EDITION 04 | March 2014
Adobe Photoshop Express Application Review PENTAX Q7 ON HAND REVIEW
INSTAGRAM PHOTOGRAPHERS Contributors: Christina Santoso Ivy Lim Jenny Hendra Ignacia Grace Nala Rinaldo Fairawati Bagdja Wiwin Lee
Website : www.ffmagz.com Email : editor@ffmagz.com Phone No. : (+62) 0898 833 833 7
HAK CIPTA: Dilarang menyadur atau menggandakan dan menyebarluaskan isi majalah ff e-magazine tanpa izin redaksi. Seluruh foto dan tulisan yang ditampilkan dalam majalah ini memiliki hak cipta yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang. KRITIK & SARAN, kirimkan ke: redaksi@ffmagz.com
ff e-magazine edisi sebelumnya.
e-catalogue “Mengapa Tidak” Hermandari Kartowisastro
Travelling Photography China, Europe, Japan, Indonesia
Underwater Photography
EDITORIAL: The development of trend & technology today has turned photography into a desire and necessity to share in the form of photos and videos, especially with the emergence of camera features on every SmartPhone. Photography has become very practical and populist, supported by the dawn of so many instant applications for editing and sharing photos on social networking, which end up turned the activity of “sharing” increasingly becoming an unstoppable trend. Instagram Capture and Share the World’s Moments.
Instagram was launched in August 2010 and in 2011 eventually named as the App of the Year on the Apple iTunes. In the world of photography thus began to surface a glut of Instagram photographers, and even some reputable organizer held competitions for Best Instagram Photographers alluring significant number of prizes. Love it or hate it, Instagram now has an important role in motivating and improving productivity in the field. That is why in this issue we will show some Instagram photographers with creativity and uniqueness that can become an inspiration to all of us. Perkembangan trend & teknologi sekarang ini membuat fotografi menjadi suatu kebutuhan untuk berbagi dalam bentuk foto dan video, dengan adanya fitur kamera pada ”SmartPhone”. Fotografi menjadi sangat praktis didukung dengan munculnya begitu banyak aplikasi untuk editing dan berbagi foto dalam jejaring sosial membuat tren berbagi semakin tidak terbendung. Instagram diluncurkan pada Agustus 2010 dan pada tahun 2011, Instagram dinobatkan sebagai App of The Year di Apple iTunes. Di bidang fotografi mulai bermunculan fotografer-fotografer Instagram di dunia, bahkan diadakan pemilihan untuk memperebutkan penghargaan Fotografer Instagram Terbaik. Kini Instagram memiliki peran penting dalam memotivasi dan meningkatkan produktifitas dalam berkarya, maka dalam edisi ini kami tampilkan beberapa fotografer Instagram dengan kreatifitas dan keunikannya yang dapat menginspirasi kita semua. Warm regards, Michael Gomulya ff-magazine
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso
CHRISTINA SANTOSO Jakarta, Indonesia
Tanah Lot Bali Indonesia Š Christina Santoso
Instagram IDs: @sassychris1 (travel), @sassychris_ (portraits), @_imageworks_ (commercial portfolio)
I studied and worked in a fashion industry. I am a natural lover of fashion, and seeing all the beautiful models posing in beautiful settings really excites me.
Saya belajar dan bekerja di bidang fashion, saya sangat suka fashion, dan saya sangat senang melihat para model cantik berpose dengan setting yang indah.
Although I still am a fashionista, time evolved and now I am fascinated by the beautiful photos on the glossy travel magazines, as well as interior design magazines as I have been moving houses several times. Due to my extensive travel during my working life a few years back I was determined to create a journal.
Meskipun demikian, seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, akhirnya ketertarikan saya berubah Saya kagum dengan foto-foto indah di majalah travel yang mengkilat dan juga majalah interior disain.
Therefore, photography became my passion. Unfortunately, I haven’t been traveling often recently, however I always try to take pictures wherever I go, thanks to iPhone.
Pada saat itu saya seringkali berpindah tempat selama saya bekerja, kemudian saya memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah jurnal. Akhirnya saya menjadi tertarik dengan fotografi. Namun, sayangnya belakangan ini saya malah jarang berpergian, meskipun demikian saya selalu berusaha memotret kemanapun saya pergi. Untung ada iPhone. ff-magazine
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives © Christina Santoso
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives © Christina Santoso
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives © Christina Santoso
I have always been very interested in fashion photographers. There are so many great ones that I couldn’t decide who is my biggest influences. However, Emily Soto really inspires me through her success in managing her passion and creating a big business through a brand. I should say my close friends, fellow photographers are my biggest influences in landscaping photography nowadays. Saya selalu tertarik dengan fotografer fashion, banyak sekali fotografer hebat., sehingga Saya tidak bisa memutuskan fotografer yang memberikan banyak pengaruh terhadap Saya. Tapi Emily Soto sangat mengispirasi Saya, dengan keberhasilannya mengelola ketertarikannya dan membangun bisnis besar dalam sebuah merk. Teman-teman fotografi saya juga banyak mempengaruhi Saya dalam memotret landscape photography sekarang ini. Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso ff-magazine
Sunrise in Bromo Mt. Bromo, East Java Indonesia Š Christina Santoso
I am a Canonian at heart and I use Canon 1 Dx, Canon 5D Mark III, and Canon 100D Infra Red converted and I shot anything beautiful or moving (as in emotion) I went to Mount Bromo in East Java, Indonesia recently and it is such a magical place. I’ll be back for sure! Saya pengguna kamera Canon dan saat ini menggunakan kamera Canon 1Dx, Canon 5D Mark III dan Canon 100D yang sudah diubah menjadi Infra Red. Dan Saya memotret apapun yang indah dan menggugah perasaan. Menurut Saya tempat yang sangat indah adalah di Gunung Bromo, Jawa Timur Indonesia dan Saya pasti akan kembali ke sana.
Teletubies Mt. Bromo, East Java Indonesia Š Christina Santoso ff-magazine
Kintamani, Bali Indonesia Š Christina Santoso
Here’s some tips to make your INSTAGRAM profile reputable. Do post your best photos. Consistently post with your own style. Interact with the community. Be polite and always appreciate others. Always find time to check others’ posts and reply comments. I know it’s hard especially we have real job and life. I am very touched if I can be such an inspirations to the youngsters who just started photography and I know it means a lot if I reply their enquiries. Berikut adalah tips untuk membuat akun Instagram-mu terkenal. Pastikan memasukkan foto-foto terbaik. Konsisten dengan ciri khasmu sendiri. Berinteraksilah dengan komunitas. Tetap sopan dan selalu menghormati orang lain. Sisihkan waktu untuk memeriksa dan membalas komentar orang lain pada fotomu. Saya tahu ini akan sulit terutama bagi kita yang memiliki pekerjaan rutin. Saya sangat terharu bila Saya bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi para fotografer pemula dan Saya mengerti betapa berartinya bila Saya menjawab pertanyaan mereka.
Kintamani, Bali Indonesia © Christina Santoso
Kintamani, Bali Indonesia Š Christina Santoso 14
Sunrise in Bromo Canon EOS 5D Mark III © Christina Santoso Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives © Christina Santoso
There are so many profile in Instagram out there I like, such as Berikut adalah beberapa akun yang Saya sukai, seperti: @krishmahaputra, @darwis_triadi, @nanda_only and @vicbvlgari for national @argenel @shingo_216 for international Although INSTAGRAM is time consuming and extremely addicting, it motivates me to keep going taking photos ....and to inspire and being inspired Meskipun INSTAGRAM memakan waktu dan sangat membuat Saya kecanduan, Saya sangat termotivasi untuk tetap memotret... dan untuk menginsipirasi dan diispirasi.
Silent Morning in Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia Š Christina Santoso 16
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Š Christina Santoso
IVY LIM Jakarta, Indonesia
Sea World, Gold Coast, Australia Š Ivy Lim
I love quotes....motivational, love, and inspirational ones. I think people can always relate to quotes. I want my feed to be unique and stand out than the normal ones, so I decide to use my pics with quotes I found online. Saya menyukai kutipan...yang memotivasi, cinta dan memberikan inspirasi. Saya rasa manusia selalu berkaitan dengan kutipan-kutipan. Saya ingin foto Saya unik dan menonjol daripada foto-foto pada umumnya, maka Saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan kutipan dari internet dalam foto-foto saya.
Sea World, Gold Coast, Australia Š Ivy Lim
Instagram ID: @ipii ff-magazine
Cork &n Screw,Plaza Indonesia Jakarta © Ivy Lim
Art Gallery San Fransisco, USA © Ivy Lim
Sea World, Gold Coast, Australia © Ivy Lim
Kawah Putih, Bandung Indonesia © Ivy Lim
Surfer Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia Š Ivy Lim
Many photographers have influenced the way I photograph, but my biggest influence is my friend Ignacia Grace. I love her photos and I always hope to be able to take pictures as good as hers.
Paradise Country, Gold Coast Australia Š Ivy Lim
Banyak fotografer yang menginspirasi hasil foto Saya, tapi yang paling banyak memberikan banyak inspirasi adalah teman Saya, Ignacia Grace. Saya menyukai foto-fotonya dan selalu berharap bisa memotret sebagus dirinya.
Surfer Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia © Ivy Lim
Surfer Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia © Ivy Lim
Surfer Paradise, Gold Coast, Sunrise in Bromo Australia Canon EOS 5D Mark III © Ivy Lim © Christina Santoso 26
There are some moments that we can’t buy back even if we have the money so that’s probably one of the things that motivates me to shoot. Alila, Bali Indonesia Š Ivy Lim
Ada suatu saat dimana kita tidak bisa membalikkan waktu walaupun kita memiliki uang, maka hal tersebut merupakan salah satu hal yang memotivasi Saya untuk memotret. ff-magazine
Double Six, Bali Indonesia Š Ivy Lim
Taman Safari, Cisarua Bogor Indonesia Š Ivy Lim
I’m also a sentimental person. I capture photos to remind me of beautiful memories. You can repeat the event but the feelings will never be the same. Saya seorang yang sentimental. Saya memotret suatu foto untuk mengingatkan Saya tentang kenangan indah. Kita bisa mengulang acara tersebut tapi perasaan yang kita rasakan tidak akan pernah sama. ff-magazine
Alila, Bali Indonesia Š Ivy Lim 30
Alila, Bali Indonesia © Ivy Lim
Grand Hyatt, Bali Indonesia © Ivy Lim
APOTOP PHOTO-PHOTO Digitize your pictures in great quality with iPhone camera. Bring your fondest memories into the digital age. The Photo-Photo allows you to make high quality digital images of your old photos, negatives or slides!
Supports iPhone 4/4s/5/5c/5s Compatible with 35mm negatives, slides, and 3 sizes ( 3×5, 4×6, 5×7-inch) of pictures. Battery powered for easy set up. Free iOS
Designed to work with the iPhone 4/4S/5/5c/5s, the Photo-Photo comes with an adjustable shooting base and a free application, so you can produce digital images in various sizes (3×5, 4×6, 5×7 inch).
Membuat foto / film / slide menjadi file digital secara instant, dirancang khusus untuk iPhone 4/4s/5/5s/5c. Sehingga memudahkan anda berbagi file/foto digital ke sesame smartphone, tablet atau ke computer.
Then view and share your favorite digital photos on any smartphone, tablet or computer!
Support: iphone 4/4s/5/5s/5cScan 35 mm negatif, slide dan foto berbagai ukuran (3R, 4R & 5R)Apps dapat didownload secara gratis di Apps store.
Application Specifications: Color : Black Dimensions : 260 x 150 x 210mm Weight : 685 gram Battery : 4 x AA (Batteries are not included) GET IT NOW..! Website : www.v3technology.net Phone : +62 21 70777390 BB Pin : 29B55639 ff-magazine
Sunrise at Karang Beach Sanur, Bali Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
Jakarta, Indonesia
I like to travel a lot and I discovered my passion in photography, using Instagram application on my iPhone is one of my way to express myself & share my works. I graduated from Graphic Design&Ceramics ITB. Most of my pictures are influenced by art directors, painters and movie directors (David Lachapelle, Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Tim Burton, Michel Gondry, Wong Kar Wai). Saya sangat menyukai travel dan menemukan kecintaan saya terhadap fotografi.Menggunakan aplikasi Instagram di iPhone, adalah cara Saya untuk mengekspresikan diri dan berbagi karya Saya.
View from Grand Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
Saya lulus kuliah designer grafis dan keramik ITB, Sebagian besar foto-foto Saya dipengaruhi oleh art directors, pelukis dan movie directors. (David Lachapelle, Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Tim Burton, Michel Gondry, Wong Kar Wai).
Instagram ID: @nala_rinaldo ff-magazine
Busy City Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
Standing Still Ancol, Jakarta Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
The Lotus Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
Alone Bali, Indonesia © Nala Rinaldo
Forest Gum running in Kuta Bali Bali, Indonesia © Nala Rinaldo
Line Bali, Indonesia © Nala Rinaldo
Sunset at Sentosa Cove Singapore © Nala Rinaldo
Almost sunset at Marina Bay Sands Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
Marina Bay Sands at Night Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
Night at Clarke Quay Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
The Light of Singapore Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
Selamat Datang Monument Jakarta, Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
Sunset fun at Kuta Bali, Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
Together for Sunset Bali, Indonesia Š Nala Rinaldo
Sunset at Untung Java island Š Nala Rinaldo
The Colors Singapore Š Nala Rinaldo
RDM-ST1 The New Shape of Camera Shutter Control RDM-ST1 is the smallest smart phone with self-powered wireless shutter release trigger that is ever made. No matter if you simply want a wireless shutter for taking a group photo, long exposure photo or time lapse pictures, the intuitive user interface provided by the smart phone or GET IT NOW..! Website : www.v3technology.net Phone : +62 21 70777390 BB Pin : 29B55639
tablet’s mobile application allows you to perform it easily. RDM-ST1’s innovative Smart Scheduler frees up your mobile device after the command is sent to the device. RDMST1 will carry out the photo-taking task for you.
RDM-ST1 is easy to use. Just connect the mini shutter release cable to your camera. Turn on the mobile application and shoot. RDM-ST1 connects to your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless protocol. Bluetooth 4.0 is required for your mobile device in order to work with RDM-ST1. RDM-ST1 can be connected virtually to any camera having shutter release connector through different kinds of shutter release cable. RDM-ST1 can control the meter on / auto focus and trigger shutter release by sending signal through the wire. Once the trigger signal is received from the Bluetooth, RDM-ST1 interprets the signal and trigger the camera’s shutter immediately. Thanks to the extremely low power consumption circuit and Bluetooth 4.0 technology, RDM-ST1 can be operated by a CR-2032 coin cell for up to 3 years without the need of replacing battery.
Support: iPhone 4S,5S, 5C, 5 / iPad Air/ iPad with Retina Display/ The new iPad/ iPad mini/ iPod Touch (5th Generation). Samsung Galaxy S4 / Samsung Mega / Google Nexus 7 and any Android Mobile devices support Android OS 4.3. iOS / Android App is available to download in App Store/ Google Play, simply look “Raydio Master� Features: - Lightest Time Lapse Controller ever made (12g only). - Best in Class 70M (230ft) Operating Distance - Ultra Long Battery Life (up to 3 years) - One Touch User Interface Design - Mini Shutter Release Wire Functions: - Single shot with shutter adjustment, - Bulb, - Half press - Intervalometer - Bracket (HDR photography) adjustable 0.3-2EV increment, max 9 shots - Continuous Shutter/ burst mode - Long Exposure Time selectable 0.1 99h59m59s - Time Lapse Mode maximum 99 shots x 9999 intervals (total 989.901 shots) ff-magazine
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Watermelon in Summer Š Ignacia Grace
Sweetest Things Š Ignacia Grace
Bandung, Indonesia I discovered photography from my mom. She loves photography and she is my biggest influence in the world photography. Saya mengenal fotografi dari ibu Saya, beliau menyukai fotografi dan paling banyak memberikan pengaruh di dunia fotografi.
Instagram ID: @ignacia_grace ff-magazine
Besides photography, my other hobby is playing games. I am motivated to capture the moment, because money can’t buy back the time. My friend introduced me to Instagram and now I’m using some cameras, such as: Canon 5D markIII, SONY a7R, Canon 100D, and Fuji X10 Selain fotografi, hobi Saya adalah bermain games. Saya termotivasi untuk memotret karena moment itu tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang. Teman Saya mengenalkan Instagram kepada Saya dan saat ini Saya menggunakan beberapa kamera, yaitu: Canon 5D mark III, SONY a7R, Canon 100D dan Fuji X10
Mom © Ignacia Grace 38 54
Dad Š Ignacia Grace ff-magazine
Friendship © Ignacia Grace
Buddy! © Ignacia Grace
Fishing Time © Ignacia Grace 56
I Love My Camera Š Ignacia Grace
Love © Ignacia Grace
Sweets © Ignacia Grace
Smile © Ignacia Grace
Luck © Ignacia Grace
Soccer Š Ignacia Grace
Baking Š Ignacia Grace
Fly Me to the Moon Š Ignacia Grace
Pentax Q7
An interchangeable-lens camera that takes “small” to a new level. Text : Michael Gomulya Pentax’s Q-series is the smallest camera of all small interchangeable lens cameras on the market. It’s performance and feel are concentrated in a compact body only about 102 mm wide. For the sensor, it served with 1/1.7-inch back-illuminated CMOS sensor. Unlike most other interchangeable lens cameras, the Q7 can nearly slip into your pocket, and it’s available with six different grip colors and twenty body colors to choose from, there are a grand total of 120 different combinations. These two features will make the Q7 attractive to those ready to step into the world of interchangeable lens cameras. In addition, because of its larger sensor size, when mounted on the Q7, each lens has a wider angle of view than when mounted on previous models. Particularly in the wide-angle range, you can enjoy a noticeably wider angle of view.
Pentax’s Q-series adalah kamera terkecil dari semua kamera interchangeable lens yang ada di pasar. Penampilannya dikonsentrasikan pada body kamera yang kompak dengan lebar hanya102 mm. Untuk sensor, dikemas dengan 1/17-inch back-illuminated CMOS sensor. Tidak seperti kamera interchangeable lens lainnya, Q7 bisa disimpan dalam saku dan tersedia dalam 6 pilihan warna grip dan 20 warna body kamera, dengan total 120 kombinasi warna. Dua hal ini membuat Q7 menarik untuk pengguna kamera yang siap untuk masuk ke dalam dunia kamera interchangeable lens. Kemudian, karena sensornya yang besar, ketika menggunakan lensa dengan, semua lensa akan memiliki tampilan lebih lebar daripada model-model sebelumnya. Khususnya untuk wide-angle, anda bisa menikmati tampilan yang lebih lebar.
The High-Performance Lens Series includes the fixed-focal-length: Seri lensa-lensa yang memiliki performa yang bagus : 1. Standard Prime 2. Standard Zoom 3. Telephoto Zoom 4. Wide Zoom 5. Fish-eye 6. Toy Lens Wide 7. Toy Lens Telephoto 8. Mount Shield Lens
Specification Highlights: - 12.4 effective megapixel BSI-CMOS sensor - 3.0 inch LCD with 460,000 dot resolution - Manual exposure modes - 5 fps burst shooting (5 frames, JPEG) - Full 1080 HD video - ISO 100-12800 - Sensor-shift image stabilization - Raw and raw + JPEG shooting
Colours Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Š Jenny Hendra 66
Jakarta, Indonesia I’m a housewife with two daughters. I don’t really know the basics in photography when I started. Three years ago, I created an Instagram account and started to take pictures with my smartphone’s camera. I use iPhone 4S and some editing application for iPhone. Hi, Saya adalah seorang Ibu rumah tangga, dengan 2 orang putri. Tidak punya dasar dalam dunia fotografi pada awalnya. Saya mulai begabung dengan & aktif bermain Instagram sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu. Saya mengandalkan kamera iPhone 4S dan beberapa aplikasi editing dalam Iphone. Mickey Fun Wheel Disneyland, California USA © Jenny Hendra
Instagram ID: @jennyhendra ff-magazine
The Flowers of Singapore Garden by the Bay, Singapore © Jenny Hendra
Golden Gate San Fransisco, USA © Jenny Hendra
Blue Alila Uluwatu Bali, Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
Inner Peace Maya Villas, Ubud Bali Indonesa Š Jenny Hendra
Golden Moment Dreamland, Bali Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
Peaceful Bali Mulia Hotel, Bali Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
Hanauma Bay O’ahu Hawaii, USA © Jenny Hendra
I Left My Heart in San Fransisco San Fransisco, USA © Jenny Hendra
Singapore Nightscape Marina Bay Sand Singapore Š Jenny Hendra
Little Eiffel Bali, Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
Going Home Seminyak, Bali Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
A Loving Father Double Six beach, Bali Indonesia Š Jenny Hendra
Silence Alcatraz, San Fransisco USA © Jenny Hendra
Reflection Fisherman’s Wharf San Fransisco, USA © Jenny Hendra
View From the Top The Edge, Uluwatu Bali Indonesia © Jenny Hendra
Enchanted Castle Tokyo Disneyland, Japan © Jenny Hendra
Misty Morning Ulundanu Bali, Indonesia Š Wiwin Lee
Jakarta, Indonesia I used analog camera back then in college but never think of it as a hobby as it cost a lot for the film. After a while, some of my friends started to buy DSLR and so it goes, i bought my first Canon 400D. I remember I was so amazed by a lot of beautiful photographs I found online and it motivates me to create my own. Everything has beauty but not everyone can see.
The Circle Los Angeles, USA Š Wiwin Lee
Saya menggunakan kamera analog ketika Saya kuliah tapi tidak pernah terpikir akan menjadi hobi, karena biaya yang tinggi pada jaman film. Seiring waktu, beberapa teman mulai membeli kamera DSLR dan akhirnya Saya membeli kamera pertama saya, Canon 400D. Saya ingat pada saat itu Saya terkagum-kagum dengan banyak foto-foto indah yang Saya temukan di internet dan membuat Saya ingin berkarya menciptakan foto sendiri. Semuanya memiliki keindahan, tapi tidak semua orang bisa melihatnya.
Instagram ID: @wiwinlee ff-magazine
My photos are inspired by some remarkable photographers that I follow in photography websites, such as Mark Bridger, Andre Arment, Jose Hamra, Novalone, etc.
Just a Second Syndey, Australia © Wiwin Lee
The feeling of experiencing the other side of life, and to be able to capture what life could offer from my viewfinder exhilarates me. Thus for that reasons, I keep motivate myself to taking pictures.
The Wheel Chicago, USA © Wiwin Lee
Sunny Cycling Santa Monica, Los Angeles USA © Wiwin Lee
Foto-foto saya terinspirasi oleh beberapa fotografer terkenal yang Saya ikuti perkembangannya di website fotografi, seperti: Mark Bridger, Andre Arment, Jose Hamra, Novalone, dll. Saya dapat merasakan sisi lain kehidupan dan mengabadikannya melalui viewfinder Saya. Alasan ini yang membuat saya termotivasi untuk menekuni fotografi.
The Q Melbourne, Australia © Wiwin Lee
Shadows Sydney, Australia Š Wiwin Lee
I choose Instagram because it’s simple and user friendly. Here’s some applications I recommend to use for editiing: Camera+, Snapseed, Filterstorm. Saya memilih instagram karena praktis dan mudah digunakan. Beberapa aplikasi yang saya rekomendasikan untuk mengedit foto adalah: Camera+, Snapseed, Filterstorm
Single Tree Santa Monica, Los Angeles USA © Wiwin Lee
Pink Beauty Bali, Indonesia © Wiwin Lee
The Opera House Syndey, Australia Š Wiwin Lee
Stunning Sunset Tanah Lot, Bali Indonesia Š Wiwin Lee 84
The Hanoman Uluwatu, Bali Indonesia Š Wiwin Lee
Pura Ulundanu Bedugul Bali, Indonesia Š Wiwin Lee
The Hidden Beauty Kelumbayan, Lampung Indonesia Š Wiwin Lee
Chicago Cityscape Chicago, USA © Wiwin Lee
Eagle Eyes Chicago, USA © Wiwin Lee
The Family Day Š Fairawati Bagdja
Jakarta, Indonesia I live in Jakarta - Indonesia. I works at Tempo Media, and studied at University of Indonesia Saya tinggal di Jakarta, Indonesia dan bekerja di Tempo Media. Pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia.
Sunrise in Sanur, Bali Š Fairawati Bagdja
Instagram ID: @fairabagdja ff-magazine
The Old Lady Š Fairawati Bagdja
Best Friend Š Fairawati Bagdja
Way Home Š Fairawati Bagdja 94
The Line Š Fairawati Bagdja
Morning Time Š Fairawati Bagdja
The Dancers Š Fairawati Bagdja
APPLICATION REVIEW Adobe Photoshop Express Application Review
Mobile photo-editing application for iOS& Android. Text & Photos : Wiwin Lee
For mobile-photography enthusiasts, Photoshop Express App should not be unfamiliar. PS Express offer variety of features, and can be downloaded free at the Apple App Store. Other applications similar to that of PS Express with different kinds of other features are Snapseed, Filterstorm, and Camera+. In this article, we will discuss further regarding Photoshop Express, the product of the giant corporation, Adobe, Inc. Untuk para antusias mobile fotografi, aplikasi Photoshop (PS) Express tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi. PS Express dapat diunduh gratis dari App Store Apple dan menawarkan beberapa fitur berbayar didalam aplikasi tersebut. Selain aplikasi Photoshop Express, aplikasi mobile editing lainnya yang serupa tapi tak sama adalah Snapseed, Filterstorm dan Camera+. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang Photoshop Express hasil keluaran dari perusahaan raksasa Adobe, Inc. 98
Even though Photoshop Express possess shooting mode features, it is more focused on maximizing the ability to retouch the photo you wish to edit. PS Express Screenshot VS. 3.2 Basic features include: rotating, flipping (left, right, up, and down), and constraint cropping. In addition, it also offer Instant Retouch, where one can select effects such as Vibrant, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Invert, Bueno, Haze, Aquatic, Black and White, Pastel, Koi, Misty, Dappled, Dream, Glow, Vivid, Silvered, Carmine, Memory, and additional 22 premium effects you can purchase for Rp. 29,000 per effect. Walaupun memiliki fitur shooting mode, aplikasi PS Express lebih difokuskan untuk memaksimalkan retouching dari foto yang ingin diedit. Fitur dasar editing yang tersedia seperti rotate, flip (kiri, kanan, atas, bawah) dan cropping constraint. PS Express juga menawarkan fitur efek instant retouch seperti vibrant, autumn, spring, summer, winter, invert, bueno, haze, aquaric, b&w, pastel, koi, misty, dappled,dream, glow, vivid, silvered, carmine, memory dan sebanyak 22 efek premium yang dihargai sebesar Rp. 29.000/efek. ff-magazine
Available filters include: Clarity, Sharpen, Reduce Noise, Exposure, Contrast, Higlights & Shadows, Temperature, Tint dan Vibrance. Free Retouch Feature For smoothing a photo full of noise, PS Express offer reduce noise feature, which produce a professional and high quality photo through a single swipe of your finger. If you are not feeling experimental, there is a magic button in the middle that will edit your photo automatically. The button to the right allows you to preview your photo before and after the edits. Aside from its editing features, such as Color, Crop, and Effects, two other features included on the right corner are Auto Detect Red Eye Removal and Frames. The edited photos can be shared through varieties of social networking sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and many more. 100
Untuk filter yang tersedia adalah Clarity, Sharpen, Reduce Noise, Exposure, Contrast, Highlights & Shadows, Temperature, Tint dan Vibrance. Untuk menghaluskan foto yang penuh noise, PS Express menghadirkan fitur berbayar seperti reduce noise. Fitur tersebut memberikan hasil profesional dan dengan cepat meningkatkan kualitas foto yang ingin diedit hanya dengan menggeserkan jari Anda dilayar iPhone.
Apabila sedang tidak ingin bereksperimen, tinggal klik button seperti tongkat ajaib ditengah yang akan memberikan auto edit pada foto Anda. Tombol di sebelah kanan-nya berfungsi untuk melihat preview sebelum dan sesudah edit. Selain fitur editing seperti Color, Crop, dan Efek, dua fitur lainnya yang terletak disebelah kanan adalah fitur Auto Detect Red Eye Removal dan Fitur Framing. Hasil foto editan bisa di-upload ke berbagai media seperti facebook, twitter, tumblr dan lain sebagainya.
FF-Magazine Next Edition on April 2014:
Maha Besar Š Moses Agustian
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Bright Morning Š Moses Agustian