THE NOVICE LIFE by Brother Steven Barbaro, FSC - novice
JANUARY 2018 • NO. 22 From The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools: “With great respect for each candidate’s pace, formation
There are many steps on the path to becoming the thought of having a staff lead the novices to adopt progressively the fundamental a Brother. When a young man decides to year off! I was grieving spiritual attitude of a disciple of Saint John Baptist de La Salle: deepen discernment of his vocation, he receives my departure from an abandonment to God in the footsteps of Christ, for a community the Habit of the Brothers of the Christian apostolic year of teaching service of evangelization and education accessible to everyone, Schools. He then enters a year of novitiate life, Religion at Central while giving preference to the poor and young people.” leading to profession of his First Vows. The Catholic High School (Article 92) Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) in Pittsburgh PA. There, is blessed currently to have five Brothers I found a supportive community that helped Brother and Sub-Director, is no stranger to who have recently taken this important step, enrich my discernment in becoming a Brother accompanying young Brothers in discernment. deepening their discernment of the Christian Schools. In addition to initial formation ministry, this is of the Institute while living in As October approached I Brother’s second assignment as a Novitiate Subthe Novitiate Community in prayed to God to enlighten me Director. Brother Stephen says, “It is interesting Chicago IL. to embrace and to surrender to see how a group of Novices come together in Brother Steven Barbaro, my will. The novitiate year community. While we, as Brother Directors, FSC, one of our two novices is a time when the novice do our best to help our young Brothers to learn from the District of Eastern Brother works on his interior more about themselves and the Institute, and North America (DENA), prayer life through spiritual to be good teachers, it’s ultimately together and shares insights into this year of exercises passed down to us by association in community that these young discernment. from our Founder for more men truly become Brothers.” Brother Steven Barbaro, FSC than three hundred years. Our guest teachers have introduced us to It has been four months since our arrival Rising at 6:00am, sitting quietly, we engage in topics ranging from the Enneagram personality at the Novitiate in Chicago. As I look back, the “Method of Interior Prayer” that Brother test with Brother Philip Johnson, FSC, the first months have been challenging. I was William Mann, FSC taught us. This method the mechanics of the Liturgy with Brother struggling with the fact that I was not going to is a positive way to communicate with God Stanislaus Campbell, FSC, and journaling with be teaching, and that I was moving to my third through the Scriptures. Daily morning prayer, Brother Joseph Schmidt, FSC. For my fellow city in as many years. The fast pace of teaching, Mass, and a conference prepared by our DENA novice, Brother Paul Avvento, FSC, planning, grading, and attending school events Community’s Directors follow. journaling has become a much appreciated new (continued on page 3) was ending. I guess some Brothers would relish Brother Stephen Olert, FSC, DENA
Young Brothers enjoy holiday spirit with their Novitiate Directors. Pictured: Brothers Thomas Johnson (Director), Stephen Olert (Sub-Director), Dylan Perry (Midwest), Matthew Kotek (Midwest), Paul Avvento (DENA), Steven Barbaro (DENA), Mark Engelmyer (Midwest)
A MESSAGE FROM BROTHER DENNIS LEE, FSC Dear Lasallians, It has been 73 years since Ash Wednesday fell on Valentine’s Day. Alas, as Lent 2018 nears, that timely circumstance will be the reality this year. It is striking that on this traditionally solemn start to Lent, we will be immersed in ad campaigns suggesting we spend money on jewelry, sweets, flowers, fine dining, and maybe even a new car! I offer no advice to you on how to keep the fast while consuming the chocolate, but what a great opportunity to ponder how we balance the sacred and the profane in life. And may we reflect on our call to live between times: the here and the hereafter. In the spirituality handed on to us by our Founder, we pay attention to the “salvation” of the students entrusted to our care. As we interpret that in 2018, we attend to preparing our students for fulfillment in this lifetime and in the next. Thank you for your support via ministry, prayer, and/or financial support. As the role models, let us each reflect how we are balancing the worldly with the other-worldly. Are we fully engaged in the world in which we live? Do we take time to appreciate the abundant blessings that we enjoy as citizens of this one earth? Do we take time to think critically about our society, so that
S T. J O H N B A P T I S T
we can be agents of change, when needed? Happily, both our District and our Region are purposefully looking at how to be better advocates on behalf of people and issues that need such support. And do we make the necessary time for prayer in the midst of our busy Lasallian lives? And ironically, for the first time since 1956, Easter will fall on April 1. When we approach the Triduum at the end of March, may the folly of the cross be ever more evident and may we rejoice in the hope and promise of the resurrection. It was a mere month ago that we made some New Year resolutions. Perhaps these were a combination of the sacred and the profane. As Lent approaches, may we recommit to whatever it is that will draw us closer to doing God’s will in living full lives, never far from bringing the youth ever closer to salvation. Let us pray for one another and for all in need of prayer. PEACE ON EARTH,
Brother Dennis
THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $780,000 annually for our students in need. Others are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially-dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.
FACE OF THE FUND: BEAH CYRUS La Salle Academy of Providence, RI by Mr. Andrew Lagace - Director of Public Relations, La Salle Academy Providence Senior Beah Cyrus is truly grateful for the time and education afforded to her at La Salle Academy in Providence RI. “I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the La Salle Academy community as a student for four enriching and insightful years. Every moment spent in this school, I cherish. Every class discussion I’ve participated in has taught me valuable life lessons about different perspectives. Every school event has taught me what is embodied in a strong, spirited community.” The list is virtually endless of the clubs and sports Beah is part of at La Salle. She has been a cast member of La Salle musicals, a member of the French Club, a participant in Model United Nations, and a Track and Field athlete. Beah is a four-year member of the Diversity Committee, and is currently a committee board member. Beah has also demonstrated her commitment to La Salle as a freshman orientation leader. Active in various community projects outside the school, Beah volunteers her time at soup kitchens, is a member of her church choir, and teaches Sunday School. “Without the Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund scholarship, and all the support I have received, I never would have had the opportunity to attend La Salle. I come from a family of six, and my parents faced significant hardships providing for me and my three little sisters to attend academically rigorous schools like La Salle Academy. I am thankful for having these experiences and value them more than anyone could possibly imagine!” Looking toward graduation, Beah has applied to several colleges, including Providence College, Hofstra University, the University of Miami, St. John’s University, and the University of Rhode Island.
Influenced by the cultural and church turbulence of the sixties, I was a young Brother who subtly rebelled on the outside but was afraid of his shadow on the inside. The challenging wisdom, uncritical understanding, and gentle nurturing of my formators encouraged me to open up. A similar kind of mentoring continued with other Brothers along the way which enabled me to continue discovering my uniqueness and to trust the inner stirrings. Those in authority also supported God’s mysterious courtship. You might say that my story as Brother has been a “vocation within a vocation” as I have been led to ministries outside of the mainstream. After three years in the classroom —“paying my dues” as the generation of the times would put it—I moved into student retreat work and then on to various levels of initial formation for nearly twenty-five years, here and in Africa. Presently, I am loving my position of care-taking of our elders at our nursing care facility. On the sidelines, for two summers, I directed a youth program in a low income housing project in the Norfolk area, was a Jesuit Volunteer on the St. Francis Indian Mission in South Dakota for a semester, and over the years have been a spiritual director. The vocation of Brother is seen as pointless— almost unnatural—to some. But for me it has been a lifesaver, a serendipitous ride, a balm. The ups and downs of what I have chosen, or what has chosen me, far outweigh what I may have missed along the way. Recently initiated into the ranks of “Senior Brother,” I can look back with gratitude for my vocation and to the many Brothers who have blessed and who continue to bless my life. Whoever could have purposed this journey other than God? For Br. Bud’s full spotlight and more photos, visit
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THE NOVICE LIFE skill. “Journaling is the recognition that there is value in writing about our thoughts and feelings. Even if we don’t ‘solve a problem,’ there is value in diving deeper into our thoughts,” says Brother Paul. As a history teacher by training, I have found Brother James Joost, FSC, and Mr. Greg Kopra’s Lasallian course most interesting. It’s fascinating to learn about the historical events that have shaped our Institute in the last three hundred years. The sacrifices the Founder and the early Brothers endured to carry out their ministries were many: civil wars, martyrdom, prejudices, and poverty. I find it humbling to know that God’s providence and love never abandoned the Brothers nor their dedicated ministry to educating young people. We have quiet time in the afternoon and dinner at 5:30pm, with meal preparation on a rotating schedule. (Surprisingly, everyone in the community is a good cook!) Evening prayer follows. On Tuesdays our novitiate group gathers with novices from other Congregations at the Inter-Novitiate Community in Techny IL and delve into a wide range of topics. On Thursdays, in the afternoon, we tutor students at the San Miguel School in the Southside of Chicago. The students are appreciative, and I find a feeling of tremendous joy from helping them. While my journey towards God has been a long one, the “call” is stronger than it has ever been. As Br. Paul says, “This is a lifelong journey, not a one year checklist. What this year does offer, however, is the groundwork, training, and foundation necessary to live a life of complete abandonment to God.” I think I speak for my four novice confrères when I say we are grateful for this opportunity to be praying, sharing, and learning during this novitiate year, as we journey together to become holier Brothers, teachers in Christ! To keep up with the Novices, you can follow Br. Paul Avvento’s blog -
Studies are also part of daily life in the Novitiate.
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SENIOR BROTHERS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH OCEAN TIDES RESIDENTS by Brother James Martino, FSC, President - Ocean Tides School and Brother Edmond Precourt, FSC, Exec. Director - Christian Brothers Center Christmas at Ocean Tides brings the young men together with those who care for them in so many ways: Board members, teachers, mentors, contributors, and most importantly, the Brothers of the Christian Brothers Center Community with whom they share a campus. Throughout the year the Brothers provide a special multi-generational care for these young men who are looking for support and guidance for a better and brighter future. The young men care for the senior Brothers by helping as servers in the Brothers’ dining room. A young man is able to give back a bit, and feel appreciated as he carries a Brother’s plate for him—simple but profound. Each Brother cares enough to learn a new boy’s name, and check on him throughout his stay at Ocean Tides, creating community in a way that transforms a residential care placement from feeling cold and institutional, to feeling like home and family. Sharing their home with each other is special, and helps heal abused, neglected, and at-risk boys. It also keeps the fire of ministry and Lasallian mission kindled in the hearts of senior Brothers. Christmas together lets the Brothers share a meal with the boys they care for all year, and be with them as caring adults. To witness these tough, street-hardened kids being able to simply enjoy the joy of childhood as they celebrate Christmas and receive gifts is the best gift of all! Brother Michael McKenery, FSC, shares a special Christmas moment with one of our Ocean Tides residents
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RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS WORKSHOP by Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch, Assoc. Exec. Dir. of the Office for Mission & Ministry - DENA
Workshop attendees discussed workshop topics in breakout groups. Mr. John Vitek, President & CEO of Saint Mary’s Press, presented findings of a comprehensive study regarding youth and young adults disaffiliating from the Church.
Educators from across the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) gathered last fall for the District’s Brother Luke Salm Religious Education Workshop. This year’s workshop, featuring keynote speaker Mr. John Vitek, President & CEO of Saint Mary’s Press, examined reasons for the growing trend of adolescents and young adults leaving the institutional Church. Exercises, workshops, and rich discussions then helped those attending understand better ways of stemming this trend. How are we teaching the “Good News” joyfully? How do we creatively evangelize in our schools? “Listen, listen, listen … we need to listen and accompany,” said attendee Ms. Caroline Aldrich of St. Raphael Academy, Pawtucket RI. “Young people are looking for models of people who joyfully, actively, daily live their faith.”
(B) La Salle Hall - Beltsville MD (N) Christian Brothers Center - Narragansett RI
(L) De La Salle Hall - Lincroft NJ (T) Loretto Abbey - Toronto ON
for your continued support of our Christian Brothers in their retirement (as of 1/05/2018) at: Br. Anthony Baird (L) Br. Andrew Bartley (L) Br. Raymund Buck (L) Br. Thomas Caldwell (L) Br Miguel Campos (L) Br. Gregory Cavalier (L) Br. Carl Clayton (L) Br. John Coates (T) Br. Richard Connors (N) Br. Jerome Cox (N) Br. Stephen Creagh (L) Br. Lawrence Dempsey (B)
Br. Thomas Dunn (N) Br. George Edwards (T) Br. Gabriel Fagan (L) Br. Martin Fahey (L) Br. Walter Farrell (T) Br. Michael Fitzgibbon (L) Br. Brendan Foley (N) Br. Brendan Garwood (B) Br. Lawrence Hartung (L) Br. Robert Hebert (N) Br. John Herron (L) Br. John Karl (B)
Br. Michael Kelleher (L) Br. James Kelly (L) Br. William Kemmerer (L) Br. Joseph Lapp (B) Br. Joseph Loewenstein (L) Br. James Loxham (N) Br. Hugh Maguire (L) Br. Francisco Martin (L) Br. Eugene Morgan (B) Br. James Muffley (B) Br. Joseph Myers (B) Br. Malcolm O’Sullivan (B)
Br. Herman Paul (B) Br. John Perry (L) Br. Patrick Power (L) Br. David Rogers (B) Br. Timothy Tarmey (N) Br. John Vella (T) Br. Floyd Warwick (L) Br. Henry Werner (B) Br. Philip Whitman (B) Br. Paul Wilcox (T) Br. William Winter (B) Br. Nicholas Zimrose (T)
FAMILIARES SUPPORT BROTHERS Members of The Familiares, along with Brothers and representatives from several of our ministries, gathered on Long Island NY for their annual dinner in December, at which they drew the winning tickets for their fall raffle. The Familiares is an organization of lay persons who are intimate associates of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Its members aid the Brothers in their apostolic labors for the education of youth by their encouraging counsel and generous financial assistance. The Familiares direct their efforts to the Brothers and their educational mission as a whole rather than to a project that may have particular appeal for them at the moment. Founded more than fifty years ago, this small group of dedicated men raises more than $50,000 annually to support the Brothers of the District of Eastern North America. For more information about The Familiares or how to join, please call Patrick Donahue at (718) 986-5837.
Visitor, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, conveys welcome and thanks from the District to the Familiares and guests.
REMEMBERING THE BROTHERS WE HAVE LOST Full obituaries and eulogies available online at
1945 – 2017 Paul Richard Yuzuk was born in Jackson Heights NY, in 1945. He entered the Ammendale MD Novitiate in 1962, where he received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Paul Cyprian. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in Jersey City in 1974. He spent his early career as a high school teacher, but would then shift to his true calling as a guidance counselor, serving at Serra Catholic High School, West Catholic High School, and Archbishop Carroll High School. Over his fifty-five years as a Brother, Br. Paul became known for his stability and calm demeanor. A history major, Br. Paul was versed in a variety of subjects, and captivated others with his conversations and stories. “Paul was a unique person,” wrote Brother Colman Coogan, FSC, “one of the few you will meet in your life who never had an unkind word, to or about anyone. Gentleness was one of his outstanding characteristics.”
1932 – 2017
Born in 1932, Edward Patrick Martin entered the Barrytown Novitiate at eighteen years old and received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Christian Edward. He pronounced his Perpetual Vows in 1957. Brother Charles O’Connell, FSC, described Br. Edward as a balance of extremes. He was able to bring order and discipline to the classroom, but was also adventurous and inquisitive about religious scripture and the world at large. To keep his skills sharp, Br. Edward desired change and would take teaching positions at several locations within a few short years, including St. Augustine School, Good Shepherd School, La Salle Academy, and St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute. He was profound in his thinking, but kept his emotions in reserve. He cared deeply for others and sought comprehensive and authentic methods of teaching, but never expected accolades. “Ed was distinctive, a personality that never dissolved into an institutional role,” said Br. Charles.
MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT ST. PETER'S BOYS HIGH SCHOOL A Century of Excellence by Mr. Jack Muraca, Director of Alumni & Development - St. Peter’s Boys HS Stand St. Peter’s fondly in our memory. God has surely shared his love with you. This last line of the St. Peter’s Boys High School’s Alma Mater, could not have been any truer than on the night of October 22, 2017. More than seven hundred alumni, family, and friends gathered for a gala evening to celebrate 100 years of outstanding, value-oriented, Lasallian education for boys who come from all walks of life. The day commenced with a beautiful Mass offered by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and concelebrated by Most Rev. John J. O’Hara, Rev. Michael Cichon and by our alumni, Rev. Msgr. Francis R. Seymour ’55, Rev. Msgr. Peter Finn ’56, Rev. Louis Iasiello ’68, and Rev. Joseph Tierney ’78. Everyone in attendance was also thrilled to be joined by Brother James Kelly, FSC, who until 2014 was the heart of St. Peter’s for thirty-four years, most of that time as President. Br. James is now in retirement at De La Salle Hall in Lincroft NJ. The evening was highlighted by several special honors that were awarded, including: Rev. Msgr. James Dorney (posthumously), longtime Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish; Christian Brothers of the District of Eastern North America for one hundred years of dedication
Timothy Cardinal Dolan and Bishop John O’Hara with honorees of the day; Mr. John Fodera, and Brothers of the District of Eastern North America – with retired school President Br. James Kelly in front of Cardinal Dolan.
and service at the school; and Mr. John Fodera ’62, for fifty years of loyal service to St. Peter’s. Mr. Fodera was recently named the first lay President in the history of the school. Father Cichon said, “John has provided visionary leadership to generations of St. Peter’s boys and is an example to which they aspire. The future of St. Peter’s, under John’s continued leadership,
is in excellent hands.” It was also announced that Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Cosentino ’03 was promoted this year to Principal. With the arrival of three Christian Brothers on Staten Island in 1917, St. Peter’s Boys High School was founded. We currently have four Brothers on campus, Brothers Dominic Gisondo, FSC, Louis Jaeger, FSC, Richard Lalime, FSC, and John McAndrews, FSC, along with wholehearted support from all the Brothers of the District. St. Peter’s boasts a current enrollment of 550, a college acceptance rate of 99%, and an innovative curriculum, including opportunities such as their partnership with Richmond University Medical Center that offers St. Peter’s students an immersion experience in emergency care, nursing, and other disciplines. Looking to the future, Mr. Fodera announced at the event the establishment of The Fund for St. Peter’s Boys High School, an endowment begun with $2 million from the first five contributions. This fund will provide scholarships to deserving boys at St. Peter’s, helping ensure that an outstanding Catholic Lasallian education will remain affordable for our community for the next one hundred years and beyond. To learn more, visit Proud students work on a toy drive for hurricane relief efforts.
Distinguished Lasallian Educators for 2017 Concluding the Huether Lasallian Conference in November 2017, three educators from the District of Eastern North America were among those presented with the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award for exemplifying the conference theme, “One Call, Many Voices: Dialogue, Inspire, Transform.”
Brother Joseph Brienza, FSC
Maureen O’Connell, PhD
Robert T. Scott, AFSC
A Christian Brother since 1964, Brother Joseph Brienza, FSC, has served in six different Lasallian ministries with most of his professional career as a history teacher. He also served as a campus minister, religion teacher, vocation director, and now as a freshmen and sophomore guidance counselor at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ. His gregarious nature and authenticity have endeared him to all he has encountered over these many years. His humility, care, and deep spirituality have impacted thousands of students and colleagues. Maureen O’Connell, PhD has made a significant impact upon the La Salle University community in Philadelphia PA. A distinguished scholar and prolific writer and presenter, Dr. O’Connell has spear-headed a revitalization of the Religion Department, evidenced by a significant increase in majors and minors. She has channeled her passion, generosity, and imagination into helping to build and give witness to a vibrant, participatory, inclusive community at La Salle. Her pedagogy and spirituality reflect a call to justice and to witnessing what we as Lasallians value and hold dear. The career of Robert T. Scott, AFSC, at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo NY has spanned forty-eight years. He has served as a religion and history teacher, Vice Principal, Principal, and finally as the school’s first lay President. In each role, Mr. Scott’s contributions and genuine care have impacted thousands of young men and their families. In recent years, his tireless fundraising efforts have ensured that a quality St. Joe’s education is affordable and accessible. As a testament to his service, in June 2001 he became an Affiliated Member of the Brothers (AFSC), the Institute’s highest honor.
For the full bios of the Distinguished Lasallian Educators, visit
OUR APOLOGIES On page four of the autumn 2017 issue of Lasallian Visions, in the article A WEEKEND CELEBRATING BROTHERHOOD, we stated that Brother Martin Fahey was celebrating 60 years as Brother. He was actually celebrating 70 years. Congratulations again Brother Martin!
CHRISTMAS CARD ART CONTEST WINNER Brother Dennis and the District leadership team would like to thank and applaud all fifty-three students from eight schools who submitted artwork for the 2017 District Christmas Card Art Contest. It was tough competition, with many strong entries for our theme from Luke 2:16-18, “The Visit of the Shepherds”. Our winner, Justin Cullins, is a sophomore at Calvert Hall College High School, Towson MD, and no stranger to creating notable art work. “I had the opportunity to create a painting at the request of my teacher, Mr. James Doyle. It was sold at an auction at this year’s Calvert Hall Gala to benefit the school,” said Cullins. “I was taught growing up that it is most important for me to have a passion for Jesus Christ. When I think of Christmas, I imagine Jesus’ birth as described in Bible scripture. This is what inspired my artwork.” To see all of the Christmas Card submissions and to learn more about Justin, visit A special thanks to all our student artists and our art teachers for promoting the contest from these schools: Calvert Hall College High School - Towson MD Christian Brothers Academy - Syracuse NY De La Salle College “Oaklands” - Toronto Ontario La Salle Academy - Providence RI St. John’s College High School - Washington DC St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute - Buffalo NY St. Raymond High School for Boys - Bronx NY Trinity High School - Manchester NH
District Office 444-A Hwy 35 South Eatontown NJ 07724 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
Dear Friends, Welcome to our winter 2018 issue of Lasallian Visions. Those of us in the northern states are fighting the cold and hoping for an early spring. (Of course, those of you in Florida are fighting off those frigid mornings in the 60s.) I hope a few of our words within will help warm your hearts until the milder weather arrives. I always love hearing how our young Brothers are doing, as well as experiencing the milestones like Saint Peter’s 100th anniversary. Now that is a big one! One of the things I think is most special, though, is when I see the changes and growth happening in the at-risk students in our residential programs. This is particularly gratifying as I see them in interactions with the senior Brothers at times like the Ocean Tides Christmas Party. Thank you so much for all you do to support the mission and ministries of the Christian Brothers. Please know that we do everything possible to be good stewards of your gifts. To the Brothers, education truly is a ministry.
Mr. Patrick J. Donahue
Honoring Our Past. Serving Today. Building Tomorrow Establish your enduring legacy in support of our Lasallian mission. We invite you to join us as we continue to serve children, families, and our Brothers here in the United States and around the world.
Lasallian Legacy
Director of Development
For more information or membership please contact: Patrick Donahue, Director of Development, DENA 732-380-7926 x121 •
Window from Manhattan College chapel
District Director
Narragansett RI
Lincroft NJ
Please remember the Brothers in your will or other estate plans.