This Is The End In a quiet little store in Hawaii at 11pm on November 9, a little bit of American history passed away in what is probably the most appropriate way possible. Blockbuster shut its doors for the last time, after a couple of employees tweeted this photo of them holding the last movie the once-mighty franchise would ever rent out: This Is the End. Not sure where these guys are going to return Seth Rogen’s apocalypse movie, but maybe that’s beside the point. Thanks for everything, Blockbuster. Your aisles made for some pretty interesting places to roam. Long may your late fees soar
Conversation Starters
Here are a few shirts we found online that caught our eye. Want to start a conversation, where your heart on your sleeve, or on your back in this case? Look for these shirts and more at
Landlocked surfers, grab that board from the rafters and suit up. The waves may be as close as your nearest river. Surfer, Matthew Robertson, competing in the North American Championships at the Surf Anywhere-built wave in Kananaskis Country, Alberta. “Everyone is aware of ocean surfing, but most people live on or near rivers,” says Neil Egsgard, the principal, wave designer, wave builder and government liaison for Surf Anywhere, a wave design and river surfing consultation firm. Surf Anywhere helps communities build waves and, in doing so, also helps them become more invested in their rivers. Egsgard is a bit of a crusader, on a mission to bring surfing to the masses. “Almost anywhere there is a river, you can build a really good surf wave and it provides something that is an economic [stimulator], becomes a cultural center and connects people to the environment,” says Egsgard. “All of that is changing; all you need is a river.” Source: Grind TV
Photo: Courtesy of Robert Bishop
Eco Pro Surf Series Our goal is to plan, create, host family oriented surfing competitions and promote activities related to the beach and surfing while stimulating public interest in all aspects of these activities. The Eco Pro Surf Series will always include recognizing and benefiting local small charities that positively impact our surfing community through either surfing outreach programs and/or beach and ocean conservation. The Eco Pro Surf Series will directly benefit three (3) selected charity organizations with a track record for directly and positively impacting our community through outreach programs and environmental awareness: Future 6’s mission is to have an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of physically disabled and at risk youth through the introduction of alternative sports, arts, and music. Future 6 provides surfing, skateboarding, arts & music, community beautification, and fishing programs 100% free for kids to participate in. Everything Future 6 does provide unique experiences for children in our communities, provides positive life long memories and creates solid foundations of desire, drive and work ethic. Since 2012, they have been able to provide their free outreach programs to 1000’s of kids benefiting from Orlando to Palm Beach. C4CW has been leading the battle against Lake Okeechobee discharges for years. They have united and moved entire communities to stand up and demand our natural right to clean water and maintaining a sound environment for both humans and aquatic wildlife. C4CW inspires communities to speak out and has hosted some of Florida’s largest rallies to inform the masses and educate younger generations on the importance of a clean water lifestyle. They continue to rally and educate as all of our futures depend on being more environmentally conscientious. STSF does exactly what their name states, SHARE THE STOKE! Around the world, coastal towns are filled with kids who yearn for the possibility to stand on a surfboard in the water but simply do not have the resources to do so. STSF is committed to creating new possibilities for young people globally to support them in having their dreams come true. STSF cares for our beaches and educates kids globally on how to love Mother Nature, develop local mentors and celebrate role models in the surfing community globally and they increase focus in kids so they can perform to the best of their abilities.
Divisions include : Men’s Pro, Women’s Pro, Jr. Pro, Longboard Pro, Men’s Open, Women’s Open and Grom’s Open (12 and under) Contest Dates and Locations:
CONTEST #1 Future 6 Pro
CONTEST #3 Share the Stoke Pro
Fort Pierce North Jetty
Stuart Public Beach
Jupiter, Stair 27
October 21 & 22
January 6 & 7
March 3 & 4
Name: Charley Hajek Age: 54 Where were you born: New Jersey Current home: New Smyrna Beach Have you ever had an all white surfboard: yes Favorite food: spaghetti Is New Smyrna really as good as you say it is: I surf 300 days a year When did you start the Gnarly Charley Grom Series: 2007 How far have you traveled to host a Surf Contest: Virginia Beach What was the largest contest you have had: Lori Wilson Park 2016 number of kids: 132 kids Explain what the Jr. Pro is: GC Jr. Pro is a chance for kids that have progressed into a higher level to come back to the surf series and compete for cash prizes and also allows the groms in the regular series to see where they could be. How long surfing: I have been surfing since 1972 when I was 10 years old. Dream Sponsor would be: an airline that would fly me anywhere for surf trips. Tunes you are listening to now: Social Distortion is my fave Lessons learned from competitive surfing: Never take it too seriously, if you’re not having fun you've already lost. Sport other than surfing: Snowboarding Favorite vegetable: Asparagus Best breakfast in town: Nicoles (my girlfriends) home cooking Favorite pro surfer: Occy, Mick Fanning, Mark Richards Favorite local surfer: Jeremy Johnston Favorite local surf spot: New Smyrna Beach Inlet Best movie ever: Fast Times At Ridgemont High and Caddy Shack Best Snack food: Pop tarts Who are some of the most successful surfers to have surfed your series: Tommy Coleman, Rachel Presti, Kayla Durden, Sophie Falzone, Coral Schuster, the Thompson brothers, Noah Dovin, Joey Putnall, Zoe Benedetto, Ava McGowan there are so many kids that have stepped up their game after moving on from my series. The last couple of years I will be watching the ESA and NSSA championships and 2-3 out of the 4 person finals started in my surf series. Why do you do it: I do it for the love of surfing and the positive aspects it has on the groms. When I was a grom I didn't have the ability to learn in this way. I want to create a positive outlet, it's about making friends, learning sportsmanship and just having a true love for surf. Not about the pressure of having to always win but to learn, laugh, and grow as an athlete and as a person.
Children easily take the opinions of others as their own. A little boy agrees with everything daddy says. A little girl comes home telling her parents the “fact” her friend told her: “But my friend says it’s true!” The child wants the toy on the television, believing it will do everything the ad claims. Children’s opinions and preferences are easily influenced because of their nature. It is essential children be taught truth. Proverbs 22:6 teaches us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
When we decide to accept Jesus’s forgiveness and follow Him, we become like spiritual babies. We too have to learn truth. What and who we listen to in our walk is vital to our growth. In Colossians, Paul expresses his hope that believers’ “hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” He warns against “plausible arguments” that would deceive. In order to find these “treasures of wisdom and knowledge” in Jesus, we must discipline ourselves to tune out the opinions and values the world offers so we can keep our focus on God’s truth. The Bible is God’s word. We must learn God’s word by reading it, listening to it and thinking about it. Such discipline allows us to recognize the voice of God and grow in Him. Reflect: Where do you turn when you need advice? Can you think of a time you followed opinions that didn’t agree with the Bible? What were the results?
October 11—12 NSSA Contest #3 Location TBD October 21—22 Eco Surf Series #1 Ft Pierce North Jetty October 21-22 NSSA Contest #3 Location TBD October 28 ESA contest #7 Paradise Park November 4 Quiksilver King of the Peak Sebastian Inlet November 11 Gnarly Charley Spessard Holland November 11 ESA contest #8 Location TBD December 2 Gnarly Charley Pepper Park Ft Pierce December 9 ESA contest #9 Location TDB December 16 Gnarly Charley Spessard Holland December 24 Surfing Santas Cocoa Beach
Lord, Please clear my head of all distractions, and my heart of burdens I may bear, so I may perform my very best, knowing that you'll always be there. Please lift me up before the moment, so through your eyes I may see, and have a clearer understanding, as the heat unfolds before me. With great courage I will meet this challenge, as you would have me do, but keep me humble and remind me, that my strength comes from knowing you. Then when all eyes are upon me, at the end, I will turn their eyes to you O' Lord, to glorify of your name. -Amen
Deconstructing Me-First Faith Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts human beings plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. It’s so easy to live a life that revolves solely around a single agenda: our own. Everything in the surrounding culture encourages us to create the life that we want, to see the fulfillment of our own goals as the ultimate prize, to stand apart from the crowd by being truly selfish. Of course, Christianity suggests otherwise. It tells us that meeting our own desires is not the path to godly success. Jesus quotes from the ancients in Deuteronomy and Leviticus when He reminds His audience precisely what we ought to value most: to love God with all of our energy and passion, and to love others as much as ourselves. Selfless living does not mean placing others on an equal footing with ourselves, handing out the compassion in step with the self-indulgence. True Christianity—to be near the kingdom of God, to understand the very fibers that hold together the essence of Christianity, to put our faith into bold practice—means handing over our own agendas in place of serving God and others. It might not be sexy or culturally on-message, but it’s there, in plain and simple truth. Make a to-do list for the week. Then cross off or re-prioritize the tasks that are purely selfish or need to be re-focused to better serve God and others?
Garbage In Garbage Out The largest mammal on the planet is a blue whale, whose tongue can weigh upwards of 2.5 tons. This is approximately the size of an adult elephant. In contrast, the human tongue, on average, is about 4 inches long and weighs less than 4 ounces. The tongue is certainly not one of the strongest muscles in the human body, yet it is perhaps the one capable of the most destruction. Many of us grew up with hearing “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” only to find that some of the deepest hurts we have ever felt, were caused by the unkind words of another. James explains, one of the great problems we all have is that with the same tongue we bless God and curse men. We are all aware of the sins of the tongue, are guilty of committing them, and have been hurt by them. The question is, how can we avoid them? Jesus tells us the sins of the tongue are a matter of the heart. The solution then, to overcoming the sins of the tongue, is to focus on what is coming into our lives, and finding residence within our hearts. A number of years ago, a friend of mine was counseling a man who was struggling with outbursts of anger. He could not control his tongue and would lash out at his family. As they finished their conversation and walked to the car, he saw that the passenger seat was filled with hard-core secular music cassettes; the kind that makes you want to bang your head against a wall. He had uncovered part of the cause of the problem. Constantly filling his head with screaming, made it a lot easier to scream at others. In the same way, if you have a problem with profanity, take inventory. What are you putting into your head? If you struggle with gossip, stop listening to it and you will stop spreading it. Garbage in garbage out! The more you fill your mind with the things of God, the more you will find that your tongue is used to bless God and be a blessing to others. Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”. - Pastor Jim
Name: Gavin Coluccio Age: 12 Hometown: Flagler Beach, FL Nickname: Pelican Sponsors: Salty Crew – Lopez Boards – FCS – Xcel Wetsuits – Native Eyewear- SunBum Favorite (local) surf spot: NSB without a doubt! Stays consistent and tons of air sections. Where do you go to school, what grade: I’m starting Florida Virtual School this year & 7th Grade What kind / size board are your currently riding: I’m currently on a 4’10 Lopez, I love it. Shea does an amazing job on his boards, I can’t wait to get another one. If you could order any board (not for competition) what would it be: Definitely a grom size Uno Model from Lopez! Favorite place to eat breakfast: Our grandma’s house, we are so lucky that she lives here now. Do you have any phobias: Spiders! I hate spiders, way too many legs and way too many eyes. Favorite movie: The North Shore (If the wave breaks there! Don’t be there!) How old were you when you started surfing: 9, not long after we moved here from NC. Do you play any other sports: We love to fish! We went bass fishing in a rain storm last week and caught some of the biggest bass we’ve ever caught. Out of 12 fish, half of them were over 5lbs. Such a fun day. Dream surf destination: The Gold Coast for its perfect rights! Local hero: Shea Lopez and CJ Hobgood, They are both great role models and I hope to one day be like them. Favorite super hero: Spiderman What do you do when it is flat: Fish, Fish, Fish Favorite book: The “I survived” series If you could buy any car what would it be: An Excursion so I can load up all my surfboards and explore different breaks. Best friend is: Carl Burger Favorite cereal: Cheerios What local surfer do you look up to: Robbie McCormick, he does the sickest airs of anyone in the area! Favorite pro surfer: Wilko also! His power is amazing. Who has influenced your life the most: My parents Jesus is: God is love, when I show love to others it’s my way of sharing Jesus with them.
Name: Logan Coluccio Age: 12 Hometown: Flagler Beach, FL Nickname: Logio (according to Travis Ajay) Sponsors: Salty Crew – Lopez Boards – FCS – Xcel Wetsuits – Native Eyewear- SunBum Favorite (local) surf spot: My favorite spot is for sure Ponce Inlet, I love the clean barrels there on the good days. Where do you go to school, what grade: I am starting Florida Virtual School this year and am in 7th Grade What kind / size board are your currently riding: I’m currently riding a 4’ 10 Lopez. Shea Lopez has really done a lot getting us dialed in. If you could order any board (not for competition) what would it be: Something fast from Lopez boards for sure. Favorite place to eat breakfast: Grandmas house for sure! Do you have any phobias: YES! Heights and Roller Coasters Favorite movie: I don’t really have a favorite movie, we are never home to watch TV. We try to stay out surfing or fishing as long as possible. How old were you when you started surfing: Almost 10, I was about 6 months behind Gavin. I skated before that. Do you play any other sports: Yes we fish anytime it’s flat. Dream surf destination: For sure the Maldives or Snapper Rocks. Local hero: CJ Hobgood all day long! Such a humble and great role model. Favorite super hero: Superman What do you do when it is flat: Fish, we’ve been doing a lot of Bass Fishing lately. Favorite book: I like the “I Survived” series. I like reading about how people were able to do amazing things to survive bad situations. If you could buy any car what would it be: A Land Rover all fitted for off road so I can make to any surf spot I want. Best friend is: Carl Burger Favorite cereal: Captain Crunch What local surfer do you look up to: Shea Lopez, he is such a wealth of knowledge and helps us out all the time. Favorite pro surfer: Wilko, his back hand is the best in the business Who has influenced your life the most: My parents and my older brother. My mom is so driven and that’s such an awesome quality. Our dad is tough and pushes us to get better and to get out of our comfort zone. Our older brother has always been like a 3rd parent for us and we are so proud of him being in the military. Jesus is: Jesus is Hope
Who We Are FLOW is open to everyone; men, women, youth, boys, girls and families who desire to share God’s love through their actions towards surfers. We are an outreach where we care for surfers at the beach, at surf contests and at special events. Although we do surf and have surfers involved you do not need to be a surfer to serve God. Please take a moment to pray for our group and see if you, or any of your friends or family, feel drawn into our mission field. If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the FLOW guys or gals at the events or e-mail us at Monthly Events We meet each month at local surf events or contest sites. We arrive early and either help the contest get set up or we help beachgoers who are carrying arms full of chairs, umbrellas and coolers. In between we surf, pass out snacks or drinks and FLOW stuff. Afterwards, we gather for a devotion and discuss upcoming events and opportunities to serve others. Our devotions are very casual and are geared for first timers. All are welcome to hear God’s word and ask questions like, “What does that have to do with me?”. Special Events We try and pack up the vans and see our local sites. The wave pool in Orlando is obviously a favorite as well as our Summer Surf Jam where we jam as many kids into two vans and travel up coast and camp our way back home while surfing and skating as many breaks and parks as possible. There are lots of ways to be involved, just come and see. We serve at National and Regional Contests: NSSA Southeast Contests, NSSA East Coast Championships, Quiksilver King of the Peak, Gnarly Charley Surf Series, Walking on Water Movie Tours, Rip Curl Grom Search… Get plugged at:
Nineteen years ago, Mitch Abshere stood on a train platform in Orange County preparing to kill himself. Only 20 years old, he had been on the cusp of a pro longboarding career and seemed to have everything to live for. But even at this tender age, Mitch had already developed a destructive appetite for booze and for the past six months, had been on one big bender.
"I fell in with the wrong people. I was pretty much a drunk and a punk. I think I had a lot of mental issues as well,” says Mitch. “I just couldn’t see a way out or a reason to live.” As time counted down, it happened. He heard the voice. And not just any ol voice – “It was the voice of the lord saying, ‘It's about me and you. Don't worry about everyone and what they say or have done to you.’ I was tripping out. I stepped back, hopped on the next train and went home.” Mitch has never looked back since that day at the train station. And with a wife and two kids, and a place among the born-again godbrothers, he could be forgiven for having lost his edge. He hasn’t. If there is one thing that has endured since his days in the infamous 1990’s Socal alt. surf scene (other than his love of tattoos), it’s his passion for indie surf culture. Something he’s channeled into an influential and increasingly successful chain of concept surf stores, Captain Helm and a signature Fin and apparel company, Captain Fin. “My whole thing is, I really wanna be a part of bringing the fun part of surfing back, having a good time and not taking ourselves so serious. It's out of control. Are we changing the world? Are we bringing clean water to countries? No man, we're making some shorts and tshirts,” he says. While his fin company, Captain Fin, which also produces totes, hats, beanies, towels, movies, wetsuits, and most recently a pair of shoes with Andrew Doheny and Vans, was to provide a novel canvas for surfers to exhibit their art, it also offers some handy fin templates, something Mitch has been a student of for over two decades. “Making fins is so hard and they do an amazing job. Really, really good,” says Al Knost, one of several high profile loggers who use the fins. Source: Stab Magazine
This is our 5th year heading up coast to surf , skate and grow in Christ. This year we focused on Godly Character and what that means and how we can grow in it. Were the waves great? No. Was the heater turned up to 200 degrees at the skate parks? Yes. Was fun had by all? Absolutely! We started this trip off at the crack of dawn and after packing the trailer with surfboards, skateboards, luggage and that special blanket (that a surfer who will remain nameless brought along) we were off on the road to Ponce Inlet. Remember this is the dead of summer so any wave is better than nothing. We arrived to a fun 1 – 2 ft surf in crystal clear waters with about 10 other guys out. So, out come all the surfboards, boogie boards, longboards and paddle boards. The tent goes up, the cooler comes out and we spend the next few hours trading waves, pushing some kids in and goofing off. After about two hours the attention gets turned to the jetty for a snorkel expedition and then back to the waves before heading off for lunch and onto St. Augustine. Over the last five years St Augustine has been our home base. We stay across the street from the pier and around the corner from the Surf Station which has a skate park next door that everyone enjoys. This year was no different. The next morning, bright and early, the kids get their fill of chocolate covered donuts and danishes, from the free breakfast provided by the hotel, and then off to the Poles. Now the water in north Florida is nothing like what we get down here. It seems to always be brown and murky and although it is small, the Poles seems to be able to bring in a fun little wave which kept everyone, including the dads, busy. Again, every type of watercraft was being used and for the next 3 hours we surfed and laughed until our hunger took over. Angie’s Subs on Beach Blvd in Jacksonville is a must visit. The subs there are amazing and surf videos are running on the tvs. It’s a really cool place. The kids ask if that’s where we are eating each year so we can’t disappoint. From there it was off to Kona skate park. Now Kona is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest operating skate park. It just celebrated 40 years and although you groms may think that’s really old, us dads remember it in its’ prime. There is Big Brown ( a huge halfpipe ), the Snake, the kiddie bowl, the Pro Bowl and all kinds of street and half pipes around. So needless to say, the days pretty much run like that, eat, surf, eat, skate, eat and then we get into God’s word. With the help of Francis Chan, Shawn Briley and the word itself, we talked about being men of character, what that means and how we live it out in our lives. We have a choice as we go through this life and that is to live for ourselves or live for God. How we handle life’s situations reveals who we are and where we place our trust.
Why Blank? Like a surfboard, we all begin as a raw blank; scuffed up, yellowed and not so pretty. God works in us to shape us for His glory and according to His plan. We don’t know exactly what our final shape will look like, but He is the master shaper and we have to trust in his plan. You may want to be a big wave gun and he may be shaping you into a fish. Why a fish? He has a plan to use you when a wider outline, slightly thicker rail and fuller tail is needed. How well will you work, for His glory, if your outline is for Pipe and you are surfing Ocean Ave.? In this shaping bay, we will never be glassed. The Master Shaper is never finished with us.
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