Lasallian Visions - May 2018

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MAY 2018 • NO. 23


Scholarship Provides Particular Care for the Poor The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools was founded nearly 340 years ago because Saint John Baptist de La Salle believed that providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, is central to creating God’s kingdom here on earth. Still today, this remains a central principle of The Rule that guides every Brother in the Institute. The Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund (The Fund) was established more than fifteen years ago to help address the needs of students facing severe financial hardship, but with great

desire to attend a Lasallian school. With much foresight, the Brothers decided that this fund would provide a lasting legacy to ensure that schools throughout the District of Eastern North America that serve students with the greatest financial hardship, would always have the ability to be there for those most in need. Through the dedicated effort of the Brothers, The Fund has grown significantly over the years. It currently provides more than $780,000 annually in scholarship aid to students at sixteen schools throughout the District. Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, Visitor/Provincial

Proud graduates in procession during Baccalaureate Mass at Saint Raphael’s in Pawtucket RI.

In New York City, students at La Salle Academy learn to use a 3-D printer.

of the District of Eastern North America, states “As Lasallians, each of us is called to be of service to the poor. For that reason, we have made this one of the four priorities that this District is putting forth in our new three-year strategic plan. By allowing many more young people access to our ministries, The De La Salle Fund is helping to provide a vital first step in this process.” While initially funded solely by the Brothers, support for The Fund has been opened to members of our Lasallian family who want to give others the chance to receive a Lasallian education. Our Lasallian schools find themselves continually challenged to balance tuition costs, while staying true to the Lasallian charism of providing an education to the young, especially the poor. While our ministries do all they can to keep a quality Lasallian Catholic education in reach for the families they serve, it has become increasingly necessary to raise funds for tuition assistance. The Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund steps in when the fruits Students at San Miguel of those efforts are School of Washington exhausted. DC work together on a science experiment.

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A MESSAGE FROM BROTHER DENNIS LEE, FSC Dear Lasallians, HAPPY EASTER SEASON! This joyous season continues until Pentecost Sunday (May 20th this year). The length of this longest liturgical season (ten days longer than Lent) reflects the importance of celebrating and nurturing new life. And in the midst of this year’s Easter season, I am pleased to announce that we in DENA have just launched our strategic plan for the next three years. This sign of vitality and promise of growth is the consequence of much data gathering, prayer, and conversation. We call it Vision 2020+. Four focal points comprise the plan: Brothers’ Vocation, Association/Formation, Service of the Poor, and Evangelization. The acronym BASE succinctly identifies the foundation on which our Lasallian faith and zeal will create our District’s future. I invite you to visit our website ( to find out more about our reaffirmation of DENA’s direction. Since the traditional feast of Saint John Baptist de La Salle is this month (May 15th) the timing of the roll-out of the strategic plan is quite propitious. Indeed, from the opening of the first school in Reims until the Founder’s death (1719) four decades later, a total of 100 schools conducted by the

S T. J O H N B A P T I S T



Brothers existed throughout France. De La Salle did not merely open a school; he started a movement. Relying on God’s Providence he initiated an amazing outreach to young people in need. We proudly continue that legacy. Worldwide, there are now Lasallian schools and agencies in 79 countries, and one million people are served annually! Approximately 27,300 of those individuals are within our District. Our role here in DENA is to ensure the unity and vitality of the three dozen Lasallian schools and agencies in our area. Our strategic plan is designed to guide us in that important task as we continue the movement forward. Please join us in Vision 2020+ as, together and by association, we build a future on behalf of the youth entrusted to our common care. Respectfully,

Brother Dennis Lee, FSC Visitor/Provincial

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $780,000 annually for our students in need. Others are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.

FACE OF THE FUND: EDMUND LOWRY III St. Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island NY by Edmund Lowry III For a couple of years I knew St. Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island NY was where I wanted to go to high school. Sadly, this plan was threatened by the sudden death of my father, Mr. Edmund Lowry Jr., the first day of my first year at St. Peter’s. My father’s passing left my family in a financial crisis because, while my mother works, it was a low paying job that didn’t cover all of our expenses. We were worried about being able to pay my tuition to keep me in St. Peter’s where I had anticipated staying for the entirety of my high school experience. My plan to stay at St. Peter’s was saved by the St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund. I am very grateful for this opportunity gifted to me by the Christian Brothers and their donors. Because of the Fund, I have been given the chance to have the full Lasallian educational experience. Whether through the Student Council, the Video Game Design Club, or St. Peter’s Eagles’ sporting events, the amazing students and faculty here have been a loving community during this tough freshmen year. I couldn’t be more thankful for the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the St. John Baptist de La Salle Fund, and the school community at St. Peter’s.



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HEEDING THE CALL OF THE FOUNDER Scholarship Provides Particular Care for the Poor “The Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund rates are 50 to 70 provides a tremendous relief to the tuition percent, compared to burden,” says Mr. Don Mullikin, President 98 to 99 percent at our of San Miguel School of Washington DC. Lasallian schools. “Since our school serves students from the most In each issue of Mr. Mike Santilli at Saint Raphael’s keeps his class engaged. economically depressed areas, they would not Lasallian Visions, our Fund” presents one of the inspirational stories be able to be here without scholarship support. feature “Face of the of our students whose lives have been changed We are so grateful to the by the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund. In Brothers, and to everyone this issue, you can read about Edmund and the in the Lasallian family tragedy on his first day of school that almost who supports The Fund.” ended his Lasallian education before it began. This financial assisYou can help make a Lasallian education tance for those most in even more accessible to hundreds of students need can truly be a life each year just like Edmund. To join the Brothers changing (and sometimes in this life-changing mission, just mark the a life-saving) experience. “De La Salle Scholarship Fund” box when you Many of the students who return the gift envelope in this newsletter. To are able to attend one set up a recurring gift, or to include The Fund of our Lasallian schools in your will or estate plans, please contact Mr. through the Saint John Patrick Donahue in our Development Office at Baptist de La Salle Fund (732) 380-7926 or at come from areas where Please realize that your gift can change violence and drugs rule our students’ lives and help them to achieve a the streets – where the lifetime of returns on your investment! public school graduation Learning is enhanced at San Miguel DC with tablets provided by the school.

La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (B) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (L)

Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI (N) Loretto Abbey - Toronto ON (T)

for your continued support of our Christian Brothers in their retirement (as of 4/7/18)

Br. Anthony Baird (L) Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Jerome Cox (N) Br. Stephen Creagh (L) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (B)

Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Brendan Foley (N) Br. Lawrence Hartung (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (B) Br. Michael Kelleher (L)

Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (L) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Eugene Morgan (B) Br. James Muffley (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan (B)

Br. Herman Paul (B) Br. John Perry (L) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)



BR. RICHARD KESTLER, FSC AWARDED PAPAL HONOR CONGRATULATIONS to Brother Richard Kestler, FSC on receiving the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, a papal honor bestowed by Pope Francis for dedication and exceptional service to the church. The Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice was established in 1888 by Pope Leo XIII and is given to Catholics, age forty-five and over, who have shown distinguished service to the church and to the papal office. This honor was awarded to recognize Br. Richard for his life of dedication to Catholic education. He has spent more than fifty years as a teacher and administrator at various Lasallian schools and ministries, including terms as president of Archbishop Carroll High School, La Salle College High School, and West Catholic Preparatory High School, and six years as Visitor/Provincial. He continues to further the mission of Catholic education as a volunteer at West Catholic and La Salle University, and is the Director of Anselm Hall Community. Archbishop Charles Chaput conferred this honor on Br. Richard and other honorees from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia during a Vespers service on Sunday, January 21st. Each of the honorees “has performed some exceptional service for the Church or has offered outstanding Christian witness in a generous and sustained way—in education, philanthropy, diaconal and religious life, prolife and vocations work, social ministry, or other apostolates,” said Archbishop Chaput. “Each has earned the gratitude of the Holy Father and our whole Catholic community.” Br. Richard Kestler, FSC is congratulated by Br. Richard Galvin, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor.

LASALLIAN ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS GATHER There were sixty Lasallian educators in attendance for the biannual Lasallian Association of Elementary and Middle Schools three day conference in January. This formation is an opportunity for these Lasallian educators to come together for professional development and association. Mr. David Wallace from La Salle School in Albany, was the primary presenter on Friday. He explained the science that helps measure the positive and negative experiences young people go through. A very beneficial time for Lasallians gathered was the opportunity to network and share their techniques among position peers: Administrators, STEM Teachers, Graduate Support, Development, etc. “It feels good to know that we are doing many things that other ministries are doing to educate students, and to learn the different things that are working for them as well,” said Mrs. Elise Johnson-Griffin, social worker at La Salle Academy in Philadelphia PA. “I didn’t know the extent of how far Lasallian education reached until this workshop. As a new Lasallian, I appreciate that the more

established Lasallians are helping to break things down for me.” Mr. Frank Donodeo, teacher at The De La Salle School in Freeport NY added, “I love

sharing what we do in our school, but more importantly to be reminded that we are all in this Lasallian mission together.”

Lasallian educators from throughout the District listen to keynote presenter, Mr. David Wallace.




Brother Recognized on Education Blog

Edward Phelan, FSC

The De La Salle Brothers at La Salle Academy in the Lower East Side captured my heart, and at seventeen, I left home on a lifelong pilgrimage as a Lasallian Brother. My journey over some fifty-five plus years has not been to foreign lands or scenic wonders, but mostly through the streets of the South Bronx as teacher, principal, and executive director. Never alone and always welcome by the families whose homes are there, the people and places shaped Br. Ed today, with his younger self during initial formation. and formed my heart. Over the years, my interest moved from advanced academic degrees and certifications to matters of the Spirit and the inner life: renewal programs in Rome and New Mexico; a spiritual direction internship; and organizing Still Point weekends of reflection and sharing. In summer of 2013, I was invited to become Auxiliary Provincial for the District of Eastern North America. Four years later, I continued my service by accepting the invitation to be Director of Senior Brothers. Titles and academic degrees are no longer important to me. Service is. Recently, a Brother who taught me in high school ended up in a memory unit of a nursing facility. Realizing the importance of personal, familiar contact for his mental health I became his daily companion. We shared personal stories, discussed theology, took walks, and entertained people we met. It was a special time of service for me. In short, my passion these days is to work closely with others, to care for this world, and to nurture young Lasallians not only in the Bronx, but also at a number of similar sites across the country. Life for me is a pilgrimage that calls me to a place “where my deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

Br. Robert Hazard, FSC

On Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday, Road Scholar website recognized Brother Robert Hazard, FSC and nine other educators from across the country who, by taking leadership roles in their communities, have gone “above and beyond” in their commitment to helping others. “Particularly on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we recognize and thank education professionals everywhere who volunteer their time in service to others.” In addition to his teaching career, Br. Robert also served for many years on the board of Tides Family Services, a Lasallian organization providing services for at-risk youth in Rhode Island. Now the Director of his Community, Br. Robert also volunteers at Dorcas Place in Providence, teaching English to immigrants. “I worked for four years in Guatemala where I saw a lot of people who were struggling,” he said. “I’m sympathetic to people who come here and want a better life. To be able to do something to help them is very satisfying.”

SENIOR BROTHERS COME TOGETHER Over Presidents’ Day weekend, our senior Brothers joined their confrères at Ocean Place Hotel in Long Branch NJ, for their annual winter gathering. An opportunity for relaxation, prayer, and a change of scenery, it was also an opportunity for these Brothers from throughout

Br. Luke Maher catches up on some reading and quiet reflection, enjoying the warm sunshine and Atlantic Ocean scenery.

the District to be “together and by association.” Bread broken and stories shared; hearts were warmed during the chilly weekend as the men gathered again in fraternal Brotherhood.

Br. Francisco Martin (back to camera) has the full attention of Brothers John Bassett, Louis Jaeger, and Peter Arpin during lunch.





35 Years of Service—and Looking Forward by Mary-Kate O’Leary - Vice President Philanthropy/Public Relations In 1983, recognizing that at-risk children and their families benefit the most from services that are delivered in their homes - in their own environment, Brother Michael Reis, FSC, founded Tides Family Services in West Warwick RI. This Lasallian Youth and Family Services ministry promotes family preservation and maintenance of youth within their communities through individual, family and group counseling; home visitations; educational and court advocacy as well as the networking of social services. Since then, Br. Michael has expanded Tides into a network of offices located in Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, Woonsocket, West Warwick, and Middletown, with 140 staff serving more than 500 high-risk youth and families statewide. As Tides Family Services marks its 35th anniversary, the Board of Directors has announced the January 1, 2018 promotions of Br. Michael to Chief Visionary Officer, and of Mrs. Beth A. Bixby, LICSW to replace him as Chief Executive Officer. “Br. Michael’s new role will allow him to focus efforts in advocacy, fundraising, and as Lasallian ministry leader,” stated Mrs. Linda D’Amario Rossi, Board Chair. “We are proud to also appoint Beth

Bixby to be only the second person to lead the agency since its creation in 1983.” “I am delighted to see Beth leading an organization that is clearly so near and dear to my heart,” Br. Michael said. “During the past seventeen years, she has clearly demonstrated to me and to everyone she’s worked with, her exceptional leadership abilities and her unparalleled dedication to the children and families we serve. She began her career with us working directly with families. She understands what is needed to continue our services. Her experience is just what Tides needs in the next chapter of our history.” Beth’s appointment as the Mrs. Beth Bixby, LICSW, the new CEO of Tides Family Services, CEO of Tides makes her the with Br. Michael Reis, FSC. first female CEO of a youth and to begin their anniversary year and to celebrate family services organization in the District of the new roles of Beth and Br. Michael, the Eastern North America. agency hosted the 35 Year Anniversary Kick “The wonderful work of Tides Family Off and Celebration. The event was sponsored Services has for so long helped so many, that and paid for by two generous donors. A season I applaud them for now planning wisely for of special events–including being honored the future,” said Mr. Neil Steinberg, CEO of by Pawtucket Red Sox on June 8th and a golf the Rhode Island tournament on September 24th–will culminate Foundation. with a 35 Year Anniversary Grand Finale on On March 22nd, October 26th.

PROGRAMS PROVIDED BY TIDES FAMILY SERVICES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Br. Michael’s version of one-on-one hoops.

Preserving Families Network Multisystemic Therapy Youth Transition Center Clinical and Enhanced Outpatient Services Youth Outreach Program Tides Outreach Program Family Care Community Partnership Tides Schools




REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at


1933 – 2018

Brother Henry Betz, FSC, was born in Brooklyn NY, in 1933. He entered the Barrytown NY Novitiate at age eighteen, received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Bernardine Henry, and went on to pronounce his Perpetual Vows in 1958. His career spanned sixty-seven years over various positions. He taught at La Salle School in Albany NY, St. Mary’s School in Yonkers NY, and Paramus Catholic High School. He was also Pro-Director for St. Bernard in New York NY, Assistant Principal for the Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ and La Salle Academy in New York NY, and Director of St. Raymond High School in Bronx NY. Mr. Michael Freedman, Br. Henry’s nephew, said his uncle not only taught and encouraged him through hardship, but cultivated his faith and inspired him to give back. “I am grateful for Henry’s influence and that God chose to speak to me through him,” he said.


1930 – 2018

Born Peter Paul Lagonowicz in Providence RI, Brother Peter Lagonowicz, FSC, entered the Barrytown Novitiate in 1948, receiving the Religious Habit and name, Brother Alexius Peter. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in Hillside Hall, Troy NY, in 1955. Over forty years, Br. Peter taught at several schools in New York and New Jersey, including Sacred Heart School, St. Peter’s Boys High School, and Paramus Catholic High School. The son of Polish immigrants, he utilized his bilingual upbringing for ten years working as an English teacher, staff member, Director of Scholastics, and Director of Postulants at the Novitiates and Scholasticates in the Polish cities of Czestochowa, Lublin, and Kamyk. After retiring from full-time teaching, he worked as a library assistant at the Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ and started a volunteer Bible Studies extracurricular group. Brother Gregory Quinn, FSC, regarded Br. Peter as “a true son of Saint John Baptist de La Salle.”


1932 – 2018

Brother Brendan Garwood, FSC, was born Edward Allan Garwood, Jr., in Philadelphia PA, on May 21, 1932. He entered the Ammendale MD Juniorate at sixteen years old, then the Novitiate two years later. He received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Edward Brendan, on September 7, 1950 and pronounced his Perpetual Vows in 1957. He taught religious studies at several schools in Pennsylvania, such as South Hills Catholic High School, West Catholic Boys’ High School, and Archbishop Carroll Boys’ High School, then served as Community Director for La Salle College High School and Sub-Director at the Mont La Salle Novitiate in Napa CA. Brother Leonard Rhoades, FSC, described Br. Brendan as quiet but loyal to family and friends and always willing to give his time to others. “Brendan was truly a man who valued relationships,” he said. “Brendan would be there to just be present or lift one’s spirit.”


1945 – 2018

Born in New York NY, in 1945, Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC, entered the Barrytown NY Juniorate at thirteen years old, then the Novitiate in 1962, when he received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Clement Benedict. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in 1970. Br. Thomas served as teacher, Vice Principal, and Principal of Queen of Peace High School in North Arlington NJ, President of Manhattan College in Riverdale NY, and Director of Finance and Education at La Salle Provincialate in Lincroft NJ, as well as Vice Chancellor at Bethlehem University. Of both Br. Thomas’ academic prowess and administrative skills, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, said, “I am not sure I have ever met a more gifted man.” Brother Patrick Horner, FSC, praised Br. Thomas’ unquestionable expertise in mathematics, including completing his PhD from Columbia University in three years, and his embodiment of the meaning behind his religious name, Clement: kind, playful, mild, and merciful.


1931 – 2018

Brother Kevin Strong, FSC, was born Richard Leo Strong in Cumberland MD in 1931. He entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate in 1949 and received the Religious Habit and name, Brother Denis Kevin, and pronounced his Perpetual Vows in 1956. Over his nearly seventy year career, Br. Kevin taught at schools including West Catholic Boys High School, St. John’s Grade School, and Central Catholic High School, and served as Guidance Director and District Formation Minister at La Salle College High School, as well as President of Cardinal Gibbons High School and Calvert Hall College High School. Brother Kevin Stanton, FSC, Br. Kevin’s close friend for sixty years, said that, in addition to his teaching and administrative legacy, Br. Kevin gifted the world with a book of poetry, a tuition scholarship founded in his name, and his art, singing voice, sense of humor, and mentorship that touched countless students, co-workers, and loved ones.

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Simply remember to mail in enrollment/donation envelope when you use the card. • (732) 842.4359



District Office 444-A Hwy 35 South Eatontown NJ 07724


Dear Friends, I belong to the largest parish in New York—more than 4,000 families. At a recent parish council meeting we were discussing a small problem. At some Masses, especially ones that attract members who are not regular weekly attendees, the Church gets very loud prior to Mass, making it hard on those trying to pray. As we discussed options, a thought popped into my mind. “Wouldn’t it be nice if our parishioners were graduates of Lasallian schools? Then someone could simply walk out five minutes before Mass and say, ‘Let us remember that we are in the Holy presence of God,’ and there would be silence.” As this newsletter arrives at your home, graduates at Manhattan College and La Salle University will be practicing for graduation ceremonies only a couple weeks away. Seniors at our high schools throughout the District will be getting anxious for the last day of classes. And eighth graders at our San Miguel Schools and our other middle schools will be dreaming about what their new schools will be like next year. Please remember to pray for the success, happiness, and safety of our graduates, and of all the students and families that we serve each day. Please know also that YOU are always held in the prayers of the Brothers.

Window from Manhattan College chapel

HONORING OUR PAST. SERVING TODAY. BUILDING TOMORROW Establish your enduring legacy in support of our Lasallian mission. We invite you to join us as we continue to serve children, families, and our Brothers here in the United States and around the world.


Lasallian Legacy


Mr. Patrick J. Donahue

Director of Development

For more information or membership please contact: Patrick Donahue, Director of Development, DENA 732-380-7926 x121 •




District Director

Narragansett RI

Lincroft NJ

Please remember the Brothers in your will or other estate plans.

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