Sachiin Joshi

The In Focus consists of, THE HILL Art Show Held at Dona Paula, Exclusive interview with The Best in ISL, Edu Bedia, Copperleaf VIP Lounge For 53rd FFI, Festivities At Alila Diwa Goa and Christmas TreeLightingatGoaMarriottResortandSpa
Born and raised in Bangalore, Rahila came to Goa after getting married. She did her preliminary studies in Hyderabad followed by thesecondaryeducationinBangaloreandshedidadiplomain...
Sly Granny has surely established a name for itself and set the culinary standards high in Goa. With 3 amazing sub-brands, Tereza bytheBeach,MamagotoandthemorerecentOutpost,youcan...
Soul Vacation, an award-winning property has recently joined hands with the Kare Ayurveda to provide a complete holistic experiencetotouristsvisitingGoa.Thepropertystrikestheperfect
He is the only Bonsai artist and a pioneer landscaping professional in Goa. An MSc Research graduate from Bombay University, his parentswantedhimtobecomeadentistorcivilengineerbuthis...
Having a Master's degree in Pharmacy, Daisy has always been passionate about art and creativity. Daisy had to prioritise her careerbytakingupaneducationinthesciencestreambutherheart
Seriton comes from a small town called Quepem situated in south Goa. He completed his preliminary schooling at Don Bosco School andlateron,hejoinedtheDamodarCollege.Hebelongstoa...
Jashwanth Reddy Pasala was born and brought in a middle-class family, up in one small town in Andhra Pradesh. Above average in studiesscoringgoodranks,hegraduatedasachemicalengineer...
Pravin Kakode comes from a business family background and transformed the traditional grocery business into one of the largest supplychainsinthestateofGoa.IncredibleGoametMrPravin...
Rajesh Ghadge
Finance &Admin
Rajeshree Naik Ghadge
For us at Incredible Goa, every day is a new beginning with new challenges. I am sure all of you must be getting ready to welcome the new year in style with a new resolution just like we do every year. Making a resolution does not take much effort but to stick to that resolution you need determination and willpower.
am sure it will inspire you too.
Creative Concepts Media
Team Incredible Goa
Norbert D’Souza
CAGaurav Kenkre Dr. Schuyler Pereira Aditi Malhotra
Aakash Ghadge
At Incredible Goa, our entire team works towards the improvement of each element of the publication on a constant basis thus providing you with a better product every time. This year's award event was one such example of the same. The event had set a new milestone by honouring the 25 Incredible Goans, with many new categories introduced this year.
For me, every story is uniquely filled with multiple challenges but one ingredient remains common amongst all of them and that is determination. No matter who they were and what they achieved, success has come to them only through hard work Whether they have been born into wealth or started from zero, none of them have taken any shortcuts in their lives to achieve their goal and that is a major lesson for everyone who reads these stories.
I write these articles to inspire others but throughout, they also inspire me to do a better job. The best policy is to follow what you preach and I make sure I stick to this. This New Year 2023 I have resolved to set more goals for myself and make sure that I achieve the maximum out of them.
Team Incredible Goa
The cover story of Incredible Goa is the most sought-after feature that our readers look forward to every month and we make sure that we never disappoint them. This issue's cover story features a young business tycoon who owns two of the most iconic properties in Goa- the King's Mansion (formerly known as Kingfisher Villa) and the Planet Hollywood Beach Resort, Goa and he is none other than Mr Sachiin Joshi.
Sachiin ji's journey is one of the most inspiring stories that I have penned to date.
Sachiin Ji dons many hats as he is a renowned celebrity, a film actor, a sportsman, a fitness enthusiast and an entrepreneur. The biggest challenge was bringing these traits together and crafting a fine story out of it. I have tried my best, and I
We are working on a couple of new projects and soon they will be revealed but whatever I do, I assure you that I will keep creating the best quality content for you filled with knowledge and information and if you wish to join me in this journey, as a contributor, associate or partner, or if you feel that someone is doing an excellent job and needs to be featured on this platform write to me at and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Till the next time, Happy New Year and happy reading…
provided invaluable inputs and assistance towards planning and throughout the event. Thanks to the audience, the session was extremely interactive with an excellent Q&A session towards the end. The DIT team including Siddhika Banerjee (Head of Inward Investment-Western India) and Neha Nigadikar (Inward Investment Adviser) held one to one meetings with interested companies the next day.
The Inward Investment team at DIT can help Indian businesses
Goa Technology Association (GTA) in collaboration with the UK's Department for International Trade (DIT) held an informative session at Taj Vivanta, Panjim on 13th December 2022 which was attended by over 60 businesses including GTA members and Goa C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e
members. The UK's Department for International Trade (DIT) helps businesses export, drives inward a n d o u t w a r d i n v e s t m e n t , negotiates market access and trade deals, and champions free trade The session highlighted b u s i n e s s & i n v e s t m e n t opportunities in the UK and the
support available to Indian companies planning to set up or expand in the UK via DIT.
Mr Milind Anvekar, President GTA addressed the gathering on behalf of GTA and Mr Vikram S i n g h , S t r a t e g i c H e a d –Investment presented on behalf of DIT. GTA office bearers
Whether you are a start-up, a medium-sized / family business, a corporate or an institutional investor , DIT supports Indian companies with the realisation of their international business ambitions. DIT offers flexible support packages for every aspect of your investment. Our service does not stop once you are based in the UK, it continues as your business expands internationally. We have helped thousands of businesses locate and expand in the UK.
Tata Power has developed a userfriendly mobile App, enabling EV c o n s u m e r s t o locate charging stations, which can be booked in advance, or as r e q u i r e d , i n c l u d i n g payment of the same ASPHL's hotels present in each city will also feature as part of this application a c r o s s t h e country.
mobility space will see a sustainable progress path and a dramatic surge soon (by the year 2 0 3 0 ) , i m p a c t i n g t h e transportation landscape Battery and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles will steer the future that will affect the economy, environment and energy conservation.
Limited is gearing up to roll out a n a t i o n w i d e s u s t a i n a b i l i t y initiative by catalysing electric vehicle (EV) adoption across cities.
All the brands under ASPHL (THE Park Hotels, THE Park Collection, Zone by The Park, and Zone Connect) are installing public
charging infrastructure at the premises - As part of the Company's planet positive initiatives, ASPHL is working with Tata Power to incorporate these fleet-charging facilities for four wheelers, which makes the Group, one among the top Hotel chains to adopt EV across the country.
Half the world's population currently reside in cities, which will see a drastic increase in another two decades. While cities occupy only 2% of the world's landmass, the climatic impact and footprint are immeasurable in terms of energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.
In India, electrification in the
S p e a k i n g a b o u t E V implementation, Mr Vijay Dewan, Managing Director, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Limited says, “We have always worked towards sustainability through our five core areas for strategic action By implementing EV infrastructure, we are taking this a step ahead in the direction of reducing carbon footprint and being sustainable. With feasible, consistent accessibility of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), it will play a key role in making it easy for our guests to use the service and act as an added service benefit.”
Harshita was able to secure this opportunity with tech behemoth, Microsoft A talented young woman from a family of lawyers succeeded to follow her heart and reach her objectives in life. This was made possible by her desire to achieve in bigger endeavours, the encouragement of her family, and the mentoring she received at GIM Before joining GIM, she spent time in Pune working as a software development engineer for an international bank.
gritty of the interviews including the framework and scenarios.”
''GIM has been invariably at the forefront of industry excellence when it comes to their students' well-being and education. We encourage our students to bear the torch of conscious leadership and excel in their career paths.
With the placement season rolling out, students from higher education institutions across the country hope to make it big and strike a chance to get the job of their dreams The placement season at Goa Institute of Management (GIM) is almost reaching an end and has had quite a vibrant start. The placement season at GIM rolled o u t i n S e p t e m b e r a n d i s estimated to end later this month.
This year, a new record has been set as Core Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) student, Harshita Banthia, bagged a package of 55 LPA.
Last year, IIM Lucknow recorded a package of 56 LPA and this year, private B-school GIM has advanced to that category Thanks to a combination of her technical abilities and the perspective expansion Harshita received at the B-School,
Harshita says, “Getting placed in Microsoft is a dream come true. The high quality and high standard work culture apart from the challenging projects will not only help me grow technically but would also help me challenge myself as an individual, giving me a head start in the corporate world. I owe a huge part of this accomplishment to GIM The case-based pedagogy here has helped in building critical thinking and problem-solving skills The rigorous interview preparation sessions take care of the nitty-
Like every year, we have seen tremendous growth in our r e c r u i t e r s ' p o r t f o l i o a n d placements this year too'', said Dr. Ajit Parulekar, Director of GIM. The placements at Goa Institute of Management have shown a consistent and marvellous performance in 2022, just like the previous years The placement cell at GIM is run end-to-end by the students, and they have managed consistent year-onyear results within the top companies in the industry Admissions are currently ongoing at the B-School and it is a great opportunity for business aspirants in the country to get postgraduation studies and transform their careers.
C a r e e r Counselling Through this i n i t i a t i v e , G o a I C A I was able to reach over 2 5 0 0 students in a single day. Chairperson of Goa ICAI CA Gaurav K e n k r e stated that this was the largest such single day C a r e e r Counselling o u t r e a c h p r o g r a m e v e r
larger These schools and colleges have asked us to conduct the same event in December and we are already preparing for it" said CA Gaurav Kenkre
CA Milind Shirodkar, Chairperson of Goa WICASA i.e. the students body of Goa ICAI, said "We are very happy that we could reach out to so many students. We firstly educated them on the general principles based on which one should choose a career. Then we spoke on the specifics of Chartered Accountancy as a career. We got great responses from all the participating schools. They have asked us to conduct such sessions regularly".
With an aim to help students choose a better career, and also to inform the students about the Chartered Accountancy Course as a career, Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI along with Goa WICASA
u n i t c o n d u c t e d a C a r e e r
Counselling drive on 26/11/2022.
18 Schools across Goa were covered, right from Canacona to A l d o n a , b y 1 1 C h a r t e r e d Accountants who are experts in
conducted by ICAI in the state of Goa. "In fact, some schools and colleges could not be included only because their students had exams on that day. Or else the number would have been even
The Counselling was done by CA Swati Naik, CA Siddhi Bagkar, CA Saish Naik, CA Shrinivas Prabhu, CA Sonam Daivajna, CA Sailee Mahambre, CA Kavita Bhonsle, CA Aakash Kamat Azrenkar, CA Rajesh Chedda, CA Mitali Talwadkar and CA Gaurav Kenkre.
Marriott International hotels and resorts in South Asia who will come together to raise funds to support RISING STAR OUTREACH
O F I N D I A - a n o n - p r o f i t organization dedicated to empowering individuals and Their families to rise above the stigma associated with leprosy and to live healthy, productive lives through quality education, medical care, and community development.
TakeCare philosophies by adding new facets and elements to the annual run” said Ranju Alex – Area Vice President, South Asia, Marriott International.
Marriott International returned with the 8th edition of the flagship charity run – Run to Give with a more inclusive and reformed avatar as Road to Give 2022, with an aim to encourage participants from across its South Asia portfolio of hotels to embrace all forms of movement beyond just running vis. walking, cycling, swimming and others. Goa Marriott Resort and Spa, Fairfield by Marriott, Goa Anjuna, Fairfield by Marriott, Goa Calangute all a part of Marriott
International, came together and organized the charity run on 26th November 2022.
This annual charity run is an integral part of the Marriott South Asia calendar and is a testament to the company's commitment to c u l t i v a t e a p e o p l e - f i r s t environment that promotes the associates' well-being and drives its people to care for the communities where they do business. This year, Road to Give 2022 had committed to lend support across 143 hotels from
Road to Give 2022 is essentially a step towards creating a space for inclusion in our bid towards making tangible a contribution towards the upliftment of the communities around us The annual run is an opportunity for Marriott International associates, along with family and guests to come together and make a move, this year in all possible ways, in the direction of a more diverse and accommodative future which holds space for individuals from across the spectrum. The idea is to make the event larger and cohesive each year by taking participants closer to our
With an aim to incorporate participation from across the country, the run was open to Marriott associates, partners as well as families, friends and guests who could join the event, lend support, take some time to reflect, care for their bodies and minds and most importantly to be part of a larger, purposeful initiative that aims at us helping build a more cohesive and responsible society.
The run held in Goa was a 6 KM run, where participants ran along the banks of the Mandovi River. The participants were entitled to t - s h i r t s , b r e a k f a s t , a n d completion certificates after the m a r a t h o n . T h e m a r a t h o n concluded with a jubilant celebration along with the prize distribution to the winners of the event, Men Category: Sohel Madar and Women's Category: Helna Thottan Apte.
IHCL Goa's largest hospitality operator and leader in the tourism sector rings in the festive cheer with a greater purpose of giving back to the society this holiday season. Under Paathya, IHCL's framework of sustainability and social impact measures, various i n i t i a t i v e s h a v e b e e n implemented at the hotels to give guests a truly Goan holiday experience, which will benefit the local community and aid in
preserving Goa's rich heritage. In the true spirit of the festive season, guests and associates will engage in meaningful actions of touching someone's life in an impactful manner.
Speaking on the initiative, Mr Vincent Ramos, Senior Vice President – Goa for IHCL said, “ I n c l u s i o n a n d b u s i n e s s responsibility is embedded in our DNA. Taking ahead IHCL's over a century old legacy, we strive for
t h e l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s t o share in the benefits of our presence by serving the needs of the underprivileged communities and leaving a positive i m p a c t t o w a r d s r e s h a p i n g o u r common future for a better tomorrow. In the merriment of the festive season, we are delighted to e x t e n d a n opportunity to our guests and associates to make a difference.”
Carecations, a series of curated travel itineraries by IHCL will help guests to volunteer and support local communities on their travels.
From learning about Azulejosonce an almost forgotten art of hand-painted ceramic tiles to discovering another side of Goa in the hinterlands, to revisiting Goa's legendary past with Fadothe iconic music genre introduced
to Goa by the Portuguese, the holiday itineraries and activities e n a b l e d i r e c t i n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n g u e s t s a n d t h e beneficiaries, allowing both to discover a rich bank of knowledge and stories.
In line with the ethos and values of the Tata Group, IHCL, Goa has also collaborated with various social welfare groups and philanthropic bodies across the state to amplify their reach in the community The hotels will be showcasing traditional Goan Christmas sweets prepared by local women as part of the festive gift hamper collection. Moreover, t h e a n n u a l c a k e m i x i n g ceremonies held at the hotels witnessed the use of locally procured fruits, nuts, spices and spirits. Over 2000 employees of IHCL, Goa will be participating in various donation drives and other social works in service of the community throughout the festive season.
It's not true that someone born into a wealthy family doesn't face challenges that life has to throw at us. Struggle is an integral part of our life; without challenges, life is not worth the fight. The story I am about to narrate to you is of a man whose life has been filled with challenges and struggles at every step. Despite being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he carved his own destiny. He is an Indian actor, producer, entrepreneur, dreamer and philanthropist and he is known for his work in Telugu and Hindi cinema. His father, Jagdish Mohanlal Joshi, is the owner of the JMJ group of industries. He also owned the Dambulla franchise of the Lanka Premier League (LPL), the Dambulla Viikings.
I am talking about the multifaceted personality and business baron, Mr Sachiin Joshi, who owns Goa's iconic Kingfisher Villa, now named King's Mansion. Sachiin's life has not been plain sailing despite the fact that he has everything to lead a luxurious life without much effort, but he chose to face life head-on and decided to carve his own niche in the business and entertainment world. Lots of people address him as a Gutka King, some call him a flamboyant personality and others address him as a celebrity, but the real question is, who is Sachiin? When I met him the first question I asked him was 'Sachiin Joshi is a big name in the entertainment, hospitality and business industries, but we are still curious to know who the real Sachiin is. A dreamer, actor, f i l m m a k e r , h o t e l i e r , b u s i n e s s m a n o r s o c i a l worker?' to which he replied that he's always believed in achieving more than just doing things.
“I am aware that it's very challenging most of the time since I am involved in multiple businesses which have been handed down to me but I've always had an inclination towards acting and stardom and the main challenge in front of me was to be the best in all these fields. My father looks at me as a businessman and I make sure that I never disappoint him but at the same time, I am also pursuing my passion in acting since it's something that I have been part of since my childhood. The acting bug stung me when I was a kid. I lived just next to FTII (Film Television Institute of India) in Pune We had a common wall between my house and the FTII. I have grown up as a student of FTII making films and that passion grew with me.”
Sachiin Ji, also wanted to be a sportsman but he did not get much support in that field from his family and he turned his focus on to business and the entertainment industry. “In
business, I do multiple things and hospitality is something that has been very close to my heart. My family has been in the fragrance business for generations, and I always
looked into diversifying whether it's into hospitality, finance, fintech or agriculture and now we are expanding into real estate in a very big way. Cinema has been my
passion and business, my bread and butter. I started the journey into the film industry from the south, and then I moved to Bollywood.”
When I asked him about his privileged upbringing, he replied saying “It's just the perception of the people and I do not want to change that, but my answer is very simplethe grass always looks greener on the other side. Every one of us has our own story, but mine has been like a duck in a pond where we see the calmness above water but ignore the frantic and constant paddling underwater. Similarly, you can't see the struggle of another person by looking at his success alone Coming back to the perception of being born with a silver spoon, I want to say that being born into privilege doesn't mean we aren't affected with hardship. I cannot compare the struggle and challenges that my father has been through, but I had my own set of challenges, whether they were with business or cinema and then the added pressure of being born into wealth. Talent and hard work cannot be brought
by money, being successful is o n e t h i n g a n d s t a y i n g successful is another. As I said earlier, I have seen my father's struggle in business and people are not aware of that. Instead, what they see today is only his success but the struggle behind that success is only experienced by me and my family.”
Speaking about his first venture “Viiking Ventures” Sachiin ji said that “My father started with the JMJ brand dealing with essential oils and fragrance industry but I decided to branch out in multiple ventures since I believe that I must change the perception of the world towards us, and this is where Viiking Ventures comes into e x i s t e n c e A l l t h e diversification into the field of hospitality, fintech, finance and agriculture started with the Viiking Ventures. It all started from scratch and today after 20 years, it is the successful business everyone knows today.”
S p e a k i n g o n t h e G o a connection and his Goa Gutka brand, Sachiin ji said that his father owned a brand in Goa
for which he had to fight a legal battle which he won and from that, the brand 'Goa Gutka' was born. “My father was not a businessman: he was more like a scientist and his specialty was to provide the technical know-how into the tobacco space in the FMCG market Everyone t o d a y r e c o g n i s e s t h a t business with tobacco since it became so big. He has not just provided his technology knowledge of essences, flavours and fragrance to the tobacco industry but he also provided the same to masalas like the Everest brand besides providing it to the other FMCG companies in India. He was skilled in the creation of flavours and essences, but Goa Gutka is one of the most popular products Although we owned that brand, it was sold in early 2000 itself and my father remained on the board as technical advisor to them. This is the big difference between perception and reality which I am sharing today here with you.”
My next question to Sachiin ji was about his entry into the hospitality industry, as he owns
o n e o f G o a ' s b i g g e s
hospitality brands, Planet Hollywood Hotels and Resorts. He told me that Planet Hollywood was not his first brand and his entry into this f i e l d b e g a n w i t h t h e homegrown brand, Beatle. “It was our first hospitality venture which was started in the year 2008 and we had acquired quite a lot of properties in India so this way Planet Hollywood Beach Resort, Goa becomes our second property. The third one has opened recently in Thane and 4 more hotels we will be setting up soon. The Planet Hollywood brand is owned by Mr Robert Earl who has been very close to the Hollywood industry with many actors who were also investors in his company Today they have more than six properties and are adding more than 20 hotels to their portfolio and the India hotels are taken care of by us,” he said.
Speaking on the presence of Hollywood stars at the launch of the Planet Hollywood brand in Goa Sachiin ji said, it was done to build a proper perception of the brand just
like it was built in Hollywood. “Of course, we could not name it Planet Bollywood,” he said grinning “The Planet H o l l y w o o d b r a n d i s synonymous with the stars and it's all about entertainment, glitz and glamour and since I h a d m y B o l l y w o o d connections, my friends there also graced the property and hence it became popular. I would just say that it was the right PR strategy at the right time.”
Speaking on the expansion of the hospitality brand he said that his company is not looking at expansion in a big way by taking over the property on management basis. “Currently we have two properties under the Planet Hollywood brand and two more we will be opening soon and as far as the Beatle brand goes, it is a boutique business hotel while Planet Hollywood is a luxury hotel.”
Regarding controversies, Sachiin said “Nobody wants to b e t h e s u b j e c t o f controversies but sometimes you really cannot help it! I seem to attract controversies and the main reason behind this is that I'm an honest and straight forward person and
some don't really like that. But as the saying goes – all's well that ends well - and with God's grace everything is going good with me and future looks bright,” he narrated.
When I asked him about philanthropy, Sachiin ji said that it comes naturally to him, “Some people talk about it and some don't like to publicize it. Me and my family have always been a part of charities and while growing up I have witnessed it. The only thing is that we have not spoken about it in public domain. But soon I realised that it is important to speak about good causes in the public domain and I am talking from experience: the more you talk about a charity, the more people will donate and the more attractive it becomes. I would like to give an example of Bill Gates who has pledged a major chunk of his fortune to charitable causes and I also would like to mention our very own home-grown Ratan Tata Ji here who has given his entire fortune to charitable causes. These people inspire me to do the same and if I can in any capacity, I will. According to me, one cannot be successful
without contributing to the world. The bottom line is that the most important thing is being human since humanity is key and with charity you get that satisfaction.”
When I asked him about the secret of his fitness he said “According to me, if someone has the time to eat, they should make time to get or remain fit too because the fitter you are better your mind frame is so you can then do more and be a better person. I think fitness is more important than anything else.”
“Today everybody wants to be successful, and everyone expects extraordinary results in their life but if you want such results, you also need to do extraordinary things If you take calculated risks you will achieve what you want but there is no substitute to hard work. It's only hard work and effort that will equal success. You need to think out of the box, and you need to do more than the ordinary and then you will get the results. I want to tell everyone to put your honest foot forward, put in hard work and efforts and utlise your time well. Lastly, instead of learning from your own mistakes learn from the
mistakes of others too then nobody can stop you and you will keep growing.”
Sachiin Joshi was born in Pune to Jagdish Mohanlal Joshi, owner of the JMJ group of industries. He made his debut in the 2002 Telugu film Mounamelanoyi and went on to star in two more Telugu f i l m s , N i n u C h u d a k a Nenundalenu (2002) and Orey Pandu (2005). He did not appear in films again until 2011, when he performed as the titular lead character in the Hindi film Aazaan, which he also co-produced. This marked his debut in Hindi films. Joshi returned to Tollywood with the remake of Aashiqui 2, titled Nee Jathaga Nenundali, and reprised the role played by Aditya Roy Kapur in the Hindi version. He co-starred with Nazia Hussain, who made her debut in Aashiqui 2. Joshi was also a lead in the 2013 film Jackpot, in which he starred opposite Sunny Leone and Naseeruddin Shah. In February 2012, Joshi married model and actress Urvashi Sharma who later changed her name to Raina Joshi. The couple are parents to three children.
THE HILL is an art show consisting of five talented Goan artists with different backgrounds. The artists showcased about 60 works based on their life experiences, struggles, highs and lows, and happy and sad events, all summing up to the upward or downward slop of 'THE HILL'. The artists worked in various mediums showing exemplary skills in all their works. For this show, they were mentored by the renowned artist, Wilson D'souza, who mentions that by all standards these artists are one of the best young painters he has worked with in his career. The exhibit took place at Pyde Pyper Art Academy, Dona Paula, and was graced by a footfall of over 400 people from the 2nd through the 4th of December. Divya Balivada is the boldest artist in this group in regard to technique, lines, and style. Divya Kamat's figurative works have lines similar to those of F N Souza, the world-renowned Goan artist. Minakshi Singh's grasp of portraiture and facial expression and using this skill creatively are admirable. Mrunal Patil's works reflect her flair for colour, composition, line, and technique. Lastly, Sadnya Gad, just eighteen years old, has unique ultra-soft lines, which are at par with highly matured abstract artists. All the artists ooze art that is non-diluted and purposeful. THE HILL is the metaphorical imagery, the concept of each of these artists' journeys inspired by their life experiences and endeavours. The joys and pains culminate into one of the best shows of young artists, who are creatively unique.
Quite like most of his time with FC Goa, midfielder Edu Bedia has made an impact to the Gaurs' season. The Spaniard reminded everyone of his prowess in their
c a m p a i g n opener itself with an injurytime goal that handed the team the right start they were looking for. He r o s e t o t h e occasion once a g a i n o n S a t u r d a y , n e t t i n g t h e 1 2 t h I n d i a n Super League (ISL) goal of his c a r e e r a n d helping Carlos P e ñ a ' s m e n build on the m o m e n t u m f r o m l a s t w e e k ' s w i n over Odisha. H i s s t r i k e h e l p e d t h e Gaurs register t h e i r s i x t h victory of the s e a s o n against NorthEast United, thereby taking them to fifth place in the standings with 18 points. To put things in perspective, the Men in
Orange are only halfway into their campaign and are just one point shy of what they managed the whole of last season. “I know they (NEUFC) are going through tough times, but they're a good side just like every other team in this league. They gave us a tough fight, and are surely going to start winning matches soon,” the Spaniard said following Saturday night's win.
“We did well in parts against them, but could have done much better. We lost focus before the final whistle, as a result of which we lost what could have been our fifth clean sheet this season. “Focus is important, because only then can we compete for the top honours We have important matches coming up, and we hope to take forward the learnings from today and secure more points.” Despite conceding two early g o a l s , G o a ' s o p p o n e n t s NorthEast United held their own with good resolve and also managed to pull one back in injury time.
“This was an important result Previously, we were struggling in terms of consistency where we would win a game but lose the
next, and so on. We've now won two matches on the bounce - it shows we're on the right track but there's plenty of room for improvement as well,” Edu added.
'We need to be on our best levels throughout the game'
Speaking at the post-match press conference, FC Goa head coach Carlos Pena reinstated the need to be more consistent in game. And while he was happy with the result, he voiced that the Gaurs need to up their levels in terms of performance.
“We need to be on our best levels during more minutes in the game. Today, for example, we played brilliantly for the first 30 minutes and for the rest of the 60 minutes we were not so good. We didn't get punished today, but the same will not be the case every day,” he said.
“Regardless, I think we are in a good position. All the teams are very close with points tied up in fourth, fifth and sixth position. It's now time to think about the next game and to keep moving forward,” the 38-year-old concluded.
Goa’s renowned restaurant Copperleaf sponsored a VIP lounge for the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2022 held at Panaji, Goa. Numerous film stars such as Anupam Kher, Varun Dhawan, Yami Gautam, Sai Tamhankar, Rana Daggubati, Kalki Koechlin, Deepti Naval, Prateik Babbar, Nandamuri Balakrishna, Prasad Oak, Aahana Kumra, Hrishita Bhatt, Nagaraj Manjule, Ramesh Sippy, Madhur Bhandarkar and many more graced the lounge. The restaurant's service team offered their celebrity guests house-made Corn Canapés, branded eateries and comforted them with commendable hospitality.
When asked about the first-time sponsorship experience, Sachin S. Pai Bir, Chief Executive Officer, Vishwamukta Group Unit Copperleaf stated, "This was a great experience overall. This activity was also a motivator for our staff. We were thankful to Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) for providing this opportunity”.
In addition, veteran actor Anupam Kher visited Panaji-based Copperleaf’s premium private dining room - ‘Solitaire’ and had the pleasure of tasting Copperleaf’s delicacies.
On asking about the veteran actor’s visit to the restaurant, Vishwanath S. Pai Bir, Chief Operating Officer, Vishwamukta Group Unit Copperleaf said, "We were thankful to Shree Anupam Kher ji for providing us an opportunity to serve him at our Solitaire Private Dining Room at Copperleaf Panaji. Mr. Milan, Panaji Outlet Manager, assured his visit was comfortable and memorable. Anupam ji was very happy with the service, food, ambience, and our overall Copperleaf hospitality. While leaving, he came back to take the picture of our Armed Forces Discount standee”.
Alila Diwa Goa, a lifestyle Hyatt resort in Majorda, South Goa is all set to celebrate Christmas and New Years with an array of unique experiences and festivities for the whole family. The fun and frolic in this season of joy multiplies when in Goa because the city comes
alive, and Alila Diwa Goa will ensure that you have the best Christmas ever. The splendor of the lawns, the magnificent infinity pool by the Edge Bar, the exciting family fair, and a delightful gastronomic journey at various restaurants at Alila promises that
you bring in C h r i s t m a s a n d N e w Years in style. Starting from 2 2 n d December to 1st January 2 3 , e v e r y e v e n t a n d experience is s p e c i a l l y curated to m a k e i t 'surprisingly d i f f e r e n t ' a n d l e a v e y o u mesmerized a n d j o y f u l into the New Year.
Christmas Vivo La BrunchSunday, 25th December-12.30 to 4 pm- Vivo & Vivo Lawns- INR 999++ (6 to 11) | INR 1,799++ (nonalcohol) | INR 2,399++ (alcohol). Free for kids below 6. Immerse in the spirit of the season
The event commenced with the General Manager Gaurav Apte, addressing and welcoming everyone to the resort's annual Christmas Tree Lighting and inviting all the guests to join him and Santa in lighting the Christmas tree and inaugurating the beginning of the festive s e a s o n , f o l l o w e d b y t h e melodious voices of the Children singing carols from Bethesda Life Centre and the Goa Marriott Resort and Spa team.
Our Executive Chef Amit Dash and his team put together a 40kg Chocolate Mouse Cake Igloo House, also known as a Snow House or Snow Hut, a Chocolate Santa, a Chocolate Snowman, and a Chocolate Christmas Tree in the lobby.
Eggnog, mulled wine and festive bites, along with a visit from Santa Claus added a magical touch of Christmas Spirit. The event was attended by city's elites and the evening went on
with a lively Brunch, best cherished with family and friends. Enjoy access to our Infinity Pool and indulge in an unforgettable feast of yuletide specialities coupled with live festive music, themed activities, and lots more.
New Year's Eve Gala DinnerSaturday, 31st December-8 pm onward- Vivo, Vivo Lawn, Edge, and Courtyard-3000++ (6 to 11) | 6000++ (12 & above)
Bring in 2023 in style with our family-friendly New Year's Eve Gala Dinner Spread across multiple venues, bid adieu to 2022 with a lavish dinner of global cuisine, pouring premium drinks, sensational Live Band, DJ, and a host of other activities to keep you engaged and excited right through.
New Year Vivo La Brunch
Celebrate new beginnings and beat the NYE hangover with a specially curated Brunch with unlimited food, drinks, live music, fun games & activities, live food
c o u n t e r s , p o t t e r y , m o v i e screening and lots more to enjoy with your family & friends
Born and raised in Bangalore, Rahila came to Goa after getting married. She did her preliminary studies in Hyderabad followed by the secondary education in Bangalore and she did a diploma in Fashion Design in Bangalore itself. She began her career in fashion in the late 80s when it was a brand-new
I was not born in Goa but I had travelled a lot because my father had a trasferable job so would be posted to different states. I had moved around the country for some 4-5 years but Goa is where I've spent the last 35 years and that makes me a true Goan.”
“I moved to Goa after getting married when I was just 19 years old and when I was still studying for my diploma Fashion Designing At that time, Goa didn't have such a course available, so I had to complete this in Bangalore When I came back to Goa after finishing my studies, I struggled a lot since there was no colleges, courses or awareness in the fashion designing course in Goa. In fact, when I told people what I had done, the reaction would be “Oh so you are a tailor” and it was a big challenge for me to explain the difference between fashion designing and tailoring.”
Rahila reflects on how she tried to work in the export
oriented industries in Goa, dealing with garment exports, but there were very low salaries and no scope of appreciation. “I was the main designer that they had but I realised that those places had no value for a designer and I left with no other option but to go back to Bangalore. There I got an opportunity to work in a big export company for almost seven years and they paid well. The most important thing besides the salary was appreciation of my skills which I found only in Bangalore. I started my job as a sampling co-ordinator and soon I was promoted to the post of Merchandiser, followed by Merchandising Manager and finally the General Manager. At the age of 26 I was handling a huge factory with 300 machines.”
Rahila tells me that her father has been her strong support system throughout and he has always encouraged her to take up any career path she decided. “He always used to
tell me to work for a place that will help you to serve society and when I received a job offer from Government Polytechnic for teaching, I jumped at the chance since it was my father's advice to serve society and what better place than an educational institute?”
When Rahila received the offer from the Government Polytechnic, she was earning Rs18000 salary in Bangalore and it was in year 1996, “The offer from Goa was only Rs6500, almost 3 times less, but I decided to take up the offer to fulfil my father's ambition for me and now I'm about the complete 25 years in this college,” she narrated. Rahila pretty much knows every fashion designer in Goa, and they are either her friend or student! “I realised the value of my association with the students and fashion designers when I lost my husband. They all came to my support and at that time, I had no family in Goa so was all
alone. When I lost my husband, I faced many hardshipstaking care of my teenage son, I playing the role of both parents,” she said.
“ W h i l e w o r k i n g a t t h e Polytechnic, I came closer to the fashion industry of Goa and got a great opportunity to do the first show in Goa for the students of the Polytechnic which was the beginning of my new journey into Goa's fashion arena. My first show was with Wendell Rodricks and from there on, I received many opportunities since everyone liked my work and sincerity. Although I received many offers to work with private fashion designers and their shows, I kept refusing them politely since I was working with the Government College. But one day, a parent of one of my students approached me for a fashion show and he took the permission from the college head to allow me to participate and that became the turning point in my career.” Today Rahila not only handles
the majority of fashion shows in Goa, but she also provides a platform to the students. “When I take my students for fashion shows, they meet m a n y o t h e r d e s i g n e r s , celebrities, and big national a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l personalities which helps them in networking and they definitely benefit from it.
When asked about what else she engages in, Rahila told me that besides fashion shows, she also dedicates some time to social causes. “I always wanted to help the needy and under privileged but did not get enough opportunities
O n e d a y h o w e v e r , t h e polytechnic made me the incharge of a community
development project It helped me to help others while I w a s w o r k i n g , a s t h i s community service involved training around 600 people in a year. I have been doing this for almost 15 years and lot of people in Goa know me for that.”
Currently Rahila is a very wellknown fashion mentor in the state of Goa who has trained hundreds of students who have either gone on to become fashion designers themselves or have started their own businesses. She also supports many fashion shows and fashion related events across Goa and the best part is, she does most of these things for the betterment of the community and her students.
Rahila has come through so far in life the hard way and she n o w w a n t s t o g i v e encouragement to other
women who are going through similar struggles “I believe that it's a woman who will support women, whether she is a mother-in-law or a sister-inlaw. . A mother-in-law needs to be their daughter-in-law's friend and treat her like her own daughter. If they do that, then more than 50% of any issues can be solved. I have developed a very good bond with my daughter-in-law and we are more like friends and together we can achieve anything. Another thing that I want to tell women is that they should never allow any man or woman belittle them whether it's through shouting or physical violence. It is not ok and they should not remain silent. The more you tolerate, the more they take you for granted. Don't allow torture or abuse to become a habit because then it's too late to change that person.”
S l y G r a n n y h a s s u r e l y established a name for itself and set the culinary standards high in Goa. With 3 amazing sub-brands, Tereza by the Beach, Mamagoto and the
personal favourite is The Outpost. Oozing out a vintage charm, it transports you to the 1950s and you feel as if you are sitting in a beautiful café in some English country. It is
easily spend some time just staring at them.
Located close to Mandovi Creek, I love the fact that the place doubles up as both a café and a bar as they serve some amazing brews and you can relish them till the time you aren’t ready to hit the bar or are a non-drinker like me. I enjoyed my Iced Mocha with the Burrata which was the first dish on our table. Seasoned with toasted coriander seeds and caramelised oranges, the Burrata was a great way to start our culinary experience.
Up next was the Crispy Chicken, since I had tried this one at Tereza by the Beach and loved it, I just had to order again. Yes, they do have a few things in common on their menu, but the charm of this place is unmatched for me. Served with a hot fermented sauce and pickles, this chicken is something you should not miss.
My mom had the same feeling about the Pandi Fry Tacos and I am sure they must be as good as the burger.
There can’t be anything better to end your meal than the Basque Cheesecake or the Dark Chocolate Cake, both these desserts were heavenly and even if your stomach is full, you cannot get enough of them. The basque cheesecake in particular is something that you should not miss.
Overall, The Outpost is the kind of place that ticks all boxes. It’s a place where you can chill out with friends & family, it's also a place that can serve as a perfect date scene and it's also a place where one can just grab a cup of coffee or a beer and read a book from their small but beautifully curated library.
more recent Outpost, you can always be assured of great food and great hospitality, whichever restaurant you may visit.
I have been to all 3 and my
indeed one of the finest places I have come across r e c e n t l y a n d i t s h o u l d definitely be on your list.
I personally love the posters that adorn their walls and can
For the mains, while I settled for the Katsu Chicken Burger, my mom picked the Pandi Fry Tacos. I have to say that both the dishes were fabulous. With crispy fried katsu chicken and the perfect sauces to go along, it was indeed one of the best burgers I had eaten in a long time and it's surely something that will take me back there soon.
The food is excellent and the warm service is like the cherry on the cake. I am sure you would love experiencing The Outpost as much as I did.
Soul Vacation, an awardwinning property has recently joined hands with the Kare A y u r v e d a t o p r o v i d e a complete holistic experience to tourists visiting Goa. The property strikes the perfect balance of plush comfort and
property is strategically located close to the famous Colva beach and now with its association with Kare Ayurveda, guests can indulge i n a r e f r e s h i n g a n d rejuvenating journey with custom-made packages
setting and a customised and holistic approach to wellness offered by Kare. “We are very excited to launch this partnership with Kare A y u r v e d a , ” s a i d V i n o d Dhawan, chairman of Soul Vacation. “Kare's approach to
o u r g u e s t s a t r u l y transformational experience.”
“After making significant i n v e s t m e n t s i n p e o p l e , property and products, we are looking forward to providing our guests a completely new experience of wellness with specially curated packages by Kare' , '' said Shiv Dhawan, Managing Director of Soul Vacation.
“We are delighted to be partnering with Soul Vacation to bring our custom wellness packages to South Goa,” said Dr Kalmadi, founder of Kare Ayurveda. “Kare's philosophy is based on the belief that everyone is unique and t h e r e f o r e r e q u i r e s a personalised approach to wellness. We are confident that our partnership with Soul Vacation will offer guests a one-of-a-kind experience that will leave them feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and transformed.”
r e l a x e d s o u l - s e a r c h i n g collaborating with Kare. Nestled in a beautifully serene setting in South Goa and infused with the magic of Greek architecture, Soul Vacation is a sanctuary to escape one ' s busy life The
facilitated by Kare. The collaboration between Soul Vacation and Kare Ayurveda is offering guests a unique experience that combines the best of both worlds: the tranquillity and beauty of Soul Vacation's
wellness is aligned with our philosophy of offering a bespoke experience that helps our guests disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with themselves. We believe that this partnership will offer
So next time you are planning to visit south Goa, be sure not to miss the opportunity to visit t h e S o u l Va c a t i o n a n d experience a truly blissful stay with indulgence and relaxing ayurvedic therapy.
He is the only Bonsai artist and a pioneer landscaping professional in Goa. An MSc Research graduate from Bombay University, his parents wanted him to become a dentist or civil engineer but his love for plants led him to choose botany instead. Daniel Dsouza is a born plant lover having developed a keen interest in them when he was very young. During his post-graduation, he enrolled for research on a plant called Enturium. He relays how his preliminary and secondary education took place in Goa itself but due to lack of scope in the botany stream here, he left and joined Bombay university for his graduation and post-graduation.
Daniel tells me how he didn't really need any formal qualifications because he knew so much about them already. “It was only for the sake of a qualification certificate, which people demand when you go to work in any field, that I decided to study this field. I had acquired much more knowledge on plants and agriculture before I even got to college After finishing my post-graduation from Mumbai university, I decided to come down to Goa and start my career in landscaping and gardening. C u r r e n t l y , I w o r k a s a professional landscape designer where I design gardens and landscape to make homes beautiful on the outside. This is my bread and butter.”
Currently, Daniel has a few elite clients from the upperincome groups “I basically landscape gardens for very high-end clients' villas including Ritu Kumar and Ritu Dalmia, and recently even
By Rajesh GhadgeYuvraj Singh's bungalow in Morjim. When your work is good you are led to the stars and I currently have a good celebrity portfolio who have set up their second homes in Goa,” he added.
“I am very selective in taking up projects as I work for passion and not for money and those who are looking for classy gardens and work that matches their expectations and taste come to me,” said Daniel. He is also an expert floral designer and does exotic floral arrangements for s o m e s e l e c t f i v e - s t a r properties in Goa “As an example, I've done lobby flower arrangements for the Marriott resort in Goa which was personally appreciated by the CEO of Marriott Worldwide,” he added.
Besides being a landscape artist and gardener Daniel is also a consultant. “I currently do garden consultancy for the Radisson Blue resort in south Goa and making sure t h a t t h e i r g a r d e n i s
maintained to international standards and I also look after a couple of resorts in North Goa. Flower arranging for me is a de-stressor.”
C o m i n g b a c k t o t h e challenges faced by him being a pioneer in the landscaping business in Goa Daniel said, “The concept of a landscaper was very new to Goa way back and people would treat me l i k e a n e d u c a t e d m a l i (gardener) but slowly things changed. Those who set up second homes here altered that previous reputation because they seemed to understand the concept of landscaping and gardening. Asagao from where I come from, is now a premium h o t s p o t f o r h i g h - e n d properties with each villa being sold for some Rs15 to 20 crores and landscaping and gardening become a major part of it. Being a landscaper, I don't just concentrate on trees and make pretty gardens but I also look at the entire ecosystem and based on that
decide which trees to grow in that area and how it will help the birds and bees. I really believe in protecting the environment as my first priority.”
Daniel is known for his speciality in bonsai art in Goa and is perhaps the only person in Goa who does this Japanese artform in Goa. “Bonsai art was introduced to me by my father when I was a kid. He gifted me my first book on Bonsai Art and from then there was no looking back. Whilst I developed a love for plants and gardens at the age of 4, I was introduced to Bonsai Art when I was 13. Chlorophyll runs into my veins: when I work with plants, I don't feel hungry or thirsty nor is there a need for using the washroom I am completely in sync with the plants.”
Daniel tells me that Bonsai trees require direct sunlight and water on day-to-day basis, but the most important thing that they need is a lot of love and care “Their care is different to other house plants since it is an art form. There is a lot of shaping, trimming, wiring and reporting required to maintain Bonsai trees. Bonsai is a combination of two words in Japanese: Bon means
shallow container and Sai means tree. In fact, any plant in a shallow container that looks like a mature tree, is called Bonsai. The Bonsai plant has the following characteristics:small leaves, long lives, withstand wiring &
pruning, has lots of branches a n d s t r o n g roots and the bottom line is, t h e B o n s a i should look like a t r e e i n a m i n i a t u r e form.”
“I have come across cases where people buy expensive B o n s a i b u t because they don't care for t h e m adequately, the Bonsai die. They n e e d t o b e treated with great care, like a child or even money. This is the reason I am very selective while selling Bonsai trees to anyone. I have some Bonsai plants that are more than 20 years old and those plants I do not sell because they are like
my babies,” he said, adding that Bonsai come in various sizes starting from less than a foot to as much as five feet tall.
Bonsai art is perceived only for high-class people in society since it is very expensive, but he wants to make it available for everyone who loves plants, n o m a t t e r w h a t t h e i r background is. “When I came to know about this, I felt very bad, I did not understand why this art is so expensive. Anyone who loves this art form should have access to it and when I came down to Goa, I decided to give free classes to anyone who could not afford my fees. I made a promise to myself that I will make this art form popular in Goa and teach anybody who wants to learn it.”
When I asked Daniel about his future plans, he said that he does not have any and he believes in living in present. “I am a cancer survivor and I'm
confidently able to talk about this. Also, I know that I need to take time out for myself so now I work only half a day and the rest of the time I spend with my family and I want to give this message very strongly that whatever profession you are in, please make time for yourself as life is very unpredictable.”
Daniel is currently writing two books. “In these books, I will be documenting all my work from the tropical gardens in India to Bonsai and the second one is based on antique things like furniture, cutlery, crockeries, paintings and rugs. I believe that one should do whatever makes them happy in life and o n e s h o u l d a l s o b e accountable for each day. I believe there's a simple philosophy which is to help the needy and do good to others and this good karma will come back to you in your lifetime. I don't believe in life after death.”
Having a Master's degree in Pharmacy, Daisy has always been passionate about art and creativity. Daisy had to prioritise her career by taking up an education in the science stream but her heart yearned for creativity. According to her, art always came naturally to her and she did not have to acquire any training for the same. Her journey is an interesting one so let's take a look at what she has to say about the same.
IG TEAM: Please give us a brief introduction about yourself: where you grew up, your schooling and where you did your secondary education, including your specializations and anything else.
DM: Hello, I'm Daisy Mendes, born and brought up in Goa. I have a master's degree in pharmacy. Art and science are my two passions and although haven't been bold enough to pursue art professionally, it still is a big part of my life. Two words I would use to describe myself as curious and creative.
IG TEAM: Tell us about your background and a little about your entry into the field of art and acrylic art, etc and also how you set things up for yourself.
DM: My entry into the field of art was not much of an entry but a natural path of my life. Art always came naturally to me and my first piece of art was probably on the walls of my house. Even though my art during my childhood was not Picasso, my mother always fuelled my artistic talent
Since my childhood, I have used different media like pencil colours, watercolours, c h a r c o a l a n d a c r y l i c Presently, I use acrylic paints to create pieces of art.
IG TEAM: How did you pick this up and how was the process of learning and understanding for you, with
respect to the art and the work around it?
DM: Again, I didn't pick this up as such but it was something that came to me naturally and something that I was drawn to from the beginning. Drawing and painting (creating something) always fed my imagination and brought me
peace, making me a more f o c u s e d , p a t i e n t a n d disciplined person.
I mainly draw inspiration from my natural surroundings and you'll find that most of my work thus far is based on naturethemed landscapes. Besides, I've recently painted still-life pieces using reference pictures I clicked on my phone.
IG TEAM: Any challenges that you faced along the way?
DM: My introverted nature is my biggest challenge that prevents me from networking and putting myself out there. Self-doubt Not feeling creative enough to execute the ideas in my head. Finding inspiration to keep up with the expectations I have of myself.
IG TEAM: What were some of the key events or programs or workshops that you might have been a part of? How would you highlight your journey into this side of art, artistry, and painting at a young age and what was the main goal for you?
DM: 2021 was the year I really
decided to showcase my art on social media after a lot of back and forth and it's honestly been an eventful time since then. I've had the
organized event called “Celebrating Aldona” where I exhibited my art to the eventgoers and was also fortunate enough to meet a lot
f i e l d s o m y g o a l i s t o constantly learn something new every day, meet new likeminded people and artists in the field and continue to grow
messages for the people who are aspiring to enter this side of the career that you have taken up?
DM: It's never too late to start something new and I think every person has an artist in them. Treat your art with the same respect as any other field and discipline yourself and of course practice, practice, practice.
opportunity to conduct art classes for kids at Coco Shambala, Nerul-Goa In a d d i t i o n , t h i s y e a r I participated in a community-
of artists from the community.
IG TEAM: What are your future plans?
DM: I have not received any formal education in the art
creatively. I hope through my social media that I provide inspiration, education or entertainment to my followers.
I G T E A M : Any tips or
Seriton comes from a small town called Quepem situated in south Goa. He completed his preliminary schooling at Don Bosco School and later on, he joined the Damodar College. He belongs to a middle-class family where his father works as a counsellor and his mother a homemaker. Football has been his childhood passion. Our team member met Seriton to find out more about his journey. Here are the excerpts from the interview.
I G T E A M : G i v e u s a brief/introduction about yourself: where you grew up, your schooling, further studies
or anything additional
SF: I live in Quepem. I did my schooling in Goa itself, completing my SSC at Don
Bosco School and then my 11th and 12th in CRM at Damodar College.
IG TEAM: Tell us about your background and a little about your football and how this j o u r n e y s t a r t e d S F : M y f a t h e r w a s a Counsellor and my mom is a homemaker. During my school days, my dad used to take me watch football, especially ILeague games. He even used to encourage skipping my tuition classes at times to watch matches! Gradually, my love for football started to grow. I started playing for my school's football team and later, for my college team as well. That paved the path for my selection to the Goa U-19 team to play in national tournaments From there, there was no turning back for me.
IG TEAM: What was the process of learning and understanding for you, with respect to this particular sport and overall?
SF: During school days, after
returning home from school I used to have my lunch and leave for tuition classes with my books. But somehow or the other I kept ending up on the football ground near my home At one point, I had skipped tuition for nearly a m o n t h b e f o r e i t w a s discovered by my parents. At night, before going to bed, I used to watch videos of Cristiano Ronaldo as he i n s p i r e d m e a l o t I've been playing since I was y o u n g a n d a l o n g w i t h watching football greats, both played important roles in the development of my interest in football and in general life.
IG TEAM: Please tell us about the challenges that you faced along the way.
SF: All footballers face several challenges along the way, and I feel that facing those battles is part of development. I too faced a lot of obstaclesinjuries, etc. but never gave up. I took them as challenges and made myself physically and mentally strong to face
IG TEAM: What were some of the key events/ programs/ competitions that you have been a part of? How would you highlight your journey into this side of professional
football at a y o u n g a g e and what was y o u r m a i n goal?
S F : A t F C Goa alone, I've been a part of the squads that won the Hero S u p e r C u p ( 2 0 1 8 - 1 9 ) , H e r o I S L L e a g u e W i n n e r s ' Shield (201920) and the Durand Cup (2021). With them, I also became part of the first t e a m e v e r from India to represent the country in the AFC Champions League (2021), the pinnacle of footballing competitions in the Asian continent.
In 2021, I also won the SAFF Championship with the Indian
national team, which is my first silverware in the colours of my country, and hopefully the first of many. As I said earlier, my dad used to take me to watch football matches as a kid. I had made up my mind back then itself that I wanted to make the sport my career and life. I'm happy to have done that, but there's still a long way to go for me.
IG TEAM: What are your future plans?
S F : I've played several matches for my club, FC Goa across different competitions and I hope to continue doing this for years to come. We're yet to win the ISL trophy, and I would feel incredibly happy if we win it soon. I also want to play more matches for the Indian national team. Wearing that jersey for the first time ever was one of the highest points in my career to date, and I want to keep doing that and become a regular choice for the national team as we strive for success and glory.
I G T E A M : A n y t i p s o r messages for the youth aspiring to enter this side of the career you have taken up?
SF: If you have a passion for football, you have to work really hard and be determined t o g i v e t h e g a m e y o u r everything. It takes a lot of time, so you have to be patient. As I said earlier, ups and downs are part and parcel of a footballer's life, and you have to have the mindset to take them as challenges, and overcome them instead of feeling let d o w n L e a r n f r o m y o u r mistakes and keep improving yourself, and you can be a better footballer with time.
Jashwanth Reddy Pasala was born and brought in a middle-class family, up in one small town in Andhra Pradesh. Above average in studies scoring good ranks, he graduated as a chemical engineer in the year 2015 from VIT University, Vellore. But during his post-graduation time, he was attracted towards the IT field and that was the beginning of his journey into the startup arena. The Incredible Goa Team met Jashwanth to find out more about his journey and here are the excerpts of the interview.
IG TEAM: Please give us a brief introduction about you: where you grew up, your schooling and where you studied, including your specializations and anything additional.
JP: I was born and brought up in a small town called Kadiri in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Kadiri is known for its jasmines, peanuts and a famous Hindu temple. I consider myself a decent student. Just like any kid from a middle-class family, studying and scoring good marks were my primary goals during my education. I am very proud of my scores although they are irrelevant when you're a grown up!
I graduated in 2015 as a Chemical Engineer from VIT University, Vellore. During my graduation, I learnt about the industrialization of products in the manufacturing industry. The IT industry caught my eye post-graduation as it allowed me to be creative in an organised way Also, the barrier to entry back then was quite low. This interest sparked
By IG Teamthe beginning of my journey in the startup sphere.
IG TEAM: Please tell us about your entry into the building of a web-based assessment tool a n d c r a f t i n g y o u r o w n Product, as to what makes it so unique.
JP: I joined Infosys Limited as a Systems Engineer in 2015 and spent a year there. I excelled at being proactive, but that doesn't mean my path would be any different than the others And that harsh realisation left me impatient for a change.
For the first time, I started seeing the world in high resolution, one thing I knew was, I didn't want to be stagnant and neither did I want to feel restricted. This led to me thinking deeply about what exactly I wanted to do with my life. This stage of life is tremendously tough but a necessary one to achieve personal greatness.
The other line of thought was that I love adding value and helping make people's lives easier, maybe I should do
something here so this meant I had to add value by creating products or services that enrich or simplify their lives. How do I do that? All of my friends were in the tech industry working hard to create amazing products but no one knew how great are companies made.
Fortunately, I got an offer to join the incubation team as a full-time employee. It was now my job responsibility to understand and help startups be an efficient part of the ecosystem A dream came true. There is no place else better suited for my needs at that time. I am forever grateful for all the people involved and transforming my life. For my service at T-Hub, I got a beautiful return gift. It was not the salary but the freedom to dream big that I loved.
IG TEAM: How was the process of learning and understanding for you, with respect to the FiiRE startup grant that you have been funded for?
JP: I had an idea when I joined
FiiRE but ideas inherently have no value until they are executed and add value to people. I wanted to be away from home to get out of my comfort zone and eliminate any bias in the feedback. I heard about FiiRE and the EIR startup grant offered for firstgeneration entrepreneurs. So, I applied for the program. Through the EIR Program, I got introduced to my mentors who guide me every step of the way Additionally, FiiRE has one of the most amazing managements that I've been lucky to work with, who constantly take steps in adding value to the startups. It i s c l i c h e t o s a y t h a t entrepreneurship is a lonely journey, Startup founders who a r e p a r t o f t h e F i i R E community are kind and help each other all the time Making the journey less intimidating, the burden of doing it alone is eliminated.
IG TEAM: Any challenges that you faced along the way.
JP: Intelview is a web-based a s s e s s m e n t t o o l w h
evaluates a candidate's skills, knowledge and abilities. The goal of this tool is to optimize "Quality of Hire" and "Time to Hire", crucial metrics in a recruitment process. We are building this as an enterprise tool offering our services to businesses.
The data generated on a candidate will be seamlessly shared with the next round interviewer/ assessor without the loss of any information. Further, the same data can be used to develop actionable intelligence impacting the strategy of the organisation, positively.
A problem that reared its head was my lack of experience in the HR industry, I had firsthand experience in my last start-up, but that was not enough to start a company.
B r u s h i n g u p o n H R terminologies, and courses
whilst taking up an HR consulting job, however, solved that problem. And I am still learning, being humble and accepting that I will never know everything is something that I am coming to terms with, gracefully.
I am sure every day will hold challenges like this, we just have to be ready to face and overcome them.
IG TEAM: What are your future plans?
JP: IntelView has a singular goal of optimizing quality over quantity of talent in a company. We wanted to bring in the change of rewarding people for their skills without considering whether they have learnt that skill in a premium college or on Youtube With this tool, organizations can provide c a n d i d a t e s w i t h c l e a r communication on where they
stand in terms of skill This critical feedback will help candidates to put in necessary skill improvement efforts and command better returns on the most important currency“Time”.
I G T E A M : A n y t i p s o r messages for the people who are aspiring to enter this side of the career that you have taken up?
JP: Entrepreneurship is a mindset of beating odds which requires so many skills. Being a generalist would be one of my pieces of advice. I am not the right person to give advice to yet. But if I don't have an option, I suggest people choose great mentors until they are sure that they want to startup. And there is no advice which can be generic to say out loud, i t ' s a l l s i t u a t i o n a l a n d everyone ' s journeys are different, with no similar
problems or solutions. I would be happy to help if you are looking for some personal advice.
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powerful and relevant tagline #ZaynaAsheKaiNa (Nothing is Impossible)
IG TEAM: What are the USPs of your company and how do you deal with the competition?
PK: We are focused on the customer and try to constantly bring in new products that will help the customer solve their problems. The fundamental pillars are timeless, integrity and clean processes. I feel competition has a very important role to play and my personal belief is to keep an eye on competition but chart your own path that will help you build a s u s t a i n a b l e c o m p e t i t i v e advantage.
IG TEAM: Tell us more about the products and services that you manage and what are your unique traits?
PK: The root of this is the philosophy my father has instilled in the organisation that always pay people on time, suppliers, vendors as well as team members and more importantly ensure that you don't overtrade Chadar palavn pay sod (do only what you can afford) has always been his advice.
IG TEAM: What are your future plans?
PK: We are working on something very exciting right now where we intend to increase the scope of our activities and find ways to solve customer pain points in a meaningful manner. With all the infrastructure in place, we feel Goa tourism will boom over the next decade.
IG TEAM: Any message to the readers?
Pravin Kakode comes from a business family background and transformed the traditional grocery business into one of the largest supply chains in the state of Goa. Incredible Goa met Mr Pravin Kakode to find out more about his business journey and the issues that he faced on the way.
IG TEAM: Please tell us about your background and how you entered the field of trading business.
PK: I hail from a business family, originally as a grocer, and later as a typical hardware shop My brother and I took on the business at quite a young age because of family circumstances at that time and I had to manage my studies as well as the shop along with my father, but it was a fantastic experience. My father went on to complete his CA first and then helped me complete my postgraduation in management.
IG TEAM: What was the reason you choose this field?
PK: We had the hardware shop and we saw the potential to grow this business. Roti, kapda, and makaan is something very fundamental and I felt it will be here as a good business for a long time to come.
IG TEAM: What are the hurdles you faced while pursuing your d r e a m s a n d h o w d i d y o u overcome them?
PK: Human beings keep evolving and the journey has just begun. With regards to hurdles, there have been a few but I think one should tackle them with a solution-focused pragmatic approach. Accept what you cannot do and work hard to address what you can. The idea is to keep moving I have been blessed with a wonderful team, I'm committed and wrestle with any challenges and we use a very
PK: We deal with a gross universe of 19000 SKUs and one of the key features is that we are able to deliver this to a universe of 2000+ dealers across Goa on a daily basis irrespective of the bill amount. We deal with several s e g m e n t s i n c o n s t r u c t i o n materials right from TATA Steel & Ultratech cement to a large part of the value chain in construction supplies plus we are constantly adding to our repertoire. A couple of years ago we ventured into manufacturing c o n s t r u c t i o n & c l e a n i n g chemicals, which is targeting Pan-India and currently, we have a team in 6 states. We aspire to export.
IG TEAM: Upgrading is a big thing today in Goa- tell us more about your journey of making it big.
PK: I believe a brand is nothing but a sum total of all the right things you do. We had set up our flagship retail store at Sonsoddo a n d w a n t e d t o h a v e a professional name to it and that's where this name came about- in a discussion with my dear friend Dinesh Kumar. The conversation was “change is the only constant, intentional change for the better is an upgrade”. It just clicked”.
IG TEAM: How do you manage your finances to sustain your business in this highly competitive space?
PK: 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve' - Napoleon Hill. I strongly believe in this but one needs to apply ourselves relentlessly to finding our IKIGAI which is a Japanese concept about finding the intersection of what you are good at, what you like to do, what the world needs and what the world is willing to pay for. Then you are completely in a magical flow”.
nature are taken to Fixed Asset account. Thus, there is no input tax credit available on works contract service if the same in relation to an immovable property and is capitalised in the books of accounts to Fixed Assets.
labour etc and these may have GST charged on them. It is very apparent that this factory is essential and integral to the business of the manufacturer.
In the previous edition, we had c o v e r e d s o m e o f t h e conditions prescribed in law in respect of claimed Input tax Credit. We will continue to cover some more conditions in this respect
Question: Are there any other input tax credits which I cannot claim as a business?
Answer: Yes. Besides the ones discussed in the past editions, a major category of input tax credits arises from the bracket of expenses relating to construction related activities.
1.The GST law provides that no input tax credit can be claimed on “works contract services” when used for construction of an immovable p r o p e r t y , w h e r e s u c h expenses are capitalised in the books of accounts. This sentence needs much more elaboration as some novel concepts are covered in the same.
a.“works contract”- means a contract for building, construction, fabrication, c o m p l e t i o n , e r e c t i o n , installation, fitting out, improvement, modification, r e p a i r , m a i n t e n a n c e , renovation, alteration or c o m m i s s i o n i n g o f a n y immovable property wherein transfer of property in goods
(whether as goods or in some other form) is involved in the execution of such contract
The above shows that the definition is wide and covers most sort of civil works. The primary condition to qualify as a works contract service comes towards the end of the definition i.e. the above work must be done in connection with an immovable property i e land/building etc Thus repairs etc done on movable items such as machinery etc will NOT be covered as works contract service.
Therefore, the blockage is only the above activities when done for an immovable property only.
b.The clause blocks only t h o s e w o r k s c o n t r a c t services which are used for “ c o n s t r u c t i o n : ” o f a n i m m o v a b l e p r o p e r t y . "construction" includes reconstruction, renovation, additions or alterations or repairs, to the extent of capitalisation, to the said immovable property. The concept of capitalisation means that the expenses are not taken to profit and loss account but taken to Fixed Assets in the books of accounts. Typically expenses which have enduring benefit in
The only exception given above is in case the recipient of works contract service is himself a works contractor Take the example of a works contractor who has got a contract to construct a building. He outsources some portion of this work to another sub-contractor This subcontractor will execute some part of the work which will be in nature of works contract and charge the same to the main works contractor along with GST Now, such main works contractor is not blocked from claiming the input tax credit The main reason for this is, the main works contractor will NOT be c a p i t a l i s i n g s u c h s u bcontractors bills in his books of accounts, since the building which is being build is not the main works contractor's OWN asset rathe it is his inventory.
2.Next, the GST law also provides for blocking on input tax credit on goods or services used for construction of an immovable property on his own account even when such goods or services or both are used in the course or furtherance of business. This again can be highlighted by way of an example A m a n u f a c t u r e r m a y b e constructing a new factory. For this he may procure goods and services like cement,
Inspite of this, the law provides that he will not be able to claim any input tax credits on s u c h p u r c h a s e s o f goods/services used for construction of a factory premises.
Here too it is only for those goods and services which are capitalised in books of accounts and does not apply to other expenses which are routed through the profit and loss account
The sum and substance of the above 2 clauses is that, for a regular business, if any g o o d s / s e r v i c e s / w o r k s c o n t r a c t s e r v i c e s a r e received, for construction of immovable property, then the input tax credit cannot be claimed on the same.
It can be claimed only: a.Recipient is a works contractor or b.The expenses are not capitalised in books of accounts and are expenses out i.e. basically regular repairs and maintenance expenses
This clause can cause lot of hardship to certain sectors like hospitality sector or malls where they have to spend crores on buildings and they earn GST by leasing out these buildings but they are unable to use the GST credits paid w h i l e c o n s t r u c t i n g t h e buildings This matter is currently in the Supreme Court of India.
In the next edition, we shall s e e s o m e m o r e conditions/restrictions.
Christmas is a time of celebration, and often excess, frequently resulting in firm New Year's resolutions to get fit and lose weight, so it's not surprising that many people struggle to maintain a healthy focus in December If your fitness takes a back seat at this time of year. Following the below pointers will ensure that when the festive season draws to a close, you don't have a mountain to climb to get back in shape.
Focus on “maintenance” over “improvement” at this period. If you know it is impossible to stick to your current exercise routine, sit down and set more realistic goals. It is okay to do less exercise over the festive season. Research has shown that a couple of weeks of maintenance training can result in minimal or even no fitness losses. Little effort is b e t t e r t h a n n o e f f o r t remember that two workouts a week is better than nothing. Find balance and do your best! But Commit to stay fit For example: If you usually enjoy several
jogging or running sessions, cutting your training time by half will still keep you fit. Instead of completing two or three sets of each resistance training exercise, reduce it to one or two sets. Your session will take less time but you're still exercising the same muscles, so your strength won't disappear.
If your typical training week i n c l u d e s s o m e m o r e challenging sessions, it is important to maintain them. Instead of interspersing them with recovery workouts where you exercise lightly, focus on every session being high quality training. You can then omit the easier sessions, which will save time A recovery session now becomes a rest day. The key to success with this strategy is to make sure you don't let up on the quality of each workout. That way you are keeping your fitness edge that you ' ve worked hard to achieve.
A typical session with weights in the gym involves completing
two or more s e t s o f a r a n g e o f e x e r c i s e s , w i t h a r e c o v e r y p e r i o d o f a n y t h i n g between 30 seconds and s e v e r a l m i n u t e s between each s e t T h i s r e c o v e r y period is an e s s e n t i a l component of your training, but it is time during the festive season that you can ill afford to spare. Instead of relaxing and recovering between sets, for a change, try carrying out complementary exercises during the recoveries, for example: alternating between the following muscles: Chest and upper back. Biceps and triceps. Abdominals and lower back. Quadriceps and hamstrings (front and back of legs).
Every workout should include a thorough warm-up and coold o w n s o t h e r e i s n o opportunity to save time there. However, in the main body of your session, there is an opportunity to reduce the duration but still get calorie burning and quality training benefits.
Instead of doing a 'steadystate' Cardio session, try a few of the following time saving alternatives:
Five minutes brisk followed with five minutes easy Whether you ' re jogging
outdoors or working out on a piece of gym equipment, alternate faster efforts with equal time recoveries. You get a greater training effect than just a steady workout and so you can cut your session time down yet still remain fit.
Doing high-intensity workouts is a great way to burn calories fast! These short, intense workouts maximize burn and make sure you get the most out of your training. HIIT workouts take half the time and it can be done anywhere at any time for a change, s e l e c t a h i l l t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m m e , v a r y t h e resistance on the rower, crosstrainer or bike, or simply put more effort in on the hills for your outdoor training. This way you are substituting more quality for steady-state training, so a shorter workout brings greater benefits.
Using food as, a "reward" is a dangerous habit. Food should only be used to provide fuel for your body, and should always be enjoyed! Rewarding yourself with meals lead you to over eat. Enjoy everything in moderation
Most people will struggle with limited time and tempting fare at this time of year but with a little planning, the festive season can be enjoyed and healthy. By training smartly and following a few sensible eating strategies, you can maintain your fitness, balance out your calories and arrive at the New Year in good shape. Compliments of the season and enjoy your exercise!
then polish and adjust it till your bite feels comfortable. Who is a cosmetic dentist? A cosmetic dentist is a dentist who has undergone additional training in the field of cosmetic dentistry and is skilled to carry out cosmetic dental procedures such as t e e t h w h i t e n i n g , t e e t h veneers, smile makeovers and natural looking tooth coloured fillings.
How long do tooth coloured fillings last?
The average life span of a filling varies between 3- 8 years. This does not mean the filling will fall off after that time period. Over time there is wear and tear and it is advised to replace filings ideally after 3-6years.
While most of us would have had a tooth cavity filling done at some point in life, for many of us it would have been silver fillings or a semi t o o t h c o l o u r e d filling.Today, we h a v e m o d e r n materials that not only look better but are also functionally excellent.
What are tooth coloured fillings?
To o t h c o l o u r e d fillings or composite fillings are made up of a material known as composite resins. These are white in colour and come in different shades. Why do they have multiple shades?
Te e t h p o s s e s s u n i q u e characteristics that
m a k e t h e m v a r y i n saturation Quite simply put some teeth are whiter while some darker than others
Having multiple shades enables a skilled cosmetic dentist to replicate and match your tooth perfectly including all the minute details. Is getting a tooth coloured f i l l i n g d o n e a p a i n f u l procedure?
No, a tooth coloured filling is a minimally invasive procedure. W i t h a d v a n c e m e n t i n dentistry, the extent of drilling required for a tooth coloured filling is significantly lesser compared to other materials.
Your dentist will first prepare your cavity to remove all the bacteria followed by surface treating it and applying a kind of glue to it. Then your dentist will use a special light to make it set.The appropriate shade of tooth coloured filling material is then added and sculpted in layers to make it look natural.Your dentist will
Dr Schuyler Pereira is rated as one of the top cosmetic dentist in Margao- Goa.He is a m e m b e r o f t h e I n d i a n Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic dentistry and has undergone additional training in the field of cosmetic d e n t i s t r y a t N e w Yo r k U n i v e r s i t y ' s c o l l e g e o f Dentistry in USA.