Fastener + Fixing Magazine #135

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In this issue… Owlett-Jaton celebrates 75th anniversary Made in Turkey Fastener Machinery Spotlight ≡ Issue 135: May 2022

REFLECTING ON 75 YEARS OF HISTORY 75th anniversary advert.indd 2

27/04/2022 14:59:02

• Customer Service Driven • Vertically Integrated • Innovative Products • Global Presence

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES Since 1955 ND Industries has specialized in the development of innovative materials and processes which increase the safety and reliability of fastener assemblies. ND serves a global market with divisions across the continental U.S., Taiwan, and licensees around the world. ND’s core business revolves around the application of a wide variety of materials onto fasteners and assemblies to aid in functions such as locking, sealing, masking, lubricating, and noise and vibration dampening. ND also manufactures a line of bottled products under the Vibra-Tite® brand name for MRO and retail use.

From two base products in 1965 to currently over two hundred twenty, ND continues its tradition of cutting edge research and development with the regular introduction of unique materials along with competitive brand offsets.

ELECTROLOC® High strength encapsulated epoxy threadlocker for use in electrical systems where low halogen materials are necessary. Contains small micrometer microcaps which reduce material extrusion on installation.

THERMOSEAL™ A high temperature, high pressure thread sealant which withstands up to 40MPa. Offering thread locking breakaway torques greater than 20Nm and a maximum temperature of 428°F (220°C). Thermoseal is an extremely versatile product for challenging sealing conditions.

THERMOLOC® 1500 ND’s highest temperature chemical threadlocker. Initially performs like a vibration dampening compound. Once temperatures reach 750°F (400°C), a secondary activation begins, causing the fastener to be permanently locked in place. Tested to over 1500°F (850°C).

AUTHORIZED APPLICATOR Did you know that ND is an approved 3M applicator? Further proof why ND should be your one stop shop for pre-applied fasteners.

ND PATCH® HI-TEMP Highest temperature pre-applied nylon threadlocker in the industry. Unlike the competition, ND’s application process requires only 120°C, preventing plating damage. However, once crosslinked, it can withstand temps up to 260°C. Meets MIL-DTL-18240F / QPL-18240.

THREAD ARMOR® GP Prevents galvanic corrosion in assemblies with dissimilar metals, such as aluminum, and steel, by electrically isolating the fastener. Specially bonded to the fastener, ND Galvanic Patch is durable, chemical resistant, and non-conductive.

THREAD ARMOR® VC An advanced anti-galling and lubricating thread coating designed to extend the life of bolts up to 15 times while under intense torque and high friction loads. Helps to ensure consistent clamp load. Works well on stainless steel fasteners.

EPOXY-LOCK® NUTS This pre-applied threadlocker consists of separated epoxy hardener and expoxy resin. Upon fastener installation, the two materials mix and activate. When fully cured, EpoxyLock provides greater breakaway torque than conventional nylon fastener locking devices.

EXPAND-A-LOCK® A unique pre-applied microencapsulated expanding threadlocking & sealing compound. Increases in volume 20-50% on installation, penetrating the gaps in fastener threads typically unfilled by conventional threadlockers.


EXPAND-A-SLEEVE™ Extruded ND Mastics are pre-applied to fasteners (threaded or non-threaded), bound for e-cote cycles. Heat from the process causes the material to expand, sealing large leak paths between fastener and assembly.

SEALTEK™ An acrylic-based sealing material which is applied to the underhead of the fastener. SealTek’s robust seal replaces the need for O-rings, gaskets, or sealing washers.


NEWS 10-34 Financial reports, acquisitions and trade duty news


Owlett-Jaton celebrates 75th anniversary

INSIGHT 38-52 The role of value-added services Challenging the most extreme conditions with Grower Tenkeep® Gala Precision – striving for excellence Böllhoff – 145 years as a family business





An exclusive feature highlighting the Turkish fastener manufacturing market

CONSTRUCTION 84-95 FIXINGS Heavy-duty anchor feature


FASTENER MACHINERY 96-120 SPOTLIGHT A unique insight into the developments within the fastener machinery sector

96 84

MANUFACTURING 122-130 TECHNOLOGY Structured training key for the cold forming industry



Marine feature

PRODUCTS + TOOLS 166-179 Security screws feature Screwdrivers, drivers + drive bits feature




Qualified and committed human team

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Will Lowry, content director, Fastener + Fixing Magazine

To travel is to live It was Author Hans Christian Anderson who said: ‘To travel is to live’. After over two years of lockdowns and markets slowly opening up, it was a great feeling to be back out travelling and visiting companies within the industry.


y initial journey was only a short one, but still an enjoyable one, to Owlett-Jaton in Stone, Staffordshire, for our Cover Story. The company celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2022 and I therefore visited to find out how it had developed to become the complete wholesale solution provider it is today. By the time you receive this edition I will have taken my next trip, this time a little further afield to the European Fastener Distributor Association Conference, which is being held in Madrid, Spain. You can expect a full report on the conference, speakers, and topics covered, in the July edition of the magazine, which will fit perfectly with the Fastener Distribution feature that will be in the same issue. My colleagues, including Deputy Editor Claire Aldridge, will also be travelling to attend the wire® Düsseldorf show in June. With that in mind, in this issue we have our Fastener Machinery Spotlight feature that gives a unique and exclusive insight into the key developments and innovations

within the fastener machinery sector and highlights those companies that will also be at the wire® show. In addition to this, we also have some high profile and exclusive interviews, firstly with Managing Partners Michael W. and Wilhelm A. Böllhoff from Böllhoff Group who discuss the company’s 145th anniversary and the benefits of still being an independent family business; as well as an interview with Rolf Ritter, CSO M&A and business development at Bossard, who talks about how Bossard’s commitment to value-added services enables it to improve and streamline its customers’ supply chains. Another special feature we have is ‘Made in Turkey’, which highlights the latest developments and investments within the Turkish fastener manufacturing market. The feature underlines how Turkish manufacturers have looked to step up and support customers over the last two years when they have faced challenges in sourcing products. It also outlines the investments companies have made so that they can continue to support customers in the future.

Part of the Mack Brooks Group Managing Director Jamie Mitchell Content Director Will Lowry Deputy Editor Claire Aldridge Editorial Assistant Rebecca England Sales Director Mac Rahman Business Development Manager – Italy Emiliano Pagliaroli Business Development Manager – DACH Beata Csano Business Development Manager – Europe Chantal Ridings Production & Design Manager Lee Duskwick Find us online: @fastenerfixing FastenerandFixingMagazine fastener---fixing-magazine Fastener and Fixing Fastener + Fixing Magazine is a dedicated, trade–only publication which is circulated freely throughout the European trade. Disclaimer The Publisher cannot be held responsible or, in any way, liable for errors or omissions, during input or printing of any material supplied or contained herein although the utmost care is taken to ensure that information contained is accurate and up to date. The Publisher also cannot be held liable for any claims made by advertisers or in contributions from individuals or companies submitted for inclusion within this publication. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or Verulam Media. Copyright Entire contents copyright © Verulam Media Ltd 2021. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Annual subscription (6 issues) to non–trade and outside EU is €160.00 Verulam Media Limited, Office 121, Ashley Road 134, St Albans AL1 5JR Tel: +44 (0) 1727 743 882

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Continued dynamic sales growth Bossard Group has reported an excellent start to the year, with first quarter sales increasing by 19.1% to CHF 291.6 million (2021: CHF 244.8 million), equivalent to 20.6% in local currency. The Group also posted double-digit growth rates in all three market regions.


ossard’s favourable business development, which has been ongoing since the fourth quarter of 2020, continued through the first quarter of the current financial year in all three market regions. In the still tense procurement market situation, availability is a key success factor. “Our consistently high delivery capability is based on the purchasing strategy practiced for years, which is based on multiple procurement sources. The focus on Smart Factory services in times of complex procurement markets and cost increases also paid off,” states Dr Daniel Bossard, CEO of Bossard Group. “Our focus on product solutions, as well as our engineering and logistics services, serve to increase the productivity and efficiency of our customers. True to our approach of ‘Proven Productivity’ we are able to significantly reduce our customers’ total costs in C-parts management and assembly. This is especially the case today, when permanent wage and price increases are affecting our customers’ cost base.”

Broad-based growth

In Europe, Bossard posted sales growth of 15% to CHF 169.9 million (in local currency +18.9%). Above average sales growth was achieved in particular in the mechanical engineering, electronics and aerospace industries. Adjusted for acquisitions, growth in local currency was 11.9%. Sales in America increased by 24.4% to CHF 68.4 million (in local currency +21.7%). The positive business development was driven by the ongoing diversification of the customer base in this market region, particularly in the electronics, mechanical engineering and electromobility industrial segments. The Asia market region grew by 26.6% to CHF 53.3 million (in local currency +25.1%). On the one hand, it benefited on the demand side from a recovery effect from the Covid-19 pandemic, while on the other hand the systematic development of the sales pipeline led to steady customer growth in the focus areas automation, electronics and electromobility. This allowed Bossard’s Asia business to post double-digit growth in local currency for the sixth quarter in a row.

SFS achieves record results In a dynamic market environment characterised by high demand, supply chain bottlenecks and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, SFS Group seized opportunities that arose in each of its segments to boost its sales by 11.% to CHF 1.89 billion (€1.88 billion) in 2021. ll end markets and regions contributed to this good growth. The result was a high level of production capacity utilisation that strengthened profitability and generated net income of CHF 248 million. The Covid-19 pandemic again continued to be the defining theme for the SFS Group in 2021. The market environment had already begun showing signs of recovery in the third quarter of 2020 and this recovery continued unabated during the first half of 2021. The first half of the year saw growth of 23.8% compared to the same period of the previous year, which was dominated by the lockdown. In the second half of the year, production slowdowns – yet another of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic – increasingly resulted in global supply chain disruptions, as well as shortages of semiconductors and other raw materials, some of which also had an impact on call-offs at SFS.


Engineered Components Performance in the Engineered Components segment was characterised by pent-up demand in the automotive and industrial areas, as well as persistently strong demand in the electronics division. Semiconductor shortages put a damper on recovery in the second half of 2021 and caused sales to decline by 1.8% compared with the first half. Overall, the segment generated sales of CHF 975.2 million, representing growth of 8.6% compared to the previous year. Sales growth was almost



exclusively organic in nature, foreign currency and consolidation effects had minor impacts of –0.5% and +1.2%, respectively.

Fastening Systems The exceptional demand situation that the Fastening Systems segment had already successfully leveraged in the first half of 2021 to generate record results continued in the second half, albeit at a slightly lower level. The good market position and robust supply chains enabled the segment to reliably serve customers and profit from strong demand. The segment succeeded in boosting its sales in this environment by 17.4% year-over-year to CHF 574.9 million. Consolidation effects and currency translation effects contributed +0.5% and +0.3%, respectively, to sales growth.

Outlook for 2022 Performance will remain characterised by major uncertainties as a result of smouldering geopolitical developments – such as the current war in Ukraine, trade conflicts and sustained disruptions in supply chains. Uncertainties in international supply chains, which should gradually subside as the Covid-19 pandemic abates, are expected to persist until early 2023. In this environment, ensuring the highest possible focus on customers takes top priority. Investments in the selective expansion of our production capacity and thus the implementation of ambitious growth projects will continue.

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NORMA Group achieves sales of €1 billion NORMA Group has generated sales of €1.091 billion in the fiscal year 2021 (2020: €952.2 million), representing a 14.7% increase in organic revenue. At €113.8 million, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (adjusted EBIT) were well above the figure for the previous year, which was severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic (2020: €45.3 million).


r Michael Schneider, CEO at NORMA Group, comments: “There was a noticeable recovery in the global economy in 2021, especially in the first half of the year, something that was reflected in increased demand for our joining solutions. NORMA Group once again proved to be very robust in a difficult environment – characterised by disruptions in global supply chains. In the course of the past fiscal year, we achieved good growth, in particular through our consistent focus on our three strategic business units of water management, general industry applications, mobility and new energy. In 2022, we will continue to focus on these three areas.” The 2021 fiscal year was shaped by varying global developments. One of these was the fact that despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,

economic conditions improved significantly. In the first half of the year in particular, NORMA Group recorded increased customer demand in all business segments and regions. At the same time, turmoil in global supply chains created an entirely new set of challenges. The resulting material shortages led to a sharp rise in raw material prices, particularly in the second half of the year. This was reflected, among other things, in highly volatile ordering behaviour on the part of customers, particularly from the automotive sector.

Development in the business regions

In the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa), sales increased by 12.9% to €462.4 million in 2021 (2020: €409.5 million). In the wake of the Covid-19 related declines in 2020,

Hilti makes strong recovery with double-digit growth Hilti Group achieved sales growth of 12.1% to nearly CHF 6 billion (approximately €5.8 billion) in 2021 and increased the operating result disproportionately by 16.3% to CHF 847 million. The strong recovery brings the Group back to the pre-Covid-19 crisis level. ilti Group again invested strongly in innovations and launched 66 new products and services on the market. Expenditures for research and development reached CHF 373 million (+4.2%), equal to 6.2% of sales. Despite significantly higher raw material and transport prices, both the operating result and the net profit increased disproportionately, by 16.3% and 27.1%, respectively, and reached all time highs of CHF 847 million and CHF 675 million. The worldwide construction industry forecasts point towards a favourable business environment in 2022. There are, however, significant uncertainties due to the escalation in Ukraine, ongoing cost increases and challenges in the sourcing and logistic markets, the substantial appreciation of the Swiss franc and the uncertain progress of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the Group remains dedicated to its strategic targets and will take advantage of its very solid financial position to continue to invest significantly in innovative solutions and the digitalisation of company processes, with a focus on expanding the software business. In 2022, Hilti Group anticipates double-digit sales growth and a profitability of 2 – 3 percentage points below the 2021 level.




recovery effects in the Standardised Joining Technology (SJT) business and in the automotive business contributed to the sales increase. In the America region, sales showed a significant 18.5% increase to €456.8 million (2020: €385.5 million). The positive development was the result of the general economic recovery on the one hand, and the continued very good performance of the US water business on the other. The US water business generated organic growth of 20.9% in fiscal year 2021 (2020: 6.7%). In the Asia-Pacific region, sales totalled €172.8 million, an increase of 9.9% compared to the previous year (2020: €157.2 million). Increased demand from the Chinese automotive industry in the first half of the year, as well as positive development in the SJT area, contributed to the growth in sales.

LISI Group sales up in Q1 LISI Group has achieved sales of €342.4 million in Q1 2022, up 10.7% compared to 2021. All three divisions of the Group finished up compared to the same period of the previous year, with LISI AEROSPACE up 20.5%, LISI AUTOMOTIVE up 0.6% and LISI MEDICAL up 12%.


ISI AEROSPACE’s sales amounted to €167.9 million at the end of March 2022. Sales for Q1 2022 in the ‘Fasteners’ business in Europe increased by +12.5%, confirming the return to growth initiated in Q4 2021 (+4.8%). The ‘Fasteners’ business in the United States saw the strongest growth over the quarter (+28.7%). The ‘Structural Components’ business maintained the good momentum initiated at the start of the 2021 financial year. It benefited from the anticipated needs for basic parts intended for long cycle equipment (engines) to meet the increase in production rates among aircraft manufacturers, as well as for those intended for maintenance. The segment’s sales for the quarter were thus up 19.2% compared to the same period in 2021. In a market where there was an -8.3% decline in the worldwide production over the entire ecosystem in Q1 2022, LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s sales (€141.1 million) increased by 0.6% compared to the same period in the previous year. The division once again confirms its ability to gain market share. This mainly concerns new products that meet the growing needs in terms of electromobility (powertrain and related functions). Finally, LISI MEDICAL’s sales amounted to €33.4 million at the end of March 2022, up 12% compared to the same period in the previous financial year, confirming the improvement trend observed in Q4 2021 (+19.3% compared to the last quarter of 2020). Sales growth is driven by market share gains for new products developed over the past four years and by increased volumes for flagship products.


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Fabory acquires Fastto Nederland Fabory Group has signed an agreement to acquire Fastto Nederland from founder and owner Guido Voskamp. Fastto is a recognised fastener specialist with a relevant product portfolio and strong customer advocacy.


he Fabory Fastto combination shows a strong strategic fit between two fastener specialists. “Fabory is impressed by the customer intimacy Fastto is known for,” states Francisco Terol, CEO at Fabory. “The team’s enthusiasm and customer focus is inspiring. It is easy to understand how Fastto has managed to build long-standing customer relationships. We are proud to welcome Fastto to Fabory.” Guido Voskamp, owner and founder of Fastto Nederland B.V, commented: “I envisioned a fastener specialist like Fabory when I started Fastto, both companies are strongly rooted in the world of fasteners. This is an exciting next step in Fastto’s development. The

combination will benefit from an extensive product range combined with relevant expertise and a differentiated service mentality to support customers in their needs for fastening solutions. We are convinced that joining forces will open up many new opportunities.” Ever since it was founded in 2000, Fastto has been 100% focused on the distribution of fasteners. The company offers a wide and broad assortment of specialised fasteners in combination with strong customer service. This creates a fit for purpose value proposition to a diversified customer base, including several larger accounts in the machine building and appliances industry, as well as the construction sector.

Bufab acquires TIMCO Bufab Group has acquired TIMCO, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of essential construction products. Simon Midwood, managing director at TIMCO, will continue to run the business with the senior team. he purchase price paid upon closing of the transaction amounts to GB£54 million (€64.2 million) on a cash free/debt free basis. A performance-based additional payment may be made in 2023 – 2024 conditional on operating profit. TIMCO (TI Midwood & Co Limited) has been family-owned since its foundation in 1972 by Tim Midwood, and is currently run by Tim’s son, Simon Midwood. TIMCO reported a turnover of GB£49.7 million (€59.1 million) in 2020 and is expected to report a turnover of approximately GB£60 million for 2021. Under Simon’s leadership, TIMCO has expanded to become a ‘one stop shop’ for over 4,500 independent merchants across the UK


and Ireland, supplying essential products that trade professionals rely on every day, such as screws, fasteners and fixings, nails, adhesives and chemicals, power tool accessories, hand tools, building hardware and site protection, security and ironmongery and PPE. Johan Sandberg, director global business development and group director UK at Bufab, comments: “I am honoured and very happy to announce this acquisition, which is the largest acquisition so far for Bufab. It is a significant and attractive ‘add-on’ to our existing businesses in the UK. TIMCO is a very strong brand within C-parts (screws, fasteners and fixings, nails etc) to the construction industry and will significantly improve Bufab’s customer offering in this market segment. This

strategic expansion in the UK market further underlines our commitment to grow and widen our offering in new market segments. We are confident that TIMCO will continue to grow and keep its strong entrepreneurial DNA and excellent customer service also as a member of Bufab group.” “This deal will enable us to accelerate our growth and continue expanding the range of products and services we offer, while still maintaining our first-class customer service. We look forward to working with our new colleagues at Bufab in driving the company forward,” says Simon Midwood, MD at TIMCO.

Simpson Strong-Tie completes ETANCO acquisition Simpson Strong-Tie has announced the successful completion of its acquisition of the ETANCO Group, a designer and manufacturer of fixing and fastening solutions for the European building construction market.


aren Colonias, chief executive officer of Simpson Strong-Tie, comments: “ETANCO is a highly successful and profitable company with a 70 year history and well established brand and market position. We believe its extensive and complementary product offering will strengthen our overall product portfolio in Europe, enabling us to deliver even more value to our customers.” There will be no changes to the ETANCO Group or Simpson Strong-Tie Europe business, product lines, production, brands, or employees in the near term. The management teams from Simpson Strong-Tie and ETANCO Group are working together to formulate the joint strategy for the future and will ensure a seamless operation for customers. “ETANCO and Simpson have a very similar DNA as we’ve both built our business on high-quality products and unmatched customer service. Collectively, we can expand and optimise our European footprint while introducing new products to our combined customer base,” says Ronan Lebraut, president of ETANCO Group.



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Pajo-Bolte joins Bufab Group Bufab Group has entered into an agreement to acquire all outstanding shares in the Danish company Pajo-Bolte, which has annual sales of DKK 140 million (approximately €18.8 million).


ajo-Bolte AS is a C-parts trading company in the Danish construction industry that is headquartered in Hobro, Denmark. Since its foundation in 1992 the company has been family owned and is currently run by the second generation, CEO Lars Johansen. Under Lars’ leadership, Pajo-Bolte has expanded the business into a supply chain partner to customers within the construction industry, as well as across the assembly and manufacturing industries. “I’m pleased that Pajo-Bolte is joining the Bufab Group, it will help us to improve our footprint in Denmark, as well as improve our offering into new customer segments in the Nordic market,” mentioned Karl Lemoine, M&A specialist at Bufab Group. “Pajo-Bolte’s market position within C-parts to the construction industry will be a good fit for Bufab. The acquisition of Pajo-Bolte also contributes to our growth journey in Segment North, and we are happy to welcome new colleagues to our team.” Lars Johansen, CEO at Pajo-Bolte, added: “We’re looking forward to joining the Bufab Group as it gives us new opportunities to

MPC Industries joins Tridon Europe Ideal Tridon Group, a leading manufacturer of clamping, coupling, and support products, has announced the acquisition of MPC Industries. ounded in 1981 in Gorredijk, the Netherlands, MPC offers the MPC® uniting product line, which includes worm drive clamps, pipe connectors in various sizes, and custom solutions. Each product is adaptable to a wide range of industries and applications. “The acquisition of MPC Industries by Tridon Europe and the Ideal Tridon Group is exciting for our company and the entire European market,” said Kris Tirry CEO of MPC. “At MPC, we’ve always worked from the philosophy that working together and sharing knowledge helps us and others to excel. Combining our companies, our products, and our mutual commitment to quality and customer service, enables us to offer European customers the best source for their uniting solution needs. In joining our local expertise, extensive industry, and product knowledge, with the manufacturing capabilities of Tridon Europe, customers have a partner they can rely upon. This combination adds tremendous value for our customers.” Ideal Tridon serves a diverse set of end global markets by offering a broad portfolio of highly engineered clamps, couplings, and strut support systems. “MPC Industries built a strong company led by its commitment to quality and customer service. Its uniting products and culture of service align perfectly with the Tridon Europe and Ideal Tridon philosophy,” highlighted Rick Stepien, CEO of Ideal Tridon. “Combining our companies provides the most complementary and expansive platform for clamping, hose and pipe support products in the world. We could not be more excited about the future.”



improve our customer service, grow our business and strengthen our team. We will continue working just like before, but now with all the benefits of being part of a larger group with many sister companies. I am looking forward to continuing at Pajo-Bolte, and together with the whole Pajo-Bolte team I look forward to the cooperation with Bufab.”

Ahlsell acquires Skånebeslag and Skånesnickeri

Ahlsell has entered into an agreement to purchase all shares in Skånebeslag and Skånesnickeri – with the two companies having a combined annual turnover of more than SEK 60 million (€5.7million).


hlsell Group has a turnover of approximately SEK 37 billion (€3.56 billion) and has more than 6,000 skilled employees, over 240 stores and three central warehouses. The joint acquisition will enable it to further develop its offering in the field of circular construction and renovation solutions – an important contribution to a more sustainable development of society. Both Skånebeslag and Skånesnickeri AB have been active since 1972 and have always had a good relationship with Ahlsell. They are at the forefront when it comes to customised solutions for construction and property customers, with both constantly developing their range of fittings and fixtures and have a customer focus that suits Ahlsell’s culture. As they now become part of the Ahlsell Group, synergies and opportunities are created for both companies to learn and develop even more. The acquisition gives Ahlsell access to Skånebeslag’s entire expertise and product range, and through the acquisition of Skånesnickerier, the opportunity to learn a new product area with cutting-edge expertise in the areas of reuse, renovation and circularity.




THE COMPLETE WHOLESALE SOLUTION Owlett-Jaton is the UK and Ireland’s leading wholesale supplier of fasteners, fixings, and associated products to the distributor and merchant trade.















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Bufab announces new president and CEO Bufab’s board of directors has appointed Erik Lundén as the new president and CEO. Currently division manager for parts & services at Sandvik Mining & Rock Solutions in the Netherlands, Erik will assume his role on 15th August 2022.


engt Liljedahl, chairman of the board of Bufab AB, commented: “It is with great pleasure Bufab’s board of directors present Erik Lundén as the new president and CEO for Bufab. Erik’s solid experience from senior positions, primarily within Sandvik, in combination with his personal qualities and proven leadership skills, as well as his business acumen when it comes to creating growth, is well suited to Bufab’s future needs. We look forward to developing the Group together with Erik.” Erik was born in 1981 and holds a Master’s degree from the School of Business in Stockholm. During his eight years at Sandvik

he has held several senior positions internationally. Before Sandvik, Erik worked for several years as a management consultant at Lagerkvist & Partners in Stockholm, Sweden. “I feel very honoured and happy to have the trust as president and CEO of Bufab, which is an interesting and fine company with great potential. I have followed Bufab’s strong development since the IPO in 2014 and look forward to further developing Bufab together with group management and all employees in the future,” stated Erik. Until Erik Lundén takes office, Johan Lindqvist will continue in the role of acting president and CEO and will then assume the role of vice-president and deputy CEO.

CSC increases bar and wire rod costs In March China Steel Corporation (CSC) announced an average 5.83% increase in bar and wire rod domestic prices that will impact April shipments and second quarter shipment of products. espite facing huge raw material cost pressure, in order to enhance the resilience of the steel industry and maintain the competitiveness of downstream industries, CSC adheres to the modest and gradual pricing policy – hence the increase of 5.83%. In 2021 Taiwan’s export performance was ranked in the top ten in the world with a total value of US$446.4 billion (approximately €423.27 billion). In January 2022, export orders maintained growth for the twenty third consecutive month, as major economies gradually overcome the pandemic and propel investment and production momentum. As steel demand turns positive, worldsteel forecasts that the global steel demand will increase to 1.896 billion tonnes in 2022. However, the Russia/Ukraine conflict has not only exacerbated geopolitical conflicts, but also pushed up the prices of bulk commodities. Both Russia and Ukraine are major players in the steel industry, with 100 million tonnes of crude steel output per year and more than 40 million tonnes of steel export, mainly to Europe and Asia. At present, the import and export trade of Russia’s steel industry has been severely hampered due to the sanctions imposed on Russia. Mariupol, the main city of Ukraine’s steel industry, is also deeply involved in the conflict, with steel mills such as Azovstal and Ilyich temporarily shut down. International steel prices are expected to surge even more than last year, due to not only the entry of traditional peak season for downstream industries, but also the severe supply disturbance and record high bulk commodities costs.


UTS continues rapid expansion United Tooling Solutions (UTS) has acquired three UK fastener companies – Mettex Fasteners, Nuts & Bolts and Fastfix Bristol – to take its annual revenue to GB£85 million (€101 million).


hrough the support of existing funder, Shawbrook Bank, UTS was able to acquire Newcastle under Lyme’s Mettex Fasteners Ltd, Weston-super-Mare’s Nuts & Bolts Ltd and Fastfix Bristol Ltd. The businesses each supply and distribute fixings alongside power and auxiliary tools to manufacturers. UTS will retain all employees at the acquired companies and each business will retain their independent identities. The acquisitions will see Exeter-based UTS increase its network of industrial tool suppliers to 120 branches UK wide, while enhancing the company’s online offering to customers. The firm turned to Shawbrook and Beechbrook, securing term debt and increased asset-based lending facilities to support the acquisition drive. Shawbrook also backed the firm with an asset finance line to help buy new vending machine units to distribute to customers. The latest acquisitions follow the business acquiring Barnes JB Ltd, ABT Machine Tools & Tooling Ltd, and Howard Lee & Sons Ltd during



2020, as well as Drake Tooling & Abrasives Ltd, Kelvin Power Tools Ltd, Graham’s Machinery Sales Ltd and MOL Tools & Abrasives Ltd in 2021. Chris Taylor, finance director at UTS, said: “The south-west and Midlands are strategically important regions for us – home to important manufacturing and engineering conurbations. However, ultimately, these new acquisitions help to enhance our position as an industrial tool provider with a truly national reach to support customers UK wide. Each business is a natural fit for our group, providing complementary expertise, product portfolios and markets. Carrying out three acquisitions and major inventory investments simultaneously is a highly complex process, but the teams at Shawbrook Bank and Beechbrook Capital were quick to support us with a creative solution that delivered the tailored finance we required.” UTS is a trading subsidiary of national buying group Troy (UK) Limited, a GB£270 million revenue industrial buying group with 300 members operating more than 400 trade outlets.

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BRALO receives ‘Gold Quality Award 2021’ Toyota Boshoku has recognised BRALO’s high-quality standards in its products and processes by awarding the manufacturer the ‘Gold Supplier Award for Superior Performance in Quality 2021’ during its annual supplier meeting.


RALO S.A is a manufacturer of rivets, special stamping parts and riveting tools, with more than 6,000 references to cover the needs of different industries, and has been offering its services to automotive customers such as Toyota for more than 20 years, being a fundamental support for the sector. “We are honoured to receive this recognition and would like to thank Toyota Boshoku for the trust placed in its demanding work and high dedication to the manufacture of fastening parts for Toyota projects assigned to it,” said BRALO. “Quality, efficiency and safety are the objectives of the company and we will look to continue offering our services to companies in the automotive sector.” BRALO, headquartered in Spain, has production facilities on three continents and uses the most advanced technology for computer control throughout the production process – with all its plants operating automatically. The company has a significant present in Europe thanks to its 10 sales offices, which deliver its standard products everywhere around the world.


Stainless Steel Fasteners



Introducing Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK Lesjöfors is rebranding its two former European Springs & Pressings’ factories in Cornwall, UK, and launching them as a new company – Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK.


esjöfors’ rebrand is part of a new division, focusing on growth and significant investment in the heavy springs sector across the synergised specialisms, product range and industries served within the Lesjöfors heavy coiling sites in the UK, Finland and Sweden. The UK company has achieved a record breaking order book over the last year – sales are up 35%, the workforce by 40% and a new annual turnover record at GB£15 million (€17.8 million). In 2022, there are also plans to invest GB£1 million in new machinery. “As part of our global long-term future focused growth strategy, the heavy springs sector has been identified as one of four key expansion areas and the Cornwall sites evolution, to a new Lesjöfors brand, is a natural fit for the company’s future,” points out Ola Tengroth, CEO of Lesjöfors AB.

A unified heavy springs division

The new company and name reflect a unified team under the Lesjöfors brand and the world-leading springs the group manufacture for customers across the automotive, rail, agriculture, oil, mining, construction and energy sectors across the world. “We’re evolving for our customers – enhancing efficiencies, committing more investment and moving forward, together with our heavy spring colleagues in Finland and Sweden, as a progressive and competitive global design, manufacturing and technological development network,” mentions Michael Gibbs, managing director of Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK.

AWI invests in new warehouse Alloy Wire International (AWI) has set its sights on future growth after it announced work had begun on a new warehouse investment in the Black Country, UK. WI is a leading manufacturer of round, flat and profile wire and is spending over GB£500,000 (€593,000) on the construction of a dedicated 2,880 square foot space alongside its existing Narrowboat Way factory. Designed to help the firm meet increasing global customer demand for its material, the investment includes the doubling of electrical capacity with an application submitted to increase input to allow for the installation of more machines and a new furnace. It will also mean AWI can hold up to 400 tonnes of stock when the expansion is completed in June and this safeguards security of supply to its clients for the foreseeable future. Tom Mander, managing director designate at Alloy Wire International, commented: “We finished 2021 with two record months and we expect March to be our best ever order intake, as the world’s


manufacturing sectors try to protect against future disruption. Interest is coming from all the markets we supply, whether that is oil and gas, nuclear, spring making, medical or advanced engineering. This has given us the confidence to press the button on our latest investment and the additional warehousing we’re going to need. The investment gives us the confidence and, importantly, the platform, to increase our stock range and explore new alloys that offer different solutions to our clients.” Tom continued: “Other new investments are planned for the next twelve months, including a new multi-head spooling machine in our annealing section and a wet drawing machine for very fine wires between 0.002 inches (0.06mm) to 0.005 inches (0.15mm). These will give our customers increased choice of products, improved spooling, tighter tolerance and improved quality.”

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Your reliable partner, even when times are challenging

Products With a high demand of flexibility, reliability and quality, the mid-sized and in fourth generation family-owned and managed company PÜHL, based in Plettenberg (GER), manufactures standard, ISO-, DIN- and special stamping parts for mechanical connections.

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NEWS - NORTH AMERICA by John Wolz, editor,

Pac-West panelists: KPI can lead to answers Humberto Avila of ND Industries described KPI to the Pacific-West Fastener Association as “a metric which measures process performance” and, most importantly, can “trigger changes and improvements”.


PIs – Key Performance Indicators – using SMAART can provide answers to questions such as machine downtime or employee absenteeism, Avila explained. SMAART stands for S (specific), M (measurable), A (actionable), A (aligned with goals), R (relevant) and T (time-bound). Pac-West panelist Dustin Card of Industrial Threaded Products said KPIs provide measurements without which “you are not going to know how to pivot”. Card recalled 13th March 2020, the official start of the Covid-19 pandemic, as “the perfect time to pivot”. The pandemic changed the supply chain, with KPIs telling users where to start making changes made necessary by the pandemic. KPIs already in use gave companies a starting point. A KPI system can show “where we started”, Card said. It also can lead to “excitement in the team”. At Hayes Bolt & Supply, Kelly Cole monitors figures every day and they are reviewed by management at least once a year. “Set objectives, monitor every month,” Cole said. Find the problems: Did employees not know which product? Knowing the problem can lead to a solution such as scanners and barcoding. That has led to Hayes Bolt reducing pickers from five to two.

It is important for employees to have the goals, Cole added. It tells them when they are “meeting expectations” and “it keeps them engaged”, Cole said. It can lead to confirming Hayes got the P.O. and show if “this is on time”. From a work culture standpoint, KPIs encourage employees to “rally around the mission” and “makes them proud of work”, Cole finds. Avila emphasized that KPI measuring needs to be adequate, but can’t get “too easy”. Card noted that goals may need to be changed. “If you need to pivot, then pivot,” he said, noting Industrial Threaded found it could reduce 40 KPIs to 15. Cole said that goals must be “realistic” to help employees “get on board”. In handling results, “let the numbers be the numbers”, Cole advised. When something is short, it creates “something to strive for”. “Share the scorecard. The scorecard is important.” In the case of numbers showing a problem, “go back into why”, Cole said. When KPI shows a problem to those involved, take any “friction back down to the human level”, Cole advised. “We’re human” and want the entire company working together.

MacLean-Fogg launches wheel fastener brand MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions (MFCS) has launched the Threadstrong® brand and website to market wheel fasteners to the aftermarket.


ales vice-president Brad Southwood told “We are well known as the leading OEM supplier in North America for high performance, decorative wheel fasteners. It’s always been frustrating to see the aftermarket flooded with inferior, low quality and potentially dangerous replacement wheel fasteners of unknown origin. So, we decided to do something about it.” “We want the aftermarket consumers to know that when they buy a Threadstrong® wheel fastener, they can trust it was made in the USA to all of the needed safety specifications,” commented Rob Whitey, MFCS fastener division president.



Mark Raves, director of wheel fastener engineering, explained: “A lot goes into steel fasteners that the general consumer probably doesn’t think about.” Material strength, corrosion resistance and durability require engineering and quality control for the friction of the fastener’s load-bearing surface against the wheel, Raves said. Founded in 1925 by John MacLean Sr and Jack Fogg in Illinois to manufacture lock nuts for railroads, MacLean-Fogg today has 3,000 employees and US$1 billion in annual sales. The company has 28 manufacturing plants in Europe, Asia and both North and South America.


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White House unveils freight data platform for supply chain By Jason Sandefur, contributing editor, The US Department of Transportation has launched a new data sharing initiative to speed up delivery times in the supply chain, reduce delays, and lower costs for consumers, reports GCaptain.


Captain’s Mike Schuler writes: “Called Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW), the information sharing initiative will pilot a key freight information exchange – a sort of national freight data platform – between various participants in the ‘ship to shelf’ supply chain. The initiative is being launched with eighteen initial participants including public entities, such as the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Georpia Ports Authority, and leading private businesses in trucking, warehousing, logistics, and ocean shipping.” Participants will work with the Biden Administration to develop an information exchange that eases supply chain congestion and speeds up the movement of goods, according to the Transportation Department. “Participants acknowledged the current system is underperforming and needs greater investment and more collaboration in creating ship to shelf visibility into the primarily private sector owned supply chain,” the White House said in a statement. “A more reliable, predictable and accurate information exchange about goods movement is the hallmark of a globally competitive 21 st century goods movement chain and is especially

important for small and medium sized businesses who lack visibility into the current system.” Participants highlighted that this type of digital infrastructure was more important than ever in the face of supply chain disruptions caused by global events such as the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka said the nationwide supply chain data visibility effort “will support system resiliency, improve our trade competitiveness and empower American businesses to get products to market with greater consistency and reduced cost”. MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, the world’s top container shipping line, is one of two ocean carriers represented in the initial set of participants, along with CMA CGM. The initiative is expected to propose recommendations for common data standards used by international shipping companies, as well as access policies and protocols that would streamline information sharing across the ocean supply chain. Initial findings from the initiative are expected to be presented at a Maritime Data Summit in June 2022.

Mid-States’ employees pack backpacks for Ukraine When a major supplier for Mid-States Bolt & Screw asked if the fastener distributor would help the Ukrainian people, employees “jumped at the chance”.


len Glaskill of Glenco asked Mid-States President Scott Somers if he would be interested in funding backpacks filled with emergency supplies for the people of Ukraine. “When you look at the situation over in Ukraine, a lot of people want to help out but they don’t have an avenue to be able to do that,” Mid-State’s HR manager Tami Compton told So, when Scott Somers and Compton asked employees they “enthusiastically agreed to help”. “We got our employees together and they were all on board. The outpouring of our employees was tremendous and heartwarming,” said Compton. “Together with our amazing employees we supplied Ukrainians with over 300 backpacks filled with emergency supplies such as medicine, feminine products, socks/underwear and granola bars to create ‘Backpacks for Ukraine,’" said Sandi Andreski of Mid-States Bolt & Screw Co. The backpacks were sent to Old St Mary’s Church in Detroit to coordinate transport to Poland and then on to the people in need in Ukraine. “So many people want to help but don’t know how,” noted Compton. “This gave everybody the opportunity in the company to be able to get on board with it.” Founded by Herb Somers in 1972, Mid-States is now headed by his three sons – Scott, Matt and Marc. Mid-States Bolt has nine locations in three states.



Volt expanding Arkansas plant Volt Industrial Plastics has broken ground on a 36,000 square foot expansion of its Arkansas plastic fastener manufacturing plant. The expansion will bring the plant to 100,000 square foot in total, for the production and inventory of 100 million parts.


olt ships domestically and internationally and builds tooling and parts in-house. “I want to say thank you to each and every one of you that works here every day and works so hard,” Heidi Volltrauer, COO and marketing president at Volt, told 100 employees at the groundbreaking ceremony. “I hope you’re all as excited as I am of where we’re going this next year and the years to come.” Joe Volltrauer used tool and die experience to start JV Tool in 1973 and then Volt in 1992. Volt now manufactures plastic screws and nuts, license plate screws, Christmas tree clips, rivets, wire and cable routing clips, printed circuit board hardware, dowels, washers and other hardware.

Advanced Fastening and Sealing Technologies



Thermoseal is an ND Industries pre-applied process in which a proprietary hybrid medium strength sealant is applied to fasteners, giving them excellent sealing and threadlocking capabilities. Thermoseal is designed for high temperature, high pressure applications where other thread locking materials fail. In addition, it may also provide a lower coefficient of friction than alternative pre-applied thread lockers to help with ease of installation.

PRE-APPLIED PROCESS FEATURES How It Works Thermoseal is a dual-encapsulated dry film adhesive which is inert onpart until engagement with the mating fastener. During installation, shearing forces cause the microsphere capsules to rupture, mixing the two components, initializing the reaction and curing to form a strong chemical bond and effective seal.

High Pressure Seal

Chemical Resistant

Thermoseal processed fasteners exhibit exceptional sealing properties and the ability to withstand pressures in excess of 5800 psi (40MPa) under challenging conditions. Thermoseal can replace the need for PTFE tape due to its better reproducibility and installation speed.

Upon fastener installation Thermoseal cures to a cross-linked molecular structure; making it one of the most resistant types of adhesives. Oil, gasoline, salt spray, acids, solvents, and water have virtually no effect on parts when introduced after final cure.


Surface Insensitive

Long Shelf Life

Thermoseal processing is compatible with most fastener sizes, configurations, materials and finishes. The use of an acrylic based microsphere adhesive ensures that a strong reliable lock and seal is formed.

Thermoseal processed fasteners have an on-part life of 1 year and will remain inert until a cure is activated by engagement with a mating thread.



Surpasses DIN & IFI Thermoseal processed fasteners meet or exceed all torque requirements of DIN 267-27, IFI 125, IFI 525, as well as automotive adhesive coated fastener performance specifications.

Product Specifications Break Away Torque: >20 Nm Prevailing Torque: <2.5 Nm Lubricity: 0.19 Temp Range: -40°C to 220°C

AS9100D • QPL-18240F • QSLM • ITAR • ISO-9001:2015 • ISO/IEC 17025:2017 CE Directive 2006/42/EC • ISO-14121 • ISO-12110-1/12110-2 • IEC-EN 60204-1


July longshoremen strike could cripple Los Angeles port A 1st July labor strike at the Los Angeles shipping port “could cripple Los Angeles”, Chris Donnell of Scanwell Logistics told the Pacific-West Fastener Association.


one week strike by the International Longshore & Warehouse Union could take three months to catchup, Donnell warned. It would lead to a “stalemate”. Jun Xu of Brighton-Best International, Tim Roberto of Star Stainless Screw and Donnell were panelists at the 2022 Pac-West spring conference. Even without a potential longshoremen strike the Los Angeles port “is not getting better” after congestion for months. Donnell said 100+ vessels with thousands of containers are awaiting while there is a worker shortage. Fastener distributors with warehouse space have “a luxury”, Donnell said. Adding: “Transportation has been bad for several years.” Donnell predicted there will be a “slight dip” in container costs about mid-2022, but companies with contracts expiring will find rates shoot up. “Talk with them on options” such as using alternative ports, Donnell advised. It isn’t just the Los Angeles port with problems. Covid-19 “is really hitting China, including the Shanghai port”, Donnell noted. More than 18 million containers go through the Shanghai port monthly. Beyond offloading containers from ships, it can be 3 – 5 day wait for a container to reach rail, Donnell pointed out. It is estimated the US is short of 80,000 over-the-road truckers. But to get licensed, a trucker must be 21 years old and take eight weeks of training. The cost of diesel has also skyrocketed 35% to 47%, Donnell added. With the shipping, rail and trucking backlog, there has been a “tremendous volume increase the past two years in air freight. Cargo has been loaded on seats in otherwise passenger planes”. Expect air freight to increase another 5% in the next 3 – 5 years, Donnell stated. There are no quick fixes, Donnell noted. Florida is welcoming shipping, “but establishing freight ports is not that easy”, Donnell pointed out.

Xu finds prices are volatile and changing “literally every day”, creating “almost whiplash”. “Don’t react to panic,” Xu advised. “Try not to oscillate with the daily news.” Xu expects 2022 will be a “challenging year mentally and emotionally”. “Just because the world has some crazies doesn’t mean we need to go crazy,” he observed. Some factors such as carbon steel prices have remained “relatively stable”, Xu pointed out. Xu attributed inflation to Section 301 tariffs, stimulus checks and the “supply chain bottleneck”. The number one factor in the supply chain is ocean freight, Xu said. “It is easier to give out money than build a ship.” However, he finds ocean freight has “stabilised”. “Inflation is not going away,” Xu declared. “The only cure for inflation is recession.” Xu also said the “Russian invasion doesn’t affect us that much”, but the world’s reaction over Ukraine has given “China pause” over exerting control over Taiwan – the world’s third largest exporter of fasteners. Xu expressed confidence in the fastener industry’s future: “Believe in the future. In every challenge there’s an opportunity.” Roberto of Star Stainless Screw Co pointed to the 41.5% increase in the price of nickel leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, following a 17.9% drop after the lunar New Year. Nickel is the key factor in the price of stainless steel and Russia is the third largest producer of nickel, Roberto noted. Within 24 hours of the invasion, nickel prices leaped 250%. Roberto expects continued “short term price bursts with long term increases”. It will be difficult to quote stainless steel prices, he said. “There will be continued tightening of supply until we see new supply sources,” Roberto warned. His advice: “Watch your inventory” and use “inventory hedging”. The price increases reflect a “tightening of supply with strong demand”, Roberto said.

Ramco expanding to increase domestic production Ramco Specialties is constructing a 50,000 square foot addition to its Ohio-based headquarters. The expansion is expected for completion in June 2022 and increases its manufacturing, engineering and office space to 210,000 square foot.


amco Specialties Inc described the expansion as “an investment in domestic manufacturing space and new equipment, which will expand the company’s manufacturing capabilities and speed. Recent issues with international transportation delays and raw material shortages have created problems in US-based manufacturing and supply chain needs”. Ramco will also add three new part formers and one nut former. The part forming machine additions will allow for the production of nine inch long parts with diameters up to three inches. The nut formers will be able to produce 32mm nuts. Ramco also purchased a building in South Lyon, MI, with 10,000 square foot for machining production for precision parts. Founded in 1977 by Richard Malson Sr, Ramco provides cold forming machining and assemblies for the automotive, defense, aerospace, agriculture and industrial markets. Ramco has facilities in Ohio, Michigan and Italy.




The Advantages of Italian Technology 4.0


Taiwan fastener exports for 2021 Exports of fasteners from Taiwan to global customers totalled 1.61 billion kilograms in 2021 valued at US$5.32 billion (€5.04 billion), according to statistics published by the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade, reports Fastener World Magazine.


aiwan’s export tonnage increased by 18.2% year-on-year, with the value also increasing by 34%. The biggest export destination was the USA, which represented 43.4% of the total volume. The largest European recipients were Germany (8.7%), the Netherlands (5.7%), the United Kingdom (3.8%), Italy (2.2%) and Poland (2%).

Below is a table of the ‘Top 10’ fastener export destinations both in volume and value for the last three years. The analysis is based on the four digit HS code 7318, which covers the majority of fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers including spring washers and similar articles) in both iron and steel.

'Top 10' fastener export destinations Rank

Export destinations


United States















2019 (kg)

2020 (kg)


2019 (US$)

2020 (US$)

2021 (US$)







United States




















1,479,292,223 1,363,249,857

2021 (kg)


United Kingdom




United Kingdom

















































Ta Chen revenue breaks records Ta Chen International grossed NT$97.05 billion (€3.1 billion) in 2021 – breaking all previous records, reports Fastener World Magazine.


iven the high stainless steel and fastener prices; the United States' intention to revoke the tax on imports from the EU; and the company's additional capacity to come up in the USA in the second half of the year; the company's annual revenue in 2022 is expected to increase 10% and breach NT$100 billion. Ta Chen International began de-bottlenecking its US facility and setting up the second cold rolling production line last year and expects the additional capacity to come in use during the second half of the year. The company estimates the capacity will increase from 13,000 tonnes per month to 18,000 tonnes per month. The second production line, with a capacity of 13,000 tonnes, is expected to finish in mid-2023 and will increase the monthly capacity to 31,000 tonnes.

China targets 2 million 5G base stations by end of 2022 Xiao Yaqing, the minister of Industry and Information Technology in China, confirmed that China will work to ensure the number of 5G base stations tops two million in 2022.


hina currently houses around 1.43 million 5G base stations and over 500 million 5G users, Xiao told journalists, adding that the country will also make plans to develop 6G technology. When asked about China's current performance of industry, Xiao voiced confidence over stability while listing challenges ahead, including rising raw material prices, Covid-19 affected logistics and changes in the external environment. He said the country will work to smooth the supply chain and industrial chain, and propel the transition to medium and high-end manufacturing. More efforts will also be made to nurture small and medium sized enterprises, especially those specialising in a niche market and boasting cutting-edge technologies. Source:



NEWS - ASIA Zheng Tung launches fastener surface treatment service Hai-Kwang Group, a leading steel bar, billet, and wire coil manufacturer in Taiwan, founded a new subsidiary – Zheng Tung Environmental Protection Tech Co Ltd – and at the end of 2021 officially announced a service extension to include surface treatment for the downstream fastener industry.


heng Tung has four heat treatment lines that became operational at the end of 2021 and has a further two electroplating lines that are close to being activated. The company also plans to add more lines for electroplating, coating, and waste water treatment this year – offering customers a more comprehensive service. Zheng Tung has also introduced a Smart Factory 4.0 platform from its parent company, instead of adopting conventional ways of other fastener surface treaters, which allows customers to book online for treatments. “Our operations cover 47,600m 2 and includes 69KVA super high voltage power supply and storage control systems to ensure continuous power supply in manufacturing,” points out TsanMing Huang, CEO at Zheng Tung. “We also have an advanced EPAcompliant waste water facilities (including six sets of EDR waste water recycling facilities and a 16,000m 3 cistern for water shortage), as

New headquarters for Wyser International Wyser International, a specialist in automotive and various OEM fasteners for nearly 30 years, has officially moved into its new headquarters in the Guiren district of Tainan City, Taiwan.


he new headquarters underlines the ambition of Wyser International Corporation to offer global customers a more efficient and high-quality service. “Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2021 we maintained continuous growth in sales and up to 90% of our orders were placed by customers from Europe, USA, and other advanced markets,” states President Kan. “In response to future market demand changes (e.g modulisation of EVs, zero carbon emission, weight reduction, and new material applications, etc), we want to strengthen our partnerships and strategic alliances with customers to meet the upcoming market challenges.” In addition to its new headquarters, Wyser International has also continued to purchase the necessary inspection equipment to meet the varying demand for its products. “Through these new devices we have a complete and diverse range of quality control systems that enable us to continue to reinforce the professional knowledge and technique of our staff – training them to solve customers’ problems as ‘quality control engineers’,” points out President Kan.



well as enough capital, technology, and talent resources, to provide a first- class service to fastener companies.” Source: Fastener World Magazine

Globally trusted fastener testing laboratory

Although there are many quality laboratories around the world, iTAC believes it is the only third-party laboratory to focus on fasteners, reports Fastener World Magazine.


ounded in 2005, iTAC Laboratory Co Ltd took only a year to be certified to ISO/ IEC 17025 by TAF. Dedicated to independence, fairness, and objectivity, iTAC is a professional third-party lab with a certificate equal to that of the American A2LA certificate. TAF is a member of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement, co-established by IAF and ILAC, therefore the test reports issued by iTAC are accredited worldwide. Besides third-party test reports, iTAC can provide laboratory tests; on-site test services at clients’ designated sites; plant evaluation; CQI-9 and CQI-11 evaluation; PPAP documents and consultation; consultation on the laboratory’s outsourcing and subcontracting; customised tests and test consultation; as well as consultation on other quality related documents (drawings, specifications, regulations) and services. “We are more than a testing laboratory,” states iTAC. “We have a team who are highly experienced in fastener manufacturing, with an extensive knowledge of improving communication between buyers and manufacturers. Thanks to our clear and timely communication, we are able to enhance the trust between overseas clients and their suppliers – enabling iTAC to provide effective, win-win solutions between both parties.”

NEWS - BRAZIL Sérgio Milatias, editor, Revista do Parafuso,

Brazilian fastener exports and imports in Q1 During the first three months of 2022, Brazilian exports hit US$41.88 million (€39.82 million), at more than 9,500 tonnes in volume – both of which were 34.8% and 22.2% superior to 2021 respectively.


ith a 32% share, Argentina has been the principal export destination for fasteners ‘Made in Brazil’, followed by the USA at 15%, Paraguay at 13%, France at 5.9% and Germany at 4%. Brazilian imports achieved US$253.23 million (€240.81 million), at more than 55,500 tonnes in volume – both 11.7% and 9.8% above 2021. The total fasteners imported by Brazil were predominately from China, at 32%, followed by the USA at 15%, Japan at 8.7%, Germany at 8.6% and Italy by 7.1%.

Hassmann starts nuts production With more than 65 years of activity, Hassmann – known as a Brazilian fastener manufacturer for high performance items, such as bolts to tier 1 automotive OEMs – has started its own nut production.


etalúrgica Hassmann S.A stated the new operation at the beginning of 2022 and is looking for the diversification into nuts to further develop its position in the market as a global fastener supplier. Augusto Hassmann, CCO at Hassmann, explains: "Since the 1960s there has been nuts in our portfolio. However, we gave up producing them due to some strategics decisions adopted at that time. However, the introduction of the new nut product lines will be complementary to our existing bolt lines.” He continues: “To start with we will be producing a range of standard nuts – hexagonal, flanged hexes, mechanical self-locking, self-locking with nylon, etc. Once the production is in full swing, we will make new investments to start special nuts production. This will enable us to have a complete line of nuts, such as we have in our bolts portfolio, with items from 5mm to 30mm in diameter.”

Rolando Arnold passes away In February Rolando Arnold, partner and director of Industrial Rex – a company founded by his parents, Rita and Edgard Arnold – passed away.


orn in Trombudo Central town, SC, Brazil, Rolando Arnold started working when he was only 14 years of age, by washing cars and cleaning at his family's gas station. A prodigy entrepreneur, he soon took over Industrial Rex – where he was, alongside his brothers and partners, one of the drivers in the expansion process that increased the company's share in the fastener market and made Industrial Rex one of the largest manufacturers of fasteners in South America.

TTC Fey completes two years

The Technical Training Center (TTC), of Metalúrgica Fey, is celebrating its second anniversary of providing training courses to employees.


ne of the most important fastener companies in Brazil, Metalúrgica Fey created TTC with the aim to benefit its employees, by providing courses and training – such as the transfer of technical knowledge in mechanical training, as well as safety and general training. Metalúrgica Fey commented: “Through the TTC we are able to teach our employees in a dedicated, practical and safe way. We prepare our employees to deliver the best in producing fasteners for the market.”

Böllhoff Brazil CEO celebrates 10th anniversary An experienced professional within the Brazilian fastener market, Flávio Silva is celebrating his 10th anniversary as the CEO for the local Böllhoff Group unit.


n celebrating his anniversary, Flávio Silva commented: "Even before the beginning of my career here at Böllhoff, I already had great respect and admiration for the Böllhoff Group, especially the organisation and efficiency.” Flávio continued: “Among many points to highlight, during my period here, the implementation of the Lean Manufacturing methodology in our industrial plant was a successful improvement, as it considerably improved our competitiveness. The teamwork cooperation between our employees has also been fundamental to our successful.” In addition to Flávio celebrating a decade as CEO, the local industrial plant also had its 50 th anniversary at its location in Jundiaí town.



cover story

Owlett-Jaton celebrates th 75 anniversary In 2022 Owlett-Jaton celebrates its 75th anniversary having gone through a unique and varied history to become a leading player within the UK and Ireland fastener markets. Content Director Will Lowry visited the company’s headquarters in Stone, UK, to find out how Owlett-Jaton became the complete wholesale solution provider it is today.


wlett-Jaton can trace its roots all the way back to 1947, when W.M. Owlett & Sons Ltd was incorporated as a supplier to builders’ merchants, with the Jaton part of the business set-up as a subsidiary of James and Tatton in 1969, and originally a supplier to engineers’ merchants. “Over the next couple of decades both Owlett and Jaton opened up several stockholding branches across the UK to meet the needs of customers,” explains Ian Doherty, CEO at Owlett-Jaton. “This included branches in Nailsea, Swindon, Leighton Buzzard, Elland and Warrington. By having stock in these locations both companies could supply products to customers as and when it was needed.” This commitment to stock and providing products to customers’ when required is still a fundamental part of Owlett-Jaton today, with all stock now being held at the company’s 130,000 square foot headquarters in Stone, Staffordshire – which the Jaton side of the business moved into back in 1995. “With over 30,000 product lines under one roof, customers can order multiple items, in small quantities, all from one source,” points out Tony Williams, sales director at Owlett-Jaton – who at the end

James and Tatton Ltd incorporated as a steel stockist operating from premises in Stoke-on-Trent


Two become one

Looking back at the history of Owlett-Jaton one of the biggest points was when both Owlett and Jaton were acquired and became trading divisions of Decco Group in 1997 and 1998 respectively, with the two merging in 2002 to become Owlett-Jaton. “Undoubtedly this was the biggest step for the business, which was followed up two years later with Decco Group acquiring SRB Holdings,” mentions Ian. “This saw a host of other fastener related companies joining Decco, including Stainless Threaded Fasteners (STF) – a stainless steel specialist; Icon Fasteners – a high grade fastener specialist; as well as Galaxy Fasteners – a wholesaler to engineers’ merchants.”

Jaton set up as a subsidary of James and Tatton as an engineers merchant based in Stoke-on-Trent

Jaton moved to new 30,000 square feet warehouse premises in Stoke-on-Trent

Jaton moved to purpose built 100,000 square foot headquarters in Stone

Jaton acquired, becomes trading division of Decco

Jaton Construction Products (JCP) launched







W.M Owlett Ltd incorporated as a supplier to the builders merchant trades operating from premises in Peckham

of 2021 celebrated 40 years with the company. “In my time at the business one of the biggest changes has been that our customers have significantly reduced the amount of stock they keep in their own warehouses. Instead, they use us as an extension of their warehouse and look for us to deliver products to them the very next day. For instance, our customers can order products by 5pm and the products will be with them the following morning.”


Owlett moved to Boxley


Owlett moved to Dartford

1985 STF incorporated as stainless steel fastener specialist based in Bilston




Owlett acquired, becomes trading division of Decco



Icon incorporated as high grade fastener specialist in Bilston

STF & Icon become subsidiaries of SRB Holdings

2001 Galaxy Fasteners incorporated as a subsidiary of SRB as a wholesaler to engineers’ merchants in Bilston

Ian continues: “This led to the creation of Hexstone in 2006, which saw Owlett-Jaton, STF, Icon, and Galaxy, all become trading divisions of Hexstone. Back in the early 2000s there were a lot of customers that bought from the different divisions without realising they were all part of the same group. The idea behind Hexstone was to bring everything together and make it clear how the different divisions could work together. By keeping each division, the specific skills, knowledge, and products, from each company could be retained and customers still had their usual points of contact.” This structure was kept until 2018 when it was decided that the Galaxy and Unifix divisions would be consolidated into Owlett-Jaton, with STF and Icon divisions being consolidated in 2020. “It was not an easy decision to consolidate these operations, but it was the correct one for us,” states Ian. “Firstly, from a commercial point of view running multiple sites, with different product ranges but the same business, just did not make practical sense anymore. Another key factor in the decision was simplifying things for customers. We already had customers questioning why they had multiple accounts with us and why things couldn’t be simplified into one account, one invoice and one delivery. We therefore took the decision to consolidate the operations all into Owlett-Jaton and the response from the customers was very positive, as they appreciated being able to order all of the products they needed from one source.”

Meeting the needs of today

Now in 2022, Owlett-Jaton is a complete wholesale solution to the builders and engineers’ merchant sectors in the UK and Ireland – supplying an extensive and in-depth range of products that can be delivered to customers the next day. “Our ability to supply such a wide range of products really does make us a ‘one stop shop’ for customers,” states Nick Horton, purchasing director at Owlett-Jaton. “Thanks to our close partnership with suppliers around the world, we can meet all of our customers’ fastener needs.” Being able to supply products to customers has been particularly challenging over the last couple of years, with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the logistical challenges around the world. “I am sure a lot of companies will have experienced difficulties finding products and getting them into their customers’ warehouses. At Owlett-Jaton we have also faced this situation, but ever since I have worked with Owlett-Jaton there has always been some type of challenge – the key is how you find the solution,” comments Nick. “For instance, when I first took control of the purchasing, back in 1992, it was a lot more difficult to get hold of companies, as there was no internet and no emails. Your only means of communication was telephone or fax. It was also a

2002 Owlett & Jaton divisions merged

2004 SRB Holdings acquired

2006 Hexstone set up with Owlett- Jaton, STF, Icon and Galaxy as trading divisions

lot more difficult to visit the factories, as there wasn’t the travel connections you have nowadays. However, we still managed to find reliable suppliers who could provide the products and services we required and that will always be our main focus – to source quality products that meet our customers’ needs.”

Unique brands

In addition to its in-depth range, Owlett-Jaton also has a selection of its own unique brands that add value to key markets. “Over the last ten years we have added brand names such as Unifix®, Vortex® and Thunderbolt™ to our portfolio,” mentions Ian. “Alongside these brands we also work in partnership with other leading brands within the market, such as Blind Bolt, Holo-Krome and Lindapter to name just a few.” Owlett-Jaton has also looked to establish its own exclusive brands, such as Jaton Construction Products (JCP). “JCP has been in the fixings market for over twenty years and has developed a great reputation for its comprehensive range of high-quality products for a variety of construction applications, supported by a first-class technical service,” highlights Ian. “We also launched Jaton Riveting Products (JRP) at the beginning of 2020, which offers over 1,200 lines of rivets and rivet nuts.” Ian adds: “The launch of the JRP range has exceeded all our expectations, especially when you consider it was introduced to the market at the very start of the Covid-19 outbreak. The range has made a great impact on the market and when combined with the services we can provide as Owlett-Jaton it offers customers a first-class option when it comes to rivets and rivet nuts.”

Ongoing development

This commitment to continuously developing and meeting the needs of its customers is something Owlett-Jaton is looking to continue going forward, ensuring it can provide the products and services customers need. “Reacting to the changing needs of customers is integral to our operation,” concludes Ian. “We are set-up to support and service customers in a consistent and most importantly sustainable way. We are very proud to be celebrating our 75th anniversary and we will continue to provide customers with the products and services they need – firmly establishing ourselves as the ‘one stop shop’ for fasteners in the UK and Ireland.”

Galaxy and Unifix divisions consolidated into Owlett-Jaton



Unifix®, Vortex® and Thunderbolt™ brands acquired, Unifix division set up

Unifix trade and retail range launched




2020 STF and Icon divisions consolidated into Owlett-Jaton Jaton Riveting Products (JRP) launched R




take a look into the workings of fastener companies

The role of value-added services Bossard Group is internationally recognised as a leading supplier of intelligent solutions for industrial fastening technology. Here we speak to Rolf Ritter, CSO M&A and business development at Bossard, about how the Group’s commitment to value-added services enables it to improve and streamline its customers’ supply chains. What have been the key strategies for Bossard over recent years and how have they enabled the Group to develop?

“For decades Bossard has looked to focus on the value-added side of its service and especially the total cost of ownership from the customer’s perspective – rather than the single fastener price point. There are two core avenues in how we help our customers, with the first being complexity. For instance, if you look at the fastener portfolios that customers usually manage, they are often very broad with not a lot of value on a single item or quantity. There is however a huge complexity in managing the supply chain, the quality, the stocking, the preparation to get it into the facility of the customer, etc. At Bossard we look to reduce the complexity of this supply chain and provide customers with simplified solutions. A prime example is our SmartBin system, which we started over 20 years ago and enables customers to manage their product portfolios in an extremely efficient and digitised way – all the way through the supply chain. This helps reduce an enormous amount of cost on managing these products and really highlights the total cost of ownership for the customer. We are currently going even one step further and helping customers in the assembly process. We have developed a system that enables instructions, quality assurance and monitoring of what happens on the production line. This allows our customers to truly understand and digitise the complete assembly, as well as logistics, so they can see how the products travel through the entire process. This is something we have worked on for a long time and brings a lot of value to our customer base. The second avenue we look to focus on is the technical side, where for a very long time we have been working with our customers to understand how to best use fasteners; what are the right fasteners for specific applications;


and also what are the optimal conditions in order to use them. The technical side focuses on assembly and disassembly, as well as the total cost of ownership – buying, assembling, using, disassembling, as well as maintenance of the product. We do this together with the customer in order to get the ideal solution from a specific application fastener point of view. These two core avenues, reducing complexity and providing technical services, help make the assembly process efficient and effective. It also guarantees the right type


FREIGHT AND RAW MATERIAL PODCAST Listen to our latest podcast where we interview industry experts on the current situation regarding freight and raw material prices – crucial topics impacting all fastener companies.

INSIGHT of products are designed into the application. It provides a great overall view and enables a stronger digitisation approach. We want to truly digitise our customers’ assemblies, so they have a transparent view of what is happening in their production and how they can ensure the quality of every single assembly.”

You mention working in partnership with customers. How do you do this in practice? How can you help increase productivity?

At Bossard we look to reduce the complexity of this supply chain and provide customers with simplified solutions.”

“Both avenues are a little different. If you look at our engineering/technical side, in many cases we start at the conception of the product, when the customer starts the designing process. A good example is Tesla, with whom we have been working with before it had even built its first car. We helped the company design the cars in a way that optimised production using the right fastening solutions, maintenance, etc. We have a lot of knowledge and experience within the business and this fastening know-how can help on the design side and help the customer build a better product. On the complexity side, when you look at customers managing hundreds of different fastener lines in different locations, both external and internal supply chains, we can work with customers on redesigning and redefining on how this could be done more efficiently and make it more precise. We do this by using data to understand the exact usage and consumption of the fasteners within their assembly lines. This allows


for a much more efficient supply chain – buying, stocking, new solutions, etc – and helps take costs out of the complete supply chain. Both the complexity and technical service angles require different approaches and ways of working with customers, but both can be extremely beneficial. We often find customers are keen to work with us when they understand the benefits we can offer.”


In addition to working alongside customers, what other services can Bossard provide? What are the advantages of these services?

“We supply the traditional distribution services – buying, quality assuring the products, etc – and to do this we work with over 4,000 suppliers globally, which allows us to find the ideal source for a specific customer or for a specific product. We can also assure the whole logistical process – getting those products in the right quality, size, packaging, etc. Besides the traditional distribution services, we also have the additional logistical services we provide, we call it Smart Factory Logistics. This service enables the customer to have complete control over what products are being used at what locations, as well as guaranteeing the buying and logistical processes in a very efficient and automatic way. To add to this, we also have a ‘Last Mile’ management system that allows for the internal distribution of the products. This is a software product that enables the customer to optimise the internal workflow of those types of products. We also have a system called Smart Factory Assembly, which manages our customers’ assemblies and helps optimise process control in manual production. This involves digitising work instructions, quality assurance, integration of smart tools in production, and directly integrating them into the quality reporting system, which helps increase reliability and productivity. Put simply, you know where the worker took the fastener from; you know if it is the right fastener; you know if the right torque was used in installation; and you have all the data to go with it. This helps ensure the assembly process is completely quality assured. As far as the technical side of our service is concerned, it can be summarised into three core areas – design piece, optimisation, and education. As mentioned, at Bossard we look to get involved at the very beginning of the application development and want to help the customer find the right fastening solution. After this comes optimisation, where we work alongside customers to see how a product can be optimised. We do this by using something called a ‘full teardown’ project, which is where we take the product apart, we look at the functionalities, how it was assembled, the product cost, etc, and how everything can be optimised going forward. To my knowledge there is yet to be a case where we have not been able to highlight potential cost savings for customers with this type of project. The third and final one is education, where we do a lot of customer education on different elements –


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fasteners, assembly processes, as well as issues such as vibration, corrosion, etc. We want to help the designers and engineers to design better products from the beginning.”

Are customers aware of the importance of quality when it comes to fastening solutions or is price still the prime factor?

...innovation can help us become a better company internally, so we can be a better company for our customers.”

“I think there is both, and often you will find that there are both views even within a single company, as it is often not just one person but multiple people who get involved in the process and they all have their own agendas – designers, engineers, purchasing, etc. In our case, we predominately work with the value driven types of customers. Our approach and value-added focus mean we are able to stand out and let customers understand the total cost of ownership over the single specific price of a product. We have also seen a lot of companies shift in recent years to focus more on value rather than price. Companies are realising, especially with the current situation in the labour market, that the value driven approach – where data can be exchanged and used to make the logistical process more efficient – helps to reduce the need for more workforce within the assembly. We have certainly been having a lot more discussions with customers on the value-added approach, especially with Industry 4.0, which I think in most markets is becoming more relevant.”

How important is innovation to Bossard both internally and the solutions it provides customers? How do you ensure an innovative mentality within the business?

“Innovation is undoubtedly one of our competitive advantages, especially when it comes to processes, as we look at how we can reduce complexity and digitise steps. Our customer base is not large automotive


manufacturers, it is medium-sized companies that have the same needs for automation and optimisation – for productivity gains in their assembly – but there are not appropriate solutions to help them digitise these processes. Out of that understanding we are doing a lot of innovation in this segment, which is strongly underserved when it comes to improving productivity. On the product side, we innovate a lot and have a lot of projects – often with our partners. Be it branded supplier partners or manufacturers. We look to develop solutions for specific applications. We also have a big team of engineers that work with our customers to develop solutions. Some of them become solutions in their own right, others are for specific customer applications. When it comes to internal innovation, we have a strong innovation basis with people working on different types of innovations depending on the product category. We look to use different Artificial Intelligence applications to improve different departments, and processes, and work on how innovation can help us become a better company internally, so we can be a better company for our customers.”


What plans does Bossard have for the future?

“We have recently been in a strategy development process and, for me, the most important outcome of this is our cultural transformation path we are on. We understand that if we manage to get a workplace where employees feel motivated, engaged and can do what they enjoy doing, then we will be a completely different company to one that is more hierarchical. For the last three years we have embarked on trying to empower and engage our employees by building a multi-autonomous structure as an organisation. We have also looked to increase collaboration between units and to develop our strategy so everyone within the organisation feels like they are a part of our future strategy. That is the core of our strategy, we want a cultural transformation, and we want to empower and engage every single employee at Bossard.”


Challenging the most extreme conditions with Grower Tenkeep® Among the results achieved by Growermetal’s R&D team, the Grower Tenkeep® – a security washer with two surfaces of different geometries that offer stability, excellent locking and higher untightening torque – represents the ultimate flagship product in the company’s range.


rom its headquarters in Calco, between Bergamo and Milan, Growermetal SpA has grown to define its path as one of the most important global leading manufacturers in the production of spring, railway and security washers, as well as blanked parts according to customers’ drawings. Since its establishment in 1950, the company has been run by the Cattaneo family and has been driven by the will to meet the quality and safety needs of its partners with innovative technologies and proactive services. To keep itself always in step with the times, Growermetal has merged its strong heritage in fastening solutions with the continuous investment in research and development laboratories. This transformational process has involved many aspects of its business, including boosting the production in many ways – from the progressive automatisation of the manufacturing process, to the design and creation of products suitable to the most extreme applications – such as the Grower TenKeep®.

Grower TenKeep®

Through advanced testing and tools, Grower TenKeep® has shown great efficiency in preventing loosening...

The Grower TenKeep® is a true expression of the technical know-how acquired over the years by the Italian company. This flagship product was introduced to the market in 2019, defining a new boundary for the fastener industry. The launch received a very positive response, with the Grower TenKeep® also winning the Route to Fastener Innovation Competition award at Fastener Fair Stuttgart in 2019, which was a great acknowledgement for Growermetal.



One of the main point of interests of the Grower TenKeep® is its geometry – made of a single high performing flat washer with two surfaces that include knurls of different geometry. The product is designed to guarantee great stability and maximum performance against unscrewing of the bolted joints. Through advanced testing and tools, Grower TenKeep® has shown great efficiency in preventing loosening, even in the most challenging conditions, for example in presence of extreme vibrations and dynamic loads. Where does the secret of this incredible tightening lie? Growermetal points out that in some ways, it is all about numbers and testing. Before defining the final design of the two sides of the security washer, more than 400 types of different geometry were tested by the researchers and experts of Growermetal, until they found the right shape. ‘Side A’ of the washer is put on the head of the screw or nut side and slides against the surface of the underhead of the screw/nut when tightening the bolted joint. Due to its particular advanced serration geometry this side is also known as the ‘boomerang side’ and is able to counteract very efficiently the loosening of the bolted joint connection. In addition, the chamfer on the hole of this side avoids any interference with the radius under the screw head and allows the user to orientate the washer correctly. The other side of the washer, referred to as ‘Side B’, is in contact with the bearing surface and is characterised by a knurling that offers an exceptional grip, becoming immediately solid with the material when the bolted joint is tightened. Thanks to this characteristic, the washer remains permanently solid to the bearing surface.

INSIGHT Results and advantages

The features of the Grower TenKeep® give proof of their value when used in concrete applications, where it shows at least three main remarkable advantages. First of all, regardless of the material or mechanical characteristics of the bearing surface, the friction conditions are defined and uniform, with excellent locking even in the presence of vibrations and dynamic loads. As a consequence, the tightening torque to be applied in order to achieve the desired screw preload is always the same. Next, the Grower TenKeep® washer does not rotate and thus does not damage the bearing surface during tightening and untightening of the bolted joint, even on galvanised, painted or soft surfaces. Finally, focusing on performance, the third advantage is a significant higher untightening torque, at least +40% more than the tightening torque. Other additional benefits of the flat washer include the minimum space requirement (with the washer always remaining inside the screw head); the suitability for application with embedded holes and the possibility to use the washer several times without loss in performance; plus, the chamfer on the ‘Side A’ hole helps the user to correctly position the washer and, due to the special design of the hole geometry, it avoids any interference of the hole of the washer with the radius under the head of every bolt type, according to ISO and DIN standards. In order to bring the stability of these safety flat washers into different applications and on different surfaces and materials, Grower TenKeep® safety washers are manufactured by Growermetal in different versions and can be used with bolts of all strength classes up to 12.9. The three standard series includes: Grower TenKeep® M Medium Series: Ideal for hexagonal head bolts. It is designed for applications with threaded hole and hexagonal head screw and with through-hole and hexagonal head bolt. Grower TenKeep® L Large Series: Suitable for flange-headed bolts and for bearing surfaces made of soft materials like aluminium and plastics. It is designed for application with wide holes and flanged head screws. Grower TenKeep® C Cylindrical Series: Used for cylindrical head bolts. It is designed for applications with bored hole and cylindrical head screw.

...the Grower TenKeep® washer does not rotate and thus does not damage the bearing surface during tightening and untightening of the bolted joint...”

Testing and treatments

In order to resist the most demanding environments and challenging applications, Grower TenKeep® washers are made of carbon steel, quenched and tempered with a surface and core hardness of 510 HV – 560 HV 10. Furthermore, the range is supplied with the zinc flake coating Delta Protekt® KL120, which is one of the highest performing products of Dörken and guarantees a corrosion resistant performance of 1,000 hours minimum, according to neutral salt spray tests in compliance with ISO 9227. The cooperation between Growermetal and Dörken has not only provided this extremely resistant surface treatment to the Grower TenKeep® washers, it has also brought further testing. The results presented during the annual Dörken Days event in Frankfurt, Germany, proved the qualities of the product – taking into account several factors that play a significant role in the fastener industry, such as the coefficient of friction of the bolted joint connection



according to the VW 01131 standard and the loosening behaviour under strain conditions. The numerous tests confirmed that Grower TenKeep® safety washers keep the preload in presence of vibrations and show a very good performance on different types of bearing surfaces – without any slipping, even in harsh conditions. As well as showing a good loosening behaviour and no stick-slip effects. Among the tests that have been run on this innovative product, self-loosening resistant tests play an essential role in order to manufacture high-quality products. Since vibrations are one of the most critical and challenging issues in bolted joint connection, Grower TenKeep® safety washers underwent the so called ‘Helicopter’ loosening resistance test, which was carried out at the CETIM (Technical Centre for Mechanical Industry) in France. Once more, the remarkable results of the Grower TenKeep® during the ‘Helicopter test’ demonstrated a very good level of untightening torque (break-away torque) in comparison to the tightening one. After 10,000 cycles of the ‘Helicopter test’, the results highlighted the great advantage in performance of the break-away torque (residual torque) of the Grower TenKeep® when compared to the tightening torque (initial torque). “These outstanding results, together with the excellent price/ performance ratio, has contributed to the good response of the sector to Grower TenKeep® saftey washers,” states Paolo Cattaneo, CEO of Growermetal. “The product also obtained the European patent for industrial invention in 2021, which represented a great achievement for Growermetal and a valuable recognition of our R&D team’s brilliant innovation.”

9th International Exhibition for the Fastener and Fixing Industry


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Gala Precision – striving for excellence Even with the unprecedented challenges over the last two years – the Covid-19 pandemic; changing working models from home to office; fluctuating demands; increasing raw material prices; freight and logistic challenges; as well as more recently the Russian/Ukrainian war – Gala Precision still experienced 35% growth in 2021 and expects growth of more than 20% annually over the next four years.


s a medium sized enterprise based in Thane, to the north east of Mumbai, India, Gala Precision Engineering Pvt Ltd has been able to handle these challenges thanks to its foundation, culture and core values, with the company having over 40 years’ experience within the spring sector. “We started the business just focused on disc springs as our main product line – for non-critical applications in India,” explains Gala Precision. “From the beginning we did not simply chase sales numbers but instead focused on getting the necessary product expertise and ensuring we understood the challenges faced by customers globally.” In 2006 Gala Precision opened its first warehouse and office in Shanghai to cater to the Chinese market and then opened an office in Germany in 2008. “Our main motto has always been to produce optimum quality products to meet global market demand. With the help of our strong R&D team, and extensive marketing, we gradually became the largest exporter of disc springs from India,” underlines Gala Precision. In 2016 the company introduced a coil springs division for critical applications and soon became the number one choice for automotive customers in India. “Our strong design capabilities and in-house fatigue testing machine made us the preferred supplier from India.” Gala Precision adds: “Eventually with the success of these two products globally, we launched special fastening solutions for the renewables sector in 2018 – for which we got an encouraging response from wind turbine manufacturers globally. We can proudly say now that we are amongst the leading high-quality fastener manufacturers in India for wind turbines. In fact, the renewables sector contributes to 30% of our sales.” In 2018 Gala Precision also realised, after discussions with its global distributors and customers, that there was a large gap in the wedge lock washer industry – as it was majorly dominated by one European supplier and there was significant demand. “As always we listened to our customers and launched our Gallock wedge lock washers in the market and today we are India’s largest manufacturer of wedge lock washers,” points out the company. “We also have our own Junker testing machine in-house to



maintain top notch quality and testing – meeting stringent quality parameters.” The Gallock wedge lock washers are also approved by the top three wind turbine manufacturers and Gala Precision supplies them to LHB and ICF coaches of Indian railways – where the company has substituted the largest European supplier. “The Gallock wedge lock washers are used in a variety of applications and sectors, including high-speed trains and various metro projects in India and China. The Gallock is also approved by one of the world’s largest tractor manufacturers.” Today Gala Precision is one of the largest exporters of springs from India and states it is one of the fastest growing spring companies in the world. “Our plants, which are spread across more than 15,000m2, are ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certified. They are also audited and approved by Global OEMs and Tier 1 companies.” Gala Precision exports to more than 25 countries and supplies more than 300 global customers. “Our family has grown from 100 employees to now more than 600 employees globally. Our product range has also developed, from one product line of disc springs to us now being able to offer disc, strip, spiral, wedge lock washers and coil springs. We also have special fastening solutions such as blade studs, anchor bolts and foundation nuts.” “We not only excel in standard offerings but what sets us apart from other manufacturers is our will to go the extra mile for our customers – by providing them with specific customised solutions according to their needs. On hearing the name ‘Gala Precision’, our customers are reminded of our flexibility, our strong technical knowledge and our commitment to strive for excellence.” With its high-quality range of products, diverse customer portfolio and segments, as well as 40 years of experience, Gala Precision is now successfully competing with European manufacturers and providing world class fastening solutions globally.


Böllhoff – 145 years as a family business In 2022 Böllhoff Group celebrates its 145th anniversary as a joining technology partner for customers around the world. Here we speak to Managing Partners Michael W. and Wilhelm A. Böllhoff about the recent milestones in the Group’s history and the benefits of still being an independent family business. This year sees Böllhoff celebrate its 145th anniversary. What have been the key points in the company’s development over recent years?

“In the past 22 years, Böllhoff has consistently pushed forward on the path of internationalisation. A path that our father Dr Wolfgang W. Böllhoff had already chosen to take in 1962, with the opening of the first Böllhoff branch outside Germany (in Austria). As managing partners of the fourth generation, we ventured into the Asian market and expanded the production and logistics capacities of the Böllhoff Group worldwide. Important milestones include the acquisition of the first Böllhoff production facility in North America in 2000 (in Kendallville, USA); the opening of the first Böllhoff branch in Asia in 2001 (in Shanghai, China); and the implementation of the first production facility in Asia in 2004 (in Wuxi, China). In the following years, we systematically strengthened Böllhoff’s presence on the Asian continent, for example with sales offices in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam, as well as a large site in India (including sales, logistics and production). In the context of our global expansion of logistics capacities, the logistics centre in Oelsnitz, Saxony, Germany, should also be mentioned. This logistics centre supplying large parts of Europe was opened in 2019 and is the largest investment in Böllhoff history – with an individual investment volume of over €40 million. Looking at our products, two of the most important milestones in recent years involve our well-known HELICOIL® thread insert. In 2019, we continued to write HELICOIL® product history with the fourth evolutionary stage of the thread insert, the HELICOIL® Smart. It combines the simple installation of a HELICOIL® Plus insert with tang with the omitted tang break of the HELICOIL® Tangfree. Although a tang is present on the HELICOIL® Smart, tang breaking and removal are not required. The assembly time thus reduces by approximately 20%. In October 2021, we then acquired the worldwide trademark rights for the HELICOIL® so that the names HELICOIL® and Böllhoff are now inseparably linked in every country around the globe.”

You mention the Group is now being managed by the fourth generation. How proud are you to still be a family business? Do you think this has helped the business in its growth?

“We are very grateful that we have been able to create connections for our customers as an independent family business for 145 years now. The qualities we bring to the table as a family-owned enterprise are certainly one of the reasons for our sustainable growth, although not the only one. Our particular strength as a family business is that we always think long-term and are not dependent on short-term profit. We always look



Managing Partners Michael W. Böllhoff and Wilhelm A. Böllhoff are the fourth generation of the family business to keep an eye on sustainable personnel and business development. This is why a large number of our employees have been loyal to us for many years – as have many of our customers, with whom we have worked closely together for years or even decades. From our point of view, these factors are the ideal foundation for long-term organic growth.”

Böllhoff is known for its passion for successful joining. How does it represent itself within the business? What are the benefits to customers?

“For generations, we have been driven by this special aspiration that we now call passion for successful joining. We want to be at our customers’ side as a competent partner in all aspects of joining technology and offer them the ideal solution when it comes to joining components. Along their entire value chain. Around the globe. Always with a special focus on the specific needs of their respective industry. Today, we call this holistic approach 360° joining technology. This approach is also one of the main benefits for our customers when working together with Böllhoff. We are not a parts supplier, but a solution and system supplier. As such, we start a conversation with all our customers early on and then find out together how our solutions can help them realise their plans. Whether they need fasteners or suitable assembly systems; whether customers want to optimise the connections in an existing component or create entirely new connections; we support them in all questions regarding joining technology. Here, we are increasingly integrated into our customers’ processes at an earlier stage and to a greater extent. Often we are already involved in the development process of new components with our expertise or supply the customer with all the required


Böllhoff has global production facilities, including sites in Kendallville, USA, and in Wuxi, China (pictured right) fasteners right down to the production line. Our broad portfolio and the close cooperation with our customers, in a spirit of partnership, are what make Böllhoff stand out as a company.”

Böllhoff is also known for its innovations. How do you instil an innovative mindset within the business and its employees?

“Innovation is vital to the success of our company. This is why it is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. For us, innovations do not come about by chance, but we systematically generate new ideas through consistent innovation management and a lived culture of innovation. Pursuing a spirit of open innovation, we for example open our innovation process to the outside world and involve our customers by presenting new developments to them at an early stage. We also maintain close partnerships with leading research institutes and universities. To promote a culture of innovation within our company, we use a variety of measures. For example, we actively involve our employees in the development of innovations in so-called ‘search field teams’. There we analyse global market and industry trends and then have small teams systematically search for potential innovations in clearly defined areas (the search fields). The resulting ideas can be presented to a European management panel in our Innovation Steering Committee, which meets twice a year. This committee then decides which ideas are particularly promising and will therefore be further supported. Every two years, we also award prizes to the best innovations that have already been implemented in a customer project – in our in-house Euro Innovation Contest. All innovation management measures have the same goal – to encourage our employees to actively contribute with their ideas and thus foster a culture of innovation within the company. We believe that trust is also a decisive factor when it comes to creating the ideal environment for innovation in the company. Courage and trust are two cornerstones of our corporate culture. You can only create a culture of innovation in a company by trusting your employees and by encouraging them to be brave and to think outside the box.”

After such a challenging last 24 months, what are the Group’s aims for the next 5 years?

“In our fast-moving, volatile world, resilience and the ability to adapt flexibly to changing conditions at any time are crucial to a company’s long-term success. New aspects such as ‘The New Global’ must also be taken into account – a line of thinking that proactively addresses higher transport costs,



more protectionism and the threat of trade wars. With an eye on all future generations, it is also important to operate sustainably. The consistent expansion of our resilience, adaptability and sustainability is therefore a central component of our Strategy 2024. This new strategy was developed in the course of 2021 and sets our path for the next three years. Always with the goal in mind of securing the long-term future of our company and growing profitably.”

How is Böllhoff approaching topics such as digitisation and sustainability, which are currently key factors in the market?

“Both topics are deeply embedded in our Strategy 2024. When it comes to digitisation, we have already digitised many processes within our company and continue to work on systematically strengthening the digitisation and automation of our core processes. In addition, we have established our own venture capital unit called Archimedes New Ventures in 2020, which drives new digital business models and invests in promising digital start-ups. As for sustainability, it has been deeply rooted in our corporate DNA for years. We work ceaselessly to make our own processes more sustainable – in manufacturing, for example, by investing in more energy-efficient machines. As a company, we want to be climateneutral by 2030. Our products and services also contribute to the conservation of resources and the reduction of CO 2 emissions. They are a vital part of modern lightweight construction and can be found in the battery tray of electric vehicles, in wind turbines or photovoltaic panels, just to name a few examples.”



wire® returns

After four years, the wire industry will finally meet again live and on-site at the Düsseldorf exhibition centre from 20th – 24th June 2022 – presenting the latest innovations in wire, cable and tube.


xhibitors at Tube will be in halls 1 to 7a, while wire® exhibitors will present their technological highlights in exhibition halls 9 to 15. From machinery and equipment for wire manufacturing, wire processing and finishing, spring and fastener technologies and their finished products, auxiliary materials and process technology tools through to glass fibre, all aspects of the wire industry will be on show. “Anticipation is high and the sectors are confident they will be able to experience five days packed with technology innovations in Düsseldorf; talk to experts from all over the world; and also enjoy the social part of a trade fair outside show hours again,” commented organisers. Since the Covid-19 pandemic is subsiding, and entry and exit regulations have been relaxed internationally, it has become possible for both exhibitors and trade visitors from around the world



EXHIBITIONS to travel to Düsseldorf for trade fair events. Hygienic conditions are ensured across the entire fairgrounds and inside the halls, with a multitude of sanitiser dispensers and a constant circulation of air. Wearing face masks and keeping a 1.5m distance during conversations is also recommended. 1,000 companies from 47 countries have already registered for wire® 2022, occupying 53,210m2 of net exhibition space. For the first time, finished products from the traditional segments of fastener and spring making technology will also be exhibited. This means such finished products as technical springs, screws, cable strands, eyelets, etc, will also exhibit at wire® 2022. Fastener companies will be mainly housed in hall 13 including BASS GmbH, Carlo Salvi SpA, CEIA SpA, Dimac Srl, ENKOTEC A.S, EVIRT Italia Srl, Hatebur Umformmaschinen AG, Manassero & C Srl, Mayes & Warwick, Nakashimada Engineering Works Ltd, National Machinery LLC, SACMA Group, Talleres Saspi S.A, Tecno Impianti Srl, Weighpack International, as well as Wrentham Tool Group. Visitors to the show are expected from the wire and cable industries, the iron, steel and NF metal industries, as well as the automotive, construction, chemical, trade and services industries. 2022 will see the traditionally strong attendance of exhibitors from Italy, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, France, Austria, the Netherlands,


Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland and Germany. As regards to overseas exhibitors, registrations have been seen from the USA, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Japan and China. Traditionally, wire® and Tube are among the most international trade fairs in Messe Düsseldorf’s portfolio. The last show, in 2018, saw 71,500 trade visitors (69,000 in 2016) from 134 countries visit the exhibition halls on the Rhine river, over five days, to learn about innovations in their sectors and conclude business deals. One third of visitors at both trade fairs came from Germany while two thirds were international visitors. This means that wire® and Tube are among the most internationally attended trade fairs for Messe Düsseldorf. From end products in fasteners and springs; an ecoMetals campaign with guided tours to exhibitors such as AMPCO METAL Deutschland GmbH, ArcelorMittal Commercial Sections S.A, Georgsmarienhütte GmbH, Klöckner & Co SE and SMS group GmbH, in whose production halls sustainability, energy efficiency and resource conservation have a strong emphasis; to expert meetings with keynote speeches by key players in the industries – wire® 2022 will be the worldwide ‘place to be’ for the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries. Exhibitors will present not only new machines and plants but also increasingly sustainable solutions for eMobility, digitalisation and Industry 4.0.


Important information wire® 2022 – international wire and cable trade fair Address:

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Messeplatz,D-40474 Düsseldorf, Germany


9 to 15

Opening times:

20 th – 23rd June: 9:00am – 6:00pm 24th June: 9:00am – 4:30pm

Prices: Daily ticket online: Daily ticket reduced: Season ticket online: Catalogue price:

€42 €20 €82 €33


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BAU 2023 rescheduled The exhibitor advisory board and board of trustees have announced that BAU, the trade fair for architecture, materials, and systems, has been rescheduled to 17th – 22nd April 2023.


t the forefront was the fact that BAU is among the largest trade fairs in Germany, not only in terms of exhibitors, but also in terms of visitors – with 250,000 visitors attending the show in 2019. Dr Reinhard Pfeiffer, deputy CEO of Messe München, explains: “BAU is a leading trade fair and our goal is to bring exhibitors and guests from all over the world together again here in Munich. With this one time postponement from January to April, we want to offer our customers and participants maximum security for their planning.” The industry unanimously supports the change of dates, as Dieter Schäfer, chairman of the advisory board and of the board of trustees for BAU and CEO of Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer & Breuer AG, confirms: “We expressly welcome Messe München’s decision to reschedule BAU to spring 2023. What’s important is that the industry is able to come together fully and without restrictions after this long and challenging time. We are more than optimistic that this will be possible in April 2023 and are already looking forward to meeting competitors and customers from all over the world in Munich.” The show is still planned to take place within 19 halls, with the structure and main topics remaining the same – ‘The challenge of climate change’, ‘Affordable living’, ‘Resources and recycling’ and ‘Digital transformation’. The newest topic ‘Modular construction’ also stays on the agenda.




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The return of fastener events in Europe Fastener Fair Italy 2022, which will take place from 31st November – 1st December at Fiera Milano City, Italy, says it is set to lead the return to in person events for the fastener and fixing industry since the last show three years ago.


osted in Italy, Europe’s second largest manufacturing economy, Fastener Fair Italy 2022 is dedicated to presenting and promoting new fastener and fixing products and technologies. The event showcases products and services from a variety of sectors including fastener manufacturing technology, industrial fasteners and fixings, construction fixings, assembly and installation systems, storage, distribution, factory equipment, as well as information, communication and services. Fastener Fair Italy enables participants to meet face-to-face; see and ensure the quality of products first-hand; source and sell products and services; initiate and strengthen business partnerships; and build trade networks – all under one roof. 150 companies have confirmed their participation at Fastener Fair Italy 2022, covering 3,500m 2 of the exhibition ground. Companies from 16 countries are taking part, with a strong representation of firms from Italy, Germany and Turkey. From SMEs to many large multinational enterprises, exhibitors include: Ambrovit SpA, Bontempi VIBO SpA, Bralo Italia, Carlo Salvi SpA, CHAVESBAO (CHAVES BILBAO S.A.), Di Costa Guiseppe Srl, Dimac Srl, Fastbolt Schraubengroßhandels GmbH, Lederer GmbH, MEVI ITALIA Srl, Piloni Srl, SOM FASTENERS, Teknoform Bağlantı Elemanları San ve Tic A.Ş, VIPA SpA, VISION Srl and VITAL SpA. Commenting on the build-up to the show, Liljana Goszdziewski, portfolio director for the European Fastener Fairs, says: “We are thrilled to see the return of face-to-face events and are looking forward to welcoming the fastener and fixing industry at Fastener Fair Italy 2022. The strong exhibitor participation in the show is a positive signal indicating the industry’s need to return to in person events to facilitate business networking, and trade, and enable new sales opportunities.” A total of 2,700 managers, engineers and buyers visited the last edition of Fastener Fair Italy. The mix of visitors to the show



represented the diversity of markets served by the fastener and fixing industry. Most visitors were either wholesalers (24%) or distributors (42%), all playing a vital role in the supply chain to resellers and end-users. Around 20% were end users themselves. Fasteners and fixings manufacturers accounted for 34% of those attending. The quality of visitors on-site reflected the expectation of the exhibiting companies, with 93% of exhibitors claiming they received positive business enquiries; 78% of exhibitors rated the visitor quality as good or excellent; with 98% of exhibitors achieving their business objectives fully or partially. Following the success of previous editions, Fastener Fair Italy 2022 will include free to attend seminars on industry innovations, topics and trends. Led by industry experts, these seminars will consist of updates on technical, regulatory and market issues. Devised by Event Partners and in collaboration with Mack Brooks Exhibitions, the organiser of the show, the seminar sessions will be open to both exhibitors and visitors.

The next stop of the journey

Fastener Fair Italy is organised by Mack-Brooks Exhibitions, part of RX Group. It belongs to the highly successful worldwide series of Fastener Fair exhibitions for the fastener and fixings industry. These include the portfolio flagship event, Fastener Fair Global, as well as Fastener Fair India, Fastener Fair Mexico and Fastener Fair USA. From 21 st – 23rd March 2023, at the Messe Stuttgart exhibition ground in Germany, Fastener Fair Global will be the marketplace for professionals to showcase their fastener and fixing technology, equipment, and services, to a broad international audience. Fastener Fair Global will offer the fastener and fixing community another gathering point for product sourcing, business trade and networking opportunities.

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HANNOVER MESSE focusing on ‘Industrial Transformation’

As the world experiences a turning point in international economic and energy policy – which brings with it rising energy prices, disrupted supply chains and a major impact on global industrial production – a growing number of manufacturers are doing their part to combat climate change. The world needs speedy solutions in this area and HANNOVER MESSE 2022 says it is the ideal setting.


rom 30 th May to 2 nd June 2022, some 2,500 companies will display their technologies for the factory and energy systems of the future at the Hannover Exhibition Centre. Under the lead theme of ‘Industrial Transformation’, exhibitors will demonstrate how connected production facilities can operate more efficiently and conserve resources, as well as how to generate and transmit energy sustainably. “In view of the current global political situation, the topics at HANNOVER MESSE are more relevant than ever,” reported Dr Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe, at the HANNOVER MESSE preview event. “At the heart of the matter is how we can ensure the security of supply and growth in a dynamically changing world – politically, environmentally, and economically – while counteracting climate change. Innovative technologies will play a key role in this.” When it comes to CO 2 neutral production and energy security in Europe, renewable energies and green hydrogen play a key role. Many companies already lead the way with concrete solutions. For

example, HANNOVER MESSE exhibitor Bosch created a hydrogen cycle at its Industry 4.0 facility that produces green hydrogen for industrial processes. Because of the current energy supply debate, the topic of hydrogen is gaining further importance. Europe is also striving to become climate neutral by the middle of the century. More and more companies have set ambitious goals and are in the process of completely converting their production and services. HANNOVER MESSE exhibitors are able to supply the necessary technologies. In addition to the exhibits at the show, attendees can look forward to a first rate supporting programme. The four conference stages cover topics such as automation, the Cloud and infrastructure, analytics and data management, digital platforms, robotics, IT security, Artificial Intelligence, renewable energies, green hydrogen, energy efficient and CO 2 neutral production, digital energy management, the circular economy and much more. The complete programme will not only be available to visitors on-site, but will also stream simultaneously via the HANNOVER MESSE website.

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Taiwan International Fastener Show postponed The Taiwan International Fastener Show, which was due to be held on 19th – 21st April 2022, has been postponed to 3rd – 5th May 2023. The last edition of the show was in 2018.


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rganisers of the Taiwan International Fastener Show, Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA, and implementers, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute (TIFI) decided to postpone the show at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center due to “border control measures”. The Taiwan International Fastener Show serves as a trading platform for sourcing and procurement, enabling exhibitors to showcase their latest products with innovative, integrated strengths. Exhibitors at the show produce a broad spectrum of products ranging from fundamental to high-end, spanning nuts, bolts and screws for ICT, automobiles, aerospace, medical care, construction, transportation, general machinery and precision instruments. The previous edition of the show in 2018 marked a record high, featuring 415 exhibitors and more than 1,100 booths – the most recorded since the show moved to the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. With the enthusiastic participation of buyers and fastener exhibitors from around the world, the three day exhibition attracted 2,193 international buyers from 73 countries, who visited and made purchases. Participation increased by 10% when compared with the previous exhibition. The show also drew over 30,000 domestic and foreign visitors. “Taiwan is renowned for its fastener manufacturing history and has always been a stable supplier in the fastener industry, earning the global reputation as ‘the kingdom of screws’. The unique industrial clusters that synergise every facet of fastener related supply chains allow these products to gain great popularity throughout the world – with the companies known for their prompt delivery, excellent quality and competitive utility,” explains organisers.

Made in Turkey 2022


Turkey continues to grow The Turkish market is known for its automotive, domestic appliance and other engineered product manufacturing and exporting capabilities, which has seen the Turkish fastener sector develop significantly over recent years. Here Mustafa Tecdelioğlu, chairman of BESİAD (the Turkish Fastener Manufacturers Association), talks about the development of the Turkish fastener market and how it has been impacted over the last two years, as well as opportunities for the future.


he last two years have been some of the most challenging ever in the history of the Turkish fastener sector, with the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as wars around us, playing a major role in slowing down economies around the world. However, despite various difficulties the Turkish economy was able to grow by 11% last year. In addition, although the high devaluation of the Turkish Lira caused the periodical slowdown in the domestic market, the Turkish government helped resolve this problem quickly, which has seen the growth expectation for Turkey in 2022 set at 5%. When we look at the Turkish fastener manufacturing sector, even with all the challenges outlined above, it has still grown by 10% over the last two years. The reason for this is the key sectors Turkish fastener manufacturers work with – automotive, white goods, furniture, machinery manufacturing, etc – have all shown a positive performance both in Turkey and globally. Another factor behind this growth is that the fastener industry in Turkey did not face raw material shortages during this period, unlike other countries across Europe. However, Turkish fastener companies have faced significant challenges, such as the rising energy and freight costs, which have had a negative impact and caused losses in ongoing work and projects that have already been agreed – with many companies suffering from this situation.

Even with these challenges, Turkish fastener companies have still been able to attract new customers, whilst continuing to build strong relationships with existing customers. This is due to Turkish companies investing in their capabilities, such as expanding their production, supplying more value-added products, as well as ensuring their high-quality products are supported by a fast and reliable service. Looking to the future, thanks to the good relationships our association’s board of directors has with other organisations, and the state, the future of our industry is positive and promising. The Turkish fasteners market currently produces around 1 million tonnes and the aim at BESİAD is to double this to 2 million tonnes in the next five years. Thanks to our ability to use domestic raw materials; our young labour force; as well as the infrastructure investments made over the last 20 years; we are confident the Turkish fastener market will be able to develop and achieve this target. BESİAD would also like to organise a fastener show again in Turkey in the future and will look to encourage our members to attend more fairs abroad. Members are also planning to develop the education and training they provide employees in our sector, so that we can further develop the knowledge of fasteners within Turkey and start training the next generation.




Norm Fasteners – a Full Service Provider Here we have an interview with Fatih Uysal, chairperson at Norm Holding, who discusses how Norm Fasteners has developed over the last two years and highlights the key services that have seen it agree the biggest automotive FSP contract in the Turkish fastener market. The last ‘Made in Turkey’ feature was in January 2020. Obviously, a lot has happened since then. How have the last two years progressed for Norm Fasteners as a business? How has Turkey progressed?

“As Norm Fasteners we prioritise in our agenda the aim to provide innovative support to our business partners together with research and development of new technologies that facilitate the performance of our team. Due to the global crises that occurred around the world in 2020 and 2021, we concentrated on emergency response scenarios; business sustainability management; preparation of quality and performance improvement programmes for suppliers; and increasing the level of automation-based operations. We improved ourselves in order to manage the fluctuations in the market better. We did this by continuing to use our capacity in the most effective way and by following the rapid production increases and sudden recessions experienced, due to market effects – which we can do thanks to the strong foresight and close communication we have established with our business partners. This approach enabled us to offer a sustainable supply management to our customers by increasing our on-time delivery performance. As for Turkey, it has also strengthened its position as a sustainable supply hub during the crises. In Turkey we have a strong and constantly developing industry. As a country that can produce its own raw materials and auxiliary materials in many sectors, we have the advantage of moving forward in a more stable manner without being affected by the crises in the supply chain. Therefore, Turkish companies can make agreements and build business partnerships with the strength they have gained from this advantage and offer solutions that make life easier for customers. Today, ‘Made in Turkey’ means sustainable and high-quality production – especially for Norm Fasteners. One of the main priorities in our investments is to improve ourselves in sectors where we can provide quality and sustainable service to our business partners with our know-how. This is what has enabled us to form collaborations that we have maintained in the global and local markets for 49 years – as one of the leading manufacturers in the global fastener industry.”

How has Norm Fasteners been able to position itself as a global leader in fastener manufacturing? What are the services you are able to supply customers?

“We put emphasis on producing projects that create value for our business partners and make investments focused on sustainability. That is why – despite global inflation; the semiconductor chip crisis – the problems encountered in procurement processes; and increasing commodity prices – we were able to continue to improve ourselves with new sustainable investments and projects.



Thanks to the strategic alliances we have established, we are on our way to becoming one of the world’s Top 5 suppliers of fasteners. For instance, in 2021 we signed one of the biggest supply agreements in the Turkish fastener industry with Ford Otosan and took the first step of a collaboration that will last 10 years. With this agreement we have become the first domestic company in Turkey to earn a ‘FSP’ (Full Service Provider) title – thanks to our ability to provide R&D, design, engineering, production, sourcing and supply chain management services to Ford Otosan. With our industry-leading Norm Holding companies, such as Norm Coating, Norm Tooling, Norm Digital and NRM, we provide full in-house production services to our customers with our R&D, engineering, process automation, pickling, annealing, cold forming, tooling, heat treatment, machinery and automation, coating, sorting, packaging and worldwide logistics services. In-line with our quality service and product approach, which we maintain together with our business partners, we also believe not only in quality control but also in quality assurance. In this direction we apply total quality management systems to meet customer specifications, IATF 16949, and special process requirements

(CQI-9,11,12). We solve the encountered quality problems using the G8D disciplines and apply them to similar processes to prevent recurrence. Thanks to this service approach, we have established long-term and trust-oriented business partnerships with our customers. In the future we will continue our efforts to become a service supplier in future shaping projects of the world’s leading automotive companies and will be successful with the infrastructure we have developed.”

What investments have you made in the company over the last twelve months?

“Today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing technologies raise challenges for all players within the fastener industry. For instance, additive manufacturing technology is a major trend in the industry – becoming an indispensable method in the manufacturing of valueadded products. At Norm Holding, in-line with our 2025 vision and strategies, we have established Norm Additive and invested in this production infrastructure in order to integrate it into our production expertise. Norm Additive will provide services not only in the automotive industry, but in a wide range of industries such as aviation, white goods, defence, medical technologies, and supplies, both in Turkey and abroad. In contrast to traditional manufacturing technologies, we aim to provide cost and time effective modalities in terms of both engineering and production services – in order to reduce weight and increase performance in structural parts. Prototyping and mass production services will also be offered through our additive manufacturing systems. Under these changing prerequisites, 316L stainless steel and AlSi10Mg aluminium alloys will be available in our systems for our customers in the automotive industry. In addition to our washer production facility, which was established in 2020 – and due to the years of accumulated knowledge, experience, production, R&D, and engineering competencies we have gained in cold forging – we have also established Norm Forging based on the needs of our customers. Thanks to this new investment – which will include modern forging technical equipment at international

standards to meet the quality requirements of our business partners – we will be able to diversify our product portfolio with hot forged special parts. Our new enterprise will continue to create value for our customers, as well as position us as a solution partner through zero defect philosophy, customer satisfaction-oriented production, and end-to-end supply chain solutions. At Norm Fasteners we have continued to grow organically and increased our capacity with our new investments in machinery, equipment and cutting-edge technologies in all our fastener, coating and tooling facilities. In the last two years alone, we have increased our production by 35% and our production target is 165,000 tonnes in 2022. We also aim to expand our product range and follow the latest technologies in order to offer a better service to our customers.”

What are your plans for the upcoming years? What do you think will be the challenges for the big and small manufacturers?

“Our main goals for 2022 will be to continuously increase our quality standards, and customer satisfaction, and to strengthen our business practices – to establish sustainability in each phase of our operations. As such, while we continue our efforts to be a mindful business partner for our customers, we will also move forward in-line with the main strategies of our organisation in environmental, economic and social issues. In 2022 and 2023, we plan to invest in business ventures and operations totalling €110 million in Turkey and abroad. Our logistics and marketing company in the USA will also be our gateway to one of the markets enabling us to grow the fastest. We also aim to grow in the electric vehicle market as well with our reduced-weight fasteners, which we developed especially for the needs of this market and obtained patent registrations. Moreover, we expect rapid growth in Poland, Romania, and Germany, and we aim to increase our business operations abroad in the upcoming period in respect of proximity to consumers, the supply of skilled labour, and ecosystem synergies. We will also look to continue to prioritise our activities in the R&D and innovation fields, to further understand customer demands and expectations and to offer sectoral or customer-based solutions. With the motto ‘from idea to product, from need to solution’, our goal is to work more on solution-oriented innovative products and processes in coordination with our sales team and other relevant departments. At Norm Fasteners, we will move forward on our path with the same philosophy in R&D and innovation efforts that we have in all aspects of our operations – by always prioritising customer needs and satisfaction. That is why we are proud to announce that five patent applications for innovative products, which we have developed in this direction in 2022, have been registered. We will continue our efforts with excitement in order to bring new and value-added products to the sector and we will continue to be pioneers in the sectors we operate in, both nationally and internationally.”




Delivering the entire manufacturing process The Cetin Cıvata Group of Companies and its factories are continuing to apply a fast and short term investment programme in order for the Group to reach a consolidated production capacity of 90,000 tonnes of fasteners annually by the end of 2025.


nder this investment programme, the Cetin Cıvata Group of Companies’ main bolt factory has enlarged it’s cold header machine park through the addition of a new group of multi-stroke cold headers for M8/ M16/M20 bolt production, as well as adding a completely new group of two stroke cold headers and thread roller sets, which went into operation in the second half of 2021. “In addition to this investment within our bolt factory we have also added further heat treatment furnaces, to take the total within our Group up to eight heat treatment lines,” points out Cenk Turfanda, general manager at Cetin Cıvata Group of Companies. “Our Group’s coating facility has also been involved in our investment programme, with the installation of a fully automatic alkali zinc coating line last year. These capacity enlargements will also continue within the first half of this year, with a new group of multi-stroke cold headers and also new two stroke cold headers, and thread rollers, being added to our production – all of which are scheduled to be up and running by the middle of this year.” Alongside its investment in equipment, the Cetin Cıvata Group of Companies also completed the building of its new and modern administration building in September 2021 and also added a new cold heading hall at its main factory in Istanbul in 2021. Plus, the Group has continued to expand the number of trainees and interns that it educates in its Cetin Academy, in all of its Group factories, as part of its Vocational Training Programme. “We believe the Turkish fastener market will become even more export orientated and the number of exporting manufacturers will increase in the future, with fastener importers declining,” explains Cenk. “This will lead to a big increase in Turkish fastener production capacity, as the domestic market will prefer to buy locally in Turkey. By investing in our equipment, buildings, and employees, we can make sure that we are ready to meet this increase in demand, as and when it happens.” Due to its continued investment, Cetin Cıvata’s manufacturing capability includes the complete cold forging size range for a very wide range of standard carbon steel bolts and nuts. The Group also has a wide range of technical ability that enables it to serve a host of industries from automotive, automation systems, machinery and



sustainable energy generation industries, as well as construction and defence sectors. “One of the key factors that makes us different from our competitors is the whole manufacturing process is carried out in-house – either under the same roof or as an integrated process within our Group,” explains Cenk. The Group is also able to provide a variety of services to support its production, including long-term regular delivery, as per forecasted annual usage demands; tailor made special products according to clients’ technical drawings; and full documentation and certification as per customer requirements. “We can also guarantee the quality of our products with the help of our quality assurance system, which is in conformity with the principles and rules of IATF 16949 and VDA,” states Cenk. “There are also daily and weekly corrective and improvement actions, which are carried out in every department of our production process – under the leadership of our R&D department. To add to this there are regular internal audits to secure the consistency and continuity of our sustainable quality.” This combination of production, services, and quality, means Cetin Cıvata can consistently meet the needs of its customers, and through its investment programme it plans to continue to develop the resources and capabilities to further grow its production volume. “‘Made in Turkey’ means easy availability of all sources at all times and conformity of all products to all global standards,” states Cenk. “Our investment programme ensures that we are continuously growing and evolving as a business, which is crucial if you wish to succeed.” “There are a lot of opportunities within the market currently, especially with the challenges regarding sea freight and the recent anti-dumping duties on China. We have already seen a lot of customers switch their buying habits from Asia to us and we believe this will continue. Thanks to the centralised geographical location of Turkey, it means it is easy for us to export and to deliver products to three different continents, and to more than 40 countries, within a voyage time of 1 to 10 days by road, which is a huge advantage and ensures customers get their products quickly and when they need them.”

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A global player in fasteners Thanks to the quality of its products, high engineering knowledge, strong raw material stocks, and first-class reputation, Berdan Cıvata has continued its positive growth – even when taking into consideration the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic over the last two years.


erdan Cıvata has a fully integrated fastener manufacturing factory with hot-cold forging facilities, machining and roll threading facilities, heat treatment facilities, surface coating facilities, an R&D centre, as well as an ISO EN 17025 accredited test laboratory. This means Berdan can manufacture a wide range of fasteners including bolts, nuts, studbolts, anchors, plates, anchor cages, washers, couplings, etc, according to international standards (DIN, ISO, EN, ASTM, DASt-021, BS, GOST, etc), as well as special fasteners according to customised technical drawings. The product range is available in diameters starting from M16 (⅝ inches) up to M155 (6 inches) with lengths from 30mm up to 3,000mm for bolts and 18,000mm for studbolts/anchors. “We know the critical importance of fasteners in projects, and mega projects, which is why we have always kept quality as our priority. We have worked very hard to provide consistency and reliability when it comes to our product quality and have acquired certificates and many standards for our production and the sectors we work in,” states Berdan Cıvata. “For instance, we are the first Turkish company to have EN 14399-1 and EN 15048 ‘CE’ certificates and the first to have an ISO EN/IEC 17025 accreditation certificate for our laboratory.” Other certificates Berdan Cıvata has achieved include AD 2000 Merkblatt W0 for fasteners of pressure vessels, as well as oil and gas pipelines; DASt-021 certificate for heavy steel construction fasteners for above M39 diameters; and a certification of conformity for fasteners for nuclear power plant projects. “All of these certificates mean we can supply a complete engineering service when it comes to the fastener sector and can work alongside our clients as a solution partner with a huge knowledge and high-quality.” Thanks to its in-house heat treatment, surface coating facilities, R&D department, and ISO EN 17025 accredited laboratory, Berdan Cıvata can guarantee the quality of its products and has been able to achieve some very positive results, especially during Covid-19. “Like most companies we thought Covid-19 would affect our business negatively. However, we weren’t faced with anything as we expected. Due to the container issues and lockdowns in other manufacturer countries during the pandemic, it caused customers to turn to alternate sources, and we had an opportunity to able to take advantage of this,” explains Berdan Cıvata. “Thanks to our well-known brand name, association with high-quality, fully integrated factory, and



more than half a century of experience in the market, we attracted a lot more business during this period – from both existing and new customers. So much so that by the end of 2021 we had successfully reached our financial target plans that we had set for 2025.” Being able to supply quality products quickly and effectively, with very little lead time, saw Berdan Cıvata attract new business from Europe, North and South America, Africa, and the Middle East. “One of the key factors was the long lead times from Asia, as well as the increasing prices. Being situated with easy road links to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, put us in a very strong position. The long lead times from Asia meant customers were happy to pay the road transportation costs as they knew they would get the products quicker.” Another area that has proven to be an opportunity for Berdan Cıvata has been the recent anti-dumping duties on certain iron/steel fasteners from China. “Some European fastener manufacturers and wholesalers had always used Chinese fasteners manufacturers due to their low prices – thanks to low labour and raw material costs in China. At Berdan Cıvata we could not compete with these extremely low prices, however, with the introduction of the anti-dumping duties, coupled with the issues above, China has lost its price advantage. This means more European and American companies are seeing us as an alternative source.” To ensure that it can continue to meet the increased needs of its customers, Berdan Cıvata has been investing within its infrastructure and machining capabilities. “We added a further 12,000m 2 to our factory area and also increased the number of employees by 10%,” mentions Berdan Cıvata. “We have also established two new cabin system heat treatment furnaces and increased our hot dipped galvanisation line capacity by 2.5 times.” Further investments by Berdan Cıvata include hot forging presses for its bolt and nut manufacturing facilities – where it can now manufacture bolts and nuts up to M155 (6 inches) diameters. The company has also established a new facility to produce its own forge moulds and rolling dies for threading. “With the addition of these facilities, we are aiming to extend our special manufacturing products range – so that we can appeal to all types of threading and more customised products,” concludes Berdan Cıvata. “As a business, we are already exporting our products to 72 different countries around the world, and we are proud of and happy to be a part of mega projects as a solution partner – presenting Turkish engineering, with the inscription ‘Made in Turkey’, to the whole world.”


ARMA invests in production ARMA has made some significant investments in its machinery and capabilities in order to make its operations simpler and more effective.


or instance, the Turkish manufacturer has invested in six new eccentric presses from 25 tonnes – 60 tonnes, two automatic forming machines with servo feeder, die sinking EDM, quick drilling EDM, CNC vertical machining centre, NC milling machine and a universal lathe, all of which have enabled ARMA Fixing Systems to develop its production line and tooling department. The company is also making new investments in an ERP system, which will further streamline its processes and ensure it can provide a better service to its customers. “Through the new investments and existing machinery we now have the ability to manufacture metal parts from 0.1mm thickness up to 3mm thickness, with processes such as metal stamping, automatic metal forming, automatic threading, welding, and assembly processes, all carried out on our own production lines,” explains ARMA. “We also have our own tooling department, which means we can produce moulds, apparatus, gauges and machines in-house according to project specifications.”

ARMA also has the experience and knowledge to provide production and designing support to customers. “We have 42 years’ experience of being a fastener business and can manufacture a variety of products, including DIN 3016 and DIN 3017 hose and pipe clamps, locking type prepositioned clamps, ear clamps, metal clips, cage nuts, metal fasteners, metal stamping parts, metal brackets, plastic fasteners and plastic products,” points out ARMA. “Thanks to our flexible production and planning; very fast sampling process; high-level of automation; and geographic location; we are very competitive within the market.” Over the last two years ARMA has also seen further interest from customers within Europe – who are wanting to reduce their reliance on Asian suppliers. “After all the issues regarding Covid-19, availability, and freight, we are seeing a lot of European fastener distributors wanting to establish a producer closer to them,” points out ARMA. “We are here to help them and can also work with them on new products or new potential markets.” A prime example of this is ARMA currently working with several automotive OEMs on designing and developing new parts for the EV sector. “We are increasing the budget for our R&D department to help it carry out further studies on electrification, mobility and green energy systems.” ARMA concludes: “Going forward, we will also continue investing in new equipment and plan to introduce two new automatic clamp manufacturing machines, built in-house, by next year. Plus, we will enlarge our logistics capacity by adding an additional 1,000m 2 to our warehouse. These investments will help us continue to support our customers with the products and services they need.”

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FASTENER DISTRIBUTION – TAKING STOCK Do your customers know what products you’ve got in stock? In the current global market, it’s never been more important to keep your customers informed. Our July feature gives distributors the chance to reassure customers, as well as target new buyers. To advertise: email or phone +44 (0)1727 743 882

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Kaleliler – continuously improving Turkish manufacturer Kaleliler believes in continuous improvement for its product quality, manufacturing capability, stock capacity, and services it provides, which is why the company has recently made some significant investments in its production facilities.


ocated in Saray industrial region in Ankara, Kaleliler Baglantı Elemanları is an industrial enterprise that has established itself as a solution partner not only in Turkey, but also in Europe – thanks to its extensive capabilities. Kaleliler is able to produce bolts, nuts and threaded rods, as well as a wide range of special fasteners, within a range of M12 – M220. “Our company is very flexible and is able to work on projects according to the needs of our clients,” explains Kaleliler. “Through our highly qualified technical staff, we can adapt our production to produce many kinds of special items based on drawings or special specifications. Thanks to our wide range of raw material, in stock, we can also provide fast delivery times for high-quality products.” A key factor in Kaleliler’s success has been its philosophy to look to expand as it produces, which has enabled it to grow as its business develops. “Over the last two years, even with the challenges regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, we have made several investments in order to increase our capacity – whilst at the same time improving our production quality and efficiency.” The investments Kaleliler has made include a new hot dip galvanising line – which is fully automatic and includes an environmentally friendly pre-treatment line (ultrasonic and mechanical cleaning) and is operated without acid usage; as well as a new induction line that is also fully automatic and has helped Kaleliler increase its hot forging capacity and production capabilities. Other investments include a new friction test machine, which operates within a range of M12 – M72; a new tensile test machine of 5,000kN (500 tonnes), which will carry out tests within a range of M22 – M72; as well as a new thread machine for nuts, which will be used for threading nuts within a range of M36 – M52.

Made in Turkey

Kaleliler also believes there are significant benefits of being a Turkish manufacturer, thanks to the geographic location and the flexibility that is associated with Turkish



companies. “Since Turkey is a part of Europe, even it is not in the EU, it means Turkish companies can work very smoothly with the European market when it comes to following EU regulations. The transport time is also very short, which helps to quicken the delivery time,” points out Kaleliler. “Thanks to the low labour and energy costs in Turkey, which are increasing but still lower than the majority of Europe, we are able to provide high-quality products and a first-class service – all at a very competitive price.” Another area where Kaleliler believes there will be an opportunity to grow is regarding the anti-dumping duties that were announced on some Chinese products at the beginning of 2022. “We have already had several companies visit our factory and audit our capabilities and we are confident this will lead to business in the future,” states Kaleliler. “The anti-dumping duties will certainly be a great opportunity for us to expand even further in the future. I believe Turkish manufacturers will be able to grow their businesses and make new investments due to this opportunity. This will then help to grow export sales in fasteners and will help to restore our economy too.” Kaleliler continues: “I believe the next five years are really important for not just Kaleliler, but all Turkish companies and people, especially if we can stabilise the political conditions and take advantage of being a modern, civilised, hardworking country, which has a great potential. At Kaleliler we have some additional investment plans for our production line and heat treatment department. For the long-term our aim is to be one of the top manufacturers of high-quality steel fasteners in Europe.”


EverFast to double production Turkish screw supplier EverFast is planning to move into a new factory in the coming months, which will see it almost double its production capacity and enable the company to continue to supply a wide range of quality fasteners to customers.


ased in Istanbul, EverFast Dış Ticaret Limited Şti looks to use the latest technology, and the experience within the company, to ensure the most suitable products for industries including automotive, white goods, electronics, construction, wholesale and general engineering. The company can supply a variety of cold formed parts such as screw for plastics, screws for metals, special screws, as well as bolts, nuts and washers, plus springs and turned parts. “Europe is our main market, with almost 85% of our sales coming from European distributors and wholesalers,” explains EverFast. “We know how crucial it is for us to be able to meet our customers’ needs, which is why we decided to invest in a new factory with over 1,000m2 of production space, as well as increase the number of production machines.” “Our existing facility had reached its limits regarding space and it was necessary to move so that we could not only double our production capacity, but also increase the amount of stock. We are very excited to be moving in the summer, as we will be able to further meet the expectations of our customers. We know very well that you must be flexible to be a reliable supplier to wholesalers – from what types of products you can supply, to being able to provide fast production and quick delivery times. The new facility will allow us to do this and will make a big difference.” This extension to its production capacity comes at a key point for EverFast, with the company receiving a large number of requests from both existing and new customers due to the anti-dumping duties on certain iron and steel fasteners from China. “We have received several RFQs from companies over the last couple of months, which has justified our decision to invest,” points out


If the market keeps growing as we expect, we are planning to continue to make new investments in Q4 of this year...” EverFast. “With the introduction of the anti-dumping duties for China, we believe Turkey will be one of main suppliers for the European fastener industry going forward and we are in a strong position to benefit from this opportunity.” EverFast continues: “Not only do we have a wide product range that we can supply customers, but our ability to offer very short delivery times is one of our most important services. As a business we can also provide technical support and help customers with any special requirements – such as special custom-made products or customised packing.” Another area that EverFast is keen to highlight is its focus on quality, with it ensuring a quality system is applied in every part of production – from the supply of the raw material all the way through to the shipping of the final goods. “The quality level of our products and services are key to us being ‘one step ahead’ of our competitors,” states EverFast. “We are able to provide all the


necessary requested quality reports for specific industries – such as the automotive and white goods sectors.” “There have been significant improvements in the Turkish fastener sector over recent years when it comes to quality. Turkish companies are all competing to increase quality levels, due to the increasing export numbers, and this has led to ‘Made in Turkey’ representing a very satisfying quality level of products alongside a reasonable price level.” Even with the company planning to move into its new facility in the summer, EverFast is still looking to continue to invest. “If the market keeps growing as we expect, we are planning to continue to make new investments in Q4 of this year, which will see us once again increase our production capacity and add further products to our portfolio. This will be supported with us expanding the number of team members.” EverFast concludes: “We believe that our strength comes from happy customers and to make happy customers we are pushing very hard. Competition is very tough in the market, which is why every customer is important for us, no matter how big the order they place. With the vision of our management, our strong financial structure, and valuable team members, we will dedicate all our efforts to not only satisfy but exceed our customers’ expectations. We have a strong belief there are even more good days ahead for EverFast.”


Teknoform – exceeding quality requirements Teknoform has acquired an additional 20,000m2 of land, which it intends to use to create one of the most modern fastener facilities in Turkey.


eknoform Baglantı Elemanları San ve Tic A.S focuses on special and challenging fasteners and cold formed parts, manufacturing on high technology six station Nedschroef machinery. The company also has a range of secondary operation machines in order to give quick responses to its customers. “As a business we have always been focused on meeting all the quality requirements of our customers, with reasonable prices, fast delivery and zero-defect targets,” explains Teknoform. “By acquiring 20,000m2 of additional land, it will enable us to further develop our operations and capabilities, so that we can continue to meet our customers’ needs in the future – all from one of the most modern facilities in Turkey.” Teknoform can meet these quality needs due to its in-house manufacturing capabilities, which includes cold forging and secondary operations, heat treatment, tooling and design, as well as a quality laboratory – which enables the company to meet requirements according to industry standards. “Quality plays a big factor in everything we do at Teknoform, which is why we have all the necessary quality certificates, such as IATF 16949, EN ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO 10002,” points out Teknoform. “Thanks to our top of the range machinery we are able to produce high-quality parts – with the entire production process managed by our quality management system, which meets IATF 16949 requirements.” Teknoform continues: “We check every part we produce on our Nedschroef cold forging machines, which are equipped with Brankamp process control systems, to guarantee that we make defect-free products. Through our quality laboratory, with high-tech


measuring devices and computer-aided measurement methods, we are able to further meet our zero error targets. Plus, we use Dimac control devices to provide repeatable and measurable products and services to our customers, together with our high-quality conscious expert employees – who ensure the management of all these systems.” To add to its capabilities Teknoform has also ordered a Nedschroef NH615 part former machine and two San Yung 750kg/hour heat treatment lines – to meet intense demand and to ensure the continuation of its current customer portfolio. “We are the fastest manufacturer in the world in the production of special fasteners between M5 – M22,” states Teknoform. “Thanks to our partnership with SMF Tools, we can offer customers deadlines between 4 – 6 weeks, when our competitors are offering 16 – 20. This has allowed us to meet the urgent demands of many of our European customers, and new customers, over the last couple of years, when they have faced so many challenges.” The Covid-19 pandemic; emerging variants; the global climate crisis; major variables in supply and demand; disruptions in supply chains; as well as high inputs on the energy side; have all been major factors over the last two years, but it has also created opportunities for businesses who were able to adapt and meet demand. “In this environment, it is very important to achieve growth in industry and


exports and as a business we continued our positive trend, which was also true of a lot of Turkish companies. While many countries were struggling to survive after Covid-19, the Turkish economy had the opportunity to show the whole world its strong and stable structure with a growth rate of 7.4%,” mentions Teknoform. “We found that there were a lot of customers who had previously depended on a single source of supply, specifically Asia, that needed products and quickly, which is where we were able to help. Now that these companies have seen our product quality, and quick delivery, we are confident they will become long-term customers.” Another development that has created an opportunity for Teknoform is the anti-dumping duties on fasteners from China. “At Teknoform our main focus is special and difficult parts. However, we can also produce standard parts for our customers. The recent anti-dumping duties have created an intense demand for us, which is why we will continue our investments to meet this demand.” Teknoform concludes: “We believe as a business we are in a perfect position in terms of quality awareness, production capability, and supply infrastructure, to become one of the leading companies within the fastener sector.”


news and information dedicated to construction fixing products


Competency in anchor applications By John Muir, technical manager, Construction Fixings Association On a construction project, the monetary value of the anchor package is very small in relation to the project value, but should an anchor failure occur, especially with safety critical anchors, large costs could be incurred.


hese costs would be in terms of remedial and remediation works and loss of reputation, or worse, human injury or death. This being the case, it is essential that the incidence of anchor failures is reduced or eliminated. The major causes of anchor failures are incorrect selection and design of the anchor, incorrect installation, as well as the incorrect change of anchor specification. Consequentially, the key functions that impact such failure incidences are specifiers – who design and select the appropriate anchor and provides a full specification; installers – who install the anchor to the correct procedures and manufacturers’ instructions; and contractors/supervisors – who manage and supervise the total application, including changes of specification. Increasing and maintaining the competence of all these roles and functions is an area that needs to be addressed within the anchor industry. In broader terms this has become a focus for the construction industry as a whole.

Construction industry perspective

Safety for the occupants and users of buildings is paramount, with the competence of all those who provide services in the construction or maintenance of a building key to achieving this. A new code of practice, BSI Flex 8670 1 has been produced to minimise building safety risks and improve protection to building users and occupiers, through supporting the development competency frameworks to achieve a level of competence across the industry.



The code sets out core criteria for competence and aims to facilitate the development of competency frameworks based on specific sectors and across all roles and functions involved. Key to such a framework is the definition of competence. The code defines these elements as Skills, Knowledge, Experience and Behaviours (SKEB). Each sector, such as a trade or discipline, should develop a framework to meet the specific needs of their sector and the range of roles and functions within that sector, who ultimately impacts safety. In essence, the code relates to all roles involved, such as designers, contractors, managers statutory and end users.

Anchor industry perspective

Prior to the development of BSI Flex 8670, the code of practice BS8539 ‘Code of practice for the selection and installation of post installed anchors in concrete and masonry’ 2 was developed to define best practice in the area of selection and installation of anchors. The main purpose of the code was to provide a clear system approach to the whole process, where no formal approach previously existed. The lack of such a clear holistic process has previously led to anchor failure issues. Within the code, the roles and responsibilities for all functions are defined and competence (for the installer) is also stated as having Skills, Knowledge and Experience, which is aligned to the BS Flex 8670 definition. BS8539 also covers the roles directly involved in the areas of anchor failures.

CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS Specifier – the full process the specifier should complete is described in detail in terms of all the elements of design and selection, which need to be covered to ensure a safe choice of anchor. In addition, the design of anchors is now part of Eurocode 2 structural code (BS EN 1992-4)3. This change will hopefully increase the focus on the design of anchors as a key structural issue. Installer – all aspects of anchor installation, including specific issues that may occur during the execution, are described in detail with reference to the different anchor types and key installation factors for each. Contractor/supervisor – the role of the supervisor is vital to ensure good practice at the point of installation, and these key activities are described in the code. Also important to the contractor is changing specification, which is perfectly acceptable, if carried out correctly, to ensure a truly equivalent alternative anchor. The code provides a clear process for all of these functions. In essence, the means and methods required for a safe anchor installation, and mitigation of potential issues arising, are already available to the industry. What needs to still be addressed, as identified in BS Flex 8670, is a framework to achieve competence in all roles and functions within the anchor sector.

Delivering competence

The goal of creating comprehensive competency frameworks by sector and function will come in due course, but will take time. Within the anchor sector, we need to take an honest look at the current situation. At present, the knowledge and skills elements of competency are being addressed principally through training. This is available through many mediums and varies greatly in quality, accuracy and delivery, and only covers limited roles, particularly installation. Any

training delivered should be certified and required to be consistent, accurate in content and delivered by a competent trainer. In addition to training, systems of certification and accreditation are important in covering all aspect of competence. Currently the only such accreditation is the NVQ in ‘Installation and testing of Anchors’4, which is a more comprehensive qualification of competence, but again covers installation. To look at the key roles in an anchor application, as described above, stakeholders need to consider a number of things. This includes providing training and development plans for engineers who carry out the design and selection of anchors in-line with EN 1992-4 and BS8539. Contractors should also provide systems to ensure employment of competent installers and provide training to their managers and site supervisors on all aspects of anchor applications in-line with BS8539. Installers must also be able to prove skills and knowledge through certified training or a suitable qualification such as an NVQ. These actions should be considered as minimum requirements as first steps to complete competence for all roles and functions in the anchor sector. To achieve the objective of industry competence, the key stakeholders, manufacturers and trade bodies must commit to achieving this and work to developing a unified approach.


1. BSI Flex 8670: v3.0 2021-04 ‘Built environment – Core criteria for building safety in competence frameworks – Code of practice’ 2. BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 ‘Code of Practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry’ 3. BS EN 1992-4:2018 ‘Eurode 2- Design of concrete structures’ 4. Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination Occupations (Construction) – Installing Construction Anchors and Site Testing of Construction fixings





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Safety critical applications and anchors Anchors are often used in safety critical applications, but what is a safety critical application and how important is using ETA certified anchors? Here, Rob Lee, anchor specialist and regional sales manager at Walraven, discusses the importance of ETAs and the role of the BS8539:2012 code of practice when it comes to selecting anchors.


he European Technical Approval guidelines define safety critical applications as being: “Applications in which the failure of an anchor could result in collapse or partial collapse of a structure, cause risk to human life, or lead to a significant economic loss.” Over the past decade or so there has been a number of major fixing failures, resulting in the collapse of installations causing serious injury or even death. The most common reasons these occur are incorrect anchor selection, incorrect installation of anchors or anchor specification changes. To help ensure this doesn’t happen, it is useful to have an understanding of the relevant guidelines such as BS8539:2012 and what ETAs are. BS8539:2012 is a code of practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry. It covers every aspect of the correct use of fixings drilled into concrete and masonry for safety critical applications. If you are a specifier, distributor, contractor, installer or tester, your roles and responsibilities in the use of construction fixings are set out in this British Standard. If your decisions or actions result in the failure of an installation, the British Standard Code of Practice BS8539:2012 states that you could be held accountable in the event of a fixing failure. To help ensure this does not happen, the code recommends the use of anchors with a European Technical Assessment (ETA). An ETA is a recognised framework worldwide for testing anchors, assessing and interpreting test results and publishing them in a standardised format. An ETA will set out what applications the anchor is suitable for, it’s application limits, performance characteristics and how it should be installed. To gain an ETA, a product must have been rigorously tested to strict EU derived standards known as EADs (European Assessment Documents), formerly ETAGs. There are plenty of benefits of using ETA certified anchors. This includes guaranteeing the anchor will not fail, provided the anchor has been selected and installed as outlined within the ETA. This means that the liabilities of the specifiers and installers are safeguarded and the installation will comply with BS8539. Anchor selection is also made



easier with ETAs. Designed according to the relevant design method, along with software to guide the selection process, specifiers can be confident that the most suitable anchor has been chosen. This ensures economic design of anchors with an appropriate safety margin. Detailed installation instructions are also provided in the ETA giving the contractor peace of mind that installation can be carried out correctly. Correct installation is paramount to avoid anchor failure in the future. Finally, performance values of approved anchors can be relied upon. ETA certified anchors also have CE Marking, which means that the anchor delivered to the job site will have exactly the same performance values as those tested in the approval process.

Can anchors without an ETA be trusted?

There are many anchors on the market without an ETA. These products may have some performance data published by their manufacturer, supplier or distributor but can we trust this? The reality is that determining anchor performance is a complicated matter. ETA testing subjects anchoring products to a huge range of complex tests to ensure the safety and reliability of their performance in a multitude of situations. Can you be sure that the testing on non-approved anchors has been carried out to the same stringent criteria? Can the product performance data be trusted? The truth is that we cannot be sure and these products will not offer guarantees of performance in the same way an ETA certified anchor will. To use a non approved anchor is a risk, and you must decide if it is one worth taking. For safety and peace of mind Walraven Ltd always recommends using ETA certified anchors. ETAs were introduced for a reason so why risk using anything else? Walraven’s mechanical and chemical anchors are ETA certified, designed for optimum performance and manufactured for maximum safety – so users can be sure they offer a reliable and safe fixing. Alongside its product range Walraven offers a technical support service, anchor selection software and onsite support to help every step of the way.

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Removing the guesswork with JCP JCP, the specialist fixing division of Owlett-Jaton, has seen a continuous increase in the number of requests for product testing, which it says has been driven by main contractors wanting to remove guesswork and ensure safety and compliance. For instance, JCP was recently asked to carry out an on-site pull test on a JCP torque controlled heavy-duty hexagon bolt anchor.


he on-site pull test was carried out on a large six storey residential development in Wandsworth, London, UK. A hoist company had been contracted to install multiple hoists, which required certification to demonstrate the chosen fixing’s suitability and capability. The fixing was a JCP torque controlled heavy-duty hexagon bolt anchor. These anchors are CE approved and ETA (Option 1) certified, substantiating their use in cracked and non-cracked concrete. Plus, they are also approved for use under seismic actions C1 and C2 and offer high tension and shear resistance. They also have resistance to fire exposure of 30 – 120 minutes and come with a fire classification of A1. In addition, a compression ring helps prevent turning and stop torque slippage, whilst a three part expansion sleeve allows for smaller spacings and edge distance with high loads. Whilst most pull testing is performed during the build phase, JCP is now often becoming more involved at an earlier stage. As a wholesaler, JCP is a supplier to the distributor and merchant trade, but the technical support it provides has led the company to start becoming involved in the specification aspect of projects. Contractors are frequently required

to provide proof of testing for fixings. It is an expensive and time-consuming practice, but one that is vital. Whether it is in-line with a building regulation requirement, or for peace of mind, JCP area sales managers are on hand to offer such testing. A European company currently developing a new cutting-edge barrier system has also recently approached JCP to engage the company at the design stage. Working closely with its product development team, JCP has been heavily involved in the anchor calculations following development testing by the developer, ensuring the products specified meet the requirements of the new system. In addition to on-site testing, JCP offers other resources to ensure the correct anchor is chosen and installed effectively. Its Anchor Calculation Program (ACP) is available to download from the JCP website and is designed to simplify specifying connections to floors, ceilings, and walls, and factors in loadings, spacing, and edge distances. To help installers, the website also hosts an installation video for the heavy-duty anchor range that demonstrates clearly how these fixings should be installed correctly.


Increasing performance of mechanical anchors Bossong has updated its NWS-CE mechanical anchor according to the EAD guideline 330232-00-0601, which it says has increased its performance by about 30% when compared to its previous version.


bserving the load data in the new certification Bossong SpA has released a chart, pictured right, showing the admissible tensile load values for the various certified diameters. The company points out that the new version enables the use of a shorter length anchor to fix the same thickness. This means a less expensive anchor can be used, resulting in a lower labour cost because the hole drilled will be shallower. “Thanks to this new load data the NWS-CE mechanical anchor has achieved performances equal to those of the best Option 7 mechanical anchors on the market,” proudly states Bossong. “The anchor features a number of strengths and is for diameters M8, M10, M12, M16 and



Admissible tensile loads Admissible tensile loads 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0








Diameter Diametro Old version New version VECCHIO NUOVO

M20, which are the most used diameters. Thanks to this the customer can carry out the installation with reduced depth.” This mehanical anchor is available in galvanised steel, inox A2 and inox A4.











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Anchors for the most demanding projects

INDEX – A Perfect Fixing says its TH/TF anchors, MR metal anchors, SL metal anchors, and chemical anchors, are ideal for use in the most demanding projects, where the efficacy and performance of the anchor are essential for a perfect fixing.


ast and easy to install, the TH/TF approved high performance anchors ensure maximum performance in the nine different head models, making them suitable for installing structural and non-structural elements such as railings, shelves and temporary elements. The anchors have up to three different screwing depths (in the diameter 10 version) in C20/25 non-cracked concrete. Their use of mechanical interference means they can be utilised in conditions with short distances between the edge of the concrete element or to other anchors, and with hollow core slabs with slim concrete thicknesses for installation. The anchors are also simple to uninstall, leaving the surface of the base material flush after use. The anchors are available in two different coatings – zinc-plated ≥5μm and Atlantis C3-H, a special coating that provides greater corrosion resistance in category C3 atmospheres. The anchors have maximum recommended loads in C20/25 non-cracked concrete and C20/25 cracked concrete and have two ETAs – (ETA – 20/0046) and (ETA – 20/0494), as well as being approved for fire resistance and seismic approval C1 and C2. Also available, the INDEX MT range of eight models is approved according to ETA Option 1 and Option 7 in a wide variety of metrics and lengths. The anchor’s clip expands during installation, generating friction with the base material (stone, concrete, cracked and reinforced concrete) to create the fixing.



The main advantages of this type of anchor are that it’s fast to use; once installed they can be put under stress immediately; they’re approved for cracked and non-cracked concrete; as well as also having seismic approval C1 and C2 and approval for fire resistance. As well as this, the SL metal anchors for heavy loads are available with countersunk and hexagonal head. The anchors come in a wide variety of lengths and metrics and are approved under ETA Option 1, CE and R30-120 fire resistance for use in concrete structures. The plastic component in the body prevents the anchor from breaking on itself while the anchor is being installed, ensuring its correct installation and expansion. As an alternative, chemical anchors can be used for installing large loads in concrete or brick. Depending on the base material and the installation area (indoor or outdoor), customers can choose from vinylester, polyester or hybrid versions, such as the MO-H version, which is a versatile option developed for more demanding projects. Depending on the model, these chemical anchors are suitable for use in cracked or non-cracked concrete, masonry, and/or connections of post-installed reinforcing bars.

Over 7,000 products and counting

INDEX – A Perfect Fixing has launched its new general catalogue with new products and ranges, including over 7,000 products, as well as news and new type approvals and certifications. Among the most notable new products included in the catalogue is the new range of fixings for ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems). This range is made up of fixings and accessories such as the AIS plug (available in polyamide and metal), rosette, rosette for use with screw, metallic plug, washer for metallic plug, and spiral fixing for installation of lightweight elements on the synthetic insulation material. The ETICS system reduces the emission of pollutant gases, contributing to protecting the environment while reducing the need for heating and/or refrigeration. This offers continuous energy savings throughout the year, facilitating a stable temperature in the home throughout the year.


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T-Tec system now with ETA certification Eurotec’s T-Tec system, consisting of the T-profile timber connector and the self-drilling EST rod dowel, has now been awarded with a European Technical Assessment certification (ETA – 21/0710).


he combination of the two products enables the production of invisible, rigid timber-to-concrete and timber-to-timber connections, thus providing an ideal basis for mainto-secondary beam connections. Whether connections are horizontal or at an incline, the T-Tec system holds the timber in position in a secure and load-bearing manner. What’s more, due to its double threaded screw and innovative arrow drill, the EST rod dowel can be easily screwed through the timber and aluminium of the T-profile without any need for pre-drilling. Eurotec explains: “This certification refers to the combination of the T-profile and the EST rod dowel. Accordingly, certification is only permitted for the joint use of the two products. The specified forces and technical data set out in the approval can only be complied with when the products are used together. The values from the product data sheets must be observed in this regard.”

CELO ResiTHERM® with ETA approval With ResiTHERM® 16, CELO says it has developed a new innovative distance mounting system for ETICS insulated façades, which is the first product of its kind on the market to achieve an European Technical Assessment (ETA – 22/0229). ith the ResiTHERM® 16, heavy loads such as canopies, awnings, French balconies, air conditioning units or satellite dishes can be safely and reliably attached to external insulation – without thermal bridge. CELO Befestigungssysteme GmbH explains the fixing’s thermal separation module ensures effective thermal separation, as well as a high-quality polyamide with high glass-fibre content providing the necessary stability. The preassembled sealing ring made of high-quality, weather resistant EPDM also provides a tested seal against driving rain; with the usual grain size of the plaster, up to a deflection of 3mm. There is also a simple installation process – the anchor rod with the glass-fibre-reinforced thermal separation module pulls itself, self-cutting through the plaster into the insulation material. At the same time, this ensures a perfect setting process with the chemical mortar compound and, last but not least, cleanly seals the drill hole through the EPDM seal. The result is a clean look with a relatively small diameter of the cover plate. The ResiTHERM 16 can be used in insulated façades made of concrete, solid and perforated masonry, as well as aerated concrete. It covers insulation thicknesses of up to 300mm in concrete or 250mm in perforated masonry. For smaller insulation thicknesses, the M16 anchor rod is cut to length accordingly. It is used together with the ResiFIX injection system from CELO. The connection thread is an M12 thread, however, an M12/M10 reducing set screw or a common stainless steel screw can also be used. As well as this, CELO also has another product in this product family – the ResiTHERM® 37, which is an optimal product solution for ETICS insulated perforated bricks and is characterised by superior load values, especially tensile loads in perforated bricks.


Think Fixing

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Fastener Machinery Spotlight Throughout the entire manufacturing process, for every type of fastener and fixing, a whole range of machinery and equipment is used to ensure efficient and effective production.


nsuring that as a business your company is up to date with the latest developments and innovations, not only helps fastener manufacturers improve production processes, it can also provide a key advantage within the market. Through this special Fastener Machinery Spotlight, readers will be given a unique and exclusive insight into the key developments and innovations within the fastener machinery sector. This includes every stage of the fastener manufacturing process – cold and hot forming, tooling and dies, threading, secondary operations, heat treatment, as well as testing and inspection. In addition to this, we highlight those companies exhibiting at wire® 2022 in Düsseldorf – from 20 th – 24th June – so you know which stands to head to when visiting the show.

A new chapter with the CS 513 TH


With the aim to reduce investment costs for customers, the CS 513 TH from Carlo Salvi is a progressive five die header with an integrated pointing and threading unit that can process wires in diameters 6mm to 13.5mm.


arlo Salvi SpA states that this new combined machine model is the first progressive header with integrated pointing and threading unit of its kind and will be on display at this year’s wire® show. With a minimum and maximum thread diameter of M6 and M12, the machine features a layout developed to have better accessibility and optimised ergonomics for the operator, with the units positioned in parallel. The threading movement is driven by a desmodromic cam for a gradual deformation and perfect synchronisation between ram movement and introduction of the parts into the flat dies. A control system brings optimised efficiency and a special device prevents two parts from being fed into the flat dies at the same time. The flat die housing is also suitable for bigger thicknesses for materials with high mechanical resistance. Marco Pizzi, chief commercial officer at Carlo Salvi, comments: “Our new combined machine model CS 513 TH represents a new chapter in our company history. We had planned to present the machine in 2020 but obviously had to postpone because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We then decided to use this time to continue with technology improvements and we can’t wait to present them at the wire® show in Düsseldorf.”




Düsseldorf 2022 June 20-24 Booth A73, Hall 13

Sometimes take it easy! Sometimes make it easy!

Thanks to the new combined machine CS 513 TH


World premiere in Düsseldorf SACMA Group will be presenting the latest innovations from its four brands – SACMA, Ingramatic, HS ASPE and Tecno Lift – including its KSP12-R combined header model, new washer assembly units and automatic tapping machine models – as part of wire® Düsseldorf from 20th – 24th June 2022.


ACMA is reintroducing the KSP12-R combined header to answer the increasing demand for small and self-tapping screws widely used in different industry fields. This one die two blow combined header can produce fasteners and screws for a variety of industries including the automotive, construction, electric, electronics, and white goods sectors. Ideal for high productivity requirements; consolidation of production methods; as well as floor space utilisation and work flow in the fastener manufacturing process; the KSP12-R has both the forming and thread rolling processes all in one machine. The machine is also equipped with the latest technologies available on the market; such as direct drive motors and software to facilitate quick changeovers easily and safely. In addition, especially for the wire® show, Ingramatic will introduce its new washer assembly units, which have been updated with the integration of servomotors and a new design to manage the changeover and quality of the parts. This new R1 unit is now available for the whole range of machines from M3 to M33. Ingramatic is a worldwide specialist in designing and manufacturing cold and warm thread rolling machines. Its


KSP12-R well known modular I-Thread machine line provides many innovative features, such as the motorisation of the die match and the starter units driven by torque motor motion. As well as this, to give a better understanding about the undisputable capacity to design modular machines, Ingramatic will be showcasing two new modular units that can be integrated into the machines – the assembly unit for bushing, and ferrules, and the rotary thread rolling station for multi shape parts. Providing secondary operation machines to run pre-formed parts with a range of technologies consisting of tapping machines, combined machines, transfer machines and multi spindle turning machines, HS ASPE will show the new generation of automatic tapping machine model T10-HC – running parts up to M10. The T10-HC is based on the reversible spindle architecture, mechanically driven by lead screws. Internal threads, within the range M2 to M10 can be executed with standard taps in both technologies, cutting

Ingramatic RP420-R1


and forming. Flexibility is also maximised due to two different parts working in a completely autonomous process. Precision in operation is achieved by means of the structural rigidity of the frame and the design and engineering of the positioning clamping devices. In terms of productivity, the machine features a configuration with four spindles, with an output rate up to 200 pieces per minute. Tecno Lift specialises in the design and manufacturing of all ancillaries for SACMA Group machines to load, feed and convey parts. All the machines shown on the booth will be equipped with Tecno Lift solutions, which are available for other applications or existing machines already installed to the customers. “SACMA Group will be pleased to welcome visitors at booth C61, hall 13, to show and explain better all the new technologies and the capacity to support all customers around the world.”









F+F_Aprile 2022_KSP12R vs KSP11R.pdf 1 07/04/2022 09:48:34

KSP12-R • WORLD PREMIERE 1D2B Header With Threading Unit • All In One

Watch the 2022 machine








20 to 24 June 2022 in Düsseldorf; DE Booth C61 / Hall 13



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KSP12-R RP420-R1 T10-HC

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New high frequency generators Thanks to a continuous effort in the research for innovation, the application of new technologies, and the use of latest generation electronic components, CEIA has introduced the Power Cube System 900 – a new line of high frequency generators.


ystem 900 generators maintain all the characteristics of high efficiency and compactness typical of CEIA high frequency generators. In addition, the generator integrates the temperature control system and a high-resolution graphic TFT display for easy programming of all generator working parameters. Thanks to the integrated controller into the power generator, it will be possible to choose between three different operating modes, making it possible to connect and manage two SLE CEIA pyrometers directly to the generator. It also provides an accurate and linear control of the output power and temperature. The System 900 generator is also equipped with a wide selection of analogue and digital I/O and a field bus interface for easy integration with automatic production systems, which is essential in all production processes where small overall dimensions are required. With this new evolution, Costruzioni Elettroniche Industriali Automatismi CEIA SpA, says its induction generators are the most compact of all solid state generators available on the market, complying with all regulations on electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility.

Bringing nail production into Industry 4.0 The ENKOnail+ nail making machine and ENKOroll+ thread rolling machine from ENKOTEC are both equipped with brand new software platform ENKOsmart, as well as an intuitive digitalised manual, with the aim to bring nail manufacturing into the era of Industry 4.0.



he new generation ENKOnail+ has transformed the nail making machine into an actual IoT product – bringing nail manufacturers multiple efficiency enablers. For instance, an advanced and interconnected sensor technology system provides ‘real time’ quality control of up to 2,500 nails per minute, which has a significant impact of reducing wire usage as well as scrap. The instant benefit will thereby be a bottom line improvement as well as enabling more sustainable production. Already with a fast output rate of 3,000 nails per minute, the ENKOsmart automation feature of the new generation ENKOroll brings labour intensity to a new level with automatic start and stop functionalities removing the need of operator interaction with the machinery for infeed and outfeed nails handling. Furthermore, a significant decrease in downtime is the result of an auto clean functionality with an elimination of the majority of drive errors. “We also provide digitalised intuitive access to machine knowledge, rather than the long pages and confusing old school print manuals,” explains ENKOTEC AS. “Our digital manual is here to guide users down the right path – towards the execution of correct operations at any time.” These manuals include replacement animations, adjusting tutorials, troubleshooting support, technical papers, as well as a catalogue for spare and wear parts. “Right from the start, high-speed operation and high-quality output have been synonymous with ENKOTEC. We are here to support your business from the start to the end and beyond.”



British Steel and FN Steel together at wire® British Steel and sister company FN Steel will be promoting a comprehensive product and service portfolio at the upcoming wire® 2022 exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany.


he combined British Steel and FN Steel team will be exhibiting in hall 12 on stand A44 and will be demonstrating HALL 12 how its collective offering helps STAND A44 customers succeed in the global automotive, construction, oil and gas, renewables and general engineering markets. “We will be discussing our extensive product range including wire and wire rod for automotive spring, rail clip, cold heading, freecutting, bearing and tyre reinforcement applications,” comments British Steel. “Our broad service offering also includes pickling and annealing of wire rod and drawn wire from our Wire Processing Centre. We look forward to seeing you in Düsseldorf and welcoming visitors back to our stand.”

Stay Ahead with

ENKOTEC’s state-of-the-art Nail Solutions Get a touch of the era of Industry 4.0 with ENKOroll and ENKOnail+ w/ ENKOsmart and Digital Manual. Whatever your needs are, we make it our business to meet them by offering cutting-edge solutions and excellent value for money. Right from the start, high-speed operation and high-quality output have been synonymous with ENKOTEC. We are here to support your business from start to end and beyond.

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Find us at: Hall 13 / Booth C71 For more information, contact

Click to witness state-of-the-art ENKOTEC machinery


A spotlight on 100% inspection Over the last few years Dimac has invested heavily into R&D, a new production site, as well as the opening of new agencies all around the world. Now, the company is getting ready to present its investments – such as the MCV6 glass rotary machine, SPC-EVO semi-automatic SPC control and data collection optical system, and a ‘pay per use’ business model – to visitors at this year’s wire® show.


imac’s investment process involved the complete renewal of hardware and software for inspection machines; the implementation of Industry 4.0; the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI); the application of new solutions for the surface defects detection on flat and cylindrical surfaces; the development of NDT control for the material quality; 3D scanning; as well as automatic SPC controls and the certification of the measurements. A combination of all these high-end technologies and ergonomics is the MCV6 – a new glass rotary table machine that will be presented in Düsseldorf. The large diameter glass rotary table allows the inspection of the pieces at high-speed thanks to the reduced centrifugal force. The feeding system can be customised according to the geometry and orientation of the pieces. Optical inspection stations have also been developed for accurate dimensional inspections, using part profile analysis, and for surface flaw detection – with configurable lighting technologies. The next generation hardware and software technology that equips the machine includes algorithms for high-speed dimensional checks, AI for surface inspection and NDT controls for special parts and fasteners. This machine is equipped with a special management of pseudo-rejects that can be automatically rechecked to optimise the efficiency of the sorting cycle. Also on display will be the SPC-EVO semi-automatic SPC control and data collection optical system. Suitable for parts with flat

HALL 13 STAND D63 geometry such as washers, retaining rings, spacers, chain plates, and products from fine blanking, this machine is suitable for the SPC measurement of a batch of parts taken from any production machine and for batches of samples for PPAP. The system features the new Dimac SPCx software developed to measure any geometric feature visible in the image, by part profile or by direct lightening, with an accuracy of up to ±5μm. Parts for SPC control are filled by the operator into a blister, off the machine. The blister is then inserted in the SPC-EVO and the inspection plan is activated by a barcode reader. When the CYCLE START button is pressed, the SPC-EVO loads every single part from the blister and measures it automatically. Measured data and statistical calculations are also available in ‘real time’, in a suitable format for a company’s ERP quality management system. SPC-EVO also enables important savings in terms of time and introduces high-quality non-contact measurements free of human errors.

Dimac ‘pay per use’

Also new to Dimac Srl is its new paradigm and business model, ‘pay per use’, currently being tested in Italy by customers paying a monthly all inclusive fee – including installation, maintenance and service on-site, for sorting machines. The fee amount depends on the volume of parts processed with the machine in the month. Dimac ‘pay per use’ allows customers to have sorting machines for a limited period to help cope with production peaks, introduce new inspection functions such as Eddy current NDT, which are not required for all types of pieces, as well as sort parts waiting for a new machine to be delivered. This new paradigm should facilitate the passage from a financial management model based on CAPEX to a model based on OPEX, by reducing the capital fixed assets linked to ownership of machinery.



Latest generation Eddy current testing The ELOTEST PL600 from Rohmann, combines testing for cracks and heat treatment, as well as testing for material mix-up and grinding burn, so that a single testing instrument is sufficient for a wide range of applications in several stations.



particular, in fully and semi-automated production lines, different materials testing processes take place at the same time. Whereas parts have to be tested for differences in hardness at the beginning, they may have to be tested for cracks HALL 13 in the downstream production process. For this STAND D51 purpose previously, several instruments were integrated into the line. The modular design of the PL600 makes it possible to combine testing for cracks and heat treatment. The instrument is fully integrated into the line by wide ranging I/O functions with a fieldbus connection. The EloLine software, which is used during the testing of long products, has also been developed by Rohmann GmbH. It serves to visualise and record the acquired results. Serial part numbers, batches, serial numbers, length of the tested parts, and the name of the inspector, can for example be saved in the database. A detailed test report for every tested part or a report on a specific production batch can of course be printed out. Rohmann not only develops and manufactures testing instruments, but also the pertaining testing technology such as rotors, yokes, coils

and sensors. Today, with more than 70 employees, the family run company in Frankenthal, Germany, is a competent and reliable partner, from the first feasibility study to making an offer and also with its support during the commissioning process, as well as training.

Industry 4.0 ready Nearly all cold forming part manufacturers are currently being confronted with factors that include rising material costs, labour shortages and the loss of specific job skill knowledge. These challenges are seen across nearly every business. National Machinery says it has the technology to help.



ational Machinery’s global footprint provides support to customers locally on four continents. Along with its alliance partners SMART Machinery Srl, Nakashimada Engineering Works and Drawing Technology Inc, it will present the latest technology in advanced cold and warm forming machinery at the upcoming wire® show. Jerry Bupp, vice-president sales and marketing at National Machinery LLC, explains: “Reshoring has offered the chance to produce parts again locally, but the equipment required may not be readily available or may not be efficient enough to be competitive.” Industry 4.0 and the trend toward automation data analysis is key to efficiency. National Machinery has responded by adding new features to the base machine scope of the FORMAX® to make more information accessible than ever before. “For customers that are looking for even more machine feedback, we have the Industry 4.0 ‘advanced’ option – which features additional sensors for a comprehensive set of data collection.” Many of the parts that are included in reshoring are simple and small fasteners. In addition to the current product line, National Machinery is pleased to offer two new solutions. The first is FORMAX® FXH Lightening, an incredibly fast double stroke header with FORMAX® features. This header is available in two model diameter ranges. The second exciting option will be a previously unannounced machine that has combined heading and threader capabilities to make small fasteners more efficiently – all new and presented live for the first time at the wire® booth.



Fully automatic mesh belt line MEAPFORNI has recently delivered and installed a new mesh belt line, with a 1,000kg/hour capacity, to one of the biggest European fastener producers. The line is completely automatic and composed of a loading from parts box, pre-washing, carburising furnace and oil tank, post washer, as well as a tempering furnace.


ocated in Fontanafredda, north east of Italy – only 70km north of Venice Marco Polo international airport, MEAPFORNI Srl specialises in turn key applications related to furnace production for heat treatment. Covering various applications, not only regarding the project but also processes and metallurgical aspects, the company produces furnaces both atmospheric and non-atmospheric for the treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous components. Its range of products include automatic batch type lines, mesh belt lines, rollers lines, rotative furnaces integrated into robotised cells, vacuum furnaces up to 20 bars, low pressure nitriding furnaces, low pressure carburising furnaces, as well as aluminium solubilisation and ageing. Another typical product line is the production of complete automated systems dedicated to fastener producers. The range of this product varies from 250 kg/hour – 1,000 kg/hour in capacity – both in an electric or gas heated versions.


Saying goodbye to mismatch dies error SMART ROLLING MACHINES

MONO 20 Synchro


Automatic Dies Match by Optical Vision Servo-Controlled Workpiece Support Self-Close-loop Self Close-loop Taper Control High Module Teeth forming machine Automatic Dies Changing System









U-Bahnhof/Tram Station MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA/Messe Nord

7 7a

6 5









P1 P2




VISIT US AT HALL 13 - E 46 15


U-Bahnhof/Tram Station MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA/Messe Nord

7 7a

6 CCD Süd 5


9 17



13 11





20–24 June









14 CCD Ost





EVIRT Italia s.r.l.

find out more on

Headquarter: via Spagna, 29, 37069 Villafranca di Verona (VR) - Italy

As more and more industries demand high-quality screws and have an ambitious aim to make the set-up of rolling machines perfect and 100% independent from operators, EVIRT Italia has developed the patented optical auto-pitching system.


egistered under European patent number 16176153.4 – ‘Procedure to automatically match the rolls dies using optical system’, the optical auto-pitching system is able to automatically measure, calculate and position the most reliable dies’ rolling positions HALL 13 both on two and three die rolling machines. STAND E46 Lasting less than a minute, EVIRT Italia Srl says the patented system is not only 100% precise and fully reliable, but it also does not require any operator skill or material waste – ensuring a 100% perfect matching position between the two or three rolling dies. By starting the dedicated machine’s program by a simple touch on the myEvirt HMI Interface, the smart rolling machine automatically performs the matching analysis at the end of which the perfect dies’ angular positions are set and the machine is fully ready to be used. “The invention is epochal indeed from today no more chips during rolling process can be attributed to dies’ mismatch,” says Mr Januszek, sales manager at EVIRT Italia. “The patented optical system will soon be available on all the new smart rolling machines series 2022 – providing a great opportunity for fastener producers all over the world to highly improve the quality of their rolled components.”


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Constant innovation from Saspi Saspi is constantly reengineering and updating its machines to meet the current and future requirements of its customers – without losing their well known reliability and robustness. The company is currently combining its know-how and R&D for the new generation of Saspi machines.


alleres Saspi S.A has been meeting the production needs of customers since it was established in 1961, allowing a rapid and custom response to the daily changing demands of the market. The next generation of Sapsi machines feature a number of innovations – including a new cast iron body design, which the company says has unbeatable heat expansion and shock absorption properties. As well as this, the machines feature servo driven camless machines and a more user-friendly set-up with motorised rails and feeding systems – with carbide inserts for longer life. Another feature is state of the art technology in the form of patented die pressure adjustment, electronic handwheel jogging and touchscreen controlled die match, which is adaptable to the latest process monitoring technologies, as well as wireless remote accessibility, Industry 4.0 connection (with different protocols) and a built in OEE performance control. Every Saspi thread roller can also be combined with secondary operation units, washer assembly units or stud feeding systems. These machines can also be equipped with an induction heating unit in which the pieces are heated to a certain temperature. The machine ensures the parts are heated in a desired temperature range so the material does not lose properties and only suitable parts are threaded.


Long-lasting connections

The innovative PTS system

Soling Impact designs, manufactures and services special machines to produce hot forged fasteners, ejector pins, perforators, and punches, as well as studs, shock absorbers and other automotive parts.

WAFIOS forming technology is revolutionising the output of finished parts with its new patent pending PTS system, which takes the finished parts directly at the die and guides them through a pipe system out of the machine to the desired location – with good and bad parts carefully separated by a sorting gate.


eadquartered in Barcelona, Spain, and with a branch office in Toronto, Canada, Soling Impact Group offers the agility of a young dynamic company with 20 years of experience in the industry. “We help our customers maximise the benefits HALL 13 for their businesses by providing high-precision and STAND A43 fully automatic machines and tooling, covering a wide range of products, while ensuring quick changeover times and repeatable process set-ups,” explains Soling Impact. “We provide full EPC capabilities for complex hot forging and abrasive cutting processes, including process development, engineering, project management, procurement, construction and commissioning.” To date, Soling Impact has over 200 references around the world supplying the aircraft, aerospace, race car, automotive, chemical, nuclear, defense, power generation and oil industries. “Soling machines are designed and built to the highest standards for the metal forming and cutting industry and stand out in regards to quality, precision, flexibility and durability, as well as using the latest servo technology to allow for quick changeovers. Our engineers will help customers find the right machine, tooling, and process, to manufacture their products in the most efficient and economical way,” concludes the company.


his process effectively avoids the mixing of parts when changing products, which means the output of position oriented parts is perfect for further processing, as well as parts coming out of the machine virtually oil free – HALL 10 eliminating the need to wash parts before STAND F40 further processing, as well as generating a clean machine environment. “The PTS system not only extracts the parts, but also the oil mist from the press area. Due to the significantly reduced extraction volumes of the PTS, in most cases, oil mist extraction systems can be designed correspondingly smaller,” mentions WAFIOS Umformtechnik GmbH. “This system often eliminates the need for conveyor belts and related equipment, as well as increasing tool life through the cooling effect.” WAFIOS’ new HC 4 rotor press type machines can be equipped with this innovative system, as well as existing machines in order to benefit from the advantages in existing production setups as well.



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‘All in one’ screw making machine for wood construction At wire® 2022 AMBA will introduce its new ‘all in one’ machine for the production of 10mm diameter full thread screws in lengths of up to 420mm, which it states is the first machine able to produce screws of this length and diameter from the coiled wire to the finish product in a continuous cycle.


ith a throughput of up to 80 screws per minute, AMBA Aachener Maschinenbau GmbH believes the machine sets a new industry benchmark, whilst answering the growing demand for full thread screws of 420mm length in wood construction, as a result of the current architectural trend of building wooden houses. HALL 13 With the new machine, screw making shops can produce STAND B44 both full thread and partially threaded screws at high cycle rates directly from the wire coil, meeting the growing requirements of the market. “Our ‘all in one’ machines achieve much higher throughputs than single purpose machines that specialise in individual process steps, such as as rolling for example. With the new machine, it is no longer necessary to feed, clamp, process and remove one item after the other. Instead, we have transferred discontinuous manufacturing into a quasi-continuous process,” explains Georg Haas, head of sales at AMBA. The first 420mm screw making machine will be delivered shortly to a customer in Germany and further orders for this new type of machine have already been booked.


From coil to a finished part Videx is offering open die cold heading lines for long parts, up to 1 inch, with the machines starting from coil and then straightening, cutting to length and turning, drilling or chamfering the end. The processed studs are then transferred to the cold header where they are headed on the opposite side, with optional thread rolling too.


idex’s open die cold heading lines can be used for fasteners, rivets, weld studs, automotive parts, etc. For instance, when producing weld studs, the line performs the following operations: The machine pulls the wire from coil, straightens it and cuts to length; the straight bars are then chamfered, stamped and drilled in three separate stations; an aluminium flux ball is inserted and the result is inspected. The weld studs are then transferred to the cold header; the cold header grips the weld studs on the back side and heads them (two blow). The finished parts finally accumulate in a bin or are transferred on a conveyor to the packaging section. All lines from Videx Machine Engineering Ltd can be fully automated from coil, using either hot rolled, ribbed or cold drawn wire. The operators only have to load new coils and discharge the finished parts.


0.10mm – 22mm, as well as round, square and flat wire. Also available is its range of straightened wire from 0.7mm – 10mm in diameter and from HALL 9 35mm – 4,000mm in length. STAND B34 Its strip cutting range is available from 0.10mm – 5mm in thickness and 3mm – 1,250mm in width. VINCO also has spooling lines for manufacturing spooled strip of up to 2 tonnes. “Thanks to our ten longitudinal cutting lines, we are able to adapt to the needs of each client and we specialise in cutting narrow strips that offer precision thickness and width tolerances,” explains VINCO. “We also have other secondary operation lines within our production centres, which means that we can deliver the strips in different formats such as spools, flat or burr-free.” For Lontana Group’s wire and strip operations, the company has cutting centres in Spain – Biscay and Barcelona, Mexico, as well as logistics centres in Germany and China.



INCO – Vizcaína de Industria y Comercio, S.L, a company with more than 70 years of experience within the European market and a member of Lontana Group, now has a wire and strip business line covering 58,000m2 to meet the growing market demand of its customers in more than 40 countries worldwide. “Here at VINCO we work with the highest quality standards, using the latest cutting-edge technology and modern measuring systems,” comments the company. “We also collaborate with highly experienced and renowned market suppliers to guarantee the quality of the whole chain. We supply raw materials that adjust to the production needs of manufacturers of fastening systems, screws, and parts with wire and strip components.” VINCO specialises in the supply of high and low carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, copper alloy, and aluminium wire and strips, offering its customers more than 3,000 products with more than 193,000 variations. Available from stock is its range of wire from


After a recent investment, VINCO has increased its stock capacity to more than 20,000 tonnes to ensure the supply of wire and strips to companies devoted to the manufacture of springs, formed parts, fastening systems and screws.


Ensuring the continuity of wire















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Extended tapping for the nut industry BASS has extended its product range for tapping in the fastener industry, now offering its nut tap AMGB V from diameter M8 x 1.25mm, or M8 x 1mm, as well as corresponding UNC as well as UNF threads.


MGB V is designed to be connected to the shank via a cartridge. If the torque gets too high, only the cartridge breaks, leaving the tool and shank unharmed. As well as this, another new product from BASS GmbH is the AMGB RM with the shank already welded on. The combined product is available with a bent or straight shank to match the machine connection and is used especially for small dimensions. BASS has also expanded its range of tapping tools for union nuts, added new coatings, as well as new thread types – such as G-threads, and dimensions up to M36 x 2mm. BASS points out that the combination of tap and reamer is especially used to produce union nuts. Threads for union nuts can thus be produced in a reversing tapping cycle. HALL 13 Selecting the ideal tool can be difficult, with the different raw materials of the fasteners; the chosen forming process; STAND E37 the required tolerances; and other operating conditions. Accordingly, BASS not only takes care of the tool configuration, but also offers the best service for the entire process – right all the way through to series production support. More information on how to combine long tool life, high process reliability, and economical production in the fastener industry, will be presented at the BASS trade fair booth in Düsseldorf or at any time directly via the company headquarters in southern Germany.

mayes warwick quarter page-2018-outlines.pdf











Meet us and our nut taps at the wire trade show in June.






EWMenn & WAFIOS FORMING TECHNOLOGY Innovative Machines and Tools for Your Fasteners Linked from Wire to Screw – ND 91 / AF 102

join us at the WIRE SHOW from 20th - 24th June 2022 in Düsseldorf Germany

EWMenn GmbH & Co. KG Trift 8, D-57271 Hilchenbach Fon +49 (0) 2733 1292-0

WAFIOS Umformtechnik GmbH Im Rehsiepen 35, D-42369 Wuppertal Fon: +49 (0) 2024 668-0

Companies of the



40 years experience in wire drawing machinery Tecno Impianti will introduce a new feature designed for its in-line wire drawing machines for the fastener sector at the 2022 wire® Düsseldorf exhibition.


t is a solution for bringing the wire from the drawing machine’s compensator arm to the cold header fully automatically. In addition to helping the operator in the pre-straightening operation, the unit will enable users to feed the cold heading machine at the desired height with just a few simple operations. The developed improvement increases both the safety for the operators and the flexibility of the drawing machine. Tecno Impianti Srl will also exhibit the in-line wire drawer model SKP16 with the latest version of transmission group, the wire pointing machine model AT06, as well as the motorised vertical uncoiler model SVM for uncoiling both ferrous and non-ferrous wire for small diameters. As well as these machines, Tecno Impianti will also be highlighting its power driven uncoilers, wire feeding units, horizontal bull-blocks for ‘coil-to-coil’ wire drawing of CHQ wire, rod flippers, coil-tilting machines and finally, coil compactors. Since 1979, Tecno Impianti has been designing and manufacturing a complete range of machines for the wire industry, focusing specifically on quality, innovation and customisation according to customers’ needs.










­ ­



NEW • T10-HC Automatic Tapping Machine With Four Spindles





20 to 24 June 2022 in Düsseldorf; DE Booth C61 / Hall 13



KSP12-R RP420-R1 T10-HC



HS ASPE will display the new tapping machine model T10-HC

Come to see the demo at the Wire show

Watch the T10-HC video

The T10-HC Automatic Tapping Machine is equipped with n.4 reversible spindles mechanically driven by lead screws with an output rate up to 200 pieces/minute. Internal threads, within the range M2 to M10, can be executed using standard taps in both technologies, cutting and forming. Modularity is at the core of the machine with the double spindles which is enabling two autonomous working areas. Flexibility is maximized with the possibility to work two geometrically different parts in completely independent processes.


Precision in operation is achieved using a structurally rigid design of frame, along with the engineered and innovative design of the positioning/clamping devices. Orthogonality and concentricity in conjunction with other dimensional/geometrical features, are lifetime guaranteed. Ask for more information to :

Sacma Limbiate S.p.A.

Viale Dei Mille 126-128 • 20812 Limbiate (MB) - ITALY Ph. +39 0299 4521 •


30 years of Manassero machines Manassero supplies both new and used machines to the European fastener industry, including cold headers of any brand and size, as well as the related machines – such as thread rollers, wire drawers, nut tappers, nail headers, hot formers, etc.


or new machines, Manassero is the exclusive agent for Nakashimada – for several southern European companies, as well as exclusive agent for RMG – for many eastern European countries. “We are also active buyers for single machines, HALL 13 complete departments or entire plants,” comments STAND B45 Marco Manassero, owner at Manassero & C Srl. “We act as a broker or trade our own machines. For every machine stored in our warehouse there is a HD quality video showing the machine when it was in production. We ensure the quality of our machines through constant contact with the sellers, as well as personally checking the condition of the machines.” To avoid any costly downtime for customers, Manassero can deliver in some cases a replacement machine while a machine is being rebuilt and give a detailed report on its condition in order to decide if, how and where to rebuild it. Founded in 1990 and with stock increasing quickly, Manassero opened a second warehouse in 2019 totalling 3,000m 2 to better display its machines. Now one warehouse contains headers, while the other houses flat dies thread rollers, rotary dies, wire drawers, pointers, nut tappers and decoilers.


National FX32

Salvi 780

Smart NGP200 Sacma SP25U


NAKASHIMADA NP100L 13x120 mm, 40-120 ppm, sound enclosure 2012 NATIONAL FX32M 11x75 mm, 300 ppm, sound enclosure 1995 NATIONAL 500 (3 machines) 14x50 mm, 100 ppm, Universal Transfer, TKO 1986 SALVI 243 (4 machines) 5x25 mm, 350ppm, bushing cutoff, sound encl. 1990 NATIONAL FX34M 11x75 mm, 300 ppm, sound enclosure 1993 SACMA SP25U (2 machines) 13x100 mm, 125 ppm, sound enclosure 1982 SACMA SP35 16x120mm, 105 ppm, dies' dia. 90mm, 20 tons, 30HP 70s NATIONAL 625 S3LS 19/16 x 100 mm, 150 ppm, 24 tons, sound enclosure 1988


SALVI 780/SV (2 machines) 6.35x80 mm, 360 ppm 1986 & 1990 NAKASHIMADA NS60A (2 machines) 7.5x50 mm, 250 ppm 1990 & 1995 HILGELAND CH3-L (3 mach.) 10x150 mm, 100 ppm 1978, 1980 & 1984 SACMA SP31 (2 machines) 12x120 mm, 125 ppm 1978 & 1970


INGRAMATIC RP2 (7 mach.) M8x90/45 mm, 410 ppm 1975 to 1987 E.W.MENN GW83L 4-12mm, 150/105 mm, 260 ppm, vibratory bowl 1984 SMART NGP 200 (2 mach.) M10x160/80 mm, 450 ppm 2010 & 2011 TLM RS20 M20 x 155/100 mm, 500 ppm, vibratory bowl 1996 CE ORT 3RP24 max pressure 24 tons, 30-100 rpm 2004


WAFIOS N5 2.2-4.2 x 13-105 mm, 430 ppm 70s WAFIOS S200 3.8-6 X 25-200 mm, 200 ppm 70s

Meet us at the Wire at Hall 13 Stand B45 MANASSERO srl - Italy Follow us on +39 011 5216446

“Our plan for the future is to concentrate more than ever on quality machines and mostly on multi-die machines. We have been growing since the beginning but lately we have been growing faster, particularly after the Covid-19 pandemic. With containers cost going sky high, this has pushed many European companies to invest in machines, especially used ones. Whatever the reason Manassero will be there to offer insight on how to get the most out of your assets.”


Multi-functional thread rolling machines Over the last 20 years TLM has been focused on a multi-functional machine concept in order to save customers time and space – enabling machines to be placed in every kind of warehouse.


multi-functional thread rolling machine can provide a flat die threading machine, plus a rotative threading module, as well as a chamfering unit, and is capable of working every hardened part, with loading elevator and orientating system, washer loader or other complementary equipment. Firstly, a lifting unit rises the pieces to the working station. On the same line hardened pieces can be given points, chamfers, carved grooves, be threaded on different points of the shank, and assembled with washers, until they are put out as finished parts without any further operation. “Our concept of precision mechanics means easy adjustment and maintenance, reliability, robustness and everlasting duration,” explains TLM Srl. “This is a new strategy of thread rolling machines to meet specific customer requests of extreme flexibility.” TLM produces flat dies threading machines, rotary machines (roll and sectors machines), as well as complementary equipment such as washer loaders, chamfering machines, feeding systems with loading elevators and other units for feeding washers and screws into the vibratory bowls. At the beginning of the 2000s, a micro threader was also put on the market – able to thread micro screws and details, for spectacles production, jewellery, electronic boards and other industries.

CAN-ENG delivers mesh belt heat treatment system CAN-ENG has recently prepared the shipment of an 1,800kg/hr continuous mesh belt heat treatment system for a globally recognised speciality fastener producer located in the Piedmont region of Italy.


AN-ENG continuously demonstrates its commitment to support manufacturers of high-quality, safety critical HALL 13 fasteners around the world, which was the primary reason STAND B43 the company was chosen again for this second capacity expansion. This European project represents its fifth installation for this globally recognised producer of speciality fasteners with operations in Europe, South America, Mexico, and the USA. CAN-ENG Furnaces International Ltd was chosen to supply this system based on proven reliability, efficiency, and soft part handling features – hallmarks of CAN-ENG’s mesh belt furnace systems. The new, high volume fastener system integrates energy efficient combustion and waste heat recovery technology, an atmosphere controlled mesh belt hardening system, oil quench, a post wash system, temper furnace, soluble oil system, bi-directional conveyor discharge, as well as CAN-ENG’s Process Enhancement Technology (PET™) system. CAN-ENG’s PET™ system provides the user with access to vital Industry 4.0 features, which includes product traceability, detailed process data for continuous process improvements, comprehensive equipment diagnostics, cost analysis, and inventory management. The state of the art system also integrates CAN-ENG’s Energy Reduction System (ERS™), which significantly reduces the energy requirements. The system will be commissioned in Q2 2022 to meet the clients’ performance and capacity expectations.



Structured training key for the cold forming industry A recognised expert in both cold forging technologies and the development and training of its operational personnel, Independent Consultant Derek Barnes is keen to dispel the perception that operating and managing cold forming machinery is the mythical ‘black art’ it is often claimed to be and structured training should be the cornerstone of successful businesses.


ollowing on from the article ‘Dispelling the black art’, which was published in Fastener + Fixing Magazine in May 2021 and discussed the need for structured training for machine setters in the cold forming industry, this article focuses on a three stage training process that involves establishing sustainable training to produce the next generation of engineers.

The need for training

Cold forming machines and tooling are very complex and are used to produce high volume precision fasteners and parts that are used across the automotive, aerospace, military, construction and general industries. The quality demands of these industries can be very exacting, which leads to the requirement to set the machines with accuracy and repeatability. Having a structured standardised training approach is the best way to achieve the product quality consistently, batch to batch, and improves efficiency by reducing change over times, reducing scrap and improving tool life. Organised training is also a great way to attract new people into the industry and retain staff, as they can see what they will learn; how long it will take; fully understand what is expected; and what the outcomes will be.

Stage one: Basic training

The aim of the basic training is to train how to set-up a machine safely and correctly, make necessary adjustments, run the machine, size the part and troubleshoot any issues found. It’s an opportunity to get the basics in and encourage best practice.

©Carlo Salvi Much of this will stay with them for the rest of their career, so it is important to teach best practice from the start. At the end of the basic training the trainee will be signed off as competent to set-up a machine under minimum supervision. It is impossible to cover every occurrence and every part, which is why some supervision is necessary after basic training The starting point of the training should always be with theory. Discussing and illustrating what happens during the process gives a foundation to build upon and this theory will be referenced time and again once training on the machine starts. The theory covered should include as a minimum: Tooling materials, properties and wear points.


Tooling assembly, fit, form and function. Understanding wire properties and material flow. Understanding machine mechanisms. Cold forming theory. Standard geometries. Building the progressions to achieve the final part required. There is a lot of detail for trainees to take in and care must be taken not to overwhelm them. To stop this from happening the theory is presented as part of the training documentation, either as pre-printed documents or even better the trainee making their own notes as the trainer presents the information. This allows for access at any time to confirm their understanding of the process. Another benefit of the trainee making their own notes is that it gives instant feedback

to the trainer as to whether the individual has understood what has been taught. That feedback loop is very important for the trainer to show the progress and also allow them to develop the training to suit particular learning styles. Before starting to work on the machine, safety must be made the number one priority and be stressed at all stages. The combination of high tonnage machinery and hardened tool steel is potentially dangerous and a healthy respect for the process is required. When training on the machine commences it must be carried out in a structured way, going through the set-up procedure in order creates the method of setting. This should always be documented in a training manual for each specific machine. The manual is used as a training aide all the way through the three stage process. The trainee should be encouraged to make their own notes and sketches within the manual to help them to understand more fully. The manual can then be used at a later date to reference parts of the setting procedure that they may have forgotten or not be too clear on. This creates self confidence that they can solve machine issues themselves without always having to ask someone else.

The manual breaks down the process into a series of steps that can be followed through in order to set-up a machine. It also contains tips of what to look for when troubleshooting issues. Introducing setting measurements alongside the theory and practice of setting, makes the process more scientific and not only helps to set the machine quickly and accurately they also help to reduce set-up scrap and improve tool life from accurate setting. When the training set-up is complete there will be an opportunity to do some training on troubleshooting running issues but at this stage it should be kept to a minimum, with the emphasis being more on doing set-ups to give the trainee as much experience as possible in changing the machine over and setting correctly. Part of the basic training is also learning the terminology for both the tooling and the machine. As well as starting to get an understanding of the machine mechanisms and timings, which helps with their knowledge of how the tooling moves. Most machines have a process monitor fitted and the set-up and operation of the unit is included in the training. It needs to be explained that it should be used as a tool to help with the

machine setting and the various read outs need to be interpreted to improve the set-up. Once a good part has been produced the training focus moves to measurement, the correct use of gauges and also the importance of visual inspection. This leads nicely into discussing what defects could be present and how they relate back to the tooling. Training is also carried out on how to use and fill in the required documentation, such as daily logs, first and last article inspection sheets, handover logs and quality documentation.

Stage two: Gaining experience

Once the trainee has been signed off as being competent to set-up a machine the next stage can begin. This is a period that will help them to gain more experience in a production environment, running jobs and troubleshooting. It isn’t possible to cover every eventuality during the basic training stage and indeed isn’t desirable as it can lead to overloading them with too much information, when everything is new to them, and cause them to become confused and not really take in any information.





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MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Trainees will naturally come across situations that they haven’t seen before. When this happens then it’s important to re-emphasise what was learnt during basic training and refer back to the training manual, the forming theory and their additional notes. They should also add to their notes to help them in the future. The first thing to do is to pair them with a mentor, ideally the trainer should be the mentor, but if this isn’t possible then another suitable person should be appointed. The role of the mentor is to support the trainee and be the person they go to if they need to ask advice. It is really important that the mentor understands the training method and stays within its bounds to maintain the learning process. Communication between the trainer and the mentor is key to ensure that best practice is being followed and feedback to the trainer helps to modify training methods for future candidates. Worst case scenario is that the mentor starts to retrain. Their role is to offer support and advice and refer the trainee to their training manual and documentation in order to follow the correct procedure. If there is doubt over anything then the trainer should get involved in order to steer things in the right direction. During the ‘gaining experience’ period, the trainee should set and run production jobs that are the same parts that they have been trained on. This allows them to gain confidence in their own ability and also learn what sort of running issues occur and how to solve them. It also helps them to understand in more detail the types of defects that occur when tooling starts to wear. If they are making good progress and confidence is high, then different parts can be tackled, which will push their understanding and knowledge further. Although they may need more supervision during the initial setting.

©Carlo Salvi

Stage three: Development

The development stage starts once the setter is setting and running parts and solving most issues without any help. The aim of the development stage is to build on their knowledge and further expand their understanding of the forming process, the machine operation and the tooling. It now becomes a combined effort from the trainer and the mentor and will vary depending on the ability of the person concerned. The aim is to develop the thinking of the individual to create an all-round skilled person with the ability to set development jobs and feedback to engineering on outcomes to improve efficiencies. There are really no limits and the continual development of the machine setters should be a high priority for any company that wants a highly motivated team with the ability to solve problems and improve the process efficiency in all aspects, as well as give the customer what they want.


By using the three stage process to train machine setters – basic training, gaining experience and further development – the trainees will learn how to assemble tooling and set the machine safely to produce good quality products. They will understand the tooling fit, form and function, as well as the basic forming theory and the importance of the progressions. They should also have a comprehensive training manual and be confident using it, as well as being able to set measurements to make the process more scientific. The trainee will have also gained confidence by setting and running production jobs and troubleshooting any issues, enabling them to understand more about tooling wear and its effects. Finally, they will learn more about the machine, supported by a mentor, and learn a more in-depth understanding of forming theory and machine operation. They will also be able to set up new parts and feed back to engineering on tooling and running issues. Working as a team to improve efficiency.

©Carlo Salvi

About Derek Barnes


Derek Barnes is an independent consultant who is truly passionate about cold forming and dedicated to driving improvements in both processes and education in the fastener and other sectors reliant on the technology. His expertise stems from a successful career with a global fastener manufacturer, building and managing cold forging departments in the UK and North America, and educating operational personnel through the development and implementation of training programmes. Derek now also supports the UK fastener manufacturing industry as the fastener sector specialist for the Confederation of British Metalforming.

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Carlo Salvi Stories: Headers for the aerospace industry ‘Chapter Two’ of our series highlighting ‘Carlo Salvi Stories’ – a series of articles celebrating business collaborations, successes and shared goals – focuses on Carlo Salvi’s partnership with aerospace company CAG.


ounded in 2009, CAG specialises in the production and supply of fasteners in the aerospace field. The company has experienced a strong expansion right from the start and today says it is one of the leading suppliers in China, Germany and the United States. Employing 40 people and boasting a state of the art plant, it develops special products for an extremely selective sector. “We first met with Carlo Salvi in 2010 when the need arose to expand our business with a new line for parts heading,” commented Changshui Xu, president at CAG. “Among the many possible suppliers, we decided to choose a double stroke header machine from Carlo Salvi – due to the company’s good reputation in the aerospace field, as well as the fact that many of the biggest fastener manufacturers in the world use Carlo Salvi machines. Our partners, moreover, expressed interest in this technology right from the start, giving even more reasons for the final decision. After installing the first header, the results in terms of speed and efficiency came quickly. So much so, that our collaboration continues today.” The first double stroke header machine was installed with the aim to open doors to an aerospace market that requires increasingly

...many of the biggest fastener manufacturers in the world use Carlo Salvi machines.”


resistant, customised and well made parts. Subsequent investments made it possible to increase CAG’s production capacity. The Carlo Salvi header allowed CAG to work faster and focus on the quality of the finished product. “Many of our parts are used immediately after heading, with others subjected to heat treatments and surface coatings. The excellent performance of the first machine was combined with an excellent service, so we decided to invest in more machines. What we appreciate most about Carlo Salvi heading machines is the speed – a production of 400 parts per minute offers us considerable advantages.” The machines also enable preparation of the tools outside the machine for the next job, which saves time and costs. The settings are fast and simple and it is also possible to recall values previously stored. Last but not least, the machines are equipped with safety devices to protect operators. “The partnership with CAG is certainly strategic for us, both for the role that the company plays in the aerospace field and for the close human relationship that has been established between the two work teams. Faced with this opportunity, we can only consider ourselves lucky. Even though the two factories are physically distant, we feel very close in the daily collaboration,” comments Germano Pandiani, COO at Carlo Salvi SpA. “The digital tools we rely on favour interaction and allow us to be present ‘on-site’ even if we’re actually 8,000km away,” concludes Germano Pandiani. “What we have in common with CAG is the high-quality standard that we wish to guarantee every day to all those who rely on our technology. We are sure that together we have built solid foundations for a fruitful collaboration over time.”


More Winning Technologies® from SACMA SACMA has introduced new features for its whole range of large net shape part formers to provide additional equipment to the most demanding users. This includes the new S-Feed 2022 for large part formers, the S-Transfer for multi-station headers, as well as the S-PKO system.


ACMA Group has been offering the S-Feed System for more than 10 years. This unique and patented system allows the operator to feed the header in the most precise and simplest way available. The S-Feed System, by means of one or two servomotors according to the machine size, allows the operator to engage the wire while the machine is stopped and also to pull back the wire automatically without any manual operation. The S-Feed is available as a standard feature for all progressive cold and warm formers from size 1 to size 6. Regarding the large part formers, the new S-Feed 2022 has been implemented using n.2 independent units with n.2 direct drive torque motors giving the opportunity to the customer to feed more wire diameters with the same set of feeding rolls and avoiding any manual adjustment. The advantages of this new release are a quick changeover – the S-Feed set-up is performed by loading the product recipe on the touchscreen panel and one set of feeding rolls allows a range of wire diameters to be fed. The S-Feed 2022 offers a range of other benefits including: Flexibility: N.3 sets of rolls are supplied with the machine to cover the whole range of wire diameters. Safety: The system can be used with or without wire stop device by means of an encoder measurement system, which is also available as an option. Precision: The RW (rewind) function is always available for a better cutting quality, as well as being user-friendly for operators as the set-up operations are made automatically by assignment of the wire characteristics – diameter and material. It also enables easy maintenance.


Transfer adjustments made from the SC-Matic HMI The second new feature is the S-Transfer, which is now available not only for six die part formers size 5 and 6. This enables everything to be available from one touch of at the control panel. The unique design, together with quality of materials and precise construction, enables the transfer of the widest range of parts, from shortest to the longest, at high-speed with the assurance of consistent performance, with minor maintenance costs. The S-Transfer combines these features along with new important functions, such as improved production efficiency and ease of use. After extended testing by the R&D department, combined with industrial production, SACMA says it can guarantee the S-Transfer provides the same reliability as the traditional version, combined with the flexibility and friendly use typical associated with mechatronic applications. The S-Transfer enables a reduction of changeover time, as the set-up of the transfer is done by loading the product code from the operator panel – saving around 20 minutes. The S-Transfer also

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MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY offers easy and user-friendly set-up operations for a new product, due to no manual intervention – the opening and closing angles of the fingers are set from the touchscreen panel. Other features of the S-Transfer include the same function of the SC800 – a mechanical transfer – meaning there is supervision of part presence in the finger. There is also an independent opening function of all the fingers included in the S-Transfer, which replaces the option of a pneumatic system to open the fingers in the mechanical transfer – offering higher flexibility. The closing force of each pair of fingers is also individually adjustable from the operator panel. SACMA points out the S-Transfer also offers versatility with all the opening and closing cams – normal, fast and ultra-fast – available in the program menu, as well as offering safety thanks to the regenerative drive used for the flywheel. This means there are no problems of damage in case of black out. Stability and durability is also ensured by a chiller, keeping the temperature of the linear motors in optimal conditions. All transfer settings are stored in the PLC and applied automatically when producing the same part in the future. The advantage of a perfect repeatability and quick set-up makes the transfer very easy and intuitive – meaning it can be used by the new generation of technicians. The S-Transfer is also the result of a synergy with Ingramatic in the application of servomotors for different functions; this shared experience reduces the ‘time to market’ of the new projects while ensuring a product’s reliability from day one. Another new development from SACMA is the new S-PKO system to help knock out the part after forming – to keep it inside the die block before being transferred to the next station. The main and most important feature is that the pko stroke is continuously adjustable. An encoder measurement system of the pko stroke shows the value on the HMI. This means there is a quick changeover and the pko set-up can be performed without cam replacement. Tooling performance is improved, as the standard stepped stroke adjustment led to a weakness of the punch bodies due to the extra room needed. The continuous adjustment also improves the design optimisation of the tooling. The S-PKO is user-friendly as the set-up operation is made with an adjustment screw to tune up the position of a moving cam, which ensures the proper stroke of the ejector pin. Another aspect regarding the part precision, resulting from the cold forming technology, is the thermoregulation system to stabilise the heading unit. For this purpose, SACMA supplies as an option the S-TR – a thermoregulation system to equip a cold header – or a WF-header to provide better precision of the finished parts, especially during the start-up steps. It is indeed a well known fact that regarding direct or inverse extrusion processes, especially with high area reductions, the dimensions during the first operating minutes can vary considerably by getting higher until tabilisation. This dimensional instability could affect the subsequent operations and makes the finished parts NC (not conforming). Running special parts with multi shapes, the parts produced in the first minutes are normally thrown away causing economic damage. The operator tries to solve this problem by making some adjustments on the machine such as blank length, relocation of pressure wedges, etc, but in the end this results in an additional loss of time, which entails the risk of altering the right tool and machine

set-up. The main causes of this dimensional instability are two-fold – tool temperature and cooling oil temperature. Consequently, the machines, the tools, and the cooling oil, should be put in condition to work as much as possible at a constant temperature. This goal can be reached with a heating process before and a cooling one afterwards – by installing an adequate thermoregulation system. In this way the scrap of NC parts will be severely reduced from the beginning and the normal functioning conditions stabilised by making the finished parts’ precision more constant. As for the tools’ thermoregulation the most critical point is represented by the dies. Since it’s not possible to act on every single die, SACMA chose to build a circuit in the die box. By circulating in the die box the fluid generates or reduces the heat in the box itself on the basis of the set temperature value. The reference temperature is that of the fluid and it is supposed to be near to that of the die box. The fluid circulates in the cooling oil tank leveling the different temperatures. Using past experiences, SACMA says there’s no need to modify the cooling oil temperature from that of the die box, which is generally set between 50°C and 60°C (122°F – 140°F). An additional benefit coming from the thermoregulation of the die box is that the concentricity of the punches and the dies is kept at optimal levels. As a matter of fact, if the temperature of the die box increases too much the thermos-expansion inevitably causes a widening of the bank’s shoulders increasing the play on the slide rails. Thermoregulation enables the temperature of the die box and subsequently the play of the rails to be kept under control.

The S-Transfer enables a reduction of changeover time...”



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Hardness testing of fasteners Here Sandberg, a provider of consultancy, testing and inspecting services for the construction industry, focuses on the hardness testing of fasteners and why it is an important step in the production process.


asteners, bolts and studs are universally important for everyday purpose. They are used in construction of complex machinery and equipment, as well as vehicles and buildings. Since mechanical stress is concentrated on these type of connection points, their integrity is extremely important and should be subject to strict safety requirements. For fastener components that cannot be tensile tested, hardness testing is carried out to validate the heat treatment process and to ensure the hardness does not exceed the permissible maximum hardness for that grade. Hardness testing can be completed on a suitable surface (head, shank or end) and/or on a transverse section through the threaded region.

Vickers hardness (HV) = 0.1891 x F/d2 F d

test force in newtons (N) arithmetic mean of the two diagonal lengths (mm)

a transverse section (1d) back from the end of the thread should be suitably prepared and hardness carried out within the half radius area. A minimum test load of 10kg (98 N) for Vickers hardness testing should be used to determine the surface and core hardness.

Carburisation and decarburisation Vickers hardness testing

Hardness testing can be carried out using Vickers, Brinell and Rockwell hardness in accordance with BS EN ISO/ASTM standards. Vickers hardness testing involves a diamond indenter in the form of a right pyramid, with a square base, forced into the prepared surface of a test piece followed by measurement of the diagonal length of the indentation left in the surface after removal of the test force. The following hardness tests are normally carried out on fasteners in accordance with BS EN ISO 898-1:2013:

Surface and core Vickers hardness

Hardness testing should be carried out on the flat surface of the head, shank or end of the fastener after removal of any plating/ coating and after suitable surface preparation. For core hardness,


During the heat treatment process, a thin layer of carburised layer, which is hard, or a thin soft layer that may reduce strength, may develop on the threaded region. Carburisation and decarburisation assessment can be carried out on a metallographic section through the threaded region. This involves a longitudinal section mounted in an appropriate resin to preserve the edges, then through a series of grinding and polishing stages before hardness testing is carried out. Carburisation testing is to confirm that the fastener conforms to the desired hardness specification and that the maximum hardness is not exceeded. This test is carried out on the threaded region around the pitch line approximately 0.12mm from the surface. A highly carburised region results in surface embrittlement, which subsequently decreases the fatigue resistance. Decarburisation during heat treatment causes loss of carbon, resulting in a microstructure with lower hardness compared to the

harder microstructure martensite. This is carried out to determine if the quenched and tempered fastener surface is decarburised and to determine the depth of the decarburised zone. Hardness methodology only detects partial decarburisation and is applicable to fasteners with a pitch ≥ 1.25mm and property Classes 8.8 to 12.9. A test load of 300g (low force Vickers) for hardness testing should be used to determine the carburisation and decarburisation.

No decarburisation is observed when the hardness value at point 2 is greater than or equal to the hardness value at point 1 minus 30 Vickers units: HV (2) ≥ HV (1) – 30



E height of non-carburised zone in the thread (mm) H1 height of external thread in the maximum material condition (mm) 1, 2, 3 measurement points No carburisation is observed when the hardness value at point 3 is less than or equal to the hardness value at point 1 plus 30 Vickers units: HV (3) ≤ HV (1) + 30

Retempering check

For fastener components that cannot be tensile tested, hardness testing is carried out.”

A retempering check is carried out to ensure that the minimum tempering temperature was achieved during the heat treatment process. This test involves retempering the fastener, holding for 30 minutes at a temperature of 10°C less than the minimum tempering temperature. Using Vickers hardness testing three indents are made on the same fastener and in the same location. A reduction in the mean Vickers hardness values, if any should be less than 20 Vickers units.


Studying EN ISO 898-1 Here SMT Srl, the independent testing laboratory and mechanical workshop – with over 30 years of experience in mechanical, chemical, metallographic and mechanical fracture testing, looks at the EN ISO 898-1 standard and what it means for property Class 8.8.


he EN ISO 898-1 standard for property Class 8.8 provides some mechanical characteristics to be obtained and leaves space for choice regarding chemical analysis. In fact, it provides for the possibility of using three generic types of steel: Carbon steel with C = 0.25 ÷ 0.55, S and P less than 0.025% and B less than 0.003%. Carbon steel containing boron or manganese or chromium, with limitations on the analysis equal to that of carbon steel but with C = 0.15 ÷ 0.40%. Alloy steel, equal to that of carbon steel but with C = 0.20 ÷ 0.55 and with the obligation that the steel must contain at least one of these elements: Cr (0.30% min), Ni (0.30% min), Mo (0.20% min), V (0.10% min).

In all three cases, the steel must be quenched and tempered. As often happens in the industrial world, people are inclined to make the most advantageous economic choice and therefore are inclined to choose carbon steel that has a lower cost than alloyed steel, but is this choice correct? We took two threaded bars approximately 14.4mm, one in C45 and the other in 42CrMo4, with each having the following chemical analyses: % C

Grade C45

% Mn

% Si

% P

% S

% Cr

% Mo

% Cu

% Ni

% B

% Al

The core structure of the 42CrMo4 threaded bar is made of 100% tempered martensite, a sign that after quenching the structure was correctly 100% martensite (Picture One) Threaded bar in 42CrMo4 tempered martensite

Picture One The structure of the C45 threaded bar instead made of reticular ferrite and perlite, incompatible with a 90% martensite structure after quenching (Picture Two). Threaded bar in C45 reticular ferrite and perlite

0.45 0.72 0.24 0.010 0.023 0.19 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.0001 0.02

42CrMo4 0.39 0.86 0.25 0.013 0.020 0.96 0.18 0.22 0.12 0.0001 0.02 We submitted the two threaded bars to both tensile and hardness tests. The results obtained are visible below, where the values required for property Class 8.8 have also been entered: Grade

Rm (MPa)

Rp 0.2 (MPa)


min 800

min 640



min 12 min 52

HV 250÷320













The mechanical characteristics were met by both grades of steel. However, does that mean everything required by the EN ISO 898-1 standard has been satisfied? In Table Two of this standard, there is ‘note f’ next to property Class 8.8 (also present for property Classes 9.8, 10.9 and 12.9). This note says: “For the materials of these property class, there shall be a sufficient hardenability to ensure a structure consisting of approximately 90% martensite in the core of threaded sections for the fasteners in the” as-hardened “condition before tempering”. Therefore, to find out if the threaded bars comply with property Class 8.8 it is also necessary to check their structure. We therefore longitudinal-sectioned the two threaded bars and checked the core structure.


Picture Two From this it can be deduced that the threaded bar in C45 does not comply with the standard and should not be used. This demonstrates that mechanical tests are not sufficient to verify that a threaded bar is compliant or not. It is also necessary to carry out a micrograph. Some might argue that the standard is wrong because it allows the use of carbon steel, which does not allow the user to obtain the required structure. However, this is not the case and in the next issue of Fastener + Fixing Magazine SMT will explain why.


Testing fasteners at higher temperatures Here Cesar Certini, owner of CERMAC Srl – an Italian testing machine manufacturer, focuses on the use of fasteners at higher temperatures and what this means for the tensile and yield strength.


asteners are used in many environments that are at a higher temperature than the usual ambient temperature. Working at high temperatures involves a change in the mechanical characteristics, because as the temperature increases, there is a reduction in tensile and yield strength, as well as stress relaxation phenomena under load – which can lead to a loss of the clamp force. This happens because as the temperature increases, the screws expand by exerting pressure on the hole and then contract as the temperature decreases, causing them to loosen inside the hole. Screws in Class 4.8, 5.8 and 6.8 are even more sensitive to rising temperatures because they are generally made from cold drawn bars, which means their mechanical characteristics were induced by hardening, which diminish with rising temperatures.

ISO 9001 BUREAU VERITAS Certification N° IT251821-1

A designer must take into account all these factors and to do this they need to have access to data, with three options available. The first is to consult the data present in the literature, but this option is not easy because it is difficult to find data that perfectly coincides with the questions that the designer asks. The second way is to turn to international regulations, which often give interesting information. Take for example EN ISO 898-1. Already in the scope, we discover that the fasteners conforming to this standard “are used in applications from -50°C to +150°C” and that “users are advised to consult a metallurgist expert in connecting elements for temperatures outside the range -50°C ÷ +150°C and up to a maximum temperature of +300°C”. Therefore, the standard clearly tells us that threaded parts conforming to EN ISO 898-1 can be used up to +150°C and, after consultation with an expert metallurgist, even up to + 300°C. But what about higher temperatures? In this case the standard comes to our aid, which tells us: “Information for the selection and application of steels for use at lower and elevated temperatures is given, for example, in EN 10269, ASTM F2281 and ASTM A320 / 320M.” By consulting EN 10269, which is the standard for fasteners intended to be used at elevated temperatures, it first of all finds that among the steels present there are not only carbon or low alloy steels but also stainless steels. This is because stainless steels have excellent heat behaviour in particular to oxidation at high temperature. Furthermore, in EN 10269 there are tables that give important indications regarding the minimum yield values up to 650°C and the variation of physical properties, i.e. density and static modulus of elasticity, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermal capacity and electrical resistivity. As for higher temperatures, reference can be made to ASTM F2281, which reports minimum values obtainable up to 982°C (1,800°F). The standard provides for the use of heat resistance stainless steels such as 309 or 310, or precipitation hardening stainless steels such as 17-4 PH, or nickel alloys such as 660 and 718. This all means there is a lot of details and information that can be difficult to follow if you are not an expert in this area. The third and final option when it comes to accessing the data is to perform a tensile test at the necessary high operating temperature. In order to do this, a designer needs access to a special tensile machine, such as those produced by CERMAC – which are equipped with special ovens or digitally controlled climatic chambers with which tensile tests of up to 1,200°C can be performed using sophisticated strain gauges – equipped with ceramic arms that withstand such temperatures. By using these CERMAC machines the designers can get the answers and data they need for the specific fasteners and materials they are looking to use.

Kaman Measuring announces ThreadChecker™ for the fastener industry


The Measuring Division of Kaman Precision Products Inc, a leader in the design and manufacture of high performance, precision non-contact position measuring systems, has announced the availability of its improved ThreadChecker™. aman Measuring’s line of non-contact application specific sensors provides rugged, reliable verification of thread presence or absence in nearly any electrically conductive material. The ThreadChecker™ is a teachable Eddy current inspection tool, widely used for thread detection, material sorting, plating presence, and absence of heat treatment, etc. Any physical property difference that relates to material conductivity is readily detected. Kaman Measuring points out that the ThreadChecker™ is ideal for use in any automated inspection process in the fastener industry. Consisting of a single electronics module compatible with any probe/material combination, it can check threads regardless of part cleanliness, reducing the cost of implementation. With Kaman’s proven Eddy current technology at its core, the ThreadChecker™ is designed specifically for in-die use. It features four internal probes, ranging from 4mm to 10mm and two external probes, 6mm and 8mm. Available with a DIN rail mounting option, the new inspection tool is CE-compliant and features IP-67 rated probes and electronics. The ThreadChecker™ is also available with both switched and analogue outputs. With the switched output option, the sensor is wired to a PLC or other controller and programmed to alarm when no thread is detected. As an alternative, users can monitor the analogue voltage and program the PLC or other control device with limits suitable for the application. “We are a worldwide leader in the design and production of high-performance, precision non-contact position measuring systems using inductive, Eddy current technology,” states Kaman Measuring. “We recognise that each customer has specific individual requirements, which is why we consult with customers to help choose the best sensor, conditioning electronics, and calibration for each application. With more than 40 years of experience, our advanced family of high-precision position sensors is used in hundreds of applications in aerospace, automotive, energy, metals production, metalworking industries, and many others.




ISO 45001:2018 | ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015



Succession planning for the By Jason Bader, principle, The Distribution Team Succession planning is nothing new to privately held businesses. I was the second generation in my family business, and we started this process very early on. This is not always the case in family businesses, and I have seen a few horror stories that punctuate the need for better planning and not just for the top roles.


rivately held entities tend to focus on succession for the owner or president of the organisation; but what about those key management positions throughout the company? Do we go through the same level of strategic planning normally reserved for the C-suite? I think we should. One of the great things about privately held distribution is the longevity of the associates in our companies. In my family business alone, I can list off several employees that have been there for over 35 years. With most of the clients I have worked with, they take pride in the multi-decade team members that have chosen to stay loyal to the organisation. This is rarely the case in corporate America, but we have this phenomenon permeating the distribution landscape. This can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, we have this amazing continuity of structure and leadership. On the other, their knowledge and experience can often be trapped between their ears with little chance of successful transition to the next generation. The transfer of knowledge is one of the keys to the long-term viability of any tight knit organisation. We need to do a better job managing this transition. The first step to developing a programme is to do an assessment of the key positions in the organisation. Obviously, we can’t perfectly predict when someone is going to leave the organisation; but as some of our executives hit the last 10 yards of their working career, we need to develop a strategic succession plan for these individuals. Talking about retirement and succession isn’t always comfortable. These discussions need be loaded with respect and dignity. If the company has developed a culture of trust and mutual respect, these conversations can be a very positive experience. Be careful about having newly anointed


Preparation and training as the associate ascends through the positions will help them be better equipped to take on key roles.”

next generation leaders start these discussions. You might be better off inviting the previous generation to sit in on the initial discussions to alleviate any fears or wrong intent. Sometimes, deferring to the wisdom of your elders is the best way to ensure the longevity of the company. If you have been following my rambling opinions for any length of time, you will recall that I am a big fan of formalising a career progression in the company. There may be an unwritten one trapped between the ears, but I urge you to

whole company get it down on paper. What is the logical career path for an associate entering the organisation? How do we help them move through the logical positions to where they can branch out into their speciality? Not everyone is suited for field sales. So why do we believe that the only way to the executive team is through this position? Don’t fall into this trap. Many of your best associates are better suited to operations and management. They need to have a strong career path offering. Truth be told, some of your most successful salespeople lack the ability to lead people. Yet, we have all made the classic mistake of promoting an amazing salesperson to sales manager. Create a logical progression, which focuses on the unique talents of the individual, and avoid the painful frustration of tradition. Another reason to think about creating a formal progression is that it allows us to build bench strength. For those of you who don’t enjoy sports analogies, I am talking about creating an associate structure that fills key positions when that person moves on to another role either inside or outside the company. Building a bench is a form of strategic succession planning. Preparation and

Strategic succession planning isn’t something to fear. It comes down to recognising a need and inviting the whole team into the process.”

training as the associate ascends through the positions will help them be better equipped to take on key roles. While this is a solid first step, I would like to see this programme be augmented by formal mentoring. Mentoring is where a senior associate agrees to spend time helping a newer associate navigate this progression and understand the culture of the organisation. This can be so critical for making a new associate feel like they are a part of the mission. Younger generations grew up with consistent feedback and guidance. When this isn’t present in their first working experiences, they can often feel disconnected and more susceptible to the greener grass of another company. Developing a mentoring programme doesn’t happen overnight. Not all senior associates are cut out to be mentors. Mentors have to be other-centered individuals who gain personal satisfaction in the success of those they mentor. They need to be able to give their mentee time. They must be able to listen to the fears and frustrations of their charge. As you will discover, putting people together is an art unto itself. This is where personality profiles can really assist in this process. Detail oriented people will probably be more comfortable with other people of the same mindset. Extroverted salespeople may be better suited to those who share the need to be around customers. Again, not a perfect science; but the more time you take in the match-making process, the better chance for a successful connection. In the case of a planned retirement, we need to have several months to put together a successful transition. This is where some of that honest dialogue mentioned earlier in this article will give the best opportunity to transition. I have worked with individuals on transition plans in the past. In one organisation, I was brought in when the retiring general manager was leaving in 8 months. This isn’t a bad runway to work with. The retiring executive had no problem sharing information with their successor. Moreover, the challenge was to extract this 40 year body of knowledge in an organised fashion. With a little guidance, we were able to break the remaining months down to themes. Some of these themes included supplier relations, delivery logistics, pricing, inventory management, sales management, and finance. The rule was that we would only focus on the designated theme during the month. What this did for the relationship is it didn’t allow the knowledge transfer to be random or situational. The programme was intentional, and I am pleased to report that the successor felt very confident when the general manager finally hung up the cleats. Take a critical look at your company. Do you have senior associates that might be close to retirement? Do you have a plan in place to fill those shoes? Identify successors early so that you have the time required to facilitate a transfer of knowledge. Develop a culture that champions progression and the desire to foster success in others. Strategic succession planning isn’t something to fear. It comes down to recognising a need and inviting the whole team into the process. Good luck and know that I am always here to help.



MES and ERP systems – how they relate MES and ERP are two of the most widely recognised acronyms for digital systems in the manufacturing world; yet defining the interrelated roles of these two systems is challenging. Here, Siemens Digital Industries Software looks at why the interaction between MES and ERP software is critical to a manufacturer’s productivity.


ntegration of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems enables their complementary functionalities to bring greater benefits to a manufacturer than siloed systems. A basic understanding of the relationship between these two systems helps customers get the most out of digital investments. At the broadest level, the relationship between a MES and its ERP counterpart has been defined since the 1990s by ISA-95, the international standard for the integration of enterprise and control systems. ISA-95 incorporates a layer model of technology and business processes for manufacturing enterprises. According to this standard, ERP is a Level 4 system, focused on business logistics, while MES, as a pillar of Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) software, is a Level 3 manufacturing operations system. ERP software, then, provides business related functions needed to manage a manufacturing operation, while MES software orchestrates workflow operations needed to produce the desired end products. ERP and MES systems complement each other in terms of their different functional purposes and points of focus, as well as the context in which their data supports the manufacturing endeavour. An ERP system brings together business strategy and operations, while MOM software, including MES, enforces and executes the manufacturing plans and bridges enterprise level ERP information to the automation and control systems on the manufacturing floor. It should be noted that ERP and MOM systems (including MES) represent two of the three key functional hubs within a manufacturing company’s data infrastructure. The third is product lifecycle management (PLM), an ISA-95 Level 4

system, which focuses on product creation and engineering data. But how do the differences between ERP and MES systems enable them to work together and bring the greatest benefits to a manufacturing floor? ERP software manages the business of manufacturing, often over a time horizon ranging from hours to years. The ERP integrates and acts as a data pathway for all parts of the business, from purchasing and inventory to finances and human resources. An ERP system gives decision makers a single point of access to pertinent information from disparate departments. As it relates to production execution, an ERP system mostly addresses pre-production issues as well as post-production analysis. These may include product strategy, reference product information, production demand, master data, Bills of Materials (BOMs), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), change orders, as well as inventories. Much of an ERP’s functionality is prompted by financial transactions, such as sales orders, supplier invoices, or payroll. Functions of the MES, on the other hand, are prompted by production orders and manufacturing processes. The MES orchestrates actual production in ‘real time’. It oversees and proactively enforces ‘live’ operations and performance and its functions generally focus on much more immediate time frames than the ERP. MES functions include monitoring, controlling and adjusting variables that impact production efficiency, as well as synchronising various aspects of production to ensure lean operations. To perform these functions effectively, the MES must have the capacity to anticipate, align and adjust production and business parameters in ‘real time’. Data shared between ERP and MES systems flows in both directions – the ERP system collects and/or generates


information that serves as input to the MES, and as production operations take place, the MES gathers and generates information and sends it back upstream to the ERP. As the business hub, the ERP system interacts with departments and systems across the enterprise. It aggregates and contextualises data, then distributes it as needed to departments for use in their functional responsibilities. An ERP system’s production related data is needed as input for the MES to coordinate production operations. This is the first aspect of the relationship between the two systems. ERP data feeds downstream to MES. The MES software receives and regroups this information to focus on manufacturing decisions, such as which plant or production line to use, which operators have the qualifications and availability to run production tasks, and where and when to deliver raw materials and supplied components to the production line. The second aspect of the ERP and MES relationship flows in the opposite direction – with data from the MES providing the ERP with input for the many business operations that the ERP manages. For example, the ERP may route information about an operational bottleneck to the finance department, where decisions about capital equipment investments are made. MES may also share material consumption, scrap or completion information with the ERP to track costing and inventory. Manufacturing companies that successfully integrate their ERP and MES systems stand to reap numerous benefits, including increased overall equipment efficiency, reduced cycle times and data entry, data consistency, as well as leaner manufacturing. Siemens has designed Opcenter Execution MES systems to interact effectively and efficiently with ERP systems to maximise production efficiencies and minimise time to delivery.


62329 RAL 9005 62329 RAL 7016 62329 RAL 8003 62329 RAL 9010 62329 RAL 3002

62329 RAL 5010

Facade screw Six lobe truss head - Inox A2

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TFC launches VMI Smart Solutions To help manufacturers in growing industries innovate, disrupt, and create value, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) provider TFC has partnered with Inventor-e to launch VMI Smart Solutions.


his customisable portfolio of solutions leverages Inventor-e’s ‘real time’ technology to complement TFC’s decades of experience delivering VMI solutions, ultimately giving manufacturers better visibility and control over their supply chains. VMI Smart Solutions are enterprise level, Cloud-based supply chain management solutions. They give customers ‘real time’ visibility over who is using what and where in a manufacturing facility or warehouse, to vastly improve health and safety, security, compliance and part availability. The solutions are powered by technology from Inventor-e, including state of the art Cloud-based software, Sourcerer™, which controls the supply chain for Inventor-e’s range of patented inventory management solutions. These include stores management, industrial vending, asset management, van stock management and point of use solutions. The equipment uses technology including weight sensors, near field communication (NFC), passive Gen2 RFID, Bluetooth Smartie™ tags and smart Apps. Customers will benefit from on time production, smarter stockholding and local support from TFC to bring about positive cash flow benefits, facilitate growth and enhance profitability. By

keeping equipment in a secure and controlled location that can be easily accessed by authorised personnel, VMI Smart Solutions gives employees the right equipment, at the right time, so they can efficiently do their jobs. All systems are flexible, so they can be easily scaled up or down based on demand to reduce overstocking while preventing stockouts. “This partnership will make product availability easy in even the most unpredictable manufacturing environments,” explains Dean Henry, owner of Inventor-e. “Inventor-e is a progressive business that builds disruptive VMI solutions for customers to use as an engine for growth. We’re excited to be working together with TFC Ltd to facilitate profitability, productivity and peace of mind for manufacturers by bringing VMI Smart Solutions to the market.” “TFC recognises that with VMI, a ‘one size fits all’ approach is never the answer,” comments Chris Billinge, business development director at TFC. “VMI Smart Solutions are tailored to an individual customer’s need, drawing on our decades of experience in supply chain management – combined with industry leading technology from Inventor-e. For customers where traceability, control and visibility are a priority, we can give manufacturers exactly what they need.”

Körber automates binder’s new warehouse Körber is building a new central warehouse for binder in Germany, as part of its new headquarters. The new warehouse is a modern logistics system with the highest level of automation in the company’s history – including control of processes through SAP EWM. he new central warehouse combines the previously structurally and spatially separate shipping and parts warehouse. It is directly connected to the three existing plants, which will be gradually merged in the next construction phase. As a general contractor, Körber built the automated, state of the art logistics centre in close collaboration with general planner TKS Unternehmensberatung und Industrieplanung. It consists of a single aisle pallet warehouse with double deep storage and a capacity of around 1,500 pallet locations, as well as a quadruple deep shuttle warehouse with around 45,000 box locations in three aisles and 58 levels. Storage and retrieval of the pallets is carried out with a fully automatic stacker crane with an output of 35 double cycles per hour. Four highly dynamic shuttle vehicles are used in the shuttle warehouse per aisle, providing an output of 450 double cycles per hour in total. Additionally, Körber implemented the entire logistics IT on the basis of SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) and SAP EWM/MFS on the basis of SAP’s most recent technical platform SAP S4/HANA. The processes of incoming goods, production transfer and storage, as well as commissioning and dispatch, are mapped in SAP EWM. SAP EWM/MFS controls the material flow in the automatic warehouse areas. With its high-level of automation, the new central warehouse is a milestone for Franz Binder GmbH & Co Elektrische Bauelemente KG. Given this, it was important to accurately map and check the performance of the warehouse and processes in advance. As a result, the full system and design were run through and enhanced several times with Körber’s warehouse design and simulation software.




Sustainability in fastening technology Climate protection is becoming increasingly important. When it comes to cutting carbon dioxide output, particular attention is directed to manufacturing industries – especially the automotive industry. Here, Annedore Bose-Munde, qualified engineer and business and technical journalist, looks at how fastener manufacturer Arnold Group is playing its part with sustainability in the fastener industry.


hen we look at global developments in the automotive industry it is clear that new cars and vans in Europe manufactured over the years have become progressively heavier – from an average 1,268kg in 2000, rising to 1,360kg in 2010, and to 1,420kg by 2020. With the development of more hybrid and electric vehicles, this trend will increase. The weight of the battery alone means that an electric vehicle weighs on average 300kg more than a vehicle with a conventional engine. However, by optimising fuel consumption and discovering new and innovative drive concepts, it has been possible to achieve a significant reduction in CO 2 emissions – from around 175g CO 2 /km in 2000, to 140g CO 2 /km in 2010, and 95g CO 2 /km by 2020. This trend needs to continue over the next few years if we are to achieve climate protection targets in the future.

Fastener manufacturers must look at sustainability

One thing of which we can be certain is that to keep the carbon footprint as low as possible, everyone must pull together to develop and implement strategies aimed at consistently protecting the climate. Sustainability is of extreme importance for German-based fastener manufacturer Arnold Group, as it is one of five strategic approaches employed by the company – along with eMobility, internationalisation, lightweight engineering and digitisation. Climate protection and the sustainable use of resources have long been firmly

founded principles for the company, well before the increasingly forceful climate change debates of today. When Arnold was founded back in 1898, its first factory was accommodated inside an existing mill meaning the machines were powered by renewable power – water. Over the decades of its activities, the sustainability theme continued to weave through Arnold’s corporate activities, including a reduction of CO 2 emissions stated in the annual sustainability reports produced since 2014. Since 2016 Arnold has also publicly affirmed its sustainable corporate



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APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY leadership with its ‘Blue Fastening System’ claim. In 2022 this development will continue with the signing of the UN Global Compact Initiative.

Looking at emissions throughout the entire supply chain

Arnold values the fact that sustainability and carbon neutrality is considered throughout the entire supply chain. An individual footprint account is drawn up for every product throughout the entire valueadded chain. Emissions from each section of the supply chain are added up. This means that companies downstream of the supply chain take on the totalled emissions from its own suppliers and then pass them on, with its own CO 2 emissions added on, to its customers. This is an obligation placed on every company within the supply chain, to take responsibility, not only for its own processes and the power it uses, but also for previous and subsequent processes. This is why Arnold has set-up the ACO 2 -Save initiative. With this initiative, customers and users are actively supported to reduce CO 2 emissions by designing and using fasteners and cold formed parts sustainably. A carbon calculation takes place as early as the development process. Using its own CO 2 calculator – developed in-house – Arnold is able to determine the Product Carbon Footprint for the part the customer is enquiring about, then can work together to improve it. The aim here is that at the end of the development process, the product is technically of high-quality, and optimised with regard to costs and its CO 2 footprint.

ACO2 -Save provides many options for CO2 savings

To curb CO 2 emissions as early as the development stage, for example by avoiding making unnecessary samples and prototypes, Arnold’s developers make use of digital forecasting tools such as FEM analysis and its own prediction program, developed in-house. This greatly reduces the number of feasible variants thus saving time, money and CO 2 . However, the greatest savings are made by using innovative fastening and cold forming technologies. For example, working with its customers, Arnold analyses options for changing the parts production technology – including whether parts that until now had been machined, might be more efficiently produced as cold formed parts. It is also possible to check whether any existing threaded screws could be replaced by thread forming screws,


Battery packs installed in electric vehicles further increase the average weight of such vehicles. Innovative joining concepts help to reduce CO 2 emissions throughout the entire supply chain completely doing away with the need for thread cutting tools and the emissions they cause. A further option is to reduce size by using innovative fasteners, for example by replacing an M5 screw with an M4. And finally, innovative fastening systems help to reduce weight – especially when it comes to joining multi-material mixes – and that ultimately means a reduction in the vehicle’s overall emissions. To illustrate exactly how this ACO 2 -Save initiative is working, let us look at a specific example. The task was to subject a special screw made of aluminium to a review with regard to technology, cost and CO 2 emission. A Conform Next screw was developed as an alternative. Due to its engineered design, it proved suitable for use in components with bigger diameters, longer components, more complex geometries, and heavier weights, i.e heavier components. The volume of the part used previously was 8,733mm³, each item weighed 23.5g, and was machined in the traditional way. A turned part blank was used on the production line and the volume of that was 25,830mm³, weighing in at 69.2g each item. Arnold’s developers carried out an ACO 2 -Save analysis and changed the part to a formed part on the Conform range. Following the improvement the volume of the formed blank was 9,135mm³ and each one weighed 24.82g. In other words, the forming process requires much less material input since there is very little wastage during the production process. Besides a considerable improvement in costs created by lower materials requirements for the cold forming process, this also has a considerable effect on the product carbon footprint for this special screw. By reducing the working weight, creating less waste, and thus making the production process more efficient, it was possible to reduce all the CO 2 emissions created by this screw by 45%. This single example already goes to show that there is considerable potential for reducing the Product Carbon Footprint with Arnold’s ACO 2 -Save initiative. Correspondingly, it also means that a pragmatic and individual analysis of other possible approaches to making changes, with regard to fastening solutions, must as far as possible be handled responsibly in corporate and societal terms.


Fastening sea structures

Here Freelancer Ian Parker looks into how the highly corrosive environments in which ships, boats and other ocean assemblies are used, leads to them needing special fastener combinations.


lthough it doesn’t contain strong acids, the sea can be just as corrosive, causing pitting and crevice corrosion, while debris and sands contribute to erosion corrosion. Ship builders are also faced with the challenge of galvanic corrosion when salts convey electric currents between dissimilar metals. Fasteners used within these environments need to be resistant to such corrosions and may also need to be of superior strength. US company Extreme Bolt & Fastener says that the Monel 400 and age hardened Monel K500 fasteners have long been the ‘gold standard’ of salt water corrosion resistance. Monel 400 bolts offer excellent resistance, while Monel K500 offer similar resistance at three times the yield strength and twice the tensile strength. Though these are the most commonly used bolts for marine vessels and naval projects, other materials also serve to protect from salt water corrosion. AL6XN bolts were developed for marine conditions and offer excellent seawater resistance; Duplex 2507 offers high resistance to pitting, erosion and crevice corrosion, as well as stress corrosion cracking in salt water; and titanium Grade 2 and 5 (6AL-4V) offer excellent resistance to salt water and are essentially immune to corrosion.

High strength focus

Military vessels and marine structures require some of the strongest and most reliable materials to maintain their strength and safety. Often, speciality materials are needed for high strength in a saltwater environment. MP35N is the highest strength material Extreme Bolt & Fastener can supply with an ultimate tensile strength of over 225 KSI – 290 KSI. It offers excellent resistance to sea water.


Although considered overkill for many marine applications, Hastelloy components are extremely corrosion resistant. They offer excellent corrosion resistance to reducing and oxidising environments and are well suited for hydrochloric and sulfuric acid environments. They are also strongly resistant to stress corrosion cracking; performing excellently at elevated temperatures; and are available in alloy grades C276, B2, B3, C22 and Hastelloy X.

Sea conditions

Conditions in the oceans vary and so does the resultant corrosion. The level of chloride ions in salt water, also referred to as salinity, is

one of the most aggressive causes of seawater corrosion. Many things affect the salinity including evaporation (increasing saline levels), precipitation (decreasing), and dilution (decreasing). The chlorides can also increase pitting corrosion in stagnant water. Titanium fasteners offer superior resistance to chloride and chlorine solutions as they are fully resistant to chlorides, hypochlorites, chlorates, perchlorates and chlorine dioxide. Duplex steels also offer good corrosion protection to chlorides, including high resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking, as well as pitting and crevice corrosion. Seawater temperature varies greatly from -2°C (28.4°F) at the poles, up to 35°C (95°F) in the tropics. The warmer it is, the higher the fastener corrosion because heat promotes the oxide reaction. Hot engines, processes or locations in tropical areas will see a higher rate of corrosion. The speed and movement of sea water can also affect the corrosion resistance of a material. For high velocity marine environments, titanium is resistant to any erosion even up to a velocity of 120 ft/sec, as well as stagnant water. Like titanium, Monel is extraordinarily resistant to rapidly flowing seawater, but can experience pitting and cracking if the salt water is stagnant.

Smaller vessels

Last October, UK company Leyton Fasteners Limited announced an expansion of the number of nuts, bolts, washers, and machine screws for the maritime sector. The company explains: “Marine fasteners are different for a number of reasons, and there are factors that you need to take into account to ensure that you find the correct fastener for the job. At the top of that list is corrosion.”



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4/8/22 3:46 PM

APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY Marine fasteners have to be ultra-resistant to corrosion simply because they receive so much more exposure to the elements, particularly salt water and sea spray. “You can’t afford for fasteners critical to the structure of your maritime vessel to rust and fail. The risks involved are simply too significant. You need to have peace of mind that your fasteners will stand the test of time. That’s why you will tend to pick stainless steel as the material for marine fasteners, with its robust defences against corrosion agents such as acids, alkalines, salt and water. However, there’s another form of corrosion to consider – galvanic corrosion,” comments Leyton Fasteners.

What is galvanic corrosion?

Technically galvanic corrosion can take place anywhere, not just aboard marine vessels. It can happen when dissimilar metals make contact. For example, this might happen on your sailing boat if you use stainless steel screws and blind rivets to secure hardware onto the aluminium spars. You could revert to aluminium fasteners for non-critical fastening tasks whereby you don’t require the tensile strength of stainless steel. The specific choice of fastener materials will depend largely on the purpose. However, Leyton Fasteners says that most marine fasteners boil down into two categories – A2-304 and A4-316. Their main characteristics and properties are as follows: A2-304 grade – has good corrosion resistance and can be used for outside work and inside boats. However, Leyton Fasteners would not recommend it for use in severe or hostile marine conditions. A4-316 grade – has a greater corrosion resistance than A2-304 and is often used in hostile and severe environments such as sea spray.

Protecting marine fasteners

While picking the correct stainless steel grade for the application is a good start, there are other steps that can be taken to protect fasteners from corrosion. Anti-corrosion grease can be very effective. These products offer protection against acidic and alkaline substances, such as sea spray. Leyton Fasteners offers LanoShield, a well regarded, 100% natural anti-corrosion grease that comes in 5 litre containers complete with a hand sprayer. It is salt water resistant (which is obviously crucial for marine applications) and boasts a power wash resistance of 300 psi. Looking more broadly at fasteners materials, there are various pros and cons that depend on the strength required and the exposure to corrosive environments. From stainless steel to brass, choosing the right fastener material is crucial to the success of any project. Each respective material has different levels of corrosion resistance, tensile strength, and brittleness, and the choice will depend on the specific application.


Silicon bronze

Another fastener material in the marine industry is silicon bronze. This alloy combines copper, tin, and silicon, to make this material ultra corrosion resistant. These bolts and screws are preferred for wooden boat constructions. However, it’s not cheap, often coming in at significantly more than other comparable fastener materials.

Alloy steel

Alloy steel is carbon steel with the elements such as silicon, manganese, and chromium, added to increase strength and enhance ductility (the capacity of a material to deform permanently when exposed to heat, such as stretching, bending or spreading). However, it is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement.

Stainless steel

Brass harnesses the inherent strengths of copper and zinc, making a very effective fastener material. It’s resistant to corrosion and delivers the added benefit of being conductive to electricity. However, it’s one of the softer fastener materials, meaning its loadbearing capabilities are limited. Although its distinctive look makes brass fasteners popular for more decorative or stylistic items such as furniture.

Perhaps the most common fastener material, stainless steel is an alloy created by combining low carbon steel and chromium. Always take care to avoid mixing fastener materials when conjoining materials since that will likely lead to galvanic corrosion. Standard stainless steel fasteners are also more prone to galling as they are considerably weaker than hardened steel fasteners. They also tend to be the least magnetic of the available steel alloys.


The role of plastics

Aluminium has the benefit of being an extremely light fastener material, and, like brass, it’s corrosion resistant. However, it suffers from the same drawback of not being particularly strong, since it’s also a light and soft metal. It is useful for light load fastening in environments where other more robust materials would struggle with corrosion, such as within the maritime industry.


E&T Fasteners in the US says that the only metals that don’t corrode are gold, platinum, and palladium, but because they’re so expensive, they don’t make good marine building materials. That leaves builders with other materials that can corrode, especially under water, which ultimately weakens the structure. Other metal corrosion is incorrectly called rust, but only iron does this, since rust is iron oxide.

Dealing with corrosion is a big part of ship maintenance

Corrosion on vessels and their fasteners can be worse in warm seas as the higher temperatures promote corrosion reactions it isn’t the only consideration. Being out on the water means being under the harsh rays of the sun too. Not only will metal corrode under water, you can expect it to degrade when exposed to UV radiation. It isn’t uncommon for metal to become more brittle as it spends time out in the sun. Plastic doesn’t have the same problem. Many plastics are actually resistant to UV rays. Some are so resistant that they can handle outer space. Fluoropolymers and polyimides have even been used in the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station. It’s important to choose plastics carefully because not all plastics have UV resistant properties. At the very least, some plastics will fade in the sun. Some will actually corrode in the sun and become brittle, ultimately compromising the strength of the plastic fastener.

Combined materials

Plastics can retain their strength over time when exposed to salt water or UV radiation, but they’re usually weaker than metal. That’s Metal corrosion is essentially the material’s attempt to return why builders still turn to metal materials when strength is of the to its original form found in the Earth’s crust. Most metals readily utmost importance. combine with other elements due to their reactivity. Just because metal is stronger than most plastics doesn’t negate The solution to this problem is often stainless steel. Chromium the benefits that plastics have to offer in the marine environment. is added to steel, creating a passive layer of chromium oxide when Some plastic fasteners have a metal core. The metal core makes the exposed to oxygen. This passive layer is impervious to water and air, fastener exceptionally strong, while the plastic coating protects the even when scratched. The trouble is, salt water does something much fastener from the corrosion of salt water and UV radiation. worse to stainless steel than a simple scratch. Plastic marine fasteners also require very little maintenance. Salt water is highly corrosive because it contains chloride. It To keep metal fasteners from corroding in salt actually attacks the passive film that gives stainless steel its water, they will have to be rinsed regularly protective properties, which means even it will erode with fresh water. If metal fasteners are when exposed to salt water. corroding in the sun, they will have Plastics don’t have this problem. For example, to be replaced. Plastic fasteners polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is often used in with metal cores can offer the underwater plumbing pipes and boat best of both worlds. Rust can be a accessories because it is chemically inert big problem and corrosion resistant. Polyethylene in the marine Terephthalate (PET) is often used in environment. aquaculture applications. Isoplast is even Technically rust can stronger than both PVC and PET, providing only happen with users with even more options. It doesn’t iron, but sometimes absorb water and isn’t affected by salt the term is used for water, gasoline, Clorox, and many other metal corrosion generally. chemicals. It is also strong enough to be used with metal materials, making it an especially good choice in marine environments.

UV resistance

In a marine environment, considering the impact of water on the finished product is vital, but


Supplying marine fasteners and fixings Understanding how important highly corrosion resistant fixings are above and below the waterline, UK-based Leyton Fasteners offers a huge range of A4-316 marine grade stainless steel fasteners – ideal for general use in marine structural applications – and Grade A2-304 for internal marine applications.


he standard A4-316 stainless steel alloy has been specifically manufactured so that, when exposed to harsh environments such as the ocean, the fastener won’t rust. Stainless steel bolts, screws and nuts can provide the best possible long-term corrosion resistance. For above the water line, Grade A2-304 will be sufficient but for anything that is to be submerged at least 6% molybdenum in the alloy is required such as A4-316. “We recommend that stainless steel marine fasteners are not coupled with aluminium, because when stainless steel is in contact with aluminium, in the presence of an electrolyte saltwater, a galvanic corrosion process starts,” comments Nigel Fidler, managing director at Leyton Fasteners Limited. “The best way to avoid this is to keep stainless steel with itself and it will literally last a lifetime.” Leyton’s range of marine products includes fasteners and fixings, chain, wire rope, hinges, pins, rings and much more. In addition to its standard ‘off the shelf’ range, Leyton Fasteners also offers a bespoke service to supply almost any fastener or fixing to customers’ specification, in a large variety of specialist materials specifically available for marine and offshore applications. These items can be produced to customer drawings from any material specification available from Leyton’s extensive range of alloys, brass, composites etc. “We pride ourselves on our service. Our team has many years of expertise and experience in the world of fasteners, covering marine, engineering and associated industries. This is further enhanced by having access to an extensive range of contacts, resources, suppliers, and manufacturers, who we are in contact with daily to ensure that we supply quality products at competitive prices,” concludes Nigel.


Lederer launches Lederer World Lederer stands for decades of experience with fasteners, standard and special parts, and C-parts management. Its recently launched ‘Lederer World’ showcases the company’s insights into assortment, materials, quality, logistics, digitisation, special parts and coatings.


hrough various videos, Lederer World offers customers the chance to see how diverse the company is and how it supplies more than 40,000 fasteners according to norm and standard. From cardboard boxes or commissioning to Kanban, Lederer can also provide all types of packaging, assembling, labelling, containers, bins and shipping. “Lederer has over 50 years’ experience in the stainless steel fastener market – with stainless steel remaining the mateiral of choice for many customers’ applications today. Every day, more than 6.3 million items are shipped and delivered to Germany, Europe and worldwide,” explains Markus Gebehenne, head of marketing and eBusiness, at Lederer GmbH. “Lederer World allows our customers to fully immerse themselves in the Lederer World.”












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06/01/2021 - 12:22


Stainless steel - the role of nickel By The Nickel Institute

More than two thirds of global nickel production is used to produce stainless steel. As an alloying element, nickel enhances stainless steel’s important properties such as formability, weldability and ductility, while increasing corrosion resistance in certain applications.


tainless steel has been in use for more than one hundred years. It comprises a wide range of iron-based alloys, but unlike conventional steel they are resistant to corrosion and do not rust when exposed to water alone. The alloying element that makes steel ‘stainless’ is chromium; however, it is the addition of nickel that enables stainless steel to become such a versatile alloy. In addition to their inherent corrosion resistance, nickel-containing stainless steels are easy to form and weld; they remain ductile at very low temperatures and yet can be used for high temperature applications. In addition, unlike conventional steel and non-nickel-containing stainless steel, they are non-magnetic. This means they can be made into an exceptionally wide range of products, spanning applications in the marine and chemical industry, the health sector, as well as domestic uses. In fact, nickel is so important that nickel-containing grades make up 75% of stainless steel production. The best known of these are Type 304, which has 8% nickel and Type 316, which has 11%. Nickel provides these properties by changing the crystal structure of steel to an austenitic (face-centred cubic crystal) structure at almost all temperatures. Conventional steel has a ferritic (body-centred cubic crystal) structure at ambient temperature. It is the addition of sufficient nickel – typically 8% to 10% – that imparts these unique properties.


The austenitic structure provides stainless steels with good ductility and formability. The common 18% chromium/8% nickel Type 304 in particular shows good stretch forming characteristics. A slightly higher nickel content further increases the stability of the austenite and reduces the work hardening tendency – increasing suitability for deep drawing. Unlike low nickel, high manganese alloys, these alloys are not prone to delayed cold cracking. Their excellent formability has led to 300-series austenitic alloys being widely used for items such as kitchen sinks and cooking pots.


Many pieces of stainless steel equipment are fabricated by welding. In general, nickel austenitic alloys are better for welding than other alloys, with Types 304 and 316 being the most widely fabricated stainless steels in the world. Unlike ferritic alloys, they are not prone to brittleness as a result of high temperature grain growth and the welds have excellent bend and impact properties. They are readily weldable in both thick and thin sections.


Toughness – the ability of a material to absorb energy without breaking – is essential in many engineering applications. Most


stainless steels have good toughness at room temperature. However, as temperature decreases the ferritic structure becomes progressively more brittle, making ferritic stainless steels unsuitable for use at cryogenic temperatures. In contrast, the common austenitic stainless steels retain good toughness even at liquid helium temperatures (-270°C), which is why grades such as Type 304 are widely used for cryogenic applications.

High temperature properties

Adding nickel gives the austenitic alloys of stainless steel significantly greater high temperature strength than other alloys, particularly the ability to resist the tendency to move slowly or deform permanently under mechanical stresses, known as creep. These alloys are also much less prone to forming damaging brittle phases when exposed to temperatures in excess of 300°C. Nickel also stabilises the protective oxide film and reduces spalling during thermal cycling. This is why austenitic alloys are preferred for high temperature applications and where fire resistance is needed.


Most nickel-containing materials are fully recyclable at the end of the product’s useful life; indeed their high value encourages recycling. This, in turn, lessens the environmental impact of nickel-containing stainless steels by reducing both the need for virgin materials and the energy that their production uses. For example, the amount of stainless steel scrap currently being used reduces the energy required for stainless steel manufacture by around one third over using 100% virgin materials.

Ease of production

Ease of production is not something that is immediately apparent to the end user. However, long experience of manufacturing the common austenitic alloys; their widespread use; their versatility; and the scale of their production have allowed them to become widely and economically available in all shapes and quantities and in all parts of the world.

Stainless steel use

The common nickel-containing austenitic alloys are clearly excellent all round performers. They are widely available, their properties and applications are well understood and they are versatile and easy to use. They also demonstrate excellent durability and are extensively recycled when their useful life is over. They frequently offer the most practical, lowest risk material choice, meaning these grades are found in a wide range of applications – including food contact materials and the health sector, process plants, oil and gas, power generation, pollution control, transport in cars, trains, aerospace, shipping and in architecture.

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Securing marine fenders Collisions between vessels and port infrastructure can potentially cause serious harm. Marine fenders are the ‘go to’ solution to reduce impact forces, but they need to be installed safely. Corrosion resistant, Nord-Lock wedge locking washers proved to be the perfect fit in South Korea.


ach year, hundreds of vessels collide with jetties or quays while berthing – sometimes spectacularly. Colliding ships are also quite common. These mishaps are generally due to bad planning, such as miscalculations of speed or wind forces. Lack of communication, for example between a ship’s bridge team and the pilot, can also be a problem. Such accidents may also be very costly, causing severe harm to vessels and port infrastructure. In the worst case, people may get injured or even killed. While a zero incidence for human error is desirable, it will undoubtedly be challenging to achieve. As for berthing, there are just too many variables involved to eliminate collisions. Therefore, it is always a good idea to proactively try to improve safety and reduce the force of impact. The idea of using marine fenders to absorb these forces is probably almost as old as berthing. Today, there is a broad range of marine fenders in various materials, shapes and sizes – targeting general or more specific requirements.

Finding the right fender solution

South Korea’s coastline spans three cardinal points and the country has some 3,000 ports of all sizes. Given that South Korea is the world’s second largest commercial shipbuilding nation, surpassed only by China, it comes as no surprise that it is also prominent in marine fender manufacturing. The company Hwaseung Corporation supplies various types of fenders to the South Korean shipbuilding industry. Hyundai Heavy Industry, Samsung Heavy Industry, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, the four largest shipbuilding companies in the world in 2020, are among its customers.


Hwaseung Corporation develops and manufactures various fenders, such as arch fenders, marine fenders, pneumatic fenders and submarine fenders. The company’s rubber department supplies the raw material. The forces that marine fenders have to absorb cause a lot of vibrations. With the plain washers and split ring washers that Hwaseung Corporation had traditionally used, bolts often loosened. There hadn’t been any significant incident, but the problem increased maintenance work time and end users complained. Alex Keum, general manager at Nord-Lock Group Korea, had previously worked at Hwaseung Corporation and was aware of the situation. Using this knowledge, he contacted his old company to introduce them to wedge locking as a superior solution to secure the fenders. “I approached Hwaseung and the end user at the same time,” he says. “Eventually, Nord-Lock washers were incorporated into their design. Of course, having a good relationship with my old colleagues at Hwaseung helped.” This solution included the large NL52ss wedge locking washers at critical points of the TR fender. Alex Keum explains: “I was frank with Hwaseung that washers can be exposed in the splash zone and told them about the corrosion risk. But it’s now one and a half years since they installed the washers and there is no corrosion problem.” The installation of the Nord-Lock washers practically solved the bolt loosening problem and, as expected, the maintenance efficiency has also improved. “Since we need to check the bolting points less often, as the locking effect lasts longer compared to the split ring washers, it saves us a great deal of time,” says Mr Sung-min Cho, deputy general manager at Hwaseung Corporation Co Ltd. “We thought that the washers would be a good solution and we can now say that we have adopted one of the best anti-loosening solutions on the market.”

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Sealing solutions from APM Hexseal


xposure to environmental substances, such as water, chemicals, dirt, and salt, can cause significant damage to electronic equipment and systems. Depending on the system and the contaminant, contact can trigger system outages or lead to complete system failure. Either of these conditions leads to unplanned downtime, increased equipment costs, and loss of profits. For many industrial electronic control systems, especially those employed in marine environments, sealing boots provide a solution to these issues and still allow the switch to function and actuate as intended. Properly protecting these vulnerable electronic and mechanical systems, ensuring their continued operation, is crucial to the safe navigation of the world’s waterways. Sealing boots are devices that protect the internal and external components of an electronic system. They are used in a variety of marine applications, including military destroyers, commercial fishing boats and deep sea submarines. In these extreme environments, sealing boots maintain the integrity of sensitive electronic components by sealing stuff out and protect vulnerable ecosystems by sealing stuff in.

Seal stuff out of sensitive marine electronics

Today’s marine vessels use high-tech electronic systems to plot their course; control operating equipment in various parts of the vessel; monitor and protect against external conditions such as weather and rough seas; and keep internal environments safe and comfortable for crew members and cargo. To maintain optimal performance in these systems, marine vessel and equipment manufacturers employ sealing boots to provide corrosion protection, prevent contamination, avoid overloads and short circuiting, extend equipment service life, as well as ensure long-term system security. APM Hexseal manufactures a variety of different types of boots designed to protect various electronic components in marine systems, while still allowing the switch to actuate freely. These sealing boot offerings include circuit breaker boots, toggle boots, as well as pushbutton boots. Circuit breaker boots are available in ‘back of panel’ or ‘front of panel’ mounting styles. On both models, a continuous sealing rib wraps around the lower portion of the flange to provide a long-lasting seal. These boots are suitable for protecting electronic components from short circuiting and extending their service lives. Also available from APM, toggle boots consist of moulded silicone placed over threaded mounting nuts. This design enables fully enclosed, single piece components that cover the switch to be produced. Available in full and half styles, APM Hexseal’s toggle boots include a sealing rib


By sealing marine equipment, manufacturers and end users not only protect sensitive internal electronics, they also mitigate the risk of hazardous compounds leaking and spreading into the world’s waters. Here, Jackie Hackett, director of global sales and marketing at APM Hexseal, explains how its sealing boots can protect the internal and external components of an electronic system. that keeps components securely attached to their mounting panels. These boots frequently find application protecting all types of toggle switches on fishing equipment and boat control panels. Initially developed for military purposes, pushbutton boots are designed to provide push button switches protection against extreme environments, such as low or high temperatures, inclement weather, salt, dust, dirt, humidity, etc. Pushbutton boots from APM meet MIL-DTL-5423 specifications. When used, these devices seal electronic switches and safeguard them from potentially harmful external elements that contribute to corrosion and other damages.

Seal stuff in to protect delicate ecosystems

In addition to sealing environmental substances out to protect sensitive internal electronics, sealing solutions also seal hazardous compounds in to protect vulnerable ecosystems. From deep-sea locations to inland waterways, the waters and surrounding lands used for marine activities are at risk of contamination from leaking marine and undersea vessels. Depending on the compounds or pollutants contained within, when these vessels leak, the impact on the local ecosystem can be catastrophic.

Taking preventative measures

As a whole, oil spills are one of the biggest contributors to water pollution. Although big oil spills do have significant and lasting effects on the environment, collectively, smaller oil spills – such as from refueling or bilge discharging operations – can have a greater environmental impact. Taking preventative measures, such as installing sealing boots and other sealing solutions, helps reduce the impact of marine operations on delicate ecosystems. By sealing marine equipment, manufacturers and end users not only protect sensitive internal electronics, they also mitigate the risk of hazardous compounds leaking and spreading into the world’s waters. Implementing regular and thorough inspections of equipment and systems could also prevent a potentially hazardous leak or malfunction. Sealing boots and fasteners from APM are reusable, making them a smart economic choice for items requiring frequent access or maintenance. APM Hexseal designs and manufactures a wide range of sealing solutions to suit the unique needs of clients including circuit breaker boots, Seelbolts®, Seelnuts®, and Seelskrews®, Seeloc® washers, as well as toggle, pushbutton, and rocker boots.


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The basic principles of screw threads Here Dr Bill Eccles of Bolt Science looks at the basic principles of screw threads, including the tolerances and allowances that are applied, as well as the problems associated with this.


he basic profile is the theoretical profile of the thread. An essential principle is that the actual profiles of both the nut and bolt threads must never cross or transgress the theoretical profile. So, bolt threads will always be equal to, or smaller than, the dimensions of the basic profile. Nut threads will always be equal to, or greater than, the basic profile. To ensure this in practice, tolerances and allowances are applied to the basic profile.

Tolerancing of screw threads

Tolerancing of screw threads is complicated by the complex geometric nature of the screw thread form. Clearances must be applied to the basic profile of the threads in order for a bolt thread to be screwed into a nut thread. For the thread to be made practically there must be tolerances applied to the main thread elements. Usually nut threads have a tolerance applied to the basic profile so that it is theoretically possible for the nut thread profile to be equal to the theoretical profile. Bolt threads usually have a gap between the basic and actual thread profiles. This gap is called the allowance with inch-based threads and the fundamental deviation with metric threads. The tolerance is subsequently applied to the thread. Since for coated threads the tolerances apply to threads before coating (unless otherwise stated), the gap is taken up by the coating thickness. After coating, the actual thread profile must not transgress the basic profile of the thread. A full designation for a metric thread includes information not only on the thread diameter and pitch but also a designation for the thread tolerance class. For example a thread designated as M12 x 1 – 5g6g indicates that the thread has a nominal diameter of 12mm and a pitch of 1mm. The 5g indicates the tolerance class for the pitch diameter and 6g is the tolerance class for the major diameter. A fit between threaded parts is indicated by the nut thread tolerance designation followed by the bolt thread tolerance designation separated by a slash. For example: M12 x 1 – 6H/5g6g indicates a tolerance class of 6H for the nut (female) thread and a 5g tolerance class for the pitch diameter with a 6g tolerance class for the major diameter. A tolerance class is made up of two parts, a tolerance grade and a tolerance position. A number of tolerance grades have been established for the pitch and crest diameters (the crest diameter is the minor diameter in the case of a nut thread and the major diameter in the case of a bolt thread). Tolerance grades are represented by numbers, the lower the number the smaller the tolerance. Grade 6 is used for a medium tolerance quality and a normal length of thread engagement. Grades lower than 6 are intended for fine tolerance quality

and/or short lengths of thread engagement. Grades higher than 6 are intended for coarse tolerance quality and/or long lengths of thread engagement. There are: 5 tolerance grades (Grades 4 to 8) available for the minor diameter of the nut thread. 3 tolerance grades (Grades 4,6 and 8) for the major diameter of the bolt thread. 5 tolerance grades (Grades 4 to 8) for the pitch diameter tolerance of the nut thread. 7 tolerance grades (Grades 3 to 9) for the pitch diameter tolerance of the bolt thread. For nut threads there are two tolerance positions, H with a zero fundamental deviation (distance of the tolerance position from the basic size) and G with a positive fundamental deviation. For bolt threads there are four tolerance positions, ‘h’ has a zero fundamental deviation and ‘e’, ‘f’, and ‘g’ negative fundamental deviations. A positive fundamental deviation indicates that the size for the thread element will be larger than the basic size. A negative fundamental deviation indicates that the size for the thread element will be smaller than the basic size. One practical problem that is often encountered is what thread tolerance to apply to a tapped hole. The standard tolerance classes of 6g for the bolt thread and 6H for the nut thread are typically included on a drawing as default. A problem that sometimes occurs is that on long thread engagements (that are frequently used for tapped holes in soft materials) there can be an interference between the nut thread and the screw thread as the screw is rotated into the tapped hole. There can be a slight mismatch in the thread pitch between the internal thread and the external thread necessitating a wrench to rotate the fastener to the bottom of the thread – i.e it can’t be freely rotated. The standard tolerance classes apply strictly only when a relatively short length of engagement is used (such as with a nut which is typically 0.8d where d is the thread size). The pitch diameter tolerance must be able to accommodate pitch and flank angle errors, which can sometimes only be done by changing the tolerance position say from a ‘H’ to a ‘G’ for the internal thread (since standard screws – 6g – are wished to be used). Failure to change the tolerance position can result in thread seizure and damage especially if high speed tools are being used for the tightening process.

...the actual profiles of both the nut and bolt threads must never cross...”






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Everything from a single source Today’s global economy is in a constant state of change and processes are continuously being optimised. For small and large companies, the focus on sustainability and digitalisation is having an ever greater impact on B2B and B2C business worldwide. With its newly launched online store, IVOSTUD says it is part of this change.


t the end of last year, the welding stud division and the end customer business of the traditional German company OBTEC were acquired by IVOSTUD. This suddenly offered the company a wide range of new opportunities. On the one hand, the product range expanded many times over and on the other hand, it also created potentially new opportunities for action, which those responsible at IVOSTUD were able to plan for. The vision was clear in advance – to be prepared for the future and thus to rely increasingly on digitisation; to optimise processes in order to remain capable of acting in an ecologically valuable way; and to be able to reduce administrative processes. How can this vision be implemented? What steps need to be taken in order to be able to offer sustainable added value? Both for international industrial customers and for the company itself? The focus is on developing a shop that offers customers a very clear advantage over other ordering options – an individualised, digital, fast and secure way to place needs-based orders for IVOSTUD industrial products – and to receive them directly from the manufacturer without any detours. Precisely due to the fact that the demand for standard and catalogue items in industry is many times higher than in the automotive sector (which IVOSTUD had previously supplied for many years as one of the leading manufacturers), the decision to develop the store was organic. What aspects ultimately spoke in favour of the decision to develop a shop with which customers can obtain desired products directly from the manufacturer? The first reason is the reduction of administrative procedures that had to be processed for each previous order. The second reason is perhaps the most decisive – the organisation of any order was always associated with a sometimes considerable amount of time. All this will be eliminated by the digital IVOSTUD store. Processes are simplified, the administrative handling of the individual steps to be taken is eliminated, and shipping can take place quickly and reliably.

Overcoming challenges

Of course, the implementation of the IVOSTUD store will not be without challenges. Attention must be paid to the development


of online connections of all relevant data of products and delivery inventories, as well as accurate and timely display. ‘Real time’ mapping of all stock levels must also be ensured. By means of precise and long-term planning, complications will be considered in advance and can be avoided. The most interesting question, however, is – what will the ordering process in the store look like? Even before the actual order is placed, each customer will receive an individual price and discount list, which will be sent to them together with an access code. With this code, the customer can log into the store and view all IVOSTUD products. Depending on their needs, the inventory is queried in a further step. The last two steps refer to the order, with the information from the price list sent to them, the customer can place the order in the system, after which the order will be delivered to them within the next 24 hours – 48 hours. Of course, it may happen that special designs are requested by the manufacturer that are not shown in the IVOSTUD store. For these cases, there will be a central contact person who can advise customers regarding these issues and provide assistance. In this instance, a complete overview of the IVOSTUD products and catalogue contents can be provided. “Even before the store will be ready, IVOSTUD offers intensive advice regarding all items – with customers able to receive a comprehensive product catalogue. Individual industrial articles can also be obtained from IVOSTUD’s stock. The vision of the IVOSTUD store offers diverse and decisive advantages. In the first place, time saving is a factor – a fundamental added value for both the company and the customer. All offered articles are quickly available, in addition, previously necessary administrative processes are eliminated,” explains Andreas Wiggerich, global commercial director at IVOSTUD. “The fact that orders can be placed regardless of working hours and all items can be queried individually is also an obvious positive factor.” For IVOSTUD it is clear that the implementation of the store will increase international competitiveness. The measures taken not only ensure an enormous reduction in costs but also provides fast, reliable deliveries of items and more intensive digital communication between companies. It can be assumed that digital stores will be the norm of the future of industry – individual, reliable and digital.


TAPTITE® working to reduce vehicle weight Many manufacturers can experience assembly problems with high hardness materials, including being too hard and thin to use a thread forming screw – resulting in a weld nut not being able to be effectively attached. REMINC has therefore worked with nut suppliers to make self-piercing clinch nuts compatible for use with TAPTITE 2000® and TAPTITE PRO® CORFLEX®-I™ thread rolling fasteners.


he automotive industry has utilised several technologies and materials to reduce vehicle weight in both conventional internal combustion engine and electric powered vehicles. The use of aluminium and magnesium has provided lightweight solutions in some applications. However, there are several areas where the use of steel sheets is still preferred due to the increased mass and size required for aluminium and magnesium components to attain the equivalent strength of steel. Therefore, automotive assemblers often prefer to use self-piercing clinch nuts, particularly when a structural joint is required. Advancements in sheet steel composition have produced high strength low alloy (HSLA) and ultra high strength low alloy (UHSLA) sheet steels. These grades are being used more extensively today as they help vehicle assemblers achieve their weight reduction goals. The higher strength steel grades not only allow for thinner sections to be used but also reduce weight while not increasing mass. Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc (REMINC) and its sister company, CONTI Fasteners AG, have therefore worked with some nut suppliers to make the self-piercing clinch nuts compatible for use with TAPTITE 2000® and TAPTITE PRO® CORFLEX®-I™ thread rolling fasteners. The nut’s plain bore hole size and length of engagement are optimised so that grade strength Class 10 bolts can be driven into them creating a joint that meets Class 10 strength levels.

Bulten wins new electric vehicle FSP contract Bulten has signed an FSP (Full Service Provider) contract for the supply of fasteners for a new European electric vehicle programme with a global automotive manufacturer – an existing customer of the company. The contract value is approximately SEK 75 million (approximately €7.18 million) annually at full capacity. arkus Baum, chief commercial officer of Bulten, explains: “We are pleased to gain renewed confidence from an existing customer. It is through our knowledge and experience as a fastener manufacturer and FSP provider, together with a strong sustainability offer, that makes this possible.” Bulten will deliver ‘best in class’ levels of innovative sustainable solutions and work with this customer to achieve as low carbon footprint as possible for the products delivered to this programme. Deliveries to the programme are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023, and to reach full capacity in the second quarter of 2024. The new vehicle programme has an expected lifecycle of seven years.



REMINC comments: “The combination of TAPTITE® thread rolling screws and clinch nuts has been popular in the assembly of automotive vehicle seats. Seat assembly is an application where weight savings must be achieved without increasing mass – so the seat design remains compact.” These fasteners are also typically used in chassis and ‘body in white’ applications, with the latter typically requiring several fastening sites that usually become coated with eCoat and primer. Pre threaded nuts, when filled with eCoat, create the possibility of the joint having eCoat remaining between the machine screw and the internal thread. REMINC suggests this can be avoided by driving a TAPTITE® screw into a plain bore hole where the screw will push the eCoat out through the end of the nut during thread forming.

RIVKLE® solutions for electric vehicle battery packs Battery packs in electric vehicles must be sealed to protect the internal components from external damage and protect the exterior from the risk of toxic fumes in the event of failure. Böllhoff has therefore developed the RIVKLE® range of blind rivet nuts and studs with integrated and captive sealing function for battery pack applications.


hen using the RIVKLE® range, the resulting assembly is robust and fluid tight. The entire range also meets the most stringent sealing quality requirements, including ISO 20653, IPX7 and automotive quality requirements. In combination with Böllhoff’s automatic setting tools, the range is optimised in terms of cost and speed of installation, with an unprecedented level of validation of the quality of the implemented product.

Blind Rivets Aluminium Steel Stainless Steel Wood Screws Stainless Steel(A2/A4) Bi-Metal Self-drilling Screws Stainless Steel (A2/A4) Decking Screws Stainless Steel (A2/A4)


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PRODUCTS + tools THE LAtest product and technology developments SECURITY SCREWS FEATURE

How to protect high asset equipment Security tamper-proof sealing screws are vital for securing systems in public or private environments. These screws seal out a wide range of contaminants from entering and damaging equipment – while keeping systems secure from tampering and vandalism. They also prevent leakage of toxins into the environment.


hile they may resemble regular screws, security tamper-proof seal screws have a distinct drive style that requires a specialised tool to unlock, effectively deterring both tampering and vandalism, and they are engineered with a 360 degree rubber O-ring that powerfully protects against seepage – in or out of equipment. Security tamper-proof sealing screws are highly specialised and US-based ZAGO Manufacturing Co has 28 years of experience in the high-tech sealing fastener sector – providing sealing solutions for a variety of industries including military and aerospace.

ZAGO sealing technology

ZAGO high-tech sealing screws, including tamper-proof screws, are engineered with a groove under the head of the screw that when combined with a rubber O-ring and tightened, squeezes outwardly to form a 360 degree hermetic seal. Once the screw is torqued, the O-ring will not break or crack, and is impervious to contaminants, such as liquids, moisture, oil, disinfectants, precipitation, and dust, that may seep into and either


damage or destroy machinery and leak out and harm the environment. A comparison of a standard torque screw and a more secure sealing version of the torque screw (pictured, right) indicates how adding ZAGO’s sealing technology can prevent unauthorised removal, the pin in the centre of the drive makes original tools obsolete, and how a rubber O-ring forms a 360 degree leak-proof hermetic seal. Security tamper-proof seal screws are used in sensitive applications and a wide range of industries, including machinery or devices equipped with sensors. Take LiDAR – the technology used in autonomous vehicles, industrial and professional service robots and co-bots, and drones (aerial, ground and underwater) – as an example. These sophisticated systems are equipped with tiny sensors capable of capturing, storing and transmitting troves of sensitive data. While this data is a competitive advantage for OEMs; safeguarding the sensors that capture data is paramount – whether from physical disruption or cyberattacks. Security tamper-proof seal screws are a sound, cost-effective investment. They can help OEMs avoid system failures and extra operational costs due to breaches, increased vandalism, extra maintenance and repairs, material sourcing, inadequate reliability, and reduced functionality. They can also help protect a company’s reputation.

Security tamper-proof seal screws are used in sensitive applications and a wide range of industries…”

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Wiha presents compact PocketMax® family Multitool fastening tools are popular among professionals, especially for mobile assignments as they mean only one tool needs to be carried instead of several individual screwdrivers. Wiha is now expanding its product range with the new PocketMax® screwdrivers with bit depot in the electric and magnetic versions.


ith their compact small size and light weight, the new PocketMax® screwdrivers fit into every shirt or trouser pocket and can be flexibly used for many fastening and application situations. Safely tucked away in the screwdriver handle, the bit depot includes either eight popular standard bits in the magnetic version or four slimBits in the insulated electric version for professional electricians. Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH states with the magnetic opening and shut function, the bit depot can very easily be opened, clearly presenting the bits for withdrawal. During closing, the bit depot easily glides back into the shaft and closes again by itself. The twistable cap also allows convenient handling during the tightening process. The insulated electric variation guarantees maximum safety, as the included slimBits are certified according to the international standard IEC 60900; individually tested at 10,000V AC; and approved up to 1,000V AC. The slender 75mm slimBits ensure perfect access to low lying screws or spring clips thanks to protective insulation fully integrated into bits in the front section.


Robotiq automates screwdriving applications Robotiq has launched a screwdriving solution designed for manufacturers looking to automate screwdriving applications – eliminating the need for expensive, complicated custom designed solutions.


atherine Leclerc, product owner at Robotiq Inc, explains: “Screwdriving is a dull and repetitive task that often leads to fastening inconsistencies and stress injuries. Lots of manufacturers want to automate this application, but can’t find a solution that works for today’s manufacturing reality – one where products are constantly evolving and manufactured in small, high mix batches. Manufacturers need an ultra-flexible solution that can be ordered off the shelf, deployed by staff on-site, and adapted to daily production needs. They need all that without a massive upfront investment.” The Robotiq screwdriving solution enables five minute changeovers, so manufacturers can produce multiple products per assembly line. Plus, Robotiq says, it’s affordable and easy to deploy. With the screwdriver controlled directly from the teach pendant, and built-in programming and error proofing intelligence embedded in the pick and screwdriving nodes, automating this task has never been easier. “Getting separate components to communicate together is a complex task for the end user, so making it seamless was our top priority. The patented Screw Feeder will also resonate with the cobot (collaborative robot) market because it’s entirely adaptable. Within one minute, you can adjust the feeder to fit another type of screw and you’re good to go.” The screwdriving solution provides precision fastening to torques of 1Nm – 4Nm. It also has error proofing features for uninterrupted screwdriving, such as screw presence detection, torque control, and position monitoring.


As a pioneer in the UR+ ecosystem, Robotiq continues its tradition of high-quality products. This includes the screwdriving URCap software that lets users program many different screw fastening processes in just a few minutes. “Designed to keep up with frequent changeovers, reach tight spaces, and deliver a quick ROI, the Robotiq screwdriving solution is one of the most elaborate and innovative products we’ve built so far,” comments Jean-Philippe Jobin, CTO and co-founder at Robotiq. “While it’s fairly easy to fasten small screws manually, it’s much harder to automate. We’ve managed to simplify that process for the end user. After a pandemic year and the resulting changes, this is the perfect time to introduce a solution that will help factories automate better and faster, elevate their workforces, and free human hands from repetitive tasks.”


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Screwdrivers with angle head


Kolver’s KBL30FR/ANG and KBL40FR/ANG screwdrivers are now available with new angle heads, making it easier to adjust the screwdriver’s torque – the user can easily turn the screwdriver’s clutch with no need to remove the angle head.

ngle heads are ideal for demanding applications where accessibility is a critical factor. As part of Kolver Srl’s KBL screwdriver range, the tools also feature state of the art brushless motors, which the company explains makes them the perfect solution for clean room applications. Kolver is also able to supply electric right angle screwdrivers and nutrunners, which can be used for easy access in hard to reach applications. They offer low noise and vibrations, for minimum reaction torque to the operator even at high torque level. The FAB and RAF series are available with a wide torque range, with different speeds for different assembly requirements. Another feature is the electronic control circuit of the electric screwdriver’s control unit, which cuts the power supply to the motor in response to the clutch action as soon as the pre-set torque is reached. Standard with ESD-safe housing, lever start models are also compatible with the ANG HD8 angle head (for FAB screwdrivers) and ANG HD9 (for RAF screwdrivers).


New HVAC flip socket driver provides versatility Klein Tools has introduced a new addition to its line-up of flip socket drivers with the ‘14 in 1’ HVAC adjustable length screwdriver with flip socket, featuring the most commonly used HVAC driver bits and nut drivers in one tool.


he adjustable length impact screwdriver with flip socket, catalogue number 32304, includes ¼ inch and 5/16 nut drivers with twelve driver bits also conveniently housed in the handle. The adjustable socket driver also features a powerful ‘Rare-Earth’ magnet, which securely holds bits and hex head fasteners. The new tool is also precision machined and heat treated for long life. Ideal for use in tight spaces, low clearance and long reach applications, the multi-function ¼ inch socket has both shallow (driver) and deep (screwdriver bit holder) configuration for added versatility. “HVAC professionals require a wide variety of driver tools each day and it is inconvenient to switch between tools when working in tight and confined spaces,” says Austin Minor, senior product manager at Klein Tools Inc. “Klein’s new ‘14 in 1’ HVAC driver provides HVAC professionals with the most common screwdriver and nut bits used on the job, saving time by eliminating the need to constantly switch between tools. The variety of bits paired with the ability to be used with a handle or an impact driver adds to the versatility and usefulness of this tool.”


Stafa launches LogiBin® Stafa’s new LogiBin®, an innovative logistic bin system, helps optimise supply chains to ensure that there are always enough fasteners in stock, without requiring a lot of space.


ased on Kanban, LogiBin® is ideal for manufacturing companies in particular – giving employees on the floor direct insight into the status of an item via the RFID scan panel. Through the use of RFID technology, keeping track of the stock on location is managed efficiently. Both the people on the work floor and those in the purchasing department have direct insight into the products ordered and their status. This provides clear insights and less unnecessary communication internally. “During development, we listened carefully to improvement suggestions from users of similar systems. We have incorporated these into LogiBin®, with which we have made a great leap forward in the provision of information for our customers,” comments Stafa Group B.V.


New fischer FGW 90F fastening tool fischer highlights its new FGW 90F fastening tool allows nails to be processed quickly, safely and easily in wood and can set up to three fastenings per second, more than 1,100 fastenings per fuel cell, as well as 8,000 fastenings per battery charge.


ith a weight of 3.8kg and compact dimensions (390mm length x 108mm width x 381mm height), the FGW 90F is comfortable to grip and features a pressure loaded magazine that can be quickly and easily loaded with up to 60 nails. A safety clip also prevents nails from falling out, making it safe to reinsert them. Thanks to the high grip nose and a setting energy of 90 joules, nails can be set at precisely the right location and in every direction, which also makes overhead installation easy. The new tool is also suitable for a variety of ring and smooth shank nails in lengths of 50mm to 90mm. Both D-shaped and round head nails can also be processed. This flexibility enables applications in solid wood, glued wood, plywood, chipboard, fibreboard and veneer materials. A small wheel that sets the embedment depth offers tradespeople a choice to place nails either flush or fully embedded. A protective cover can also be attached during placement to prevent any pressure marks during applications in visible areas. The fastening tool works in a temperature range of -7°C to +50°C. The fuel cells and lithium-ion battery make the fastening tool economical to work with. Plus, the LED status display gives users a continuous overview of the tool’s remaining battery power and status, which allows standstills on the construction site to be prevented. If the battery runs out, a ten minute charge is sufficient to place at least another 300 nails.

STEVENS Bikes use QUICKLOC fasteners Böllhoff points out that its quick release fasteners, QUICKLOC®, have been used by German bike manufacturer STEVENS Bikes throughout its production. uring production of its e bike E Cayolle, STEVENS Bikes states it relies on Böllhoff QUICKLOC® light quick release fasteners, installing approximately 10,000 fasteners annually. QUICKLOC® are used to attach the new frame integrated battery compartment and to permanently absorb vibrations that might occur when using the e bike. Multiple opening and closing are also possible with the QUICKLOC® fasteners, making them ideal for easy opening of the


battery compartment in the event of maintenance or a battery change. “Joint solutions play an important role in today’s industry, which is mainly characterised by the aim to strive for economic efficiency and productivity,” explains Böllhoff. “High maintenance components require easy accessibility, for example, panelling parts call for a design oriented function element and housings of protective devices for captive fasteners. For this, and other requirements in fastening technology, our quick releases and high performance QUICKLOC® fasteners are ideal.”




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DEWALT introduces two new drills DEWALT has introduced two new drills – the DCD800 and DCD805 – for work in confined, hard to reach areas – without sacrificing performance. Each drill’s high output brushless motor also provides users with up to 40% more unit watts, in a compact design boasting a tool head that is ½ inch shorter in length.


ngineered for optimal speed, control and precision, the drills feature a high-speed transmission using a variable trigger and two speed settings, as well as high bit retention with a ½ inch metal ratcheting chuck. The 20V MAX* XR® brushless ½ inch drill/driver (DCD800) completes a wide range of drilling jobs with up to 2,000rpm in second speed when drilling into construction materials. The 20V MAX* XR® brushless ½ inch hammer drill/driver (DCD805) quickly drills into masonry material with up to 34,000bpm through an integrated hammer mode function. Brandon Stumpf, senior product manager, at Stanley Black & Decker, comments: “DEWALT is committed to delivering new, innovative solutions that meet the demands of those in the construction industry and the trades. The upgrades to these latest DEWALT drills reflect our promise to our users to make even the most essential tools more powerful and ergonomic, ultimately contributing to more productive job sites.”

Each drill features an adjustable three positions; three mode LED light producing up to 70 lumens to enhance visibility, including LED spotlight mode; as well as a twenty minute shut off function allowing for extended work time in dimly lit work areas. The tools also accept the Tool Connect™ chip that syncs with the Tool Connect™ Site Manager App for seamless worksite asset management.

i.FIT – the customised assembly aid The customised i.FIT assembly aid, innovated by i.GLUESYSTEMS, is a unique time and effort saving solution that efficiently simplifies recurring assembly processes – giving fitters an assembly system to guide them with installations.


eveloped according to customers’ requirements, the i.FIT mounting system is also supplied with the fast curing cyanoacrylate adhesive i.FAST. The adhesive, building up a high-level of initial adhesion within the first 60 seconds after applying and curing through within 10 – 15 minutes, is delivered in a user-friendly and convenient, multiple handling glue syringe. “Our innovative cyanoacrylate adhesive i.FAST is extremely effective in diverse applications from sanitary, hygiene, to prefabrication and modelling. Therefore, the i.FAST with our complementary i.FIT system altogether is a ‘must have’ kit. It not only saves time and effort but also ensures customer satisfaction at the highest level,” comments i.GLUESYSTEMS GmbH. “We strongly believe in a customer first attitude. i.FAST takes away the need to carry heavy machines, as well as purchase expensive tools such as a diamond drill, drill, and vacuum cleaner, and gives a low noise assembly.” i.FAST features gap filling up to 5mm, high resilience and is also available in label-free packaging. The adhesive is also removable, leaving no residues on the application surface.

Launching i.SEAL i.GLUESYSTEMS is also getting ready to launch i.SEAL, a silicone-free sealant series, that ensures a mold-free application surface, no cracking, no fear for yellowing, brilliant water resistance, as well as good adhesion to numerous substrates. The sealant is available in all colours.

5/2 rivet nuts technical catalogue now online Rivit’s new technical catalogue – 5/2 rivet nuts – is now available online, illustrating its range in steel, stainless steel, aluminium, with round, countersunk and reduced head, as well as cage nuts, U-nuts and weld nuts and all the tools for their installation.


ncluded in the new 5/2 catalogue are FREPT, rivet nuts with semi-hexagonal shank and reduced head, ITC-Z and IRC-Z A4 – open knurled cylindrical shank rivet nuts – in AISI316 stainless steel, as well as Largeriv – open cylindrical or hexagonal rivet nuts with large head and surface treatment that guarantees superior resistance to saline mists. The Rivbolt BFTC-Z is also included, which enriches the range of cylindrical and hexagonal steel and stainless steel rivet nuts. The second part of the catalogue is dedicated to riveters and Rivit Srl’s comprehensive programme of tools to install rivets nuts. Highlights of this section are the new RIV799 battery hexcutter for rivet nuts M5 – M8; the automatic systems RIV616 and RIV626 for Rivbolt; and the Basic, Master, and Slave versions of the CONTROLRIV control system.



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Grounding screw provides conductive connection DIRAK has developed new grounding countersunk screws with segment cutting edge and scraping tooth, allowing for electrical and mechanical contact with metallic base materials without extensively pretreating them.


otential equalisation is generally used to protect persons and equipment against electric shocks due to overvoltage. However, painted or powder coated metallic base materials cannot be used without pretreatment of the points that connect into the potential equalisation. If conventional fastening elements are used, the upper layer of the contact surface must first be removed or kept free of paint. DIRAK GmbH points out its new grounding countersunk screw eliminates this time and cost intensive step. Georg Hübner, senior product trainer at DIRAK, explains: “The advancement of the segment cutting edge and scraping tooth under the screw head allows for electrical and mechanical contact with metallic base materials without extensively pretreating them. The grounding countersunk screws establish potential equalisation either in a counterbore or in a cylindrical borehole.” In a counterbore the segment cutting edge is responsible for the electrical contact with the metallic base material. “The double-sided design of the segment cutting edge guarantees reliable potential equalisation. Cutting through the layer of paint up to a maximum 170µm does not produce any paint chips,” explains Georg Hübner. The segment cutting edge and scratch tooth increase the underhead friction in both a counterbore and a cylindrical bore, thereby improving the protection of the screw against coming loose in the connection. In a cylindrical bore the double-sided scraping teeth, which are offset by 90°, are responsible for ensuring reliable potential equalisation on the edge of the metal sheet. As the screw is turned in, they scratch the painted edge of the hole free to a maximum depth of 170μm and thus make electrical contact with the metal. The purpose of the segment cutting edge is to centre the screw in the hole. DIRAK offers the M6 x 12 grounding countersunk screw with a standardised metric thread and in a second variant with a metric self-tapping thread. “This screw cuts its own thread in a borehole. It is designed with a slightly conical structure to make it easier to find the borehole and centre the screw in it.” Both variants are tested in accordance with DIN EN 61439-1 (VDE 0660 part 600): 2012-06 ‘Low Voltage Switchgear Combinations’.

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Online Product Guide:


Adhesives for high temperatures WEICON has developed the WEICON Easy-Mix HT 250 adhesive with a very high temperature resistance, especially suitable for applications in the field of powder coating.


vailable now, this two component epoxy resin system has a high temperature resistance up to +200°C and can withstand temperatures up to +250°C for a short period of time. The system shows high thermal conductivity and keeps over 80% of its strength even at constantly high temperatures. This allows users to bond components that are thermo-coated (powder coated) after full cure. The expoxy resin adhesive has a long pot life of 150 minutes, cures at room temperature and can be mechanically processed after curing. Plus, it shows high resistance to aggressive substances, such as hot and cold water, engine oil and glycol. This new adhesive from WEICON GmbH & Co KG can be used in powder coating, metal construction, lightweight construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, and many other areas of industry.

TR launches range of compression limiters TR Fastenings’ latest product launch of compression limiters has been developed to meet the growing global demand from multi-sector manufacturers developing products using plastics – particularly for electric vehicles (EVs). ompression limiters reduce the stress that’s generated by traditional threaded fasteners. Demand has mainly been driven by the automotive sector, as well as applications in the energy and general industrial sectors – where high load bearing plastic components are used. Compression limiters are used extensively in composites and plastic mouldings, as through holes help reduce the stress generated by conventional fasteners. These non-threaded inserts are commonly used in applications where a compressive load is applied to a plastic assembly to prevent the integrity of the plastic being compromised. Applications these products are used in include electric vehicles and the battery housings. As technological advances continue, so does the need to continually develop the primary components that make up an electric vehicle. Newly created giga factories and battery housing manufacturers in Europe, Asia and North America will be looking to include these products in many upcoming automotive research and development projects and with a global presence, TR Fastenings is


ideally positioned to meet this demand, whilst also providing technical and design assistance. TR’s experience over the last few years is that many of these are designed in specials and required in high volume. There are a number of different types and as a guide the TR’s compression limiter range consists of symmetrical, flanged, split seam and oval manufactured from steel, stainless, brass and aluminium. “As we head towards 2030 and net zero, there will be greater technical requirements from the automotive industry as it continues to boom. The need for joint strength and integrity will remain a critical requirement as manufacturers work flat out to launch new zero emission electric vehicle models,” comments TR. “Although the fundamental technologies behind electric vehicles have been around for years, it’s only recently that these have come together to produce the EVs that are now available. As changes in mobility are changing the industry at pace, component manufacturers such as TR are leading the way in the design, development and supply of fasteners for plastic.”

ABB self-aligning clips ABB highlights it is able to provide a range of solutions through its E-Klips® collection, that offering a quick, easy and reliable method of fixing surfaces to steelwork without the need for bracket making, drilling holes or the use of nuts and bolts – including its new purlin clip.


ike all E-Klips®, the purlin clip is quick and simple to install and comes in a range to suit purlins from 1.5mm – 7mm thick and threaded rod sizes M8 and M10. The clips are also equipped with a Z600+ coating for corrosion resistance. The self-aligning purlin clip for threaded rod is designed for hanging threaded dropper rod from steel purlins. ABB states that, unlike other clips, this unique design allows the threaded dropper rod to automatically align itself vertically, therefore removing the chance of misapplication, which can arise when using fixed or rigid clips. E-Klips® spring steel fasteners have been manufactured in the UK for over 35 years, providing a flexible and easy to use fixing solution for a wide range of applications.


New BRALO battery riveting tool BRALO has introduced the new BT-20 professional battery riveting tool, which can set a wide range of rivets and has been designed for the most demanding applications in the market.


he BT-20 battery riveter has capacity for standard, Versagrip, Hardrip, Hardlock, G-bra, Structural and S-Trevol rivets from 2.4mm to 7.8mm, which BRALO points out makes it ideal for assembly lines and professional environments, and also for those applications where portability and performance are a must. The tool is designed for the most demanding industries, which require high durability of the riveting tool and reliability in their parts. The riveter also combines portability and reliability, thus adapting to the needs of customers. It features high-speed and power for high-level professional work, as well as a high durability and ergonomic design to provide greater user comfort. The BT-20 also features a stroke of 25mm; a work pressure of 19,600N; a long-lasting brushless motor; and is fitted with an LED light for better visibility. More than 40 nosepieces to cover all customer needs – such as retaining nozzles, long nozzles and façade nozzles– also feature, along with a transparent mandrel collector for quick emptying. BRALO S.A offers solutions in fastening systems and is characterised by being a company of technological innovation, as well as offering a customised service. Offering a wide range of rivets with twelve categories, five families of nuts and a wide variety of special parts and riveting tools, BRALO’s quality standards are based on ISO 9001 and IATF-16949, as well as ISO 14001. “At BRALO we work together with the customer for the customised design of special stamping parts, where we offer different materials, sizes and finishes to achieve the ideal product,” comments the company.












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ADVERTISER’S INDEX 3 Star Rivet ....................................................... 165 310 Express........................................................ 176 Abbey Clamps......................................................15 Achilles................................................................... 11 Acton.....................................................................141 Advance Spares................................................161 Aichelin Holding GmbH............................... 129 Albert Pasvahl......................................................9 Alloy & Stainless Fasteners ....................... 180 Ambrovit...............................................................13 Anchor Fasteners Industrial....................... 86 Apex...................................................................... 159 APM Hexseal..................................................... 159 Aramfix................................................................. 59 ARK..........................................................................53 Arma Baglanti....................................................76 Astrotech Steels Private Limited............. 137 Atotech.................................................................131 Avon Stainless Fasteners Ltd.....................177 Bass GmbH..........................................................114 Beijing Jinzhaobo High Strength Fasteners.......................................167 Bendfast.............................................................. 180 Berardi Fasteners............................................. 25 Berdan Bolt...........................................................75 Birlik Baglanti Elemanlari San....................77 Bonfatti Filettature.........................................161 Bossong..................................................................91 Bralo........................................................................21 Brighton Best International....................... 179 Bülte.......................................................................167 CAN-ENG.............................................................121 Carlo Salvi............................................................ 97 CEIA....................................................................... 111 Celo...........................................................................19 Cermac Srl......................................................... 136

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Instron................................................................. 133 Jiangsu Yongyi Fastener Co ........................ 33 Jiaxing Kinfast Hardware Co Ltd.............. 93 Johan Smit......................................................... 143 Joker Industrial Co. Ltd................................. 93 Jubliee clips (L Robinson & Co)................. 157 Kaleliler Baglanti.............................................. 79 Karter.................................................................. 109 Kinfast Hardware (Shenzhen) Ltd............ 94 Klimas.....................................................................87 Lederer........................................................... 20, 22 Lesjöfors AB...................................................... 172 London Screw .....................................................57 Manassero & C. Srl..........................................118 Mayes & Warwick............................................114 MEAPFORNI Srl............................................... 106 Mecavit.................................................................. 29 Merlin Business Software Ltd................... 143 National Machinery...................................... 105 ND Industries............................................ 4, 5, 27 Ningbo Londex....................................................35 Nord Lock........................................................... 182 Norm Civata.........................................................67 omnitechnik...................................................... 125 Owlett-Jaton....................................................1, 17 Pinstructure........................................................15 Puehl....................................................................... 23 Remaches Factory Srl..................................... 60 Remaches Tudela............................................ 145 Rexlen Corp........................................................147 RFKS........................................................................41 Rivit.......................................................................181 RLS......................................................................... 111 RMZ....................................................................... 163 Rosmil Industrial S.A.....................................113 S.M.T Srl.............................................................. 135

Sacma.................................................................... 99 San Shing .......................................................... 107 Saspi Talleres.................................................... 109 Scell It ..................................................................175 Schaefer+Peters.............................................. 145 Schnorr................................................................. 66 Schroeder Schrauben....................................161 Schwer+Kopka................................................. 129 SD Products....................................................... 173 Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corporation....177 Sheh Kai.................................................................51 Sipa..........................................................................61 Smith Bullough................................................ 169 Soling Impact SL.............................................. 111 Specialinsert .................................................... 153 Spirol Industries.............................................. 149 Sumar OU............................................................141 Tecfi..........................................................................85 Tecno Impianti..................................................116 Teknoform............................................................ 83 Teudelhoff........................................................... 123 The Insert Company...................................... 145 titibi........................................................................ 65 TLM........................................................................121 UBK..........................................................................57 Videx......................................................................119 Vizcaina de Industria y Comercio (Vinco)....25 Wafios....................................................................115 Wan Iuan Enterprise Co Ltd....................... 127 WPI Services B.V...............................................113 WT Wintech As................................................. 173 WTI.........................................................................167 Yuyao Alfirste Hardware Co Ltd................ 89 Zago...................................................................... 157

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