Fastener + Fixing Magazine #45

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Sam Brown, Warehouse Manager – Fastbolt UK

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Welcome to the new way of navigating around this bumper packed issue... Spanish Perspectives... pages 42, 46, 48

CONTENTS NEWS Europe and World . . . . . . . . . 6-20 Asia - special Vietnam insight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 North America . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 COVER STORY Coating the world . . . . . . . . 30-31

Exhibitions... Pages 32, 48, 66, 80

Fastener Fair Stuttgart Pages 63-65

EXHIBITIONS FASTTEC - Moscow . . . . . . 32-36 Ferroforma - Bilbao . . . . . . 48-50 Fastener Fair - Stuttgart . . 63-65 IFE '07 - Cleveland . . . . . . . 66-70 National Fastener Show East, Augusta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 FastenerTech, Chicago . . . . . . . 80 INSIGHT Dedicated to the distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-40 Reaching the summit of rivetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-44 Clamping the Spanish market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Shaking up the lock nut market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83 Maryn Price new ranges . . . . 110 CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS The seismology of fixings . 52-56 Fixings News . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-60

Construction Fixings Pages 52-60

MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Thread rolling technology . 72-74 Manufacturing News . . . . . 76-78 CATALOGUE RACK UK & Irish companies. . . . . 84-92 MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS The Reyher art of communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Manufacturing Technology Pages 66-70, 72-78

PRODUCTS Tool Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-109 Fasteners for Plastics . . . . 94-96 Focus on Stainless and Non-Ferrous. . . . . . . 102-103 Applications - NEW SECTION 104 Product News . . . . . . . . . 112-125 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISERS INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

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EDITORIAL Fastener & Fixing Europe

Navigating our pages As you will have noticed, there are some changes to our contents page this issue. We have a few other developments up our sleeve for the next issue too. The main aim, to steal a web expression, is to make it easier for you to ‘navigate’ our pages. As the magazine has grown we have worked to cover all aspects of the industry – news from across the world, construction fixings, manufacturing technology, technical, tools …the list goes on. While, naturally, we don’t want to put anyone off from dipping into articles throughout the magazine, we’re conscious that’s a bit more of a leisurely activity and there is a need for readers to be able to quickly identify the sections relevant to them.

18 Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 OJJ, UK Tel: 0044 (0) 1727 739 150 Fax: 0044 (0) 1727 831 033 By Phil Matten

Have you gone digital? While we’re on the subject of improvements just a quick reminder that, if you’re fifth or sixth on the office circuit to read the magazine there is now an excellent short cut – in the form of Fastener & Fixing Digital. If you haven’t already taken a look, I thoroughly recommend doing so. It’s not designed to replace your print copy. However, it does mean you can access our pages as soon as they are published. Download it to your own computer and it also means that can build up a fully searchable archive of Fastener & Fixing Europe.

Publisher Jeremy Ramsdale

Editor Phil Matten

Assistant Editor Will Lowry

Advertising Manager Jamie Mitchell

Packing Stuttgart into two days A regular question, wherever I go right now, is “How is Stuttgart going?” As a very interested observer of the build up, my unequivocal answer is extraordinarily well. You’ll find plenty of information in this issue and July will carry an extensive preview. I am convinced, though, that Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2007 will represent a unique and exciting event for the European industry. Which is why I would offer two pieces of advice to everyone planning to visit. The first is to pre-register. It will save you a 20 euros entry fee and, more importantly, ensure you do not need to queue at the door. That leads to the second suggestion – you really will need every minute available to get the best out of the show, so do plan to spend two full days at Stuttgart. As I write there are 380 companies participating, with more bookings expected. That is a whisker away from double the number of exhibitors and approaching three times the floor space compared to 2005. The nature of stainless On a more disturbing note, our lead news story relates to recent independent tests on imported stainless steel fasteners, which manufacturer’s association EIFI have identified as entering Europe. You can read what Dr John Newnham has to say on the subject on page 6. John is a highly qualified and experienced engineer, recently appointed by the Confederation of British Metalforming as their fastener specialist. I have rapidly come to respect for the rigour of his approach to any technical matter and know how thoroughly he has approached this issue before putting pen to paper. He has also obtained clarification from EIFI, at this magazine’s request, that the samples involved were obtained from an importer in Europe and that it is, therefore, reasonable to be concerned that this level of product may be available on the open market. Clearly one dimension of this issue is the continued escalation of the cost of nickel, which shows no signs of abating – see our graph, also on page 6. That, though, cannot detract from real concern that fasteners headmarked or otherwise supplied as complying with European or any other standard should never fall so drastically short of the mark. What, clearly, cannot be known is whether this is the tip of the proverbial iceberg or an isolated incident. For the sake of the whole industry’s reputation it can only be hoped it will prove to be the latter. The industry roller coaster Again on the importing front, the course of EIFI’s campaign to lodge an antidumping complaint relating to carbon-steel fasteners has developed as many twists and turns as the most convoluted roller coaster. No other topic has resulted in so many people contacting me for updates between magazines. Last issue we reported that the complaint had been formally withdrawn but that EIFI remained committed pursuing it. We’ve heard nothing more officially since but word is stirring around the industry, as we go to press, that a revised document may be ready for submission in June. You know which pages to watch for the news.

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

Advertising Executive Harry Whyte

Production Citrusfresh

Fastener & Fixing Europe is a dedicated, trade-only publication which is circulated freely throughout the European trade. Disclaimer The Publisher cannot be held responsible or, in any way, liable for errors or omissions, during input or printing, of any material supplied or contained herein. The Publisher also cannot be held liable for any claims made by advertisers or in contributions from individuals or companies submitted for inclusion within this publication.

Copyright Entire contents copyright © Fastener Fairs Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Annual subscription (6 issues) to non-trade and outside EU is £60/€90

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See us on stand

4. E9 19th-20th September 2007

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Sub-standard stainless bolts entering Europe by Dr John Newnham The EIFI (European Industrial Fastener Institute) Stainless Steel Fasteners Committee has discovered that imports of sub-standard stainless bolts are being made into Europe, and has been so concerned about the possible in-service problems that they have sent a letter of complaint to the European Antifraud Office, requesting action to prevent the continued importation. The letter, signed by Dr Giuseppe Marzorati, the Chairman of the EIFI Stainless Steel Fastener Group, points out the potential corrosion problems that could occur in service with such fasteners. EIFI obtained several batches of imported bolts, and sent samples for chemical analysis to an independent laboratory. All of the bolts had the marking ‘A2 70’ on their heads, to signify compliance with EN ISO 3506 property class A2, at the strength grade 70. The samples were bolts to DIN 919, DIN931 and DIN933 configurations, in the diameter range M8 to M12. A2 stainless is required to have a chromium content in the range 15 to 20% and a nickel content of 8 to 19 %. These two elements are the main ingredients giving corrosion resistance to stainless steel. In the imported bolts obtained by EIFI, the nickel content was in the range 3.17 to 3.30%, instead of having a minimum of 8% as required by the A2 standard. These nickel contents are even below the reduced 5 to 10% range allowed for type A1 stainless fasteners. This will inevitably result in a large reduction in corrosion resistance. The chemical analyses also showed high manganese contents, and the significance of this element is that when nickel is reduced,

manganese needs to be added to ensure the steel remains ‘austenitic’ in structure. The composition of the steels is similar to ‘low-nickel’ manganese austenitic stainless steels developed about 50 years ago. These steels were developed to avoid the high cost of the A2 type of stainless during a previous period of high nickel prices. However, these reduced cost steels also have considerably reduced corrosion resistance, and they have not been very popular for that reason. Obviously, sub-standard stainless steels have been used in the manufacture of these fasteners, which clearly do not comply with the standards inferred by their head markings. The importers of these bolts need to be aware of their liabilities in case of product failure, and buyers need to be on their guard for such fraudulent products. Dr John Newnham was recently appointed Fastener Specialist by the Confederation of British Metalforming. Previously he was technical director for SPS Technologies in the UK. He is a chartered engineer and Fellow of the American Society for Materials.

Nickel prices In January 2006 nickel prices opened at around US$13,650 per tonne. As the year closed they reached over US$33,300/tonne – 144% up on the year. As we go to press the LME cash buyer price was $54,000/t with LME nickel stocks less than 5000 tonnes. Looking ahead 15 months prices are above $40,000/t and 27 month

prices around $34,000, where 2007 started. In its April world economic outlook the International Monetary Fund said nickel still faces serious supply constraints and, therefore, higher possibility of upward price movements. Analysts now forecast average 2007 nickel prices at over US43,000/t.

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Anixter acquires Total Supply Solutions in UK Anixter International announced in April that it had acquired all of the outstanding shares of Total Supply Solutions Limited. TSS is the U.K. holding company for Components Logistics, with operations in Manchester, Birmingham, and Norfolk in the UK and in the Czech Republic. Anixter described TSS as “a fastener distributor that will complement Anixter’s product offering with a broad array of valued-added services and inventory management programs to Original Equipment Manufacturers”. Anixter says TSS is expected to generate 2007 sales of approximately $22 million (16 million euros), half in the UK, with the remainder coming from Poland and Czech Republic. Anixter is paying approximately $8 million (5.89 million euros) in cash, including the payoff of TSS debt obligations, for all of the outstanding shares of TSS. Commenting on the acquisition, Bob Grubbs, president and CEO of Anixter, said, “We are

pleased to have acquired TSS and the excellent team of people involved at the company. This acquisition is another step in the geographic expansion of our OEM supply business through the addition of important customers in Eastern Europe.” “This acquisition not only expands the geographic scope of our OEM supply business, but it also brings some very complementary customers to our existing base. Given our stated goal of building on our current strategic platform to drive future organic sales growth, this acquisition is a nice addition to our existing business,” said Grubbs.

NORM awarded Certificate of Achievement OSD, the Turkish Automotive Manufacturers Association has awarded Norm Fasteners Co. its Certificate of Achievement 2006. Norm Fasteners has 34 years experience in fastener production and is the largest fastener supplier in Turkey in terms of capacity, turnover and employment. Its three plants have an annual capacity of

35,000 tonnes. The company’s main export markets are Germany, U.S.A., France, England, Benelux, Switzerland although, in total, it supplies to 35 countries. Norm says the award recognises its commitment to quality management, shipping performance, R&D and full

support for OEMs of Turkey. Automotive OEMs including Toyota, Ford, Renault, FIAT, Honda and Hyundai have all been attracted to Turkey in recent years and Norm says it has completed the process of necessary investment and certification to meet the needs of this growing market.

Rotech builds on CS success Rotech Laboratories of Wednesbury is part of the Rubery Owen Group of Companies. Group MD John Owen has steered the purchase of CS Laboratory Services Limited, and installed Richard Smith as MD of Rotech Laboratories, following the retirement of Ray Dunkley. Having restructured the business to broaden its potential client base Rotech has continued to grow in strength, now boasting over 800 customers and

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a turnover of around £1million. “In recent years Rotech has undergone a major transformation,” said Richard Smith. “In response to the nationwide decline in manufacturing the company has refocused its attention on other market areas. We are sure that this latest investment, the acquisition of CS Laboratory Services Limited, will give Rotech a major advantage over the competition both in the UK and Europe.”

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Trifast appoints Steve Auld as CEO Jim Barker will step down as chief executive of Trifast plc at the end of May and will be succeeded by Steve Auld, who was appointed executive director of the Group in October 2005, following the acquisition of Servo Ryan. Trifast chairman, Anthony Allen, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Jim for his work as chief executive of Trifast. Since April 2002 he has overseen the Group’s acquisition of Serco Ryan, and the transformation of the Group into a major player in the industrial fastener market.” “I would also like to welcome Steve to his new role as chief executive of Trifast. After 24 years in the fastening industry Steve brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his new role.” Jim Barker is expected to remain available to

the Trifast board for a further year before retiring fully from the Group. Trifast’s financial year ended 31 March 2007 and has announced “Trading has remained solid with further profit growth driven by the Group’s strengthened international presence and the successful integration of Serco Ryan. The Group’s performance for the year ended 31 March 2007 has been in line with expectations.” Trifast preliminary results are expected Tuesday 19 June 2007.

Cooper & Turner merges with MBW Sheffield based manufacturer, Cooper & Turner, has merged with Scottish fastener distributor, McLean Buchanan & Wilson (MBW). Cooper and Turner produces 11,000 metric tonnes of mainly heavy duty bolts, nuts and washers annually in Sheffield, where it employs 140 people. Main markets are rail, tunnelling, wind energy and structural bolting. As well as supplying fasteners to the recently completed Wembley Soccer Arena, Cooper and Turner product was also used on the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong and the UK-France Channel Tunnel. McLean, Buchanan & Wilson, already Cooper & Turner’s largest customer, will remain in Glasgow, where it employs 40 people. The company has a strong reputation for its commitment to quality, supplying the structural and heavy duty engineering market in the UK and Europe. The merger will provide Cooper & Turner with an enlarged sales network, while providing MBW with a quality

assured supply chain and opportunities to develop sales in the Asian market. Combined turnover of the two companies is expected to grow from £23million to £30million over the two years following the deal. Tony Brown, managing director at Cooper & Turner, said: “We’ve worked with MBW for over 25 years and during this time we’ve formed a very close relationship. “Merging the two businesses

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makes a great deal of sense for both organisations and the synergies are significant. Though we’ll continue to deal with other distributors as well as with contractors directly, we can now have far greater cut through within MBW’s established sales channels across Europe and the rest of the world.” Pictured (l-r) are Tony Brown; Murray Findlay, managing director at McLean Buchanan & Wilson; and Ian Wrightson, partner at Mazars, Leeds who advised on the deal.

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Nedschroef offer goes public The public offer for Koninklijke Nedschroef Holding N.V. was announced on 20 April and will expire 18 May 2007. The offer of 59.00 euros per share (cum dividend) was made by Nedschroef Holding B.V., in which Gilde Buy-Out Fund III holds 70% and Parcom Ventures B.V. holds 30%. The Nedschroef supervisory and management boards unanimously recommended the offer, and the announcement notes that the Nedschroef central works council has also ‘rendered positive advice with respect to the offer’. On the date of the announcement holders of 64.36% of shares had committed to tender them under the terms and conditions of the offer.

Durham reborn Durham Products Limited has been launched as an independent company, to take over the business previously operated by the UK subsidiary of US storage systems specialists Durham Manufacturing Company, which decided to withdraw from direct participation in the UK market. Mark Weale, now managing director of Durham Product

Limited, took the initiative to set up the company to continue to honour contracts already established with customers. Mark worked for the UK subsidiary for eight years, so has in-depth knowledge of both products and market place. “We are aware there is some risk in this new venture,” said Mark, “but are confident Durham Products Limited will satisfy the

requirements of existing customers and also successfully establish new business.” “We are actively seeking new products to add to the existing range and develop our offer in the UK. Since taking over at the beginning of March, we have already added new customers and we hope to continue to add customers and grow as a company, well into the future.”

Kingfisher sales up 7.4% 69 Screwfix counters by 2008 Kingfisher preliminary results for the year ending 3 February 2007, show retail sales at GB£8,676 million (12,724 million euros) up 7.4% on 2005/6. Adjusted full-year pre-tax profit was down 11% at GB£396.6 million (581.6 million euros) although profits were up 13% for the second half. The report highlights that the UK market stabilised during the year, with B&Q delivering sales and profit growth in the second half. In France Kingfisher grew 9% but retail profit was lower reflecting accelerated development and continued price pressure. Elsewhere in Europe and in Asia, sales grew

30% and retail profit by 37%. International expansion continued with 27 new stores in nine new countries, including the first stores in Russia. Screwfix Direct sales were up 25.3%, while retail profit increased over 60% driven by strong sales growth and efficiency gains. 31 additional Screwfix trade counters were opened during the year, taking the total to 38, with a similar number of openings planned for 2007/8. To support the branch growth a second distribution centre is due to open in Stafford in the summer.

SARIV opens in Croatia Following its policy of 'in place' market presence, SARIV SRL has opened a new company in Croatia for the local distribution of its own products. SARIV DOO offices and warehouse are located in Samobor, 20 Km outside Zagreb, centre of the new industrial and building areas of the emerging Croatian economy. Kristijan Kobescak, who has ten years experience in fastener distribution, has been appointed as director of the company. His aim is to increase SARIV products supply and service in Croatia, and to provide the local market both fasteners know-how and support. With this new opening, SARIV now has five distribution companies around Eastern Europe, with warehouses already established in Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Russia. Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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PRELOK All will become clear 1st July 2007

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Forward to handle sales from UK Deepak warehouse Indian manufacturer, Deepak Fasteners Limited, has set up its own warehouse in the UK and entered an agreement with Forward Industrial Products Group to handle bulk sales to UK and Irish customers from an expected £1 Million (1,468,000 euros) stockholding. The 30,000 square feet (2,800 square metres) warehouse in Aston, Birmingham was purchased by Deepak in January and has now been completely renovated and racked out ready to take initial stocks. Online computer and video links to Deepak’s offices and factories have also been set up. Forward managing director, Martyn Cleaver says, “there is around £500,000 worth of stock en route already, earmarked to meet existing customer demand. What we are looking to do now is identify ranges to set up in the warehouse to meet new demand.” To this end Cleaver is inviting fastener distributors to contact him to discuss their regular volume requirements. Deepak Fasteners currently produces upwards of 150 tonnes of fasteners per day in its factories, which employ 2,500 people. One site in India holds approximately 10,000 tonnes of fasteners in stock. The company plans to continue servicing UK container orders direct from India. “In the main we will supply pallet and bulk quantities from the Aston warehouse,” explains Martyn Cleaver. “We don’t intend servicing demand for 200 bolts here and there. Prices will be highly competitive for volume orders.” Deepak’s manufacturing range is extensive, covering diameters from M3 to M150. Its cold forming capability, which ranges up to M36, is the largest in India. In addition to Blue Rilsan® finished fasteners for underground piping – the range on which Forward

originally established its relationship with the manufacturer – Deepak manufactures high-grade socket screws; ASTM studs and other petrochemical fasteners; galvanised bolts in grades 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9; foundation or holding down bolts; and threaded rod. It also offers ranges of nuts, including nylon insert, shear nuts, channel nuts, and washers, as well as construction anchors. Product is manufactured to a range of international standards including DIN, ASTM, BS, JIS and ISO. Details of the ranges can be found on the company’s website. Deepak has invested heavily to modernise its plant and has strong commitments to quality assurance – both in terms of laboratory test equipment and training of management, operational and inspection staff. The company operates to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Heat treatment is carried out in-house as are a range of finishing processes, including Rilsan®, electroplating, hot dip galvanising and sheradising. “The important thing, right now, is for UK and Irish buyers to discuss their regular quantity requirements with us urgently,” says Martyn Cleaver. “That way we can ensure the next phases of stock delivery will meet their needs. Once we are fully operational there will be regular containers coming in, which will provide us with the flexibility to adjust schedules to meet additional demands. First priority, though, is to establish the core stocking range.”

Koelnmesse CEO removed from post At a 26 April meeting of the Koelnmesse Supervisory Board and Shareholders’ Committee, chaired by Mayor Fritz Schramma, removed Jochen Witt from his post as president and CEO of Koelnmesse with immediate effect. At the end of March Jochen Witt had notified the Mayor that he would not seek to extend his contract beyond end 2008. Herbert Marner, executive vice president of Koelnmesse with responsibility for finance, has been appointed to succeed on a temporary basis. “I am glad that all of the decision-making

bodies reached their decisions unanimously,” said Mayor Schramma. As a result, we can now start looking for a highly qualified new president and CEO in an open job advertisement.” He went on to say, “Now that these personnel decisions have been made, the Supervisory Board expects the Koelnmesse management to continue on its course of modernisation and exploit the new infrastructure to further strengthen the company’s outstanding competitive position.” Herbert Marner emphasised the need for continuity: “We will continue on the successful and promising course that we have been following for several years now,”

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he said. “Our top priority will be to develop the leading fairs in Cologne while expanding the international scope of our business through events in growth markets abroad.” Marner said that the redeveloped Koelnmesse facility is ideally equipped to enlarge existing events and establish additional trade fairs. “Our main goal remains growth, even though we must exercise persistence and patience, given the long cycles in this business,” he said. “We have to assure our exhibitors, visitors and their sectors that Koelnmesse remains fully concentrated and will continue to focus on the needs of its customers.”

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Fastener Fair Stuttgart 19.09. – 20.09.2007 Halle 4 C15/D12

Page 15

Special Screws · Direct from Stock Passschrauben

Knurled thumb screws 5.8, zinc plated According to DIN 464 and 653 as well as screws with dog/cone point, square head bolts, plugs, flat headed screws and specials


Oehleckerring 23 · D-22419 Hamburg · Tel. +49 [0] 40 - 53 28 52-0 · Fax +49 [0] 40 - 53 28 52-52

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Arnold takes on global AFS role Alcoa Fastening Systems Ltd (AFS) has appointed Jim Arnold as vice president, sales and marketing, Industrial Products Global. Although the promotion is with immediate effect he will continue to work from the company’s Telford site, relocating his family to Waco, Texas mid 2007. Arnold will focus on global implementation of sales, marketing, distribution and product sourcing strategies. As a result of Arnold’s appointment Marcus Lokier becomes UK operations director and current management accountant, Will Waterston succeeds him as financial controller. Commenting on his new position, Jim Arnold, pictured with Will Waterson and Marcus Lokier, said: “I am confident that the internal promotion of Marcus and Will and the continuity that this brings will ensure the continued success of the business.” AFS has also recently appointed Kevin Teager as UK account manager. Before joining AFS Teager was an applications engineer

for Caparo Atlas Fastenings Ltd, servicing Land Rover. Reporting to Dean Bradley, sales manager for UK, Ireland and South Africa, Teager will represent the complete range of AFS products.

Intellifast proves tight quality standards Intellifast GmbH has been awarded certification by AERO CERT to DIN EN9100:2003 and DIN EN ISO 9100:2000 for quality management. The Speyer, Germany based company already has certificates from TÜV SÜD (Standard Fastener Aerospace) and the Germanischer Lloyd Windenergy. Intellifast deals with accurate clamp load measurement within fastening technologies by means of ultrasonic transducers. Besides the development of stationary and mobile measuring devices its PMT system also equips standard bolts with a permanent mounted

ultrasonic transducer. With the help of a measuring pin, which is integrated in the tightening tool, the accurate clamp load of the fastening elements can be measured during assembly, maintenance and inspection. The PMT system gives the certainty of an accurate clamp load within fastening elements to the aerospace industry, energy and equipment plants, wind energy, vehicle industry, combustion engines and transmission manufacturing and structural engineering.

integrated into an electronic torque- /

A recent technical development has

torque graduations of 2-25 Nm up to

allowed the PMTS-Technology to be

100-800 Nm.

torque angle rotation tool so that the torque and the rotation angle as well as the






measured and documented directly during the tightening process. As a result of this enhancement testing and documentation of the torque- / rotation angle tightening can be performed in the original installation positions without application of load cells or interposed load transducers. The electronic tools are available in 5 different ranges of

Sulzer advance on Bodycote stalls As of 30 April an increasingly tetchy attempt by Sulzer AG to acquire Bodycote International plc appeared to have stalled. Suzler announced that it was no longer considering making an offer for Bodycote. Previously that day and before a UK Takeover Panel deadline, Sulzer had described a possible cash offer of 344.5 pence per share, and then increased the offer to

346.5 pence on condition of due diligence and a Bodycote board recommendation. Both offers, however, fell short of the level at which the Bodycote board had indicated it would agree to due diligence or a recommendation. Sulzer’s announcement not to “pursue a takeover at this stage” was made, it said, “as no agreement on a recommended transaction could be reached

with the Board of Bodycote”. Sulzer was founded in 1834 in Winterthur, Switzerland and has over 120 locations worldwide in machinery and equipment, as well as the surfacing technology business. 2006 sales rose 12.1% to CHF 2.8 billion (1.7 billion euros). Net income increased by 72.6% to CHF 221.4 million (134.5 million euros).

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Bodycote 2006 revenue was up 18.6% at GB£558.6 million (819.3 million euros). Profit before tax fell 11.6% to GB£46.6 million (68.3 million euros) after allowing for the costs of major facility closures and investment write-downs. The group operates internationally in the heat treatment, high technology pressing, testing and metallurgical coatings sectors.

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See us on stand

4. D4 19th-20th September 2007

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More exhibitors and visitors at 2nd Asia-Pacific Sourcing Asia-Pacific Sourcing in Cologne closed on Tuesday, 6th March 2007. A total of 666 suppliers exhibited in Halls 11.1 and 11.2 at the Kölnmesse. At 32,000 square metres the three-day event was 20% larger than the first edition staged in 2005. Around 8300 trade visitors attended from 60 countries, 10% up on 2005. Product categories featured included categories tools, locks and fittings, do-it-yourself, hardware, fastenings, garden furniture and equipment, grilling and camping. A supporting program, the Sourcing Asia workshop, provided a number of seminars.

Kölnmesse described the event as “achieving excellent results”. Jerry Ramsdale, who visited the show on day three, estimates that three-quarters of exhibitors were tool companies, with a maximum of fifty fastener companies, including many offering DIY-type staples and nails. “The show certainly was bigger and filled the two hall levels,” he says, “but most of the fastener companies were not well-known names. Most were from China, and were not generally offering industrial standard product.”

BHHMA becomes BHETA The British Hardware & Housewares Manufacturers’ Association is to be known as the British Home Enhancement Trade Association or BHETA from 28 June this year. At an extraordinary general meeting in March the change

was approved by 87.5% of members. Association’s president David French told the EGM that: “As an association we need to widen the number of sectors we operate in to reflect what is happening in the marketplace.

There are simply not enough existing




current sectors and we need to adapt in order to maintain our viability and relevance to the market." The current sectors of Hardware, Housewares and

Brushware will continue to operate their own sector meetings and committees. However, it is hoped the new name will create a wider umbrella for the association to attract new members who supply other home market sectors.

See us on stand

4. D38 19th-20th September 2007

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WTI Fasteners Ltd Unit 7 Marquis Court Rawdon Business Park Moira, Derbyshire DE12 6EJ Tel: 01283 215 588 Fax: 01283 212 020

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Tong Herr plans new factory According to Malaysian press, Tong Herr Resources Bhd is planning a new Singapore factory to cater for the growing demand for stainless steel fasteners from Europe. Executive director B.L. Tan told StarBiz that 45% of the group’s 2006 output, worth US$

86million (63.6 million euros), was exported to Europe, compared to 33% in 2005. Tan said existing plant capacity would be increased to 21,000 tonnes by end 2007, a 4,000 tonne increase from 2006. Tong Herr has bought a 5.5 acre (2.2 Hectares) site adjacent to the

existing plant to cater for its expansion plans. The group also plans to increase sales to the US, now 6% of revenue. Product is supplied from the group’s Thai factory, which completed its first year of operations in 2006, because the US does not currently impose

additional duties on stainless steel fasteners from Thailand. Tong Herr’s overall financial performance was strong in 2006, with sales up 51% leading to a record profit of RM55.7 million (12 million euros).

Rencol opens trading company in China After three years developing business in the country Rencol Tolerance Rings is opening a trading company in China with the support of the China Britain Business Council. The new office will be staffed by Chinese nationals, led by Shirley Zhang, described by Rencol managing director, as “a highly qualified engineer, who we are lucky to have found with the help of the CBBC.” The office will be shared with other Wyko Group companies, which are also specialist equipment manufacturers following established customers to China. Smith says, “The value of the market in 2007 is only $2500000, which is pretty small. But, this is a 40% growth on 2006 and we are expecting to see a 40% growth in 2008”. These figures exclude the established, $5 million, Hard Disk Drive market, which Rencol has supplied direct for some time.

Rencol plans to develop a manufacturing operation in China but stresses it is only intended to supply the domestic market. Presently, all tolerance rings sold in China are manufactured at Rencol’s UK base in Bristol. “The biggest challenge is in understanding the regulatory framework in China,” says Smith. “It’s not the same as when you set up a business in any other country.” “Another challenge, similar to other Asian countries, is the need to build relationships over a long period of time. Rencol first sold products in China in 2001 but it has taken around five years to reach this point.”

New showroom a hit with customers For many years Harrison & Clough has wanted to develop a showroom to support customers by providing a product or web training space or to simply showcase new and existing products. UK government implementation of a workplace smoking ban has now allowed the renovation of a tired smoking room at H&C’s Head Office into new marketing offices. The relocation of the Marketing Department, in turn, created the ideal space for a new and much bigger

showroom /training facility at H&C’s Warehouse No: 2. A few knocked down walls, repaired ceilings, fresh carpets and a lick of paint and the new facility was born. The showroom is laid out with the latest point of sale and innovations from the leading brands and is complimented by




audiovisual facilities, eating area and demonstration room located safely behind glass. The room is available to all customers for a variety of uses

- from a simple introduction to Harrison & Clough; training days for products and the web; road shows or simply as a meeting room.

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

It’s already a popular venue so booking is advisable through H&C’s marketing department.

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Taiwanese investment in Vietnam At the end of 2006 the Taiwan Fastener Trading Association organised a five-day tour to learn more about the opportunities presented by Vietnam. This article is drawn from Wayne Low’s subsequent report for Fastener World.


Vietnam is a ‘young’ country 50% of its 85 million population are below the age of 25


Vietnam’s GDP grew 8.2% in 2006, with the industrial sector expected to achieve 17%. 2006 exports were projected to top US$40 billion, up 22% year-on-year. Foreign investment companies will record approaching US$23 billion in revenue, up 23.6%. Strong export has also stimulated domestic growth, while price inflation has improved to 6.6% from 8.4% in 2005. Average national income in Vietnam is projected to reach US$820 by end 2007: this will be double the 2006 figure of US$400. Vietnam is a ‘young’ country - 50% of its 85 million population are below the age of 25. Literacy is high at 95%. In January 2007, Vietnam became the 150th member of WTO. Over a 5-7 year period average import tariffs on industrial products are expected to fall from 16.8% to 12.6%, although protective tariffs will remain on some sensitive products, including steel, construction materials, automobiles and motorcycles. Vietnam is committed to developing its service sector including construction, finance, telecommunication, tourism, health, education, business service and so on. Foreign investors are able to set up joint venture or full-equity enterprises in all but a few industries. Foreign Direct Investment FDI during 2006 topped US$9.93 billion (China US$60.3 billion and Taiwan US$1.63 billion in 2005). Newly approved investment was up 60.8% at US$7.5 billion. This included US$1 billion by Intel in Ho Chi Minh City; US$ 1.1 billion by POSCO in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province; and US$0.56 billion by Tycoons and Worldwide Steel.

Newly approved projects focused on industry and construction sectors, and accounted for 68% of total registered FDI. Asian countries accounted for 67% of 2006 investment, Europe 29% and America 4%. The top five investors were Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong, together accounting for 60% of registered capital. Taiwan has been number one investor since 1988 with over 1,550 projects, worth US$8.1 billion total registered capital. Over 30,000 Taiwanese nationals are now long term resident in Vietnam. Of the Taiwanese businesses, 80% are concentrated in the South - in Ho Chi Minh, Dong Nai, Bing Duong, Binh Phuoc, Ba Ria Vung Tau and Tay Ninh - mainly because of infrastructure and access to market. Taiwanese-invested fastener factories TFTA first visited the Anchor Fastener (Vietnam) Plant. Established in 2004, it is located at Formosa Industrial Area in Ba Ria Vung Tau province and occupies 50,000 square meters. There are eight expatriate Taiwanese managers and over 500 employees. Products are mainly specials, with a high level of operator involvement, contrasting with automated production in Taiwan. According to General Manager Mr Ho, “the wage rate here is quite cheap, about US$45-60 per month. Compared with Chinese workers, the Vietnamese are less sophisticated but as long as they are well trained before starting to operate it is OK and there are no big managerial problems.” He also noted that, the Vietnamese are mostly locals, so there is no dormitory-building expenditure or dormitory-related management problems. Anchor’s plant is located in Formosa Industrial Park, a joint investment between the Vietnamese government and Formosa International Development Corp, which manages the park. Amongst 11 other Taiwan companies investing in the area is Tycoons’ Bouhen Steel project. Initial investment is US$20million, 40% supported by China’s Jinan Iron & Steel Group. The 140,000 square metre vertically integrated plant will target the domestic market, producing steel plate, construction and galvanized steel, and wire. Taiwanese-owned fastener plant, Easylink Vietnam Co., which occupies 27,000 square metres producing small screws, is located in the same area.


Economic advantages of Vietnam In recent years Taiwanese policy makers have imposed a series of economic constraints in investment in China. Investment in China by a Taiwanese listed company must not exceed 40% of its equity, which has resulted in many companies getting involved in “grey areas”, unregulated by the cross-strait governments. Those with existing investment face growing production disadvantages, including labour shortages, soaring wages, inflated land costs, restrictions on overtime working and increased environmental regulation. As a result Taiwanese SMEs, especially in South East China, are losing competitiveness.

The wage rate here is quite cheap …and there are no big managerial problems

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Header Plant Co. Ltd., was established in 2002 and started volume production in 2004. With an area of 14,000 square meters, the plant focuses on stainless steel small screws. It employs 140 people, with two Taiwanese expatriate managers. Thread Industrial Vietnam Co., Ltd was founded in 2003 and now has 180 employees and six Taiwanese expatriate managers. The plant occupies 45,000 square metres, which when bought included 50-years pre-paid land tax, according to Vietnam’s land transaction law. Major products are large sized bolts. Wire rod comes from China and Taiwan’s China Steel Corporation. The factory carries out all production processes, operating a “onestop-shop” model to upgrade added value. The plant is fully equipped with its own wire drawing, annealing and electroplating. General manager Mr. Yen explained local conditions and investment barriers, including power and water supply. The long rainy season in South Vietnam also causes serious construction delays, with one of Thread’s plants taking eight months to complete.


Infrastructure is now recognised as the largest barrier to Vietnam’s economic development


Co-Win VN Co. is owned by Taiwan’s Lih Lin Enterprises & Industrial Co., Ltd. The plant is located on a 60,000 square metre site in Dong An Industrial Zone bought in 1999. Volume production started in 2000, and there are now 1,000 employees. The plant produces 500 tons of stainless steel and 1,200 tons of carbon steel fasteners per month, ranging from 1mm to 25mm in diameter. Another plant has been set up in Cambodia with 80 employees and 30 machines. Mr. Chou, vice president of the plant, indicated that having been colonised by the French, Vietnamese people do not like constraints or being directed by others in their daily lives. Employees from outside of Ho Chi Minh City prefer to rent houses so that they can live freely. Even though their living and housing quality are low, they feel autonomous. This attitude differs from the Chinese attitude that focuses on “doing the best to save money”. To explore the North Vietnam market, Co-Win has bought 35,000 square metres of land in Ha Noi city, where it will construct a new plant. Co-Win plans to float an IPO on the Ho Chi Minh stock market in the future. Several conclusions can be reached from these visits: The absence of support industries makes it difficult to outsource processes. Investors need to invest in all manufacturing processes themselves. Local investment content is far lower than in China where it has reached 50%. Similar to China in the 1990s, pioneering Taiwanese investors into Vietnam were mainly traditional industries, followed by electronic industries.

Most Taiwan-investment enterprises in Vietnam focused initially on export. As domestic markets strengthen they have gradually shifted their attention. Taiwanese fastener investors intend to do the same. Investment disadvantages Ho Chi Minh airport typifies the infrastructure disadvantages that have emerged as the Vietnam economy grows. Eight passport gates and just two baggage reclaim carousels are rapidly swamped when three or four flights land at the same time. City transportation is also difficult with factory workers emerging on swarms of bicycles and motor-bikes in the Ho Chi Minh rush hour. As thousands of people from outside come to the city for work the situation deteriorates. It is difficult to imagine what will happen when people can afford to buy a car. Highways in Vietnam are inadequate, with only one connection north to south. Most roads have only two lanes. The Northern part of Ha Noi City has problems with water shortage, power overloads and air pollution. Infrastructure is now recognised as the largest barrier to Vietnam’s economic development. The government plans a lightrail tram and a subway, but completion will not be until 2009 and 2014 respectively. Corruption is endemic in Vietnam. Many investigations and charges were made in recent years. Strikes are also frequent. There were more than 150 strikes in 2006, involving over 160,000 people, and mainly affecting foreign invested companies. Key factors were low wage rates and basic working rights. For most investors, though, the advantages – in particular tax credits and incentives – outweigh the disadvantages.



For most investors the advantages – in particular tax credits and incentives – outweigh the disadvantages


Conclusion According to a report by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan in November 2006, 53% of investors in Vietnam made profits; compared to 43.5% in China. The report sampled more than 1,600 Taiwanese manufacturers. In China, nearly 40% of Taiwanese investment focuses on electronic industries. Investment in Vietnam has been more evenly distributed in electronic, textile, transportation, and food. A similar report in 1999 showed only 36.8% of Taiwanese investors in Vietnam said they were profitable. Taiwan investors have gradually transformed from export to domestic markets with the domestic sales growing to 49.8% in China and 51.4% in Vietnam. One industrialist pinpointed that the biggest investment difference is that the Law on Foreign Investment protects Taiwanese investors in Vietnam, with bilateral protection agreements and prevention of double taxing. The Vietnamese government also respects Taiwanese investors. By contrast there are many “grey areas” in China, leaving Taiwanese investors’ rights and interests unprotected.

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by John Wolz –

Fasteners exempted from U.S. domestic source requirements Compliant specialty metals of satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity for certain fasteners "cannot be procured as and when needed" and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contracting officers may procure both "end items and components" not meeting domestic content requirements. The April finding involves fasteners for manufacture and repair of military aircraft, missile and space systems, ships, tank and automotive systems, weapon systems and ammunition.

minor consumer of fasteners, the DoD does not have the market power to incentivize industry to tailor its business processes to meet the department's peculiar specialty metal restriction."

Suppliers can now fill orders for fasteners previously covered under the specialty metals restrictions of Section 2533b of Title 10 of the U.S. code without meeting the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) requirement. Suppliers need only refer to the April 10, 2007, Determination of Domestic NonAvailability Determination (DNAD) issued by Ken Kreig, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology & logistics.

Kreig's findings stated that "many fasteners are made of specialty metals, predominantly stainless steel, steel alloys and titanium." The fastener industry estimates that 80% to 85% of all fasteners are dual use or interchangeable between commercial and military applications.

A Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) comparison of compliant and noncompliant fasteners from 19 manufacturers "identified significantly higher prices for compliant fasteners," Kreig noted. The price differential was attributed to costs of additional shaving, tracing and finding compliant material at each level of the supply chain, extra fees for small production runs and segregation of stock and certification fees. "The fastener industry is driven by the global commercial market," Kreig found. "Most U.S. fasteners manufacturers state that they do not have a constant supply of domestic raw materials, and that it is difficult to find compliant material in sufficient quantity to meet the demands of the Department of Defense. As a relatively

"Worldwide demand for these specialty metals is increasing due to increasing commercial aerospace requirements (foreign and domestic) and, to an extent, increasing defense industry requirements," Kreig wrote. "DCMA verified that lead times for compliant material is long, ranging in length from 50 weeks for stainless steel to over 100 weeks for titanium." A requirement to "produce DoD-compliant fasteners using separate, small production runs, and the refusal of some suppliers to agree to produce compliant fasteners" contribute to delays in finding and tracing metals for fasteners. "These delays are impacting the Department's ability to meet requirements." Many fastener manufacturers "state that the quality of U.S. domestic metal is not adequate to produce defect-free fasteners," Kreig found. "Domestic steel wire mills have not been able to provide

consistently seam and defect-free materials. Defects and seams can cause thread laps, head cracks and cracking under stress, which reduce fastener life and can lead to safety risks. As a result, domestic material often requires additional shaving to eliminate seams and surface flaws. Costs for additional shaving are passed on to the Department." Krieg's determination "will remain in effect until DCMA notifies me that circumstances have changed and compliant specialty metal of satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity, in the required form can be procured as and when needed." Rob Harris, managing director of the Industrial Fastener Institute told that the credit for providing industry input toward the determination goes to the IFI's aerospace division and its manager, Pat Meade, and a working group of fastener manufacturers and distributors plus the Aerospace Industries Association, key aerospace contractors and the Lauren Baker Group – the IFI's lobbyist – in contributing to the determination. The determination involves federal stock classes 5,303 (screws), 5,306 (bolts), 5,307 (studs), 5,310 (nuts & washers), 5,320 (rivets) and 5,325 (fastener devices) or NAICS code 332,722. It excludes cotter pins, dowel pins, hose clamps, spring pins and turnbuckles.

Beach, Burgy Head IFI Steve Beach of Acument Global Technologies is the new chairman

industrial aerospace and automotive fasteners and suppliers of raw

of the Industrial Fasteners Institute and Bryan Burgy of Rockford

material and production services.

Fastener Inc. is the vice chair. Beach succeeds Porter McLean of ATF Inc. and becomes the 62nd chair in the 76-year-old

Beach has served two terms on the IFI board and been chair of the IFI automotive division. Web:

organization representing North American manufacturers of

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by John Wolz –

Fastener stocks jump 9.7% in first quarter The Fastener Stock Index soared 9.7% during the first quarter of 2007, surpassing an index of related industrial stocks that remained essentially flat.

based manufacturer became a major

Aerospace, Park Ohio and Paulin.

player in the fastener industry when it acquired SPS Technologies in 2003 for $893 million, followed by the 2005

During Q1 Fastenal posted its fourth consecutive share loss, with its price

acquisitions of Air Industries Corp. and

dropping 2.3% to $35.05. During the first

Shur-Lok. PCC's fastener sales topped

quarter of 2006, Fastenal stock jumped 21%

$800 million in fiscal 2006.

to $47.34.


Other public fastener companies posting

Other fastener companies with stock

quarterly stock gain, jumping 32% to

double-digit stock gains in Q1 included

declines included Danaher and Lawson

$104.05 per share. The Portland, OR-

Alcoa, Anixter, ITW, Nucor, Grainger, B/E


Precision Castparts continued its strong performance




Tinnerman changes name Tinnerman Palnut Engineered Products Inc. unveiled a new brand image with the name shortened to Tinnerman, a black and red logo, "connection engineering" as its new slogan, and a new website:

The privately held company, whose roots date back to 1870 when the Tinnerman Stove & Range Co. was founded in Cleveland, introduced its first fastener product, the SpeedNut, in 1936 to solve a problem caused by the shipping of Tinnerman stoves. SpeedNut was soon used for other products, including airplanes and automobiles. Tinnerman eventually shut down its stove business to

The simplified brand image and name builds upon the company's

focus on SpeedNut. Subsequently Tinnerman's portfolio grew to

heritage as a fastening innovator, while signaling our new direction,

10,000 parts. Between 1960 and 2001, the company underwent a

our solutions-based strategy and a new, more approachable

series of acquisitions, integrating complementary manufacturing

attitude, CEO Joseph Ponteri explained to

capabilities and product technologies from Eaton Corporation, TRW

"The new brand signifies our company's revitalization, our

and Textron.

commitment to expand product development beyond our original

Ohio-based Tinnerman designs, produces and supplies engineered

light-metal fastening systems and into more sophisticated

spring steel fasteners, precision stampings, plastic components

connection systems that deliver significant improvements in

and related assemblies to automotive and industrial original

product assembly time and labor efficiencies to our customers in

equipment manufacturers. Tinnerman operates sales offices in the

both light and heavy duty applications," executive vice president and

U.S., England and Japan and manufacturing in the U.S. and

CMO Jeff Steiner told


IFI honors three with awards The Industrial Fasteners Institute presented its fifth Soaring Eagles Awards to Robert Lench, Harry Brenner and Steve Vass.

advancement of fastener application engineering in recognition of "significant technical contributions in mechanical fastener testing, mechanical






standardization, which have made our world a safer place through Lench was given the Ward Leadership Award for more than 20 years of

advances to fastener applications engineering."

leading the European Industrial Fasteners Institute, including 14 as chair. Lench was recognized for "significant and dedicated

Vass was honored with the Case Meritorious Service Award for

statesmanship which has achieved a lasting bridge of goodwill and

"extraordinary service as chairman of the IFI Standards & Technical

understanding" between European and North American fastener

Practices Committee and for his leadership in the development of IFI

manufacturers and organizations.


Brenner was given the Trowbridge Technology Award posthumously for


IIssue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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Whatever you’re after, we’ve got it covered! Premier Safety Products supplies a wide range of Personal Protective Equipment and Workwear along with welding wire, annealed wire and other ancillary products. A stock holding of over £500,000 means delivery throughout the UK and Ireland can be next day.

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Translating corrosion protection w Over recent years coating companies have faced the challenge of eliminating hexavalent chromium. No such problem for Dörken MKS-Systeme. The group’s ethical policy has always precluded the use of known hazardous materials so none of its coatings have ever contained chrome 6. Historically, of course, that has meant working without the inherent advantages of Chrome 6 – its self healing characteristics, lower solid levels required to achieve a given anticorrosion capability and lower costs, It has not, however, prevented Dörken MKS-Systeme achieving a worldwide status as one of the most advanced innovators in the field of thin layer coatings.


The company has successfully manufactured and marketed microlayer corrosion protection systems from Herdecke, in North Rhine-Westphalia, since the 1980s. It wasn’t an entirely propitious start. MKS-Systeme originally obtained a licence from Magni in the USA for coatings applied to car fuel tanks to prevent contamination of fuel injection systems. The plan was to launch in Europe. However, it rapidly became apparent that better fuel quality in Europe and tanks increasingly made from plastics rather than steel severely limited the opportunity.

In 2002, employing 40 people, Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG became a standalone subsidiary of Ewald Dörken AG. The group is fourth-generation family-owned –two current holding board members are from the Dörken family – and has four subsidiaries. The largest is a world leader in insulation membranes for the construction market; another supplies specialist house paints; the third custom colour systems. MKS-Systeme remains the smallest subsidiary, despite doubledigit annual growth, which means it now employs nearly 100 people.

We do not have salespeople – we have technical people that make sales

Necessity being the mother of invention MKS-Systeme began developing the products –improving their corrosion protection capabilities and market applications. MKSSysteme concentrated on Europe and stayed out of the US market: Magni did the reverse - until 2000 when the US partner gave notice and launched its own German subsidiary. MKS-Systeme developed a new generation of materials, brought to completion one year after the parting of the ways. Ever since, its strategies, raw materials and chemical systems have been distinctive. The company also began to market outside of its, until then, sole market in Europe. From the beginning the primary focus was in solving problems for the automotive industry, which is how it remains.


Systems not just products System is a key word in both company title and practice. DeltaProtekt® KL100 is an inorganic basecoat from Dörken’s Zinclamella system, suitable for steel – including high-strength steels potentially vulnerable to hydrogen induced embrittlement failure – and cast steel. In common with all Dörken MKS-Systeme products it is guaranteed chrome6-free. Application is non-electrolytic – by dip-spin, dip-drain, spraying or spin coating. Dry-film thickness ranges between 5 and 15 μm leaving a silvery finish. Curing is by oven hardening or induction after which an 8μm coat will typically achieve 600 hours salt spray resistance. The Delta-Protekt® VH350 top coat will take that protection to in excess of 1000 hours and also satisfy coefficiency of friction requirements. One of a series of topcoats tailor-made to suit the Zinc-lamella basecoat, it is a transparent, silicate-based inorganic coat with an extremely low but highly effective dry-film thickness of between 1-3 μm. Three other product series ensure the right, and as always Chrome6-free, sealing system for any application. The organic topcoat Delta-Seal® delivers high chemical resistance and a wide range of colours while the inorganic Deltacoll® topcoat was developed for sealing electroplated surfaces. It ensures low coating thickness with a decorative surface, notably capable of providing a uniform, deep black surface. Delta-Protekt® EK800 is specifically designed for applications with difficult geometries. A water soluble, electrophoretic coating material it forms a precise and uniform coating, without excessive build-up in voids and recesses making it ideal for small, complex parts. Last year, Dörken MKS-Systeme won a prestigious Material Efficiency Prize with new technology that took microlayer corrosion protection into a new level of efficiency. Delta-Protekt® KL105 offers secure protection against corrosion and a low spread

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worldwide of friction coefficients with a two-stage product, which does not require an additional seal coat to set the friction factor and presents significant savings in materials, time and energy. Spreading the system All Dörken MKS-System products are developed and manufactured at Herdecke. “We do not outsource production,” he says. “We have the quality in our hands, and that also makes us very flexible.” So does having twenty-five people dedicated to chemical development. Equally important, though, are another fifteen who concentrate on the application process to meet automotive and other specifications. At Herdecke a dip-spin machine and oven allow precise replication of application processes so that every development from R&D can be tested in practical conditions. Dörken MKS-Systeme also works very closely with application equipment producers, including co-operating on equipment development. “We are still a very typical German company,” acknowledges Dr Reusmann. “We are very technically oriented and we have learnt to actively use this image to develop new markets.”


we are the product specified by the worldwide automotive industry


“Six years ago the focus was domestic, and on our nearest neighbouring countries,” explains Dörken MKS-Systeme president, Dr Peer Gutenberger. “We went as far as Italy but the management of this and of Eastern European business was still firmly based at Herdecke.” “Now, after just six years, the US is well established. Dörken Corporation has a good technical centre, and we have found the land for further development.” Dörken MKS-Systeme also has operations in France, Italy and Korea – the latter the result of a longstanding relationship with a Spanish coater, which decided to set up there. “We also have our companies in Japan and China, and are deciding where to a locate a major technical centre in Asia.” Dörken MKS-Systeme means knowledgeable people – knowledgeable about technology and knowledgeable about the local market. There are eight international representatives. “We are known for our expertise,” says Dr Gutenberger. “We do not have salespeople – we have technical people that make sales, people with the integrity to tell the customer the truth, however difficult that may be.”

Dörken’s manager in China characterises the kind of individual on which the company prides itself. A 40-yearold Chinese national, he spent 20 years working in Germany. The result is a crucial bridge not just between languages but also between business and technical cultures. In the UK the longserving Dick Davis has recently retired in favour of Lawrence Carter, who in turn brings years of practical application experience at Rover. “It is in our nature to establish and value trust,” says Dr Gutenberger. “We do business on a handshake – it was how the relationship was established with our Russian partner and it has worked very well for both of us, without complexities of cross-border legal documentation.” Having seen other companies suffer almost instant plagiarism Dörken is, however, more reticent to consider establishing Asian production. The Chinese and Indian markets will, doubtless though, feature more and more strongly as quality demands become more stringent. Currently Dörken MKS-Systeme has five carefully selected coating partners in China. “We could have many more,” says Dr Reusmann. “It never ceases to impress me how persuasive the ‘made in Germany’ label is in automotive markets throughout the world.” “The key point,” says Dr Gutenberger, “is that we are the product specified by the worldwide automotive industry. What we deliver to VW in China is precisely the same as we deliver in Europe. We need and want to take full responsibility for ensuring Dörken quality wherever it is required.” Dörken MKS-Systeme has grown steadily and thoughtfully across the world. It’s management is intent on continuing to do so. “We don’t want many partners,” says Dr Gutenberger. “We do want the right partners – capable of the investment and commitment required to effectively deliver quality, first time, every time.”

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Moscow show reflects changing market The fifth Fasttec Exhibition, held at the Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre in the outskirts of Moscow, March 27-30, reflected significant trends in the Russian fastener industry. For the second year running this magazine exhibited. The signs of change - and both concerns and optimism - were evident. The most visible evidence of developments in the Russian fastener market was two large manufacturing technology stands at the heart of the Fasttec 2007 main hall. The Italian Sacma Group radically increased their presence from 2006; for the first time displaying machines on the stand – an SP17v combined header/thread roller and an RP22 Ingramatic flat-die thread roller. Both were already sold to, separate, Russian customers, although import regulations mean that they must be returned to Italy and reshipped at a cost of some 20,000 euros apiece. Sacma’s Claudio Armari said, “We gave much consideration to our exhibition presence and were pleased to receive a Fasttec 2007 diploma for the best booth.” Armari complemented Maxgroup who constructed the booth area - “they managed the task brilliantly”. The equipment, installed by Italian specialists, performed impeccably throughout the show, he added.

Commenting on the quality of visitors Claudio Armari noted, “the overwhelming majority were senior people, who make the key decisions on business development and investment in new equipment”. Sacma is committed to promoting both Sacma and Ingramatic in Russia and the rest of the CIS, and Armari says, “due to the good organization of the exhibition, we were able to strengthen existing relationships and make new contacts that, we hope, will bring profitable results.” Squaring up to Sacma was German turnkey specialist WSD representing, amongst others, National Machinery. The WSD stand featured a 5-die 10mm Formax header, shipped in especially for the show, in direct response to the scale of Sacma’s presence. Through its Moscow office WSD represents ‘end-to-end’ agencies ranging from wire preparation, through manufacturing, heat treatment, plating and packaging. Key brands include EW Menn threadrollers; Kohnle heat

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

treatment; Weighpack sorting and packaging; Ingal plating lines and Dr Hesse Chemeta chemicals. WSD says its turnkey proposition is proving important in the Russian market, not least because it includes extended training support, assisting operatives to switch from historic Russian equipment to modern manufacturing technology. WSD is now setting up a warehouse in Russia to supply service parts reliably and avoid potentially critical delays resulting from negotiating Russian customs. Other manufacturing technology exhibitors included Carlo Salvi, although sidelined to the adjoining hall due to late booking; Italian inspection equipment specialist CPA srl and packaging experts Imanpack; Czech nail machine makers Kovopol; and five Taiwanese manufacturers including Jern Yao, Chun Zu and heat treatment specialists San Yung. continued page 34

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ADVISORY SERVICE We offer full Technical Support including: Product Suitability Product Compatibility Advise on Design and any other requirements.

All types of rivets ex-stock including open, sealed, peel, multi grip, grooved, solid, tubular, drive rivets, nylon, all available in steel, aluminium, stainless steel and other materials.



E-MAIL: WEBSITE: Rivco carry large stocks of inserts for sheet metal including rivet nuts, rivet studs


As Huck agents we carry stock of C6L, C50 Hucktainer, Magna Lok, Magna Grip, Magna Bulb, Auto Bulb, Bom etc.

Unit 18 Fortress Close, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7HN

Tel: 01379 872910 Fax: 01379 872915

We offer the “Full Package”on all aspects of the tooling required to install all of our products including sales service, repair and hire.

Rivco Ltd

Hoo Farm Industrial Estate, Frederick Road Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7RA Tel: +44 (0) 1562 513910 Fax: +44 (0) 1562 69666 E-mail: Web site:

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EXHIBITIONS Fasttec 2007, though, did see a noticeable reduction in Russian exhibitors. Overall stand count fell by around 10% to 120 although larger stands from many companies, including Russian participants, meant the show occupied more floorspace. Last year several Russian exhibitors were discontent at the growing presence of overseas companies, with Asian suppliers seen as the main threat, and questioned investment in exhibiting when they were in regular contact with their customer base. The opening of rail freight links from China, eliminating the long shipping route to St Petersburg, has also aided Asian penetration. Overall the number of Asian stands was similar to 2006 but there were more key players, better prepared to connect with Russian buyers.

Omax maintains reputation for the exotic Increased optimism in manufacturing technology prospects appear to reflect a series of trends in Russia. Fastener and component manufacturers are developing the finance lines to reinvest. A clear demonstration is the UZPS plant, whose Fasttec stand was dominated by photographs of some $30 million of heading, rolling and treatment equipment purchased from the Wafios Group last year. Consumer attitudes to poor quality also appear to be backwashing to Russian manufacturers. Discontent with Russian vehicle unreliability, and increasing availability of overseas alternatives, even at the low value end of the market, are reported to have resulted in Lada makers Avtovaz having several thousand unsold vehicles on stock. Last year the automaker publicly warned its main fastener supplier BelZAN – a massive factory employing 6,500 people – to improve quality or risk Avtovaz purchasing from outside Russia or developing its own fastener manufacturing capability.

Writing in advance of Fasttec, Alexander Semenov, Council Coordinator of the RosMetiz Association, highlighted the importance of upgrading Russian fastener and wire product manufacturing technology. He estimated annual production of engineering and automotive fasteners in Russia at 150,000 tons, growing at around 5% per year. Some 120,000 tons of fasteners were imported annually, he said, predominantly from Asia. “In view of the positive growth trends of the Russian economy, Russian enterprises are now in need for equipment and technologies’ upgrade,” he emphasised, noting that 90% of current equipment was 25 years or older. He concluded that Fasttec, which RosMetiz Association jointly organizes with MVK International, represented an important arena for Russian companies to establish cooperation with foreign hardware manufacturer, equipment suppliers and technology engineers.

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European exhibitors included more stainless steel specialists. WASI showed for the first time. Schafer & Peters returned for a second year. Both believe the current stainless market is relatively small and complicated by Russian specifications. There remains a preference for heavily galvanised carbon steel fasteners and, at the other end of the spectrum, more specialist stainless alloys including titanium. “A2 or A4 grades would perform effectively,” said Helmet Peters. There is movement to harmonise Russian ‘Goss’ standards with European norms but the process appears laboured.

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The construction market, in Moscow particularly, continues to run rampant. Enforcement of standards is said to be increasingly stringent driving quality demands upwards. One reflection of this was the success of Russian fixings distributor, EL Mechanics, which recently took on the agency for the UK made Hydrajaws tester, three of which it sold in the first two days of the show. The company is also a longstanding fischer distributor, and confirmed that the German company now has its own warehouse and offices in Russia.

Pecol, and Italian counterpart, Vipa. Again, for wholesalers, long leadtimes to ship into Russia present a significant barrier, particularly in the face of strong domestic competition including Omax, Bolt.Ru and others. Polish boltmaker Srubex exhibited this year, but stand personnel confirmed the primary objectives were to try to win automotive and tooling business. The 2007 show was stronger in terms of volume and quality of visitors. Organisers MVK have not so far provided any analysis of visitors but most exhibitors were positive about the show’s results. The show may have to relocate in future years. Moscow authorities are understood to want to concentrate exhibitions at the Crocus Exhibition Centre and develop Sokolniki as a leisure and entertainment area. Fasttec has established itself as the leading fastener industry event in Moscow, working at a series of different levels – a showcase for manufacturing technology, the marketplace for connecting with Asian and Europe sources, and the venue for promoting product and services to significant user sectors. Whether it can continue to encompass all of these dimensions in a single hall is questionable but it has demonstrated the capability to both grow and evolve to match the requirements of a complex and challenging market.

Sormat has been strong in Russia for several years, with established dealers and its own production and stocks in St. Petersburg and Moscow. This year they launched the Multi-Monti concrete screw, marketed under the Sormat name. Stand personnel said the product concept was completely new to the Russian market, so required demonstration and explanation. Sormat has demonstrated the crucial importance of establishing a presence in Russia. Apart from the logistical challenge of getting deliveries through Russian customs there is no doubt having an office and warehousing in country commands substantial confidence from customers. It is a lesson well learnt by Sacma and also by Italian rivet specialists, Sariv, who have had a Moscow company for three years. Also exhibiting at Fasttec, Böllhoff set up a subsidiary in Novgorod last year. Other leading brands, like Bralo, have opted to establish strong relationships with Russian dealers. Fasttec 2007 saw more companies venturing with a stand to test the market and establish their names. Israeli rivet makers Ornit were amongst these, as was the biggest Portuguese fastener wholesaler

Automotive fastener suppliers required Russian wholesale company specializing in Russianproduced automotive fasteners is looking for suppliers of metal fasteners for European, Japanese and Korean cars. Please contact

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25 years dedicated to distributors In 1982 Heinz Storch and then business partner Bernard Myers started a small fastener import business company in the still new UK town of Milton Keynes. Conscious of an industry deeply suspicious about suppliers ‘running with the hare and the hounds’, Fastbolt committed from the beginning only to supply the distributor. It’s one of several core principles that remain solidly entrenched in today’s Fastbolt Group – now with well-established operations in Germany and the UK, a new subsidiary in Shanghai, and a reputation for business integrity throughout Europe. For many years Fastbolt’s packaging was blazoned with a guarantee: “Schrauben nur für handler” Fasteners for Distributors. While the packaging has long since been updated, the ‘Distributors Only’ commitment remains. Like most aspects of Fastbolt this commitment was underpinned by the shrewd business instinct of Heinz Storch. Born in Hamburg, Heinz learnt his trade in the South African fastener manufacturing industry, before arriving in England. His innate entrepreneurship made the venture into his own business inevitable, with Bernard Myer providing the financial acumen to get through the initial capital-hungry years. By 1990 the company had moved into a custom-built warehouse in Milton Keynes. For the warehouse personnel it was a desperately needed release from the confines of rented storage facilities. Today, the Milton Keynes building still looks and is a modern and effective distribution centre. In the early 1990s it stood apart in the UK fastener industry, making a typically bold statement about this still young company’s intentions. Few who knew Heinz Storch doubted they would be realised.

dimensions. By the mid 1990s that dedication had resulted in Fastbolt being recognised, not just in the UK but by leading distributors across Scandinavia and Germany, as the specialist stockist of Unified high tensile. Soon after the move Bernard Myers stepped away from the business due to health concerns. The decision represented two challenges for Heinz Storch. Firstly, it necessitated finding the means to buy his partner out, resolved when 3I agreed to take a minority stake in the business – an investment the venture capitalist was never to regret. It also meant Heinz turning his mind to the management skills Fastbolt required for the future. Characteristically thorough, in a recruitment process that was almost certainly new territory for him at the time, two of his choices were to prove fundamental to the business. Financial Director, Roy Crosby, was to balance and underpin Heinz’s entrepreneurship with meticulous attention to detail. Occasionally frustrating boss and colleagues, but never losing their respect, Roy fulfilled a core accounting stewardship role to ensure the business’s future. Graham Joyce, now Fastbolt UK managing director, arrived with all the training and expertise of the General Motors buyer he had previously been. To him fell the mantle of

From the beginning Fastbolt was founded on long-range import of fasteners, initially Unified bolting ranges produced in Taiwan. In-depth specialisation on defined ranges remains core to the Fastbolt business philosophy. Servicing the distributor market, as far as Heinz Storch was concerned, meant having off-the-shelf, volume stock, across the range. In Unified bolting that meant from ? inch to 1” diameter, up to 12 inches long, including all the hard to locate C grade

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Heinz Storch travelling the world for Fastbolt, seeking new suppliers and ranges, auditing and negotiating with existing ones, and - least enviable of all – battling constantly to maintain day-to-day availability in a business where replacement leadtimes were often well over sixteen weeks but sales demand was for next day delivery. As important as his formidable negotiating skills and ability to strike and maintain deep trust relationships with suppliers, has been a unique personal chemistry with Heinz Storch. By 1992 the UK business had moved from manual inventory and sales controls to its first integrated business computer system. The specialist ranges had been extended to include metric high tensile hexagonal fasteners, a massive range of self-tapping screws, and nascent ranges of trilobular screws for plastics and metal. There were less successful forays into other niches but fundamentally Fastbolt had achieved its reputation for volume stocks in clearly defined ranges, delivered reliably throughout the UK and Ireland. Export business was also developing.

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Electra Engineering Services 19 Charlton Drive, Corngreaves Trading Estate, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 7BJ England Tel: +44 (0)1384 561000 Fax: +44 (0)1384 411142 Email:

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INSIGHT In the same year Heinz Storch established Fastbolt Schraubengroßhandels GmbH in Gronau, Germany. A skilful deal with the prime delivery contractor provided flexible rented storage, accommodating rapid growth without the disruption of frequent relocation. By 1995 Fastbolt had established its presence in Germany to the extent that it could move into its current facility in Gronau. There is no doubt that the company’s rapid acceptance, into a highly structured market place, rode largely on Heinz Storch’s personality. Natural curiosity, on the part of many of the big players, about this Hamburger with an unusual history probably played no small part in opening doors – and an open door is all Heinz has ever needed to win the confidence of a potential customer. By 1998 the little brother had rapidly outstripped its elder sibling. As Fastbolt UK weathered a tough, increasingly demanding and over subscribed marketplace, Fastbolt Germany became a strong supplier to its industry. In 1998 the Gronau facility underwent a major extension to both offices and warehouse, increasing capacity to over 8,000 pallet locations. The following year the UK warehouse was also radically reorganised to increase capacity to over 5,000 locations. The new millennium brought with it a massive systems change, as Fastbolt opted to invest in and install an SAP computer system to serve and link both companies. The choice was characteristic of Heinz Storch’s uncompromising commitment to the best tools to support the future of his business. Not surprisingly the implementation was tough – no gain without pain may well be a truism, but few in Fastbolt remember the process with much fondness. Gain, however, there most certainly has been and Fastbolt has become one of the most advanced practioners in systematic control of inventory, sourcing and sales – as well as highly efficient communication between its businesses, with its customers and, now importantly, suppliers. In 2003 Fastbolt further extended the Gronau warehouse and installed a high capacity packing and palletising line. The business had become “Big in small screws” – the self tapping and self drilling screw ranges,

already extensive, had grown further as had both range and options in threadforming screws for both metal and plastics. Inventory management, through the SAP system, was centralised in Germany, driving significant improvements in both service availability and working capital management. The developments reflected Fastbolt’s firmly established role in supporting primary importers to meet their infill, short leadtime and lower volume requirements.

Ekkehard Beermann had joined Fastbolt Germany as sales manager in 2001. In 2004 he was confirmed as group managing director. Without doubt Heinz Storch had attracted and developed one of the most talented young managers in the European fastener industry – at exactly the right time to permit him to ease back from his personal leadership of the business. If there is a single key to Fastbolt’s remarkable success – and in truth there are many – it has to do with combining straightforward business principles with the, often instinctual, ability to adapt to the radical changes this industry has seen over 25 years. Fastbolt started as a surrogate for a declining UK fastener manufacturing base. It matured and graduated from a somewhat opportunist trader, in decent but not absolute quality fasteners, into an intrinsically reliable partner to distributors throughout Europe. Benefiting for many years from its detailed knowledge of factories across the world Fastbolt is now distinctive for the skills it has developed in managing the long and critical chain between the cold-header and the distributor’s delivery door. As in any business there were some mistakes along the way but fundamentally the helmsmanship has always been sure. Entrepreneurial vision has been backed by the quality and dedication of

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the people with whom Heinz Storch has surrounded himself. In 2005 Fastbolt Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd was opened. Nowhere is the speed of change so radical as in China and the new operation has become a crucial element in the group’s supply chain management. Since 2006 Fastbolt has developed considerable volume in direct container sales to European distributors. The presence in China provides quality assurance at source and the resolution of inevitable difficulties at a far earlier stage. It has also allowed Fastbolt to strengthen its competitiveness in supplying the non-standard requirements of its customer base. Fastbolt continues to evolve – its capability to do so is a core attribute. This year the German warehouse capacity will be doubled to around 16,500 pallet locations and complemented by the building of a new materials handling section. “The new capacity will provide the space demanded by significant business increase over the past years,” says Ekkehrd Beermann, “and will improve the efficiency of the entire internal logistics. It also offers the potential to add new major product groups to our specialized range.” What else to say? Plenty more could be - by someone, it has to be said, who was fortunate to spend nearly six years as part of this history. There will no doubt be a big celebration at Fastener Fair Stuttgart - Phil Matten will certainly be there to raise a glass to Fastbolt’s next 25 years.

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Reaching the summit… the hard way Bralo - Pinto, Spain

Bralo will manufacture over 3.6 billion rivets this year. Visit its headquarters near Madrid, and there is no surprise in finding a large scale, modern equipped production facility. The hallmark of excellence, though, is the quality of vision that lies behind the machinery and buildings – here Bralo is far from the ordinary. There are only so many ways to produce a particular fastener, so it is inevitable as you visit leading factories that equipment becomes familiar. Bralo is no exception, although it’s 15,000 square metre, multi-level production operation reflects a massive and consistent investment in the best of European manufacturing equipment. There are rows of Essebi headers producing rivet bodies, many dedicated to producing a single dimension – a measure of Bralo’s volumes. Series of Wafios nailmakers produce the mandrels. Sacma multidie headers, some with induction heaters for stainless steel, produce rivet nuts and three new Multipress six-die machines are dedicated to the most complex special shapes.

Every machine is process monitored – this is a factory consciously designed never to make a bad fastener. Two dayshifts are manned, with selected machines running automatic on the night shift. On the second floor long rows of automatic machines assemble the blind rivets, fed by computer-controlled hoppers running on overhead rails. Three packaging systems include a Bilwinco fully automatic line, which weighcounts, boxes, labels, outer cartons and palletises – it also prints barcodes on all packs.

vacuum oven for stainless steel and another specifically for aluminium. The plating line has been chrome 6-free since 2004 and is controlled automatically from a single workstation. Powder coating for coloured head rivets is also carried out in-house. Above the plating and heat treatment operations Bralo assembles its own application tools from outsourced components.

production operation is structured around two warehouses occupying 8,000 square metres of ground area. The first, a robotic facility built in 2004, houses 1,400 pallet locations for raw materials and 6,000 bin locations for semifinished product. All storage control is bar coded. The warehouse has a series of gates at different floor levels, allowing it to act as the hub for

Two words spring constantly to mind as you walk around Bralo – control and efficiency. The main

Bralo has complete in-house heat treatment facilities and its own plating plant a few hundred metres from the main production building. Heat treatment facilities range from a mesh belt furnace to a

all production flow. Raw material is quarantined

The main production floor


This is a factory consciously designed to never make a bad fastener

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Bralo president, Mr Basilio Lopez pending



inspection and then stored in the automatic warehouse before





to Part

finished product enters the warehouse from the heading floor, is issued for plating and heat treatment, returned and reissued at another floor level for assembly and packaging. Final packed product is stored in an adjoining 4,000 europallet warehouse,



manual picker/stackers with RFID screens linked to the barcode system – eliminating paperwork and the associated potential for error. Physically, it is all some way from a company that started in 1979 as a distributor of blind rivets to the Spanish hardware market. Talk, though, with company founder and president, Mr Basilio Lopez, and it is not difficult to locate the constancy of vision that has built one of the world’s foremost rivet makers. Two factors drove Mr Lopez to take what he describes as “the harder road” of becoming a manufacturer. The Spanish market was already highly price competitive. Acting solely as a distributor did not provide Bralo with the growth it needed or the ability to service the

opportunities that Mr Lopez’s experience clearly identified in the market. He explored possibilities to import fasteners from further afield but found similar limitations to domestic sources. The harder road was the only solution. “We started making rivets,” says Mr Lopez, “in 1985. There were 15 people in an 800 square metre factory.” From the beginning he set out to differentiate Bralo product, “in terms of its quality, its strength, its performance, its appearance and packaging.” Price competition remained a crucial issue. Making a rivet of distinction, particularly in those early days, was not cheap. Again the harder road had to be taken – working intensively with users to demonstrate the merits of buying from Bralo distributors. It was door-to-door, labour intensive - a long marketing campaign that, combined with the initial absorption of some production costs, finally persuaded more and more customers to switch to Bralo. The situation, though, made it essential that Bralo achieved real production efficiencies – which meant, even as a young company, investing in modern, automatic machinery.

difficulties in the early days are the reason Bralo is now so successful,” he says. Modestly he omits to mention his personal role in maintaining a clear vision of the future and a steadfast commitment to the highest levels of product quality and customer service.

Lopez. “Our production quality will be the same as here in Madrid, our quality laboratory is being equipped the same way, the certification they will have will be the same.” The latter, incidentally, includes ISO TS 16949:2002 as well as ISO 9001:2000.

Today Bralo manufactures over 2,500 product references. Blind rivets range from 2.4mm to 6.5mm diameter and up to 200mm long in aluminium, steel, stainless steel and copper. Rivets are finished in RAL colours, anodised, Chrome6-free zinc or zincnickel plated. Insert nuts are produced from M3 to M12 in aluminium, steel and stainless steel, with a variety of heads and forms. The company also manufactures a growing range of cold-formed specials.

Again, he acknowledges it is not about taking the easy way but Mr Lopez is adamant that Bralo “will have the best, most efficient and competitive manufacturing everywhere that it operates in order to meet the requirements of our customers, wherever they are in the world.”

75% of production is exported, to over 40 countries, and Bralo has a worldwide presence. Its production operation in Mexico has recently been relocated to “a wonderful new factory”. A third plant is currently being set up in Ningbo, China and already employs 20 people. “It is being equipped with the most modern equipment and technologies,” emphasises Mr

It was the same commitment that motivated Bralo to establish its own distribution companies, located in key markets that now include France – the first in 1992 Portugal, Czech Republic, UK, Germany, Italy and Turkey. Bralo also has exclusive distribution agreements in both North and South America. It is the way of great climbers to constantly find new pinnacles to challenge. Something, no doubt, Bralo will continue to do – never, though, by taking the easy way.

In 1995 Bralo relocated from Fuenlabrada to the suburb of Pinto. “We had not even 40 people at the time,” recalls Mr Lopez, “moving into a 5,000 square metre factory.” Now Bralo employs 320 people worldwide - half based in Pinto. Sales for 2007 are projected to achieve 51 million Euro. Basilio Lopez is in no doubt that Bralo’s success today was forged by the early challenges it faced and overcame. “All of these

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Commitment to quality is clear

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Connecting with the Spanish market Fijiaciones Norma S.A. A few months after the merger announcement, the new Norma Group was unveiled to Ferroforma visitors with an imposing stand at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Ernest Muratet, managing director of Fijiaciones Norma S.A., spoke about the Spanish company and its market. Norma has built a strong presence in Spain since the Muratet and Rasmussen families founded a joint company, 25 years ago, in Barcelona. “We began by trying to develop the automotive market,” says Ernest Muratet. “After five years, we asked to be able to go after the aftermarket, the hardware stores and industry.” In the early 90s Norma began developing these markets – “our lines changed immensely,” recalls Ernest Muratet. Norma was not previously known in these sectors so the company needed to build brand recognition based strongly on quality and performance. “Now we are very much perceived as we wish to be,” he says. The Spanish market has distinctive structures and dynamics, making marketing a key role in the Norma business. In 1995 Natividad Mateos became a ‘one-woman’ marketing department. “Marketing is the tool to present our philosophy to the customer,” she says. Initially this meant producing literature and co-ordinating exhibitions and promotions. Increasingly, though, the department took on the classical roles of research, customer analyse and identification of market segmentation. “It allowed us to tailor our presentation carefully to each sector of the market,” says Natividad. Now, with an in-house designer to support communication aims, the marketing operation works to translate a detailed understanding of its customers to all of Fijiaciones Norma 45 employees. A key tool is satisfaction research, generating a deeper insight into not just who the customer is but also what creates and retains their loyalty. “This is a management tool,” says Ernest Muratet, “as important as the P & L account. Every person in our business is a link in the service chain that surrounds our customers.” “In the beginning,” he continues, “we were product and technology driven in our approach to the customer. Now we offer solutions, not just products. This is how we want our customers to see us.” Major automotive OEMs in Spain are serviced direct from the group’s headquarters in Maintal, Germany. Fijiaciones Norma supports other manufacturers and sub-assemblers - business that accounts for around a third of sales. Around 8% of sales are into DIY and a further 15% into industry. The balance goes into the hardware stores, a market dominated by co-operatives. The continued

strength of the hardware stores and the role of the co-operatives are unique to the Spanish market, although edges are blurring as big DIY groups try to move in and the ‘hardwares’ develop their own bricolage departments. “The Spanish economy grew 3.9% in 2006,” says Ernest Muratet. “Much of that was construction driven. The forecast for 2007 is a still healthy 3.7% growth.” One of the keys to Norma’s strategy is commitment. “We have to recognise,” says Ernest Muratet, “that the hardware stores will supply what their customers demand, which creates a multibrand, more price-driven environment.” That has meant Norma developing high impact, conveniently packed merchandised ranges that will attract the customers to its product. “For industrial suppliers,” says Ernest Muratet, “we do not look for distributors, we look for partners.” Currently, Norma has around 100 such partners, which get priority on product launches and developments, including advance information to plan their own sales campaigns. The key distinction is that the partners are committed to a single brand strategy and to active sales and promotional activity to develop it. “Our sales people work closely with their sales people to develop the business,” says Ernest Muratet, “transferring knowledge and skills as they visit users together.” Norma has 14 employed sales people, actively involved in the partnership process, and 35 sales agents in Spain, mainly servicing the trade market. “In Spain brand and quality is too often superseded by price,” acknowledges Ernest Muratet. “It is the only strategy our domestic competitor possesses. For Norma it is important that we focus on providing solutions and using the USPs we have in every market sector to differentiate ourselves. The merger with ABA makes good sense because we can learn from our new colleagues in many of the markets already important to us and develop new strategies for other markets, where we have not so far pushed so hard.” “The new group also means we can offer a wider range of products under well-known brand names, making it easier to segment the market and satisfy each customer’s ‘personal profile’.”

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Striving for the international stage FERROFORMA ‘07 Switching from Autumn 2006 to Spring 2007, Ferroforma aimed to alternate with Practical World and achieve its long held ambition of striding the international hardware stage. We went to find out whether the strategy worked. Ferroforma and Bricoforma 2007 took place at the new Bilbao Exhibition Centre, a few kilometres outside the Northern Spanish city, from 7th to 10th March. A total of 1,314 exhibitors from 28 countries occupied 994 stands throughout the BEC’s six halls. 43% of exhibitors were Spanish. Although the number of actual stands increased from 2004 the number of participating companies fell by around 50.

Generally, BEC was very positive about the calibre and purchasing power of Ferroforma visitors. Realistically, and despite the change from autumn to spring to alternate with Cologne’s Practical World, Ferroforma remains what it has long been – a successful, large scale but definitely Spanish event. On that front, there was a “notable increase in visiting professionals

The organisers reported 24,080 professional visitors, similar to the 2004 record, when the show was first held in the new venue. Something over 2,000 visitors came from outside Spain, 23% up on 2004, leading BEC to herald Ferroforma ‘07 as “the most international event in its entire history”. Most foreign visitors came from Western European countries, although there were some attendees from the Baltic States and Czech Republic. China, Morocco and Mexico were also noted as significant sources of visitors. Visitors included representatives from Home Depot; Brico Depot and Leroy Merlin from France; OBI, EDE and EDRA from Germany; and the UK’s Kingfisher Group.

from traditional Spanish hardware zones such as Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid and Andalusia”. This suggests a continuation of its domestic strength, although during the show there was speculation that alternative events might develop in Madrid and elsewhere in Spain. Ferroforma is well organised and the BEC is an





conveniently accessed from Bilbao city by an efficient Metro connection, and providing good access and parking to visitors arriving by road. Bilbao has an excellent airport but direct flights from across Europe are limited – Madrid continues to be the main centre for incoming flights as a matter of central policy.

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We visited for the first two days. This year Ferroforma reversed its normal pattern, starting on Wednesday and running through to Saturday. Heavy rain may have contributed to a quiet opening Wednesday, although BEC had already said they expected Thursday and Friday to be the key visitor days, with mainly local visitors on Saturday. Generous aisle widths, though, on Wednesday only served to emphasise how sparsely populated the show was, especially once lunchtime hospitality began. One of the features of the new halls at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre is their height. Each is entered from the central atrium at high level, with visitors descending to the exhibition floor. This year BEC actively encouraged exhibitors to use the height to maximum effect – several fastener and tool exhibitors obliged, contributing to attractive vistas across several halls. Fastener exhibits were mainly concentrated in Hall 4, with regulars like Bralo, ABC Tornilleria, Index and Chavesbao all taking prominent stands. The ABC stand celebrated 40 years of the SPAX brand, continuing to command a powerful

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had large stands. In the fastener related product area Wiha and Wera vied for attention in Hall 4. Wera majored on its new Kraftform stainless range of drivers. Wiha presented a number of innovations including its Torx® Autofit range and System 4 and 6 hand drivers. Felo on the other hand challenged visitors to get a grip on its ‘ergonic’ screwdriver. Arguably the most eye-catching stand, though, was that of USH Bits and Tools. In fact, German tool manufacturers were generally highly visible thanks to an extensive “Made in Germany” campaign. In addition to a group stand, several independent German exhibitors carried the distinctive logo.

USH burning bright position in the Spanish hardware market. For Bralo the show, as usual, represented the opportunity to welcome and extend hospitality mainly to its Spanish customers. Celo were absent but Panelfisa was well positioned in Hall 4, as was Portuguese wholesaler Pecol and Spanish manufacturer’s group, Fastenex. For both Chavesbao and Index, Ferroforma is home ground. Chavesbau’s 17,000 square metre automated warehouse, shown in action in an excellent on-stand video, is close to Bilbao’s airport. Expectations, though, were not high. Ferroforma is seen very much as a domestic market show and “not strong for developing international prospects”. Fixing’s manufacturer Index has its factory at Logroño between Bilbao and San Sebastian.

Day two of the show was certainly far more active with the key halls experiencing much stronger traffic. The British Hardware & Houseware Manufacturers Association group stand in Hall 2, however, persisted in being a backwater according to Olympic Fixings and Action Can and that after a ‘deadly quiet’ first day. Hose clamp maker, L. Robinson & Co also had a booth with the BHHMA group. Spain is one of the few ‘blank spots’ on the Jubilee® map and, in the absence of a Cologne show Ferroforma was used to target the country. One of Ferroforma’s great strengths is tools, not least because of the location of many Spanish manufacturers in the Basque country – as usual, highly visible at Ferroforma. Makita, Hitachi and Worx also

One newcomer to Ferroforma was Linkwell Industries, amongst a small group of Taiwanese exhibitors in Hall 4. Kosky Yen explained, “we decided to try Ferroforma because there was no Cologne show this year.” Speaking on day one, he was, however, perturbed at the lack of visitors activity. 2007 is Linkwell’s 30th anniversary. The company expects to top US$100 million in fastener trading this year, with over US$60 million generated by its factories. These include the Thailock factory in Chonburi, Thailand, which with a 1500 tons output monthly, is the largest nylon insert nut factory in the world. A small number of Chinese fastener exhibitors were also present, in a ‘pavilion’ in Hall 5.

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An innovative footnote on tools ranging came from Shanghai-based Mastercraft, which had just launched a program dedicated to the female tool user – under the Venus brand. Sales director, Henk Slotboom, was delighted with a major order from B&Q in China, and was hopeful of interest from European retailers. Overall, our opinion of Ferroforma remains little changed. 8.5% foreign visitors does not make an international show - particularly when one bears in mind that many foreign exhibitors were supporting their Spanish distributors rather than exhibiting in their own right. It is always a pleasure to visit Bilbao. Long may Ferroforma succeed as what it undoubtedly is – an excellent Spanish show.

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Machine Screws Security Screws Socket Screws HT Bolts & Sets Threaded Inserts Special Fasteners Materials St/St Brass Mild Steel

Finishes Zinc, Galvanised Black

Where Quality & Service Come As Standard

Threaded Types BSW, BSF, UNC, UNF, BA, METRIC

Woodscrews Packaging Materials Rivets and Rivet Nuts Self Drilling Screws P.P.E. & Safety Wear Kanban & J.I.T. Systems

PH 01902 790 780 FX 01902 790 810 Extensive Product Range Single Source Supplier

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Form-locking withstands earthquakes Anchors and seismic load requirements By Ing. Marco Bonanni and Dr. Thomas Sippel published by permission of fisher fixing systems


arthquakes are natural phenomena with long cycles, sometimes recurring within decades or – in major earthquakes – within centuries. Anyone in the building and construction industry must guarantee ultimate safety standards against various risks and dangers, which include the risk of earthquakes. Earthquakes killed many people in the past years. More or less destructive earthquakes occurred everywhere in the world, in San Francisco (1989), Los Angeles (1994), Kobe (1995) and in Turkey (1999), demonstrating that large sections of the population live and work in buildings which are unable to withstand earthquakes.

Being one of the countries with a high seismic activity, Italy suffered substantial damage even in relatively minor earthquakes. This is explicable by Italy’s highly sensitive building heritage going back to ancient times, and the high concentration of cultural assets. The damage suffered during the earthquakes in Belice (1968), Friaul (1976), Campagna and Basilikata (1980), Umbria and the Marches (1997), Molise (2002) and Brescia (2004) speaks for itself. The number of people killed by collapsing public buildings has sensitised governments and other institutions to the issue. After years of legislative inactivity, Italy has now submitted new standards and regulations for the design of buildings in areas endangered by earthquakes. Besides the risk of seismic activity in a certain region, the risk of buildings and the infrastructure being damaged in earthquakes also depends on the susceptibility of the buildings and the socio-economic effects of the earthquake damage. Italy’s high population density and the concentration of industrial settlements would, in fact, severely affect its socioeconomic structure with potentially fatal effects on the domestic economy. Avoiding such damage would need an urban and regional planning policy, which puts prevention, development and safety first instead of following the logic of emergency management after the catastrophe.

Comparison with the European situation Comparing the new Italian earthquake regulations and the Eurocode 8 shows that both regulations envisage the same principles and methods for the design and construction of buildings in earthquake regions. The basic requirements of the Eurocode 8, namely noncollapse and damage containment, are fundamentally identical with the Italian regulations involving collapse safety (SLU stadio limite ultimo) and protection from damage (SLD stato limite di danno). Both regulations refer to a so-called standard design earthquake. Earthquakes with a high probability of occurrence must not cause any severe damage, impairing building functions. In less frequent, i.e. more severe earthquakes, the minimum requirement is the safety and protection of human life. The Eurocode classifies buildings into various categories using the significance coefficient γ. Like the Italian regulations, the Eurocode 8 relies on performance coefficient / load-bearing structure factor q to account for the behaviour of the load-bearing structure in a simplified way. Continued page 54

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CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS The building ground is classified according to the ease with which it either liquefies or compacts. The Eurocode 8 classifies the building ground into three classes A, B and C. Depending on risk levels, each individual country can enlarge this classification to better match the subsoil conditions prevailing in that country. The movement caused by a seismic event is presented in a response spectrum of the soil acceleration called "elastic response spectrum". These elastic response spectrums objectively reflect the features of potential earthquakes in a given location without, however, accounting for the special type of loadbearing structure and its specific behaviour in earthquakes. For designing an individual building, the elastic response spectrum can be converted into the “design spectrum” using the loadbearing structure factor q. Eurocode 8 prescribes that the behaviour of non-load-bearing building components under the effects of a standard design earthquake must not put human life at risk and must have no detrimental impact on the response of the load-bearing elements. For buildings designed for civil protection, Eurocode 8 says that checks must be made to ensure that the load-bearing system has sufficient strength and stiffness in order to guarantee the proper function of vital facilities following an earthquake. Non-load-bearing building elements which, when failing, are likely to cause death or injury, will normally be tested by being exposed to seismic effects together with their connections to the loadbearing structure.

International regulations As far as anchorings in concrete are concerned, the Europeans have the ETAG Guidelines which describe various types of anchorings, the compressive strength classes of concrete, the direction and nature of the applied loads, the safety factors and the fracture behaviour of fixing systems in cracked and noncracked concrete. The Americans address the subject of mechanical anchoring systems with their ACI 355.2 which deals with approval tests for mechanical anchorings in concrete, and the Code ACI 318 which includes layout and design rules for anchoring points in steel concrete. This regulation addresses the earthquake issue with experimental tests and specific design instructions. Like the ETAG Guideline, the US regulation also defines minimum distances from the edge of the building component and the spacings between fixings. The US regulations also call for so-called suitability tests, which examine the susceptibility of the fixing to deviations from the

Installing stiffening elements to protect against horizontal movement

Non-load-bearing connections or building components are often disregarded with respect to their effects, although their failure can often be the cause for substantial economic losses. The damage caused by earthquakes in non-load-bearing construction elements and systems in hospitals and other buildings constituted a serious problem in many parts of the world. The right kind of anchorage and bracing of the non-load-bearing components and systems in emergency facilities is a crucial factor to make sure that these facilities remain functioning and in relatively good working order after an earthquake. Items such as pipe systems must not be linked to the building solely by friction. Both the fixing elements and the load-bearing and non-load-bearing building elements with which these items are connected must be tested. Above all, the tests must show whether the design value of each type of stress – including seismic stress loads – is below the appropriate design value of the resistance. Pipe systems can be connected to the building by way of rigid or movable devices. If movable fixing elements are chosen, the operating connections of the items must also be movable and must not be part of the fixing mechanism. Eurocode 8 dedicates a separate chapter to non-load-bearing building components and specifies that they should be tested under the impact of the standard design earthquake. The earthquake impact for which the systems are to be tested must also account for the dynamic intensification due to its location inside the building. Continued page 56 Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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not only anchors

Manufacturers of Masonry Nails, Cartridge Tool Nails, Washered Nails and Capping Nails



Ancoranti omologati per fissaggi grandi portate Approved anchors for heavy loads Ancoranti testati e certificati da Bossong per grandi e medie portate Anchors tested and certificated by Bossong for heavy and middle loads

See us on stand

J.H. de Wit en Zonen B.V., P.O. Box 60, Gerstdijk 17, Industrial Zone No. 9081, 5700 AB Helmond,The Netherlands. Tel: +(31) 492 - 588888 Fax: +(31) 492 - 547585 E-mail:

5.2 G41 19th-20th September 2007 BOSSONG S.p.A. Zona Industriale 2 - Via E. Fermi, 51 - 24050 GRASSOBBIO (Bergamo) Italy Tel +39 035 3846 011 - Fax +39 035 3846 012 -

ancoranti 07 PICC.indd 1

14-12-2006 11:13:40

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The only national regulation to account for earthquake effects is the guideline of the DIBT "Verwendung von Dübeln in Kernkraftwerken und kerntechnischen Anlagen" (use of anchors in nuclear power stations and nuclear facilities). Table 1 summarises the marginal conditions for the various categories of use. Table 2 shows the tests required for application category A. The guideline accounts for cracks widths of as much as 1.5 mm. Further tests and investigations To obtain further data on the load-bearing behaviour of anchors exposed to earthquake stress, tests were made in collaboration with the IKI in Vienna and the ISMES in Seriale, with fischer undercut, expansion and bonded expansion anchors being tested under realistic earthquake conditions using a shaking table. The tests were made in cracked concrete with a crack width of 1.5 mm. Preliminary tests with anchors of the bolt type showed that failure already occurs at about 50% of the static load-bearing capacity. This is due to surface concrete spalling up to a depth of 7 mm as a consequence of higher concrete compression. This, in turn, generates higher bending stress loads in the bolt than in the undercut or expansion anchors. After the tests, the essential results may be summarised as follows: Undercut anchors: • Axial displacements observed between cone and sleeve and between sleeve and concrete • Minor superficial concrete spalling observed in the area of the drill hole • The bolt showed severe bending deformations • Total anchor failure was not observed Expansion anchors: • Axial displacements observed between cone and sleeve • Superficial concrete spalling • Severe lateral deformations (up to 27 mm) of the bolt • No total failure Bonded expansion anchors: • Full anchor pull-out shortly before the end of the tests at an acceleration of approx. 2.7g • Superficial concrete spalling The play between the attachment part (steel plate) and concrete which increased as the tests continued has a highly detrimental impact because of the pronounced hammer effect of the attachment part.

a) Tensile load

Neq Ni


perfect conditions in use. For instance, tests are made in wide cracks with drills, which are at the lower or the higher tolerance limit of the drill diameter. A new feature in the US regulations, as yet not found in the ETAG Guidelines, is the so-called "Simulated Seismic Tests" (tests under simulated earthquake stress) with a few load changes in cracks 0.5 mm in width. The load changes and the related load amplitudes are shown in Fig. 1. As mentioned above, the tests are made in cracks with a width of 0.5 mm. The use of anchors tested in this manner is therefore limited to anchorings outside the plastic articulations of buildings. Due to the load acting on the reinforcement beyond the yield point, substantially larger crack widths (approx. 1.5 mm) must be expected in the zones of plastic articulations.

Nm 10

b) Shear load




±Veq ±Vi ±Vm load


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Fig. 1: Load cycles according to ACI

Requirement category




Incidents e.g. • Safety earthquakes • Aircraft crash • Explosions

Incidents e.g. • “normal” earthquakes

Operating loads


≤ 10

> 10





Resistance ␥ Mc = ␥ Mp




Frequency of occurrence Partial safety coefficients

Table 1: Requirement categories and the related safety coefficients


Test condition

Load direction

Crack width ⌬w mm

Required residual load-bearing capacity

Suitability tests 1

Monotonous tensile load



≥ 0.8


Load changes nL = 15



≥ 0.7 no failure during load changes


Crack openings



nR = 10

≥ 0.7 no failure during crack opening

Permissible conditions in use 4

Monotonous tensile load



Reference load for tests according to lines 1 to 3


Monotonous shear load

Shear tension


Reference load for tests according to line 6


Fluctuating shear load

Shear tension


≥ 0.9 no failure during load changes

Table 2: Required tests for requirements category A

Summary The damage potential caused by secondary damage effects is relatively great under earthquake stress. Due to different concrete compression rates in the concrete close to the surface, the failure mode depends on the type of anchor. The tests show that undercut anchors have the smallest deformations and therefore reach higher load-bearing capacities than the sleeve-type expansion anchors. However, no premature failure was observed in the expansion anchor. The load-bearing capacities were substantially influenced by the width of the cracks. Also, superficial concrete damage and larger axial displacements tend to increase the bending stress acting on the anchor. In total, very substantial deformations occur under seismic stress loads. Whether these are tolerable depends on the deformation capability of the connected structure.

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fischer fixings in radio advertising campaign – pass it on! In a unique and innovative move for the fixings sector, fischer fixings is running a brandbuilding radio advertising campaign on commercial radio between April and July. The 40 second ad breaks on April 2nd and promotes the fischer brand, while also encouraging sell-through in the company’s key distribution channels – builders merchants and fixings distributors, as well as mail order. The theme of the commercial is to promote a quality message, drawing a parallel between specification of fischer fixings on wellknown civil engineering projects and their use for

small-scale domestic jobs. When the listener has got the message, they are encouraged to “pass it on”. The campaign runs on Capital 95.8 throughout London, as well as Chiltern FM (Hertfordshire/Bedfordshire), Mercury FM (Surrey/Sussex), 2-Ten FM (Reading) and Mercia FM (Coventry). The substantial campaign will have a reach of virtually three million and will be targeting all consumers,

but especially enthusiastic DIYers, jobbing and professional builders. This year’s campaign follows smaller radio campaigns which fischer ran in both 2005 and 2006, and also comes in the wake of motorway signage promotional campaigns which the company has run during each of the past three years. “With greatly improved distribution over the last few

years, especially in the merchant channel, we are now looking to communicate with the end-users of fischer products more than ever before,” says Dr Pietro Grandesso, managing director. “That’s the reason why we are launching this campaign at this time – and I’m sure our merchant and distributor customers can look forward to increased sales this summer as a result!”

Unique resin injection system reduces wastage. Hilti has launched its new HIT-HY70 injection system – a unique fastening procedure that allows the user to identify when the correct resin amount has been injected in hollow masonry, thus reducing costs and wastage per fastening point. Optimally adapted to Hilti’s combinable composite mesh sleeves to continuously ensure reliable fastening, it offers flexible embedment depths and variable loads with fewer parts, all without a loss in performance. The system can be used indoors or outdoors in all

masonry types and aerated lightweight concrete and glass construction. Ergonomic dispensers from Hilti – the ED3500 and MD2000 – make precise mortar dosage possible in manual, pneumatic, battery-driven or mains-powered form, depending on requirements.

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Hardened steel nails TR85 Shank diam.: 2,5mm L=20-25-30-35mm Washer diam.: 8.5mm Hardness: 52 /55 HRC

New price list from JCP JCP Construction Products have published their new price list, effective from 1st May 2007. To compliment their existing range, a number of new products have been introduced, including: • Self Drilling Screws • Fire Rated Foam • High Load Vinyl Ester Resin accredited with WRAS approval. • Steel Nail In Anchors • Powder Actuated Strip Nails • Powder Actuated Ceiling Clips A number of products are now offered with European Technical Approvals. These are identified within the price list and the product themselves display the relevant approval numbers. Existing customers of JCP will receive their copy through the post. Other copies can be ordered through the Owlett-Jaton sales offices.

Setting tool

Valuable products for reliable jobs TRAFILERIE CHIODERIE TORRE DE BUSI sas Via Sonna, 10-fr. S. Gottardo, I-23806 Torre de Busi (LC) Italia Tel +39 035785050 Fax +39 035785445 e-mail:

See us on stand

4. D22 19th-20th September 2007

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Lindapter simplifies Newcastle bridge refurbishment The construction of girder runways to transport materials required during the refurbishment of the historic Newcastle High Level Bridge has been simplified by a Lindapter clamp. The runways span the twin-level rail and road bridge, and are being used during the refurbishment of the lower road deck by May Gurney. The girders are allowing the materials required - structural steel, and a Greenheart timber covering - to be moved easily into position via a rolled wagon. Lindapter's Girder Clamp fixings were selected because they could be attached to original high level bridge beams without

drilling or welding, protecting the Grade 1listed historic structure built by Robert Stephenson. When it opened in 1849, the bridge became a key element of the UK's East coast main line, linking London with Edinburgh. Around 400 Lindapter Girder Clamps have been used, supporting two runway beams which span the entire length of the bridge underneath the rail level, plus a further three runways on the bridge's arched approaches.

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

The Lindapter Girder Clamps attach by means of four bolts, and provide a high strength connection for a steel beam, which can support loads of several tonnes. May Gurney's senior site agent, John Brown said: "Lindapter clamps offered the ideal solution for this element of the road refurbishment project, giving us a fixing which protects this iconic bridge, but which is also very easy to install - and remove when the project finishes in 2008."

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no drilling, no welding, no worries!

Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia

Eliminates welding = Minimised fire risk

No hot work permit = Non-specialist labour

No damage to protective steelwork coatings = Maintains integrity of steelwork

No special equipment required = Cost savings

Reduces installation time & cost = Quicker turnarounds

70 years of worldwide steelwork connections

Ability to relocate if needed = Cost effective

Lindapter Girder Clamp Girder Clamps enable beam to beam connections to be made quickly and easily on site and require no drilling or welding equipment. Girder Clamps can be supplied to accommodate any size or type of structural steelwork.

Free technical design service = Peace of mind telephone +44 (0)1274 521 444

steelwork fixings crane rail fixings support systems

cavity fixings floor fixings design services

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See us on stand

5.2 G16 19th-20th September 2007

Manufacturers specialising in roll threading and bending of fixings and fasteners. In business for over 40 years and have built up an enviable reputation for standard and non-standard products in both mild and stainless steel.

Steven Walker & Sons Ltd.

Croydon Works • Portersfield Industrial Estate • Cradley Heath • Warley • West Midlands B64 7BE Tel: 01384 569087 • Fax: 01384 633727

ACTION CAN There’s no BIGGER name in Industrial Aerosols


Action Line: 01942 713667

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Record-breaking Fastener Fair Stuttgart promises two days of great business, with fun and networking thrown in as well This year’s key event for the fasteners and fixings industry is set to be an all-round record-breaker. “We already have more than 380 exhibitors from 36 countries,” says Fastener Fair Stuttgart Organiser Jerry Ramsdale, “and that represents more than double the number of exhibitors and three times the floorspace that we had when the show launched in 2005.” The number of visitors is set to soar, too. “Last time the event was visited by 2000 qualified buyers from 51 countries. Now, following the launch of our new streamlined pre-registration system, first results show that industry professionals are recognising Fastener Fair Stuttgart as the key event for their industry.” Online pre-registration at opened last month, with visitors already signing up in their hundreds. “It really is worthwhile to pre-register,” explains Jerry Ramsdale, “because not only will visitors be able to enjoy fast-track entrance, but they will also get a free copy of the comprehensive €20 show guide.” With so many exhibitors and so much ground to cover, planning for a two-day visit is a must. As well as the opportunity for visitors to

meet with the world’s leading suppliers, other features of the show will include an Innovations Showcase – this will allow visitors to appreciate and vote on the latest technology and fastener and fixings solutions available. Plus, in addition to the business opportunities presented by the show, another good reason to stay overnight is the special party at the end of the first day. Free of charge to all registered visitors and exhibitors, the party combines great music, food and drink with a unique opportunity for Europe’s industry professionals to network informally. For those who have not been before, Stuttgart is a city full of opportunities, providing a great setting for both work and play. It is in one of the strongest economic regions of Germany – BadenWürttemberg – and centrally located in the heart of both Europe and its industrial heartlands. “All in all, concludes Jerry Ramsdale, “When doors open on the 19th of September, visitors and exhibitors can look forward to a very busy, productive and enjoyable Fastener Fair Stuttgart.”

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IFE ’07 show highlights

Ninety-one manufacturing technology companies exhibited at the International Fastener Exposition, which ran alongside Interwire, at the Cleveland I-X Center, May 7-10. Fastener & Fixing Europe and both participated and provide this highlights report. The show opened with a half day starting at 1 pm,” said Fastener & Fixing Europe advertising manager, Jamie Mitchell. “Visitor numbers were pretty low, as they were also on the last day. The middle days were certainly stronger in visitor terms, but were overshadowed by the headline in the Cleveland paper.”

important thing is that we found people we didn't know about. From that aspect, the show was successful." Another spoke of meeting contacts from both Mexico and Chile. One exhibitor, who had spent $70,000 on stand and shipping, reckoned he had obtained 117 leads in total from the show.

On Tuesday Ford Motor Company announced the closure of its Cleveland casting plant and the suspension of production at a nearby engine plant. “The news came on what is normally the busiest day of this show,” says editor, John Wolz. Manufacturing technology suppliers, he explains, have traditionally shipped equipment to the show in anticipation of making sales and delivering it straight to the buyer. With U.S. automakers and other industries outsourcing manufacturing there is less demand for domestic fastener manufacturing. That means existing fastener makers aren't buying as much new equipment as a decade ago. Many exhibitors have taken reduced space in the three shows staged over the last six years.

In its latest incarnation, explains Wolz, IFE was sponsored by the International Fastener Machinery & Suppliers Association. Two years ago it was sponsored by the Industrial Fasteners Institute and IFMSA and held in conjunction with Fastener Week and a distribution trade show. Four years ago the IFI and IFMSA held the show in Cleveland after winning exhibitors away from Reed Exhibitions. Ray Zirkle of IFMSA said exhibitors would determine the future of the show. "I listen to my exhibitors," he declared.

“From the visitor badges there appeared to be a high proportion of pre-registered attendees and invitees,” said Jamie Mitchell, “which meant planned rather than casual visits. While that suggests the more serious buyers were in attendance, over the four days the show still felt light on visitors. One organiser hospitality event also had the clear effect of drawing buyers away from the exhibits during show hours.” There were, though, certainly successes. Ernst Menn of German thread roller specialists, EW Menn, confirmed to Fastener & Fixing Europe that the AF101 machine on its booth had been sold. The 3die long stroke former on the Jern Yao stand was also sold. Greg Nygaard told that General Inspection had sold a $12,000 Laser Lab, bench-top sample inspector, to "a new customer we never met and didn't even know the company existed." John Wolz says, though, that the most frequent response from exhibitors commenting on the show was “Okay”. Although traffic might not have been busy one exhibitor did stress, “The

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Aachener Maschinenbau AMBA highlighted the BM Series of Automatic Long Bolt machines, which make very long bolts and screws from coil. A new, adaptable wire feeding system has been developed to replace the equalizing station on the BM machines. The BM model on display used a 2-plane straightener method and was suitable for steel wire and stainless steel up to 1/ 2” diameter, feeding lengths from 3 to 120 inches, at up to 350 FPM.

Carlo Salvi Carlo Salvi were keen to demonstrate that Made in Italy is synonymous with more than sports cars and fashion when it comes to high quality and unrivalled craftsmanship. In particular the company was the capability of its single-die two-blow machines to produce parts that might otherwise require a 2-die 3-blow machine. Salvi also offers 2-die 4-blow machines capable of producing parts, which might normally require a 4-die machine. The company also offers precision parts former up to 6 dies capable of producing parts from extremely short to extremely long, at high speeds and with exceptionally long tool life.

Chun Zu Chun Zu has been producing fastener manufacturing equipment since 1974. Last year it celebrated the production of its 10,000th machine.

allows rapid re-positioning of any punch to a previously set position from a 999 parts memory, reducing eight-hour multidie setups to less than one hour.

Mectron inspection Systems Mectron presented its full line of automated inspection systems, utilizing Windows XP operating systems and swivel touch screens. Inspection systems are available in two, six or eight laser configurations and can be outfitted with eddy current and vision add-ons to provide complete part inspection. New technology on d i s p l a y included M e c t ro n ’s n e w l y integrated tilt laser array plate to accommodate products with extreme cosine error, and a newly developed length and acceleration analyzer.

National Machinery In addition to featuring its FORMAX heading technology National Machinery demonstrated an RB-2 rotary basket cleaning machine from Ransohoff, in which National acquired a majority interest last year.

North American distributor, Quality Rebuilding Corporation, demonstrated CBP-5S, 8mm, 5-die, 5-station parts former with a universal transfer system and a CPR-10L inclined flat die thread roller with a special new soundproof cover.

Fastener Equipment Corporation EW Menn’s new Model AF-101 High-Speed, Flat-Die Thread received its North American premiere at IFE 2007. Also on show was Asahi Sunac’s AQ 635-3 high-speed, 3-die, 3-blow cold header, producing trimmed M8 product at 400ppm. The machine has a quick tool change feature, allowing complete changeover in less than one hour without use of a crane or outside “packs”. Asahi Sunac’s PC Monitor

The Lean-Jet™ product line is designed to allow customers to capitalize on the benefits of lean manufacturing by enhancing quality while reducing non-value added time, floor space requirements, inventories and cycle times. These rotary basket aqueous cleaners will wash, rinse and dry in a single equipment package with a small footprint.

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Twin Hole Spanner Pin Hexagon Resistorx One-Way and Pin Phillips Machine and sheet metal security screws The latest 24 page catalog from European fastener specialist DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV features in excess of 900 security screw and nut products in diameters M3-M12. Most items comprising the range are available in stainless steel, ex-stock and can be delivered to any European destination within 48 hours.

For a free catalogue and/or enquiries for quotation, contact DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV: Tel: +31 153 615 210 Fax: +31 153 615 299 Email: The range is also available from appointed stockists throughout Europe

INTERNATIONAL BV Telephone 0031 15 3615210, TELEFAX 0031 15 3615299 PO BOX 61 2640 AB Pijnacker, Holland

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ORT Italia The Model SCR is the latest example of ORT’s high speed planetary die thread rolling technology, designed for high speed, easy set-up, fast changeover and easy maintenance.

Saspi Saspi exhibited three rolling machines, incluing the FR4-60 shown, with a number of practical features to compliment the strength and ridigidity of its engineering. These features included: • Process monitor integrated into the touchscreen control. • Communication port to allow monitoring of machine parameters and process control date from a remote PC. • Hydraulic clamping of the die block, helping the setup operation and making sure that users always have the same pressure throughout the process. • Touch screen control for easysetting and monitoring of machine parameters. This also assists machine maintenance by providing alarm listings and identifying corrective actions.

Videx The machine can be equipped with an uncoiler unit, straightener, cutting unit, and planetary thread rolling unit. It also has an automatic tool refrigeration system. Working speeds are adjusted by means of an electronic inverter controlled by a Siemens PLC.

Plan-E-Tech Since 1984 Plan-E-Tech has served the nail industry. In 2004 the company began supplying to manufacturers using infeed cylindrical threading dies. Plan-E-Tech is now venturing into planetary thread rolling dies for the most popular threading machines.

Rockford Manufacturing Group On stand was a clutchless straightening and cutting machine featuring stationary and flying shear. Other exhibits included in-line wire drawing, descaling and uncoiling equipment for processing drawn, descaled bar from hot-rolled rod. Visitors were also able to see a complete line of conveyors, J-Link loaders, a new magnetic loader and in-line washers for establishing fastener production cells.

Videx exhibited a new 5/8” VC-25-MS wire straightening & cutoff machine with a patented mechanical servo-drive, offering unlimited length capability and high-speed production rates. Also on display were a M16 VA-20-ES high speed thread roller with supported spindle for hi-tensile and stainless steel parts, and a newly developed “demo” VC-MCCT end-turning machine, which can perform multiple operations simultaneously. .

Wafios AG WAFIOS demonstrated an 8-station Micro Forming Centre combining cold heading, thread rolling and milling operations to produce ready-to use, miniature slotted head screws at an unparalleled rate of 400 ppm. Wafios is currently intensifying its activities in the North American cold forming market. The group has brought the Hilgeland, Nutap and Formatech brands under one roof, combining this broad expertise with its own experience of more than 110 years.

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Precision Technology Supplies Ltd, the UK’s leading supplier of Stainless Steel American Threaded Fasteners, now offer the widest range of UNC & UNF products available from stock and on short lead times.

Precision Technology Supplies Ltd

Our new ‘Stainless Steel American Threaded Fasteners Handbook’ details the wide range of products we can offer and contains a wealth of technical data. For you free copy or a quotation on any of your requirements please contact our sales office.

Precision Technology Supplies Ltd. The Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1XZ Tel +44 (0) 1342 410758 Fax +44 (0) 1342 311464 Email

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Small screws for big requirements Saturday morning in the middle of the Märkische Kreis in Germany. It is still dark in the industrial area of Lüdenscheid. While Germany is still asleep the lights are on at Tweer & Lösenbeck. Training is on today’s agenda for the members of the thread rolling department. All realise the high quality and precision requirements that Tweer & Lösenbeck has for its products. Employees from all three shifts of this round-the-clock operation share the common goal of maintaining and expanding the company’s leadership in its primary market of electrical contact screws. Experience has shown that it is much better to avoid mistakes than to have to correct them. To achieve this it takes more than simply working towards a high quality standard. “Quality has to be lived. That is our top priority”, explains works manager Diedrich Klute. Quality is not just a phrase at Tweer & Lösenbeck but an ongoing process with a precisely defined goal of zero defects in every process. Setting the goal was just the beginning. Being certified to the automotive quality standard ISO TS16949 means that a defect quota of 50 ppm (50 parts per million) has been achieved and that 100% on time delivery has been realised. This morning the operators at Tweer & Lösenbeck will be brought up to the current state of the thread rolling art by a skilled trainer from EWMenn. Training will assist towards achieving the company goal of bringing the varying skill and experience of different workers up to the same high level in order to better guarantee the highest possible product quality and

consistency. For a company to be successful the human factor must be capitalised upon – something Tweer & Lösenbeck has recognised and incorporated into its strategy.

Diedrich Klute is confident of EWMenn precision and after sales service.

The growing demand for very small screws (M2 size and smaller) recently required the purchase of a new EWMenn flat die thread rolling machine Model AF-3 -particularly well suited for the production of parts in this size range. While the colleagues are standing together during a break from training the foremen and operators discuss the advantages of the new roller. “Well equipped”, “operator friendly” and “easy to set up”. There are now more than thirty thread rolling machines at Tweer & Lösenbeck, all purchased from EWMenn. Diedrich Klute, works manager responsible for the development of fastener connections, explains the single supplier strategy: “Individual machine setters do not have to get used to different operating concepts

Training at Tweer & Lösenbeck by an experienced EWMenn Technician.

and, more importantly, EWMenn’s support is outstanding. It is very good to know that almost all spare parts are available ex stock, especially for older machines.“ EWMenn is known not only for high quality machines for the fastener industry but also for very strong after sales service. In times of just-in-time production keeping a lot of parts in stock does not necessarily fit some companies’ concepts. However, management at EWMenn considers the timely supply of spare parts to be at the very core of competent after sale service and has never strayed from this philosophy. The same is true for service and training programs regularly carried out by EWMenn personnel. The customer is still King at EWMenn and remains King after the sale Meanwhile, afternoon has arrived and the sun is high up in the sky over Lüdenscheid. From the neighbourhood the first barbeque aromas are drifting by. No one regrets the additional time spent training. All agree that they have learned much.

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Page 73

Manufacturers & Designers of Thread Rolling Dies Knurls & Engineer’s Chasers Manufacturer and Stockist of Quality Threading Tools



Product range • Flat thread rolling dies • Flat knurling dies • Flat form rolling dies • Circular thread rolls • Tangential chasers

contact us via email: tel: +44 (0)1543 682561 fax: +44 (0)1543 686232

Licensed products • Taptite 2000 • Duo Taptite • Powerlok • High-Torque

• Taptite II • Taptite CA • Plastite • Screwbolt

Visit our website

e-mail: fax: +44 (0)1543 277571 tel: +44 (0)1543 271808 Apex Business Park, Walsall Road, Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffs, WS11 9PU, England

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Thinking Smart Innovation and quality are basic concept in thread roller manufacturer Smart’s philosophy. The Smart R NG is a revolutionary planetary threader which, thanks to a number of internationally patented features, lays claim to some unique targets. The speed of the machine, says Smart, together with its innovative mechanical and electronic solutions, assure a productivity increase “absolutely incomparable with traditional machinery”.

The Model R NG is also outstandingly flexible. On this machine it is possible to use a very wide range of tools. Die diameters can vary from 127 mm (roll internal hole) to 440 mm (segment external hole), depending on the product characteristics. This means that the same machine is capable of threading from 6 to 20 millimetre diameter blanks.

The Model R NG shown – by the courtesy of KAMAX Homberg - is used to thread M14 hardened wheel bolts, at a rate of 180 parts/min.

Patented Direct Drive architecture, where the torque motor is directly connected to the spindle, guarantees total precision, with the best quality and repeatability, by elimination of transmission gaps, vibrations and noises. Maximum 100% torque is available virtually instantly from ‘zero’ speed. The combination of a Smart linear motor insertion system with Direct Drive technology allows different areas of the roll to be used for each blank, in order to achieve totally uniform wear and a sensible increase of the die life. This is very important in relation to hardened or stainless steel parts threading. The user friendly design of the insertion system also ensures very rapid and precise set up.

RLS rolls on dies RLS Tooling Ltd are pleased to announce that due to the success of their thread rolling dies in the global market, they are now in discussion with CNC machinery manufacturers to make further investment in new machinery later this year, to increase their capacity to meet the ever growing demand. RLS believe that their policy of continuous improvement and treating their customers as partners has helped them achieve this next stage of their expansion programme.

We are now enjoying our third year as a licenced Taptite thread rolling die supplier and now offer a full range of Taptite 2000, Duo Taptite, Taptite II, Taptite CA, Powerlok and Plastite dies.” Says RLS managing director, Roger Smith. “We also now have the licence to manufacture dies for the Remform range of fasteners and hope to start making them later in the year.” “Another area of interest is our range of dies for making bolts for use in concrete

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

and other building materials, some, such as the Excalibur Screwbolt are licenced parts. We have a lot of experience in the manufacture of this type of die, built up over years of development.” RLS are looking ahead to a bright future where they hope to develop more partnerships with other screw and bolt manufacturers in the worldwide market, either direct from their office in the UK or via one of their local agents.

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ATTENTION MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS Coming up in July… Manufacturing technology feature: Thread rolling, Pointing and Secondary Operations Fastener & Fixing Europe Magazine has the most comprehensive readership of European manufacturers. This dedicated section will feature company profiles and in-depth articles on the technology involved. To make sure your company is well represented please contact the following departments: Phone: +44 (0)1727 739 150



FOCUS ON …Manufacturing technology Highlight a machine or application in the July FOCUS ON. This offers a cost effective opportunity to target your core audience, fastener manufacturers. Each entry includes a 200 word description, a high resolution image, and most importantly your contact details. Your company can have a presence from as little as £250/€370. For more information please contact Harry Whyte on +44 (0)1727 739 150 or email

Extra coverage …. The July issue is the pre-view edition for Fastener Fair – Stuttgart. Several thousand additional copies will be available at the show for visitors. This opportunity guarantees your company would benefit from an increased level of exposure.

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voestalpine achieves crude steel production record voestalpine’s “Linz 2010” Investment Program, the second stage of which is currently being completed, has invested approximately 2 billion euros in the construction and modernization of steel production and processing facilities. Production capacities have been expanded in compliance with the strictest environmental standards ever in the history of the Group. The relining of Blast Furnace A in the autumn of 2004 for the production of hot metal and further investments in the steelmaking plant for the production of crude steel have now led to a record five million tons of crude steel produced in one year. This also meant a new annual record in crude steel production for the financial year to March 2007.

another 500 million euros in the coming five years and will further expand the annual crude steel production capacity to roughly 6 million tons.

Acquisition activity

The voestalpine Group owns two steel productions sites, one in Linz and one in Donawitz, which together produced 6.23 million tons of crude steel in the past financial year.

voestalpine is reported to have agreed to buy Boehler-Uddeholm AG for 3.52 billion euros in a deal expected to be completed by May 20. The purchase is reported to have foiled a London-based private equity bid for the BoehlerUddeholm, a fellow Austrian company that counts Boeing and Airbus amongst its customers.

Planned future investments, following completion of the “Linz 2010” Investment Program, will amount to

voestalpine has also announced that its Division Automotive has acquired 70% of Dancke Stanztechnik and Dancke

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

Werkzeugbau in Baden-Württemberg. Dancke specialises in the production of pressed parts, components and assemblies for automotive applications customers are primarily well-known European 1st tier automotive suppliers. Division Automotive had already acquired three other Western European component suppliers in December 2006 with sales totaling 210 million euros. The Group’s Railway Systems and Profilform divisions also made significant acquisitions during 2006/7. voestalpine Group posted 2005/6 revenues of 6.5 billion euros and employs 26,000 people. 2006/2007 operating results are due 6 June.

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New hardness tester aims to be topLine With its latest ZHU-topLine hardness tester, Zwick aims to strengthen its market position as a supplier of premium universal hardness testing equipment. The first fully functioning prototype was showcased at the International Forum for Materials Testing last autumn. The machines have test loads from 1kg to 250 kg (9.81N to 2452 N) and will be available for sale early 2007. During the development process, special emphasis was placed on high operating and measurement convenience. This universal hardness tester is designed for hardness tests according to Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell, and other procedures. It has been developed especially for test laboratories / materials research, or quality assurance in industrial production. Unique features of the machine include its advanced digital zoom optics for carrying out a wide range of applications using a single lens, and “closed loop” technology for automatic load application. An optional image processing system is

available for fully automatic evaluation of the indentations, whilst other options and modules such as a motorised turret and motorised compound table are also available. The hardness tester connects directly to Zwick’s proprietary testXpert® software resulting in a very easy to use and reliable testing system. In addition the online language switching is extremely useful for international organisations and applications. Zwick will be introducing more hardness testers from this series up to 750kg and 3000kg (7357 N and 29,430 N) during 2007.

Helpro - equipped for the future Helpro’s HP and LC process monitoring systems have proven their quality over many years. The past two years have also seen the MP model establish a place in the world of cold forming. Helpro product manager, Andreas Steinhauer, says “Iit is not just companies that have sworn by Helpro technology for years, which have decided to embrace this modern, easy-to-operate monitoring system. The MP has succeeded in winning over a new group of customers.”

envelope curve technique and provides trend monitoring. Localisation of machine problems is straightforward. In addition to counters for order, good parts, graphical dosage, shift and maintenance the UP has a machine speed indicator.

After 10 successful years it is also time to launch a successor to the HP model. Enter the Helpro UP – Ultimate Purpose process monitor for headers and threaders. This is a sophisticated system for control and analysis of cold forming process, developed with a new technology to combine calculating power with ease of use. The operator can use all the powerful features of the Helpro UP monitor simply and quickly, getting results immediately, without costly training.

Over a year ago, Helpro entered a specialist area that was entirely new to it monitoring of chip removal during follow-up working on cold form parts. The product range is now rounded off with an operating data recording system called Factory Monitoring, which means Helpro now meets requirements from process monitoring for cold forming, punching and chip removal through to recording operating data.

A long list of UP features includes ease of operation, through an icon guided, TFT colour, touch screen. The unit has 8 monitoring channels and provides multi-channel display and set-up aid. All parameters are automatically adjusted. The system uses an

“Helpro now facilitates optimum improvement in the value-added chain,” says Andreas Steinhauer, “establishing an improved market position for its customers in this era of globalisation.”

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See us on stand

4. B44 19th-20th September 2007

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Strong educational program at FastenerTech™ ‘07 Joel Roseman of Arnold Industries Inc. and now president of the National Fastener Distributors Association, will present the "State of the Fastener Industry" keynote address at Fastener Tech™ 07, reports John Wolz of The “All- Fastener-Industry Event in the Heart of the Fastener Industry” offers 13 educational sessions during its June 25-27 run at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The event, sponsored by ten trade associations and publications, also includes a two-day trade show, networking and social events for manufacturers, distributors and fastener users. Monday June 25 features a full day Fastener Manufacturing seminar presented by Fastener Technology International, with speakers from leading suppliers of each process stage. A "Torque-Tension Training Seminar," part of the Los Angeles Fastener Association Certified Fastener Specialist program, will be presented by Joe Greenslade, Industrial

Fasteners Institute, and Carmen Vertullo, SimplyBetter. There will also be a "Lab Accreditation Seminar" presented by A2LA. On Tuesday June 26 will present a luncheon and conference on "How to Export". Aztech Locknut will present a "Locknut Training Certification Seminar" and there will be two sessions on lean manufacturing. Wednesday June 27 will see two seminars on Heat Treatment, one on Hydrogen Embrittlement of Fasteners, and a series on coating technologies. Educational sessions range from free to $295. Online advance registration pricing is being offered through June 11, 2007, and group discounts are available for several of the education seminars.

The two-day trade show runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. The organisers say attendance will be international, but the majority of visitors are expected to come from “fastener-rich” locations in the USA and Canada: Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Ontario. The Midwest Fastener Association will host an "All-Industry Reception" from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, and a Lake Michigan dinner cruise on Wednesday evening.

65 new companies at Atlanta Fastener Expo Show management reports increased exhibit space sales and strong early registration for the 27th Annual National Industrial Fastener Show/East set for May 22-23 at the Georgia International Convention Center, Atlanta, Georgia USA. “We have 219 booths and 203 companies (as of April 20) compared to 188 booths and 174 companies at the Columbus expo last year and there is still a month to go before the event. Exhibit sales activity continues and we will probably grow to 225 booths or more before show time”, informs Susan A. Hurley, CEM, Show Manager.

manufacturers and related suppliers from throughout the USA and around the world. The expo will have 65 new companies showing. Show hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 23. Over 300 visitors are already registered and Show Management is expecting over 1,000 persons at the expo.

“We encourage everyone to register on-line well in advance of the Show at This not only saves them money but, more importantly, allows attendees to receive their badge by mail and avoid standing in line at the Show registration area.” advises Ms. Hurley.

The Show is also offering a full day educational program on Tuesday, May 22 with timely topics of vital current interest to fastener manufacturers, distributors, importers and others. The educational sessions are being presented by the Los Angeles Fastener Association and Southeastern Fastener Association.

The Atlanta Airport Marriott is completely sold out but rooms are still available at the Show’s co-headquarters hotel, the Westin Atlanta Airport, which is across the street. It offers complimentary shuttle transportation to and from the Atlanta-Hartsfield International Airport and the Georgia International Convention Center.

The always popular Gala Welcoming Reception, sponsored this year by Brighton-Best Socket Screw, will be held 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 22 at the Atlanta Airport Marriott.

The one-day expo will feature over 22,000 net square feet (2000 square metres) of exhibits. Show visitors will be able to see the latest products and services offered by over 200 fastener Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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Proving performance meets value The Staytite all-metal self-locking nut was introduced to the UK market nearly 30 years ago and has long been recognised as an economic solution to vibration resistance. Recently the company set out to more precisely evaluate the combination of performance and value it provides.

The Staytite nut is a cold-formed, all-metal self-locking nut supplied to Class 8 in carbon steel, with a trivalent zinc and clear finish, or in A2 or A4 stainless steel. It is available in a range of forms – standard and thin, flanged and dome. Regardless of the body material, the nut is assembled with a stainless steel spring insert – this ensures that its locking capabilities are not compromised by corrosion. The principle of its operation is simple. As the nut is installed the stainless steel spring insert engages with the base of the screw thread and flexes upwards. During use the Staytite nut resists vibration and loosening because the insert flexes downwards and is pulled into closer contact with the screw threads by the anti-clockwise rotation of the nut body. This produces a very effective interference fit between the threads of the nut and the screw. Staytite competes in the market with a series of other self-locking nut designs. “In looking to evaluate our product more precisely,” explains Staytite director, Michael Moore, “we wanted to consider its locking performance, its general usability, and its value proposition.” To thoroughly understand the locking performance Staytite commissioned bolted joint analysts Bolt Science Limited to carry out a series of comparative tests to DIN 25201, using a transverse vibration test (Junker) machine. The test used a plain DIN 934 Class 8 nut and washer as a baseline. The same test was then carried out on an M8

Staytite nut and equivalent samples of the main self-locking nuts in the UK market. The latter encompassed a variety of different designs including all-metal bent beam, deformed thread, and torque prevailing types. The objective of the test was to determine the time it took for the clamp load on the joint to be released and the extent to which the nut subsequently self-loosened. “The graph for the DIN 934 plain nut explains the necessity of self-locking technology in any vibration-prone application,” says Michael Moore. “The video of the test is even more persuasive. Within 60 seconds you can clearly see that the nut has vibrated loose through a full 360 degrees.”

customers. It speaks infinitely louder than words. A portable workbench is set up with a series of studs, onto each of which a sample of various self-locking nuts is hand-fitted. “All you have to do,” says Michael Moore, “is tighten each nut in turn with a ratchet wrench.” The difference is obvious and in the extreme cases quite startling. Deformed thread nuts are much the toughest to tighten and the Staytite nut is clearly the easiest to run down the thread. Combine that with the results of the Junkers test and it is clear that you cannot always trust your intuition. The Staytite nut is easy to install and will stay secure under severe vibration.

“The most important result of the tests, though, was the clear confirmation that the Staytite nut performs at least as effectively as any of the other major self-locking nut designs on the market.” One preconception Staytite regularly encounters in relation to self-locking nuts is that ‘the more difficult it is to put on, the more resistant it will be to vibration’. “One of the prime advantages of the Staytite nut, particularly on high-volume assembly applications,” says Michael Moore, “is that it actually requires significantly less torque to install. That is even more important where the nut has to be run down a long thread.” You don’t just have to take Staytite’s word for it. The company has a simple demonstration, used initially for staff training, but subsequently at exhibitions and with

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

DIN 934 continues to loosen over time. With Staytite nut the joint preload releases but nut resists further loosening . Similar graphs were obtained for other well-known self locking nuts.

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83 The third element of the equation, after self-locking performance and usability, is value. Ease of use in itself offers efficiencies that translate into cost savings in today’s assembly environments. “What is really significant, though,” says Michael Moore, “is to compare the cost of the product in the market. Staytite is a cold formed fastener, which means manufacturing efficiencies are reflected in the price the customer has to pay.” The company’s own research, based on prices obtained in the UK market, demonstrates that on a zinc-plated carbon steel nut, Staytite can deliver at least a 15% saving against similar locking performance products. In some instances, particularly when comparing stainless steel nuts, the potential for saving may well be greater. “Too good to be true?” asks Michael Moore. “The potential benefits of improved fastening, easier assembly and cost effectiveness really do make the Staytite nut a product worthy of evaluation. So, when can we come and show you?”

Junker transverse fastener vibration test machine The test machine consists of a fixed lower base and an upper moving section separated from the lower base by needle roller bearings. The bearings are used to eliminate friction between the two parts of the machine so that any transverse loading is sustained solely by the test fastener that secures the two sections together. A load cell is fitted in the lower base to allow the fastener preload to be continuously monitored during the test. Key features of the test are: The relative movement between the upper and lower section (cross movement) is set at ± 0.65mm. The test frequency will be 12.5 Hz. The fastener preload is measured during the test and recorded onto a computer so that graphs of preload verses time (or number of cycles) can be produced.

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MAY 2007 – UK & IRELAND Fastener & Fixing Europe Magazine provides a unique reference guide that offers the industry a fast and easy way to get current as well as new product catalogues. Use this convenient service to call, fax or email the companies to request a copy of their latest Catalogue.


ACT (Fasteners & Components) Ltd

ABRACS Ltd are the UK's leading distributor of abrasives and allied products. Our product range includes the best selling “Phoenix” brand of abrasive discs, flap discs, sanding discs, wire brushes, diamond blades and much more. If you want top quality abrasives coupled with the best service around then talk to ABRACS, the UK's number 1 for abrasives.

Specialist in machine screws, materials steel, brass, stainless steel. All threads - BA - BSF - Whitworth - Unified - Metric. All head styles. Non preferred/odd ball lengths and sizes and head styles over 25,000 difficult screws stocked.

Tel: +44 (0) 1904 789 997 Email:

Alcoa Fastening Systems • Multi Language - English, French, German • 2 Formats, electronic or printable PDF • Quick, easy, Intuitive search facility, enabling you to find the fastener that suits your needs in seconds.

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 791 880 Web:

Alcoa Fastening Systems Recoil wire thread inserts are renowned for their high quality, technical support and availability. This Industrial brochure details just some of the variety of applications they are capable of, and ideas of where they can be used, but for any queries, specifications or support, please contact us now for some more information.

Tel: +44 1952 204 607 Web:

Tel: +44 1952 204 603 Web:

Alfran Fasteners Ltd

All Bolts

UK Manufacturers to Europe

Specialist precision nut and bolt manufacturers WE MANUFACTURE:

Grades 4.6 / 8.8 / 10.9 / 12.9 metric 4.6 / R / S / T / SAE8 Imperial M12-M64 Hex Head 1/2-2" Hex Head HSFG Bolts / Nuts All Specials Made to Order Hot Dip Galv / Zinc Plate / Shera / Dacromet Finishes Available Specialists to European Industry Tel: +44 (0) 1535 664 993 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1379 872 910 Fax: +44 (0) 1379 872 915

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –


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Anixter Components Anixter Components (formerly known as Heyco) distribute a comprehensive range of over 10,000 components that include cable glands, fasteners, PCB accessories, caps, plugs and cable accessories to equipment manufacturers across the globe. In addition to our vast range of standard parts, we can also offer bespoke product design and manufacture.

Apex Stainless Fasteners The largest U.K source of Stainless Steel Fasteners, covering the complete range of A2, A4 and A4-80 grades in metric, unified and imperial thread forms. Supporting the Fastener Trade worldwide through 4000 tons of stock, with a manufacturing division (Aerotight Manufacturing) for special parts.

Tel: +44 (0) 1788 537979 Email

Tel: +44 (0)1202 865222 Web:

Arpel (Chilterns) Ltd


Arpel also offer a complete range of hand and power tools for rivets and threaded inserts, including FAR brand. A complete range of rivets and structural fasteners including pin and collars “waisted” type in steel, aluminium and stainless, multigrip pins in steel and aluminium.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 296 660 Email:


Tel: +44 (0) 1952 270 600 Web:

BeamClamp steelwork fixing solutions are specifically developed to satisfy a broad mixture of requirements for today's modern construction industry, bringing unique benefits of easy specification and use, high safety performance and unrivalled durability to all applications. Established in 1995, Access Technologies is staffed by an experienced team of construction professionals and chartered engineers, capable of dealing with any technical enquiry quickly, knowledgeably and efficiently.

Birmingham Coldform Special Fasteners Ltd

West midlands based manufacturer of U, J and N bolts and similar products for the construction, petrochemical and communications industries. In addition to a full standard stock range we specialise in non standard products in Mild Steel, HT, Stainless and Exotics with metric and imperial threads. All enquiries welcome.

Manufacturers of standard and special Hexagon and square head bolts and setscrews, weld bolts, eye bolts, tee bolts and solid rivets. We cold forge up to M16 diameter in mild steel and high tensile grades, with additional facilities for the machining and assembly of special products. ISO 9001:2000 Approved

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 397 337 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 772 0562 E-mail:

Bülte Plastics (UK) Ltd

Black Country Fasteners

Registered ISO 9001-2000 Did you know that? Bülte offers more than 15,000 Metric products: 3,400 standard screw styles – 1,400 spacers – 640 plugs… Nuts, handles, retaining rings, washers, bushings, seals and cables ties are also available. Our fasteners are manufactured to DIN standards. We can also manufacture to your specifications. Send for the free catalogue now.

BCF the distributor of socket screw products and 10.9 Hexagon bolts and Sets with grade 10 din 934 nuts din 985 nylocs, and din 6916 washers in self colour and CR3 plated. Coupled with our "No Regrets" for those hard to locate fasteners, drilled, patched makes BCF your "Higher grade distributor” Distributors Of High Grade Fastener Products

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 472 472444 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1789 263 753 Web:

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Business solutions for Wholesalers, Merchants & Distributors


Page 86

Chatsworth Computers Merlin Business Software is specifically designed to fulfil the changing requirements of Merchants, Wholesalers and Distributors. Encompassing facilities for Sales order processing for trade counters & back offices, stock control, invoicing, sales, purchase and nominal ledgers, Merlin will handle every area of your business software needs.

CTR Carbide Dies Ltd CTR Carbide Dies Ltd specialise in the manufacture of complete tool kits to the fastener industry, ranging from segmented dies to a variety of coated punches. We offer a complete service which gives our customers the option of a sole source of supply if required.

Email: Web:

Tel: +44 (0)121 772 0817 Web:

Disc-Lock Europe

D.S. Fasteners Ltd

The award-winning Disc-Lock Safety Wheel Nut is a heavy-duty, free-spinning, vibration-proof, locking nut. Initially designed as a solution to lost wheels from HGVs and buses, it can also be used in many other high stress or vibration sensitive applications from railway points to conveyor belts and from drilling equipment to shaker screens.

Switch to Stover Nuts the automotive industry approved all metal self locking nut. Ex-stock from D.S. Fasteners Ltd in grade 8, 10, 12 & fine pitch. • • • • • • • Tel: +44 (0)1795 844332 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1842 763 000 Web:

Earnest Express We are distributors of American Fasteners. Our Stocks are UNC/UNF threaded Bolts & Nuts in grades SAE5 / SAE8, together with Metric all metal self locking Nuts and Metric Flange Nuts in class10 material. Any USA product can be handled by us to suit your requirements.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 352 600 Web:

Emward Fastenings Ltd

Nylon Insert Nuts – Flange Nuts Castle Nuts Nyloc Dome Nuts Dome Nuts Weld Nuts Full & Lock Nut Flanged Head Set Screws DIN 6921.

EJOT UK Ltd Ejot® is a specialist fastener manufacturer that has developed a range of fasteners specifically for different materials, notably: DELTA PT® for plastic materials ALtracs® for Alloys FDS® and SHEETTRACS for sheet metal Supported by strong design engineering know-how, the range also includes Multi-formed parts, plastic-metal assemblies and plastic bosses.

Product Range


Emward Fastenings Ltd. part of the Belfin Group manufactures and distributes a wide range of hose clamps, wire forms, springs and fastenings to the Automotive and Domestic Appliance Industries worldwide.

Tel: +44 1977 687 040 E-mail:

ETA Distributors of ALLGRIP, High Quality Fixings to distributors. New improved wider range of products, includes Through bolts, Shield Anchors, Resin Systems, Heavy Duty Anchors, Nylon Products, Angled nails & brads with gas, Stress free fixings – Frame screw, Screw bolts etc. Service, support, quality packaging, clear labelling & on site technical support

Tel: +44 (0) 1295 701 206 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 893831 Web:

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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Europa Fastenings We at Europa are a leading UK manufacturer specialising in SEMS (screw & washer) assemblies and also special screws. We supply into the UK and European market and offer quality, flexibility, short lead times and competitive pricing.

Fastbolt Fastbolt is a leading wholesaler of industrial fasteners to European distributors only. Apart from a highly specialised product range ex stock Fastbolt offers individual supply solutions such as customised packing, direct container imports, pre-import quality inspections and a revolutionary online availability check and ordering system: FBonline. Tel: +44 (0) 1908 650 100 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1939 291 199 Web:

Fastener Factory * Specialist in TR Branded products: Rivet Bushes, Self-Clinch, Security fasteners, Binx Nuts, Fasteners for plastic * Supporting the distributor trade. * 130,000 different products. * Quality assured products * Customer care – second to none. * Same day despatch. * Comprehensive surplus stock lists. * Technical support.

fischer fixings UK Ltd Web:

Furniture Fixings One of the UK’s key woodscrew and dry wall specialists. Specialising in importing to supply the distributor network throughout the UK enables us to achieve our mission to offer an unrivalled customer service and high quality competitively priced products.

Tel: 01491 827900 Web:

fischer fixings UK Ltd has introduced a trio of new full colour catalogues covering its entire UK product range. These follow a new standardised theme which means that they are easier to use, while at the same time containing more technical information than previously. The documents consist of a Fixing Systems Catalogue, Price List and a Mechanical & Electrical Installation Systems Main Catalogue.

Galaxy Fasteners Galvanised HT Bolts & Sets are added to Galaxy's existing product range. The introduction of SQ SQ Hex Bolts, SQ Plate Washers & Wax Cones heralds more new products. Product growth continues with pre-assembled sets, nuts & washers. Ex stock available next day delivery with plain label to site.

Tel: +44 (0) 1773 834485 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 499 299 Email:

Grayson (GB) Ltd

Hafren Fasteners

Grayson (GB) Ltd gives today's construction professional access to an extensive range of products from the worlds leading fixing manufacturers. With over 50,000 product lines available for immediate delivery, at Grayson you're always sure to find exactly what you're looking for.

SECURITY SCREW SPECIALIST – Widest range of tamper resistant nuts and bolts – worldwide – In-stock for same day despatch to distributors only – High quality bespoke security fasteners manufacturing service – Sensitive areas need security fixings to deter vandalism and theft – Many new patented products including security sleeve anchors Tel : +44 (0) 8708 50 40 50 E-mail :

Tel: +44 (0) 1686 621 300 Fax: +44 (0) 1686 621 800


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Harrison & Clough Ltd

Forged from the need for a range of rugged tools that lived up to the high standards required by the professional tradesman, this robust range is built on a principle of quality and value for money. The range is constantly being developed and expanded to ensure that like the people who use them these tools work harder to ensure the best job possible. Contact Harrison & Clough for a copy of the latest range guide. Tel: +44 (0) 870 889 22 22 Web:

2007 will see the 2nd edition of the popular Harrison & Clough Product Catalogue featuring all the top selling lines in fasteners, fixings, hand and power tools from all the leading manufacturers. The catalogue will take the same format as last year but updated to include latest releases and with improvements to the Fasteners & Fixings section and index. To order catalogues personalised with your own details contact our Marketing department now.

Tel: +44 (0) 870 889 22 22 Web:

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HCL Fasteners

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HCL produces and markets plastic and Nylon hose clamps. Brand names including Herbie clip, Ratchet Hose Clamp and Ezyclik Hose Clamps.

Holdtite Adhesives Ltd


Tel: +44 (0) 1761 417 710 Web:

Infor Distribution Essentials Infor is the largest enterprise software provider focused exclusively on the distribution and manufacturing industries. Our industry-leading distribution management system is constructed to help you run a lean and mean end-to-end operation, from customer-facing systems to warehouse management, working across your branch and supplier network.

Tel: +44 (0)191 4113191 Web:

Holdtite is an ISO accredited producer and formulator of high technology adhesive solutions. Within Holdtite, the MacroplexxÂŽ division specializes in high strength structural adhesive products, incorporating Methacrylate, Polyurethane, Acrylic, and Epoxy technology. Through extensive development with end users, and raw material manufacturers alike, we have developed solutions allowing this family of products to set the benchmark as the ultimate structural adhesive solution.

JCS Hi-Torque Ltd Manufacturer of Hi-Grip, Hi-Torque and Tamtorque, the world’s finest quality Worm Drive Hose Clips and Clamps. JCS products are exported throughout the world for use in the Industrial, Automotive, Marine, Construction and petro-Chemical Industries. We offer a wide range in design and material specification to meet the needs of modern industry. Please contact us for a catalogue.

Tel: +44 (0) 1527 496 495 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1787 376 212 Web:


Jubilee Clips Ltd

...Much more than just a component supplier!

A comprehensive range of hose clips to suit most applications in a wide selection of materials from the small 12mm up to the large 318mm. The Standard Range is Kitemark approved to BS 5315:1991 (the Stainless Steel Range is also Lloyd’s Type Approved) and the company is ISO9001 accredited. Visit our website for the full range of clips, dispensers and fastening tools.

We continually introduce new products and services to enhance our range of over 80 million stocked items across 8500 product lines. We work with you to develop bespoke solutions to enhance your business and our engineers will learn about your operation to find or design cost-effective products. Tel: +44 (0) 1623 551 800 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1634 851182 Web:

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London Screw Co Ltd

Lindapter Lindapter are the leading brand, uniquely providing a comprehensive product range covering every aspect of none drilling and none welding steelwork connections, backed up by third party approvals and an innovative, dynamic team responding to customer needs, a large team of experienced engineers offers the customers an individual free design service including specific new product design.

UK’s leading manufacturer of all thread studs. Extensive stocks M3-12 dia. up to 180mm long in steel, brass, PH BR & St/St. Also manufacture a full range of m/c screws and cold headed specials in all head forms and materials. Large stocks M4-M12 up to 180mm – long lengths a speciality.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 569 832 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 410 296

Tel: +44 (0) 1274 521 444 Web:

Martyn Price Ltd


Large independent company selling quality Fasteners at competitive prices. 40,000-sq.ft warehouse with a wide range of nuts, washers & bolts. A real commitment to stock. Strong import & export market. Unrivalled in the UK for distribution.

The MasonMate range is dedicated to providing the best fixing solutions for the construction industry. In response to their growing popularity the range has been expanded to incorporate a number of new products. In addition we have updated our Catalogue for 2007 to include these new items and to provide the buyer with a comprehensive resource for your construction needs including hand and power tools.

Fastener People with the stock and knowledge to solve every requirement - NO MATTER HOW UNUSUAL

Telephone: +44 (0)1384 424767 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 424 767 Email:


Tel: +44 (0) 870 889 22 22 Web:

ND Jig & Gauge

Increasingly the fixing of choice for a growing number of architects, specifiers and steel erectors. Ideal for those jobs where access is restricted or where a blind fixing is needed. Single-person installation and no special tools needed. Check out our website for patented Anti-Vibration Bolt, By-Pass Bolts and revolutionary new Firebolt.

Tel: +44 (0)116 251-2251 Web:

ND Jig & Gauge is a leading manufacturer of Metallic Washers. Large stocks of washers, square from 25sq x 3thk up to 150sq x 25thk. Black Washers BS3410 & BS4320. Also BS4395 hardened washers. Special washers in Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass and other exotic alloys made to your requirements. Please contact us now. Tel: +44 (0) 121 556 0824 Email:

NE Fasteners Ltd


Importer and distributor of bulk and pre-packed screws and fixings. Specialists to the “Home Improvement/Furniture” sectors. Slotted and Cross recess, csk, raised and round heads. Finishes include Zinc, Black, E/Brass, Chrome etc. Packing/Kitting to customer requirement. Decking/Mirrorscrews/Wall plugs/Head covers/screw cups.

This edition of Norbar's acclaimed catalogue includes details of new torque testers along with numerous other enhancements to the range As well as being a detailed listing of Norbar's tools and services, the catalogue is packed with information that will be invaluable to anyone concerned with bolting or assembly quality control.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 559 8866 Web:

Sales Dept: +44 (0) 1295 753 600 Service/Calibration Dept: +44 (0) 1295 753 635

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Nylon & Alloys Ltd



Global distributors of Nylon, Aluminium Alloy and Titanium fasteners & accessories to industry. Our products are used in numerous applications, with our aluminium and titanium products being called upon increasingly in the following industries; petrochemical, aerospace, automotive, marine and treatment industries to name but a few.

With 30 years experience in providing software solutions for stockist and distributor markets, OGL’s prof.ITplus software ensures maximum profit potential through increasing efficiency. prof.ITplus has a flexible, innovative modular design to optimise stock levels, with proactive sales order processing. OGL has proudly worked with over 60 distributors of fasteners including Martyn Price, Forgefix and the Montrose Group.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8579 5166 Web:

Olympic Fixings

On Spring

Olympic specialises in the supply of fixing and fastening products to the wholesale trade. Our range of products now exceeds 3000 items all of which are available ex-stock from Accrington and Conlig. Selected products promoted monthly.

On Spring offer a comprehensive range of screws for the fabrication and installation of PVCU windows and doors that has become specifically tailored around the exact requirements of the industry. Regardless of application, On Spring offer a solution that will satisfy the quality promise of industry standards and provide fast and efficient fastening of any system.

Lancashire – Tel: +44 (0) 1282 778 923 County Down – Tel: +44 (0) 2891 453 724

Tel: +44 (0) 113 217 5417 Web:


P&M Fixings & Fasteners Ltd

Owlett-Jaton is a leading supplier of fasteners, fixings, ironmongery and hardware to the UK distributor and merchant trade. Experienced sales and distribution teams are dedicated to delivering a first class service to their customers and just one call gives you access to our comprehensive product range. Visit our website at

Established in the industry since 1985, over 3 decades of experience in import & distribution. One of the UK’s largest independent suppliers our ethos is to provide the customer with quality products on time & at a competitive price.

Tel: +44 (0) 870 889 22 22 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 5775 Web:

Plastic Parts Centre



2006-07 Catalogue

Over 500 million components in stock Same day despatch Free samples

An ISO9001:2000 accredited manufacturer & distributor of Unthreaded Fasteners, offering from stock our standard products in most regular materials. Our production includes many types of pin e.g. DOWEL, TAPER, LINCH, COTTER, SPRING, a range of CLIPS & CLAMPS together with DISC SPRINGS and WAVE WASHERS, most available in workshop assortments.

Tel: +44 (0) 1299 8273 873 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 141 4203720 Fax:+44 (0) 141 4203806

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 424248 Fax:+44 (0) 1384 424348

Tel: +44 (0) 161 8777785 Fax:+44 (0) 161 8777786

Tel: +44 (0)1207 290599 Fax: +44 (0)1207 299718

Tel: +44 (0) 1633 222889 Fax:+44 (0) 1633 222902

Tel: +44 (0) 1825 768686 Fax:+44 (0) 1825 762621

Tel: +44 1527 67999 Email:

Tel: 0845 7585070

Tel: +44 (0) 845 758 5070 Web:

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

Plastic Parts Centre Plastic Parts Centre offer a fantastic range of nylon fasteners and fixings in their FREE 364 page catalogue. Available EX-STOCK for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. Please contact us for your FREE SAMPLES and remember we have NO MINIMUM QUANTITIES. Please call us today or visit our website.

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QEF Global As long standing Southco Authorised Distributors, QEF Global offers a fully interactive and complete Southco product range including CAD download capability on our homepage, allowing worldwide access for engineers and purchasing departments to the entire Southco catalogue, with printable product tolerances, features and benefits, and fully interactive technical specification sheets.

A Breakthrough in Performance The award winning Rapier StarTurnTM is the highest quality universal woodscrew. The patented StarFormTM thread provides lower drive-in torque and quicker assembly times - without predrilling. For samples or to see the full RapierStar range of fixings, please contact us now.

Tel: +44 (0)870 3003313 Web:

Tel: +353 (0) 214 968 480 Email:

Rawlplug Ltd

Smith Bullough Ltd

Rawlplug Ltd., innovators in fasteners and fixings, have recently launched our new product catalogue. Along with the existing range of high performance anchors and light weight fixings. The new range includes: CFS – our new cartridge free chemical dispensing system, multipurpose and drywall screws, drill bits, and saw blades.


Tel: +44 (0) 141 638 2255 Web:

Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd Star Fasteners, Hucks® largest UK distributor, supply a range of fasteners where vibration resistant fixing is required. The quality, high performance fastenings are typically used in thin sheet metal fabrications, commercial vehicle, trailer, railcar and auto markets. Tooling hire, repair, sales, plus an advisory / design service is also available.

Tel: +44 (0) 115 9324 939 Email:

Tel: +44 (0)1942 520250 Web:

Staytite Ltd Staytite Limited are experts in the supply of all-metal self locking nuts. We have seven different types including, the Staytite, Hardlock, Barb and Carp Nuts. We can supply the right product for your requirement. We also have wide stocks of SEMS Units (screws with washers attached). Call us…….


Tel: +44 (0) 1494-462322 Web:

STF Export

Stainless Threaded Fasteners, a member of SRB Ltd group, is one of Europe’s leading stainless steel fastener wholesalers -

STF’s export department carries sales responsibility around the world for SRB group’s fastener product range: • High grade Alloy (8.8, 10.9, 12.9, 14.9) • Galvanised • Carbon Steel • Stainless Steel A2 & A4 • Non Standard Specials • Marine Hardware A4

• Stainless Steel A2 & A4 • Brass • Non Standard Specials • Marine Hardware A4 Next day delivery Dedicated to Distributors/Stockists

Multi-lingual sales team Accredited: BS EN ISO 9001 2000.

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 490 490 Fax: +44 (0) 1902 496 583

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 499 210 Web:

BS EN ISO 9001 2000.

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Threadrive Components


Threadrive Components are the U.K specialist in aviation, aerospace M.R.O and industrial screwdriver tooling. Our experience and vast stocks of industry specified brands provide an invaluable source for all your screwdriver tooling. Threadrive are also a dedicated stockist of the Nord-Lock bolt securing system. Please contact Threadrive for further details.

Titgemeyer (UK) Ltd Titgemeyer (UK) Ltd offers a comprehensive range of Fastening Technology within four product groups: Assembly Systems, Threaded Inserts, Blind Rivets and Installation Tools. At our Tipton factory we manufacture the lockbolt pin and collar fastening system. Product literature is available at or call us on 0121 557 9777 for a CD-ROM.

Tel: +44 (0) 1268 288880 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 0121 557 9777 Email:

Transformers (Birkenhead) Ltd

Trevafield Fasteners Specials? Talk to the specialists.

With over 40 years of experience delivering quality fasteners this Merseyside based company continues to grow from strength to strength. We have become one of the leading international manufacturers of Screw and washer assemblies (Sems) and cold forged screws and bolts. Sems are available with single or double washers and screws sizes range from M2 to M12.

Looking for specific fasteners at the right price? Call Trevafield first for specials and standard fasteners sourced from around the globe to meet high quality standards and available at competitive prices from UK stocks…

Tel: + 44 151 709 0425 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1724 845 017 Web:

Trojan Special Fasteners Ltd With over 20 years in the business, and a customer base of over 480 clients throughout the UK and Europe, Trojan supply a niche market in special industrial fasteners and standard, manufacturing bright bar turned parts, i.e. flange nuts, nyloc inserts nuts in all materials. Quick delivery, coupled with quality products all to BS, UN and DIN standards – any quantity from 1 to 10,000+ units.

TRUTEK The TRUTEK brand has become known for the quality and reliability of its products, coupled with establishing itself as a high service provider and, focus on long term relationships the real benefits can be seen by its customers. If you would like to know more about our product range, please give us a call.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 789 8586 Fax: +44 (0) 121 789 8006

Tel: +44 (0) 1142 42 33 33 Fax: +44 (0) 1142 42 33 00

The Washer Factory

Next Issue... July 2007

The UK’s premier manufacturer of special washers and pressings, offers competitive prices and quick turnaround in steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, duplex stainless and other exotic alloys. Good product knowledge, an extensive range of tooling, and no minimum order quantities ensures we can cater for all your requirements.

Fastener Fair Stuttgart In this special Fastener Fair preview edition this section will be dedicated to exhibitors.

Book your place

NOW! Limited availability Tel: +44 (0) 1902 865 777 Fax: +44 (0) 1902 864 777

Tel: +44 (0) 1727 739 150 Email:

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

Each entry includes your catalogue cover, a 50 word profile and two contact points (Phone and Web). As an added bonus July issue entries will include stand numbers.

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Fasteners for Plastics Remform delivers lower costs and increased security Safe fasteners manufactured to the highest quality standards are in demand across all industries. But the automotive industry’s collaborative partners need to concentrate even more on raising quality and reducing costs at the same time. By being involved in their automotive clients’ development process, Arnold Umformtechnik is making sure the specified fasteners deliver cost-savings as well as maximum quality. The Result: Remform - a new generation of direct fasteners. Direct fastener technology is gaining increasing importance, particularly in the automotive industry. Thread-forming screws are particularly advantageous when used to join plastic parts together. Investigations carried out by the IFBW (the Vehicle Construction Institute at Wolfsburg, Germany) have shown that this type of screw has mastered the balancing act between cost and quality. The reduction of assembly and processing costs as well as the cost of the parts, combined with the added security provided by the intelligent profile design, makes this new generation of screws extremely interesting, particularly when used in large scale manufacturing. However its functional capacities have been thoroughly tested in short series production too.

Fastened securely Remform screw connections provide completely secure fastenings. To improve material flow, the flank that is averted away from the screw head has been provided with a radius. The steep side that has moved towards the screw head catches the displaced material and thus automatically raises the flank overlap. This guarantees the high cross-thread forces with tensile force and torque. At the same time the steep flanks ensure that most of the force is steered axially, thus increasing the likelihood of the nut thread breaking up. The wide stress ratio tolerance between forming torque and overturn torque at the moment of tensioning torque provides additional safety tolerance; this means that screws that are fully tightened - always.

The advantages over metric variants The asymmetric thread geometry of Remform screws is forging new areas of application for plastic fasteners, whereas in the past the metric variant was mainly used for narrow bosses. The screwin force incurred is automatically guided towards the axial - and thus the correct - direction. Compared with 30-degree low angle screws the results of overturn torque, strip load and the difference between minimum overturn torque and maximum screw-in torque is often well over 30 percent. To ensure that the fastener location cannot be damaged, the asymmetric flanks of the latest Remform generation ensure that edge stresses are reduced as the thread is tapped. At the same time the diminishing flank angles towards the crest of the thread reduce the radial stresses that could cause the boss to explode. In the Remform technology Arnold’s fastening specialists have convincingly demonstrated that the application range for selftapping screws directly into plastics can be expanded greatly. Remform screws offer cost savings throughout the entire system cost chain. This opens up maximum cost-cutting potential in assembly and processing, whereas the cost of the material represents a negligible amount. At the same time Remform fasteners improve the mechanical properties of the fastening.

Costs are saved throughout the process chain A costs study carried out by Arnold, together with leading companies from the components industry, showed that a sustained reduction in fastening costs could be made over the entire process chain by using plastic direct fasteners. As opposed to manual screw fasteners with metric inserts, an average saving of ?0.26 per fastening could be made by using Remform direct fastener technology. These effects result from the special self-tapping capacity of Remform screws. Remform fasteners are particularly advantageous where the core hole is pre-cast. This automatically eliminates the costly processes involved in preparing the screw location. The cost of inserts is completely eliminated from the overall calculation, along with the manufacturing costs involved in handling the inserts. At the same time the fast screw-in speed cuts production time - increasing the potential of direct screw fasteners even further.

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Twindisk more than skin deep The use of composite panels and structures in the Aero, Auto, Marine, Construction and other core industries is growing rapidly. These new materials utilising carbon fibre, GRP, glassfibre, thermoplastic, wood and alloy outer skins – are typically bonded to honeycomb, block, foam or solid core materials. BigHead has supplied its unique thin-head fasteners to the industry for 40 years. A technical partnership with Caparo Vehicle Products has now provided the composites know-how to perfect an entirely new, high-performance fastener for composite materials. The 316 stainless steel TwinDisk, with its simple, strong design and unique BigHead weld technology, provides a rapid and efficient fastening point anywhere in a structure. BigHead’s own BigBond adhesives complete the system; for maximum strength, the 2-part FS Acrylic version is recommended for all types of composite materials.

The Twindisk has two heads, or disks, joined by an internally-threaded collar or a threaded stud. A hole is drilled into the panel; adhesive applied; and the Twindisk pushed into the cavity. The bottom disk is glued to the bottom skin, and the top disk to the top skin (rebated or surface-mounted). Tensile, shear and lateral loads are efficiently transferred to both skins. Male versions are supplied with adjustable top heads, fitting depths from 5mm to 100+mm. Threads are M4 to M16 (male or female). Head diameters are 20mm, 30mm and 40mm; other sizes can be supplied.

Anixter adds new nylon cross-recessed screws Anixter Components has launched a new range of nylon cross-recessed screws manufactured in accordance with DIN34811 and DIN34812, which are RoHS directive 2002/95/EC compliant. Nylon screws offer a number of distinct advantages in certain conditions. They provide the simple solution to problems of insulation, corrosion, weight-saving and magnetism. The unique properties of plastic screws make them suitable for use throughout industry and current applications include electronic and electrical equipment, computers, x-ray equipment, business machines, radar, sanitary ware, refrigeration equipment,

water processing, and many others. The screws are available in either Countersunk or Pan Head design, from 6 to 60mm in length and M3 to M6 thread sizes. For more demanding applications plastic screws can also be manufactured in a wide range of engineering polymers such as Isoplast™, PEEK®, and ULTEM® that offer outstanding mechanical strength, thermal stability and chemical resistance. The new products complement the company’s extensive range of plastic and high performance threaded fasteners,

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

manufactured in over 200 materials, offering designers a wide selection of fastening solutions.

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Your most comprehensive supplier of Spring Steel, Plastic and Furniture Fasteners. Please contact our sales team for a copy of our latest catalogue.

Tel: 01623 655265

Fax: 01623 420689

SD Products, The Broadway, Great Central Road, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 2RL Web: E-mail:

Stockist & Distributor of Rolled Thread Machine Screws Complete Range of Metric Threads in All Heads Zinc Plated Offered Ex-stock with Next Day Delivery Imperial Threads & Non-standards also within the Range or can be Manufactured Specially

Machine Screws Limited Unit 5, Kingfisher Enterprise Park, Arthur Street, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 8LG

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Refining the art of communication Reyher has been walking away with the awards of late. It is all to do with communication – an art the German fastener giant has been refining for many years. In December Reyher received the ‘Best Logistics’ prize from Siemens for the performance of its eKanban system. Reyher has been a consummate practitioner of kanban logistics systems for many years. ROM – Reyher Order Management offers tailored levels of support based on bar code scanning of bins and replenishment deliveries from the massive Reyher inventory in Hamburg. Fasteners and C parts have a habit of turning the world on its head. Generally the cost of procurement substantially outweighs the cost of the component itself. Reyher says it is often an 80-20% relationship. Logical, then, to achieve genuine savings by focusing on where the real cost is. ROM harnesses the latest in bar code and communications technology to eradicate the disproportionate effort that procuring C parts can represent. The application of complex technology to a simple concept delivers savings and efficiency. Simple. For the customer, yes. For the provider there is a huge responsibility to ensure effective and reliable application of that technology. Like the swan on the river, the apparent grace is achieved through immense unseen effort. Reyher offers a range of interfaces with its customers. Four years ago the company implemented SAP technology, so direct links with customer’s ERP systems have become, literally, state-of-the-art. Reyher also accepts input from standard communication protocols such as UN/EDIFACT, openTrans and iDoc XML, a competence in which it has long been a leader.

Speed and accuracy are clearly keys to RIO’s growing attraction. It is also remarkably versatile, ensuring not just efficiencies but also peace of mind. Customers have administrative controls that allow them, for example, to define limits on buying value. They can also insert their own article numbers. Characteristically, Reyher is not resting on its laurels. At the beginning of 2007 the company extended the article search capability in RIO and introduced new product group structuring to allow quicker orientation and location of requirements. Now RIO Scan is being launched, a new solution allowing users to print bar code labels direct from RIO. Combined with a handy new scanner, stocks can be checked and orders uploaded even quicker. Reyher is also introducing a quick keyboard input system, requiring just the precise DIN number of the fastener involved, or if set up in the system, an in-house article number. While Reyher is convinced “there is now no business without ebusiness” don’t for a minute think it has lost the crucial art of people to people communication. The company has over 100 sales and customer service personnel dedicated to supporting its constantly growing customer base. Talking of bases – seems like Reyher have all the communications ones well and truly covered.

More recently Reyher has become adept in the BMEcat format, which allows the compilation of customer-specific electronic catalogues for connection to e-procurement systems. Last November Reyher was only the third company to achieve BMEcat 2005 certification. BMEcat exploits developments in XML to standardise the exchange of product data catalogues between suppliers and purchasers. As well as key details of each product, the electronic catalogue can integrate photos, graphics, technical documentation, even video data. The BMEcat catalogue integrates to an existing ‘shop’ system –SAP, Intershop, Ariba, Commerce One, are examples. It’s not a new approach for Reyher, which started providing its customers with electronic cataloguing in the mid-1990s – initially on floppy disk, then on CD-ROM. Now, of course, the Internet has all but eliminated the need for physical storage media. Enter RIO – Reyher Internet Order - the 24/7 way of accessing up-to-the-minute information on over 75,000 fastener stock lines. By December 2006 500 customers bought through RIO, with many more checking availability before ordering through their own purchasing system. During 2006 Reyher fulfilled 850,000 order lines via RIO, each automatically translated into its massive logistics centre and, in most cases, delivered next day. That was double 2005 throughput and the growth trend has continued into 2007.

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Hold on a moment !

C-parts don't turn you on? Take another look. As a Reyher customer you profit from ... • one of the biggest and best ranges of threaded fasteners • top-class supply reliability plus order-management simplicity • resupply flexibility and friendly service second to none

Holding Parts Together

By the way, the lady drove straight to the office, where you can reach her by dialling +49 40 8 53 63-0. She knows everything about C-parts management and Reyher.

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EDP partners with Northgate Electronic Data Processing (EDP) has announced the general customer availability of its Quantum VS myViewpoint Business Intelligence, Business Performance Measurement and Decision Support solution for Northgate Information Solutions’ Reality V12 Database Management System. Peter Davey, EDP‘s group sales director commented; ‘We are delighted to have completed this important project with Northgate, this being a further example of the changing times in the computer services industry, where more companies are working closely together to bring to the market powerful ‘best of breed’ software products. Northgate’s Reality Database Management System supports sophisticated multi-user application software solutions across both industry and government departments. Using the power of Reality V12, Quantum VS myViewpoint enables those application users to easily and securely unlock the hidden value in their

information assets, making them work much harder automatically. Organisations are now able to capitalise on knowledge information about customers, products, services and much, much more from the raw data captured in the ordinary course of day-to-day operation, all in a Windows environment, expressing complex factual data in dashboard visualisations with the ability to drill down through multiple layers to the individual transaction level data. Quantum VS myViewpoint Anywhere, the web enabled product implementation, is also now available for Northgate’s Reality V12.

Research finds e-commerce profitable New research from ecommerce software specialist Actinic, indicates that trading online has become more profitable and less costly to implement. According to Actinic's latest annual survey, 90% of company web sites are profitable; and on average, companies that implement ecommerce find it costs 40% less than they anticipated. However, only one in ten retailers has a transactional web site. Even amongst those who already accept telephone orders for home delivery, only one in four has an ecommerce facility. “Online stores are rarely unprofitable, because there is huge growth in the sector and overheads are far lower than their offline counterparts,”

Actinic CEO Chris Barling comments. “More consumers are letting their fingers do the shopping, but still too few smaller businesses are grasping the opportunity. Given the ease with which you can set up a web store nowadays, there is no reason not to take the plunge especially if you already offer home delivery.” In its sixth year, Actinic’s survey was undertaken by pfa Research on a sample of around 600 randomly selected small and medium-sized retailers, of whom 146 had web sites. It found that the number of retailers with ecommerce sites had risen by over 30%, from 8% of companies in 2005 to 11% in 2006 - confirming trends reported by bodies such as the IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group).

Next step for RFID tags The





proposals for an RFID strategy for Europe. RFID, also called smart radio tags, is a technology which involves tags that emit radio signals as identifiers, and devices that pick up the signal and identify the tags. RFID is already being used by major retailers like Marks & Spencer and by OEMs in a wide range of sectors, including automotive and truck. Potential fastener specific applications, aside from supply chain management, include ensuring correct parts are used and correctly replaced in safety critical.

In 2006 alone, over one billion RFID tags were sold worldwide and the European market is estimated to grow from 500 million euros in 2006 to 7 billion euros by 2016. To enhance Europe’s ability to reap the economic and social benefits of RFID technology, while answering consumer concerns, the Commission have published the following aims. To create in 2007 an RFID Stakeholder Group to provide advice and assistance to the Commission in developing a European policy position concerning RFID applications.

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

By mid 2007, propose amendments to the e-Privacy Directive to take account of RFID applications, as part of the EU Telecom Rules’ review. Publish, by the end of 2007, a recommendation on how to handle data security and privacy of smart radio tags to Member States and stakeholders. In association with the Stakeholder group, analyse the economic and social effects of smart radio tags and other technologies, particularly focusing on privacy, trust and governance, leading to an assessment of policy options and need for further legislative steps, by the end of 2008.

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Apex Stainless Fasteners

Distributors’ first choice partner for stainless steel fasteners: huge stocks, personalized service The well-known French company specialized in the resale of stainless steel fasteners is continuously expanding : higher stock capacity (new warehouse extension), bigger range (more and more items are kept on stock : more than 13500 different references), local and foreign business growth … Its huge range of products in A2 and A4 (also A4-80) includes machines screws (DIN 933, 931, 912…) ; nuts (DIN 934, 985, 439…) ; threaded bars ; washers (DIN 125, ISO 9021 …) ; self-tapping and self-drilling screws (DIN 7971, 7982, 7504 …) ; wood screws (DIN 571…) ; chipboard screws ; hard-wood screws (tekinox®) ; security screws (one way, snake eyes …) ; retaining rings (DIN 471..) ; pins ; bits ; rivets and nautical fittings and accessories. ACTON also carries a complete range of zinc-plated steel self-drilling screws. A same day dispatch service worldwide is available thanks to our flexible and efficient organization (ISO 9001 : 2000 certified).

Apex Stainless Fasteners have further increased both the depth and range of their stocks. The full range is highlighted in the company product catalogue, available on request. An inventory value of Euro 20 million in Stainless Steel Fasteners enables the company to continue the focus on Trade Sales both in the U.K and in export markets. The products include metric, unified and imperial thread forms in A2, A4 and A4-80. Recent additions to the range include an enhanced range of security screws, threaded bar up to M36 in A4-80, pozi pan chipboard screws, thread forming screws and a full stock range of high quality cut and chamfered allthreads to Din 976B.

For further information refer to or contact our Export team.

As one of the few major European Stainless stockists with a manufacturing division (Aerotight Manufacturing), the company is capable of producing high quality special parts in addition to the well established Stainless Steel Aerotight self locking nut. The company is now established as one of Europe’s major stockists of Stainless Steel Fasteners and is well placed to meet the needs of Fastener distributors worldwide, whether it be for full pallet loads or small box shipments available on a same day despatch service. For further information refer to or contact the head office on Rugby, England. (LRQA ISO 9001:2000 APPROVED)

Tel + 33 4 77 73 74 91

Tel: +44 (0) 1788 537979

Fax + 33 4 77 73 56 25

Dejond nv

Fax: +44 (0) 1788 547974


Dejond’s name stands for a high quality, in house cold formed range of TUBTARA® BLIND RIVET NUTS in stainless steel, steel and aluminium.

FABORY’s Non-Ferrous range

Dejond's R&D people are constantly looking for new solutions to keep pace with the latest market requirements. For more than 15 years we have been focusing on cold forming blind rivet nuts in stainless steel 304. For 2 years we are also producing a blind rivet nut range in STAINLESS STEEL 316 grade. Commonly called ‘Marine’- grade, stainless steel 316 offers you an enhanced corrosion resistance, a higher temperature performance and it is non-magnetic. As it is effective in environments exposed to chlorides, salt water or elevated temperatures, it is extensively used in high demanding industries such as marine, offshore, gas & oil, (petro)chemical, paper & pulp, coastal applications etc. Applications : cable trays, cabinets, pipelines, rails, benches, pools etc. Our stainless steel ranges include open and closed end versions from M4 till M8 with round or hexagonal shank and different head forms. Dejond even developed & manufactured 2 tailor-made Tubtaras in stainless steel for the latest aerospace programs. ISO 9001 : 2000 certified.

FABORY’s standard range consists of over 52,000 items including nonferrous fasteners, which boasts at least 800 categories and over 2000 lines, in both metric and imperial (coarse and fine pitches) ranging from standard hex bolts to the more unusual. BRASS – CU2 (cold-formed), CU3 (turned)- Plain and nickel plated – Hex products; Thumb, book, wing and machine screws; Dome and sleeve nuts; Plain, lock and cup washers; Woodscrews; Rivet bushes. COPPER – Sealing rings, washers, Mushroom head rivets, Split pins. KUPRODUR – Hex products PHOSPHOR BRONZE – Lock washers ALUMINIUM – Sopral P40, P60, P65, AG3 and Dural – Hex products; Machine and self-tapping screws; Studding, Plain, lock, cup washers; Sealing rings; Round and countersunk head rivets; Hand wheels. TITANIUM – Grade 2 – Hex products, studding, nuts, washers. VARIOUS PLASTICS – Seals, Dubo rings; Nylon hex products, binder screws, caps, rosette; Handles. PERMAGLAS – Studding and nuts. STAINLESS STEEL grades A1, A2, A4 (classes 50. 70, 80) – Hex, eye and socket products; Diameters < M4; Retaining rings; Pipe plugs; Machine and self-tapping screws, including Phillips; Washers including 90 degree countersunk.

Come and visit us at the Fastener Fair in Stuttgart in September ! Tel: +32 3820 3820 3436

For further information please contact FABORY Tel: +44 (0) 121 556 3474 Email:

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Owlett Jaton

Since it’s establishment in 1979, Nestinox has been a specialised distributor of stainless steel fasteners (more than 16,000 products, DIN / ISO, A2 / A4) for the construction industry, machine construction, greenhousing, concrete anchors, yacht- and shipbuilding, food industry, maintenance products etc. Within Europe, Nestinox has gained a very good reputation as leading supplier of stainless steel fasteners. A large number of professional users of stainless steel fasteners as well as trading companies throughout Europe experience the strong benefits of the services offered by Nestinox. From the Netherlands (Best), Belgium (Oud-Turnhout) as well as Germany (Viersen) a very enthusiastic team of about 40 employees is willing to supply the customers in various branches with the most suitable fasteners. If you choose for Nestinox, you are also choosing for product consultancy, quick deliveries, reliability, partnership and (last but not least) quality. Stainless Steel product range: • bolts • nuts • screws • washers • specials (special turning and pressed parts according to drawing/sample) • stainless steel (care) products for maintenance and repair • hose clamps • retaining rings • chains • machinefeet etc. etc. For further information please contact NESTINOX: Tel: +31(0)499 339 000 Email:

Stainless Threaded Fasteners The Complete Corrosion Resistant Fastener Distributor

Stainless Steel Continued Success! Stainless Steel Fasteners continues to be a successful and growing product range within Owlett-Jaton. This product range which includes Bolts, Setscrews, Studding, Nuts in both metric and UNC threads, together with Machine Screws, Self Tapping Screws, Woodscrews, Chipboard Screws, Washers, Cup Square and Coachscrews are available in A2 and A4. The success of the Stainless Steel business within Owlett-Jaton is a direct result of having the right stock at the right price managed by a team of focussed and experienced staff. In this ever-changing market, Owlett-Jaton is now established as a leading supplier of Stainless Steel fasteners to the distribution trade. The dedicated, experienced staff responsible for the Stainless products are, Sue Davies and Gareth Phillips, both are based at Stone and support the regional sales teams throughout the U.K. The sales office network is yet another strength of the Owlett-Jaton offer and allows prompt processing of customer orders and enquiries by experienced staff. Stainless Steel Fasteners complement the already comprehensive range of Fasteners and Fixings on offer from Owlett-Jaton and all are available on a next day delivery service from the large stockholding at the Stone site. Tel 00 44 (0) 1785 811 300

Fax: 00 44 (0)1785 816 239

Next Issue... July 2007


STF are one of Europe’s largest distributors of Stainless Steel and Brass Fasteners. Operating from 50,000 sq. ft premises in the heart of the West Midlands of England. STF carry over 10,000 product lines in stock, all of which are available for same day despatch worldwide. Our extensive range of products and services includes;

Manufacturing technology

FOCUS ON... Sockets and hexagon bolts

Stainless Steel, A2 , A4 and A4-80 - A full range of Metric & Imperial Threadforms. Security Fasteners, A2 - Vandal -Pruf™ range of screws complete with Tooling. Brass Fasteners – A full range of Metric Threadforms. Philidas® Allmetal Self-locking Nuts – A2-80 Class & A4-80 Class, the re-usable Self - locking nut. Special Fasteners, can be supplied in all grades of Stainless Steel, Brass and other Non Ferrous Alloys including Titanium, Aluminium, Hastelloy & Duplex materials. Marine Products, Stainless Steel Marine Hardware & fittings, wire rope, chain and prepack fasteners , available with eye catching point of sale display stand options. Quality, Registered to BS EN ISO 9001-2000.We are committed to offering quality products and a first class customer service. We can also offer I.S.I.R., PPAP Level 3 and 3.1.b certification on request. For a friendly, helpful service please contact STF for all your Corrosion Resistant Fastener requirements. Tel: +44(0)1902 490 490

Highlight a product or application in the July FOCUS ON. This offers a cost effective opportunity to target your core audience. Each entry includes a 200 word description, a high resolution image, and most importantly your contact details. Your company can have a presence from as little as £250/€370. For more information please contact Harry Whyte

Tel +44 (0) 1727 739 150


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Step conveyor is smooth operator A new step conveyor, the ZSL 151 feed unit and control module from Weber Automatic Assembly Systems Ltd, is designed to improve throughput times, productivity and profits at assembly shops undertaking production line screwdriving tasks. Repeatability and accuracy are the most important criteria when undertaking high throughput assembly operations, where operating efficiency is a number one priority. Output levels of 5000 parts per hour (for an M4x30 screw) are easily achievable using the ZSL 151. Fastening elements are loaded into a stainless steel bowl as bulk material. Fastener items are then transferred to the exit track by stroke step, before being aligned on the conveyor, selected by an

escapement and fed to the screwdriving unit. This unit, together with the feed system and screwdriving process are fully controllable using an integrated programmable PLC. The pneumatic ZSL 151 has been designed with a low vibration exit track, ensuring a smooth operation and noise levels that do not exceed 76dBA. Also, the fasteners are never moved unnecessarily, making the unit ideal for screws, bolts or nuts with coatings, paint finishes or delicate surfaces.

Northern Precision get Codeology out of a fix When Codeology was established and co-directors Jim Mason and Grant Auton set about the development, design and construction of a prototype bar code labelling and ink jet coder, they knew exactly what they wanted to create: a market-leading, out-of-the-box, reliable machine that would exceed industry standard and come in at an unprecedented starting price. For Jim Mason, the experienced electrical engineer responsible for the design specification, heavy reliance was put on bought-in components and sub-contracted machined parts, including sheet metal casings, to enable Codeology’s small workforce to manufacture the units. “Right from the start, when developing the prototype, we identified a possible major problem area,” he reflects, “and that was determining the best way to actually fasten the sheet metal housings.” He continues: “I needed help in deciding the easiest, best and most cost-effective way to build the product, so I spoke to our supplier of laser cut sheet metal parts and it was recommended we contact Northern Precision.” “That was one of the most

fruitful ‘phone calls I’ve ever made; the Northern Precision team immediately understood my dilemmas and explained how to satisfy them with their wide range of standard selfclinch fasteners.” Grant Auton says: “With a lot of experience in this marketplace, both Jim and I knew from the outset that we wanted a product that was durable, easy to set up and simple to use - and we have achieved this, thanks to the help of suppliers like Northern Precision. “We wanted to steer away from the traditional build principles of mild steel components and powder coating paint finish, and use materials and construction methods that would result in equipment that would withstand the demands of today’s 24/7 manufacturing ethos yet also be cost-effective for users.”

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& No Riveting – Self-piercing Hardened Self-Clinching Fasteners ● Press Nuts ● Binding screws ● Rivet Bushes ● Prestincerts ● Eccentric studs ● Floating Nuts

Autonic Engineering Co. Ltd Salisbury Rd. Rye Park, Hoddesdon, EN11 0HU Tel: 01992 471101 Fax: 01992 471102 Email:

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BeA launches UK Dynamik service network BeA Fastening Systems Ltd has launched a UK service network to support distribution partners of its ‘Dynamik’ brand of gas fuelled nailers. The service centre network will be responsible for tool servicing and tool repairs, including warranty repairs, and each accredited service centre will have undergone a rigorous selection process. Joe Walker, the service department supervisor for Dynamik, explained “The Dynamik range has a fantastic reputation for engineering excellence and we must ensure that it is supported by the high quality of aftercare service it deserves”. Joe is pictured with Ian Price of Rycon, one of the first businesses to be awarded the ‘Dynamik’ service centre certificate.

Heller tests drills for HAV effect Fast, high frequent oscillations from drilling machines are experienced as vibrations, which can result in pain through the hand and arms. Professional power tool users need to be aware that increased hand-arm vibration can adversely affect their health. Proper precautions are important and pan European legislation has been introduced to ensure users are offered protection against possible misuse. Power tool manufacturers are working hard to reduce vibrations from their tools. However, it has been proven that the appendages can also contribute significantly to the vibration measured when power tools are used. Heller is the first European drill bit manufacturer to have its products independently tested to measure the effect of drilling

vibrations - at a test institute in Loughborough University in Great Britain. Long term health damage should be prevented by EU vibration directive 2004/44/EC, which came into force mid 2005. According to this directive, the user may only be exposed to a defined level of vibration over a certain period of time in any given application.

This means both low vibration work processes and tools are now in demand. Poorly designed and low quality drill bits show a measurable negative impact, and increase the vibration. Heller say their drill bits demonstrate maximum efficiency and low vibration transmission when used in a wide range of different manufacturers power tools.

TyTecker launched at SED Poppers Senco chose SED 2007 as the UK launch pad for TyTecker, claimed to be the most revolutionary development ever in rebar tying technology for large, horizontal reinforcement projects. Developed in the Netherlands, TyTecker is a unique, long-reach, power-tying system that permits high-speed rebar tying up to 3 times faster than is achievable manually. The adjustable, ergonomically designed TyTecker tool enables the tying to be done without having to stoop or bend – virtually eliminating the all too

common health risk of back injuries and consequent time-off. The TyTecker system uses pre-coiled ties designed for use with crossed bars up to 16:12mm or parallel bars up to 16:16mm. Unlike manual methods, the tool ensures ultraconsistent, high quality ties every time.

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Lighter, faster, stronger! Stanley Assembly Technologies has introduced the new EA series tools to its QPM line-up of DC electric threaded fastening tools. High-performance, lightweight, flexible, and powerful, EA tools are built with higher-power motors and compact housings that yield best-in-class performance for tightening torque ranges from 2 to 120 Nm. “EA tools have a power-to-weight ratio that is unrivalled in the DC electric tools market,” says Doug Versele, global product manager of Stanley Assembly Technologies. “And the QPM Parameter Wizard with Adaptive Tightening Control (ATC) makes this the fastest and easiest setup of any DC system — period.” EA tools feature: • Brushless DC servo motors that generate maximum power and acceleration from minimal size and weight to obtain first-class power-to-weight ratios • Angle-style EA tools, which use Zerol® spiral bevel gear geometry to build in durability and high performance • Lightweight, ergonomic handle with multiple light sets for 360-degree operator viewing Long life, fewer failures, high performance, and modular ergonomic design all contribute to a lower total cost of ownership and increased productivity

See us on stand

5.2 G7 19th-20th September 2007

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Trailer 300 – the compressor system Very high


Bit by Bit Prebena has launched a new compressor. The Trailer 300 has a powerful 2,800 rpm motor, a well positioned 19 litre tank and an effective output of 190 litres/minute, ensuring a reliable air source for fast and trouble-free working. The Prebena Trailer 300 is very easy to transport, thanks to its stable wheels and highposition rubberised handlebar. The handle can be folded away for space-saving storage and easy transport. The compressor has two extra power outlets for 110V or 230V to supply additional electrical items and an air-hose reel for safe and easy storage.

Good bits are made by

USH B i t s a n d To o l s

USH Schraubwerkzeugfabrik · Phone: +49 (0) 27 33 / 89 46-0 ·

Stop biting your nails! One of the less tasteful aspects of working in confined spaces can often be a mouthful of nails or screws. McLaren Marketing reckon they have the solution to hand. Worn like a wristwatch Magnet Mate grips small lots of ferrous items such as nails, pins, screws, nuts and bolts. The polarity of the Magnet Mate always lines them up neatly, ready for easy use without fumbling

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Wiha top scores in Stiftung Warentest ...and now from Arpel more quality fasteners. The range of high strength structural threaded inserts maximising grip range are now available in stainless steel and hexagon body in steel. Other types of standard inserts, rivets, pin and collars and all associated tooling boringly available from stock at quality prices with Live Chat Entertainment!

Three Wiha cordless driver bit sets scored highly in a test conducted by the "Stiftung Warentest" consumer testing organisation. They were amongst fourteen bit collections from other manufacturers tested for function, durability and identification. The Wiha XSelector Inkra bit set (pictured) was the overall winner. Not every bit is the same, as becomes immediately apparent when working with the cordless drill/driver since the power transfer from tool to screw is indicative of the quality of the bit. To ensure a lightweight action and to avoid material wear, it is essential that the bit fits perfectly in the screw head. All three Wiha bit sets performed impressively with regard to both torque and force transfer in an inclined position at an angle of five degrees. The Wiha bits performed particularly well in the quality test. The torque was tested after 1,000 screw-driving operations. The XSelector Inkra bit set was awarded top grade of 1.0; the Wiha Tresor速 TiN bit grade 1.4 and the XSelector Standard grade 1.6. The set boxes also tested good to very good for legibility of information. High quality workmanship is a key factor in lowering costs, since it reduces wear of the materials in everyday use and so helps to extend the tool life of the bits. "The test results of the Stiftung Warentest confirm the high quality claim we make of our products and, at the same time, provide us with the incentive to continue to guarantee this for our customers", said Wilfried Hahn, managing partner of the Schonach company.

Tel: 01384 296 660 Fax: 01384 280 320 Email:

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One year on – new ranges and more to come Martyn Price (Bolts & Nuts) Ltd When investment group Rosway Limited acquired Martyn Price last March the keynote expression was progress not major change. A year on its clear that the core values of this 30-year-old company have been successfully retained but the rate of progress is definitely accelerating. Visit general manager, Gary Macauley, these days, and you will be shown to a new meeting room overlooking the Martyn Price warehouse floor. It is a part of a series of new offices installed since the acquisition, partially to provide more space for sister company ETA Fixings (UK) Limited. “It has also given us separate offices for our QA operation, and this meeting space,” says Gary, “which in turn has released the pressure on the commercial office downstairs.” At the moment the meeting room walls are covered with detailed postcode maps of the UK. Martyn Price has just recruited a Midlands-based sales manager, with another recruitment in the pipeline, and both companies are carefully analysing existing and potential customer locations in order to plan full sales coverage of the UK. One of the projects uppermost in Gary’s mind last year was to develop a more systematic approach to product ranging. The recruitment of John Clayton as purchasing manager, prior to the ownership change, had been a crucial step along that road. Martyn Price already stocked 9,000 core fastener products with an additional 2,000, which were the legacy of the company’s previous excess-inventory trading activities. “John’s experience and knowledge were really important,” says Gary, “in reassessing our purchasing policy and in putting the depth of analysis and structure into our ranging.” Now, the company is poised to launch a very significant extension to its ranges that “offer our customers a systematic and complete stock offer within defined size limits,” says Gary. “Something of a first for Martyn Price,” he acknowledges wryly. The program is a combination of consolidating existing product ranges and adding entirely new product offers. DIN 931 Grade 8.8 bolts are now available from M4 x 30 to M48 x 300, in plain, trivalent zinc plate, zinc and yellow, and hot dip galvanised. DIN 933 Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

Grade 8.8 extends from M4 x 6 to M48 x 200, in a similar range of finishes. Both bolts and setscrews are now also stocked in Grade 10.9 plain finish – DIN 931 from M8 x 30 to M42 x 200 and DIN 933 from M8 x 12 to M30 x 200. Additionally in the high tensile bolting area Martyn Price has introduced DIN 960 fine pitch bolts from M8 x 1.00 x 30 to M24 x 2.00 x 150; and DIN 961 setscrews from M8 x 1.00 x 16 to M24 x 2.00 x 100. All fine pitch products are plain finish. Also introduced is a range of DIN 571 coach screws, all trivalent zinc plated, from M6 x 20 to M12 x 200; and DIN 603 cup square bolts and nuts, again trivalent zinc coated, from M6 x 20 to M16 x 130. Added to that are plated Roofing bolts and nuts from M5 x 10 to M10 x 260. In a significant progression for Martyn Price all of the ranges are now stocked in small boxes. “All of that is on top of our existing huge range in mild steel, plain and locking nuts going up to M100, and somewhere around 1,700 washer products,” say Gary Macauley. The key to Martyn Price remains, says Gary, “stock and knowledge – however unusual. We’ve brought our approach to ranging and stocking up to date but lost none of the depth of understanding that many of our customers have come to rely on.” Warehouse and distribution operations have also come under the microscope over the last year. “We have made significant changes to our warehouse procedures and, also, to how we pack and despatch orders. We now guarantee next working day delivery of UK orders received by 5pm. Also, there is a single carriage charge for multiple orders received on the same day from a customer, because we are able, now, to consolidate them into a single consignment.” What else? “There is plenty more to come from Martyn Price and from ETA Fixings – watch these pages!”

19th-20th September 2007

4. E39

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New fasteners provide extra strength and reliability for thin plastic and metal sheets Anixter Components, formerly Heyco, has launched four new types of spring steel fasteners: ‘U’ Nuts, ‘J’ Nuts, Torque Nuts and Push-On Fixes. The fasteners are a cost effective solution, providing original equipment manufacturers with a method of securing panels and sheets that would otherwise be incapable of accepting a thread. The lightweight nuts are made from a single piece of steel and can be assembled easily and quickly onto a plastic or metal panel or sheet with one hand. The range accommodates sheet thicknesses from 0.5mm to 4.8mm, and thread sizes No.4 to No.14 and M4 to M6. The ‘U’ Nut is a fastener with a U-shaped profile and offers freefloating alignment with the screw to speed production. ‘J’ Nut has the same qualities in J-shaped profile with a shorter lower leg; ideal when part clearance is an issue. The Torque Nuts are more robust, and once tightened, create a spring locking action on the screw, which resists shock and vibration. The Push-On Fixes are simply used to secure plain studs, rivets or tubing. They are pressed on easily and provide a positive bite on metal, plastic, or wood and will even grip firmly on very smooth hard surfaces. The range accommodates stud diameters from 2.31mm to 12.75mm. In some cases the Push-On Fixes can prevent the shaft from rotating under light loads.

“The new fasteners are extremely easy to install,” says Andrew Fletcher, technical director at Anixter Components. “We continually source products that allow our customers to simplify their assembly process and reduce installation time. The new fasteners compliment our range and we can now offer solutions for all fragile and robust applications.”

Poppit® redefines “quick fit” in ceiling and wall panels. The new Poppit® panel fastening system by BigHead simplifies and speeds up the mounting of internal/external panels and cladding where instant demount may be required. The adhesive-based procedure ‘de-skills’ installation and ensures exact alignment during positioning. The stainless steel ball clicks firmly into a female socket, moulded in high-impact polycarbonate/GRP: the jaws grip the ball to form a strong ball/socket joint. The male/female Poppits are glued to a panel at suitable intervals; adhesive is applied to the polycarbonate cap and the panel placed in position. BigHead’s own “BigBond” 2-part acrylic adhesive is recommended. Support is required for 5-8 minutes, with a final cure of 45 minutes. To demount, a firm pull separates the joints. When re-attached, exact alignment is achieved automatically by “popping” the panel back into position.

Each 30mm Poppit supports 2kgs. For a 10kgs metre-square panel, 3x3 rows or 4x4 rows of Poppits are recommended. The safety factor with 3x3 rows is 18:10 (1.8:1) and with 4x4 rows is 32:10 (3.2:1). Further versions will offer higher performance by using a larger ball, and there will also be a 20mm range. Stainless or mild steel versions are available. The system also includes spacer mouldings, to bridge voids between panels and walls/ceilings up to 50mm. Standard heights (including Poppit assembly) are 20mm, 30mm, 40mm and 50mm; bespoke lengths incur a tooling charge. An anti-vibration strut complete with damper pad is also available to help control resonance problems on larger panels. Poppits are covered by comprehensive patents and the design is registered worldwide.

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Underneath the sheets In response to customer demand Olympic has added three supporting products to its range of fixing products. First is a 12' x 9' cotton twill, heavy duty Dust Sheet, which is designed to cope with light paint splashes as well as to generally protect the area covered. The sheet is washable to help extend its useful life. The next supporting product is a heavy duty 12' x 9' Paint Sheet. Manufactured from laminated cotton twill with a polythene backing, the sheet is designed to prevent the penetration of liquids. Finally, to help dispose of building waste from smaller jobs, Olympic have included a pack of five large-capacity Rubble Sacks. They measure 540mm x 790mm and are strong enough to dispose of bricks, plaster, rubble, sand, gravel or shale.

New RIV912 lighter and handier Rivit’s new RIV912 hydro-pneumatic tool is suitable from M3 to M12 inserts. It has been developed to meet market demand for a tool with a one-position trigger mechanism. The insert is automatically screwed onto the mandrel by means of a little pressure, while the deformation and unscrewing of the insert takes place in one cycle when the trigger is fully depressed. The stroke can also be adjusted by rotating the gear at the rear of the tool.

lighter and handier tool. Instead of a special mandrel the RIV912 will take a Grade 12.9 socket screw, easily obtained and replaced on the market.

The handle casing has been replaced with a plastic one, and both the piston and cylinder are made of aluminium, giving a

Max power : 6 bar/2500 Kg

Technical data for the new RIV912: Nominal air pressure: 6 bar Min/max air pressure: 5/7 bar Air consumption per cycle (6 bar): 7,5 ltr Stroke: 1 – 6.5 mm

Weight: 2.3 Kg

AMC achieves TS16949 approval Corby-based AMC (UK) Fasteners Ltd has achieved certification to Quality Management System ISO/TS16949-2002 and holds Certificate No. TS500465-000 for the manufacture of Low Carbon and Boron Steel cold forged nuts and special parts. AMC’s production capacity for cold forged nuts and special parts ranges from M5 to M16 diameter. The company’s philosophy provides for

responsive manufacturing procedures, enabling smaller batch production quantities than traditionally encountered in cold forging. This gives greater ability for clients to achieve cost savings on parts previously produced by alternative methods. Full in-house testing facilities compliment AMC’s ability to provide quality assurance certification and

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

traceability - typically PPAP level 3 and full ISIR assurance. Supplementing their stock of standard production ranges, which include hexagon, round and square weld nuts ranging from M5 to M12, are hot forged and bar turned nuts M3 to M100. All parts are available in the normal accepted finishes including organics and lubricants

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West Special Fasteners Limited Unit 3B · Callywhite Lane · Dronfield · Derbyshire · S18 2XR · England Tel: 01246 291111 · Fax: 01246 291177

Manufacturers of Stainless & Special Alloy Fasteners We have a Comprehensive range of Hot Forging and Machining facilities, manned by our skilled workforce, enabling us to manufacture in house the products shown below:-



Enquiries:Tel: 01246 291111 Fax: 01246 291177 Email:

Specialists in HOT Forging Exotic Fasteners

a purchasing message worth spelling out Brass, steel, stainless and nylon fasteners Over 100,000 stock lines - what’s special to others is standard to us Left hand allthread and nuts Low head capscrews Hexagon and square weldnuts Offering quality assurance to ISO 9001 & ISO/TS 16949 Fine pitch hexagons and nuts Find out how we can help you. Send an enquiry today

Phone: 01902 603934 Fax: 01902 603057 e-mail:

That’s why Bollhoff has opened up the opportunity for you to take delivery of standard fasteners direct from unrivalled stockholdings in Germany. When you ring our slaes department in the UK, we can offer technical and quality advice, at the same time as using direct computer links to check current stocks, confirm prices and schedule deliveries. Job done. It’s fast, efficient and economic.

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New stock spring catalogue features 5,000 new products Lee Spring’s stock spring product listing has grown by almost 50% over the past two years. Its latest 160 page stock spring catalogue features 5,000 new products and lists 15,400 different types of spring.

A new range of Lite Pressure

Springs manufactured in 316

302 type, especially in chloride

compression spring, continuous

stainless steel present several

environments, also the purity

length spring and battery spring



levels are higher and therefore

products have been added to the

stainless, which have until now

colour is more consistent. All

catalogue. In addition, many

been the standard offering. The

Lee Spring 316 stainless springs

stock springs are now available

316 stainless spring corrosion

are ultrasonically cleaned as

in 316 stainless steel.

resistance is greater then the

well as passivated to offer



medical and food grade levels of cleanliness. The Lite Pressure springs meet compression springs demands, combining low spring rates with larger diameters. Manufactured only in 316 stainless steel, these high







applications such as valves, pistons,



brushes, dispensers, contacts and toys. Continuous length extension springs are ideal for unusual applications or maintenance operations. Offered in 12, 24 and 36ins




914.4mm) lengths in music wire and 302 stainless steel, they are designed to be cut to length to meet custom load requirements. Finally




provide fast, efficient and reliable contacts in most situations where




required, for example, in self contained


compartments applications.


battery tailored

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RotaBolts standard fit on wind turbines Suzlon Energy, one of the fastest growing wind energy companies in the world, is now fitting RotaBolts on all its 1.25 megawatt and 2.1 megawatt wind turbines. The tension monitoring fasteners have now become standard fit on the wind turbine blade connections. Highly accurate tension at installation and throughout the life of the bolted joint is essential on the turbines, and Germanischer Lloyd certification requires that the turbine blade connections are checked annually. With tension control being the critical factor in the reliability and safety of bolted joints, RotaBolt’s ability to deliver tension control at installation and throughout the life of the bolted joint, made it a natural choice. Suzlon has a subsidiary in Germany for technology development, a research and development facility in the Netherlands for

rotor blade design, moulding and tooling, as well as wind turbine and rotor blade manufacturing facilities in India. It was subsidiary AE-Rotor in the Netherlands who were responsible for the application of RotaBolt® systems on the turbine blades. “We are dealing with complex, high performance laminates and RotaBolts are easy to install and much easier to simply check for any loss of tension,” commented Klaas Boerstra from AE-Rotor, “We carried out extensive lab tests to check on the best approach to maintain tension. Without RotaBolts, maintenance would be a lot of costly work.” The 1.25 and 2.1 megawatt turbines are finding a growing market mainly in Africa, India and the States and Suzlon has built some of the largest wind parks in Asia, including the largest wind park of its kind in the world.

BeamClamp launches high tolerance floor fixing Steelwork connection specialists Access Technologies Ltd has updated its popular Floorfix range with the addition of the new, easy to work with Floorfix HT (high tolerance) fixing clip. Part of the BeamClamp range, the Floorfix HT is designed to fix durbar or plain floor plates to supporting steelwork, from the top side only, in walkway and flooring applications. Access Technologies has developed the Floorfix HT as a cost-effective alternative to conventional drilling and tapping, bolting or welding solutions, saving time for contractors on site. “The original Floorfix has proved hugely popular with our customers and continues to be specified in a number of projects” says Ian Page, general manager at Access Technologies. “Building on this success we have made a number of improvements to the Floorfix. The result is the Floorfix HT, which we’re sure will prove a hit with our customers.” The new Floorfix HT is quick and easy for contractors to use and more able to cope with greater construction site tolerances than previous fixings. It allows for steelwork erection tolerances of +/6mm, allowing positional adjustments to be made when fixing is required. In addition, the BeamClamp Floorfix HT can connect onto steel flanges from 3mm to 25mm as standard, without the need for additional packing pieces.

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Tuflock Multisaver from Brighton Best Brighton Best has launched a stock range of Tuflok socket screws. The market is in need of immediately available finished product, remarked Ray Southam, Brighton Best’s managing director. Ray summarised the advantages of the new range: • 180°Tuflok Socket screw, finished product available in Brighton’s Midlands warehouse. • Collect same day or delivered next day in the UK • No minimum coating charges • No coating transport charges • Competitive pricing • Guaranteed YFS QS9000 product • Complete trace labelled and packaged product The savings are substantial, he went on to explain. “A typical distributor buying 100 M6 x 20 Tuflok 12.9 socket cap screws would pay around £60 per 100; you could buy the same quantity for £26.23 from Brighton Best, and make a major saving,” advises Ray. “If you sent screws for Tufloking you would have to wait around two weeks for their return and could pick up two way carriage charges: with Brighton Best the Socket Screw product is off the shelf and immediately available.” “Tuflok product needs to be repackaged and the trace numbers transferred; if you buy from Brighton Best the Tuflok product is fully packaged with trace numbers and outer corrugate packaged for shipment included in the price. This will make a second considerable saving in handling, labelling and packaging cost.”

Approval for JCP Anchors JCP Heavy Duty Anchors are now available with a European Technical Approval Option 1 for use in cracked and non-cracked concrete. The zinc plated Heavy Duty Anchors come in three head styles, Loose Bolt, Stud and Nut and Countersunk. A range of lengths and diameters are available to suit the majority of fixing applications. Special sizes can be also be made available on request. Reference should be made to the European Technical approval for full design information where the anchors are used in safety critical applications. A range of Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Anchors with DIBT approval are also available.

Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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DON’T TURN WORK AWAY! Arndale are manufacturers of special fasteners and machined parts which are produced using the latest CNC machinery. NO MATTER WHAT THE SIZE...YOUR ORDER IS ALWAYS SPECIAL TO US




Via XXV Aprile 21 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) Italy Tel. +39 02.515051 Fax +39 02.510660 - 02.55700633 -

ARNDALE ENGINEERING Western Approach, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 5NN Tel: 0191 455 6086 Fax: 0191 455 2447

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Charting your choices Picking the right Loctite industrial product for the job in hand has been made easier, thanks to a new laminated selector chart. As well as listing the 17 most popular products together with their relevant features, there are numerous application examples to help engineers match the task with the right adhesive, sealing material, cleaner or anti-seize compound. The reverse of the chart provides useful information about Loctite solutions to pump, gearbox and shaft repair jobs. Exploded diagrams show where products can be used and the benefits of using Loctite products. ‘This is a traditional chart of the kind that has proved popular with engineers in a variety of industries,’ says Colin Chapman, marketing manager at Henkel. ‘We have designed it to be of maximum benefit in the workshop environment.’

New coated abrasive range UK distributor ABRACS has increased its range of coated abrasives with the addition of hook & loop sanding discs, P.S.A discs and sanding sponges. The range, which also includes sanding belts, emery rolls and sheets, waterproof paper and sandpaper rolls, now comes in a new eye-catching packaging display, which ABRACS believe is ideal for any shop or trade counter. ABRACS tell us that all its products are manufactured using quality materials and are packaged with easy storage and distribution in mind. “We have priced the range to be extremely competitive in the market and, as with all our products, advertising and marketing tools are also available”, say Rob Jeffrey at ABRACS. ABRACS new range is available from its York warehouse, and it guarantees same day despatch from its 100% stock holding.

FAR range updates The Bologna based manufacturer of blind rivets, threaded inserts and riveting tools, has further added to its already extensive range. Zinc plated structural “Farbolt” rivets are now available in dome head, sizes 6.4x15, 6.4x20, 4.8x11, 4.8x14mm and in countersunk, 6.4x17, 4.8x13 and 4.8x16mm. Other additions include A4 stainless steel rivets

in diameters 3.2, 4.0 and 4.8 mm as well as Multifar and countersunk head rivets in A2. New stainless steel threaded inserts include FTTE, IE, FTT, FTS M10 D. 13 mm and FTTC. FTT M12 D. 16 mm, FTTSE, blind rivets bolts, EM hexagonal shank and M10 FTTZ knurled in short and long version are added in steel. Additional head types

are available for structural rivets.


The FAR tool range has been updated to include the new RAC171 and K35F, both intended for structural rivets, as well as the new FHU05 for pin & collar installation (see photo). The KJ45, suitable for threaded inserts from M4 to M12, will shortly be introduced to replace the KJ40.

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See us on stand

5.2 H8 19th-20th September 2007

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POLYSTIC two-part quick fastening system POLYSTIC quick fasteners, supplied by Titgemeyer, ensure that flaps, covers and claddings are securely fixed. This two-part plastic fastening system can be quickly fitted without tools. The polycarbonate fastening sleeve is pressed manually into the perforated plate.

The system compensates for bore deviations of up to one millimetre. The nylon split button (supplied as an easygrip button with a 16 mm diameter, or as a miniature button with an 8.1 or 9.6 diameter, depending on application) is then inserted into the pre-placed fastening

sleeve, and fixed. The POLYSTIC quick fastener locks into place when pressed, and is unlocked when pulled. The POLYSTIC quick fastening system is corrosion-proof and non-conductive.

It is also

highly resistant to vibrations or

fasteners are temperature-


resistant up to 90 deg. C.



AFS launch Recoil® merchandiser Picking the right Loctite industrial product for the job in hand has been made easier, thanks to a new laminated selector chart. As well as listing the 17 most popular products together with their relevant features, there are numerous application examples to help engineers match the task with the right adhesive, sealing material, cleaner or anti-seize compound. The reverse of the chart provides useful information about Loctite solutions to pump, gearbox and shaft repair jobs. Exploded diagrams show where products can be used and the benefits of using Loctite products. ‘This is a traditional chart of the kind that has proved popular with engineers in a variety of industries,’ says Colin Chapman, marketing manager at Henkel. ‘We have designed it to be of maximum benefit in the workshop environment.’

Standard Listed – you know who’s best! But contact us for all the rest . . . Non-preferred Metrics – Intermediate Sizes Short and Long Lengths – Slotted Grub Screws A4/80 Bolts & Socket Caps – 6 Lobe (TX) Drive Screws

Tel: +44 (0) 117 – 972 8560 Fax: +44 (0) 117 – 972 8570 Email:

All Metal Self-Locking Nuts – Studding Connectors And many more . . .

Online Product Guide:

Unit 10, Riverside Business Park, St Anne’s, Bristol, BS4 4ED, UK Issue 45 – May 2007 – Fastener & Fixing Europe –

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Double up with PROTEX Protex Fasteners has added a double-width handle, plus a selection of stainless steel curved handle plates, to its extensive product portfolio. The 980-6510 handle is spring-loaded to fold flat when not in use and offers a maximum loading of 200 kilos. It enables large, heavy and cumbersome containers to be moved safely and correctly by operators, using both hands at each lifting point. The 980-6510, which can also be used for slinging, is suitable for heavy-duty applications in sub-zero temperatures, where the double-size handle can accommodate a single hand wearing an Arctic mitten. The three new curved handle plates 94-0342, 94-0403 and 940570, fit drum diameters from 300mm to 600mm, while allowing for a little deflection. Manufactured from 2.0mm gauge mild or stainless steel, they can be supplied with or without fixing holes and will accommodate Protex’s extensive range of wire handles to fit all requirements.

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Coming up...

in the July issue… Preview edition for Fastener Fair – Stuttgart 2007 Several thousand additional copies will be available at the show for visitors and exhibitors. This opportunity guarantees your company advert would benefit from an increased level of exposure.

CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS …Chemical anchors This dedicated section will feature company profiles and in-depth articles on the technology involved. To make sure your company is well represented please contact the advertising department.

Phone: +44 (0) 1727 739 150 Email: or

FOCUS ON …Sockets and hexagon bolts Highlight a product or application in the July FOCUS ON. This offers a cost effective opportunity to target your core audience. Each entry includes a 200 word description, a high resolution image, and most importantly your contact details. Your company can have a presence from as little as £250/€370. For more information please contact Harry Whyte on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 or email

CATALOGUE RACK …Fastener Fair – Stuttgart exhibitors An easy reference literature library offering a cost effective opportunity to promote catalogues. In this special Fastener Fair preview edition this section will be dedicated to exhibitors Each entry includes your catalogue cover, a 50 word profile and two contact points (Phone and Web). As an added bonus July issue entries will include stand numbers Your company can have a presence from as little as £150/€220 per entry. For more information please contact Harry Whyte on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 or email

Achilles 29 ACT Fasteners & Components 115 Action Can 62 Adolf Pühl 45 Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co 15 Alexander Paal GmbH 11 Alfran Fasteners Ltd 117 Allbolts 33 Alloy & Stainless 81 Apex Stainless 49 Arma Kalip ve Yedek Parça 97 Arndale 121 Arpel 109 AUDACIO s.r.o. 69 Autontic Engineering 105 Avon Stainless 120 Baker & Finnemore 15 Bendfast 117 Bi-Mirth Corp 105 Blakeacre 19 Bollhoff Direct 115 Bollohoff Fasteners 21 Bossong 55 Bralo 43 Brighton Best 6,8,10,12 Carlo Salvi 79 Chatsworth computers 101 Crest Industrial 39 Don Quichotte 55 Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH 1 Douwes Int BV 69 DS Fasteners Ltd 39 Dubai Wire 57 Electra 37 Fastbolt 2 Fischer Fixings 53 FK Moore 109 Forward 20 Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd 62 Global Fasteners 51 Guangzhou Fair 25 Hafren 126 Heco 97 Infast 107 Infor 21 JCP 58 JCS Hi-Torque 33 Lederer 18 Lindapter International Ltd. 61 London Screw Company Ltd 125 M G H d.o.o. 71 Machine Screws Ltd 97 Martyn Price 111 Mayes & Warwick 73 M-craft 9 Microplstics 95 Mofast 125 Morgalv 37 National Machinery 128 Ningbo Ordam int'l trading company 33 Nordic Metalblok Srl 11 Norm Civata 41 Norma 47, 119 Olympic 59 Orderwise 101 Pinstructure 11 Premier Fastening Systems 29 PSM International (TL&S) 13 PTG 75 PTS 71 Push-Up Thread Dies PVT 73 Rawl 113 Ray Fu 116 Rex Fasteners 17 Reyer 99 Rivco 33 Rivit 127 RLS 73 Rotorclip 27 S D Products Ltd 97 Sacma 67 Sanhuan Fasteners Corp. Ltd 51 Sariv srl 35 Shanghai Fanto Hardwares CO., Ltd 123 Spirol 15, 35, 119 Srubex 5 Staytite 83 Steven Walker & Sons Ltd 62 Techfast Mfg Sdn Bhd 28 Tecno Impianti 69 Titibi 59 Top Screw 121 Trevafield 117 Trutek 55 Ubk Spa 121 USH Schraubwerkzeugfabrik 108 Voestalpine 77 Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG 19, 51, 105 Wenzhou Yuanda Standard Components 119 West Special Fasteners 115 WTI 19 Zero Clips Ltd 29

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See us on stand

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