tail. One unnamed 787 mechanic described qualitycontrol inspectors “crawling through” the first two airplanes in the assembly bay “ripping all the systems out, everything that’s in the way.” A pressurization test revealed a small gap under the heads of thousands of fasteners inside the fuselage. The specification that mechanics consult for precise instructions made proper installation impossible.

AFS survives sell-off at Alcoa Scrambling to slash spending and reduce output, Alcoa Inc. will cut 13,500 jobs about 13% of its workforce. Alcoa Fastening Systems, which is a primary supplier to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner project, is not among the four business units Alcoa intends to divest, which are: electrical andelectronic systems, global foil, cast auto wheels and European transportation products businesses.

Those units, which employ a total of 22,600 people at 38 locations, had combined 2008 revenues of US$1.8 billion, with an estimated after-tax operating loss of about US$105 million, according to Alcoa. Net proceeds are expected to reach US$100 million. Alcoa also imposed a global salary and hiring freeze to combat a deepening global recession.

Alcoa is reducing total aluminum output by more than 750,000 metric tons, or 18%. It ultimately expects savings of about US$450 million annually. The company said capital expenditures will drop 50% to US$1.8 billion in 2009. "These are extraordinary times, requiring speed and decisiveness to address the current economic downturn," CEO Klaus Kleinfeld stated.


China steel makers Powers Fasteners manslaughter charge to hike Q1 prices dropped China's major steel mills are raising steel prices as much as 350 Yuan per metric ton. At least five major mills reportedly will raise prices starting in February 2009. The increase is about 10% above the current price, translating to a 5% to 6% increase in fastener prices from China, XL Screw purchasing director, Jikyoon Park, told FIN. Steel prices in China have fallen to a level close to or below break-even point for steel producers, Park explained. "China's steel prices have experienced the most violent price fluctuations this year with sharp and continuous increase in the first half, followed by a sharp decline in the second half,” Park stated. Chinese mills have already cut production output by 20% to 30%, with some factories shutting down production completely. Despite this, China's steel mills continue facing pressure to consolidate operations in order to reduce surplus capacity in China. Likewise, dealers have reduced inventory "significantly” and remain unwilling to carry extra inventory after severe losses over the past three months. "They had to sell at a loss for those high-cost inventories purchased earlier due to the steep decline in steel prices,” Park told FIN. Overall steel prices in China have been "very stable” during the past six to seven weeks, with a slight 150 Yuan per metric ton increase in the past 2 weeks. Park expressed confidence that steel prices will stabilize for a while at their current level once the hikes are implemented. "We could see further weakness in price next year if global economy continues to falter, but I think price will be stabilized and go up gradually if we are on our way to recovery from the current economic mess.” Park noted that China would continue to spend large sums of money to build infrastructure, which should consume much of the surplus inventory. In recent weeks Beijing announced a 4 trillion Yuan infrastructure stimulus package for its economy. Bruce Darling, vice president of materials for Porteous Fastener Co., said he's no longer seeing "a continuing to the price reduction we had been seeing” on steel in China. "Others have told us that steel will go up after Chinese New Year so we are placing our next round of orders before the holiday,” Darling told FIN. One of Darling's sources in China told him steel mills have been reducing output in recent weeks. "We believe steel price won't go down much further as a general trend for the first quarter…. price will be stabilized for a while at current level,” according to the Chinese source. The latest steel hikes could weaken China's bargaining position at iron ore price negotiations with miners. But the mills are focusing on staying solvent in the short term. "The point for them is they have to return to profitability before considering the negotiations, Shanghai economist Judy Zhu told Dow Jones. "They're now trying to consume iron ore inventories.”

Powers Fasteners agreed to pay US$16 million in exchange for one count of manslaughter being dropped against the company. Powers Fasteners was charged in relation to the death of a woman in Boston's Big Dig tunnel. In addition to the financial settlement, Powers reportedly agreed to recall its "fast-set" epoxy used in the tunnel that collapsed, as well as notify customers that the epoxy failed certain tests and is not recommended for sustained loads. New York-based Powers Fasteners was charged in 2007 with manslaughter in the death of Milena Del Valle, who was crushed when the tunnel collapsed. Powers Fasteners, which manufactured the epoxy blamed for the tunnel collapse, reached a US$6 million settlement with the woman's family. Company president Jeffrey Powers applauded the deal. "Today our company accepts its share of responsibility as one of many businesses involved in the construction of the tunnel," Powers told He noted that Powers Fasteners is a "very small company" with just 240 employees. "The indictment alone has put enormous stress on our business and our people in an economic environment posing its own special challenges. We are very happy to bring to a close this difficult chapter for all concerned." Powers officials insisted they told Big Dig officials that their 'fast-set' epoxy was to be used only to secure wall panels, not heavy overhead concrete ceiling panels. Big Dig contractor Modern Continental Corp. faces 49 federal criminal charges for allegedly hiding shoddy workmanship. A National Transportation Safety Board report that spread broad blame for the ceiling collapse, concluding that designers and construction crews had not considered that the epoxy holding 5/8 inch diameter threaded steel anchor rods embedded about five inches in the tunnel's concrete roof could creep under load. The NTSB specifically faulted the ceiling designer for failing to stipulate which kind of epoxy to use during installation.

Ayala heads WAI for 2009 Antonio Ayala Reyna is the new president of the Wire Association International for 2009. Ayala is the 55th president of the 79-year-old association. He succeeds 2008 president Ronald Reed of Horizon Wire & Cable. Since 1998, Ayala has been director of Latin America sales at J.J. Lowe Associates Inc. Previously he was with AXA Group in Mexico, Conductores Latincasa of Mexico and Ericsson of Sweden. Ayala holds a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering from The Engineering University at Veracruz, Mexico, and an MBA from Ohio University. Ayala joined WAI in 2001 and has served on numerous association committees. He was the primary organizer for the 2008 International Technical Conference, in Mexico, and was chairman of the 2004 Conference in Mexico. He has been a WAI short course on extrusion instructor and translated educational and promotional materials for the Latin American and South American wire and cable markets. WAI executive director Steven Fetteroll noted Ayala's career has been in the global industry and he "has developed an excellent understanding of the Latin American wire and cable market. As a result, he has personally provided a strategic connection for the association to better reach this key market with not only our existing products and services, but also to consider new specialized products. We have seen him roll-up his sleeves to get things done and we expect more of the same in the coming year," Fetteroll said. WAI's 2009 executive committee members are: First vice president Dane Armendariz, Henkel Surface Technologies; second vice president Dominique Perroud, Samp USA Inc; executive committee member Nicholas Nickoletopoulos, Ivaco Rolling Mills, and Reed. Founded in 1930, WAI is a not-for-profit association with 2,500 individual members in 58 countries. WAI manages the Interwire Trade Exhibition and the Wire Expo event and publishes the Wire Journal International and Wire Journal International Reference Guide through a subsidiary operation. Web:

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Steiner: "Globe-trotting takeover artist" who “transformed nuts & bolts into big-time deals." Jeffrey J. Steiner, chairman and CEO of the Fairchild Corporation from 1985 through September 2008, died in November at age 71. Steiner was CEO of both Banner Aerospace and aerospace fastener manufacturer Fairchild when the companies merged in 1998. Alcoa acquired Fairchild in 2002 and combined it with Huck Fasteners to form Alcoa Fastening Systems. Steiner had assumed control of aerospace fastener distributor Banner Aerospace Inc. in the mid-1980s. As a child during World War II, Steiner had fled his native Austria with his Jewish father and Turkish mother and was raised in Istanbul. He received a degree in textile engineering from Britain's Bradford Institute of Technology. Steiner planned to work in the U.S. for one year, but as a young sales trainee at Texas Instruments he advanced quickly to become president of subsidiaries in France, Mexico and Switzerland and was on the corporation's management committee by age 25. After 10 years with Texas Instruments, Steiner founded Cedec S.A. in Paris, an engineering firm

focusing on the European energy market. In 1981 he returned to the U.S. and in 1985 became CEO of Banner. "The big time for Mr. Steiner came when he bought into Banner Industries as an investment vehicle, after Banner's chairman had suffered his third heart attack and was looking for someone to replace him," according a 1989 New York Times profile of Steiner. "Using his own money and bank borrowings, in 1985 Mr. Steiner purchased a 20% stake in Banner for $15 million and became its chief executive." By the late 1990s, Fairchild's shareholding in Banner Aerospace had risen to 85% and Steiner was CEO and chairman of both. At Banner, Steiner acquired aircraft equipment supplier Solair Inc. and Rexnord Automation a manufacturer of aerospace fasteners, oil pipeline and refining equipment and water pollution control systems. Acquisitions growth put Banner on Fortune magazine's 25 fastest-growing companies list. Over the years Banner acquisitions also included fastener distributors Harco Inc. and P.B. Herndon Company. Steiner viewed the aerospace fastener

business as the right industry, as aging planes were making more flights. A 1989 New York Times headline labelled Steiner as a "Globe-Trotting Takeover Artist," who was "Transforming Nuts and Bolts Into Big-Time Deals." Steiner was described in the article as a "man who has used his international perspective and a nose for opportunity to profit from three business waves over the past two decades" and was "a member in good standing of a circle that includes Mr. (Carl) Icahn, now chairman of Trans World Airlines Inc., and Mr. (corporate raider Nelson) Peltz, former head of Triangle Industries. "I've long had a goal of building a company in a specific core business and becoming No. 1 or No. 2 in that, and now I'm close to achieving it,' Steiner told the Times. NYT reporter Leslie Wayne described Steiner as a "dapper chain-smoker who dresses in the European tradition of sports jackets instead of suits and whose New York office is decorated with Andy Warhol portraits of some of his children."

ASTM publishes fastener standards ASTM International published a new 2nd edition of ASTM Standards for Mechanical Fasteners & Related Processes in both a 1,200-page book and CD versions. Both versions provide all standards developed by the ASTM International Committee F16 on Fasteners and is compiled from 15 volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. The publication includes fastener standards used in construction, automotive, military, railroad, shipbuilding, boiler and pressure vessels. In addition to fasteners, the 150 standards cover their raw materials, inspection, testing procedures and quality assurance. The US$249 book or CD publications also covers topics including hydrogen embrittlement and organic or inorganic coatings. Web:

Würth forms Chongging automotive subsidiary Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG of Germany formed a wholly-owned subsidiary in southwest China's Chongging municipality, according to the Chongging Municipal Commission of Economy. Würth Chongging Co. Ltd. will import hardware tools from Germany for automotive and motorcycle markets. Founded in 1945, the Würth Group totals more than 420 companies in 86 countries with 65,000 employees - including 31,000 sales representatives and three million customers. Würth's annual sales total 8.5 billion euros (US$11.9 billion). The Würth Group is a global supplier of more than 100,000 fastening and assembly technology products including screws, screw accessories, dowels, chemical products, furniture and construction fittings, tools, machines, installation material, automotive hardware and storage and retrieval systems. Web:

DIN, ISO cross references added added DIN and ISO specification number cross-references for finding industrial fasteners online. The cross references make it easier to find parts by corresponding specification numbers. "Sometimes there isn't an exact equivalent between the two specifications, but where there is its nice to be able to find all of the items that could help you even if you search using the other specification,” database manager Brian Musker told Founded in 2006, FastenersClearingHouse is a search engine for the industrial and commercial fastener industry to buy and sell surplus, hard to find, and odd lot fastener inventory online.

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China announces antidumping investigation against EU imports In an announcement published on 29 December the Chinese Ministry of Commerce confirmed that it was initiating an anti-dumping investigation on iron and steel fasteners imported from the European Community. The announcement follows the submission of a petition on 1 December from the Chinese Fasteners Industry Association. The announcement confirms the petitioner’s qualifications, in accordance with China’s regulations on anti-dumping, and the approval of evidence presented in relation to alleged dumping, injury and the causal link between the two. The period of investigation is 1 July 2007 to 30 June, 2008 and the period of injury investigation 1 January, 2005 to 30 September, 2008. The investigation covers a wide range of iron or steel fasteners, normally declared under the Customs Tariff Codes: 73181200, 73181400, 73181500, 73182100 and 73182200. The range effectively parallels that investigated by the European Commission in relationship to imports from the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese investigation started on 27 December, 2008 and would usually be expected to conclude before 29 December, 2009, although it may be extended to 29 June, 2010. International trade data indicates that the value of imports involved in 2007 was approximately 135 million euros. Chinese news reports suggest that the application of EU anti-dumping would result in a third of Chinese fastener exporting factories closing, with an estimated loss of foreign earnings of 400 million euros per year. CFIA president Feng Jinyao confirmed to Chinese media that the association had offered price limits and volume controls to the European Commission but these had not been accepted. He added, “The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, has made a quick response to this anti-dumping case. We exert pressures on EU through legal means. Also, this is an important action to protect China's national industry, which will increase the confidence of domestic enterprises." Forty-seven Chinese companies are understood to have supported the petition for an anti-dumping investigation, most privately owned enterprises from several different provinces. According to Mr. Fu Donghui, the attorney for the Chinese fastener enterprises, the main exporters involved in the anti-dumping investigation were in Germany. He said there had been a rapid increase in the volume of EU fastener products at lower prices, “seriously restraining” the sales price of Chinese carbon steel fastener products. One list of EU fastener exporters to China seen by this magazine does confirm that many of the companies whose trade will come under scrutiny are distributors or manufacturers not believed to be active supporters of the EIFI anti-dumping complaint that triggered the EC investigation. (Additional material provided by

Guangzhou Fastener Trade Show dates confirmed, organiser of the Fastener Trade Show staged in Guangzhou September last year, has confirmed the dates for the 2009 event will be 23-25 September. The show moves to a different venue – the Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Center, on Liuhua Road. The organisers have reserved 12,500 square metres of exhibition space and are aiming for 600 exhibitors, covering fasteners, manufacturing equipment, tooling, surface treatment and raw materials, with an expectation of 12,000 visitors. Last year’s show reported 400 exhibitors, of which 170 occupied shell scheme-type full booths. The remainder were ‘poster-exhibitors’. The 2008 show coincided with the established Asia-Mold exhibition, also staged in Guangzhou, which had aspirations to develop a fastener element under the AsiaFastener banner. Reports from both shows clearly indicated that the Fastener Trade Show attracted the lion’s share of exhibitors, with AsiaMold having only a handful of fastener companies. This year AsiaMold is scheduled for 16-19 September.

Two day Symposium in Shanghai The 19th National Fastener Economy Trade and Technology Symposium was held at Shanghai Everbright International Hotel from 25-26, December, 2008. The event was hosted by Mr. Feng Jinyao, president of the China Fastener Industry Association. The agenda, contrasting substantially with previous symposia, reflected challenging conditions in the fastener industry during 2008. Reports covered China’s various responses to the European

Commission’s anti-dumping investigation, and the announcement of China’s own investigation into alleged dumping of fastener products from the European Union. Market trend reports for both the Chinese fastener industry and other Asian fastener industries were also presented, together with assessments of the current domestic and global economic situation and conditions in the raw material market. More than 400 companies are reported to have attended the table-top exhibition held on the second day.

Haiyan Exhibition at CIFC The Fifth Haiyan Fastener Import and Export Trade Exhibition took place in the China International Fastener Exhibition & Purchasing center (CIFC), Haiyan, from 18 to 20 December. The exhibition was organised by the Haiyan Fastener institute, Haiyan Council for Promotion of International Trade, Haiyan Foreign Economic Co-operation and Trade Bureau, CIFC and Hangzhou Xinguang expo co., Ltd. reports 400 exhibitors at the event, which is a table-top show. Half of the exhibitors were from Haiyan, with 90% of Haiyan Fastener Institute members taking part. International buyers from Germany, America, Spain, Canada and Mexico are reported to have attended. The show is staged twice a year at the CIFC, a project that has been under development since the second half of 2006.

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TFTA hosts international conference alongside national meeting From report by Ting Yu Chang, Fastener World Magazine Photographs by Eric Liu The Taiwan Fastener Trading Association (TFTA) held its National Members Conference on December 12th at the Tainan Tayih Landis Hotel and an international conference with European and US associations at the offices of Fastener World magazine. 260 TFTA members attended the National Conference, which was co-hosted by Mr. David Horng, chairman of TFTA, and Mr. Steven Fang, director of TFTA. Guests from the European Fastener Distributor Association (EFDA) and the National Fastener Distributors Association (NFDA) of the USA were welcomed by fifteen members of the Taiwanese fastener industry – demonstrating the already warm relationship among the three associations. Opening the National Members Conference was a small-scale exposition for surface treatment, with exhibitors including Alltech Engineered Finish, Chung Sheng, Geomet, Hsien Shun, Jioou Nain Shiouh, Modern Alloy Plating, Nanmat, ND industries, Taiwan Self-Locking, Tebolon, Thian Yu Chen, Sheng Chang. At the enthusiastic invitation of David Horng, president of TFTA, Geoff Hopwood, vice president of EFDA, and Bernd K. Stapf, secretary of EFDA both gave a speech to the conference. Mr Hopwood addressed the issues of “Changed Parameters for European Distribution”. Mr Stapf provided the conference with a detailed report on the EU anti-dumping case against fasteners from China. Mr. Mark Shannon, president of NFDA, also gave the speech about “Changes in the Global Market”, a fascinating presentation which won enthusiastic feedback from the audience. Providing a detailed assessment of the US economic conditions and implications for fastener distributors Mr Shannon presented a list of ‘Survival Tactics’, which included keeping inventories low and maximising turns; gaining market share in emerging or strengthening market sectors, which include aerospace, medical manufacturing and selfservice; reducing expenses, controlling cash and evaluating long term that impact expenses. Turning to the impact of the US presidential election he expected that markets, as usually happens, would stay soft through the inauguration period. He believed that government spending increases could impact positively in the short term but that increased taxes could have a stifling effect on the economy in the longer term. Barak Obama is a relatively unknown politician, he added, so ‘wait and see’ was required. In conclusion Mr Shannon outlined a range of ways in which the three associations could continue to develop their cooperation, emphasising that “In a global environment things change quickly. We need to anticipate change, plan for it and share what we have learned.” Also highly deserving of mention, Mr. John Wu, former president of Taiwan Industrial Fastener Institute (TIFI), was invited to attend this annual event and flew back especially from New Zealand. He talked about how to be a “happy fastener-ist”. He said, “I bring three tips, hoping they can help every guest to overcome the economic slump. Tip 1: Now is the best time for companies to carry out internal reorganisation, machinery maintenance and repair, and to make an inventory for raw material, finished products, and semi-finished products. Tip 2: Maintain close relationship with customers, spontaneously show your care, and provide better service quality. Tip 3: Quoting the biblical proverb, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones”, he encouraged fastener manufacturers to keep healthy and cheerful, and listen to more classical music. More prayer is fine medicine, he added, since prayers will bring safety and joy.” !!!

Geoff Hopwood, vice president of EFDA.

John Wu, former president of TIFI.

Bernd K. Stapf, secretary of EFDA.

Mark Shannon, president of NFDA, & David Horng, chairman of TFTA.

Steven Fang, director of TFTA.

28 Mr. David Horng, president of the Taiwanese Association, hoped !!! EFDA, NFDA, and TFTA could move closer together and work multilaterally to face and deal with the advent of risks and changes, which the members of all three associations would face. Participants at the conference all agreed that information provision was crucial, through websites, interchange of information between members and that it would be worthwhile to explore the possibility of providing an information service. The business of the international conference concentrated on the latest decisions by the European Union on anti-dumping duties on imports of Chinese fasteners – and especially on discussing how to react to the situation if duties are imposed on China and the possible advantages or disadvantages for members of all three attending associations. Summarising, the meeting host, Mr. Steven Fang (director of TFTA’s Committee of Foreign Affairs) expressed his wholehearted appreciation to all participants and informed them that the next meeting would be held in May 2009 in Italy.

China Steel Q1 prices cut by 22.5% From material by Eric Liu and Laura Shih, Fastener World Magazine In December China Steel Corporation announced deep cuts in steel prices to the Taiwanese domestic fastener market for Quarter 1 2009. The decision was presented at a meeting with major fastener producers as “staying in the same boat” as CSC customers and confirmed prices would fall by NT$7000 (154 euros) per ton. Fastener producers responded that the reduction was “not entirely satisfying but was acceptable.” The wire rod price cut fell at the mean for reductions across all steel grades, which ranged from BT$4550/t for plate to NT$7840/t for hot rolled steel. The meeting was told that, while international steel prices had remained high, prices in China had dropped substantially. BaoSteel prices, for example, had fallen to around US$710/ton in December compared with an estimated production cost for international plants of US$670/t. According to World Steel Association figures, global output of crude steel fell in October to only 100 million metric tonnes – a 12.4% decrease compared to the same period in 2007 and a 6.9% fall on September 2008 figures. Production cuts in the CIS were reported to be as much as 36% compared to the same period in 2007. North America cuts were estimated at 12.6%; Asia overall at 11.6%. China cut crude steel production by 6.9% in September and 17% in October. The world’s largest steel corporation, ArcelorMittal was reported to be cutting production by 30% to 35%. Predictions are for market supply and demand to gradually make a turnaround from the end of 2009 to the beginning of 2010. Therefore, vice chairman T. J. Csi of T.I.F.I., profoundly called on fastener manufacturers in the meeting, “In the environment of this global economic slump, everyone should come up with ideas to reduce wire materials and finished products stocks to reduce stock cost as much as possible. In the meantime, we should cooperate with the technical policy of CSC, keep the distributed quota of wire rods, conserve energy, and pay more attention to international circumstances. Go overseas if possible, try your best to sell stocks, and be active. You will perhaps run into an unexpected result.” In the meeting, Mr. M. H. Chen, director of CSC Operation Sales Division, repeatedly emphasised that CSC “reduces price in pain” to share in the economic hardship of manufacturers. CSC was encountering its first loss in 29 years, he said, but was willing to cooperate with everyone to overcome the obstacle. Mr. Chen encouraged fastener manufacturers to continue to aim for high quality and diversification in order to improve the precision and added value of the products. For now, CSC would respond to supply and demand circumstances to appropriately cut down on the market supply, assist in reducing downstream steel stocks, and work to bring the steel market back on the track as soon as possible. Even though midstream and downstream manufacturers recognise that there is some sincerity in CSC’s actions, the majority still think the reduction range is not enough. Their belief is that finished wire rod costs should be maintained at 25% low levels for reasonable profits to be achievable. However, it seems to be “Mission Impossible” for the current economic situation in Taiwan. Regarding the comparison with China costs downstream manufacturers believe that, as long as the disparity between Taiwan and China can be held within 15%, Taiwan manufacturers can certainly be internationally competitive. Otherwise, facing the menacing low-price policy of Chinese fasteners, Taiwanese manufacturers can only hope that the EU Mr. M. H. Chen, does adopt high anti-dumping taxes on China to stimulate the Mr. T. J. Csi, director of CSC Operation buyers from Europe and the U.S. to purchase high quality vice-chairman of TIFI. products, helping its fastener industry to recover from the Sales Division. effects of the drastically withering recession.


By Alexander Ostashov, Editor Fastener, Adhesives, Tools and … Magazine

Tractor assembly started in Tambov Agrotechmash-T has begun assembly of TERRION ATM 3180 and ATM 5280 agricultural wheeled tractors at the Tambovmash production area in Tambov. Assembly equipment was delivered from Saint Petersburg in September. Installation of painting equipment finished in November completing the tractor assembly line. The plant has started work with planned initial output of 40-50 tractors. The plant also plans to organise assembly of the TERRION combine harvesters of the Finnish company Campo. Working to full capacity the Agrotechmash-T is expected to assemble 4,000 wheeled tractors per year. The tractors were designed jointly with the German company ATM United Technologies GmbH. Fasteners are supplied to the line using an E-KANBAN system, designed and installed by Partner Pack Company (St. Petersburg).

Recession hits Russian metals industry hard Reports published by the Rosmetiz Association indicate that Russian industrial production in November and December 2008 will have declined by 15 to 20%. This prognosis was provided by, based on work by analysts. According to BFM, one cause of the recessionary pressures is problems in the metallurgy industry. “Metallurgy will pull other industrial sectors down with it, particularly power industry, as well as the extractive industries,” one analyst was reported to say. expects that the fall in the metals industry during the last two months of the year could be as much as 40%. This includes not only reductions in the export of metal products, but also a fall in domestic and internal demand, with distribution warehouses overstocked and interruption of investment projects at metallurgical enterprises.

SDF starts assembly in Russia SAME DEUTZ-FAHR (SDF), producer of agricultural equipment, announced the opening of a production facility for its own machinery in Russia. Future investments are expected to exceed 20 million euros within five years. The facility is to be located in the Moscow region. The company plans to start production in the first half of 2009. The project plan is for assembly of mid-range and high power tractors organised in three stages. Initially assembly would complete tractors imported from Germany with the addition of some local components. The second phase will see more local content but major components continuing to be sourced from Germany. Eventually basic assembly would be carried out using mainly locally sourced parts although some assemblies would continue to be brought in from Germany. “We always considered the Russian market as the one of those posessing the highest potential and attraction for investments”, commented the general director of SDF, Mr Massimo Bordi. He said the main scenario of activities, aimed at improving the competitiveness of the company, would be in line with market positioning already established in Europe and the USA, as well as the active promotion of the company in the developing markets of Russia, China and India. According to the vice-president of SDF, Mr Franchesco Carocca, the goal of the project in Russia is to achieve 20% localisation of production by the first half 2009, with the longer term aim of achieving primary production of 1,000 tractors per year by 2011, followed by further growth. In 2008 the SDF representative office in Russia expected to sell 300 tractors to the CIS countries. In 2013 the company plans to reach a total sales volume of 1,500 tractors per year.

Bizon plans agricultural machinery assembly The Bizon Company (Rostov) has announced that it plans to start assembling foreign brands of agricultural machinery in 2009. The planned assembly capacity could reach ten thousand units per year. Agricultural and technological holding Bizon is a large supplier of local and foreign agricultural machinery in the South Federal District of the Russian Federation. The company is a representative of over 100 producers of agricultural machinery and supplies to over twelve thousand agricultural companies. It has experimental plants in Zarya Dona and Krasnogurtskoye in the Rostovskaya Region.

KAMAZ may start assembly in Cuba KAMAZ has confirmed it is looking at opening an assembly production with a capacity 500 machines per year in Cuba. “For the further development of our automobile business in Cuba and strengthening of our positions in the market, KAMAZ in conjunction with Cuba is considering establishing a trade and service company for sales, service, minor and major repairs of KAMAZ machines, as well as an assembling production with a capacity 500 machines per year”, the company says. In 2008, 203 KAMAZ machines were delivered to Cuba within the limits of the Russian credit agreement.

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GAZ Group to apply international quality management standards The GAZ Group plans to start work early 2009 towards achieving ISO TS 16949 accreditation in five production. The objective is to improve the competitiveness of the company’s products in both domestic and foreign markets. During the first stage, between 2009 and 2011, ISO/TS 16949 will be achieved at the five pilot production units of GAZ Group. Later on the quality system experience will be transferred to other divisions and plants of the group. GAZ Group has chosen a number of international consultants to provide the necessary experience in applying the quality management system. Currently GAZ Group operates to quality management system ISO-9001:2000 and all the enterprises of the company are annualy certified to this standard. At the same time as working towards ISO/TS 16949 at its own plants, the company plans to gradually switch its suppliers to the new quality standard. GAZ Group is a leading Russian producer of commercial vehicles and road-building equipment. The group includes GAZ, eighteen vehicle enterprises in Russia, the British commercial vehicle company LDV, as well as sales and service structures.

Severstal-Metiz reorganises sales channels in 2009 Severstal-Metiz held a special conference as part of the Metal-Expo exhibition. The main issues were new programs and working methods for the next year. The commercial director of Severstal-Metiz Mr. Veter presented to dealers and customers new foundations for interaction, which will be put into affect in 2009. He also explained changes in the organisation of sales channels. The status of customers will also be changed from the beginning of 2009. There will be five groups: final producers and processers, dealers, official representatives, agents and other target clients. These changes, he explained, were caused by a considerable geographic widening of sales; rapid development of the company’s service portfolio; and the organisation of integrated delivery chain as the basis for servicing the final customer. The main change that would immediately be noticed by customers of Severstal-Metiz was that all dealer agreements would be replaced with co-operation agreements, starting from January 1, 2009. According to Mr. Veter, the new agreements reflect the provision of a wide menu of services, would include a more individual approach to agreement conditions, and would provide for a more structured approach to pricing, which was essential in current market conditions. Dealers may gain exclusive rights in a supply region and other benefits. To receive these benefits a potential dealer would have to meet minimum requirements. These include: receiving, processing and storing product, keeping a defined range of products, and providing an effective sales administration and delivery operation. Dealers would also be required to actively promote Severstal-Metiz product and to provide customer feedback.

By Elena Semak, editor-in-chief Metiz Magazine, Ukraine Severstal’- Metiz consolidates Cherepovets factory Severstal’-Metiz has started a radical reorganisation of its Cherepovets factory. The gigantic plant was built during the Soviet epoch and covers over one million square metres. The objective is to centralise commercial activities (production, sales, purchases, service functions) in one compact area at the centre of the factory. Off-site buildings, including the current commercial building will be sold or leased. Implementation of the project stems from the Severstal'-metiz company’s desire to optimize the infrastructure of the enterprise, similar to programs applied in Orel, Volgograd and Dniepropetrovs’k. “If we do not undertake it now, by 2012 permanent expenses will have increased by 70% over 2008 levels. Under current market conditions, any company that aims to operate effectively, cannot afford such charges”, commented Alexander Shevelev, executive director of Cherepovets Factory. The layout and internal logistics of the Cherepovets factory, he added, do not correspond to the lean and flexible production principles required in modern hardware production. “The project’s primary objective is the provision of high-quality and effective service to customers through the creation of a flexible enterprise, characterised by faster development of products, increased labour productivity, delivery of high-quality goods, and reduced costs. The project will enable us to improve the operation of the supply-chain and allow us to react more flexibly to market changes”, Alexander Shevelev concluded. More than 29,000 square metres of office, production and storage facilities and almost six hectares of land will be released on completion of the project. Revenue from implementation, in 2009 alone, is expected to exceed 160 million roubles, and the factory expects additional annual profits of 10 million roubles from building leases and infrastructure maintenance savings.

MMK-METIZ promotes high-strength fasteners JSC Magnitogorsk Hardware Plant MMK-METIZ held a presentation “Magnitka presents modern production of high-strength fasteners.” The event aimed to advance the market for high-strength fasteners, corresponding to the recent GOST R 52643 -2006 specification. MMK-METIZ wants to expand the user base for this type of hardware product, and to increase awareness of modern production and testing equipment the company now employs. Primary users of high-strength fasteners, participated in the presentation. These included bridge-building organisations and metal fabrication factories as well as firms developing advanced corrosion coating of fasteners for construction applications. Guests visited the forging shop of MMK-METIZ, where they were able to see the technological chain of high-strength fastener production. They also visited the central factory laboratory to see the range and quality of testing equipment.


A new year of innovation for fischer The fischer Group is heralding the new year with the promise of a raft of new products across Europe in a number of different product areas. This ‘Starburst’ of new products follows the company’s 50th anniversary year which, appropriately enough, was the best ever in the company’s international history with the fastest-ever growth. However current market conditions now dictate a new approach, an approach which will offer customers more within the company’s core competence area of excellence in fixings. As fischer Group managing director, Klaus Schilling, said recently: “Sometimes a glider can go faster into a headwind – you just have to adjust the wings.” The adjustment being applied is for fischer to attack the market with renewed confidence, especially in the UK which saw a good percentage increase last year and is now the sixth largest subsidiary in the group. Creative marketing and new products always have been the lifeblood of the fischer business – never more so than in the present climate. In 2008 fischer advertised on Talksport radio with two separate campaigns totalling 11 weeks and reaching virtually 3 million people. Fischer is launching new products this year both into established and new fixing areas. The launches include a new nylon frame fixing which is the industry’s first to carry a European Technical Approval. This year however will be notable for fischer’s launch into new areas of related fixing technology. These include powder-actuated nails, adhesives and screws. For a company which has built its reputation, for fifty years, on product development and innovation, it is no surprise that fischer is determined to meet the challenges of today’s tough market conditions by introducing ranges of new products which bring added value and customer benefits to the market.

The fischer team is confident that all its new products meet real market needs in fixing technology. All the products of course are backed by the standard fischer guarantee of quality and a level of assurance that only fischer’s commitment to research and development can provide. The first new product is the long-shaft SXR 10, for fixing a wide range of items into virtually any type of load-bearing building material. It is the first nylon anchor to be awarded a European Technical Approval (ETA). This long-shaft fixing has properties which are unique worldwide: it will hold extreme loads, regardless of the building material, and achieves this with an unrivalled short anchoring depth of just 50mm. The SXR 10 also offers the user installation comfort and safety. With the SXR10 fischer has substantially increased the number of potential users for long-shaft fixings. Many of the uses are documented in the ETA. They include the multiple fixing of all non-load-bearing structures, such as facades, window frames, fire doors, cable trays, pipe brackets and ceiling linings. With a minimum anchoring depth of just 50mm, the SXR10 is approved for centric tension in cracked concrete and for virtually all load-bearing masonry materials. The permissible loads in concrete are as much as 2.0kN, in solid bricks as much as 1.4kN, in solid sand-lime bricks as much as 1.5kN and in perforated upright bricks as much as 0.75kN. The approval gives load details for 42 different building materials under DIN, EN and other masonry approvals. For substrates which are not exactly specified, tension tests can be carried out to determine the resistance. Whereas previous permissible loads used to be limited to very low values,

typical tension loads can now be obtained up to the maximum values specified in the approval. These properties documented in the ETA are unique, and the behaviour of the anchor during installation is important for the

installer, who will find that this fixing slips easily into the drill hole – at most a few gentle hammer blows are sufficient. Its compact rigid shape prevents it from distorting when set in perforated bricks or in installations with an offset between the fixture and the drill hole. The strong, flexible turning lock acts both in the base and in the fixture, preventing the fixing from turning in enlarged drill holes in the masonry of old buildings or when anchoring hollow cavity profiles. The instant and powerful expansion of the fixing as soon as the first turn is made lends additional support to the turning lock action. What the installer will notice is the relatively low turning-in torque of the screw, which tends to rise disproportionately in all building materials shortly before the end of the screw setting process (known as

tightening torque). Even when using a power drill, the installer will feel when the fixing grips and is properly anchored. This “feelgood factor” therefore provides an automatic installation control. This feature also guarantees reliable installations even in building materials that are not ideal. The advantages for the installer are the easy installation and the all-round suitability for many substrates such as concrete, solid and perforated bricks. The full assortment on offer includes total fixing lengths ranging from 60mm to 260mm. The screw supplied with the fixing is available in zinc-plated and in stainless steel corrosion resistance class III (A4) grade with either a countersunk head or a hexagonal head with moulded washer. The introduction of the SXR represents a strengthening of fischer’s already marketleading offering in the area of nylon fixings. However, a striking move for fischer this year is its move into a brand new area for the company – screws.

The screws segment is the largest part of the overall fixings market worldwide, being nearly three times the size of the construction fixings market. It therefore affords a massive opportunity for a company which has made its name in fixings technology. The European screw market, accounting for 40% of the worldwide market, is worth 2.4 billion euros, within which Germany, France and the UK are the biggest. The UK has 14.4% of European sales. The new fischer Classic Fast screw range launching in 2009 initially comprises a standard screw assortment, backed by the fischer guarantee of quality. The range is aimed at DIY and trade users and will be available to distribution customers. The screws are available in a choice of length and in a yellow zinc-plated finish. They feature under-head ribs and a double cone at the shank for secure installation.

“... a striking move for fischer this year is its move into a brand new area for the company - screws.” Meanwhile the water-repellent fischerbranded packs can be opened in one of two ways, either as a shute or from above, differentiating the fischer screw range from that of competitors. The packs also feature a viewing window, so that the product can be seen externally, and they benefit from full product details printed on the pack. In a number of European markets, fischer is also introducing a range of adhesives this year. Called fischer fix-it, the new range is a powerful solution for anyone looking for reliable adhesives. The roll-out of the new range offers fixing solutions for professional users to solve virtually any problem. From contact adhesives, through construction adhesives to instant glues and special adhesives, the fix-it family offers comprehensive and clearly structured solutions. For UK customers the new range of powder actuated direct fixings will be of interest. Direct fixings account for 4.4% of the total fixings market, and this is a sector where fischer aims to be represented, as an extension of the company’s competence in other areas of the fixings market. Powder actuated fixings are suitable for non-load-bearing applications in a wide variety of installation types, including interior work, construction, steel construction and timber works. There is a particular relevance for direct fixings in the anchoring of electrical cabling and ducting. Users need to be aware that, while they can save time and money in certain types of construction job, direct fixings should never be viewed as a substitute for anchors and screws in load-bearing or safety-critical applications. The new PAT range from fischer

offers solutions for many different applications, by offering a system for fast, efficient and precise anchoring. The products are aimed at the high quality end of the market, with regard to their design, manufacture and presentation. The product assortment comprises standard drive pins, knurled drive pins, washer type, angle clips and threaded stud pins. Fischer is also developing a range of clips specifically designed for electrical works. There is also a range of safety cartridges at various load levels. “It promises to be an exciting year for new product development at fischer,” says fischer UK managing director, Dr Pietro Grandesso. “It shows that after fifty years of tireless research and development, the pace of product innovation from fischer is as rapid now as it has ever been. We look forward to discussing these new latest developments with our customers!”



Where: Bilbao, Spain When: 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2009 What: Spanidh hardware and DIY show


Hardware/DIY, Home, Garden Show

ISET (Tool World)

Where: When: Web: What:

Where: When: Web: What:

Dublin, Ireland 1 Feb - 2 Feb 2009 Tools, metal-working and manufacturing technologies.

Asia Pacific Sourcing Where: When: Web: What:

Cologne, Germany 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2009 A platform for asian companies in import and export.

BLECH Russia Where: When: Web: What:

St Petersburg, Russia 10 Mar - 13 Mar 2009 Sheet Metal Working exhibition in conjunction with AVTOPROM/ICTA.

AVTOPROM/ICTA Where: When: Web: What:

St Petersburg, Russia 10 Mar - 13 Mar 2009 International components & technologies for the automobile industry.

Bulgaria Building Week Where: When: Web: What:

Sofia, Bulgaria 10 Mar - 14 Mar 2009 International building exhibition.

Fasttec Expo Where: When: Web: What:

Moscow, Russia 18 Mar - 21 Mar 2009 Russia's specialist fastener technology fair.

Moscow, Russia 18 Mar - 21 Mar 2009 Professional and handheld tools.

Mosbuild Where: When: Web: What:

Moscow, Russia 31 March - 3 April 2009 Construction technology, materials and equipment.

Intertool Kiev Where: When: Web: What:

Kiev, Ukraine 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2009 Machine tools, tools, metal working, manufacturing technologies and welding

Construma Where: When: Web: What:

Budapest, Hungary 1 Apr - 5 Apr 2009 International building trade exhibition.

Hannover Industrial Fair Where: When: Web: What:

Hannover, Germany 20 Apr - 24 Apr 2009 Industrial products, technologies and services.

Construmat Barcelona 2009 Where: When: Web: What:

Barcelona, Spain 20 Apr - 25 Apr 2009 Building trade exhibition.


Early boost for Fastener Fair Stuttgart “This year’s Fastener Fair Stuttgart looks set to be another big one,” says exhibition organiser Jerry Ramsdale. “We’ve had even more companies sign up for the 2009 show than had done so by this time for the last show. And two things are coming through loud and clear from exhibitors’ feedback.” The first of these, explains Ramsdale, is the perfect timing of this truly international show, which takes place from 7 Wednesday to 8 Thursday October 2009. “This not only puts Fastener Fair Stuttgart well away from competing events, but also, and more importantly, positions it at what many exhibitors believe will be a turning point, when their customers will be ready to invest for 2010.” Ramsdale says the second factor that exhibitors are remarking on is the move away from the town-centre venue to the new Messe Stuttgart exhibition halls right by the airport. “We’ve had really positive feedback from show visitors on our move, and exhibitors are telling us they’re hearing the same story from their own customers.”

He believes that this enthusiasm for the new venue, combined with the timing of the show and the likelihood that end-users will be keen to be renewing and refocusing their supply chains, could even make the next Fastener Fair Stuttgart another record-breaking event, despite the downturn in global markets. And the 2009 show is certainly building on strong foundations: • It has grown from 198 exhibiting companies in 2005 to 435 in 2007, with exhibitors from Europe (54%), Asia (38%) and the remainder coming from Russia, North America and the Middle East. • Visitor numbers have grown dramatically, too, from 2,059 in 2005 to 5,057 professional buyers in 2007. The geographical spread of those visitors also shows how international the event is, with buyers coming from Western Europe (79%), Eastern Europe and Russia (14%), and the rest from North and South America, the Asia Pacific and Africa and the Middle East.

What these figures do not highlight is that Fastener Fair Stuttgart is the only international exhibition exclusively focused on the entire fastener supply chain. Ramsdale explains: “This is a truly end-to-end show, covering everything related to fasteners and fixings – from manufacturing technology, which has its own hall, through to distributors and wholesalers, not to mention key allied offers, like tools and tooling.” Stuttgart is ideally placed for an international trade show like Fastener Fair, as it is right in the middle of Europe’s industrial heartlands, with easy access for visitors from all parts of Europe and the rest of the world. And the new venue, being right by the Stuttgart international airport, the A8 motorway and the rapid-transit railway, is perfectly positioned for visitors to make the most of a trip to Fastener Fair Stuttgart. As for accommodation, people can choose to stay at one of the on-site airport hotels or in the beautiful city centre, which is just 20 minutes away by S-Bahn.


Reaching out for an international market Repositioning itself to take place in the alternate Spring from new marketing partner Practical World, Ferroforma will be staged at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre from 25th to 28th March. Speaking at a press conference in Bilbao, in early December, Koelnmesse’ product manager, Hans-Joachim Kampen highlighted the motivation for its alliance with Spain’s BEC. “The International Hardware Fair/Practical World will not be held in Cologne in 2009. With the Bilbao trade fair, however, we have found a partner that offers exhibitors from the hardware and DIY sectors an equally attractive venue. Bilbao is attractive thanks to its long association with Spain’s tools industry; Ferroforma is a well-established event in the European trade fair calendar; and, last but not least, Bilbao also offers visitors and exhibitors many cultural highlights outside of the exhibition centre.” “Our combined efforts enable us to offer the market a globally unique product range and to provide exhibitors with a platform every year in the spring, in Cologne in even-numbered years and in Bilbao in odd-numbered years.” At the same conference BEC confirmed that, to date, 594 companies from 24 countries had signed up for Ferroforma 2009. Nearly half of the companies are Spanish, with the rest of the European Union accounting for another 35%. Exhibitors from Asia, America and the rest of the world make up the remaining 16%. Nearly 20% of exhibitors are new for the 2009 event. A quarter of exhibitors will be in the Industrial Supplies and Work Protection sector; another quarter will be focused on Hand Tools. Hardware, which includes fasteners, and Home products are expected to represent 16%. Other sectors include Power Tools, Locks and Fittings, Woodworking Machinery, Decoration, Lighting and Garden products. The linkage with Koelnmesse includes a scheme delivering benefits to exhibitors committing to both hardware fairs, who will gain “technical, service and promotional” advantages at Ferroforma. Developing an international provenance has been uppermost in Ferroforma’s mind for as long as this magazine has reported on the event. So far the reality has remained a very strong but very definitely Spanish show. Most international participants have been strongly targeted towards an Iberian customer base, reflecting a market quite unique in its structure until recently. Ferroforma is, though, extremely attractive in bringing in high quality overseas visitors, networking extensively with trade associations and targeting key companies. This year is no different and delegation visits have been arranged from 58 countries with buyers expected from virtually all the leading hardware and DIY groups across Europe. Marketing for this year’s show, though, has also placed major emphasis in attracting visitors from all regions of Spain. BEC is extending a range of special facilities, through cooperation agreements, to associations, purchasing groups and DIY centres. By December BEC had listed well over thirty of these organisations, several of which are organising meetings and assemblies during Ferroforma. As a result BEC expects to attract a large number of associates and hardware shop owners to Bilbao. The Ferroforma website currently lists some 60 companies under the fastener category of its exhibitor search engine. 27 are Spanish companies, or Spanish subsidiaries of multinationals – Norma is one example. Index and Chavesbao are on home ground, of course, and are joined by regulars like Difast, Lapafil and Fastenex. There appear, though, to be some notable absences. As at 19 January Bralo were not listed, nor were ABC Tornilleria, Celo, Panelfisa or Lotu – all present at the 2007 edition of Ferroforma. Portugal’s Pecol is also not on the list. There are nine Chinese fastener exhibitors listed and eight from Taiwan. Six companies from Italy include Fari International and Vipa. Olympic Fixings is again taking part in the British pavilion at Ferroforma; so also are G&J Hall. Ferroforma’s real strength, though, is undoubtedly as the showcase for Spain’s tool industry. 161 hand tool exhibitors are listed to date, 74 of them Spanish. A full exhibitor list is available at together with travel, accommodation and other information about Ferroforma and Bilbao. Images: Ferroforma 2007

American and British

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• Inch sized screws available from stock • Availability of every current type of screw threads and materials • Special parts available as well • Large availability from stock of high quality as per ISO 9001:2000

Peter Schröder GmbH Silcherstr. 38 • D-74172 Neckarsulm Telephone: +49 (0) 71 32/99 60-0 Facsimile: +49 (0) 71 32/99 60-60


Reasonable steps in crisis conditions FASTTEC 2009, Moscow The 7th Russian fastener exhibition FASTTEC 2009 takes place 18 - 21 March, for the first time at the IEC Crocus Expo grounds outside Moscow. On behalf of organisers MVK Exhibitions, Irena Didurik gives her assessment in the run up to the 2009 show. The 7th International specialised exhibition FASTTEC 2009 is a unique and must-attend show for all manufacturers, distributors and contractors who deal with the fastener industry in Russia. This exhibition has become an expected event in the domestic industry, giving participants an opportunity to present their companies and products and enlarge their customer database. FASTTEC is the only specialised exhibition for the Russian fastener industry and has become a traditional place for demonstrating achievements and sharing experience between many representatives of the hardware industry from Russia and abroad. This year the exhibition will welcome leading companies including: Belebeevsky Plant Avtonormal, Bolt.Ru, Schaefer+Peters GmbH, RivetKom LTD, Mir Krepezha, Rost Group&Technology Co., Ltd, SPAX POLSKA Sp.z.o.o., BPE Euro Targi, Far s.r.l. and Belarus’ hardware leader - Rechitsk Hardware Plant. FASTTEC 2009 gives an opportunity to establish new contacts and maintain existing business relations, study the latest industry innovations

and forecast the development of the hardware industry in the current unstable economic situation. The exhibition enjoys the support of relevant associations including RosMetiz. An extensive program of seminars is once again planned. This year the 7th FASTTEC will be located in the ultra-modern exhibition centre “Crocus Expo”, the leading venue for major Russian industrial exhibitions. “Crocus Expo” International Exhibition Center was designed and constructed using modern building materials

to the highest international architectural standards. Its core business is staging a wide range of major international exhibitions in which both Russian and foreign companies participate. Crocus can easily be reached by Metro and during FASTTEC 2009 there will be a visitor bus service from Strogino metro station. Crocus Expo is situated on the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road making access very convenient for both heavy vehicles and cars. More information about FASTTEC 2009 can be found at

BLECH launches Russian sheet metal show Working in partnership with Russia’s Restec exhibition company, EuroBLECH organisers, Mack Brooks will launch BLECH Russia in St Petersburg, 10 - 13 March. The dedicated exhibition for sheet metal working, which has attracted an exhibitor base of more than 150 companies, will occupy the 8,000 square metre Pavilion 7 of Lenexpo. This exhibition complex, the largest in north-west Russia, is situated on Vassilevsky Island, 6 kilometres west of St Petersburg city centre. The four-day event will run alongside the established St Petersburg Technical Fair and the AVTOPROM/ICTA automotive event. In 2008 the ‘St PT Fair’ had over 700 exhibitors from 18 countries and received over 15,000 visitors. The fair includes metallurgy, compressors and pumps, bearings, industrial automation, subcontracting and IT. In its third

year the AVTOPROM/ICTA exhibition and conference is forecasting nearly 700 participants, compared to 290 in its first year, and 18,000 visitors. Mack Brooks describes BLECH Russia as a highly specialised trade fair exclusively focusing upon sheet metal working. The exhibition aims to cover the complete fabrication chain: sheet metal, semi-finished and finished products, handling, separation, forming/flexible sheet metal working, joining/welding and surface technologies. Tools, process and quality control systems, CAD/CAM application plus research and development complement the product range. The exhibition is designed for everyone involved in sheet metal production, working or trading, from industry sectors such as mechanical engineering, sheet metal products, steel and aluminium construction, HVAC, the automotive industry, electrical engineering, the electronics industry, rolling mills, iron

and steel production, precision engineering, aerospace and ship building. St. Petersburg has rapidly developed as the Russian automotive assembly centre, particularly for overseas brands, including Toyota, Nissan, Ford, GM, Hyundai and Suzuki. While Russia is unlikely to escape the global car crisis entirely unscathed 2009 demand estimates still point towards 4 million units and strong long term demand. In November the Russian government underlined the significance of in-country assembly by increasing import duties on cars. It requires high local content from the assembly plants foreign manufacturers must achieve 50% within seven years of starting production. Prospects for component suppliers are therefore excellent and many are gravitating to ‘supplier parks’ close to the assembly plants. The automotive supply market is estimated to grow from its present US$9 billion to US$15 billion in just two years. Online information and registration can be found at


News from the 2008 STAFDA convention Nearly 4,500 members of the Specialty Tools & Fastener Distributors Association bucked the economy and attended its 32nd annual convention in Denver, mid November, reports the association’s executive director. Georgia Foley noted that although attendance was down this year compared to the previous two conventions – Las Vegas (06) and Nashville (07) – those cities historically always set an attendance record for STAFDA. A more typical comparison to Denver, she said, would be the ’05 Baltimore Convention & Trade Show with 4,800 people. To only be down 300 people from Baltimore to Denver, in today’s economy, is a more realistic comparison. STAFDA elected Hal Look as president for 2009. He is senior vice-president of marketing & business development for ORCO Construction Supply, a distributor of building materials, power tools, and accessories that operates twenty branches throughout California, Arizona, and Nevada. Robert Devers, A-Jax Company, Jacksonville, FL, was elected STAFDA vice president. The STAFDA Trade Show, open for 12 hours over two days, featured 881 booths. John Wolz of, who attended the convention, reports on some of the key issues raised during the event. Members need to reinvent themselves Today's troubled economy requires companies to reinvent themselves, Rick Peterson told delegates in his "Distributor State of Industry" speech. The 2008 STAFDA president, explained how his own distributorship has changed since All-West Fasteners Inc. opened in 1978 with two guys in a sparsely stocked south Seattle industrial area warehouse. During the 1980s, as “smokestack” customers closed "we reinvented ourselves as a supplier of aircraft fasteners and military specification hardware,” he explained. Later All-West added electronic hardware as electronics manufacturing expanded in the Pacific Northwest. Peterson advised distributors to find new ways to add value to supply relationships, citing vendor managed inventory systems as playing a key role in the company’s growth. He also explained the advantages of noncancellable/nonreturnable agreements. "I originally came from the 'handshake' world where you could always work out a compromise if a special order ended up gathering dust." But today with so many items being special, "we learned to protect ourselves by using NCNRs." Peterson advised STAFDA members to use "terms and conditions" to

protect themselves from product liability. "We are the distributor – not the insurer – against all things bad in the universe. No single customer is ever so valuable that you should agree to indemnify them. Ever!"

Rick Peterson, 2008 STAFDA president Beyond the economic, oil, war and disaster volatilities of the past year, STAFDA faces the "first nationwide housing crash since the 1930s – and no one knows where it will end," Peterson observed. STAFDA distributors "will need to shift their sales emphasis to commercial, industrial and other market sectors." "History tells us recessions are frequent and short lived before the business cycle selfcorrects and prosperity returns," Peterson noted. And, "though weakening," at US$14 trillion the U.S. economy "is hardly in a state of collapse." Peterson ended by advocating a "green component to almost every aspect of the business world”. "Going green saves water, gas, natural resources and, most importantly, money," Peterson pointed out. STAFDA to publish disaster guide STAFDA will publish a "What-to-Do-When-aDisaster-Strikes-Your-Company" manual, executive director Georgia Foley announced. From the experiences of Hurricanes Ike and Katrina STAFDA has recognised a role in acting as conduit for supply and buying members to maintain contact in the event of a disaster. STAFDA has now asked Mike Foster, disaster planning expert, and Doug Austin of Sentry Insurance to prepare a manual. Retroactive anti-dumping duties chilling to importers Mona Zinman, co-CEO of PrimeSource Building Products, told the convention that as the “importer of record” it could face retroactive

charges in relation to anti-dumping measures on nails imported from China. The current investigation started in May 2007 and preliminary determinations stated that nails were being dumped from 21.24% to 118% below market. But the chilling scenario to Zinman is the word "retroactive." "In business and in life we can react to any disaster or any problem as long as we know what we are dealing with," Zinman said in her STAFDA Associate State of the Industry address. In the summer 2009, she explained, the Department of Commerce will review nail imports and by the middle of 2010 will announce preliminary results. Final results could be announced as late as 2011 for a period of January 2008 through July 2009. "In 2011 we will learn the final duty rate on entries made as far back as three years earlier and that dumping duty rate may very well change," Zinman explained. The rate will be applied retroactively and the process continues annually for at least five years. “Nails will already have been sold and in a roof or drywall or deck and the added cost can't be passed on,” Zinman pointed out. "Just as our industry has experienced the best of times we are now struggling through difficult days," Zinman concluded. "But this too shall pass and although its too late to believe in fairytale promises that nothing bad will ever happen it is never too late to believe in the future and the successes still to come for all of us."


No room for downturn at BAU A first visit to Germany’s biennial Construction Fair, which took place 12-17 January, left no question. This is an outstanding event, filling the Munich Messe’s 17 modern halls - a total of 180,000 metres exhibition space - and encompassing every aspect of the construction world. Space for BAU was completely reserved one year before the fair opened, leaving 200 companies on the waiting list – no clearer indicator of the status of the event is needed. BAU’s own definition is that it “presents architecture, systems and materials for industrial, commercial and residential buildings, and interiors”. It also claims the fair as a “unique platform, representing the most important industry event in the European building and construction sector”. We wouldn’t choose to argue. To our minds the fair was strongly oriented to the German and central European market, something confirmed by several exhibitors. 75% of the 1,924 exhibitors were German, with Austria accounting for a further 95 stands. Of the remaining 40 countries Italy provided 59 stands, Belgium 32, and Asia a total of 40. Visitor breakdowns will be reported in our next issue. Space is allocated systematically by market segment, with fixings exhibits in three areas: the halls for stones and concrete; aluminium profiles and windows; and construction chemistry and tools. There were fewer than twenty fixings companies but most had a very substantial presence. Würth’s double level stand dominated in the chemistry and tools hall. Amongst the massive range on offer was the ‘new generation’ Assy screw. New design features, at either end of the screw, clearly focus on eliminating splitting. Under head cutting edges have been exaggerated and a counter thread introduced at the tip. Hilti preferred a more dramatic demonstration of portable power tools, with a

crowd stopping climbing wall. Prebena demonstrated its portable nailing equipment including the LATTFIX – a jig mounted, compressed air coil nailer, developed in conjunction with MEWi. Hagen-based Eurotec may have had a smaller booth but the stand team were kept busy explaining the benefits of their innovative fixings systems. In the stone and concrete hall fischer packed a large stand with demonstration stations, drawing constant user visitor attention. Prize for dramatic effect went to the fischer Highbond FHBll bonded anchor using

the new FHB II-PF fast-curing resin capsule, regularly demonstrated to withstand approaching three tonnes of pulling force within minutes of setting. Elsewhere on the stand fischer ran comparative tests of its, shortly to be launched, Powerfast screw range

against major competitive brands. In common with many performance woodscrews now on the market, the fischer product combines a number of features targeted at delivering high speed, smooth insertion as well as eliminating splitting. How does it perform? Short answer on a short trial is very well – no surprise that fischer have taken considerable care to develop a strong performer to enter a crowded market. With a planned program of over 2,700 sizes, counting in a ‘Classic Fast’ range of more conventional chipboard screws, fischer is clearly intent on establishing a strong position. Also clearly intent on pulling the crowds, TOX set nerves jangling by loading a crate of precious beer, bottle by tantalising bottle, all supported on a single insulation fixing. Regular on stand ‘TV’ shows demonstrated other products including the new PSD-SL parallel expansion fixing, aptly nicknamed “Der Bizeps-Dübel”, designed to ensue maximum security in ‘difficult substrates’ including lightweight perforated bricks. MKT radiated a characteristically more restrained professionalism from a stand that placed strong emphasis on the anchor specialists installation calculation software and the continued development of its chemical anchor capabilities, most recently introducing the MKT-Injection System VEM for postinstalled rebar connections. In the Aluminium profiles hall SFS-Intec and EJOT vied for attention across the aisle. EJOT trumpeted DiBT approval – first of type – for its system for mounting solar and photovoltaic installations. The stand also featured fastener programs for profiled sheets, external thermal insulation systems, facades, flat roofing and windows. SFS Intec placed strong emphasis on its logistics capabilities in servicing construction customers. Elsewhere in the same hall MAGE presented its ranges of self-drilling screws for the roofing, cladding and window industries. Next edition of BAU takes place in 2011 – watch our Events Calendar for exact dates.

l l a m s e h t s ’ t i ” s p m a l c f ! o e d c l n r e o r w e ff i d e h In the ” t s e k a m t a h t s l i deta


Star shines bright

“We take quality of products and service very seriously and have always had very high in-house standards. We have helped many companies make cost savings and gain efficiencies through consultation and have built a reputation for quality and service by working closely with our customers” explains Nicola. “It therefore made sense for us to apply for ISO9001 2000 accreditation which we received at the end of 2008.” The conversation with Robbie and Nicola takes the mode of a friendly chat rather than a formal meeting, with each taking it in turns to modestly talk about what Star has achieved. Although, like most companies, BobTail™ they are

were happy to just to look for the lowest price, but by working with customers we can suggest an alternative product that will allow them to become more efficient and reduce their total installation costs. This can provide companies with real cost saving benefits.” “We encourage all our customers to ring us whenever they are struggling with an application. That way our staff can talk to them about the application, find out their requirements and then suggest some possible alternatives that they might not have thought about.” An additional element that Star hopes will make it stand out from the crowd is its newly designed website, which has already received a lot of positive feedback. One of the new features on the site is that PDF Data Sheets are available to download on all the products Star has to offer, including the entire Huck range. “We thought it was important that Data Sheets were included on the website and from the comments we have already received this has been proven to be the right decision,” says Nicola. “We are very pleased with the success of the site and hope to add some order processing software in the future, so that customers can buy products online.” When listening to Robbie and Nicola it is apparent that the company hasn’t fundamentally changed in the last twenty years. Not only is the

expecting difficult times ahead they are still cautiously optimistic for 2009. “We achieved steady growth last year and have just signed contracts with three of the major commercial vehicle body builders for the upcoming year, which will hopefully help us through these difficult times,” comments Robbie. He goes on, “Before, some companies

company proud of its leadership in Huck products, it is also proud of the products themselves. This is shown in the way in which Star deal with customers, backing top customer service, with excellent technical knowledge. However, rather than sitting back on its laurels, Star is actively seeking to diversify into new markets and continue its growth.

the ability to cover 2mm to 31.8mm. Also a Star Fasteners Ltd, based in Ilkeston, double lock design allows it to clamp the Derbyshire, was last featured by this assembly from both sides for maximum joint magazine in 2002. Will Lowry paid a visit to integrity, ” explains Robbie. the company to see how it had progressed “A new product that we hope will be just as over the past six years. successful as the HuckLok™ is the BobTail™, Established in 1989 by Bob Starbuck and which will be introduced this year,” adds now managed by both Bob’s son Daniel and Nicola. “Unlike previous LockBolts the BobTail™ Robbie Haynes, Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd has, is installed faster and without pin break, which through successive years of growth, become cuts out potential noise, safety and the UK’s largest distributor of Huck fasteners, corrosion issues.” designed and engineered by Alcoa Fastening Star Fasteners Ltd has recently Systems, and is now steadily expanding its received ISO9001 accreditation. distribution into Europe. HuckLok™

Star Fasteners has a broad customer base comprising truck, trailer, commercial vehicle body builders, portable buildings, auto and railcar markets. Star continually proves the benefits of using Huck fasteners in general engineering, security and construction environments. Star Fasteners celebrates its twentieth anniversary this year. Robbie along with Nicola Smith, general manager, explains Star’s progress over the past six years. “Although we stock an extensive range of Huck fasteners and most other equivalent brands, we also provide an ever-wider range of industrial fasteners to suit our customer’s requirements. These include rivets, threaded inserts, weld and self clinch studs, screws, insert bits and holders and rivet bushes,” comments Robbie. Nicola adds, “We give our customers a top quality service. It’s our aim to make sure that when a customer calls we are able to recommend the most suitable product range for the application, this requires our staff to have an in-depth knowledge of all our products.” Star was originally set up to specialise in Huck Fasteners and that is still the case today with over 80% of last year’s sales coming from Huck products. “Looking at all the Huck products we have to offer I would say that the HuckLok™ blind fixing is definitely one of the most popular. It was introduced in 2004 with seven sizes being available, it features a wide grip range and has

Hose Clip and Clamp Manufacturers in Birmingham UK Established 1978


“The best of two worlds” A surprisingly sunny morning in mid November saw Will Lowry visit UK based Blakeacre to find out more about this manufacturing stockist. Blakeacre, situated conveniently just off the M6 in Birmingham, was founded in 1981 by Chris Gratwick, managing director. “I started the company after the demise of Baxter’s, a UK manufacturer, and only had four employees in the beginning. We were all ex-Baxter staff and I saw that there was an opportunity in the market for a manufacturer who could also stock products. Over twenty five years later and we have 20 plus employees and mainly sell to distributors. We really have made giant steps since the company began.” Blakeacre produces a range of products including self clinching studs, thread forming screws for plastics, projection weld bolts, capacitor discharge studs, its own Bolt Lok™ pin and collar fastener range, PCB circuit board screws and multi grip pins and collars, as well as specials to customer drawings. “Our core business is sheet metal and without doubt our main product is self clinching studs which we have been producing for 7 to 8 years,” explains Ken Horton, sales director. “However, we are always willing to listen to customer’s requirements and to manufacture new products that we currently don’t offer.” Ken, who has been at Blakeacre since 1995, is open and plain speaking when talking about Blakeacre. “What makes us different to most manufacturers is that we manufacture and stock certain products before we have received an order. This means that when we get an order for a stocked product it can be quickly shipped out to the customer.” As well as manufacturing and stocking its own product, Blakeacre can produce specials

to customer’s specifications. “We are constantly looking to adapt and introduce new parts wherever possible,” comments Chris. “We can design and produce our own tooling and have a storeroom which contains hundreds of tools. This means that when a customer enquires about us producing a special we can either develop a new tool or modify an existing one. Our tools are stored in specific product boxes which allow us to quickly identify if we have the correct tooling, and if not, how quickly we will be able to adapt the current tooling.” Blakeacre can supply products to countries around the world; destinations currently include New Zealand, South Korea, Russia, Finland and Germany. “We offer a special service to certain customers where we will pack the products in customer branded boxes, label them and, if necessary, deliver them to their clients,” comments Ken. “All the customer has to do is supply us with the boxes and the labels.” Blakeacre currently has four specialist optical sorting machines, as well as two automatic bagging machines which help to maintain quality standards. “We bought our first sorting machine about ten years ago and have been adding new machines as and when necessary,” says Chris. “It is important in today’s market that a company can offer quality assured products.” The Blakeacre factory houses fifteen cold formers and fifteen thread rollers. Each cold heading machine has computerised process controls. Flexibility across the machines, thanks to interchangeable tooling, means that Blakeacre is always able to accept new orders. “We can actually run a ghost shift over night if required,” comments Ken. “In fact we can

run the machines non-stop, 24 hours a day, for a whole week if it is necessary.” Once the products have been produced they are shipped to Blakeacre’s warehouse which is situated a couple of miles away from the main office and factory. “We did have the opportunity to bring the warehouse and factory together a couple of years ago,” explains Chris, “but after careful consideration we realised that it wouldn’t have been cost effective. By moving the warehouse to the same location as the factory, we would have been moving it away from the valuable resources it is currently situated near, such as heat treatment and plating. It therefore made sense to keep it where it is and simply make the five minute journey when necessary.” What helps make the distance even shorter is that the warehouse and offices are linked via a personalised computer system. The computer system was introduced in 1996 with the intention of making the whole order process more efficient. “The software was designed in-house and although there might have been a few bugs to begin with we can now ship orders within minutes, comments Ken. “As soon as the order has been received in the office we can send an electronic copy to the warehouse. This is then used by the warehouse as picking notes and also to check the order. Once the order has been cross checked an invoice is printed and the products sent out. It couldn’t be any faster or simpler.” The warehouse contains over £500,000 of stock and the computer system can automatically check which lines are running low. “If we are lacking on a certain product the computer red flags it and automatically ‘pulls through’ an order for more product,” explains Chris. “This guarantees that we always have a

this has allowed us to generate new business,” services and products we have to offer. We saw sufficient amount of stock on several of our the benefits of this when we recently received a adds Chris. “It is always a struggle in the products. To add to this, if we receive an order new customer from Sweden and plan to continue fastener industry and you have to take the from a customer which is vital we can delay to keep our company name on people’s minds in market as it happens, but we have a low cost the re-stock orders and simply slip in the 2009. It is important that at times like these a base and are highly cost effective.” urgent order. company stays So what will 2009 bring for Blakeacre? “We A continuous improvement scheme is also positive and have found that a lot of people seem to know running in the factory and warehouse, with continues to look the Blakeacre brand, but are weekly staff meetings to allow possible ideas ahead and this is not sure what we have to to improve quality and working practices to be what we plan offer,” explains Chris. “We voiced. “We are TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO to do.” made a concerted 14001 accredited and take the quality of work effort towards the and product very seriously,” comments Chris. end of 2008 to “The continuous improvement scheme allows make sure that our workers to suggest ideas and unless they customers require a large investment they are know implemented almost straight away.” what However, Blakeacre has found that producing high quality products is not always enough in today’s market. “There seems to be a general perception that if a product is manufactured in China it is automatically cheaper,” comments Ken. “This isn’t always the case, there are many products on which we are very competitive and when you take into consideration the costs of shipping from China we become a realistic alternative.” “We make sure that we maintain L-r: Chris Gratwick, MD, Julie Jarvis, administration manager, Ken Horton, sales director our margins, but have still found that

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thread Forming Screws

Multi Grip Pins and Collars

Self Clinching Studss

Approved to ISO14001, ISO9001 and TS16949. Extensive stocks of our own manufactured ranges. Customer scheduled stocks held. Wide range of materials, including stainless steel. Wide range of finishes and dimensions. Optical sorting facility available. Specialists in sheet metal fasteners.

We manufacture: Self Clinching Studs. Thread Forming Screws for plastic. Projection Weld Bolts. Capacitor Discharge Studs. Bolt Lok Pins and Collars. PCB Circuit Board Screws. Multi Grip Pins and Collars. Specials to Customer drawing.

Bolt Lok Pins and Collars

Capacitor Discharge Studs

Projection Weld Bolts

Visit for full details on our manufacturing capabilities and stocked ranges, or call us now on 0121 358 5066.

Blakeacre - the unique fastener manufacturer with extensive stocks.

Unique approach to fasteners Blakeacre Limited Austin Way, Hamstead Industrial Estate, Old Walsall Road, Birmingham B42 1DU UK Tel: +44 (0)121 358 5066 Fax: +44 (0)121 358 1721 Email: Website:


Recent European Technical Approvals for fixings As a new service Fastener & Fixing Magazine has reached an agreement with the European Organisation for Technical Approvals to publish a regular list of recently granted ETAs for fixings products. The ETAs listed (below) were granted in the last three months and we plan to maintain a rolling three month listing in each of our issues. It is important to note that existing ETAs may be amended or withdrawn so this list should not be considered definitive. For further information and a full list of valid ETAs you should visit EOTA’s website, ETA NUMBER ETAG 001 Metal Anchors for use in Concrete (all parts)

ETA - 08/0291 ETA - 08/0327 ETA - 08/0336 ETA - 08/0337 ETA - 08/0345 ETA - 08/0346 ETA - 08/0347 ETA - 08/0350 ETA - 08/0357 ETA - 08/0358 ETA - 08/0359 ETA - 08/0360 ETA - 08/0361 ETA - 08/0363 ETA - 08/0364 ETA - 08/0366 ETA - 08/0367 ETA - 08/0368 ETA - 08/0369

ETAG 014 Plastic Anchors for ETICS

ETA - 08/0204 ETA - 08/0335

ETAG 020 plastic Anchors (all parts)

ETA - 08/0189

TRADE NAME Stado resifix 3E stainless steel bonded anchor ING AGR ANCHOR Outifix ATX Inox Outifix ATX TOX Drop-in Anchor E DMT vinyl based 2K ATRION Chemical Anchor AVA Chemical capsule CAQU SOMAIN SRV SOMAIN SRV Stainless steel INDEX Styrene Free Vinylester Mortar MOEPSE (stainless steel) INDEX Styrene Free Vinylester Mortar MOEPSE INDEX Styrene Free Vinylester Mortar MOVISE (Stainless steel) INDEX Styrene Free Vinylester Mortar MOVISE EDILON DEX -EA 2K CM5 stainless steel bonded anchor CM5 galvanised bonded anchor X-Tite Resiloc E stainless steel bonded anchor X-Tite Resiloc E galvanised bonded anchor

MkaM-LI3A dia 10 and MKaM-LI13A dia 10Mt Outifix FRAPEX M

allfa AUR 10 Universal -Frame anchor

For complete and up to date information visit at which a list of all valid ETAs is maintained.

Lindapter unleashes the claw Lindapter has launched the Type LS, a premium self-adjusting clamping system manufactured from high-grade stainless steel, designed for use in harsh environments such as those found offshore or in conditions that demand high chemical resistance. Dubbed the Claw by Lindapter’s R&D team, due to the aggressive curved and pointed shape, the clamp is suitable for various flange thicknesses and slopes up to 10°. The Type LS fixing can be installed without damaging the protective coatings of steelwork. Also, Lindapter says that specialist tools or packing pieces are not needed, dramatically improving ease of use, assembly speed, and labour costs. Sabine Reimann, managing director commentated “The superior Lindapter features an extreme resistance to corrosion, whilst providing the upmost convenience in terms of ease of installation.” Cast in stainless steel equivalent to grade 316, the fixing is suited to withstand corrosive industrial atmospheres. The tail spans over slotted holes with special serrations to prevent the clamp rotating during installation. The new Type LS is available in sizes ranging from M10 to M20, with the largest featuring a clamping flexibility to fit flanges between 3mm to 30mm in thickness. The M20 has a tensile safe working load of 18kN per bolt, calculated at a 5:1 factor of safety.

HECO ® screws – the right screws for all applications in wood, plastic, sheet metal, stone and concrete.

® HE CO screws Safe and secure

HECO-FIX-plus® – the universal screw with patented tooth design never fails to impress.

concrete with ETA approval and DIBt approval (German Institute for Building Technology).

MULTI-MONTI ® – the ingenious screw anchor for cracked and non-cracked

HECO-TOPIX ® – the wood screw with innovative tip and shank design. Position, drive-in, done – no need for predrilling.

HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co.KG Dr.-Kurt-Steim-Straße 28, D-78713 Schramberg Tel. +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-0, Fax: +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-200 E-Mail: Internet:

For Ste el Constructions – use d worldwide L I N D A P T E R benefits include: ■ No drilling, no welding ■ No damage to protective steelwork coatings ■ No special tools or labour required ■ Ability to adjust during installation ■ Reduction in installation time and costs ■ For new constructions and refurbishments ■ Allows steelwork to be re-used or re-cycled

Our team of internal Lindapter engineers offers a comprehensive Technical Support Package for individual projects!

LINDAPTER LINDAPTER International International ·· Lindsay Lindsay House House ·· Brackenbeck Brackenbeck Road Road ·· Bradford Bradford ·· West West Yorkshire Yorkshire BD7 BD7 2NF 2NF ·· UK UK Ph. Ph. +44 +44 (0) (0) 12 12 74 74 // 52 52 14 14 44 44 ·· Fax Fax +44 +44 (0) (0) 12 12 74 74 // 52 52 11 11 30 30 ·· ··


Paving the way Everbuild Building Products Ltd has announced that it has acquired the distribution rights to GEO-FIX the paving jointing mortar, the unique, patented GEO-FIX product which had previously been distributed by Feb since its invention in the mid 1990s. “We will be working with Feb and GEO-FIX to transfer stocks to Everbuild as soon as possible and anticipate soon being in a position to supply GEO-FIX to both Feb and Everbuild customers.”

RapierStar and Screwfix RapierStar has announced that it has agreed a partnership deal with Screwfix Group, a partnership that was a direct result of a meeting at Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2007. Starting last year with Screwfix’s September catalogue, and now in 135 Screwfix branches, RapierStar is able to supply the full range of specialist window screws and installation fixings from its newly opened 43,000 square feet warehouse and office facility in Congleton, UK, which is within 15 miles of Screwfix’s own Stoke on Trent complex. In its eighteenth year of trading, RapierStar says it has grown continually in its specialist field of supplying window screws and fixings for the PVC-U fabrication industry, and has extended its product ranges to include a comprehensive selection of woodscrews, direct-fix concrete screws as well as decking screws. All of these products are complemented by drill and driver bits, adhesives, abrasives and other ancillaries. Over recent years RapierStar has introduced Microsoft Dynamics, fully integrated information technology, expanded its branches in Norwich and Belfast, and developed supply partners throughout the UK and Europe. “As one of the most financially stable importers and distributors, we look forward to a successful relationship with the UK’s largest direct supplier to trade.”

Kee Safety receives CHAS accreditation Kee Safety Ltd, a supplier of handrail, guard rail, roof edge protection and steelwork connections, has announced it has successfully gained the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) accreditation. By meeting the acceptable standard of health and safety compliance required for accreditation. “We are delighted with this accreditation, as we feel it is important for us as a company to show that we can achieve the safety standards set by respected organisations such as CHAS” said David Hill, group marketing director at Kee Safety Ltd. “By achieving accreditation with CHAS our customers will be reassured that we are constantly improving the quality of our services. It also illustrates how our employees continue to work safely and to a high standard.” CHAS carries out independent assessments of company health and safety policies and procedures, administered by the London Borough of Merton. Run jointly by a number of local authorities and other organisations, with the support of the Health and Safety Executive, the CHAS scheme indicates whether a company has demonstrated adequate documentary compliance and acceptable management arrangements in compliance with Health and Safety legislation. The CHAS accreditation has been achieved through Kee Safety's design and installation division, Kee Projects. The Kee Projects division specialises in providing turnkey project solutions, whether they be new build, refurbishment or retro-fit developments. By combining expert industry knowledge and safety product ranges, the Kee Projects team can provide safety guardrail and handrail solutions that will meet all project requirements.


Tornado innovates with Twister launch Tornado Construction Products has launched Tornado Twister, a concrete bolt which offers a strong removable fixing for many substrates. Said to be a dramatic addition to fixing technology, the Twister is both re-usable and suitable for all concrete types as well as a suitable fixing for stone, brickwork, marble, hollow pot material and the majority of construction materials. Tornado says that the innovated thread design of Twister allows it to cut a strong deep grove into the substrate with improved cutting speed and the bolt’s thread formulation offers high loads. It can also be used for cracked concrete applications. “As Twister is expansion-free it can be used closer to the edge than conventional expansion anchors. Our re-useable anchor also has a heavy, all-weather coating to protect it against the elements. The Ruspert coating has been tested to withstand over 500 hours of a ‘salt spray test’, giving it a serious advantage over other concrete bolt products.“ Designed for medium-heavy duty use and available in two head designs, the Tornado Twister can be used in a wide range of projects including: aerial installation, alarm systems, extractor fans, fencing, handrails, machine installation, boilers and many more applications. Tornado has also appointed two new business managers to strengthen its UK market reach. Phil Stagg will be responsible for the South-west and Wales, while Kenny Sharman will help grow the business in the Midlands and West Yorkshire. “Both professionals have many years of experience in the fixings industry and their technical knowledge will be a boon to customers.”

New enlarged builder pack range Fischer says it has extended and improved its Builder Pack range of popular fixings for builders. This range has been developed to meet the needs of tradesmen, who often prefer to buy fixings in larger size pre-packs. It has proved to be a very popular format with the trade and sales of the product groups included being strong. Now the range is being increased to include a number of new additions, such as FBS concrete screws, FFS window screws, resin studs and plasterboard fixings, as well as a new concept of frame fixings and general nylon plugs sold complete with appropriate-sized drill bits. These new additions join the existing Builder pack products – FBN throughbolts, FSA Sleeve Anchors, FWB wallbolts, KT toggle fixings, HM cavity fixings and a full range of nylon fixings including the UX universal fixing, SX high performance fixing, N hammerfix and FD plasterboard fixings. The improved range also features new singlematerial packaging to reduce environmental impact. The packaging has a modernised design with article numbers printed on the front for quicker stock identification and a coloured bar indicating product suitability, in accordance with fischer’s established colour-coding system. “Fischer Builder Packs have been popular in builders merchants and distributors since their launch three years ago,” says Dr Pietro Grandesso, managing director of fischer fixings UK. “We are now expanding the range and improving the packaging concept as a result of feedback from customers. I’m confident that the new range will also meet the needs of our builder customers in the future.”

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Norbar looks to Access Supply Chain Norbar Torque Tools, a manufacturer of torque tools, is implementing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution from Access Supply Chain, to support a period of rapid business growth. Norbar Torque Tools, based in Banbury, UK, has operations in Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore and the USA. It employs 188 people and has a turnover of £19 million. In recent years Norbar says its sales have doubled and the increase in numbers of transactions was overloading its existing IT system. It therefore selected Access Supply Chain, due to its capability to handle diverse production streams, including make-to-order, engineer-to-order and assemble-to-order. Access also delivered the required MRP functionality and supports Norbar's new lean manufacturing processes. "Access Supply Chain took such a thorough, consultative sales approach, that it almost felt like 'try before you buy'. It gave us the confidence that its system did indeed meet our requirements." says Norbar's finance manager and project leader, Ann Marie Paddock. "The professional and balanced sales approach also gave us confidence, whilst its implementation team has continued to give excellent support as we configure the system." Norbar's operations manager, Graham Daniels sees another key benefit: "The Access Supply Chain software allows much better visibility of work-in-progress and so will help us promise shorter delivery times with a high confidence level."

Apriso expands FlexNet Apriso®, a provider of adaptive software solutions for global Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM), has announced that it has expanded quality planning capabilities within the latest version of FlexNet® Quality 3.0. FlexNet Quality functions as a “hub” for Enterprise Quality Management across manufacturing operations. Apriso says that this product expansion allows quality characteristics to be collected according to an Inspection Plan residing within FlexNet, instead of relying on external systems such as ERP, which may lead to unnecessary delays or disruption of material flows, impacting Lean and other continuous improvement initiatives. “This integrated solution creates and expands sampling procedures, which can then be scheduled to integrate inspection priorities across manufacturing, warehouse and supply chain operations. Customers can now perform sampling with far greater flexibility, including based on ISO 2859 rules, which includes determining sample size according to lot size or severity level. Results are available in real-time, to support immediate corrective actions, as well as to quickly provide valuable information to corporate planning and reporting activities within enterprise applications, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).” Recognising that ‘one size’ seldom fits all, Apriso says it has designed its latest application to work in a modular fashion. By including as much or as little quality management functionality as needed, ERP users need not embark on a ‘rip and replace’ strategy. Instead, manufacturers can complement and leverage existing IT, QMS or ERP investments, adding FlexNet Quality where appropriate, addressing unmet Quality assurance needs without ‘over-purchasing’ software with redundancy in functionality.

DocuWare expanding as planned After careful considerations of the current, overall, economic business developments worldwide, the DocuWare Group’s executive board has decided that all long-term expansions will be executed as planned. “At the current time, the number of anticipated sales worldwide has never been higher. Our sales partners have confirmed that, with very few exceptions, they are not expecting any delays or cancellations of planned business due to general economic conditions,” said both executive board members, Juergen Biffar and Thomas Schneck. Based on feedback from its sales partners, DocuWare is also optimistic about sales for 2009. In large part this is due to the fact that electronic document management is extremely useful in tough economic times to help save costs and increase sales power. “Our qualified sales partners are able to clearly communicate these benefits - which has served them well in other difficult phases. DocuWare’s quick implementation and minimal maintenance are additional helpful arguments within the competitive landscape.”

SAP sets the standard SAP AG has announced strong global momentum for its SAP® for Wholesale Distribution solutions, with a rapidly growing customer base and the endorsements of leading industry companies from around the globe, including Reyher. The SAP for Wholesale Distribution solution portfolio has attracted more than 3,700 wholesalers, which SAP says makes it the standard software provider of choice for wholesale distributors. The solutions help large, midsize and small distributors automate and optimise business processes, reduce supply chain costs, increase cash-flow and facilitate collaboration with suppliers, customers and partners. SAP understands the complex challenges of wholesale distribution. Low profit margins, rising logistical costs and intensified competition are driving companies to seek better visibility and technical advantage with state-of-the-art IT solutions. To address these challenges and maximise return on investment, the enterprise software packages are tailored to the specialised needs of the different segments within the wholesale distribution industry. “By selecting software from SAP and SAP partners for wholesale distribution, we were able to get business solutions based on experience gleaned from several installations for midsize technical wholesalers,” said Peter Bielert, vice president, logistics and process management, Reyher. “The SAP NetWeaver technology platform and service-oriented architecture support our efforts to implement solutions and automate processes that link us to our 10,000 customers and our 700 suppliers. In addition, the fixed cost and time release update approach provided us with payback on our company’s investment in the new SAP ERP Central Component quickly and virtually risk free.” SAP says that its strong ecosystem of partners enables customers to quickly find and deploy the wholesale solutions to accelerate innovation, improve return on investment and grow.

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Software to support financial directors In the current worrying business climate, software company, Progressive Solutions, is appealing to financial directors to take full advantage of features built into their business management software to identify potential credit hazards, to streamline credit control and to spot reliable financial trends. To provide as much support as possible with this task for its merchant, distributor and wholesaler customers, the company has appointed Ian Knox(pictured right) as a financial management consultant. Ian’s role will allow him to provide a link between the sales and implementation departments at Progressive and the financial staff and board members of new and existing customers. “Today, businesses need to react almost instantaneously to credit hazards as soon as they potentially arise,” explains Ian. “Consequently, we need to ensure that users of our bisTrack system are getting the full benefit of its features and that credit controllers’ ‘Dashboards’ are set up to capture sensitive information as and when scenarios arise, ensuring a timely decision is made and any possible financial damage is thwarted.” Ian will also advise customers how bisTrack’s Data Rules Manager can be maintained to escalate credit control procedures. “This module automates what historically has been an extremely labour intensive process of phone calls, letters and dealing with legal bodies etc. By maximising the capabilities of the software, this task can be made so much slicker and, once again, tighten up a company’s credit risk and/or exposure.”

HellermannTyton goes live with Solarsoft HellermannTyton, a provider of cable management products based in Manchester, UK, has “gone-live” with Agile Logistics – Solarsoft Business Systems’ warehouse and logistics solution. The implementation was the final stage in a new company-wide ‘finite capacity’ production and distribution process, which will allow HellermannTyton to run with ‘zero inventory’ and therefore negate the need for expensive warehouse facilities. Bob Harris, site director at HellermannTyton, comments, “Solarsoft’s Agile Logistics solution was fully implemented according to schedule, allowing us to complete the full integration of the new logistics system over the designated weekend and be shipping out to our customers on the following Monday.” Harris concludes, “Solarsoft has become the backbone of our warehouse and supply chain operations, providing us with the confidence that we are building a modern, scalable IT infrastructure that will help support the management of our day-to-day business activities, whilst also allowing further business expansion.” Solarsoft says that it offers a comprehensive integrated business system for merchants, distributors and manufacturing companies. It enables business growth to be controlled and profitable through automating business processes leading to better customer service, a reduction in capital tied up in stock, improved margins, improved credit control and better visibility of sales and management information.

Infor sparks production at Bolton Conductive Infor has announced Bolton Conductive Systems, a manufacturer of electrical systems for the automotive, military and other industries, has selected Infor ERP VISUAL, a robust enterprise resource planning system for small to midsized companies in the automotive and discrete manufacturing industries. ERP VISUAL addresses the company's front office, back office, manufacturing, engineering, distribution, and business performance needs and will enable Bolton Conductive, which recently doubled its sales, to boost profitability through increased inventory visibility and enhanced planning and scheduling. Sold and serviced through Infor Channel Partner Visual Business Solutions, Infor says its ERP VISUAL system provides Bolton Conductive greater visibility into the precise inventory levels required to increase production to meet its higher demand. Additionally, the planning and scheduling functionality of Infor's software will provide the company insight into production levels and requirements to deliver goods to customers to meet its just-in-time production agenda. "We considered several ERP systems and ultimately selected Infor ERP VISUAL because we knew that the solution had the flexibility to change and grow with us over time," said Bill Bolton, owner, Bolton Conductive Systems. "Infor's unique approach to Service Oriented Architecture gave us the confidence that as we evolve as a company, we can seamlessly add new functionality without disrupting our business. We know that Infor's dedication to deliver new functionality to ERP VISUAL will mean the system will continue to be the best solution for us and will keep our total cost of ownership low." Bolton Conductive Systems, located in Walled Lake, Mich., USA, plans to deploy ERP VISUAL at its 80,000 sq/ft manufacturing facility, where the company produces electrical systems for major OEMs including GM, Saturn and Cobasys.



Investment in the future The new Dörken Technology Centre for Microlayer Coating Protection Systems was recently opened in Herdecke, Germany. Around 1.5 million euros has been invested in the new establishment, which enables coating processes to be illustrated 1:1 and extensive testing routines to be carried out. The centre is linked to all MKS sites worldwide via a CRM system. 160 guests from Germany and abroad were present when Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG celebrated the opening of its new technology centre. Representatives of the automobile and subcontracting industry, plant constructors, partners from coating companies employing MKS systems, for example from the DELTA-PROTEKT® range, joined representatives of universities and universities of applied sciences at Herdecke to inspect the new facilities. Around 1.5 million euros were invested to expand the technical support on hand for customers in the automobile sector, wind sector and other industries. At the same time, optimal conditions were also created for future projects. The new technology centre is divided into the working areas of coating processes and surface analytics. This enables the 1:1

re-enactment of the entire coating process to be performed, from pre-treatment via the various application techniques such as dip-spin, dip-draw or spraying and on to the readyto-ship component. In the second stage the testing of the coated part is performed. This process includes salt, spray and VDA testing, as well as many other automobile-specific

of the technology centre is the new bolt testing stand, where, for example, the coefficient of friction of a bolt connection can be tested according to the specifications of the respective automobile manufacturer. The new technology centre in Herdecke will be joined by a similar facility in the USA in early 2009, with a third centre also planned for the Far East. Dörken says this will enable it to offer qualified, on-site technical support to users of microlayer corrosion protection systems in its three core markets - the EU, the USA and the Asian growth market. The technology centre in Herdecke will be responsible for the entire European area in future, including Eastern Europe. A CRM system also enables the networking of all MKS employees worldwide. This means, for example, that test assignments from Japan or Brazil can also be transmitted to Herdecke and processed there. “The opening of the new technology centre is just one step in the scope of a complete global investment package. For example, the expansion of production at the Herdecke site is also progressing well. Production here is set to begin in April 2009.”

“The opening of the new technology centre is just one step in the scope of a complete investment package.” corrosion protection tests. These are joined by the working fields of surface analysis, various mechanical tests and wet chemical analysis. In this, it is possible for the entire testing process to be documented photographically. In addition to tests on parts from established processes the technology centre also conducts internal development tests as well as sample coating for future specifications in the automobile industry. Manufacturer-specific tests can be simulated precisely in this. A further highlight

DELTA® protects surfaces.


Okay, we didn’t reinvent the screw. Just everything but. Dörken is officially one of the 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. It’s nice to be recognised, but it isn’t actually news to us, having spent more than 115 years constantly developing new ideas for things like surface protection. How do we do it? The simple answer lies with our staff, who are never satisfied with ”good“, but are always striving for ”excellent“. They are also the reason we shone in five categories of this year’s prestigious ”Top100“ German company awards: ”Innovation-Friendly Top Management“, ”Climate of Innovation“, ”Innovative Processes and Organisation“, ”Innovation Marketing“ and ”Innovation Success“. If that’s not a bit of good news. Find out more at


Mectron advances crack detection standards Mectron has introduced its new Optical Analyser, a patent pending technology which uses a combination of chamfer directed, high intensity LED lights. These are mirrored to a contoured shroud, which allows the vision system to provide 360 degree control that actually allows the camera to look behind and around profiles of the fastener. Mectron uses the latest image collection data on the market. A Cognex high resolution camera system mounted to a simple indexed plate that allows the camera and lighting system to maintain a consistent optimal angle of viewing and ease of set up. “In the past, vision system software was very cumbersome and difficult to use. Our software engineers have created and integrated simple tools that make setups simple and fast. The software is controlled through our standard on board touch screen.” The Optical Analyser is now available for use with any of Mectron’s new machines. The technology is also capable of being added to any of the 500+ machines already in the field. “The design allows our customers to achieve better than the industry standard on all forms of cracks, regardless of how they are created.”

Uysal Makina continues investment Uysal Makina, founded to apply the coating needs of Norm Civata, continues new investments for increasing quality demands of automotive customers by introducing a new fully automatic Alcaline Zn/Ni line which will be operational in February 2009. Uysal Makina’s coating line park continues expanding day by day. “Our existing MacDermid licensed Zinklad® 250 Cr+6 free acidic Zn line and Doerken MKS ® licenced Cr free Delta Protekt Al/Zn line have proved themselves with the high quality and efficiency the products have been produced.” The new process will use the chemicals of MacDermid and the ZINKLAD 1000/1000B process. Uysal Makina says that the line will be Turkey’s biggest and most modern barrel type alcaline Zn/Ni coating. The bolts, screws and nuts will be coated 12-15% Ni, with min.8 micron coating thickness and will give corrosion resistance performance according to ASTM B117 / DIN 50021 / ISO 9227 salt spray tests.

Investing in the future Mayes & Warwick says that in these times of uncertainty it may seem strange to hear about firms investing in the future but that is precisely what happening at the UK-based tooling manufacturer, which has just taken delivery of a new CNC cylindrical grinding machine. The new equipment is capable of producing complex thread forms as well as any profile that customers require. “Not only will this produce the crush rolls we use in our own production but it adds to our already extensive range the ability to supply plunge rolls to our customers.” A second area of investment by Mayes & Warwick is its new Sage Production Control and Accounting System capable of pinpointing, at any time, the position of any order within its production. The new system allows customers to receive up to date information of their order, a vital element in the world of on time deliveries. “We are continuing to move forward, even in these difficult and uncertain times, because we aim to be there when things get better, offering a leading service in the tooling we manufacture.”

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New LaserLabTM 3D inspection breakthrough General Inspection, LLC says that it has made manual gauges obsolete with the introduction of the LaserLab™, a non-contact laser-optics system. The system takes millions of data points around the part, providing 3D measurements in a fraction of the time previously taken. An operator simply places a part on the stage. A precision, NIST traceable calibration cone is fixed under the stage so that the laser optics calibrates the system every time a part is inspected. This way the system is kept in constant calibration and routine costly certifications are precluded. SPC sampling and PPAP’s are done more precisely in a fraction of the time previously taken and the measurements are automatically displayed and kept on permanent record to settle possible future disputes. “In the few seconds it takes to scan a part, all dimensions, including lengths, diameters, radii, angles, and thread measurements are displayed accurate to a few microns. Out of tolerance features are also highlighted in red.” General Inspection has also recently installed a Gi-300 high speed laser measuring system at a small Spanish fastener manufacturer in Barcelona. The Gi-360 is a 3D laser measuring system with 8 lasers positioned around the circumference of the parts. The system can measure all external features to print tolerances at rates up to 600 parts per minute. Standard features the machine measures include; lengths, diameters, tapers, threads and straightness. The system is also equipped with eddy-current to detect cracks and the presence of heat-treatment. “The Spanish company produces a wide variety of rivets and threaded fasteners for automotive, industrial and construction markets and projects to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in reduced labour and charge backs from their customers.”

Manassero appoints new agents Manassero & C. Srl has strengthened its position in what it sees as the two fast growing markets of India and Brazil by appointing new agents. The new agent for India is India King Impex and the new agent for Brazil is Mrs. Andreia Prestes. There is a section on the Manassero website for Indian customers that includes a detailed presentation of the new Indian agent. “Both of these agents have an extensive knowledge of their markets and of cold forming technologies; as a matter of fact several machines were delivered to both countries last year. We see the appointment of these new agents as an important step in the right direction during these current difficult times.” As well as appointing new agents Manassero has also expanded by opening an additional warehouse. “We recently purchased thirty second hand machines from closing companies and needed to expand by adding a second warehouse. All of the machines we offer are listed and displayed through pictures and videos on our website.”

Bosch Rexroth plans acquisition Bosch Rexroth AG is planning to purchase Interlit Joistgen GmbH which is based in Cologne, Germany. Interlit Joistgen develops and markets systems for cooling and lubrication technology, which are used under the Interlit brand name especially in machine tools. Additionally, Bosch Rexroth plans to acquire the associated production company MSG Maschinenund Stahlbau GmbH with headquarters in Joachimsthal, Germany. A contract was signed at the end of last year in Basel, Switzerland. It was agreed that the purchase price remains confidential. The purchase is subject to antitrust approval. In 2007, Interlit Joistgen achieved a turnover of over 13 million euros with a workforce of about 20 employees. MSG's turnover amounted to about 7 million euros. "With the acquisition of the two companies, we are strengthening our business with the machine tool industry and are reacting to the increased customer demand for single-source complete solutions," explained Dr. Albert Hieronimus, chairman of the executive board for Bosch Rexroth AG. “In the future, we will be able to offer the complete supply unit of machine tools. With the Interlit systems, the cooling and lubrication supply and swarf removal add to the hydraulic, pneumatic and electric supply.”

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PACE inspection machine NEW 3 D LASER inspection With accuracies up to 0,1 micro meter and speed up to 100 parts / minute it can show what is possible with today’s latest technology. Independent for any reflection and surface condition it can read any topographical shape of any surface. Used mainly for sealing surfaces or other precise surfaces. Double crack detection with a new distance compensation to allow nearly any shape of the part to be crack detected. Special execution for crack detection on Aluminum or stainless steel widens the range of parts which can be inspected on the PACE machine. New material and hardness test with 64 frequencies, multi channel crack detection, linear motors for the recess soft surface control are a few new high lights which is appreciated by quality concerned customers, many of them are using PACE already but also PACE can show its advantages in a lot of new fields for 100% inspection. Zero ppm guarantee with our patented 4 times redundant safety process, or simply the fact that PACE is the market leader for high class machines with over 600 machines world wide has proven to all well known Automotive and electronic companies that there is only one trust when you need a 100% reliable sorting process, the PACE. Please contact Hilker & Partner GmbH Withauweg 3 70439 Stuttgart Tel 0049 711 98 09180 • •


Another year at the top Despite the recent downturn Johnson Machine and Tool says it has retained its position as the number one provider of equipment to the fastener trade in the UK. “For over ten years we have outsold all competitors and we owe our success to our portfolio of products which include the top names in the world of fastener machinery,” comments Kevin Blenkiron, sales and technical manager. He adds “Our range of Carlo Salvi machinery has constantly sold more than double all of the other brands combined for the last 5 years and although business is difficult at present, we are still winning over 70% of available business.” Kevin points to the fact that Johnson Machine and Tool is a “one stop shop” for anyone wishing to produce fasteners and cold formed products as another reason for the companies’ success. “Our engineers are able to offer advice on all aspects of fastener design, production, tooling and provide “turn key” packages both in the UK and worldwide.”

New complete generation The latest innovation from ENKOTEC within nail machines is its new NX series of high-capacity machines designed according to a modular principle with a basic machine and six machine variants. While incorporating many of the features from ENKOTEC’s earlier series of high-speed nail machines, such as a compact, space-saving design, a production speed of up to 2,000 nails per minute and a user-friendly open-door construction, the new NX machines offer a number of additional or improved features. Firstly ENKOTEC has widened the dimension range of its new NX series to cover nail lengths from 32mm up to 127mm (1¼ inches to 5 inches) and wire diameters from 1.8mm to 4.2mm diameters (0.073 inches -0.165 inches). It has also redesigned the method of adjusting the timing of the insertion of a nail blank into the headforming die ring. Instead of using the traditional ETP bushing

solution, the insertion timing can be made by loosening /tightening one single screw in the NX machines.

The new NX series comes with a modernised and strengthened tooling system, designed for increased tooling life. There is only one type of die in the two die rings, and ENKOTEC says the replacement of a die is safe and quick. “You only have to loosen, \remove and retighten one single tension block. Previously, all the tension blocks had to be loosened and retightened to ensure the correct die position. This new type of die ring has also been made available for use in earlier machine models as well. “ Finally, the NX series features a user friendly PLC control system and touch screen operator interface, which displays current status, time and nail count, and can be set for batch operations by indicating how many nails to make. An error list gives operators a fast and effective trouble shooting tool, should problems occur.

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Grand opening of Atotech’s new European TechCenter for customer demonstrations. A zinc flake spray booth for manual rack applications with a size of 2.8 x 2m and an automatic zinc

ter -spin coa c flake dip in z c ti h a / Autom 2,000kg capacity

Atotech celebrated the grand opening of its new European TechCenter, for corrosion protection applications, in Trebur, Geinsheim near Frankfurt am Main, Germany, at the end of last year. The event included a customer seminar on new trends and technologies for electrolytic corrosion protection, zinc flake coatings for automotive and non-automotive applications and Atotech’s involvement in sustainable development. “Europe represents a strong market for automotive and non-automotive corrosion protection applications and Atotech is the sole supplier of both technologies.” notes Reinhard Schneider, president of Atotech. “We have chosen Trebur, located in the center of Europe, for our new TechCenter so that we are close to our customers and able to best serve plating and coating companies, Tier 1s and OEMs from Europe as well as the rest of the world with our leading green technological solutions.” The newly constructed Trebur TechCenter occupies a total area of over 2,000m² for equipment, laboratory, office and training rooms. It is equipped with a fully automatic plating line for zinc, zinc alloys, phosphate pre-treatment and Cr(VI)-free post-treatment processes including auxiliary equipment for environmental sound production and on-line analysis for process control. An advanced wastewater system treats the effluents from the plating line and serves at the same time

training grounds for Atotech employees, customers, as well as OEMs, offering sample plating for new finishes, providing qualification runs for new processes and technologies including equipment novelties. Another four new TechCenters of this kind will be opened in 2009 in Taiwan, Czech Republic, India and Italy. “It is part of our company philosophy that we are committed to providing customers with


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flake dip-spin centrifuge with a capacity of approx. 2,000kg/h illustrate the two ways of coating applications. Analytic and materials science laboratories are especially equipped for corrosion investigations, thickness testing and torque tension measurement. Atotech now operates 14 GMF TechCenters around the world especially equipped for corrosion protection applications. They serve as

leading technology and the best local service. By investing 11% of our sales into R&D, a strong focus is placed on the development of high quality and environmentally responsible finishes that fulfil the requirements of the automotive industry and its suppliers today and in the future.”

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TAPTITE 2000® proven in light alloy Working jointly with Magna Powertrain AG, Arnold Umformtechnik, a manufacturer of intelligent fastener solutions, has carried out a comprehensive study aimed at measuring the requirements of thread-forming screws combined with aluminium alloys. The manufacturer of distributor gear units has proved the capability of this screw profile in the form of Arnold’s TAPTITE 2000® when used in light-metal gear housings. Arnold says that the results of the study confirm the trend that thread-forming versions will soon be strong challengers to their metric equivalents. The comprehensive screw-in tests demonstrably indicate a relatively even pre-tensioning force window for both initial and repeat screw fastenings. Even at maximum core hole tolerance the method achieves acceptable breakaway moments. Under the effects of temperature too the thread-forming screws are able to substantiate their capability. Despite widely varying temperatures the fall in pre-tensioning force on the distributor gear unit housing remains at a low level. Furthermore, the triangular profile of the TAPTITE 2000® reduces tapping torque to a reliable 12 Newton meter. “According to the study, optimised aluminium alloys - such as GD-AISi9Cu3 - provide an excellent thread-forming structure, which, together with the triangular shaft cross-section of the TAPTITE® system, creates low tapping torques and high over torques. The separation achieved between these two parameters ensures high and lightly dispersed pre-tensioning forces.”

PEMSERTER® Series 3000™ wins award The PEMSERTER® Series 3000™ automatic press for installing self-clinching fasteners, manufactured by PennEngineering®, received an ‘Innovation award for excellence’ at the MIDEST Awards competition. The award was presented during the annual MIDEST exhibition for industrial subcontractors in November 2008 in Paris. PennEngineering® says that the PEMSERTER system benefits from full servo actuation technology for clean, oil-free, and environmentally friendly operation, improved reliability, and minimised maintenance. “The press can install fasteners permanently in thin-metal sheets up to 30% faster than traditional systems.” Other innovative features include PC-based programming, menu-driven touch-screen controls, and a patented LIGHTSTREAM® Operator Safety System. The press offers a 24 inch/61cm throat depth and can deliver ram force up to 16,000lbs/71.2kN. In addition to PEMSERTER automatic and manual presses, PennEngineering, headquartered in Danboro, PA, USA, develops and manufactures PEM® self-clinching, broaching, weld and surface mount fasteners; SI® inserts for plastics; and Atlas® blind threaded inserts.

BMG promotes Nord-Lock BMG’s specialist fasteners division distributes the Nord-Lock bolt securing system that uses tension instead of friction to ensure that joints holding sub-assemblies together remain secure. “Bolts on equipment need to be easily removable during maintenance procedures, but must resist the loosening effects of vibrations and dynamic loads,” says Darryl Campbell, divisional director of BMG’s fasteners division. “Bolts that are locked conventionally by friction in the thread tend to lose most of their preload through vibrations, while those locked by the tension of this system present a minor loss of preload which is caused mainly by settlement in the thread. Even after moderate tightening, the bolt is safely locked when using Nord-Lock.” Nord-Lock washers, which are installed in pairs, cam face to cam face, have cams on one side, with a greater rise than the pitch of the bolt. When the bolt and/or nut is tightened, the radial teeth on the

opposite side grip and seat the mating surfaces. The teeth also lock the washers in place, allowing movement only across the face of the cams. The resulting tension makes the bolt self-locking. These washers can be used on standard grade, as well as high grade bolts and there is no need for adhesives to lock the stud bolt. This system is designed for use in tapped and counter-bored holes and for larger holes or on soft materials, a flange nut or bolt should be used in combination with Nord-Lock washers with a larger outer diameter. “The advantages of this re-usable system include maximum safety when locking fasteners, easy assembly and disassembly, positive locking at low or high preload levels and minimum surface marring or scratching. The system, which has the same temperature characteristics as a standard bolt or nut, resists loosening caused by vibration and dynamic loads.”

At PRELOK we offer a complete range of evaluation test facilities and our team of dedicated specialists is available to advise you on the most appropriate solution to your fastening problems.

We provide our customers with the right

With technical support, application engineering and processing facilities located throughout Europe and global strategic alliances, we can support your company wherever you are.

pre-applied locking & sealing solutions for their

Component Processing to One-Stop Shop Solutions

fastening demands

From miniature items for mobile communication to M30 Bolts for Bridge Construction, we have the ability to process a vast range of components.

We can also work with a wide range of materials including stainless steel and non-ferrous materials.

We are approved by a majority of OEMs and have been recognised with a number of industry approvals and standards.

Complete fastener finishing service including a comprehensive range of corrosion resistant surface treatments.

Our range of products include: Tuflok, Precote 200, Nytemp, Scotchgrip, Driseal, Microseal, Nyltite, Nyseal and Nyplas. UK


Longacres, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 2JS, UK Tel: +44 1902 600000 Fax: +44 1902 600015

Chamerande, 01 190 Saint Benigne, France Tel: +33 (0)3 85 30 66 31 Fax: +33 (0)3 85 30 98 72

GERMANY Cologne Finsterwalde


Paseo FF CC 138, 08940 - Cornella Barcelona, Spain Maarweg 233, 50825 Köln, Germany Tel: +34 93 474 0707 Tel: +49 221 491 1063 Fax: +34 93 474 1197 Fax: +49 221 497 3359


IGS offers solution UK based Calder Ltd, a manufacturer of high pressure pumping equipment, is using 316 stainless steel dampers supplied by Industrial Gas Springs to control the doors of two large skids, housing the high pressure mono ethylene glycol pumps, destined for an offshore gas platform situated off the west coast of Norway. The customer had very specific requirements for the opening/closing of the two sets of double doors situated on both sides of each skid: a maximum opening force of 13K and damped in the closing direction. The doors had to be able to open right back, flat to the sides of the container, but ‘click’ into place at a 90° angle. “This application demanded the use of 316 stainless dampers and only Industrial Gas Springs was able to supply exactly what we needed,” explains Mark Wilks, Calder’s project manager of the £3.4 million contract.” It is vitally important that the doors are controlled so as not to be caught by the wind and only 316 will do in the rugged environment of the North Sea.” With each door measuring about 2m high x 1m wide x 120mm thick and weighing around 200kg, a total of twenty gas springs are providing the precise control required for their safe and efficient opening/closing operations. “This in an interesting application for our gas springs and we are delighted to provide Calder with this simple but effective solution,” comments IGS field sales manager James Godbold.

Fast turn at the cutting hedge Unifast's quick-acting fastener, Fast Turn, has been chosen by award winning Shropshire agricultural machinery manufacturer McConnel for an application on its Power Arm range of hedge and verge cutters. For over 75 years McConnel's machinery has been used worldwide in agriculture and by contractors and local or national authorities to maintain safety on highways and other areas where vegetation growth needs management. This is a competitive market place and with ease-of-service access being a major factor in customer choice, McConnel wanted a quick release fastening system that met that requirement and would stand up to heavy duty use. Unifast Fastening System’s Fast Turn was selected by McConnel for a newly specified metal cover on its Power Arm that shields a high capacity oil cooler and debris blower. Unifast says that its Fast Turn easily met the client’s requirements with its simple installation, easy removability for regular servicing and quick and secure re-attachment. “Fast Turn is a strong system, yet simple to use. It consists of a hardened steel stud, a spring steel or plastic retainer and a slip on receptacle that only needs to be clipped onto the opposing panel, completing installation in seconds. The fastener, which has strong anti-vibration qualities, only requires a quick half turn to operate. When undone the stud stays attached to the released panel, so it will not be lost - a vital requirement when field access is required.” Fast Turn comes in various head styles, including Wing and Phillips. McConnel opted for a slotted head, which can be opened with a coin if necessary, as the best fit for its customer service requirements.

Speeding up the process The latest addition to the Spirol range is the new PH Platen-Style model, a PH Platen heat insert driver. Spirol Industries says that the machine provides an accurate and consistent means of installing multiple inserts into a plastic moulded component. This is loaded into a fixture nest on a manual linear slide and the inserts are manually loaded into their corresponding bosses. The slide is pushed into position and the machine is activated. The platen head advances, axially engaging as many as twelve heated tips into the inserts, and continues to advance until the inserts are hot melted to a preset depth. The platen then retracts, withdrawing the tips. The operator then pulls back the slide, uploads the completed assembly and repeats the process. Easily interchangeable platens and elevation adjustments ensure easy changeover from part to part. Pneumatic flow controls adjust insertion and retract stroke speeds. The entire insertion platen head can be easily raised and lowered to accommodate various host shapes and sizes. The PH Platen machine will accommodate all heat style inserts in different sizes from and internal threads. The maximum number of individual heated tips is 12. Machines to accommodate other insert sizes, elevations and special tips can also be provided. The company’s range also includes pin inserters and pinning systems, self-tapping insert drivers, vibratory feed systems and radial riveters.

Avdel® Blind Fastening Systems

Holding your world together™ Avdel® Structural Systems: Hemlok® and Klamp-Tite®

Speed Fastening® Systems

Breakstem Systems

Lockbolt Systems

High-Strength Assembly: Ideal for Thin Sheet and Low Strength Materials. In the range of structural breakstem rivets, Hemlok®

aluminium made Klamp-Tite ® fastener provides

and Klamp-Tite ® fasteners feature high shear and

ideal conditions for use in thin sheet or low

tensile strength with a large blind side bearing

strength materials.

area to spread clamp load on the rear sheet. The

Blind Threaded Inserts


Wood, Decking and Collated Screws Suppliers of products within this market sector provide details of their capabilities and ensure buyers have up to date contact and product details, in advance of the prime buying period in the Spring.

Verbindungselemente Engel GmbH

Essence Method Refine Co., LTD Established in 1997 in Taiwan.

We are a successful wholesale business of connectors and have been present as a supplier to European industry and commerce for many years.

We especially make wood screws, structure screws, and special screws. Including Chipboard, Drywall, Particle-Board screws, Concrete screws, Tapping screws, Self-drill screws, Roof screws and screws of customers’ drawings (made to print).

We handle over a thousand million connectors of all kinds every year, holding a full assortment of standard items to customized parts. Over 8,000 pallets in our high rack warehouse in Weingarten accommodate everything our customers need for their daily business. To make sure that our customers are satisfied we maintain a high quality standard and use our wide experience and sophisticated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to their benefit. Competence in woodscrews. Chipboard screws are a main focus of our range. Available from stock, whether countersunk, raised countersunk, pan head, zinced yellow or blue, stainless steel, Pozidriv or Torx, with or without ribs, drill point, etc.

Our RD department has developed variable kinds of productions. acexma-a – Spire-sharp triangle core, rapid without wood split. GSWR - Making “Saw” in screw thread. PSP - PZ + Star combo recess for DIY market and reduce stock cost. TCA - Tornado cutting. TWDS - Anti wood split screw. Eco-nano coating - Variable colors and superior adhesion. Above patents belong to EMR, and we have the ability to apply screws to your market.

Special screws like Jetting, Rapid, Dual, Komprex are also available at short notice. Please contact us:

Tel: 0049 (0) 751 407 0

We welcome any type of co-operation.

Tel + 886 6 596 5071


E.u.r.o.Tec GmbH E.u.r.o.Tec - Hardwood Decking- and Wood Screws are created to offer the professionals most possible benefits which are guaranteed by the main characteristics as: Cut point cutting fibre immediately for easy grip without pilot-drilling. Thread geometry to reduce the screwing time by approx. 40%. A milling thread between thread and shank to reduce screwing torque for stressless and fatigue-proof working. Ribs under the head to avoid splitting and guarantee flush countersinking. Special case hardening to offer a bending angle of more than 40° to follow movement of the wood. Tec-waxing for easy drilling. Available also in outdoor coating resisting more than 1.000 h saltspray. Dimensions: 3,5-10 mmØ, 6, 8 and 10 mmØ also with flanged head (also in hardened stainless). Hardwood Decking Screws with the same characteristics and available in hardened inox, A4 (acid resistant) or A5 (chlorine resistant) “Terrassotec” screw types with cylindrical head design to pull the hardwood fibre into the drill hole to have a clean surface without supplementary operation.

Fastbolt is a leading wholesaler of industrial fasteners to European distributors only. Apart from a highly specialised product range ex stock Fastbolt offers individual supply solutions such as customised packing, direct container imports, pre-import quality inspections and a revolutionary online availability check and ordering system: FBonline. As a true "small screw specialist" we also offer a complete range of chipboard screws. The stock range covers cross and T-Multidrive recess in bright zinc and zinc yellow from 2,5 x 10 to 6,0 x 200mm (further sizes will be added soon). Just like all other small screws from Fastbolt the high quality FB chipboard screws come in the original FB box (45°/90mm).

Hidden fastening systems for hardwood deckings in weatherproof composite material for easy fastening without special tooling. A lot of new assembly equipment has been added to the range like f.i. "Big/Small Foot" for decking assembly without concrete foundation. Samples and full details are available by calling us or by visiting our web-site. Tel: 0049 2331 6245 140

Harrison & Clough

Poppers Senco UK Ltd

Indoor-outdoor, wholesale partners Timbermate Collated Dry wall and Decktite outdoor decking screws Timbermate Plus collated dry wall screws are equipped with a sharp, needle-point to provide quick and easy penetration with a ‘Philips’ drive and deep recess to give more grip to the driver. Specially coated to give a high resistance to corrosion and with an extensive range of sizes from 25mm through to 75mm. The screws are available in Coarse or Fine thread with a Grey Phosphate finish or Fine thread and self-drilling with a zinc finish. Timbermate collated screws are held on non-jamming plastic strips of 50 screws, boxed in 1000’s and are designed for use with all the popular manufacturers machines. Decktite outdoor decking screws are TDA accredited decking screws with tri-lock thread form for easier insertion resulting in less battery wear. Decktite has a Net-coat green coating for long lasting protection against the elements and use in the modern pressure treated timbers. Range is sold in small branded boxes of 200 and now also available in collated form for even faster insertion. Decktite screws are the market leader in outdoor screws and the most popular proven decking screws.

As the decking season approaches, it’s worth remembering that Senco has a range of fully proven and new tools, plus a huge choice of specialist fasteners designed to make your job easier, quicker and more profitable. DuraSpin Particularly appropriate for decking applications are the DuraSpin 275-18v and 275-AC; plus the height-adjustable DuraSpin 300-24v and 300-AC models. All these top-performance tools incorporate a high-torque 3000-rpm motor and drive a range of screws from 25 – 75mm. The two AC mains-powered tools are available as 110v or 230v models. New Gas Nailers New this year are the Senco Gas Framing Nailers. Features include powerful, motors, thumbwheel depth of drive control and easy-load metal magazines. They also drive a range of nails from 50 – 90mm length. Specialist Fasteners With the introduction of new pressure treated timbers, more attention now has to be paid to the type of screws and nails you use. Poppers Senco has a wide range of fasteners, including stainless steel and Weatherex® Class 1 galvanised, for maximum corrosion resistance. For specialist advice, contact Poppers Senco.

For more information contact Harrison & Clough Ltd. Tel: 0044 (0) 870 889 22 22

Tel: 0044 (0) 870 033 0200



T.I.Midwood & Co Ltd

T.I.Midwood & Co Ltd Classic Multi-Purpose Screw With over 35 years experience in supplying the fixings and fastener industry TIMco has become a well established brand, as has its MultiPurpose Classic Screw. The exceptional reliability and strength of the TIMco Multi-Purpose Classic Screw enables the user to rely on one product for a variety of applications. It is specifically designed as a multi-purpose product, the 25 degree sharp point, special thread design, lubrication and corrosion resistant plating ensures the screw will consistently perform efficiently in hardwood, chipboard, MDF, plastic and thin sheet metal, whilst offering exceptional holding power. The Classic Multi-Purpose is available in four finishes: Zinc/Yellow, Zinc, Stainless Steel and Black.

Yellow Strip Collated Drywall and Flooring Screws TIMco’s Yellow Strip Collated Drywall screws have been specifically designed to be compatible with all leading branded power tools. The collated belt has a double chamfered plastic collar to ensure the screws are delivered at the correct angle and released quickly without resistance. It has been manufactured from NA207/66 plastic and injection moulded. The collated strip is available with 5 different screw types: Phillips Bugle Head-Coarse Thread Sharp point available in Zinc, Phillips Bugle Head-Sharp Point available in Zinc, Phillips Bugle Head Self Drilling available in Zinc, Phillips Countersunk Flooring Screws Zinc and Yellow Passivated, Wing Tip Self-Drilling available in Zinc.

For Further information contact: For Further information contact:

Tel: +44 (0) 1829 261 111


Coming up in Issue 56 March...

ttap® is the new patented drive system, ensuring stick-fit without wobbling. ttap® is designed to work with all types of assembling, including demanding professional applications and single handed operation. With ttap®, assembling becomes easier, quicker and more safe. ttap® is produced by licensed manufacturers in Asia and Europe and is well established on the Nordic market as well as in Germany, central Europe, Korea and coming in USA. New countries all over the world are continuously added to the ttap® market map. A complete assortment is developed, especially designed for wood working. ttap® decking screw is available in stainless A2/A4 as well as with EPOC coating, which has obtained the strict certificate of C4 (same corrosion class as A2, ACQ proved). ttap® technology is also working perfectly for collated screws, ensuring more stable usage. ttap® driverbits and attachments are also developed and available for most types of screw machines on the market. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details!


Tel: +44 (0) 1829 261 111

America & Nail & Power Drivers contact: Claire Lake

Totally committed to a strong show Will Lowry visited London’s Earls Court 2 exhibition centre on Monday 19th January for the second day of the Totally Tools, Totally DIY & Totally Secure show. The first thing that visitors noticed when walking into the show was a dramatic core design. The organisers, Brintex Events, had decided to make the central aisle a focal point of the show. A striped canopy guided visitors to a ‘New Product Piazza’ commanding the centre of the hall. The piazza hosted a wide range of exhibitor products, with visitors encouraged to visit stands for more information. Alongside the central piazza there was a product demonstration area, as well as a specific ‘Totally Tools New Product Piazza’ at the rear of the hall. The exhibition hall had been defined into the three different show sectors, with coloured carpeting and stand signs allowing visitors to gauge whether they were in the Totally Tools, Totally DIY or Totally Secure sectors. “It is the third year that Brintex Events has staged the event,” explained press officer, Vanessa Fortnam,” and the level of investment this year highlights Brintex’s commitment to making the shows successful in the longer term.” Not surprising in the current climate, exhibitor numbers were down. The organisers confirming a drop of between 30-35% compared to 2008. In total 124 exhibitors supported the 2009 show, including 13 lock and security companies in the Totally Secure sector, a new addition to this year’s event. Visitor numbers, though, appeared to be holding steady, with organisers confirming that Sunday traffic was up 7%. 2008 figures were, however, down on previous years. The general consensus from exhibitors was that the volume of Sunday visitors was on par with previous years. The majority were family businesses and smaller independent companies. At the time of writing final visitor numbers had not been announced, but will be reported in our March news pages. Most exhibitors we spoke with seemed reasonably pleased with the show. Several admitted their expectations had been fairly low given the economic climate and that the response they had received from new contacts

was promising. One exhibitor particular satisfied with the show was Chatsworth Computers, who was exhibiting its Merlin Business software. “This is the first time we have done the show and we are very happy with how it has gone so far,” explained David Wilson, marketing manager. “We are the only system providers at the show and have received several positive leads.” Another exhibitor who was celebrating at the show was Arrow Fasteners who had received a silver award for its new HTX50 professional hammer tacker in the category of Best New Tool. The HTX50 features a unique handle design, with knuckle guard and soft rubber grip. Other stands that were positive about the response from visitors included Stanley Bostitch UK, situated towards the back of the hall; Carl Kammerling International Ltd, who was exhibiting its new C.K dextro VDE screwdriver; and DK Tools, who exhibited its extensive range of Am-Tech hand and garden tools. Brintex’ positive investment in this year’s shows, despite the economic conditions, demonstrated remarkable confidence in the brands’ longer term potential and a strong commitment to its exhibitors. A skilful approach to design and allocation of lounges and refreshment areas also helped to disguise a substantial fall in exhibitor numbers, which the introduction of a new security sector was unable to offset. Intensive pre-show publicity and mailing appears to have succeeded in holding up visitor numbers, which should mean exhibitors see a good return on their investment.


Cold comfort at DIY conference Brintex Events, organisers of the ‘Totally’ Shows at Earls Court, London, this year staged a conference to mark fifteen years of the event. Speakers were challenged to outline the future for DIY retailing. Richard Perks, director of Retail Research at Mintel, hardly opened on a reassuring note, greeting his 80 strong audience with: “It will get worse before it gets better.” Based on government figures (ONS), he said, UK retail sales for the first half of 2008 had been “incredibly strong” and “not much lower in the second half either”. British Retail Consortium figures, in contrast, showed a plunging sales line as the year progressed. ONS data, he explained, excluded DIY store sales to trade, boosted in the first half by migrant building labour activity but then impacted by the housing decline. The overall UK retail market in 2008 had been sustained by the 18-25 age group not directly impacted by housing concerns. However, in 2009, said Perks, they would “really feel the pinch” as unemployment increased.

Richard Perks, director of Retail Research at Mintel DIY, Perks reminded, was not protected in downturn - purchases were still discretionary. He argued that “this downturn in DIY had started much earlier” pointing to a 2004 sales peak followed by decline ever since.

“DIY has lost some of its popularity,” he said pointing to January 2008 research that shows it falling well below holidays and leisure breaks as preferred major expenditure. “The home has fallen off the scale,” indicating he believed “a major shift in attitudes”. Would this change in recession? Undoubtedly people were now spending more time at home, he said, but questioned whether they would spend more money on the home. After the last UK recession, during which DIY did suffer, the driving force for growth had been larger stores combined with the influx of foreign workers offering services to householders. “If people cannot move they will spend more money on their home” was a fallacy, he said. “If people don’t have money they are not going to spend - even on something that could save them money in the long term”. The only “brighter spot” Richard Perks could offer related to demographics that pointed to a net increase in population in the 25-55 year old key DIY activity age range. “That is the most optimistic thing I have to say today,” he added wryly. On the other hand, he said, the short term impact of increased rental housing would be bad news because “renters do not spend money on DIY.” He applauded, however, the trend for DIY stores to become “homes for ideas” believing the “challenge will be for DIY retailers to get people into their stores and buying.” In closing he spoke of a “tough couple of years” and reiterated “we cannot have any recovery until the banks start lending again, and who knows when that will be.” Diarmuid Walsh, a trading director for B&Q, used a series of TV advertisements to highlight the company’s transition from targeting traditional DIYers to emphasis on projects in the home and accommodated growing demand for work “done for them”. More recently, said Walsh, B&Q had returned to featuring employees in its advertisements, responding to a sharp shift in customer priorities “from wants to needs”. Walsh argued that customers now demanded “Value, Trust and Confidence” emphasising that B&Q had to deliver on all its commitments. The group would “use our

Diarmuid Walsh, trading director for B&Q scale” to drive value, “building a value chain” that “may sound like semantics” but meant a more precise focus on what the customer needed. Availability, inventory and cost were key to delivering the B&Q commitments, he emphasised. The key to meeting the trust expectation, he said, was execution in every store, motivating a recent “Martini” campaign to ensure consistency of experience “Any time, any place, any where”. Stores had been divided into “shops within shops”, each a business in its own right expected to take on specialist competitors. Category areas were “physically clearly defined” with staff in larger stores dedicated to each category to build “a body of knowledge and expertise”. Thinking beyond what happens in the store, B&Q is investing heavily in its online presence, “making it easier to shop, easier to buy and easier to find expert advice”. A new version of goes live in February. B&Q will also rollout a successfully trialed “reserve and collect” service. “This is an unforgiving market, there is no room for fluff,” Walsh emphasised. His final advice: “Don’t just think about surviving today, think about what the future will look like.” Other speakers included: John Herbert, general secretary of the European DIY Retail Association; Vin Vara, managing director of The Tool Shop; and Alan Hawkins CEO of the British Hardware Federation.



MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Raw materials MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Cutting the paperwork CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Chemical anchors and resins Report – IndiaMart Hardware & Tools Expo Report – STAFDA Preview – BLECH Russia Preview – Fasttec Preview – Ferroforma India Decking, wood & collated screws Italian companies



MARCH – 56 COVER Technox







MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Heading technology MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Inventory control and purchasing CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Drywalling and internal fixings Report - BAU Report - London DIY show/Totally Tools Report – Asia Pacific Preview - Mosbuild Turkey American companies Nailers & Power Drivers Target Russia & CIS MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Threading rolling and secondary operations MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Customer analysis and relationship management CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Heavy duty anchors Report – BLECH Russia Report – IFE Report – Fasttec Report – Ferroforma Preview - Fastener Tech™ 2009 Stainless Steel & Non Ferrous UK & Ireland MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Tooling, Dies and Punches MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Warehousing, logistics and outwork CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Foams and sealants Report – Fastener Tech™ 2009 Preview - Fastener Fair Stuttgart European Manufacturers Taiwan (TFTA) / China (CFIA)




MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Plating & Coating MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – E-commerce CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Wall plugs and screws Preview – BLECH Polska Preview – BLECH India Preview – STAFDA Preview – NIFS/West Socket & Hexagon bolts Stuttgart Exhibitors MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Inspection & Packing MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Telesales and quotation CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Severe condition and insulation fixings Report – Fastener Fair Stuttgart Report – BLECH Polska Nuts, washers and locking systems Germany


2009 Features Calendar


JANUARY – 55 COVER Fischer

I O es, M TI . l T E C rofi ons N ’ R S s, P vati D O L A t New Inno d s G U late ts an e c RE Th odu Pr











Important Information For information on the topics covered please contact the editor to receive a regular email alert giving more details and the deadline for each issue. We welcome all editorial contributions. For consideration in the News or Products section email a maximumof 250 words and a high-resolution image of 300 dpi to Our advertising packages can be tailor made to meet your requirements. For more information about reaching over 22,000 prospective customers please contact Jamie Mitchell on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 or email


Standing out from the crowd Here is a brief description of those companies and products at the show which particularly caught our eye: Everbuild brings Kwikgrip and Purimachos to show Everbuild unveiled a number of new products at the show and featured products from its two recent acquisitions: Purimachos and Kwikgrip. The Purimachos range included a wide range of fire cements, mortars and heatproof products, the Kwikgrip range consisted of an extensive variety of tapes, metal flooring and worktop trims.

Gorilla Glue offers precision Gorilla Glue displayed its range of adhesives and, for the first time at a UK exhibition, it showcased its innovative Precision Glue Pen. Gorilla says the 22ml Precision Glue Pen, is ideal for smaller jobs and on-the-spot repairs requiring pin-point application and control. Gorilla Glue is a versatile, all-purpose, adhesive ideal for most household fixes, building repairs and creative projects.

Extensive ranges from DK Tools Visitors to the DK Tools stand would have seen an extensive Am-Tech range of hand, power & garden tools, the Maxi Fix range of adhesives & sealants and the Elite range of professional quality hand tools. The DK Tools stand also featured the Premier Plus range of power tools.

“Profit from our innovation” Carl Kammerling International says it works hard to identify market needs and produce pioneering, new products that create demand and incremental profit for stockists. Visitors to the show will have seen a selection of groundbreaking products from C.K tools; the C.K dextro VDE Screwdriver, which features Grip Tip technology for the ultimate screw drive, C.K tools Access Pliers – a pioneering development of traditional combination pliers and the C.K Fast4™ four flute drill bit, built for speed, which C.K tools says comes with 100% more cutting edges than its flat bit counterparts.

On the level with JSB Tech JSB Tech has created a range of digital level products called Digi-Pas™, which it says offer high speed, clarity and precision over a conventional spirit level. Its latest product which was at the show was the DWL 80 series, a Pocket Digital Mini Level. “The DWL 80 series has been designed for many kinds of field work where accurate measurements are required, such as architecture, interior design, surveying, building installation, renovation work, machine installation, etc.”

Go bespoke with Abingdon King Dick Tools

Range of C.K dextro VDE screwdrivers

King Dick Tools have been made in the UK since 1856 and the company has the rare status of owning the UK's only spanner factory. At the show a vast range of spanners, socketry, screwdrivers, pliers, tool storage and many unique products were all on display, with visitors encouraged to have a look at what King Dick had to offer.

PTFE protective spray from GT85 GT85 Ltd showcased its GT85 spray which contains PTFE. GT85 Ltd sy that this acts as a long lasting coating giving excellent lubrication, rapid penetration and freeing. Anything given a protective spray of GT85 prior to use can be simply hosed down afterwards to remove all mud and dirt. Plus GT85 goes on working long after other sprays have dripped off or evaporated. Not being oil-based means there will be no build up of deposits to trap grit and dirt and cause wear.

Trade essentials from Toolbank Toolbank presented its latest offers on a selection of trade essentials including Jack saws, ABUS padlocks, Bahco wrenches and Stanley knives, as well as some extra-special deals on Dewalt, Ryobi and Hitachi products at the show. Toolbank also showed its extended hardware ranges from key brands such as Ronseal, Liberon, Everbuild, Hammerite, Hozelock and Plasti-kote.

& No Riveting – Self-piercing Hardened Self-Clinching Fasteners ● Press Nuts ● Binding screws ● Rivet Bushes ● Prestincerts ● Eccentric studs ● Floating Nuts RoHS Compliant

Autonic Engineering Co. Ltd

Salisbury Rd. Rye Park, Hoddesdon, EN11 0HU Tel: +44 (0)1992 471101 Fax: +44 (0)1992 471102 Email:


New TyRex concrete pinner overpowers its rivals Poppers Senco has launched the new TyRex branded TY150GCS, a gas powered concrete pinner which it says boasts a performance level that leaves virtually all of its competitors trailing. The TY150GCS drives a variety of nail lengths from 15mm – 40mm and is suitable for a wide range of jobs such as fixing drywall track, sheeting, casing, insulation and substructures to concrete steel. Where Poppers Senco says the TY150GCS does outscore other concrete pinners is through its power to performance level. “Beat this, 5,200 shots per battery charge. Beat this, 1,300 shots from a single 34g fuel cell. That’s power, that’s performance and that’s what makes the TyRex the best in its class by far.” The TY150GCS requires no operator license and with 20,000V of ignition power it operates even at lower temperatures. It is also compatible with a variety of fuel cells and pin brands. Designed with a narrow nose for precision pinning, the TY150GCS weighs 3.7kg, incorporates an ergonomic comfort-handle, belt hook, and is designed for left or right handed loading. Pins come in boxes of 1,000 and include a fuel cell. There is also a range of concrete fixing accessories including clips and fixings for conduit, cable and rod hanger fixing.

Fifty pieces of silver Kamasa has introduced a new fifty piece set of spanners in satin finished chrome vanadium. “When you need a new set of spanners there are just too many variations on the market. Now with our new fifty piece set the choice is easy because you can buy them all in one go.” Combination, obstruction, ring offset, open ended, half moon, S shaped and stubby combinations are all available in the fifty piece set. The set is also supplied in a robust wallet which can be hung on a wall.

Metabo has all the angles covered The new PowerMaxx Li PRO MKII screwdriver now comes with an angle attachment that Metabo says allows users to drive into tight awkward spaces. Users can also drill at angles via a special chuck adaptor that can be mounted directly onto the angle attachment. “If you need a powerful screwdriver & drill that can handle all your usual tasks, plus can get around corners then this is the piece of kit for you.” In conjunction with this innovation the PowerMaxx Li PRO MKII also comes with a bright LED to light up those hard to see places.




ISO/TS 16949

ISO EN 9001


ISO EN 14001 OHSAS TS 18001


¥ "Automotive" supply chain ¥ " Safety Critical" applications ¥ " Heavy Industries" SPECIAL ITEMS per CUSTOMER DRAWINGs ¥ " Heavy Equipment " ¥ " Heavy Constructions HSFG ( HV )" ¥ " High Masts, Power Trans. Tow & Access. ¥ " Highway Safety Barriers" ¥ " Machine Builders and Stockists"


CAPACITY over 1 000 Tonnes per Month GRADES : 4.6, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9,12.9 SIZES from M5 to M52 LENGTHS from 16mm to 500mm Cold & Hot Forming and Heading Processes Secondary Machining capabilities In-House Heat Treating

Capabilities: Plating for Futher Assistance or Inquiries, Please contact ; Sales & Customer Services-Fasteners Operations sales : sonermarasli Call : (+90) 322 393 4785 - 86 - 87 - 88 sales : bulent.yuruk Fax : (+90) 322 393 4084 - 4527 e-mail : Address : Ceyhan Yolu 30 Km. Yüre÷ir - ADANA / TÜRKøYE

Full Product Testing VISIT on-line :


Arrow® introduces Versatile HTX50™ Arrow Fastener Company Inc, based in Saddle Brook, NJ, USA, says it has taken the hammer tacker to new heights with the introduction of the HTX50™ Professional tacker. The HTX50™ features a new, unique innovative handle design, with an ergonomic, soft rubber grip, for comfortable use. Arrow says the handle has additional features that eliminate the most common problems with hammer tackers. A recessed hand grip and knuckle guard protects against finger scrapes on rough surfaces while the rear slip guard prevents the HTX50 from slipping out of the users hand. Another feature is the surface guard flange which helps reduce damage to roof underlayment and house wrap surfaces. The hammer tacker also loads two full strips of Arrow T50® staples in 3 sizes; 5/16 inch, 3/8 inch or 1/2 inch. “The rugged, all steel frame construction and our jam proof mechanism, along with its versatility, make the HTX50 hammer tacker an indispensable tool for commercial or home construction jobs.”

Back to school Wright Tool recently launched a new online training program for employees, distributors, sales representatives and tool users called Wright Tool University. Wright Tool University is set up like any university. The student must register to attend the university, enroll in classes and obtain a certain score to pass the classes. Users can search for classes they would like to take or are required to take in the course catalogue. Courses include: Corporate, impact sockets, ratchets, hand sockets and attachments, and wrenches. New courses and information will be added to the university annually. Each student is walked through an educational course on the selected subject. The material covers how the tool is used, how to tell when a tool is worn and should no longer be used, safety information for the specific tool, the manufacturing process and background information on Wright Tool Company. At the end of each module, the student must pass a quiz to successfully complete the course. Wright Tool manufactures a complete line of more than 4,000 professional-grade hand tools for the industrial, contractor, and MRO markets. All Wright-manufactured products carry lifetime guarantees against defects in workmanship.

Torque data collector gets new prompt feature Crane Electronics’ TorqueStar Opta torque data collector is now available with a new text attribute function. This “call to action” feature makes it possible to instruct the operator to perform an additional non-measurement action when using the audit tool. For example the unit can ask for a visual inspection to be carried out on a particular part being fitted or can ask whether all necessary documentation has been attached. Crane says that the TorqueStar Opta is widely specified by manufacturers within many industries for the measurement and collection of torque data. Its software can be configured to the required application so that it can be used as a simple readout system or a comprehensive audit tool with SPC functions. “TorqueStar Opta is easy to use. Wrenches and transducers are automatically recognised when they are a connected to the unit. Complex measurement routines can be set up on the data collector which will guide the operator step by step through these.”


DRALL+ improves force transmission The new DRALL+ screwdriver range made by Stahlwille, based in Wuppertal, Germany, allows the best possible fit between the hand and the tool’s handle. The rounded triangular cross-section of the handle fits into the palm of the user's hand. In this way, the user can transmit large axial forces through the tool with minimum effort. Stahlwille says that the handle sizes in this range are designed specifically to match the drive profiles and the forces to be transmitted. “The shape and position of both the hard and the soft handle components further improve force transmission and ensure enhanced comfort and convenience when tightening screws. The textured black tip of the DRALL+ reduces the tendency of the tip to slip out of the screw head.” The DRALL+ range consists of the popular profiles and sizes. For tough working conditions, there is also a version with a one-piece shaft and an impact head. The VDE series screwdrivers have been individually tested in a water bath at 10,000V and are guaranteed to protect against up to 1,000V AC.

Safety for heavy industry Norbar Torque Tools says it has had huge success with its TruCheck torque wrench tester for the car and more recently heavy vehicles markets. The TruCheck is a torque wrench tester with an accuracy of ± 1%, and a range of up to 1,000Nm. The basic model has no changeable settings and is designed for click type wrenches, the operator simply sets a torque on the wrench, applies it to the tester, and the actual torque applied is displayed on the clear LED screen. Norbar says that the TruCheck Plus version is similarly simple, but the user can also select the units of measurement and also whether the torque wrench is a click or dial type. In addition to the numeric display, a tolerance band can be set and the result (low, within tolerance, or high) is indicated with amber, green or red lights. The LED displays are visible in all light conditions and data collected can be downloaded to a PC for storage or for the production of calibration certificates. “We all know the potentially catastrophic consequences of incorrectly tightened wheel nuts,” said Philip Brodey of Norbar. “But we also know that many people in the industry baulk at the cost and time involved in calibrating their tools regularly. That’s why we are delighted to be able to offer this simple and cost-effective tester to help improve safety standards across the board.”

...and now from Arpel more quality fasteners. The range of high strength structural threaded inserts maximising grip range are now available in stainless steel and hexagon body in steel. Other types of standard inserts, rivets, pin and collars and all associated tooling boringly available from stock at quality prices with Live Chat Entertainment!

Tel: 01384 296 660 Fax: 01384 280 320 Email:


Italy This issue’s Catalogue Rack is dedicated to Italy. Companies use this service to inform the market of their expertise and capabilities, whilst providing up to date product and contact details.



SHOOTING WITH NAILS One of the largest and professional range of Powder Actuated Tools approved by C.I.P. Nails. 6,8/11 strip Cartridges green, yellow and red. Nails suitable: KDH, KDHM in magazine, KDHR with metal washer Ф 15, 23 and 36mm., GD threaded nails M6 and M8 , KDC with spacer, KISL with plastic washer Ф 30 and 60mm., KR and GBH for ceiling. Fax: +39 035 3846 012

COLOMBO EZIO S.r.L. Leader since 1953 in the production of special and normed fasteners: Ring-Nuts DIN 981, DIN 1804, Washer DIN 5406, normed and special Self Locking Slotted Round with Nylon Insert, special Nuts according to customers drawings, Cage Nuts, Hose-Clamp (wire-band). Certificate Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001.

Fax: +39 035 3846 012

Corbetta & C. SNC Our company is an ideal partner for the production of special screws, pins, rivets, tubular and semi-tubular rivets in steel, copper, aluminium, brass or stainless steel. The items can be supplied with head and superficial treatments, according to customer’s request.


Eldes New line of control equipment for cold headers and thread rollers, with increased performances: Reduction of interferences between forces in progressive headers with patented method. Setup of thread rollers without need of absolute force measurement neither memory of previous experience. Extremely simple man machine interface. Remote service through UMTS connection.

BOSSONG RESINS New sizes of resin are available now: the 300ml and 165ml cartridges that works with two tubular folios; one with the resin and the other with the hardener placed in one plastic cartridge. Now Bossong can offer to the market 4 different resins in the following cartridges: BCR-EPOX pure expoxy resin, no epoxyacrilate. BCR-EXPOXY21 exposy resin BRC-VINIL styrene free vinylester and BCR-POLY SF styrene free polyester resin. 400ml, 825ml, 345ml, 300ml, 235ml, 165ml and 150ml.

FA.RI. Since 1990 our Company has been a leader in Italy and Europe in the production and distribution of Blind Rivets, Rivets, Blind Nuts, Anchors, Cage Nuts in addition to a big stock of Nuts, Washers, Screws and Fasteners. FA.RI. and FA.RI. International technical staff will try to satisfy any request. Email:

Tel: +39 0363 397 161 Email:


FERMEC s.r.l. FERMEC s.r.l. is Italy’s leading company producing and distributing tools and accessories for electro-pneumatic screwing, wrench stations and robots for the mechanics – automobile - aeronautic industry.

Friulsider S.p.A., one of Europe’s leading manufacturers in Fixings and Fasteners, offers a vast range of fixings including numerous certified products and innovative solutions. Friulsider’s management policy of continual improvement ensures the highest quality production and service as validated by the accreditation ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates achieved in the early days of their conception. Tel: +39 0432 747 911


G&B Fissaggi Quality, safety and experience to innovative solutions. Experts in production of anchoring systems, we are able to offer a large line of nylon, steel and chemical anchors certified according to the strictest regulations such as CE Certification, Zullassung and Fire Resistance Test. The new Catalogue 2009, totally restyled in graphics, presents new products and fixing guide. Quality System Management certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.

INOXDADI S.R.L. Manufacturers and exporters of stainless steel and brass nuts, bolts and washers. Also producers of nuts and washers in Aluminium, Copper, Monel, Duplex, Nickel Alloys, stainless steel like AISI 309, 310, 316Ti, 321, 904L, etc. Usually in stock.

Tel: +39 0119619433

Fax: +39 0363 905 497

Fasteners SRL Fasteners, partner of Agrati Group, supplies a large range of services. It’s goal is to develop the commercial services, the distribution network, the assistance, the high system handling quality and the expansion to the international markets. The innovation spirit and the attention for the market opportunities, brings Fasteners to become the reference lighthouse for its stakeholders.

Mecavit S.r.l. MECAVIT, screw manufacturer with thirty years of activity and experience, is a leader in the Italian market of special and standard screws in carbon and stainless steel. The range of production is highly specialized in both socket and 6 lobes small dimensioned screws in different kinds of high resistance carbon steel. Please contact us to find out more.


Tel: +39 0542 670 560

RIVIT S.r.l.

Nordic Metalblok S.r.l

() %'"



We are a European leader in the accessories for the ventilation sector as well as hardware, industrial technical article, automotive and spare parts field.

% #$

Main purpose is to supply only “Made in Italy” quality.


Founded in 1971, Nordic Metalblok is an Italian manufacturer of steel and stainless steel hose clamps.


!**+,-.*/-"#$!%&%'$ Email:

Founded in 1973, Rivit is a European leader for fasteners and tools, proposing a complete programme of fixing systems, tools, machines and technical support for the whole sheet metal universe (automotive, electronics, household appliances, sheet metal working, air-conditioning, building, roofing, metal door and windows frames, etc.).



Specialinsert Estabilished in 1974, Specialinsert is specialised in manufacturing and trading of fasteners. Specialinsert manufactures a range of products for metal sheets, full parts and plastic materials. Specialinsert organisation are comprised of an in-house research and development office, technical laboratory, and a capillary sales organisation in Europe and worlwide. ISO 9001

TECFI S.P.A. TECFI S.P.A. is an Italian company specialised in design, production and merchandising of fixing systems with an own brand. Our daily work strongholds are: the employment of selected raw materials, a large stock availability, quick delivery service, focusing on customer satisfaction and extreme respect for environment.

Tel: +39 0823 883338 Email:

Tel: +39 02 6468476

Trafilerie Chioderie Torre de’ Busi sas

Unimatic Engineering Srl Italian Company with 40 years of experience in automotive parts / appliance parts / special cold forming parts – Tapping machines from M3 to M40 – multi station / Transfer machines – Special custom made machines manufacture – Automatic assembling machine – Stamp / progressive dies for vertical press in Automotive parts, appliance parts, electrical components.

Original titibi® products: the best choice for your fastening problems for construction and for decoration. Call now ! Our technical team is at your disposition.

Tel: +39 035 785050


Tel: +39 0522 658 900

Vipa S.p.A - leader in the business of fasteners; a reference company for its services and product quality. At the moment the head office ground lays over 130,000 sqm. The warehouse is the major part of it; with modern technology systems, software and hardware, to maximize the efficiency in the production and distribution of all products. The wide spaces allow availability of 40,000 different types of fasteners in a wide range of treatments ready for prompt delivery.


VORPA SRL Anchors & Fixings Since the foundation in 1974 Vorpa has been involved in the production of Heavy Duty and Middle Heavy Duty Anchors. The range of products loads today the whole gamut of anchoring systems. Vorpa grants an excellent production quality and an efficient service finding the right solution to each fixing problem. The great storage capacity of Vorpa warehouse assures quick deliveries all over Europe. Vorpa bears several European Technical Approvals and others are in progress.

Fax: +39 0541 691847

Coming up in Issue 56 March...

Targeting Russia and CIS Market contact: Claire Lake

A little light reading Adhesives that cure quickly on exposure to light are now used extensively across a wide range of industries. To help existing and potential users understand the benefits and to make the right choices from its Loctite brand products, Henkel has produced a 22 page brochure entitled Light Cure Adhesive Technology. “Originally, light cure adhesives were formulated for curing by ultraviolet light sources,” explains marketing manager, Colin Chapman. “This was followed by UV/visible light products, and then others that relied solely on the visible light spectrum to provide a safe and efficient way of curing these adhesives.” The brochure details the benefits of the technology, lists the latest products and provides examples of typical applications. A helpful product selector guide is also included. There are also comprehensive details relating to the equipment and accessories that can be used to cure these adhesives.

Safety switching hinge Elesa’s CFS hinge for hazardous areas has a built-in security switch to suit Category One areas and works so as to switch off equipment when a door or panel is opened. Elesa says that this becomes a great aid in industrial environments where it helps to ensure operator safety. Alternatively the CFS may be used to remotely indicate status, e.g. for access monitoring. Construction is an integral glass reinforced technopolymer unit ensuring a tamper-proof installation and easy assembly. Two variants are available – the CFS-SH with countersunk screw fixings for optimum strength and security – and the CVS-CH with slotted fixing for easy adjustment. Each one is offered with either top mount cable connection or rear mounting connector and appropriate leads to suit either the machine control or status indication role. The CFS switching hinge, normally paired with the standard CFM hinge, provides 180° opening with switching operation over the range 4° to 15°. It meets EN60204-1, EN6097-5-1, EN60529 and GS-ET15 with the switch and contacts sealed to IP65 – for indoor use.

Comprehensive knob range A range of solid and pressed steel knobs, in both matt and polished finishes, are now available from Rencol. Supplied from stock in lobe, wing or star knob shapes in industry standard sizes, the high quality products can be manufactured in other shapes to customers' specifications. Rencol says that the knobs are manufactured in hard wearing, industry standard materials, and are available at very competitive prices in low minimum order quantities. "By manufacturing these components in our own factories in China, we can supply first class quality at extremely competitive prices," said Tony Swash, Rencol's sales and marketing director. Rencol's group facilities in China are based in Shanghai and Ningbo. Its mature and efficient supply chain operation has nearly thirty English-speaking personnel in its Shanghai office specialising in design, engineering, quality and logistics. Industry sectors the metal knobs are targeted at include heavy machinery, manufacturing, office furniture and equipment, hygiene and medical equipment, automotive and aerospace.

TFC detect new product TFC Europe Ltd has added another product to its range of fixing and fastening products with the Combo Thread Detective. The Combo Thread Detective is a precise and easy-to-use thread identifier for both nuts and bolts, consisting of gauges assembled onto a wire lanyard. The Combo Thread Detective identifies thread sizes from both Metric and Imperial versions, and is especially well suited for distinguishing between similar inch and metric threads. The product is also equipped with a ruler for measuring stud lengths, which can be printed with a company or customer’s information for promotional use. With thread sizes permanently stamped onto each gauge and loops on each end for hanging, the Combo Thread Detective is a practical tool for a wide scope of people: from individuals through to small businesses and those working in large corporations. Its arrival within TFC’s product range comes at a time of significant growth for the company, which has recently launched a new website, Fastlines catalogue and Fast Tube. Technical director at TFC, Brian Goode comments: “We are delighted to have the Combo Thread Detective amongst our thousands of off the shelf products. It is an incredibly useful tool for manufacturers and engineers alike and we are certain it will be in huge demand.”


Finger on the trigger Power Adhesives has announced that the TEC 810-15, which it says is the best selling industrial glue gun in the UK, is currently being offered with a 45% price reduction for a limited period. Bill Howlett, sales director of Power Adhesives, who manufactures the glue gun in the UK told us, “Thanks to our loyal customers, we have had a very successful year and with the current down-turn in the economy we wanted to go a small way to cheering up our existing and new customers by giving them an opportunity to save money on our flagship product.” The offer is for a brand new TEC 810-15 fitted with a special extension nozzle, silicone rubber release mat, metal stand and a sample pack of the company’s high-performance 15mm glue sticks. Hot melt glue is applied to one substrate and as soon as the second substrate is pressed against the first, the bond sets immediately. Most materials can be bonded with the same glue stick but special sticks are available for difficult substrates. “What’s more, it doesn’t need to be re-loaded as often as its smaller counterpart because it holds 70% more adhesive. It is lightweight yet robust, and its fully hand-adjustable trigger makes it very easy and comfortable to use.” Other features that Power Adhesives says the gun benefits from are easy-change temperature thermostats, fast warm-up from cold (2 to 3 minutes), high output (over two kilos per hour), illuminated on-off switch, detachable base and extension nozzle.

Enhanced Cam Latch line expanded The recently expanded line of Southco® E5 Industrial Series Cam Latches offers three additional choices for better user interface, with a pleasing aesthetics and key-locking versatility, in the form of integrated L-handle, T-handle and Flush Wing Knob designs. Southco says that the modular E5 latch format, with multiple interchangeable cams to satisfy grip dimension requirements from 4mm to 42mm, provides cost-effective design and purchasing solutions. The L-handle and T-handle designs, available in bright chrome and black powder-coated standard finishes, deliver ample, ergonomic handholds for user grasp and operation. Both offer easy single hole installation secured by a single mounting nut threaded onto the back of the latch body, for low installed-cost in panels from 1mm to 6mm thick. A hooked cam is also available to suit different frame configurations. The Flush Wing Knob latch, available in a standard black powder-coated finish, features an aesthetically pleasing oval faceplate with a recessed cup to hold the wing knob actuator mechanism beneath the surface level of the door panel. Built-in threaded studs enable the entire housing to mount from the back of door panels up to 3.2mm thick, leaving only the virtually flush faceplate exposed on the surface of the door. All three of the new actuation handles provide choices of non-locking, standard key code and user-assigned key code configurations for more flexible access control management, and feature over moulded keys for a comfortable, firm grip. All also offer adapters for optional multi-point latching to improve security and reduce rattle in applications with larger door spans.

New Avbolt® diameter available The popular Avbolt® fastener is now also available in a 5/8 inch (16mm) diameter. The Avbolt® structural fastener is a high strength, tamper resistant, blind steel fastener designed for use in heavy-duty structural applications such as automotive, construction, container, railway and mining. It enlarges the wide range of Avdel® structural lockbolts by offering high tensile and shear strength that is normally only possible with a non blind lockbolt. The Avbolt® fastener is suitable for areas with restricted access. Positive single sided installation requires minimal operator skill. The Avbolt® fastener is available in three diameters, 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, 5/8 inch and 25 different lengths. Two installation tools are available, the 722 (1/4 inch) or the HAT tool which can place 3/8 inch and 5/8 inch. Blind installation speeds up the fastening process and allows fastening in areas with restricted access. The visible lock formed at the top of collar allows easy inspection of correct placing. Smaller Avbolt® fasteners feature a two piece design, a sleeve and collar component and a stem. The larger Avbolt® fasteners (3/8 inch and 5/8 inch) feature a three piece design with separate sleeve, collar and stem components that are pre-assembled in Avdel’s manufacturing facility to create the finished fastener. During installation the collar is mechanically swaged on to the stem to prevent unwanted removal, making the Avbolt® fastener tamper resistant. The mechanical lock also ensures a vibration resistant joint making the Avbolt® fastener suitable in situations which require a tough, durable fastener.

If you have a problem finding specialist screws, if you can’t find them, if no one else can help, maybe you should hire . . .



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Twin Hole Spanner Pin Hexagon Resistorx One-Way and Pin Phillips Machine and sheet metal security screws The latest 24 page catalog from European fastener specialist DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV features in excess of 900 security screw and nut products in diameters M3-M12. Most items comprising the range are available in stainless steel, ex-stock and can be delivered to any European destination within 48 hours. For a free catalogue and/or enquiries for quotation, contact DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV: Tel: +31 153 615 210 Fax: +31 153 615 299 Email: The range is also available from appointed stockists throughout Europe

INTERNATIONAL BV Telephone 0031 15 3615210, TELEFAX 0031 15 3615299 PO BOX 61 2640 AB Pijnacker, Holland



ue o ut n ow

ACT (FASTENERS & COMPONENTS) LIMITED T: +44 (0)1902 791880 F: +44 (0)1902 791884

E: W: Units 13 & 16, Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Station Road, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton WV10 7DB, UK.


New developments at TITGEMEYER UK

Threaded Brass Inserts from stock. Fastening Solutions UK ensures customers can buy a large range of product from stock. We stock a profile of product to suit our customer’s needs and ensure stock is available for next day delivery. Whether you are in Scotland, England or the rest of Europe from our distribution facility in Gillingham we can ensure you have quality product when you need it. Product can be labelled with Your Company Name to reduce re packaging for those next day requirements. A comprehensive technical support on all of our range - available immediately with no transferring between departments. We offer Threaded Brass Inserts, Anchor Rivet Bushes, Self Clinch Studs and Stand-Offs. Most types available from stock M2-M10 and specials up to M16 We are an ISO 9001:2000 Registered Company and a Major Supplier to the trade supporting all market sectors. We have full batch traceability for everything we sell We work closely with all our customer’s and extend a warm welcome to any potential customers who want to buy from stock and leave behind the frustrations sometimes experienced with dealing with larger suppliers who either have closed offices down or keep moving you to different sales offices around the country.


PLEASE CALL US TODAY ON TEL: +44 (0)1747 835456 • FAX: +44 (0)1747 835457 Email us: VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE PRODUCT DETAILS:

As part of its policy of continuous improvement, TITGEMEYER UK is now manufacturing its complete range of two piece fasteners to the European Automotive Quality Standard TS16949. TITGEMEYER UK has been working with Lloyds Register to reach this standard and formal qualification is expected in the first half of 2009 and will cover parts made in steel, stainless steel and aluminium. TITGEMEYER UK has also been selected by LISI – RAPID as its partner company in the UK for its range of commercial spring steel and metal/plastic fasteners. As well as by La Clusienne - CLUFIX for its range of specialist stainless steel and steel rivet nuts. “We are also still a distributor for the TUBTARA range of cold forged rivet nuts, which now include stainless steel in an enhanced range of sizes.”

New integrated structural nut TurnaSure LLC is the manufacturer of a range of Direct Tension Indicators. TurnaSure’s predecessor was the inventor of the original load-indicating washer, a simple solution for properly tensioning bolts. Now TurnaSure introduces the revolutionary TurnAnut™ fastener. This new tensioning device links a TurnaSure® DTI to an ASTM A563 DH nut. Now the nut, hardened washer and Direct Tension Indicator, previously being three pieces become one piece. TurnSure says that this will produce significant cost savings; in transport, handling, possibly single operator tightening, as well as ease and speed of assembly in the field without assembly errors. Some construction firms have pointed out that for overhead assemblies, especially, TurnAnuts will be a huge convenience and will speed up assembly times throughout a project. Jonathan Turner, president of TurnaSure says this is one of the greatest fastener innovations since the HS bolt was developed. He enthusiastically points out some of the other advantages. “Lubricity is irrelevant to achieving bolt tensions with DTIs except that the drier and rustier the bolt threads the harder they are to tension. Thread condition has always been the drawback to “Twist-off-Bolts” as one cannot compensate for premature break-off due to weathering of the threads, but the TurnAnut will not care. The presence of the DTI ensures development of the required tension in the bolt assembly independent of torque measurement”. TurnAnuts are a joint venture with Alpha Stamping in Livonia, Michigan, who is a manufacturer that develops assembly solutions for the automotive industry.



Get a head start on your projects Classic Metallic - Fastener Division has emerged emerged as f t first a pioneer in the fastener industry by being the man company to manufacture nufacture Stainless Steel Fasteners Fa asteners E state - of - the - art facility in the Middle East. Our state-of-the-art manufactures hig gh quality p roducts conforming conform ming to manufactures high products International quality qua ality standards standards that you can rely rely on. International

Grades aavailable vailable : A2-70 A2-70,, A2-80 A2-80,, A4-70 A4-70,, A4-80 304,, 304L 304L,, 316 316,, 316L Materials : 304 Standards : DIN 931 9931,, DIN 933 933,, DIN 912 912,, DIN 93 934, 34, DIN 975 9975,, ANSI B 18.2.1 18 2 1, ANSI B 18.2.2 118 2 2, 18.2.1, 18.2.2, ANSI B 18.3.1


P.O. P ..O. Box: 5841, Sharjah, Sh harjah, UAE, Tel: 534 T e el: +971 6 534 7297, 72 297, Fax: +971 6 534 7298 / 53 34 8297, Email: clmet@eim. .ae, ww


Bolts a and nd Screws Screws Metric Series : M6-M24 Inch Series : 1/4'' 1/4'' - 20 UNC to 1'' 1'' - 8 UNC

N Nuts Metric Series : M6-M16 Inch Series : 1/4'' 1/4'' - 20 UNC to 5/8'' 5/8'' - 11 UNC

Threaded Th readed Bars Metric Series : M6 - M24 Inch Series : 1/4''1/4''- 20 UNC to 1''1''- 8 UNC Length : 1 meter - 4 meter


Introducing the TB1530 ThreeBond’s 1530 product is a one-part, non-solvent elastic adhesive whose main component is a silyl-based special polymer which reacts rapidly upon exposure to moisture in the air and cures to form a toughened elastomer. Since there are no solvents or plasticisers contained in the adhesive it shows excellent non-staining characteristics against all materials and is paintable. ThreeBond says that the 1530 provides excellent weather resistance, high adhesion strength to most substrates, without the need for primer pre-treatment, and is environmentally friendly due to its low odour and non-isocyanate chemistry. This makes it ideal for multi-purpose bonding of metals (aluminium, steel, stainless, copper), plastics (polyacrylate, PPO, ABS, nylon, PC, FRP, PET, PPS, PBT), as well as other materials such as wood, glass, canvas and rubbers. TB1530 can also be used for sealing and potting of electronic/electrical assemblies for which conventional RTV rubbers have been used. However, as no low-molecular siloxanes are produced during curing it will not corrode metals nor impair electrical contacts. “TB1530 is highly elastic with good peel strength, coupled to excellent impact/vibration resistance and does not require UV or thermal curing facilities. Its high initial adhesive strength means that no temporary jig fixing is required, with fixing strength available immediately (following adhesive spread and 5 minute dwell time prior to assembly), handling strength comes within 20 minutes and full cure is achieved within 24 hours.”

Program 1210 window/protection panels The latest innovation from EMKA is a classic style cabinet instrumentation window, which is also available in self-assembly format. The 1210 window system uses a high rigidity aluminium profile with rugged corner assemblies and blended-in lock housing available with nine lock varients and readily convertible for LH or RH operation. EMKA says that the 1210 takes up less shelf or work-space while also allowing use of specialist infill panels for aesthetic or protective reasons. The system is also upgradable to IP54 by the addition of internal seals and drainage channels in standard sizes from 300mm x 200mm up to 2,000mm x 1,000mm. The 1210 program is offered as a single window for direct fitment to a door or panel or as a frame/window pack to provide up to 47mm clearance for panel mounted indicators or other hardware.

Kale introduces the W2B If your using a W2 material (band & housing AISI 430 /DIN 1.4016, screw steel zinc plated) worm drive hose clamp, but are looking for a clip to substitute this for, Kale says it can offer the solution with the introduction of its W2B material worm drive hose clamp. The Kale W2B clamp has a AISI 430 stainless steel band with a steel zinc plated screw and housing. Kale comments that not only are the clamps competitively priced but they have a corrosion resistance of a minimium 72 hours. Kale worm drive hose clamps are manufactured according to DIN 3017 and are ISO TS 16949 certified. They can be purchased in the UK from Pinstructure Ltd. “With bandwidth’s 9mm and 12mm available and a clamping range starting from 8mm to 400mm, we welcome you to try, test and approve our clamps for your applications.”

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UV curing adhesive is flexible and strong

Camlock helps Autopa achieve "the best in security"

Master Bond UV10FL-1 is a unique UV cure adhesive formulated and manufactured by Master Bond Inc. “The bond strength is equal or exceeds those obtained from conventional room temperature curing epoxy compositions. It has a tensile strength of 2,850 psi, a tensile modulus of 154,000 psi. Yet it remains a flexible adhesive with elongation at break of 43%.” Master Bond also says that because UV10FL-1 is ready for use when supplied, it is ideal as a casting compound. It is a low viscosity liquid adhesive and can be cured in a wide range of section thicknesses. Castings up to ¼ inch thick can be prepared This clear epoxy doesn’t require complete cure by the UV source since polymerisation will continue after exposure. The UV curable adhesive also exhibits high heat resistance for service up to 150˚C (300˚F). High bond strength is obtained with metals, ceramics, glass, many plastics and elastomers. “Long term bond durability is excellent even when exposed to adverse environmental conditions or in contact with water, acids, bases, salts and most organic chemicals. As far as any UV adhesives go, UV10FL-1 has excellent fatigue resistance and performs well under stress.

Autopa Limited has been awarded the coveted Sold Secure Gold grade for its new Retractapost TL telescopic parking post. At the heart of the product is a lock manufactured by Camlock Systems Ltd. Sold Secure is a non-profit-making organisation that assesses security products, with the overall aim of reducing thefts. Products are tested for the risks that can be encountered in everyday use, using information on the methods and tools employed by criminals. Products that pass the assessment are awarded a gold, silver or bronze grade. Gold standard products offer the top level of resistance against thieves and are suitable for high-risk environments. The Retractapost TL uses Camlock’s T8 lock featuring over five million different key combinations, a drill resistant hardened steel body and centre, doubly secure retention of the internal components to resist drivethrough attacks and a special head profile. The product development manager of Autopa Ltd, Michael Shufflebottom, said: "We set out to achieve Sold Secure Gold standard for our latest telescopic parking post so we specified the best materials and security components. When it came to the test, Camlock’s Octagon lock lived up to our expectations."

H&C adds another Champion product Harrison and Clough has announced the successful launch of the Champion™ brand of 34° paper Collated nails. The nails are designed for leading brands of gas powered tools and each box comes with the gas canisters included. Boxed in sturdy branded boxes complete with strong reinforced carry handles the Champion collated nails are available by the box or in pallet quantities. Eight key sizes are in both bright and electro galvanised finishes. The sharp point nails are available in lengths of 51mm, 63mm, 75mm annular ring and 90mm smooth shank – and H&C says they are ideal for professional use and easy penetration. Business manager, Mark Dorrington, emphasises that “the D-head clipped design maximises the number of nails per strip and therefore reduces the reloading times”. The boxes contain 3,300 nails for 51mm and 63mm and 2,200 nails for 75mm and 90mm nails complete with gas cells that each fire more than 1,100 nails.

We´re an independent Dutch company, specialized in direct import of fasteners from Asian countries, like China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand etc. Our goal is to make you brake your deals with the source, which is cheaper and allows you, therefore, to acquire a better position towards your competitors. Our method is to eliminate all intermediaries and save you costs all around. Our products are delivered directly to your place of business, from our factories, in containers.

We represent: - Asian import prices - excellent quality of the products (upon request we will provide material certificates) - complete import service: we can arrange everything, including import and transport from harbor to your address

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r o f d n a l o g n H i a f tS a eel ers

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You need good quality fastening elements. Coated and packaged as desired, and delivered to you in time. That is possible. The Stafa Holland team is ready for you. Feel free to discuss with us what precisely you would like to have, and when, and we will get into top gear for you. As a stock keeping importer we can quickly deliver a wide variety of screws, bolts, nuts, threaded rods, washers, anchors, as well as a broad range of additional materials. We offer highly competitive prices, deliver our orders strictly on time throughout Europe, and have been known to guarantee high quality fastening elements for more than thirty years. See for yourself. Just send us an email or call us on 0031-495 599888. We will be more than happy to discuss our stock, our prices, and our production with you.

Stafa Holland

Den Engelsman 18 P.O. Box 2670 6026 ZH Maarheeze The Netherlands Tel: 0031-495 599888 Fax: 0031-495 599876 Email: Internet:


Innovative weld studs Heinz Soyer tells us it has recently successfully launched innovative weld studs with a flat level weld base. These new weld studs can be welded onto even the thinnest sheet metal in an instant using stud welding in radially symmetrical magnetic fields. Pre-treatment or special machining of the weld studs is not required prior to welding. This development means that low cost weld studs in all standard sizes and materials are available at short notice. There is no weld splatter or weld fillet interference and complete fusion is achieved across the stud flange. Soyer also reports that a 50% energy saving can be achieved, while still producing high-quality welds. A simple automatic stud feed is used, which means no sorting is required as both ends of the stud can be welded. The ratio between stud diameter and sheet thickness is 10:1.

New material technology from Huntsman Amongst a range of new material technologies introduced by Huntsman Advanced Materials, Araldite® Highly Flexible Composite is a recent award winner at JEC Asia and Materialica. Araldite® Highly Flexible Composite is an innovative fibre reinforced composite material with outstanding flexibility, high transparency and brightness. With a variety of applications ranging from racing cars to heavy duty protective clothing Araldite® Highly Flexible Composite offers a cost-effective option for composite manufacturing. The mechanical characteristics of this Araldite® Highly Flexible Composite new material are similar to those of elastomers – impact, abrasion and tear resistance – with good elongation and tensile strength. Parts can be made quickly and cost effectively from a single shell mould, which makes processing very simple. The parts can be room cured for 24 hours or in an oven for 1 hour at 60 degrees C. “With its simple processing system, the Araldite® Highly Flexible Composite is a much more cost-effective option for manufacturers. It offers standard, well-established direct composite production processes such as wet-lay up and infusion.“ Also new is Araldite® 2000PLUS, described as the ultimate range based on epoxy methacrylate and polyurethane adhesives, ideally suited for bonding modern engineering substrates including plastics, metals and a range of products. Araldite® 2000 PLUS adhesives are lightweight and form long lasting, durable bonds that are resistant to sheer, peel, compression, moisture and extreme temperature changes.


Rino stays tight with Staytite nuts Rino Industries Ltd of Chesterfield, UK, has announced the launch of a new range of high quality nuts into its newest 848 page mail order catalogue. Every Staytite nut, regardless of nut body material, is assembled with a stainless steel spring insert. This ensures that its abilities do not suffer from corrosion, explains Rino. As the nut is installed on the screw thread, the stainless steel spring insert engages with the base of the screw thread and flexes upward. The advantage this gives is a lower installation torque when compared to other types of self-locking nut, particularly those of the deformed thread type.” During use, Rino says the Staytite nut resists vibration and loosening because the inserts flex downwards and are actually ‘pulled’ into close contact with the screw threads by the upwards anti-clockwise rotation of the nut body. This also produces a very effective interference fit between the threads of the nut and screw. Staytite therefore have a low installation and seating torque, but a high removal torque. “A spring steel insert will revert to close to its original shape far better than a deformed or de-pitched nut made from non spring steel material. This means that on the second and subsequent installations it can out perform many other types of self-locking nut.” Staytite nuts are available in mild steel, high carbon, 304 and 316 stainless steels and other materials on request.

Ball Lock™ Mounting System speeds accurate locating

Tel: Fax:

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Jergens, Inc. says that its patented Ball Lock™ Mounting System is the practical quick-change system for fixing into metalworking and metalforming operations, for either horizontal or vertical machining centres. “With the current trend toward smaller production runs, the ability to set up quickly for the next run is critical to maintaining profitability.” Jergens’ Ball Lock™ Mounting System speeds accurate locating and locking of fixture plates to subplates, freeing valuable machine time by providing quick-change capability. Employing the system generally takes only minutes and requires only a couple of turns of a set screw, versus the conventional method of dowel pins and cap screws that might need up to ten turns to lock. Repeatability is ±.0005 inch, which minimises or eliminates the need to indicate fixture position. The Ball Lock™ System securely holds plates together with working loads up to 20,000 lbs, achieving its holding force by a combination of force generators. A threaded screw exerts force onto a centre ball, which, in turn, directs this force onto three balls that register on a taper seat. Jergens vices and tooling columns are available with Ball Lock™ mounting systems, and various pre-engineered kits are available for many common machining centres.

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Unit 23 Mochdre Industrial Park Newtown Powys SY16 4LE United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1686 621 300 F: +44 (0)1686 621 800 E:


Knob in kit form BÜLTE says that its new knob in kit form, the Plastimont CO258, is perfect for users clamping needs. The plastic wing knob is a suitable choice for applications requiring finger tip control and lower torque tightening requirements. “You make the knob yourself with our wing Plastimont body read and by inserting a hexagonal screw or nut made of steel, stainless steel, brass, nylon or other material. The standard colour is black but we can supply these parts in a wide range of colours to suit your requirements (white, red, yellow, green, blue, etc).” The standard material is Polyamide (Nylon) which is resistant to various chemical products, has mechanical properties including wear resistance, low friction coefficient, high melting point and good impact resistance, and is also very light. The working temperature range is -30°C to +100°C. CO258 is available in M5 to M10 with housing designed for hex head screws or nuts: ISO 4032, ISO 4017, DIN 517, DIN 931, DIN 933, DIN 934, NFE 24-032, NFE 24-017, NFE 27-311, etc. The diameter is 67mm and the A/F value is from 8mm to 16mm. When using a male insert BÜLTE recommends a lock nut if fully tightening down to the end of the screw.

CD gives MAX information Full details of the entire MAX range of pneumatic and cordless nailers and rebar tie tools, plus its comprehensive range of fixings is now available on a CD-ROM for the first time. Packed with useful information, prices and full product specifications on tools, brads, staples, wire, and accessories, the new CD is available free of charge to stockists and users alike. The CD-ROM is the latest part of MAX sales and technical literature designed to give end users and stockist’s at-a-glance information about a wide range of products. Since 1995 Young and Black has been sole UK and Ireland supplier of the MAX range of tools, which are manufactured in Japan.

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DIRAK introduces now rod to latch assembly DIRAK has introduced a new assembly method for attaching round rods to a latch in multiple-point locking applications. This new assembly method eliminates the need for screws and tools. A round rod slides easily into the polyamide adapter and remains in place without the need to attach it with screws. The round rod with its adapter is then clipped onto the grooved stud of the 2 or 3 point cam. Because it is made of polyamide, any concern over rattling is eliminated. Traditionally, round rods are manufactured with an extruded eye and attached to the cam with C-clips. Also, round rods can be produced in common lengths that can be cut by the user to any required length. In this case, an adapter is required and is attached to the cam with C-clips. The adapter is attached to the round rod with a setscrew. This complex installation process requires tools, and when assembled incorrectly, can result in the round rods becoming disengaged from the cam. In addition, the metal components can rattle against each other in the application. Advantages of the new DIRAK method include: • Quick assembly yields cost reduction. Customers can cut standard-length round rods to custom lengths and install the adapter quickly without tools. • No rattling due to polyamide design. • Once attached to the rod, the adapter will not loosen. The adapter will not separate from the rod or come off. DIRAK is a global designer, manufacturer, and distributor of innovative, high quality system solutions for latching, hinging and profile technology headquartered in Ennepetal, Germany and selling through a network of authorised sales representatives.


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Holding Parts Together


Bit for all tiles The Tile Max drill bit, from ForgeFix, has a newly designed and unique P95 precision tip which has been diamond ground from tungsten. ForgeFix says that this enables the user to drill through a wide range of materials such as: PEI 5 Class porcelain tiles, ceramics, fine stoneware, granite, marble, burnt brick and even industrial concrete. The asymmetric design reduces drilling resistance by 25% meaning there is no wandering on start of drilling; there is also less chance of cracking or chipping leading to a perfectly formed round hole. The low stress, high temperature brazing method used for attaching the tip to the drill shank ensures that it remains attached under extreme drilling conditions. Also, the deep and wide fluting is able to cope with the maximum amount of spoil removal, and the triangular shank ensures no slip rotation in the drill machine. Low drill speeds are recommended for the drill bit and where possible life of the bit can be extended by using water to cool the tip. ForgeFix points out that the drill should be used only on rotary setting and must not be used on the hammer setting. Due to the tips unique self renewing design after frequent use on hard materials, the drill can still be used on softer materials.

Inoxdadi is growing In addition to its factory, quality department and raw material warehouse located Gallignano, in the Cremona area, Inoxdadi now has new administrative offices in Barbata, which is easily accessed from Milan or from Brescia because it is located on the Milano-Brescia-Venezia main road. The new building totals 3,000 square metres with 700 square metres for offices and an important space for the warehouse. The company says it has finally had the opportunity to organize its offices in the best way, dividing export and Italian sales, with separate purchasing and accounts departments and the addition of a pleasant meeting room. The additional capacity of the new warehouse has, importantly, also allowed inoxdadi to increase its stockholding as it no longer has the space problems previously experienced. That is not the only important news from Inoxdadi: the company has just launched and included in its catalogue particular fasteners in Duplex, Titanium and Hastelloy, new materials, it says, that have been in increasing demand recently. Inoxdadi S.R.L. aims to always be in step with the time, testing and using new materials in accordance with the actual needs of its customers, not only to satisfy their demands, but also to project the use of its products into more and more different fields. The company maintain an open mind and is always ready to start new production, to manufacturer products required in the world market. Its aim to find more and more innovative materials to create different items, which can also help Inoxdadi to develop its business in the most unexpected fields, where a standard stainless steel is not enough, but a different specialist material can make a real difference.

Kwantex launches HDG screws Kwantex Research Inc. is introducing a range of hot dip galvanised screws. The company says that hot dip galvanised and stainless steel fasteners are the two types of anti-corrosion screws mainly recommended by the American Wood Protection Association for use in ACQ treated wood. The new range of fasteners is processed by high-temperature tempering, then dipped in hot zinc liquid and immediately removed before entering a high-speed centrifuge to spin off excess coating and ensure a smooth surface and no head fill, while retaining safe breaking torque and tensile values. The screws can replace current mechanical galvanised and all types of epoxy coatings. C3 and C4 galvanising levels are available and Kwantex is also able to offer additional epoxy colour top-coating.

New finned stud caps from Moss Plastics Moss Plastic Parts says its finned stud caps are an innovative product range providing protection for both threaded and non-threaded studs. One cap fits multiple studs, thus reducing the number of different caps required by the customer, making the installation a simpler process as well as reducing inventory levels. The unique design of finned stud caps also incorporates a protruding flange which acts as a gripping edge, allowing for easy removal even in oily environments. Applied to studs during storage or transportation of equipment and sub-assemblies, the caps protect un-connected studs, where there is often a risk of dirt ingress or damage. They are available in nine sizes to protect studs ranging in diameter from 6.5mm to 30mm. “In stock and available for next-day delivery, Finned Stud Caps offer an ideal protective solution for a multitude of components – including engines, motors, gearboxes and more – across the whole spectrum of industry.”

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For details of the complete range and your free copy of our Micro Screws Handbook, please visit our website. The Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex. RH19 1XZ U.K. Tel +44 1342 410758 Fax +44 1342 311464 Email Internet:


The new Sortimo MultiRack Sortimo has introduced its new MultiRack shelving system which it says constitutes the perfect solution for the wellordered transport of goods or any sensitive materials. The MultiRack not only structures the cargo space of a commercial vehicle in an extremely efficient way over several levels, but it also creates and optimises space in the loading area by the ability to completely remove the easily adjustable pivoted trays. The MultiRack consists of a sturdy supporting frame system that can accommodate up to three pivoting trays (1,093mm x 1,093mm), each of which can be pulled out and loaded with ease. The trays are stable under loads of up to 120 kg, and quickly bring order into the vehicle. Bordered with an aluminium edge, they are extremely resistant to impacts. The tray surface is scratch-resistant and knobbly to prevent items from slipping out of place, and the MultiRack is moreover stain-resistant and easy to clean. The aluminium edges and plastic corners also provide extra safety against unintentional injury. “The loading concept of the new MultiRack is nothing if not imaginative – the secret is that the level of the trays can be adjusted to match the height of the items being transported. This variability serves to considerably increase the loading capacity and the loading area can thus be utilised to the full. If necessary, the MultiRack trays can also be completely removed, thus opening up the entire loading area for use.”

Mecalux launches the new CLASIMAT The latest initiative from Mecalux is its CLASIMAT vertical storage system. This new system consists of a structure in which product entry and exit are automated thanks to a shuttle (or extracting and lifting mechanism). The CLASIMAT will initially be available in Spain, Mexico, France and Poland, and later throughout the world. Mecalux says its CLASIMAT system is a completely computerised system, perfect for any type of company that needs large storage capacity and has sufficient height. It is especially useful for intermediate assembly line storage. The CLASIMAT system applies the "product-to-man" principle, both optimising routing and saving time: unnecessary displacements are eliminated and the operator does not have to move. In addition, the system allows constant stock and movement control. The way the system works is simple: the operator selects the desired product on the screen and, automatically, the shuttle moves vertically to the level where it is located, extracts the corresponding tray and takes it to the picking station or exit table. Advantages of the system include more efficient computer management of the warehouse, space savings, since total height is used, and time savings, as operators do not have to move from their stations to prepare an order, nor do they have to make any unnecessary efforts or movements that could harm them. The goods are moved with greater safety and possible breakage from falls is avoided.

Achilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Action Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Adolf Pühl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co . . . .21 Alexander Paal GmbH . . . . .141 Alca Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Alfran Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . .41 Allbolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Alloy & Stainless . . . . . . . . . .25 Alloy & Stainless . . . . . . . . . .67 Apex Stainless . . . . . . . . . . .129 Arpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Ashish International . . . . . . .59 Atotech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 Autonic Engineering Co Ltd . .109 Avdel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Avon Stainless . . . . . . . . . . .132 Bendfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Birmingham Cold Form . . . .135 Blakeacre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Bollhoff Fasteners . . . . . . . . .11 Bossong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Bralo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Brighton Best . . . . . . 4, 6, 8, 10 Bülte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Carlo Salvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Chatsworth Computers . . . . .87 Classic Metallic . . . . . . . . . .123 Deepak Fasteners . . . . . . . . .55 Douwes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Dresselhaus . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 DS Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . . .137 EFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 EDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Electra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Fastbolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fastening Solutions . . . . . . .122 Fixi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 FK Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd . . .155 G&B Fissagi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 GDPA Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . .62 Hafren Fasteners . . . . . . . . .131 Heco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Heinz Soyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Hilker & Partner . . . . . . . . . . .93 Hugo Benzing . . . . . . . . . . . .29 IFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ITW Fastex . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 India Foreign Trading Co. . . . .61 Kapurthala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Kohlhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Kundan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Lederer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Lindapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

London Screw Company Ltd . . . .41 Lusavouga . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 M&W Fastener Co.,Ltd . . . . . .27 Machine Screws Ltd . . . . . . . .83 Martyn Price ( Bolts & Nuts ) Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Masons Fasteners Ltd. . . . . . .85 Masterfix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Mecavit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 MPS Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Millennium Steel . . . . . . . . . .81 Mofast Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Mohindra Fasteners Ltd . . . . .58 Morgalv Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 National Machinery . . . . . . . .95 Neofast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Nordic Metalblok Srl . . . . . .134 Norm Civata . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Olympic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Orbit International Corporation Ltd . . . . . . . . . .126 Ornit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Pinstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Prelok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 PTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 PTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Ray Fu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Reyher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Rivit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Sara Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . .111 Schröder Schrauben . . . . . . . .41 Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. 43 Shanghai Minmetals . . . . . . .71 Shin Chun . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 Sipa SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Smith - Bullough . . . . . . . . . .29 Special Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Spirol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87, 134 Stafa Holland BV . . . . . . . . .127 Star Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Stefan Hertweck GmbH . . . . .94 Steven Walker & Sons Ltd . . . .71 Ttap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Tecfi S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Tecno Impianti . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Technox Technika . . . . . . . . .69 Test GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Titibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Top Screw Metal Corp. Ltd . . .131 Trojan Special Fasteners . . . .49 Trutek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Turned Parts Warehouse . . .111 UBK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Unbrako . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Viraj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Vipa SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . .21, 85, 137 Volt Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 YBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Zero Clips Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

General Metal Finishing

Corrosion Protection The Perfect Coating for any kind of Fastener

As a technology partner Atotech provides the perfect corrosion protection coating for any kind of fastener


1. Zintek 200 2. EcoTri HC2 3. Zylite HT 4. Tridur Zn Y3 5. Corrosil AL 2007 6. Techdip

Zintek 200 – Zinc ake system of silver base coat combined with organic or inorganic top coats and integral lubricants, approved by the automotive industry Zintek 200 SL – Silver 2-coat zinc ake system with internal lubricant providing excellent corrosion protection at reduced cost Zintek 300 B – Unique black zinc ake system using a black base coat to avoid issues of “silvers spots” after handling Techdip – Range of Cr(VI)-free organic top coats especially suited for construction wood screws ful lling the requirements of the ACQ test




Zylite HT – High temperature acid Zn electrolyte for barrel applications providing good throwing power and easy handling Zinni AL 450 – Alkaline ZnNi electrolyte with highest ef ciency perfectly suited for barrel applications


Zinni AC AF 210 – Ammonia-free acid ZnNi electrolyte – a green process with high productivity and constant Ni incorporation EcoTri HC2 – New generation thick lm passivate – a versatile process for all Zn and Zn alloy coatings, available with Atotech Tricotect regeneration technology


Tridur Zn Y3 – WEEE and RoHS compliant Cr(VI)-free yellow passivate for electric and electronic fastener applications Corrosil AL 2007 – Silver Cr(VI)-free post-treatment for ZnNi – approved for PSA Corrolux 530 L – Combination of passivate and sealer for Zn – approved for Ford S449 Corrolux Black 900 – Black Cr(VI)-free post-treatment system for ZnNi approved for Ford For OEM approvals please visit our global web site: table_approvals.html

Atotech Headquarters P.O. Box 21 07 80 · 10507 Berlin · Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 30-349 85-0 · Fax +49 (0) 30-349 85-777

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