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Inspection & Packing
NEWS Europe and World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Russia & CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-28 COVER STORY Giants striding the world of cold forming . . . . . 30-31 EVENTS CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 EXHIBITIONS EuroBLECH Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 London DIY Show Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Fastener Fair Budapest Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-48 NIFS/West Las Vegas Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-54 MIDEST Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Interbuild Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 INSIGHT Böllhoff Otalu relève le défi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-40 Maturing gently…if hardly conventionally . . . . . . . 50 Not just screws and nails people. . . . . . . . . . . . 62-64
ASSOCIATIONS Successful first CFA conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-60
Fastener Fair Budapest Report
CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-74 CATALOGUE RACK Turkey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77-79 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Inspection & Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-88 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-94 MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS VECTA helps Orbital Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Starter for ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-100 News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-104
NIFS/West Las Vegas Report
TECHNICAL The use of two nuts to prevent self loosening . . . 106-107 APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108-110 FOCUS ON Nuts, washers and locking systems . . . . . . . 112-117 TOOLS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-120 PRODUCTS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-142 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISERS INDEX . . . . . . . . . . 142
Giants striding the world of cold forming
Through a mirror, darkly Some of you now know in detail what the European Commission is planning in relation to the AD525 antidumping case. Some of you, who are not members of an association, or who did not take advantage of By Phil Matten the very short window at the beginning of the investigation to register as an interested party in the case, may not, or may only have second hand information. Unfortunately, right now there is not a lot this magazine can do to assist understanding of a document that has vital significance to, surely, every business in the European fastener market, and many across the world. If you sense some frustration, you would be right. The European Commission has made it clear to this magazine that disclosing the contents of its, ironically titled, General Disclosure Document, proposing the imposition of definitive measures in the AD525 antidumping case, would contravene the provisions of the 1995 Antidumping Regulation. We have sought clarification but it has not been forthcoming prior to our print deadline. As a small, independent company we have little choice but to ‘play it safe’ and have, therefore, restricted our reporting to information that is, unquestionably, in public purview. To say that we are unhappy to offer such a limited reflection of absolutely critical issues, and that this runs deeply contrary to our commitment to inform the industry on crucial developments, would be something of an understatement. It may well be unfair to criticise members of the Commission’s Trade team who are obliged to work strictly within provisions of the regulation. However, the result of, what is in reality, limited disclosure is effectively anti-competitive in that some fastener businesses are now better informed to make commercial decisions than others. Of course, the outcome of the case is by no means certain, and the 25 November meeting of the EU Antidumping Committee is of momentous importance to this industry and many, many people in it. The Commission may be concerned to prevent premature reaction to its proposal. If so, it is extraordinarily naïve to believe that information of this significance can be restricted and its use limited to providing comments to the investigation. There is no question that Chinese exporters have been bombarded with order cancellations, equating to many hundreds of containers. It would also stretch credulity to suggest that European manufacturers, and their counterparts across Asia, are not carefully reviewing pricing strategies for new enquiries. If any other measure of the vital importance of the proposal was needed it can be seen in the unprecedented stream of emails and calls seeking further information, received by this magazine over the last ten days. Whatever the outcome of the case, and it has never been for this magazine to take sides, there are real concerns about the manner in which the proposal has been developed – concerns that really cannot be assuaged by saying that everything has been ‘done by the rulebook’. Frustratingly, at this stage it is not possible to explore those concerns in the detail we would wish. However, in my fairly long and chequered commercial experience it has never been acceptable to construct a far-reaching decision on a sample of one. That is the statistical equivalent of constructing a pyramid on one of its points – not the most stabile of structures. That, though, is precisely what seems to have happened. That there may also be serious questions about the independence of that sample, simply adds to the level of concern. It may be that everything is according to the antidumping regulation and, it may be that the only expedient route has been taken to arrive at a decision within the prescribed timeframe but… as, Lord Chief Justice Hewart memorably said in 1924, “justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”. For our January issue we are inviting comment from across the European fastener industry on the antidumping case, and probably by then, its outcome. To make your voice heard please email me directly at In the meantime we will continue to report everything we are able on the News section of and through email alerts to those registered to receive our digital magazine or breaking news alerts. To add your email to the digital database just complete the form on the website.
Fastener & Fixing Magazine 18 Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 OJJ, UK Tel: 0044 (0) 1727 739 150 Fax: 0044 (0) 1727 831 033 Publisher Jeremy Ramsdale
Editor Phil Matten
Assistant Editor Will Lowry
Advertising Director Jamie Mitchell
Senior Advertising Executive Harry Whyte
Advertising Executive Claire Lake
Production Manager Gemma Edwards Fastener & Fixing Magazine is a dedicated, trade-only publication which is circulated freely throughout the European trade. Disclaimer The Publisher cannot be held responsible or, in any way, liable for errors or omissions, during input or printing of any material supplied or contained herein although the utmost care is taken to ensure that information contained is accurate and up to date. The Publisher also cannot be held liable for any claims made by advertisers or in contributions from individuals or companies submitted for inclusion within this publication. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or Fastener Fairs Limited.
Copyright Entire contents copyright © Fastener Fairs Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Annual subscription (6 issues) to non-trade and outside EU is £80/€120/$160
Strongly divided reactions to dramatic antidumping proposal European fastener importers and many of their customers are expressing deep shock at news that the European Commission has proposed the imposition of antidumping duties of up to 87.3% on a wide range of fasteners imported from the People’s Republic of China. For some European manufacturers, though, the application of duties could represent a vital lifeline as order books dry up and trading conditions get bleaker by the day. One Italian producer commented, “orders coming back from Asia right now would be like a fresh air in such desperate times”. The application is not, at this stage, by any means certain. The Commission’s 45-page proposal document was issued to member states in the first week of November in preparation for a meeting of the EU Antidumping Committee scheduled for 25 November. The committee comprises representatives from the trade ministries of all EU member states. A majority decision will determine whether the Commission’s proposal is confirmed by the Council of Ministers, following which a Council Regulation, translated to all 23 official EU languages, would be published in the EU Official Journal. Usually tariffs are effective immediately from this date of publication. The deadline for announcement of a definitive decision in the AD525 case is 8 February 2009, although there is nothing to prevent earlier publication of the decision. Some member states are known to be minded to oppose the Commission’s proposal, presumably influenced by some political leaders strictures against protectionism at the recent G20 conference. The proposal was also sent to ‘interested parties’ registered with the investigation, including fastener trade associations across Europe and representatives of Chinese fastener manufacturer associations. Despite disclosure restrictions the proposal document is in widespread circulation throughout European and Asian fastener industries. Association members have benefited from briefings on the proposals and their potential implications. General awareness across the European fastener industry, though, is mixed and there is clear evidence of significant levels of misinterpretation. Distributor associations, and other opponents of antidumping measures, have rapidly assembleds last minute arguments and comments aimed particularly at influencing delegates to the critical Antidumping Committee meeting. Neither the EIFI, representing European manufacturers and responsible for presenting the antidumping complaint originally, nor EFDA, representing European distributor associations, has yet issued a statement regarding the Commission’s proposals. The Jiaxing Association of Iron and Steel Fastener Companies, representing 20% of Chinese exports of fasteners, expressed annoyance to Reuters that two Italian companies are likely to have secured exemption from the duties for their Chinese businesses. Jiaxing’s legal representative in Brussels highlighted “the question of the fairness of two European manufacturers asking for protection ... when their own Chinese subsidiaries get total exemption from the duties through the back door." The Commission has proposed a tariff level of 78% for around 100 Chinese factories that cooperated with the investigation and a range of specific tariffs for a smaller number of companies that obtained individual treatment. For most proposed tariffs range between 62 and 82%, but for two European financed manufacturing ventures in China the proposed level is 0%. General reactions from importers reflected horror at potential tariff levels far exceeding their worst expectations. Many predict serious short-term disruption in supply to European industry, arguing that, contrary to the Commission’s belief, most European manufacturers do not have the practical capacity or willingness to meet demand for all of the products involved in the case. Substantial cost increases are also predicted for fasteners across the board. Prices from alternative Asian sources are already reported to be hardening as outstanding orders on Chinese factories are cancelled and resourced. One major UK wholesaler estimates that tariffs, if applied, would add to over 70% price inflation in the last year driven by raw material increases and currency effects. In a highly charged letter to UK and European politicians, a smaller UK importer is far more emotive in speaking of “fear for our survival as a business”.
The provisions of the 1996 Antidumping Regulation prevent this magazine from providing a detailed analysis of the Commission’s proposal at this stage. As we are able to bring more news it will be published in the News section of and mailed to those registered to receive our breaking news email alerts.
Corrosion Resistant Coatings I Zinc Flake Technology
High Performance Corrosion Protection for Fasteners
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Automotive brake systems require a variety of different fasteners for their assembly and mounting to the vehicle. As exterior safety parts the fasteners need to exhibit high corrosion protection properties. As the sole supplier worldwide, Atotech is able to provide both electrolytic and zinc flake corrosion protection systems for highest requirements and specific needs.
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Atotech Headquarters P.O. Box 21 07 80 · 10507 Berlin · Germany P +49 (0) 30-349 85-0 · F +49 (0) 30-349 85-777
Global fastener demand US$66 billion by 2012 According to a report published in September by the Freedonia Group Inc, global demand for industrial fasteners will increase 4.8% annually to US$66 billion in 2012. Fastener demand will be driven by increases in world economic output, fixed investment activity, manufacturing production, and aerospace equipment and motor vehicle output, Freedonia says. However, the use of new materials and production methods that reduce the number of fasteners required in motor vehicles and some aircraft will limit future market gains. The report says that market advances in the world’s emergent economies will considerably outpace demand gains in the world’s more advanced, mature ones. Industrial fastener demand growth in Asia, the Africa/Mideast region, Eastern Europe and Latin America will exceed growth in the US, Western Europe and Japan. China will register the largest gains of any national market as the country continues its development as an economic power and as its manufacturing and fixed investment activity continue to climb. In 2008, China will surpass Japan to become the second largest fastener market in the world, after the US. Fastener demand in the US, Western Europe and Japan will still grow considerably. Freedonia bases this on an assessment that sales growth will be spurred by generally favorable economic conditions, continued fixed investment growth and higher income levels. These areas will remain the most intensive users of industrial fastening products, reflecting the advanced
industrial and technological base of their economies. Demand growth for aerospace grade fasteners exceeded that for standard fasteners between 2002 and 2007. Robust activity in the commercial and military aircraft industries during this period contributed greatly to this trend. As demand for high integrity fasteners levels off, standard fasteners will again emerge as the fastest growing product group in line with historical norms. The motor vehicle industry will remain the largest consuming sector for industrial fasteners, accounting for about one-third of total fastener demand through 2012. However, electrical and electronic equipment will be the fastest growing market. Demand for fasteners used in industrial machinery and fabricated metal products will also increase at above-average rates. Following the release of the report Freedonia financial analyst Dean Peters told he is sticking to his forecast of 4.8% annual growth for the global fastener industry through 2012, despite the global financial crisis. "I can't deny that the potential is there, but I don't think it substantively changes anything," Peters noted. He pointed to oil price fluctuations to demonstrate his point, saying the price of crude has dropped as the markets plummeted, but he said that could quickly rebound if the markets stabilise. "The jury is unfortunately out, and it's going to be a few months before we see if (the market has) reached the bottom." The 372-page report, ‘World Industrial Fasteners’, published in September 2008 costs US$5,700 from the Freedonia Group, Inc -
RAIB issues final Grayrigg report On 23 October the UK’s Rail Accident Investigation Board released its final report on the derailment of a class 390 Virgin Pendolino train at Grayrigg, Cumbria. The accident resulted in the death of one passenger, and serious injury to 28 others. The full text of the 255-page report may be downloaded from In responding to the publication of the report Iain Coucher, chief executive of Network Rail, said: "The tragedy at Grayrigg was caused by the failure of our infrastructure, something we were devastated to discover. We immediately accepted responsibility for the accident and once again apologise today to Mrs Masson's family and all those affected.” In its progress report, issued September 2007, the RAIB indicated ‘fastener failure’ as a contributing factor to the derailment. At the time fastener suppliers to the UK rail industry were deeply concerned about the use of this expression, although the progress report did specify that the condition of nuts and bolts found in the ballast near the point of derailment indicated, “they had wound undone, and had neither broken nor had the nuts been pulled off the threads.” 1,437 similar points sets were inspected following the accident, and the progress report noted that 36% had one or more loose fasteners. In its statement following the final report Network Rail says that a new special self-locking nut has been introduced into points assemblies across the country. Additionally, specialist 'points squads' have been created in the maintenance function and inspection, audit and assurance improvements have been made.
New owners of Philidas In August 2008 Philidas Limited was acquired by entrepreneurs Steve McHugh and Eric Sinclair. They specialise in providing finance and management strength to manufacturing companies. Philidas Limited is a manufacturer of female fasteners, plugs and similar products, specialising in locking nuts. It provides solutions to the rail, automotive, industrial, construction and aerospace industries. Originally founded in 1942, Philidas employs over 90 personnel at the company's site in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, UK. Its manufacturing capacity is in excess of 300 million parts per year. Steve McHugh has taken over the role of managing director and Roy Jones becomes the sales director. ‘Philidas has a great reputation within the industry for innovative and high quality fasteners. With our investment and management skills we will become a stronger and more efficient supplier of these products’ says Steve McHugh. ‘As a global quality supplier, we provide solutions to a wide range of fastener problems. From very high volume automotive applications to very low volume industrial applications, Philidas supply many leading Distributors, OEMs, Tier 1 and 2 suppliers throughout the world’.
Bossard executive changes Peter Erlangsen, a member of the group’s executive, will leave Bossard on 31 December, 2008. Dr. Daniel Bossard, currently vice president sales and marketing for the group, will take over from Peter Erlangsen as of January 1, 2009. Born 1970, Daniel Bossard has a doctorate from the University of St. Gallen. After serving as head of group sales and marketing for the past three years, he will now take over responsibility for Bossard's Northern and Eastern Europe business units as well as for the export business in Switzerland. With this appointment he will also become a member of the executive committee. Daniel Bossard was managing director of Bossard Denmark from 2002 to 2004; prior to that he was in charge of building up the e-commerce sector for the entire group. Tee Bin Ong has been appointed as the new head of group sales and marketing. Born in 1968, he has worked for Bossard since May 1999. He successfully established Bossard's subsidiary in Malaysia. In July 2004 he took over the management of Bossard's business with global EMS customers, with subsidiaries in China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Mexico.
Emhart transfers UK Helicoil® rights to Bollhoff In a customer letter issued by VP for sales and marketing, Christian Lubascher, Emhart Teknologies has confirmed that, effective 1 January 2009, Bollhoff GmbH will be responsible for the sales and marketing of the Helicoil® brand in the UK, Northern Ireland and Eire. Bollhoff has been the longstanding Helicoil manufacturing and sales/marketing licensee for Europe. Emhart began marketing Helicoil directly in the UK market in 2006. Bollhoff, which manufactures Helicoil products at its Bielefeld, Germany, headquarters, has been keen for many years to complete its European coverage through inclusion of the UK market.
Vipa upgrades testing capabilities Vipa SpA is developing a new testing laboratory which will contain all the relevant apparatus to control and test products. In this laboratory Vipa has installed a new machine for tensile strength tests up to 60 tonnes. This machine can also carry out tests for traction, compression and flexion. It contains software that allows the calculation of AG, according to ISO 7500. The software also gives the machine the capability to visualise, print and store data of results in Windows ‘95, ‘98 and NT. With this new equipment it will be possible to execute specific tests for the customers, including the new assembly (screw, nut and washer) according to ISO 14399 for HV bolts class 10.9 up to M27. “We at Vipa are investing in our company to ensure the highest quality of products and technical service for customers.”
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Unique approach to fasteners Blakeacre Limited Austin Way, Hamstead Industrial Estate, Old Walsall Road, Birmingham B42 1DU UK Tel: +44 (0)121 358 5066 Fax: +44 (0)121 358 1721 Email: Website:
Unimer’s MD honoured Unimer plc, a UK invoice clearing house for the building products industry, is celebrating the honour bestowed on Howard Grant, who was recently made Freeman of the City of London. Howard Grant, managing director of Unimer, was invited by John O’Carroll-Bailey, current Master of the Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants to become a Freeman of the City of London. The ceremony was held on the12th September at the Chamberlain’s Court, Guild Hall in London, and Howard was presented a certificate, ‘Freedom of the City of London’, by the Chamberlain himself. Howard Grant says; “I am very honoured to have been made a Freeman of the City of London and I am looking forward to getting involved with the fellowship, the Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants, and the charitable work they are actively involved in.” Suzanne Millward, marketing manager at Unimer, says: “We are absolutely delighted in Howard becoming a Freeman of the City of London, and we are all looking forward to seeing Howard driving sheep across the London Bridge. This is apparently an ancient privilege dating back to the 11th century!”
Italians move to Hampshire Unifast srl Sistemi di Assemblaggio, a European fastener manufacturer, has opened a new Hampshire based office for its UK partner company Unifast Fastening Systems Ltd. Opening the new premises at Woodlea Park, near Alton in Hampshire is the first significant step in a planned worldwide expansion by Unifast srl. The new site has both engineering design and warehouse facilities. Previously UK customers had to deal with
Unifast’s Italian office, now they can have their orders filled directly from the fully stocked warehouse at Woodlea Park. The company says its decision to base in Hampshire was due in strong part to the area’s excellent air, road and rail communications and the local availability of skilled staff. The company plans to recruit a number of specialist employees over the coming months. Unifast believes it will now be better able to service existing, and attract new,
clients by providing unparalleled access to its innovative engineering team based at Woodlea Park. “What we want to do is show clients how our higher performance products can reduce their in-placed-costs, from purchase through assembly to final function.” says Unifast’s managing director, Simon Beauchamp. “This is what Unifast is about, we offer our clients innovative, economic but reliable fastening solutions.”
BST invests £120,000 on in-house coating plant A UK company that supplies the nuclear, naval and petrochemical industries with “fail-safe” fasteners has invested £120,000 in a new coatings plant, which is expected to save the company money and create up to four new jobs. BST Supplies Ltd has spent six months phasing in its new PTFE coatings unit at its Zenith site in Wolverhampton, as well as also working towards achieving environmental standard ISO 14001. “Our staff should be very proud of what they have achieved in bringing two complex projects to fruition,” comment joint directors, Tony Lawless and Stuart Mee. “Our new in-house coatings plant will ensure that our products have the anti-corrosion and anti-gaulling security that is required. The various fasteners we supply are colour and uniquely coded to ensure that they can be correctly identified even when they are in sub-sea service.” BST Supplies manufactures precision special fasteners, threaded and machined components, often in small to medium or prototype-sized batches. The majority of components are manufactured in materials that are corrosion and/or heat resistant and maybe required to be chemical resistant with many being safety or life-critical.
Unit 18 Fortress Close, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7HN
Tel: 01379 872910 Fax: 01379 872915
Headland forms non standard fastener division Headland Engineering Developments Ltd has announced a new non standard fastener division to expand its existing fastener range. Following an extensive investment programme Headland now has full CNC machine shop facilities to manufacture non standard nuts, bolts and turned parts, from one-off production to large batch runs. Managing director, Allan Nielsen, reports that in order to meet the demand for the new products five new members of staff have been recruited. Product manager for the new division, Toby Jones, has 13 years of experience in the fastener industry. He says that his focus will be on customer service, offering on time delivery, value for money and a 24-hour breakdown service.
Inoxdadi still growing In addition to its factory, quality department and raw material warehouse, all located in Gallignano (Cr), Inoxdadi has now opened new administrative offices in Barbata (Bg), a village on the main road between Milano, Brescia and Venezia. The new building is 3,000m2 with 700m2 for the offices and the remaining space used as an extra warehouse. Moving into the new building has allowed Inoxdadi to organise its offices in a more productive manner by dividing foreign sales from Italian sales, purchase department from accounts department and adding a meeting room. It has also allowed Inoxdadi to increase its stock. “At Inoxdadi we always want to be in step with the needs of our customers, this new building will allow us to do this.”
Burwood signs agreement Burwood Fastener Products has announced the signing of a manufacturing and marketing service level agreement with PSM International, covering both companies product ranges. Burwood has also announced the arrival of two new employees to the company. Matt Murrell returns to the company, joining the operations department as a QC inspector and Angela Brown joins the sales and purchasing department in a support role. “The addition of Matt and Angela will allow the company to further improve on its innovative service to the customer, whilst forming a strong base with which to continue our planned growth.”
Advance launches carbon reduction project Advance Tapes International Limited, a UK based adhesive tapes manufacturer, is launching a carbon reduction project within its distribution operation. The company is working with all of its distributors to consolidate its deliveries into a single shipment, and is also working with its suppliers to establish a back load process with its incoming raw materials. Customers are also invited to obtain a carbon saving calculation, so they can actually see the benefit of their actions. Advance Tapes was founded in 1964 and manufacturers cloth, pvc, double sided, foil, and paper tapes for the construction, entertainment, agricultural and automotive industries. In 1974 it opened up another operation in Meaux, France, near Paris. This was followed a year later by the formation of Advance Tapes Deutschland situated in Kornwestheim near Stuttgart. This gave the company a much improved level of service throughout Europe. This new project is one of many that are under way as part of a review of all aspects of the business’s environmental responsibilities. For example. it is also looking to relocate to a single site with a view to reduce energy usage and waste. Managing director Mike Ayres stated “We are looking at various changes to our processes which will bring about energy savings, lower emissions and cost reductions.”
It’s the taking part that counts John Hall of West Midlands Fasteners Limited and his two “partners in grime”, successfully completed the Scally Rally of Ireland and finished in a very respectable 55th place. They reckon they would have finished higher but were excluded from the last day’s point scoring exercise because they didn’t hand in their paper on time. Apparently, they were supping a cheeky pint in what they thought was the correct venue when it dawned on them that there was a disturbing scarcity of fellow competitors. A quick half mile taxi ride followed but it was too late! John says “The good news is, thanks in no small way to readers and producers of Fastener and Fixing Magazine, we will be handing over a cheque for at least £4,000 to the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.” For more information and photos. visit
Koelnmesse launches Indian show Koelnmesse has launched India International Hardware Show Powered by PRACTICAL WORLD, a new trade fair for DIY and hardware in India. Koelnmesse YA Tradefair Pvt. Ltd. will, for the first time, be presenting an international platform for the hardware and DIY industries in India. The show will take place in New Delhi from 22 to 24 October 2009. One hundred exhibitors over 4,000 square metres are planned for the premier. Oliver P. Kuhrt, executive vice president of Koelnmesse GmbH stated “India is a prospering market. The area of tools, hardware and DIY in particular is exhibiting growth rates in double figures. For Koelnmesse, it therefore goes without saying that we will open doors to this new lucrative market to our global customers.” “With the India International Hardware Show Powered by PRACTICAL WORLD, we are offering European medium-sized companies in particular an international platform in New Delhi, enabling them to enter into business with new partners quickly, favourably and easily.”
CIHS Shanghai reports record growth Asia’s largest hardware and DIY trade show, China International Hardware Show (CIHS 2008), powered by PRACTICAL WORLD, ended its run on 19 September in Shanghai. Held over three days, this year’s event was a record-breaking 103,500 square metres. 2,000 local and foreign exhibitors from a total of 19 countries participated, a 10% increase on 2007 figures. A total of 3,000 international and 31,000 domestic visitors attended the show over the three days, a 4% increase from 2007. Mr. Michael Dreyer, vice president, Asia Pacific, Koelnmesse said, “2008 has been a tough year for the Chinese hardware industry. There was a slow down in demand, costs of raw materials and manpower increased, the value of China’s currency appreciated, and tax rebates for exports dropped. As a result, export companies for low value-added products had to struggle to survive, while independent brands of high value-added products had to contend with reduced profitability. It is a challenge to operate in this critical period when China’s hardware manufacturing industry is undergoing restructuring. But CIHS has lived up to expectations by building a top-quality, international platform that brings China’s hardware industry to the world stage, while bringing the world closer to China.” International support for the show included the German Pavilion led, once again, by the Association of German Tool Manufacturers (FWI), an Italian Pavilion organised in cooperation between Koelnmesse Italy and the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia (PROBRIXIA), as well as pavilions by the Taiwan Hand Tools Manufacturers' Association, the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, and the Taichung Importers and Exporters Chamber of Commerce. The next China International Hardware Show will be held in Shanghai next year from 1 6 –18 September 2009.
Associations, co-operatives & purchasing groups reinforce support for Ferroforma The organisers of Ferroforma-Bricoforma have launched the campaign to attract visits from purchasers for the 2009 event. Co-operation agreements have been established with associations, purchasing groups and DIY centres, with the latter being one of the focal points for action this year. These agreements with the exhibition centre guarantee members of the relevant associations preferential conditions on their visits, with special services (meeting facilities, VIP cards, automatic accreditation, bus services for trade visitors, etc). With seven months still to go before the event opens, the following associations have already confirmed their participation: AFM, ANCOFE, ASOCIADOS A UCAF, CADENA 88, CECOFERSA, CIFEC, COFAC, COANFE, COARCO, COFEDAL, COFEDAS, COFEDEVA, COFERDROZA, COFERPAL, COMAFE, COINFER, FEASGA, FEDAFE, FERCODIS, FERGRUP, GREMI DE FERRETERS, GRUPO CGI, HABITACLE, LAS RÍAS, LEROY MERLIN, UNIFE and UNIFERSA. Many of the associations will be organising meetings and assemblies during the event, which will bring large numbers of members and hardware specialists to the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. For the current campaign, the domestic network of agents has also been reinforced by bringing in new trade specialists in Castilla-León, the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarra, La Rioja, Cantabria and Asturias. Contacts with other potential visitors to the event (hardware stores, market-makers, supply warehouses, etc) will begin in October. Top-level international efforts Following the excellent results obtained in 2007, efforts to attract international groups have also begun recently. To judge from the visits from representatives of top level purchasing groups at the last event, a high response level can be expected in this year's campaign, which will take in companies and associations such as EDRA, LEROY MERLIN, WSM ASSOCIATION OF STEEL AND METAL PROCESSING INDUSTRY, BRICOALLIANCE, BHB, IHA, IRONSIDE HARDWARE ALLIANCE, EUROCRAFT, OBI, TOOM, HORNBACH, HAGEBAU, HELLWEG, GLOBUS, EDE, KING FISHER, BAUHAUS, AKI BRICO, MR. BRICOLAGE, HOME DEPOT, BRICODEPOT, SOCODA and LUNA VERKTYG and MASKIN AB. The internal network of agents working for the Bilbao Exhibition Centre and SPRI, their collaborating agents and commercial networks has been expanded this year with the incorporation of specific channels with koelnmesse in Germany, and in Austria, Canada, US, UK, Hong Kong, Japan, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Singapore and Switzerland. They are all co-operating on the programme of delegations, initial contracts for which have already been made in 58 countries.
By John Wolz
Darling: Asian steel price increases slow After a 20% third quarter hike, steel prices in Taiwan are up another 4% for the final quarter of 2008, Bruce Darling told the Western Association of Fastener Distributors. Prices in China actually dropped 7.5% this quarter after a 22.7% increase in the third quarter. The cost of steel represents 62% to 65% of the cost of a fastener. Current inventory on distributors' shelves in North America is probably based on 2007 steel prices of US$564 per ton in Taiwan and US$460 to US$640 in China, noted the vice president of materials for Porteous Fastener Company. This quarter's steel price in Taiwan jumped to more than US$1,014 per ton, compared to US$844 in China. At a time when steel fastener prices are rising, brass, nickel and molybdenum are down, indicating stainless steel and brass fastener prices may be steadier. In addition to the cost of steel, the "usual suspects of energy and transportation" are increasing imported fastener prices, Darling pointed out. A steel furnace
being offline for 45 days in Taiwan adds to price pressure, as does the weak U.S. dollar. Taiwan steel prices are up 80% since the second quarter of 2007 and China is up 83%. That represents a 49% increase in the cost of fasteners from China. Asian mills had to pay 65% more for iron ore from Brazil this year and Australia's iron ore practically doubled at 96%. "It is a difficult time to determine what to expect next," Darling said. "We see steel mills continuing to raise prices at a time consumption remains slow. Fastener prices are beginning to come down because of steel surpluses and factors other than steel," Darling observed. He noted the cost of fuel is coming down, electricity increases have been postponed in Taiwan, while steamship companies report vessels are not full and spot rates are decreasing. Despite the increases, Darling advised distributors to buy mill product, but "not buy big extra quantities. You've got to buy to have stock to serve your customers."
PCC fastener sales grow nearly 14% Precision Castparts reported fastener products sales increased 13.8% to US$426.4 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2009, while operating income from fasteners climbed 31.4% to US$119.6 million. "Critical aerospace fasteners sales grew 19% year over year, significantly outpacing the market," the company stated. Fastener Products' aerospace demand was "very strong" prior to the Boeing strike, and PCC expects to see solid demand and increasing production once it's concluded. "Like other aerospace suppliers, we are feeling the impact of the Boeing strike, and the longer it lasts, the more orders will get pushed out," Donegan continued. Q2 sales were hurt by a decline in automotive fastener sales, driven by flagging North American automobile production. During Q2 PCC announced plans to boost its aerospace offerings by acquiring two companies: Airdrome Holdings and Fatigue Technology. "Looking beyond the ongoing Boeing situation and the unpredictability of current economic conditions, our long-term aerospace outlook remains positive," Donegan said. "The base aircraft build rate at Airbus and Boeing remains stable. In addition, we expect significant sales gains once the 787 moves into production later in 2009 and beyond, given our significant dollar content on that platform." Overall PCC sales grew 5.9% to US$1.82 billion, with net income improving 13.6% to US$265.7 million. Web:
Black & Decker fastener sales drop, margins flat Black & Decker reported sales at its Fastening and Assembly Systems segment decreased 2% to US$173 million during the third quarter of 2008, while profit dipped 3% to US$26.8 million. "Strong results in Asia could not fully offset the impact of a double-digit decline in domestic automotive production," noted CEO Nolan Archibald. Despite lower volume, the segment's operating margin for the quarter was nearly flat at 15.5%. In mid-September, Black & Decker acquired fastener manufacturer Spiralock, which had 2007 sales of approximately US$15 million. Founded in 1979, Spiralock produces internal thread form systems used in aerospace, appliance, automotive, defense, medical implant, oil exploration and other industries. Spiralock has facilities in Europe, Asia, South & North America and is headquartered at Madison Heights, MI. During the first nine months of 2008, Fastening and Assembly Systems sales edged up to US$542.9 million, while segment profit remained flat at US$85.1 million. Overall sales during Q3 decreased 4% to US$1.57 billion, while net income dropped 18% to US$85.8 million. "Looking ahead, slowing global economies and weakening consumer confidence will make the fourth quarter very challenging," stated Archibald. "We anticipate a high single-digit rate of organic sales decline for the quarter." Web:
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Anixter fastener sales up Anixter International announced sales at its North American OEM supply business, including fasteners, grew 18% to US$140 million during the third quarter of 2008, including US$11.6 million relating to recent acquisitions. "Strong growth in sales to aerospace and defense customers more than offset the slight sales decline to industrial customers related to reduced production levels," the company stated. Anixter's European OEM supply business, including fasteners, saw modest
growth, increasing 2% to US$149.8 million during Q3. The depreciation of the British pound reduced sales by US$2.3 million, and Anixter said it's bracing for "a number of customer production cutbacks in response to softening economic conditions in Europe." Overall Q3 sales rose 5% to US$1.59 billion, while net income dropped 4.7% to US$61.7 million. Nine-month sales at Anixter increased 7% to US$4.68 billion, with net income gaining 2% to US$186.3 million. Web:
PEM's China line gets GM approval PennEngineering announced its PEM China zinc plating line received General Motors approval. PEM China is now listed in the GM Matspc system. PennEngineering opened the PEM China manufacturing facility in Kunshan, China in 2007. The plant includes a chemical and testing lab. PennEngineering develops and manufactures PEM self-clinching, broaching, weld and surface mount fasteners; SI inserts for plastics; Atlas, SpirTite, MaxTite and PlusTite blind threaded inserts; fastener installation equipment; In-Die and robotics capabilities; StickScrew System for small-screw insertion and Atlas Tools. Pennsylvania-based PennEngineering operates plants in North America, Europe, and Asia. Web:
U.S. sets preliminary antidumping duties on Chinese threaded rod The U.S. has set preliminary anti-dumping duties on threaded rod imports from China. "Dumping of imports of steel threaded rod in the U.S. market by foreign exporters unfairly undercuts American manufacturers," assistant commerce secretary for import administration David Spooner stated. Alabama-based Vulcan Threaded Products Inc. filed an antidumping petition in March 2008, claiming a surge in steel threaded rod from China, with the average dumping margin
reaching 89%. Imports of the steel rod from China increased 67% from 2005 to 2007. "We have seen an extraordinary increase in the volume from China at prices which are often less than the cost of our raw materials," Vulcan president Bill Upton told in March. China has more than 400 threaded rod producers, according to the petition, with the import total reaching US$74 million.
Powers opens in China Powers Fasteners Inc. has opened an office in China, president Jeffrey Reid Powers announced. Jake Olsen will direct the Shanghai office. Olsen was promoted from director of new product development to vice president of global business development. Paul Goudron, director of product development, will manage the office, and Herman He is product sourcing manager. The office will focus on delivering ISO-9001 quality new products to the global market. "We see this as an important step to accelerate the launching and development of products tailored towards the new North American IBC building code and European ETAG requirements,� Powers said. Powers noted that approximately one-third of Powers sales are in markets outside the U.S. The company has locations in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Venezuela, the Netherlands and Thailand. Founded 87 years ago as the Rawlplug Company. Powers Fasteners supplies mechanical and adhesive anchoring systems, roofing fasteners, gas and powderactuated tools, fasteners and carbide drill bits serving the construction and plant maintenance markets. The family-owned company has 26 U.S. regional sales locations and is headquartered in Brewster, NY. Web:
IFI publishes updated standards book The Industrial Fasteners Institute published a supplemental book, IFI Fastener Standards & Technical Bulletins. The spiral-bound edition is a compilation of 31 IFI standards and 16 technical bulletins subsequent to the Inch Fastener Standards 7th Edition and Metric Fastener Standards 3rd Edition. The new book covers current issues facing fastener suppliers and users and aids in making, inspecting, buying and selling fasteners. The book is US$149 (US$187 outside North America), plus shipping and handling. Information is on the IFI website:
China fastener exports rise in August China exports of steel and copper fasteners increased 3.8% to 250,000 tons in August, with the value growing 48% to US$454.9 million, Xinhua News Agency reports. Overall fastener export growth has slowed in 2008, which included an 8.3% drop in exports to 150,000 tons during February 2008, compared with a 66% jump in exports during February 2007. Fastener exports in March rose 0.1% to 190,000 tons, compared with a 40% growth rate a year earlier. April's rate of growth was 0.3% to 240,000 tons, compared with a 39% growth rate during April 2007. During the first eight months of 2008, fastener exports from China grew 3% to 1,790,000 tons, with the export value increasing 29.3% to US$2.86 billion.
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Earlier this year both and Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd announced plans for fastener shows in Guangzhou in the same week – a coincidence this magazine immediately pointed out to both organisers. While we could not visit either event, as they coincided with Fastener Fair Budapest, reports from organisers and visitors clearly indicate that the Fastener Trade Show eclipsed AsiaFastener.
Fastener Trade Show shines… The 2008 Fastener Trade Show, organised by was staged at the Guanzhou Baiyun International Convention Center, 23 to 25 September. reports that 400 exhibitors participated, although only 170 of these companies occupied conventional exhibition booths. The remainder were so-called “standard posters’. According to the organisers, “the number of visitors exceeded 5,000 from 50 countries and regions”. A total of 600 overseas visitors were reported, without detailed breakdown, from India, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Italy, Malaysia, Russia, Poland, Singapore, Iran, Spain, USA, Turkey, South Korea, Indonesia, Germany, Netherlands, UAE, UK, and Vietnam. The organisers also claimed the support of the National Technical Committee 85 on Fastener Trade Show had 230 Fasteners Standardisation Administration of China, Hong Kong Screw & Fastener Council; Guangdong ‘poster’ exhibitors Province Fastener Association; Haiyan Industrial Fasteners Institute of China; Jiaxing Fasteners Import & Export Manufacturers Association; Shanghai Fasteners and Welding Consumables Research Institute; and Yongnian Fastener Association. Mr. Yu Wenhui, general manager of said, “It has proven an unprecedented success. We have received lots of positive feedback regarding the show. Fastener Trade Show will open its doors to overseas exhibitors next year and we expect there will be many more exhibitors and visitors, and of course, better services and results." The event included two “Fastener FAQ Forums” at which eleven Chinese industry experts discussed fastener standards or problems with the audience. Topics included "Standardisation of Fastener and Thread" and "Mechanical Properties, Materials and Surface Treatment". says, “Each forum attracted nearly 60 industrial people, including company directors, buyers, technicians and sales reps”. 800 people were also reported to have attended the " Info 10th Anniversary Reception" held at the Oriental Hall of Baiyun International Convention Center at which celebrated its tenth anniversary and announced its "2008 Top Supplier" award winners.
Fastener Trade Show banquet.
…but where was AsiaFastener? From inception AsiaFastener was planned to run alongside Frankfurt Messe’s established AsiaMold event, 24 to 26 September 2008, at the China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou. Initial expectations were for around 150 fastener related exhibitors. In mid-August the organisers announced that AsiaFastener would in fact be “integrated” with AsiaMold. According to the final show report the total number of exhibitors at AsiaMold doubled year on year to 300, with 120 from outside China. 9,655 visitors were recorded over the three-day show, 1,100 of them international. The AsiaMold website includes a range of exhibitor and visitor quotations expressed satisfaction with the event as well as photographs that testify to its organisation and scale. The report, however, does not include any reference to fastener content. Information and photographs from visitors, though, indicate that, while AsiaFastener was promoted within the halls, there were actually only four fastener companies present. One European visitor, who has alleged misrepresentation on the part of the AsiaFastener organisers commented, “I have most probably more fasteners to show in my private garage.” Louis Leung, deputy general manager at Frankfurt Messe has told this magazine “We will go ahead with AsiaFastener next year.’ He also said in relation to visit complaints, ‘we will seriously look into the matter and try to solve the problem.” There is little doubt that AsiaMold was a successful event, but it is also evident its organisers were unable to attract fastener exhibitors in the face of a rival, specialist event in the same city, at virtually the same time.
By Alexander Ostashov, Editor Fastener, Adhesives, Tools and … Magazine
New project for Russian aluminium wagons In September 2008 the government signed a program for reconstruction of railway transport. Twenty million wagons and one hundred thousand carriages are to be replaced over a twenty year period at a budgeted cost of 11.7 trillion rubles (311 billion euros). The new project has no analogue in Russia, says Vladimir Kozhukhov, the chairman of board of directors of aluminium producers, Energotechmash. “The first aluminium wagon will be constructed in Zhigulevsk. We have already designed four variants of aluminium wagons and have created a principal scheme for an assembly plant for aluminium wagons with the capacity of nine wagons per 24 hours. We have chosen a site in Zhigulevsk (in the Samara region, approximately 850 kilometres east and slightly south of Moscow) and have calculated a production scheme and investment requirement equivalent to 632 million euros. One wagon will cost around 36 million rubles, which is a little less than 1 million euros. At the same time we plan to create a technical park around the assembling plant, which will consist of factories producing filler structures, brake systems, and air conditioning systems for wagons as well as electronics and other related parts. The first aluminium wagon will see the world as early as end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011.”
New General Motors plant in Russia A new General Motors plant started operating on November 5, 2008, after an announcement by the governor of Saint Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, during her meeting with the United States consul general in St. Petersburg, Sheila Gwaltney. The foundation stone for the new car plant was laid in Shushary industrial area south of the city, in June 2006. In spring 2007 General Motors confirmed a decision to enlarge its investment in car production in Saint Petersburg from US$115 to US$300 million. In September 2007 GM Company began assembly of the Opel Antara at the Arsenal plant in Saint Petersburg, where the Chevrolet Captiva has been assembled since 2006. The company plans to increase the capacity of the plant in Shushary from forty to seventy thousand cars, explaining the decision as due to the growth of demand for Chevrolet in Europe. It plans to employ 900 people to work at Shushary plant, which is expected to have received US$300 million in investment, and will produce up to 70 thousand cars per year. In 2006 General Motors sold 132 thousand cars to Russia. In the first two months of 2007 GM sold 25,981 cars in Russia, 20,805 of them Chevrolet.
Training centre of GeneralMotors as a new word in staff training Last summer a unique training centre was opened on the site of the General Motors assembly plant, which is being built in Shushary (Leningradskaya Region). In this centre new staff will be trained to work on the production lines with the help of a ‘simulated work environment’. The simulator recreates various stages of the production process and is used for teaching employees the main principles of standardised work, in order to guarantee consistent high production quality. “GM is the only motor car producer
in the region which has such an education centre. Thanks to this centre we are able to provide quick and high quality training to our new staff, which will allow us to have a well organised team of good professionals ready for the opening of the plant,” says Irina Pelevina, training manager of the GM Training Centre. The centre has training sites for all three shops planned for the plant: body shop, coating and general assembling. By the end of the year the centre will provide 190,000 hours of training with 155 hours of training for each trainee.
FASTTEC 2009 FASTTEC - The seventh international specialised exhibition of equipment, materials, parts and technologies for producing separable and non-separable fasteners and equipment for manufacturing of fastener elements will be held at the Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia, 18th March – 21st March 2009. In 2008, 167 companies from 16 countries participated at Fasttec: coming from Russia, the United Kingdom, Belarus, Germany, Italy, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, the Ukraine, Spain and Switzerland. Simultaneously two other shows will take place in Crocus Expo Exhibition Center. They are ISET / Interinstrument - The 9th International specialised exhibition of professional and household tools and HOLZHAUS / Wooden house-building - the 9th International exhibition, specialising in wooden houses from design to turn-key.
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M-Cut come to Russia M-Cut introduced its universal fasteners to a Russian audience during Intertool-2008 exhibition, which was held at a new exhibition site in Crocus-Expo, Moscow, between September 29 and October 3. Installation of these fasteners was demonstrated to the visitors in the ‘Test Drive Zone’. M-Cut Universal Screws won an award in the Innovations Category at Practical World 2008, in Cologne Germany. These innovative screws can be installed directly into concrete, brickwork, blockwork, chipboard and timber without needing to pre-drill a larger hole for a plastic plug. Thus, M-Cut Anchor Systems Ltd has started its activities in Russian territories and will shortly open its own office in St. Petersburg. “Intertool Moscow-2008 was successful for our company. We established a lot of new promising contacts,” Nicolas Minec, the M-Cut representative, told Alexander Ostashov. The introduction of new M-Cut screws to the Russian audience will be published in a coming issue of "Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and ..." Magazine.
3M to open first Superjet components plant in Russia to be produced in The 3M company has finished construction of its first enterprise in Volokolamsk near Moscow. The Russian Federation has become the thirty-third country in which 3M operates its own production. Investment into the Volokolamsk production complex is estimated to be over US$28 million. Establishment of local production is one of the key elements of the company’s development strategy. 3M is also targeting the design of complex solutions for the main sectors of the Russian economy, as well as regional expansion and quality improvement of customer service. The new plant started production of rust-preventing materials for protection of pipelines, respirators, and sponges. The plant will also start assembling of dentistry sets after it receives all the necessary documentation. The first science and research laboratory of 3M, on the territory of Russia, will be opened at the plant. Opening of this plant is the first stage of a full-scale project of 3M’s own production in Russia. In 2008-2009 the company plans to enlarge the production volume of currently produced goods and to start manufacturing Post-it notes and industrial adhesive tapes.
South Korea The civil aircraft division of the Sukhoi company (CAS) and the South Korean Agency for assistance in trade and investments (KOTRA) signed a memorandum of mutual understanding regarding the Sukhoi Superjet -100 Program. The memorandum stipulates that the South Korean Agency will provide assistance to CAS in searching for enterprises in that country. Where CAS places orders on Korean plants for components, KOTRA will provide organisational support. In exchange KOTRA plans to support
the promotion of the Sukhoi Superjet -100 to markets in South-Eastern Asia, including South Korea. “We consider Korean enterprises as potential producers of components for several systems aimed at optimisation of the company’s production process. The consistent reputation of Korean enterprises as reliable, cost effective and quality producers of complex high-technology products has drawn our attention to this region”, said Igor Vinogradov, first vice-president of CAS during the ceremony.
DIY market of Russia The Russian DIY market is undergoing a period of active growth through both department stores and specialised distribution networks. The most widespread shops at the Russian DIY market are those specialising in sanitary ware and ceramic tiles. Among other main branches there are floor coverings, doors, tools and electric devices. The main players of the Russian DIY market are Maxidom, Castorama, K-Rauta, OBI, Metrika and Domovoi, and Leroy Merlin. The intensity level of organised trade in the Russian market of household goods and goods for construction falls considerably behind the European level. According to analysts, the average market saturation rate in Russia is 80-100 square metres of shops per ten thousand people. The saturation level varies considerably in different regions, with maximum rates in cities with population over 1 million people. Saint Petersburg surpasses other cities, while the Moscow DIY market is rather weak. Experts foresee considerable growth of the Russian DIY market with serious competition between major players in two to three years time. In the shorter term the Russian market will see the entry of several new international operators, such as Israel Fishman Group with its Home Center Network. The Austrian Kika Group will be presented in the shops of the Russian company Domashniy Interior.
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MMK-Metiz receives quality certificates The Magnitogorsk Hardware and Sizing Plant MMK-Metiz, part of the Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, has received quality certificates for its engineering and high-durability fasteners from the SCS, a leading third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services and standards. In the first seven months of 2008, the plant delivered to its customers
approximately 25,000 metric tons of engineering fasteners, an increase of 25% year-on-year. The share of MMK-Metiz on the fasteners market is 52%. Since small producers account for 23% of the market, the plant's output enjoys considerable demand. Its quality certificates are an additional advantage for MMK-Metiz and evidence of its readiness to continue working to increase its market superiority.
Unique “Fastening” expo in the Urals The third specialised “Fastening” show took place 16-18 September in Yekaterinburg, capital of the Ural Federal District of Russia, as part of an exhibition program covering all facets of metal working. The Fastening show comprised sixty exhibiting companies, mainly Russian domestic suppliers, with the aim, says organiser Ural 2000 Exhibitions, of presenting and promoting modern technologies, equipment, materials and tools for achieving fastening joints. Characteristic of many Russian exhibitions the event also sought to share and spread experience and know-how lining enterprises in the machine building and other industries with research and development institutes and project organisations in the Urals Federal district. The event, says Natalia Makarova, also attracted partners from other Russian regions and the Commonwealth of Independent States. “The specialised exhibition Fastening is the only event that covers this topic in the Urals,” she says. “Every year we have our exposition focused on the broad spectrum of prospective customers, including representatives of production enterprises, sectoral science, business and authorities, and also wholesale customers and end consumers of fastening tools.” “The academic and research part of the exhibition gives a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the latest market trends and scientific researches and for individual organisations to present their own reports and to discuss sectorial problems and to share your experience with colleagues.” The next edition of Fastening will take place 15-17 September 2009.
Taiwanese equipment installed in Ukrainian plants by Elena Semak, editor, Metiz Magazine Three Taiwan-made straight line continuous wire drawing machines have been put into operation at "Stalkanat", in Odessa. Similar machinery is also due to be installed in the scientific and research enterprise, Ad'yustazh Ltd, in Donetsk. In August 2008 the technicians of Taiwan company Cheng I Machinery, with the participation of its Ukrainian partner Slisaruk, PE, completed commissioning and test running of new wire drawing equipment, which is installed at the hardware plant of OJSC Stalkanat in Odessa, Ukraine. One 9-block and two 7-block straight line continuous wire drawing machines made by Cheng I Machinery are now in operation. Each machine is equipped with a mechanical descaling line, a non-stop coiler for forming of Rozetta-type coils, a horizontal spooler, as well as electric butt welding and wire pointing devices. Tests were made with usage of common quality low carbon wire and welding wire but all three wire drawing machines are also capable of drawing high carbon wire as well. At present preparatory works for commissioning another 7-Block Continuous Cheng I Machine are underway to work with a Stalkanat welding wire coppering line. Ad'yustazh factory in Donetsk has also purchased Taiwan-made wire drawing machinery from Cheng I, which as this report is written is in transit from Taiwan to Ukraine. As Metiz Magazine was informed by Ad'yustazh factory, the new wire drawing machine was scheduled for commissioning by technicians from Cheng I Machinery and its Ukrainian partner Slisaruk, PE, during October 2008. Putting the new equipment into operation will permit the factory to expand its production capacities and extend manufacturing in small diameter wire ranges. The new equipment will specialise in drawing low carbon wire with diameters from 0.8 to 1.4mm. Today's Ad'yustazh plant production base consists of Sket-made machines which are outdated and rundown. The new machine is high speed and is expected to optimise the production process.
Giants striding the world of cold forming Manufacturing SACMA large cold formers. It is only four years since the first SACMA SP.660 5-die large cold former left the manufacturer’s works at Limbiate, near Milan, in Italy. Today these machines represent a new generation of advanced, large cold forming machines built in Europe. Cesare Bertoni, commercial director of SACMA Limbiate S.p.A., explains more about the development, features and world market position of these new generations of European built machines, just as the latest is about to be installed at a major Russian fastener plant. Since the delivery of that first SP.660 machine, ten SACMA large cold formers have been sold throughout the world – five of which are now producing regularly on a daily basis in customers’ factories. In the meantime a second series of these machines has been put in production, including the 6-die version, that benefit from all the natural improvements that are the result of a logical process of volution, based on the specific expectations and requirements of the end users; our customers.
manufacture of these large cold formers in series. This determined a radical change, not only in the aspect but also in the essence of the factory, in order to assemble and handle, with ease, a number of these large cold formers at the same time. The manufacturing environment is currently being completed with the installation of two very large, horizontal, high precision boring machines, with 500 and 1,000 tools on board respectively, capable of machining main frames up to weights of 100 tonnes. These
The project design and method of manufacture follows the well known and well proven SACMA philosophy, which delivers robustness, generous performance, power, reliability, efficiency, productivity and low production cost. Bringing these machines to market required many years of careful project design and massive investments for the manufacture of all the components. The Limbiate main plant has been equipped with the most modern machinery for the
new investments are focused to maintain, more than ever before, the manufacturing process of components ‘All in House’, which has been the philosophy that SACMA has followed throughout the years and which has been decisive in ensuring the success of its machines worldwide. The correct choice of materials, the high precision of machining, the rigorous procedures of manufacture, the heat treatments and the quality control procedures, both in process and
at the end of the production cycle, have been the ‘Winning Technologies’ that make a SACMA machine the benchmark of cold forming equipment, without doubt. Particular attention has been dedicated in developing the SP.660 and SP.670 machines in order to make these large cold formers user friendly. The precise repetition of adjustments is guaranteed by an efficient automatic motorised system, governed by the SC-MATIC software. An Ethernet port can be used to transfer all data to a teleservice network. Hydraulic clamping of the tools, of the wedges, of the transfer and of the finger timing cams make life easy for setters and operators to work with such large machines. The machines can also be equipped with an automatic system for the setting of the transfer finger timing cams. The standard equipment includes special patented hydraulic service platforms, which can be positioned in the work area to assist in the operation of individual tool removal and setting of transfer fingers in the machine. Manipulation of tools and heavy weights is performed by a portal frame overhead crane with 3-D power movements. Alternatively, as optional equipment, a portal type power robotised manipulator is available for removing and fitting of complete tool holders automatically. An electronic joystick is supplied for ease of transfer finger setting procedures, allowing the operator to move the machine in slow motion to avoid collisions of tools. At the same time it will avoid jogging and safeguard the clutch/brake unit for greatly enhanced life. Many optional equipment and systems are offered on these machines to make them extremely flexible for the manufacture of very special complex geometry parts, made from high tensile materials.
Slug feed systems up to 38mm diameter are offered as optional equipment and can easily be placed in front of the machine as needed. Using the alternate blow feed system allows the forging of larger size parts, without having to use a larger machine. The machines can undergo a special modification for introduction of an induction coil in proximity of the cut off quill. In the ‘Warm Forming’ (WF) configuration, these machines would be supplied with a high frequency induction system, including the heat exchanging installations for cooling of the coil and maintaining correct temperature of the die box and of the coolant liquid. The advantages of this technology include lower forging load requirement, increased ductility of the material, better surface finish and accuracy of product compared to hot forging. The application of ‘Warm Forming’ is particularly useful when dealing with high tensile materials, exotic materials and high temperature resistance materials used in aerospace applications. The ‘Warm Forming’ process delivers near net shape geometry in complex parts, which it is not possible to obtain with hot forging processes. The well known ability of the SACMA transfer unit to move difficult and complex parts, from station to station, without having to rotate parts, is today improved by the assistance of a patented transfer support system, able to deal with the most complex shape parts without problems. A sophisticated analogic correct transfer detection system can be fitted to the machines to make sure that the part has been gripped correctly, once ejected from one station, and before it is presented to the next station. The Ingramatic Division of the SACMA Group has recently presented a large W70 Flat Die Thread Roller for rolling threads up to M36 with ease at high speeds. This machine is presently being assembled in the Castelnuovo Scrivia plant of the company and will soon make route to Russia to join forces with a SACMA SP.660.AL large cold former that has been recently installed in the factory of a well known large Russian steel and fastener maker. The fantastic welcome that the market has reserved to these large SACMA cold formers has developed an even stronger enthusiasm in all the SACMA people who are now busy developing larger sister machines to the SP.660 / 670; the new generation Series 7 large cold formers.
Heading load kN Number of dies Cut-off length mm. Die kick-out mm. Punch knock-out mm. Production per minute ppm Main Motor kW Die ø x L mm. Punch ø x L mm. Knife ø mm. Quill ø mm. Net Mass Kg.
SP.660/AL 500 5
220 25 ÷ 160
SP.670/AL 6
300 40 ÷ 240 64
80 150 150 x 295 120 x 235 70 100 110,000 95,000
It takes a lot of truck to deliver 110 tonnes of machine.
London DIY Show/Totally Tools Where: London, UK When: 18 Jan - 20 Jan 2009 Web: What: Tools, metal-working and manufacturing technologies.
IndiaMart Hardware & Tools Expo 2008
Bulgaria Building Week
Where: When: Web: What:
Where: When: Web: What:
Chennai, India 19 Dec - 21 Dec 2008 Handtools & fasteners exhibition.
BAU Where: When: Web: What:
Fasttec Expo Munich, Germany 12 Jan - 17 Jan 2009 German construction industry.
BUDMA - International Construction Fair Where: When: Web: What:
Poznan, Poland 20 Jan - 23 Jan 2009 Building technology, equipment and materials.
Asia Pacific Sourcing Where: When: Web: What:
Cologne, Germany 1 Mar - 3 Mar 2009 A platform for asian companies in import and export.
Hardware/DIY, Housewares, Garden Where: When: Web: What:
Sofia, Bulgaria 10 Mar - 14 Mar 2009 International building exhibition.
Dublin, Ireland 8 Mar - 9 Mar 2009 Tools, metal-working and manufacturing technologies.
Where: When: Web: What:
Moscow, Russia 18 Mar - 21 Mar 2009 Russia's specialist fastener technology fair.
ISET (Tool World) Where: When: Web: What:
Moscow, Russia 19 Mar - 22 Mar 2009 Professional and handheld tools.
Ferroforma Where: When: Web: What:
Bilbao, Spain 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2009 Hardware show.
Mosbuild Where: When: Web: What:
Moscow, Russia 31 March - 3 April 2009 Construction technology, materials and equipment.
Intertool Kiev
Where: When: Web: What:
Where: When: Web: What:
St Petersburg, Russia 10 Mar - 13 Mar 2009 Rapidly growing automotive supply exhibition.
Kiev, Ukraine 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2009 Trade fair for manufacturing technology.
16mm 20mm 25mm 30mm 35mm 40mm 45mm 50mm 60mm
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Baker & Finnemore Finneemore Limited, 199 Newha Newhall all Street, Birmingham, B3 3 1SN, UK T el: e +44 (0) 12 1 236 2347 Tel: 121 Fax: +44 (0) 12 1 236 7224 e-mail: sales@ 121
Record results for 20th show October’s twentieth edition of the international sheet metal working technology exhibition concluded with record numbers in visitors, exhibitors and floor space. A one-day visit confirmed to Phil Matten that EuroBLECH continues to be one of the most vibrant European shows in any industry sector. EuroBLECH is the largest sheet metal working exhibition worldwide, with a net exhibition space of 87,700 square metres at the Hanover Messe. 1,520 exhibitors from 38 countries presented all aspects of sheet metal manufacturing and working and a total of 69,400 visitors from 70 countries arrived to discover a wide range of innovations and technology. “An increase of 8% in exhibitor and visitor numbers is, of course, a very positive result,” says EuroBLECH exhibition director Nicola Hamann. “We are particularly delighted to be able to say that there was lively trading activity throughout the eight exhibition halls, even though the current economic situation is uncertain.” One of the major attractions of EuroBLECH is the high proportion of foreign exhibitors and visitors. This year 44.5% of exhibitors and 35.5% of visitors came from outside Germany. EU member states and Switzerland were prevalent, but organisers Mack Brooks Exhibitions also reported an above average increase in visitors from Turkey and the Americas this year. Manuele Avanzolini, general manager of Rivit, described EuroBLECH as “a great show with really international connections – definitely the number one show for the sheet metal industry.” He confirmed good contacts from South America and Russia, as well as European
companies. The Rivit stand was in Hall 13, alongside UK application equipment producer, Interservice, which was making sure no one missed the twenty-fifth anniversary of its Sertabush fastener insertion press (pictured bottom left). Elsewhere Ejot highlighted the role of its FDS self piercing and extruding screw on the Audi R8, while Profil pointed out the use of its pierce fastening technology on the Range Rover Sports model. Amongst other fastener related stands in a constantly busy hall were Arnold & Shinjo, Titgemeyer, Böllhoff, Bralo,
Gesipa, Honsel, Kerb-Konus, and Soyer. In prime position in adjoining Hall 12 were Avdel and Emhart Teknologies, with Spanish marketing group Fastenex positioned close-by to capture passing visitors. Peter Brans, director of Emhart Teknologies’ European industrial division, expressed satisfaction with the range of visitors and the show organisation. Characteristically, he still saw many opportunities in a market that, he acknowledged, was sending out very mixed signals. Product development was demonstrably a cornerstone of the Emhart business - all four corners of the stand, in fact, featured new launches. While Emhart is organised commercially into three regions, Americas, Europe and Asia, product management is now structured laterally so that new launches are designed and marketed to a global Emhart stand audience. Launch does not
always mean new, though. The stand also featured the “return of a classic” in the guise of a reintroduced Tucker TT55D hand rivet plier, discontinued nearly a decade ago. In previous editions of EuroBLECH fastener companies with booths in the remoter, predominantly material and large machinery, halls 15, 16 and 17 have been less happy with the level of prospects. In Hall 17 Italian rivet manufacturers Marer s.r.l. did express similar concerns this year. In contrast, however, TR Fastenings, which made a late decision to take a joint stand with its German master distributor Dueko, reported an outstandingly successful show. European sales manager, Adam John said, “Against the current backdrop of economic uncertainty we wondered, prior to the show, if we would hit our ambitious targets for enquiries. The result for us at EuroBLECH 08 has been superb. We've met many new customers and generated large numbers of high quality enquiries from around the globe.” Mack Brooks will stage two BLECH events in 2009, one in spring at St Petersburg, in conjunction with the Avtoprom automotive show, which has grown rapidly as the Russian city has become the focus for both automotive and electronics implants. The second event will be held in India in the autumn. EuroBLECH 2010 will take place from 26 – 30 October 2010.
Introducing our new EZM 1000 / EZM 2000 power tools These new generation hydraulic/pneumatic tools combine strength and reliability with a sleek, attractive and ergonomically sound design. 15 years of experience in hydraulic/ pneumatic tooling resulted in a modern consolidated technical design which is very easy to use. Far less service than any existing models in the market is required. These new tools are very well suited for continuous use. Special introduction*: includes a 24-month guarantee period! *limited period
Join the leader Give us a call at +31 (0)43 350 84 84 or visit our website for more technical information.
Fresh look and content for 2009 London trade shows 2009 will mark some significant changes to the London trade shows as organiser Brintex introduces a new security sector show and presents what they describe as a true ‘multi trade show’ for the first time. Changes include a fresh look and a different floor plan designed to focus attention on new products and create three distinct shows in one. The renamed ‘Totally DIY’ remains the lynchpin of the three shows and encompasses the huge array of products sold through home improvement retail channels. Totally Tools, now in its fifth year, is expected to continue to be a draw with ‘hand tools, power tools and tool accessories’ still at the top of visitor priority lists. Launched earlier this year is ‘Totally Secure’, a new specialist show for locksmiths and security product resellers. Created in partnership with Simon Griffiths, Gary Eckersall and Chris Taylor, organisers of the successful ‘Security Live’ and MLA Manchester Central exhibitions that have previously taken place in the north of England, it is hoped it will grow to service physical security product resellers in the south. The shows’ new floor plan will incorporate a dramatic entrance leading right to the heart of the show says Brintex. “Our research tells us that 85% of our exhibitors come with new products to show, and 80% of our visitors come primarily to find new products and suppliers, so we decided to place new products literally at the heart of the show,” explains show director, James Murray.
spotlight for the rest of the show. In addition to seeking out new products from the large brands and industry newcomers, visitors will also be able to make contact with the industry’s key trade organisations – the British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA), the British Hardware Federation (BHF), the British Hand Tool Federation (BHTF), the Garden Industry Manufacturers Association (GIMA) and the Master Locksmiths Association (MLA).
Who is at the show? New exhibitors to sign up for 2009 to date include Aisin Europe, AP Lifting Gear, GT 85, Isotronic Mezger, RKW Leisure, RCD and Tarax Technology. In addition, Brother UK, Mewett Polyurethane, Saint Gobain Abrasives and Spectra Tool Company are returning to the show after a break last year and DK Tools and Tool Connection are both back at the show having doubled the size of their stands. Current exhibitors in Totally Tools include Abingdon King Dick, Arrow Fastener, Evolution Power Tools, Exakt Precision Tools, KS Tools, KWB Tools / Ringwood Agencies, Ledco, Monument Tools, Nilfisk Alto, Northern Wholesale, Rolson Tools, SMC, Stanley Tools and Valley Industries. Totally Secure has attracted a great deal of interest and confirmed exhibitors already include Abus, Yale Security Products, part of the Assa Visual graphic illustrating the new layout. Abloy Group, Borg Locks, Burg A large central piazza will have its own Waechter, Cathedral Products, Codringtons, C.O product demonstration area, a separate display Tilney, Davenport Burgess, Guardian Lock & area to highlight the show’s ‘Best New Engineering, Henry Squire & Sons, Keyprint, Product’ winners and a café. The new products M.A.C Solutions, Master Lock, Rottner Security, will be judged on the Sunday with winners Sentinel, Sentry Safes, Sterling Locks and Total revealed at the close of the first day, so that Product Sales with its well-known Lockey their products can be placed in the brand.
The essentials The shows are open Sunday 18th January through to Tuesday 20th January at Earl’s Court 2 – London. Earls Court is just outside London’s Congestion Charge Zone but is normally easier and quicker to access by public transport – there are two London Underground stations nearby. Rainy day trust charity gala dinner In association with Totally Tools and Totally DIY, this annual charity dinner takes place on the evening of Monday, 19 January at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington High Street, London. The champagne reception starts at 7pm and is followed by a dinner, wine, cabaret - this year provided by well-known comic Ed Byrne - and dancing. The dress code is lounge suit. For further information and reservations contact Ashley Leboff on + 44 20 8386 4408.
Focus on - Underhead sealants Precote 200® Precote 200® is an ideal sealing system for rivets, inserts or headed plugs with excellent temperature resistance making this product ideal for automotive applications. G G G G G
Resilient flexible coating seals upon assembly Ideal sealing system for rivets, inserts, headed plugs Excellent chemical resistance Can be applied to most materials in both electro and organic finishes High temperature
Pre-production samples are evaluated and then processed FREE OF CHARGE
Our extensive range of products also include: Tuflok, Nytemp, Scotchgrip, Driseal, Microseal, Nyltite, Nyseal and Nyplas.
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Böllhoff Otalu relève le défi It might seem a little curious to speak of challenges when considering a factory that produces over three-quarters of the staggering one billion rivet nuts supplied by Böllhoff every year. In truth, it is simply a measure of an unrelenting commitment to strengthen the market leadership of the RIVKLE® and RIVNUT® programs - as Phil Matten discovered during a recent visit to La Ravoire. The Böllhoff Otalu production facility nestles under the shadows of the French Alps at La Ravoire, a few kilometres outside Chambery, historic capital of the Savoie region since the thirteenth century. The company Otalu was founded in 1938 in Paris – the name stems from “Outillage pour le travail des Alliages Légers et Ultra-Légers”, revealing a heritage of working in light and ultra-light weight alloys. The original rivet nut was developed in 1937 by B.F. Goodrich, which established the Rivnut Corporation. The specific application was to secure rubber de-icing strips to the leading wing edges of aircraft. The technology was subsequently licensed to Kleber in France, with the first RIVKLE® blind rivet nut produced in 1950 –The RIV came from rivet nut, the KLE from Kleber. RIVKLE continues as the brand name to this day, although in English speaking markets Böllhoff has adopted the RIVNUT® brand for the same program. For Otalu, Böllhoff entered the frame in 1972, acquiring the business and relocating it three years later to its current, if much expanded, operation in La Ravoire. Today the operation is predominantly a production facility, which includes a very substantial research and development resource. It also houses management offices for Böllhoff’s south western European operations, which includes its distribution companies in Italy and Spain, which since their establishment in the 1980s have achieved combined sales of more than 25 million euros and employ over 60 people. The Böllhoff plant in Wuxi, which started production of rivet nuts in 2005 and now employs nearly 60 people, also falls under the wing of the Otalu management. The Otalu site itself employs around 380 people, contributing sales of nearly 75 million euros – reflecting close to a four times growth since the early 1990s. The workforce includes nearly a third of all the research and development engineers and technicians employed in the Böllhoff Group. The strength of Otalu’s automotive credentials is testified by the achievement of QS9000 certification in 1998 and graduation to TS16949 in 2003 – with its environmental responsibility affirmed in 2001 through ISO 14001 accreditation. So where, you might wonder do the challenges come in? The rivet nut market, of course, has expanded dramatically as the technology has been adopted on a wide scale
basis by the automotive industry, as well as delivering security and productivity in any number of general industrial applications, as diverse as climbing walls, heating and ventilation, furniture and street furniture. With
highly technical products as well as on excellence in value chain management.” “We intend to maintain our leadership in the blind rivet nut market, through the application of a continuous innovation policy
“We have to concentrate on highly technical products as well as on excellence in value chain management” growth comes competition and for Böllhoff Otalu competing on standard products is never going to be a winning strategy in the long run. “Occidental countries mean high costs,” reflects sales, marketing and purchasing director, Frédéric Besse, “so we have to concentrate on
and the total service we propose to our customers. That includes asserting ourselves as the main partner to the automotive sector for these technologies, as well as improving our position in general industry.” To which can be added a phenomenal
RIVQUICK® a great line-up of blind rivets where you just have to pick them out from a wide choice of types, head styles, materials, diameters, lengths, grip ranges, performance and of course, the blind rivet that best suits your application. Why not begin to identify your needs today?
Joining together!
Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd, Willenhall WV13 2JW
• Te l : 0 1 9 0 2 6 3 7 1 6 1 • w w w . b o l l h o f f . c o m / u k
program also features, unique to Böllhoff, an aluminium rivet nut with class 8 performance. No question about the DNA, then, but concept has to be translated to reality. More than 30 engineers and technicians at Otalu are dedicated to research and development using 3D design conceptualisation in the form of Autocad and Catia. Forge 3 deformation analysis is used for production design linked to a special prototype production unit and test laboratory. What also needs to be recognised is that 100% of the rivet nuts supplied to the automotive sector by Böllhoff are ‘specials’, developed to match specific application requirements. In all, that results in Otalu producing some 500 articles with a total of at least 1,200 variants – which would surely represent any normal production scheduler’s worst nightmare. The overwhelming majority of RIVKLE/RIVNUT sizes are cold forged, a process for the main part common to all rivet nut makers. What distinguishes Böllhoff Otalu is its talent for production flow management and quality control to deliver product as required by the customer with total performance reliability. In 2006 the company launched Project DEFI, aimed at reducing the Evolution become revolution with the High lead-time from the first Resistance Thread RIVKLE step in production to the that provided noise and vibration damping customer delivery. The project defined a new characteristics. way of working called OBS (Optimised Böllhoff In 2005 evolution became revolution, if one System) based on lean manufacturing is allowed to mention the word in France, as principles. The drive to eliminate waste Böllhoff demonstrated technological leadership unnecessary inventory, excessive moving of by developing and applying a patented ‘High semi-finished product, scrap and operators’ Resistance Thread’ process to a rivet nut – waiting time – has led to a complete creating the RIVKLE and RIVNUT HRT, which reorganisation of the production floor, so that boasted strength performance to ISO Grade 12, families of product are now manufactured in and presented for the first time a rivet nut cells. Each includes the cold forging, heat capable of partnering effectively with high treatment and tapping processes, under tensile screws up to Grade 12.9. Now the HRT beginning to end supervision by the same commitment to matching the customer’s technical requirement in specific applications. Even a brief review of RIVKLE’s evolution demonstrates how deeply rooted the innovation gene has become for this business. For twenty-five years from its inception in 1950 RIVKLE meant cylindrical rivet nuts. The following twenty-five years, though, saw the advent of the hexagonal rivet nut (a milestone in itself as Böllhoff Otalu became the first to cold forge this profile), knurled versions, the addition of stainless steel as a mainstream material, rivet nuts with seals, with ribs under the head, and the addition of studs to the range. More recently aluminium variants were introduced, as was the PN ‘Plus Nut’ version with a slotted shank, which when inserted achieves very high pull out resistance from plastics, hollow sections or thin sheet, through the formation of large petals on the blind side of the base material. There was also RIVKLE Elastic, a ‘deconnectable’ blind rivet fastener
operator, ensuring full responsibility is taken for the finished products. In parallel to this change Otalu has commenced a program to replace and upgrade its cold forging equipment to the latest in multi-die, rapid tool change Formax headers.
“Innovation is a part of our business” The adoption of a lean philosophy has also meant a change from push flow to pull flow – producing effectively only what the customer needs – and the implementation of Kanban throughout the production floor, which means parts can be tracked visually throughout manufacturing. As always, physical changes are not enough and Otalu has worked hard to fundamentally change the outlook of its production workforce – ironically, always a greater challenge in an operation that is already successful and growing. The role of all is now far more than just producing the products, there is an inherent responsibility to constantly improve the process. This includes Hoshin action plans in which a ten strong task force studies OBS principles on a Monday, develops and defines improvements over the following two days, presenting them for approval and putting them into action during the last two days of the week. Characteristically of Böllhoff, little is left to chance. In common with all group production facilities, a commitment made throughout the business at the personal instigation of Dr Wolfgang Böllhoff, Otalu has a literal battery of inspection equipment, ranging through X-ray, laser, camera and mechanical technologies. In fact Otalu inspects in excess of 80% of the rivet nuts it produces, with all approved product immediately boxed and sealed to avoid any risk of contamination or remixing of parts. The accuracy of the finished RIVKLE/RIVNUT product unquestionably underpins Böllhoff’s reputation with its high volume customers. Significantly, if not so obviously, it also opens the door to develop and provide advanced setting methods for these products – a completely distinct strand of the Böllhoff innovation DNA, a study in its own right that we should return to another day. The most ringing of Frédéric Besse’s parting words was “Innovation is a part of our business.” After a day exploring Böllhoff Otalu one could easily beg to differ and suggest it is entrenched altogether deeper than that.
Hold on a moment!
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Holding Parts Together
First Eastern European fair establishes strong base for growth Launching a new Fastener Fair in Budapest for Eastern European markets was always going to be an exciting, if not on occasions nerve-jangling, venture. There were certainly a few occasions for Jerry Ramsdale and his team to heave a sigh of relief, as meticulous planning paid off and another piece of the show organisation jigsaw dropped into place. Our review starts with the statistics before looking at feedback from participants and some of the highlights of the event. Conceived in November 2007 and only launched officially in February this year Fastener Fair Budapest presented a challenging timescale, particularly with the UK Fastener Fair also taking place mid 2008. It is testament to the confidence invested in the Fastener Fair brand across the fastener world that 171 exhibitors from 26 countries participated in this first Eastern European Fastener Fair. 69% of exhibiting companies were European, presenting a wide spectrum of products and services to the market. The top five countries were Italy, the UK, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Fifteen companies exhibited from Hungary, and other companies came from Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. “We were very pleased to have the support of Eastern European companies,” says Jerry Ramsdale. “The quality of their experience, we are sure, will give confidence to other companies from the region to exhibit at future events.” Nearly four hundred exhibitor personnel arrived in Budapest to set up and man the show, which comprised entirely shell scheme stands. “This was a first venture into Eastern Europe,” says Jerry Ramsdale, “and we did not want it confused with the strongly established international Stuttgart show. For that reason we opted for an all shell scheme design with a limit on the size of individual stands – something that met with the approval of many exhibitors.” The success of any first time event hinges on preparation. “We travelled several times to Budapest in advance of the show,” says Jerry, “to build a strong relation with the Syma Center, which certainly paid off in ensuring a smoother than anticipated show build. We also employed a Hungarian living in the UK to assist in building relationships and promoting visiting to Hungarian companies, associations and organisations. Combined with multilingual media coverage across the target countries, Noemi Tomo’s role was invaluable in attracting high quality visitors.” In all 1,012 visitors came to the Syma Center during the two days, over half registering online in advance – important, says Jerry Ramsdale, in achieving a smooth flow of visitors into the exhibition hall. 96% of visitors came from European countries, over two-thirds from Hungary and adjoining target markets. “One of the factors in locating the show,” notes Jerry, “was the number of direct flights direct to Budapest from all over Europe. Combined with the strength of the Fastener Fair brand this was very important in attracting additional visitors from as far as Estonia, Finland, Cyprus and Malta as well as Russia, Israel and Saudi Arabia.” Three quarters of visitors had purchasing authority and nearly half were senior managers and directors. Fastener Fair is normally a trade show and 80% of Budapest visitors were from within the fastener sector. However, recognising that the market would be new to many exhibitors, fastener users were also invited to the Budapest show and many exhibitors reported being rewarded with high quality user contacts.
Fastener Fair Budapest 2008 Vistor Demographics
Rest of World
Target Countries
Rest of Europe
Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Rep. of Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia & Czech Rep.
Fastener Fair Budapest 2008 Exhibiting Companies
ASIA 28%
Fastener Fairs conducted a post show survey with all exhibitors and a cross section of visitors. Here’s what they said.
For most exhibitors the main aim in participating was to find new contacts in Eastern and Central Europe and to evaluate the market. Most respondents felt the show worked well for them, a few said it was too early to tell. Assessment of visitor quality was very positive, although some exhibitors hoped for higher numbers, particularly from Eastern European markets. Over half of respondents had obtained between 30 and 80 new contacts at the show, most in the range 30 to 40. 70% said they would probably or definitely exhibit again were Fastener Fair to stage a second show in Budapest. Assessment of the organisation of the event was generally good, with 90% of respondents satisfied with set up arrangements. 80% felt Budapest was a good location for Fastener Fair and the Syma Center a good venue for this size of show, although catering facilities came in for some criticism. Most exhibitors were happy with Fastener Fair’s decision to offer only shell scheme stands up to 20 square metres, although around 20% would have preferred a larger stand. Overall evaluation of the show was generally positive, as you will see from the quotes on these pages. Several noted it was the first show in the location and looked forward to future growth, particularly in visitors from the region.
“We did not expect so many good contacts, a very good experience”
“Very well organised, an international exhibition with clear syllabus” “A very cost effective way of meeting customers and looking for new business” “Happy, but expected more visitors from Hungary”
“New fairs have to start somewhere, look at Fastener Fair Stuttgart and Fastener Fair Coventry. There is no reason why Fastener Fair Budapest can’t be equally as successful in years to come”
“We had a lot companies visiting our stand, both existing customers and potentially new customers”
“ I liked the show because it was very focused, just fasteners and fixing systems”
“It was valuable to meet with many colleagues and current suppliers, although very disappointing to have such a low representation of middle and Eastern European manufacturers of automotive fasteners”
The visitor survey was carried out in two parts. One sample comprised purchasing and general management attendees from outside of Hungary. The other questions, in Hungarian, to all registered Hungarian visitors. Somewhat unexpectedly for the organisers many visitors from outside the region came seeking manufacturers based in Eastern Europe and their assessment of the success was mixed. Around 65% of respondents said the show served them quite or very well, but had hoped for many more local manufacturing exhibitors. Budapest was, however, considered by the overwhelming majority to be a convenient location to which to travel, with a high proportion of non-Hungarian visitors clearly taking advantage of the cities wide ranging air connections. 70% of non-Hungarian visitors said they would visit Fastener Fair in Budapest again. A minority said it would depend on the number of Eastern European exhibiton.
“Although this fair is smaller than others, the contacts were good and we have kept in contact”
“I think it's a good way to keep personal contact with our suppliers and it could be interesting to open new business”
“Organisation was good, location okay, but we expected more companies from Eastern Europe” “An excellent start for a new venue, I hope it will grow to become a larger show with a wider range of exhibitors”
Many Hungarian visitors also sought a greater range of local exhibitors capable of servicing their day-to-day requirements, but almost all felt visiting Fastener Fair Budapest had been worthwhile. The majority found it easy to have discussions with exhibitors although a few commented that it would have been good to have more stands with Hungarian speakers. Travel to the exhibition was generally by car and the venue was considered convenient, although some reported car parking as being limited. Every Hungarian respondent said they were very likely to visit Fastener Fair if it were to be staged in Budapest again.
“The exhibition was profitable and gave the opportunity to make contacts with other companies” “The exhibition was good and comprehensive” “Too many Asians, not enough Hungarians”
“We only had conversations with Slovakian and Romanian exhibitors”
“There needs to be more stands with interpreters”
No blues on the Danube Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a golden rule that no Fastener Fair should ever be entirely hard work. In Budapest the Sunday night party was launched, literally, onto the River Danube. 150 exhibitors and guests enjoyed a two hour cruise on the river to admire the stunning vistas of of the twin cities of Buda and Pest, while sampling the pleasures of a sumptuous Hungarian buffet. Of course, there was plenty of local wine to compliment the meal, while every table was serenaded by gypsy violins and had a front row view of some extraordinarily energetic folk dancing. Altogether a great opening to a new show.
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Fastener Fair Budapest underlines Lindapter’s strategic direction Lindapter exhibited alongside Eastern European distributor Watermann Csavarkereskedelmi Kft at the first Fastener Fair Budapest. Lindapter marked the importance of the event, launching its new catalogue and expanded product portfolio. Lindapter has invested heavily in developing an Eastern European distribution network, supplying product, and its highly reputable technical support in multiple languages. A commitment that was further illustrated with the creation of a new comprehensive product guide, offering specifiers and contractors technical information and installation advice, as well as providing a sales and support tool for distributors. Lindapter says that its stand proved to be very busy throughout the duration of the exhibition, with product demonstrations of products, including the new Flush Fit Hollo-Bolt, creating particular interest amongst visitors. The Flush Fit Hollo-Bolt is a countersunk cavity fixing which fits completely flush with steelwork. This provides aesthetic advantages as there is no protruding bolt head or collar. Lindapter’s managing director, Sabine Reimann summarised the exhibition: “The show was a great success, signifying Eastern Europe’s industrial growth and presented many new opportunities. The event proved the ideal occasion to launch the new Lindapter catalogue and I am delighted with the interest and response amongst visitors”.
Hoenderdaal offers visitors a test At the show Hoenderdaal Fasteners bv was offering visitors the chance to see for themselves how its Dynaplus AR coating works. Each visitor to the Hoenderdaal stand was offered a test sample consisting of two tubes, both filled with water that has a high salt concentration. The first tube is filled with regular stainless steel screws and the other filled with similar screws coated in Dynaplus AR. “We have found that by allowing visitors to take away these sea water test samples. It gives them a chance to see how long the AR coating can last in water with high salt concentration. All they have to do is leave the sample on their desk and see the difference in the two tubes.” Dynaplus AR coating received C4 test approval, the highest corrosion test approval, from Scandinavian test Institute SP/SITAC last summer. “This approval, together with the low screw-in torque and the high break value that the screw provides, allows us to offer our customers a superb screw for outdoor use.”
Tite-Fix dressed to impress Not only did Tite-Fix Ltd use Fastener Fair Budapest as an opportunity to showcase its new Adjust-Tite® screw, it also used it to introduce the new company blazer. Michael Wilkinson and John Bousfield sportingly suited the new blazers throughout the show and were also very happy to talk to visitors about Titefix’s new Adjust-Tite® screw. The Adjust-Tite® offers 15mm of adjustment with a countersunk mushroom head for a neat and flush fix. “It is ideal for any application where adjustment is needed such as door jambs and carcasses, negating the need to use awkward shimmings, explains managing director, Michael Wilkinson. He goes onto explain, “A square recess gives the most secure drive even into the hardest of material while the Tri-Lock TS threadform means once the screw is adjusted to the ideal distance it will not move any further – unless you want to remove it that is. It is suitable for all timber and fibre boards and allows users to have the confidence to adjust timber, with the knowledge that if not correctly fixed the screw can be removed.”
CELO presents its new FASTITE® Self Drilling Trilobular® screw CELO S.A. was very happy to exhibit at the first edition of Fasteners Fair Budapest. At Fastener Fair Budapest CELO presented its new FASTITE® Self Drilling Trilobular® screw, specially designed for thin metal sheets assembly, as well as its range of high technical performance products. CELO is specialised in the design and manufacturing of high quality products which include Trilobular® screws and special fasteners for assemblies in plastic parts.
Maturing gently... if hardly conventionally Walk around any fastener related event in Europe and sooner or later you will be faced with an exuberant grin and sparkling set of eyes. Share a beer and you will be regaled with stories, in tones that tinkle like treicheln bells, punctuated by a laugh that could outreach an alpenhorn. No one is immune from the infectious and uniquely Swiss affability of Andreas Bähler who, it now comes to light, has been weaving his charms through the fastener industry for 30 years.
Cause for celebration you would think – and knowing Andreas, of course, you would be right. You would also not be surprised to find there was something quirky involved, to raise a laugh or two naturally, but more on that later. Serious things first, though. It was 1978 when the young – well younger anyway - Mr Andreas Bähler founded INTERVIS Export AG in Münsingen - a township a mere 541 metres above sea level research shows, so oxygen starvation cannot be blamed for a certain gentle eccentricity. We digress – the plan was to trade in stainless steel fasteners in Europe. In 1981 INTERVIS AG was founded in Belpbergstrasse, Münsingen to trade similarly in stainless fasteners, this time within Switzerland. Eight years later and Andreas Bähler opened his Schrauben-Shop to sell direct to industrial companies and hand workers. By 2000, now with a logistics contract with Spahr AG Zofingen safely under the belt, INTERVIS moved to a new office, still in Münsingen, this time at Lindenweg. Five years on, a new department - sonderschrauben - opened for special fasteners in stainless steel. INTERVIS AG is now an importer and seller with a program of more than 6,000 stainless steel and over 15,000 carbon steel articles. INTERVIS Export AG is a sales representative company for a variety of world producers and suppliers of fastener products. We asked one company, which Andreas Bähler has represented for many years, to sum up the man. “Andreas has been with Fastbolt Germany from the beginning of our German business activities,” says Ekkehard Beermann, “and we have benefited hugely from his experience, knowledge, reputation and standing in the Swiss and Austrian markets, as well as his outstanding professionalism when it comes to selling fasteners.” “The cooperation between Fastbolt and Andreas Bähler is much more than the pure turnover in his territory. Andreas has become a real Fastbolt man over the years and an important and permanent part of our sales team. I could tell a million trade fair stories and he would be in most of them because he has always been there. Most of our long-term customers outside of Switzerland also know him although they have never done any business with him. Andreas is one of a kind in our industry and his integrity is outstanding. We certainly wish him and INTERVIS all the best for their anniversary and lots more success in the future!” OK, enough of the serious stuff – you can almost feel Andreas itching to crack a joke. Look around this page for evidence of the pleasure with which family and friends celebrated a very special anniversary - for a very special man. Now ask yourself, who else could manage to persuade his guests to enjoy their day putting holes into Emmental cheese!
Fastening Solutions
NIFS/West grows into new venue For the second year the National Industrial Fastener Show/West was staged at the Mandalay Bay Conference Center, in Las Vegas. For this magazine it was the first opportunity to see how the biggest North American fastener exhibition has adapted to its new home. In 2008 the ‘NIFS/West’ relocated from the Paris Hotel to the Mandalay Bay, from the middle to one end of the Las Vegas Strip. The first impression of the Mandalay Bay – both hotel and conference center – is one of scale, which in a Las Vegas context is really saying something. The show, developing successfully year on year, had undoubtedly outgrown the Paris facilities, and had to suffer for several years from the necessity of housing some exhibitors in adjoining rooms, an inevitably unattractive prospect to the companies involved. No such problem in the Mandalay Bay, where the exhibition hall clearly offers further space for expansion. The net exhibition space for the 2008 event was a little under 8,000 square metres, accommodating some 633 companies in 818 three-metre square booth spaces. The show guide indicates around 130 new exhibitors compared to 2007. There is always a quandary for the organiser in the last few days prior to a show opening, between relocating exhibitors in order to consolidate stands and leaving the periphery of the show feeling ‘ragged’. Some stands at the edges of the show did end up somewhat isolated but overall the single hall substantially improved visitor traffic to most exhibitors. A total of 4,913 fastener professionals – the show does not permit user visitors - registered for attendance, of whom just less than 50% were exhibitor personnel. Of 2,395 ‘industry registrants’ 1,373 were from fastener distributors, the majority supplying industrial, automotive and aerospace fasteners. 164 visiting distributors selected construction as one of
their markets. 147 importers were registered category. Manufacturers and manufacturing, and independent sales representatives, accounted for an additional 676 registrants. Attendees, including exhibitors, represented 42 countries from across the world. The Vegas show continues, not surprisingly, to be dominated by North American exhibitors. By our estimate there were around ninety exhibitors from Taiwan, mainly organised through Fastener World, whose president William Liao was inducted to the Fastener Shows Hall of Fame this year. Many Taiwanese exhibitors, long standing supporters of the show, were integrated throughout the aisles. Chinese exhibitors, of whom there were a similar number, were more concentrated on one side of the exhibition hall. Korea preferred, as it as done for several years, to have a distinctive ‘pavilion’ housing around its ten companies. European exhibitors remain exceptional. Of course, many significant European fastener businesses have US holding companies or counterparts, or established distribution arrangements. However, one clear factor in succeeding at Vegas is persistence. UK-based Precision Technology Supplies returned to Vegas this year having participated previously on several occasions. Director Andy Knight was sure that a very successful 2008 show for the micro screws specialist was, in no small part, due to participation in previous years and to constant relationship building in the US market. He also felt that the current trading climate might have opened more US distributors to the opportunities of developing profitable niche product areas. Also headquartered in UK, Stainless Threaded Fasteners were ‘doing Vegas’ for the second year. Head of sales, Gordon Davies was quick to lay credit for the strong prospects year on the groundwork of Gary Spedding, who unfortunately died earlier this year. TTapdrive, from Sweden, exhibited for the second year and also confirmed that persistence was crucial in converting initial enthusiasm into concrete business prospects, particularly with a concept such as the TTap drive recess. Italian representatives included stainless specialists Inoxdadi and newcomer to Vegas, VSP Bulloneria. Israeli rivet manufacturers Ornit are already established in the US, with office and warehouse facilities in
Cleveland, Ohio for two years. A notable feature of the development of the Las Vegas show, no doubt facilitated by increased space availability, is the increasing number of larger, feature stands. Brighton Best won a best booth award for its design, prominent across the end of an aisle at the heart of the show. Ifastgroupe, Heads and Threads International and Maclean also had large-scale presences – as did Indian stainless suppliers Viraj.
G.L. Huyett, regular winners of booth design awards, as much for the quirkiness as the scale of their design, opted for Las Vegas glitz to enliven their booth. It fell to Rotorclip to provide the only really visible evidence that the show dates coincided with Election Day for the US presidency. The Las Vegas show differs in nature from its European counterpart. In Europe there is a stronger tendency to spend longer with individual visitors, to discuss and negotiate serious business. In Las Vegas contact is for a shorter period generally and more strongly centred on networking and relationship than specific business discussions, which are more likely to be part of the show follow-up or off-show floor discussions. The result is a fine judgement to be made about the scale of an exhibition stand and its facilities. Brighton Best succeeded with a strong impact stand tailored to the style of show. It was well staffed with company personnel distinctive in logo-ed shirts but business was entirely conducted standing. The result was a busy stand for most of the one and half day show. One or two other larger stands often appeared inactive, with central areas relatively deserted. In reality the periphery of the stands were often busy, but few visitors were drawn into the heart of the booth. First morning, first day was, as usual, frenetically busy. At midday, though, visitor
numbers palled, perhaps a downside of the larger scale of the Mandalay Bay, which necessitated moving some way from the exhibition hall to find a decent lunch venue. By mid afternoon the pace had recovered to a large extent, although, it never seemed to achieve the intensity experienced when the show was staged at the Paris Hotel. One simple factor may well have been the seemingly wider aisles now possible, which made moving around easier but robbed the show of its ‘packed’ feel, combined with the acoustics of a conventional exhibition hall rather than a very large hotel room muting the ‘buzz’ that signals business being done. The second morning also felt quieter, although most exhibitors were definitely pleased with the quality of contacts they were making. Once again, there is a trade off – the attractions of Las Vegas pull in the numbers, but they do make it tougher for day two. One genuine benefit claimed by the organisers is the opportunity for exhibitors to do business with each other. The move in 2007 to Mandalay Bay allowed the NIFS/West to seriously incorporate machinery exhibitors. Many major players were present – National Machinery, Sacma Limbiate and Carlo Salvi, the
latter sharing an extended booth with Reed Machinery. Nakishimada was the only header maker to bring actual
machines. General Inspection and Mectron both had conspicuous end-aisle stands, both featuring inspection equipment. In fact inspection machinery dominated the physical exhibits: Truform Equipment featured CCM machines, Hariton shared a booth with Sigma Technology, and Dunkley International featured their Cipro-Vision technology, claiming inspection speeds up to 10,000 parts per minute. Other machinery exhibitors included Barborotto International Machinery, representing Videx and
other principals, and Manufacturing Solutions offering parts feeders and chamfering machinery. The majority of machinery related exhibitors were located in a single zone, pacing tooling and die suppliers alongside the machine suppliers. The NIFS/West was supported by a range of seminars held on set up day, which included a module in the Certified Fastener Training program presented by the Los Angeles Fastener Association. Western Association of Fastener Distributors offered an update on fastener market trends, presented by Bruce Darling, of Porteous Fastener Company, together with Jim Witucki, of Nucor Fasteners. Bruce is in the process of retiring, a good thing he says given the complexity of the supply market. Quite how WAFD is going to follow his act when he
does fully retire is hard to guess – very few have his experience and insight into the world sourcing of fasteners – let alone his imitable presentation style. The 2009 National Industrial Fastener Show & Conference is scheduled for November 16-18, 2009 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
MIDEST stays on track For the second year in a row Will Lowry visited the industrial subcontracting exhibition MIDEST, 4th – 7th November, to see how fastener companies fared at such a diverse show, and for the second year in a row there was a train strike. Happily for the exhibitors the strike only took place on Thursday 6th November, and did not affect the other days. The organisers did set up a shuttle bus operation serving various locations including Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport and Paris Gare du Nord, but the lack of signage on the buses made it a trip into the unknown, with the bus driver even leaving French speaking visitors confused as to whether it was the correct bus for the exhibition. A sigh of relief was audible when the shuttle bus finally turned up at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, where MIDEST was once again being held. This year it had been moved into Hall 6, but the exhibition still covered 60,000m2 as in previous years. At the time of writing the visitor numbers hadn’t been published. We will report the figures in the January news pages. The exhibitor numbers, however, had been released and they showed that there had only been a slight change in the amount of exhibitors at MIDEST compared to 2007, with the figures being down from 1,805 to 1,748. For the second year in a row the amount of foreign countries that exhibited fell to 29 countries compared to 33 in 2007 and 38 in 2006. There was, however, a slight rise in the amount of international exhibitors, from 679 in 2007 to 687. The most notable increase in international exhibitors was from Spanish companies, with the amount exhibiting rising by 45% from 88 in 2007 to 128 this year. This also meant that Spanish companies were the largest presence at the show after French companies. The amount of Italian companies at the show also increased, this time by 21% to 103, compared to 85 in 2007. As well as increases in certain international exhibitors there were also some decreases, the most notable ones being China and India with a drop in exhibitors of 37% and 35% respectively. Similar to previous years MIDEST featured official pavilions which allow companies from the same countries to exhibit in a specific area. This meant that even though there was a dedicated ‘Industrial Fastener’ section there was still some fastener companies placed around the hall, such as Cetin Civata, who was included in the Turkish Pavilion and Marer Srl and P.Tre who were included in the Italian Pavilion. The actual ‘Industrial Fastener’ section had been given a good location in front of the
south entrance from which both train and shuttle bus visitors arrived. In fact, from the top of the steps down to the exhibition floor, the stands of several fastener companies could be seen including Böllhoff, Joseph Dresselhaus, Avdel, Titanox, Profil Verbindungtechnik and several more. Even though the ‘Industrial Fastener’ section had been given a good location the amount of ‘Industrial Fastener’ exhibitors had fallen from 87 to 76 when compared to 2007. One reason for the drop in exhibitors could be the current economic climate and Eric Morin, from Mecanindus, was one such exhibitor that questioned whether to do the show. “Mecanindus has always done MIDEST and as a company we decided that in the current climate it was important that we exhibited, to show other competitors and our customers that Mecanindus was still active in the market and making contacts.” He went on to add, “This had proved to be the right decision because as well as meeting up with current customers we have also made several good contacts.” Another exhibitor who was happy with the show was Pascal Frackowiak, project development manager at Bonioni. “Although it has been quieter then previous years, it has still been a good show. In fact we received one particular contact that on its own could make the whole show worthwhile.” From walking the aisles of the ‘Industrial Fastener’ section it was clear to see that the majority of stands were busy throughout the day and the general consensus of the show was that it had been better then most exhibitors had expected under the current climate. Although most thought it was still quieter then last year, even though last year saw a train strike over three of the exhibition days. Even with the apparent downturn in visitors, it is clear to see that MIDEST is an important exhibition for the French fastener market and as most of the exhibitors commented it is not the quantity, but the quality of the visitors that matters. MIDEST 2009 will return on 17th November to 20th November, once again at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. This magazine will be keeping the date it plans to attend a secret, just in case one of the French train driver unions are reading.
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Construction Fixings Association Inaugural event reinforces core values and sets out ambitious program to ensure best fixings practice On 25 September the Construction Fixings Association staged its first Approved Distributors Event at the National Motorcycle Museum, near Birmingham. A crisply scheduled program focused on the CFA’s core values, while also providing new members the opportunity to meet each other and take up roles on CFA committees. Phil Matten was invited to participate and reports on a milestone for the association. The program included a presentation from this magazine’s editor, on the global factors influencing fixings, and a technical presentation from Steve Richards of 2K polymer systems, outlining recent developments in resin anchoring systems. The main business of the day, however, was presented by CFA general manager, Mark Salmon and concentrated on the association, its priorities and, in particular, the way in which the Approved Distributor Scheme will work. The Construction Fixings Association was founded in 1977. Originally a member of the Federation of British Hand Tool Manufacturers it became an independent company limited by guarantee early in 2007, and is now run by a board of directors. Speaking at the event, Mark Salmon summarised its aims as: • To establish, maintain and improve industry standards. • To support specifiers, users and distributors in the selection, installation and testing of fixings. • To support the technical and commercial interests of members. All of which, he reiterated, was best summarised by the phrase “Ensuring best fixings practice”. Expanding on what this meant in practice, he explained that, since its foundation, the CFA has belonged to the Comité Europeen de l’Outillage (the European Tools Committee) for which Mark is chairman of the Technical Committee. “Membership of the CEO gives us access to the European Organisation of Technical Approvals, the body responsible for 2K’s Steve Richards talked on resin systems
In April the Construction Fixings Association marked the launch of its Approved Distributor scheme by presenting its first certificate of associate membership to Kem Edwards. For the inaugural event in Birmingham CFA chairman, Dr Pietro Grandesso was able to welcome thirty-two delegates from the six full members and, now twenty-three, approved distributor associates. Each approved distributor has been invited to join and is effectively ‘guaranteed’ by one of six full members, all major supplier of fixing products into the UK market. The CFA’s longstanding maxim is ‘Ensuring best fixings practice’ – a common objective Pietro Grandesso was keen to reinforce. Drawing on statistics that indicated as many as 60% of anchors in the UK may be installed incorrectly he said, “It is our duty to work for a better and safer fixings environment,” adding, “we are not here to promote our brands but for a common goal – safer fixings.”
publishing the European Technical Approval Guidelines against which ETAs are awarded,” he explained. In the UK the CFA is also the main contributor to the work carried out by the National Technical Committee of the British Board of Agrément, the “spokesbody” of the UK within EOTA. The CFA works on various committees of the British Standards Institute, which includes contributing to a
Mark Salmon led the CFA presentations revision of BS5080: Methods of test for construction fixings. Mark Salmon also confirmed that the CFA is currently drafting a proposal for a UK “Code of Practice” for the selection, installation and commissioning of fixings for safety critical applications. In outlining the ways in which the CFA promoted its membership and objectives, Mark Salmon highlighted the importance of its website, - omitting to note that its development and content has to a very large extent been the product of his own dedication over recent years. One of the key features of the site is the range of Guidance Notes available for download without charge. Additionally the site is home to a range of Technical ‘FAQs’, sample method statements and articles and news on latest developments. With the advent of the Approved Distributor scheme the website has become pivotal in identifying the new associate members to the construction market, providing a database searchable from postcode or geographic location, which can be filtered by the fixing brands offered. A recent advertising campaign, themed on popular
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The importance of site testing was further committed “to improving the knowledge, emphasised by the announcement that the understanding and technical support of CFA intended to launch an ‘Approved Tester fixings among distributors” as well as to using Scheme’. “The scheme,” explained Mark its web presence to direct users to member Salmon, “plans to enable companies who can distributors, each of which has a demonstrate that they have the necessary page in the Approved equipment and trained staff to gain Distributors section of the CFA recognition for their competence in this website. important aspect of fixings safety.” Again the These benefits will be CFA has a clear agenda to improve standards important in maintaining the in the UK industry and intends providing the long-term commitment of WE HA WE HAVE HAVE V THE THE ANSWERS ANSWERS training to ensure all applicants have the distributor members. The What W h is your hat our quest question? question? ion knowledge to test fixings and are also familiar event’s open forum also with the key elements of fixings technology. highlighted the importance of The scheme is expected to come into ensuring rigorous standards of THROUGHBOLT UNDERCUT operation early in 2009 and will offer entry for approved distributors CFA RESIN approved distributors a discounted to ensure the mark of CFA membership as well as the special deals on Approved Distributor will build equipment envisaged as part of the approved and hold real meaning in the tester scheme. UK market. Mark Salmon ENSURING B BEST EST FIXINGS PRACTIC PRACTICEE WWW.FIXINGSCFA.CO.UK WWW .FIX XINGSCFA A.CO.UK outlined general criteria of excellence in customer CFA’s TV quiz themed user campaign service, technical support and commercial integrity. There are also practical Using the website as its primary driver the expectations that the selected companies will Construction Fixings Association is now supply fixings manufactured by at least one of mounting a campaign for “Safer Installations”. the CFA full members and hold reasonable “The objective is to improve the quality of on levels of stock. Additionally, approved site installation of construction fixings,” distributors are expected to offer technical explained Mark Salmon. “To do this we have support to their customers, ensure appropriate outlined a three stage approach: Sample levels of staff training, and to offer a site method statements downloadable from the It is significant to the dynamic of an enlarged testing service, the latter either directly or via website; training presentations available on CD CFA that, in relation to a number of topics during others. Rom; and training courses leading to certified the event distributor members status as a ‘Competent Installer’.” The sample were quick and very specific to method statements include pictogram voice practical concerns. The versions to complement the full text and assist associate members are, not workers for whom English is not their first surprisingly, established and language. “SMS already available from the website,” Mark explained, “cover various resin respected businesses, with some anchor systems, as well as drop-in and shield strong personalities at their helm. anchors, and throughbolts.” That may not always make for The promotion of European Technical the easiest ride for the CFA’s Approvals has been, since 1980, and clearly management but it promises a continues to be a key priority for the CFA. strength of commitment that can Mark Salmon was emphatic that “it is the make the CFA a potent force in most significant development in the fixings enhancing standards in the UK industry, changing the way fixings are fixings market – and perhaps developed and selected, and making them beyond, since the CFA has safer.” The CFA intends making a strong call for already accepted a UK code of practice on anchor selection to applications from two reinforce the use of approved products in a International companies, market that is now one of the few remaining one in Singapore and one in Europe where ETAs are not mandatory. For the CFA the introduction of the in the United Arab Emirates. Approved Distributor scheme is important in “These are companies,” “forging a partnership between manufacturers says Mark Salmon, “who and distributors supporting the mutual share our key objective of objective of ‘Ensuring best fixings practice.’ The “Ensuring best fixings scheme is clearly the result of considerable practice” and wished to deliberation and recognises the necessity of associate themselves with delivering real value to associates paying a the promotion of European significant annual membership fee. A range of Technical Approvals as the high impact logos has been designed to world’s most trustworthy ensure the approved distributors can market independent endorsement their membership and its implications of of fixing products”. quality and reliability. The CFA is also CFS vice chairman Lee Macknamara concluding the day television quiz shows, has helped to drive increased visits to the website, which currently has 1,400 registered visitors and a guidance note download rate of 450 per month.
INTRODUCING THE NEW Manufacturers of Masonry Nails, Cartridge Tool Nails, Washered Nails and Capping Nails
Double countersunk reduces the likelihood of head shear 6 Ribs on the second countersink to assist completion of countersinking and prevent damage to furniture hardware
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8QLTXH WKUHDG FRQÀJXUDWLRQ to give a rapid installation DQG D VHFXUH À[LQJ ZLWK KLJK pull-out resistance Type 17 Slash Point eliminates the need for pre-drilling and prevents the wood from splitting Suitable for all these substrates
Fissaggio a sparo omologato Powder actuated fastening system approved Chiodi e cariche anche per chiodatrici concorrenti Nails and cartridges available for competitor’s tools
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10-10-2007 18:04:38
Not just nails and screws people F.P. Herting and Son plc Herting’s Fixings has been around for a long time but, outside its core supplier and customer base, it is surprising how little is known about this formidable, family-run fixings business. Cue for a trip round the London orbital motorway to find out more. For a company that seems to have successfully hidden its light under the proverbial bushel for many years, its managing director is certainly no shrinking violet. In fact, there must be occasions when a meeting with John Herting is equivalent to a head on confrontation with one of the veteran London buses that are another of his passions. 66 years old, or more accurately young, and unquestionably passionate about the family business, John Herting started work in his father’s company in 1957. The son in F.P. Herting & Son is John; the F is Frederick, a milling operator in a wartime London aero engine factory, who set up a small engineering tools merchant business. “We had half a retail shop in Sunbury town supplying the factories,” explains John Herting. “Of course, the big engineers merchants had it nicely sown up with the manufacturers, that’s how it was in this country in those days. It was the same for fasteners. Unless you had an account with GKN Fasteners you had to buy from an authorised distributor.” The Hertings business switched towards the construction market in the mid 1970s. “It was a pure accident,” says John Herting. “A friend worked for a big acoustic ceiling company in Twickenham. They had real difficulty in getting fixings because the supply market was so inefficient.”
“When we first got involved, standard 2 inch x 10 woodscrews were on 104 weeks delivery from GKN. You literally couldn’t buy them. Most of the official distributors were still operating as if they were in the 1930s.” Builders, too, still operated from their own stockyards, distributing the goods they needed each day to the building site. Hertings pioneered the daily site delivery, something now emulated throughout the UK fixings supply industry. The market has gone on changing, and so has Hertings. Operating now from a modern 80,000 square feet warehouse in Southall, not far from London’s Heathrow airport, the company employs 115 people and delivers over 600 orders daily to building sites throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The customer list includes every household name in the building industry and most of their subcontract carpenters and builders. Family business, though, it most certainly remains, with both of John’s sons directly involved in day-to-day management. Mark Washington joined the business eight years ago as commercial manager; bringing fastener expertise from his previous time with SEP. National accounts are the province of Roy Hulbert – more than 25 years service with Hertings means a near-legendary knowledge of everyone in the building and sub-contract
industry. Nails and screws certainly still occupy a large proportion of the warehouse shelves. In 1987, when the company first bought premises big enough to handle the stock, John Herting was characteristically forthright in telling Castle Nails it was about time they supplied his business direct. After eight months prevarication, they did. “Unfortunately they went bust, which wasn’t really surprising considering how they operated,” he recalls. “We went to Rylands but they also closed their production. Now we import our nails direct from China.” At the peak Hertings sold over 120 tonnes of loose wire nails every week. Even now, with the rapid growth and domination of collated nailers, the company supplies around 2,000 tonnes of loose nails annually. “There’s still no automatic system for the square, twisted nails used for securing metal work, which has also become an important part of our business.” Hertings committed to the ITW Paslode nailer program eight years ago. “I told them we’d be their biggest account, and they looked at me as if I was a bit stupid,” says John Herting. Today Hertings takes delivery of two full articulated truckloads of first fix nails and nailers direct from ITW’s Danish factory every month. “We’re the only company in the UK that by-passes their Crawley distribution
operation,” John Herting growls wryly. Woodscrews are imported direct but with considerable care. “We have been out to China several times and we don’t buy the cheapest by any means. You can’t supply household name builders with something that risks getting rejected.” Market circumstances have driven other own-brand developments, notably high volume wood glue. “At one stage the house builders bought all this stuff. Then they told the sub contractors they would have to supply the materials – and incidentally there wouldn’t be any more money for it. That meant we had to watch what we were doing. These guys weren’t going to pay for top brand glues – so we had to bring in a product that did the job and was affordable.” Bulk purchasing of other commodity items, silicone sealant for example, 50,000 cartridges at a time, is equally important. “We’ve been known for years as the nails and screws people,” says Mark Washington, “which is certainly true but is only half the story.” Hertings publishes a comprehensive set of catalogues for an equally comprehensive range. Over 7,000 ring bound sets are distributed annually including, as well as a vast range of construction consumables, major
brand programs like Bosch power tools and accessories. Hertings are also one of the biggest fischer fixings distributors in the UK, remarkable in itself given the company does not go after large contracts. “It’s a couple of boxes of throughbolts here, a couple more of hammerfix there,” says Mark Washington. “There’s no money in the big contracts,” adds John Herting emphatically, “and with the overheads in this business we are not interested in single digit margins.” Ten salesmen cover the UK mainland by region. Mark Washington recalls a time when convincing the boss they should have a mobile phone was an uphill battle. Each now has, as well as the phone, internet connected laptops that allow direct order transfer from site. Cost conscious John Herting undoubtedly is – but when the decision is made, commitment is absolute. Mind you, the return on investment in terms of efficiency and service is also demanded without fail. There are similar examples in the systems area. Hertings uses Coins, the construction industry procurement and management system – something else that sets them apart. “We also have a big deal with American Express for one national account,” says John Herting. “If the idea’s good we’re prepared to invest in it and get it done.” Wherever you look, the approach to the business is direct and uncompromising – and so is the service to the customer. Hertings will literally deliver a single tube of sealant to a site in London, or just as easily Glasgow, next day. Key to this commitment, which regularly startles customers 300 miles away by delivering earlier than a local distributor, is a fleet of 60 modern vans as well as the investment in inventory. John Herting crystallises the
issues: “We specialise in doing next day deliveries which most of the market can’t, because they don’t have the money, the stock or the infrastructure. That means they have to use carriers. Carriers are poor at delivering to building sites. The driver wants the first signature he can get – which could be any Tom, Dick or Harry – so the bloke that needs the stuff often doesn’t get it or has to go hunting for it. Our drivers deliver to the right guy. If the goods go astray, they lose their weekly bonus – it’s that simple.” All of the vans are replaced on a regular schedule – which makes Hertings a favoured Ford commercial customer. The load compartment is separate, the cab air-conditioned but, then, the drivers work maximum permitted hours. Six tonne ‘trunking’ vehicles leave Southall at one or two in the morning to transfer loads to regional site delivery vans. Every vehicle is fitted with a tracking device, so the company knows exactly where each load is at any time of the day. “Customers are amazed that we do it all from here,” says John Herting. “There’s no secret to it – it just has to run dead efficient. We’ve got a good transport manager and good blokes, paid proper money, out there delivering the gear. It works.” There is also no illusion about the customer relationship. “As long as we are giving the service and doing the price we’ll get the business.” No question the UK construction market faces extraordinarily tough conditions. John Herting admits his own business will end the year down for the first time in its history, including previous UK recessions. “The whole situation is not good, in fact you could get depressed about it,” says John Herting. “Except we don’t work like that, we just keep cracking on.” A statement that is hardly likely to be called into doubt.
Doing the rounds at Interbuild Interbuild was once again held at the NEC, Birmingham, UK, from the 26th – 30th October. Will Lowry went to have a look around the show and see what affect, if any, the current economic climate was having on the construction industry. At the time of writing neither exhibitor nor visitor numbers had been published. We will report these in our January news pages. From walking the show, though, the last day was busy both in the aisles and on the stands, with significant queues for buses from the parking areas. The busiest area was the tool section in Hall 4. This hall features the ‘Truck and Tool’ section, which combines exhibitors from the commercial vehicle sector and the tool sector. Major tool brands at the show including Bahco, Stanley, Irwin, Rubi, DeWalt, Bosch, Metabo, Makita, Fein and Evolution, all of which were offering live demonstrations of their products. One of the most impressive stands was
values we’re loud, proud and ambitious in our show activity and relish the challenge of coming up with a bigger, better and more extravagant way of rousing our trade audience.” Also exhibiting in Hall 4 was Thorsman with its Goliath G2B Battery Backed up Site Light, which had been awarded the ‘highly commended’ status at the Interbuild New Product Awards Showcase. The site light is a compact fluorescent site light that automatically switches to battery mode in the event of mains failure. In battery mode the G2B will provide continuous light output for up to 60 minutes, allowing work to carry on safely and reducing the risk of trips or falls and other
about Unimer”. The collaboration with Interbuild presents all Unimer suppliers with the opportunity to exhibit to a standard that might otherwise be too costly for them to undertake alone. The Unimer Lounge was surrounded by exhibiting suppliers, including amongst others Tornado Fixings and Scapa. Also situated in Hall 5 was Aptus Fastening Systems Ltd, who was situated close to one of its distributors. Stewart Taylor, managing director at Aptus, was happy with how the show had gone. “The show has been good; we have had a lot of visitors to our stand who seem interested in a wide range of our products.
Stanley, featuring at its centre a full size boxing ring, accompanied with all the relevant paraphernalia, including a ring master. The ring played host to a series of ‘Tool to Tool’ battles, with visitors invited into the ring to take on a series of challenges including ‘The slice is right’, a test for each visitor to slice the thinnest piece of wood using a FatMax Saw, and ‘Hammer time’ to find out who could hammer in three nails quickest, using a FatMax XL Hammer. Katharine Hawkswell, managing director at Stanley, commented on the stand, “We go all-out to make the most of our presence at Interbuild. In keeping with the Stanley brand
hazards associated with power cuts. The New Product Showcase was situated in Hall 5, as was the Unimer Lounge. Unimer (United Merchants Plc) has 1,200 merchant members, and 700 supplier members, which allows it to represent a large proportion of the UK industry sector. Suzanne Millward, marketing manager at Unimer, explained Unimer’s presence for a second year. “We were very pleased to be at Interbuild 2008. It gave us the opportunity to catch up with existing members and suppliers and we were also encouraged and very pleased by the steady stream of new members and suppliers who stopped by to find out more
Last year visitors to the show didn’t know we offered certain products,” explains Stewart. “This year they know about the products we can offer and want to find out where they can get them. That is why we insisted that our stand be near our distributor so that we could literally point the visitors to where they need to go.” Overall, despite challenging market conditions the majority of exhibitors expressed satisfaction with the show and the number of visitors - although, unsurprisingly, a few said that it had been quieter then previous years. Dates for next year’s Interbuild are yet to be announced.
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Hose Clip and Clamp Manufacturers in Birmingham UK Established 1978
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High standard chemical products 3 Marcos - Industrias Metálicas SA, a Portuguese company certified to ISO TS 16949, with more than 30 years experience creating fastening solutions for the automobile and construction industries, has recently added a new chemical division to its operation. 3 Marcos says that the recent addition of a chemical department was based on the know-how acquired through the years and the reinforcement of the human resources with specialists in the construction chemical area. The scope of the chemical department is to develop new and well fitted chemical products to present solutions for the construction industry, respecting all the environmental issues. The investments made during the last year, lead the market to request a second line of products (Premium line) which left the department with two complete chemical products lines, enclosing the most diverse families - silicones, acrylics, polyurethanes, etc… This new department controls all the chemical products to assure that the most recent technologies are applied, guaranteeing the best performance and the biggest respect for the environment. 3 Marcos intends to continue the investment in the development of new products for the chemical area, and is working at the moment in the development of sealants and adhesives based on the new Ms-polymer generations.
G&B Fissaggi gets heavy SITA ACCIAIO CE 1, a steel anchor for heavy duty fixing from G&B Fissaggi, has been designed for structural fixing, of static type, on solid supports. The SITA ACCIAIO is Certified CE, option 1, for use in cracked and not cracked concrete supports, and is also Certified Fire resistance F120. It has a high ductility, due to the special steel forged, cool pressed, that allows adjustment without breaking of the anchor during fastening. The anchor also features a longer and larger expansion clip, made up of three sectors, granting high pull out values and is available in various lengths and diameters from M6 to M20. It is also available in stainless steel AISI 316 and with CE Certification Option 4, for use in cracked and not cracked concrete supports.
Max joins the Q Young Black has become one of the first fixings manufacturers to obtain full Q-Mark accreditation under the UK Timber Frame Association’s (UKTFA) Q-Mark scheme. This accreditation covers the entire MAX range of nails, brads and staples, both in buckets and Nail Fuel Packs. To achieve Q-Mark accreditation, products must conform to the requirements of the UKTFA scheme which complies with the requirements of EN 45011, be certified by a UKAS accredited independent test house, and be manufactured under ISO9000. Many timber frame manufacturers who themselves have achieved the Q-Mark now require their suppliers to reach the same levels of quality and consistency. These frame manufacturers can purchase MAX fixings with the peace of mind of knowing that they will reach the standards of quality and reliability set by the QMark scheme. Young Black has been the UK and Ireland’s sole supplier of the MAX range of tools, manufactured at a state-of-the-art facility in Japan, since 1995.
‘SCOSS’ issues fixings Alert The Standing Committee on Structural Safety is an independent body established by the UK’s Institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Structural Engineers to maintain a continuing review of building and civil engineering matters affecting the safety of structures. It’s prime function is to identify, in advance, those trends and developments, which might contribute to an increasing risk to structural safety. In September of this year SCOSS issued an alert (SC/08/048A) in relation to “The Selection and Installation of Construction Fixings”. The alert opens by saying, “SCOSS has been concerned for some time at the use of structural fixings where these so called ‘minor’ items have not received the attention they deserve given their safety critical nature.” It goes on to note its awareness of a number of failures “which had the potential for multiple fatalities”, referring to the Boston ‘Big Dig’ failure, the collapse of a Swiss swimming pool
roof, and its own recent Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety reports (CROSS newsletter 10) on four examples of ceiling failures “all of which originated through failure of the fixings”. The Alert, says SCOSS, “is written to draw attention to this situation. It applies specifically to fixings which are not formally approved via a recognised accreditation route e.g. British Standard or European Technical Approval (ETA) which covers the fitness for purpose and installation, inspection and testing regimes.” Amongst seven “suggested control mechanisms” for safeguarding the selected fixings, is a clear recommendation that fixings with recognised approvals should be utilised and, also, that “if changes are made appropriate procedures are followed and that they involve competent persons acting with the same level of rigour as for the fixings originally specified”. The full text of the alert can be downloaded from
Sormat moving forward Sormat, a Finnish manufacturer of fixings, has announced the launching of its S-KA Through Bolt, which has been awarded the highest ETA Option 1 class technical approval (ETA 08/0173), allowing the use of the CE marking. “We are one of the few manufacturers whose range includes ETA 1 classified Through Bolts for safe building. Thanks to better than ever performance and service properties the Through Bolt is suitable for even the most challenging applications,” explains Sormat’s product development director, Herve Nicot from Germany.
“Technically, the Option 1 S-KA replaces all the other Through Bolt option classes. It is no longer necessary to stock several different options for different applications. This means that using the Option 1 S-KA, there is less chance of error, and you save money because of the lower stock requirements.” Along with its S-KA Through Bolt, Sormat Oy has also upgraded its logistics centre and production facilities at its factory in Rusko, Southwest Finland. With its new 2,500m2 warehouse and production facilities, Sormat is upgrading its
Fischer offers fixing solution Fischer fixings has now carried out full testing of fixings for the new Cobiax flooring product from Hanson Pre-Cast Flooring Systems. Together with Hanson, fischer can now offer customers comprehensive and accurate information regarding the fixings compatible with the Cobiax pre-cast slabs. Cobiax is a voided slab pre-formed concrete decking. It incorporates hollow plastic spheres into the concrete to reduce weight, reduce cost and allow bigger spans. The hollow plastic spheres are placed between the upper and lower static reinforcement of the concrete slab, displacing concrete where it has no structural benefit. The effect is to decrease the overall weight by up to 35% when compared to a solid slab of the same bearing capacity. The pre-cast concrete slabs come in either 50mm or 75mm depths, which provide a challenging series of fixing opportunities. Fischer has initially tested the suitability and load capacity of the FDA-R Rimmed Internally Threaded Anchor, the FNA II Nail Anchor, the SXS frame fixing, the FISV 360 S Injection Resin with M8 Resin Stud, and the FBS Concrete Screw with standard and also reduced embedment depth. An optimised resin system installed with the undercut drill FZUB was also tested. All the fixings were tested in both the 50mm and 75mm slab variants. The results of the tests have shown that all the tested fixings are suitable for use in 75mm Cobiax. The majority of the fixings also tested as suitable for use in the 50mm type. For non-typical applications, fischer’s technical department offers on-site consultations, carried out by the company’s engineers.
logistics to a whole new level of efficiency. In addition to the new warehouse building, production work has been improved by installing a new packaging line and a laser-controlled automatic warehouse truck operating between production and warehouse. “The idea of the upgrade is to ensure maximum efficiency of the work phases involved in assembling and packaging our main product, the Through Bolt, at the same time bringing cost savings both for us and for our customers.” says managing director Ismo Laitakari.
JCP Technical Manual JCP Construction Products has announced the release of its new Technical Manual to support its extensive range of chemical, heavy duty and medium duty anchors. JCP says that in a market where technical support is important for the correct selection and specification of structural fixings the JCP Technical Manual provides a simple solution. The use of anchors where the loads cannot be verified or are supported by weak technical information places a huge liability on the specifier or contractor. The JCP aim is to reduce any risk by giving solid and reliable information. Although not pretending to cover all applications and solutions it will allow the specifier or engineer to select the correct product with a high degree of confidence. The manual allows the choice of anchors using either a ‘Design Resistance’ approach or an ‘Approved/ Recommended Load’ approach. This gives the designer the opportunity to use either factored or unfactored loads. Where reduced spacings or edge distances are necessary the actual reduced load is given in the tables, saving the need to calculate the figures using reduction factors. Where a product has a European Technical Approval this is clearly shown with the ETA number and can be verified on the EOTA website The Technical Manual can be downloaded from the JCP website or by contacting the JCP Technical Helpline. Where more complex anchor load calculations are required these can be resolved by contacting the JCP Technical Helpline.
Watch out for ttap®! Swedfast AB (Scandinavian industry) and ThoméeHDF (Swedish retailers) have announced they will be introducing, and marketing, the ttap® screw into the Swedish market. Ttap® is a patented drive system, ensuring stick-fit without wobbling. It is designed to work with all types of assembling, including demanding professional applications and single handed operation. It is also already established in the Finnish, Norwegian and German markets. Swedfast AB is already a licensed manufacturer of ttap® screws, mainly in stainless quality for the European market. “Ttap® is the best screw we have ever had in our product range”, says Tommy Persson, product manager of Swedfast AB. “We are convinced that professional users in the Scandinavian market will appreciate it.”
INDEZ from INDEX INDEX says that the elaborate design and technical characteristics of its TEXZ screw, make it the best choice in the market today for applications which require top performance. The TEXZ screw has a mixed six-spline and cross recess, which allows both types of tips, with optimum torque guaranteed by both. It also has an expeller which throws the shaving out of the hole during the drilling and has a high pitch for a fast drive. Twelve ribs in the lower part of the head generate a direct countersink during the installation of the screw and a special ‘Tornado Tip’ + GSWR which triturates the fibres, facilitates the installation and the balance of penetration.
Spit hits a six New balustrades at Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club’s Trent Bridge ground are standing firm thanks to Spit LDT Large Diameter Tapcon anchors. JWC Fabrication Ltd., which made the balustrades, used the Spit product to fix them to concrete stairs in the new Bridgford Road stand and in the refurbishment of the existing stand. In total, over 300 anchors were used on the project. Spit says that its LDT Tapcon anchors are quick and easy to install because they cut their own thread, and all that is required to fit them is to drill a pilot hole and then drive the anchors home using a hand or impact wrench. Another reason why the LDT Tapcon was used for the job was that it could give the required strength on the shallow concrete stairs. As Colin Barnett, managing director of JWC Fabrication Ltd, explains, “Although resin anchors had been specified, the concrete stairs were only 100mm thick, which meant it was not possible to drill a hole deep enough to accommodate a resin anchor that would offer the pull-out strength that was required. LDT Tapcon anchors were the only product that would deliver the strength we needed. They were easy to use, gave the performance we needed and were ideal for what we wanted.”
RapierStar on the right track David Furness, MD of RapierStar, recently had a taste of the boards at the Manchester velodrome, home of British Cycling, where many of the British Cycling Olympic and Paralympics medallists have been produced. Christine Higgs, who works for RapierStar, is an enthusiastic Masters cyclist (over 30 yrs) and retained her National Masters pursuit title held this year. Both Christine and her partner Steve Davies, a World and National Masters champion and European medallist, train and race regularly at Manchester velodrome alongside the successful Olympic squad. Following on the success of the GB Olympic and Paralympics cycling team, Steve was urged by his boss to put on a BiB Insurance corporate day for clients and guests. David, a keen mountain biker, was invited to try out the speedy Manchester boards. David commented “I now appreciate the toughness of track racing and have a great deal of admiration for the dedication and commitment it takes to compete at Masters level.” Rapierstar, a UK supplier of Star PVCU window screws, Star Turn high performance timber screws and Star Fix installation fixings to distributors across the UK and Europe, recently moved to new premises on the 08/08/08. It’s move corresponded with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, an auspicious day in China. It was certainly a good omen for the British cycling teams.
Tremco illbruck’s new range of sealants Tremco illbruck has introduced a new range of professional silicone sealants under the Tremsil brand. Available in a variety of colours, the nine silicone sealants in the Tremsil range have been individually formulated for specialist applications including glazing, curtain walling, shop fronts and bathroom and shower rooms. Tremco illbruck was formed during 2006 from the integration of the established Tremco and illbruck organisations and illbruck’s well known Webbseal silicone sealants are now available under the Tremsil brand. Launching the new range, Roy Fee, Tremco illbruck’s distribution division sales manager said “A key element of our strategy is to develop those brands that have a strong pan-European presence, corporate identity and recognition for quality and service.” Silicone sealants are marketed by Tremco illbruck throughout Europe and the Middle East.
INSTA-STIK™ MP Fast Cure wins CPA accolade INSTA-STIK™ Multi-Purpose (MP), a polyurethane foam in gun format for dry lining applications, has made it onto the Construction Products Association (CPA)’s Innovation and Achievement website showcase for 2008. The product, manufactured by Dow Building Solutions, features in the ‘improvements in site efficiency’ category in the CPA’s annual round up of products that clearly demonstrate innovation in the construction industry over the last 12 months. INSTA-STIK™ MP enables the use of polyurethane foam as an adhesive, eliminating the need for water in dry lining applications. It also has a low expansion formula meaning it can fill small gaps following application without the ‘buckling’ of boards sometimes seen with other materials. “INSTA-STIK MP is capable of adhering a range of boards to a wide variety of construction surfaces, cutting out the need for drywall adhesive,” explained Alex Crisp, account manager for Dow Building Solutions. “It’s designed to be as easy to use on construction sites as possible, and can be applied either horizontally to floors or vertically to walls. Thanks to a strict control trigger and screw mechanism, there’s also less waste.” Other benefits that Dow Building Solutions points out that the INSTA-STIK MP offers includes: • • • • •
No noise and vibration, as well as freedom from solvents and HCFCs. Simple handling, with easy cleaning, no dust and fast, accurate application. No need for electricity or water, with minimal preparation and clean up allowing finishing trades to complete more quickly. Excellent coverage - one 750ml can is equivalent to a 25kg bag of drywall adhesive. Good tensile strength with no substrate damage and no thermal bridging or visible fasteners.
HECO-TOPIX®-CombiConnect and HECO-TOPIX®-Therm: The perfect fastening system specially designed for facades and roof insulations Suitable for any type of insulating material The compressive forces which occur are not transmitted in the insulating material by using HECO-TOPIX®-T Shearing forces that may occur can be vastly reduced by the means of a shear block by using HECO-TOPIX®-CombiConnect Just one screw length is required for the insulated roof area Considerably fewer screws are needed than with conventional systems Installation recommendations via HECO® calculation software HCS Comes with German national technical approval Z-9.1-652 for HECO-TOPIX®-T and Z-9.1-665 for HECO-TOPIX®-CC
HECO-Schrauben GmbH & Co.KG Dr.-Kurt-Steim-Straße 28 D-78713 Schramberg Telefon: +49 (0) 74 22 / 9 89-0 E-Mail: Internet:
ISO/TS 16949
ISO EN 9001
ISO EN 14001 OHSAS TS 18001
¥ "Automotive" supply chain ¥ " Safety Critical" applications ¥ " Heavy Industries" SPECIAL ITEMS per CUSTOMER DRAWINGs ¥ " Heavy Equipment " ¥ " Heavy Constructions HSFG ( HV )" ¥ " High Masts, Power Trans. Tow & Access. ¥ " Highway Safety Barriers" ¥ " Machine Builders and Stockists"
CAPACITY over 1 000 Tonnes per Month GRADES : 4.6, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9,12.9 SIZES from M5 to M52 LENGTHS from 16mm to 500mm Cold & Hot Forming and Heading Process Secondary Machining capabilities In-House Heat Treating
Capabilities: Plating for Futher Assistance or Inquiries, Please contact ; Sales & Customer Services-Fasteners Operations sales : sonermarasli Call : (+90) 322 393 4785 - 86 - 87 - 88 sales : bulent.yuruk Fax : (+90) 322 393 4084 - 4527 e-mail : Address : Ceyhan Yolu 30 Km. Yüre÷ir - ADANA / TÜRKøYE
Full Product Testing
VISIT on-line :
November 2008 - Turkey This issueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catalogue Rack is dedicated to Turkish fastener Suppliers. As a significant producer, this section provides a unique introduction to the markets exporting abilities and provides buyers with product and contact details.
Berdan Bolt
ARMA FASTENER ARMA FASTENER was founded in 1987. Our company is specialised in manufacturing fastening clamps, components, clips, caged nuts and able to produce for the special demands of our customers. Our main principes are to consider the quality, timely delivery and unconditioned customer satisfaction. We have been holding ISO-9001-2000 Quality Assurance Certificate since 2002. We produce forming machines.
Being the first Ce certified company in Turkey, Berdan manufactures special and standard bolts, nuts, studbolts and other threaded & unthreaded fastening and bolting equipment for refineries. We also manufacture petrochemical plants, automotive industry, energy transfer lines, heavy constructional equipments, power plants, wind turbines, earth moving equipment and other industries. Tel: +90 (0) 212 549 57 31
Birlik Baglanti Birlik Fastener Systems Co Ltd. established in 1988, is a manufacturer and exporter of special fastener systems (standard and special kinds of screws, bolts and washers) in Turkey.
Tel: +90 (0) 212 4226314 15
With a capacity of 30,000,000 pieces (200 tons) per month, all sorts of fasteners are produced for; Automotive, Automotive lighting / spare parts, Durable goods, Home Appliances, Furniture and Fire fighting industries.
Tel: +90 (0) 324 6764490 Email:
Bolt Fasteners Co. Bolt Fasteners Co. was founded in 1986 and carries out its activities in an area of 7,500 square meters. Our production processes are Phosphating, Drawing, Forging, Threading and Heat Treatment. Our machines with different functions allow us to have quick and flexible production planning. Bolt Co. is certified according to ISO/TS 16949:2002 by BVQI. Email:
CEVIZ PRES CO. Ceviz Pres Co. was established in 1982 in Turkey as a thread rolling and form rolling dies manufacturer. Our products are supported by CAD-CAM and CNC machines. We can produce all types of dies with competitive prices and short delivery terms. You can download our technical catalogue from our website.
EMEK Rivets Co.Ltd. Our product range includes Rivets, Rivet-Nuts, Solid Rivets and Semi-Tubular Rivets that are up to DIN Standard. Also we are able to produce Rivets and Rivet-Nuts that are specifically and exactly based upon our customers designs. Since 2006 Emek is a holder of the DIN EN ISO 9001 certificate.
Tel: +90 (0) 212 417 32 61 62
Fax: +90 (0) 212 485 20 06
ENKA CIVATA For more than 20 years ENKA CIVATA, a Turkish fastening components Benefits for you: manufacturer, has been a strong and competent partner in the fasteners sector. A worldwide presence enables us to supply high quality products at highly competitive pricing, whilst offering a wide range of services which provide measurable added ENKA CIVATA IMALAT VE SANAYI MAMULLERI PAZ. LTD.STI value to the customer. A COMPETENT PARTNER FROM TURKEY Contact: Mr. Vahit YILDIRIM Mr. Gökhan ZAMAN Tel: +90 (0) 216 399 73 71 / 370 55 99 Our production programme:
Special screws and special swivelplates Manufacture to DIN and ISO
* own production facilities * our competency and experience * our speed and reliability
Euro Fastener Euro Fastener offers a large choice of fasteners. Weld Nuts, Fiber Insert Nuts, Lock Nuts, Flange Nuts, T- Nuts, Wing Nuts, Spacers, Furniture Parts, Home Appliance Parts, Window Parts, Stainless Steel Nuts, Anchor Bolts, U-Bolts, V-Bolts and special parts from your drawings. Certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, Euro Fastener will carefully respect your specifications. Email:
Inokssan Civata
Kale Makina Ltd
We are one of the leading wholesalers in Turkey for stainless steel fasteners, bolts, nuts, rivets and washers. Our advantages are quality materials, delivery time and the price. Please get in contact with us to find out more about our product range and what we can do for you.
Kale has 15 years experience as one of the most important firms in the clamp sector, selling clamps worldwide. Our product range is specified on Worm Drive and Connection Clamps. Tried, tested and approved patented technology, good and permanent quality, competitive prices, friendly and quick service, and short delivery times.
Please contact Mr Mehmet NOYAN. Tel: +90 (0) 212 3207 430
Tel: +90 (0) 312 354 95 34 Email:
Our company, established in 1995 is dealing with fasteners and hardware products. Main distributor of Norm Fasteners/Turkey and Agrati Group/ Italy. All Standard items and some special parts with design can be provided. Products: Hexagon Head Bolts/ Screws 8.810.9-12.9, Socket Screws, Nuts, Washers, Studding-Threaded Rods, Drywall screws, Steel Anchors and fixing material Rivets, Stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers.
Tel: +90 (0) 216 593 05 00 Email:
Kemal Carfi Offices in Hangzhou China, Istanbul Turkey and head office in Izmir Turkey, one hundred fifty workforce, 40,000 sku’s in stock, all business processes under SAP, and a parent company of PALM. These are just a couple of reasons why companies turn to this 59 year old company when they are looking for a Value Chain and Supply Chain partner in the region. Email:
Konak Civata
KONAK has a long term experience in producing nearly every type of screw.
We have been serving the Turkish Industry by producing various kinds of nuts in accordance with our customers requirements for more than 20 years. We carry out the necessities of ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate since 2004.
In the mean time, KONAK works with 65 high tech screw producing machines. Competitive prices, best quality and excellent service, like fast delivery, are KONAK’s strength. In Turkey Email:
Norm Fasteners
Net Civata Net Civata has been one of the leading suppliers of high quality fasteners and cold forging parts in the European and Turkish automotive industry for more than 50 years. We have received all necessary accreditation such as ISO 9000/ISO TS 16949/ISO 14001. Customer satisfaction is our main priority, the policy being to produce goods of highest quality, on time and at competitive prices. Tel: +90 (0) 212 698 91 70
Norm Fasteners is a unique company who produces Specials & Standards, Bolts & Nuts for Automotive and many other industries with 35,000 tons capacity 60% special production. Quality Certifications; ISO/TS16949:2002 by BV, ISO14001, Ford Q1. IN HOUSE facilities; Heat Treatment, Tooling Manufacturing, Organic and Inorganic Platings under the licencee of MacDermid® and DÖRKEN MKS®.
PROFESSIONAL FASTENING SOLUTIONS We are a stock leader of a vast range of rivet nuts, blind rivet, structural rivets, metal and plastic parts, stud welding and welding devices, cage nuts, self clinching, telescopic slides, pneumatic and electrical hand tools for the application of these fastenings products. We represent brand names in the fastening business. Our company owns ISO 9001/2000 certificate.
Tel: +90 (0) 312 267 14 67
Tel: +90 (0) 2323 767 610
Professional in fastener production for 25 years. Main focus of the company is automotive industry. with 40% of the total production. Company also serves to; Home Appliance: 20%, Furniture: 14%, Windows - Door: 12% and Other: 15%. Special Nuts M 3- M 18; Hex- Flange- Round Nut, Weld Nut, Self Locking Nuts, Cold forging Parts: max. Ø 30 mm and max. L 90 mm SOM Exports 20% of Total Production to: Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, UK, USA, Iran and Morocco. Quality Certificate: TS 16949, ISO 14001 100% Sorting is available.
Turkey is the right address for fasteners. For 22 years ‘SIMAR’ has been providing the European markets special fasteners made in Turkey, produced by factories specialised in their fields and product range. Applications: window and door frame mechanisms, furniture, electrical appliances, white goods, electronics, automotive and construction. Quick deliveries, low cost, good quality standards and reliable service.
YBS Chemical Anchor Systems Y.B.S Chemical Anchor Systems are active as one of the most unique manufacturers in it`s field, in Turkey since 2005. We produce two types of chemical capsules: Hammer-in and spin-in. Our company is expanding quickly in the world market. YBS exports 90% of their production capsules abroad. Tel: +90 (0) 364 234 62 57 67
Mectron surpasses standards in fastener Inspection The Optical Analyser Mectron has introduced its new affordable Optical Analyser. This new patent pending technology uses high intensity light emitting diodes and a high definition CCD vision camera. An angle compensation plate is utilised to axially align the HD vision camera and the high intensity radial light array. The angle compensation plate has a radial scale which allows for an exact match of the fastener cosine angle. To accomplish a 360 degree inspection, the fastener slides past a slot in the v-track. This slot allows the radial light array through and around the part for complete illumination. Rapid advancements in vision cameras and customisation of software packages have allowed Mectron’s technology to advance. Mectron’s software and application engineers have worked together to reduce and simplify the number of tools and setup screens. “Using predetermined setup tools allows operators to complete a setup in less than five minutes. Other current vision systems on the market require a lot of time and tools for change over from part to part. Our system requires no tools for change over. The Optical Analyser is now available for use with any of our new machines and is also capable of being added to any of the 500+ machines already in the field.” New laser length analyser The four laser length analyser is capable of measuring stack-up lengths, head height, partial lengths, and overall length to +.0015 inch with zero mechanical adjustments. Integrated with Mectron’s 360º laser array for diameter measurements, this will now provide a complete Multi Axis Inspection. “The length analyser along with our LSR30 OD measuring laser (which holds all outer dimensions 360 degrees to 5 microns) makes us the company to get you to below zero PPM.“ 360 Degree tilt laser array plate Mectron’s newly integrated tilt laser array plate will accommodate products that possess extreme cosine angles. This mechanism allows the entire 360º laser array to be tilted about a single axis to align up with the angle that the part sits in the track. Moving the lasers perpendicular to the centre line of the part allows for true measurements in both axis. “The patented design of the laser array plate makes us the only builder of high speed inspection equipment capable of providing usable date such as stack up measurements like length under head.” Ergonomically integrated packaging systems Mectron’s MAP2500 automated packaging system features a power feed belt that supplies unfilled cartons to the inspection gate chute. As product is inspected and accepted, the parts pass through the gate and into the carton. This fully automatic operation allows the operator to set the exact piece count per carton on the system counter. Once the carton is full, the system shuttles the full carton over to the lift station, and brings the next empty carton to the fill position. The counter is then automatically reset and the inspection cycle is repeated. The full carton is lifted to a section of rollers that are at an ergonomically correct 35 inch (890mm) height from the floor for ease of handling by the system operator. “The integrated packaging is ideal for manufacturers who want to ensure exact piece count per carton, and guarantee that mixed parts aren’t introduced during an off line packaging method. By putting the part in the box immediately after inspection, the chance of introducing foreign material later is greatly decreased. The addition of automated packaging to any of our existing inspection systems provides the ultimate turnkey operation.”
Delta’s new short run packaging system Delta Engineering Corp, known for fastener packaging machinery since 1951, recently expanded its product line of fully automatic counting and weighing systems to include a new short run packaging system. This packaging system is designed for the packaging of fasteners, electrical connectors, and other discretely shaped items into boxes, bags and clamshells, when packaging runs are too short for fully automatic systems or for those who have packaging requirements that do not justify the higher cost of full automation. It also lends itself to the packaging of items that tangle too much for automatic machinery to count accurately. The system is designed as a replacement for the traditional bench scale by taking most of the material handling out of the process with the use of a vibratory feeder system. Delta says that this method eliminates the drudgery of the hand-filling process and makes for a much more pleasant packaging experience. Bulk product is loaded into the bowl and fed directly into the container which is held in place by a funneling fixture allowing the operator to close and label the previous package while the next package is being filled. “Customers who use the short run packaging system have reported a doubling of the productivity of operators which, combined with the unit’s low price, makes for a favourable ROI for those who currently hand-package as little as four hours per day.”
New dimensions in screw testing TesT GmbH, with headquarters in Erkrath/Düsseldorf, Germany, offers benches with patented measuring heads to investigate friction value and other mechanical properties of fasteners. TesT has delivered numerous machines in this field and cooperates with famous producers of screws, nuts and coating materials, as well as with the most important automotive manufacturers. In collaboration with this industry TesT says it has brought innovations and patents into the market. Due to the requirements for bolts and nuts in accordance to ISO 14399 for wind turbines, customers asked for solutions to determine the relevant properties up to size M64. Electronics and mechanical engineers, physicists and IT scientists worked together to extend the machine range to larger dimensions. Up to now TesT has delivered two of these units and is working on a project for M80. In accordance to ISO 14699 a patented 2-component sensor is used. The clamping force of the fastener and the total torque are measured. The maximum values are 3,000kN and 30,000Nm. The drive unit with a maximum torque of 30,000Nm offers a rotary angle resolution of 0.1° and permits speeds up to 10rpm. The control and evaluation software TestWinner allows computer-aided realisation of the tests. Freely programmable sequences, result calculation, data export and an extremely fast PC-board allow the simple adaptation to different test scenarios. Software packages according to international standards or standards of car manufacturers are also available. By using 3 or 4 component measuring heads it is possible to record, without influence of one by the other, the total, head and thread friction in accordance to ISO 1604. Furthermore additional facilities such as extensometers for direct length measurement and measurements under temperature control (patented) are possible on all variants.
We are going to heat up your screws - Screw-Testing-Machine from M2 M64 - Patented measurement heads - Special screw-heating system up to 150°C NEW! - Screw extensometer
World leader in Screw Friction Testing
PACE inspection machine NEW 3 D LASER inspection With accuracies up to 0,1 micro meter and speed up to 100 parts / minute it can show what is possible with today’s latest technology. Independent for any reflection and surface condition it can read any topographical shape of any surface. Used mainly for sealing surfaces or other precise surfaces. Double crack detection with a new distance compensation to allow nearly any shape of the part to be crack detected. Special execution for crack detection on Aluminum or stainless steel widens the range of parts which can be inspected on the PACE machine. New material and hardness test with 64 frequencies, multi channel crack detection, linear motors for the recess soft surface control are a few new high lights which is appreciated by quality concerned customers, many of them are using PACE already but also PACE can show its advantages in a lot of new fields for 100% inspection. Zero ppm guarantee with our patented 4 times redundant safety process, or simply the fact that PACE is the market leader for high class machines with over 600 machines world wide has proven to all well known Automotive and electronic companies that there is only one trust when you need a 100% reliable sorting process, the PACE. Please contact Hilker & Partner GmbH Withauweg 3 70439 Stuttgart Tel 0049 711 98 09180 • •
Fulfilling inspection requirements Recently Weighpack designed a simple, strong, self teaching, price competitive inspection unit to fulfill inspection requirements at the end of thread rolling machines. The automotive sector shows a tendency to have inspection equipment at each production stage for security products like wheel bolts and wheel nuts. For PSA, Weighpack designed a “Monoctonut”, a simple heavy duty self teaching inspection machine to check functions and material handling like correct heat treatment and correct corrosion protection. The technology is based on high resolution Eddy current with intelligent software to split wrong parts from correct parts. “More and more cold forming companies for automotive products choose to inspect directly behind heat treatment furnaces to be sure this stage has been executed correctly.“
Very fast and economic tension fatigue tests Most dynamic fatigue tests on samples and components are performed by servo hydraulic testing machines. However, RUMUL says that the fastest and most economic way to perform tension fatigue tests on bolts and fasteners is by using the magnet driven RUMUL resonant fatigue testers. When testing fasteners, test frequencies of 100 to 200Hz can be achieved, generating more than 10 million load cycles per day. These tests can also be performed according to all current standards (ISO 7961, ISO 3800, DIN 969, ABS 0114, NASM1312-11, BS 7774, SPS-B-640 etc). Owing to the magnet drive, power consumption is less than 2% of a comparable servo hydraulic testing machine. For research purposes fatigue tests can be performed at temperatures ranging from -50°C to 250°C using a RUMUL temperature chamber. RUMUL says that due to the fact that its machines are magnet driven it can save companies who use RUMUL machines, such as SPS, LISI, Fontana, Agrati, Brugola and Böllhoff, a lot of time and money.
Churchill Products Ltd offers total service To satisfy the requirements of more customers, Churchill Products Ltd has invested in additional equipment. The packing company now has four automated packing stations. There are three stations capable of either 80mm (0.5kg), 150mm (7kg) or 250mm (15kg) bags. In addition Churchill has a two-bowl feeder counter packaging machine, capable of making bags down to 80mm wide and putting multiple product and mixed quantities in one bag. To add to its packing capabilities, Churchill also offers a wide range on inspection machinery. It has five Mectron qualifier machines, capable of checking up to 14 dimensional features of a part, throughout 360 degrees. Churchill can also make eddy current checks for mixed materials, heat treatment issues, plating issues and cracks. It also has three pace machines, as well as the latest optical sort machine, which allows it to check for recess infill by inserting a drive bit into each component to determine correct recess depth. Finally, Churchill has two roller sort machines to do a basic diameter check and remove debris, as well as other machines which are capable of checking head diameter, presence of thread, under head length and shoulder diameter.
for Lengths, Diameters, Threads, Hard/
Productivity advantages from vibratory storage feeders SKAKO COMESSA says that vibratory storage feeders are the best possible solution to make sure sorting and inspection machines run as long as possible, with the right quantity of products, and without needing an operator to check. SKAKO COMESSA offers two possible solutions to feed inspection and packing machines. The first solution is a silo feeder, which is suitable for bulk material e.g. nuts, washers and very small/short screws. The system is set up by positioning a 900 x 900mm container, which has a sliding gate in the bottom, on top of the silo feeder. After opening the gate in the transport box the product flows into the silo and can be feed into the next stage machine. It can be started and stopped with a level detector, which is installed above the vibration bowl of the inspection / packing machine. The second solution for longer, bigger and interlocking products is the FVE storage feeder, which is available in different sizes (70 litres/125kg content up to 2,240 litres/ 4,000kg). To complete the feeding equipment in front of an inspection/packing machine there is the TILDE, a lift and tipping-system which can empty all sizes of transport boxes (10 – 3,150kg per box) into the a.m. feeders.
High speed vision system The image processing system “Auto Control” is the main part of the inspection system OPTISORT. This complete image processing system consists of the following components: seventeen inch monitor, keyboard and IPC including the inspection software, camera and lightning. Also, because the system uses “plug & play” components, it is ready for use straight away. Programming and operating are simple and allow measurements of all inspection criterions of fasteners. All measurements and special tools for inspecting fasteners like thread pitch, head cracks, diameter, length, major and minor thread, angle and splined recess, are integrated in the programming software “Auto Control”. For older sorting machines, GEFRA offers rebuilding and upgrading services. The upgrades include replacing all electrical components, controller and motors. The vision system includes top camera, telecentric side camera, touch screen and an
industrial PC with “Auto Control“ software for high speed. GEFRA says that this upgrade then allows for programming of a new part to be done within less than 15 minutes. The image processing system allows a maximum speed of 1,000ppm and is able to inspect cracks and recess. Statistics, BDE and network is standard. “Well-known national and international manufacturers in our reference list make evidence of the reliability of this inspection system. The high reliability for users is guaranteed by the use of field proven components, which are designed to form a suitable inspection system with a 0ppm quality for the individual. As a matter of fact an optimum and perfectly working system is combined with a first class service.“
Inspection systems for fasteners The world leading inspection systems made by GEFRA for accurate measurements, crack detection, recess inspection and 360 thread inspection provide zero-defect inspection capability. Manufacturers can inspect products at speeds up to 1000 parts per minute. All OPTISORT systems and feeding systems are designed for gentle handling of part during the inspection process. The OPTISORT line is completed with various models of packaging systems.
For the Record For many years Record Packaging Systems has supplied the widely used Skin Pack System into the UK from manufacture Minipack Torre. This system is traditionally used for ‘point of sale’ applications and the production of spare parts kits. However, it has the draw back of not being re-sealable, thus making it unsuitable for certain applications. Simply shrink wrapping in a tray can solve this problem, leaving the pack open but still contained after the first take. It can then be re-sealed by one of Record’s smaller table top machines. Record has also announced its new Flow Pack re-sealable pack. By eliminating the need for expensive modifications to existing machinery, this system allows the producer to present a user friendly and cost effective pack that reduces split and spoilt packs. The result to the end user is that stock is kept safer and better presented when space is a premium. This in turn reduces overall waste and more importantly costs while producing a more user friendly pack. Record is capable of supplying many solutions be it Vertical Form Fill and Seal, Skin Pack, Flow Pack or Shrink Wrap.
LaserLab installed at bolt manufacturing facility General Inspection LLC has recently installed a LaserLab, a first piece laser measuring system, at a large Italian owned fastener manufacturer in Indiana, USA. The company will utilise the machine to improve quality, as well as save time and money, whilst inspecting a vast array of large bolts. The LaserLab replaced hand gauges and optical comparator work that would take several hours to perform, but can now be done in minutes. The LaserLab is a 3-Dimensional laser measuring system utilising 8 lasers positioned around the circumference of the parts. The system accurately measures all external features to print tolerances. Standard measurable features include; lengths, diameters, tapers, threads, radii, concentricity, hex across corners/flats, wrench height and straightness. A NIST traceable calibration component is mounted to the base of the part fixture. Each time a part is measured the system is calibrated ensuring that each measurement is reliable and accurate. General Inspection produces LaserLab’s for both lab and shop floor environments. There are two different size range capabilities: A 6 inch stroke (total length) model and a 12 inch stroke (length) model. Both models can measure up to 1.5 inch diameter. “For the past 17 years we have been helping manufacturers and distributors around the world reduce their PPM defect levels.”
Making production more secure and transparent Schwer + Kopka, supplier of process monitoring systems, says that its systems ensure a more productive mode of operation, at higher quality levels, when making high volume parts such as fasteners, stampings, pressings, turned parts, or when assembling components. Process monitoring systems typically ‘observe’ a manufacturing process through suitable sensors, ‘learn’ the correct sensor signal profile for a machine cycle, and then check that each following sensor signal is identical or nearly identical to the ‘learnt’ profile within acceptable control limits. Such sensor signals can be force, torque, acoustics, strain, tension, electrical motor load, or other methods suitable to measure the production process. The captured sensor profiles are analysed by different methods and strategies such as high resolution envelope monitoring. If the signal does not match the calculated envelope, something has gone wrong inside the process. Perhaps a tool broke, a part was missing, or there was a problem with the machine. Whatever the cause, the monitor will display an error message, alert the operator, and stop the machine to prevent further damage. In addition, process monitoring systems can be networked to collect vital production data such as uptimes, downtimes, down reasons, and number of parts produced on a central computer system. Schwer + Kopka also provide a software package called SK-go which analyses the efficiency of the manufacturing process through instantaneous reports such as down time charts, shift protocols, or job performance statistics.
Experience the key for New-Ma S.r.l New-Ma S.r.l, based in Schio, Vicenza, Italy, has been in the packaging business for 20 years. Due to its long experience it says it has acquired a solid ability in proposing and supplying its customers with highly customised advanced solutions. In recent years New-Ma has developed and specialised its business around the following: • • • • • • •
Vertical form fill seal machines. Horizontal form fill seal machines. Counting and packing lines. Automatic weighing and packing lines. Dosing and packing lines. Weight checkers. Robot palletiser.
New-Ma Srl and New-Ma CO LLC are represented in many countries around the world through a network of direct sales, service companies and qualified agents. “This representation around the world allows us to guarantee a constant support to our customers, and achieve, what has always been our main goal, success and visibility thanks to satisfied customers.”
Fast, Strong & Cost-Efficient
Equipped with Production-proven FORMAX Features • linear feed • zero clearance heading slide guidance • straight-across transfer
Built by National Machinery in Suzhou, PR China
an NM Group Global Company
w ww. n a t ionalm achi ner National Machinery LLC 161 Greenfield Street Tiffin , Oh i o 44883- 2471 • U . S . A. Tel.: +1 419 447-5211 Fax: +1 419 443-2379
NME National Machinery Europe GmbH Kingenhofstraße 57 90411 N ürnberg • Germany Tel.: +49 911 5198-0 Fax: +49 911 5198-220
Nürnberg, Germany Birmingham, England Paris, France Barcelona, Spain Bolzano, Italy Moscow, Russia
HELPRO FactoryNet – Manufacturing is online Helpro says that its FactoryNet monitoring system will become the basis for competitive production in the future. The in-process control takes place by means of sensors installed in the tool or in the machine to recognise even the slightest changes in the production pattern, using precise force measurement. This stops the production of faulty parts and the related costs are thereby avoided. To add to this, Helpro is looking at the introduction of online communication to open up potential in the added value range. Important machine data, made transparent by various possibilities of evaluation, lead to quicker and more economical production sequences. Important information from the machine can
be automatically supplied in real-time via e-mail or SMS Systems.
system in case of a fault and rectify the fault quickly and economically.
The FactoryNet box This is at the heart of FactoryNet. All relevant data is stored here, it is then processed and evaluated by the corresponding software and information is passed on. This terminal works independently within a companies existing network.
Save and Rescue (SAR) With the SAR system the exchange of ProcessMonitoring systems for maintenance and repair purposes is no longer a problem. Replacement systems automatically detect the FactoryNet terminal during installation and load all saved process data and settings.
BISS-Box (Brankamp / Helpro Intranet Security System) The BISS-Box is used for comprehensive protection of data. The box detects almost all attacks and threats and blocks these off specifically, but without affecting the intended communication. Communication outside the company is only possible with intended and approved addresses, e.g. with the Brankamp / Helpro service-server.
FactoryM – Modular Operating Communication System FactoryM automatically transmits all important characteristics to the PC with online speed. Quantities produced per machine or department, as well as characteristics like degree of utilisation, are available at the touch of a button. FactoryM can also be implemented into existing BDE systems.
Brankamp / Helpro Internet Service Support (BISS) BISS enables the maintenance of ProcessMonitoring systems via a secure internet connection. When the customer activates this function, the system will log on to the service-server of Brankamp / Helpro. This way Helpro experts can directly access the
News Picker Adjustable filters enable the extraction of exactly the information of particular interest for the user, from a vast variety of information about the manufacturing process. This information is directly displayed on the screen by means of the push-method or sent to the set address via e-mail or SMS.
Fastener exhibits in one hall at wire 2010 Dusseldorf Messe has confirmed that the fastener manufacturing exhibitors at the next wire event in 2010 will all be housed in Hall 15. At this year’s show fastener machinery was spread between two halls, attracting criticism from several exhibitors and also from visitors. The 12th edition of wire and Tube will be staged from 12 to 16 April 2010. Wire will be held in Halls 9 through 12 and 15 through 17 at Dusseldorf Messe. Spring making technologies will be in Hall 16. The range at wire 2010 includes everything from machines for wire production and finishing, tools, auxiliary materials for process engineering to materials and specialty wires. In addition, innovations from the areas of cable, measurement and control technology and test engineering will be presented. Specialty areas such as logistics, conveyor systems and packaging round off the product and services range. Tube exhibits will be in Halls 1 through 7. For the first time, there will also be a special show about profiles and profile technology, which will feature machines and systems for the production of profiles and also present the final products. Dusseldorf Messe says that, after the excellent results of the two events in 2008, wire again expects to welcome about 1,100 exhibitors on a display area of 51,500m2 in 2010. More than 41,000 visitors are expected to gather information about innovations in the sectors of the cable and wire industry. For the 2010 event, Tube estimates that 35,000 visitors and 1,000 exhibiting companies will meet on a display area of 40,000m2.
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RLS Tooling continues expansion RLS Tooling has announced that another stage of its expansion programme has been completed, with a new CNC form grinder being installed in its factory in Cannock. This increase in production capacity for special form & thread dies will help meet the existing demands and reduce delivery times. The recently installed computerised progressing system is now fully functioning. It allows the production manager to allocate machining time for every job and the technicians in
the workshop can update progress regularly. This allows RLS to check the position of orders swiftly and efficiently and provide reliable deliveries when quoting. “We believe that this has already helped us to recently secure two good contracts. We are hoping to complete our two year expansion plan early next year when we expect to install further CNC machinery to handle the demand for licensed products that we manufacture.”
Matco invests as machining business takes off UK based Matco Engineering, which was set up in April to provide a guaranteed on-time supply of machined parts to small and medium volume manufacturers, has made its largest-ever investment in a single piece of equipment, following a period of significant growth. The £60k investment, in a Mitsubishi M-H5B twin pallet horizontal machining centre, has helped it to secure a growth in business of more than 30% from its largest customer, and Matco director Matt Bishop (pictured below) says that the fledgling company has also secured long-term business from new customers, most notably in the transport industry. “The new machine is helping us to service these new contracts, and also gives us the competitive edge we need to go out and find new business as we pursue our growth plan. Our focus is on providing small and medium sized manufacturers with a reliable source of supply for machined parts, and offering the same levels of service that very large manufacturers enjoy. This approach has proved popular, and it is helping us to grow despite the economic downturn.” The new machine offers greater flexibility, and horizontal working allows the company to machine parts in one complete operation. The Mitsubishi M-H5B twin pallet horizontal machining centre is operating alongside a suite of vertical machining centres. The machine has a pallet size of 500mm x 500mm. The spindle works at 12,000 revs per minute within a working envelope of 650mm x 650mm x 650mm. It is equipped with a 60-tool changer carousel. This latest purchase takes Matco’s investment in capital equipment to more than £250,000. It will be used to service business right across the company’s customer base in the automotive, transportation and general manufacturing sectors.
American metal market named media sponsor for IFE 09 The International Fastener Machinery & Suppliers’ Association (IFMSA) has announced that it recently named American Metal Market (AMM) as the official media sponsor of IFE 09, the International Fastener and Precisioned Formed Parts Manufacturing Exposition and Conference, which takes place at the I-X Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, on April 27- 30, 2009. Commenting on the announcement, Raymond Zirkle, executive director of IFMSA, which organises and produces IFE, said, “We are extremely pleased to have the support of American Metal Market, which provides the most complete, comprehensive and timely information on the metals industry. Our attendee base of manufacturers is heavily involved in specifying, pricing and purchasing a wide range of metals in bringing the latest advances in fasteners and precisioned formed parts from concept to customer. AMM has been the recognised go-to resource for this essential information and market research for more than 125 years.” David Brooks, senior vice president of AMM, said, “AMM welcomes the opportunity to participate as media sponsor for IFE 09. The association with IFE brings us into close proximity with a key group of metals industry buyers and specifiers, who we believe can greatly benefit from our information resources to procure their materials requirements in a more timely, efficient and cost-effective way. We see this alliance as mutually beneficial for the two parties, as well as the fastener manufacturing industry overall.”
RAD-CON relocates RAD-CON Inc, a manufacturer of industrial furnaces based in Cleveland, OH, USA, has moved its corporate offices to Lakewood, Ohio, USA, from its previous location in nearby Bay Village. The new location is part of a refurbished industrial property managed by Omni Lakewood Corp. The space was configured to accommodate RAD-CON’s growing staff of engineers and programmers, as well as to consolidate its warehouse activities. RAD-CON, Inc. is a supplier of bell-type batch annealing furnace (BAF) equipment that uses a protective atmosphere of 100% hydrogen. The annealing process softens metal which is a key operation within cold rolling and finishing mills that produce coils of strip and wire. The 100% hydrogen protects the metal and makes the process more efficient. In addition to the equipment, RAD-CON provides design, installation, and operational support of complete annealing facilities. The equipment is manufactured primarily at affiliated companies in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Some equipment is also manufactured in qualified partner shops located near the markets served. Equipment designs are complemented by the decades of experience in annealing various alloys to specific finish requirements, for both ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
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Essebi warm forming technology The development of Essebi technology is always aimed at giving the best service to its customer, developing machinery that is most useful for each fastener and parts manufacturer. The crisis in the fastener manufacturing market in Europe, where practically all manufacturers have given up the production of standard parts, creates pressure to extend their work, every day, into new fields. One of them is the production of parts with special materials, such as stainless steel and titanium. Many parts with these materials can be cold formed, but usually this solution carries an anomalous level of tool wear. Between them the machine manufacturers and Essebi developed new technologies for the warm forming of these materials. An induction device put immediately before the cutter brings the wire to the right temperature, considering the diameter and the length of the parts to be formed. Special care was invested in Essebi technology to protect, using cooling systems, all the parts of the machine that could suffer some damage from the hot blank. The temperature control system has been extended to all the critical parts of the machines so that, even when the machine is running on cold, special sensors can give a constant information on the temperature in the main components of the machine. An extra device can also been applied to circulate water throughout the machine to keep at anytime a specified temperature in the machine. This device is very useful to cool or warm the machine according to the work it has to make. For example you can have the machine warmer when you start working, so that the first pieces can be correctly formed; or you can cool it if you are doing a harder job, or after many hours of work.
Two new facilities for Magni Group The Magni Group, Inc, based in Birmingham, MI, USA, and a supplier of engineered, corrosion resistant coatings for automotive and non-automotive metal products, has recently celebrated the opening of two new facilities in Asia. The Magni China facility located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province (near Shanghai), is a manufacturing and distribution center for Magni coatings and headquarters for Chinese sales and technical services. The Magni Korea Technical Center, located in Ansan Si, is the headquarters for Korean sales and technical services. The addition of these two new locations brings Magni’s total number of world facilities to fifteen. Magni China and Magni Korea’s executives welcomed customers and business partners to the ribbon-cutting ceremonies on August 22, and August 25, 2008 respectively. Over 60 automotive suppliers, OEMs and local government officials attended Magni China’s open house, tour and luncheon. The Magni Korea team welcomed over a dozen major Korean automotive suppliers and OEMs for technical discussions, tours and lunch. The two new China and Korea laboratories were co-designed by Magni’s engineers from USA, China & Korea. Both labs operate to the high standards and capabilities of all Magni global labs. The labs feature high-tech testing and analysis tools such as Magnetic and X-ray thickness measurement, torque tension/friction testing for coated fasteners, section/mount/polishing part preparation and high-resolution microscope for film analysis, salt spray test boxes, humidity tester, cyclic corrosion test cabinets, sand blasting, dip/spin, curing oven, and many more.
MacuGuard LM Engineering Excellence Fasteners in Contact with Aluminium, how can you ensure performance? The inherent electro-potential differences between Aluminium and most protective fastener coatings, is the most common cause of premature corrosion. MacuGuard LM is the most advanced alloy coating ever developed, with a structure specifically designed to overcome corrosion problems of fasteners in contact with Aluminium. MacuGuard LM’s unique alloy structure negates the effects often associated with zinc, metal filled paints, and alloy coatings, when used in contact with Aluminium.
weight loss during accelerated corrosion testing
When you need reliable performance coatings, trust the company that says, “Yes We Can”. MacDermid.
For more information, please contact us at:
VECTA helps Orbital Fasteners increase market share Jayne Hill, new business development manager, Orbital Fasteners, based in Hertfordshire, UK, recently implemented the VECTA Sales Intelligence software solution, to improve the operational effectiveness of its sales team. Jayne Hill, new business development manager at VECTA sales solutions explains why it was essential that the solution delivered a tangible and substantial return on investment. The company specialises in the supply of fasteners, fixings & tools, both to trade and cash account customers, via its premises in Watford, UK, and the Internet. Orbital Fasteners is a good example of a business using technology effectively in order to improve productivity and this latest project will facilitate controlled sales growth and customer retention through the current uncertain economic climate. Whilst the business is constantly seeking improved processing efficiencies, it demands that I.T. projects demonstrably deliver the required results. As users of EDP Group’s CHARISMA application software for many years, Orbital constantly works closely with EDP to ensure that its technology solutions are optimised. The objective is to ensure stability through
happen effectively. The result of this is that sales people rely on ‘gut feeling’ and the feedback of customers, and are as a consequence, significantly disadvantaged during sales conversations. Orbital recognised the impact of this approach and in order to improve the productivity of its sales team, elected to adopt VECTA. With a controllable core product offering, suitable for a large target audience, it believed opportunities were being missed and issues not always identified quickly enough, thus impacting upon sales results and growth. Annually reviewing its data and classifying its ‘winners, losers and deserters’, i.e. those customers spending more, spending less, or having stopped buying, proved a routine and beneficial exercise. However, Orbital wanted a
• To identify and address potential sales issues in order to secure more business. • To increase market share and ensure certain sales opportunities are not missed.
proven, reliable and cost effective systems, leveraging new technology solutions only at the appropriate time. Last year, Orbital elected to move its I.T. systems to EDP’s hosted service, reducing exposure and overheads whilst enabling the business to focus its’ resources on core competencies In common with many competitors, having a comprehensive range of products and a substantial customer base makes the process of identifying market trends and customer buying patterns a constant challenge. Although any business will recognise such changes in time, the need to be responsive and agile means Orbital places a high priority on its I.T. solutions, particularly in the area of sales and marketing. Many businesses find that obtaining the necessary information to guide sales activity is time consuming and therefore does not
manageable way to do this on an ongoing basis to help optimise sales opportunities and reduce customer attrition. The objective therefore was to improve the information available to the sales team, providing timely and fast access to key opportunities, changes and any issues requiring attention. The focus was to improve call productivity, whilst also providing a simple way to record and provide visibility of customer contact information across the company. For Orbital, who start with a ‘blank order book’ each month, it is vital to spot quickly if a customer is not buying core product ranges or has not yet spent in that month.
sales team to work much more effectively, they use it to track their customer sales, identify products which are not being bought and log and pursue prospective customers in their areas. An increase in the effectiveness of the calls made by the sales team has been seen through using the information obtained from VECTA”. The sales team is one of the most expensive assets of any distribution company, however, many companies lack suitable facilities and consequently fail to optimise this most important resource. Orbital has recently enjoyed exceptionally good sales results of some 30% above target. A major contributor to this success is the ability to instantly identify sales opportunities, address potential drift and focus on the most important discussion points for each account. Orbital is using VECTA to both drive and inform its sales team, to great effect.
Primary project objectives were: • To optimise time with customers. • To ensure an appropriate reason and focus for every sales call.
VECTA now enables Orbital to instantly and consistently identify ‘winners, losers and deserters’. This ensures that the sales team are as effective as possible, being equipped with key information at their fingertips and not having to rely on the IT team or phone calls backwards and forwards with the office, to understand their customers’ buying patterns. This has resulted in time-savings across the board, reduced call costs and improved productivity. Paul Widdison, Orbital sales manger commented: “VECTA has enabled the external
Are your sales people quick enough to catch every opportunity?
Sell more on every call. Arm your sales force with Vecta Sales Intelligence solutions and significantly increase sales.
Identify new selling opportunities.
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Generate highly effective campaigns and promotions. Tel: 0114 262 2032 A part of the EDP PLC Group of Companies.
Starter for ten Merlin Business Software celebrates its 34th birthday this year. David Wilson, marketing manager at Chatsworth Computers, explains how this experience allows it to provide business solutions suited to the fastener and fixing sector, by outlining the ten most relevant features of Merlin Business Software.
Fast order processing operations Top of the shop. If it can’t cope with the flow of customers enquiries there’s no point moving on to point two. Not only does Merlin help staff serve customers quickly and accurately, it does so ensuring that the correct customer special pricing is applied and that the customer’s special requirements are adhered to. Instant access to customer purchase history is presented throughout, as well as identifying items the customer may have forgotten to order this time. Merlin will prompt when special offers are available and will suggest linked items to boost sales values. Everything from quotes & estimates through to instant invoicing is available (including Purchase Card and Credit Card payments) from a single interface. With a little mentoring, existing Merlin users confirm that on average their staff successfully prompt for an extra line on every order or increase the value of the order using ‘linked item’ prompts and ‘up-sell’ using quantity break prompts. Scalability Whatever system you buy, you’ve always got to be thinking ahead, particularly where your company’s future is concerned. This is why you have to have total confidence when
making a decision to buy new software that all the features that you will have seen demonstrated in Merlin are available regardless of the size of the your business. This means that Merlin customers with a 4-user system can compete in the same marketplace as other Merlin customers with 256 or more users. If this is still not enough, rest assured that Merlin has been accredited by IBM no less, having been benchmarked on IBM blade servers at 2,000 users. Integrated Proof of Delivery (POD) imaging An increasingly common ‘hot-potato’. Scenario: A customer disputes payment of an invoice and insists on a POD; is it a genuine request or a ‘try-on’? What is the level of disruption to your daily work either way? Wouldn’t you just like to have this on-screen in a couple of mouse-clicks? Better still – have it on his desk by fax or e-mail in a couple of further clicks? Merlin’s POD solutions are so easy to handle that even the delivery driver can scan in their batch of delivery notes on their return from a run; the same can be said for the trade counter manager with his collection notes. Delivery / Route planning In this unforgiving economic climate companies simply can’t entertain their drivers burning fuel unnecessarily simply because of poor prior planning of their routes. Far easier to
give your transport manager Merlin’s Delivery / Route planner and do away with a wall Drag-&Drop planning (and re-planning if required) makes this essential task a breeze, in fact you don’t need to start picking and assembling the orders until the route is agreed, making for a single consolidated pick from the yard and stores. Buying group ready Merlin has been ‘buying group ready’ for many years, ensuring the correct invoice goes to the right buying group for payment, regardless of the supplier in question. Taking this a stage further, Merlin’s Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) capabilities allow the whole process to be achieved without a piece of paper ever being printed – good for the environment – better for the company’s coffers. Supplier price books Customers don’t tend to want to hang around while you look up a product that isn’t in stock. That’s why Merlin allows your staff to have practically limitless amounts of product information available to them at the touch of a button. You name it (technical notes, product notes, dimensions, COSHH sheets, etc.) – Merlin can retrieve it instantly. Given the known association with the
supplier or manufacturer, a back-to-back purchase order for a direct delivery could be completed within a few seconds. Merlin makes the otherwise traditional rigmarole of dealing with ‘specials’ a thing of the past. Wired & wireless Think of any computer system and we all picture an image of someone in front of a screen, with a box of tricks beneath the desk or counter and wires connecting mouse, keyboard and network; fine for the trade counter – not so fine when the customer wants you to take a stroll around the showroom with them. Unless you want to take Merlin with you, that is. This is where Merlin’s range of hand-held applications for rugged PDA devices comes into play. No need to try and commit everything to memory in order to key it in to the terminal when you return to the counter – wouldn’t you rather have the collection note ready-printed when you get there? This is the speed advantage that Merlin’s wireless applications have been designed to deliver from the outset. Where other systems do not have such an offering and require a third-party solution, Merlin’s hand-held applications have been designed from their inception to be a fully integrated part of the larger company-wide Merlin system. Even if you plan to have wireless solutions as a later development, isn’t it
better to know that this is available in advance as opposed to choosing a solution now, only to find out later on that it does not have a similar capability? Better to avoid costly disappointments from the outset. Business Alerts – what’s going on? Every business software solution will offer limitless amounts of management information, and Merlin is no exception to this rule either. However, Merlin’s integrated Business Alerts feature brings your attention to day-to-day issues as they happen. This way you get to know straight away about those members of staff who have altered pricing or have sold at a loss, giving you time to react immediately; far better than finding out about it later on in a weekly or monthly management report when it’s too late to do anything about it. Merlin’s Business Alerts system is entirely configurable, allowing you to specify the kind of events that you, your management team or any individual for that matter need to know about. Integrated accounts Merlin contains its own integrated accounts. A feature that you would expect as standard no doubt? Well, you may be surprised to learn that some competitive software solutions do not have their own integrated accounting ledgers and require you to purchase additional third-party software. Clearly this approach introduces additional and unexpected implementation costs and on-going support costs. Surely better to have all your eggs in one basket? Surely better to have real-time
interaction with the customers’ account details and account balances when taking that next order? Surely better to avoid running the risks associated with maintaining two separately produced software applications? On-going development Even though Merlin has been entirely re-written recently, taking advantage of the latest framework standards, it has not been developed to simply stand still; and for good reason. In this increasingly competitive industry, those fastener companies who are flexible enough to respond to market pressures and customer requirements are the ones who will more than weather the storm, where others simply batten down the hatches and hope to ride it out. Merlin’s on-going development policy ensures that its customers will be kept up to date with any enhancements that have been added to the software they use, as part of the software support service offered. This means that a Merlin user can rest assured that, no matter how their business needs change, appropriate software solutions are already available and can be implemented at any point.
Apriso continues record revenue expansion Apriso, a provider of adaptive software solutions for global Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM), has announced record results for the third quarter 2008. For the quarter, total revenue increased by 62% on a year-over-year basis, once again surpassing industry analyst growth expectations of 12.5% for the Manufacturing Operations Management industry. Growth was fuelled by new customer wins, which expanded Apriso’s market share in the automotive, industrial & heavy equipment, life sciences and consumer goods industries across its European, Americas and Asia Pacific operations. “We are extremely pleased with Apriso’s revenue results to date for 2008, driven by the extraordinary value our customers realise from an Apriso solution,” explained Jim Henderson, president and CEO of Apriso. “Manufacturers are increasingly choosing Apriso because we are delivering real improvements to their bottom line by reducing operational costs and releasing working capital that was previously tied up in idle inventory, two benefits that are increasingly important in these volatile and uncertain economic conditions.”
RedPrairie WMS offers visibility and productivity improvements RedPrairie Corporation, a consumer driven optimisation company, announced that Orefield Cold Storage (OCS Logistics) has improved its distribution operations with RedPrairie Warehouse Management. US based OCS Logistics provides handling throughout the United States and implemented the solution to gain necessary capabilities to meet the needs of its demanding logistics service customers. The RedPrairie solution replaced a paper-based system that could not provide real-time data into inventory. With the RedPrairie solution, companies have a real time visibility into inventory status, including inbound receipts and outbound shipments. With the flexibility of the RedPrairie system, companies can build a platform that is stable and configurable. Databases are easy to manage, and pre-set rules can be built on best practices, which make configuring a new customer easier. “We bought RedPrairie because it’s the Ferrari of supply chain software. It gives us the capabilities we need today in addition to the technology we need for future customers,” said Carlos Navarro, executive VP operations, OCS Logistics.
20 Years of success In its 20th year of operation, DocuWare continues to register strong financial figures: the DocuWare Group witnessed an 11% growth in the first six months and the number of newly installed document management solutions has grown by 29%. In the first half of 2008, DMS specialist DocuWare was able to add onto last year’s success. All business units worldwide contributed to the positive revenue development. The EMEA region (excluding Germany and the UK) grew its revenues by 29.8%, which was followed by the subsidiary in the UK, DocuWare Ltd, with growth of 28.7%. In Germany, revenue grew by 13.6% while DocuWare Corporation, responsible for the Americas, registered growth of 6.5%. In total, revenues of the DocuWare Group grew by 11%. Worldwide, 483 new companies opted for DocuWare (109 more companies than in the same period last year). This represents a 29% jump in new installations.
Celebrating almost 400 years of service OGL recently recognised eighteen long-serving staff members who have clocked up an astonishing 385 years of service between them. The IT Solutions firm based in Stourport-onSevern, UK, gathered the staff members together at The Old Vicarage in Worfield to celebrate over champagne and an al à carte dinner. OGL’s commercial director Neil Morris and director of software Debbie Byrne both congratulated the team before the presentation of silver long-service company pins to each of the celebrated employees. Trevor Morris led the accolades on the night with 30 years of service in the technical department under his belt, and retirement just six months away. Neil Morris commented, “OGL is proud of the number of employees who have grown with the company over the past three decades. Tonight is about recognising the hard work and achievements of these special people, and to thank them for their continued commitment to OGL. With over 30 years of expertise in providing IT solutions for businesses, OGL offers advice and support on all IT related issues affecting small to medium sized businesses across the UK.
Infor brings benefits of Workforce Management to mid-sized businesses Infor has announced the availability of Infor HCM Workforce Management Business Edition, a workforce management solution designed to meet the specific needs of mid-sized businesses with 1,000 to 5,000 employees. Infor says that this new solution delivers enterprise-level ‘Time & Attendance’ functionality to mid-sized businesses, with the simplicity, low maintenance and ease of use they require. “Mid-sized businesses must play by the same rules as their larger competitors—complex legislative constraints, company and union policies, and pay rules—but with a smaller budget,” said Dale Kennedy, workforce management product manager, Infor. “Infor HCM Workforce Management Business Edition delivers big business features and functionality in a pre-configured, quick-to-deploy and simple-to-maintain package.” Infor HCM Workforce Management Business Edition’s ‘Time & Attendance’ functionality helps companies reduce costs, improve productivity and ensure compliance with external and internal regulations. The solution provides strategic insight into key workforce performance indicators using at-a-glance dashboards and advanced reporting, including hours worked, overtime, labour costs, and more. Pre-configured reports and alerts allow users to take advantage of previously hidden information to act immediately and improve decision-making. The web-based solution streamlines processes and reduces payroll errors and overpayments by validating time and labour data in real-time and automating zero-to-gross pay calculations. In addition, tools such as the ‘Pay Period Summary’ and ‘Payroll Close Wizard’ expedite the time review and approval processes. The solution also offers advanced features such as retroactive adjustments, labour metrics and reporting. “Infor HCM Workforce Management Business Edition provides enterprise features, such as employee self-service, without the costs, customisation, and maintenance, associated with large enterprise deployments. By removing many administrative functions from managers, more time and energy is spent focused on core business issues such as customer satisfaction and productivity.”
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2009 Features Calendar
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Raw materials MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Cutting the paperwork CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Chemical anchors and resins Report – IndiaMart Hardware & Tools Expo Report – STAFDA Preview – BLECH Russia Preview – Fasttec Preview – Ferroforma India Decking, wood & collated screws Italian companies
MARCH – 56 COVER Technox
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Threading rolling and secondary operations MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Customer analysis and relationship management CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Heavy duty anchors Report – BLECH Russia Report – IFE Report – Fasttec Report – Ferroforma Preview - Fastener Tech™ 2009 Turkey Stainless Steel & Non Ferrous UK & Ireland MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Tooling, Dies and Punches MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Warehousing, logistics and outwork CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Foams and sealants Report – Fastener Tech™ 2009 Preview - Fastener Fair Stuttgart European Manufacturers Taiwan (TFTA) / China (CFIA)
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Heading technology MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Inventory control and purchasing CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Drywalling and internal fixings Report - BAU Report - London DIY show/Totally Tools Report – Asia Pacific Preview - Mosbuild American companies Nailers & Power Drivers Target Russia & CIS
MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Plating & Coating MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – E-commerce CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Wall plugs and screws Preview – BLECH Polska Preview – BLECH India Preview – STAFDA Preview – NIFS/West Socket & Hexagon bolts Stuttgart Exhibitiors MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – Inspection & Packing MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS – Telesales and quotation CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS – Severe condition and insulation fixings Report – Fastener Fair Stuttgart Report BLECH Polska Nuts, washers and locking systems Germany
Published November 2008
JANUARY – 55 COVER fischer
S IS ON s, M I file s. T ECT Pro tion N’ S ws, ova DO LAR t Ne d Inn s GU late s an RE e ct Th odu Pr
Important Information For information on the topics covered please contact the editor to receive a regular email alert giving more details and the deadline for each issue. We welcome all editorial contributions. For consideration in the News or Products section email a maximum of 250 words and a high-resolution image of 300 dpi to Our advertising packages can be tailor made to meet your requirements. For more information about reaching over 22,000 prospective customers please contact Jamie Mitchell on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 or email
The use of two nuts to prevent self loosening By Bill Eccles, Bolt Science Many types of old machinery have two nuts on the bolts. A thin nut is frequently used in these applications. Sometimes the thin nut can be observed on top of a standard thickness nut (figure 1) and on other installations, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next to the joint, under the thick nut (figure 2). Although it may seem counter-intuitive, the thin nut should go next to the joint and not be put on last. In other applications, for example on column attachments, two standard thickness nuts are frequently used. In this article I investigate the effectiveness of this locking method and discuss the tightening procedure that should be used if effective locking is to be achieved.
Figure 1 Thin nut on top of a thick nut.
Figure 2 Thin nut placed next to the joint.
The use of two plain nuts goes back at least 150 years based upon observation of historic machinery. Tightening one nut down and then simply tightening another nut on top of it achieves little locking effect. A specific procedure needs to be followed if locking is to be achieved. When a thin and thick nut are used, it may be thought that the thick nut should go next to the joint since this would take the entire load. However, by placing the thin nut on first, when the thick nut is tightened on top of it, the load on the threads of the thin nut are relieved of their load. What follows is an explanation as to why such a procedure is effective in resisting self-loosening, whereas just tightening a thin nut on top of a thick nut is not effective. The thin nut should be placed on the bolt first. This nut is typically tightened to between 25% to 50% of the overall tightening torque. The second (thick) nut is then placed on the bolt and the thin nut held to prevent rotation by a spanner whilst the thick nut is tightened to the full torque value. A series of diagrams, figures 3 to 5 show the effect that the procedure has on forces present between the nuts and in the bolt. When the thick nut is tightened onto the
thin nut, as the load increases, the load is lifted from the pressure flanks of the thin nut. As tightening continues a point is reached when the bolt thread touches the top flanks of the thin nut. At this point F3 = F2. Continuing to tighten the top nut results in the jamming of the threads leading to F3 > F2. This is shown in figure 4. If tightening is continued, the force between the two nuts will continue to increase. If the thick nut is overtightened, there is the risk of thread stripping or the tensile fracture of the bolt between the two nuts. Figure 3 Small nut is placed on the bolt - The first stage involves tightening the small nut onto the bolt. The small nut is typically tightened to between 25% to 50% of the overall torque value. This torque generates a force of F1 in the bolt that the nut reacts onto the joint.
Figure 4 Thick nut is placed over the thin nut - The next stage involves holding the small nut with a spanner to prevent its rotation whilst tightening the thick nut on top of it to the full torque value. This generates a force F2 in the bolt that is reacted through the small nut and into the joint.
The reason why the two nut system is effective in resisting self loosening is due to the way the threads are jammed together (hence the term jam nut being frequently used for the thin nut). Since the bolt thread is in contact with the top flank of the small nut and the bottom flank of the top nut, relative thread movement is not possible. This is illustrated in figure 5. For self-loosening to occur, relative movement between the bolt and nut threads must occur. It is this jamming action that is the secret of the two-nut method. In order to achieve the appropriate bolt preload prior to the threads jamming it is necessary to tighten the smaller nut. The greater the grip length of the joint, the greater is the extension needed to achieve a given preload and hence the higher the initial load that must be sustained by the small nut. Although the axial backlash can be calculated for given tolerance conditions of the nut and bolt threads, there can be a factor of 10 difference between the minimum and maximum values. Such variation makes it difficult to establish the correct preloading of the small nut. As a result, the bottom nut is tightened to a simple percentage (i.e. 25% to 50% of the overall torque value). Two full height nuts can be used if the principles that have been outlined above are followed. Small (jam nuts) are frequently used since there is no need to have a full height nut on the
Figure 5 The two nuts jammed together
bottom since the threads do not carry the load. An advantage of a thin nut in this application is that a greater amount of axial backlash will be provided for a given tolerance class. A series of tests were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the two-nut method in terms of resistance to selfloosening. A Junker transverse vibration test machine was used with M10 nuts and bolts. The results are illustrated in figure 6. With the small nut on top, both nuts can be observed to rotate together and can subsequently come completely loose. The results are slightly better than is normally observed with a single plain nut. With the small nut next to the joint, some relaxation occurs but not a significant amount of self-loosening. The performance of the two-nut method, when properly applied, provides a superior locking capability when compared to many so-called lock nuts. The
proper application of the two-nut method is time intensive and requires a degree of skill and is hence unlikely to make a major comeback on new machinery any time soon. Figure 6 Results of a Junker Transverse Vibration Test
Bill Eccles is a Chartered Engineer and formed his company Bolt Science some 16 years ago to specialise in bolting technology. The company writes and markets bolted joint analysis software together with completing consultancy assignments and training courses. Further information is available from Bill via email ( or from the website
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Araldite® 2000 PLUS adhesives help Dyson Araldite® 2000 PLUS adhesives from Huntsman Advanced Materials are being used in leading-edge vacuum cleaners and hand driers developed by Dyson. Dyson has specified the use of Araldite® adhesives in its Root Cyclone™ vacuum cleaners. Unlike traditional cleaners, Dyson machines use Cyclone Technology™ to separate dirt and dust from the air using high centrifugal forces. Araldite® adhesives bond together core parts of the cyclone system. Dispensed by multi-axis robots, Araldite® 2021, a two-component, methacrylate adhesive, is applied onto the ABS cones of the Root Cyclone™ and the fine dust collector which is bonded onto the ABS manifold. Huntsman says that Araldite® 2021 was chosen because of its fast cure speed, the ability to give an airtight seal and its high toughness and gap filling properties. Araldite® 2022, a two-component, toughened adhesive system based on methacrylate chemistry, and with a longer open time, was selected to bond together polyester thermoset and “polycarbonate / ABS” alloy parts of the Dyson Digital Motor (DDM) used in the Airblade™. “The Dyson team believes the shape and form of a product should naturally follow on from function. This can mean design and manufacturing processes are complex, so adhesives like Araldite® with a bonding solution for almost every sort of engineering plastic in use today, provide the perfect solution for bringing unusual, highly innovative and effective products to life.”
Profil fasteners encapsulate best assembly practice Profil RSN and RND high strength rivet nuts have been specified by AUDI at the heart of a novel ‘safety-critical’ bonnet latch mounting application on its latest generation A4 and A5 vehicles. The fasteners are installed in 0.8mm thick high tensile strength steel beams that are subsequently over-moulded in 30% glass reinforced Polyamide 6 (PA6 30%GF) to form an integral part of each vehicle’s impact crumple zone. The thermoplastic material not only fine tunes the cross beam assembly’s deformation characteristics, but also provides the required mounting points for other ancillary equipment, such as radiators, headlamps and air conditioning units. The RSN and RND nuts, which are fully encapsulated during the moulding process, were primarily selected for their proven performance in high strength materials. Profil fasteners are already employed in similar applications at other leading motor manufacturers, including Land-Rover, Honda and Mercedes. In the new AUDI application, the vehicle bonnet catch assemblies are located by the RSN nuts alone and are secured using self locking, M10 thread rolling bolts. Accordingly, the accurate positioning of installed fasteners was a further key selection criterion. Through their placement as part of the presswork process, Profil fasteners routinely maintain positional tolerances of +0.20 mm, which profil says is around three times the accuracy and repeatability of equivalent welded items. “Our selection for the latest AUDI models demonstrates the consistency and performance of our products under high speed, high volume production conditions,” says Profil UK’s sales manager, Adrian Ellis.
Jet Press gives watchers a birds eye view Nature lovers who travel to the remote Isle of Mull looking for the UK’s most elusive eagles are now enjoying a grandstand view of the birds thanks to the installation of gas springs supplied by industrial components distributor Jet Press. Earlier this year the UK based company answered a call for help from the Forestry Commission Scotland, which needed assistance to solve a problem at the only hide in the country offering a view of a white tailed sea eagle nest The hide has canvas interpretation panels and two screens featuring live CCTV footage of the eagles, as well as three large windows facing towards the nest. However, the windows weigh 6kg each and the Commission had no way of propping them open securely or closing them quickly, and safely, should the weather, which is changeable on Mull, suddenly take a turn for the worst. Jet Press, which offers a wide range of gas springs that can handle lid weights from 5kg up to 250kg, suggested the Varilift gas strut in the 8-18 range. Small changes in the centre of gravity, temperature, or the mounting position of gas struts can radically alter the handling characteristics of struts and that is why Jet Press suggested the Varilift, which has a gas
release valve that allows the fitters to release small amounts of gas from the strut until the correct “feel” of the gas strut is achieved. Each window was also fitted with one Varilift Swift and Sure strut, with no lock, and one strut from Jet Press’s Econloc range, which have a locking shroud that springs into place once the gas strut has reached its full extension, preventing closure of the window without manually releasing the locking shroud. “The springs were fitted in time to allow watchers to see the eagles’ eggs hatch earlier this year and have proved to be a much-welcomed finishing touch to the hide.”
Stud welding products and weld fasteners from a single source
We are an innovative, highly productive and award-winning company with almost 40 years of professional experience in the field of stud welding technology. Our range of services includes the development, production, marketing and service of stud Heinz Soyer welding products for all known Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH stud welding processes. Inninger Straße 14 82237 Wörthsee High-quality stud weld fastenTel.: +49 8153 885-221 ers manufactured by ourselves Fax: +49 8153 8030 ensure optimal welding results and the trouble-free operation of your stud welding equipment.
Precision Technology Supplies Ltd
For details of the complete range and your free copy of our Micro Screws Handbook, please visit our website. The Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex. RH19 1XZ U.K. Tel +44 1342 410758 Fax +44 1342 311464 Email Internet:
TFC accelerates for PFM brakes TFC found itself in pole position recently when asked to design and supply a vital part for motorcycle brakes at short notice. West Performance, which manufactures high performance disc brake systems for motorcycle racing and road use under its PFM Brake System brand, called on TFC for a bespoke retaining ring. TFC not only offers rings, springs and fasteners of precision quality, but also bespoke technical solutions to unique designs. This is exactly what was provided to PFM Brakes. The Smalley retaining ring required was used to secure the brake disc rotor onto the carrier without the need to use nuts and bolts. The product supplied had never before been manufactured by TFC prior to Wal Saunders, managing director of West Performance, making the call. Accelerating the entire process, TFC was able to provide West Performance with the unique product – from initial order to delivery – in just four weeks, in time for the Manx Grand Prix, in which the motorcycles were racing. An active racer himself, Mr Saunders commented: “I have been so impressed with the quick reactions of TFC, its excellent service and attention to detail, that we will continue to work with the company.”
Fairloc® integral hub fastening system A new series of Modules 0.5, 0.8, and 1 spur gears from Quality Transmission Components (QTC) feature the patented Fairloc® integral hub fastening system which eliminates marred shafts. Fairloc® says that its integral hub fastener is the ideal choice where phase adjustment, timing, position adjustment and frequent removal of the component are factors in the specific application. In addition, Fairloc® offers full component support along the entire hub section. These gears are designed to fit shafts ranging from 4mm to 10mm in diameter, are stocked with face widths ranging from 5 to 8mm, and available in size ranges from 14 to 120 teeth.
The Fairloc® system consists of two slots that are machined into the hub, one orientated radially the other angularly, to create a transverse wedge which remains attached to the solid portion of the hub on one side. The resultant cantilevered clamping section has a tapped hole to accept a cap screw which passes through a clearance hole in the solid portion of the hub, and into a threaded hole in the transverse wedge section. As the socket head cap screw is tightened the cantilevered section clamps the shaft securely. The screw can be tightened and released repeatedly without marring the shaft or affecting its torque transmitting abilities.
Top strut BAE Systems, a transatlantic defence and aerospace company responsible for the manufacture of the Eurofighter Typhoon, has been sourcing products from Industrial Gas Springs (IGS) for the twin-engine, multi-role, canard-delta wing strike fighter aircraft since production commenced in 2001. IGS struts are utilised in various locations on the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft including windscreen, ladder, ladder door, avionic bay door (twin seat only), MDP door and AC external power access door units. Strict guidelines had to be met in specifying materials and equipment for the manufacture of Typhoon. For example, the gas struts had to be designed to meet the vigorous requirements of the Typhoon environmental handbook that included the ability to withstand extreme conditions as defined in MIL-STD-810D. The IGS units were manufactured from high-grade materials and tested to the same levels as fully operational flight standard equipment. “Further differentiators for us when selecting the gas springs were the nil maintenance, effective performance and lightweight properties of the struts. The ability to operate effectively over the entire ground operating temperature range -31°C to +90°C was also vital,” says Aidan Lowe, senior systems engineer, Typhoon General Systems. “Our technical team found the company demonstrated a supportive ‘can do’ attitude regarding specific requirements and offered excellent bespoke designs. Another vital aspect was their ability to rapidly prototype new design iterations, allowing the team to refine the design solution in a short timescale”, explains Aidan.
SpecialScrews direct from Stock Plugs
According to DIN 5586, 7604, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910 as well as screws with dog/cone point, square head bolts, knurled thumb screws, plugs, flat headed screws and specials
S P E Z I A L S C H R A U B E N A. Pasvahl 路 Oehleckerring 23 路 D-22419 Hamburg Tel. +49 [0] 40 - 53 28 52-0 路 Fax +49 [0] 40 - 53 28 52-52
November 2008
Nuts, Washers & Locking Systems This Issue’s Focus On is dedicated to Nuts, Washers and Locking Systems. Suppliers of products within this market sector provide details of their capabilities and ensuring buyers have up to date contact and product details.
Coming up in the next issue….
January 2009 – Decking, Wood & Collated Screws To reserve your entry please contact Claire Lake on +44 (0) 1727 739 150 or email
Aerotight® all-metal self locking nuts Aerotight Manufacturing offers the time-proven solution to vibration problems. The Aerotight nut has built a reputation for quality and reliability over many years, with a well-proven design that has become established throughout industry. It is the leading all-metal stainless steel self-locking nut and is also available in brass, aluminium or steel. There are no vulnerable inserts to be affected by heat or oil and it is re-useable, with the self-locking function remaining effective. In both its steel and stainless forms it can be used up to 300°C. The Aerotight nut will remain in position whether tightened down or not, providing the locking element is engaged, and does not have to achieve recommended torque to be effective. No additional parts are required for the Aerotight to function so no special tools are needed. All stainless steel bar used in the manufacture of the M5 to M20 range achieves an ultimate tensile strength of 700N/mm2. The nut is available in most thread forms, including Metric, UNC, UNF, BA, BSW and BSF. Customer specials - for example thin types – are available to order. Aerotight Manufacturing is part of the Apex Stainless Fasteners Organisation.
Tel: +44 (0)1788 537 979
For several years we have manufactured self locking nuts of many kinds including nylon insert. A lot of the allmetal self locking nuts are now obsolete but we still are asked to produce a wide variety for many applications. We are also asked to make nuts in a wide variety of materials such as high tensile steel, titanium, bronze hastelloy etc. We hold a stock of stainless locking nuts but most other materials are made to order. Two to three weeks is a normal delivery time providing material is available. Our range of sizes starts about M3 and we have made as large as M52. Small quanities are also catered for providing a comprehensive service to the fastener industry.
Tel: +44 (0)1379 872910
Fax: +44 (0)1379 872915
Bülte Plastics
Crest Industrial Ltd
TRANSPARENT NUTS, WASHERS AND SCREWS A new range of fasteners in Polycarbonate has been introduced by BÜLTE PLASTICS: screws, washers DIN 125 and Hex nuts DIN 934 have been added to the company’s portfolio of over 15,000 products. Polycarbonate threaded fasteners with their “see through” qualities give you the opportunity to use them as part of the external design of your assembly. They are also useful in industries where light is a necessary component such as optics, electronics, etc. This material is resistant to weather, provides excellent dimensional stability, ductility, and high mechanical toughness. The working temperature range is -120 to +120°C. Washers are available in : M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12. Nuts are available in : M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12. Hexagonal head Screws are available: M5 to M12 (other dimensions and forms on request).
Crest Industrial Ltd is a leading supplier of all types of All Metal Self Locking Nuts based in the East Midlands. We offer a wide range of sizes, strength grades and finishes available from stock. Stock sizes range from M4 – M36 and ¼” to 1” Strength grades Metric Class 8 and 10 and SAE grade B and C In hexagon and hexagon flange types. All our Zinc plated stock complies with RoHS and ELVD requirements. In addition we are able to offer a wide range of specialist finishes to meet your specific needs. We also supply a wide range of associated fastener products including hexagon flange bolts in 10.9ht, hexagon and Serrated hexagon flange nuts, toothed washers and cage nuts. With a large information database we can identify, locate and supply fastener parts which meet or exceed the original equipment manufacturers specifications particularly within the automotive sectors. We believe customer satisfaction is paramount and we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to achieve this. For more information, enquiries or to receive a catalogue please contact us.
For more information, contact us: Email:
Tel: +44 (0)115 965 4100
DS Fasteners Ltd. DS Fasteners Ltd was established in 1976 as a specialist self locking nut supplier. We set out to stock a large range of the more unusual sizes and pitches with the emphasis on higher grades also. This allows us to reduce lead times and get orders delivered quicker. Our main stock items are the Stover nut (DIN 980V), Nylocs (DIN 985/982) and also Flange nuts (plain & serrated) and Stover Flange (DIN 6927) Nyloc Flange (DIN 6926) These are available in most finishes and in Grades 8, 10, 12. (Metric & imperial) To further compliment the range we also stock Serrated Flange Bolts (DIN 6921) in a range of sizes. We are also increasing our stock of Stainless Steel (A2 & A4) parts again in the fine pitch and the more unusual sizes. Recently added to the stock is a range of Philidas nuts. If it’s a locking nut you require, with our knowledge and stock we are sure to be able to help.
Locking with confidence For locking a threaded joint, engineers make use of products that can be grouped according to the cause of possible loosening and their intended action. If the problem concerns only embedding and creep then products such as conical spring DIN 6796, 2093 and NFE contact washers can compensate for the reduced clamping length. In case of self-loosening as a result of internal loosening torque and transversal displacements, prevailing torque nuts with nylon insert DIN 985, 982, 6926, all metal DIN 980, 6925 and SNEP are applied, having the advantage to lock against loss and the disadvantage that they do not secure clamping force. Additionally, other categories of locking products are needed to lock successfully against rotation, including: • Flanged bolts/nuts with Tensilock and Ripp serrations • Some types of adhesives • Nord-Lock and Schnorr washers. All of the above items belong to FABORY’S product range. FABORY, international fasteners and tools distributor, boasts over 100,000 items enabling customers to adopt whatever locking solution is necessary. For further enquiries, or to request a copy of FABORY’S technical brochure Locking Confidence In Threaded Joints, please contact:
Tel: +44 (0) 1842 763 000
Tel: +44 (0) 121 556 3474
Icon Fasteners Icon are proud to be associated with Philidas Limited in stocking their range of self locking nuts, Philidas Industrials, Turrets and MKV’s are all available on a next day delivery service. We can reserve stock for a call off or work to your schedules. This coupled with Icons extensive range of Grd 8 Grd 10 and Grd 12 din 934 in self-colour, bright zinc plated and galvanised make us unrivalled in locking and standard nuts. Not forgetting our range of din 985 course and fine pitch and din 982 nylon insert nuts.
“INOXDADI S.R.L.” is one of the most important producers of stainless steel and brass nuts, washers and fasteners certified ISO 9001.
To complement our Range of 10.9 and 12.9 bolting we offer din 6916 C45 through hardened washers, again in self colour and bright zinc plated. To complete our extensive stocks of din 931/933 galvanised bolting, we offer a complete range of din 125 form A washers.
“INOXDADI S.R.L.” is specialist in production of:
Tel: +44 (0) 1902 491122
Tel: +39 (0)363 914959 56
J Cooke Engineering Ltd
Upon request, all the items produced can be provided with certificate of chemical test.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
shear nuts cage nuts hex nuts pressed insert nuts weld nuts flange nuts square nuts lock insert nuts domed cap nuts wing nuts castellated nuts flat washers spring washers special nuts and washers
Konak Civata Konak Civata is a leading manufacturer in Turkey of different types of screws. Along with this, Konak Civata also specialise in other types of products – ie. Nuts and Washers. The main part of this product range is Rivet nuts, Cage Nuts and Stud Weld.
Bar Turned Nut Manufacturer J.Cooke Eng Ltd is the leading UK bar turned nut manufacturer established for over 30 years. We manufacture specials to customer drawings and in most materials including, brass, steel, stainless steel, aluminium, phosphor bronze and aluminium bronze. With two manufacturing sites, one in Hertfordshire the other in the West Midlands, we are also capable of producing turned spacers and washers. Parts can be delivered on our own transport, carriers or exported to any European or worldwide destination. The following give a brief example of the parts we manufacture/stock. For further details contact our sales team. HEX NUTS SQUARE NUTS SHEAR NUTS SLOTTED NUTS CASTLE NUTS WASHERS - TURNED SPACERS RIVET BUSHES MANIFOLD NUTS Tel: +44 (0)1462 742 888
For the great experience developed on the field of nuts for over 30 years, “INOXDADI S.R.L.” can boast a wide range of items produced in various grades of stainless steel such as: AISI 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 321, 309, 310, 314, 904L, Duplex – W. 1.4462 – W. 1.4529, W. 1.4923, Monel 400, Hastelloy, Titanium besides aluminium, brass, steel and zinc plated.
We also supply the following: DIN 933 HEX BOLT DIN 912 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS CAGE NUT SPRING WASHER – TOOTH CONTACT WASHER. HEX COUPLING NUT HEX NUTS - DIN 934 NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT - DIN 985 STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS – SELF DRILLING. CONCRETE SCREWS HEXAGON THINK NUTS - DIN 936 AND EN ISO 4035 HEX THIN NUTS WITH FINE PITCH THREAD - EN ISO 8675 HEXAGON NUTS - STYLE 1 - EN ISO 4032, HEXAGON NUTS - ASME B18.2.2 SQUARE WELD NUTS - DIN 928 HEXAGON WELD NUTS - DIN 929 HEXAGON NUT WITH FLANGE ISO 4161 AND DIN 6923 PREVAILING TORQUE TYPE HEX NUTS ALL METAL - DIN 980-V PREVAILING TORQUE TYPE HEX NUTS WITH NON METALIC INSERT - DIN 982. WASHER We also have Flat Washers (Din 125) and Whitworth Washers (Din 127) Konak Civata offer competitive prices, best quality and excellent service. Fast delivery is another of our strengths. We can service “ Kit packıng “ 8 different Fasteners together..!!!!!!
Kundan Stainless Steel Nuts from Kundan Specialized in Stainless Steel Nuts & Bolts since 1978. ISO/TS 16949:2002 certified company by DNV and supplying fasteners to OEM’s (Automobiles & Engineering). Received 6 times “Export Excellence Awards” and have been recognized as “Star Export House” by Government. Please visit our website and e-mail us at TYPE OF NUTS • Hex Nut – DIN 934 • Hex Thin Nut – DIN 439 • Hex Flange Nut with Serration – DIN 6923 • Square Nut - DIN 557 • Security Nut/Break Nut/Shear Nut
• Spring Nut • Coupling Nut – DIN 6334 • Square Weld Nuts – DIN 928 • Hex Weld Nuts – DIN 929
SPECIALITY • High Strength Stainless Steel Nuts equivalent to 8 & 10 class by cold working without Heat Treatment – Technically superior. • Automobile Engine Nuts (High Temperature Application) • No Plating – Eco Friendly & RoHS/WEEE compliance as per European Norms • Long Corrosion Life • Colours Available – Natural Bright, Silver, Antique & Black
Not many other fastener stockists can boast that they have M1 to M110 DIN 934 full nuts on the shelf. West Midland’s fastener specialist Martyn Price can. For over 35 years Martyn Price have built a solid reputation as a first tear supplier of nut products, these obviously include the standard sizes but they are arguably better known for their incredible range of non standard full and locking nut parts. All of which are marketed under their well known Allgrip brand. Based in Stourbridge they are well placed to offer any surface finish or secondary operation, with a rapid turnaround. These parts are available in grade 8, 10 and 12 along with both fine pitch and left hand thread. Furthermore, Martyn Price Fasteners distribute arguably the largest range of washers in the UK; these are also available in both metric and imperial. The foundation of this extensive range includes those hard to source parts including double coil and load indicating washers. Martyn Price Ltd FASTENER PEOPLE who have the stock and knowledge to solve every requirement NO MATTER HOW UNUSUAL.
Tel: +44 (0) 1384 424767
NORD-LOCK is committed to the manufacturing of a superior securing system designed for bolted joints. Our aim is to provide a secure and safe bolt locking system that is not affected by any kind of vibration or dynamic loads.
Square Plate Washers, Round Washers Standard & Non Standard With over 60 years in the manufacture of washers, N D JIG & GAUGE has the knowledge and expertise to suit your requirements.
The outside of the washers has radial teeth, which grip and seat the mating surfaces when the Nord-Lock Washer is tightened. In addition, the inside of the washer forms a wedge, making the pitch greater than the thread pitch of the bolt.
We hold extensive stocks of standard black washers, square plates, through hard washers, taper washers and stainless steel washers. As manufacturers we have the capability for non-standard washers, special nuts and pressings at our factory in Wednesbury and with this, we can turnaround special square plates and round washer requirements in days. We have extensive stocks of raw material whether it is mild steel, stainless steel, copper, brass or an exotic alloy specials are also held in stock for call off. The standard washer ranges we stock are, BS 4320 form E, F & G. BS 3410 Table 7 & 8. BS 4395 thru hardened washers, square plates from 40mmsq x 3mm thick upto 150mm sq x 25mm thick. Specials made to order, self colour, zinc plated, hot dip galvanised and sheradized.
The washer is mechanically keyed in place and allows movement only across the face of the cams. Any attempt by the nut/bolt to rotate loose is blocked by the wedge effect of the cams. Any increase of tension makes the nut/bolt self-locking. Using the wedge-locking principle, nuts/bolts cannot come loose when exposed to vibration/dynamic loads. However, the wedge lock nut can be removed easily with the use of a wrench. The washer can be re-used - always with full locking effect. While most locking devices rely on friction, the Nord-Lock washer uses tension to lock the joint. Therefore, the locking function is not lost by lubrication.
Phone your enquiries to our sales office direct, for immediate response and for more information on our products and services please visit our website. Tel: +44 (0) 121 556 0824
Tel: +44 (0) 1980 847129
Norm Civata
Norm Fasteners is a unique company who produces Specials & Standards, Bolts & Nuts for Automotive and many other industries with 35,000 tons capacity 60% special production. Since 1973 Norm Fasteners has been on the leading position as an Automotive industry supplier for both Turkish Automotive and Global markets. As the Turkish Automotive Industry has recently been quite attractive for the leading Automotive companies such as Ford, Renault, FIAT, Honda, Hyundai; Norm Fasteners has completed the process of necessary investments and certifications in order to meet the needs of this growing market including having Dörken and MacDermid Licences for plating ( Zinc Nickel coating in-house will be available at the beginning of 2009) and tooling manufacturing in-house. Quality Certifications; ISO/TS16949:2002 by BV, ISO14001, Ford Q1. Typical Female Products: Self Locking Nuts Weld Nuts Flange Nuts Security Nuts Bushing / Spacer Sleeves Rivet Nuts Prevailing Torque Type Hexagon All Metal Nuts Prevailing Torque Type Hexagon Nuts with Non-Metallic Insert Hexagon Nuts with Flange Tel: +90 232 376 76 10
Tel: +44 (0)1785 811 300
Fax: +44 (0)1785 819 699
Philidas Limited Since 1942 Philidas has been a Global Quality supplier of specialist female self locking fasteners. The Philidas range consists of: Industrial All metal mechanical one piece self-locking nut that is unaffected by chemicals or temperature. Turret Designed originally for aircraft applications but now available for commercial use. Mark V/8 All metal deformed one piece self-locking nut suitable for high volume applications where all threads are load bearing. Aerospace Philidas self-locking nuts are used extensively by the aerospace industry and can be produced in various materials to customer specification. Weld Nuts All metal hexagon and round bodied self-locking nut. Flange weld nuts available. Combynut A nut with a captive washer assembly available in self-locking and non-locking form. Flange Nuts Both Standards and specials. Multiple grades available in Metric and UNF. Trilock Special one piece, all metal, deformed self-locking nut that can be very thin to suit applications where height is at a premium. Speciality Nuts Philidas are specially equipped to manufacture all forms of special nuts to individual requirements. Tel: +44 (0)1977 704141
Owlett-Jaton is the UK’s largest supplier of fasteners, ironmongery and hardware to the distributor and merchant trade. Our central 130,000 sq ft hub warehouse is the largest single site distribution centre in the industry, together with a fleet of over 90 vehicles, we provide an unparalleled ex-stock, nationwide daily delivery service. Our range of nuts include DIN 934 Full Nuts, Lock Nuts, DIN 982 and 985 Nylon Insert Nuts and are available in Self Colour, Bright Zinc Plated, Zinc and Yellow, Galvanized and, to comply with recently introduced EU directives, Hexavalent Chrome Free (CR3). We also offer Full Nuts, Lock Nuts and Nylon Insert Nuts in A2 and A4 Stainless Steel. DIN 934 are also available from stock in guaranteed Grade 8 and Grade 10, standard and fine pitch. To compliment our range of nuts, Flange Nuts, Weld Nuts, Pronged Tee Nuts, Wing Nuts, Dome Nuts and Self Locking Nuts are also available. A comprehensive range of imported and British manufactured washers are available from stock in Self Colour, Bright Zinc Plated, Galvanized and Hexavalent Chrome Free finishes. Washers in A2 and A4 Stainless Steel are available. Just one call gives you immediate access to a wealth of experience and our complete product range – it’s the ultimate one-stop-shop.
Prelok provide a comprehensive range of high specification pre-applied sealing and locking products, designed to satisfy fastening solution demand across all engineering sectors. Our products are extensively used throughout the automotive, information technology, telecommunications and engineering sectors. With almost 50 years experience in the field, we have become the premier provider of sealing and locking coatings for threaded components in Europe. The strength of Prelok lies in our ability to satisfy our customer’s diverse demand for everything from component processing with our unrivalled range of pre-applied locking and sealing products, to assistance to source or manufacture high quality components. Our flexible and high technological processing capabilities ensure we offer a quick and consistent service, exceeding the high quality expectations of our customers. • From miniature items for mobile communication to M30 bolts for bridge construction, we have the ability to process a vast range of components. • Ability to work with a wide range of materials including stainless steel and non-ferrous materials. • Approved by a majority of OEM’s and have been recognised with a number of industry approvals and standards. • Complete fastener finishing service including a comprehensive range of corrosion resistant surface treatments. Tel: +44 (0) 1902 600000
TR Fastenings
Your specialist in stainless steel fasteners. S + P - Competence in Stainless Steel
An independent & reliable partner. We carry a stock of over 25,000 different products from the DIN/ISO standard parts sector which are available to you immediately. Our logistic partners guarantee shortest lead times worldwide. We combine quality and service.
Schäfer + Peters GmbH
Schäfer + Peters
The Binx® all metal thread-locking Nut is a unique TR Fastenings product which has developed into the industry standard in applications where vibration or stress would otherwise promote problems. Strong - The Binx® locking mechanism acts on both the effective diameter and the pitch of the thread, countering the threat posed by vibration and stress.
Schäfer + Peters GmbH Zeilbaumweg 32 DE-74613 Öhringen Tel. +49 (0) 7941 6094-0 Fax +49 (0) 7941 6094-70
Our comprehensive stock range includes standard products in A2, A4, A4-80 from M 1 up to M 52 as well as specials such as wedge anchors in A4 , super-drill wood screws for outdoor applications and timber contructions.
Compact - The Binx® locking mechanism is incorporated into a nut head of no greater height than that of a standard nut and is ideal for use in restricted places. Versatile - The Binx® is all metal and can be confidently used in environments containing oil, grease and other contaminants. Reuseable - The Binx® torque resistance is maintained after many applications.
Take advantage of our excellent business connections.
Convenient - The Binx® is readily available in a wide range of sizes and in a variety of materials, ranging from mild steel to stainless steel. As well as the Binx® nut, TR expertise can provide other thread-locking solutions from simple lock washers through to specially developed thread-locking products. For detailed dimensional technical information on the Binx® Nut and 1000’s of other fasteners and components, please contact us. Tel: +49 (0) 7941 6094-0
Tel: +44 (0)1825 766676
Washer Factory Ltd
Innovative, flexible, competent words which will lead you to our company!
We are the premier manufacturer of non-standard washers and light pressings.
With 50 years experience, quality products, and professional service, we have become one of the leading international manufacturers of nuts and stampings. Whether made out of ordinary steel, high-grade steel, bright or standard finish surfaces – we offer the perfect solution for all your requirements. Our progressive and flexible production allows us to manufacture exactly to your specifications so you get the product you need - with no compromises! Nuts and Stampings Forms: square nuts and rhombic nuts (in flat or profiled versions), hexagonal nuts, rectangular nuts (thread in centre or one-sided, one or more threads), special parts (diverse special shapes, f. ex. contact nuts for the electrical industry with riffle, waffle-type and/or lifted edges. Also oval nuts and pointed nuts for different areas of application). Materials: steel, high-grade steel, brass, aluminium, in flat or profiled versions. Surfaces: bright/blank, any kinds of electroplated coatings, thermally zinc-coated (TZN), Geomet, Dacromet, other finishes on demand. Material Thickness: 5mm x 1.3mm – 40mm x 8mm, length 6mm over 200mm. Threads: M2.5 - M12, 1/8"-5/16", thread in center or one-sided
We strive in all that we do to maximise customer satisfaction. Technical advice is offered freely, where required and we believe in treating customers fairly so if we know that a standard washer is available we will say so.
Tel: +49 (0) 2359 7011
Tel: +44 (0)1902 865777
Our production team has many years of washer making experience. Whilst traditional methods of manufacture are employed, our flexible approach, extensive tool stock and skilled work force mean that we can offer a fast turn around. Having a national supplier base we are able to quickly source most materials (including non-metallics). Products can be supplied in any surface finish ranging from simple zinc to organic plating, they can be heat treated or machined. We currently supply to a diverse customer base across many markets including construction, automotive and white goods. In many cases our products are far from the standard perception of a washer, take a look at our web site to see some examples of what we can do! We have no minimum manufacturing quantity or minimum charge so for a friendly fast and reliable service supported by a quality product please contact us.
Northern Precision powers into the rivet tool market Northern Precision has added the exclusive UK and Eire distributorship of the Enigma series of highperformance, hand-held, air-operated riveting tools to its portfolio of fasteners and fastening solutions. The range embraces tools with setting forces of 8kN to 15.2kN, and strokes from 18mm to 26mm (which can be customised to suit the application), and capable of handling rivets from 2.4mm to 4.8mm. Capable of handling aluminium, steel, copper and stainless steel rivets, the Enigma series are lightweight (1 - 1.7kgs) tools that operate at 6 bar pressure and also feature an automatic ‘shut-off’ facility to help produce savings in users’ energy costs. Supplied as a complete tooling package with oil, spare jaws, nose cones and spanners – and exhaustibly tested prior to despatch - the Enigma series is manufactured in Italy by rivet specialist MMA, whose owner Stephano Camerano had this to say about the agreement. “We have worked with Northern Precision for a number of years and have therefore appreciated the company’s expertise, professionalism and high level of customer service. When I was looking for a UK agent I did not hesitate to appoint them.”
Wright Tool expands line Wright Tool has expanded its product line with 73 new items including impact sockets, adaptors, punches, bars and chisels. Both standard and deep 3/4 inch drive impact sockets are now available with up to 3 inch openings. Standard and deep 1 inch drive impact sockets are available with up to 41/2 inch openings. Standard 11/2 inch drive impact sockets are available with up to 61/2 inch openings. A 11/2 inch female to 21/2 inch male impact adaptor was added, along with a 1-inch male slugging wrench adaptor for driving impact sockets. Wright Tool also rounded out its family of pin punches, drift punches, pry bars, die separating bars and chisels. Additional products that were added include line-up bars, and a lighted telescopic pick-up tool and mirror for locating and retrieving items. “Wright Tool expanded its tool line in response to customer demands and the ever-changing practices in the market place,” said Ty Smith, director of business development at Wright Tool. “Our ‘Perfecting Performance’ philosophy will continue to guide our product development and line expansions in the future, and we continue to strive to provide what our customers need, when they need it.”
Nailing productivity The Simes KA-08 gas nailer allows nailing direct into concrete, stone or steel, fed from a magazine of 40 collated pins, at up to six times faster than traditional nailing. The result says Navarra, Spain based Simes Fastening Systems is great savings in labour cost and working time in drylining as well as plumbing, electrical, window casing and stair rail installation. Offering reduced weight and an excellent balance, and with a comfortable handle and soft trigger, the KA-08 is ergonomically designed to reduce RSI risk. Simes is also committed to ensuring maximum reliability and robustness, supplying the KA-08 with a two years warranty. Simes supplies a range of 2.6mm diameter nails, ranging from 15 to 58mm in length, for penetrating concrete, wood and steel, as well as two fuel cell options.
Silverline brings Triton woodworking tools to UK Silverline Tools, a supplier of hand and power tools, has been appointed the sole distributor in the UK of Triton tools. The distinctive bright orange woodworking machines and equipment of Melbourne-based Triton Manufacturing & Design Co. Pty. Ltd, Australia, was unveiled for the first time on the Silverline Tools stand at Interbuild 08. Speaking about the partnership, James Goddard-Watts, managing director of Silverline Tools, said: “Triton has an extensive range of woodworking products, including the famous Workcentre around which the company was founded. Triton tools match our existing products for high quality and durability and means that Silverline offers a very
comprehensive range of equipment for trades people and discerning DIY enthusiasts.” Triton was started by George Lewin after he was inundated with orders for the saw bench he designed and patented. The Mark 3 Workcentre subsequently won awards and was sold in many parts of the world. In 1994, Triton achieved ISO9001 quality accreditation, to meet world standards of manufacture and supply, and two years later launched the improved Triton Series 2000 Workcentre. Today, Triton boasts an extensive range of woodworking products from router bits and adhesive to an array of innovative Workcentre accessories and power tools.
...and now from Arpel more quality fasteners. The range of high strength structural threaded inserts maximising grip range are now available in stainless steel and hexagon body in steel. Other types of standard inserts, rivets, pin and collars and all associated tooling boringly available from stock at quality prices with Live Chat Entertainment!
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Sykes-Pickavant torque Sykes-Pickavant has just announced two new additions to its torque wrench programme. For many years, Sykes-Pickavant has been a supplier of torque wrenches in the automotive aftermarket, with its ‘Motorq’ range of professional torque wrenches. Now, the ‘Motorq’ range is being complemented with two additional new ranges. ‘TufTorq’ is a new range of heavy duty industrial quality torque wrenches which are suitable for rugged operating conditions thanks to their wide-angled’ break mechanism design. This style of torque wrench features a fixed, push-thru square drive, which Sykes-Pickavant says is both more accurate and stronger than a ratchet type mechanism. There are 6 models in the new range in 3/8, ½ and ¾ drive formats, covering from 2.5Nm all the way to 800Nm. ‘Handitorq’ is a new range of competitively priced torque wrenches, specially designed for the automotive market, featuring quick-release reversible ratchets, which provide bi-directional capability. There are 4 models in the new ‘Handitorq’ range in ¼, 3/8 and ½ drive formats, covering from 4Nm to 340Nm. All new Sykes-Pickavant torque wrenches are supplied in moulded storage cases for protection, and with calibration certificates.
Dormer Tools goes back to its roots
BeA Fastening Systems at Interbuild
Dormer Tools, who is part of the Swedish-based Sandvik Group, is appealing to former employees to come forward with any company memorabilia such as photographs and videos. The appeal comes at a time when the company is preparing to move into a new multi-million pound, state-of-the-art facility in the Advanced Manufacturing Park, between Rotherham and Sheffield. John O’Donoghue, general manager of Dormer Tools UK, said: “We are appealing to anybody in the region who may have worked for Dormer to come forward with any memorabilia related to the company or the old site at Sommerfield Street. It can be old photographs of colleagues at work to company letters. The items will all be compiled into a new section on our website, allowing us to reflect on our roots.” The company has already discovered a variety of archive footage of its old Sommerfield Street site, but is keen to gain more. John added: “Dormer began as a small company in Sheffield in 1913, so there must be hundreds of people all over the region who have either worked for the company or known somebody who has. It’s played a huge part in a lot of people’s lives and a lot of memories have been made here.”
BeA Fastening Systems, manufacturer of hand-held power tools and supplier of an extensive range of fixings and fasteners, recently exhibited its range at Interbuild. BeA showcased its Dynamik range of gas fuelled nailing systems, including its latest, lightweight, concrete and steel gas nailer - the CN60. Weighing in at only 3.7kg the CN60 fires pins of 15 to 58mm in length, at a speedy two to three shots per second. A high-precision metering valve, with a simple click-on mechanism, promotes lower fuel consumption and more shots, hence more nails. Not only that, the nailer boasts more than 1,000 shots from a single fuel cell, or a huge 6,000 shots from a charged battery. The CN60 is constructed to perform under extreme temperatures of below 0˚C, and the fully synthetic oil within the fuel creates constant parts lubrication and therefore no piston jamming. Also on display at Interbuild was the recently launched Dynamik ‘Short’ (D90S). Based around the existing D90 tool, meaning the same range of nail lengths and finishes can be used in both tools, the nailer is precision designed for strength and reliability with added manoeuvrability. “With a shooting rate of two to three shots per second, and a superior cooling system, the D90S can fire for longer - meaning less tool downtime. The D90S boasts a depth adjustment of 10 to 12mm, improved battery grip and an overall 10% increase in power.”
Orlock® at the Ornit stand Ornit Blind Rivets™ had its innovative product, the Orlock® Plywood, on display at the recent Fastener Fair Budapest. Ornit said that over the years many truck box manufacturers and distributors asked it to develop a structural blind rivet to replace the existing, labour intensive fasteners. The structural fastener had to create a strong, vibration-proof joint but not at the expense of the soft joint material. Ornit designed and manufactured the Orlock® Plywood rivet, an industrial break stem fastener which included a unique double locking system which creates a strong, vibration-proof joint. To solve the problem of installing the fastener into soft materials, Ornit created a large blind side area that spreads the clamp load over a large area so not to damage the soft materials. Truck boxes, made from aluminium and reinforced with plywood panels, need a rivet with a grip range of at least 23mm in thickness. Ornit’s cost-effective, Orlock® Plywood fastener boasts a grip range of up to 30.8mm and can be assembled using standard riveting tools. Ornit says that the Orlock® Plywood is an essential addition to its large Orlock® family range.
POWERLOK® screws from Arnold POWERLOK® from Arnold Umformtechnik are locking screws with trilobular thread. They are screwed into existing metric ISO thread (tolerance zone 6H). Small flanks of 30° are rolled onto the normal thread flanks of 60°, which extend beyond the nominal diameter of the bolt thread. When screwed in, these 30°points penetrate into the counter thread (ISO 6H) causing the screw to self-lock and provide a fit which is resistant against oscillation and vibration. The deformation of the nut thread by the 30° points takes place in the flexible part of the screw. This ensures a high degree of self-locking and reusability of the screw of up to five times in the
same nut thread. Arnold says that longitudinal and lateral movement between screw and mother thread are impossible, and there is no subsidence, even with ductile materials. The POWERLOK thread guarantees, even without head-friction, a high degree of vibration safety - an advantage when used as stud or as an adjusting screw. Arnold’s POWERLOK screws correspond to quality category 10.9. A slight carburisation further increases the surface hardness. “The screws are fastening and locking elements in one and can therefore replace mechanical and chemical lock retention methods. Easy fully automatic assembly/ mounting are possible because no coiled up locking elements cause any problems by jamming. Temperature or ageing does not reduce the locking effect of the POWERLOK screw as is often the case with chemical locking systems. Finally, feeding problems caused by plastics abrasion particles on oscillating conveyors cannot occur.”
Adi Shemer, marketing & sales manager at Fastener Fair Budapest
Professional tool storage Sykes Pickavant has released ProMaxx™ its new range of American storage solutions, provided directly from a US manufacture of tool storage equipment. ProMaxx™ chests and cabinets are built for everyday applications and are also suitable for heavy-duty construction. Sykes says that this new professional quality product is perfect for situations where quality is demanded at an affordable price, and it is also secured by a ‘Five Year’ guarantee. Key features of this new range are ‘Tri-channel’ side-wall construction for handling heavy loads, full extension ball-bearing slides with drawers that hold up to 23kg weight per drawer, and unique SP Blue colour finish. Additional features include divided top trays to organise tools for everyday usage, over-moulded chrome plated handles, and 5 x 2 inch heavy duty castors that hold up to 365kgs.
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E: W: Units 13 & 16, Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Station Road, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton WV10 7DB, UK.
T-handle thwarts vandals The DIRAK 3-145 T-Handle Latch expands the DIRAK offering for indoor and outdoor enclosures. This new latch is designed for two separate locks, a key lock and/ or a pad lock eyelet. In addition to the two separate locks, an anti-vandalism device protects the cylinder from being forcefully removed to gain access. Numerous locking systems can be used such as the Euro-Cylinder, Kaba-Cylinder, Padlock, Plate-Cylinder, inserts or combinations, to satisfy the application requirement. Although multiple levels of security are incorporated into the T-Handle Latch, actuation by the operator is quick and easy. Once the two separate locks are unlocked, simply push the handle at the indentation marked “push” and the T-handle actuator springs forward. The operator then rotates the handle actuator for access into the cabinet. A safety feature is also incorporated into the latch to ensure that the handle cannot be accidentally closed, risking injury to the operator. The T-Handle Latch can be installed into the standard industry panel cutout, with the same latch installed on right or left hand doors, without any adjustments, reducing the need to stock both left and right hand latches. The T-Handle can be used as a single latching point, or multiple latching points can be accommodated through the use of flat or round rods. The latch can also be installed inside or outside the enclosure gasket and meets IP65, EN 60529 standards for water and dust resistance.
TIMco ‘goes live’ with e-Shop TIMco recently introduced its new fully comprehensive website with an on-line ordering system for its distributor customers. The new website has led to the creation of enhanced internet ordering and efficient customer communication. Simon Midwood, sales & marketing director, comments “This is an invaluable modernisation that is required for TIMco to further its development. Our customers can link directly into our system using our EDI trading module, giving a seamless interaction between the two companies. The TIMco website comprises many special features including access to download test reports, test certificates, & safety data sheets, as well as a being able to download pages from its new-look brochure. All of this is available at a click of a button. This development was made achievable by TIMco working closely with its software and IT partner OGL. TIMco operates on OGL’s core distribution software suite, prof.ITplus, and the on-line ordering system, OGL’s eShop module, has been implemented as an extension of the core application itself, eliminating the need to duplicate and maintain separate databases as required when other third parties are involved.
System Cases has it sorted System Cases (UK) Ltd, has launched two new sizes of plastic Sorta-Cases®. System Cases is known for its steel System-Case® range for storage of small parts, fasteners and components. However, the company felt that the introduction of the new plastic products offered a lower cost alternative for both trade professionals and serious DIY’ers alike. The Sorta-Cases® include deep removeable compartments, which allow for storage & transportation of bulkier fasteners. Intially the Plastic Sorta-Cases® will be available in two depths to suit different customers needs. There will be special promotions available during the next months to launch the new Plastic Sorta-Cases®, details of which can be obtained by contacting System Cases.
Adjustable clamping handles Elesa’s Ergostyle range of machine elements now includes the ERM range of adjustable clamping handles in epoxy coated zinc die. Elesa says that these handles are a real advantage where space is tight since they allow partial tightening with a limited arc, then release and reverse to tighten again over the same arc. Other applications include repetitive clamping applications where the speedy ratchet style action greatly enhances operator comfort and productivity. A particular feature of the ERM handles is their emphasis on comfort of grip for the operator which is based around an arched shape of handle with enlarged end to provide added finger grip in fast operations. The ERM range includes an epoxy coated die cast handle with female threads from M4 to M12 and a similar version with male stud fixing from M4 to M12. The stainless version – ERM, SST – uses the same epoxy coated zinc die handle but with a stainless steel female threaded insert mechanism, again from M4 to M12. Colour options for the ERM handles are RAL: orange, red, grey, matt black or satin finish.
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Unit 10, Riverside Business Park, St Anne’s, Bristol, BS4 4ED, UK
Plastimont – Knob in kit form Plastimont CO258 is a new knob in kit form from BÜLTE which it says is perfect for every users clamping needs. The plastic wing knob is a popular choice for applications requiring finger tip control and lower torque tightening requirements. “You make the knob yourself with our wing Plastimont body read and inserting an hexagonal screw or nut made of steel, stainless steel, brass, nylon or other material. The standard colour is black but we can supply these parts in a wide range of colours to suit your requirements.” The standard material is Polyamide (Nylon) which is resistant to various chemical products, has excellent mechanical properties including wear resistance, low friction coefficient, high melting point and good impact resistance and is also very light. The working temperature range is -30 to +100°C. Plastimont CO258 is available in M5 to M10 with housing designed for hex head screws or nuts : ISO 4032, ISO 4017, DIN 517, DIN 931, DIN 933, DIN 934, NFE 24-032, NFE 24-017 and NFE 27-311. “The diameter is 67mm and the A/F value is from 8 to 16mm and when using a male insert we recommend a lock nut if fully tightening down to the end of the screw.”
Optinut will revolutionise rivet nut use Northern Precision says that its new multi-grip Optinut promises to revolutionise sheet nut use by providing a cost-effective, multi-use alternative to traditional rivet nuts. Available as standard in 23B2 material, which Northern Precision says is up to 40% stronger than CB4 FF, Optinut is supplied in standard and large flange head styles, with optional knurled body, and offers a wider grip than conventional rivet nuts. It is CR3 plated as standard, giving 96-hours to white rust. Northern Precision points out that because a single Optinut covers two or more grip ranges, users can reduce inventories, eliminate tool change re-setting times and minimise the danger of using an incorrect nut. Also, the Optinut produces a bulge with a much larger diameter than conventional rivet nuts, and has a controlled upset point, making it suitable for joining soft materials, composites and sandwich sections. Automotive customised versions are available where bulge control offers manageable mechanical upset for a specific application or design – for example, a lower upset load requirement for minimum heat treated parts which can withstand the maximum torque requirement for 12.9 screws.
Spirol on the web Spirol has recently launched a new website which will cover the whole group of Spirol companies. The multi-lingual site is designed for customers in Spirol’s global fastening markets and includes a dedicated UK section with details of Spirol Industries, the Corby based UK subsidiary. Spirol is a manufacturer of a diverse line of engineered fasteners, including coiled and slotted spring pins, solid pins, spacers, and other tubular products, as well as threaded inserts, milled brass nuts, shims, pin and insert installation equipment and vibratory parts feeders. The website provides technical product information and an intuitive application engineering section where customers can input details of their required application direct to Spirol for evaluation and recommendations. Company news and events are also featured.
Orders for special fastener set to pass £1million RotaBolt has recently received major orders for a special fastener that was originally developed in 2006. The success of its high-tech version of the Indicating Rod Bolt has led to the new fastener being specified on pressure vessels and heat exchangers for projects in Nigeria and Peru - and with more work “in the pipeline” from Algeria and Nigeria, current orders are likely to exceed £1million. The unique high performance version of the Indicating Rod Bolt was successfully developed after RotaBolt® was approached by a major EPC contractor and its preferred vessel manufacturer, who had been experiencing difficulties with heat exchangers on previously commissioned LNG trains on a major plant in Africa. A standard Indicating Rod Bolt uses direct length measurement to gauge the delivery of load and these fasteners had been specified on the project, but were failing to provide the control that was necessary to assure fully sealed flange joints under test conditions. RotaBolt says that its new version of the fastener gives a much more accurate measurement of bolt tension, from the length extension, to guarantee the uniform delivery and maintenance of load. The company has applied its technology to produce bolts which are individually load test calibrated and fitted with a special indicator to measure extension. Every bolt’s extension measurement is certified. “These orders are a testament to our skills and expertise in assuring bolted joint integrity” commented Rod Corbett, managing director of RotaBolt, “what started out as a challenge for one of our clients has been turned into a major success story through the application of our knowledge.”
Wera extends Kraftform Fluid line The Wuppertal tool specialist Wera Werk Hermann Werner GmbH & Co. KG has extended the Wera Kraftform Fluid line by adding an innovation for the electrical sector. In the form of “High Tech Kontaktor” Wera now offers a demand-geared solution for protection or restoration of the electrical conductivity of contacts on electrical components. Wera says that thanks to its special formula, the Wera “High Tech Kontaktor” eliminates gummy contact greases, as well as oxide and sulphide layers, quickly and reliably. Leakage current is stopped dependably and contact resistance eliminated. Use of the new ‘fluid screw tool’ is recommended particularly wherever environmental influences cause contact separation and lead to insulating oxidation or gumming of contact greases. The new “High Tech Kontaktor” has the highly active property of displacing water and moisture. At the same time, with its special formula, it provides contacts with long-lasting protection against moisture and corrosion. To ensure that the fluid can always be used with the optimal spray technique, the “High Tech Kontaktor” not only has an aerosol spray head for spraying over an extensive area, but also two demand-geared spray tubes – a short one for targeted spraying as well as a 10cm long spray tube for application spaces that are difficult to access.
AUTOMOTIVE SPRING PIN® The logical g sol solution. lution. 100% control plus+. Optimal Op ptimal chamfer angle. er Fastening Security Easily Installed. Greate Greater Security.. sts. Reduces Fastener Cos Costs. www e
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The well-tried concept of the “Big Bolts” and the “Long Thins”. A stock programme of screws with hexagon socket and hexagon insert according to DIN/ISO for special niches and ranges.
Service offers and solutions for the c-parts management, in short everything that exceeds a standard delivery.
A stock and procurement programme of automobile spare parts according to drawing, sharepart-number and DIN/ISOstandard.
Stockist & Distributor of Rolled Thread Machine Screws Complete Range of Metric Threads in All Heads Zinc Plated Offered Ex-stock with Next Day Delivery Imperial Threads & Non-standards also within the Range or can be Manufactured Specially
We produce in Far East under german management according to the european quality assurance standard. In any grades according to DIN/ISO, drawings and customer related wishes.
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Achill Asia-Pacific Co., LTD Machine Screws Limited Unit 5, Kingfisher Enterprise Park, Arthur Street, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 8LG
Chengjiang Rd. 351, 201108 Shanghai, P.R. China Fon: +86/21/64345961 · Fax: +86/21/64345965 ·
Spot the fastener New PEM® SpotFast® fasteners, paired with a specially designed wave washer, allow consistent pivoting of two metal panels in applications requiring reliable pivot points. These self-clinching fasteners (Type SFW) permanently join two metal sheets to create a flush-attachment connection without protrusions on either side. The compatible wave washer delivers consistent torsion to promote repeatable hinging action while attachment remains secure. The steel fasteners provide an ideal alternative to riveting and can join dissimilar metals or sheets with different thicknesses. The fasteners install in steel or aluminium sheets as thin as 0.031 inches/0.8mm with hardness of 80 or less on the Rockwell “B” scale. Installation is by punching or drilling a properly sized hole in both panels, installing the fastener in one panel, placing the wave washer over the installed fastener, and then situating the second panel over the fastener. Sufficient squeezing force allows the fastener to be installed smoothly with the top sheet and flush or sub-flush with the bottom sheet. The wave washer contributes consistent force for reliable rotation of the top sheet. Unlike rivets that ‘bulb’ during installation, the flush profile of the SpotFast® fastener upon installation creates unobtrusive attachment requiring minimal space. A smooth surface is retained for finishing and fasteners can be concealed with paints or powder coatings for cosmetics. Type SFW fasteners with wave washers are RoHS-compliant and available in various diameters and sizes.
TFC is ready to launch TFC Europe Ltd has announced the launch of a new series of springs in its Smalley range. The new metric sized springs are being introduced to accommodate European sizing manufactured for metric specification. Crest to Crest Wave Springs are manufactured in sizes as small as 6mm and will now be available for a host of new applications using the metric standard where the imperial sized versions were not suitable. Applications using metric bores and shafts are now fully serviced by the new metric sizes. Crest to Crest Springs are available from stock in carbon spring steel and 17-7 stainless steel, but can be manufactured in exotic alloys if required. As well as the new series of springs, TFC has published Fastlines, its new catalogue detailing thousands of products that it can offer its customers. Fastlines features fasteners, connectors, seals, springs, retaining rings and lubricants. Valuable data on all products in TFC’s standard range is presented within the comprehensive catalogue, including: dimensions, materials, methods of use, colours and benefits. Inclusive of images, diagrams and charts, Fastlines has organised colour coordinated listings to enable users to find products and information effortlessly and efficiently. Finally, TFC has launched a new website with improved functionality and navigation for its users. Now live the website replaces one which could no longer meet the needs of TFC, following the company’s growth and expansion. Having undergone a management buy out and acquisition of a fastener company, TFC has also increased its distribution network beyond Sussex with centres in Essex and the Midlands.
Martyn Price launches its new range Martyn Price has launched its new line of imported allthread (studding). In addition to non standard and imperial allthread, with which the UK supplier has always been associated, it has now also introduced a range of DIN 975 Metric Studding. All within the auspices of the now highly recognisable Allgrip brand, the new range incorporates M6 all the way to M36 diameter bar. 1, 2 and 3 metre lengths are available, with surface finish options that include Zinc and Clear, Self Colour and H.D. galvanized. General manager Gary Macauley explains, “We are aware that this product is becoming harder to source in the UK. Therefore, it is closer to our niche range philosophy than perhaps it would have been a few years ago. Furthermore allthread is frequently subject to further secondary operations, such as cutting and fabricating. Many of Martyn Prices distributor customers already enjoy this flexibility of service. Therefore we hope that the introduction of allthread lengths will highlight this facility even further”. In addition to the bolting catalogue launched earlier this year, Martyn Price will shortly launch its “Nut Product” catalogue. The aim is to present the most comprehensive and user friendly technical product guide in the industry.
Nissen heads to Atlanta Nissen Fasteners Inc., an importer and distributor of industrial fasteners across the Americas, has announced that initial inventories of quality imported Grade 5 Hex Head Cap Screws are available for immediate sale in Atlanta, Georgia. Hot on the heels of its Cleveland warehouse, Nissen’s continued growth has led it to open a warehouse in Atlanta. “We really had an overwhelming response to our Cleveland warehouse, especially throughout the mid-west and southern states,” explains Peter Nissen, executive vice president of Nissen Fasteners. “With an export sales office in Miami, Atlanta was the next logical choice in our expansion plan, as we can now offer next day shipping throughout South Eastern United States.” A listing of the sizes offered along with current prices can be found on the Nissen Fasteners website. “In order to keep our prices up-to-date and as low as possible, this price list is published online only,” adds Peter Nissen, executive vice-president. Currently, Nissen’s Atlanta Grade 5 Hex Head Cap Screw range is from ¼ inch to 3/4” diameters, UNC, and is available in plain steel and RoHS compliant zinc.
Carniere & Defossez hits the web. Carniere & Defossez, a manufacturer of cold formed parts, has announced the launch of its new website. Carniere & Defossez’s products are oriented into two major categories. The first is its standard range, which includes welding fasteners and self-clinching fasteners, as well as fastening technologies. The second category is specials and complex parts, made to customer’s specifications and available in small to medium-sized diameters. “By introducing a new website we believe that it will allow our customers to find out more details regarding our large range of products.”
‘On Site’ safety with Thorsman Thorsman, a company of Schneider Electric, has produced a new brochure to celebrate the launch of the new ‘On Site’ light and power range. Thorsman has developed a selection of products that provide simple solutions to on site problems. The new Goliath G2B Battery Backed up Site Light is the first battery backed up compact fluorescent site light on the market and is part of the re-launched Goliath G2 offer. In the event of a power failure on site, the G2B will provide continuous light output for up to 60 minutes, allowing work to carry on safely and reducing the risk of trips or falls and other hazards associated with power cuts. Thorsman has also developed an innovative solution to a common problem on site, which allows workers to keep 240v battery packs for cordless power tools charged on a site with only 110V supplies. Chargepak is a unique product which provides an output of 0.5A at 240V from an 110V supply and has been specifically designed to allow the charging of battery packs for drills, saws, sanders, torches and Goliath lights on 110V sites. Additional site power products launched by Thorsman in the new brochure include two portable power transformers for use with 110v equipment. The 1.5kVA single outlet transformer and a 3kVA twin outlet transformer both have a tough epoxy/silica case and a resettable thermal cut out, to avoid potential fire risks.
Maximum clamping action Rivit Srl says that its Tubriv inserts are designed to provide maximum clamping action over a wide range of material thickness, creating female threads where there is no access to blind side. The special Tubriv geometry, when deforming, creates a large blind side bearing area, which ensures integrity of the parts to be assembled, especially on plastics and composites. During installation the body of the Tubriv is compressed to form a flower, which Rivit says makes it highly resistant to sharing stress and to vibration, but also easy to apply. Ideal fields of application for the Tubriv are composites and plastics, such as display panels, sandwich sections, household appliances, containers buses and caravan panelling, and internal parts of ships. For the setting of a Tubriv, Rivit recommends RIV999 which, through a stroke of 13mm, can install the insert in one stage.
Henchman podium launched successfully at Interbuild 2008 Bringing its unique benefits for the first time to the trade and industrial markets, Henchman exceeded its own expectations at the Interbuild Show at the NEC in October. The Henchman Podium Step is a platform for working at height safely that Henchman says offers users two distinct and unique benefits while meeting the regulatory requirements of current legislation. Firstly, with individual leg and wide foot adjustments, the Henchman podium platform is always level and stable on broken, uneven and sloping ground, on steps and curbs, across trenches and on soft surfaces. Secondly, with five models in the range, and each model with an extender offering a platform height adjustment of 1.51m, Henchman believes it offers not only greater flexibility of working height but also a higher maximum platform height (3.64m) than any other podium step on the market. Post show, Tom Kitching, managing director, commented "It is clear to us that there is a substantial market for the Henchman Podium Step. Both users and distributors were surprised to see we can solve the problems of working at height safely, on difficult ground, whilst retaining the quick flat folding for storage and transport.”
Southco ready for new Machinery Directive With the implementation of the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC at the end of 2009, strict safety requirements regarding how fixed, adjustable or movable guards are fastened to machines will become mandatory. Southco says that it is ready to help companies with the various implications that these regulations could bring to machine builders and operators, due to its portfolio of access hardware solutions which include: • Captive Screws - provide precise close-tolerance fit and are available in a wide variety of installation options, head styles and finishes. These screws can be fastened conveniently by hand, but enhance safety by requiring a tool to release. • Fast-lead Screws - designed to resist cross-threading and tolerate misalignment, while providing vibration resistance and speed of operation. • Quarter-turn Fasteners - provide quick and easy access, perfect for repeat-access applications. Self-ejecting options provide a visual indicator for improved safety. • Quick-access Pins - available with a simple push-button actuator, perfect for locking movable guards into place, as well as for activating electronic lockout sensors for improved safety. • Captive Spring-loaded Plungers - allow for quick positioning and fixing of sliding guards. • Controlled Torque Positioning Devices - provide the ability to raise, lower, tilt, swivel and position guards for improved safety protection during equipment operation. These devices can also hold guards in a partially or fully open position without secondary hardware, to provide unrestricted maintenance access.
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Your reliable partner With almost 40 years of experience and professional expertise in the field of stud welding technology, Heinz Soyer says it can offer the development, manufacturing, distribution and servicing of high-quality stud welding products from a single source. Heinz Soyer’s stud welding technology is universally applicable for ball welding and TIG welding, stud and nut welding onto metallic work pieces. One of Heinz Soyer’s current innovative developments is the welding of studs with a flat level weld base. The innovative radial symmetric magnetic field drawn arc stud welding allows the newly developed weld studs to be welded onto even the thinnest sheet metal in an instant. The new weld studs do not require any pre-treatment or special machining prior to being welded.
Sealey’s new colour coded bit set Sealey has introduced a new 32 piece power tool bit set which is colour coded to make choosing the right bit even easier for the user. Forged from Chrome Vanadium S2 steel, this power tool bit set is colour coded for guaranteed fast identification and includes an automatic quick-release chuck. The set features a range of popular bits, including Phillips, Pozi, Slotted, Hex, TRX-Star and Security TRX-Star, a ¼ inch Sq Drive adaptor and 65mm Quick Release Bit Holder. The AK2105 bit set is currently featured in Sealey’s Christmas Promotion, with offers valid until 31st December 2008. This set has a promotional price of £18.95+VAT, saving customers £11 off the usual list price.
Fresh of the press The paint isn’t quite dry yet and the glue’s still fresh; it “smells new” and that’s exactly what it is: Lederer has updated its proven and sought-after reference work for stainless steel fasteners and is presenting it again with umpteen thousands of articles, services and information items about materials. The company says “This summary of the Lederer services is designed not only as an expression of continually advancing development and a constantly increasing diversity of standards: what’s even more important is that Lederer is constantly refreshing its active response to customers demands on product assortments and services.” The new catalogue features: • Overall size has increased by 20% and now covers 628 pages. • More than 30 newly-included product assortments with several hundred individual articles. • Product lists in accordance with standards classified by DIN, ISO and standard articles. • Specialist cross-references in the event of identical or similar DIN/ISO articles. • Updated comparative overview of DIN/EN/ISO with regard to changes in standards. • Extensive depiction of e-business offerings: shop/tracking/EDI. • The keyword directory has grown from 450 to 600 entries The printed catalogue contents can also be accessed via the Lederer website, with the option to download as a PDF document.
EMKA’s five second fix Five seconds to fit an O ring sealed quarter-turn lock with insert and cam? Not a problem according to EMKA if you use its Program 1500 clip-in lock. The program 1500 clip-in lock features typical EMKA styling and quality. It is a general purpose IP65 lock, which EMKA says is ideal for high volume OEM applications, e.g. small boxes, cabinets, enclosures, indoor/outdoor/industrial environments, and fits so very quickly with an integral insert/cam and lock body with locking fork. Material suitability is 1.5 - 2mm dependant upon the housing. The Program 1500 clip-in supports most popular inserts: square, double bit and slotted. Others are available on request, as is an even lower cost version without O ring, where IP65 sealing is not required.
& No Riveting – Self-piercing Hardened Self-Clinching Fasteners ● Press Nuts ● Binding screws ● Rivet Bushes ● Prestincerts ● Eccentric studs ● Floating Nuts RoHS Compliant
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Getting the UK taped up Everbuild Building Products Ltd says that with its highly popular trade tape brand Mammoth and its DIY tape brand Kwikgrip, it is now one of the UK and Ireland’s leading adhesive tape suppliers. The Mammoth trade tape brand has become one of Everbuild’s leading brands since its launch in January 2007. The Mammoth trade tape range consists of Building Tapes, Electrical Tapes, Masking Tapes, Packaging Tapes and Double Sided Tapes. The tapes are all of the highest possible quality, with printed cores, film wraps and individually labelled rolls. The tapes also come in tough and durable self-merchandising display boxes. “The Kwikgrip DIY/Retail tape range, which we aquired in May 2008 was already a highly successful tape range – however under the Everbuild name the brand has flourished with a brand new, comprehensive catalogue just launched and plans to expand the range even further.” The Kwikgrip range includes products such as Masking Tapes, Gaffa Tapes and Packaging Tapes. The Kwikgrip range has a small and convenient roll sizes, as well as high quality display boxes, a tradition which Everbuild will be continuing. The Kwikgrip ranges also boasts a number of multi-pack products, such as Masking Tapes in twin, triple and even quad packs. With the two ranges combined Everbuild now have over 148 tape products, including all of the varying colours and sizes of rolls, on offer to its customers, with this number set to grow with new products already planned in both Mammoth and Kwikgrip brands.
Achilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Action Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Adolf Pühl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Advance Spares . . . . . . . . . .111 Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co . . .111 Alexander Paal GmbH . . . . .141 Alfran Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . .121 Allbolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Alloy & Stainless . . . . . . . . . .55 Alltech Engineered Finishes . . . . .29 Apex Stainless . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Arpel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Atotech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Autonic Engineering Co Ltd . .141 Avdel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Avon Stainless . . . . . . . . . . .128 Baker & Finnemore . . . . . . . .33 Bendfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Birmingham Cold Form . . . . .25 Blakeacre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bollhoff Fasteners . . . . . . . . .39 Bossong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Bralo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Brighton Best . . . . . 6, 8, 10, 12 Brintex Events . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Bülte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Carlo Salvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Chatsworth Computers . . . . .99 Classic Metallic . . . . . . . . . . .73 Crest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Don Quichotte . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Dresselhaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 DS Fasteners Ltd . . . . . . . . . .41 EFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 EDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Electra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Fastbolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Ferroforma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Fixi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 Fwu Kuang Enterprises Co. Ltd . . . .55 Gefra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Hafren Fasteners . . . . . . . . . .47 Heco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Heinz Soyer . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Hilker & Partner . . . . . . . . . . .83 IFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ITW Fastex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Jagura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 Kohlhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Lederer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Lindapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 London Screw Company Ltd . . .129 M&W Fastener Co.,Ltd . . . . . .23 MacDermid . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Machine Screws Ltd . . . . . . .131 Martyn Price ( Bolts & Nuts ) Ltd 139 Masons Fasteners Ltd. . . . . . .97 Masterfix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Mecavit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Mectron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Millennium Steel . . . . . . . . . .69 Mofast Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Morgalv Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 National Machinery . . . . . . . .89 Ningbo Jinhui . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Nord-Lock Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Norm Civata . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Norma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Olympic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Orbit International Corporation Ltd . . . . . . . . . .128 Ornit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Pinstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Prelok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 PTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Protex Fasteners . . . . . . . . . .35 PTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Ray Fu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Retina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Reyher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Rivit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 S D Products Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .55 Sacma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Sara Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Sariv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Schröder Schrauben . . . . . . . .47 Shanghai Minmetals . . . . . . .57 Shin Chun . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Smith - Bullough . . . . . . . . . .51 Special Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Spirol . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 97, 111 Stafa Holland BV . . . . . . . . . .39 Star Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Steven Walker & Sons Ltd . . . .75 Ttap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Tecfi S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Tecno Impianti . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Technox Technika . . . . . . . . .71 Test GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 TI Midwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Titibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Top Screw Metal Corp. Ltd . . . .33 Trutek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Turned Parts Warehouse . . .109 UBK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Viraj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . .57, 121, 131 Volt Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Weighpack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Zero Clips Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Xingtai city Ningbo . . . . . . . .93
We support high flying industries
Advanced Technology for Cold Forming High-Precision High-Speed Cold Heading Machinery: Italian Technology from Carlo Salvi Our driving influence is the innovation that we combine with experience in the fastening equipment industry. We lead our customers towards quality, and support them with our knowledge and service.
Italian Style Carlo Salvi S.p.A. Via Ponte Rotto, 67 23852 Garlate -LC- Italy Phone: +39 0341 654 611 Fax: +39 0341 682 869