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100 pages Truly Heavy 02 February 2008

Flight Simulation and More since 1999

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Special Release

From Russia with love Project Tupolev Tu-154M The Tupolev is one of the most widely produced airliners in the world. Since its introduction in 1972 around 1200 units have been built. Many of them are still flying, mostly the variants B2 and M, which primarily differ by the type of engine. With a maximum takeoff weight of 102 tons it’s a medium range airliner with a range of around 2000 NM at a cruise speed of approx. 500 kt. During my pilot career in the nineties I had the opportunity to deal with the Tu154 and until today I’m fascinated by this extremely reliable and fast airliner. I was even more happy, when a far advanced Preview version of the newest creation from Project Tupolev arrived in my virtual postbox. Project Tupolev is a designer group from Russia aiming at the reproduction of this Airliner in FS. First, the B2 model was developed, which already was a revolution of airplane develop­ ment in flight simulator and even caught interest in the Project Design Bureau, the developer of the real airplane. The system depth of this freeware went so far to make it usable

for airplane familiarization of new pilots. Normally one must name this Addon as a stand-alone simulator, only using MSFS2004 as a platform. A lot of features related to the airplane were newly developed, even an internal joystick interface leading to an extreme flight characteristics difference. I am still convinced that no other FS airplane ever came so close to the real feel of the airplane as that Addon did and the new version does again. The Tu-154M was developed on the basis of the B2 and contains a whole lot of new features. The system depth was again improved and the result is without doubt the most advanced simulation for an airliner, surely for Flight Simulation, but possibly even on a PC altogether. I am even sure, the programmed system depth leaves Full flight simulators of the Tu 154 behind, where technicians have to simulate systems with complex circuits. The visual model has plenty of new animations like modified spoilers, APU doors, new wingflex, which react in dependence on Speed; Flaps and acceleration. Also noticeable is the extremely detailed landing gear

with steerable front outer wheel of the main gear. The entire visual model was developed with GMAX and even before the release 60 repaints are already available. The 2D panel consists of 12 subpanels and comes in a normal variant, a widescreen variant for 16:9 What Project Tupolev has created here, is the quintessence of what flight simulation is all about. monitors and a variant optimized for three monitors. That is also a remarkable development! In the Virtual cockpit the animations have been further improved, there are windshield wipers, animated crew, moving seats, the table of the flight engineer can be moved and much more. Likewise noticeable are 3D gauges like the artificial horizon, which are really presented three dimensionally. The Virtual Cockpit can be fully operated, even the flight engineer station can be operated spatially. The moving crew, which by the way can be turned off, transfers a terrific feeling.

In the systems a lot has been added to what already exists on the B2. For the navigation now there’s a KLN 90B GPS in addition to the NVU system, which for many people lead to a headache in the B2 variant. A GROZA weather radar is also included and fully functional, same for a TCAS and a Flight Data Recoder Tool and a data analyser, the latter being available as a separate download. The entire warning system and the individual electrical and hydraulic system are modelled completely. Just as a small example of the new system depth the electrical system shall be mentioned, which models individual power consumers separately, visible during connection as peak on the corresponding amperemeter. Also the hydraulic systems are modelled searpated from each other in great depth. So in case of failure or shutdown of engines the corresponding consumers are only served, if the corresponding electro pumps are turned on. These are only small excerpts of the new functions, further system properties get obvious after detailed study of the manual or during operation. Like in the B2 variant, a lot of emphasis was put on sound. Consequently the new Tu-154M is equipped with a type specific soundset for the Soloviev engines and a unique crew module, including Ground personnel, Cabin crew and of course Cockpit crew. Also the checklists are spoken. The effect of this sound system can only be described with one word: Fantastic. It is intended to supplement this Russian Crew Module with

language specific ones, among others a German module for the Interflug plane. To master this airplane, a thoughtful manual is necessary. The english version comes from the well known Michael Ackermann, who describes

opened first and the necessary settings for the Payload should be performed. Like the entire product this also is quite complex. After loading of the airplane, the Joystick needs be calibrated first using a special panel. It needs to be deactivated in FS (CTRL-K). Then the manual should be strictly followed, means the individual axis set and calibrated, the buttons defined and the whole thing stored. At the first time it can take some

the functionality of this airliner on 240 pages and also manages the German and English Support forum. The manual is divided up in several sections and is excellently written, it contains all necessary components including performance data and exactly described procedures. And that is certainly very necessary. Because rarely before an Airlinesr was in such need of a complete manual. Further the Tupolev 154M comes with various tools, like a navigation calculator, a Loededitor and the already mentioned flight data recorder and analyser. Before the flight simulator is started, the Loadeditor should be

time, but is essential. In particular this interface is one of the extraordinary features of this simulation, which makes such a flight feeling of the airplane even possible. Starting then works only, if all steps described in the manual are carefully worked through. Batteries, Pressurization, hydraulics, electrics; everything needs to be correctly configured. If one doesn’t do that, either the engines don’t start or the frightening configuration light, for‑ bidding the start, remains constantly red. Until one learns the needed routine, one should reserve some time, at first try the setup might well take

Special Release

Trainer with Project Tupolev-Software at the Tupolev Design Bureau 20-30 minutes. After all, one does all alone, what normally takes 3-4 men to work through. Whoever tries to cheat with CTRL-E will fail. It is always the same: If it doesn’t work in this airplane, then in the real one it doesn’t work either. During all that one hears the crew members over and over again. Everything is interactive, even the APU start is commented by a ground technician. In particular the start process is an audible pleasure and in particular from the outside except for the volume – it can’t be distinguished from the real one. Brilliant! After engine start the rest of the system gets woken up and configured as per the checklist. Cabin pressure, electric, weather radar, all this needs to be turned on and configured.

Also that can easily take 20 minutes, especially if the Navigation system is intended to be used. Or worse, searching for errors like those responsible for takeoff configuration warning. Once ready for roll, the nosewheel steering is set to 10o and one carefully starts rolling. Already here one feels the outstandingly modelled dynamics of the airplane. The engines slowly spool up and down, the steering handling is uncommon for FS but so does it feel on the real airplane. Takeoff again with the help of the checklist. If all crew members have

function different then we are used to. After reaching safe altitude and acceleration to 350 km/h, the Flaps are retracted. If one wants to climb higher than the circling altitude, one must define the pressure altitude for pressurization schedule before descent, this is not automatic. If any of the girls feel too cold, one comes and complains, and you have to notice which part of the cabin being too cold or hot. And they talk Russian! So, that was only the beginning. Of course it continues like that, the entire flight. One does, I remind again, the job of three people. So also during

reported readiness (yes, they really do that!) one sets takeoff power. Again the crew members report their callouts up to rotation at approximately 240 km/h. Immediately after takeoff the landing gear is retracted. Again the crewmembers instruct what to do, because also the gear procedures

approach, where one must again deal with system management, autopilot operation, configuration, until all is set as desired. I admit, here I reached my capabilities although I know the real airplane. During cruise there are two possibilities to navigate the Tu, either using the archaic Russian NVU system or the KLN90B GPS. This one is beautifully modelled and fulfils its purpose adequatly. But also simple tasks like VOR Navigation need system knowledge, to get HSI1 and VOR1 to run and understand is not trivial, because the OBS must be set twice... and in the same style it continues. The landing approach is a pure pleasure, if one has managed to configure the airplane correctly. The ILS, flown manually, is a daydream. Also the touchdown is gorgeous, the ground effect noticeable and the sound

Before flight Payload and Fuel have to be checked.

What’s wrong? Troubleshooting before takeoff, the Configuration warning is still blinking. (Reason: The cap of the Boosters is open ...) effects again the finest! Whoever forgets to depressurize after landing, might not be able to open the doors. It also would not work via the key combination Shift-E, but via a panel at the engineers station. My conclusion is in pure German and clear, as is rarely with any other product: What is offered here to the If any of the girls feel too cold, one comes and complains. Simmers as freeware, is unmatched until today. No Addon in the history of flight simulation has this kind of system depth. No Addon is as sophisticated and complete and no Addon except that is able to introduct future Tupolev pilots and engineers so completely to the airliner. The full flight simulator in Varna, in which I have flown some years ago, does not offer this sophistication and system depth. Yes, believe me, so it is! What Project Tupolev has created here, is

more than a plain Procedure Trainer, more than a gorgeous simulation – it is the quintessence of what flight simulation is all about. Those who master this thing completely, who grasp the Systems of this addons so that they can routinely operate them, can go to a Full Flight Simulator, or in absence of it, to the real airplane and it won’t have many more system secrets. That does not mean, one can learn the handcraft of flying with this type, of course that would really need the real airplane. But whoever masters it, for him a type rating for this airplane would be substantially simplified. The downside of this must be also mentioned. Those who are afraid of manuals, learning curve, and too much realism, will never get the Tupolev airborne. Who is not willing to intensively study the excellent manual, should NOT scream in the forums afterwards! Because this Addon is not for beginners, not for children. Also for experienced LevelD pilots it can well

take several days, until they just fly and know what they are doing! But whoever reaches that has the chance to fly the only airplane in Microsoft Flight Simulator, which is as close to the real thing, that it enhances the entire FS to a serious trainer. Congratulation to the entire Project Tupolev team – What you guys have created is unique in the world of Flight Simulation. Urs Wildermuth

Project Tupolev 154 M Pro & Contra:  Best representation of an Airplane in the history of Flight Simulator  Outstanding system depth and flight dynamics  Gorgeous visual model  Magnificent sound effects  very good english manual − no plane for beginners, patience and endurance required Web: www.protu-154.com/index_e.html

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