Incredible Goa April 2023

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Celebrating the 50th Birthday of Dr Pramod Sawant


Bhuvanish Shet, a Business Management graduate from the UK is a prominent businessman in Goa with many branches to his portfolio. He was born and brought up in Mumbai but shifted to Goa when his father decided to move his well-established construction company to Goa.

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The Story of a journey of progress, simplicity, and love for the people of Goa

A Special Feature on His 50th Birthday











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it's the summer time

This winter, temperatures in Goa dropped down to 16 degrees for the first time, making it a pleasant season. However, this time summer is going to be harsher compared to last year, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees at times. It's expected that May will be even harsher, so it's important to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun by staying indoors as much as possible.

with multiplex, ample parking, and well-known brands. Now, he is embarking on a new journey in the fashion world with his brand, COVE. His story is truly inspiring and offers many valuable takeaways.


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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.

Goa is a highly sought-after holiday destination worldwide, thanks in part to its tropical climate, which makes it a perfect getaway for tourists Although foreigners tend to leave the state as summer approaches, domestic tourists flock to the state to enjoy its pristine beaches and refreshing chilled beers. (Yes the beer is very cheap here compared to all the states in the country) Many hotels across the state have already started promoting summer vacation packages, and this summer is expected to be no exception. In this issue, we have included tips on how to stay safe from heat stroke and make the most of your summer vacation. For additional suggestions and tips, please visit our website where you can find many articles that will provide useful advice for enjoying your summer vacation to the fullest. Our team always strives to provide y o u w i t h t h e m o s t u s e f u l information and inspiring stories to learn from. The cover story of this issue features the journey of Bhuvanish Shet, a prominent businessman from Goa who overcame adversity to achieve success. He is the owner of Goa's first full-fledged mall, equipped

This month, Dr Pramod Sawant, Goa's popular Chief Minister, is celebrating his 50th birthday. Our team has worked hard to create a special article on this occasion, discussing his journey and the development he has brought to this tiny state He has gained immense popularity in a short span of time due to his humble and approachable nature However, this is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go. We wish him all the success and accolades in the years to come. We are continuously working on improving our content, and starting from this issue, we are introducing a new column called "Incredible Properties". This section marks the beginning of our journey into the growing arena of r e a l e s t a t e a n d p r o p e r t y development in Goa. Our aim is to feature some of the prominent properties in Goa, as well as provide tips on purchasing and leasing properties in the state. We value your suggestions, as they will help us to enhance this section for the benefit of both buyers and sellers.

We are committed to improving our content and ensuring that each issue is better than the last for our readers. If you have any questions or wish to contribute, please feel free to email us at I will personally make an effort to respond to your queries. Until next time, happy reading!

Rajesh Ghadge

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.





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. Printed at Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge
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INCREDIBLE - GOA April 2023 10 EDITORIAL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Kalyani Merawade Tanmayee Masurkar


Mall De Goa, the premier shopping destination in Goa, India, recently organised Fashion Walk Season 2, a spectacular showcase of the latest trends in f a s h i o n f r o m l e a d i n g international and national brands. The show was powered

by COVE Fast Fashion and Carrera Eyewear, with Park Avenue, Blackberrys, and Marks & Spencer as other sponsors.

The event was inaugurated by lighting the traditional lamp by a d i s t i n g u i s h e d g r o u p o f i n d i v i d u a l s , i n c l u d i n g M r

Bhuvanish Sheth, Director of Mall De Goa, Harish Padiar, MD of Axzora, Sanjay Kerkar, MD of Prime TV, Mrs Lavanya Sheth, Director of COVE, Mrs Rahila Khan, and Mrs Priti Sheth. The Fashion Walk commenced with COVE, a Women's Fast Fashion Western Wear brand, launching its Summer Collection for women in Goa. The collection featured stylish and trendy outfits that are perfect for the summer season. Park Avenue, known for its premium formal wear, showcased its Summer Collection for Men, which included stylish and comfortable outfits suitable for the workplace.

Carrera, the leading international eyewear brand, showcased its latest summer collection, featuring a variety of stylish and trendy sunglasses Blackberrys, known for its sharp cutfit suits and formals, showcased its latest Summer styles and office wear. Marks & Spencer, London's best a n d G o a ' s f a v o u r i t e departmental store showcased i t s s u

comfortable styles.

The show was choreographed by Rahila Khan and her team, with o

Colorbar and F&B partner

McDonald's Prime TV and Incredible Goa were the media partners and discerning fashion enthusiasts attended the event and were well appreciated. Overall, Mall De Goa's Fashion Walk Season 2 was a huge success, bringing together some of the most renowned brands in the fashion industry to showcase their latest collections. The event was a must-see for fashion enthusiasts and highlighted the latest trends in fashion for the summer season Mall De Goa continues to be the go-to destination for fashion, shopping, and entertainment in Goa.

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m m e r , c a s u a l , a n d
f f i c i a l m a k e - u p p a r t n e r


The three-day festival will also present

l o c a l G o a n b r e w s , d i s t i l l e r s , infusers and s o m e v e r y G o a n a u t h e n t i c cuisines. It will a l s o h o l d a l i n e - u p o f g r e a t l o c a l m u s i c , f o l k d a n c e , comedy and much more.

unique crops will also be a key factor of the event, emphasising their economic value and supporting the local agrarian economy.

The highly anticipated Spirit of Goa festival is back and promises to be even better than before. The festival will start from 21st April to 23rd April, 2023, at the SAG ground in Colva to celebrate Goa's culture, heritage, people's favourite Feni and culinary delights.

The festival offers an excellent opportunity for visitors to discover the unique talents of local artists, taste the iconic Cashew and Coconut Feni, and enjoy the lively Goan folk dances and music Local women and self-help groups will also showcase their handcrafted and local products.


A team led by Mr Thierry Van Helden, Deputy Consul General , Mr Saurabh Sangle, Senior Consular Officer, Ms Dane Van Hemert called on the President, GCCI, Mr Ralph de Sousa, on 25th April, 2023 at GCCI Conference room.

Mr Ralph de Sousa gave a brief background on GCCI activities and the business scenario in Goa Netherlands has been a top trading partner of India in Europe with FDI of 4.6billion US dollars last year Netherland imports Tea, Coffee, Spices, Essential Oils from India. Mr D'Sousa specifically pointed out that Goa has been exporting horticulture products like Casava, Goan okra, Averrtoa(Bimbli) to Netherlands. GCCI will also be s i g n i n g a n M O U w i t h H AS U n i v e r s i t y , N e t h e r l a n d s f o r promotion of Agriculture in both the countries A team of Dutch students are already in Goa and are undergoing training for the same. He further added that Diamond and Jewellery are the main business areas in which both the countries have interest.

Mr Thierry Van Helden gave a brief about proposed Trade expansion of Netherlands Speaking about Goan Avenues, he informed that Netherlands would be interested in providing Technical expertise an Innovation in the fields of Waste Management, Climate change and SDGs.

The Deputy Consul General also inquired about IT and Startups in Goa and offered to support the startup Industry. He also gave a brief of the Visa process and details to the GCCI Members.

The Director General, Mr Sanjay Amonkar, informed the Deputy Consul General that Goa has t e c h n o l o g y b a s e d S t a r t u p Incubators in BITS Pilani which c o n c e n t r a t e o n M e d i c a l Engineering Research and Semi Conductors. New Innovations in Managing Waste and Plastic are welcome he added.

Mr Sanjay Amonkar, Director General, proposed the Vote of thanks, Ms Pallavi Arondekar, Director, compered and Program. Mr Kiran Ballikar, Director, was also present for the program.

Visitors can also witness Goa's sustainable lifestyle through the creative use of forest waste to create beautiful crafts, artefacts, and traditional Goan food preparations like curries and sweets. The Potential of Goa's small-scale industries, farms and agro-tourism along with Goa's

O n e c a n n o t m i s s t h e k e y highlights of the festival, the signature Cashew and Coconut Feni and the art of brewing them. Both define the very essence of the Goan way of living and its culture which is now acclaimed as a “ H e r i t a g e b r e w ” T h e instruments and vessels used for making feni will be on display too. The Department is committed to welcoming both local and international tourists while adhering to COVID guidelines and making Goa a safe tourism destination Join us for an unforgettable celebration of Goa's culture, heritage, and culinary delights at the 'Spirit of Goa' festival.


India's leading multi-brand EV platform BLive has launched its unique Green Hospitality Program (GHP)- a first-of-its-kind initiative to promote green mobility and climate-conscious tourism in the hospitality industry. It will help the hospitality industry to deliver a unique environment friendly experience to their guests inside the campus, as they are going to u s e E V s f o r a l l i n t e r n a l transportation. Apart from that it will also help them to meet their ESG Goals (Environmental, social and governance goals) and reduce overall carbon footprint. Going forward, BLive will extend the benefits of this program to over 200 hotels and resorts in the next two years. During this, the company is looking at deploying 1000 electric under this program which will cater to the impact of over 20k travellers on a monthly basis. BLive will act as a one-stop shop also for hospitality brands to help them buy, rent or lease electric vehicles in a hassle-free manner It will be deploying electric vehicles on a

lease-to-own-model and end-toend service support for smoother operations.

Under GHP, BLive is going to p r o v i d e h o t e l s , r e s o r t s a n d hospitality chains with a range of EV options including e-cycles, electric 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers along with fast c h a r g i n g s t a t i o n s o n t h e i r p r e m i s e s W i t h h i g h - s p e e d charging stations, BLive will help its partners to provide seamless EV experience to their guests and staff.

In the first stage of this initiative, BLive has joined hands with country's leading hospitality brands such as JW Marriott Bangalore, Novotel and Varca Le Palm Goa to kickoff with switching to electric mobility. In its current partnership, the company has p r o v i d e d E V c h a r g i n g infrastructure to Novotel, electric 3-wheelers to Heritage Village Club and Varca Le Palms Beach Resort Goa, and 5 e-cycles to JW Marriott.

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started removing the legacy blue ticks from the profiles of prominent people and politicians in Goa and across the world. Several political leaders including Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Congress leader Yuri Alemao and official political party accounts, ministers and some MLAs lost the blue ticks from their Twitter accounts. accounts that pay for the premium “Twitter Blue” subscription will be able to retain the 'verified' credential on their profiles.

able to retain the 'verified' credential on their profiles

Twitter initially announced plans to remove the legacy blue ticks on April 1, but the change applied to select accounts.

Twitter in March tweeted, “On April 1st, we will begin winding down our legacy verified program and removing legacy verified checkmarks. To keep your blue checkmark on Twitter, individuals can sign up for Twitter Blue.”

The new policy of the Twitter Legacy account with the Blue Badge has been changed under the flagship of Elon Musk. Twitter has removed the Blue Tick from all the major flagship accounts of prominent politicians and celebrities across the country. In Goa, most of the prominent politicians and political parties

h a v e l o s t t h e i r b l u e t i c k (verification badge) on twitter and the reason behind this is said to be the promotion of a premium “Twitter Blue” subscription by an Elon Musk-owned company.

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e p o r t s published by the local dailies, Elon Musk-owned microblogging platform Twitter on Thursday


500 seats. The tourism sector c o n t r i b u t e s t o about 35% of the t o t a l j o b opportunities in the state. While the new institute can train 3 2 0 s t u d e n t s , Khaunte said, its capacity can be increased further.

It is not alone the Goan politicians of political parties that have lost the Blue Verification Badge of Twitter but the big celebrities with millions of followers such as Virat Kohli, and Shah Ruk Khan have also lost their Blue Verification Badge.

According to the new policy, the Twitter only the organizations and people that pay for the premium 'Twitter Blue” subscription will be

The check marks that helped verify the identity of the celebrities and politicians and a u t h e n t i c a c c o u n t s t h a t distinguishes them from impostors will now only be a part of the Twitter Blue package.

In India, the price for Twitter Blue is 900 for iOS monthly, web monthly is 650 while the yearly rate for iOS is 9400. For Android users, the monthly rate is 900 while the yearly cost is 9,400.


Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte along with GTDC chairman Ganesh Gaonkar recently inspected the ongoing work of Institute of Hotel Management and Culinary Skills (IHM) at Farmagudi. The minister reviewed the progress of the work with the WRD chief engineer Pramod Badami and consultant Ravi Shankar.

After inspecting the underconstruction project on Thursday, tourism minister Rohan Khaunte said the capacity of the proposed Institute of Hotel Management and Culinary Skills at Farmagudi could be enhanced from 320 to

Chairperson of the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC), Ganesh Gaonkar, accompanied Khaunte during the inspection conducted to review the project's progress. The institute's foundation stone was laid around eight years ago and was to be built with funding from the Union tourism ministry. It was delayed and almost shelved, but subsequently, the Goa government decided to push it through. If a project undertaken under any central scheme is not completed in a given time, the state government has to refund the assistance received.

A 10-day/ 5 weekend- Story & Screenwriting Workshop will be held at the Entertainment Society Goa (ESG) Panjim from Saturday, April 29 till May 28. 2023 from 2.30 pm to 5 30 pm – on Saturdays and Sundays The workshop will be conducted by Goan WriterDirector and Film Critic, Troy Ribeiro.

The Workshop apt for local Film e n t h u s i a s t s , a n d a s p i r i n g s c r e e n w r i t e r s , w i l l e n a b l e participants to learn about the E l e m e n t s o f a s t o r y , S t o r y Movement, and How to structure their story for a Film. A Certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the workshop.

Troy Ribeiro is an alumnus of Xavier

Institute of Communications, Mumbai, with nearly 33 years of work experience in different areas of Mass Communication - Playwright and Director, Film Critic, Television Producer, PR Consultant, Professor, and Author. He has worked across three countries, India, UAE & the UK. Over the years he has written and doctored several film scripts. As a journalist and a film critic, he has written for many publications across India, UAE, and UK. His reviews can be read online and in The Goan.

As an Executive Producer and head of the production department at 'IN Mumbai' a terrestrial channel promoted by the Hinduja Group, he p r o d u c e d m a n y Te l e v i s i o n Programmes.

As a theatre buff, Troy has directed'Red Hot Mamas' and written and directed- 'Maureen, He and Me' and 'Apples and Walnuts'. These plays were staged at various venues in Mumbai including the Kala Ghoda Festival. One can see these plays on YouTube too.

His first novel 'Samina' is a whodunit published in 2020 With 'The Witness,' a short psychological drama, he forays into filmmaking.

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Bhuvanish Shet, a Business Management graduate from the UK is a prominent businessman in Goa with many branches to his portfolio. He was born and brought up in Mumbai but shifted to Goa when his father decided to move his well-established construction company to Goa. Jai Bhuvan Group is a conglomerate of multiple family businesses that include Real estate business, Hospitality business, Shopping Malls, Cinemas, Retail business and Education vertical owned by Mr Bhuvan Shet, his brothers Rajesh Shet and Dr Shekhar Shet and his mother Shakuntala Shet. He is also mentor for Aseema, English Monthly magazine, part of Jnana Bharati Prakashan Ltd. Aseema covers range of topics from current affairs, political events, business news, Historical events as well as social and cultural issues.


19 April 2023 - INCREDIBLE GOA

Bhuvan did his preliminary and secondary studies at the King George School in Mumbai before joining the R. A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics where he did his B.Com. He later joined the University of Leeds in the UK to c o m p l e t e h i s M B A i n International Business. “While I was in the UK, I used to visit many shopping centres and that inspired me to set up a mall back home in India”.

Bhuvan’s father had already shifted his business to Goa by the time he had completed his master. “My father moved to Goa during the 90s with his construction company and purchased a huge property in Porvorim which was highly underdeveloped during those days.”

Bhuvan tells us that his late f a t h e r , S h r i S a d a n a n d

Sheshgiri Shet decided to move to Goa as his roots were in Goa. “We have our Kuldaivat

(Goddess) Shri Shantadurga

Chamundeshwari Kudtari

Mahamaya in Gudi Paroda, Quepem Hence my father decided to move to Goa and

expand his business here. My father was a visionary and he knew that one-day Porvorim will be an up-and-coming town so when he started his first project in Porvorim, he named it NOVA CIDADE, which means New City. He always thought that Panaji will e x p a n d s l o w l y t o i t s neighbouring borders as it was getting saturated Just Like How Navi Mumbai came into existence, Porvorim also became a major town in the state where the Goa State Assembly, New Secretariat, Education Department and Goa’s New High Court were built. Porvorim is developed now but my father had a vision of its development way back in the 90s.”

Mall de Goa

Bhuvan’s father had acquired around 36 acres of land in Porvorim to build various p r o j e c t s , i n c l u d i n g independent bungalows, a commercial complex and plots. “On that land, my father built a huge commercial complex which is situated on the main road of Porvorim. We also built a school in Porvorim,

Jnyan Vikas School, and the last piece of land was reserved for the mall. When I explained my concept of the mall in front of my family, they agreed to take this project ahead. After getting the green signal from my family I started meeting the architects to transform my idea into reality, but things didn’t progress as planned. During those days, ie the late 90’s malls were not doing well across the country. It was only by mid-2000’s when the Malls across India started doing well That is the time we decided to do Mall De Goa. We got all our approvals by 2010 and construction of Mall d e G o a c o m m e n c e d . However, we could get financial closure only by the year 2012.”

Goa’s first full-fledged mall, Mall de Goa opened its doors in 2016. “Mall de Goa is the state’s first with a multiplex, food court, gaming zone, huge parking, and lots of national and international brands under one roof. Mall de Goa is a family property owned by Jai Bhuvan Builders

in which two of his brothers and his mother are equal stakeholders. All of us have contributed equally towards bringing this property into existence. My brother Rajesh handled the construction part of the project including all the civil work, MEP and approvals while I took care of the finance and marketing and brought the major brands on board, and my other brother Dr Shekhar handled all the legal m a t t e r s l i k e f i n a l i z i n g agreements with tenants. He is based out of Mumbai.”

Jai Bhuvan Builders

Jai Bhuvan Builders is a division of the Jai Bhuvan Group which does real estate work. It has developed more than 2 Million sq ft across Goa, Bengaluru and Mumbai. It has developed the iconic township Nova C i d a d e i n P o r v o r i m comprising of plots, shops, offices, flats, villas, a Hotel and a school. It undertakes the construction of premium villas as well as affordable homes. “We construct premium and luxury villas under the brand “ Sonhe Homes” which means D r e a m H o m e s W e a r e currently doing luxury villas in Vagator and Nagoa. These villas are built keeping in mind the upmarket clientele, HNIs and celebrities. We are also in the basic affordable segment of housing that includes single a n d d o u b l e - b e d r o o m apartments. We are doing 1BHK apartments at Kadamba P l a t e a u . A b a s i c 1 B H K apartment starts at 33 Lakh and 2BHK starts at 65 Lakhs, which is for the mid-segment, while we’re also building 4BHK apartments at Miramar which start at 2 Crores upwards. Besides that, we have also launched a new plotting scheme wherein we provide plots starting from 270 Sq. Mts and which goes up to 500 Sq.Mts. We also provide our

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clients with a complete turnkey project in case if they want to buy the plot along with our construction services. We are across all the spectrums of real estate right from the affordable segment of 1 BHK

apartments to lavish luxury villas.”


Speaking on the journey of COVE, Bhuvan said that, unlike Mall de Goa which is familyowned business, COVE is an

i n d e p e n d e n t p r o j e c t spearheaded by him and owned by him and his wife Lavanya Shet. When I asked him how this idea came about, he said, “When we started the mall, we had the opportunity to take the franchises of national and international brands As a child, I was always into Garments and followed the latest trends and fashion and that passion led to us taking on the United Colours Benetton franchise in the mall which was the beginning of my journey into the fashion arena.”

“Before too long, we then opened up US Polo Assn, followed by Calvin Klein Jeans, Deal Jeans, Tommy Hilfiger and Jockey making it a total of 6 major brand franchises We then took on MAX for the midrange segment and Zudio in South Goa. After working for around 6 years in the retail business as a Franchisee, I decided to start my own lab label So with 6 years of experience, I figured it was about the right time to start my own brand and COVE was born.”

“I started working on the COVE brand in 2022 and started our first COVE store in Margao this year,ie 2023. We are now working towards starting our second store in Panaji, and also will be opening one in Mall de Goa as soon as some space becomes available,” he said.

COVE has even started d e s p a t c h i n g g a r m e n t s outside Goa. “Our first consignment has been sent to one departmental store in Kolhapur and they are doing very well. I am very positive about COVE as a brand and I want to take it to the next level. We will be opening 3 to 4 outlets in Goa before setting up outlets pan-India and we’ll eventually venture into major cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi but before we do that, we want to have a good presence in Goa.”

Speaking about the COVE brand, he said “It is women’s fast fashion focussed on western wear and the reason behind launching in Goa is to get a better understanding of what the consumers want.

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Goa has a big influence on western wear and I think it will get a good demand from the market. We have the entire range right from tops, shirts, pants, dresses, palazzos, jeans, and shorts. Unlike other brands, we concentrate more on the bottom wear as I have seen other brands are more focused on topwear.”

COVE garments start for the age group of 15 plus “The teenager is our major client base as they follow fast-

the COVE brand, Bhuvan said that he wants to reach 100 points of sales in the next 5 years “The point of sales means exclusive business outlets, Shop-in-shop outlets in lifestyle stores, and Counter sales in departmental stores. Each outlet will be a point of sale and this way we are targeting to have a presence in the 100 points of sales in the next five years.”

When I asked him what, according to him, can be a

also looking to enter into the E - C o m m e r c e m a r k e t segment. “Today the ECommerce market segment is one of the most lucrative Retail is no longer just a storefront but everything is now online with sites such as Myntra, Ajio, Nykaa, Amazon and Flipkart. Retail has now become an OMNI channel, w h i c h m e a n s i t i s t h e combination of Offline Stores and Online Markets and hence you need to have your

of business and personal assets for the completion of Mall de Goa. There is a need for a lot of sacrifices to achieve your dreams whether it’s your assets or personal life.”

“I want to tell all budding entrepreneurs that if they want to become successful then they will have to dream big. Come out of your comfort zone and work hard to achieve your dreams and success will come to you. We have done it

changing fashion but at the same time, we also have the garments for middle age group and senior citizens too. A s o f n o w , w e a r e concentrating on women ' s Western wear and maybe at a later date we might add some more segments. Our main idea is to provide our customers with high-fashion garments at a very affordable price. We are selling them for just Rs. 999 onwards We use the term Premium merchandise at affordable rates.”

Speaking about the target of

threat to the business he said “Women's wear segment is a highly competitive and priceconscious market and there are many brands in this market The only survival technique is to keep yourself up-to-date with fashion trends and introduce new designs regularly. We keep a close eye on the fashion t r e n d s t h a t c o m e f r o m developed Western countries and based on that, our designer team starts creating new designs.”

According to Bhuvan COVE is

presence in both. Export is another segment that we are looking at the moment.” Bhuvan said that challenges will always be present in whatever business or work you do. Building Mall was the biggest challenge for us as Goa is not even in the top 100 retail markets in the country but despite that, we took the challenge of bringing up the mall and establishing modern retail in Goa. It took us two years to convince the bank to fund this project and even after that, we had to sell lots

with Mall de Goa and will be doing it with COVE as well. I believe that if you give your 100%, success will come to your doorstep. I am very much confident about taking the COVE brand to national and international platforms and Goa is just the beginning. The dream that was started by my father was taken ahead by me and my brothers in real estate and garments being my passion, I am taking it ahead. So come out of your comfort zone, give your 100% and burn the candle from both ends.”

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A Special Feature on His 50th Birthday



As the sun rises over the beautiful state of Goa, the air is filled with a festive buzz. This year Goa is celebrating the 50th birthday of the most popular and beloved Chief Minister of Goa, Dr Pramod Sawant. Dr Sawant is not just a popular leader but also a symbol of hope and progress

for the people of Goa.

Dr Sawant's journey to the Chief Minister's office was not an easy one. He began his career as a grassroots worker, working tirelessly for the betterment of his community. His dedication and hard work caught the attention of the leaders of his party, and he

was soon elected to the state assembly. In 2019, he was appointed as the Chief Minister of Goa after the sudden demise of the then Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar.

Dr Pramod Sawant, has i m p l e m e n t e d s e v e r a l initiatives and policies that

have had a positive impact on the state. Here are a few examples:

1. Free and Clean Drinking Water: Dr Sawant launched the 'Jal Amrut Yojana' initiative to provide free and clean drinking water to every household in the state.

2 . W o r l d - C l a s s

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“The Story of a journey of progress, simplicity, and love for the people of Goa”

Infrastructure: Under Dr Sawant's leadership, the state h a s s e e n s i g n i f i c a n t development in terms of infrastructure. The state government has invested in improving the road network, bridges, and other critical infrastructure.

3. Promoting Tourism: Dr Sawant has been working to promote tourism in Goa. The s t a t e g o v e r n m e n t h a s launched several initiatives to attract tourists, including the introduction of night tourism and the development of new tourist destinations.

4 . I n v e s t m e n t i n Healthcare: The government has invested in the healthcare sector, providing free medical s e r v i c e s t o t h e u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d a n d i m p l e m e n t i n g h e a l t h insurance schemes.

5. Empowering Women: Dr Sawant has launched several

initiatives to empower women i n t h e s t a t e , i n c l u d i n g providing financial assistance to women entrepreneurs, setting up women's self-help groups, and launching a scheme to provide free sanitary pads to school girls.

These are just a few examples of the initiatives and policies that Dr Pramod Sawant has implemented in Goa. Under his leadership, the state is poised for significant growth and development. His popularity among the

people of Goa is not just l i m i t e d t o h i s p o l i t i c a l achievements. Dr Sawant is known for his simplicity and accessibility. He is often seen interacting with the people of G o a , l i s t e n i n g t o t h e i r grievances, and taking action

to address their concerns. This has earned him the love and respect of the people of Goa. On his birthday, Several businesses and organisations also extended their support and patronage to the Chief Minister. Many restaurants offered discounts, while BJYM Taleigao is organising a selfie contest with a sand sculpture of Goa's beloved CM, Dr Pramod Sawant, at Miramar Beach.

The people of Goa have always held their Chief Minister in high regard, and Dr S a w a n t ' s b i r t h d a y celebrations are a testament to his popularity and the impact he has made on The G o a n s ' l i v e s . A s t h e c e l e b r a t i o n s c o n t i n u e throughout the day, it is evident that Dr Sawant's legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

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28 INCREDIBLE - GOA April 2023

The Indian Luthier on a Mission to Build the Best Quality Guitars

Karan Singh, a guitar maker, popularly known as a Luthier, is making waves in the Indian music industry with his custom-made, high-end acoustic and electric guitars. The founder of Bigfoot Guitars, Karan is known for his commitment to building instruments of unparalleled q u a l i t y , c a t e r i n g t o professional musicians, collectors, and enthusiasts. Karan's passion for music began during his college days, and his love for guitars led him to start tinkering with them to carry out basic repairs and maintenance. Soon, he began to build instruments himself, and the more he did it, the more he realized he had found his calling.

India. With limited access to the right raw materials, he has to import most of the tools and f i x t u r e s , w h i c h a d d s exorbitant customs duty to every single purchase. The temperature and humidity levels in the workshop need to be monitored and controlled, which can be a nightmare in a h u m i d p l a c e l i k e G o a Moreover, most clients in India expect pro-grade handmade guitars at the same price point as factory-made mass-produced guitars, which i s a n o t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t challenge.

Karan Singh, a guitar maker, popularly known as a Luthier, is making waves in the Indian music industry with his custom-made, high-end acoustic and electric guitars. The founder of Bigfoot Guitars, Karan is known for his commitment to building instruments of unparalleled quality, catering to professional musicians, collectors, and enthusiasts.

After completing his first few instruments, Karan knew he wanted to turn his passion into a full-time job. However, he was self-taught and had to learn the trade through books and experimentation. Despite the challenges he faced, Karan did not give up on his dream, and with time, he honed his skills and went abroad to study with some of the best guitar makers in the world.

In the interview, Karan spoke about the challenges he faces as an artisanal guitar maker in

Despite these challenges, K a r a n ' s w o r k h a s b e e n exhibited at boutique guitar shows in Berlin, France, China, and Canada, making him the first and only Indian Luthier to showcase his work at these events. He has also had the privilege of having several Grammy-winning artists, g u i t a r c o l l e c t o r s , a n d e n t h u s i a s t s t r y o u t h i s instruments and demo them for large audiences.

Karan's future plans involve expanding his work in India and helping to educate the next generation of aspiring guitar makers to make a career out of this craft. He dreams of seeing India as one of the main centers for skilled

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For those aspiring to enter this side of the music industry, Karan advises preparing for a ridiculous amount of hard work, and even then, it's not a sure thing. However, for those who love the craft, the rewards of creating beautiful

i n s t r u m e n t s a r e immeasurable.

In conclusion, Karan's journey as a guitar maker has been an i n s p i r i n g o n e , a n d h i s commitment to building high-

quality instruments has gained h i m r e c o g n i t i o n b o t h nationally and internationally. H e i s a t r e n d s e t t e r , showcasing the best of Indian craftsmanship to the world.

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Paving the Way for Mediation in India

When it comes to legal professionals, the image of a courtroom battle often comes to mind. But for Komal Mathur, a law student from V.M. Salgaocar College of Law, Miramar, the traditional idea of resolving disputes in a courtroom was not enough Instead, she sought out a career in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), with a focus on mediation.

Born in Thane, Maharashtra, Komal moved to Goa when she was just 11 years old. She attended the Navy Children School in Vasco before eventually pursuing her dream of becoming a lawyer. Despite coming from a family of m a r i n e r s , K o m a l w a s determined to make her mark in the legal profession. Komal's journey towards ADR began when she joined the ADR Society in her college. There, she discovered the beauty of mediation, a process that allows for dispute resolution outside the confines of the courtroom. For Komal, this was a game-changer. She found it more effective, e f f i c i e n t a n d p e a c e f u l compared to traditional court proceedings.

But it was not an easy path for Komal. Coming from a tier 2 or 3 law school, she knew that she had to achieve much more than the ordinary in order to make it in the legal world. And

so, she set herself a goal of winning 5 trophies in 5 years. She surpassed this goal by winning 10 trophies in various competitions, including the INADR Poland tournament in September 2022 where her team was the only one from Asia to participate. Komal also won the Award for ‘The Best Opening Statement’ and was also adjudged to be one of the best negotiating pairs.

Komal's achievements are a testament to her dedication and hard work. In addition to her competition wins, she has also co-authored a book and a u t h o r e d a b l o g o n Transformative Mediation. Despite the success she has achieved, Komal recognizes that the ADR profession still faces apprehension from many professionals in the legal fraternity. This is why she encourages aspiring law students to walk the extra mile and gain as much experience a s t h e y c a n t h r o u g h competitions, internships, conferences, and other opportunities.

For Komal, the future is bright. She aspires to continue down the path of ADR and hopes to be actively involved in the a m i c a b l e r e s o l u t i o n o f disputes. With her passion for mediation and her dedication to the profession, there's no doubt that she will continue to make waves in the legal world.

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Born in Thane, Maharashtra, Komal moved to Goa when she was just 11 years old. She attended the Navy Children School in Vasco before eventually pursuing her dream of becoming a lawyer.
32 INCREDIBLE - GOA April 2023

The Journey of Kidd Mange, Goa's Emerging Hip Hop Artist

IG TEAM: Tell us about your b a c k g r o u n d a n d s t a g e name a little bit. How did you get into the side of Music?

KM: Honestly, I didn’t plan on choosing the name so it was kind of spontaneous in that sense Initially I didn’t think about what it means but it actually is a Crocodile and by nature I snap and talk so I guess that stuck. At this point, everyone I know calls me “Mange” and not my actual name.

I was into music before I was into music. My dad’s a Musician and my mother’s an art teacher, so technically I was a l w a y s s u r r o u n d e d b y Creativity and it was a part of my blood. When I was in class, I couldn’t sit in one place or just focus on the math lessons, I could do it if I wanted to but honestly that interest wasn’t there as it was hard to do with the attention span that I have which is super short. I like being around music and playing football which keeps me engrossed.

IG TEAM: How did you enter Rap and this genre of music?

was predominantly Hindi I know my way around Hindi enough to get by, but not write or rap in it.

When I write, I put a lot of thought into my bars and I want them to be lyrical. Not just the bars, it’s usually more than what you see or read. So it would be difficult if I don’t particularly understand the language or the tools I am working with.

A big part of my journey started when I was introduced to Tsumyoki’s music by my friend Elttwo and Ranen. When they first showed me his music, I assumed it was by some American artist that later t u r n e d o u t t o b e t h i s homegrown local artist from South Goa building a culture for Rap . These guys started hanging out with Tsumyoki and eventually we all got to talking. I’d mentioned about my raps to friends, but I was still nervous about telling Tsumyoki because he was already working in his own zone.

Meet Daniel Sequiera, also known as Kidd Mange in the music world. Born and raised in Goa, India, Kidd Mange found himself drawn to music at a young age, growing up with a musician father and an art teacher mother. Despite his love for music, Kidd Mange didn't initially plan on pursuing a career in the industry, but his talent and passion for writing eventually led him down the path of rap music.

KM: I cannot specifically pinpoint where it started, but I remember I used to enjoy writing, and my mom played a really important role in this. She was this creative arts teacher, and she would have me write stuff and later on in school I went on to try Essay Contests and eventually I got better at writing things. But then again, nobody teaches you how to write rap especially not in school. I absorb a lot of this stuff listening to other rappers, a n d I a m v e r y h e a v i l y influenced by Western Rap because I rap in English with the accent. This is the only way I thought I could learn rapping, and a lot of it I’ve picked up from Tsumyoki because prior to that I only thought that rapping was in places like the USA and UK or even Mumbai where it

Some of the initial songs that I worked on were, Babzin, Beast Mode, Budapest with Tsumyoki, and Primal. As the collective of “ G o a Tr a p C u l t u r e ” w e released ‘Jackets’ where it was Tsumyoki, 2Jaym, Elttwo and I who were part of the song. This was a great experience because I got to see and work with people who weren’t just Rapping and somehow it all came together nicely as everyone bought their best to the table. The odds somehow stack against things when it is too saturated but in our case, it just clicked for the best.

IG TEAM: Any challenges that you faced along the way?

K M : E v e r y o n e f a c e s challenges, and I don’t believe that anyone is out there without facing their share of challenges unless they paid their way to be there and even if they do, it wouldn’t be worth

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it because eventually you fall down.

The challenge isn't to convince people to turn up to our shows and listen to the music, it is more about convincing myself because there are times where I do get delayed when it comes to working on my own music and there’s this writers block because there are different ideas to how the song will turn out to be and I also want it to be it's best version.

Quite recently I was a part of this event by GetCreativeGoa which was started by Vince Costa who has been a real driving force in promoting the culture of creativity in Goa in the recent times. For him it doesn’t matter what the cost is, but he will really go the extra mile to push the Artist because he cares for them.

There is a Kidd Mange without Goa Trap Culture, and that is

who I am actively trying to define and this is something I am working towards this year. I want to be able to push what my art is for the people to listen to, and I want to build a bigger audience for that. I want to be able to make a name for myself and craft my own audience regardless of the fact that I am part of a collective.

The idea is for the people to listen to what my music sounds like and know who Kidd Mange is and what he sounds like. Even being a part of the Goa Trap Culture, I know these guys are putting in the work so I am trying to put in just as much so when we all come together as a group it'll be insane. Especially in Goa, when you’re an artist trying to enter the industry, build an audience, get fans it is very different. Goa’s music culture is very different from the other states in India and here people like to listen to

music and party so building something from scratch is also slightly a challenge People here still listen to bands that play cover music, and there are instances at festivals and shows where there are 4 bands in a row playing the same set list of songs! It is not the bands fault because they also might have not gotten the support for their original music at the time. The audience may or may not welcome the music, because in the end every musician just wants to be heard So the culture for Original music is growing slowly and steadily. As for the Future plans, I just want the people to listen to what I have to say and listen to my bars this year with the music I put out. I am just trying to do a lot more than what I have done before, so definitely watch out for that stuff.

IG TEAM: Any Message or Tips for the People who are

entering this side of the field?

KM: I still feel that I am still trying to climb up there and make it up there, and build yourself is more important as an artist. Working on things in the Creative and Social side should be every artist’s goal and that is something I am personally working towards With the creative part, every time you write something and no matter what your personal perception is, it will eventually help you improve your art in some ways. So my advice is to just keep writing, creating and putting stuff out so it really adds up to your benefit. Secondly, surrounding yourself with people that support you is more important, rather than being around ‘Yes Men’ and you got to learn the difference between these things.


Planet Dailies situated in Goa’s top-notch five-star property, the Planet Hollywood Beach Resort, Goa, is a 24x7 food outlet serving multi-cuisine with a full-fledged attached bar. Needless to say, the ambiance of the hotel is a perfect match with the property that it is located in.

We were greeted with warmth on our arrival at the Planet Dailies by the senior staff and Chef Yoginder, the executive chef of the hotel, and Chef Rodney Fernandes, Executive Sous Chef.

We started with a chicken Manchow soup which was prepared with condiments of noodles prepared with a mixture of chicken and vegetables, presented pre-plated, and served on the table. It was a classic experience that one can enjoy in a five-star property.

Chicken Murg Mlai Tikka

Following the soup, we were served the tender and mouthwatering Chicken Murg Malai Tikka served on a plate garnished with onions and chutneys. The

aglio olio. The chicken breast was t e n d e r i z e d w i t h p r o p e r marination of salt, pepper, garlic, and mustard and it was dusted with crumbs and shallow fried. The dish was topped with tomato and basil leaves with fresh mozzarella and then baked in the oven.

Chicken In Thai Green Pepper

command at the moment. “We also look after Poseidon's Cove, a beachside pan-Asian food outlet of Planet Hollywood and The Fame Restaurant which will be launching soon, ” said Chef Yoginder.

Once the team settled down, we were served soup and some mouth-watering starters to begin our journey into a culinary delight. The food quality and quantity is the best at the Planet Dailies and service is undoubtedly superior, matching the name of the hotel. Chef Rodney believes that the visuals should match the taste of the food and this was evident with each dish and serving. Here are some of the dishes that we tried at Planet Dailies.

Chicken Manchow Soup

chicken is perfectly cooked on the slow flame of their tandoor, giving it a lovely smoky taste..

Prawns Salt and Pepper

The next dish was a signature dish of the Planet Dailies that I had never before eaten. The dish was a perfect combination of succulent prawns, cooked with salt and pepper giving it a crisp and crunchy texture.

Chicken Parmigiana

The main course started with a serving of Chicken Parmigiana, an Italian dish served with spaghetti

The next dish that was served on the table was chicken in Thai green pepper and it was served with jasmine rice. The dish was made of tender chicken with a green Thai paste, galangal, ginger, and lemongrass, which gives fresh flavours to the dish. The other dishes that were served were butter chicken, mutton sukkah with the rotis, and naan of course, these dishes do not require much of a description since most of you are already aware of these Indian cuisines. After finishing our food, I met Chef Rodney to find out more about him as I am already wellacquainted with Chef Yoginder. Chef Rodney Fernandes is the Executive Sous Chef of Planet Hollywood Beach Resort, Goa. He joined the property 2 years ago.

“My role is to look after kitchen operations and presentation and at the same time, keep track of the quality of the food served to our guests. I am also involved in the minute detailing and training of the chefs so that the standard of quality and consistency is maintained,” he said.

While Chef Yoginder is looking after overall operations in the hotel, Chef Rodney assists him with this work and is second in

Chef Rodney specialized in western cuisine but being a skilled culinary expert, he takes care of m u l t i c u i s i n e w i t h s i m i l a r efficiency. “When you reach this position, you must be an expert in all food items I also possess knowledge of pastries and baking and this helps us to keep our staff well trained and keep them up to d a t e w i t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l standards,” he said.

Speaking on the reviews from their customers, Chef Rodney said, “They always appreciate the efforts we put into our cooking. T h e f o o d i n d u s t r y i s v e r y challenging and there is no 100% perfection anywhere, hence there are ups and downs sometimes but we make sure that we handle the situation very carefully. It all depends on how you handle the guest- if any guest does not like the food, we convert it into a better experience. We constantly keep training the chefs, making sure the food standard is maintained to the mark.”

Chef Yoginder and Chef Rodney keep investing in new dishes and training their downline to handle them “We work as a teamsometimes I give suggestions to Chef Yoginder and sometimes and he conveys new ideas to me,” said Chef Rodney adding that the priority is cooking good food.

36 IG FOOD incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa


If you are looking for a quaint, quirky, and convenient stay, Athi Resorts, located right in the middle of the coastal belt of Goa, is the place to be.

Situated just 2 5km from Goa International Airport and 1km from the pristine Bogmalo Beach, Athi Resorts is equidistant from the bustling north and the peaceful south. Asia’s first and only Naval Aviation Museum is also just a few

rooms are thoughtfully decorated to depict different cities and states of India leaving one room dedicated to England, from where the owners originate. All ornaments, photos, and paintings right down to the cushion covers placed on the beds, have been s e l e c t e d f r o m a r t i s a n s specialized in making them ensuring everything purchased has been done so conscientiously

premium room boasts a huge terrace.

T h e t h e m e h e r e i s b a s i c , cleanliness, hygiene, and small comforts. It’s a place where you know you can enjoy a relaxing evening after a busy day sightseeing.

The amenities include pool view and/or garden view rooms, free, high-speed Wi-Fi bedside tables, w a r d r o b e s , k e t t l e s , tea/coffee/su

g a r / m i l k , phones, in-room

d i n i n g , h a i r dryer/iron/ironi

ng board on request, laundry

s e r v i c e s (chargeable) and safes in each room.

The Dining

Athi Resorts has

properly and ethically disposed of and the safety of guests and the local population is fully taken care of. They ensure that their impact on the area is only for the good and beneficial for everyone, so locals are employed and local artists are deployed to showcase their artwork. The walls at Athis are adorned with various arts from quirky modern to Van Gogh and even Mario, the renowned Goan artist.

Party Venue

yards from the hotel. They are the first hotel in Vasco to openly welcome folk from the LGBTQI community, promoting fairness a c r o s s a l l s p e c t r u m s a n d welcoming everyone from all walks of life.

The Rooms

Athi Resorts is a small, 10bedroom boutique hotel set amongst luscious gardens The

and with fair trade in mind. The photos have been taken by people who have either stayed at the resort and have wanted to share their Indian journey, or by the owners themselves.

Each room is well-equipped with king-sized beds, air conditioners, w e t r o o m s w i t h G r o h e installations and 4 rooms have balconies whilst the main

a n o n - s i t e restaurant with delicious meals being cooked b e s p o k e t o each diner’s taste. Nothing is kept in the fridge and each item is made fresh to order. The menu boasts north Indian, local Goan, and Continental cuisine. The thalis and biryanis are much talked about in the area! Go-local Athi Resorts contributes to the local area by ensuring garbage is

Whatever the occasion, Athi Resorts caters to them all - from birthday and pool parties to engagements, haldi ceremonies, college reunions, and even wedding ceremonies. They cater to a maximum of 60 people with freshly prepared, affordable buffet services, entertainment, and décor all taken care of to ensure that the guests can enjoy the event completely worry-free.


Overall, Athi Resorts is a great place for everyone who lands in Goa and needs a place to stay overnight before their onward journey or if they’re going home, to those wanting a base for sightseeing in the north, south, and hinterlands of Goa. Long stays, short stays, day stays –whatever you need, this is truly a boutique experience at your convenience!

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and it is important to respect local customs and traditions.

Firstly, it is important to choose light and breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen. These fabrics allow air to circulate through your body and will help keep you cool in the heat. Avoid heavy and restrictive materials such as denim and leather, as these can trap heat and cause discomfort. In terms of style, opt for loosefitting clothing that allows for movement and airflow. Tightf i t t i n g c l o t h i n g c a n b e uncomfortable in hot weather and can also make you more susceptible to heat rash and other skin irritations. Flowy dresses, maxi skirts, and loose-fitting shorts are all great options for staying cool and comfortable in Goa.

Goa, a state in western India, is known for its picturesque beaches, vibrant culture, and mouth-watering seafood. It is a top destination for travellers worldwide. However, with the sun beating down mercilessly during the summer months, it's crucial to know some tips and tricks to beat the heat and enjoy all that Goa has to offer.

Choosing the Right Time to Visit

The best time to visit Goa is from November to March, which is the winter season. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and the

temperature ranges between 20°C to 30°C. The humidity is low, and the cool sea breeze makes walking around and exploring the beaches and other attractions comfortable. If you visit Goa during the winter season, you can indulge in various activities such as water sports, beach parties, and sightseeing. The shacks on the beaches are also in full swing during this time, serving lipsmacking seafood and cocktails. Another advantage of visiting Goa during the winter season is that you can witness some of the most popular festivals and events

such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, and the Sunburn Festival These events are held during December and January and attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. However, if you plan to visit Goa during the summer months, which are from April to June, be prepared to face the extreme h e a t a n d h u m i d i t y . T h e temperature can go up to 40°C, making it uncomfortable to stay outdoors for long periods. The monsoon season, which starts in June and ends in September, is also not an ideal time to visit as the beaches are closed due to the

r o u g h s e a conditions. D r e s s i n g Appropriately

When it comes to footwear, it is important to choose sandals or other open-toed shoes. Not only will these keep your feet cool, but they also allow for air to circulate your feet and prevent sweat from building up.

It is also important to consider sun protection when dressing for Goa's hot weather Opt for clothing that covers your skin and provides protection from the sun's harmful UV rays. Wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and lightweight scarves are all great accessories for staying protected from the sun while still looking stylish.

Staying Hydrated

Goa's hot and humid climate can take a toll on your body and leave you feeling dehydrated. Staying hydrated in Goa is crucial to ensure that you enjoy your holiday t o t h e f u l l e s t w i t h o u t compromising your health.

o a ' s h o t w e a t h e r , i t i s i m p o r t a n t t o consider both style and practicality

While it may be tempting to dress in as little clothing as possible, it is i m p o r t a n t t o remember that G o a i s a p r e d o m i n a n t l y conservative state

Drinking enough water is essential to prevent dehydration. With the temperature soaring high, the hot and humid climate of Goa can l e a v e y o u d e h y d r a t e d

Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, which can ruin your holiday experience. Drinking enough water can help in the digestion of food and prevent constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues Water helps regulate body temperature and keeps you cool in the scorching

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it comes to d r e s s i n g appropriately in G


Eat light and refreshing foods

The warm and humid weather in Goa can often make one feel heavy and uncomfortable, especially after indulging in

heavy meals. To combat this, it is important to focus on eating light and refreshing foods that will keep you energised throughout the day.

Here are some key points to keep

in mind when it comes to eating light and refreshing foods in Goa: Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables: Goa is known for its tropical fruits like mangoes, pineapples, and papayas, which are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Local markets are stocked with fresh produce, making it easy to i n c o r p o r a t e f r u i t s a n d vegetables into your daily diet.

Try seafood: Goa is also famous for its seafood dishes, which are not only delicious but also healthy. Fish, prawns, and crabs are some of the local favourites, and they are packed with protein, omega3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients.

Hydrate with coconut water: Coconut water is a refreshing drink that is readily available in Goa. It is a great source of electrolytes, which helps to keep you hydrated in the heat. Plus, it's low in calories, making it a great alternative to sugary drinks.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, enjoying Goa's hot

climate requires some planning and preparation to stay safe and healthy. Choosing the right time to visit, dressing appropriately, staying hydrated, taking breaks and rest, staying in cool places, eating light and refreshing foods, and enjoying water activities are essential tips to keep in mind. While the warm weather can be enjoyable, it can also pose risks to your health if not taken seriously. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being while enjoying all that Goa has to offer. By following these pointers, you can make the most of your trip to Goa without compromising your health.

Goa is not just known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture but also for its growing p o p u l a r i t y a s a w e l l n e s s destination With its peaceful surroundings, greenery, and various wellness centres, Goa has become a favourite spot for health enthusiasts and wellness seekers worldwide. Visitors can choose from a variety of activities such as yoga, meditation, spa treatments, and nature immersion to achieve their wellness goals and find rejuvenation for the mind, body, and soul.

History of health and wellness retreats in Goa

Health and wellness retreats have a long history in India, but the emergence of such retreats in Goa is a relatively recent phenomenon. In the 1960s and 70s, backpackers and hippies discovered the therapeutic benefits of yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, leading to the growth of wellness centres and retreats in the 1980s and 90s. Today, Goa is home to a diverse range of health and wellness retreats, offering p r o g r a m s s u c h a s y o g a , m e d i t a t i o n , A y u r v e d i c treatments, and other holistic therapies. Many of these retreats are set amidst the region's natural beauty and attract visitors from a r o u n d t h e w o r l d , w i t h specialised programs and workshops to deepen guests'

understanding and practice of these ancient traditions.

Types of retreats available

Goa offers a diverse range of retreats, catering to the specific needs and preferences of different individuals. Some of the most popular types of retreats available in Goa include yoga retreats, meditation retreats, detox retreats, and ayurvedic retreats.

Yoga retreats: Yoga retreats offer a holistic approach to wellness, combining yoga practices, meditation, and healthy eating. These retreats are typically led by experienced yoga instructors and may offer various styles of yoga such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Ashtanga. Many yoga retreats in Goa also include Ayurvedic treatments, massages, and other wellness services to complement the yoga practice. Meditation retreats: Meditation retreats in Goa provide a serene and tranquil environment where individuals can focus on their inner selves and learn various meditation techniques These retreats may also incorporate yoga practices and other wellness services to enhance the meditation experience

Detox retreats: Detox retreats in Goa focus on cleansing the body of toxins and improving overall health and well-being These r e t r e a t s t y p i c a l l y o f f e r

specialised diets, juices, and cleansing therapies such as c o l o n i c i r r i g a t i o n a n d hydrotherapy.

Ayurvedic retreats: Ayurvedic r e t r e a t s i n G o a p r o v i d e traditional Ayurvedic treatments to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. These retreats may include massages, herbal treatments, and personalised diet plans based on an individual's Ayurvedic body type. Many retreats in Goa offer a range of facilities and services s u c h a s c o m f o r t a b l e accommodations, healthy meals, outdoor activities, and wellness services such as massages, spa treatments, and yoga classes. Some retreats may also offer workshops and seminars on various wellness topics such as nutrition, stress management, and mindfulness.

Benefits of health and wellness retreats

Attending a health and wellness

r e t r e a t i n G o a c a n o f f e r numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from attending a health and wellness retreat:

1.Improved Physical Health: Health and wellness retreats offer an array of activities that focus on improving your physical health. From yoga to fitness classes, hiking, swimming, and more, you

can engage in various physical activities to improve your cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. Many retreats also offer healthy meals and nutrition advice to help you learn how to nourish your body for optimal health.

2. Mental Clarity: Health and wellness retreats provide a peaceful environment that allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This break from stress can help clear your mind and promote mental clarity, allowing you to gain a fresh perspective on life. Meditation, mindfulness, and other stressreducing practices are often offered at retreats, which can help you develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and improve your overall well-being.

3 . O v e r a l l W e l l - b e i n g : By focusing on both physical and mental health, health and wellness retreats can help improve your overall well-being. The holistic approach of these retreats aims to create balance and harmony between mind, body, and spirit. In addition, you can gain valuable knowledge and skills that you can apply in your daily life to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4. Time for Self-Care: In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find time for selfcare. Health and wellness retreats provide a space where you can prioritize your well-being and take time for yourself. This break can help you recharge and return to your daily life with renewed energy and focus.

Wrapping up: A health and wellness retreat in Goa can work wonders for your physical and mental health This retreat involves physical activities, stressrelieving practices, healthy eating, and self-care. These can enhance your well-being, provide mental clarity, and help you learn skills for a healthy lifestyle. Taking a break from your routine and prioritising your well-being can refresh you and give you new energy and focus. Consider this retreat as a way to invest in your health and gain a transformative experience that can bring lasting changes to your life.

42 LIFESTYLE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa F E A T U R E A WELLNESS


most interesting part of this fair happens at the rear entrance of the math, where a 'basket fair' is held. Here you will find a variety of baskets in different shapes and sizes. These baskets, which are mainly made of cane and bamboo, are very popular. There are many such fairs that are held once a year. One such fair is held on the occasion of Ram Navami at Shree Samsthana Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math at Poinguinim, Canacona. This is one of the important festivals held at this math, and thus, it draws devotees from different parts of the state and also from neighboring states.

Impact on Local Economy

Goa, the picturesque coastal state in western India, is all set to host a unique fair that celebrates the craftsmanship and artistry of bamboo and cane basket weaving. The fair, which is slated to take place in the coming weeks, promises to showcase an impressive array of handmade

Bamboo has been an integral part of Goan culture and economy for centuries. Known for its strength, durability, and versatility, bamboo has been used extensively in t r a d i t i o n a l c r a f t s a n d construction, including basket weaving, furniture making, and house building. Many households

benefits, bamboo artisans in Goa face several challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is competition from cheaper materials such as plastic and synthetic fibres, which have flooded the market in recent years. This has made it difficult for bamboo artisans to compete on price, despite the superior quality of their products Additionally, many artisans lack access to training and resources to improve their craft and expand their product range. Furthermore, the limited market opportunities for bamboo products in Goa and beyond have made it challenging for artisans to sustain their lielihoods and pass on their skills to future generations.

The upcoming bamboo and cane basket festival in Goa has the potential to bring significant economic benefits to the local community. These benefits could include increased tourism, higher sales of bamboo products, and an increase in the visibility of the local artisans and their craft. The festival is likely to attract tourists from all over India and beyond, who are interested in exploring the beauty of Goa's traditional bamboo and cane basket crafts This influx of tourists can create a significant economic impact on the local e c o n o m y , w i t h i n c r e a s e d spending on accommodation, food, transportation, and souvenirs. Wrapping up.

baskets, mats, furniture, and other decorative items that are created by skilled artisans from across the country.

With its focus on sustainable, ecofriendly materials and traditional techniques, the bamboo and cane basket fair is an event that is sure to captivate visitors and highlight the rich cultural heritage of India.

Significance of bamboo in Goa

in rural areas still rely on bamboo for their daily needs, using it to create everything from cooking utensils to fishing traps. In recent years, there has been a renewed i n t e r e s t i n b a m b o o a s a sustainable and eco-friendly material, and many artisans are turning to bamboo weaving as a way to preserve their traditional skills and earn a livelihood. However, despite its many

Despite these challenges, many bamboo artisans in Goa remain committed to their craft and are finding innovative ways to adapt and thrive in the face of changing market conditions. Initiatives like the bamboo and cane basket fair provide a much-needed platform for these artisans to showcase their skills and connect with potential customers Through such events, there is hope that the rich tradition of bamboo weaving in Goa can continue to flourish and play a vital role in the state's c u l t u r a l a n d e c o n o m i c landscape.

On the day of Ram Navami (which is on March 30 this year), a fair is held on the premise of math. The

The festival can also help p r o m o t e s u s t a i n a b l e development by preserving traditional crafts and supporting the local bamboo industry. To fully appreciate the festival's value and significance, we can interview local artisans and business owners, who can provide insights into its potential impact on the local economy In conclusion, we invite readers to attend the festival and support the local bamboo industry, and to r e c o g n i z e t h e b r o a d e r importance of sustainable development in preserving traditional crafts and promoting economic growth.

44 HANDICRAFT incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa F E A T U R E


In recent years, sustainability has become a buzzword in the business world Companies across industries are beginning to understand the importance of adopting sustainable business practices. The benefits of such p r a c t i c e s g o b e y o n d environmental stewardship, with c o m p a n i e s a l s o e n j o y i n g improved financial performance and increased customer loyalty. One of the primary reasons for the rise of sustainable business practices is growing consumer demand. Consumers today are m o r e i n f o r m e d a n d environmentally conscious than ever before They expect the companies they do business with t o b e r e s p o n s i b l e a n d environmentally friendly. Sustainability is a term that has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more businesses are recognizing the b e n e f i t s o f i m p l e m e n t i n g sustainable business practices. These practices are designed to reduce the environmental impact o f b u s i n e s s e s , w h i l e a l s o improving their social and economic impact. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of sustainable business practices, provide examples of these practices, discuss the steps to implement them, and address the challenges that businesses may face in doing so.

B e n e f i t s o f S u s t a i n a b l e Business Practices

E n v i r o n m e n t a l b e n e f i t s : Sustainable business practices can have a significant positive impact on the environment. For example, by reducing energy

c o n s u m p t i o n a n d u s i n g renewable energy sources, businesses can decrease their carbon footprint and help combat climate change. Similarly, through effective waste reduction and management, businesses can

minimise their impact on landfills and natural resources These actions can contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet for current and future generations. Social benefits: Sustainable business practices can also have a positive impact on local communities. By engaging in environmentally responsible practices, businesses can improve their relationships with local residents and reduce the impact of their operations on the


can improve staff morale and retention rates, which can ultimately lead to a more p r o d u c t i v e a n d s a t i s f i e d workforce.

Economic benefits: Sustainable business practices can also have significant economic benefits. By reducing energy consumption and waste, businesses can save money on operating costs. Additionally, implementing sustainable practices can improve a business's reputation and attract customers who prioritize environmentally responsible businesses In turn, this can lead to increased profits and a competitive advantage in the market.

E x a m p l e s o f S u s t a i n a b l e

Business Practices

Renewable energy usage: Many businesses are moving towards renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power By generating their own energy, businesses can reduce their reliance on non-renewable sources and decrease their carbon footprint.

W a s t e r e d u c t i o n a n d management: Sustainable

46 BUSINESS TIPS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
s u r r o u n d i n g c o m m u n i t y F u r t h e r m o r e , i n v e s t i n g i n

businesses aim to minimise waste through various means, such as recycling, composting, and reducing packaging waste

Additionally, businesses can implement sustainable supply chain management practices that focus on minimising waste throughout the entire supply chain.

Sustainable supply chain management: By implementing sustainable practices throughout the supply chain, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and improve their reputation. This can include working with suppliers who prioritise sustainable practices and ensuring that products are transported in an environmentally responsible way.

Green building design and construction: By designing and constructing buildings with sustainable materials and energy-efficient features, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and save on operating costs.

By designing products with sustainability in mind, businesses can reduce their environmental impact while also appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. S

Sustainable Business Practices

Conducting a sustainability a s s e s s m e n t : B e f o r e

i m p l e m e n t i n g s u s t a i n a b l e practices, businesses should c o n d u c t a s u s t a i n a b i l i t y assessment to identify areas for improvement.

Setting sustainability goals and targets: Businesses should set clear goals and targets for sustainability to track progress a n d h o l d t h e m s e l v e s accountable.

Developing a sustainability action plan: A sustainability action plan outlines the steps that a business will take to achieve its sustainability goals.

Implementing and monitoring sustainable practices: After developing a sustainability action p l a n , b u s i n e s s e s s h o u l d implement sustainable practices and monitor their progress towards their goals.

Communicating and reporting on sustainability efforts: Finally, businesses should communicate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders and report on their progress to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Challenges of Implementing Sustainable Business Practices

R e s i s t a n c e t o c h a n g e : Resistance to change is a

practices. This can be addressed by providing education and training to employees and stakeholders.

Limited resources and funding: Implementing sustainable practices can require significant resources and funding, which can be a barrier for some businesses. However, many sustainable practices can ultimately lead to cost savings in the long run.

expertise: Some businesses may lack the knowledge and expertise needed to implement sustainable practices. This can be addressed According

survey by Nielsen, 81% of global respondents felt strongly that companies should help improve the environment

T h i s h a s p u t p r e s s u r e o n

c o m p a n i e s t o p r i o r i t i z e sustainability in their operations. In response to this pressure, many companies are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. Some are implementing eco-friendly practices in their manufacturing processes, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing waste. Others are developing more sustainable products, such as biodegradable

packaging and electric vehicles. Companies that prioritize sustainability are also benefiting financially. Studies have shown t h a t s u s t a i n a b l e b u s i n e s s practices can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and attract more customers For example, implementing energy-efficient practices can reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. This can result in significant cost s a v i n g s f o r c o m p a n i e s Additionally, many customers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products, providing a n e w r e v e n u e s t r e a m f o r companies.

In conclusion, the rise of sustainable business practices is a positive trend that benefits both companies and the environment.

B y a d o p t i n g e c o - f r i e n d l y practices, companies can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and attract more customers. As consumer demand for sustainable products and practices continues to grow, it is likely that we will see more companies prioritize sustainability in their operations. This can only lead to a better future for all of us.

t e p s t o I m p l e m e n
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a c k o f k n o w l e d g e a n d
to a


Mall De Goa, the premier shopping destination in Goa, India, recently organised Fashion Walk Season 2, a spectacular showcase of the latest trends in fashion from leading international and national brands. The show was powered by COVE Fast Fashion and Carrera Eyewear, with Park Avenue, Blackberrys, and Marks & Spencer as other sponsors. The show was choreographed by Rahila Khan and her team, with official make-up partner Colorbar and F&B partner McDonald's. Prime TV and Incredible Goa were the media partners and discerning fashion enthusiasts attended the event and were well appreciated.

48 EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 50 INCREDIBLE - GOA April 2023


In the pre-GST regime, a business which is purely into trading of goods, would have had to register under VAT, and file 4 quarterly returns, with monthly GST payment. A small service provider could file two Service Tax returns only and complete his compliance under Service tax. However, when GST was introduced, such persons had to file 2 monthly returns every month, thus their returns were increased to 24 returns annually.

To reduce this compliance burden, the Government has consistently reduced the number of filings and simplified various processes.

A taxpayer who has an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.5 crore in the preceding financial year, can opt for a simplified GST filing scheme called QRMP (Quarterly Return, Monthly Payment). This scheme tries to replicate the compliances done in VAT regime.

As the name suggests, a taxpayer can now only pay GST monthly, and file returns once in a quarter.

If he has any Business to Business supplies i e if he is supplying g o o d s o r s e r v i c e s t o a n y registered purchaser, who may need to claim credit, then there is an optional monthly form called “Invoice Furnishing Facility” which such taxpayer can file, to pass on GST credit to the purchaser. There are two methods of d e t e r m i n i n g t h e m o n t h l y payment:

1. Fixed Sum Method

a) If the last return is furnished quarterly, an amount equivalent to 35% of the tax liability paid for the previous quarter shall be paid

b) If the last return is furnished monthly, the tax liability paid in the return for the previous month shall be paid

Thus, under this mode, the

taxpayer need not even do actual computation of actual tax liability for the first 2 months of the quarter. He can simply use the above metrics and pay the tax determined. At the end of the quarter he can compute the actual tax payable and then only pay the differential. In such case, even if the above pre-determined tax payable, is lesser than actual GST collected, no interest would be leviable on the “short payment”

2. Self Assessment method

This is the normal method wherein the persons can pay the tax due by considering the tax liability on inward and outward supplies and the input tax credit available i.e. by himself determining the appropriate tax. If there is any shortfall in payment i.e. if you erroneously pay lesser than what was due, interest would be applicable

Interest on delayed payment would be applicable in both cases.

Once tax is paid in either of the above methods, for the first two months of the quarter, in the third quarter, the taxpayer must file his GST return via the form GSTR 3B. Here he must disclose the sales made during the quarter, the GST collected, the GST input tax credit and resulting tax payable, among other things.

Besides the above, there is another option for even smaller taxpayers A taxpayer whose turnover is below Rs 1.5 crore can opt for Composition Scheme. The major features of Composition scheme are as below: Such taxpayer is not allowed to collect any GST. He has to sell his goods or services at normal selling price, and GST is to be paid as a percentage of turnover. The percentages vary based on

nature of business, as below:

No Input Tax Credit can be claimed by a dealer opting for composition scheme

The dealer cannot supply goods not taxable under GST such as alcohol.

If a taxable person has different segments of businesses (such as textile, electronic accessories, groceries, etc.) under the same PAN, they must register all such businesses under the scheme collectively or opt out of the scheme.

The taxpayer has to mention the words 'composition taxable person' on every notice or signboard displayed prominently at their place of business.

The taxpayer has to mention the words 'composition taxable person' on every bill of supply issued by him.

The recipient cannot claim Input Tax Credit since the Composition taxpayer is not charging GST at all

This scheme is beneficial for those who donot have business to business outward supplies and those who donot have the wherewithal to maintain detailed records required under GST Act to claim Input Tax Credit. Such taxpayers have to pay GST once every quarter and then file an annual return.

52 IG FINANCE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
CA Gaurav
Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.
SERVING ALCOHOL 2.50% 2.50% 5.00% OTHERS 3.00% 3.00% 6.00%


High-intensity fitness programs are designed to burn fat and build muscle fast by stressing muscles more than other workouts. These programs can include highintensity interval training or HIIT classes, such as Tabata. However, if they aren't done properly, these workouts can lead to muscle and joint injuries.

That's why before you think about starting high-intensity exercise, preparation is the key


High-intensity interval training, better known as HIIT, consists of short bursts of intense work that typically last between 15 seconds to 4 minutes. These are followed by a quick recovery period and then right back to the tougher work.

These cycles are repeated several times and can include a variety of exercises in each round HIIT workouts can include the use of a stationary bike, treadmill, bodyweight exercises, kettlebell, dumbbells, or skipping (jump) rope. Another type of HIIT workout you may have heard of is called Tabata.


HIIT and other high-intensity exercise programs help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount

of time. Research has also showed t h a t y o u k e e p burning calories for hours after your workout is finished These workouts typically cause you to burn more fat and build muscle. Studies have also showed that high-intensity workouts may help lower blood pressure and heart rate.


The short answer is yes. However, the biggest danger to health is an inactive lifestyle, which is much more widespread than overdoing exercise. The goal should be to slowly overload the body for higher levels of performance, rather than to suddenly increase activity levels. While highintensity exercise can lead to overuse injuries or muscle and joint injuries, these are less likely t o o c c u r w i t h t h e r i g h t preparation.


The biggest issue is that moving regularly isn't something most people do. This can leave people who try to get in shape quickly more prone to injury.

Inactive people who aren't experienced with exercise or those who haven't regularly exercised in a while tend to push themselves too much. In these situations, people often aren't aware of how hard they can and should work. This is especially true for those who are doing a group workout.

H O W H I G H - I N T E



There are ways to mix in intensity and speed fitness, but that should not be the emphasis for most people. Start by moving more than you normally do throughout each day. This is more beneficial than a one tough workout every so often. At the same time, people who have been doing the same exercises for months are unlikely to get more fit unless they make changes. This could include changing their routines, pushing harder, and working beyond their comfort zones.


Pain is a big sign that a workout is causing trouble. If any exercise causes pain, don't push through it. It's a good idea to start slowly increasing physical activity and intensity. This will allow you to learn the difference between pain and being uncomfortable.

TIPS FOR SOMEONE WHO IS INACTIVE BUT WANTS TO BE FIT Most everyone can be physically fit and able to do the workout they want without going too far However, you need to think long term Properly preparing your body for movement is key. Focus on improving your mobility, s t a b i l i t y , s t r e n g t h , a n d cardiovascular fitness. This will eventually allow you to do any physical activity you choose Before diving into tough exercise, spend six to 12 months (or more) doing the following:

1. improving your diet

2 working on mobility and addressing movement issues

3. steadily increasing strength

4. developing a cardiovascular (exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, etc. can help with this)


Youknowhowalltoadsarefrogsbutnotallfrogsaretoads?That'sthebestwaytodescribe therelationshipbetweenTabataandHIIT Tabata is HIIT but not all HIIT is Tabata. Basically, Tabata is basically a higher intensity versionofHIIT,withshorterandmorerigidlydefinedworkouts;HIITroutinesofferyouabit moreflexibility.


54 IG FITNESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.


Incredible Properties is a new project by Incredible Goa Magazine aimed at connecting buyers with sellers and reviewing the best properties available in the Goa market. We'll showcase some of the most exclusive properties on the market to simplify your deal-making process, and we'll also provide honest reviews for each property.

56 INCREDIBLE PROPERTIES incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Farm Land Available Farm Land in Valpoi With lots of plantation, mainly Supari, Mango, Jackfruit, Natural spring flowing all around the plots Area 1,50,000 Sq mtrs - Rate 700/- sqmtr - Status- Freehold clear titleOwner- Single Ownership
Area 150 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold/ Unused Title : Single Owner
More than 100 years ago available just 1 Km away from Capital
Land Area 2000 Sq mtrs - Villa Area 4000 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold - Title : Single Owner *All properties are subjected to title clearance from the client's lawyers and valuer INCREDIBLEPROPERTIES BUY - SELL - RENT FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACTUS ON +91 966 518 3739 Email: INCREDIBLE - GOA April 2023
Beautifully Constructed Row Villa available in Village Bastora in lush green Surrounding of Gated Complex. Swimming pool Gym, Security.
3 BhK Row House in Assgao In Gated Complex with all amenities Area 150 sq mtrs - Price
3Cr - Status: Free Hold - Title Single Owner
Portuguese Type house buit
Town Panaji
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