In this January issue‌ Fastener Fair Stuttgart preview Tightening torque explained Adhesive application technology
Issue 67 January 2011
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american news
Boeing: lean manufacturing key to fastener supplier profits Special interview by John Wolz, The Boeing Company executive in charge of the 635 million fasteners the airplane maker is projected to use in 2012, isn’t just overseeing paperwork. John Byrne has toured most of the fastener manufacturing facilities from which Boeing buys. “There are very few I haven’t been in,” the director of common commodities and supplier management for Boeing commercial airplanes noted.
Boeing can help level some of those variables, he added. As a major buyer of titanium and other metals, Boeing has some advantages in the market they can share with suppliers. Byrne emphasized that Boeing knows the difference between cost and price. “Cost is not the price,” he said in noting the importance of “total value” rather than “low cost.” However, cost is “one of the key contributors to value.” Beyond buying the fasteners, the total cost includes the assembly cost, he added. Byrne has responsibility for commodities from raw materials including aluminum, titanium and nickel. As part of his duties he in charge of standards, including mechanical, electrical and fastener standards. “We want to take waste out of the supply chain,” Byrne told In 2009, Chicago-headquartered Boeing revenue totalled US$68.3 billion and at the beginning of 2010 the company had a backlog of orders totalling US$316 billion. Innovations are welcome from fastener manufacturers, but merely suggesting increased capabilities without offering justification on how it will solve a problem is not a way to increase the price of the fasteners sold to Boeing. “We will only pay for value-added activities,” Byrne explained. Courtesy of Boeing
nd what has Byrne seen in fastener plants? Opportunities for lean manufacturing, he said in an interview with at Boeing’s Everett, WA facilities north of Seattle. The first 16 years of Byrne’s 24-year Boeing career were spent in plant operations, where he found “ample opportunity” for the aerospace giant to cut costs. There are very few industries that have maximized lean manufacturing opportunities, Byrne believes. Labor and energy costs for fastener manufacturers may rise, but the overall “operations should be able to improve” and thus offset cost escalation through productivity and lean techniques. Byrne cited the transition of the Boeing 737 production to a moving line, which jumped from 28 planes a month to the current level of 31.5 increasing to 38 in 2013. That production increase was “yielded from just good, solid, lean manufacturing applications,” Byrne declared. Boeing wants suppliers to
Selling fasteners to Boeing
make “appropriate profit margins,” but Byrne expects fastener manufacturers to gain through lean manufacturing rather than price increases to Boeing. Byrne said Boeing recognizes the problem of metal price volatility and other costs to the fastener manufacturer and will work with them on “variable pricing solutions.”
What is most important for fastener companies wanting to sell fasteners to Boeing? “It’s our plane these fasteners are going on,” Byrne responded. Fastener suppliers “need to understand our customers’ need for consistent, high quality.” There are not likely to be many suppliers of highly engineered fasteners to Boeing. The multiple engineering requirements for aerospace fasteners “tend to place constraints on how wide a supplier base you can have,” Byrne explained. His staff of thirty conducts a “rigorous qualifying process, which reduces the number of suppliers.” Other industries such as automotive can have wider supplier bases. “A procurement agent may prefer 20 suppliers, but that is not realistic in aerospace fasteners,” he said. Byrne does want “two or three qualified candidates for all parts.” An exception could be unique intellectual property fasteners where there may be a sole source. In such cases licensing may be necessary.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Fastener Fair Stuttgart 22-24 February 2011 Hall 4, Stand B04
We break all chains!
American news Almost all the fastener suppliers are based in North America, Byrne reported. “Fasteners are not a commodity for us to go to India or China for,” he said. But an existing North American supplier may come to Boeing and want to acquire a foreignbased company or build a plant elsewhere. Then Boeing “will work with that supplier to develop that capability.” For fasteners and other parts, Boeing looks at a long product life cycle, Byrne said. The 737 short-range twinjet created a new market when it went into production in 1967. The next generation 737 took its first flight in 1997. In 2007 – 40 years after the first 737 – Boeing celebrated the 7,000th order for the plane.
especially to remove and replace fasteners.” A potential growth area for Boeing and its suppliers is aftermarket parts. “We’d like to grow our business there.” Byrne said the Boeing brand name is valuable to the aftermarket and Boeing has a “financial and moral stake in doing it right.”
What is the future for fasteners in Boeing planes? “It will continue to evolve. Strength and weight are key issues. Boeing wants to continue to simplify fastening systems, while maintaining performance,” Byrne responded. Every ounce of weight on any airplane requires more fuel on every flight. “Managing weight is a tough challenge,” Byrne acknowledged. The new Dreamliner 787 is the prime example. It will use 20% less fuel than similarly sized airplanes due to half of the plane’s primary structure being constructed from composite materials. A one-piece carbon fibre reinforced plastic fuselage section replaces 1,500 aluminum sheets and 50,000 fasteners. Carbon fibre composites provide higher strength-to-weight ratio than traditional aircraft materials. Composites are used for the fuselage, wings, tail, doors, and interior. Boeing already uses composites in commercial airplanes like the 777 and 747, and defence products like the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey military transport and the C-17. Byrne explained that though there are half the number of holes on the 787 as the 767, that doesn’t equate to half the number of fasteners. There are more highly engineered fasteners and more multi-piece fasteners, he pointed out. Instead of one rivet that is just one piece, the 787 may have pins and bolts with nuts, washers or collars. “The whole nature of fastening solutions has changed with a composite plane,” Byrne explained. The Dreamliner took its maiden flight on 15th December 2009, and remains in the flight test and certification process. The 787 drew a lot of attention to fastener supply problems. Among the delays in production of the Boeing 787 in 2007-2008 was a shortage of fasteners. Byrne acknowledged the situation “exposed some gaps” in Boeing’s fastener ordering which it had experienced earlier with other metal products. “We are going to manage fasteners more aggressively,” Byrne said. That includes “greater collaboration with fastener manufacturers. They have to understand our forecasts – what and when we need fasteners.” If Boeing tells suppliers specific projections it “is better than asking them to speculate. It adds clarity for their production planning and inventories.” “As a whole we can manage commodities more effectively,” Byrne said. Beyond supply lessons, Boeing discovered the new fasteners brought other challenges. “What we learned is that the installation (of new fastening systems) was more difficult –
Courtesy of Boeing
Future of fasteners with Boeing
Buy American legislation In the early weeks of his administration, president Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery & Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009 – also known as the Stimulus Act – which expanded the “Buy American” provisions of the Berry Amendment for Department of Defense suppliers. Boeing has “worked very hard to get there” and meet the Berry Amendment for its tankers. “We have worked diligently with Congress to create a solution that meets the intent of the law.”
Working with suppliers and customers Boeing and fastener suppliers “absolutely have to work together. Communication and working together “yields the best results.” Fastener requirements will continue to evolve in a progressive evolution. “We need to continue to innovate. We can’t remain where we are,” Byrne noted. As a large OEM, Boeing has a certain presence with its suppliers. “We have the same thing happen to us,” Byrne refers to airline customers. In 2004 the launch customer, All Nippon Airways, ordered 50 Dreamliners for delivery in 2008. Currently there are 57 customers from six continents who have placed 847 orders totaling US$164 billion.
“Pretty amazing engineering” Beyond the pricing and scheduling demands, Byrne obviously appreciates what goes into Boeing airplanes. “Very few people appreciate the amount of engineering in fastening solutions,” Byrne pointed out. “There are a lot of people who think just ‘nuts and bolts’.” The engineering of tolerances is actually “pretty amazing engineering.”
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
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American news By John Wolz
Devers at STAFDA: Economic uncertainty is the problem Uncertainty about the economic recovery and the U.S. housing industry leads the concerns of Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association members, Robert Devers said in the annual president’s State of the Industry address in November.
he “Great Recession” which started in 2007, officially ended in June 2009 based on improvement in gross domestic product rising slightly for the second quarter in a row, ending the 18-month recession. But Devers, executive vice president of Jacksonville, FL-based A-Jax Company said “continued economic weakness has raised questions about the recovery’s sustainability.” “The recovery is not being pulled along by housing, and other components of growth are still stagnant as consumers worry about credit and jobs,” he observed. The gulf oil spill, Europe pulling back from expansionary efforts and the drop in the Credit Managers Index, has left management uncertain. Third quarter 2010 GDP figures rose 2%, but economists find a full year at a 5% rate is needed to lower unemployment, Devers pointed out. “Residential construction also continues to report job losses, albeit not as many as last year,” Devers said. Construction unemployment stands at 17% – down from 24% a year ago. Since the recession began at the end of 2007 half the U.S. job losses have been in construction, he noted. “In the past, housing has helped the economy rebound from recessions, but with limited demand in the current housing market, another industry needs to emerge as the saviour and right now, it doesn’t seem like any are able to step up.” September housing statistics improved and starts are up 4% over 2009, however permits dropped 10.9% in the past year. According to real estate data provider Core Logic, there are 11
million U.S. homes with upside down mortgages and millions more in foreclosure. “That’s a huge inventory of distressed homes that must be absorbed into our economy before a sustainable housing market can begin,” Devers explained. Construction of single-family homes is down 74% from the January 2006 peak. Multi-family housing is at its lowest level since 1994. Corporations are reportedly holding US$1.8 trillion in cash “because they are not comfortable hiring freely and making major investments,” Devers said. States have been slower than expected in distributing US$787 billion in stimulus money. All this leads to uncertainty for STAFDA distributors. “Most STAFDA distributors would agree that business can show signs of improvement one month and turn stone cold the next,” Devers finds. “A big area of uncertainty for distributors is the unforeseen impact of mergers” in power and hand tool companies and in the safety channel. “We are also concerned what ramifications import tariffs will have on threaded rod, nails and diamond blades. Sourcing decisions, long term supplier relationships, and pricing structures have all been affected this past year,” Devers added. Also there is uncertainty over taxes and bank lending. A-Jax, founded 37 years ago by David Baker and Mary Anne Baker as a nut and bolt distributorship, has evolved to a stocking distributor of many STAFDA lines for MRO, OEM, commercial, construction, military, utility, power generation and transportation markets.
“Wrong screws” caused panel fall An investigation aided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determined that a heavy exterior wall panel that fell from a Massachusetts courthouse under construction “failed because a contractor used the wrong type of screws”, the Salem News reports.
worker was seriously injured on the ground when the 250Kg limestone panel fell four stories in July 2010. After months of investigation, the state Division of Capital Asset Management determined that the zinc-coated screws used by the contractor on the US$106 million state courthouse project “were not the type specified in the design of the fastener system.” “Use of the wrong screws was the ‘direct cause’ of the limestone panel falling,” the Salem News reports. OSHA utilized national forensic engineering firm Simpson Gumpertz & Heger to conduct the investigation. SGH determined that the contractor should have used polymer-coated screws instead of zinc-coated self-drilling fasteners, which reportedly failed due to hydrogen embrittlement. Cracks were also found in other fasteners when the 154 limestone panels were removed following the accident. SGH also found that “the adhesive anchor from the stone that fell was installed in an improperly cleaned hole,” though the anchor was determined to have failed after the stone panel struck the ground.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
American news AEA Investors acquire controlling stake in Lone Star Fasteners A private equity firm founded in 1968 by the Rockefeller, Mellon and Harriman family interests has acquired a controlling stake in Lone Star PRD from Trinity Hunt Partners.
EA Investors LP acquired Houston-based Lone Star, a supplier and distributor of specialty fasteners and gaskets to the oil & gas, power generation and petrochemical industries. Ian Dunkinson was named CEO to lead the reorganization under the new ownership structure. Lone Star PRD will move its group headquarters from Houston to Wolverhampton, UK. “The investment by AEA and the implementation of a new capital structure gives Lone Star PRD the opportunity to significantly expand our global operational footprint and our industry leading quality and service,” Dunkinson told FIN. Lone Star PRD is expected to generate US$126 million in revenue for 2010, employing 600 workers at facilities in the U.S., UK, Dubai, Romania, Singapore and China. The Lone Star PRD Group was established in 2007 with the merger of UK-based PRD Holdings Group and US-based LS Precision Manufacturing Inc. AEA is a private equity investment company founded in 1968 by the Rockefeller, Mellon and Harriman family interests and S.G. Warburg & Co. It has offices in New York, Connecticut, Germany, UK, Hong Kong and China.
Hillman acquires specialty fastener distributor Fastener distributor Hillman Companies Inc acquired Servalite, an East Moline, Ill.-based distributor of specialty fasteners and hardware, for an undisclosed sum, the Business Courier reports.
ast Moline, IL-based Servalite has two U.S. distribution centers, including a 115,000 sq ft warehouse/office complex, with more than 160 sales reps and about 200 employees, according to the company’s website. Founders Tom and Jennifer Rower will reportedly remain with the company, which was started in 1979 and had more than US$20 million in 2009 revenue. Founded as a fastener company in 1964, Cincinnati, OHbased Hillman is a value-added distributor of over 60,000 SKUs, including fasteners, key duplication systems, engraved tags and related hardware items to over 21,000 retail customers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and South America. Hillman’s customer portfolio includes Ace Hardware, True Value, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, Walmart, Menards and Do it Best Corp.
FIN launches Article Store For the first time individual FIN articles are available online at Article Store.
hanks to the new Article Store, a variety of published items from news articles, features, technical articles, fastener stock reports and the 2011 FIN Calendar are available. Most articles remain exclusive for FIN subscribers. Some broader interest articles will be posted in the Article Store for individual purchase. In addition to FIN articles, technical and other articles by outside authors are available. Technical writers may submit articles to sell on the Article Store. In the past, subscribers received the annual FIN Stock Report and non-subscribers could buy the full report for US$95. Now it is possible to buy individual company stock reports for US$10. FIN subscribers will continue to receive news and special reports. Articles posted in the Fastener History section of and the Obituaries from 1979 to 2010 are free anytime.
U.S. adhesives demand grows amid automotive rebound U.S. demand for coatings, adhesives and sealants used in the automotive industry is forecast to reach US$5.6 billion in 2014, a Freedonia Group study finds.
his represents a significant rebound from the declines of the 2004-2009 period, when the market was adversely impacted by the global economic downturn.” The U.S. motor vehicle industry was particularly hard hit by the weak global economy, as falling consumer confidence and a tightening in credit markets severely restricted new vehicle purchases. As a result, vehicle output was nearly cut in half between 2004 and 2009, reducing demand for coatings, adhesives and sealants at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) level. Through 2014, however, this segment of the market will drive overall gains as vehicle production expands rapidly from a depressed base.
Heads & Threads launches Socket Screw division
Heads & Threads International launched a new division - Socket Screw Supply - to expand its socket products.
S 28
3 will stock a full line of socket products, including new sizes and pack quantities, standard and nonstandard sizes, inch and metric, and nylon patch, pellet & plated products. Products include socket, flat and button head cap screws, socket shoulder screws, socket set screws, square head set screws and dowel pins. S3 products will be available online: or from HTI sales representatives.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
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American news
30 technical papers to be presented at Interwire 2011 The Wire Association International reports more than 95% of exhibit space for Interwire 2011 is sold. WAI and the American Wire Producers Association will conduct events 2nd – 5th May 2011, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. AWPA will conduct its Supply Chain Symposium, on 2nd – 3rd May.
AI executive director Steven Fetteroll told “WAI has developed a close working relationship with the AWPA.”He added: “By coordinating event schedules both organizations can accommodate the ferrous sector and benefit from the participation of the groups.” AWPA executive director Kimberly Korbel said she was pleased with the first Supply Chain Symposium held alongside the 2010 Wire Expo. “This industry event was sponsored by the Wire Association and several other ferrous wire and wire products associations,” Korbel said. “Their support and marketing efforts were invaluable in launching an event which showcases a new level of industry cooperation.”
Interwire’s technical program includes more than 30 scheduled paper presentations over three days. WAI’s technical program content, which will be presented 3rd – 5th May, will be divided into three new theme days: Metals & Materials; Manufacturing Best Practices; and Green Initiatives. The Interwire schedule includes more than 400 exhibiting companies; plant tours of Southwire’s Carrollton facility; on-floor production solutions demonstrations; productivity and fundamentals of wire manufacturing workshops; and a concurrent Global Continuous Casting Forum for copper. Interwire is held biennially for the wire and cable manufacturing industry. Web:
MacLean-Fogg marks 85th anniversary MacLean-Fogg Company is marking 85 years of growth to a family-owned, multi-national corporation.
he company noted: “Through wars and recessions, the MacLean-Fogg Company has grown into a worldwide enterprise with facilities throughout Europe, North America and Asia, and sales of US$800+ million annually.” The suburban Chicago company attributed its growth to “adhering to its initial principle, ‘Help the industry and we will help ourselves. Solve the customer’s problem at a fair price and on time.’” In 1925 John A. MacLean Sr. left as an executive of Boss Nut Company to start his own locking fastener business by offering one lock nut to North America’s railroads. Two years later John MacLean Jr. left his stock and bond position to join the new fastener company. In 1957 John MacLean III became the third generation in MacLean-Fogg when he started working with his father to develop new products. In 1959 the MacLean family bought out the silent investors. In 1961 mechanical engineer Barry MacLean joined the firm. Today MacLean-Fogg holds hundreds of patents on inventions ranging from products to methods of constructing products. Current CEO and president Barry MacLean said the MacLean Family Enterprise has grown through acquisition, building up factories, consistently keeping the idea of focused factories, not getting too big in one place while also investing in the future of people, giving them skills, and encouraging them to go to school
to help train themselves. “It is important to keep each location small and focused to optimally serve employees and customers,” MacLean told “Believing in people is our most important asset.” He noted that for 85 years, “we have successfully developed a portfolio of products for the vehicles, industrial and utility markets by building and acquiring our product lines. It has been a wonderful trip. I’m looking forward to celebrating 100 Years!” MacLean-Fogg now has more than 3,000 employees and 34 locations, including 23 in North America. The company provides engineered metal and plastic components to the industrial, automotive, military and aerospace markets plus unique devices for the transmission and distribution of power. “We will continue to develop our capabilities to truly be a global company, a global manufacturer and a global supplier with an infrastructure that enables us to call on customers everywhere,” Barry MacLean said. The MacLean Family’s legacy includes “an innovative working environment, an open and honest culture, diverse and quality products, and superior customer education and service.” Barry’s son, Duncan MacLean, is CEO of MacLean Vehicle Systems; Tom Smith is CEO of MacLean Power Systems; and daughter Margaret MacLean, is MPS vice president. Web:
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Asian news
April Fastener Trade Show in Suzhou The fifth Fastener Trade Show will be staged at the International Expo Center, Suzhou 8th – 9th April 2011.
rganisers are aiming to have 400 exhibitors presenting fasteners, machinery, tooling, surface treatment and raw materials to an anticipated 10,000 visitors. The organisers quote the recent Freedonia World Fastener report to emphasise that Chinese fastener output is expected to rise faster than the country’s demand through to 2014, at which time China is expected to become the world’s largest fastener manufacturer. The exhibition will be categorised into different ‘trade zones’ including construction, general fasteners, export oriented enterprises, and fasteners for machinery, automotive, hardware and electrical market sectors. Suzhou, one of the major cities in the Yangtze River Delta, is 80 kilometres from Shanghai and is served by a high-speed rail link taking 35 minutes. The International Expo Center is located in the Suzhou Industrial Park, developed cooperatively between the Chinese and Singaporean governments.
TIFI meeting in December Under the chairmanship of Mr Joe Chen, The Taiwan Industrial Fastener Institute met at the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel, Kaihsiung on 24th December.
IP guests included Mr. J.C Tsou, chairman of China Steel Corporation, the chairman of Taiwan CSC, and Mr. Qi-Chuan Huang, chairman of Metal Industries Research & Development Center (MIRDC). Dr. Dong-Yih Lin (professor of the department of chemical and materials engineering and head of the Fastener and Steel Research Center at the National University of Kaohsiung) and professor Gow-Yi Tzou (provost of Kao Yuan University and head of the Research Center of Fasteners Industry Technology) made presentations to the meeting on the theme of the opportunities for the Taiwan fastener industry under global competition and ways to further develop skills in the industry sector. Source: Fastener World Magazine
Bi-metal screw demand benefits Sheh Kai The rapidly increasing demand for bi-metal screws, driven by a recovering stainless steel construction market and growth in solar panel installations in Europe, is benefiting Taiwan Sheh Kai Precision Co., Ltd., which reported 68% year on year growth for 2010 reaching sales equivalent to approximately 20 million euros.
he company has invested NT$100 million (2.6 million euros) in a third factory expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2011. Monthly production of bi-metal screws is expected to increase from 12 million to 30 million pieces. Following two years of research and development Sheh Kai began delivery of its new bi-metal concrete bolts during the final quarter 2010. Source: Fastener World Magazine
Indian Hardware Trade Show pleased with debut The first India International Hardware Show, organised jointly between Koelnmesse YA Tradefair and Sourcing Hardware magazine at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, featured 60 exhibitors.
he three-day event, which finished on 31st October 2010, attracted 14 international exhibitors from Germany, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Italy and the UK. It reported total visitors at 2,428 but stressed the trade only profile of the show, which most exhibitor reports confirmed meant the quality of the visitors was very good. Deepak Gupta, editor and publisher of Sourcing Hardware magazine, commented: “The India International Hardware Show is marked by its unique positioning, of a pure trade event. This fact differentiates it from other events in the building products industry. By targeting a very specific segment of volume buyers and specifiers, we are ensuring that our exhibitors are not swamped by vast crowds, and their participation results in development of new business prospects and contacts”. The next edition of IIHS is scheduled for 8th - 10th September 2011 in Mumbai.
San Shing expects stronger sales in 2011 Reporting 2010 sales up 69% at NT$4.565 billion (118 million euros) San Shing Fastech predicted further sales growth in 2011 on the basis it already has orders through until the end of June. 95% of sales were to the European, US and Japanese export markets. 73% of sales were generated by its nuts business, 9.4% from bolts and screws; and 10.2% from wire and processing.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Asian news
New report on Indian fastener markets Brooks Market Intelligence Reports has, for the first time, published an in-depth study of fastener consumption markets in India, expected to be of considerable interest to exhibitors and visitors to the Fastener Fair Mumbai in April, and to all companies with an interest in this rapidly expanding geographic market.
he Fastener Market in India – an Overview’ assesses the wide-ranging opportunities presented to the fastener and construction fixings industries by India’s dynamic economy, increasingly powerful domestic consumption market and long-term requirement for infrastructure development. The report reviews the Indian economic, social and political context before exploring current trends, future developments and key consumers in the major end markets for fasteners: including automotive, rail and aerospace; power generation and distribution; electrical goods and telecommunications, construction and infrastructure. It also assesses the current structure of the Indian fastener manufacturing and distribution sectors and considers the challenges faced in responding to substantial increases in both volume and quality demands for fasteners. The report highlights the crucial role India’s domestic demand played in sustaining economic growth during 2009, despite the global downturn, and driving projected 2010-11 GDP growth at more than 8%. The report identifies some 46 automotive manufacturers in India. Production of four-wheel passenger vehicles is rapidly approaching 4 million units per year, with major inward investment from many of the world’s leading carmakers turning India’s aspiration to be a world-class small car production hub into a reality. Already number two in the world for two-wheeler production, nine producers compete in the extremely active domestic market as well as for export sales. As India’s highway network develops at around 12 kilometres per day, itself driving significant fastener demand, the truck industry is adapting to new road freight requirements, with increased demand for multi-axle heavy goods vehicle and more light goods vehicles for in-city delivery. India’s massive agricultural economy inevitably means an extensive tractor and machinery manufacturing industry. Massive infrastructure investment combined with a powerful extraction sector also means an important off-highway machinery sector
with world leaders like Caterpillar, Terex and JCB manufacturing on large scales. The Indian government demonstrates major commitments to infrastructure development throughout the country. As well as an ambitious road construction program, the upgrading of India’s rail network is a priority, as is the development of transit systems in expanding major cities. The ambition for industrial and urban development is epitomised by the vision for an industrial and commercial corridor stretching 1,500 kilometres to link Mumbai and Delhi. Social requirements are also very important in India. Sustainable power generation and, in particular, effective electricity distribution are crucial to bringing greater prosperity to rural areas but also to sustain annual growth at more than 8% to create employment and opportunity. Rural electrification is a significant driver in demand growth for televisions, mobile phones and other electrical goods. The penetration of products like washing machines and refrigerators remains low, presenting major opportunities as rural populations demand entry-level products and urban populations to higher added value models. ‘The Fastener Market in India – an Overview’ considers these, and other, demand drivers for fastener products, identifying major industrial consumers in each sector. It also reviews the structure and key players in the India fastener and distribution sectors and gives consideration to some of the challenges facing the domestic industry and foreign entrants. While India continues to pose as many questions as it provides answers, and ambitions and aspirations do not always translate into reality quite as expected, there is no question it represents one of the world’s major opportunity markets for fasteners and construction fixings. This 15,000 word report provides an important introduction, at an economic cost, for companies seeking to assess what India may offer them and to begin to develop a detailed understanding of a complex but potentially highly rewarding market.
‘The Fastener Market in India – an Overview’ may be purchased and downloaded as a PDF from at a cost of 195 euros. Brooks Reports also offers a continuously updated range of independently researched reports on other key sectors including sheet metal, rail, airports, and process industries.
Fastener Fair – Mumbai A unique 2011 opportunity to explore the Indian fastener market and experience the business culture first hand.
astener Fair – Mumbai takes place 16th – 17th April 2011, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai. This inaugural fastener show is co-located with the established BLECH India 2011 event, dedicated to sheet metal working. Organiser of both events, Inter Ads – Brooks Exhibitions, has already demonstrated its expertise in attracting high quality industry visitors. Fastener Fair – Mumbai, therefore, represents an outstanding opportunity to engage with the India business
culture, establish new and successful business relationships and really find out about the opportunities presented by the Indian fastener market. To see a floor plan and enquire about exhibiting opportunities visit and follow the Fastener Fair Mumbai link. Alternatively contact Fastener Fair by email: From within India: From outside India:
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
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russian + cis news Alexander Ostashov, Editor Fastener, Adhesives, Tools and… Magazine
Protective duty confirmed on fastener imports
A protective duty on imports of fasteners to the Russian Federation will apply for three years.
n 24th November the first deputy of the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mr. Zubkov held a meeting of the government sub-commission responsible for tariff and customs regulation, non-tariff regulation and protective measures in external trade. After repeated consideration of the results of the special protective investigation concerning increased import of machine-building fasteners to the customs territory of the Russian Federation, it was confirmed that a special protective measure would be applied in the form of a duty equivalent to US$282.4 per tonne on imported fasteners for a three-year period. The protective measure will be submitted to the chairman of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, for signature.
VSMPO-Avisma ensures aerospace fastener market growth VSMPO-Avisma Corporation, based at Verkhnaya Salda in the Sverdlovsk Region of Russia, has concluded a long-term agreement for titanium processing with America’s Universal Stainless & Alloy Products.
he Russian titanium producer supplies billets to its North-American partner. Universal Stainless will use them for production of rod for NF&M International Inc - a VSMPO-Avisma subsidiary in the US. NF&M plans to perform final processing to supply small diameter rods, wire and straight rods with tight tolerances. In the first four months of 2011 NF&M will start up new capacity at its plant in Monaka, Pennsylvania. The capacity, capable of future increase, will produce about 500 tonnes of bars for fasteners, medical titanium and other applications each year. According to Mikhail Voyevodin, general director of VSMPO-Avisma, the market for aerospace fasteners will grow dramatically during coming years, driven by production of the Boeing 787, Airbus A350 and other passenger aircrafts using composite materials. The medical market will also continue stable development. The president of VSMPO-Tirus (the American subsidiary of VSMPO-Avisma) Michael Matz estimated that annual world demand for titanium fasteners was currently between 3,000 - 5,000 tonnes but could double over the next three to five years. VSMPO-Avisma is one of three suppliers of titanium semi-finished and rolled products for Boeing’s commercial aerospace programs. NF&M International Inc received certificates for production of titanium products for aerospace, medical and automobile industries. It also cooperates with engine manufacturers General Electric Co and United Technologies Corp.
Cars adapted for Russian roads Vortex Corda model required strengthened door frames and more high strength fasteners to meet the challenges of Russian roads.
he first Vortex Corda models, adapted from the Chery Amulet and produced in the Taganrog Automotiveplant, have appeared in the showrooms of TagAZ dealers. The manufacturer announced that the Vortex Corda had been considerably adapted for the Russian conditions. Door frames are strengthened by metal support bars and stronger fasteners made from high quality alloy steel are used for body assembly and component attachment.
Sormat Ost invests in new equipment The Sormat Ost plant in Saint Petersburg has purchased new injection moulding machines from Engel Austria GmbH.
n November this equipment was installed and started to work at full capacity. The plant has 45 machines and currently produces plastic fasteners for construction and wiring work. Sormat Ost, which supplies its produce to Russia and European countries, plans further production expansion in 2011.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
• Meets industry specs • Significant cost savings • Customized service Contact us to learn more about our full line of bulk microcap materials. Licenses available.
Managing maximum force – even in extreme conditions.
ND Industries, Clawson, MI USA • Phone: 248-655-2580 Email: •
SCHNORR® is an international leader in engineering and manufacturing of safety washers and disc springs for the automotive or aerospace industry and machine constructions.
Original SCHNORR® safety washers: New standards in tapping technology
• high resistance to vibration • patented technology • extensive range
Top-Cut Automatic nut tapping machine with bent shank tap.
Original SCHNORR® disc springs:
Suitable for all kinds of standard, flange and round nuts as well as special parts.
Streicher Maschinenbau GmbH Argenstrasse 58/1 88079 Kressbronn/Germany Phone Fax Internet eMail
• manifold applications • optimal price/performance ratio • tailor-made solutions Just talk to us! Together we will work out individual solutions for a wide range of applications.
+49-7543/60510 +49-7543/605140
Top-Cut 10 D
Top-Cut 16 D
Top-Cut 33 D
Thread dimension
M5 – M10
M5 - M16
M16 – M33
Number of spindles
Max. outside diameter of parts
25 mm
32 mm
60 mm
Max. width across flats (hexagon nuts)
22 mm
27 mm
50 mm
Power of spindle motor
4 kW
9,7 kW
13,2 kW
Speed range
400 – 5000 rpm
400 – 5000 rpm
200 – 1600 rpm
Max. output (square/hex nuts)
19.700 pcs/h
19.700 pcs/h
5.950 pcs/h
Max. output (flange nuts)
11.090 pcs/h
11.090 pcs/h
3.530 pcs/h
Hall 4, Stand C31
Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgarter Str. 37 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 7031 302-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7031 382600
russian + cis news
Fastener standard for wooden house-building On 25th – 26th November, the Forth Congress of the Association of Wooden House-Building took place at Saint Petersburg Architectural and Construction University.
75 representatives of the industry sector, as well as media, educational establishments and foreign guests from Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Estonia took part in the congress events. According to reports from the Association of the Wooden House-Building, the market for low-rise and wooden house building continues to grow, with a 3.5 fold growth in wooden house construction between 2002 and 2009. Recently developed construction techniques have reassured concerns about potential
High-tensile fasteners production in Russia High-tensile fasteners for the machine building industry will be produced in Kolomna, around 100 kilometres southeast of Moscow.
he location was chosen for the establishment of a specialised plant for production of high-tensile fasteners, aimed at being supplied to manufacturing enterprises throughout the European part of Russia. The foundation stone of the future MTE-Kolomenskiy Plant was placed on 27th October. By 2020 another new production facility for high-tensile fasteners is expected to be established in Nyazepetrovsk, Chelaybinskaya Region in the Southern Urals. The development program presupposes diversification of the city’s main enterprise, the Nyazepetrovskiy Crane-building Plant, to production of metal structures, founding and high strength fasteners. Realisation of the program will lead to the creation of 500 new worksites.
fire hazards. The main discussion focused on certification and standardisation in wooden house building. Amongst other important issues discussed at the congress were questions about male thread screws used in wooden constructions. Professor Naychuk (Belarus), Peter Lang, the representative of Italian Rothoblaas Company and postgraduates of the University reported on the problem. They paid particular attention to the standard developed by the Association - “Wooden Constructions. Design of wooden joints using screws”.
9th Fasttec moves to new Moscow convention centre The 9th Fasttec Russian fastener trade show will move to the new EcoCentre Sokolniki in Moscow. The 15th – 17th March 2011 exposition is sponsored by the RosMetiz Association of Hardware Manufacturers & Sellers and the International Exhibition Company MVK.
osMetiz coordinator A.A. Semenov said: “Our exhibition is the largest annual forum pulling together numerous enterprises and producers of hardware products and hardware components.” Products range from fasteners for mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace, construction, woodworking and furniture manufacturing industries. Exhibits also include glues, sealants and adhesives. There will be equipment for fastener manufacturing. For information contact exhibit director Maria Smirnova at MVK. Tel/Fax: (7) 495 925 34 19 E-mail: Web:
New GOST for bridge-building fasteners The Federal Agency of the Russian Federation for Technical Regulation and Metrology approved on December 2009 and brought into force on 1st January 2011 a national standard GOST P 53664-2009 “HighTensile Bolts for Bridge-Building and corresponding Nuts and Washers”.
imultaneously, the Science and Research Centre Mosty has developed a normative document regarding detachable connections in steel construction of bridges using bolts. Both normative documents came into force at the beginning of 2011. They are based on new science and research and design-engineering developments, conducted by SRC Mosty and tested on real bridge constructions. All are aimed at improving safety in construction operation, reducing
labour intensity, reorganising labour processes and decrease environmental impact. Newly developed joints using conical high-tensile bolts with round heads, fitting tightly into holes, are reported to have 1.5 to 3 times higher load bearing capacity than friction joints using cylindrical bolts. Accordingly, the quantity of bolts and holes at abutment joints is reduced, together with the labour intensity for production and assembly of the structures.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
c ov e r s to r y
Ensuring a solid connection – anywhere in the world
Hall: 6 Stand: K30
Nestled against a hillside, just outside the small town of Weilerbach in Germany’s Rheinland-Pfalz region, is a 40,000 square metre facility that takes the production of anchoring technology very seriously indeed. Given what that technology retains, supports and holds together, literally around the globe, that it is produced and technically supported by MKT is a persuasive assurance.
KT has been serious about high-quality, internationally approved fastening technologies from its inception in 1990. Before then co-founder Lore Weustenhagen had demonstrated many years achievement in the construction fixings sector – experience that has subsequently driven MKT’s relentless growth, interrupted only fleetingly and marginally on export business by the world downturn, to this day. In addition to the four production and logistics halls in Weilerbach MKT also has, since 1996, a production facility in Arkansas, United States specifically designed to service the requirements of the North American construction sector. MKT’s corporate strapline refers to “a solid connection” and that sense of solidity permeates the whole business. The production facility has been built and progressively extended to provide an absolutely reliable base for the business. Through the years, investment in production equipment has evidently been strategic. Production machinery has been carefully selected to meet MKT’s precise needs and to serve them efficiently in the long term. High volume mechanical anchor production is primarily, as one would expect, on advanced cold heading machinery with integrated thread rolling - process monitored, with power uncoiling for larger wire diameters, in line wire drawing and straightening, and post-production immediate
transfer to automatic cleaning lines. Shorter run requirements are produced on rotary transfer machines – from the company’s beginning this advanced machinery type was chosen for its versatility and efficiency. Investment for the longer term has paid off. “We were told for years that the drop in anchor would become a product only imported from Asia,” says Stefan Weustenhagen, “but every year the sales for our ‘Made in Germany’ product continue to increase.” Even for simpler items, like the studs for chemical anchoring, metal turning machinery is linked directly to thread rolling equipment to achieve production efficiency. More recently MKT has invested in advanced CNC multitask machinery for small, complex parts, historically sub-contracted, but now inhouse to improve both efficiency and quality assurance. Assembly and packaging demonstrate the greatest level of customisation with the latest in a series of automatic lines designed and produced specifically for MKT assembling wedge anchors in sets of four. Integral to the design are a series of inspection systems, confirming orientation of each component and then checking accurate assembly, before packing into the well-recognised powder blue and red MKT boxes. Of course, quality is a serious matter for MKT and there is plenty of evidence to confirm that commitment, starting with the sourcing of raw material. MKT produces from both machine and
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
cold form grades of carbon steel, two grades of stainless steel and corrosion resistant steel. Throughout production in-process monitoring is reinforced by SPC stations, at which operators carry out dimensional and profile checks to predetermined sample plans. With a current total of 17 European Technical Approvals final product testing has inevitably become a critical, not to say significant investment, activity for MKT. So much so that the company expects to start construction of a completely new testing house in Spring 2011. One reason for that investment reflects MKT’s rare status as one of only three fixings manufacturers to have approval confirmed according to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) general technical approval Z-21.3-1906, for an anchor system capable of withstanding dynamic loads. Developing the MKT Injection System VMZ Dynamic required a “very substantial investment” in the equipment, a hydraulically controlled rig standing some three metres high, required to carry out tests lasting for up to four days. Currently shoehorned into the existing testing room the dynamic testing rig, which exerts sustained tension on the anchor from all different directions, will take its place in the new testing house, close to MKT’s Hall 4, which in addition to housing the company’s warehouse and logistics operation has training and seminar facilities. When it comes to travel the Injection System VMZ is already an experienced globetrotter. 11,600 M20 versions of the VMZ anchor carry the load of the armoured concrete ceiling in the two 5.8 kilometre long Clem Jones road tunnels, 60 metres below and ten metres into the bedrock beneath the Brisbane River, in Australia. ‘Down under’, in every respect, MKT has proven its credentials here with a product designed to create the equivalent of undercut anchor security using chemical technology – effectively combining the benefits of bonded and
tunnel applications including fixing rails, pipe clamps and cable channels, or tracks in the ICE passage between Munich and Nuremburg; during the construction phase of the Gotthard tunnel in Switzerland; and in the Schloßbergtunnel, Heidelberg. Seats and railings in some of the most prestigious sports stadia in the world also owe their security to MKT. They include the FIFA World Cup Stadium in Kaiserlautern, one could say MKT’s home ground; but also the Berlin Olympic Stadium; and in Abuja, Nigeria the National Stadium Complex. From the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart, to the ABC Tower in Bonn, and an Abu Dhabi MKT Injection Mosque, MKT anchor systems have System VMZ also fixed natural stone facades. used in Clem Once again the opposite side of the world MKT anchors were used Jones tunnel in the construction of the Beijing - seen under Metro. “Often, of course,” says construction Stefan Weustenhagen, “because MKT supplies the reseller, we do not hear left the final destination for the anchor systems we are despatching every week to all parts of the world.” Wherever its products do come to be used one thing is clear; MKT is without question today firmly established amongst the, perhaps, ten or twelve fixings technology manufacturers capable of meeting the needs of the construction industry across the globe.
expansion anchors for both cracked and non-cracked concrete applications. The galvanised steel, A4 stainless steel or high corrosion resistance steel threaded stud features a series of conical expansion elements, which when combined with a two component injection resin, provide extremely high load bearing capacity even at minimum edge distance and spacing. The VMZ system holds European Technical Approval ETA-04/0092 for a torque controlled bonded anchor in diameters from M8 through to M24. The DIBt approval for dynamic loads applies to the MKT Injection System VMZ Dynamic in galvanised steel sizes 100mm M12, 125mm M16 and 170mm M20. The 125mm M16 version is also available in highly corrosion resistant steel for outdoor applications and tunnels. MKT anchor systems have also been used in European
events calendar
Fastener Fair India Where: Mumbai, India When: 16 Apr - 17 Apr 2011 Web: What: The fastener event for India.
Hardware/DIY, Home, Garden Show
Fastener Fair Stuttgart
Hannover Industrial Fair
Where: Dublin, Ireland When: 20 Feb - 21 Feb 2011 Web: What: Tools, metal-working and manufacturing technologies. Where: Stuttgart, Germany When: 22 Feb - 24 Feb 2011 Web: What: The fastener event for europe.
Asia Pacific Sourcing
Where: Cologne, Germany When: 9 Mar - 11 Mar 2011 Web: What: A platform for asian companies in import and export.
BLECH Russia
Where: St Petersburg, Russia When: 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2011 Web: What: Sheet metal working.
Fasttec Expo
Where: Moscow, Russia When: 15 Mar - 17 Mar 2011 Web: What: Russia’s specialist fastener technology fair. (Co-located with ISET / Interinstrument)
Where: Sao Paulo, Brazil When: 15 Mar - 19 Mar 2011 Web: What: Construction industry fair.
Where: Bilbao, Spain When: 23 Mar - 26 Mar 2011 Web: What: Spanish hardware and DIY show. Where: Hannover, Germany When: 4 Apr - 8 Apr 2011 Web: What: Industrial products, technologies and services.
Where: Moscow, Russia When: 5 Apr - 8 Apr 2011 Web: What: Construction technology, materials and equipment.
Where: Budapest, Hungary When: 5 Apr - 10 Apr 2011 Web: What: International building trade exhibition.
The 5th Fastener Trade Show Where: Suzhou, China When: 8 Apr - 9 Apr 2011 Web: What: Specialist fastener show.
Where: Mumbai, India When: 14 Apr - 17 Apr 2011 Web: What: Sheet metal working.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
If the world was a disc, it would be made by Pühl.
Maximum Efficiency Made in Germany: that’s Pühl! We do not only manufacture a comprehensive range of washers according to standards (DIN, NFE, BS, SS, UNI, ASTM, etc.) but also special washers and stampings to drawing or sample for various branches of industries i.e. steel constructions, wind and solar energy, railway and road protection, etc. Everything is done with high requirements as regards to quality, logistics, efficiency and reliability. Choose Pühl: said and stamped!
e x hibi t io n s
Fastener Fair announces Brazilian show for November 2011 Mack Brooks Exhibitions, organisers of the leading European fastener industry event Fastener Fair Stuttgart, which will open for three days from 22nd February, has just announced that it will take the Fastener Fair brand, for the first time, to South America in November 2011.
he inaugural Fiera de Fixação, Fastener Fair Brazil will take place 8th – 9th November at the Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil. Recently upgraded to provide high quality facilities, the Expo Center Norte is situated between São Paulo’s Guarulhos international airport and the centre of the largest city, and commercial and industrial centre, of Brazil. Brazil has a total population of around 192 million and is considered the world’s eight largest economy and one of the most dynamic, with 2010 GDP estimated to have grown by 8.8%. The country’s strongly established automotive manufacturing industry enjoyed domestic sales growth of more than 11% in 2009 and is expected to have produced 3.4 million vehicles in 2010. The country’s strong agricultural sector, which includes a bio fuel industry attracting massive investment, is also driving strong demand for commercial vehicles and agricultural machinery. In addition to bio fuels Brazil has a petrochemical market estimated to have grown by more than 12% in 2010 and to receive US$26 billion in investment by 2013. Brazil will host the 2014 Football World Cup, which is already adding impetus to the development of a world-class
transportation infrastructure. A high-speed train link between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro is expected to cost US$7 billion. Twelve host cities are expected to benefit from some US$100 billion in infrastructure investment. Rio de Janeiro will have invested US$50 billion by the time the city hosts the Olympic Games in 2016. Brazil’s consumer markets are vibrant with a strongly aspirational society driving demand for electrical and electronic goods. Some 175 million mobile handsets are in use, with 62 million produced in 2009 and demand expected to have grown by 12% in 2010. Demand for domestic appliances is growing even more rapidly. As a result of all these opportunities Brazil’s fastener market, already estimated to worth around US$1 billion, is expected to experience sustained and strong growth in the next five years. Fastener Fair Brazil aims to present, the first time in a single event, the diverse technologies of a long established and highly professional Brazilian fastener manufacturing industry together with fastener innovations and capabilities from across the world. For more information visit or email
Ferroforma-Bricoforma on a mission Organisers of Ferroforma-Bricoforma, held at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre from 23rd to 26th March 2011, have travelled to Colombia and Brazil to establish new relationships between the event’s visiting industries, focusing on importers and shopping platforms of DIY and construction materials.
oth countries are comprised in the list of Ferroforma-Bricoforma’s priority markets that also includes Eastern Europe, the Maghreb and the Middle East. The organisers report that the reception they received during the various meetings and interviews throughout the trip were very positive. Moreover, the organising committee of Ferroforma-Bricoforma received the support of the SpanishColombian Chamber of Commerce and the SPRI (Basque Development Agency) delegation in Brazil, respectively. Also during the trade mission Ferroforma-Bricoforma offered several Colombian and Brazilian associations and companies the opportunity to coordinate delegations, an initiative that was warmly welcomed. BEC visitor coordinators are also visiting Mexico, Argentina, Poland and Russia within a plan that will also include direct marketing activities in Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. Ferroforma has published a provisional list of exhibitors, dated 13th January, at its website.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
EssEntial tools for MorE tradE N.E.C. Birmingham • 6.7.8 february 2011 Register today at and save £30 entry fee Please quote priority code TTFF1 when registering
The UK’s only multi-trade event dedicated to buyers and retailers of DIY, hardware, tools, home improvement, and security products.
Free to visit and free parking
e x hibi t io n s
Seminar schedule to complement FASTENER TECH™ 2011 FASTENER TECH™ 2011, scheduled to take place in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA, 13th – 15th June 2011, will include several seminars, meetings and activities of interest to fastener manufacturers, distributors, users and industry suppliers, all which will complement the two-day exhibition. The seminars, meetings and activities that will occur over the two day exhibition include: • ‘Heat Treating High Strength Steel Fasteners (Grades 5 & 8)’ by professor Richard D. Sisson Jr., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Daniel H. Herring, “The Heat Treat Doctor”, The HERRING GROUP, Inc., and Fred R. Specht, Midwest regional manager, AjaxTocco-Magnethermic. • Fastening Technology Workshop, presented by the Fastener Training Institute® and taught by Bengt Blendulf, president/principal lecturer, EduPro US, Inc. • WIFI (Women In the Fastener Industry) meeting moderated by Mary Lou Aderman, president and owner of the Aderman Co., Inc. • Fastener Surface Finishing track of seminars and keynote speech organised by The National Association for Surface Finishing. • Dozens of Fastener Buying Tips from a panel of fastener suppliers, organised by • Fastener Distributor Strategies to Boost Sales & Efficiencies seminar by software experts from DDI System. • All Industry Reception. SUR/FIN, the annual conference and trade show organised by the National Association for Surface Finishing is co-locating its 2011 event with FASTENER TECH 2011 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. Visitors and exhibitors can attend both exhibitions. Described as “The All-Fastener-Industry Event in the Heart-of-the-Fastener Industry,” FASTENER TECH™ 2011 offers attendees and exhibitors a valuable, cost-effective and easy-to-attend event that provides benefits to fastener manufacturers, distributors, users and suppliers. FASTENER TECH™ is a biennial event. SUR/FIN 2011 is the surface finishing industry’s premier event, and it is a good fit for fastener industry professionals. The organisers emphasise “As a trade event, FASTENER TECH™ 2011 will be unique on several fronts, including: the relatively low-cost and ease-of-exhibiting at and attending the show, the all-industry focus, the heart-of-the-industry location, and a high level of participation from fastener industry associations and publications.” Turn-key exhibit spaces start at US$1,600. FASTENER TECH™ 2011 is being produced by Fastener Technology International magazine, Akron, OH, USA, and the Mid-West Fastener Association (MWFA), Lake Zurich, IL, USA. As was the case for the 2007 and 2009 shows, numerous trade associations and industry publications from around the world and different segments of the fastener industry will be involved in organising, promoting and executing FASTENER TECH™ 2011. The most recent FASTENER TECH™ was held in June 2009 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA, and it provided its visitors with direct supplier access, networking opportunities, business intelligence, social programming and technical education related to making, distributing and using all types of mechanical fasteners - including nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, rings, clips, washers and nails. An online survey of 2009 exhibitors yielded the following results: Considering the total costs and efforts involved in exhibiting at the show, a solid majority of the exhibitors were satisfied with the results of FASTENER TECH™. In addition, 88% liked the “All-Fastener-Industry” focus of the show, 94% liked the exhibit location and the turn-key pricing for exhibit space, and 82% of exhibitors would recommend FASTENER TECH™ to other fastener industry professionals.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
classic • system • automotive
New s!
We are establishing ourselves continuously in the sector of small screws, according to the motto: "Great at the little things."
Grade Ø
ISO 10642 DIN 7991
M 3 - M30
zinc plated
ISO 7380 with six lobes drive
M 4-M 8
zinc plated
ISO 7380
M 4-M 6
black zinc plated
M 4 - M20
zinc plated
ISO 4014
M10 - M12
ISO 4017
M10 - M12
DIN 6912
M 4 - M12
zinc plated
M 8 - M24
zinc plated
ISO 14580 DIN 7984
DIN 931/933
In the 10.9 and 12.9 high-tensile range, we guarantee products from qualified European and Taiwanese manufacturers.
Hall 4 See us on stand E04 ·
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Achilles Seibert GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 3 · D-24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg · Germany Fon: +49 4193 89 55 · Fax: +49 4193 89 56 99 ·
e x hibi t io n s
STAFDA’s Phoenix convention soars Attitudes rose from the ashes during the 34th Annual STAFDA Convention & Trade Show in Phoenix, 7th – 9th November. Georgia Foley, STAFDA’s executive director noted that optimism and a determination to get business done were prevalent among the 4,215 attendees with brisk activity during both days of the 765 booth trade show.
he convention began Sunday morning as economist Alan Beaulieu rolled out his economic forecast. President, economist, and principle for the Institute for Trend Research, Alan took a look at 2010’s track record and offered insights as to where 2011 would take the U.S. and Canadian economies in the construction and industrial markets along with a global outlook. Later that day, members were
able to choose from four, 90 minute programs that focused on industry-specific issues: Bob DeStefano with “How to Build an Online Marketing Machine;” a panel discussion moderated by The Distributor Board’s M. Jay Heilbrunn and Herb Shields on “The Outlook for Distributor Bank Credit” with panelists Dr. David Altig of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Chuck Gitles (American Chartered Bank), Dean Rennell (Wells Fargo Bank), and John Weber (Associated Bank); Dr. Bill McCleave presented “Differentiating Your Distribution Company;” and STAFDA’s sales consultant Tom Reilly led “Winning the Price Battle …One Profitable Sale at a Time.” Spouses and companions had a two-part programme Sunday afternoon featuring Southwestern art expert Terry DeWald showing an amazing display of rugs, baskets, and pottery – many of which he sold to attendees. The second portion was a handson jewelry and dream catcher making class conducted by Native American Antoinetta Hammill. Participants left the programme with an item to take home. After a full day in the classroom, members kicked up the dust during STAFDA’s Rollin’ to Rawhide Opening Party. For three hours, attendees roamed the streets of this 1880s frontier town without fear of rustlers while enjoying dinner, libations, shopping, and entertainment.
Monday’s General Session The General Session opened with an amazing Native American hoop dance before the “Year-in-Review” A/V presentation. STAFDA 2010 president Robert Devers, A-Jax Co., Jacksonville, FL, provided the “State-of-the-Industry” address followed by Max (Andy) Johnson, Mar-Mac Wire, McBee, SC, with the Associate State-of-the-Industry. Former Alaska governor, author, and face of the “Tea Party” movement, Sarah Palin’s keynote presentation wowed STAFDA members and made national headlines. Her comments on several bills working their way through Congress, “Obamacare,” and her sharp criticism of Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke were picked up by FOX News, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the Drudge Report, Anderson Cooper 360, and other media outlets. Following the General Session, STAFDA’s Trade Show aisles were packed for six hours worth of new products, show specials, and contacts with decision makers from distributors, manufacturers, and rep agent member companies. The Tech & Consultants’ Fair was also a popular stop as members checked out the newest software, hardware, and e-business applications as well as meeting with STAFDAendorsed consultants and service providers. Tuesday saw attendees have another six hours on the show floor to finish their business before the Closing Fiesta Party at the Sheraton Phoenix. STAFDA’s 35th Annual Convention & Trade Show will be 13th – 15th November at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. Members will be mailed registration packets on 24th June with online registration beginning at 8:00am (Central) on 27th June. You must be a STAFDA member to attend.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011 is an is online an online resource resource for fasteners for fasteners and and fixing elements. fixing elements. It is anItinteractive is an interactive platform platform promoting promoting the contact the contact amongamong fastener fastener professionals professionals through through innovative innovative and helpful and helpful tools. tools. Publish Publish your your inquiries inquiries for free for through free through the the e-procurement e-procurement serviceservice and reach and reach directlydirectly the right the right suppliers suppliers all overallthe over world, the world, in a while. in a while. Visit Visit and discover and discover the other the other services: services: suppliers suppliers search,search, technical technical information information of the of the products, products, norms norms comparisons, comparisons, Surplus Surplus Stock,Stock, news, news, distributor distributor searchsearch and much and more! much more!
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i n s igh t
More than meets the eye Bierbach Befestigungstechnik Unna
Hall: 8 Stand: S143
There are names one accepts as absolutely established members of the European fastener market, without really thinking about what lies behind them. For Phil Matten, Bierbach was one such. A recent visit to Unna presented the opportunity to talk with two generations of Bierbach management and discover just how much more there is than meets the eye.
he first thing is to recognise just how long the Bierbach family has been manufacturing, although not, it should be said, always fastening technologies as we know them. ‘Bierbach’ was founded in 1855, in the small town of Altena, in the Sauerland region of Germany – around 40 kilometres south of the modern company’s current facility in Unna. The first production was, in fact, in needles for the sewing market. The business grew very rapidly and by the beginning of the twentieth century Bierbach had six production facilities – one of them, unsurprisingly on reflection, in Birmingham, UK.
A typically courteous welcome from Matthias Bierbach “The family nourished by the company also grew,” explains Matthias Bierbach, representative of the latest generation to join the management. “As a result the company was divided through the inheritance process and there were two different companies called Bierbach.” The Second World War proved both tragic for the family and pivotal for the business. “My grandfather went missing in action,” says Matthias Bierbach, “and my father was born during the war. With the company more or less without leadership my Grandmother, a music teacher with no direct commercial experience, took responsibility. She it was, immediately
after the war, who decided to turn the focus of the company toward nails – urgently required, of course, for the reconstruction of Germany and produced in a fundamentally similar way to the needles the business knew so well.” The company was small, no more than thirty people, but the decision proved unquestionably the right one as it grew and would continue to do so well into the mid 1960s. By then Matthias’ father, Joachim Bierbach, had decided to give up his studies in economics in order to dedicate his time to a family business that had outgrown the expansion potential in Altena – a town constrained geographically by its position in a river valley. The company was moved to its current location in Unna, close to Dortmund. By the mid 1970s the Bierbach Company employed some 50 people and was supplying nails to virtually every German hardware supplier to the professional end user – at that time every town had several such companies. “Now, of course, the market has markedly consolidated,” says Matthias Bierbach. The development of Bierbach’s now extensive timber and construction connector business was the product of a combination of opportunism and an instinct for cooperation. An enquiry from Denmark for ring shank nails, which Joachim Bierbach could see as a volume growth product, led to a visit to a potential customer in Denmark. With it came the realisation that nails were required for the steel building connectors that were revolutionising the European wood structure market. A cooperative agreement saw Bierbach introduce a range of connectors. The market growth, though, was such that demand from Bierbach’s network of dealers outstripped the supplier’s capability at the time. “We had a technical manager who had previously worked in a pressings company,” says Matthias Bierbach, “who had the necessary knowledge to allow the company to invest in two or three simple, non-automatic presses and start producing its own connectors.” The venture succeeded, not least because of
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Bierbach’s market positioning and wellestablished relationships with the medium and small distributors, as opposed to the first tier distributors the main connector producers were supplying. The market trend towards connectors, at that time, was driven primarily by the efficiency opportunities they presented to the builders. Today, the sector is tightly regulated with the most recent move to harmonised EU wide norms demanding even greater commitment and investment from manufacturers. Achievable for Bierbach because of the market wide reputation and volumes it has established, and the manufacturing capability it has
developed, but challenging indeed for smaller producers. Bierbach’s continued leading role as a European nail manufacturer relies strongly on two key factors. The first is its range. “The nail market is not a homogenous one,” explains Matthias Bierbach. “On one hand are the common nails – these are not in the Bierbach line. We only have special nails – a complete program of 1,800 different types of nail on stock, probably the broadest range of any manufacturer, perhaps even worldwide”. That includes nails in iron, steel, aluminium, copper, brass and stainless steel. The message to the
13:12 Uhr
Seite 3
The perfect connection
The production lines: 10 20 30 40 50
Fastening Technique
Fastening technology Timber construction technology Nail technology Screw technology Powder actuated fastening technology (PAT)
Please visit BiERBACH® at the Fastener Fair, Stuttgart 22.-24.02.2011 Hall 8, Booth S143
We are looking for agents and representatives!
Further information:
BiERBACH® GmbH & Co. KG Befestigungstechnik Postfach 12 50 • D-59402 Unna • Germany Tel.: 00 49 (0) 23 03 / 28 02 - 0 • Fax: 00 49 (0) 23 03 / 28 02 - 1 29 E-Mail: • Internet:
i n s igh t dealer is simple, says Matthias Bierbach. “Once you think of special nails, think of Bierbach, and you get what you need”. With availability across its 1,800 nail lines operating at around 98% within forty-eight hours, it is a convincing argument. Maintaining that availability is the second key factor. It comes not so much from actual production capability. Of course, possessing appropriate machinery and capacity is a prerequisite but, as Matthias Bierbach acknowledges, for the main part the production technique is not a particularly complex one. Rather it is Bierbach’s deep understanding of the production planning process balanced with effective inventory control, which ensures availability across such a diverse range offer. “Production planning is not something that can be mechanised,” says Matthias Bierbach. “It is necessary to combine knowledge of the production process for each nail type, awareness of the raw material, and market experience of the product, in order to produce efficiently and accurately”. That blend of knowledge is also essential in determining the viability of a special enquiry. “A short run on a simple skirting nail is unlikely to be viable in its own right and would need integrating to volume production for stock. A 20,000 piece run for an aluminium nail is, of course, a completely different thing.”
Today the Bierbach offer comprises five main production ranges (above). Nails came first, the timber construction technology followed and both grew as we have seen. Until the mid 1970s the company also sold a range of powder actuated technologies but concerns about safety and legislative issues led to its discontinuation until it was relaunched in 1999. Then Bierbach was able to acquire both machinery and skilled employees
from a Berner subsidiary at the time that group chose strategically to concentrate on distribution rather than manufacturing. As Joachim Bierbach recalls, a similar opportunity a decade previously truly established the company in threaded fastener production. Early in the 1980s Bierbach had introduced wood screws to its sales range, once again through cooperation, in this case with one of the remaining other arms of the original family business. The contact came by chance but the venture proved fraught with disappointment - resulting in Joachim Bierbach becoming deeply concerned for his company’s reputation. “We are an old family,” he emphasises, “and we have to fulfil our promises to our customers. We could not get all of the range we had offered into stock so we had no alternative but to purchase the equipment to start filling the gaps ourselves.” In 1990 the opportunity to substantially upscale that screw production came, albeit in something of a rush. “We had the opportunity to purchase the screw machinery from the furniture fittings specialist Hettich. They no longer wished to produce the screws to go with the fittings that were their mainstream range, so we were able to obtain it all 50 truck loads of it - together with a five year contract to supply their requirements.” It took time to develop the skills and knowledge, and to create the space to install all the machinery, Joachim Bierbach recalls, somewhat ruefully, but it was managed. Within five years older equipment was being upgraded and replaced but that rapid acquisition of a complete suite of machinery continues to leave an important legacy. Bierbach is unusual in having enough screw manufacturing capability to almost literally double its output without adding a shift. That means that individual sets of equipment can be dedicated to production of particular fastener types, or indeed a single, high-volume article. Downtime is reduced as are set up costs and the manufacturing operations’ overall flexibility and responsiveness substantially enhanced – to an extent most production managers can only envy. The range produced focuses on meeting the needs of the woodworker. “Mainly we are producing for the joiner and carpenter,” says Matthias Bierbach. “We carry some screws used by the roofer, the sanitary or electrical installer but Bierbach’s strength is the genuine wood applications screws.” Ninety percent of the screws Bierbach supplies today come from its’ own production. While the “Made in Germany” mark undoubtedly remains
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
persuasive, offering a commitment to the local economy and a clear perception of quality differential, it does not go far enough for Bierbach to compete for standard chipboard screw business. The philosophy echoes that of the nail program. Over the last ten years the company has incorporated significant performance and quality features for users as well as establishing itself as a supplier of special products for different companies. Nevertheless the company is still able to offer some 600 articles in its screw technology catalogue. In total Bierbach offers some 5,000 products, in nail, screw and fastening technologies, in timber connections
and in PAT fastening. While the pivotal moments in developing its manufacturing competence over some six decades owe to some extent to chance – or more precisely to the entrepreneurship of grasping those opportunities – range development is not an accident. It is clear that there is a continuous and conscious process that recognises the vital input of users, architects and structural engineers as well as the wide spread Bierbach distributor network. “Researching and adapting to changing market requirements is not an annoying obligation,” both generations of Bierbach management concur, “but a natural part of the Bierbach philosophy.”
c o n s t r u ct io n fi x i n g s
fischer injection systems for all building materials The injection systems developed and produced by fischer deliver practical solutions to problems in all building materials. fischer injection resins are designed for universal use, and the resin anchors differ widely in Hall: 4 their chemical composition and their approvals. Stand: B20
he FHB II is the world’s first resin anchor approved for use in the tensile zone with both capsules and injection resin. Other features include the different hardening times. With the injection resin FIS HB 345 S this time is about three hours in winter (0°C), with the cartridge FHB II P being only 45 minutes, and as little as 6 minutes with the FHB II PF. The FIS EM with approval for cracked concrete and postinstalled reinforcement links is the first choice for anchoring heavy steel constructions, brackets, machines, high-rise shelving units and complex timber constructions. It is suitable for rebar up to 40mm diameter, diamond drill holes and underwater applications. The range includes cartridge sizes FIS EM 390 S, FIS EM 585 S and FIS EM 1100 S. The high performance resins FIS V and FIS VW feature a wide range of uses with construction approvals. The FIS VW 360 S also has European Technical Approval (ETA-02/0024) for concrete. It is also ideal for processing at temperatures ranging from –5°C to +10°C, or down to –15°C outside the approval. The range includes
FIS V 150 C, FIS V 360 S, FIS VW 360 S and FIS V 950 S. fischer Germany has had the next level of power resin in its portfolio since October 2010. The FIS VL has DIBt approval for solid, perforated and hollow bricks (threaded rods M8 - M12, internal thread anchors M6 - M12) and ETA approval (ETA-10/0352) for non-cracked concrete (threaded rods M8 - M30 and internal thread anchors M8 - M20). The resin, fully titled FIS VL 345 S, helps to solve many everyday anchoring tasks at temperatures down to –5°C. It is coloured red and is sold in a 345ml capacity cartridge. The FIS VS range of resins has ETA Option 7 (ETA-08/0266) for non-cracked concrete and a DIBt approval for masonry. It is designed for multifunctional use in minor applications. It is suitable for high loads in virtually all kinds of building materials. Cartridge types and sizes: FIS VS 100 P, FIS VS 150 C and FIS VS 300 T. For less complex applications in masonry requiring no approval, the polyester resin based FIS P injection resin may be used.
Rawlplug offers three resin delivery systems Rawlplug has developed its Rawl range considerably over the years, so that it now includes three methods of resin delivery- capsule, cartridge and foil sausage.
ith recent developments of the Rawl R-CFS (foil), R-RER-W (cartridge) and R-CAS-V (capsule), Rawlplug says it is able to offer the most comprehensive range available. The new environmentally friendly R-CFS is a cartridge free system where the resin is contained in a foil sleeve. Three types of resin are available including vinylester styrene free and polyester styrene free, depending on loading and structural requirements. This is a most economical system as there is no plastic cartridge required and so waste material is insignificant. A new improved gun is available for comfort and ease of use. The next most recent development
is low temperature resins. The current Rawl R-KER vinylester, styrene free, 380ml cartridge system operates down to -5°C and Rawlplug has introduced a new solution in the form of R-KER-W which can be used down to -20°C, with reduced curing time. R-KER and R-KER-W are high strength resins giving maximum loads in concrete when used with threaded studs or rebar. Embedments can be deeper to increase load capacities, and pumping is easy due to the resin consistency. Both these products have recently been awarded a European Technical Approval (ETA-10/0055). For difficult anchoring solutions involving overhead and hollow structures
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Rawlplug is able to offer the R-KEM+ polyester styrene free 300ml cartridge and the R-KF2 polyester resin 380ml cartridge. The R-KEM+ is used in a standard skeleton gun for convenience, with the full range of accessories available for hollow structures including mesh and plastic sleeves. Finally, Rawlplug has recently added a new capsule to its range in the form of R-CAS-V, vinylester styrene free, which can be used with single or multiple capsules for increased loads. Rawlplug highlights that the product should be specified for safety critical applications in solid concrete up to 30mm diameter.
c o n s t r u ct io n fi x i n g s
G & B Fissaggi focuses on quality
Hall: 4 Stand: A14
G & B Fissaggi, based in Turin, Italy, says that its GEBOFIX PRO VE-SF vinylester, styrene free, resin is a high quality bonded anchor for high performance, which is CE OPTION 7 approved, for applications on non cracked concrete with threaded bars and rebars.
& B Fissaggi highlights that the GEBOFIX PRO VE-SF is suited for fixing medium and heavy loads on solid and hollow supports: stone, concrete, aerated concrete, solid and hollow bricks. It is suitable for applications with threaded bars and reinforced bars, applications on wood and metal carpentry, and for the fixing of façades, railings, pipe connections and profiles. “The GEBOFIX PRO VE-SF grants a safe fixing and high load values even on semisolids and hollow supports. It is also DIBt approved for application on solid and hollow bricks, Fire Resistance F120 approved, and certified for applications in flooded bore holes.” Available sizes include 300ml, 350ml and 410ml cartridges and storage temperature is from 5°C up to a maximum 25°C. The storage life for the 410ml and 350ml cartridges is 18 months, and for the 300ml cartridge (foil tube) it is 12 months.
From trash to cash The incentive to recycle waste packaging is not just driven by environmental and legislative imperatives. On the contrary, such socially responsible behaviour may also produce a tangible financial gain, as Chemfix Ltd, based in Dewsbury, UK, has discovered over the past year.
manufacturer of an extensive range of multi-functional resins for use in the construction industry and DIY markets, Chemfix generates a steady flow of cardboard, pallet wrap and hard plastics waste. Now, following the acquisition of two compact baling machines – one for cardboard, the other for plastics - up to three tonnes a month of material is being recovered from the waste stream and re-processed by Cromwell Polythene’s recycling division as part of its ‘closed loop’ supply of bags, sacks and other waste management products. “This has been a great result for us, with more than 30 tonnes recycled within our first year,” says Chemfix operations manager Peter Hanslope. “We shall shortly be due for our ISO14001 audit and the move to recycling is also playing a key part in reducing
Hall: 6 Stand: J20
our environmental impact.” “Another big advantage of the new set-up is that our costs will remain static while our recycling revenue stream increases in-line with additional activity,” he adds. In addition to packaging waste, Cromwell Polythene has helped the company recycle a variety of redundant hard plastic containers, contributing to the estimated £300 per month that Chemfix is already saving as a result of the scheme. “It’s a win-win for the company as it sees both a commercial and an environmental benefit,” says Mark Fuller, director of Cromwell’s recycling division. “It’s a scenario that is becoming increasingly familiar, not just to the environmentally aware major corporations, but to SMEs, too.”
KEIL façade anchor design software
Hall: 6 Stand: N90
Design software, provided on DVD, by KEIL Befestigungstechnik GmbH allows structural designers and façade builders to calculate fixing requirements using plug and undercut anchors.
he software takes into consideration the façade selfweight and the wind force on the complete façade as well as calculating for a single fixing. The 3D display offers a simple pivoting and rotating of the construction, as well the possibility to directly enter modifications. Modern software layout, an automatic update-procedure and intuitive handling makes using of the software simple and effective. An actual version of the anchor design software may be downloaded from the KEIL website, after registering by email to Further information about undercut attachment technologies
is available from the website. With more than one thousand successfully completed projects, KEIL Befestigungstechnik GmbH, based at Engelskirchen near Cologne, is a recognised manufacturer of innovative façade attachment systems based on undercut technology. Based on its own research and patents, KEIL offers architects and façade builders special solutions for attaching façade panels from the rear to avoid visually distracting attachment points on the front. Despite the large proportion of projects abroad, the company continues to carry out development and manufacture in Germany.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
S rted -thanks mate
Finding the right pipe clip is an open and shut case thanks to Kliplok™ - your new best mate for any job. With an innovative self-locking mechanism and a unique hinged action that allows it to be reopened again and again, Kliplok™ is certainly a
Unifi x products are exclusively distributed by APT Shire Business Park, Wainwright Road, Worcester WR4 9FA T: 0800 808 7172 F: 0800 731 3579
hard worker. Millions of Kliplok™ pipe clips have been used with confidence for over 25 years, because the trade knows that Unifix products are always by your side.
To find a local stockist, please visit Trade customers can place orders by calling 0800 808 7172
Fastener Fair Stuttgart • 22.- 24.02.2011 • Hall 6 / Stand J04 * * * Fastener Fair Stuttgart • 22.- 24.02.2011 • Hall 6 / Stand J04 * * * Fastener Fair Stuttgart • 22.
Heavy duty fixings – installed easily
Simpson Strong-Tie® Ireland Ltd. Pfungstadt, Germany Tel: +49 (0)6157 / 9868-0 Tamworth, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1827 255 600 Killorglin, Ireland Tel: +353 66 976 15 22
c o n s t r u ct io n fi x i n g s
Scell-it has the solution Based in Lille, northern France, the Scell-it group now includes other depots in the UK and Poland and will soon expand into other European countries.
Hall: 6 Stand: M30
cell-it’s expertise in fixings began in 1988 and up to date it has several products with European Technical Approval including from its chemical mortar range:
• X-PRO Injection System (ETA-10/0256) for rebar connection and extreme conditions. • X-PRO Injection system (ETA-10/0262) for concrete. • PUREPRO Injection system (ETA-10/0266) for concrete.
Scell-it highlights that its X-PRO Injection system has a unique selling point as the cartridges are all compatible with existing guns. They are available in cartridge sizes 150ml, 280ml, 300ml, 380ml and 400ml and in favourable conditions can cure in approximately two minutes. Scell-it can also provide fully approved galvanised (ETA-06/0201) or stainless A2 and A4 (ETA-06/0205) studs to suit its chemical fixing capsules (ETA-06/0096) for a vibration and waterproof fix, and range from M8 to M30. “We have become one of the fastest growing blind fastener and fixing suppliers in Europe. With forward thinking and innovative products, our aim is to be your partner in the re-sale market. We have the desire and the knowledge to find ‘the solution’ to any fixing problem.” All of Scell-it’s products are sold in branded packaging and calculation software is also available.
Recent European Technical Approvals for fixings Below is a list of recent ETAs granted in the last three months to fixings products, following the agreement with the European Organisation for Technical Approvals.
t is important to note that existing ETAs may be amended or withdrawn so this list should not be considered definitive. For further information and a full list of valid ETAs you should visit EOTA’s website,
ETAG 001 Metal Anchors for use in Concrete (all parts) ETA- 10/0055
ETA - 10/0236
SOCOM ECOPOXY ECO 4800 for rebar connections
ETA - 10/0272
ETA - 10/0273
ETA - 10/0333
Powers Injection System V12 for concrete
Powers Fasteners Australasia Pty Ltd
ETA - 10/0352
Injection System for Fischer FIS VL
fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
ETA - 10/0354
TEAM PRO Injection System TP VSF for concrete
ETA - 10/0355
TEAM PRO injection system TP VSF for Rebar connection
ETA - 10/0385
Dessarollos Especiales se Sistemas de Anclaje S.A.
ETA - 10/0386
Dessarollos Especiales se Sistemas de Anclaje S.A.
ETA - 10/0387
Desarrollos Espciales se Sistemas de Anclaje S.A.
ETA - 10/0388
Rebar connection with UPAT injection mortar UPM 44
fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
ETA - 10/0408
TOX Wedgeanchor BZ plus A4 or HCR
TOX-Dübel-Technik GmbH & Co KG
ETA - 10/0409
TOX Wedge anchor BZ plus
Tomoku Hus AB
ETA - 10/0410
TOX Injection system TVM VMZ
TOX-Dübel-Technik GmbH & Co KG
ETA - 10/0411
Gunnebo Injection system GTM-E for concrete
Gunnebo Industrier AB
ETA - 10/0423
ATS evo
Friulsider S.p.A.
ETAG 014 Plastic Anchors for ETICS N/A
ETAG 020 plastic Anchors (all parts) ETA - 10/0348
SPIT Facade Anchor KT10 and KT14
ITW Befestigungssystems GmbH
ETA - 10/0305
EJOT Baubefestigungen GmbH
ETA - 10/0424
Friulsider S.p.A.
ETA - 10/0425
Friulsider S.p.A.
For complete and up to date information visit at which a list of all valid ETAs is maintained.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
c o n s t r u ct io n fi x i n g s
New DIY assortment from Expandet Expandet launched the world’s first plastic WallPlug in the early 1950s. A huge success it proved the base for the further development of the company. In the 1970s the Expandet Rosett® was introduced, which the company believes remains “probably the world’s best anchor for hollow walls”. Today, Expandet prides itself on applying “constant intelligent innovation” to provide a range of fixings which comply with the most demanding customer needs around the world.
hrough this “constant intelligent innovation” as well as the knowledge it has obtained in the professional market, combined with research among building markets and its customers, Expandet has introduced a new DIY assortment. The new DIY assortment consist of 74 different quality fixing products for solid bricks, concrete, aerated concrete and plasterboards. Besides a range of accessories such as screws, cover caps, hooks, etc. The DIY assortment is packed in modern plastic bags with short and clear information on both front and reverse. Furthermore it includes a special ‘find the right plug’ sign. This sign asks the customer two questions; what kind of material is your wall or ceiling? and what is the weight of the item you want to fasten? When this is clear the Hall: 4 customer just has to find the product in the Guide, pick up the reference number and then find the bag on the shelf. Stand: E31 “The new DIY system meets the requirements of easy self-service as it lets the customer find the right product for their application quickly and easily.”
Index prepares to storm Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 Index, a reference manufacturer of anchors, fixing systems and screws in the Spanish market, will be present at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart.
imilar to previous Fastener Fair Stuttgart shows Index will include a Technical Corner on its stand, so that its engineers can display the technical properties of various products contained in the Index catalogue and provide the visitor with customised advice. Since Index committed to obtaining the most important European quality certificates for its products, the company has focused on its capacity to adapt and innovate. Through the load and removal tests that will be carried out in the Technical Corner, Index will continue to show all of the solutions capable from its recognised range of services and products. Over the three show days the Index team will provide
Hall: 4 visitors with all the load and resistance tests they may request: another example, says Index, Stand: E40 of its commitment to reinvent itself and reach excellence in quality everywhere. “We go to Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 because it is where all the biggest specialists in the European and international market will be,” explains Oscar Cañas, export manager at Index. “We want to continue being a reference in fixing systems and screws in Europe, which is why we will put all our products to the test in our Technical Corner. This will let us prove that our international quality certificates and homologations continue to be our most recognised emblem.”
Aptus and Mungo announce new partnership Aptus Fastener Systems will become Mungo Befestigungstechnik’s trading partner serving the distributor market throughout the UK from February 2011.
omas Tamosevicius, regional manager of Mungo Befestigungstechnik AG says: “Aptus will become a reliable partner to represent our brand in the UK market. They will assure the best service and support for all Mungo users.” Formed in 1968, Mungo has developed into a medium-sized fastener manufacturer with a worldwide customer base and has secured a firm position as a professional partner in the fastening industry. This is due to its consistent enhancements of its product range and the active expansion of its presence on the international market. 2003 brought a significant milestone for Mungo with the opening of the multi-stage cold forming plant in Olten, Switzerland, for the manufacture of steel products. “Mungo have a long standing reputation for the quality of their product, presentation and marketing” says Stewart Taylor, managing director of Aptus. “Their products will fit in perfectly within our existing ranges and will provide all of our customers with access to products of the highest quality which comply with construction product regulations both now and in the near future.” Products in the Mungo range include high quality nylon products, through bolts and drop in anchors with ETA approval, and insulation anchors. Mungo also has a wide range of chemical products, such as approved resins, and was also at the forefront of the invention of the Jet plug plasterboard fixing. Mungo stock will be held at Aptus’s base in the East Midlands with regular replenishment from Switzerland.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
easy&strong Ancoranti chimici - Chemical anchors Diverse profondità di ancoraggio Different anchorage depth Fissaggi in presenza di acqua Fixings with water Barre filettate - Threaded rods M8-M10-M12-M16-M20-M24
ETA - 09/0140
sistemi di fissaggio
w w w . b o s s o n g . c o m BOSSONG S.p.A. Sistemi di fissaggio e consolidamento
Confindustria Unione Industriali
European Consortium of Anchors Producers
ETA European Technical Approval Option 7 non cracked concrete
ETA - 09/0246
ETA European Technical Approval Option 7 non cracked concrete
Barre ad aderenza migliorata - Rebar 8-10-12-14-16-20-24-28-32 mm
Associazione Italiana per il restauro architettonico, artistico, urbano
Zona Industriale 2 - Via E. Fermi, 51 - 24050 GRASSOBBIO (Bergamo) Italy - Tel +39 035 3846 011 - Fax +39 035 3846 012 -
c o n s t r u ct i o n f i x i n g s
EJOT launches new generation of façade anchors
With the new façade anchor generation EJOT SDF-10V (for solid brick) and EJOT SDF-10H (for hollow brick) EJOT Building Fasteners says it has been able to once again break new ground in embedment technology.
hese façade anchors have been accredited with a European Technical Approval (ETA-10/0305) and can be used in a minimum embedment depth in concrete (for a minimum concrete strength of C 12/15) of only 40mm. EJOT highlights that the 40mm embedment depth translates to a saving of at least 10mm per hole depth compared to similar products. When processing approximately 5,000 façade anchors a total saving of 50 metres of drilling path can be saved. The EJOT SDF-10V can also be set at a depth of 50mm in concrete and masonry, which causes a significant increase of the side load. EJOT Building Fasteners has developed the SDF-10H so that it features a special expansion part for hollow and perforated brick. Previously only the injection technology on the basis of resin-based mortar guaranteed reliable hold, however, EJOT says that the SDF-10H can be used in most masonry materials. EJOT highlights that the most important features of the EJOT façade anchors at a glance are: • European Technical Approval which enables international usage. • Proven colour assortment of the anchor sleeves which prevents mix-ups. • Hammer-in stop of the screw into the anchor sleeve which prevents premature expansion. • Double safety lock against torsion which prevents a rotation of the anchor sleeve during the installation. • Internal Torx® for hexagon screws facilitates installation even with tight components. • Special screws guarantee high load bearing capacity and reliable installation. • Largely weather independent working, due to possible anchor installation up to -10°C.
Wolf Group expands to new countries In 2010 Wolf Group exported construction foams and sealants to more than forty countries, reporting sales of 53 million euros in the first nine months – more than 30% growth over the same period in 2009.
he good performance in the first three quarters was influenced by favourable economic conditions on the export markets and continued focus on the group’s growth through expansion to new countries. Wolf Group has just signed an agreement with a leading South-American retailer, and will soon start to export construction chemicals to Chile, Peru, Argentina and Columbia. According to Wolf Group’s CEO Mr Alar Salum, the successful expansion to the new continent was based on an audit of the quality management system, requested by the potential distributor. The auditing results completely satisfied the client’s criteria. “An international auditing firm carried out an in-depth audit, focusing on the entire manufacturing process from material sourcing to delivery of finished products,” said Salum about the first audit in Wolf Group’s history requested by an international client. “Chile has a very active construction market. Peru, Argentina
and Columbia are also on the rise,” said Salum to describe the newly-added markets in Wolf Group’s portfolio. He added that the practice of using sealants and foams is gradually spreading and developing in these countries. Wolf Group is also participating in the residential construction programme following the Chile earthquake – the first sample home using Tempsi wall systems has already been sent to Chile. In autumn 2009, Krimelte gathered all the sales and production companies in the group under one umbrella brand, the Wolf Group. Wolf Group unites all the domestic and international sales and production divisions of Krimelte, as well as the Penosil and Tempsi trademarks. In addition to a factory in Estonia, Krimelte has two more factories in Russia and Denmark. Wolf Group’s export network includes many countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Japan and Brazil. This year, Wolf Group has already added NewZealand, Israel, Cyprus, Portugal and Chile to its export portfolio.
Rapierstar helps improve productivity North Lincolnshire based Howarth Timber Windows and Doors, one of the largest manufacturers of timber windows and doors in the UK has increased production by over 30% in 2010.
hen looking for a way to increase its productivity and reduce assembly time, Howarth turned to the Rapierstar StarTurn Universal woodscrew. The patented design of the StarTurn woodscrew allows the screw to be inserted into most types of timber and board products without the need for pre-drilling. After extensive factory trials, purchasing manager Marion Wright commented: “StarTurn woodscrews are very cost effective and speed
up our assembly process as they remove the need for pilot drilling.” Rapierstar sales manager Mark Calpin said: “Using StarTurn woodscrews is an excellent way to increase performance and productivity, while reducing assembly time and operator fatigue. The patented thread form and point is quick starting and allows the screw to be inserted with no splitting of the material, while the competitive price makes the StarTurn your first choice fastener for all timber and board manufacture and assembly.”
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
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Secure fasteners for Composites
Embedded or surface bonded, bigHead fasteners simplify product assembly and save time. Visit our website: C
The original bonding fastener. +44 (0)1202 574 601
c o n s t r u ct i o n f i x i n g s
Sormat’s One-for-All solutions
Hall: 6 Stand: J30
The most recent version of Sormat’s hot dip galvanised S-KAK through bolt, has been granted the highest technical approval level ETA Option 1 (ETA-08/0173).
smo Laitakari, managing director of the Finland based fixing company explains: “Sormat offers its customers good corrosion resistance in combination with the benefits of an Option 1 ETA approval on a more cost efficient price level than stainless steel anchors.” Originally S-KAK was introduced to fill an obvious niche between zinc plated and stainless steel products. The S-KAK through bolt can be used as a cost-efficient alternative in solving fixing challenges when zinc plated products are not quite up to the task. The S-KAK may be used for anchorages with requirements related to resistance to fire. It may be anchored in cracked and non-cracked concrete. It is also suitable for installations in hard base materials such as solid brick (maximum M8) or natural stone.
Sormat One-For-All through bolts
The hot dip galvanised S-KAK through bolt is one part of Sormat’s ETA Option 1 approved (ETA-08/0173) One-for-All solutions, which also include zinc electroplated S-KA through bolts, stainless steel S-KAH through bolts and the high corrosion resistant, stainless steel (EN 1.4529) S-KAH HCR through bolts. “Our customers in central Europe and Scandinavia have given
a warm welcome to our products’ ETA Option 1 approval and the advantages they give over competing products,” says Laitakari. Sormat’s One-for-All solutions is designed to replace through bolts ranging from Option 1 to Option 12. The use of Sormat ETA Option 1 products allows smaller buffer stocks and thus reduces warehouse space requirements. Products’ order-to-delivery process costs can also be cut due to smaller quantity of delivered articles and more efficient delivery batch sizes per article. Products have to pass demanding, thorough tests, so ETA Option 1 approval guarantees the maximum performance and security in every situation. “Our One-for-All solutions mean smaller risk for choosing a wrong product to installations therefore increasing safety. A Sormat ETA Option 1 anchor is always the right choice regardless whether it is used in cracked or non-cracked concrete,” adds Sormat academy training manager Mikko Mäki. “We are proud of our high quality, covering both product and service quality. We also aim to be flexible to meet changing customer needs. These vital characteristics are also portrayed in our products,” states Laitakari.
New aluminium support system for rainscreen cladding fischer Fixings UK Ltd has designed and produced a new aluminium support system, SystemEVT, designed for rainscreen cladding.
Hall: 4 Stand: B20
ystemEVT will provide a flexible, economical solution for both designers and rainscreen installers by combining lightweight aluminium sections with a wide range of fixing accessories. To coincide with the release of the SystemEVT, fischer Fixings has released a corresponding brochure, outlining all the advanced solutions that can be provided for rainscreen systems. This brochure includes the use of fischer Firestop products, insulation fixings and high performance anchors.
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MAXIMIZE SECURITY Sormat’s hot dip galvanized S-KAK through bolt has the highest possible ETA approval. ETA Option 1 quarantees you maximum performance and security in every situation in cracked and non-cracked concrete.
ONE-FOR-ALL The Use of hot dip galvanized S-KAK with ETA Option 1 allows smaller buffer stocks and thus reduces warehouse space requirements. You'll also cut your order-to-delivery costs and have a suitable fixing product always at hand.
HI-TECH FROM FINLAND. The new hot dip galvanized S-KAK offers good corrosion resistance in combination with the benefits of an Option 1 ETA approval on a more cost efficient price level than stainless steel anchors. S-KAK is manufactured at Sormat’s manufacturing unit in Finland. For more information on Sormat’s ETA Option 1 approved products visit
c o n s t r u ct i o n f i x i n g s
Tightening torques explained By Mark Salmon, Independent Fixings Consultants Mark Salmon, of Independent Fixing Consultants, is always banging on about the benefits of tightening a fixing to the manufacturer’s recommended torque because this will “induce a clamping force greater than the recommended tensile load so the fixture won’t move”. But does this mean it can also be used to test fixings? Mark explains in detail how torque relates to the holding power of a fixing in order to understand when we can and cannot use this relationship.
efore we start talking about torque we need to remember what we are trying to achieve. With most fixings, where we are fixing something to a base material, what we need to do is to generate a clamping force through the fixture. As long as that clamping force is greater than the applied load the fixture will not move. With fixings like the one shown below – a throughbolt, but it could be any fixing not just one that is set by tightening - as we tighten it up the two forces shown below develop together. The tensile force in the bolt itself, shown by the red arrow, and an equal and opposite force going from the nut through the washer and fixture and into the base material - the clamping force.
backed up with practical tests, to determine the installation torque he wants to recommend. But before he determines the clamping force on which to base this torque he will (or should, if he knows what he’s doing) take into account a phenomenon that affects all fixings. This phenomenon is called “Load Relaxation”.
As these forces increase so does the friction between the nut and the washer and that between the threads of the nut and the bolt. This friction – this resistance to turning - is what the torque wrench is actually indicating.
So we have established that there is a direct relationship between the torque and the clamping force we are looking for. There is in fact a formula which can be used to work out the bolt tension and hence clamping force induced by a particular torque for a bolt of a particular diameter and finish (oiled, dry zinc plated, galvanised etc - stainless is a bit tricky) but this relationship is relatively approximate and depends very much on the actual condition of the mating surfaces being clean and undamaged and, in the case of anchors, free from any oil or grease. The fixings manufacturer will use such a formula, maybe
High local stress induced at the time of installation will dissipate with time, relaxing the bolt load and clamping force in the process. When any fixing is tightened stresses are induced in the base material. In the case of an expansion anchor, like the one shown above, these stresses emanate from the point of expansion. Even
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
c o n s t r u ct i o n f i x i n g s in a resin anchor stresses are developed in the base material, in that case parallel with the resin bond. These stresses gradually dissipate into the surrounding material and as they dissipate the tension in the bolt declines proportionately and along with it the clamping force. This effect starts quite quickly when the stresses are at their highest and, as they decline, so it slows down - as you would imagine. If we consider the life expectancy of a safety critical fixing in a building to be 50 years then over this period the clamping force will have declined, due to this effect, by something in the order of 50 to 60 percent. To take this into account the manufacturer will need to set the original clamping force at around twice the recommended tensile load. Before confirming this clamping force the manufacturer will check that this level of induced load will not take the bolt material near to yield and, in the case of a resin anchor, that it will not over stress the resin bond. This means that a carefully chosen tightening torque will do two things for us - it will ensure the clamping force for the life of the fixture and protect the fixing from being overloaded. So I hope you can understand why manufacturers place so much emphasis on anchors being correctly torqued. For the switched on fixings distributor this represents not so much a problem as an opportunity – an opportunity to sell torque wrenches! But let’s move on the to idea of using this feature of fixings to test them. For a start we cannot use torque checks to determine allowable loads on fixings where we have no recommended load data, this can only be done using a calibrated piece of test equipment. There are, however, some instances when an engineer will want reassurance that anchors have been correctly installed. Of course if the fixings being used have an ETA and are installed by a trained operator working under supervision then there should be no more reassurance required. But if he or she insists on some checks being carried out then maybe torque checking will provide a cheaper alternative to load testing? After all it’s easier to carry out, anyone can do it, the equipment is much cheaper and sometimes there is insufficient access for test equipment anyway. Or the fixing may not lend itself to being tested without being disturbed e.g. anchors with hexagon bolt heads. So what are the drawbacks? Well the first problem is just the inaccuracy. As I stated above the relationship between the torque and the clamping force is not a very accurate one, there can be a large discrepancy, so if we want accurate checks then a calibrated piece of test equipment is required. This inaccuracy will only be worsened by the passage of time with the possible ingress of dirt or dust (or - heaven forbid – rust!) between the mating surfaces. The next problem is this wretched load relaxation business. If we install a fixing today using the recommended torque of, say 100Nm, within a week it may be down to 80Nm, and within a month around 70Nm; 60Nm after a year; 50Nm after 10 and as little as 40Nm after 50 years. This is a very rough approximation of the phenomenon but you get the idea. What it means is that
if we check the torque after a few days we cannot expect to see the original installation torque. If we do then it will suggest that the fixing was originally over tightened. But we should at least be able to recover the original torque within less than a turn. An engineer carrying out load tests with calibrated equipment may well find a quick check of the residual torque quite illuminating before carrying out the actual test. A dial indicating torque wrench will be needed for this – see below.
In conclusion we can say: Torque checking cannot replace a test meter for accurate load testing and determining allowable loads. It may be useful for giving a rough indication of installation quality if access is poor or the fixing has a hexagon bolt head as long as we bear in mind the inherent inaccuracy and are mindful of load relaxation.
Types of torque wrench If you’re very posh, like me, and you’ve got a thing about tightening torque, you might have a torque wrench with a dial on it, which actually shows the torque as it increases. These are very useful for investigating the condition of anchors before load testing but are pretty expensive and not what one would use for every day work on a construction site where the traditional “break back” type, which clicks on reaching the set torque, is more appropriate.
Typical “break back” torque wrench – photo courtesy of Norbar Torque Tools Ltd.
Typical dial indicating torque wrench – photo courtesy of MHH Engineering Ltd A couple of points to watch Although all fixing manufacturers quote tightening torques in N.m most torque wrenches still carry calibration in lbf. ft as well. If the wrench is set to X lbf. ft instead of X N.m the fixing will be over tightened by about a third so encourage your customers to check the scale before setting the torque. When a “break back” wrench clicks it simply indicates that the required torque has been reached, it does not prevent a higher torque being applied if the user keeps pulling on the wrench. For fixings with projecting studs always use a deep reach socket as a standard socket may not reach the nut. Torque wrenches, like most measuring equipment, need careful use and calibrating once a year.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
HECO-UNIX – The fully threaded screw with contraction effect ®
Visit us at Fastener Fair Stuttgart 22nd – 24th February 2011 Hall 4 / Stand No. G10
Patented HECO-UNIX full thread ®
Contraction effect thanks to the full thread with variable pitch The HECO-UNIX combines the characteristics of a part threaded screw with the advantages of a full threaded screw ®
Patented combi screw head for mounting in fittings and on wood Precise fit in fittings Milled effect in wood thanks to milling grooves
HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co.KG Dr.-Kurt-Steim-Straße 28, D-78713 Schramberg Tel.: +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-0, Fax: +49 (0 )74 22 / 9 89-200 E-mail:, Internet:
c o n s t r u ct i o n f i x i n g s
Dresselhaus extends product family Dresselhaus has launched the JD Plus® product family range which it says primarily convinces users by its outstanding process quality.
he patented product JD Plus® is versatile for the most diverse applications. The range of screws available includes Multipurpose, Timber Construction, Decking, Window Frame and Floorboard. The JD Plus® Multipurpose screw is suitable for most applications in hard wood, soft wood, chipboard, PVC, and many other materials, with other head designs and materials available to suit customer needs. Dresselhaus points out that the angle of the head of the Multipurpose screw has been designed with a double countersink to allow for extra deep bit engagement to provide safe and secure driving of the screw. Also, the self countersinking ribs of the I-Star version forms a perfect countersink with a tidy burr free finish. The JD Plus® Multipurpose screw also features low driving torque, this is due to the patented thread design along with unique lubricant, which Dresselhaus says provides faster screw insertion times, coupled with a superior pull out resistance than standard screws. The JD Plus® Timber Construction screw is available in countersunk or flange head in 8mm, 10mm and 12mm diameter.
Locking thread - Secure fastening of both the deck and the frame.
The thread cutting tip - Speedy insertion, no splitting. Dresselhaus points out that the reverse locking thread underneath the head ensures both the deck and timber frame are securely fixed, also that the I-Star provides optimal torque transmission whilst the thread cutting razor sharp point ensures speedy insertion, and the thread cutting prevents the wood from splitting, although pre-drilling is required.
The JD Plus® Window Frame anchor features a patented double thread for safe and quick processing, as well as a razor sharp tip.
JD Plus® Timber construction screw features a countersunk or flange head with I-Star recess. The I-Star recess gives the JD Plus® Timber Construction screw a positive stick fit recess avoiding cam out problems. Also no pre-drilling is required due to the razor sharp tip with cutting notch. Dresselhaus highlights that the JD Plus® Timber Construction screw is approved by the German Building Authorities. Another product in the range is the JD Plus® Decking screw which Dresselhaus believes is the ultimate timber decking screw. Dresselhaus explains that the JD Plus® Decking screw is made from A2 stainless steel and can be used in all decking applications, making it ideal for all exterior environments. The screw will also not react with tanalised timber.
Other products include the JD Plus® Window Frame anchor which is suitable for plastic and wood profiles, and is available with I-Star recess giving it a stick fit recess and helping to avoid cam out problems, as well as the JD Plus® Floorboard screw which is a professional screw that can be used for solid wood planks. The JD Plus® Floorboard screw features I-Star and self countersinking ribs for optimal torque transmission and perfect self-countersinking. The thread of the JD Plus® Floorboard screw is the patented star cut which Dresselhaus says allows simple, fast and effortless screwing-in. To compliment the range Dresselhaus offers JD Plus® assortment cases which offer a wide range of selected JD Plus® Multipurpose screws properly sorted in an assortment case. The list of assortment cases that are currently available from Dresselhaus include countersunk with I-Star recess, zinc plated, countersunk with I-Star recess, zinc plated yellow chromated, countersunk with I-Star recess, stainless steel, A2, pan-head with cross recess, zinc plated and pan-head with I-Star recess, zinc plated.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Hall: 4 Stand: D80
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A quality
which inspires
Joseph Dresselhaus GmbH & Co. KG Zeppelinstraße 13 · D-32051 Herford Tel.: +49 5221 9 32-0 Fax: +49 5221 9 32-4 00 E-Mail: Internet:
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Lean and accurate for 2011 At Fastener Fair Stuttgart National Machinery LLC will be focusing on its LeanFX® machine technology along with a new inspection system from Mectron engineering company.
isitors to the National Machinery stand will be greeted by National’s knowledgeable representatives that are equipped to educate visitors on how the LeanFX technology can benefit parts production. LeanFX is the latest version of National’s quality proven FORMAX® cold forming machine. LeanFX was created with economy in mind, so it is designed with fewer features than the traditional FORMAX. However, National points out that the LeanFX retains the technology for providing faster running speed, more precise parts production, and a longer
running life than other comparable competitor machines. The LeanFX line has grown to cover a large range of models and die configurations to fit any fastener producer’s needs. Machine sizes include: • LeanFX8 – in 2, 3, 4 and 5 dies. • LeanFX10 – in 2, 3, 4 and 5 dies. • LeanFX14 – in 4 and 5 dies. • LeanFX18 – in 4 and 5 dies. Visitors to the National Machinery stand will also have an opportunity to see Mectron’s new First Scan Inspection machine. Mectron’s First Scan is a non-contact fully automatic precision
Hall: 4 Stand: B60
measuring system for cylindrical components. This machine eliminates human error in gauging disputes by its ability to perform measurements without contact to the component. “Along with being able to answer any questions you may have about LeanFX®, National representatives are also able to assist you in your tooling engineering, support and service, and used machinery needs. Whatever your needs are in the cold forming market, be sure to stop by National Machinery’s stand for assistance.”
Automatic die match adjustment for thread rollers Schwer + Kopka GmbH will show at Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 for the first time its new DMI die match indicator system in actual operation on a S.M.A.R.T thread rolling machine.
he SK load monitor senses whether the rolling dies are properly aligned (matched) or not. This information is looped to the machine control panel which automatically adjusts the timing of the starter/introduction system to obtain optimum die match while the machine is running. Mismatched dies commonly cause premature tool wear, thread laps as well as other quality issues. Schwer + Kopka highlights that the DM die match indicator has proven to extend die life and improve set up times vastly. The unique features of the die match set up software help the operator to verify if roller dies are in optimum alignment. A graphical indicator informs him of the adjustments needed to bring the dies back into a matched set up. “Even less experienced operators are now capable of achieving perfect die match and superb thread quality with the assistance of the DMI system. The system is designed to give instant machine and die adjustment information. The software can be used on any manually-adjusted machine, or on thread rollers such as the S.M.A.R.T machine which is capable of automatically adjusting die match on the fly.”
Hall: 4 Stand: B80
SK 600 with automatic die match in operation on a S.M.A.R.T thread rolling machine
Adding depth of expertise The recent purchase of the Rico and Astro Punch header tool business from the PTG tool group Hall: 4 Stand: B55 has not only helped Wrentham to more than double production capacity in 2010, but has also significantly enhanced the depth of engineering and metallurgical expertise within the company, leading to more cold heading R&D and to an improved knowledge base to support customer services.
ounded in 1948, the Wrentham Tool Group is a manufacturer of high quality recess punches, tooling and gauges for the fastener industry. Today Wrentham maintains an inventory of popular Phillips, Pozidriv®, Hexlobular®, licensed Torx® and standard struck slot punches, but the majority of production is set aside for bespoke tooling for non-standard fastener head designs (specials). All heading tools are ‘Made in USA’ to the highest quality standards (ISO 9001-2008 certified). To support screw production quality control, Wrentham offers a complete range of penetration plug ring gauges and test blocks, all produced to meet customer specific inspection
requirements. A ‘concentricity’ gauge has also recently been added to the gauge range. Screw manufacturing is not just about punches and pins. Wrentham also offers a wide range of tooling such as saws, cutoff knives and carbide machine parts. “Wrentham will continue to use the well-established Astro Punch (specialist aerospace tooling) and Rico (industrial tooling) brands in the marketplace. While the Wrentham Tool Products brand will become a leading name for gauges and tooling calibration services. “
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
RAD-CON commissions 100% hydrogen furnace RAD-CON Inc, a supplier of 100% hydrogen, belltype batch annealing furnaces (BAF), has completed the commissioning of a bell-type furnace at Pang Chang Metals Co. Ltd, based in Taichung, Taiwan.
ang Chang, a manufacturer of high-quality cold forgings used in the automotive industry, has selected RADCON’s 100% hydrogen annealing system again for its processing requirements. The RAD-CON furnace and 100% hydrogen annealing base join two other RAD-CON bases for the spheroidise annealing of alloy steel blanks used in subsequent coldforging operations. The spheroidisation consistency has allowed complex parts to be manufactured in less steps and to tighter tolerances. The RAD-CON system with AC/APEX™ technology has allowed Pang Chang to further lower its costs by avoiding the need to shave the material since the annealed blanks are free of decarburisation. Pang Chang selected RAD-CON for this expansion in January 2010, and the equipment arrived in August/September 2010. Commissioning and handover was completed in October 2010.
Manassero celebrates 20th anniversary Manassero & C. Srl, based in Torino, Italy, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, with the company continuously growing since it was established in 1990.
ver recent years Manassero has grown at such a rate that it was necessary for it to rent a further warehouse. This second warehouse is also now full, which has led to Manassero to start to build a new 1,600 square metre warehouse which will be able to accommodate the 100+ machines it has in stock. The new warehouse will be ready for summer 2011 and, due to the larger dimensions, will allow Manassero to offer its customers the opportunity to store the machines they want to dispose of in the warehouse on a sale account basis. Manassero points out that this will be on a case by case basis and has to be agreed beforehand. Manassero & C. Srl will be exhibiting at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart jointly with Aspe an Italian manufacturer of nut tappers. Personnel in charge on the stand will be Savino and Filippo Manassero who will be able to introduce customers and visitors to newly signed representation that will help Hall: 4 Manassero widen its machine offering. Stand: D113
m a n u fa c t u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Citizen Machinery and Miyano Machinery merge Citizen Machinery UK and Miyano Machinery UK have officially merged into a single company Citizen Machinery UK Limited. Both product brands will be retained under managing director Geoff Bryant with the headquarters in Watford, UK, and the existing operational base in Brierley Hill, West Midlands.
ll the 35 staff will join the merged operations with the expectation to recruit additional people during 2011 to further strengthen the technical support team on applications and service. The single source operation will also provide the added advantage to customers of common service and support and the ability to provide a ‘without compromise’ production solution using the most costeffective machining method based on the best attributes of either CNC sliding head or fixed-head turn-milling technology. “With our existing structure and relationship as sole suppliers of leading machine technology in both production disciplines through Citizen CNC sliding head and Miyano CNC fixed-head
global fur nace systems group
technology, we are winning orders due to our open-minded application strategies,” explained Geoff Bryant. “Also as a single company we are able to put forward the respective advantages of each machine type in the best interest of the customer application.” The Citizen sliding head machines have a bar capacity up to 32mm and the Miyano fixed-head up to 64mm. However, Miyano has the added capability to supply chucking and billet machining plus a range of advanced solutions around turn-key automation packages. The strengthened working relationship between the two machine tool brands has already resulted in important technology transfers giving improved flexibility and the ability to reduce cycle times further. Geoff Bryant says that this will become more beneficial to customers during 2011 when both machine brands will be launching influential key models able to further drive down the cost of turn-milled part production, with the focus on speed of setting and improved machine utilisation with the extended capability for consistent machining cycles.
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
New CEO of Aichelin Holding GmbH Peter Schobesberger (51) was recently appointed as the new CEO and president of Aichelin Holding. He succeeds Dipl. Ing. Heinrich Novak, who decided to hand over his responsibilities as acting CEO of the Aichelin Group of Companies at the end of 2010.
eter Schobesberger has more than 11 years of experience within Aichelin. From 2008 onwards, he was managing director of Aichelin in Mödling, Austria. “With Peter Schobesberger we can rely on an excellent expert from our own ranks,” commented Dr. Peter Pichler, chairman of the Board of the Aichelin principle shareholder Berndorf AG. “He will continue on the road to success started by Heinrich Novak and will focus on a further expansion of our activities in the growing markets of China and India. We thank Heinrich Novak for his commitment for many years. During his time we were able to triple turnover of the Aichelin Group and enforce our leading market position. He hands over a notable and successful company and we wish him all the best for his future.” Due to his study of process engineering, Dr. Peter Schobesberger has an excellent knowledge of mechanical engineering and heat treatment technology. He has been working for Aichelin since 1999 and therefore contributes to the success of the worldwide leading manufacturer of plants for the heat treatment of metal components for a long time: After three years with the Aichelin Holding, he successfully managed a business unit of Aichelin Mödling. Before his career at Aichelin he had a leading position at Austrian Energy.
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Dörken launches concerted campaign
Hall: 4 Stand: C90
On 18th and 19th November 2010 Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG, based in Herdecke, Germany, and the European quality association Qualicor staged a joint EU coaters meeting.
ver 90 representatives from all points of the value chain went to Stuttgart to exchange information about measures for optimising the quality standards of DELTA-MKS-Systeme. In future, Dörken is set to act as a central contact for all those involved in the process.
90 participants came together in Stuttgart for the EU Coaters’ Meeting
Communicating the various requirements As a rule, the chromium(VI)-free zinc flake systems comprise a basecoat and a topcoat and are employed primarily on fasteners for automobile construction. The specifications profile of the OEMs was clarified by Matthias Ackermann, as representative of Volkswagen AG. The car companies are looking to join forces with Dörken in order to develop and promote joint system solutions. In his function as managing director of the German Fasteners Association (Deutscher Schraubenverband e.V.) Dr. Stefan Beyer represented the interests of the parts manufacturers as a link between the paint producer, the licensed coater and the car manufacturer. Amongst other activities, the DSV conducts audits and analysis regarding corrosion resistance and abrasion behaviour, entering into open dialogue with the members of the forum on this subject. The constructive impetus gained in the discussion is driven on the one hand by the DSV, with Dörken MKS-Systeme also functioning as an additional engine. From January 2011 a new organisational structure of Dörken will see the quality development department commence its work at the company, under the leadership of Michael Stähler. Its task is to monitor, control and optimise the entire process after the paint has been manufactured, from the coating procedure to delivery of the parts to the OEM. The new department is thereby taking on an interface function in the triangle between parts manufacturer, coater and end user. In addition, existing analysis methods and specifications are to be further developed in association with the DSV. The many years of personal co-operation between Michael Stähler and the DSV offer ideal conditions for the resolution of this complex task.
Matthias Ackermann reported on the specifications of the automobile industry as a representative of Volkswagen AG
Two annual audits In the past, controlling coating quality was a core task of the European quality association Qualicor. In the future, all licensees of the Dörken MKS-Systeme will have to be audited by the company itself once a year. In addition, the ifo Institut für Oberflächentechnik GmbH will also conduct a second neutral audit. This will involve coated components being removed from series production and tested for their required characteristics. “The jointly-formulated quality claim in the premium segment is the minimum level for all MKS coaters,” says Dr. Martin Welp, managing director of Dörken MKS-Systeme. The process improvement of coating through application equipment was also addressed at the coater meeting. Established plant engineering companies such as Ernst Reinhardt GmbH Industrieofenbau and WMV Apparatebau GmbH indicated their capability to increase the quality with optimised plant technology e.g. for dip-spin applications. With the forum in Stuttgart Dörken-MKS-Systeme has positioned itself as a central contact for parts manufacturers, coaters and OEMs in the effort to achieve joint further development of zinc flake systems.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Dr. Stefan Beyer, managing director of the Deutscher Schraubenverband e. V. (German Fasteners Association), presented a paper on the linking role of the association between the paint producer, the licensed coater and the car manufacturer
® ® DELTA DELTA protects protects surfaces. surfaces.
And Andnow nowananadvert advertfor foryour yourchildren. children. Don’t Don’t worry worry – this – this isn‘tisn‘t about about corrosion corrosion protection protection for toy for toy cars,cars, tricycles tricycles or go-carts. or go-carts. It isItabout is about responsibility. responsibility. Responsibility Responsibility for for the the environment environment andand the the nextnext generation. generation. Although Although responsibility responsibility is not is not really really the the rightright word word – philosophy – philosophy is closer is closer to what to what we we mean. mean. We We have have always always observed observed the the protection protection of resources of resources andand product product efficiency efficiency throughout throughout our our value-added value-added process. process. ® ® From From the the initial initial ideaidea to the to the completed completed coating. coating. AndAnd our our DELTA-MKS DELTA-MKS systems systems are are the the bestbest demonstration demonstration of how of how we apply we apply our our philosophy philosophy in practice. in practice. We We dispense dispense completely completely withwith anyany questionable questionable materials materials thatthat maymay present present risk risk to the to the environment environment or health. or health. We We think think a step a step ahead ahead when when applying applying andand processing processing our our coatings: coatings: These These are are extremely extremely thin,thin, cutting cutting down down on the on the materials materials employed employed for our for our customers customers – and – and of course of course on the on the costs. costs. What‘s What‘s more, more, through through intensive intensive co-operation co-operation withwith our our partners partners we can we can further further optimise optimise the the processes processes to develop to develop methods methods of coating of coating thatthat are are increasingly increasingly efficient efficient withwith respect respect to materials to materials andand ecology. ecology. ThisThis benefits benefits our our customers, customers, the the environment environment andand our our children children in equal in equal measure. measure. We We certainly certainly would would not not mind mind if you if you were were to explain to explain our our philosophy philosophy to your to your children. children. More More about about us at at
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Reliable and high-efficient nail production Industrispik Linan AB, a Swedish nail producer, has recently updated its production lines with a range of ENKOTEC machines.
ndustrispik Linan AB was founded in 1987 by Gyllsjö Träindustri AB, who is a producer of pallets and wood packaging in Sweden. At that time, the market was divided among many different nail manufacturers, and Gyllsjö thought that the nail prices were too high and the quality too bad. Therefore, when a small nail factory was for sale, Gyllsjö decided to acquire it in order to take over the nail production for its own usage. The nail production was subsequently transferred to separate premises approximately 20km from the parent company. It did not take long until the production capacity had been substantially increased so that nails could be sold to more Scandinavian pallet manufacturers. Today the nail company’s customers count 30 different pallet manufacturers. Industrispik Linan AB is run by only two employees producing 1,500 tonnes of nails annually. The nails manufactured are made exclusively from ore-based steel wire in order to make sure that the quality is as high and uniform as possible. The plant consists of six production lines, including two new ENKOTEC inline nail manufacturing lines, one NH01 nail machine with a TA01 thread roller and one NI01 machine with another TA01. These two new ENKOTEC lines have replaced four old conventional nail manufacturing lines. Managing director Kenneth Svensson comments: “Our plan is to replace the remaining old nail production lines with yet another new NI01-TA01 inline system for the production of convex head nails”.
Industrispik Linan is producing nails from diameter 2.5 x 35mm to 3.7 x 100mm, thus meeting the requirements of most pallet manufacturers. Industrispik Linan points out that the demand for ring shank nails is increasing compared to smooth shank nails because of the improved pulling resistance in the pallets. According to Kenneth Svensson the choice of ENKOTEC as a supplier for the company’s investment in new nail manufacturing lines was a result of comparing the alternative options. “Among the decisive factors was the possibility of establishing a low noise, space-saving and oil-free production. The lack of oil in the process and the efficient dust exhaust devices mean that there is no need for tumbling the nails afterwards. An additional advantage is that our power consumption has fallen significantly on our total volume. What also matters much to us is ENKOTEC’s aftersales concept with quick service and support, easy access to spare parts, and user-friendly technical manuals.” He adds: ”Our company is more than satisfied with our highefficient ENKOTEC inline production lines, operating with a utilisation percentage of 90% of the capacity. As we are very particular about service and settings, we have very little downtime in our production with these machines. Feedback from our customers has been very positive, and we have not received one single complaint about the nail quality.” Kenneth Svensson concludes: “I am convinced that wood packaging material will continue to be a strong alternative to plastic and other types of packaging in the future. The need for nails will still be there for a long time to come. Therefore, I believe the future looks bright for our business. In order to stay competitive, we must be able to produce efficiently with short delivery times and a high-quality nail output in large volumes, when required. And with our modern ENKOTEC production equipment, we have every possibility to do so.”
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Still your no. 1 partner in nails High-efficient inline solutions
With ENKOTEC you will obtain: • Extremely high capacity • High consistent nail quality • Fast tooling changeovers • Cost-effective production • Low production costs • High process stabilty • Long tooling life • Automated manufacturing • Interface for easy adjustments • Clean, low-noise production
ENKOTEC is the world-leading supplier of high-performance machinery for nail production. With more than 25 years of experience, we have in-depth understanding of your market and the challenges you face.
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Aptex appointed UK distributor Metallographic laboratory equipment producer, ATM GmbH has appointed Aptex Ltd to distribute its range of sample preparation equipment and consumables in the UK.
he ATM range includes precision and abrasive cut-off machines, mounting presses, grinding, polishing and etching machines and hardness testers. Ancillary products include image analysis hardware and software and microscopes. Available as single machines or as combined elements, such as Systemautomat, which automates the grinding and polishing processes of the specimen preparation process, all ATM equipment has been designed for building into integrated laboratory systems. Steve Bradley, Aptex managing director comments: “We specialise in sample preparation, image capture and analysis for the metallurgical and materials industries. Being appointed to distribute ATM’s equipment gives us an extended and total supply capability for independent laboratories and for in-house laboratories at materials producers and processors. Preparation equipment is the ideal complement to our existing ranges of Akasel material polishing and grinding products and Clemex Technologies‚ computerised image analysis systems.” Key to the new supply capability are the ATM ŒBrillant‚ wet abrasive, sectioning and cut-off machines, produced either as standard machines or custom built. They are available in a range of sizes including machines for small and precision parts, thin section cutting or precise serial sectioning and with manual or automatic cutting feeds. Computerised controls allow for networking with laboratory PCs and for cutting parameters to be stored and recalled as required. ATM points out that several machines have unique wheel movements for difficult to cut parts, geometries or materials. Also, all machines are built to high quality and international standards and are constructed from welded steel and powder coated aluminium plate.
Simufact expands engineering service team Simufact Engineering GmbH, a provider of software and services in the area of bulk metal forming has announced that Dr. Gabriel Barton has joined the Simufact team.
elying on his know-how in the area of incremental forming simulation, Dr. Barton will focus on ring rolling and open die forging applications and will add a new focus and fresh ideas to the engineering service department. His experience in the development of simulation software and models will help Simufact to broaden the application range of the Simufact software. “I am looking forward to the challenges waiting for me in my new position as project leader engineering at Simufact,” said Dr. Gabriel Barton. “Engineering projects are often the key to a successful and long-term use of forming simulation in companies. Regardless whether the customer is planning a kick-off project, needs the transfer of technology and knowledge, or would like to outsource entire development tasks, Simufact, with its competence and know-how in forming simulation and in the implementation of simulation technology, can enlarge the benefit for the customer.” “The addition of Dr. Barton to our engineering service department enables us to better coordinate the growing number
of project requests we receive and to lead each of them to success“, said Michael Wohlmuth, managing director of Simufact Engineering GmbH. “With his long-time experience and his know-how in forming technology and simulation, he is the ideal addition for us and a competent contact person for our customers. We are looking forward to working with him in our team.” Dr. Gabriel Barton has a vast experience in forming technologies and simulation applications. In his role as a research staff member at the Institute of metal forming, RWTH Aachen, Dr. Gabriel Barton was responsible for research projects. He received his PhD in the area of finite element modeling of hydrostatic extrusions of magnesium alloy. Also, in his former position as a project leader at acut Aachener Umformtechnik GmbH he was responsible for the preparation and execution of consulting, optimisation, development projects for the forming industry, and the development and implementation of finite element simulation models.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y
Formed threads
Hall: 6 Stand: M141
Hard to believe? Well it stopped and made us think - so we asked Sieber Forming Solutions to put the case for a radically different approach to manufacturing threaded parts.
t may sound amazing, but it really is true. The idea is so simple that the question must be asked: Why did it take so long? Steel forging had its origins in the fastening industry, so the desire to form threads was there right from the start. A wide variety of approaches to tackling this problem can be found in publications. But most of them are hard to implement because of the complexity of the tools or the processes or the faults that developed while producing the threads. One system that became accepted involved using clamping tools, particularly in order to produce reductions in the cross sections in the centre of components – for example, ball pins. The jaws are clamped around the thin cross section and this allows the remaining material to be compressed into a thicker cross section or moulded in the jaws. The jaws are then opened to release the component. A similar process is used when pressing outer threads. The crucial difference is that the jaws form the thread when they close and the blank was previously forged in such a way at the points where the jaws close that no material can slip into the clamping gap of the jaws when the unit is closed. See Fig. 1.
These blank cross sections illustrate a variety of possibilities in this field. It is important to note that no material can get into the clamping points of the jaws. The diameter of the blanks is larger when pressing than when rolling – if compared to cross section forms that are then rolled. The main reason for this is that the material also flows into the relief notches when being pressed. So we recommend that the cross section for the blank is discovered by using simulation software. The relief notch for the blank is visible on the thread at the ends. Any weakening of the tensile strength of the cross section is almost negligible (1-2%). Fig. 2
Thread pitches can be formed just as with tooth wheels, in order to be selflocking, they can be formed by oscillation like a spring in order to provide zero backlash or they can change their form and so change from pointed to round in order to allow screwing at an angle. The thread does not have to be cylindrical – the cross section can be a polygon, as is the case with self-tapping threads or other applications. One major difference in comparison with rolling involves the forming of the crest of the thread. Fig. 4. The thread crests are always round and do not have any clamping marks. This means that there is no risk of people injuring themselves on unrolled profiles, the threads are very much less sensitive to impact and are better suited for coatings at the tips.
Fig. 4: Contrast between threads formed by forming and rolling. It is possible to combine several threads or threads with knurls or splines. When forming knurls or splines, for example, three dies, three teeth or tooth crests are used. Fig. 5.
Fig. 2: Thread forming at a jaw clamping point.
Fig. 1: Blank form when pressing threads. The cross section of the blank can be formed from a circle with side relief notches. In this case, the outer sides of the jaws first bite into the blank. But the cross section can also be formed from three circles. In this case, the jaws immediately come into contact with almost the complete inner profile (thread profile).
It is also conceivable to deviate from the standard circular feature of the thread on a component; the thread or feature can be conical or be combined with any other shapes. This process opens up completely new design options in addition to milling, rolling or cutting. Fig. 3 illustrates some design ideas. Fig. 5: Formed knurls.
Fig. 3: Variations of formed threads.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
This concept is not just used for forming outer threads on solid components, but also hollow ones. In this process, a material is pressed into the closed jaws with a mandrel. Fig. 6.
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A selection of cross sections can be seen in Fig. 9. The two principles can be combined with each other to a certain degree.
Fig. 9: Component cross-sections.
Fig. 6: Thread forming for hollow components. In contrast to forming solid components (as in Fig. 1), no pre-forming is required here. But some combinations in preforming are helpful for various reasons.
The way that a thread pressing stage works for a solid component is shown in Figure 10. A sleeve is used and it carries the thread cutting jaws. In order to clamp the jaws, the sleeve with the jaws is moved along an external guide. As the sleeve, which carries the component, is moved too, a fixed stop is provided to restrict any elongation on the component.
Fig. 7: Blank variations for pressing hollow components. As the process of producing threads on hollow components is particularly challenging, outstanding cost reductions can be achieved by using these processes. Many hollow components are still machined nowadays because of the thread. The ability to form threads in a press not only offers a cheaper production method, but the complete component can now be ‘pressed’ – and this means that less materials are required and much higher output levels are possible. As the processes are vastly different from rolling, the normal restrictions are completely irrelevant. As a result of being able to restrict the components’ elongation, a three-axis state of tension is created and this allows the operator to forge materials that are hard to form. It is not essential for the material to be clamped along its complete length. Figure 8 shows two options for the same application.
Fig. 10: Stages in forming a thread. These applications can be used in a wide variety of ways. Here are some examples, which we recommend as particularly suitable for this process: • One area is free on the press in order to form the thread. • Top-heavy parts. • Multiple features are required (flanges or knurls etc). • The thread/profile must start immediately below the head or shoulder. • The part has thin walls and is hollow. • The starting point of the thread has to be deliberately specified. • The thread can serve multiple functions by its shape and design: conical, polygon, sharp and modified pitch. • Round thread crests are required without any rolling marks. • The relief notches are used to clean out the mating thread.
Fig. 8: Examples of hollow components.
• The relief notches at the end are used to vent air or drain oil and other media.
First Scan
Inspection Machine
First Scan 150-R is a non-contact fully automatic precision measuring system designed for cylindrical components. A linear and radial measurement analysis is performed on part diameters up to 35mm and lengths up to 150mm.
Geometric Tolerances Diameter
Feature Length
Total Run Out
Thread Profile
Mectron Engineering Co., Inc. 400 S. Industrial Drive
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Addition to Mectron’s Qualifier line of equipment
Rivco shows its guns Most people will know Rivco Ltd for being a distributor of Huck® fasteners, blind rivets, rivet nuts and associated setting tools. However, the Worcestershire based company is also able to service, hire and repair riveting tools, as well as sell spares, through its experienced tooling department.
he tooling department at Rivco is in essence a division in itself, which looks after the maintenance, hire and the sales of tools and spares. “Having a tooling department as in-depth as ours is quiet unique in the industry,” explains Matthew Roden, commercial director at Rivco. “We have over £100,000 worth of tooling available for hire and can offer customers a wide selection of tools in different makes and models for different sizes and applications.” The department is run by Tony Lewis (pictured below), an engineer with over 25 years experience in tooling. The tooling department can repair any manufactured riveter and rivet nut tool whether it be Huck, Rivit, FAR, Geispa or Avdel, and all the repairs are carried out inhouse. “Rivco has a centre of excellence for quick turnaround on the repair of riveting tools,” states Matthew. “It is vital that as a company you offer a quick repair service because without riveters companies can’t assemble finished products. This is why we offer replacement tools for hire that companies can use whilst their tools are being repaired.” As well as repairing tools Rivco is able to service the complete range of rivet and rivet nut tools. A customer can either send the tool to Rivco, or Tony Lewis can visit the company’s premises and service the tools onsite. “The longer you leave a riveter without getting it serviced the greater the chance of problems. If you get them serviced regularly then the life cost will be a lot less than if you just keep using a riveter until it breaks,” explains Tony. Rivco also provides companies with a cost effective solution for hiring hydraulic tooling machines which can be used on applications from half inch up to an inch and 1/8 diameter. If a company doesn’t have the knowledge or experience to use the machines they can also hire Tony Lewis who is available for hydraulic applications. “The added benefit of Tony going to visit a site is that he can use his experience to decide if there could be any complication with the application or the fixing,” mentions Matthew.
Rivco recently invested in a complete range of new tools as it wanted to have a stock of tools on the shelf so that when a customer rings up it is able to offer them the correct tool from stock. “We have a wide range of tools for various fixings,” highlights Matthew. “We have tools for the whole range of POP® rivets including the standard 2.4mm POP® rivet. We then have tools for structural rivets, which includes both blind fixings as well as pin and collar fixings, along with all the dedicated nose assemblies.” Another new addition to the tooling department is a tooling demonstration area which has recently been completed. Rivco decided to add a tooling demonstration area so that customers who visit the company can see the fixings and tools that Rivco can offer.
Rivco is a main distributor for Alcoa Fastening Systems selling the Huck branded tooling products, as well as being the sole distributor in the UK for Rivit Srl. “These are well known manufacturers of high quality rivet and rivet nut tools and we want to be associated with these companies, and their products” states Matthew. “Rivco wants to sell established good quality riveters and by introducing a tooling demonstration area customers can see the tools being used in front of them.” The company can also sell and service FAR tools and spares. Matthew adds: “Customers can also bring applications to us and our engineers will have a look and help the customer decide what fastener and tooling would be best for the job.” By giving customers the ability to have their tools repaired/ serviced, as well as the opportunity to hire or purchase a wide range of tools, Rivco is offering a service which is appealing during the current climate when companies are still being cautious. The recent investment in new tools, spares, coupled with the introduction of the new demonstration area, shows that the tooling department is very important in Rivco’s future plans and will enable the company to add to the already personal and comprehensive service it currently offers.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
The final piece of the jigsaw to fall into place
etin v i r e h T
hoice c f o r e suppli
Tools from . . .
Unit 10 Finepoint Business Park Kidderminster Worcestershire DY11 7FB T: +44 (0) 1562 513910 F: +44 (0) 1562 69666 E: W:
FOCU S ON s h e e t m e ta l
January 2011
Sheet metal This issue’s Focus On is dedicated to Sheet metal. Suppliers of products within this market sector have provided details of their capabilities along with up to date contact and product information.
Coming up in the next issue…
Decking, Wood & Collated Screws/ Nail Systems Contact Claire Lake Tel: +44 (0)1727 739 150 email: Alcoa Fastening Systems Alcoa Fastening Systems (AFS) was established in 2002 with the intention of providing a complete range of fastening solutions for a wide range of industrial markets and customers. The AFS product range currently offers the greatest breadth and depth of fastening solutions available including: self-locking nuts, quick-release fasteners, draw latches, threaded inserts, lock-bolts & structural blind fasteners.
Global experience combined with Alcoa’s long-standing leadership and ‘commitment to excellence’ make AFS the best choice for fastening systems.
Based on more than 44 years of experience, our reputation, coupled with our commitment to quality (our plants are ISO 9001 certified), has allowed us to be recognized as a major supplier by renowned industrial groups in various sectors including the Automotive industry, Electrotechnics and Electrical Appliances as well as to create a network of partner-customers within specialized distribution. Our know-how, combined with a constant drive for research and innovation, allows us to compete with global companies in the field of customized solutions. DEGOMETAL is your expert partner in fasteners. Mastering our craft is our major strength. Our production unit allows us to offer customized technical solutions that meet our customers’needs. This know-how makes us a key player in the Industry. We also offer additional items such as tools, blind rivet nuts, screws, cable ties and other turned and stamped parts, rolled items that have made our reputation in specialized Distribution.
Tel: +44 (0) 1952 204 607
Tel: +33 (0) 4 92 08 56 56
Through decades of experience working closely with major manufacturers from a myriad of markets, AFS has developed the capability to engineer and produce special parts to meet specific fastening requirements. We have successfully worked with some of the world’s leading manufacturers to develop unique and costeffective solutions to fastening problems. With manufacturing and distribution facilities on all major continents AFS has extensive experience working with customers on a global scale as well as providing for the fastening needs of local manufacturers.
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
FOCU S ON s h e e t m e ta l Dejond Cold Forming
Fixi SRL
Dejond manufactures the industry’s top quality brand of cold formed Tubtara® blind rivet nuts.
Fixi was founded in 1984. It produces and develops fastening systems all over Europe.
In 1989 Dejond was the first to start coldforming blind rivet nuts in STAINLESS STEEL 304. Nowadays this Tubtara® programme is extensive and includes open and closed end versions from M4 till M10, with round or hexagonal shanks and different head forms.
Customers of Fixi cover a wide range of industries including automotive , electronics, telecommunications and sheet metal fabrication. Fastening systems of Fixi are specific for sheet metal.
A few years ago we felt a clear need in the market for a Tubtara® effective in environments demanding enhanced corrosion resistance. Taking up this challenge we started developing an additional product range in STAINLESS STEEL 316. We initially targeted applications exposed to chlorides and salt water as in marine, offshore, chemicals, food or paper & pulp industry. Today we also supply the general industry with a wide choice of styles. Our stainless 316 Tubtara® has proven its effectiveness in circumstances where corrosion or higher temperatures are critical and a long-term solution is required. Besides stainless steel, Dejond’s actual Tubtara® programme also offers a wide range in steel and aluminium. Our ISO 9001/2000 accreditation, short delivery times and strong technical and commercial support show our commitment to total customer satisfaction. Tel: +32 3 820 34 36
Blind rivets are used to join two or more sheet metals. Threaded inserts create a thread into the sheet metal. Self clinching fasteners are knock in the sheet metal and consent assembly also in small spaces. Welding studs are welded on the sheet metal and they allow assemblies without drilling. The company certification of quality system, according to ISO 9001:2000 standard, gives evidence of the style of Fixi, which has always been a leader in its own field. For all your requirements you can write to the following e-mail:
Goebel GmbH
Harrison Silverdale
Goebel GmbH offers one of the widest blind rivets, blind rivet nuts and setting tool product ranges in Europe. The focus is to give our customers a high grade of service. Under this high grade of service, we understand that the customer will receive the ordered goods in time, at perfect quality and a competitive price level. The customer will also deal with a highly qualified, friendly member of our staff who understands that customer satisfaction is the main focus.
Harrison Silverdale Ltd has been supplying sheet metal fasteners to major OEM’s and Fastener Distributors across Europe for 29 years. We have an extensive range of Self Clinch, Rivet Nuts, Cage Nuts and spring steel U Nuts making us your ideal partner.
This all takes place at our central warehouse in Erkrath, by Düsseldorf, and also several warehouses all over Europe with our strategic partners. The huge stockholding of the wide range of products reduces not only the warehouse costs for our customers, as a customer you’ll benefit from this advantage by receiving short and reliable delivery times. Engineers and highly qualified inspectors in our company are labtesting every batch of product strictly to the ISO 14589 certification – which defines the testing process – and of course to our own developed control system.
It has always been our core objective to deliver quality engineered fasteners at competitive prices, whilst maintaining our commitment to customer service and technical support. This strategy has proved a winning combination resulting in record sales in 2010. We are one of the few fastener companies to include a design service within the scope of our ISO9001:2008 approval. Our 3D CAD facility means we can work closely with our customers on special applications. 3D Models of standard parts will soon be available to download saving time and making fastener specification easier. As part of our expansion we are actively looking for partners overseas to promote our range of Sheet Metal fasteners and Threaded Inserts for plastic.
Goebel is ISO 9001:2008 certificated. Create the future with us. Tel: +49 211 24 50 00 – 0
Tel: +44 (0) 1246 296 930
FOCU S ON s h e e t m e ta l Lancaster Fastener
PSM International
Supplying 34 countries worldwide, Lancaster Fastener is one of Europe’s leading stockists and distributors of Fasteners for Sheet Metal.
PSM International is a world class manufacturer of Anchor® Rivet Bushes (ARB), self-clinching fasteners, inserts for plastics, direct screw fixings and special engineered fasteners, supplying global manufacturing sectors.
With over 800 product lines available from stock, Lancaster Fastener offers a 2-5 day delivery service throughout Europe.
PSM’s range of sheet metal fasteners include the Anchor® Rivet Bush which involves a ‘shank’ which is passed through a pre-formed hole in the parent material and riveted on the reverse side. PSM also offer self-clinching fasteners which are designed to displace the parent material into a grooved form below the fastener head.
Fasteners for Sheet Metal Include: Rivet Bushes - Available in both types Round and Hexagon, sizes range from M2.5 - M12 and finishes include: Zinc Plated (CR3), A2 - Stainless Steel and Self-Colour. Self-Clinching Fasteners - Products include: Clinch Nuts, Clinch Flush Nuts, Clinch Blind Standoffs, Clinch Through Standoffs, Clinch Studs and High Strength Clinch Studs. Finishes include: Zinc Plated (CR3) & A2 - Stainless Steel. K-Series Setzmuttern - Three spigot lengths available ex-stock: Standard, Intermediate & Long. Material: C1022 Carbon Steel, Case hardened to a minimum of Hv0.3 610, Zinc Plated (CR3). Tested to ISO 898. Stainless Steel can be supplied to order. Capacitor Discharge (CD) Weld Studs - Product ranges include: Type PT* (Threaded), Type IT* (Internally Threaded), Type UT* (Unthreaded) and Type CT (Coarse Threaded). * Manufactured to DIN EN ISO 13918. Please contact us for further information. Tel: +44 (0) 1542 389 232
PSM’s sheet metal fasteners provide strong, reusable threaded nuts, studs and standoffs for use in thin sheet applications. Once installed, they are permanently attached to the mating material, allowing the associated nut or bolt to be removed without risking the fastener becoming dislodged. Established in 1931, PSM has grown into a global leader in fastener design, development and production, with distribution locations situated strategically around the world. PSM offers a bespoke application engineering service to designers and specifiers. This combined with their Tech Centre testing facilities ensures that the correct fasteners are selected and perform to the required specification. Tel: +44 (0) 1902 407 370
Super Nut Industrial
Most UK Fastener distributors would be aware that Rivco Ltd are one of the approved distributors for Huck Fasteners and tools which are manufactured by the company Alcoa Fastening Systems. However over the last two years the company has been adding to its product range that ultimately are used within the sheet metal Industry in large volumes.
SUPER NUT has compiled a solid technological process for the production and quality control of our products over the last few decades. We are capable of offering a wide range of exceptional products. In order to manufacture the best products, we are constantly researching new technology and introducing the most advanced and precise automatic production equipment. Our dedication in this regard allows us to provide producttest reports at your convenience.
The introduction of the complete range of Rivet products has seen the company develop sales to new distributor customers who are able to satisfy their local end users demands. The range carried covers the material Aluminium, Steel, Stainless Steel and Monel and they are being sold in Dome, Countersunk, Multigrip, Peel, Sealed, Grooved and Trebol Rivet types. Rivco are also able to advise on technical and tooling requirements for rivet applications. The complete range of Rivet Nut products are now available for sale at Rivco Ltd . The investment in this new range includes Rivet Nuts made from Aluminium, Steel and Stainless Steel. Rivco can also provide guidance to distributor customers on both the technical and tooling requirements for Rivet Nut products.
In addition to our wide range of products, we are also dedicated to providing OEM manufacturing and production, support services for custom-made parts, and full cooperation with client-order demands. Our competitive products include: Standard (American/European) or Special Blind Rivet Nuts (*Best seller), Blind Rivets, Solid or Hollow Rivets, Insert Nuts, Sex Bolts & Binding Posts, Welding Nuts, Self Clinching Studs (*Best seller), Self Clinching Nuts (*Best seller), Self Clinching Standoffs (*Best seller), Brass Knurl Inserts, CNC Lathe & Machine Centre Parts. Accredited to ISO 9001:2008
Tel: +44 (0) 1562 513 910
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
ONE OF THE BIGGEST MANUFACTURERS OF BLIND RIVET NUTS IN ASIA We have more than 1,000 styles in stock and our production capacity is 5 billion pieces. We can produce blind rivet nuts in steel, stainless steel, aluminum and brass. We also produce lots of non-standards based on customers drawings and samples.
SHANGHAI RIVET MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD. Export Department Tel: +86 21 372 86065 / 372 86522 Fax: +86 21 372 86066 Email: /
m a n a g e m e n t + sy s t e m s
Business Intelligence software module launched OGL Computer has released prof.ITplus Business Intelligence (BI) software module for users of its prof.ITplus sales order and stock control business management software for fastener distributors.
rof.ITplus BI enables prof.ITplus business management software users to analyse results and statistics from a wide variety of business areas, from sales to stock management, in order to identify which areas are working well and which areas could be improved. BI can rapidly present clear, live statistics-based results including profit levels per product, customer spend trends and efficiency of stock holding. Users can also customise BI to enable it to provide more complex reports on virtually any business area which is supported by data held within the prof.ITplus software system. The results are formed using real time data and are presented in clear to view tables, charts and dash board dials and the prof.ITplus BI module was created in a development environment, providing a familiar setting through integration with Microsoft Excel. OGL points out that whilst BI is easy to use to provide instant yet detailed results, the module is scalable and increasingly complex reports can be created as the user’s BI skill grows. Results and reports can also be shared but securely managed in the BI Centre. “To increase commercial success, fastener distributors need to know which areas of their businesses are profitable and working well, which areas need improvement and, crucially, how these areas can be improved,” says OGL’s marketing manager, Alex Byles. “prof.ITplus Business Intelligence provides this information in clear, easy-to-read charts and tables, using real time data, which can ultimately help to increase sales figures, improve customer satisfaction and boost business efficiency by analysing metrics and corresponding results available across a wide range of business areas.”
Apriso reinvents DocuWare maintenance management Apriso, a provider of software solutions, has announced general availability of FlexNet Maintenance 2.0, an innovative maintenance management solution built on a native Business Process Management (BPM) architecture.
priso explains that manufacturers are now implementing FlexNet Maintenance 2.0 to enable real-time visibility, control and synchronisation of maintenance operations with global production, quality, warehouse and labour processes. Improving coordination and collaboration between maintenance and manufacturing operations helps improve flexibility and responsiveness, resulting in increased equipment uptime and lower manufacturing costs. Apriso highlights that FlexNet Maintenance 2.0 offers expanded capabilities of what maintenance management should comprise, which starts with a unified, platform-based solution that can synchronise maintenance activities with both manufacturing operations (ex: manufacturing execution systems) and other enterprise systems. FlexNet Maintenance 2.0 with its native BPM architecture simplifies end-to-end process creation, standardisation and integration to existing enterprise applications, resulting in greater real-time visibility and control to the shop floor. FlexNet’s BPM architecture supports Lean and TPM initiatives by enabling maintenance value streams to be visually prototyped and then implemented as standardised business processes. By reducing non-value add activities such as gathering spare parts and tools or filling out requisitions, engineers get more “wrench” enabling more preventive maintenance without increasing staff, reducing time spent on only break-fix operations. “It is essential that manufacturers have an enterprise system to maximise operational efficiency while protecting manufacturing assets and meeting important safety and compliance regulations,” said John Fishell, vice president product management at Apriso. “With FlexNet Maintenance 2.0, workflows can be established to include safety instructions, checklists and machine events that ensure standardisation and compliance, so best practices can be implemented across the whole organisation.”
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
ISO 9001 Recertified DocuWare has demonstrated again that it meets all requirements of the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The German Quality Management Academy, who is a member of the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) tested the Document Management Systems company and certified it for a second consecutive time.
o continue to meet its goal of providing top-quality software to its customers, DocuWare, the worldwide-operating Document Management Systems (DMS) specialist, applied for ISO 9001 recertification in 2010. The main requirement for certification is that companies implement methods and processes to prevent errors and maintain a seamless Quality Management System (QMS). The result was very positive: the methods used by DocuWare continue to fulfill all requirements of the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The software company specifically received the certificate for the segment “Development and Sales of Standard Software for Document Management.”
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m a n a g e m e n t + sy s t e m s
Data at your fingertips Working with an out of date, slow computer software system can become part of everyday life for some companies. The idea of a new software system is appealing but often ignored due to the cost, training requirements and down time incurred during installation. Struggling with the current system is often seen as a lesser of two evils, that was the feeling at Rivco Ltd before it decided to change systems to the DK Business Solutions system.
ivco Ltd, a distributor of Huck® fasteners, Huck® bolts (pins and collars), blind rivets, rivet nuts and setting tools, decided to install a new system after it realised that its old system was becoming more of a hindrance than a help, creating a ‘paper mountain’ and making it difficult to maintain efficient administration processes and, very importantly, accurate stock levels. After looking at various software systems Rivco decided that the DK Business Solutions system offered everything that it was looking for at a very competitive price. The installation process was carried out by Black Diamond IT Ltd a licensed distributor of DK Business Solutions within the UK. Simon Underhill, director at Black Diamond IT explains that a key aspect of the DK Business Solutions which helps it stand out when compared to other systems is its ease of use and bespoke tailoring, which is backed up with a personal service. “When working with DK Business Solutions there is always the opportunity to talk through the system and adapt it to the customer’s requirements,” says Simon. As well as deciding to install new software Rivco also took the decision to invest in its hardware. This resulted in Rivco bringing in a host of new computers, telephones, printers, and server, all of which Black Diamond supplied and installed, in an attempt to make the business more efficient. The DK Business Solutions software was installed a couple of days after the hardware and the system was up and running within the day. The installation process simply involved uploading the software onto each user PC and running it through the new server. Due to the simplicity of using the software there was no need for any training prior to installation. To get comfortable with the system the staff at Rivco simply inputted the sales and purchase orders from the old system onto the new system. This allowed them to practice using the system whilst getting used to entering sales and purchase orders.
“The main advantage of the system is the familiarity,” explains Simon. “Whether a user is loading a sales order or a purchase order it is the same process just on a different menu. It looks exactly the same which means once a member of staff has learnt how to use one module of the system they can use all the modules.”
“ It was so easy to changeover to the new system we did it whilst we were still trading and were back up and running within a day.”” He adds: “Because the system is extremely user friendly there is no need for long training periods. Customers can have training before the system is installed, but we find that if we work with them for 3/4 days after the system has been installed it allows them to practice on the actual system with us there to help them if they have any problems.” Whilst the staff did input the sales and purchase orders, other
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
User friendly DK software can be tailored to meet your specific business needs – and you only pay for the modules you require:
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
General ledger Accounts receivable CRM Accounts payable Sales Inventory Purchase orders Projects
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Automated processes Web store integration Full hosting available Dedicated support team EDI
cial er e p S off t g n i s pric the fir for new 10 mer s to cus
Point of sale
For further information contact Black Diamond I.T. Limited
T: 08449 670997 E:
m a n a g e m e n t + sy s t e m s information such as customer records, vendor records, stock records and stock counts was all transferred over automatically by Black Diamond. Prior to transferring the data there was also the option of pulling the data out of the old system and cleansing it before adding it to the new system. This cleansing process involves pulling the data out onto an Excel spreadsheet and then filtering it according to the customer requirements. “We always suggest that when installing the system companies take the opportunity to cleanse their data,” states Simon. “The reason for this is because it is a good time to do some ‘housekeeping’ and allows a company to start using the system with data that they know is 100% accurate.” Once the system has been installed Black Diamond offers twelve months free support so if there are any problems they can be solved either over the phone or via a site visit. Steve Auld, managing director at Rivco explained that the whole process was a simple one. “It was so easy to changeover to the new system we did it whilst we were still trading and were back up and running within a day. All of the staff adapted to the system straight away and we instantly started seeing benefits of using the new system.”
“ I can see everything I want to see on the one screen. All you have to do is keep drilling down through the data, until you find what you are looking for.” One such benefit that the DK Business Solutions system offered was the ability to speed up the operating processes within Rivco and enable staff to focus on answering customers questions. “With the old system we would have a customer ring up for a part and we would have to wait on the system to load the part number on screen,” comments Matthew Roden, commercial director. “Because it used to take so long we would offer to call the customer back once the system was ready. However, now when the customer rings up and asks for a part we can give them all the information they need straight away. Helping us to save time and answer customers questions quickly and effectively.” A key feature of the DK Business Solutions system that Matthew highlights as being beneficial to Rivco is the inventory module which offers users valuable management information through the module’s reporting and analytical tools. “When using the old software it was difficult to find out the information you were looking for. The system was very narrow
and you could only see one window at a time. The new DK Business Solutions system is completely different it is user friendly, and the information is always too hand. For instance if you have a part number you can press one button and drill into that part number and find out who has ordered it, when they have ordered it, how much they have ordered and what price they paid for it, the system gives you the whole overview.” “Also the reports you can do on the DK Business Solutions system are much more advanced than our previous system,” states Matthew. “There is an opportunity to almost cherry pick what you want on a report. You can take out the information that you don’t want and it can be fully exported to Excel.” The DK Business Solutions system has also enabled Rivco to get rid of its ‘paper mountain’ and move towards a controlled paper system, which has been one of the biggest benefits for Maureen Edwards, sales office manager at Rivco. “Previously when we had goods in there was the possibility of orders getting mixed up, but with the new DK Business Solutions system we have an automatic allocation list which lets us know what stock is for what customer,” says Maureen. “The format of the invoices is also a lot easier to understand and if a customer asks for a copy of an invoice you can email it to them straight away through the system.” Andrea Allen, purchasing manager at Rivco is just as complimentary about the system. When asked which aspects of the DK Business Solutions system has made her job easier she simply replies “Everything”. “It is always scary when you are faced with some new software to learn. Normally you have training on the system before you use it which means that a lot of it you don’t understand because you aren’t used to using the system. However, with DK Business Solutions we went live with the system pretty much straight away and because the system is self-explanatory it was easy to pick things up.” The introduction of the DK Business Solutions system has also helped Andrea to improve the company’s stock availability by providing a better view of stock requirements and allowing more product to be purchased from the prime source. “The system is fantastic and allows me to run a minute by minute report for purchasing stock. It also allows me to see where we are buying it from and the last price we paid for it.” The ability to drill down from anywhere in the system is another feature which has benefited Andrea. “Being able to drill down in the system makes it is easy to find the product and information that you are looking for. I can drill down into a stock record, which then allows me to see all the purchasing, which allows me to drill into purchase orders, as well as drill into suppliers. I can see everything I want to see on the one screen. All you have to do is keep drilling down through the data, until you find what you are looking for. You really do have all the data you need at your fingertips.” It is clear that the DK Business Solutions system has helped Rivco in every part of the company by offering a clear, concise system that Rivco’s staff can use to find out all the information they need in a quick and effective manner. The most important gauge for Steve Auld on how well the system is working is the feedback from his staff. “Since the DK Business Solutions software has been installed there hasn’t been one complaint about how the system operates. That is a true sign of a system that is doing everything you ask it to do.”
Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
m a n a g e m e n t + sy s t e m s
Understanding the Professional Buyer Time was when buyers and sellers drew an equal hand of cards as they sat facing each other across the negotiating table – time was.
he last few years have seen a revolution in purchasing practices, largely the result of a massive increase in the knowledge of the buyer. No longer need they wait patiently for you to call, and when you do, it’s a fair bet that they know more about your company and what it sells than you do about theirs and what it buys. This has changed the balance of power. Suppliers are now ‘positioned’ by purchasing professionals (no longer are they mere buyers, any more than account managers are mere sales representatives!) in pursuit of more effective ways to manage those suppliers. The buyer is in search of their Key Suppliers and with as much energy as those suppliers are in pursuit of their Key Accounts. Might they match? One thing is for sure; it’s not enough to label your customers, you also have to know how they label you, for being something other than a Key Supplier could be damaging to your ambitions, perhaps even damaging to your health. The problem is; do you know how you are positioned?
Risk Significance
Strategic Security
Strategic Partner
Tactical Make Easy
Tactical Profit
Buyer’s intent
Seller’s intent
Low Low
Relative Spend
The Kraljic Matrix Buyers use a tool called the Kraljic Matrix (above), or derivations of it, to allocate each supplier to one of four positions, to be managed either for financial return (bottom right), for ease of supply (bottom left), for security of supply (top left) or perhaps even as a partner (top right). Key Suppliers can exist in any quadrant, though to be regarded as such that supplier must abide by the ‘rules of the box’. Behave as you are expected to behave, and the buyer will smile on you – that’s the simple theory. In practice, suppliers commit a variety of sins, from ignorance of their positioning - leading to obvious problems with living up to expectations - through to assuming greater status and significance than they warrant – possibly
leading to a great deal of wasted effort and frustration on both sides. Aiming to raise your status is no bad ambition, in the long run, but if you get too far ahead of yourself you risk becoming a nuisance to the buyer; one of those suppliers that always acts above their station – some call it being arrogant. Jan Paul van der Velde, career buyer and co-author of the book ‘Understanding the Professional Buyer – what every sales professional should know about how the modern buyer thinks and behaves’ says: ‘In my experience sales people never prepare for meetings as well as buyers.’ Meaning, they don’t generally know about this stuff. Jan Paul
100 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
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m a n a g e m e n t + sy s t e m s goes on to make an even more revealing comment: ‘In my career as a buyer I have very rarely had people from my own company ring me up to complain about decisions I made on price, but they will ring me up like a shot to complain about decisions I made on quality or service.’ So why is it that buyers so often play the price card in front of sellers? Because it’s easy, because it puts the seller on the back foot, and because the seller often caves in under such pressure, and buyers will be happy enough with all of that. With most suppliers ‘north of the line’ buyers will be more concerned about quality and service than simply getting the lowest price – and even ‘south of the line’ the route to the buyer’s objectives isn’t necessarily buying cheap. So why don’t they tell this to the sales people on the other side of the table? Well, would you, if you were a buyer? Buyers don’t lie and they don’t cheat (at least, not any more than sales people), but they might not always tell you everything they are thinking, and they take their stand for well thought out reasons. Their well prepared positioning of suppliers often puts them in the driving seat when it comes to the negotiation.
So what’s a seller to do?
profiles for typical buyer types based on the challenge of their business and the nature of their business ambitions. Knowledge of these profiles will help the seller to a crucial understanding: it’s not what the buyer thinks of your price that matters (you know that well enough!) but what they think of your ability to help them and their business prosper. If you have something to say about that, then it will be relatively easy to present the true nature of your value. If not, then your value proposition is all too likely to be ‘off beam’, so justifying the buyer in their stereotypical prejudice against all suppliers’ ‘so-called value propositions….’ Supplier Positioning is just one aspect of the modern buyer’s thinking, a piece of the jigsaw, a sample of the revolution that has gone on within purchasing practice. Some of the changes have hardened attitudes, certainly reducing the seller’s ability to get by through bonhomie and repartee, and that is no bad thing. Sellers who close their eyes to these changes are seriously limiting the prospects of their sales career, because the door is wide open for those that recognise the business nature of the buyer’s focus and choose to learn more. Such folk will find themselves amongst the most valued of people; valued by their customers, and valued all the more for that by their own sales management.
A common response is to go around such an obstacle, to seek the decision makers beyond the buyer. It can work, and it can also put the entire relationship at risk. If you want contacts beyond the buyer make sure you develop them with the buyer’s knowledge, with their permission, and even better, with their support. This can take time and patience of course, two commodities in short supply when a sales professional is focused on the short-term win. It may come as surprise to hear this, but buyers are focused on the long term more than their tactical maneuvers might suggest. Beneath that bluff exterior that says: ‘we don’t need you today’ there often beats a nervous heart, and perhaps a realisation that they need you more than they wish you to know. To secure the buyer’s support in broadening contacts the supplier must demonstrate their relevance to the needs of the buyer and the business – the buyer needs to be sure that you will not be wasting their time. Begin by recognising your current status, and then, if this is your ambition, demonstrate how you might become More can be found more significant. It is a journey that calls for care and subtly. about the purchasing Highly significant suppliers are also high risk suppliers – revolution, and what that’s how buyers think – ‘what if they let me down?’ it means for sales As you move northwards in the matrix, expect the buyer to take a greater interest in the mechanisms and professionals, by processes of your company. Many salespeople regard this reading: line of questioning as a nuisance – don’t! Recognise it for what it is – the buyer’s need to be confident in a supplier Understanding the that is of increasing importance. Meeting their needs in Professional Buyer this respect - providing information on your capabilities, ‘what every sales developing services that enhance your product quality these things will repay you handsomely when it comes to professional should the price discussion. know about how the Sales professionals have long been trained to observe modern buyer thinks behaviours indicating the personal motivations of their Peter Cheverton and behaves’ opposite numbers. Good stuff, but not enough on its own - the game has moved up a level. The key now is Written by Peter Cheverton and Jan Paul van der observing those behaviours that indicate the long-term Velde, and published by Kogan Page, business motivations of the buyer. Just as there are personality profiles, so there are (ISBN 9780749461232)
102 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
The world of fastening and fixing
22-24 February 2011 Messe Stuttgart Germany International Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology
• Industrial fasteners and fixings • Construction fixings • Assembly and installation systems • Fastener manufacturing technology • Storage, distribution, factory equipment • Information, communication and services
For further information, please contact: Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd, E-Mail:
Fastener Fair Stuttgart bigger than ever Europe’s biggest fastener trade show will be bigger than ever when it opens its doors for three days at the Messe Stuttgart grounds on 22nd February 2011.
rom 22nd – 24th February 2011, Fastener Fair Stuttgart will, for the fourth time, open its doors at the exhibition grounds of Messe Stuttgart, Germany. A total of 623 exhibitors from 38 countries will showcase a comprehensive range of products and services, including industrial fasteners and fixings, construction fixings, assembly and installation systems, fastener manufacturing technology as well as storage and logistics services. “Since important industry sectors such as the machine tool, the automotive and the construction industries are picking up again, there is an increasing demand for fastener and fixing technology. As a major international industry event, Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 comes, therefore, exactly at the right time,” says Susanne Rauberger, exhibition director Fastener Fair Stuttgart on behalf of the organisers Mack Brooks Exhibitions. Fastener Fair Stuttgart is Europe’s largest trade exhibition for the fastener and fixing industry; and the 2011 event is bigger than ever: covering 12,500m2 in net exhibition space, the show now stretches over three halls – halls 4, 6 and 8 - at the modern Messe Stuttgart exhibition grounds, adjacent to the city’s international airport. Visitors at Fastener Fair are distributors, suppliers, engineers, specifiers and other professionals in the fastener and fixing industry. Alongside traditional products, Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 puts a special focus on the latest innovations in fastening and fixing technology. The ‘Route to Fastener Innovation’, a competition to promote innovations, points out all the stands where innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies can be discovered. A full preview of the ‘Route to Fastener Innovation’ entrants can be read in this magazine, starting on page 126.
Save by pre-registering online
Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 is open on 22nd and 23rd February 2011 from 09:00 to 17:00, and on 24th February 2011 from 09:00 to 15:00. The entry ticket price on-site is 30 euros; visitors who pre-register online can save 10 euros and also save time entering the Fair. Pre-registration tickets are now available at
The new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre is located directly next to Stuttgart International Airport, some 13 kilometres from Stuttgart city centre, and close to the A8 autobahn.
By Car Directions from the A8
From the direction of Stuttgart: Leave the motorway at the “Echterdinger Ei” junction and follow the access road towards the airport and trade fair centre. From the direction of Munich: Exit the motorway at junction Messe/Flughafen”. This leads you to the multi-storey car park over the motorway.
Directions from the B27
The car parks at the western edge of the trade fair centre are accessible from both directions, Stuttgart or Tübingen. The multi-storey car park over the A8 motorway is also accessible.
By Air The airport terminals are approximately 200 metres from the trade fair centre and can easily be reached on foot. At the airport you will also find the suburban trains (S-Bahn) S2 and S3 to Stuttgart main railway station. Travelling time: 27 minutes. For further information on arriving by air, please also visit
By Train Stuttgart is directly connected to 13 European capitals via the Deutsche Bahn rail network (ICE, IC and InterRegio trains). From the main railway station to the new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre take the suburban trains S2 or S3, direction “Stuttgart Flughafen/Neue Messe Stuttgart”. For more train travel information, visit For more information, to obtain your ticket, and for the complete exhibitor list visit:
106 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Innovation. More infos about fischer screws:
Scan with your mobile
With our innovative products we are your reliable partner. As a world-wide leading expert in nylon fixings, steel anchors and chemical fixings. For further information please see
The different dimensions of Stafa
Hall: 6 Stand: L80
Having managed to find a day in December when the airports were actually open Will Lowry headed for Stafa Holland BV, to learn more about the different dimensions of this family managed group of fastener businesses.
ven with snow seemingly covering the whole of Europe the short flight to Eindhoven was a simple one; the only difficulty proved to be negotiating the skating rink that masqueraded as Eindhoven’s airport car park. Making it to the car just left a short and uneventful drive to Maarheeze and the Stafa offices, to meet Ivo and Joep van Gool. Stafa Holland BV was established in 1977 and started as a distributor of imported nuts. Over the years the company continued to expand and add products to its range, so that it now offers a remarkably comprehensive fastener programme including hex bolts, sockets, threaded rod, nuts, washers, screws and construction products. “We can offer our customers 70,000 different items, along with special parts and special coatings,” states Ivo van Gool, export manager at Stafa. “Each range that we offer has a good depth to it and with nearly 30,000 pallet and box locations in
our 12,000 square metre warehouse we have a lot of products in stock.” Several expansions, over a number of years - the last in 2008 when an extra 7,000 locations were added – mean Stafa
has numerous connecting warehouses, all immaculately clean with clear gangways and every pallet and box properly located. Stafa originally had an in-house packaging department, but in 1996 it decided to create a separate company for the private label and boxing service it offers. Officially incorporated as Gopak, it was moved into its own premises only a few streets away from Stafa. Gopak started off with just one customer - Stafa - passing its customers’ packing needs onto Gopak. However, it didn’t take long for Gopak to build its own reputation and, today, over 85% are Gopak’s own customers, with the remaining 15% Stafa customers. “The majority of Stafa customers we have are for mainly private labelling,” explains Joep van Gool, Gopak company manager. “Being in the same group allows us to give the customer the benefit of buying the sales package they desire from one source. It is possible to ship through Stafa or Gopak which means that the customer only receives one invoice when they receive their order, again making the process a lot more efficient.” A key target for Gopak is the bagging and kitting market, which it has made a concerted effort to expand. “At the beginning we actively searched for customers, and realised that there was an opportunity to multi-pack products,” says Joep. Gopak is able to pack various sized kits on its fully automated bagging lines, which include two lines with twelve feed stations, one line with four feed stations and one
108 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
line with two feed stations. All four lines can be run by as few as two staff. The bagging process involves parts being fed from vibratory bowls, through a weight count gate, onto a central conveyor of metal trays. Reaching the end of the line each completed kit tray is tipped into a bagging system, where a final weight check ensures the kit is correct. “We started automating the bagging and kitting process in 2006 and have invested approximately 1.4 million euros,” says Joep. “We are one of the few companies that have this kind of equipment and I think it is fair to say that we now have one of the most modern bagging facilities in Europe.” The fully automatic bagging lines give Gopak the capacity for 24/7 production if there is demand from a customer. Each line has a camera installed in it so there is no need for Gopak to man the machines during the night. “I can log in off-site during the night to check everything is working,” explains Joep. “If there are any problems the lines will automatically stop and then call my mobile to tell me there is a problem.” In addition to the fully automatic lines Gopak also has seven semi-automatic packing machines for bagging and kitting. Three of the semi-automatic machines are brand new machines and have counting and weighing integrated. There are plans in the future to upgrade or replace the
We´re an independent Dutch company, specialized in direct import of fasteners from Asian countries, like China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand etc. Our goal is to make you brake your deals with the source, which is cheaper and allows you, therefore, to acquire a better position towards your competitors. Our method is to eliminate all intermediaries and save you costs all around. Our products are delivered directly to your place of business, from our factories, in containers.
We represent: - Asian import prices - excellent quality of the products (upon request we will provide material certificates) - complete import service: we can arrange everything, including import and transport from harbor to your address
Neofast B.V. Den Engelsman 18 • 6026RB Maarheeze • The Netherlands Tel: +31 495-599893 • Fax: +31 495-599876 •
r o f d n a l o H ataf eling ers
20081986-advertenties-2.indd 2
06-11-2008 09:22:34
Sthe fse ten
You need good quality fastening elements. Coated and packaged as desired, and delivered to you in time. That is possible. The Stafa Holland team is ready for you. Feel free to discuss with us what precisely you would like to have, and when, and we will get into top gear for you. As a stock keeping importer we can quickly deliver a wide variety of screws, bolts, nuts, threaded rods, washers, anchors, as well as a broad range of additional materials. We offer highly competitive prices, deliver our orders strictly on time throughout Europe, and have been known to guarantee high quality fastening elements for more than thirty years. See for yourself. Just send us an email or call us on 0031-495 599888. We will be more than happy to discuss our stock, our prices, and our production with you.
Stafa Holland
Den Engelsman 18 P.O. Box 2670 6026 ZH Maarheeze The Netherlands Tel: 0031-495 599888 Fax: 0031-495 599876 Email: Internet:
other four machines. The semi-automatic machines involve an operator counting the products into the machine. The machine then check weighs the products to make sure they are all correct. If the correct products have been entered then the machine automatically bags the completed kit. If not the machine alerts the operator who is then able to see what products are missing or if there are too many products. As well as offering the bagging and kitting services Gopak is able to help with the purchasing and sourcing activity for customers. “Obviously the amount of different applications is vast, but what we try to do is focus on specific areas. We look at the market and see what manufacturers are using and what problems they are facing. We then try and find solutions,” explains Joep. He adds: “The customer can buy a complete kit from us and make the logistic process short, because instead of buying each part from individual suppliers they are able to source it all from us. They don’t have to worry about checking the order themselves as the process is fully automated, which helps save customers a lot of money.” Whilst the bagging and kitting service at Gopak is developing the private label and boxing service, which Gopak was originally established to offer, is going full circle and moving back to the Stafa warehouse. “At the moment we have a truck that makes the short journey between the two warehouses, picking up stock that needs packing from STAFA and picking up boxed orders from Gopak. Obviously this isn’t very efficient” says Ivo. “Moving the boxing and private labelling back to Stafa will put everything under one roof and make the process more efficient.” To house the private label and boxing service Stafa bought a new warehouse, which is next to its current facilities. “As luck would have it the warehouse next to ours became available,” comments Ivo. “All we need to do is connect the
new warehouse to our warehouse via a corridor or hallway so that the forklifts can move between the two without having to go outside.” Stafa is also extending its offices with staff expected to move into the extension in the coming months. Another new development is Stafa’s recently launched webshop. “We have been researching and working on the webshop for a year and a half to make sure that it is easy and convenient for customers to use,” comments Ivo. “We recently piloted the system with a few companies so that they could give us feedback on how it works and what we could do to optimise the system and make it better.” He adds: “We are slowly integrating customers onto the system. We think it is better to add companies slowly rather than overload it with too many at once.” The webshop is available in five languages (German, French, Dutch, English and Russian) and each user will have a personal log-in. Once logged in they will be able order products ‘at a touch of a button’ as well as search for products using different criteria, check stock levels and prices, and also check the status of orders. Different price levels will also be integrated into the system. “The system will be able to check the customer’s requirements and then gauge the pricing,” says Ivo. “We will not just have one internet price. The customer will be offered the same price as if he had called our sales team.” More information about the webshop will be available from the Stafa stand at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart, where the company will also focus on its zinc plated and hot dip galvanised products. “We are currently selling a lot of zinc plated and hot dip galvanised products”, comments Ivo. “We are able to offer hex head bolts, hex set screws, coach screws, hook anchors, square washers, locking nuts and various other products that can be zinc plated or hot dip galvanised.” In addition to the zinc plated and hot
110 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
dip galvanised products Stafa will also be displaying its new Multi+® woodscrew. The Multi+® screw is available in diameter 3x12 up to 6x200mm and is suitable for all kinds of wood, including hard wood. The Multi+® screw features a specially designed cut point which helps reduce splitting, a U-thread which makes it easier to drive in without mechanical tension and ribs under the head for flush countersinking. The screw is available in Pozi drive as well as Torx® Ttap. “We are looking to develop the screw in Europe and see Fastener Fair Stuttgart as the perfect opportunity to let customers see how the product works,” states Ivo. Also with a presence alongside Stafa Holland and Gopak BV at Fastener Fair Stuttgart will be Neofast BV, which specialises in direct importing from Asia. Set up in 2002, Neofast provides shipments from Asia to customers directly. It takes care of the whole process including quality control, transport, customs’ clearance and delivery time. Because the container goes direct to the customer Neofast can work on a very low profit, and is able to offer the same or even a lower price than if the customer tried to buy from Asia themselves. “The reason we can sometimes offer a lower price is because we are able to use the volume we order to attain a certain price from manufacturers. We then pass this price onto the customer,” explains Pim van Leeuwen, commercial manager. “We also take care of the whole importing process, meaning that the customer gets the product delivered directly to their warehouse without any of the hassles associated with importing.” Pim adds: “Visitors to Fastener Fair Stuttgart who want to start importing but don’t know any good sources, should visit Neofast on the Stafa stand as we can help them get reliable products at a good price”. Asked about the future and Ivo and Joep agree that for the Stafa group as a whole the most important thing is controlled growth. “At the moment things are going well. Last year was a good year and we are looking to keep growing in 2011.” From speaking to Ivo and Joep there is a clear commitment to offering the customer high quality products. This is backed up with the latest technology and equipment enabling it to also offer a first class service. The introduction of the new webshop, coupled with the new warehouse and extension to the offices, will only add to this service and enable the Stafa group to continue to develop and grow into the future. Stafa Holland will be exhibiting in hall 6, stand L80 at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart, 22nd – 24th February.
The launch of Hexstone forges a stronger future for fasteners and fixings Hexstone is the company behind leading fasteners and fixings experts Owlett-Jaton, Galaxy Fasteners, Icon Fasteners, Stainless Threaded Fasteners and JCP Fixings. Hexstone has kept a low profile for some time, but will come to the fore in 2011 when it launches at Fastener Fair Stuttgart. Chief executive Keith Harrison explains how this new six-sided face of these companies in the fastener and fixings sector will strengthen the supply chain to the industry in the future.
he current economic climate is driving change in every industry, not least in the fasteners and fixings trade. This is why we’ve taken the opportunity to showcase our complete offer - Hexstone, at one of the biggest international exhibitions next month. The event will be an opportunity for over 6,000 trade visitors to get to know Hexstone, and understand the full depth and breadth we have to offer to this marketplace. The projection of Hexstone recognises that many customers have a positive experience of one part of our business but do not necessarily appreciate how much more we have to offer across all of our businesses. The traditional values, products and services behind the names remain as strong as ever, with the brand Hexstone representing a strengthening of the union between the six companies. It also demonstrates our commitment to quality, service and value at every point of the business. Under Hexstone, our customers will continue to receive the same excellent service they are used to, while benefiting from the confidence of dealing with a powerful combined force; one of the top five buyers of fasteners in Europe.
The hexagon is the dominant head style in the world of fasteners. The name Hexstone itself was born from an inspired combination of the strong, six-sided shape, and the location of our head office in Stone. The six sides of Hexstone offer different faces to the market, yet stand alongside one another in terms of complementary specialisation and offering.
The six faces of Hexstone
Jaton offers an unrivalled range of fasteners, fixings, and associated products to the wholesaler and merchant trade. It has a reputation for high quality products sourced from worldwide manufacturers, and unbeatable customer service – backed
leads to a unique package - offering consistency of supply and customer confidence. Owlett has a reputation for high quality products and customer service. As part of Owlett-Jaton – the UK’s largest supplier of fastenings, fixings, hardware and
“ Under Hexstone, our customers will continue to receive the same excellent service they are used to, while benefiting from the confidence of dealing with a powerful combined force…” by experienced staff. Jaton’s comprehensive product range (over 26,000 items) is available from 250,000 square feet (23,000 square metres) of warehousing. This combination
112 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
ironmongery – the company has a long tradition of supplying the merchant and distributor trade. Owlett has a vast product range available, and with nationwide distribution service is the ‘ultimate one stop shop’.
insight This is backed by a wealth of experience from internal and external sales staff. JCP is a specialist supplier of construction fixings to distributors. Since its conception in 2000, it has grown to become a leading force in the UK fixings market. All products are supplied with full technical specification and, in a number of cases, European Technical Approval. JCP offers on-site testing of products via its field representatives throughout the UK, as well as in-house, anchor load calculations. JCP also has an Anchor Calculation Programme which is available as a free download from its website. Products are delivered on a next day basis throughout the UK from JCP’s 42,000 square feet (3,900 square metres) warehouse in Nailsea, Somerset. Stainless Threaded Fasteners is one of Europe’s leading distributors of stainless steel and brass fasteners. Operating from a 100,000 square feet (9,300 square metres) premises in the West Midlands, STF offers from stock over 10,000 lines of A2, A4 stainless steel and brass fasteners. STF offers a next day delivery service in the UK mainland, and the export department also supplies its products all over the world. Its specials department can source a wide range of parts to
customer specification, in a wide range of materials. STF is accredited to BS ISO EN 9001-2000. Icon Fasteners is the UK’s leading supplier of higher grade alloy fasteners of all types, and can also offer a wide range of other finishes and locking patches as required. The company is able to supply PPAP parts, and has an experienced specials team that can source and manufacture parts to customer specifications. Icon is quality approved to BS ISO EN 9001-2000. Galaxy Fasteners is now firmly established as a market leader for supplying specialised distributors within the structural engineering and farm building sector. The complete product range is available from stock, covering application at the initial fabrication stage – from submission of the original draftsman’s list – right through to the fully cladded structure. Its nationwide next-day delivery service includes direct to site on customer’s own paperwork, with exact quantities and full test certification. Galaxy also guarantees peace of mind to its customers by headmarking products at the factory, ensuring both traceability and quality.
A strong future In times of economic uncertainty, it is reassuring that the closer association of companies within the Hexstone umbrella allows a mixture of niche specialists in the industry to come together to form a collective strength. For customers, it reinforces the message that they can source all their needs from one organisation, and Hexstone is committed to delivering a quality, service-led offer. It also means that our companies can continue to tackle the European market and the quest to investigate new market opportunities. As a significant and substantial company, Hexstone can attract global suppliers and, in turn, the very best products. It is our hope that Hexstone in its entirety will become recognised as the total solution – offering a comprehensive stock range in both depth and volume, a continuity of supply, and a stock and buying power that is unique to the market. Hexstone will be launched to the industry at the Fastener Fair Stuttgart, 22nd – 24th February 2011, in Hall 4, Stand E80.
Hall: 4 Stand: E80
fa c e 2 fa c e
Ekkehard Beermann Fastbolt
Hall: 6 Stand: K04
As 2010 drew to a close, Phil Matten met with Ekkehard Beermann to reflect on two of the most tumultuous years for the global fastener industry and consider the implications for Fastbolt.
t is strange now to think that in autumn 2007 we could not see anything ‘risky’ coming up,” Ekkehard Beermann reflects. “Business was good and looked to be getting better.” The previous spring Fastbolt had begun to plan investment in its Gronau building to install a high-bay, fully automatic warehouse. By November 2007 everything was ready to go, approvals obtained and contracts ready for signature. “Then we had confirmation of the anti-dumping investigation against China had started. We could no longer be sure things would remain unchanged.” The development plans went on hold, initially for a month or so. “From that point on the news was all in one direction. The level of duties ultimately applied was a shock but the direction was always clear throughout the process.” The actual bombshell came when Ekkehard Beermann was at the November 2008 Las Vegas Fastener Show. “Everyone else was focused on Obama’s election day. There were just a few Europeans that, because of the time difference, knew things were about to change radically in the global fastener industry. That was the moment I was sure it had been right to postpone the building development.” Then the market plummeted overnight. For Fastbolt, sales continued into the New Year. “We had a lot of back orders in the pipeline, which were shipped out in January, but we felt the dramatic drop in incoming orders. February was just a complete hole in the ground. We checked the fax and phones but it was just that the customers were not contacting us anymore.” “We had to adapt our cost base, of course, to cope with the situation. Reducing staff was not an option. It would not, anyway, have been efficient; it certainly would not have been fair; so we took advantage of the German model for short time working, starting that in February 2009.” It proved to be an effective instrument, giving immediate cost relief. “We did not know how long the situation would last, so short time working was much better than losing people whose skills we had developed over a long period.” February through to May was simply “a disaster for both turnover and profitability”. In July and August came the first signs that customers felt their inventory level had adapted to the reality of demand from the OEMs. “What we hoped, proved correct. People were cautious about going to the Far East for big quantities. They preferred to purchase short range from European stockholders and from European manufacturers who held stocks or could take advantage of the deflated steel costs to produce at much lower prices. Of course, everyone’s availability was fantastic – so winning each order was tough.” From August through to October there was a positive if tentative trend. “People wanted to buy the right quantity, at the right time. They became more total cost oriented rather than
being exclusively focused on the lowest global market price.” The world supply market had also become far less transparent as a result of the anti-dumping tariffs applied to Chinese imports. “The option of going to China for a mixed product container had disappeared. You needed to know where to go; you needed to know who to talk to.” Fastbolt unquestionably benefited from the long lasting relationships it had developed with suppliers across Asia in the years before anti-dumping became an issue.
“September 2009 was the first time we really reordered. From then on it slowly developed that we could sell more to our existing customers. By November we started to receive more positive feedback from our customers that OEMs were moving from emergency buying to purchasing for definite, if still cautious, production programs.” By February 2010 Fastbolt had sufficient confidence to commit to a major range expansion. That required more storage capacity. During the overstock period it had used an external rented warehouse. “That was highly inefficient, costly and just a pain for us,” says Ekkehard Beermann. “So we restarted the construction project, but adapted it to the times.” The new socket screw range was due in July. “We wanted to be ready to sell it, which meant completing the building and making internal changes by then. We did it. We moved our packaging facility to the new hall, in turn creating space to extend our warehouse capacity – at the same time improving material flow.” The decision Fastbolt had taken was to build the material handling hall envisaged in the original development plans but not, at this stage, to go for the automatic warehouse.
114 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
DETAILS DELIVER PERFORMANCE Future-oriented applications demand reliable details. High-performance solutions from KVT are found wherever absolutely safe and secure connections are essential.
fa c e 2 fa c e “Coming out of the crisis even this intermediate step felt really ambitious.” In fact the material handling hall is around 40% larger than originally planned but its L-shape formation means that the automatic warehouse, when it becomes a reality, will interlock with the rest of the facility efficiently. The immediate effect was to increase pallet capacity by around 4,500 and provide real efficiency benefits by separating packaging and warehousing operations. Volume packaging is carried out on a single Weighpack line but, with fifteen people now involved in the packaging operation, Fastbolt is already assessing a second machine to provide additional flexibility and capacity.
“ Fastbolt is the availability guarantor for European distibutors, it is our core logistical role in the market…” The combined effect of the new range and a rapidly recovering market were unprecedentedly strong August sales. “Demand picked up, prices hardened but we could also see a log jam developing in the Far East. After the famine the factories tried to take on too much too quickly – deliveries and service suffered as a result.” “As we always predicted, which is why we are so opposed to it, once anti-dumping had cut China out of the supply equation, and economic conditions had begun to normalise, the remaining capacity was not sufficient to meet global demand. Now we have also seen the added distortion of people illegally trying to access China’s capacity by trans-shipping through other countries.” The picture across Europe was, and still is, mixed. “What really pulled us out of the crisis was the demand from Germany and from central European distributors. Economic conditions elsewhere in Europe remain uncertain so there is still a much more hand to mouth feel about the business.” More strategic business, though, rapidly began to overlap the immediate ‘from stock’ demand. “Fastbolt is the availability guarantor for European distributors – it is our core logistical role in the market, aside from all the value added services we also offer. Gap filling is an important dimension but we could also feel the systematic cooperation with the mid range distributors - where we have long proven our ability - growing again as they gained confidence in their OEM customers’ intentions.” For Ekkehard Beermann the supply chain complexities are certain to continue. “Purchasing has become so much more complicated. There is little evidence of any serious investment in fastener manufacturing capacity around the world. We talk to our suppliers about the strength of demand and what they plan to do to respond. Investment in production in capacity, though, requires longer-term stability. Now, no one is clear what implications the WTO ruling will have on the anti-dumping situation, or how quickly it might bring another change. Without that clarity companies are not going to commit serious amounts of money. Added to all that US demand is now recovering, increasing pressure on available manufacturing capacity.”
“There have been positives from the crisis or, perhaps, we created them. We had the time, even the necessity, to critically review our business strategy. We spent that time in finding ways to develop our business, to grow even in a stable demand period and to be more resilient in any future downturn. In 2008 we just took on more people to meet the growth demands. 2009 forced us to look critically at our efficiency in the longer term, in the knowledge we are not likely to have the luxury to do it the same way in the future.” In truth, that is hardly a new thought process for Fastbolt, which has always demonstrated a long-term vision for its business, although recent years clearly have sharpened that focus. The company invested in an SAP ERP system as long ago as 2000. It launched FB Online, its web based enquiry and sales system, in 2006. “These have both been invaluable to our efficiency, as well as delivering genuine improvements in customer service,” says Ekkehard Beermann. “FB Online has increased internal efficiency as well as allowing customers to check availability and prices when they want to.” Every registered user also has the technical ability to place an order through FB Online. “Ninety-eight percent will actually go on to place it through their own system. It is not about part number interchange, FB Online does that; it is the need to conform to their own system and business requirements in placing the actual purchase order.” “Over the last two years, though, we have increased the number of EDI links with key customers, achieving a much higher level of connectivity with them, which provides really substantial efficiency advantages to both parties.” Now the spotlight is firmly on warehouse efficiency as Fastbolt evaluates specialised warehouse management software to interface with the SAP system. “The objective is to increase efficiency but retain flexibility. We want to eliminate paperwork; we want to plan order picking better and more efficiently and eliminate conflicts, for example where two trucks need to access the same aisle. We also want to be sure we keep the flexibility to respond quickly when we need to pick an order urgently.” Range expansion is also central to Fastbolt’s development. “We are seen as a range specialist in the market not as a general importer. We have taken some opportunities to continue trading in China with products not covered by the anti-dumping tariffs. In Germany that has meant piloting a range of threaded rod; in the UK we have introduced hexagonal nuts as a service line. 2011 will see a continuation of a two year programme to develop the more strategic socket screw range.” Few businesses have come from the last two years without bruises; this one unquestionably, though, has emerged unbowed.
116 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Socket screw range
Hall: 4 Stand: E50
Brighton Best International - a three year perspective
On 2nd January 2008 the Brighton Best group of companies was acquired by a consortium of investors from Taiwan, headed by Mr. Robert Shieh, president of Ta Chen International, Inc. On the third anniversary of the formation of Brighton Best International we asked Peggy Hsieh, executive operations manager, and Jun Xu, director of purchasing, to reflect on progress and look forward to developments in Europe. It is three years since the formation of Brighton Best International. What do you feel are the most important qualities Ta Chen has brought to the business? A customer once said that everyone in the industry focuses on becoming number one. They keep their heads down, work, work, work, then when they get there, they stick their heads up only to ask why they’re all alone. Then they turn back to watch what everyone else is doing, only to have all their competitors catch up to where they are. With Ta Chen’s financial strength, technological expertise, and evolution of the stainless steel wholesale distribution business in the United States, Brighton Best had a clear roadmap to follow thus allowing us to avoid this pitfall. Brighton Best and Ta Chen International operate as separate and independent businesses. However, the two companies are fundamentally the same in business strategy and philosophy. The Ta Chen backing and resources allow BBI to continue investing into resources and talent in the industry to better service our customers and grow sales. In addition, Ta Chen provided an IT platform that
BBI was able to quickly use and adapt to create an online marketplace for customers to buy fasteners. The IT system not only allowed BBI to quadruple its tonnage sold by adding only 10% to sales costs but also brought transparency and convenience to our customers. By focusing on ourselves and our customers, both companies have been able to build successful businesses focused on quality products, extensive inventory, competitive pricing, and the best customer service in the industry.
How is BBI positioned today in the world fastener market – and in the European market specifically? How do you see that changing over the next two or three years? Today, Brighton-Best International is the largest fastener wholesale distributor in the USA. When Brighton-Best was acquired in 2008, the company was mainly known as a socket screw distributor, where socket screws represented over 80% of its sales. Few people know that socket screws represent less than 17% of Brighton-Best sales as of 2010. However, this does not mean that
118 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Brighton-Best lost market share in sockets but rather it was able to grow market share in the other new product lines, such as medium carbon, low carbon, and stainless, much faster. We were able to capitalise on Brighton’s reputation for quality, inventory, and customer service to quickly expand into all things fasteners to become the most convenient, one-stopshop for customers in the US. Although today Brighton-Best is still recognised as primarily a socket screw distributor in the European market, we hope to change that perception in the next one to two years as we have in the USA, by the continued expansion of inventory depth and range as we enter the medium carbon / low carbon / and stainless markets.
Online marketing and trading has become a hot topic in the US over the last year, with BBI’s name featuring largely. Explain how BBI has approached the transition to these new channels and how you see that developing in the Group’s strategy in Europe? BBI is not the originator of online sales in the fastener industry, but we are
Visit us at:
22-24 FEB 2011 HALL: 4 STAND: D120
insight certainly the company that has made it mainstream. In the United States, our online store accounts for over 76% of our daily sales. The transition was a challenge for some of our customers and salespeople. The fastener industry is a very traditional business with long entrenched business practices. However, BBI was confident that our web platform would bring a new level of value to our distributors. We often draw analogies between our website and an airline kiosk. There are two groups of travelers, those that go to an airport and get in line, and those that go to an airport and check in themselves at a kiosk. While it’s certainly true the person at the kiosk has to do more to get his ticket, it is also true that the person at the kiosk can check in and get to the gate faster than an individual who has to wait his turn at the desk. Both methods gets you what you need, but in business, speed and execution usually leads to better market share, and in a commoditised business this speed and execution matters in differentiating yourself from your competitors. We believe the web will be a tremendous asset to our distributors in Europe. Our web-sales in the UK is already at 45%, and we believe we can push this to the 70% range by the end of 2011. Coincidentally, the vast majority of our web-sales come from Continental Europe and not from the United Kingdom. The English language, for all practical purposes, is the mostly widely used language in business, and English is often easier to read than it is to pronounce for many cultures. Hence, we believe there is an affinity for individuals whose mother
tongue is not English to use our website as it minimises the errors and time needed when ordering fasteners.
IT is clearly fundamental to the management ethos of BBI now – explain how systems and people balance in the business. This is a very good question, as we believe many people confuse what are IT and what are human resources. To Brighton Best, there is no separation of the two. Everyone is IT, and everyone has a responsibility to make sure our IT is the best in the industry. IT is a system that is developed by people. If left alone, it is only a tool. However, the logic of how our IT system works needs to come from everyone in the company. From the salespeople entering an order to the warehouse staff scanning an order out, everyone bears a responsibility to understand the current procedures; and if something does not make sense to them, for them to make recommendations to our IT department on how to streamline the program. In effect, our IT system is a living program, always evolving and learning how to be faster and more robust. We strongly believe that there is no conflict between technology and people. We consider having an in-house IT staff of 40 professionals and internally developing all our systems one of our greatest assets. Our systems will never stop growing, we will continue to strengthen and push the envelope to bring new technologies and improve efficiencies for ourselves and for our customers. There was a common misconception
that when BBI introduced its online ordering system we would have no need for salespeople. Although we have achieved online sales of 75%, we have actually increased our sales staff by 10%. Our salespeople are not just clerks quoting prices and inventory availability. They are now true salespeople taking care of the customer’s more involved needs because the website has freed up their time to do so. We have always emphasised that the system is just a tool to provide quick answers to pricing and inventory questions. Use it when you don’t feel like talking to a salesperson or call anytime if you do.
There has been a radical extension of the BBI product range in the USA and the installation of a major increase in warehouse capacity in the United Kingdom. What has happened so far and is planned for 2011 in terms of range development for the European market? 2008 was indeed our rebranding year as we worked to integrate Brighton Best. We moved or expanded about 15 warehouses in one year, which was a tremendous feat considering we had only 19 warehouses in the United States. Our square footage under roof expanded from about 400,000 to over 1 million, and to fill in the space we rapidly expanded into the medium carbon / low carbon / stainless families. In the UK, we increased our warehouse space from approximately 20,000 sq ft to about 60,000 sq ft. We have already expanded into the 8.8 hex head, and are expecting to sell stainless fasteners in the second quarter of 2011. We will continue to expand our product range in
Ta Chen / Brighton Best International headquarters in Tainan, Taiwan 120 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
insight the medium carbon and low carbon lines throughout 2011. The USA accounts for 80% of BBI sales today. However, we believe the European market is just as large as the United States and do have future ambitions to expand into Continental Europe. Brighton Best is in the standards business. Our business platform allows BBI to gain operating efficiencies through increased sales selling commoditised fastener products. We typically shy away from specialised products that although command higher margins do not allow mass scalability and carries risk of obsolescence. Our objective for the European market is to bring to market the best value proposition for standard fasteners of any wholesale distributor in Europe. Brighton Best will: • Put our own cash into inventory. • Ensure quality of products from overseas factories. • Carry the risk of steel price movements. • Carry the cost of the warehouse / people / system. • Purchase and carry the minimal order quantities required for unpopular sizes. • Deal with the hassles of importing materials from overseas. • All wrapped with quality service and competitive pricing you would expect from Brighton Best.
Going back to being three years down the line – where is BBI today in relationship to the vision at the time of the acquisition? Has the economic climate over the last couple of years modified that vision? When Brighton Best was purchased in 2008, we made the proclamation internally
that we would triple our sales in two years. We were off by one year. By the end of 2010, our sales in the United States has indeed tripled, and our tonnage sold has quadrupled in size with the introduction of new product lines like our medium carbon / low carbon / and stainless product lines. It may surprise many to know that for Brighton Best USA, sockets as a percentage of sales has been reduced
States. Customers gained confidence from our investments into inventory, and we have not looked back since. Fasteners have been around for hundreds of years, and will continue to be around for hundreds of years. It is one of the products that have built our economies globally, no matter which geography or which stage of the economic life cycle a country is in. It is akin to the
to 17%, without Brighton Best losing any market share or tonnage sold in the socket business. In 2009 when every major distributor stopped purchasing and factories had to reduce capacity, we bought. We tripled our inventory levels in 2009, and we tripled it with low cost inventory by purchasing strategically. When the economy started recovering, Brighton Best was one of the only well stocked companies in the United
food and water that sustains our own bodies. Without fasteners, there would be no construction of new bridges, equipment to build roads, houses, no cars to roam our streets. Without fasteners, our factories would stop with no replacement of worn parts, and in effect, our world as we know it will stop. Everyone needs to eat. Maybe if the economy is slow, we eat less, but we still must eat. It’s just an added benefit that fasteners don’t spoil.
History of Brighton Best
righton Best Socket Screw was founded New York City in 1965 by Stan Sevell and Perry Rosenstein, both extensively experience in fastener distribution locally and nationwide. In 1971, the two entrepreneurs purchased the assets of Brighton Socket Screw Manufacturing, a manufacturer in Cincinnati, Ohio. The merger created Brighton-Best Socket Mfg. Inc., a company that would ultimately become a major supplier of socket screw products in the United States. By 1975, Brighton-Best had opened 12 warehouse distribution centres throughout the US and was looking for expansion opportunities abroad. A warehouse in Toronto was followed by four other warehouses in Canada. Over the next 20 years, Brighton-Best Socket Screw continued to open distribution centers in the USA, UK, Brazil, Mexico, New Zealand, Argentina and Australia. Brighton-Best is currently located in 32 locations in 7 countries and supplies over 7,000 distributors throughout the world. On 2nd January 2008, Brighton-Best Socket Screw Mfg. was bought by a consortium of investors from Taiwan, headed by Mr. Robert Shieh, president of Ta Chen International, Inc. In 1986, Mr. Shieh founded Ta Chen International, Inc., a dominant supplier of valves, pipe, bar, coil, sheet and flat plate in stainless steel and other non ferrous materials. Ta Chen has distribution warehouses in 8 major industrial markets in the United States with corporate headquarters located in Long Beach, California. The newly formed company, Brighton-Best International, Inc. offers new products, more extensive inventory, world class service, quality products, and a 24 hour online web ordering web site.
122 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Global Manufacturer & Distributor of Industrial Fastenings
Premier Range of Hank® Rivet Bushes Self-Clinch Fasteners
• Massive range ex-stock • Global delivery • Fast & friendly service • ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 14001:2004 • Performance data available
Stop Press... Rivet Bush sales continue to soar!
Rivet Bushes
More customers than ever are asking for the genuine Hank® Rivet Bush! TR Fastenings is currently experiencing an increased demand for their Hank® Rivet Bush range. The genuine Hank® Rivet Bush family consists of: Hexagon • Round - serrated spigot • Round - serrated face • Standoff • Standoff Minisert • Tank • Minisert • Swage.
Screws & Inserts for Plastic
Micro Screws Binx Self Locking Nuts
Materials available are: steel • steel plated • stainless steel • aluminium • brass.
Contact the TR European distributor team: T: 0044 1825 747306 • E:
TR Fastenings will be exhibiting at Fastener Fair, Stuttgart Micro Diameter and Security Fasteners
22nd - 24th February 2011 Come and visit us in Hall 4, Stand C110
Keeping track Nord-Lock’s high-end products are well known in the fastener industry as they offer reliable locking for critical bolted connections. The Sweden-based company has now introduced a laser marking for every washer pair: another significant step forward in terms of safety, quality and service.
radually during 2011 Nord-Lock is introducing a laser marking on each washer pair, which includes the Nord-Lock brand, the unique control number and a type code. The move has been made possible by Nord-Lock’s recent investment in laser marking equipment, and the benefits for customers are numerous. “It means the customer knows they have the right washer type in their application,” says Christer Svedberg, Nord-Lock development engineer and developer of the new laser marking system. “They also can see that it is a Nord-Lock product and know that it means high quality.” The branding not only reinforces Nord-Lock’s technical superiority and reliability, but also helps differentiate them from copies. Customers can feel assured that they are using genuine Nord-Lock components, while the company can protect its reputation and image.
Type code table Product type
Steel washers, zinc flake coating
Stainless steel washers
254SMO® washers
Inconel® / Hastelloy® C-276 washers
Inconel® 718 washers
Nord-Lock has for a long time marked every box with the control number; now by marking each individual pair as well, traceability has been significantly improved. “Using the control number any washer pair can be traced through the production process, right back to the steel supplier,” says Christer. For users, the laser marking ensures traceability even when using bin systems for fasteners. Washers are also marked with a type code, making it easier for users to differentiate different types of materials and coatings. Laser inscriptions will be strong enough to be readable until the washer has been assembled for the first time, while at the same time soft enough to ensure that the quality of the washer will in no way be affected. ”We have ensured that the laser marking does not compromise the quality in terms of corrosion resistance or locking function,” says Christer. “It is merely an improvement for users who demand full control in their applications.”
The type code consists of 2-4 digits confirming the coating for steel washers or the alloy for stainless steel washers.
Hall: 6 Stand: L21
With the new laser marking, Nord-Lock products offer you traceability down to first assembly.
124 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
For demanding applications Nord-Lock customers have the world’s most demanding applications and require maximum control. At Nord-Lock we are well known for our high quality production. Our rigorous testing and traceability routines make us almost unique in the fastener industry. We now introduce a laser marking on our products which includes the Nord-Lock brand, the control number and a type code so you can see which product you hold in your hand. The laser marking ensures full traceability down to first assembly, even when using bin-systems for fasteners. As a user you can also be sure that you put genuine Nord-Lock products in your application. Read more:
Nord-Lock Group Tel +46(0)31-71 92 300 • Fax +46(0)40 240 851 •
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
Take the Route to Fastener Innovation One of the many attractions of Fastener Fair Stuttgart is a quite unique opportunity to assess new products and services that offer real profit potential. Fastener + Fair Magazine is pleased to sponsor the Route to Fastener Innovation, which this year will provide visitors with a guide to find innovators’ stands and the opportunity to see and hear, first hand, what makes them special. Here is your opportunity to preview, what is once again, an exciting and varied range of innovations to be featured at the Fastener Fair. On the final day of the show Fastener + Fixing Magazine will present special awards to the three innovations considered by our panel of expert judges to have the greatest merit and potential.
The Hardware Sales Innovation from HSI Successful innovation does not always mean new products – sometimes it is more about thinking, and doing, the smart thing. For the business-to-business distributor wanting to generate revenue from its counter area, with sensible investment and minimal application of existing resources, Herman Schwerter Iserlohn could have the smart answer.
SI develops comprehensive technical hardware management concepts and solutions for its customers based on more than one hundred years of experience and market knowledge. Its comprehensive display systems provide core-selling environments for many leading hardware retailers throughout Europe. For these customers, where return on linear metre is a crucial measure, HSI is renowned for optimising its sales systems to incorporate as many as 50% more items in the same space, still maximising customer orientation through appealing presentations and colour guide systems. Using modern data transfer technology there is a seamless supply chain back to the HSI sourcing, packaging and logistics operation in Iserlohn, which is able to supply some 30,000 fasteners, furniture fittings and other technical hardware items to support the point of sale presentation. The HSI goal, then, is to make the hardware business of its customers more attractive and more productive, efficiently generating higher gross returns on available space. The innovation? – Simply to apply HSI’s longstanding
Hall: 6 Stand: M10
experience to generating incremental sales efficiently in the business-to-business point-of-sale environment. Through years of category management experience HSI can optimally structure the product offer to ensure it is completely relevant to the distributor’s customer profile and design and supply the merchandising system to ensure available space projects the strongest possible sales offer. HSI’s supply chain management and logistical support avoids the need to hold significant back up inventory; all the product investment is available for immediate sale, and modern technology ensures that replenishment management is simple and effective. To take full advantage of this hardware sales innovation to complement its main stream business the distributor simply needs space for self service presentation in front of the counter; some storage space behind the counter; and the ability to use data transfer technology for efficient replenishment. Smart, lean and profit generative – an innovative approach to incremental sales. To find out more visit Hermann Schwerter Iserlohn at Fastener Fair Stuttgart, Hall 6 Stand M10.
ChubSeal® cuts out the cutting The Chubseal® innovation from Chemfix Products Ltd, replaces the cutting of the traditional clip type foil cartridges by a non-cut cap and closure dispensing system.
his foil type of packaging has many advantages including being leakproof and odour free. ChubSeal® also offers these advantages in standard 380ml and 410ml cartridges. The traditional 165ml and 300ml foil bag system has one disadvantage in that the user has to cut off the metal clip before extruding. Chubseal® solves this problem as the bag is cut in a controlled environment during manufacture and is replaced by a safe and easy to use non-cut sealing cap. The non cut system is safer to use and requires less extrusion force. Faster to apply, simply by unscrewing the cap like a normal cartridge, Chubseal® is resealable, allowing it be used time and time again. There is no odour in storage as a high barrier laminate foil is used and no leakage. A special extrusion tool is not required; Chubseal® can be used with a standard 300ml or 380ml tool. Available in all popular sizes (150ml, 165ml, 300ml, 380ml and 410ml) and all resin types, it also represents a significant packaging reduction.
Hall: 6 Stand: J20
126 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
The specialist for fastening technology
Bi-Metal Screws
Take advantage of the best properties of austenitic stainless steel and carbon steel. Austenitic stainless steel high corrosion resistance
Carbon steel excellent properties in terms of self-drilling and self-tapping due to case hardening
Bighty self-drilling + self-tapping screw
F-Tec self-tapping screw for use in concrete
Window screw self-tapping screw
For furt
her info rmation please , r e fer to www.
E.u.r.o.Tec GmbH Unter dem Hofe 5 路 D-58099 Hagen Tel. 0049 (0)2331 62 45-0 路 Fax 0049 (0)2331 62 45-200 e-mail: 路
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
First article inspection - fast Hall: 4 Stand: B60
In fastener manufacturing, first article inspection controls the manufacturing process flow, affects quality and is employee intensive.
ectron has developed a first article inspection system that eliminates manual gauging and recording, which risk inaccuracies and gauging disputes with customers receiving the parts. The First Scan 150R is a non-contact fully automatic precision measuring system designed for cylindrical components, which performs noncontact measurements with accuracy and speed. A telecentric backlight illuminator produces a high contrast silhouette of the workpiece, increasing edge contrast and measurement accuracy. The images are received by a high resolution digital line scan camera, capable of taking measurement data from the part at over 14,000 updates per second and detecting changes in light pattern at sub-micron resolution. Once the part image is scanned, an unlimited number of measurement zones can be pre-set along with corresponding dimensional specifications and control limits. Custom reporting provides a visual graph that indicates where the measurement falls within the pre-set tolerances and control limits. The First Scan 150R scans in two axes: linear for geometric tolerances of features like diameter, width, radii, angles, threads; then radial to inspect for concentricity, flats, hex, perpendicularity and cylindricity. The First Scan 150R is also capable of inspecting parts up to 35mm in diameter and lengths up to 150mm and is easily networked to provide data to a variety of SPC formats.
Anti-Turn TUBTARA® offers very high torque-to-turn values and eliminates spin out problems. Hall: 4 Stand: F50
No need to get into a spin
ejond’s cold forming division has launched a new blind rivet nut with a special anti-turn flange and round body, specifically designed to solve spin out problems in applications where hexagonal holes are not permissible or too difficult. This new development, the Anti-Turn TUBTARA®, features one or more noses under the head, locking the nut firmly into the pre-drilled hole in the workpiece. The innovative design prevents rotation of the installed blind rivet nut in the metal sheet or profile, while offering at least twice as high torqueto-turn values, compared to the equivalent round blind rivet nut. Important advantages of the Anti-Turn TUBTARA® include high effectiveness on slippery surfaces or in very hard material and the use of standard round holes, eliminating the risk of cracks on the corners of hex holes. It is very easy to install with standard setting tools or set automatically. It can be manufactured in stainless steel 304 and 316, steel and aluminium, in different grips and open or closed end styles.
New high speed inspection system Regg Inspection, based in Milan, Italy, has introduced the new High Speed 360 degree inspection system to detect damages on threads.
his patented system can run up to 300 pieces per minute and can detect damages on the crest of the thread over the entire surface of the screw. Regg Inspection says that it’s highly skilled technical staff are able to design and manufacture among the highest quality inspection systems in the market, and its on-site technical service can assist customers in all main markets. The main applications for the High Speed 360 degree control are fasteners for the automotive, aerospace and screw machined product industries.
Hall: 6 Stand: L130
128 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
When it comes to holding your business together, Earnest Machine knows not all fasteners are created equal. Earnest Machine is a leader in the fastener industry with a commitment to supplying high quality, high strength fasteners. Our knowledgeable sales staff is backed by in-house engineering and laboratory testing support.
Hex Nuts, Full
Hex Bolts – Inch and Metric
All Metal
Rectangular Spring Washers
parts to Drawings
Half locks
Set Screws – Inch and Metric
Flat Washers
Non-Standard Items
Heavy Full and Heavy Half lock
Heavy Hex Bolts
Stover Style – Inch and Metric, Din 980
Hardened Structural Washers
Bespoke parts
Slotted Nuts
Cup Squared – Full thread and partial thread – Imperial
Castle Nuts
12 point ‘Ferry Head’ Screws
Square Nuts
Flange Screws
Flange Nuts
plow Bolts
Deep Nuts
Hex Flange with Serrations locking Screw
Wheel Nuts
Nylon Insert Style Serrated Flange
Countersunk and Countersunk Slotted Socket Screws
Call: +44 (0) 1384 352600 for Quality Kingswinford, West Midlands for More information Email:
Direct From Factory Containers
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
Videx VEM extrusion machine Videx is offering a new series of extrusion machines that are automatically fed from a magazine. The main purpose of the machines is to extrude parts from major thread diameter to a pitch diameter.
he VEM machines are equipped with bar feeders that automatically feed the straight parts into the dies. The machines extrude the parts and ejects them outside the machine without operator interference. The major advantage of this new line is the ability to feed both short and long parts into the machine with the same feeding system. This enables one set of gripper dies to be used for the entire range of part lengths. Each model in the VEM line covers a large range of wire diameters. The smallest machine will cover the diameter range of 5mm to 25mm and will handle short parts starting from 70mm long. The largest model will extrude 100mm bars. Being open on the front the VEM machine has no maximum length restrictions and it can be used also as a hand feed machine for extra long parts. The machine has a slim profile, which enables feeding of bent parts and is optionally supplied with ‘side windows’ for feeding bent parts from the side. The extrusion stroke adjustment is external and takes seconds. Videx is able to supply the VEM models in higher tonnage ratings which enable upsetting and heading. The machines are available with 1 or 2 stations with either open dies or closed dies and heading tonnage up to 400 tonnes.
Hall: 6 Stand: K02
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
Simplification - Resistance - Changeability Currently three innovations are making waves at BAER Company each has its own maxim and its own background. Simplification - BaerFix thread reinforcement and repair kits BAER explains that its BaerFix thread reinforcement and repair kits are the simplest method for thread reinforcement and thread restoration. Only two steps (drilling and screwing in) are required for the complete installation. The connection with the acceptance material is entirely free of tolerance and the user gets a very high pull-out strength because of the bigger shear zone. The BaerFix is a complete thread reinforcement and repair kit which includes all the necessary tools in one box.
Resistance - BaerCoil thread reinforcement and repair kits Type: ‘screw grip‘ This innovation evolves thread repair and thread reinforcement. With the thread repair kits you can repair your thread as usual, and in addition you will achieve a shock and vibration resistant screw connection using the special thread inserts, formed from one or more polygonal-formed coils.
Changeability - BaerGrip The BaerGrip ratchet is a versatile ¼ inch ratchet which can be used as a T-handle, mini-ratchet and extended ratchet. The quick release chuck makes it possible for all hex bit tools to benefit from the advantages of the BaerGrip ratchet.
Hall: 4 Stand: D38
New NC stud welding system Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH has introduced the new PTS-500 NC stud welding machine which it says offers a simple teach-in operation and an unbeatable price/performance ratio.
einz Soyer explains that user training and previous knowledge of programming languages are not necessary. This high-quality stud welding machine incorporates many interesting technical features for handicraft enterprises and industrial plants with small and mediumscale batch production. The PTS-500 NC enables precise and fully automatic welding of studs and pins from 3mm - 10mm in diameter and up to 40mm in length in accordance with all known stud welding processes. The X-Y working area reaches 500mm x 350mm. “The extremely cost effective welding machine, equipped with an optional full Hall: 6 casing, is in accordance with the new EU Directive on Machinery 2006/42/EC and Stand: P50 protected by utility model no. DE 20 2009 012 369.3.”
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
The nail that thinks it’s a screw Nowadays most cladding must be removable. So fixing cladding with nails is really a non-starter…until now.
ite-Fix Ltd says that its new Clad-Tite® Auto is a fast, efficient, powered method of fixing cladding that is removable without damage to the timber, whether that’s a hidden or surface fix. The ‘Reduced D’ type head is specifically designed to minimises surface damage to the timber when power fired, while a T10 recess allows the fixing to be extracted by means of a ‘Cone-x™’ type thread; which not only allows for extraction but exhibits far greater pull-out retention than a standard powered nail. The
‘Blunt-Point’ tip reduces timber split, making Clad-Tite® Auto ideal for tongue and groove type applications, by far the most common type of cladding. Manufactured in stainless steel with a Net-Coat® Clear finish for superb all weather performance, Clad-Tite® Auto is guaranteed to last the life of the cladding. Collated in strips for use in gas and other types of Hall: 8 powered angle nail guns the Clad-Tite® Auto is also available in hardened carbon steel for internal use. Stand: S02
ATLAS shoulders the load ATLAS is a new multi-functional timber connector originated by Hagen-based E.u.r.o Tec GmbH, a previous winner of Innovation Awards at Fastener Fair.
onsisting of two aluminium parts working like the well-known dovetail joint, it offers a secure connection and quick prefabrication. The connector consists of two identical and interchangeable components that combine in a frictionless joint, which can be further secured against unintentional release by insertion of a screw. Applied independent of the grain direction, horizontally or vertically, it saves the need for a lot of further connectors. ATLAS can also be loaded with controlled structural values from four directions. The assembly can be visible or invisible - a milling and assembly kit is also available.
Hall: 4 Stand: C04
Keyang PHD-40MV Combi Hammer Drill
Gage Bilt’s newest installation tool
The Keyang Industrial 5kg SDS Max Combi Hammer Drill features a Vibration Control System (VCS) which enables the operator to be comfortable when using the tool and allows them to work for longer periods as they are less fatigued.
Gage Bilt has announced the release of its newest installation tool, the GB2620, which is capable of installing ⅜ inch and ½ inch diameter Huck® C5OL, as well as BOM, AVDEL LD and Avbolts.
he Vibration Control System is active all around the tool with counter balance Hall: 4 technology and sophisticated dampening Stand: F10 processes enabling the Keyang PHD40MV to achieve Tri–Axial vibration levels. The Tri–Axial vibration levels can be achieved in both hammering and chiseling modes. Other features that of the tool include electronic speed control, soft start and re-start function and a safety clutch which helps maximise user comfort. “The Keyang PHD40MV is the next generation of power tool and is engineered and manufactured around the user’s requirements.”
age Bilt highlights that the GB2620 is a very powerful tool, developing 17,745lbs (79kN) pulling force with a 1.437 (36.8mm) stroke, all whilst weighing less than 10lbs. The Gage Bilt GB2620 fits all Gage Bilt and Huck® electric power units. It also accepts Gage Bilt and Huck® noses, although noses are not furnished with the tool and must be purchased separately. Visit the Gage Bilt stand for a complete information on noses and the fasteners this tool will install. Gage Bilt also has a full line of guns for a variety of commercial and Hall: 4 aerospace applications as well as Stand: D132 hundreds of nose assemblies and rivet installation accessories.
134 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
stud bolts ++ extension bolts ++ threaded rods and studs ++ anchor bolts ++ hexagon socket head cap screws
Graewe GmbH & Co. KG D-57413 Finnentrop-Weringhausen Phone +49 (0) 2721 514-22 .
R o u t e to Fa s t e n e r I n n o vat i o n
Ultra-Bolt structural rivet Hall: 6 Stand: J71
Self-Fix Metals Ltd has introduced the Ultra-Bolt, a new structural rivet, which the company says can offer multi-grip performance with high shear values, utilising technology previously available only in aerospace rivets.
urrently most rivets offer a choice of either a wide range of material thicknesses but medium level shear value or high shear value but with a limited grip range. This limitation means that companies using rivets in multiple applications have been forced to stock several part numbers, as well as control the correct use by factory workers to avoid mistakenly fastening the wrong rivet. However, the standard Ultra-Bolt has been designed to fasten from 2mm - 10mm, and at the same time, can provide 16,000N nominal shear strength. The Ultra-Bolt achieves this by a combination of three, not the traditional two, components - it comprises rivet, mandrel and sleeve. For Self-Fix Metals this “makes it by far the most sophisticated structural rivet available worldwide.” Self-Fix has applied for worldwide patents for the product.
All in the mix The TURBO mixer is an innovative improvement of the standard static mixers. Patented by Chemfix, this mixer dispenses any chemical anchor cartridge system using less force, with Chemfix stating that it provides a better mixing and less waste than any other mixer currently available.
Hall: 6 Stand: J20
hemfix explains that better mixing is ensured by an innovative moulding positioned in the neck of the mixer that pre-mixes the resin and hardener. This creates a superior mix within a shorter length which is vital to achieve optimum performance. Less force is needed to extrude with the Turbo mixer because of the shorter length which allows a faster extrusion. The shorter mixer is not only an advantage for ease of packaging but also less waste is left in the mixer after use. An optional hanger allows the mixer to be used in point of sale applications without the use of secondary packaging. The shorter version is also the ideal length for use with the 165ml cartridge.
Ready for RIV916?
New self cutting undercut anchor Ubolt® is a self-cutting undercut anchor with a female internal thread support. There is no need for a torque wrench or special insertion tool – just three simple steps to a secure anchorage.
Rivit S.r.l., based in Bologna, Italy will show the new RIV916 hydropneumatic tool, designed for Tubriv and Jackriv inserts from M4 to M10.
or the correct installation of Ubolt®, which is the brainchild of UIP Systems, all that is required is to drill the correct diameter hole, insert and hammer in the Ubolt®, then remove the setting tool. UIP explains that Ubolt achieves a guaranteed undercut anchorage, even in shallow embedment of 30mm, the security of which does not need checking with a torque wrench. The Ubolt® is available in four diameters, from M8 to M16, in uip®-80 and A2-70 stainless steel. Tension and shear load data is available on request. Worldwide patent applications have been made.
IV916 has been developed for the requirement for a 16mm long stroke tool for the insertion of special inserts, such as Tubriv and Jackriv. The lightweight, easy to handle RIV916 features a one phase trigger mechanism and simple stroke regulation. The mandrels are now commercial screws and a key is no longer required to assembly the ring gear. The adjustment ring stops against a counter-ring. In operation the RIV916 works with 6 bar nominal pressure, consuming 7.5 litres of air per cycle. It generates a 6 bar or 13kN pull force. The new model further enhances the range of tools for rivets and inserts Rivit is able to offer. Rivit will, as always, extend a friendly welcome to all visitors to its stand F03 in hall 4 and be pleased to tell you more about all the Hall: 4 tools it supplies. Stand: F03
Hall: 6 Stand: K51
136 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Choose the best way in the world for your success. THE LARGE COLD FORMER SACMA SP670.
Innovative solutions for big size special parts production. Nothing by hand but everything computerized. In
• • • • • • • • • •
Computerized system SC-MATIC TOUCH SCREEN for adjustment automation. Linear Wire Feeder with wire stop control gauge. Automatic adjustment of die ejector rods and die kick out levers. Automatic adjustment of wedges. Transfer unit with 7 fingers and individual opening/closing for each station. Automatic positioning of the cam in last trimming station. Quick change solid die block. Quick change punch blocks and wedge bolster assembly. Individual hydraulic clamping for all the adjustments. Electronic handwheel.
• • • •
Integrated forming load monitor. Set of trolley for the toolroom. Platform for support of die and punch cradles. Safety platform over the tool area.
SACMA LIMBIATE S.p.A.: Limbiate - Milano - ITALY - Tel. +39 02 99 45 21 - Fax +39 02 99 05 01 85 - - - INGRAMATIC S.p.A.: Castelnuovo Scrivia - Alessandria - ITALY - Tel. +39 0131 87 161 - Fax +39 0131 82 30 70 - -
January 2011
Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 Exhibitors Fastener + Fixing Magazine provides a unique reference guide that offers the industry a fast and easy way to source both current and upcoming product Catalogues. Use this convenient service to call, fax or email the companies to request a copy of their latest Catalogue and up to date product information.
Fax: +33 (0) 4 77 73 56 25
Adolf Pühl GmbH & Co. KG
With 13,000 references in stock ACTON has been distributor’s first choice for stainless steel fasteners, anchors, nautical and architectural fittings, nylon items and zinc-plated self-drilling screws for more than 25 years. NEW : distribution of “ACE” whole range of clamps in steel and stainless steel and nylon ties... Same day dispatch service worldwide. H: 6 S: M150
Pühl Stanztechnik is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of stampings for mechanical fastenings, especially washers. We produce to national standards (ASTM, BS, DIN, NFE, SS, etc.) as well as to drawings or samples - powered by professional in-house tooling. Wholesalers and end-users throughout Europe are satisfied by our excellent service, quality and H: 4 valuable prices. S: D40
Tel: +49 2391 8107 0 email:
Albert Pasvahl GmbH & CO
Albert Pasvahl offers you its experience and expertise in special connection elements and accessories resulting from over 70 years in business. In the course of this time, we have become a leading stockist of special standard screws. For example: Direct from stock DIN 609/610, DIN 561/564 DIN 478/479/480 DIN 464/653/466/467 DIN 906/908/910 H: 4 S: E04
Tel: +49 40 532 852 0
Ambrovit is one of Europe’s largest wholesale distributors of chipboard, self-tapping and self-drilling screws. Thanks to its new automated warehouse, Ambrovit is now able to store around 20,000 ready-to-ship pallets as well as offer a Special Service to guarantee quick delivery. email:
Under the brand name of “PlacoGrip“, indexing bolts, clamp levers and handle elements are manufactured to a high standard of quality and in perfect designs.
BÄCKER Plastics Technology has been manufacturing handle and clamp elements for more than 30 years.
Bossong Spa
sistemi di fissaggio
Bäcker GmbH
H: 4 S: D50
BOSSONG S.p.A. Via Enrico Fermi, 51 (Z.I.2) 24050 GRASSOBBIO (Bergamo) Italy
Tel +39 035 3846 011 - Fax +39 035 3846 012 E-mail
CESANO BOSCONE (MI) CAMASTRA s.r.l. Via Alzaia Trieste, 3 Tel. 02.45108599 - Fax 02.45109232
RAVENNA TA.GH. Service snc Via Bondi, 31 Tel. e Fax 0544.451696
BRESCIA O.R.E. snc Via S.Rocchino, 24 Tel. 030.300154
CASTEL SAN PIETRO TERME (BO) ELETTROSERVICE di Falconi C.A. Via Grieco, 40B Tel. 051.941775
ROMA BOSSONG ROMA (Deposito Bossong) Via Salvatore Barzilai 00173 Roma (Zona Romanina) Tel. 334.6626054 DIOMI snc Via Orti Poli 58 00133 Roma Tel. 06.2022261
The very favorable price/ performance ratio is of special interest to trade partners in other European countries. Tel: +49 2753 5950 0 H: 4 S: C50 CASTRONNO (VA) L.M.T. snc di Pagani Barbara & C. Via Mottarone, 10 Tel. 0332.892091 - Fax 0332.895738 MIRABELLO di CANTU’ (CO) F.B.S. ELETTROMECCANICA snc Via Dell’Artigianato, 9 Tel. 031.734942
GERBOLE di VOLVERA (TO) C.A.V.E.T. snc Via Martiri Libertà, 26/28 Tel. 011.9859061 - Fax 011.9859477
CAGLIARI BUCCELLATO srl (Deposito Bossong) Viale Monastir Km. 11,5 S.S. 131 09028 Sestu (CA) Tel. 070.22208 - Fax 070.22130
I /-45 /-46
the ilcatalogo > lecatalogUE >derKatalog
sistemi di fissaggio
w w w . b o s s o n g . c o m
Confindustria Unione Industriali
European Consortium of Anchors Producers
Associazione Italiana per il restauro architettonico, artistico, urbano
Manufacturer since 1962. Full range of chemical anchors: Polyester styrene-free, Vinylester styrene-free basic, Vinylester styrene-free for Winter, Vinylester styrene-free ETA approved, Pure Epoxy. Professional range of powder actuated tools, C.I.P. approved, automatic and semi-automatic. Full range of nails and loads also for competitor tools. Top level homologations, excellent technical H: 6 service. S: P10
C ATA LO GUE R A C K BÜLTE GmbH Kunststofferzeugnisse
Bülte is an ISO accredited supplier of plastic fasteners and protection products, with more than 20,000 articles. In addition to a full standard range in natural NYLON (PA), Bülte also provides products in non standard materials - POM, PP, PVDF, PE…
Manufactured in Germany, Bülte’s fasteners have proven themselves over a period of years to be reliable, high quality products. H: 6 S: K145
• Continuous production delivers superior part quality • Design features to minimize possibility of foreign material • Proven field reliability and maximum up-time performance • Soft handling design features to minimize part damage • Maximum fuel efficiency through innovative design and energy recuperation • Fully automated systems with complete SCADA capabilites • Neutral and case hardening capabilities • Standard capacities from 100 kgs/hr to 3400 kgs/hr Tel: +1 905 356 1327
E.U.R.O. Tec GmbH
Dörken MKS-Systeme has been developing micro layer corrosion protection systems for over 30 years. Under the brand name DELTA-MKS®, Dörken produces and configures extremely effective surface protection mainly for the automotive industry. Our worldwide approved products like DELTA-PROTEKT® are without any heavy metals, such as chrome (VI).
E.u.r.o.Tec - The specialist for fastening technology - offers professional fasteners made of hardened steel, coated steel, stainless A2/A4, hardened stainless for wood constructions, hardwood deckings, glue wood, roofings, facades, as well as solar fasteners. All approved and in certified quality. The main goal is to create fasteners offering the professional enduser a most possible benefit. For detailed information of the most recent developments, please, refer to the E.u.r.o.Tec H: 4 homepage. S: C04
H: 4 S: C90
Fastbolt GmbH
Fastdev Srl
New catalogue 2010 with enlarged stock range.
FASTDEV S.r.l. is a software company LEADER in information technology solutions for the Fasteners market. Our solutions are installed and working in Italy, Germany, Spain, France, UK, Switzerland, Romania and Poland. “Join us at Fastdev, you’ll find the best partner to manage your Business”.
Fastbolt is a leading wholesaler of industrial fasteners to European distributors only. Apart from a highly specialised product range ex stock Fastbolt offers individual supply solutions such as customised packing, direct container imports, pre-import quality inspections and a revolutionary online availability check and ordering system: H: 6 FBonline. S: K04
Fastenique Structural Rivets Fastenique Structural Rivets Co., Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing high strength rivets and structural rivets. Experienced technicians, advanced equipments, complete quality control system and professional sales service are the best guarantee for our clients. Fax: +86 21 5156 1771
loading systems, washers, hardening furnace, quench, temper, soluble oil tanks and atmosphere generators.
Can-Eng Furnaces Continuous Mesh Belt Furnace Systems used in the manufacture of high tensile fasteners are field-proven leaders in reliability, fuel-efficiency and to production uptime. Standard capacities range from 100 kgs/ hr to 3400 kgs/hr. Processes available include sintering, clean hardening, light case carburizing & carbonitriding, austempering, and martempering. H: 8 S: Q20
Tel: +49 (0) 2330 63243
Can-Eng Furnaces Mesh Belt Furnace Systems are completely automated heat treating systems that include
Can-Eng Furnaces International
H: 6 S: L134
140 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
H: 4 S: B51
Fong Prean Industrial Co Ltd Fong Prean was set up in 1986, we are the professional manufacturer of Constructional Drywall and Self-Drilling Screws. With 125 employees, annual sales USD$35 million. Fong Prean is an efficient and flexible company, the customer is our priority! Our R&D and service teams are able to work with customers to achieve their request. Main products: Drywall Screws, Self-Drilling Screws, Collated Screws, Stainless Steel Screws, Bi-Metal Screws. email: H: 4 S: E113
C ATA LO G U E R A C K Galaxy Fasteners Galaxy Fasteners is now firmly established as a market leader for supplying specialised distributors within the structural engineering and farm building sector. The complete product range is available from stock, covering application at the initial fabrication stage - from submission of the original draftsman’s list, right through to the fully cladded structure. email: H: 4 S: E80
Herbert Knoke GmbH Knoke Company is serving the market since 1964 with good quality products. Our main products are drywall- and chipboard-screws, which we are selling under our trademark PROFIX®, as well as high tensile bolts. Our latest innovation is the PROFIX® chipboard-screw with SKT® coating. We are offering delivery from stock or long term delivery! email: H: 4 S: B91
Icon Fasteners Icon Fasteners is your higher grade supplier and the UK’s leading supplier from stock for 12.9 Cap, 10.9 Button, 10.9 Csk self colour/Zinc, 10.9 Hexagon, 8.8 Hexagon Galv. We are able to supply PPAP parts, and have an experienced specials team that source & manufacture parts.
World leading designer and manufacturer of thread rolling and shank pointing machines for screws, bolts and special fasteners also rolled after heat treatment with or without washer assembly units.
H: 4 S: E80
Tel: +39 0131 87 161
Manufacturers and exporters of stainless steel and brass nuts, bolts and washers. Producers of nuts and washers in Aluminium, Copper, Monel, Duplex, Nickel Alloys, Hastelloy, Titanium, ASTM A194 Gr. 2H and 2HM, Stainless Steels like AISI 316Ti, 904L, etc.
Fax: +49 2333 8309 18
H: 6 S: N81
Our sales offices worldwide, together with our engineering departments, cooperate closely with customers in order to come up with best technical and manufacturing H: 4 solutions. S: B14
JCP Construction Products
Tel: +39 (0) 363 914 959 56
Ingramatic Spa
JCP is a specialist supplier of construction fixings to distributors. We are a leading force in the UK fixings market. All products are supplied with full technical specification and we offer European Technical Approval, where applicable. On site testing of our products is available throughout the UK, via our field representatives. email:
H: 4 S: E80
Lederer GmbH
Lederer is one of Europe’s most specialised suppliers for stainless steel fasteners. It has more than 20,000 different articles in stock, primarily normed and standardized parts (ref. DIN, ISO and others). Industrial consumers, as well as retailers and wholesalers, all over the world rely on Lederer’s almost 40 years of experience.
Mikalor offers an extremely wide programme of metallic hose clamps ranging from low pressure clips (such as ear clips, retaining clips, etc.) to worm drive clamps and heavy duty clamps, all of them manufactured with the materials prescribed by the inherent DIN norms. Our company specializes also in the production of fasteners according to different DIN norms, special fixing elements and clamps H: 4 on request. S: C81
H: 6 S: L10
C ATA LO G U E R A C K Nestinox BV
Nestinox is since 1979 your specialist in stainless steel fasteners (DIN / ISO, A2 as well as A4) including bolts, nuts, screws, washers, security screws, hose clamps, machinefeet, roofand cladding screws, specials (special turning and pressed parts according to drawing / sample), screw thread inserts etc.
More safety - with precote thread coating precote products provide ideal conditions for: • process controlled assembly • perfectly locked thread joints, even at highest dynamical loads up to 200°C • perfect sealing, also against highest pressure • nondestructive disassembling during the entire operating duration up H: 4 to 850°C S: D32
Tel: +49 711 1388 0
H: 4 S: G52
Tel.: +49 89 143381 0
Otto Spa
OTTO ROTH is an innovative trading company for mechanical connecting elements and certified manufacturer of turned and finemachined parts with more then 100,000 products. We offer you rapid delivery from one source with individual logistics possibilities as well as comprehensive e-Business solutions, e.g. e-Shop with its opportunities for rapid data entry and on-line check of the current availability of products. Ask for our free H: 6 catalogue now! S: K70
We are one of the leading importers of fasteners in South Europe. We can direct you towards the best supplying sources, find the most convenient way to get the goods DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), run your requirements according to your scheduled deliveries through our warehouses in Padova and in Trieste port. email: Fax: +39 0429 763 518
Paal Group
Owlett-Jaton is the UK’s largest wholesale supplier of hardware, ironmongery, fixings and fasteners in the UK. We offer a substantial stock range, covering over 20,000 items! We offer next day delivery, with a very low carriage paid threshold, made easy to achieve from the broad basket of products.
The Paal-Group is one of the leading companies for Circlips, Spring Washers and Washers like DIN 988. In the group there are different firms working hand in hand for standard and special articles in standard steel and also in INOX. With over 10,000 pallet positions we have one of the greatest stock for these items.
H: 4 S: E80
Tel: +49 2191 906 134
Precision Technology Supplies Ltd
H: 4 S: B50
142 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
H: 4 S: D120
We stock the widest range of Stainless Steel American Threaded Fasteners from No 0 to 1” diameter in both UNC and UNF threads. For a quotation or details of the range contact our sales office and ask for a copy of our handbook or visit our website.
H: 4 S: F60
Reyher is one of the leading wholesalers for fasteners and fastening technology in Europe. Various services are at customers’ disposal, i.e. the widest and most abundant assortment, quick and reliable delivery, good product quality, many e-business possibilities, i.e. Webshop RIO Reyher internet order. email:
H: 4 S: D100
Founded in 1973, Rivit is a European leader for fasteners and tools, proposing a complete programme of fixing systems, tools, machines and technical support for the whole sheet metal universe (automotive, electronics, household appliances, sheet metal working, air-conditioning, building, roofing, metal door and windows frames, etc.).
H: 4 S: F03
Competence in stainless steel
Your specialist in stainless steel fasteners. An independent & reliable partner. We carry a stock of over 25,000 different products from the DIN/ISO standard parts sector which are available to you immediately. Our logistic partners guarantee shortest lead times worldwide. We combine quality and service. Take advantage of our excellent business connections.
Schäfer + Peters GmbH│Zeilbaumweg 32│DE-74613 Öhringen Tel. +49 (0) 7941 6094-0│Fax +49 (0) 7941 6094-700│
ROBERLO is a Manufacturer specialised in Private Labels for Chemical Fixings; • POLYESTER • EPOXYACRILATE • VINYLESTER • PURE EPOXY Approvals and CE marking; • ETA (CE mark) • EN 1504/6 (CE mark for rebar) • SOCOTEC • Aprobata Techniczna (B Building mark) email: • Marca AENOR H: 6 (N mark) S: K50
Sacma Limbiate Spa
Sala Punzoni SRL
World leading designer and manufacturer of Cold Forming, progressive heading, screw making, bolt making and warm forming machines for production of standard fasteners, special fasteners and special parts used in the Automotive Industry, Aerospace, Construction, Electrical appliance and general industry up to M30 and 300 mm.
Sala Punzoni srl, established in 1966, is a company manufacturing standard and special high speed steel and carbide punches to customer drawing and high speed steel flat dies for thread rolling. Nowadays the company is the leader in Italy and even in the international market, always updating its productive and planning processes in order to maintain the best standard of manufacture. H: 4 S: A90
Tel: +39 02 99 45 21
Schäfer + Peters GmbH
H: 4 S: B14
Tel: +39 341 633 237
Sheh Kai Precision Co., Ltd
Schäfer + Peters GmbH Your specialist in stainless steel fasteners. An independent & reliable partner.
Established in 1992, Sheh Kai Precision, leading Taiwanese exporter & OEM manufacturer of quality Bi-Metal Fasteners. Using 300 series Austenitic Stainless Steel with hardened alloy drilling point, producing only the best bimetal screws for metal structure applications! Stable Quality, competitive Price, Prompted Delivery & First Class Service!
We carry a stock of over 25,000 different products from the DIN/ ISO standard parts sector which are available to you immediately. Our logistic partners guarantee shortest lead times worldwide. We combine quality and service. Take advantage of our excellent business connections.
Tel: +49 7941 6094-0 email:
H: 6 S: M40
Shin Chun Enterprise Co Ltd
Sicatech GmbH
We are a professional screw manufacturer in Taiwan with certificate of ISO-9000, ISO-14000, and TS-16949. We have an experienced team, well-equipped lab., and rich experience in supplying you good quality and competitive products.
“ColorGuardŽ� coating is our new product which contains no chrome but is superior in anti-corrosion. Furthermore, beautiful colors coating is available. Please visit our website for more details. H: 6 S: K141
H: 4 S: F104
Sicatech is a quality orientated importer and stockist selling self-tapping screws, self-drilling screws, thread-forming screws, thread-cutting screws, Sica-Plas 30Âş screws for plastic at competitive prices. For many years we have been the partner for fastener distributers in Europe with top service also for smaller quantities and fast deliveries. H: 4 S: D133
C ATA LO G U E R A C K Stainless Threaded Fasteners
Stafa Holland
Tel: +31 495 599 888
Supplying industrial fasteners for 30 years
dedicated to meeting all your fastening needs
Stafa is THE specialist for zinc plated and hot dip galvanized fasteners and was founded in 1977. Our strength? A huge assortment (15,000 pallets and 15,000 box locations) and quick deliveries from stock. Quality and competitive prices mark the important position that Stafa carries throughout Europe with the deliveries of bolts, nuts, screws, washers, threaded rods and products acc. to drawing or samples. H: 6 S: L80
H: 4 S: E80
Strut Support Systems
Staytite, one of the UK’s largest stockist of specialist quality and competitively priced fasteners, are delighted to be exhibiting at Stuttgart. Staytite will launch a new range of stocked products to further strengthen our market position. Come and visit Staytite in Hall 8 stand R38 to see this exciting development.
We “SSS“ are the market leader in manufacturing of strut channel accessories & fixing systems from india, we are serving the electrical, construction and plumbing industry with our professional services for the last 5 years. We specialise in manufacturing of strut channels, brackets, spring nuts, clamps, threaded rods & fasteners.
email: Tel: + 44 (0) 1494 462 322
Tel: +39 0823 883 338 email:
Stainless Threaded Fasteners is one of Europe’s leading distributors of stainless & brass fasteners with accreditation to BS ISO EN 9001/2000. Operating from our 100,000 sq. ft. (9300 sq metres) premises in the West Midlands, we can offer our customers in the UK and around the world, A2, A4 stainless steel and brass fasteners, from stock.
H: 8 S: R38
Fax: +91 (0) 161 251 0950
H: 8 S: R23
Tecfi Spa
Viteria Fusani SRL
TECFI S.P.A. is an Italian company specialised in design, production and merchandising of fixing systems with an own brand. Our daily work strongholds are: the employment of selected raw materials, a large stock availability, quick delivery service, focusing on customer satisfaction and extreme respect for environment.
Screw manufacturers since 1955. Production of standard and special screws to customer design. Screw size from Ø 1,6 to Ø 8 • Metric screws • Self-tapping for plastic materials • Dual thread self-tapping • Wood screws • Screws for chipboards • Self-forming with trilobated profile • Machine screws • Security screws Different types of materials and treatments. H: 8 S: S25
H: 4 S: D20
Catalogue Rack March 2011 Coming up in the next issue... Italy Contact: Claire Lake email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1727 739 150 144 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Visit us at
w w w. b l i n d n i e t e . o rg
Hall 4 - Sta
nd no. C20
Made of - Aluminium - Steel zinc plated - Stainless steel
NEW PRODUCT RANGE Head office Goebel GmbH Mühlenstr. 2 - 4 40699 Erkrath Tel: +49-(0)211-24-5000 0 Fax: +49-(0)211-24-5000 250
w w w . b l i n d n i e t e . o r g
ND INDUSTRIES ANNOUNCES LICENSEE OPPORTUNITIES IN EUROPE A pioneer in advanced fastening and sealing technologies since 1955, ND Industries is pleased to offer select business entities a chance to expand their operation and increase profits in the fastener processing industry. ND INDUSTRIES IS COMMITTED TO PROVIDING ITS LICENSEES THE FOLLOWING: — ND Materials: • Because ND manufactures our own materials, we are able to provide them to our licensees at significant cost savings. • Products meet and or exceed industry specifications. — ND Processing Equipment: Due to over 50 years of experience designing and manufacturing our own processing machines: • Our licensees utilize equipment with some of the fastest rates in the industry. • Processed parts exhibit excellent uniform thread coverage pattern and minimal touch marks. • Materials can be accurately applied to a wide variety of fasteners such as bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, clips, and tabs. THREAD LOCKING: • Epoxy-Lock • Expand-A-Seal ES 0105 • ND Microspheres Acrylic, Epoxy & TA • ND Patch / Hi-Temp Patch • ND Pell-It / Pell-It Soft Touch Tip / ND Strip • Vibra-Tite VC-3
— ND Technical Support: • ND’s highly trained Research and Development staff is available to help you formulate a product that is custom tailored to your customers unique needs. • ND’s Technology Group is an A2LA accredited testing laboratory specializing in ASTM, GM, Ford, Chrysler, SAE/USCAR, IFI, and MIL standards and approval processes. • Our in-house custom blending facility allows us to keep chemical mixing costs down while providing fast turn around times. All of ND Industries adhesive and sealant formulations are ROHS compliant.
MASKING & LUBRICATING: • Anti-Seize 907 • EZ-Drive • ND LM-1293 • Specialty Coatings • ND WaxLube 2
ADVANCED SEALING: • Biseal 0630 • Mastics & Expandables • Plastisol - Applied to Metal / Open Mold • ST-3 • SealTek 1120
ND Industries, Inc., Clawson, MI, USA • Phone: 248-655-2513 • Email: • Oakland • Northbrook • Santa Fe • Twinsburg • Rockford • Arlington • Blythe • Deltona • Charlotte • Clawson • Troy • Kunshan, China • Kaohsiung, Taiwan ND and ND Industries are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc.
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
Hall: 4 Stand: B103
Leaner solution for back rest
Spirol Industries has provided a new design solution for a furniture manufacturer which was using a free fit machined pin, retained with an e-clip as the hinge pin, for the pivoting back rests on office chairs.
oth the machined pin and the e-clip were installed manually but the installation of the retaining e-clip was time consuming and problematic. This was because once the machined pin was installed in the chair, it left very little space for the assembler to install the e-clip and ensure that it was seated properly. Failure of a properly secured e-clip on the machined pin resulted in failure as the main pivot pin would work its way out of the chair. Spirol worked with the customer and suggested the replacement of the two piece hinge pin with a single self-retaining Spirol HP400 Series Solid pin. The HP 400 Series Solid pin is specifically designed for use in plastic applications and is ideal for plastic hinges with a free-fit requirement. Spirol explains that the unique fetter barb design retains the pin in the outer hinge ear and eliminates the possibility of the pin working loose. The Spirol recommendation eliminated the need for an expensive machined pin that required the costly retention groove for the e-clip. Additionally, since the HP400 Series Solid pin is self-retaining, it is installed in a single operation and does not require a secondary clip. “Spirol’s solution required minimal changes to the current chair design. It has improved the chair’s quality as well as reducing the cost of the components by 25%. Additional savings were achieved through the reduction in assembly labour and the payback period on the design changes was just five months.”
Securing off-highway hydraulic systems The developmental trend for industrial and off-road machinery, whether mobile or otherwise, is increasingly to employ a sophisticated hydraulic system as a means of exerting power over its chosen work environment. Over many years Elesa has developed apparently simple but deceptively thoughtful technical solutions to ensure security of these safety and performance critical systems.
ydraulic based equipment from dump trucks and road laying machines to tractors, telehandlers and forestry or military vehicles, all operate in extreme conditions where they are also vulnerable to outside interference and are prone to damage from both daily operation and vandalism. Elesa development has therefore focused on security oriented accessories aimed at prevention of leakage/damage to the hydraulic system – preserving the integrity of the system and ensuring it has sufficient clean fluid at all times. These are safety and performance critical components that also seek to minimise downtime by reducing the likelihood of damage and simplifying/reducing maintenance. Such components come in four main areas: • Vandal proof caps – keep dirt out. • Pressure relieving caps – keep fluid in. • Magnetic plugs – keep fluid clean of metallic particles. • Fluid level monitoring and alarms – advise adequate fluid levels. Development technicians at Elesa corporate laboratories work with all relevant EU legislation, which covers European Standards (EN), International Standards (ISO), Health and Safety requirements and the Machinery Directive regarding CE marking. In order to do this to the highest level they use a process of Virtual Product Development originating in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and moving on to Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM). Elesa’s accessory solution for off-road hydraulic applications forms just one section of its standard range of industrial elements, where the company has a history of partnering with OEMs. The range includes knobs, handles and hand-wheels - essential for operation and control functions of all types of hydraulic and manual equipment.
148 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Schraubenverbindungen perfektionieren en aus Wir stell Fair 2011 Fastener 22.- 24. Feb. , rt a g tt Stu tand K10 Halle 6, S
Sichern Kleben Microverkapselte Klebstoffe als Vorbeschichtung mit den Systemen OT-Precote, System 3M Scotch Grip und Loctite gemäß DIN 267 Teil 27 oder den Erfordernissen der entsprechenden Werksnormen
But only between fasteners. Expand-A-Seal is a unique, microencapsulated, thread sealing and locking compound. • Fills voids in fastener threads • Expands volumetrically 20-50% • Fixes in minutes; Cures in 24 hrs. • Dry to the touch • Factory and user applied Call or email us for product samples. 1000 N. Crooks Road, Clawson, Michigan, 48017 USA Email: Phone: 248.655.2503 •
Over 8,000 lines
Hand picked for quality... Fasteners and Components for a vast range of Industries. • automotive • furniture & toys • marine • clothing & fabric • engineering • composites
Call or email for details and a comprehensive catalogue.
01623 655265 •
Sichern Klemmen Polyamid-Fleck und -Rundum-Beschichtung in allen geforderten Farben, sowie die Systeme GESI/HAKA Clemm-Loc, VC-3 Vibratite und OT-Precote-Produkte gemäß DIN 267-Teil 28
Dichten Systeme für die unterschiedlichen Erfordernisse und Anwendungsfälle von OT-Precote, 3M Scotch Grip, Polyamid Rundum- und Nylondichtung, Loctite und unsere Spezialprodukte GESI/HAKA STR weiß + rot
Schmieren Gleitlacke (Anti-friction-coating) als Festschmierstoffe und Gleitbeschichtungen aus speziellen schmierwirksamen Bindemitteln als Vorbeschichtung welche die Reibung und den Verschleiß vermindern oder eine definierte Reibung mit möglichst geringer Reibzahl erzielen
Schützen Komplett- und Partiell-Beschichtungen um Korrosion und Anhaftungen, wie z.B. Schweißspritzer, Lackablagerungen etc. zu vermindern. Hier können Polyamide, PTFE und PTFE-haltige Produkte eingesetzt werden. Farbliche Polyamid- und Polyester-Beschichtungen als Deko und Korrosionsschutz ergänzen das Programm
Plastisole Plastisol-Beschichtung direkt als Unterkopf-Dichtung und auf Unterlegscheiben, zur Geräusch- und Vibrationshemmung von Befestigungselementen und zum Fixieren von Schrauben und Sonderteilen als Verliersicherung (Vormontage)
Vermessen und Sortieren Wir vermessen und sortieren für Sie Gewindeund Sonderteile in einer Toleranz von 5/100 mm in Abhängigkeit von der Größe des Teiles.
Stuttgart/Plochingen Tel. 0 71 53 / 20 43 Köln/Reichshof Tel. 0 22 65 / 99 76-6 Thüringen/Bleicherode Tel. 03 63 38 / 4 56 24-10 10329_AZ_Svp_FF11_92x277.indd 1
18.11.10 09:26
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
Flangeform stands up to the test In June of last year BAS Components Inc was approached by a supplier of specialty fasteners to a large appliance manufacturer. The large appliance manufacturer was in the process of launching a new washing machine and the 3/8 fastener which secures the leveling leg had become a cause for concern as it was not reliably meeting the test requirements.
he washing machine was designed with the base consisting of two rails (stampings), one which goes across the front of the machine and a second which goes across the rear of the machine. Each rail contains two 3/8 nuts for the leg attachment located on each end of the rails. The supplier approached BAS with interest in replacing the current nut with a Flangeform nut. Prototype parts for testing were quickly supplied by the appliance manufacturer and Flangeform 3/8 nuts were quickly installed by BAS for testing. All testing of the BAS Flangeform nuts passed and in fact far exceeded the requirements. Even over insertion and under insertion of the Flangeform nut into the parts could not produce a failure. The decision was made to switch to Flangeform. With an anticipated yearly usage of over 15,000,000 nuts, automated insertion into the progressive die was the only way to keep up with cycle times. BAS Components designed and supplied two
Flangeform 3/8 nut autofeed systems each consisting of a dual outlet feed bowl which supplies nuts to two feed heads. One feed system was used for the front rail die and one feed system was used for the rear rail die. The dies speed is approximately 35 strokes per minute. The results were the elimination of several operators who were previously manually installing a substitute fastener for the original so that the launch of the new machine could go on. “Flangeform has allowed for a much stronger attachment of the machine leg, which is an area which must not fail. The resulting Flangeform automated nut feed system is much more forgiving than the original nut system which was very sensitive to press settings and stamping configurations. The strength of the Flangeform fastener along with the design and reliability of the Flangeform autofeed system has come to the aid of yet another major manufacturer, improving their product while lowering their manufacturing costs.”
Greener welding solution Nelson Stud Welding, part of Doncasters Group Ltd’s fastener systems division, is solving marine customers’ environmental and efficiency challenges with the launch of a new portable inverter stud welder.
eighing just 40lbs, the Nelweld™ N800i can be operated by just one worker and carried directly into the bowels of a ship for welding operations. Combining manoeuvrability with 50% more output power than existing products, Nelson Stud highlights that the Nelweld™ N800i allows marine fabricators to weld more, as well as larger studs, delivering high-quality, high-speed arc welding with reduced energy usage, set-up and training time. Doug Philips, director of product management, equipment at Nelson Stud Welding, said: “Every ship, military or commercial, contains millions of studs and fasteners that are typically welded using electric power. This has a significant impact on a shipbuilder’s utility bills as well as a knock-on effect on the vessel’s construction, operation and maintenance costs.” He adds: “Our one-man portable inverter welders typically operate at less than half the Amperage of traditional stud welders, reducing operating, installation and start up costs. Ken Caratelli, managing director of Doncasters Fastener Systems division commented: “At Doncasters we’re committed to working closely with customers to develop effective solutions to their day-to-day engineering challenges. With marine fabricators facing ever-increasing energy costs, alongside pressure to keep prices as competitive as possible, the efficiency, environmental and cost benefits of the Nelweld™ N800i means it adds real value for marine fabricators and, in turn, their end customers.”
150 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Special Screws directly from stock!
Blind Rivets
Fit bolts
A Riveting Experience
According to DIN 609, DIN 610, ISO 7379, DIN 7968
ORLOCK Double locking system 2011 ir Stuttgart Fastener Fa bruary 2011 22.-24. Fe nd E04 Hall 4, Sta
Fit bolts, plugs, slotted shoulder screws, knurled thumb screws, square head bolts, flat headed screws, hexagon set screws and specials. Fon + 49 (0) 40 532 852- 0 Fax - 52 路
OR-BULB Spilt Tail STELOCK / STEEL-FIX Steel High Strength and Multi-Grip U-FIX High Versatile Multi-Grip T.P.R / O.R.P Superior Peel ORNILOCK / OR-BOLT Multi-Grip Structural
World Wide: +972-86610222 USA: 1-877-627-0423
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
Revolutionising stud welding Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH has recently launched the innovative BMS-9 stud welder and the PS-9 stud welding gun which will be officially presented at the international trade show Fastener Fair Stuttgart in February.
einz Soyer states that the small, lightweight and portable stud welding system represents a new generation of stud welding equipment and offers many interesting technical features. For the first time, it is possible for operators to view all important operating conditions with the help of an LED display using the traffic light principle on the PS-9 welding gun. The green LED display on the welding gun tells the operator when the stud welding device is ready and can be operated. Faults are signalled using the red LED display. The circular LED display shows the current operating status from any angle. This makes the operator’s job far easier and also helps Hall: 6 to increase the quality Stand: P50 of the weld joints, thus offering maximum functionality and ease of use.
Kicking transmission rings into shape Hall: 4 Rotor Clip Company Inc, a manufacturer Stand: A94 of retaining rings, hose clamps and related products, employs a specialised wireforming process in the manufacture of constant section retaining rings for use in automotive transmissions.
hese rings (Rotor Clip designations UMI, UHO, and USH) are coiled into a slightly elliptical shape which compensates for the plastic deformation that will occur during installation. Once installed, these rings ‘kick-in’ and assume a more traditional circular shape which Rotor Clip says contributes to: • Allowing the parts to clear the bore much more easily due to roundness. • Higher load capacity due to increased groove contact. • Maximum clearance for assembled part to pass through the installed part. The ‘kick’ to the parts is most exaggerated at the gap of the part when it is installed. This allows for easier removal using standard installation tools since the exposure of the gap is increased.
Resolve loose hardware and assembly issues PEM® surface mount and broaching fasteners designed specifically for use with PC boards provide ideal solutions to satisfy component-to-board, board-to-board, and board-to-chassis attachment requirements.
ennEngineering highlights that all of its surface mount and broaching fasteners install permanently, reduce the need for loose hardware, eliminate secondary operations, and simplify and streamline the production process. The families of PEM hardware for PC board applications include ReelFast® surface mount fasteners (threaded or unthreaded nuts and standoffs, captive panel screws, and R’ANGLE® right-angle fasteners), broaching fasteners (internally threaded nuts, threaded or unthreaded standoffs, threaded studs, panel fastener assemblies, and spring-action SNAP-TOP® standoffs), broach/ flare-mounted standoffs (offering greater pullout performance), and SpotFast® clinch/broach mount fasteners (for joining metal to boards or plastic panels). ReelFast® fasteners mount on PC boards in the same manner and at the same time as other surface mount components prior to the automated reflow solder process and simply become another board component. Broaching fasteners install into all types of PC boards and aluminium, acrylic, casting, or polycarbonate components and create a firm, interference-type fit resistant to rotation. Detailed specifications (Bulletin K) and free part drawings (PEM CAD Library) for all these RoHS-compliant fasteners can be accessed online.
152 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
BS 5315 KM06246
ISO 9001 FM00547
T: +44 1634 281 200 F: +44 1634 280 101
E: W:
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
An enlightened approach The UK’s knowledge bank of engineering expertise continues to be much in demand in South East Asia. In particular, a combination of “open minds” and a hunger for achieving bolted joint integrity has seen the region become one of the strongest growth areas for RotaBolt, pioneers of tension control technology.
he company’s track record of success in the region goes back to the 1990s and today its tension control technology is being used in a variety of applications from petrochemicals to offshore cranes. RotaBolt’s most recent success story has been in Taiwan where leak-free operations have been achieved in petrochemical processing, and this has opened up a wealth of opportunity for the technology. “Explaining how and why tension control works is part of our daily life,” commented Rod Corbett from RotaBolt, “traditionally there is an expectation of complex answers to perceived complex issues and people are naturally suspicious of simple answers. In South East Asia, it has been refreshing to see an openness to what is a simple and scientific approach to achieving joint integrity. Accurately achieving and measuring tension across the bolted joint is essential for reliability – it’s a simple fact, but it’s something that traditional tightening doesn’t do.” The first substantial ‘door-opening’ for RotaBolt in the region was actually at one of the Offshore Technology Conferences in the United States in the late 1990s. An initial enquiry from a crane company which was based in Malaysia eventually led to RotaBolt® technology being fitted on their crane slew bearings in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Gulf oil fields. The fastener’s ability to achieve the correct design tension across the critical slew bearing joint and then accurately maintain it, made it an attractive proposition. In addition, the maintenance benefits of being able to instantly finger-check the bolts for correct tension turned it into a rapid success story. Applications on bolted joints in pressure containment became the next development area in Malaysia. Challenges on maintaining the integrity on reactors at a propane dehydrogenation facility presented RotaBolt with an opportunity to clearly demonstrate that the science of measurement through tension control could have immediate and dramatic results. Six reactors at a major plant were all fitted with RotaBolts following a prolonged history of leaks. For the first time, the reactors were leak-free on start-up and then during production. More recently, a major new silicone plant in China has seen over 4,000 RotaBolt® tension control fasteners used on high integrity pipe work, vessels and large body flanges. The fasteners were selected based on two main criteria firstly, RotaBolt’s ability to ensure that a minimum bolt tension could be achieved, maintained and monitored throughout the life of the plant and secondly, the operator’s requirements on the control of materials were more than met by RotaBolt’s own
assurance procedures which see every fastener being 100% load test calibrated. In Taiwan, a major chemical plant is now planning to use tension control technology on a variety of applications following a dramatic success story on one of its combined feed exchangers at an aroma production plant. The exchanger had leaked during hydro testing, on start up and again during production. In May last year it was fitted with 56 RotaBolt fasteners and it has not leaked since. The operators described it as a “miracle” and initiated plans to use the technology on a variety of reactors and heat exchangers.
In addition, the company has now decided to incorporate the science of RotaBolt’s tension control technology into its own training regimes and has been successful in securing support for the training from the Taiwanese government. News of the success has also quickly spread to 60 other plants operating in the area.
154 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
B채cker GmbH & Co. KG Industriegebiet J채gersgrund I D-57339 Erndtebr체ck - Schameder Tel.: +49 (0) 27 53 / 59 50-0 Fax: +49 (0) 27 53 / 59 50-44 e-mail:
Visit us! Fastener Fair Stuttgart 22-24 February 2011 Hall 4, Stand C50 We are seeking sales partners
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
3M gets the call to deliver enhanced bonding An innovative combination of industrial tapes and adhesives from 3M is helping to deliver greater durability and product life for a specialist manufacturer of commercial telephones.
ased in Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK, RS Coatings Ltd manufactures the enclosure sets for sophisticated communications interface devices. Around 300 enclosure sets are supplied each day to an electronic service manufacturer which installs all the internal components. The finished product is then supplied to a telecommunications provider for sale primarily to stock exchanges and brokers worldwide. The enclosures differ from standard telephones in that the front cover features a number of transparent polycarbonate display windows, for LCD text display screens. Historically, the bonding between front cover and windows was achieved with the use of adhesive tape strips, combining a number of widths to fit various contact areas. This operation was labour intensive and operator-dependent, as the adhesive strips were cut to the desired length and applied manually. In order to improve its operations, RS Coatings technical department approached the industrial adhesives and tapes team at 3M who recommended an alternative solution based around die cut profiles of 3M High Performance Double Coated Tape 9087. This product features an adhesive with a PVC carrier offering
high peel and shear strength, excellent resistance to UV light, and good solvent and plasticiser resistance. RS Coatings designed a range of die cut forms around the product lay-out. This more user friendly bonding method increased the contact surface area between windows and front covers, optimising the adhesive’s performance. With this philosophy in mind and in order to maximise adhesion between components, a further bonding upgrade was suggested by 3M, coupling the die-cut tape with 3M Scotch-Weld Acrylic Adhesive DP807. This is a two-part MMA acrylic-based adhesive which reaches handling strength in 15 minutes, with high overlap shear and peel strength offering excellent durability on most plastic surfaces. RS Coatings Ltd managing director Laurie Richardson commented: “3M’s response to the reported problem was very professional, offering alternative solutions and product samples promptly. Overall the bonding system now in place more than meets expectations. The die cut tape enables a quicker and easier application while reducing waste, and the use of an adhesive in tandem with the tape is creating a far stronger bond.” He added: “Currently the products are being applied manually, but we are looking at automating the adhesive application process.” Rob Musgrove of 3M’s industrial adhesives & tapes division added: “This application shows the versatility of 3M products and how they can work together to create the perfect bonding solution – whether applied manually or automatically.”
Intertronics sees red Intertronics says that its DYMAX’s Ultra-Red™ fluorescing adhesive technology allows users to “see red” helping improve quality and authentication.
he Ultra-Red™ technology is based on the fact that many plastics naturally fluoresce blue under UV light – this minimises the inspection advantages of using bluefluorescing adhesives in parts assembly, red fluorescing adhesives however remain naturally clear until exposed to UV light, at which point they fluoresce bright red providing a vivid contrast that permits accurate bond-line inspection. The red fluorescence does not absorb the same light energy wavelengths as those used to cure the adhesive, resulting in faster and deeper cures when compared with the same adhesives containing blue fluorescence. Peter Swanson, managing director at Intertronics explained: “Red fluorescing adhesives and coatings can be used by manufacturers for product authentication. When measured, this technology produces a distinctly unique energy peak that cannot be reproduced by any other fluorescing compound. This offers manufacturers the ability to assemble or mark their products and be assured that, in the event of a future challenge as to the authenticity of the product’s origins, the products can be positively identified.”
156 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Permabond meets Boeing specifications Permabond® Engineering Adhesives has announced that Permabond 910 meets Boeing Specification BMS5-36D Type I and Permabond 102 meets Boeing Specification BMS5-36D Type II Grade 1.
ermabond 910 is a methyl cyanoacrylate and was first listed to this Boeing Specification in 1958. Permabond 102 is an ethyl cyanoacrylate that was first listed in 1970. “Both of these instant adhesives have a long history of providing strong, fast, reliable bonds to a variety of components. Permabond 910 excels on metals and Permabond 102 on plastics and composites.” Permabond is a global, ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer of engineering adhesives and sealants for manufacturing, assembly, repair, and maintenance. Permabond manufactures cyanoacrylates (instant adhesives), anaerobics (for threadlocking, retaining, gasketing and pipe sealing), structural adhesives (one or two component epoxies and toughened acrylic adhesives), and UV - visible curable adhesives.
a p p l i cat i on technolog y
Embracing solar energy
With the world’s energy needs forecast to treble by 2050 governments and energy utilities are embracing solar energy on a global scale. In this unique market, products are often required to withstand high temperatures. Below Huntsman Advanced Materials, a manufacturer of differentiated chemicals, explains how it is able to meet this challenge with its on-going commitment to solar energy.
ptimised insulation is one of the key factors in achieving ‘smart buildings’. Properly insulating buildings provides an effective method of reducing energy consumption, without sacrificing comfort. In warm climates the use of reflective coatings minimising infra red absorption, urethane sandwich panels, insulation boards and blocks is likely to rise. These are all areas where Huntsman is very active.
“ A ll too often the heat transfer properties which are necessary for solar output efficiency are acheived at the sacrifice of bonding features.” Other areas of growth in which Huntsman and its partners operate include solar heating, solar reflective and solar power. Each of these three distinct technologies will see a rapid increase in usage due to requirements to lower the energy needs
of buildings. Solar thermal panel design has become more refined and efficient to the extent that solar heating panels can now be an integral and virtually indistinguishable part of the roof design on a building. Adhesives, fixings and sealants specifically designed for these panels will see increased usage. Alongside solar heating and solar reflective technology there will be a massive growth in solar power arrays to produce electricity from sunlight. Traditionally, silicon wafer technology has been used and in the future whole areas of roofing may have photovoltaic cells installed to produce a significant proportion of the energy for the building. Huntsman has worked in co-operation with industry partners to introduce a complete package of new materials and processing technologies that will enable actively temperature controlled PV modules with increased efficiency. The complete package includes: • The liquid system Araldite® AY 4583 / HY 4583, which enables an energy saving encapsulation process at low temperatures and eliminates the critical lamination process with EVA. • Heat conductive, electrical insulating adhesives, enabling a new module design and construction with improved heat transfer and efficiency, together with excellent strength and bonding properties. • Flexible and Thermal conductive adhesive to protect the flexibility of solar cells. • Highly reflective, white solder mask Probimer® 77 White, which contributes to the increase of the efficiency of the PV module through higher and multiple reflection, increasing the ratio of sunlight reaching the cells.
158 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
a p p l i cat i on technolog y By using these new technologies there is potential to increase the efficiency of innovative PV modules by more than 50%. In addition to this, processing is significantly simplified, costs are reduced and aging stability is improved. This new package of materials will change the future of innovative PV modules because it is the only one in the market that can offer such an outstanding performance. With its excellent bonding and heat resistance features, it offers the ability to improve energy harvesting, reduce maintenance costs and significantly prolong the lifespan of the PV module. It would allow the installation of PV plants in adverse southern climates and deserts and could be combined with solar fuel generators where electrical energy is used to convert CO2 and H20 into natural gas. Another example of Huntsman’s work in the solar energy market is Araldite® 2015, which has TUV design and type approval for PV modules. All too often the heat transfer properties which are necessary for solar output efficiency are achieved at the sacrifice of bonding features. However, what makes Araldite®
2015 different is that it allows a module design and construction with improved heat transfer and efficiency together with excellent strength and bonding properties. Araldite® 2015 properties of high shear and peel strength, combined with its resistance to water, chemicals and UV are not affected when used for improved energy efficient solar panels in buildings. Tests prove that bonding of the aluminium extruded profiles bonded onto the surface treated polyvinyl fluoride back sheet of the solar module can withstand thermal cycling temperature cycles from -40°C up to 85°C without diminishing the strength of the bond. This makes Araldite® 2015 ideally suited to dissimilar materials. Commenting, Thierry Perchet, European marketing director at Huntsman said: “The way mankind generates, stores and consumes energy is the key to protecting the biosphere, remediation of ecological damage and enhancing the health and well-being of future generations. Huntsman Advanced Materials is a global leader and pioneer in applications that benefits its customers, consumers and the planet as a whole.”
Loctite is part of whisky history It’s not often that a bottle of whisky sells for a staggering £100,000, but that was the price paid for a single malt from The Dalmore distillery. “This was a world record price – in fact, the first time a bottle of whisky has ever fetched a six figure sum,” stated David Robertson, rare whisky director at The Dalmore.
o create the mounts for such a prestigious product, the distillery called in Glasgow based jewellery company, Eric N Smith. “The Dalmore wanted top line craftsmanship, which is what we do,” declared Eric Smith, designer and managing director of the company. The mounts were made from sterling silver, 925 parts pure metal and 75 parts copper. To attach the mounts to the glass bottles, Eric Smith turned to Henkel – and its Loctite brand of adhesives. “We use Loctite regularly in the course of our work, so it was the logical choice for this challenge,” said Eric. “Although we have used general adhesives in the past to bond metal to metal, this required something special.” Local Henkel sales engineer, Jackie Marshall was called in to help. After discussions about the specific needs, Jackie stayed on to give technical assistance for the jeweller and his team. This included providing samples, UV lights and special bonding materials with which the jeweller could experiment. After exhaustive tests, Loctite Hysol 3430 was found to offer the best solution to the unusual bonding demands. Loctite Hysol 3430 is a two part epoxy adhesive that uses a bi-mixer nozzle so the adhesive is automatically mixed at the point of application. Eric Smith concludes: “We couldn’t have submitted the job to such a high standard if it hadn’t been for Loctite and the back-up in technical services. I know I can design new pieces with confidence that the Loctite product will do the job.”
Unit 18 Fortress Close, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7HN
Tel: 01379 872910 Fax: 01379 872915
a p p l i c at i o n t e c h n o lo g y
Adhesive problem? What’s the cure? The engineers at Intertronics have noticed that the use of adhesives for structural bonding is on the increase and that there is a corresponding need for greater awareness of the issues involved. To assist in this, Intertronics’ new 'Technical Guide on Adhesive Cure Mechanisms' explains the differing cure processes are and how they affect adhesive choice.
Adhesive problem? What’s the cure? The use of adhesives for structural bonding is on the increase. For a successful assembly, the adhesive must “harden” in the bondline to provide a joint which is capable of bearing the forces to which it is subjected for its lifetime, whatever environmental factors are thrown at it. Understanding how this works is important both for adhesive selection, and specification of the bonding process.
Adhesive must harden in the bondline
Is this “hardening” called curing? Not necessarily. There are a number of ways to get a liquid adhesive to become a solid. Some adhesives merely dry, when the solvent or water in them evaporate. Simple hot melt adhesives harden when cooled from a higher temperature. But we usually consider an adhesive to be cured when some form of chemical reaction takes place. The constituents (like monomers or oligomers) join up to become larger molecules (polymers). We call this chemical reaction “polymerisation”, “cross-linking” or “curing”.
Curing or crosslinking of a light curing adhesive
Can adhesives cure by themselves? No, not really – you might find such an adhesive difficult to keep liquid in the bottle! There are three basic ways to get this chemical reaction started and continued until full cure. One way is to mix two or more components together.
Fit resin and hardening cartridges into dispensing gun
Attach recommended mixing nozzle to gun
162 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Squeeze trigger to dispense mixed media
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buy better
a p p l i c at i o n t e c h n o lo g y Like the two little tubes of epoxy we have at home for DIY fixes? Yes. Araldite® started selling two part epoxy for bonding in the 1940s, and it is a strong household brand in the UK. With an epoxy adhesive, the “resin” and the “hardener” are mixed which causes the cure, the speed of which can be anything from a few minutes to some hours. In industrial applications, two part structural adhesives are usually based on epoxy, methacrylate or polyurethane chemistries - different properties like flexibility, toughness, cure speed, viscosity or adhesion to different substrates will determine the correct choice for each application. To make mixing and application easier, the two parts are often packaged in side-by-side cartridges, with the capability to mix and dispense through a special nozzle.
Some acrylic adhesives use an activator, rather than a two part mix. Typically, the adhesive as applied to one substrate, and a film of liquid activator is applied to the other. Once brought together, the adhesive and activator mix to cause cure, which again can be very fast.
Apply activator to one substrate
Apply adhesive to other surface
Sometimes this mixing can be a nuisance. Can’t I have a single part adhesive? Sure – but you still need to make it cure somehow. Another way to do this is to add energy. Single part epoxies require heat to cure, usually 120°C or more. This requires ovens or induction heating. Single part addition cure silicone is another example requiring heat. You can also use light energy to cure an adhesive. Light curing adhesives are single part systems, based primarily on acrylic or acrylated urethane chemistry (although there are epoxy systems). They are formulated with photo-initiators which react to UV and/or visible light to cause cross linking. The speed of cure is very fast (seconds). The limiting factor is that you must expose the adhesive to light whilst it is in the bondline, so one of the substrates must transmit light.
Adhesive cured with light
Can I cure single part adhesives without using an external energy source? This is the third way – change the conditions. For example, a thread-locking adhesive will cure when it is placed on the threads of a bolt and the bolt is screwed into its hole. This is an example of an anaerobic adhesive. They cure in the absence of oxygen and in the presence of metal ions. Consequently, anaerobics are used for metal bonding where you can change the conditions by removing the oxygen, like bonding gears to shafts. Other single part adhesives cure when in the presence of moisture, like single part polyurethane adhesives, which are used as woodworking glues and construction sealants. One part silicone RTV sealants and adhesives cure under the action of atmospheric humidity. These are known as “condensation” curing, as a by-product is given off in the chemical reaction. Bathroom sealants based on silicones liberate acetic acid, but for technology applications, silicone condensation cure systems have been developed which have small amounts of non-corrosive by-product, safe on electronics, etc. Cure depth is limited to about 10mm.
164 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Single part RVT Silicone adhesive
Fastener Fair Stuttgart, Germany 22th - 24th Feb. 2011, Hall 6, Booth P50
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24.11.2010 15:53:05
a p p l i c at i o n t e c h n o lo g y What about superglue? Cyanoacrylate adhesives (CAs) are sometimes known as “superglues”. They are unusual in that during their liquid state, they are desperate to polymerise, and are only prevented from doing so by the presence of an acidic stabiliser. To get them to cure, you need to neutralise this stabiliser – usually, the naturally occurring moisture on the surfaces to be bonded is enough to do this, although there are other ways. The condition we are changing in this case is pH. Cyanoacrylate adhesives cure very quickly, but work best in thin section interfacially i.e. between two surfaces.
Single part cyanoacrylate adhesive
So the three ways are adding two parts together, adding energy and changing conditions. Are there any more ways to get an adhesive to cure? Adhesive formulators have been very clever about mixing up these cure mechanisms to form hybrids – adhesives which cure in more than one way. Many two part adhesives will cure faster and more completely if you add heat. CAs have been introduced which also cure with UV light. Light curing adhesives have secondary cure mechanisms which include heat, activators or moisture. Thermosetting hot melt adhesives solidify when cool and cross-link as well.
Adhesives must be practical to use
Sounds complicated! How do I choose? Knowing how adhesives cure is just one part of the understanding you need to finding the right adhesive for your application. The adhesive must hold the bonded joint together, but it must also be practical to use in the assembly operation. Choice will depend on adhesive performance factors (operating temperature, environment, substrates to be bonded, forces, etc). Process efficiency can be optimised by material choice as well, considering cure type and speed, application methodology, and so on. Work with an adhesives supplier who can help you identify the pertinent issues in your bonding project, and who can recommend with high confidence an adhesive to evaluate – for both optimal performance and optimal process.
“adhere” from Intertronics is a brand dedicated to providing quality adhesive solutions to high technology, high performance assembly industries with a full range of adhesives, encapsulants, coatings, sealants and tapes as well as the associated dispensing, curing and surface preparation equipment and materials used in the manufacturing and assembly processes.
166 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
to o l s
Norbar’s non-magnetic solution Norbar Torque Tools, based in Banbury, UK, has launched its first ever non-magnetic torque wrench, which it says is proving invaluable for medical equipment maintenance, notably in the MRI field. It also has further applications across a range of industries wherever tools have to be used in the presence of a strong magnetic field.
or MRI scanner maintenance, a torque wrench is required to check the bolts used with the gradient power supply cables. This non-magnetic tool is an important advance for both health & safety and asset protection, because using standard steel tools close to high powered magnets can be difficult and hazardous. Potential incidents can occur from tools locking onto magnets and tools flying out of control under magnetic attraction. In both cases there is serious risk of injury to the operator and damage to sensitive and expensive equipment. The new Norbar wrench is acceptable for the majority of MRI scanners in use today. Philip Brodey of Norbar explained that manufacturing the non-magnetic torque wrench required carefully selected and tested materials to replace the ferrous components present in standard torque wrenches. “The new wrench is designed and manufactured to the same high standards as our other torque tools, but has an extremely low magnetic footprint,” he said. Other maintenance applications where the Norbar Non-Magnetic torque wrench will be a real benefit includes clean rooms, radar transmission centres, precision magnetic equipment, permanent magnetic generators (PMGs) and nuclear products.
Safe, advanced, technical - that’s GEDORE When products leave GEDORE’s 10,000m² radio-controlled logistics centre in Remscheid, Germany, the user can be certain that the three above factors apply as the prime standard from the first technical drawing through to actual production.
his also holds true for the 2011 products which include angled combination pliers, the hexagonal UD profile socket and the DREMOMETER EK. GEDORE highlights that the hot drop-forged 8248 combination pliers with a 60°angled head is suitable for the toughest of demands placed on them. The angle ensures that the power of the hand is optimally used. It also prevents any forced positioning of the hand thus substantially reducing stress on both joints and tendons and you keep the work piece in view at the same time. Inductively hardened cutting edges and specially offset teeth in the grip surfaces ensure both a clean cut and the best-possible technical grip on tubes and screws. The GEDORE Unit Drive profile – known as the UD profile – is now also available for hexagonal sockets. GEDORE explains that the uniform distribution of forces onto the flanks of the screw head lowers the notching effect and stops the screw head profile from spinning. For controlled screw tightening between 600Nm - 1,500Nm there is only one answer states GEDORE and that is the GEDORE DREMOMETER EK, an optimum torque wrench for vital screwed fastenings at industry and wind power plants. Classified to DIN EN ISO 6789:2003 Type II Class A, with a factory certificate and working accuracy of +/- 3% tolerance of scale set torque, the torque wrench exceeds the standard specification by +/- 4%. GEDORE also points out that due to the torque wrench’s lightweight and robust aluminium-alloyed housing, it is both extremely kind-on-hands and dependable under tough continuous work. As both square drive and pivot are on a single axis, two-handed operation and actuation done away from the hand grip produce no shifts in value and no impact on accuracy. The three products are in the current 2011 GEDORE catalogue, which is now available free of charge.
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to o l s
Rivit to launch tools at Fastener Fair Stuttgart
Hall: 4 Stand: F03
At the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart exhibition Rivit Srl, based in Bologna, Italy, will re-launch the RIV938 and RIV938S, both hydro-pneumatic tools for inserts.
IV938 is designed for Rivsert female threaded inserts, from M3 to M8, and Rivbolt male threaded inserts, from M4 to M8. RIV938S, however, is used for placing threaded inserts from M3 to M6. Both of them have regulation of oil pressure (force). The new tools were designed so that the hydro-pneumatic system and the mechanical parts that make up the internal structure of the tools, in comparison with other models, provide high reliability in reducing problems due to wear of components, resulting in improved durability and functionality of the tools themselves. Rivit highlights that the RIV938 and RIV938S are
c o l x,
both lightweight tools which have small overall dimensions making them easier to operate. Other advantages include a one position trigger mechanism, no need for adjustments when thicknesses change, and no damage to the mandrel (or tie rod) when the operation is repeated. “Once again the range of tools for fixing produced and distributed by Rivit is further enriched, resulting in more and more complete systems for the installation of rivets and inserts. You cannot miss the opportunity to come to Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011 and see us in hall 4, stand F03 to learn everything you want to know about the above tools, and lots more.”
d d n r i ve a n o k
SMC Corporation Ltd, a developer of unique tools based in County Durham, UK, has launched the Nut Driver Pro™ - a new flexible locking nut driver with a patented tension adjustor.
he patented tension adjuster allows the product to lock onto hex nuts and hose clamps, making it ideal for the automotive, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and plumbing industries. The driver, which also features a ‘no slip grip’ is available in three lengths, ensures faster and easier work in confined spaces and, says SMC, is fully operable with just one hand. SMC says: “We launched the Flexible Locking Nut Driver at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (Aapex Show) in Las Vegas at the end of last year to a fantastic trade acceptance. This product will become the industry standard in the US and Europe.”
GAGE BILT has a nose for it
Hall: 4 Stand: D132
GAGE BILT is launching its innovative right angle nose assembly which it says offers the solution for challenging hard to reach fastener applications through 6.4mm diameter.
he MGL08-713-58RA heavy duty right angle nose assembly will install 6.4mm Monobolts® and Hemlocks®. GAGE BILT also offers a unique right angle nose assembly for MS Blind Bolt, NAS Blind Rivet, UAB, Bulb-Tite, as well as various other products. These nose assemblies fit directly on GAGE BILT's GBP713D tool. “Contact us with your fastening specifications for the best fastening solution for all of your applications. Customers can also visit our website to view our complete line of tools and accessories.”
170 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
p r o d u ct s
Connecting with Erich Ulrich Erich Ulrich GmbH & Co. KG, a manufacturer and distributor of hexagon socket set screws and special cold forging parts, has developed new connectors for industrial aluminium profiles.
here are four main versions available for the most common profiles, with no machining necessary on the profile. Erich Ulrich explains that the user just needs to fix the connector in the centre hole or the slot, feed it into the other profile, put it into position and tighten it. There are no holes to drill and no caps necessary to cover them. All connectors are patented or patent is pending. “The new connectors make the construction and build of base frames, frames for solar panels, fences, and similar products simple and easy.”
Hall: 4 Stand: C150
Introducing GL Components GL Components a new, Hong Kong based, British owned sourcing company has commenced supply into the European market and launched its multilanguage website to reflect the expansion into new markets.
ffering engineering and design support, as well as its sourcing capability, GLC offers security to European distributors who do not have the size or resource to effectively manage an Asian supply base. All partners to GLC are managed through its vendor management programme and GLC can offer ISO9000, ISO14001, TS16949, ISO13485 an AS9000 manufacturing capabilities. Sunny Liu, sales manager in Hong Kong commented: “By offering design services and delivering products direct from the factories, we are offering a high value solution for many distributors giving them a competitive advantage to remain competitive in today’s challenging markets.” GL Components offer a range of fastenings and related hardware products including CNC machined parts, stampings and pressings, castings, forgings and extrusions as well as vacuum formed plastics, labels and self-clinching products.
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p r o d u ct s
New generation of locking device Camlock Systems Ltd has launched a new generation of locking device known as Series 35 which it says combines strength and enhanced protection.
eveloped over two years, the all-new isotoxal mechanism features a unique asymmetrical warded keyway that prevents the entry and/or operation of an incorrect key. Seven stainless steel locking elements fasten the central core to the outer body and it has a hardened steel anti-drill centre post. Further protection from drilling is provided by a second hardened roller inside the lock, which spins freely when a drill bit comes into contact with it. Camlock states that the Series 35 provides a simple retrofit upgrade for most popular styles of specialist locks or can be designed into new equipment where high security and peace of mind is paramount. Over 750,000 different key combinations are available, allowing an exclusive key combination to be allocated to the user or purchaser. This combination can be registered online with Camlock Systems, to ensure that only authorised personnel can obtain extra keys. Patents have been applied for internationally to protect the lock’s integrity and its cutting edge design.
Southco adds cam latch option An expanded selection of Southco® E5 Cam Latches now adds intuitive push-to-close convenience to the existing versatility and affordability of this modular line. Styling and access control options include hand, tool, and key-actuated models.
he new designs satisfy both single-point and two-point latching installations across a variety of commercial applications ranging from light duty use with covers and access panels in HVAC, office furniture, and industrial machinery, to storage compartments in recreational vehicles and bus, truck, or railway applications. The ease of operation in single-point latching applications incorporates a spring-loaded ramped cam. As with conventional cam latches the mechanism rotates to disengage from the keeper. But once the panel is opened and the cam rotates back to the "closed" position, the ramp-shaped face of the retractable cam functions like a push-to-close mechanism. This assures safe, trouble-free operation even if the door is shut with the cam in the closed position. For configuration flexibility in multi-point latching applications, the new E5 two-point-latching adapter connects with cable actuators used to drive Southco R4 rotary series latches. In this design, the driver and actuators return to their original positions as soon as the driver is released after opening,
while the rotary latches provide push-to-close engagement with robust latching security. Access control options for all versions range from handactuated wing-handle, T-handle, and L-handle styles to toolactuated head styles. Those include conventional slotted, hex, square, and triangle-shaped drivers, as well as industry-specific tool options such as Bellcore 216, Bellcore electronics, and Railway standard drivers. Multiple keylocking configurations offer flexible keycode options. All latches, regardless of head style, include a latched/unlatched position indicator. “Like other Southco E5 cam latches, the new push-to-close designs are easy to install in panels ranging from 1mm to 6mm thick (0.04 inches to 0.24 inches), using single-hole panel prep. Head styles are available in standard bright chrome and black powder-coated finishes. Cam bodies include an internal O-ring and a sealing washer to accommodate NEMA 4 and IP-66 applications. Pull-tab and padlock bracket accessories are also available to customise installations to specific user requirements.”
EMKA’s 1091 latch can handle pressure EMKA yet again demonstrates its adaptability as a manufacturer of enclosure hardware, with the introduction of a heavy duty 1091 latch (IP65) for machine guards, machine tools, generators, ovens and test cabinets.
hese types of cabinet in particular can have significant internal pressure, requiring considerable leverage on the latch handle for satisfactory closure. EMKA says that the 1091 can provide the required leverage by virtue of its engineering quality and ergonomic design. The 1091 features robust black die construction which ensures that the 1091 can withstand heavy usage while tolerating rough handling in hostile environments and offering protection to IP65 levels. Additional features include padlockable and key lockable
facilities using all standard EMKA inserts such as square, triangular etc, with mounting via the standard EMKA hole form. Escutcheon design permits right or left handed fitment and the handle can be used with either a single point cam or 3-point. Round rod operation is therefore also possible where additional door closure points are required. EMKA’s heavy duty handles are supported by its comprehensive range of stainless steel locks and hinges as well as extruded enclosure gasket profiles in EPDM, neoprene and PVC.
174 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
p r o d u ct s
Monobolt® 3/8”now also in aluminium Avdel® has introduced the Monobolt® 3/8 inch (10mm) structural fastener in aluminium in addition to the steel version. This multi-grip structural breakstem fastener creates a fully sealed joint with a visible lock.
he rivet is specially designed to suit a wide range of applications for the automotive, commercial vehicle, construction and general industrial markets where high shear and tensile strengths are needed. The Monobolt® rivet resists shear up to 12.6kN and tension up to 9.3kN. The fastener works along the same principles as the 6.4mm and 4.8mm Monobolt® rivet, one of Avdel’s most prestigious product lines. Avdel highlights that with a grip range between 3.1mm and 15.8mm, the 3/8 inch Monobolt® rivet is a truly versatile and reliable extension to the Monobolt® fastener range. The 3/8 inch Monobolt® fastener can easily be placed with the 7287 tool from Avdel. The extended stroke of 29mm on the 7287 tool enables a single pull action as opposed to the two pull action necessary with many other tools on the market. To increase operator comfort, the pistol weight has been kept as light as possible weighing under 2.5kg. With a 3m long hose the 7287 has a high line side flexibility.
p r o d u ct s
BÜLTE uses its head
BÜLTE Plastics has added to its range of hex head slotted screws a new dual drive version, the PLAS 182.
Hall: 6 Stand: K145
he hex head slotted screw PLAS 182 has applications in various industries including electronics, machinery, furniture and engineering. The slotted hex head offers two choices of tightening either the hexagon external drive with a spanner/socket or the slot with a screwdriver. The extension under the head provides a larger bearing surface to spread the load and preserve the work piece. Incorporated into the screw, it also avoids the need of a separate washer. The PLAS 182 is available in M4, M5, M6, M8 and M10, with lengths varying between 6mm and 80mm. The standard material is natural nylon (polyamide 6,6). BÜLTE explains that plastic provides clear advantages over metal as it’s lighter, stainless and doesn’t conduct electricity. In addition, it has high hardness, good resistance to abrasion, and its resistance remains high over a wide temperature range (-30°C to +100°C). The PLAS 182 screws are also available in PVDF, PE, PC or PP, polymers which are more resistant to dilute acids and recommended for their food and medical qualities. Another material proposed by BÜLTE is nylon glass filled, which improves the mechanical properties of PA especially tensile strength. On the aesthetic point of view, the hex head slotted screws can suite all applications and can be manufactured in all RAL colours.
SHEETtracs® combats thin sheet problems A few years ago sheet metals 1mm or thicker were the rule. The demands on the joint could still be realised with common sheet metal screws, although often with a matching clip-on washer or preparation of the pressed hole. Today that sheet thickness is constantly being reduced to save cost and the challenge of process-capable repeat assembly of pre-drilled, thin sheets presents a greater than ever challenge.
onsidering the thickness reduction of the sheet metal and adherence to DIN 7975 for sheet metal joints, the problem occurs that the thickness of the components to be joined has to correspond to the pitch of the used sheet metal screw as a minimum requirement. A repeat assembly is still often not possible, since partly only one thread is engaged in the sheet metal. For this reason so called thin sheet metal screws have become popular in the market place in recent years. These screws have a metric 60° thread and in most cases a conical tip. The advantage of this metric thread is the smaller pitch compared to sheet metal screws, which enables more thread engagement in the thin sheet metal.
However, most times the formed female thread - and not the screw - is the real weak spot of the joint. EJOT recognised this potential and developed a thin sheet metal screw for process capable assembly in thin sheet metal with a pre-hole. The EJOT SHEETtracs has a 45° (30°/15°) asymmetric flank angle, which creates a more stable female thread in the sheet metal because of the lower material displacement. In this way the torque level of the joint is increased and a repeat assembly becomes possible. In the lower, conical part of the screw the flank angle is turned round and thus the extrusion is formed mainly in the screw-in direction. The non-circular thread forming zone enables an easy and centred application and the increased thread area secures a safe entering into the sheet metal. The circular cross section in the upper, bearing part of the thread results in a higher flank coverage in the sheet metal, compared to non-circular thread geometries. Thus the metric pitch of the SHEETtracs enables a trouble free replacement, in the instance of a repair.
Shortening machine time for difficult materials The ability to manufacture geometrically complex parts economically from difficult to machine materials requires a great deal of know-how and technology.
bo Osswald says that its new high precision and efficient CNC lathes, combined with an ingenious tool concept, give it the technology for the shortest machining times for difficult materials. The machining time is the relevant factor for parts costs, particularly when it comes to high-alloy materials such as 1.4435, 1.4571 (B.S. 320S18, Aisi 316Ti) or 1.4404 (B.S. 316S11, Aisi 316L), for example. mbo Osswald highlights that with its CNC lathes complex stainless steel turned parts can be manufactured quickly and cost-effectively to the highest quality standards. These new
Hall: 8 Stand: V43
automatic lathes can machine bar and shaft parts with diameters ranging between 4mm and 65mm up to an overall length of 650mm for small and large batches. mbo Osswald offers its customers a wide selection of stainless, high-strength materials for a broad range of applications. For custom-produced parts a team of experts are available which is geared towards quickly satisfying special customer-specific requirements. “This team can work to drawing specifications and together with the customer implement an application-specific solution, “ says sales manager, Gerlinde Ruck.
176 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
F GE 2 2 - 24S T U T T GA R T, MESS
p r o d u ct s
Innovative threaded rod mounting system CADDY® ROD LOCK is an innovative threaded rod mounting system from ERICO that provides a quick and economical solution for installing electrical and mechanical systems supported by threaded rod. The system includes the CADDY ROD LOCK beam clamp and channel nut.
ith its ‘push-install’ design, CADDY ROD LOCK simplifies the installation of threaded rod. All a user has to do is simply push the threaded rod through the mounting hole and it instantly locks into position. The system can even be used on threaded rod with slightly damaged threads or minor burrs, helping to save time by minimising the amount of deburring that is usually required prior to installation. “The unique features of the CADDY ROD LOCK system help to reduce the installation time of threaded rod by up to 52% compared to conventional fasteners. In many common applications, the system also requires less installation hardware.”
Mecavit takes special care The Mecavit manufacturing range is strongly specialised in socket head and six-lobe small diameter screws in carbon high tensile steel and stainless steel A2.
Hall: 4 Stand: D30
or special parts, Mecavit’s own team of highly trained technical staff interpret the drawing of customers then develop specific production plans to deliver optimal solutions to meet the specific requirements expressed by the customer. Mecavit continuously develops its technology and every year plans new investments. Mecavit points out that it is also able to offer a great flexibility not only in regards to production but also in regards to sales and after sales service. “Our customers come from a variety of different industries and we sell our products across Europe, Russia and the United States to customers who appreciate our well-known reliability.” The quality system of Mecavit is internationally certified according to the requirements of the norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 "VISION” granted by “TUV” Italy.
Keeping secure with Nestinox Nestinox has developed a new Security leaflet which includes its range of stainless steel security screws, including hexagonal break-off nuts and pinplug hexagonal.
he security screws are available in various finishes including Snake Eyes®, Torx® Pin, Phillips Pin and One Way. They are also available with various screw heads including pan head, round countersunk and flat countersunk. “To request our Security leaflet or to obtain more information on our stainless steel fasteners customers can contact our sales department or visit our stand in hall 4, stand G52 at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2011."
178 Fastener + Fixing Magazine • Issue 67 January 2011
Hall: 4 Stand: G52
p r o d u ct s
Bäcker ready for Fastener Fair Stuttgart Bäcker Plastics Technology will once again be exhibiting at the upcoming Fastener Fair Stuttgart from 22nd – 24th February 2011. Bäcker, based in Erndtebrück, Germany, has been an ever present at the show since it started in 2005.
Hall: 4 Stand: C50
t this year’s Fastener Fair Stuttgart the company, under its own brand name of PlacoGrip®, will be presenting new developments and improved designs in the field of plastic grips and clamping elements. Bäcker points out that its innovative products are ergonomically perfect, of absolute quality and have an attractive design. “For the Fair, a new and clearly arranged catalogue has also been produced and can be requested free of charge.”
Thirty years of experience Dutch Industrial Fasteners BV has over thirty years experience in producing and distributing ASTM studbolts and special fasteners.
ts range includes ASTM (B7, L7, B16, B8(+Class2), B8M(+Class2), B7M, L7M, and DIN-standard material 21CrMoV5.7, 25CrMo4) studbolts and special fasteners (duplex, UNS S 32760, inconel). Dutch Industrial Fasteners keep a large stock of thread rolled five metre bars (up to 3-¾ inch diameter) and nuts to be able to supply its customer needs. Another strength of the company is its ability to deliver zinc or PTFE coated studbolts at short notice. Dutch Industrial Fasteners also manufactures the special load measuring washer ‘Boltsafe’ which it says is 100% guaranteed to stop flange leakages. “Our suppliers are chosen with care and we only supply material with west-European origin. We have also established a material certification system, to guarantee full traceability of our end products. Furthermore we are ISO 9001 approved and authorised to produce 3.1 and 3.2 certificates.”
p r o d u ct s
PEM spinning clinch bolts ®
PennEngineering has introduced the patented PEM® spinning clinch bolts for thin metal panels which have a self-retracting feature enabling the fastener’s captive screw to remain retracted when disengaged.
uring fastener installation, controlled clinching action permanently captivates the retractable screw-and-spring combination in the metal sheet and allows the screw to spin freely for quick attachment of mating hardware. PennEngineering highlights that these fasteners can replace loose hardware and serve as practical and economical alternatives to multi-component captive screw assemblies. PEM Type SCBR™ spinning clinch bolts can permanently captivate into aluminium or steel sheets as thin as 0.040 inches/ 1.02mm (and greater) and can be specified for close centerline-to-edge applications. Installation is achieved by simply pressing the fastener into a properly sized mounting hole and then applying squeezing force on the top of the screw head and the underside of the sheet material. The squeezing action forces the displacer of the screw into the sheet, causing it to reduce the mounting-hole diameter and captivate the screw. PEM spinning clinch bolts with the self-retracting feature are available in various lengths and thread sizes from #4-40 through #8-32 and M3 through M4. Detailed specifications (Bulletin SCBR) and free part drawings (PEM CAD Library) for these RoHS-compliant fasteners can be accessed online.
Cost savings from Unifast Unifast Srl says that the way in which it manufacturers its Quick acting fasteners, Captive nuts, and wide range of bespoke special fasteners, enables it to provide cost savings to its customers.
nifast’s Quick acting fasteners are widely used where rapid assembly and disassembly of units is vital or where service access is required, such as electrical cabinets, air conditioning units, compressors and inspection panels on engine covers. The automotive industry is a major user of this product; the noise shield under motorcars being a prime example. “FAST turn quick acting fasteners are designed to be rapid and economic to use whilst maintaining reliability,” the company says. The KAPti-nut is a high strength, captive threaded fastening system for sheet metal ideally suited to multiple and automated insertion into thin gauge steel, aluminium and pre-finished materials. Unifast is confident the KAPti-nut will deliver a significantly better result, in terms of cost effectiveness, performance, and now, increasingly important, reduced environmental impact over traditional weld nuts or blind rivet nuts. Finally, by using its specialised design skills, market knowledge and leading edge technology, Unifast is able to develop and manufacture fasteners for individual applications. “We are consistently successful in the re-engineering of existing or obsolete parts, simplifying processes, improving functionality and reducing process time and production cost. We work closely with our clients, understanding both their needs and the demands of a competitive marketplace. We understand the challenges they face and our innovative team helps them solve those challenges, providing the right information, getting the right product and achieving significant savings.” Hall: 4
Stand: D126
Bringing know-how to new markets
Hall: 4 Stand: C55
With its manufacturing centre located in France at the heart of Europe, Carniere+Defossez continues developing its expertise in cold forming – and aims to bring that know-how to new markets.
sers of small and medium runs of turning parts will find in cold forming an important saving of material, a cost-effective and reliable process as well as an optimisation of mechanical characteristics, the company says. 2010 symbolised a turning point internally for Carniere+Defossez with substantial investments in its production processes. The purchases of a new cold header, with up to 6 forming / cutting stations, and new threading machines introduced a very high technical level for the company’s designed parts. It also invested in a metrology laboratory equipped with a visualisation system in 3D. This extension of production capabilities has allowed Carniere+Defossez to develop more and more complex parts and to ensure its development in all geographical markets and sectors including automotive, domestic appliances, electric, transportation and construction. Its integral design office assures the development of parts with customers as well as designing tools and optimising production. Carniere+Defossez says it is always looking, with its efficient team and through cooperation with its customers for opportunities to overcome material constraints and take on fresh challenges.
Quality Plastic Fasteners at Competitive Pricing! Precision Plastic Fasteners We are the source when you require the finest products in the industry. Volt Industrial Plastics can design, build, and produce plastic fasteners in many sizes, strengths, and colors. Volt’s excellent customer service team can provide the information and products you need. We offer our customers (including the automotive, medical, electronics, furniture, signage, and specialty items industries) a wide variety of products.
Quick Service
With over 500 million items in stock, same day shipping is available for most catalog orders.
CHAT LIVE with Volt online! Custom Orders
If you do not see what you need in our catalog or online, call us Volt’s in-house tooling has the capabilities to create what you’re looking for.
BAGGING available
p r o d u ct s
MPC applies its know-how
Hall: 6 Stand: L86
End users and distributors constantly battle with knowing which clamp is the correct solution and often with the question of what defines a ‘good’ hose clamp.
PC Industries has recognised the need to help and support its customers by opening a special training centre, at its head office in Gorredijk, the Netherlands. There it runs a one-day course and aims to answer as many questions as possible. Further information on how to take advantage of this capability can be obtained by contacting MPC. For many years there has been concern about the ‘tail’ on a worm-drive clip after tightening, which can be sharp for the user, cut into hose or impact upon surrounding parts. MPC’s new Protection Cap is designed to alleviate these concerns. The cap fits perfectly on the ‘tail’ and will not move under vibration, alleviating the health and safety issues emanating from proximity to possible sharp metal edges and preventing damage to hose or surrounding parts. MPC says it constantly strives to maximise the performance of its clamps and believes the ST range (pictured) is a perfect example, with a construction aimed at maximising seal and strength. MPC research has identified that soft hose is prone to both damage and leakage when using even the best hose-clamp so it has developed a High Security Ring to supplement its own worm-drive clamps. This ring is inserted into the clamp, preventing hose damage but more importantly, says MPC, forcing the hose material to ‘flow’ to the most advantageous areas thus improving the seal.
When safety ranks first Many means of transportation, power plants or industrial facilities depend on the screws, bolts and nuts retaining what they should. One wrong or faulty screw could have fatal consequences.
crews used in those environments make high demands on the raw material. They have to be produced, checked and marked carefully to meet all the requirements. To ensure the required quality, complete documentation for tests carried out as well as the traceability to the steel melt are absolutely necessary. The documentation common in Europe is defined in standard EN 10204 and described by the 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 certificates. The 2.2 certificates contain information about the product delivered, including the material batch used and the chemical analysis of the raw material. Additional information like the mechanical properties of the product or non-destructive tests is included in the 3.1 certificate. The 3.2 certificate contains the same information but these are certified by an indepedent authority (e.g. TÜV, GL, DNV, RINA). The exact content of the certificates has to be agreed between both parties. Güldner offers more than 30 years of experience and competence in the field of fasteners for safety-relevant systems – which is why it is confident in saying “G means Guaranteed!”.
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Abbey Clamps Ltd...................................... 23
Lancaster Fastener Co Ltd
Hugo Benzing GmbH & Co KG................... 85
Achilles....................................................... 47
Italbolt Inox Service.....................................19
ACT Fasteners & Components................... 85
Japan hardware.........................................132
Action Can Ltd...........................................169
Jubilee Clips Ltd........................................153
ADI Supply Ltd...........................................163
Knight Vision Pte Ltd.................................167
Adolf Pühl GmbH & Co. KG........................ 43
Koenig Verbindungstechnik GmbH...........115
Advance Spares.........................................153
Kohlhage........................................... 133, 135
Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co.......................151
Krumm & André GmbH & Co. KG.............. 27
Alca Fasteners Ltd....................................153
Lancaster Fasteners.................................186
Alexander Paal GmbH................................ 99
Lederer....................................................... 20
Alfran Fasteners Ltd.................................157
London Screw Company Ltd.....................182
Allbolts Ltd................................................161
M&W Fastener Co., Ltd.............................. 31
Alloy & Stainless Fasteners Inc,................ 25
Masons Fasteners Ltd...............................161
Ambrovit SRL.............................................. 13
Mectron...................................................... 87
Anixter Components..................................186
Multiple Overseas Exports..........................11
Arpel (Chilterns) Ltd..................................185
Nakashimada Engineering Works, Ltd...... 83
The Candidate
Ashish International................................... 33
National Machinery.................................... 73
You will have a proven track record in external sales and ideally have knowledge of the fastener industry, although this is not essential. Language skills would be seen as a great advantage. You will be self-motivated, have a proactive outlook and posses excellent communication skills. Working closely with the Sales Manager and sales office team you will be a great team player and also have the attributes to excel when working on your own initiative.
Autonic Engineering Ltd............................165
ND Industries.............................. 37, 147, 149
Avon Stainless Fasteners..........................163
Ningbo Londex Industrial, Co., Ltd...........157
Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG............................155
BAER Company...........................................15
Nordic Metalblok Srl.................................173
Baker & Finnamore...................................165
Norm Civata AS............................................ 9
We Offer
BAS Components .....................................177
A competitive package, company car and non contributory pension scheme.
omniTechnik GmbH.................................... 45
Beneri S.p.A...............................................119
Orbit International Corporation Ltd..........160
European Sales Representative A premier thread forming screw specialist, Lancaster Fastener supply high quality threaded fasteners to the merchant trade both nationally and internationally. A subsidiary of Trifast plc, we are looking to recruit a proactive and self-motivated sales professional to promote our continually expanding product range to both domestic and European fastener distributors. The Role Reporting to the Sales Manager your role will be to develop existing customer relationships and generate new business opportunities. Supported by our sales office team and network of European agents, you will be responsible for retaining and servicing that business. Involving extensive travel both in the UK and throughout Europe you will contribute to our year-on-year growth by increasing sales turnover and profitability.
To Apply Email your CV complete with covering letter for the attention of Mr Sam Wilson to: Alternatively send to: Mr Sam Wilson Lancaster Fastener Co Ltd Stevant Way, Northgate White Lund Industrial Estate Morecambe, England, LA3 3PU Lancaster Fastener is an equal opportunities employer.
External Sales Job:Layout 1
Page 1
Area Sales Manager - South We have an exciting opportunity available to join Anixter Component Solutions as an Area Sales Manager for the South of England. Anixter Component Solutions is a distributor of plastic and metal components to design engineers worldwide and is part of the Anixter Group of companies - the world's largest distributor of communication products and electrical and electronic wire and cable, and a leading distributor of fasteners and other small parts to original equipment manufacturers. This position offers you: • Competitive base salary, bonus package and company car. • Exceptional training and development programs to support your career growth. • Empowerment and flexibility to manage your sales area. • Opportunities for career growth and stability within a Fortune 500 company. Requirements: • We are seeking a candidate with several years of outside sales experience in our industry. • Must have a record of success in cold calling, qualifying leads and closing business. • Must be a highly driven, goal oriented individual who can provide a world-class service to our customers. • Exceed monthly sales targets whilst maintaining agreed gross margin levels. • Develop sales opportunities with existing customers as well as identifying new opportunities. • Must be able to learn products, sales processes and systems. To join Anixter Component Solutions, please apply by sending your CV and a covering letter to: Anixter Component Solutions
Unit A Nimrod Way, East Dorset Trade Park, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 7HY -
Berdan Bolt & Nut Co.Ltd.......................... 59
Ornit Blind Rivets......................................151
Bierbach GmbH & Co. KG.......................... 51
Performance Fasteners Ltd....................... 21
bigHead Bonding Ltd.................................. 63
Pinstructure Ltd......................................... 23
Birlik Baglanti............................................ 99
Precision Technology Supplies.................125
Prelok........................................................... 7
Ray Fu........................................................180
Brighton Best........................ 4, 10, 12, 14, 16
Rivco Ltd..................................................... 89
Bülte Plastiques SA................................... 29
Rivit Srl......................................................187
Can-Eng Furnaces..................................... 75
Rosmil Industrial, S.A...............................157
Carlo Salvi.................................................121
Sacma Limbiate........................................137
Chatsworth Computers Ltd........................ 95
San Shing Fastech Corp............................188
Chemfix Products Limited......................... 63
Ching Chan Machinery............................... 77
Schäfer + Peters GmbH............................167
Crest Industrial Ltd...................................151
Schnorr Adolf GmbH & Co. KG.................. 37
dk Software Ltd.......................................... 97
Schröder Schrauben...................................17
Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH..................... 79
SD Products..............................................149
Dresselhaus GmbH & Co. KG ................... 71
Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corporation........159
DS Fasteners Ltd........................................ 95
Shanghai Rivet Manufacture Co., Ltd........ 93
E.U.R.O. Tec GmbH....................................127
Shin Chun Enterprise Co Ltd..................... 39
Earnest Machine Products Ltd.................129
Sieber Forming Solutions GmbH............... 84
EFC International....................................... 29
Simpson Strong-Tie/Liebig........................ 57
Eldes snc Bellotto...................................... 76
Sipa Srl......................................................175
Electra Engineering Services....................155
Smith-Bullough Ltd.................................... 29
Enkotec A/S................................................ 81
Sormat Oy................................................... 65
Everest Metal Industries...........................185
Stafa Holland BV.......................................109
Expandet Screw Anchors A/S..................... 69
Staytite................................... 30, 64, 168, 184
Fastbolt......................................................... 2
Streicher Maschinenbau GmbH................. 37 49
Super Nut Industrial Co Ltd......................172
Fastener Expo Shanghai 2011 . ................. 53
Tacke + Lindemann......................................17
Fastener Fair India • Mumbai.................... 35
Tecfi S.p.A....................................................55
Fastener Fair Stuttgart.............................103
Tecno Impianti SRL....................................129
Ferroforma................................................. 47
Test GmbH.................................................. 74
Ferrometal Oy............................................. 27
TFC Ltd........................................................15
Fischer GmbH & Co K G............................107
Titibi............................................................ 53
Fixi Srl.......................................................133
Top Screw Metal Corp. Ltd........................171
FK Moore & Sons....................................... 99
Totally Tools ............................................... 45
Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd................. 53
TR Fastenings Ltd......................................123
G & B Fissaggi Srl...................................... 69
Trojan Special Fasteners Ltd...................... 95
Gage Bilt....................................................171
UBK SpA....................................................181
General Inspection, LLC............................115
Unbrako (Deepak).....................................138
Gesi Gewindesicherungs GmbH......... 21, 149
UTA Auto Industrial Co Ltd.......................101
Global Engineered Products.......................17
Verbindungslemente Engel GmbH............131
Goebel GmbH............................................145
Vipa SPA....................................................163
Graewe GmbH & Co.KG............................135
Vlier Products............................................111
GRK Fasteners........................................... 57
Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG......... 15, 101, 185
Growermetal SRL......................................... 3
Volt Industrial Plastics, Inc.......................183
Hafren Fasteners......................................101
Vorpa Officine Meccaniche snc.................. 67
HAPARE GmbH..........................................177
VVG - Befestigungstechnik GmbH & Co.... 23
HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co. KG............ 69
Heinz Soyer GmbH....................................165
Wrentham............................................ 85, 111
Hermann Schwerter..................................161
Yi Tai Shen Co., Ltd....................................179
Hexstone Ltd.............................................113