Fastener + Fixing Magazine #56

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Heading technology Drywalling and internal fixings


NEWS Europe and World .............................................................6-18 America ...........................................................................20-22 Asia....................................................................................... 24 Russian & CIS ....................................................................... 26 EVENTS CALENDAR .............................................................. 30 COVER STORY Team is the key ............................................................. 28-29 EXHIBITIONS News .............................................................................. 32-34 Fastener Fair Stuttgart Preview .................................... 36-37 INSIGHT Getting a feeling for STAFA ...........................................38-39 New base for international growth ................................... 40 Opening up innovation .................................................66-67 PROFILING TURKEY Talking Turkey ................................................................42-43 Turkey’s fastener industry .................................................. 44 Turkish Fastener Association .............................................. 46 Norm Fasteners Group ....................................................... 48 Cetin Civata ......................................................................... 50 Net Civata ........................................................................... 52 Kale Clamps ........................................................................ 54 Ezel Civata ........................................................................... 55 Ilgen Vida ............................................................................ 56 MITASBOLT ........................................................................... 56 Denet Civata ....................................................................... 57 Bolt Fasteners ..................................................................... 58 SOM Fastener Company ..................................................... 58 CATALOGUE RACK Russian & CIS Markets .................................................. 60-65 CONSTRUCTION FIXINGS Why use “Better” dywall screws? ..................................... 68 Fixing solutions for plasterboard ..................................70-72 News ..............................................................................74-80 FOCUS ON Nailers & Power Drivers ................................................82-83 America ......................................................................116-119 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY No let up in National’s momentum .................................. 84 Forging a reputation ........................................................... 86 Double-blow headers set-up ............................................. 88 News ............................................................................. 90-94


Application Technology

MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS Getting more out of exhibitions .................................. 96-98 Cutting the paperwork ..................................................... 100 News ................................................................................. 102 APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY News ..........................................................................104-106 TECHNICAL Metallurgy and the Titanic .............................................. 108 TOOLS News ..........................................................................110-114 PRODUCTS News ..........................................................................120-138 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISERS INDEX ............................. 138


Dangerous to get around So, anti-dumping is with us. It is hard not to be reminded of T.S. Eliot’s Phil Matten line, “not with a bang but a whimper”. Certainly, with inventory levels high and market demand so depressed, it is going to be some time before all the implications, for better or ill, can be properly assessed. What is profoundly disturbing, right now, is the torrent of offers from some Chinese suppliers to circumvent anti-dumping measures – some incredibly blatant. Today, as I was preparing this column, another was copied to me. It offered to tranship a container via Taiwan or Malaysia, where a “middle man will supply the certificate of origin”. The writer added “the EC will stop this channel soon” and made a second proposition - to simply “change the description to other than fasteners or screws”. Of course, for a Chinese company there is no practical risk; they are not subject to European law. The importer that consciously or even inadvertently, circumvents an anti-dumping regulation, though, most definitely is. We tried to obtain from the European Commission some clarity over this issue but, frankly, failed – despite forwarding examples of what is going on. For those at the Commission responsible for enforcement, of course, this problem is nothing new and must be a feature of virtually all anti-dumping cases. It is also understandable that they are not willing to disclose details of detection strategies. Nevertheless, it is disappointing not to receive at least some help in highlighting the very real risks of the situation. UK Customs were more helpful and told us “The normal provision for determining origin for ADD purposes (non-preferential origin) is Article 24 of the Community Customs Code (EC Regulation 2913/92), which states that: “Goods whose production involved more than one country shall be deemed to originate in the country where they underwent their last, substantial, economically justified processing or working in an undertaking equipped for that purpose and resulting in the manufacture of a new product or representing an important stage of manufacture.” In its guide on anti-dumping tariffs UK Customs also notes: “In recent years there have been several investigations by OLAF (European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Unit) relating to allegations that a number of existing measures were being circumvented by simply moving the goods and shipping them to the EC from a neighbouring country (and claiming that country as the country of origin). The main area of recent concern has been South East Asia. Those investigations established that in a number of cases the goods concerned did not in fact originate in the declared country of origin, but in another country in which ADD does apply. Large duty demands were therefore issued throughout the European Community for the ADD underpaid. As with any other customs duty, EC legislation allows for the collection of any back ADD payable for a period of up to three years after the goods have been imported.” So, no question, transhipment via a third country, where only the document changes, is circumvention. There is a grey area, which we are simply not qualified to consider, about what constitutes sufficient processing to result in a new product. Certainly, we can find no official credence for any of the percentage changes in value that have been bandied about in relation to fasteners, as demonstrating an acceptable level of product change. Making any assumption in this respect, therefore, appears inherently dangerous. Given the high level of duty involved and current trading conditions, these offers are obviously tempting – indeed, some companies have said, “what are we supposed to do? If our competitor does it they gain a huge advantage in these tough times.” True, but that is no justification for breaking the law. The reality is that, for the importer, the business consequences of detection are potentially catastrophic and that jeopardy continues – and accumulates – for three years. One of the core objectives of anti-dumping measures is supposed to be to re-establish a level playing field. I do not believe for one minute that the Commission’s enforcement agency is indifferent or that the individual Customs authorities lack the systematic capability of detecting circumvention. In the case of fasteners, though, there is real need for those authorities to quickly make clear their commitment to preventing an activity that, far from levelling, runs the risk of seriously distorting the market.

Fastener + Fixing Magazine 18 Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 OJJ, UK Tel: 0044 (0) 1727 739 150 Fax: 0044 (0) 1727 831 033 Publisher Jeremy Ramsdale Editor Phil Matten Assistant Editor Will Lowry Advertising Director Jamie Mitchell Senior Advertising Executive Harry Whyte Advertising Executive Claire Lake Production Manager Gemma Edwards Fastener + Fixing Magazine is a dedicated, trade-only publication which is circulated freely throughout the European trade.


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Another Würth sales record The Würth Group released preliminary results for 2008 showing annual sales up 3.9% to a record 8.8 billion euros – adjusted for exchange rates the growth rate was 5.1%. The group expects an operating result of 520 million euros, which would be second only to 2007 in the group’s history. “Attaining a growth rate comparable to the exceptional 2007 was simply impossible in the past year’s economic conditions, which were looking increasingly bleak as the year progressed. Nevertheless, against the backdrop of the severe economic difficulties especially from October, we have reason to be satisfied with the sales growth. It is also important that we again grew profitably in 2008 despite all economic upheavals, thereby attaining a sound operating result,” said Robert Friedmann, chairman of the Central Managing Board of the Würth Group. In Germany Würth achieved sales growth of 6.5% in 2008 – sales growth had been almost double-digit up to and including September. In 2008, the worldwide number of employees decreased by 1.4% compared with the previous year to a total of 62,811. The decrease is mainly attributable to automation in the Chinese manufacturing plants of Wurth Electronics Midcom resulting in a 1,449 reduction in employees. In Germany, 240 new jobs were created in 2008 within the Würth Group. The group will present its audited

financial statement on 6 May 2009 in Künzelsau. On 7 February a celebration was held in Künzelsau to mark 100 years since the birth of company founder Adolf Würth. He became an apprentice at Reisser, Kupferzell in 1922, going on to sell for the company in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In July 1945 the company “Adolf Würth, Wood Screws, Kunzelsau” was founded. Adolf Würth ran the business until his death in 1954, when his 19-year old son took over the company management. Describing his father as “straightforward, marketing and sales-oriented” Reinhold Würth also highlighted his mother’s role in the establishment of the company: “After the Second World War my mother was the driving force that pushed my father towards self employment.” Referring to the heritage of his father he noted: “What still lives on in me is his creative travel urge and above all his uncompromising sales and customer orientation.”

Sundram sales dip India’s Sundram Fasteners Ltd reported sales dropped 3.6 percent to Rupees 2,870 million (45.4 million euros) during the third quarter of fiscal 2009, with profit plunging to Rs 6.4 million (101,000 euros) against Rs 180 million during the third quarter of the previous year. Nine month sales to December 2008 were Rs 10.4 billion (164 million euros) up 16% on same period previous year. Export sales rose by 40 percent to Rs 3.5 billion. Domestic sales rose 6.3 percent to Rs6.65 billion. Margins were reported as under pressure from increased cost of raw materials and manufacturing inputs and additional usage of in-company power generation.

EFDA elects new president In February the executive board of the European Fastener Distributor Association elected Geoff Hopwood as its president. Previously vice-president of EFDA and currently vice-chairman of the British Association of Fastener Distributors, Geoff Hopwood played a leading role in EFDA’s campaign against the imposition of anti-dumping tariffs on carbon steel fasteners from China. He is chairman of Owlett-Jaton, the largest wholesaler/importer in the UK. The vice presidency was accepted by Dott. Bruno Trolano, managing director of Bossard Italy and since March 2008 vice president of the Italian Fastener Distributor’s Association U.D.I.B. EFDA will hold its triennial members conference at Stresa, Italy in May. Amongst the speakers will be Mal Božić, London-based manager in the Macro consulting practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers. Starting as a country analyst focusing on the economies of Central and Eastern Europe, he co-edits PwC’s Economic Views service, which provides quarterly analysis and forecasts on over 40 countries around the world as well as advising clients on strategic issues, including location benchmarking, market segmentation and economic impact estimation. Web:




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Ondrives and Rino merge Ondrives Ltd will merge with Rino Industries Ltd under one name, Ondrives Ltd, on 1st April 2009 in an exciting time for both companies. “This move will enhance the product range and compliment the Ondrives brand name even further by bringing together the strengths of two companies that have worked together closely over the last 10 years. The takeover will be seamless in terms of customers placing orders and enquiries on a day-to-day basis, as nothing will differ apart from the name change”, the company states. The move sees all the popular in-house produced gear reduction units, linear actuators, bearing housings and couplings being heavily featured as always in their newly merged catalogue, which will be published soon. “These are just a few of the products that are included in the new Ondrives range, there is also a high quality range of fasteners of all types, including ceramic, perfect stainless steel and treated versions moved over from Rino along with a large accessories section featuring wheels, bushings, rod ends, anti-vibration mounts and spring assemblies.” There will also be just one website from which to download CAD images and order online. Any enquiries, orders or queries sent to Rino will automatically be passed over to Ondrives and will be dealt with in the usual way, the company states.

Changes in Group management As of June 1, 2009, Robert Ang, currently general manager of Bossard Greater China, will take over the responsibility for Bossard’s business in the entire Asian region and, at the same time, he will become member of the Group’s executive board. Scott Mac Meekin who has had this responsibility for the last 14 years will leave on May 31, 2009, and pursue his career outside Bossard. Robert Ang, a Singaporean citizen, has been working for Bossard since 1997. During the first two years he was responsible for Bossard Singapore. From 2000 until 2005 he was general manager of Bossard Southeast Asia and since then general manager of Bossard Greater China (China, Taiwan). Robert has a MBA and a degree in mechanical engineering.

Provisional anti-dumping tariffs applied to Chinese wire rod On the 6th February Commission Regulation 112/2009 applied provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of wire rod from the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Moldova. The decision follows the first stage of an investigation initiated as a result of a complaint from EUROFER, the European association of steel producers. A provisional duty of 24.6% was applied to imports from P.R. China, with the exception of the Valin Group, imports from which had an 8.6% tariff applied. The tariff applied to imports from Moldova was 3.7%. Turkey was also cited in the complaint but provisional tariffs were not applied to its imports. The Commission found that Turkish exporters were not undercutting the prices of the Community Industry nor were they selling below the non-injurious price level established by the investigation. The product covered by the regulation is bars and rods, hot rolled in irregularly wound coils, of iron, non-alloy steel or alloy steel other than of stainless steel. Data from one cooperating company in Brazil was used for the purpose of determining normal value. The Commission acknowledged that the company, understood to be a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal, was related to the complainant but says in the regulation that “it is considered that if prices and costs are not distorted, there is no reason to exclude data provided by cooperating companies related to the complainant when setting normal values based on the domestic sales in an analogue country”. The Commission goes on to express questions about degree of competitiveness in the Brazilian market and notes that “the choice of Turkey as analogue country may be considered as more appropriate.”

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NORMA Group established in Japan Despite the economic turmoil NORMA Group has opened its technical sales and marketing company in Japan. This is in cooperation with its Tokyo stock listed partner - the Kuriyama Group incorporated in Osaka, Japan. NORMA Japan will continue to develop the important sales of the NORMA Group in Japan particularly through the existing distribution & industry partners for the brands ABA, Breeze and NORMA, as well as direct sales to the Japanese commercial and passenger vehicle sector. NORMA Japan is incorporated in Osaka with a branch in Tokyo.

Mecalux keeps up growth Racking and storage solutions group Mecalux kept up its significant growth with sales rising by 6% and profits increasing by 2%. Consolidated sales stood at 636 million euros at the end of 2008 in contrast to 598 million euros for 2007. One of the markets which contributed most to this development was Brazil, where sales increased by 71% in local currency. The net profit of the company reached 36 million euros, representing a rise of 2%. Mecalux describes liquidity as excellent noting a sharp increase net equity, which increased 75% to 388 million euros. Net debt was 27 million euros compared to 169 million euros for the previous year. The ratio of net debt over net equity has therefore fallen by 91%, now standing at 0.07% compared to 0.76% for the 2007 fiscal year. Meanwhile, the net debt ratio over EBITDA is 0.34% in comparison to 2.04% for the 2007 fiscal year, representing a decrease of 83%. The EBITDA of the company now stands at 78 million euros compared to 83 million for the previous financial year. There was an increase in share capital of 168 million euros in July 2008 with Caja Madrid taking up a 20% holding in the company.

Ferodom sets sights on German market Slovakian threaded fasteners supplier Ferodom Žilina is keen to enter the German market according to owner Jozef Dominik. “Ferodom is not a typical logistic company,” he says. “For us it is not usual to supply tonnes of material just in time. Such a passive relationship does not suit us. Our ambition is to focus on the technical aspects of mechanical connections and co-operate with the customer to achieve the best solution based on a win-win strategy.” Justifying his plans he says, “Slovakia is not room enough. With many German companies now established in this country it is no longer interesting for us to manufacture in accordance with finished documentation. We would like to penetrate where the documentation originates and participate in its development.“ Initially Ferodom intends using its technical publications to establish interest. “The books ‘Technologie der Gewindeverbindungen’ (Thread Fastening Technology) and ‘Illustriertes Schraubenwörterbuch DE–SK–EN’ (Illustrated Dictionary of Bolted Fasteners DE-SK-EN edited by TechPark) authored by ourselves will be our ambassadors to German speaking countries,” says Josef Dominik. Ferodom is also keen to promote new high quality threaded fastening elements that it has developed in conjunction with UNI Žilina and in cooperation with the AP VV-20-016305 Agency. “We believe some of these original solutions can be developed in the German market. Working with technical institutions and the development departments of threaded fastener manufacturers we believe we can keep pace with the latest technical developments and help to influence them. Because we are closely involved at the practical level we are able to take these theoretical developments and put them into life.”

Huntsman releases 2008 Results Huntsman Group reports fourth quarter 2008 revenues at US$2,048 million, (1.6 billion euros) a decrease of 18% compared to the fourth quarter 2007 and a decrease of 25% compared to US$2,731 million (2.1 billion euros) for the third quarter 2008. Net income for the fourth quarter of 2008 was US$598 million compared to net income of US$2 million for the same period 2007. A net loss of US$20 million was incurred in third quarter 2008.

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Raymond planning Russian production Grenoble headquartered A. Raymond Group is reported to be planning to build an automotive components plant in Dzerzhinsk, 400km north east of Moscow. Raymond produces metal and plastic clips, fasteners and connectors for the automotive and construction markets. The Group established a Russian subsidiary, Raymond RUS in Nizhny Novgorod early 2008. The location provides good access to the expanding Russian automotive production market.

Radioactive contamination of stainless steel found The German Federal Environment Ministry has been informed that radioactively contaminated stainless steel products from India have been found in several Länder. The Ministry says that available information suggests the contamination results from the unintentional melting down of high-radioactive sources containing cobalt-60 in an Indian smelting plant. Analysis indicates that the material does not pose a hazard to the population or environment. The products found include both semi-finished products such as stainless steel rounds intended for further processing in Germany and final products such as machine parts. There have not been any specific reports of fasteners being affected. Radiation protection authorities have confiscated the material as a precaution to prevent spread of contamination. The level of contamination varies among the different products. The exemption levels of the German Radiation Protection Law are exceeded in some products, making them subject to state control. For the majority of products contamination is low. Federal and Länder authorities are currently searching for solutions to prevent these low contaminated substances from entering the economic cycle. The Federal Environment Ministry has met with representatives from the federal supervisory authority, the competent radiation protection authorities of the Länder and steel industry associations. Talks focused on how to handle the confiscated contaminated steel products and how to prevent further cases of radioactively contaminated steel entering the German economic cycle. The Ministry has also been in contact with relevant authorities in India, requesting stricter controls of Indian companies to avoid similar incidences in future.

Lederer introduces occupational safety management system Lindapter, the Ennepetal-based specialist in fasteners, has announced that it is the first supplier of stainless steel fasteners and C-parts management systems to introduce an Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System (OHSAS) and has obtained certification for this system under BS OHSAS 18001:2007. “The objective of this newly-installed management system is to make operational risks recognisable, reducible and controllable for all the employees“, says Jörg Baumann, head of QM and certification specialist at Lederer. “This means more than just the elimination of possible risks and the responsible handling of procedures that involve risks.” Lindapter points out that its new certification provides a number of competitive advantages including: • Increasing the level of safety awareness at work, which will bring about an improvement in the safety culture within the company. • Motivation and staff loyalty are boosted by its implementation of the duty of care and social responsibility towards its employees. • Labour and cost-intensive downtimes and stoppages are avoided, resulting in faster order processing and consistently punctual goods delivery. • The consolidation of the Lindapter image as a safe and reputable company increases the trust shown in the company by its employees, customers, partners and suppliers and the general public. • Compliance with legal and official conditions and the foresighted integration of the OHSAS at all management levels reduce the liability and planning risks in strategic corporate development.

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Caparo Atlas Fastenings adds standard fastenings to range Caparo Atlas Fastenings, a UK manufacturer of specialised fastenings, has expanded its range with the addition of standard products to its portfolio. In response to a huge demand from its customers, the company has now introduced a wide variety of standard male threaded fasteners manufactured to DIN931 and DIN933, with sizes varying from M6 to M20. Caparo Atlas Fastenings, part of Caparo Vehicle Products, is a supplier of specialist and application specific male threaded and thread forming fasteners to a number of industries. Responding to a significant increase in customer enquiries in January 2009, the company introduced a range of standard male threaded fasteners, which are manufactured to meet the DIN931 and DIN933 standards. Andrew Nuttal, sales director at Caparo Atlas Fastenings, strongly believes local supply offers a number of advantages to alternatives from the Far East. “In the current import market conditions, British made fasteners are an attractive proposition for a number of our customers”, he explains. “Competitively priced and with short lead times, our products can also be made available to our European customer base quickly and easily through scheduled weekly deliveries. With the introduction of the new range, our clients are now also benefiting from the ability to source a greater number of components from a single source, thus increasing their buying power and greatly reducing logistics and inventory costs.”

Robin Beal promoted to QEF Global expands Unimer trading director into Russia Unimer has today announced that Robin Beal, supply chain director, has been promoted to trading director with immediate effect. Robin will now take on additional responsibility for the aspects of the company’s trading relationships with merchant members, over and above his current remit of supporting supplier members. For almost 2 years, Robin has been managing Unimer’s business relationships with existing approved Unimer suppliers, including the identification and recruitment of new suppliers. His new position as trading director will now encompass managing the trading relationships with merchant members as well. As part of this new role Unimer’s team of key account managers and marketing will now also report to Robin. Howard Grant, managing director of Unimer, says: “We are confident that the promotion of Robin will further strengthen our relationships with our members, and Robin will continue to add value to the membership, both suppliers and merchants. “ Robin, who has a wealth of experience of the building materials sector, having gained expertise as both a supplier to and a merchant member of Unimer in the past. He says: “I am delighted to have been given this opportunity to work more closely with our merchant members. Although the business climate is challenging at the moment, I am confident that we can work together with our merchant members to further explore business opportunities that might be available.”

The QEF Global Group has recently expanded its distribution network with the establishment of its first location in the Russian Federation. “Situated in the north west of Moscow, the facility offers the most comprehensive range of fastenings and assembly products available from a single source in Russia and is one of the first to offer VMI solutions to the developing manufacturing community. The facility also reduces the elements of risk and exposure for our franchise partners offering them a direct and familiar route to market with a trusted brand with 20 years distribution experience,” the company states. Driven by the Group’s customer demands for localised support the facility will support both existing and new customers and will initially operate in the Moscow and St Petersburg regions but has the capability to support customers throughout the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. Since the groups foundation in 1989, QEF Global has grown from being a local fastening supplier in Cork, Ireland, to become a supplier of assembly hardware throughout the world, with offices in Ireland, UK, Hungary, Russia, China and the US. QEF Global LLC will be exhibiting in March at BLECH Russia 2009 in St Petersburg, Russia.

New professional lead for The Welding Institute Chris Eady has been appointed associate director professional affairs for The Welding Institute (TWI) and chief executive of TWI Certification Ltd . He succeeds Tim Jessop who filled these posts for 15 years. With this appointment, Chris becomes a permanent member of TWI’s Executive Board and assumes full responsibility for operation of the Professional Engineering Institution and the Welding and Joining Society (, and the CSWIP certification scheme ( “Chris brings to the role knowledge and experience gained through an extensive and successful career in high-integrity, safety-critical engineering management, including training and personnel development. His expertise in customer requirements analysis, quality management and strategic development will assist TWI’s Industrial and Individual Members in overcoming existing and emerging skills and competences challenges.”´

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Tappex looks to experience

Anixter welcomes new sales manager

Tappex Thread Inserts based in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, and its sister company Pressavon have appointed Andrew Fitzpatrick as their new sales and marketing manager on the retirement of Peter Rush at the end of March. “The specialist fastener market is very important to us, both in Europe and globally,” said Tim Barnsdale, managing director. “This is reflected by our continued investment in both our people and products. We are not only committed to delivering a high quality product, but also to backing this up with excellent customer service. We need experienced professionals to further develop our business strategy, for the longer term, across all relevant Industrial sectors.” He added, “With a background in mechanical engineering, and over 27 years experience in the automotive and aerospace industries, Andrew is well qualified to lead our sales and marketing team. His career includes positions in new product development, regional sales and key-account management.” Andrew Fitzpatrick is enthusiastic about his now role, “I will be working on further developing both the region’s market for Tappex and ensuring continued success for Pressavon in the very challenging times that we face. We will be looking at developing existing and building new relationships in other niche markets as well.”

Anixter Components has recently welcomed the arrival of Martin Critchley as its new sales manager. Martin began his career in distribution with an independent electrical wholesaler, moving on to be the UK sales co-ordinator for Elpress, (now part of the Pirelli Group) who specialise in cable termination products. He then returned to distribution in a branch management role, before joining Thomas & Betts, where his progression took him from an area sales manager, to distribution manager and then sales manager. Martin is very clear on the goal he has ahead of him, “I want to exceed the sales and margin target on an annual basis, through a focused management of the team and to achieve the longer term goal of making Anixter Components a £10 million company by the 2012 Olympics.” To enable all of this work to go ahead, since his arrival Martin has worked hard to develop a clear direction through making a number of changes and implementing a focused strategy. Now that the firm foundations have been put in place, Martin is very much looking forward to the challenge ahead of him and his team. Martin points out that he is no stranger to challenge, in the last two years he has successfully completed bike rides from Lands End to John O’Groats in ten days and from Blackpool Tower to the Eiffel Tower in six days, raising over £5,000 for Breast Cancer in the process.

Kem Edwards fill regional roles Kem Edwards, suppliers of M&E and site supplies, has appointed two new account managers to help develop its nationwide business following the opening of branches in Bristol and Manchester. Stuart Baker and Stephen Hall are both highly successful M&E professionals with over 35 years combined experience in the sector. Stuart Baker is looking after the south west of England and South Wales, based at Kem Edwards’ Bristol branch while Stephen Hall is covering the North of England, based at Kem Edwards’ Manchester branch. Stuart previously worked for Unifix and ITW where he was a product manager and has wide knowledge of fixings, tools and fasteners. Stephen Hall joins from Jack Pennington Ltd. where he spent over 11 years, developing his career with them to become an area sales executive. Both Stuart and Stephen are keen sports fans, with Stuart preferring the perhaps safer options of golf and cricket compared to Stephen’s interest in Jiu-Jitsu.

Stainless steel fasteners. EdelstahlVerbindungselemente. Normed and standardized parts Norm- und Standardteile DIN, ISO, EN and others / und andere Special parts and special materials Sonderteile / Sonderwerkstoffe

.0 ung p 2 rfolg ug o e h e e-S agsv erkz nlin Auftr ahl-W O t s & ng / els nes racki ls / Ed i s Bu ne-T Too e nli less O n tai S

Lederer GmbH Katzbachstr. 4 D-58256 Ennepetal Germany Fon +49 (0)2333 8309-0 Fax -50

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U.S. Customs probes mismarked Grade 5 cap screws The U.S. Customs & Border Protection Agency is reportedly investigating claims of chemically nonconforming Grade 5 cap screws imported to the U.S. from Thailand, says John Wolz of The allegations reportedly centre on Grade 5.2 cap screws incorrectly marked as Grade 5 cap screws. According to SAE J429, Grade 5 bolts must be manufactured using a medium carbon steel with between 0.28% and 0.55% Carbon and are marked with a three-line “sunburst” evenly spaced on the bolt head. Grade 5.2 bolts, marked with a 3-line mark on one side of the bolt head, are required to have a Carbon range between 0.15 and 0.25%. Fastener + Fixing Magazine has received a bulletin from the Fastener Industry Engineering group, which states, “During 2008 Tycoons Worldwide Group, using the head mark TY, shipped into the USA numerous orders of bolts identified as SAE J429 Grade 5 that do not conform to Grade 5 chemical requirements.” FIEG is a cooperation between the Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI), the National Fastener Distributor’s Association (NFDA), the Western Association of Fastener Distributors (WAFD), and the Los Angeles Fastener Association (LAFA) to provide educational information to the USA fastener industry on matters regarding fastener standards, quality, and conformance. FIEG says there have been no reported performance issues with the subject parts and notes that Grade 5 and Grade 5.2 have the same performance

requirements, including for tensile strength. See table (below) for full comparison. The FIEG bulletin says, “US Customs could prosecute importers and resellers of misrepresented products.” John Wolz concurs, “In the past Customs has prosecuted sellers of misrepresented products under the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1125), which prohibits the sale of mismarked products in the U.S.” understands that the nonconforming Grade 5.2 fasteners could give suppliers an estimated 10% to 18% cost advantage over Grade 5 cap screws that fully comply with SAE J429. In a letter obtained by, IBECA Technologies Corp. president Salim Brahimi reassured fastener executives that the issue appeared to be limited to the incorrect markings on the cap screws. “The problem in this case resulted from Tycoons having identified these parts as SAE J429 Grade 5,” Brahimi wrote. “It is important to emphasise that the parts are not defective or ‘bad.’ Rather, they are incorrectly identified. The parts fully conform to SAE J429 Grade 5.2.” The FIEG bulletin, however, advises distributors to immediate quarantine remaining stocks of mismarked bolts, contact suppliers to arrange for replacement, and seek legal advice on what action to take in regard to notifying end users who may have received these bolts. For more information refer to and the IFI website

Physical Requirements Wedge Tensile Strength Test Wedge Angle Yield Strength Proof Load Hardness Tempering Temp

Grade 5 120,000 PSI 10° 92,000 PSI 85,000 PSI HRC 25 - 34 800° F

Grade 5.2 120,000 PSI 10° 92,000 PSI 85,000 PSI HRC 26 – 36 800° F

Chemical Requirements Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Boron

Grade 5 0.28 – 0.55% 0.03% max. 0.05% max. -

Grade 5.2 0.15 – 0.25% 0.74% min. 0.03% max. 0.05% max. 0.0005% min.

Grade Mark Requirements Source: FIEG

FSUK Qrt page:Layout 1



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Page 1

Focus on - Pre-applied adhesives Our pre-applied adhesive products contain micro-encapsulated components of the adhesive material, which are coated onto the screw threads, forming a brightly coloured identifiable, dry to touch ready to use high performance adhesive coating. ● High Breakaway Torque ● Low Installation Torque

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By John Wolz

Tariffs set on Chinese threaded rod The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its affirmative final determination in the anti-dumping duty case on imports of steel threaded rod from China. The Commerce Department determined that exporters/producers from China have sold steel threaded rod in the U.S. at 55.16% to 206% below normal value. Nine Chinese exporters who cooperated with the investigation received a separate final dumping rate of 55.16%. Ningbo Yinzhou, who failed verification, and all other exporters will receive the China-wide rate of 206%. As a result of this final determination, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect a cash deposit or bond based on the final rates. From 2007 to 2008, imports of steel threaded rod from China decreased nearly 18.8% by volume and were valued at US$85.3 million in 2008, according to the Commerce Department. Products covered by this investigation includes “steel threaded rod, which is certain threaded rod, bar, or studs, of carbon quality steel, having a solid, circular cross section, of any diameter, in any straight length, that have been forged, turned, cold-drawn, cold-rolled, machine straightened, or otherwise cold-finished, and into which threaded grooves have been applied. The probe looked at threaded rod that was non-headed and threaded along greater than 25% of overall length.” Before the tariffs take effect, the U.S. International Trade Commission must make its final determination on the matter, which is scheduled to happen by April 8. If the ITC makes an affirmative determination that imports of steel threaded rod from China materially injure, or threaten material injury to, the domestic industry, Commerce will issue an anti-dumping order.

Mexico latest battleground for Chinese fasteners Mexico has initiated its own anti-dumping investigation against carbon steel nuts from China, becoming the latest nation to pursue trade remedies against the onslaught of fasteners from China. The EU recent applied anti-dumping tariffs. Canada is still conducting anti-dumping reinvestigation on Chinese fasteners and the U.S. recently applied tariffs on Chinese steel threaded rod. The Mexican government said the period under investigation is from October 1, 2007, to September 30, 2008, during which US$12 million worth of carbon steel nuts (Custom Tariff number: 7318.16.03 and 7318.16.04) reportedly were imported from China.

PennEngineering settles trademark case PennEngineering & Manufacturing Corp. settled its lawsuit against Shanghai Jingyang Import & Export Co. Ltd. for alleged infringement of certain patents and trademarks. Terms were not disclosed. PennEngineering sued Jingyang and five other fastener manufacturers who exhibited at the 2007 National Industrial Fastener Show/West in Las Vegas over allegations the companies were “exhibiting and offering for sale products which violate one or more of PennEngineering’s trademarks and patents.” The original complaint was filed on November 13, 2007, in the U.S. District Court in Nevada. PEM products named in the complaints include Types PF11, PF12, PFC2P, PFHV, AC, AS, LAC, LAS, FH, SKC, and TPS. “PennEngineering and Jingyang are confident that the agreement fully addresses each of the points outlined” in the suit, stated PennEngineering president Mark Petty.

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FIN Survey: Fourth Quarter 2008 orders plunge Nearly 70% of North American fastener companies saw orders drop in the final quarter of 2008, including 40% of fastener firms that reported a “significant” decline in orders, the 30th annual ‘FIN Survey’ found. Seven in ten manufacturers saw Q4 orders fall, while 18% said orders “exceeded expectations” and 12% reported little variation in order activity. Among distributors, 61.6% recorded a drop in orders during Q4, including 38.5% who saw a “significant” drop in demand. Just over 25% of distributors said orders were stable, while 11.5% reported a rise in orders during the final quarter. More than 42% of fastener companies participating in the ‘End of 2008 FIN Survey’ laid off workers in 2008. An additional 32% operated at current staffing levels, while one in four fastener companies added jobs during the year. The number of companies planning to add more workers in the coming year dropped to 13.9% for 2009, down from the 31% forecasting job growth at the beginning of 2008. Just over 40% intend to operate with their current number of employees in 2009, while 38.9% of survey participants foresee job cuts. Price cuts are among the key indicators

for 2009 with more than four in ten fastener companies planning cuts in the first six months of 2009. About five in ten manufacturers expect raw material prices to drop, while 28% see stable prices. About 41% of companies anticipate cost declines. Nearly 35% of survey participants expect costs to stabilize in 2009, with 13.9% anticipating a “moderate” cost increase. Nearly 41% forecast declining sales in the coming year, while 25.7% anticipate stable sales and 28.5% expect their business to sales in 2009. About 50% of fastener companies participating in the ‘FIN Survey’ reported sales growth during 2008, with 22.2% experiencing a “strong” increase in sales. Profits declined, with the ‘FIN Profit Index’ dropping to 3.1. Over 16% of participants said sales held steady for the year, while 14% reported a “strong” decline in sales during 2008. Manufacturers led the way, with 58% of respondents reporting moderate to strong sales growth, compared to 43.6% of distributors. Manufacturers scored slightly higher than distributors on the ‘FIN Sales Index’ - 3.3 to 3.2 as 58% of participating manufacturers reported sales increases, compared with 43.6% of distributors. The percentage of firms reporting profit

increases rose to 45.1% in 2008, up from the 43.3% reporting profit increases the prior year. The number of fastener companies reporting 2008 profit declines rose to 34.1%. About 48% of manufacturers and 46.2% of distributors reported profit gains. More than 40% of companies anticipate a continued decline in sales during 2009, with 25.7% predicting stable revenue and 28.5% foreseeing moderate to strong growth. Fastener executives lost confidence in both the global and North American economies. None of the ‘FIN Survey’ participants gave either the North American or the global economies a “Very High” rating. At the end of 2008, the global economic confidence index dropped to 2.2, down from 3.0 at the end of 2007 and 3.2 the year before. The North American Economic Confidence Index fell to 2.1 from 2.7 at the end of 2007 and 3.1 at the end of 2006. More than two-thirds rated their confidence in the North American economy at “Low” or “Very Low.” The 67.4% easily more than double the 30.9% negative ratings one year ago. A total of 63.2% held “Low” or “Very Low” confidence levels in the global economy; 29.9% rated their confidence as “Moderate”; and only 2.8% responded “High.”

First U.S. Presidential visit to fastener plant The world got a glimpse of a fastener plant when Barack Obama visited Cardinal Fastener & Specialty Co. in Ohio enroute to his inauguration as U.S. president. Several industry veterans believe it is the first presidential fastener visit. Edith Cameron, who started in the fastener industry during Franklin Roosevelt’s second term as president, told she doesn’t remember any other presidential visits to fastener facilities. George Wasmer, who was chairman of Lake Erie Screw Corp. in Cleveland for 18 years and is a third generation member of a fastener family, recalls President John F. Kennedy’s motorcade “driving by up on the freeway.” Wasmer also recalled that President George H.W. Bush remarked to him that former first lady Barbara Bush worked as a temporary receptionist for RB&W during World War II. Fasteners received momentary presidential attention when President George H.W. Bush signed the original U.S. Fastener Quality Act into law in 1990. President Bill Clinton subsequently signed three amendments to the original act. STAFDA hosted former President Gerald Ford in 1980 in San Diego and Ronald Reagan in 1990 in Anaheim.

Obama visited Cardinal Fastener in the Bedford Heights suburb of Cleveland on Friday, January 16, 2009, to promote his incoming administration’s economic revival plan in his first campaign-style appearance since his historic election. As production manager Brandon “Smokey” Delafosse introduced Obama to the crowd of workers, relatives, and reporters, and presented him with a stainless steel bolt used in wind turbines. “This is a good-looking bolt,” Obama smiled, heaving the fastener chest-high. The bolt was a 2 1/4 – 4.5 x 17 A 193 B7 Heavy Hex Bolt with 2H Heavy Hex Nut. After reading the inscription - New Energy for America, Your Friends at Cardinal Fastener - company president John Grabner looked at Obama gripping the sizeable fastener and quipped, “This will be the most valuable bolt in America.” In opening remarks, Obama praised Grabner and his family for the company’s focus on clean energy markets. “(The Grabners) exemplify what’s at the core of the American spirit,” Obama declared, noting that fasteners made by Cardinal help hold together both the Statue of Liberty and the Golden Gate Bridge. “In some ways, I can’t think of a

more iconic company than Cardinal Fastener.” “The need for us to act is now. It’s never been more urgent,” Obama asserted, turning his attention to the U.S. economy, which shed 2.6 million jobs last year, including 500,000 in December. “The first job of my administration is to create jobs and put people back to work.” “We’re not looking to create just any kind of jobs here,” Obama explained. “We’re looking to create good jobs that pay well and won’t be shipped overseas. Jobs that don’t just put people to work in the short-term, but position our economy to be on the cutting edge in the long-term. That starts with new, clean sources of energy.” Obama kept the focus on the tangible benefits of public investments in clean energy technology. “Here at Cardinal Fastener that could mean going from 50% capacity to 90% capacity,” Obama forecasted. Prior to his remarks, Obama reportedly donned protective goggles before stopping at several workstations on his tour of Cardinal Fastener to watch demonstrations of the manufacturing process for the large screws and bolts used to fasten together wind turbines.


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China Steel cuts Q2 steel prices Taiwan’s China Steel Corporation will cut domestic steel prices by an average of 14% for April and May 2009. The reduction follows Quarter 1 reductions of 22.5%. Sources in Taiwan have confirmed the reduction applies to wire rod; C-1008 wire will be reduced by TWD3,500 per tonne bringing the price to around TWD21,000 per tonne – around 485 euros. China Steel says the cuts are “aimed to help local downstream makers to aggressively win orders in overseas markets”. CSC has not, however, extended the new prices for the whole of the second quarter, saying it is optimistic that stimulus packages around the world will increase demand and harden market prices in June. Similar cuts have been reported from Korean steelmakers. During January and February steel prices in China were reported to have increased by around 11% but in recent weeks prices have fallen dramatically. A key factor in this reversal appears to have been closed steel mills coming back on line in anticipation of growth at the same time as general destocking against higher prices. China Daily reports that major steel companies will enter talks about industry consolidation later in the year. The Chinese government has reiterated its intention that 45% of output should come from the top five companies and is also reported to be planning to limit output to 500 million tonnes per annum from 2011. Current total capacity is estimated at 660mmt/y. Previous programs to reduce capacity by eliminating less efficient and higher polluting mills have largely failed. The China Iron and Steel Association’s reported that crude steel output in February was 1.42 mmt per day, equivalent to 520mmt/y, which it described as a “worrying over supply”.

Yongnian factories target domestic market More than 2,200 fastener enterprises in Yongnian are reported to have resumed production with support from county authorities to develop sales to domestic markets. According to local press reports, “98% of the enterprises which had stopped or reduced production due to the financial crisis have resumed production and absorbed about 150,000 local migrant workers.” Yongnian’s fastener industry has produced 2.45 million tonnes annually and employed over 200,000 workers. At one stage almost half of the factories were reported to have totally shutdown. Source:

Jiaxing responds Haiyan fastener exports plunge in January to Mexican AD investigation

According to Customs statistics, Haiyan fastener exports fell to US$25.45 million in January, 23% down on the same month in 2008. Many fastener enterprises in the area say they are operating under productive capacity. Source:

Sights set on non-EU markets Following the application of anti-dumping tariffs by the European Union, Chinese fastener producers are inevitably focusing on other markets to ensure their continued viability. The EU is estimated to have accounted for around 40% of total Chinese fastener exports, with Germany, the UK and Italy major recipients. Export data shows that fastener exports to Russia doubled year on year during the first half of 2008 to an average monthly figure of US$11 million. Exports to Australia also increased by at least 80% to an average US$7.7 million per month, making it one of the top ten destinations. The Middle East accounted for 6% of exports during the analysis period with most of the US$14.4 million monthly average destined for the UAE.

In February the Jiaxing Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau organised two meetings to discuss defence against Mexico’s decision to initiate an anti-dumping investigation against carbon steel nuts from China. Gem-Year Industrial Co., Ltd. decided to defend the case on its own. Other fastener enterprises will take part in a no injury defence organised by China Fastener Industry Association. The period under investigation is from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008. According to the statistics, the nuts exported from China to Mexico during this period were worth about US$12 million, of which Jiaxing exports accounted for 35.7%.

Buyer matchmaking at Guangzhou show and Julang Exhibition Co Ltd will organise a face to face purchasing meeting on 24 June 2009 at the China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou. The 10th China (Guangzhou) International Fasteners Spring & Equipments Exhibition will be held 23-26 June 2009 at the same venue. ChinaFastener describes the purchasing meeting as “an innovative business communication model and totally different from the traditional exhibition”. It says, “more

than fifty professional global fastener buyers will be invited, all of which have passed our preliminary check and have real demand for specified fasteners from China at present”. Suppliers will be selected “strictly according to the purchasing items of the invited global suppliers”. “The characteristics of ChinaFastener purchasing meeting are cost-efficiency, timeefficiency with a strong goal and high probability of real deal,” said the organiser Mr. Yang Junfeng.

“With advanced matching, every global fastener buyer can meet suitable suppliers one by one, about 15 minutes for one supplier”. Mr Yang continued, “In the afternoon, fastener industry experts and leaders will be invited to the Fourth Chinese Fastener Summit. The Summit will focus on how to face the financial crisis, how to expand into the global market following the imposition of EU antidumping tariffs, and how to explore a new marketing model for fastener business.”


By Alexander Ostashov, Editor Fastener, Adhesives, Tools and … Magazine

BeIZAN screw is a competition winner A screw used in a vehicle door locking system, manufactured by BelZAN (a large Russian automotive fasteners producer) became a winner of the competition “100 best products of Russia 2008”. The innovative design made it possible to improve the quality of assembling through improvements to the cutting capability of the threads. This eliminated the necessity to carry out thread cleaning operations. The formation of the head also makes assembly easier.

Rohm and Haas opens new plant Rohm and Haas has opened a new production facility in the Ramenskoye area of Moscow. The plant was developed from a green field site chosen for its close proximity to key customers. The plant is in its first phase and is producing binders for coatings and adhesives. Later this will be supplemented by a wider range of polymers for coatings. The new plant will have an ultimate capacity of 70,000 tonnes on completion of its final phase. “This manufacturing site will enable us to deliver our technically advanced products faster to the local domestic Russian market and to the neighbouring markets of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States. We are committed to bringing innovative products and tailor-made solutions to the marketplace,” commented Misha Shukov, country manager, Russia and FSU. The plant is the biggest investment of Rohm and Haas in Russia and will provide employment for chemical engineers, chemical production operators and administrative personnel. “This new stage in the Russian activities of Rohm and Haas is really important for the company,” said Cheryl Martin, vice president and general manager, paint and coatings materials, for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “We have been active in Russia for more than 30 years through our affiliates. This investment heralds a new commitment into what we consider to be one of our core growth markets. We are sure that in spite of the world economic crisis it is important we continue to make investments in markets with high potential such as Russia.”

Vossloh Fastening Systems in Russia Russian Railways Company (RZD) and German Vossloh Fastening Systems have signed an agreement for organisation of a joint enterprise to produce fastening W-21. They have already approved the structure of the enterprise. Vossloh representatives are working actively to meet certification requirements of RZD. One of the leading producers of rail fastening systems, Vossloh opened its representative office in Moscow in November last year. Thanks to the new branch office Vossloh has developed possibilities to meet the needs of Russian steel main lines with an enhanced quality level, which is seen as especially important in the context of the current program of railway transport development. “Our long experience and competence, which we have invested into the work of our branch office, are highly beneficial to growth of safety and efficiency of Russian railways,” says Doctor Hans-Peter Mertens, a manager at Vossloh Fastening Systems. “Simultaneously our presence in the country will help us to strengthen existing contacts with customers. It will also allow us to work directly in the Russian market to develop the attractive possibilities offered by its development.”

Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant included in government stability list Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant and MMK-Metiz have been included in a list of strategic organisations, identified by a government commission tasked with improving stability of Russian economy development. Elvira Nabiullina, the minister for economic development, explained that the list brought together enterprises that need the “careful attention of the Government”. “It does not guarantee government aid, but if there is a necessity, the plant will receive the aid”, explained the minister.



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Bolts and Screws Metric Series : M6-M24 Inch Series : 1/4'' - 20 UNC to 1'' - 8 UNC

Nuts Metric Series : M6-M16 Inch Series : 1/4'' - 20 UNC to 5/8'' - 11 UNC

Threaded Bars Metric Series : M6 - M24 Inch Series : 1/4''- 20 UNC to 1''- 8 UNC Length : 1 meter - 4 meter


Team is the key People matter in Poland – nowhere more so than at Technox Sp.J, a fixings manufacturer whose management is quick to credit the critical role of its workforce in carrying through dynamic growth in the 16 years since its foundation.

Technox Sp.J, was established in 1992 by joint owners, Andrzej Rogulski, Wojciech Stasiecki and Krzysztof Wojciechowski. Andrzej concentrates on the finance and sales aspect of the company; Wojciech controls technical development and quality control; Krzysztof focuses on production. During its first couple of years Technox achieved strong growth from a Polish and Eastern Europe customer base. “The fixing market in Poland has a lot of big players and to begin with this helped us,” explains Andrzej. “Polish fixings have a very good reputation in

exhibited at the show and it was a big success for the company. It was a similar experience when we exhibited in 2008, but the 2006 show was the one which saw our foreign exports grow significantly as we received a lot of good contacts.” Technox now exports to the majority of European countries and estimates that foreign exports account for 45%-50% of its sales. The company recently moved to new premises providing it with the space to layout the production process far more effectively to increase productivity.

The new building covers 5,300sqm and is located 20km north-east of Warsaw. “Before we moved here we were based on two separate sites, one for the production and one for the offices and warehouse. Now everything is on a single site, which has allowed us to become much more efficient,” says Andrzej. The new facility houses twelve ‘state of the art’ injection moulding machines. “We always try to invest in the latest technology. In the long run it saves the company money,” adds Krzysztof Wojciechowski. “It also allows us

Eastern Europe and so companies were willing to try our products.” In 1995 Technox began to win its first Western European customers and has continued to gain them over the years; the rate accelerating when Poland joined the EU. “What really put us on the map was our participation at the 2006 Practical World Exhibition,” comments Robert Nowosadzki, export director. “It was the first time we

“We originally moved into a new 1,100sqm building in 2001. Before we had been renting a property and we felt it was important that we had our own place,” explains Andrzej. “We soon became too big for the site, but we were unsure whether it would be right to move again. After careful consideration we decided that it was important that we continued to expand the business. That is why we moved into the new premises at the end of last year.”

to keep up with competitors and give better service to our customers.” The machines have injection forces ranging between 100-260 tonnes giving Technox the capability to produce a varied range of products. Three shifts work around the clock on the injection machines. Technox has also recently purchased one sorting and two packing machines further helping it to streamline production. “We bought the sorting

machine in May 2007 and then bought the two packing machines at the end of 2007,” comments Wojciech Stasiecki. “Once again we invested in the latest technology to makes sure that our service and products are of the highest quality.” Technox offers a wide range of products including standard plugs, universal plugs, nylon frame anchors, nail plugs, insulation pins, cable clips and sanitary fixings. As well as supplying products in the Technox brand the company offers products specifically for companies and is able to package them in branded boxes. Technox is ISO 9001:2000 approved and all products are subject to an array of quality standard tests to ensure correct performance in application and high levels of customer satisfaction. The joint owners are very proud of the success that Technox has achieved and how the company has grown. They credit a very significant element of that success to the qualities and dedication of the Technox team. “The major key to Technox’s success is its One of Technox’s packaging machines staff,” explains Andrzej. “All of our employees our valued members and we have a spine of experience running through the company. We have Robert Dybkowski, logistic manager, and feel have contributed Sylwester Olszewski, above and beyond production manager, their normal duties.” who have both been So what are the at the company since it owners’ thoughts was established. Then on the future? “In there is Agnieszka these difficult times Bończak, sales it is important that manager, and Monika we continue to push Ślubowska, accounts the Technox brand. manager, who have Andrzej, Wojciech and Krzysztof, It would be easy to been with the company hibernate through the joint owners of Technox Sp.J. for over fifteen years. hard times and wait “Having experienced for them to finish, but staff in key positions we are concentrating guarantees a dedication on pushing forward,” to their work and a comments Krzysztof. five years we have participated in a mixture top quality service,” adds Krzysztof. “A stable “Although the current climate has made of kayaking, trekking and sailing. It is great fun workforce is a vital part of any business. When things tricky, it has allowed us to change the to get everyone together and do something Poland joined the EU we did experience a company’s emphasis and aims for the future. challenging. It really helps to boost team moral. significant turnover of staff especially in the Since 2001 we have developed and grown We also include games and competitions production department. Thankfully we were a lot as a company and it is important that that help people to relax from the usual work successful in keeping the majority of our skilled this development is supported by top service. atmosphere.” staff members, which has been critical.” The annual company dinner also incorporates This is why we are also concentrating on The family atmosphere, that is evident a review of the previous year. A major feature is educating our staff so that they can continue throughout Technox, is skilfully reinforced to produce first-rate products and offer our through strong and regular communication with the ‘Best Worker Award’. customers the service they require,” adds the workforce – bulletin boards highlight the “This is a great chance for the company to Wojciech. key points of each year, as well as celebrating look back at the previous year and highlight Andrzej has the final word “Our aim company activity weekends and its annual the successes achieved. It also means we for the future is very simple: we want dinner. can highlight aspects of the business that to continue to be a strong company that “Every year we organise an activity require improvement,” says Andrzej. produces good products, backed by an weekend and everyone at Technox is “The ‘Best Worker Award’ is a chance for excellent team and outstanding service.” involved,” comments Andrzej. “For the last colleagues to vote for the people that they

“The most important aspect of the business is without doubt our team – everyone has played a vital role in our achievements to date.”


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DELTA® protects surfaces.


Kindergarten, Sauerkraut, Dörken: Some German words known all around the world. Our biggest customer, the automotive industry, has made us a global player. We find the most important thing about business relations is relationships themselves, which is why we have our own representatives in every major international market, offering assistance in the local language. Quality comes not only with our products, but with our worldwide service and support as well. We look forward to seeing you. For more about us and our products see


Hannover Messe 2009 Between 20 and 24 April Hannover Messe will host 13 flagship trade fairs adding up to the world’s largest and most important showcase for industrial technology. In 2009 the spotlight will be on industrial automation, energy technologies, power transmission and control, mobility, industrial subcontracting and new technologies for the future. Top of the agenda will be energy efficiency in industrial processes, which as well as featuring heavily amongst exhibiting companies, will be the focus of attention at a special display in Hall 26, which will concentrate on reference projects and a model production plant exemplifying energy efficiency in action. New to the Hannover programme is Wind, a trade fair targeted at manufacturers of wind generation plant, components or services suppliers, installers, plant operators and project financiers. The partner country for the whole event this year is Korea, the EU’s fourth largest trading partner, from which 200 companies have so far booked space. By February Hannover reported a total of around 6,000 exhibitors occupying 200,000 square metres of exhibition space, with the organiser now expecting the 2009 fair to reach a similar scale to previous events. More than 1,000 supporting events, including seminars, forums and workshops, featuring an impressive line-up of speakers, will afford visitors the opportunity to engage in-depth with issues affecting everyone’s future. “It is precisely when economic conditions are difficult that Hannover Messe comes into its own”, says Dr. Wolfram von Fritsch, chairman of the board of Deutsche Messe AG. “It provides an overview of various branches of industry that work together to make progress possible. At the same time it focuses our attention on issues that are more important than ever at times of crisis - issues such as energy efficiency and technological leadership.” Detailed information about all the fairs, travel and accommodation can be found at

Fresh impetus for Totally Shows

Survey confirms EuroBLECH 2008 success

Brintex, organiser of the Totally Tools, DIY and Secure shows, has confirmed that visitor numbers for this year’s shows saw a slight increase over 2008. “We are absolutely delighted to have maintained our visitor numbers at 2008 levels. The 1% increase is marginal, but very welcome, in such a tough trading climate,” commented exhibition director James Murray. Brintex has also announced that it would be moving to co-locate alongside the Spring Fair in 2010; an initiative that has been greeted with widespread support. “We promised to deliver fresh impetus to the shows this year and we are looking forward to developing this next year at the NEC,” said James. “Regardless of the current economic climate, we cannot expect our exhibitors to invest in our shows, if we are not also investing. We’re really looking forward to moving our shows on again to take advantage of the benefits of sitting alongside on of the UK’s largest trade events.” The Totally Shows will continue to run as a three-day event, in a dedicated hall at the NEC, starting on Sunday 7 February through to Tuesday 9 February.

EuroBLECH 2008 was the largest ever and showed little sign of the economic downturn. Trading activity was lively and many exhibitors reported buoyant sales results. With 1,520 exhibitors and 69,400 visitors the show recorded an increase of 8% in both exhibitor and visitor numbers compared to the 2006 show. The net exhibition space increased 5% to 87,700 square metres. EuroBLECH is audited by FKM, the society for voluntary control of exhibition statistics and the exhibition survey showed excellent ratings by exhibitors and visitors. 99% of visitors assessed the exhibition as very useful or useful compared to other industry shows. 93% said they would definitely recommend it to colleagues. Exhibitors were also extremely satisfied with the number saying they intended exhibiting again at the 2010 event increasing to 76%. The show was highly rated for its internationality – exhibitors came from 38 countries and visitors registered from 98 countries. Exhibitors again praised the event for the high quality of visitors it attracted. According to the survey 68% of visitors had or shared responsibility for decision-making mainly in fabrication/ production, management, R&D and construction as well as procurement. Visitors from industry increased over 2006, whereas visitors from services and trade sectors regressed. 44% of visitors came to the show with concrete investment plans, for foreign visitors this figure was 56%. The next EuroBLECH will be stages at Hannover Messe, 26 - 30 October 2010.


MosBuild on the horizon The largest trade show in Russia, MosBuild, takes place this year between 31 March and 4 April, at Moscow’s two largest and best known exhibition venues, Expocentr and Crocus Expo, covering a total of 90,000 square metres. In 2008, a record 2,751 exhibitors took part in MosBuild, representing 43 countries and displaying the full range of products, services and equipment for the building and interiors industry. The continued success of the event is a testament to its reputation, as the event director, Darryl Pawsey, comments. “The feedback from our exhibitors indicated that for many international companies, Russia is the number one strategic growth market and MosBuild is the focal point for business in the industry”. MosBuild is the collective name for six co-located exhibitions focusing on specific sectors. ‘Buildex’ and ‘Cersanex’ take place in the Expocentr and cover products such as building materials and equipment, hardware and tools, sanitary ware and ceramic products. Crocus Expo hosts ‘MosInteriors’, ‘WinTecExpo’, ‘Stonex’ and ‘CountryLiving’. ‘Buildex’ brings together five exhibitions dedicated to ‘Building Materials & Equipment’, ‘Hardware & Tools’, ‘Build Electrics’, ‘Plumbing and Pipes’ and ‘Building Automation Systems’. The exhibition features suppliers from all over the world, and this year, ‘Buildex’ welcomes national groups from Austria, Belgium, China, Finland, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, Poland, Serbia and Taiwan. In 2008, ‘Buildex’ alone hosted 606 domestic and international exhibitors. ‘Hardware & Tools’ is a popular part of ‘Buildex’, appealing to a very wide audience of visiting professionals. The event features products including power and hand tools, fixtures and fittings, work benches, kit boxes and storage, ladders and steps, and handling equipment. Most tradesmen who visit ‘Buildex’ are interested in reviewing the latest general and specialist hardware and tools available in the market. In addition to professionals within the building trade, visitors also include buyers from trade and DIY retailers and wholesalers. MosBuild is renowned for attracting huge numbers of trade visitors during the four days of the event, as Pawsey explains: “MosBuild continues to have a wide appeal; from companies who are new to the market and are looking for distributors, to those who are already well established in Russia and are looking to strengthen their presence, arrange meetings with clients and promote their product range. MosBuild has many regular exhibitors who return to the event every year to build on previous success. I look forward to seeing them and welcoming our new participants”. Since the launch of Mosbuild in 1992, London based ITE Building & Interiors Division has developed events in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Las Vegas reports encouraging numbers Exhibit space sales for the National Industrial Fastener Show, November 16-18, 2009 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, USA, are “surprisingly good and very encouraging”, reports Susan A. Hurley, show manager. 428 companies have contracted to date, around 68% of the 2008 total. “A number of companies have informed us they are waiting to see what the first quarter of 2009 brings before deciding on how much exhibit space they want. We believe that once the economy begins recovering, fastener inventories will decline and we should see an increase in orders. This will bring more companies back to the show”, Susan Hurley added. The show’s newly designed web site,, includes a floor plan showing which booths are occupied by which companies. There is also an up to date alphabetical listing of exhibiting companies.

All industry event returns to Rosemont Fastener Tech 2009 returns to Rosemont, Illinois - close to Chicago’s O’Hare international airport - between 8 and 10 June. Similar to the 2007 event this year’s Fastener Tech features a comprehensive educational line up including seminars on Advanced Metrics, Fastener Manufacturing, Print Reading and Fastener Quality presented by the Fastener Training Institute. The Institute is a division of the Los Angeles Fastener Association, which now delivers the highly regarded Certified Fastener Specialist™ advanced technical training program. This was launched by LAFA in 1998 since when over 600 students have participated in the programme, more than a third of whom achieving the CFS status. The ASM Heat Treating Society will address issues relating to the heat treatment of fasteners and also hydrogen embrittlement. The Chicago Metal Finishers Institute will look at regulatory developments for coatings, expectations of the automotive industry and emerging trends in coatings. The trade show, for which around 100 exhibitors are currently registered, will run all day Tuesday and between 10am and 3pm Wednesday, set up taking place on Monday.

BAU has best year ever BAU 2009, which took place on 12 – 17 January, saw 211,000 visitors attend the show making it BAU’s best ever year in its 40 year history. Out of the 211,000 visitors, 36,000 were from outside of Germany, representing 151 countries. In total there were 1,924 exhibitors from 42 countries at the show, covering 180,000 square metres of exhibition space. The post show visitor survey demonstrated considerable levels of uncertainty in the light of current economic and market conditions. However, 94% of exhibitors rated the event as excellent or good and 96% of visitors expressed their intention of visiting BAU again in two years time. BAU 2011 takes place 17 - 22 January 2011 at the New Munich Exhibition Centre, Munich, Germany.


Fastener Fair Stu through the 400 e 3 Marcos 3 Star Rivets A - Stainless A. Jate Steel Accurtek Products Achilles Seibert Action Can Acton Adolf Menschel Adolf Pühl Advanced Global Sourcing Ahorn Aichelin Aimreach Albert Pasvahl Alca Fasteners Alex Screw Alexander Paal Allfa Dübel Alloy & Stainless Ambrovit AMF Anchor Fasteners Anchor Pro Apex Stainless Fasteners AQP Tools Archi - Fixing Arrow Fastener Asvefat Atlantic Man Atotech ATS Automated Packaging Systems Bäcker Baker & Finnemore Baussmann Beco Srl Ben Yuan Enterprise Berdan Bolt & Nut Bever BIAT Bierbach Bi-Mirth Bolt Fasteners Boltun Corporation Bonuses Fastener Bossong Bralo Brighton Best Brune BTS Bufab Bülte Burago Viti Burwood Canali Caparo Atlas Carbodies Carlo Salvi Carniere & Defossez Celo Cetin Civata Changzhou Junhe Dacromet Can-Eng Chaves Bilbao Chemfix Chemofast Chiang Shin Chin Lih Hsing China Ching Chan Machinery Ching Iee Industrial Chite Enterprises Chong Cheng Fastener Chun Yu Works CIMA Circle Well

Classic Metallic Clinching Fasteners Clyde Fasteners CMCA Colombo Ezio Corbetta Cpc Fasteners International Crescent Manufacturing D&H Components Da Wing Da Yang Enterprise Dakoko Int’l Dalian Pinghe Damesa David Dorfmüller DBN. BV Deepak Defremm Dega Demir Dejond Dell’era Ermanno Deltaleigh Denet Civata Desa Diing Sen Fasteners Dimfix Din Ling Corp DIV d.o.o. Doistua Dong Tai QB Dörken Dra-Goon Fastener Drakena Drawlin Industry Dresselhaus Dubai Wire Dunfa International Dura E & K Tech Eagle Metalware Earnest Express Ebinghaus EFDA Elcometal Eldes Emek Enco Tecnologie Erich Ulrich Essence Method Euro Fastener Euro Tec Eurobolt Europa Eurovis Expandet Screw Anchors Exports Unlimited Ezel Civata FIN FA.RI Fang Sheng Screw FAR Fareast Metal International Fast Milano Fastbolt Fastdev Fastener & Fixing Magazine Fastener 2000 Fastener Jamher Fastener Technology International Fastener World Inc Fasteners Srl Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools...

Fastenex Fasttec Feng Yi Steel Ferdinand Gross Ferodom, s.r.o. FEZ Filrox Industrial Filtomatic Fiminox Fixi Fong Yien Fontec Screws Forma Tech Frigerio Ettore FRL Fu Hui Screw Industry Fwu Kuang G & B Fissaggi Gain Den Precision GDPA Gebrüder Hüfner Gebu General Inspection Gesi GFD Globex Goebel Gofast Graewe GRK Fasteners Growermetal GTP Güldner Haining Light Industry Haiyan Hama Haiyan Huasheng Haiyan Longwei Haiyan Yuxing Handelsunternehmen Meinolf Rickert Hangzhou Qianjiang Hao Mou Nut Header Plan HECO - Schrauben Heinrich Herbert Knoke Hermann Huster Hoenderdaal Hokon Home Soon Homn Reen Enterprise Horng Brothers Hsien Sun Industry Hsin Chang Hardware Hsin Jui Hsin Yu Screw Hu Pao Industries Huang Jing Hubei Boshilong Hugo Benzing Hunan Liangang Hwa Hsing Screw Ikalia Ilgen Vida Imas IMS Inden Index Ingramatic Inmetch Industrial Innov-X Systems Inntech International Inox Mare Inoxdadi Interservice Italbolt Italbolt Inox Service Ja Ter Industry Jau Yeou Industry Jerger

“International fastener industry is preparing for better times,” says Organiser. With October 2009’s Fastener Fair Stuttgart exhibition looking likely to be the largest ever held, organiser Jerry Ramsdale sees this as a sign that fastener companies around the world are positioning themselves for an improving global economy. “Breaking through the 400 exhibitors barrier was an important marker for us” says Ramsdale, “to have achieved, and gone beyond, that with 8 months to go is a true indication of where the Fastener Fair stands in the global fastener and fixing industry”. “We already have over 400 exhibitors signed up and given the time we have to go before the exhibition, it looks likely that we’ll have far more companies present than our previous largest show, where we had 435 exhibiting companies from 37 countries,” says Ramsdale. “Those companies who have signed up are making a statement about their confidence and their commitment to serving their customers and the market through bad times and good,” he continues. “A symbol of this is that they’re not just booking the smallest stands possible, but are investing in larger stands than ever before. In fact,” he says, “the exhibition space

uttgart smashes exhibitors barrier so far contracted is already over 5,000 square metres more than we had last time.” Ramsdale sees the continuing success of the show as being due to a number of factors. “First and foremost, is that the exhibition has proved itself to be what is required by our international visitors, who attend in their thousands. It’s Europe’s only dedicated international exhibition reflecting the entire fastener and fixing industry, from raw materials and manufacturing through to distribution. “The location of the show is also a major asset. Not only is Stuttgart in Germany, right at the centre of Europe’s industrial heartlands, but it is also easily accessible to a global audience, with outstanding transport links with the rest of the world.” And this year’s exhibition will be more convenient than ever, because the show has relocated to the new purpose-built exhibition grounds right by the international airport, which is well served by Germany’s road and rail network. But most importantly for the 2009 event is the timing, believes Ramsdale: “The fastener industry is preparing for 2010 being the turning point in the current economic downturn, and so October 2009, when Fastener Fair Stuttgart takes place, is the perfect springboard to take advantage of the good times to come!”

Fastener Fair – Stuttgart takes place on the 7th and 8th of October, 2009 For more information please visit

Jetpress Jiaxing Zhapu Feng -sheng Jieng Beeing Johann Bayer Joker Industrial Jörg Vogelsang Kale Makina Kalm Befestigungssysteme Kapil Karat Industrial Kcs. Enterprise KD Metals KEW Key-Use Industrial Kind- Auspice Industrial King Kleinsorge Klimas Wkret-met Kobout Koelner Koelner Lancucka Fabryka Srub Kohlhage KPO KTS Kundan Kwantex Research L & W Fasteners Lakshmi Lancaster Lederer Lih Ta Lindapter Linit Exports Linkwell LLS Longhwa Screw Works Lotu Lu Chu Shin Yee Lusavouga Manassero Marer Master United Max Mothes MEA Befestigungssysteme Mecavit Metcoat Technology Metiz Magazine Mevi MFI Metall Milani Enrico Minsavit Mitas Bolt MKT Mohindra Fasteners Mollificio MPS Multi-Tek Fasteners Mungo Nanmat Technology Navgrah NCG Tools Industry Nestinox Net Civata Ningbo Anchor Fasteners Industrial Ningbo Gold Ring Ningbo Jinhui Ningbo Maowang Rivet Ningbo Ordam Ningbo Shye Chang Ningbo Yonghong Ningbo Zhenhai Xingyi Nobex Non Standard Nordic Metalblok Nord-Lock Norm Civata

Nosta Nova Fastener Omnitechnik OMT Oread Fasteners Ornit Blind Rivets Otto Roth Otto Spa P.Tre P3 Automation Panther T & H Peco Pfitzer Philips Screw Company Piloni Pin Tai Metal Prebena PRK Pt. Shye Chang PTS Punch Ratna Qingdao WuDa R+FK Schulte KG Rapierstar Rapitech Ratnaveer Rawl Ray Fu Reisser Rex Rexlen Corp Reyher Rivit Roberlo Rodex S.C.A.I Sacma Limbiate Sala Italdadi Sala Punzoni Sanhuan Fasteners Sansoar Engineering Sara Fasteners Sariv Scell-it Schäfer + Peters Schatz Schnorr Schraubenfabrik Schmidt Schröder Schrauben Schulte-Tengler Schürmann & Hilleke Screwtech Industry Sen Chang Shandong Tengda Shanghai Delon Shanghai Fast-Fix Shanghai Jingyang Shanghai Link Shanghai Metals Shanghai Prime Machiney Shanghai Rivit Manufacture Shanghai Yaqing Sheh Fung Screws Sheh Kai Precision Shenzhen Top Shin Chun Enterprise Shin Jaan Works Sicatech Sichuan Nanshan Simpson Strong-Tie / Liebig Sival Som Fasteners Spec Products Corp Special Rivets Corp Specialinsert Stafa Holland Stahl Stamperia Carcano Guiseppe Starbest Enterprise

Stefan Hertweck Streicher Maschinen Strength Fastener Factory Sun Through Industrial Suzhou Hongly Szatyina SZU-I Industries Tachart Taiwan Shan Yin Tecfi Technox Tekelioglu Bolt Tepra -Lock Test Thelma Thoelen Härtetechnik Thread Industrial Ticho Industries Tobsteel Topist Enterprise TR Fastenings Trafilerie Pichierri Trafilerie San Paolo Tridon Tromboni Truhlar Ttap AB Tycoons Group Enterprise Unbrako Uni- Protech Unimatic Uniriv Universal University of Zilina UTA Auto Industrial Valenta Veekay India Vilux Viterie Vipa Visserie Guerry Viti Vorpa VSP Bulloneria Wa Tai Industrial Wan Iuan Wasi Wattson Fastener We Power Industry Weicon Weigh Anchor Fastener Wellfly Enterprise Wenzhou Pioneer Wera Wilh. Lüsebrink GmbH Winchester Windfast Industrial Winlink Fasteners Woods & Hughes Wrentham Steel Products Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG Wuxi Qianfeng Wyser International Yeh Cheng Industries Yi Chun Enterprise Ying Ming Yoang Ming Your Choice Yow Chern Yuo Chun Enterprise Zandvoort Draadindustrie BV Zhejiang Jieneng Auto Parts Zhejiang Kaisheng Zhejiang Meili Zonbix Enterprise Zyh Yin Ent


Getting a feeling for STAFA In 1977 George van Gool started distributing nuts from a small warehouse in Eindhoven. It was the product he knew best, having worked in a nut-making factory. Thirty years on and STAFA Holland could hardly be described as a single product company. In fact, it is far from single dimensional in any respect, be it range, operation or marketing. STAFA has just completed a new hall at its warehouse complex in Maarheeze – a site the company moved to in 1981. The extension brings the warehouse to 12,000 square metres providing 15,000 pallet spaces and handling around 25,000 standard fasteners and special items for customers. The range development began in the early 1980s with the addition of bolts, initially from Italian factories, later imported from Asia. At around the same time STAFA also entered the Scandinavian market; still very important to a business that has long since extended its export markets throughout Eastern and Southern Europe as well as into the UK and Ireland. The STAFA core business is fastener distribution, with the emphasis on being ‘solid, definite, reliable’. That means applying thirty years sourcing, logistics and customer service experience to, as George puts it, “getting the correct quality at the best price to our customers, wherever and whoever they are.” Approaching 60% of STAFA’s business is now exported to reseller customers. The domestic business is shared, more or less 50-50, between resellers and industrial fastener users.

Now it is an unavoidable reality that good distribution warehouses are rarely remarkable, in fact, if they are it normally means problems. The STAFA operation is what you would expect – straightforward, utilising modern logistics systems and evidently highly competent. It does the job, effectively, without fuss, with the good humour that pervades the company, day in day out. Period. Quality clearly matters – there is a well-equipped dimensional and mechanical testing room, into which a 60 tonne tensile tester was being installed at the time of the visit. More remarkable has been the rate of growth – an aerial photograph of the site in 1989 clearly highlights the building expansion, much of it driven by range development particularly over the last eight years. STAFA is a generalist; the business is not focused exclusively on specific markets or specific customer categories - a characteristic that is proving particularly important in the current economic climate. What is common, regardless of market or customer, is commitment to service – STAFA thinks particularly in terms of flexibility and responsiveness. “If that means a customer

needs to collect an order in one hour, then we will have it ready,” says Pim van Leeuwen, responsible for general sales and specifically for Neofast BV, a trading arm set up to provide flexibility to distribution customers needing a safe and reliable mechanism for importing container quantities from Asia. “We have offices in China and Taiwan,” explains Pim, “that ensure the quality and reliability of our suppliers. Neofast provides that surety to our customers and in exchange we earn a small commission. Applying the leverage our total volume gives us, the customer often purchases through Neofast at virtually the same cost as if they placed a container order direct on a factory.” Between its own stock requirements and that of Neofast customers STAFA now handles around twenty-five container loads every week. At the opposite end of the scale STAFA continues to develop the intensity of service it offers user accounts. ‘STAFA Logistics Solutions’ - “you have to admit it is a snappy title,” interposes export account manager Ivo van Gool. The good-natured banter is characteristically Dutch, and an integral part of the STAFA culture. Back to the point, the launch of SLS over the last few months represents further developments in inventory management systems offered by STAFA. Two-bin systems have been provided to some customers for a while, now a more comprehensive KanBan system is being proposed. “We want to expand VMI,” says Pim van Leeuwen, “rather than just supplying in boxes and pallets.” Actually, it isn’t all about boxes and pallets by any means, as you discover if you take the short drive to another STAFA company. In 1995 STAFA’s in-house packaging department gained its independence, relocating to a nearby industrial unit, and emerging under the name of Gopak as a specialist packaging company - truly remarkable for both the technology it employs and the solutions it delivers. On one hand Gopak provides a large number of distribution customers with STAFA fastener

ranges in their own branded boxes – using an automatic box maker and a range of boxing lines, ranging from fully automatic to entirely manual. Gopak also, though, provides a whole spectrum of bagging and kitting services – supplying a total of around 12 million bagged items in a year. Simple kits, perhaps containing eight or ten varied items are assembled manually on a row of workstations, each with a bagging machine. Each operator hand-picks the different components listed on a screen, collating them in a tray, which has an integral balance to confirm the total weight is correct before releasing the parts for bagging. A few weeks prior to the visit Gopak installed a fourth fully computer controlled, automatic bagging line. The line, which has a surprisingly small ‘footprint’, has 12 feed stations. The parts, including fasteners from STAFA and a diverse range of other items sourced specifically for the customer, are fed into vibratory bowls and on through a weigh count gate, onto a central conveyor of metal trays. Reaching the end of the line, each completed kit tray is tipped into a bagging system, where a final weight check ensures the kit is correct. The complete system represents an investment upwards of 350,000 euros. “The benefit,” says Gopak manager, Joep van Gool, “is complete automation. No operator involvement is required once the articles have

been loaded. The computer system monitors what is going on and alerts immediately if there is a problem. Other machines are equipped with cameras so that it is possible to log in from off-site to check its operation.” Remarkable for its investment in efficiency, and the flexible, close-to-market resource that has been established, Gopak is also impressive for the range of solutions it provides. The most distinctive, and unique to Gopak, is one that

packs a series of sub-kits into one long strip of bags. Each ‘bubble’ contains the components for one stage of installation - in this case of an industrial door. The whole strip can be rolled for ease of packing, and the system eliminates the risk of the wrong component being used at the wrong stage. Gopak and Neofast bring to STAFA a whole array of different dimensions. The unifying factor is a single service ethos.

r o f d n a l o H a tS af eling ers

n e t s a f

e f e th

You need good quality fastening elements. Coated and packaged as desired, and delivered to you in time. That is possible. The Stafa Holland team is ready for you. Feel free to discuss with us what precisely you would like to have, and when, and we will get into top gear for you. As a stock keeping importer we can quickly deliver a wide variety of screws, bolts, nuts, threaded rods, washers, anchors, as well as a broad range of additional materials. We offer highly competitive prices, deliver our orders strictly on time throughout Europe, and have been known to guarantee high quality fastening elements for more than thirty years. See for yourself. Just send us an email or call us on 0031-495 599888. We will be more than happy to discuss our stock, our prices, and our production with you.

20081986-advertenties-2.indd 1

Stafa Holland

Den Engelsman 18 P.O. Box 2670 6026 ZH Maarheeze The Netherlands Tel: 0031-495 599888 Fax: 0031-495 599876 Email: Internet:

06-11-2008 11:02:37


New base for international growth Loyal as ever to its North-West English roots Lancaster Fastener has spread its wings remarkably over recent years, and is aiming to further extend its international customer base from new, custom-built warehouse and offices in Morecambe. Over some 27 years Lancaster has honed a fastener brand that has become synonymous, above all, with integrity. Its sourcing team take meticulous care in selecting the factories that supply a range, which has rapidly expanded over recent years – from self tapping and trilobular thread forming screws to an extensive programme of self drilling screws, machine screws, fasteners for sheet metal, A2 and A4 stainless steel products and capacitor discharge weld studs. Lancaster, incidentally, has recently pointed out to customers that its ranges are not and will not be affected by the application of antidumping tariffs against fasteners from China. The real key to Lancaster has long been the reliability of its services, backed by a commitment to in-depth and across-range stockholding. Its development across the European market, from a base that is, let’s face it, a good few 100 kilometres from the English Channel, has been built on characteristic attention to detail. A now well-established relationship with a reputed logistics operator has allowed the company to develop a highly effective delivery network throughout Europe. Daily collections from Lancaster are forwarded to a central hub in the Netherlands within 24 hours and then on through a delivery network to distribution customers throughout Europe. Effective communication with its customers is vital to an organisation that understandably prides itself on its service commitment. A network of European sales representatives calls on customers personally and is supported by a multilingual sales office team at Lancaster – comprising German, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish speakers. With success comes inevitable growing pains

– additional ranges and higher sales volumes meant Lancaster outgrew its longstanding warehouse in Morecambe and was forced to hold stocks in additional, albeit close-by, storage locations. In autumn last year the company successfully moved to a custom-built facility a kilometre or so from its previous location. “We were extremely fortunate in having a developer who was really hands on and completely committed to meeting our requirements, however detailed,” says managing director, Sam Wilson. “The result is an outstanding building that gives us immediate improvements in capacity and efficiency, as well as having carefully designed-in options to expand both warehouse and offices to accommodate future growth.” Work on the new building started on a greenfield site in April 2008 with a tight schedule focused on completion by November. “There were,” Sam Wilson says, “a few interesting moments, however with the support of the developer the completion date was successfully achieved on time.” The new warehouse, slightly less than 2,000 square metres in area, utilises intensive high-rise racking to provide 5,000 pallet spaces improving the efficiency and dynamics of the operation. The racking design and layout permits a picking system precisely suited to Lancaster’s highly customer-oriented service model. A total of 2,000 tonnes of inventory was moved through the night over a two week period – while maintaining a full customer service each day. “The whole team did an outstanding job under the pressure, keeping track of where items of stock were at any time and picking it accurately to meet our delivery schedules to customers.” By the first week of November Lancaster was fully

operational from the new premises, with hardly any customer noticing the change. Barely taking a breath, Lancaster has now launched a new delivery service to the North American market. “We are approaching the market in the same service-focused way,” explains Sam Wilson. “Key to Lancaster’s approach is being able to support our customer with often quite niche product quickly from stock. We have secured an excellent service agreement with FedEx Express that means orders received before 08:30am GMT are despatched the same day and delivered to any destination in the United States before 10:30am two days later. For Canadian destinations it takes just 90 minutes longer. Our customers will also benefit from the excellent freight rates we have been able to negotiate.”

Hose Clip and Clamp Manufacturers in Birmingham UK Established 1978

Hold on a moment! Messe H a n n ov e r l 2009 20 –24 Apri d A 39 Hall 4, Stan


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Take another look. As a Reyher customer you profit from ... • one of the biggest and best ranges of threaded fasteners • top-class supply reliability plus order-management simplicity • resupply flexibility and friendly service second to none By the way, the lady drove straight to the office, where you can reach her by dialling +49 40 85363-0. She knows everything about C-parts management and Reyher.

Holding Parts Together


Talking Turkey Continuing our series of country profiles we spent a February week in Turkey – long travelling days, impeccable hospitality,…. and incessant rain. Here we explore an economy intent on entering the world’s top ten. The following pages look at some of the general aspects of its fastener industry and continue with profiles of some of Turkey’s leading fastener producers.

Turkey occupies the meeting ground of Asia and Europe - geographically, economically and culturally. The total population is 71.5 million, quadrupling since the first official census in 1927, most of the growth coming post 1945. Istanbul is the largest city with a population, according to a 2007 survey, around 11.5 million. With continued inward migration and expansion of the city’s limits the real figure is probably significantly higher. The work force is large, with around half the population under the age of 35 years, although the birth rate has fallen since 2000. Literacy rate in over 15 year olds is estimated at 88%. While Turkey sprawls across 770,000 square kilometres, more than twice the area of Germany, a quarter of its population live in the three main cities; Istanbul, the capital Ankara, and Izmir. The main concentrations of industrial development are within a triangle formed in the west by these three. Anecdotal assessments place Turkish skilled labour rates close to those of Eastern European states. Per capita income has increased four fold since 2002 to approaching 8,000 euros - driving, at least until recently, healthy domestic demand. Agriculture still represents 35% of employment and contributes around 8.5% of GDP – estimated in 2008 at 650 billion

euros at official exchange rate. Industry accounts for approaching 29% of GDP. A third of employment remains in the traditionally strong textiles and clothing sector but in the last decade rapid growth has been achieved in automotive, electronics, domestic appliance and furniture. These, together with construction, worth around 7% of GDP, have underpinned the development of the Turkish fastener industry. Automotive exports from Turkey, mainly to Europe, were 16.5 billion euros in 2007. Five companies currently produce passenger cars in Turkey – Renault, Tofas (a FIAT joint venture), Toyota, Hyundai and Honda. Nine companies produce trucks and ten produce buses – both lists include M.A.N., Mercedes Benz and Ford. Turkey produces more buses than any EU state and rates third in light commercial vehicle output. 2007 total vehicle production was 1.13 million units: 71% of value going to the EU. While 2007 car exports grew 14%, commercial vehicle exports increased 39%. Also in 2007 Turkey exported 4.75 billion euros of automotive parts, two-thirds to EU countries. Export-led, as it is, the Turkish automotive market has been hit hard by current economic conditions. Honda has held off planned investment. Tofas stopped production from

December 27 and local suppliers say it has only worked one week in three since. The company has laid-off a tenth of its 7,000 workforce. Oyak Renault also halted production, resuming at substantially reduced output levels. Ford Transit production in Turkey was planned for 2010 but the project is now expected to be delayed. Electrical machinery, particularly for domestic use, has grown to an estimated 4% of Turkey’s manufacturing industry generating 2007 exports of 3.5 billion euros – 65% of this in refrigerators and other household appliances. Other machinery sectors also represent significant export sales generators – construction and mining machinery was worth 665 million euros in 2007; machine tools 425 million euros; textile machinery 188 million euros and food processing and packaging equipment 164 million euros. Turkey’s electronics industry has also seen substantial inward investment. 2007 exports were valued at 3.85 billion euros, nearly half in consumer electronics, particularly televisions. Turkey has around 50 shipyards with capacity for 10 million dwt in repair and maintenance and 1.8 million dwt in new shipbuilding. In 2007 the industry exported 1.4 billion euros, a 28% increase year on year. Main export groups were cruise and excursion ships, low tonnage tankers and cargo ships, and luxury boats – Turkey ranked four in the world list for producing 25 metre or longer “mega-yachts”. Turkey is recognised as the furniture production centre for the Middle East. Exports increased from 83 million euros in 1998 to around 800 billion euros in 2007, and the industry has a massive domestic market with 30,000 companies involved in furniture making. Turkey’s medical equipment and supplies industry has also been fast developing – achieving exports of around 122 million euros in 2007. Turkey’s 25 million tonnes of steel production is primarily achieved through electric arc furnaces using scrap rather than iron ore as primary raw material. Around 85% of production is in long products, much of it destined, until recently, for construction around the Gulf and Middle East. Cold heading wire production is limited, recently coming

on stream in response to Turkish fastener manufacturers association lobbying. Most high-grade wire continues to be sourced from Europe. Prior to 1994 DIY retailing was effectively non-existent in Turkey, with local hardware traders and builders merchants servicing the market. Today the four largest retailers are Koctas, Praktiker, Bauhaus and Tekzen with a total of 53 major outlets. The road infrastructure around Istanbul is generally good but often gridlocked. There is a high-speed highway between Istanbul and Ankara; other routes are slower as road capacity and conditions decline. Flights from Istanbul to the main regional cities are regular. Istanbul’s main airport is on the European side but low cost and domestic flights are growing from a second airport on the Anatolian side of the city. The train network is state operated and is said to require substantial upgrade. Plans for a high-speed link between Istanbul and Ankara apparently exist but have not yet been started. Road fuel costs are high relative to most of Europe, primarily due to taxation. Businesses say that electricity costs are also high. 80% is generated from thermal sources, primarily natural gas and coal. Hydroelectric accounts for most of the balance although wind power is developing. There appears to be an accelerating trend for industry to move out of Istanbul. Escalating land costs and the impact of traffic

congestion increasingly outweigh proximity to the international airport and port facilities. The automotive industry is centred on the Anatolian side between Istanbul and Bursa, Turkey’s fourth largest city. There are several massive industrial development zones, including one dedicated to automotive suppliers. Turkey suffered its own financial crisis in 2001, during which banks collapsed, the value of the lira plunged, hundreds of thousands lost jobs and foreign investors pulled out. Simply put, the causes were extremely stringent anti-inflationary conditions attached to an IMF loan and a political schism over the speed and nature of economic reform. The general business assessment is that the banking system is now stable, although


business loans tend to be on short-term cycles making large investment financing difficult, and an underlying distrust of banks persists. Political stability still appears to represent a significant concern to businesses generally. The current ruling AK Party is seen as retaining a tenuous hold on power with the country’s constitutional court last year ruling that it had contravened Turkey’s secular constitution through concessions to Islamic custom. Turkey is seeking full membership of the EU, although some businesses question the desirability of conforming to membership conditions. A customs agreement already exists meaning there are no tariffs of imports from Turkey. Turkey has achieved high levels of technical and standards harmonisation with the Community.


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Turkey’s fastener industry The 80:20 rule appears to apply fairly accurately to the Turkish fastener industry. Various estimates for the total number of producers centre around 500; encompassing everything from high end automotive parts, major construction elements, through to small screws, fixings and other hardware elements. Many companies are reportedly very small. Perhaps 100 can be considered substantive businesses and fewer than fifty are reckoned to achieve a significant scale of production. The Turkish fastener association estimates total fastener production in 2007 at 350kt – around half Italy’s output and 70% of that of Germany. Exports of fasteners, again according to association figures, were around 240 million euros in 2007. Official data shows 2007 exports of CN code 7318 at around 124 million euros, reflecting a 40% year on year growth and a 74% increase over 2005. The EU represented 44% of total Turkish hardware exports in 2007, with Germany the largest market. Outside the EU exports were significant to the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. The fastener association achieved some protection from low value imports for the last four years by obtaining anti-dumping measures that result in double tariff and VAT liability on imports of fasteners valued at less than US$2,500 per tonne. Nevertheless imports from China are reported to have grown substantially. Several major manufacturers also operate as importers and traders, servicing domestic and, to a lesser extent, export demand. We visited nine production companies, in the Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir areas – representing a major element of the upper echelon of Turkish fastener manufacture. Several are long established businesses, almost all family owned. Many began as traders or very small-scale producers growing to become globally comparable production operations. Growth tends to have been rapid in recent years, driven by the development of the Turkish automotive, electrical and construction sectors and free trading opportunities with Europe. Several companies specialise strongly in the automotive sector, both domestic and export; production ranging from high grade standard and semi standard fasteners to complex parts. Inevitably, these companies have been impacted by the downturn: “hitting a wall” was a recurrent description. Some companies made major investments in recent years to upgrade their production capabilities and capacities. Others have shelved expansion plans and avoided the

burden of increased liabilities in the current climate. Long-term finance from Turkish banks is reportedly difficult placing heavy emphasis on the company’s own financial resources. While short-term survival is now uppermost in all minds, several companies are evidently constrained by the size of existing premises, acknowledging this as an issue that will need to be addressed decisively once markets recover. Those companies not already specialised in more complex parts aspire strongly to do so – showing little inclination to deviate from this plan despite current conditions. The underlying difficulty in establishing long-term finance is reflected in the choice of production equipment to upgrade capability. While there are notable examples of European cold-forging technology in use in Turkey, recently acquired multi-die formers are mainly Taiwanese and Korean. SACMA and Nedschroef equipment is widely acknowledged as ‘the ultimate in performance and productivity’ for forging complex parts but the acquisition cost of these machines is generally seen as prohibitive. Asian machines are more affordable in the short term, providing an immediate ‘step-up’ in capabilities. The factories we saw demonstrated high levels of quality control throughout the whole process. The majority of wire was sourced from well-recognised European producers. Generally wire stocks appeared high presenting significant difficulties in responding to cost down pressure. Most companies have a phosphating line for wire pretreatment; some have annealing furnaces. Most also have extensively equipped tooling shops, several producing a high proportion of their own requirements and most evidently capable of effective

maintenance. Most companies also have in-house atmosphere-controlled, continuous heat treatment lines - again mainly Taiwanese technology - and properly equipped laboratory facilities. Final inspection equipment, generally multi-camera, is common although most also carry out significant levels of hand inspection. In most plants significant environmental controls were installed or planned. Most of the companies understandably expressed deep concerns over current market conditions. It is not our role to assess financial viability but it is clear that investment timing is proving a crucial factor. Companies investing two to three years ago, while not necessarily always in the clear, have reduced liabilities. Others have managed to side step, what could have proven catastrophic, major commitments just in time; whether as a matter of foresight or fortune is harder to tell. A minority acknowledge significant levels of vulnerability and the need to make radical cost reductions if current market conditions continue into the second quarter, especially if the Turkish government fails to effect promised support measures. Short term economic climate to one side the overall impression – admittedly on a very selective sample of the Turkish industry as a whole - was of high levels of professionalism and commitment to development through production of higher grade fasteners and parts. Read on for specific profiles.

Courtesy of Norm Fasteners


Face2Face with

Mustafa Tecdelioğlu Mustafa Tecdelioğlu is chairman of Cetin Civata, one of Turkey’s leading fastener producers. Here, though, the conversation focuses on his five-year role as president of BESIAD – the Turkish Fastener Association.

Mustafa Tecdelioğlu has a typically warm Turkish welcome for his guests, a ready smile that does not entirely disguise a steely determination, a core attribute for an influential figure in the country’s fastener industry. “The industry met initially in 2001 to discuss the problem of Chinese imports,” explains Mustafa. “Import prices were seriously impacting domestic fastener producers.” A second meeting formally established BESIAD, which now has some 80 members representing, Mustafa estimates, 60-70% of Turkish production. He became president in 2003, and is soon due for re-election. He shrugs his shoulders, protesting he would like to step down but that no one yet offers to take his place. One obvious reason for that reticence is the record of achievement in his five years of office. “I was able to get the Government to apply the anti-dumping measures that now help to protect our industry,” says Mustafa, “by means of the very strong connections I have through my family and other close contacts.” The measure doubles duty and VAT on fastener imports valued at less than US$2,500 a tonne for higher than 8.8 quality and US$2,000 a tonne for 8.8 quality and lower. It has not stopped Chinese imports, which still grow, but it has successfully defended the production of higher grade fasteners and parts. The manner of this achievement appears characteristic. The association works with a small budget but very effectively exploits the political and business connections of its leadership together with the quality of technical knowledge within its ranks. Regular meetings with the Government and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, of which Mustafa Tecdelioğlu is also an influential member, maintains the focus on its interests. BESIAD also meets with other associations and holds technical meetings for its own membership. Enhancing technical knowledge within the members, but also across its key markets and in academic institutions, is high on the agenda. This year BESIAD started a technical course for high school students. “The association has donated a cold header and a threadroller, as well as helping to set up a laboratory and computer training. There will be 50 students for 2010, each will go to school for two days and work in the fastener industry for three.” Mustafa sees it as a core investment for the future of the Turkish fastener industry. “It takes several years to train the quality of operators we require. The school will also help improve skills in the existing workforce by providing weekend courses.” Special exemptions are provided to encourage children of existing fastener workers to participate. “So far we have prepared over 500 pages of technical study documents – when we have finished it will be over 1,000, covering all the fastener manufacturing process from wire preparation to coating technologies.” BESIAD aims to disseminate that technical knowledge to a wide audience, having obtained 10,000 euros in Government support

to match its own investment in the development of a technical CD. “We will produce 10,000 copies,” Mustafa explains proudly, “which will go to schools and universities, to industry chambers and to the industrial zones. Two magazines are also interested in distributing copies.” Meanwhile the association makes regular presentations to universities and other educational institutions as well as to company management in key user markets. “It is really important to get them to recognise the technical issues involved in fasteners and the quality of engineering required.” Other initiatives have provided members with insights into latest technologies. Two years ago a large delegation visited the SACMA plant in Limbiate. Other visits included Dacral, steel producers and a number of fairs. BESIAD successfully convinced Turkish steel companies to produce higher grade cold head quality wire. “We can now obtain wire for 8.8 and 10.9 grade fasteners and they have begun to export the product.” BESIAD is also the driving force behind the annual Turkish Technical Hardware Exhibition, held last year in June and this year scheduled for October. Mustafa acknowledges there is an uneasy balance to be struck between domestic and foreign exhibitors, particularly from China, but says, “this is the nature of globalisation”. The latest concern follows on from Turkey’s signature of the Kyoto agreement. “This will mean tighter environmental controls but the resources do not currently exist to support our members properly. We are now pressing for proper oil recycling facilities to be set up in Istanbul – currently there is only one facility, which requires a 300km trip.” “Turkey offers big advantages,” concludes Mustafa. “You have seen the quality of our fastener production. Distribution into Europe is very efficient, maximum seven days by truck. It is simple to ship part loads, buyers do not have to think about full truck loads, and of course there is no customs duty from Turkey into the EU.”


Quality is the Norm Norm Fasteners Group Izmir The Norm Fastener Group has demonstrated remarkable growth and technology development since its establishment in 1973. A leading exporter and domestic supplier of automotive grade fasteners and special parts from its Norm Civata manufacturing operation – the largest bolt factory in Turkey - it is also, through its Norm Standard business, one of the country’s biggest traders in an extensive range of standard products. Later this year Norm will feature as our Cover Story – when we will fully explore its history as well as the operations of its four facilities in Izmir. Here, we focus on two significant recent developments in Norm’s continual commitment to enhancing efficiency and quality levels. Leading a tour of the Norm operation deputy chairman M. Fatih Uysal quickly points out that the group has adopted lean manufacturing principles – a process started around six months ago and clearly wellestablished already. Above the rows of cold formers hangs a banner, signed by every operator, proclaiming Norm’s objectives in ensuring the highest standards in quality and productivity. Each of the three buildings in the bolt factory operates as a lean cell, with teams meeting every morning to decide objectives for the day. Display boards provide images of correct operational and safety conditions – these are also to be found

identified by bar code – each job card carrying bar codes for each stage of production, starting with the code applied to each wire coil as it is received. “We carry out all the processes of fastener manufacturing in house,” says Fatih Uysal, “so we maintain complete traceability under our own control from beginning to end.” Supervising overall material and product quality control is a large laboratory at the bolt factory – with two satellite laboratories, one at the nut factory, one at the coatings plant, carrying out specific analysis. The good housekeeping evident throughout the Norm operation is also fundamental to the new approach. “We are very sensitive about housekeeping,” says Fatih Uysal. “We recognise very clearly that taking pride in the working environment is an important part of taking pride in the quality of our finished products.”

In-process monitoring at SPC centre on some machines. Another board provides detailed performance feedback; a third is dedicated to social activities, the highlight of which is the annual family day. “We invite the families into the factory where we stage a picnic,” explains Fatih Uysal. “It is very important to bond the family to the business.” Equally visual but focused directly on the key lean tenet of producing good parts first time every time, each production machine carries a colour coded record card – a green dot records each customer defectfree day for that machine; with a monthly summary on a second card. “A red dot would indicate a customer reported defect related to that machine,” says Fatih Uysal. “Central to our lean approach is that each operator takes full responsibility for the quality and performance of his machines.” In-process quality is monitored personally by each operator who carries out regular dimensional checks at computerised SPC centres located frequently amongst the machines. Each centre comprises a screen and keyboard, with the relevant gauges linked direct to the computer system. Out of tolerance readings automatically trigger an alert to the screens of both quality and production managers. The job is

Quality of finished product, or more precisely of its finish, has also been the driving force in a recent major investment at Uysal Makina, Norm’s coating and packaging operation, where the company began operating a new Zinc Nickel coating line in February. Norm already had MacDermid licenced ZinKlad® 250 Zinc lines as well as a Doerken MKS licenced Cr-free Delta Protekt Al/Zn operation. The new PLC/ PC controlled line, Turkey’s most advanced barrel-type alkaline Zn/Ni system, applies Zinklad 1000/1000B. The final coating includes 12-15% Nickel delivered as part of a minimum 8 micron coating to ensure the best possible corrosion resistance performance. Norm has three salt spray cabinets for carrying out corrosion tests to US and European standards. The coatings laboratory also houses a recently acquired Schatz torque friction tester. “Our previous machine did not have the rotational speed to fully simulate assembly,” explains Fatih Uysal. “Particularly important as the friction heats the coating affecting the torque characteristics. The new machine operates at 200rpm ensuring full simulation – it is one of only two or three similar machines in operation throughout Europe.” It is also just one example of attention to detail characteristic throughout the Norm operation – of which more later in the year.


Playing to strengths Cetin Civata Çatalca, Istanbul Turkey’s second largest bolt producer, Cetin Civata is also a major manufacturer of screws and operates a large-scale import and distribution business. Most recently it launched a now rapidly expanding C-parts sales operation. All of which is a world away from the black and white photograph, on the office wall of third generation managing director Mustafa Tecdelioğlu, depicting his grandfather’s hardware stall in 1915. A second photograph, taken in 1943, shows the same figure surrounded by shelf loads of bolts – at that time, with Turkish borders closed by the Second World War, almost as precious as gold. In 1965 the business passed to the next generation. In 1976 Cetin moved to Istanbul and started producing about 35 tonnes of fasteners a month on five machines. In 1985 a newly graduated Mustafa Tecdelioğlu joined his father. Preferring marketing to production he developed the trading business that now supplies over 2,000 live accounts across Turkey from a 15,000 pallet space warehouse. Currently the company holds stock of over 14,000 articles, one third of them produced by the Cetin factory. In 2000 new investment was injected into the production business allowing it to increase output five fold. Today all production stages are carried out in house, from phosphating and annealing through forming and heat treatment, to plating and packing. Cetin manufactures screws and bolts from 2mm to 22mm diameter, on equipment ranging from three six-die parts formers to one-die twoblow headers for small screws. The company does produce specials for automotive and furniture industries but the lion’s share of output remains in standard fasteners. At full capacity the plant can produce 2,000 tonnes per month, although current output is nearer 60% of this figure. Forty-five percent of production is exported, four-fifths of it to Germany. In both export and domestic markets Cetin supplies a diverse set of markets, significant in helping to insulate the business from the impact of the downturn. “The sound of production is very important these days,” says technical coordinator, Mahmut Darian as he leads a rapid tour of the plant. Most of Cetin’s wire is imported from Europe. Typically the company would hold around 3,000 tonnes of stock but the inflow of high cost raw material was reduced before the economic crisis took firm hold so current stock holding is considerably lower, presenting an earlier opportunity to take advantage of falling wire costs.

Phosphating, annealing, and wire drawing is all carried out in house. Bolt and screw manufacturing is in separate but adjoining buildings – laid out for volume production. Tooling is produced in a well-equipped tool room. Two automated and atmosphere controlled heat treatment lines provide one tonne per hour capacity – Cetin produces 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9 grade bolts. The company has electrolytic zinc and hot dipped galvanising plants. An automatic packing line is used for volume runs but hand packing is still used extensively, with galvanised bolt, nut, washer sets also hand assembled. Two Sems thread rollers are used to assemble selfdrilling screws with neoprene washers for construction applications. Cetin is a robust business, astutely and pragmatically managed, which through a combination of a diverse manufacturing capability and wide ranging trading connections commands a strong position across many sectors of the Turkish market. In common with many others its expansion has been stymied by the downturn. Plans to relocate the production operation to a new 25,000 square metre site and to build a new 10,000 square metre warehouse have been postponed until the market stabilises. No doubt, though, that Cetin Civata will continue to battle for position at the top of Turkey’s premier league of fastener companies.


Taking fastener making to heart Net Civata Istanbul Net Civata is highly specialised in producing high grade automotive fasteners and parts – it is also one of the longest established fastener manufacturers in Turkey, founded in 1953 and currently in the third generation of family management.

Murat Ketenci’s grandfather was a machine maker, building nail makers for other companies. “My father persuaded him to build bolt making machines,” explains Murat, “and then to start making the actual fasteners.” Twelve years ago Murat returned from the USA to take on the general management of the family business. There have been a series of significant milestones through Net’s history. Its first continuous heat treatment furnace was installed in 1973. Now there are two lines, the latest installed in 2004, with a combined capacity of 1.6 tonnes per hour. In 1993 Net installed the first Dacral line in Turkey, superseded in 2007 by a line applying Geomet 321 and 500 coatings, with an additional plant to apply M, ML and VL top coats. In 2002 Net Kaplama was established to operate a fully automatic electrolytic alkaline zinc process including Chrome 3 passivation. With a 2008 turnover approaching 16 million euros, of which 55% was export, and an output of 7,200 tonnes in the same year Net has established itself as highly regarded automotive fasteners and parts supplier. Its domestic client list includes Ford-Otosan – Net achieved Q1 status in November 2008, ISO TS 16949 accreditation dates to 2004. Oyak Renault, Tofas Fiat, and TTF New Holland are also supplied together with Turkish electrical appliance makers. Export customers include major automotive tier suppliers throughout Europe. “We are also the only Volvo Truck approved supplier in Turkey,” adds Murat. The company employs 210 people and operates from a 9,220 square metre site on the western side of Istanbul. While convenient for international airport and docks this places the company the opposite side of the regularly gridlocked Bosporus crossing to its automotive clients. There were well-advanced plans to relocate before the downturn struck. For now Murat Ketenci will wait. “We planned production of 8,500 tonnes in 2009,” he says, “now, who can tell.” Longer term the intention remains

to relocate closer to Bursa on the other side of the Sea of Mamara. “No job is too small or too big for us,” says Murat, emphasising that Net is virtually self reliant for all stages of fastener production. Wire is sourced from Europe, phosphated and drawn in-house. Cold forging capability ranges from M4 to M22, and from 10mm to 220mm long. “Most recently we have invested in a six-die high technology cold former from Korea,” Murat adds. 100% inspection is carried out on around 80% of output – using one Dimac machine, with eddy current capability for crack control, and three CCM camera machines purchased in 2008, when the company also acquired an additional thread roller and a SEMS machine. Net’s quality laboratory is Renault accredited and includes a corrosion testing cabinet. “The heart of our capability, though,” emphasises Murat Ketenci, “is in our tool making,” leading the way into a tool store that contains, he estimates, 50,000 items of tooling – as well as a computer system for controlling tool work time. Beyond the serried rows of dies is an impressive tool room, complete with a spark eroder, heat treatment, and micro-drilling capability, as well as the usual array of lathes and machinery. “We live the quality and are proud of it,” he adds. He acknowledges market conditions are the toughest he has ever known. “Raw material prices were crazy last year, and like every producer we had no choice but to buy expensive stocks. Now, of course, every customer is demanding cost down.” He acknowledges that Net has made substantial investments but emphasises that the major spend was now several years ago. “While the present tight credit conditions are a challenge for all companies,” he says, “the crucial decision for Net was to postpone our factory location until the market recovers.” On the upside, “the achievement of Q1 has been very important for us – it is the gold standard of quality and a clear confirmation of Net Civata’s capabilities and performance.”


Investing in good connections Kale Clamps, Tuzla-Istanbul The Kale Group has been manufacturing worm drive hose clamps since 1996. In the last year the company has doubled its production capacity and made major investments to assure the quality and performance of its products. The Kale Clamp factory is located south east of Istanbul on the Anatolian side of the Sea of Marmara. It is ten years since the company moved to a modern production facility although it shows no sign of that age. A total of 75 people work a two-shift system mainly producing Kale’s WD series 9mm and 12mm band worm drive clamps to DIN 3017. Six material combinations are offered, ranging from zinc-coated steel through the corrosion resistance spectrum to AISI 316 stainless steel, with a number of screw head variants. The production floor is scrupulously clean, evidently the result of regular housekeeping and not special preparation for visitors, as well as efficiently laid out – in all aspects a credit to plant manager Safiyettin Çamur. Pride of place are two new Bihler, high-speed, automatic machines, the acquisition and installation of which last year doubled Kale’s capacity to make clamp housings, as well as delivering increased precision and efficiency. The patented housing is designed as a single piece, utilising a mechanical locking system to resist higher torque values and avoid misshaping as a result of the axial and radial forces exerted during tightening. At the other side of the plant, four presses produce bands with the smooth internal surfaces and the convex edges required to obviate damage to, particularly soft, rubber hoses when the clamp is installed. In common with other hose clamp manufacturers Kale sources the final component, the screw, externally. Production is computer controlled using bar code technology to allow immediate oversight by the plant management as well as full traceability of materials. The company is using the technology to apply lean manufacturing principles that allow it to work closer to a just in time basis for both material supplies and finished goods. Kale also manufactures a range of CC series retaining clamps to DIN 3016, which have an EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) or neoprene lining suiting them particularly to vibration environments, where cable, hose or pipes need additional protection against deformation. The company manufactures its own tooling in a well-equipped facility, employing electrical discharge technology in addition to other machining techniques. The tool making resource and expertise enhances Kale’s ability to respond to specific customer requirements, a point that Safiyettin Çamur reinforces by showing a prototype manufacturing set-up in development on the production floor. The laboratory, located close to the main production floor, houses a tensile tester for checking incoming band materials as well a profile projector and a range of other modern physical testing equipment for assessing the screws. For production quality the laboratory has sensitive torque and clamping force equipment to assure the performance of finished worm drive clamps. A new salt spray cabinet is due for installation so that Kale can carry out its own corrosion tests. The laboratory evidences a clear commitment to produce and assure a quality product. Eight percent of Kale’s sales are to automotive tier suppliers, primarily in Turkey, leading to ultimate fitment to Ford and PSA vehicles, as well as other well-known commercial vehicle and agricultural brands. The company is accredited to TS 16949 by DEKRA. Ninety percent of sales, though, are export - servicing some thirty-five countries worldwide including the USA and several Asian markets in addition to most of Europe. Elvan Şenörer joined Kale a year ago as sales manager. Qualified as a chemical engineer her background in automotive hose technology is clearly invaluable to Kale. She emphasises three key areas of competence for Kale Clamps – competitive prices; responsiveness to customer requirements; and European production techniques. “Working with the automotive sector in Turkey has driven Kale’s approach to quality, flexibility and responsiveness to the customer,” she explains. Essentialy Kale’s philosophy is simple although the commitment required to deliver it should certainly not be underestimated. Elvan Şenörer expresses it succinctly: “We know what we are and we are constantly working to get better at it.”

Aiming to Exel Ezel Civata Torbaii, Izmir Starting out as a small hardware store in 1911, Ezel Fasteners expanded its business by importing glass for the construction industry in the 1930s. Taking the name of Ezel Civata in the late 1970s, the company took its first steps in the fastener industry. Soon, says Ezel, the company gained a reputation for its 6.8 quality iron bolts and established itself as a fastener distributor with its own sales force and marketing a diverse range of products. With globalisation accelerating and the millennium approaching, Ezel set out to create an international brand and to establish its own manufacturing capability. The company moved into a new production facility in an international investment zone located in Izmir in 2007. The facility consists of 5,000 square metres of closed area for manufacturing and administration, and 22,000 square metres of open area for logistics and expansion. Ezel now says its manufactures

over 20 lines of products under its brand ‘Exel Fasteners’ and exports fasteners throughout Europe from this new facility. Besides its line of standard fasteners, Ezel says it is capable of manufacturing custom cold formed parts requiring high precision and quality. It presents as one example of its expertise in this area the manufacture of bullet casings, which require extremely high standards and low tolerance values. Ezel is also proud of what it describes as “a very high reputation for its fast delivery times even for small quantities” and the company benefits from Turkey’s customs trade union with Europe.


Precision in all things Ilgen Vida Silivri, Istanbul By the very nature of the processes involved even the best fastener manufacturing environment can seldom be described as aesthetic. To every rule, though, there is an exception and Ilgen Vida is precisely that. Meet with Tülay Ilgen and no question lingers over the source of a passion for order and precision that pervades this business. In his office drawer after drawer is filled with examples of the precision screws Ilgen manufactures, primarily for the electronics sector, but also for furniture and, indirectly, automotive applications. Some, almost gleefully, are selected for consideration and approval, examples of cold forming taken to the verge of art form. Ilgen has been manufacturing since 1976, moving into its current 2,600 square metre plant six years ago, where it employs 25 people. Annual production is 700 million pieces working eight-hour days. Around 1,650 different standard screws and parts range from 2mm to 10mm in diameter: machine thread, trilobular, self tapping; in steel, stainless, brass, copper, aluminium; with cross, slot, TORX® recesses. Ilgen also produces rivets and semi-tubular parts. A new four-die JF former provides a 10mm diameter by 80mm cut off capability for more complex parts. Most machinery on the spotless production floor, though, has been in service for a lot longer – although its condition belies that fact. In its history Ilgen has built 50 machines of its own, several still in service, in addition to meticulously refurbishing many acquisitions – one of the most recent a fully reconditioned

Waterbury Farrell producing flange headed screws. There are many small, but important, indicators of Ilgen’s almost obsessive attention to detail. The most visible are red painted and numbered scrap bins at the end of every machine row – collected daily they are weighed and recorded as a key indicator of efficiency. The production office shares space with a carefully resourced laboratory. Process control entails approval of initial samples before the machine runs and testing hourly thereafter. Samples from each production batch are retained for five years. Licensed punches are imported and tooling stocks are both extensive and in-depth – Ilgen carries out its own tooling maintenance. “Not all fastener companies operate to the same standard,” says Tülay Ilgen. Not a trace of irony tinges what can only be described as a masterly understatement.

Big on galvanised MITASBOLT Ankara The MITAS Group is a major international supplier and contractor to the energy transmission tower, street lighting, steel construction, hot dip galvanising and structural pole markets. Originally stateowned it was established in 1955 and privatised in 1989. Its 150,000 square metre main site in Ankara processes 120,000 tonnes of steel each year and has an annual galvanising capacity of 250,000 tonnes. The MITASBOLT division, to no great surprise, specialises in galvanised structural fasteners. It operates three Nedschroef boltmakers, even with full sound enclosures seemingly dwarfed in one of the site’s massive ‘sheds’. A BV6 gives MITAS the capability of cold forging up to M24 x 205mm long bolts. It is a flanked by a NB415 and NB416. A sprawling mechanical workshop produces a variety of studs, fully threaded rod, U and V bolts, and anchor bolts as well as housing CNC lathes for complex parts, including tooling for the cold forgers. Three continuous atmosphere controlled lines, one electric and two natural gas, provide a current heat treatment capacity of 1,500 tonnes per hour. MITASBOLT plans to invest in a new 62 metre long Jianan line to replace the current electrical one and increase capacity. Fastener galvanising is carried out on a PLC controlled hot dip and spin line – the only plant of

its type in Turkey. A subcontractor manually assembles nut, washer and bolt sets onsite. Final packing is carried out on a semi automatic line with 500Kg per hour capacity. Surrounded by a massive site bustling with largescale steel processing and truck movements this is never going to be the most attractive fastener manufacturing operation. That should not, though, belie MITAS’ commitment to quality. The group is a TS16949 certified supplier to Renault, galvanising engine cradles for several models. MITAS’ physical laboratory, a haven of cleanliness and quiet, is nothing short of impressive. A clean room houses a recently acquired Spectrolab spark gas spectrometer for material testing. Alongside a tensile tester is a special cold temperature (operating to minus 80˚C) destructive tester. MITAS also uses a DEA robotic coordinate measurement machine for dimensional testing on critical parts and tooling.

A major statement of intent Denet Civata Şekerpınar–Gebze Denet Civata is one of the longest established and technically advanced fastener producers in Turkey. In September 2008 the company relocated to a custom designed and built manufacturing facility intended as a clear statement of the strong role the company intends playing in Turkey’s future. The special industrial zone at Şekerpınar–Gebze, ekerpınar–Gebze, south-east of Istanbul en-route to Bursa, is dedicated to supporting Turkey’s automotive industry. The zone started to develop in 2000, although its initial planning dates to 1993. The new 24,000 square metre Denet Civata facility “took three years to design and two years to build,” says managing director, Ali Misirlioğlu. The meticulous care with which Denet approached a crucial and massive investment is evident wherever one looks. At ground level there is 12,000 square metres of production floor - a quantum leap from the previous 4,500 square metre factory – carefully laid out around a central production office complex to ensure optimum efficiency of production flow. At the raw material entrance the foundations are already in place for an annealing furnace planned as part of a future development phase. Together with a new 16-bath phosphating line, already in place, and a wire drawing area which will complete Denet’s control of raw material quality and deliver substantial economic advantages. Denet’s boltmakers are positioned so that the finished product can flow direct to heat treatment. At the other side of the cold forging area Nedschroef five-station parts formers, purchased four years ago, produce complex automotive parts, which flow directly to ranks of process monitored thread rollers, Sems machines and other secondary operation equipment. Denet Civata was the first company in Turkey to produce heat treated fasteners, demonstrating remarkable foresight by bringing in German expertise in the 1950s to learn how to cold forge fasteners to high standards. Today three automated, atmosphere-controlled, continuous heat treatment lines deliver exacting control over a crucial process - two-thirds of Denet’s output is Grade 10.9 or higher. Coating is carried out off-site with a quarantined receival area directly in front of an extensively equipped quality laboratory on the ground floor of the central office suite. In addition to a full suite of dimensional,

physical and metallurgical equipment the laboratory has specialised test set-ups to meet specific customer requirements on safety critical parts. Not surprisingly a high proportion of output is 100% inspected and Denet has a series of multi camera machines as well as a Mectron Qualifier laser inspector. Also housed at the centre of the complex is Denet’s tooling store. Regular use parts are simply racked but the majority of tooling is now stored in a Kardex vertical store, which extends underground into a 4,500 square metre area, containing a tooling workshop primarily used for maintenance. Main tooling provision is provided by sister company, SMF. The area also houses recent investments in modern grinding and CNC machining equipment used for both secondary operations on some automotive parts and on tooling. It was 1982 when Denet decided to specialise in cold forged male fasteners, discontinuing hot forging and nut making. Around the same time the company began supplying OEMs in Turkey, starting to export in 1986. By then Denet had virtually ceased production of standard fasteners. Now 85% of production is special bolts, the remaining 15% cold formed complex special parts. 95% of sales are to automotive: the remainder going to the white goods and construction sectors. Around half of output is exported. Of course, timing is all in business and Ali Misirlioğlu smilingly acknowledges the challenges as well as opportunities the new facility presents in current market conditions. The 11 million euro investment, however, was funded entirely from the company’s own resources so exposure to the financial markets is limited in that respect. He also emphasises the crucial importance of Denet’s skilled workforce, currently around 150 strong, many of whom now travel a substantial distance to the new plant. “We trust our technical capabilities and skilled workforce to help us weather the current storm and continue to grow,” Misirlioğlu. Little doubt that trust is says Ali Misirlio well founded – or that a courageous “invest to maintain our competitive edge for the future” deserves to succeed.


Becoming more progressive Bolt Fasteners Bursa Bolt Fasteners has recently upgraded its production capabilities through investment in six multi-station formers. Located in Bursa, with much of Turkey’s automotive assembly market in close proximity, the company is now concentrating on realigning its business to produce special parts. Remzi Topuk, owner of Bolt Fasteners, is emphatic that the right strategy for his business is not to expand capacity, which he is happy to see at around 4,000 tonnes per year, but to increase the quality and complexity of parts produced. Prior to its recent investment the company already had an extensive range of heading machinery allowing it to produce both small screws and bolts. A small annealing furnace and a phosphating line are used to prepare wire, drawn to size on one of two stations. Two PLC controlled lines, both atmosphere controlled and continuous feed, provide around 1,250 Kg/h heat treatment capacity. The quality laboratory is compact but houses a good range of key equipment, including a small salt spray chamber. For final inspection Bolt has one CCM multi-camera machine. Quality management is carried out to ISO TS16949 and heat treatment processing, says Bolt, is approved by FIAT. The latest additions to the machines tightly but tidily installed in the Bolt factory are a six-die JINU former from Korea, plus one five-die five-blow machine and four three-die machines from Jern Yao. Bolt already had a two-die four-blow former capable of producing more complex parts. The company can now produce products from 2.5mm to 20mm diameter and from 8mm to 150mm in length. Foreign trade manager, Muzaffer Altin, explains that the engineers are now busy exploring the capabilities of the new machines to produce more complex parts. A regular exhibitor around Europe and the Middle East Bolt already has export business to several European countries including Germany, France and Spain as well as Bulgaria and Romania. The company also sells to Iran and in North Africa. Bolt’s primary target for its newly acquired capability, though, is domestic.

Making nuts special SOM Fastener Company Sincan, Ankara SOM Fastener has specialised in special nuts and cold forged components for more than a quarter of a century, beginning production in 1980 as the first Turkish producer of weld nuts for the vehicle industry. With a workforce of 70 operating a two-shift system, the modern plant on the outskirts of Ankara has an annual capacity of 4,000 tonnes. The core range is M3 to M18 but SOM can produce components up to 30mm diameter and 90mm long. Twenty percent of output is exported. Nearly half of all sales continue to be supplied for automotive applications but SOM has expanded its markets to include the home appliance window and door, and furniture industries. Products include weld nut, nylon insert nuts, hinge units, an extensive range of special nuts and many complex, and outright special parts, several for critical applications. The company was accredited to ISO TS16949 in 2005, achieving ISO 14001 environmental status the following year. Wire preparation is carried out by another group company and currently heat treatment and plating are both outsourced, although relocation plans in the future include the prospect of bringing these processes in-house. In addition to the expected array of nut formers and tappers, a five-die SACMA former is used for complex parts. Final zero defect inspection is carried out on a range of inspection equipment including a European multi camera machine. If affirmation of SOM’s ability to develop and produce complex and critical parts is required even a brief tour of the company’s tooling operation will be completely convincing. The company produces around 85% of its tooling requirements in a comprehensively equipped tool room, which includes a remarkable investment in electrical discharge machining, six machines in total, one an advanced wire eroder. The company’s commitment to developing fastener technology extends beyond its own walls. SOM is a member of the management committee of a recently established engineering institute in Ankara, which has as its key objective the development of cold forging techniques, assisting members in develop their own capabilities and investing in students, some of whom are able to use the SOM laboratories and production equipment.


March 2009 – Russian & CIS Markets Fastener+Fixing Magazine recognises that the Russian Federation represents a major, and despite current economic conditions, rapidly growing market for fastener and construction fixing technologies. Each year, to support the specialist exhibition FASTTEC, we publish an exclusive ‘catalogue rack’ of companies seeking to establish or develop trading relationships in Russia. Published in English in the March issue of our magazine this supplement is also translated and distributed at FASTTEC and other events for the convenience of Russian readers. To obtain more information from any of these companies simply use the phone, fax or email contact information provided to request a copy of their latest catalogue. While some companies will have Russian speaking representatives we recommend that initial contact is made in English, wherever possible, to ensure a rapid response.

Adolf Pühl GmbH & Co KG Pühl Stanztechnik is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of stampings for mechanical fastenings, especially washers. We produce to national standards (ASTM, BS, DIN, NFE, SS, etc.) as well as to drawings or samples - powered by professional in-house tooling. Wholesalers and end-users throughout Europe are satisfied by our excellent service, quality and valuable prices. Tel: +49 (0)2391 8107 0 Email:

Albert Pasvahl GmbH & Co Albert Pasvahl offers you its experience and expertise in special connection elements and accessories resulting from over 75 years in business. In the course of this time, we have become a leading stockist of special standard screws. For example: Direct from stock DIN 609/610, DIN 561/564 DIN 478/479/480 DIN 464/653/466/467 DIN 906/908/910


Tel: +49 (0)40 532 852 0

Baker & Finnemore Ltd

ARMA FASTENER was founded in 1987. Our company is specialised in manufacturing fastening clamps, components, clips, caged nuts and able to produce for special demands of our customers. Our main principles are to consider the quality, time delivery & unconditioned customer satisfaction. We have been holding ISO-9001-2000 Quality Assurance Certificate since 2002. We produce forming machines. Tel: +90 212 549 57 31

Tel: +44 (0) 121 236 2347

Baker & Finnemore Ltd manufacture the Starlock Push-on Fastener, a product designed for use where a quick, permanent, cost effective and efficient means of assembly is required to retain plain shafts of steel, non-ferrous and plastic materials. They eliminate costly threading and grooving operations, assist rapid assembly and once in position they can not be removed without destruction. See our web-site for further information.

Birlik Baglanti Birlik Fastener Systems Co Ltd. established in 1988, is a manufacturer and exporter of special fastener systems (standard and special kinds of screws, bolts and washers) in Turkey.

Tel: +90 212 4226314-15

With a capacity of 30,000,000 pieces (200 tons) per month, all sorts of fasteners are produced for; Automotive, Automotive lighting / spare parts, Durable goods, Home Appliances, Furniture and Fire fighting industries.

BTS GmbH German manufacturer of fasteners according to DIN Standard. BTS standard or according to customer’s requirements in Malleable Cast Iron, Brass, Aluminium, Steel and Stainless Steel. Main products: VDS, FM and UL approved Beam Clamps, Wing Nuts, Wing Screws, Thumb Screws, Hammer Head Bolts, Channel Nuts, Cap Nuts and Wood Connectors. Russian speaking employees contact: Anastasia Onufrieva

Tel: +49 (0)6581 91 68 43 Email:


Bülte GmbH

Distributors WANTED

Bülte offers more than 15,000 Metric plastic products: 3,400 standard screw styles - 1,400 spacers - 640 plugs… Nuts, handles, retaining rings, washers, bushings, seals and cable ties are also available. Our fasteners are manufactured to DIN standards.

Системы печей Can-Eng с сетчатым ленточным конвейером - проверенное на практике оборудование, которому нет равных по надежности, эффективности использования топлива и времени работы в исправном состоянии.

• Непрерывное производство • Стандартная производительность от 100 кг/час до 3300 кг/час • Высочайшее качество изготовления деталей • Проверенная надежность работы в условиях реального производства • Максимально эффективное расходование топлива • Возможность науглероживания

We can also manufacture to your specifications. Send for the free catalogue now.


CAN-ENG Mesh Belt Furnace Systems Can-Eng’s Mesh Belt Furnace Systems are field-proven leaders in reliability, fuel-efficiency and to production uptime. Standard capacities range from 250 lbs/hr to 7,500 lbs/hr (100 kgs/hr to 3300 kgs/hr). Processes available include sintering, clean hardening, light case carburizing & carbonitriding, austempering, and martempering.

Tel: +1 905 356-1327 Email:


Chemofast Anchoring GmbH

Ceviz Pres Co. was established in 1982 in Turkey as a thread rolling and form rolling dies manufacturer. Our products are supported by CAD -CAM and CNC machines and we can produce all types of dies with competitive prices and short delivery terms. You can download our technical catalogue from our website.

Your own brand worldwide. Through the Joint Venture of Henkel and Chemofast, unchallenged market leaders of the Adhesive- and chemical fastening technique have merged. The strong competencies of both specialists - many years of Henkel’s and Chemofast’s Chemical and Technological know-how - will benefit our customers even more in future. In order to come up to the expectations resulting in the continuous growth, Chemofast moved into their new Production center last year. In course of this expansion the application sector has also been expanded.

Tel: +90 212 417 32 61 / 62

Corbetta & C. SNC

Tel: +49 2154 81 23 – 0


Our company is an ideal partner for the production of special screws, pins, rivets, tubular and semi-tubular rivets in steel, copper, aluminium, brass or stainless steel. The items can be supplied with head and superficial treatments, according to customers requests.

DEJOND manufactures the industry’s top quality brand of cold formed TUBTARA® blind rivet nuts. Our extensive programme offers a wide choice of styles in steel, aluminium and stainless steel 304 and 316. Our ISO 9001 accreditation, short delivery times and strong technical and commercial support show our commitment to total customer satisfaction. Email:

Tel: +32 3 820 34 36

DIV d.o.o. DIV d.o.o. – over 120 years of tradition resulted in the largest fastener factory in Southeast Europe. This reputation is based on 30,000 pallet positions and more than 70,000 fasteners in standard and non-standard dimensions. With 8 locations, ISO 9001:2000 certification and certification by TS 16949:2002 plan to begin in 2009, we represent partner which can satisfy long-standing customer needs.

Dresselhaus GmbH & Co. KG We are one of the leading European stockists of all types of industrial fasteners. 50,000 pallet locations of stock, along with over 700 employees make Dresselhaus your perfect partner for sourcing standard and specialised parts.

Tel: +49 (0) 52 21 9 32 2 53

Tel: +385 1 3377 000 Email:

EMEK Rivets Co.Ltd.

Verbindungselemente Engel GmbH

Our product range includes Rivets, Rivet-Nuts, Tubular Rivets and Semi-Tubular Rivets that are up to DIN Standard. Also we are able to produce Rivets and Rivets-Nuts that are specifically and exactly based upon our customer`s designs. Since 2006 Emek is a holder of the DIN EN ISO 9001 certificate.

We are a successful wholesaler of connecting parts with years of experience in supplying the industry and dealers throughout Europe. Our high rack warehouse in Weingarten (Germany), which houses more than 8,000 pallets, accommodates everything our customers need for their day-to-day business. Fax: +90 212 485 20 06

E.u.r.o.Tec GmbH


E.u.r.o.Tec – The specialist for fastening technology – offers professional fasteners made of hardened steel, coated steel, stainless A2/A4, hardened stainless for wood constructions, hardwood deckings, glue wood, roofings facades. All approved and in certified quality. The main goal is to create fasteners offering the professional enduser a most possible benefit. For detailed information of the most recent developments, please, refer to the E.u.r.o.Tec homepage.

Tel: +49 (0)751 407 0

Europa Fastenings Ltd Not satisfied with being one of the leading UK manufacturers of nonstandard screws and sems assemblies, Europa is pleased to announce we have extended our product range further to include bar turned nonstandard products. We can manufacture to ANSI, BS, DIN/ISO and JIS standards. As an ISO 9001:2000 company we are able to offer full traceability for our products, PPAP and ISIR are available on request. Our policy is to produce goods of good quality, on time at a competitive price, this achieves customer satisfaction. Email:

GDPA Fasteners

Faster s.r.l Italy’s leading manufacturer of cage nuts, profile cage nuts, cage nuts for mass continuity, cage screws, u-nuts - self tapping and metric screws, clips, both in spring steel and stainless steel QS ISO 9001:2000 awarded. We also manufacture the following products: cage nuts J type, deep threaded u-nuts, push on fixings, hose clamps, latches, studs and edge clips.

Tel: +39 02 98260080

Tel: +91 181 2642001 Email:

The GDPA group celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2008. Its domestic division, trading under the name of GDPA Industries, has three warehouses and offices located strategically across India. GDPA Fasteners is a 100% export orientated business with two fastener manufacturing units based in Jalandhar, in the Punjab, northwest of Delhi, which export all over the world. Contact Vineet Aggarwal or Kamna Aggarwalla

Growermetal Growermetal is a modern family owned company located in Calco, Italy. Founded in 1950, Growermetal is a leading manufacturer of security washers. We produce standard washers as well as special parts according to customer specifications.

Tel: +39 039 9902504

For further information please see our Website or contact Mrs. Anke Diehl:

Güldner Sonderschrauben GmbH Zugelassener Hersteller

Our main business is the manufacturing of special bolts, nuts or CNC lathe-turned parts. As a TÜV certified producer we process heat resistant, stainless steel, brass and ASTM materials according to your specifications or drawings. We can also supply you with certificates in accordance to EN 10204 – 3.1 or 3.2.

Konak Civata


Tel: +49 7932 9155 37 Email:

Kundan Industries Ltd.

KONAK has a long term experience in producing nearly every type of screws. In the mean time KONAK works with 65 high tech screw producing machines. Competitive prices, best quality and excellent service, like fast delivery, is KONAK’s strength. In Turkey. Email:


Lederer GmbH Lederer is one of Europe’s most specialised suppliers for stainless steel fasteners. It has more than 20,000 different articles in stock, primarily normed and standardized parts (ref. DIN, ISO and others). Industrial consumers, as well as retailers and wholesalers, all over the world rely on Lederer’s more than 37 years of experience.

Tel: +49 (0) 2333 8309 18

Celebrating 75 years as the brand leader, Lindapter provides an exclusive product range of independently approved steelwork clamping systems, including steel, cavity, decking, support and floor fixings. Experienced engineers offer unrivalled support, including a free design service and bespoke new product development. Lindapter solutions are utilised in multiple markets such as plant engineering, petro-chemical, off-shore, materials handling and structural & civil engineering.

€ 225 net price

Call: +48 (0)61 866 62 97


Largest Manufacturer & Exporter of Stainless Steel Fasteners in India Products • Bolt/Nuts/Screws/Studs/washers • Socket Allen Cap • Self Tapping/ Drilling Screws Grades Stainless Steel - 304/316/310/410 etc. Standards ISO, DIN JIS, ASTM, BS etc. Certification ISO/TS 16949 Sectors OEM’s & Engineering Awards Various Awards from EEPC


Come, and check-out what we have to offer you!

LUSAVOUGA Established in 1967, LUSAVOUGA characterises itself by the aim of growth allied to a rigorous management making it one of the major economical groups of Portuguese capital in the business of equipments and industrial accessories. With 20,500m2 covered area (warehouse and showroom), LUSAVOUGA offers a wide range of fasteners, adhesives and sealants, power tools, industrial machinery and equipments, abrasives and welding solutions.

AD 2000 - W0 TRD 100 PED 97/23/EC

We are your expert for special-purpose fasteners!

Tel: +48 (0)61 866 62 97 Email:

Technical Innovation in Steelwork Connections

Established 1934

Tel: +44 (0)1274 521 444

Masterfix Masterfix Products is one of Europe’s main blind riveting technique professionals and offers the broadest range of blind rivets, blind nuts and bolts in the business. Masterfix stands for a combination of experience, research, innovation entrepreneurship and last but not least, a healthy dose of common sense. We ship from our central warehouses in Europe and the Far-East to any place on the globe.

Navgrah Fastners Pvt. Ltd.


We are a manufacturer and exporter of all types of Stainless Steel Washers, Sheet Metal Components, Solar Mounting Hooks (vario & fix), Adapterblech. We ensure to be the most trusted manufacturer to deliver high quality with timely delivery at every step.

Nestinox, your specialist in stainless steel fasteners. The Nestinox range includes stainless steel fasteners (DIN / ISO, A2 / A4) for the construction industry, machine construction, greenhousing, concrete anchors, yacht- and shipbuilding, solar industry, maintenance products etc. (i.e. bolts, nuts, screws, washers, hose clamps, machinefeet, roof and cladding screws, specials etc.)


Tel: +31 (0)499 339 000



More safety - with precote thread coating precote products provide ideal conditions for: • process controlled assembly • perfectly locked thread joints, even at highest dynamical loads up to 200°C • perfect sealing, also against highest pressure • nondestructive disassembling during the entire operating duration up to 700°C

A Breakthrough in Performance The award winning Rapier StarTurnTM is the highest quality universal woodscrew. The patented StarFormTM thread provides lower drive-in torque and quicker assembly times - without pre-drilling. For samples or to see the full RapierStar range of fixings, please contact us now.

Tel: +49 89 143381-0


Tel +44 (0) 1260 285868

RIVIT S.r.l.

Various services, i.e. the webshop RIO – Reyher Internet Order – for checking the present stock situation online, fast delivery & professional technical advice, are developing the business activities to the customer’s advantage.

Founded in 1973, Rivit is a European leader for fasteners and tools, proposing a complete programme of fixing systems, tools, machines and technical support for the whole sheet metal universe (automotive, electronics, household appliances, sheet metal working, air-conditioning, building, roofing, metal door and windows frames, etc.).

Reyher is one of the leading trading companies for fasteners and fixings in Europe with more than 110,000 different products with a constant availability of more than 98% stock.

Email: Tel: +49 40 85363-800 (Mr. Michael Martsch)


Shanghai Link Stainless Steel Rivets Co., Ltd

SCHNORR® Disc Spring Engineering - Grown competence for highest precision.

We are professional because we only produce stainless steel blind rivets including open type, sealed type, unigrip and multigrip.

The Adolf Schnorr GmbH & Co. KG a modern, medium-sized German company founded in 1908, today has grown to become an international leader in the field of disc springs and bolt locking systems. Just talk to us! Tel: +49 (0)7031 302 0

Fax: +86 21 51561771 Email:

Sicatech GmbH Sicatech is a quality orientated importer and stockist selling self-tapping screws, self-drilling screws, thread-forming screws, thread-cutting screws, Sica-Plas screws for plastic, brass fasteners and security screws at competitive prices. For many years we have been the partner for fastener distributors in Europe with top service also for smaller quantities and fast deliveries. We stock fasteners with Cr6-free zinc plating too.

Spirol Industries Ltd SPIROL® Disc Springs are conically-shaped, washer-type components designed to be axially loaded. SPIROL offer a standard-size range in outside diameters from 8mm to 200mm to meet your diverse application needs. SPIROL standard disc springs meet all DIN 2093 performance, tolerance and quality specifications as well as DIN 2092 design criteria.

Tel: +44 (0) 1536 444800

Tel: +49 (0)25 65 40 55 0

Spirol Industries Ltd

Unimatic Engineering Srl

Versatile SPIROL® Coiled Spring Pins provide flexibility, uniform strength, equal stress distribution, closer diameter tolerances, no interlocking, substantial advantages in trouble-free automatic feeding, and they reduce costs. Heavy, standard, and light duty pins provide combinations of strength, flexibility and diameter to meet the specific engineering objectives of your pinning applications.

Italian Company with 40 years of experience in automotive part / appliances part / special cold forming parts – Tapping machine from M3 to M40 – multi station / Transfer machines – Special custom made machine manufacture – Automatic assembling machine – Stamp / progressive dies for vertical press in Automotive parts, appliance parts, electrical components.

Tel: +44 (0) 1536 444800

Tel: +39 0522 658 900



VVG Befestigungstechnik

Vipa S.p.A leader in the business of fasteners; a reference company for its services and product quality. At the moment the head office ground lays over 130,000 sqm. The warehouse is the major part of it; with modern technology systems, software and hardware, to maximize the efficiency in the production and distribution of all products. The wide spaces allow availability of 40,000 different types of fasteners in a wide range of treatments ready for prompt delivery.

VVG are the experts with the experience of more than 75 years in construction, production and sale of all kinds of rivets as blind rivets, blind rivet nuts and bolts, industrial rivets and different types of tools.

New – the patented OPTO-multigrip blind rivet nut: One for all grip ranges.

Catalogue Rack May 2009 Coming up in the next issue...

UK & Ireland Contact: Claire Lake Email: • Fax: +44 (0) 1727 831 033

Fax: +49 4321 96 71 96 Email:


Opening up innovation Eurotec, Hagen Eurotec never ceases to impress for its seemingly tireless determination to present innovative products, which deliver very specific solutions to the wood construction industry. Early this year, the Hagen company opened its doors to customers from across Europe for two weeks and demonstrated exactly what its products can do. Eurotec had considered hiring a public room to stage its ‘technology days’ but in the middle of Carnival season it made better sense to stage its demonstrations at the company’s new warehouse and offices on the outskirts of Hagen. For distributor visitors it gave the added benefit of seeing first hand the logistics operation that now supports them. Eurotec had set up a series of booths along one warehouse aisles, each presenting and providing the means to actively demonstrate one if its product ranges. On the day we visited the distinctive figure of Peter Beckmann, regularly seen carrying away innovation awards at Fastener Fair and Practical World, was master of ceremonies. Visitors for the day were from Germany, Netherlands and Hungary – in all Eurotec expected to host over 150 visitors during the two weeks. First up, naturally, another innovation, aptly called Brutus. Brutus Holzbaulösung, to introduce it formally, is more system than product, designed to improve the efficiency of assembling and reinforcing

Holzbalkenlagen – structural beams made from gluelam. To date, reinforcement has been through the use of threaded rod, usually requiring the application of two part epoxy adhesives, which require carefully clamping and extended curing times. The Brutus system employs a jog featuring a long fluted drill, through which compressed air is blown to clear residue as the beam is drilled. Then up to 2 metre long screws (up to 4 metre long is actually possible) are driven in to the clean-cut hole, securing and reinforcing the beams for immediate use. Switching from critical to aesthetic applications, Eurotec continues to evolve its wooden decking systems and has now introduced a development from its Clicky invisible fixings, which eliminates the risk of twisting and automatically, and accurately, spaces the decking boards. It has also introduced a system for securing decking onto low profile aluminium extrusions for applications like balconies where door clearance makes overall height critical. IdeeFix - an extraordinarily neat product that looks like it owes it parentage to Sputnik - is already an innovation prize winner but nevertheless worthy of a mention because it epitomises the Eurotec

Brutus system can install up to 4 metre long reinforcements into wooden structural beam

approach to innovation – understand the application completely then come up with a blindingly simple, but extremely effective, solution. What is it? An invisible wood connector with a high load carrying capacity, which Eurotec says is continuing to find more and more applications. On the subject of invisibility Eurotec’s KonstruX appears to be finding favour for its efficiency in achieving an accurate and tight connection between structural wood components – and maintaining all-important aesthetics. The program of 6.5, 8 and 10mm fully threaded screws,

with cutting tips and hexalobular drive recess, is supported by a jig kit, which ensures joints remain tightly butted while the screw is driven at precisely the right angle to ensure security in application. Online the company also offers its Eurotec Dimensioning Software to assist construction engineers in selecting the correct fasteners. There was plenty more to draw the attention of visitors – and it was clear from the level of attention and range of questions that the Innovation Days were achieving results. You will see Eurotec at Fastener Fair Stuttgart in the Autumn – no doubt vying for yet another innovation award.

KonstruX installation


Why use “better” drywall screws? By Michael Keisner, managing director Evolution Fasteners (UK) Limited Cheap headline prices might look attractive but are they always as good as they seem? Drywall screws demonstrate the old adage that “you get what you pay for”. Price advantage can be achieved by sacrificing performance but does this constitute a real saving for the installer? I strongly suggest that the “better” fastener should represent the preferred option for both distributors and end-users.

Benefits of premium product Premium sharp point drywall screws should drill through 1mm of steel in less than 0.7 seconds. This can obviate the need for more expensive self-drilling screws, and will save operator time and effort thus increasing productivity and thereby reducing labour costs. The core requirement of an end user is that his fasteners work. He requires screws that drill without heads snapping. The “better” drywall screw offers a consistent level of mechanical performance with minimal wastage. Each fixing should work and the “screw on the floor syndrome” should be eliminated. Properly applied plating is essential to mitigate the risk of corrosion, within the tolerance of the particular coating used. The use of premium product will militate against the risk of rust. Drywall screws should be of consistent dimensions. The “better” drywall screw will offer this. Recesses should be formed to ensure that insert bits are tightly engaged on a “Stick-fix” basis thus improving usability of the fixing. The elimination of swarf and contamination is essential as a contribution to a safer working environment. The use of premium product will eliminate this risk. The strong packaging associated with quality screws will protect against burst boxes and wastage, thus improving overall cost of effectiveness. The “better” drywall screw will increase customer satisfaction at all levels and should eliminate costly complaints and returns.

at a minimum of 32Kg /Cm to mitigate the risk of head snap. The screws should be plated with either zinc 3 micron or a 48 hour phosphate coating, sorted to eliminate swarf and impurities, and packed in strong boxes. They should be palletised on

production. However this does carry significant cost implications. Irrespective of the raw material and machinery, properly trained machine operators and engineers play an essential part in ensuring the production of the “better” drywall screw. A positive quality control philosophy is requisite and needs to be in place at every stage of the production. The use of modern heat treatment plant with precise temperature control will directly impact on the hardness, and hence performance, of the finished product. Additionally specialist techniques are required for treating long length screws to ensure dimensional stability. The most common coating used for drywall screws in the UK is Chrome 6, 3 micron coating. This only offers limited corrosion resistance, but is a very stable coating. However a chrome 3, or indeed chrome free coating should be preferred to minimise damage to our environment. Alternatively a 48 hour salt spray resistant phosphate coating is available but this coating can react with certain compounds used in construction. Sorting of product is vital to eliminate swarf and impurities. Excessive oil should be removed and a final quality check be made prior to packaging the final product, which should be packed in strong boxes to avoid damage and wastage.

The “better” drywall screw will increase customer satisfaction at all levels and should eliminate costly complaints and returns.

Key characteristics of a “better” sharp point fine thread drywall screw Screws should be sharp, but not excessively so. An angle of between 23 and 25 degrees offers consistent penetration performance. They should have 18 threads per inch with a thread diameter of 3.6mm. The heads should be concentric with a diameter of approximately 8.2mm, and a minimum recess depth of 2.6mm. Other dimensions must conform to strict tolerances. Surface hardness should be a minimum of 650 HV whilst core hardness of at least 380 HV is recommended. Hardness is a key factor as regards to the penetration capabilities and speed of the screw. Breaking torque strength should be

properly formed and protected solid wood pallets to ensure safe warehouse handling.

Issues relating to manufacture In achieving the characteristics listed above various matters must be addressed. Arguably the most important is the quality of the raw material used. C1022 and C1018 wire rod are the most commonly used base materials, however precise chemical composition of the wire rod varies from factory to factory and hence ultimate performance of screws will vary according to the precise source of the raw material. Likewise the quality of the annealing process will affect the finished product. The quality of the heading and threading machines used in the manufacture of the screws obviously impacts on the production of the screws. The use of modern machinery featuring good heat resistance and tight tolerances is crucial. As important a factor is the precision of the moulds and their length of use. Moulds should be changed frequently as the longer the moulds are used the greater the potential for inconsistencies in

Conclusion Whilst the “better” drywall screw is certainly more difficult and expensive to produce it offers distributors increased customer satisfaction and delivers cost savings to the installers by increasing speed of operation and reduction of wastage.

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Fixing solutions for plasterboard by Mirka Valovicova, technical manager fischer fixings UK Limited The frequent use of plasterboard for dry lining applications, partitions and ceilings is one of the most notable features of the UK market. The versatility, ease of installation and economy of plasterboard make it a popular choice with builders, especially for domestic applications. However, the builder’s choice is often a fixing nightmare for heavy-duty applications or for someone not familiar with this building material. How do you fix heavy items such as radiators, air conditioning units, shelving or cupboards to such a relatively thin and weak substrate?

Types of plasterboard walls Before choosing a suitable fixing, the user should make sure that the composition of the wall is understood. How thick is my plasterboard, do I have a cavity behind, is there insulation behind my plasterboard? These are the questions which should be asked first. If you’re not sure, simply drill a small diameter pilot hole to investigate the build-up of the wall. If your plasterboard creates a partition wall between two rooms, it is most likely to be mounted either onto the timber or on metal stud frames with a cavity behind. If the plasterboard is located on the external wall, it is more likely to be mounted using the mortar dabs technique, where plasterboard is adhered to the wall by mortar. This would mean that there is only a tiny gap between the board and the face of the block wall. The first scenario of fixing into plasterboard partitions allows the use of most types of plasterboard fixings, as the cavity is quite large, usually between 32mm - 38mm. Care must however be taken when fixing into dry lining (plasterboard on the mortar dabs). In this case only certain fixings would be suitable.

Fixing solutions There is a wide range of purpose designed plasterboard fixings available on the market and care should be taken to select an appropriate type for the specific application. In order to make the correct selection, the user should take into account various factors such as: • Plasterboard thickness. • Cavity depth behind the plasterboard. • T he type of application; what load is required, what is the fixture thickness? • Would the fixing need to be removed in the future? For lightweight applications where it is required to fix back lighter items such as mirrors, lamps, light switches, lightweight shelving, towel rails, cable clamps or floor-supported radiators, it is perfectly possible to fix directly into the plasterboard. A very popular option is the use of self-drilling plasterboard fixings. These are probably the easiest to install. No pre-drilling is required, as these fixings cut their own hole with their large thread located around their body. They are

available either in metal or nylon and are usually supplied with a suitable screw. Apart from ease of installation, the main appeal of these types of fixings is the limited cavity space which is required. Of course when installing these into tiled surfaces, such as usually found in bathrooms, the tiles would have to be removed around the hole so that the selfdrilling fixing can be inserted directly into the plasterboard. This may not be a desirable solution and other plasterboard fixings may be more suited. Worth considering is the new generation of specialist nylon plasterboard fixings, such as the type illustrated to the right. These are technically-sophisticated fixings which are designed to form-lock either behind or within the plasterboard substrate and therefore would work in various panel thicknesses. Due to their design features, including built-in flange and guide ribs to prevent turning, they offer good load capacity. Their big benefit is that they are especially suitable for fixing into dry lining walls, as the cavity behind the plasterboard is not required due to their space-saving nature. Despite the focus on specialist plasterboard fixings, there are nonetheless certain universal nylon fixings which, due to their design, are suitable for use in almost any building materials including plasterboard. This can be a great benefit for people whose job varies every day so that predicting the type of substrate they would have to fix into is very difficult. Instead of holding various types of fixings for specific materials, it is a big advantage to have one product that can be used for any materials. How do these fixings work? When installed into solid materials, universal fixings work by friction, when installed into hollow materials such as hollow blocks, pre-cast concrete slabs or plasterboards, these fixings knot behind and create mechanical interlock in the cavity. Even though universal fixings are not specialist plasterboard fixings, they still offer quite impressive performance and can be used for the previously mentioned applications. uuu

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72 uuu For medium duty applications it is better to consider metal cavity fixings as they transfer the load behind the plasterboard and the stresses are put on to a wider area of the board. The load capacity is then determined not only by the strength of the fixing but the strength of the board itself. There are generally two common types of metal cavity fixings available, either toggle or umbrella types. Toggles come in various designs, supplied with stud or hook end. The toggle itself can be either gravity or spring type as illustrated by the examples above. Toggle fixings derive their strength from the exceptionally broad splay of the toggle within the cavity, helping to spread the loading on the plasterboard. The drawback with these types of fixings is that they require a relatively large drill hole to accommodate the size of the toggle. Also some toggles are supplied with a pan-headed bolt instead of stud and nut, which means that they need to be assembled to the fixture prior to installation and if the screw is withdrawn, the toggle falls down within the cavity. For heavier applications where large gravity toggles are specified, the required cavity depth must be observed as 70mm - 75mm free space might be required for a large toggle to be inserted behind the board. The steel expanding umbrella type of fixing is also very strong, limited only by the fact that it doesn’t spread out as much as the toggle type. It has the advantage that it can be placed in the drill hole before offering up the fixture, making installation that much easier. It also allows the fixture to be demounted and refitted again very easily without losing the fixing in the cavity. The disadvantage is that this type of fixing is

permanently expanded and therefore, while the screw is removable the anchor body is extremely difficult to dismantle at a later date. For this reason it should not be used for applications where fixing removal is required in the future. Umbrella type fixings can be expanded by either using a screwdriver or, for high volume jobs, installation pliers. There are on the market also very specialist adhesive plasterboard fixings, which require a special element to be inserted and filled with injection resin, to create a form-lock behind the plasterboard. These systems are more complex and cannot be loaded immediately as the curing time of the resin must be observed. For heavy duty applications where the strength of the plasterboard is not sufficient, other methods of anchoring should be used. For partition walls it is possible to fix directly into vertical wooden or metal stud using self-drilling screws, providing the fixture can be positioned in an area where these studs are located. If it is a new build, it is also possible to install timber battens in the cavity where these heavy items will be fixed. For dry-lining applications with block wall behind, the loads can be transferred to the block by simply using long nylon plugs called “frame fixings”.

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Precision Technology Supplies Ltd 04/03/2009 10:28:29

For details of the complete range and your free copy of our Micro Screws Handbook, please visit our website. The Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex. RH19 1XZ U.K. Tel +44 1342 410758 Fax +44 1342 311464 Email Internet:


FEB brand acquired WallClaw by Everbuild beats drilling

In a major development in the building chemicals market, UK based Everbuild Building Products has WallClaw Anchor LLC, based in California, US, says that acquired the Feb® and AQUASEAL brand names, its revolutionary new WallClaw anchor only requires a from BASF Construction Chemicals, the purchase hammer and a screwdriver to install it. No drilling is includes all intellectual property, goodwill and required to activate the new drywall anchor and it works certain key product formulations. in ½ inch and ⅝ inch sheetrock. The Feb name looked set to disappear with the WallClaw points out that the secret to the anchor is the decision of BASF to close down the Feb operation and hinge point which is strong enough to withstand hammering, withdraw from the builders’ merchant market. The but flexible enough to bend when needed. Inside the hinge, acquisition by Everbuild will now mean that the Feb WallClaw designed an intricate cam surface that captures the brand will live on. Everbuild will be introducing a re-vamped range tip of the incoming screw, causing the anchor leg to bend at of Feb branded construction chemicals for customers a 90 degree angle behind the drywall. in the UK and Ireland, manufactured to the same The WallClaw functions like a virtual toggle, holding strong. standards, in the next few weeks. Each anchor is rated to 75 pounds shear hanging weight. Everbuild’s managing director, David Seymour, There’s no messy sheetrock dust to deal with, so there’s no commented “As a more specialist construction brand cleanup and tests also show there is minimal blowout. we see the Feb range as perfectly complimentary to The WallClaw anchor design is just the latest from WallClaw, the wider Everbuild sealant, adhesive and chemicals which has designed, patented, produced other hammer-in range, and while it is a strange feeling to have wall anchor designs, including the Raptor Anchor and its bought a brand name that’s been one of your biggest accompanying Zip Pins. competitors for many years, we know first hand “The inspiration for this new anchor came from our how strong the Feb name is with major contractors, specifiers, local authorities and general builders. We’ve customers. They spoke about how frustrating it can be to hang been inundated by messages of support from Feb items on drywall. Our design team followed a simple rule: merchant customers and it’s obvious a lot of people Simplify. We did away with the need for most tools, especially share our enthusiasm in seeing this iconic brand in the the drill. Now all you need is a hammer and screwdriver and NewJournal Ernst+SitsEngl 181x128 20.07.2008 15:16 Uhr Seite 1 building market continue long history.” you’re done.” BMW Welt, Munich, Germany

Est ablished 193 4 L I N D A P T E R Hollo-Bolt™ Approved for primary connections / SCI Green Book For aesthetic, quick installations without welding

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Our team of internal Lindapter engineers offers a comprehensive Technical Support Package for individual projects and visions! L I N D A P T E R International · Lindsay House · Brackenbeck Road · W-Yorkshire BD7 2NF · UK Tel +44 / 12 74 / 52 14 44 · Fax +44 / 12 74 / 52 11 30 · ·

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Lindapter’s minimalistic Hollo-Bolt® Lindapter has launched its Hollo-Bolt Flush Fit, a cavity fixing that creates opportunity for architectural design as the bolt is concealed within the steelwork with no protruding bolt head or collar. Lindapter says that its latest innovation merges the technical advantages of its distinguished Hollo-Bolt with the aesthetic benefits of a discrete fixing, meeting the artistic requirements of modern construction, whilst maintaining safe working loads. The fixing is suitable for hollow sections or conventional steelwork where access is available from one side only. Installation is fast and simple using Lindapter’s innovative installation nut (included) allowing the Flush Fit to be installed without a requirement for specialist skills or equipment. “With almost endless opportunities to shape and sculpture steel, we wanted to create a fixing to further release an architect’s artistic freedom,” explains Sabine Reimann, MD. “The Hollo-Bolt Flush Fit provides a ‘best of both worlds’ solution, complementing contemporary design whilst providing the strength required in steel construction”. The fixing is available in sizes M8, M10 and M12, with safe working tensile loads of up to 10.5kN and sheer capacities of up to 15kN per bolt. Materials and finishes include JS 500 as standard, bright zinc plated, and stainless steel.

Strength behind the RapierStar Lindapter has launched its Hollo-Bolt Flush Fit, a RapierStar its status as a supplier of qualitydesign fastener fixings cavity fixing says that that creates opportunity for architectural as and the bolt is solutions combined with its fi nancial strength ensures its position continues to concealed within the steelwork with no protruding bolt head or collar. be solid in the market place. Lindapter says that its latest innovation merges the technical advantages of its David Furness, MD, explains appointment summer 2008meeting of distinguished Hollo-Bolt with the“The aesthetic benefits in of late a discrete fixing, the business analyst and fi nancial controller, Scott Richie, was well timed to support artistic requirements of modern construction, whilst maintaining safe working loads. delivery furtherfor development of our strategy. Strong relationships The fixing and is suitable hollow sections orlong-term conventional steelwork where access is with best value, respected manufacturers outside of China, hedging currency available from one side only. purchases and has brought immense benefits to both us and Installation is holding fast and deeper simple stocks using Lindapter’s our customers, especially in view of the unprecedented innovative installation nut (included) allowing the Flush Fiteconomical to be installed without a challenges that businesses face today.” requirement for specialist skills or equipment. RapierStar’s manager, to Jasmine sayswanted “Our to “With almost export endlesssales opportunities shape Friedlander-Atkinson and sculpture steel, we reputation as a reliable supplier and partner for quality and service has been create a fixing to further release an architect’s artistic freedom,” explains Sabine consolidated further by European Australiana distributors branches Reimann, MD. “The Hollo-Bolt Flushand Fit provides ‘best of bothopening worlds’new solution, and show house respectively.” This is validated by Tomas Kalinauskas from Senuku complementing contemporary design whilst providing the strength required in steel Prekybos Centras UAB in Lithuania, “the value of our relationship with RapierStar construction”. continues withingrowth areaM10 in The fixingtoisshow available sizes M8, higher end products with no remedial and M12, with safe working tensile loadscalls, of only satisfi customers.” upand to 10.5kN andedsheer capacities of up to 15kNMore recently, the company confirmed its bolt. presence in Ireland securing a per Materials and fiby nishes contract to supply B W Hardware, Dublin. include JS 500 as standard, The recent Hardware/DIY, Home, Garden bright zinc plated, hot dip Show in Dublin galvanised and served as a launch pad for introducing stainless steel.RapierStar products on the B W Hardware stand. Director, Michael Kelly, comments “It’s fantastic that RapierStar came over to support us at the show. The event proved to be very successful, and we look forward to a long-term partnership with RapierStar.”

Investing in testing Chemfix Products Ltd has announced new investment in its manufacturing facility in Dewsbury, UK. Following on from continued investments in both offices and production plant and machinery in the past two years, Chemfix is now focussing on its technical area with the installation of a purpose built test centre. The new test centre is planned to be operational by April 2009, and its main purpose is to modernise and improve both the standard & scope of Chemfix’s in-house chemical anchoring test facility. In particular, the new centre is specially designed to house larger concrete test blocks, to increase the diameter sizes and embedment depth of the test fixings and allow for higher pull out load testing. Urs Joos, Chemfix managing director, commented, “I’m really very excited about the new project. This investment in new equipment will allow a greater scope of tests to be performed with an easier, more accurate interpretation of the results. It will also allow for more in-house testing to be carried out, which were previously out-sourced.” Chemfix Products Limited has also invested in its sales force, by appointing Michelle Bell as its new national sales manager. “Michelle will be covering the UK market for chemical anchoring, polyester & epoxy based professional & DIY wood fillers and concrete repair products. She has extensive experience of the building chemical market having spent over 14 years within the industry.”

New SecuFast® 6-lobe woodscrews with plug Douwes International BV has recently introduced the new SecuFast® 6-Lobe woodscrews, with TORX® 30 recess, with a plug for when tamper proof screw are required. The plug is inserted in the recess with a hammer. The screw is available in 6mm and 7mm diameter with several lengths and can be delivered in steel zinc plated and steel black zinc plated. When the woodscrews are delivered in black, the plugs will also be black. Douwes has been supplying the SecuFast® security screw range, a registered trade name of Douwes, to Europe for the more than 15 years.


Recent European Technical Approvals for fixings Below is a list of ETAs granted in the last three months to fixings products, following the agreement this magazine has with the European Organisation for Technical Approvals. It is important to note that existing ETAs may be amended or withdrawn so this list should not be considered definitive. For further information and a full list of valid ETAs you should visit EOTA’s website, ETA NUMBER


ETAG 001 Metal Anchors for use in Concrete (all parts) ETA - 08/0375 ETA - 08/0377 ETA - 08/0378 ETA - 09/0011


PECOL Bucha Quimica Vinilica sem estireno

PECOL - Sistemas de Fixacao S.A.

Sistemas Injection system Vinil-Ester VE for concrete

Sistemas de Fijacion S.L.

Powers Injection System AC150-PRO

Powers Fasteners Europe BV

Powers Ceiling anchor PBZ-PRO

Powers Ceiling anchor PBZ-PRO



Würth Plastic Anchor W-UR

Adolf Würth GmbH & Co KG

ETAG 014 Plastic Anchors for ETICS


ETAG 020 plastic Anchors (all parts)

ETA - 08/0190

For complete and up to date information visit at which a list of all valid ETAs is maintained.

Powers opens new warehouse Powers Fasteners Europe, a manufacturer of anchors and fastening products, has announced another phase in the continuing development of Powers in the UK, by opening a new warehouse in Croydon, London. Powers has been operational from the location since 1st February 2009 and is capable of supplying its extensive product range. “Customers who still wish to follow the same procedure in ordering Powers’ products can do so, whether it is placing an order via the Powers website or calling our customer service department in Holland. The main advantage of the new London warehouse is that every UK order that is placed before 3:00pm will be with the customer by the very next day.”



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Blind Rivet Nut in Chinese is Pronounced ʻla maouʼ. Which means ʻPull Hatʼ. Funny that. TOP TOP SCREW SCREWMETAL METALCORP., CORP.,LTD. LTD. Rebhalde CH Tay-Ho - 6004 Luzern, Switzerland 78, Lane 1,415, Road Sec2, Ku Yi Li, Chang-Hwa City, 500, Taiwan TEL: +41 41 410 79 61 / FAX: +41 41 410- 479- 7246640 62 TEL: +886 - 4 - 7237159 / FAX: +886 E-mail: / Web: E-mail: / Web:

9/03/09 10:59:32



Annual UK training under way Fischer fixings’ yearly programme of training for distributors and end-users in the UK is under way. These training sessions offer an opportunity to gain a good working knowledge of all different fixing types, from lightweight wall plugs through to heavy-duty metal anchors and resin systems. They include both theory aspects of fixings technology and also plenty of hands-on practical experience with the various fixing types. Specific issues, such as fixings for plumbing and sanitary applications, can be covered in considerable detail, depending on the requirements of the trainees. The dates for 2009 are as follows: • Wednesday 18th March 2009. • Wednesday 13th May 2009. • Wednesday 8th July 2009.

• Wednesday 16th September 2009. • Wednesday 18th November 2009.

These sessions are held at fischer’s UK head office in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, and run from 9:30am through to 4:00pm with a light lunch included. The formal training sessions at Wallingford are in addition to a large amount of site training and sessions held at customers’ premises. There are also bespoke training sessions organised with particular customers and CPD-approved seminars for architects, engineers and local authorities. In all fischer has delivered training to more than 3,000 individuals during the past two years, helping to raise the skill levels of participants and drive up standards across the industry. To attend fischer training sessions, places need to be pre-booked in advance.

Beat the gold rush Everbuild recently launched its newest product, Plumbers Gold, at the Totally DIY exhibition in London in January 2009. Plumbers Gold, the flagship product of the company’s new central heating and plumbing range, is a specially formulated sealant and adhesive for use by the Plumbing professional. Plumbers Gold has been created using hybrid polymer technology and contains Microban. This means that like Forever White (Everbuild’s leading anti-mould silicone), Plumbers Gold is guaranteed to show no black mould growth after 10 years simulated aging, as certified by a NAMMAS accredited microbiological laboratory. The product also has the further added advantage of a 10 year anti-bacterial guarantee. “Plumbers Gold is definitely a “one product does all” sealant and adhesive for plumbers as it bonds and seals virtually any surface within a plumbing environment, and can be used to seal around showers, baths, etc. Importantly it will adhere to all surfaces including plastic, acrylic, ABS and fibreglass materials that are notoriously difficult to bond to and is usable in wet conditions, on wet surfaces – and more amazingly underwater.” Plumbers Gold is available in 290ml cartridges in white and clear, in a high impact, self-merchandising display box. The product comes complete with Twisty Nozzles which Everbuild says are ideal for hard to reach places.

Special feature on heavy duty anchors With 2009 unavoidably challenging in virtually every construction market, ensuring the technical, performance and commercial advantages of your concrete anchor program are recognised throughout the European fixings industry has never been more important. The May issue will carry a special feature dedicated to heavy duty anchor technology. As the leading specialist trade publication for the whole of the European fixings market there simply is no better opportunity to connect with the front line of the fixings industry. So to make sure the market knows how secure and effective your connections are use our expertise in connecting to the people who make the decisions in the industry. For more information contact:


NAILERS & POWER DRIVERS Nailers and Power drivers have become vital productivity tools throughout the construction sector and many assembly industries. Here is your opportunity to get up to date with some of the leading suppliers of these products.

Poppers Senco UK Ltd


New TyRex Concrete Pinner overpowers its rivals

Bossong now has a new range of fully automatic Powder Actuated Tools, two years after the 45th anniversary of the company.

Poppers Senco has launched the new TyRex branded TY150GSC, a gas powered concrete pinner boasting a performance level that leaves virtually all of its competitors trailing.

The first new tool is BOSS-8000 for nails up to 90mm length and with magazine M75 for nails up to 75mm length. This tool has been approved by European C.I.P. Institute. The most recent tool entered in our range is BOSS-6000 for nails up to 60mm length and with magazine M35 for nails up to 35mm length. Nails suitable: KDH single shot, KDHM with magazine, metal washered nails KDHR 15, KDHR 23, KDHR 36, KDR, threaded nails GD6 (M6), GD8 (M8), KDC and soft washered nails KISL. Recently we have added new items like GRAT a disk for grating fixings and an M8 threaded nail for steel fixings as well. We have also strip nails KDHMC for frameworks fixings. The fully range of nails and cartridges are suitable for Competitor’s Tools. Tel: +39 035 3846 011


As you would expect of any concrete pinner, the TY150GCS drives a variety of nail lengths from 15mm – 40mm and so it is ideal for a wide range of jobs such as fixing drywall track, sheeting, casing, insulation and substructures to concrete or steel. It is also recommended for fast, accurate pipework and cabling for mechanical, electrical and plumbing applications as well as signage fixing. Where the TY150GCS does outscore other concrete pinners though is its incredible power-to-performance level. Beat this – 5200 shots per battery charge! Beat this – 1300 shots from a single 34g fuel cell! That’s power, that’s performance that makes the TyRex the best in its class by far. Designed with a narrow nose for precision pinning, the TY150GCS weighs a well-balanced 3.7kg, incorporates an ergonomic comfort-handle, belt hook, and it is designed for easy left or right handed loading. Pins come in boxes of 1000 and include a fuel cell. Tel: +44 (0)1925 445566




PREBENA produces a wide range of high quality pneumatic nailer and stapler for many applications 2 of the newest innovations are:

The Simes KA-08 gas nailer allows nailing direct into concrete, stone or steel, fed from a magazine of 40 collated pins, at up to six times faster than traditional nailing.

Stay mobile, flexible and independent with the PREBENA PKT-BOX3500 The new PREBENA PKT-BOX3500 allows you to work everywhere at every weather condition with any pneumatic devices. Even big framing nailers up to 160mm nails are no problem. The required compressed air is delivered from the light-weight, refillable PREBENA air cylinder type KT-3500. This air cylinder is filled with about 465 l compressed air with a filling pressure of over 300 bar (4351.14 PSI) PREBENA expands with the Anchornailer ST2-ANK50 his professional product range for Roofers, Carpenters and wooden frame builder. The tool is especially designed to use anchornails type ANK from 40-50mm. This handy tool, you can use easily for Joist hangers, fencing, metal connection, etc. With the special nose, this powerful nailer offers continous hours of work without fatigue.

The result says Navarra, Spain based Simes Fastening Systems is great savings in labour cost and working time in drylining as well as plumbing, electrical, window casing and stair rail installation. Offering reduced weight and an excellent balance, and with a comfortable handle and soft trigger, the KA-08 is ergonomically designed to reduce RSI risk. Simes is also committed to ensuring maximum reliabilty and robustness, supplying the KA-08 with a two years warranty. Simes supplies a range of 2.6mm diameter nails, ranging from 15 to 43mm in length, for penetrating concrete, wood and steel, as well as two fuel cell options. The KA-08 works with P1000 fuel cells and SIMES offers also FUEL Cells and NAILS compatible with the PULSA 700 tool.

The tool is characterized by: Low weight, ergonomic design, quick and easy rear loading magazine, compact design for inaccessible places.

Tel: +49 6044 96010

T.I.Midwood & Co Ltd


Tornado Construction Products

TIMco FirmaHold Nails

Tornado Construction Products are delighted to unveil its new TD90S first fix nailer.

TIMco’s FirmaHold nails are available as Collated Clipped Head Nails and 16 Gauge Brad Nails. They are suitable for use in cordless and pneumatic nailers.

Manufactured to the highest standards in Europe, this machine offers unparallel performance, it has a short strong lightweight magazine design and the machine is perfectly balanced and has a rubber grip to reduce operator fatigue. Designed for easy, quick and accurate nail depth settings in tight corners, it offers quieter noise levels in operation than most of its competitors.

TIMco offers the Collated Clipped Head Nails in three shank designs: Straight shank, Part ring shank and Ring shank. Available in three different types of coatings: Bright, 13 Micron FirmaGalv and Hot Dipped Galvanised, FirmaHold nails can offer high quality rust protection for all types of applications. Our high quality paper increases performance and reduces the risk of nail jam. The paper is FirmaHold branded for market appeal and quality recognition. FirmaHold’s 16 Gauge Brad Nails uses a high quality collation adhesive to ensure they stay intact whilst in transit and use, thus reducing waste. They are available as a straight shank collation angle; they are available in two different coating types: Galvanised and Stainless Steel. Both the Collated Clipped Head Nails and the 16 Gauge Brad Nails are sold in a one – piece branded box which is strengthened to ensure it stays intact and reduces the risk of wasted product. TIMco also have a range of FirmaHold Fuel Cells to accompany the two different types of nails. The fuel cells are European manufactured ensuring reliability and high performance, and utilise the highest quality cleaned gas and a fully synthetic oil providing a clean combustion. Tel: +44 (0)1829 261 111

Fax: +34 948 330253

Other unique features include a battery lock, which holds the battery in place when in use, the batteries offer about 50% more shots over some of its Competition. In partnership with our range of Rapide nails and fuel cells this is a sure fire winner and what, you ask, is in the box? The Tornado TD90S comes complete in a sturdy black plastic impact resistant case, with two high capacity batteries and an intelligent battery charger, safety goggles and a complete instruction manual. We offer a full service and repair package in the UK at our Leeds office and every machine comes with a full warranty. For more information and a demo please contact: Alan Thorn, General Manager.

Mob: 07894 295240

Tel: +44 (0)113 242 4342


No let up in National’s momentum by Jerry Bupp Vice president of sales operations & marketing National Machinery LLC

National Machinery continues to actively work on projects and plan for the future. This may not be the typical path of action in the current global economic slowdown, but we feel it is always important to move forward and stay ahead of the competition. It’s vital to also give new and useful products to a customer base that sees new challenges emerge around every corner. Here are few examples of this “push for the future”. LeanFX LeanFX is the newest model in the FORMAX® family. Introduced in 2008, the line was well accepted at the WIRE 2008 Dusseldorf show and listed as a “Top Product” of 2008 in trade magazines. The combination of speed and quality at an economical price has hit the target in the global market. This cold former delivers FORMAX style attributes with cost efficiency, particularly for markets that need to make standard parts, but want the ability to “move upstream” and make more automotive or complex fasteners.

service centres throughout the world in USA, Germany, Japan and China. A100 machining centre When FORMAX was first introduced it not only meant a change in cold former technology, but also in how component parts were manufactured. No longer did machine assembly include hours of hand fitting, scrapping and individual workmanship. The key to manufacturing a forming machine with the

New models LeanFX will be expanded throughout 2009 with 3, 4 and 5 die models in the LeanFX10 (M10 fastener size) machine and 3, 4 and 5 die configurations in the larger LeanFX14 and smaller LeanFX8 models later in the year. This will allow customers to take full advantage of the value and technology of LeanFX across this wider range of specifications. The LeanFX10 size machine is capable of running M10 fasteners at speeds up to 300 parts per minute. LeanFX has the proven features of: • Linear feed. • Zero clearance heading slide guidance. • Straight-across transfer. These features are combined with simple push button station controls and manual adjustments of the feed and kick out, along with the lifting of the transfer. Convenience features such as a magnetic combined good parts and scrap conveyor save space while being cost effective and operator friendly. LeanFX is manufactured in National’s wholly owned facility in Suzhou, China. The latest in machine tools and inspection are utilised along with standardised assembly and test practices under the careful supervision of engineers and craftsman from our Tiffin plant. The machine fixtures, test tools and procedures that are used to build all FORMAX are used to build, test and validate LeanFX. Customer support for all FORMAX and traditional National machines is handled by

precision and reliability of FORMAX starts with the ability to repeatedly manufacture tight tolerance parts to print, so that parts would literally be assembled and bolted together. Not only did this improve assembly efficiency, but also made for a much more consistent machine, as found through our stringent test protocols. From the aftermarket part perspective, it also is much simpler to “bolt

on” a new part that will fit perfectly, compared to having to rework the part to make it fit. Since close tolerance on critical components is vitally important to the FORMAX machine, quality machine tools are needed. The machining department in Tiffin, OH, has a unique combination of machine tools including a dedicated tool room for development jobs, vertical turning centres, surface grinders, precision grinders, horizontal machining centres, combination turning and milling machines, milling machines, as well as laser and plasma cutting equipment. The newest addition to that group of machine tools is the Makino A100 (pictured left) Horizontal Machining Centre that complements the existing smaller Makino A88 machines and produces larger part sizes. The A100 is a 4-axis machining centre that is noted for its high spindle speeds, precisely controlled positioning, and high pressure coolant to remove chips and prevent heat distortion. The unit also offers excellent accuracy and finishing so that secondary operations on parts are not needed. Investing in the future allows National to produce parts in a more cost effective way, which benefits our customers in both new machinery and aftermarket parts. National Machinery is committed to improvement for the future. From a new machine or new machine tool, opportunities will be taken to continue our leadership in cold forming.

National Machinery production at Suzhou

Fast, Strong & Cost-Efficient

Equipped with Production-proven FORMAX Features • linear feed • zero clearance heading slide guidance • straight-across transfer

Built by National Machinery in Suzhou, PR China

an NM Group Global Company

w ww.nat i o n a l m a c h N ational Machinery LL C 161 Greenfield Street Ti ff i n , O h i o 4 4 8 8 3 - 2 4 7 1 • U . S .A. Te l . : + 1 4 1 9 4 4 7 - 5 2 1 1 Fax: +1 419 443-2379

NME National Machinery Europe GmbH Kingenhofstraße 57 90411 Nürnberg • Germany Tel.: +49 911 5198-0 Fax: +49 911 5198-220

Nürnberg, Germany Birmingham, Englan d Paris, France Barcelona, Spain Bolzano, Italy Moscow, Russia


Forging a reputation Carlo Salvi was born in New York in 1907, returning to Italy with his family when he was eight years old. He started his own company in 1939 to build mechanical descalers to process hot rolled rod. 70 years on and the Carlo Salvi name is synonymous with cold heading technology recognised and respected worldwide. Although the descaling machines were successful, and thousands were ultimately sold worldwide, Carlo Salvi’s aim was to manufacture new and more complex machines. His new adventure began in the late 1940s with the design and production of a flat die thread roller. A family of head slotters soon followed and finally, in 1952, he built his first single-die two-blow toggle header.

Carlo Savli No 1 on display at the factory Success was immediate. The machine was reliable, low-priced and high speed. It performed particularly well for the production of recessedhead screws and a complete range of these machines was produced within a few years. They were exported throughout Europe and the main market, besides Italy, was Germany. In the early 1970s Carlo Salvi devoted his efforts to cold headers and discontinued the production of slotters and thread rollers. A complete new line of single-die high-speed models was designed, followed by a range of single-die two-blow machines for semi-tubular rivets. In the early 1980s a line of single-die, twoblow headers for fully tubular rivets was added. The growing success encouraged Carlo Salvi to

develop multi-die machines. At the beginning of the 1990s a complete range of two-die four-blow and progressive headers was launched. At the end of the decade Carlo Salvi USA Inc. was established in Toledo, Ohio - a modern facility equipped with advanced tooling machines aimed at better serving North America, Canada and Mexico. Well-trained technicians, able to provide immediate technical support and to rebuild machines, supported by a complete stock of spare parts available for immediate delivery, allowed Carlo Salvi to build up a strong reputation for customer service. During the 90s, Carlo Salvi continued investing in the development of new machines in order to build cold headers with innovative electronic systems designed to provide the highest levels of performance output. Now the company offers a complete range of cold headers up to six stations, capable of handling wire from 1mm to 22mm diameter, and with the ability to process materials such as stainless steel, titanium and special alloys in combination with induction pre-heating. Carlo Salvi machines, sold directly and through agents or authorised dealers, are now used all over the world by well-known producers of fasteners for the automotive, aerospace and petrochemical industries. Over 3,000 cold headers are installed throughout the world. The headquarters in Garlate covers an area of about 25,000 square metres. Management, accounting and commercial offices are all here, together with the development department, the production area, the assembly room and the spare parts warehouse. Technical solutions, high-quality materials, and attention to detail, characterise Carlo Salvi headers ensuring a trademark synonymous with high precision and reliability. Continuous evolution and patented equipment makes the machines unique – technology designed for the future, not least in respecting the environment through limiting the emissions of noise, fumes and polluting fluids, without compromise to productivity.

The Carlo Salvi Development and Research Centre is a genuine unit of excellence, equipped with the latest hardware and software. Carlo Salvi can offer customer-tailored solutions: turnkey operations for manufacturing special components, where electronics, automation and productivity are integrated to achieve efficiencies impossible with traditional systems. Quality starts from materials control and Carlo Salvi pays stringent attention to its materials. Special alloys and advanced heat treatments are used to ensure exceptional performance and machine life. Mechanical components are manufactured on advanced and latest generation machinery for the highest precision and consistency, to guarantee absolutely interchangeable parts. The wide experience of its machine assemblers and setters has enabled Carlo Salvi to develop special manufacturing procedures, which ensure maximum machine precision. Each process, scheduled according to meticulous manufacturing procedures, is the result of many years of detailed analysis and practice. Each machine, before leaving Carlo Salvi, is carefully checked and test-run by highly specialised technicians so that it will enable maximum performance even under the most severe conditions of operation. When machines are tooled up for special jobs requested by a customer, they run a production of at least 80 hours and then all machines parts are scrupulously checked. Of course, Carlo Salvi’s commitment to quality extends to its after sale service. After the start-up of a machine, it is essential that component quality be maintained to maximise performance, efficiency and reliability. Carlo Salvi has a team of people specialised in installation and technical assistance, working to satisfy the urgent requirements of its customers, supported by a comprehensive stock of high-quality spares, which can be despatched in a very short time. A team of qualified technicians is also ready to make personal visits to customer’s plants.


- Flat Thread Rolling Dies - Cylindrical Thread Rolling Dies - Planetary Thread Rolling Dies - Punches & Pins - Trim Dies - Thread Rolls - Licensed & Special Products - Wide Range of Materials & Coatings

AMERICAS North American Service Center 28 Sword Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free +1 800 343 6068 Tel +1 508 753 6530 Fax +1 508 753 0127 Email

EUROPE European Service Centre Bays 122-125 Shannon Industrial Estate Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland

ASIA Asia Service Center 30-1 Ben Gong West Road. Ben Zhou Industrial Park GangShan, Kaohsiung City Taiwan. ROC

Tel +353 61 239503 Fax +353 61 239502 Email

Tel +886 7 6245262 Fax +886 7 6245263 Email


Reduction of set-up times on double-blow headers by Wolfgang Ausländer WAFIOS Umformtechnik GmbH Double-blow headers are back on the popularity list. Ever-increasing cost pressure forces manufacturers to produce formed parts on high-speed double-blow headers. The production of double-blow parts on multi-station headers is simply inefficient. Double-blow headers produce these parts with a higher output, lower tool costs and shorter set-up times. A two-year study about this topic motivated us to develop a tooling time concept, which can increase our customer’s production output considerably. Prerequisites for reducing set-up times Effective use of production machinery can only be guaranteed if it is operated by professionally trained specialists. Therefore, it is important that employees of all shifts participate in training to exclude fluctuations in production. Our training program includes suggestions for enhancing preparation for production, for the provision of tools, as well as training the production scheduling and tool development departments. Optimisation of set-up times can be planned Smooth logistics in the run-up to production are a prerequisite for the reduction of set-up times. Preventive and regular maintenance of machines helps to avoid ‘pseudo’ set-up times that do not belong to the actual set-up process. Header operators are specialists completely familiar with the set-up of headers and production of formed parts. These qualified employees should not need to bother with the logistics in the run-up to the production or with machine maintenance. When starting their shift, they must find their machine in perfect condition - with a clearly defined production order, the required material within reach, and the tools used for the last products already removed. Complete provision of tools The tools required for production must be provided with a job order card, appropriate

drawings, a list of tools and a setting data sheet. A considerable reduction in set-up times can be achieved when the tooling department carries out an onscreen forming simulation beforehand. WAFIOS Umformtechnik has developed a program called CACH. It helps the tool developer to quickly generate drawings of operating sequences and to carry out forming simulations.

All adjustments must be accomplishable by the operator This was the first and top priority. A linear feed system with accessible feed jaws enables production from the smallest up to the largest wire diameter without changing feed jaws. The elimination of feed jaw or roller changes and any need for different feed rollers considerably reduces both costs and set-up times.

Optimising set-up times on WAFIOS headers Our development team had to meet a series of specifications for optimising set-up times on double-blow headers. The measures for optimising set-up times must not affect the output of the machine, the product quality or the availability of the machine. Double-blow headers of the WAFIOS Umformtechnik series Hilgeland reflect the latest in double-blow header technology. Set-up times can be optimised a lot easier on these machines than on older ones. The first development stage included an attempt to integrate the tool-changing systems used for multi-station headers into doubleblow headers. However, it soon became clear that these systems are not suitable for highspeed double-blow headers. Punch-changing systems cannot be used at machines with tool turrets due to the considerable weight increase. They would reduce the output of the machine and increase the load on the turret drive system. Shearing cutter cassettes, which enable the adjustment of shearing cutters outside the machine, result in too long and complicated cutter tools, which increase tool costs. Also, due to the bending off of the cutting unit, cutting quality deteriorates. The only reasonable solution that could be adapted from multi-station changing systems was the adjustment of the feeder hand outside the machine. After rejecting all multi-station concepts, a continuous concept for reducing set-up times at double-blow headers was generated.

Control panel allows precise input of cutting length A shearing system with quick-shearingbush exchange and fine adjustment of the shearing gap, as well as precise tensionpressure adjustment of the vertically arranged rigid shearing cutter, also reduce costs and set-up times. The entire forming tool change has been optimised A single-screw die wedge clamping system enables quick removal of the die without slackening the die bolster. An air-supported punch system facilitates the removal of punches. Expensive coil springs are not required. Pressure-transmitting pins can have a more robust design. The machine slide stabiliser enables the forming slide to run free from play and facilitates the adjustment of punches by means of a precise XY adjustment. The machine operator sets the header while inside the sound insulation cabin enabling greater concentration that further reduces set-up times. All these measures could be carried out without reducing the output of the machine, the quality of the products and the availability of the machine. However, the study showed that the training of employees, smoothing logistics in the run-up to production, and making appropriate preparations in the factory contribute most to the reduction of set-up times.

The synonym for short set-up times and increased production On our High Speed-Single-and Double Stroke Headers all arrangements for optimized set-up times will be used for improvement of production, quality and availability.

WAFIOS Umformtechnik GmbH Im Rehsiepen 35, D-42369 Wuppertal Phone +49(0)202/4668-0 Fax +49(0)202/4668-225


Closer to the shop floor with IMPAX The IMPAX Time Saver System, an efficiency monitoring system by Process Technologies Group, Inc., has been expanded with new capabilities. The TSS’s touch-screen interface is now available in new 4 inch and 8 inch sizes. The new screens display more shop information, can display PDF and document files, and have a new remote-control feature. IMPAX TSS units track downtime and production for metal forming applications, as well as all other factory processes. The monitors now feature touch-screen interfaces in 4 inch, 6 inch and 8 inch sizes. These screens display real-time production, efficiency, and accumulated uptime/ downtime. The new 8 inch screen provides twice the resolution, showing more information which Process Technologies says gives a better overview of machine status. The 4 inch model provides the same resolution as the 6 inch, but is a more affordable system. “A new remote-control ability can be used to connect to a remote touchscreen, to view and control it from any PC. This allows reviewing live machine data, and troubleshooting machine issues without leaving the office. Also new is the ability to view PDFs and other documents in the screen. This is useful for publishing schematics or instructions for operators, in an accessible easy to use way.” F+FE1/2pager




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Videx hand-feed Quality recognition cold formers for AMTRICobble Videx is offering open die cold formers with 1 or 2 dies, up to 250 tonne heading. The machines are offered either fully automatic from coil or manual feed by an operator. The hand feed cold formers are a solution to the industry for production of small and medium size batches (500 to 15,000 pieces) of headed, collared or extruded parts. “The machines are most suitable for long parts or parts which require long strokes. The gripper dies are mounted in an independent block which is lifted by a pneumatic cylinder and then easily slides out of the machine, enabling to perform a change-over in minutes.” Videx points out that the stroke is adjusted by an easily accessible nut at the back part of the machine. The machine is designed with a slim body that enables feeding of pre-bent parts either from the front or alternatively from the side. The side feed option enables feeding of pre-bent parts for the purpose of collaring.

AMTRICobble has received certification to ISO9001:2008 as part of its on-going quality compliance programme. The UK based company designs specialised machinery for the manufacturing and process industries. It helps companies to solve production and handling problems, improve productivity and introduce new technology. “Accreditation is vital,” explains director & general manager, Ian Laven. “Many of the companies with whom we work expect their design partners to have a robust quality management system in place to match their own. The work required to achieve ISO 9001 registration has also helped us become more efficient and improve the way we run our business.” In the nine months since the company was formed, AMTRICobble has been working in the automotive and nuclear industries, textile and white goods manufacturing and aerospace. The design and development team, based in Macclesfield, have broad experience of automated systems in a manufacturing and process environment.

PACE inspection machine NEW CAMERA SYSTEM A10 High speed camera system A10, up to 4200 parts per minute, over 140 inspection parameters, online statistics ( Gauss distribution ) and full CAD compatible, the CAD drawings can be send directly into the inspection machine set up. Online set up function to reduce set up times by over 65% NEW SLIM LINE PACE ( low price ) Reduced price for slim line PACE for high quality inspection. Using the latest technology and a new PLC system the PACE keeps the well known quality with a extremely low price. NEW CRACK DETECTION New system with 0,6 nano seconds reaction time to guarantee absolutely zero ppm in finding cracks ( visible and invisible ) Gate B watching ( to control set up and permanent probe status ) Distance compensation for the ultimate crack detection result on any part no matter how complicate the part is. NEW 120 Mega Pixel camera ZM-1200 To find any damage or crack on any position of the part speed up to 210 parts / minute Please contact Hilker & Partner GmbH Withauweg 3 D-70439 Stuttgart Tel 0049 711 98 09180 • •

A new water based zinc flake system Atotech has developed a new water based zinc flake system which it says provides excellent stability and performance and a bright uniform surface. Zintec® 800 W product can be applied with the typical application techniques dip-spin or spray and offers an optimised sacrificial corrosion protection. Screws, nuts, springs, brake discs and other parts can be coated without the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. The water based nature of the product simplifies the handling and prevents the jellification due to moisture drag in. In combination with Atotech’s pretreatment products and top coats the most challenging requirements of today’s industry can be met.

Temsa focused on innovative development TEMSA specialises in the design and manufacture of all kind of cold forming tools for the metallurgical industry, including the extremely demanding aeronautic and automotive sectors. Innovation has always been one of the basic pillars of TEMSA’s production philosophy. A specific innovation development department was created in March 2004, enabling TEMSA to provide better service to its customers thus improving its competitiveness and increasing the products’ excellence in quality. The most important investments in high technology have taken place in 2008, and particularly in two specific areas: automation and high speed machining. Automation In the EDM section, TEMSA has incorporated two EROWA robotic Fastener&Fixing_Europe_2008.qxd 29-04-2008 17:22 Pagina 1 systems and one pre-setting station, both managed from a single

global database. As an immediate result TEMSA augmented the effective working time by 50% in the EDM operations section, which it says allowed it to reduce significantly the delivery times for these complex tools and offering better service and attention to customers’ requirements. High speed machining section In this new high technology section TEMSA invested in the most advanced RÖDERS high speed machining centre and the latest CNC MORI SEIKI machining lathe with Y-axe and motorised tool holder, both automated with an EROWA robotic system. Today, TEMSA says it achieves a superficial roughness Ra<0,2µm, a geometrical accuracy of two microns and a mirror polish on tools with a hardness up to 60HRc directly finished on the machine.

In-line wire drawing system for 30 mm wire.

The # 1 Europe based supplier of in-line wire drawers and power-driven uncoilers.

TECNO IMPIANTI S.r.l. Via Postale Vecchia, 67 23857 VALGREGHENTINO (LECCO) ITALY Tel. +39 0341 604801 Off-line wire drawing system for 30 mm wire.

Fax +39 0341 604289


Investing in innovation The topic of ‘Innovation’ has been given new impetus across the whole of the Dörken-Group companies – including Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH, with a strategic system of innovation management. Of key importance to this is the newly created role of innovation manager, which Jan Mielke has taken on since the start of the year. Dörken has also recently installed a new ideas database, into which every employee is able to insert ideas. “We have created a new motto specifically for this process of ideas generation,” explains Jan Mielke. “We’re multiplying our innovative capacity by the number of our employees. For at Dörken everyone is an innovation scout.” In addition to these tools, Dörken MKS-Systeme is making increased investment in the innovation area. Setting up and expanding the laboratory facilities and extending the production facility at the Herdecke site are just two examples of this. Dörken MKS-Systeme will also be once again exhibiting at the 2009 Hannover Trade Fair. The company will be showing the new Delta-Protekt® KL 101 basecoat, which has been specifically developed for large steel components used in car production and wind turbine construction. “For vehicle axles and the bolts of wind turbine pylons it is an effective alternative to the established process of normal temperature – and especially high temperature – hot-dip galvanising. In the case, above all, of highly rigid, susceptible grades of steel the possibility thus exists to counter the system-specific drawbacks of hot-dip galvanising through use of a fundamentally different application method.” Dörken MKS-Systeme will be exhibiting at the Hannover Fair in hall 6 on stand D27 and in hall 27 on stand K07.

Altrimex offers packing solution Altrimex Packaging Equipment says that its 35 years experience, coupled with its complete after sales service, means it can offer the perfect packing equipment solution. Altrimex can supply a range of products from simple linear semi-automatic weighing equipment to a complete automatic computer-controlled packaging line. Altrimex also points out that it constantly invests in its organisation and is one of the first companies in its field that incorporates a full-grown after-sales division. This after-sales division is responsible for installation, commissioning, training, maintenance, problem-solving and complete overhauls, both on site and in its own workshop, of complete packaging machines and lines. Altrimex also explains that customer-specific service contracts ensure a perfect functioning and efficiency of its packaging lines at all times. “Whatever packaging material is used and whatever handling is required, be it stand alone or integrated in existing automatic systems, we have the solution and can supply it worldwide.”

NEW to drive own European marketing Nakashimada Engineering Works announced to its European customers in December that it was discontinuing its European agency arrangement with National Machinery Europe. The letter from executive director, Masahiro Makashimada, describes “an extremely challenging decision” but says the company is “determined to start walking our own way ourselves with a strong will.” NEW says it is planning to aggressively expand its own sales network in Europe emphasising that it recognises its own success is dependent on the success of its customers.

Special feature on thread rolling and secondary operations machinery Our May issue will include a special Manufacturing Technology feature in which we will explore the latest in thread rolling and secondary operations machinery. Our print issue will be circulated to fastener and parts manufacturers throughout Europe – east and west – as well as into Russia and Turkey and our digital edition, which wins more readership for every issue, will extend throughout the global fastener industry. It’s a unique opportunity to bring senior production managers, directors and owners up to date with your technology. As usual our editor will be looking for submissions of up to 250 words, together with a high resolution image. He will also be reserving limited space for feature length articles to maximise the impact of your advertisement. This space will be allocated on a first come basis so, as a leading brand in this area of technology, we thought you would appreciate advance information and some additional time to plan your campaign for May. For more information contact:


Getting more out of exhibitions Part 1 By Colin Turnbull Colin Turnbull is a veteran of international trade fairs and says he has the scars to prove it. His first involvement with the trade fair industry was at Photokina, Cologne in 1978. Since then he has been an exhibitor, visitor or organiser at more than 500 trade fairs in European, Japanese and US major venues. As an exhibitor he has managed blue chip companies with trade fair budgets well in excess of US$1 million to SMEs struggling to find budget. He has been involved in organising every Fastener Fair and has become a familiar figure to many exhibitors and visitors. Hard as it may be to believe he still maintains he does it for the fun. His passion and enthusiasm for trade fairs, he admits, is occasionally tinged with frustration when he witnesses lost opportunities but he remains totally committed to applying his experience to make shows personal, fun and successful for visitors and exhibitors alike.

At the end of an exhibition, why is it one participating company will tell you they had a ‘great show’, and another, perhaps right next door, perhaps with very similar products, will grumble that it was a waste of time? Both were in the same place, at the same time, able to meet the same visitors. So what happened? Often, it is what did not happen – about not systematically grasping the opportunities presented during and after the exhibition. The ideas offered here may seem obvious - many of them are. Remarkably, though, given the direct and indirect costs of exhibition participation, they are too often not considered, let alone implemented. So if, having read this series of articles, you can say, “we do all of that and more”, take a bow – you are amongst an exclusive fellowship, which squeezes the maximum from exhibition participation.

A market place is an arena for human interaction, rich with opportunities, fraught with dangers, but above all, somewhere where people do business face to face. In that arena it is the best prepared and armed gladiators that will always succeed.

Preparation Of course, you know why you are doing a show…….….don’t you?

Setting objectives So when and where does it all start? As with virtually every other business activity, exhibition participation benefits massively from planning and preparation. Setting and recording clear objectives is crucial to defining everything you do before, during and after an exhibition – and to achieving the results you want. So what are you setting out to achieve?

Here are just some possibilities: • Meeting with existing customers. • Contacting prospective new customers. • Evaluating or researching the market. • Projecting brand/gaining visibility/ building image. • Launching/promoting products. Of course, there are many others. What matters is that the objectives set are relevant to your company strategy, and are informed, realistic and measurable.

Informed? The more you know about the show, its market and potential visitors the more precisely you can define your objectives - so dedicate some time to research. You may already know the event; you may have attended it before. 

Organisers provide launch pads The exhibition organiser is responsible for providing a well-located and properly serviced environment for the show. It is also its responsibility to provide the contracted stand facilities to each exhibitor and to promote the event effectively to its target market. As the proverb says, though, “you can bring the horse to water, but you cannot make it drink”. Once the market place, which is exactly what an exhibition is, has been created it is up to exhibitors - and visitors - to participate actively and take full advantage of the timelimited opportunity created. The minute the show opens your company is under the full scrutiny of every visitor - to measure you, judge you, and most important of all to engage with you.

“A market place is an arena for human interaction, rich with opportunities, fraught with dangers, but above all, somewhere where people do business face to face”

98  If not: • Obtain as much information as possible from the show organiser – most publish a breakdown of visitors or a target market analysis. • Consider making one person, from the beginning, the key contact with the show organisers – they have significant experience, so work with them to leverage that experience to your advantage. • Talk to companies that have done the show before – particularly about the type and nature of visitors and the markets they represent. • Study previous show guides and reports in trade magazines.

Realistic? Better to hunt with a rifle than a shotgun so prioritising objectives is important. It is rarely possible to do everything well, so consider limiting your objectives and concentrate your energy and resources on the ones that really matter.

Measurable? You are making an important investment so you should be able to assess your return. Ensure you build in ways to measure success.

Research Having found out about visitor numbers and types, the countries and markets from which they will come there are some key questions to be answered: • Will your stand personnel have the appropriate language skills? • Will they have the appropriate technical and product knowledge? • How many stand personnel will you need? • How big a stand will you need?

Cultural issues The way business is done varies surprisingly from show to show. Understanding that business culture can significantly affect your stand design and choice of personnel. At US shows, for example, contact is typically brief - short introductions or catching up on previous meetings. That makes the space at the front of the booth important selling territory. In Europe, it is more common for buyers to spend significant longer with a supplier, negotiating detailed business. Here space for a table and chairs away from the aisle, perhaps even in a closed off area, becomes a serious consideration. What about senior management contact? If head buyers and purchasing directors will be visiting, how effective will a junior

salesperson be in managing the contact? If the expectation is to be able to negotiate business then and there, will your stand personnel have the necessary skills, knowledge and authority?

Practical issues Always check the exhibition rules – when can you set up your booth, when can you take it down? What are the show opening hours? Are there noise limits, or health and safety considerations for demonstrations you may want to carry out? If there are any doubts talk to the organiser well in advance of opening day. Other practicalities are fairly obvious but can make the whole experience for your team easier and more rewarding. Where is

Stand location In some exhibitions location is less critical. At sector specific shows – like Fastener Fair or the National Industrial Fastener Show – most visitors will cover all of the show. There may be a few dead spots but generally location is less critical unless your primary objective is to project brand or corporate presence. In larger, more general shows, selecting the wrong hall or even the wrong location in the hall may mean visitors you want to see do not come anywhere near you. This makes it important to understand the dynamics of the show – either from your own previous experience as a exhibitor or visitor, or from that of other exhibitors and visitors.

“What matters is that the objectives set are relevant to your company strategy, and are informed, realistic and measurable.” the most convenient hotel? What are the travel arrangements to and from it? What about meals? Again the organiser should help in this respect, most likely through a tie-up with the local tourist office or a specialist booking agent – either can normally obtain better hotel room rates than you will find yourself.

Book stand space early If you want choice, and if you are going to maximise your return, then booking in good time is essential. Some organisers might offer late deals – but they are unlikely to be positions you really want and leaving things to the last minute invariably increases your workload, overall costs - and stress levels! Worth remembering, also, that the organiser will probably consolidate the stand layout just before opening, which can leave latecomers even worse off. Better all round to book early, avoid limiting choice, and give yourself the time to plan effectively – we’re talking an investment here, that means thinking costeffectiveness not just price.

Make sure you see a floor plan – ideally one that shows the names of exhibitors so you can think about where visitors are likely to concentrate and the likely flow of traffic. Locations of bars and coffee shops inside the hall can also be significant in focusing and slowing down visitors. The main entrance is not always the best place to be – for brand projection possibly, for visitor contact maybe not. On arrival most visitors want to get their bearings first – on leaving, they won’t necessarily want to hang about. Be sure to order additional equipment carefully – lighting, power, display cabinets, literature stands, badge scanners. Be particularly careful if you require electrical power, air or water for equipment – this is an area where exhibition venues can charge heavily and last minute changes can be really painful. Be sure you order the correct specification and capacity, and that your own connections will fit, or that you can obtain appropriate adapters. That’s it for this issue. Still to come: stand design and publicity material, preparing your people, and what happens at and after the show.

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Can an Integrated Document Management System really reduce costs? By Stefan Schindler, director DocuWare Limited More company knowledge, faster customer service, better quality work processes…these are all important competitive advantages created by using an IDM system. But in challenging economic times, it’s critical to weigh the dollars-and-sense – before you buy, after it’s introduced and before you expand.

Space savings Savings are created by freeing up space previously needed to store paper. Using an IDM solution, entire file cabinets are eliminated, and the paper kept at individual workstations is limited to a handful of files. The importance of storage space as a cost factor is dependent on the location, frequency of access and the particular situation. Although the cost of commercial space maybe relatively low, it’s important to look at the following: Can space used for document storage be transformed into additional office space? Will a growing volume of records require additional space to be leased or force the office to move to a new location? In such situations, the space savings alone will often amortise the investment in IDM in just a few years.

Material savings When using an IDM solution, the costs for filing materials – folders, file cabinets, binders, shelves, etc. – are virtually eliminated. These savings help the system pay for itself, especially if planned renovation of office space provides an opportunity to do away with file cabinets or the renovation would result in acquiring or replacing expensive movable cabinets or carousel-type shelving.

Time savings If there are no special circumstances, space and materials savings may not justify an IDM system. However, measurable time savings will demonstrate the economic necessity of the investment. Assume that each office worker saves 15 to 30 minutes each day, or 100 hours a year, by using an electronic document management system.

Time saved storing documents Determine the volume of documents filed each month and break down into the following four types: - Internally generated documents (e.g.

invoices, delivery notes, quotations) can be filed completely automatically saving one to two minutes per document. - Similar time savings are achieved for unstructured electronic documents (letters, e-mail, electronic files) requiring more time and expense if printed out and filed. - Structured incoming documents (invoices, orders, etc.) can usually be stored automatically if accounting and IDM solutions are compatible. In this case, one to two minutes per document can be saved. - Unstructured incoming paper documents (letters, memos, contracts, etc.) require similar time for scanning and manual storage as it takes to file them in file folders.

Time saved retrieving documents To compute the time savings locating documents, work out how many times a day each employee accesses a document and how long it takes through surveying office staff. Using IDM it takes an average 30 seconds to find a document. A comparison allows you to gauge the potential for saving time.

Accelerating processes IDM solutions are increasingly being used to support business activities such as invoice verification, generating quotes, or answering standard customer inquiries. The main time savings come from eliminating paper handling, for instance when an invoice is forwarded from the mail department to invoice verification and finally accounting, or when generating and sending copies of invoices for late payment notices. The time saved on each procedure must be determined and multiplied by the number of times it occurs to calculate the total processing time saved.

Reorganisation Paper documents generally need to be

sorted and rotated on a regular basis. Older documents are sent to storage to make room for direct access to newer documents. This annual procedure is tedious and often timeconsuming. With electronic storage, simple mechanisms ensure that expanding storage capacity barely requires any effort. Structural changes at an organisation frequently involve moving employees to new locations. The expense of transporting files can cost more than installing an IDM system. In the electronic archive, employees have access to their documents from any available workstation.

Time savings alone can’t reduce costs Just because employees need less time to perform their work doesn’t mean that profitability will increase automatically. This only occurs when time savings result in reduced staff size, reduced overtime, avoiding new hiring or increasing sales.

Compare savings and costs To determine profitability, the cost reduction or increase in sales must be compared to the cost of the IDM system. The cost of the system is comprised of the purchase price, installation and training costs, support costs, and maintenance costs. The total cost of the system can now be compared to the cost savings to calculate the time to break even and subsequent profit contribution.

Relevance of the profitability calculation As with any investment, the return on investment can seldom be precisely determined in advance. There will always be certain assumptions that must be made and could later prove to be wrong. Nevertheless, the profitability of an IDM system can usually be calculated with a high degree of accuracy.

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OGL announced as VMware VIP Enterprise Partner OGL has announced its recent partnership with global software firm VMware after being appointed Enterprise Partner on the VMware VIP programme. IT specialists OGL, based in Stourport-on-Severn, UK, met the stringent requirements to attain the new partnership with Vmware, which allows it to deliver cutting-edge virtualisation technology. Virtualisation essentially lets one computer do the job of multiple computers through a virtual environment. This in turn allows companies to consolidate the number of servers that they run and streamline their operation. Businesses around the world are using virtualisation to save money, time and energy whilst making more efficient use of hardware resources and improving their business continuity processes. To be awarded the VIP Enterprise Partner status, OGL met a number of requirements including two VMware Certified Professional (VCP) engineers, who both achieved VCP status after three days of intensive training. Paul Colwell, chief technical officer at OGL, was instrumental in driving the company to its new VMware status, “This is a great achievement by all the team and is important in cementing OGL’s reputation as a forward-thinking company, delivering high levels of expertise to businesses up and down the UK.”

Solarsoft launches additional programme Solarsoft, the supplier of modern enterprise software and IT services to manufacturers, distributors and wholesale businesses, has launched a new Support and Maintenance Programme for all new and existing customers. The new three tier service deepens Solarsoft’s Support and Maintenance offering to customers who need extended hours, accelerated service responses and guaranteed escalation of priority calls. Solarsoft installations are already backed by a Standard Support and Maintenance contract that provides software updates, online support and free access to the customer service Help Desk. The new Extended and Premier Support options are designed to reinforce support for companies running business critical operations out of standard business hours. Additionally, Solarsoft’s new Premier Support programme now guarantees support and maintenance 24/7 from a personal, dedicated Solarsoft technical representative for priority call resolution and optional on-site call-out. The three support and maintenance availability levels are: • Level 1 – Standard Support: phone and email support 09:00 to 17:30 Monday to Friday, software maintenance updates, customer web portal, same day call response and service charter for problem resolution. • Level 2 – Extended Support: phone and email support 07:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday, accelerated response to within a maximum of 4 hours and SLA for guaranteed escalation of priority calls. • Level 3 – Premier Support: phone and email support 00:00 to 24:00 Monday to Sunday, dedicated premier support lines with one hour response, optional on-site call-out, designated personal contact for priority call resolution and an annual service review day. Steven Hargreaves, product director at Solarsoft, comments, “we have developed the new support options in response to clear demand from our customers. In the current climate, every order counts and no-one want to run the risk of losing business because of a system failure. This is precisely where Solarsoft’s support programme can help.”

Infor aims to reduce total cost of ownership Infor has announced changes to its global professional services organisation underscoring its commitment to reduce the total cost of ownership for deploying and managing business software applications. John Flavin, previously senior vice president for customer satisfaction at Infor, has been appointed as senior vice president of global professional services, a new position that provides corporate leadership to a worldwide team devoted to software services engagements. Infor has also created a new managed services group, which standardises existing managed offerings, such as software-as-a-service (SaaS), into a centre of excellence to drive further cost efficiencies and innovations for customers. Through the creation of a centre of excellence for Infor Managed Services, the company is focusing existing expertise and offerings to drive collaboration, innovation and cost savings for customers. Infor Managed Services includes: • Application Management Services (AMS) - complete, on-site management of Infor and non-Infor business applications, including system and database administration and help desk support. • SaaS - Infor applications offered on demand as an Internet service. • Hosting - offsite application hosting for licensed software. • Customisation care - a dedicated team that manages application customisations and third-party integrations. • Supplemental staffing - onsite IT staffing to support customer projects.

the credit crunch hold you back…  Improve efficiency Increase profits Reduce costs Save time

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Making wind energy a breeze Dow Corning says that its silicones are helping wind energy become one of the world’s fastest growing sources of renewable power with technologies that help improve turbine reliability, increase efficiency and reduce costs. Converting wind energy to electricity is relatively simple: blades on a turbine shaft turn a generator to produce electricity. However, effectively producing a significant amount of clean, renewable power can strain components such as hydraulic circuits, brakes, blades and bearings. “The cost of alternative energy sources must be weighed against existing technologies, so factors such as reliability, remote monitoring and ease of maintenance are critical factors for operators of wind turbines,” said Suzanne Fuson, global market director of Dow Corning. “High-efficiency lubrication is critical to ensure reduced maintenance and long-term reliability of wind power technologies.” Friction between wind turbine components can drastically reduce efficiency, making proper lubrication and maintenance essential to maximise energy output. Specially formulated silicone lubricants, such as Molykote® brand lubricants from Dow Corning, are designed to meet these extreme demands. “From industrial plants to wind powered turbines, new advances in silicone lubricants and proper lubrication programs have helped manufacturers and consumers reduce their carbon footprint,” adds Suzanne. “As the need for more wind farms and renewable sources of energy increases, silicones will continue to play a vital role in growing wind energy as a critical part of a balanced energy future.”

Bringing manufacturing back to UK 3M’s 950 Adhesive Transfer Tape has helped enable a manufacturer of automotive privacy shades to accelerate lead times and migrate its production back to the UK from the Far East. A cheaper alternative to window tinting the shades cover the entire surface area of the window while still allowing it to be wound down. Production was undertaken in the Far East, but OE Sunshades soon realised that the overly long lead times and the cost of airfreight were wiping out many of the savings. Thanks to the performance of 3M’s 950 Adhesive Transfer Tape, it engineered out as much of the labour as it could and brought production back to Nottinghamshire. A primary issue faced during development was the ability to keep the shade material taught on the metal frame prior to the application of a woven-edge binding. “We tried everything,” explains Stephen Giles, operations director of OE Sunshades. “Other tapes, sprays, heat-applied adhesives and nothing seemed to be able to hold the fabric firmly, with it often detaching or rucking prior to the final sewing operation. After a series of trial runs, we finally found our candidate – 3M 950 Tape delivered exactly what we wanted. Another plus was the ease at which it comes off its backing paper – you will not believe the mess we created with tapes from other suppliers.” OE Sunshades is now adding two new car models a week and can receive a car at 08:30 and have it out of the door by 16:30; having measured the apertures, developed the CNC programme for the wire frame, created manufacturing procedures and fabricated initial quality-control samples. “With just six people working a single shift pattern, we are able to produce more than 500 sets of shades per week.” 3M 950 Tape is ideal for attaching a wide variety of similar and dissimilar materials where an aggressive adhesive with high initial adhesion is required. This pressuresensitive, medium-firm acrylic adhesive also features good shear holding power and, at just 0.13mm thick, the clear adhesive does not impact on the aesthetics of the substrates being bonded. The tapes can be used on a huge variety of substrates and variants, catering for simple paper/card bonding to high-pressure, high-strength versions.

Tolerance rings make for quieter electric motors Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Rencol has announced the successful completion of a research programme confirming that tolerance ring bearing mounts decrease vibration compared to the more traditional press fit and glue alternatives. By fine-tuning the characteristics of the joint between the bearing and the housing, the tolerance ring helps reduce the vibration within the bearing and reduces the amount of vibration energy being transferred to noise. Rencol engineers believe that this cost effective mounting solution has a positive effect on the electric motor and bearing life enabling it to run much quieter and smoother, for longer. Initial results from the research suggest that as the stiffness of a joint using a tolerance ring is lower than that of a press fit or glue bearing mount, the transmitted force through the bearing into the housing is reduced. In addition, with a tolerance ring mount, the dampening effects observed effectively absorb more of the vibration energy. “Glue and press fit bearing mounts could become a thing of the past,” commentsvvww Stuart Kelly, appliance product manager at Rencol. “Tolerance rings offer better repeatability, lower RMS (root-mean-square) noise level, lower RMS vibration level at high speeds and the ability to control the frequency band in which the resonance occurs.”

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ACT (FASTENERS & COMPONENTS) LIMITED T: +44 (0)1902 791880 F: +44 (0)1902 791884

E: W: Units 13 & 16, Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Station Road, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton WV10 7DB, UK.

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REN nut provides high strength fastening The REN nut is the latest addition to Profil UK’s extensive range of high strength pierce and clinch fastening products. Profil explains that the REN nut was developed to provide exceptional torque and pull through performance in panels up to 9mm thick, and is ideal for applications subject to intense dynamic, static and shock loading, such as those found in vehicle chassis and suspension assemblies. The REN nut is available with M8-M16 threads and is equally suitable for plain or coated raw materials in aluminium, steel, stainless steel, magnesium and high strength steel. The nut also features a large flange and a series of underhead ribs that bite into the base material for additional torque resistance. It can be inserted automatically in pressed components as part of the production process, or installed as a secondary operation into prepierced holes. “The fastener’s development reflects the depth of in-country technical support that underpins all our products,” says Profil UK’s sales manager, Adrian Ellis. “It not only enables us to recommend the most appropriate fastener for a customer’s needs, but also tailor solutions to individual applications. The REN nut is a case in point – being originally designed to meet the requirements of a Scandinavian HGV manufacturer. The customer is now putting the system’s corrosion resistance, cost and quality benefits to good use in several ‘wet’ chassis areas. However, the new fastener’s suitability for thicker materials Spirol Industries Limited, a manufacturer of will also make it engineered fasteners, has opened a new customer an excellent choice demonstration facility at its headquarters in Corby, in for high strength metal the UK. fabrications or safetyFeaturing the company’s leading edge automatic critical assemblies at other machines for pinning and insert assembly, Spirol off-road and commercial customers can visit the demonstration facility to assess vehicle producers.” the potential Spirol automation technology and also bring samples of their own products and evaluate their suitability for automated assembly. The new facility complements Spirol’s other engineering design services and highlights a commitment to customer support. “We can provide a comprehensive evaluation of The Wuhan Chang Jiang cable-stayed bridge is a major traffic thoroughfare in customer requirements for any fastening application the Wuhan region of China. This six lane bridge handles around 50,000 motor from potential assembly methods through to hole size, vehicles everyday and has been open since 1995. component materials, performance expectations and As part of a regular maintenance programme, in line with China’s National cost requirements. Application engineers will assess Concrete Structure Reinforcement Design Specifications, the vertical and horizontal alternative approaches that may shorten design and concrete columns and beams of the bridge are reinforced and repaired with various development time, and improve application performance. advanced materials, including Araldite structural adhesives and Carbon Fibre An on-line application engineering service provides Reinforcement Polymers (CFRP) bonding epoxy adhesives. a quick evaluation of any fastening or assembly ® For the vertical columns on the bridge, Araldite construction adhesives have application.” ® been used to bond old and new concrete and Araldite epoxy adhesives anchoring Apart from automated installation and assembly systems have been used for the high specification chemical anchoring applications products, Spirol Industries offers a range of fasteners the bridge required. including coiled and slotted spring pins, solid pins, spacers, The rectangular columns were strengthened by injecting them with steel plate and other tubular products, as well as threaded inserts, ® bonding adhesives while the circular columns were treated with Araldite CFRP milled brass nuts, shims, pin and vibratory parts feeders. bonding epoxy adhesives. The horizontal beams were also strengthened using the

New demo facility for automated fastener assembly

No shaking Araldite

same methods. On the Wuhan bridge the Araldite® adhesives have to withstand temperatures ranging from 40˚C in the summer to -20˚C in the winter. Another key factor in the region is that all structures have to meet the “Fortified Zone Against Earthquakes” design requirements. “Araldite® systems was chosen for this project because of their proven track record in very high specification construction applications for concrete structures. Huntsman Construction Systems deliver a range of bonding and reinforcement solutions for major concrete building and other construction applications.” These range from Araldite adhesives for the bonding of concrete segments with high strength and thixotropic properties, through crack injection for building and structural restoration, to advanced epoxy systems used in chemical anchoring and marble wall dry-fixing applications.“


Metallurgy and the Titanic disaster by John Newnham Fastener Specialist, Confederation of British Metalforming It is nearly 100 years since the Titanic disaster, but that has not diminished the worldwide interest in anything to do with it. In the first half of 2008, there were notices in the newspapers about a new book that claims that the poor quality of rivets used in the making of the Titanic was the main reason that the ship sank so quickly. The book is titled “What Really Sank the Titanic”, and was written by two American researchers, Timothy Foecke and Jennifer Hooper McCarty. The book also prompted a 90 minute television documentary, shown in the UK by Channel 4 last November, in which McCarty played a prominent part. Dr Timothy Foecke has been involved with researching the metallurgical aspects of the tragedy for over ten years, almost since the first pieces of the ship were brought to the surface. He is a metallurgist with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, which has been associated with most of the metallurgical investigations on this topic, so you have to take his theories seriously. Rivets that have been retrieved from the wreck have been analysed by these researchers, and it has been found that they were made of wrought iron, but with a very large slag content, almost 10%, which would have a major effect on mechanical performance. It is surmised that such rivets would fracture prematurely under the stresses imposed in the collision with the iceberg. The rivets were being used at a time of transition in the shipbuilding industry from wrought iron to steel rivets, and the better steel rivets were used in the mid-sections of the ship. The researchers believe that the shipbuilders had difficulty sourcing enough high quality rivets, because they were building three similar ships simultaneously, the Titanic and its sister ships, the ‘Olympic’ and the

‘Britannic’, each of which needed about three million rivets, so inferior fasteners were used for expedience. This claim has been disputed by Harland and Wolff, the shipbuilders who built the Titanic all those years ago, saying that the use of various grades of rivets was probably intentional because of the way that ships were made at that time. This is not the only metallurgical problem that has been identified with the Titanic. Most of the metallurgical information published about the Titanic before last year focused on the steel plates used, surmising that the properties of the steel were the cause of the rapid sinking. Several papers published around 1998 to 2000 claimed that the steels used in the skin of the ship were not capable of withstanding impacts at very low temperatures. Samples of steel plate had been recovered from the ship, and when they were tested, they showed a severe loss of toughness at low temperatures. This is the “ductile-brittle transition” in steels, which was not known about until the mid-1900s. Steels that are quite tough and durable at normal temperatures become brittle like glass at low temperatures. In the case of the Titanic, tests on the steel plates recovered from the

wreck showed a transition temperature of over 30˚C, so they would have been relatively brittle at normal temperatures. But with the sea temperature being at -2˚C at the time of the disaster, it is believed that this phenomenon was responsible for the plates on the Titanic in contact with the iceberg cracking and fracturing, rather than deforming by bending. Modern steels have a transition temperature of -25˚C or better, but such steel was not available in the early 1900s, and there is every reason to believe that the best available steels were employed in the building of the ships. After the disaster, there were many improvements made to the way that ships were built and operated, to try to avoid any possibility of a similar event. Some of these were engineering changes, and some were purely operational. The metallurgical discoveries came much later and while the theory about the rivets is interesting, it has to be kept in context. The sister ship ‘Olympic’ was retired from service after almost 25 years of operation, and was built at the same time as the Titanic, using the same specification materials. The main difference is that it didn’t hit an iceberg!

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Avdel introduces new suspension kit Avdel has announced the new Genesis® Suspension Kit for vertical down operation which features a remote stem collection unit. The suspension kit attaches to most of the tools in the new Genesis® range, as well as some of the original Genesis® tools, and can be retro fitted to the tools to create a secondary handle and trigger arrangement, allowing the tool to be held in an easy to use position with little weight placed on the operator. A stem extraction device leads the stems up to 2.5m away from the tool where they can be collected without the need to frequently empty collector bottles. Jon Brewer, principle engineer, recommends the Genesis® suspension kit for “any production line where tools are used in the vertically downward attitude dealing in a high volume of rivets or where tools are picked up and placed down often.” The use of the suspension kit offers operator comfort and can prevent wear and tear from tools being dropped. Other suspension kits are available for the Avdel® Speed Fastening® range allowing the tools to be suspended from above or mounted under benches depending on the customers needs. The Speed Fastening® range can be suspended on either a fixed arm or pantograph arm with a reach over 80cm. Other options include multihead workstations for fast assembly and up to sixty heads placing simultaneously.

Tornado launches ultra fast nail dispenser To make a professional ‘first fix’ easier, Tornado Construction Products has launched its TD90S nail gun. Designed with a quick and accurate nail depth setting Tornado says the TD90S is excellent even in tight corners and is quieter to operate than many competitors’ models currently on the market. It also easily fires 90mm ring shaft nails due to its strong firing mechanism. The TD90S uses D-head nail in lengths of 50mm, 63mm, 75mm and 90mm and diameters from 2.8mm – 3.3mm. Packaged in a sturdy case, the Tornado TD90S kit includes two high capacity batteries, intelligent charger and safety goggles. “The battery, which charges in 1.5 hours, is so efficient it allows for approximately 50% more shots than similar models. In addition to the TD90S we can also provide Tornado Rapide nail-sets and fuel cells which are ideal companions for the nail gun.“

oSa reinforces safety message The Organization for the Safety of Abrasives (oSa®) is once again highlighting the importance of correctly marked abrasive materials. Abrasive wheels incorrectly selected or misused can be very dangerous, causing serious injuries. The range of products in terms of size, shape, specification and operating requirements require explicit marking regulations. International and European standards of abrasives therefore require that the maximum permissible operating speed (in m/s and RPM), the dimensions, and any particular restrictions to use, be marked directly on the abrasive wheel. A severe infringement of oSa regulations is the missing 5-digit private label number, as this number safeguards traceability from the user/dealer/importer back to the manufacturer. “Unfortunately many products do not meet these requirements and therefore give rise to great safety risks. Consequently, our message to all users of abrasives is don’t use a product if its marking is illegible, incomplete or missing.”

Strength through simplicity Masterfix has recently introduced its new generation of EZMaster power tools, which it says combine strength and reliability with a sleek, attractive and ergonomically sound design. Masterfix points to its 15 years of experience in hydraulic/pneumatic tooling for its modern consolidated technical design which it says contains approximately 25% less parts compared to similar tools in the market. Thus making the tools far less service susceptible than comparable models, as well as being suited for continuous use. The EZM 1000 and EZM 2000 are suitable for setting blind rivets from 3mm – 5mm and 4mm – 6.4mm respectively in aluminium, steel and stainless steel. Both tools weigh only 1.25kg and have an operating power of 5 – 7 bar.










King of the screwdrivers Fast battening Developed from the success of the revolutionary 146 screwdriver, King Dick Tools now has, new for 2009, a VDE insulated version available. The unique screwdriver uses its patented tip form to enable it to fit into six sizes of cross-point screwdriver. The screwdriver fits PZ1, PZ2, PZ3, PH1, PH2 and PH3. Made to King Dick’s high performance and precision standards, the screwdrivers feature soft feel, bi-material handles and high grade steel blades with extra-hardened tip for power and longevity. The regular screwdriver also has a hexagon shaft feature for greater torque application. King Dick tells us “The 1000 volt, VDE live-line version has introduced this tool now to an appreciative wider user base, and has already seen sales beyond expectations. We launched this new screwdriver at Totally Tools in January and we are delighted with the response, and, indeed, with the whole event as we had better feedback and results than previous years.


PREBENA says its new LATTFIX adds a new dimension to working on roof battens and element battens by being economic, precise, comfortable and twice as fast as other products. The PREBENA coil nailer 7F-CNW90 is integrated in the LATTFIX. Cordless air supply with two compressed air cylinder KT-3500’s will last for battening of approximately 80m2. “With a weight of 14.5kg and an operating pressure of 5 - 7 bar, the LATTFIX is suitable for working on the roof and offers a setting range from 150mm – 500mm slat distance.

Award for Zyklop ratchet Screwdriving tool specialist Wera from Germany, has been awarded an “iF Product Design Award” for 2009 for its Zyklop ratchet. The “iF Product Design Award” is given to products which stand out due to pioneering industrial design, and have become trend setters in their category. This year there were more than 3,000 applications from 40 countries. The groundbreaking Zyklop ratchet impressed the international jury, who considered the following factors: design quality, workmanship, choice of materials, degree of innovation, environmental compatibility, functionality, ergonomics, visualisation of use, safety, brand value and universal design. The Zyklop ratchet combines the functionality of five ratchet types and a screwdriver in just one tool, as well as adding several completely unique features. Wera points out that the Zyklop is of industrial quality and can take the harsh demands of workshop use, as well as delivering fast working speeds. The speed results from the rotating mass design, in combination with the free wheel sleeve. Just like a spinning top, the user gives a brief spin and the ratchet turns quickly and steadily. “This award is a significant milestone for Wera, by diversifying in this way we have extended our product spectrum, bringing to the ratchet market the excellent reputation and experience we have built through seventy years of manufacturing the highest quality, most innovative screwdriving tools available.”


Paslode launches positive placement nailer Paslode has responded to what is sees as a genuine gap in the market with the new PPN35i - the first cordless positive placement nailer for fixing metal connector plates to timber. The PPN35i nose piece has been designed to locate holes in connector plates at angles of up to 35 degrees to ensure correct positioning, even in difficult to reach areas. The NHBC requires every hole in a metal connector plate to be fixed. “The PPN35i really does offer a new solution to a genuine problem users face on-site” said Anthony Marsh, head of marketing for Paslode. “It makes a painstaking task quicker and easier and from a safety perspective helps avoid injury.” The PPN35i weighs in at 3.9kg and is powered by an intelligent electronic fuel injection system giving the ultimate reliable performance. By delivering the exact dosage of fuel required at any given temperature the PPN35i can achieve a working threshold of between -15°C and 49°C. The PPN35i is suitable for fixing joist hangers, truss clips, metal straps, L-brackets and Z-clips.

Milwaukee expands range

Dormer Tools heralds new era

Milwaukee, a manufacturer of heavy-duty electric power tools and accessories, has heavily invested in new product development for 2009. 2009 sees the launch of the M12 cordless 12v range and M18 cordless 18v range, offering more lightweight and compact tools. The M12 and M18 ranges include combi drivers, impact drivers, angle grinders and jigsaws, all of which Milwaukee says offer strength, heavy-duty durability and flexibility. All tools are powered by Lithium-ion batteries which offer longer run-time, lower weight and are environmentally friendly. The innovative M12 system of cordless tools are precisely scaled to deliver the power, speed or torque required for professional applications, yet they fit easily into the tool pouch. Highlights from the compact M12 range, which is set to expand to a thirty tool system, include three market firsts; a digital inspection camera, the C12HZ 12v Hackzall, which includes an innovative SawZall blade fitment that gives the user greater control, and the copper Pipe cutter, all of which will be available from April 2009. Milwaukee’s new M18 18v cordless range will be a 40 tool system, with the range including the 18v drill driver, impact driver, circular saw, reciprocating saw and jigsaw. Emma Cooper, Milwaukee’s marketing manager, commented: “At Milwaukee, we are constantly assessing the needs of professional users to ensure that our products offer best value and top quality features. We have invested in ensuring that our tools meet user requirements, and feel confident that users will benefit from the durability, reliability, performance, safety and handling.”

Dormer Tools has marked the beginning of a new era - with the opening of its multi-million pound site in South Yorkshire, UK. Fabrizio Resmini, president of the Dormer Tools Group, cut the ribbon to officially launch the world-class facility at the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP), heralding the next step in the company’s 100 year evolution. The new premises at the AMP, between Rotherham and Sheffield, marks a step forward for the company, with the creation of a training room, a major research and development facility, and an international export service to support emerging and developing markets. It will be Dormer’s key site for sales, both in the UK and around the world, particularly the Middle East, with more than £20 million worth of orders processed from the South Yorkshire base. Nick Garner, managing director of Dormer Tools, said: “Our new facility is the commercial home for the Dormer UK sales company, but perhaps more importantly, we have the new training facility and productivity centre. This will be where we can focus on the customer’s application requirements, hold customer surgeries for their machining problems and train our staff and the staff of our customers.” He added “We also have the research and development centre for identifying, devising and delivering new products and new machining solutions, such as tools for machining composites, which is becoming more important in many of our focus industries.”

...and now from Arpel more quality fasteners. The range of high strength structural threaded inserts maximising grip range are now available in stainless steel and hexagon body in steel. Other types of standard inserts, rivets, pin and collars and all associated tooling boringly available from stock at quality prices with Live Chat Entertainment!

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AMERICA This issue we are focusing on North American companies looking to inform the European fastener and fixings markets about their product ranges, capabilities and services.

Chandler Products Chandler Products, a member of the Elgin Fastener Group, is a recognized leader in the manufacture of custom engineered fasteners, specializing in small to medium production orders with close tolerances. Since 1930 Chandler fasteners have been used in many different markets. Major markets include Class 4 – 8 engine and transmission, locomotive, military, fire protection, compressors and hydraulic controls. Our quality system is ISO registered and all processes are 100% statistically controlled. Chandler Products has a full line of secondary equipment that allows us to perform operations creating unique fasteners. These include but are not limited to trimming, extruding, shaving, pointing, grinding, broaching, milling, drilling, knurling and threading. In addition, we take advantage of our extensive in-house tooling and die department. We offer many grades of material. The most popular are Class 5.8, 8.8, 9.8, 10.9 and 12.9. We manufacture a large assortment of fasteners to ISO Standards and Din Specs.


Delta Engineering Corp. Delta’s New Short-Run Packaging System Delta Engineering Corp. (Winchester, MA, USA), known as the leader in fastener packaging machinery since 1951, recently expanded its product line of fully automatic counting and weighing systems to include a new Short-Run Packaging System. This award winning packaging system is designed for the packaging of fasteners, electrical connectors, and other discretely shaped items into boxes, bags, and clamshells when packaging runs are too short for the setup time needed for fully automatic systems or for those who have packaging requirements that do not justify the higher cost of full automation. It also lends itself to the packaging of items that tangle too much for automatic machinery to count accurately. The system is designed as a replacement for the traditional bench scale by taking most of the material handling out of the process with the use of a vibratory feeder system. This method eliminates the drudgery of the hand-filling process and makes for a much more pleasant and productive packaging experience. Customers report a doubling of the productivity of one operator which, combined with the unit’s low price, makes for a favorable ROI for those who currently hand-package as little as four hours per day.


Earnest Machine Products

50+ years of Quality Tools

Whether in the US or in Europe our purpose is to keep the world moving with quality parts through distribution excellence.

Gage Bilt has been manufacturing quality blind rivet and lock bolt installation tools for over 50 years. As a longtime supplier to Huck Mfg. Co; Gage Bilt is the expert for tools to install Huck bolts, Avdel and other fasteners.

When it comes to holding your business together, not all fasteners are created equal. Earnest is a leader in the fastener industry with a commitment to supplying high quality fasteners and excellent customer service. Whether it’s a million dollar machine or a kid’s red wagon, we can help you grow your business. How can we help you? From the basic to the complex, Earnest is the premier partner for today’s distributor. We can process your monthly order for one part or your daily order for one hundred parts. Our focus on customer service starts with a knowledgeable sales team handling your phone call to a powerful information system that can support annual planning. At Earnest we take your business seriously. Our distribution centers are strategically located in North America for next-day delivery and we service Europe from our facility in the UK. For our North American distributors with opportunities in Europe we are ready to help you grow.

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 352600

Greenslade & Company Greenslade & Company supplies the widest range of standard fastener inspecting equipment in the world. Our product line includes GO/NOGO and variable thread gages, recess measuring devices, head height & head protrusion measuring gages, length gages, concentricity gages, tapping screw testing equipment, drill-drive time machines, and torque-tension measuring and recording equipment. Much of our unique equipment is covered by U.S. Patents.

Greenslade & Company, Inc. Fastener


Innovative 1978

2234 Wenneca Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Phone: 817-870-8888 Fax: 817-870-9199 E-mail:

Greenslade & Company designs and manufactures a wide range of special dimensional inspection systems to meet customers’ specific measurement challenges. Over the years Greenslade & Company has adopted and carefully refined the combined philosophies of “Less is more!” and “Form follows Function!” as its guiding principles in overcoming measurement challenges. Greenslade & Company is a high-tech provider of dimensional calibration services to industrial firms throughout North America. Our calibration laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment that uses proprietary software to produce calibration certificates directly from the surveillance measurements. Greenslade & Company is accredited to ISO 17025 by the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) under registration number 1032-1. Email:

We have the toughest installation tools available to install blind rivets from 2mm thru 10mm in diameter. For blind rivets through 5mm, Gage Bilt offers a straight, right angle and offset nose to achieve the closest clearances. Gage Bilt is a leading innovator in ergonomics with patented products that address “small design.” We sell split handle pistol grip and in-line systems; high-speed low maintenance power units and lock bolt tools that are capable of 218,000 newtons! Gage Bilt services a wide spectrum of industries from porta-johns to the space shuttle. So whether you’re using pop rivets or highly sophisticated aerospace rivets to assemble trains, trucks, planes or automobiles, Gage Bilt has a one-stop solution for the toughest manufacturing problems. You will find dozens of tools and hundreds of nose assemblies at our website or you can send us your fastener specs for knowledgeable, professional assistance. Email:

Ohio Rod Products


Service Since

Gage Bilt

Ohio Rod Products, a member of the Elgin Fastener Group, offers a broad range of capabilities in metric and inch long-length headed and threaded fasteners. We maintain a wide diameter range of low carbon, heat treatable, galvanized, and stainless steel raw materials in stock, and we will special order mill minimums to your requirements. Additionally, we maintain close relationships with nearby heat treat, plating, and patch sources in order to provide a wide range of post treatment options. Our success can be traced directly to our focus on engineering excellence, superior quality, and unsurpassed service. We maintain a continuous program of machine acquisition and technology improvements to ensure ongoing productivity and product feature improvements; it’s helped us earn and maintain our ISO 9001: 2000 Certification. We also strive to provide a consistently high level of quality throughout our entire organization. From our Midwest location in Versailles,IN., we are eager to show you how our personalized service and technological advancements can be applied to your long length fastener requirements. Tel: 001-812-689-6565


Pilgrim Screw Corporation Established in 1932, Pilgrim Screw Corporation is the premier manufacturer of AN-MS-NASNA screws & bolts and OEM specials-to-print for the military/ aerospace industries. Pilgrim Screw has two manufacturing facilities in Rhode Island and Arizona, both of which are registered to AS9100/ISO 9001:2000 by NQA. As an Airbus approved vendor, they are also registered with the U.S. Department of State for ITAR [22 CFR 120-130] and the U.S. Department of Commerce for EAR [15 CFR 730-774] enabling them to easily do business in Europe. Diameters Precision fasteners produced have diameters as small as .060” (1.5mm) and as large as 1.25” (32mm) in lengths up to 36” (914mm). Materials Pilgrim Screw produces fasteners in a variety of materials including A286, Stainless Steel, Grade 8 Alloy Steel (4037, 4130, 8740, etc.), Inconel 718 & 750, Titanium 6-4 & 6-6-2, Monel® 400 & 500, Naval Brass, and much more. Recesses Phillips® & Phillips ACR®, Phillips Torq-Set® & Phillips ACR Torq-Set®, Phillips Tri-Wing® & ACR Tri-Wing®, Six-lobe per NAS1800, are a sampling of the recesses Pilgrim Screw is able to produce. Tel: 001 (401) 274-4090 ext. 25

Reed Machinery Lowering Production Costs with Minimum Capital Cost With the global economy depressed, fastener and other formed parts prices are severely depressed. One way to cut part cost is to increase productivity but new machinery may require significant capital investment. Used machinery may be worn more than what you wish to replace. Now you can upgrade your thread rolling equipment with a minimum investment. Upgrade kits are available for Hartford® thread rolling machines from Reed Machinery, Inc. that speed up set up time and increase production rate. Precision Plus™ starters positively position the blank for rolling and are available as a do-it-yourself kit. Other upgrades include a new stationary die block with taper adjustment to eliminate shims. A mechanical part kickoff is available if you are experiencing problems with inconsistent part release and/or rollbacks. Reed can partially or completely rebuild your thread roller or provide you one of ours with all the new features including AC drive. Get the performance of the latest technology by upgrading your existing machines. Contact us for information about Hartford, Reed and Waterbury parts and upgrades. Tel: 001 508 595 9090

Solon Manufacturing Company

Retina Systems

Chardon, Ohio USA

Manufacturers of 100% Certified, Zero-Defect Turnkey Inspection Systems featuring RETINA VISION for Process Control & Quality Assurance. Offering the industry’s only statistically certified inspection solutions with advanced vision technology for 100% inspection including sorting, gauging, attribute verification, surface flaw analysis and crack detection for the Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Electronic, Fastener and other industries. Retina’s approach to inspection systems starts and ends with a Minitab® statistical analysis for proven capability. Since 1977, Retina Systems’ personnel have provided non-contact, automated turnkey inspection solutions, packaging systems, application expertise, service and support. With hundreds of man-years of experience, we will demonstrate & prove capability for your application.

Maintain Bolt Preload Solon Belleville Springs®, Solon Disc Springs® and Solon Flange Washers® maintain the bolt load needed to keep a bolted joint tight. It is critical that the bolt maintain preload in order to keep a bolted joint from failing. Standard sizes range from OD 8mm - 250mm and ID 3.2mm - 125mm, and #4 -4” ID. Solon Belleville Springs Solon’s 301 stainless steel and 17-7PH stainless steel springs are commonly used on electrical connections such as electrical busbar to counteract the effects of differential thermal expansion or contraction. They are also used for bolting heavy static applications. Solon Disc Springs - Conforms to DIN 2093 Solon Disc Springs, conforming to DIN 2093, are available in 17-7PH stainless steel and 718 Inconel. Disc springs are used for dynamic and valve live loading applications. Solon Flange Washers The main distinction of a flange washer is that they are designed to fit standard flanges. Flange washers are used in flange and valve live loading applications to keep gaskets and packing from leaking. Solon Engineered Solon engineers welcome your unusual or difficult applications. Contact Solon today.


Tel: 001 440 286 7149

Star Metal Products

Volt Industrial Plastics, Inc

Star Metal Products is an ISO Registered manufacturer of complex machined components and products for diverse industrial market sectors. Highly recognized as a leader in the cold-forming industry, Star Metal specializes in machine replacement parts and tooling for all types of coldformer transfer systems. We currently stock over 8000 items (See our online product catalog at, and also supply custom products manufactured to customer print specifications. Since our founding in 1947, Star Metal has developed loyal and lasting relationships with our valued customers. As of 2009, that includes over 800 companies throughout 28 countries. We are committed to maintaining our leadership in cold forming machine replacement parts/ tooling and will continue to provide unparalleled quality, exceptional technological innovation, and highly responsive customer service.

Volt Industrial Plastics, Inc. is a customer oriented business located in the USA and sells worldwide. Our customer service is one trait that distinguishes us from other plastic fastener manufacturers. Volt works with their customers to develop and produce the finest quality product for every application. Also at Volt, they provide quick-response service on custom parts. If there is a part a customer needs and its not in their catalogue,d Volt has the skills and equipment to achieve a fast turnaround on new tooling and prototypes. Volt has over 500 million standard parts in inventory to accommodate same day shipping on most catalogue items. They also offer over 125 different materials upon request. Volt Industrial Plastics, Inc clearly offers everything needed to be a great source for any company buying plastic fasteners. Please take a look at their website for updated products and information, also request a free catalog and samples.

• Competitive Pricing • State of the Art CAD/CAM Software Systems • MRP Scheduling • Continuous In-Process Inspection • ISO 9001:2000


Tel: 001 800 844 8024


Wrentham Tool products Wrentham Tool Products has been a leading supplier of cold heading tools since it’s founding in Wrentham Ma. in 1948. The company mission of providing World Class Quality, Value Pricing and Unparalleled Customer Service quality are the focus of it’s strategic plans. WTP has built its reputation by providing and continuing to provide high quality recess punches in both standard and specials versions. WTP is proud to announce that we have aggressively expanded our offerings to include Aerospace recess tooling such as ACR TORQ-SET®, TRI WING®, ACR PHILLIPS® and the newly introduced MORTORQ® Spiral Drive System. WTP has also expanded our gaging products to include calibration and re-certification service as well as new gages for checking overall fastener quality. WTP is a TORX® and Torx-plus licensee capable of providing a full line of pins, and holders including Hex Inserts Hex Pins and Trim Dies. WTP has dramatically increased stock levels and has appointed sales agents in strategic locations both domestically and internationally to better serve the customer. For more information contact: Tel: 001 508-966 2332


Contact: Claire Lake Email: Tel: +44 (0)1727 739 150 Fax: +44 (0)1727 831 033


Armstrong Precision Components unveils Eco-Kit Armstrong Precision Components, a division of Caparo Engineering, has recently launched the ArmaCoilTM Eco-Kit, its brand new pocket size solution for thread repairs, aimed at engineers of all industries. The product is a three step repair system, specifically engineered for damaged threads, and comes complete with all the equipment needed for a fast and effective repair. Targeted at engineers of all industries, it is available in Metric, UNC and UNF options, with spark plug sizes also in stock soon. The Eco-Kit, small enough to fit neatly on the top tray of any toolbox or the overall pocket of the user, is the perfect extension to APC’s vast range of products. “The ArmaCoilTM Eco-Kit will be the ideal choice for the engineer who has only a few repairs to make. No special training is required, and it will recover any damaged product in three easy steps”, states John Hope, business development director at Caparo Armstrong Precision Components Ltd. The product was launched at the end of November 2008, and was supported with the creation of an Eco-Kit specific brochure and price lists.

EJOT fastener shows values of R&D

EJOT UK has announced the launch of Opticore, a fastening solution for membrane faced composite systems. The brainchild of the company’s UK based R&D laboratory EJOT Applitec, the company says the ingenuity of its design has already met with an enthusiastic response from system manufacturers. EJOT UK’s managing director Chris Middleton explained, “We challenged ourselves to bring something innovative and totally fresh to the marketplace; something to take user benefits to another level, both practically and environmentally, whilst maintaining the highest engineering qualities.” Months of research and consultation preceded the development programme, headed by EJOT’s Brian Mack; “Our goal was to deliver a product endorsed by fact and not theory, so we adapted a holistic approach that challenged every possible angle. The result is a fastener that cores, drills and fixes without compromise to the liner sheet, whilst significantly improving thermal retention values.” The Opticore range provides a one step installation solution for hot and cold rolled steel as well as timber substrates. All Opticore options, including stitchers, are available in both carbon and stainless steel.

Caught in a Rivit web Rivit has announced its brand new website, born three years after its previous project. The new website allows users to get in touch with the Rivit world and its history, as well as to be constantly updated on news, products related to each division, exhibitions, and on special offers in progress. All new products introduced by Rivit will also be published on the website, both in the ‘Products’ and ‘News’ areas, where users will be able to learn more details on them, and to see the relevant pictures. Users will also be able to access Rivit’s new online catalogue, so that customers can look through the various products Rivit has to offer. Rivit also plans to add product data sheets with pictures and attachments (videos, texts, PDF files, etc) to the website. Products can also be found through the search function and through the filters of the products technical features. Visitors can also request a quotation for all items currently available on the website, which will be analysed directly from the Rivit office.

New screw designed to deter thieves When design engineer Colin Rouse had the number plates stolen from his van he thought it was just vandalism, but when he discovered that it was a growing problem he decided to do something about it. “The local garage told me that it happened all the time, they offered me some security screws, but I could see that they could all be removed with the right tool”. So his company, farouse design has come up with the PlateLok screw. This features a hollow nylon screw which attaches the plate in the normal way, after tightening the locking pin is inserted, preventing access to remove it. Co-designer Philip Farr explained, “The head of the screw is designed to be difficult to grip, and the centre pin will rotate if an attempt is made to drill it out. Also, the screw has been designed such that it cannot pass through the nut without first removing the locking pin”. The Hertfordshire based company is now looking for other markets. “We quickly saw that the concept of this screw has many applications” said Colin, “We currently have designs and prototypes for a range of screws, in both steel and plastic, and are looking for manufacturers. The range of applications is huge, apart from criminal theft in public areas there are safety critical applications, accidental removal and tamper evidence.”

l l a m s e h t s ’ t i ” s p m a l c f ! o e d c l n r e o r w e ff i d e h In the ” t s e k a m t a h t s l i a det


New design guide for inserts Making the right choice of plastic insert for a particular application is not a straight forward task as there is such a wide range of designs and materials available. These choices, together with information on correct installation and the vast range of plastic inserts available from Spirol Industries, are featured in the company’s new 24 page Design Guide for Inserts. The Spirol insert range includes products for post-mould installation as well as a series of moulded-in inserts. Variations include heat/ultrasonic inserts, self-tapping inserts, press-in inserts and expansion inserts. The Design Guide explains how to choose the correct types and how to use them correctly to ensure the best performance in-situ. “Spirol plastic inserts represent one of the widest ranges currently available from any single manufacturer and we are renowned for our product quality. The plastic inserts are supported by our standard and customised installation equipment as well as technical support. Application Engineering services are also available including total assembly solutions which ensure exactly the right insert is specified to ensure joint integrity throughout the life of the product/assembly.”

Introducing the Tower MagnaMole risk of electric shocks. Having drilled a hole in the wall, Magnamole is inserted through the cavity to the opposite side (extension rods are included if required). The cable sheath or for flat cables the stripped inner cores are then screwed into a magnetic cap. The cable is then pushed (rather than pulled) through the cavity with Magnamole acting as a guide. This innovative new product reduces the risk


Competence in Stainless Steel

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Rost- und säurebeständige Verbindungselemente Stainless steel fasteners Fixations en Acier Inoxydable

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Tower (a brand of Schneider Electric) has launched its new MagnaMole magnetic cable guide. This innovative product will help busy contractors save time and money by helping them quickly and safely thread cables through cavity walls and void spaces. MagnaMole is a small and effective device that takes the guesswork out of cable and wire threading. Tower says it can ensure quick and safe retrieval of cables as well as reducing the

of injury to the user and unnecessary damage to property or other cables in wall cavities. The MagnaMole is supplied with or without a drill bit, but all kits come with two extension rods which can be used for thicker walls and larger cavities. A full range of caps is also provided to suit all applications, including telecommunications, I.T., home entertainment, domestic and commercial wiring.

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Tel: 1.713.929.0480 Fax: 1.713.466.8899


Invasion of the fasteners Fastening Solutions UK, based in Gillingham, UK, has recently invested in its website to ensure that customers are fully aware of the products it has to offer. Fastening Solutions UK provides engineering solutions for threaded brass inserts for plastics and captive fasteners for thin sheet metal. The new investment in the website includes a technical drawings section being added, allowing customers to view the exact specifications of selected products. “As a bit of fun and to encourage visitors to the site we have also included a computer game called ‘Invasion of the fasteners’,” explains Dave Hancock, european sales director. “As far as we know it is the first fastener related game to be included on a company website and is meant as a bit of light entertainment for when people need a break, although it can get very addictive.” “We are looking for new customers and in this current down turn it is important to stand out from the crowd. Of course, our main interest is in companies trying us out so we can demonstrate that what really distinguishes us is the depth of our stock range and quality of our service.”

R Lok expansion rivet Tech-Fast has announced twenty two new R Lok part numbers within the company’s range of ‘panel fasteners’. R Lok expansion rivets are simple to use, yet still very strong and effective. Mounted using standard pop rivet tooling they provide a strong and corrosion free connection between fastened substrates. The company has also significantly updated its website which highlights many new products and also the market focused schematics for key target industries, such as; automotive, furniture, white goods and HVAC amongst many others. Other new additions include the looped tree clip and latched tree clip which have been added to the Pine Tree Clip family of products. The Looped Tree Clip is designed specifically to provide not only a fixing element, but also an anchor position which can have either a purse lock or a cable tie to secure a second element. The latched tree clip has the same benefits, but with the added feature of being able to be serviced. The ‘Full Fin’ fixing can be used in: steel, aluminium, wood, MDF, brick, stone, concrete, plasterboard and plastic. Made from Nylon 66 both parts are available in black and natural colour as standard, but further to this are also available in green, brown and clear (made in polypropylene) subject to minimum order quantities.

Specialist adhesive guide from Tremco The extensive range of professional adhesives available from Tremco illbruck is now detailed in a handy sized product guide. It features a product selector which explains the difference between the types of adhesives offered and outlines their applications. The leading range of products include cyanoacrylates, commonly known as superglues, for bonding small components of many material types; environmentally friendly water-based PVAs for use on wood, board and fabric; solvent-based contact adhesives for brush, roller or spray application; cartridge applied gap filling adhesives that replace nails and screws when fixing skirtings and dados; and high strength moisture curing PU (polyurethane), that tolerates damp surfaces and will bond oily timbers such as teak. Amongst Tremco illbruck’s specialist products is Tretobond DR 375, a contact adhesive developed specifically for use with polystyrene. Tremco says that unlike conventional contact adhesives, Tretobond DR 375 utilises a blend of mild solvents, minimising the risk of attack to painted surfaces and allowing for the bonding of mineral wool slabs and cork.


KEIL promotes façade technology Brighton Best

Price? Yes! Stock? Yes!

getting technical The new Metric 12.9 socket screw brochure from Brighton Best contains useful dimensional information regarding socket cap, countersunk, button head and 14.9 socket set screws with various points; in addition to this there are technical guidelines for tightening torque loading. The weight of each item in the Brighton range is displayed and accompanied with the pack quantities.



Service? Yes!

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KEIL Befestigungstechnik has launched its first catalogue to contain its complete range, as well as the principle of the undercut technology developed by KEIL. In addition to the system of invisible attachment of façade panels to support structures, KEIL Befestigungstechnik now also offers an attachment solution for support structures in masonry. This underlines KEIL’s competence in the area of ventilated façades. The new façade plug range is an important part of the attachment catalogue. The KT façade plug range includes all important versions and dimensions for anchoring in metal and wooden support structures. The KT façade plugs are also useful for attaching profiles, banisters, door frames, windows, roof support structures and cladding, as well as for cable runs and much more. Besides the tested quality, the advantages of the KEIL façade plug are its technical details. The plug has torsional rigidity which prevents rotation in the component and in hole. It is also protected against early the ho expansion in the hole. Extremely high support values and safety for large loads are guaranteed by KEIL due to the innovative and protected plug design. The KEIL KT façade plug is tested and has European Technical Approval to ETAG 020. The plug is manufactured of high-quality polyamide and has an F90 fire resistance as per ETAG 020. With an anchor depth of 70mm and an attachment thickness from 10mm up to 290mm, KEIL offers a comprehensive, clearly structured, customer oriented range.

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RIV-FLOAT® 3D model downloads now available Sherex Fastening Solutions and Traceparts Internet Service have partnered up to provide a 3D interactive online catalogue for engineers and designers. Sherex customers can configure rivet nut fasteners and then download 3D CAD models of the products in an ‘as installed state’ directly into their designs. The internally floating threads on RIV-FLOAT® allow for component attachments in off centre applications and can accommodate for tolerance stack up in the manufacturing process. The floating nut (0.02 inch radial float) aligns to drive the angle of the screw and thus eliminate cross threading and spin out. RIV-FLOAT® was designed for post installation in applications where cage nuts, clinch nuts, floating nut plates or weld nuts are typically used.

Loctite goes for speed and depth Loctite 5610 is a new two-part, fast curing silicone adhesive designed for bonding glass, metals, ceramics and most plastics and elastomers. Loctite points out that in many cases there is no need for surface preparation. It provides hot strength up to 180°C, yet has the capability of resisting higher temperatures of up to 250°C for short term exposure. It also achieves a handling strength within minutes. “Traditionally, standard single part silicones are slow to cure, have limited cure through volume and their adhesion can be substrate dependant,” explains Colin Chapman, marketing manager at Henkel, maker of Loctite brand products. “As well as fast curing, this new two part product has unlimited cure through volume, and gives good adhesion to a wide range of substrates without the need for a primer. Like all silicone products, Loctite 5610 is extremely flexible.” Where automated dispensing is required, Loctite application equipment is available for use with Loctite 5610.

Thorsman launches 2009 catalogue Thorsman, a company of Schneider Electric, has launched a brand new 2009 product catalogue. The full colour catalogue is packed with the popular ranges of cable clips, screws, fixings and hand tools, and also its latest additions, which include portable tool transformers, ‘ChargPak’; an ingenious power supply unit for use on building sites, and a new range of Goliath Worklights. The new Thorsman catalogue is smaller in size, to fit neatly into a glove box or folder, allowing contractors to take it with them on site.

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Latch integrates convenience with security The new Southco® R4-EM Electronic Rotary Latch combines robust rotary latch security and electronic access convenience in a single integrated solution. Unlike a standard mechanical latch linked with a separate solenoid actuator, the gearmotor drive in the R4-EM delivers a better feel to latch actuation and is more efficient in terms of lower power requirements and higher load capability. The compact integrated latch design also makes the R4-EM easy to install, operate, and maintain. The 65mm x 69mm x 19mm housing requires minimal space and minimal protrusion inside the compartment, and installs simply with just two bolts to keep installation costs low. The latch operates on 12 to 24VDC with a current draw during actuation of less than 500 milliamps at 12VDC. Microprocessor control accepts a variety of electronic actuation signals including wireless devices such as proximity cards or RF key fobs, hard-wired numeric keypads or swipe-card terminals, smart-reader devices, biometric devices, and remote computer or network security system signals. An integral micro-switch option is available to provide a “latch opened/latch closed” status signal for remote monitoring. “Its proven mechanical design and all-metal construction provide excellent vandal resistance with long-term durability and reliability. “

Avdel® Blind Fastening Systems

Holding your world together™ Avdel® Speed Fastening® Systems Fast, reliable, effective

Speed Fastening® Systems

Breakstem Systems

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Increased Manufacturing Throughput at Reduced Assembly Costs. Speed Fastening ® Systems cut your assembly cost

precision, system-compatible function that provides

significantly. Short cycle times increase productivity,

ease of operation and increased process speed. Thus,

and the intrinsic reliability of the process reduces

under normal operating conditions, up to 60 fasteners

rework and other quality costs. The result is a high

per minute can be placed.

Blind Threaded Inserts

Hannover Messe 20.04. - 24.04.2009 Halle 4 · Stand A15 Fastener Fair Stuttgart 07.10. - 8.10.2009 Halle 6 · Stand D25

Plugs According to DIN 5586, 7604, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910

Special Screws directly from stock! Fits bolts, plugs, slotted shoulder screws, knurled thumb screws, square head bolts, flat headed screws, hexagon set screws and specials.

A. Pasvahl · Oehleckerring 23 · D-22419 Hamburg Fon +49 (0) 40-532 852- 0 · Fax -52 · ·

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06.01.2009 13:51:07 Uhr


Solon Manufacturing launches new website Solon Manufacturing has announced the launch of its new website. The site includes an enhanced search feature that allows users to search by washer type (Belleville spring, flange washer and disc spring), material type, bolt type (inch and metric) and washer size. The site includes easy navigation throughout, including technical documents such as FAQ’s and white papers written by George P. Davet, chief engineer. A ‘Quick Quote’ section offers users the ability to send quotes quickly and directly to the quote department. Solon points out that a ‘literature request’ form allows for an easy way to request literature and technical documents. Solon Belleville product information and features are offered along with material specifications. Finally the events section keeps users informed of past and current industrial trade shows where Solon participates.

Snap-in clips for assembly BÜLTE says that snap-in clips are the ideal solution for an economical and rapid assembly. BÜLTE points out that all a user has to do is simply press together both pieces for fast and easy assembly. The action of the interlocking gripper teeth creates a bond that is very difficult to remove without damaging the clip. The standard materials are natural nylon (Polyamide 6.6) and natural polyacetal (Delrin, POM). POM resists hot water, greases and oils. Snapin clips are vibration, corrosion and abrasion resistant. Prong diameter is 7.8mm or 9.7mm and the hole diameter recommended is 8mm and 10mm. Head diameter varies between 12mm and 20mm (the larger head diameter makes binding of soft materials a simple application). Several head styles are available: binder slotted, flat slotted, mushroom or knurled thumb head. Standard lengths are 8.5mm and 16mm and BÜLTE offers 13.5mm and 21mm lengths in POM material.


BIG on bespoke bracketry screws B.I.G. (Brackets & Bolts) Ltd says it is yet to feel the effects of the credit crunch thanks to its unique product range and fast turnaround of bespoke bracketry. “Increasingly merchants and on-sellers are using our expertise to increase their own product portfolios, which is why we have decided to release a new website.” Currently in the final stages of design, the new website will include some unique features including an easy to use template which will enable customers to design their own ‘special fabrications’. Choosing from a set of templates such as post shoes, bike stands, support angles and brackets, a buyer just adds the relevant dimensions and forwards to B.I.G. for a quote.

Socket head shoulder screws Micro Plastics, Inc., Arkansas, US, is introducing a complete new line of over 40 sizes of moulded nylon 6/6 shoulder screws to meet demand. These socket head shoulder screws are offered in 10-24, 1/4 - 20, 5/18 -18 and 3/8 -16 threads, in lengths of 0.345 inches to 0.625 inches. Shoulder lengths range from 1/4 inch to 2 inch. Micro plastics says that the nylon properties of the shoulder screw make it an excellent choice in applications for use in hostile corrosive environments. The plastic shoulder screws are also electrically insulating, non-magnetic and have a high strength-two-weight ratio. Micro Plastics has an expanded inventory of nylon screws that include such head styles as binder, binder combination, fillister, pand, socket, oval, flat, and thumb screws, as well as, studs, grubs, flat head wing and polycarbonate screws.

Wishes Come True. All standard parts in stock 24h Delivery Service

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For more Information please contact our sales department

10.01.2008 17:07:33 Uhr


Avdel® introduces new Monobolt® Avdel® has announced the introduction of its new 3/8 inch Monobolt® Rivet, as well as its 7287 installation tool. The new Monobolt® 3/8 inch (10mm) blind rivet is a multi-grip structural breakstem fastener which creates a fully sealed joint with a visible lock. The rivet is specially designed to suit a wide range of applications for the automotive, commercial vehicle and general industrial markets where high shear and tensile strengths are needed. The Monobolt® rivet resists shear up to 26.37kN and tension up to 17.55kN. The fastener works along the same principles as the 6.4mm and 4.8mm Monobolt® rivet, one of Avdel’s most prestigious product lines. The 3/8 inch Monobolt® has a grip range between 3.1mm and 15.8mm. To further enhance the benefits of the 3/8 inch Monobolt® fastener, a new installation tool has been specially developed to greatly improve the combination of power and speed. The 7287 tool’s key feature is its ability to place large heavy duty rivets with just one press of the trigger. An extended stroke of 29mm enables this single pull action as opposed to the two pull action necessary with many other tools on the market. The 7287 is hydro-pneumatic with a cycle time of just 1.7 seconds, Avdel® estimates this is 40% less than many rival tools, offering significant labour cost savings and increasing assembly capacity through better output. In addition to the new 3/8 inch Monobolt® the 7287 places a wider variety of the Avdel® fastener range.

Elesa addresses security From swimming pool covers to railway rolling stock access panels and equipment panels to toolboxes, Elesa says that the need for a simple locking bolt is addressed with its new CKE. Designed especially for outdoor situations, the CKE has a rugged and stylish glass reinforced polyamide housing with stainless steel bolt. Fitment is either plugged M5 bolts from the front or from the rear with M5 bolts into integral tapped bosses. Operation of the CKE is simplicity itself with a special Elesa design key system offering either a red fold-away key or more conventional ball head key. The bolt is simply pushed into place until it “clicks” and released by inserting the key which does not even need turning. Finish is in black so that it blends into the equipment environment – when open the bolt - in red - is easily seen, as a reminder to secure the equipment.

Loctite is visible on the web To meet the demand for more information about its Loctite Indigo brand light curing adhesive products, Henkel has introduced a dedicated website for the innovative technology. By logging on Henkel’s website visitors can learn more about the revolutionary adhesives that rely solely on low energy light in the visible spectrum to deliver all of the benefits of traditional light curing. Henkel points out that not only are the adhesives which include acrylics, silicones, cyanoacrylates and anaerobics - exceptionally efficient, but they also ensure a safer working environment, eliminate venting, reduce unnecessary energy usage, and save money through less replacement, maintenance, repair, and capital investment costs. “Our purpose is to help both users who are already familiar with light curing adhesives and those who are considering the switch,” says Colin Chapman, marketing manager at Henkel. “The web site provides a wide range of relevant information that can be accessed fast and efficiently.” Alongside details of the adhesive products, the web pages also provide information about the dispensing equipment for those applications that require automated application.

See us at Hannover Messe 20-24th April 2009 Hall 4/A15

American and British

inch sized screws USA - fasteners

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Over 30 years experience in trading and in supplying customers with inch sized fastening items. Don´t hesitate to ask us – We shall be pleased to help you.

Peter Schröder GmbH Silcherstr. 38 • D-74172 Neckarsulm Telephone: +49 (0) 71 32/99 60-0 Facsimile: +49 (0) 71 32/99 60-60


Not so FAR away The structural “Farbolt” from FAR is now available in stainless steel in diameters 4.8mm and 6.4mm. FAR also plans to introduce stainless steel sealed rivets in diameters 3.2mm, 4mm and 4.8mm by the middle of 2009. To add to this, FAR’s new tool, the KJ45/S, has been implemented with a quick on/off for air feeding and an easier and quicker change of mandrel. “The above demonstrates our continuing developments of products to meet customer demands, whilst maintaining our high quality of production.”

Aluminium replaces steel The increasing importance of magnesium as a construction material requires an inspired pairing of materials when it comes to screw fastenings. Arnold Umformtechnik says its Alufast® aluminium screws have proved to be particularly excellent for making screw fastenings on housing sections, brackets and stiffeners made of magnesium. Arnold Umformtechnik also points out that the approximate 350g weight advantage over steel versions means that Alufast® screws are of interest to design engineers working in many fields, including gearbox design. An investigation carried out by Arnold found that this was the weight saving that could be made in a gearbox containing 20 screws. In terms of annual production of, say 100,000 gear boxes, that would translate to a saving of some 35 tonnes of steel. At the same time the Alufast® range scores even more points when used in corrosive atmospheres where fastener locations are subjected to particularly high temperature loads. Alufast® screws have proven to be of particular value under thermal loads. The mechanical properties of the screws remain stable over a long-term period of load, up to peak temperature of 150˚C. Designers can use standard head settings when fastening magnesium components, unlike steel screws, which would require larger head settings. The screws achieve process reliability, high strength and expansion characteristics, and also possess anti-corrosion properties. “Alufast® is distinctive for producing greater residual clamp forces on magnesium fastenings under operational thermal loads than is possible with steel screws. And the 20% – 50% cost saving over steel screws with supplementary corrosion protection systems complete the benefits package.”

3 Star Rivets Manufacture ..... 69

London Screw Co ................... 77

Action Can ........................... 113

Lusavouga ........................... 135

ACT ....................................... 105

M&W Fastener Co., Ltd .......... 25

Adolf Pühl................................ 5

Machine Screws .................. 105

Adolf Schnorr GmbH .............. 13

Martyn Price ........................ 127

Advance Spares ................... 123

Mecavit Srl............................. 35

Albert Pasvahl GmbH .......... 131

Mectron ................................. 95

Alca Fasteners ..................... 122

Millennium Steel ................... 79

Alfran Fasteners Ltd............. 125

Mofast ................................... 77

Allbolts .................................. 23

Morgalv ............................... 131

Alloy & Stainless Fasteners ... 123

National Machinery............... 85

Alloy & Stainless Fasteners ... 133

Net Civata .............................. 53

Ambrovit................................ 17

Nordic Metalblok Srl............ 125

Arpel .................................... 115

Ningbo Jinhui ........................ 23

Atotech GmbH ..................... 140

Nord Lock .............................. 99

Autonic Engineering .............. 71

Norma ................................. 121

Avdel ................................... 130

Norm Civata .......................... 49

Avon Stainless Fasteners....... 128

Orbit International .............. 124

Baker & Finnemore ............... 71

PRK tech ................................ 97

Bendfast .............................. 111

PTG ........................................ 87

Birmingham Coldform......... 134

Pinstructure ........................... 11

Blakeacre............................... 11

Prelok .................................... 19

Böllhoff ................................. 90

Precision Technology Supplies .. 73

Bossong ................................. 75

Ray Fu.................................. 132

Bralo .................................... 129

Reyher ................................... 41

Brighton Best ..........6, 8, 10, 12

Rivit ..................................... 139

Bülte ...................................... 78

Sacma .................................... 91

Cetin Civata ........................... 51

Sara Fasteners ....................... 43

Chatsworth Computers ........ 103

Schäfer + Peters GmbH ....... 122

Ching Chan Machinery .......... 59

Schröder Schrauben ............ 137

Classic Metallic ...................... 27

Shanghai Fast-Fix .................. 33

Crest Industrial L.L.C ............ 136

Shanghai Minmetals ............. 99

Dörken ................................... 31

Shin Chun Enterprise ........... 107

Dresselhaus ........................... 71

Smith-Bullough ..................... 41

DS Fasteners .......................... 15

Special Bolt ........................... 67

EDP ...................................... 101

SpecialInsert Srlfw .............. 115

EFC ....................................... 125

Spirol ..................................... 19

Electra.................................... 15

Star Fasteners ...................... 131

Ezel Civata ............................. 55

Stafa Holland BV ................... 39

Fastbolt.................................... 2

Steven walker & Sons Ltd ... 137

Fastener Fair .......................... 47

TtapDrive AS ........................ 111

Fastening Solutions ............... 19

Tecfi S.p.A .............................. 81

Filrox Industrial Co., Ltd....... 137

Technox Technika .................... 1

fischer ...................................... 9

Tecno Impianti....................... 93

FFixi Srl .................................. 23

Titibi....................................... 73

FK Moore ............................... 69

TI Midwood & Co Ltd.............. 77

FWU Kuang Enterprises ....... 105

Top Screw Metal Corp. Ltd ..... 78

G&B Fissaggi .......................... 73

Trojan Special Fasteners ........ 67

Hafren ................................. 109

Turned Parts ........................ 109

Heinz Soyer ......................... 115

UBK S.p.A ............................. 126

Hilgeland-Nutap GmbH ......... 89

Unbrako ................................... 7

Hilker & Partner GmbH ......... 92

Vipa SPA .............................. 103

Hugo Benzing ........................ 99

Vogelsang GmbH .....15, 69, 134

ITW Fastex ........................... 111

Volt Industrial Plastics ........... 21

Kundan ................................ 101

Xingtai City ......................... 109

Lederer .................................. 16

YBS Chemical Anchors ........... 45

Lindapter ............................... 74

Zero Clips ............................... 41

General Metal Finishing

Corrosion Protection The Perfect Coating for any kind of Fastener

Pavilion 1 Hall 2 Booth A 2091

As a technology partner Atotech provides the perfect corrosion protection coating for any kind of fastener


1. Zintek 200 2. EcoTri HC2 3. Zylite HT 4. Tridur Zn Y3 5. Corrosil AL 2007 6. Techdip

Zintek 200 – Zinc ake system of silver base coat combined with organic or inorganic top coats and integral lubricants, approved by the automotive industry Zintek 200 SL – Silver 2-coat zinc ake system with internal lubricant providing excellent corrosion protection at reduced cost Zintek 300 B – Unique black zinc ake system using a black base coat to avoid issues of “silvers spots” after handling Techdip – Range of Cr(VI)-free organic top coats especially suited for construction wood screws fullling the requirements of the ACQ test




Zylite HT – High temperature acid Zn electrolyte for barrel applications providing good throwing power and easy handling Zinni AL 450 – Alkaline ZnNi electrolyte with highest efciency perfectly suited for barrel applications


Zinni AC AF 210 – Ammonia-free acid ZnNi electrolyte – a green process with high productivity and constant Ni incorporation EcoTri HC2 – New generation thick lm passivate – a versatile process for all Zn and Zn alloy coatings, available with Atotech Tricotect regeneration technology


Tridur Zn Y3 – WEEE and RoHS compliant Cr(VI)-free yellow passivate for electric and electronic fastener applications Corrosil AL 2007 – Silver Cr(VI)-free post-treatment for ZnNi – approved for PSA Corrolux 530 L – Combination of passivate and sealer for Zn – approved for Ford S449 Corrolux Black 900 – Black Cr(VI)-free post-treatment system for ZnNi approved for Ford For OEM approvals please visit our global web site: table_approvals.html

Atotech Headquarters P.O. Box 21 07 80 · 10507 Berlin · Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 30-349 85-0 · Fax +49 (0) 30-349 85-777

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