ffmagz 13th Issue

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EDITION 13 | December 2014

1th Anniversary ffmagz.com

Tips & Tricks : How to Shoot Photo Jurnalism


ADVETORIAL: Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 E mount , Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 E mount

Sense of Color : 4th Anniversary


FF e-magazine

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORTS! FREE PREVIEW ONLINE MAGAZINE : www.ffmagz.com editor@ffmagz.com (+62) 0898 833 833 7





EDITORIAL: Contributors: Andre Arment Roe Hadi Setia Dharma Michael Ken dr. Tompi Ridwan Prasetyo Cover Photo: Ridwan Prasetyo HAK CIPTA: Dilarang menyadur atau menggandakan dan menyebarluaskan isi majalah ff e-magazine tanpa izin redaksi. Seluruh foto dan tulisan yang ditampilkan dalam majalah ini memiliki hak cipta yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang. KRITIK & SARAN, kirimkan ke: redaksi@ffmagz.com

It’s been a year since our 1st edition “mengapa tidak”, contains summary of photography book of Mrs. Hermandari Kartowisastro, very inspiring woman, at the age of 70 she compiled a photography book, contains her passion in photography & travelling. This 13th edition is extraordinary. We received a lot of nice pictures, and it was not easy for us to made selection all the photos. We also have Tompi a plastic surgery and musician, who spare his time to select among thousands of his photos for ffmagz. So thank you for all the support from all contributors, partners, sponsors, friends and all the people who enjoyed our online magazine. Tidak terasa sudah 1 tahun, sejak Edisi #1 “mengapa tidak” di luncurkan. Edisi yang menampilkan katalog ringkasan foto dari buku fotografi ibu Hermandari Kartowisastro. Beliau adalah sosok yang menginspirasikan, pada usia ke 70 ia menyusun buku fotografi, buku yang ber-isikan berbagai foto hasil kegemarannya pada fotografi dan travelling. Pada edisi ke 13 ini terasa special, kami menerima banyak sekali foto yang bagus, dan memang tidak mudah bagi untuk memilih foto-foto yang masuk. Kami juga menampilkan Tompi, dokter spesialis bedah plastik dan musisi, yang masih menyempatkan dirinya menyeleksi diantara ribuan fotonya untuk ffmagz. Terima kasih atas dukungannya untuk semua contributor, rekanan, para sponsor, kawan-kawan dan semua orang yang menikmati majalah kami. Warm regards, Michael Gomulya



It is an honor and a very valuable experience for me to participate in the FF Magazine edition of Cityscape Photography. An great opportunity to be able to join the renowned photographer through my post on the photographer portal which is shootpin.com. Through this photographer portal (shootpin.com) my work is selected and was choosen to be one of ffmagz contributors. Adalah suatu kehormatan dan pengalaman yang sangat berharga bagi saya bisa ikut berpartisipasi dalam FF Magazine edisi Cityscape Photography. Suatu kesempatan yang sangat membanggakan untuk dapat bergabung bersama para photographer ternama melalui postingan saya di portal photographer shootpin.com. Melalui portal photographer (shootpin.com) ini hasil karya saya di seleksi dan terpilih untuk menjadi kontributor. Sandy Rais (Contributor FF Magazine Edition 12 - Cityscape)





www.picapicphotography.com ff-magazine




Roe The Story of Life ff-magazine


Good Morning | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe




Jakarta, Indonesia I encountered the world of photography about 4 years ago and started my journey as a cityscape photographer. As an architect I saw cities as massive clusters of buildings, mostly racing to be built with the latest technology. One day, i discovered amidst the gigantic building and towers, there are micro livings that contain many stories. Saya mendalami dunia fotografi kira-kira 4 tahun yang lalu dan memulainya di cityscape. Sebagai arsitek saya melihat sebuah kota adalah gugusan dari gedung-gedung, kebanyakan berlomba-lomba untuk membangun dengan teknologi yang lebih baru. Kemudian pada suatu ketika saya menemukan ada banyak cerita pada kehidupan mikro di luar sekitar gedung-gedung yang tinggi.



Barber Shop | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Barber Shop | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe

Barber Shop | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe



Beneath the Shadow | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Life Goes On | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Mirror | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe

Reflection | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe



Depature | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe ff-magazine


That marked a new leap in my photo journalism, social documentary and street photography journey. With an aesthetic eye, I’d like to present the reality of people living at the depth of the city, portraying the marginal community that is far from being glamorous. I want to show the beauty of their simplistic and ordinary life, by capturing their real story, their emotion and passion. I’d like to capture the mementos on people being grateful in hardships, about their extraordinary adaptability and the spirit that’s not easily discouraged. So far the journey has blessed me with a widen horizon of human existence and life. My Inspirational photographers are Steve McCurry & Matt Stuart. Pada saat itu menjadi lompatan saya ke photo jurnalism, social documentary dan street photography. Dengan mata estetika, saya ingin menyajikan realitas orang yang hidup di kedalaman kota , menggambarkan masyarakat marjinal yang masih jauh dari glamor. Saya ingin menunjukkan keindahan hidup sederhana dan biasa mereka, dengan menangkap kisah nyata mereka, emosi dan gairah mereka. Saya ingin menangkap kenang-kenangan pada orang-orang yang bersyukur dalam kesulitan, tentang adaptasi yang luar biasa mereka, dan semangat yang tidak mudah putus asa. Sejauh perjalanan telah memberkati saya dengan memperluas cakrawala eksistensi manusia dan kehidupan. Fotografer inspirationalnya adalah Steve McCurry & Matt Stuart.



Hide & Seek | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe ff-magazine


Parenthood | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe



Mother | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe

On Duty | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe ff-magazine


Under Pressure | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Jumper | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe ff-magazine


Patient | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Washing | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe

Washing | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe



Morning Has Broken | Canon 5D Mark III | Š Roe



Light of Life | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe

Let it Go | Canon 5D Mark III | © Roe








Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 E mount FEATURES: Smooth and reliable autofocus The design of the autofocus system demands an extremely precise movement of certain lens elements. As the mass of the elements or groups to be moved within the optical system differs, various motor types may be installed. The focusing system of the Touit lenses is designed to guarantee robust and smooth autofocusing without any need for compromises or limitations in their optical design. As far as the eye can see With an angle of view of 99 degrees, the ZEISS Touit® 2.8/12 wide-angle lens will soon become a firm favourite, particularly for landscapes and architectural photography. Its unique ZEISS T*® multicoating guarantees maximum transmission and outstanding absorption of extraneous light. The result: breathtaking image quality from edge to edge and corner to corner of the entire image field. What’s more, all moving parts of the ZEISS Touit 2.8/12, conceived specifically for Sony NEX and Fujifilm X Series cameras, are engineered for extreme precision and a long working life. And finally, its strong and rigid metal bayonet mount makes it an absolutely dependable companion for many years to come. 26


Innovative product design Innovative product design to ensure superior handling and fulfil the most stringent aesthetic expectations. ZEISS lenses are among the winners of the several thousand products entered for prominent design awards. The unmistakeable new product design is based on an integrative concept and focuses on essential functional elements. Even the lens hood, typically an accessory, is seamlessly integrated into the overall design. The metal bayonet mount guarantees extreme rigidity and rubberised setting rings enable precise manual control when needed. Flush-fitting, satinised surfaces visualise the optical and mechanical precision of each lens.

Aspherical design The aspherical lens design ensures consistent imaging performance throughout the entire focusing range as well as sharpness to the periphery of the image. The asphere’s more complex surface profile can reduce or eliminate spherical aberration and also reduce other optical aberrations compared to a simple lens. Floating Elements Design Today’s camera technologies and high-resolution sensors demand continuous improvement of lens performance. Thanks to the use of the latest floating element design principles, optical aberration effects in ZEISS lenses are reduced to a minimum throughout their entire focusing range. This is achieved by variation of the axial distance between individual lens elements or groups. This adjustment of the lens-to-lens distance is coupled to the distance setting to ensure correct compensation at all times. The mechanical construction of these lenses is extremely complex and they must be assembled with utmost precision – both of which are key competencies of ZEISS. Excellent resolution and high contrast Richly saturated and vivid colours are a must in the creation of lasting impressions. However, stray light within an optical system leads to a lightening of the image that is particularly noticeable in the shadows. This reduces image contrast, with the result that exposures lack contrast and appear faded. To avoid this, ZEISS combines various specially developed technologies to reduce the undesirable effects of stray light.

ZEISS T* anti-reflective coating All lens elements in SLR lenses from ZEISS feature the T*® anti-reflective coating and an optical design that produces brilliant pictures even in unfavorable lighting conditions. We vacuum deposit very thin, transparent coats on the surfaces of the lens elements to make them anti-reflective. Special substances, one by one, are vaporized with very high energy in a high vacuum, which are then deposited on the glass surface as a coating with precisely controlled thicknesses to achieve the desired reduction of reflections. The first coatings were applied by ZEISS back in the 1930s. ff-magazine



Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 E mount FEATURES: Innovative product design Innovative product design to ensure superior handling and fulfil the most stringent aesthetic expectations. ZEISS lenses are among the winners of the several thousand products entered for prominent design awards. The unmistakeable new product design is based on an integrative concept and focuses on essential functional elements. Even the lens hood, typically an accessory, is seamlessly integrated into the overall design. The metal bayonet mount guarantees extreme rigidity and rubberised setting rings enable precise manual control when needed. Flush-fitting, satinised surfaces visualise the optical and mechanical precision of each lens. Magician of the moment The best of two worlds. Just like a 50 mm lens in 35 mm photography, the ZEISS TouitÂŽ 1.8/32 offers the same angle of view as the human eye. However, optimised for use with APS-C format sensors, it is simultaneously a lens that is so light and compact that it can be taken along simply anywhere and everywhere you go. Whether you are shooting portraits, landscapes or spontaneous snapshots, you will never cease to be amazed by what a ZEISS Touit 1.8/32 can tease out of your camera. It is quite simply the ideal companion for capturing perspectives and colour- and lighting moods in perfect pictures.



Full compatibility The ZEISS Touit lenses are designed and constructed specifically for use on Sony NEX and FUJIFILM X Series cameras with APS-C sensors. The lenses are therefore fully-compatible and support all camera functions, including autofocus. Ideal aperture characteristics Photographers want to lead the viewer through their images. Planes with minimum depth of focus are often employed as creative elements. For instance, the background is kept intentionally out of focus to lead the viewer’s eye to the actual subject of the image. The Touit lenses feature a nine-blade iris that closes to create an almost perfectly circular aperture.

The effect of this is the creation of a particularly harmonious effect in the out of focus areas of the image (‘Bokeh’). Smooth and reliable autofocus The design of the autofocus system demands an extremely precise movement of certain lens elements. As the mass of the elements or groups to be moved within the optical system differs, various motor types may be installed. The focusing system of the Touit lenses is designed to guarantee robust and smooth autofocusing without any need for compromises or limitations in their optical design. ZEISS T* anti-reflective coating The optical elements of ZEISS lenses feature T*® anti-reflective coating on all surfaces and an optical design that guarantees images of superior brilliance at all times, even in unfavourable lighting conditions. We apply the anti-reflective coating to the lens surfaces by the vapour deposition of extremely thin, transparent layers on the glass. In this process, special substances are vaporized with extremely high energy in a high-vacuum environment and are subsequently deposited on the glass surfaces, one after another, as layers with precisely controlled thicknesses to achieve the desired reduction of reflective properties. The first coating techniques were employed by ZEISS as long ago as in the 1930s.





Andre Arment

Beautiful Indonesia ff-magazine


Wish You Luck | Š Andre Arment 32



Jakarta, Indonesia Andre Arment was born in Sumatra 1977, lived and work in Jakarta as a freelance photographer since 2004. He was self though and practice. Andre Arment lahir di Sumatra pada tahun 1977, saat ini dia tinggal dan bekerja di Jakarta sebagai fotografer freelance sejak tahun 2004. Dia belajar fotografi secara otodidak dan berlatih sendiri. Rain | Š Andre Arment



Go To School | Š Andre Arment



Independence Day | Š Andre Arment



Good Morning | Š Andre Arment 36


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Fishing | Š Andre Arment ff-magazine




His Childhood memory in the village gave a lot of inspiration and influence on his work today, especially the rural landscape and human life . Kenangan masa kecilnya di perkampungan memberikannya banyak inspirasi dan pengaruh pada hasil karyanya saat ini, khususnya landscape dan kehidupan manusia perdesaan. Friendship | Š Andre Arment



Helper | Š Andre Arment



Fishing | Š Andre Arment ff-magazine


Happiness | Š Andre Arment



Puppy Eyes | Š Andre Arment ff-magazine


The Old Man | © Andre Arment

Wood of Life | © Andre Arment 44


Rice Field | Š Andre Arment



Lady Worker | Š Andre Arment 46


Balinese | Š Andre Arment





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dr. Tompi

The Music of Life ff-magazine


Backstage | Leica MP 40lux asph ilforddelta 400 push 800 | Š dr. Tompi 52


© Amri Ginang


Jakarta, Indonesia Tompi was born in Lhokseumawe (1978), he’s a plastic surgery specialist (FKUI), also a musician & an emcee, besides of his activity he’s also a very enthusiastic photographer.

The Star | Hasselblad H5D40 80mm | © dr. Tompi

Tompi lahir di Lhokseumawe(1978), adalah seorang dokter spesialis bedah plastik (FKUI), juga seorang musisi & pembawa acara, selain itu ternyata dia adalah juga seorang fotografer yang sangat antusias.



Moving | Leica M9P 28cron asph | Š dr. Tompi 54


Chase the Ball | Leica M7 28mm cron tmax400 push 800 | Š dr. Tompi



Resting | Xpan Fujipro 400H | Š dr. Tompi 56




Papua | Leica MP 50mm nocti, tmax400 | Š dr. Tompi 58


Papua | Rolleiflex 2.8F tmax400 | Š dr. Tompi

Papua | Leica MP tmax400 | Š dr. Tompi

Dr. Tompi started to show interest in photography since he met Davy Linggar & Marsio Yuwono, for shooting video clips & Cover photo for his Album. And about 1.5 years ago, he was introduced Leica camera from Satyo i-dL (id-Leica), at first he was using Leica M9P & Leica Monochrome, before that he also own DSLR Canon & Nikon, but at that time not too seriously.

Dr. Tompi, mulai tertarik dengan dunia fotografi berawal pertemuannya dengan Davy Linggar & Marsio Yuwono, yang pada saat itu melakukan shooting video clip & cover album musiknya. Kemudian dia mulai serius menekuni fotografi 1,5th yg lalu, mengenal kamera Leica dari Satyo i-dL (id-Leica) pada awalnya menggunakan digital Leica M9P & Leica Monochrome, sebelumnya juga pernah memiliki digital camera SLR Canon dan Nikon, tapi saat itu tidak terlalu serius.



Until he met Leica, that will a company him all day & every where. Since 4 months ago, he was influenced by Benny Asrul & Tommy for analog photography, and he found it very interesting and took it seriously, he let go his digital cameras, except for the Leica M9P Hermes (for his collection). While exploring analog photography, he found difficulties to develop his photos, there are very limited places could still develop film /slide, then he started to learn develop black/ white and color film also slides. He learns a lot from Haryanto R. Devcom. It’s been a month since he developed his own photos, and exploring “Wet Printing BW”. He is planning to held his Photography Exhibition in this in December 14th, 2014 at “Gallery Indonesia Kaya” in Grand Indonesia – Jakarta.



Sampai ketika menggunakan Leica, kegiatan foto dilakukan hampir setiap hari dan kamera leica selalu setia menemani. Kurang lebih 4 bulan yang lalu, di pengaruhi oleh Benny Asrul dan Tommy, dia mulai belajar fotografi analog, hingga saat ini dia semakin suka dan semakin mendalami analog, ada banyak kamera digital miliknya yang dilepas, kecuali M9P Hermes (untuk di koleksi). Mendalami fotografi analog bukan tanpa kendala, saat ini sulit di temukan tempat untuk melakukan develop film / slide, hal ini memaksanya untuk belajar men-develop film sendiri baik BW, Color dan Slide, untuk bidang satu ini dia banyak belajar dari Haryanto R. Devcom. Sudah 1 bulan ini dia mengerjakan sendiri, dan mendalami “Wet Printing BW”, rencana-nya pada tanggal 14 Desember 2014 akan mengadakan pameran di Galery Indonesia Kaya, di Grand Indonesia, Jakarta.

Let’s Work! | Leica M240 90mm apocron asph | © dr. Tompi ff-magazine


There are several photographers around the world influenced his works, there are: Anie Lebovitz, a portrait photographer from USA, that he saw her analog photography exhibition in Singapore. Make him even more in love in analog photography, also Saul Leiter & Trent Parke. Ada beberapa fotografer yang cukup berpengaruh dan sedikit banyak menjadi acuannya untuk menghasilkan karya fotografi antara lain: Anie Lebovitz fotografer portrait yang berasal dari Amerika yang pada saat itu sedang berpameran foto analog di Singapore, membuatnya semakin cinta pada analog BW & Color. Juga karya, dari dari fotografer Saul Leiter & Trent Parke.

Fast | Leica M240 28 cron asph | Š dr. Tompi



Purity | Leica M240 28cron asph | Š dr. Tompi ff-magazine


Gymnastic | Mamiya 7ii ilford 3200 | Š dr. Tompi

Up & Down | Mamiya 7ii ilford 3200 | Š dr. Tompi

Dr. Tompi does not into a certain genre of photography, for him everything can be interesting but at the moment he likes human interactions or activities, environment, etc. for him photography is not about trend, but depends on each individual interest, self satisfaction, happiness, and personal identity.

Tompi mengakui, dia tidak terlalu spesifik menentukan genre fotografinya sendiri, baginya apa saja yang menarik perhatian, saat ini dia tertarik pada interaksi manusia & kegiatannya, lingkungan, dan lain lain. Baginya hasil foto bukanlah tergantung pada tren, tetapi tergantung pada minat masing orang, kepuasan tersendiri, kesenangan, dan jadilah diri sendiri.



Love | Leica Monochrome 28 cron asph | © dr. Tompi

Curious | Rolleiflex2.8f tmax 400 | © dr. Tompi



Exercise | Leica M240 50lux | Š dr. Tompi 66


Prayer | Leica MP 50lux ilford delta 400 | Š dr. Tompi ff-magazine


Plain | Leica M240 50lux | Š dr. Tompi 68


Some of his gears are Leica M9P, Leica Monochrome, Leica M, Leica MP, Rolleiflex 2.8F, Mamiya 7 II, Hasselblad 503CW Beberapa perlengkapan yang di gunakan antara lain adalah Leica M9P, Leica Monochrome, Leica M, Leica MP, Rolleiflex 2.8F, Mamiya 7 II, Hasselblad 503CW Little Messenger | Leica MP neopan 100 50lux | Š dr. Tompi




6D kit II with EF 24-70L IS USM built-in Wifi and GPS Rp 26.010 6D kit II with EF 24-70L IS USM without Wifi and GPS Rp 25.598 6D with EF 24-105L IS USM built-in Wifi and GPS Rp 25.290 6D with EF 24-105L IS USM without Wifi and GPS Rp 24.878 700D Body Rp 5.885 700D Kit EF-S 18-135mm IS STM Rp 9.715 700D Kit EF-S 18-55mm IS STM Rp 7.167 70D Body built-in Wifi Rp 11.051 70D Body without Wifi Rp 10.640 70D Kit (EF-S18-135 IS STM) built-in Wifi Rp 14.755 70D Kit (EF-S18-135 IS STM) without Wifi Rp 14.547 70D Kit (EF-S18-200 IS) built-in Wifi Rp 15.500 70D Kit (EF-S18-55 IS STM) built-in Wifi Rp 12.235 70D Kit (EF-S18-55 IS STM) without Wifi Rp 12.005

(* Dalam ribuan rupiah/ .000)

DIGITAL CAMERA: CANON EOS 100D Kit EF-S 18-55mm IS STM 1200D Kit (EF-S18-55 IS II) 1D X 5D Mark III Body 5D Mark III with EF 24-105L IS USM 5D Mark III with EF 24-70 F4L IS USM 600D Kit 18-135mm IS 600D Kit 18-55mm IS II 600D with 18-55mm IS II + 55-250mm IS II 60D Body 60D Kit EF-S 18-200mm IS 60D Kit with EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 60D Kit with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II 60Da Body 6D Body built-in Wifi and GPS 6D Body without Wifi and GPS 70


CANON EOS M EOS M Kit II with EF-M22 & Adapter EOS M Kit III with EF-M18-55+M22+S90EX EOS M Kit with EF-M 18-55 Rp 7.710 Rp 5.080 Rp 67.465 Rp 34.490 Rp 41.300 Rp 42.100 Rp 8.790 Rp 5.887 Rp 7.355 Rp 7.250 Rp 11.340 Rp 10.410 Rp 8.225 Rp 14.910 Rp 18.505 Rp 17.990

Rp 4.835 Rp 5.590 Rp 4.415

NIKON D3100 Body Rp 3.699 D3200 KIT with AF-S 18-105mm VR Rp 7.125 D3200 KIT with AF-S 18-55mm VR Rp 4.999 D3200 KIT with AF-S 18-55mm VR II Rp 4.999 D3300 KIT with AF-S 18-55mm VR Rp 6.530 D4s Body Rp 62.900 D5200 with AF-S 18-55mm VR Rp 6.545 D5300 KIT with AF-S 18-55mm VR Rp 9.050 D610 Body Rp 19.825 D7100 Body Rp 13.070 D7100 KIT with AF-S 18-105mm VR Rp 16.090 D800 Body Rp 29.555 D800E Body Rp 32.410 D810 Body Rp 35.500 DF Body Rp 29.512 DF with AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G Rp 32.999

FUJI FILM X-A1 Kit Double Lens XC16-50mm + XC50-230mm X-A1 Kit XC16-50mm f3.5-5.6 OIS X-E1 Body X-E1 with XF18-55mm f2.8-4 R LM OIS X-E2 Body X-E2 with XF 35mm F1.4 R X-E2 with XF18-55mm f2.8-4 R LM OIS X-E2 with XF23mm f1,4R X-M1 Body X-M1 Kit XC16-50mm f3.5-5.6 OIS X-Pro1 Body X-Pro1 with XF18-55mm X-Pro1 with XF23mm X-Pro1 with XF35mm + XF18-55mm X-Pro1 with XF35mm f/1.4 X-S1 with 24-624mm X-T1 Body X-T1 Body Graphite Silver Edition X-T1 with XF18-135mm F3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR X-T1 with XF18-55mm f/2.8-4 R LM OIS

Rp 8.999 Rp 6.999 Rp 9.499 Rp 13.899 Rp 12.999 Rp 17.999 Rp 16.999 Rp 19.990 Rp 7.799 Rp 8.799 Rp 15.500 Rp 15.990 Rp 19.990 Rp 17.990 Rp 16.990 Rp 5.749 Rp 15.999 Rp 18.499 Rp 22.799 Rp 20.999

SONY Alpha A3500 Kit 18-50mm f/4-5.6 Alpha A5000 Kit 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS. Alpha A5000Y Kit 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS + 55-210mm f/4.5-6.3 Alpha A5100 Kit 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS. Alpha A58K with 18-55mm Alpha A6000 Body Alpha A6000 Kit 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS. Alpha A6000Y with 16-50mm + 55-210mm

Rp 4.499 Rp 5.999 Rp 8.999 Rp 8.499 Rp 5.499 Rp 8.499 Rp 9.999 Rp 12.999

Alpha 7 Body Rp 16.399 Alpha 7 Kit FE 28-70mm f3.5-5.6 Rp 22.000 Alpha 7R Rp 25.000 Alpha 7S Rp 26.999 Alpha A77 II Body Rp 14.999 Alpha A77 II Kit 16-50mm f/2.8 SSM Rp 20.999

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For more price list update, please visit: www.v3technology.net ff-magazine




Hadi Setia Dharma

Human & Culture ff-magazine


The Priest at Gangga River | Š Hadi Setia Dharma 74



Semarang, Indonesia He was taking photo since graduating from high school and had followed the photographic education in West Germany. Currently he actives in various Semarang photography community and served as a founder and chairman of the Independent Semarang Photographer.

Ia menekuni dunia fotografi sejak lulus dari SMA dan sempat mengikuti pendidikan fotografi di Jerman Barat. Saat ini aktif diberbagai komunitas fotografi Semarang dan menjabat sebagai pendiri serta ketua komunitas Semarang Independent Photographer.



Color of Life | Š Hadi Setia Dharma 76


Street Vendor | Š Hadi Setia Dharma



The Monks | Š Hadi Setia Dharma



Inside The Monastery | Š Hadi Setia Dharma



Bhe - Kun | Š Hadi Setia Dharma



Preparation | Š Hadi Setia Dharma

Today he uses the Nikon D700 camera (f1.8D 50mm, 85mm f1.8D, 24-85) and the Fuji X Pro 1 (18-55mm, 35mm). The people who influence him in the world of photography are Ansel Adam, Alex Webb and Henri Cartier Bresson.

Saat ini ia menggunakan kamera Nikon D700 (50mm f1.8D, 85mm f1.8D, 24-85) dan Fuji X pro 1 (18-55mm, 35mm). Orang yang berpengaruh baginya di dunia fotografi adalah Ansel Adam, Alex Webb dan Henri Cartier Bresson.

Hadi also won various national and international photo contest and as a speaker, workshop and jury in a variety of photo contest.

Hadi juga menjuarai berbagai lomba foto nasional maupun internasional dan menjadi pembicara, workshop dan juri dalam berbagai lomba foto.



Pacu Jawi | Š Hadi Setia Dharma 82


Some achievements include Garuda International Photo Competition Finalist, First winner of “Sadar Wisata” Photo Contest, second place Bank South Kalimantan Photo Contest and won numerous honorable mention at the Salon Photo Indonesia such as the Bronze Medal in Year 2013 and was named as one of the “Best Travel Photographer” by Burufly (one of Indonesia’s Official Tourism website).

Beberapa prestasi yang telah diraih diantaranya adalah Finalis Garuda International Photo Competition, Juara 1 Lomba Foto “Sadar Wisata”, Juara 2 Lomba Foto Bank Kalimantan Selatan dan meraih berbagai honorable mention di Salon Foto Indonesia seperti Medali Perunggu di Salon Foto Indonesia, Thn 2013 dan dinobatkan sebagai salah satu “Best Travel Photographer” oleh Burufly (salah satu website resmi pariwisata Indonesia).



1000 Candles at Borobudur | Š Hadi Setia Dharma 84


Mother’s Helper | Š Hadi Setia Dharma









Sense of Color, komunitas fotografer yang digawangi oleh Fajar Kristiono merayakan 4 tahun berdirinya SOC pada tanggal 1 November 2014 di Semarang, Jawa Timur dan dihadiri oleh puluhan fotografer dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. ff-magazine




Michael Ken

The Story Teller ff-magazine


Ride India | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken 92



Jakarta, Indonesia Michael Ken began to love photography in 2011. He currently a founder and administrator of a social documentary photographer community on Facebook group named HIPI (Humanity Photography Indonesia). His camera is Fujifilm XT-1 with 14mm lens. Michael Ken mulai mencintai fotografi di tahun 2011. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai founder dan administrator dari salah satu komunitas fotografer dokumenter social di facebook group bernama HIPI (Humanity Photography Indonesia). Kamera yang dimilikinya adalah Fujifilm XT-1 dengan 14mm lens.



Trading Luck For Food | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken 94


Mr. Tea | Fuji X-T1 | © Michael Ken

He is a story teller, more than a photographer. He loves to tell stories about people who sometimes are often muted by circumstances. So he sees himself as the media, to tell these voices, show them to the world so they will be heard. The easiest way to “bring” and “share” these voices across is often easiest by images.

Dia adalah seorang story teller, lebih dari seorang fotografer. Dia menyukai untuk mengungkapkan kisah tentang orang-orang yang kadang-kadang sering diredam oleh keadaan. Dia melihat dirinya sebagai media, untuk memberitahu suara tersebut, menunjukkan kepada dunia sehingga mereka akan didengar. Cara termudah untuk “membawa” dan “berbagi” suara-suara tersebut adalah dengan gambar.



In the development of his documentary series, most of the time he travels more than half a dozen times to the particular village or area and more that often he spend more than 6 hours a time roaming around. During that time, he developed relationships with some of the villagers (mostly during) coffee break at the village favorite “Warung Kopi” (Coffee Shop) developing relationship with the villagers is extremely important to him as it gives him the chance to hear their stories often unheard off by many “outsiders”.

On The Street Where I Live | Fuji X-T1 | © Michael Ken



Dalam pengembangan seri dokumenternya, sebagian besar waktunya melakukan perjalanan lebih dari 6 kali ke desa atau daerah tertentu dan lebih yang sering ia menghabiskan waktu 6 jam berkeliaran disekitarnya. Selama waktu itu, ia mengembangkan hubungan dengan beberapa desa (terutama selama) istirahat di desa favorit “Warung Kopi” (Coffee Shop) mengembangkan hubungan dengan penduduk desa sangat penting baginya karena memberinya kesempatan untuk mendengar cerita mereka yang tidak terdengar oleh banyak “orang luar”

Morning Chores | Fuji X-T1 | © Michael Ken



Street Barbershop | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken 98


The people who influence him are Steve Mccury, Timothy Allen, Mitchell K, Sam Abell, and the guys from Bang Bang Club. Orang-orang yang mempengaruhi dia adalah Steve Mccury, Timothy Allen, Mitchell K, Sam Abell, dan orang-orang dari Bang Bang Club.

Birdcage | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken



Read Jakarta | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken



In My House | Fuji X-T1 | Š Michael Ken




PHOTO JURNALISM Text : Michael Gomulya | Pictures : dr. Tompi

1. Always bring your camera where-ever you go, moments will come fast and gone in a second, make sure the battery is always ready, and the memory card is loaded and enough. 2. Be polite, communicate with the subject, it will be easier to get the permission if we know the subject. Smiles, the person usually will smile back this will also make it easier to persuade the subject. Look around and observe the surrounding area & body language, so we can anticipate moments, look for photo background and ideas for photo compositions. Ask for permission and respect the situations if you are not allowed to take any photo. 3. Most of the time, we will find difficulties using tripod on caused by: limited space, moments, subject is uncomfortable with existence of the tripod etc. We could anticipate this with a fast lens/ large aperture lens or using high ISO. Digital camera image quality is getting better and better. But remember the best quality image is always on the lowest ISO. Focus on the subject eye when shooting portrait.



1. Selalu bawa kamera kemanapun kamu berada, karena momen akan datang dengan cepat. Seringkali juga berlangsung sekejap. Pastikan battery selalu terisi, dan memory card yang memadai. 2. Harus sopan, ajaklah subjek untuk berkomunikasi untuk mempermudah mendapatkan ijin memotretnya. Dengan senyum, maka orang yang kamu ajak bicara juga akan tersenyum kembali ini biasanya akan mencairkan keadaan sehingga akan lebih di mudahkan. Lakukan obervasi dan survei keadaan lingkungan sekitarnya, juga perhatikan kebiasaan seseorang dan bahasa tubuh mereka untuk mengantisipasi moments. Perhatikan lingkungan sekitar mencari ide komposisi foto dan mencari latar belakang. Mintalah izin dan hormatilah keadaan seseorang jika memang situasi tidak memperbolehkan untuk memotret ada baiknya kita menghormati orang tersebut. 3. Seringkali pada saat pemotretan di lapangan, kita akan kesulitan untuk menggunakan tripod karena berbagai hal antara lain: lokasi yang sempit, moment berlalu dengan cepat, subyek tidak nyaman dengan keberadaan tripod dan lain lain. Ini bisa di antisipasi menggunakan lensa dengan bukaan diafragma besar (fast lens) / iso yang tinggi. Kamera digital saat ini umumnya sudah semakin baik dan canggih dan memiliki iso tinggi yang halus, tetapi kita harus ingat bahwa hasil foto dengan kwalitas terbaik selalu ada di iso paling rendah. Apabila kita ingin melakukan pemotretan portrait, focuslah pada mata dari subjek / orang yang akan kita foto.





We wish you Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday ff-magazine




Ridwan Prasetyo The Colour of Life ff-magazine


Sharing | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo 108



Jakarta, Indonesia He started to like photography as a hobby since he was in high school. It was his fathers who at the first time teach him how to use the film camera. Since then he always feel curious about how to make a good picture, especially in human interest and street photography. Dia mulai menyukai fotografi sebagai hobi sejak ia masih di SMA. Saat itu Ayahnya yang pertama kali mengajarinya tentang bagaimana menggunakan kamera film. Sejak itu ia selalu merasa penasaran tentang bagaimana membuat gambar yang bagus, terutama untuk kepentingan manusia dan street photography.



Feeding The Birds | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo 110


Sleepy Baba | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



Gratitude | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



Preparing the Tatung | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo ff-magazine


Unite | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo 114


Cap Go Meh | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



Down Town | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo 116


Inspirational photographers who has influence his works are Henri Cartier Bresson, Elliot Erwitt, Alex Webb and Raghu Rai. Human interest or street photography gives him more challenge on how to get the candid moments and give such information from those moments through pictures. Currently he uses Leica M9-P with 35mm Summilux, 50mm Noctilux lens Fotografer inspirasi yang telah mempengaruhi karya-karyanya adalah Henri Cartier Bresson, Elliot Erwitt, Alex Webb dan Raghu Rai. Human interest atau street photography memberinya tantangan lebih tentang cara untuk mendapatkan momen candid dan mengabadikan situasi tersebut melalui gambar. Saat ini ia menggunakan Leica M9-P dengan 35mm Summilux, 50mm Noctilux lensa.



Bath Time | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



Greetings | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo ff-magazine


My Pet | Leica M | © Ridwan Prasetyo



Childhood | © Ridwan Prasetyo

Jumping | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo ff-magazine


Shower | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



The Belief | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo ff-magazine


Shadu | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo



Jaisalmer | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo

Holiness | Leica M | Š Ridwan Prasetyo ff-magazine





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