2014 Blank - Fall Issue

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The National Estuary Program (NEP) was established in 1987 by amendments to the Clean Water Act. The Indian River Lagoon is one of 28 national estuary programs in the United States. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers the NEP. Program decisions are made locally, with each NEP composed of representatives from federal, state and local government agencies, local residents, business leaders, educators and researchers. The IRLNEP was established in 1989 and operates with the guidance of three stakeholder committees. The committees make recommendations regarding the work of the IRLNEP:

Technical Advisory Committee — guides technical decisions

Citizens Advisory Committee — represents the interests of estuary user-groups and the public

Advisory Board — advises the Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District

Those who live in or visit the Indian River Lagoon region can join with government and stakeholder groups to effect positive changes within the lagoon. Here aresimple actions that can be taken in the lagoon region. Fertilize wisely. Spreading excess fertilizer on lawns wastes money and can contribute to algal blooms in the lagoon. If fertilizing is necessary, use slow release fertilizers, use only when nutrient deficiencies are evident and use sparingly. Slow release fertilizers do not wash off the lawn after the first rainfall like most fertilizers. A single pound of fertilizer will grow more than 500 pounds of algae in the lagoon. Algae block sunlight to seagrasses, which are the lagoon’s most important fish habitat. Algae also rob the water of oxygen, causing fish kills. Send only rain down the storm drain. Storm drains are designed to carry rainwater to the Indian River Lagoon. In reality, storm drains carry grass clippings, yard wastes, oils, trash and other assorted pollutants to the estuary. Keeping pollutants away from storm drains directly impacts the water quality in the lagoon. Pick up after pets. Pet waste left on paved surfaces, lawns or around storm drains and water bodies will eventually reach lagoon or other surface waters after rainstorms. Pet waste can be a significant source of nutrients and fecal coliform, bacteria that can potentially harm the lagoon’s shellfish by making them unsafe to eat.

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 90 chapters worldwide. The Sebastian Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation was founded in 1997 and spans a portion of Brevard and Indian River counties. Anyone who appreciates the ocean and beaches is welcome to join! Have questions? Contact Mike at chair@sebastianinlet.surfrider.org

Avery Aydelotte

Name: Avery Aydelotte Age: 14 Hometown: Jensen Beach, FL Nickname: Avers Home break: Stuart Rocks Education: 9th Grader at Jensen Beach High School Sponsors: Dakine, Ocean Minded, FCS, Sun Bum, Happy Socks, Ohana Surf Shop Magic board: 5’7” Mayhem V-2 Shortboard How long surfing: I have been surfing for 5 years Dream Sponsor would be: I would feel blessed to get sponsored by any major clothing company, but I guess if I was lucky enough to get to choose it would be either Rip Curl or Hurley. Tunes you are listening to now: One Republic and The Script…. I just saw them in concert last night and they were amazing!! essons learned from competitive surfing: It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon! Sportsmanship award goes to: This award goes to my little brother Gavin, he gets dragged along to all the surf contests and he doesn’t usually complain. Best breakfast in town: My favorite breakfast place is Jan’s Place, best chocolate chip pancakes ever! Favorite pro surfer: Lakey Peterson Favorite local surfer: Alex Aydelotte (my dad) Who would you take with you on a dream surf vacation: I would take Lakey Peterson to Indo with me, it would be so awesome to surf perfect waves with my favorite surfer Favorite snack food: I love Acai bowls Greatest accomplishment in surfing, thus far: Winning the 2014 Rip Curl Grom Search in New Smyrna Greatest accomplishment in life, thus far: Honor Roll Student since Kindergarten Last book you read: The Giver by Lois Lowry Jesus is: My savior, without him I would be lost. He makes all things possible.


Tell us a bit about yourself, where did you grow up? I just turned 31 (feeling old but I thought by now I could grow hair on my cheeks) grew up at Coolum Beach on the Sunshine Coast. Married for 6 years to my awesome wife, Lize.

Ultimate surf session? Res-

taurants, Fiji two years ago. Pretty perfect overhead left handers with a handful of guys. One of those sessions where you don’t want to go in because it is so good! I had to fly out that afternoon, but the couple of hours I had out there were some of the best hours I have had surfing.

What boards do you ride? I get a few boards from some of the pros, mainly Mayhem’s of Brett Simpson anything from a

5’11 – 6’2 but I also have a 6’6 Eric Arakawa which I use most of the time in Hawaii, Fiji and Teahupoo.

How long have you been in-

volved with CS? I first joined CS when I was about 13 but my dad actually ran Caloundra Christian Surfers for a few years when I was only a little grom around 5. So I pretty much grew up in it.

What’s your current role with CSA; what does it involve? i am the Austral-

asian Regional Chaplaincy Coordinator, this means I try and Identify, Train, Appoint and Guide new surf chaplains from club level all the way up to ASP World Tour events.

What compelled you to do this role? God, I don’t know how to put it but really at the end of the

day I have a passion for surfing and people. God opened the door and I just had to be obedient and do it. It’s a privilege.

God touches peoples lives through CS, can you share a recent story that moved you? I was in Bali surfing a wave near the contest site during the Oakley Pro. I went out to get a quick few while the contest was on hold and there was only one other guy out. He was a kneeboarder. I immediately thought to myself. I’m just gonna paddle out, get as many waves as I can and come in. But I felt as if I needed to put my selfishness aside and chat to this guy. Turns out he was from South Africa and had been travelling after a recent separation with his wife. I told him I was the World Tour chaplain and he immediately started asking me questions about spirituality and God. I shared a little of my story with him between waves. We chatted a lot and this guys was really open, he caught a good wave and I thought he was going to go in but he came back out. I only had a little bit of time left but I waited for him to come back out and then said, “can I pray for you?” he was stoked and said that would be awesome. I prayed for him right there in the water, just the two of us. He was crying and really moved. I told him I had to go in to get back to the contest. He was so thankful and I gave him a quick hug. When I got to the beach I looked out and he was still out there with his head down praying. So often I am focused on just the contest and the World Tour surfers I forget that there are little opportunities around us all the time. This guys was a knee boarder, a bit of a surfing outcast in some regards but God showed me not to judge or be selfish and just to look at everyone through His eyes. Eyes of unconditional love. It was a huge moment in my walk with God. How can people support you in this role? Prayer is always first but if you go to www.surfchaplaincy.org you can read more about chaplaincy but if can give, click the donate button and make a contribution. There is a huge need for finances in this and I would be stoked if you could help grow chaplaincy.

Source: http://surfchaplaincy.org/chaplains/abe-andrews/

October 10—12 ASF Championships http://www.atlanticsurfing.org/ Sebastian Inlet

October 18 Gnarly Charlie Grom Surf Series http://www.gnarlycharleysurfseries.com Spessard Holland South

October 18—19 NSSA Contest #3 www.http://nssasoutheast.typepad.com/ Location—TBD

November 1 Gnarly Charlie Grom Surf Series http://www.gnarlycharleysurfseries.com Spessard Holland South

November 1-2 ASF Florida http://www.atlanticsurfing.org/ Location—TBD

November 8-9 NSSA Contest #4 www.http://nssasoutheast.typepad.com/ Location—TBD

November 14—5 Tommy Tant Surf Classic http://www.tommytant.com/ Flagler Pier

November 15 Gnarly Charlie Grom Surf Series http://www.gnarlycharleysurfseries.com Ft. Pierce @ Pepper Park

December 6 Gnarly Charlie Grom Surf Series http://www.gnarlycharleysurfseries.com Ft. Pierce @ Pepper Park

December 13-14 ASF Florida http://www.atlanticsurfing.org/ Location—TBD

www.surfcontestguide.com Surf Contest Guide is your guide to amateur surfing in Florida. Here you will find information about where and when amateur surf contests will be held. You'll also find information about all the different contest organizations, how they work, who to contact and more.

Name: Patrick Madden - 63 Hometown: St. Augustine Beach, FL. and currently live in Pal Bay, FL. History: I opened my 1st surf shop passing thru St. Augustine, on our way back from Cali, stepped into this small shop that was closing down, decided to take it, and moved to St. Augustine. I used my contacts at Nomad surfboards an Fox surfboards for the first boards for the store -we had the first rocket fish in St. Augustine, it was big hit. How did you get started in shaping: My interest in making boards started by going to pick up boards, watching boards being shaped and glassed, it was magic. That was it for me, I ordered blanks from Clark direct (stringerless fish type blanks), that was 1980. How many boards have you shaped: To date I have shaped about 8000, most in Florida and some in Oceanside as a ghost shaper. I started really surfing in ‘67 with a few earlier tries in ‘64. I made my 1st board in 69, it was really ugly. My first board was a Ron Dell trophy model. My father ordered 4 for his store called, W T Grants, pre K-mart. What boards are you riding: 9’8”, got it big so it would float me better right? down to a 5’7” 4 wing fish twinne and a 9’0”, finished yesterday, but next for a travel board I’ll add a twin fin eps body board. Phobias: drowning would be no1. almost drowned in Eleuthera, Bahamas in 1969 on my 1st surf trip[ $29.95 round trip from Miami] ,triple over head no leashes of course, and again at Blacks in 1970 about 10`, still no leashes also cold for a Florida boy. My 2nd phobia is standing in front of a crowd giving a speech. I had to take speech class twice in high school, maybe that's no1. Favorite Movie: the one that comes to mind 1st ,would be To Have and to Have Not– Bogart, a Hemmingway novel, there are a million great movies. What’s it like being a shaper in our area: shapers are just like everyone else we are good at what we do, it is a passion and I’m in a group of shapers that are really creative and share ideas, often. You’re also an incredible artist: I’ve painted for over 40 years and toured for over 20 years on the East Coast an a little in Cali. I had a great show in Laguna Beach at a garage sale, hard to believe. Special Note: God created surfboards so we could walk on water. How does someone contact you: My web is down, we closed our last store a year ago The Surf Gallery in Indialantic, FL., but my Facebook is open and has probably 100 boards in photos or e-mail me at maddensurf@aol.com

What does it mean to seek? Definition: verb, Attempt or desire to obtain or achieve something Synonyms: To search for, look for, be on the lookout for, hunt for, to be in a quest for something. When you are on the look out, for the enemy, do you stop looking? When you hunt for your food do you stop until you find it? When Frodo was on his quest for the ring did he stop? No You can’t, your life depends on it Who We Are Our group is open to everyone; men, women, youth, boys, girls and families who desire to share God’s love through their actions towards surfers. We are an outreach where we care for surfers at the beach, at surf contests and at special events. Although we do surf and have surfers involved you do not need to be a surfer to serve God. Please take a moment to pray for our group and see if you, or any of your friends or family, feel drawn into our mission field. If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the guys or gals at the events who are under the Christian Surfers tent or e-mail us at flowsurfers@yahoo.com. Monthly Events We meet each month, either in front of First Peak, at Sebastian Inlet State Park or at contest sites. We arrive at different times according to the tide or contest start times, we set up our tent and coolers and we serve those around us. We either help the contest get set up and broken down or we help beachgoers who are carrying arms full of chairs, umbrellas and coolers. In between we surf, pass out snacks or drinks, surf DVD’s, magazines .... Afterwards, we gather for a devotion and discuss upcoming events and opportunities to serve others. Our devotions are very casual and for geared to first timers to Bible scholars. All are welcome to hear God’s word and ask questions like, “What does that have to do with me?”. Special Events We like to load the vans and see our local sites. The wave pool in Orlando is obviously a favorite as well as our Summer Surf Jam where we jam as many kids into two vans and travel up coast and camp our way back home while surfing as many breaks a possible. We also serve at the Surf Expo two times a year providing daily coffee and donuts as well as man power on the last day of the show to help the industry pack up after a long week. There are lots of ways to be involved. We serve at National and Regional Contests: ASF Florida Contests, ASF Championships, NSSA Southeast Contests, NSSA East Coast Championships, Quiksilver King of the Peak, Gnarly Charley Surf Series, Walking on Water Tour, Rip Curl Grom Search…

Each summer we get together and go surf up coast for a few days. Over the last 3 years we have jammed kids in the van and headed north with trailer in tow. It starts off nice and quiet as everyone settles in and starts to open up about themselves. Over time we learn about everyone's favorite pro surfer, their favorite Dunkin Donut, who they think the prettiest female pro surfer is… you get the picture (teenage boys and their teenage like leaders). But then something changes, noises from the back seat, uncontrollable laughter and “Can we go straight to Treaty skate park” becomes the ongoing question of the day. Now remember, the leaders of this band of hooligans are in their forties and look at this as a bit of R&R with some Bible study while the kids look at it as a surf escape and as the North Florida Skate Park Tour. On top of that they eat all kinds of sugar enhanced cakes and drinks all day so after the first 3 hour surf session the old guys are getting tired while the kids are just warming up. So we trudge on, on to the skate park in the 95 degree day surrounded by concrete (adds about 10 degrees to the temperature) and a mobile home that has been converted to a skate shop / Simpsons tv viewing room / fart zone. And each night, as we wrangle the kids into one room to share Jesus and Life with them, they sit, listen and hear what God is sharing. What is more inspiring is that we hear the message we are sharing throughout the weekend, while they are talking to each other on the beach, in the van or at the skate parks. So after 4 days the trailer is trashed with sand, wet towels that have been left there since the first surf session, and a $600 shade tent that is now mangled and needs $150 in new aluminum arms. We have a bunch of tired old men that have let their bellies relax and are not showing their true waist size and we have a bunch of kids that are as stoked as they were when we left 4 days earlier asking “can we go to Treaty Skate Park one more time before we leave”. Plus this year we had waves every day and caught Hurricane Bertha at Playalinda. Oh how we love our Summer Surf Jams. Looking forward to next year.

GOD cr eated us to be with Him. OUR sins separ ate us fr om God. SINS cannot be r emoved by good deeds. PAYING the pr ice for sin, J esus died and r ose again. EVERYONE who tr usts in Him alone has eter nal life.

WHAT’S IN A WETSUIT COLOR? Psychologists say wetsuit color may affect your performance far more than you think BY JUSTIN HOUSMAN POSTED ON SURFERMAGAZINE.COM JANUARY 15, 2014

What color is your wetsuit? Black, right? Makes sense. Assuming you’re not a pro, you’re likely not looking to draw attention to your questionable cutback and weird arm placement with a brightly colored suit. Sports and behavioral psychologists, however, have news for you: wetsuit color may affect your performance far more than you’ve ever imagined. There are a couple phenomena at work here. First, self-perception. The fine folks at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management led a fairly influential 2012 study which showed that people who wore a doctor’s white coat performed better in cognitive tests than those wearing street clothes. When a different group of people wore the same coat but were told it was a painter’s smock, they recorded far worse results than the group who believed they were wearing a doctor’s uniform. In a nutshell: if you think you’re dressed like a doctor, you’ll actually act smarter. This same idea is supported by University of North Carolina researchers who argue that uniforms of the right color help athletes reach their “Ideal Performance State.” We react to colors on an emotional level, and peak athletic performance only comes about when your head is in the right place. Imagine what that could mean for your surfing, if you had the stylistic courage to strap on a neon wetsuit. Look like a pro, surf like a pro. Keep in mind, there’s a limit. The benefits of positive self-perception only go so far—you aren’t making the ‘CT just because you get ahold of one of Kolohe’s discarded orange-creamsicle suits. But, you just might feel like a better surfer. OK then, you’re probably wondering, which color will make me rip? Red. That’s according to reports published in the Journal of Sports Science. And this is especially so for competitive athletes. Soccer (or, sorry, football) teams in England that have worn red unis were found to have won matches at a rate far out of proportion than teams not wearing red. Other sports seem to show a similar trend. Nobody knows exactly why that is—ref bias, intimidation, aggressive self-perception amongst red-wearers have all been suggested—but statistics seem to bear it out. Wear red, perform better. Keep that in mind next time you’re betting on the outcome of a pro tour heat, or choosing between a suit with red logos or with blue. But wait, if the color of what you’re wearing can affect mood and performance, what does that say about wearing a black wetsuit? “Black is viewed as the color of evil and death in virtually all cultures,” Cornell University researchers noted in a 1988 study of whether or not wearing black screws with your behavior. Their verdict: it sure seems so. Black uniforms were shown to increase an athlete’s aggressiveness, while at the same time intimidating competitors. Sports teams that wear black commit more penalties than their lighter-colored counterparts. Black can make you feel tough, and can make others look tough. This can’t be helping in those jam-packed, neoprene-filled winter lineups. Of course, all of this is subjective. At best, research shows that what you wear can affect behavior and performance, not that it always will. But if you’re feeling a little flashy, and like the looks of an ice-blue suit, go with it. If you feel like you look cool, it might make you surf better. And if you want to catch more waves than anyone, try for the red/black combo. It works for the Miami Heat, it could work for you.

HE>i Recently we have seen a few HE>i stickers on local cars and even some surfboards While in Hawaii this summer we saw the same stickers but in abundance. What is HE>i? Well, we went to their website and this is what we found. HE>i (HEgreaterthani) is a lifestyle brand. Our mission is to celebrate God's greatness by creating quality products, inspiring thought and conversation, and providing creative and relevant options in the marketplace for those who wish to express their faith. The idea came in 2003 on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. While trying to think of something clever to put on the main screen of a Nokia phone, the '>' symbol seemed to stick out. John 3:30 (from the Bible) came to mind. It's one of our all-time favorite verses. It says, 'He must become greater and greater; I must become less and less.' The phrase 'HE>i' stuck on the phone for a few days and rapidly caught on amongst our group of friends. It was then that we decided to print up some shirts and stickers with the logo on it. Today, we are a full-time company sending out orders across the U.S. & globally. Our home base is on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. By choice, we only sell our products in our own shops (Haleiwa, Honolulu & Newport Beach), and our online store (hegreaterthani.com). From Hawaii with aloha,


If you have seen the latest HE>i post with the taro plant you may be wondering why use taro, here is an explanation behind why. Lo'i is the Hawaiian word for the taro patch system. This remarkable plant is a staple of the Hawaiian culture, and serves as a symbol of God's wisdom and design. From top to bottom, the taro plant is 100% usable, and the base of the stem (Huli) can be replanted for future produce. Situated next to mountain streams, a Lo'i receives the cold water which filters through rows of taro plants, exiting through the roots and then back to the stream. The taro leaves (Lu'au), and roots (Kalo), are edible and nutritious. The famous Hawaiian Poi is made from pounding the roots with water. High in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, Poi also doubles as a hypoallergenic superfood that sustains lactose intolerant infants. Historically, Hawaiians would have numerous patches with different planting stages for year-round sustainability. God has inspired our hearts with the design of the Lo'i. From top to bottom he has specific uses for us. He has planned our survival, reminded us of our purposes, and is the architect of our existence in the stream. Source: Hegratertahni blog

Are you a surfer? Does anyone know it? How do they know?

I met a guy that said he was into surfing. He had some board shorts, a couple tees and had seen a recent movie about surfers. He said that he believed surfing existed and knew a little bit about it. He'd never actually caught a wave but does that really matter? I met a guy that said he was a surfer. I tried to schedule a time to paddle out but he was always busy. Finally on a big three day weekend he said, "let's go - Cowabunga". When we met at the beach and he rocked up with matching rash guard and shorts and a foamy, I had concerns. When he waxed the bottom of his "stick" to make it go faster, I called out, "Houston, we have a problem". I met a guy - really smart, well adjusted, could've been a successful business guy. As we talked he said he works odd jobs. I was surprised. He said he lives in a 450 square foot apartment with no tv or internet. He said he's been to Indo 15 times. He didn't need to say he was a surfer - it was obvious. Which of these is a better picture of Christianity? In Galatians 2:20 Paul says: “

What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So I quit being a “law man” so that I could be God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in Jesus, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that . (Taken from the Message Bible) Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing “religion” would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to deny God’s grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rulekeeping, then Christ died unnecessarily. Paul's life was dictated and defined by Jesus, how is your life defined?

Our Story: Work started in August 2007 By Team Pain. Our grand opening was October 19, 2007. Opening a skate park had a lot of difficulties- no building codes, no business license code, city officials in permitting going crazy. Money and insurance issues! Needless to say my goal was to plant a skate church and build a skate park around it! We had David Reisbach as our first pro skater speaking the first month at skate church. We started with 4 kids and within 4 weeks we had 200. We needed a positive skate park with awesome Christians and creating relationships with our skaters positive attitudes - we succeeded with The Park. Our Mission: A sense of community spirit by providing a supervised, safe,and secure facility for skating. To make a difference in the lives of the youth by offering positive recreational opportunities designed to promote self-esteem, respect for others, and social responsibility. The Park Corporation of Melbourne is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization strives to foster growth not only in our community but in the skateboard industry through the enhancement of local, regional and national tourism.

Mondays we are closed unless posted Tuesdays- Fridays 2-10p.m. Saturdays 12-10p.m. Sundays 12-5p.m.

Buy a Gift Certificate for a friend, what a great Christmas Present.

SKATE CHURCH Tuesday nights 6:30 -7:00 Bible study skate till 8:30 free Sunday nights 5:00-5:30 Skate church skate till 7:00 free Skate free both nights afterwards if you attend church Seth Tweedale is lead pastor for both services with Coastline pastors filling in and supporting the ministry.

Go online to donate to the Park http://www.theparkatmelbourne.com

Why Blank? Like a surfboard, we all begin as a raw blank; scuffed up, yellowed and not so pretty. As the master shaper, God works in us to shape us for His glory and to His plan. We may not know exactly what our final shape will look like, but He is the master shaper and we have to trust in his plan. You may want to be a big wave gun and he may be shaping you into a fish. Why a fish? He has a plan to use you when a wider outline, slightly thicker rail and fuller tail is needed. How well will you work, for His glory, if your outline is for Pipe and you are surfing Ocean Ave.? We will never be glassed. In this shaping bay, the Master Shaper is never finished with us.

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