Fastener + Fixing Magazine #51

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Fastener Fair Coventry



What is driving fastener prices?


NEWS Europe and World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22 Russia & CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-26 America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-30 EVENTS CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 FACE-2-FACE Koelner on setbacks and successes. . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 MARKETS Implications of global trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 EXHIBITIONS Practical World report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42 Treasure chest of innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-46 Fasttec 2008 report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Fastener Fair Coventry Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-81 WIRE Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-98 INSIGHT Masterfix celebrates 25th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 World's largest clamp manufacturer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 What's in a name?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Practical World

ANALYSIS What is driving fastener prices? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-60


wire report

CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS CFA wants new code of practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 CFA launches Approved Distributor scheme . . . . . . . 66 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68


CATALOGUE RACK UK & Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-91 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Puma is lean and fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-94 News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-104 MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-108 APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-112 FOCUS ON Nylon, plastics and alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-116 Nailers and power drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129 TOOLS News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-122 Turning the wheel on product piracy . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Adding a cutting edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

92 National’s new Machine

INNOVATIONS Seeing it's torqued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-148 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISERS INDEX . . . . . . . . . . 150


Meeting with Triumph and Disaster? The problem with the expression ‘tipping point’ is that, as often seems to happen, something with a fairly specific meaning is rapidly applied, pretty carelessly, to all kinds of situations. Doing a bit of research, the expression appears to owe its roots to epidemiology, as a description of the point at which an ordinary and stable phenomenon – like a low-level By Phil Matten flu outbreak – turns into an epidemic of crisis proportions. I suppose in a more general sense it describes the level at which the momentum for change becomes irreversible. Why am I pondering word origins? Well, it is because the expression has come to mind regularly over the last few weeks, as news of soaring raw material and other fastener input costs have poured in. Combine that with the looming deadline for a decision from the European Commission on preliminary antidumping tariffs and the initiation of an antidumping investigation in the US on threaded rod, and I recall a conversation of a few months ago with Alfons van der Aa, CEO of Fabory. At the end of an interview we debated the state of the global fastener industry and the current economic trends and talked about the potential for unforeseen consequences. Raw material increases, had not, by then, begun to reach their current giddying heights. The potential impact of the credit crunch was becoming obvious if not clear. Nevertheless the premise was that the application of significant antidumping tariffs on China could, to use another expression, become the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now, of course, it depends on what your business is and where it is located as to how you feel about this particular camel’s back being broken, but the discussion actually wasn’t a partisan one at all. What it did explore, though, was the point at which there could be radical and irrevocable changes in the way the global fastener industry functions. It is a fact that, whatever the product or industry, China has ceased to export deflation to western economies and is strongly exporting inflation. As we now know, and have considered in a special report in this issue, steel cost increases have dramatically impacted fastener manufacturers wherever they are based. There are additional, wide-ranging inflationary pressures, specific to China as its economy and business structure rapidly evolves. Many of those factors are not entirely unique to China – India is also suffering inflation at levels well above 7%. Increases in the cost of staple food commodities, oil products and energy are impacting other Asian countries. Getting back to tipping points, the current pressures on fastener costs surely cannot be sustained – can they? Inevitably each level of the supply chain, starting at ore and coal extraction, has pushed for maximum possible gain. At some point, there has to be a correction, doesn’t there? Yes, very probably – the question is when and at what level? What, though, is unrealistic is to expect the lid to be slammed back onto Pandora’s box. All the fundaments are strongly inflationary. Raw material supply is controlled by a handful of companies. The steel industry continues to consolidate and is understandably committed to maintaining profitability. Energy and other staple costs show no signs of reverting as population and economic growth drives demand. Mono-dimensional fiscal control through interest rates is not going do a great deal when inflation is strongly supply driven. Fastener manufacturers have necessarily committed to materials for production. Wholesalers and distributors have committed to inventory and forward orders. The increased costs are firmly ‘in the system’. So, maybe, just maybe, we are hovering on the verge of a tipping point for this industry, which could mean all bets are off. There are a number of potential consequences, and some early indicators of them that can already be discerned. Fastener end users, locked into cost-down cultures, are seeking to, and in some cases apparently succeeding in, bypassing the import and distribution structure that has serviced them historically. There are reports of accounts lost as companies set up their own logistic chains to handle product from Asian fastener factory gate to their own lines. Conversely, a thought again owed to Alfons van der Aa, the combination of need presented by severe antidumping tariffs, and opportunity, in terms of the huge foreign exchange surplus China now possesses, could just see major Chinese fastener enterprises buying along a supply chain, into returns that they clearly perceive as outweighing their own tight margins. Both are big changes in business culture, but that is the nature of a tipping point, changes are no longer incremental or marginal. Of course, everything might just subside and allow us all to slip back into our normal ways. Personally, I cannot see it. While the tipping point may not be reached, while there may not, in the end, be an epidemic, the one thing that is likely to be constant…. is change. Which places a real premium on open-minded and creative management.

Fastener & Fixing Magazine 18 Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 OJJ, UK Tel: 0044 (0) 1727 739 150 Fax: 0044 (0) 1727 831 033 Publisher Jeremy Ramsdale

Editor Phil Matten

Assistant Editor Will Lowry

Advertising Director Jamie Mitchell

Senior Advertising Executive Harry Whyte

Advertising Executive Claire Lake

Production Manager Gemma Edwards Fastener & Fixing Magazine is a dedicated, trade-only publication which is circulated freely throughout the European trade. Disclaimer The Publisher cannot be held responsible or, in any way, liable for errors or omissions, during input or printing, of any material supplied or contained herein. The Publisher also cannot be held liable for any claims made by advertisers or in contributions from individuals or companies submitted for inclusion within this publication.

Copyright Entire contents copyright © Fastener Fairs Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Annual subscription (6 issues) to non-trade and outside EU is £80/€120/$160

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EC expected to refuse ‘Market Economy Treatment’ to Chinese factories According to information from a Chinese fastener association source, which has had access to a European Commission report, ‘Market Economy Treatment’ will almost certainly be refused to nine Chinese exporting factories. In total 125 Chinese companies applied for MET and the eventual EC ruling is likely to apply similarly to all of them since the nine were selected under a sampling process. As with all EC antidumping processes the investigation is tightly prescribed, in this case with five defined criteria to be met. These include business decisions being responsive to the market and not subject to significant state interference; costs reflecting market values; a clear set of independently audited accounts; no distortions carried over from a previous non-market economy system; foreign exchange converted at market rates; and the company being subject to bankruptcy and property laws that guarantee stability and legal certainty. The overriding reason for proposed rejection is understood

to be that prices paid for steel wire were not considered in line with international market values. The Commission investigators are understood to have found that the cost of steel wire in China was significantly below the average price charged in other markets, such as the EU and India. The report noted a number of previously published studies arguing that steel production in China is heavily influenced by the state. Investigators are also understood to have concluded that four companies presented false or misleading information, invalidating their claim for MET. For two other companies state interference could not be ruled out. One, the PMC Group is indirectly 47% state owned. Another company was viewed as being controlled by a trade union rather than shareholders. One other company is understood to have failed to meet the accounting criterion and two to have shown indications of some form of distortion in the privatisation process. No decision in respect to MET has yet been formally published

by the European Commission – this is expected at the end of May. It is also not known at this stage what investigators proposals will be in relation to foreign owned factories in China – specifically Taiwanese and European factories understood to have applied for MET. The strong probability that MET applications will be rejected would indicate that the Commission investigators will assess dumping margins by comparison to another market economy. Distributor associations have argued strongly against the use of India for this purpose since it resulted in extremely high dumping margins alleged in the original complaint document submitted to the Commission. Rejection of MET for Chinese factories would also suggest a higher probability that provisional tariffs, if and when applied, would be consistent across Chinese exporters rather than differentiated by company. The deadline for the European Commission to announce a decision on provisional tariffs is expected to be 8th August 2008, nine months from the initiation of the investigation.

Alcoa bolsters its aerospace portfolio Alcoa Inc. has announced that it has acquired Republic Fastener Manufacturing Corporation and Van Petty Manufacturing from the Wood Family Trust. The two aerospace fastener manufacturing businesses are located in Newbury Park, California, and employ a combined 240 people. Since it was founded in 1968, Republic has maintained its focus on the “super standard” end of the aerospace fastener locknut product line. Along with its "Boots Aircraft Division” acquired from Cherry Fasteners in 1989, Republic offers a wide variety of sheet metal and wrenchable aerospace fasteners. Van Petty has been producing high performance precision aerospace fasteners used primarily by engine & equipment manufacturers since 1943. Its products include a variety of specialised aerospace fasteners. The two businesses had combined 2007 revenues of US$51 million. “This represents a significant step for Alcoa Fastening Systems (AFS) in our strategy to accelerate the growth of our business, both organically and through select acquisitions, where we believe our know-how and commitment will better serve our customers and our shareowners," said Olivier Jarrault, president of AFS. "As a result of this acquisition, we are adding much needed aerospace fastener capacity, and will have greater presence in new targeted markets where we see increasing demand for our products and services.”


Deepak confirms Unbrako acquisition In a written statement to Fastener & Fixing Magazine, Deepak Fasteners managing director, Sanjeev Kalra confirmed that the company has signed an agreement to acquire Unbrako Global. “Deepak Fasteners ‘Shannon’ Limited will drive to reinvigorate the Unbrako Brand globally and set about a brand management strategy that will significantly enhance its market,” Mr Kalvra said. He confirmed that Deepak “has acquired the Unbrako Global brand and all its associated assets, trademarks, trade names and rights. This includes the manufacturing operation in Shannon, Ireland and the distribution centre in Melbourne, Australia.” “Along with the Unbrako brand,” the statement notes, “Deepak Fasteners Limited has acquired all the engineered specials business associated with the Shannon business”. Combined sales after the acquisition will exceed US$300 million, says Mr Kalra. Referring to strategy on completion of the acquisition he says, “It is

Acument Global Technologies acquires Saturn Fasteners Acument Global Technologies, Inc. has announced that it has acquired Saturn Fasteners, Inc., to augment and strengthen its capabilities in the high performance aerospace threaded fastener market. Based in Burbank, California, Saturn Fasteners employs more than 100 people in support of its more than 300 global customers, including aerospace fastening distributors, original equipment manufacturers, and their suppliers. “The Saturn team’s strong focus on customer service and quality make the company a key component of Acument’s reemergence as an aerospace threaded fastening supplier,” said Martin Schnurr, vice president and general manager of Acument North America. “Together with our newly launched Camcar Aerospace operation in Illinois, Saturn demonstrates our commitment to the aerospace industry and establishes a solid foundation for addressing the shortage of specialty threaded fasteners created by the dramatic ramp-up in global aircraft production.” In addition to its well-established global customer base, Saturn gives Acument a local presence in Southern California’s growing aerospace community.

planned to immediately add sales and marketing professionals to the Unbrako team. These will be strategically aligned with markets based on market size, market potential and growth strategies. Each individual will have specific market responsibility to support the Unbrako brand and also drive sales of the other Deepak Fastener products currently manufactured.” He also committed that Deepak will add capital investment into the Shannon operation to enhance its technical and quality control fields. Deepak Fasteners Shannon Limited plans to hold an average of six months inventory of its product range in a central location for each of the global regions: Europe – Shannon; Australia – Melbourne; Asia-Pacific – Ludhiana, India; North America Cleveland. To date there has been no public statement by SPS Technologies or ultimate holding company Precision Castparts Corporation.

Ferodom looking for partners Ferodom, a Slovak supplier of fastening materials, is working in co-operation with the University of Zilina, on a research project (APVV¬20¬016305) to develop new fastener elements with higher working performance. The main goal of the project is to increase the safety of structural joints working under effects of vibrations and alternating stress during their operation. “The problem of dangerous spontaneous loosening of fastenings is not yet reliable solved”, says Jozef Dominik, owner of Ferodom. “For example, popular safety nuts, DIN 985, protect only against disintegration of joint but not against decrease of assembling pre-stress.” Ferodom claims to eliminate this disadvantage with a design known under the name Prolock. “Ferodom is looking for appropriate partners with

an established design department and testing laboratory,” says Mr Dominik. “We are offering an aliquot part on a future European patent as well as profit share for the selected partner.” Ferodom is also involved in publishing and has had its latest book published in German “Technologie der Gewindeverbindungen” (Technology of Bolted Fasteners). “Our next project is an illustrated dictionary of fasteners (in German, English and Slovak),” adds Mr Dominik, “which will be useful not only for translators but for all interested in bolted fasteners.” The dictionary is expected to be published in June 2008. “We are looking for co-authors who would cooperate in publishing a similar multilingual illustrated dictionary in 2010, in Russian, French, Italian and Spanish languages.”


Simpson buys Liebig Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. announced on 16 April that its newly formed subsidiary, Simpson Strong-Tie Ireland Limited, purchased certain assets of Liebig International Ltd., an Irish company; Heinrich Liebig Stahldubelwerke GmbH, Liebig GmbH & Co. KG and Liebig International Verwaltungsgesellschaft GmbH, both German companies; Liebig Bolts Limited, an English company; and Liebig International Inc., a U.S. Company. Liebig manufactures mechanical anchor products in Ireland and distributes them primarily throughout Europe through warehouses located in Germany and in the United Kingdom. The original German company was formed in 1946 in Pfungstadt to manufacture files and tools. The company started manufacturing carbon tip drill bits in 1957. Development of the Liebig Safety Bolt began in 1959 and the product was granted its first patent in 1961. Manufacturing started in the southwest of Ireland in the early 1970s. Liebig began trading in the US in 1978. The founder of the company, Heinrich Liebig died in 2001. His daughter Dr Ingrid Liebig-Hundius took over as managing director. The purchase price (subject to post-closing adjustment) was US $18.3 million (approximately 11.8 million euros) in cash. Scandinavia and The European Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc., is northeast Europe. The operations of Atlas headquartered in Pleasanton, California. Through business philosophy is Bolt & Screw its subsidiary, Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc., it to be the service Company, operating designs, engineers and manufactures wood-toleader in the industry, out of Karlskoga in wood, wood-to-concrete and wood-to-masonry Sweden and Wroclaw so it is a benefit to connectors and fastening systems, stainless steel in Poland, have been have operations close fasteners and pre-fabricated shearwalls. Simpson to customers in order sold to a group of Strong-Tie also offers a full range of adhesives, to provide instant Scandinavian delivery. investors. mechanical anchors and powder actuated tools for Anders Byttner, Following the sale, concrete, masonry and steel. managing director of the companies have ASTON Sweden, changed their names comments: “The new to ASTON Sweden AB ownership has been and ASTON Sweden very positive for Sp.zo.o., respectively. ASTON. It has provided ASTON Sweden AB MLM Fasteners Limited, based in the West Midlands, additional resources is a manufacturer of UK, has announced a strategic merger with QEF that have enabled us specialty fasteners for Global Group, headquartered in Cork, Ireland. to benefit from the the construction From the beginning of May MLM has traded in the UK industry. Its specialities strong construction as QEF Global England with Noel England as managing market, even to grow are self-drilling and director. Mike Nolan, CEO of QEF Group, said, “This self-tapping screws for faster than the merger will further advance QEF Global’s expansion market. With our roofing and cladding, strategy, and bring tangible benefits to existing and leadership in service in stainless steel, future customers of both companies. QEF Global will and strong position on carbon steel and underpin the service being offered to MLM Fasteners technology and aluminium. Since it is customers with the logistics and purchasing expertise quality, we are well very popular in Scandinavia to powder positioned to take part that has been the cornerstone of our own success. We believe this strategic merger will considerably paint the screw heads, in the growth of strengthen our resources, and provide a broader and northern Europe in ASTON also operates a unrivalled range of value chain management years to come. highly efficient programmes and services to all customers, as well as an painting operation. The The US former mother enlarged franchise grouping. We intend to continue to company continues painting operation provide and improve upon the overall quality, delivery under the old name. covers both very high and customer service levels the industry has come to Atlas Bolt & Screw volume orders and expect from MLM Fasteners.” small specialised ones, Company of Ashland, QEF Global, which specialises in vendor managed Ohio is a leading US thanks to proprietary inventory systems, has traded since 1989 and already supplier of fasteners technology. has offices in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, for the construction ASTON’s main Hungary, the US and Asia. industry.” markets are

Atlas Bolt & Screw sells European factories

MLM and QEF Global announce merger

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Introducing ERIKS UK ERIKS UK became the new name for what was formerly known as WYKO Industrial Services in the UK. The name change is part of the major rebranding campaign that the company has undertaken since the £139 million acquisition of WYKO by ERIKS nv in November 2006. ERIKS UK is composed of different divisions that together offer a range of technical solutions to the UK industry. A number of the divisions have been rebranded as ERIKS prior to the

ERIKS UK changeover. ERIKS Sealing and Flow Technology was launched in September 2007, ERIKS Integrated Solutions switched to its new guise in January 2008 as did ERIKS International. As well as the 103 branches that will now be ERIKS service centres, newly named divisions include ERIKS Automotive, ERIKS Industrial Distribution and ERIKS Electro Mechanical Services. ERIKS UK is also looking at making strategic acquisitions, indeed this has already been

demonstrated with the purchase of FHS – Flexible Hose Solutions and Forco Electrical Services in 2007. Commenting on becoming ERIKS UK, Mark Dixon, CEO said, “We have been looking forward to this moment for a long time, finally to move forward as ERIKS UK. The combination of our indepth technical knowledge and our ever-increasing product range makes us an incredibly strong partner for all organisations looking to enhance their productivity and operate more efficiently.”

Management buyout at Fastener Network Group The Fastener Network Group has recently undergone a management buyout from Lonestar PRD Group. The management team consisting of Simon Atkinson, Mark Daker and John Ellis, have extensive experience in the industry which will enable the enhanced sales and marketing strategies across its four sites, being DB Industrial, Stevenage, The Fastener Warehouse, Christchurch, Holbruck Fasteners, Bromsgrove and the newly formed bulk storage and head office facility in Redditch. As part of the expansion plan, of the group, the Christchurch location has gained SCAS approval to AS9120:2002 whilst all sites have been appointed as the preferred main distributor for Helicoil Wire Inserts for the UK. Commenting on the buy out, Simon Atkinson said “The buyout is an exciting new chapter in the history of the company. We have established ourselves within the markets we operate, but with the new found autonomy to implement our growth strategy, we are all excited by the opportunities this transaction presents.”

Würth adds to central managing board Joachim Kaltmaier has joined the central managing board of the Würth Group and assumes responsibility for finance and accounting. He succeeds Dr. Roland Hartmann who left the company at the end of April at his own request. Dr Hartmann spent 13 years with the Group and chairwoman of the advisory board, Bettina Würth, thanked him for his longstanding and always committed work for the Würth Group. Joachim Kaltmaier has been working as partner at Ernst & Young. He is public accountant and tax consultant and has been accompanying the Würth

Group for many years. The central managing board – comparable to the board of directors of a group holding company – is the top-level decision-making body in the Würth Group and consists of five members. Its most important tasks include strategic planning, the selection of executive personnel, and the operational management of strategic business units and functional areas. Further members of the central managing board of the Würth Group are Robert Friedmann (chairman), Rolf Bauer (vice chairman), Dr. Reiner Specht and Dr. Harald Unkelbach.

See us at the See Fastener Fas stener Fair S Stand C11



Donna Dabney elected Alcoa vice president Alcoa has announced that its board of directors has elected Donna Dabney as vice president of the corporation. “Donna occupies a key role in the handling of critical corporate matters, particularly involving important corporate governance issues. She serves as the focal point for communications with the Alcoa board of directors, senior management and our shareholders. We congratulate her on her success,” said Larry Purtell, Alcoa executive vice president and general counsel. Donna Dabney was elected corporate secretary and assistant general counsel of Alcoa in 2000. She has extensive experience in corporate and securities matters having practiced in this area since 1996, when she was elected secretary and assistant general counsel for Reynolds Metals Company. Alcoa acquired Reynolds Metals in 2000. In 2005, Dabney was appointed corporate governance counsel in addition to corporate secretary. In 2004, she was group counsel for the packaging, consumer, construction & distribution group, based in Richmond, Virginia.

Crane concentrate on customers A new customer service department has been created at Crane Electronics headed by new customer service manager, John Bromwich. Under his leadership, the department is responsible for all UK customer support functions provided for end users and distributors of the company’s torque control products and services. These include the integration of training, commissioning, installations, technical product support, servicing and repair/ calibration activities. John will be heading up a team

of 4 people dedicated to the provision of first class customer service. Commenting on his new role John said ”The new customer service department will consolidate and improve the provision of product service and all round support provided to our UK and European customers.”

Scapa announces non executive director Scapa Group plc has announced the appointment of Mike Buzzacott as a non-executive director of the company. Mike brings extensive experience of the global chemicals business. His very successful executive career was at BP where he spent the last 14 years in operational roles in BP Chemicals until his retirement in 2004. He has a range of non-executive director experience and is currently

non-executive director at both Rexam PLC and Croda International Plc. Commenting on the appointment, James Wallace, chairman of Scapa, said: "I am delighted to welcome Mike to the board of Scapa. He brings a wealth of experience of the international chemicals business as well as city matters. I am looking forward to his contribution to the ongoing development of Scapa's business."

Its all coming together at Kem Edwards Kem Edwards can quickly joining Kem Edwards. Kem Edward Ltd., supply a fully palletised His appointment will supplier to the delivery of all modules expand Kem Edwards’ construction services which reduces time and high-level dialogue with industry nationwide, skills needed on-site and its customers to help in has made two new also saves on wastage. the adoption of appointments to Commenting on his innovative solutions and strengthen its new role, Gary Foskett practices. management team and Gary Foskett has been said; “By providing preassist with ongoing fabrication in a controlled with Kem Edwards for growth. environment we are over 5 years as account Peter Lee has joined helping improve accuracy manager and will now as national business and this ensures ease-ofhead-up its predevelopment manager, use on-site and helps fabrication division, while Gary Foskett, an control costs by saving which provides a viable existing Kem Edwards’ time and skills required. alternative to preparing employee, has been pipe support components We are seeing a massive promoted to special increase in the demand on-site. By working to a projects manager for the for this service.” customer’s schedule, company’s highly successful new pre-fabrication division. Peter trained as an electrician before developing his sales career with MK Electrical, Hills Electrical and ITW where he held the role of business development l-r Peter Lee, national business development manager & Gary Foskett manager before special projects manager.

SpecialScrews direct from Stock Knurled thumb screws 5.8, zinc plated According to DIN 464 and 653 as well as screws with dog/cone point, square head bolts, plugs, flat headed screws and specials

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Hose Clip and Clamp Manufacturers in Birmingham UK Established 1978

manufactured with patented technology. The original SCHNORR® serrated safety washers, also known as SCHNORR® washers, provide outstanding characteristics to secure bolted joints: > High resistance to vibration due to frictional

connection and positive locking at the same time. SCHNORR® is also an international leader in disc spring engineering and manufacturing. Just talk to us! Together we will work out individual solutions for a wide range of applications.

Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgarter Str. 37 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany Phone: +49 (7031) 302-0 Fax: +49 (7031) 38 26 00



Fiminox on the move Fiminox, an Italian distributor of stainless steel fasteners, is moving to new premises in Milan after 35 years at its old premises. “Due to the strong growth of sales in the last three years” says chairman Mr. Bettinelli, “we are now in need of a bigger space with a state of the art stock management system that allows us to speed up deliveries”. The new facility will be equipped with modern automatic systems to stock and move goods, as well as a new and efficient shipping platform, which will allow more trucks to be loaded at one time. “We are expanding worldwide thanks to our reliability and the quality of our wide range of standard fasteners in A2 and A4.” Fiminox will also be exhibiting at the BIG 5 SHOW in Dubai and at MIDEST in Paris this autumn.

Mecavit continues investing Mecavit is currently expanding its production factory by almost 50%, with the work scheduled to be finished in August 2008. Mecavit’s current production factory has a capacity of 4,000 square metres, but after the expansion is finished the capacity will be increased to 7,500 square metres. The expansion of the production facility will allow Mecavit to introduce its own heat treatment line, which will be integrated into its production process, and is scheduled to be ready towards the end of 2008. “We are investing in new technologies, second operation machinery, cold forging machinery, rolling machines and selection machines to allow us to continue producing top quality standard and special screws.”

Indian company certified Micron Precision Screws Ltd, a fastener manufacturer in the north of India, has announced that it is now a 'TS 16949:2000' certified company. Established since 1979, Micron Precision screws manufacturers high tensile industrial fasteners, mainly socket head cap screws, socket button head cap screws, socket shoulder bolts, socket countersunk, low heads, fit bolts, dowel pins and hex bolt/screws for the automotive industry as well as other industries.

Henrob invest in the future Henrob, the UK based rivet manufacturer, is demonstrating its confidence in the future by investing heavily in its Deeside, UK production facility. This investment involves building a 24,000sq ft extension to its premises and substantial investment in Carlo Salvi heading equipment and Helpro UP process monitors. Helpro has been involved with Henrob ever since it produced its first rivets back in 1990 resulting in all of Henrob’s machines being equipped with Helpro monitoring equipment. “Up to 43% of our total rivet output is produced unmanned utilising Helpro to manage the “ghost shift” and control quality. In an increasingly cost conscious market it’s reassuring to know that Helpro can provide the competitive edge to us.”

The company also has an annual turnover of US$13 million and employs approximately three hundred workers. “We have attained a remarkable place in the Indian automobile market, as currently we are supplying our product to almost all the multi-national companies in India. Our company also exports to a variety of countries including Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, United States and Canada.”

Norm Civata wins best supplier award TOFAS ( Turkey manufacturer of FIAT ) gave the prestigious award “Best Supplier Quality 2007” to Norm Cıvata A.S. Norm, which has over 34 years of experience in fastener production, was presented with the award due to its excellent quality management, shipping management, research and development as well as the full support it offered to Tofas – FIAT. The Turkish automotive industry has recently been quite attractive to the leading automotive

companies, such as FIAT, Ford, Toyota, Renault, Honda and Hyundai. To capitalise on this new business Norm Fasteners has completed the process of necessary investments and certifications, to meet the needs of this growing market. “Due to this investment we are now the biggest fastener supplier in terms of capacity, turnover and employment within 3 production plants in Turkey, and have an annual production capacity of 35,000 tons.”

B.I.G keeps getting bigger B.I.G, specialists in fixings, fabrication and steel stockholding, has extended its warehouse for the second time in the last 4 years. The company began trading in 2000 and in 2004 it was necessary for it to purchase the adjoining industrial unit, effectively doubling its capacity. Due to the success of the company it has once again needed to extend its capacity by purchasing another industrial unit and increasing its capacity by a further 50%.

Correction to antidumping opinions – March Issue Giuseppe Verdoliva, of Mecavit, has asked us to correct information that he provided for the opinions article in the last issue. He says, “I was incorrect in writing that UPIVEB asked us to support the complaint. The request actually came on behalf of the EIFI, which presented the complaint to the European Commission.”

STAMPINGS FOR YOUR DREAM WEDDING or for wind and solar energy, traffic engineering, automotive industry and fastening technology.

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20th for Pugh and Sanders This year Pugh and Sanders Ltd celebrates its 20th year of successful trading as a specialist supplier of industrial threaded fasteners. The business started in August 1988 and from small beginnings now operates three stock holding depots across Staffordshire and Derbyshire. The company turnover is now in access of £2M and it employs 22 people.

Recent installation of SAP Business One as the business IT system has streamlined all parts of the business ready for substantial growth in the next five years. Sales manager Jeremy Pugh comments:” The success of this business is about looking after customers and attending to detail plus the support of some very good suppliers”

FERA Seminar reviews Cr6-free coatings On 13 April the Fastener Engineering and Research Association held a seminar to review experiences and issues since the implementation of the ELV Directive in July 2007, making the elimination of coatings containing Cr6 mandatory. The speakers were a fastener user, a coating supplier, and a coating sub-contractor. The main speaker at the meeting was Burghard Werthe, of Volkswagen Light Commercial Vehicles, Hannover, who is widely acknowledged as one of the top fastener technologists in Europe, and has been greatly involved in the implementation of Cr6-free coatings in VW. Herr Werthe claimed that there are 40 million bolted joints tightened daily in the 30 VW factories around the world. The average assembly time per joint is about 10 seconds, and the total fastener assembly time for a typical car is about 2 hours. Hence VW regard the tightening of bolts as a major issue in assembly, and anything that disturbs production times is unwelcome. Herr Werthe reported major problems with fastener tightening since the change in coatings. Issues of high torques, low clamp loads, stick slip, and thread nonconformance all occurred during the introduction of the new coatings. Although there have been major improvements, there are still significant problems, particularly with fastener from the Far East and Italy. VW’s conclusion is that there are very few fastener producers that test each batch under conditions similar to production assembly. Testing with a two stage process is essential, with a high run-down speed followed by tightening at about 20rpm, but unfortunately this is not widely done. Following this, Clive Pearce of Dacral talked about the changes made to the Geomet range of Cr-free coatings in order to overcome user problems, and Andrew Bliss of Anochrome Group discussed the range of coatings that they provide. The slides used in these presentations can be found on the FERA website,

Lisi sets up second Chinese factory Lisi Automotive Shanghai was officially set up on 1 April as a subsidiary of the a Hong Kong based JV established in 2007 between Lisi Automotive (75%) and Shanghai Yankang Automotive Components Ltd (25%). The Shanghai plant employs 100 people and has a turnover of 3 million euros. Cold forged screws and nuts are supplied to Lisi Automotive component supplier customers in China. Lisi already has a Beijing factory producing spring steel components. Shanghai Yankang is part of the Jiehua Group, which has a 46 million euro turnover.

Taiwan fastener makers set up in Philippines Multi-Tek Fasteners & Parts Manufacturer Corp. and Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd were responsible for two significant projects in the Philippines last year according to the Manila Economic and Cultural Office. Each invested around US$5 million in plants at the Clark Freeport Zone, north of Manila. The Multi-Tek project is expected to be worth US$30 million

in total, with an ultimate workforce of 1,000, 300 of whom are expected to be hired in the first year. Fwu Kuang’s socket screw plant is expected to cost US$10 million over the first 3 years of operation. Total investment inflow from Taiwan reached US$782 million in 2007.

Sundram said to be expanding international operations Indian media is quoting an unnamed senior source in Sundram Fasteners as saying the company plans major investment in its Chinese high tensile fastener plant, and also in the UK’s Cramlington Precision Forge and Germany’s Peimer Unformtechnik. The report claims TVS Group will invest up to US$20million – a figure not confirmed by the company. Sundram Fasteners (Zhejiang) Ltd is reported to have received US$9million investment to date, with indications this will reach US$12m ‘over a period of time’.

Wenzhou fastener factories fall by third since 2005 Wenzhou Fastener Association has reported that the number of fastener factories in the region has dropped by nearly 1,000 over the past three years. When the association was founded three years ago its research indicated there were 3,000 factories producing over RMB 10 billion annually. An updated survey has revealed the sharp fall. Deputy secretary of the Association, Jiang Huilong, argued that the change is a healthy one in that many of the companies to disappear were small scale family concerns, often producing in or around residential accommodation, which have closed as these city areas have been renovated. Jiang also cites acquisition by larger companies and growing environmental pressures as significant factors in the consolidation process. Profits and the image of the Wenzhou industry are improving, according to Jiang, with less ‘counterfeit and inferior goods’ being produced.


China International Industrial Fasteners Exhibition & Purchase Center Since September last year, when the ‘CIFC’ concept was first presented at a seminar in Stuttgart just before the Fastener Fair, there has been considerable speculation exactly how and when this project would materialise. On a recent visit to China this magazine attended a symposium and trade fair at the CIFC site in Haiyan. Phil Matten reports. Geography is important in beginning to understand what CIFC is about. Haiyan is a small town in the Zhejiang Province, south of Shanghai and on the coastline of Hangzhou Bay. Significantly, it is closely located to the northern ‘landfall’ of the 6-lane, 36 kilometre long Hangzhou Bay bridge – the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world. On 1 May the bridge opened to traffic cutting road distance from Ningbo to Shanghai by 120 kilometres. Estimates vary about how many fastener factories there are in Haiyan County and the tonnage they output. Figures we have been given vary from 1,500 to 2,000 factories, with 2006 output between 700,000 and 850,000 tons, of which 70% is reckoned to have been exported. Haiyan claims to export half of the nut production of Zhejiang Province, a credible assertion if Zhejiang Zhapu Industrial Co., Ltd is counted in the area.

Investment and support Primary investor in CIFC is the Ganglong Investment Group, reported to have committed RMB1.1billion – around 100 million euros - to the project. President of the Group is Cai Zhiyuan. A Ganglong subsidiary, Haiyan Ganglong CIFC Investment Co., Ltd, is the developer.

CIFC has undoubtedly accumulated support from a wide range of organisations including the Haiyan Industrial Fastener Institute, Jiaxing Fasteners Import & Export Manufacturers Association, as well as the Government of Haiyan. It also appears to have the approval of the China Industrial Fastener Association, one of six national associations under the umbrella of the Beijing-based China General Machine Components Industry Association. The CFIA counts around 1,500 fastener factories across China in its membership. Most significant, certainly in terms of international promotional activity, is the role of the Zhejiang Sub-Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Officers of this organisation were responsible for organising the seminar at Stuttgart and for arranging our visit to CIFC at Haiyan. For this we owe thanks to the courtesy of Mr Zhang Xiao wei, who is also board chairman of Zhejiang Expo, and the kind assistance and welcome of Shen Chaoyan, vice manager.

Vision and substance The vision is a 500,000 square metre complex, in an industrial area just outside Haiyan, which will become the Chinese centre for promoting, exhibiting and trading in fasteners. Primarily that, of course, means Chinese produced fasteners although members of both the CCPIT and CIFC teams emphasise the importance of involving international fastener businesses. The first phase, covering over half of the area, is intended to provide fastener businesses with an exhibition and transaction base at CIFC – effectively a small showroom and sales office each. These facilities are being

marketed to both Chinese and international companies. The first two years occupation are being offered rent free, although there are monthly management and service charges. Further phases envisage an exhibition and procurement centre, R&D and technology facilities, a business centre and an e-commerce platform. The overall project was originally scheduled for completion in 2010 with CIFC aiming to win the involvement of 2,200 companies. No question that the vision and the detailed models now on display at Haiyan are ambitious and comprehensive, reflecting a stated objective of making CIFC the biggest fastener purchasing and trading centre in China. Physically on site one relatively small building is currently complete, located at the corner of the massive area allocated to the project. This is effectively a showroom for the site, comprising reception and offices; high definition 3D models of the CIFC plan and its location in relation to the bridge and surrounding cities; and two examples of the ‘showrooms’. These are ‘occupied’ by Gem Year and Jiaxing Brother Fastener Company Limited – two industry leaders, carefully selected, no doubt, to encourage the participation of others. Construction of phase 1 of the project is most certainly well under underway and, we were assured, is scheduled for completion by Autumn 2008. CIFC says that it already has 700 Chinese fastener companies signed up to occupy this phase, and additionally 100 international companies have also committed. At this stage a detailed list has not been provided.

Symposium and trade fair For the two-day symposium and


trade fair CIFC had erected a large

scored 68%. Two key recommendations centred on achieving consistent quality of wire and controlling heat treatment as prerequisites to ensuring acceptable final product quality. It was also argued that investment in more automated production would benefit both productivity and quality. Emphasis was placed on the importance of good quality dies and tooling. In concluding the speaker also stressed that factories should take ‘personal responsibility’ for ensuring the achievement of quality standards rather than being ‘forced’ to do so by the buyer. The ‘trade fair’, which ran alongside and after the symposium was a table-top format, with

which Western buyers could time and cost economically develop initial relationships with potential Chinese vendors would have made a lot of sense. Now, though, most volume buyers know their way around China. Personal audit of factories and, just as important, personal meetings and negotiations with factory principals are core to developing business. Perhaps most critically of all, the impact of raw material inflation and the potential impact of antidumping measures from Europe and the US could very easily overtake CIFC’s vision. We will continue to monitor and report on developments in Haiyan.

notably one from a standards and quality assurance organisation, which carries out inspections of Chinese factories. There was an overt recognition of the need to improve product consistency and for factories to move up the value spectrum. This included telling the audience that the average per ton value of fasteners exported from China was around US$1138 compared to Taiwan averaging US$2700 and the highest level in the world market, almost certainly a reference to Japan, being seven times higher than that of China. The speaker also discussed an exercise carried out with one factory, at which a range of 107 fastener items was tested. The results, he said, revealed quality inconsistencies across the different items. Annual inspection of fastener companies, however, did show significant improvement in quality. Only 59% of those inspected in 2004 achieved a satisfactory level. In 2005 the proportion improved radically to 70%, improving again to 78% by 2007. The speaker emphasised that the sample was taken across all sizes of factories and that larger factories scored consistently higher on the quality scale than their smaller counterparts. He also noted that, in the latest round of inspections, the provinces around Shanghai scored close to 100%, whereas Guangdong

perhaps 250 companies participating. Visitors were almost entirely Chinese – we counted no more than ten western visitors during the day we attended the event.

Dignitaries and speakers at the Symposium included: • Sun Xiongwei, deputy county chief, Haiyan People’s Government, • Yao Shenliang, vice president, Haiyan People’s Government, • Shen Jiahua, chairman, Haiyan Industrial Fasteners Institute of China • Xu Deren, administrative vice chairman, Haiyan Industrial Fasteners Institute of China • Yin Yefen, vice chairman, Haiyan Industrial Fasteners Institute of China • Shen Jianzhen , director, Haiyan Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau • Zhu Haihong, director, Haiyan Economic & Trade Bureau • Yang Yongchang, president, Huaxi Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd • Yang Qishan, sales manager, Maanshan Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd • Lu Lihua, sales director, Sha-Gang Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd • Chen Lan, director, Jiaxing Foreign Trade & Economic Bureau • Di Minjie, deputy secretary, China General Machine Components Industry Association

marquee between the office building and Phase 1 site, inviting an array of dignities from associations and local government. On the opening day a series of presentations were made to an audience, we estimated at around 200. These included several from representatives of steel companies, all of whom, it seemed, studiously focused on developing technologies and efficiencies rather than current cost inflation, assuring fastener producers of their support in moving up the added-value spectrum. The imperative of improving the quality of exported fasteners was key to several other speakers,

Overview There is no doubt that CIFC is a serious and substantial project with apparently strong financial backing and the support of many fastener related organisations in the area and nationally. CCPIT is very energetic in trying to raise its international profile and gain commitment from fastener organisations and companies worldwide. Geographically, there remains in our mind a question mark. Certainly Haiyan has gained in importance with the opening of the Hungzhou Bay bridge but it is a small town by Chinese standards, with limited visitor resources. Certainly it is not, right now, an international or even a national centre – in contrast to say the provincial capital of Hungzhou or Shanghai itself. This would seem to represent a significant deterrent to the involvement of overseas companies, reflected in the limited international participation at the event this April. There also have to be a whole series of questions about the function and role of CIFC. Ten, maybe even five, years ago a centre at


By Alexander Ostashov, Editor Fastener, Adhesives, Tools and … Magazine

Automatic storage system installed at SUKHOI Plant

Fastener producer changes ownership

A KARDEX Shuttle automatic storage system has been installed at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Union - a SUKHOI production facility since 2005. The production facility is named after pioneering cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. It now has the first automatic storage system in the Far East of Russia. The warehouse modernisation was carried out as a part of a program of technical re-equipment of the SUKHOI facilities, which is responsible for the design and volume production of the new regional SuperJet 100 airliner. The new system provides storage for 400,000 components, devices and fasteners of various sizes in a ‘high-altitude’ construction consisting of a series of modules, designed on the principle of vertical building blocks. Storage locations are determined automatically and selection is carried out using a specially designed elevator and extraction system. A single operator can control the whole system.

Maxi-Group Ural Metallurgical Holding was on the verge of default in October 2007. A debt load in excess of nearly 1 billion euros and the refusal of banks to refinance forced the owner of the Group to petition the President of Russia for state support. Nikoly Maksimov published an open letter in the regional newspaper Ekaterinburg requesting that Vladimir Putin granted state support for his metallurgical projects in Russia. In his letter Maksimov warned that the Group’s plants could be closed because all the current assets of the company were committed against debt. However, the Group’s future was decided differently. Novolipetsk Metallurgical

Production growth at Magnitogorsk Metiz Plant In 2007 Magnitogorsk Metiz Plant manufactured 746,000 tons of products, 22% more than the previous year. According to MMK the production growth was enabled by the smooth supply of raw materials, primarily from its mother company. MMK says an additional contributor to its success has been a sound marketing philosophy aimed at achieving maximum sales efficiency. The best achievers were divisions producing railway fasteners, general purpose wire, wire nails, grooved steel, strips and powder wire. The MMK-Metiz share of total Russian production of metal hardware is estimated to have grown to 32% from 27% in 2006. About 70% of output is certified to Russian and international standards.

Plant (NLMK), one of the leading steel makers in Russia, has now purchased 51% of Maxi-Group shares from company founder, Nikoly Maksimov. The acquisition allows NLMK to become self-sufficient in scrap metal. The bargain with Maxi-Group will also allows NLMK to develop production of higher added value products. Following the purchase, NLMK plans to develop Maxi-Group by rapidly increasing finished goods production, keeping manufacturing costs low and developing an inhouse raw material base. The company plans to compete with integrated producers through local production and distribution in growing regional markets. Maxi-Group consists of several facilities producing

metallurgical products, united into one production system from collection and processing of scrap ferrous metals to manufacture of rolled products. The Maxi-Group structure includes two divisions: one metallurgical and one responsible for acquiring scrap metals. Maxi-Group reoriented production of the Ural Plant of Precision Alloys (UZPS), which started production of fasteners, a range presented at Fastener Fair Stuttgart. The management of the Plant plans to start producing automotive fasteners for Russian assembly factories. Gulyaev Mikhail Pavlovich has acted as the general director of the Plant since December 1, 2007.

GM Plant in Saint Petersburg makes Astra The Russian representative office of General Motors has announced that production of Opel Astra cars has started at Saint Petersburg. The Astra is the second Opel model produced in Russia. The first Opel model

driven from the St. Petersburg plant in September 2007 was an Antara. The Astra is assembled from packs imported from Germany. GM has invested US$300 million in the project and also plans to produce the Chevrolet Captiva in St. Petersburg.

DELTA® protects surfaces.


What are 8 micrometres, anyway? If you don‘t know just how thick a DELTA-MKS® layer is, then this demonstrative little experiment might be a help. The page that this advertisement is printed on is something like 32 micrometres thick. Take a sharp knife or scalpel and try to slice the sheet into two pages of equal thickness. Done it? Great! You haven’t finished yet, though. Only if you manage to halve one of those two 16 micrometre pages again, you arrive at an 8-micrometre thick sheet and get some idea of how thick highperformance corrosion protection can be – such as our basecoat DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 in combination with the topcoat DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZ. So it‘s no wonder that the automotive industry all over the world trusts in our efficient DELTA-MKS® systems. By the way, next time we will be demonstrating just how hardwearing 8 micrometres can be. You could make a start by preheating your oven… More about us at


Putin: St. Petersburg center of automobile industry Saint Petersburg becomes the biggest Russian centre for the automobile industry, Vladimir Putin announced at a ceremony dedicated to the foundation of a new plant for drop-forged automobile components. “We have just opened a new Toyota plant. Two years passed since its foundation and today the plant has produced its first cars”, Putin said. “All the biggest auto giants come to St. Petersburg, to Russia”. The president reminded that five leading world car companies have opened plants in the North Capital. “St. Petersburg becomes the biggest

Severstal-metiz builds effective supply chain "Severstal-metiz” has announced the formation of a new Commercial Department, from 1st April, merging purchase, sales and logistics functions. The new structure aims to improve cross-functional cooperation in the supply chain. Commenting upon the reorganisation, Olga Naumova, CEO of Severstal-metiz, said: "It is a logical step within the framework of our client-oriented strategy. We wish to create conditions for coordination in the supply chain with a view to improving the service for our clients and increasing their level of satisfaction". Oleg Veter will head of the commercial department. His previously headed the purchasing department of Severstal-metiz. Olga Naumova said she was confident Mr Veter will not only provide continuity in business relationship between clients and

suppliers, but will also successfully continue the positive initiative aimed at strengthening and developing mutually advantageous cooperation with business partners. Oleg Kovtonuk, previously responsible for the logistics office of "Severstal-metiz", has been appointed deputy commercial director with increased responsibility. Marina Gerasimova, marketing and sales director, has decided to leave the company to take on fresh challenges outside the industry. Olga Naumova praised her work, saying, "Under Marina Gerasimova an effective sales process was built and she successfully led the coordination of the sales function during the growth from one Russian plant to a group of companies trading on an international level. I thank her for contribution to the success of the company and wish her every success in her future career”.

Russian and world center for production of motor-cars,” he stated. Speaking about the growth of car production volume in Russia, the President underlined the importance of developing a technological component base. “When the number of cars produced in Russia reaches a certain level, components should also be produced inside Russia. In two or three years Russia will come to such a level, when it will be economically expedient to produce components here”. He characterised the construction of the new plant for production of auto components as the first step in this direction.

Mtzensk Foundry partners Russian Railways Ten million railway anchors, used to secure cross-sleepers, have now been produced by Mtzensk Foundry. The anchors are sufficient for 3,000 kilometres of railroad. It was no easy task to achieve this production. First, it was necessary to secure the deal with the Ministry of Transport Routes. Secondly, such an anchor, designed specially for fastening rails to the concrete foundation of the railroad, did not previously exist. The invention belongs to Mrs Alekseeva, head of the laboratory of the Moscow University of Transport Engineers. Third, competitors included industrial giants

such as KamAZ, Saransk and Belgorod machine-building plants. However the quality of anchors produced at Mtzensk Plant clinched the choice of producer in 2001. The order was so big, longlasting and quality critical, that the company decided to modernise its equipment, signing an agreement with a Dutch company “Disa Industries” for a new automatic production line, which allowed a tenfold increase in output within four years. Today Mtzensk Foundry is the biggest supplier of rail anchors for Russian Railways.

Defective fasteners caused ice palace roof failure Alexander Kosovan, Head of the Moscow City Planning Department, has dismissed theories that the problems with the roof at the Krylatskiy Sport Complex on November 22 were caused by design error.

The sole cause of the failure, he stated, was a defect in a supporting ‘finger’. This was the unanimous conclusion by an investigating commission consisting of specialists from leading metallurgical institutes. The cost of the damage,

including lost profits, is valued at around 13.5 million euros. Several sports competitions were cancelled as a result of problems, which required the evacuation of around 100 people because of the risk of roof collapse.

“Hard Components of the CIS - 2008” conference DERZHZOVNISHINFORM Center has invited specialists to take part in the Fourth International Conference “Hard Components Market of the CIS – 2008”, which will be held near Yalta in the Crimea, May 27 – 30, 2008. The main goal of the conference is to analyse and share experiences in hard components production and marketing in order to more accurately predict market conditions. There will also be a discussion of the problems that may result from the Ukraine entering the WTO. Preliminary issues for the Conference include: - Innovations in hard components production (raw materials, technologies, equipment, protective coatings, new products, certification of products, harmonization of norms). - Selling of hard components (domestic and world markets, anticipation of business conditions, trade limitations, competition, consumption, price policy, marketing, interaction between producers and traders, industrial logistics). Presentations of products, equipment and technologies for hard components production by various companies. The conference organizer is Business Travel Management – Contact: Irina Chizhova,


Structural Blind Rivets


Blind Rivet Nuts and Studs

THE NEW RIVNUT® P2007 force-control setting tool Solid and reliable multi-layer assembly in sheet metals and hollow sections. Only requires access from one side of the workpiece Diameters range from 2.4 mm to 6.4mm Wide grip ranges reduces inventory Radial expansion and wide blind side bearing area, forms a vibration resistant joint High shear and tensile strengths Blind rivets for high-strength or structural applications

The ‘original’ blind rivet nut Mounts strong threads in thin-walled metals or engineering plastics Only requires access from one side of single of layered sheet, profiles or hollow sections High speed assembly at low cost Simple to install in round or hexagonal holes M3 to M16 threads Derivatives match application criteria

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By John Wolz

U.S. Commerce Department initiates antidumping investigation The U.S. Department of Commerce is initiating an antidumping investigation for imports of steel threaded rod from China. The Commerce investigation, signed by David M. Spooner, assistant secretary for Import Administration, was undertaken after Pelham, AL-based Vulcan Threaded Products Inc. filed an antidumping petition against steel threaded rod from China in March. Estimated

dumping margins for Chinese rod range from 36.17% to 659%, according to the Commerce Department. The products under scrutiny includes steel threaded rod, bar, or studs that are non-headed and threaded along greater than 25% percent of their total length. A variety of finishes or coatings may be applied. Excluded from the investigation are threaded rod, bar, or studs made to American Society for

Testing and Materials (ASTM) A193 Grade B7, ASTM A193 Grade B7M, ASTM A193 Grade B16, or ASTM A320 Grade L7; and any threaded rod, bar, or studs which are threaded only on one or both ends and the threading covers 25% or less of the total length. Filed on March 5, 2008, the petition claims that from 2005 to 2007, imports of steel threaded rod from China increased 9.8% by volume and were valued at an estimated

IFI to launch online fastener technical data service This spring the Industrial Fasteners Institute will launch a subscriptionbased fastener technology service on its website, IFI technical engineering director Joe Greenslade told The "IFI Technology Connection" web service provides material, dimensional or performance standards and specifications for inch and metric standard nuts, bolts, screws, washers and socket products. Standards include IFI, ASTM, ASME, ISO and DIN. The service provides single page summaries, standards tables, parts diagrams and all relevant data. Torque values are added and there are conversion and calculation tools. The web service has been developed

for distributors, importers, end-users and fastener manufacturing sales and operations personnel. The product standards module provides all specifications integrated into a single page: Torque calculator, inch/metric conversion, fraction inch/decimal/ millimeter conversion, international raw materials cross references, technical bulletins, mechanical drawing, head & strength marks, dimensional data, thread data, grade, hardness, tensile strength, proof load, yield strength and single shear. Future phases will add data, lookup tables for such information as thread data, grade and property class, tapping screw mechanical and performance data, drill and tap selection.

US$72.3 million in 2007. This allowed Chinese producers to seize as much as two-thirds of the U.S. market, according to the Vulcan petition. China has more than 400 threaded rod producers, according to the petition. "Allied" with these Chinese producers are almost 300 U.S. importers of threaded rod, the petition states. Vulcan said that despite investing "heavily" in equipment and technology to be a low

cost producer, it cannot compete against "unfairly priced imports from China." Vulcan relied on 24 price quotes on three steel threaded rod products from China offered for sale to the U.S. customer between July 1, 2007, and December 31, 2007. It's unclear how importers will respond, but the petition may prompt some to offer threaded rod at prices that cover the minimum duty that may be imposed.

Burgy, Plomer head North American manufacturers Bryan Burgy of Rockford Fastener Inc. was elected chair of the Industrial Fasteners Institute and Edward Plomer Jr. of ITW Shakeproof/Anchor/Medalist is the new vice chair. Burgy, president of Rockford Fastener, succeeds Steve Beach of Acument Global Technologies. Burgy started in the fastener industry in 1978 as an engineer at Pioneer Screw & Nut after studying engineering technology at Eastern Illinois University. Burgy joined Metalist Champion Screw as engineering manager in 1982 and moved on to quality manager and plant manager. In 1993 Burgy started in sales at Rockford Fastener and became president in 1999. He has been chair and vice chair of the IFI industrial fastener division. Plomer began his fastener career when he became a fastener buyer for the Ford Motor Co. in 1976 after earning a finance degree. He worked for 19 years as sales director for OEM supplier Progressive Stamping Co. Plomer joined ITW in 1999 as sales manager for ITW Shakeproof, Anchor, and Medalist brands. Now he serves as ITW vice president of sales and marketing. In addition, Plomer has served on IFI's board of directors, as well as holding chair and vice chair positions with the IFI's automotive division.


FINdex marks double-digit drop in Q1 The FIN Fastener Stock Index dropped 12% in the first quarter of 2008, a rate that's higher than the 8.7% loss reported by an index of related stocks. The few bright spots in the Index were Nucor, which saw its stock value climb 14% in Q1, as well as Fastenal and Chicago Rivet, both of which saw double-digit share price gains during the period. Among publicly traded fastener companies, Park-Ohio's stock took the biggest hit during Q1, falling 37%. Other companies with share loss of at least 20% were Precision Castparts, B/E Aerospace, Barnes Group, Lawson, Dorman and Paulin. The first quarter drop follows double-digit growth for 2007, gaining 19.9% last year, compared with a 6.2% increase by an index of related industrial stocks. During 2006 the FINdex rose 19.7%.

Shannon, Rose lead North American distributors Mark Shannon of Tower Fasteners Co., Holtsville, NY, is the new president of the National Fastener Distributors Association, and Wendy Rose of Blue Chip Engineered Products, Cincinnati, OH, is the vice president and president-elect. Shannon succeeds Joel Roseman of Canton, MAbased Arnold Industries. Timothy O'Keefe of G.L. Huyett, Minneapolis, KS, is the new associate chair. O'Keefe succeeds Char Cooper of Cable Tie Express, Noblesville, IN. Shannon is vice president of sales & marketing and owner of the distributorship founded by his father, the late Thomas Shannon. Mark Shannon joined Tower Fasteners fulltime in 1984 and has worked in almost every position, from warehouse and purchasing to quality assurance. Rose and her husband, Mike Rose, acquired Blue Chip Engineered Products three years ago. Ninety percent of the 25-year-old Cincinnati company's business is in custom fasteners and 10% in standards.

Chopper revamp cuts fastener use A program to revamp the U.S. Army's CH-47 Chinook twin-rotor helicopters has led to a streamlined assembly process that uses 35% fewer fasteners, Flight International reports. The new airframe sections utilize more machined parts and integrated features to make assembly easier. "We have reduced parts count by 35% and fastener count by 35% and have much more repeatable assembly," said program manager Ken Eland. The original plan to refurbish the helicopter airframes was altered because it's more cost-effective to manufacture new airframe sections. The CH-47 airframe incorporates true manufacturing splices, making it feasible to replace entire sections. The process begins by stripping a CH-47, taking the cockpit off, and removing the rotors and dynamic system and sending them for overhaul. Workers take

the aft fuselage and cabin, media-blast strip it to bare metal, then inspect and repair it before bolting on a new cockpit. "We can take the cockpit off an aircraft built in 1970, build a new cockpit and splice it on repeatably," explained Eland. The cost of a new airframe has been reduced by outsourcing detailed parts so the plant can focus on final assembly. The program was intended to remanufacture the Chinooks to restore them and increase capability. Boeing has the capacity to produce 50-60 new, renew and remodeled Chinooks a year, and delivered 36 in 2007. In addition to the new aircraft for the Netherlands and Canada, several countries are expected to remanufacture their CH-47s or buy new-build F models. Boeing has previously listed India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as potential customers.

NIFS/East lists 156 booths thus far for 2008

Anixter fastener sales 'strong'

The 28th annual National Industrial Fastener Show/East is likely to be one of the smallest NIFS shows in recent years. As of April 20, the NIFS website lists 141 companies with a total of 156 booths for the May 21, 2008, trade show in Columbus, OH. Conferences and an opening reception are on Tuesday. The 2007 show in Atlanta drew 221 booths with 205 exhibiting companies. In the past decade, NIFS/East has ranged from 653 booths in 1998 to a low of 162 in 2002. In

2006 the last time the show was in Columbus there were 185 booths. First time exhibitors from 2007 account for most of the drop. Of last year's 205 exhibiting companies more than 70 were new exhibitors. Only 11 are listed thus far as returning this year. Only 15 of the 2008 exhibitors are taking more than one booth. Three months ago show manager Susan Hurley predicted "over 200 booths" by show time, but more recently wrote that management expected the total to "approach 200."

Anixter International Inc. reported sales, including fasteners, climbed 11% to US$1.47 billion during the first quarter of 2008, while net income grew 8% to US$57.7 million. Q1 sales included a 7% organic growth rate. Sales in North America increased 10% to US$1.02 billion, boosted by 9% growth in the OEM supply end market from strong growth in

the aerospace and defense market. Operating income from North American operations jumped 14% to US$80.6 million. Revenue from Europe improved 11% to US$340 million, while operating income slipped 7% to US$13.9 million. Sales in Asia and Latin America soared 18% to US$114.8 million, with income rising 25% to US$7 million.


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Facing harsh realities Radoslaw Koelner CEO, Koelner Group As always during Practical World the rumour mill worked overtime, and events in the Koelner Group were top of the list. Time with Group CEO Radoslaw Koelner during the show was, not surprisingly, at a premium. Phil Matten opted instead to fly to Koelner’s headquarters in Wroclaw a few weeks later to secure an exclusive, in-depth interview. In October 2006, the last time this magazine interviewed Radoslaw Koelner, he confidently and accurately projected that turnover would exceed 98 million euros for the year. Considering the Group debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2004 with annual sales of 13.5 million euros that was no mean achievement by any growth standard. In fact, this family business owes its roots to 1982, starting to produce plastic plugs in Wroclaw in 1986. In January this year a new injection department came on line, with over 100 injection machines, working 24 hours a day with a team of just sixty operators. It is now voraciously consuming copolymer at nearly three times the rate of just a year ago. The expansion was crucial – just to meet the growth Koelner branches are achieving. “Our plastics capacity in the factory here was full in the second and third quarters of last year,” says Radoslaw Koelner. “That limited our growth potential. For example in Romania our branch grew by 18% last year, but it should easily have been 30-40%.” It’s a familiar story for Koelner – decisive investment to drive up production capacity to support an expanding branch network. It is formula that has generally reaped rewards – witness 2007 Group sales of 160 million euros. “In general the turnover for the Group was good,” says Radoslaw Koelner. Anticipating the inevitable next question he continues, “It was necessary, though, to

reduce our forecast for net profit to 4 million euros, mainly because of the serious losses we incurred in the UK.” A large operational loss was compounded by the shift in currency exchange rates in the last quarter of 2007. “We saw a big drop in the value of the Pound to the euro, which impacted the balance sheet because of the euro loan the business

was servicing.” As a result Radoslaw Koelner made the decision to relocate the main elements of anchor production from Glasgow to Srubex, the Polish bolt making factory, which the Group succeeded in acquiring at the beginning of 2008. “We moved the two bolt makers, including the new Nedschroef 518, to Ła´ncut and, right now, we are making the necessary changes to our European Technical Approvals to include production at Srubex.” Assembly of anchors remains in Glasgow to ensure the finished quality of the product, as does

research and development and the distribution operation for the UK market. The Glasgow workforce has been reduced by 36 from a total of 81. “That does not include the external sales team, which we will strengthen in order to develop our presence in the UK market,” says Koelner. Decision and process have clearly proven personally painful to Radoslaw Koelner. “This has been one of my biggest personal disappointments. I truly believed that I would be able to help Rawlplug with the resources and scale of our group.” 1.5 million euros was spent on the new boltmaker and associated equipment. In addition new assembly equipment was installed, the warehouse reequipped office buildings renovated. “This was a large investment but our losses were simply becoming bigger. It was impossible to keep production alive in an environment that, as we discovered, had been irretrievably damaged by 15 years of previous management. We require modern, high level engineering to support the performance critical products that we supply to a highly competitive market. That is the unavoidable reality and it was not being delivered.” In hindsight he acknowledges decisive action was required earlier. “I should have made this decision in 2006, but it is the Koelner family way to invest trust in people. We expected there to be real motivation to change, in view of the commitments the

and a positive future Group was making. We were pleased with the quality and commitment of many of the new people that we recruited but, sadly, it became clear that the problem was too deep-rooted and beyond reasonable solution.” Radoslaw Koelner is upbeat, though, about performance elsewhere in Western Europe. “Right now Ireland is our best performing branch although the construction market is flat if not falling off. That’s why we are introducing new products there to compensate – we have a great team and I expect Ireland to go on performing very well. France, too, has shown quite good growth compared with two years ago.” The powerhouse of the Group, of course, continues to be Poland where Koelner expects to achieve sales of around 85 million euros this year. “Poland is performing very well. We have a very motivated team. This is a generation of Polish people that has had to work to achieve what they need; they are hungry to succeed. Maybe the next generation will not be so hungry but right now, if you provide the right organisation to support them, the right products and prices, they perform exceptionally.” Elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe Group operations are taking full advantage of vibrant economies. Radoslaw Koelner highlights Hungary; “There we have one of the most modern and best performing Koelner branches in Europe.” Similar to Czech Republic and Slovakia he views Hungary as a domestic market, acknowledging that all three economies while continuing positive are maturing rapidly. “Unemployment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is very low now. Wage and other costs are rising. The resources of these countries are almost fully utilised. Within only a few years many things will be comparable with Western European economies.” “Romania and Bulgaria are newer members to the EU. It is a similar story to Poland in the mid 1990s – a booming economy, lots of new companies appearing, lots of others disappearing. In general, though, very promising markets.” His analysis of the Russia and the CIS markets is incisive. “The Baltic states are a similar environment to here – really growing very fast. The problem may be the linkage of their currencies to the euro but I think they will go on growing for another five years or so before the economies flatten.” “The biggest potential for us right now is

Russia and the Ukraine. Russia is challenging. We have an injection moulding factory in St. Petersburg dedicated to products for Russia and Kazakhstan, required because the continental climate creates extremes of heat and cold. We are one of only three companies with Russian approval for insulation fixings.” “It is the scale of business in Russia that is important. We are strong in products that we manufacture ourselves: not so strong in the trading products where local competition is fierce. Our approach to business is not the same as some Russian companies, making it difficult to compete on these products. We make good business, it is profitable, but we make it very carefully. We reinvest the profits

from our Russian company but there are many other markets for us to invest in that, frankly, are more straightforward. Russia is a very promising, very fast growing market but it is complicated.” “The Ukraine is different. The people are naturally drawn to the European way. Maybe it takes another ten, even fifteen, years but the changes that are occurring are positive. Parts of the country are flourishing already because of the raw materials they possess.” “Kazakhstan is just like a Persian Gulf country right now, in a multi billion dollar oil boom. The only difficulty is the logistics of getting product there.” What about Dubai? “In a word – great. And not just Dubai, it is also Qatar, Oman; they all want the biggest skyscraper and the widest multilane highway. We have operated in Dubai for one year now. This year we will increase sales six fold over last year – the only factor that holds us back is producing and delivering the product they need.” It is a point that links to the acquisition of Srubex and a suggestion that it took a long time. “We bought the first shares towards the end of 2006. By spring 2007 we had 34%. The rest we bought up to the end of 2007. Yes, we had to be patient. This was a stock exchange company so you have to follow certain rules, it is not so simple.”

“Now, though, the Group stands firmly on two legs – metal production in Srubex; plastics, logistics and packaging here in Wroclaw.” Already there have been significant changes at Srubex. Grade 5.8 production has ceased entirely. “We are scrapping 1,200 tonnes of redundant machinery, something we will be able to show to the European Commission investigator when he visits. There is no way to make money manufacturing this grade of product – we can buy this product from China for less than the cost of rebar. If this is fair competition then I am from the moon!” “The future lies in utilising the engineering strengths of the people at Srubex with production technology that delivers a much greater return on fixed costs. Nearly 20% of production is already dedicated to automotive parts and we are having very interesting discussions with the major players in Europe. We have a new Can Eng furnace, which has increased the efficiency of heat treatment, Nedschroef machines capable of producing 240 parts per minute, and lots of other positive changes.” “I need another two years to change everything. Right now it is around 60% complete. Antidumping, which I am sure will be applied, will come at a crucial time for us. We are committed to investing and modernising anyway, but a tariff level of even 20% would give us an opportunity to compete profitably in the market and to win larger orders, which will help our efficiencies. This year we will produce around 30,000 tonnes from Srubex, we have the capacity to double that.” Back in Wroclaw there is also further investment, this time in chemical production. “I bought shares in the Stahl Company and we are working closely together. There is no doubt that the plant in Germany will move more and more to special chemical products. For volume production of mainstream construction resins we need to reduce costs, which is something we can do here in Wroclaw. We are also able to improve the purchasing power for raw materials as a result of the volumes we already purchase for plastics production. We have a very positive future.” Few would challenge the same sentiment being applied throughout this remarkable Group of businesses.


Fastener Fair Coventry 2008 Where: Coventry, UK When: 11 Jun - 12 Jun 2008 Web: What: The fastener event for the UK and Ireland markets

Hardware + Tools Middle East

2008 Fastener Trade Show

Where: When: Web : What:

Where: When: Web : What:

Dubai, UAE 25 May - 27 May 2008 Tools, hardware, ironmongery, workshop and woodworking.

The 9th China (Guangzhou) Metal and Metallurgy Exhibition Where: When: Web : What:

Guangzhou, China 23 Jun -26 Jun 2008 Metal industries and materials including fasteners.

China Building and Decoration Fair Where: When: Web : What:

Guangzhou, China 6 Jul - 9 Jul 2008 Building and hardware material.

Practical World Shanghai Where: When: Web : What:

Shanghai, China 17 Sep - 19 Sep 2008 Hardware and DIY sector.

Guangzhou, China 23-25 September 2008 Specialist fastener show.

Asia Fastener Where: When: Web : What:

Guangzhou, China 24-26 Sep 2008 Specialist fastener show aimed at user market.

SAIE International Building Trade Fair Where: When: Web : What:

Bologna, Italy 15 Oct - 18 Oct 2008 Building technology, systems and machines.

EuroBLECH Where: When: Web : What:

Hanover, Germany 21 Oct - 25 Oct 2008 Sheet metal industry

Fastener Fair Budapest


Where: When: Web : What:

Where: When: Web : What:

Budapest, Hungary 22 Sep - 23 Sep 2008 The fastener event for the eastern europe market.

Birmingham, UK 26 Oct - 30 Oct 2008 Construction industry.

Wire China 2008


Where: When: Web : What:

Where: When: Web : What:

Shanghai, China 23 Sep - 26 Sep 2008 Wire and cable, including fastener manufacturing technology.

Las Vegas, USA 2 Nov - 4 Nov 2008 Fasteners, machinery formed parts, toooling and packaging.


Implications of global trade By Hans Björstrand President, Bufab When we asked, for the last issue, for opinions on the subject of antidumping, we received from Hans Björstrand a characteristically thoughtful and broad ranging article, which we felt should be published in full. Global world trade has increased several times during the last twenty five years. This has, among other things, developed a considerably higher

living standard than earlier, but above all, the number of poor people in the world has decreased. Still, there are a lot of less fortunate people in the world who have not got their share of the world’s increasing wealth. During

the last ten years we have seen great growth in industrialisation, above all in China, which has become an enormous part of the world’s industry. The effect of this is that many industries in Europe and USA have relocated there. Through subsidy by the Chinese government, cheap labour and undervalued currency they have won a much larger share of the world’s production. The damage caused by this situation has not been in focus since China, as the leading engine, has drawn the world and the world’s industry to new heights during this century. As the rush subsides we are beginning to understand the amplitude of this situation. The USA has made itself strongly dependent on China and the threat is great for its remaining industries. In cities like Detroit we can see a decrease in population because of industrial loss and the population now finds itself working in Walmart with much lower wages than previously. Walmart, of course, as a huge single buyer of Chinese goods, would be importing country number six in the world if it were a nation. Besides the financial sections of the global world trade the environment is paying a great price for China’s wealth. Transportation represents a great deal of the carbon dioxide emissions and this represents a bigger hazard than the financial consequences. The USA and China must both begin to deal with this issue before it is too late.

The connection between environment and economy will surely grow also. As an example we can see how Toyota has got a big advantage on the auto industry by offering comfort and environmental friendliness through hybrid technology. Many countries in Europe are taking advantage of the developments in China by greatly expanding exports to China. Germany could consider itself the world’s largest exporter, measured in euros, as its exports to China grow. Perhaps there is some limit to German exports to China as earnings in China are far below Europe, making German and other European goods too expensive for many Chinese consumers. This difference is only part of the equation in relation to the entire market strategy. Today, industries are relocating to China not only for lower costs but also to reach a giant consumption market. In looking at the world, I wish to clarify my view on antidumping of fasteners. All subsidies, export supports and other contrived methods always harm the market. Let us not forget that almost one half of the EU budget goes to subsidies to the European agriculture. This creates very large problems for less developed countries. The anti-dumping action also comes at a bad time as we are experiencing large price increases from China as the world price for steel has shot up. The currency value in China has appreciated and the country has lowered their subsidies. Shouldn’t we be grateful to China? In any event we should follow the

example of IKEA. That is to require

certification from our suppliers to be sure human rights and the environment are

profits would depend upon whether an antidumping regulation exists? If the EU wants to protect their region from cheap Chinese or

protected as well as being sure that child labour is avoided. The way the EU attacks manufacturers seems even more desperate, as it is obvious that most individual manufacturers follow normal business patterns, but unfortunately are victims to their country’s political actions. Most of the world agrees with the fact that free trade is the only right way to go. This being the case, shouldn’t we have more of a long-term plan on how to make this happen? The EU can hardly move into every area and establish regulations, as this would only create bureaucracy and set the wrong foundation for the future. Who would want to start an industry knowing that company

Asian import it should be done in a more general way including a time line. A declining import toll of ten percent could be started in 2008 and decrease to zero over the next ten years. Europe will likely be under more pressure after next year, when a new American president takes over. The USA might adopt protectionism to reduce the trade deficit and restore the USÁs reputation in the world. This scenario will force China and other Far Eastern countries to direct more export to Europe, which will be pressured to adopt protectionist policies. The EU seems to have misunderstood the situation regarding the rising prices of imports.

J. C Trichet cannot lower inflation by increasing the interest rate. The reason for increasing prices comes from China’s appreciated value and rising world market prices on steel. This will only lead to stagflation, meaning increasing prices with lowered consumption and reduced GDP. Hans Björstrand President, Bufab

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Exhibitors so far... Action Can Alexander Paal Allfa Dubel Apex Stainless Fsateners Autocraft Industrial (Shanghai) Ltd. Bralo BTS Celo Chavesbao Chite Enterprises Cixi Zhencheng Machinery Co.Ltd Colombo Ezio Crescent Manufacturing Defremm Dejond Desa Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH Douwes E & K Tech Ltd FAR Fastbolt Ferdinand Gross Fixi Haiyan Huasheng Fasteners Co.,Ltd Index Inoxdadi JiNan High Strength Standard Parts Co.,Ltd Jinjiang Kaidi Metals & Machinery Producing Co.,Ltd Kundan Kunshan Chenghe standard component Co.,Ltd Lederer Marer Mecavit Mollifico Nagy & Nagy Nanjing Profastener Hardware Co.Ltd NE Fasteners Ltd Ningbo EastPort Fastener Manufacturing Co.Ltd Ningbo Gold Ring Fitting Co.,Ltd Ningbo Jinhui Fastener Co.,Ltd Ningbo Qunli Fastener Manufacture Co.,Ltd Ningbo Xintai Fasteners Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Ningbo Xinxing Fasteners Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Ningbo Yonghong Ningbo Yonghong Fasteners & Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Ningbo (F.T.Z) ORDAM International Trading Co.,Ltd Northern Precision Ornit Blind Rivits Otto Spa Pecol RCZ Bulloneria Srl Sariv SD Products Security Fasteners Shanghai Delon Special Rivet Manufacture Co.Ltd Shanghai Metals&Minerals Imp&Exp Corp. Fasteners Branch Shanghai Prime Machinery Co.,Ltd Simaf CZ Springfast Stafa Standing Industrial STF Export Ltd Suzhou Hongly Hardware Co.,Ltd Techfi Uniriv KFT Valenta Vipa SPA Viti Vorpa Wenzhou Pioneer Std Component Co.,Ltd Wenzhou Yuanda Std Components MFG.Co.,Ltd Wrentham Wuxi Anshida Hardware Co.,Ltd Wuxi Qianfeng Screw Factory Xingtai Huantai Fastener Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Huantai Fastener Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Zeen Fasteners Co.,Ltd

Fastener Fair – Budapest 22nd & 23rd of September Since launching in March the newest addition to the Fastener Fair stable is maturing into an important event for the industrial fastener and fixing market in Eastern Europe. Fastener Fair – Budapest brings exhibitors and visitors together in an environment that encourages new ideas and builds partnerships; a place where industry professionals can learn from each other and come away with new business. Europe’s ‘near East’ presents some interesting challenges with the attraction of a close market, low-cost economies – some new members of the EU, others working hard to achieve acceptance – which are also rapidly developing as market places in their own right, are proving highly attractive to manufacturing and assembly. Hungary is at the centre of this development, with Slovakia, then Czech Republic and Poland to the North; Ukraine to the East; Romania, with Bulgaria beyond, to the South East; Croatia and Serbia to the South; Slovenia and Austria to the west. In population terms central and Eastern Europe represents a market of over 150 million people, equivalent to Russia, or greater that the markets of Germany and France combined. A factor that makes Fastener Fair – Budapest different from other Fastener Fairs is that visitors will be both trade and end users. This added dimension provides a gauge of both ends of the market. Exhibitors will benefit from being able to investigate the end user market and identify distribution channels. Over 80 companies have already signed up. In the two months since the exhibition was announced Fastener Fair – Budapest is already half way to reaching capacity. Unlike Coventry and Stuttgart all stands are shell scheme with a maximum stand size of 20m² guaranteeing hassle free preparations. Arrive on Sunday to set up, do business on a Monday and Tuesday, and be back at your desk by Wednesday. As event organisers our priority is to generate awareness and attract visitors. In addition to exposure in Fastener & Fixing Magazine steps are already under way to increase the shows profile in 16 languages throughout Eastern Europe. Visitor registration is now open: please go to and follow the links to Fastener Fair - Budapest

Fastener Fair – Budapest low cost exhibition format accommodates a range of budgets. Introduction stand package: 3m x 2m, €1850 +VAT Includes: carpet, ceiling grid, wall panels, facia panels, 2 x spotlights, company name board and stand number. Maximum stand size: 20m² (open on two sides example), €4800 +VAT Includes: carpet, ceiling grid, wall panels, facia panels, 6 x spot lights, company name board and stand number. Furniture pack: €475 +VAT Includes: round table, 3 chairs, literature rack, waste bin, Illuminated glass top showcase with lockable storage. These are a range of what’s on offer; between these dimensions there are stand packages to meet specific requirements. For more information, and to reserve your stand please contact the sales team on +44 (0)1727 739 150 or email


Fewer trade visitors but main trading days positive International Hardware Fair/Practical World Cologne The number of trade visitors attending this March’s edition of the International Hardware Fair/Practical World fell by 15.8%. While critical of some slow periods most fastener exhibitors were pleased with results from the key trading days.

Overall trade visitor numbers for this year’s International Hardware Fair/ Practical World fell by 15.8% compared to 2006. The trade visitor total for the 2008 event was 63,000 from 129 countries compared to 74,890 from 143 countries in 2006. In addition 7,000 consumers visited Halls 6 and 7 of the show, which were open for the first time to non-trade visitors. Overall exhibitor numbers fell marginally from 3,475 to 3,375. Gross exhibition space, however, fell markedly from 247,000 to 195,000 square metres - a 21% reduction that meant two major halls were not used for the 2008 fair. The differential between

exhibitor numbers and space reduction appears to reflect a significant fall in European exhibitors taking larger stand spaces and an increase in Asian exhibitors occupying smaller booths. 77% of exhibitors at the 2008 fair were from outside Germany. Exhibitors in the two-level Hall 5, which hosted most non-Asian fastener exhibitors, noticed the fall in overall foot traffic but the majority also reported good leads and were positive about the quality of visitors they received. Monday was, as usual, the best day with plenty of good quality visitors in Hall 5 and busy stands most of the day. Opinions were mixed about Sunday. Some exhibitors

commented on the number of users that had leaked through to the trade only halls – certainly family groups with pushchairs were to be seen in the aisles. Others, though, reckoned Sunday was their best day. Tuesday morning trading was strong but faded by mid afternoon. Wednesday was the normal nonstarter. Early knockdown has become a habit, as has the disappearance of senior personnel from the stands. This year, though, was notable for some stands taking skeleton manning to the ultimate, leaving them unattended for most, and in a couple of cases all, of the day. While these things do not reflect well on the


participants it must be said that for years the last day of Practical World has been a business desert. Kölnmesse, of course, needs have a strong eye for the commercial interests of city businesses, they are

of affront from companies, in many cases substantially larger commercially than occupants of Hall 5, is understandable. Hall 6 was a puzzle. Titled Home Improvement/DIY from Asia, it was one of

"The hardware fair has proven itself to be the central hardware meeting place in Europe. However, the new concept was not accepted by the market participants and will have to be adapted." John W. Herbert, managing director

ultimately its owner. However, there surely comes a point of recognition that a long, sterile final day tarnishes the memory of the good trading days, however many hotel beds and restaurant tables it may fill. At the least, Kölnmesse surely needs to concede that extending the agony to a 6pm close on the final day is no longer practicable. On a strong upside, the Fastening Technology Innovations Forum is now a welcome regular feature of Hall 5. Kölnmesse deserves full credit for this continued commitment to recognising innovation in fastening products, although they’ll have to forgive us for mentioning that, whatever our exhibition links, this publication is unique in its capability of communicating to the European fastener industry. This year the stand featured a particularly strong and varied selection of products – see our separate report on some of the more notable and also the three worthy winners. Asian fastener exhibitors were, again, segregated into Hall 6. For many of the wellrecognised suppliers this is seen as a retrograde step. These companies feel they have long earned their place amongst their European peers. Fastener buyers, of course, made their way to Hall 6 in volume so the practical effect was minimal but the feeling

two open to the 7,000 non-trade visitors that came to the Fair. Hall 7 was clearly targeted at the consumer with OBI and other major retail players playing a very visible part and most exhibits targeted very directly to the consumer. The Hall 6 strategy was harder to comprehend and undoubtedly caused some unease amongst trade exhibitors. Most exhibits were generic and unbranded making it difficult to understand the decision to allow consumer access here and not, for example, to the Asian tool and hardware suppliers in Halls 1 and 2. The real question in relation to the development of a consumer-facing element to Practical World is where does it go from here? There has to be a strong attraction to Kölnmesse and its ‘shareholders to see greater volumes of the paying public in the city, compensating for a declining trend in trade visitor numbers – something by no means unique to this event. Like the arid last day, though, the benefits are not necessarily so evident to its other major stakeholders and paying customers, the exhibitors. Kölnmesse acknowledges that the opening of Practical World to end consumers came in for a mixed reception. Dr. Peter Wüst, managing director of the Construction and DIY Manufacturers' Association BAU + DIY said,

of the Federal Association of the German DIY, Building and Garden Specialist Stores, commented, "The reorientation of Practical World was an experiment. All the parties involved - the trade, industry and Kölnmesse - should get together again after the trade fair to discuss the concept." One dimension of the International Hardware Fair/Practical World that is undoubtedly booming is Tools - there were 2,600 tools exhibitors, nearly 75% of the total. That growth is also paralleled at the Chinese International Hardware Show, ‘powered’ by Practical World, in Shanghai. It’s another key factor in the metamorphosis of this event in future years. The International Hardware Fair/Practical World continues to hold justified claim to being the premier hardware and DIY event in Europe. It has suffered a progressive if not catastrophic decline in trade foot traffic but the international and decision-making credentials of its visitors are certainly not in doubt. In common with other events it wrestles with the balance between European and Asian exhibitors and to its credit has taken major steps to ensure respect for intellectual property. The Pandora’s box of consumer visitors has been opened – Sunday, 28 February to Wednesday, 3rd March, 2010 will reveal more.


A treasure chest of innovative products Whilst at International Hardware Fair/Practical World, Will Lowry visited the Aladdin’s cave of innovative products on the Innovation Showcase stand. The Innovation Showcase stand, situated in Hall 5.1, proved once again to be a popular feature at the show with a wide variety of visitors casting their vote on which products they felt deserved first place. 18 companies entered a selection of products in all shapes and sizes, and for various applications. There was the RIV996, a hydro-pneumatic tool for threaded inserts, from Rivit Srl. Designed to be an incredibly small and handy tool, it weighs only 1.8Kg, and is very short, with the head only 166mm long and 241mm high. There was also the GX Nylon from G&B Fissaggi Srl, an innovative multipurpose anchor that can be used with several types of screws. Advantages to the GX Nylon include a 4-way structure to increase expansion, special “elastic” collar to permit a through-fastening, “S” slot type and strong anti-rotation flaps, and an inner structure for insertion of the screw to assure the right anchor expansion. German tool company AHORN GmbH entered its Big Drive® system into the showcase. The BigDrive® system can be used with a large number of screws with lengths from 13mm to 75mm, and with a diameter from 3.5mm to 6.3mm, as well as washers up to 16mm and almost all head forms and recess.

BigDrive 25® & BigDrive 75®

Developed and patented by AHORN® the Big Drive® is available in two different types, the BigDrive 25® for screws up to a length of 25mm and the BigDrive 75® for screws up to 75mm. Kinzo B.V, the Dutch power and hand tool company, entered its Kinzo K90 screwdriver, with Flashcell Technology®. The 5.4 volt screwdriver is supplied with a Sprint Station Charger® and 10 bits. It has a charging life of 500,000 cycles and 5.8Nm of torque. VVG Befestigungstechnik GmbH entered its Multi grip blind rivet nut and was happy with the amount of visitors the Innovation Showcase brought to its stand. “The Multi grip blind rivet nut created a lot of interest on the Innovation Showcase and with our stand opposite the showcase it was easy for them to come over and ask us for more information.” Another company who entered a product into the showcase was HECO-Schrauben GmbH, which entered its MMS-TC, a MULTI-MONTI® concrete thread combined with a wood thread for fastening GX wood components. HECO-Schrauben Nylon says that just one length of screw anchor is required for all wood thicknesses and that certification of shear loads is on the basis of DIN 1052: 2004-08, and not ETAG 001 Annex C, as with conventional fastenings. “The reason for this is that it permits significantly higher transmissible shear loads. What’s more, the transmissible shear loads are not dependent on the thickness of the component being fastened.” To add to these products there was also the AUR Universal frame anchor from alfa Dübel GmbH, the Flip, a plastic Multi grip blind rivit nut

clamp with noise insulation, from Bartolucci Giorgio, the BiLO – UBt Verbinder, a wood connector system, from Bierbach GmbH, Riv996

and the T101 Piovra, a double effect metal anchor, from ITW Construction. As well as this there was also the CFS, a chemical dispensing system, from Koelner S.A, the BZ-IG, a wedge anchor system, from MKT, the BIMETAL®, a bi metal hexagonal washer head self drilling screw from Tecfi s.p.a and finally the Tongue-Tite® screw from Tite-Fix Ltd, which won first place in the New Product Showcase at Fastener Fair Stuttgart BZ-IG 2007.

Kinzo k90 screwdriver



On the final day of the exhibition the awards were presented in a professional manner, and in front of a large crowd, by Klaus Mauelshagen, editor of bauMarktManager, and Metin Ergül, vice president House, Garden & Leisure at Koelnmesse. First place was awarded to EuroTec, meaning that it retained its crown after winning the International Hardware/Practical World Innovation Showcase in 2006.

This time the winning product was CLICKY, (pitured above) a new fastener of composite material with the dimensions 40x35x4.5mm, created for the easy fastening of wood panels. The unique design of CLICKY means there is no danger of loose panels. A tension strap on CLICKY holds the head of the screw, which is placed on the back side of the

panel. The result is the invisible fastening of the wood panel. On winning the award Peter Beckmann, managing director at EuroTec said “We thank all the visitors who voted for our product. This prize will encourage us to continue creating fastening products which offer the user a host of benefits, including high quality and easy application.”

without a compressor. Pneumatic devices, Second place went to UK based M-Cut for with a working pressure up to 10 bar its Universal Screws℗, which was featured (145.038 PSI), like pneumatic nailer, blow by this magazine in the previous issue guns, inflating (Issue 50). Bob guns, etc. can Sayer, easily be used managing with the PKTdirector at BOX. The M-Cut was Peter Beckmann, EuroTec required delighted with compressed air the award. is delivered from the light-weight PREBENA “Achieving 2nd Prize in the Innovation air-cylinder type KT-3500. Showcase for our M-Cut® The PREBENA PKT-BOX consists of a robust Universal Screws℗ was and light-weight metal case with an just the icing on the cake integrated, refillable air-cylinder type KT-3500 for us. As a new company, and a flexible air line. This air-cylinder is filled Dr. Harald Goettlich and I with about 465 litres feel that the of compressed air designs of our with a filling pressure products of over 300 bar represent the (4351.14 PSI). This next generation corresponds of anchor and approximately to a screw capacity of one technology and we hope compressor with a 50 that the interest and l (13.195 gal.) tank and 10 bar (145.038 enthusiasm for the Universal PSI). Screws℗ is an acknowledgment Thanks to the of this.” “belt” this lightThe MCut® Universal weight air-cylinder Screw℗ is a patented high can be worn pitch triple helix thread which comfortably and securely creates a positive mechanical interlock on the body of the user. (undercut) Therefore all pneumatic between devices can be used the screw independently and reliably in and the difficult-to-access areas. This substrate, belt is suitable for left and as the right handed users.

threads bite into the material around the edge of the drilled hole, meaning there is no need to use nylon or plastic plugs when fixing into concrete, brickwork or aerated blocks. PREBENA was very pleased to receive the third place award for its PREBENA PKT-BOX 3500. The PREBENA PKT-BOX 3500 was developed in order to allow users to use compressed air easily and everywhere




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Fasttec 2008 Sokolniki Exhibition Centre, Moscow Scheduling a specialised exhibition amidst a crowded international calendar is never an easy task. This year the 6th edition of Fasttec found itself sandwiched between two massive German fairs, Practical World and Wire, as well as coinciding with western Easter. Clearly these were not the only factors contributing to concerning visitor numbers but they certainly impacted overseas attendees. In fact, they were the primary reasons why this magazine was unable to attend Fasttec this year and we would like to acknowledge the outstanding job our news partners in Russia - 'Fastener, Adhesive, Tools and…Magazine' - did on our behalf at this year's event. The following report is based on their feedback, information from the organisers, MVK, and comments from exhibiting companies.

Fasttec grew in exhibition space, occupying 2,000 square metres at the Sokolniki Exhibition Centre, on the outskirts of Moscow. It attracted several new overseas exhibitors including Viraj and Lakshmi Precision Screws from India. There were strong presences from both Taiwan and China, and Italy was very strongly represented in both manufacturing equipment and in fastener products. The event also reflected the number of European companies that now have an established business presence in Russia – Böllhoff, for example, offering a range of assembly solutions from its Novgorod operation. Italian rivet maker Sariv is a regular Fasttec exhibitor with its own operation in Moscow. Sacma also has an established presence in the Russian capital. In total MVK listed 188 exhibitors including media. An extensive business program included a panel discussion on 'Prospects for development of the hardware industry and market in Russia’, organised by the RosMetiz Association. Practical seminars also aimed at contributing to the development of the Russian fastener industry and there was a Chinese symposium staged by the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce.

All in all, Fasttec has a tried and tested formula and works pretty effectively to support its exhibitors. It is also well positioned in one of the most vibrant fastener markets in the world right now. Yet, this year represented a nadir in visitor numbers. The trend has been for fewer visitors each year but this has been compensated by improvement in quality. Oddone Sartore, of Sariv, describes this trend. “We saw less visitors than previous years, but better quality. Five years ago 80% of the visitors just asked what the products were, now there are more specialised visitors. For us there are not a lot of new contacts. We have our own warehouse and salespeople in Moscow for five years now and the geography of Russia means this show is the only place to see distributors and customers in a few days. So it is an important event, not so much for new contacts, as for seeing people face to face.” Markus Becker, of BTS GmbH, described the exhibition as “small but with a good focus on bolts and nuts.” He says, “We had lots of contacts but unfortunately most were end users and forwarders. Some were interesting but it is too early to say more about their quality.” For Erik Juris, in charge of Vipa’s sales in central and Eastern Europe, 2008 was better organised than 2007, although he still feels more English speaking organisers on hand would be helpful in a show populated with so many European and Asian exhibitors. On visitors he is critical. “Fasttec 2008 was a disappointment for us regarding the number of visitors. Before the show we invited around 80 potential customers to meet us at Fasttec. We saw only ten of them of the fair – many replied immediately that they would not visit Fasttec. We are not sure why.” As Fasttec matures identifying its visitor base is crucial – industry end users, the fastener industry, or both. The exhibitor mix is varied and has similarly varied expectations – and it is not easy to please all the people all the time. Crucial, too, are traveling times and distances within Russia. To visit from the important industrial areas of the Urals or Siberia very likely takes significantly longer than arriving in Moscow from Western Europe. The capital is also, relative to other Russian cities, extremely expensive. Making an annual show convincing, particularly a specialist one,

is challenging. The Russian fastener market is a very attractive one. There is no doubt the organisers are strongly committed to a major campaign to attract visitors for 2009. Exhibitors, though, will need to be confident they can connect with good quality business prospects, which suggests the next Fasttec could be critical to the future of an important fastener event.


Masterfix celebrates at Cologne


Blind riveting technology specialists Masterfix seized the opportunity at the International Hardware Fair, Cologne to celebrate their twenty-fifth year in business. Now a world-recognised specialist in blind riveting technology Masterfix started in 1983 as a distributor in the Benelux. The headquarters and central warehouse remain in the Netherlands but Masterfix now has companies in the UK, Germany, Poland and Spain as well as distributors servicing markets worldwide. Eighty percent of Masterfix sales derive from export. While research and development take place in-house in the Netherlands, production is through longstanding co-operative agreements with factories outside western Europe, where manufacturing is strictly in accordance with Masterfix specifications. On arrival in the European central warehouse the goods are subjected to inspection in compliance with Masterfix’ ISO 9001 quality management accreditation. In establishing these co-operative agreements Masterfix pioneered manufacturing agreements in China as long ago as 1985. In 1986 Masterfix received its first production from China, concluding agreements for exclusive representation in Europe in 1989. The company established a similar cooperative agreement with a tool manufacturer in the Czech Repulbic in 1991. In 1995 Masterfix Poland was established, followed in 1998 by Masterfix UK and Ireland in 2000. In 1999 Masterfix moved to its current offices and warehouse near Maastricht airport. As well as significantly increasing storage and logistic capability this allowed the expansion of its research and development department and a strengthening of the product development capability that has now become a Masterfix hallmark – as the latest tool development shown below highlights. In 2001 the warehouse was extended to accommodate growth, followed by further development of the research and development facility and the opening of the Masterfix educational centre. Today Masterfix distributes one of the widest product ranges in blind rivets, blind inserts, hand tools and power tools. Amongst this is a full range of PLIA rivets, which offer a larger clamping capacity, allowing fewer variants to be stocked, and a unique hole filling property, making the size of the predrilled hole less critical. Masterfix hydropneumatic tools have been developed to take maximum consideration of ergonomics and reliability in continuous and intensive use. The diverse and modern design range of manual tools, extends from small compact hand tools through to heavy duty tools for continuous use. Ease of use is a major consideration, even in awkward conditions, and all tools are supplied complete with the necessary equipment to change diameters.

EZMaster powers the future Masterfix has introduced the new generation EZMaster power tools. These two new hydraulic / pneumatic tools combine strength and reliability with a sleek, attractive and ergonomically sound design. Almost 15 years of experience in hydraulic / pneumatic tooling resulted in a modern consolidated technical design which is far less service susceptible then the older models and very well suited for continuous use. The tools are equipped with an easy to use vacuum retraction system, which is activated by simply turning the mandrel collection cup. Position 1 (1st click) = mandrel collector is locked onto the tool - no retraction yet Position 2 (2nd click) = vacuum retraction is activated. The collection cup is equipped with a silicon bottom providing an escape for excess air as well as a welcome sound reduction when the rest mandrel is released into the cup.

classic • system • automotive

Our reputation as well as our international market share are the result of 25 years of experience and hard work in servicing the blind fastener market. In doing so we became the leading name used in the field of service & repair and small-to-medium size industry. A field which is constantly developing and which Masterfix continuously monitors and evaluates in order to stay in touch with the industry and on top of the market. Would you also like to: Meet the expert / Challenge our researcher / Become our partner / Be a brander / Enjoy our service

The well-tried concept of the “Big Bolts” and the “Long Thins”. A stock programme of screws with hexagon socket and hexagon insert according to DIN/ISO for special niches and ranges.

Service offers and solutions for the c-parts management, in short everything that exceeds a standard delivery.

Just call us or visit our website at and we will set up a date for you. Masterfix Products is one of Europe's main blind riveting technique professionals and offers the broadest range of blind rivets, blind rivet-nuts and bolts in the business. Masterfix stands for a combination of experience, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and last but not least, a healthy dose of common sense. We ship from our central warehouses in Europe and the Far-East to any place on the globe. Masterfix Products BV, The Netherlands, Belgium and Export Phone (Benelux): +31 (0)43 350 84 92 Phone (Export): +31 (0)43 350 84 84 Fax: +31 (0)43 350 84 88

A stock and procurement programme of automobile spare parts according to drawing, sharepart-number and DIN/ISOstandard.

Masterfix UK Phone: Fax:

+44 (0)15 436 869 89 +44 (0)15 436 758 22

Masterfix Germany Phone (Export): +31 (0)43 350 84 84 Fax: +31 (0)43 350 84 88

We produce in Far East under german management according to the european quality assurance standard. In any grades according to DIN/ISO, drawings and customer related wishes.

Masterfix Iberica Phone: Fax: Masterfix Poland Phone: Fax:

Achilles Seibert GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 3 · D-24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg · Germany Fon: +49 4193 89 55 · Fax: +49 4193 89 56 99 ·

Achill Office Shanghai for: • quality control and direct imports • prompt and direct communication for our customers with our business partners in China

+34 (0)91 883 57 30 +34 (0)91 880 87 20

+48 (0)61 866 62 97 +48 (0)61 866 63 76 +48 (0)61 866 57 33 E-mail will automatically be forwarded to the proper office.


The world’s largest clamp manufacturer Alex Burt, Market development manager. Not a claim to be made lightly but one that NORMA UK Ltd is justifiably proud to make, being the UK arm of the NORMA Group – now the single biggest producer of clip, clamp and connector products worldwide. Based in purpose built facilities in Newbury, Berkshire and Redditch, Worcestershire, NORMA UK is, in its own right, a strategic manufacturing centre for the NORMA Group, producing among many other items, the NORMACONNECT® V range of profile clamps. In addition to this, the company also supplies a vast range of other connecting products into the UK distribution, industrial and OEM market sectors – products such as worm drive hose clips, heavy duty clamps, tool clips, pipe couplings, retaining clips and plastic connectors to name but a few. Over 40,000 product variants are now supplied from NORMA® and the company’s brand portfolio – which includes TERRY®, ABA®, Serratub® and most recently BREEZE® - reflects the company’s target of becoming the solution provider for every connecting application. One of the core product ranges within NORMA UK is its extensive array of worm drive hose clamps. Being a crucial component in all hose and pipe applications, it’s vitally important that the hose clip selected is up to the job when it comes to sealing efficiency. This places a critical responsibility on both distributor and user to ensure the product they supply or select unquestionably exceeds the requirement of the application in transmitting tightening force into an effective seal. This is why the NORMA UK range of TERRY® Powergrip, NORMACLAMP® TORRO® and ABA® Original hose clamps are chosen above the competition and have such a proven and highly regarded track

record. Each of these hose clip brands has been designed with long term sealing performance and build quality in mind and as such, have been tested and accredited to the most exacting standards – respectively British Standard BS 5315, German Standard DIN 3017 and Swedish Standard SS 2298. Couple the long term benefits of these clamps with the competitive prices they are offered at and it’s no surprise that they are the ‘products of choice’ within the UK industrial and OEM market sectors. Innovation is also a key element in the NORMA® product mix, an aspect highlighted by the introduction of the mechanical locked design of the NORMACLAMP® GBS heavy duty clamp. Past experience has shown that many heavy duty clamps that are constructed using a spot welding process have been subject to localised corrosion around the welded join. This corrosion, if left unchecked, continues to be seen as a potential weak point in the clamp so to overcome this problem, the NORMACLAMP® GBS has been assembled not with spot welds, but with a unique mechanical lock design which again provides a long term ‘fit and forget’ solution to the customer. The added benefit of this mechanical design also means that the NORMACLAMP® GBS also has an extremely high band tensile force –

double that of other bolt clamps –meaning the clamp is the best possible choice for all reinforced hose or high pressure line applications. Every product or activity undertaken by NORMA UK is aimed at delivering one basic element – to provide a cost effective product solution that will always meet the requirements of the customer. With this in mind, NORMA UK is delighted to be exhibiting the above, and many more products, at the 2008 Fastener Fair in Coventry. “On show will be a comprehensive range of products from the NORMA®, TERRY® and ABA® brands and we will also be featuring a selection of clamps from the BREEZE® industrial product range – the latest addition to the NORMA Group’s brand portfolio.” “In addition, members of our technical sales team will also be on hand to answer any application queries you have so we have great pleasure in inviting all our customers – both current and potential – to visit our stand, C13, to talk to us about any of your clip, clamp or connector applications. We look forward to meeting you”.


What is driving fastener prices? A special report from Phil Matten A complex combination of factors is driving up global fastener prices at an extraordinary rate, likely to prove more violent in its effect than the events of 2003-4. Fastener distributors and importers are already incurring substantial cost increases, with prices from manufacturers across the world hardening dramatically in recent weeks. The prevalent question is, ‘What is causing it this time?” closely followed by “how will I get my customer to understand?’ Here Phil Matten draws on extensive research to try to provide some coherent, if uncomfortable, answers.

Producing steel Pig iron is produced in a blast furnace using two primary ‘ingredients’ – iron ore and coke. Two main methods are used to produce steel. The Basic Oxygen System, accounting for around 60% of world production, requires an initial ‘charge’ of around 25% of ferrous scrap

sea freight of raw materials from mines to steel makers, as well as freight of finished products.

to which is added molten iron from a blast furnace. The process consumes massive volumes of hydrocarbons – normally natural gas or fuel oil. The other method uses an Electric Arc Furnace and is popular in the US, where it accounts for around 40% of steel production, as well as Italy and Turkey closer to home. In this process the charge is almost entirely ferrous scrap, with only small amounts of pig or direct reduced iron. The EAF process uses between 350 to 700kWh of electricity to produce a tonne of steel. Wire rod is produced by driving heated

Iron ore Three companies control more than 70% of the world supply of iron ore. Vale (previously CVRD) supplies from Brazil. Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton (BHPB) supply mainly from Australia. India is also a significant producer as is China, although its resources are insufficient and of inadequate quality to meet its demand for high grade steel. Late in 2007 BHPB initiated a hostile takeover bid for Rio Tinto. The battle continues, with BHPB recently upping its share offer and Rio continuing to argue that it undervalues the company. There remains a strong probability that three could become two, further tightening the stranglehold on iron ore supplies – a source of deep concern to steelmakers. Despite major growth, ore extraction still cannot keep up with demand, with some bizarre consequences. In Australia, drivers of massive mining dump trucks are reportedly being taught to drive more gently to extend the life of tyres, replacements for which are on a two year lead time. Additional locomotives to haul the ore to dock are similarly delayed. Not surprising, then, that all three major suppliers have been extremely robust in annual contract negotiations with steel makers. In late February, despite strong resistance from Chinese steelmakers, Vale clinched deals with Korean, Japanese and some

billets of steel along a track, which progressively converts the rectangular billet to a circular profile and draws it to wire rod of required diameter. Substantial energy consumption is required to cast steel into billets or reheat billets before wire production.

Iron ore contract prices - Brazil to Europe US$ per tonne

Input costs As can be seen there are four key elements to the process of producing wire rod for fastener production: Iron Ore Coke Ferrous scrap Energy To these should be added freight - rail and bulk

140 120 100


In recent weeks fastener companies have been deluged with notifications of price increases, in many cases applied immediately to existing, outstanding orders. Fastener wholesalers are forecasting that prices across the range of standard steel fasteners could easily be 30 to 50% higher than 2007 prices within a matter of months. The main contributors to these increases are: • Steeply increasing steel prices as a result of shortages, dramatic increases in raw material costs, and persistent rises in other input costs. • Resultant steep cost increases and shortages in wire rod for fastener making. • The continued appreciation of the Chinese RMB Yuan currency against the US Dollar. • Chinese government actions to reduce exports of steel and steel products. • Continued increases in Chinese labour costs, energy, transport and sea freight. Another significant factor, already biting, is the potential for the application of antidumping tariffs on fasteners from China. The deadline for preliminary tariffs is August 8th 2008. Although no decision has yet been made by the EU, fastener production and shipping lead times mean that orders placed now will be received after the deadline. This has created massive uncertainty for importers and necessitated spreading order loads to other, higher cost, sources. Conversely European producers are not in a position to commit to additional production resources until they are sure of the outcome of the antidumping investigation. What follows is a detailed consideration of these factors and their implications for fastener pricing.

80 60 40 20 0 2000















Fastening Solutions



71% price increase for iron ore effective April 2008. Rio Tinto and BHPB continue to negotiate, seeking a price premium (which could bring their increases in contract prices as high as 85%) to reflect the lower cost of shipping from Australia as opposed to Brazil. Both companies have now set an end of June deadline for Chinese steelmakers to agree contract increases or face ore being supplied at spot prices. Spot prices had already soared above contract levels, more than doubling since January 2007, and hitting US$236 per tonne in February. Supply bottlenecks were exacerbated earlier this year by extreme weather in Australia, resulting in miners claiming force majeure in order to sell at spot rather than 2007 contract prices. Rio Tinto has made it clear it wants to move away from fixed annual prices and to sell more on the lucrative spot market.

upwards of US$150 representing a 30% increase on just a month prior.

forecasts, and over 200% higher than the 2007 contract level of US$98 per tonne. At the latest price coking coal is over three and a half times more expensive than in 2003. Spot prices in the first quarter of 2008 had run at over 3 times contract levels – reaching US$330 per tonne. Forecasts for 2009 are for coking coal contract prices to remain robust. Prices for internationally traded coke have increased steeply over the last year, in February hitting US$475 per tonne, 224% higher than in 2003. This is significant for EU steelmaking, which is not self sufficient for coke.

Bulk shipping Iron ore, coke and scrap have to be transported to steelmaking facilities across the world. Land transport is mainly by train and in Australia the growth in world demand has outstripped rail and dock capacity, creating supply bottlenecks. Bulk shipping capacity has also lagged substantially behind the growth in world demand over recent years. In early 2008 bulk sea freight rates did fall, having risen steeply throughout 2007 to around 2.5 times that at the beginning of the year. Latest 2008 figures shows costs are increasing again with projections they will return to peak 2007 levels.

Coking Coal Contract Prices Goonyella Benchmark Grade FOB Australia






Chinese steel makers to apply a 65% to




0 1999

Iron ore costs for all steelmakers, across the world, were already increasing and have increased dramatically from April 2008. 2008 ore prices will be around 360% higher than those in 2003. Steelmakers sourcing ore on the spot market have already been hit hard. The Chinese Iron and Steel Association (CISA) says that the cost of imported iron ore in January and February (predating the new contract prices) averaged US$128.50 per tonne, 84% higher than the same months in 2007.

Coke Although there is a wider range of suppliers in the market, and China has been a major player, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are, again, significant suppliers of coking coal from Australia. Prices had trended downwards from a peak in 2005/6 but remained double pre-2004 levels. Recent problems in Australia - extreme weather and supply chain bottlenecks – are expected to result in a shortfall of 14 million tonnes for 2008. International contract prices for coking coal are now hitting figures approaching US$300 per tonne, well in excess of the highest








Domestic coking coal prices in China, although significantly lower than world levels, are increasing rapidly and hitting Chinese steel making costs. According to CISA coking coal accounts for 15-20% of steel production costs, indicating that current increases in domestic prices of around RMB150-200 per tonne would feed through to 4 to 5% increases in the price of crude steel. It should also be noted that the vast majority of China’s electricity is generated from coal and that the factors affecting coking coal are also affecting power coal. While electricity prices in China are government regulated, generators will lose money if they are not able to pass on increased cost to electricity customers.


The world cost of oil is now running persistently in excess of US$100 per barrel – and recently hit US$120. Prices at the fuel pumps, along with domestic gas and electricity costs, are a constant reminder that energy costs are at unprecedented levels. Forward prices for the wholesale gas and electricity on which steel producers rely show continued increase. 2008 (est)

Consolidation in the steel market In recent years there have been a series of headline making mergers and acquisitions. The top ten steel producers, led by Mittal Arcelor, now account for around 27% of world capacity. In China the government aims that 50% of steel output should come from ten producers by 2010, currently the figure is 35%. Consolidation means a more structured market, more specialisation, a tighter balance between supply and demand and more robust market pricing. The major steel players have savoured profits over recent years, and are intent on holding on to them.

Ferrous scrap

China’s role in the steel market

Required for both steel-making processes but absolutely crucial for Electric Arc Furnaces, ferrous scrap is a product of consumption, which makes the US and Europe major suppliers. Historically, large volumes of scrap have also been sourced from Russia and some of the CIS countries, like Ukraine, but these supplies are slowing down now. The scrap market is volatile. However the trend over the last two years has been upwards, heading back towards peak levels experienced in 2004. At the beginning of 2008 prices in Europe jumped by 20% - higher still in the UK – and US prices also hardened. Since then the market has continued to rise and there are persistent reports of scrap shortages affecting mills in Turkey and Italy. US scrap prices in the second quarter are hitting record levels, with per ton increases of

In recent years China transformed from a net importer to a net exporter of steel – in 2007 exporting 62 million metric tonnes (mmt). The effect was to suppress world steel prices. During the second half of 2007 China throttled off exports, replacing export rebates with a surcharge that now stands at 25%. Reasons for this action included reductions in pollution, particularly around Beijing in the run up to the Olympic Games. The government is now enforcing a longstanding policy to close smaller, less efficient and higher polluting steel mills. The largest steel works in Beijing is progressively being shut down and relocated this year, with only one out of four blast furnaces expected to still be operational by the opening of the Olympic Games. Other mills are currently understood to be

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negotiating with the government to be

compensated for also shutting production in the summer. The Chinese government is clearly also concerned that economic overheating will further fuel record levels of inflation and that unfettered steel exports will increase pressure in the US and Europe for swinging antidumping measures on steel products. The EU is shortly expected, anyway, to announce an antidumping investigation on the import of steel wire from China. By the last quarter of 2007 China had largely eased out of the world steel market contributing to shortfalls and upward price pressure. As the position on raw material supplies has tightened, other steel exporting nations have taken similar measures to protect domestic steel supply. Currently the Indian government is trying to limit exports of steel and raw materials.

India’s Tata Steel has also indicated it will increase prices, despite strong government pressure for restraint. Chinese mill prices continue to increase weekly and are expected to see an increase of around 10% in May. Angang Steel is one company that has announced increases to offset raw material surges. At the end of April Chinese fastener producers were confirming to this magazine that they expected to pay 10% increase in May. Many also highlighted concern over availability of wire - alleging stockists were, again, holding back supplies against higher prices.

Steel shortages World steel consumption continues to grow year on year. In 2007 growth is estimated to have been 7%, with similar growth forecast for 2008, and 6% forecast for 2009. While demand in the US wavered during 2007, it remained strong in the ‘BRIC’ economies, (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and US demand does appear to be growing again. Steel traders report shortages across the world market, driven by raw material shortages, by expectations of price increases, and by the effects of extreme weather both in Australia and in China, just before the New Year holiday period. There are also reports of some mills standing still for want of raw materials. Turkish mills for example are finding it difficult to get supplies from the Ukraine, because of very high demand in Russia and the CIS countries.

World Steel Consumption 2008 Forecast (Data source IISI) India 4%

Japan & Korea 10%

Other Asia 10% Oceania 1%

Europe 17%

China 33% Russia & CIS 5%

Middle East 4%

NAFTA 11% Africa 2%

C & S America 3%

ISSUES SPECIFIC TO CHINA Steel prices Steel producers worldwide have enacted major price increases for second quarter 2008, on top of increases for the first quarter. Taiwan’s China Steel Corporation increased prices by a record 19%. Korea’s POSCO increased by 17%. Baosteel increased by similar levels and, unprecedentedly, said prices would only be for April not for the full quarter. European prices have been rising since November, with long products generally seeing a 20% increase. Wire rod, however, has suffered particularly and seen increases closer to 35%. In the UK Corus applied wire rod increases of GB£70 to GB£90 at the end of March. Elsewhere in Europe April wire rod prices increased by upwards of 100 euros compared to the beginning of the year. In China wire rod prices have continued to increase on the back of big increases throughout 2007. Now a new round of wire rod increases is brewing. Taiwan’s CSC is increasing domestic prices to offset iron ore and coal cost increases.

There are a series of sustained factors that have turned China from an exporter of deflation to an exporter of inflation in most products, including fasteners.

Reduction in export rebate In July 2007 China reduced the tax rebate paid to exporters of fasteners, amongst many other products, from 13% to 5%. As the Chinese economy continues to overheat there is a strong expectation that the remaining 5% will be removed entirely.

Currency The RMB Yuan has progressively appreciated against the US Dollar. The Dollar is now worth 10% less in China than at the beginning of 2007 and 4% less than at the beginning of 2008. This trend is expected to continue, particularly as China wrestles with high inflation. For European importers the picture is mixed. In the UK the weakening of the Pound to the US Dollar as well as the Euro has reversed a

long period of insulation from the deteriorating RMB/Dollar currency relationship. For Eurozone importers a strengthened Euro presents a reversed picture creating, at least temporary, insulation against the strengthening RMB. There are indications that Chinese exporters are less and less willing to accept orders in US Dollars. While a trend towards Euro would help importers in the Eurozone, sterling’s weakened position against the European currency will present continued problems for UK importers.

Inflation Inflation has become a major concern for the Chinese government as well as for companies there. Officially inflation hit a 12-year record of 8.7% in February. Most companies emphasise the word ‘officially’ and speak of substantially higher levels for many goods including staple foods. The March statistic showed a minor improvement to 8.3% but the deepest source of concern in China is food inflation running at over 20% since the beginning of the year. In particular there is real concern about the political as well as financial implications of the soaring price of rice. As a result requirements on banks to hold reserve funds were increased in April to 16% further tightening the credit market. Expectations are that further fiscal controls will be applied and may include two increases in base interest rates in coming months. While overall inflation clearly impacts fastener companies and their workers the tightening of the credit market represents immediate and major cash flow issues when combined with the dramatic increase in the cost of cold heading wire. Factories generally report that they are being forced to hold less material stocks and are, therefore, more rapidly impacted by cost increases. In Haiyan the fastener association has taken the extraordinary measure of providing guarantees to steel suppliers on behalf of it members so that they can place orders for materials as soon as they receive the customer order, rather than risking raw material increases that, at current levels, can easily make a production order unviable.

Labour costs Labour costs in the industrial areas have been on an upward curve over recent years as a result of skills shortages and the level of labour churn – people quitting one job for another. In January 2008 new labour laws came into force further contributing to the costs of employment – estimates of the impact vary between 4 and 10%. Expectations that migrant labour would be less willing to return to the coastal regions following the New Year holiday, preferring to seek work closer to home, have proven correct weakening the supply of skilled workers. Overall labour costs are expected to rise in 2008 by 20%, with some analysts predicting levels nearer 40%.

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P e r f o r m a n c e

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Autocraft Industrial (Shanghai) Ltd. 168 Nanlu Highway, Highw way, Nanhui Industrial Zone, Shanghai 201300, 2013300, China Tel: T el: +86 (21) ( 38181068 Fax: Faxx: +86 (21) 38181199, 38181199, 58857722 E-mail: E -mail:


Government action

15-17%, on top of increases already applied in March and April.

Inflation is now a major political as well as economic concern for the Chinese government. Continued appreciation of the RMB Yuan is likely to be seen as a valuable tool to pull back inflation. The removal of remaining export rebates may also be seen as a contribution to restricting an overheating economy, as well as combating growing protectionist attitudes from Western importing countries. Regulations targeted at reducing environmental impacts and pollution, as well as improving employment conditions, represent significant on-costs to business. Enforcement appears to be increasingly rigorous. Coal stockpiles are reported to be low as a result of poor weather earlier in the year compounded by the closure of small and, in many cases, illegal mines. Fastener producers in China are deeply concerned that their products are now perceived in government circles as lowpriority export products, because of the high levels of energy and pollution entailed in raw material and finished product manufacture.

Container sea freight and road transport During 2007 the cost of container sea freight from Asia to European ports more than doubled. The volume of containers passing through Shanghai port in 2007 increased by 20%. Although a slowdown is forecast, 2008 is still expected to grow by a further 15%. The imbalance between East-West and West-East traffic also continues. With steel and fuel costs rising, container freight costs are more likely to continue increasing rather than falling off. Chinese cold heading wire monthly average price US$






Construction activity

Low Carbon Wire C1018-1022 Mid Carbon Wire C1035 High Carbon Wire C1045 CISA Ave Wire Price ex-mill


China is undoubtedly undergoing a massive construction boom in the run up to the Olympics. In the personal housing market underlying trends are, maybe, not so strong with growing indications that housing transactions, although prices in Shanghai and Beijing particularly remain strong despite the market inactivity. Clearly there is a potential for construction activity to fall off post Olympics with a consequent dampening off steel prices. However, there is a backlog of other major projects – including for example the high speed rail link between Shanghai and Beijing that has now been approved.


Wire costs Cold heading wire costs have increased consistently throughout the last two years. The graph shows average costs to fastener makers for the main cold heading grades and the official China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) average mill price for 6.5mm wire rod of all grades. Very few fastener makers have the volume to buy direct from mill and are, therefore, also vulnerable to stock holders restricting supply to capitalise on rising costs. As this report was written at the end of April, wire prices in China began to increase again dramatically, with C1035 wire being quoted to fastener factories at prices in excess of RMB 6,000 per ton, with indications this figure will rapidly increase to RMB 6,500 by mid May. The severity of the increase meant that several fasteners factories were refusing to quote export customers. Those that were prepared to do so were applying increases of













J 2007











SUMMARY It must be said, particularly in relation to steel costs, that a number of short-term factors have fuelled the dramatic increases and that, almost certainly, speculation will have meant stocks being withheld from the market. Nevertheless the main input costs have risen substantially and show every sign of remaining at higher levels for the foreseeable future. The world steel market is continuing to consolidate and there is a strong probability of consolidation in its raw material suppliers. Extractors and steelmakers have tasted a sustained period of profitability as a result of strong increases in world demand and restricted raw material supplies. These companies are intent on maintaining that profitable status. Cold heading wire rod represents a very small proportion of total steel output and represents only modest added value to steel makers. As a result fastener industry demand has little real influence on the supply chain or the prices charged. It is clear that China has ceased to be the exporter of deflation it has been for many years and is now fuelling world inflation. There is no evidence that trend is reversible. Nor is there evidence that any other region has the capability of taking on the role of low cost production across a wide range of goods.

The potential level of European – and increasingly probable US - antidumping measures against Chinese fasteners is impossible to predict at this stage but, at whatever level, the effect will be to increase world fastener prices. It is highly improbable that sufficient capacity exists in other producing countries to substitute the current volumes and producers in Europe and other manufacturing markets are intent on achieving increased prices for standard fasteners. By definition the only reason companies in higher cost fastener producing countries will have for investing in standard fastener production is if prices increase substantially to justify the relatively long pay-back on additional fastener production equipment. The pace of current cost increases is explosive and a level of speculation, impossible to calculate, must exist. These factors, together with the fragile condition of the US and other developed economies, almost certainly mean there will be a correction of some sort. However, while prices almost certainly will dip in response to short term factors the underlying trend is likely to remain strongly inflationary and it would be extremely imprudent to base commercial decisions on anything other than the expectation that higher prices will sustain in the long pull. That underlying trend presents the fastener supply chain with real challenges. There have been reports of recent ‘invasions’ of buyers to Vietnam and other countries in search of a ‘new China’. Detailed analysis of such potential is for another day but all the indications are that hopes will generally be confounded as many of these economies rely on imported steel or have complex trade barriers to protect domestic industry. Consolidation in the Chinese fastener industry looks inevitable. Senior insiders in the Chinese fastener industry privately acknowledge that significant antidumping measures could prove to be the tipping point that catalyses as much as a 30% reduction in the number of Chinese factories. The bottom line is that the cost of fasteners, wherever they are sourced, has increased and is likely to go on increasing. It is also highly likely that, in the pursuit of trying to offset those costs, buyers will face greater than ever quality risks. Like it or not buyers and sellers, long in the habit of demanding and conceding cost downs, are about to be faced with the challenge of discovering a new and sustainable paradigm in fastener trading.

Hold on a moment !


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What’s in a name? Come to Fastener Fair Coventry and you will find a new name in the UK market – Aptus Fastener Systems. It is a name that signifies the coming to maturity of a UK business that started with a very different trading style. Sixteen years ago Furniture Fixings’ name reflected the business it aimed to develop – supplying the extensive furniture industry in the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire areas. Like many manufacturing industries, though, it was to rapidly migrate out of the UK, increasing pressure on Furniture Fixings to reinvent itself. “As the furniture industry contracted the company needed to look elsewhere, and that meant starting to supply woodscrews to the trade,” explains Stewart Taylor, who joined the company as purchasing manager seven years ago, and was appointed managing director in 2004. “We started dabbling with drywall screws about the same time. We were quiet naïve about the sourcing, and had to learn very quickly.” The company did learn, developing an expertise in woodscrews and drywall screws imported from Asia, on the back of strengthening trading partnerships, many of which are still key to the business. One has helped build a strong reputation for what, the company firmly believes, is one of the best and most reliable collated systems in the market. It also recognised that the sustainability of the business hinged on doing the simple things well, and not overreaching itself. One example was the decision to move away from the complexities and costs of packing in-house to sourcing sensible, functionally packed product from its suppliers. A similar approach underpinned customer relationships. “The one thing I would hope our customers say about us is that we do the right thing for them,” says Stewart Taylor. “We might not always have the price people want and, in common with any wholesaler, we cannot promise 100% stock availability all the time, but we have always aimed to look after the customer and, above all, be straightforward.” It’s an approach that has steadily built loyalty to the company, substantially underpinned by the commitment of long-

serving key people, notably general manager, Barbara Knowles, and sales manager, Winston Kilburn. As customer confidence grew so did feedback to develop additional ranges. Customers told the company they were satisfied with service and support but that it lacked products they needed. Progressively Furniture Fixings responded and extended its ranges. Growing 15 to 20% a year from a 12,000 square feet (1,100m2) warehouse, however, presented ever-increasing tensions. “Stockholding was a challenge because of the physical constraints of the premises. In six years our range probably tripled, to the extent that the last twelve months in the old warehouse became pretty unpleasant at times.” ‘Old’ because the company has now moved into custom built premises at Denby, five miles from the previous warehouse. Location mattered - the management clearly recognised the importance of retaining the skills and commitment of people that had played an important part in the company’s growth and diversification. The new facility, eighteen months in planning and development, eliminates crucial constraints. 16,500 square feet in area, ten pallet locations high, and equipped with a narrow aisle racking system and new material handling equipment it can hold 3,000 pallets – three times more than before. Carefully designed to be future-proof, the building can also be extended to double the current storage capacity if needed. So new home… and new name. “We debated long and hard internally about the new identity,” says Stewart Taylor. “It was necessary because Furniture Fixings, not withstanding all the positives attached to it, simply wasn’t relevant to our business today – in fact, it sometimes represented a bit of an obstacle. It is 12 years since we ceased supplying end users. That was a conscious

decision that became fundamental to the integrity of our customer relationships. The name, though, still implied otherwise, as well as no longer accurately reflecting our range.” “In the end we put the identity project out to an external agency. From their recommendations we chose Aptus, for several reasons. It wasn’t restrictive for whatever we may do in the future, it was shorter, which we wanted, but it had meaning.”

Now, if your Latin is good enough you may be ahead of the game, at this point. If not, then Aptus translates to: connected, fastened, prepared. Apt indeed for a fastener business that has built a series of sound connections with suppliers and customers, and now looks well prepared to build on its strengths. Certainly, the business is committed to rapid recognition of the new identity. In addition to a strong presence at Fastener Fair, a new website has just been launched, and the image is reflected in the signage and style of the new building, as well as cataloguing and packaging. Next issue we will take a closer look at some of Aptus’ connections, and the product ranges and developments they have fostered including its unique relationship with one of Germany’s top quality construction fastener manufacturers, Heco Schrauben.

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CFA calls for new code of practice on fixings The Construction Fixings Association (CFA) is calling for the implementation of a code of practice to govern the specification and installation of construction fixings. This follows three structural collapses, two of which were fatal, in which fixings failure played a part. method statements, details of available Safety Board: “the probable cause… was the The CFA, which comprises of the UK’s six training and a wide range of other information. use of an epoxy anchor adhesive with poor biggest names in fixings technology and Much of this is available on the CFA website at creep resistance.” It must be stressed that manufacture – fischer, Hilti, Liebig, Rawl, Spit, and I would encourage while this particular type of resin is not and 2K polymer systems – urges that lessons those involved in any aspect of anchor usage should be learnt by the industry from instances available in the UK other factors may have to familiarise themselves with this information. contributed to the failure, which could happen of fixings failure. The Association believes a It could make the difference between life and here. code of practice will encourage best practice death,” says Mark Salmon. Autumn of 2007 saw an incident at a with regard to the whole chain of fixings Specifiers to the UK market have a useful school in the West Midlands, where incorrect selection, from commissioning through to guide as to the appropriateness of different fixing specification was a contributory factor. A installation. It will include the mandatory use anchoring solutions. For the past decade suspended ceiling, installed two years of fixings with European Technical Approvals European Technical Approvals (ETAs) have been previously, collapsed in a classroom, for all safety critical applications. available and now cover all fortunately while the room was “Our role is to help the industry learn from Incorrectly installed anchors showing where three main types of anchoring empty. The poor installation of any accidents which unfortunately occur,” says they have begun to pull away product – metal, chemical and, self-tapping screws into perimeter Mark Salmon, general manager of the CFA. most recently, plastic. Indeed trim appears to have initiated the “We believe that ensuring best fixings practice construction fixings were the failure, but a better fixing pattern can eliminate most of the risk. So we urge first type of building product to designers and engineers to be included in this European specify anchors with ETAs for approvals regime. All members safety-critical applications and we of the CFA have products in their range advise stockists to avoid with ETAs. supplying cheap product sourced Training is vital for those on site from low cost producers with no installing anchors for safety critical quality assurance. We also stress applications. Of the 20 anchors which failed the importance of installers being in the Big Dig incident, 19 were found to fully trained in the correct have voids of up to 38 per cent in the area installation processes.” of the resin bond. According to the NTSB The incidents which the CFA report, this would have contributed has examined happened significantly to the failure, especially if the between 2002 and 2007. In an remaining drill holes had not been accident on a building site in the Aftermath of the fatal ceiling collapse in the Boston ‘Big Dig’ adequately cleaned. Anybody with Republic of Ireland in 2002, knowledge of fixings is well aware of the fixings failure led to the collapse critical importance of hole cleaning, especially for the ceiling hangers may have prevented it. of a stairway and the death of one for resin anchors. This, again, seems an area However, the lack of a clearly specified brand construction worker and injuries to two others. where best practice may not have been manufactured to recognised quality assurance It became apparent that incorrect fixings had followed by the installers on site. procedures meant that investigating the been used, contrary to the original So, could a fatal accident ever happen here? performance of the original fixings after the specification, and also that inappropriate Yes and No. The adoption of European event was impossible. materials handling on-site may have applied standards makes straightforward fixings failure All of these incidents were entirely unforeseen loads to the fixings. less likely, but a failure due to other preventable, says the CFA, and would have Four years later in the ‘Big Dig’ accident in contributory factors, principally human error, is been much less likely to happen, given better Boston, USA, sections of concrete ceiling as likely here as anywhere else. Hence the training on fixings. panels fell from the roof of a road tunnel, need for a comprehensive code of practice “To assist the industry in developing its killing a female passenger in a car travelling which considers all aspects of fixings overall skill levels, the CFA now publishes a through the tunnel. According to a subsequent specification and installation. wide range of technical guidance notes, investigation by the National Transportation

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CFA launches Approved Distributor scheme The Construction Fixings Associated marked the launch of a new associate membership scheme by extending Approved Distributor status to Surrey-based Kem Edwards at the beginning of April. The Approved Distributor certificate was presented to Kem Edwards managing director, Richard Edwards, by Dr Pietro Grandesso, chairman of the CFA and managing director of fischer fixings UK Ltd. Also present was general manager of the Construction Fixings Association, Mark Salmon, and representatives of other full CFA members. The objective of the Approved Distributor scheme is to recognise distributors that operate to high standards of service with good levels of technical knowledge, offer products from at least one full CFA member and promote the benefits of European Technical Approvals for safety critical applications. In addition to holding stock from a CFA member in reasonable depth, the Approved Distributor is expected to organise training of installers on installation procedures and to organise on site testing where necessary. “In other words,” says Mark Salmon, “Ensuring Best Fixings Practice.”

Currently the CFA recognises eighteen Approved Distributors with a total of thirty branches across the UK, in addition to the 23 branches of full member, Hilti. To be considered for associate membership a distributor has to be nominated by a full CFA member, and can continue as an Approved Distributor as long as it has the support of that member. The key qualifier, according to Mark Salmon, is quality rather than scale, which is why some relatively small companies, as well as larger established ones, have already qualified. The CFA is strongly committed to bringing the scheme to the attention of the construction market and has dedicated a specific section of its website,, to its Approved Distributors. In addition to an explanation of how the companies qualify a searchable listing is published, which can be viewed alphabetically by location, by

The new scheme will enable any company associate member company, or by the CFA who provides a site testing service for fixings, brand supplied. The objective is to assist an installer or contractor to locate the right supplier, and meets the CFA’s requirements, to be recognised as an Approved and this is facilitated by a search Tester for this critical aspect function that shows the nearest of ensuring the safety of five distributors to a postcode or fixings. The scheme will be location. In an unusual launched to the Approved refinement, distances are Distributors first via a series calculated using route-planning of free training days to be software instead of as the crow held at various regional flies, and a map of the locations. At these sessions distributor’s location can be presentations will be made displayed together with directions on the technology of fixings and journey time estimates. to ensure staff members Each Approved Distributor has understand how fixings a detailed listing, describing its work, how they should be operation, delivery service, selected and installed and, product categories stocked, Training will cover “How fixings work” once these important contact options and a link to the as well as testing procedures. fundamentals have been company’s own website. covered, how they should be tested. Staff The CFA is currently running a campaign in members who satisfy an assessment test will UK construction industry print and online media, be awarded a Certificate of Competence and the using a series of popular quiz show themes company will be recognised as an Approved with the common message “Ask the Experts”. Tester. Help will be given with acquiring the The campaign links directly to the CFA website. comprehensive Hydrajaws Tester Kit, which will “We are not looking for thousands of be a pre-requisite for membership of the members in this scheme,” says Mark Salmon, scheme. Once launched to the Approved “but as the message gets round we are Distributors the CFA does plan to open the confident the numbers will increase to provide scheme to other companies but there will be a users with a good geographical spread and charge for the training and auditing of the accessibility to CFA Approved Distributors.” necessary requirements. More details will be “Of course it is impractical to expect given to the Approved Distributors at the CFA’s Approved Distributors to exclusively supply CFA September event. Mark Salmon says, “This is members products, although we would further evidence of the commitment the CFA is naturally be delighted if they were to do so. We making to ensuring that fixings are safe…and it do, though, expect them to ensure that the is not the end of the CFA’s plans for training. products they supply, from whatever source, are Watch this space!” manufactured to recognised quality standards. Our objective is to appoint associates which possess the technical know how, the service ethos and commercial integrity to meet the CFA’s key aim of ‘Ensuring Best Fixings Practice’.” Distributors wishing to discuss how to achieve CFA Approved Distributor status will have the ideal opportunity at Fastener Fair Coventry, where the Construction Fixings Association has its own stand, D19, for the first time. “The CFA is also planning its first Approved Distributor event to be held on 25 September at the National Motor Cycle Museum,” explains l-r: Mark Salmon: John Muir, technical manager, Hilti GB Mark Salmon. “During quite a packed day one Ltd: Dr Pietro Grandesso: Richard Edwards: Len of the highlights will be the launch of yet Macknamara, managing director, 2K polymer systems ltd: another CFA scheme – this time for Approved Chris Morley, specifications manager, Rawlplug Ltd: Andrew Testers.” Thomas, technical manager, ITW Spit Fixings


No compromise in fixing

Roberlo has recently achieved ETA approval (nº 07/0195) for its Polyfixer VSF, a pure styrene free vinylester resin. The certification is for its use in non cracked concrete, with different types of threaded rods, enabling a wide range of applications. The ETA approvals, based on European standards, have a world-wide recognition and products with ETA approval are recognisable due to the “CE” mark on the label. This new certification is added to the SOCOTEC (nº YX 0066) approval which Roberlo received at the beginning of the year for its polyester resin Polyfixer PS, when used in hollow materials. “In the construction market the certification of products by independent institutions, guarantees their quality and performance. We hope that our ETA approval, added to the SOCOTEC approval, will reinforce our position in the sector, and increase the confidence our customers and end users have in our products.”

The MKT Fastening System BZ-IG is the first ETA-approved (ETA-02/0002) wedge anchor system for cracked and uncracked concrete with internal thread. MKT says that the BZ-IG combines the benefits of a mechanical anchor with easy installation and the flexibility of an internal thread. The BZ-IG is also approved for use with hexagon head screws and standard threaded rods, meaning a wide range of applications is possible and it can be used in structures subject to dry internal conditions (zinc plated version), in structures subject to external atmospheric exposure (stainless steel 316) and to other particular aggressive conditions (high corrosion resistant steel). Compared to a drop in anchor the BZIG can carry significant higher loads, even in cracked concrete and is suitable for suspended ceilings, pipe hangers and sprinkler systems.

Going great guns

Kee® Safety launches new suspension fixings Kee® Safety Ltd has introduced a new series of Suspension Fixings, which can be used to hang cable trays, provide pipe and ductwork supports, fix conduit or hang other components safely and easily. The new range features the Uni-Wedge universal fixing, the SF Flange Clamp, the BL Flange Clamp and an assortment of cups, washers and nuts The Uni-Wedge is a unique universal decking fixing which enables contractors to secure struts for cable trays, suspended ceilings and pipework supports to decking profiles without penetrating the roof membrane. It is simple to install and only requires a standard hexagon key and spanner with no need for power, special tools or highly skilled labour. SF Flange Clamps are malleable iron fixings designed for suspending threaded bars from steelwork flanges to support a variety of HVAC

systems, sprinkler systems, cable trays and suspended ceilings. Supplied in a zinc plated finish, these fixings feature a screw which clamps onto the steel flange and a locknut to hold the clamp securely in position. The SF Flange Clamps are supplied hot dipped galvanised as standard and the central bolt can be replaced with other threaded items such as threaded bar, eyebolts or J-bolts to provide a suspension element. Also included in the range are hemispherical

ETA approval on Polyfixer VSF

washers and cups. These provide a pivotable suspension action, enabling a threaded bar to be hung through a drilled hole in sloping steelwork. The washer rotates in the spherical seat of the cup, thereby allowing the threaded bar to rotate up to 10° from the vertical for ease of on-site adjustment and installation. Vee Nuts are a light duty fixing designed for connecting into the dovetail profile of a composite floor decking with a 15º tapered slot to suit M6, M8 and M10 threaded rod sizes.

Geocel and its strategic partner Dow Building Solutions have revamped and re-launched its Great Stuff PRO range of fixing and filling foams. The new range includes a brand new product – an acoustic, fire-rated straw foam. The new Great Stuff Pro Acoustic Fire-Rated Straw foam is used to fill gaps and cracks in applications which have a requirement for fire protection or for compliance under Approved Document E of the Building Regulations (2000) for acoustic performance. It is a one component, moisture curing, polyurethane foam which is used for filling, fixing and insulating in a huge variety of situations and is rated according to W=db59 foam sound reduction index.

Geocel’s Great Stuff Pro Acoustic Fire-Rated Straw achieved a B1 rating and boasts a four-hour fire rating with a concrete gap size of 15mm x 220mm according to BS 476 Pt. 20:1987. The Great Stuff Pro range also includes products for all of the common gap-filling applications such as Great Stuff Pro All Direction straw foam which is available in 500ml and 750ml cans, Great Stuff Pro All Direction Minimal Expansion foam is available in handy 150ml and 300ml cans which keep waste to a minimum for smaller gap filling tasks, and Great Stuff Pro Gun Foam Filler and Great Stuff PRO Gun Foam Fixer which are applied with a gun for larger jobs requiring maximum accuracy of application.


Exhibitors 3 Marcos 3 Star Rivets Manufacture Abington King Dick Abracs Ltd Ace (with Tornado) Action Can Ahorn Prebena Alex Screw Industrial Co., Ltd

Fastener Fair Coventry 11-12 June 2008

Alloy & Stainless Fasteners Inc Amberlea Plastics AP Technik Apex Stainless Fsateners Aptus Fastener Systems - Furniture Fixings (UK) Ltd Autobag (with Comcount)

Largest ever UK show

BAFD Beijing MMT Metals and Minerals Co.,Ltd Bendfast Bollhoff Direct Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd Bolt Fasteners Co. Bond it Bralo Brighton Best BTS Burwood Fasteners Products Ltd C- TEC Southeast Caldwells Manufacturing Ltd Caparo Atlas Fastenings Ltd CBM CCPIT Chatsworth Chong Cheng Fastener Corp Clyde Fasteners Comcount Construction Fixings Association Corbetta Cresent Manufacturing CSS Support Systems Ltd Deltaleigh Don Quichotte

The series of Fastener Fair shows – which includes events for the UK and Ireland, Europe and Eastern Europe – looks set to continue its winning streak when Fastener Fair Coventry becomes the largest ever such exhibition held for the UK and Ireland. “The exhibition has never before taken up such a large area,” organiser Jerry Ramsdale explains, “and it confirms that Fastener Fair Coventry remains the ‘must attend’ event for fastener and fixing companies.” This year’s show – which takes place at the Ricoh Arena on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 June 2008 – features almost 140 exhibitors, including a significant contingent from China and the Far East. “This demonstrates the importance of the UK and Ireland markets,” says Jerry Ramsdale. “For many years those in search of suppliers had to travel to the Far East, but now companies in that part of the world are keen to exhibit their offerings in the heart of the industry.” Fastener Fair Coventry is the key fastener and fixing event for the UK and Ireland, representing all aspects of market. It brings together manufacturers, machine suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, importers, exporters and tool suppliers, in addition to trade associations and suppliers of services and related products. As well as the two-day exhibition, the ever-popular Gala Dinner crowns the event. To be held on the evening of Wednesday 11 June, the dinner will this year feature one of the UK’s funniest and most in-demand acts, John Moloney. Exhibitors, visitors and guests coming to Fastener Fair Coventry will also be able to enjoy The Isle at Ricoh Arena, which is the UK’s largest casino, offering five bars and three restaurants for after-show networking. Fastener Fair Coventry only takes place every two years, acting as the UK and Ireland’s key event for networking and doing business. Fast-track entry is available to all visitors who pre-register on

Donson's Fasteners UK Durham Products Limited Eagle Metalware Co.,Ltd Earnest Machine Products EDP (BML Office Computers Ltd) Erico

Visitor information

Euro Tec Gmbh Europa


Everbuild Building Products Evolution Fabory

The Ricoh Arena is a purpose built venue at the heart of the motorway network, with easy access by road, rail and air. It is less than two hours drive for almost 75% of the country.

Fastbolt Fastener & Fixing Magazine Fastener Jamher Taiwan Inc Fastener World Magazine

It is one mile off junction three of the M6, a fifteen minute drive from Birmingham International Airport, or a five minute taxi ride from Coventry’s main-line train station.

ForgeFix Forward Industrial Francis Kirk (Socket Screws) Growermetal Srl

Ricoh Arena, Phoenix Way, Foleshill, Coventry, CV6 6GE


C10 Cont. on pg 72

M6 J3

Self-Clinch Fasteners

Rivet Bushes



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4HE 42 7EBSITE 4H HE 42 7EBSITE TTechnical ech hnical & dimension dimensional al infomation on aall ll TR Branded B products in including ncluding Self-Clinc Self-Clinch ch fasteners, fast teners, Rivet Bushes Bushes, s, Fasteners for Pla Plastics stics pluss much more... WWW TRDISTRIBUTORS CO UK WWW W TRDISTRIBUTORS CO U UK

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Micro Diameter and Security Fasteners


72 GSS (with RCF) GTP H Schreiber Woodall Haiyan Hama Hardware Co.,Ltd Haiyan Huacheng Fastener Co.,Ltd Hampton Plating Company Harrison & Clough Ltd Jagular Industry Ltd JCP Construction Products Kee Safety International Ltd Klimas Wkret-met Sp.z.o.o K-Tec Tools & Fasteners Ltd Kundan Lancaster Fasteners Ltd Lih Ta Magdrill

Visitor information Opening times Wednesday 11th June 09:30hrs - 17:00hrs Thursday 12th June 09:30hrs - 16:00hrs

Beat the queues… Pre-registered visitors benefit from a free visitor badge, which will be sent out prior to the show, as well as recieving a free copy of the show guide, and quick lane entrance when arriving at the show.

Maquinas Andrea SA Marer

To pre-register for your free visitor badge for Fastener Fair Coventry visit

Martyn Price (With OGL) Masterfix McArthur MGH d.o.o. MLM NE Fasteners Ningbo Gold Ring Fitting Co.,Ltd Ningbo Jinpeng High Strength Fastener Co.,Ltd Ningbo Jintai Fastener Co.,Ltd

Parking *FREE parking is sponsored by RapierStar. Visit stand D1 to exchange your ticket for a pre-paid parking voucher. (*free parking only valid with receipt of voucher)

Open Forum

Ningbo Maowang Rivet Mfy.Co.,Ltd Ningbo Metals & Wire Rope Fitting Co.,Ltd Ningbo Qunli Fastener Manufacture Co.,Ltd Ningbo Toyofast Co.,Ltd Ningbo Wili Precision Fasteners Co.,Ltd Nord Lock Ltd Norma OGL (With Martyn Price) Olympic Precision Technology RapierStar Ray Fu Enterprise Co., Ltd RCF (with GSS) Reisser Rivco Shanghai Delon Special Rivet Shanghai Metals & Minerals Imp.& Exp.Corp Shanghai Yueda Nails Industry UK Smith-Bullough Ltd Spiralok of Europe Ltd Spirol Industries Standing Industrial Co Ltd Sun-Maku Co.,Ltd Suzhou Hongly Hardware Co.,Ltd TI Midwood Titan Machining Tite-Fix Ltd Tornado (with Ace) TR Distributor Sales Trojan Special Fasteners Ltd Tromboni Trutek Fasteners Ltd Wenzhou Junhao Industry Co, ltd. WTI Yichang City Hengchang Fasteners Co.,Ltd Yuyao Yuxin Fastener Systems Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Huantai Fastener Co.,Ltd Zhejiang ZeEn Fasteners Co.,Ltd

Iron ore, coal, steel, inflation, antidumping... Fastener & Fixing Magazine editor, Phil Matten, will try to shed some light and answer your questions on the complex factors behind the turbulence the fastener industry is currently experiencing. Time: 2.30pm (Weds & Thurs) Location: Adjacent to entrance.

Hotels Preferred room rates for Fastener Fair visitors can be found on Please visit the website to see a selection of nearby hotels to suit all budgets.

Gala Dinner When going to print the Gala Dinner had reached its 200 seat capacity. Due to popular demand tables have been added. To avoid disappointment please contact the sales team on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 to check availability.

Entertainment Comedian John Moloney winner of the ‘Best Live Performer Award’ for two years running at the London Comedy Festival, will peform live at the Fastener Fair Coventry Gala Dinner.

Casino The UK’s biggest casino, The Isle offers three restaurants, five bars, live entertainment, and an exclusive high rollers club. For those with the stamina the casino stays open until 6.00am. Entrance is free and photo identity is required.


Fastener Fair Coventry preview Here are just some of the companies that are exhibiting at the show and what visitors can expect to see on their stands. Abington King Dick B1

At Fastener Fair Coventry King Dick Tools will be demonstrating its range of tools and products. Some of the products on show will include: • King Dick 150th anniversary range – Limited edition tool sets, each supplied with a certificate of authenticity. • King Dick Tool Control Foam - Bespoke tool holding foam manufacturing service. • King Dick 146 Screwdriver- Revolutionary cross tip screwdriver, one blade fits 6 sizes. • Powerbuilt UK 24volt Cordless Impact Wrench - 400Nm output, supplied with spare battery, quick charger and carry case. • Powerbuilt UK Spearhead Multi-Tool Sets - Special form which fits bi-hex, bi-square, torx, 12 point, spline and others.



ABRACS will once again be displaying its range of products at the forthcoming Fastener Fair Coventry. The product range includes abrasive cutting and grinding discs, flap discs, sanding discs, coated abrasives, diamond blades and much more. Also on display will be a brand new range of wire brushes and a new range of “Multi-pack” products aimed at increasing product sales for distributors whilst giving the consumer a good deal on a miniature “bulk buy” deal. ABRACS will also be using the show to launch its new counter top display boxes for flap discs and polishing/finishing discs. “The new display boxes have proved a great success in trials and will be released into the general market very soon. Also look out at the show for our new range of hand tools, which we launched at the start of the year.”

A. P. Technik Ltd F23 Based in the U.K, A.P. Technik specialises in supplying the distribution sector with a wide range of fixings and associated products. At Fastener Fair Coventry it will be offering an additional 10% discount on its leading product the Thunderbolt, a multi-substrate anchor, which has sold over 8 million pieces since its launch. A.P. Technik will also be offering several other promotions at the show which will be run for the month of June 2008. “Please visit our stand to meet and greet our team of fixings experts. You can either watch a demonstration of our products on the stand or, if you prefer, book for us to come and visit you at your premises.”

Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd J2 All visitors to Fastener Fair Coventry who visit stand J2 will experience an all-action demonstration of Bollhoff fastening systems. Bollhoff says that visitors to its stand will be able to see for themselves how it is able to meet the need for effective solutions to fastening sheet-metals and even pre-coated or dissimilar materials. “A clear focus on capability, versatility and dependability means that potential users can relate to their precise needs - whether that’s through RIVQUICK blind riveting, RIVSET self-pierce riveting, RIVCLINCH metal clinching, RIVNUT blind rivet nuts or a combination of these fastening processes.” Also being displayed on the stand will be the new P2007 blind rivet nut setting tool, as it is put through its paces using automatic force-control to set the fastener from one side of the work piece.

Manufacturers of Masonry Nails, Cartridge Tool Nails, Washered Nails and Capping Nails

J.H. de Wit en Zonen B.V., P.O. Box 60, Gerstdijk 17, Industrial Zone No. 9081, 5700 AB Helmond, The Netherlands. Tel: +(31) 492 - 588888 Fax: +(31) 492 - 547585 E-mail:





in Riveting Systems

Tel: +44 (0) 1562 513910 Fax: +44 (0) 1562 69666 速



Bolt Fasteners Co. F6 Bolt Fasteners Co. was founded in 1986 and its production processes include phosphating, drawing, forging /threading and heat treatment. It has a production line of 2-3-4-5 and 6 station formers and with new technology it has the capability to make products in sizes 3mm 18mm x 8mm -150mm. “Our machines allow us to have quick and flexible production planning in a very wide product range which can be summarised under 3 main groups:” • Customised parts, according to their drawings. • Cold forging parts • Bolts, screws, stud bolts and rivets according to DIN – ISO A.N.S.I.

BTS GmbH E13 BTS GmbH is a specialist manufacturer and distributor of fixings and fasteners based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2004 and ISO 14001:2004. It produces a wide range of products including Beamclamps (FM,VDS,UL), wing nuts, wing screws, thumb screws, channel nuts, wedge nuts, dome nuts, wood connectors, hooks and eyes, in a variety of materials such as malleable iron, steel, stainless steel and brass.

Burwood Fastener Products Ltd


Burwood Fastener Products Limited is a specialist supplier of fasteners, hardware and other consumable products to the aerospace, automotive and commercial industries. Burwood has over 30 years of experience within these fields and can provide a variety of solutions to customers purchasing and supply chain requirements, whether these are ad-hoc purchases, contracted prices as part of a Service Level Agreement, Direct Line Feed (DLF) systems, 2 bag systems or consigned stock managed by its staff. “Our extensive range of stock, held at our facility in Surrey, UK, will be provided with full trace documentation and certified in accordance with the requirements of our EN/ AS 9120:2003 AND ISO 9001:2000 certifications. We can provide products manufactured to DIN, EN, ANSI, SP, AS, SL, CR, MS, A, AN, AGS, HL, NAS and LN Standards as well as being able to manage the process of manufacturing parts to drawing.”

C-Tec South East


C-Tec South East will be conducting live demonstrations of its unique products at Fastener Fair Coventry. The demonstrations will include the CT1, also known as the Snag List Eliminator, which contains no solvents, is UV resistant, anti bacterial and environmentally friendly. The CT1 can be used for indoor and outdoor work and will work on wet surfaces. It can also be used to bond stones (with staining), tiles, metals, mirrors, wood and ceramics, as well as being able to replace mastics, wood, and PU adhesives, sanitary sealants and butyl rubber sealants. Another product which will be demonstrated on the stand will be the Power Grab N Bond. C-Tec says that this construction adhesive is ideal for quick heavy duty bonding and can be used for facades, granite, stone, tiles, and mirrors etc. It contains no solvents, can be used on wet surfaces and is paintable.

Caparo Atlas Fastenings C11

Established in 1887, Caparo Atlas Fastenings (CAF) is a UK manufacture of fastenings. Focusing on customer specials and licensed product it supports various markets that include automotive, off highway, defence, rail, distribution and marine. From its manufacturing base at Darlaston (15 minutes north of Birmingham), it produces male fasteners from M3 to M33, wheel nuts and female parts up to M30 and studs from M6 to M24. Strength grades range up to 12.9 in carbon steel and parts in stainless steel (including high temperature), brass and aluminium are also available. Caparo also has two operations in Spain and India. Caparo Atlas Espana, in Barcelona, specialises in the manufacture of grooved, cylindrical and spring pins as well as customer specific engineered parts in carbon, stainless steel, brass and aluminium. Whilst the recently opened 46,000 square metre fastenings plant in Chopanki, India, produces a variety of standard and special fasteners.

Crescent Manufacturing


Crescent Manufacturing has recently purchased two 3/8 Waterbury Headers, increasing the range of products it can produce. The new headers enable it to manufacture parts in sizes M3.5 to M8, with lengths up to 3inches (76mm) underhead for all threaded parts or 4 inches (102mm) for any unthreaded parts. “This new equipment means that we are now able to offer a more extensive line on such military parts as the AN525, MS27039, MS24694, NAS517 and the NAS623, which we were previously very limited on.”


Earnest Machine Products Co. F4

Earnest Machine Products Co. has announced that, as a master distributor, it is introducing KMC clips and clamps to the UK and Europe through its UK warehouse. Earnest also offers light, medium and heavy duty clips, wiring and tube clips, double tube clamps, pipe clamps and J clips. The clamps feature hot dip galvanized steel for extended corrosion resistance and black vinyl coating to provide protection for the mating part. “We encourage you to visit our stand at Fastener Fair Coventry for a sampling of our KMC clips and clamps, which, along with our entire product line, is available to ship to all of Europe from our Birmingham warehouse.”

Erico Europa (G.B.) Ltd.


Erico Europa (G.B.) Ltd, the manufacturer and distributor of electrical & mechanical fixings and fasteners, will be exhibiting several new and innovative products at Fastener Fair Coventry. These new products include: • CADDY - Pyramid roof top support system for pipes, cables and trunking. • Speed Link - DIN Standard fire rated wire suspension system for ventilation ducting, cable tray, trunking and light fittings. • TSGB brackets - Support system for mounting electrical boxes and pipe installations within partition walls. • Linian cable clips - For securing fire alarm cables to concrete and masonry and the new range of CADDY security camera mounting supports.

Europa Fastenings Ltd


Europa Fastenings Ltd has extended its product range to include bar turned non-standard products. “We can manufacture to ANSI, BS, DIN/ISO and JIS standards. As an ISO 9001:2000 company we are able to offer full traceability for our products, PPAP and ISIR are available on request. Our policy is to produce goods of good quality, on time at a competitive price, this achieves customer satisfaction.”

Everbuild Building Products


Everbuild Building Products Ltd, a UK manufacturer of sealants, adhesives, fillers and building chemicals, will be exhibiting at the Fastener Fair Coventry. At the show it will be exhibiting a number of its most popular products, such as Pinkgrip and Stixall. As well exhibiting its wide range of products at the show, Everbuild will also be unveiling a new and exciting product which has yet to be released into the market.



John Rollins, FABORY UK managing director is pleased to be taking part in Fastener Fair Coventry, “The show offers us a unique opportunity to meet many of our customers face-to-face and we will be happy to welcome them to our stand.” FABORY offers customers a wide range of 100,000 different fasteners from its UK warehouse in Wednesbury, West Midlands.

H. Schreiber Ltd F5

As part of THE ONE GROUP of companies H. Schreiber Limited has access to a far greater range of products than ever before. In addition to its normal range of twinthreads, chipboard, drywall, brass and concrete anchors, quotations are now available on cable management, mechanical and electrical products, power and handtools, adhesives, sealants, flashing and grid systems from its sister companies. “We are proud to present on behalf of Woodall Fastener Systems our comprehensive range of self drilling screws for roofing and cladding. We can offer competitive prices and vast stocks on zinc plated carbon steel, organically coated rustpert carbon steel and bi-metallic 304 series austenitic stainless steel fixings all available in TechColour moulded head. Why not visit us on Stand F5 for a chat with our sales staff?”


more Sizes, more Specs, more Finishes, than ANYONE!

For Further Information: Tel: 01384 424767 Fax: 01384 424833 PO BOX 48, STOURVALE ROAD, LYE, STOURBRIDGE DY9 8QF


Hampton Plating Co. Ltd


Hampton Plating Co. Ltd is a family run business which was established in 1927. In recent years the company has evolved, and invested in plant and machinery which means it now has six fully automatic plating lines which means it can offer a rapid turnaround on the majority of its finishes. “We have two de-embrittlement ovens which are in constant use and also have a small manual sample line which is used for trials etc. We can also offer cleaning, de-burring and some laboratory testing (hex chrome tests, salt sprays).”

Martyn Price Fasteners J8

Martyn Price is historically known as a supplier of bolts, nuts and washers. However, it also offers an extensive package of materials, specifications and surface finishes. “The strength behind our company is the diversity of the products and services we are able to provide our customers.” Martyn Price offers one of the largest ranges of preferred and non preferred nut and washer products throughout Europe, all of which are marketed under the Allgrip® brand. However, the company also has ambitions to replicate that position within the bolting market. So much so that it will be launching its new bolting catalogue at Fastener Fair Coventry.

McArthur Group


At Fastener Fair Coventry McArthur Group plans to exhibit a selection of trade packs, an exciting new Makita range of power tools and a ground breaking new range of Turboqwick Woodscrews. McArthur Group offer a wide range of collated fasteners assembled at its UK, West Midland, plant including drywall & decking screws. It also has a variety of collated products include Tradepacks and Bradpacks, each supplied with collated nails or brads in paper or plastic strip, complete with gas fuel cells. Also new to the range, are collated Full Round Head nails. McArthur Group has 13 distribution plants and 4 manufacturing plants spanning the whole of the UK and Ireland.



NORD-LOCK Ltd has announced the introduction of MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul) solution bags of its bolt securing washers. NORD-LOCK says that it is responding to customer demand from non-volume users who need to ensure that their threaded fasteners are secure, the company now offers a range of washers in smaller quantities for both Zinc flake (Delta Protekt®) coated carbon steel and stainless steel. The number of washers in each bag varies, depending on size. Quantities range from 25 pairs per bag for smaller sizes in steel and 10 pairs per bag for stainless steel, down to two pairs per bag for the largest sizes. A range of the MRO solution bags will be displayed at the Fastener Fair Coventry. Visitors will also be able to see a comparative demonstration of various styles of fasteners being tested under vibration conditions using a Junkers machine.

RapierStar Ltd


RapierStar has, for 15 years, provided PVCU window screw range to the industry, along with its family of patented, high performance, universal timber screws, decking screws and direct frame anchors. Long term strategic planning has allowed the company to respond to the demands of a growing international distribution customer base. Managing director, David Furness, explains “It has become necessary to find a larger site for our ever increasing stockholding and plans are progressing to re-locate later this summer to a 43,000 square foot premises nearby. Our recent move to a much larger Belfast branch has already proved beneficial to our growing customer base across Ireland.” The great news for visitors to the RapierStar stand, which is opposite the main entrance, is that RapierStar will pay for their car park pass – all visitors have to do is simply provide their details to one of RapierStar’s staff and they will get a FREE car park ticket!



RCF has over the last few months invested in two induction heaters and are installing two more fully reconditioned Etchell’s forging machines (1.1/2 dia) and a 2” Covmac. This is part of its planned expansion where it will double its production and boast a forging range from M12 to M64. “We can now include stainless steel in our forging range up to M36, the change to induction heaters means we can control the temperature exactly which is necessary for stainless products. With the introduction of three more forging machines, we shall be able to offer a much better service than in the past.”

Rivco J10

In addition to importing blind rivets, structural rivets, rivet nuts and varied special products from all over the world, Rivco says it is also successfully exporting worldwide. “Our company director’s visit all the factories of our suppliers in the Far East and in Europe to make sure that the products we distribute are of the highest quality.” Rivco is one of Huck International’s leading distributors in the UK and is also exclusive distributor for Rivit and Ornit. “Our stock range incorporates over 5,000 different product lines and totals well over £750,000. We work very closely with the above manufacturers and, where necessary, will liaise with manufacturers to produce “specials” to satisfy specific customer needs.”

Spiralock of Europe Ltd E2

At Fastener Fair Coventry Spiralock will be introducing its new DN (Drive Notch) ‘tangless’ wire thread inserts, in a 1.5 diameter length. “The fastener will secure a bolt, tightened to 75% of proof load, in soft materials (e.g. aluminium, brass), and experience no loosening under vibration.” There is no installation tang to remove and, Spiralock says, can add 300% to the fatigue strength of the joint. This product further extends Spiralock’s broad range of standard and bespoke self locking solutions.

T.I. Midwood H6

TIMco has extended a warm welcome to all attending the Fastener Fair Coventry and invites everyone to visit its stand at H6. Over the last year the company has launched a variety of new products within its Addax brand such as the diamond cutting discs and professional screwdriver bits which will be displayed on the TIMco stand at the show. At this years show TIMco looks forward to launching its new anchor range which consists of an array of products including chemical resins, the TBAZ, a new metal speed plug, and the TIMco Throughbolt. Also being unveiled at the show will be the new TIMco and Addax brochure which will be available on the stand.

Titan Machining E20

Titan Machining has been a supplier of special cold forming, machining parts and fasteners since 1988. It is known for a full range of manufacturing services including tooling and prototype design, PPAP development and mass production. “Our manufacturing expertise enables us to produce premier automotive and industrial application parts.”

Tornado Construction Ltd E1

Apart from highlighting its five new T-fix resins, Tornado will be showcasing its brand new catalogue at the show. The new catalogue will highlight the EXP88 industry standard-type cartridge tool system, together with the full range of KR6 nails (NK type) and red and black strip cartridges to suit. The catalogue is separated into three main categories and will also include a range of new products, of which many will be featured at the show.

Trojan Special Fasteners Ltd G12

Trojan Special Fasteners Ltd is a UK manufacturer with over 25 years experience of producing bright bar turned nuts & parts, such as bright flange nuts, nylon insert nuts, dome nuts castellated and slotted nuts. “We offer competitive prices and quick turnaround in steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminium and other exotic alloys. Good product knowledge and wide range of tooling and no minimum order quantities ensure we can cater for all requirements.”

Tromboni Srl C16

Tromboni srl has 40 years experience in the production of screws and fixing systems. Yearly production is almost entirely dedicated to products made according to customers' specifications and includes screws with special threads for plastic materials, thread forming screws, metric screws, self-drilling screws, screws with assembled washers, thread cutting screws, double-thread pins and parts featuring several different shapes. All products are available in carbon-steel, stainless-steel, aluminium, brass and other materials upon request. The quality standard, if required, can be guaranteed with faultiness equal to 100 PPM thanks to video camera sorters. Tromboni srl guarantees its products by means of a certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 System.


MAY 2008 – UK & IRELAND Fastener & Fixing Magazine provides a unique reference guide that offers the industry a fast and easy way to get current as well as new product catalogues. Use this convenient service to call, fax or email the companies to request a copy of their latest Catalogue.

ABRACS Ltd are one the UK’s leading distributors of abrasives and allied products. Our product range includes abrasive discs, flap discs, coated abrasives, wire brushes, diamond blades and much more. For top quality products coupled with the best service around just talk to ABRACS, the UK’s number 1 for abrasives.

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Alca Fasteners Ltd


Tel: +44 (0) 1904 789997 Email:

Alfran Fasteners Ltd UK Manufacturers to Europe Grades 4.6 / 8.8 / 10.9 / 12.9 metric 4.6 / R / S / T / SAE8 Imperial M12-M64 Hex Head 1/2-2" Hex Head HSFG Bolts / Nuts All Specials Made to Order Hot Dip Galv / Zinc Plate / Shera / Geomet Finishes Available Specialists to European Industry Tel: +44 (0) 1535 664 993 Email:

Fast, reliable and competitive suppliers of large diameter bolts in all grades of material. Over 2000 tonnes of stock, of 4.6, 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, B7, L7, all stainless, titanium and exotic materials catered for. Alca will attend to your break down requirements.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 6010 Email:

Anixter Components Anixter Components (formerly known as Heyco) distribute a comprehensive range of over 10,000 components that include cable glands, fasteners, PCB accessories, caps, plugs and cable accessories to equipment manufacturers across the globe. Their latest catalogue also includes the new range of RITE-LOK adhesives from 3M as well as new ranges of cable, wire and crimp terminals. In addition to our vast range of standard parts, we can also offer Tel: +44 (0)1202 865222 bespoke product design and manufacture. Web:

Apex Stainless Fasteners Ltd

Arpel (Chilterns) Ltd Arpel also offer a complete range of hand and power tools for rivets and threaded inserts, including FAR brand. A complete range of rivets and structural fasteners including pin and collars “waisted� type in steel, aluminium and stainless, multigrip pins in steel and aluminium.

As the major UK source for Stainless Fasteners, Apex remain committed to servicing the distribution trade, providing an ex stock next day delivery service on all standard items. A Stainless fastener stock holding of ÂŁ12 million is available to fully cater for customer needs, with Quality Assured product and competitive pricing. Email

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 296 660 Email:

ASH Fasteners Ltd The UK’s foremost manufacturer of long length & specialist cold forged fasteners in Steel, Stainless, Aluminium or Brass. Any length from M3 up to a M12 diameter with Hex, Flange Hex, Cup Square, Countersunk, Pan, Round or Cheese Heads with Torx, Pozi, Struck Slot or Indented Hex. Threaded Metric or Imperial including UNF, UNC, Whitworth, BSF, BA

Bendfast West midlands based manufacturer of U, J and N bolts and similar products for the construction, petrochemical and communications industries. In addition to a full standard stock range we specialise in non standard products in Mild Steel, HT, Stainless and Exotics with metric and imperial threads. All enquiries welcome.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 328 3881 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 397 337 Email:


Birmingham Coldform Special Fasteners Ltd

With our extensive range of over 100,000 stock lines, including non-preferred and difficult-to-source items, all supplied on our direct delivery service. Isn’t it time you made the most of Bollhoff Direct. from standard to specials.

Job done! It’s fast, reliable, efficient and economic

Manufacturers of standard and special Hexagon and square head bolts and setscrews, weld bolts, eye bolts, tee bolts and solid rivets. We cold forge up to M16 diameter in mild steel and high tensile grades, with additional facilities for the machining and assembly of special products.

A wide range of Metric Fasteners in: STEEL: 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, 45H; BZP, Zn&Y STAINLESS STEEL: A2 & A4 BRASS: SELF COLOUR & NICKEL PLATED NYLON: 6.6 NATURAL Bollhoff Direct. All the benefits of buying from a major European Supplier, with the convenience of a local distributor. Call us today.

ISO 9001:2000 Approved

Phone: 01902 603934 Fax: 01902 603057 e-mail:

Bülte Plastics (UK) Ltd Did you know that ? Bülte offers more than 15,000 Metric products:3,400 standard screw styles - 1,400 spacers - 640 plugs … Nuts, handles, retaining rings, washers, bushings, seals and cables ties are also available. Our fasteners are manufactured to DIN standards. We can also manufacture to your specifications.

Direct from our German warehouse, stocks are shipped daily to our UK customers, via either UPS or Hellmann. Bollhoff Direct, your local Continental supplier.

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 603 934 Email:

Caparo Atlas Fastenings Ltd Largest UK manufacturer of Cold Forged precision forgings and fasteners. Capable of manufacturing product from M3 to M30. CAF can now, after substantial investment, offer a range of Nuts up to M24. Our product portfolio is extensive and we can manufacture a range of bespoke parts including holding licences for Propriety Technologies such as Taptite, Kleerlok and Powerlok.



Tel: +44

(0)121 224 2000 Caparo Atlas Fastenings Ltd, Heath Road, Darlaston, West Midlands WS10 8XL

Tel: +44 (0) 121 224 2000

Cross Spiralock Wire Thread Inserts

Business solutions for Wholesalers, Merchants & Distributors

Merlin Business Software is specifically designed to fulfil the changing requirements of Merchants, Wholesalers and Distributors. Encompassing facilities for Sales order processing for trade counters & back offices, stock control, invoicing, sales, purchase and nominal ledgers, Merlin will handle every area of your business software needs. Email: Web:


Send for the free catalogue now.

Chatsworth Computers

Bollhoff Direct offer unrivalled stockholding of more than 100,000 standard and non-preferred metric parts in all materials, including Brass, Stainless Steel and High Tensile Steel.

Bollhoff GmbH, UK Division, Midacre, The Willenhall Estate, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 2JW

Tel: +44 (0) 121 772 0562 E-mail:

Bollhoff Direct

Call Paul, Matt or paul today for an immediate quote. Using live computer links with our warehouse in Germany, stocks are checked, orders taken and deliveries confirmed.

Tel: +44 (0) 1225 837000

Developed for high performance resistance to vibration induced loosening. Proven in the harshest and most arduous applications in the aerospace and oil production industries. • Easy to fit, free running and re-usable • Works in metals and plastics • Unrivalled vibration resistance, using standard bolt • Excellent, repeatable high temperature performance (tested to 650°C)

D.S. Fasteners Ltd

CTR Carbide Dies Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 121 772 0817

Formed in 1973, CTR Birmingham has been supplying fastener tooling into the Automotive, Aerospace and Building industy. Sales Manager Peter Ruitenberg says: We specialise in the manufacture of complete tool kits and offer a fast turn around service, helping our customers achieve their own schedules on-time and in full, which is why we are one of the largest fastener tool manufacturers in the world today.

Switch to Stover Nuts the automotive industry approved all metal self locking nut. Ex-stock from D.S. Fasteners Ltd in grade 8, 10, 12 & fine pitch.

• • • • • • •

Nylon Insert Nuts – Flange Nuts Castle Nuts Nyloc Dome Nuts Dome Nuts Weld Nuts Full & Lock Nut Flanged Head Set Screws DIN 6921.

Earnest Machine Products

EJOT UK Ltd Ejot® is a specialist fastener manufacturer that has developed a range of fasteners specifically for different materials, notably: DELTA PT® for plastic materials ALtracs® for Alloys FDS® and SHEETTRACS for sheet metal

We are distributors of American Fasteners. Our Stocks are UNC/UNF threaded Bolts & Nuts in grades SAE5 / SAE8, together with Metric all metal self locking Nuts and Metric Flange Nuts in class10 material. Any USA product can be handled by us to suit your requirements.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 352600

Europa Fastenings Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1939 291199

Tel: +44 (0) 1842 763 000 Web:

Not satisfied with being one of the leading UK manufacturers of non-standard screws and sems assemblies, Europa is pleased to announce we have extended our product range further to include bar turned non-standard products. We can manufacture to ANSI, BS, DIN/ISO and JIS standards. As an ISO 9001:2000 company we are able to offer full traceability for our products, PPAP and ISIR are available on request. Our policy is to produce goods of good quality, on time at a competitive price, this achieves customer satisfaction.

Tel: +44 (0) 1977 687 040 E-mail:

Supported by strong design engineering know-how, the range also includes Multi-formed parts, plastic-metal assemblies and plastic bosses.

Everbuild Everbuild Building Products Ltd are the UK’s largest independent manufacturer of Sealants, Adhesives, Fillers and Building Chemicals. Their compact A5, 195 page, full colour catalogue provides a quick and easy reference guide to Everbuild’s 600+ strong product range – making it simpler than ever for you to find your favourite products. Tel: +44 (0) 113 240 2424


Tel: +44 (0) 870 609 2297

With over 20 years experience in the industrial power tool market, Evolution have a strong and well earned worldwide reputation among professional power tool users. Evolution have traditionally specialised in steel dry cutting technology and pioneer a range of advanced TCT saws which cut steel. This incredible technology has also been developed into a range of multi-purpose tools which cut steel, aluminium and wood with a single blade. Evolution also offer a range of more conventional construction machines such as magnetic drills and compaction plates. As well as offering ground breaking tools, Evolution strive to launch products at the 'right price'. So the user can enjoy all the benefits of an Evolution Power Tool, at the same cost or even cheaper than a comparable product.

Galaxy Fasteners

Fastbolt Fastbolt is a leading wholesaler of industrial fasteners to European distributors only. Apart from a highly specialised product range ex stock Fastbolt offers individual supply solutions such as customised packing, direct container imports, pre-import quality inspections and a revolutionary online availability check and ordering system: FBonline.

Continuing the successful launch of our Construction Division in 2007 we have introduced a comprehensive range of quality Self Drill Cladding Screws to run alongside the Pre-Assembled Sets, Sq Sq Hex Bolting, Wax Cones and Plate Washers. Galaxy Fasteners continue to supply the market with Metric Fasteners in Galvanised, BZP and Plain. Tel: +44 (0) 1902 499 299 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1908 650 100 Web:

Gesipa UK GESIPA Blind Riveting Systems Ltd are a world leader in the manufacture and supply of Fastening Solutions and associated tooling. With over 50 years of manufacturing and application expertise GESIPA are well placed to offer a cost effective engineered solution for all your fastening requirements.

Global Fasteners Ltd Global Fasteners Ltd are the ‘ ONE STOP SHOP’ for all fastener & consumable supplies.


Talking to customers, listening to their requests & using knowledge gained over many years, makes us dedicated in supplying any fastener & consumable product & we offer a personal service regardless of geographical location or size.


ISO / TS 16949


The Experts in Blind Riveting 2008

Email : Web :

Global Plastics

Cable Ties, PCB Fasteners & Wiring Accessories

Tel: +44 (0)1252 373242

Fax: +44 (0)1252 547404

Global Plastics is pleased to announce the immediate addition of over 3,000 new product lines. We have introduced an extensive range of industry standard PCB fasteners, and rivets, to compliment our existing range of plastic fasteners and wiring accessories. This will be reflected shortly in our new 100 page plastic fastener catalogue.

Tel: +44 (0) 1902-790780

Grayson (GB) Ltd Grayson (GB) Ltd gives today's construction professional access to an extensive range of products from the world’s leading fixing manufacturers. With over 50,000 product lines available for immediate delivery, at Grayson you're always sure to find exactly what you're looking for.


Tel: +44 (0) 1252 373242 Web:

Tel : +44 (0) 8708 50 40 50 E-mail :

Harrison & Clough Ltd

Hafren Fasteners

The ever-popular Harrison & Clough Product Catalogue continues to feature the best selling lines in fasteners, fixings, hand and power tools from the leading manufacturers.

SECURITY SCREW SPECIALIST – Widest range of tamper resistant nuts and bolts – worldwide – In-stock for same day despatch to distributors only – High quality bespoke security fasteners manufacturing service – Sensitive areas need security fixings to deter vandalism and theft – New updated catalogue including new self drilling security screws.

Products can be ordered 24 hours a day from our award winning TradeFast website, making trading even easier whilst giving you access to the latest special offers and over 52,000 lines. Tel: +44 (0) 870 889 22 22 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 113 240 2424 SECURE BUSINESS WITH HAFREN! E-mail :


Hampton Plating

Founded in 1966 HHT(MIDLANDS) are a provider of subcontract heat treatment services. Processes are neutral hardening and tempering, case hardening, carbon restoring, nitrocarburising and Nitroblack™ using batch and continuous furnaces operating 24/7.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 4771

Accreditation includes BS EN ISO/9001:2000, ISO/TS 16949:2002 and CQI-9 (pending 01/2009) Capacity for 1 Kg to 50 Ton lots Online order tracking is available.

HCL Fasteners Manufacturers of the Herbie Clip double grip hose clamp and the Ezyclik plastic hose clamp. HCL Fasteners Are leading specialists in Plastic Clamping solutions.

Hampton Plating are a barrel electro-plating firm based in Birmingham offering rapid turnaround in a variety of finishes including;- Zinc, Zinc-Iron, Zinc-Nickel, Trivalent and Hexavalent Passivates, Copper, Nickel, Brass, Tin and Silver. Our fully automatic plants mean we can process 40 tonnes per day, with a focus on quality and repeatability. Tel: +44 (0) 121 248 1544 Email:

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Holdtite Adhesives Ltd

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HCL is also able to deal with the largest OEM production lines with a full range of Installation tooling available designed to cater for any situation. HCL is ISO 9000:2001 registered

Tel: +44 (0) 1761 417 714 Web:

HuckŽ Fastening Systems • Multi Language - English, French, German • 2 Formats, electronic or printable PDF • Quick, easy, Intuitive search facility, enabling you to find the fastener that suits your needs in seconds.

Tel: +44 (0) 191 4113191 Web:

Icon Fasteners Icon Fasteners offer socket, hexagon, nut and washer products in high grade 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, 14.9 and Galv, with a reputation for the secondary processes of plating, patching and re-packaging, as well as Specials to customer drawings. With BS EN ISO 9001-2000 accreditation, we offer a full batch traceability.

Tel: +44 (0) 1952 204 607 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 491 122 Email:

JCS Hi-Torque Ltd

Jet Press Limited

Manufacturers of Hi-Grip, Hi-Torque and Tamtorque, the world’s finest quality worm drive hose clips and clamps, and approved to BSI Kitemark and Llyod’s Type Approval Standards.

Jet Press is a major supplier of specialist metal and plastic fasteners. We continually introduce new products and services to develop bespoke solutions to meet customer requirements. Our 400 page industrial catalogue and new cd-rom has an extensive and comprehensive range of over 8500 product lines. To receive our catalogue visit

JCS products are exported throughout the world for use in the Industrial, Automotive, Marine, Construction and Petro-Chemical industries. We offer a wide range in design and material specification to meet the needs of modern industry. Please contact us for a catalogue

Holdtite is an ISO accredited producer and formulator of high technology adhesive solutions. Within Holdtite, the MacroplexxÂŽ division specializes in high strength structural adhesive products, incorporating Methacrylate, Polyurethane, Acrylic, and Epoxy technology. Through extensive development with end users, and raw material manufacturers alike, we have developed solutions allowing this family of products to set the benchmark as the ultimate structural adhesive solution.

Tel: +44 (0) 1787 376212

Tel: +44 (0) 1623 551 800

Jubilee Clips Ltd A comprehensive range of hose clips to suit most applications in a wide selection of materials from the small 12mm up to the large 318mm. The Standard Range is Kitemark approved to BS 5315:1991 (the Stainless Steel Range is also Lloyd’s Type Approved) and the company is ISO9001 accredited. Visit our website for the full range of clips, dispensers and fastening tools.

Kebrell Nuts & Bolts Ltd Kebrell Nuts & Bolts Ltd together with High Tensile Bolts Ltd form the mainstay of a group that is one of the largest stockists & distributors of engineering fasteners. We currently hold over 14,000 tonnes of stock and over 110,000 stock items.

Tel: +44 (0) 1634 281200 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 6049 Email:

Lindapter Established in 1934, Lindapter is the leading brand in the field of steelwork fixings systems. Product offerings include Girder Clamps, Hollo-Bolt, Floorfast, Multiwedge, Alphawedge and the TR60 range of decking fixings. Customers are supported by a network of dedicated and fully trained distributors, whilst Lindapter focus on specifications with an internal and external team of experienced engineers providing standard product or bespoke solutions for construction, maintenance or OEM customers worldwide.

London Screw Co Ltd UK’s leading manufacturer of all thread studs. Extensive stocks M3-12 dia. up to 180mm long in steel, brass, PH BR & St/St. Also manufacture a full range of m/c screws and cold headed specials in all head forms and materials. Large stocks M4-M12 up to 180mm – long lengths a speciality.

Tel: +44 (0) 1274 521 444

Masons Fasteners One of the UK’s leading fasteners manufacturers. Whilst specialising in machine screws the majority of production now concentrates on the manufacture of fasteners to customer specification. We produce components from 2mm dia upto 12mm dia in all popular head styles and drives in Steel, Brass and Stainless.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 569 832 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 410 296

Masterfix Masterfix Products is one of Europe’s main blind riveting technique professionals and offers the broadest range of blind rivets, blind nuts and bolts in the business. Masterfix stands for a combination of experience, research, innovation entrepreneurship and last but not least, a healthy dose of common sence. We ship from our central warehouses in Europe and the Far-East to any place on the globe.

Tel: +44 (0) 1543 686989 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 766 7500 Fax: +44 (0) 121 766 8551


ND Jig & Gauge ND Jig & Gauge is a leading manufacturer of Metallic Washers. Large stocks of washers, square from 25sq x 3thk up to 150sq x 25thk. Black Washers BS3410 & BS4320. Also BS4395 hardened washers. Special washers in Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass and other exotic alloys made to your requirements. Please contact us now.

MPF is a major supplier to the Merchant Trade for Self Clinch Fasteners, Machine Screws, Rivets, Rivet Nuts, Rivet Bushes, Weld Studs, Brass Spacers. We are also the European Distributor for the Flip Bolt which is a blind cavity fixing for steel box section where rear access is restricted.

Tel: +44 (0) 1707 379 580 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 556 0824

NE Fasteners Ltd Importer and distributor of bulk and pre-packed screws and fixings. Specialists to the “Home Improvement/Furniture” sectors. Slotted and Cross recess, csk, raised and round heads. Finishes include Zinc, Black, E/Brass, Chrome etc. Packing/Kitting to customer requirement. Decking/ Mirrorscrews/Wall plugs/Head covers/screw cups.

Non Standard Established in 1972, we employ over 100 people in the manufacture & distribution of socket screw & allied products, with a range that begins at M1.4 (0 UNF-1/8" Imperial) up to M64 (2" Imperial & unified) & lengths as long as 700mm. With distribution centres in Birmingham & London providing a nationwide service & the widest range of socket screws.

Tel: +44 (0) 121 559 8866 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 515 0121


Northern Precision Ltd

This edition of Norbar's acclaimed catalogue includes details of new torque testers along with numerous other enhancements to the range. N e w C a t a l o g u e Av a i l a b l e

As well as being a detailed listing of Norbar's tools and services, the catalogue is packed with information that will be invaluable to anyone concerned with bolting or assembly quality control.

Northern Precision stock the full ranges of Self-Clinching Fasteners, Rivet Bushes, Rivet Nuts, and Blind Rivets, Weld Nuts and Studs as well as Hand and Power Tooling to install the fasteners. We also manufacture parts to customers’ requirements. All products are RoHS compliant. For full details visit our website.

Sales Dept: +44 (0) 1295 753 600 Service/Calibration Dept: +44 (0) 1295 753 635

Tel: +44 (0) 1302 836047


Nylon & Alloys Ltd Distributors of Nylon, Aluminium and Titanium fasteners and accessories to the industry. Since 1965 we have been supplying the trade standard and specialised fasteners in the matrials listed above. Our product range can be viewed and purchased on-line where price and stock availability is shown. Log on now to see how easy it is. Tel: +44 (0) 20 8579 5166

With over 30 years experience in providing software solutions for stockist and distributor markets, OGL’s prof.ITplus software ensures maximum profit potential through increasing efficiency. prof.ITplus has a flexible, innovative modular design to optimise stock levels with proactive sales order processing. OGL has proudly worked with over 80 distributors of fasteners including Martyn Price, TIMco, Forgefix and the Montrose Group.


Tel: +44 (0) 1299 873873

P&M Fixings & Fasteners Ltd

Owlett-Jaton is a leading supplier of fasteners, fixings, ironmongery and hardware to the UK distributor and merchant trade. Experienced sales and distribution teams are dedicated to delivering a first class service to their customers and just one call gives you access to our comprehensive product range.

Established in the industry since 1985, over 3 decades of experience in import & distribution. One of the UK’s largest independent suppliers our ethos is to provide the customer with quality products on time & at a competitive price.

Tel: +44 (0) 1785 811300

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 5775 Web:

Pinstructure An ISO9001:2000 accredited manufacturer & distributor of Unthreaded Fasteners, offering from stock our standard products in most regular materials. Our production includes many types of pin e.g. DOWEL, TAPER, LINCH, COTTER, SPRING, a range of CLIPS & CLAMPS together with DISC SPRINGS and WAVE WASHERS, most available in workshop assortments.

Precision Technology Supplies Ltd We stock the widest range of Stainless Steel American Threaded Fasteners from No 0 to 1” diameter in both UNC and UNF threads. For a quotation or details of the range contact our sales office and ask for a copy of our handbook or visit our website.

Tel: +44 (0) 1527 67999 Email:


Pressed Parts Company Ltd

PSM International PSM International is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of fasteners and inserts for plastics. Supported by our Asian Sourcing team we are now offering complete inventory management solutions. Supplying single items to managing fully integrated component supply systems, PSM are committed to becoming the world’s preferred fastener supplier.

Manufacturers and stockists of channel nuts which are used in conjunction with channel, bracketry and bolts to provide a system for the structural support of cables, pipework, ducting etc. The range includes mild steel, stainless steel and hot-dip galvanised finish in standard thread, UNC or selflock. Tel: +44 (0) 1706 359414

QEF Global England Ltd

QEF Global England Ltd

QEF Global, with offices in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, U.S.A., and Asia, provides supply chain optimisation programmes across the manufacturing sector. QEF Global has completed a strategic merger with MLM Fasteners of Kingswinford, and the new company will trade under the title QEF Global England Ltd. with an unchanged team.


RapierStar A Breakthrough in Performance The award winning Rapier StarTurnTM is the highest quality universal woodscrew. The patented StarFormTM thread provides lower drive-in torque and quicker assembly times - without pre-drilling. For samples or to see the full RapierStar range of fixings, please contact us now.

Tel: +353 (0) 214 968 480 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 870 3003313 Web:

Rawlplug Ltd

RCF Bolt & Nut ltd

Rawlplug Ltd., innovators in fasteners and fixings, have recently launched our new product catalogue. Along with the existing range of high performance anchors and light weight fixings. The new range includes: CFS – our new free chemical dispensing system, multipurpose and drywall screws, drill bits, and saw blades.

One of the few companies still forging in the UK. Forge up to M64 diameter in Mild and Alloy, Stainless bolts up to M36 diameter. Half a million pounds of stock in finished or blank form. No anti dumping from Tipton.

Tel: +44 (0) 141 638 2255 Web:

Tel: +44 (0) 121 522 2353 Email:

RLS Tooling Ltd

Rivco Rivco is one of the leading distributors of Huck fasteners, Huck bolts (pins and collars), Blind Rivets, Rivet Nuts and Setting Tools in the UK and Europe. Rivco, formed in 1994 has grown to be one of the most respected Blind Fastener distributors in the UK. We have a large UK based customer base and also export to Europe, The Middle East and China.

The company is ISO 9001:2000 certified and manufacture a range of standard and special dies. We are licenced to make dies for the TaptiteÂŽ and MathreadÂŽ range of products and are experienced in the manufacture of dies for decking screws, self drill screws, and fasteners for anchor systems.

Tel: +44 (0) 1543 271 808

Tel: +44 (0) 1562 513910 $ ## #$ #$" $ $" #$%

Smith Bullough Ltd

Stainless UK Ltd

#$" $ $ " " #$ ## #$ $" $ " "#


$ $" $ " " # $ $" $ # & #$ # ( # $" $ " # $ ## $ " " # " #$ # " " & "' $" # # " !% "

5#+/-'44 ! %0/5+/6'4 50 1307+&' #/ '95'/4+7' 3#/)' 0( *+)* 26#-+5: 5*3'#& 30--'& .'53+% 456&&+/) (30. 50 63 6/+26' 130&6%5+0/ (#%+-+5+'4 #--08 64 50 41'%+#-+4' +/ -0/) -#3)' &+#.'5'3 *+)* 453'/)5* 456&&+/) (6--: 03 1#35 5*3'#&'&

Stainless UK Ltd have in house thread rolling and machining enabling us to offer stainless steel M12 to M56 fully threaded bar in lengths up to 6m in grades A2 and A4 up to strength Class 80. Partially threaded bars, couplers, plates, fasteners and Grip Bar products are also available.

63 45#/&#3& 453'/)5* )3#&' +4 %-#44 8+5* %-#44 #7#+-#$-' 50 03&'3 #/& 5*' .#5'3+#- )3#&'4 #3' 03 45#+/-'44 45''-

$ ##

Tel: +44 (0) 1942 520250 Web:

Stainless Threaded Fasteners Stainless Threaded Fasteners, a member of the SRB Ltd Group of companies, is one of Europe’s leading stainless steel fasteners wholesalers • • • • •

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 490490

Stainless Steel A2, A4 and A4-80 Brass Non-Standard Specials Marine Hardware 316SS BS EN ISO9001:2000 Accreditation

Next Day Delivery Dedicated to Distributors/Stockists

Tel : +44 (0) 114 244 1333

STF Export STF’s dedicated export department carries sales responsibility around the world for SRB Group’s fastener product range: • High Grade Alloy Fasteners (8.8, 10.9, 12.9, 14.9) • Galvanised • Carbon Steel • Stainless Steel A2 & A4 • Marine Hardware 316SS • BS EN ISO9001:2000 Accreditation Multi-lingual sales team

Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 499210

System Cases (UK) Ltd SYSTEM-CASEÂŽ recognised as the UK Brand Leader supplying steel cases for fastener storage & fastener assortment sales.

Star Fasteners, HucksÂŽ largest UK distributor, supply a range of fasteners where vibration resistant fixing is required. The quality, high performance fastenings are typically used in thin sheet metal fabrications, commercial vehicle, trailer, railcar and auto markets. Tooling hire, repair, sales, plus an advisory / design service is also available.

Now in its 20th year the 2008 Catalogue contains recognised SYSTEM-CASEŽ branded products and a range of ‘semi-professional’ plastic tool boxes and organisers and a glimpse of the company’s Vankit racking systems for vans. Tel: +44 (0) 115 9324 939 Email:

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 870 123

Tasman Industries As one of the major UK sources for Engineers Keys, Pins And Collars Tasman Industries Ltd is committed to providing outstanding quality and competitive pricing together with an efficient friendly service. We continue to supply our extensive range of Machined and Turned part products from our West Midlands warehouse.

Thorsman Thorsman, a company of Schneider Electric, has published a brand new product brochure for 2008. The new priced catalogue is packed with everything from cable clips to wall plugs, screws to fixings & anchors, cable reels & extension leads to hand tools, including the popular Goliath worklight range and much more.


Tel: +44 (0) 1952 209 001

Threadrive Components

T.I. Midwood & Co Ltd (TIMco)

Threadrive Components are the U.K specialist in aviation, aerospace M.R.O and industrial screwdriver tooling. Our experience and vast stocks of industry specified brands provide an invaluable source for all your screwdriver tooling. Threadrive are also a dedicated stockist of the Nord-Lock bolt securing system. Please contact Threadrive for further details.



Tel: +44 (0) 113 242 4342 Web:



Tel: +44 (0) 1268 288880 Email:

Tornado Construction Products With the launch of our new catalogue, 2008 sees the arrival of Tornado constructional products. Long established in the Hire sector, supplying the Hire trade with a range of fixings, resins and other consumables. Tornado has always been known for its Rapide range of products and the EXP88 shot fired tool. Both these and the full range of resins, fixings and other Tornado products can be seen at this year’s Fastener fair. STAND E1.

Tel : +44 (0) 1829 261 111

TR Distributor Sales TR Distributor Sales (previously Fastener Factory) specialises in fasteners for sheet metal, screws and inserts for plastic, Binx threadlocking nuts, security fasteners and micro diameter fasteners from M0.6. Call now for our comprehensive brochure or visit our website.

Trutek Trutek has become a recognized brand throughout Europe and the Middle East, renowned for its quality and reliability of products and services offered. With an expanding approval program and introduction of new innovative products you will find many anchoring systems to suit most applications.

Washer Factory The UK’s premier manufacturer of special washers and pressings, offers competitive prices and quick turnaround in steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, duplex stainless and other exotic alloys. Good product knowledge, an extensive range of tooling, and no minimum order quantities ensures we can cater for all your requirements.

World of Fixings

PRICE LIST 2008/09

To find out more about our company and our product range please contact us on:

Importers and wholesalers of TIMco screws and fixings and Addax power tool accessories to distributors throughout Europe. The range includes woodscrews, Classic Multi-purpose screws, drywall screws, anchors and other screw types, and in the Addax range the products consist of SDS bits, Masonry bits, TCT Multi-purpose drills, cobalt drills, Holesaws and many more.

Tel : +44 (0) 1142 42 3333

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 865 777 Fax: +44 (0) 1902 864 777


Lean, lithe and powerful It took “pride of place” on the NM Group Global stand at wire 2008 Düsseldorf, drawing plenty of attention. It has an outstanding pedigree and the attributes to meet today’s fastener manufacturing needs, anywhere in the world. The place to really get to know it is Suzhou, China – so that’s where Phil Matten went. NM Group Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd, National Machinery’s 100% owned subsidiary in China, has just celebrated its first anniversary. The company started with eight people. Forty-five surrounded the birthday cake on April 17. The 4,000 square metre, custom built plant is home to a very new National. Where better to catch up with Group CEO, Andrew H. Kalnow and senior vice-president of engineering and IT, Gregory A. Smith, to find out what is causing all the excitement. Depending on where you are in the world you’ll know it as the LeanFX or the PumaFX. Either way National is committed to making it the pounding heart of the fastener manufacturing industry. Designed at Tiffin, Ohio – the 130 year home of National Machinery – and owing its lineage and core technology to the formidable Formax series of formers, the LeanFX is manufactured in Suzhou by an intensively trained and supervised team of local workers. Andrew Kalnow explains the conception of the new machine. “We had on the corporate chalkboard for some time a question: could we produce a simplified, less expensive Formax? We knew there would be a clear demand in the worldwide market. Customers said to us, ‘Formax, we love it, but for more straightforward fastener and parts production it is more expensive than we would like.” “Formax is a premium product, with an appropriately premium price. So we took the approach of broadening the market. The core Formax is particularly suited to complex coldformed parts production. What was needed, to compliment it, was a more versatile machine

that bridged into the fastener market. While it is not as basic as the machines one gets out of Taiwan elsewhere, it has been carefully simplified and positioned at the right price point that, performance to cost, it delivers the right value equation.” “When we first came to China three years ago it became clear that such a machine was required for the market here, if we were going to go beyond sales to western transplants. That’s what kicked us into gear. Then we realised that we had something that could be taken back to the rest of the world.” All of which explains a dual branded machine. For the Chinese market it is the “PumaFX”– a name consciously chosen to emphasise the speed and agility it brings to fastener producers, who need precision and long-term reliability as the platform to step up in the valued-added market. “Those aspirations are very clear to see here,” says Andrew Kalnow, “not just for exported parts but also for burgeoning domestic automotive and engineering sectors.” “Europe, Japan and elsewhere in the world Formax is well known,” Andrew Kalnow continues. “So in these markets it is about emphasising the productivity advantages of a more cost effective machine. Lean has become the universally recognised concept that encompasses these advantages. FX is a reminder of the pedigree of the machine and the quality and performance that remains irrevocably at its heart.” “The engineering strategy was to come up with a simpler, lower cost machine,” explains

Greg Smith, “still firmly based on the best of the best, in terms of our proven and market-established Formax design.” “Of course it is not easy to strip out cost without removing some major features. The LeanFX is not a quick change Formax. The quick change was taken off and replaced with manual adjustment. That allowed us to simplify the electrics, a lot of which related to automatic adjustments. The heart of the machine, though, is still very much a Formax. There is still linear feed, albeit with manual adjustment, there is still a precision zero clearance heading slide and zero clearance transfer. Then, achieving the desired price point is about reducing manufacturing costs. To do that we needed to take it to a lower cost production environment – one which remained entirely under our strict quality control.” Which is where a National 100%-owned and operated Suzhou facility came into the equation one year ago. The plant has four 10,000 square metre bays. The first is dedicated to training and demonstration.


is a classroom style training room. There On the main floor there is an array of machine main assemblies, used for maintenance and setting training. There are also two fully operational Formax 2000 machines for demonstration. “Seeing is believing,” says Greg Smith. It’s a time proven concept in any language or culture. Unlike other parts of the world, Formax was not particularly known to Chinese companies. So we set up the two demonstration machines, which also provide us with the opportunity to trial-run customers’ parts. We can demonstrate the level of engineering invested in each machine and, most persuasive of all, we can show their speed, which radically outperforms any machine most of our visitors have ever seen before.” The second production zone is dedicated to parts machining and production. The equipment in which National has already invested is state-of-the-art, much of it from the world’s largest CNC machine builder, Haas Automation. The team of young engineers, recruited carefully to have a solid grounding in machining skills, are mentored and managed by experienced engineers and inspectors on secondment from Tiffin. Local vendors for materials and parts are stringently assessed and approved. Initial batches of parts produced in house at Suzhou are shipped to Tiffin for rigorous inspection, technically and aesthetically, before they are used. Following the initial success of the parts production facility at Suzhou, National is now looking at a second phase of machinery investment and operative development. “Currently, 80% of the parts used in the LeanFX come from Tiffin,” says Greg Smith. “It is a deliberate and lengthy process to identify, evaluate and approve local vendors and to develop our own parts production capabilities here. Some components, though, will always be produced in Tiffin, because of the design

and manufacturing capabilities required. The best example is the cams. They are the magic in our machine and we want to exercise absolute control over their quality. Between materials, heat treatment and precision these are not parts with which we can take a risk, because they underpin the performance of the whole machine.” Suzhou’s machine assembly shop currently has a mix of LeanFX units in production and a set of ball headers from a Japanese transplant in China undergoing refurbishment. Significantly, without the Suzhou facility it is doubtful that National would have won the contract for rebuilding the eight machines. Also significantly, it is Suzhou’s five service engineers – one electrical and four mechanical – that have worked on the ball headers, developing invaluable hands on experience under the careful tutelage of Tiffin mentors. “Over the decades there have been plenty of westerners that have popped into China with good equipment only to sell it and leave the Chinese customer without service and support.” says Andrew Kalnow. “Our on-the-ground commitment to five service engineers based here, and trained literally on the building of the machines, is crucial. That was the original premise for setting up a business here and we have expanded upon that. The principle is simple - make it is easier for your customer.” The final area of the Suzhou facility is dedicated to NM Global Group subsidiary CTG, assembling Ransohoff cleaning equipment for the Chinese market. Back in the meeting room Greg Smith elaborates on the relationship between PumaFX and LeanFX. “The PumaFX serves as the platform. From that we can configure the machine into the LeanFX for marketing to Europe, for which it is CE compliant, and other markets outside China.” “Currently we offer two M10 four-die

machines in medium and long stroke options. We have received a lot of feedback, as well as a lot of interest, over the last two or three weeks since Düsseldorf wire. In terms of development our first move will probably be to provide more die options for the M10 machine. Then we may be able to consider different size machines. By definition, though, there will never be a full array of options as Formax and certainly not Formax Plus. A key part of the cost equation is standardisation, which necessitates us focusing on the volume segment of the market.” So, one machine, meeting the diverse needs of two markets. For China the PumaFX is without doubt a big cat; its speed, precision and reliability singling it out from other locally produced machinery. This is a National machine through and through, built to perform in the long term and aimed at those companies that

aspire to move upstream. It will run excellent standard fasteners as well as providing the opportunity to engineer special parts to meet automotive and other critical requirements. For the wider market, a name that epitomises the imperative to produce longer runs of more standardised product economically, but with a constant reminder of an extraordinary pedigree of precision machine building. The first LeanFX, unveiled at wire 2008 Düsseldorf, is now being commissioned at SPS Technologies in the UK. If National has formulated its strategy as thoroughly as certainly appears to be the case, expect to see the many more LeanFX at work across Europe.

Manufacturers & Designers of Thread Rolling Dies Knurls & Engineer’s Chasers


TAPTITE® contact us via email: tel: +44 (0)1543 682561 fax: +44 (0)1543 686232

In-line wire drawing system for 30 mm wire.

The # 1 Europe based supplier of in-line wire drawers and power-driven uncoilers.

TECNO IMPIANTI S.r.l. Via Postale Vecchia, 67 23857 VALGREGHENTINO (LECCO) ITALY Tel. +39 0341 604801 Off-line wire drawing system for 30 mm wire.

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Wonderful wire 2008, Düsseldorf Organisers of wire 2008 and Tube 2008, staged at the Düsseldorf Messe from 31 March to 4 April, were understandably euphoric about this year’s event. Record exhibitor numbers were complimented by record visitor attendances. Joachim Schäfer, managing director of Messe Düsseldorf, summed up the organisers’ feelings: "Messe Düsseldorf is elated to have topped the good figures of the 2006 events. The overall economic situation is very good, the worldwide demand is at its highest, exhibitors have commended the organisers for the internationality of the audience and were able to write numerous orders." There was a total of just under 2,200 exhibitors for the combined events - 1,129 companies in the wire halls and 1,028 in Tube occupying more than 95,000 square metres exhibition space. In all, 73,600 trade visitors from more than 90 countries visited during the five days of wire 2008 and Tube 2008 in Düsseldorf. The proportion of international businesspeople coming to the two shows is traditionally high, justifying Messe Düsseldorf’s claim to stage the most important events for these markets worldwide. About 58% of the total 40,700 visitors to wire came from outside Germany and the total was 3.9% up on 2006 numbers. Of the 72 countries represented the highest number of visitors came from France, India, the UK, Italy, the USA, Poland, Brazil and Belgium. 80% of visitors said they were from industry. Fastener manufacturing technology exhibits were concentrated in about one-third of Hall 13 and around 60% of Hall 14. While access between the two halls was good the split layout was less comfortable than previous years, when most fastener machinery companies were concentrated in a single hall. Our own stand was in Hall 14. For these halls the opening Monday was, as usual, relatively quiet. Tuesday was generally described as “OK” by exhibitors but did cause a few jitters, as weaker than expected foot traffic cast doubts over the remaining days. Wednesday and Thursday, however, more than compensated and were outstandingly busy for virtually the full opening hours. Visitor numbers also held up well into the normally quieter Friday. Our photographs give the best impression of the diversity of equipment on display - and the level of visitor interest. One notable piece of positioning was the large NM Group Global stand that dominated the entrance to Hall 13. A commitment, which National freely


admitted, reflected the current doldrums in the US market and the European sales opportunity presented by the weak US Dollar in relation to the euro. The stand featured a Formax Plus destined for AHG in France, but prominence was given to the brand new LeanFX, on which more elsewhere in this issue, sold to SPS Technologies in the UK. Shown alongside it was a Ransohoff cleaning unit, from NM subsidiary CTG. Other exhibits came from associates, including Nakashimada Engineering Works with two headers on the stand - an NP81 and a NF220, both sold. Mectron Engineering demonstrated their laser array inspection technology. The Wafios Group had three large stands in the overall show, the main one in Hall 10 focusing on spring and wire processing equipment. In Hall 8 a joint stand with Mewag AG, acquired by the group at the beginning of 2008, concentrated on tube bending technology. In Hall 13 the stand was dedicated to fastener related equipment including a double-blow nailmaker with shank threading, a high performance cold header, and camera based inspection systems. One notable exhibit was an integrated forming centre for small parts, an SMR 2.6, capable of producing up to 400 pieces per minute of 1-2.6mm diameter up to 12mm long parts. Sacma Group, which incorporates Ingramatic thread rollers, arguably took the honours for stylish stand design. Carlo Salvi also had a substantial presence in Hall 13, and neither was short of visitors throughout the main show days. In Hall 14 Nedschroef counterpoised the National stand and also drew visitors consistently. In fact, the overwhelming majority of stands were busy throughout the core days of wire to the satisfaction of every exhibitor to whom we spoke. There is no doubt that the five day event provides a unique occasion to physically show new manufacturing equipment and draws a truly international array of buyers. Apart from the general high level of interest there were a few discernable trends. Inspection equipment was more visible than ever before – General Inspection had a substantial corner stand in Hall 14 – again, no doubt keen to exploit the Dollar exchange rate – but there were also plenty of European exhibitors, with Gefra notable for a busy stand. Options for production simulation software also appeared more varied than before. Jern Yao and Chun Zu both appeared to have rather more subdued stands than at previous wire shows and there was a general impression of fewer Far East visitors. In contrast Russian and Eastern European accents were to be heard regularly. The dates for wire 2010/Tube 2010 have not yet been announced. Messe Düsseldorf and the Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken (German Tool Machine Plant Association) that organised METAV, said that they will analyse the results of exhibitor and visitor surveys during the coming weeks and then schedule the new dates.

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Essebi introduces SB 412 At Wire 2008 Essebi revealed its new machine the SB 412, a four die progressive header that is also built in a 5-die issue. The SB 412 cuts wire diameter 14, and has a forging power of 130 tons. The machine has a stripper and retainer device for short or semihollow parts. “All the visitors to our stand during WIRE were very impressed by the performance of the

machine, so much so that it was sold before the end of the exhibition to a very important German company.” With its two facilities in Milan and Shanghai, Essebi has the advantage of being able to offer its customers both machines for standard parts, from Shanghai, or technologically advanced machines, for special parts, from Italy.

Hilker sets the PACE

WIRE a success for Manassero

At WIRE Düsseldorf Hilker & Partner GmbH demonstrated its new PACE machine, which it says has the worlds only existing 3D laser scanner for high speed. Hilker commented that with visitors from all over the world visiting its stand at WIRE, it allowed it to hold meetings to find out each visitors needs and requirements for 3D inspection. Hilker’s PACE machine has an accuracy of up to 0.1 µm, and a working speed of up to 100 parts per minute. It also features double crack detection with new distance compensation to allow nearly any shape of the part to be crack detected. Crack detection is also possible on aluminium or stainless steel which widens the range of parts that can be inspected on the PACE machine. Other new features available include new material and hardness test with 64 frequencies, multi channel crack detection and linear motors for the recess soft surface control, all of which were seen by visitors to the Hilker & Partner GmbH stand.

Manassero Srl reported that it was more then happy with the amount of visitors its stand received at WIRE Dusseldorf. “We had a remarkable number of visitors to our stand,” explains Marco Manassero, managing director. “We met several new customers from India, Turkey, Iran, etc. and are confident that these contacts will turn into business in the future, as it always has done in the past.” Marco pointed out that he believed that most visitors always rushing through the show, due to their tight schedule, but this didn’t

SKAKO COMESSA has good vibrations SKAKO COMESSA reported that it had a successful WIRE Dusseldorf and was very pleased with the amount of customers/visitors that visited its stand throughout the show. “The Show was very successful for us and the visitors seemed to be in a good mood and were positive about the industry and the current market situation,” explained Dirk Ehrenheim, sales manager. SKAKO COMESSA produces and sells vibratory feeders and conveyors to transport and separate various materials. An example is the SKAKO COMESSA – storage feeder type FVE which is used for continuous and weight-specific charging of materials, especially products prone to jamming e.g. long screws, nails etc. The FVE can be used as product feeding for a range of machines including hardening and annealing furnaces, thread rolling machines, preparation machines, packaging machines, electro-plating machines, melting furnaces, machines for quality control, separating plants and washing machines.

stop Manassero having several interesting meeting and technical discussions. “Through the meetings we had at the show we will visit the new customers’ factories and try to find the most appropriate solution for the machines they need.” However, there was one criticism of the show, “Hall 14 was badly organised with spring and cold forming manufacturing machines all mixed up, which we believe meant that we missed customers who thought there was no more stands related to fastener machines once they reached the spring section.”

Overall Marco was happy with the show and highlighted the growth of the company in the last two years as one of the contributing factors. “We had a remarkable number of visitors and this doesn't come as a surprise, in fact during these last two years we made relevant investments, as we doubled our warehouse and the number of machines, made a brand new website with high quality videos of each machine and moreover Niccolò Manassero joined us, bringing to the company his enthusiasm and knowledge of new technologies.”

Can-Eng installs T-6 heat treatment system Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd, Niagara Falls, NY, has recently installed and commissioned a high volume T-6 heat treatment system. The Basketless Heat Treatment System (BHTS) will process aluminium intensive engine components for an automotive manufacturing company located in the south eastern United States. The system was specifically designed for integration in an existing engine plant for the processing of cast aluminium cylinder heads. Once fully implemented, the system will double the manufacturer’s current casting heat treatment capacity.

Can-Eng Furnaces’ BHTS provides the engine manufacturer with a reduction in energy consumption and emissions, whilst also reducing the floor space requirements over conventional roller hearth treatment systems. The manufacturing system allows for a reduction in WIP inventories while providing improvements through the unique individual part handling strategy. The BHTS integrates transfer devices, robotic automation, unique solution and aging furnaces, rapid quench transfer device, water quench system, part identification and a user friendly advanced controls package to deliver a cellular processing system.

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RLS Tooling licensed to make MAThread® rolling dies RLS Tooling has announced that it has been granted a licence from MAThread Inc. to manufacture thread rolling dies to produce the MAThread® and MATpoint® fasteners. The next few months will be spent on making the master tooling and producing sample dies for approval with the aim of being in a position to offer regular supply of dies by the middle of the year. The introduction of the MAThread® range of dies dovetails well with RLS expansion plans for the year. To help boost production it has installed two new grinding machines last year and expect to install more CNC machining centres this year. “To further improve our production we are updating our CAD/CAM software to assist in making the more complex style of dies. As part of our commitment to customer service we are installing new software that will enable us to respond more quickly to enquiries, order progressing and accounts.”

WIRE shaped up well for Simufact Simufact Engineering GmbH, a provider of software and services in the area of bulk metal forming, announced that its booth at the Wire 2008 fair in Düsseldorf drew the attention of many visitors. “Numerous engineers from various industries visited our stand and showed considerable interest in simulation for bulk metal forming processes.” With its new name Simufact Engineering GmbH, which was changed from Femutec GmbH in February 2008, the company is building up its brand recognition and is demonstrating its focus on its core business "Simulating

Manufacturing". At Wire 2008, Simufact introduced the new version of Simufact.forming, which will officially be released in May this year. The new version offers major improvements of the graphical user interface, a superior solver technology, a more efficient data exchange with CAD tools, plus the implementation of parallel computing methods, to guarantee short calculation times. As well as this, Simufact informed visitors about its latest news and activities, including the foundation of Simufact Americas LLC in the USA and a new office at the technology center METAKUS in Baunatal.

Introducing Matco Engineering A new, UK based parts machining business has been set up to help low to medium volume manufacturers secure a regular supply of quality machined parts on time, and at the right price. Matt Bishop, a manufacturing engineer with many years’ experience in the automotive, aerospace and other engineering sectors, has set up Matco Engineering in Birmingham, UK, having identified a gap in the market for a machining company willing to work in partnership with customers to develop a solution, and then guarantee its timely delivery. Matt said: “The purpose of Matco is to provide a turnkey solution for low and medium volume manufacturers, from sourcing the raw material, through machining, processing, assembly and test to guaranteed on-time delivery. A key element in our offer is to help customers avoid the costly interruptions to supply that they frequently experience when their machining sub

contractors experience periods of high demand.” “Matco has a business model that we believe is unique in the industry. We are introducing high-end service levels and closely tailoring our schedules to the needs of individual customers so that they are confident they can rely on us to meet their particular requirements.” “Customers who wish to take on a priority contract with Matco can book a regular amount of machine time. This is something that has not been possible for low and medium volume manufacturers until now, and we believe that this, coupled with our regular, nationwide delivery service, provides benefits that will allow our customers to manage their own manufacturing operations more efficiently.” Matco has been set up with an initial investment in capital equipment of over £200,000, and a team of four highly experienced machine operators.

Looking for the perfect match By acquiring the Henkel wire drawing lubricant business in July 2007, CONDAT was looking to obtain a perfect match with its well-known VICAFIL® range. CONDAT was already offering lubricants, for cold forming applications covering rod/wire drawing, cold rolling, drawing of bars and tubes as well as cold heading. The result of this product integration was presented at WIRE 2008, where CONDAT displayed a complete range of special soaps under the famous brand name of STEELSKIN®. Among these specific soaps, a unique technology called “pellets” allows us to present the lubricant, not in a powder form but as granules which are obtained by a specific manufacturing process. The main advantages of the pellet technology are to provide: • Dust free environment in workshops. • Low soap consumption during drawing. • Consistent lubricant supply in the die cone. Moreover the STEELSKIN® lubricants range is also introducing a full range of high-tech dry lubricants answering the particular needs of severe applications where high resistance towards, pressure, temperature and shearing is needed. It includes sulphurised, graphited, mobydenium disulfide, synthetic or aluminium based products.


Improvements in process monitoring HELIOS 2K





EUROPEAN PATENT N.1 520 642 “Method and system for monitoring a cold forming process for metal" Date of publication: 26/03/08




Reducing interstation interference in progressive headers. In the case of complex machines, for instance progressive headers, the part being produced is subjected to different deformations in each of the working stations. The force which the sensor measures for each station, is added to by the interference produced by the force developed in the other stations. Each sensor is crossed by the lines of force coming from all of the stations. If the processing in one particular station requires weaker forces than the other stations, the part of the force that needs to be measured is ‘polluted’ by the mechanical interference generated in the other stations. This makes it extremely difficult to ensure the correct measurement. The traditional technique adopted to try to overcome this problem is based on the choice of the position of sensors on each station,

trying as far as possible to eliminate the interference generated by adjacent stations. However, this interference is unavoidably caputred by each sensor to some degree and added to the genuine signal from the specific station. The effect of this interference reduces the performance of the process monitoring system. Mr. Paolo Bellotto, owner of Eldes s.n.c., discovered that by carrying out a calibration of the production equipment, in which known forces are applied in each station and force values are simultaneously detected by sensors associated with each station, a matrix of values can be obtained. This matrix could then be used, when the machinery was operating normally, to calculate the real forces to which each work station is subjected. In such a way, the force values calculated for each work station take into account the mechanical interference generated by other stations. In effect the calculation carried out

Metal Forming Systems provides answer Metal Forming Systems, Inc. provides its customers with forming process design and validation related software. The software helps the users advance from part print to manufacturing process in a fraction of time. NAGFORM and NAGSIM.2d are the two key programs being produced by MFSI, and are currently being marketed and leased in North America, Europe and India. NAGFORM is a knowledge based software program for automatic and manual design of forming sequence

for formed parts. NAGSIM.2D is a finite element software program for the computer simulation of two-dimensional metal forming processes. The upcoming NAGSIM 3D software will provide the same features in a 3-Dimensional setting. For hot and warm forging processes, Metal Forming Systems offers ‘NagForge’ program for sequence design and Nagsim_Gen.2D FEA simulation program for process validation. In addition to these, ‘NagNest’ program is available for nesting Sheet Metal parts for optimum utilisation of material.

deduces the real force being applied at each work station from the forces detected in all of the other work stations. This method does not annul the interference. This would be mechanically impossible. Instead, once the coefficients of an equation describing the actual distribution of the forces in the machine are obtained, a mathematical formula can be applied to solve the problem. The end result is a substantial improvement in the precision of the process control and measurement, which adds to the mechanical isolation of the parts, achieving a good measurement result. Mr Bellotto’s invention has been granted European Patent N.1 520 642 “Method and system for monitoring a cold forming process for metal", published 26 March 2008. It operates on Eldes Helios 2K process control system, which is suitable for headers with up to six stations.

New line from Videx Videx is offering a new line of single or multiple die hand feed cold formers. The machines are designed for production of small and medium size batches of long headed, shouldered or extruded parts which can be either straight or bent. They are designed for quick and simple change-over and are available with 1, 2 or 3 heading stations and with a tonnage rating from 50 tons up to 300 tons. Also, a threading station is optional on all models. The new line of formers means that die change can be done quickly and effectively due to the whole gripper die block lifting up pneumatically, allowing the die change to be made from outside the machine. Also, the heading tools are reachable from the side and can be changed in a couple of minutes. The position of the blank is precise due to the retractable positive stop and the stroke is fully adjustable by turning a big wheel at the back of the machine.


DMP selects Infor for multi-site ERP implementation Infor has announced that Defiance Metal Products (DMP), a precision fabricator of metal parts and assemblies, has selected Infor ERP SL 8.0, formerly SyteLine, to manage manufacturing operations at its four facilities throughout the United States. DMP chose Infor ERP SL for the specific functionality built into the software for metal fabrication companies, which it will use to help standardise operations and implement lean manufacturing principles across its facilities. Headquartered in Defiance, Ohio, DMP is a

Successful 2007 for DocuWare AG DocuWare AG has announced that 2007 was its most successful year in its twenty year history. “The past financial year saw us grow by 14 percent, with sales topping the 10 million euro mark for the first time ever. We won 845 new customers for our integrated document management system, 130 more than the previous year.” Worldwide sales in the DocuWare group grew by 11 percent, on the previous year, to 10.5 million euros, almost exclusively from license sales. The project revenue generated from this by partners was around 46 million euros. “When adjusted for the exchange rate losses in the US dollar and the British pound, total growth reached 14 percent. This means that 2007 was the most successful year in our twenty year history.”

full-service precision metal fabricator serving industries such as truck/transportation and HVAC. DMP first recognised the strength of Infor ERP SL after its acquisition of Texas-based Central Industrial Supply, an existing Infor customer who used Infor ERP SyteLine 5. Based on this experience with the software, and after reviewing competing products from other vendors, DMP chose to standardise all of its facilities on the latest version of Infor ERP SL. Beginning at its Texas plant, DMP will upgrade its current version of the software and then begin a phased roll-out

to its three other plants located in Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Ohio. At those plants, Infor ERP SL will replace an existing ERP system developed in-house by the company. “Infor ERP SL provides the business and IT flexibility that allows companies like DMP to remain agile in ultra-competitive areas of discrete manufacturing,” said Kevin Piotrowski, director of Industry Product Marketing for Infor. “The technology architecture allows manufacturers to configure the software to fit their needs, making it easier to implement and able to evolve with their growth.”

FASTENERS CZ implements ABAS distribution ABAS Software has announced that FASTENERS CZ of Brno, Czech Republic, has recently implemented its business software. A distributor of fasteners and connection accessories, FASTENERS CZ implemented the business solution ABAS Distribution for wholesale, distribution and service companies. The project went live in January 2008 and was supported by amotIQ s.r.o., ABAS’s software partner in the Czech Republic.

According to Valentina Krckova, CEO at FASTENERS CZ, the company has already encountered improvements in every department since the go-live. “System integrity offers all information in one tool and everyone is responsible for one process which is well tracked,” she explains. “It is now much easier for me to manage my company and make the right decisions through improved process control and easier information access.” Improvements FASTENERS CZ says

it has already realised with ABAS Business Software include quicker purchase order generation, improved transparency in tracking quotes and purchase orders, as well as optimised sales evaluation. Parallel stock commissioning has also been enabled, with all sales orders now being accumulated in one warehouse. The result has been significant time savings realised in inter-warehouse transfers and packaging, leading to accelerated delivery times and invoice issuing.

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NEXT TIME YOU ARE ABOUT TO REGRET AN ENQUIRY - DON’T Ask us first, we can help ARNDALE ENGINEERING Western Approach, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 5NN Tel: 0191 455 6086 Fax: 0191 455 2447


Actinic announces New quick order entry facility for prof.ITplus version 9 Actinic, the supplier of ecommerce solutions for small and medium businesses, has announced the release of version 9 of its desktop ecommerce range. Chris Barling, CEO of Actinic says: “Over the last year the challenge has been to satisfy the demands of established, successful merchants managing increasingly sophisticated, multi-channel retail operations, while also enhancing the ease of use for start-up owners. In Actinic v9 we have made the changes to meet both sets of needs. In so doing, we can now offer the most advanced feature set in any ecommerce package and the best range of ecommerce solutions from a single supplier.” The changes in Actinic v9 include: • New multi-channel order processing - Actinic research and user feedback shows that the majority of online merchants also sell through other channels. So v9 provides a new order entry form for mail order and telephone orders, integrated to its ecommerce side to speed up order processing, postcode validation and direct credit card payment. • Enhanced usability - The addition of new Start-up and Design Wizards will enable new users to get up and running quickly. These are complemented by a revamped context-sensitive help function with access from every screen. For existing users, a Product Option Wizard speeds up new product creation while a completely new Tax Module provides extra flexibility for setting tax options. • Improved site management - Google Analytics integration improves web site management, enabling tracking of visitor behaviour and marketing campaigns to make better informed business development decisions. • Revised product range - v9 sees the consolidation of Actinic Business Multi-Site and Actinic Business MultiUser into one product. Designed to simplify the product range and make the upgrade path easier, Actinic Business Plus is a multi-site, single user licence with built-in networking capability, providing the option of adding further users. • New payments option - v9 also includes support for Actinic Payments, a new, competitively priced and reliable payment system scheduled to launch in midApril. It will offer the tightest integration ever between Actinic’s software and a payment gateway, with most common functions accessible directly from the desktop.

UK based IT experts OGL Computer has announced the latest development to prof.ITplus, its stock control and order processing software for merchants and distributors. The new order entry function has improved the sales order process as users of the software are able to rapidly enter a large list of order requirements via a ‘shopping list’ style format, similar to many retail and EPOS systems. With only essential fields on display and less keystrokes required, this new feature makes a big difference in improving operational efficiency. The new functionality will make a difference to

retail and trade counter users who are able to quickly enter large orders and view a running total of goods, carriage, VAT and gross prices while the customer is present. Teamed with the popular ‘haggle’ facility within prof.ITplus, users are also able to view order

profitability as price is discussed and compare prices to company guidelines as orders are entered onto the system.

stand J8 Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008

Efficient purchasing with RIO Reyher, the fasteners and fastener technology supplier based in Hamburg, used the recent e_procure & supply Fair in Nuremberg to unveil RIO│SCAN, a new module for its webshop: RIO – Reyher Internet Order.

RIO with RIO | SCAN offers information about item availability, the current on-line price and the possibility of printing bar codes directly from the Internet. The barcodes can serve either as shelf information or can be placed into a standard bar code catalogue. “By using a handy scanner the customer is in the comfortable position of being able to replenish C-items such as screws, nuts and accessories fast, thus avoiding wasted expenditure and annoying manual work which is more prone to error.”

the feeling for fasteners Den D en E Engelsman n g e l s m a n 18 18 • P P.O. .O. B Box ox 2 2670 6 7 0 • 6026 6 0 2 6 ZH ZH M Maarheeze a a r h e e z e • The The N Netherlands etherlands II:: w w w. s t a f a . n l • E E::


The bees’ knees of fixings How do you persuade a swarm of giant golden bees to make their home on the world's tallest residential building and not simply buzz off when they feel like it? The answer, according to the contractor responsible for mounting the installation art is Lindapter Hollo-Bolts. The 300m high Eureka tower dominates the Southbank area of Melbourne, Australia, and the bees - the work of sculptor Richard Stringer - are the latest spectacular addition to the façade.

The contractor needed a means of securing the bees that would be unobtrusive as well as tough. Lindapter Hollo-Bolts fitted the bill perfectly: the patented expansion bolt design provided a solution for attaching to the hollow-section structural steelwork behind the façade - the bees’ knees of fixings, you might say. Lindapter's Scott Brook notes: "The space behind the façade is quite cramped. Welding the mounts into place would have been difficult. Hollo-Bolts allowed the contractor to fix them in place easily, working just on the

exposed face of the steelwork." The Lindapter Hollo-Bolt is an expansion bolt method of securing to square, rectangular or circular hollow section steel, or to

conventional steelwork where access is available from one side only. Awarded the Design Council's Millennium Products status for innovation in connecting to hollow section, the Hollo-Bolt also has third party endorsements from Corus and the UK's Steel Construction Institute. For aggressive environments, the Hollo-Bolt comes with JS500

protection as standard and is available in hot-dip galvanised or stainless steel versions if the application demands. M16 and M20 sizes feature a collapse mechanism to maximise clamping force and enable use as a primary connection.

Display tape holds fast A high performance double sided PET adhesive tape developed by tesa was used in an application securing rigid PVC plastic film profiles, with strong elastic memory, to a foam centred display board for an exhibition display by UK manufacturers Colour Tone Masterbatch. Over 1,000 individual items were precision cut and formed from rolls of coloured film to produce the PVC plastic film profiles. A 20mm return was designed into the profiles to allow a convex shape to be formed, as well as accommodate the tesa 4965 double sided tape used for mounting. The fixing had to be sufficiently secure to ensure the panels would withstand transit from the UK to Germany, erection and 10 days under the glare of nine 100w spotlights at the trade show, as well as subsequent removal and return shipment. Based on a double coated high shear strength modified acrylic adhesive over a PET film, tesa 4965 is a 205μm thick transparent

adhesive tape with reliable bond performance even to low surface energy substrates. It is suited to applications where heavy stress and elevated temperatures are present and features a peel adhesion of up to 12.2 N/cm2 on a wide range of substrates including plastics, aluminium and steel. The temperature resistance of tesa 4965 is up to 200°C short term and 100°C long term. Elongation is 50% and tensile strength is ≥30 N/15mm. Tesa says that in tests, at 23°C, the tesa 4965 holds a 20 x 13mm stainless steel sample plate weighing 500g for over 10,000 minutes.

If you have a problem finding specialist screws, if you can’t find them, if no one else can help, maybe you should hire . . .



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ACT (FASTENERS & COMPONENTS) LIMITED T: +44 (0)1902 791880 F: +44 (0)1902 791884

E: W: Units 13 & 16, Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Station Road, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton WV10 7DB, UK.


Profil secures light for Clubman The addition of Profil UK’s M8 x 25mm steel EBF studs, to retain rear light clusters on BMW Mini Clubman models, brings the total number of Profil nuts and studs employed on Mini variants to more than 150. The latest application involves the installation of 4 off studs in both the left and right hand rear light bowls as part of their manufacturing process. The deep drawn pressings are produced from 1.5mm Zintec material, with the studs installed using purpose-designed dies at the final station of the press’s transfer tooling. “The consistency and integrity of pierce fastening methods are inherently greater than for equivalent welded fixings, which are prone to variations in the base material, surface contamination and operator skill levels”, says Profil UK’s sales manager Adrian Ellis. Other Profil products can be found in both ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ areas of the vehicle, such as 10 off M6 EBF type studs installed on the fuel tank reinforcing rings, as well as various M6 and M8 RND types nuts used on reinforcers in areas such as the bonnet hinge, door mirrors and handbrake. Profil fasteners are also specified for the dashboard cross-beam mounting, while the heaviest duty variants are reserved for the vehicle’s sub-frame anchorage points. These M12 nuts, which are mounted in the

floor pan, incorporate large reinforcing flanges in order to provide the required static and dynamic load carrying capabilities.

Huck C59L® lockbolt on right track TFC ready for take off Alcoa Fastening Systems (AFS) has supplied Nottingham based Balfour Beatty Rail Track Systems with the Huck C50L® Lockbolt for an inclined, part welded rail crossing. Although used in previous designs Balfour Beatty were approached by Network Rail with the specific request to use Huck fasteners, who in turn was provided with support from specialist AFS distributor to rail manufacturers, Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd. Brian Hayles, special trackwork standards engineer at Balfour Beatty Rail Track Systems said: “Even though Huck is a recognised and well established brand, the major advantage over using a nut and bolt system post installation is virtually zero maintenance. Although the inclined crossing solution provides a better profile for the train’s wheels to roll on, every rail bearing position, depending on the location, could potentially require a different base plate. However, due to its ease of installation and resulting joint strength the use of the C50L fastener offers the necessary flexibility to deal with that. In addition, the nut and bolt option requires auxiliary tapered washers to correct the inclined angle of the track, which may not only compromise the clamp force but is an extra cost.”

TFC Ltd has recently moved into the world of avionics, with aircraft manufacturers becoming aware of the benefits of using TFC’s wave springs and retaining rings. Various aircraft manufacturers have approached TFC to supply the Smalley Crest to Crest Wave Springs and retaining rings, to be used in securing the aircraft Passenger Service Units (PSU); by preloading the lighting, heating and airconditioning elements in the panels above the passenger seats. “The reduced dimensions of the springs

enable more control and functionality of the lighting, heating and air-conditioning, as well as offering a greater degree of movement, allowing them to be more accurately focused in an area of choice by the passenger.” The TFC Smalley Crest to Crest Wave Spring and retaining rings are used on aircrafts such as the A380 Airbus and private passenger jets and add flexibility to design, which TFC says is due to its increased range of sizes and dimensions, all of which it says can be supplied at short notice.

US Navy testing TineLok Permanent Technologies, Inc. has announced that the United States Navy is currently testing the TineLok Vibration-Proof Fastening System in its newest Hovercraft, the Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC). The LCAC is a high-speed, over-the-beach, fully amphibious landing craft, used to transport heavy payloads of equipment (up to 75 tons), cargo and personnel from ship to shore for the Marine Air-Ground Task Force. The TineLok fasteners have been installed on the Hovercraft for almost a year and according to feedback from the Navy the fasteners have worked flawlessly to date. "We are confident that the TineLok will perform to the U.S. Navy's exacting high-vibration requirements for this strategic project," stated Loren Ball, president and CEO of Permanent Technologies, Inc. "In addition to the performance requirements, we believe TineLok also gives the Navy the ability to make repairs, adjustments and service the components in the field without any special tools - a major feature of the TineLok System."

HECO ®-Schrauben – the right screws for all applications in wood, plastic, sheet metal, stone and concrete.

Fixings / Visit Furniture stems Sy r ne ste Fa Aptus ventry Fastener Fair Co 2008 ne 11th – 12th Ju Stand J 13

® ben HE CO -Schrau Safe and Secure

HECO-FIX-plus® – the universal screw with patented tooth design never fails to impress.

concrete with ETA approval and DIBt approval (German Institute for Building Technology).

MULTI-MONTI ® – the ingenious screw anchor for cracked and non-cracked

HECO-TOPIX ® – the wood screw with innovative tip and shank design. Position, drive-in, done – no need for predrilling.

HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co.KG Dr.-Kurt-Steim-Straße 28, D-78713 Schramberg Tel. +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-0, Fax: +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-200 E-Mail: Internet:



Bülte Plastics

Bäcker Kunststofftechnik is Europe’s leading manufacturer of plastic threaded parts.

TRANSPARENT NUTS, WASHERS AND SCREWS A new range of fasteners in Polycarbonate has been introduced by BÜLTE PLASTICS : screws, washers DIN 125 and Hex nuts DIN 934 have been added to the company’s portfolio of over 15,000 products.

The DIN standard program comprises screws, nuts and washers from M 2 – M 24. Delivery is very largely ex-stock or at short notice. The material used is polyamide 6.6 natural. If desired, many other materials are also available. Almost all RAL colors can be supplied at the request of the customer to match the color of the finished product. Specialty: plastic threaded parts specially manufactured from drawing or sample

Polycarbonate threaded fasteners with their “see through” qualities give you the opportunity to use them as part of the external design of your assembly. They are also useful in industries where light is a necessary component such as optics, electronics, etc. This material is resistant to weather, provides excellent dimensional stability, ductility, and high mechanical toughness. The working temperature range is -120 to +120°C. Washers are available in : M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12. Nuts are available in : M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12. Hexagonal head Screws are available in: M5 to M12 (other dimensions and forms on request). For more information, contact us:


fischer fixings Uk Ltd.

Fastbolt’s range of screws for plastics Under the registered name of PLASFAST, fastbolt market two specific types. Both different in thread profile and material suitability. PLASFAST - 60o is atrilobular threadforming screw designed for use with harder plastic materials. This product is soon to be offered in the recently introduced small FB box. These extremely popular fasteners for high speed mass assembley applications are available with either Pan or Countersunk head types, with cross recess Z drives and are available from 2.2 to 5.2mm diameter and 6.5 to 25mm in length. The more recent introduction of the PLASFAST - 30o represents another significant development in Fastbolt’s capacity as a small screw specialist and takes the company into a new dimension in threadforming screws. The non-tribobular screw has a 30o profiled thread which is designed to produce a low drive torque for efficient assembley with greater thread penetration into softer thermoplastics ensuring enhanced strip torque once the application is fastened. The PLASFAST - 30o is available in Pan, Countersunk and Flange head configurations complete with Multi drive T and Cross Recess Z drives.


FISCHER THERMAX DEMONSTRATES PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH The medium-weight version of the fischer Thermax comes complete with a UX universal nylon fixing in M8 and M10 sizes. It is designed for applications such as fixing downpipes, lights, signs, aerials and satellite dishes into walls which have external wall insulation (EWI). EWI is increasingly common on properties of all types, especially public sector housing refurbishments, as it upgrades the thermal insulation characteristics of a building and also renews the aesthetics in one step. However EWI presents a notorious fixings challenge, when it comes to mounting external services. The fischer Thermax provides a very strong anchor into any substrate and eliminates the problem of thermal bridging, which is caused by traditional methods of anchoring through the external wall insulation. The design ensures that the load is transferred to the building substrate itself, ensuring maximal load-bearing characteristics. “Thermax is a totally unique product from fischer,” says David Harvey, EWI manager at fischer fixings UK Ltd. “There is nothing else on the market which gives these types of loads into externally-insulated walls, while also not compromising the insulation of the structure.

Tel: +44 (0)1491 827900

Global Plastics

ForgeFix At ForgeFix, our pledge has been to supply our customers with quality products at very competitive prices. Key products for us have been Hammer and Frame Fixings, Window Frame Anchors, Plasterboard Fixings, Plastic Plugs and our comprehensive range of Screws. These commodity products have been the back bone of ForgeFix for many years and we continue to supply them to our customer base with the knowledge that our quality has improved year on year. Our best selling product is the Plasterboard Speed Plug which has been specially designed for fixing in to Plasterboard. Its design incorporates a countersunk head which allows a totally flush finish when fixing. Recently we have introduced new and exciting additions to our range that maybe will supersede some of the more established fixing and fasteners and would add that we will be available to show and demonstrate some of these new products at the forth coming Fastener Fair including Concrete Frame Screws and Timber fix Screws. We will also be demonstrating at the Show the new Tile Max drill bit range.

Following the purchase of our new premises in Farnborough, Hampshire last June, we have concentrated heavily on expanding our standard generic range of plastic fasteners. In particular, we have added 1,100 new sizes of industry standard PCB supports, together with a further 2,000 specialised plastic rivets for automotive applications. We will be launching our new 100 page corporate brochure shortly, and will be totally revamping our corporate website to reflect the new range. We have also added a full range of aluminium self adhesive cable clamps to compliment our plastic parts, giving us one of the most comprehensive catalogues available. We have been able to support our larger customers through direct shipments to their worldwide locations giving us a true “worldwide sourcing, worldwide supply� strategy. Despite the economic gloom, we will achieve a 30% uplift in business this year, and strongly believe we can offer genuine long term savings to new clients. The global forecast for fastener production is increasing dramatically, despite negative press, and Global Plastics has developed a strong reputation for service, as a genuine alternative brand. K P Rogers - Managing Director.

Come and visit us on Stand H12 at the Fastener Fair Coventry 2008.

Tel: +44 (0) 1663 719460


Tel: +44 (0) 1252 373 242


The Schreiber range of alloy products consists of our All Steel Wirehanger with Eye Bolt, the bolt diameter is 6mm and the lengh is 60mm with a minimum hole depth of 30mm. These provide an eye fixing for wire, ideal for fixing suspended ceilings.

Newsflash Schreiber are selling Nylon Fixings at 2007 prices whilst stocks last. At our Brierley Hill warehouse we hold stocks of Hammer Fixings, Frame Fixings and still have sizes left of Window Frame Anchors.

The easiest way to fix onto plasterboard is with our Plasterboard fixings which we supply in 2 sizes 12 x 38 and 12 x 33, complete with screw. We also supply Metal Cavity Fixings for plasterboard and dry-lining fixing, a heavy duty fixing that will give a permanent threaded anchor in cavity walls by using a screwdriver and fast setting tool. Finally, we hold stocks of Steel, fire proof Hammer Drive Nails 6.0 X 30 through to 6.0 x 65. Our nail expanding anchor is suitable for materials such as concrete, solid brickwork and solid stonework, these are zinc plated. For further information on any of these products please contact our sales staff on 01582 575727 or visit our website

Our Frame and Hammer Fixings are a Csk Pozi Steel Framing and Hammer Screw with a high quality anti-rotational nylon 6/6 plug. Frame Fixings plugs have 6 wings. The Window Frame Anchors are the same high quality nylon 6/6 with a Reinforced Fibre-Glass Wedge. We also hold stocks of Nylon plugs and again these would be at 2007 prices whilst stocks last. If you need further details then call 01582 575727 and speak to our sales staff who will only be too pleased to quote. You can also visit our website at

Tel: +44 (0)1582 575727

Tel: +44 (0)1582 575727


Klimas Wrekt-met Sp. z.o.o. For years Poland's leading manufacturer specialized in fastener technologies in polyamide and polypropylene: fasteners for thermal insulation with 5 ETAs, frame plugs, hammer drive plugs, multi-purpose plugs, universal versatile plugs - made on molding injection machines of known trademarks such as Arburg, Demag and Krauss Maffei. On the other hand wkret-met produces a vast variety of screws since 1989 like chipboard screws, self drilling screws for metal sheet and construction panels.

Konak Civata Konak Civata has a long term experience in producing nearly every type of screw. In the mean time KONAK works with 65 high tec screw producing machines. Special parts can be produced on request. Competitive prices, best quality, excellent service, fast delivery and private label are Konak's strengths.

All products are tested and approved to provide high quality. The company is ISO 9001 certified.

Please meet us at Fastener Fair Coventry, stand B5

Konak Citava specialise in Brass products such as brass bolts and screws, dome nuts, machine screws, nuts, wing nuts and screws. Konak Civata offers various types of nuts - castle/slotted, rectangular, rivet, steel dome, self locking nylon and steel nuts. Some of Konak Civata's stainless steel products include stainless steel fastener and fixings, nuts, washers, wood and chipboard screws. Various other products include anchors and concrete fixings, blind fastening systems, blind rivet nuts, box bolts, window screws, wood and chipboard screws, circlips, collars, pre-pak fixings, mild steel bolts and screws, flange nuts and bolts, drop in anchors, collated nuts and screws, dry wall screws. Konak Civata also specialise in nylon and plastic plugs. For more information on the product range Konak Civata offer, please visit our website or email us

Tel. +48 (0) 34 3777100

Nylon & Alloys Ltd

Plastic Parts Centre Plastic Parts Centre have just launched their latest FREE CATALOGUE, which now contains 11000 stocked parts. They have added a further 1500 NEW PARTS across all ranges.

Nylon & Alloys Ltd, distributors of Nylon, Aluminium and Titanium fasteners; we do what it says on the tin!




To receive a copy please call 0845 758 5070 or visit our website which is

Since 1965 this ISO 9001-2000 accredited, independent family owned company has been supplying the industry with Nylon, Aluminium and Titanium fasteners. In this increasingly diverse and competitive market place we aim to stand out from the crowd and provide customer support and satisfaction that is second to none. During recent times we have seen the demand for Titanium fasteners increase, and we now stock Grade 5 fasteners aimed at the motorsport industry and can usually deliver commercial quality Grade 2 fasteners to Din standards within 7 working days! All our titanium is traceable and a material certificate/certificate of conformity can be provided if requested at time of order. Call your local sales office

Of particular interest to readers of the 0845 758 5070 Fastener & Fixing Magazine is our Order online at comprehensive range of NYLON FASTENERS to which we have now added a comprehensive range of BLACK NYLON FASTENERS. This section also includes RIVETS, CLIPS and an EXTENDED RANGE OF BARBED PUSH FASTENERS. Try before you buy with our FREE SAMPLE SERVICE. All available EX-STOCK for NEXT DAY DELIVERY. To speak to your nearest Branch call 0845 758 5070 we look forward to hearing from you.

Our recently updated website shows our dedication and commitment to progress and is user friendly and intuitive. Price, availability specification, enquiry and purchasing is only a few clicks away . Why not give us a try. Tel: +44 (0) 20 8579 5166


Tel: +44 (0) 845 758 5070


Diamond drill kits from Plasplugs Plasplugs has developed a new way to drill tiles perfectly, the diamond hollow core drilling system. Working in the same way as Plasplugs’ wet wheel tile cutters, the advanced diamond tip drills a clean core through the hardest tiles, including porcelain, granite and marble, without chipping or cracking. The drill tip is water cooled in use by the integral cool-feed reservoir, with its quick and easy press button action dispensing a measured amount of water for the very best results. The diamond drills are aligned spot on by the unique patented self-centering drill guide; keeping the drill on target and eliminating drill wander and tile damage. The diamond tile drill kit is available for floors and walls in sizes 6.5mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 17mm and 25mm to cover an extensive range of domestic and industrial drilling tasks.

QuickRelease system from Stahlwille If sockets or other attachments get lost in an engine space or during tricky assembly jobs, you're in trouble. The result can be time-wasting searches and disassembly work until all the missing parts have been found. The single-handed quick-release safety lock offered by Stahwille prevents attachments inadvertently falling off the ratchets or extensions, as they can only be released if the user presses the release button. Durability tests involving many thousands of loadchanges have demonstrated that these new QR ratchets are just as long-lasting and reliable as standard ratchets. This is partly due to the drop-forged ratchet body made of chrome alloy steel with its rust-preventive, matt chromium finish. The pawl mechanism and the quick-release safety lock mechanism are also designed for long service lifetimes. In addition, the ratchet has an ergonomically shaped 2-component handle. It consists of a hard, high-grade core and a non-slip, soft, skydrol resistant contact surface. This ratchet is available with 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" square drives. To match this, there are Quick Release versions of extensions in 1/4" (lengths 54 and 150mm), 3/8" (lengths 76, 160 and 240mm) and 1/2" (lengths 52, 130 and 255mm). Irrespective of the individual ratchets, there are a number of sets, each with one ratchet and two or more extensions.

A force to be reckoned with Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd has announced the introduction of a new pneumatic setting tool, to a market where many millions of blind rivet nuts are being used to place a reinforced thread into sheet metals, profiles and hollow sections. The P2007, is a stylish hand-held tool, operated by a single trigger movement and engineered for speed, reliability and ergonomic use. Once set-up for a given thread diameter, within an M3-M10 overall capacity, the installer can set as many as fifteen RIVNUT® blind rivet nuts in a minute. Now using automatic force-control when ‘pullingup’ the fastener from one side of the workpiece, the new design employs a pressure sensitivity on the tool stoke, in order to ensure a totally consistent setting, even when faced with a variable material thickness. “Powerful performance is demonstrated by an ability to set up to M10 stainless steel with 17Kn of force. With a unique, ‘twist-to-set’, colour-coded pressure

regulator, changing the P2007 to set a different diameter blind rivet nut couldn’t be easier. Just wind the adjuster to the appropriate colour band. An auto-mount feature, senses contact with the end of the mandrel and quickly spins the rivet nut up against the anvil. On setting, the operator simply maintains pressure on the trigger throughout the cycle, to achieve totally consistent results. All that’s required is a pneumatic supply of 5 - 7bar pressure, with each cycle using 8 litres of air. The air supply can be connected to either side of the tool, depending on operator preference.”

stand J2 Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008

Have All. Sounds s Great. We W e have all standard parts in i stock. www

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For more Information please contact our sales sale es department


Nestinox adds stainless steel tools to its portfolio Nestinox now includes stainless steel tools in its catalogue as it believes that stainless steel fasteners need to be handled using the best tools. Nestinox has been a supplier of stainless steel fasteners such as bolts, nuts, screws, washers, machine bases, concrete anchors (e.g. wedge and chemical anchors), studding, roofing and gable fasteners etc, for almost 30 years.

“If the wrong tools are used with stainless steel fasteners, contact corrosion may develop. Small steel particles, even from the hardest of steels, can be deposited by friction on the stainless steel material, and these specks could corrode, which is why we introduced our stainless steel tools.” To match the hardness of conventional tools, Nestinox stainless steel equipment has

undergone special treatment, giving it the hardness required for industrial use. “It is important, of course, for these tools to be stored separately. They must not come into contact with tools made from conventional steel. That is why we have included a tool case filled with stainless steel screwdrivers, stainless steel Allen keys and stainless steel bits.”

PREBENA adds to range PREBENA has introduced two new screwdrivers to its range, the 9A-MGS55: Cordless – Screwdriver, and the 8M-MGS55: Two in One – auto feed screwdriver. The 9A-MGS55 is a battery operated screw driver which uses collated

screws from 25 – 55mm (1 inch - 2.25 inches). Due to the high RPM (3,000 rpm/min) PREBENA says that fast and professional work is guaranteed. The 9A-MGS55 is driven by a long life 18V lithium-Ion battery. “With this battery you can work

New ProHold® Tip stops dropped screws forever New from Attenborough Tools is the complete line of Bondhus Corporation’s revolutionary ProHold® Tip screwholding tools. Each tool’s tip has a non magnetic, corrosion proof button that securely holds screws on the tool, eliminating dropped screws even in hard to reach applications. The button is on the flat of the hex tool, eliminating weakened tool corners and tool failure. The unique design enables each ProHold® tool to deliver the full torque of Bondhus’ exclusive Protanium® steel, which makes it up to 20% stronger than competitors’ tools. All ProHold® tools feature Bondhus’ proprietary ProGuard™ finish, offering 5 times more corrosion protection when compared to competitor finishes. ProHold® tools are available in T-handle, screwdrivers and L-wrench format in both ballpoint hex and star tips, in a full range of metric and inch hex sizes from 1.27mm to 10mm and 0.05 inch to 3/8 inches. All Bondhous tools come with a lifetime no quibble warranty!!

much longer than with existing screw guns. Additionally you can always check the charge level on the LED battery display.” More advantages of the battery operated 9A-MGS55 include: • Clockwise and counter clockwise rotation. • Changeable carbon brushes. • Electric rotation adjustment. • Belt clip. • Charging time of the battery is only 45 minutes. Light weight of 2kg (including battery). As well as the 9A-MGS55, PREBENA has also introduced the 8MMGS55, which it says is ideal for professional use due to its high rotation (4,650 RPM) and the high torque. “With the special lock it is easy to modify the tool from an auto-feedscrewdriver to a normal

drywall screwdriver for loose screws. The magazine can be adjusted to 4 different positions in order to get into corners and other difficult areas more easily.” Additional advantages of the 8M-MGS55 include: • Usage of collated screws up to 55mm. • Reversible function. • 4 metre rubber main cable with quick-action lock.

• Easily adjustable nose piece.

• Silent clutch for automatic switch-off when reaching the screwing depth. • Simple changeable carbon brushes.

stand D9 Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008


Improved electronic torque wrench Richard Abr. Herder KG, based in Solingen, Germany, says that it has made its TORCOTRONIC, a microprocessor-controlled electronic torque wrench, even better. The TORCOTRONIC II is available in two versions: model 120, with a working range from 10Nm to 120Nm, and model 350, with a working range from 70Nm to 350Nm. Each model includes a removable reversible ratchet with a ½” square drive, 9 x 12mm or 14 x 18mm female end fittings provide the basis for successful work, even on difficult assembly problems.

A high measurement accuracy of ± 1% tolerance is guaranteed for all reading values (± 1 digit). The TORCOTRONIC II includes an RS232 bi-directional serial interface and runs on two standard or rechargeable AA batteries. Several references are programmable, preventing user errors and simplifying daily work with a range of attachments. The simple icon-based menu guidance can be followed on the LCD graphic display. Visual and acoustic signals

indicate that the set torque is approaching or has been reached. Up to 2,000 records can be saved and exported to MS Excel. Each record contains the number, measured value, minimum, nominal and maximum value, together with the unit, status, date and time. In addition to the TORCOTRONIC electronic torque wrench, the delivery package includes a data cable, together with software for a Windows PC, detailed operating instructions and a test certificate, as per DIN EN ISO 6789, type I, class B, are also included with the torque wrench.

MAHLE Powertrain sticks with Crane MAHLE Powertrain, specialists in the automobile and engine industry, has added two new Crane products at its UK production plant. MAHLE Powertrain has relied on Crane Electronics’ torque control products for over a decade and decided to upgrade its equipment with the latest generation of Crane products, the ProWrench Opta and the Torquestar Opta. The ProWrench Opta, a digital torque wrench which is compact, portable and highly adaptable, is not just an audit tool. It can be used for low volume tightening or to rectify joints where the torque is found to be incorrect. A range of attachments can be fitted to suit each tightening application. The electronic wrench is point of load insensitive which means results will even be reliable when it is being used at odd angles. “With the ProWrench Opta we can check all the bolts on a particular engine in one go by programming it with a sequence of appropriate values. This represents an invaluable time-saving feature,” explains Dave Burton, production engineer, from MAHLE’s Wellingborough production plant. For high-volume tightening MAHLE Powertrain uses air and hand wrenches. As these tools are not networked, their capability has to be checked and documented as part of an auditing strategy. MAHLE Powertrain uses a Mobile Tool Testing Station (MTTS) from Crane for this purpose and at the heart of this system is the new TorqueStar Opta data collector. The ProWrench Opta and TorqueStar Opta are both part of a tool range that shares the same user interface and software. This gives the added advantage of being able to store all of their data in only one database.

One nailing tool now does it all

BRALO introduces ‘perfect’ tool Powers Fasteners has introduced the Trak-It C4 gas nailer, which it says is up to 40% more powerful than the current available gas nailers on the market. Trak-It C4 is a portable system that eliminates the need for compressors and hoses, which can bring significant dangers to a jobsite. It can fasten 65mm nails in hard concrete, as well as handling up to 50mm in wood, concrete, steel or sand-lime stone. The Trak-It C4 gas nailer comes in a compact case with 2 batteries and a charger. “The Trak-It C4 has redefined high volume gas fastening for steel and wood to both steel and concrete. Speed, power and rugged durability are the hallmarks of this revolutionary fastening product line.”

BRALO has increased its range of riveting tools for insert nuts with the introduction of the TR-2000 model, which it says is the perfect tool for line production works. “With its one step riveting and unscrewing process, not only does it have a great work and riveting capacity, but also offers easy handling.” The new pneumatic tool has been designed to cover all the users’ needs regarding its riveting capacity: from M4 to M12 in all stand materials (steel, aluminium, B8 stainless steel). Next to this tool, BRALO has also the Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008 TR1000 specially designed for M3 to M8 insert nuts.

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Turning the wheel against product piracy At Practical World the Organisation for Safety of Abrasives, which has a recognised safety symbol (oSa®) in the abrasive materials sector, highlighted the issues of product piracy and the effect they are having on user safety. Will Lowry reports on the oSa® presentation. The oSa® was founded in 2000 by 15 European manufacturers concerned with promoting safety in abrasives. Now there are 45 members from countries around the world including Germany, Spain, Italy, France, China, Korea, Israel, Turkey, Hungary and South Africa, supplying approximately 70% of the world wide market with abrasive hand tools. “Leading producers of high grade abrasive products came together in this international organisation to document the high safety standards of their branded and quality products”, explains Pierre Balian, president of oSa. “The sole purpose was to ensure that the quality of their products remains consistently high in the interests of abrasive product users.”

Pierre Balian, president of oSa By becoming a member of the oSa companies are entitled to place the oSa symbol on their abrasive products, which allows the user to know the products are produced in compliance with the European safety standards for abrasives. The safety standards define specific requirements for abrasive products and describe the test methods by which these requirements can be obtained. The three safety standards which are relevant to abrasives are EN12413, Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products, EN13236, Safety requirements for superabrasives and EN13743, Safety requirements for coated abrasives. At the press meeting Pierre Balian explained the process that companies have to go through before they can become a member of the oSa. “Membership is open to all companies whose

products meet or surpass the CEN standards of safety requirements for abrasive products, which through stipulated testing procedures and conditions ensure that these standards are also maintained, and which accept the inspections laid down by oSa. Fulfilment of these requirements gives members the right to mark their products with the oSa label.” Pierre went onto explain that when companies apply for membership it is the whole manufacturing procedure that is audited not just the product. “Each company has to carry out the production accompanying inspections themselves, as ultimately every delivered product has to be as safe as possible. The oSa monitors this with independent on-site inspections. First the applicant sends a large number of test samples to an independent test institute. Then during the actual audit, a further intensive inspection is carried out. Finally, subsequent audits can also be ordered at any time if there is any reason for complaints.” By becoming a member of the oSa companies are highlighting the high standards that they adhere to, to make sure that their products are of the highest quality. Unfortunately counterfeit abrasive products with oSa marking have entered the market, even though the product and manufacturer don’t meet the requirements for membership. “The majority of these counterfeit products are coming from China”, explains Dr Klaus Werner, secretary general. “Due to this problem we have launched our “Against Product Piracy” campaign, in which we want to communicate directly with the industry and trade, with the central message being that original technology with an oSa audit pays because it protects users’ health. The biggest asset we have is the value and reputation of our brand and these counterfeit copies are affecting this.” To try and combat the problem the oSa appointed Pinkertop Consulting Services (Shanghai) Ltd to investigate the counterfeits and find out which distributors are getting companies to

produce the counterfeits. Pinkerton, a subsidiary of Securitas, has four offices, in Honk Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. Willo Lai, manager in charge of Pinkerton, explained how it approached the problem of finding and exposing the counterfeiters. “We started working with oSa in July 2007 and conducted a three-month market survey in various regions of China and found a number of Chinese manufacturers producing copies which were being sold around the world.” Pinkerton discovered that not only were the counterfeiters using the oSa trademark but were also using the company trademarks of the various members of the oSa. This led to the oSa and its members acting as a group when taking action against the counterfeiters, rather then individual companies. “Counterfeits and product imitations frequently fail to observe fundamental requirements for device and product safety,” says Klaus. “Users who purchase and employ copied or fake products are therefore potentially exposed not only to financial losses but also, in some cases, to a high risk of accidents and injury due to the counterfeit abrasive discs/wheels disintegrating whilst in use.” The oSa plans to continue its ‘Against Product Piracy’ campaign and its registration in China, which it hopes to have by the end of 2008, will help it with its aim to stop the counterfeiters.


EASY AS 1-2-3 Apply adhesive and leave to stand 4-5 mins

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Adding a cutting edge T.I. Midwood, a UK based company, continues to expand its Addax range by introducing a new rang of diamond and resin bonded abrasive discs, entering an entirely new market sector for the company.

“We realise that this was new territory for us in an unfamiliar area, which is why we felt it was important that our products grabbed attention and conveyed the correct message”, explains Simon Midwood, sales and marketing director. “This is why we made sure that the marketing, packaging and even product presentation was perfect before launching the line.” The bonded disc range includes both Type 41 (Flat) and Type 42 (Depressed) cutting discs, along with Type 27 (Depressed) grinding wheels. Each resin bonded abrasive wheel has a baked on label which clearly displays several sets of markings. These identify various aspects of the construction of the disc, what material it is designed to work on and its safe

operating speed. Also on the label is the oSa® logo. “All of our bonded discs are oSa® (Organisation for the Safety of Abrasives) approved and feature the oSa® logo to allow our customers to know that they are of the highest quality” explains Simon. "As well as meeting the strict requirements set by the oSa® the bonded cutting and grinding wheels also meet the requirements for the European standard EN 12413.” Also included on the front of the resin bonded cutting and grinding wheels is an expiry date to let the users know the shelf life of the product. “This is the first time we had encountered a product with a shelf life and so it was important that we ensured

stock rotation was used by our customers.” As well as bonded discs, T.I. Midwood has introduced a wide range of diamond Superabrasives under the Addax range. The diamond cutting discs are largely manufactured to the safety standards and requirements of EN13236, as well as oSa®, and work on either hard, medium or abrasive materials. There is a broad range of Addax diamond blade types including: • Sintered blades: Here the steel body and the compressed diamond/metal powder are subjected to baking until the powder forms the finished “matrix”. This is Addax’s standard quality blade, and most economic in terms of purchase price. • Laser welded blades: On these blades, the segment is “hot pressed sintered”, i.e. the matrix is formed separate to the body under conditions of heat and pressure. This leads to a denser, longer lasting segment. This is then laser welded to the steel body. Laser welding provides a very secure bond between matrix and the blade body. • Silver soldered cores & cup wheels: In the case of cup grinding wheels and core bits, a process known as silver soldering is employed. This is where hot sintered segments are individually brazed onto the steel body. This is usually because the

segment is curved and therefore difficult to laser weld. • Segmented blades: This is where the diamond wheel is split into defined segments. The slots in between the segments allow for cooling and expansion. Turbo segmented blades have recesses formed into the side walls of the segment which increase dust removal and cutting speed. • Continuous rim turbo blades: These are a hybrid between continuous rim and segmented blades, which can give a faster cleaner cut in certain materials. • Deep segment blades: When a blade is cutting an abrasive material, particularly if cooling water is employed, then the dust can act as a grinding paste on the steel body of the blade. This leads to premature wear of the steel body and loss of the segment, and is a process known as undercutting. To protect against this, Addax green concrete and asphalt blades use three special deep segments to help protect the blade and prevent this problem. To find out more information about diamond and bonded discs, as well as other products in the Addax range, visit the T.I. Midwood stand, H6, at Fastener Fair Coventry.



Concept Distribution

NEW BOSSONG’S NAILER BOSS-8000 Bossong enter into the European market a new generation of Powder Actuated Tools one year after the 45th anniversary of the Company. The first new tool will be the automatic BOSS-8000 for nails up to 90 mm. length and with magazine M75 for nails up to 75 mm. length. This Tool has been approved by European C.I.P. Institute. Before Summer the BOSS-6000 for nails up to 60 mm. length and with magazine M35 for nails up to 35 mm. length will follow.

CONCEPT DISTRIBUTION have added to their award winning cordless 14.4V Impact and Collated Driver with their NEW Corded ( 110V/Mains ) Screwdriver and Collated Autofeed . Following the theme of two tools in one this power tool is a screwdriver and collated autofeed tool for collated screws 25-55mm in length . The advantages of this professional tool apart from price is its 4600 rpm motor , dual capability , 5 METRE double insulated cable and that it will have a pole and 75mm attachment accessories soon . The tools can be bought from either Concept or their partner TOOLBANK along with their collated drywall screws and KTX Torpedo range of Professional Collated Woodscrews .

Nails suitable: KDH single shot, KDHM with magazine, metal washered nails KDHR 15, KDHR 23, KDHR 36, KDR, threaded nails GD6 (M6), GD8 (M8), KDC and soft washered nails KISL. Recently we have added new items like GRAT a disk for grating fixings and an M8 threaded nail for steel fixings as well. We have also strip nails KDHMC for frameworks fixings. The full range of nails and cartridges are suitable for Competitor’s Tools.

Tel: +39 035 3846 011


Poppers Senco


New Gas Nailers from Senco Senco, one of the undisputed world leaders in fastening technology, has launched two new Cordless Gas Framing Nailers. Both the GT90FRH, which drives full round head nails and the GT90CH, which drives clipped heads, share the same high-tech design features and advanced fuel cell technology for increased nailing power, cleaner combustion, more consistent performance and vastly reduced downtime. Both nailers drive a wide range of smooth and ring-shank nails from 50 to 90mm and are designed to use the new generation of super clean Senco 40g fuel cells, which operate in any weather and in temperatures from -6°C to 48°C. For further information or a demonstration, please visit your nearest poppers Senco dealer, or contact Poppers Senco UK Ltd

PREBENA produces a wide range of high quality pneumatic nailer and stapler for many applications.2 of the newest innovations are: Stay mobile, flexible and independent with the PREBENA PKT-BOX3500 The new PREBENA PKT-BOX3500 allows you to work everywhere at every weather condition with any pneumatic devices. Even big framing nailers up to 160 mm nails are no problem. The required compressed air is delivered from the light-weight, refillable PREBENA air-cylinder type KT-3500. This air-cylinder is filled with about 465 l compressed air with a filling pressure of over 300 bar (4351.14 PSI). 10X-RK130: PREBENA’s new powerful stripnailer up to 130 mm PREBENA offers an improved stripnailer in its programme of pneumatic nailers for professionals. With a weight of only 6 kg (13.23 lb.) the PREBENA 10X-RK130 is a real lightweight in its category. This stripnailer can use very powerful “20° strip nails” with a diameter of 3,4 mm – 4,2 mm (0.15 - 0.165 in.) and from 90 – 130 mm (3-1/2”– 5-1/8”) length. For the daily comfort the tool is set up with a handle for left- and right handed persons. As a very helpful accessory we have a ring bolt available for the easy and safe hang up with a balancer.

Tel: +44 (0) 1925 445566


Tel: +49 6044 9601 - 0

Trutek Trutek’s family of Powder Actuated Tools have been designed to combine high reliability and simple construction, while featuring most advanced performances using 0.27 calibre loads. The design of our Tools provides maximum comfort due to the ergonomic features which in turn will maximise comfort and work effectiveness. The use of recoil damper considerably reduces the acoustic noise level and absorbs as much as 60% of firing recoil, minimising operator fatigue. Included in our product range there is the possibility of single shots and multiple shots using the magazine function. Our range of ballistic point nails range in size from 16mm to 97mm to suit most applications and are suitable for use in other manufactures tools. To complement our Powder Actuated program Trutek also offer to the market Gas Technology. Our GT1000 Gas Tool can be used to fix to steel, concrete, wood, block, brick and more. It offers dry lining and general contractors an efficient fixing system. To find out more about our offer please contact our experienced internal sales team on the following numbers: UK: +44 (0) 1142 42 3333, Poland: +48 22 701 9325 and Portugal: +351 21 962 7100

Tornado Tornado Construction products offer a competitive range of high quality brads and 34 degree nails in a bright and galvanised finish, which suit the vast range of nailers currently on the market. Having decided that the consumable area was where we wanted to concentrate on, we have spent many years getting our fuel cells right, offering a product which has no shelf life. The fuel cells have a double skin which offers greater stability and a better working temperature range of -5 C to + 50 C and with a capacity of more than a 1000 shots per cell these offer the user a sure fire solution. The cells have synthetic oil which also helps reduce the wear and tear on the machine. Founded in the UK in 1956 in Leeds, Tornado has a strong policy to supply into the market via distribution and over the many years this has proved to be part of our success.

For more information on our complete range please contact us on:

Tel: +44 (0) 113 242 4342


New Morrtork Nut Visible check ensures correct torque applied By Robert Morrison The reliability of nuts and fasteners is vital. If used incorrectly they can be the fundamental cause of catastrophe. If over-tightened they may shear under overload strain on the thread itself; if not tightened sufficiently then slackening leads to equipment separation and failure. The patented Morrtork nut allows a visible check to satisfy the operator that the correct amount of torque has been applied to the assembly. It further ensures that an inspection process may be accomplished quickly and accurately to avoid undertightening and, by using a simple gauge, can check against over-tightening. Using a locking

mechanism, such as a prevailing-torque, this makes the Morrtork a ‘perfect’ nut, with fixand-forget possibilities. The concept behind the Morrtork is to take a proven component - the humble, but ubiquitous engineering nut - and make it more user-friendly and efficient. It makes any maintenance program easier, bearing in mind the years of service such components perform. The Morrtork utilises a precision-machined nib that, at the optimum torque value and taking into account the strength and ductility of the material, allows a pre-determined collapse into itself to leave the bottom of the nut flush with the fixed-to surface. A 45-degree ramp permits any inspector to check that the nut has not been overtightened, using a simple precision gauge. The Morrtork has special potential for aerospace, where high technology alloys are used, inspection is vital and components have to be regularly changed-out. Railways are another very important industry where inspection is vital. Of course, there are many other industry applications, apart from these two obvious examples, where joint security is vital and reliable time and cost efficient inspection essential. The Morrtork is designed for easy manual use in physically awkward areas, where bad visibility and restrictive personal protection

equipment can be significant factors. It makes great advances where physical errors may occur. Designers may calculate to the nth degree, but for the cold rain-swept person tightening the nut, the priority is inevitably to get the job done – so an easy assembly and simply checked system is a great advantage. The patented Morrtork aims to set industry standards in responsible engineering. The science of everyday accurate bolt torquing is not much more than sixty years old, with the advent of the comprehensive torque-wrench. The Morrtork advances that science to a “cassetted” format, with the component itself relaying the necessary information. Accurate torquing of a normal nut-type requires highly specialised personnel and equipment, with varying degrees of success and expense. Using the Morrtork involves less complications and costs. For example, slogging spanners used by unskilled labour may be appropriate, yet the results can be visibly checked and inspected. The full depth of the nut can be engaged, unlike flanged nuts. Not all applied tensioning is used in tightening. In unlubricated bolt assemblies approximately 85% of torque is used to overcome friction, and only 15% available to produce bolt load. The Morrtork helps ease the reckoning of this. The Morrtork avoids the possibility of pre-used, fatigued nuts being used, since it will be obvious, by the state of the nib, if it is new. Equally, low quality or faulty bolting will shear before the nib will have collapsed. The Morrtork concept allows coatings or lubricants to be used in any permutation, thus avoiding mistakes in complicated friction

co-efficient based calculations. It also stops any designed permutation being ignored, as often happens in the field. Using the Morrtork proper tightening processes, such a cross-torquing, become a simple calculation and physical measurement, taking into account the nib depth and the number of cycles required. This upholds gasket integrity. The Morrtork design has been tested, very successfully, with stainless steel, duplex and super-duplex, where there is a distinct possibility of cold-welding occurring if over-torqued, even at relatively low settings. Stress erosion of these metals is also avoided. Under development at the moment is the use of Morrtork in erosion estimation in bolt assemblies. A bolt assembly, utilising equipment presently being designed, can be ‘elongated’, and by comparative elongation, the amount of erosion in a bolt assembly can be estimated. This is done without disassembling the bolts. This means, for example, that a 50-year-old bridge or other structure could rapidly and easily be checked, with no disruption to traffic. Aerospace assemblies could also be checked this way.

Bolts in reinforced concrete (with all the chemical reactions which take place during construction) can easily be checked. Bolted assemblies in flanges may be checked without shutting down pipelines. This may prove to be a huge advantage in many industries by pre-empting failure under a simple and cheap process. More information about Mortork can be found at Robert Morrison can be contacted at or on +44 1224 8778898


Huntsman goes racing Araldite® adhesives and epoxy systems will play a major role in the development and production of a new racing car prototype for ORECA. Huntsman Advanced Materials has agreed a major development and materials partnership with the leading French motorsport company and racing team, ORECA. Running throughout the 2008-2010 season, Huntsman will be providing not only expertise in the latest rapid prototyping and part production techniques, but will also be supplying some of the most advanced RenShape® stereolithography resins and Araldite® adhesives and composite materials for the development and production of two radical new prototype cars. Both cars are scheduled to run not only in the famous 24 hour endurance race at the Le Mans circuit in France in June, but also in the entire Le Mans Series (LMS) of races at major tracks around Europe including the Nurburgring, Germany and Silverstone, UK. Utilising the combined resources of the recently extended ORECA technical centre in France and Huntsman’s international technical Support team, the exhaustive component testing of these new Le Mans prototype race cars will also contribute directly to the advancement of a wide range of rapid prototyping materials for more mainstream

automotive applications. “We are delighted to be working with such a prestigious partner as ORECA Motorsport on this exciting development project”, said Andre Genton, VP global operating officer, Huntsman Advanced Materials. “By combining our respective strengths and expertise in high performance materials and high performance race cars, both Huntsman and ORECA will be able to push forward current technology boundaries in the automotive production and motorsport worlds.”

New selection from Lancaster In spring 2008 Lancaster Fastener launched a new selection of Capacitor Discharge (CD) Weld Studs. Used predominantly within the sheet metal industry, the Capacitor Discharge welding process is used to surface-weld small diameter studs to thin base materials, thereby eliminating the need for pre-drilled or pre-tapped holes. Sourcing only from quality assured manufacturers, the new range of threaded (PT), unthreaded (UT) and internally threaded (IT) CD Weld Studs offered by Lancaster Fastener, and manufactured to DIN EN ISO 13918 standard, will guarantee high quality fusion welds. Available in a wide range of sizes and with copper coated, A2 Stainless Steel and aluminium finishes, the Weld Stud range will be further supplemented by a selection of copper coated coarse threaded (CT) studs. In addition to stand the Capacitor F18 Discharge Weld Stud range, Lancaster also offers a comprehensively stocked Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008 range of fasteners for sheet metal, including rivet bushes, K-Series Setzmuttern and self-clinch products.

Rotor Clamp offers self compensating hose clamps Rotor Clamp, Inc. produces a line of selfcompensating hose clamps for lowpressure applications in single wire, double wire and constant tension band (CTB) configurations. These clamps expand and contract with the hose in response to temperature changes in the application. They cannot be over or under tightened, and are installed and removed easily using either manual or pneumatic tools. Rotor Clamp Hose Clamps are also a good alternative to gluing hoses to manifolds in spa assemblies, providing extremely effective clamping without the use of messy glues that could potentially clog the hose line.

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GEDORE tap and die set The GEDORE tap and die set allows the user to cut or clean up M3, M4, M5 and M6 internal and external threads. The design of the dies restricts the length of external thread that can be cut to 40mm. To cut an external thread, the user requires a die holder on which a backing washer, the appropriate size die and a guide plate are located. The guide plate enables perpendicular and clean cutting of the thread. When threads are cut vertically, the swarf removed is safely caught in the guide plate. To cut an internal thread, a clamp-head tap wrench is used, which holds the appropriate size tap. The tap is secured by tightening the clamping head. All parts are secured by means of the included set screws, which are tightened using the supplied Allen key. To drive the taps and dies, the set includes the GEDORE 2093 U-3 T tee-handle ratchet, together with a Ÿ� drive extension. Both tools can be used for the die holder and the clamphead tap wrench.

The Addax range continues to expand T.I. Midwood has continued to add products to its Addax range. The new additions include HSS Broaching Cutters, Diamond Holesaws and SDS Shank Rebar Cutters. The Addax HSS Broaching Cutter is used for the drilling of large diameter holes in steel using electro-magnetic drilling machines. It has a high grade M2 HSS steel body, with a titanium-aluminium-nitride (TiAIN) coating, which T.I. Midwood says ensures long service life due to 20% less friction generated and 20% greater hardness than even Titanium Nitride (TiN) coating. The HSS Broaching Cutter is available in both standard (30mm cutting depth) and long (50mm cutting depth) lengths. The next addition to the range is the Addax Diamond Holesaw (pictured) which utilise thin body construction with a welded diamond tip. The Diamond Holesaw fits standard holesaw arbors and its main uses are for the drilling of porcelain and ceramic tiles, glass, fibreglass and cast iron. Due to the

high temperatures generated during the drilling of hard materials such as porcelain tile, the service life of the Addax Diamond Holesaw is greatly increased by using water as a coolant. The final additions are the Addax Rebar Cutters, which are used for the rotary drilling of in-situ reinforcing bars embedded in concrete. This product is made by the market leader in the USA and features high temperature brazed, heavy duty tungsten carbide tips. Addax Rotary Rebar Cutters are designed for use in SDS Plus hammer machines, switched to rotary mode only. Drilling with the hammer action switched on will result in serious damage to the tool.

stand H6 Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008


Lightening the load An investigation carried out by fastener specialists Arnold Umformtechnik GmbH found that in a gearbox containing 20 screws, Alufast weighed approximately 350 grams less that the steel version of the screw. At the same time the Alufast range scores even more points when used in corrosive atmospheres where fastener locations are subjected to particularly high temperature loads. Alufast screws have proven to be of particular value under thermal loads. The mechanical properties of the screws remain stable over a long-term period of load, up to a peak temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Designers can use standard head settings when fastening magnesium components, unlike steel screws, which would require larger head settings. The screws achieve process reliability, high strength and expansion characteristics, and also possess excellent anti-corrosion properties. Alufast presents an advantage over steel screws by producing greater residual clamp forces on magnesium fastenings under operational thermal loads than is possible with steel screws. And the 20 to 50 percent cost saving, compared to steel screws with additional corrosion protection systems, complete the benefits package.

DIRAK introduces the Captive-Joiner

...and now from Arpel more quality fasteners. The range of high strength structural threaded inserts maximising grip range are now available in stainless steel and hexagon body in steel. Other types of standard inserts, rivets, pin and collars and all associated tooling boringly available from stock at quality prices with Live Chat Entertainment!

Tel: 01384 296 660 Fax: 01384 280 320 Email:

DIRAK says that its new 1-035SL Captive-Joiner 9.5 SNAP-LINE offers all the benefits of traditional captive screws plus a host of other advantages. The Captive-Joiner functions as a slam to close latch and incorporates D•SNAP Technology which DIRAK says makes it quick and easy to install, the latch just requires a simple push of the panel against the frame to ensure latching. Disengaging the two panels is achieved by turning the knob 45° instead of the traditional screwing/unscrewing required for a captive screw. SNAP-LINE CaptiveJoiners do not require mounting hardware (screw, nuts or bolts) or tools for installation and can be used in blind applications when access to the back of the panel is restricted. They can be used in applications under extreme vibration

conditions as they will not loosen from the panel. The simple installation process ensures secure installation resulting in zero defect assembly and the reduction of components means a reduction of cost and inventory. For applications which require restricted access the Captive-Joiner is available in a tool (NEBS) operated style.

Lesjöfors invests in strip components Lesjöfors is continuing its heavy investment in its strip components division, where it produces bespoke components for a diverse range of industries including telecommunications, electronics, automotive and computing. Whether the strip component is for a general engineering application, such as seating, or for something more specialised, the important decisions for the manufacturer comes at the very beginning. When designing the component, choosing the right material and the appropriate surface treatment determines both the production cost and quality. Due to its resources and production capabilities, Lesjöfors often takes an all-

encompassing role to bring a design concept to reality for its customers, by designing and manufacturing product specific tools at its technical centre in Sweden. Lesjöfors produces small volumes through a production concept built on universal adjustable tools. This ‘small series’ concept, combined with the company’s large material stockholding, gives flexibility and low cost production, without having to invest in tools and thereby resulting in shorter lead times. The Lesjöfors Group consists of 13 manufacturing companies based in the UK, Scandinavia, China and Latvia. The group has a turnover of more than 100 million euros.

Machine Screws Security Screws Socket Screws HT Bolts & Sets Threaded Inserts Special Fasteners Materials St/St Brass Mild Steel

Finishes Zinc, Galvanised Black

Where Quality & Service Come As Standard

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Woodscrews Packaging Materials Rivets and Rivet Nuts Self Drilling Screws P.P.E. & Safety Wear Kanban & J.I.T. Systems

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Elesa dampen vibrations New LW.A vibration damping units from Elesa feature natural rubber damping pads built into an adjustable levelling foot design. They have been designed to dampen vibrations, shocks and noise from moving components or non-balanced masses such as rotating machines. This vibration can cause significant detrimental effects on operator health as well as malfunctioning/reduction-inlifespan of the machine or adjacent equipment. “Active” machine isolation is described as being for vibration producing equipment such as presses, machine tools, transfer equipment etc, as well as “passive” isolation which is considered as for equipment that might be adversely affected by external vibration, such as quality testing, measuring or performance assessment equipment. This “bi-directional” isolation is an important feature of the LW.A levelling elements and is often a feature in the same location. Sizes of the LW.A damping elements range from 80mm diameter up to 200m diameter with maximum static load capacity of 40,000 N. Documentation is available that gives full technical guidance on correct selection to ensure the damping/ isolation level required dependant upon frequency of vibration, static load and amplitude/deflection of the equipment.

Things become clear with Bülte

A new range of fasteners in Polycarbonate has been introduced by Bülte Plastics. Screws, washers DIN 125 and Hex nuts DIN 934 have been added to the company’s portfolio of over 15,000 products. Polycarbonate threaded fasteners with their “see through” qualities give you the opportunity to use them as part of the external design of your assembly. They are also useful in industries where light is a necessary component such as optics, electronics, etc. Polycarbonate is resistant to weather, provides excellent dimensional stability, ductility, and high mechanical toughness. The working temperature range is -120 to +120°C. The washers, nuts and hexagonal head screws are available from M5 to M12 (other dimensions and forms on request).

Global expands core product range Global Plastics has announced a massive expansion to its core product range, as it introduces over 1,000 new Nylon PCB Fasteners, and 2,500 sizes of rivets. “This new range enables us to complete worldwide, and support major fastener companies and OEM’s alike, as markets migrate to lower cost manufacturing bases” explains Kevin Rogers, MD of Global Plastics. To add to the expansion of its core product range, Global will also be launching a new corporate product catalogue in the next two months, bringing together its generic range of cable ties, PCB supports, plastic fasteners and wiring accessories. “We will also be revamping our corporate website to reflect our extended range, and adding strategic parts to our successful retail website. We continue to offer a full sample service to customers, and will be adding PDF drawing downloads to our sites to assist engineers and buyers in specifying our parts.”

Anixter becomes 3M tape distributor Anixter Components has been appointed as a UK distributor for 3M’s range of adhesive tapes. Anixter has also added 3M’s filament, masking, waterproof cloth (duct), double coated, double coated foam and transfer tapes to its existing adhesive lines in the 2008/09 catalogue. The filament tapes are a high strength packing tape that incorporates glass filaments and are available in mono-weave and cross-weave formats. They are incredibly strong and won’t tear even if the tape edge becomes damaged. The double coated foam tapes and pads can be used to fill gaps and bond rough or irregular surfaces by distributing stress uniformly over bonded area. The multi-purpose range of sticky, strong double coated tapes provides permanent solutions for a range of high performance applications. Transfer tapes allow users to apply a glue strip quickly and efficiently. The adhesive is supported on a paper liner and when applied with the gun the liner is stripped away for immediate bonding, increasing productivity by five times over traditional methods. “We are dedicated to meeting our customers’ needs and continually review the

products in our range,” says Andrew Fletcher, technical director, Anixter Components. “We have added the 3M tapes in response to an increased demand for quick and easy methods of fastening in a wide range of applications, from automotive to the manufacture of household appliances. We are now able to offer our customers more choice of product at competitive prices and we are truly a one-stop-shop for all our customers’ requirements.”

Tech-Fast increases barrel damper range Due to customer demand and market needs, Tech-Fast has now launched additional products to its range of barrel dampers. These new products offer the customer full and continuous rotation through 360°. The products have torque ranges of 6Ncm, 8Ncm & 10Ncm and can have various styles of drive caps, ensuring the best opportunity in each market sector. Further to these new products the existing barrel damper products with 350° of rotation from stop to stop has been added to with the new 20Ncm product. Complete torque ranges for this series are now 12Ncm, 15Ncm and 20Ncm. “Competitive products are only able to reach 8Ncm as a torque ceiling, meaning that our products have a clear advantage in the market.”

TIMco adds to IN-DEX range TIMco has added three additional products to the IN-DEX Timber joining screws. These additional products include the A4-316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel IN-DEX screw, specifically designed to achieve optimum corrosion resistance, the Black IN-DEX, which has a black organic plating making is suitable for ACQ treated timber, and the Heavy Duty IN-DEX, which has a larger 8mm diameter giving it additional strength and holding power.

stand H6 Fastener Fair - Coventry 11-12 June 2008


A precision tip from ForgeFix Special protective caps from RotaBolt Tile Max drill bits, from ForgeFix, have a newly designed and unique ‘p95’ precision tip which has been diamond ground from the best quality tungsten. This enables the user to drill through a wide range of materials such as PEI 5 Class porcelain, ceramics, fine stoneware, marble, concrete, engineering brick and even granite. “The asymmetric drill design reduces resistance by 25% ensuring that there is no wandering on start of drilling; there is also less chance of cracking or chipping (dependant on tile type) which leads to a perfectly formed round hole.” The low stress, high temperature brazing method used to attach the tip to the shank, ensures that it remains attached under the most extreme drilling conditions. Also the deep and wide fluting enables the drill to cope with the maximum amount of spoil removal, and the triangular shaped shank guarantees no slip rotation in the drill machines chuck. Due to the tips unique self renewing design, after frequent use on the hardest materials, the drill can be then used on softer substrates. Finally, the drill bit works best on low revolution speeds and its life will increase when used with water to cool stand the tip down. However, H12 the drill bit should only be used on the rotary setting Fastener Fair - Coventry and must not be used on 11-12 June 2008 the hammering setting.

Seclock added to SecuFast® range Douwes International BV has added the new SecuFast® Seclock to its range of security screws. Douwes has been supplying the SecuFast® security screw range, a registered trade name of Douwes, to Europe for the last fifteen years, and says that its new addition, the Seclock, is the only security nut which can only be mounted and dismounted with a special tool The SecuFast® Seclock also has the unique patented scroll design with left and right handed helical grooves, these provide the gripping force for the tool to screw and unscrew the nuts. The Seclock can be supplied in the diameters M3 – M24 both in stainless steel and in normal steel.

An extensive range of specially developed caps which provide protection for bolts, bolt ends, nuts and screws is now being exclusively distributed in the UK by James Walker RotaBolt as part of its comprehensive joint integrity service. The caps, manufactured by Radolid in Germany, offer almost total protection against corrosion, humidity and operational damage and can be used in a wide range of applications and environments. The caps have a unique design which feature a special clamping edge and sealing lip. They were developed by Horst Thiel, the founder of Radolid, who first got the idea after struggling to change rusted wheel nuts on his VW Beetle. The current range encompasses a wide variety of caps, from self-cutting threaded caps through to special caps for Allen screws and the latest additions to the range, the ESW/EBM caps, have been specially developed for use in offshore applications and feature a see-through cover.

The caps can also be used in conjunction with two high performance lubricants from James Walker, Graphite and Molyon, which are now available direct from Rotabolt® as part of the same offer. In addition to their antiseize qualities, the lubricants help to minimise effort by reducing tightening torque, fostering better and more controlled tightening conditions, as well as having the added benefit of reducing wear on all tooling.

“Being able to supply Radolid caps direct from RotaBolt really adds value to what we can offer as a centre of excellence in tension control and bolting technology,” commented Rod Corbett, managing director, “the protection that these caps deliver complements our ability to assure bolted joint integrity.”

AFS launches SNEP® with H&C Alcoa Fastening Systems (AFS) has launched a new product into the UK market in conjunction with one of its key distributors. AFS, who engineers high-performance fastening systems serving a variety of applications, has released the SNEP® DAH turret nut range through Harrison & Clough Ltd. SNEP DAH are zinc passivated (Cr6 free), carbon steel and stainless steel, doubleslotted nuts, which can be used wherever there is a continual or intermittent vibration that may potentially lead to a fastener loosening. The self-locking function is created by an axial deformed slot. The metal above the slot is set to de-pitch the threads, so when the nut is tightened on to a bolt the thread is gripped on the flank. When fully inserted, the elasticity of metal allows the slot to press upon the male thread and provide the locking effect. AFS says that the SNEP DAH is reliable in varying temperatures from -50°C to +450°C and can be re-used up to five times to maintain a consistent and vibration resistant locking performance, unaffected by the intrusion of oil, petrol or other liquids and vapours. The SNEP DAH nuts are also available in brass or aluminium and are fully certified by Network Rail in the UK (PA05/03451, 19/12/07) and SNCF in France.

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Autonic Engineering Co. Ltd Salisbury Rd. Rye Park, Hoddesdon, EN11 0HU Tel: 01992 471101 Fax: 01992 471102 Email:

M10 X110 DIN 931 10.9 BOLTS SELF COLOUR 130000 are available from stock for immediate delivery and are ‘priced to sell’ Certification available if required. We have other excess stock available, please ask for a list.

Electra Engineering Services (Midlands) Ltd Unit 19, Charlton Drive, Corngreaves Trading Estate, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 7BJ England.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1384 561000 Fax +44 (0) 1384 411142 E-Mail: Web:

NSD-20 keeps a lid on it The Sugatsune NSD-20 units from Sugatsune UK can be used on a wide variety of applications including flaps, hatches or lids. The NSD-20 units are fully adjustable in operation, they feature Sugatsune’s patented Lapcon soft close mechanism, which requires positive pressure to be exerted on the application to close it, but also retains it unassisted in either its open or shut position. The unit is part of a series of Sugatsune damped stays, whose angle of opening and tension can be adjusted to suit a wide variety of upward or downward opening flaps, hatches, lids or doors. The quality and performance of NSD series soft closing dampers are reflected throughout Sugatsune’s comprehensive range of 3,500 architectural and furniture hardware products, which includes assisted lift door stays and hinges; numerous conventional hinges, including concealed and detent types; flush and conventional handles; latching systems; mechanical and magnetic catches; fasteners; casters; adjustable feet; drawer slides; locks; brackets and shelving systems. The company’s principal products are manufactured under its high quality ‘LAMP’ brand and are available in 304 and 316 grade stainless. In addition, considerable attention is paid to aesthetics in order to ensure the optimum combination of fit, form and function in all Sugatsune products.

EFC introduces cordgrips EFC International has announced the introduction of Liquid Tight Mult-Hole cordgrips (NPT and PG Hubs) to the fastener engineering market. All accompanying cordgrips are made of nylon construction with TPE sealing glands that resist salt water, weak acids, gasoline, alcohol, oil, grease and common solvents. This feature is not assessed by UL certification or testing. The temperature rating of the cordgrips varies from -22˚F (-30˚C) to 212˚F (100˚C) and

they have IP 68 per DIN 40050 up to 70 psi (5 bar) water pressure. The cordgrips also have a flammability rating of 94V-2 Standard. The Liquid Tight Mult-Hole cordgrip is just one of EFC’s series of fastener-related engineering solutions. The “EFC Solutions” series concentrates on introducing design engineers to opportunities that increase productivity, reduce costs, eliminate waste, improve ergonomics/safety, improve quality and ease the installation processes.

Focus on Underhead Sealants PRELOK is the European market leader for pre-applied locking and sealing solutions for threaded components. We are constantly working closely with our material suppliers to develop new products and processes, which offer innovative jointing solutions to meet the ever changing demands from our customer base.

PRECOTE 200速 Pre-production samples are evaluated and then processed FREE OF CHARGE

Precote 200速 Precote 200速 is an ideal sealing system for rivets, inserts or headed plugs with excellent temperature resistance making this product ideal for automotive applications.

Advantages G

Resilient flexible coating seals upon assembly


Ideal sealing system for rivets, inserts, headed plugs


Excellent chemical resistance


Can be applied to most materials in both electro and organic finishes


High temperature

Our extensive range of products also include: Tuflok, Nytemp, Scotchgrip, Driseal, Microseal, Nyltite, Nyseal and Nyplas. UK


Longacres, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 2JS, UK Tel: +44 1902 600000 Fax: +44 1902 600015

Chamerande, 01 190 Saint Benigne, France Tel: +33 (0)3 85 30 66 31 Fax: +33 (0)3 85 30 98 72

GERMANY Cologne Finsterwalde


Paseo FF CC 138, 08940 - Cornella Barcelona, Spain Maarweg 233, 50825 K旦ln, Germany Tel: +34 93 474 0707 Tel: +49 221 491 1063 Fax: +34 93 474 1197 Fax: +49 221 497 3359


New compact latch The addition of a new compact, stainless steel M1-15 latch to the line of SouthcoŽ M1 Push-To-Close latches offers a new option for enclosures that demand corrosion-resistant durability in a compact housing. Pull-tab actuation and push-to-close latch engagement provide fingertip convenience for opening and closing, and with a 545N maximum recommended working load rating the latch delivers robust performance even in mobile applications where the contents of an enclosure can shift and create an impact load on the inside of the door. As part of the M1 family of latches, it provides a consistency of look and finish that complements the use of other Southco access hardware. In addition to the standard non-locking style, a lockable version provides the option of keylocking access control. The M1-15 is easy to install in a singe 1.5� round hole, and presents a smooth, virtually flush installed look with no visible mounting hardware. Provided with a reversible mounting bracket, it accommodates door panel thicknesses ranging from 0.5mm to 19mm.


Fagersta Stainless can now offer Lean Duplex as stainless rod and wire. Which gives you the advantage of continuing to be a cost effective and competitive supplier of highquality wire products, even if the price of raw materials is on a rollercoaster ride. Therefore are we now, as the ďŹ rst supplier, able to offer you the choice between Lean Duplex and austenitic stainless steel.

SAF 2304ÂŽ



Fagersta Stainless AB Box 508, SE-737 25 Fagersta, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0) 223 455 00, Telefax: +46 (0) 223 455 40


Adhere makes displays clear Adhere at Intertronics has announced a new UV curable LCD application adhesives from product partner DYMAX. The range is specially formulated for applications where invisible bonds are required, such as LCD screens, monitors, outdoor kiosks and navigation systems. This range sticks glass to glass, glass to plastic, and plastic to plastic – with clear, bubble-free bonds. The one-component LCD adhesives feature resistance to yellowing, with increased light transmission and accurate colour, enhancing the brightness and clarity of liquid crystal displays, monitors, screens and kiosk panels. The solvent-free laminating adhesives bond a variety of common substrates including polycarbonate, glass, CAB, acrylic, phenolic, PET and ITO in seconds upon exposure to UV light. The ability to “on-demand cure” means substrates can be repositioned precisely until parts are ready to be cured, leading to reduced air entrapment and no bubbles, creating strong, ripple-free bonds that help increase panel strength. Using a thin layer of LCD adhesive controls cost and can reduce the weight of the final product. LCD adhesives come in a variety of viscosities for ease of use and controlled dispensing and are available in a wide range of packaging sizes.

Master Bond assures complete fill in

Silver Zinc Flake technology for highest corrosion protection

Master Bond MasterSil 151 is a new two component, low viscosity silicone compound for high performance casting, potting and encapsulation introduced by Master Bond Inc. This formulation is designed to cure at room temperature or more rapidly at elevated temperatures. MasterSil 151 has electrical insulation properties, high tensile strength and optical clarity. It has a service operating temperature range of -54°C to +205°C. The MasterSil 151 also has an elongation at break of 160% and a Shore A hardness of 45. It also has a resistance to vibration, impact and shock, as well as a resistance to thermal cycling. The formulation has a dielectric strength of 460 volts/mil and a volume resistivity of 1x1015 ohm cm. It has a 10 to 1 mix ratio by weight and its low viscosity allows complete fill-in around complicated configurations and shrinkage upon cure is very low. The shelf life of MasterSil 151 in its original containers is 6 months at 24°C and it is available for use in ½ pint, pint, quart, gallon and 5 gallon kit containers.

Atotech offers a wide range of Zintek® base coats, which contain Zn and Al flakes. The metal particles and reactive mineral resins react on steel base material to form an adhesive bonding. During baking a conductive, zinc aluminium coating with cathodic protection effect is formed. Zintek® 400 is a silver base coat that provides ductility and corrosion resistance, and is suited for the coating of bendable or deformable steel parts such as springs. The coating is applied in spray application and a subsequent powder coating is possible. The typical coating thickness measures 25-50μm. Through the use of a special cross linker, curing is possible at very low temperatures (30 150°C). Zintek® 500 provides a silver coloured coating with a typical thickness of 10μm, especially developed for the use on brake discs and already approved by Continental Teves. The special advantage is based on the low curing temperature of approximately 75°C, to avoid deformation of large steel parts. The coating can be applied via dip-spin or spray technique. The colour equals RAL 9006 (Al silver).

Zintek® 200 SL is a silver two-coat system for the coating of fasteners and fixings such as screws, nuts, clips and clamps. The integrated lubricant enables the adjustment of the friction coefficient between 0.12 and 0.18. Atotech will be exhibiting in Hall 4, stand B50/1.03 at the O&S Fair, Stuttgart, in June.


Twin Hole Spanner Pin Hexagon Resistorx One-Way and Pin Phillips Machine and sheet metal security screws The latest 24 page catalog from European fastener specialist DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV features in excess of 900 security screw and nut products in diameters M3-M12. Most items comprising the range are available in stainless steel, ex-stock and can be delivered to any European destination within 48 hours.

For a free catalogue and/or enquiries for quotation, contact DOUWES INTERNATIONAL BV: Tel: +31 153 615 210 Fax: +31 153 615 299 Email: The range is also available from appointed stockists throughout Europe

INTERNATIONAL BV Telephone 0031 15 3615210, TELEFAX 0031 15 3615299 PO BOX 61 2640 AB Pijnacker, Holland

Founded in February 1988, Precision Technology Supplies Ltd is proud to celebrate 20 years in the Fastener Industry. We specialize in Micro Fasteners and Metric and Unified (American) Threaded Fastener in both A2 & A4 material. Quality and service are our main priorities with every order subject to our ISO 9001 quality control. We would like to thank all our customers for their support over the last twenty years and look forward to the next twenty.

Precision Technology Supplies Ltd. The Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1XZ Tel +44 (0) 1342 410758 Fax +44 (0) 1342 311464 Email


CMS launches its 20th yellow book CMS plc, a distributor of cabling infrastructure products, has expanded its range of products to coincide with the launch of the 20th edition of its ‘Yellow Book.’ CMS stocks a wide range of fasteners and fixings, spanning washers, bolts, ties, tape, grips, brackets, plates, storage cases, tackers and drills. All of these products and more are showcased in its new, 20th edition, Yellow Book directory. Also included in the Yellow Book directory

is the CabGrip, a cable manager which can be stored flat and then snapped into shape when required. CMS plc is the sole stockist of the CabGrip, which, thanks to its unique design, can be stored easily on site for when it is needed. Also, due to the fact that the CabGrip simply clips and unclips as required, existing cables can be retained while new ones are installed. CabGrips are made from halogen free nylon and come in four sizes and two different colours, making them suitable for organising cables in cabinets, under desks, around walls and in ceiling voids. Other products stocked by CMS plc include the new heavy duty Millie-Tie a robust fastener with an intelligent grip to safely suspend and contain cables without crushing, and the new Rack Snaps


from Hellermann Tyton – fixings which reduce the time taken to install accessories into 19� racking.




Unit 18 Fortress Close, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7HN

Tel: 01379 872910 Fax: 01379 872915 "/33/.' 3 P ! :ONA )NDUSTRIALE 6IA % &ERMI '2!33/"")/ "ERGAMO )TALY 4EL &AX INFO BOSSONG COM WWW BOSSONG COM

Fixings and Fastener Business Wanted We represent a client who is seeking to invest in a fastener related business within the south of England. Our client is interested in companies who are currently or recently having difficulties trading. Our client has a history of investing in companies who are struggling to raise funds or recover from bad debts, or have suffered from poor recent trading etc. Full or part investments considered and access will be made available to our client’s existing level of stock inventory and extensive years of experience within the trade. Long and short term solutions available also. We would request that only business principles should apply quoting reference FF526845 via email to Katie Penrose Director CK Financial Markets Ltd

The One Group of companies is an established, successful and growing force within the fixings, fasteners and fabrication industry. Our main markets are to the construction, roofing and cladding industry. Operating from 5 sites throughout the UK and Ireland we aim to offer a level of service and support to our customer base that is second to none. Please visit our website for a list of our group companies, locations and product offerings. We are currently looking for 3 enthusiastic and pro-active additions to the team in both Ireland and the UK to assist in the continued growth of our businesses. Working directly with senior management, our internal sales staff and major clients, the ideal applicant should have a fixings, fastener or fabrication sales background. A proven track record within our industry is important. We offer excellent salary, commissions and benefits and prospects for advancement within our group: Please forward your CV via email to: Shane O Neill Sales Director One Group

Achilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 ACT Fasteners & Components . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Action Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Adolf Pühl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Advance Spares (& Rivits) . .23 Aksa Industry Machine Inc. Trade CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co . .15 Alexander Paal GmbH . . . . .27 Alfran Fasteners Ltd . . . . .113 Allbolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Alloy & Stainless . . . . . . . . . .29 Alltech Engineered Finishes . .103 Apex Stainless . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Arndale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Arpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Atlantic Man Srl . . . . . . . . .147 Autonic Engineering Co Ltd .142 Avon Stainless . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Bäcker GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .109 Baker & Finnemore . . . . . . .31 Bendfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 Beneri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Blakeacre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bollhoff Fasteners . . . . . . . .27 Bossong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Bralo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Brighton Best . . . . . 6, 8, 10, 12 Caparo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Carlo Salvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Chatsworth computers . . .107 China Fastener . . . . . . . . . . .21 Classic Metallic . . . . . . . . . . .69 Crest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Dacral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Don Quichotte . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Dowes Int BV . . . . . . . . . . . .147 DS Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . .121 Electra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Electra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Euro Hardware Ltd . . . . . . . .49 Everbuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Fagersta Stainless AB . . . .145 Fastbolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 FAST.LOC S.p.A. . . . . . . . . .145 Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 FK Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Furniture Fixings . . . . . . . . .63 Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd .121 FQC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Global Fasteners . . . . . . . . .137 Guangzhou Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 H Schreiber . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 H Schreiber . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Hafren Fasteners . . . . . . . .123 Heco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Heinz Soyer . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 Hommel KPG . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Hugo Benzing GmbH . . . . . .95 Ingramatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Jinhui Fasteners . . . . . . . . 141 Kohlhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Lederer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Lindapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 London Screw Company Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 MGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 M&W Fastener Co.,Ltd . . . .131 M-Craft International . . . . . . .9 Machine Screws Ltd . . . . . . .65 Martyn Price ( Bolts & Nuts ) Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Masons Fasteners Ltd. . . . .111 Masterfix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Mayes & Warwick . . . . . . . . .95 Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . .117 MKT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Mofast Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Morgalv Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Nakashimada Engineering Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 National Machinery . . . . . . .93 Nord-Lock Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Norm Civata . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Olympic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Orbit International Corporation Limited . . . . . .134 Ornit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Pinstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Prelok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 PTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 Protex Fasteners . . . . . . . .109 Ray Fu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Reyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Rivco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Rivit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Rotor Clip Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .137 S D Products Ltd . . . . . . . . . .99 Sariv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Schröder Schrauben . . . . . . .99 Shanghai Fanto . . . . . . . . . . .59 Smith - Bullough . . . . . . . . . .61 Socom SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Spirol . . . . . . . . . . . .55, 65, 111 Stafa Holland BV . . . . . . . . .109 Star Fasteners . . . . . . . . . .105 Steven Walker & Sons Ltd . .119 STF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 Tecfi S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Tecno Impianti . . . . . . . . . . . .95 TI Midwood . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Titibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 Top Screw Metal Corp. Ltd .141 Trojan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Trutek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 UBK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . .27, 119, 123 Vorpa Officine Meccaniche snc . . . . . . . . . .135 Wenzhou Lyco Fastener . . . .23 Zero Clips Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .15

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